No Subject

2001-04-10 Thread mailers-wanted

Learn how you can earn $3 for each envelope that you fill with my 
sales materials from your own comfortable home--- 100% Totally 

"Yes, if you stuff 1000 envelopes with our sales materials, you are 
guaranteed to be paid $3000 in cash"

Hello Friend and Job Seeker:

 Are you looking to be your own boss, interested in creating 
and controlling your own work hours/schedule, and working from 
your comfortable home?

 How about making more money in a week than you currently 
make in a month?  Do you want to stop struggling for the low 
wages you are currently earning?

 Can you find the time to put our sales materials in 1000 
envelopes and make $3000 in cash?  How about 2000 envelopes for 
$6000 in cash?  (You decide--- as there is no limit: we want to 
send out our materials continuously and abundantly!)

 If you have answered yes to any of these questions. . . .
Then let me be the first to welcome you to BETTER SOLUTIONS.

 My name is Andrew Devore, President of Better Solutions.  I 
have perfected a method that allows you to earn $3 per envelope 
that you stuff with my sales materials.  And for a limited time, 
I am seeking out people just like you who wish to have more 
financial security, greater amounts of  spending money, an 
improved standard of living, and a desire to work at home.
  An Explanation of Why I Need your Assistance.

 We would like to mail our offers out to hundreds of 
thousands of people in the U.S.  And if we have home workers 
handle the jobs of stuffing and mailing, we save big money on 
overhead, extra office spaces, and having to hire more staff.

 Absolutely anyone can do this.  You can be young or old, 
with or without a college degree.  You do not need any special 
training or even a high school diploma.  It also doesn#8217;t matter 
where you live.  I am not kidding: it is really that simple. 

 And the greatest news of all: there is no limit on how many 
envelopes you are allowed to stuff.  If you stuff 300 envelopes, you 
will get paid $900 cash!  If you stuff 1000 envelopes, you will 
be paid $3000 cash.  All you need to do is follow, word-for-word, my 
straight-forward instructions and you will get paid--- every 
single time. . . .  Guaranteed!

 My method will even show you how to get the envelopes with 
the addresses and stamps already on them.  This means no 
addressing of envelopes or licking of stamps is required!  Simply 
fill the envelopes with my sales materials, put them in the mail 
box and you#8217;ll get $3 for every single one--- again: Guaranteed!  
I have taken all the necessary measures to make things as simple 
and easy as possible for you.


 I am seeking a limited number of home workers, and I will 
stop accepting orders as soon as I get enough home workers in 
your area.  To avoid losing out on the chance to be one of our 
home workers, order your "$3 Per Enveloped System" now!

 The cost of this system is only $27.50  Included is everything
you need to start making money immediately with easy step-by-step 
instructions and supplies to get you started.  And remember: after 
stuffing only 11 envelopes you#8217;ll have earned more than your 
investment back.

   !!!45 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

 You have a full 45 days (that is over six weeks) to use the "$3 
dollar per envelope system".  If you have not realized the money 
making potential of this system within this time, simply return 
the materials and you#8217;ll receive an immediate refund--- no questions 


Andrew  W. Devore, President 
Better Solutions

Important note:   There are two choices before you.  (1) You can 
place this letter in your pile of junk mail and return to the 
same old routine.  (2) Or you can order my system to solve all your 
money problems starting immediately!  Which will it be?


Please mail payment to:  

Better Solutions  
2065 Rodney Drive 
Suite 105, Dept #302  
LA  CA  90027   


First NameLast Name __   



How Did You Learn About Better Solutions? 

$ Amt. Enclosed?

(Circle One) Paying by: Check  Money OrderCredit Card 

(WE ACCEPT Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express)

Type of card 


Judge in Jim Bell trial says media may not quote public documents

2001-04-10 Thread Declan McCullagh

- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Judge in Jim Bell trial says media may not quote public documents
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 12:11:33 -0400
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.2i,1283,42894,00.html

   Cypherpunk Judge Warns Media
   by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   8:00 a.m. Apr. 6, 2001 PDT
   TACOMA, Washington -- A federal judge has threatened media outlets
   with contempt charges if they quote from public documents on a court
   website, prompting outcries from journalist groups.
   U.S. District Judge Jack Tanner warned Thursday that anyone who
   published the name of a juror in the criminal trial of U.S. v. James
   Dalton Bell would go to jail. The list of jurors is available on the
   Pacer website provided by the federal court system.
   "No one in the print media, electronic media, no member of the
   prosecution, no witness for the prosecution, nor the defense lawyers,
   are to print, under any circumstances, the names of these jurors...
   under penalty of contempt," Tanner said.
   Gregg Leslie, the legal defense director for the Virginia-based
   Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said: "The sweeping
   nature of such an order is not just unconstitutional, but truly
   outrageous. Its absurdity is compounded by the fact that it presumes
   toreach parties not subject to the court's jurisdiction."
   "Unfortunately, many judges seem to think that the old,
   well-established standards barring prior restraints on publication of
   truthful, lawfully obtained information don't apply to electronic
   records or other court information," Leslie said. "They do."
   Tanner is an unpredictable 82-year old jurist known to use his
   contempt powers broadly.
   In a prior trial involving Bell's defense lawyer, Robert Leen, Tanner
   briefly held Leen in contempt after his client's son acted up in
   Tanner also sealed the entire case file, including traditionally
   public documents such as the charges against the defendant, until the
   jury reaches a verdict. The trial is expected to conclude Friday or


- End forwarded message -

TannerWatch: Tanner reversed

2001-04-10 Thread Anne Fibian

9th Circuit decides - Susan Coffey won a new trial when the 9th Circuit
Court of
  Appeals overturned Judge Jack Tanner's decision
tossing out a unanimous jury
  decision of excessive use of force against Coffey
at the secret warehouse in Pierce
  County during the 1996 General Election. The
second trial occurred on Sept. 18,
  2000 and lasted 2 days. The jury took 90 minutes
to return a damage award of $1
  compensatory $1 punitive to Coffey.

Day #3: U.S. v. Jim Bell report from federal court in Tacoma

2001-04-10 Thread Declan McCullagh,1283,42895,00.html

   ATF Admits Tracking Jim Bell
   by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   10:20 a.m. Apr. 6, 2001 PDT
   TACOMA, Washington -- The government revealed Thursday that it
   implanted a satellite-tracking device in a suspect's car and tracked
   him as he drove around Oregon and Washington.
   Brian Meyer, a special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
   Firearms, testified that he installed a GPS bug last November in a
   Nissan Maxima owned by defendant Jim Bell.
   Meyer told a fascinated jury that the device -- "high quality,
   something that military and law enforcement uses" -- continually
   transmitted Bell's exact location using a radio signal to receivers
   operated by law enforcement. Federal agents used graphical mapping
   software on a PC to plot Bell's movements in real time.
   Political essayist Bell is on trial here this week in a case that
   involves his alleged use of legally obtained CD-ROMs to compile
   information about Treasury Department agents.
   He is not accused of directly threatening them, but the government
   says that by collecting information about agents by driving to their
   suspected residences and by refusing to renounce his writings about
   how to assassinate unethical federal employees, Bell is guilty of
   violating stalking laws.
   The government hopes to prove that Bell crossed state lines when
   driving from Vancouver, Washington along I-205 to 14135 S. Clackamas
   Drive in Oregon City, Oregon. That address is the current home of
   Christopher John Groener, who testified on behalf of the prosecution,
   and the former residence of ATF agent Mike McNall.


- End forwarded message -


2001-04-10 Thread Robin Lee Powell

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 12:30:38AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Blank Frank wrote:
  A TannerWatch(tm) Publication...
   All your links are broken (they all point to a local file system
 on your Vax ;-).

There's also the basic problem that I, as a more-or-less unknowing
bystander, can't figure out wether that site is pro- or anti-Tanner.


--   BTW, I'm male, honest.
le datni cu djica le nu zifre .iku'i .oi le so'e datni cu to'e te pilno
je xlali -- RLP

Re: Jim Bell Trial: Second Day

2001-04-10 Thread Declan McCullagh

She wasn't a lawyer; your PR clone suspicion is correct.

She was not a technologist. Her function was only to testify that 
an IP address matched an account.

Bell's lawyer on cross-examination never raised the point that a message
posted to cpunx goes through multiple servers (including the majordomo
ones), all of which have the opportunity to add false headers to the


On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 10:30:25AM +0100, Ken Brown wrote:
  Second Day:  Jim Bell trial
  The next witness was Hilda Wong Muramoto who is a subpoena manager for @Home
  Corporation.  In direct testimony she stated that Bell had a cable modem
  account, that the "DNS designation and sub-domain" as well as the IP address
  were hard-wired, and that the account did not cover dial-up connections.
   She said that the IP address was and that the DNS number
  was C1099371-A.  The DNS name that was captured in the e-mail that Bell
  allegedly sent to cypherpunks was  She claimed that
  those "numbers" could not appear on anyone else's e-mail.
 "subpoena manager"? What in Tacoma is a "subpoena manager"? Do subpoenas
 need managing? 
 It sounds like they employ someone just to get sued.  Presumably that
 means she is a PR clone or a lawyer. Why should a PR type know anything
 about DNS  SMTP, any more than I (or Choate)  should be an expert on
 the law?
 If I was a grumpy judge and a company sent me a "subpoena manager" I
 would be very tempted to send them right back  get someone who knew
 what they are talking about.


2001-04-10 Thread Blank Frank

Bockwinkel, a former newspaper photojournalist and editor, captured
Arends' assault
of Coffey on film. (The clear and graphic pictures can be viewed on the
site at ). In one photo, Arends
is choking the
petite Coffey in a parking lot; her body is rammed against a pick-up
truck. A federal
jury agreed with Coffey's complaint of excessive force by Arends, but
U.S. District
Court Judge Jack Tanner dismissed the suit and declined to award

Tanner reversed again

2001-04-10 Thread Anne Fibian

Posted by FoM on July 07, 1999 at 11:24:55 PT

Source: SF Gate

An appeals court has struck down a federal sentencing guideline and
ordered a reduction in a
Washington man's 6 1/2-year sentence for illegal gun possession by a

The guideline under which a federal judge sentenced Albert Leo Palmer
conflicted with the federal law on gun
sentences, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Tuesday.

That law increases a gun possession sentence if a felon's previous crime
was for violence or drugs, but not if the
state has either granted a pardon or restored the felon's civil rights.
Restoration of rights, including the right to
own guns, is a procedure used by many states after a felon successfully
completes parole.

Palmer pleaded guilty to concealing his criminal record and giving other
false information when he bought a
rifle from a licensed dealer in Tacoma, Wash. in October 1976.

U.S. District Judge Jack Tanner sentenced him to more than twice the
sentence originally recommended by
prosecutors, based in part on the fact that one of his past crimes was a
1989 conviction for possessing
marijuana with the intent to distribute.

But the appeals court said the state of Washington had later restored
Palmer's civil rights for that conviction.
Although the U.S. Sentencing Commission's guidelines would allow the
conviction to be used to increase the
sentence, the guidelines conflict with the underlying law, said Judge
Sidney Thomas in the 3-0 ruling.

The court also said Tanner had wrongly found Palmer responsible for
owning a number of guns that actually
belonged to his son, another basis for an increased sentence. The net
effect is that his new sentence will be no
more than 18 months, a period he has already served, said Assistant
Federal Public Defender Peter Offenbecher.

The case is U.S. vs. Palmer, 98-30181.

school censorship

2001-04-10 Thread Blank Frank

Apr 6, 2001 - 01:16 PM

Confederate T-Shirts Spark
Fashion Fight in Southern
By Russ Bynum
Associated Press Writer

RICHMOND HILL, Ga. (AP) - Zane Dunn wore a
banned T-shirt to school and became a rebel with a
Confederate cause.

Like six other students at Richmond Hill Middle
School, 14-year-old Zane was suspended for a day
because of the Confederate flag on the shirt.

More than a century after Lee surrendered at
Appomattox and a few months after defenders of
Confederate symbols lost battles in the Georgia and
South Carolina statehouses, the fight over Southern
heritage has moved to schoolhouses.

"My Confederate ancestors, they died for this flag,"
said 14-year-old Zane, whose mother bought him the
shirt after another student was suspended. "I was
born and raised in the South and I have to stand up
for it."

Educators say they have banned Confederate
symbols to prevent racial violence.

Parents and students from Richmond Hill, 18 miles
south of Savannah, wore Confederate shirts and
bandanas to a recent Bryan County school board
meeting to protest the suspensions last month.

In Cairo, Ga., rebel flag-waving parents picketed
their school board after 50 students at Cairo High
School and Washington Middle School were told to
change their Confederate shirts.

The American Civil Liberties Union has gotten
involved in a similar controversy in Brunswick, Ga.,
where the principal of Jane Macon Middle School
wrote to parents saying the shirts caused "rumors of
threats and impending fights."

Cairo High principal Wayne Tootle said the actions
do not stem from political correctness but from
school shootings that have taught administrators to
be wary of anything that might lead to violence.

"School folks are in a very precarious situation,"
Tootle said. "If they don't do something to try to
prevent, and something happens, then the parents
and news media will just lambast them for what they
didn't do."

In recent years, children wearing Confederate
symbols, even as backpack patches, have been
punished in Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia.

In Georgia, the controversies followed the
Legislature's move in January to change the state
flag, which had been dominated by the Confederate
emblem since 1956.

School officials said bans on Confederate emblems
have been in place for years, but the flag fight
prompted students and parents to deliberately violate

"Adults who want to keep arguing need to do
something other than use our youngsters as a pawn
in some political game," said Gary Russell,
superintendent of the Bryan County school system.

A lawyer representing parents in Richmond Hill and
Cairo said the change in the Georgia flag has
emboldened school officials.

"The flag came down and they said, 'Oh, boy! It's
open season on Confederate flags,'" said Kirk Lyons
of the Southern Legal Resource Center, whose
clients have included a former Ku Klux Klan grand
dragon and the head of a North Carolina NAACP

The classroom clashes have been a boon for Dewey
Barber and his T-shirt company, Odum-based Dixie
Outfitters, which has more than 200 shirt designs
that incorporate the Confederate flag.

"When they tell them they can't wear the rebel flag,
they say, 'By gosh, we have the right of free speech
and to our heritage!' And they buy more," Barber

Dixie Outfitters shirts are so popular that some
schools have banned them by brand name. Zane
and his six fellow students all wore Dixie Outfitters
shirts. Zane's shirt depicted a snarling, wild boar,
with the Confederate emblem as a backdrop.

Another Dixie Outfitters design shows just the flag's
corners peeking from a basket of sleeping puppies.
A third shirt depicts slaves working in a cotton field
beneath the words "The Land of Cotton."

No lawsuits have been filed in Georgia, but the state
chapter of the ACLU has sent letters urging schools
to lift the bans.

Georgia ACLU legal 

TannerWatch: Jack don't need no body language

2001-04-10 Thread Norm DePlume

Law And Justice

by Irv Benzion

When I think of Law and Justice my thoughts are directed to the film
"Judgment at Nuremberg." I picture
Spencer Tracy in his portrayal of the "Presiding Judge," sifting through
mountains of evidence and contradictory
testimony with only one objective in mind... to search for the truth.

This editorial is for me the most difficult article I have yet
written!!! You are probably unaware as was I that it
is illegal to criticize a federal judge or his/her actions or to cause
"disrespect" to the federal court system. A
federal judge may if in his/her opinion such an occurrence arises, issue
a warrant, have you arrested and send
you to jail without trial, appeal or parole. A citizen of this country
may criticize the President Of The United
States but not a federal court judge.

Using the First Amendment as a defense for an alleged criticism is not
acceptable. And for that reason you will
see no criticism of a federal judge in any newspaper.

I feel that the shooting community owes a debt to Tacoma's _The News
Tribune's_ management and reporter
Russell Carollo for his unbiased and even-handed reporting of Al
Woodbridge's trial. Al's tribulations could
easily have been turned into a forum to bash gun owners and gun
ownership. The _Trib_, not known to be a
friend to the gun owner in this instance displayed the highest standards
and ideals of journalism, for which they
truly deserve our thanks.

It is not my intention to argue at this time Woodbridge's guilt or
innocence; as you already know he was found
guilty as charged. I was in attendance tat the pre-trial motion hearing
and the second day of the trial so I
witnessed the major portion of the trial. I must admit that I am not a
lawyer nor have I personally had any legal
training, so it would be impossible for me to ascertain the correctness
or incorrectness of "points of law" or
what constitutes "admissible evidence." All I have is the common sense
that the Almighty gave me. I have
always believed that the Law was in most part founded on common sense
and a search for the truth... perhaps, I
am too naive.

Based on the above we shall be using the following three articles from
the _Tribune_ to inform you of what
transpired at Al's trial. After which I would like to explore with you
what I think the implications of the verdict
are as it impacts Washington gun owners. And in conclusion, we will look
at what is the aftermath of
Woodbridge's trial and what you can do to help.

Woodbridge, a licensed firearms dealer, has strong ties to pro- gun
groups. He is a former president of the
Washington National Firearms Act Association, a machine-gun owners
group. He won first in 1989 and second
place in 1990 in the submachine gun division of the Oregon state
machine-gun championship. Since the legal
battle began, Woodbridge has become a high-profile spokesman and
lobbyist for Washington gun owners.

As a registered lobbyist for the Gun Owners Action League of Washington,
Woodbridge gained a reputation
during the past year as a moderate voice within the gun lobby. He became
the gun lobbyist most sought by

"If he gave his word, he was willing to go back to his members and say,
'I gave my word and that's what we're
living with," said Rep. Marlin Appelwick, a Seattle Democrat who chairs
the House Judiciary Committee.

Just last week, he testified before Appelwick's committee about proposed
gun legislation, assuring lawmakers
that gun owners would not oppose efforts to keep handguns away from

During the last session, his approval was vital to passage of a
controversial law allowing police to destroy
seized handguns. Gun advocates supported the former method of disposal:
auctioning the weapons to licensed
firearms dealers. Woodbridge personally inspected weapons in a Seattle
storage room and found that most of
them were of little value to collectors or dealers. His endorsement,
legislators said, convinced lawmakers to
vote for the change.

Woodbridge also was well-known among police agencies, according to his
attorneys. A court document says the
clientele at Big Al's includes "several police agencies."

Various other pro-gun groups have agreed to help pay legal expenses,
said Paul Williams, executive director of
the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a lobby

Williams said the groups were grateful 'for all the work he's done for
firearms groups in the state.' I think
people are inclined to pay him back when he needs it."

State and federal prosecutors have pursued the state's top pro-gun
spokesman on weapons charges since 1989.

But in Allen Woodbridge's federal court trial Tuesday in Tacoma, his
defense took about 30 minutes, the time it
took for a single witness to testify. The defense had hoped to call
several other witnesses to convince jury that
the guns confiscated from Woodbridge in 1989 were not machine guns. But
the federal judge hearing the case,
Judge Jack E. Tanner, wouldn't let the 

That latest military SNAFU

2001-04-10 Thread George

Ugh, let's see, not the crash in Vietnam, not the
sub taking out the Japs...

The NSA spy plane: FoxNewsChannel reports the plane
was flying straight while on autopilot when it was

We outta send Steve Martin over to apologize.

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RE: Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

2001-04-10 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:45 AM 04/04/2001 -0400, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
Tim May wrote:
  I see a newcomer, Seth Finkelstein, harshly criticizing Declan and
  others. Easy to ignore someone who wasn't even here the day before

Point of information: "nonconsentingly delurked" is more accurate
than "newcomer".

Seth is a long-term contributor to the Cyberia-L list,
which a reasonable number of Cypherpunks also read
or at least occasionally post to, including Declan and JYA.
He's been a major contributor with The Censorware Project
(which I gather is a trying to restart after a previous
death-by-infighting that followed a few years of good work)
and is strongly in the anti-censorware camp as opposed to the
censorware-will-save-us-by-deflecting-worse-forms-of-censorship camp.
He does computer consulting (not sure what type),
and is one of the technologist/activist types on Cyberia-L
rather than one of the lawyers.

And yes, as some people have commented, he does flame against
Libertarianism, among other things, but he's also
a strong supporter of free speech.

ANNOUNCE: San Francisco Cypherpunks, 4/7, 1pm, Moscone Center North

2001-04-10 Thread Bill Stewart

Saturday April 7 Cypherpunks Meeting in San Francisco.
The meeting will be at Moscone Center North,
The room number will be finalized in a couple of hours,
and we'll post signs at the door as well as sending out mail.

This is the FIRST Saturday of the month, because the RSA conference will be
the following week and many usual suspects from out of town will be around.
The meeting will start at 1pm, and will be followed by dinner afterwards.

Agenda: The primary agenda is discussion of the work people are doing,
projects, things you're playing with, current events in crypto and privacy.
If you'd like to give a talk, please contact Bill or DDT.

747 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

 From BART or MUNI:
Go to Powell Street station. Exit to 4th and Market Streets.
Turn right on 4th Street. Walk two blocks south to Howard Street.
Turn left, Moscone North will be on your left.
For BART fare and schedule information, call the BART Hotline at 415.989.2278.
Muni has multiple busses on 4th St, and the N-Judah on Market.

 From Caltrain:
The San Francisco station is at 4th and King.
You can take MUNI busses #15, #30, or #45 to 3rd and Howard,
walk left on Howard, and Moscone North is on your right,
or walk 1km north on 4th Street and turn right.

Driving: 4th st goes South, 3rd goes North, Howard goes West.
From South - 280 to 6th, or 101 to 7th, north to Folsom,
hunt for parking on Folsom.

Parking: Official Parking Map
Parking in San Francisco is usually evil, and most former parking lots
are now construction sites for over-priced dot-com offices.
The most convenient parking is on Folsom between 5th and 4th,
and there are in-building on Folsom between 4th and 3rd that are
usually less expensive on weekends.

Thanks! Bill Stewart,  [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cell +1-415-307-7119.

RE: Judge in Jim Bell trial says media may not quote public documents

2001-04-10 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker

rumor has it that Tanner is going to replace Jackson on the Microsoft trial
and vice versa. this will allow the appeals court to make an empirical test
of a question that has long troubled them, which one of the judges is the
greater jackass.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Declan
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 12:13 PM
 Subject: Judge in Jim Bell trial says media may not quote public

 - Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Judge in Jim Bell trial says media may not quote
 public documents
 Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 12:11:33 -0400
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.2i,1283,42894,00.html

Cypherpunk Judge Warns Media
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
8:00 a.m. Apr. 6, 2001 PDT

TACOMA, Washington -- A federal judge has threatened media outlets
with contempt charges if they quote from public documents
 on a court
website, prompting outcries from journalist groups.

U.S. District Judge Jack Tanner warned Thursday that anyone who
published the name of a juror in the criminal trial of
 U.S. v. James
Dalton Bell would go to jail. The list of jurors is
 available on the
Pacer website provided by the federal court system.

"No one in the print media, electronic media, no member of the
prosecution, no witness for the prosecution, nor the
 defense lawyers,
are to print, under any circumstances, the names of these jurors...
under penalty of contempt," Tanner said.

Gregg Leslie, the legal defense director for the Virginia-based
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said: "The sweeping
nature of such an order is not just unconstitutional, but truly
outrageous. Its absurdity is compounded by the fact that
 it presumes
toreach parties not subject to the court's jurisdiction."

"Unfortunately, many judges seem to think that the old,
well-established standards barring prior restraints on
 publication of
truthful, lawfully obtained information don't apply to electronic
records or other court information," Leslie said. "They do."

Tanner is an unpredictable 82-year old jurist known to use his
contempt powers broadly.

In a prior trial involving Bell's defense lawyer, Robert
 Leen, Tanner
briefly held Leen in contempt after his client's son acted up in

Tanner also sealed the entire case file, including traditionally
public documents such as the charges against the
 defendant, until the
jury reaches a verdict. The trial is expected to conclude Friday or


 - End forwarded message -

how in the world do i join this group?

2001-04-10 Thread M0rBEus

zup, this is M0rBEus. I was just wondering how i can join your crypto group. 
i enjoy crypto greatly and would enjoy surronding myself with others who 
enjoy the same thing. If u could plz direct me to a website, pgp keys, email 
addresses, or whatever so that i may join =)

thx 4 yor hlp (i appreciate it),

Investment Pact

2001-04-10 Thread Ndaye Banya

It is with strict confidence and trust that I wish to contact you seeking for your assistance to help 
as regards an investment opportunity. I sincerely hope that this letter will not come as a surprise to 
you, or cause you any embarrassment since we neither knew each other before, nor have had any 
previous contact or correspondence. I would appreciate your benevolence in giving this matter the 
much-needed attention as I am presently in a difficult situation and need your assistance and 
guidance urgently.

I am Mrs. Ndaye Banya, wife of Maj. Timothy Banya, the former commander and head of the 
Secret Unit in charge of Diamond dealing for the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) of Sierra-
Leone. My husband was formerly working directly with the former Rebel Leader Mr. Foday 
Sankoh who is presently in government custody. The government intends trying Mr. Sankoh for 
illegal diamond dealing and especially for the killing of 21 people during a public demonstration 
outside his home in May last year which subsequently lead to this arrest. As the situation is, my 
husband is very much likely to be prosecuted alongside for activities in the diamond mining.

The RUF is now headed by Gen. Issa Sessey who is determined in bringing peace to Sierra Leone, 
he signed a cease-fire agreement with the government on Friday 10th Nov., 2000 and instructed 
that peace must returned to our fatherland after nine-years conflict, pledging to allow U.N. troops 
unhindered access throughout Sierra-Leone. My fear is that the government will try Mr. Sankoh 
and that my husband may also be prosecuted alongside and our assets may be confiscated. Also all 
accounts abroad and locally traceable to our name and families may also be frozen given the 

In view of this development, I am trapped with about US$20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million United 
States Dollars) that is in cash in boxed containers. As the situation is I do not have the know-how 
to move this money without any trace to our name.   The boxed containers were sealed, and 
packaged by Tim before moving over to the north such that in the event of any rebel insurgence, 
they can be easily buried in the ground without the material used in the packaging getting damaged 
due to its resistance to heat, rust and tear. My situation is very desperate, as I cannot leave Sierra 
Leone because of the house arrest I am under. 

In the light of above, I am soliciting your assistance and partnership to move this money out of 
Sierra Leone as both of us can make a fortune. I would require your assistance in terms of logistics 
and materials to enhance the safe movement of the items from Sierra Leone.  Therefore, contact 
me immediately, if you are able and interested in assisting me. Kindly contact me preferably using 
my alternative email address at [EMAIL PROTECTED], as soon as possible.

Thanks for your anticipated understanding and assistance.

Yours faithfully,


Republic.Com: Interact with Professor Sunstein at the PrincetonPress Authors Forum

2001-04-10 Thread Matthew Gaylor

At 8:27 AM -0400 4/6/01, Chuck Creesy Princeton Press wrote:
Matt: Please contribute to our message forum with Cass Sunstein at

You can leave messages for Professor Cass Sunstein in Princeton 
University Press's author forum.  I just added my review of to their forum.  You can comment about my review or 
raise any additional issues or thoughts you may have about with Professor Cass Sunstein.

Regards,  Matt-

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at

Slashdot | Microchips That Evolve

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Title: Slashdot | Microchips That Evolve






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Microchips That Evolve

 Posted by timothy  on  Tuesday April 10, @06:46AM
from the one-day-I'll-evolve-too dept.
An Onymous Coward writes: "A scientist in Britain has apparently developed some genetic algorithms that run on microchips that can alter themselves, in other words, hardware that evolves. Pretty cool. Check out the column by Paul Gilster." The article contributes some background I'd never heard before regarding FPGAs, and even mentions the dogged Starbridge. A short but fun read. 

  Vovida's VOCAL Softswitch Freed 

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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them.  
Slashdot is not responsible for what they say.

Umm  (Score:1)
by aarondyck
 on Tuesday April 10, @06:49AM EST
(User #415387 Info)
Uhh...does anyone else find this as frightening as I do?  Just think of the ramifications of evolving computers...think, oh, I don't know, the Matrix or something...

[ Reply to This
 | Parent


		Re:Umm by grammar nazi (Score:2)   Tuesday April 10, @06:52AM EST 

 1 reply
 beneath your current threshold.

		Re:Umm by eXtro (Score:1)   Tuesday April 10, @07:04AM EST 



Slave labour  (Score:1)
by morie
 on Tuesday April 10, @06:58AM EST
(User #227571 Info)
I do NOT want my computer to evolve, especially not to a point where it me become aware of the slave labour it has been doing up until then. It might just get ideas of 40 hr. workweeks, hardware equivalents to dental plans etc.
Think of solutions, not of problems

[ Reply to This
 | Parent

Small bodies?  (Score:2)
by cperciva
 on Tuesday April 10, @06:58AM EST
(User #102828 Info)
What's the deal with small story bodies?  I've seen stories with 1 byte, 4 bytes, 10 bytes, and 42 bytes today.

[ Reply to This
 | Parent

updside downside  (Score:2)
by deran9ed
 on Tuesday April 10, @06:58AM EST
(User #300694 Info)
Windows running this would
Turn your 1ghz box into a 386 that bluescreens
Linux running this would:
Create its own code for its own kernels 
FreeBSD running this would:
spin off and create a port for something other than i386 arch 
OpenBSD running this would:
Not allow anything to ever be installed because it may be deemed insecure 
NetBSD running this would:
Create another port, then wait a year or two to let you use it 

view the source Luke! cat *YOUR_POST* | sed 's/*(.*)//; s/.*//; s/.*[:] *//' | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'  /dev/null

[ Reply to This
 | Parent

Nothing New  (Score:1)
by NonReal on Tuesday April 10, @06:59AM EST
(User #248836 Info)
This is nothing new, Discover Magazine ran an article about this a few years ago :

"Thompson has evolved a circuit that distinguishes between two tones, two electric signals that, if fed into a stereo speaker, would produce two notes. One has a frequency of 1 kilohertz, the other 10 kilohertz"

It's the same guy and the same evolved chip! Once again Slashdot has missed the boat.

[ Reply to This
 | Parent



RE: Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

2001-04-10 Thread James A. Donald

At 01:31 PM 4/6/2001 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
 Seth is a long-term contributor to the Cyberia-L list, which a
 reasonable number of Cypherpunks also read or at least occasionally
 post to, including Declan and JYA. He's been a major contributor
 with The Censorware Project

There is good and evil censorware, and many in the censorware project were
more concerned with good censorware than evil.

The censorware project was a typical pinko project, directed at private
choice, instead of state power.

Most US censorware, in particular the censorware that I write, can be
uninstalled in five clicks of a mouse.   Just click on start, settings,
control panel, add/remove programs.   I would not be part of any project
that was otherwise.

 And yes, as some people have commented, he does flame against
 Libertarianism, among other things, but he's also a strong supporter
 of free speech.

Pinkos are fond of imposing odd meanings on "free speech", sometimes
interpreting it as a right for certain views to be heard, rather than a
right of people to speak to those that choose to hear.

 James A. Donald

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.; James A. Donald

RE: Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

2001-04-10 Thread James A. Donald

At 01:31 PM 4/6/2001 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
 Seth [has] been a major contributor with The Censorware Project

Many on the censorware project display the same attitude to civil rights as
the infamous Dean Brodhead, who refused five orthodox jewish students
permission to live off campus in a dispute over coed bathrooms.  He piously
"Yale has its own rules and requirements, which we insist on
because they embody our values and beliefs."
Yale has no core curriculum, but coed bathrooms embody its values and beliefs.

 James A. Donald

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.; James A. Donald

RE: Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

2001-04-10 Thread Matthew Gaylor

"James A. Donald" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There is good and evil censorware, and many in the censorware project were
more concerned with good censorware than evil.

The censorware project was a typical pinko project, directed at private
choice, instead of state power.

I don't know what you've been smoking James, but I see the Censorware 
Project combating state interventionism, 
especially fighting hard for our first amendment freedom against 

And I'd highly suggest you read their FAQ before stupidly calling 
them "pinkos".

"1.2 - Why do people want censorware installed on public computers?

Mostly, because their religious leaders told them so. Actually, there 
are initiatives to censor both from the far right ("The Bible says 
sex is evil") and the far left ("We must censor this to protect 
you"). Both are rather silly. There's never been a single case of 
information leaping off the screen and beating someone to death or 
hitting them with a car. Hundreds of people die daily in car 
accidents, none die as a result of viewing When will the 
U.S. get its priorities straight?"

Regards,  Matt-

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at

Re: CDR: TannerWatch: Jack don't need no body language

2001-04-10 Thread Eric Cordian

Norm Deplume wrote:

 Law And Justice

 by Irv Benzion


 You are probably unaware as was I that it is illegal to criticize a
 federal judge or his/her actions or to cause "disrespect" to the federal
 court system. A federal judge may if in his/her opinion such an
 occurrence arises, issue a warrant, have you arrested and send you to
 jail without trial, appeal or parole. A citizen of this country may
 criticize the President Of The United States but not a federal court

Former Alabama Governor George Wallace once commented that America is run
by "thugs and federal judges."

I'd like to see a cite for what law makes it "illegal" to criticize a
federal judge.  It was my understanding that pretty much all judges have
the power to have citizens dragged before them, to cite for contempt, and
to jail indefinitely without bail, without having to justify it to anyone.

I've always regarded this as a major loophole in our "nation of laws,"
namely that a judge can order you to do anything, and jail you if you

That and Grand Juries, which are unaccountable to anyone, and serve only
as tools of harrassment and intimidation, and rubber stamps for

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-10 Thread Daniel J. Boone

Inaccurate indeed.  List owner policies have nothing to do with it.  Jim's
assertion, your mockery of it, and my mockery of your similar assertion back in
1997 all had to do with intellectual property rights, not list owner policies.

I am looking forward to hearing you explain that the assertion "you own your
words" is not an assertion about intellectual property rights.  But I'm not
holding my breath

-- Daniel

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Daniel J. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

 Cute, but inaccurate. I never have questioned the ability of list
 owners to set their own list policies (I am a member of a number of
 mailing lists with do-not-forward policies).

 Cypherpunks, on the other hand, is just a little different than a
 private, invite-only mailing list that's run by one person for a specific
 purpose on one server.


 On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 09:40:26AM -0800, Daniel J. Boone wrote:
  I find this hilarious coming from Declan, who once (WAAY back in 1997)
  one one of his previously open-subscription mailing lists because people
  *gasp* forwarding messages from it to other lists.  His list policy was, if
  recall, "you own your words, no retransmission without your permission" and
  was outraged that some of his subscribers, specifically Hettinga, did not
  respect these vital intellectual property rights.
  Now when somebody else makes the same silly assertion he was making, he
  it silly.  I guess we all grow up eventually
  -- Daniel
  Declan wrote:
   The problem with Choate's argument is that (besides that it's silly),
   he gives implied consent to redistribute by posting here. Also, as he
   to know, CDR is by nature distributed, and each node can set its own
   policy. Dont' like it? Don't participate.
  in response to Choate's:
I also own the copyright on everything I post to Cypherpunks. If it
printed without my permission (and I won't give it) in a newspaper or
other COMMERCIAL venture it is copyright infringement. You're free to
excerpts. I believe ~200 lines is the maximum allowed under current
copyright law. -repaired

2001-04-10 Thread Norm D'Plume

On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Norm D'Plume wrote:

 A TannerWatch Publication
 for citizen students of the legal process

Most of the links on that page are screwed up.  (File:// URLs mostly.)

Fixed.  Also expanded, with more biographical/career/bias notes.

"Tanner recommends two ways lawyers can attain more 'mother wit.' First,
says, litigators would be wise to conduct as much of the discovery work
on their
own as  they can."

Re: FC: More on public documents, jury lists, and baiting a judge

2001-04-10 Thread Norm D'Plume

At 08:21 AM 4/10/01 -0700, Declan McCullagh wrote:
For bookmarking purposes, I've put links to the series of articles I
about Jim Bell from his raid to his trial here:

Thanks.  I've added that link and one to cryptome.  The latest working
page has
a light yellow background.

The Deconstruction of James Dalton Bell

2001-04-10 Thread Eric Cordian

Ah, I see Declan has posted his impressions of Day 5 on Wired News.,1283,42951,00.html

 Jim Bell's Strange Day in Court
 by Declan McCullagh
 Bell's lawyer, Robert Leen, twice asked U.S. District Judge Jack
 Tanner to halt the proceedings because his client had a "major mental

Gosh, don't you just love how federal public defenders "help" their
clients, by calling them crazy in front of the jury.  Reminds me of all
those patronizing press conferences given by Tim McVeigh's lawyer during
the trial, in which he coyly explained that even human refuse like McVeigh
deserved the rubber stamp of due process, all the while holding his nose,
and acting like it pained him greatly to even be near the guy.

Until Leen gets his MD, and Bell is his patient, he's not qualified to
diagnose anyone.

 He said that his attorney "communicated a threat" against Bell and
 Bell's family during the meeting, and "threatened to cut me off after
 30 minutes if I mentioned" accusations against fellow prisoners.
One wonders why the article describes Bell as "Agitated," "Embittered,"
and "Combative," rather than by a more value-neutral term like "Angry,"
unless the reporter is also playing the diagnosis game here.

 During cross-examination, Bell invoked his Fifth Amendment right against
 self-incrimination when asked about $2,000 a month in trust fund income
 not reported on a statement that he signed in November 2000 to qualify
 for a court-appointed lawyer.

Why was this line of questioning even permitted?  It is a meta-issue, has
nothing to do with the charges, and seems only a shameless attempt to
further poison the jury.

 The Vancouver, Washington resident said he was coerced into taking a
 plea agreement on July 18, 1997, in which he admitted to obstructing IRS
 agents, writing "Assassination Politics" and stink-bombing the carpet
 outside an IRS office.

It would seem to me that since writing "Assassination Politics" was not
illegal, it should not be mischaracterized as a crime confessed to on a
plea agreement.  The press does this all the time of course, reporting
that defendants "admitted" things in their plea agreements, which were not
the subject of any criminal charges, thus juxtiposing certain acts and
illegality in the mind of the reader.

Statements of fact in a plea agreement which are only background should
not be deliberately confused with the crimes being confessed to.  Would we
say Bell "admitted" to having a chemistry diploma, or "admitted" to living
at a certain address?  I think not.

 London suggested that there were two types of U.S. citizens: Those who
 were federal agents and those who are not.

Some animals are more equal than others, I guess.

 Because Bell repeatedly said he would not violate the law, Leen had
 hoped to raise a First Amendment defense -- essentially saying that
 because the law protects advocacy of violent acts, the jury can find
 Bell to be not guilty as charged.

Of course, the point that is missed here is that "Assassination Politics"
and Bell's attempt to document federal harrassment of him after his
release, are two completely unrelated things.

This is a big trend in prosecutions these days, so much so that if one is
outspoken in ones beliefs, one cannot commit any acts that seem to support
those beliefs, and vice versa.  Someone who advocates government overthrow
and plays paintball on the weekends, is looking at a long prison sentence.  
It is safe to do either, but not both.  The "threats" and "acts in support
of the threats" can be completely unrelated, and the government will still
win the case.

 Leen asked the judge to incorporate a First Amendment defense in
 instructions to the jury. But Tanner nixed that idea. He said he did not
 believe Bell was engaged in political speech.

H.  Is it "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of
political speech...?"  Obviously Judge Tanner has a different version of
the US Constitution than I do.

 Bell has complained that the media was "boycotting" his trial. 

Well, at least what media is not manufacturing consent for his conviction
is boycotting his trial.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: CDR: RE: Screwing Jim Bell and Cypherpunks

2001-04-10 Thread Eric Cordian

Tim May Wrote:

 I think the Bell case indicates the need for Cypherpunks to start
 writing code again, and stop engaging in meatspace theatrics.

 First, Bell's actions are not the actions of most members of this 
 mailing list. Frankly, this is a logical error: referring to 
 "Cypherpunks" as a collective entity and then imputing the views or 
 actions of a few to be the views or actions of the collective entity. 
 The government does this routinely.

Well, I never use "Cypherpunks" to mean anything other than "those
presently subscribed to the list."  It's just shorter to type.

It's much like saying that some.newsgroup needs to stop gratuitous
crossposting.  It is not implied by that statement that some.newsgroup is
a collective entity defined by anything more than readership, or that
everyone in some.newsgroup is engaging in the problematical behavior.

 Second, talk to Phil Z. and Kelly G. about their legal issues for 
 several years, as the government sought to prosecute one or both of 
 them for violations of the ITARs (and maybe more). True, neither was 
 ultimately charged. Their legal bills were substantial, however, and 
 they could have face prison time and massive fines.

 Whatever people do in the way of writing code, doing it as near to 
 untraceably as possible would seem to be the way to go.

Fine, change the motto to "Cypherpunks anonymously write code."

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: hooks in browsers?

2001-04-10 Thread Greg Broiles

At 12:20 PM 4/10/2001 -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
It's probably do-able to write a little application that runs
on the host machine -- and when the browser loads a website,
the application consults freenet asking for commentary from
other clients about that website.

You could do this a couple of ways; you could watch the history
file for new URL's to tell you what URL has just been loaded,
or the cache for HTML pages to see what HTML has just been loaded.
And that could be the cue for your little application.

Are there any more direct hooks into browsers?  Is there any
"what URL is being displayed right now" API call for example?

You might find Protozilla, at, of interest.

Inferno: Fw: [nylug-announce] [nylug-talk] Tuesday 24 April 2001: Big Meeting on Privacy (fwd)

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:08:05 -0400
From: Any Mouse
To: The Club Inferno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Inferno: Fw: [nylug-announce] [nylug-talk] Tuesday 24 April 2001: Big Meeting 
on Privacy (fwd)

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:37 AM
Subject: [nylug-announce] [nylug-talk] Tuesday 24 April 2001: Big Meeting on
Privacy (fwd)

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:04:40 -0400 (EDT)
 Cc: Jay Sulzberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [nylug-talk] Tuesday 24 April 2001: Big Meeting on Privacy


  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zvi Galil)
  Newsgroups: cs.bboard,columbia.general.bboard,nyc.seminars
  Subject: please mark your calendars
  Date: 4 Apr 2001 13:33:27 -0400
  Organization: Columbia University Department of Computer Science

 2001 Marconi Forum on Internet Privacy
 Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

 Privacy Under Assault: Can Encryption Safeguard the Internet?

 Tuesday, April 24, 2001
 International Marconi Day
 4-6 p.m.
 Reception to follow
 Davis Auditorium of the Schapiro Center
 for Engineering and Physcical Science Research
 Columbia University
 New York, N.Y.

 Web users want assurances that their communications or e-commerce will
 remain private without having to worry that their ideas, or even their
 identities, are stolen and every detail of their lives will be laid bare
 while others profit from personal data collection.

 Digital threats arise from all quarters, including corporations and
 marketing firms, potential employers and credit agencies, health and
 government establishments, as well as outright snoopers and
 opportunists. Can improved technologies protect privacy on the Internet
 or is privacy a casualty of the digital age?

 The Marconi Forum brings together leading figures from technology,
 government, journalism, business and law to examine how-- or whether--
 our right to privacy can be secured from digital incursions.

 Participants are :

 Zvi Galil, Moderator
 Dean, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
 expert on encryption

 Whitfield Diffie
 Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems
 co-inventor, public key cryptography
 2000 Marconi Fellow

 Michael Rabin
 Professor of Computer Science
 Harvard University
 developed code based on "vanishing" key

 John Podesta
 White House Chief of Staff
 Clinton Administration
 Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University
 Law Center

 Steven Levy
 Author, Crypto, Spring 2001
 Senior Editor, Technology, Newsweek

 Shari Steele
 Excutive Director
 Electronic Privacy Association
 advocate for civil liberties in online world

 Eli Noam
 Professor, Columbia Business School
 Director, Columbia Institute for
 for Tele-information
 authority on telecommunications strategy
 and policy

 Sponsored by the Marconi Foundation, The Fu Foundation
 School of Engineering and Applied Science
 Columbia University

 in collaboration with
 The Center for New Media, Columbia Graduate School
 of Journalism

 Columbia Institute for Tele-Information,
 Columbia Business School


Re: TannerWatch: Jack don't need no body language

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Eric Cordian wrote:

 I've always regarded this as a major loophole in our "nation of laws,"
 namely that a judge can order you to do anything, and jail you if you

More 'British Common Law' crap. Even a judge should need probable cause
and must present it to another magistrate prior to action.

Equality under the law.

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Federal tracking of drivers

2001-04-10 Thread Norm DePlume
curity check
to make sure they don't have
  a criminal background. All
FasTrak users have to do is
  keep money in their
   Compounding the
problem: Information compiled
  by the Border Patrol on
PAL users is confidential, and
  federal officials are
concerned about others possibly
  gaining access to it.
   Telles said the
compatible system being developed
  would enable PAL users to
sail along on local
  tollways if they open an
account, and FasTrak users
  who pass a background
check to use the faster
  commuter lane at the San
Clemente checkpoint.
   "We are about to
enter into an agreement with the
  Border Patrol. FasTrak
users who also want to use the
  PAL lane will have to get
a new transponder from the
  Border Patrol," she said.
"If you already have a PAL
  transponder, we'll be able
to take that coding and
  integrate it into our
system to establish a FasTrak
  account for drivers who
want to use our roads."
   Vehicles with a PAL
transponder but not a FasTrak
  account will be cited if
they use the toll roads without
  paying, Telles said.
Conversely, Grijalva said vehicles
  with FasTrak transponders
that have not received PAL
  clearance will be stopped
and possibly searched.
   Drivers like DeMarco
say the incompatibility
  problems cannot be ironed
out soon enough.
   "My business takes me
to San Diego County quite a
  bit, and it's frustrating
having to crawl along with
  other cars as they make
their way through the
  checkpoint when the PAL
lane is also available. It's not
  just the business trips.
My wife is from Rosarito, so
  we rely on the PAL lane a
lot," he said.
   Grijalva said many
PAL users wanted to continue
  using the old bar code
system to go through the
  checkpoint commuter lane
while a single system is
  developed. "We had to tell
them that the bar code
  reader is no longer being
used, and we can't issue them
  a transponder until a
solution is worked out [with the
  tollway agencies]. You
can't use the PAL lane without
  a transponder, even if
you've already passed a
  background check," he
   Frank Barbagallo,
deputy director of toll operations
  for the tollway agencies,
said vehicles are allowed to
  use multiple transponders
if the devices use different
   FasTrak, licensed by
the TCA, is the standard
  established by Caltrans
for collecting tolls throughout
  the state, he said, and
uses "the same radio frequency . .
  . throughout the state.
The problem here arose when
  the Border Patrol decided
to use the same frequency
  for its PAL transponder.
The same frequency is being
  used for two different

Re: Federal tracking of drivers

2001-04-10 Thread Morlock Elloi

--- Norm DePlume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 choice excerpt: Information compiled
   by the Border Patrol on
 PAL users is confidential, and
   federal officials are
 concerned about others possibly

Just FYI, inability to format text or sloppines, lazyness or sheer
stupidity and disregard for readers imply that your selection
criteria for posting is probably as dumb as your formatting

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Systolix DSP

2001-04-10 Thread Gareth Jones

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you either as a registered user of one of Systolix free DSP
design tools (FilterExpress, FilterSim, FilterWizard), or because you have
expressed an interest in our products. As part of our development activities
we occasionally survey our software users for feedback on their ongoing DSP
and software requirements. We are currently developing our next generation
of DSP processors and tools, and would be grateful if you could take a
minute to answer 4 simple questions. Your answers will help to ensure our
future products meet your requirements. This information is purely for
marketing purposes, no sales approaches will be made as a result of your

To complete the survey, simply reply to this message with your answers typed
below the question.   

1. What single feature would you most like to see included in future
releases of FilterExpress, FilterSim or FilterWizard?

2. What are your current DSP requirements for filtering application (Sample
Rates, Datawidth, Filter Type, Number of taps/Order)?

3. Have you considered using Analog Devices AD7725 converter in your

4. What hardware solution do you currently use for digital signal
conditioning functions and what is your target cost?

Many thanks for your cooperation. For more information on Systolix and it's
product please visit our web site at FilterExpress, our
filter synthesis tool is currently undergoing a major update, look out for
an announcement soon.


Gareth Jones
Marketing Director - Systolix Limited's eBulletin for the Week of April 9, 2001

2001-04-10 Thread weeklymag1
Title:'s eBulletin for the Week of April 9, 2001








	  - Wise words from...
David Norton
  - Articles to help you
  - Featured Product
  of the Week
	  - Research Reports
offers you:
Applicant Tracking
Payroll Solutions
Relocation Tools
B to B Solutions
	  If you know someone who'd like to readthis eBulletin,please forwardit to them.
  Need an answer?
	  If you have a burningquestion and can'tfind the answer,send
us an email toAsk HR.comto get FREE help/suggestions
onHR matters.

no diamonds."
~ Mary Case


		If you're a vendorwho'd like to reachHR decision
makers,email us at[EMAIL PROTECTED].

THE WEEK OF: April 9, 2001

We are your free
resource for HR. Our eBulletin gives you a taste of what's new on
site this week. 
WISE WORDS FROM...David Norton 
"Only about
of the market capitalization of the typical S 500 company can be
to tangible assets, 85% is intangible. If you went back 20 years it
be the reverse. All of the management disciplines we have like
planning, and personnel management are based on the old model." 
  David Norton is one
of the leaders driving a new way for HR to understand and focus on
is strategic. His latest book with Robert Kaplan, The Strategy
Organization, is a best seller and likely to be on your CEO's desk.

a break, have a laugh, 
check out this week's HR.comic"


Compensation gurus
  Zingheim and Schuster know you're busy. So they help you quickly
  the question, "Do we need to change our comp plan?"'s
CEO, Deb
  McGrath, shares her industry expertise with some cut-to-the core
  on questions to ask your HR vendor.
Looking for
  to increase harassment complaints? Perhaps not but your
typical program
  is doing just that. David Creelman's editorial explores why
  can backfire and what to do instead.
Dave Norton
  the only one concerned with intangibles. Over in the UK, Paul
  shares some advice on HR intangibles in his guest editorial.
Don't miss
  week's Biz Fiction and your Horoscope.
Experienced Professional Bundle: Recruitment Marketing Strategies,
1 and Diversity Recruitment. 
Recruitment Marketing Strategies and Diversity Recruitment Report
the sources of information experienced professionals use to find out
potential employers, and how to motivate them to apply to your
In an uncertain labor market, building a stable recruiting program
critical. With four-fifths of the available talent market being
candidates, learn how to effectively and efficiently attract the
talent to your company. 
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  you direct access to the industry's most powerful recruiting resource.
  our exclusive pool of talented high tech professionals, you'll fill
  high tech positions easily, quickly, and affordably. Find and hire the
  candidates the high tech world has to offer. Click
  here for more information, or call 1-877-386-3323.
+ Ben
This Week's

Business, People and Rewards: Surviving and Thriving in the New
Schuster Zingheim on Challenging Times for Rewards
Product Review: Online
Benefits Providers: Who are Your Options? (2/3) 
Here's a good listing and 

Try It -NNXX

2001-04-10 Thread shimon_1

"If only I could find an easier way to make a higher income, I
could pay off my bills once and for all!"

"If I had more money, I could spend more time with my Family, and
less time at work"

"I would love to get involved in a business in which will
generate money while I am not at work (like a Gas Pump)"

DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?  We have all pondered these thoughts at
some time or another. The question is, what would you do if you
found a way to solve your financial problems? Would you grab the
opportunity with both hands, or would you simply ignore it,
believing it to be too good to be true.

The following document is the outline of a legitimate, simple and
easy to understand, money making opportunity. This program has
been around for a couple of years now and has been proven to make

Some people have built their own personal fortune in a matter of
months using it.  I have personally earned several thousand
dollars with little effort since I received this e-mail a month

It may be the catch phase of all Internet promotions, but this
program really does work, I can tell you from personal
experience.  Luck has a lot to do with realising when an
opportunity presents itself.


Please, print this off and read thoroughly. Be sure that you
don't miss any of the points outlined. Then put it down, and then
read it again. I am sending you a whole lot of information in
which you might not understand the first time you read it. If you
don't believe this program will work for you, send it to ten of
your closest friends, and ask them what they think?

This really works! Have faith, don't miss this  opportunity, get
involved also, and it will work for you as it does for us!

Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, A MAJOR
NIGHTLY NEWS Program recently dedicated an entire show to the
investigation of the program described below to see if it really
can make people money.

The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal.
Their findings proved that there are absolutely no laws
prohibiting the participation in the program. This has helped to
show people that this is a simple, harmless and fun way to make
some extra money at home.

The results have been truly remarkable. So many people are
participating that those involved are doing much better than ever
before. Since everyone makes more as more people try it out, its
been very exciting.

You will understand only if you get involved!

Print This Now For Future Reference



Would you like to make $50,000 in less than 90 days! If not,
forward this to someone who would like to make this kind of money
It works (like designed) but only for those who follow it to
the letter!

Please read this program...THEN READ IT AGAIN!! THIS IS A

It does NOT require you to come into contact with people or make
or take any telephone calls. Just follow the instructions, and
you will make money. This simplified e-mail marketing program
works perfectly 100% EVERY TIME!

E-mail is the sales tool of the future. Take advantage of this
virtually free method of advertising NOW!!! The longer you wait,
the more people will be doing business using e-mail. Get your
piece of this action!!!


Hello - My name is Johnathon Rourke, I'm from Rhode Island.

The enclosed information is something I almost let slip through
my fingers. Fortunately, sometime later I re-read everything and
gave some thought and study to it. Two years ago, the corporation
I worked for the past twelve years down-sized and my position was
eliminated. After unproductive job interviews, I decided to open
my own business. Over the past year, I incurred many unforeseen
financial problems. I owed my family, friends and creditors over
$35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and I just
couldn't seem to make ends meet. I had to re-finance and borrow
against my home to support my family and struggling business.

AT THAT MOMENT something significant happened in my life. I am
writing to share the experience in hopes that this could change
your life FOREVER.

In mid December, I received this program in my e-mail. Six months
prior to receiving this program I had been sending away for
information on various business opportunities. All of the
programs I received, in my opinion, were not cost effective. They
were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial
investment was too much for me to risk to see if they would work.
But as I was saying, in December of 1997 I received this program.
I didn't send for it, or ask for it, they just got my name off a
mailing list.

THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT!!! After reading it several times, to
make sure I was reading it correctly. I couldn't believe 

OPT: UCITA Cypherpunks - We got a plan...

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

Well, actually it's a plan to make a plan ;)

We intend the following:

-   Identify the several bills (UCITA, UEITA, etc.) that are currently
in the Texas legislature for consideration. We believe this count
is currently at five (5).

-   Identify pro and con sources of information.

-   Identify pro and con members of the legislature.

-   Compare and contrast the various 'positions' and develop an
appropriate 'cypherpunk' responce.

-   Begin an information campaign that will hit both the traditional
and alternative media in Texas, in particular in the
major cities (ie Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio,
and El Paso).

We discussed letters to media as well as a potential video.

-   Identify each of the steps that the bills will need to go
through in their consideration in the legislature. The
intent is to identify 'key players' who can be contacted
for maximum 'bang for the buck' so to speak.

-   Develop a presentation and arrange appointments with legislators
to attempt an 'education campaign'.

-   Pray for deliverance from the pestilence of God-$ (not that
Cypherpunks have any objection to making money, it's the now)

To help resolve these issues, in addition to the monthly Cypherpunk get
together, we will institute a bi-weekly meeting to work further on these
goals. I will be making the meeting location and time announcements on the
Austin Cypherpunks and ucita-tx mailing lists only!

We also intend to 'beef up' the SSZ homepage. One idea was to create a
'bulletin board' (eg WWWBoard) so that interested parties could
participate in a more long-lived manner than a simple mailing list.

We also intend to re-write the 'form letter' on the 'Fight UCITA in
Texas!' webpage. The feeling was that it was too long and not as well
worded as it needed to be.

Currently the mailing lists and resources are:

Austin Cypherpunks
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (closed to outside submissions)

UCITA-TX Mailing List
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (closed to outside submissions)
Note that the mailing list itself is non-partisan. The same can't be
said for the webpage and most certainly not the cpunks.

Ta ta.

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Tanner article (nicely formatted for you sensitive lads)

2001-04-10 Thread Norm D'Plume

The Judge in the case was a Carter appointee who

came out of retirement just to hear Al’s case.
Tanner’s behavior in the trial created a court
that can only be described as Kafkaesque. There
is not
a single page that does not reflect judicial
abuse and

very important

2001-04-10 Thread gökhan sahin

dear sir
how can i buy kgb/svr cd-rom.i would like to buy that cd-rom.can you inform me?do you sell it?
 sincerely yours

 gokhan sahinGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Discover the endless possibilities of Caribbean photography

2001-04-10 Thread Celebrations
Title: Celebrations (TM)

	April 2001, Volume 02, Issue 07 





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Slashdot | Rec.humor.funny Threatened by MasterCard

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Java cryptanalysis program: the DSA flaw in OpenPGP (fwd)

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:07:54 -0500
From: orlingrabbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Java cryptanalysis program: the DSA flaw in OpenPGP

I have written a Java cryptanalysis program and article
for the Laissez Faire City Times regarding the recently
announced DSA flaw in OpenPGP.  The program does the 
calculations to back out the (secret) private key.

An advance copy of the article and program is available



Ohio Shooting Protest Resumes

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

UPI News Article: Cato Blasts Danforth Waco Report

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Choate

   To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
 Edgar Allan Poe

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Tanner article (nicely formatted for you sensitive lads)

2001-04-10 Thread Eric Cordian

Norm Writes:

 The Judge in the case was a Carter appointee who
 came out of retirement just to hear Al’s case.
 Tanner’s behavior in the trial created a court
 that can only be described as Kafkaesque. There
 is not
 a single page that does not reflect judicial
 abuse and

Obviously this is a new definition of "nicely formatted," with which
I was previously unfamiliar.  

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: [alg] OPT: UCITA Cypherpunks - We got a plan...

2001-04-10 Thread Paul Elliott

When are these meetings going to be?

Paul Elliott   1(512)837-9345 1(512)837-1096
[EMAIL PROTECTED]PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J   Austin TX 78758-3117

genetic databases: not just for iceland anymore, good for warrants

2001-04-10 Thread Blank Frank

Some months ago someone posted about genetic databases being
harvested from Iceland, and suggested other places were being
surveyed too.  Here's a ref for disbelievers.  And an unrelated ref on
the *state's* DB to bust people based on that DB alone.

_Science_ v 291, 16 mar 2001, p 2075: Talana, Sardinia
"Sardinia's Mysterious Male Methuselah's"
Gist: The 1200 residents of this town have allowed 400 years of genetic
tree-tracing and given genetic samples to a researcher.

(Aside: There are more men  100 in Sardinia than anywhere else, but
the Sardinians are interested in curing the diseases Sardinians do get,
than playing longetivity games.)

ALSO of interest, from the same issue, p 1893: entitled "Court affirms
is all you need".  Gist: in Calif, you can get a warrant out for the
arrest of John Doe,
possessor of a given sample of DNA.  There is no statute of limitations
as of 1 Jan
[2001] in that state.  One 'Paul Robinson' was the first to be arrested
solely on the basis of
a database match.

Pass that bowl of hair this way,

"I don't think much of his operating system", he told Plotz, "but I
would like his sperm."
---Paul Smith, proprietor of a high-IQ sperm bank in Nevada, on Bill
_Science_ v 291 9 Mar 01 p 1893

Fwd: Jim Bell Trial: Fourth Day (fwd)

2001-04-10 Thread Bill Stewart

On the matter of Bell using Oregon DMV databases:  Gordon stated that DMV
access is not legal for non-commercial use, noting that both Oregon state
and federal law restricted their use.

At least for a while, the Oregon DMV sold their database on CDROMs.
Then somebody upset them by putting one of the CDROMs on the web :-)
The web version didn't let you look up by name, just by license plate,
but Senator Mark Hatfield wife's license plate is AAA111 or 111AAA,
I forget which, and doing a relatively complete search was pretty trivial.

Re: Fwd: Jim Bell Trial: Fourth Day (fwd)

2001-04-10 Thread Alan Olsen

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Bill Stewart wrote:

 On the matter of Bell using Oregon DMV databases:  Gordon stated that DMV
 access is not legal for non-commercial use, noting that both Oregon state
 and federal law restricted their use.
 At least for a while, the Oregon DMV sold their database on CDROMs.
 Then somebody upset them by putting one of the CDROMs on the web :-)
 The web version didn't let you look up by name, just by license plate,
 but Senator Mark Hatfield wife's license plate is AAA111 or 111AAA,
 I forget which, and doing a relatively complete search was pretty trivial.

The way they changed the access to the data was pretty sleezy too.

That list was purchaced by any company that wanted to do direct marketing
to you via the mail and ghod who knows who else.  They wrote the rules so
that the marketing droids could still get the list, but the common folk
could not.  (You had to show a "need" to get the list.)

It used to be that you sent them some trivial amount ($50, if I remember
correctly) and a couple of 9-track tapes and you got the list.  Then
someone posted the list to the web and people got all freaked about it.
(Much more so than when the information was used to stalk and kill someone

I guess the World Wide Web *is* the Fourth Horseman(tm)...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen| to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
"In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."