Le Mercredi 5 Mars 2003 01:26, jokerman64 a écrit :
> > > Something to fix or to add to the errata?
> >
> > Well, nothing positive unfortunately except use the Nvidia drivers. The
> > XFree geforce 3 & 4 ones shouldn't really be shipped IMO. It's just
> > going to look bad for Mandrake when loads of keen newbies try to
> > install 9.1 and get what you (and me and lots of other people) had.
> And I suppose it's better for the newbies to look at a blank console and
> figure out what the hell they're going to do next. I'll doubt there
> skills extend to using lynx, etc., to go to nvidia site and find the
> drivers manually. Another thing are you sure it was the nv driver that
> got loaded because when I installed rc1 vesa (which I didn't use) was the
> default. Maybe this is the problem and the nv driver should be selected
> by default.

If these useless drivers were not included, the user would have to use VESA. 
That is the whole point of not including them until they work. After that, 
it would be up to the user whether to install the nvidia binary drivers or 

However, considering the agony I experienced of staring at a monitor running 
at some horrible refresh rate, I would suggest that Mandrake try to assist 
users with nvidia cards (and users of the the newer ATI cards and any other 
cards) to download the binary drivers and install them correctly. They do 
not have to be included in the distribution, but at least the distribution 
could provide some form of help (even if it is just a little bit of 
information and a link or two to the relevant downloads/tutorials on the 

Go and look at the most voted rpm in the club. Users want help installing 
these drivers, so if they cannot be included in the distro due to licencing 
problems, at least users should be helped to download them and install 
them, instead of providing them with drivers that are not yet finished and 
consequently don't work properly.

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