[COOT] Zinc-density

2009-05-13 Thread Moritz Metlitzky
Hi everybody, i just installed coot and played around a bit with my
structure and the Fit Protein command. Now to my question, i have a zinc
atom in my structure coordinated by 3 cysteines. it refines pretty well, but
when i do Fit Protein Coot always links the 3 cys directly in the zinc
density, so it seems it doesn't know that a zinc is there. it is displayed
as zinc and everything but it doesn't assign density to it.
Has someone any suggestions?
best regards
   Moritz Metlitzky

[COOT] Coot problem on mac

2009-05-13 Thread Simon Kolstoe


I'm trying to install Bill Scott's standalone coot version on a  
colleague's brand new MacBook Pro (I'm very jealous) however seem to  
have a gtk problem as whenever I invoke coot it doesn't recognise any  
of the .png image files that make the buttons etc. (Error log in  
attachment). When I had this problem on my machine a few months back  
the advice was to include the following in my .bashrc, however this  
isn't working on his machine - any ideas?

alias setcoot="source /usr/local/xtal/coot/bin/init.sh"
function coot { COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIR='/usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/ 
lib'  PATH=/usr/local/xtal/coot/bin:$PATH  /usr/local/xtal/coot/bin/ 
coot "$@" ; }

defaults write com.apple.x11 wm_ffm true



Last login: Wed May 13 12:03:54 on ttys001
Acquiring application resources from /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/cootrc
INFO:: splash_screen_pixmap_dir /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/pixmaps

** (coot-real:6467): WARNING **: Error loading pixmap file: 
INFO:: Colours file: /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/colours.def loaded
There are 118 data in 
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ALA.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ASP.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ASN.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/c/CYS.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLN.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLY.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GLU.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/p/PHE.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/h/HIS.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/i/ILE.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/l/LYS.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/l/LEU.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/m/MET.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/m/MSE.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/p/PRO.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/ARG.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/s/SER.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/t/THR.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/v/VAL.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/t/TRP.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/t/TYR.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/p/PO4.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/s/SO4.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GOL.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/e/ETH.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/c/CIT.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/AR.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/a/AD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/c/CR.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/c/CD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GR.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/g/GD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/t/TD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/u/UR.cif
Reading coordinate file: /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb
 PDB file /usr/local/xtal/coot/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb has been read.
Spacegroup: P 1
Cell: 40.631 109.18 93.243 90 90 90

** (coot-real:6467): WARNING **: Error loading pixmap file: 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 
Error loading icon: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 

[COOT] mouse buttons and arrow keys [was Re: problems of version 0.6]

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Maia,

Maia Cherney wrote:

>  I would like to use only one-button keys, so that I could use only
> one hand when fitting.

Why!? Because the other one is needed to prop up your head, maybe? :-)


I find using my left hand for keyboarding makes things way faster than 
clicking on icons with the right hand on the mouse.

Well, now help me with key-bindings, please. I need one or two buttons 
on the mouse for map dragging.  Pymol and x-fit use the middle button 
for  translation. It confuses me all the time, when I work in coot after 
working in pymol. Do you have any unused two-button combinations on the 
mouse?  If it's not possible to touch the mouse buttons in the 
key-bindings, please help me to program arrow key for translation. Could 
you give me a script for that, I can't write it myself.

There are no two-button combinations ("chording") on the mouse.  I have 
avoided them so far - it seems an esoteric interface and there have been 
better ways of providing the necessary functionality.

Middle mouse drag for translate could be enabled as an option, I suppose.

As for the arrow keys for translate, add the following to your ~/.coot 
file.  You might need to tweak zsc. Be slightly careful not to overly 
dwell with you finger on the button if you do not have a fast 
processor/graphics card and have a fast key repeat.


(let* ((zsc 0.02)
(lambda (tvm nudge ori)
  (map (lambda (e) (* nudge (apply + (map * e ori tvm)))
   (f (lambda (axes)
(let ((nudge (* (zoom-factor) zsc))
  (rc (rotation-centre))
  (tvm (transpose-simple-matrix (view-matrix
  (apply set-rotation-centre
 (map + rc (screen-coords-nudge tvm nudge axes)))

  (add-key-binding "Translate Up""Up"(lambda () (f '(0  1 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Down"  "Down"  (lambda () (f '(0 -1 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Left"  "Left"  (lambda () (f '(-1 0 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Right" "Right" (lambda () (f '( 1 0 0)

Re: [COOT] mouse buttons and arrow keys [was Re: problems of version 0.6]

2009-05-13 Thread Maia Cherney

Dear Paul,
thank you for your reply. I thought for several days that you ignored my 
wishes, but you have not. Actually, a lot of people would be happy with 
the middle button translation. Your  guess is right. I do prop up my 
head (as many others), or I hold a cup of coffee (as many others). So, 
how to enable the middle mouse  drag for translate? (Chording on the 
mouse is fine with me, too).

Thanks for the arrow keys for translate.


Paul Emsley wrote:

Dear Maia,

Maia Cherney wrote:

>  I would like to use only one-button keys, so that I could use only
> one hand when fitting.

Why!? Because the other one is needed to prop up your head, maybe? :-)


I find using my left hand for keyboarding makes things way faster than 
clicking on icons with the right hand on the mouse.

Well, now help me with key-bindings, please. I need one or two 
buttons on the mouse for map dragging.  Pymol and x-fit use the 
middle button for  translation. It confuses me all the time, when I 
work in coot after working in pymol. Do you have any unused 
two-button combinations on the mouse?  If it's not possible to touch 
the mouse buttons in the key-bindings, please help me to program 
arrow key for translation. Could you give me a script for that, I 
can't write it myself.

There are no two-button combinations ("chording") on the mouse.  I 
have avoided them so far - it seems an esoteric interface and there 
have been better ways of providing the necessary functionality.

Middle mouse drag for translate could be enabled as an option, I suppose.

As for the arrow keys for translate, add the following to your ~/.coot 
file.  You might need to tweak zsc. Be slightly careful not to overly 
dwell with you finger on the button if you do not have a fast 
processor/graphics card and have a fast key repeat.


(let* ((zsc 0.02)
(lambda (tvm nudge ori)
  (map (lambda (e) (* nudge (apply + (map * e ori tvm)))
   (f (lambda (axes)
(let ((nudge (* (zoom-factor) zsc))
  (rc (rotation-centre))
  (tvm (transpose-simple-matrix (view-matrix
  (apply set-rotation-centre
 (map + rc (screen-coords-nudge tvm nudge axes)))

  (add-key-binding "Translate Up""Up"(lambda () (f '(0  1 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Down"  "Down"  (lambda () (f '(0 -1 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Left"  "Left"  (lambda () (f '(-1 0 0
  (add-key-binding "Translate Right" "Right" (lambda () (f '( 1 0 0)

[COOT] Troubles with torsion rotations in NAD

2009-05-13 Thread David J. Schuller
I have an NAD cofactor. Coordinates attached; they were generated by
running libcheck on the CCP4 dictionary file NAD.cif (standard file
taken from CCP4 6.1.0). I am trying to rotate various torsional angles.
I am using the "Edit Chi Angles" feature of Coot 0.6-pre-1. Is this the
best way? Behaviour seems a bit irregular. I frequently see this message
(such as when attempting to rotate about var_2 NN1 <--> NC1*):

first atom : NN1: not found in residue
WARNING:: failure to find all atom pair in residue atoms!

Atom NN1 is in my file (attached). So is every other atom which appears
in a torsion line with NN1 in the .cif file. 

If I choose the top listed bond (var_1 NC7 <--> NC3), the nicotinamide
ring rotates, but the rest of the dinucleotide doesn't. 

Attempting var_8 gives a CHI readout, but I can't see anything moving.
Same for var_9.

You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people
thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane
   David J. Schuller
   modern man in a post-modern world
   MacCHESS, Cornell University

ATOM  1 NO7  NAD A   1   0.000   0.000   0.000  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM  2 NC7  NAD A   1   0.986   1.010   0.066  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM  3 NN7  NAD A   1   2.264   0.661   0.123  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM  6 NC3  NAD A   1   0.588   2.438   0.051  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM  7 NC4  NAD A   1  -0.737   2.770   0.244  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM  9 NC5  NAD A   1  -1.049   4.111   0.230  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 11 NC6  NAD A   1  -0.094   5.090   0.042  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 13 NC2  NAD A   1   1.527   3.446  -0.147  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 15 NN1  NAD A   1   1.195   4.766  -0.150  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM 16 NC1* NAD A   1   2.221   5.786  -0.370  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 18 NC2* NAD A   1   1.763   6.840  -1.365  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 20 NO2* NAD A   1   2.558   6.768  -2.519  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 22 NC3* NAD A   1   1.875   8.201  -0.658  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 24 NO3* NAD A   1   2.789   9.047  -1.317  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 26 NO4* NAD A   1   2.550   6.464   0.832  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 27 NC4* NAD A   1   2.438   7.884   0.733  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 29 NC5* NAD A   1   1.589   8.323   1.928  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 32 NO5* NAD A   1   0.283   7.838   1.811  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 33 NP   NAD A   1  -0.861   7.976   2.917  1.00 20.00   P
ATOM 34 NO1  NAD A   1  -2.086   7.327   2.393  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 35 NO2  NAD A   1  -0.343   7.583   4.244  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 36  O3  NAD A   1  -1.143   9.553   2.862  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 37 AP   NAD A   1  -2.060  10.247   3.976  1.00 20.00   P
ATOM 38 AO1  NAD A   1  -2.821  11.380   3.407  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 39 AO2  NAD A   1  -2.959   9.251   4.599  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 40 AO5* NAD A   1  -0.988  10.748   5.044  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 41 AC5* NAD A   1   0.055  11.614   4.702  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 44 AC4* NAD A   1   0.566  12.256   5.988  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 46 AO4* NAD A   1   1.597  13.153   5.579  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 47 AC1* NAD A   1   1.502  14.414   6.212  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 49 AC2* NAD A   1   0.221  14.422   7.029  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 51 AO2* NAD A   1   0.520  14.729   8.366  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 53 AC3* NAD A   1  -0.412  13.032   6.866  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 55 AO3* NAD A   1  -0.587  12.391   8.108  1.00 20.00   O
ATOM 57 AN9  NAD A   1   1.512  15.495   5.237  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM 58 AC8  NAD A   1   0.492  15.869   4.414  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 60 AN7  NAD A   1   0.920  16.921   3.701  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM 61 AC5  NAD A   1   2.181  17.233   4.029  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 62 AC6  NAD A   1   3.036  18.216   3.566  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 63 AN6  NAD A   1   2.658  19.073   2.623  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM 66 AC4  NAD A   1   2.580  16.341   5.009  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 67 AN3  NAD A   1   3.831  16.437   5.520  1.00 20.00   N
ATOM 68 AC2  NAD A   1   4.702  17.412   5.081  1.00 20.00   C
ATOM 70 AN1  NAD A   1   4.308  18.303   4.103  1.00 20.00   N
NAD  . 

Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Alex Luso
Hi Bernhard,

  Thanks for the clarification.

>commenting on this. Maybe there should be some low level implementation
>without the use of fancy (scheme) widgets, so that at least scripts can
>be run.. (on my - long - list now).

   Ok, I think that would be a good idea. Given the fact that almost all 
examples on the manual and in various other scripts in this forum are written 
scheme it would be nice to have access to at least the basic scripts (non-gui) 
without having to resort to re-writing them in Python. Although the rules for 
how to convert scripts are documented, it's still a hurdle, especially for non-

  About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is that a missing 
feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?


On Mon, 11 May 2009 23:17:05 +0200, Bernhard Lohkamp 

>ok to clarify the situation with respect to Scheme/guile in WinCoot:
>In general it is possible to compile and run WinCoot with Scheme,
>however we currently DO NOT distribute WinCoot with Scheme enabled (note
>to self: change website). The reason for this is that no text can be
>displayed in the Scheme (Gtk) widgets and I/we want to avoid endless
>commenting on this. Maybe there should be some low level implementation
>without the use of fancy (scheme) widgets, so that at least scripts can
>be run.. (on my - long - list now).
>>  I am new to Coot - I have been experimenting with the examples on
>> the wiki
>> page and it appears that scheme/guile scripting does not work in
>> WinCoot(0.5.2). Just wanted to confirm if I am correct.
>>  I am/was a little confused b/c it appears the libraries and paths to
>> scheme/guile get installed but nothing happens if I try to run a
>> scheme script.
>>  Also read the slightly cryptic message "you can install an add-on
>> forscheme/guile scripting (no warranties)" in
>> http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~lohkamp/coot/wincoot.html
>> but I haven't seen this add-on anywhere.
>>  Just wanted to avoid re-writing some nice scheme scripts I see
>> here and
>> there and to just get some information on the subject.
>>  Thanks!
>>  -Alex
>Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
>Assistant Professor
>Div. Molecular Structural Biology
>Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
>Karolinska Institutet
>S-17177 Stockholm
>phone: (+46) 08-52487673
>fax:   (+46) 08-327626
>email: bernhard.lohk...@ki.se

Re: [COOT] Troubles with torsion rotations in NAD

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

David J. Schuller wrote:

I have an NAD cofactor. Coordinates attached; they were generated by
running libcheck on the CCP4 dictionary file NAD.cif (standard file
taken from CCP4 6.1.0). I am trying to rotate various torsional angles.
I am using the "Edit Chi Angles" feature of Coot 0.6-pre-1. Is this the
best way? Behaviour seems a bit irregular. I frequently see this message
(such as when attempting to rotate about var_2 NN1 <--> NC1*):

first atom : NN1: not found in residue
WARNING:: failure to find all atom pair in residue atoms!

Atom NN1 is in my file (attached). So is every other atom which appears
in a torsion line with NN1 in the .cif file. 

If I choose the top listed bond (var_1 NC7 <--> NC3), the nicotinamide
ring rotates, but the rest of the dinucleotide doesn't. 

Attempting var_8 gives a CHI readout, but I can't see anything moving.
Same for var_9.

Dear David,

This is a variant of the libcheck/refmac vs Coot NAD bug discussed 

The cause of the problem is the 'bizarre' naming convention of the NN1 
and NN7 in the NAD.  Coot can't map the dictionary atom name to the name 
in the PDB file.

So you have to help out.

You need to quote the NN1/NN7 references in the cif dictionary.  IIRC it 
should read 'NN1 ' rather than simply NN1 (same for 7).


Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Alex Luso wrote:

Hi Bernhard,

  Thanks for the clarification.

commenting on this. Maybe there should be some low level implementation
without the use of fancy (scheme) widgets, so that at least scripts can
be run.. (on my - long - list now).

   Ok, I think that would be a good idea. Given the fact that almost all scripting 
examples on the manual and in various other scripts in this forum are written in 
scheme it would be nice to have access to at least the basic scripts (non-gui) 
without having to resort to re-writing them in Python. 

Almost all fancy scheme scripts have a fancy python counterpart 
(somewhere).  In cases where that is not so, such a counterpart can 
often materialize if desired.

Although the rules for 
how to convert scripts are documented, it's still a hurdle, especially for non-


Yes, that is true for anything other than the most simple/trivial 

  About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is that a missing 
feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?
Can you be somewhat more precise in you description of the "text in 
scheme widgets"?


Re: [COOT] Zinc-density

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Moritz Metlitzky wrote:

Hi everybody, i just installed coot and played around a bit with my
structure and the Fit Protein command. Now to my question, i have a zinc
atom in my structure coordinated by 3 cysteines. it refines pretty well, but
when i do Fit Protein Coot always links the 3 cys directly in the zinc
density, so it seems it doesn't know that a zinc is there. it is displayed
as zinc and everything but it doesn't assign density to it.

The trick in such a case is to change the map to which you are fitting.

You should mask out the Zincs in the map.  (It should be possible do 
select by element but how to do that escapes me for the moment (it is an 
mmdb atom selection string)).  So probably fastest to do it by residue 
number: //B/23-25 or so.

Then used the masked map as the refinement map of course.


Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Alex Luso
On Wed, 13 May 2009 23:29:28 +0100, Paul Emsley 

>>   About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is that a 
>> feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?
>Can you be somewhat more precise in you description of the "text in
>scheme widgets"?

  I meant the issue Berhard mentions as the reason scheme is not available to 
Win-Coot - "missing text in scheme widgets". Just curious if that's a minor bug 
or something major.

  Incidentally, I wonder what's the best resource to look at the available 
functions/commands etc in coot?
  For instance, I was curious what parameters were acceptable for
i.e. from the tutorial/manual I know "backwards" is an option. But how to 
reverse it back to normal? "forwards", "forward", "normal"?!
  I found the command in the Coot Reference Manual webpage but it didn't give 
me any more information. Where would I find it in the code itself?


Re: [COOT] Fit protein suggestion/query

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Oliver Clarke wrote:

I like the fit protein script - at low resolution, initial rounds of 
fitting and refinement often result in my leucines/isoleucines having 
fairly implausible rotamers, and fit protein is a great way of quickly 
fixing up the worst of these.

However, it doesn't seem to deal so well with residue types where there 
are many almost equally probably rotamers (eg lys, arg), and in poor 
density these often end up with sidechains lodged firmly in density that 
belongs to the neighbouring strand of a beta sheet, for example.

Yes. this can happen.  A bit of sphere refinement can help when this 
happens.  I aim to improve the rotamer search for low resolution cases 
for 0.6.

Is there any way to script a function that will allow rotamer-fitting of 
specific residue types (eg all except lys, arg and maybe glu and gln)?

Hmm... sort of.  The fit-protein and friends have been reworked 
recently.  You can redefine fit-protein-fit-function.  You will notice 
that there is now a test for the residue name.  You will need a recent 
coot pre-release for this to work.


(define (fit-protein-fit-function res-spec imol-map)
  (let ((imol (list-ref res-spec 0))
(chain-id (list-ref res-spec 1))
(res-no   (list-ref res-spec 2))
(ins-code (list-ref res-spec 3)))

(let ((res-name (apply residue-name res-spec)))
  (if (not (or (string=? res-name "ARG")
   (string=? res-name "LYS")))
  (map (lambda (alt-conf)
  (format #t "centering on ~s ~s ~s~%" chain-id res-no "CA")
  (set-go-to-atom-chain-residue-atom-name chain-id res-no "CA")
  (rotate-y-scene 10 0.3) ; n-frames frame-interval(degrees)
  (if (string=? alt-conf "")
  (auto-fit-best-rotamer res-no alt-conf ins-code chain-id 
 imol-map 1 0.1))
  (if (>= imol-map 0)
;; (refine-auto-range imol chain-id res-no "")
(refine-zone imol chain-id res-no res-no alt-conf)
  (rotate-y-scene 10 0.3)))
   (residue-alt-confs imol chain-id res-no ins-code))


Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Alex Luso wrote:
On Wed, 13 May 2009 23:29:28 +0100, Paul Emsley 

  I meant the issue Berhard mentions as the reason scheme is not available to 
Win-Coot - "missing text in scheme widgets". Just curious if that's a minor bug 
or something major.

Oh I see - yes he did say that.

>>>   About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is 
that a missing feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?

Yes, probably one of those things :)

  Incidentally, I wonder what's the best resource to look at the available 
functions/commands etc in coot?

The User Manual?  Hah :)  (Actually, Judit Debreczeni has recently 
helped out in including the scripting interface documentation into the 
main body of the manual).

  For instance, I was curious what parameters were acceptable for
i.e. from the tutorial/manual I know "backwards" is an option. But how to 
reverse it back to normal? "forwards", "forward", "normal"?!

Oh, hmm... Thank you for pointing out this failing.  For the record it 
is "forwards".

  I found the command in the Coot Reference Manual webpage but it didn't give 
me any more information. Where would I find it in the code itself?

To answer the question:


But you should not need to dig into the code.  Just mention where docs 
are missing and I will try to fix it.


Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Alex Luso
On Thu, 14 May 2009 00:34:36 +0100, Paul Emsley 
>>   For instance, I was curious what parameters were acceptable for
>> set-baton-build-params
>> i.e. from the tutorial/manual I know "backwards" is an option. But how to
>> reverse it back to normal? "forwards", "forward", "normal"?!
>Oh, hmm... Thank you for pointing out this failing.  For the record it
>is "forwards".

  Thanks. Of course, I had figured it out by trial-and-error... :-) Made 
more difficult b/c there was no error reported for a wrong parameter.

  I wonder if adding the function as buttons on the baton window would be 
useful? (i.e. "Build Backwards" and "Build Forwards" - perhaps asking for user 
input as to the relevant res-num or guessing it). I think O does that. Just a 

  Ok. Cheers,

Re: [COOT] coot crashes running on fedora 9 ia64

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Clare Peters-Libeu wrote:
First off, let me apologize for a really long message. 

 I'm trying to get Coot running on a 64-bit machine running fedora core 9. I
picked fedora core 9 because many of the graphics libraries required for
Coot are already installed. However, the autobuild script fails when 
compiling the clipper libraries. After some research I discovered that

fedora 9 use gcc4.3, but the version of clipper downloaded from Paul
Emsley's site need gcc3.4 to compile (-which is perplexing because I
compiled the clipper libraries from the CCP4 distribution with gcc4.3)

One downloads clipper from Kevin Cowtan's site :)

clipper should compile with gcc4.x (x=anything) AFAIK.

Running the  build-it-gtk2-simple  appears to build all the packages without
an error. The script exits with an  error that the script can't create the 
$AUTOBUILD_INSTALLED/python2.5 directory. However, when I look at proper

directory, the directory is indeed there and coot and coot-real are in the
appropriate bin directory.

The logs say that the coot-test in the script failed. 

Wow, does it!?  I tried to disable the tests of others (i.e. not 
developers - it seems I failed).  Forget the tests, they will fail 
unless you have the (frequently changing) test data sets.

If I start it up
manually, I see the startup image, some verbiage about proper citations, and
then lines about loading a pdb library. It ends with

There are 2 data in /usr/local/share/CCP4/ccp4-6.0.2/lib/data/monomers//g/GD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/share/CCP4/ccp4-6.0.2/lib/data/monomers//t/TD.cif
There are 2 data in /usr/local/share/CCP4/ccp4-6.0.2/lib/data/monomers//u/UR.cif
Reading coordinate file:
PDB file
/usr/local/share/coot_build/coot-gtk2/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb has
been read.
Spacegroup: P 1
Cell: 40.631 109.18 93.243 90 90 90
Illegal instruction

If I build it with the python option, Coot hangs when it displays the coot


OK, back to the non-python version for now.  Please try to give us a 
debugging report:

$ gdb xxx/bin/coot-real



Have I created a problem by using two different compilers for the libraries
or is this a totally different issue? I've seen posts that refer to similar
behavior that were cured with updating nvidia drivers or messing with
x-windows. Is there a way to tell which it is? 

As far as I understand, it is usually OK to use c++ and c in different 
compilers - but c++ to c++ in different compilers can cause problems.

My wrapper script

export AUTOBUILD_INSTALLED=/usr/local/share/autobuild5/coot
export AUTOBUILD_BUILD=/usr/local/share/autobuild5
export build_coot_prerelease=1
export LD_LIBRARY_DIR=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_DIR
export CC=gcc34
export CXX=g++34
# I obtained build-it-gtk-simple using
# wget
bash build-it-gtk2-simple > build.log

That seems OK, but I would use the up to date compiler.  You suggest 
that there is a problem with that.  Let's address that problem.


These are the steps that I used to install gcc3.4
Step 1: Install compatibility libraries for programs compiled with earlier
versions of gcc. This may not be strictly necessary for Coot, 

That is true.

I'm perplexed. I've download and compiled the clipper libraries using the
CCP4 install script and everything went great with gcc4.3. So there appears
to be a difference between the two set of clipper libraries. As far as I can
tell, the CCP4 installation works fine.

OK, so tell us what is going wrong when you compile clipper with g++-4.3 
  (send long logs (e.g 0.4-clipper.txt) to: coot-dev at ysbl dot york 
dot ac dot uk).

I suspect a linking problem.  Let's try to get everything working with 
the same compiler: 4.3 or so.

