Re: [Cooker] Re: War

2003-03-12 Thread N Smethurst
Le Mercredi 12 Mars 2003 13:54, Pascal Terjan a écrit :
 When I read things like the following URL, I can't see what they expect
 from us (except making us laugh).

I guess this sums up America's biggest problem: *everything* is about 
money, how much they have, how much others don't etc.

Re: [Cooker] Re: War

2003-03-12 Thread N Smethurst
Le Mercredi 12 Mars 2003 18:27, Guillaume Cottenceau a écrit :
 Same for what we call english cream in France: it's called
 french cream in England :).

It's called custard in England!

Re: [Cooker] Fonts in cooker: wonderfull

2003-03-11 Thread N Smethurst
Well I just tried the fonts.conf thing and got a complete mess!

Le Mardi 11 Mars 2003 12:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Thank you Giuseppe,

 I will try this this night at home

 Francisco Alcaraz

 - Mensaje Original -
 Remitente: Giuseppe Ghibò [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Martes, Marzo 11, 2003 9:45 am
 Asunto: Re: [Cooker] Fonts in cooker: wonderfull

  Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
   After install a fresh cooker from this morning (11/3/2003),
  change the and install msttcorefonts-bootstrap I have
  the best
   fonts in screen that I ever seen for a linux distributions (and
  also for a
   windows one)
   Antialising is runing fine in OpenOffice and all kde applications..
   How says that linux is not ready for the desktop?
   Francisco Alcaraz
   Murcia (Spain)
  You can go even better by adding:
  match target=font
  edit name=hintstyle
  mode=assignconsthintfull/const/e /match
  at your /etc/fonts/fonts.conf

Re: [Cooker] Am now experiencing random lockups...

2003-03-09 Thread N Smethurst
You say random lockups.. Ok, it may sound bizzare, but I was experiencing 
pretty much exactly the same thing with RC1 after I had installed the 4191 
nvidia drivers and UT2003. Everything would freeze occasionally apart from 
the mouse pointer. I started noting that the lock ups were happening 
mainly when I was doing something in Konqueror (copying a file, renaming, 
opening, etc.). Now I have installed RC2 but have yet to install the 
nvidia drivers or UT2003 and I have not experienced any of the previous 
problems. This may be complete coincidence, but..

Le Dimanche 9 Mars 2003 17:29, jokerman64 a écrit :
 ...and have no idea why. The mouse stops moving, the keyborad stops
 responding and its reset button time. My system was running solid (with
 the exception of a couple bugs of course) up to yesterday after the
 whole thing went down the sh*tter. I'd been on for about three days
 straight till yesterday with no major probs so it must have been
 something i installed yesterday. The only things I can think of
 installing are UT2003 it's definitely not that because i haven't started
 it since the first lockup and I've had three more since. I installed
 kpackage agin to see if the dependency problem had been fixed (it
 hasn't) but that's probably not it. I haven't installed/upgraded any X
 related files. The only other kdepackage i can remeber installing are
 the mandrake galaxy starter box and the (new, fixed) mandrake galxy
 theme. Since it's caused other problems I'm leaning towards
 mandrake-galaxy theme as my prob, but realsitically how much problems
 can a theme cause. I've also been building an rpm for mandrake and the
 lockups only seem to happen *while* building it (actually two of the
 times the screensaver was on when the lockup occured so I'm not terribly
 sure about that). Xchat 2 was also in use during (as well as konqueror,
 konsole) for all the crashes. My vid card may just have decided to go
 schizo, but that's unlikely because I've been having absolutely NO
 problems with it since I upgraded to RC2. It was actaully working better
 in RC2 (no lockups when playing UT2003). Yes i have the nvidia
 proprietary drivers (4191) but I'm sure this isn't it. Skepticism aside
 I'm going to test my mandrake galxy theory but i doubt it'll solve
 anything. I also installed a  howto and mandrake docs. Doubt that did it
 :-) If you have any idea of what may be wrong puh-lease write me (or
 this thread). And since I'm pretty sure it's a recent package causing
 the problem could any of you mdk devs out there tell me if there is any
 way (package, utility) to find out which rpms got installed in the past
 few days. Thanks. Laterz

[Cooker] Anyone know if there will be a RC3?

2003-03-09 Thread N Smethurst

Re: [Cooker] Am now experiencing random lockups...

2003-03-09 Thread N Smethurst
Out of interest, what kind of 3D performance difference are you guys 
getting between the XFree and the Nvidia drivers? Since installing rc2 I 
have been using the Xfree drivers and it's like someone has taken my 
geforce 4 out and replaced it with an old S3 or something.

Le Dimanche 9 Mars 2003 20:12, Buchan Milne a écrit :
 On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, jokerman64 wrote:
   (P.S. could you set Kmail 1.5 to wrap lines?)
  true, it is want as opposed to need but the way to fix a problem is
  not to avoid (as I so often do) but to go looking for a solution. And
  in any case I'm not going to sacrifice opengl support for stabilty on
  cooker. The whole point is to break stuff and find out why (or report
  it so that someone else can).

 I was not meaning to do away with OpenGL forever, just to try and build
 yuor rpm while running with the nv driver (it might be best to reboot
 too to ensure that the loading of the NVidia driver does not affect it,
 you may need to remove it from your /etc/modules also) so that we can
 either eliminate nvidia as the cuplrit, or confirm that it is. If it is,
 you could then try a different release of the drivers, or on a different


Re: [Cooker] bug-reporting FAQs (was: 9.1...Delayed)

2003-03-07 Thread N Smethurst
Le Vendredi 7 Mars 2003 12:56, Guillaume Cottenceau a écrit :
 I'm personally skeptical about FAQ's and such documentation,
 because so many people plain ignore documentation in favor of
 asking questions (many different projects of mine show). You know
 that I've even written the cooker-FAQ and maintained the mdk-rpm
 howto, so I guess I can voice up :).

The problem is perhaps not that there is no documentation, but that the 
existing documentation relevant for would-be bug testers is not presented 
in a unified fashion or in the most appropriate locations (i.e. a link 
from the front page of Bugzilla would be one obvious choice).

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.1 Should be Delayed

2003-03-06 Thread N Smethurst
Le Jeudi 6 Mars 2003 03:19, Greg Meyer a écrit :
 I think the distro would be much better served all of use that are
 testers, to test the hell out of this thing, not just by saying something
 does not work, but by really going the extra mile and trying to figure
 out why something does not work.  For instance, if the network does not
 work, install it a couple of times trying different settings, note how
 the contents of the config files change.

 And all this criticism over something that cannot really be controlled is
 fruitless and makes the people working 7day/80hour weeks feel negative
 and prevents high levels of productivity.  Help them, don't hurt them.

What do you think most of us are doing? The real problem seems to be that 
there just aren't enough Mandrake developers to address most bugs. Out of 
the 6 bug reports I have filed, none of them have moved from UNCONFIRMED. 
Some of these bugs are not critical, but others, such as the mess 9.1RC1 
made of trying to configure the Sagem ADSL modem are very important. (This 
is the modem that everyone in France on uses for adsl. One would 
have thought it was kind of important for a French distribution to make 
sure their French customers on adsl can actually connect to the internet.)

There's very little point in us trying to report even more bugs if the 
developers are so understaffed that they cannot keep up with even a 
fraction of the bugs being reported at the moment. The only short term 
solution would be to give them more time to address the more critical bugs.

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.1 Should be Delayed

2003-03-06 Thread N Smethurst
Le Jeudi 6 Mars 2003 16:22, Austin a écrit :
 It's because 90% of the bug reporters ONLY install linux from ISO's.
 We should teach them about urpmi and/or network installs.

A HOWTO-be-mandrake-bug-tester-without-annoying-everyone would be good. 
There is a lot of information available to learn about stuff, but it's not 
always easy to find or presented in one place. Links from the front page 
of bugzilla to such a howto could ensure that newer users deciding to help 
out with some bug testing will be able to learn the ropes quickly and 

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.1 Should be Delayed

2003-03-06 Thread N Smethurst
Le Jeudi 6 Mars 2003 16:47, Guillaume Cottenceau a écrit :
 Well that depends. Most non-kernel and non-install bugs are
 looked at even in unconfirmed state - most of them are real and

 I know this is frustrating for reporters to get ignored, but as
 for the aim of bugzilla, e.g. track  fix bugs, it's now in a
 state where it's really usable and helping us much to fix bugs.

Maybe there should be a someone has had a look at this bug status for 
bugs that developers do look at but don't want to officially commit to ?

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.1 Should be Delayed

2003-03-06 Thread N Smethurst
Le Jeudi 6 Mars 2003 17:33, Austin a écrit :
 It just seems to me that people are really stuck in the idea of ISO's
 because they've never known otherwise.

This is so true.

Re: [Cooker] RC2, first impression (video card problems)

2003-03-05 Thread N Smethurst
Le Mercredi 5 Mars 2003 01:26, jokerman64 a écrit :
   Something to fix or to add to the errata?
  Well, nothing positive unfortunately except use the Nvidia drivers. The
  XFree geforce 3  4 ones shouldn't really be shipped IMO. It's just
  going to look bad for Mandrake when loads of keen newbies try to
  install 9.1 and get what you (and me and lots of other people) had.

 And I suppose it's better for the newbies to look at a blank console and
 figure out what the hell they're going to do next. I'll doubt there
 skills extend to using lynx, etc., to go to nvidia site and find the
 drivers manually. Another thing are you sure it was the nv driver that
 got loaded because when I installed rc1 vesa (which I didn't use) was the
 default. Maybe this is the problem and the nv driver should be selected
 by default.

If these useless drivers were not included, the user would have to use VESA. 
That is the whole point of not including them until they work. After that, 
it would be up to the user whether to install the nvidia binary drivers or 

However, considering the agony I experienced of staring at a monitor running 
at some horrible refresh rate, I would suggest that Mandrake try to assist 
users with nvidia cards (and users of the the newer ATI cards and any other 
cards) to download the binary drivers and install them correctly. They do 
not have to be included in the distribution, but at least the distribution 
could provide some form of help (even if it is just a little bit of 
information and a link or two to the relevant downloads/tutorials on the 

Go and look at the most voted rpm in the club. Users want help installing 
these drivers, so if they cannot be included in the distro due to licencing 
problems, at least users should be helped to download them and install 
them, instead of providing them with drivers that are not yet finished and 
consequently don't work properly.

Re: [Cooker] RC2, first impression (video card problems)

2003-03-05 Thread N Smethurst
I guess I should have worded that more clearly. I should have said that the 
options for geforce 4 (and perhaps geforce 3, although the sucess rate 
seems to be a little higher with geforce 3 cards) should only include the 
vesa driver, and perhaps a note discussing installing the nvidia drivers 
too. However, I guess this would be politically incorrect so it will never 
happen, despite the fact that the users want drivers that work.

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.1 Should be Delayed

2003-03-05 Thread N Smethurst
I realise that I am a relative minnow here, but I nevertheless wish to 
express my agreement with Tim. I'm glad someone has expressed what I 
hesitated to say.

Le Mercredi 5 Mars 2003 22:07, Timothy R. Butler a écrit :
   Is it worth risking Mandrake's future as a whole to get this
 distribution out by mid-March? I just don't personally see that as a
 realistic date when I'm using RC2. Mandrake developers are amazing
 people, but I still can't believe all of these problems can be fixed in
 just nine days. To me, RC2 seems more like a beta release and not a
 release candidate.

Re: [Cooker] Konqueror locks up X

2003-03-04 Thread N Smethurst
I've been having the same probmlem on rc1 but have not poasted a bug report 
because I cannot give any hints on what is going on.

This generaly happens when I am draging/droping files from one konqueror 
window to another, but it's very intermittant.

Le Mardi 4 Mars 2003 06:26, Élie Charest a écrit :
 I don't know if I'm the only one to which this is happening, but it seems
 that the new combination of XFree86 (XFree86-4.3-1mdk) + konqueror
 (kdebase-3.1-69mdk) has a nasty habit of locking up X at random
 intervals. A couple days ago (with an earlier version of kdebase) it
 wasn't so bad, but now it seems to happen after about 5 minutes of
 use...This happens when using Konq as a web browser (I'm down to using
 Mozilla now) and the only way out of it is to ssh in from another box and
 kill X, who is hogging all CPU power.

 I'd love to give more info but I'm not sure where to look. Anyone got any
 pointers on how to identify what package is responsible for this?

 (sigh) much as I enjoy helping out with cooker, I'm starting to long
 for a stable system... :-)

Re: [Cooker] RC2, first impression

2003-03-04 Thread N Smethurst
Do you have a geforce 3 / 4 by any chance?

Le Mardi 4 Mars 2003 22:48, Oden Eriksson a écrit :

 First I must say I'm impressed by the work done on the installer, cool!

 But..., why does my desktop look like this:


Re: [Cooker] RC2, first impression

2003-03-04 Thread N Smethurst
 Yep, it's a geoforce 3 Ti200. Will try the tip by Francisco Alcaraz

 Something to fix or to add to the errata?

Well, nothing positive unfortunately except use the Nvidia drivers. The 
XFree geforce 3  4 ones shouldn't really be shipped IMO. It's just going 
to look bad for Mandrake when loads of keen newbies try to install 9.1 and 
get what you (and me and lots of other people) had.

Re: Religious software (wasRe: [Cooker] what's the mess with the club ?)

2003-03-02 Thread N Smethurst
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 02:24, Leon Brooks a écrit :
 So before anyone leaps on that bandwagon, let me emphasise that this
 software would be just as much at home presenting Origin of Species, any of
 Dawkin's fairytales, The Q'ran or a stack of Vedas.

I'm sorry, but these comments implying that GnomeSword is a general tool are 
just misinformation. Look at it's website. The first thing you see is:

 GnomeswordBible Study Software for the Gnome desktop

Having a look at the features list, the world 'bible' appears numerous times. 
Support for 'general texts' is not mentioned until the last three words of 
the last sentence on the page after modules for bible texts, bible 
commentaries and bible lexica are mentioned.

Having a look at the Sword project:

 Purpose Statement

 In short, this open project is an effort to create an ever expanding
 software package for research and study of God and His Word.

Taking a look at the 'general books' that seem to be discussed as an argument 
that Gnomesword is equally a general tool, we can see the following highly 
general titles (english texts):

 The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
 Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney
 The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee
 The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
 Josephus: The Complete Works

The only place that could possibly be considered at first glance to be 
non-christian is the Cult/Unorthodox/Questionable module section. What do 
we find in there then?

 Joseph Smith Translation (of the Bible)
 The Emphatic Diaglott (containing the original Greek text of what is
commonly styled the New Testament) 

There is nothing non-religious and in fact nothing non-christian about any of 
the texts I could find on the Sword website. It's clear that the advocates of 
this software are painting a picture of misinformation in order to further 
their cause which is christianity and clearly christianity only.


Re: [Cooker] Re: Religious software (respondents, religion, modules, TMiaHM)

2003-03-02 Thread N Smethurst
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 03:01, Leon Brooks a écrit :
 The software is also very useful as a study framework for non-religious
 material. Try it and see. I would specifically include it for that reason.

Fine, this sounds like a good idea. Now all we have to do in order to ensure a 
non-biased nature is change the name of the software to reflect that it is 
not specifcally associated with the sword project, remove all references to 
specific interest groups, and remove all Christian material from the 
Gnomesword website to reflect that it is a general text study tool and not 
something aimed at the study of religious material.

Re: Religious software (wasRe: [Cooker] what's the mess with the club ?)

2003-03-02 Thread N Smethurst
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 15:00, Jesper Noer Pedersen a écrit :
 And 'bible' does not mean 'christian book' but AFAIK it means 'a collection
 of books'.

what a convenient point of view to have at a time like this.

Maybe it would be better to hold this discussion somewhere other than the 
cooker mailing list since it's become very off-topic?

Re: Religious software (wasRe: [Cooker] what's the mess with the club ?)

2003-03-02 Thread N Smethurst
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 20:19, Trevor Rhodes a écrit :
 Want a laugh?  Read back through this thread and apply the arguments to
 something like music software and you'll see how inane some of the
 comments are.  It might open some eyes as well.

You'd be correct there. Music is not something that is considered part of a 
specialist group. If these arguments are applied to a specialist group, 
they all seem very valid.. oh wait, that's what we've been doing..

I ask again. The cooker mailing list is not a good place to have this kind 
of political debate. The club has forums for this type of thing, so could 
you continue this discussion there instead please.


Re: [Cooker] 9.1 release - libpng

2003-03-02 Thread N Smethurst
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 22:14, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
 rrdtool-1.0.4x won't build on Cooker because of some strangeness in the
 latest libpng package, it builds fine on ML9.0 though.

This seems to have cropped up a few times. Is there an issue with libpng?

Re: Religious software (wasRe: [Cooker] what's the mess with the club ?)

2003-03-01 Thread N Smethurst
  Ahh put an Aye here too, IMHO it is far better to include than to

 Depends on what. This is very partial reasoning.
 I am going to be the bad guy who says that in my eyes, religious
 material is much more perverted than sexually explicit stuff.
 I would prefer religious texts to be left out of contribs if some other
 things are censored.

I'm also a little concerned here. Informal questionnaires like this are always 
going to attract replies from proactive individuals who have a specific 
interest in pushing whatever the questionnaire is talking about. Out of all 
the replies, almost all of them have been from people who follow some type of 
religion. It's important to take this into account.

I am not religious in the sense of following a predefined path of religious 
guidance. However, I am not against the idea of others following religion if 
their activities do not affect others. Unfortunately, this goes against much 
of the grain of Christianity, which grew largely due to the activities of 
missionaries converting people. It could be construed that the inclusion of 
specialist software such as this would be the start of such a mission.

I'm afraid that my view on the inclusion of religion based software tools into 
a distribution such as Mandrake is not a positive step. It would be far 
better to set up a non-official Mandrake supporters web site for religious 
software, where the users are responsible for the maintenance of a set of 
RPMs that install correctly on each distribution of Mandrake that is 
released. Such a web site could also provide links/files to the texts that 
you speak of that are required for the software to be any use. Since it would 
be necessary to downloaded these files, it would make sense to put the 
software RPMs there too.

Re: [Cooker] Am I the only emacs user running cooker?

2003-02-28 Thread N Smethurst
I have the same directory structure here with 9.1rc1 but emacs works fine, 
both console and X. Maybe there was a specific installation problem that 
only occurs with your set-up?

Le Vendredi 28 Février 2003 16:19, Denis Pelletier a écrit :

 Like I said, am I the only emacs user running cooker? Since updating my
 laptop from 9.0 to cooker two weeks ago I can't run emacs. I filled a bug
 report but no one reacted:

 Anyone able to run emacs?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dpel]$ emacs
 Warning: arch-dependent data dir
 (/usr/lib/emacs/21.2/i386-mandrake-linux/) does not exist.
 Warning: Lisp directory `/usr/share/emacs/21.2/site-lisp' does not exist.
 Cannot open load file: fontset

[Cooker] Lyx 1.3 (with QT frontend)?

2003-02-28 Thread N Smethurst
Does anyone know if Lyx will be upgraded for the 9.1 release? Version 1.3 
includes the much anticipated QT frontend.