On Jan 14, 2009, at 8:39 PM, David Doshay wrote:

Saving energy is a fine thing. Lets leave that to various hardware
engineers in the semiconductor industry. Or, if you think this is
such a grand idea then you should offer up the prize money and
then we can all see who comes to compete for it.

Actually, this is one of IBM's sales-pitches. That their big computers use less energy per transaction than most other setups, whether they're super-computers or clusters. Maybe we can ask them to sponsor an event :-).

I think we need to encourage a wide variety of approaches to make progress. Severe restrictions on the hardware to be used doesn't fit in that. But MCTS programs are known to scale well. So it's also not desirable to have a single-CPU computer compete with a 3,000 CPU cluster and call it even. So personally I'm still of the opinion that you can roughly divide competitions between 'all you can carry' and 'as large and powerful as you can arrange'. That will suffice for now. I'm sure computer-Go has quite a bit to go before it's in a similar situation as computer-chess.


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