Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-10 Thread Pedro Rosa

Lonnie Cumberland wrote:

>Well, I was just thinking back to the days of Novell and seem to remember that
>when a user logged in, they were mapped into their own user space and generally
>did not have access to other areas.
Well the days of Novell are not over yet. This OS still works in many 
places and preforms marvelously the task it is meant for. Besides, today 
one can easily use it from a Linux box. At least Mandrake 8 costed me 
less than 10 minutes to connect to our Novell 5 server. Btw, I think 
Mandrake people could help those in need to connect to a Novell server. 
All that is needed is to load the ipx module and make a small script where:

ipx_configure --auto_primary  on --auto_interface on
ncpmount -S YOURSERVER -U user.context.context /mountpoint

In some cases there is the need to forcefully specify the interface. 
This seems true for cases when your machine is not in the same LAN 
segment of the file server:

ipx_interface add -p eth0 802.2

In most cases it is better to specify the server you wanna connect to. 
And obligatory to write your user name in full, context included. Ex. 
Et voila. Transfer speeds look worser on Linux but not much. In much 
cases they are acceptable.

Now turning the theme to other aspect. Lonnie, don't mess a 
_file_server_ with an application server. The philosophy beyond Novell 
is a great one. But that's for file servers. In most cases, Novell is 
meant just for centralized massive storage with high preformance 
transfers. For users, there is nothing to do there, except store and 
retrieve files. And most apps in a Novell server are for administrative 
purposes only.

Now UNIX is an application server system. Yes, today we use it as a 
desktop workhorse but even the user-friendly Mandrake still lives in the 
app-server world. And that's why we have mega-folders like /usr/bin and 
/usr/share or /usr/lib. Because applications are meant for general and 
broad use. This is good and bad.

The good is that this is more economical than the Windows clobbering 
system. Yes, Windows had a good idea to divide apps on different 
folders. However it does not differ  things on executables, libraries, 
documents or data. In result, you may fell that Windows is more 
organized than Linux but in fact you are getting doubling libraries, 
conflicts on installs, and a mess where God knows where that 
super-needed *.zzz file went to. Unix and Linux make the other way. They 
rarely divide applications from each other. However alll  gurus, 
penguins and demons do hate to see a shared library in the wrong place. 
Or a program laying on some /opt/apt/ept/bin/sbin. There is a standard 
and the *NIX world does love it. This manages to make installs, upgrades 
and use much easier.

The bad thing is that you get some super-mega directories to 
administrate. For the eye, it is a hell to look around more than 1500 
files (right now I have 2111 in /usr/bin). If there is a task to 
restrict certain apps to different classes of users, then one may have a 
serious problem here. There are some solutions for this like using 
/usr/local or /opt. Well, /usr/local was made for such a thing. However, 
this can be used only in cases when you have three classes of users - 
administrative, advanced users and the not so advanced aka local users. 
That was the primordial idea of the Unix file hierarchy. Well, in most 
cases, such hierarchy is quite useful. but  there are always exceptions 
that spoil the picture. I have seen situations where there is a need to 
make a division of users in 5 classes with a complex mix of rights. On 
Windows world, one can achieve such divisions by the use of such tools 
like Novell ZenWorks and Novell NDS. On Unix/Linux, the task may be 
achievable, but, it demands some good expertise and it will not be easy 
to administrate.

Well, it is a pitty that Novell is mostly a demand-money corporation 
(they even started to charge their Novell 6Beta). So it is hard to 
predict that we will one day see NDSes or ZenWorkes in use here. But 
there is a light in the tunnel. First, it is the appearence of Ganymede, 
finally on version 1.0. This  tool pretends to fill the gap of not 
having a free NDS system on *NIXes. It is still a far step away from NDS 
but I believe that it is already worth a use. Second, we are seeing the 
emergence of a true access control system on Linux. I hate partisan 
discussions, so I will mention several tools that I believe are worth a 
great future, sorry if I forget some other great ones: RSBAC, SELinux, 
LOMAC, LIDS, ACL for Linux. Some are still in the forge, other are 
already pretty workable. None of them may claim an universal answer "for 
anything, for everything". In fact, all these and other admin tools, 
like atsar, have a "red corner" where they will shine. For example RSBAC 
may be useful to administer  some large networks of workstations, the 
fascist SELinux looks good for server administration, while LOMAC or 

Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread Atha Kouroussis

You can run their shell in restricted mode. If the user's shell is bash then 
the restricted counterpart is rbash or bash -r. The user wont be able the 
move outside his home dir. For more info see the man page.


On August 9, 2001 04:18 pm, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> The small distro link was exactly what I think that I am look for. I will
> investigate it further.
> I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user
> from entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a
> user from exiting out of a specific directory?
> For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own
> home directories?
> Thanks Again,
> Lonnie
> Lonnie Cumberland
> OutStep Technologies Incorporated
> URL:

Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread Mordechai Ovits

On Thursday 09 August 2001 04:53, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Well, I was just thinking back to the days of Novell and seem to remember
> that when a user logged in, they were mapped into their own user space and
> generally did not have access to other areas.

you could eset up your linux box to have that proprty.  I dont recommend it 

> I though that this was a nice security issue.

Not really.  Being able to see what's in /usr/bin doesnt really open secirty 
holes.  It does ruin the security aspect called "unpredictability."

> Also, the users could run applications by having a local "bin" link and
> path setting.

No, because links would resolve to directory the user cant access.

> I was just playing with some ideas and wanted to investigate them.

Try this:
[movits@movitslinux movits]$ su
[root@movitslinux movits]# cd /
[root@movitslinux /]# mkdir /test
[root@movitslinux /]# chmod 771 /test
[root@movitslinux /]# cp /usr/bin/tree /test/
[root@movitslinux /]# ls -l|grep test
drwxrwx--x2 root root 4096 Aug  9 17:43 test/
[root@movitslinux /]# exit
[movits@movitslinux movits]$ cd /test
[movits@movitslinux /test]$ ls
ls: .: Permission denied
[movits@movitslinux /test]$ ./tree /


Understand it?

Mordy Ovits   Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. 
Network Engineer   Teach a man to fish, and you give up
Bloomberg L.P.   your monopoly on fisheries.

Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread menola_rh

Sure... remove their mouse and keyboard :)


On Thursday 09 August 2001 03:18 pm, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> The small distro link was exactly what I think that I am look for. I will
> investigate it further.
> I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user
> from entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a
> user from exiting out of a specific directory?
> For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own
> home directories?
> Thanks Again,
> Lonnie
> Lonnie Cumberland
> OutStep Technologies Incorporated
> URL:

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Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread Lonnie Cumberland

Well, I was just thinking back to the days of Novell and seem to remember that
when a user logged in, they were mapped into their own user space and generally
did not have access to other areas.

I though that this was a nice security issue.

Also, the users could run applications by having a local "bin" link and path

I was just playing with some ideas and wanted to investigate them.


Quoting Mordechai Ovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thursday 09 August 2001 04:18, you wrote:
> > I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a
> user
> > from entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent
> a
> > user from exiting out of a specific directory?
> No, not really.  There's something called chroot, but it wont do what
> you
> want.  Think about it:  If they cant leave their home dir, how would
> they run
> things in /usr/bin ?
> > For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their
> own
> > home directories?
> Please clarify what you mean by leave?  Do you not want them to be able
> to
> see the contents of ANY other directory?  And why?!?!?
> Mordy
> --
> Mordy Ovits   Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
> Network Engineer   Teach a man to fish, and you give up
> Bloomberg L.P.   your monopoly on fisheries.

Lonnie Cumberland
OutStep Technologies Incorporated


Re: [Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread Mordechai Ovits

On Thursday 09 August 2001 04:18, you wrote:
> I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user
> from entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a
> user from exiting out of a specific directory?

No, not really.  There's something called chroot, but it wont do what you 
want.  Think about it:  If they cant leave their home dir, how would they run 
things in /usr/bin ?

> For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own
> home directories?

Please clarify what you mean by leave?  Do you not want them to be able to 
see the contents of ANY other directory?  And why?!?!? 

Mordy Ovits   Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. 
Network Engineer   Teach a man to fish, and you give up
Bloomberg L.P.   your monopoly on fisheries.

[Cooker] limiting access

2001-08-09 Thread Lonnie Cumberland

Hi All,

The small distro link was exactly what I think that I am look for. I will
investigate it further.

I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user from
entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a user from
exiting out of a specific directory?

For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own home

Thanks Again,

Lonnie Cumberland
OutStep Technologies Incorporated