Re: [css-d] revealTrans

2008-10-09 Thread Kristina Floyd
On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 12:57 -0500, Del Wegener wrote:
> Good Day;
> In the past I have used JavaScript and revealTrans to obtain desired 
> transition effects when swapping images.  This works only in IE.
> Is there a purely css method to obtain the same (or similar) effects and 
> which works in most browsers.

Hi Del

Could you post some examples of what you would like to create using CSS.

Cheers for now

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[css-d] setting background colour

2008-02-14 Thread Kristina Floyd
Hi all

I've always learnt that setting the background colour on a site is a very
basic thing to do and shows that as a web developer you've taken care and
pride in your work.

All of the browsers that I use I have set a ridiculously garish background
colour set to remind myself to do it.  I am teased relentlessly for this.
However it is important to me.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of sites that do not set a background
colour.  As if adding body { background-color: #FF; } is a really
tedious task.

I'm curious to know your thoughts on this matter, as it literally drives me
bonkers.  I am fully aware that we have moved on from the default grey
background of Netscape 3(?) and by default browsers will set their
background colours to white.  Does this mean it's okay for developers to be
lazy and sloppy and not bother to set it.  Or am I just too old school
(eep!!) and set in my ways.

Looking forward to your opinions.

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Re: [css-d] Bullet list position problem In IE

2008-02-14 Thread Kristina Floyd
On 12/02/2008, adriana escandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem is that in IE, the bullets appear on the last line of the
> sentences of the list instead of on the first one. One sentence from the
> list that appears in three lines has its corresponding bullet next to the
> third line. I don't have that problem in FF.

HI Adriana

Do you have a url we can see, it will help us immensely in helping you.

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Re: [css-d] background images in divs

2008-02-14 Thread Kristina Floyd
On 11/02/2008, Carrie Strongwater Drazin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are trying to put dividers between paragraphs using background images
> in divs but, they never show up. Should we not be using divs?

HI Carrie

Do you have a url we could look at?

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Re: [css-d] Font-size checker

2007-09-11 Thread Kristina Floyd
On 11/09/2007, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Kristina Floyd wrote:

> For example in firebug, I can trace the font-size back to the original
> that it was set at in the body tag.  What I'd like is to be able to select
> some text and to be given the equivalent value in pixels or pts, as I'm
> unsure that the value thats given in the layout part of firebug gives the
> equivalent pixel value if it was in Photosho.

>> You seem to mean that you would like to see the _computed_ font-size
>> values. Firebug apparently has provisions for such inspection in the DOM
>> view, but it works in a confusing way, if at all. Yet, I wonder whether
>> this is the heart of the matter.

Do you mean the way Nick just described using the 'show computed style'
feature of Firebug?  If not what do you mean by confusing?

> From the Owen Briggs method
> I set the body to be 76% and then increase or decrease the font-size in
> accordingly, thereafter.

>> I here what you are saying, but I don't see how that's related to
>> measuring font sizes.

Because the client takes a screenshot of the website and then compares that
to the original design, and points out an discrepancies.  As I'm using Owens
method, sometimes I need to play around to get the sizes to appear as
similar as possible across the board,

(hope that helps clarify)

Thank you for all your help
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Re: [css-d] Font-size checker

2007-09-11 Thread Kristina Floyd
On 11/09/2007, Nick Fitzsimons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> They're testing their font-sizes by taking a screen shot and
> then using a
> tool such as photoshop to measure and compare the pixel value.

>> Your clients really need to get out more :-)

Hehe, yes couldn't agree more!  When it's their 'brand' they tend to become
a little protective!

> If you open firebug and select a piece of text to then look
> at the layout
> optioni the values it gives are the measurements of the
> surrounding element

That's correct: the "Layout" tool shows the details of the box model as
applied to that element. To find out what size the font is, select the
"Style" tab, then use the "Options" menu in the upper right to show the
computed style; this will give you the actual font size in pixels, no matter
how it has been specified (ems, keywords or whatever).

*AWESOME* thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you
Thank you!!

Thank you also, for taking the time to explain about font sizing and windows

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Re: [css-d] Font-size checker

2007-09-11 Thread Kristina Floyd
Hi Jukka

>> Please explain what you mean by "font-size checker". Do you mean software
>> that shows you the actual font size used in some piece of a web page?
>> Using Firefox extensions like the Web Developer Extension or Firebug is
>> probably the most common approach.

For example in firebug, I can trace the font-size back to the original value
that it was set at in the body tag.  What I'd like is to be able to select
some text and to be given the equivalent value in pixels or pts, as I'm
unsure that the value thats given in the layout part of firebug gives the
equivalent pixel value if it was in Photosho.

> I don't fully trust firebug's layout
> measurement when it comes to font-sizes, as I think it gives a value for
> entire area that the font covers rather than the equivalent value in
> pixels.  Or am I wrong and I should trust firebug?

>> This sounds like you expect the font size to be something else than the
>> total height of the font. It can be expressed in different units (pixels,
>> points, etc.), with some rounding effects, but what really makes you
>> Firebug gives you wrong figures.

Because firebug will be giving the value for the area that the text covers,


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Firebug will measure from the top of the T to the bottom of the g, does that
value in pixels equate to 11px in photoshop?  (I guess at this point, I
should be doing my own experients with screenshots etc, and I do intend to,
but as we're discussing it on the list, I felt it would be worthwhile
bringing up)

> I appreciate, the measured font-size will vary across DPI's etc, but it
> would be very useful to have a benchmark.  I have been using the Owen
> method for some time now, but increasingly I get bugs returned from
> saying the fonts vary from the original design, so I'm losing faith in
> method, and am wondering if perhaps a fixed font size is the root to go,
> making a seperate stylesheet for IE6.  As all browsers resize fonts apart
> form IE6.

>> Sorry but that doesn't really clarify the situation. Owen Briggs
>> some methods of _setting_ fonts. And IE 7 does not resize fonts any more
>> (or any less) than IE 6 does. (However, people often confuse zooming with
>> font resizing.)

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here.  From the Owen Briggs method
I set the body to be 76% and then increase or decrease the font-size in ems
accordingly, thereafter.  I apologise, I meant to add IE7 to IE6 as well,
that was an oversight on my part.

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Re: [css-d] Font-size checker

2007-09-11 Thread Kristina Floyd
Hi Nick

Firstly I'd just like to reassure you that I hate the requirement of pixel
perfection and understand it is not possible,  We should be educating our
clients and designers that embracing the web for its fluidity is what we
should be aiming for, and not railing against it.  I am an advocate of
allowing the web to be fluid and I am fully aware that sites will not look
the same cross-browser/cross-platform.  Unfortunately clients and designers
don't always feel the same.  My job is to make websites look as close as
possible to each other across the board.  However I do not create the
designs and I do not actually speak to clients, I create sites from designs
given to me.  Then the client will compare the design they've seen mocked up
in Photoshop with the online version, and something that I get back as a
bug, time and time again is that the font-sizes don't match.  (we're talking
out by 1 or 2 pixels here, not massive differences)

They're testing their font-sizes by taking a screen shot and then using a
tool such as photoshop to measure and compare the pixel value.

As I've used Owens method for a long time now, and for me it gives the best
result cross the board for font-sizes.  I'd like very much to continue using
it, but as you can imagine, if I keep getting bugs from clients re;
font-sizes, I'm going to be pushed to fix them.  If I can use a tool to
measure a font, and say to my boss that look this is the font-size on the
website, and then compare that to the original design, I will have something
to back up the reasons why I've used Owens method.

On 11/09/2007, Nick Fitzsimons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you know of a font-size checker.  I don't fully trust
> firebug's layout
> measurement when it comes to font-sizes, as I think it gives
> a value for the
> entire area that the font covers rather than the equivalent value in
> pixels.  Or am I wrong and I should trust firebug?

Not sure what you mean,

If you open firebug and select a piece of text to then look at the layout
optioni the values it gives are the measurements of the surrounding element
area and not the actual font-size.  So if you select a P it measures the
area of the P, the same with any element.  It will also measure the full
height from the top of the tallest letter to the bottom of a letter such as
a g/y/p etc.

Which I guess leads me onto another question, where is the height measured
from typographically to give the pixel value in something such as Photoshop.

>>but the first thing to remember is that in CSS,
>>"pixel" doesn't mean "single dot on the screen" as it does in something

Point taken, and I am fully aware of this, however we need to educate the
clients, and reassure them about why we have made the decisions that we've

> saying the fonts vary from the original design

>>What do you mean precisely by "the original design"? Do you mean comps
>>produced in Photoshop, Illustrator or some such application?

I get designs in PSD format, the client will have seen printouts of the PSDs
and probably been emailed JPGs of the design.

>>If so you should be aware that these applications tend to render
>>anti-aliased fonts by default, but web browsers on the Windows platform
>>rendering to a non-LCD display (or with an LCD where Microsoft's ClearType
>>technology is not enabled) perform no anti-aliasing. As a result, clients
>>will be shown a lovely anti-aliased design comp, but when they view the
>>actual page on their 3 year old computer with a 7 year old monitor, it
>>have nasty jagged fonts. It's best to avoid building up their expectations
>>when presenting designs for web pages to them.

I beg to differ as Safari on windows renders fonts smoothly, and they look
stunning.  Fonts on a Mac just look amazing too.  It just highlights how
shoddy fonts are in other applications on windows and makes them look ugly.

I also feel that in todays market of ridiculously cheap electronic
equipment, we cannot assume that our clients will be using such old machines
as you suggest.  Of course we need to create websites that will degrade

>>At a design studio I worked at a few years ago I asked the designers to
>>disable font smoothing in PhotoShop when mocking up web pages. They
>>complained that it made their designs "look ugly", but when I pointed out
>>that they were just seeing what the end users would see, they realised
>>it was better to work to the limitations of the destination technology,
>>rather than show the client beautifully smooth designs which were not, in
>>reality, achieveable in a web browser on Windows.

Thats a very good idea, I will suggest it, I think it'll go down like a lead
balloon with our design team.

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[css-d] Font-size checker

2007-09-11 Thread Kristina Floyd
Good morning CSS-d list

Do you know of a font-size checker.  I don't fully trust firebug's layout
measurement when it comes to font-sizes, as I think it gives a value for the
entire area that the font covers rather than the equivalent value in
pixels.  Or am I wrong and I should trust firebug?

I appreciate, the measured font-size will vary across DPI's etc, but it
would be very useful to have a benchmark.  I have been using the Owen Briggs
method for some time now, but increasingly I get bugs returned from clients
saying the fonts vary from the original design, so I'm losing faith in Owens
method, and am wondering if perhaps a fixed font size is the root to go,
making a seperate stylesheet for IE6.  As all browsers resize fonts apart
form IE6.

Any help or thoughts are very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Owen Briggs method :
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[css-d] Three CSS questions re; identifier naming, auto and canceling previous rules

2006-05-24 Thread Kristina Floyd
Hello list

I am aware that the W3C states you shouldn't start identifiers with a digit
or a hyphen, I am just curious to know why?

Can you also explain to me the meaning of the attribute value 'auto', what
are its implications?

Is there any way to completely cancel all previous rules for a particular

Thanks in advance
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[css-d] HasLayout validation fix?

2006-05-10 Thread Kristina Floyd
Good morning list!

A project I've recently been working on, had a hasLayout problem in IE, some
text would vanish and reappear at random.   Setting hasLayout fixed it, but
of course renders the code invalid.

The client, understandably, wants the CSS to validate, I am completely
stumped as to how to fix this in a valid way and so that the text remains

As the site arrived to us with just a few additions, the code had already
been written and I beleive that to fix this bug would require quite alot of
re-writing of the entire site.

Do you know of a way to set hasLayout in a valid way?

Thanks in advance
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Re: [css-d] Removing table cell borders

2005-11-02 Thread Kristina Floyd
Hi Christianz,

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 6:39:09 PM, you wrote:

> Is there any way to remove particular border sides from one cell in
> a table? (And, yes, this is an instance where genuine tabular data

Give that TD a class and put the bottom and right borders on only.
All the other TD's a border.


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FF display problems was: Re: [css-d] Why oh why :(

2005-10-25 Thread Kristina Floyd


Abyss Information wrote:
> what the problem is if i place a "padding:10px" in the "CntBodyText" 
then it forces the box out in firefox..causing it too be outside the 
background image (image images are the

> same width as described)
> it displays beautifully in IE (which is scarey..) can anyone suggest 
a cross browser solution to this?

It would be alot more helpful, if you posted a URL and/or a screenshot 
showing what you are trying to achieve.  Also an appropiate subject for 
your question will give it alot more chance of being read by the people 
on this list.

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Re: [css-d] Strange IE Link behaviour

2005-10-13 Thread Kristina Floyd

Marc wrote:
I would like the images to align along the row at the bottom of each image. 
I would also like the text to align up to the bottom of the image.  So there

is a common line through the row.

I am struggling to achieve this without splitting the link tag, which I dont
really want to do.


Do you have a URL and/or screenshot to show us what you're trying to 

Cheers now
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Re: [css-d] Print Style not winning

2005-10-13 Thread Kristina Floyd

>> print.css should always be the last style sheet in the list.
>> Otherwise anything after it that calls #printheader will override
>> print.css. (hence cascading!)

Adrienne Latimer wrote:
Adctually, you are looking at the main.css for that entire site, not for 
the 'fifnc' directory.  

i'm not sure i understand what you mean by this.  As I haven't looked at 
either of the style sheets that you referenced, I just viewed the source 
of the URL.  I realised that i was probably looking at the wrong 
directory, so i looked again at 
 and i get a page has moved 
or expired, however i viewed the source and this is in the header: 
(which looks to me to be near enough the same as the source for the 
other page i looked at - sorry i don't have time to doublecheck)

  The Requested Page Has Moved Or Expired
   media="print" />
  href="/css/main2.css" title="main2" />
  title="main" />





But... it does raise an interesting point.  For 
the stylesheet linking you site below, In IE, main.css isn't overriding 
print.css with respect to #printheader as you point out that it should.  
It is however being overridden in Gecko - probably rightfully so.

*ummm* do you still have !important on, as that will override everything?

(also please trim anything irrelevant out of your posts - think of the 
digest readers)

cheers for now
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Re: [css-d] Print Style not winning

Adrienne Latimer wrote:
I have a #printheader that I have told to not display in the browser 
{display: none;}

print.css should always be the last style sheet in the list.  Otherwise 
anything after it that calls #printheader will override print.css. 
(hence cascading!)

From viewing the source on 
I see that your header is made up as follows:

  Marketing Florida Agriculture
  media="print" />
  href="/css/main2.css" title="main2" />
  title="main" />




move the media="print" /> to be the very last style referenced.



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Re: [css-d] problem aligning DIV tags

praveen vejandla wrote:

I have a document with multiple DIV tags as below.

Hi Praveen

Do you have a URL that we can look at, to help you?

Also a screenshot of what you're trying to achieve is helpful.

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Re: [css-d] Say no to CSS hacks with branching techniques

Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I would appreciate your feedback so I can improve this article:

Great article

The only thing I'd also like to see is an example of all the forks 
together in the header.

eg; is there or should there be a priority to the order?  (I realise 
that because of the conditionals this shouldn't matter but an example 
would be great).

Also you only touch on being aware of IE7 soon being released, a 
sentence or two about future proofing would be great.

Are those conditionals 'always' going to be reliable in not being read 
by other browsers?

Excellent, thanks for sharing.

cheers now
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Re: [css-d] Image and Links Missing in IE

Jeff Reid wrote:

Wow!  Here I was thinking it would be too much a pain in the butt to make

Please trim your posts

think of the CSS-d digest readers.  (also are thank you emails 'really' 
necessary for the whole list?)

Cheers for now
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[css-d] IE sub list help

Hello list

(I need another pair of eyes and I'm hoping you will be able to help me)

At the above URL is a list which then has a sub-list.  I have just one 
issue in IE6 - the items from the top list don't hover properly under 
the sub-list.  The link's only become live if you hover over the text, 
but all the other items become live if you hover anywhere within the 
item, background included.

I think its the sub-list causing the problems but I just cannot figure 
out why.

The css is at: 

Please accept my apologies for the way the HTML is rendered - I've just 
C&P'd it from the site the code is generated from... (iykwim!?!?)

Hoping you can help

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Re: [css-d] question about universal declaration of zero padding, margin in css stylesheets

Bruce Gilbert wrote:

If I declare at the top of my stylesheet
 div {margin:0; padding:0;}
 when I declare a specific div eg: #header, do I need to declare the zero
attributes in there as well or does my top declaration take care of that?


I recommend you read the following article:

and do a search for global white space in google.

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[css-d] columns of lists

Dear List

I am trying to create a two column list, that displays the sitemap.  The 
content is being generated by a CMS and I have no control over the 
number of items in each list, but the column headings need to be level 
with each other.

In the storyboard image above you will see the look i am trying to achieve.

In FF 1.0.6/Opera 8.5/Netscape 8/Mozilla 1.7 I have got the two column 
effect, but I'm struggling with getting the lower two sections to be at 
the same place vertically.

In IE 6 - If I remove the sublist the list sits in two columns nicely, 
putting the sublist back, it renders as one column.

There is one problem, in that I can not touch the markup.

Is this possible?  I have unsuccessfully google'd this!

Hoping you can help.

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Re: [css-d] Order of Divs: Links or Content First, and How to Implement?

Kim Finleyson wrote:

(Please note that the pages I design are only for my company's
customers, which I happen to know will be using IE.) 

Just out of interest how do you know that they will only be using IE?

(sorry i know curiosity killed the cat, and all that but I just had to ask!)


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Re: [css-d] cross-browser display problems

JOE HODGE wrote:

I also get a bunch of errors/warnings for using mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&subject=The Indigo
Connection Website">.

The validator doesn't like the &

try changing the '&' to & that should cure that problem.

cheers now
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Re: [css-d] apply browser hacks inline?



Is it possible to apply browser hacks that are not in the external css but 


I have no idea as I can't think of an instance where I'd need to do 
that.  Have you tried it?

But aside from that, why on earth would you want to.!?!?  (The 
future maintenance of doing things like that will be a complete 
nightmare.)  I'd love to know why you need to do this?

Cheers now
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Re: [css-d] space in BLOCK links in IE

Jeff Rechten wrote:
IE puts ridiculous spaces above and below the links, breaking up a 
beautiful menu. I was wondering if anyone could help me solve this problem.

maybe this article will help:

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Re: [css-d] Centered Layout + attached to left edge. Possible with CSS at all?

Hi Kevin

Kevin Cannon wrote:

Do you have a screen shot online to demonstrate what you are trying to 

Do you know how big the left column will 'always' be?

> I'm no spring onion when it comes to CSS, but creating this has me 

> It's a centered layout, but with columns stretching out to the left edge.
I'm a little confused about what you mean by 'stretching out to the left 
edge' and be centered.

Cheers now
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[css-d] 100% Horizontal sub list was [*argh* listitis.....!?!?]

Eric Shepherd wrote:

making it, but you can check out, and my
article on A List Apart, at,


Last night I worked through Erics ALA article, which is great.  And I 
thought I'd achieved what I needed and yup it is (almost) all lovely in 
FF.  Unfortunately its not so good in IE.  (I thought I'd tested it 
thoroughly, but this morning it would appear I haven't!)  Anyway in IE 
when the sublist is rolled over the li's all stop being inline and go 
vertically below the top sub list item.

If you have a moment please you take a look and see if you can figure 
out what I need to do, to stop the li's disappearing


(Its soo close!)

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Re: [css-d] tables VS divs

shlomi asaf wrote:

I'm facing now the dilemma between working with tables or div's
im trying to figure what is the "golden path"


IMHO it shouldn't be a tables Vs divs argument - because both have their 
place when correctly marked up.  It should be a "tables for formatting" 
Vs CSS argument.  Plus divs can be just as overused (I'm just as guilty 
of that).

CSS will make your sites much easier to maintain in the future, if they 
are marked up correctly you will still be able to use the site even if 
your stylesheet fails.  (Or more to the point your visitor decides they 
want to turn it off, or apply their own styling).

The thing that is important is that you shouldn't force your website to 
be viewed a certain way.  Which a table formatted design will try to do 
and will also be more difficult to use on different platforms.

I totally understand what you mean about table formatted design being 
easier to create.

But just try a little test - try navigating around your site using 
nothing but the keyboard, try it on other sites too - ones that are CSS 
driven and ones that are table driven.  See how you get on.  Now turn 
off the CSS and images - are those sites still usable/accessible?  Are 
your sites still usable/accessible?  Which in your opinion came out 
best?  They might not look as pretty - but when it comes down to it - 
people want to access and use the information.

My 2p


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Re: [css-d] *argh* listitis.....!?!?

Eric Shepherd wrote:

Also, there's no relationship right now between your top nav bar and
the subnav - if the subnav is related to HOME, for example, it should
be a nested list (ideally) or less ideally have some sort of heading
that identifies it as a subnav. If I look at the page non-styled, the
subnav simply lines up as list items following the upper nav, so it
appears to be at the same hierarchy.


Thank you for all your advice I have taken it all on board.

Re; the topNav and subNav, and subNav being a sublist of topNav - I 
totally agree and really want to do this.  The trouble is I'm really 
struggling to make it work in the two horizontal lists as they are 
visually.  Do you know of any examples that I could follow and learn from?

Thanks again.

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Re: [css-d] Re: Adding 'bullet' to list on hover.

Julian Voelcker wrote:
> Doh, spoke too soon - have got it working.

Please share.

Do you have anything we can see?

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[css-d] *argh* listitis.....!?!?

Hello list

I'm concerned that i've got listitis!!  What I mean is, I think I've 
gone from div-itis to li-stitis.

Please can you tell me if the information on this page is a list?

In general is the information on that page semantically correct?  How 
can I check this?

If you are interested in seeing any of the other pages in this prototype 
please go to 

Is this something other people are finding, 'that everything is a list'? 
 Is this true, or are we in danger of going crazy with lists?

(I want to try and get a better handle on this, before I've got a 
ga-zillion websites that will need re-doing, in the not so distant future)


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[Fwd: Re: [css-d] false table]

chuck clark wrote:
<--- snip >
 I guess a real html table can be used here, but i am trying to stick with what i have, 

<--- snip >

a real table 'should' be used here...!?!?

Why are you trying to do it without?

Do you have an example we can look at...

Cheers now

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] div horizontal centering in Moz

shlomi asaf wrote:

> here is the sketch of the site

Try adding a containing div around everything


  [rest of code here]

body {
 text-align: center;

#container {
  margin: 0 auto;

the above should center everything in Moz...

(disclaimer - i haven't tested this just off the top of my head)

I would recomend you find some tutorials about using pure css and 
dropping the tables for formatting.

cheers for now

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] div horizontal centering in Moz

ahhh i see

(I just re-read my post and it was a bit abrupt, that was unintentional, 
I'm really busy at work and I just typed it as I thought it - mental 
note to re-read emails before clicking send!)

Do you have a live example we can look at?

Have you stripped everything out?

What are you trying to center?

Cheers for now

shlomi asaf wrote:
Kristina, I'm using center tag cause moz doesn't accept 
text-align:center, and thats all the question i was asking...
and body class was just an example
On 9/15/05, *Kristina Floyd* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

Do you have a class called .body?

Why would you do that.!  Risky IMHO  call it something else
isn't already and HTML tag...  and see if that helps

and why o why are you using the center tag?

sorry I have no idea if you're just testing stuff but that makes no
sense to me at all

shlomi asaf wrote:
 > Hi buddies :)
 > Wassap?
 > why in moz this code doesnt work, and only in IE it does?
 > .body{
 > height:90%;
 > width:100%;
 > text-align:center
 > }
 >  IE
 >  Moz
 >  why moz doesnt support text-align:center, but recive  tag?
 >  thanks!
 > Neo
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Re: [css-d] Having trouble clearing a footer

Kristina Floyd wrote:

<> and tell me why I

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Remove 'AP' and just let it float, and a normal 'clear: both' on footer
will work as expected.

Thank you for your reply.

The reason I was using AP, is because the design has been designed for
800px wide with the ability to grow to 1024px, in browsers that have the
max-width capability.  (So IE6 stays at 800px - unless does anyone know
of a way to do this in IE6 without using scripting?)

The top image has been designed to be partially hidden and then become
more visible if the browser is larger than 800px wide.  As per:
<>.  To be able to achieve this effect
requires an absolute position.

To be able to achieve the cleared footer requires no AP but floated divs
and a cleared footer...

Is what I'm trying to do possible?  If you go to
<> and then resize the
browser you will get an idea of what I have in mind

Thanks again
Cheers for now

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Having trouble clearing a footer

Hello again List


If you have a moment could you please have a look at 
 and tell me why I 
don't seem to be able to clear the footer below the right hand side column.

I have floated the div right, and given it an absolute position, but i'm 
starting to doubt i have done this in the best way.

I'm trying to avoid any additional markup in my code.

Thanks in advance
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] How to display data correct semantically

Hello listee's

I have a semantics question for you.

I have a message board that I am creating the prototype HTML pages for.

The first page of the discussion board displays all the top level topics 
plus the name of the person that posted the topic, the number of posts 
and the date of the last post.

When the user clicks on the topic he/she wishes to view a second page 
opens showing a list of the replies to the topic, each indented a little 
to show it is a reply to the one above.

Now my question is this - at the top level without any of the replies 
visible the data is tabular.  at the second level with the replies 
visible the data continues to be tabular but is also a list as well - - 
or is it?

How should I mark it up so that it is correct?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE Style change


Have you installed the google toolbar?  I expect that you have and there 
are general fields that the toolbar is finding that can save info and 
automatically fill in for you.

Have you looked at your site in any other browser apart from IE6?

(I'm not seeing any yellow boxes - but the above is just my gut feeling)

Cheers now

Geoff Vines wrote:

Hi folks,

I have just noticed that IE6 on XP SP2 is giving some form fields a 
yellow background and not others.

Have a look here:

Anyone know why this is?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] A 100% horizontal navigation bar

(please accept my apologies for the re-post but I haven't seen my email 
come through and I sent it 5 days ago)

Hello List

I'm trying to find an example of a horizontal nav bar that expands and 
detracts according to its width (there is no start width set).  And is 
always 100% of the width, with the buttons filling up what ever space is 

Currently there are 7 buttons, written in the HTML as a list and then 
displayed with graphics and inline via the CSS.

To see an example that my colleague is working on please go to 

If you know of any examples of this, I have searched the net but can 
only really come up with horizontal nav bars that have a set start 
width, or only take up part of the horizontal bar.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] A 100% horizontal navigation bar

Hello List

I'm trying to find an example of a horizontal nav bar that expands and 
detracts according to its width (there is no start width set).  And is 
always 100% of the width, with the buttons filling up what ever space is 

Currently there are 7 buttons, written in the HTML as a list and then 
displayed with graphics and inline via the CSS.

To see an example that my colleague is working on please go to 

If you know of any examples of this, I have searched the net but can 
only really come up with horizontal nav bars that have a set start 
width, or only take up part of the horizontal bar.

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