Re: updates resume

2002-01-24 Thread Ryan Boder

Sorry, I shouldn't have attached. Here is is again with just links instead.

 > OK - just synced from proxad:

Me too. I even tried reformatting my mirror partition and mirroring over
again just for kicks. I am using mirrordir, is that what you are using?

 > gendistrib --noclean --distrib /export
 > (/export is where my cooker tree lives)
 > (also works without the --noclean)
Tried both with and without --noclean. Still have same problem either way.

 > you should see all the files listed, then
 > choosing compression method with "gzip -9" for archive
 > /export/Mandrake/base/
 > real archive size of /export/Mandrake/base/ is 12621716
 > using existing /export/Mandrake/base/provides file
 > reading /export/Mandrake/base/
 > writing /export/Mandrake/base/depslist.ordered
 > writing /export/Mandrake/base/provides
 > writing /export/Mandrake/base/compss
Yes I do see all that.

 > You will probably see some output telling about missing requires:
Ok, but it seems like maybe I am seeing too much output like that. I get
so many messages saying that a certain package is not available in any
medium listed, I counted over 6000 lines saying that.

[rtb@toby misc]$ grep -c "not available in any medium listed"

[rtb@toby misc]$ grep -c "NOTFOUND" /cooker/Mandrake/base/depslist.ordered

so I don't know if this is normal or a sign that something is really
wrong here. Here is my gendistrib.log (the stdout and stderr of
gendistrib) and my depslist.ordered if you want to glance at them. Maybe
it will be obvious to you what is wrong.Or atleast tell me if they look
ok on the surface.

 > You should also make sure yaboot.conf or BootX is using a ramdisk size of
 > 4, the lower figure we were using on 8.0 seems to cut it too close.
 > Some users have reported that is seems to need a minimum of 96MB RAM
 > to do
 > the install.

I am using a 4 MB ramdisk.

It seems like no matter what I try I just get that same error when it
gets to the package selection part of the install. It just tells me that
depslists.ordered does not match packages in hdlists file (0 != 1945).
I'll keep trying. Hopefully someone will know what my problem is. It may
have to do with the fact that I am installing from another partition on
this same machine (not ftp install) or it may be a mistake I made in the
mirroring process (but mirrordir isn't exactly complicated to use). Any


Re: updates resume

2002-01-21 Thread Ryan Boder

> You'reworking from latest stuff on the mirrors?  I need to do the same
> today and rebuild hdlist myself and see how things go.  What may be
> happening is that the way I'm being forced to do the updates, I can't
> remove all the old stuff, and there may be some conflicts creeping in.
> I'll get back to you when I know more.
> Stew Benedict

Yesterday I mirrored from and then the primary mirror, for a
second try. Just out of curiosity, who does have access to update
the ppc installer files? Is he/she subscribed to this mailing list?

I also tried to do an ftp install directly from the directly
and I didn't run into the dependency problem, but the install still
wouldn't complete. While the packages were being installed, about 25% of
them said "error installing somepackagename-somereleasenumber.ppc.rpm",
continue anyway?" So I would continue but then at the end it said "some
important packages could not be installed" and then would send me back to
the package selection screen. I could never get passed that point. I am
more interested in the hd install but I just wanted to see of the ftp
install would work.

Let me know if you want me to try anything in particular.


Re: updates resume

2002-01-20 Thread Ryan Boder

> It won't work - the bug you reported is real, and I fixed it, it was in
> kernel-2.4.13, devfsd enabled.  Unfortunately I don't have full access, as
> I mentioned, to do any updates to the installer or install kernels - only
> RPM packages. One of the other kernels should work though, with the
> associated stage1 image.  There is no shell available in stage1.
> Stew Benedict

Ok, thanks for the info. I tried the 2.4.4-6.2mdk kernel and it did
get into stage 2. It seemed to be working fine for a while and then I ran
into trouble. After I finished the partitioning but before the package
selection, I run into this error...

an error occurred
depslist.ordered has not same package as hdlist files (0 != 2033)

I read somewhere that the way to fix this error is to rebuild the
distribution with gendistrib, so I did (although I had done that before)
and I still get the same error.

I am thinking maybe the problem is coming from the fact that I am trying
to install from another partition on my disk where everyone else is doing
ftp installs. Maybe the command

./gendistrib --distrib /cooker

is not the right way to do it in my case? Or should that work for hd
installs also? (/cooker is my mirror partition)

I can send my depslist.ordered, hdlists and files that
gendistrib created if you want.

I'll keep trying different ways but any help will be appreciated.


Re: Mandrake 8 on PowerBook G4

2002-01-20 Thread Ryan Boder

Try install-aty128fb

Ryan Boder

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Robert French wrote:

> I'm trying to get Mandrake 8 installed on my Power Book, but I am unsure
> of which video option  i should use at the install prompt.
> ~Robert french

Re: updates resume

2002-01-19 Thread Ryan Boder

Ok, but installing the cooker from my hard drive still doesn't work. Can 
you give me a pointer or two trying to figure out why myself? How can I 
get a shell from the screen where it asks which media to install from?


Stew Benedict wrote:

>For those patient folks waiting for me to do something with cooker,
>uploads to the mirrors have resumed.  I am not able at this time to do any
>updates the the hdlist or installer, but new packages should be appearing,
>I've uploaded about 200 of 800.
>Stew Benedict

Ryan Boder

Re: still trying to install cooker

2002-01-06 Thread Ryan Boder

Where can I find the source code for /sbin/init and /sbin/stage1
in the initrd that's in the cooker? Are these the files that would be
relevent here? I'm not exactly familiar with the install process.


> >
> Sounds like you're doing the right thing.  I haven't done an HD install
> lately, it's possible something is broken in stage1 - I'll check it out.
> Stew Benedict
> --
> MandrakeSoft  OH/TN, USA

still trying to install cooker

2002-01-02 Thread Ryan Boder

Here is my latest attempt at installing the cooker from disk. The size
problem went away when I mirrored it on an ext2 partition instead of hfs.

So I mirrored the cooker on an ext2 partition and it finished ok only
using 1.7 G like everyone said it would. Then I ran gendistrib described
in the howto and it worked fine.

I added an entry to my yaboot.conf called cooker-install that looks like

append=" video=aty128fb:vmode:17"

This is a copy of the aty128fb entry from the cooker boot directory except
changed to reflect my mirror partition on hda4. I ran ybin and added the
entry to my boot partition.

Then I rebooted and chose cooker-install at the yaboot prompt which booted
Ok and got me to the point where you can choose your install method (FTP,
HTTP, NFS, CDROM, hard disk). I chose hard disk since the mirror is on my
hard disk, but instead of going into the graphical install program, it
said that "No partitions can be found". Then it asks what module to load
to get scsi access and gives me a list of modules to choose from. I
thought it should find the mirror and go into the installer.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Ryan Boder

size of cooker

2002-01-01 Thread Ryan Boder

I didn't hear back from anyone so I tried again mirroring the cooker on a
2.5 G partition and it still filled it. Anyone have any suggestions on how
big to make the partition so I can fit the whole cooker?

Ryan Boder

Re: eth0 problems on a Ti Powerbook

2001-12-21 Thread Ryan Boder

>I don't recall any other reports of non-working ethernet, but  I do recall
>one person that had problems with dhcp with an iBook2.  Personally, I use
>dhcp daily on my Powerbook and iMac, without issue, using the bmac driver
>(older machines). 
I use dhcp daily on an ibook2 and both dhcpcd and pump work just fine. I 
also don't think that the machine would make a difference since most of 
these machines use the same ethernet controller as far as I know.


Re: ANNOUNCE: Build 641B released for PPC Linux (fwd)

2001-12-04 Thread Ryan Boder

I thought that there was no Mandrake 8.1 for PowerPC release?

Ryan Boder

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Stew Benedict wrote:

> Hi,
> The latest release of (build OO641B) for PPC Linux is now
> available!
> is based on the same source tree (with a few minor
> differences) as the upcoming StarOffice 6.0.  It basically supplies an
> almost drop in replacement for Microsoft Office (and is getting better
> with every release).
> New in this release:
> - lots of stability improvements and bug fixes
> - now includes Mozilla 0.94 and higher AddressBook support
> For more information including the full source code check out the
> website:
> This binary should run on any ppc linux system with glibc 2.2.1 or higher,
> XFree86 4.0 or higher, etc.
> This includes YellowDogLinux 2.0 and 2.1, SuSE 7.3, MandrakeSoft 8.1, and
> DebianPPC (has been tested under Debian Sid).
> PLEASE NOTE:  If you have the URW fonts installed, please upgrade them to
> the very latest versions from your distribution type (copies of the RedHat
> RawHide urw-fonts src and noarch rpms are available on the download sites)
> since older URW fonts have some minor corruption that can make OpenOffice
> anti-aliased text segfault (and yes we are working on making freetype much
> more robust to corrupt Type 1 font data).
> The new home for PPC Linux releases is:
> With mirrors at:
> Thank you Dan Burcaw (YDL) for providing a new home of the PPC Linux
> project.  And thanks to Olaf Hering ( of SuSE) and Stew
> Benedict (of Mandrakesoft) for graciously providing mirror locations.
> Please support our PPC Linux distributions and buy the latest
> distributions, they are helping to bring great new software to you!
> Thanks,
> Kevin Hendricks

Re[2]: Kernel building

2001-12-01 Thread Ryan Boder

> Nope, nothing special for Mandrake.  We do call the kernel vmlinuz to be
> consistant with the other arches for the install_kernel scripts etc. 
> If you added an initrd line for your kernel in yaboot, did you creat an
> initrd to go with it with mkinitrd?  The purpose here is slightly
> different than the installer or rescue image.  Since our kernel as a
> distribtution, tries to be all things to all people we have one of 2
> choices:

Ok, you got me on that one. I was trying to use the initrd that you made
with your kernel. So this time I made my own initrd like you said with
mkinitrd. I am still having the same problem but I think I may be screwing
up this initrd thing. Here is how I made it...

[root@toby rtb]# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.17-pre1 2.4.17-pre1
mke2fs 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
[root@toby rtb]#

Is this the right way to do it? I then of course changed my yaboot.conf to
use this ram disk image and then re-ran ybin.
> typical use: scsi boot drive, or journalled "/"

I am booting from an ide disk (the one that comes in the ibook2) and not
using any jouranled file systems right now. My cd-rw is using scsi
emulation but since I am booting for the hard disk I don't think that matters.

> Try commenting out the initrd line if you don't think you need it

Well that is what I tried in the first place out of habit. Then when it
didn't work I started messing with the initrd.

> It's OK to ask here.  We don't really have any other support channel for
> Mandrake PPC, aside from the forum, and I find it easier to use email than
> to go to the web page.

Ok, well I'll be a bit more specific. When I try to boot with my kernel it
outputs the exact same stuff as whet I get from dmesg after booting with
your kernel (except for the Stew Benedict and Mandrake stuff at the top).
Then when it gets to the line that says 

SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00

(Which is about line 66 of the dmesg output) It complains about 4 times
that the Root file system is now mounted and then it hangs. So I never get
to the next line about the Macintosh non-volatile memory driver v1.0 when I
try to boot with my kernel. Your 2.4.4-6.2mdk kernel that comes with the
install however continues past that point and boots just fine. Any ideas
what might cause that?

Ryan Boder

Re[2]: Still have the same problem

2001-12-01 Thread Ryan Boder

> >
> Just how would I launch it if I need to. Do I even need to? does the ","
> need to be "."?

What he is saying is that with the yaboot.conf you have you will be unable
to boot into failsafe mode because you have a '.' where you should have a
','.  He was assuming this was a typo though in your email and that youe
yaboot.conf is actually ok. The line for initrd in yaboot.conf for failsafe
mode  should read


(See the weird looking arrow I made trying to pint at the comma)

If you have a dot there instead od a comma you will not be able to boot

Hope that helps.

Ryan Boder

Kernel building

2001-11-30 Thread Ryan Boder


I am trying to build the latest kernel from and having a
problem. I am just wondering if there is some Mandrake specific
configuration that I don't know about. I used to do this all the time
when I used linuxppc but have never built one with Mandrake (or any other
distro for that matter)

Basically it seems to hang at the point where the scsi driver is being
loaded for scsi emulation for my cd burner on an ibook2 (which also
happens to be one of the first things that happens in the boot so the
driver may not be significant). It complains a few times that / is not
mounted and then stops booting. I followed the ibook specific instructions
on so I think I haven't misconfigured the kernel. I also am
fairly confident that I didn't screw up the yaboot.conf entry because I
have written many a yaboot.conf when I used linuxppc and yaboot isn't even
included in the install so you have to set it up yourself. I made the
entry look exactly like the ones made by the install except changed the
named of the image and label. I'm not sure why they use ramdisk because I
thought that was for installs but I gave yaboot.conf the ramdisk entries
just like the ones made by the install.

So now that I've probably given too much information, is there something I
don't know about in the Mandrake distro that I could screw up making my
kernel never mount / that I didn't have to do back when I used linuxppc?

Thanks if anyone can give me any pointers, but I understand you all don't
consider this an appropriate question for the cooker list and decide not
to answer. I hope someone does though.

Ryan Boder

next release

2001-11-12 Thread Ryan Boder

Hi, just two quick questions...

1. Maybe it's posted somewhere and I just don't know wher to look, but 
is there a tentative date for the next powerpc release?

2. Will sound on the ibook2 work off the shelf with the next release?

Re: Airport Card

2001-10-19 Thread Ryan Boder

ibook2. What did you do to get it working then?

Ryan Boder

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Henrik Edlund wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Ryan Boder wrote:
> RB>
> RB> Hi, is anybody using an apple airport card with Mandrake linux 8.0? I just
> RB> bought one. If so what do I do to use it? If not I would like to get it
> RB> working. Any suggestions or instructions?
> RB>
> RB> All I have tries so far is installing the kernel-pcmcia-cs package from
> RB> the Mandake 8.0 cd and /etc/init.d/pcmcia start does not seem to do
> RB> anything with the airport card.
> What computer do you have? I did not need the pcmcia package on my iBook2
> at least.
> --
> Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit
> happens." -- Angelina Jolie

Airport Card

2001-10-18 Thread Ryan Boder

Hi, is anybody using an apple airport card with Mandrake linux 8.0? I just
bought one. If so what do I do to use it? If not I would like to get it
working. Any suggestions or instructions?

All I have tries so far is installing the kernel-pcmcia-cs package from
the Mandake 8.0 cd and /etc/init.d/pcmcia start does not seem to do
anything with the airport card.

Ryan Boder