Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Mark Boon

On 13-aug-08, at 00:18, David Fotland wrote:

I don't know that joseki knowledge mad Many Faces stronger.  Go  
always used to turn off the joseki libraries in tournaments against  
Faces, since it had a better win rate if it avoided joseki moves.   
I suppose

that's some evidence that joseki knowledge helps.

I think that's not exactly right. Joseki's may help. But another  
important feature of joseki is it makes the game a lot shorter. Since  
both sides potentially are going to agree on a long line of play, the  
whole joseki becomes as if it's one choice. If you play a weaker  
opponent, your chances improve as the game becomes longer. If I  
remember well this was exactly the reason Ken Chen sometimes turned  
joseki off, because he thought the contribution of strength of the  
joseki was smaller than the longer game-length against opponents he  
perceived weaker. Against Goliath he turned joseki on, for exactly  
the same reason.

So if anything this is an argument against josekis, apparently it  
doesn't really add much strength. Against people they helped. But  
probably also because it helped make the game shorter against what  
was by then almost by defintition a stronger opponent. And it made  
people think better of the programs if they saw it play well-known  


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Magnus Persson

Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.

My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.

With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Don Dailey
I want to correct my statement in view of a private discussion with
Gian-Carlo. It turns out that in theory, with a perfectly ordered
search tree, Gian-Carlo is correct that a parallel alpha beta searcher
would search the same number of nodes as a serial searcher.   

It's not what David Fotland was talking about and not what the intent of
my response was to him,  but I DID make a technically inaccurate
statement because I was only right in the case of actual real life
programs that do not have perfectly ordered trees.   It turns out that a
hypothetical program with perfect move ordering would be inefficient for
other reasons, but they would not do wasted work.

So my correction to the statement I made is this:  

Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.

So the point is that real programs do not have perfectly ordered move
trees and if they did, they still wouldn't speed up in linear fashion
with the number of processors.   

- Don

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 23:45 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 20:39 -0700, David Fotland wrote:
  Yes, my alpha-beta searcher still has the big slow evaluation function 
  (about 50 to 100 evaluations a second).
  When I get some free computer time I'll put it on the 19x19 server.  I 
  think it will be much closer to the 1 cpu uct many faces than to the older 
  version 11 many faces.
  Uct also has the advantage that it is much easier to use with multiple 
  CPUs.  I know parallel alpha-beta exists, but my evaluation function is not 
  designed to be thread safe.  If I put a big lock around it, there will be 
  almost no SMP scaling, since almost all the time is in the evaluation, not 
  in the search.
 This is not the case with alpha-beta.  With additional processors,
 alpha-beta always does wasted work, and the more processors the more
 wasted work.  It still always benefits from additional CPU's. 
 - Don
   -Original Message-
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
   Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 8:31 PM
   To: computer-go
   Subject: RE: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!
   On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 20:10 -0700, David Fotland wrote:
Sorry, but I can�t let this statement go past.  The go programs in
90s did local search, but not much global search.  For example Many
Faces did a one ply global search, with a variable depth quiescence
search.  I added an alpha-beta search to Many Faces last year, and it
made a huge improvement in strength.  So it is not true that
alpha-beta pruning hit a roadblock.
   I never doubted alpha-beta but when you say alpha-beta and GO in the
   same sentence, people automatically believe the program is going from
   99% evaluation to 1% evaluation and 99% stupid.  In fact you are still
   spending most of your time evaluating positions.
   I'm still not convinced that you can't make a strong alpha beta GO
   program if you have some imagination.  It cannot just be a converted
   chess program, it has to be different, but still alpha beta at heart.
   It would have to be extremely selective.
   - Don
For me, the big advantage of UCT/MC is that it eliminates the huge,
slow, buggy evaluation function.  Simple playouts are much much
to make bug free.  Bugs in the evaluation function caused many
and are almost impossible to eliminate in traditional programs, since
the evaluation functions are so complex.
It seems that alpha/beta pruning hit a roadblock a long time ago in
go. Now we have MC... which as you increase the number of samples..
you start to get closer to an equivalent alpha/beta. But... there are
still huge groups of samples that are not checked... and if you want
to somehow prove you have the best move... how will you do it? Will
you make the sample size equivalent to the number of possible
How will you do this practically? You can only state with a certain
confidence that you did make the best move and this would be bound by
our computational resources.
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Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Don Dailey
On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 14:38 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
 Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.
 My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
 which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
 database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
 could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.
 With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
 boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
 that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Yes, even in chess it seems to be best if you match the book to the
program.In go it is perhaps not good to even try with a rapidly
changing program.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Magnus Persson

Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.

Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.

But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of  
simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search  
tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?

Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,  
whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Don Dailey
I don't know the answer, but it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out
that the same theoretical issues exist for most reasonable tree search
schemes.  So it is possible that UCT has no superiority over alpha-beta
when it comes to making a parallel program.   But I don't really know.

- Don.

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 16:58 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
 Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
  processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
  about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.
 Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.
 But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of  
 simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search  
 tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?
 Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,  
 whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that UCT has no superiority
over alpha-beta when it comes to making a parallel program.   It has
it's own issues, maybe they reduce to the same issue but just in a
different context?   I don't really know.

- Don

 computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Mark Boon
Not an expert on AB-search or UCT search but there's a subtle  
difference I think. In AB search, if some processors have been  
searching in a branch that is subsequently cut off, the work is 100%  
wasted. In UCT there's no such black-and-white cutting. If you do  
sampling in what then turns out not to be the optimal branch, further  
sampling in the optimal branch may cause the UCT-value to drop to a  
point where you'd otherwise start sampling the sub-optimal branch  
again. So in that case you gain back part of the 'wasted' work.

I'm also inclined to think that the 'chunks' of work that are wasted  
tend to be larger for AB-search than for UCT. But I'm not 100% sure.


On 13-aug-08, at 12:07, Don Dailey wrote:

I don't know the answer, but it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out
that the same theoretical issues exist for most reasonable tree search
schemes.  So it is possible that UCT has no superiority over alpha- 

when it comes to making a parallel program.   But I don't really know.

- Don.

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 16:58 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:

Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with  
processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are  
about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you  

Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.

But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of
simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search
tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?

Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large  

whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that UCT has no superiority
over alpha-beta when it comes to making a parallel program.   It has
it's own issues, maybe they reduce to the same issue but just in a
different context?   I don't really know.

- Don

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Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread terry mcintyre
From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 14:38 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
 Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.
 My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
 which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
 database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
 could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.
 With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
 boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
 that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Yes, even in chess it seems to be best if you match the book to the program. 
In go it is perhaps not good to even try with a rapidly changing program.

So far, all experience with programs and joseki on 19x19 boards has been with 
kyu-level programs, since heretofore there have been no dan-level programs on 
the 19x19 board. The proverb learn joseki, lose three stones may apply to 
programs, for much the same reason - the program does not know how to exploit 
bad moves, nor how to preserve the advantages of playing good moves. 

An approach used for beginners is to learn simpler joseki which are easier to 
get right, and learn how to deal with common overplays. A common strategy by 
stronger players is to throw in an overplay which will baffle the beginner, 
causing him to make an inferior move. These overplays won't ever appear in 
professional game records, nor in most joseki books; they seem to be passed 
along by a secret fraternity.

Many joseki depend upon an exact calculation of liberties and tesuji; in the 
recent demo game between Mogo and Myungwan Kim, Mogo won a capturing race by 
exactly one liberty. Any deviation from correct play would have cost Mogo a 
considerable number of points. It's hard to be sure with so few sample games, 
but I guess that Mogo with a ten-minute clock would have failed to find the 
correct line of play. Hence, any experiments with smaller resources available 
might have found knowledge of that joseki to be of little or negative value.

With the current scarcity of supercomputers devoted to playing Go, it may be 
impossible to take proper advantage of a pro-level opening book - now. The 
takeaway for humans and computers seems to be to learn those joseki which you 
can understand and use well at your current level of skill. Can playouts as 
presently implemented efficiently exploit joseki knowledge? Can they be 
designed to do so?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo version which beat the pro...

2008-08-13 Thread steve uurtamo
 And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java, Assembly, PHP,

This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).

I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized it.  Did you
read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Hideki Kato
Magnus Persson: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
 processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
 about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.

Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.

But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of  
simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search  
tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?

Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay 
line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC 
simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single 

delay   #po winsgames   winning rateELO 1 sigma of wr
0   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
1   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
2   1,000   690 2,000   34.50%  -111.4  1.06%
3   1,000   663 2,000   33.15%  -121.8  1.05%
5   1,000   642 2,000   32.10%  -130.1  1.04%
10  1,000   522 2,000   26.10%  -180.8  0.98%
20  1,000   412 2,000   20.60%  -234.4  0.90%
50  1,000   82  2,000   4.10%   -547.6  0.44%


Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,  
whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

computer-go mailing list
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread steve uurtamo
this is interesting!

perhaps i misunderstand the setup of the experiment -- what
is the unit of measure for the delay, or how is delay being

the FIFO queue is doing what, and where is the delay
being introduced?



On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Hideki Kato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Magnus Persson: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
 processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
 about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.

Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.

But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of
simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search
tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?

 Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay
 line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC
 simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single

 delay   #po winsgames   winning rateELO 1 sigma of wr
 0   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 1   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 2   1,000   690 2,000   34.50%  -111.4  1.06%
 3   1,000   663 2,000   33.15%  -121.8  1.05%
 5   1,000   642 2,000   32.10%  -130.1  1.04%
 10  1,000   522 2,000   26.10%  -180.8  0.98%
 20  1,000   412 2,000   20.60%  -234.4  0.90%
 50  1,000   82  2,000   4.10%   -547.6  0.44%


Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,
whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

computer-go mailing list
 computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo version which beat the pro...

2008-08-13 Thread Don Dailey
I thought Mogo was written in RPG?

- Don

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 09:19 -0700, steve uurtamo wrote:
  And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java, Assembly, PHP,
 This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).
 I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized it.  Did you
 read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Magnus Persson

Quoting Hideki Kato [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay
line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC
simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single

delay   #po winsgames   winning rateELO 1 sigma of wr
0   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
1   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
2   1,000   690 2,000   34.50%  -111.4  1.06%
3   1,000   663 2,000   33.15%  -121.8  1.05%
5   1,000   642 2,000   32.10%  -130.1  1.04%
10  1,000   522 2,000   26.10%  -180.8  0.98%
20  1,000   412 2,000   20.60%  -234.4  0.90%
50  1,000   82  2,000   4.10%   -547.6  0.44%

If I understand this correctly this simulation for delay 50 computes  
50 playouts and then updates the tree.

In Valkyria I do the following. Every simulation from the root with  
their own thread updates all nodes as visited down the tree before  
entering the heavy playout. This means that all moves made in the tree  
are temporarily updated as losses. When a playout has finished, half  
of the moves were winners and updated accordingly.

The idea behind this is that this hopefully avoids searching the same  
path over and over again. Have tried anything like this?

Also your results shows clearly that there is inefficency. But do you  
also have results where for example delay 50 also computes 50x1000  
simulations so that we can see if what it means in practise?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Hideki Kato
steve uurtamo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
this is interesting!

perhaps i misunderstand the setup of the experiment -- what
is the unit of measure for the delay, or how is delay being

the FIFO queue is doing what, and where is the delay
being introduced?

The UCT searcher pushes a position to the FIFO queue upon the end of 
each search but the MC simulator does not get the position until the 
queue overflows.  So, the searcher selects optimal arcs based on the 
older results of simulations by delay times.  Especially at 
beginning, the searcher does blind search and pushes the same 
positions delay times.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Hideki Kato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Magnus Persson: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Quoting Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
 processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
 about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.

Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.

But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of
simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search
tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?

 Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay
 line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC
 simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single

 delay   #po winsgames   winning rateELO 1 sigma of wr
 0   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 1   1,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 2   1,000   690 2,000   34.50%  -111.4  1.06%
 3   1,000   663 2,000   33.15%  -121.8  1.05%
 5   1,000   642 2,000   32.10%  -130.1  1.04%
 10  1,000   522 2,000   26.10%  -180.8  0.98%
 20  1,000   412 2,000   20.60%  -234.4  0.90%
 50  1,000   82  2,000   4.10%   -547.6  0.44%


Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,
whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.

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[computer-go] Some thoughts on the event in Leksand

2008-08-13 Thread Nick Wedd
For the European Go Congress computer Go tournaments, I required 
programs to be actually present.  This was a debatable decision, but is 
not what I propose to discuss now.  I did allow people to send in their 
programs;  I think this was a mistake, and the purpose of this email is 
to explain why.

I encouraged programmers to be present in person to run their programs. 
Those who could not be present in person, I encouraged to appoint 
operators for their programs.  To those who could neither be present, 
nor find someone in Leksand to operate it for them, I promised to find a 
volunteer from among the operators already present, to operate it for 
them.  I anticipated, correctly, that it would be easy for me to find 
such people.

Four people sent in their programs, as zip files in emails to my gmail 
address which I could use in Leksand.  On the day before the tournaments 
I installed and tested these programs on the machines in the playing 
room; and on the day of the tournaments I persuaded volunteers (Esa 
Seuranen and Gunnar Farnebäck) to operate them.

All of this went smoothly, and there was no problem with any of it, so 
far as I am aware.

However, something easily could have gone wrong.
Not all the programs sent as enclosures arrived at the first 
attempt: gmail seems to reject some types of enclosure.
The unzipping was not all trivial, and I was hampered by being 
unable to read Swedish, which the operating system of all the computers 
was using.
Not all the programs ran first time, and I had to make changes to 
batch files.
Not all the configuration files were correctly set for the 
I was, perhaps, lucky in having two very competent programmers 
available as volunteer operators.  In fact they had to do little more 
than click on batch files, but things might have been different.

So, all the tasks I undertook were easy, and I performed them right. 
But there was a significant risk of something going wrong. If I had been 
less competent, or had left less time for preparation, we might now have 
an entrant complaining Nick, it's entirely you fault my program didn't 
get to play.  All you had to do was edit the batch file to refer to the 
correct drive letter for where you chose to install the program.  Surely 
you could have managed that?  You even did it right for one of the other 

I don't mind the work, though it took far longer than I had expected. 
What I want to avoid is the responsibility.  If someone messes up the 
settings of his own program (as happens often enough in the monthly KGS 
events) it is unfortunate, but he has only himself to blame.  If he 
appoints an operator who messes up, that is also unfortunate, but it is 
still no concern of the organisers. But if the tournament organiser 
agrees to help, and then fails to do it right, he has to accept the 
blame for running an unfair tournament.  I would advise all tournament 
organisers to avoid any risk of this.


That all sounds a bit serious, so here's an irrelevant anecdote to 
lighten the tone.

When I first came across microcomputers, in 1981, there was a chess 
program that ran on them.  It played so badly that even I could beat it; 
so I looked for other challenges, such as to stalemate it.  I was 
surprised by its behaviour when stalemated, which I assume was caused by 
its being programmed to make the best move it could manage, where being 
legal was an overriding, but not essential, feature of best move. 
When it was stalemated, it couldn't find a legal move, so it would make 
the best illegal move it could find.  This was typically to pick up my 
queen, change its colour, and capture my rook with it.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Hideki Kato

Magnus Persson: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Quoting Hideki Kato [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay
 line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC
 simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single

 delay#po winsgames   winning rateELO 1 sigma of wr
 01,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 11,000   721 2,000   36.05%  -99.6   1.07%
 21,000   690 2,000   34.50%  -111.4  1.06%
 31,000   663 2,000   33.15%  -121.8  1.05%
 51,000   642 2,000   32.10%  -130.1  1.04%
 10   1,000   522 2,000   26.10%  -180.8  0.98%
 20   1,000   412 2,000   20.60%  -234.4  0.90%
 50   1,000   82  2,000   4.10%   -547.6  0.44%

If I understand this correctly this simulation for delay 50 computes  
50 playouts and then updates the tree.

Not exactly, if I understand correctly.  The UCT searcher and the MC 
simulator is connected by a delay line of fixed size.  So, except 
initial time, the tree is updated on every playout.  The playout is 
sperated in two parts here, the search (descend) of the tree and 
the simulation, and there is a delay between them.  That is, at 
time T, the tree is updated by the result of the simulation of the 
position at (T - 50) if the delay is 50.

In Valkyria I do the following. Every simulation from the root with  
their own thread updates all nodes as visited down the tree before  
entering the heavy playout. This means that all moves made in the tree  
are temporarily updated as losses. When a playout has finished, half  
of the moves were winners and updated accordingly.

The idea behind this is that this hopefully avoids searching the same  
path over and over again. Have tried anything like this?

I use modifying fpu method (fpu was introduced in the first report 
of MoGo).  It's very simple.  Before simulating an optimal arc at a 
leaf node, the value (fpu) of the arc is decreased a little (value *= 
0.99).  This avoids simulating the same node if all arcs have 
the same value or no value (ie. at beginning of UCB1 algorithm) but 
does not avoid repeated simulations of significantly better arcs.

Also your results shows clearly that there is inefficency. But do you  
also have results where for example delay 50 also computes 50x1000  
simulations so that we can see if what it means in practise?

As my implementation expands one node on each simulation like MoGo, 
this happens in practice.  NB: this experiment is for a network 
environment where MC simulation servers return results to a UCT 
searcher client with very long delay.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo version which beat the pro...

2008-08-13 Thread Sylvain Gelly
C++ on linux (with a port on windows using cygwin libraries for the binary


2008/8/13 steve uurtamo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java, Assembly,

 This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).

 I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized it.  Did
 read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] MoGo beats pro: The website

2008-08-13 Thread Chaslot G (MICC)
Dear all,

There were details that were unclear about the victory of MoGo. 
Hence I created a website to gather useful information about this game:



 Message d'origine
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Sylvain Gelly
Date: mer. 8/13/2008 19:54
À: computer-go
Objet : Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo versionwhich 
beat the pro...
C++ on linux (with a port on windows using cygwin libraries for the binary


2008/8/13 steve uurtamo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java, Assembly,

 This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).

 I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized it.  Did
 read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo beats pro: The website

2008-08-13 Thread Jason House
If this is aimed at clearing up ambiguity, you should state which way  
the handicap was given.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 13, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Chaslot G (MICC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dear all,

There were details that were unclear about the victory of MoGo.
Hence I created a website to gather useful information about this  



 Message d'origine
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Sylvain Gelly
Date: mer. 8/13/2008 19:54
À: computer-go
Objet : Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo  
versionwhich beat the pro...

C++ on linux (with a port on windows using cygwin libraries for the  



2008/8/13 steve uurtamo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java,  



This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).

I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized  
it.  Did

read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo beats pro: The website

2008-08-13 Thread terry mcintyre
From: Jason House [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If this is aimed at clearing up ambiguity, you should state which way the 
 handicap was given.

Oops! Now I need to clean off my keyboard! rotflmao!

Mmmm, we already have a hotly-contested estimate that computer programs will 
play pros on an even basis in ten years time.

Shall we now open the pool for computer offers pro a 9 stone handicap and 

On Aug 13, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Chaslot G (MICC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear all,

 There were details that were unclear about the victory of MoGo.
 Hence I created a website to gather useful information about this  



computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] What was the specific design of the Mogo version which beat the pro...

2008-08-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

steve uurtamo wrote:

And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java, Assembly, PHP,

This made coffee spray out of my nose (PHP).

I think that C is most likely, based upon how they parallelized it.  Did you
read the list posting that mentioned (briefly) how they scaled it up?

MoGo is written in C++.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Mark Boon wrote:

Not an expert on AB-search or UCT search but there's a subtle
difference I think. In AB search, if some processors have been
searching in a branch that is subsequently cut off, the work is 100%
wasted. In UCT there's no such black-and-white cutting. If you do
sampling in what then turns out not to be the optimal branch, further
sampling in the optimal branch may cause the UCT-value to drop to a
point where you'd otherwise start sampling the sub-optimal branch
again. So in that case you gain back part of the 'wasted' work.

I'm also inclined to think that the 'chunks' of work that are wasted
 tend to be larger for AB-search than for UCT. But I'm not 100% sure.

The problem is that the optimal settings for UCT appear to be much 
stronger on the exploitation side than on the exploration side, making 
it much more likely that such work is really wasted.

It is not so obvious to me any more what the differences are between a 
state of the art UCT searcher (i.e. with nearly no exploration) and a 
state of the art alpha-beta searcher (i.e. with heavy late move reductions).

They both just hammer out the mainline deeper until the score drops a 
bit, or an alternative rises strongly.

UCT without exploration is just minimax, no?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Zach Wegner
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is that the optimal settings for UCT appear to be much stronger
 on the exploitation side than on the exploration side, making it much more
 likely that such work is really wasted.

I'm not sure it's that clear. In a node where one move is the clear
favorite, and exploitation repeatedly selects it, then the selection
of this move would be the same even with slightly outdated
information. But in a node with many equal moves, it's more likely
that new information will make the best move (by UCT) change. IMO it's
pretty hard to waste work in UCT, as each playout adds some
information. The question is, how much, and the UCB part of UCT is
there to maximize the information we do get.

Of course I'm talking about a shared memory model, where the
information available to any processor is equal, but might be outdated
by at most a few playouts. If you have a MoGo-style distributed model,
you are indeed correct. I can see bad moves high up in the tree being
explored many times by different processors. I think their distributed
model has a lot of room for improvement (but it is of course quite an
achievement to get a big improvement on such hardware at all from my
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-13 Thread Erik van der Werf
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mark Boon wrote:

 Not an expert on AB-search or UCT search but there's a subtle
 difference I think. In AB search, if some processors have been
 searching in a branch that is subsequently cut off, the work is 100%
 wasted. In UCT there's no such black-and-white cutting. If you do
 sampling in what then turns out not to be the optimal branch, further
 sampling in the optimal branch may cause the UCT-value to drop to a
 point where you'd otherwise start sampling the sub-optimal branch
 again. So in that case you gain back part of the 'wasted' work.

 I'm also inclined to think that the 'chunks' of work that are wasted
  tend to be larger for AB-search than for UCT. But I'm not 100% sure.

 The problem is that the optimal settings for UCT appear to be much stronger
 on the exploitation side than on the exploration side, making it much more
 likely that such work is really wasted.

 It is not so obvious to me any more what the differences are between a state
 of the art UCT searcher (i.e. with nearly no exploration) and a state of the
 art alpha-beta searcher (i.e. with heavy late move reductions).

One might consider heuristics like AMAF, pattern knowledge, etc. to be
simply a more effective way to guide exploration. The UCB term has no
domain-specific knowledge. It works surprisingly well but it should be
no surprise that one can do better with domain-specific knowledge.

 They both just hammer out the mainline deeper until the score drops a bit,
 or an alternative rises strongly.

 UCT without exploration is just minimax, no?

The move/path selection behaves like a best-first minimax, but where
are the min/max operators in the updates?

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Arc vs. Move

2008-08-13 Thread Darren Cook
Hideki Kato wrote:
 queue overflows.  So, the searcher selects optimal arcs based on the
 older results of simulations by delay times.  Especially at

Hi Hideki,
You have used the word arc a few times, and it seems to mean move, but
I wondered if there was some nuance intended. (E.g. maybe an arc can be
a forced sequence of more than one move, or something like that)?


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Arc vs. Move

2008-08-13 Thread Hideki Kato
Hi Darren,

Hideki Kato wrote:
 queue overflows.  So, the searcher selects optimal arcs based on the
 older results of simulations by delay times.  Especially at

Hi Hideki,
You have used the word arc a few times, and it seems to mean move, but
I wondered if there was some nuance intended. (E.g. maybe an arc can be
a forced sequence of more than one move, or something like that)?

No, the reason I use arc is just because it's one of the pair {node, 
arc} in mathematics (at least in my mind :-).   In contrast, I use 
move for the people who are more familiar with Go than 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Some thoughts on the event in Leksand

2008-08-13 Thread Stuart A. Yeates
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 5:05 AM, Nick Wedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I first came across microcomputers, in 1981, there was a chess program
 that ran on them.  It played so badly that even I could beat it; so I looked
 for other challenges, such as to stalemate it.  I was surprised by its
 behaviour when stalemated, which I assume was caused by its being programmed
 to make the best move it could manage, where being legal was an overriding,
 but not essential, feature of best move. When it was stalemated, it
 couldn't find a legal move, so it would make the best illegal move it could
 find.  This was typically to pick up my queen, change its colour, and
 capture my rook with it.

Now there's a feature that would make a tournament interesting...

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Some thoughts on the event in Leksand

2008-08-13 Thread Dave Dyer

This was typically to pick up my queen, change its colour, and
 capture my rook with it.

Now there's a feature that would make a tournament interesting...

If this appeals to you, try Martian Chess or Shogi

computer-go mailing list