my biased $0.02:

i don't think that the point is to call it even.
someone's got to win, and everyone else has
to come in <= 2nd place.  moreover, pretending
as if this is the kind of contest that can be won
with money (or hardware) alone is just sour grapes.

one way to make this a contest about algorithms
would be to require everyone's code to run on
identical hardware under the identical operating

how much fun would that be?

not very much at all.

imagine that you're used to being able to fit a
very frequently-accessed table entirely in ram.  in
fact, many of your other data structures and code flow
are built around the fact that it fits entirely in ram on
your box.  then imagine that the contest hardware has
less ram and that you get to spend 90% of your "thinking time"
watching the machine swap, or rewrite all of your code.
no thanks.

sure, this is the opposite of the problem that is being
described -- instead of it being a sad story for the
guy who has tiny hardware, it's a sad story for the guy
who has access to better hardware.  in neither case is
it a really sad story, however.  it's just that arbitrary limits
always cause problems for somebody.

the *only* time where hardware could really become an
issue is if everyone competing is using algorithms all of
which scale at roughly the same rate, all of which parallelize
at roughly the same rate, etc.  talk about a boring contest!

this isn't an asymptotic problem requiring an algorithmic
solution.  this is a fixed-size board requiring a "best of show"
answer.  whoever gets there, however they get there, deserves
to win, as long as the machines are choosing their own

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