RE: [logging] parent-first classloaders

2005-03-10 Thread Sharples, Colin

 I don't know much about classloaders, but I was working with the
 WebSphere administration console today and I noticed a drop down for
 choosing parent-first or child-first classloaders.

There's quite a good description of WebSphere's classloader policies at:

Also follow the Class loaders link in Related concepts at the bottom

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist

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RE: Http Client- How to send and recieve Serialized Object using Http Client

2005-02-07 Thread Sharples, Colin
Assuming it's not just because of the typo in the content type (should be 
application/octet-stream), you could try base 64 encoding the object output 
stream, and then you can just use text/plain content type. On the other end you 
base 64 decode the response body before passing it to the object input stream. 
There are plenty of examples of how to do base 64 encode/decode on the web.

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist

 -Original Message-
 From: Sanjeev Tripathi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2005 8:18 a.m.
 Subject: Http Client- How to send and recieve Serialized Object using
 Http Client
 I am working on thick client proxy that will connect to servlet and
 retrive and save data to database. I am using Http Client for
  I am able to send string values using parameter in request 
 as follows. 
 NameValuePair userid   = new NameValuePair(LOGIN_NAME,
 NameValuePair password = new NameValuePair(LOGIN_PASSWORD,
 NameValuePair thickClient = new NameValuePair(ThickClient,
   new NameValuePair[] {action, url, userid,
 I am able to send xml string as parameter and able to receive it back
 from response as String.
  But I am getting problem in serialized user defined objects
 communication. Following is not working
 //*In Servlet*
 if (request.getParameter(ThickClient).equals(ThickClient))  {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new
  In Thick Client Proxy *
 System.out.println(Login form post:  +
  ObjectInputStream ois = new
 SubmissionVO vo = (SubmissionVO)ois.readObject();
 System.out.println(id : +vo.getSubmissionId() +: desc: +
 //**Here SubmissionVO is Serialized Object***
 public class SubmissionVO implements{
 public SubmissionVO(int id,String desc) {
 this.submissionId = id;
 this.description = desc;
 private int submissionId;
 private String description;
 public int getSubmissionId () {
 return submissionId;
 public String getDescription() {
 return description;
 Please suggest me. How to send and receive Serialized User 
 Defined Value
 Objects in using Http Client.
 Sanjeev Tripathi
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RE: [digester] initial code for Digester2.0

2005-02-02 Thread Sharples, Colin
 My major concern is that if we are going to warn people not 
 to implement the Action interface,
 then what really is the point of providing it in the first 
 place? As I said above, I just cannot
 think of any situation where a class would want to be an 
 Action *and* extend some other class.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough - I didn't say that the Action interface should not 
be implemented by anything except the default implementation (what indeed would 
be the point of that?). The point is, the majority of Actions that people 
create would extend the default implementation, and would be (mostly) immune to 
API evolution. People who decide to implement Action directly are free to do so 
- and they accept that if they do so then they will need to evolve with the 
API. As Oliver said, if you use an interface then you have some extra options 
for how you add functionality, such as adding new interfaces that extend 

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist

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RE: [digester] initial code for Digester2.0

2005-02-01 Thread Sharples, Colin
  - Why is Action an abstract class?
 So that we can later add new functionality to Action without breaking
 custom Action subclasses that users have written. As long as we can
 provide a suitable default implementation in the Action 
 abstract class,
 everything runs smoothly.
 One example is the bodySegment callback that is now in Action. In
 Digester 1.x we could not have added this to Rule without breaking all
 custom Rule classes. But if digester2.0 had been released 
 without it, we
 could have added it later with no source or binary compatibility
 Of course because of Java's single-inheritance policy, it would be
 impossible for a class to extend both Action and some other class. But
 (a) this is extremely unlikely, and (b) using an adapter class works
 around this anyway if it absolutely has to be done.

I prefer interface + default abstract implementation, the way Swing provides 
e.g. Action* and AbstractAction. That way a class can still implement the 
interface even if it extends from something else, and use a delegate to 
implement the interface. You can still evolve the interface without breaking 
existing classes that extend the abstract class. Of course, there is nothing to 
force people to extend the abstract class, but you can make it clear in the 
doco for the interface that not to extend the abstract class is an explicit 
design choice that may have dire consequences.

* yes, the name Action is quite overused. Not that I can think of a better 
alternative... ;-)

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist
Mobile: +64 21 402 085

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RE: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-21 Thread Sharples, Colin
 And, in my experience watching work done with tools like 
 Gump, any time
 people do weird trickery with package names, like Sun 
 renaming some packages
 from x.y.z to com.sun.x.y.z, this inevitably seems to cause 
 lots of problems
 somewhere down the line.

Exactly. Remember the howls of protest when Sun changed the Swing package names 
from to javax.swing? They wanted Swing to be part of the 
core JDK, but there couldn't be any com.sun packages in the core JDK, so they 
had to find a way to bring a new package into the JDK. The javax.* namespace 
was created precisely *because* renaming packages is such a PITA - this 
provided a way for anybody to write an extension to the Java libraries in such 
a way that they could eventually make it into the core libraries.

The fact is, when package names change, it's just way too much trouble to keep 
up to date. I bet there is still JDK1.1 code out there using the old Swing 
package names even today.

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist
Mobile: +64 21 402 085

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RE: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-21 Thread Sharples, Colin
 I do not think you can compare JDK APIs to commons APIs as you hardly
 have more than one version of JDK API in your classpath ;)

You mean you've never written an RMI app where the client and server were 
running different JVM levels? ;-)

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist
Mobile: +64 21 402 085

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RE: Migrate to SVN?

2004-11-29 Thread Sharples, Colin
 I doubt Eclipse will ever have built-in svn support because there are
 several third party plugins available.  Since adding a plugin 
 update site
 is so trivial in Eclipse I wouldn't think this would be a big deal.
 The plugin I use with Struts svn is  It
 works largely the same as Eclipse's cvs plugin.

I'm sure Eclipse *will* have built-in svn support at some point. If the 
Subclipse plug-in provides more or less the same functionality  as the standard 
cvs plug-ins, and conforms to the VCM architecture, then there is every chance 
that it could be hosted by Eclipse and provided as an alternative to the cvs 
stuff. The key will be the adoption rate of svn in the wider community - the 
more projects like Apache/Jakarta that use it, the greater will be the demand 
for Eclipse to support it... 

One of those chicken and egg things... ;-)

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist

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RE: [workflow] new contributor

2004-07-15 Thread Sharples, Colin
 I'm going to make Colin happy :-), and go through his outstanding 
 patches this evening (Pacific time in the US), applying what I can.  


Thanks, Craig. My project has its first release in a couple of weeks, so after that I 
will start to take a look at harvesting out re-usable stuff and submitting that back.

Colin Sharples
IBM Business Consulting Services, New Zealand
sharples -at-

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RE: [workflow] new contributor

2004-07-14 Thread Sharples, Colin
I have used commons-workflow on a couple of projects - using it right now in fact. I'm 
using it for two purposes which are I think a little beyond the original scope:

1) As a lightweight RPC mechanism, to locate and run server activities from any 
arbitrary client (e.g. struts action, browser client, or any client capable of 
consuming XML over HTTP).

2) As a control framework for a Java client, allowing me to reuse presentation tier 
logic across multiple channels (e.g. I can re-use non-visual logic process flows in a 
struts based web app).

I'm also thinking about working on an editor for composing activity flows, rather than 
having to hand edit XML files. I may even end up generating code so that the 
activities end up as compiled classes, rather than dynamically constructed from an 
external definition. I would be using Eclipse EMF for this part, so I guess this 
wouldn't end up in Jakarta, but I would probably make it available through some other 

Colin Sharples
IBM Business Consulting Services, New Zealand
sharples -at-

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Colbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 15 July 2004 6:47 a.m.
 Subject: [workflow] new contributor
 I'd like to volunteer to contribute time and code to the 
 project.  I've written two workflow engines in the past two 
 years for two
 seperate organizations and have some new ideas I would like 
 to explore in
 open-source.  I see the commons-workflow project as a good 
 starting point.
 Having said that, I'd like to get a feel for the 
 commons-workflow community. 
 Who is using it?  What are you using it for?  What do you see 
 are the strengths
 and weaknesses of the project as it stands?  How can I help?
 Mike Colbert
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RE: [workflow] outstanding bugs

2004-05-26 Thread Sharples, Colin
 i'd probably be willing to take a look at the patches once 
 things are a little less hectic (which the way things have 
 been going might be quite a long while) but i suspect that 
 the best plan would be wait until after java one when 
 craig is going to have some more time.

Thanks, Robert, I appreciate the response. Of course, I do know the best way to become 
a committer is to keep on submitting stuff, so I might have a look at a component 
that's a bit more active ;-)

 i admire your dedication and if you could remind us again 
 once digester and validator have been released, that'd be 
 very much appreciated.

I'll do that. Incidentally, it's likely that the project I'm working on will have 
quite a bit of stuff that could be submitted back into workflow. Our first release is 
at the end of July, and after that I'll have a bit of time to look at harvesting some 

Colin Sharples
IBM IT Architect
Mobile: +64 21 402 085

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RE: [workflow] outstanding bugs

2004-05-25 Thread Sharples, Colin
Well, if no-one else wants to do it, how do I get committer rights so that I can do it?


 -Original Message-
 From: Sharples, Colin 
 Sent: Thursday, 13 May 2004 10:31 a.m.
 To: Commons-Dev (E-mail)
 Subject: [workflow] outstanding bugs
 I have a few bugs outstanding on the Workflow component that 
 I would quite like to see fixed - I have supplied patches. 
 Craig is a very busy person, so I don't know if he has time 
 to look at those. Is there anyone else who can take a look at 
 them and apply the patches? The bug numbers are:
 Colin Sharples
 IBM IT Architect
 Mobile: +64 21 402 085

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[workflow] outstanding bugs

2004-05-12 Thread Sharples, Colin

I have a few bugs outstanding on the Workflow component that I would quite like to see 
fixed - I have supplied patches. Craig is a very busy person, so I don't know if he 
has time to look at those. Is there anyone else who can take a look at them and apply 
the patches? The bug numbers are:



Colin Sharples
IBM IT Architect
Mobile: +64 21 402 085

Workflow status

2004-02-11 Thread Sharples, Colin
I've been off the list for a while, but I've started a new project on which I'm using 
the workflow component. Has anything been happening on that lately? The CVS repository 
looks pretty quiet.

I have a couple of patches I'd like to submit - should I put them into bugzilla or 
send them to the list?

Colin Sharples
IBM IT Architect
Mobile: 021 402 085