Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-03 Thread Chris Dunford
 I dunno.  As the mother of four boys that have 
 been doing the whole game system thing since 
 the Atari/Pong days,  according to my kids,  plus
 all of their friends for nigh on too many years 
 to mention, our current  XBox is better than 
 anything  that's come before.  According to  them, 
 the XBox is far superior.  Personally, I'm not real  
 interested in the graphics, sound, or anything else 
 that they seem to  think makes it superior.  After 
 a couple of decades of being Nintendo clan, I was a 
 bit surprised m'self...but it is what it is. Hasn't 
 missed a beat since the original purchase.  If it  
 died tomorrow, I would have more than gotten my 
 money's worth.

 PS.   A lot of people make fun of us old folks that 
 buy the WII  fit. :-)

Thanks, this is the same thing my kids and virtually all of their friends say. 
My son's opinion is that it's not even a contest. When we got the Wii (yes, for 
exercise), he played with it for an hour or so, said Eh, and went back to the 

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Re: [CGUYS] PC to Mac printing

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Epsons do not network print well.

My RX700 is hooked up to my main system upstairs which is directly 
hooked into the hub.  Cannot send a print job via the network and get 
it to print at all.

I have to send it to the printer it's directly hooked up to and do a 
remote control print from that computer.


At 04:47 PM 3/31/2009, you wrote:

This is often such a mess to configure that I usually just spend the $30
for a hardware print server or connect through a router or WiFi AP that
has a printer port.

However, the R800 is a fine art photo printer that is intended to work
directly connected to a computer. The driver has many options and these
are unlikely to be accessible over a network. I don't see that Epson
provides a networkable software print driver for the R800. So I expect
you would be losing capability if you did this. Also note that the R800
is not intended for high volume printing so probably won't last long in a
networked arrangement.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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[CGUYS] Angry Luddites attack Google Street View car

2009-04-03 Thread Chris Dunford
I thought this was an April Fool's joke, but it's not. Well, the picture is,
sort of, but the story apparently isn't.

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 Won't hurt to go to and run a shields up scan either.
 Anything other than green on an all ports scan should be
 cause for concern.

On top of that, you should use Secunia's Personal Software Inspector.  Since
many of the security problems today are also from 3rd party apps (I'm
looking at you Flash and QuickTime), PSI will keep you on top of insecure
apps and it gives you the shortcut to d/l the new version.  It even scans
for MS patches.

Free, but Windows only.

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
  I dunno.  As the mother of four boys that have
  been doing the whole game system thing since
  the Atari/Pong days,  according to my kids,  plus
  all of their friends for nigh on too many years
  to mention, our current  XBox is better than
  anything  that's come before.  According to  them,
  the XBox is far superior.  Personally, I'm not real
  interested in the graphics, sound, or anything else
  that they seem to  think makes it superior.  After
  a couple of decades of being Nintendo clan, I was a
  bit surprised m'self...but it is what it is. Hasn't
  missed a beat since the original purchase.  If it
  died tomorrow, I would have more than gotten my
  money's worth.
  PS.   A lot of people make fun of us old folks that
  buy the WII  fit. :-)

I'm holding a Wii over my kids' heads for straight A's on the next set of 
report cards.  They are very stoked by the idea.

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Ranbo
Are you calling us PC users April fools?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 well, no; just that it has the potential to wreck a lot of harm, like
 your personal info. from computer.

 Not really. If you cared about this kind of stuff you would not be using
 a PC.

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Re: [CGUYS] toast

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 That just shows how much you have been deprived. People love their
 iMacs, MacBooks, Minis, iPods, iPhones, and iTouchs. They are truly
 excited by them. They love how useful thay are in their lives. They
 their style and their great engineering. Look at a MS product and your
 eyes tear.

If there isn't already such a thing as mechaphilia, there might be soon.

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 MS certainly has. Most obviously, they neglected InternetExplorer for
 years and are now playing catch up. Waiting years for Vista and then
 getting a flop is another. They are behind in cloud computing. Their
 search engine is a very distant third so they are really back in the
 with many little companies. I think much of their enterprise software
 substandard. They make some nice mice, but they are not top drawer.
 lost out to Wii. The Zune is a zune.
 Can you name something MS makes that is considered best quality in its
 category? I can't think of anything.

I thought they were an unstoppable juggernaut?

Oh, you have 2 opinions that conflict with one another.  Am I surprised?

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Re: [CGUYS] Audacity problem - sounds like an audio hardware problem

2009-04-03 Thread David Turk
Turns out it was the cables.  I ran a line from the headphones jack to the Line 
In,  the sound was back to its higher quality.  Not sure why the mike I used 
to test the system didn't sound as good as it did on other computers.  We do 
have have quite a few devices plugged into this system--2 scanners, an external 
HD--maybe some interference from them?


David Turk
Manager, Preservation Imaging Services
Indiana Historical Society
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center
450 W. Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202
(317) 232-4592
-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List [] On 
Behalf Of E. Riley Casey
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Audacity problem - sounds like an audio hardware problem

So what?  The balanced to unbalanced conversion apparently worked 
fine for a number of transfers up to now.  The next time you have to 
send your audio 100 meters with the cable next to a power line you 
can start to sweat your interconnects.

Your original description sounds very much like your interconnect has 
become  one legged .  Wuzzat you ask ?  Two of the three pins on 
your professional tape machine expect to see some kind of connection 
- specifically pins 2  3.  Pin one is the shield or ground and it's 
a bit more leisurely in it's  connection requirements ( thats part of 
what a three pin balanced connection is all about ).  Normally in the 
setup you are employing pin 2 would be connected ( eventually through 
your tortured path of adaptors ) to the tip of the final plug while 
pin 3 would be connected to the shield of the final plug .  This 
would complete the circuit for the balanced line output and give it 
something to deliver sound to.  It sounds like the connection for pin 
2 or 3 has been lost and thus the tape deck with it's transformer 
balanced output has no place to send it's audio to.  I would suggest 
connecting the adaptor cables to some other device like a stereo 
system to see if things suddenly improve.  It does sound a bit off 
kilter that your coming out of the line level output of the tape deck 
and into the mic level input of the computer ( they normally  operate 
at very different levels ) but if as you say it has worked well 
before and assuming you have made no other changes it should work 
well again after you sort out problems in the wiring.  There are 
professional audio interfaces that accept line level XLR ( thats 
those three pronged thingies ) connections and output digitized audio 
to Firewire or USB connections but your into hundreds or more dollars 
in investment to replace a $20 solution that should work fine once 
you have it sorted out.

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Re: [CGUYS] Angry Luddites attack Google Street View car

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 I thought this was an April Fool's joke, but it's not. Well, the
 picture is,
 sort of, but the story apparently isn't.

Zombies.  I hate British zombies.

As I was coming out of the parking garage at work the other day, a MS Live
Streets van drove past me, tho' I'm not sure it was taking pics when it did.
I was wondering what this van was with this vacuum cleaner-looking appendage
on its roof was.

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Re: [CGUYS] Laptop Hunters

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 Seriously, this is funnier than Monty Python's old Ministry of

No, it isn't!

If only this thread would pine for the fjords.

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Re: [CGUYS] Angry Luddites attack Google Street View car

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
As I was coming out of the parking garage at work the other day, a MS Live
Streets van drove past me, tho' I'm not sure it was taking pics when it did.
I was wondering what this van was with this vacuum cleaner-looking appendage
on its roof was.

Vans dispatched globally to suck up everyone's remaining cash. Watch out 
for the pocket vac attachment!

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Re: [CGUYS] Not cool enough - in full color

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
I was thinking something else.

Truly Pious?

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Re: [CGUYS] PC to Mac printing

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
Is this something a novice can install/set up? A friend wants to be
able to print from either a PC or a Mac.

The ones I've done do not come with instructions for the Mac, but it is 
the standard add printer procedure. The trick is that the printer's name 
is the ID number on the bottom of its case. But finding the printer 
should not be an issue on a small network.

With Windows there is an installer with on-screen directions that should 
be followed. Curiously, the PC installer's on-screen directions provide 
the only directions for setting it up on a Mac. What were they thinking?

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-03 Thread Chris Dunford
 However those IC's still fail in those units.
 Both my Son-in-law and his friend had theirs crash in the last 3
 One extended warranty one not.

Well, your son et al have been most unlucky. All I can say is that our
anecdotal evidence is quite different from yours, and that I have not seen
anything in the press about unusual failure rates in the newer boxes.

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Re: [CGUYS] Not cool enough - in full color

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

It is usually vernacular for a type of paper.


At 08:43 AM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

I was thinking something else.

Truly Pious?

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
The toughest problems we had in support was with the Doctors and 
staff who knew how to do things, and then we had to go in and fix 
it.  (It would eat up our time as they would really hose things as 
they knew what they were doing.)

The toughest problem is bad interface design. When a doctor or PhD can't 
figure out how the damned theing works it is the fault of the designer, 
not the user.

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Re: [CGUYS] Recommendations for professional font manager for O

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
Can anyone recommend an OS X font manager that would be appropriate for 
a graphics designer (Tiger system soon to be upgraded to Leopard) and is 
as trouble free as possible?   

I see from googling around that Extensis Fusion might be a contender...

Only if you hang out at Extensis fan sites.

The latest version of Fusion (V2) is being presented as a major overhaul, 
this time we got it right upgrade. The new version is more like 
Linotype's Font ExplorerX and that is an improvement, but why not just 
get Linotype Font ExplorerX?

The original free version (v 1.23) works with Leopard and CS3. They just 
released Linotype Font ExplorerX Pro v2 for $79. V2 has a few more 
features than I would like. For now I would go with the free V1 version 
and move up to V2 as the need arises. A better program for less money.

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Not software but hardware.

Tom I said I was hardware support not software.


I did not play with the software at all or programming.

Mainly they would hose equipment by fiddling and tweaking with stuff.


At 08:57 AM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

The toughest problems we had in support was with the Doctors and
staff who knew how to do things, and then we had to go in and fix
it.  (It would eat up our time as they would really hose things as
they knew what they were doing.)

The toughest problem is bad interface design. When a doctor or PhD can't
figure out how the damned theing works it is the fault of the designer,
not the user.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar

That is very clever. Conficker is known to block access to certain help 
sites and this is an easy way to see if you are being blocked.

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
Tom I said I was hardware support not software.

This is true of both hardware and software. Bad interface design on 
airplane navigation hardware has resulted in several cases of controlled 
flight into terrian and that was with operators who had been trained on 
the hardware and had every incentive to get it right.

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
We get it, Tom. MS sucks. 

You said it, I didn't.

It is also noteworthy that you can only dredge up one MS *product of 
quality* and that assertion for the XBox is questionable.

You make the above point better than I ever could.

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Mike Sloane
If what the page is telling me is indeed true/accurate, I guess I am a 
happy camper!


Tom Piwowar wrote:

That is very clever. Conficker is known to block access to certain help 
sites and this is an easy way to see if you are being blocked.

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Re: [CGUYS] PC to Mac printing

2009-04-03 Thread b_s-wilk

Is this something a novice can install/set up? A friend wants to be
able to print from either a PC or a Mac.

The ones I've done do not come with instructions for the Mac, but it is 
the standard add printer procedure. The trick is that the printer's name 
is the ID number on the bottom of its case. But finding the printer 
should not be an issue on a small network.

With Windows there is an installer with on-screen directions that should 
be followed. Curiously, the PC installer's on-screen directions provide 
the only directions for setting it up on a Mac. What were they thinking?

Reminds me of when Cavan first arrived at the dorm at UMd. They gave him 
a 32 page brochure with step-by-step instructions for connecting a 
Windows PC to the network, but nothing about his iMac. They told him to 
plug it in, go to the login page, use the login and password, and it 
would connect automatically. It did. He was happy.

I have a powered USB hub. Can I connect TWO printers through the linksys 
psus4 print server that has only one USB port, and will the Macs and PCs 
be able to find them? Also is the D-Link DP-301U any good [for $10 less]?


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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Fred Holmes
At 09:57 AM 4/3/2009, Tom Piwowar wrote:
The toughest problem is bad interface design. When a doctor or PhD can't 
figure out how the damned theing works it is the fault of the designer, 
not the user.

But the doctor or PhD, who spends most of his time working or studying his 
specialty, doesn't have the culture of the rest of us.  Things that would 
be obvious to the average person are not to this doctor or PhD.  And the 
designer of the user interface either doesn't realize this or ignores it.

Really good help is necessary.  Help that is not only indexed on what the 
jargon of the application is, but on all of the terms a user might think up to 
put into the search text looking for a way to do something.  I've never seen 
the latter done.

Fred Holmes 

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Part of the problem is we are talking ancient history.

This was early 90's when your only choices for something this 
powerful was Novell, Lantastic (On the DOS side) and XENIX/UNIX on 
the non DOS side.  Mac's were not even in the mix then.

Novell almost needed a full time person it was extremely 
complicated.  Lantastic easier, but still needed someone in the know to set up.

XENIX was a bear to use. (Remember this was a software that had no 
graphical user interface, all command line)

All these were multi user systems using (In the case of XENIX) 
multiple remote dumb terminals.  Large Clinics required the use of a 
multiple terminals so we had to add on a multiple serial port 
interface that required specialized software etc. etc.  ( We also had 
remote remotes using modems and multimux's to communicate at 2400 
baud)  (Had to love external modem's so easy to diagnose.)

This was the day of specialized people who worked on this stuff.  I 
have (still in my work kit) A Pin Crimper and insertion tool, to make 
the Dsub connectors, a RJ-45 Crimper to make network cables (back 
when ready made were expensive and difficult to find.)

This was not the day of simple and easy to use interfaces. Plus of 
course this was the companies bread and butter, selling hardware 
support to customers besides the specialized Software.

Oh to make Tom Happy we also used DRDOS as it had a multi user interface

At 11:03 AM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

At 09:57 AM 4/3/2009, Tom Piwowar wrote:
The toughest problem is bad interface design. When a doctor or PhD can't
figure out how the damned theing works it is the fault of the designer,
not the user.

But the doctor or PhD, who spends most of his time working or 
studying his specialty, doesn't have the culture of the rest of 
us.  Things that would be obvious to the average person are not 
to this doctor or PhD.  And the designer of the user interface 
either doesn't realize this or ignores it.

Really good help is necessary.  Help that is not only indexed on 
what the jargon of the application is, but on all of the terms a 
user might think up to put into the search text looking for a way to 
do something.  I've never seen the latter done.

Fred Holmes

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Angry Luddites attack Google Street View car

2009-04-03 Thread Jeff Wright
 Vans dispatched globally to suck up everyone's remaining cash. Watch out
 for the pocket vac attachment!

I think there's an iPhone app for that.

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[CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

OK Tom since you are the expert, I am going to you for some advice.

Due to change within my cell phone plan a Smartphone/PDA is not 
making much sense anymore (They want to chare me $30 a month for 
Internet access, but if I had a phone it would be only $10.)

What will an IPod Touch do that my PDA does right now?
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread mike
Are you considering carrrying two devices all the time?

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

 OK Tom since you are the expert, I am going to you for some advice.

 Due to change within my cell phone plan a Smartphone/PDA is not making much
 sense anymore (They want to chare me $30 a month for Internet access, but if
 I had a phone it would be only $10.)

 What will an IPod Touch do that my PDA does right now?
 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

If I have to I will.

Verizon is changing the way they price plans and how the devices work 
on the plans.

My son wanted a new phone and purchased it off Ebay.

Turns out the new phone will only work with one of their new 
plans.  (Their rules not mine)  So I had to change plans, problem is 
I have a Motorola Q and it is a Smartphone/PDA.  Cannot have a plan 
with Internet access while I have a Smartphone/PDA becasue they want 
me to buy a separate (read more costly) plan for that phone.

We finally got it done, but I have to have my PDA/Smartphone as a 
secondary line with a lesser plan.  1.99 per megabyte downloaded.  (expensive)

Also I will not be able to get another smartphone/PDA without getting 
a Data plan (I presently do not have one.)

Do not tell me to change carriers as they are the only one with the 
best coverage in my area.

So I am seriously looking at my next phone not being a PDA, but I 
will need something that has a lot of what my PDA does, contacts 
etc.  Documents the like.  (Plus I use it as a book reader)

So I am looking at what the Touch can do.


At 12:45 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

Are you considering carrrying two devices all the time?

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

 OK Tom since you are the expert, I am going to you for some advice.

 Due to change within my cell phone plan a Smartphone/PDA is not making much
 sense anymore (They want to chare me $30 a month for Internet 
access, but if

 I had a phone it would be only $10.)

 What will an IPod Touch do that my PDA does right now?
 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] CD and DVD - R or + R for Leopard iMac ?

2009-04-03 Thread db

Thanks Betty!


b_s-wilk wrote:
Is CD and DVD - R or + R media advantageous for burning data on a 
new iMac?

One plays better on DVD players. I don't remember which. Try 
Wikipedia. I think I saw the answer there.

DVD-R is the native format for video DVDs. I can burn the -R and +R on 
my computers, but I've found that the -R disks can be read by more 
players/readers. YMMV.


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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Roger D. Parish
Rev, I'd really like to see your curriculum vitae someday; you seem 
to have had a highly varied work history. Almost as varied as a 
top-selling fiction author!

Lovettsville, VA

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Graduated from HS in Shreveport LA.
Graduated from JR. College in Austin Texas (Concordia College now a 4 
year University)

Graduated from Concordia Seminary, STL, MO.

Did a 1 yr. Internship in Kirkland Lake, Ontario Canada (met my wife 
there and got married)

Served Churches in Ontario (Niagara peninsula), East Texas, Wisconsin 
(I stepped out of the parish for two years during which time I held a 
few jobs two of the longest was Younkers as a sales rep.  and then 
working for National Information Services Corp. (Sold veterinary 
Clinics Software and Hardware) Also helped a friend with a COmpuer 
store during this time.

Went back into the parish ministry during which time I also did 
independent computer services.

Lived in WI. 12 years.

3 years in TN. and now almost 6 in AL.

During my time in WI I was also a Chaplain for the Army National Guard (Hurrah)

Been 27 years since I graduated from Seminary.

Yeah I lived around a little bit but that was in keeping with my 
growing up.  I was born overseas and lived in NJ, WV, PA, IN, and LA 
growing up.


At 02:04 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:
Rev, I'd really like to see your curriculum vitae someday; you seem 
to have had a highly varied work history. Almost as varied as a 
top-selling fiction author!

Lovettsville, VA

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread b_s-wilk
This is one of the best reasons for ALL U.S. mobile phone carriers to 
switch to GSM. With Verizon and Sprint, if you change to another carrier 
or plan, you often must buy a new phone. When Cavan bought an iPhone 
from ATT, he unlocked his Sony-Ericsson phone and gave it to me to use 
with T-Mobile. If Verizon used GSM instead of CDMA, you could keep your 
phone and switch carriers, assuming that there's coverage in your area.

Does your smartphone/PDA have WiFi? If not you may need a new one 
anyway. Are there any used ones you can get? eBay? Are there any other 
third party carriers that also use the Verizon network in your area? How 
about Alltel? Verizon owns them but has different plans.

Cavan also gave me his iPod Touch when he got his iPhone to combine his 
phone/wifi. The Touch is terrific with WiFi, as long as there is an open 
network [library, schools] or one where I already have an account, like 
at Starbucks. I have a 1st gen Touch. The second gen Touch can get 
software to unlock bluetooth, and to use it as a flash drive. Do you 
want to have a WiFi phone? Are there enough open networks where you can 
use the Touch?

Verizon is changing the way they price plans and how the devices work
on the plans.

My son wanted a new phone and purchased it off Ebay.

Turns out the new phone will only work with one of their new plans.
(Their rules not mine) So I had to change plans, problem is I have a
Motorola Q and it is a Smartphone/PDA. Cannot have a plan with
Internet access while I have a Smartphone/PDA becasue they want me to
buy a separate (read more costly) plan for that phone.

We finally got it done, but I have to have my PDA/Smartphone as a
secondary line with a lesser plan. 1.99 per megabyte downloaded.

Also I will not be able to get another smartphone/PDA without getting
a Data plan (I presently do not have one.)

Do not tell me to change carriers as they are the only one with the
best coverage in my area.

So I am seriously looking at my next phone not being a PDA, but I
will need something that has a lot of what my PDA does, contacts etc.
Documents the like. (Plus I use it as a book reader)

So I am looking at what the Touch can do.


At 12:45 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

Are you considering carrrying two devices all the time?

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

OK Tom since you are the expert, I am going to you for some advice.

Due to change within my cell phone plan a Smartphone/PDA is not
making much

sense anymore (They want to chare me $30 a month for Internet
access, but if

I had a phone it would be only $10.)

What will an IPod Touch do that my PDA does right now? Rev. Stewart
A. Marshall Prince of Peace Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
GSM down here sucks.  T-Mobile, ATT and others just do not have the 
coverage I need. (Would be great but just not feasible.)

I have looked at a few of the WIFI phones but they are not that 
great, and again the newer ones are fine but Verizon will require a 
Data [plan with the activation of any new PDA/Smartphone.

That is why I am asking about an Ipod Touch.  My church plus many 
other locations do have Wifi so it is usable for that purpose plus 
many of the others you mentioned.

With a regular Verizon phone (one of the nicer newer ones) I would 
get a lot of good stuff, and not pay the extra.


At 04:12 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:
This is one of the best reasons for ALL U.S. mobile phone carriers 
to switch to GSM. With Verizon and Sprint, if you change to another 
carrier or plan, you often must buy a new phone. When Cavan bought 
an iPhone from ATT, he unlocked his Sony-Ericsson phone and gave it 
to me to use with T-Mobile. If Verizon used GSM instead of CDMA, you 
could keep your phone and switch carriers, assuming that there's 
coverage in your area.

Does your smartphone/PDA have WiFi? If not you may need a new one 
anyway. Are there any used ones you can get? eBay? Are there any 
other third party carriers that also use the Verizon network in your 
area? How about Alltel? Verizon owns them but has different plans.

Cavan also gave me his iPod Touch when he got his iPhone to combine 
his phone/wifi. The Touch is terrific with WiFi, as long as there is 
an open network [library, schools] or one where I already have an 
account, like at Starbucks. I have a 1st gen Touch. The second gen 
Touch can get software to unlock bluetooth, and to use it as a flash 
drive. Do you want to have a WiFi phone? Are there enough open 
networks where you can use the Touch?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
This was early 90's when your only choices for something this 
powerful was Novell, Lantastic (On the DOS side) and XENIX/UNIX on 
the non DOS side.  Mac's were not even in the mix then.

Back then I was installing AppleTalk on Windows PCs. It was quick and 
easy to instal and configure. The AT connector ran off the parallel port. 
Worked like a champ. All those other alternatives were just over blown 
and silly.

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Then why did the company not do it?

Get real Tom it did not work for their installs.  (We are not even 
talking about Color here.)

It was also not expandable enough for this type of installation. 
(Could a Mac handle 12-24 dumb terminals?)

We are talking late 80's early 90's before Windows!

Software was written in AccuCobol.  My supervisor was a Mac guy and 
he supported what we did.

Mac was not capable of running remotes via a modem.

Overblown silly?  I saw a lot more of these than Mac installation for 
business.  It was great for Desktop publishing and most of the 
newspapers and print shops had them, but for ehavy duty stuff, not even close.


At 05:01 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

This was early 90's when your only choices for something this
powerful was Novell, Lantastic (On the DOS side) and XENIX/UNIX on
the non DOS side.  Mac's were not even in the mix then.

Back then I was installing AppleTalk on Windows PCs. It was quick and
easy to instal and configure. The AT connector ran off the parallel port.
Worked like a champ. All those other alternatives were just over blown
and silly.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] PC to Mac printing

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
I have a powered USB hub. Can I connect TWO printers through the linksys 
psus4 print server that has only one USB port, and will the Macs and PCs 
be able to find them? Also is the D-Link DP-301U any good [for $10 less]?


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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
Really good help is necessary.  Help that is not only indexed on what the 
jargon of the application is, but on all of the terms a user might think 
up to put into the search text looking for a way to do something.  I've 
never seen the latter done.

Doing a good job is not all that hard. This reminds me of the old Apple 
LaserWriter manual. The machine had a red trouble light. The manual never 
used the term red light. But the index included red light with a 
referece to the right page in the manual.

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
If what the page is telling me is indeed true/accurate, I guess I am a 
happy camper!

It does until Conficker is upgraded to let those pages through.

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Tom Piwowar
Get real Tom it did not work for their installs.  (We are not even 
talking about Color here.)

I used it frequently. All the Windows PCs in my office were set up with 
AppleTalk. It worked very well. The other stuff you listed didn't. What's 
your attraction to crappy technology?

We are talking late 80's early 90's before Windows!

Your original post said This was early 90's which you now change to 
late 80's early 90's. You change your story, I presume to win some 

I used AppleTalk with Windows 3, which was introduced in 1990.

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:37 AM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

 I think that this is simple enough for the relatives.

 Won't hurt to go to and run a shields up scan either.

 Anything other than green on an all ports scan should be
 cause for concern.

That is the full service visit.  I like the web page because it is a simple
question.  Do you see six icons?

I try to run antivirus, adware, and a proactive run of spinrite if I have
time when I visit my folks.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
The company started in the late 80's and we were talking bout 
supporting equipment that dated from that era (How about Wyse 286's)

I did not start there until the early 90's.

Our standard support answer when called.

We do not do Windows!


At 06:39 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

I used it frequently. All the Windows PCs in my office were set up with
AppleTalk. It worked very well. The other stuff you listed didn't. What's
your attraction to crappy technology?

We are talking late 80's early 90's before Windows!

Your original post said This was early 90's which you now change to
late 80's early 90's. You change your story, I presume to win some

I used AppleTalk with Windows 3, which was introduced in 1990.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Fred Holmes
Use of OpenDNS is also recommended as a Conficker preventive. 
Nameservers are and
If you register/open an account [free] they analyze your traffic and will 
report traffic that gives evidence that you may be infected with Conficker.

Fred Holmes

At 06:28 PM 4/3/2009, Tom Piwowar wrote:
If what the page is telling me is indeed true/accurate, I guess I am a 
happy camper!

It does until Conficker is upgraded to let those pages through.

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Here is what all I do on my smart phone.

I use it as my daytimer and my appointment reminder (alarms me 15 min 
before appointments I have in my phone.)

I also use to read PRC books (Mobi Pocket format)
I use it to read PDF documents.
I also use it occasionally to read MS Doc's and Excel spread sheets
I have a few games on it.
I have a liturgical calendar on it (Formatted CSV)
I keep some photos on it and some music on it.
I have a portable Bible on it.  (ESV/NIC/NRSV)
Of course it is also my portable Address/Contact manager and also my 
portable note taker/task minder.

What I am trying to find out is if the Touch can do all this?
I have noticed that Palm seems top have gotten out of the plain Palm 
PDA and going to the Palm Smartphone/PDA.
Anything I am missing?  (I don't do email as I don't have a data 
plan, if it had wireless I would do email on it.)

I also have not done web on it for the same reason.


At 04:12 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:
This is one of the best reasons for ALL U.S. mobile phone carriers 
to switch to GSM. With Verizon and Sprint, if you change to another 
carrier or plan, you often must buy a new phone. When Cavan bought 
an iPhone from ATT, he unlocked his Sony-Ericsson phone and gave it 
to me to use with T-Mobile. If Verizon used GSM instead of CDMA, you 
could keep your phone and switch carriers, assuming that there's 
coverage in your area.

Does your smartphone/PDA have WiFi? If not you may need a new one 
anyway. Are there any used ones you can get? eBay? Are there any 
other third party carriers that also use the Verizon network in your 
area? How about Alltel? Verizon owns them but has different plans.

Cavan also gave me his iPod Touch when he got his iPhone to combine 
his phone/wifi. The Touch is terrific with WiFi, as long as there is 
an open network [library, schools] or one where I already have an 
account, like at Starbucks. I have a 1st gen Touch. The second gen 
Touch can get software to unlock bluetooth, and to use it as a flash 
drive. Do you want to have a WiFi phone? Are there enough open 
networks where you can use the Touch?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Rev. Stewart Marshall

Here is what all I do on my smart phone.
 [. . .]
What I am trying to find out is if the Touch can do all this?

I don't know about the rest of that stuff, but iPhones (and presumably  
iTouch) have one exiting new feature. . .cut and paste! Isn't that  

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Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Ranbo
*Just curious, which place have you enjoyed living in the most?  And where
were you born?

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

 Graduated from HS in Shreveport LA.
 Graduated from JR. College in Austin Texas (Concordia College now a 4 year
 Graduated from Concordia Seminary, STL, MO.

 Did a 1 yr. Internship in Kirkland Lake, Ontario Canada (met my wife there
 and got married)

 Served Churches in Ontario (Niagara peninsula), East Texas, Wisconsin (I
 stepped out of the parish for two years during which time I held a few jobs
 two of the longest was Younkers as a sales rep.  and then working for
 National Information Services Corp. (Sold veterinary Clinics Software and
 Hardware) Also helped a friend with a COmpuer store during this time.

 Went back into the parish ministry during which time I also did independent
 computer services.
 Lived in WI. 12 years.

 3 years in TN. and now almost 6 in AL.

 During my time in WI I was also a Chaplain for the Army National Guard

 Been 27 years since I graduated from Seminary.

 Yeah I lived around a little bit but that was in keeping with my growing
 up.  I was born overseas and lived in NJ, WV, PA, IN, and LA growing up.


 At 02:04 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

 Rev, I'd really like to see your curriculum vitae someday; you seem to
 have had a highly varied work history. Almost as varied as a top-selling
 fiction author!
 Lovettsville, VA

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 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

 **  List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy  **
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Re: [CGUYS] Ipod Touch question

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Now if an Iphone came with CDMA.


At 08:55 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

Quoting Rev. Stewart Marshall

Here is what all I do on my smart phone.
 [. . .]
What I am trying to find out is if the Touch can do all this?

I don't know about the rest of that stuff, but iPhones (and presumably
iTouch) have one exiting new feature. . .cut and paste! Isn't that

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

**  List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy  **
**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

Re: [CGUYS] The IT dilemma (was not cool enough)

2009-04-03 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

I was born in Germany to an Air Force Officer and a German mother.

Although I got labeled with two very Scottish names (Father's 
Father's side of the family) I am mostly German with most of my 
relatives in Germany. (My Cousin still owns the family Gasthaus)

I very much enjoyed living in Wisconsin.  I lived in two distinct 
areas while up there and much of it was farmland.  (Ask me about the 
Dairy industry and I will bore you to death.)
I was there under the Governship of Tommy Thompson (W's first HHS 
secretary.) I even got a picture of him at Ft. McCoy in uniform! (TT)

I have enjoyed working in my present Jurisdiction/Diocese whatever 
you want to call it  however as this is the one I grew up in.

My wife does not want to move back to Canada as she loves it down 
here.  If only she would get her citizenship!  ;-)


At 08:56 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

*Just curious, which place have you enjoyed living in the most?  And where
were you born?

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

 Graduated from HS in Shreveport LA.
 Graduated from JR. College in Austin Texas (Concordia College now a 4 year
 Graduated from Concordia Seminary, STL, MO.

 Did a 1 yr. Internship in Kirkland Lake, Ontario Canada (met my wife there
 and got married)

 Served Churches in Ontario (Niagara peninsula), East Texas, Wisconsin (I
 stepped out of the parish for two years during which time I held a few jobs
 two of the longest was Younkers as a sales rep.  and then working for
 National Information Services Corp. (Sold veterinary Clinics Software and
 Hardware) Also helped a friend with a COmpuer store during this time.

 Went back into the parish ministry during which time I also did independent
 computer services.
 Lived in WI. 12 years.

 3 years in TN. and now almost 6 in AL.

 During my time in WI I was also a Chaplain for the Army National Guard

 Been 27 years since I graduated from Seminary.

 Yeah I lived around a little bit but that was in keeping with my growing
 up.  I was born overseas and lived in NJ, WV, PA, IN, and LA growing up.


 At 02:04 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:

 Rev, I'd really like to see your curriculum vitae someday; you seem to
 have had a highly varied work history. Almost as varied as a top-selling
 fiction author!
 Lovettsville, VA

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 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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 **  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

Re: [CGUYS] 60 Minutes story on deadly computer virus

2009-04-03 Thread Eric S. Sande

I try to run antivirus, adware, and a proactive run of spinrite if I have
time when I visit my folks.

Yeah, I'm admin on my Mom's machine.  Which I built for her.

I find that keeping the well-meaning relatives out of the loop is
the challenge.

Sister #1 gave me holy hell last year (or maybe the year before)
and threw a fit when she couldn't get admin rights.  To this day
I still don't know what she wanted to install but I'm guessing it
wasn't on my approved list.

I avoided a direct conflict on this one by using the somewhat
plausible excuse that I was overseas at the time and didn't have
a telephone.

Apparently she overlooked my itinerary and the perfectly obvious 
fact that she could have sent an email at any time.  I don't think

I could have pulled off getting out of that without possibly even
more repercussions...

But she lost focus on her original objective and was happy with
being mad at me, she still alludes to this.

At least I didn't have to tell her point-blank that I wasn't giving up
the keys.

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