Re: [all] Craig Mcc turned spammer? :-)

2004-04-13 Thread Danny Angus

 Was this sent to me directly, or did it go to the list?

You can find out by looking at the headers, was it handled by an
machine at any point?

But it is also highly likely that the spammers mined this list and got your
address *and* Craigs, and used Craig as the sender because he is a regular


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Re: [plea] get back to work -- was Re: [codec] [proposal] Moving To Apache Commons

2003-12-23 Thread Danny Angus

 I know exactly how you feel. The basic problem is that Jakarta, and
 Jakarta-Commons, are now incapable of taking any decisions on contentious
 issues. They are too large - too large for the discussion, too many
 too many personalities and and inability to hold a vote.

I think that is a bit harsh, it would be easy to take decisions with a
VOTE, I don't know where you get inability from, it's getting broad based
concensus that is harder, but also more desirable.

 IMHO, the only hope is for individual products to choose to move to TLP
 (lucene, slide and struts I'm hoping for). In effect, I'm hoping
 that other products will then see the light and want to escape.

I also think this is unfair, there is no question of any sub-project having
to escape from anything.
Jakarta has, and still does, and will continue to, provide a supportive
environment for the development of Open Source Java server software.

Individual communities within Jakarta may decide to apply for promotion, or
not, to serve their own best interests.
Whatever their choice, and even if they want simply to continue without
making a decision, they will be fully supported in that action by the
Jakarta PMC.

 And then I suspect the final battle will commence - J-C vs Tomcat for the
 Jakarta name.

Thats a lot of melodramatic nonsense, why on earth would there be a battle
about it?
You seem to think that the sub projects should behave like spoilt children
competing for their parents attention.
I think we are all mature enough to realise that there are many degrees of
compromise between one extreme and the other.

 During this time, there will be little coding, much fustration
 and community damage.

Why would people not code?
Nothing will occur to affect the infrastructure and day-to-day decision
making of any sub-project or commons component, promotion to tlp, movement
to the incubator, or movement to apache commons is not Excommunication the
project infrastructure is not destroyed and left for the commiters to
re-assemble. The PMC's, the infrastructure folks, members and the board are
all there to support transition and engourage success in each and every
project of Apache, large or small. From We consider
ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a
community of developers and users

 I'll say again - the Board could avoid this damage by
 choosing to ACT rather than REACT.

It is extremely unlikely that the board will become involved in this unless
either the PMC request it or it directly affects the board's business. The
right people to decide the future of Jakarta commons are the Jakarta
commons commiters.


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Re: OT: Re: [ANN] hivemind has been temporarily taken offline

2003-11-07 Thread Danny Angus


I read the discussions in which you made allegations about Geronimo. Now
please read this:

1/ It is the decision of the Jakarta PMC that as doubt about the ownership
has been expressed and not resolved it is prudent for the PMC to take this
step until it is resolved.

2/ No one is suggesting, at this stage, that there is any possibility that
Hivemind won't return as soon as the PMC are satisfied that the right to
distribute the code under the ASFL has been satisfactorily established. The
origin of the code is not in doubt.

3/ Geronimo is not under the jurisdiction of this PMC. The Geronimo
situation was explained to you at the time . There is certainly no
conspiracy against Hivemind. Period.

I sincerely hope that the full facts regarding the doubt expressed over
Hivemind can be examined and the issue resolved quickly, in the meantime
the PMC has a duty to take this issue seriously. Not to do so, however
desirable it might be, would be negligent.


 Interesting that HiveMind was a problem, yet jBoss to Geromino is not a
 potential legal problem for Apache Users. What was the diference, that
 they put the code in first, refactored packages and claimed it
 was not jBoss IP? All Howard did was level with ASF, and Geronimo
 (insert appropriate word) claimed orignial IP.  Even enforcement would
 be great.

 I hope HiveMind shows up on in the mean time,

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Re: [ANN][hivemind] hivemind has been temporarily taken offline

2003-11-07 Thread Danny Angus


There isn't very much traffic on the PMC list at all, most business, and
all votes, is transacted on the general list.
If anyone has any item which they wish to draw to the specific attention of
the PMC it is always a good idea to post to PMC@ because you will then know
that your message has been read. Further discussions could be carried out
on the general list or in private, whichever was more appropriate. By which
I don't mean that the PMC would reach its decisions in secret but that
issues of individual privacy may make it more acceptable to keep the
discussion out of the spotlight.


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RE: [hivemind] what exactly is the issue here?

2003-11-06 Thread Danny Angus

Noel wrote: (about Howard  Hivemind)

  Some of his messages seem to
 imply that he feels that if he did [put the full facts before the PMC or
the Board], there would be drastic action.

Speaking for myself I'd say there is *less* likely to be drastic action if
the PMC are fully congnisant of the facts than if there is a spectre of
legal mess looming over us, assuming that Howard is correct in his

It's also worth reiterating that (IMO at least) the PMC is exists to
support people in situations like this, and to try to resolve these kind of
issues to the satisfaction of everyone involved.


 --- Noel

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RE: [Math] common-math and bloated 3rd party libraries

2003-11-05 Thread Danny Angus

FWIW the math proposal actually says:

  Emphasis on small, easily integrated components rather than large
 libraries with complex dependencies   


As far as Todds comments go:

 While I tend to be in the go with 1.4 ...

I'm firmly in the stick with 1.3 camp.
Until there is either progress which is *really* blocked by lack of access
to 1.4+
and or the demand for 1.3 compatibility is insignificant I don't think it
is wise for any Jakarta sub-project, or part of commons, to ignore the fact
that the Jakarta mission to produce server software, and many many people
are stuck with 1.3 until they can justify significant investment involved
in upgrading to newer container version. Don't forget that the cost of
change isn't all in the software there's a big old load of testing to do as

 I also want to gripe mildly about the server-side mission, since it feels
 myopic to me.  The lines between client and server blur more every day.
 With JNLP it is easy and beneficial to shove increasing functionality to
 the client side, which means downloading jars to the desktop.

But the lines are blurred and blurring @jakarta as well, there's plenty of
software here which is as applicable in clients as it is in servers, but to
extend the scope of the project to anything java at all would be silly,
theres already enough going on as it is. If you want to develop desktop
software @apache, make a proposal to the incubator.


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Re: Scripting in Java ?

2003-10-24 Thread Danny Angus

Mark wrote:

 I think its important to point out that BSF is really a Generic
 Framework for plugging in other scripting engines


 So with this in mind you can actually plug jython, rhino, etc into it
 and use it as a generic api for your java development.

I've used BSF with both Rhino and Jython, it really is what you want.

FWIW both Rhino (java script engine from and Jython
( are excellent products, and much respect is due to their

Which engine you end up using is then up to your own prefrences, Java
script is a handy option where you want to allow web developers to modify
the behaviour of web apps, python is much more readable by non-geeks if you
want to work with business people.


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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 23990] - EmailValidator - valid email address fails

2003-10-22 Thread Danny Angus

 So it again boils down to a *BUG*.

But not the same bug..

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RE: [Attributes] Inherit and Develop

2003-08-19 Thread Danny Angus
 I personally don't have any problem
 with widening that rule to any Apache committer, which would therefore
 include Leo automatically (he has commit access on Avalon, which used to
 be a Jakarta sub-project but is now top level).  Does any other
 Commons-Dev committer or Jakarta PMC member have any problem with that?

Not me.

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[DBCP] Event/Listener proposal (was .. RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery)

2003-07-24 Thread Danny Angus
Well I never,
There's been a lot of talk generated by my innocent proposal of using the
Observer pattern, or in more java-esque terms events and listeners to arrive
at a compromise in the Connection Recovery War. I'd like to clarify some
points raised.

In the first place to address the criticism of any compromise being levelled
by Juozas, this was intended not to appeal to one camp or the other, but to
be a neutral proposal which would accomodate both modes of use.
There is nothing in the addition of an event model that should offend either
camp, and properly impelemented users who don't choose to listen for events
should not notice any impact on performance.

Secondly, to address Craig's opinion that we shoudl abandon connection
recovery altogether, I proposed that the existing recovery code be
refactored to be usable as a listener in the event model because there *are*
some users, and some vocal supporters and I would like to think that this
community is not so arrogant that we would remove support for them without
phaseing it out gradually. The listener implementing connection recovery
could be immediately deprecated with text to explain why we don't like it,
and scheduled for removal at the next release, giving people time to make
other arrangements (probably just fork it :) .

Third there are *way* more uses for this than for supporting the forceable
recovery of connections, for instance this could be used to log and trace
pool activity allowing people to attach tools which will help them to
improve their code. It really is much more than just a way in which users
can avoid the responsibility of handling connections correctly.

Finally it allows the DBCP project to have a finite scope. By providing an
API for the attachment of additional functionality we would allow DBCP to
encapsulate JDBC Connection pooling, the implementation would not be the
concern of users nor necessarily of the majority of implementors of
listeners. DBCP could move towards maturity and low maintenance without
restricting the creation of new behaviours and tools.


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Event/Listener proposal (was .. RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery)

2003-07-23 Thread Danny Angus
Well I never,
There's been a lot of talk generated by my innocent proposal of using the
Observer pattern, or in more java-esque terms events and listeners to arrive
at a compromise in the Connection Recovery War. I'd like to clarify some
points raised.

In the first place to address the criticism of any compromise being levelled
by Juozas, this was intended not to appeal to one camp or the other, but to
be a neutral proposal which would accomodate both modes of use.
There is nothing in the addition of an event model that should offend either
camp, and properly impelemented users who don't choose to listen for events
should not notice any impact on performance.

Secondly, to address Craig's opinion that we shoudl abandon connection
recovery altogether, I proposed that the existing recovery code be
refactored to be usable as a listener in the event model because there *are*
some users, and some vocal supporters and I would like to think that this
community is not so arrogant that we would remove support for them without
phaseing it out gradually. The listener implementing connection recovery
could be immediately deprecated with text to explain why we don't like it,
and scheduled for removal at the next release, giving people time to make
other arrangements (probably just fork it :) .

Third there are *way* more uses for this than for supporting the forceable
recovery of connections, for instance this could be used to log and trace
pool activity allowing people to attach tools which will help them to
improve their code. It really is much more than just a way in which users
can avoid the responsibility of handling connections correctly.

Finally it allows the DBCP project to have a finite scope. By providing an
API for the attachment of additional functionality we would allow DBCP to
encapsulate JDBC Connection pooling, the implementation would not be the
concern of users nor necessarily of the majority of implementors of
listeners. DBCP could move towards maturity and low maintenance without
restricting the creation of new behaviours and tools.


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RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery

2003-07-22 Thread Danny Angus

 1. Remove existing abandoned recovery attempt code.
 2. Log when connections are abandoned and do not add them back into the
 3. Optionally log stack trace of where abandoned connection was first
 4. Provide some kind of extensible connection object that could allow
 someone to add their own (possibly included but optional) way to recover
 abandoned connections.

I agree with your proposal, although I don't think I have a vote here.

wrt point 4 I would suggest you consider allowing users to attach a
listener/listeners to the pool and propogate the following events:

- allow users to add a handler to test and
possibly replace connections as they leave the pool
- allow users to add a handler to test and
discard (reallyClose()) connections returning to the pool
- allow users to add a handler to test and reallyClose() or
replace connections idle in the pool beyond a confiigured idle timeout.
- allow users to add a handler to reclaim connections
allocated but idle beyond a configured idle timeout.


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RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery

2003-07-22 Thread Danny Angus
Serge et al,

Further to my suggestion about using the Observer pattern for event
notification w.r.t. point 4 (below) I forgot to mention that it also has the
benefit of offering a compromise in the pro/anti recovery debate.

Existing contentious code designed to reclaim or test connections need not
be retired as it could still be made available re-factored into a listener,
and attached at runtime by the user. Users can use, extend or ignore DBCP's
own listeners at their discretion shifting the decision from the developers
to the users where, judging by the debate, it probably belongs.

It also follows that DBCP need not then impose a single Jakarta-approved
strategy, but could easily be shipped with a number of implementations of
different strategies, chosen between and attached at runtime by the user or
by DBCP itself in response to configuration settings.

 4. Provide some kind of extensible connection object that could allow
 someone to add their own (possibly included but optional) way to recover
 abandoned connections.

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RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery

2003-07-22 Thread Danny Angus

 I do not think it is good idea to maintain any kind of public API for
 abandoned connections, It is garbage,
 If application or server is not broken, it doe's not need workarounds.

It is easy for you to say this, but the fact remains that a number of people
are quite vocal in their support for it, it is wrong for us to ignore the
needs of _all_ users, particularly if we are talking about removing
functionality which already exists and is in use.

Therefore there we have four options:

1/ We vote and the winning proposal is implemented leaving everyone else
2/ We retain the status quo
3/ Someone makes a change without the general consent of the group
4/ We reach a compromise.

1 is the Apache way.
2 is ignoring the issue.
3 is unacceptable and would cause trouble.
4 is surely the most reasonable course of action to take.

Now I know you favour dropping support, others don't.
What would you say if we retained it?
What would they say if we dropped it?

Alternatively Serge's proposal is a proposal for compromise, I was
attempting to provide some support for the proposal by detailing one
possible way in which a compromise can be accomodated, allowing both sets of
users to have DBCP behave in the way they favour without breaking it for the

If you believe my suggestions are garbage I suggest you help the process by
suggesting an alternative compromise as it looks likely that only a
compromise will be generally acceptable.


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RE: [DBCP] AbandonedTrace - Connection Recovery

2003-07-22 Thread Danny Angus

 I think I will leave commons and I will spend more my time on SF
 with forked
 code,  if this kind of vote can win at apache.
 My input is not a very big, but I will lose any energy to work for crap .

I think it is sad that you would rather leave than suggest any alternative.

It highlights my point though, why should we expect those in favour of its
retention to remain involved if we drop this when you won't remain involved
if it is not dropped?

Surely we should at least _try_ to accomodate both points of view? Or are
also against even helping to find a compromise that would satify your

I can see no technical reason why this should not be done, perhaps you can?
If so why don't you help us by explaining why a compromise can never be
acceptable to you.


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RE: DBCP status?

2003-07-01 Thread Danny Angus

 I *need* the pooler to close connections that have been borrowed from 
 the pool and forgotten to be closed.  Can you give a) reasons why not to 
 close them because of an optional parameter and b) suggested workaround?

Why? I can think of a couple of reasons you might give, but I'm seriously not 
convinced that it is a legitimate thing for the pool to do.
Can you sell it to us?

 I think there's a relunctance (including mine) to create a dependency on 
 commons-logging (or another logger), so I was thinking about a 
 PoolListener service. 

FWIW I authored a JDBC connection pool and file  URL cache library for work, my 
experience is this.. we started off with logging, it is vital to know exactly what the 
pools and caches think is going on while your library is under development. 
However once we started putting stable product into other software we quickly 
discovered that logging is unnecessary, if anything is going on you use a debugger, if 
it is going well you don't want the kind of logs these things produce. We eventually 
added a listener API and found it to be much more satisfactory.

+1 to that idea.

 There would be classes of events for:
 a) creating a connection
 b) grabbing a connection
 c) closing a connection
 d) a connection getting too old

I think that if in case d) your listener can intervene in the connection lifecycle 
then it is unnecessary to have DBCP frceably close connections.


RE: DBCP status?

2003-06-30 Thread Danny Angus
I think we've had this discussion before.

But I'll weigh in with my 2c again because I still feel strongly about it..

Craig says:

 I do not believe there is any fundamentally sound algorithm that a
 connection pool can use to detect when a connection has truly been
 abandoned and is thereby suitable for recovery.  And, grabbing back
 connections that are actually in use is *much* worse than leaking them,
 because you immediately break an application that is currenty executing,
 in ways that are very unpredictable, hard to reproduce, and basically
 impossible to recover from.

I agree. 

IMO It is fundamentally better to let leaks result in the problems associated with 
leaks (run out of connections) than to replace a set of known, quantifiable and 
understood symptoms with Mystery and Confusion.


RE: Re[2]: DBCP status?

2003-06-30 Thread Danny Angus
 I have been stricken with the beauty of approach
 you have proposed, indeed its nice to emulate
 a server timeout :-))

I can see how this would appeal, allowing DBCP to impose its own timeout, however IMO 
it would still not allow DBCP be able to reclaim the connection, 
Rather it would have instead to mimic the servers response to a timeout, which might 
only become apparent when the connection is used, and not have any affect if the 
routine holding the connection is accessing properties and methods of the connection 
which are handled offline.

In this event it would therefore appear to be almost impossible to achieve any real 
advantage for the pool, in that it would still not be able to legitimately reclaim the 
connection or close it, unless that can be done without breaking existing ResultSet's, 
StoredProcedures and so on.

For example connecting to MySQL using JDBC it is possible to attempt to use a 
connection which no longer exists, and only on the execution of  an SQL query does the 
driver return an error. This is because the instance of Connection is not closed, it 
is simply no longer capable of contacting the RDBMS. Even when that error is issued it 
is *still* the responsibility of the user to call close(), JDBC doesn't reclaim the 
object and garbage collect it for you.

Therefore I contend that it would be inconsistent for DBCP to behave otherwise, and it 
would also be of little use for preventing leaks as leaked connections will most 
likely never be used again, and so never be seen to timeout.

 I'm afraid something nasty may happen if while
 the user is executing a lengthy query another
 thread close()-s the connection.

This is one of my primary reasons for siding against intervention by the pool, it is 
not within the remit of a pool to dictate how the resources should be used. In use, 
IMO, any pool or cache should intervene between programme and resource in a manner 
which is completely transparent. It should never be the case that a pool or cache can 
cause the failure of the resource where the resource is being used legitimately 
according to its specification, JDBC makes no restriction on the length of time 
connections can be held for and therfore neither should any JDBC connection pool. If 
this causes problems for the user it is because they are either using the pool 
inapropriately or their code is broken. In neither situation has the case been well 
argued that the pool should attempt to correct this in preference to the developers of 
the software.


RE: Re[2]: Nightly builds?

2003-06-30 Thread Danny Angus

 Me too, but maybe I'm lameristic :)
 In fact I use windows port of SSH (by Gorden Chaffee,
 with windows port of cvs. CVS and ssh work fine but I fail to do scp.
 But I have been failing this for a long time already. Maybe the reason
 is that with scp I did not find a way to specify my
 username (atagunov), while my login name here at Win2K is different.

Try using putty on windows, it has implementations of scp sftp ssh and agent, has a 
good ssh terminal GUI or you can use a commandline version.

RE: Re[4]: Nightly builds?

2003-06-30 Thread Danny Angus

 But, with that program I have another kind of difficulty:
 by itself it generates keys of some format not recognized
 by ssh server running on The keys of this
 format look like

Top tip .. I find it often avoids pain if you generate your keys on the server you're 
connecting to rather on your own desktop.
Particularly if the former is *nix and the latter isn't.


RE: [DBCP] Please let us start to improve the connection pool

2003-03-25 Thread Danny Angus
Craig wrote:

 But I think we might be using the term recycle differently.
 By recycle, do you mean if a connection has been setting in the pool
 for a long time and is not allocated to an application, so we can close it

No, thats pool administration. IMO its an implementation detail that should be of no 
concern of the user, its existence should only be exposed indirectly through settings 
such as test while idle. Although in practice it helps if you know whats going on. 

 Or, by recycle, do you mean if a connection has been allocated to an
 application but not returned for a long time, the pool is allowed to grab
 it back again -- but you want to notify the application first.  The grab
 it back behavior is already configurable (and not enabled by default) --
 and it's this functionality that I object to having at all.  If there was
 no grab it back we wouldn't have to worry about notifying anyone that it
 was about to happen :-).

This was what actually I meant by recycling, from the POV that the whole pooling 
pattern is about re-cycling objects dispensed with by one Object but of use to another 
(as in trash re-cycling) to reduce the overhead of creating identical new objects.

Its my opinion that it is beyond the remit of the pool to re-use objects which have 
not been positively freed by the Object which was last assigned them. My reasons are 
that it builds in the potential for unpredictable failures, and only benefits broken 

So I think we agree... 

 If we're talking about the second use of recycled above, IMHO, I think
 adding support for recovering abandoned connections at all was a mistake.
 Doing anything to make it work better (knowing all the while that it
 cannot be made perfect) simply perpetuates the mistake.  I'd much rather
 see this whole area of functionality deprecated, rather than continuing to
 mislead people into believing that its OK to depend on something that
 cannot ever work reliably 100% of the time.

I'd agree with that too.

What has now occured to me is that this philosophy also delegates the responsibility 
to the connection consumer for ensuring that refrences, direct or indirect, to the 
connection are never used once the connection has been passed back to the pool. 
Otherwise this is another area where confusing behaviour could result from subtle bad 
The notion expressed by someone else of creating new wrappers for each request 
delegating to truly pooled connections, with the wrappers discarded when the 
connection is returned to the pool would prevent refrences to wrappers being used to 
access the real pooled resources.
On the other hand this safety might negate too much of the performance boost pooling 


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RE: [DBCP] Please let us start to improve the connection pool

2003-03-24 Thread Danny Angus

 IMHO, any application that depends on the connection pool for recovering
 abandoned connections (whether or not it recycles them) is broken.  Far
 better is to focus your energy on avoiding all the cases where you grab a
 connection from the pool but fail to return it for some reason.
 One simple way to do this is to encapsulate your JDBC-using code in a
 try/catch/finally block, something like this:

I haven't used DBCP for anthing yet, though we're proposing to use it for James in 
place of our homespun pool.

However from what I understand of this discussion there are two things going on here;

Thing one, I agree with you, code failing to return connections to the pool should 
lead to failure, and the sooner this can be done the better for identifying such 
broken code.

Thing two, DBCP will apparently make a value judgement about an assigned connection, 
and is capable of recycling it with no notification to the code which has checked it 

In my opinion thing two is wrong or incomplete as it creates a situation where 
potential failure is built in, difficult to reproduce and difficult identify the cause 

In the case of JDBC connection pooling may be reasonable to want to keep a connection 
even when it is idle, because connections can aquire state which is expensive to 
reproduce. Is it not, then, unresonable to allow the pool to silently and forcably 
recycle apparently idle but valuable connections?

My solution would either be to make it possible to turn off the forcable recycling of 
connections, or to make the pool capable of notifying code that its connection has 
been recycled.

Is that reasonable?


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RE: [NET] Here's an Ant bug that we should look into fixing

2003-03-11 Thread Danny Angus

 As far as my less ambitious goal of parsing dates correctly on 
 different locale systems is concerned, I posted a request on the 
 Ant list for any sample FTP sites implemented in different 
 languages and so far have not received any replies.

Are you sure that dates are transferred in local language? 
SMTP specifies English for dates, perhaps ftp does too?

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