[css-d] Can't find source of block-level error

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I could use some help with this. I've managed to totally confuse 
myself. My sidebar won't snap into place to the right of my 
narrowcolumn, and my page won't validate. I can't figure out what's 
going on.

Thanks  . . .

  Kimi Wei

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Re: [css-d] Can't find source of block-level error

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

At 7:49 AM -0500 3/18/08, Peter Hyde-Smith [ed: THANKS PETER!] wrote:

>you will also have to declare an explicit width on
>the .narrowcolumn
>You are not validating

I've solved some problems and page now validates, but I still need to 
get the sidebar to the top of the content column.

  Kimi Wei

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Re: [css-d] Can't find source of block-level error

2008-03-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Ah hah. And there it is, pretty as a picture! Thanks, Valerie

At 11:28 AM -0400 3/18/08, Valerie Wininger wrote:
>Get rid of the margin-right on the .narrowcolumn and the sidebar div 
>should slide up next to it.

  Kimi Wei

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[css-d] Block elements blooey

2008-05-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I've gotten myself in trouble with this layout, and I can't figure my 
way out of it, although I've been trying for a while.

This is what I want the layout to be:

* Textured body borders right and left and ivory content box centered 
between them
This works now but I don't why. I can't see where I've 
defined right and left margins.
* The logo should center to the page
* The left nav box is in the right place
* Everything else should center to the area between the left nav box 
and right border of content box.
This isn't happening. Some items almost center, some don't 
center at all. Apparently the uls are pushing their contents to the 

TIA for help.
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Kimi Wei

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Re: [css-d] Block elements blooey

2008-05-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Should have taken my nap before I sent that email. Thanks, David.

At 2:52 PM -0400 08/05/20, David Laakso wrote:
>Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>I've gotten myself in trouble with this layout, and I can't figure 
>>my way out of it, although I've been trying for a while.
>Where is it?

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Fixed blocks, now spacing issue

2008-05-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I fixed my block problem. A big help was pointing my html to the 
correct css file.

at http://njlada.com/sandbox I don't know why there's so much space 
between tr-s in my table.

Help . . . !
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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] 2 boxes not flush on left

2008-05-31 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I have a topper #namebar and a leftnav. They both have a left margin 
of 1.3em, but they don't line up on the left. I would like to know 
why . . .


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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Solved space problem; don't know why

2008-06-06 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I just asked for help with space between my topper and wrap at 

I continued to play around and when I eliminated the border on bottom 
and then top of topper, the space closed up. Eliminating only the 
bottom border didn't do the trick. I don't know why this worked, but 
would like to know.

Be well,

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Finishing details

2008-06-07 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I'm converting an older layout and have been doing OK, but I broke a 
couple of things. Anything I posted earlier, I managed to solve but I 
could use some help to fix these issues.

In this interim layout the lnav and announce boxes look as they're supposed to:

In the new layout at http://njlada.com and links which spring off from there:

lnav is broken in places - the nav links are abbreviated [for 
example, see http://njlada.com/c/contact.php]

announce has no beige shading and is too wide.

I also want the btmnav containing box to extend the entire width of 
my #contentwrap. Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks, be well,

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Space between topper and content

2008-06-07 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I have a small space between my topper and contentwrap which I can't 
find the source of . . . help, please . . .

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Different body backgrounds

2008-06-30 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

What might be a good way to get the body bg on this page white. The 
default body for the site's home page is yellowish.


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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Same style but different bg behaviour

2008-07-08 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

Can someone help me out with this? I have two content divs sharing 
the same basic style info:: #main and #mainctr. #main functions 
correctly and drops a white background into my text area. #mainctr 
should do the same thing, but doesn't - the bg stays black. I can't 
find my error.

White bg at http://blackboxarts.com
No white bg at http://blackboxarts.com/media

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[css-d] USS: Unidentifiable small space

2008-07-12 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hello People!

I have a small space at the bottom of the bounding box for this 
page's content. I can't see what's causing it. Help appreciated as 



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[css-d] P won't center

2008-07-14 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

My centered p won't center. Help, please . . .

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] superfluous borders on hover

2008-08-25 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi there, people.

I have a couple of extra borders on hover in my nav links. A dotted 
line on bottom and blue space remaining on the sides which ought to 
get replaced on hover by white space, but doesn't.


Help appreciated as always. Be well,

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Bizarre validation messages

2008-08-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I'm getting bizarre message from the validator when I try to validate 
my css for
http://blackboxnyc.com/soulsearching/ and

I get error message that I have many errors and wrong values entered 
- which I don't see in my files. When I enter the uri 
http://blackboxnyc.com/soulsearching/soulsearching.css directly into 
the validator page http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ I get messages 
that my page cannot be found.

But the page is accessible directly through its URI and my html pages 
are styled. When I validated a different page http://thewei.com it 
validated with no problem.

Maybe something in my code is choking the validator. I've entered a 
bug report but would like suggestions from the list as to what that 
might be.

All help welcome and appreciated, as always. Be well,

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Text positioning

2008-08-29 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi people,

I haven't been able to get a couple of my type elements to behave as 
they ought to.


The h1 in topper I couldn't get to vertically center to my logo on 
its left, and
I can't get the list items in colrightthin in the first copy block to 
behave like block elements. I want each item on its own line. I tried 
getting this right for a couple of 3 hours but no joy.

All help appreciated, as always. Have a great night . . .

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Ampersands showing

2008-08-31 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

In my sidebar, code for open and closing parentheses are rendering up 
as ampersands. What might be the reason for this? In the copy area 
[my main text area], symbol code renders as normal.

Thanks as always . . .

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Aaargh! Img borders persist

2008-09-19 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Ok, I give up. Please somebody, tell me how to get rid of the border 
under my imgs on hover.

Thank you for Much Appreciated Help, as always . . .

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Same declarations, different results

2008-10-06 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi All,

At http://bc4hkids.com/events/ I have defined h2 and h3 under the 
turqbox div. The two headers are identical in every way except for 
margins. But, they don't render the same. Type in h2 is larger than 
in h3. And, the padding renders differently in each.

Does anyone spot why this may be happening?

Incidentally, I wrote a while back asking if someone could see why my 
character codes won't work in many of the pages on this site. I can't 
code an exclamation mark or a parenthesis because the individual 
characters of my code show up & # 38 ; instead of the symbol I want 
them to reveal. I'm wondering if there's a declaration in my css that 
I unwittingly evoked which is causing this odd behaviour. Or 

As always, thanks for tips and assistance.

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] border doesn't fill expected area

2008-10-10 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I have #contentwrap with a border, and expected the border to fill 
the entire content area all the way to the bottom of the text on this 
page, but it doesn't. Instead, it stops after h1.

Help resolving this issue much appreciated.


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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Horizontal nav displays vertically in IE

2008-12-15 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I've noticed that in a few IE browsers [not sure which version/s] my 
horizontal menu is displaying as a vertical list. In those browsers, 
the default style type shows ups too. What's a more reliable way of 
creating the effect I'm after?


Help appreciated muchly as always

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Kimi Wei
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[css-d] BG doesn't cover desired area

2009-02-04 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I very much hope you're all well tonight. I'm working on this project 

I have a black background which I want in place from the top of 
#bigcol through the end of #content. It should extend to the very 
edge of the right panel, but the black bg should not cover the right 
panel nor the footer/btmnav areas.

I can't get the black bg to cover the areas I wish it to.  Help 
resolving this appreciated as always,


This email sent by
Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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Re: [css-d] BG doesn't cover desired area

2009-02-05 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Here's another way of explaining my problem:

I want a plain blackbg #0E0F0F to sit behind .spacedps and .content 
and I thought I'd coded my page to work this way but it doesn't work. 
The blackbg appears behind .spacedps but not .content.

The reason I don't put it in the bigcol div is that I want the footer 
and btmnav to not have the blackbg; I wish the tiled bg to show 
behind these elements.

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Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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[css-d] Can't eliminate border on linked images

2009-03-05 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I added a link to the fotos in my #sitenav. Now there's a blue border 
around the foto-links but I can't seem to find what's causing it.

See border here:

No border here (but fotos aren't links, either)

Please help me find the border in my code. Thanks as always . . .


This email sent by
Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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[css-d] What's creating this img border?

2009-03-06 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I added a link to the fotos in my #sitenav. Now there's a blue border 
around the foto-links but I can't seem to find what's causing it.

See border here:

No border here (but fotos aren't links, either)

Please help me find the border in my code. Thanks as always . . .


This email sent by
Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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[css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi List Friends,

Here are the problems I'm having with my own site's layout. Perhaps 
you can help me resolve them.

My h1 doesn't appear inline as I want it to in the page's first paragraph.

Side navigation is giving me a bit of trouble. The content type 
scrolls up and down, but I want the navigation to stay in place in 
one spot on the page (like the tiger does). I tried a few ways to get 
this effect without success. The content type will need to indent on 
the right as it passes by the side navigation bars - as the bars 
protrude into the content type space.

Solutions accepted with gratitude. Be well!

This email sent by
Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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[css-d] Linked image showing style

2007-03-25 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Why can't I get rid of the background that shows up when I hover on 
the bottom image of this page [the schooner]. I haven't been able to 
figure this out. Help greatly appreciated.


       Kim Brooks Wei
T 201.475.1854
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Linked image showing style

2007-03-26 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks Bradley! This worked fine. Thanks people for helping me work 
this out . . .
Be well,

At 1:17 PM +0100 3/25/07, Bradley Wright wrote:
>It is the inline nature of the IMG that's making the BG colour shine 
>Try this CSS:
>.imgcenter a img {
>  display: block; /* removes background issues */
>  margin: 0 auto; /* centres image, as text-align will no longer
>work */

               Kim Brooks Wei
T 201.475.1854
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Alignment issues

2007-07-15 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I'm trying to align the boxes in this form flush-left and the footer 
area to span the width of the column.

Any help appreciated.

     Kim Brooks Wei
 T 201.475.1854
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Check: not showing in IE 5.5/6

2008-01-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I had a look at some browser shots of this site, and it seems to have 
issues in IE 5.5/6. In fact, I couldn't see any content in either of 
these browsers. Can someone take a look and see what might be the 
problem here?



Kimi Wei

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[css-d] Elements outside of container

2008-01-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I can't imagine why my graphic and main text won't stay inside of 
their #wrap container.


         Kim Brooks Wei
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[css-d] Expanding container div

2008-01-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I thought my container div [#artbody] would expand only to fit the 
content occupying it, but it expands to fill a much larger area. What 
can I do to make it function as I want it to?

 Kim Brooks Wei

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Expanding container div w/url

2008-01-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I thought my container div [#artbody] would expand only to fit the 
content occupying it, but it expands to fill a much larger area. What 
can I do to make it function as I want it to?


 Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Expanding container div w/url

2008-01-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
At 12:19 PM +0900 1/21/08, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
>  > http://thewei.com/china/zodiac.php
>What do you mean ?
>The div is explicitly set to be 100% wide (that is, as wide as the
>parent block element, in this case ). It does that, correctly.

Philippe, the div expands to the body width whether I set the width 
to 100% or not. The width is now not specified and the same thing 

>#artbody has 'layout'

I'm sorry, I didn't get this reference.

 Kim Brooks Wei

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[css-d] site check revised site please

2006-08-08 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I've been doing some major revisions to this site and still have some 
cleanup work to do - checking links and whatnot. I'd like to know how 
the site is looking in various browsers. I have the Mac OS X browsers 
covered, so I need feedback from PC browsers and OS 9.


An issue I could use help with, is I'm trying to bring the back, next 
and to top links to the side of the page and have them fixed in 
position. Is there an easy way to do this without using many hacks?

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] page won't validate, strange error message

2006-08-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

I can't validate this page http://thewei.com/sandboxcar/menu.html

I get a message showing an upside down question mark before the start 
of the declaration header. But there is no such character in my text, 
not even as an invisible character.

I also need a header for xhtml transitional Spanish pages.  I can't 
figure out how to write one.

Help much appreciated.
Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] Site revision/check

2006-08-30 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Please check this site for me.


I've checked Mac browsers -  Safari, iCab and Firefox and would like 
other browser checks

I was having trouble with two issues in IE which I've attempted to 
correct. I'd like to know if I was successful:

1) the logo showed with a border and

2) the table at the top of the page on http://carolisol.com/book.html 
was hitting the left margin instead of being centered in the page as 
it ought to be.

Thank you for this check and helpful guidance on last review.


NB - David Laasko, if you read this, I tried emailing you but 
couldn't get my messages through.

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] Page border up in the air

2006-09-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
My page border works on three sides but on the bottom it doesn't 
work. The border is there, but it's not flush with the page bottom. 
This did work until I broke it, but I can't recreate the working 
version. If anyone cares to give a look and see what will fix this, 
I'll appreciate the help.


On the home page the border is placed correctly. Same css  file is being used.



Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Page border up in the air

2006-09-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks for your help, Francky. I followed your advice for the IE fix. 
My pages  don't "jump" in IE 5.2 Mac now. I wonder how they're 
looking look in IE 6.x.

The gap between the bottom of my body border and browser window still 
appears in Safari and FF. Interestingly enough, I'm not having 
problems with this in IE 5.2. I can get rid of the gap in  FF by 
adding a min-height selector to the content div tall enough to push 
the border down [can't get rid of it in Safari at all].  I know 
something is fundamentally wrong with my code -- a page border should 
border an entire page, and not just part of the page.

Additionally, I've discovered that an ordered list on doesn't 
function as an ol. There are no numbers!

OL at http://www.njlada.com/c/directors.php


>Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>My page border works on three sides but on the bottom it doesn't
>  >work. The border is there, but it's not flush with the page bottom.
>  >http://www.njlada.com/c/directors.php
>One more suggestion. I notice that in IE the pages are jumping up and
>down. In this case, it can be resolved by giving a "clear: both" to the
>footer, and resetting the padding-top of the footer to zero. Then there
>is always some distance between the left side logo and the bottom colors
>of the page.
>See testpage

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] page border doesn't border page

2006-09-19 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Dear People,

I'm struggling to understand what's wrong with my page border. It 
adheres to the browser windows on 3 sides [top, lt and rt] but not on 
the bottom, in either Safari or Firefox.

I've tried whatever solutions I could think of but nothing has 
worked. Please give me a hand with this if you can.

Best wishes,

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [w/website]page border doesn't border page

2006-09-19 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Dear People,

I'm struggling to understand what's wrong with my page border. It 
adheres to the browser windows on 3 sides [top, lt and rt] but not on 
the bottom, in either Safari or Firefox.

I've tried whatever solutions I could think of but nothing has 
worked. Please give me a hand with this if you can.


Best wishes,

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] [w/website]page border doesn't border page

2006-09-21 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
With Phillipe's guidance I was able  to understand what was wrong 
with my approach to framing the page with a blue border and I did 
find an alternative which works.

Now I would like to change my layout a little bit. I would like to 
center the top logo and the bottom navigation links to line up with 
the middle of my content div. They now are centered to the page's 
center line. Before I break my layout,  I would like to ask for 
suggestions  - what might be the best approach(es) to try out to 
achieve this effect.

Thanks for everyone's help.

To those colleagues whom are Jewish, wishes that you have a healthy, 
sweet and happy new year. Best wishes to all,

>On Sep 20, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>I'm struggling to understand what's wrong with my page border.

Phillipe wrote:
>There is nothing wrong with your border(s). They are as tall as the 
>content requires it, that is how it should be. IE 6 does it wrong, 
>of course.

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] IE windows site checks please

2006-09-22 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Please check this page in IE 6 & 7 on PC

Should look like this:
but I think perhaps it doesn't

If there is a discrepancy and you have some guidance to offer me on 
fixing it, I'll be much appreciative.


Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Layout is broken in IE6 & 7

2006-09-25 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I've gotten help with several aspects of this layout already, thank 
you so much. Now I'm trying to finish it up and am unable to resolve 
this glitch in IE 6 & 7 . My layout degrades in these browsers. Mac 
and Linux  browsers work fine.

Page is http://njlada.com

I have two columns which should look like this:

In other words, a page with a bg on top of which the left navigation 
menu appears, and a text box into which the main content is placed.

IE for PC makes the text box cover more of the page than intended - 
it covers the area of the left nav column completely, or leaves the 
left nav menu with the page background but begins to render the text 
box underneath that menu to cover the rest of the nav column.

I wish I had some insight into what's wrong with my approach. I've 
tried adjusting margins and optimizing my code, but so far no joy. 
Help, please . . .


Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Validation error + border glitch

2006-11-04 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Page is http://www.njlada.com/plus/events/

I'm getting an error message which doesn't match with my code. Please 
take a look and see if you can find what the validator is choking on 


I attempted to code a border which should go around each of the two 
sections on this page. The border doesn't appear. What did happen 
after I coded in the border on css and html files is that the 
backgrounds for each of my two headers drew together. In Safari they 
abut each other contiguously now, whereas before they didn't. I would 
like to know why this happened. I'm also interested in knowing what 
is the proper way to draw two headers together in this fashion, and 
how I might make my border appear. Thank you!

Code for the border:

.htwobox {
 border: 1px solid #6681aa;
     padding: 6px;

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] position of a footer; body bg in IE

2006-11-30 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I'm having two problems finishing up a layout.


One:How do I get the footer to snug up to the bottom of either 
the content or box divs?
  I've been able to get this to work in IE 5 Mac using 
absolute or relative positioning but  this doesn't work in either 
Safari or FF .
Two:I have a semi-transparent bg image laid over a bg color. In 
Safari and FF  I get the effect I want: the bg color shows through 
the image and I get a nice textured effect. But this doesn't work in 
IE. Can I change my code to make it work, or will I need to change my 
graphic [bg]?

TIA for help. Be well,

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Body BG not showing in IE5 Mac

2006-12-01 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I have a semi-transparent bg graphic produced in photoshop. In the 
body tag this graphic is laid over a bg color.

body {  font-size: 75%;
font-family: 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
background: #C6CB81 url('/grfx/blubg.gif') 0 0 repeat;
color: #6F9FC0;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;

  In Safari and FF  [Mac] I get the effect I want: the bg color shows 
through the image and I get a nice textured color combo. But this 
effect doesn't show up in IE. In IE only the color #C6CB81 shows [an 
olive color].

Can I code something to make the overlay work in IE the way it does 
in the other browsers? Incidentally, I'd like to know how the 
background and overall site looks to PC users . . .


Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [w/site]Body BG not showing in IE5 Mac

2006-12-01 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I have a semi-transparent bg graphic produced in photoshop. In the
body tag this graphic is laid over a bg color.

body {  font-size: 75%;
font-family: 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
background: #C6CB81 url('/grfx/blubg.gif') 0 0 repeat;
color: #6F9FC0;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;

   In Safari and FF  [Mac] I get the effect I want: the bg color shows
through the image and I get a nice textured color combo. But this
effect doesn't show up in IE. In IE only the color #C6CB81 shows [an
olive color].

Can I code something to make the overlay work in IE the way it does
in the other browsers? Incidentally, I'd like to know how the
background and overall site looks to PC users . . .

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Body BG not showing in IE5 Mac

2006-12-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks for helpful suggestions everyone and David, thanks for screenshots.

Phillipe, I rearranged my code a little bit and the footer is now in 
the flow of my text. Now I have another problem. IE 5 is absorbing 
elements of #footer's bg. The bg has become invisible and the blue 
type is faded. Apparently the overlay I've got on top of the bg is 
obscuring some of the dots in footer's type.

>Another problem in IE Mac: the 'footer' is positioned at the top of 
>the #box container.
>IE Mac cannot position absolute an element using 'bottom' without 
>knowing the height of the container.
>You leave your footer inflow, you've already included a 'clearing 
>element' before it.

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] IE 5 -6 cleanup tips needed

2007-01-15 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

This page renders OK  in Linux and Mac browsers, also IE 7.

I'm having only one trouble in IE 6 :: Border shows on center and 
left content boxes when it ought not to show. I can fix this by 
setting to bg color [white]. Border color is set to transparent now. 
Is transparent an incorrect selection?

In IE 5 & 5.5 PC there are other issues
- center container is higher than right and left content boxes
- banner logo is lefted [ought to center]
- banner bg doesn't show
- 5.01 peculiarity :: leftnav buttons too spaced out and bottom 
border is separated from bottom of last button [should be stuck to 
the bottom of the button]
- 5.5 peculiarity :: leftnav buttons aren't centered. They are 
righted in the right content box.

Help cleaning up these issues much appreciated!
Best wishes,
Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Why my website won't render in Safari?

2007-01-15 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Estou vendo o seu sitio sem nenhum problema em Safari. I'm  seeing it 
without any problem in Safari.

>A friend using Safari told me my website, http://www.cacofonia.com.br/,
>won't render. It's all blank.

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE 5 -6 cleanup tips needed

2007-01-16 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks for cleanup tips. I did get rid of voice-family hack and used 
a different one. The article you pointed me too is stupendous. Thank 
you so much.

I still cannot get my three content boxes to line up with each other 
along a horizontal line. In fact, in some instances the center box 
shoots right up into the banner  [header box]. I tried separating the 
header from the rest of the content using clear: both but this didn't 
appear to accomplish anything.

So, I still need to line my content boxes up along a horizontal line.

  I also would like to know what's messing up my nav buttons in IE 5.1 
. It seems to me that I have arranged them in a straightforward way 
and they very much ought to work.


>  Most other problems in older IE/win seems to be related to box model
>(W3C vs. IE quirks mode) differences. Good article (IMO) on the subject
>IE5.5 may also lose a declaration or two because you use the
>'voice-family' hack. Better use another hack if you need any.
>   Georg

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Make div bg repeat endlessly - vertically

2007-01-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

What would I need to do to have my bg tile endlessly vertically? Or 
alternatively, is there a good way to get my left and right panels to 
both stop at some predetermined spot  - at the same length vertically 
[I mean, get them both to stop at the same vertical coordinate].

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Another cleanup tip needed

2007-01-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

With the help of Gunlaug and the stupendous article he referred me 
to, I've cleaned up my code considerably and have gotten rid of a lot 
of the little buggy issues which were troubling me.

However, I still cannot get my three content boxes to line up with 
each other along a horizontal line. In fact, in several browsers 
including FF and Safari on OSX the center content box shoots right up 
into the header area. I tried separating the header from the rest of 
the content using clear: both but this didn't appear to accomplish 
anything. The center content box belongs to the flow which starts 
with the header. How can I get browsers to recognize that each the 
header and center content areas are distinct, although they are 
connected?  The right and left columns are less problematic and 
render as expected in most browsers.

The remaining IE 5.x issue I'm having is still with my nav buttons in 
the left column. They don't work right in IE 5.1 . It seems to me 
that I have arranged them in a straightforward way and they ought to 
work. It troubles me that they don't, and that I don't know why. 
Should I forget about this or is it worth my time and the time of a 
mentor, to figure this out and fix it?


Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Nav menu transmogrifies on mouseover

2007-01-23 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

When I mouseover my nav menu, it shifts up and down. Can someone spot 
why? I can't.


PS - thanks for the great information about side columns of equal 
length. I decided I could live with one being shorter than the other.

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] css revamping troubles

2007-01-24 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I'm revamping the css for this blog and am having a few troubles.

1I was able to use Phillipe's guidance to eliminate my 
transmogrifying nav buttons on the homepage which parents this blog 
[thewei.com]. But I can't use the same information he supplied to get 
rid of the link border for the "add to technorati favorites" img in 
this sidebar. I've tried every way I can think of, but the 
bottom-border on mouseover persists in Firefox.

2I want my header and description to be overlaid on the image. 
I've made several attempts to get rid of the
background but it won't go away.

3 The php header code calls up a kubrickbg.jpg which places a 
gray border to the right and left of the #page area [the content 
area, basically]. The border has disappeared. Where did it go?

Kim Brooks Wei
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Bottom nav div won't drop

2011-03-22 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

On this page http://is.gd/xx2hgi I can't get my btmnav div to drop. I 
tried putting a bottom margin on the content div above it, and a top 
margin on the btmnav div, but no joy.  How do I fix this?



[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] help centering items

2011-04-30 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

At http://bit.ly/k6aFjU

I'm trying to get the following to happen, and can't work it out for 
some reason:

I want Metro New Jersey Green Drinks 3 Gatherings - You're Invited! 
and the elephant to appear as a single copy block - to the left of 
the Join box (another copy block).

I want both blocks to be centered on the page.

At http://bit.ly/jwgrff (home page, same site)

Is there a way to get the picture to float centered in the middle of 
the page? When the window expands, I don't want the picture to end up 
very far to the left of the sidebar - it looks very odd that way.


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] help centering items

2011-05-01 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Chetan, copy block is a typesetting, or publishing term, meaning a 
block of text. Text can be also referred to as "copy", as in 
copywriting). The block of text can be one, or several paragraphs, 

At 10:37 PM +0530 5/1/11, Chetan Crasta wrote:

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Kim Brooks Wei  wrote:

 I want Metro New Jersey Green Drinks 3 Gatherings - You're Invited! and the

 > elephant to appear as a single copy block - to the left of the Join box

 (another copy block).

I have never heard the term "copy block" before. Can you tell us 
what you mean?

Chetan Crasta


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] help centering items

2011-05-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Chetan, thanks for your interest, but you're getting hung up on the 
word "block". I explained that block is a term in layout design which 
means a group of words. If you're interested in the word's history 
and publishing applications please email me off list.

What I'm trying to accomplish is:

elephant and h5  to the left
join (which should appear as a short-width button) to the right
both elements centered to the page.

I will try the couple of solutions that were posted already and see 
how they work.


At 12:47 AM +0530 5/2/11, Chetan Crasta wrote:

So when you say that you want it to appear as a single copy block, do
you mean you want to style the logo and the h5 together and give them
the appearance of a block? The solution to that would depend on what
style you wish to apply. You have to be more clear.

Chetan Crasta


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] help centering items

2011-05-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

On 4/30/11 11:51 PM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

(Problem 1) I want both blocks to be centered on the page.

On a different page http://bit.ly/kp21jM on the site I accomplished 
part of what I want. The two blocks of copy are now side by side:

   (Block #1: Everyone is welcome and elly)
   (Block #2: Join and Twitter box)

Next, can I
* Get Block #2 to align to middle of Block #1?
* Get both blocks to sit in the center of my page?


2 At http://bit.ly/jwgrff (home page, same site)

get the picture to float centered in the middle of the page

David Huckleby and Alex Mitchell suggested this fix:

.leftcopytwothree {
  text-align: center;

It didn't work, but using the idea of controlling the centering with 
a text-align statement, I wrapped the photo in a centered  and 
that works fine. Thanks guys!


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Styling won't take on link

2011-06-30 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

I can't get the visited styling to take on the link in the footer at 
http://is.gd/6dsvHD - can anyone spot my error?


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] text jumped down

2011-10-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

I don't see why the text jumped down below bottom navigation 
pictures. I added the News and Events column to the right with a list 
inside it. How can I fix it?

Do you know where that master.css file is located?


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] text jumped down (w/url)

2011-10-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

1   I don't see what's pushing text down below corresponding 
navigation pictures on bottom of this page http://is.gd/6NBQaD. I 
added the News and Events column to the right with a list inside it. 
How can I get the type in each column to drop in just below the 
pictures like it should do?

2   Do you know where the master.css file is located?



[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] text jumped down (w/url)

2011-10-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Michael, thanks for the pointers, they were very helpful!

This isn't my site, just one I'm fixing and I don't have a lot of 
experience with table layouts so didn't immediately spot that the 
content of those nav columns was separated from its graphics. What a 
peculiar thing to do.

Didn't notice re the 'corporate mails' image either, so thanks for 
this too. Did notice that the link for it is a dead link (to a web 
page, not an email either). Another strange thing.

My job was merely to style the Events box in that bottom nav section 
of the home page. The corrected version is here now 

Thanks again. All best,

At 9:04 PM -0600 10/17/11, Michael Fokken wrote:

1. Your webpage is in a layout using tables. (This isn't the most
desirable way to layout a website, usually tables are used to show
data information.)

When I think of a website layout, I usually try to think of an Excel
sheet. You know how when you change the height of one cell, it changes
the height of the entire row?

This is what's happening with your text. The text in the far column,
"News and Events," is in the same row as the images. The text
explaining the images is in the next row. The "News and Events" text
is making the height of the entire row taller. This moves the
explanation of the images farther down.

So to fix this, just move the information explaining the images into
the same  as the images.

2. You may have to look on your server where all the files for the
website are stored. It may be in a different place, may have been
deleted, or never existed before.

Side Note: I noticed that the hover image for "Corporate Mails" was
not showing up.

Good luck with the site!

Michael Fokken

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Kim Brooks Wei  wrote:

 Hi People,

 1   I don't see what's pushing text down below corresponding navigation
 pictures on bottom of this page http://is.gd/6NBQaD. I added the News and
 Events column to the right with a list inside it. How can I get the type in
 each column to drop in just below the pictures like it should do?

 > 2   Do you know where the master.css file is located?


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814 ]
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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[css-d] Grfx/text alignment

2012-01-08 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

HI People,

I'm having trouble figuring out how to align pictures and text here 

I want the picture and petition graphic on the right and the text to 
their left. Help appreciated!


[ Kimi Wei
thewei.com   @kimiwei
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Re: [css-d] Grfx/text alignment

2012-01-09 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
OK, thank you, changed the visibility. Should be accessible now with 
this pw letmein\

At 9:06 PM + 1/8/12, mem wrote:

On Jan 8, 2012, at 21:00 , Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

 HI People,

 I'm having trouble figuring out how to align pictures and text 
here http://is.gd/B7MBSg.

I got a 404 page, perhaps it's another page, since I see no petition 
graphic there.

k. regards,

[ Kimi Wei
thewei.com   @kimiwei
(t) 862.203.8814 ]
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Re: [css-d] Grfx/text alignment

2012-01-09 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Tim, I don't know what that youtube video was supposed to teach me. I 
obviously know what alignment is. Thanks for pointing out the 
alignment designation in the shortcode, tho. That was helpful. 
Unfortunately, altering it doesn't fix my problem. The photo won't 
float either right or left.

What I'd really like to do is float the picture and petition graphic 
to the left and have the text all on the right. Is there an easy way 
to do this?


At 4:54 PM -0500 1/9/12, Tim Arnold wrote:


 On Jan 8, 2012, at 21:00 , Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

  I'm having trouble figuring out how to align pictures and text here


I see this div wrapped around your image:

The presence of the class "alignnone" suggests that you have not
aligned the image in your WordPress editor.  You have added a class to
your  tag attempting to do so, but that div will confound your
attempts for sure.  Open the post in WordPress, click on your image,
and then click the align right button on the editor toolbar.

Google turned this up which may help: 



[ Kimi Wei
thewei.com   @kimiwei
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Re: [css-d] Grfx/text alignment

2012-01-10 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Tim, please don't judge me harshly. Tim Arnold sent me a link to a 
video that explains in 3 minutes what left, right and center 
alignment are. He also directed me to use a Wordpress feature that 
could have easily been handled in code. I'm not sure how I'm supposed 
to respond to help like that - I did the best I could.


At 7:25 AM -0500 1/10/12, Tim Arnold wrote:
On Jan 9, 2012 11:52 PM, "Kim Brooks Wei" 
<<mailto:kimi@kimbwei.com>kimi@kimbwei.com> wrote:

 Tim, I don't know what that youtube video was supposed to teach 
me. I obviously know what alignment is. Thanks for pointing out the 
alignment designation in the shortcode, tho. That was helpful. 
Unfortunately, altering it doesn't fix my problem. The photo won't 
float either right or left.

 What I'd really like to do is float the picture and petition 
graphic to the left and have the text all on the right. Is there an 
easy way to do this?


Sure there are ways to do that but not knowing what you already 
obviously know, but have not yet done, I hesitate to venture a 


[ Kimi Wei
thewei.com   @kimiwei
(t) 862.203.8814 ]
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[css-d] What did I leave out of horiz nav list?

2012-09-13 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,


What is a good way to center the left graphic vertically and horizontally?
I'm having trouble with the top nav links. How do I getthe white 
background on mouseover to extend all the way to the edges of the 
blue background? IDK why I couldn't make this work.

Grateful for help as always,
[ Kimi Wei @kimiwei
(t) 862.203.8814
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[css-d] Can't vertically center image

2014-09-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi. At , I'm trying to center the left 
image vertically. What am I doing wrong, or more importantly, how do 
I accomplish this?


[ Kimi Wei @kimiwei
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[css-d] Layout still broken, new problems

2009-03-16 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi there People,

I got my site to look the way I wish it to on my own Mac in Safari 
and FF but the layout seems broken in other environments. A friend 
using IE and another using FF told me that my type sits on top of the 
tiger and can't be read. They are not seeing the layout the way I 
wish it to look.

Look I want here http://thewei.com/sandbox/tw/test/
Look people are getting here http://thewei.com/sandbox/tw

Help appreciated muchly.


This email sent by
Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Make layout more liquid?

2009-03-17 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

So, I finally seem to have worked out something with this layout. 
I've put the type into a resizeable div but it's not as liquid as I 
would like it to be: when I reduce the browser width the right side 
of the content div disappears. How could I make it scale better? Or 
can't I?\


Thanks as always,

This email sent by
Kimi Wei
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[css-d] background attachment?

2009-03-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Is the way I set this up as a background image the same as using a 
background-attachment? If not, how would I change this to conform? IE 
choked on my last version of this layout. I had the tiger as a fixed 
background img which was supposed to be left 75 top 30 but the tiger 
ended up over on the right side of the page.

How can I get a border around that image which will stay fixed in the 
same position as the image itself?

Big headache, I know. All help appreciated as always,

This email sent by
Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] background attachment?

2009-03-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I hate when I do that. Sorry . . .

>Could you post a link to the page and CSS?
>Michael Stewart

>On Mar 20, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>Is the way I set this up as a background image the same as using a
>>background-attachment? If not, how would I change this to conform? IE
>>choked on my last version of this layout. I had the tiger as a fixed
>>background img which was supposed to be left 75 top 30 but the tiger
>>ended up over on the right side of the page.
>>How can I get a border around that image which will stay fixed in the
>>same position as the image itself?
>>Big headache, I know. All help appreciated as always,

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Re: [css-d] background attachment?

2009-03-20 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
>On Mar 20, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>>>How can I get a border around that image which will stay fixed in the
>I think the easiest way to do this would be to edit the image in an 
>image editor and add the border that way. Then you might have to 
>readjust your positioning slightly to account for the increased 
>width and height.
>Michael Stewart

OK, this seems to have worked Michael, thanks. Now my image is 
repeating vertically in IE. How can I stop it from doing that? Should 
I be worried that the image doesn't appear at all in IE 8?


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[css-d] Footer, page nav, background

2009-03-21 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi, I'm looking for help with the following items. The background 
needs to be checked in the IE/win and Linux browsers.


The background should expand to fill the entire window, be fixed and 
not repeat. Do I have it coded correctly to do all this?


The footer on the contact page (where the content is short) doesn't 
stick to the bottom of the page as it should. On other pages this 
isn't an issue. The misbehaviour is visible in IE 6/7.


I had this page nav set as fixed not realizing that IE couldn't 
handle it. Now it's absolutely positioned and scrolls. Do other 
all-css options exist to make nav links stick to one spot when page 
is scrolled? Other non-css alternatives?

Because of the inline-block statement on this ul, the stylesheet will 
not validate . . .
ul#sitenav li {
display: inline-block;
height: 1%;


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[css-d] Middle align?

2009-03-26 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I can't align the logo at the top of the page to the pagenav sitting 
to its right. Tried a bunch of things but none of them worked.


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[css-d] Fwd: Re: Middle align?

2009-03-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Oi-va-voili . . . here it is http://blackboxarts.com

>Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>I can't align the logo at the top of the page to the pagenav 
>>sitting to its right. Tried a bunch of things but none of them 
>Is there a link we can use to view the troublesome page?
>  ! Bill Brown 

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[css-d] Can't get rid of blue links

2009-08-12 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Good morning (or night) people,

I have some links here that are blue, but I can't figure out why they 
are this color and need help seeing what's invoking this color. I 
looked at every color but didn't find the answer. The links ought to 
be orange-whitish or green.


Thanks as always,


[Kimi Wei
thewei.com | 201-475-1854 | twitter.com/kimiwei]
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[css-d] Sidebar drops down to bottom of post div

2010-04-04 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

On the archive page for a category in this blog the sidebar drops 
down to the bottom of the post area - it won't position on the right 
as it should. Help appreciated as always.

Happy holidays for those celebrating this week . . .

[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
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fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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[css-d] Fix for float breaking layout

2010-05-15 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

I need to pop the two columns in the body of this layout into place 
on this page and prevent them from spilling over into the footer. 
And, get my map image to show up.

Can't remember how to do the first two and the last I can't make work 
for some odd reason.

Help appreciated as always,


[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] Fix for float breaking layout

2010-05-18 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thank you Thierry. Now I'm trying to solve two link issues:

I'm trying to figure out how to make my h4 and h5 headings the same 
size whether they are links or not. These headers render at different 
sizes when they are links than when they aren't, but I can't 
understand why. This is happening at two sites http://bit.ly/93ynDM 
and http://bit.ly/ad7AEl

Also, on the contact page at http://bit.ly/93ynDM the visited link 
text color is default blue. Why is it not picking up the style from 
the divs within which it is contained?

Thanks . . .

At 11:13 PM -0700 10/05/15, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
>  > http://bit.ly/93ynDM
>>  I need to pop the two columns in the body of this layout into place
>>  on this page and prevent them from spilling over into the footer.
>  > And, get my map image to show up.
>Try this:
>.twocol {overflow:hidden;}


[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] Fix for float breaking layout

2010-05-19 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
At 5:23 PM -0700 10/05/18, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
>  > Thank you Thierry. Now I'm trying to solve two link issues:
>You're welcome
>>  I'm trying to figure out how to make my h4 and h5 headings the same
>>  size whether they are links or not. These headers render at different
>>  sizes when they are links than when they aren't, but I can't
>  > understand why. This is happening at two sites http://bit.ly/93ynDM
>  > and http://bit.ly/ad7AEl
>I've checked the first page, but I don't see a anchor in a heading there.
>Where is it?
>In any case, it appears that links are not style via font-size or else so
>they should inherit the value set for the headings.

At http://bit.ly/ad7AEl  please compare the headings in the Green 
Drinks section. I just noticed that viewed links seem to be the size 
of other headings, but the a links aren't behaving this way.

>  > Also, on the contact page at http://bit.ly/93ynDM the visited link
>>  text color is default blue. Why is it not picking up the style from
>>  the divs within which it is contained?
>I don't see that problem either. The link below the map - once visited -
>appears blue (FF3/Win).

Strange, I thought I saw this behaviour on both contact and events 
pages which both have maps with links but now I see it only on the 
events page at http://bit.ly/cC3Bpi . The blue of the link here is my 
browser's default blue but it should be styled as it appears at 
http://bit.ly/93ynDM with a different blue.

>www.tjkdesign.com | www.ez-css.org | @thierrykoblentz


[ Kimi Wei
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[css-d] floated box won't play nice

2010-05-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

At http://bit.ly/aGy2bl I have a floated box (back to events page 
button) that I can't get to behave right.

Optimally, I'd like the box to either

sit on top of the top content border (flush with its right edge), or
sit to the right of copy's h1 but WITHOUT pushing h1 and grfxbox's h4 
over to the left.

How can I get it to play right? Help muchly appreciated, as always,


[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] floated box won't play nice

2010-05-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi Tim,

That worked a charm . . . thanks! I'm having a similar problem on 
this page. The fix didn't work here. Mind taking a look?

At 7:40 AM +1200 10/05/29, Tim Snadden wrote:
>On 29/05/2010, at 2:06 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>  Hi People,
>>  At http://bit.ly/aGy2bl I have a floated box (back to events page
>>  button) that I can't get to behave right.
>>  Optimally, I'd like the box to either
>>  sit on top of the top content border (flush with its right edge), or
>>  sit to the right of copy's h1 but WITHOUT pushing h1 and grfxbox's h4
>>  over to the left.
>You need to set the width on #page rather than #main if you want .back
>to be able to line up to the right correctly.


[ Kimi Wei
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[css-d] Fixes needed for IE 6.0

2010-05-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

This site http://bit.ly/uVTaf works well in all the browsers I need 
(Safari , Firefox and IE 7.0+) except IE 6.0. Are there fixes I can 
install to make it work in 6.0 too?

Another thing - there's an extra space in the page navigation that I 
can't get ride of. You can see the space at the bottom of the menu's 
sub menu ul when the submenus are visible (in service and portfolio).



[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] Fixes needed for IE 6.0

2010-06-01 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi David (and all),

Your fix worked great and now I am IE 6 compatible. A dubious 
distinction, but one I'm very happy with nonetheless. Thank you!

I'm never sure what the protocol is for expressing thanks for help I 
get through the list. Every once and a while the suggestions I get 
here don't solve my problems directly but most of the time they are 
entirely spot-on. On the rare occasions when I don't get a fix 
directly the suggestions I do get always help me establish the 
direction I ought to be pursuing to find a fix on my own. I am very 
grateful for the help that's come to me from the list. Thanks to all 
. . .


At 10:05 AM -0400 10/05/29, David Laakso wrote:
>Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>Hi People,
>>This site http://bit.ly/uVTaf works well in all the browsers I need 
>>(Safari , Firefox and IE 7.0+) except IE 6.0. Are there fixes I can 
>>install to make it work in 6.0 too?
>Our dear friend in Redmond does not support position:fixed; nor does 
>it support min/max width or height.
>The simplest solution is to feed IE/6 position absolute rather than 
>fixed; and feed IE/6 a fixed width that does not draw a scroll bar 
>at 1024 [see fixes below].
>PS Since you never seem to reply other when something is wrong, we 
>never really know if what is sent to you works, whether you have 
>consulted another list, found a better fix on your own, or consulted 
>a crystal ball... :-)


[ Kimi Wei
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[css-d] graphic issue IE 7.0 (on XP)

2010-08-10 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi People,

Can you see a double image of my tiger graphic? Is the page you see 
stretched out horizontally - does the type look extended (it 


Thank you . . .


[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] graphic issue IE 7.0 (on XP)

2010-08-16 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks, people, for checking this. It seems to look OK on Mac. I'm 
concerned with Windows and Linux browsers now.

David, thanks for taking a look. I didn't know precisely what you 
wanted me to check but I did see some rendering problems with my 
static image and consequently, I substantially reworked my layout. 
Are you seeing the same behaviour you did before - and what is it, 
may I ask, that's not rendering correctly.

The static image not repeating is an issue I'm struggling with. On 
some browsers that happens. I don't know how to stop the page from 
stretching, either.


At 3:50 PM -0400 10/08/10, David Laakso wrote:
>Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
>>  Hi People,
>>  Can you see a double image of my tiger graphic?
>>   Is the page you see
>>  stretched out horizontally -
>>   does the type look extended (it
>No. Btw, I  suggested you check your page in IE 6/7 the last time you
>wrote [months ago].
>>  shouldn't)?
>>  http://thewei.com/
>>  Thank you . . .
>>  Kimi
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[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] graphic issue IE 7.0 (on XP)

2010-08-31 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

At 2:45 PM -0400 8/16/10, David Laakso wrote:

Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
Thanks, people, for checking this. It seems to look OK on Mac. I'm 
concerned with Windows and Linux browsers now.

David, thanks for taking a look. I didn't know precisely what you 
wanted me to check but I did see some rendering problems with my 
static image and consequently, I substantially reworked my layout. 
Are you seeing the same behaviour you did before - and what is it, 
may I ask, that's not rendering correctly.

The static image not repeating is an issue I'm struggling with. On 
some browsers that happens. I don't know how to stop the page from 
stretching, either.


re: <http://thewei.com/>

Open the page in an 800 window in Mac FF, Camino, Mac Safari, Mac 
SeaMonkey, and Mac Opera. Pull the horizontal scrollbar all the way 
to the right [ I did not look at it in any version of IE and I do 
not have Linux ].

The "big cat and company" may need a little tender loving care...

PS Please bottom post. Thanks.

 :: desktop and mobile ::

Hi David and all,

I had some time to look into this after replacing my failing Mac. It 
seems that basically my copy is sliding underneath the tiger when 
window size is reduced - is that the problem you were referring to? 
What can I do to make the copy sit on top of the graphic so when it 
slides into it the copy will be visible on top of my tiger?

Something else . . . I'm trying to make my layout more liquid. At 
full screen mode in 1440 x 900 I have the page set up so it stretches 
the width of my screen but when I reduce the browser window width I 
get a horizontal scrollbar. I would like the width of the main 
content column to reduce instead so I don't end up needing to scroll 
horizontally. How would I do that?

Thanks as always,


[ Kimi Wei
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Re: [css-d] graphic issue IE 7.0 (on XP)

2010-08-31 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

At 3:03 PM -0400 8/31/10, David Laakso wrote:
It seems that basically my copy is sliding underneath the tiger 
when window size is reduced - is that the problem you were 
referring to?

Yes, sort of... :-)

What can I do to make the copy sit on top of the graphic so when it 
slides into it the copy will be visible on top of my tiger?

Umm. Not so sure that is a good idea?  How about above /or/ below 
the "big cat?"

Something else . . . I'm trying to make my layout more liquid. At 
full screen mode in 1440 x 900 I have the page set up so it 
stretches the width of my screen but when I reduce the browser 
window width I get a horizontal scrollbar. I would like the width 
of the main content column to reduce instead so I don't end up 
needing to scroll horizontally. How would I do that?

Perhaps "Responsive Web Design."

Oh boy, I have only a dim idea of what I'm doing with this anymore. 
Here's the link again http://bit.ly/bD8ecs

Blake, that's a fantastic article you sent me - thanks for it. While 
I pick it apart I still need my site to be functional and it isn't, 
entirely. So, can you help me figure a way to get the beige 
background and its contents to either 1) slide to the left right on 
top of the tiger when browser width is reduced or 2) similate the 

The following: I think I found a way to make the menu bar drop down 
out of sight when browser width is greatly reduced.

On another front, woe is me. I didn't want horizontal scrollbars and 
now I don't get them so in certain browser windows I can only see 
part of my text. How do I get them back?

Hopeful and perplexed in metro New York.


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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[css-d] See only 1/2 of liquid layout at 800x600

2010-09-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi All,

If my layout is liquid - that means to me that it resizes to fit any 
browser window - why is it that I can see only part of it (and no 
scroll bar to see the rest) at lower resolutions?

Pondering the mystery in metro New York


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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Re: [css-d] See only 1/2 of liquid layout at 800x600

2010-09-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hey David,

Thank you! I shot you an email thanking you for this layout a couple 
of days ago. It's probably sitting in your trash folder where a lot 
of my emails end up being filtered : (.

Checking another site at http://bit.ly/ajpTTb I have the same problem 
at lower resolutions. Is it just the way my Mac is rendering those 
screen resolutions or is half of this page really missing too (and no 
h scrollbar here either)?


 On 9/2/10 9:46 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

Hi All,

If my layout is liquid - that means to me that it resizes to fit 
any browser window - why is it that I can see only part of it (and 
no scroll bar to see the rest) at lower resolutions?

Pondering the mystery in metro New York

I don't know Kim. This may not be the best solution to hit the plant 
[1], but the nav does drop in any width window and there is a 
vertical scroll bar at 800. Adding soft-hyphens to the long words in 
the red-like blocks will keep them from escaping at 800.

Metro Boston
[1] < http://chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/kim.html>

:: desktop and mobile ::

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[ Kimi Wei
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[css-d] nth child styling broke with change to class

2010-09-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
I have nth child even-odd styling on this page set up as an ID. When 
I changed this to class so I could set up a second styled section 
farther down the page the styling broke. Any ideas as to why?


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
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fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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Re: [css-d] nth child styling broke with change to class

2010-09-02 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

At 9:31 PM -0400 9/2/10, David Laakso wrote:

On 9/2/10 8:23 PM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

I have nth child even-odd styling on this page set up as an ID. 
When I changed this to class so I could set up a second styled 
section farther down the page the styling broke. Any ideas as to 


I am not quite sure what you mean? And it may well be that I simply 
do not understand the question or the relevant CSS specifications.

It would seem to me, If you set it to a class then it must be a 
class in /both/ the CSS /and/ the markup. And either way -- class or 
id --

that attribute is not supported in any version of IE-- including IE/8.


Helen Adams Keller
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Hmmm, Hellen Keller,

I did change both my markup and css. I truly don't know why an id 
would work but not a class. Is there something else IE consumes 
without indigestion that will permit me to color the background on 
every second listing in a ul?

Cheery Kimi

[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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Re: [css-d] nth child styling broke with change to class

2010-09-05 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Thanks all - for the food for thought as regards this issue. Philippe 
- I deleted the classes since they broke the layout. The specificity 
issue seems like a good thing for me to look into relating to this 
and to understand more about generally, and thanks to the comments 
I've received I have guidelines to inform my research.


At 5:31 PM +0900 9/3/10, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On Sep 3, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

 I have nth child even-odd styling on this page set up as an ID. 
When I changed this to class so I could set up a second styled 
section farther down the page the styling broke. Any ideas as to 


I don't see any classes that are related in your page / stylesheet.

In principle, it should work, independently of classes vs id. The 
thing that might be tripping you, as Alan alludes, is specificity. 
You make your selectors very specific already. [1]


[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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[css-d] Text block in vertical middle

2010-11-28 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

I'd like to put information about these websites to the right of the 
jpgs, right smack in the vertical middle of the jpg height 

What might be a good way to do this?



[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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[css-d] Right column drooping

2011-01-07 Thread Kim Brooks Wei

Hi People,

I don't remember what will make my right column slide up to sit side 
by side with the left one. What am I failing to do?



[ Kimi Wei
(t) 862.203.8814
p o box 626
fair lawn, nj 07410 ]
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