Re: [Cooker] diskdrake & root rxvt

2003-08-20 Thread guillaume.bedot
hum, i forgot to say i didn't manage to reproduce it a second time.

guillaume a écrit :

Hi again,

I tried to open diskdrake in graphical mcc : it didn't want to load 
(in mcc) until i closed the terminal in which i sued as root.

Does this deserve a bug report ?


Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake munching fstab comments [Was: How to get rid of "KDEInit could not launch 'kfmclient'" message?]

2003-03-26 Thread Duncan
On Wed 26 Mar 2003 05:01, Pixel posted as excerpted below:
> Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The resulting fstab is attached as fstab.munched.  Not only are all those
> > notes about options gone, but so is my nice ordering by function.   
> > Furthermore, all my devfs-failure-safe paths have disappeared []
> this is the contrary. If devfs fail to mount, your solution is bad. It
> is if devfsd fail to run that your solution is better.

Aye.  My mistake then.  All I know is it didn't work, and these paths did.

> handling everything the way everyone want need artificial
> intelligence.
> more precisely, having it keep the order could be done. Keeping
> spacing could be done too. But this is not easy, and will introduce
> bugs for sure.
> same (but even worse) for XFdrake

I figured XFdrake was to much to hope for, as that gets /very/ complicated to 
try and get it all right, with multiple screens, etc.  Perhaps someday.. as 
MSWormOS seems to handle it all pretty well automatically, multiple screens 
and all.  (You can even set up comments in separate value/data entries in the 
registry, and the automated thing doesn't touch them -- it ignores them as 
something it doesn't know about.)  However, in that respect, Linux (not just 
Mdk) still has some ways to go.

Still, would be nice to have automated tools that leave the current situation 
as-is in fstab, if all you are doing is adding a mount entry, given that 
there's no reason it would need to change the order.  Even changing an entry 
shouldn't in theory be impossible or even incredibly difficult to do in 
place, leaving all other lines as they are.  That's certainly easier than it 
would be in a critically sectionaized ordering such as XF86Config.

However, at least it doesn't miss-parse comments as mount-points, as it did, 
to my dismay, in Mdk 8.1 or so.Thus, what remains isn't so critical.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem withsolution

2003-01-17 Thread John Danielson, II
Thomas Backlund wrote:

From: "John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has


following part structure.

Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
Parts 6 and up can be logicals.


| And Windows allows for 4 primaries, not 3. So a mixed system or a
| migrators system will have a mess.

You have misread the partition tables, or how it works...

Windows/dos (or actually the partitioning scheme) does allow
for 4 primaries, BUT the extended partition counts as one primary.

You dot believe me? If so, it's easy to test ...
1. Create 4 primary partitions. (make sure you leave some empty space
   on the disk, for example 4  x 1GB partitions on a 10 GB disk leaves
   you with 6 GB of free space on the disk...)

2. Now try to make a extended partition... IT WON'T WORK

3. Remove one of  the primary partitions. Now you can create an
   extended partition that uses the free space on the disk,
   that also allows you to make logical partitions...



OK, point made, because I did that(I had thought the extended part table 
was a special case).

However, some of what I was trying to say is that what linux sees as how 
Windows numbers things is that the extended table is always one up from 
that last created Primary, also. therfore, what happens when a windows 
tool is used to make Ext3 or Ext2 is that:

If primary 1 and 2 exist, then extended part table is 3, first logical 
is 5, etc.
If primary 1 exists, then extended part table is 2 and the logicals 
start at 5.

diskdrake numbers it 4-- so long as only and forever Diskdrake works on 
parts, this is fine, but when it errors it does need something else to 
work on it to fix or the /etc/fstab manually revised after an e2fsck 
failure at boot.

If a Windows or DOS based tool, including Ranish, sees a single primary, 
an extended numbered 4 and a logical numbered 5 it will says the chain 
is invalid. most GUI'd Windows tools will then invalidate the drive 
insofar as access is concerned.

Linux Logical parts can live within a Win95 Ext'd LBA defined if they 
themselves each bound on CHS boundaries. User cannot calc those 
boundaries, new current HD have variable sectors per track-- either 
diskdrake talks to drive controller or it needs to use nearest pure 
cylinder bound less than user assigned space (calcing with avg. 
sectors\track will give a CHS bound, good enough). What does w newbie do 
when asking fro size of part??? 8,000,000 Kbytes is roughly 8Gig-- so he 
says 8,000 MB. Asks for that. PM 8.0 lets you drag, and shows you valid 
CHS boundary increments. Nice-- if use then part numbers change versus 
what /etc/fstab was written to reflect, things get mashed AGAIN until 
manual edit performed.

Windows based tools that are backward compatible do this, and I also get 
different sized parts out of what diskdrake tells me while the windows 
tools tell exactly what the bound is by changing the size dynamically to 
show the revised size bounded to CHS. Newbie favors this info level, 
WILL use these tools if was a Windows power user tired of paying for 
Windows junk that crashes and has security holes that Linux does not 
(prime business motivator, and where Mandrake tends to get support 
funds, and where I KNOW RedHat gets support and training income).

Easiest fix is to unhook the mount link by commenting it, then reboot 
and try to fix. Diskdrake erred, so newbie is GONNA try something else. 
Newbie likes GUIs-- is he gonna go for a CLI based thing that has no 
visual feedback and little validate before write?? No, he is not-- is he 
gonna pay for something obviously broken??? Half won't-- our market 
increase potential for Linux Mandrake as a whole just halved itself. I 
gotta sell Windows users on this thing, and if must say here is how you 
do this with windows tools to handle a diskdrake prob, they are not 
gonna use diskdrake, tell friends they can't cuz its broke, and the FUD 
starts, and Mandrake's rep suffers. The core user tools HAVE to be 
clear, clearly doced, with fallback recovery procedures in that doc-- 
procedures tuned for EASY.

Two major areas picking up Linux use in my area-- Small businesses and 
end users, and both need things they can do for themselves, not things 
having to pay someone for tech support. I have a school district 
interested in the LTSP, but if a Parapro cannot maintain a HD with GUI'd 
Linux tools he is gonna use GUI'D windows tools that the district has on 
hand. Resulting conflicts between Mandrake's tools and other tools that 
can make valid Ext3 parts that linux can use will result in increased 
resistance to Linux rather than a ground swell, and where schools go 
there go our kids here for the most part -- another resistance to overcome.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem withsolution

2003-01-17 Thread John Danielson, II
Pixel wrote:

"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


The commented line is what I had to pull to get the machine to boot past an
ext2 fsck that said it could not find a superblock when I tried to boot the
machine into Linux.
I was trying to use Diskdrake from the GUI when this happened, as any newbie

so, as far as i understand, the bug is:

 when creating a partition on a live system with
 diskdrake, it writes the partition table, it
 writes the fstab, *but* it doesn't manage to
 format the partition because it wants to reboot

is that it?

if that's the pb, I thought it was fixed, *unless* you did resize a
partition first.



Write part table as Ext2Fs when Ext3FS type chosen.
Fails to format-- errors and says it has to do so after reboot.
Then wants to write fstab anyway.

No resize. No extended part table anything else can recognize of common 
available tools a newbie would have handy.



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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem with solution

2003-01-17 Thread Thomas Backlund
From: "John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has
>>following part structure.
>>Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
>>Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
>>Parts 6 and up can be logicals.
| And Windows allows for 4 primaries, not 3. So a mixed system or a
| migrators system will have a mess.

You have missread the partition tables, or how it works...

Windows/dos (or actually te partitioning scheme) does allow
for 4 primaries, BUT the extended partition counts as one primary.

You dont belive me? If so, it's easy to test ...
1. Create 4 primary partitions. (make sure you leave some emty space
on the disk, for example 4  x 1GB partitions on a 10 GB disk leaves
you with 6 GB of free space on the disk...)

2. Now try to make a extended partition... IT WON'T WORK

3. Remove one of  the primary partitions. Now you can create an
extended partition that uses tthe free space on the disk,
that also allows you to make logical partitions...


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem with solution

2003-01-17 Thread Pixel
"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The commented line is what I had to pull to get the machine to boot past an
> ext2 fsck that said it could not find a superblock when I tried to boot the
> machine into Linux.
> [...]
> I was trying to use Diskdrake from the GUI when this happened, as any newbie
> would.

so, as far as i understand, the bug is:

  when creating a partition on a live system with
  diskdrake, it writes the partition table, it
  writes the fstab, *but* it doesn't manage to
  format the partition because it wants to reboot

is that it?

if that's the pb, I thought it was fixed, *unless* you did resize a
partition first.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem with solution

2003-01-16 Thread John Danielson, II
Pixel wrote:

"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has the
following part structure.

Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
Parts 6 and up can be logicals.

it really seems like we can't agree on terminology or ???

% fdisk -l /dev/sda


  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 1 2 16033+  83  Linux
/dev/sda2   * 3   263   2096482+  83  Linux
/dev/sda3   264   276104422+  83  Linux
/dev/sda4   277  1106   9755  Extended
/dev/sda5   277   340514048+  83  Linux
/dev/sda6   341   353104391   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda11 1013  1106755023+  83  Linux

parts #5-#11 are included in #4


And Windows allows for 4 primaries, not 3. So a mixed system or a 
migrators system will have a mess.

You are using SCSI, me IDE also.

fdisk -l /dev/hda

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 9729 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  1021   8201151   83  Linux
/dev/hda2  1022  9729  69947010f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda5  1022  1071401593+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda6  2960  3980   8201151   83  Linux
/dev/hda7  1072  2959  15165297   83  Linux
/dev/hda8  3981  5313  10707291   83  Linux
/dev/hda9  5314  8513  25703968+  83  Linux
/dev/hda10 8514  8901   3116578+  83  Linux
/dev/hda11 8902  9729   6650878+  83  Linux

Partition table entries are not in disk order
[root@ root]# fdisk -l /dev/hdb
omitting empty partition (5)

Disk /dev/hdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1   * 1   648   5205028+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb2   649   698401625   82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb3   699  4865  33471396f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hdb5   700  1606   7285414+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb6  1607  2368   6120702   83  Linux
/dev/hdb7  2369  4865  20057121   83  Linux
[root@ root]# fdisk -l /dev/hdd

Disk /dev/hdd: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 7297 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdd1 1  1021   8201151b  Win95 FAT32
[root@ root]#

where anything based on DOS or Windows sticks the extended is based on 
how many Primaries there are:

What fdisk saw on theHD after diskdrake was done as I described was:
hda1 /
hda4 Extended
hda5 /cookermirror (type unknown)
as in /etc/fstab
but hda5 was unformatted and marked as Ext2 when I told Diskdrake to use 

here is the /etc/fstab

[root@ root]# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hdb1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
# /dev/hda5 /Cookermirror ext3 noauto 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb7 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdd1 /mnt/hd auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,kudzu,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0,exec 0 0
/dev/hda1 /newslash ext3 defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb6 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb5 /var ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0
[root@ root]#

The commented line is what I had to pull to get the machine to boot past 
an ext2 fsck that said it could not find a superblock when I tried to 
boot the machine into Linux.

BTW, Supermount WORKS on this P4 box, even in stock Mandrake 9.0.

I was trying to use Diskdrake from the GUI when this happened, as any 
newbie would.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem with solution

2003-01-16 Thread Pixel
"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has the
> following part structure.
> Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
> Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
> Parts 6 and up can be logicals.

it really seems like we can't agree on terminology or ???

% fdisk -l /dev/sda


   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 1 2 16033+  83  Linux
/dev/sda2   * 3   263   2096482+  83  Linux
/dev/sda3   264   276104422+  83  Linux
/dev/sda4   277  1106   9755  Extended
/dev/sda5   277   340514048+  83  Linux
/dev/sda6   341   353104391   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda11 1013  1106755023+  83  Linux

parts #5-#11 are included in #4

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem withsolution

2003-01-16 Thread John Danielson, II
Pixel wrote:

"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Something that just happened to me made me think that documenting a particular
recovery process would help many people:

How to get your /etc/fstab file edited from a floppy boot when your
partitioning is set up to have a separate /usr part:

Go into maintenance shell, as the e2fsck fails due to it thinking from the
/etc/fstab that a partition is /dev/hda5 when it is /dev/hda6 (or some such
radically wrong number, part 5 should always be the extended part table).



Just a thought, but could flesh out the procedure if wanted for newbie to know
how to edit /etc/fstab from what a floppy boot drops to when an unrecoverable
bad superblock error is triggered by diskdrake assigning /dev/hda5 to first
extended part and not allowing for the extended part table(and then erroring
as it is created, but still offering to write the /etc/fstab, which I did let
it do last night at 1 AM). diskdrake defaults optional things like
/cookermirror to extended\logical type, but fails to set up an exclusion of
part 5 for the extended part table and writes a /dev/hda5 entry in /etc/fstab
for the new part if it is the first logical created on a physical disk--
sheesh. Then it decides the extended part table has a bad superblock because
is trying to use it as a partition that can be read to and written to directly.

i'm missing something. what is this "part 5 being special"?


Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has 
the following part structure.

Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
Parts 6 and up can be logicals.

Anyone with a multiboot box which has windows, or who never wiped the HD 
to retain data they wanted to still use with that data on FAT or FAT32 
parts will end up using partition managers based on what they have. 
Things like PM 8, PM 7, anything based on a FAT O/S host, will indeed 
renumber a part 5 to 6 and encapsulate it in a part 5 that is a table 
showing start and end points of the logical drives within the extended 

Relevance to us??? We have one HECK of a lot of migrators who like the 
GUI of Mandrake better than RedHat or others.

Even Ranish Part does this, when you tell it you want a logical part it 
builds an extended shell for the logical, then builds the logical inside 
it. Diskdrake does not, and this is a migration issue not a pure Linux 
only issue-- but how many of us are discussing growth, the need for 
revenue, and the need to meet the needs of migrators to get more users???

Diskdrake offers a preference, and lists logical and primary. When I try 
to build a second part on a drive with one primary part, and the part 
name is one I type in, the following happens:

1. Part shows in display of parts as second part in line (fine, but I 
did not tell ti what kind, I let it default to whatever). I have told it 
type Ext3FS.
2. When I then tell it to format, it says you have to reboot before you 
can do this.
3. When it asks if you want the changes written to /etc/fstab, what will 
a newbie do??? Say ok, let it do that, probably-- nothing obvious tells 
him not to, he does not know the reason for or consequences of the 
failure to format.
4. Now, we have  a problem-- the part table has a begin and end mark for 
an Ext type part (but everything I can use other than Diskdrake says it 
is actually a marked as type EXt2 in the part table itself on HD, not an 
Ext3 and /etc/fstab got written as if the part was there and valid as a 
type Ext3 as part 5(it assumed logical type, used part 5)).
5. So, newbie then gets out his faithful floppy bootable toolkit, the 
one he knows how to use-- the one that has DOS based Part tools in it.
6. He looks at his part, sees his tools not only think is wrong type, 
but that they will not format it, because no extended part table 
surrounds it. None of those tools have the ability to slightly relocate 
the existing part, encapsulate in an extended table, and make the table 
unnumbered, they all number it 5 in the master part table and do a chain 
pointer to begin of extended part table as begin of part 5 which to 
their eyes has no data except that table for logicals. So, he wipes it 
and reboots and runs into this catch 22 where fstab is now out if sync, 
or he creates the part in an extended as a logical and then the extended 
table start point ends up being primary 5 in the resulting part table, 
but Linux at boot is looking  still for a data part in 5 because the 
fstab got written for a part that no longer exists.
7.  Linux runs Ext2fs, Ext2fs fails because the extended part TABLE has 
no superblock and therefore it MUST be invalid.
8.  Boot fails, newbie is caught in the catch 22 I proposed a document 
solution to get out of.
9. I, as  a migrating newbie, lost about 300 hours of time (and about 5 
GIG of data 6 times) figuring out what the heck was going on. I have 
been using compute

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake prob followed by maint session problem with solution

2003-01-16 Thread Pixel
"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Soemthing that just happened to me made me think that documenting a particular
> recovery process would help many people:
> How to get your /etc/fstab file editted from a floppy boot when your
> partitioning is set up to have a seperate /usr part:
> Go into maintenance shell, as the e2fsck fails due to it thinking from the
> /etc/fstab that a partition is /dev/hda5 when it is /dev/hda6 (or some such
> radically wrong number, part 5 should always be the extended part table).


> Just a thought, but could flesh out the procedure if wanted for newbie to know
> how to edit /etc/fstab from what a floppy boot drops to when an unrecoverable
> bad superblock error is triggered by diskdrake assigning /dev/hda5 to first
> extended part and not allowing for the extended part table(and then erroring
> as it is created, but still offering to write the /etc/fstab, which I did let
> it do last night at 1 AM). diskdrake defaults optional things like
> /cookermirror to extended\logical type, but fails to set up an exclusion of
> part 5 for the extended part table and writes a /dev/hda5 entry in /etc/fstab
> for the new part if it is the first logical created on a physical disk--
> sheesh. Then it decides the extended part table has a bad superblock because
> is trying to use it as a partition that can be read to and written to directly.

i'm missing something. what is this "part 5 being special"?

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake/DrakX feature request - acl option

2002-10-08 Thread Todd Lyons

Pixel wrote on Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 06:51:01PM +0200 :
> > >>I would like to see diskdrake and DrakX have another checkbox for
> > >>acl support as an option for those filesystems that support acls
> > >>(ext2/ext3/XFS).
> > > please tell exactly what needs to be done, the fstab, examples... :)
> > Add 'acl' (without the quotes) to the options field of the fstab (I don't
> > think you need examples for this, if you *really* do, I can make one!).
> ok, will be done

IIRC, Stew also commented that there had to be an extra option for acls
to work the way they were supposed to.  Stew?  Am I remember correctly?

Blue skies..Todd
   MandrakeSoft USA
   Easy things should be easy, and hard things should be possible.
--Larry Wall
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.3mdk Kernel 2.4.19-16mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake/DrakX feature request - acl option

2002-10-08 Thread Pixel

Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pixel wrote:
> > Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >>I would like to see diskdrake and DrakX have another checkbox for acl support
> >>as an option for those filesystems that support acls (ext2/ext3/XFS).
> >>
> >>Stew commented to me privately that acls break LSB compliance, as does
> >>noatime. So, since noatime is there already, either there is no reason not to
> >>add acl, or something needs to be done (dialog informing the user that the
> >>optoin breaks LSB-compliance) for both.
> > please tell exactly what needs to be done, the fstab, examples... :)
> Add 'acl' (without the quotes) to the options field of the fstab (I don't
> think you need examples for this, if you *really* do, I can make one!).

ok, will be done

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake/DrakX feature request - acl option

2002-10-08 Thread Buchan Milne

Pixel wrote:
> Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I would like to see diskdrake and DrakX have another checkbox for acl support
>>as an option for those filesystems that support acls (ext2/ext3/XFS).
>>Stew commented to me privately that acls break LSB compliance, as does
>>noatime. So, since noatime is there already, either there is no reason not to
>>add acl, or something needs to be done (dialog informing the user that the
>>optoin breaks LSB-compliance) for both.
> please tell exactly what needs to be done, the fstab, examples... :)

Add 'acl' (without the quotes) to the options field of the fstab (I 
don't think you need examples for this, if you *really* do, I can make 

|Registered Linux User #182071-|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake/DrakX feature request - acl option

2002-10-08 Thread Pixel

Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to see diskdrake and DrakX have another checkbox for acl support
> as an option for those filesystems that support acls (ext2/ext3/XFS).
> Stew commented to me privately that acls break LSB compliance, as does
> noatime. So, since noatime is there already, either there is no reason not to
> add acl, or something needs to be done (dialog informing the user that the
> optoin breaks LSB-compliance) for both.

please tell exactly what needs to be done, the fstab, examples... :)

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake gets confused by SCSI-MO-Drive

2002-08-19 Thread Pixel

Michael Riss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have the following devices attached to the SCSI-Bus:
> # cat /proc/scsi/scsi
> Attached devices:
> Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
> Vendor: FUJITSU Model: M2513A Rev: 1500
> Type: Optical Device ANSI SCSI revision: 02


> Cooker-install: Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/perl-install/
> Here I replaced in line 187
> } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /Direct-Access/ } @l;
> with
> } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /Direct-Access/ || $_->{raw_type} =~ /Optical
> Device/ } @l;


> Maybe the maintainer of diskdrake can have a look at it and include the
> changes ?

nice analysis of the pb, nice solution, adding it :)

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake text entry doesn't work.

2002-07-03 Thread Buchan Milne

J S wrote:
> Hi,
> When I launch diskdrake from within KDE I can't use
> the keyboard for text entry.  I try to change the
> mount point for a partition but clicking within the
> text entry box doesn't have an effect.  
> Anyone else see this behavior or know of a fix?

You did press the "toggle to expert mode" button, did you? (you can only 
specify your own mount points in expert mode, for some reason).

|Registered Linux User #182071-|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake text entry doesn't work.

2002-07-03 Thread J S

Opps...  =)  I didn't realize that you had to click
expert mode to be able to type in the mount point.  

Thanks for the pointers to searching the archives



When I launch diskdrake from within KDE I can't use
the keyboard for text entry.  I try to change the
mount point for a partition but clicking within the
text entry box doesn't have an effect.  

Anyone else see this behavior or know of a fix?

rpm -q drakxtools

ps. Is there a way to search the cooker mail archives?
 I am using the entry page from but
I don't see one.



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RE: [Cooker] diskdrake text entry doesn't work.

2002-07-02 Thread Borsenkow Andrej

> On July 3, 2002 00:31 am, Curtis H wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 22:35, J S wrote:
> > > ps. Is there a way to search the cooker mail archives?
> > >  I am using the entry page from but
> > > I don't see one.
> >
> > Best way that I've found is to use google and enter
> > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with your search term.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake text entry doesn't work.

2002-07-02 Thread J.P. Pasnak

On July 3, 2002 00:31 am, Curtis H wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 22:35, J S wrote:
> > ps. Is there a way to search the cooker mail archives?
> >  I am using the entry page from but
> > I don't see one.
> Best way that I've found is to use google and enter
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with your search term.

Live fast, die young,
you're sucking up my bandwidth.
J.P. Pasnak, CD

 Kernel version: 2.4.18-19mdk
Current Linux uptime: 0 hours 18 minutes.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake text entry doesn't work.

2002-07-02 Thread Curtis H

On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 22:35, J S wrote:
> ps. Is there a way to search the cooker mail archives?
>  I am using the entry page from but
> I don't see one.

Best way that I've found is to use google and enter
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with your search term.  

/curtis  ><>

  Mandrake Linux 8.3 (cooker)
  Kernel Version 2.4.18-20mdk
Uptime 3 days 2 hours 27 minutes

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake proposition

2002-06-11 Thread Pixel

Philippe Coulonges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /tmp is not a default option for a mount point in diskdrake.
> It could be a good idea to propose it.

right, done :)

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake div/0 install failures in 8.2 gold

2002-03-19 Thread Pixel

Brad Felmey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> While still on the vg tab I clicked the 'clear all' button, which
> cleared the references to the filesystems, and I returned to the first
> tab to reallocate my disk properly. The LVM partition wouldn't remove.
> This effectively prevents the install from continuing until the machine
> is rebooted.

workaround is to avoid "clear all".

added to my todo list for 9.0 ...


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake + removable detection pb + GUI issues

2002-02-24 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

le lun 18-02-2002 à 21:50, Pixel a écrit :
> Fabrice FACORAT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 1°/ disdrake seems to parse incorrectly /etc/fstab : 
> > 
> > [root@bastard rpms]# grep cdrom /etc/fstab 
> > /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
> > dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,ro,exec,--,nosuid,nodev 0 0 
> > /dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> > /dev/cdrom5 /mnt/cdrom3 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> > /dev/cdrom7 /mnt/cdrom4 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> > 
> > 
> > and diskdrake show incorrectly /mnt/cdrom3 and /mnt/cdrom4, it only show
> > : 
> > Périphérique : scd0 
> > Périphérique : scd2 
> you're using "diskdrake --removable", is that it?
> there'll be a new drakxtools soon. Please tell me if it fix things. If it
> doesn't, give me the fstab & /proc/scsi/scsi & /proc/ide/hd*
> (and beware giving /proc/ide/hd* is not easy!)

 [will@bastard doc]$ rpm -q drakxtools

the pb is not fixed. but in fact it was me the pb. my fstab was
incorrect. with the correct value, everything is fine.

Now there's too much information.
what I means is that with default mcc windows, everything is not
display, I have to resize the windows in order to see everything. very

But I've got my other reproducible pb and now I've got a new way to show
it :
when you are with removable device that show cdrom/floppy mountpoint,
roll your wheeel mouse down ( at least 5 five ). Let finish select and
hit cancel. Everything is fine. return to removable device, make the
same thing and blow !

[root@bastard etc]# rc : /usr/share/mcc/default/gtkrc
modprobe: Can't locate module floppy
parent XID  85983794
mcc pid 11801
gdk_window_foreign_new failed at /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 317,
 line 3.

Apprenez que tout flatteur
Vit au depens de celui qui l'ecoute.

-- Jean de La Fontaine, Le Corbeau et le Renard

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake with Mandrake theme (eazel)

2002-02-24 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

le sam 23-02-2002 à 22:35, Pixel a écrit :
> Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > When using eazel engine disk map in diskdrake does not look good. It is
> > all in one color and only small borders around partitions have different
> > colrs (according to partition type).
> > 
> > Any chance to make them play more nicely together?
> hum, not much :-(

So change default mdk theme.
what's the interest to provide a theme that doesn't work right with ...
the distro tools !

Moe:Wanna play poker tonight?
Joe:I can't. It's the kids' night out.
Joe:I gotta stay home with the nurse.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake with Mandrake theme (eazel)

2002-02-23 Thread Pixel

Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When using eazel engine disk map in diskdrake does not look good. It is
> all in one color and only small borders around partitions have different
> colrs (according to partition type).
> Any chance to make them play more nicely together?

hum, not much :-(

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake and jfs

2002-02-21 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> When creating a new partition, diskdrake allows to create the partition
> as JFS, even if the jfsprogs are not installed.
> IMO, if jfsprogs are not installed and a JFS partition is to be created,
> jfsprogs should be installed automatically (or even better: ask the user
> if he wants to install the necessary tools.  If he says no, ask if he
> really wants to creat a partition of this type.  If yes, go ahead and
> let it silently fail.  If no, cancel the action.)

ok, i'll fix it.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake doesn't handle devfs style partitions correctly

2002-02-21 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When creating a new partition with diskdrake, it rewrites /etc/fstab
> (which is bad, btw).  However, I just now ended up with something like
> this:
> /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6 swap swap defaults 0 0
> Well, /dev/hda6 == /dev/ide
> This only happens for swap partitions.  "Normal" partitions work fine.

hum, i'll see...

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake mount option problem

2002-02-21 Thread Pixel


> le mer 20-02-2002 à 10:36, Pixel a écrit :
> > you have to watch if you can see a cursor... sorry, no better way
> Is it a limitation of gtk_mdk ? gtk 1.2 ? does this pb is solved in gtk
> 2 ?
> Even in Motif we can disable input fields and greyed them !

greying the combo would not do it.

there is
- grayed combo => not pertinent
- not editable entry in the combo
- editable entry in the combo

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake mount option problem

2002-02-21 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

le mer 20-02-2002 à 10:36, Pixel a écrit :
> you have to watch if you can see a cursor... sorry, no better way

Is it a limitation of gtk_mdk ? gtk 1.2 ? does this pb is solved in gtk
2 ?
Even in Motif we can disable input fields and greyed them !
Amants, heureux amants, voulez-vous voyager ?

-- Jean de La Fontaine, Les Deux Pigeons

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake mount option problem

2002-02-20 Thread Pixel


> le mer 20-02-2002 à 01:12, Pixel a écrit :
> > "L.M. de Vries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > Today's Cooker:
> > > 
> > > - Start DiskDrake
> > > - Unmount partition
> > > - Unable to change mount path: the edit-box is not editable
> > 
> > switch to expert mode
>  is there a way to grey/disable/change the color of disabled entry
> fileds ? Most of the time we feel that we can edit them and ... finaly
> ther's no way. people may think that it is a bug

you have to watch if you can see a cursor... sorry, no better way

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake mount option problem

2002-02-19 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

le mer 20-02-2002 à 01:12, Pixel a écrit :
> "L.M. de Vries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Today's Cooker:
> > 
> > - Start DiskDrake
> > - Unmount partition
> > - Unable to change mount path: the edit-box is not editable
> switch to expert mode
 is there a way to grey/disable/change the color of disabled entry
fileds ? Most of the time we feel that we can edit them and ... finaly
ther's no way. people may think that it is a bug
- Allo ! HotLine xyz ?
- J'ai un PC avec Windows 95.
- Oui et alors ?
- Il ne marche pas !
- Oui vous me l'avez deja dit !

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake mount option problem

2002-02-19 Thread Pixel

"L.M. de Vries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Today's Cooker:
> - Start DiskDrake
> - Unmount partition
> - Unable to change mount path: the edit-box is not editable

switch to expert mode

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake comments

2002-02-19 Thread Pixel

Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The application is comming along really nice I must say.
> There is just one thing in the smb configuration tool
> that I would like to have added. When chosing the mountpoint
> there should be a browse button that opens up a window that lets you
> select or create the directory for the mountpoint.
> This is a suggestion and i wish it to be added to the features
> list.

added the features wanted list

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake + removable detection pb + GUI issues

2002-02-18 Thread Pixel


> 1°/ disdrake seems to parse incorrectly /etc/fstab : 
> [root@bastard rpms]# grep cdrom /etc/fstab 
> /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
> dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,ro,exec,--,nosuid,nodev 0 0 
> /dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> /dev/cdrom5 /mnt/cdrom3 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> /dev/cdrom7 /mnt/cdrom4 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,exec,user 0 0 
> and diskdrake show incorrectly /mnt/cdrom3 and /mnt/cdrom4, it only show
> : 
> Périphérique : scd0 
> Périphérique : scd2 

you're using "diskdrake --removable", is that it?

there'll be a new drakxtools soon. Please tell me if it fix things. If it
doesn't, give me the fstab & /proc/scsi/scsi & /proc/ide/hd*
(and beware giving /proc/ide/hd* is not easy!)

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake suggestions

2002-02-13 Thread Tech At Mathco Dot Com

Thank you its really appreciated.


On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 04:29, Pixel wrote:
> Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just tried it and it doesn't remove it.
> > Even though, this is not clear for new users
> > and i would suggest a "Remove Share' button that
> > does this when a share has been highlighted.
> ok ok, i'll do it

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake suggestions

2002-02-12 Thread Pixel

Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just tried it and it doesn't remove it.
> Even though, this is not clear for new users
> and i would suggest a "Remove Share' button that
> does this when a share has been highlighted.

ok ok, i'll do it

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake suggestions

2002-02-11 Thread Yura Gusev

On 11 Feb 2002, Pixel wrote:

> Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 14:39, Pixel wrote:
> > > Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > > When mounting SMB shares with diskdrake
> > > > there is no way to remove the smbshare
> > > > without physicly editing fstab.
> > >
> > > what do you mean, what do you do in the fstab?
> >
> > When adding a SMB entry with diskdrake it adds a
> >
> > //server/share /path/to/mount/point smbfs
> > user,password=mypassword,workgroup=MyWorkGroup,username=myusername
> >
> > to /etc/fstab
> >
> > And there is no selection in diskdrake to remove it.
> you should be able to remove it by selecting the "server" then the "share",
> then clicking on "Mount point". Giving an empty mount-point should remove the
> entry from fstab.

Is it possible to add "remove" button? ;-)

 11:38pm  up 47 days, 10:49,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 <==-}  ->   .--._.-^-(.}
  )'/{   ( \d
 ./\, ) -._.- >
/  /  `\/' GNU  -=LFS*1482=-
I am not 31337. But I can use the Vi editor... ;-0

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake suggestions

2002-02-11 Thread Tech At Mathco Dot Com

I just tried it and it doesn't remove it.
Even though, this is not clear for new users
and i would suggest a "Remove Share' button that
does this when a share has been highlighted.


On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 16:55, Pixel wrote:
> Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 14:39, Pixel wrote:
> > > Tech At Mathco Dot Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > > > When mounting SMB shares with diskdrake
> > > > there is no way to remove the smbshare
> > > > without physicly editing fstab. 
> > > 
> > > what do you mean, what do you do in the fstab?
> > 
> > When adding a SMB entry with diskdrake it adds a
> > 
> > //server/share /path/to/mount/point smbfs
> > user,password=mypassword,workgroup=MyWorkGroup,username=myusername
> > 
> > to /etc/fstab
> > 
> > And there is no selection in diskdrake to remove it.
> you should be able to remove it by selecting the "server" then the "share",
> then clicking on "Mount point". Giving an empty mount-point should remove the
> entry from fstab.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread andre

> Can you change partition types without affecting the
> data? Can I change the order of the hard drives
> without screwing things up in linux/windows?
> Anyone with experience with getting their hard drive
> info back to something PM6 can read?
I think you can do that with extend partions(i mean hda(1/4) not hda5+)
But than again. If you fry your data i will laugh(hard)

Changing the order. With fdisk in expert-mode you can change the order.
But i never did that. Don't know how windows would react(but that would
matter in your case) But for windows you have to atleast change fstab
and probably lilo.conf too.

PS. before you begin back up your data, maybe even your hole harddisk
because this kind of thing always end in tears when you don't want to
lose any data. 

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread SI Reasoning

--- andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > --- andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > 
> > > > [...]
> > > > 
> > > > >Device BootStart   EndBlocks 
>  Id
> > > 
> > > > > System
> > > > > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+
>   b
> > > Win95 FAT32
> > > > > /dev/hda2   210   650   960 
>  17
> > > Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > > > > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+
>  83
> > > Linux
> > > > > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040 
>   f
> > > Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > > > > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+
>  82
> > > Linux swap
> > > > > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+
>  83
> > > Linux
> > > > > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+
>  83
> > > Linux
> > > > > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+
>  83
> > > Linux
> > > > 
> > > > if Partition Magic doesn't handle such
> classical
> > > partition tables i don't know
> > > > what to do...
> > > > 
> > > It could be hda4 being typ f or that the
> partions
> > > are not in order. You
> > > could change both of this facts with fdisk. But
> then
> > > why would you need
> > > PM.
> > >
> > I am not real familiar with fdisk so I don't know
> what
> > you mean by type f or how to change the order...
> but I
> type f is a surtend type of extended partion. Me
> think 5 is normally the
> version windows uses. 

Can you change partition types without affecting the
data? Can I change the order of the hard drives
without screwing things up in linux/windows?
Anyone with experience with getting their hard drive
info back to something PM6 can read?

> What i mean by changing the order is that hda6 is
> after hda7 and hda8 on
> the harddisk. 
> You can all change that quite easy with fdisk.
> > mostly use PM for resizing partitions without
> losing
> > the info inside. 
> > 
> > 
> Why would you want to do that.:) 

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread andre

> --- andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > >Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id
> > 
> > > > System
> > > > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b
> > Win95 FAT32
> > > > /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17
> > Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > > > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83
> > Linux
> > > > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f
> > Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > > > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82
> > Linux swap
> > > > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83
> > Linux
> > > > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83
> > Linux
> > > > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83
> > Linux
> > > 
> > > if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical
> > partition tables i don't know
> > > what to do...
> > > 
> > It could be hda4 being typ f or that the partions
> > are not in order. You
> > could change both of this facts with fdisk. But then
> > why would you need
> > PM.
> >
> I am not real familiar with fdisk so I don't know what
> you mean by type f or how to change the order... but I
type f is a surtend type of extended partion. Me think 5 is normally the
version windows uses. 

What i mean by changing the order is that hda6 is after hda7 and hda8 on
the harddisk. 

You can all change that quite easy with fdisk.

> mostly use PM for resizing partitions without losing
> the info inside. 
Why would you want to do that.:) 

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread SI Reasoning

--- andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > >Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id
> > > System
> > > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b
> Win95 FAT32
> > > /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17
> Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83
> Linux
> > > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f
> Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82
> Linux swap
> > > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83
> Linux
> > > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83
> Linux
> > > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83
> Linux
> > 
> > if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical
> partition tables i don't know
> > what to do...
> > 
> It could be hda4 being typ f or that the partions
> are not in order. You
> could change both of this facts with fdisk. But then
> why would you need
> PM.
I am not real familiar with fdisk so I don't know what
you mean by type f or how to change the order... but I
mostly use PM for resizing partitions without losing
the info inside. 

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread Robert Fox

I second that  . . .

I always use Partition Magic (PM6) to partition first, then use
diskdrake to format during install.

Now I get something strange - PM6 doesn't complain with the existing
partition tables, but diskdrake does. 

"I can't read your partition table, it's too corrupted for me :( - I'll
try to go on blanking bad partitions"

here is my partition table from fdisk -l :

omitting empty partition (5)

Disk /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 2501
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

Device BootStart   EndBlocks
Id  System
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1   385  2501  17004771
f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 1   384
3084448+  1b  Hidden Win95 FAT32
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5  1277  2501   9839781
83  Linux

Partition table entries are not in disk order

Disk /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 3737
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

Device BootStart   EndBlocks
Id  System
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1   * 1   281   2257101
b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2   282  3737  27760320
f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part5   282   728   3590496
b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part6   729  1162
3486073+  83  Linux
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part7  1163  1596
3486073+  83  Linux
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part8  1597  1625232911
82  Linux swap
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part9  1626  2008   3076416
b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part10 2009  2773   6144831
b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part11 2774  3737
7743298+   b  Win95 FAT32

R. Fox

On 06 Sep 2001 12:58:05 -0700, SI Reasoning wrote:
> I generally partition with PM6 then install windows
> then Linux. However, once the rpm was so broken in
> cooker I had to upgrade through re-install and I had
> to use diskdrake to re-create mount points as part of
> the process (but I did not reformat or change anything
> else I don't think). Since that time I cannot use PM6
> anymore.
> --- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > >Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id 
> > > System
> > > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b
> > Win95 FAT32
> > > /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17
> > Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83
> > Linux
> > > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f
> > Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82
> > Linux swap
> > > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83
> > Linux
> > > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83
> > Linux
> > > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83
> > Linux
> > 
> > if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical
> > partition tables i don't know
> > what to do...
> > 
> =
> SI Reasoning
> gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC
> __
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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread andre

> SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> >Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id 
> > System
> > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b Win95 FAT32
> > /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83 Linux
> > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82 Linux swap
> > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83 Linux
> > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83 Linux
> > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83 Linux
> if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical partition tables i don't know
> what to do...
It could be hda4 being typ f or that the partions are not in order. You
could change both of this facts with fdisk. But then why would you need

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread SI Reasoning

I generally partition with PM6 then install windows
then Linux. However, once the rpm was so broken in
cooker I had to upgrade through re-install and I had
to use diskdrake to re-create mount points as part of
the process (but I did not reformat or change anything
else I don't think). Since that time I cannot use PM6

--- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> >Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id 
> > System
> > /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b
> Win95 FAT32
> > /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17
> Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> > /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83
> Linux
> > /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f
> Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> > /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82
> Linux swap
> > /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83
> Linux
> > /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83
> Linux
> > /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83
> Linux
> if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical
> partition tables i don't know
> what to do...

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread Pixel

SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id 
> System
> /dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b Win95 FAT32
> /dev/hda2   210   650   960   17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> /dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83 Linux
> /dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
> /dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82 Linux swap
> /dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83 Linux
> /dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83 Linux
> /dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83 Linux

if Partition Magic doesn't handle such classical partition tables i don't know
what to do...

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread SI Reasoning

PM6 is Partition Magic 6. Good luck on the source!
Will diskdrake allow for non-destructive partition

Disk /dev/hda: 240 heads, 63 sectors, 1559 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id 
/dev/hda1 8   209   1527088+   b 
Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2   210   650   960   17 
/dev/hda3   * 1 7 52888+  83 
/dev/hda4   651  1559   6872040f 
Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hda5   651   693325048+  82 
Linux swap
/dev/hda6  1425  1559   1020568+  83 
/dev/hda7   694  1371   5125648+  83 
/dev/hda8  1372  1424400648+  83 

Partition table entries are not in disk order

--- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I recently tried to use PM6 and I got an error
> that my
> > partition table was unreadable and it wouldn't let
> me
> > do anything.. I have had problems with this in the
> > past when I have used diskdrake. Is there a way to
> fix
> > the partition table so that PM6 can read from it
> > again?
> give the partition table (eg: output of "fdisk -l"),
> and the source of PM6,
> i'll send them a patch ;pp

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread Pixel

SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently tried to use PM6 and I got an error that my
> partition table was unreadable and it wouldn't let me
> do anything.. I have had problems with this in the
> past when I have used diskdrake. Is there a way to fix
> the partition table so that PM6 can read from it
> again?

give the partition table (eg: output of "fdisk -l"), and the source of PM6,
i'll send them a patch ;pp

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread Borsenkow Andrej

SI Reasoning wrote:
> I recently tried to use PM6 and I got an error that my
> partition table was unreadable and it wouldn't let me
> do anything.. I have had problems with this in the
> past when I have used diskdrake. Is there a way to fix
> the partition table so that PM6 can read from it
> again?

Could you please chek the types of partitions?  If you have 0x85 (Linux 
extended) there are good chances you had 0x05 (Extended) before and 
diskdrake changed it for you. PM does not understand 0x85. OTOH I do not 
get an error even in this case.


> --- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fox) writes:
>>>I always partition with Partition Magic (PM6) and
>>let diskdrake only format the partitions.
>>>But this time I have a serious problem.
>>>During a new install, diskdrake does not recognize
>>the partition table properly and offers to "fix" it
>>>which I beleiev it will wipe out the patition
>>>When I say "no" to this offer, I notice that the
>>swap partition that I created originally in PM6
>>>is not recognized in diskdrake - in fact it shows
>>up as empty space.  When I try to create the swap
>>>partition under diskdrake, it complains and
>>creates an overlapping partition problem.
>>>I am unable to install now.
>>>What has changed in diskdrake lately?
>>nothing that would cause this.
> =
> SI Reasoning
> gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread SI Reasoning

I recently tried to use PM6 and I got an error that my
partition table was unreadable and it wouldn't let me
do anything.. I have had problems with this in the
past when I have used diskdrake. Is there a way to fix
the partition table so that PM6 can read from it

--- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fox) writes:
> > I always partition with Partition Magic (PM6) and
> let diskdrake only format the partitions.
> > 
> > But this time I have a serious problem.
> > 
> > During a new install, diskdrake does not recognize
> the partition table properly and offers to "fix" it
> -
> > which I beleiev it will wipe out the patition
> table.
> > 
> > When I say "no" to this offer, I notice that the
> swap partition that I created originally in PM6
> > is not recognized in diskdrake - in fact it shows
> up as empty space.  When I try to create the swap
> > partition under diskdrake, it complains and
> creates an overlapping partition problem.
> > 
> > I am unable to install now.
> > 
> > What has changed in diskdrake lately?
> nothing that would cause this.

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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Re: [Cooker] diskdrake problems on latest cooker (sept 4th)

2001-09-06 Thread Pixel

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fox) writes:

> I always partition with Partition Magic (PM6) and let diskdrake only format the 
> But this time I have a serious problem.
> During a new install, diskdrake does not recognize the partition table properly and 
>offers to "fix" it -
> which I beleiev it will wipe out the patition table.
> When I say "no" to this offer, I notice that the swap partition that I created 
>originally in PM6
> is not recognized in diskdrake - in fact it shows up as empty space.  When I try to 
>create the swap
> partition under diskdrake, it complains and creates an overlapping partition problem.
> I am unable to install now.
> What has changed in diskdrake lately?

nothing that would cause this.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake?

2001-09-04 Thread Jason Dyer

> "Charles A Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I got the same error when installing both Beta1 and 2.
> > Either as a clean install or as an upgrade.
> > For whatever reason it seemed to be caused by the attached
> > USB Zip 100 either with or without a disk inserted.
> > If I unpluged the Zip prior to running the installation I no longer
> > received the Unable to read partition message.
> should be fixed now.

I tried unpluging everything (including the USB mouse...)  Still get the
same message.


Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake?

2001-09-04 Thread Pixel

"Charles A Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I got the same error when installing both Beta1 and 2.
> Either as a clean install or as an upgrade.
> For whatever reason it seemed to be caused by the attached
> USB Zip 100 either with or without a disk inserted.
> If I unpluged the Zip prior to running the installation I no longer
> received the Unable to read partition message.

should be fixed now.

RE: [Cooker] DiskDrake?

2001-09-04 Thread Charles A Edwards

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 2:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake?
> "Jason Dyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On my notebook, I get the message "DiskDrake failed to read 
> correctly the
> > partition table. Continue at your own risk!" (and then it 
> won't let me
> > continue.) Under Alt-F3, it seems to be complaining that I 
> have more than one
> can you mail me the report.bug? 
> to get it:
> during install, switch to console 2,
> put a fat floppy in floppy drive,
> and type "bug"
> -> it will put report.bug on floppy  and this file interests me
> > extended partition 
> (/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 457.) This
> > setup worked fine under MDK8.0
> i don't believe it
> > (or perhaps the 8.0 install created the second
> > primary partition...)
> neither do i believe this

I got the same error when installing both Beta1 and 2.
Either as a clean install or as an upgrade.
For whatever reason it seemed to be caused by the attached
USB Zip 100 either with or without a disk inserted.
If I unpluged the Zip prior to running the installation I no longer
received the Unable to read partition message.


Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake?

2001-09-04 Thread Pixel

"Jason Dyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On my notebook, I get the message "DiskDrake failed to read correctly the
> partition table. Continue at your own risk!" (and then it won't let me
> continue.) Under Alt-F3, it seems to be complaining that I have more than one

can you mail me the report.bug? 
to get it:

during install, switch to console 2,
put a fat floppy in floppy drive,
and type "bug"

-> it will put report.bug on floppy  and this file interests me

> extended partition (/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 457.) This
> setup worked fine under MDK8.0

i don't believe it

> (or perhaps the 8.0 install created the second
> primary partition...)

neither do i believe this

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-03 Thread Pixel

"Andrej Borsenkow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Besides, I do not know what you call "newbie mode". I started diskdrake,
> went in hdb, clicked on expert mode, created new LVM partition and
> exited. As a result I got unbootable system.
> You seem to miss the point. I do not say you should not use 0x85
> parition (or whatever). I say that you should not (must not, ought not)
> change existing partitions unless user *explicitly* requested it.

i've fixed some code that switched at diskdrake startup. I won't do it anymore
if you create partitions in expert mode

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake - pecularities.

2001-09-03 Thread guran

On Monday 03 September 2001 10:28, François Pons wrote:

> Have you tried the other options ? LBA, LARGE, NORMAL ...

No, I have not.

> what gives "cat /proc/ide/hda/geometry" ?

[guran@Archimedes guran]$ cat /proc/ide/hda/geometry
physical 59560/16/63
logical  3737/255/63

>From this I have drawn the conclusion that the 'conversation' with the hard 
drive is 'clean'. But it is best to keep in mind that this is Mdk8.0 that was 
started on a box, with the Zip drive attached. There might be remnants left 
from the initial 'interference'.

Thanks for your interest, but to day I will save my mirror on hdb, and clean 
hda to a fresh start.


Mandrake 8.0 kernel-2.4.7-12.3

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-03 Thread Ron Stodden

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> I have hda and hdb. Windows (several versions) is on hda, Linux (several
> versions) is on hdb in logical drives extended partition (type 0x5) -
> hda5, hda7 etc with lilo on each partition. I use boot manager to boot
> all windows and Linux systems. Boot manager does not recognize logical
> drives inside 0x85 partition type and cannot boot from them.

You might like to try XOSL (Extended Operating System Loader):

Absolutely free and works well on systems with one or two physical
hard drives, NOT three!

Ron. [au]

RE: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-03 Thread Andrej Borsenkow

> [...]
> > In any case - why you decide for me what partition type should I
> > And why you do it SILENTLY? Without even asking or at least
> > me?
> it does it in beginner mode. How do you want me to inform a newbie
that i
> switched the extended partition type from 0x5 to 0x85?

Then do not do it. Simple.

Besides, I do not know what you call "newbie mode". I started diskdrake,
went in hdb, clicked on expert mode, created new LVM partition and
exited. As a result I got unbootable system.

You seem to miss the point. I do not say you should not use 0x85
parition (or whatever). I say that you should not (must not, ought not)
change existing partitions unless user *explicitly* requested it.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-03 Thread Pixel

"Andrej Borsenkow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> In any case - why you decide for me what partition type should I use?
> And why you do it SILENTLY? Without even asking or at least informing
> me?

it does it in beginner mode. How do you want me to inform a newbie that i
switched the extended partition type from 0x5 to 0x85?

> > >
> > > I can't even imagine user's reaction if this "feature" will be
> included
> > in
> > > final release ...
> > 
> > it is there since 7.2
> Then it accounts for all those reports about "lost partitions" during
> Mandrake installation. Yes, there were plenty of them in NG.

known bug in 7.2 (see
no pb with 8.0

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake - pecularities.

2001-09-03 Thread François Pons

guran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi


> I turned off the AUTO utility in BIOS and manually entered the relevant data 
> from the hard drive: CHS 16383/16/63. Which is supposed to mean no of 
> cylinders/heads/sectors per track.

Have you tried the other options ? LBA, LARGE, NORMAL ...

> I installed a Debian, which liked the partition table and gave CHS 
> 59560/16/63.
> >From dmesg in Mdk8.0 I have: CHS 59560/16/63
> But here is probably the answer:
> [root@Archimedes guran]# fdisk -l /dev/hda

what gives "cat /proc/ide/hda/geometry" ?


RE: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-02 Thread Andrej Borsenkow

> > diskdrake again changed my partition from 0x5 into 0x85. This time I
> smart
> > enough to check before reboot.
> >
> > I understand that you may not like Microsoft. But may I humbly ask
> express
> > it differently? :-/
> i don't remember what's the reason for Microsoft not liking this. can
> give
> it again?

I have hda and hdb. Windows (several versions) is on hda, Linux (several
versions) is on hdb in logical drives extended partition (type 0x5) -
hda5, hda7 etc with lilo on each partition. I use boot manager to boot
all windows and Linux systems. Boot manager does not recognize logical
drives inside 0x85 partition type and cannot boot from them.

In any case - why you decide for me what partition type should I use?
And why you do it SILENTLY? Without even asking or at least informing

> >
> > I can't even imagine user's reaction if this "feature" will be
> in
> > final release ...
> it is there since 7.2

Then it accounts for all those reports about "lost partitions" during
Mandrake installation. Yes, there were plenty of them in NG.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake again trashed my partition table

2001-09-02 Thread Pixel

Andrej Borsenkow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> diskdrake again changed my partition from 0x5 into 0x85. This time I was smart
> enough to check before reboot.
> I understand that you may not like Microsoft. But may I humbly ask to express
> it differently? :-/

i don't remember what's the reason for Microsoft not liking this. can you give
it again?

> I can't even imagine user's reaction if this "feature" will be included in
> final release ...

it is there since 7.2

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake - pecularities.

2001-09-02 Thread guran

On Sunday 02 September 2001 19:18, guran wrote

> When I try to do a new Install of Cooker I come to DiskDrake and then it
> says that I may only continue on my own risk, because it is not secure
> about the partition table.

I got past that stage, when I took away my old 100 MB Zip-drive, on which the 
parallell printer was daisy-chaimed.

Mandrake 8.0 kernel-2.4.7-12.3

RE: [Cooker] diskdrake cannot embde

2001-08-30 Thread Andrej Borsenkow

> > [root@cooker root]# rpm -q drakcong drakxtools
> > package drakcong is not installed
> drakconf :)

I like drakcong too. King Kong!

> > drakxtools-1.1.7-9mdk
> > [root@cooker root]# mcc
> > Subroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 266.
> > Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line
> > Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> > /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> > Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> > /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> > XID :
> > CCPID :
> > modprobe: Can't locate module floppy
> > X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
> >   Resource id in failed request:  0x1c000e2
> >   Serial number of failed request:  1536
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  1536
> >
> > And after exiting diskdrake and mcc I have:
> >
> > root  1909  1875  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 mcc
> > root  1910  1909  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 /usr/sbin/userhelper
> > 5,4,2 -w
> > root  1911  1910  1 12:20 pts/000:00:02 /usr/bin/perl -w
> > /usr/X11R6/bin/
> > root  1916  1911  3 12:22 pts/000:00:04 [diskdrake
> what window manager ?

Ehh ... I run it via ssh-forwarded X11 from a system with CDE running,
so whatever window manager is used by CDE. 


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake cannot embde

2001-08-29 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

Le Mercredi 29 Août 2001 15:39, vous avez écrit :
> what window manager ?

the same for me, I use xfce.
I've report it in another mail.

Copyleft Faber's prod. 2001

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake cannot embde

2001-08-29 Thread Atha Kouroussis

Same herein KDE


On August 29, 2001 09:39 am, you wrote:
> Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [root@cooker root]# rpm -q drakcong drakxtools
> > package drakcong is not installed
> drakconf :)
> > drakxtools-1.1.7-9mdk
> > [root@cooker root]# mcc
> > Subroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 266.
> > Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 271.
> > Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> > /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> > Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> > /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> > XID :
> > CCPID :
> > modprobe: Can't locate module floppy
> > X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
> >   Resource id in failed request:  0x1c000e2
> >   Serial number of failed request:  1536
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  1536
> >
> > And after exiting diskdrake and mcc I have:
> >
> > root  1909  1875  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 mcc
> > root  1910  1909  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 /usr/sbin/userhelper -d
> > 5,4,2 -w
> > root  1911  1910  1 12:20 pts/000:00:02 /usr/bin/perl -w
> > /usr/X11R6/bin/
> > root  1916  1911  3 12:22 pts/000:00:04 [diskdrake ]
> what window manager ?

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake cannot embde

2001-08-29 Thread Yves Duret

Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [root@cooker root]# rpm -q drakcong drakxtools
> package drakcong is not installed

drakconf :)

> drakxtools-1.1.7-9mdk
> [root@cooker root]# mcc
> Subroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 266.
> Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 271.
> Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> Argument "default" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
> /usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 77.
> XID : 
> CCPID :  
> modprobe: Can't locate module floppy
> X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
>   Resource id in failed request:  0x1c000e2
>   Serial number of failed request:  1536
>   Current serial number in output stream:  1536
> And after exiting diskdrake and mcc I have:
> root  1909  1875  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 mcc
> root  1910  1909  0 12:20 pts/000:00:00 /usr/sbin/userhelper -d
> 5,4,2 -w
> root  1911  1910  1 12:20 pts/000:00:02 /usr/bin/perl -w
> /usr/X11R6/bin/
> root  1916  1911  3 12:22 pts/000:00:04 [diskdrake ]

what window manager ?
Yves Duret
piouk toujours !

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake - resize mounted partition

2001-08-25 Thread Borsenkow Andrej

Pixel wrote:
> Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>When I tried to resize partition that was mounted diskdrake did nothing
> how is it you were able to resize a mounted partition? I'm not able to
> reproduce. It only proposes "Unmount" and "Use for loopback".

It was a while back, so I guess it is fixed now. I am not able to 
reproduce it as well in freshly installed cooker.


Re: [Cooker] diskdrake - silly question?

2001-08-24 Thread Pixel

Mordechai Ovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Friday 24 August 2001 01:39, Pixel wrote:
> > Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Start diskdrake. *Immediately* exit it - and get the question 'do you
> > > want to save fstab modifications?".
> > >
> > > WHAT modifications?!? I have not modified anything.
> >
> > hey, you want to fight? diskdrake is not meant to be used every minutes. I
> > don't have an easy way to know wether anything has been modified. I could
> > but would need adding a flag at each place a mount point, an option, the
> > type...
> No you dont.  You can globally store the original, and make all changes to a 
> "candidate config".  On close, see if the candidate and original are the same 
> before asking to save.

i could but it would catch the minor case where the candidate and the original
are the same (due to format differences, ordering...).

if you think that's useful, i'll put this.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake - silly question?

2001-08-24 Thread Mordechai Ovits

On Friday 24 August 2001 01:39, Pixel wrote:
> Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Start diskdrake. *Immediately* exit it - and get the question 'do you
> > want to save fstab modifications?".
> >
> > WHAT modifications?!? I have not modified anything.
> hey, you want to fight? diskdrake is not meant to be used every minutes. I
> don't have an easy way to know wether anything has been modified. I could
> but would need adding a flag at each place a mount point, an option, the
> type...

No you dont.  You can globally store the original, and make all changes to a 
"candidate config".  On close, see if the candidate and original are the same 
before asking to save.

Mordy Ovits   Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. 
Network Security   Teach a man to fish, and you give up
Bloomberg L.P.   your monopoly on fisheries.

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake - silly question?

2001-08-24 Thread Pixel

Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Start diskdrake. *Immediately* exit it - and get the question 'do you
> want to save fstab modifications?".
> WHAT modifications?!? I have not modified anything.

hey, you want to fight? diskdrake is not meant to be used every minutes. I
don't have an easy way to know wether anything has been modified. I could but
would need adding a flag at each place a mount point, an option, the type...

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake always resets freq and fsckpass fields in /etc/fstab EVEN IF I DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING

2001-08-23 Thread Pixel

Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Even if I just start diskdrake and immediately quit it, it rewrites
> fstab! 

i added a dialog box asking wether to save or not

> Even worse, it ignores fsckpass field. I have partition that is
> used for testing and should not be automatically mounted or fscked on
> startup (fsckpass in 0). 

ok, i now keep the freq&passno found in fstab

Re: [Cooker] diskdrake text mode - dangerous default selection in partition config

2001-08-23 Thread Pixel

Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When you select partition, the action selected is "Delete". It is way
> too easy to accidentally press OK (I did it), it is not clear which item
> is currently active. 

i've lower Delete, it should be better

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

2001-03-20 Thread Civileme

On Tuesday 20 March 2001 17:18, you wrote:
> Thank you for the info. Would it be acceptable to run the script on mdk7.2?
> I have managed to get it installed on both of my computers (both of which
> have had trouble with this). Since these versions have had problems, maybe
> I need to run it on an earlier version? I certainly want to contribute what
> I can (I am a programmer, but have no experience writing for the linux OS).
> Rich

That version would be fine as long as it stays up to see the vital points of 
your machine

It is a simple script that dumps a couple of reports to a file--I mentioned 
it because it was handy--it was designed for the crashtesters who were 
installing 8.0 Betas dual-boot if they got into problems.

If you really want to help--I'll be happy to have it as soon as we can get 
you installed--it definitely sounds like a kernel-vs-hardware problem.

QA/Software testing

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

2001-03-20 Thread Rich Chase

Thank you for the info. Would it be acceptable to run the script on mdk7.2?
I have managed to get it installed on both of my computers (both of which
have had trouble with this). Since these versions have had problems, maybe I
need to run it on an earlier version? I certainly want to contribute what I
can (I am a programmer, but have no experience writing for the linux OS).


- Original Message -
From: Civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

> On Tuesday 20 March 2001 02:00, you wrote:
> > On 19 Mar 2001 17:33:28 -0700, Rich Chase wrote:
> > > While installing Linux-Mandrake (seems to be multigenerational bug --
> > > also in 7.2 versions), the program halts during package installation
> > > seemingly arbitrary points with complaint "no hdlists found".  --
> > > Parenthetically, upon subsequent installation of RehHat, to salvage
> > > on the disk, I get errors indicating a corrupted partition table.
> > >
> > > Anybody else seeing this error? It has occurred for me with various
> > > system architectures and Mandrake versions.
> > >
> > > Rich Chase
> >
> > I had some (actually a lot) of trouble with a corrupted partition table
> > some time back.  Believed to be atrributed to Diskdrake.  Had some more
> > recent trouble of the same sort though lesser.  First incident was 7.2
> > and corrupted the whole darn thing beyond recovery.  The second only
> > hurt one of the ext2 partitions.
> Both of you please get this script
> and run it on any stable linux and send *snap to me as an attachment.
> Civileme
> It is NOT DiskDrake It is a disk geometry recognition problem in the
> Mostly with WD drives and certain VIA Chipsets.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

2001-03-20 Thread Civileme

On Tuesday 20 March 2001 02:00, you wrote:
> On 19 Mar 2001 17:33:28 -0700, Rich Chase wrote:
> > While installing Linux-Mandrake (seems to be multigenerational bug --
> > also in 7.2 versions), the program halts during package installation at
> > seemingly arbitrary points with complaint "no hdlists found".  --
> > Parenthetically, upon subsequent installation of RehHat, to salvage data
> > on the disk, I get errors indicating a corrupted partition table.
> >
> > Anybody else seeing this error? It has occurred for me with various
> > system architectures and Mandrake versions.
> >
> > Rich Chase
> I had some (actually a lot) of trouble with a corrupted partition table
> some time back.  Believed to be atrributed to Diskdrake.  Had some more
> recent trouble of the same sort though lesser.  First incident was 7.2
> and corrupted the whole darn thing beyond recovery.  The second only
> hurt one of the ext2 partitions.

Both of you please get this script

and run it on any stable linux and send *snap to me as an attachment.


It is NOT DiskDrake It is a disk geometry recognition problem in the kernel.  
Mostly with WD drives and certain VIA Chipsets.

RE: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

2001-03-20 Thread Oliver Stieber

disk drake ate hdc1,
 and during install it fails to recognise any partitions on hda 
when my dvd drive is pluged in. (but works fine post install!)

> -Original Message-
> From: Blue Lizard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 March 2001 1:01
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???
> On 19 Mar 2001 17:33:28 -0700, Rich Chase wrote:
> > While installing Linux-Mandrake (seems to be 
> multigenerational bug -- also
> > in 7.2 versions), the program halts during package 
> installation at seemingly
> > arbitrary points with complaint "no hdlists found".  -- 
> Parenthetically,
> > upon subsequent installation of RehHat, to salvage data on 
> the disk, I get
> > errors indicating a corrupted partition table.
> > 
> > Anybody else seeing this error? It has occurred for me with 
> various system
> > architectures and Mandrake versions.
> > 
> > Rich Chase
> > 
> > 
> I had some (actually a lot) of trouble with a corrupted 
> partition table
> some time back.  Believed to be atrributed to Diskdrake.  Had 
> some more
> recent trouble of the same sort though lesser.  First incident was 7.2
> and corrupted the whole darn thing beyond recovery.  The second only
> hurt one of the ext2 partitions.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake???

2001-03-19 Thread Blue Lizard

On 19 Mar 2001 17:33:28 -0700, Rich Chase wrote:
> While installing Linux-Mandrake (seems to be multigenerational bug -- also
> in 7.2 versions), the program halts during package installation at seemingly
> arbitrary points with complaint "no hdlists found".  -- Parenthetically,
> upon subsequent installation of RehHat, to salvage data on the disk, I get
> errors indicating a corrupted partition table.
> Anybody else seeing this error? It has occurred for me with various system
> architectures and Mandrake versions.
> Rich Chase

I had some (actually a lot) of trouble with a corrupted partition table
some time back.  Believed to be atrributed to Diskdrake.  Had some more
recent trouble of the same sort though lesser.  First incident was 7.2
and corrupted the whole darn thing beyond recovery.  The second only
hurt one of the ext2 partitions.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-11 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> > > > > Can I make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?
> > > > 
> > > > yes
> > 
> > i should have said "yes if you have a /boot"
> Ah, I see.  So if grub/lilo is able to load the initrd, everything is fine,
> yes?  And for grub/lilo to be able to load the initrd, a /boot has to be
> made, that's what you're saying?

yes, i'm saying exactly this.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-11 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Pixel am Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 10:12:14PM +0100:
> Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So sprach Pixel am Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 01:07:34AM +0100:
> > > mkinitrd is ok.
> > > The pb is to load the kernel and the initrd, lilo and grub don't like RAID.
> > > 
> > > > Can I make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?
> > > 
> > > yes
> i should have said "yes if you have a /boot"

Ah, I see.  So if grub/lilo is able to load the initrd, everything is fine,
yes?  And for grub/lilo to be able to load the initrd, a /boot has to be
made, that's what you're saying?

> better explaination, the code :)


> die "raid / with no /boot" if $mntpoint eq "/" && isMDRAID($part) && 
>!has_mntpoint("/boot", $hds);

If I interprete that right, than the answer to my question above is "yes",
isn't it?

Please don't only answer with quoting the sentence right above saying "Yes"
*G*  Say "yes, you are right", or "no, you are not right".  'coz only "yes"
could mean both *G* :)

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 3 hours 40 minutes

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-11 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So sprach Pixel am Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 01:07:34AM +0100:
> > mkinitrd is ok.
> > The pb is to load the kernel and the initrd, lilo and grub don't like RAID.
> > 
> > > Can I make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?
> > 
> > yes

i should have said "yes if you have a /boot"

> Well, if it is not going to work to make a / as a Software RAID - why allow
> it in the first place?

better explaination, the code :)

die "raid / with no /boot" if $mntpoint eq "/" && isMDRAID($part) && 
!has_mntpoint("/boot", $hds);

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-09 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Pixel am Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 01:07:34AM +0100:
> mkinitrd is ok.
> The pb is to load the kernel and the initrd, lilo and grub don't like RAID.
> > Can I make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?
> yes

Well, if it is not going to work to make a / as a Software RAID - why allow
it in the first place?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 5 days 0 hours 36 minutes

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-08 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So sprach Pixel am Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 11:42:37AM +0100:
> > /boot is still needed for software RAID
> Ah, is it?  Why?  Does the current mkinitrd not handle Software RAID?  

mkinitrd is ok.
The pb is to load the kernel and the initrd, lilo and grub don't like RAID.

> Can I make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?


Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-08 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Pixel am Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 11:42:37AM +0100:
> /boot is still needed for software RAID

Ah, is it?  Why?  Does the current mkinitrd not handle Software RAID?  Can I
make / a Software RAID'ed FS right while installing?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 4 days 1 hour 54 minutes

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-08 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach John Allen am Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 09:06:05AM +:
> I am not saying that it should be created, just that the dropdown
> list no longer contains /boot. I still use a /boot partition,
> I guess old habits just die hard.

So do I :]  I was plainly interested in what others think is the right way
(tm) and why they think so.

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 3 days 6 hours 14 minutes

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-07 Thread Pixel

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And also booting is possible from reiserfs, due to initrd - same for raid,
> isn't it?

/boot is still needed for software RAID

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-07 Thread r j

--- Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So sprach John Allen am Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 10:16:44AM +:
> > During installation there is no longer a /boot option in the mount
> points
> > drop down list.
> Hmm, when is a /boot actually needed?  In former times it was needed
> when /
> was too big, and thus the kernel might end up after cylinder 1024. 
> Neither
> grub nor lilo are affected by this anymore.
> And also booting is possible from reiserfs, due to initrd - same for
> raid,
> isn't it?
> That's no flame, just plain interest: when should a /boot still be
> created?

Comes in handy if you want to plan on having multiple LM's on your
system according to Civileme in mandrakeforum article " Two Mandrake
versions on same machine?"; look for 'yes, there is a better way' near
bottom of his post, if interested. 

Also, it's just nice knowing where all the images are and that the
chance of corruption is lessened a bit.  I get that warm fuzzy feeling
since grub sits in there too... :)


> Alexander Skwar
> -- 
> How to quote: (german)
> (english)
> Homepage:   |
> - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
>   Uptime: 2 days 1 hour 14 minutes

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RE: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-07 Thread Charles A Edwards

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alexander Skwar
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install
> So sprach John Allen am Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 10:16:44AM +:
> > During installation there is no longer a /boot option in
> the mount points
> > drop down list.
> Hmm, when is a /boot actually needed?  In former times it was
> needed when /
> was too big, and thus the kernel might end up after cylinder
> 1024.  Neither
> grub nor lilo are affected by this anymore.
> And also booting is possible from reiserfs, due to initrd -
> same for raid,
> isn't it?
> That's no flame, just plain interest: when should a /boot
> still be created?

I have a mutiboot system and use SystemCommander 2000 as my bootloader.
SC does not recognize reiserfs partitions therefore it can not boot one.
I overcome this problem by creating an ext2 /boot and using reiserfs for any
other partitions I choose to employ.

As to the original question though /boot is not on the drop down menu you
can simply enter the designation manually if you wish to create such.


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-07 Thread John Allen
I am not saying that it should be created, just that the dropdown
list no longer contains /boot. I still use a /boot partition,
I guess old habits just die hard.

Alexander Skwar wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">So sprach John Allen am Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 10:16:44AM +:
  During installation there is no longer a /boot option in the mount pointsdrop down list.
Hmm, when is a /boot actually needed?  In former times it was needed when /was too big, and thus the kernel might end up after cylinder 1024.  Neithergrub nor lilo are affected by this anymore.And also booting is possible from reiserfs, due to initrd - same for raid,isn't it?That's no flame, just plain interest: when should a /boot still be created?Alexander Skwar

John Allen,  Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-06 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach John Allen am Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 10:16:44AM +:
> During installation there is no longer a /boot option in the mount points
> drop down list.

Hmm, when is a /boot actually needed?  In former times it was needed when /
was too big, and thus the kernel might end up after cylinder 1024.  Neither
grub nor lilo are affected by this anymore.
And also booting is possible from reiserfs, due to initrd - same for raid,
isn't it?

That's no flame, just plain interest: when should a /boot still be created?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die guenstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 2 days 1 hour 14 minutes

Re: [Cooker] DiskDrake during install

2001-03-06 Thread Pixel

John Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> During installation there is no longer a /boot option in the mount points
> drop down list.


Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-25 Thread RedHog (Egil Möller)

A friend of mine had the same probl. A partition-table that linux
fdisk (and linux!) reads fine is told to be defect/unreadable by the
installation partitioning program. If he switched to the command-line
and atempted to mount the partitions or use fdisk, it worked fine...

MandrakeSoft">PGP Public key
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-16 Thread Pixel

Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well that did it.. Can you fix that for users during install?

ok, i'm going to release a patch that'll be available at (not there yet)

and a new ISO will be available when KDE2 is out with this fixed (along with
ide-burners pb)


> > > Also console 3 shows: found empty partition table on /dev/hdd at sector 0
> > > Bad magic number /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 31
> >
> > solution: hexedit /dev/hdd and put FF at the beginning.
> > (or any little random at the beginning you can think ok :)

thanks, cu Pixel.

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-15 Thread Ray

I forgot to thank you.

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Here you go.. /dev/hdd is the problem drive..
> > Also console 3 shows: found empty partition table on /dev/hdd at sector 0
> > Bad magic number /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 31
> solution: hexedit /dev/hdd and put FF at the beginning.
> (or any little random at the beginning you can think ok :)

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-15 Thread Ray

Well that did it.. Can you fix that for users during install?

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Here you go.. /dev/hdd is the problem drive..
> > Also console 3 shows: found empty partition table on /dev/hdd at sector 0
> > Bad magic number /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 31
> solution: hexedit /dev/hdd and put FF at the beginning.
> (or any little random at the beginning you can think ok :)

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-15 Thread Pixel

Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Here you go.. /dev/hdd is the problem drive..
> Also console 3 shows: found empty partition table on /dev/hdd at sector 0
> Bad magic number /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 31

solution: hexedit /dev/hdd and put FF at the beginning.
(or any little random at the beginning you can think ok :)

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-14 Thread Ray

Here you go.. /dev/hdd is the problem drive..
Also console 3 shows: found empty partition table on /dev/hdd at sector 0
Bad magic number /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 31

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The problem is drakx.. Fdisk reads the drive fine and the OS sees it
> > fine after install. I can mount it without any problem but drakx still
> > can't see
> wait, i think i've found. Do you have the 256 first bytes of your drive
> blank?
> i made an error for the detection of empty partition having 256 instead of
> 512
> :-(
> can you mail me the report.bug?
> to get it:
> switch to console 2
> put a fat floppy in floppy drive
> and type "bug"
> -> it will put report.bug on floppy  and this file interests me :)
> thanks, cu Pixel.

* lspci

 Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (unknown ignore)
 Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge (unknown ignore)
 Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ISA (unknown unknown)
 Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 IDE (STORAGE_IDE unknown)
 Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 USB (SERIAL_USB usb-uhci)
 Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (unknown unknown)
 Intel Corporation|82557 [Ethernet Pro 100] (NETWORK_ETHERNET eepro100) 
SubVendor=0x8086 SubDevice=0x0009
 Adaptec|AIC-7881U (STORAGE_SCSI aic7xxx)
 ATI|3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X (DISPLAY_VGA Card:ATI Mach64) SubVendor=0x1002 

* pci_devices

808671900   f808




008080861229b   fc5ff008ef41feb0
00a0900481785   e801fe9ff000
010010024742b   fd00d801fe6ff000

* fdisk

Disk /dev/sda: 64 heads, 32 sectors, 1002 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   * 1   995   1018864   83  Linux
/dev/sda2   996  1002  7168   82  Linux swap

Disk /dev/sdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 529 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   * 1   529   4249161   83  Linux

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1247 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  1247  10016496   83  Linux

Disk /dev/hdb: 1 heads, 1316380 sectors, 1 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1316380 * 512 bytes

Disk /dev/hdc: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 26354 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdc1   * 1 26280  13245088+  83  Linux
/dev/hdc2 26281 26354 37296   82  Linux swap

Disk /dev/hdd: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 25228 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdd1   * 1 24380  12287488+  83  Linux
/dev/hdd2 24381 252284273925  Extended
/dev/hdd5 24381 25228427360+  82  Linux swap

* scsi

Attached devices: 
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SONY Model: CD-R   CDU920S   Rev: 2.0b
  Type:   WORM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
  Vendor: MICROP   Model: 4110-09NB_Nov18F Rev: T

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-14 Thread Ron Stodden

Ray wrote:
> The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 25228.
> There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
> and could in certain setups cause problems with:
> 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
> 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
>(e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

See the conflict with your earlier statement:

> This is a Quantum CR13.0A drive. 1528 cyl 255 heads 63 secs

No disk can have two values for number of cylinders!

It seems that this drive has never been set up with Logical Block
Addressing (LBA).   You need that with disks this large (over 1024

The only way I know to set it up LBA on an existing used disk

Copying all partitions you want to save off to another drive

Deleting ALL the partitions on this disk, primary, logical and

Reboot the machine intercepting the BIOS with DEL.

Get the BIOS to redetect all the hard disks, taking care to set this
one to LBA.  The drive itself will now remember that it is LBA and
always report 255 sectors and 63 heads from now on.

Use your partitioning utility to set up 3 primary partitions of
minimum size, unformatted.  If you run Windows from this disk, make
the first unformatted and big enough for that.

Create an extended partition over the entire remainder of the disk.

Copy back all the saved partitions.  You will have to delete the new
Windows partition to release the primary space for the Windows
partition copy back.


Ron. [AU]

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake unable to detect IDE drive partitions

2000-10-14 Thread Pixel

Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The problem is drakx.. Fdisk reads the drive fine and the OS sees it fine 
> after install. I can mount it without any problem but drakx still can't see 

wait, i think i've found. Do you have the 256 first bytes of your drive blank?

i made an error for the detection of empty partition having 256 instead of 512

can you mail me the report.bug? 
to get it:

switch to console 2
put a fat floppy in floppy drive
and type "bug"

-> it will put report.bug on floppy  and this file interests me :)

thanks, cu Pixel.

  1   2   >