Re: [css-d] Drop Menu failing on most Mobile Phones

2014-12-13 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 20:02 -0600 on 11/28/2014, Karl DeSaulniers wrote about Re: 
[css-d] Drop Menu failing on most Mobile Phones:

Yes. jQuery can make this work.

Note that jQuery IS JS (under the covers) so the query of if JS is 
the only method that will work is answered since use of jQuery 
implies use of JS.


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

On Nov 28, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Crest Christopher 

 Thanks David, the example you provided doesn't have the nice 
collapse effect ! Do you think jQuery could iron out any quirks 
that this menu has, or strictly JS will only work ?


 David Laakso 
 Friday, November 28, 2014 2:20 PM
 On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Crest Christopher

 You may need js [off-topic for this list] for that to collapse in
 mobile. And even with js transitions can be problematic for Android.
 This is a CSS only method that may? work for you with transitions and
 David Laakso
 Crest Christopher 
 Friday, November 28, 2014 10:58 AM
 Hi, the following effect 
not collapsing on iPhone and it's not opening or collapsing on 
WP8.x.  I can't say whether it works on Android as I didn't test 
on Android ?


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Re: [css-d] Fwd: Re: Web fonts

2014-07-31 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 08:02 -0400 on 07/31/2014, Chris Rockwell wrote about [css-d] Fwd: 
Re:  Web fonts:

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Chris Rockwell" 
Date: Jul 30, 2014 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Web fonts
To: "Stuart King" 

Here is the culprit:

.column-content p {
font-family: "Whitney A", "Whitney B", sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial,
 line-height: 1.6em;
font-weight: 300;
color: #666;

I didn't check anything else for other declarations, so there could be more.

Note that with this declaration if Whitney A or Whitney B is not 
available, the user's defined sans-serif font will be used. The 
fallback to Helvetica or Arial will be short circuited by that first 

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Re: [css-d] P tag can't be child of label ?

2014-07-13 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 20:01 -0400 on 07/13/2014, Crest Christopher wrote about Re: 
[css-d] P tag can't be child of label ?:

Do you mean  ?

No I mean the for parm of .



Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:
At 14:08 -0400 on 07/09/2014, Tom Livingston wrote about Re: 
[css-d] P tag can't be child of label ?:

If you wrap the input with the label, you can leave off the
'for' attribute (just read that... had no idea about that one!).

The use of the "for" attribute allows the label to not need to wrap 
the input. It just references the id of the tag that wraps the 
input (if I remember correctly).

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Re: [css-d] P tag can't be child of label ?

2014-07-13 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:08 -0400 on 07/09/2014, Tom Livingston wrote about Re: [css-d] 
P tag can't be child of label ?:

If you wrap the input with the label, you can leave off the
'for' attribute (just read that... had no idea about that one!).

The use of the "for" attribute allows the label to not need to wrap 
the input. It just references the id of the tag that wraps the input 
(if I remember correctly).

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Re: [css-d] font-variant:small-caps;

2014-06-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:01 -0500 on 06/16/2014, Richard Wendrock Forum wrote about Re: 
[css-d] font-variant:small-caps;:

I used David's suggestion to solve the problem.  Assuming Arial does 
not have small-caps variants, I switched to font-family: Verdana, 
Geneva, sans-serif; and that solved the problem.  Thank you everyone!

One warning - Even if you choose only families that have small-caps, 
it will not fix the problem UNLESS these families are universal (ie: 
Are on all your user's machines).  Otherwise the selection will end 
up defaulting to the user's sans-serif default and the problem will 
still exist for that user. The only fix that will work is to use a 
downloadable font with small-caps. This, of course, assumes that the 
user's browser supports downloadable fonts .

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Re: [css-d] Will the unsemantic HTML elements B and I be soon phased out?

2014-02-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 11:24 +0100 on 02/17/2014, Peter H. wrote about Re: [css-d] Will 
the unsemantic HTML elements B and I be so:

It's also true that the browser by default draws an italic font for 
'emphasis' and a bold font for 'strong' so the result is equally 
presentational. Dunno why they couldn't have left it well alone, 
stuck with 'i' and 'b' and not created another can of worms.

The use of  and  in lieu of  and  is aimed NOT at 
the visual presentation (ignoring screwing with the em->i and 
strong->b mappings via CSS) but at AUDIO (ie: Screen Reader) 
presentation. This way you can markup the text so the audio indicates 
the markup to these who listen as opposed to view the text. Of 
course, the text-to-speech mapping could in theory treat i the same 
way as it treats em, but that is a separate issue.

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Re: [css-d] hiding things and bandwidth?

2014-02-14 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 13:59 -0500 on 02/14/2014, Chris Williams wrote about Re: [css-d] 
hiding things and bandwidth?:

AFAIK, there are but two choices:

1) A mobile version of the page/site, users get redirected there based on
client and you only load as needed for each client.  This has a number of
issues: different user experiences, non-portable links, multiple sites to
test, etc. but is the easiest way to handle this issue.

2) Have the client determine what is needed and download as necessary.
That's "lazy loading", that's Javascript, and while a worthwhile topic and
a useful method used more and more lately, it's off-topic here.  Solves
several of the issues with separate sites, but adds another language,
testing, and layer of complexity.


How about controlling the sending of the optional stuff via Server 
Side Scripting? So long as the server can tell the difference between 
a mobile and a non-mobile user the optional page contents can be sent 
only to the non-mobile user.

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Re: [css-d] child problems with li?

2013-12-22 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 18:18 -0800 on 12/20/2013, John wrote about Re: [css-d] child 
problems with li?:

On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:00 PM, John  wrote:

 > at this page:  the footer li nav appears to be 
being influenced by the header nav li CSS and I can not see whyŠany 

think I solved it; put the top nav inside the header, renamed those 
header nav, header li and that broke the influence, but I still 
don¹t see why the footer nav and footer nav li  would take their 
marching orders from the top navŠ

am I right thinking this is an inheritance issue?

While I have not looked at your page to try to see why you might be 
getting the results you are, I can point at one other reason aside 
from inheritance - CSS Sepecifity. This refers to the issue of what 
happens if more than one CSS rule matches some HTML. In that case the 
most specific match (or matches if the is more than one - each 
applying and being cascaded) is used.

For example if you have a rule for nav li and one for ul li, both 
match a ul li enclosed in a nav and thus both will be applied in the 
order that occur in the CSS. If you do not want this to occur, you 
have to have some way of telling the difference in the two rules such 
as what the nav is enclosed in - IOW: Header Nav ... vs Footer Nav 
... or something like that. By staring the rule with Header or 
Footer, you prevent a nav li rule from being applied to a nav ul, or 
other cases since only a header or footer section would be a match. 
Also a nav ol will override a nav li  if one case is has the li 
enclosed in ul and the other in ol (the nav li would thus only apply 
to the ul case but not the ol one).

thank you,

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Re: [css-d] Two classes, two conflicting rules, which wins ?

2013-10-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 20:17 +0100 on 10/01/2013, Philip Taylor wrote about Re: [css-d] 
Two classes, two conflicting rules, which wins :

Chris Rockwell wrote:

 That is why it works that way, yes.

 The engine sees two widths, both with the same weight, origin and
 specificity; the last one to be declared will win.

 If instead, you did:

 div.c1 {width:20em}
 .c2 {width:30em}

 The width would be 20em, because div.c1 is more specific.

Yes, the last example is clear; it was only the 'class="c1 c2"'
about which I was uncertain.

Philip Taylor

So you are saying that in a 'class="c2 c1"' case, it scans the CSS 
defs, sees .c1 and applies it, keeps going and sees .c2 which 
overrides the c1 width?

IOW: The order that you list the class in the HTML is ignored and 
only the order that the classes are defined in the CSS defs counts.

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Re: [css-d] Where do you cut-off your browser support?

2013-09-22 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 10:51 -0400 on 09/22/2013, Tom Livingston wrote about Re: [css-d] 
Where do you cut-off your browser support?:

we recently had a client ask (tell) us to support IE7 as that's what
they use internally still and, according to their own stats, have a
significant user base on 7.

Of course if they use it internally, they are going to show a 
"significant user base on 7" - or are they talking about only 
external users and not counting their internal users?

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Re: [css-d] html email with css

2013-09-06 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:52 +0100 on 09/06/2013, Philip Taylor wrote about Re: [css-d] 
html email with css:

What I do think is "pandering to the manufacturers"
is using inline styles because they are too lazy to parse styles found
in the  region, repeating styles in inner elements because they
are too lazy to implement inheritance properly, and so on.

There is also the issue that you are forced to send bloated messages 
(slowing the reception) due to their failure to follow standards. A 
message that uses header styles is much smaller than the same message 
with in-line styling. It is also harder to generate the message text 
itself since you have to locate where each style is needed and add a 
copy of the style parm there.

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Re: [css-d] accents on e in Resume

2013-06-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 23:17 +0100 on 06/20/2013, Philip Taylor wrote about Re: [css-d] 
accents on e in Resume:

Incidentally, as you can type e-acute ("é") in your e-mail, why
not enter them the same way in your web page ?  I assume you
are working in UTF-8 and not ASCII/ISO-8859-1.

This letter is part of the ISO-8859-1 character set (as shown by its 
code being between 160 and 255. Codes between 128 and 159 are control 
codes not glyphs unless your charset is Windows-1252 which replaces 
these useless/legacy codes with useful glyphs (which in Unicode end 
up on the 8xxx range).

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Re: [css-d] Trumping bad proprietary code.

2012-11-07 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 19:45 +0100 on 11/06/2012, =?UTF-8?B?U3VzYW5uZSBKw6RnZXI=?= wrote 
about Re: [css-d] Trumping bad proprietary code.:

But all other methods have a real effect (and side effects), that may
not fit in a special environment. zoom: 1; is wonderful meaningless, it
does nothing (beside fixing a stupid old IE bug). The only real problem
I see, is that you might miss an important validation error, when you
get used to ignoring some.

The fix for that is to update the W3C Validator to just issue a 
Warning for zoom:1 or even better to have a setting to ignore it 
totally. Note that in either case, it is ONLY zoom:1 that is special 
cased - Any other zoom (such as zoom:1.5 or zoom:2) would still get 
an error.

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Re: [css-d] Trumping bad proprietary code.

2012-11-06 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 15:25 + on 11/06/2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote about [css-d] 
Trumping bad proprietary code.:

Wishing (as always) to keep my sites 100% W3C standards compliant,
I am stuck with a bad property in proprietary code.  The offending
rule reads :

.qmmc {position:relative;zoom:1;}

Just so you are aware, zoom:1 is a Windows/IE hack/fix to set 
HasLayOut so the element displays correctly. Aside from making the 
code display correctly in IE, it has no downside/effect with non-IE 
browsers so you can ignore it (or consider it W3C compliant since its 
purpose it to make IE act W3C compliant).

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Re: [css-d] on html and css versions

2012-08-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 16:57 -0400 on 08/01/2012, Tedd Sperling wrote about Re: [css-d] 
on html and css versions:

What is wrong with using?

Sure it doesn't have a *real* DTD, but the W3C validator does 
somehow validate pages that have this DOCTYPE declaration, right? 
So, there must be some sort of *standards* it validates contents 
against, right? Where/what is that "DTD"? I think that would be an 
interesting thing to know.

You are missing two points.

First is that while browsers may not actually use the referenced DTD 
(the http... clause), they do parse the HTML based on the DOCTYPE 
html PUBLIC... clause and treat the HTML differently based on what 
you declare.

Second is that just because the Validator approves of the supplied 
HTML5 HTML, that does not mean that a browser will not choke on it or 
display the code properly. This is not the case with pre-HTML5 
DOCTYPES where if the Validator approves of the code, the browser 
will correctly parse, interpret, and display it.

IOW: At the current time,  throws the browser into 
"tag soup" mode where it tries to figure out what it is being 
supplied with as opposed to knowing how to parse and handle it.

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Re: [css-d] non-English characters: omit accents when using text-transform:uppercase

2012-07-22 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:11 +0300 on 07/22/2012, sweepslate wrote about [css-d] 
non-English characters: omit accents when using tex:

I want to text-transform:uppercase a piece of text writen in Greek. 
The Greek language requires that:

  a. in lower case text, some letters need to have accents --and
  b. in full upper case text, LIKE THIS, have no accents at all

My problem is: if I use the uppercase property I will end up with 
upper case accented text, which is a typographical error.

I could write the text, inside the HTML, in lower case and omit the 
accents - but that would make it a typographical error when viewed 
without CSS.

I could write the text using upper case characters, inside the HTML, 
and omit the accents - but using upper case in this webpage is a 
decision of style, not content, so I'd rather do it with CSS.

Any ideas?

How many blocks of Greek text is this needed for? Are the accented 
letters a different Unicode codepoint from the same letter unaccented 
or is it unaccented letter followed by the accent? If so, you can 
just use find/replace to do the conversion of the text in the HTML.

One way that this may work is if you can duplicate the text in both 
lower and upper case and then just use span with class tags to mark 
each version. Use style=hide to not display the version you want.

I may be misunderstanding your needs so this advice might not be what need.
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Re: [css-d] font-face declarations

2012-07-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 11:53 -0400 on 06/29/2012, Tom Livingston wrote about [css-d] 
font-face declarations:

I got the following from FontSquirrel:

@font-face {
font-family: 'AlegreyaRegular';
src: url('Alegreya-Regular-webfont.eot');
src: url('Alegreya-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') 

 url('Alegreya-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
 url('Alegreya-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
 url('Alegreya-Regular-webfont.svg#AlegreyaRegular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;


My question is, shouldn't the declaration for AlegreyaBold use
font-weight: bold; instead of 'normal'? And should AlegreyaItalic use
font-style: italic; - again, instead of 'normal'?

If so, why would FontSquirrel use 'normal' in these cases?

I think it is correct. Saying italic or bold asks the browser to 
either select an italic/bold version of the roman font requested or 
fake the style if there is no italic/bold of the font. Since you are 
supplying a pre-formatted font you want to use it as-is so normal is 
the correct setting.

To see what happens if you mix font-weight/style with an italic/bold 
font, try asking for one that you have on your machine and the add a 
style to it and compare with the same font with no style.



Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 |

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Re: [css-d] Responsive Design Issue

2012-04-24 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 23:41 +0200 on 04/24/2012, Gabriele Romanato wrote about Re: 
[css-d] Responsive Design Issue:

Why should we get rid of a piece of design when you have a CSS3 property
for that? Use background-size. It works.

Maybe since use of background-size assumes/requires that the device's 
browser supports the property. Attempting to use it with a non-CSS3 
Supporting Browser causes the background image to display. You need 
to use a solution that works with all browsers.

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Re: [css-d] question on media queries and full screen browsers

2012-04-14 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 17:32 -0600 on 04/14/2012, Debbie Campbell wrote about [css-d] 
question on media queries and full screen browsers:

I'm using media queries for desktop vs. tablet vs. smartphone on my 
site (and the media query code is taken directly from the developer 
of the adaptive design course).


I don't know how to fix this, especially since I can't see it 
happening. Can someone help?

I think the value of device-width (ie: The Current Window Width is 
available to PHP? If so, you might want to add some debugging code to 
supply it as a readable display on the page. That would show 
something for the user who is getting the wrong style sheet to 
report. Also put out a set of debugging comments on the page that 
report on which style sheet is being selected (in the style sheet 
have the lines marked as visibility:hidden except for the one that 
IDs THAT style sheet). You can also insert the two device-width 
values in each line if available.

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Re: [css-d] How to make a div fill the height of an iframe

2012-03-23 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 08:32 + on 03/23/2012, Luis Cabral wrote about [css-d] How to 
make a div fill the height of an iframe:

I have the following scenario:
- An iframe that has fixed width and height and is absolutely 
positioned in the middle of the screen (simulating a modal pop up 
window)- The document inside that iframe contains 2 divs, both 100% 
width. The top one is variable height, and the bottom one should 
occupy the space left inside the iframe. If required, scrollbars 
should display in the bottom div, but not in the iframe itself.

I made a diagram to try to make it clearer:
+-iframe (fixed width and height)|+-div1||variable 
height|+---|+-div2||height should occupy 
the ||remaining space in the div, scrollbars show ||inside the div 
if required if its contents ||are bigger than the available 
Note that this slightly different from the usual requirement, which 
is to dynamically resize the iframe accordingly to its contents.
Is this possible to be done with just CSS? (assume the most recent 
browsers will be used i.e. Chrome, IE8+ etc)

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If you make the 2nd DIV a table would that work (ie: Show the scroll 
bars as needed but not affect the height of the iframe or add scroll 
bars to it)?

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Re: [css-d] Help! I need help!

2011-06-26 Thread Robert

Thanks  to you all,
 for your commments that were sooo helpful in thinking this through. I kept 
thinking I know how to do this but had so little time. The page finally came 
together in the wee hours of the mornings when I had more time to think with 
out interruptions around me. 
Thanks to you all I really appreciate you all for your help..
--- On Thu, 6/16/11, Robert  wrote:

From: Robert 
Subject: [css-d] Help! I need help!
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 7:30 AM

Hi there.
I hope someone can help me.  I am trying to add include files in a website.
On my computer the page looks fine.  But when I upload the page  by FTP to the 
server the page falls apart. 

I dont understand what i did wrong.
Thanks for any help.
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[css-d] Help! I need help!

2011-06-16 Thread Robert
Hi there.
I hope someone can help me.  I am trying to add include files in a website.
On my computer the page looks fine.  But when I upload the page  by FTP to the 
server the page falls apart. 

I dont understand what i did wrong.
Thanks for any help.
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[css-d] test I need help!

2011-05-19 Thread Robert

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Re: [css-d] Noob: relative URL specification in CSS

2010-11-01 Thread Robert Mcleod

I'm now down to using the simplest html I can:

Test page

Hello Word
Some text follows here.

And I just can't make it work.

Uh, is this a straight copy and paste? Have a look at your opening 
 tag, fix that and see if that fixes your problem. Sometimes the 
css isn't the problem :)

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[css-d] Safari Overflow property problem

2010-06-28 Thread Robert Torres

Hi, the overflow property works fine in firefox and internetexplorer but Safari 
displays a tiny vertical scroll bar even thoughI set the property to hidden. My 
CSS is as follows:
div#MainContent div#LowerNav ul {overflow: hidden;}

I would appreciate anyones help.Thanks,   Robert 

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[css-d] Fwd: Re: Help - image behaviour in Hybrid

2010-06-20 Thread Robert Mcleod

#header {
min-width: 640px;
background: url(path/to/jpg);<< mistake on previous post, sorry...

and having your image 1024px wide. If you leave out no-repeat then
you'll get nasty repeating of the image across the width of the page if
someone has a viewport wider than 1280px.. Using this you shouldn't need
to 'hack' much for IE 6 to behave unless the user's viewport is smaller
than 800px (because ie6 doesn't understand min-width).

Don't know how helpful I'm being :)


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Re: [css-d] Help - image behaviour in Hybrid

2010-06-20 Thread Robert Mcleod

> Here is a clearer description of what I'm trying to do.
> I'm wanting a header image to expand it's width as the browser window
> expands from 800 pixels to 1024 or from a 4 X 3 monitor to a 16 x 9
> monitor.
> So in a smaller browser window, the right side of the image would
> become cropped, but become visible as the browser window expands.
> Is there a way of doing this by placing the image in the container
> background field and using css to achieve this.

#header {
min-width: 640px;
background: url("path/to/img.png") no-repeat;

and having your image 1024px wide. If you leave out no-repeat then 
you'll get nasty repeating of the image across the width of the page if 
someone has a viewport wider than 1280px.. Using this you shouldn't need 
to 'hack' much for IE 6 to behave unless the user's viewport is smaller 
than 800px (because ie6 doesn't understand min-width).

Don't know how helpful I'm being :)

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Re: [css-d] PNG Image Position/ Size question - CSS

2010-04-08 Thread Robert Lane
Oh you guys are just too funny!  O:-)

Yep, I just used a template to start  this - but their stuff is so 
Abracadabra, Presto Chango!  And I love that!

I apologize, I really have gotten a little rusty at this and I mainly 
wanted to get pointed in the right direction. I didn't even know about 
the Wiki :-[  Thank you for that link.  I am sure that is going to be 
very helpful

And thank you all for your suggestions and help. 

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[css-d] comment and request for feedback on a site at test

2010-01-26 Thread Stack Robert
FIrst off — a word for the administrator, moderators, and contributors—

You answer questions help people learn, year in and year out, year after year. 
You are generous with your time and knowledge. So please accept my deep 
appreciation. I will keep that ball rolling. Thank you all.

Now to the issues at hand...

I seek feedback both broad and narrow.

I have just put up a test version of my site at I am not a 
web designer, so l am unsure whether the choices I have made for general 
structure are wise. For example, I wonder if the way I have all my content 
aligned is too convoluted. The body is centered, then the main container is 
aligned left, then the image container is centered and the paragraphs that 
follow it are again aligned left. Is what I have done going in the right 
direction? It seems there are so many ways to do the same thing. 

Since this site emphasizes images rather than text,  have I written I use 
reasonable width instructions. I originally used ems to set all the widths, but 
that got tricky as I started mixing in images measured in pixels. So I switched 
to percentages. Seems to work, OK, but I only have a modern, compliant browser. 
Maybe it looks horrible elsewhere. I don't know.

Also, I would like to have the captions below images set up so that the title 
is flush left and bold, and the caption (both are P elements) is flush right 
and on the same line as the title. Any thoughts on how to get them on the same 
line? I have it set up like this:



.imageContainer #title {
text-align: left;
font-size: 75%;
font-weight: 600;
margin: 0 0 0 15%;

.imageContainer #caption {
text-align: right;
font-size: 75%;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 0 15% 0 0;
padding: 0;
Is there any virtue to putting images in a containing paragraph? I have seen it 
done that way.


Rob Stack
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Re: [css-d] Please help. Why doesnt my heading show in mozilla?

2009-11-27 Thread robert

Hi David.
I was about to give up too, lol but the code you provided worked.
Thanks so much for all your help.
To everyone for their help.
I really appreciate it.
As this was all new territory to me trying to add a video on a website,
and not really knowing css. lol

May I say,  that sometimes  a person can go on a forum for help and the
smart people are not very helpful to the newbies.
I am so grateful for the people on this forum.
Especially when I dont know what I am doing. lol
I will use the 3 browsers whenever I make changes.
Have a Great day to all.

> wrote:
>> All I need now is to learn how to center the video screen.
>> If anyone can tell me how to center it without the whole screen moving
>> around the page I would really appreciate it.
>> Can someone advise me please.
> If this does not work for you, I give up:
> body {
> font-family: New Times Roman;
>  color: #FF;
> background:url(images/top.jpg) no-repeat;
> margin: 0 auto;border: 0;
> float:  right;< :: delete
> }
> Change this from:
> to:
>  style="margin: 0 auto;">
> Trying to fix do anything reasonably sensible when confronted with a
> whacked and invalid table with inline styling structure is pretty much
> an exercise in futility.
> Your best bet is to start over with a  clear head, a clean sheet, a
> tableless CSS layout; and, frequent trips to the w3c validation service.
> ~d
> __
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Re: [css-d] Please help. Why doesnt my heading show in mozilla?

2009-11-26 Thread robert
Hi Theophan.
I am really getting the hang of these different browsers now. Thanks so
much for your input I really appreciate you and everyone else who has

I downloaded the Safari Browser also and have been makeing changes
according to the 3 browsers.  Wow!! What a difference they make.

All I need now is to learn how to center the video screen.

If anyone can tell me how to center it without the whole screen moving
around the page I would really appreciate it.

Can someone advise me please.

> I'm not an expert, just a volunteer webmaster for a couple of churches.
> But in case it's useful, the site a moment ago looked subtly different on
> Safari and Firefox on the Mac.  Here's a screen capture, Safari on the
> Right, Firefox on the left (the most recent versions of each):
> On Safari the "seal" icons above the video aren't centered, but on Firefox
> they are.  I have no idea why.  Interesting.
> fyi
> Theophan

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Re: [css-d] Please help. Why doesnt my heading show in mozilla?

2009-11-26 Thread robert

Thanks to everyone for the help.  I have started over and used the code
David suggested below, and the Headlines are working!!!   Thanks so much
David, and everyone For the responses.

I have just one more question or it may takes 2 weeks again to figure out
what I did before.  lol

Please tell me how do I center the video and the background.  It will only
move partially if I type in "float:  right; "  When I tried Center it went
back to the left.   Please tell me where and what to write in to get the
video and background image to go the center like the logo heading and four
4 images on this page.  thanks so much for all the help. I am so grateful
to get this finished .

> wrote:
>> I dont know what else to do to make this page correct in Mozilla
>> Firefox.
> body {
> font-family: New Times Roman;
> color: #FF;
> background:url(vid_files/top0.jpg) no-repeat;
> margin-left: 450px; < :: delete
> margin-top: 350px; < :: delete
> margin-right: ; < :: delete
> margin-bottom: 350px; < :: delete
> margin: 0; < :: add
>   }
> table {margin: 0 auto;border: 1px dashed red;}   < :: add
> selector
> td {text-align: center;}  < :: add selector
> Validate.
> ~d
> __
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[css-d] Please help. Why doesnt my heading show in mozilla?

2009-11-25 Thread robert
Someone please help.
my site shows perfect in IE, but in Mozilla, It doesnt show my heading, it
shows the center part of the page with the  video and the bottom part is
not centered, even though the source is Centered.
I have tried, but it does not help with this problem.

Please help.
I dont know what else to do to make this page correct in Mozilla Firefox.

I am completely clueless as to what is wrong in Mozilla.
Thanks for any help.

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[css-d] position an image outside of the DIV element containing it?

2009-06-12 Thread Robert Nagle
Hi, Tim,

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the site is confidential, so I
can't give a URL. (plus, there are other CSS issues which might
distract people from the problem at hand).

Seriously, it's been a few years since I've edited a CSS file. (I'm
actually looking forward to it). Everything sounds vaguely familiar
though; I'm at the stage where I just need a few terms to be able to

>  have div.columnA and divcolumnB which is my main layout.
> In div.columnB I have an img element inside.
> However, I'm not quite sure I want this div.columnB. img actually to
> be located inside div.columnB.

You probably want to use absolute positioning. This will take the
image outside of the document flow and there won't need to be a hole
where the image would have been before moving it. This would be the
case with negative margins or relative positioning.

Remember that an absolutely positioned element is positioned in
relation to its nearest positioned ancestor. That is to say an
ancestor with position: absolute or position: relative. If there are
no positioned ancestors it is positioned in relation to the body.

It will be easier to help if you show us your code and show us what
you want it to look like.

Robert Nagle
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[css-d] position an image outside of the DIV element containing it?

2009-06-12 Thread Robert Nagle
Hi, there,
I am getting started on a long overdue overhaul of a static content
site I've been maintaining for the last 7 years. The css is pretty
crufty (I don't think I've changed it in the last 3 or 4 years).

Fortunately, the static html pages were made with reasonably clean
code, , so I should be able to use css to change the global look and

But I encountered a problem.

I have div.columnA and divcolumnB which is my main layout.

In div.columnB I have an img element inside.

However, I'm not quite sure I want this div.columnB. img actually to
be located inside div.columnB.

Maybe I want to put the image above both columnA and columnB. Maybe I
want to put the image inside columnA instead of columnB.

Is there any positioning css you can do to jam the columnB image
inside of div.columnA. (Like setting a  positioning value to
negative?) I'm calling this "negative positioning" for lack of a
better term.  (Actually what is the phrase for what I am describing?)

Also, are there big differences between how IE 8 and IE 7 handle these
negative positioning tricks? (I upgraded to IE 7 and have no way to
test IE 7 anymore).

One thing I'm dealing with is that sometimes images are columnA; at
other times they are in columnB. I want to be more consistent.

Thanks for your help.

Robert Nagle
12777 Ashford Point Dr #1417
Houston, Texas 77082
713 893 3424
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[css-d] IE8 rendering of text looks garbled at W3C and other sites

2009-05-02 Thread Robert Lane
I just upgraded to IE8 and am noticing weird issue on many sites I visit. 

The W3C site is a case in point:

When I open this in IE8 The text looks only "partially rendered" - faint 
- like you would see from an old style platen press where there wasn't 
enough ink.  The text is all there but it is faint and the characters 
look "broken" - choppy, etc.

This is the same if I choose IE7 mode or IE8 mode with the zoom at 100% 
and text size of medium.

If I click the zoom and increase it to 125% or 150% the text looks 
normal.  At 100% if I set the text size to "larger" it will also look 

I have tried changing my display settings related to font smoothing and 
use of clear type and those do not seem to have an impact. 

Is there something we are going to need to do in our CSS styles to 
override this and make sure the text doesn't look hacked up in IE8? 

Anyone else seen this/figured out what is going on here?


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[css-d] UL "wrapping" around floated image - how do you not wrap?

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Lane
I have a page at

It has:
 Some headline text
  Some more text
A paragraph of text
Another Headline

And then an unordered list.
Occupational Therapy
  Physical Therapy 
  Speech Therapy 
  Vestibular Therapy 
  Vision Therapy
  Vocational Rehabilitation 
  Rehabilitation Medicine

Note the image tag is inside the h1 tag and the class .img_left floats 
the image left and applies a display: block to it.

So the issue I have is that the unordered list wraps around the lower 
right corner of the image so that half the bullets are to the right of 
the picture and the rest of the list aligns below the image flush with 
the left margin. 

What I think I would like it to do, if possible, is to not "break" the 
list like that midway, but to keep all the bulleted s in one 
straight line and leave white space under the image on the left until 
the end of the UL. 

Is that doable, and if so what style setting do I need to work with?


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[css-d] formatting a Ul to not wrap around a floated image

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Lane

I apologize if this is multiple posted (I have tried this a number of 
times but I am not seeing any of my earlier posts as having gone through).

The issue page is here:

I have been fiddling with this page and I am at least getting consistent 
behavior from what I can see in IE 6/7/8 and FF3

But, the issue I have is this:

* An unordered list starts about 2/3 of the way down alongside an
  image that floats left
* The list has 8 items
* Items 1-4 flow along the right side of the image
* Items 5-8 are below the bottom edge of the image - so they flow to
  the left margin of the containing div below the image.

Ideally I would like to have all the 8 bullets stay lined up in a 
straight line and leave white space below the image until the end of the 
UL bullet list items.

Is there a  way to do this using CSS?

Basically my code is set up like this:

 Some Heading Text<<< Note the img tag is 
inside the h1 tag
 Some Heading Text 
 Some paragraph text 
 Some Heading Text 

 List item 1 
 List item 2 
 List item 3 
 List item 4 
 List item 5 
 List item 6 
 List item 7 
 List item 8 

The image tag is inside the  tag  and then has styles of:
margin: 0px 24px 0px 0px;
display: block;
float: left;
height: 100%

The UL has styles of:
list-style-position: inside;
list-style-type: square
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[css-d] Is List Working?

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Lane
I have tried to submit a post about UL positioning and am not seeing it 
show up.  I apologize for this post, it is a test.

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[css-d] UL List StairStep in IE7

2009-04-27 Thread Robert Lane
I have a page here:

I floated an image to the left. I then have content to the right of the 
image flowing down the page.

I have a bulleted list "Professional Specialties" that starts about even 
with the lower third of the picture. The list  is about 4 bullets longer 
than the picture - so in FF 3.0.8 and in IE8 I get the list flowing 
straight down with no change in the left edge of the bullets.

But in IE7 the lower four bullets are out dented to be even with the 
edge of the image.

Is there an easier way to do this?  Should I float the image like I did 
or what would be a better way to do this?

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Re: [css-d] Margin Collapsing down to the html element itself

2009-03-23 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Els wrote:
> Robert O'Rourke wrote:
>> I've been working on a site and just at the stage of tidying up the
>> CSS however I have a strange problem with margin collapsing. It
>> looks like there is some unwanted margin on the HTML element itself
>> which is really confusing me. I've been trying all sorts to fix
>> this problem. Putting a border on the BODY tag made that border
>> encroach into the unwanted margin at the bottom of the page but not
>> remove it. I'm at a loss here. The page is at
>> and the unwanted space is at
>> the bottom of the page in the latest Firefox and Opera but not in
>> Safari or Chrome. I'm still working on some IE fixes, it's the
>> margin issue I want to eliminate in FF and Opera for now.
>> Please help!
> Some script is inserting an image below div#wrap:
>  src="/dev/tc/wp-content/themes/treecarving/gfx/green-loady.gif"/>
> This image has a style set too, on line 703 of your style.css:
> #l {
> }
> Even though it's sitting 999px to the left of the screen, it's still 
> taking up its height.
> If you also give it a negative top value, it wouldn't.

That will be it then! Thanks so much for your speedy help.
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[css-d] Margin Collapsing down to the html element itself

2009-03-23 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Hi all,

I've been working on a site and just at the stage of tidying up the CSS 
however I have a strange problem with margin collapsing. It looks like 
there is some unwanted margin on the HTML element itself which is really 
confusing me. I've been trying all sorts to fix this problem. Putting a 
border on the BODY tag made that border encroach into the unwanted 
margin at the bottom of the page but not remove it. I'm at a loss here. 
The page is at and the unwanted 
space is at the bottom of the page in the latest Firefox and Opera but 
not in Safari or Chrome. I'm still working on some IE fixes, it's the 
margin issue I want to eliminate in FF and Opera for now.

Please help!

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[css-d] Positioning Issues - how to center the middle float?

2009-02-21 Thread Robert Lane
I am having some positioning problems over here:

I have a UL floating left - an image floating left - and a UL floating 

There is probably an easier way to do this.  But basically I want the 
image to be centered between the two UL floats. Centered in the page. 

I tried margin: auto, but that is not getting me there.

The css I am trying is:
#bodylogo img{   
margin: 0 auto !important;
padding: 40px 0 0 ;
float: left;
border: 1px dotted gray; 
#pres ul, #vps ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0; 
#pres li, #vps li {
list-style-type: none;
float: left;

#vps li {
list-style-type: none;
float: right;
text-align: right;


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[css-d] Div Positioning

2009-01-16 Thread Robert Swilley

I've got a stripped down version of my site's header here:

I'm having an issue with the navigation in IE7.  If you take a look at it
you will see that the nav buttons are too low.  Why is there so much gap in
IE7?  If you look at it in Firefox it is basically where I want it.

Am I going to have to use two different styles and set the top of the nav
container or is it an issue with my code?

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Re: [css-d] Div Overflow Issue

2009-01-15 Thread Robert Swilley
Yes, that seems to have worked. Thanks!

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Bill Brown  wrote:

> Robert Swilley wrote:
>> Ex. A:
>> Ex. B:
>> If you look at example B you will see that this works until the content
>> overflows. Since #main height is set to 95% it is not growing.
> This might help (more or less) in Example B:
> #main {
> /*  height: 95%; <--REMOVE */
>  min-height: 95%;/* <--ADD */
> }
> --
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[css-d] Div Overflow Issue

2009-01-15 Thread Robert Swilley

I've published the "skeleton" of my website.  You can view the two pages

Ex. A:
Ex. B:

Basically what I'm trying to do is have #main always fill up the page even
if the #content div does not have enough text in it to fill the page.

If you look at example B you will see that this works until the content
overflows. Since #main height is set to 95% it is not growing.

If i take the height setting out (example A) it grows, but does not fill the
page if there is not enough content.

What am I doing wrong here?  Is there any solution for this without having
to write some javascript to do it?

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Re: [css-d] IE Password Field

2008-12-09 Thread Robert O'Rourke
MEM wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert O'Rourke
>> Sent: terça-feira, 9 de Dezembro de 2008 10:46
>> To: Luc on css-discuss
>> MEM wrote:
>>> AHH!
>>> The password input field it's automatically shorter in IE.
>>> If we put both input fields with the type: text. All works fine.
>>> If We put two text fields, one with type: text. Another with
>> type:password,
>>> this one get's shorter.
>>> Is there a way to stop IE from doing this mess?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Márcio
>> Try using the 'size' attribute or setting the same width on both inputs
>> via CSS eg:
>> input { width: 14em; }
>> Also padding and border will affect the width of an input so make sure
>> those are consistent.
>> -Rob
> Thanks Rob, we have post more or less at the same time. But I've chose pixel
> units. 
> I will change the values to em instead of pixel.

No problem :)
The units you use are up to you, it's just important to know the 
different advantages and disadvantages of each. Using ems is my personal 
preference because of the way I style most of my forms with extra space 
next to the inputs. I typically add a max-width in % aswell to stop the 
inputs from poking out of my layout.

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Re: [css-d] IE Password Field

2008-12-09 Thread Robert O'Rourke
MEM wrote:
> AHH!
> The password input field it's automatically shorter in IE.
> If we put both input fields with the type: text. All works fine.
> If We put two text fields, one with type: text. Another with type:password,
> this one get's shorter.
> Is there a way to stop IE from doing this mess?
> Thanks a lot,
> Márcio

Try using the 'size' attribute or setting the same width on both inputs 
via CSS eg:

input { width: 14em; }

Also padding and border will affect the width of an input so make sure 
those are consistent.


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Re: [css-d] I give up with IE

2008-11-21 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Ray Pello wrote:
> Hullo,
> I have a problem. THis site :
> looks OKAY to FF but when it comes to ie : when it gets to the product 
> details page (such as :
> The layout of the footer got screwed.
> ...
> Can anyone help?
> - Ray
> Ombilic

Hi Ray,

Check out a different technique:
Position absolute doesn't always work as expected in IE6 :(


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Re: [css-d] Lost in positioning masthead image

2008-05-03 Thread Robert Lane
Maybe I should be putting the gif in the background?

This looks sort of like what I am after:

 ---   do you think this is the best approach and will be stable across 
Basically I just added some padding and text alignment on the heading 
and tagline and put the image in the background with a little background 
positioning and padding.

#masthead .content {
padding: 40px 120px;
text-align: left;

#masthead {
padding: 10px;
background-image: url(../Images/pawn_anm2.gif) ;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 10px;

Robert Lane wrote:
> My example page is at:
> I seem to be a bit rusty here and am struggling with positioning an 
> image and some text in the mast head.
> I have a div named masthead.  A div within that named content.  In the 
> content div I want an image (yes I hate animated gifs too!) to the 
> left side of the masthead.  Then I would like the Main Heading  
> LeChess Club followed by the tag line of A Society for Better 
> Chess 
> So basically --- Image---   Heading
> tag line
> I may want to be able to play with the padding around the image for 
> best placement, But I want both lines of text to line up to the right 
> of the image rather than below it.
> What is generally the best and/or easiest way to do this?  Do I need 
> to use position, float, or what?
> The Html is as follows:   ( I have tried the image both in the H1 tag 
> and before the H1 tag. )
>src="../Images/pawn_anm2.gif" alt="LeChess Club, A Society for Better 
> Chess" />
>  LeChess Club
>A Society for Better Chess 
> The CSS that seems to effect things in this div is:
> #masthead {
>color: #f4a460;
>background-color: #d2eff7;
>padding: 0px;
>margin: 0 0 36px 0;
> }
> #mast_img {display: block;
> border: 1px solid red;}
> #masthead .content {
>padding: 10px 20px;
>font-size: .8em;
>letter-spacing: .5em;
> }
> Thanks for any suggestions!

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[css-d] Lost in positioning masthead image

2008-05-03 Thread Robert Lane
My example page is at:

I seem to be a bit rusty here and am struggling with positioning an 
image and some text in the mast head.

I have a div named masthead.  A div within that named content.  In the 
content div I want an image (yes I hate animated gifs too!) to the left 
side of the masthead.  Then I would like the Main Heading  LeChess 
Club followed by the tag line of A Society for Better Chess 

So basically --- Image---   Heading
 tag line
I may want to be able to play with the padding around the image for best 
placement, But I want both lines of text to line up to the right of the 
image rather than below it.

What is generally the best and/or easiest way to do this?  Do I need to 
use position, float, or what?

The Html is as follows:   ( I have tried the image both in the H1 tag 
and before the H1 tag. ) 

  LeChess Club
A Society for Better Chess 

The CSS that seems to effect things in this div is:
#masthead {
color: #f4a460;
background-color: #d2eff7;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0 0 36px 0;

#mast_img {display: block;
 border: 1px solid red;}

#masthead .content {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: .8em;
letter-spacing: .5em;

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Re: [css-d] Font name

2008-02-25 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Mário Gamito wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know the font name that is used in this picture ?
> I'd like to use it in a site, but I can't figure out what it is.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> Mário Gamit

If you cut out the bit of the image with the text and go to , you can upload it and it does a 
pretty good job of working out what font it is.

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Re: [css-d] styling for two monitors

2008-01-08 Thread Robert O'Rourke

>> On my 2 monitor setup, it works just fine. Just for reference it's a  
>> iMac 19" with a 19" sony trinitron external monitor with a hack to  
>> enable the desktop extension (Didn't come that way from the factory...  
>> Just desktop mirroring.)
>> The only way I can reproduce what you are talking about is if I  
>> actually stretch the browser screen across both screens end to end...  
>> Which then it centers really well in the middle of both monitors which  
>> is what I would expect.
> Jason, thanks for looking at this for me.
> Is it possible to restrict the site to a single monitor? Or shall I tell 
> my guy to just shrink his great big browser window?
> Sandy

Argh! Clients! Sounds like he has his monitors set to be one big desktop 
and he has the browser maximised... Should be able to just set one 
monitor to be an extension of the desktop as opposed to part of it. If 
you get me.

Point him to google if he still doesn't get it.

You have my sympathy...

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Re: [css-d] Top Bottom - Lets Keep Them Apart

2007-12-06 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Ian Rutgers wrote:
> I have been charged with rewriting this  such that
> the top nav stays at the top of the page and the bottom nav stays at the
> bottom of the page and the content makes up the rest.  In other words as
> the browser window is resized the content section of the site is the
> only fluid portion of the site.
> My preference is to write the code using divs but need some guidance on
> the positioning without using JavaScript (if that is possible as I am
> assuming that I would have to do some browser detection) . help what
> have I got myself into?!
> Ian

Hi Ian,

This link may help, make sure to read the limitations at the bottom then 
have a play with position: fixed; in modern browsers.

It's worked well for me so far.but does require some IE hacks, depending 
on your design.
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Re: [css-d] Hey, I'm new to the list...

2007-12-06 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Jon Hughes wrote:
>> I thought I'd say hi.. I'm Matt Lee, Campaigns Manager at the Free
>> Software Foundation, and Chief Webmaster for the GNU Operating System.
>> I've been using CSS now for about 3 or 4 years, and while I'm not
> really
>> a designer, I'm extremely interested in seeing new examples of good
>> design.
>> Cheers,
>> matt
> Hi Matt, welcome to the list!
> There are all sorts of CSS galleries if you are interested in just
> seeing what else can be done.  My first recommendation is always
> through - Dave Shae has just started
> approving new designs (from a several-year lull) and there's some really
> creative stuff in there.
> Anyhow, enjoy your stay!
>  - Jon

Hi Matt and welcome,

I'm not a fequent flyer on the list but I had to share this link, it 
came up on which is more of a design gallery than CSS 
gallery but nonetheless.
The site in particular is, it's just 
beautifully done and a really good concept.

Good luck with

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[css-d] Margins above table cells

2007-11-26 Thread Robert James
I'm displaying  elements with CSS like this:

display: table-cell;
width: 100px;
height: 70px;
background-color: blue;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-top: 20px;

Works great.  However, the margin-top is ignored - I assume this is because
table-cell is not a block element.  Is there another way to create the
equivalent of margins?

Also: Is there a way to display more than one of these on the same line?
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Re: [css-d] Positioning an element - the limits

2007-11-19 Thread Robert James
Can anyone guide me with this?
If the question isn't clear, please let me know what needs to be added.
If this is simply impossible, could someone please let me know?

On 11/18/07, Robert James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to position an element at the bottom of the screen.  This is
> easy, using position: fixed and bottom: ...px.
> However, on screens higher than 600px, I'd like to fix it at 600px from
> the top.  That is, if the screen is shorter than 600px, push it to the
> bottom of the screebn otherwise, push it down to 600px.  Is there anyway to
> do this?
> Thank you.
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[css-d] Positioning an element - the limits

2007-11-18 Thread Robert James
I'd like to position an element at the bottom of the screen.  This is easy,
using position: fixed and bottom: ...px.

However, on screens higher than 600px, I'd like to fix it at 600px from the
top.  That is, if the screen is shorter than 600px, push it to the bottom of
the screebn otherwise, push it down to 600px.  Is there anyway to do this?

Thank you.
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Re: [css-d] ordered lists in ie - is more than 10 items asking too much?

2007-10-30 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Jens Brueckmann wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>> Just realised, it's not giving any extra room for the extra digit when
>> you reach list-item number 10. Guess it's something I'll have to live
>> with
> you may add whitespace between the list numbers and the first
> character by adding left padding to the first letter, e.g.:
> ol li:first-letter { padding: 0 0 0 1em;}
> Cheers,
> jens

Genious, thankyou very much Jens
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Re: [css-d] ordered lists in ie - is more than 10 items asking too much?

2007-10-30 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Luc wrote:
> Good afternoon Robert, 
> It was foretold that on 30/10/2007 @ 18:59:25 GMT+ (which was
> 15:59:25 where I live) Robert O'Rourke would write:
>> For some strange reason if you set 'list-style-position' to 'inside' 
>> on an ordered-list from the tenth list-item onwards the text-indent it
>> creates for the bullet/number is lost. This is not the case for an 
>> unordered-list.
>> I've tried a couple of hasLayout triggers like position: relative;
>> and zoom:1; to no avail and also text-indenting the li but nowhere near
>> a fix yet. Any ideas?
> decimal outside with padding seems to get IE in it's place:
> ol {
> list-style: decimal outside;
> border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;
> padding: 0 20px;
> margin: 16px auto;
> width: 90%;
> }

Yeah that'll work, it would've been good though, I was using a 
background image for list-items in ordered and unordered lists so the 
list-style-position: inside looked nice.

Thanks for the link,

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Re: [css-d] ordered lists in ie - is more than 10 items asking too much?

2007-10-30 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Just realised, it's not giving any extra room for the extra digit when 
you reach list-item number 10. Guess it's something I'll have to live 
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[css-d] ordered lists in ie - is more than 10 items asking too much?

2007-10-30 Thread Robert O'Rourke

I didn't have much luck with google on this one so I've put together 
a demo page:

For some strange reason if you set 'list-style-position' to 'inside' 
on an ordered-list from the tenth list-item onwards the text-indent it 
creates for the bullet/number is lost. This is not the case for an 

I've tried a couple of hasLayout triggers like position: relative; 
and zoom:1; to no avail and also text-indenting the li but nowhere near 
a fix yet. Any ideas?

I thought I'd bring this to your attention as a point of interest 
anyway even if no fix exists. Perhaps this is just one to avoid.

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[css-d] Advanced CSS techniques book

2007-10-27 Thread Robert James
I'd like to improve my CSS techniques.  I'm comfortable with basic CSS, but
there's a lot of advanced stuff out there which I'd like to leverage.  (I
especially have trouble with some of the advanced positioning.)  Can anyone
recommend a good book for the advanced techniques?

I especially like things which tell it like-it-is, giving the details, as
opposed to trying to suger coat it with mock simplicity.  All
recommendations appreicated.
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[css-d] Transparencies and Overlays

2007-10-26 Thread Robert James
Hi.  I'm trying to understand how the transparencies and overlays (used in
the various lightboxes) are done in CSS.  I'm trying to make something
looking similar to a lightbox, but on a page without any JavaScript.

Two things that I need to do:
1. Show a gray, semi-transparent sheet over the entire page
2. Position another element - the "lightbox" - somewhere in the middle of
the page

I have some ideas for #2, but am a total loss for #1.  Can anyone guide me
in this? Is there a good resource which explain how these things work?

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[css-d] Gray Transparency

2007-10-25 Thread Robert James
Is there anyway I can show a gray semi-transparency over any elements with a
certain class ("disabled")?
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Re: [css-d] Refactoring CSS tools

2007-10-24 Thread Robert James
I came across this tool, which is supposed to support CSS Refactoring: .  Anyone
have any experience with it?

On 10/24/07, Peter Sachs Collopy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In software, there are what's known as Refactoring Tools, which
> > can, for
> > instance, let me change the name of a function in one file, and
> > automatically change it everywhere else.  Are there any similar
> > tools for
> > CSS? So I could, for instance, find out from a bunch of CSS files
> > and a
> > bunch of HTML files (templates) "Which HTML files use this
> > rule?" .  Or so
> > that I could change the name of an element in a certain CSS file,
> > and have
> > the HTML changed as well (or vice versa).  In short, tools to
> > automate a lot
> > of the manual searching involved in integrating a large CSS project.
> I think you could do much of this with any tool that allows you to
> search the content of multiple files within a directory at once; on
> the Mac I'd use either BBEdit's find tool or Spotlight. To find out
> which HTML files use a rule, you could just search your HTML
> directory for the name of the associated class or id; to change the
> name of an element you could do a find-and-replace on a whole
> directory in BBEdit. I'm sure there are similarly powerful tools on
> other platforms.
> Peter
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[css-d] Using YUI CSS to simplify a Web App

2007-10-24 Thread Robert James
I'm trying to get a handle on a Web App which has gotten a bit tangled, with
different parts of the app using different CSS.  Fonts and colors are pretty
straightforward - it's the positioning which gets messy.

One idea we've come across is to rip out all of our custom positioning code
(float, size, margin, etc.), and just a prepared toolkit like .

Being an internal web app, our needs are a bit different than standard web
  * Cross browser compatability is _not_ a concern.  We use Firefox only.
  * Layouts are more complicated than standard three column web pages.  We
have panels, panels within panels, toolbars, etc.

What do the CSS experts say? It seems like moving to YUI Grids would greatly
simplyify the CSS.  Is there a downside? A better alternative?
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[css-d] Refactoring CSS tools

2007-10-24 Thread Robert James
I'm working on a large project - a dynamic web app.  Several groups of
developers have worked on in different parts of it independently, and I'm
now tasked with integrating the work together.  The source
control manager can show me who changed what when, but integrating all
of the CSS is an arduos task.

In software, there are what's known as Refactoring Tools, which can, for
instance, let me change the name of a function in one file, and
automatically change it everywhere else.  Are there any similar tools for
CSS? So I could, for instance, find out from a bunch of CSS files and a
bunch of HTML files (templates) "Which HTML files use this rule?" .  Or so
that I could change the name of an element in a certain CSS file, and have
the HTML changed as well (or vice versa).  In short, tools to automate a lot
of the manual searching involved in integrating a large CSS project.

Can anyone give me some advice, either in terms of tools, scripts, or best
practices?  (Please cc me on all response if you can.)
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[css-d] Some positioning dilemmas

2007-09-15 Thread Robert Reed
I've been developing a web site template, and I'm almost done with the
recently requested changes except I'm having two issues.

1.) I tried to use the fixed width left column, fluid right column system as
described at A List Apart, with negative margins.  After I found out that
the negative margins weren't doing anything, I removed them.  The idea was
to go with a fixed 220px column on the left, and a fluid right column.  The
problem is using margin-left on a container with 100% width seems to
immediately tell Firefox that we're going to ignore that declaration.
Consequently, the right container which has 100% width but a margin-left
request of 230px, doesn't adhere to the margin.  It sits pushed below the
left column in its own little space, and needs to come up.

2.) The menu needs to come up to hang out on the same line with the
background.  I've used clearing divs and it doesn't seem to do the trick.

The site is
The CSS file:

Thanks in advance.
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[css-d] second line outdenting, how do you get it flush left?

2007-08-26 Thread Robert Lane
I put a list together for a staff directory and one of them has a much 
too long title.

I decided to use a  to move the title to the second line but now it 
outdents it

I have it coded like this:

Chuck Lindley, 
Joanne Beasley, Comptroller
Kathy de Domingo, 
Director of Performance 

The style is set for:
ul.nobullet { margin: 0; list-style: none inside}

Is there some selector to get rid of the outdenting?
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Re: [css-d] at import loading

2007-08-13 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Gate Wizard wrote:
> question
> How does a browser handle @import?
> Example:
> in HEAD we have:
> -
> main.css
>   /*  */
> Does the browser load the imported CSS before it starts rendering the page,
> or after?
> I've looked here, but it doesn't seem to answer my question:
> Thanks to all replies in advance.

That thread may help but also says at the bottom it's off-topic for css-d.



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[css-d] Why does this display differently in a div? Link attached.

2007-08-12 Thread Robert Tilley
The paragraph styling in this page displays correctly when the page's URL is 
directly viewed.  When visited from the drop-down menu, it displays in a 
smaller font and is differently colored.

Why this difference?  The function to open a page in a certain div displays 
all my other files correctly.


Thanks for the help, Bob
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[css-d] Why does font-size not work?

2007-08-11 Thread Robert Tilley
I have the following page:

p { color: white; font-size: large; }

Sample text of a large size.

The sample text does not display in large size.  If a style is applied to the 
inner paragraph () it does display large.

Why doesn't the font-size apply from the definition at the beginning?

Thanks, Bob
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Re: [css-d] maintaining site proportions across screen resolution -NOT Quite

2007-08-09 Thread Robert Van Dam
I don't have safari to test on but konqueror 3.5.5 has the same
problem until you remove position: relative from the #outer rule.
Fortunately the only effect that seems to have in firefox is to
lengthen the relative height of both #inner and its contents which is
reasonably accounted for by adjusting #inner's height.

Your original link seems to have done basically that since it looks
the same in firefox and konqueror to me.

I've seen complaints about position: relative in safari before but
this is quite a dramatic failure since the majority of the remaining
css is completely ignored (although strangely some of it is still
being used).


On 8/7/07, Ian Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Subject: Re: [css-d] maintaining site proportions across screen
> > resolution -NOT Quite
> >
> >
> >
> > On Aug 7, 2007, at 8:55 PM, Ian Young wrote:
> >
> > >> Pity really as it was beginning to look quite good across various
> > >> screen
> > >> resolutions. Looks as if Safari PC not too keen on position:absolute
> > >>
> > >> See
> > >>
> > >> Any thoughts, folks?
> > >>
> > >>
> > > I have prepared a simplified version at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The style rules are in the header.
> > >
> > > And it seems that it is the position:relative in the outer div
> > > which is the
> > > start of the issue for Safari
> >
> > I don't know which display you consider 'correct'. Latest Webkit
> > build (post Safari 3.03b) and Opera 9.22 display exactly the same.
> > If you wrap your 'Hello moto' in  a , then Fx 2.0, Opera, Webkit,
> > Safari 3.0 and Minefield (FX 3 alpha) all agree.
> >
> Thanks Philippe.
> In Safari PC, the script doesn't work at all, see
> Ian
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Re: [css-d] RFC: printing backgrounds by default

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
You raise a good point about cascading for more involved background
uses.  Then I suppose my next question is, how much do you think
people have _relied_ on the knowledge that gecko based browsers would
not print their backgrounds in order to avoid the effort of adding a
print stylesheet just to remove them (essentially doing what you've
already done for them) versus how much people unknowingly run into the
problem or alternatively never even realize that there is an issue?

I for one would imagine that a large majority are completely oblivious
to the fact that backgrounds don't get printed because any backgrounds
that they might have are not essential to the site (especially if you
do modify light colored text to read better).  I would then venture to
guess that those same people have not nor will they ever bother
creating a print stylesheet.  That only leaves one possible problem
which may be what your reviewer was getting at and that is, how many
CMS's and WYSIWYG editors include an empty print stylesheet if you
don't specify any print styles?  I don't know the answer but the more
I think about it the more likely it seems that some would do that.

Or can you have a special exception for stylesheets that don't contain
any valid rules?


On 8/9/07, fantasai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Van Dam wrote:
> >
> > I don't see anything confusing in it*.  I suppose it might catch a few
> > developers off guard at first but going forward, I would imagine the
> > existing method is far more confusing to anyone unfamiliar with this
> > problem.  What's more confusing, "I said show a background for printed
> > versions of the page and so you printed it" or "I said show a
> > background for printed versions of the page and so you ignored me"?
> >
> > * caveat: After rereading what you wrote I realized that I
> > misinterpreted your plan.  My above comment would apply if and only if
> > the background was specified in the print style sheet.  That would
> > seem to indicate to me that a developer knows what they want (as in
> > your opera example).  Printing a background specified elsewhere just
> > because there is a print style sheet could easily catch a lot more
> > developers off guard and be more confusing (though probably still less
> > surprising/confusing than failing silently).
> >
> > Would it be reasonable to be that specific about when to print or not
> > to print a background?
> Well, 1. it would be a lot more difficult to implement, but 2. I think
> authors should be able to rely on the cascade working properly. For example,
> a page might have a light-colored background, and use backgrounds for
> accents e.g. on headings or table headers. I want to get rid of the
> overall light-colored background in favor of black on white, but I want
> all the accents to show up, too. If the cascade is working normally, all
> I need to do is specify a print stylesheet with
>body { background: white; color: black; }
> If the browser is being selective and only honoring backgrounds inside
> print-specific style sheets, then I'd need to duplicate all of my background
> and color settings in the print style sheet.
> Depending on how the CSS was authored, the combination of rules in the
> non-print-specific and print-specific sheets could result in a rather
> broken design if all the non-print-specific rules were suddenly ignored.
> When we disable all backgrounds, we know the background is always white
> and we can compensate by darkening the text colors if they are too light.
> ~fantasai
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Re: [css-d] Problems with Firefox and horizontal menu

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
On 8/3/07, Terri Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sucker Tree Horizontal Menu
> I'm satisfied with the way my menu looks in IE browser, but not in Firefox.  
> As I hover on a top level list item, the background shortens, making the next 
> top list item overlap the top of the top link.  Any ideas on why this is 
> happening?

The problem is that the designer of your menu didn't take into account
the possibility of the vertical padding of the  tag at the top
level overflowing the bounds of the containing ul/li.  IE gladly
expands container elements to wrap around floating elements, even when
it's not supposed (as in this case).

You can fix this by changing the rule on .suckertreemenu ul li a to
include "display: block;"

> Also, in Firefox, my menu is not nearly as wide as it looks in IE.  How can I 
> change this?

The above fix should significantly widen your menu.  You will probably
need to play with the width: 100px or else the top menu boxes are
likely to wrap in any small display.  Also, be aware that once you
have display: block, having both width and left/right padding is
inconsistent (not to mention redundant with text-align: center) and
going to get you inconsistent results across browsers, either remove
the fixed width (so that each menu with expand to fit its text) or
change the padding to padding: 5px 0px

But you also have a very strange rule:

ul..suckertreemenu {
width: 820em;
margin: auto;

replace that with something like

.suckertreemenu {
width: 820px;
margin: 0px auto;

note the px instead of em, if any browsers even managed to parse that
selector, it would have made your menu 820 times as wide as an M in
your browser's font.  That can't be what you want. Then again, you do
have it set to be 5300 pixels high, so what's 8200+ pixels wide!
(820px won't work either because the parent elements force it to 808px
(at least in firefox) which is too small to handle the 816px that it
wants to be with 1px borders around 100px boxes, it does work on its
own though).

> I would love to be able to center the menu on my webpages, and not have to 
> worry about placing it. Can I do this?

The margin: 0px auto; will give you 0px of vertical margin and
horizontally center the entire div.  Although, you'll need to consider
the conflicts that such loose positioning will have with all the very
strict relative positioning you have on the other elements of the page
(as with my note on width above).

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Re: [css-d] RFC: printing backgrounds by default

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
On 8/4/07, fantasai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm a Mozilla developer, and I have a slightly off-topic question for the
> members of css-discuss.
> As I'm sure many of you have noticed, browsers don't print backgrounds by
> default. As David Dorward notes [1], this is in large part to avoid wasting
> ink printing pages that weren't designed to be printed.
> We'd like to make it possible for designers who /do/ take the time to
> consider printing to use backgrounds and have them printed by default.
> My suggestion was to automatically allow background printing for any
> pages that import an explicit 'print' style sheet, the logic being that
> if you've taken the trouble to provide a dedicated style sheet for
> print, then we should trust that you are not going to abuse the printer
> and allow you use of its ink for your backgrounds. (This is similar to
> how Opera employs lots of heuristics to tweak layouts for display on
> cell phones, but gives the designer full control if he or she has
> specified a style sheet explicitly for 'handheld'.)
> My superreviewer David Baron is concerned that this kind of switch would
> be confusing to web authors. E.g. importing an empty print style sheet
> would suddenly cause all backgrounds to print.
> So we want to know what you think: would a switch like this be confusing?
> Is there a better way to handle this kind of switch? What are your thoughts
> on this problem?
> For those who want more details, the bug report is here:
> ~fantasai

I don't see anything confusing in it*.  I suppose it might catch a few
developers off guard at first but going forward, I would imagine the
existing method is far more confusing to anyone unfamiliar with this
problem.  What's more confusing, "I said show a background for printed
versions of the page and so you printed it" or "I said show a
background for printed versions of the page and so you ignored me"?

* caveat: After rereading what you wrote I realized that I
misinterpreted your plan.  My above comment would apply if and only if
the background was specified in the print style sheet.  That would
seem to indicate to me that a developer knows what they want (as in
your opera example).  Printing a background specified elsewhere just
because there is a print style sheet could easily catch a lot more
developers off guard and be more confusing (though probably still less
surprising/confusing than failing silently).

Would it be reasonable to be that specific about when to print or not
to print a background?

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Re: [css-d] Table cell border color in Firefox

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
Definitely a firefox border-collapse bug.

Without knowing what your actual page looks like, your test page looks
fine with border-collapse: separate; and cell-spacing: 0px;  Just be
aware that IE doesn't pay attention to cell-spacing, so you could use
any number of standard hacks to pass border-collapse: collapse; to IE
only, but then any browsers that just worked on the original would be
getting the lesser version.

I don't know of any good hacks for passing something only to firefox
but you might be able to find one.  It also looks fine in konqueror
(which means it probably looks fine in safari) if that matters.

Oh, and do like fantasai said and change the style for th.hi to
th.lo:hover and remove all those onmouseover/outs.


On 8/6/07, fantasai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Eaton wrote:
> > My apologies ahead of time if this is a JavaScript problem rather than
> > CSS.  It appears to me to be CSS, but...
> >
> >
> >
> > This works correctly in IE6, but not in Firefox  The issue is
> > that when mousing over the header row in Firefox, the effect only works
> > correctly in column one.  In all columns, both the background color and
> > the bottom border color should change, but only the background is
> > changing.
> Looks to me like a bug in Firefox. (Our border-collapse handling is a mess.)
> Opera handles it correctly.
> BTW, you might want to consider using :hover instead of JavaScript.
> Anyway, I added your testcase to
> hope you don't mind. :)
> ~fantasai
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Re: [css-d] indenting text not in a tag.

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
On 8/8/07, Ross Hulford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a news page like this
> Archive News 1
> item 1
> This is ny news item
> Archive News 2
> Item 2
> This is another news item
> Archive News 3
> Item 3
> This is another news item
> This goes on forever. I need to indent all the text but when I use
> #container {
> text-indent :30px;
> }
> the two spans indent but the ordinary text does not indent. Is there a way 
> other than wrapping in  tags to get them to indent. This page is very long 
> so adding  tags would take ages.

Would something as simple as this work?

#container {
text-indent: 30px;

#container span {
text-indent: 0px;
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Re: [css-d] Photo grid with captions in CSS. Any ideas?

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
Just play around a little bit with the image sizes that you have.
This worked for me using images of size 340x250.

dl {float:left;text-align:center;}
dt,dd {width:35em;float:left;}
dt {margin-bottom:4em;}/* vertical space between the images */
dd {margin:250px 0 0 -35em;}
img {vertical-align:bottom;border:0;}
em { display: block; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px; }

 - the margin on dd should be the height of your images (if they're of
different sizes, the maximum height among all of them).
 - the width on dt,dd and the negative margin dd should be large
enough to be bigger than the widest of your images.

Unfortunately, because you're images are so much larger than the
original example, if you use ems (as I've done above) and then
increase the font size, the dds will get so large, they'll be off the
page to the right.  So in your case, you might consider using a pixel
size, say 365px and then just live with the fact that it isn't quite
as scalable anymore.  In this case, that's really not that big a deal
because most resolutions won't fit more than 3 365px images (with
spacing) side by side anyway.


On 8/8/07, Malcolm N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 13:43:56 -0400,  E Michael Brandt
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I will tinker with it later when I get a chance, but really don't  you
> >think 340 by 250 is humungous for a thumbnail? Perhaps you are not
> >really looking for thumbnail page styling?
> >
> >--
> >
> Yes - humungus is the word. ;-)
> No - I was rather looking for better way to display a small photo
> album - say a page with 10 images about that size and not use
> thumbnails.
> Up until now I have been giving each photo a div - floated left
>   height="xxx"  border="0" />
> xxx
> keeping to keep the text photo legend within the same width as the
> photo I have had to use a selection of css rules or determine the size
> with php - but as I say this must be inefficient / bloated etc.
> I thought your idea rather better -
> __
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Re: [css-d] Looks fine on my IE6 but not others

2007-08-08 Thread Robert Van Dam
On 8/8/07, Tim Offenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can detect and substantiate this issue for me
> because I'm flying blind. The site is It
> validates fine and looks fine in IE6 on my desktop but another person
> on campus says when they look at the site (also in IE6), the main
> content is pushed down until it clears the left-hand menu.
> Relevant CSS is and base.css.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

Looks fine in FF linux, even at 800x600.
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Re: [css-d] strange gecko (firefox/mozilla) appendchild behavior

2007-07-25 Thread Robert Van Dam

"When present, each THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY contains a row group. Each
row group must contain at least one row, defined by the TR element."

So it looks like an empty tbody isn't valid so mozilla/firefox is just
being less forgiving than the others.


On 7/25/07, Robert Van Dam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Update:
> The problem seems to be specifically that an empty tbody breaks the
> border-collapse: collapse; algorithm.
> I should have realized that border-collapse was part of the problem
> because the other css was still working.
> Try this in your favorite gecko based browser
> table, td { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black; }
> 12
> 34
> On 7/25/07, Robert Van Dam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Take a look at these and tell me why the first one acts funny in
> > firefox/mozilla:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a table (of actual raw data) that is being generated
> > dynamically but is relatively expensive to generate.  I wanted to make
> > it possible to sort the rows by clicking on the column header but
> > without going back to the server or requiring me to cache the entire
> > page.
> >
> > So I dynamically generate js objects containing all the relevant data
> > and I got sorting working very cleaning using
> > mytable.appendChild(myrow) to rearrange the rows after I had resorted
> > them.  That all worked great, but here's the problem:
> >
> > After the _second_ time you sort, firefox (2.0 on linux and 1.5 on
> > windows) and mozilla (1.7) mysteriously lose the borders on all of the
> > newly rearranged cells (plus some of the header ones that didn't
> > move).
> >
> > I finally tracked down (thanks to firefox's dom inspector) that I was
> > generating a new tbody each time (because otherwise ie doesn't show
> > any of the rows) and for some reason firefox/mozilla don't seem to
> > apply stylesheet rules of the form "table td" to dynamically generated
> > rows that are in the third or later tbody.  However, it works fine in
> > konqueror and ie (6 and 7).
> >
> > Since I've already fixed it I don't know if anyone will bother
> > responding but the "why" still has me perplexed.  Anyone have any
> > clues?  I'm not getting anything useful out of google at the moment.
> >
> > (After a little more experimentation, it is only dynamically generated
> > tbodies that have this problem, a table with several static tbodies
> > has css applied just fine).
> >
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Re: [css-d] strange gecko (firefox/mozilla) appendchild behavior

2007-07-25 Thread Robert Van Dam

The problem seems to be specifically that an empty tbody breaks the
border-collapse: collapse; algorithm.

I should have realized that border-collapse was part of the problem
because the other css was still working.

Try this in your favorite gecko based browser

table, td { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black; }



On 7/25/07, Robert Van Dam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Take a look at these and tell me why the first one acts funny in
> firefox/mozilla:
> I have a table (of actual raw data) that is being generated
> dynamically but is relatively expensive to generate.  I wanted to make
> it possible to sort the rows by clicking on the column header but
> without going back to the server or requiring me to cache the entire
> page.
> So I dynamically generate js objects containing all the relevant data
> and I got sorting working very cleaning using
> mytable.appendChild(myrow) to rearrange the rows after I had resorted
> them.  That all worked great, but here's the problem:
> After the _second_ time you sort, firefox (2.0 on linux and 1.5 on
> windows) and mozilla (1.7) mysteriously lose the borders on all of the
> newly rearranged cells (plus some of the header ones that didn't
> move).
> I finally tracked down (thanks to firefox's dom inspector) that I was
> generating a new tbody each time (because otherwise ie doesn't show
> any of the rows) and for some reason firefox/mozilla don't seem to
> apply stylesheet rules of the form "table td" to dynamically generated
> rows that are in the third or later tbody.  However, it works fine in
> konqueror and ie (6 and 7).
> Since I've already fixed it I don't know if anyone will bother
> responding but the "why" still has me perplexed.  Anyone have any
> clues?  I'm not getting anything useful out of google at the moment.
> (After a little more experimentation, it is only dynamically generated
> tbodies that have this problem, a table with several static tbodies
> has css applied just fine).
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[css-d] strange gecko (firefox/mozilla) appendchild behavior

2007-07-25 Thread Robert Van Dam
Take a look at these and tell me why the first one acts funny in

I have a table (of actual raw data) that is being generated
dynamically but is relatively expensive to generate.  I wanted to make
it possible to sort the rows by clicking on the column header but
without going back to the server or requiring me to cache the entire

So I dynamically generate js objects containing all the relevant data
and I got sorting working very cleaning using
mytable.appendChild(myrow) to rearrange the rows after I had resorted
them.  That all worked great, but here's the problem:

After the _second_ time you sort, firefox (2.0 on linux and 1.5 on
windows) and mozilla (1.7) mysteriously lose the borders on all of the
newly rearranged cells (plus some of the header ones that didn't

I finally tracked down (thanks to firefox's dom inspector) that I was
generating a new tbody each time (because otherwise ie doesn't show
any of the rows) and for some reason firefox/mozilla don't seem to
apply stylesheet rules of the form "table td" to dynamically generated
rows that are in the third or later tbody.  However, it works fine in
konqueror and ie (6 and 7).

Since I've already fixed it I don't know if anyone will bother
responding but the "why" still has me perplexed.  Anyone have any
clues?  I'm not getting anything useful out of google at the moment.

(After a little more experimentation, it is only dynamically generated
tbodies that have this problem, a table with several static tbodies
has css applied just fine).
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[css-d] Hidden IFRAMEs using CSS and plugins

2007-07-18 Thread Robert James
I need to have Acrobat embedded in an IFRAME (to print something out), but
not visible.  I can hide the IFRAME using CSS, or even by setting width and
height to 1.  But, it seems Firefox won't load the embedded plugin, until
the contents of the IFRAME become visible.

Any solution to this?
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Re: [css-d] double border-style in IE7

2007-07-17 Thread Robert Van Dam
On 7/10/07, Brian Crescimanno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/10/07, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In your case, it seems that there is a simple way: wrap the element  > id="main">... inside an outer div, and set the outer div's
> > background color to the desired value (white, in this case).
> An alternative solution (also using nested divs) would be to set the
> border of your current div to 1px solid, add an inner div with a
> transparent background, 2px margins, and a 1px solid border as well.
> I'm not sure which method is preferable--I had actually typed my
> method above before Jukka's email arrived in my inbox.  I think
> Jukka's might win out simply because available (inner) size and
> occupied space would not change from what you'd expect using a double
> border.
> Thanks also for pointing out that the specs had no clarification on
> which method is considered "correct."

I was just running into a related problem and wanted to point out that
the specs do clarify (but it's not very easy to find).  Specifically:

"All borders are drawn on top of the box's background."

which can be found at

In my case I had something like the following (extremely simplified
for this example):

table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 3px double black;

th {
border-collapse: collapse;
background-color: blue;

td {
border-collapse: collapse;

which caused the table cells background colors to bleed into the
border to the right.

So what the op is seeing is technically "correct" CSS, per the specs,
just not what I imagine most of us would consider expected behavior.
Which means that the the two suggestions above are the only ways to
avoid bleeding background colors when using a double border.

While I'm at it, I'll point out that although Jukka's solution does
preserve inner space as Brian points out, Brian's method is the only
sure fire way to have what will appear to be a double border with an
even number of pixels in firefox without running into the
still-lingering rounding bug.

In my case, I decided that it looked enough like monitor bleed and was
subtle enough that I just left it as is.

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[css-d] Valid(?) document not validating

2007-07-14 Thread Robert Ginn
Greetings CSS experts,

I have a page ( ) 
that validates just fine in Homesite, but fails the validation at because w3 thinks the final  element is 
closing a div that was never opened.  The page has nested div's, but 
I've checked and double-checked them and they look good to me.

The  in line 77 closes in line 192.  I've added
 to remind me what it's doing.  The 
validator doesn't like that last  in line 192.

If you need the style sheet, it's at

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

BTW, this page is still under development and much of its CSS is 
inline.  I'll move the CSS to the style sheet once I get the page ironed 

Comments about any part of the page would be welcome, too.

Thank you,

Sitka, Alaska
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Re: [css-d] centering images

2007-07-04 Thread Robert Morgan
And I see that it's jumbled in IE---Hopefully you can check it in Firefox to 
see what I'm going for...Thanks

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[css-d] centering images

2007-07-04 Thread Robert Morgan
First post!!!
I'm wanting to center my images yet be able have the text set to the right OR 
left of the images.  One look at the page and you'll see what I'm going for...
I'm reasonably certain that this is the wrong approach, but it approximates the 
intended look.
here's the css I tried
Thanks, Folks!

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Re: [css-d] Having an Anchor span block level elements

2007-07-01 Thread Robert James
On 7/1/07, Mark Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 01 July 2007 21:50, Robert James wrote:
> > I'd like to have an entire DIV, including H2's, be a hyperlink (A).
> > (Why? Imagine a web app with various panels with can be clicked on).
> Have you considered the  form element rather than using a div?

Is there a way to set an href for an element other than an anchor ()? So
that clicking on it follows it?

In general, is there a way to make a block element act as linked?
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Re: [css-d] Having an Anchor span block level elements

2007-07-01 Thread Robert James
On 7/1/07, Mark Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> On Sunday 01 July 2007 21:50, Robert James wrote:
> > I'd like to have an entire DIV, including H2's, be a hyperlink (A).
> > (Why? Imagine a web app with various panels with can be clicked on).
> >
> > Now, this is illegal in HTML.  I'm also getting weird behavior where the
> > click seems to be ignored sometimes.
> >
> > What is the proper way to achieve this
> > - that is, making a hyperlink cover block elements?
> Have you considered the  form element rather than using a div?

Interesting approach... is it possible to do this without a form - with a
simple href?
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[css-d] Having an Anchor span block level elements

2007-07-01 Thread Robert James
I'd like to have an entire DIV, including H2's, be a hyperlink (A).  (Why?
Imagine a web app with various panels with can be clicked on).

Now, this is illegal in HTML.  I'm also getting weird behavior where the
click seems to be ignored sometimes.

What is the proper way to achieve this
- that is, making a hyperlink cover block elements?
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Re: [css-d] Wordpress theme floats and footers

2007-06-29 Thread Robert O'Rourke
ByteDreams wrote:
> Thank you.
> I've temporarily loaded the theme on my site.  It's now worse than it was -
> than it appeared offline. For instance I had gotten the dock menu working
> and in the middle, now its back on the left.  
> I don't know what happened now.  I can't see straight anymore.
> I have the fixed header set to a percentage of the transparency so I could
> see if anything was hiding underneath, and sure enough, my footer is there
> at the top.

Whats the url of your site? (forgetting to inlcude it happens to the 
best of us =] )
Try not to worry about it. What you're going to learn now is how 
positioning and floats work. I'll try and start simple with the concepts,

*document flow:*
this is the default flow of an html document, by that i mean the way 
block elements like div and p stack under each other and inline elements 
like span or strong wrap part of a line of text. By the use of floats 
and position: absolute we remove an element from this 'normal flow'.

these put an element into the 'float flow' which can still affect 
the 'normal flow'. Elements in the 'normal flow' will flow around 
floated elements. The typical example is floating an image so that text 
wraps to the side and underneath it.

*position: absolute:*
this completely removes an item from the 'normal flow'. Elements 
outside of this item will not be affected by its size or position. This 
is why you cannot use position absolute and floats on the same element. 
You can position these relative to their containing element. So if you 
have a div under the body and position it absolutely it will be 
positioned relative to the body. If you apply position relative to an 
element and have an absolutely positioned element inside that then it 
will be positioned relative to that element and not the body.

There's a lot more to it but I hope that helps to explain some things. 
David Laakso sent you a link to some layouts that you can use to make 
your own and get started. There are some tricks to float layouts. This 
tutorial will explain a simple two-column one and helped me get started:

When you can understand that google for '3 column float layout' or 
something to that effect and read up a bit on what comes up. The 
concepts and techniques will eventually start to click you just have to 
stick at it.

Also if you can get an ftp client then set yourself up a sandbox folder 
on your website for testing layouts and so on before trying them out 
your site.

Hope that's some help
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Re: [css-d] Wordpress theme floats and footers

2007-06-29 Thread Robert O'Rourke
ByteDreams wrote:
> I'm working on my very first WP theme.
> Everything is inside a #wrapper which is underneath the body tag
> Then I have the following structure:
> #header
> body{
>   top: 0;
>   margin: 0;
>   font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
>   font-size:10px;
>   }
> #header{
>   display:inline;
>   position:fixed;
>   z-index: 100;
>   left:0px;
>   width: 100%;
>   top:0px;
>   background:url(images/background.png);
>   background-color: #000;
>   -moz-opacity:0.9;
>   filter:alpha(opacity=90);
>   /* line-height: 1.2em; */
> }
> #container{
>   position:absolute;
>   top: 125px;
>   left: 280px;
>   width: 550px;   
>   }
> #sidebar1{
>   position:absolute;
>   float:left;
>   left: 0;
>   top: 125px;
>   }
> #footer{
>   padding: 0;
>   width: 100%;
>   clear: both;
>   }
> I plan to add another sidebar for a three-column layout, and widgetize the
> sidebars, but haven't added the second sidebar yet.
> What I'm having trouble with right now is the footer which is the last div
> in the html, goes all the way to the top. I'm not sure I understand how to
> get that footer to rest at the very bottom.  
> Please help.
> Thanks, 
> ByteDreams

The problem is you've used absolute positioning and a float. You 
have to choose whether to use floats or absolute positioning for the 
main layout because they won't play together in the way you're 
attempting. You can either absolutely position the footer to the bottom 
of the page or you can get rid of position absolute on #container and 
#sidebar1 altogether to allow that clear: both; to work.

It'd be easier to explain if you have a test page uploaded somewhere 
or if you can provide the html outline...

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Re: [css-d] Any consensus on reset css?

2007-06-21 Thread Robert O'Rourke
David Hucklesby wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:04:55 -0400, Scott Glasgow wrote:
>> There seems to be a good deal of contention, or at least spirited 
>> discussion, on the
>> value or advisability of using reset stylesheets
>> ( I'm just getting back into 
>> this and
>> I'm curious if there is any consensus here on the advisability of using this 
>> method,
>> and if so, whether the YUI or the Meyer (or some other) approach is 
>> considered "best."

Personal preference I guess, one approach might suit you better. Eric 
Meyer's is more of a 2-step process I think whereas the YUI one gives 
you a fresh set of defaults similar to browser defaults (as far as I 
know, I don't use YUI stuff).

>> Also, if one were to adopt this method and use an externally linked reset 
>> stylesheet along with the custom stylesheet for a site, how would the 
>> linking be handled?

If you're importing the stylesheet you can add an @import rule to the 
top of the stylesheet to include this, depends on which method you need 
to use. Whichever way you link to it it should come first before the 
other stylesheets.

> Hi Scott,
> My reading of Eric Meyer's "universal reset" is rather different.
> I believe he uses this "neutralizing" CSS to make sure that all
> required properties are added back later. This way, no element
> winds up with browser-applied properties, any of which may differ
> from browser to browser.
> If I understand this correctly, you would take out the "reset styles"
> when done, leaving you with a document with no style left to the
> whim of a particular browser.

I thought it was a means of giving yourself a starting point, if you 
took it out later wouldn't it throw a bunch of things out of line 
between browsers? Say in IE it's default font-sizes for headings are 
bigger than in Mozilla, if you're setting that font-size relative to the 
reset stylesheet... Form controls spring to mind aswell, those things 
are a pain in the backside cross-browser. You raise a good point though. 
It'll be an interesting experiment to remove the reset stylesheet from 
my next project after it's done.

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Re: [css-d] Best way for text when enlarged

2007-06-20 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Rick Faircloth wrote:
> What establishes the baseline size of 100% ?
> Do all browsers use the same baseline size?  And do all
> browsers react to percentages the same?
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Luc
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:03 PM
> To: trevor on css-discuss
> Subject: Re: [css-d] Best way for text when enlarged
> Good afternoon trevor, 
> It was foretold that on 20/6/2007 @ 12:09:17 GMT-0700 (PDT) (which was
> 16:09:17 where I live) trevor bayliss would write:
>> On the body part of the css at the moment it is font 11px -what
>> should I change it to some percent value?
> I use a minimum of 76%.

There is a good argument for setting the font-size on the body tag to 
100% every time, it sets a base level for the font-size that is readable 
to most everyone and won't affect people who have their minimum 
font-size set to anything other than the default. As for the rest of the 
text e.g. the text in paragraphs and headings and so on you can set 
their font-sizes relative to the body default using ems or %. There are 
some differences between browsers though not a lot, it's rarely an issue 
for me so I haven't really looked into it fully.

Check out Eric Meyer's CSS reset reloaded:

It's a great place to start as all your styling, especially in terms of 
typography as the majority of browsers will then have the same starting 
defaults and you can set your font-sizes to your hearts content on the 
elements that need it. You do need to explicitly specify every bit of 
styling you need so you can't rely on the old browser defaults if you do 
this but on the plus side you know exactly where you stand to begin with.

Rule of thumb is to avoid fixed px sizes on fonts in general as they 
wont be resizable in <= IE6.

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Re: [css-d] Ideas for handling text with CSS

2007-06-20 Thread Robert O'Rourke
> Wow, thanks to EVERYONE who responded to this!!  I should have given you
> more info.
> This is a page for the client's board members/commissioners.  There is a
> single line above each photo and bio that contains:
> LastName, FirstName MiddleInitial PHONE:  999-999- EMAIL:
> While I personally think that tables are ok with the right circumstances, I
> don't think this is.  Also, the client will be managing all of the content
> via Contribute, so I want to keep this as clean and easy as possible.
> I had already created a class and used a  around the entire line to
> make it inline, and another class to make the titles bold.  Then, I just
> used breaking spaces (a number of them) to provide the right spacing
> between the name and phone, and between the phone and email.  But as a LONG
> time WordPerfect user, I can hardly stand the thought of using multiple
> spaces and felt that surely there was a way to handle this with CSS.
> Hope this explains things more clearly
> Suzanne

You can use left and right padding or margin on those inline elements 
instead of nbsps. Seems like it would be a more surefire way of 
displaying those details if they're coming from database fields. Did you 
get my example url?
Have a play anyway but it seems like spans are well suited to this task. 
The only other thing I can as being an issue for you is where the 
information that comes out is different lengths. eg.

name: FirstName... phone: ...

name: LongerFirstName...   phone: ...

name: Name...  phone: ...

that effect could only really be achieved inline using float: left; as 
inline elements won't take a width... Alternatively:

name: FirstName...  phone: ...

name: LongerFirstName...  phone: ...

name: Name...  phone: ...

If thats acceptable then its very simple to achieve. Is it the top 
example or bottom example you're going for?

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Re: [css-d] Ideas for handling text with CSS

2007-06-20 Thread Robert O'Rourke
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone has a link or information as how to best handle
> text with CSS.  By text I mean a line of text that may include 3 pieces of
> information, like name, phone, and email address.
> In the past, I always used tables for this, but want to handle this with
> the use of CSS if possible.
> I found a site that mentioned word-spacing, but that won't work because I
> don't want a large amount of spacing between the first and last name.
> Any suggestions or links are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!  ;-)
> Suzanne

Hi Suzanne,

I sometimes use one of a few methods for formatting snippets of 
inline data. For a one liner it's not a job for a table really unless 
you do a row of headers and a row of values. I know it's probably not 
semantic and-all-that but I have two examples here:

The first is a definition list (i just like it as a means of 
grouping key-value type information but there's a whole debate on the 
use of them that I'm not sure what the consensus is, probably best 
avoided to circumvent opening the debate again). The second example is 
the same thing achieved with a div and spans. Pretty straight forward to 
style it how you want.
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[css-d] Blank Wiki?

2007-06-18 Thread Robert Ginn
A recent posting contained several links, one of which was:

There is helpful info on avoiding hacks for IE6 on the wiki

This link appeared to load in Firefox, but the page was blank.  Choosing 
"View page source" yielded nothing.  I loaded the URL into IE7 and got 
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."

This same scenario has happened before when I tried to view a wiki 
link.  Is there a secret formula for viewing this web page?


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[css-d] Divs on one line -- Solution and Thanks

2007-06-15 Thread Robert Tilley
After tirelessly searching, an answer was found to my problem.

Each div has a graphic background to create a button.  They were stacking on 
each other instead of forming a horizonal row.  The 
page ""; contains an answer:

Block elements that aren't positioned, like divs or in your case inline 
elements set to display block, start on their own horizontal line. 
To get round this you could float each product left.

Following this advice, I applied styling to my div's:
div { float: left; display: inline; }

This solved my problem and creates the horizontal row I sought.  Thanks and 
gratitude to all those on this list who inspired me to not accept defeat but 
to persevere.

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