[css-d] IE height bug

2012-10-24 Thread Brett Goodrich
Hello and thank you in advance. I'm using IE9.

1. www.913thewalk.com/shows

The menu works fine until you have a child page whose name takes more
than one line (hover over shows in the nav and look at Adventures
with Aunt Karen). In Chrome this height autoexpands to fit, in IE it
doesn't. Any idea why?

2. Click on Daily Bible Reading under Community
In Chrome there's a picture there, in IE it's gone. Where did it go?

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[css-d] Hover Background Change

2012-07-18 Thread Brett Goodrich

Hover over elements in the table in the content section. Certain rows
will change background color on hover to a flat gray. I didn't code
that, and I can't even find the CSS that's doing it with the Chrome
Inspector. Also see /the-courses/ and hover over New Testament where
it's doing the same thing.

Any ideas as to why it's changing the background on hover?

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[css-d] IE Destroys Website

2012-06-19 Thread Brett Goodrich
Check out http://ccbci.org/the-courses/
No idea on this one. It seems to work perfectly on Chrome, but
collapse in on itself completely in IE. Built on Twitter Bootstrap,
which I know is cross-compatible.
It's a pretty destructive bug and, in a way, grimly hilarious.

Obviously, if someone could find the error I'd be grateful! I've no
idea; IE doesn't have much by the way of developer help.

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[css-d] Picture Positioning Issue in FF

2011-08-05 Thread Brett Goodrich
You can view the error at http://ccbci.org/see-life/alumni/
In FF (I have 5.0) all of the pictures pile on top of each other in
the top right corner.
It works perfectly in Chrome 13.0 and in Internet Explorer 9.0.
Thanks thanks in advance!

Jesus loves you!
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[css-d] Text Not Wrapping

2011-05-24 Thread Brett Goodrich
If you mouseover the first menu item, theCOURSES, you will note that
the bottom two child items don't line break but instead go off the
side of the menu. Can anyone figure out why? I sure can't.

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[css-d] Safari z-index problem with navigation

2011-04-13 Thread Brett Goodrich

In Safari the navigation isn't disappearing from the start, nor are
the links clickable. Any ideas?

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[css-d] IE not showing child popout of dropdown

2010-08-11 Thread Brett Goodrich
On the navigation bar at the top, if you mouseover Ministries 
Horizon Christian School in Firefox a little child popout called Test
Child will appear just to the right of Horizon Christian School. In
IE, this doesn't happen. I have no idea why, except that it doesn't
seem to be a z-index problem because the only thing behind the child
is the page's background.
Thanks for any help in advance.
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[css-d] IE z-index (possibly) problem

2010-07-29 Thread Brett Goodrich

The issue is at http://www.horizonsrhigh.org/wordpress.

I'm having trouble with a dropdown menu in IE, but I'm not sure it's
even a z-index bug. See, the first level of dropdown works.
Mouseover an item with children, however, and the pop-out doesn't
happen in IE. As far as I can tell, the child list isn't being covered
by anything, because the only thing behind it is the background (if
you go Ministries - Horizon Christian School - Test Child). It does
exist somewhere on the page, because if I Control-F search for Test
Child when mousing over its parent it finds one instance of the
phrase. But I have no idea where it actually is. Yes, I did a Google
search (many of them, actually) and a cursory archive search.

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[css-d] Divs not floating next to each other

2009-07-04 Thread Brett Fuhs
The divs are dynamically being created by a SQLReader. The template is all
tables, but the divs are being created inside a td.

To see the divs being created easier, I made their back color silver to see
if they line up, but they do not, and I only see 1 silver block when I
should 10, for 10 divs.

I'm trying to get 3 divs to show in each row.

Here is how I have each div, that is being created, formatted.

.post {
float: left;
width: 275px;
height: 200px;
background-color: Silver ;
border: 1px solid #F30;

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[css-d] Form in IE7 has no left margin

2009-02-19 Thread Brett
I have a site with a form on it and it displays correctly in IE6, FF3, 
Opera 9 on WIN, and FF3, Opera 9, Safari 3 on MAC.  However, in IE7 WIN 
the form does not seem to have the 20px left padding as specified in the 
style sheet.  Here's the link:


Is there something about IE7 and padding that I should know about?

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[css-d] vertical alignment question

2009-02-02 Thread Brett
How can I vertically align elements?  I have an image gallery in which I 
want all images to be centered vertically and horizontally.  The 
horizontal part is easy, but I can't figure out how to center 
vertically.  Here are my styles:

#pictureWrapper {
height: 363px;
width: 363px;
#mainpic {
height: 320px;
width: 320px;
#mainpic img {

#mainpic is the first child of #pictureWrapper and I want it to be 
centered vertically.  But I also need to have the #mainpic img 
vertically aligned too, because when the image is landscape oriented 
there is a huge amount of space below.  Is it possible to align vertically?
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[css-d] IE6 absolute positioning problem

2009-01-24 Thread Brett
I have an AP div nested inside a Relative Positioned div.  The AP div 
shows perfectly in FF3  Opera 9.x both Win  MAC, but in IE6 I can't 
even find the div?!  This AP div is nested as follows: #wrapper 
#container #content #maincontent #thisAPdiv.  I have tried everything to 
make this work including listing all of the ancestor divs as above, but 
still I can't see it.  I currently have the position as top:0; left:0; 
and I have tried everything from +300px to -500px. 50%, you name it, to 
no avail.  I have turned off all BG elements so I could see if it was 
hiding behind something, but it is not.  Argh!!  The really strange 
thing is I have another AP div that does show as expected, however it is 
not so deeply nested; it is a child of the #wrapper div only.  If I move 
this troubled AP div up to the #wrapper div it shows up!  What is the 
problem here?  Does IE6 not like AP divs that are more deeply nested?

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Re: [css-d] IE6 absolute positioning problem

2009-01-24 Thread Brett
I should have mentioned that I have given the RP div #maincontent 
Height:1%; to force hasLayout, but this does not seem to work either.

Brett wrote:
I have an AP div nested inside a Relative Positioned div.  The AP div 
shows perfectly in FF3  Opera 9.x both Win  MAC, but in IE6 I can't 
even find the div?!  This AP div is nested as follows: #wrapper 
#container #content #maincontent #thisAPdiv.  I have tried everything 
to make this work including listing all of the ancestor divs as above, 
but still I can't see it.  I currently have the position as top:0; 
left:0; and I have tried everything from +300px to -500px. 50%, you 
name it, to no avail.  I have turned off all BG elements so I could 
see if it was hiding behind something, but it is not.  Argh!!  The 
really strange thing is I have another AP div that does show as 
expected, however it is not so deeply nested; it is a child of the 
#wrapper div only.  If I move this troubled AP div up to the #wrapper 
div it shows up!  What is the problem here?  Does IE6 not like AP divs 
that are more deeply nested?

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[css-d] Adding margins to the hr element

2009-01-19 Thread Brett
I have created the following hr class specifying margins.  The curious 
thing is that I get a 20px bottom margin as expected, but I do not get a 
20px top margin, why not?  Also, the hr center itself in all browsers 
except IE6 (afaik).  How can I get IE6 to center it?

hr.divider {
margin:20px auto;

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[css-d] question about combining descendant selectors

2009-01-08 Thread Brett
I'm wondering if combined selectors have a lower specificity than 
non-combined.  For example in my stylesheet I have:

.hm #events_snip .date, .article { color: red; }
.hm #news_snip .date, .article { color: green; }

On the page the .article class shows up green, even though it is NOT 
descendant from #new_snip, it is descendant from #events_snip.  Why does 
it do that?

Now, if I have this:

.hm #events_snip .article { color: yellow; }
.hm #news_snip .date, .article { color: green; }

The .article class shows as yellow.  I don't understand this.
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[css-d] IE6 problem with background color on H2 element

2009-01-08 Thread Brett
I am having a problem with IE6 rendering a background color on the H2 
element *sometimes*.  In my stylesheet I have:

.news #news_list h2 {
.news #news_list h2 span {

This displays fine in all browsers including IE6 (W).  Just below that 
div is another div with the following:

.news #events_snip h2 {
.news #events_snip h2 span {

This displays fine in FF (W  M), Opera (W  M), Safari (M), but NOT in 
IE6 (W)

Here is an excerpt of the markup:

div id=news_list
liBlah blah/li

div id=events_snip
liBlah blah/li

Does anyone know why the second H2 element is not displaying properly in 
IE6 (W)?  The element is there because I can see the text, but the 
background is not showing up.  Also, if I add display:block; to the H2 
element, it acts more like I added it to the span.  In other words, it 
does not display the full line-height specified, just the text height.  
Why is that?

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Re: [css-d] IE6 Win list-style problem

2008-12-16 Thread Brett
After further research I discovered that:

Regardless of any declarations, IE6 will not display bullets on list 
items set to display: inline or floated.

That is clearly my problem.  I will try using a background-image bullet.
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[css-d] IE6 Win list-style problem

2008-12-15 Thread Brett
I have a feature box containing a ul which I want styled with bullets.  
For some reason, the bullets are not showing up in IE6 Win, they do show 
up in FF2 Win, FF3 Mac, Safari 3.2 Mac, and Opera 9.5 Mac.  Following is 
an excerpt from my stylesheet.

li.farray {
width: 100px;
float: left;
color: #66;
#features ul.featurearray {
width: 280px;
border:1px #777 solid;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
#features ul li {

To increase specificity I have even tried:

#wrapper #container #content #maincontent #features ul.featurearray {

and about every other permutation, none will cause IE6 Win to display a 
bullet.  Can anyone make a suggestion?

To state the obvious, I have checked all ul definitions in all 
stylesheets, specifically any stylesheets and definitions that are 
loaded *after* this.

Going crazy!!
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[css-d] Styling area with cursor:pointer doesn't work in IE - what now?

2008-11-06 Thread Brett Leber
Hi list,

In 2005, someone had a similar question, but there was no response:

Using cursor:pointer on an area appears to work in Firefox 3 (and
probably other browsers), but not IE7.

Is this a known limitation? Are there sensible workarounds?

We'd really like to use a pointer mouse cursor for the areas since
they are they only parts of the image map that are clickable.



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[css-d] Define text attributes only for Windows

2008-11-05 Thread Brett
Is there a way to set text attributes separately for Windows/PC 
machines?  Windows displays text larger than on a Mac so I'd like to 
adjust all text for the PC to better match the MAC.  Can this be done?  
I have used the underscore _hack to target IE, but I really need to 
target all PC/Windows machines.  How can this be done?

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Re: [css-d] Define text attributes only for Windows

2008-11-05 Thread Brett
For example, Win2000 in IE6 and FF2.0, both browsers display the text 
much larger.

David Laakso wrote:
 Brett wrote:
 Is there a way to set text attributes separately for Windows/PC 
 machines?  Windows displays text larger than on a Mac so I'd like to 
 adjust all text for the PC to better match the MAC.  Can this be 
 done?  I have used the underscore _hack to target IE, but I really 
 need to target all PC/Windows machines.  How can this be done?


 In what PC operating system and in what PC browsers and browser 
 versions is the text larger than on a Mac?

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Re: [css-d] Define text attributes only for Windows

2008-11-05 Thread Brett

Thanks.  Of course you are right, there are way too many variables to 
make every OS and every browser look exactly the same, and it's a fools 
dream to attempt it.  I really just want to have the text size a bit 
closer between the two platforms.  I design on a MAC and I try to set 
text sizes suitable for a normal text setting on the PC, and to 
accommodate up to two increases in text size without drastically 
altering the layout.  I guess this is just another joy of designing for 
the web.

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Re: [css-d] Define text attributes only for Windows

2008-11-05 Thread Brett

Yes, both of the browsers are set to display the normal text size.
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Re: [css-d] IE6 div border problem

2008-10-17 Thread Brett

Thanks, that worked great.  And thanks for taking the time to answer.


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[css-d] IE6 div border problem

2008-10-17 Thread Brett
I have a long div with a border, which contains floated ul li
elements.  I have a clearing element after the last li element, so the
div will expand to contain the floated elements, and the border will
will surround everything.  It all works well in FF, Safari, and Opera,
and even works initially in IE6 - at least before scrolling.  As soon
as the page is scrolled in IE, the div border breaks (has gaps), but the
clearing element at the bottom has a complete border. 
Is there some trick that can fix this in IE?


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[css-d] background image not displaying

2008-04-26 Thread Brett Fuhs
The site looks fine in IE7 but in Mozilla Firefox, if you right click
view background image, the image is there, but just doesn't show. My
body is set to gray and the entire site has a gray background and
doesn't repeat my background image in firefox like it does in IE7. Can
anyone see what is going on?


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[css-d] css layout issue, centered, three column layout

2008-03-05 Thread Brett Fuhs

I am pretty new at web design and css.

I started with a three-column layout that the center content stretched to
fill the screen width, with left and rights static width of 200px. Which
worked but I didn't want it to stretch.

I decided to make a centered 1000px layout, the centercontent is perfect
because it has margin left and right of 200px, but the left and right
contents are all over the place. I tried float:left for the left and
float:right for the right, and now it looks different in IE7 then firefox,
but the three columns are out of whack.

I believe I need something with a wrapper, but I keep getting it more out of
order the more I mess with it, any suggestions?


note: the word Sponsors is actually the right column that is not on the

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Re: [css-d] Crashing IE7 with CSS a.k.a. IE7 doesn't like button[value]

2008-02-04 Thread Merkey, Brett
 A few days ago, while testing for coherence in a webpage, IE7 
 crashed on me.
 I've isolated the offending code here:
 After a few tests (actually, a lot of them) I've found it's 
 simply more of IE lack of support for the button tag. No 
 CSS applied to button[value] is shown, and any value for 
 value crashes (closes down) the current IE window. So 
 remember, don't style with the button[value] selector.

Yes, the code effectively crashes my IE7 immediately. 
I don't think the problem is the button tag, which I have
used extensively for many years.

The problem in the code on that page is the lack of a space
between the two parts of the selector. Add a space and no

Still, you are right. Pretty pathetic.

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[css-d] Maps, Google or Virtual Earth use

2007-07-25 Thread Mcdaniel, Brett
I am wondering if anyone out there is using either Google Maps or
Virtual Earth?  Have you been able to embed stuff into a CSS file if you
have?  Just starting a project with maps and wanted to know how people
are doing them.



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[css-d] Problem with text content spilling out of container

2007-07-20 Thread Brett
Hi All,

I have created some nesting div's that I want to be liquid.  The problem 
is the content of the innermost div will not push out the containing div 
but simply spills over.  Is this what clearing the float is for?  Can 
someone please look at my code and tell me how I accomplish this.

I have tried overflow:auto however it always creates scroll bars V  H 
which I really don't want.  By the way, you will notice that the only 
float elements I have are the little rounded corner png's inside #ibox.  
And what I find interesting is that they are behaving properly, it is 
the text inside #ibox that is spilling out.  How can I keep the text 
from spilling out?

As a general question, it seems as though CSS only concerns itself with 
width:% and does not really consider height:%, is that true?  If you 
look at my link and adjust the browser window, it appears to change only 
in relationship to the width of the window not the height.  I really 
want to take advantage of the scalability of liquid design and make it 
possible for viewers with larger monitors to receive more content 
above-the-fold.  The only way to do that is to not make elements fixed 


Many thanks for any help.


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Re: [css-d] practicality of user stylesheets

2006-12-27 Thread Brett Merkey
Felix Miata wrote:
| I'm curious how well or whether those on the list agree with me on the
| result's relative functionality, particularly considering the complexity
| of the original, and the limited amount of time I spent doing anything
| beyond reducing.
| I'm also curious if anyone tries user styles testing for breakage during
| their own development

I cannot comment on the specific results of your labors against a
stupendously over-wrought use of CSS. I suspect the styles you had to wade
through were not made with human intervention. The issue may not be one of
relative functionality but how CSS is being mis-used.

We are seeing a lot of bad CSS nowadays. I guess this is one fruit of the
efforts of the CSS advocates who enrich this mailing list. CSS is now
considered the proper way to go for enterprise-level applications. Part of
the blame can be put upon this influential collection of experts. g

For instance: my company recently got rid of a simple Excel spreadsheet to
handle employee travel and expense reimbursements. We now have a
browser-based application designed by the infamously inefficient SAP. The
CSS for this two-screen app is about 300,000 bytes. It clearly was generated
by software -- no human being could be that meticulously dense. One wonders
how the browser is even able to parse the monster.

So, individual solutions like user CSS may not be practical in dealing with
travesties of the sort you point out. Most of us do not have your abilities
or desire for Sisyphean challenge. We have to keep educating...

Brett Merkey

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Re: [css-d] Headers and Footers

2006-12-05 Thread Brett Merkey
George L Smyth wrote:
|| Here is a simple example:
|| Non-Scrolling Header and Footer; Printing Repeated Headers and Footers
|| http://web.tampabay.rr.com/bmerkey/examples/nonscroll-table-header.html
| Thanks for the link, this works fairly well.
| The only negative is that putting multiple lines into the footer results
| in only a single line on the second through penultimate pages in Firefox
| (works in IE7, with a little work).
| I've been unable to figure out how to expand the footer in Firefox - any
|  ideas? I can squeeze everything into a single line, though it doesn't
|  look very good. I'm just not understanding why Firefox is having a
| problem with multiple lines.  Might this be a bug?

I have only tested the footer extensively as a one line column total
display. However, I had no trouble adding multiple lines to the footer with
Firefox 1.5 just now. If by multiple lines you mean multiple rows within
the TFOOT element, then Firefox seems to have no trouble that I can see.

Brett Merkey

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Re: [css-d] Headers and Footers

2006-12-04 Thread Brett Merkey
George L Smyth wrote:
| I have put together a table to display information and my co-worker wants
| to be able to print it out.  No problem, I've used print style sheets to
| take care of that.
| Now he wants each page to have a header and footer and I can't think of
| any way to do it.  Is this possible?

It depends on what you mean by header and footer. It is not possible in
general to create pages with determined headers and footers with HTML and
CSS. However, you seem to be referring to data tables. For data tables, yes
it is possible to specify repeating data headers and footers when the table
is printed.

Here is a simple example:
Non-Scrolling Header and Footer; Printing Repeated Headers and Footers

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Re: [css-d] Min/max-width problem in IE6

2006-11-08 Thread Brett Derry
Hi All,

I'm still having a few problems with my mix/max width expression in IE6.

Currently, my #mainwrap is:

#mainwrap {
margin:0 auto;

And my IE6 expression is:

#mainwrap {width: 780px /* fallback value */;
document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? 
document.documentElement.clientWidth : 
 1024 ? 950px : (((document.compatMode  
document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? 
document.documentElement.clientWidth : 
document.body.clientWidth)  800 ? 782px : 99.7)); }

I'm having trouble in declaring a value for when the site is between 950
and 782px and I'm yet to find a happy medium. At the minute, everything
below my #pNav seems to jump out of the rest of the site and only
returns when the browser hits 782px - which I know is how it's intended
to work. My problem is finding a value to replace 99.7%.

I would be most grateful if someone could have a look at where I'm going

The website in question is www.midlandsco-op.com/xmas and the CSS can be
found at http://www.midlandsco-op.com/xmas/css/master.css and

Hope someone can help.


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[css-d] Min/max-width problem in IE6

2006-10-18 Thread Brett Derry
Morning all,


I'm having a problem with my min/max-width site in IE6. As we all know, IE6 
doesn't support this CSS but I'd like to know a bulletproof way of getting it 
to work!


I've noticed that simplebits.com uses this method of CSS for his wrapper div 
and I've tried to replicate it in the site I'm creating but without success. It 
works fine in FF, Opera, Safari and IE7 (as to be expected) but I was wondering 
if someone could look over my code and point out where I'm going wrong and 
suggest any fixes.


I currently have this:


#mainwrap, #header {

_width: expression(((document.body.clientWidth))  800? 780px: 
((document.body.clientWidth))  1024? 950px: auto );



declared in my ie.css file but it doesn't seem to like it when I scale my 
browser window in - I get a horrible horizontal scrollbar !¬(


My styles for the body tag are:

body {


padding:0 8%;

font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;






And this for my wrapper:


#mainwrap {




margin:0 auto;





The site lives at www.coopintranet.co.uk/xmas and the two CSS files can be 
found at www.coopintranet.co.uk/xmas/css/master.css and 


Hope someone can help,






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Re: [css-d] Min/max-width problem in IE6

2006-10-18 Thread Brett Derry
Hi Ian,

Thanks for the reply. I've made the change to the CSS as you specified
but now the site is fixed in FF and I'm still getting the problem in IE.

I've uploaded the new CSS so you can see what's happening.


Any other ideas?


  Morning all,
  I'm having a problem with my min/max-width site in IE6. As we all
  know, IE6 doesn't support this CSS but I'd like to know a
  way of getting it to work!
  I've noticed that simplebits.com uses this method of CSS for his
  wrapper div and I've tried to replicate it in the site I'm creating
  but without success. It works fine in FF, Opera, Safari and IE7 (as
  be expected) but I was wondering if someone could look over my code
  and point out where I'm going wrong and suggest any fixes.
 I find that site needs horizontal scroll bar in FF if window resized.
 Change #mainwrap div in may style sheet to:
 #mainwrap {
 margin:0 auto;
 As you know IE6 does not recognise min or max width.
 You will also need to change your font-size in the body to 100% (you
will of
 course also need to look at the rest of your font sizes but this
change to body
 font tag is a MUST DO).
 BTW. You should also define background in body as not everyone has
 default colour as white - see David Laakso!!

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Re: [css-d] Min/max-width problem in IE6

2006-10-18 Thread Brett Derry
Hi Georg,

That's exactly what I was looking for (and not a million miles away from Ian 
Young's earlier suggestion). However, I still have a problem with IE6.

When I scale the window in the page width doesn't change (much) until the right 
hand side of the window hits the right hand side of the page. Only then does it 
change width.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help so far.



 -Original Message-
 From: Gunlaug Sørtun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 18 October 2006 12:01
 To: Brett Derry
 Cc: CSS Mailinglist
 Subject: Re: [css-d] Min/max-width problem in IE6
 Brett Derry wrote:
  Further to my last email, I've played around a little with my margins
  on my wrappers and changed my _width: expression in my ie.css
  stylesheet and it seems to have sorted it!
 As far as I can see you now have a solution that makes IE6 freeze on min-
 width. The reason is that the IE-expression you use is a Quirks mode version,
 that IE6 chokes on when in standard mode.
 If you want it to work flawless, then a dual mode expression is a better
 Several versions here...
 ...and I think the pixel-based min/max-width expression is what you want.
 Note: no min/max solutions for IE6 are bullet-proof, as they rely on 
 support. Apart from that; IE-expressions are as bullet-proof as any other
 solutions - when done right.

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Re: [css-d] Content above Navigation

2006-10-05 Thread Brett Derry
Hi Tim,

Ordered floats is the way forward. 




 Hi All.

 I'm soon going to be working on a site for a client who has asked for
the main body content of the code to be above the navigation in the
 for SEO / Accessibility reasons. This makes sense but wanted to get an
idea of which methods people use for this.

 The way I've seen this done before is too apply padding to the main
content div which forces the main content down the page. The top
navigation  can then be given an absolute position to 'layer' over the
space created by the padding. Does anyone use any other methods or is
this the 
 excepted way of doing this?

 It would be simple if all the divs could be absolute positioned but as
there are varying page lengths across the site I don't think this would
be an 

 Thanks in advance for any help.



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Re: [css-d] checkboxes and css

2006-09-22 Thread Brett Derry
Add a little left margin to your #zoeken input

#zoeken input {

And it'll line up.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sander van
Sent: 22 September 2006 14:04
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] checkboxes and css

Hi all,
Is there a possibilty to style checkboxes?
How can I attach a style to a checkbox? Do I have to use class or id 
I have a checkbox but it has a padding or a margin around the box that I
whanna remove 
see http://www.johnsten.com/css/bla.html
the checkbox has to be aligned to the left the same as the input field.
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Re: [css-d] Print stylesheet not read by Firefox?

2006-09-06 Thread Brett Merkey
Hello Albert,

The problem probably comes from the use of the TITLE attribute. This
attribute does not have side effects in other elements, but in LINK tags for
external stylesheets, the situation is different.

Here is one reference that should help out:


Brett Merkey

Albert van der Veen wrote:
| Hello list,
| I have a strange problem with my print stylesheets in Firefox: they don't
| seem to be read at all. This is the code I'm using in the HEAD section:
| link title=standaard rel=stylesheet type=text/css
| href=fileadmin/templates/depont.css media=screen /
| link title=print rel=stylesheet type=text/css
| href=fileadmin/templates/depont_print.css media=print /
| Printing this page (in FF, IE prints correctly) shows what I mean:
| http://www.depont.nl/nl/pers/persberichten/bericht/pers/179/
| Am I overlooking something obvious?
| thanks,
| Albert

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Re: [css-d] footerStickAlt method not working on my site

2006-06-09 Thread Brett Leber
On 6/9/2006 7:10 AM, Alex James wrote:
 Brett wrote:
 Please see http://dawkins.ctat.cs.cmu.edu/
 My goal is the same as footerStickAlt [1]. I can't get this footer to 
 stick to the bottom of the page in any browser.
 Try the following: 
 Remove margin-bottom:10em; from the #nonfooter declaration.
 Add clear: both; to the #footer. 
 In FF this will now stick unfortunately it's still not expanding to the
 full width of your layout. Maybe some one else can shed some light on
 this? I'm confused as firstly you didn't declare a negative value for
 margin-top in the #footer like the Man-In-Blue[1] example and secondly
 why adding the clearing property partially works?
 Oh, and that mainstyles.css file is a beast!
 [1] http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/2005/08/29/#content

I've removed #nonfooter's margin-bottom, and added clear:both to #footer 
(I believe I've tried this before). The result is good for long pages, 
but short pages are still problematic (see 
http://dawkins.ctat.cs.cmu.edu/index.php?id=download ).

I could add a negative margin to #footer as per the Man-In-Blue example, 
but in that example, the negative margin moved the footer from outside 
the viewport into it. On my page, the footer is already inside the 
viewport, so adding a negative margin would just push it up further. As 
I mentioned, I think something interesting is going on with the 
computation of 'height'; I think height isn't taking the height of my 
#sponsors div into account.

Also, using the webdeveloper toolbar, I can see that the footer isn't 
even being pushed to after the #nonfooter div (which is the premise of 

Sorry for the beastly mainstyles.css. I could certainly split it up in 
the future.


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Re: [css-d] footerStickAlt method not working on my site

2006-06-09 Thread Brett Leber
On 6/9/2006 9:31 AM, Alex James wrote:
 How about just organizing some of those ID's  classes into shared
 declaration's? For example you could declare the following: 
 #centercontent h1, #centercontent h2, #centercontent h3, #centercontent
 li a { font-weight:normal; } 
 Apply this method through the rest of the stylesheet and it may save
 some scrolling! 

Sure, I'll do that. I'm more concerned about the pesky footer 
positioning at the moment! ;)

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[css-d] footerStickAlt method not working on my site

2006-06-08 Thread Brett Leber
Please see http://dawkins.ctat.cs.cmu.edu/

My goal is the same as footerStickAlt [1]. I can't get this footer to 
stick to the bottom of the page in any browser.

My guess is that this has something to do with a series of background 
images that are generally not being computed as part of 'height'. Or 
perhaps the use of absolute positioning. I'm really at a loss.

Sorry there is so much to look at on this page. It's a local copy of a 
live site.



[1] http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/2005/08/29/#content

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[css-d] IE6 doing something quite funky to horizontal li's

2006-06-07 Thread Brett Leber
Humbling List,

Please see http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/test.html

I'm looking to center two horizontal boxes (simple enough task). It 
looks fine in Mozilla, while IE 7 staggers the two boxes so one is lower 
than the other. I'm using standalone IE6, but that seems to have fallen 
back to the IE7 beta renderer. Maybe someone with non-IE7 setup can 
advise how to get those two boxes to be in a straight horizontal line.



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Re: [css-d] IE6 doing something quite funky to horizontal li's

2006-06-07 Thread Brett Leber
On 6/7/2006 5:07 PM, Bill Brown wrote:
 Humbling List,

 Please see http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/test.html

 I'm looking to center two horizontal boxes (simple enough 
 task). It looks fine in Mozilla, while IE 7 staggers the two 
 boxes so one is lower than the other. I'm using standalone 
 IE6, but that seems to have fallen back to the IE7 beta 
 renderer. Maybe someone with non-IE7 setup can advise how to 
 get those two boxes to be in a straight horizontal line.


 Try this:
 #container ul li {
 display: inline;
 float: left;
 That should work in all IEs, I believe.

It most certainly works on my machine. Thanks!

I think my mental error was that I put a class on the a elements, and 
was not even styling the li elements (which is what I would normally 
do). Strangely enough, it looks like I need to float the a's too. Go 


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Re: [css-d] CSS Browser Cache?

2006-05-26 Thread Brett Leber
On 5/26/2006 3:51 PM, Jan Brasna wrote:
 Eg. by adding a timestamp to the stylesheet's URI:
 link href=style.css?20060526T2150 ...

Could you expand on this, or link to an article that explains why this 
works? I'm not familiar with the '?' suffix (unless we're using PHP, of 
course). Is it standard?


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Re: [css-d] CSS Browser Cache?

2006-05-26 Thread Brett Leber
On 5/26/2006 4:13 PM, Jan Brasna wrote:
 Eg. by adding a timestamp to the stylesheet's URI:

 link href=style.css?20060526T2150 ...
 Could you expand on this, or link to an article that explains why this 
 works? I'm not familiar with the '?' suffix (unless we're using PHP, of 
 course). Is it standard?
 Brett, ? is not a suffix. It's a query-string separator, see 
 appropriate RFCs on this. It's the same as the PHP mentioned by you - 
 the file requested is the style.css with the parameter. However, as 
 long as it's just a vanilla CSS, the parameter is simply discarded. For 
 the server. Not for the client - different parameter, different cache, 
 different request. So when you change the parameter, the browser 
 requests the fresh version.

Thanks for the clarification. Nifty, useful trick ;) I think I'd heard 
of it before, but had no idea why it worked.


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Re: [css-d] Debugging Techniques.

2006-05-15 Thread Brett Leber
On 5/15/2006 11:22 AM, Mark D Hiatt wrote:
 How do you go about debugging a CSS?
 Are there any tricks you've picked up over the last several months or 
 years that seem to help you when what you meant isn't quite what you're 

This has probably been mentioned on this list a number of times, but the 
Web Developer extension [1] for Firefox is invaluable for debugging CSS. 
Specifically, I use the the View Style Information, Edit CSS, and 
Outline functions. Editing CSS 'on the fly' saves a number of 
unnecessary keystrokes as you tweak your CSS. View Style Information 
will show you all the style declarations that are being applied to the 
selected element, and in which file each selector is located. Outline 
shows you how your layout is formed, without forcing you to manually add 
borders to elements (as you described).

The DOM Inspector (included with Firefox) is also useful for viewing 
'computed style'--the computed result of all styles that are applied to 
an element.



[1] http://chrispederick.com/work/webdeveloper/
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Re: [css-d] Shifting content

2006-04-25 Thread BRETT DERRY
Hi Debbie,

Try playing around with the width value for #content.

75% looked good.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Iorhael
Sent: Tue 4/25/2006 10:37 AM
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] Shifting content
Hi again,

I apologize for the plethara of questions right now...I am going through some 
of my previous web sites and restructuring the css so that all the elements are 
in containers (thus stablizing the elements when the browser is stretched).

On this one, I created a subcontainer for the banner graphics, and then a 
separate subcontainer for the content. I finally got everything positioned 
properly except that I can't get the content to shift over to the left using a 
negative left margin. How would I shift over the content to where it needs to 
be? It is a floated element...can you not use negative margins with floats?




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Re: [css-d] Question: container or body

2006-04-16 Thread Brett Merkey
Mark Fellowes wrote:
 reading and practicing with some tutorials. One question I have, in a
 few tutorials I noticed the use of a div labeled either  container
 or page-container.  Other tutorials did not have that div but made
 adjustments to the body  tag.  Is there some advantage to using the
 container ?

Most definitely. But not always, or even most of the time. It depends.
I recommend attempting to use the BODY tag as your point of reference first.
When/if that does not work out, then create new structures (like div
class=container) to ease your layout tasks.


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Re: [css-d] Looking for some layout help...

2006-03-07 Thread Brett Leber
 I am working on a new layout for a promo/landing type page and am having a
 problem figuring out why my promotion text area is not centering properly in
 it's content container. The page is here:
 It works in IE6, but not firefox and safari??

/* added margin:auto for the box */
dl.roundedBox {
width: 365px;
background: url(box_bottom.png) bottom left no-repeat;
clear: both;

/* removed dl.roundedBox from this selector */
dl.roundedBox dt, dl.roundedBox dd {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
 There also seems to be a two pixel gap in the promotion text area that I can't
 figure out either.

Not sure which 2px you're referring to, but changing dl.roundedBox dt:
dl.roundedBox dt {
height: 48px;

seems to make a tighter fit. All tested on Firefox 1.5.


 Any help from the good people on this list would be appreciated.

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Re: [css-d] Looking for some layout help...

2006-03-07 Thread Brett Leber
 Thanks Brett and Els for your quick responses.
 I implemented your suggestions and the promotion text area is now properly
 centered. Brett your suggestion to change the height to 48px properly
 tightened up the gap that I am seeing on firefox and Safari but still 
 on IE6. The gap exists right between the the promotion text area dt and the
 following dd tags.

It looks like IE is calculating height as height + padding (both defined 
in CSS), thereby pushing the dd element down. (I should probably note 
here that your use of dl is fairly non-standard and un-semantic.) More 
importantly, getting those two elements to line up vertically correct 
might not be possible. It might be better to create a single div to 
contain the content, and assign a background image to that.

If you want it to scale, you might want to look into boxes with rounded 


 Quoting Brett Leber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am working on a new layout for a promo/landing type page and am 
 having a
 problem figuring out why my promotion text area is not centering 
 properly in
 it's content container. The page is here:


 It works in IE6, but not firefox and safari??

 /* added margin:auto for the box */
 dl.roundedBox {
 width: 365px;
 background: url(box_bottom.png) bottom left no-repeat;
 clear: both;

 /* removed dl.roundedBox from this selector */
 dl.roundedBox dt, dl.roundedBox dd {
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;

 There also seems to be a two pixel gap in the promotion text area 
 that I can't
 figure out either.

 Not sure which 2px you're referring to, but changing dl.roundedBox dt:
 dl.roundedBox dt {
 height: 48px;

 seems to make a tighter fit. All tested on Firefox 1.5.


 Any help from the good people on this list would be appreciated.



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Re: [css-d] hybrid layout, wide table (IE6)

2006-02-13 Thread Brett Leber

Thanks for the advice. Using your added styles, the result is better, 
but adds scrollbars a bit differently than I'd intended:


Whereas in example 1 scrollbars appear for the container div (#preview), 
example 3 creates scrollbars for the the entire layout table. In the 
context of the project where this would be used, this produces a bizarre 
effect. The issue is that scrolling the entire layout table is likely to 
be very disorienting for a user.

Also frustrating is that the long table (the table with many columns) 
increases the width of the layout table, effectively moving the 
right-aligned parts of my header and footer off-screen. An inline frame 
is starting to look a little more attractive for this disastrous table. 
Either that or a fixed width for the container div (#preview). I think 
the problem is with IE's interpretation of width:100%; on another area 
of the site, this property/value pair produces a table that goes off the 
right end of the containing div, with no scrollbars!

thanks again, and sorry for the verbose emails--I just can't think of a 
simple way to describe all of this.


francky wrote:
 Brett Leber wrote:
 Please consider the table layout and nested divs to be a part of the 
 design requirements. Also, the following is an IE6 rendering issue, so 
 please view the examples in IE6.

 Example 1: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test1.html
 Example 2: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test2.html


 How can I make example 2 display like example 1?

 Hi Brett
 Did you try:
 * html body { width: 97%; overflow-x: auto; } ?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] hybrid layout, wide table (IE6)

2006-02-13 Thread Brett Leber

This is great! Your additions seem to replicate the desired rendering. 
These should work for the actual web project I'm working on as I've 
tried to make my test case a simplified version of the same structure.

For conditional comments, do you think I should target IE6+ with these 
additions? Out of curiosity, does IE7b2 render the table similarly to 
IE6 (ie, off the screen) without your two additions?

Lastly, how did you know that 'flow:left' and 'zoom:1' would do the 
trick? I vaguely remember the redundant but effective 'zoom:1' being 
mentioned in an article. Is either or both documented elsewhere?

Thanks again!


PS - Hopefully I've replied to the list properly. I now see how time can 
be switched if I reply to the message that appears /before/ the one from 

Ingo Chao wrote:
 Brett Leber wrote:
 Example 1: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test1.html
 Example 2: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test2.html

 The innermost table contains many cells in a single row longer than most 
 browser widths. To display it in the current page, I've used a container 
 div with overflow:scroll, and a width of 100%. When this table appears 
 within the divs alone, the overflow works correctly--the table is no 
 larger than the current browser (viewport) width, and scroll bars appear 
 [example 1]. When this table appears within a table used for page 
 layout, however, the width of the container div stretches to show the 
 entire table, past the viewport's boundaries, producing a horizontal 
 scroll bar in the browser [example 2]. 
 How can I make example 2 display like example 1?
   #preview {... float:left; }
   #contents {...  zoom: 1;}
 and hide these from other browsers.
 Works here for IE6 + IE7b2.
 Brett, and the one or other who might read this:
please use /bottom/ posting on this list.
 For those who read the digest, or those who just try to read and answer 
 more than one post per evening, it becomes nearly impossible to read 
 when the flow of the time is switched more than once per digest.  ;)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] hybrid layout, wide table (IE6)

2006-02-11 Thread Brett Leber
Please consider the table layout and nested divs to be a part of the 
design requirements. Also, the following is an IE6 rendering issue, so 
please view the examples in IE6.

Example 1: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test1.html
Example 2: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bleber/css/table_test2.html

The innermost table contains many cells in a single row longer than most 
browser widths. To display it in the current page, I've used a container 
div with overflow:scroll, and a width of 100%. When this table appears 
within the divs alone, the overflow works correctly--the table is no 
larger than the current browser (viewport) width, and scroll bars appear 
[example 1]. When this table appears within a table used for page 
layout, however, the width of the container div stretches to show the 
entire table, past the viewport's boundaries, producing a horizontal 
scroll bar in the browser [example 2]. (Recall that this is in IE6, not 
Firefox; Firefox 1.5 doesn't render the two differently.)

How can I make example 2 display like example 1?

There must be something I can change in CSS that I'm missing. Changing 
page structure is not an option; minor html changes are OK. I don't want 
to use an inline frame or new browser window (i.e., I'm hoping for a 
pure CSS fix here). I also want to keep the layout fluid.


Brett Leber
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Readonly Attribute Selector Problem in Firefox?

2005-09-24 Thread Brett Merkey
Firefox seems to want to force its own readonly gray on form elements when
a CSS attribute selector sets the background color to white.

Yet, *any* other color value except white will display as desired. Even
though the workaround is easy, (just use a value very close to white, such
as #fefefe) is this a bug or a behavior by some design whim I don't get?

Example here:



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] site check: Style Checkboxes Cross-Browser in Windows - Results

2005-09-21 Thread Brett Merkey
- Original Message - 
 I am experimenting with a Unicode font, Lucida Sans Unicode, to provide a
 x-browser way to get around IE's inabilities regarding form checkboxes.
 font is supposedly on every Windows machine since Win 98 but I find that
 machine with that font (and same version 2.0 of the font) fails
 On the other machines, IE5+, Firefox/Mozilla, and Opera perform as

 Style Checkboxes Cross-Browser in Windows:

Results for anyone interested:
Failure. At least this particular Unicode font cannot be relied upon for
glyph mapping in combination with CSS even in systems where the font is
installed and the browser and OS claim to support Unicode.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] site check: Style Checkboxes Cross-Browser in Windows

2005-09-20 Thread Brett Merkey
I am experimenting with a Unicode font, Lucida Sans Unicode, to provide a
x-browser way to get around IE's inabilities regarding form checkboxes. The
font is supposedly on every Windows machine since Win 98 but I find that one
machine with that font (and same version 2.0 of the font) fails completely.
On the other machines, IE5+, Firefox/Mozilla, and Opera perform as desired.

I am hoping some people can take a look on their Windows machines and e-mail
me privately so I can determine if the one failure was an anomaly or I have
one more failed experiment to add to the pile.

Style Checkboxes Cross-Browser in Windows:

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Pullquotes

2005-09-06 Thread Brett Merkey

Am I missing something or why don't you just style the span class pull
accordingly? Why come up with an own element?
Chris Heilmann 

To keep the pulled text from being moved, out of flow. The same text
is meant to be in two places simultaneously: in the flow and in a 
special display. Print and authoring convenience are also important.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Floated Boxes Jumping in IE

2005-07-04 Thread Brett Lucas
Dear all

I have a problem with rendering in IE of a series of
boxes containing textin a liquid layout.

When the screen size changes the boxes flow underneath
each other nicely in Mozilla/Firefox...but in IE they
go higgledy piggledy (sic!) around the page...is this
due to the 3 pixel jog?? I'm not sure?

Have a look at the page in question here:


The HTML in the central content div is as follows:

div id=content 
  h1 class=resourcesTeaching the Curriculum/h1
  div id=book_title
  div class=book_headingWaterland by Graham
  div class=guideSpace / Topography
  div class=cur_acta
href=activity_detail1.phpUsing Maps/a/div
div class=cur_acta
href=activity_detail.phpWater level/a/div
div class=cur_acta
div class=cur_acta
div class=cur_acta
href=activity_detail4.phpMarsh Country/a/div
div class=cur_acta
div class=cur_acta href=# Suggest a new
pa href=index1.phpReturn to themes/a/p

The CSS 

.cur_act {
float: left;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-left: 5px;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #00;
text-align: left;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 90%;
border: 1px solid #33CC33;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;

The address of the whole style sheet is:


I would appreciate any assistance or comments anyone
can offer...these floats can be very scary!!

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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Overlapping divs

2005-06-28 Thread Brett Lucas
In a link list I have on my site I have a problem in
Mozilla browsers..The title
line(style=searchtitleevent) is wrapping on lower
screen recolutions...and overlapping the next div
(searchvenue) causing an unplanned and annoying

Here is the URL:


and the HTML:

div class=searchresult
div class=searchtitleeventa
href=topics/newlect1.phpTraining Event for New
div class=searchvenue 
emstrongVenue:/strong/em Birmingham Conference
Park - December 2004/div
class=searchurlemstrongTheme:/strong/em a
href=newlect.phpNew Lecturers/a/div

the styles are as follows:

.searchresult {
margin-bottom: 10px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #FFCC33;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
background-color: #FAF0D0;

.searchtitleevent {
text-decoration: none;
background-image: url(../images/icons/events.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left top;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 95px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 20px;
position: relative;

.searchvenue {

padding-left: 25px;
padding-bottom: 3px;

.searchurl {
padding-left: 25px;
padding-bottom: 3px;

I would appreciate any pointers as to what I am doing wrong.

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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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