RE: Performance Issue

2003-07-29 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Eric Johnson a écrit :

 Maybe it is just me, but I can live with a 1ms penalty that
 dramatically increases the reliability of the re-used connections.
 Based on your research, I think we should keep the isStale() check.
 What do others think?

Totally agree, I was getting mad before the isStale method came up, and I've
been moving from b1 to b2 without any trouble here, httpclient works like a
charm and is clearly fast.
Right now I know I can upgrade my httpclient version without any surprise,
and I simply love that !


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RE: [SURVEY] Commons-URI or not?

2003-06-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

As a user of jakarta projects I must say I agree with Chris on this one.

No offense, but in the way I see it HttpClient isn't big enough to be splitted and 
to have one more dependency. I met the same trouble as Chris for commons-logging, 
helpfully most jakarta projects are willing to update to the latest when you ask, but 
sometimes it takes time.


Chris Brown a crit :

 Please NO !!!
 We're now finding it very difficult to use a lot of Jakarta projects,
 because of dependency hell... it's becoming worse than Microsoft's
 famous DLL hell problem.  The more self-contained you can keep an
 API, the better ; yes, there are issues concerning code re-use, but
 at present, we're having great difficulty using more than one Jakarta
 project at a time in our projects. 
 If you only use one Jakarta project at a time, you're generally ok.
 If you try to use more than one Jakarta project at the same time
 within your own projects, you have to hope that no such library
 relies upon any other commons component, because chances are that
 they won't be expecting the same version of each library (they don't
 always include the latest version of each basic API, and each
 main Jakarta API has a different release cycle).  Commons-logging
 is generally included as standard. If each version of an API was
 always backwards-compatible, maybe that'd work, but that's not always
 pratical, realistic, or efficient. 
 Or start hacking around with classloaders... and this too becomes a
 futile exercise when you start deploying things on some versions of
 Tomcat (for example) that helpfully expose common functionality,
 using perhaps incompatible versions of APIs (usually from commons)
 that are obsolete (or more recent than) the versions of these APIs
 required by some other empirical Jakarta library. 
 Some of the recent commons components, such as commons-sql, have a
 ridiculous number of dependencies.
 One other observation about Commons projects (and
 Jakarta/Apache in general)
 ; although code re-use seems like a good idea, I'm now seeing several
 different projects that aim to do more or less the same thing, such
 as : 
  - ant and maven
  - torque and commons-sql
  - oro and regexp
  - tapestry, turbine, etc.
 Furthermore, if there's Log4J, why not just use it, instead of the
 Commons-Logging layer?  If a project goes JDK1.4+ -only after, then
 migrate to java.util.logging ?
 On a personal note, I'm hoping that commons-net, which used to just
 work as-is, doesn't start depending on lots of different API
 I know this is the HttpClient list, and not some general Jakarta
 list, but I sincerely hope that one of the few remaining Jakarta
 projects that doesn't depend on many others doesn't go down the same
 dependency nightmare route as many of the others, so I wanted to
 illustrate *why* (as a user) I feel this way...
 - Chris

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RE: problem with post

2003-03-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I think he's using the 2.0a3 release, and not cvs, and there the Expect:
100-continue was buggy...

I say that cause I had the exact same log with tomcat 4 and 2.0a3

Kalnichevski, Oleg a écrit :

 Now it is clear as day light, that the web server you are
 posting requests to does not support (or does not correctly
 implement) 'Expect: 100-continue' handshake.
 1) What web server are you using? Does the server support HTTP/1.1?
 2) Follow the instructions from my previous post to work the problem
 around Cheers

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RE: [INPUT NEEDED] RE: problem with post

2003-03-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Yes, but the LOG.trace(enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable()); which
had a typo isn't anymore in cvs (it has been removed from httpconnection
here :

So even if you told him to upgrade, I really think he didn't, cause in his
log, there's hundred of enter HttpConnection.responseAvaliable().

That's why you can't even work on that possible bug he met :)

Kalnichevski, Oleg a écrit :

 Upgrade was the VERY first point on the list in my instructions ;-).
 The 'expect: 100-continue' story is far from being over yet.
 I am still working on it. I have been running tests with
 various browsers. Strangely enough, neither IE nor Mozilla
 appear to be using 'expect: 100-continue' handshake at all. I
 am REALLY leaning towards disabling the damn thing per
 default in order to avoid situations like Vikram found himself in
 Folks, what do you think? Shall we disable 'expect:
 100-continue' handshake per default?

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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Sure, I'll try to reproduce it with wire log, as it doesn't happen on every
request :((

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :


 Same request. Could you please produce a wire log of the HTTP
 communication that causes the problem you mentioned?


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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'm sorry I have trouble enabling wire log within my webapp. I'm using
Turbine and in fact it seems HttpClient took the setting from turbine to log
it's info.

I can't find an easy way to enable wirelog in a specific file... I'm not
used to commons logging.

Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

 Sure, I'll try to reproduce it with wire log, as it doesn't happen on
 every request :((

 Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :


 Same request. Could you please produce a wire log of the HTTP
 communication that causes the problem you mentioned?


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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Here is stuff I got from a Post Method, after removing the log of method :

[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  User-Agent: Jakarta
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Host: localhost:8080
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Cookie: $Version=0;
JSESSIONID=6ECE869D6914A8D1E9E5B22813CAEC52; $Path=/generatedApp
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Length: 178
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Expect: 100-continue
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Type:
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  [\r\n]
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - Expecting response
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Waiting for response timeout
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Response not available. Send the request
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Request body sent
[25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] -  

And I think that's were the missing HTTP/ exception came, but I'm not sure

BTW, I think you should remove the log enter
HttpConnection.responseAvaliable(), cause I have like 50.000 lines of it in
my log for only one request... :/

Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

 I'm sorry I have trouble enabling wire log within my webapp. I'm using
 Turbine and in fact it seems HttpClient took the setting from turbine
 to log it's info.

 I can't find an easy way to enable wirelog in a specific file... I'm
 not used to commons logging.

 Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

 Sure, I'll try to reproduce it with wire log, as it doesn't happen
 on every request :((

 Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :


 Same request. Could you please produce a wire log of the HTTP
 communication that causes the problem you mentioned?


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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.18, and my log for Turbine is set to debug (not that
crazy ;)), but httpclient is either logging everything, either nothing...
very weird. I'll have to look further into it sometime.

What you say is weird, I have another line where my post went ok :

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :

 This is the expected behavior with non-compliant HTTP servers. The
 HTTP server apparently does not respond with 100-continue as expected.
 HttpClient resumes sending the request body after 3 second timeout.
 What HTTP server are working with? It appears to have issues with
 HTTP 1.1 spec compliance.

 As to excessive noise in the logs, try using debug verbosity
 instead trace one.


 On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 16:18, Aurelien Pernoud wrote:
 Here is stuff I got from a Post Method, after removing the log of
 method :

 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  User-Agent: Jakarta
 Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha2  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Host: localhost:8080  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Cookie: $Version=0;
 JSESSIONID=6ECE869D6914A8D1E9E5B22813CAEC52; $Path=/generatedApp 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Length: 178 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Expect: 100-continue 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Type:
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - Expecting response
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Waiting for response timeout
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Response not available. Send the
 request body [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Request body sent
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] -  

 And I think that's were the missing HTTP/ exception came, but I'm
 not sure

 BTW, I think you should remove the log enter
 HttpConnection.responseAvaliable(), cause I have like 50.000 lines
 of it in my log for only one request... :/

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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Sorry the fiest mail went out too soon...

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.18, and my log for Turbine is set to debug (not that
crazy ;)), but httpclient is either logging everything, either nothing...
very weird. I'll have to look further into it sometime.

What you say is weird (to me), I have another line where my post went ok :

 POST /generatedApp/servlet HTTP/1.1 [\r\n]
Adding Host request header
 User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha2 [\r\n]
 Host: localhost:8080 [\r\n]
 Content-Length: 65 [\r\n]
 Expect: 100-continue [\r\n]
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded [\r\n]
Expecting response
Response available
 HTTP/1.1 100 Continue [\r\n]

In fact the only difference with the other log is that the other timed out
waiting for response... :

Expecting response
Waiting for response timeout
Response not available. Send the request body
Request body sent

And I don't understand what happens exactly in this case, either in
HttpClient nore on tomcat. You say HttpClient resumes sending the request
after timeout, but here you see I don't have any  after timeout, I have
a  Is it good ?

I'll try disabling the 100 continue cause I think it's the reason of my

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :

 This is the expected behavior with non-compliant HTTP servers. The
 HTTP server apparently does not respond with 100-continue as expected.
 HttpClient resumes sending the request body after 3 second timeout.
 What HTTP server are working with? It appears to have issues with
 HTTP 1.1 spec compliance.

 As to excessive noise in the logs, try using debug verbosity
 instead trace one.


 On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 16:18, Aurelien Pernoud wrote:
 Here is stuff I got from a Post Method, after removing the log of
 method :

 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  User-Agent: Jakarta
 Commons-HttpClient/2.0alpha2  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Host: localhost:8080  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Cookie: $Version=0;
 JSESSIONID=6ECE869D6914A8D1E9E5B22813CAEC52; $Path=/generatedApp 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Length: 178 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Expect: 100-continue 
 [\r\n] [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  Content-Type:
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] -  [\r\n]
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:31 DEBUG] - Expecting response
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Waiting for response timeout
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Response not available. Send the
 request body [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] - Request body sent
 [25 févr. 2003 16:05:34 DEBUG] -  

 And I think that's were the missing HTTP/ exception came, but I'm
 not sure

 BTW, I think you should remove the log enter
 HttpConnection.responseAvaliable(), cause I have like 50.000 lines
 of it in my log for only one request... :/

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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :

 Something is fishy about your setup. I have developed 100-continue
 handshake support for HttpClient using Tomcat 4.1.18. It does handle
 100-continue correctly. I may need to see the complete log of yours in
 order to figure out what is going on there. The only theory I can come
 up with at the moment is that it takes Tomcat more 3 seconds to send
 100-continue response out (which would be quite weird).

Well I resent my mail including the log cause my first mail (the one you
responded) went out too soon, do you need more log ?

What is moreover a trouble is that the connection wasn't released after the
failed post. Indeed as I call method.releaseConnection() and that response
Inputstream is empty, I didn't see anything like
HttpConnectionManager.releaseConnection:  Release connection for
after that request, whereas every other have it.

Should I call myself the releaseconnection(connection used for my request)
on connectionmanager, after my request ended or not ? Is it safe ?

 Are you using Log4j by any chance? If you do, that explains why you
 keep on getting all TRACE entries in your logs. As Log4J does not
 support TRACE verbosity, trace events are printed when DEBUG priority
 is on

You've got it, I'm using Log4J... Well I'll see what I can do then.


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RE: HTTP Post and HTTP/100 (continue)

2003-02-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Ok I'll try it without the Expect: header tomorrow. But what I can surely
say is that I didn't stress Tomcat, I was alone making single requests on
it, not even simultaneously. Of course the logging did stress a little, as
it logged like 4MB in 30 seconds...

I've attached a log more precise on where httpclient went wrong, including
trace (thanks to log4j in fact). I have more log of what happened before if
you want.

I've commented it a little, if you have comments/responses on what I've
written please mail me back, as I'm not so familiar with HTTP protocol :)

Thanx again for your help,

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :

 Aurelien, it looks like you have stressed Tomcat to a point that it
 failed to respond to post requests within 3 sec. Just for a heck of
 it, try disabling Expect: 100-continue handshake and see if that
 makes any difference.

 The problem with connection not being released is troubling. You
 should file a new bug report for this problem.



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RE: [Bug 13463] - Request/Response race condition when doing multiple requests on the same connection.

2003-02-24 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hmm I have a beginning of explanation, though I don't understand why this
may cause the test to fail.

I was running Tomcat via JBuilder, and using the -classic option (for
debug mode).
Removing this option, the test goes fine, nothing is logged (no INFO, no
WARN). With -classic, it fails.
Do you know why ?

But I still don't understand why I have some exceptions running my webapps
in real separated tomcat... I've checked them, they don't have the
-classic option enabled, and I use the httpclient lib the same way I use
it in the testcase.
I'll check my code again and try to find what's happening there.

Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

 Well yes when I tried it Friday it failed a lot, I got some responses
 exchanged (error : I asked for 458 and I got 269 for example)...

 I'll retest it today, but It sure did fail, or maybe I drank too
 much, but usually I don't at work... :))

 I too tested it in tomcat 4.1.18, weird.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 19:24 --- I have tried this new test case, but it seems to work
 fine for me.  I'm running the servet in Tomcat 4.1.18 and have tried
 it with 1000 concurrent requests. Does this test fail for you?


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RE: [Bug 13463] - Request/Response race condition when doing multiple requests on the same connection.

2003-02-23 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Well yes when I tried it Friday it failed a lot, I got some responses
(error : I asked for 458 and I got 269 for example)...

I'll retest it today, but It sure did fail, or maybe I drank too much, but
usually I don't at work... :))

I too tested it in tomcat 4.1.18, weird.


 19:24 --- I have tried this new test case, but it seems to work
 fine for me.  I'm running the servet in Tomcat 4.1.18 and have tried
 it with 1000 concurrent requests. Does this test fail for you?


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RE: [Bug 13463] - Request/Response race condition when doing multiple requests on the same connection.

2003-02-21 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Well, as some changes have been made to httpmethodbase between yesterday
evening, and lines changed were about connection, I tried with current CVS,
still the same :(

I have a little time this afternoon, so I'll try to write a test case, but
this test case may need a servlet on the other part (to maintain session).

 14:26 --- I've retested my webapp using CVS from yesterday
 evening, and I still have many exceptions of this type :
 Error in parsing the
 status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with

 I compared my new sources to my old ones that were using
 HttpMultiClient, they're identical in term of using httpclient lib.
 Except the new one is using HttpMultiThreadConnectionManager instead
 of HttpMultiClient

 The old one never throws HttpException, and in the new one, while
 testing a great number of users using Opensta, if I open a browser
 myself and try to see what happens, I sometimes have the exception
 aboved and sometimes streams are being exchanged one another (looks
 like the original request/race bug where a getresponsebodyasstream is
 not returning the good stream...)

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RE: [PATCH] Fix for bug 16458

2003-02-20 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Ok, I'm gonna test it right now and tell you tomorrow morning if everything
went ok with my app.

Oleg Kalnichevski a écrit :


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RE: [Bug 13463] - Request/Response race condition when doing multiple requests on the same connection.

2003-02-17 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Michael Becke a ecrit :

 Thx to everyone for help, and sorry Mike I made you spend some time
 on it, I hate it :

 Not to worry.  You've discovered some legitimate bugs in HttpClient's
 multi-threaded support.


I just downloaded and compiled httpclient from current cvs, I'll try your
new ConnectionManager to see if it solves my last troubles.

Again, thanks for such a reactivity.

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RE: Moving to 2.0a2

2003-02-07 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Michael Becke wrote :

 Sounds like a reasonable plan.  If you haven't already I would
 recommend looking at HttpClient.executeMethod().  It has a little bit
 of extra code for handling proxies and for opening the connection.

I've seen it, but I think this means I have to use on HttpClient for each
user, cause it's using it's private HttpState to execute the request...
If there was a HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpState state, HttpConnection
conn), that would work, but in my case that's why I first did the hack in
the nightly (ex multiclient), to avoid multiple clients (memory / perf...).
Am I right ?

 Also, be sure to release the connections after you use them.  You can
 use either HttpMethod.releaseConnection() or
 HttpConnection.releaseConnection() to ensure each connection is

Are you sure I have too ? It seems that in the end HttpMethodBase
executeMethod (line 957), there's a call to release the connection used.

Thanx for your advice, I'm going into it now.

Aurelien Pernoud

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RE: Moving to 2.0a2

2003-02-07 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Michael Becke wrote:

 You do not need to use HttpClient in particular.  I would just suggest
 you look at it to make sure you've covered all of your bases.

Oh ok, I've re-read your first mail, now I understand what you meant.

 Are you sure I have too ? It seems that in the end HttpMethodBase
 executeMethod (line 957), there's a call to release the connection

 Yes, you definitely need to release the connection.

Thx for your help, I wanted to be sure of what I was doing.

BTW, I think I'm going to use the HostConfiguration, it's nice to make a
config shareable !!

Really nice work guys, the new client seems very logical to me.

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