Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: signoff

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/25/99 12:53:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 In a message dated 6/25/99 8:26:42 AM, you wrote:

  I am having trouble signing off list.  Please take my name off.

   Sorry to see ya go. I hope there are no bad feelings. chris was causing
  unneeded disruption.

  He hasn't been kicked off; he cannot mail but still receive.

  I always enjoy your take on items.


Let me reiterate.  Hope you'll reconsider and stick around.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Aspartame tests on infants, fetuses

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 from ToxLine:
  Effect of aspartame loading on plasma and erythrocyte
  free amino acid concentrations in one-year-old infants.
  Filer LJ Jr; Baker GL; Stegink LD
  J Nutr; VOL 113, ISS 8, 1983, P1591-9
 Secondary Source ID
  Aspartame is a new dipeptide sweetener.  It has been suggested
  that infants metabolize its constituent amino acids (aspartate
  and phenylalanine) less well than adults.  To test this
  hypothesis, 24 1-year-old infants were administered 34, 50 and
  100 mg/kg body weight aspartame in cherry-flavored beverage
  mix.  Plasma amino acid concentrations and the areas under the
  plasma concentration-time curves (AUC) were determined and were
  compared with values in adults administered equivalent doses.
  The doses studied include the 99th percentile of projected
  ingestion for adults (34 mg/kg), a very high use dose (50 mg/kg
  body weight), and a potentially abusive dose (100 mg/kg body
  weight).  Plasma aspartate concentrations did not change
  significantly (P greater than 0.05) at aspartame doses of
  34 and 50 mg/kg body weight, but did increase significantly at
  the 100 mg/kg body weight dose.  The change over base line was
  similar in infants and adults.  Aspartame dosing significantly
  increased both the mean peak plasma phenylalanine concentration
  and the plasma phenylalanine AUC value in proportion to dose.
  Mean (+/- SD) peak plasma phenylalanine concentrations in
  infants were 9.37 +/- 1.44, 11.6 +/- 4.44 and 22.3 +/- 11.5
  mumol/100 ml at aspartame doses of 34, 50 and 100 mg/kg body
  weight, respectively.  Values in infants were similar to those
  noted in adults.  The data do not support the suggestion that
  infants metabolize the amino acids of aspartame less well than

  Blood methanol concentrations in one-year-old infants
  administered graded doses of aspartame.
  Stegink LD; Brummel MC; Filer LJ Jr; Baker GL
  J Nutr; VOL 113, ISS 8, 1983, P1600-6
 Secondary Source ID
  Blood methanol concentrations were measured in 24 1-year-old
  infants administered aspartame, a dipeptide methyl ester
  sweetener.  The doses studied included a dose projected to be
  the 99th percentile of daily ingestion for adults (34 mg/kg
  body weight), a very high use dose (50 mg/kg body weight) and a
  dose considered to be in the abuse range (100 mg/kg body
  weight).  Blood methanol values in infants were compared to
  values observed previously in adults administered equivalent
  doses of aspartame.  Methanol concentrations were below the
  level of detection (0.35 mg/dl) in the blood of 10 infants
  administered aspartame at 34 mg/kg body weight, but were
  significantly elevated (P less than or equal to 0.05) after
  ingestion of aspartame at 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight.
  At the latter doses, mean peak blood methanol concentrations
  and the area under the blood methanol concentration-time curve
  increased in proportion to dose.  Mean (+/- SEM) peak blood
  methanol concentration was 0.30 +/- 0.10 mg/100 ml at a
  50 mg/kg body weight aspartame dose (n = 6) and 1.02
  +/- 0.28 mg/ml at the 100 mg/kg body weight dose (n = 8).
  Blood methanol values in infants were similar to those
  observed in normal adults.

  Use of aspartame in pregnancy.
  Sturtevant FM
  Int J Fertil; VOL 30, ISS 1, 1985, P85-7 (REF: 20)
 Secondary Source ID
  The low-calorie sweetening agent, aspartame, is broken down in
  the small intestine into three moieties: aspartic acid,
  methanol and phenylalanine.  Acute loading studies have been
  performed in human beings who received up to six times the 99th
  percentile of the projected daily intake (6 X 34 = 200 mg/kg).
  No evidence of risk to the fetus was developed.  Aspartate does
  not readily cross the placenta.  Small elevations of blood
  methanol following such abuse doses of aspartame did not lead
  to measurable increases of blood formic acid, which is the
  product responsible for the acidosis and ocular toxicity in
  methanol poisoning.  Phenylalanine is concentrated on the fetal
  side of the placenta.  Aspartame in abuse doses up to 200 mg/kg
  in normal subjects, or to 100 mg/kg in PKU heterozygotes, did
  not raise blood phenylalanine levels to the range generally
  accepted to be 

[CTRL] FWD:VOMIT-Victims of Masonic Ill-Treatment

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

VOMIT UK 26/99
Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment26 June 1999

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed
right of reply.   JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the
Judaeo/Masonic Faction.   The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to
suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are.


There follows a report picked up by Al Baron  (email
###   In this nation's war on crime, something has gone terribly wrong.
A two-year investigation by the Post-Gazette found that powerful new
federal laws designed to snare terrorists, drug smugglers and
pornographers are being aimed at business owners, engineers and petty
criminals.   Whether suspects are guilty has come to matter less than
making sure they are indicted or convicted or, more likely, coerced into
pleading guilty.
Promises of lenient sentences and huge government cheques encourage
criminals to lie in the witness stand. Prosecutors routinely withhold
evidence that might help prove a defendant innocent.
Some federal agents work so closely with their undercover informants
that they themselves become lawbreakers.
Those who practice this misconduct are almost never penalised or
disciplined.  "It's a result-oriented process today, fairness be
damned," said Robert Merkle, whom President Ronald Reagan appointed U.S.
Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, serving from 1982 to 1988.
"The philosophy of the past 10 to 15 years is that whatever works is
what's right."
The Justice Department did not respond to questions the newspaper posed
in writing about concerns raised in this series.   Nor would it return
phone calls requesting comment.   ###

Comment:   We publish the above report in an effort to convince members
of the public in the UK that our criminal justice system is even worse
than that of the USA.The police frame thousands of litigants
involved in civil proceedings in order to render the victims incapable
of successfully pursuing litigation.A network of people in authority
targets any UK citizen, male or female, who possesses wealth in the form
of money, a successful business or property.Banks, building
societies, the Registrar of Companies, the Inland Revenue, Ordnance
Survey, Customs and Excise and the Land Registries set up the targets
and collaborate to swindle the unwary.   Bankruptcies are the order of
the day.The Department of Trade and Industry condones criminality
via the office of the Official Receiver.   The Department of the
Environment Transport and the Regions condones the corruption of local
authorities.   Ombudsmen divert complainers and protect corrupt
Few citizens will accept the truth of the foregoing statements.Not
long ago people felt that Freemasonry was a gentleman's club dedicated
to doing good deeds.We could never see the point in telling lies.
One little lie destroys a thousand truths.


We publish the following letter in the public interest because
our law enforcement agencies have ignored this major crime for around 30
years and will do so again.At the same time we assure Sir Brian
Pitman that we will publish his reply to the serious allegations made
against him.For our part, having conducted enquiries into the
scandal more than 10 years ago, we believe Mr Gough's version of events
in spite of the astronomical sums involved.   There is no love lost
between Mr Gough and us but, unlike our Prime Minister, we believe that
we should strive to make fair that which is unfair.
Letter dated 10 June 1999 to Sir Brian Pitman, Chairman of
Lloyds Bank Plc, 71 Lombard Street, LONDON EC3 from B A Gough, Chairman,
B.A.Gough Equipment Limited, Mechanical Handling Engineers, 72 Shepherds
Hill, DROITWICH, Worcestershire WR9 9DG.   Tel: 01905 776439

###   Dear Sir  The Theft Acts 1968 and 1978
Further to the £2.4 billion fraud against this Company by
directors of Lloyds Bank and Slater Walker Securities, now named Invesco
Plc we are advised by the Home Office that this is a matter for the
Police and Crown Prosecution Service.
Accordingly we have prepared a Schedule of Events in the fraud
and enclose a copy for your comments please.   You will see from this 55
page document that your part in the fraud goes back to January 1982 when
you were appointed a director to, in your own words, save the Bank from
the consequences of its own excesses.
The fraud arises from the £97 billion world sales of an
automatic warehouse system patented by Gough Equipment and the non-
payment of £2.4 billion contractual royalties to this company.
Numerous articles concerning this fraud have been published but neither
Lloyds Bank nor its army of solicitors have complained about or
challenged any of these publications.
Records show that Lloyds Bank and its directors profited in the
fraud against 

[CTRL] FWD:N.Y.TImes- Gore Criticizes Clinton's Conduct,POTUS Pissed.

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Aides See a New Rift as Gore Criticizes Clinton's Conduct

ASHINGTON -- President Clinton is angered and hurt by Vice President Gore's
conspicuous efforts to distance himself from Clinton's behavior in the Monica
Lewinsky scandal, according to presidential aides and advisers. They say the
vice president's words have created a friction that never before existed
between the two men.


Reports of public support masking private anger.


"This is the most tense their relationship has ever been," one close Clinton
adviser said this week.

"The president is very upset," this adviser said, speaking on condition of
anonymity. "To the people who he is very close to, he is expressing how hurt
he is and his dismay at the vice president. It is not a passing thing. He is
very upset."

The president considers Gore's repeated condemnations of Clinton's actions
and false statements arising from his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky to be
acts of ingratitude bordering on disloyalty, several of the president's
advisers said in interviews over the past several days.

Gore called the president's behavior "inexcusable" three times in a
television interview that aired last week on the day he announced his
campaign for the presidency. He said Clinton had compromised the dignity of
the presidency by his actions and that, "particularly as a father," he felt
Clinton's relationship with Ms. Lewinsky was "terribly wrong."

And Gore, using convoluted language whose meaning was eminently clear, said
that Clinton had lied to him.

The interviewer, Diane Sawyer of ABC, prodded Gore with repeated questions
about the president. But Gore never cut her off by saying he had already
answered the questions, a point raised by two Clinton aides who were critical
of the vice president's performance.

Publicly, the president has said he "took no offense" at Gore's remarks and
that he has said far worse things about himself.

But in private, the president was described by aides as "livid" and
disappointed by the vice president's comments, while at the same time aware
that Gore must deal with questions about the Lewinsky affair and establish an
identity separate from the president's to run a credible campaign for the
White House.

After nearly seven years of an extraordinarily warm and close working
relationship with the vice president, Clinton is painfully coming to grips
with the fact that Gore must emerge as his own man. The president's feelings
are compounded by the prospect of his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, setting
up housekeeping in New York and running for office in her own right.

Adding to Clinton's anger was what aides perceived to be "gloating" by
members of the Gore team at the success of their efforts to distance the vice
president from the president's personal misbehavior.

"I know Gore's people are calling people saying we've got separation from
Clinton," a member of the president's inner circle said. "And they are sort
of bragging about it."

The motives for Clinton's aides and advisers to talk about the president's
feelings toward Gore were not entirely clear. They may have been trying to
help the vice president establish distance from the president by portraying
Clinton as angry. They may have been trying to demonstrate their closeness to
the president. Or they may simply have been honestly reporting how Clinton
and his inner circle have reacted to Gore's statements.

Gore's advisers acknowledged that the vice president has tried to put space
between him and Clinton on matters of personal morality, which has become a
rhetorical centerpiece of his emerging campaign. They are happy that the vice
president got a prominent platform for his disavowal of the president's

And, privately, they admit that there is an element of payback for what they
see as the president's meddling and second-guessing about the progress of
Gore's campaign.

Last month, Clinton told The New York Times that he believed Gore's campaign
was off to a stumbling start and said he had advised his understudy to loosen
up on the campaign trail.

The second-guessing has continued, with the president's aides questioning
Gore's decision to announce a forward-looking campaign for the presidency on
the same day that he gave an interview to Ms. Sawyer criticizing the
president past actions.

"We don't mind the vice president saying what the president did was
inexcusable," said James Carville, a political consultant and adviser to the
president. "But we're glad the vice president is starting to talk about the
many good things the president did, rather than the one bad thing."

Joe Lockhart, the president's press secretary, said that he and Clinton had
discussed Gore's announcement, a carefully staged event in the vice
president's hometown of 

[CTRL] Sex-Crazed Christians

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

The Christian religion has long been characterized by and noted for
it's strait-laced sexual mores.  Strongly influenced by the likes of
such anti-sex moral ascetics as Paul, Jerome and Augustine, among
others, sexual activity has long been condemned by mainstream
Christianity as a sure route to hell, except when practiced by married
couples and only for the purpose of bearing children.
Unbeknownst to a great number of people is the fact that there has
been an undercurrent of sexual license running through Christianity
since it's very beginning. Various sects of the Christian religion
have always been around which teach that getting it on for God is one
of the ways to heaven.  While some of these strange variations of
Christian belief have merely followed the examples given them by the
Hebrew patriarchs (multiple wives, concubines, humping their wives'
handmaidens, their own daughters, etc.), others have been out-and-out
orgy clubs where God was praised while they trysted the night away.
These kinds of behavior have been present since the very beginning of
Christianity.  Some of the first Christians were different types of
pagans who simply incorporated aspects of Christian belief into their
existing religious practices, which occasionally included orgiastic
fertility rites and other fun stuff, which no doubt made their church
services a good deal more amusing than simply sitting for hours
listening to boring preaching about the evils of sex, as is the norm.
Many of the so-called Gnostic sects were accused of, and sometimes
guilty of, perpetuating pre-Christian sexual practices in their
observances, but in fairness it must be noted that other Gnostic
groups were even more stringently anti-sex than mainstrean
Christianity, believing that each new baby born was another soul
trapped in hell on earth.  The writings of St. Paul display a distinct
slant in this direction, indicating that this type of belief had
strongly insinuated itself into mainstream primitive Christianity.
Of course, the patriarchal boning of any female living under the Grand
Old Man's roof was standard Old Testament behavior, and Lot even got
away with getting drunk and dorking his own daughters, with God's
smiling approval.  Jacob did the deed with his wife's handmaiden, who
was at least Rachel's half-sister, since Laban is said to be their
father.  Add Leah and Jacob was madly copulating with three sisters.
You think they might have had three different mothers?
Even well into the Age of the Great Bishops (approx. 100-400 AD, after
which came the Papal Age), there were "Christian" subcults whose ideas
about honoring God were certainly not what we think of as ascetic.
One of these was the Carpocratians, founded by Carpocrates.  It seems
that Carpo had gotten ahold of a suppressed version of the Gospel of
Mark, which contains an account not found in the modern version of a
strange encounter Jesus had with a rich youth.  Bishop Clement of
Alexandria, in a well-known letter to another bishop who had
complained about the Carpocratians, stated that (a) the suppressed
Gospel of Mark was genuine, in his opinion; (b) that the suppressed
version must always remain so; and (c) the Carpocratians did exist and
were accused of sexual promiscuity by both Clement and his
correspondent, a "carnality" which they justified by the suppressed
Then there are, of course, the many tales of monks and nuns meeting
via secret tunnels, and so forth, but while these stories are often
strongly supported and believed, they do not really represent the
subject of the current essay, which is about Christians who openly
gang-bang for Jesus a part of their belief system.
That Christian sex-cults existed all through the history of this
multi-permutated faith is demonstrated by the existence of the
Adamites.  This late-Medieval cult was composed almost exclusively of
the upper classes, who were wont to stroll through forest and glade
butt-naked and do the wild thing in the grass.  The noted painter
Hieronymus Bosch was suspected to be member of the Adamites, and
theses have been written about the supposed Adamitic symbolism found
in his paintings.*  On the other hand, I have also read that he was a
secret Cathar, a Gnostic cult which had recently been bloodily
suppressed by the Catholic church.  An article in a recent Smithsonian
Magazine repudiated Bosch's Adamitism.  Whether Bosch was member or
not, the cult certainly existed.  They are said to have been rather
disliked by the relatively more uptight peasantry, who were
occasionally unnerved by finding Adamite aristocrats wandering around
in their fields.
In the late sixteenth century, we find the clergy of England sternly
denouncing various deviant Christian sects, which had been spawned in
part by the newly widely available English-language Bibles.  "The
Family of Love" is one such cult 

Re: [CTRL] Aspartame tests on infants, fetuses

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

What monster drug company, hospital, researcher or "doctor" would do this?
Where are people's minds, morals and common sense?

This is utterly and unspeakably heinous, it is a level BEYOND partial birth
abortions.  Those infants have a right to sue later when they are sick and
disabled.  Pitiful, just pitiful.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

1999-06-26 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990626a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No clerical underlings went postal during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Preying Mantis Entity Reports. This is an informal collection of tales
  regarding the strangest of possibilities - encounters with praying-mantis-
  like entities which occur after ingesting enteogenic compounds. Why is
  this so common? Nobody seems to mention spiders or grasshoppers, always
  mantids! There is not enough information here to draw any conclusions,
  but there is enough to demonstrate something weird and heavy is going
  on in the human mind.

: Have you ever encountered gigantic mantids, arachnids, hoppers? Were they
scarey? Did they talk funny? Did your mind-control rays work on them? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Try this non-wash, no-iron cyberfuture for size. LONDON (Reuters)  Please
  step forward into the future for a moment... an android shop assistant is
  asking why you want blue trousers when its database says you prefer gray.
  Your sleeve communicator beeps - it's your genetically engineered boss at
  the spaceship plant - and you just remembered you forgot to order milk on
  the shopping net before leaving home this morning. Some things will never
  change, but quite a lot will in the next 1,000 years, says a far-reaching

: Could anyone 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years ago have had any idea of what
the world is like now? Do you have any idea how things will change in the
next 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years? How can you tell? D'ya read tea-leaves?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  leted its 2nd pass by Venus to pick up momentum and speeded ahead Friday
  on its 618th day of its seven-year flight to Saturn. Cassini flew within
  600 km (370 miles) of the planet at 4:30 p.m. EST on Thursday, with Venus'
  gravity giving the spacecraft a speed boost to help it reach Saturn, more
  than 1 billion km. (620 million miles) away. Cassini will "slingshot" to

: Will Cassini crash into Earth, spreading toxic plutonium worldwide and ob-
literating life as we know it? Do you look forward to this? Do you care???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Keep Lenin's remains on show. MOSCOW (AP) The niece of Soviet founder Vla-
  dimir Lenin said the mummified remains of her famous uncle should be left
  on display in Red Square and not buried, as many Russians demand. Lenin
  had insisted that his body not be put on display. But shortly after his
  death, Soviet leaders turned the Bolshevik founder into a communist icon
  and put his body on display, to remain as a revolutionary symbol for all

: Does your belief system worship its founders' relics? Are relics magickal?
What happened to Lenin's alien implants when he was mummified? Who has them?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Alcohol benefits debunked. (BBC) Moderate alcohol consumption has no
  positive effect on health - contrary to a number of studies - while
  heavy drinking can double the risk of stroke, research has found.

# Coffee may stimulate epilepsy in newborns. (BBC) Pregnant women who drink
  too much coffee may increase the risk of their babies developing epilepsy.

# Cola's knockout formula. (BBC) A rare disorder can cause people to faint
  when they have a cold fizzy drink. Pepsi as a date-rape drug?

: What's your favorite legal drug? Do you care what it does to your body? Do
the voices in your head tell you to take it? Does it mess with your implant?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Group seeks India's report on death. NEW DELHI (AP) - A Christian group
  demanded the government release a report about the January killings of an
  Australian missionary and his sons who were burned to death while sleeping
  in their jeep. The report by a commission investigating the deaths should
  be made public "so that the conspiracy behind the murders is unearthed,"
  the New Delhi-based United Christian Forum for Human Rights said. See

: Do missionaries promote cultural genocide? Are they fair targets? Does
your belief system proselytize? Should proselytizers be executed? By whom?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Prelate cites Cuba church progress despite gov't crackdowns:

[CTRL] Icelanders Warm Up to DNA Database

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Automatic ID News
May 1999 -- Vol. 15 No. 5

A country-wide DNA database being proposed in Iceland is heating up the
worldwide debate over whether such projects create privacy risks rising to
the level of a "Big Brother" government seeking to keep inappropriate files
on its population.

After nine months of debate, Iceland's parliament has approved a voluntary
DNA data collection endeavor to be conducted by a $200 million partnership
of the Hoffman-La Roche pharmaceutical firm and the Reykjavik-based deCode
Genetics -- a genomics company that researches the connection between genes
and illnesses.

THe plan is to use Icelanders' DNA characteristics to study -- and perhaps
cure -- 12 genetically identifiable ailments.  These include four
cardiovascular diseases, four psychiatric/neurologic conditions and four
metabolic illnesses.  deCode has been granted a 12-year monopoly on data
marketing rights, and any drugs invented in the process are to be provided
free to the island's residents.

"The basic idea is to take advantage of a unique combination of qualities
that the Icelandic population has and use it to shed light on certain
aspects of effective treatments for the future," says Jonathan Knowles,
president of La Roche's worldwide research division.  "A critical component
of this collaboration is the focus on a (specific) population," he explains.
"This focus allows us to apply one and the same initiative in genetics in
the development of diagnostics, therapeutics and pharmacogenomics."

Iceland is unique in that its mainly blond-haired and blue-eyed population
of 275,000 people is genetically homogeneous.  It was settled about 1,100
years ago by a small group coming from Norway, and the inhabitants remained
isolated until World War II.

A court fight looms over the privacy issues involved with the DNA database.
Many residents welcome the economic and medical benefits that may come
about, while others object to the prospect of over-intrusion.

deCode says the people have nothing to fear.

"We have had unencrypted and highly insecurehealth records in all our
healthcare institutions for more than 80 years now, without anyone
complaining, without anyone attempting to make indecent use of them," says
deCode's Arni Sigurjonsson.  "But of course, an effort is now underway to
make the records safer, and the planned database project will increase the
data security considerably."

Sigurjonsson points out that he's been hearing that "some politicians may
worry about personal data leaking out about them, harming them in a
campaign, but this is not a convincing argument in such a small population
where most people know so much about one another anyway."  He notes, "No
health data has ever been known to harm a politician in this country,
[although] an attempt was made in 1930 when some doctors wrote in the
newspapers that a controversial minister was insane."

There are numerous safeguards in place to protect the population's privacy,
Sigurjonsson asserts, stressing that disease data will come from cooperating
doctors.  "Before we receive these samples, the social security numbers on
them are encrypted under supervision of a government institute for data
security (the Data Security Commission), so our staff is never able to
identify the donors; we neither get the names nor the social security

Participation is voluntary, and people can decline to be tested.  An
anonymousnational healthcare database being implemented provides additional
protection.  "This information processing will meet much higher security
standards, and the data will be encrypted in three places: first at the
original source (e.g., a hospital), then by the Data Security Commission,
and finally by deCode Genetics.  The encryption keys will be stored in a
safe place, and not where the data is stored," says Sigurjonsson.

It will not be possible for the government or any other entity to track down
people suffering from specific illnesses, he says.  "This will be prevented
by programming the so-called query-layer in such a manner that you can never
look up information about less than 10, or perhaps 20, individuals.  Also, a
mechanism will be installed to prevent repeated queries that could result in
'zeroing in' on a given individual.  Even if a query could return
information about an individual -- which it could not -- the personal ID
(the social security number) would be encrypted thoroughly and thus

Sigurjonsson stresses, "deCode will not be selling information about
individuals.  I strongkly doubt that there would be any market for such
information, even if it was available.  In this population of 275,000
people, you can get a lot of information about people without paying at all.
As for people being denied a job because of genetic makeup, this is not
likely, but sooner or later, the legislature may prohibit this."

The targeting of potential illness victims for the purpose of denying health
insurance is not 

[CTRL] Lloyd's Bank Slater Walker Securities--Masonic Conspiracy

1999-06-26 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

With reference to the following posting by William Shannon, keep in mind
that Jonathan Aitken was the son of Max Aitken (Lord Beaverbrook).  Max's
daughter married Ian Douglas Campbell, who was the son of Douglas Walter
Campbell and his wife Aimee Lawrence, an American, from New York.  Ian
became the 11th Duke of Argyll following the death of his father's cousin,
Niall Diarmid Campbell in 1942.  Niall had succeeded his uncle, John Douglas
Sutherland Campbell (the 9th Duke of Argyll), upon his death in 1914.  The
9th Duke was a contemporary of Max Aitken and had been Governor of Canada at
the time Max (the son of a Scottish, Presbyterian minister) was amassing his
wealth through insurance companies which issued junk bonds to invest in new
ventures (basically patent stealing and exploitation of land and resources
in frontier Canada).  The 9th Duke was married to Queen Victoria's daughter,
and was the brother-in-law to King Edward VII (Bertie).  Interesting that
George Bush's grandfather, a Walker, was also called Bertie, and was engaged
in the same type of activity at the same time in St. Louis, Mo.
Coincidence?  Just look at Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin's book about
Bush to see who financed their activities.  It's also fascinating to look at
the history of Dresser Industries, which was heavily into patent stealing in
its early days.  The same could also be said for other oil-related
industries, such as Hughes Tool and Cameron Iron Works.  This is nothing
new, but the people involved in the stealing were all Masons, and virtually
all of Scottish descent.

Linda Minor

From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on June 26, 1999 6:23 AM

Re:  [CTRL] FWD:VOMIT-Victims of Masonic Ill-Treatment

Letter dated 10 June 1999 to Sir Brian Pitman, Chairman of
Lloyds Bank Plc, 71 Lombard Street, LONDON EC3 from B A Gough, Chairman,
B.A.Gough Equipment Limited, Mechanical Handling Engineers, 72 Shepherds
Hill, DROITWICH, Worcestershire WR9 9DG.   Tel: 01905 776439

###   Dear Sir  The Theft Acts 1968 and 1978
Further to the £2.4 billion fraud against this Company by
directors of Lloyds Bank and Slater Walker Securities, now named Invesco
Plc we are advised by the Home Office that this is a matter for the
Police and Crown Prosecution Service.
Accordingly we have prepared a Schedule of Events in the fraud
and enclose a copy for your comments please.   You will see from this 55
page document that your part in the fraud goes back to January 1982 when
you were appointed a director to, in your own words, save the Bank from
the consequences of its own excesses.

The fraud arises from the £97 billion world sales of an
automatic warehouse system patented by Gough Equipment and the non-
payment of £2.4 billion contractual royalties to this company.
Numerous articles concerning this fraud have been published but neither
Lloyds Bank nor its army of solicitors have complained about or
challenged any of these publications.

Records show that Lloyds Bank and its directors profited in the
fraud against this company by £500 million through their shares in
Slater Walker and by a further £5 billion from financing the many
automatic warehouses world-wide.   It is evident from the enclosed
schedule that in order to conceal this unprecedented fraud the Bank's
directors and solicitors have wrongly influenced High Court judges by
misusing the depositors funds and through the Masonic network.
Yours faithfully, B A Gough, Chairman, B A Gough Equipment Limited.

Comment:Jonathan Aitken was alleged to be a solicitor with Slater
Walker at the material time.We were able to trick J Freeman  Co,
Solicitors, 9 Cavendish Square. London W1M 9DD into authenticating the
following extract from a letter addressed to P. Fatharly, Slater Walker
Industrial Group Limited, 30 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4 concerning
Chapman Constructors (Birmingham) Ltd. And Others  -v- B. A. Gough.   It
speaks for itself.Asemaster was the name given to the equipment
invented by Mr Gough.
"As Mr Gough is not prepared to settle this action there is no
alternative but to keep it going; albeit with the least possible haste.
He has offered to provide, at the Plaintiff's expense, which accords
with the Rules, copiers of the 3,000 odd documents in support of his
case.   Although this could result in a copying fee of £200, it is an
element of cost which is unavoidable but probably worth-while if it can
deter him from being active in other directions pending the attempts
that are being made to get the Asemaster deal through".
Speaking from memory we recall that the parasitic Masons
recognised the value of Mr Gough's invention and decided to steal his
royalties.   To do so they contrived to have his company declared
insolvent when the royalties due to Mr Gough far exceeded the debts of
his company.The insolvency practitioner in the time honoured
fashion, knowing that B A Gough 

Re: [CTRL] FWD:The Nation-Capitol Crimes

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/25/1999 2:07:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 If only Columbine High School had posted the Ten Commandments next to its
 football trophies, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would never have killed
 anyone. This Charlton Heston logic--Moses meets NRA--was articulated by GOP
 Congressman Bob Barr, leader of the House gun-lobby mercenaries who in
 mid-June not only defeated background checks for gun-show weapons purchasers
 but passed the most vindictive youthful-offender bill ever and threw in the
 Ten Commandments for good measure. 

Well I guess we know how truly stupid our Congress has become, don't we?  As
for the Ten Commandments.  Let's just look at them for what they really
are--a code of law.  Now if we ever get around to really respecting law, and
if we ever get around to having true justice, it may just work.  If law and
justice had not become the jokes that our society has made of them, the boys
at Columbine might never have become so bitter and disilllusioned.
Amazingly, children and young people are not stupid, and they judge society
not by what it says, but by what it does.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] DNA Ain't You

1999-06-26 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

In case anyone is interested, there was a bill that just passed the Oregon
Senate which defined Human DNA as *NOT* being the property of the person ie:
if you live in Oregon then, the Oregon Senate just declared, by signing this
bill, that YOUR OWN DNA is not your property.

Instead, what they said, in the bill, is that your DNA is a "Privacy" issue.
The reason for doing this was so that pharmaceutical companies could TAKE
your DNA - via various methods - SO LONG AS they swore to NOT disclose who
the person was from whom the DNA came from.

The CATCH is, that once taken, that DNA became the property of the research
facility or lab that possessed it. Quite interesting isn't it?  They don't
want your own DNA to be "called" YOURS, but on the flip side of it, they DO
want the DNA, once taken from a person's body to become the property of the
person or company in who's possession that DNA is in.

Additionally, I did a little research.  One of the groups supposedly
this DNA bill was an organization which calls itself  PhRMA.  So, I dug into
who was associated with PhRMA.  As I discovered, PhRMA was composed of
quite literally over a 100 pharmaceutical companiesas well as companies
NOT related to the pharmaceutical industry

If you are interested in which companies are involved in PhRMA, then go to
my website at and click on the graphic which
shows a DNA strand drawingit's big and red in color and says


When the next page comes up look for this link:


( Oregon Senate Chamber Meeting of May 28, 1999 9:53 AM )
Read Senate Bill 937 for yourself and read where the main sponsor of
Senate  Bill 937, Senator Neil Bryant, says that *YOUR* *DNA* is
*NOT* your own  property.

Listen to Senate members defend their SELL OUT of your intrinsic
RIGHTS to the Pharmaceutical and Bio-Tech corporations as well as to
Oregon State Research  Institute which plans to make MILLIONS OF
DOLLARS through the research of DNA.

After you get to THAT page you'll see a link that will say this:

Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America

Click on that link to see over 100 companies that have an interest in that
legislation that just passed the Oregon Senate.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 6/26/99

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
NATO to Bomb Africa Next?

Citing Threats, US Closes African Embassies

Why doesn't the world love our bombs and missiles?

WASHINGTON - The United States has ordered the temporary closing of six
embassies in Africa based on ''concrete information'' suggesting that
terrorist attacks may be in the works, the State Department said Friday.

The embassies in Gambia, Togo, Madagascar, Liberia, Namibia and Senegal
were closed Thursday and will remain shuttered through Sunday. The State
Department spokesman, James Rubin, said Friday that a decision would be
made over the weekend on whether they would be reopened Monday.

On Friday, Britain also closed diplomatic missions because of threats to
security, in four African countries. A Foreign Office spokesman in
London said: ''We have information of a possible threat to diplomatic
missions in Gambia, Madagascar, Namibia and Senegal. We are taking this
threat seriously and have taken the precautionary measure of temporarily
closing our missions in these countries.''

Mr. Rubin said U.S. embassies in Africa and the rest of the world had
been placed on a heightened state of alert because of increased security
concerns. ''We had information suggesting suspicious individuals were
surveying the sites, and as a precautionary, prudent measure we
suspended operations,'' he said. Mr. Rubin did not cite any specific
threats or militant organizations. But he added: ''We have seen a
pattern of activity indicating continued planning for terrorist attacks
by members of Osama bin Laden's network. And we take reporting of such
threats seriously.''

The British Foreign Office spokesman declined to elaborate on the threat
or where it came from, but said no diplomatic staff were being
evacuated. ''The possible threat is to diplomatic missions, not to
British nationals,'' he said.

The spokesman declined to say whether the British decision to close its
missions was linked to the American move, or to any threat from Mr. bin

He said he did not know how long the closures would last.

U.S. embassies have been closed before in response to terrorist threats
or concerns they might be targeted. But Mr. Rubin said terrorists were
not intimidating the United States or having an impact on U.S. foreign

''We have foiled their objective of stopping our determination to have
an American presence around the world and to interfere with our
determination as a global power to have American troop presence in
various countries,'' he said. ''So, they have failed.''

But, he said, ''that doesn't mean we don't have to adjust our practices,
that we don't have to spend more money to protect our people, and we are
determined to do that.''

Mr. Rubin, speaking on the ABC television program ''Good Morning
America,'' said the United States was putting pressure on a number of
governments to capture Mr. bin Laden, believed to be the mastermind of a
bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi that killed 213 people and
wounded more than 5,000. An almost simultaneous attack killed 11
Tanzanians and injured more than 70 people outside the U.S. Embassy in
Dar es Salaam.

Mr. bin Laden has been placed on the FBI's list of 10 most-wanted
fugitives. He is believed to be in Afghanistan.

Last week, U.S. intelligence officials said Mr. bin Laden was believed
to be in the final stages of planning another attack on U.S. facilities.

''We think that Osama bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of
Americans and he will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide,'' Mr.
Rubin said Friday. ''We're determined to find those responsible for
killing Americans no matter how long it takes.''

ABC reported that in Mozambique people inside a parked car were seen in
May videotaping the U.S. embassy in Maputo, but they fled when police
approached them.

The State Department noted that U.S. embassies worldwide had been on a
heightened alert status because of increased security concerns.

At installations around Africa, guard duties have been doubled and given
bomb detectors since the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and concrete
crash barriers have been installed on nearby streets .

In the Senegalese capital, Dakar, gendarmes cordoned off three streets
around the closed U.S. Embassy.

Although the embassy in Abidjan, Ivory Coast's commercial capital,
remained open Friday, U.S. Marine guards and security men swept
electronic detectors across the engines of vehicles entering the

Most U.S. embassies in sub-Saharan Africa were ordered closed for two
days in December, after U.S. action in Iraq. The U.S. Embassy in Uganda
has also closed on a few occasions because of security concerns.

International Herald Tribune, June 26, 1999


Professor Sperm Bank Opens in China

Publish or perish

BEIJING, Jun 25, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) A sperm bank which only
accepts donors with 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #2

1999-06-26 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990626b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No habitual sex-criminals were rehabilitated to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Sorcerer Intervenes In Presidential Bid. LA PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) An
  Argentine sorcerer has cast a spell to lift a long-standing curse on the
  governors of Buenos Aires which, legend has it, stops them from becoming
  president of Argentina. The magic aims to help governor Eduardo Duhalde
  win the presidency. Hundreds of Duhalde's Peronist partisans from the pro-
  vincial capital La Plata gathered around a bonfire after midnight to watch
  self-styled "Peronist psychomentalist" Manuel Salazar exorcise the curse.

: Should sorcerers interfere in politics? Should politicians interfere with
sorcery? Is your political system cursed? Are your politicians demonic? Who?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# China: Superstition May "Endanger Realm". BEIJING (Reuters)  Superstition
  is popular among Chinese communists and may "endanger the realm" unless
  science takes over, the Communist Party newspaper said on Wednesday. "The
  major reason behind the rampant superstitious activities in many areas
  is quite a lot of Party members are hankering after it." China's atheist
  Communist Party regards unorthodox religion, fortune telling, astrology,
  cults, blind worship and beliefs that are not justified by science as
  superstitious activities.
# Marxism Must Replace Cultism:

: Is faith in communism more|less dangerous than faith in fortune telling,
astrology, religion, UFOs/ETs, crop circles, conspiracies, psientology, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Compulsory games for students. (BBC) A university is offering a degree
  course in computer games to satisfy the demands of an expanding market.
  The computer dept is taking down notices saying it is forbidden to play
  games - and replacing them with signs saying that it will be compulsory.
@ Link: Teesside University:
@ Games don't kill people - do they? Both bad and good in blowing up pixels.

: What games should be compulsory for Chinese communists, fundamentalists,
economists, psychotherapists, aliens? Is life a game? Is life compulsory?
Should you get ROTC credit for designing wargames? Is gaming virtual murder?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  cil for Reliable Health Information tells how to spot fraudulent claims
  made for health products. Some words to watch for: "magical," "miracle,"
  and "secret cure," to name just a few. And nothing "burns" or "melts" fat:

  "natural" Viagra clones on the market now. Don't be fooled by the adver-

# VIAGRA MAY BE HELPFUL FOR WOMEN, TOO. The latest study of women and Viagra
  says that maybe it does have some benefit for women's sexual satisfaction.

: What's your favorite miracle cure? Have you been detoxified, energized or
sexualized by herbs lately? Has your fat melted away? From between y'r ears?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Roswell Ready for UFO Invasion - Varied lineup of events planned for out-
  of-this-world festival. Like the story of the Roswell Incident, the festi-
  val commemorating the event continues to evolve and change. While the pur-
  ported crash of 1947 is still the organizing principle behind the event,
  this year's festivities will include a much more varied range of events,
  some only marginally related to UFO lore, like concerts and puppet shows.

: Is the Roswell UFO Encounter festival a cover for CIA mind-control experi-
ments? Will the attendees all be abducted and implanted? Are you going? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ SPECIAL REPORT: A CURE FOR CANCER? Our best hope for curing the disease:
@ Aspartame tests on infants, fetuses:

# If the Sun is exceptional, alien life may be hard to find:
# Investigation Finds Design 

[CTRL] Fw: A Declaration of Independence 1999

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 A Declaration of Independence 1999

 PHOENIX, June 26 - It is that time of the year again - the American
 Independence Day No. 223.  Or is it?  Are we still an independent nation
 as declared and conceived by our Founding Fathers 223 years ago?

 Perhaps it is time once again for us take a good look at ourselves on
 this Fourth of July and ask:   Do the principles embodied in the
 Declaration of Independence of 1776 still apply today?  And if not,
 how might an American Declaration of Independence 1999 read?

 To help you in this difficult deliberation, we submit the following draft:

 "In virtual CONGRESS on the Internet, July 4, 1999

 When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people
 to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to their leaders
 disloyal to the common good of the nation, and to assume among the
 powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of
 Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
 mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to
 renounce their unlawful Government.

 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
 that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
 that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That
 to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
 their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any
 Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right
 of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
 laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
 form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
 Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should
 not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
 experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
 sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which
 they are accustomed.

 But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
 same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it
 is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to
 provide new Guards for their future security.

 Such has been the patient sufferance of these United States of America;
 and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former
 Systems of Government. The history of the present President, William
 Jefferson Clinton, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations,
 all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny of the
 New World Order globalist elite over these States. To prove this, let Facts
 be submitted to a candid world.

 He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for
 the public good, such as the people's Constitutional right to bear arms.

 He has pressured Congress to pass Laws of immediate and pressing
 importance, such as the "fast track" legislation in 1997, which are
 contrary to the interests of the American people, and only benefit the
 New World Order globalist elite.

 He has misused the public funds set aside to defend the American Dollar
 to bail out his New World Order globalist elite backer's failed investments
 in corrupt foreign states (e.g., Mexico).

 He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable,
 and distant from the American public, such as in Washington, DC, for the
 sole purpose of fatiguing the people into compliance with his measures.

 He has threatened to dismiss Representatives repeatedly, for opposing
 with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people, such as the
 gun control legislation.

 He has endeavored to change the demographic population of these States
 by opening the floodgates to alien immigration, legal or illegal, from all
 corners of the Earth but the traditional source of American immigrants -

 He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by having his Attorney
 General refuse her Assent to Special Counsels establishing Judiciary
 powers to control the illegal fund-raising activities of his party and of his
 closest associates.

 He has disgraced the highest office in the land; lied under oath; and
 obstructed the Administration of Justice.  He and his New World Order
 globalist backers have then intimidated a sufficient number of Senators
 to prevent him from being impeached.

 He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, such as Judge Paul
 Friedman, whom he appointed in 1994, and who supported him against 26
 legally duly House Representatives claims against his illegal, undeclared
 and unconstitutional war on a country which has done us no harm.

 He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of
 Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Execution of two Indian men in Nebraska

1999-06-26 Thread Amelia Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

We certainly need to stop things like this in our own country before we take
on the "sins" of others.  This is a terrible situation.  Where are the civil
rights people for the American Native?  Aren't these the dreaded "hate
crimes" as much as any?  Where is that "compassionate" media in reporting
this?  Too many questions, no answers.

- Original Message -
From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 1999 9:23 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Execution of two Indian men in Nebraska

 Bet he never serves a day.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: Doping Kids

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 Doping Kids
 By Kelly Patricia O'Meara
 Insight Magazine

 Just three weeks after Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on their April
 20 killing spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., President
 Clinton hosted a White House conference on youth violence. The president
 declared it a strategy session to seek "the best ideas from people who
 can really make a difference: parents and young people, teachers and
 religious leaders, law enforcement, gun manufacturers, representatives of the
 entertainment industry and those of us here in government."

 There was, however, complete silence from the president when it came to
 including representatives from the mental-health community, whom many
 believe can provide important insight about the possible connection
 between the otherwise seemingly senseless acts of violence being committed
 by school-age children and prescription psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin,
 Luvox and Prozac.

 There are nearly 6 million children in the United States between the
 ages of 6 and 18 taking mind-altering drugs prescribed for alleged mental
 illnesses that increasing numbers of mental-health professionals are questioning.

 Although the list of school-age children who have gone on violent rampages
 is growing at a disturbing rate -- and the shootings at
 Columbine became a national wake-up call -- few in the mental-health
 community have been willing to talk about the possibility that the
 heavily prescribed drugs and violence may be linked. Those who try to
 investigate quickly learn that virtually all data concerning violence and
 psychotropic drugs are protected by the confidentiality provided minors.
 But in the highly publicized shootings this spring, information has been made
 available to the public.

 April 16: Shawn Cooper, a 15-year-old sophomore at Notus Junior-Senior
 High School in Notus, Idaho, was taking Ritalin, the most commonly
 prescribed stimulant, for bipolar disorder when he fired two
 shotgun rounds, narrowly missing students and school staff.

 April 20: Harris, an 18-year-old senior at Columbine High School, killed
 a dozen students and a teacher before taking his own life. Prior to the
 shooting rampage, he had been under the influence of Luvox, one of the
 new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI, antidepressants
 approved in 1997 by the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, for
 children up to the age of 17 for treatment of obsessive-compulsive
 disorder, or OCD.

 May 20: T.J. Solomon, a 15-year-old at Heritage High School in Conyers,
 Ga., was being treated with Ritalin for depression when he opened fire on and
 wounded six classmates.

 Two other high-profile cases from last year show a similar pattern: May
 21, 1998: Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old at Thurston High School in Springfield,
 Ore., murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened
 fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 22. Kinkel had
 been prescribed both Ritalin and Prozac. Although widely used among adults,
 Prozac has not been approved by the FDA for pediatric use.

 March 24, 1998: Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, opened fire
 on their classmates at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Ark. Johnson
 had been receiving psychiatric counseling and, although information about
 the psychotropic drugs that may have been prescribed for him has not
 been made public, his attorney, Val Price, responded when asked about it:
 "I think that is confidential information, and I don't want to reveal that."

 A great deal has been written about all of these cases. There have,
 however, been no indications that all of these children watched the same TV
 programs or listened to the same music. Nor has it been established that they all
 used illegal drugs, suffered from alcohol abuse or had common
 difficulties with their families or peers. They did not share identical home lives,
 dress alike or participate in similar extracurricular activities. But all of
 the above were labeled as suffering from a mental illness and were being
 treated with psychotropic drugs that for years have been known to cause serious
 adverse effects when given to children.

 At the top of the list of so-called "mental illnesses" among children is
 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, which is diagnosed
 when a child meets six of the 18 criteria described in the Diagnostic and
 Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-IV, published by the
 American Psychiatric Association, or APA.

 ADHD was determined by a vote of APA psychiatrists to be a "mental"
 illness and added to the DSM-IIIR in 1987. By definition, children with ADHD
 exhibit behaviors such as not paying attention in school, not listening when
 spoken to directly, failing to follow directions, losing things, being easily
 distracted and forgetful, fidgeting with hands or feet, talking
 excessively, blurting out answers or 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: A Declaration of Independence 1999

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

  A Declaration of Independence 1999
  When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one
  people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them
  to their leaders disloyal to the common good of the nation, and

The way for "people to dissolve the political bands which have connected
them to their leaders" in a democratic republic is to vote for someone
else.  Throw the bastards out, elect new bastards.  That's how the GOP
took the Presidency and Congress in the 80's and 90's.  Then of course
it turns out that Americans just replace one set of political bastards
with another, eh?  Does this suggest that when Americans manage dissolve
their old political bands, the new links they forge will be any less
corrupt and venial?  When politicians depend on money to survive, can
they be anything but tools of the corporate interests that feed them?

And who decides just what constitutes "the common good of the nation"
if not the American electorate, and via their votes, the politicians
we elect to office?  Ya, in our democratic republic, we get precisely
the government that we deserve.  Would another structure be superior?
How about a democratic monarchy, an oligarchic republic, a hereditary
plutocracy, a slew of anarchic fiefdoms, a genetic matriarchy, a pagan
theocracy, a randomized kleptocracy?  What's your preference?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Energy's Nuke Weapons Chief Quits

1999-06-26 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Saturday June 26 1:13 PM ET

Energy's Nuke Weapons Chief Quits
By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Writer

LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (AP) - The Energy Department's top official overseeing the
nation's nuclear weapons programs has resigned because of differences with
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson over the department's organization,
administration sources said Saturday.

Victor Reis, assistant secretary for defense programs, submitted his
resignation in a letter to President Clinton on Friday, said officials who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

Reis could not be reached immediately Saturday.

Reis is one of a number of officials targeted by an internal review into the
mishandling of an espionage investigation involving a Taiwan-born scientist
at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab.

Officials said, however, that Reis cited as the reason for his resignation
his differences with Richardson over creation of a largely autonomous
nuclear weapons agency within the department.

Richardson opposed such an agency, believing it will reduce the energy
secretary's authority and create a ``fiefdom'' largely immune from outside

``I will not agree to an agency I cannot control,'' Richardson said last
week when asked about pressure in Congress for DOE reorganization following
the espionage and security problems at the labs.

Reis has told Richardson he supports legislation being proposed by three
Republican senators, including Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, to put all
nuclear weapons programs under an agency that would report to Richardson,
but would make its own budget and personnel decisions.

Richardson has suggested streamlining the lines of authority within the
weapons program and raising its profile by making its head an
undersecretary. Security and counterintelligence activities and budget
decision and personnel decision making must remain elsewhere in the
department, he said.

Appointed to his post in 1993 by then-Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, Reis
has been in charge of the nuclear weapons programs during a time when
department security officials complained of lax security and concern about
espionage at the weapons labs.

Some of those officials have told Congress that they were thwarted by senior
Energy Department officials from pressing their case or discussing it with
congressional committees.

Richardson has acknowledged mistakes were made in the investigation,
beginning in 1996, of the Los Alamos scientist.

The department has been criticized particularly for not searching the
scientist's computer early in the investigation and for not removing him
promptly from his sensitive job.

The scientist, Wen Ho Lee, was fired in March for security violations. He
has not been charged with a crime and has denied through his lawyer
providing secrets to China.

An internal review of the handling of the security complaints and the Lee
espionage investigation by Energy Department officials is expected to be
completed within weeks.

Richardson has said some DOE and Los Alamos lab officials will be fired and
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with

the song still in them. - Henry David Thoreau

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Secret World of U.S. Communism [explosive must read 4 Freedom Lovers]

1999-06-26 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

The Secret World of U.S. Communism

0n March 27, 1962, the U.S. Communist newspaper The Worker exuberantly
reported the following story: “Attorney General Robert E Kennedy admitted,
in effect, in a press conference in Los Angeles on Saturday, that the
persecution of the Communist Party reflects a monstrous hoax perpetrated on
the American people. He declared at the press conference that the Communist
Party of the U.S. is ‘no danger’ to the security of the U.S”.
For the CPUSA, such a statement from the then-highest official of the U.S.
Justice Department (as well as the brother of the U.S. President) was
astonishing and unexpected. Especially so, since the Kennedy administration
had experienced an embarrassing Communist public relations victory in its
botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba the previous April 17, 1961.

What Atty. General Bobby Kennedy supposedly did not know at the time, but
the CPUSA did, was that the American Communist party then — and back to its
beginnings in 1919 — was bankrolled by the Kremlin. CPUSA sent its members
for military, espionage and terror training to the USSR, maintained an
illegal underground apparatus to steal U.S. documents (including atomic
secrets), penetrated both the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the
forerunner of the CIA, and Office of War Information (OWI) during the
Roosevelt WWII administration. It even commissioned CPUSA officials to
Soviet secret police posts to spy on each other and on suspected unorthodox
leftists, such as Stalin’s nemesis Trotsky, who was murdered with an axe to
his skull in Mexico City, all arranged by the CPUSA and Kremlin

After decades of deceit, the truth about the CPUSA is finally out. With the
collapse of the Soviet Union, the archives of the Comintern (Communist
International), the Soviet Communist Party, and other formerly super-secret
documents have become available to historians and researchers. Under an
agreement with the Russian Centre for the Preservation and Study of
Documents of Recent History, Yale University press is undertaking a gigantic
project to publish an annotated selection of these official records in a
series called Annals of Communism.

A total of 18 volumes is planned (in English and Russian editions) dealing
with such topics as History of the Soviet Gulag System, 1920-1989, The Last
Days of the Romanovs, and Soviet Politics and Repression in the 1930s. The
great value of the project is already apparent in volume one, entitled The
Secret World of American Communism with Soviet documents authoritatively
annotated by Harvey Klehr of Emery University, John Earl Haynes of the
Library of Congress and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, now curator of the
Comintern archives.

“The documents in this volume demonstrate that the widespread popular belief
that American Communists collaborated with Soviet intelligence and placed
loyalty to the Soviet Union ahead of loyalty to the United States was well
founded,” they say. “Concern about the subversive threat of the CPUSA and
worries that Communists employed in sensitive government jobs constituted a
security risk were equally well founded.” So much for the Party and its
fellow-travellers’ line that “anti-communism was an irrational and
indefensible persecution of a group of American reformers or that it was
impossible for the CPUSA to have engaged in nefarious activities.” Documents
from the Soviet secret archives prove that is exactly what CPUSA agents were

“Many historians have failed to come to grips with the issue of Communist
infiltration in government agencies or the dubious nature of the Popular
Front alliance between. Communists and a segment of liberals during the
1930s and 1940s, “ the editors of this volume note. “Previously, evidence of
the Communist presence could be trivialized or its reliability questioned.
In addition to their own evidentiary weight, they lend crucial support to
the large mass of direct and circumstantial evidence indicating a
substantial organized presence in a number of government agencies...”

The CPUSA, Klehr, Haynes and Firsov pronounce, was “a conspiracy financed by
a hostile foreign power that recruited members for clandestine work,
developed an elaborate underground apparatus, and used that apparatus to
collaborate with espionage services of that power”.
Official Soviet documents that have become available in recent months shed
much light on secret Kremlin activities and directives over the past
decades. For example:

Proof that the Kremlin directly ordered the massacre of 5,000 Polish
military officers at Katyn Forest in 1940 — and possibly 15,000 other
intellectuals, religious and prominent Polish citizens at POW camps in
Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov, USSR who simply vanished after WWII.

Proof that Stalin ordered the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950 —
and used “respected” foreign journalists such as I.E Stone and Wilfred
Burchett (both Soviet agents) to blame South 

[CTRL] White House Underestimated Kyoto Costs, Studies Agree [$394.4 billion]

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Global Warming Issues

White House Underestimated Kyoto Costs, Studies Agree  If ratified by the
Senate -- to which it has not yet been submitted -- the Kyoto treaty on
global warming negotiated by the White House in 1997 would commit the U.S.
to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 30 percent, to 7 percent
below their 1990 levels.

The Clinton administration claims the economic benefits of reducing
emissions to 1990 levels by 2010 would roughly equal the costs of the
required energy cuts.

But studies from the GAO, the Energy Information Administration and the
Dallas Federal Reserve Bank determined that the administration significantly
underestimated the costs involved.

The GAO analysis found that Department of Energy studies cited by the White
House had relied on unsubstantiated assumptions concerning the future
competitiveness of solar and wind power.

In addition, the GAO said the department did not consider the full economic
costs of the proposed energy taxes, and it relied on implausible scenarios
concerning the timeline for replacing powerplants and other capital

The EIA predicted that the Kyoto demands would increase gasoline prices 52
percent and hike electricity prices 86 percent, decrease gross domestic
product by 4.2 percent, and lead to a 2.5 percent decline in personal
disposable income.

The Dallas Federal Reserve study by Stephen Brown -- released by the
National Center for Policy Analysis -- found the Kyoto accord requires
between two and seven times more carbon dioxide reduction by the U.S. than
is justified even under the most dire global warming predictions.
Moreover, the U.S. would have to reduce energy use by more than 30 percent
below projections for 2010 -- equivalent to the total amount of energy used
for transportation in 1996.

Brown determined that even using only the most economically efficient means,
complying with Kyoto would reduce U.S. GDP by between 3 to 4.3 percent in
2010 -- a loss of $275.2 billion to $394.4 billion.

Source: H. Sterling Burnett (National Center for Policy Analysis),
Investor's Business Daily, June 24, 1999.

For NCPA's Global Warming Hotline go to

Dallas Headquarters: 12655 N. Central Expy., Suite 720 - Dallas, TX
75243-1739 - 972/386-6272 - Fax 972/386-0924
Washington Office: 655 15th St. N.W., Suite 375 - Washington, DC 20005 -
202/628-6671 - Fax 202/628-6474
© 1999 NCPA


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] GOA To preserve the House victory, pick up the phone and keep up the pressure

1999-06-26 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Good News and Bad News on Capitol Hill
   -- To preserve the House victory, pick up the phone and keep up
the pressure

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

"House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. [favors enacting] some gun
control, but not so much as to turn off conservative campaign donors
next year." -- Associated Press, June 19, 1999


1. Illinois Residents.  House Speaker Denny Hastert is still
committed to passing "some gun control" legislation this year.  Tell
him you don't want ANY 2nd Amendment restrictions and warn him that
"conservative campaign donors" might find more worthy causes to give
to if he keeps pushing gun control.  You can call his leadership
office at 202-225-0600 (or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax:

2. Texas and California Residents.  Ask House Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX)
and House Deputy Whip John Doolittle (R-CA) to use their leadership
positions to ensure that no further action is taken on the juvenile
crime legislation.  If they hear a huge outcry from the grassroots,
they can forcefully argue that Americans don't want the current
brand of crime legislation being served up on Capitol Hill.  Contact
DeLay at ph: 202-225-5951, fx: 202-225-5241, no e-mail; and
Doolittle at ph: 202-225-2511, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax:

3. Anyone With a Phone or Modem.  Senator Orrin Hatch is trying to
send juvenile crime legislation to conference committee.  Now that
media reports have revealed he's running for President in the year
2000, his office should be glad to hear from ANY potential
constituent inside the U.S.  You can give Hatch the same message as
listed above (in #1) by contacting his office at ph: 202-224-5251,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax: 202-224-6331.

4. Finally, go to on the GOA
website to view the full analysis of each firearms related amendment
that was voted on last week, as well as the complete voting records
relating to all of these provisions.  Voice your displeasure with
Representatives who have cast anti-gun votes.  (If you don't have
Web access, but you're a GOA member, don't fret!  GOA members will
receive an upcoming newsletter containing a House and Senate
breakdown of the votes.)

(Friday, June 25, 1999)-- The hard-fought victory gun owners
achieved in the House last week is still standing-- for now.  While
the House defeated the "gun control approach" to solving juvenile
crime, they did pass a separate bill which takes a more "cultural
approach" to dealing with the issue (e.g., allowing the Ten
Commandments to be posted on school walls, etc.).  This bill (H.R.
1501) could potentially be sent to a House-Senate conference
committee where it would be blended together with the very anti-gun
Senate crime bill (S. 254) that passed last month.

BUT, no conference committee can begin meeting until the House and
Senate first vote to send the bills to conference.  Thankfully,
pro-gun champion Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) has placed a "hold" letter
on the juvenile crime legislation-- a parliamentary maneuver that
keeps any action from happening until he gives his consent.  While
this is a good start, a "hold" letter increases in effectiveness as
more Senators sign on to the letter.  Activists in Oklahoma and
Wyoming especially, should ask pro-gun Senators James Inhofe (R-OK)
[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] and Michael Enzi (R-WY) [
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] to join Smith and sign on to the "hold"
letter on H.R. 1501 (call 202-224-3121). [Note:  any legislator can
be reached toll-free at 1-888-449-3511.]

The Good Guys.  The results of the House votes from last week
display a grim picture.  Out of 435 Representatives, only five voted
100% correct in regard to the 11 gun votes that GOA rated.  All five
were Republicans:  John Doolittle (CA),  John Hostettler (IN), Rick
Hill (MT), Zach Wamp (TN), and Ron Paul (TX).  (Rep. Henry Bonilla
(R-TX) also voted 100%, although he missed five of the votes.)

Another legislator who deserves honorable mention is Rep. Tom DeLay,
who fought several insider battles to allow "killer" pro-gun
amendments to be offered to the House juvenile crime bill H.R. 2122.
Those "killer amendments" encouraged enough anti-gun Republicans and
Democrats to vote against the bill.

The Bad Guys.  Democrats on the Appropriations Committee are giving
thought to trying to attach anti-gun amendments to legislation
providing funding for the Treasury Department.  According to the
Associated Press, "Ready with amendments are Rep. Steny Hoyer,
D-Md., whose proposal would tighten requirements for sales at gun
shows; Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., who wants to raise the minimum age
of hand-gun buyers from 18 to 21; and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.,
who favors mandatory safety devices with all hand guns."

Website news of note:

In the short time 

[CTRL] Fw: ADV6-26-99: Smell the Blood!

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: American Dissident Voices [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 1999 7:40 AM
Subject: ADV6-26-99: Smell the Blood!

 American Dissident Voices Broadcast of June 26, 1999

 Smell the Blood!
 by Dr. William Pierce

 During the past few weeks we've been talking mostly about the
 Clinton government's war against Serbia, and I've sometimes
 gotten a little hot under the collar. Some listeners have accused me
 of becoming intemperate. Well, perhaps so. But let me assure you,
 I do bite my tongue pretty hard to avoid saying what I really feel
 sometimes, because the FBI certainly would lock me up if said
 everything I felt like saying, and Janet Reno would file all sorts of
 charges against me. But I must tell you, I do not believe that it is
 intemperate of me to say that this monstrosity of a government we
 have in Washington is an evil thing which must be destroyed, by
 any means necessary. I believe that everyone who serves this
 government, of whatever party, is a traitor to our country and an
 enemy to our people, and should be dealt with accordingly.

 You see, that's the sort of statement which some listeners believe is
 intemperate, but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And
 it's a statement which needs to be made, because people need to
 think about it. I really have a hard time trying to reason with people
 who can remain calm when their government is murdering our
 kinsmen in another country wholesale. People get excited when a
 couple of nutcase teenagers in Colorado kill 13 of their classmates;
 they wring their hands and say, "Oh, isn't it just awful! What will
 we do about violence in our society?" But they remain calm when
 their government deliberately murders 7,000 or so -- that's seven
 thousand -- of our kinsmen in Europe in order to make them obey
 the orders of a bunch of nutcase, would-be commissars for the
 New World Order.

 It's big news for weeks when Timothy McVeigh blows up one
 building in Oklahoma City, but when our government, using our
 armed forces and our tax money, blows up dozens of buildings and
 kills hundreds of people every day in Serbia, the news is just
 ho-hum stuff; it's likely to be pre-empted by a basketball game.
 Maybe part of this lackadaisical attitude about the government's
 mass murder in Serbia is due to the feminization of American
 society and of the American male that I've complained about.
 Men's mental horizons have been contracted to the point where
 murder is real only when it happens next door; if it happens in
 another country it isn't real. It's just something one sees on
 television. Or maybe some people just play too many video games.
 I guess that's the case with our military people. They don't seem to
 have any problem with killing people wholesale for no good reason
 when it's all done with "smart" weapons and video screens. You
 press a button, use a joystick to guide the bomb to its target, then
 "boom!" just like in a video arcade. That's not like having to get up
 close and stick a knife in your victim and listen to him scream or
 shoot him in the head and get splattered with his blood and brains.

 But you know, the latter way is really much better -- at least, from
 a moral standpoint -- because when a normal person, a moral
 person, has to kill another person up close, he needs a good
 reason for doing it: a better reason anyway than that's what he's
 being paid to do. Too many of our military people have the attitude
 that they're just being paid to play an exciting video game when
 they guide their "smart" bombs to their targets, but in fact they're
 being paid to murder the men, women, and children who are
 blown to bits by those bombs.

 And you know, it's not just the murder of Serbs that people should
 be concerned about. They should be concerned that it's their
 government committing the murders, not someone else's
 government that's none of their concern. We have a gang of
 homicidal maniacs running our country. People should be
 concerned about that.

 Do you think I'm misusing the word "murder"? Listen, I understand
 that sometimes people need to be killed. I can think of a lot of
 people in Washington and New York and Hollywood that need to
 be killed, and the sooner the better. I have no problem with killing
 people who are trying to kill us; I have no problem with
 self-defense. I don't consider that murder. In this era of total
 government corruption I don't consider the assassination of a
 politician or a bureaucrat to be murder. I don't consider the killing
 of a domestic enemy of our people to be murder, or of a foreign
 enemy, when the killing is in defense of our people in time of war.

 But when a gang of Jews and wannabee commissars for the New
 World Order deliberately kill people who are not our enemies,
 who have not harmed or threatened us, and with whom we are not
 at war; and when the people being killed are our 

[CTRL] Jeb's wife tries to smuggle $19,000 in jewelry![fined $4,500]

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 from  Website  (
research copyrighted by Bruce Campbell Adamson
   Are you really interested in the truth and in God?
Will cooperate with news agencies who are.

Preaching Hypocrites:
This week Barbara Bush tells her son George W. Bush in Newsweek
that God is calling on Bush Jr., if God is I sure have not heard him. While
Jeb's wife tries to smuggle $19,000 in jewelry, she is caught and fined

How can these righteous Christians permit the stealing of dues owed
and smuggling by Jeb and his wife?  Oh sure, Jeb's wife took the blame.
These righteous believers also forgave Neil Mallon Bush when he was
involved in the banking scandal with Keating.

To me that is stealing from the government?  Right? In the same way
a person evades Tax collection.  Jeb Bush probably said that this would
destroy his career as a politician.  I'll bet everything I own, that they
were gifts from Florida's governor Jeb.  NBC and every other news agency
says that the Bush's are "the greatest."

Let us not forget that Jeb's brother was friends with the
Hinckley's brother and having lunch with him several days before Hinckley
shot and wounded President Ronald Reagan when George Bush was Vice

Let us stop beating around this bush,  the evidence is
overwhelming.  Bush is tied to de Mohrenschildt, James Parrott who was
talking about killing Kennedy according to George Bush Sr.'s own words on
November 22, 1963;  J.E. Hoover, oilmen, in charge of the CIA when there
are three congressional investigations into CIA's role in JFK's demise;
signed into law the JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act without
disclosing that he knew Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend, a CIA agent
George de Mohrenschildt since 1942.

George Bush Sr.'s operation was the Bay of Pigs invasion for the
Central Intelligence Agency shortly before Joseph Kennedy lost two of his
sons.  I can prove that the CIA's Operation Zapata was George Bush, Sr. and
Edwin Pauley's operation known by the American public as The Bay of Pigs

Last Sunday Bush Sr.'s  and Clinton's campaign managers, now husband
and wife appear on Republicanized Meet the Press.  Clinton's Attorney,
attorney) is Robert Bennett.  Whose brother William Bennett, (an alleged
Clinton critic) was a major player of Bush's Cabinet.

Bush's childhood friend Edward G. Hooker, (de Mohrenschildt
step-nephew) was a cousin to Mrs. J.D. Rockefeller and there are those whom
have suggested that Clinton is the illegitimate child of Winthrop
Rockefeller.  Is he?  I don't know, but I have asked Darrel Darling who a
close friend of Hilary and Bill Clinton.  They don't seem to know the
answer either.  They lost a son Adam Darling who was on the plane with Ron
Brown on April 4, 1996 over Yugoslavia.  Was the Yugoslavia war was a
result of the downing of this plane?
Bill Clinton distracts the publics attention, in my opinion with
false new evidence from Yeltsin on Oswald.  Is it rigged?

Bush Sr. threw the election to Clinton now it looks like Clinton is
throwing the election to Bush Jr. who in 1976, George Bush Jr. employed
Oswald's roommate Billy Joe Lord, eighteen years earlier Lord was with
Oswald when he defected to the Soviet Union.

President Bill Clinton's adviser Sidney Blumenthal's best friend
Edward Jay Epstein was the last person to interview de Mohrenschildt before
placing the shotgun in his mouth.  Epstein displayed to de Mohrenschildt
the Dallas Morning News article, stating that de Mohrenschildt was nuts.
Two weeks earlier on March 15, 1976, Billy Joe Lord filed a FBI
report against Epstein, that Epstein's writers (possibly CIA agents)
threaten to go to his boss George W. Bush, Jr. the current governor of
Texas.  It was merely happenstance that Epstein was the last person to meet
with Oswald's closest friend before he placed a shotgun in his mouth to
clear his conscience.  Oswald, Jack Ruby and de Mohrenschildt all went to
their graves claiming that Oswald was set up.  Now Clinton is feeding us
Bull and so are the Bush's.

I have written Al Gore's campaign and said that I would allow him
to post the George Bush letter admitting this on his Website if he'll allow
a link to my Website.  If everyone harps on George Bush, Sr. and Jr. ties
to de Mohrenschildt and Billy Joe Lord then I am sure even the most
conservative would find these bush's hard to digest.  I doubt it very much
that Gore would display this document.

The Rockefeller's NBC throws Geraldo Rivera with the bathwater and
promotes Jeb and
George Bush, Jr. regardless of character.  While the news media won't touch
any of these issues eventually they will have to face the music.

Yours very sincerely,
Bruce C. Adamson
P.O. Box 1103

Re: [CTRL] Fw: ADV6-26-99: Smell the Blood!

1999-06-26 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Pierce is an anti-Semite of the 1st order...He web site,
clearly shows this...listen to his broadcasts here, they're almost funny
But, point blank...Pierce is a nutcase!!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Blowing Whistles

1999-06-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

 Picture: Original Sources Scroll

 Bombshell Testimony on Clinton's Threats to National Security

 The China Connection

 House Government Reform and Oversight Committee
 June 24, 1999

 Prepared Testimony of Congressman Curt Weldon

 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I welcome the opportunity to testify today --
 not as a Republican looking for a target of opportunity to attack the
 Administration, but as a Member of Congress concerned about the
 politicization of national security matters and retribution against
 government employees who stood up against it.  In fact, it was my
 efforts to bring bipartisanship to the national missile defense debate
 that brought me here today.

 In 1995, the congressional leadership committed to passing legislation
 that would mandate the timely deployment of a national missile defense
 system.  Unfortunately, that debate began on a highly partisan note --
 bolstered by the President's repeated public insistence that the
 United States was no longer targeted by Russian missiles. Concerned
 about the Administration's attempts to downplay missile threats and
 the lack of alternative information on threats and systems to defend
 against them, I established the bipartisan Congressional Missile
 Defense Caucus with John Spratt, Peter Geren, and Duncan Hunter to
 educate members and the American public about the issues.

 Through hearings and briefings,  the regular distribution of
 materials, and in speeches across the country, I worked aggressively
 to increase awareness of threats and to counter misrepresentations
 that were being made. Soon, people were coming to update me on threat
 developments, asking that I follow through so that critical matters
 were not overlooked.  Sadly, I also became a conduit for agency
 employees whose findings were being squelched by the Administration.
 That is how I first learned about the Administration's aggressive
 campaign of distortion -- when a former DOE employee came to my office
 in 1995 to discuss the deterioration of Russian nuclear security.

 Jay Stewart

 In 1991, Jay Stewart, Director of DOE's Office of Foreign
 Intelligence, commissioned a panel of DOE specialists to assess the
 control, safety, and security of Soviet nuclear weapons.  Later that
 year,  results indicating a loss of control were briefed to Secretary
 of Energy James Watkins, and the CIA.  Stewart made continued
 monitoring of this urgent situation -- known as the "Russian Fission"
 program -- the office priority.  In December 1992, he led a classified
 conference on this subject matter at the National Defense University
 [NDU], which was widely attended by the military, intelligence and
 policy communities.

 Hazel O'Leary was briefed on this situation in February 1993, and
 asked that Secretary-General of NATO Manfred Woerner be briefed
 immediately.  Suddenly, after marshalling the highest levels of
 support from the U.S. government and NATO, the program was terminated
 by the newly appointed Director of DOE's Office of Intelligence and
 Arms Control, Jack Keliher.  All papers, briefings, agendas,
 conference video and audio tapes were seized,  locked up -- and
 ultimately destroyed. Keliher said that the Secretary told him the
 program was "politically sensitive" and could "embarrass the
 President." He said that "if any materials from the NDU conference
 ever leaked to the press, somebody would be fired." He then said
 Stewart's work was "ill informed," contained "inaccurate assumptions
 and conclusions" and should not be referred to because it "gave the
 wrong impression of the situation in Russia."

 Refusing to buckle under to political pressure and tow the party line,
 Stewart and his deputy were both removed from all DOE intelligence and
 management duties.   Facing a future in dead-end positions, both
 quietly left DOE.  Jay was an outstanding career employee of the
 Department of Energy, who worked his way up the ranks to serve as the
 First Director of Counterintelligence, and as Director of Foreign
 Intelligence. Among the many professional awards he received were the
 National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation, the Presidential
 Meritorious Executive Rank Award, and ultimately, the National
 Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal.   Concerned that the
 Administration would try to bury this information, and astounded by
 the lengths to which it went to dispose of the findings, I initiated
 an Armed Services Committee investigation of this matter.  Most
 Department employees "circled the wagons," preventing us from
 obtaining physical evidence of politicization.  However, Jay's story
 was ultimately corroborated by three brave DOE employees, and was
 later backed up in the book One Point Safe.  I 


1999-06-26 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed.
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


I just posted the following on my web page at




   1. The White race made America what it is today.

   2. American heritage is White heritage.

   3. American law is based upon White concepts from White European

   4. The American all-White neighborhoods of the past were
   safer, and freer of crime of all sorts than integrated
neighborhoods of

   5. The American all-White schools of the past were clearly
superior to
   any integrated school of today.

   6. All great societies of the past which were White as they rose
   power, when they changed from being dominantly White, to a
   mixed race society, they fell permanently into decay. (e.g.
   Greece, Rome, Spain, Portugal.)

   7. Racial integration of our neighborhoods and our schools has
   them into decay, just like the racial integration of the
of the
   great White nations of the past caused them to fall into decay.
   both ancient and recent American, have consistently taught the
   same lesson. It is clear beyond any debate, that modifying the
   composition of America away from the dominantly White society
   was as it rose to power, towards a mixed, racially diverse
society, will be
   catastrophic. It will plunge the great American nation into the
   depths that the other great White nations of the past have fallen

   8. Based upon the extensive history of the Black race it is clear
that they
   are not capable of creating or maintaining an advanced society.
   have never created one advanced society in Africa. In every case
   as Haiti) where they have been given a thriving society, they
   it, driving it into the same primitive state that their people
have always
   lived in, in their native Africa. (For any who is foolish enough
to doubt
   history, we have the sad spectacle of South Africa playing out
before us,
   which should erase all doubts.)

   9. History has shown us that the Black race cannot create or
maintain an
   advanced society on their own. They therefore, as a people,
   fit into an advanced society, as equals, living and working
   who not only are capable of building one advanced society, but
have built
   numerous such societies in all climates and in all types of land.

   10. History has shown us that the Hispanic peoples are also
deficient in
   creating advanced societies like the White race has repeatedly
   While they have show ability that is superior to the Black race,
   creating written language and some moderately advanced societies
   have not been able to take the superior natural resources of the
   American continent and do much with them.

   11. Spain and Portugal sent soldiers to the lands south of the
   to conquer and take the wealth of the land. Instead of sending
families to
   colonize, the Spanish men took native wives. The racial makeup of
   lands south of the Rio Grande is composed of American Indian,
   mixed-race and a small percentage of Whites thrown in. Their
   have never thrived like the nations to the north where Whites
   and kept their race in tact, seldom mixing their race with

   12. By "celebrating diversity" we are bringing in the Hispanic
   peoples into White America and we will cause the North American
   continent to become like the South American continent. The great
   and stable society of the White United States will be traded for
   poverty and instability of the revolution torn countries south of

   13. Even if all races were exactly the same, if there were no
   whatsoever, the fact that Whites created the nation of the United
   of America, means that we are completely within our honorable
rights to
   restrict entrance into our country. We may honorably allow only
   immigrants, or no immigrants at all.

   14. The number of Whites, as a percentage of world population, is

[CTRL] Electro-Propulsive Flying Saucers - Non-Alien Secret Tech?

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

-Original Message-From: 
Undisclosed-Recipient:;;;; [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Saturday, June 26, 1999 1:12 PMSubject: Re: Your question to the 
end secrecy egroups(Copyright, 1992-99, William R. Lyne) 
Dear Remy, and Lloyd,  it may 
be true that Lusar was a German officer during the war, but he was not in the 
Luftwaffe, and his information on flying discs was limited on a need to 
know basis, so he really didn't have any information beyond the general 
appearances of the ships. Lusar's knowledge and speculations were based on 
conventional jet-propulsion technology already generally known to the public by 
the time he wrote his books, and the boundary layer technology, 
which was strictly aerodyne technology, of Prandtl and later Coanda, was also 
declassified early on, showing that it had nothing whatsoever to do with REAL 
flying disc technology. The secret agencies have declassified NOTHING relating 
to true, electro-propulsive flying ship technology, including any historical 
origins, theories, or related developments which might lead investigators to the 
real technology. I was able to piece the technology together during over 50 
years of research, during which I saw electro-propulsive flying saucers up close 
(300' maximum distance), in broad daylight, with many witnesses. I was able to 
discover Tesla's secret primarily by reference to papers published prior to 
1900, supplanted by remarks and tidbits leaked through news paper, book, archive 
and magazine material since then. I combined this with numerous information 
gleaned from numerous personal contacts and experiences to come up with the 
complete picture. I have pieced together the major substance of Tesla's Dynamic 
Theory of Gravity, which was completed by Tesla in 1893-94, which was never 
published by him, and which is still classified by the U.S. government, because 
in the theory lies the secrets of the electro-propulsive technology. 
 The persons Lusar named, such as 
Miethe, Schriever, etc., etc., were primarily aerodyne DESIGNERS, not inventors 
of the technology. This was particularly true of the Italian, Belluzo. The 
aerodyne projects (based on aerodynamics and jet-propulsion, or in the case of 
Habermohl's Flugerad, heliocopter technology combined with rotating 
jet-propulsion pods) were for misinformational purposes, because the Germans had 
already acquired the far superior electro-propulsive technology of Nikola Tesla, 
as early as 1934 insofar as I have been able to determine, and tested the 
technology at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in a secret project called p2, 
between 1936-38, under the direction of Wernher von Braun, who had come to New 
Mexico on the invitation of the American Rocket Society, the Smithsonian, and 
the Simon and Florence Guggenheim foundations, to work with Dr. Robert Goddard, 
at his laboratory at Mescalero, New Mexico, with a test range at Eden Valley. 
Tesla apparently agreed to work in the German project, after he had offered the 
technology to the U.S. government on several occasions, and was treated like a 
lunatic. He was led into the project under the idea that it was for 
peace and all mankind. 
 In late 1945, General George 
Patton made a deep penetration beyond Russian lines to Peenemunde, to retrieve 
or destroy all the electric disc technology, rocket technology, and related 
technology, so the Russians wouldn't get it---at least from that source---and 
among the things found by Patton, was 200 celestial guidance systems for German 
flying discs, which were stored deep underground in a salt cave. Patton was 
ordered to destroy the systems, which really made him mad, but he didn't know 
that our intelligence and the corporations already had all the duplicate files 
on these weapons and developments. The Germans had around two large stashes of 
these files, and we got them both. This trip by Patton---in which saucer-hunting 
intelligence officers posed as tank commanders---has now been completely purged 
from all war histories available to the public, and the entire incident 
classified, although I read about it in 1957, and discussed it with my 
co-workers in Air Force Intelligence. In 1979, as detailed in my book, PENTAGON 
ALIENS (1999)(the third edition of Space Aliens From the Pentagon), I acquired a 
Peiltochterkompass (polar slave compass), which was brought to Sandia 
Base, New Mexico, with some of the electro-propulsive German saucers after the 
war. This device is one-half of one of the celestial (inertial) guidance systems 
which Patton found in the Peenemunde salt cave. 
 I was personal friends with a 
rocket pioneer, Peter van Dresser, who was angry about Goddard's sharing of his 
rocket technology with von Braun, and considered him a traitor. Van Dresser's 
technology antedates that of von Braun and Goddard. His 

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

These guys are all DEAD! So are  Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Marx.

Are we to let dead men think for us? Or are we going to think for

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 These guys are all DEAD! So are  Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Marx.
 Are we to let dead men think for us? Or are we going to think for

Letting others do the thinking is always easier.
Letting others do the voting is easier, too.  I like it when people
don't vote - then my vote counts extra.  In essence, I'm thinking
for them AND voting for them.  It's very empowering.
I draw the line at doing other people's windows for them, though.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dictionary of Key Terms for a Free and Virtuous Society [must 4 List newbies]

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Dictionary of Key Terms for a Free and Virtuous Society
Compiled by Stephen Grabill ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Gregory M. A.
Gronbacher ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ANARCHISM: The belief that it is possible for there to be an orderly social
order in the absence of any government. While various schools of anarchism
exist, all share the common view that a society can peacefully exist without
any state structures. Key thinkers include Karl Marx*, Pierre-Joseph
Proudhon*, Pytor Alekseyevich Kropotkin*, and Murray Rothbard*.

ARISTOCRACY: The word "aristocracy" means rule by the best. A form of
government where a few qualified elite have political power. The primary
justification for aristocracy is the imperfection of all human beings. The
best for which the masses may hope is to be ruled by an hereditary elite,
who have been bred to the prospect of power, rewarded with the privileges
necessary to make its members accept the responsibilities of office, and
have checks on its powers. Key advocates include Plato*, Aristotle*, Edmund
Burke*, and John Calvin*.

AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS: Austrian economics is a school of economic thought
founded with the publication of Carl Menger's Principles of Economics in
1871. Austrian economists believe that economics is a science of timeless
and universally true propositions regarding how human beings fulfill their
needs and wants through social cooperation given scarce resources. The
Austrian school has several identifiable tenets including methodological
individualism (see Individualism), economic value subjectivism, and strong
opposition to government intervention in the market. It is often thought to
be the economic "ideology" of conservative and classical liberal thinkers
(see Classical Liberalism). One reason for this identification is because of
its individualistic and anti-statist features. Another is due to the central
role it attributes to private property in the market system. Key thinkers
who followed Menger include Ludwig von Mises*, Eugen Boehm-Bawerk*,
Friedrich Hayek*, Murray Rothbard*, and Israel Kirzner.

CAPITALISM: Capitalism can be described as a free-market system of
economics. Economic liberty is the cornerstone of the free-market system.
Economic liberty entails freedom from unnecessary government intervention in
the market place, legal protection of private property, and the freedom to
buy and sell almost anything at any time.

Free-market thought has its origin in several sources including the work of
the French physiocrats, the late Scholastics, and the British classical
economists, notably Adam Smith. Classical economics (see Classical Economic
Theory) later developed into various schools of economic thought. Three
prominent schools include the Austrian school, the Chicago school, and the
Virginia school (sometimes called the Public Choice school). The single
defining characteristic unifying all three schools is a tireless defense of
human liberty, particularly, economic liberty. Forceful admonitions against
direct government involvement into the economy unites every free-market
economist regardless of background and theoretical viewpoint. Free-market
economists agree that, while the intentions of government may be honorable,
intervention disrupts market processes by curtailing liberty and spontaneous
development. Key thinkers include Adam Smith*, Ludwig von Mises*, Friedrich
Hayek*, Milton Friedman, Wilhelm Roepke*, James Buchanan, Gary Becker, and
Michael Novak.

CLASSICAL ECONOMIC THEORY: Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, best
represents the school of classical economic theory. Classical economists
were occupied mostly with the production of capital. These economists
determined prices for goods not by consumer demand, as we do today, but by
how much an item cost to produce (natural price theory). Because the science
of economics began about the same time as modern natural science, the
classical economists frequently employed scientific and philosophical ideas
in their writing. Key thinkers include Adam Smith*, David Ricardo*, and John
Stuart Mill*.

CLASSICAL LIBERALISM: A term used to describe a political philosophy
commonly held in nineteenth-century England and France but now undergoing a
renaissance in the United States. Classical liberals advocate free markets,
a vibrant array of nongovernmental institutions (such as civic groups,
schools, churches, etc.), and minimal tax-financed government services.
Classical liberals firmly believe that both persons and property should be
protected from physical harm. They also emphasize the strict enforcement of
contracts. Classical liberals, following Lord Acton, consider liberty to be
the highest political value but not to the point of becoming a worldview.
Examples of classical liberal thinkers include Frederic Bastiat*, Lord
Acton*, Alexis de Tocqueville*, John Locke*, John Stuart Mill*, and
Friedrich Hayek*.

COERCION: Distinguished from 

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 These guys are all DEAD! So are  Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Marx.

Jesus is alive and well, thank you!

 Are we to let dead men think for us? Or are we going to think for

And, he doesn't think for ushe guides us, strengthens
us, and teaches us forgiveness.and we need all that strength
and foregiveness to tolerate the liberals.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 I like it when people don't vote - then my vote counts extra.

If voting could change anything it would be against the law.

No matter who you vote for government wins.

Don't vote; it only encourages them.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Jesus is alive and well, thank you!

That' your opinion. The majority of people

 And, he doesn't think for ushe guides us, strengthens  us,

So it's his fault you people have raped, murdered, stolen and enslaved for
a millinia and a half?

 and teaches us forgiveness. and we need all that strength and
foregiveness to tolerate the liberals.

If you can tell a liberal from a conservative, more power to you. As for
me, no matter whether I look to the left or the right, if I look far
enough I see EXACTLY the same thing: a bunch of guys with guns who want to
tell me how to screw, which drugs to take and when to show up for work.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Shroud of Turin

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/24/99 1:21:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 As Gerald Larue says:

  "Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the Shroud is
  a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such
  deliberately created relics produced in the same
  period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific
  shrines to enhance and increase the status and
  financial income of the local church."

Certainly a supportable contention.  One that I think is PROBABLY accurate.
BUT, there are some intriguing aspects of the Shroud, like the pollen and
other adherents to the cloth which support an older date and a middle eastern
origin.  One must certainly accept the fact that religious relics are used by
the church to further their own belief systems.  Science usually fails to
support and again we are left with issues of faith and belief, in the face of
science (as if science is always right all the time!).  The shroud is an
interesting relic and I am open to all the possibilities.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Shroud of Turin

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/25/99 5:24:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Since the Shroud of Turin is such a fake, created six centuries ago ---
  William Shannon wouldn't mind creating a few more, I'm sure. I mean, with
  today's technology it should be child's play. Carbon dating is very
  unreliable, -- it falls into the category of "evolution", which, on the
  basis of the available scientific evidence, stands totally disproven as of
  now. Carbon dating isn't worthless, but it can mean one of several things,
  depending on the premises. The new "don't raise any questions" propaganda
  tool is the DNA testing; the results released two days before the 1998
  election showing that Jefferson and Sally Hemmings had relations and a
  child -- prove to be fraudulent, as since Jefferson had no male surviving
  line, there was no way to do the test. It was just a guess
  please advise us all when the new Shroud "fakes" are done. Thanks. Jim
  Condit Jr.  P.S. opportunists making up fake relics do not necessarily
  discredit the orginal happenings.

I must agree with the notion that Carbon dating is unreliable in some cases,
and this may be one of them.  I also must agree that just because there is a
fake does not mean that there was not an original somewhere.  However, it
also does not mean that there IS.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-26 Thread John Lee

- Original Message - 
From: MAG 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 10:58 PM
Subject: SNET: Quotations About Jews By the Jews Themselves - QUOTES 

Today it is taught in the schools that "Anti-Semitism" began in Germany 
the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is the fact
that at one time or other the Jews have been expelled from every nation 
Europe! When the Jews first began to immigrate to America the early
colonialists in New York, Charleston and Savannah tried to ban their 

Benjamin Franklin pleaded with the members of the Continental Congress to 
enter a 
specific ban against Jewish immigration into the U. S. Constitution to 
bar them for all time to come.

The Jews claim that they are "only" a religion. The truth is that the 
are a RACE. Less than 30% are members of any Synagogue. Whether they are
Orthodox religious, atheists, capitalists or communists - they still 
to be Jews - members of the Jewish race! Every race has inherited traits. 
the case of the Jews they include trading, money-changing, usury, and a
loathing for "productive labor" which is scorned as beneath the dignity 
the Jews in their "bible" called "THE TALMUD."

The Jews have not changed since the days when Jesus Christ took up a whip
and drove "the money changers out of the Temple." Jews have always united 
form monopolies. Today they control all the department store chains and
speciality shops along with the lucrative jewelry and animal fur trade. 
dominate the fields of all precious metals such as gold, silver, 
tin, lead, etc. They will always ban together to drive Gentile 
out of business.

Today America is being flooded with Jewish immigrants from Russia and 
20,000 per year leave Israel for the U. S. - all with dollar signs in 
eyes. Jews have used their vaunted money-power to seize control of the
Democratic Party and constitute over 50% of all its financial 
Today they are buying up more and more major U. S. companies. While only 
of the population, the Jews control over 25% of the nation's wealth and 
percentage rises every year. They are the only racial group totally
organized to work for political domination over America.

Opposition to the Jews did not begin in Germany but dates back before the
birth of Christ over 2,000 years ago! Study the statements made by "The
world's greatest men." They reveal why the "wandering Jews" have made
enemies out of every host country that ever accepted them. 

AQUINAS, THOMAS, Saint. 13th century scholastic philosopher. In his "On 
Governance of the Jews," he wrote:
"The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have obtained from 
by usury; it were best that they were compelled to worked so that they 
earn their living instead of doing nothing but becoming avaricious."

H. H. BEAMISH, in New York Speech, October 30, 1937
"The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a
great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making
inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were 
by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum
controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these
people touch they inevitably pollute."

JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. 
was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because 
is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for 
is a liar and the father of it. - then answered the Jews - "
(which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

ST. JUSTIN, martyr stated in 116 A. D.
"The Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians. They 
through the country everywhere hating and undermining the Christian 
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. 20th century British dramatist.
"This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the 
the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew. (London Morning Post, December 
This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. 
Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the
chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and 
in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being
human beings. (Literary Digest, October 12, 1932)

We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity 
and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own 
people. Rabbi Reichorn in Le Contemporain, July 1, 1880.
We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look 

Re: [CTRL] a tribe of budding supermen (fwd)

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/25/99 7:30:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Net is purgatory.  Fools communicating with each other only multiplies

  "Baboon politics" (a nod to Tim Leary and RA Wilson) using high-tech tools
  only succeeds in getting baboons to pound each other over the head more

  There's nothing new under the sun, except perhaps more expensive

How true.  And let's not forget more effective sunscreen, and Aspartame.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: SNET: Every Patriot need to visit this site to be counted.. It's u

1999-06-26 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 This individual is trying to get one million hits on his web page within

100 days.  He is then going to send the address to some legislators to

 show there are people interested in continuing to own guns.  Just go to

 his web site to show a hit.

Sounds to me  like a good way to get your door kicked in  someday.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


other critical facts never taught by WASPs:

1. one of the first and oldest ARYAN races was black
2. 'white civilisation' has simply been a better organised bloodbath
3. History teaches us nothing because it is false and used as a political
vehicle by evil people looking for scapegoats to murder.
Whoever built the pyramids at giza long before 'official explanations'
began - was not white, or human, but had a superior civilisation.
4. Racists are undereducated and have no critical academic faculties
which is why they're IQ defficiency is so antisocial.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Son of Sam

1999-06-26 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

We will be revisted by the Son of Sam this summer in the movie Summer of
Sam. I have heard references to it, but know next to nothing nothing about
it. Could somebody post some info on Son of Sam  some theories behind
it/him as well? Thanks.

"Those who want to hear the voice of pagan gods in wind or thunder, who
want to see the fairies dance in the moonlight, who can believe that
faith can move mountains, can follow the thread on the pages of this
book. It is a fragile thread; it cannot bear the weight of facts and
-Kate Seredy, "The White Stag"
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-26 Thread Maggie

 -Caveat Lector-

Good thing for the students that are black children, huh?
People who think like you make me fear that we will never rise above this
tragedy called life on earth.

-Original Message-
From: Peter L. Sroufe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 2:53 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
   Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed.
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


I just posted the following on my web page at




   1. The White race made America what it is today.

   2. American heritage is White heritage.

   3. American law is based upon White concepts from White European

   4. The American all-White neighborhoods of the past were
   safer, and freer of crime of all sorts than integrated
neighborhoods of

   5. The American all-White schools of the past were clearly
superior to
   any integrated school of today.

   6. All great societies of the past which were White as they rose
   power, when they changed from being dominantly White, to a
   mixed race society, they fell permanently into decay. (e.g.
   Greece, Rome, Spain, Portugal.)

   7. Racial integration of our neighborhoods and our schools has
   them into decay, just like the racial integration of the
of the
   great White nations of the past caused them to fall into decay.
   both ancient and recent American, have consistently taught the
   same lesson. It is clear beyond any debate, that modifying the
   composition of America away from the dominantly White society
   was as it rose to power, towards a mixed, racially diverse
society, will be
   catastrophic. It will plunge the great American nation into the
   depths that the other great White nations of the past have

   8. Based upon the extensive history of the Black race it is
that they
   are not capable of creating or maintaining an advanced society.
   have never created one advanced society in Africa. In every case
   as Haiti) where they have been given a thriving society, they
   it, driving it into the same primitive state that their people
have always
   lived in, in their native Africa. (For any who is foolish enough
to doubt
   history, we have the sad spectacle of South Africa playing out
before us,
   which should erase all doubts.)

   9. History has shown us that the Black race cannot create or
maintain an
   advanced society on their own. They therefore, as a people,
   fit into an advanced society, as equals, living and working
   who not only are capable of building one advanced society, but
have built
   numerous such societies in all climates and in all types of

   10. History has shown us that the Hispanic peoples are also
deficient in
   creating advanced societies like the White race has repeatedly
   While they have show ability that is superior to the Black race,
   creating written language and some moderately advanced societies
   have not been able to take the superior natural resources of the
   American continent and do much with them.

   11. Spain and Portugal sent soldiers to the lands south of the
   to conquer and take the wealth of the land. Instead of sending
families to
   colonize, the Spanish men took native wives. The racial makeup
   lands south of the Rio Grande is composed of American Indian,
   mixed-race and a small percentage of Whites thrown in. Their
   have never thrived like the nations to the north where Whites
   and kept their race in tact, seldom mixing their race with

   12. By "celebrating diversity" we are bringing in the Hispanic
   peoples into White America and we will cause the North American
   continent to become like the South American continent. The great
   and stable society of the White United States will be traded for
   poverty and instability of the revolution torn countries south

   13. Even if all races were exactly the same, if there 

[CTRL] Speaking of Gun Shows

1999-06-26 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

 This weekend Colorado Springs is having a gun show which it has once
every quarter.  I have never been to a gun show till today because I never
had the urge to own a gun ... I had enough of them in the military.  However,
I see our rights going down the toilet one by one and I decided to get a
couple of thousand dollars and arm myself, not against criminals (I can
handle them with a baseball bat) but against the government.  If the IRS is
armed, maybe I need to be armed also, especially when they budget a million
dollars for semautomatic weapons.
 I was surprised because the parking lot was full and people were walking
around everywhere with guns.  When I entered the building there were police
and guards everywhere asking if I was carrying a weapon or ammunition.  There
were thousands of guns there, everything you could think of from flintlocks
to Thompson machine guns.  There were SKS rifles, AR-15's (M-16 civilian
version) 10 gauge shotguns, you name it and many of the dealers had signs
that said they could get you any kind of rifle you wanted.
 I had the idea that you could buy a weapon without the government
knowing about it, that's why I went to the gun show ... Zipperboy Clinton
says there are not any restrictions on gun shows ... bullshit!  there was a
cop on every isle, all the sellers required an I.D. check and registration.
Not only that, but the prices were outrageous, $1500 for an AR-15, $500 for a
mini14 (same caliber as an M18) and there were boxes of ammo you could
purchase in bulk, by the thousands.
 As I was leaving the parking lot I noticed a cop car driving around,
seemed that one of them was writing something in a notebook (license

 I didn't buy a gun.  I am a law abiding citizen, hell the last ticket I
got was in 1969.  I haven't even thought about breaking the law, but I sure
felt strange looking at guns with cops standing around all over the selling
area.  I did manage to talk to a few people when I sat down for a coke and a
BBQ sandwich and it seems a lot of people were like me, wanting a weapon to
protect myself from a government gone haywire, but not feeling comfortable in
this "Big Brother" environment.

 I guess now I'll just have to buy a flare gun at the local boat shop.
They aren't against the law.  It may not have the stopping power of a 38, but
I can sure "lite 'em up" and their bullet-proof vests won't be flare proof.
It's a pity when you don't feel safe in your own country, especially when
you've lived in Japan, Turkey, South Korea, West Germany etc and felt safe

 They don't need more gun controls, they just need a lot less government
involvement in our private lives.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Son of Sam

1999-06-26 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

I think David Berkowitz has taken to claiming he was involved in a
widespread Satanic cult (The Process?) where he was merely the patsy set
up to take the fall and that the NYPD allegedly suppressed evidence
incriminatory of other participants in their eagerness to close the case.


On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 We will be revisted by the Son of Sam this summer in the movie Summer of
 Sam. I have heard references to it, but know next to nothing nothing about
 it. Could somebody post some info on Son of Sam  some theories behind
 it/him as well? Thanks.

 "Those who want to hear the voice of pagan gods in wind or thunder, who
 want to see the fairies dance in the moonlight, who can believe that
 faith can move mountains, can follow the thread on the pages of this
 book. It is a fragile thread; it cannot bear the weight of facts and
 -Kate Seredy, "The White Stag"
 ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Saturday, June 26, 1999

1999-06-26 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for June 26, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #598 ~~ 6/26/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Bush obfuscating abortion rights issue?
   * Time to contact congress about RLPA
   * TheistWatch: obey those "in authority"
   * Resources
   * About this list...


To his supporters, Texas Governor George W.  Bush is a the best chance
the Republicans have of taking back 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after
eight long years of Bill Clinton.  To critics, though, the namesake
son of former President George Bush is vague on many policy issues,
and is doing his utmost to conceal his true intentions about
hot-button topics, especially the rights of women to legal abortion

Though he has declared himself a "compassionate conservative," Bush is
sending contradictory signs about his stand on the abortion question.
His record on that topic, as well as issues related to the separation
of church and state, is raising concerns with many groups.

For separationists, the prospect of George Bush in the White House
recalls his recent signing of the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration
Act (RFRA), legislation which requires government to employ a
cumbersome "compelling interest/least restrictive means" test when
dealing with faith-based groups and practices.  Bush is also a
supporter of vouchers for private and religious schools, which critics
see as a major step in the public funding of churches and other
sectarian groups.  The Texas Governor also supports initiatives like
the American Community Renewal Act and other measures that will make
it easier for faith-based social outreaches to receive public monies,
and meld their message of faith and salvation into efforts to help the
poor, prison inmates, drug and alcohol abusers or other groups.
Indeed, Texas has become a laboratory in giving religious ministries
unparalleled access to the criminal justice system; Chuck Colson's
Prison Ministry Fellowship already operates an entire unit at one
state prison and is aiming a potent religious message at inmates.
Colson's group is picking up the $2 million tab for the first phase of
the program, but hopes that at the end of the two-year trial period,
public monies will support the operation.

  Restraining "Judicial Activism"

And there is the prospect that Bush, or any other winner in the year
2000 presidential run, will likely end up selecting as many as three
U.S.  Supreme Court justices in the course of a four year term.
Though he has not been grilled on the issue, Bush is likely to follow
the conservative line against so-called "judicial activism," the
perception that the high court has been "creating law" by extending
rights in certain areas, overruling the fiat of individual states in
key legal suits, and applying federal laws, including the Bill of
Rights, against state actions.  Many of the court's decisions since
the early 1960s, especially those which helped to end prayer and Bible
verse recitation in public schools (ABINGTON TOWNSHIP v.  SCHEMPP,
MURRAY v.  CURLETT, ENGEL v.  VITALE) are often cited as examples of
the court's "activism."

The coloration of the bench, and the mathematics of appointments,
makes it likely that the next U.S.  President could set a judicial
tone for the nation lasting decades.  Chief Justice William Rehnquist,
at 74, is expected to retire around 2001, but may linger if asked to
remain on the bench by a Republican President.  Whereas Rehnquist has
declared that separation of church and state is a legal "myth," the
establishment clause has found more of a friend in Justice John Paul
Stevens.  At 79, he is the court's major proponent of First Amendment
separation, but health concerns could force him into retirement.  Next
on the age ladder is Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, 69, an appointee
from the Reagan era.  "Rumors of ill health are persistently knocked
down," notes a profile from USA TODAY.  She is considered a moderate,
and a key swing vote.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was appointed by
President Clinton in 1993.  She has no public plans to retire, but her
goal of being elevated to Chief Justice may change that if Bush or
another Republican wins in the year 2000.

Barring calamity, the other justices are likely to stay on through any
one or two term president.  Antonin Scalia is 63, and the conservative
stalwart of the court.  Justice Anthony Kennedy at 62 has rendered a
number of decisions which have upset the religious right.  David
Souter, 50, was 

[CTRL] Long-hidden Nuremburg laws to be exhibited at Jewish Cultural Center - 6-26-99 (fwd)

1999-06-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

Long-hidden Nuremburg laws to be exhibited at Jewish Cultural 

 Binary data

Re: [CTRL] Son of Sam

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/99 9:30:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I think David Berkowitz has taken to claiming he was involved in a
  widespread Satanic cult (The Process?) where he was merely the patsy set
  up to take the fall and that the NYPD allegedly suppressed evidence
  incriminatory of other participants in their eagerness to close the case.


  On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard wrote:

-Caveat Lector-
   We will be revisted by the Son of Sam this summer in the movie Summer of
   Sam. I have heard references to it, but know next to nothing nothing
   it. Could somebody post some info on Son of Sam  some theories behind
   it/him as well? Thanks.

Well, this is an issue that is well covered in the book "Ultimate Evil" by
Maury Terry.  David Berkowitz was involved with a Satanic group which was an
offshoot of the Process Church of the Final Judgment, which was an import
from England in the 60's.  They used German Shepherds as pets and sacrifices
in their rituals.  The "Son of Sam" that was written in the letters to the
police may have been identifying one of the other cult members that was
involved in the murder spree, the son of a man named Sam, who was involved in
the cult as well as his brother and possibly his sister too.  Both of those
brothers died in somewhat suspicious circumstances.  Some other bizarre
connections involve a man named Manson II who had some involvement with
Charlie's family in California and may have been a travelling hit
man/executioner for the cult scene.  It is virtually certain that Charles
Manson had some contact with this group out in California since their offices
were so close to where Charlie hung out.  Many murders and bizarre happenings
surround the case and it is far from over.  Recently I have heard talk that
the case was being reopened based on new evidence.  Berkowitz, who is now
supposedly a "born again" Christian, has ended his silence on the matter and
begun to affirm the cult connections to the murders.  The case is much more
complex than we are told, even without the cult connection.  There were
several very different descriptions given for the assailants involved, so
divergant that they could not possibly be the same person.  The way the case
was handled by the police was unusual to say the least.
It is an interesting case and pivota to understanding the control and elitist
connections with the murderous underground and cult movements in this
country, and may be one of those "Rosetta stone's" to uncovering the whole
damned conspiracy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I like it when people don't vote - then my vote counts extra.

 If voting could change anything it would be against the law.

It is, in many places.

 No matter who you vote for government wins.

Tell that to South Africans.

 Don't vote; it only encourages them.

Good - I'll cast your vote then, and it'll be Green.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] DNA Ain't You

1999-06-26 Thread Amelia Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

This is very interesting in light of new technologies and future
breakthroughs--could one be clones without knowing and meet oneself on the
street one fine day?  This seems like something that should be challenged in
court.  On a larger scales then are our organs our own?

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 1999 9:06 AM
Subject: [CTRL] DNA Ain't You

 -Caveat Lector-

 In case anyone is interested, there was a bill that just passed the Oregon
 Senate which defined Human DNA as *NOT* being the property of the person
 if you live in Oregon then, the Oregon Senate just declared, by signing
 bill, that YOUR OWN DNA is not your property.

 Instead, what they said, in the bill, is that your DNA is a "Privacy"
 The reason for doing this was so that pharmaceutical companies could TAKE
 your DNA - via various methods - SO LONG AS they swore to NOT disclose who
 the person was from whom the DNA came from.

 The CATCH is, that once taken, that DNA became the property of the
 facility or lab that possessed it. Quite interesting isn't it?  They don't
 want your own DNA to be "called" YOURS, but on the flip side of it, they
 want the DNA, once taken from a person's body to become the property of
 person or company in who's possession that DNA is in.

 Additionally, I did a little research.  One of the groups supposedly
 this DNA bill was an organization which calls itself  PhRMA.  So, I dug
 who was associated with PhRMA.  As I discovered, PhRMA was composed of
 quite literally over a 100 pharmaceutical companiesas well as
 NOT related to the pharmaceutical industry

 If you are interested in which companies are involved in PhRMA, then go to
 my website at and click on the graphic which
 shows a DNA strand drawingit's big and red in color and says


 When the next page comes up look for this link:


 ( Oregon Senate Chamber Meeting of May 28, 1999 9:53 AM )
 Read Senate Bill 937 for yourself and read where the main sponsor of
 Senate  Bill 937, Senator Neil Bryant, says that *YOUR* *DNA* is
 *NOT* your own  property.

 Listen to Senate members defend their SELL OUT of your intrinsic
 RIGHTS to the Pharmaceutical and Bio-Tech corporations as well as to
 Oregon State Research  Institute which plans to make MILLIONS OF
 DOLLARS through the research of DNA.

 After you get to THAT page you'll see a link that will say this:

 Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America

 Click on that link to see over 100 companies that have an interest in that
 legislation that just passed the Oregon Senate.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/99 7:17:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jesus is alive and well, thank you!
  That' your opinion. The majority of people

   And, he doesn't think for ushe guides us, strengthens  us,

  So it's his fault you people have raped, murdered, stolen and enslaved for
  a millinia and a half?

   and teaches us forgiveness. and we need all that strength and
  foregiveness to tolerate the liberals.

  If you can tell a liberal from a conservative, more power to you. As for
  me, no matter whether I look to the left or the right, if I look far
  enough I see EXACTLY the same thing: a bunch of guys with guns who want to
  tell me how to screw, which drugs to take and when to show up for work.

First of all saying that "we all need Jesus" is proselytizing and has no
place here.  You may have your beliefs but do not try and tell others they
need to share them with you.  That said, Nessie's response was unnecessarily
harsh against the beliefs of the original poster.  Saying that "you people"
implying this individual and all Christians approve of rape and the other
things you identify, as well as carry them out, is just designed to inflame
so please refrain from this tactic.  One can point out the history of
Christianity and make a case for "the church" causing much death and other
harm during it's existence but let's NOT make this a personal issue or attack
each other in such a way.
Thank you.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
  From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  These guys are all DEAD! So are  Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Marx.

   Jesus is alive and well, thank you!

First graffiti: JESUS LIVES IN MY HEART!
Next graffiti:  Watch out; if He gets stuck in an artery, you'll die.

Buddha lives.  Muhammad lives.  Lao Tzu lives.  John Lennon lives.
De Sade lives.  Caesar lives.  Sappho lives.  Garelamaisama lives.
All icons and memes live.  Marx isn't do so well at the moment, tho.

  Are we to let dead men think for us? Or are we going to think for

   And, he doesn't think for ushe guides us, strengthens
   us, and teaches us forgiveness.and we need all that strength
   and foregiveness to tolerate the liberals.

Yeshua [Jesus] is claimed by liberals, moderates, conservatives,
reactionaries, idealists, racists, pacifists, warmongers, dweebs,
UFOlogists, pantheists, Baha'is, Mormons, and multitudes of others.
Whatever of his is 'taught' obviously isn't very clear.  Of course,
the fundy jeezoid criminal conspiracy bent on imposing their very
authoritarian views upon humanity would have us think otherwise, eh?

But then, Yeshua himself was part of a 'criminal conspiracy' or
'national liberation movement' or 'band of bandits' [depending on
who you ask], the Jewish Revolt, violent militants bent on ridding
their Holy Land of Hellenes, Romans, Armenians and other outsiders.
Thus Yeshua is recorded to have consorted closely with a Zealot
[terrorist] and an Iscariot [short-sword assassin], as well as
representatives of the Fisher's Guild [at a time when fishing in
Palestine was being forcibly converted from an off-season pursuit
by farmers into factory-fishing for delicacies to appease the
gullets of Imperial demand.]  RENDER UNTO CAESAR THAT WHICH IS
CAESAR'S - and since Israel/Judea belonged to {YHWH}, NOTHING
there was Caesar's - an open call to tax revolt, eh?  I COME NOT
TO BREAK HOLY LAW [Torah] BUT TO SUSTAIN IT - that is, back to
Hebraic fundamentals.  Not exactly words of toleration, eh?

When you ignore the context of the times, it's easy to say that
Jesus 'teaches' something or other, usually whatever whomever's
citing Jesus wishes to emphasize.  Look at the history, and it's
a lot clearer - Yeshua's conspiracy was crushed by the Romans,
his movement was co-opted by Graeco/Roman forces, and that old
Hellenic conspiracy is still active today.  Can't we move on?

Ric "God was my copilot but we crashed in the Andes  I ate Her" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Clinton Committing America to Suicide

1999-06-26 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

 WND Exclusive Commentary
   by: Jon Dougherty
 Clinton committing America to suicide

 © 1999

 The "war" in Kosovo, now that an unworkable peace has been established, is no longer
 featured on the front pages of most major U.S. newspapers. All we are left with is 
 up the mess, picking up the costs of our damage, patting Clinton on the back for his 
 genius," and babysitting two warring factions -- again -- for the next millennium.

 A far more dire military situation than Kosovo has evolved, however, in regards to 
U.S. national
 security. And no matter how you try to spin it, the seriousness of it is nobody's 
fault except
 William Jefferson Clinton. As de facto "commander" of the U.S. military and 
president of this
 great nation, ultimately it is he who sets national security policies real military 
leaders must follow.

 For years defense experts and, in some cases, serving military commanders have been 
 to warn Americans that the Clinton administration is decapitating U.S. nuclear 
weapons systems
 to the point where many are now non-existent. Simultaneously, with the help of a 
 mainstream press, Americans have been told that those concerns are unfounded because 
 and China are no enemies of this state, that they too are disarming as we are, and 
that no Russian
 or Chinese nuclear threats exist in the first place. Besides, Clinton apologists 
maintain, even if
 they were a threat, neither can match the "power, reach and technological 
superiority" of the
 United States.

 Maybe in 1988 after the Reagan years, but in terms of military technology that was a 
long time
 ago. And as hundreds of thousands of current and former military personnel will 
attest, a lot can
 happen -- or not happen -- in a decade.

 At this time our nuclear force is a shell of what it once was, which would be just 
peachy if the
 United States did not face any threats to our existence from potential enemies with 
similar or
 better nuclear capabilities. But America does face those threats, and the list of 
countries that
 could be aligned against us in the future is growing. Worse, the U.S. has either 
directly provided
 much of the necessary upgrading technology or, at a minimum, has -- via the 
taxpayers -- paid
 for upgrading the newest weapons systems.

 Hostile countries are now fielding those weapons and, if you care to, you can take a 
guess as
 to where they are being aimed.

 It's one thing to shut down a tank production line or scale back the number of B-2 
bombers you
 plan to build. But in this day and age, it's quite a different (and more dangerous) 
thing to
 unilaterally rid yourself of nuclear weapons. But that is what the Clinton 
administration is doing.

 Here's a rundown of our current unilateral nuclear disarmament:

 •Clinton has signed Presidential Decision Directive 60, which changed the onus of 
our nuclear
 response. In the past the U.S. military has been able to "respond on warning" of a 
nuclear attack.
 No longer; Clinton has required our military commanders to receive direct approval 
from him before
 they can order the retaliatory launch of U.S. nuclear weapons against a country who 
launched at
 us first, even though U.S. commanders would know within seconds -- via satellite -- 
when an
 enemy's missiles were launched, and from where.

 •Clinton has ordered that America reduce her nuclear warhead deployment to 2,500 
warheads --
 far fewer than Russia, and before Russia has even considering ratifying a treaty 
limiting warhead
 deployment. This means, essentially, that the doctrine of "MAD" -- Mutually Assured 
Destruction --
 no longer applies because the Russians can destroy our retaliatory capability at 
once, and still
 have enough inventory in reserve in case they need to launch further nuclear strikes.

 •According to Joel M. Skousen, a political scientist and avid Russia analyst, "The 
most savvy
 Soviet-watchers can point to a host of evidence indicating that the so-called 
'collapse' was
 engineered to disarm the West and garner billions in direct aid to assist Russia 
while inducing
 the West to take over the economic burden of the former satellite states. But the 
most ominous
 evidence is found in defectors from Russia who tell the same story: Russia is 
cheating on all
 aspects of disarmament, and is siphoning off billions in Western aid money to 
modernize and
 deploy top-of-the-line new weapons systems aimed at taking down the U.S. military in 
one huge,
 decapitating nuclear strike."

 •Though considered at one time, the Clinton administration has killed any effort to 
build a U.S.
 -version of a mobile nuclear ICBM. The conventional nuclear missile 

Re: [CTRL] DNA Ain't You

1999-06-26 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Amelia Edgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is very interesting in light of new technologies and future
 breakthroughs--could one be clones without knowing and meet oneself
 on the street one fine day?  This seems like something that should be
 challenged in court.  On a larger scales then are our organs our own?
  In case anyone is interested, there was a bill that just passed the
  Oregon Senate which defined Human DNA as *NOT* being the property of
  the person ie: if you live in Oregon then, the Oregon Senate just
  declared, by signing this bill, that YOUR OWN DNA is not your property.

If your DNA is not your own, then anyone cloned from you is a separate
and distinct person, legally.  Another recent news item mentioned twinned
embryos, implanted and birthed six years apart - thus, you could quite
possibly encounter a clone you never knew, have no ownership over, etc.

So: if one has sex with one's clone [of possible distinct appearance and
age], is one committing: masturbation; incest; buggery; narcissism?  If
you and your clone have the same fingerprints, retinal patterns, DNA for
forensic purposes, and one of you commits a crime, can you both be found
guilty?  If you buy something, does your clone own it too - if not, how
can differences between you be distinguished, how can actual ownership
be discerned?  If your clone locks you up, are you your keeper's brother?

More germane in this forum, what benefit does any conspiracy gain by
promulgating clones, by owning DNA, by controlling destinies? Who stands
to gain? Who finances current legal/social/cultural movements re: genetic
modification, DNA/genome sequencing, mammalian cloning?  Follow the money.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who's better Bush or Gore. WAS:[CTRL] algore - ..racist ...

1999-06-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/26/1999 7:40:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

   Bush is definitely Antichrist material
 (whether in the religious or political sense, both are true).  Gore is a
 lackey.  Which is better, which is worse?  What do you think? 

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to choose between these two?  Prudy

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who's better Bush or Gore. WAS:[CTRL] algore - ..raci...

1999-06-26 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/99 11:43:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bush is definitely Antichrist material
   (whether in the religious or political sense, both are true).  Gore is a
   lackey.  Which is better, which is worse?  What do you think? 

  Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to choose between these two?  Prudy

Very true, but we are definitely NOT the ones who decide who is going to go
up for the job.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-26 Thread DIG Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/99 8:20:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

   16. Those who support American diversity, Nonwhite immigration,
miscegenation, integration, and/or Affirmative Action, are
1) ignorant of the above critical facts; or 2) blatant haters of
 the White
race and seeking to end its existence on planet Earth. 
I am someone who, whoever wrote this message will despise. I am half white,
and the other half are the people who, despite your beliefs, are from this
country, the North American Indians. If anyone has the right to grant access
to this country, it's us. But we aren't bigots, we believe in equality, the
great spirit has bestowed each race it's own strength and weakness. You say
that the Hispanic race didn't use their resources the way they should have?
That is from a European perspective, which idealizes the belief that the
Earth was meant to be "owned"!! You say that my peoples way was uncivilized
and foolish, why? Because we treat everyone as equals? I can see where that
would anger someone who thinks the way you do.  Who went to other countries
and destroyed peaceful, kind civilizations, simply because they didn't have
the same beliefs as you? And you said the great Civilizations fell when they
integrated? Well, let's see, Egypt fell when it integrated with Greece, Rome
fell when it integrated with the Persians. Correct me if I'm wrong, but those
are all European countries!!  To close, I quote Dennis Banks,"Yes, because I
was born here, but don't call me that, because so were you, I'm an American

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Dist of Columbia

1999-06-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Beginnings of articles from Wash (DC) Post

This one is 6 parts

Building Inspector

 James Delgado has been threatened, assaulted and sued, he's been
 chewed out by his bosses, but in D.C. neighborhoods the word is out:
 If you have a problem, call him.

 Story by Peter Perl
 Photographs by Michael Lutzky
 From The Post Magazine
 Sunday, June 27, 1999

 Delgado tenses as he approaches the battered front door and listens
 for movement inside the run-down row house at 3439 14th St. NW. He is
 wearing a gold badge on a chain around his neck identifying him as a
 D.C. government building inspector. He's also wearing a gray sweat
 shirt, beneath that a blue bulletproof vest, beneath that a T-shirt,
 and beneath that, resting against the bare skin of his chest and back,
 a blue cloth scapular of Saint Michael to protect him from evil. Just
 before he knocks on the door, Delgado says a soft, hurried prayer to
 himself: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
Continued at site

Flood of Officers ...

 Flood of Officers Hits D.C. Streets

 By Sari Horwitz, Sewell Chan and Eric Lipton
 Washington Post Staff Writers
 Sunday, June 27, 1999; Page A1

 D.C. police officials yesterday took the extraordinary step of
 blanketing large swaths of the city with undercover and uniformed
 officers and requested Park Police and National Guard helicopters last
 night after days of violence that included the killing of a
 grandmother and the shooting of a mother and the baby she was cradling
 Friday night.
Continued at site

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary June 27 Serge Halimi

1999-06-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:ZNet Commentary June 27 Serge Halimi
Date sent:  Sat, 26 Jun 1999 22:07:38 +0100

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Serge Halimi. The
file is the same material in nicely formatted html so that you can
read it
in your browser if you wish.

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Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


The Left and European Elections
By Serge Halimi

Now we know for sure that « Europe » does not exist. At least not in the
hearts and minds of Europeans. Only two days after they concluded a war
against Yugoslavia, decided and fought by the United States, the fifteen
countries of the European Union (EU) voted together with an enthusiasm
heretofore witnessed mostly in the United States: 51% stayed out. Five
years earlier, the abstention rate ran at 43.2%. This was considered much
too high then; in 1989, the rate had been 42%; in 1994, 39%; in 1979,

The euro is born, the European Parliament less powerless than it used to
be, a war has been fought on European soil. And yet, in France, the ruling
Socialist party scored a victory with a mere 10% of the eligible voters.
In Britain, where the turnout was 23%, one in three voters ignored an
election was even taking place. Outside business offices and editorial
boards, euro-enthusiasm is decidedly hard to find.

Why should it be otherwise? If Europe were to mean something, it would
have to stand for an economic model different from the American prototype
and assert a foreign policy departing from that dictated by Washington. On
both scores, the disappointment is overwhelming as Europe gets ready to
pay the cost of reconstructing what American airplanes have destroyed in
the Balkans and as European units are set to play a leading role in
removing landmines from the region.

For a very long time, and especially during François Mitterrand's endless
presidency (1981-1995), many European socialists had been claiming that
their alignment on Washington--its diplomacy, its free-market economic
policies--was the unpleasant product of « European solidarities » largely
shaped by right-wing governments in Britain and Germany. Europe could not
be social, we were told, so long as Socialists remained a distinct
minority in Europe.

Six months ago, all that was supposed to have changed. With the electoral
defeat of Helmut Kohl's Christian Democrats in Germany, eleven out of the
fifteen European governments were controlled by left-of-center coalitions,
most notably including Greens in Germany and France and communists or
former communists in France and Italy. Consequently, the four largest
European countries became (and still are) nominally governed by the left,
whereas the exact opposite had been true two years before. Yet, as one
could have surmised, the transition from Major-Juppé-Kohl-Berlusconi to
Blair-Jospin-Schröder-d'Alema has barely changed the direction of Europe.

Americans are familiar with the fact that a shift from Bush to Clinton (to
Bush?) might not herald the dawn of a new democratic process. This may be
why so few of them bother to cast a vote. Europe used to be different.
Despite the fact that the leading socialist (or social democratic) parties
kept veering to the right, discarding most of their egalitarian ideology
in the process, the arrogance and free-market extremism of European
conservatives (such as Margaret Thatcher or Silvio Berlusconi), the damage
they could wreak on a still functioning welfare state, made electoral
competition worth its while. Hence the sigh of relief that shook Britain,
France, Italy, and Germany when, in those countries, the Right was sent
packing by the voters.

Some of these left victories, moreover, were not the product of a
marketing campaign, effective sound-bytes and « triangulation ». In
France, for example, Jospin's unexpected ousting of the right in 1997 owed
much to the huge popular mobilization which, eighteen months before, had
shaken the right's confidence that its government could enact free-market
« reforms ». When, on December 12 1995, two million Frenchmen demonstrated
against the attempt to dismantle part of the welfare state, The Economist
accurately captured the mood of the times : « Strikers by the million,
riots in the street : the événements in France over the past fortnight
make the country look like a banana republic in which an isolated
government is battling to impose IMF austerity on a hostile population ».
Indeed, the right had lost in the streets and in the 

[CTRL] Top U.S. Energy Dept. Official Resigns

1999-06-26 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

A re-iteration of my earlier post with new fact/statements.

Sunday June 27 12:10 AM ET

Top U.S. Energy Dept. Official Resigns

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Victor Reis, the assistant Secretary of Energy for
Defense Programs, resigned his office effective July 30, an agency
spokeswoman said Saturday.

``He did resign, yes,'' said the DOE spokeswoman, who asked to remain

Reis, who oversees U.S. nuclear weapons development, is one of the officials
at the center of the swelling controversy involving allegations that China
stole American nuclear secrets. He submitted his resignation to President
Clinton, who appointed him in 1993, the spokeswoman said.

Earlier, The Washington Post quoted some U.S. officials as saying Reis
resigned because of disagreements with Energy Secretary Bill Richardson over
the future safeguarding of U.S. nuclear weapons research.

Reis wanted to create a semi-autonomous nuclear agency that would improve
management at the country's nuclear weapons facilities, the newspaper said.

The Energy Dept. spokeswoman could not confirm that report. ''He gave no
reasons for his resignation in his letter,'' of resignation, she said.

So far, Richardson has not commented on Reis's resignation, the spokeswoman

Last month, a congressional panel said that China had stolen crucial secrets
from U.S. nuclear laboratories during the last 20 years. For their part,
Chinese officials said they have stolen no U.S. nuclear secrets.--
"Those who want to hear the voice of pagan gods in wind or thunder, who want
to see the fairies dance in the moonlight, who can believe that faith can
move mountains, can follow the thread on the pages of this book. It is a
fragile thread; it cannot bear the weight of facts and dates"
-Kate Seredy, "The White Stag"
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New FBI Spy Unit Gets Reno's Approval (1 of 2)

1999-06-26 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

New FBI Spy Unit Gets Reno's Approval
By Roberto Suro
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 26, 1999; Page A05

Attorney General Janet Reno has approved a plan to create a separate FBI
division for counterintelligence in response to allegations that Chinese
spies stole nuclear secrets from U.S. national laboratories, a senior
Justice Department official said yesterday.

Officials at the FBI, CIA and Department of Defense have been discussing a
possible reorganization of counterintelligence operations for months. But in
the wake of a scathing congressional report on Chinese espionage, Reno "has
signed off" on the proposal and forwarded it to the White House, the senior
official said.

Primary responsibility for counterespionage operations belongs to the
National Security Division of the FBI. But that division also has other
duties, including combating international terrorism.

The proposed restructuring, first reported in today's edition of the New
York Times, would create a separate division whose sole purpose would be to
root out spies and protect America's vital secrets.

Amid mounting allegations of Chinese espionage this year, Reno's Justice
Department has come under criticism for refusing to approve FBI requests in
1997 to install wiretaps on Wen Ho Lee, a nuclear scientist at Los Alamos
National Laboratory. Lee was fired in March for alleged security violations,
though he has not been charged with any crime.

Justice Department officials who reviewed the wiretapping requests concluded
that the FBI did not have enough evidence to support them.

The restructuring of America's counterintelligence efforts is just part of
the burgeoning response to the release last month of a report on Chinese
espionage by a bipartisan congressional committee headed by Rep. Christopher
Cox (R-Calif.).

A possible reorganization of the Department of Energy, which controls the
national laboratories, is also under discussion. And Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson has ordered the polygraphing of an estimated 5,000 employees in
the nuclear weapons complex, the federal government's first widespread use
of "lie detector" tests outside of the CIA and National Security Agency.
"Those who want to hear the voice of pagan gods in wind or thunder, who
want to see the fairies dance in the moonlight, who can believe that
faith can move mountains, can follow the thread on the pages of this
book. It is a fragile thread; it cannot bear the weight of facts and
-Kate Seredy, "The White Stag"
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] F.B.I. Is Proposing a Special Division for Hunting Spies (2 0f 2)

1999-06-26 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

June 26, 1999

F.B.I. Is Proposing a Special Division for Hunting Spies

WASHINGTON -- The F.B.I. is proposing to create a division devoted solely to
rooting out spies, part of a Government-wide review of counterintelligence
following suspicions that China tried for two decades to steal nuclear
secrets, Government officials said Friday.

After the cold war and the breakup of the Soviet Union, American
intelligence agencies increasingly focused on fighting terrorism, believing
that espionage would become less of a threat. As a result,
counterintelligence efforts dwindled, according to experts inside and
outside the Government.

At the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for instance, the national security
division added counterterrorism operations to its traditional emphasis on
fighting espionage. Officials said there was a sense that as the battle
against terrorism became more important, counterespionage operations were
given less priority.

Now officials are proposing new ways the Government should organize to make
sure that there is an emphasis on both threats, the officials said. Some
aspects of the review were first reported by The Los Angeles Times.

The F.B.I. Director, Louis J. Freeh, has proposed splitting the national
security division into two divisions, one to fight terrorism and the other
to root out spies, both led by assistant directors, the officials said.
Attorney General Janet Reno has approved the request and forwarded it to the
White House, they added.

The Government-wide review also includes the Pentagon and the Central
Intelligence Agency and is expected to lead to an overhaul of all
counterintelligence efforts.

The review is a tacit acknowledgment that the Government has failed to keep
pace with new forms of espionage, in a world of scientist-to-scientist
contacts and academic conferences. The United States faces not only efforts
to steal military secrets, but also economic espionage aimed at stealing
technology or getting information that would help a country's goods compete
against American products. The espionage is conducted not only by foreign
governments and military intelligence services, but also by corporations.

The review represents the first time the three agencies have collaborated on
a systematic assessment of espionage threats.

A new division of the F.B.I. devoted solely to counterintelligence would add
agents and analysts to the efforts against foreign espionage, increasing the
agency's staff.

The bureau is likely to revise its traditional system of assessing threats
and allocating budgets on a country-by-country basis, known as the National
Security Threat List, officials said. The bureau will broaden its
assessments of risk, including threats from corporations and even
international criminal organizations.

At the Pentagon, the review will focus on threats to the military and the
risk that contractors, academics and research laboratories that work with
the agency could provide important information to other nations, said
Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department spokesman. "The review will analyze
the threat and determine whether our response is adequate," he said.

At the C.I.A., officials said that only preliminary discussions had been
held to review counterintelligence operations. George J. Tenet, the Director
of Central Intelligence, and Freeh testified on Wednesday before the Senate
Intelligence Committee about the review.

The Government is changing procedures at the country's nuclear weapons
laboratories. Those changes, including special squads of F.B.I. agents at
the labs, are being handled by officials at the bureau and the Energy
Department. The reorganization plan is a reaction to criticism of the
Government's handling of suspected Chinese espionage at the labs.

Some lawmakers said the F.B.I. and the Justice Department had failed to
investigate aggressively possible instance of Chinese espionage including
cases like that of Wen Ho Lee, the nuclear scientist suspected of helping
the Chinese acquire advance thermonuclear technology. Lee has denied that he
ever spied for China, and Chinese officials have denied stealing nuclear

F.B.I. officials said the Lee case showed how hard it was to insure the
safety of American security secrets in an environment of informal contacts
between scientists working in exotic disciplines that are often hard to
ferret out and evaluate.

Some law enforcement officials have said the increasing focus on
counterterrorism cases, including both domestic and international
investigations, had drawn attention of senior managers away from the ongoing
and often unglamorous counterintelligence work of keeping track of foreign
visitors and Americans traveling abroad.

Reorganizing counterintelligence operations represents the latest step in
the long and often troubled relationship between the agencies primarily
responsible for catching spies, the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. Throughout most of

Re: [CTRL] Our Founding Fathers on Christianity

1999-06-26 Thread DIG Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Jesus and Buddha, and Mohammed and whoever else are only dead in the physical
sense, if you believe in them or even just know about them, they are alive,
in you, in your stories, it is how entire cultures survive, extinct or not.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Is President Clinton a Sociopath?

1999-06-26 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Is President Clinton a Sociopath?
by Sarah Thompson, M.D.

Several people have asked me about the many statements being made regarding
President Clinton's mental health. He has been labeled by some as a "sex
addict", by some as a "sociopath", by some as suffering from being an "adult
child of an alcoholic". Some people claim that we should not hold him
responsible for his misconduct because he is "ill". Some propose that he
invoke Article 25 of the Constitution to declare himself temporarily unable
to discharge the duties of President, that he enter into some sort of
therapy, and resume office when he is "cured".

From a strict medical and psychiatric standpoint, there is no such disorder
as "sexual addiction", although it is possible to diagnose a "sexual
disorder" in someone who is distressed about using a succession of people
for sexual gratification. Personally, I believe that "sex addiction" is not
a medical or psychiatric disorder, but rather an attempt to avoid
responsibility by medicalizing misbehavior. In other words, "It's not my
fault, I'm addicted to sex", just doesn't convince me at all.

On a related note, there are psychiatric disorders in which a person may
behave in sexually inappropriate ways, and in some cases persons so affected
truly do not understand that their behavior is wrong or may be unable to
control that behavior. But even in those cases, the person remains
responsible for any damage or emotional distress caused by such behavior.

Finally there are people who are mentally incompetent. Both competency and
insanity are legal, not medical terms, and such a determination can be made
only by a judge or jury. Clearly if Mr. Clinton is too incompetent to manage
his own affairs, or if he is insane, he is unfit to serve as President.

That one is an "adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA)" is also not a
psychiatric diagnosis. It is true that certain thought and behavior patterns
occur more often in people who were raised by an alcoholic parent. But ACOA
is a way of conceptualizing certain behavior patterns, not an illness. It is
not diagnostic, but rather descriptive. It is a tool used to help children
of alcoholics, their families, and their therapists better understand their
particular psychological vulnerabilities. And of course, ACOA is not
deterministic; some people raised by alcoholic parents do not develop
psychological or behavioral problems.

Finally we come to sociopathy, although the current terminology is
"Antisocial Personality Disorder". Antisocial Personality Disorder is a
specific psychiatric diagnosis. I'd like to simply be able to say that Mr.
Clinton either does or does not have Antisocial Personality Disorder. But
it's not that simple.

First of all, I (like most other psychiatrists) consider it to be highly
unethical to diagnose a person whom I have not interviewed in person. I have
never met, much less interviewed Mr. Clinton, so I will not diagnose him. So
any conclusions I may draw are my opinion. It may be an educated opinion,
but I want to be very clear that I am not diagnosing anyone in absentia.

Secondly, psychiatric diagnosis, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-IV), is bit like ordering from a Chinese
menu. To be diagnosed with a specific disorder, a person must meet so many
criteria from section A, so many from section B, none from section C, for
example. Personally, I'm not convinced that this is the best approach to
diagnosis, but as the name implies, the system is used for statistical
evaluations also, and concrete criteria are absolutely necessary for
accurate statistics.

So for the curious and the armchair psychiatrists among us, I'm posting the
full description of Antisocial Personality Disorder along with the
diagnostic criteria.

Antisocial personality disorder is, by definition, a mental illness.
However, what is or is not a psychiatric disorder is not absolute. It is
determined by a committee of psychiatrists, and is subject to change. For
example, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder until the 1970's,
but it is no longer included in the list of psychiatric disorders. Therefore
you should read the description and criteria for yourself, and draw your own
conclusion as to whether or not antisocial behavior is a mental disorder. I
believe a strong case may be made for either position.

Further, I do not mean to imply that should Mr. Clinton be so diagnosed, we
should excuse his behavior because he is "sick". First of all, I do not
believe that being "sick" relieves one of the responsibility to deal with
the consequences of one's behavior. Second, while I have great compassion
for those people who are mentally ill, that does not mean that I necessarily
support the idea of a mentally ill person occupying the White House. If Mr.
Clinton is mentally ill, he should act in accordance with Article 25 and

Antisocial personality is