[css-d] Why does this display differently in a div? Link attached.

2007-08-12 Thread Robert Tilley
The paragraph styling in this page displays correctly when the page's URL is 
directly viewed.  When visited from the drop-down menu, it displays in a 
smaller font and is differently colored.

Why this difference?  The function to open a page in a certain div displays 
all my other files correctly.

Example:  http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/display-css-problem.html

Thanks for the help, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Why does font-size not work?

2007-08-11 Thread Robert Tilley
I have the following page:


p { color: white; font-size: large; }


div style=color: white; font-size: large;
pSample text of a large size./p


The sample text does not display in large size.  If a style is applied to the 
inner paragraph (p style=font-size: large;) it does display large.

Why doesn't the font-size apply from the definition at the beginning?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Divs on one line -- Solution and Thanks

2007-06-15 Thread Robert Tilley
After tirelessly searching, an answer was found to my problem.

Each div has a graphic background to create a button.  They were stacking on 
each other instead of forming a horizonal row.  The 
page http://csscreator.com/node/555; contains an answer:

Block elements that aren't positioned, like divs or in your case inline 
elements set to display block, start on their own horizontal line. 
To get round this you could float each product left.

Following this advice, I applied styling to my div's:
div { float: left; display: inline; }

This solved my problem and creates the horizontal row I sought.  Thanks and 
gratitude to all those on this list who inspired me to not accept defeat but 
to persevere.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Why aren't these DIVs on the same line?

2007-06-10 Thread Robert Tilley
I am constructing a control panel of buttons located at the top of the page.  
It will be six wide and two deep.  Each of the button divs in encased in an 
a ... link and displays a mouseover graphic.

There is no line break or paragraph break between the two divs shown here and 
they should be displayed on the same line.

Both Firefox and Konqueror 3.5 on a Kubuntu box display the buttons stacked 
vertically.  Could someone please help me with this problem?


div class=menu

!-- Button div - Home --
a href=http://www.tropicwaveradio.net/;
div id='button-home'
 style='height: 30; width: 150;
background: url(images/button-home.jpg);
background-position: 0px 0px; '
= 'document.getElementById(button-home).style.backgroundPosition = -150px 
0px; '
=  'document.getElementById(button-home).style.backgroundPosition = 0px 
0px; '
!-- End button div --

!-- Button div - Instant Replay --
a href=http://tropicwaveradio.net/listenlive.htm;
div id='button-instant-replay'
 style='height: 30px; width: 150px;
background: url(images/button-instant-replay.jpg); 
background-position: 0px 0px; '
= 'document.getElementById(button-instant-replay).style.backgroundPosition 
= -150px 0px; '
=  'document.getElementById(button-instant-replay).style.backgroundPosition 
= 0px 0px; '/div
!-- End button div --

!-- End menu div --


Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] DIVs still on different lines -- No a's

2007-06-10 Thread Robert Tilley
Before, the code block came from the button builder at grsites.com.  I was 
using it to build the graphics for custom buttons.  The code it generated can 
be improved it seems.  The new code uses an onClick event.

I thought the only reason the DIV was inside the A block was if a browser 
didn't understand CSS, the div inside a hyperlink a block would still work.  
This was weird.  If browser is smart enough to respond to mouse events, why 
can't an onClick event be used instead of a?

With trust, I used the automagically generated code from the site without 
thought.  Here is the re-written code with the same error; the divs are 
stacked vertically instead of in one line.

div class=menu

!-- Home button div --
div id='button-home'
 style='height: 30; width: 150;
background: url(images/button-home.jpg);
background-position: 0px 0px; position: inline;'
= 'document.getElementById(button-home).style.backgroundPosition = -150px 
0px; '
=  'document.getElementById(button-home).style.backgroundPosition = 0px 
0px; '
!-- End button div --
!-- Instant replay button div --
div id='button-instant-replay'
 style='height: 30; width: 150;
background: url(images/button-home.jpg);
background-position: 0px 0px; position: inline;'
= 'document.getElementById(button-instant-replay).style.backgroundPosition 
= -150px 0px; '
=  'document.getElementById(button-instant-replay).style.backgroundPosition 
= 0px 0px; '
!-- End button div --

!-- End menu div --

Thoughts anyone?  Please?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Inheritence Problem

2007-05-17 Thread Robert Tilley
I am using the Konqueror 3.5.6 browser on Kubuntu Linux.  I need text 
displayed as white against a dark background.  My initial code applied the 
color: property to the paragraph.  This does not work:

  p style=text-align: center; color: white;
h3Title of Page/h3/p

The solution was to place the color: inside the h3 tag.

  p style=text-align: center; color: white;
h3 style=color: white;Title of Page/h3/p

Everything I've read on the 'net says that the h3 should inherit color: 
white; from the parent, p, tag.  Both h3 and p are inline elements.

What's happening?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Simplified -- CSS menu and DIV are freezing -- Site check needed

2007-04-21 Thread Robert Tilley
I have simplified the problem page to the bare essentials.  The site in 
question is located at:  http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/test-case.html;.

A description follows of verifying menu function and then of causing the 
problem this message describes.

Select Filler Text from either of the menus (even the Problem menu, just 
not Problem item).  Standard Latin filler will appear over a Hide 
Description button.  Click the button to hide the text.  The text will 
disappear.  Choose all the Filler Text items and verify they all work.

After selecting Problem item from the Problem menu, the filler text will 
appear with a picture :floated to the upper right.  Click the button to hide 
the text.  Now choose any of the Filler Text items.  Nothing happens.  The 
only action that works is to Hide the Problem Item and to choose it again 
from the menu.  Problem Item is the only menu that works and which will 
direct text to the contentarea DIV.

I am ask this list as this problem is beyond my ken.

Thank you,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Simplified -- CSS menu and DIV are freezing -- Site check needed

2007-04-21 Thread Robert Tilley
On Saturday 21 April 2007 04:47:57 pm Robert Tilley wrote:

Through the process of selective code elimination, I found the error:  Piping 
to a non-existant div.

Thank you for your time.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] CSS menu and DIV are freezing -- Site check needed

2007-04-20 Thread Robert Tilley
The site in question is located 
at:  http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/index-tantra27.html;.

Each menu option will display a corresponding text description in a content 
DIV in the left column.  This works and can be verified by choosing any item, 
_except Watsu_, from the top menubar.  Items can be chosen in a series and 
different information will display.  (The bottom bar is all foreign links.)

To show images beside each description, a class of img.floatright { float: 
right; margin: 4px; } was added to the style section of watsu.html.  When 
the Watsu choice under the Aquatic Bodywork menu is selected, the Watsu 
information appears with a picture floated to the right.  This is where the 
problem begins.

After the watsu.html file has been piped into the content div, selecting any 
menu item will do nothing.  The div can be hidden by clicking the Hide 
information buttom.  Other items will still do nothing when selected.  After 
hiding, the only menu item that can be used is Watsu.  The info and picture 
will appear again.  Only by refreshing the view can the page be reset.

Firefox displays the content div holding watsu.html with the image floated to 
the right.  Konqueror (Linux) displays the image above the text, as 
though float:right; is not interpreted.  Different displays in two 
standards-compliant browsers is beyond my sphere of knowledge, understanding, 
or comprehension.

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Frames or CSS? Dynamic section of page

2007-03-20 Thread Robert Tilley
My page has a static top, sides, and bottom.  I would like to have a dynamic 
center which changes according to menu (top of page) selections.

The only solution which I understand is to use frames.  It would work to 
reload the entire page with each selection, but avoiding is the main purpose 
of CSS.  With my increasing knowledge of CSS, I'm trying to move away from 
such hacks and to code according to standards.  This does do the job.

Replies to this question as to a best solution is much appreciated.

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Review Needed

2007-03-01 Thread Robert Tilley
I'm creating a website, and when I view the local copy of the page
index-tantra22-test.html it is rendered correctly with two menubars, on my 
linux (Kubuntu) box using the Konqueror browser.

When all files from the entire site development directory are copied to my web 
server, the same page is rendered with a huge unordered list where there 
should be a nice, neat menubar.  The page is located at 

I have run diff against the local copy of index-tantra22-test.html and the 
internet copy of the same name.  The return message is that Files A and B 
are binary equal.

How can a local directory have one rendering and an internet copy of the same 
files render differently?  I performed a straight drag-n-drop of my local 
files onto my FTP space.  Are there any super-secret css tips that pertain to 
my problemS

Any help is appreciated, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Review Needed

2007-03-01 Thread Robert Tilley
On Thursday 01 March 2007 05:10:13 pm Robert Tilley wrote:

Thank you to all who replied to my problem.  After correcting the permissions 
on all files in my webspace, the problem was solved.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Page divs cause background overflow

2006-12-12 Thread Robert Tilley
This must be a descriptive post as FTP problems prevent me from posting a live 
site to check.

I have a web page with a 1280x1024 background picture set to repeat.  If a 
user's screen is smaller, they won't see a difference and if larger, they'll 
only see repeating around the edges.

When the central content area holds a menu list with only text entries, even 
though the window is scrolled to view the entire page, the background remains 
in place.  Note that the menu has not extended past the boundaries of the 
background picture.

If pictures are added to the menu rows, causing the central content area to 
extend past the background boundaries and hence cause background repeats, the 
background picture shifts downward, with a section of the upper picture at 
the top then the entire background then a portion of the lower picture.  Very 
choppy and ugly.

The following css definitions modify the page:

  { display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto }

  { background-image: url('yoni-modded.jpg');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: center center;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0; }

  { padding-left: 2%;
padding-right: 2%;
position: float; }

  { clear: both;
padding-left: 5%;
padding-right: 5%; }

The menu is located within the contentarea, so my first thought is that my div 
are defined wrongly.  Why would a background picture overflow by the 
contentarea cause such a problem?

If anyone can make a picture out of my words and recommend any changes, I am 

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Help with a live page -- div/image problems

2006-12-11 Thread Robert Tilley
The page http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/tantra-table_no-pics.html; displays 
correctly while the version with graphics
http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/tantra-table.html; displays correctly.

The background of the page is a 1280x1024 picture which repeats.  This should 
work for most browsers and screen sizes.  Something must be wrong with how I 
am div'iding the page.

Can someone look at these pages and point out my flaws?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Why does this table shift right? -- Live page

2006-12-09 Thread Robert Tilley
The page http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/tantra-table.html; has it's table in 
the center of the window.

If the second definition of h1 (near the end of the style section) is removed 
from the code (so that the first definition [near the top] of h1 is used), 
the table jumps to the right.  The table will be under the second element 
(class=right-element) of the header div.

This suggests that my div's are not defined correctly.  What are good software 
tools to analyze the div structure of my page?  Perhaps someone could point 
out the boulder of front of my nose that I'm not seeing?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Background Image Resizing -- Solution

2006-11-22 Thread Robert Tilley
On Tuesday 21 November 2006 16:30, Robert Tilley wrote:
 As I am not the best researcher nor experienced with CSS, is the above the
 best method, given the lack of CSS2 support?

The process I chose was to enlarge the picture with a photo editor to 
1280x1024, then set it as a repeating centered background.  If a viewer has a 
smaller screen, less of the picture will be visible.  If the screen is 
larger, there will small repeating sections around the edges of the screen.

I think I'm finally learning the motto of this group, to reach the largest 
audience with the simplest code.

Thank you for your help,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Can CSS Help With This Design?

2006-11-15 Thread Robert Tilley
I wish to produce a page with Header, Left, Center, Right, and Footer divs.  
There are templates aplenty that display these properties.

My addition would be a Description div within the Center column.  A hover menu 
would be in the Left div, with each item being a different topic.  When a 
menu item is chosen, the description of that item would appear within the 
Description div in the Center div.

One plan is to create an XHTML-Frameset document and divide the screen into 
frames which contain each component; Header, Left, Center, etc.  This choice 
could, at best, be described as a crude solution.

Without reloading the entire document with each menu selection, is there any 
way CSS can help me?


Bob the Clueless
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Can I center a UL menu?

2006-09-25 Thread Robert Tilley
Although gaining experience with CSS, I consider myself a newbie.  I would 
like to center a vertical menu with a column.

|   | | |
|  |  Menu  || | |
|  |   || | |
|  |___|| | |
|| | |

This is a rough mock-up of the goal.  It should be possible to center the menu 
within the column.  Centering the text-align attribute only causes all the 
menu items to center themselves in the list.

Does a method exist to center the actual menu?  My thought is to place the 
menu in its own div with the column, and then to center the menu div within 
the column.

Can anyone more expert than myself comment on this proposed solution?

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Why do the displays differ?

2006-09-23 Thread Robert Tilley
When I browse the web page http://www.manisheriar.com/holygrail/index.htm;, 
the left and right columns are colored for the full height of the window.

When I save the source and css code to disk and display the page locally, the 
columns are only drop as far as the text.  I would like to use this column 
structure as a template for a page I'm designing.  Why would the same page 
display differently when viewing a web site versus a local file?

There must be a difference that I cannot detect.  If anyone wishes to see 
screenshots, please contact me via e-mail and I'll send them.  I am using 
Konqueror 3.5.4 on Kubuntu

Any help is most appreciated,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] CSS, IE, and Purity of Code -- Opinion and Question

2006-09-22 Thread Robert Tilley
Please allow me to air a question that may appear naive.

I was reading a CSS site 
(http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/onetruelayout/anyorder).  The 
continual coding references correct display on IE unsettled me.

My first response is that specifications exist to facilitate global 
communication.  Following this thought, CSS developers should code only to 
the defined specs from the W3C.  A web page could a message stating that it 
should display correctly in a browser that follows the standards.  If a user 
wants to surf a web with more style, they should use a program that follows 
the standards.

If a developers allows their hand to be influenced by another party, the very 
standards run the risk of being subverted by that party.  We all know to whom 
I refer and know that they would be not be happier if they current standards 
were replaced by their style of coding.

This is not a simple rant but an honest question from a simple-minded and 
naive newcomer to CSS.  Why is a set standard from the W3C being subverted by 
a single company?  Forcing people to change their code for specific browsers 
seduces developers into further acceptance of non-standards-compliant 

Someone please illustrate to me how I'm being extremely conservative and a 
compulsively obsessive purist.  Why is MS being allowed to subvert what 
should be global standards?

Thank you for reading what was, in essence, a rant.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] CSS, IE, and Purity of Code -- Opinion and Question -- Thank you

2006-09-22 Thread Robert Tilley
On Friday 22 September 2006 19:00, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Please pardon the rant I recently posted.  This list consists largely of 
knowledgeable, experienced CSS coders (excepting members such as myself).

Thank you for your lucid reply, Mark.  It is quite illuminating to read other 
opinions that support pragmatic web-usage versus a myopic focus 
on standards.  I interpret web design as the production of pages that are 
clear, focused, informative, and most of all, attractive.

In my newbiness, I was overly focusing on the standards as they are the 
initial teachings for a newcomer.  Your insight on a balance between 
standards while supporting different browsers is greatly appreciated.

Robert Tilley
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Why doesn't this padding-left work?

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Tilley
Please bear with me, as this question is from a CSS beginner.  I am using the

DIV id=content
H2CSS Information/H2
Lorem ipsum, etc.

This displays, in large text, CSS Information.  I wish to indent the
heading, so I write:

DIV id=content
H2 style=padding-left: 5%CSS Information/H2
Lorem ipsum, etc.

The above displays the same as the top code.  CSS Information has no
 padding on left side (indention).  Can someone tell me how I'm mis-reading
 the W3C specs?

Thanks, Bob


Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral?  It is because 
are not the person involved.
-- Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Please pardon...Problem Solved

2006-09-06 Thread Robert Tilley
I reported difficulties with copying and pasting a code segment for vertical 
menus and after modifying the code for my purposes, discovering it was 

After diving into my code and minutely following each tag and attributes I 
have solved my problem.  I don't understand why it broke and am glad I 
revisited the problem.  Please don't interpret this next message as sarcastic 
in any way, but the lack of replies on this list inspired me to greater 
patience, thought, and re-examination of my problem.

Thank you, Bob
lp1 on fire
(One of the more obfuscated kernel messages)
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Differences Between Exact Code Sections -- Vertical Menus

2006-09-05 Thread Robert Tilley
In the process of implementing vertical menus, I am drawing the work pure CSS 
menus located at http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/menus/demo.html;.

The web page I'm building and 
testing, http://home.cfl.rr.com/rtgroup/index-tantra13.html;, shows some 
bizarre behavior.  The original menu is located at the top, directly lifted 
from the meyerweb page.  Sub-menus correctly come out to the side of the main 
menu column.

My version of the code, produced by simply copying the code and inserting 
links to my own documents, appears identical to the meyerweb code.  However, 
the submenus drop directly down beneath the parent.  This is baffling!

I am writing this in the hope that someone has time to look at the code of the 
above web page.  If they can then tell me what difference exists between the 
code fragments, one that works and one that does not, I will be forever in 
their debt.

Troubled and confused,
Thanks, Bob
When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never
tried before.
-- Mae West, Klondike Annie
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[css-d] CSS-generated Text Problem

2006-08-25 Thread Robert Tilley
I have a menu on my site that points to various HTML files.  These files have 
a description of each menu item.  In a previous version of my site, each menu 
item would open the description file within a frame in the window.

Can someone please tell me if the following is possible with CSS?  I would 
like a selection of a menu item to put the description in a vacant block on 
the page.  This would be similar to having a menu selection trigger a 
database access that would put the returned text into a HTML field.

No way appears possible to me, but then I am truly a Newbie-Beginner at CSS 

Thanks, Bob
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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