Re: FAQ - How do I hide cocoon in the URL

2001-12-13 Thread Simone Gianni

At 14.05 12/12/2001 +0100, you wrote:
4) go to to activate the web application and have the war file
deploy. This should bring up the Cocoon welcome page in the ROOT of the
this technique I have a sepparate directory and Cocoon configuration for
every site I run. A major advantage to my oppinion.

This has been of great help (I was stuck in the same problem :)) ... but,
as you said, the whole site will be served by cocoon. Now, what about
images, downloads, zip files etc ?? ... everything that does not need to
be parsed should be served directly by apache (also because cocoon adds a
overhead). But making the whole site a webapp this does not happen. My
actual solution is to have something like
as a virtual host mapped on the same directory, accepting .gif only, but
it's just a bad artifact, since i always have to give complete urls for

Any solution for this ? Isn't it possible to have the web app receive
only some extensions? or have apache catch *.gif before the web app, or
something similar ?



Re: Testing under cocoon

2001-11-02 Thread Simone Gianni

At 10.22 02/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:
It looks to me like I need to keep starting/stopping tomcat so that 
Tomcat/Cocoon will reload the stylesheets and class files that I have 
changed.  Of course I'd prefer to not have to spend the time 
starting/stopping if I don't have to.

If you just change XML or XSLT you can avoid restarting it all, it will 
reload it automatically. For changes in the sitemap, it is recompiled 
asynch. So you modify the site map, the point to a page (or reload it), it 
will display the old one, wait a few seconds, the reload it again and you 
get the new one.  In cocoon.xconf (but i could be wrong on this) there is a 
setting to make the sitemap regeneration synch ... this is not good for a 
production environment, but is very good for testing, since it recompiles 
the sitemap at the first get after it has changed.

If you change any class, like actions or similars, you can try to change 
the autoreload setting of tomcat, since this is handled by tomcat itself. 
To do this, in the server.xml file, you should add explicitly the cocoon 
context and set the auto-reload=true attribute. This is documented in the 
server.xml file. Anyway, i have not tested this yet.

Also : starting and stopping tomcat/cocoon sometimes led on my computer to 
some strange things to happen : sometime it does not recompile something 
correctly, so i have to manually delete the %TOMCAT_HOME%/work/cocoon... 

Hope this helps.

Ciao, Simone

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Cocoon + Tomcat + Apache

2001-10-23 Thread Simone Gianni

Hi all ..

I'm trying to combine cocoon-tomcat with apache in a way that instead of 
typing i can 
simply use  do you know 
if there is any document describing how to do this? And to make apache 
serve the static files (images for example) how do i override the 
catch-all to alias some directories (like /images) to a static dir and 
have them served by apache ?

Thanks, ciao


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RE: Aggregate and root elements

2001-10-20 Thread Simone Gianni

At 14.13 20/10/2001 +0200, Luca wrote:

 I think you should add another msp:transform stage in your 
 pipeline in
order to remove the boxes tag; just a simple template element like this:

 xsl:template match=boxes
 xsl:copy-of select=*|@*/

 will do.

You are right  this could be a solution, anyway there is a 
stripRootElement in the map:aggregate, as is visible in this excerpt from 
the cocoon log :

DEBUG   (2001-10-20) 15:21.08:940   [cocoon  ] 
(/cocoon/calcio/story105.source) Thread-18/AbstractSitemap: Substitute 
evaluated value for 1 as calcio
DEBUG   (2001-10-20) 15:21.08:940   [cocoon  ] 
(/cocoon/calcio/story105.source) Thread-18/ContentAggregator: 
ContentAggregator: part uri='cocoon:/calcio.nav' element='' ns='' 
stripRootElement='' prefix=''

I think it's not been documented yet, and unfortunately I have not found it 
in the source :(( I tried stripRootElement=yes, stripRootElement=true 
etc ... but nothing seem to work.

Ciao e grazie

Simone Gianni

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If file exists

2001-10-20 Thread Simone Gianni

Hi all ..
.. sorry .. today I'm flooding this mailing list :))

I would like to know if there is a way to make something if a given file 

Actually i'm doing a lot of content aggregations, and i'm searching a way 
to aggregate a document only if the given document is there. I've tried to 
put it on a different pipe, then aggregate it with 
cocoon:/thepipe/etc../etc.., but if the generator of the subpipe doesn't 
find the document it drops both the subpipe and the aggregation.

Thanks, and ciao ..


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Aggregate and root elements

2001-10-19 Thread Simone Gianni

Hi all ..

I'm trying to do, with cocoon 2rc1, something like this : aggregate some 
contents, between these there are some which are themself aggregated, these 
are boxes on the right of my page, and some of them are static and common 
for all the site, some others are specific to a certain path, some others 
are based on other parameters.

The boxes are in some files, some of this contain only one box, some 
others contain more that one box. So the structure of this XMl files is 
like this :

box id=1234
bodyThis is the body of the box/body
box id=5678
bodyThis is the body of the box/body

When i aggregate them, i can add a root element to the entire aggregation, 
add a root element to every single aggregated file, but cannot remove the 
root boxes element in each file to obtain a plain box list.

Is there a way to do it ? to remove the root element of an aggregated 

Thanks, ciao,

Simone Gianni

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