Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
Hi Joshua,

Yes, I think it was implicitly understood that these chess competitions
were about creating the best chess playing (non-human) entity.   However
human nature being what it is we attach the author to the program and
judge the author through his program. 

However, if you create a really strong program even on modest hardware,
opportunities open up.   Some company, or in my case a university, will
approach you and give you some support.

- Don

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 00:16 -0500, Joshua Shriver wrote:
 When I was big into Chess programming this was a sore topic for me as
 well. I felt it was unfair for people competing in the WCCC to win if
 they had a cluster of of 100 PCs, a Cray, etc,  when another person
 was using a P200mhz.
 I believe it was Dr. Hyatt that said this and it made a lot of sense
 to me It's not just about creating the best chess program, it's
 creating the best playing machine
 So when you look at competitions that dont have hardware limits, you
 can't look at it like Engine X is the best in the world. You have to
 look at it like Engine X + this hardware setup is the best in the
 world; and take it with a grain of salt.
 Even if you did set hardware limits, it would be a hard task.  Even if
 it's just a single PC do you use single core or multicore? Multicore
 would help those who have parallelized their code but hurt others. Is
 it fair?  There's no real line that can be drawn, because on the flip
 side I wouldnt find it fair if I had written a parallel engine and
 spent all that time and effort to only be limited to 1 core.
 Just my $0.02.  
 For now I tend to be of the opinion that in competitions, one
 should be able to bring your own hardware or run on standard
 hardware provided by organizers. The restriction that the
 hardware be physically present allows for enough flexibility
 that people or teams can try different set-ups (like a row of
 PS3s) while avoiding having people with access to a big
 cluster compete with people who only have access to a PC.
 But similarly to the competition of building the most powerful
 computer in the world, I can see room for a competition
 between big clusters that play Go as well. One doesn't have to
 be to the exclusion of the other. Think of car-racing. You
 have drag-racing where they use rockets to cross half a mile
 as fast as possible and you have F1-racing where the
 'hardware' is constrained within certain limits.
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
The thing about computer chess is that the swift do not always win the
race.   Many times in the past modest hardware has beaten powerful
hardware.   Even Deep Blue didn't always win the tournaments it played

They came to one competition and Campbell told me that they had
estimated their winning chances at about 50/50 - which was far ahead of
any of the other competitors.   As it turns out, Fritz won that
particular time on one of the least powerful machines that was at that

- Don

On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 22:27 -0800, Dave Dyer wrote:
 Lets look at it another way - no one would care what hardware
 you choose to use, unless you win.   So at the very least, you
 ought to be able to use arbitrary hardware until it becomes 
 established that only that class of hardware can win.
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-15 Thread steve uurtamo
my biased $0.02:

i don't think that the point is to call it even.
someone's got to win, and everyone else has
to come in = 2nd place.  moreover, pretending
as if this is the kind of contest that can be won
with money (or hardware) alone is just sour grapes.

one way to make this a contest about algorithms
would be to require everyone's code to run on
identical hardware under the identical operating

how much fun would that be?

not very much at all.

imagine that you're used to being able to fit a
very frequently-accessed table entirely in ram.  in
fact, many of your other data structures and code flow
are built around the fact that it fits entirely in ram on
your box.  then imagine that the contest hardware has
less ram and that you get to spend 90% of your thinking time
watching the machine swap, or rewrite all of your code.
no thanks.

sure, this is the opposite of the problem that is being
described -- instead of it being a sad story for the
guy who has tiny hardware, it's a sad story for the guy
who has access to better hardware.  in neither case is
it a really sad story, however.  it's just that arbitrary limits
always cause problems for somebody.

the *only* time where hardware could really become an
issue is if everyone competing is using algorithms all of
which scale at roughly the same rate, all of which parallelize
at roughly the same rate, etc.  talk about a boring contest!

this isn't an asymptotic problem requiring an algorithmic
solution.  this is a fixed-size board requiring a best of show
answer.  whoever gets there, however they get there, deserves
to win, as long as the machines are choosing their own

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-15 Thread Ryan Grant
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:47 AM, steve uurtamo wrote:
 this isn't an asymptotic problem requiring an algorithmic
 solution.  this is a fixed-size board requiring a best of show
 answer.  whoever gets there, however they get there, deserves
 to win, as long as the machines are choosing their own

scalability is still essential and beautiful.
the unlimited class winner will always be important.

hardware access is very unevenly distributed.
yet access to hardware currently matters in every tournament.
some people like that part of the game, some don't.

there is the potential for people in this community to speak up
and create a culture that rewards good algorithm design as much
as possible.  to do so requires at least noticing hardware power.

- Ryan
computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-15 Thread dave.devos
Still, in the unlimited class of a rally from Bagdad to Beijing, it is probably 
not the dragracer nor the solar car that wins, but the landrover with good road 
maps and a GPS.
I agree with most posters that in the end, you have to find the best thing to 
do the job. Hardware could play a major role in your solution, but you need 
more than just that to win.

Van: namens Ryan Grant
Verzonden: vr 16-1-2009 3:55
Aan: computer-go
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:47 AM, steve uurtamo wrote:
 this isn't an asymptotic problem requiring an algorithmic
 solution.  this is a fixed-size board requiring a best of show
 answer.  whoever gets there, however they get there, deserves
 to win, as long as the machines are choosing their own

scalability is still essential and beautiful.
the unlimited class winner will always be important.

hardware access is very unevenly distributed.
yet access to hardware currently matters in every tournament.
some people like that part of the game, some don't.

there is the potential for people in this community to speak up
and create a culture that rewards good algorithm design as much
as possible.  to do so requires at least noticing hardware power.

- Ryan
computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread David Doshay

Programmers work on all kinds of hardware. Making them port their
code to some arbitrary standard platform is not a great idea. Just
as one voice, I will not bother to port my code to a different box. So,
if the competitions are all on the same hardware you are running a
*Go -playing-programs-developed-on-that-platform* competition.
And that sounds silly to me.

I have been working on Go on moderate sized clusters (25 - 75 CPUs)
for about 5 years. Most of my work has shown that it is not trivial to
write a program that scales reasonably over those processors. It is far
from trivial to develop and debug programs that run on clusters. More
hardware is no guarantee of a stronger program and is not a simple
way to get one.


On 13, Jan 2009, at 6:26 AM, Petr Baudis wrote:

Is it a _Go program_
competition? Or _Go-playing computer_ competition? I think in the  

case it would make most sense to just run all the programs on the same
hardware provided by the organizers.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread terry mcintyre
- Original Message 

 From: David Doshay

 Programmers work on all kinds of hardware. Making them port their
 code to some arbitrary standard platform is not a great idea. Just
 as one voice, I will not bother to port my code to a different box. So,
 if the competitions are all on the same hardware you are running a
 *Go -playing-programs-developed-on-that-platform* competition.
 And that sounds silly to me.
 I have been working on Go on moderate sized clusters (25 - 75 CPUs)
 for about 5 years. Most of my work has shown that it is not trivial to
 write a program that scales reasonably over those processors. It is far
 from trivial to develop and debug programs that run on clusters. More
 hardware is no guarantee of a stronger program and is not a simple
 way to get one.

Amen! Furthermore, I'd strongly encourage developers using clusters, even 
supercompter-sized clusters -- these are the forerunners of computers which you 
and I will use next year, or ten years from now. The existence of strong 
competitors will spur candidates with more ordinary quad and octo-core 
computers to work harder to optimize their codes. As David Levy admitted, 
microprocessors have done quite creditably in competion with mainframes in the 
Chess world.

I was delighted to see Mogo on a supercomputer pitted against a professional Go 
player. That experiment surely raised many interesting questions. How big would 
a supercomputer need to be, to beat a pro on an even game? What other 
refinements to the program would be needed? Could the program be optimized to 
use the hardware even more effectively? Would an FPGA be able to deliver the 
processing power needed in a smaller hardware package?

I would not want the design space for computer Go to be restricted to 
currently available desktop computers, especially when that target advances 
so rapidly.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread terry mcintyre
The proposed performance-per-watt metric would probably give Sicortex a leg up.

Imagine the headline: Ten MIT cyclists power supercomputer which defeats pro Go 
Player :D

Subsequently, a fierce battle rages over whether to require cyclists to be 
selected randomly from the geek population, instead of letting those with 
superior quads take the crown.

Terry McIntyre

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread steve uurtamo
also, it's quite surprising how few watts the human
brain uses.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread David Doshay

I think the whole concept of taking on performance per watt in
the restricted domain of Go playing programs is silly. Are we to
spend our time searching for the Transmeta cores and porting
to those?

Saving energy is a fine thing. Lets leave that to various hardware
engineers in the semiconductor industry. Or, if you think this is
such a grand idea then you should offer up the prize money and
then we can all see who comes to compete for it.

Lets stick to writing algorithms and use time restrictions in play
against each other and against humans for our metrics. It is not
the case that a successful algorithm on one CPU is a good one
for putting on a cluster. Different people will try different things,
some on one CPU, some to take advantage of the newer multi-core
CPUs, and some will try things on multiple CPUs. It is all good,
and these things are not directly interchangeable. I invite you to
spend a few hours debugging an MPI application if you think
there is a simple relationship between the power of the computer
and the strength of the program.

Putting a V12 engine in a soap-box derby car will not make it win.
It is not that simple.


On 14, Jan 2009, at 11:58 AM, Ryan Grant wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 9:22 AM, David Doshay wrote:

if the competitions are all on the same hardware you are running a
*Go -playing-programs-developed-on-that-platform* competition.
And that sounds silly to me.

it would be worthwhile for this community to reward authors of
efficient algorithms.

authors of the best algorithms, once clearly identified, could
line up for grants to port to larger architectures, to see
whether their work scales.  newcomers would have a strong
incentive to try their ideas, even if they're not aligned with
large computing resources.  while we don't currently have such
funding, clear community demand would be an important step in
realizing it.

for any architecture, we can measure which algorithms are getting
the best results, per rough unit of computation resources.  one
very honest measurement is electricity.  electricity can be
estimated where it is not closely measured.

here is a thread from July which tries to outline this in more

 Elo-joules / honest clusters / Re: tournaments

   arrange a Green Computer Go tournament, in which the
   wattage used by each machine is well monitored.  play a
   marathon to calculate rankings, then normalize based on each
   contestant's sum of game-relative joules.  the best Elo /
   joules ratio determines the winner.

- Ryan
computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Mark Boon

On Jan 14, 2009, at 8:39 PM, David Doshay wrote:

Saving energy is a fine thing. Lets leave that to various hardware
engineers in the semiconductor industry. Or, if you think this is
such a grand idea then you should offer up the prize money and
then we can all see who comes to compete for it.

Actually, this is one of IBM's sales-pitches. That their big computers  
use less energy per transaction than most other setups, whether  
they're super-computers or clusters. Maybe we can ask them to sponsor  
an event :-).

I think we need to encourage a wide variety of approaches to make  
progress. Severe restrictions on the hardware to be used doesn't fit  
in that. But MCTS programs are known to scale well. So it's also not  
desirable to have a single-CPU computer compete with a 3,000 CPU  
cluster and call it even. So personally I'm still of the opinion that  
you can roughly divide competitions between 'all you can carry' and  
'as large and powerful as you can arrange'. That will suffice for now.  
I'm sure computer-Go has quite a bit to go before it's in a similar  
situation as computer-chess.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
When I was big into Chess programming this was a sore topic for me as well.
I felt it was unfair for people competing in the WCCC to win if they had a
cluster of of 100 PCs, a Cray, etc,  when another person was using a

I believe it was Dr. Hyatt that said this and it made a lot of sense to me
It's not just about creating the best chess program, it's creating the best
playing machine

So when you look at competitions that dont have hardware limits, you can't
look at it like Engine X is the best in the world. You have to look at it
like Engine X + this hardware setup is the best in the world; and take it
with a grain of salt.

Even if you did set hardware limits, it would be a hard task.  Even if it's
just a single PC do you use single core or multicore? Multicore would help
those who have parallelized their code but hurt others. Is it fair?  There's
no real line that can be drawn, because on the flip side I wouldnt find it
fair if I had written a parallel engine and spent all that time and effort
to only be limited to 1 core.

Just my $0.02.

 For now I tend to be of the opinion that in competitions, one should be
 able to bring your own hardware or run on standard hardware provided by
 organizers. The restriction that the hardware be physically present allows
 for enough flexibility that people or teams can try different set-ups (like
 a row of PS3s) while avoiding having people with access to a big cluster
 compete with people who only have access to a PC.

 But similarly to the competition of building the most powerful computer in
 the world, I can see room for a competition between big clusters that play
 Go as well. One doesn't have to be to the exclusion of the other. Think of
 car-racing. You have drag-racing where they use rockets to cross half a mile
 as fast as possible and you have F1-racing where the 'hardware' is
 constrained within certain limits.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Joshua Shriver
I must be out of touch, didnt know Rybka could run on a cluster :) last I
checked he was about to release a smp version.
Lots to catch up on.


 In chess, one team is firmly dominating (Rybka), and they have since
 last year also managed to acquire the best hardware (40 core cluster).
 This makes them essentially unbeatable.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-14 Thread Dave Dyer

Lets look at it another way - no one would care what hardware
you choose to use, unless you win.   So at the very least, you
ought to be able to use arbitrary hardware until it becomes 
established that only that class of hardware can win.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-13 Thread Petr Baudis
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 02:21:17PM +0100, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Mark Boon wrote:
  So it seems arbitrary to put limitations on the hardware. However, if
  two programs are essentially the same, but one side manages to bring
  a more powerful computer than the other, is it fair to award one
  program a prize and not the other?
 If the programmer has done the needed work to make use of that,
 obviously he deserves to be rewarded for that.

However, how do you account for the other way, which seems far more
likely to me, that a team has better program but not enough resources
to buy high-end hardware to run it on, therefore losing anyway? The
concern being, not only the quality of the program is rewarded, but also
the amount of resources available to the team, which seems unfair to me
if the goal of the competition would be to choose the best program.

This scenario seems to me far more likely than the other way around, but
I am not familiar with the actual practice and scenarios of Chess and Go

Maybe what should be qualified is really what kind of competitions are
we talking about, and name them appropriately. Is it a _Go program_
competition? Or _Go-playing computer_ competition? I think in the former
case it would make most sense to just run all the programs on the same
hardware provided by the organizers. In the latter case, you do not have
to worry about any restrictions on hardware at all.

Petr Pasky Baudis
The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty
in the morning feeling just terrible. -- Jean Kerr
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-10 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Dave Dyer wrote:

 I think general hardware limits are good, because they will permit
 more teams to be competitive without altering the nature of the

So in effect, it's an admission that the strength of some teams should
be crippled in a completely arbitrary way, because they are to good for
the others.

It's nice that someone admits this in writing.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-10 Thread Mark Boon

On Jan 10, 2009, at 8:16 AM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

Dave Dyer wrote:

I think general hardware limits are good, because they will permit
more teams to be competitive without altering the nature of the

So in effect, it's an admission that the strength of some teams should
be crippled in a completely arbitrary way, because they are to good  

the others.

It's nice that someone admits this in writing.

Please, don't sneer. Different people have different ideas about  
things. If you don't agree with them, try to make them see your point  
of view by way of arguments. Don't get personal, it won't help you in  
any way. Rather the contrary, people will become less inclined to  
listen to you.

We are trying to make computers play Go as well as possible. That  
inevitably has both a hardware and a software side to it. So it seems  
arbitrary to put limitations on the hardware. However, if two programs  
are essentially the same, but one side manages to bring a more  
powerful computer than the other, is it fair to award one program a  
prize and not the other?

This is not an easy matter. Taking an extreme standpoint one way or  
the other is going to be difficult to maintain.

For now I tend to be of the opinion that in competitions, one should  
be able to bring your own hardware or run on standard hardware  
provided by organizers. The restriction that the hardware be  
physically present allows for enough flexibility that people or teams  
can try different set-ups (like a row of PS3s) while avoiding having  
people with access to a big cluster compete with people who only have  
access to a PC.

But similarly to the competition of building the most powerful  
computer in the world, I can see room for a competition between big  
clusters that play Go as well. One doesn't have to be to the exclusion  
of the other. Think of car-racing. You have drag-racing where they use  
rockets to cross half a mile as fast as possible and you have F1- 
racing where the 'hardware' is constrained within certain limits.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-10 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Mark Boon wrote:

 Please, don't sneer. 


I have seen a lot of discussion, but no good reasons that make sense for
the decision that was made.

What Davy Dyer said IS a good reason, and most likely the real one. But
the people in favor of the decision will not like to admit this. So it's
good that at least one person realizes it.

 We are trying to make computers play Go as well as possible.

The decision does not affect the Go tournament at all, where 3000 CPU
clusters are still fully allowed to compete against single CPU programs.

The thing is that in Go the small hardware is still beating the bigger one.

In chess, one team is firmly dominating (Rybka), and they have since
last year also managed to acquire the best hardware (40 core cluster).
This makes them essentially unbeatable.

And clearly, some of their commercial competitors have a problem with that.

 So it seems arbitrary to put limitations on the hardware. However, if
 two programs are essentially the same, but one side manages to bring
 a more powerful computer than the other, is it fair to award one
 program a prize and not the other?

If the programmer has done the needed work to make use of that,
obviously he deserves to be rewarded for that.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Hardware limits

2009-01-09 Thread Dave Dyer

I think general hardware limits are good, because they will permit
more teams to be competitive without altering the nature of the

computer-go mailing list