tag inside xsl:attribute's value

2003-03-12 Thread Robert Sösemann
I have an applet which takes an xml fragment  as input, because it displays
document by reading the underlying xml document model.

I need to give this xml fragment to the applet by inserting it into an html
param tag like this.

PARAM name=text value=XMLSNIPPET/

Till now I did that inside an XSP with

PARAM name=text


But now I need to do the same inside an XSL, and IT DOES NOT WORK. All
Tags/XML-Element are stripped out. Nothing left than plain Text.

Whats wrong here? Any idea?

Thanks in advance. Rob


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Re: tag inside xsl:attribute's value

2003-03-12 Thread Robert Sösemann
Hey Joerg,

actually we solved the problem by a dirty quickhack using base64 encoding of
the xml Fragment.
The problem was the following.

DB stores articles as xml fragment (kind of document model)
to make it editable in our CMS we use an wysiwyglike applet which displays
this article in its presentation form instead of xml.

Therefore we need to send this xml fragment (read out of db by Generator )
to an applet in our html page.
To produce this page we transform the generated xml by an xsl.

Thats where the xml fragment is passed to the applet like I mentioned

Maybe you have a better solution. Otherwise thanks for your help, anyway.

- Original Message -
From: Joerg Heinicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: tag inside xsl:attribute's value

 Hi Robert,

 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  I have an applet which takes an xml fragment  as input, because it
  document by reading the underlying xml document model.
  I need to give this xml fragment to the applet by inserting it into an
  param tag like this.
  PARAM name=text value=XMLSNIPPET/
  Till now I did that inside an XSP with
  PARAM name=text
  But now I need to do the same inside an XSL, and IT DOES NOT WORK. All
  Tags/XML-Element are stripped out. Nothing left than plain Text.
  Whats wrong here? Any idea?

 that's correct behaviour. You can't store an XML snippet in an attribute
 or as an attribute's value. It's different in XSP, where the XML
 elements and so xsp:attribute/ are converted into java first. Can you
 be a bit more specific what you want to reach. Bringing the XML fragment
 back to the client?



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Generate XSL with XSP?

2003-03-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
For a context-sensitve basepath setting I want to do this.

1) Add dynamically generated xsl into each (sub-)sitemap:

map:match pattern=include-basepath.xsl
map:generate src=logicsheets/dynamic-basepath.xsp
map:parameter name=basepath value=/development//
map:serialize type=xml/

2) Call and use this in every xsl which need the basepath:

xsl:include href=include-basepath.xsl/

The problem is the dynamic-basepath.xsp doesn't generate the xsl I want. In
fact it produces nothing.
(Do I need Meta-STYLESHEETS rather than Meta-XSPs ? If so, cCan anybody tell
me how to write this?)

Here is my xsp:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

xsp:page language=java xmlns:xsp=http://apache.org/xsp;

This XSP should produce the following valid xsl which set a variable

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
xsl:variable name=basepath

xsp:element name=stylesheet prefix=xsl
xsp:attribute name=version value=1.0/
xsp:attribute name=xmlns:xsl

xsp:element name=variable prefix=xsl
xsp:attribute name=name value=basepath/

xsp:element name=text prefix=xsl



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Re: Generate XSL with XSP?

2003-03-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
Du hast es hingekriegt ?!!! Yipee! Ich habs genahnt das das

Super, danke Thommi, must mir heute abend mal zeigen was bei mir falsch war.
Dann kannste ja mindestens 4 XSL wegschmeissen
Und dann gibts auch nur noch basepath und net mehr cms.

Col Rob
- Original Message -
From: Thomas Haditsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: Generate XSL with XSP?

sorry, should have used 'cocoon:/' instead of 'cocoon://'. that solved the

At 03:19 04.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:
no, that's not the problem. i managed to dynamically create the xsl using
a custom generator instead of a xsp, but now the xsl that includes it
complains that the variable 'basepath' has not been defined if i do it
this way:
xsl:include href=cocoon://include-basepath.xsl/

and if i do
xsl:include href=include-basepath.xsl/
it tries to load the file from disk.

any ideas if (and how) this can be solved?

thanx in advance,

At 00:47 04.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:
Thanks alot for your answer. Yes that was wrong BUT I didn't even came to
the point where including the stylesheet was of interest.

That is because the XSP did never generate the desired XSL.  The output of
my XSP was just an emtpty ?xml ... Tag.
No other elements were created. I guess it a namespace problem. What do

- Original Message -
From: Upayavira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Robert Sösemann [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Generate XSL with XSP?

   xsl:include href=include-basepath.xsl/
  Is it as simple as changing this line to:
   xsl:include href=cocoon:/include-basepath.xsl/
  to allow the include to call an internal pipeline?
  Regards, Upayavira
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Jtidy with properties

2003-02-23 Thread Robert Sösemann

I want to use Jtidy for beatifying the serializers html. I think coocoons
htmlserializer uses it by default. But it doenst do identation. So i need a
properites file.

Where should I place this file?
Do I need to add code to the sitemap or xconf?

Maybe you can give me example code.

Thanks in advance.


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2003-02-17 Thread Robert Sösemann
The CLI is part of the cocoon.jar, so is contained in your cocoon version.

You call it by:

BUT, it doesn't work. Noone who ever asked this list for help on the cli
received a helpful answer. The reason to my opinion is not a lack of
cooperation, but the lack of experience with the cli and the frustrating
experience when trying to test it on your own.

In short: I think CLI sucks and doens't work properly. BUT that's no
problem. There are dozens of  much better web downloader/offline browsers to
make a cocoon site static.

In our project we are using HTTrack, a wonderful open source tool. It comes
with a Window gui and a fully blown command line - much better that the
cocoon cli. Download at www.httrack.com/

I hope I could help.


- Original Message -
From: Ines Robbers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cocoon Mailingliste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: CLI


 I'm trying to understand the command-line interface of Cocoon -
 unfortunately without much success so far.
 The Cocoon version I'm using is 2.0.4. Where do I find the java.class
 that starts the CLI? Do I have to download anything?
 Is it correct that once the class has started I type in:

 java -jar cocoon.jar -c  (as an example)

 to start with whatever I intend to do?

 Many thanks for help!


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Re: XMLForm Wizard alternative?

2003-02-14 Thread Robert Sösemann
That would be great. Could you send the file to this adress

Thanks a lot, Robert
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: XMLForm Wizard alternative?

Hi there

I do not know if anyone else has done it - but I was so impressed with
xmlform that I took the 2.1 code and hacked it a bit to compile and run on
cocoon 2.0.4 - it's working for me - and I can create a source jar file
and such for creating a cocoon-xmlform-2.0.4.jar file to put into
WEB-INF/lib for cocoon-2.0.4 users that would like to play around with

If it has your interest send me a mail.

Regards Jakob

Jakob Dalsgaard
Vesterbrogade 149
1620 København V
Tlf.:   70 25 80 30
Fax.: 70 25 80 31

Konstantin Piroumian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/18/02 01:39 PM
Please respond to cocoon-users

Subject:Re: XMLForm Wizard alternative?

From: Robert Sösemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 in our project (CMS) we want to easily generate input fields in a
 wizard-like interface. It is later used by authors to put different
 articles into a database.

 As different types of articles have other information needs, we want to
 provide the user with form field that represent that needs of the
 article. So we need a mechanism to generate steps of our wizard (namely
 with form fields) from centralized information (great would be the db)

 As this XMLWizard mechanism is only available from a cocoon beta, we are
 allowed to use it. Can you imagine an alternative way to solve this?

You can simply use the XMLForm's syntax for form representation and use a
custom action to generate the next step for you. To customize the forms
can either use XSP or a special transformer.


 Thanks in advance,

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context not found by CLI

2003-02-11 Thread Robert Sösemann
Hallo listmembers,

I am using the Cocoon command line to generate static pages from my site. I
was not successful with that, because
every time an action which uses the ObjectModelHelper.getContext( method
throws an Exception. (see below)

This ONLY happens during the uses of the CLI, not when I use cocoon through

Context context = ObjectModelHelper.getContext(objectModel);  --
NulPointerException thrown here
context.setAttribute(oberrubrik,  oberrubrik);

Here is the batch file which calls the command line of cocoon.

cd web-inf\lib
subst z: .
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;z:\avalon-excalibur-vm14-20020705.jar
..all other jarsfrom WEB-INF/lib...
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;z:\xt-19991105.jar
cd ..\..\..
subst y: .
cd development

java org.apache.cocoon.Main
-Cy:/development/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf index.html

subst z: /D
subst y: /D

Do you see any errors that could cause this exception?


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Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-07 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thank your VERY much for your help. Yes, I guess it's better to stay with
- Original Message -
From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

I can't find anything wrong with your stylesheets, but your problem is
almost definitely related to saxon generating error messages in your
pipeline during transformation. I can't test your setup because I don't
have the itemdata generator, so you'll have to do some stylesheet
debugging to track down the root cause. Sorry I can't give you anything
more to go on. If you're not experiencing a performance increase with
Saxon, maybe you'll be better off going back to plain old Xalan.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:12  PM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 Thats the content of include-basepath.xsl
 My problems right now happen with saxon. I already said goodbye to
 xsltc ;-)
 And even saxon doesn't to be a great deal. The pages that work, are not
 faster than before.

 Strange, isn't it?

 ?xml version=1.0?

 xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

 !-- je nach Hierarchietiefe relative Pfade anpassen --
 xsl:variable name=basepath

 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:41 PM
 Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 Can you also post the include-basepath.xsl? Are there any other
 messages in the sitemap or error log?
 BTW - I am pretty sure xsltc has a bug and does not handle xsl:include
 relative paths properly. This doesn't affect Saxon.

 On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:29  AM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 Thanks for answering that quick.

 here are snippets


 map:match pattern=**item_*-view_*
 !-- Rohdaten holen --
 map:generate type=itemdata
 map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
 map:parameter name=view value={3}/
 !-- auf Basis des Typs dynamisch stylen --
 map:act type=stylesheet-assign
 map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
 src=transform/dynamic/{stylesheet-name}.xsl type=saxon/
 !-- da Matcher evtl. eigenstaendig (d.h. ohne
  Pfade bereits setzen --
 map:serialize type=xhtml/

 xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

 xsl:include href=../include-basepath.xsl/

 xsl:template match='*|@*'
 xsl:apply-templates select='node()|@*'/

 !--   ABSTRACT-Ansicht
  ### --

  !-- Abstract OHNE Direktanzeige --
 xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '0']
 !-- Ueberschrift des Infoitems als Link zur
 Vollansicht --
 A class=abstract_ueberschrift
 DIV class=abstract_zusammenfassung
 !-- Bild des Infoitems, falls vorhanden --
 xsl:if test=BILD[@SRC != 'null']
 IMG class=abstract_bild
 src={$basepath}/abstractgrafik/{BILD/@SRC} /
 !-- Zusammenfassung des Infoitems --
 xsl:value-of select=ZUSAMMENFASSUNG/
 !-- Link zur Vollansicht des Infoitems --

 !-- Abstract MIT Direktanzeige (Nur Anzeige der Ueberschrift und
 TEXT Attributes --
xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '1']
DIV class=abstract_ueberschrift_direktxsl:value-of
DIV class=abstract_direktanzeigexsl:apply-templates

 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:25 PM
 Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 It looks like there might be a problem with your stylesheet. Can you
 post a copy? Thanks.

 On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:20  AM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 No I am using 6.5.2. The problem is that when it comes to resolving a
 cinclude I get this message:


Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
I am using cocoon 2.0.3. And I added xsltc without removing xalan as
default. But after that nothing worked. Every request produced an emtpy
page. (no errors logged). Even after using the old sitmap it didn't work

Right now im trying to install saxon 6. Does anybody have data on how much
faster transformation gets with saxon?

- Original Message -
From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

I tried to switch to xsltc with Cocoon 2.1. After a few days of trying
to modify my stylesheets to make it happy, I finally gave up.
Transformations that worked fine under standard Xalan and Saxon would
not work under xsltc. Are you having problems configuring Cocoon to use
xsltc, or are you having problems with xsltc itself? What version of
Cocoon are you using?

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:04  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear listmembers,

 after a frustrating night trying to use xsltc as a faster way to
 xsls, browsing hundreds of archieve threads, the xsltc wiki I was not

 Has anybody succesfully integrated xsltc (or any other  fast xsl
 into cocoon? Does anybody know about the status of integrating xsltc
 cocoon? Or maybe you can just give an alternative for speeding up
 (BUT i don't want to write custom transformers by hand)

 Your help is very welcome!


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Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
Would you mind send me the snippets from cocoon.xconf and sitemap to add

Thanks ind advance.

- Original Message -
From: Beat De Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 I'm using Saxon as well, it seems faster than Xalan. And with Xalan I
 had problems with the normalize-space function.
 The only problem I have with Saxon is the compiling of the sitemap.
 I'm using Cocoon 2.0.2.

 Did you have the same problem comipiling the sitemap with Cocoon ?
 Beat De Martin

  On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 20:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear listmembers,
   after a frustrating night trying to use xsltc as a faster way to
   xsls, browsing hundreds of archieve threads, the xsltc wiki I was not
  I was able to make it work for a subset of my xslts (those that didn't
  use parameters).
   Has anybody succesfully integrated xsltc (or any other  fast xsl
   into cocoon? Does anybody know about the status of integrating xsltc
   cocoon? Or maybe you can just give an alternative for speeding up
   (BUT i don't want to write custom transformers by hand)
  We switched our default xslt processor to saxon (the last of the 6
  releases) and have been very happy with it.
   Your help is very welcome!
  If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which
  apparently behave like a working program.
  Website: http://www.rocketred.com.au/blogs/kevin/
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  FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!

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Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
No I am using 6.5.2. The problem is that when it comes to resolving a
cinclude I get this message:

STACKTRACE= org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute
pipeline.: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception during
processing of cocoon://item_50-view_ABSTRACT:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid
processing instruction name (saxon:warning)

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.
- Original Message -
From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

I'm using the latest stable version of Saxon with no problems at all.
I've used it under both 2.0.x and 2.1. Are you using one of the
experimental releases?

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 07:14  AM, Beat De Martin wrote:

 I'm using Saxon as well, it seems faster than Xalan. And with Xalan I
 had problems with the normalize-space function.
 The only problem I have with Saxon is the compiling of the sitemap.
 I'm using Cocoon 2.0.2.

 Did you have the same problem comipiling the sitemap with Cocoon ?
 Beat De Martin

 On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 20:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear listmembers,

 after a frustrating night trying to use xsltc as a faster way to
 xsls, browsing hundreds of archieve threads, the xsltc wiki I was not

 I was able to make it work for a subset of my xslts (those that didn't
 use parameters).

 Has anybody succesfully integrated xsltc (or any other  fast xsl
 into cocoon? Does anybody know about the status of integrating xsltc
 cocoon? Or maybe you can just give an alternative for speeding up
 (BUT i don't want to write custom transformers by hand)

 We switched our default xslt processor to saxon (the last of the 6
 releases) and have been very happy with it.

 Your help is very welcome!



 If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which
 apparently behave like a working program.

 Website: http://www.rocketred.com.au/blogs/kevin/

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Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks for answering that quick.

here are snippets


map:match pattern=**item_*-view_*
!-- Rohdaten holen --
map:generate type=itemdata
map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
map:parameter name=view value={3}/
!-- auf Basis des Typs dynamisch stylen --
map:act type=stylesheet-assign
map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
src=transform/dynamic/{stylesheet-name}.xsl type=saxon/
!-- da Matcher evtl. eigenstaendig (d.h. ohne
 Pfade bereits setzen --
map:serialize type=xhtml/


xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

xsl:include href=../include-basepath.xsl/

xsl:template match='*|@*'
xsl:apply-templates select='node()|@*'/

!--   ABSTRACT-Ansicht
 ### --

 !-- Abstract OHNE Direktanzeige --
xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '0']
!-- Ueberschrift des Infoitems als Link zur
Vollansicht --
A class=abstract_ueberschrift
DIV class=abstract_zusammenfassung
!-- Bild des Infoitems, falls vorhanden --
xsl:if test=BILD[@SRC != 'null']
IMG class=abstract_bild
src={$basepath}/abstractgrafik/{BILD/@SRC} /
!-- Zusammenfassung des Infoitems --
xsl:value-of select=ZUSAMMENFASSUNG/
!-- Link zur Vollansicht des Infoitems --

!-- Abstract MIT Direktanzeige (Nur Anzeige der Ueberschrift und des
TEXT Attributes --
   xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '1']
   DIV class=abstract_ueberschrift_direktxsl:value-of
   DIV class=abstract_direktanzeigexsl:apply-templates

- Original Message -
From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

It looks like there might be a problem with your stylesheet. Can you
post a copy? Thanks.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:20  AM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 No I am using 6.5.2. The problem is that when it comes to resolving a
 cinclude I get this message:

 STACKTRACE= org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute
 pipeline.: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception during
 processing of cocoon://item_50-view_ABSTRACT:
 javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXException:
 processing instruction name (saxon:warning)

 Any ideas?

 Thanks for your help.
 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 I'm using the latest stable version of Saxon with no problems at all.
 I've used it under both 2.0.x and 2.1. Are you using one of the
 experimental releases?

 On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 07:14  AM, Beat De Martin wrote:

 I'm using Saxon as well, it seems faster than Xalan. And with Xalan I
 had problems with the normalize-space function.
 The only problem I have with Saxon is the compiling of the sitemap.
 I'm using Cocoon 2.0.2.

 Did you have the same problem comipiling the sitemap with Cocoon ?
 Beat De Martin

 On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 20:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear listmembers,

 after a frustrating night trying to use xsltc as a faster way to
 xsls, browsing hundreds of archieve threads, the xsltc wiki I was

 I was able to make it work for a subset of my xslts (those that
 use parameters).

 Has anybody succesfully integrated xsltc (or any other  fast xsl
 into cocoon? Does anybody know about the status of integrating xsltc
 cocoon? Or maybe you can just give an alternative for speeding up
 (BUT i don't want to write custom transformers by hand)

 We switched our default xslt processor to saxon (the last of the 6
 releases) and have been very happy with it.

 Your help is very welcome!



 If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which

Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thats the content of include-basepath.xsl
My problems right now happen with saxon. I already said goodbye to xsltc ;-)
And even saxon doesn't to be a great deal. The pages that work, are not
faster than before.

Strange, isn't it?

?xml version=1.0?

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

!-- je nach Hierarchietiefe relative Pfade anpassen --
xsl:variable name=basepath

- Original Message -
From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

Can you also post the include-basepath.xsl? Are there any other
messages in the sitemap or error log?
BTW - I am pretty sure xsltc has a bug and does not handle xsl:include
relative paths properly. This doesn't affect Saxon.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:29  AM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 Thanks for answering that quick.

 here are snippets


 map:match pattern=**item_*-view_*
 !-- Rohdaten holen --
 map:generate type=itemdata
 map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
 map:parameter name=view value={3}/
 !-- auf Basis des Typs dynamisch stylen --
 map:act type=stylesheet-assign
 map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
 src=transform/dynamic/{stylesheet-name}.xsl type=saxon/
 !-- da Matcher evtl. eigenstaendig (d.h. ohne
  Pfade bereits setzen --
 map:serialize type=xhtml/

 xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

 xsl:include href=../include-basepath.xsl/

 xsl:template match='*|@*'
 xsl:apply-templates select='node()|@*'/

 !--   ABSTRACT-Ansicht
  ### --

  !-- Abstract OHNE Direktanzeige --
 xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '0']
 !-- Ueberschrift des Infoitems als Link zur
 Vollansicht --
 A class=abstract_ueberschrift
 DIV class=abstract_zusammenfassung
 !-- Bild des Infoitems, falls vorhanden --
 xsl:if test=BILD[@SRC != 'null']
 IMG class=abstract_bild
 src={$basepath}/abstractgrafik/{BILD/@SRC} /
 !-- Zusammenfassung des Infoitems --
 xsl:value-of select=ZUSAMMENFASSUNG/
 !-- Link zur Vollansicht des Infoitems --

 !-- Abstract MIT Direktanzeige (Nur Anzeige der Ueberschrift und
 TEXT Attributes --
xsl:template match=ABSTRACT[@DIREKTANZEIGE = '1']
DIV class=abstract_ueberschrift_direktxsl:value-of
DIV class=abstract_direktanzeigexsl:apply-templates

 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:25 PM
 Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 It looks like there might be a problem with your stylesheet. Can you
 post a copy? Thanks.

 On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:20  AM, Robert Sösemann wrote:

 No I am using 6.5.2. The problem is that when it comes to resolving a
 cinclude I get this message:

 STACKTRACE= org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute
 pipeline.: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception during
 processing of cocoon://item_50-view_ABSTRACT:
 javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXException:
 processing instruction name (saxon:warning)

 Any ideas?

 Thanks for your help.
 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: status quo: cocoon with xsltc

 I'm using the latest stable version of Saxon with no problems at all.
 I've used it under both 2.0.x and 2.1. Are you using one of the
 experimental releases?

 On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 07:14  AM, Beat De Martin wrote:

 I'm using Saxon as well, it seems faster than Xalan. And with Xalan I
 had problems

mapping to basepath in static content

2003-01-31 Thread Robert Sösemann

what I need is a centralized mechanism to change the paths in all my
site-elements. (that means: Later when I switsch from development to
production I just want to change pathname at one single point, not every
single href, src ...)

Inside elements handled by cocoon (XSP, Generators, Action) thats no
problem, because they know their own context. Things I later add in my
Transformers are also no problem. I use xsl:include to set a variable in
very other xsl.

BUT: I also use static html or xhtml pages. How can change path attributes
an even javascript command in a similar centralized way?

Who can help? Maybe I am on a totally wrong way.


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Re: set transformer source from generator

2003-01-27 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks for your help.

I have done the following but nothing changes. The value of
dynamicStylesheet doesn't get to the transformer.

in generator:

 Context context = ObjectModelHelper.getContext(objectModel);

in sitemap:
map:match pattern=**item_*-view_*
map:generate type=itemdata
map:parameter name=item-id value={2}/
map:parameter name=view value={3}/
map:serialize type=xml/

What could I have done wrong. I could'nt find anything in the cocoon docs..

- Original Message -
From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: set transformer source from generator

 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  Dear listmembers,
  maybe its answer is easy but I couldn't find an answer in the archieves.
  I need to dynamically set the transformer source based on a parameter
  inside the Generator.
  Thats what my matcher should look like:
  map:generate type=stylesheetassigner/
  map:transformer src={paramFromGenerator}/
  map:serialize type=html/
  For some reasons I can't use a second generator calling this matcher as
  CInclude. So, is there another solution to this?
  Maybe you know and can help me.

 Make the Generator add a the paramFromGenerator variable to the Context.

 But I'm seeing type stylesheetassigner... maybe this could be done
 better with an action:

   map:generate type=file/
   map:action type=stylesheetassigner/
 map:transformer src={paramFromAction}/
   map:serialize type=html/

 Take a look in the xml.apache.org/forrest CVS in the src/scratchpad dir
 to find the sourceType classes.

 Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  - verba volant, scripta manent -
 (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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set transformer source from generator

2003-01-26 Thread Robert Sösemann
Dear listmembers,

maybe its answer is easy but I couldn't find an answer in the archieves.

I need to dynamically set the transformer source based on a parameter set
inside the Generator.

Thats what my matcher should look like:

map:generate type=stylesheetassigner/
map:transformer src={paramFromGenerator}/
map:serialize type=html/

For some reasons I can't use a second generator calling this matcher as
CInclude. So, is there another solution to this?
Maybe you know and can help me.


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custom errorpage on static site

2003-01-16 Thread Robert Sösemann

my question is, if there is a way to design and embedd a custom errorpage
into a cocoon site, EVEN if I later make the site static with the command
line interface.

Right now I use the sitemap tag handle-errors to achieve that.

Any ideas?


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1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

2003-01-15 Thread Robert Sösemann

althoug many people have asked question about the cli, I couln't find an
answer to mine.

I want to call the cli. But before I have to add ALL the lib in WEB-INF to
my class path.
Because it is a really long classpath I mad a .bat. Running it I get an
error that the line is too long.

I tried nearly everything. Is there a way to set the classpath
directory-wise and not include each .jar?

If you are using the cli, please tell me the steps to  bring it to work.


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Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

2003-01-15 Thread Robert Sösemann
I tried this, but - for which reason ever - only the last set line is
really changing the classpath.
Do have any ideas why?

- Original Message -
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  . . .
  Because it is a really long classpath I mad a .bat. Running it I get an
  error that the line is too long.

 If it is really a line too long problem and not and out of
 environment space problem, you might want to try to setup the classpath
 in several steps:

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\someDir\someJar.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\someDir\someOtherJar.jar

  . . .
  Is there a way to set the classpath
  directory-wise and not include each .jar?

 I don't think so.

   Bertrand Delacretaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

   buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, Cocoon, FOP, mentoring/teaching/coding.
   blogspace http://www.codeconsult.ch/bertrand

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Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

2003-01-15 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks for your support. Here is my batch file to start the cocoon CLI.


Files\Tomcat 4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar

java org.apache.cocoon.Main -c D:\tmp\rauser-cocoon -d D:\tmp\static -u
INFO -f D:\tmp\uris.txt -C D:\tmp\rauser-cocoon\WEB-INF\cocoon.xconf -r

I get this error:
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

- Original Message -
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  I tried this, but - for which reason ever - only the last set line is
  really changing the classpath.
  Do have any ideas why?

 We might be able to help if you post a (minimal) excerpt from your batch
 file here, that demonstrates the problem.


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Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

2003-01-15 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks. As I don't want to install ant. Could you just send me this batch
- Original Message -
From: du Plessis, Corneil C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

Look at the lcp.bat that comes with Ant.

-Original Message-
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 January, 2003 13:57
Subject: Re: 1001 question aboit Command Line Interface

Robert Sösemann wrote:
 . . .
 Because it is a really long classpath I mad a .bat. Running it I get an
 error that the line is too long.

If it is really a line too long problem and not and out of
environment space problem, you might want to try to setup the classpath
in several steps:

   set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\someDir\someJar.jar
   set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\someDir\someOtherJar.jar

 . . .
 Is there a way to set the classpath
 directory-wise and not include each .jar?

I don't think so.

  Bertrand Delacretaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

  buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, Cocoon, FOP, mentoring/teaching/coding.
  blogspace http://www.codeconsult.ch/bertrand

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generate correct SAX in custom generator

2003-01-10 Thread Robert Sösemann
Dear listmembers,

I read about problem reading in XML fragment from db Clobs in cutom
generators in the mailing list.
I also read about using this InputXMLConsumer.
But I never found an example that I could modify form my problem. I found

Maybe someone could just send me a snippet of java code that extraxt an xml
fragment from a db clob and does all the parsing and SAX stuff.

That what I do in the moment:
startSimpleElement(ABSTRACT, attr);

addXML(item.getText()); ---




protected void addXML(Reader xmlFragment) throws SAXException,
 try {
 org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.Parser parser = new
  InputSource is = new InputSource(xmlFragment);
 parser.parse(is, new IncludeXMLConsumer(super.xmlConsumer));
 } catch (Exception e) {

It produces a string which looks like XML but can not be handled by my xsls.

Any idea?


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bring xml from DB2 to cocoon

2003-01-09 Thread Robert Sösemann

in one of my custom generators I have to query a db attribute wich contains
an xml-fragment. I do this by my addXML() method.
An although it seems to produce the correct sax events, my transformers
NEVER do apply anything to the resulting xml.

Two possibilities:
- it is wrong to use CLOB for XML fragments in DB2
- my addXML is producing wrong output

- my generator -
startSimpleElement(ABSTRACT, attr);

addSimpleTag(UEBERSCHRIFT, item.getUeberschrift());
addSimpleTag(BILD, item.getBild());

// muss noch als XML geparst werden!


   protected void addXML(String xml) {
 try {
 javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser parser =
 xml = ?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\ISO-8859-1\?\n + xml;
 parser.parse(new StringBufferInputStream(xml), new DefaultHandler() {
  public void characters(char[] ch, int start,int length) throws
SAXException {
  contentHandler.characters(ch, start, length);

  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
  contentHandler.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);

  public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws
SAXException {
  contentHandler.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
 } catch (Exception e) {

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confusing SQL Error

2003-01-06 Thread Robert Sösemann
Dear listmembers,

I have switched a running Cocoon sytem from the use of a MYSQL db to IBMs
DB2 7.2
Since that one many of my xsps generate the following error message:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting
clob data: [IBM][JDBC-Treiber] CLI0611E Ungültiger Spaltenname.

I have checked the java sources of the xsp. The line which generates the
error says:

EsqlHelper.getAscii(_esql_query.getResultSet(),o.titel) )

Maybe you have seen this problem before. Who can help?


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Re: DB2 with Cocoon

2003-01-05 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks for answering.
Could you send me the relevant parts of your xconf because I am not sure
where to add the oradb attribute. By the way the comments in my xconf say to
do this only for ORACLE ?!!

And why do you think, that Cocoon sends dummy queries? To hold the pool? Or
do you think I made something wrong with the driver?
I have no error in the logs before.

Thank you very much,

- Original Message -
From: Nils Leßmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: AW: DB2 with Cocoon

Dear Robert,

without knowing anything aboout db2 or db schemas - my guess is that
this error results from Excalibur sending a select 1 as a dummy query
to the database so the connection doesn't time out.

Try setting oradb to true in your cocoon.xconf where you configured the
connection pool. This solved the issue for me (using sapdb).

Regards, Nils

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Sösemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. Januar 2003 00:12
Betreff: DB2 with Cocoon


this is my first time connecting IBMs DB2 with cocoon. Cocoon
finds the drivers and connects correctly.

But I get strange SQL Errors like:

COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0104N  Auf
SELECT 1 folgte das unerwartete Token END-OF-STATEMENT.  Zu den
möglichen Token gehören: table_expr.  SQLSTATE=42601

Before I used MySQL, which doesn't have something like a db schema. As I
know in DB2 you always must set a correct schema before queriing.

I guess the problem causes from the fact that I didn't set a schema in
ESQL XSP. But how should I do that??

Who can help me out?


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Re: DB2 with Cocoon

2003-01-04 Thread Robert Sösemann
Thanks a lot, Michael.
But my problem is, that I have to use the given schema development,
because our team works in another schema than the online db (production

Is there a chance to set the schema before querying with esql?

Thanks in advance.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Mertel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: AW: DB2 with Cocoon


if there is no schema definition in your query than the username
is used, that you used for connecting to the database.

Just create the needed tables with this user, then it should match.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Sösemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. Januar 2003 00:12
Betreff: DB2 with Cocoon


this is my first time connecting IBMs DB2 with cocoon. Cocoon succesfully
finds the drivers and connects correctly.

But I get strange SQL Errors like:

COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0104N  Auf
SELECT 1 folgte das unerwartete Token END-OF-STATEMENT.  Zu den
möglichen Token gehören: table_expr.  SQLSTATE=42601

Before I used MySQL, which doesn't have something like a db schema. As I
know in DB2 you always must set a correct schema before queriing.

I guess the problem causes from the fact that I didn't set a schema in my
ESQL XSP. But how should I do that??

Who can help me out?


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map:handle-errors doesn't work

2003-01-04 Thread Robert Sösemann

for error handling in my esql xsps I want to use map:handle-errors to show
a user-friendly error page. But the error messge generated
in the error:message tag in my xsp does not affect the map:handle-errors
in the sitemap.

This is what i have:

- end of sitemap with only one pipline
!-- Fehlerbehandlung --
map:transform src=transform/style-errorpage.xsl
map:serialize status-code=500/


- xsp snippet, that should generate error handling

   !--  Bei Fehlern auf generische Errorpage weiterleiten --
   esql:no-resultsxsp:logicthrow new


What I would expect is the error message handled to the style-errorpage.xsl.
But the resulting page only consist of:

What have I done wrong?


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Re: DB2 with Cocoon

2003-01-04 Thread Robert Sösemann
Dear Michael,

can I not just add another esql:query before that sets the schema.
Something like:
esql:queryset schema development/esql:query
esql:queryTHE ACTUAL QUERY/esql:query


- Original Message -
From: Michael Mertel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: AW: DB2 with Cocoon


maybe create alias is your friend ... just create an alias with your
development schema for each table, that will work too

// Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Kind regards
// Michael Mertel
// Bit World Computing eK
// Andreas-Bauer-Strasse 4, 97297 Waldbuettelbrunn, Germany
// Phone +49 931 45335 0  -  FAX +49 931 45335 99
// http://www.bwc.de
// Amtsgericht Wuerzburg HRA 4937
// one bit ahead ... since 1993

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Sösemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. Januar 2003 12:26
Betreff: Re: DB2 with Cocoon

Thanks a lot, Michael.
But my problem is, that I have to use the given schema development,
because our team works in another schema than the online db (production

Is there a chance to set the schema before querying with esql?

Thanks in advance.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Mertel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: AW: DB2 with Cocoon


if there is no schema definition in your query than the username is used,
that you used for connecting to the database.

Just create the needed tables with this user, then it should match.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Sösemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. Januar 2003 00:12
Betreff: DB2 with Cocoon


this is my first time connecting IBMs DB2 with cocoon. Cocoon succesfully
finds the drivers and connects correctly.

But I get strange SQL Errors like:

COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0104N  Auf
SELECT 1 folgte das unerwartete Token END-OF-STATEMENT.  Zu den
möglichen Token gehören: table_expr.  SQLSTATE=42601

Before I used MySQL, which doesn't have something like a db schema. As I
know in DB2 you always must set a correct schema before queriing.

I guess the problem causes from the fact that I didn't set a schema in my
ESQL XSP. But how should I do that??

Who can help me out?


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xsp-response confusion

2003-01-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
Why is the xsp-response:send-redirect not work in the following xsp snippet?


xsp-response:send-redirect url=generic-error/
xsp-response:send-redirect url=generic-error/

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DB2 with Cocoon

2003-01-03 Thread Robert Sösemann

this is my first time connecting IBMs DB2 with cocoon. Cocoon succesfully
finds the drivers and connects correctly.

But I get strange SQL Errors like:

COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0104N  Auf
SELECT 1 folgte das unerwartete Token END-OF-STATEMENT.  Zu den
möglichen Token gehören: table_expr.  SQLSTATE=42601

Before I used MySQL, which doesn't have something like a db schema. As I
know in DB2 you always must set a correct schema before queriing.

I guess the problem causes from the fact that I didn't set a schema in my
ESQL XSP. But how should I do that??

Who can help me out?


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generic error-page

2003-01-02 Thread Robert Sösemann

for my cocoon site I would like to have an unified error handling. This
means I want to have a generic error page (with the possibility to contact
the admin, same look and feel like the rest of the site). This site would be
called everytime my site generates an error inside esql tags.

esql:no-results HERE /esql:no-results
esql:error-results HERE /esql:error-results

If possible I would like to send some off the error data (eg. stack trace)
to my error page as a parameter.

Have you done something similarly and can help me?


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Re: generic error-page

2003-01-02 Thread Robert Sösemann
It would help if I could send parameters from the xsp to my

Error producing XSP:

*can I add error reason to redirect ???*
   xsp-response:send-redirect url=/generic_error/
   xsp-response:send-redirect url=/generic_error/


  map:redirect-to uri=generic-error/

 map:match pattern=generic-error
??? generator should built xml from error data here ???
  map:transform src=transform/style-errorpage.xsl/
  map:serialize status-code=500/

- Original Message -
From: Robert Sösemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: generic error-page


 for my cocoon site I would like to have an unified error handling. This
 means I want to have a generic error page (with the possibility to contact
 the admin, same look and feel like the rest of the site). This site would
 called everytime my site generates an error inside esql tags.

 esql:no-results HERE /esql:no-results
 esql:error-results HERE /esql:error-results

 If possible I would like to send some off the error data (eg. stack trace)
 to my error page as a parameter.

 Have you done something similarly and can help me?


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XMLForm Wizard alternative?

2002-12-18 Thread Robert Sösemann

in our project (CMS) we want to easily generate input fields in a
wizard-like interface. It is later used by authors to put different types of
articles into a database.

As different types of articles have other information needs, we want to
provide the user with form field that represent that needs of the specific
article. So we need a mechanism to generate steps of our wizard (namely page
with form fields) from centralized information (great would be the db)

As this XMLWizard mechanism is only available from a cocoon beta, we are not
allowed to use it. Can you imagine an alternative way to solve this?

Thanks in advance,

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XSP/ESQL - separation of concerns?

2002-12-18 Thread Robert Sösemann

in my current project I am using xsp and esql logicsheet for db retrivieval
and tag generation only.
Although I know that this is good for developing (no extra compilation) I am
not very happy with it.

What I don't like is:
- many SQL statement (complex tag structure) mixed cionfusingly with the
actual document elements
- the low readability of the code, also hard to debug...
- no cocoon-like separtion of concerns (mix SQL-logic with tags)
- the feeling that it is not the most performant way of doing this

What I would like better (but don't excately know how):
- put all SQL that is needed for generating on specific page into another
thing (beans?) that has no tags
- make my xsp shorter, more readable
- have the good balance of performance, easy debugging, extensibility and
the typical cocoon separation of concerns

Here is a short but typical code snippet:


xsp:attribute name=IDesql:get-int
xsp:attribute name=MAINesql:get-string
xsp:attribute name=SUBesql:get-string
xsp:attribute name=PDFPRINTesql:get-int

!-- Attribute evtl. NULL bei Direktanzeige --
if(!esql:is-null column=3/) {


esql:get-xml column=2/

DATEesql:get-string column=11//DATE
AUTHOResql:get-string column=12//AUTHOR


Should I better use own generators or beans? What are your experiences?


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Cocoon Freelancers around Stuttgart wanted

2002-12-16 Thread Robert Sösemann
Dear list members,

this mail is only relevant for german cocoon users, that live in the area of


We are a team of three students from Tübingen, working as freelancers for a
big and well-known firm (insurance / finance).

For our current project, we are interested in people, experienced in cocoon,
java, and other related web design disciplines to join us.
Right now, we are producing a dynamic middle-size enterprise (portal).site
including a content management system as backend for authors..

The main tasks would be cocoon-tuning, that means finding the most
extensible, elegant and performant way, to use cocoon - especially its
principle of separation of concerns.

The salary would be paid on a per hour basis.

Please contact me if you are interested or have further questions.

Thanks in advance,

Robert Sösemann

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Fw: automati xmlform

2002-12-13 Thread Robert Sösemann

- Original Message -
From: Robert Sösemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: automati xmlform


 I am working on an cms input wizard to fill a database.

 Is it possible with cocoons xmlform validation to generate its schema

 I could imagine, an action to query the db's sytem tables to get knowledge
 about the types and other contraints and generate an xmlform to enforce

 Has anybody solved that succesfully?

 Maybe you can help me.


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eliminate duplicate data in beans

2002-12-12 Thread Robert Sösemann

I have the feeling, that what I am doing can be done more elegant without
hardcoding db schema information into a java bean.

I am using java beans to transport data through the different steps of a CMS
(inside a session).

Users are a adding data in every step to a bean representing a db relation.
When the wizard is completed the bean knows how to write to the db.

That's how a bean looks like:

class ArticleBean {

private String user;
private String text;

  public void setUser(String val) {..}
  public void setText(String val) {..}

 ...   public void saveToDb() throws SQLException {
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
st.execute(INSERT INTO article (user, text, pic, abstract,

ResultSet res = st.getGeneratedKeys();
this.id = res.getInt(id);
} ...

As this is a java bean, I actually don't need to tell the query that it
should do this with table article and how its attributes are. This
information is allready in the setter- getter methods and so on.

The best would be to generate such beans from the dbs schema information
only. Is there a way to make this more efficient and without duplicate

Thanks in advance.


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automati xmlform

2002-12-12 Thread Robert Sösemann

I am working on an cms input wizard to fill a database.

Is it possible with cocoons xmlform validation to generate its schema rules

I could imagine, an action to query the db's sytem tables to get knowledge
about the types and other contraints and generate an xmlform to enforce that

Has anybody solved that succesfully?

Maybe you can help me.


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ignore NULL values in XSP

2002-12-09 Thread Robert Sösemann

can you imagine a shorter and more elegant way to ignore null values from

What I mean is, that I only want to create an LINKID element when the
database not returns a null or nothing

xsp:attribute name=LINKIDesql:get-string

As I have many passages like that, I want to avoid the use of variables and

How could I do that?


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dynamic xsl:fo image inclusion

2002-12-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
I tried every tip I could find on the web, but I never had success including
an jpg into an pdf with cocoon.
Maybe sombody can help?

Thats what I have:

XSL:FO fragment transforming IMG tags:

   xsl:template match=IMG
fo:external-graphic src=url(MYPATHBASE/{$src})/

MYPATHPATH is changed to the real cocoon base path before serializing. So
the serializer should request the image in a correct way, that it is caugth
by this sitemap matcher:

map:match pattern=**.jpg
map:read mime-type=image/jpg src=resources/{1}.jpg/

Why do I never get to see an image in my pdf`?

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dynamic atylesheet assignment

2002-12-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
I am working on a news site, where every author can assign own xsl
stylesheet to their article. I want to bring cocoon dynamically insert an
article's path into the transformer src attribute.

I thought of generating an parameter inside the xsp for the following
components an later catch it by the transformer. (How) can I do this?

map:match pattern=**article_*.html
map:act type=url-extract^

!-- Inside the generate the path info is extracted from
db --
map:generate src=logicsheets/get-articledata.xsp
map:parameter name=article-id value={../2}/

map:transform src=transform/style-frame.xsl type=xslt/

!-- here I want to access the path info --
map:transform src=transform/{dynamic-path} type=xslt/

map:transform src=transform/style-footer.xsl
map:serialize type=html/

Thanks a lot!


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Re: dynamic xsl:fo image inclusion

2002-12-03 Thread Robert Sösemann
My image was also very small. This could not be the reason. Maybe you could
send me some of your code snippets.

- Original Message -
From: Ludovic de Beaurepaire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: dynamic xsl:fo image inclusion

 Hi robert,

 I solved this problem this afternoon :-) there were no error message in
 logs, and the cause was a too large image. try with a small jpg.


 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Sösemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:21 PM
 Subject: dynamic xsl:fo image inclusion

  I tried every tip I could find on the web, but I never had success
  an jpg into an pdf with cocoon.
  Maybe sombody can help?
  Thats what I have:
  XSL:FO fragment transforming IMG tags:
 xsl:template match=IMG
  fo:external-graphic src=url(MYPATHBASE/{$src})/
  MYPATHPATH is changed to the real cocoon base path before serializing.
  the serializer should request the image in a correct way, that it is
  by this sitemap matcher:
  map:match pattern=**.jpg
  map:read mime-type=image/jpg
  Why do I never get to see an image in my pdf`?
  Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
  FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html
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parameters in xsp

2002-11-27 Thread Robert Sösemann
 I must create an dynamic variable based (from db content) cinclude path.
But this doens't work. Do you know why?
 xsl:variable name=idesql:get-string column=i.id//xsl:variable
xsl:variable name=stylesheet-pathesql:get-string

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parameters in xsp don't work

2002-11-26 Thread Robert Sösemann
I must create an dynamic variable based (from db content) cinclude path.
But this doens't work. Do you know why?
 xsl:variable name=idesql:get-string column=i.id//xsl:variable
xsl:variable name=stylesheet-pathesql:get-string

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Concat dynamically assigned xslt

2002-11-25 Thread Robert Sösemann
I am not sure if this is a cocoon specific problem or solveable with XSL
only. I have this problem.

I am working on a CMS where non-programmers can feed articles to a db.
Cocoon output those articles in different ways. The problematic view is the
multi-article page. There abstracts of many different article types are
displayed. As I want the system to be extensible - that means without one
big pre-.made xslt - the user can write there own stylesheet for EVERY
article. All they should have to do is save the xsl and write its path to
the db.

As I have this multi-article view I would need to dynmically merge all
assigned xslt to one sytlesheet that could be a cocoon transformer in my


map:match pattern=abstractpage_*.html
map:generate src=getEverythingFromDBAsXML.xsp/
map:transform src=dynamicallyGenerated.xsl/
map:serialize type=html/

ABSTRACT nr=1 styleMeWith=first.xsl
ABSTRACT nr=5 styleMeWith=fifth.xsl

Can you imagine a solution to this problem. Maybe with meta-stylesheets?

Thanks in advance!


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Communication between Sitmap and Action

2002-11-23 Thread Robert Sösemann
I have this matcher with an action which passes 2 parameters to the included
generator. Also the generator must use the two parameters that are given to

 # SITEMAP ###
map:match pattern=**item_*.html
map:act type=url-extract
map:generate src=logicsheets/item_view.xsp type=xsp
map:parameter name=article_id value={2}/
map:parameter name=base-path value=/rauser-cocoon/
### ACTION url-extract ###
request.setAttribute(unterrubrik, unterrubrik);
request.setAttribute(oberrubrik, oberrubrik);

Map sitemapParams = new HashMap();

return sitemapParams;
### XSP item_view.xsp ###


SELECT o.verzeichnis, o.titel, o.id, u.verzeichnis,
u.titel, i.id, i.ueberschrift, i.pdfdruck , i.bild, i.zusammenfassung,
i.text, i.erstellungsdatum, b.name, i.typ_kuerzel
FROM infoitem i, benutzer b, unterrubrik u, oberrubrik o
WHERE i.id =
AND b.kuerzel = i.benutzer_kuerzel
AND i.unterrubrik_id = u.id
AND u.oberrubrik_id = o.id
AND u.verzeichnis = 'xsp-request:get-attribute
AND o.verzeichnis = 'xsp-request:get-attribute

Is it correct to access their value in the item_view.xsp like that? I always
get: Error compiling item_view_xsp: Line 0, column 0: error: variable
debug_enabled might already have been assigned to 1 error ??

Maybe some can help me?!

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total action confusion

2002-11-22 Thread Robert Sösemann
Does anybody have good and detailed examples about how to use actions for
those newbies, that used xsp before.

What i don't know is:

where to place my java code that cocoon finds and compiles it.
how to use sitemap parameters inside the action
where to place paramters - inside generate or act
what the difference is between xsp-request:get-parameter and

Since I changed xsp to action I have nothing but trouble especially that
error:Line 0, column 0: error: variable debug_enabled might already have
been assigned to 1 error  makes me sleepless nights.

Who can help?


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Re: correct use of umlauts

2002-11-17 Thread Robert Sösemann
 I use MYSQL and I guess when I extract an attributes content, Cocoons ESQL
converts german umlauts into escaped entities.
I have this problem while generating a site keyword index.

I extract all keywords from my articles in the db, and then sort them
alphabetically. But the Problem is that I don't get the Umlauts sorted
correctly. What I mean is that the german O Umlaut which should be listed
with the normal O words appears after Z.

Thats why I want to filter those special characters with an XSP and tell the
following XSL to sort an umlaut O like Oe.

But that doesn't work.

- Original Message -
From: Joerg Heinicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: correct use of umlauts

 Hello Robert,

 you are coding XML and not HTML. The German umlauts are only declared in
 HTML as entities. In XML only lt;, gt;, apos;, quot; and ..; (which
 one was the 5th) are known?

 Why do you have Ouml; in your database? This would be really bad: a
 database should store a character in it, not an entity, which will be
 later interpreted as a character.


 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  Hello, who can help,
  I have the following code fragment in my xsp page, but I always get an
  because of the use of german umlaut entities like Ouml;.
  String keyword = esql:get-string
  String firstletter =
  String sortable = keyword;
  if( firstletter == Ouml; ||
  firstletter == ouml;
  ||  firstletter == Auml; ||
  firstletter == auml;
  ||  firstletter == Uuml; ||
  firstletter == uuml;) {
  firstletter =
  sortable = firstletter + e +
  That's how I get it from my database. How can I escape this?
  I also experience that cocoon has a problem to resolve ... entites in
  general. I allways get the error The entity * was referenced, but not
  What is wrong?

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correct use of umlauts

2002-11-16 Thread Robert Sösemann
Hello, who can help,

I have the following code fragment in my xsp page, but I always get an error
because of the use of german umlaut entities like Ouml;.

String keyword = esql:get-string
String firstletter = keyword.substring(0,6);
String sortable = keyword;

if( firstletter == Ouml; ||
firstletter == ouml;
||  firstletter == Auml; ||
firstletter == auml;
||  firstletter == Uuml; ||
firstletter == uuml;) {
firstletter =
sortable = firstletter + e +

That's how I get it from my database. How can I escape this?
I also experience that cocoon has a problem to resolve ... entites in
general. I allways get the error The entity * was referenced, but not

What is wrong?


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Re: Dynamically add transformer to sitemap

2002-10-31 Thread Robert Sösemann
Sound quite good, Joerg. But I have no idea how to pass the filepath string
from an Action to to an Transformer in the sitemap.

Can I have a transformer with an variable src attribute value?

It would be great if you could give a short example or snippet, how to get

Thanks in advance.

- Original Message -
From: Joerg Heinicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Dynamically add transformer to sitemap

 Hello Robert,

 what about an action, which retrieves the stylesheet path (or name) and
 returns it to the sitemap. I can't think of other ways, especially
 xsl:include/ is evaluated on compile time, not run time like variables.



 Robert Sösemann wrote:
  Is it possible to dynamically add a certain transformer to the sitemap
  pipeline later dependant on generated xml content?
  My cocoon app generates website from content in a Mysql DB.
  In my sitemaps pipeline there is an xsp generator which gets the DB raw
  data. Every article in my DB has an attribute src which is a path to a
  which should later style my article.
  This is how the result of the xsp look like:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  seite xmlns:xspdoc=http://apache.org/cocoon/XSPDoc/v1;
  laschen oberrubrik=service unterrubrik=recht
  artikel id=1 stylesheet=toArticle.xsl
  - here is the file name
  Can I bring cocoon to add a transformer to the sitemap pipeline with
  excately that generated filename as src?
  Or can I do it with xsl:include without cocoon?

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Dynamically add transformer to sitemap

2002-10-30 Thread Robert Sösemann
Is it possible to dynamically add a certain transformer to the sitemap
pipeline later dependant on generated xml content?

My cocoon app generates website from content in a Mysql DB.
In my sitemaps pipeline there is an xsp generator which gets the DB raw
data. Every article in my DB has an attribute src which is a path to a xsl
which should later style my article.

This is how the result of the xsp look like:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
seite xmlns:xspdoc=http://apache.org/cocoon/XSPDoc/v1;
laschen oberrubrik=service unterrubrik=recht
artikel id=1 stylesheet=toArticle.xsl
- here is the file name



Can I bring cocoon to add a transformer to the sitemap pipeline with
excately that generated filename as src?
Or can I do it with xsl:include without cocoon?


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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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