[CTRL] RACE WAR in zim

2000-04-26 Thread J Taylor

Toronto Sun
April 23, 2000
Whites targeted in Mugabe's race war

Contributing Foreign Editor

NEW YORK -- The murder of another white farmer in Zimbabwe last week is
emblematic of a tragic, but little known story - the relentless ethnic
cleansing of the white tribes of Africa.

Martin Olds was besieged at his isolated tobacco farm by a gang of 100
thugs. After holding them off for many hours, he was finally wounded, driven
from his burning farmhouse, then killed. The attackers were unleashed as a
part of a campaign by Zimbabwe's aging strongman, Robert Mugabe, to divert
attention from the nation's collapsing economy, and to restore his waning
political power by whipping up hatred of the nation's 4,000 white farmers.

These whites, many third-generation farmers, own a sizable portion of the
nation's prime farmland, and produce 80% of Zimbabwe's agricultural exports.
Without them, Zimbabwe's economy would collapse. But Mugabe still chose to
revive racial hatreds from the 1970-1980 black-white war in former Rhodesia
that cost 27,000 lives and forced half the nation's white citizens to flee.

The murder in Zimbabwe brings back ugly memories. Back in the late 1980s, I
accompanied black South African troops patrolling the Limpopo River border
between Zimbabwe and South Africa. Bands of African National Congress thugs
and pillagers, described in the liberal western press as "freedom fighters,"
were raiding isolated farmhouses along the Limpopo. I vividly recall one
burned-out farm where a 74-year-old man and his 68-year-old wife had held
off some 200 ANC thugs for an entire night. The marauders finally ignited
the roof with Molotov cocktails and drove the occupants outside. The old man
was shot, then hacked to death with machetes; his wife was gang raped, then
slashed to death. This was a part of South Africa's and Zimbabwe's
anti-white "liberation struggle" the outside world was not shown.

Lost everything

Whites have been largely driven from African nations where they once lived
in significant numbers. Many lost everything they owned. Many were not even
large landowners, but farm labourers and blue or white collar workers.

The once substantial European and Asian populations of East Africa - Kenya,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania - were all forced to flee. The important
South Asian Hindu and Muslim communities of Uganda and Kenya were terrorized
into exile after their shops were looted and many of their women raped or
threatened with rape. Zanzibar's entire Arab population - tens of thousands
of people - was massacred in 1964.

Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese, some from families that had lived for
300 years in Africa, were driven from Mozambique, Angola and Portuguese West
Africa. South Africa's remaining 1.6 million whites, some whose families
came in the mid-1600s, are fleeing in increasing numbers as crime engulfs
the nation. As in Zimbabwe, black extremists in South Africa are calling for
confiscation of all white "colonialist" property.

The view that Africa's whites are latter-day colonialists who deserve to be
expelled is widely shared by the western media. After all, hadn't they or
their fathers settled on lands that originally belonged to blacks? This view
is not only simplistic, it's often wrong.

The African continent has seen vast population and tribal movements over
the past 600 years. Bantu blacks only began to filter out of the Congo basin
southward towards today's South Africa in the 1500s. White settlers from
Flanders and Europe actually preceded them to the Cape Colony. In 1838, Boer
pioneers moving north, and Zulu forces expanding south, met and fought in
northern Transvaal. During the same era, the mighty Zulu empire was
conducting the notorious mfakane - or mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing -
of their tribal enemies, the Xhosa and Shona, an event that still stokes
tribal tensions today in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Much of Africa's peripheral areas were barely populated during the early
era of European colonial rule, or inhabited by non-Bantu peoples who have
died out, like the Cape's Hottentots, or been displaced, like Tutsis or
Tuaregs. In effect, the Bantu have no better historical claim to many parts
of once European-ruled Africa than do descendents of whites, Indians or

Most important, as I found during East Africa's bush wars, white Rhodesians
and South African Boers were not Europeans at all, but two distinct African
tribes that happened to have white skins. A few nights in the field with the
famed Rhodesian Selous Scouts left me in awe of these burly, hard-drinking,
men who spoke badly mauled English and knew the bundu - or bush - like the
backs of their big, weather-beaten hands. Europeans they were not.

The real problem in Zimbabwe is not that a tiny white minority has usurped
the only fertile land. Zimbabwe, and the rest of Africa, have plenty of
potentially productive land that today lies fallow o

[CTRL] FW Mass Murder; as part of wstern policy

2000-04-26 Thread J Taylor

>Terrorism is the response of the weak to the terrorism of the US collective
>On 29 Jan. 1999, Mrs. Albright met with Messrs. Berger and Cohen, and
>to offer the president of Yugoslavia an ultimatum. Give up sovereignty and
>accept NATO/American forces on your territory or be bombed.
>In an interview with U.S. Secretary of State (then Ambassador) Albright
>(May 12, 1996) on the TV program '60 Minutes,' for which Leslie Stahl was
>given a Columbia University School of Journalism award in 1997, Stahl said
>that U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization figures showed that half a
>million children died from starvation as a result of the American-led
>sanctions against Iraq.
>"I mean, that's more than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price
>worth it?"
>Ambassador Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice,   but the
>price-we think the price is worth it." [Half million children then. How
>by now?] As you know, two asst. sec. Generals of the UN have resigned
>than be further responsible for that program)
>Is this use of starvation a unique event in the history of American
>foreign relations, since Neutrality has been changed to Interventionism?
>During the two World Wars, the U.S.A. participated in the food blockade
>of the Central Powers before it was a belligerent. After World War I it
>continued this policy for six months after the November 1918 Armistice,
>starvation of civilians to force German representatives to sign the
>Versailles Treaty. 750,000 Germans are believed to have died from
>(Vincent, 1985). The restriction of food to Germany and starvation of
>prisoners-of-war after World War II was a deliberate policy of the
>American-British-Soviet European Advisory Committee (Bischof and Ambrose,
>Robert John.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

2000-04-26 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> Do you actually believe that Cuba is a nice place to live?

I don't know. I've never been there. Have you? If not, you don't know what
you're talking about. Neither do I, at least vis a vis life in Cuba. But
I'm willing to admit it. Are you?

I figure we're both going on hearsay.

Outside of hearsay, I don't know much about Cuba at all.  I live here. I
lived her all my life. Living in only one country cannot help but have
warped my perception. But I'm 51 and I have been paying attention, so  I
do know about America. For some people it's very nice indeed. For others
it's not so nice. For some it's living hell. My best guess is Cuba is
pretty much the same.

A country is a cage. A cage is a cage. It doesn't matter how big it is or
how good's the food. A cage is a cage is a cage. One is cage is as good as
the next. I like the one I live in  better than the one I don't live in
because I'm used to it here. I understand how it works. I know where it's
weak spots are and how to read between its lines. I get  along pretty well

But it's still a cage.

> We may

>not have much of a democracy,

This isn't a democracy. The real power is not held by elected officials or
even  unelected bureaucrats. It's held by the boards of directors of the
corporations. They answer to their shareholders, not to the public at
large. This structure is inherently undemocratic.

>but it's better than outright

>in-your-face-with-a-gun fascism.

So if it wasn't in-your-face-with-a-gun fascism that guy who says he's a
fisherman faced in that closet with Elian, what was it? You tell me.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

2000-04-26 Thread Tara

Why didn't more German's climb the Berlin Wall? It doesn't appear to be an
easy task. Do you actually believe that Cuba is a nice place to live? We may
not have much of a democracy, but it's better than outright
in-your-face-with-a-gun fascism. It's almost like a Janet Reno clone runs
things there, only even more evil! That should scare anyone.


When truth needs a voice, silence lies.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of nessie
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

If Cuba  is such a hell, why don't more Cubans leave?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Prisoner's mind's read, voices implanted by Tesla Waves in Utah

2000-04-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

Thanks Byron,

This is about the same technology I think. I wonder if David Fratus in
Draper County Jail, Utah survived his ordeal. This was in 88..
Anyone feel like trying to contact him? Prob the address is out of date but
maybe there are still some Fratus family in Newfoundland. Not a common name
so maybe it is possible to find him. I sure hope he didn't get this torture
for years.

David James Fratus
17886 Box 250
Draper, Utah 84020


 Re: Prisoners sub to r/c brain torture in Utah
 Wed, 26 Apr 2000 22:42:56 -0400
 "Byron R Wahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 MailCity (http://www.mailcity.lycos.com:80)

Prison torture Utah 1988. Same scene Vermont 1988...however, Vermont's
police torture
gives cancer a BIG boost. Techniques no doubt considerably tweaked by now,
April 2000.



Fritz Springmeier interview is excellent.




According to reports, the Soviets were the first to discover in the 1960’s
that the human brain had 23 BEG band wave lengths, of which 11 of these were
totally independent. By knowing those 11 band wave lengths, and then sending
signals based upon those wave lengths, the human mind could be manipulated.
The person’s PRIME FREK, that is their biological frequency needs to be
identified, and then it is possible to remotely implant thoughts and voices
into their minds. In the early 1970’s, the U.S. Documentation Center as well
as the White House’s spokesman had both reported that electromagnetic waves
could be used to communicate with "a target biosystem." (This was brought
out in the U.S. District Court of the State of Utah where inmates who had
been subjected to mind-control in prison tried unsuccessfully to fight back
in court.) The University of Utah was just one of several dirty research
facilities which re-searched on human guinea pigs how Tesla waves could be
used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices. They discovered how simple
it is to use these waves to override and implant thoughts into the mind, and
to read the thoughts of the mind. Then they subjected hundreds of inmates at
the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, the State Hospital and
perhaps other Utah State Prison facilities to this brand of mind-control in
order to test it. It certainly works. Numerous inmates tried to fight the
system, and the obvious mind-

Page 176 ...

control that so many of them were being subjected to. Hundreds of the
inmates were subjected to heavy drugs and other severe punishment when they
protested. Still they continued to protest. This was in the 1970’s, now the
technology is being used over the entire United States. The Tesla waves are
sent to a victim in the following sequence of events. Computers programmed
with artificial intelligence handle most electronic controlled slaves. When
the slave does something the computer can’t handle then human handlers step
in to help. Men and women staff consoles attached to CRAY computers where
they monitor the victims that need special attention. The full fledged
electronic monitoring involves an entire body suit of various implant
devices in the victim’s body. From the body suit, the controllers are able
to track the victim, hear what the victim hears, and see via tiny
fiberoptics some of what is going on around and with the victim. The staff
have pre-recorded sound bites that they usually like to select, as well as
occasion actual live messages. They transmit these messages, which are
picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna
or GWEN tower or other antenna is near the victim. The signal is then
relayed to some object near the victim, which serves as a relay antenna to
pass the signal on to the victim. It’s believed that some type of implant
picks up the signal and broadcasts the correct Tesla wave pattern to create
voices within the victim. Meanwhile, the tracking implant keeps the staff
and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to
send the voice signals. The Master computer and central HQ for electronic
mind control is reported to be Boulder, CO. Several places have been
identified by this author as key points. One report came in that
transponders are being made in Boulder, CO. The central cellular computer is
in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT & T is
cooperating with electronic mind-control also. NORAD tracks both space and
earthbound objects. They have a Cheyenne Mtn. Air Station. Although it is
clear from reports 

Re: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

2000-04-26 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>as an

>escapee of Cuba that he was to be taken back to hell.

If Cuba  is such a hell, why don't more Cubans leave?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Disempower the Weak

2000-04-26 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Disempower the Weak
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 12:53 AM

   The same major media that bemoan the loss of life
   when civilians go on shooting sprees (and then run
   programming advancing "gun control" as a solution),
   not only don't care when the military machine-guns
   civilians to death--as they did in Waco--but support
   (http://www.indirect.com/www/dhardy/allard.html) the
   coverup of such mass murder. It seems that murder
   committed by civilians is infinitely more horrible
   and dangerous than murder committed by the Government.

   The bias and spin of the major media clearly exposes a
   blatant effort to disarm civilians and arm the military,
   to empower the strong and disempower the weak, to render
   humanity powerless subjects before their military masters.
   And the best way to do it is to get civilians to believe
   that they can only trust those in power to own firearms;
   which, since power stops corruption and absolute power
   stops corruption absolutely, makes a lot of sense, right?

   Some argue that private firearms ownership has no ability
   to defend civilians against the Government anyway, so why
   shouldn't civilians just surrender their firearms to the
   military state? Private firearms thwarted an assault by
   100 Government agents on Waco, and held the Government at
   bay for 51 days. True, the civilians eventually got killed,
   but the cost to the military state was great. Armed cattle
   can be a problem for those who want to dominate the herd,
   and it seems that the GovtMedia is well aware of this and
   is doing what it can to disarm all those civilian cattle.

Subject: Columbine Propagandists Trample the Truth About Firearms Ownership
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 18:02:13 -0700

Hash: SHA1


America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

For Immediate Release: U.S. NewsWire -- National Circuit
Text Length: 356 words
Date: April 18, 2000
Contact: Aaron Zelman, Executive Director
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
Hartford, Wisconsin
Phone: (800) 869-1884
Website: www.jpfo.org
Title: Columbine Propagandists Trample the Truth About
Firearms Ownership, Says Jewish Civil Rights Group

To mark the April 20 anniversary of the multiple murders
at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, major
media and victim disarmament lobbyists have been trying
to focus public attention on "gun control" as the solution
to violence in America. Wisconsin-based Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) publicly
challenged that view today.

"It's shameful how the anti-self defense lobby dances on
the graves of dead crime victims to advance their political
agenda," said Aaron Zelman, Executive Director of JPFO.
"Americans don't hear about the good side of defensive gun
ownership. Why don't people dance when well over 5,000
crimes are stopped or prevented by citizens every day?"

Nationally-acclaimed study results by Professor Gary Kleck
at Florida State University indicate that firearms are used
defensively over 5,400 times each day. "If we assume that
only one percent of those defensive uses saves a life, that
still amounts to 54 lives saved every day of the year,"
Zelman observed. "The number of lives saved is probably
much higher."

Zelman further pointed out that "none of the newest round
of 'gun control' laws will make Americans any safer against
criminals. The so-called 'gun safety' requirements, including
mandatory trigger locks and electronically-restricted guns,
only impair the citizen's ability to use his or her sidearm
for self-defense."

"Making it harder for innocent citizens to defend themselves
against violent crime is morally wrong," said Zelman. "And
most people don't realize that the police have no legal
obligation to protect them from crime. When it comes to
stopping a violent criminal attack, legally you are on
your own."

"Over 80 million firearms owners were peaceful today,"
Zelman remarked. "Doesn't that fact more typically describe
firearms ownership than the criminal acts of two deranged
young men at Columbine last year?" he asked.
According to a 1993 report by the American Academy of
Pediatrics, the average child or teenager witnesses about
27 acts of violence per day on television alone. "That
amounts to over 10,000 violent acts per year," Zelman
said. "Somebody is making a lot of money overwhelming
American children in death and destruction. I don't see
much national outrage about that."


Please send this pre

Re: [CTRL] [ChristianPatriot] Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government

2000-04-26 Thread David Sutherland

The "declarations" of these societies are representative of the incarnation
of the "human spirit" - a "spirit" which is fundamentally at empathy with
that passage in Genesis where wo/mankind accepts the Serpents premise "ye
shall be as gods" in place of  the Godly reality fashioned for their
ultimate and comprehensive well-being.

God created the first Garden, men created the first City (society).

Some say history has been a "Tale of Two Cities" - symbolised by Babel
(restlessness and confusion) and Jerusalem (rest and peace), perhaps more
like a tale of a living, organic environ, over against a manufactured,
lifeless, fish out of water illusion.

Hmmm ... hope I'm not descending Gnosticism here!!! (GGG)

- Original Message -
From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [ChristianPatriot] Christian Duty Under Corrupt

> Christian duty is the same 24 hours a day, in institutions of church or
> state. It is that of doing "all for the glory of God". (I Cor. 10:31) so
> the lengthy Bible-babble on this topic is not necessary. Or, what part of
> the word "all" do I not understand? However, "the flock is small" and the
> children of darkness are wiser, more cunning, more powerful so they
> dominate institutions of church and state, both of which are effectively
> under the control of satan. Otherwise answer my question: what would a
> complete society/culture/nation be like if it were in the highest service
> to the Almighty that is humanly possible? Is that Israel today for
> example? Is that the nature of Vatican city-state today? Is that Canada
> today with its Constitution/Charter founded upon "principles that
> recognize the supremacy of God"?
> FWP.
> --
>  http://www.vcn.bc.ca/culturex/The-Question-Nobody-Will-Answer.htm
> --
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-04-26 Thread David Sutherland

Someone here posted some RCC "PAID" involvement in this poor kids political
football saga.

Mind elaborating?

Its does appear from this side of the world, that the whole thing was
intended to trigger some incident - like the usual anti, "godless" commie
Cuba Castro diatribes that are flamed by the Vatican and its allies like
many in the religious Right and its paranoid conspiracy theories.

However, seems like the other Gestapoville side decided to flex some muscle
and show them who's still "boss" a-stomping in Storm Trooper style boots.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

2000-04-26 Thread Tara

Nice editorializing in your subject line. Just goes to show what a
compassionate guy you are. Nice also to know that you believe AP crap. And
some idiot shrink who makes a diagnosis of any kind of a person whom they've
never met. There's one born every minute...

Personally if the stories are true, I'd be just as angry and upset about a
little, innocent child being taken back to this man, and even more as an
escapee of Cuba that he was to be taken back to hell. Guess you've never
loved anybody enough to understand that, or you haven't taken the time to
think about how it feels to lose someone you love to jackboot thugs.


When truth needs a voice, silence lies.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of William Shannon
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 6:57 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

Elian Doc: No Miami Vistors Yet
By Michael J. Sniffen
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, April 26, 2000; 12:42 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– A child psychiatrist who interviewed Elian Gonzalez for the
government recommended that his Miami relatives reconcile their differences
with his father before they are allowed to visit the 6-year-old Cuban boy, a
Justice Department spokeswoman said today.


A Justice official, requesting anonymity, said Kernberg told Meissner that
Lazaro Gonzalez's 21-year-old daughter, Marisleysis, "is clearly not ready
see Elian, because she is too emotional and too angry to be a positive
influence for him." Kernberg has not interviewed Marisleysis, but the young
woman has conducted several televised news conferences describing her anger
over the raid that took Elian from her home in Miami.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Evolution - cretin science

2000-04-26 Thread David Sutherland

Oxymoron??? What - you mean like Intelligent Skeptic?

You're 95% chimp!? Hmmm ... no argument there!!!

Actually, the civilized world spells skeptic with a "C" (that is, SCEPTIC) -
and once you remove the "C" - they actually turn into something quite
useful. (GGG)

- Original Message -
From: "Ric Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 1:08 AM
Subject: [CTRL] cretin science

> - Original Message -
> From: "beltek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3
> > > @ The typical American's problem with authority has helped
> > > make the US the world leader in science. It's also spawned
> > > the noxious creation science movement:
> > > http://www.newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns22352
> >
> > Isn't creation  science an oxymoron?  When one looks around at
> > people today, it is obvious many descended from "lower animals."
> > And I truly mean "descended" rather than "rose."
> Just because a duck was somebody's mother, doesn't mean you have
> to laugh at them.  Anyway, advances in biomedical technology will
> soon produce chimerae, humans with the 'animal' fully expressed,
> so people really can go "whole hog" at being bestial.
> > Of course the blither that man descended from apes misses the
> > point that apes and man very like descended from the same ancester.
> > Too bad apes are more civilized.
> Some apes are; others are just as unpleasant as their human cousins.
> With a +95% genetic identity, that's not surprising. Again, advances
> in biomeditech will soon produce brain-enhanced animals and it'll be
> interesting to see if they'll have any propensities towards belief
> systems [religious/political/economic dogmas, UFOlogy etc]. Will
> smarter dogs/chimps/pigs be liberal/conservative, socialist/greedy,
> atheist/credulous, rational/cretinist, optimist/conspiratorialist??
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Elian

2000-04-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << A final discrepancy...why is the INS agent in the infamous photo wearing
>  green fatigues, while the videos we see of the INS agents entering and
>  leaving the house during the raid only show agents all in black?  Why is
>  this agent wearing a different uniform than his comrades? >>
> There's another strange thing here, but when I put my children to bed, they
> first had a bath, then put on pajamas and were tucked in.  A couch does for
> sleeping, but when I think of that freight car load of toys that were all
> over that place, I would think someone might have sprung for a youth bed.   I
> was looking at a picture of a child wearing normal street clothing and even
> (if I recall correctly) shoes.   That's an odd way to put a child to bed.

If you saw the 'house tour' video, Marisleysis breaks down in tears when she
displays Elian's broken bed ("They broke his bed!  They broke Elian's bed!  Boo
hoo hoo!"), which is right next to her bed in her bedroom that can't be bigger
than 9 feet by 12...

In her version of reality, Elian was sleeping in his room until shortly before
the raid, when he supposedly awoke on his own...perhaps he had been in pajamas
and perhaps she dressed him when he got up...perhaps that is what she was doing
in 'the backroom' prior to the raid (altho she then claims Elian was in the
livingroom on the couch with his 5 year old cousin when the INS entered...we are
never told where the 5 year old cousin slept that night, nor what the cousin
wore to sleep in)...

But one would think Elian would have been in barefeet...why put shoes on him at
5 in the morning, when one would think that nothing more than breakfast and
watching cartoons on TV was on Elian's agenda that morning?  Especially since
we are told that adults were still sleeping at that time, you'd think the last
thing they'd do is put noisy footwear on a 6 year old...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] child molester jumps off Golden Gate Bridge

2000-04-26 Thread Bard

accused of molesting his employer's 4-year-old son

We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] [Fwd: VIEWER VOTE ALERT]do you think the gun is pointed at Elian?

2000-04-26 Thread Bard

I still maintain the stormtrooper had his finger on the trigger.

We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

Dear voter,

Since Elian Gonzalez was seized from the home of his Miami relatives and reunited with 
his father, the media spotlight has focused on the image of an armed federal agent 
taking the boy from the fisherman who rescued him.

In the infamous photo of Saturday's seizure, do you think the gun is pointed at Elian?

Tonight, April 26, Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" (9 p.m. ET) will ask YOU that 
question.  Fox News will hold an online Viewer Vote at http://www.foxnews.com that 
will be powered by Vote.com.

We encourage you to make your vote count on the issue.  Watch "Hannity & Colmes."  
Then log on and vote at http://www.foxnews.com and stay tuned to catch the results at 
the end of the show.


Your friends at Vote.com

P.S.- Please forward this e-mail to any friends or family who might be interested in 
sending a message on this issue.

If you would prefer not to receive this type of mailing, please click the link below 
to unsubscribe:


(NOTE: If your e-mail software does not make the above link active, please copy & 
paste it into your web browser and press the Enter key.)

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

2000-04-26 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000426c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/25_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No chupacabras were sexually abused during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

HAI http://news.excite.com/photo/img/ap/japan/waitress/robot/2426/tok106
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# B.C. the place to be for UFO sightings. Winnipeg (CP) If the truth really
  is out there,  the odds are good it's going  to be found someday floating
  over a fern bar in Fernie. British Columbia was the place to be in 1999 if
  you wanted to spot a UFO. http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/ufocan00.htm
# A Black Hole in the Big Dipper? http://www.earthfiles.com/earth131.htm

# Chupacabra Surfaces in Chile & Maybe Africa. During April there has been a
  flurry of reports in Chilean newspapers about the activities of a mythical
  & legendary creature dubbed the Chupacabra, or Goat Sucker. Curiously, it
  is also reported that villagers in the extreme north of the Sudan, on the
  Egyptian border, had lost over 600 sheep since 1999 to wild animals. Coin-
  cidence, or... ??? http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/chupa00.htm

: Have your brains been sucked out by chupacabras/blackholes/sasquatches/me
lately? Where would you most like to go to have your brains sucked out? Will
you leave soon? Do you have multiple possible destinations? How d'ya choose?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Universe proven flat. (BBC) High-flying balloon answers one of cosmology's
  greatest questions, proving wrong Einstein's theory that the universe is
  curved. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_727000/727073.stm

# "The Big Bang brought the universe into existence" - no doubt about it:
# Also - Viper telescope probes Big Bang 'echo' - bouncing off the walls:
# Universe is 12 billion years old - but doesn't look a day over 11.5:

@ Links - Hubble constant: http://www.hubbleconstant.com/
@ Boomerang Project: http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/~boomerang/
@ Cosmic Microwave Background: http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/cbr.html

: Is your universe flat, bulbous, sunken, mottled, sieve-like, flexible? Is
your universe amenable to change? Does your reality change with your percep-
tion of said reality? Is reality whatever bites your ass? Are you swollen??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Angels making the news. According to a survey, 1/3 of Italians believe we
  all have guardian angels at our shoulders ready to intervene; another 1/3
  believe in angels "in general." www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal042602.html

# Marry or I Won't Baptize. LONDON (Reuters) A Church of England vicar has
  warned unmarried couples that he will not baptize their children because
  they are "living in sin." http://news.excite.com/news/r/000426/07/odd-sin
# POPE CANONIZING GIRLFRIEND: http://ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=2071

# BRITISH MARTYRS PILGRIMAGE COULD END - to be axed following complaints
  that it disrupts shopping: http://ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=2083
@ Animal-rights activism, the nature vs. nurture debate, the importance of
  children's play, & teddy bears http://www.feedmag.com/re/re325_master.html

: Who's your favorite imaginary playmate? Does your imaginary playmate tell
you how to behave/dress/think/fuck/wash/fantasize? Do many imaginary play-
mates swarm around you, like flies? Do they buzz in your ears? Very loudly?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  early pagan traditions: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=2048
# Anti-US, Anti-Catholic Filipino-Muslim Militants Linked to Bin Laden:
# ARREST IN N.M. PILGRIMAGE MURDERS- miraculous Sanctuario de Chimayo shrine
  fails to cheat death: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=2040

# Church apologies to Brazil's Indians. (BBC) The Catholic Church formally
  apologises "sins and errors" committed against Indians and black people
  in Brazil. No offer of compensations payments were made, however. Hmmm...

# UN PROMOTES ABORTION- Satanic: www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=2042
@ Man or machine: How will the genetic revolution redefine our sense
  of selfhood? http://www.feedmag.com/feature/fr321_loopmaster.html
@ @ Burrow's Cave, Cave of Many Faces: http://www.net22.co


2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

by Jim Redden ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Are skyrocketing gasoline prices the result of a devious plot between the
rulers of Kuwait and former President George Bush to help his son defeat Al
Gore at the November general election?

There's no doubt that the gas crisis has given the younger Bush a good
issue against Gore, who cannot explain why the Clinton Administration
didn't see the crisis coming. And these's little doubt the Kuwaiti's worked
hard behind the scenes to convince the other 11 members of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production and drive the
price of gasoline up before the November 2000 general election. But is
there really any reason to believe that the former President and the
Kuwaiti's engaged in a genuine conspiracy to raise prices? The answer is

For starters, the Kuwaiti's owe Bush Sr. big time. He saved their asses
from Suddam Hussein after Iraq invaded Kuwait in late 1989. Bush put
together the coalition which drove Hussein's troops out of Kuwait during
Operation Desert Storm. Although the "liberation campaign" was approved by
the United Nations, it was largely funded and manned by the good old U.S.
of A. Bush committed $70 billion and 500,000 troops to the offensive, which
was launched on January 16, 1990.

Is there any evidence that Bush Sr. has been talking to the Middle East
leaders? As a matter of fact, yes. He was honored by the Kuwaiti sheiks
after the war, and his picture hangs in their palaces. He visited there in
1993 and again in 1996, shortly after his son had been re-elected Governor
of Texas and was considering a bid for the Presidency. And he visited
Kuwait twice in the past two years. The first visit happened in November
1998, when he was greeted at the airport by Crown Prince and Prime Minister
Sheik Saad al-Abdullah al Sabah. The most recent visit took place on
January 15 of this year, according to Xinhua, a Chinese newspaper.

But would former President Bush really conspire with Middle East leaders to
sabotage a sitting White House administration for political gain? The
answer is, he did it once before - and the conspiracy was proven in a
Portland court.


In 1980, George Bush Sr. was Ronald Reagan's running mate against incumbent
President Jimmy Carter and Vice President Walter Mondale. At that time, the
revolutionary government of Iran was holding 52 American hostages it had
seized at the U.S. Embassy. As proven by a remarkable federal trial right
here in Portland, Bush helped convince the Iranians to keep holding the
hostages through the 1980 general election, undermining Carter's
credibility and assuring Reagan's election.

This was the so-called October Surprise, a conspiracy involving numerous
officials with the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign, including Bush (the former
head of the CIA), campaign manager William Casey, and Donald Gregg, a
high-ranking CIA officer who had turned against Carter. According to
numerous source, Bush, Casey, Gregg and other campaign officials held
several meetings with top Iranian officials in the closing months of the
Presidential election. They convinced the Iranians to continuing holding
the hostages until after the November 1980 vote - in exchange for $40
million in laundered funds to purchase weapons for its war against Iraq.

Carter lost the election and Iran released the hostages the very day that
Reagan was sworn into office. Casey was appointed head of the CIA and Gregg
became Vice President Bush's National Security Advisory. Rumors about the
October Surprise conspiracy circulated within political circles and the
alternative media for years following Reagan's victory. They were largely
ignored by the mainstream media until May 12, 1989, when Lake Oswego
resident Richard Brenneke was charged with perjury for swearing in a
federal court that they were true. Brenneke was a part-time arms dealer who
helped the Reagan White House supply weapons to the contra rebels fighting
the Sandanista government in Nicaragua.

In September 1988, Brenneke testified on behalf of a longtime friend who
was appealing a fraud conviction in a federal court in Denver. The friend,
Heinrich Rupp, claimed he was acting under what he thought were orders from
the Central Intelligence Agency when he committed the fraud. Brenneke
testified that the CIA employed both he and Rupp on numerous occasions. To
back up his claim, Brenneke claimed that Rupp, a pilot, flew Casey to Paris
for one of the October Surprise meetings. Brenneke said he was also at the
meeting, which took place on October 20, 1980. And he said he was told Bush
was there, too, although he didn't actually see him. "The purpose of the
meeting was to negotiate, not only for the release of the hostages, but
also to discus

[CTRL] Fwd: Yalie Heads Bush's VP-to-Be Team

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Cheney To Head Bush's VP Selection

.c The Associated Press

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - Tapping a prominent figure from his father's
administration, George W. Bush selected former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney
on Tuesday to head his vice presidential selection team.

``I trust Dick Cheney's judgment; I know his character,'' Bush said. ``It's
obviously an important decision for me and I can't think of a better person
to work with on making that decision.''

Bush, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said he hasn't made
any list of potential prospects and Cheney's service as chairman would not
disqualify him from being selected himself.

``No lists yet, but it is the beginning of the list,'' the Texas governor

Bush said the main qualification for his running mate would be ``somebody who
can be president of the United States.'' In the past, he has also said he
wants his vice president to share his government philosophy.

Asked whether he might be leaning toward a woman or perhaps a Washington
outsider, the governor replied: ``They're all equally important as I stand
here today.''

Cheney suggested he would cast a wide net.

``Fortunately, there are many good candidates to chose from in our party,''
Cheney said in a statement. ``We will look at them all. And we will make sure
we have the best ticket possible this fall.''

On Wednesday, Bush was spending the day in Washington. The governor, whose
foreign policy credentials have been questioned by critics, is scheduled to
meet with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, in town to see President
Clinton and other U.S. officials. The governor also was raising a record $18
million for the Republican Party at a dinner.

Meanwhile, Bush leads Gore by 9 points, 52 percent to 41 percent in a new
Ohio Poll being released Wednesday. Ohio is closely watched by candidates and
political analysts because the state almost always goes for the national
winner in November. The telephone poll of 521 likely voters by the University
of Cincinnati was taken April 5 through Saturday and has an error margin of
plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Bringing in Cheney to steer the search will give the campaign a dose of
Washington and national political experience. After Bush lost the New
Hampshire and Michigan primaries, some Republican officials questioned
whether his Texas-based campaign team had the experience necessary for a
general election campaign.

While Bush ``doesn't want to make the 2000 election a referendum on his dad,
you need graybeards, people who have a cachet of experience and savvy,'' said
Stuart Rothenberg, a Washington political analyst.

Cheney, 59, is chief executive officer of Halliburton Co., a Dallas-based
engineering and construction company.

He attended Bush's alma mater, Yale University, for two years before
transferring to the University of Wyoming. In 1974, he became President
Ford's chief of staff. In 1978, he was elected to Congress from Wyoming. He
was re-elected five times and rose to the rank of minority whip - the No. 2
Republican official.

In 1989, President Bush selected Cheney to be his defense secretary, a
position he held during the Persian Gulf War.

The search for a running mate for Bush's Democratic rival, Vice President Al
Gore, is headed by Warren Christopher, who helped President Clinton choose
his first Cabinet and then served as secretary of state.

Speculation on Bush's running mate has focused on a number of Republican
governors and his former GOP rival John McCain. Other possibilities include
another former rival, Elizabeth Dole, and Colin Powell, who was chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his father's administration.

Will the former president have a role in the decision?

``He will not be a part of the formal process, but he does not need to be,''
Bush said. ``He's my dad, I talk to him all the time. He's got a few
suggestions to make on occasion on different subjects, and sometimes I listen
to him and sometimes I don't.''

[CTRL] Columbine victims' families outraged by release of shooting videotapes

2000-04-26 Thread Steve Wingate

It concludes: "Maybe it's the end, but I know one thing. If it were up to me, I'd
 take away the guns."

Columbine victims' families outraged by release of shooting videotapes

The Associated Press

GOLDEN, Colo. (April 26, 2000 5:41 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - To the horror of the Columbine victims'
families, law enforcement authorities released a video Wednesday
containing footage from the shooting, with some of it set eerily to a pop
music soundtrack.

The material included helicopter footage of efforts to reach the victims
outside the school. The video also showed the damaged cafeteria, bullet-
riddled classrooms and the library, where 10 students were killed.

"It hurts. They have pictures from the helicopter of (rescue workers)
dragging Richard by his feet," said Connie Michalik, whose son, Richard
Castaldo, was shot outside the school and left paralyzed.

Although the library footage was filmed after the bodies were removed,
"pools of blood on the carpet are very obvious, with tags marking where
those victims fell, all set to a musical background," said attorney James
Rouse, who represents some victims' families. "Each one of those pools of
blood is where someone's child died or was seriously wounded."

Jefferson County Attorney Frank Hutfless released the tapes to the victims'
families on Tuesday under a court order after a judge ruled that the
relatives have an "undeniable and compelling public interest" in seeing the
footage. For reasons unexplained, the county attorney also made copies
available to the public Wednesday for $25.

Six victims' relatives had sued to gain access to the tapes to prove
authorities mishandled the rescue and failed to heed warnings of the
rampage. Authorities have denied those allegations.

But many Columbine families had hoped the tapes would not be released
to the public as well. The tapes depict the carnage of April 20, 1999, when
two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, killed 12 classmates and a
teacher, wounded 23 others and committed suicide.

"I'm totally disgusted they're selling the tapes for $25," Michalik said.
"Where is the $25 going? We had to fight like crazy to even get these
tapes released."

Other relatives were outraged that the 30-minute videotape, adapted by a
Littleton firefighter for the training of police and fire personnel around the
country, contained added background music, including "If It Were Up To
Me," by Cheryl Wheeler.

Lyrics include the lines: "Maybe it's the movies, maybe it's the books,
maybe it's the bullets, maybe it's the real crooks, maybe it's the drugs,
maybe it's the parents." It concludes: "Maybe it's the end, but I know one
thing. If it were up to me, I'd take away the guns."

Rouse, the relatives' lawyer, said some family members turned down the
audio as they watched. "I don't know why you'd call it a training video. It's
more of a documentary with a musical background," Rouse said.

Officials with the Jefferson County sheriff's and attorney's offices would not

Littleton spokeswoman Kelli Narde defended the tape, saying it was put to
good use in 82 training seminars conducted in the United States and

"In the unfortunate event that another school shooting does take place, the
Littleton Fire Department believes that it has provided a valuable service to
educate other public safety officials," she said.

None of the cafeteria scenes shows students getting shot, but they do
capture students scattering as the gunmen detonate a bomb and begin

The other section consists of footage shot by KCNC-TV photographers as
a helicopter hovered over the school during the rampage.

During the past year, the sheriff's office has angered Columbine families by
circulating a portion of the cafeteria surveillance tape that eventually ended
up on television and the Internet.

A 90-second segment was broadcast in October when it was leaked to
CBS after being shown as part of a training video at a firefighters' seminar
in Albuquerque, N.M.

Sheriff John P. Stone later called the release of the training video an
embarrassment and ordered all copies returned to his office.

In December, Time magazine published a cover story based on five of the
gunmen's own videotapes that the sheriff's office showed to a reporter.
Stone maintained they were shown only for background purposes, which
Time has denied.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of ti

[CTRL] Doc To Marisleysis-SEEK HELP!

2000-04-26 Thread William Shannon

Elian Doc: No Miami Vistors Yet
By Michael J. Sniffen
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, April 26, 2000; 12:42 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– A child psychiatrist who interviewed Elian Gonzalez for the
government recommended that his Miami relatives reconcile their differences
with his father before they are allowed to visit the 6-year-old Cuban boy, a
Justice Department spokeswoman said today.

Dr. Paulina F. Kernberg, of Cornell University Medical College, advised
Immigration Commissioner Doris Meissner that "Elian needs more private time
with his family and she believes that before the Miami relatives see Elian
they need to work out their differences with Juan Miguel," Justice
spokeswoman Carole Florman said.

Kernberg spent 2½ hours Tuesday with the Gonzalez family at their new retreat
on Wye River Plantation on Maryland's Eastern Shore. She spent some time
alone with Elian, some alone with the father and some with the entire family
including his stepmother and 6-month-old half brother, Florman said.

"The doctor reported that Elian needs to feel there is no tension between his
family and his Miami relatives before any sort of extended family meeting,"
Florman said.

Kernberg was one of three doctors consulting for the government who
interviewed the father and Elian's great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez, who had been
caring for him, before Saturday's raid. They recommended that the boy be
quickly reunited with his father.

A Justice official, requesting anonymity, said Kernberg told Meissner that
Lazaro Gonzalez's 21-year-old daughter, Marisleysis, "is clearly not ready to
see Elian, because she is too emotional and too angry to be a positive
influence for him." Kernberg has not interviewed Marisleysis, but the young
woman has conducted several televised news conferences describing her anger
over the raid that took Elian from her home in Miami.

Meantime, little pieces of Elian life in Cuba are being brought to him in
America as his family, the courts and the Senate consider the case.

In the latest stop on his five-month odyssey, the young boat wreck survivor
was moved to the secluded and wooded Maryland retreat Tuesday with lots of
room to play. There, he awaits visits by his former kindergarten teacher and
a 10-year-old cousin, who left Cuba today en route to the United States.

State Department spokesman James Rubin said visas would be expedited for four
of Elian's playmates to come from Cuba. "A young 6-year-old ... needs to have
someone to play with," he said.

Kernberg reported that Elian "is doing very well, is playful and interactive
and displays a sense of belonging to a close family unit," Florman said

"The doctor found that he teases his father and helps to take care of his
brother and plays what she called 'the proud big brother' role," Florman
said. "He calls his stepmother 'Momma' and they look and interact very much
like a close-knit family."

Kernberg gave Elian toys to play with, including green toy soldiers with guns
to see if he had any negative reaction to memories of the raid in which he
was taken by heavily armed Border Patrol agents from the Miami home, Florman

"The doctor said he played with them regularly like a normal 6-year-old boy
and at the end picked them up with his other toys and put them in his toy
box," Florman said.

"He drew a picture of Juan Miguel as a strong, sturdy man standing on top of
a mountain – a sign he looks up to his father as a protector," Florman said
Kernberg reported.

The doctor found that the boy tires easily, and she concluded he needs
private time "away from the spotlight in natural surroundings" to rest
emotionally, Florman said.

Meantime, one of the eight Border Patrol agents who entered Lazaro's house
Saturday morning as part of the "high-risk team" to retrieve Elian told
Immigration and Naturalization Service officials he "had never encountered
this much resistance," INS spokeswoman Maria Cardona said today.

"The agents said the crowd around the house was extremely aggressive and
hostile," Cardona reported. "The female agent, Betty Mills, was pushed to the
ground on the way in."

As the agents approached the door, several people formed a human chain and
had to be pushed aside. The agents identified themselves and asked for
cooperation, "but they did not get it despite the family's promise to just
open the door peacefully if we came to get Elian," Cardona said.

"There was a couch pushed against the door, so the agents had to breach the
door to get inside. Inside all the while, family members and supporters were
screaming at the agents."

Cardona said the agent pictured holding up an automatic weapon as he
encountered a terrified Elian in the arms of supporter Donato Dalrymple had
the safety lock turned on. "He made a specific decision to keep the safety
lock on because he feared he would encounter a physical struggle and didn't
want the gun to go off accidentally," Cardona said.

There has been no indication that Juan Miguel Gonzalez want


2000-04-26 Thread William Bacon

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All European and American patriots should plan for a proper welcome for this
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Albania: 'Tis to Laugh, 'Tis to Cry

2000-04-26 Thread Alamaine

>From http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3905b0654c0b.htm

>>>First he gets the 'honourary' knighthood from the Britlanders; now he gets
another piece of mystery medal (sic) from the Albanians,  “for the victory of
humanism and democracy in the region, for the establishment of dignity and of
human rights in Kosovo, against the dictatorial forces and Serb genocide.”
What follows in the second article is what the Albaniacs are REALLY interested
in!!!   A<>E<>R <<<

Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual
posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its
management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the
exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

NATO Supreme Commander Receives Albania’s Highest Medal
Foreign Affairs Opinion (Published)
Source: Albanian news.com
Published: 04/25/00 Author: Unknown
Posted on 04/25/2000 07:49:09 PDT by Miss Antiwar

NATO Supreme Commander Receives Albania’s Highest Medal

TIRANA - The Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Western Europe said a top
Albania award he received on Monday was an appreciation of the efforts the
allied forces have made to create peace in the Balkans.

General Wesley C. Clark, who was for a one-day official visit was awarded by
Albania’s President Rexhep Meidani the country’s top medal, that of Skenderbeg.

“I accept this award in the name of all the NATO militaries, to assure the
community that Milosevic will not be in Kosovo any more,” Clark said during the
award ceremony. “We will continue to be in Kosovo to protect all of its

President Meidani reasoned the award with Clark’s fight “for the victory of
humanism and democracy in the region, for the establishment of dignity and of
human rights in Kosovo, against the dictatorial forces and Serb genocide.”

>From The National Post

Page URL: http://www.nationalpost.com/story.asp?f=000424/268590
Monday, April 24, 2000
Albanian mob invades Italy
The collapse of law and order across the Adriatic has created a criminal
element that even the Mafia fears
Patrick Graham
National Post

BRINDISI, Italy - Johnny knows just how brutal the Albanian mafia can be. The
former auto mechanic for Saddam Hussein turns his head away and starts to cry
as he describes how his friend was shot in front of him and his body dumped
into the Adriatic Sea.

Like thousands of others, Johnny's family scraped together $6,000 (US) to have
him smuggled into Italy with a group of other Iraqis. But when they reached the
Albanian port of Vllore, the smugglers demanded more. One family handed over a
gold necklace and Johnny had enough money to satisfy them. His friend had only
his watch.

"Take it," he said to Johnny. "They are going to kill me."

Now hiding in a refugee hostel in southern Italy protected by police, the young
Iraqi weeps as he recalls his friend's words.

Ten years ago, few people knew anything about Albania. Today, its gangsters
have become so notorious for violence they give even Italian mobsters pause.

In the north, the Albanians have taken the prostitution racket away from the
country's toughest Mafia branch, the 'Ndrangheta. In the south, they control
the drugs, guns, prostitution and human smuggling across the Adriatic and have
forced an alliance with the local Mafia group. Even priests who work with women
sold into sexual slavery must travel with bodyguards for fear the Albanian
kidnappers will take revenge.

Now Italian investigators suspect a flood of cocaine into the country may be
the result of Albanian criminals working in the United States, a connection
being probed by Italian police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

"The Albanian mafia is especially violent," said Cataldo Motta, a Mafia
prosecutor in the province of Puglia in southern Italy. "We know how to fight
against the Mafia, but now we have a new one -- and it is a foreign culture we
don't understand."

Ironically, this is also the view of Italians on the other side of the law.

"I hate Albanians. Their criminals have become rich and we've become poor. They
have a lot of money because they work with girls and drugs," a cigarette
smuggler told the National Post.

"Both the Mafia and Albanians are violent but at least the Mafia has some
rules," went on the man, who was shot by local mafiosi in a dispute two years
ago. "The Albanians don't care about life at all, they'll kill you without

But those who suffer most are ordinary Albanians.

"Normal Albanians are terrified of these gangs," said Natasha Shehu, an
Albanian lawyer living in Italy, whose clients include many people smuggled in
by the mafia. "The criminals have nothing to lose -- no other jobs, and no
stable political situation to control them."

The east coast of Puglia is only 80 kilometres from Albania. But from 1945 to
1990, when the Albanian communist dictatorship collapsed, Italians knew little
about their neighbours.

But after 1990, the refugees started 

[CTRL] Disregard please Testing only

2000-04-26 Thread ThePiedPiper

Testing only

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Elian

2000-04-26 Thread Alamaine

> I
> was looking at a picture of a child wearing normal street clothing and
> even
> (if I recall correctly) shoes.   That's an odd way to put a child to
> bed.

Well, either they were just tuckered out from the days' events or they might
have been getting ready to move.  Ergo, the raid.  How many operatives did the
gov't have outside (or inside)?

Now, about these 'rights', as in "Miranda".  I have a coupla concerns.  (1)  Do
non-citizens get the same 'rights' as those of us who by various means (birth
right, citizenship, and the like) get the guarantees?  (2)  If they read the
little feller his 'rights' (assuming as a non-American, refugee, asylum seeker,
et cetera, he automatically gets Mirandised), would he be competent to make a
rational decision therefrom?  I awoke one morning in the past few week or so
and was listening to NPR (that's an eye-opener!) and a woman attorney from
Mpls/St P was almost speechless about the judge's decision to grant the little
feller's asylum position DESPITE the fact he was just a 6 year old who had made
an 'unrehearsed' video to his Papa.  Who out there would give credence to a 6
y/old to be competent to make any decisions about the law much less how much
meat, potatoes, and brussels sprouts he or she had to eat before dessert or TV?
It may be just a technicality to go through the motions but to expect a
youngster -- even an American one -- to be able to understand the implications
is realy ssstttrreettcchhiinngg it.  Even with Juicy Fruit gum.

It seems that the government would be justified in taking the little feller to
make SURE he was in the care of responsible adult supervision BEFORE confusing
him with " ... you have the right to remain silent ..."  Of course, the uncles
and aunts have now lost their little Mojo and life now will return to its
lacklustre daily humdrum.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: 179 hits for Jela!

2000-04-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Original Message-
From: Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kevin Robert Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Cc:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Joseph Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Owen Jones
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 7:42 PM
Subject: 179 hits for Jela!

>   How prolific, Ms. Jela Jovanovic! Art(ful) Historian you are!
>  Michael Pugliese

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fw: Albanian mob invades Italy

2000-04-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Original Message-
From: Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kevin Robert Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Ian Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Joseph Green
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: Fw: Albanian mob invades Italy

>   Conspiracy Theory Research List, yup, that's where a "marxist" defending
>the bandit Milosevic, belongs!
>  Michael Pugliese
>P.S. Any Kosovar "kidney theft" urban legends lately, Jela? And
>TruthInMedia.org, Jared? TiM, is a far right John Birchite type rag. Or did
>you notice? Sufficient that they are a whigged out anti-New World Order
>publication venue?
>P.P.S. My last name comes from the Puglia region of Italy, mentioned in the
>story. Relatives of mine, uncle of my Dad, was a numbers runner in
>Pittsburgh for years. Crime pays! Ask Milosevic son who had Arkan killed,
>'cuz he was muscling in on the fuel and cigarette smuggling that Milos kid
>had the franchise on. Betcha the regime had that Travel/Airline official
>assasinated the other day too.
>- Original Message -
>From: Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 2:46 PM
>Subject: Albanian mob invades Italy
>> ===
>> The Committee for National Solidarity
>> Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
>> -
>> >http://www.NATIONALPOST.COM/news.asp?s2=national&s3=reporter
>> >
>> >NATIONAL POST, Monday, April 24, 2000
>> >
>> >Albanian mob invades Italy
>> >
>> >The collapse of law and order across the Adriatic has created a criminal
>> >element that even the Mafia fears
>> >
>> >Patrick Graham
>> >National Post
>> >
>> >BRINDISI, Italy - Johnny knows just how brutal the Albanian mafia can
>> >be. The former auto mechanic for Saddam Hussein turns his head away and
>> >starts to cry as he describes how his friend was shot in front of him
>> >and his body dumped into the Adriatic Sea.
>> >
>> >Like thousands of others, Johnny's family scraped together $6,000 (US)
>> >to have him smuggled into Italy with a group of other Iraqis. But when
>> >they reached the Albanian port of Vllore, the smugglers demanded more.
>> >One family handed over a gold necklace and Johnny had enough money to
>> >satisfy them. His friend had only his watch.
>> >
>> >"Take it," he said to Johnny. "They are going to kill me."
>> >
>> >Now hiding in a refugee hostel in southern Italy protected by police,
>> >the young Iraqi weeps as he recalls his friend's words.
>> >
>> >Ten years ago, few people knew anything about Albania. Today, its
>> >gangsters have become so notorious for violence they give even Italian
>> >mobsters pause.
>> >
>> >In the north, the Albanians have taken the prostitution racket away from
>> >the country's toughest Mafia branch, the 'Ndrangheta. In the south, they
>> >control the drugs, guns, prostitution and human smuggling across the
>> >Adriatic and have forced an alliance with the local Mafia group. Even
>> >priests who work with women sold into sexual slavery must travel with
>> >bodyguards for fear the Albanian kidnappers will take revenge.
>> >
>> >Now Italian investigators suspect a flood of cocaine into the country
>> >may be the result of Albanian criminals working in the United States, a
>> >connection being probed by Italian police and the Federal Bureau of
>> >Investigations.
>> >
>> >"The Albanian mafia is especially violent," said Cataldo Motta, a Mafia
>> >prosecutor in the province of Puglia in southern Italy. "We know how to
>> >fight against the Mafia, but now we have a new one -- and it is a
>> >foreign culture we don't understand."
>> >
>> >Ironically, this is also the view of Italians on the other side of the
>> >law.
>> >
>> >"I hate Albanians. Their criminals have become rich and we've become
>> >poor. They have a lot of money because they work with girls and drugs,"
>> >a cigarette smuggler told the National Post.
>> >
>> >"Both the Mafia and Albanians are violent but at least the Mafia has
>> >some rules," went on the man, who was shot by local mafiosi in a dispute
>> >two years ago. "The Albanians don't care about life at all, they'll kill
>> >you without reason."
>> >
>> >But those who suffer most are ordinary Albanians.
>> >
>> >"Normal Albanians are terrified of these gangs," said Natasha Shehu, an
>> >Albanian lawyer living in Italy, whose clients include many people
>> >smuggled in by the mafia. "The criminals have nothing to lose -- no
>> >other jobs, and no stable political situation to control them."
>> >
>> >The east coast of Puglia is only 80 kilometres from Albania. But from
>> >1945 to 1990, when the Albanian communist dictatorship collapsed,
>> >Italians knew little about their neighbours.
>> >
>> >But after 1990, the refugees started to arrive -- more than 80,00

[CTRL] Fw: CHINAGATE Secret memo on Loral deal

2000-04-26 Thread Amelia

Now this is really troubling!  And before you jump in and say that the
Republicans did things like this, too, yes, they did starting with Nixon
especially.  THAT, however, is not the point.  This is just one more step
down the slippery slope to the NWO and one-govt world.  And I do think this
President has profited financially far more than others for the sale of our
national security.  And he is more "in your face" with it, too.  I just hope
the Chinese are really into this "sharing" and "no secrets nor technical
advantage here" mindset, too.   Thus far, it would appear that they are
definitely NOT!

> : WorldNetDaily
> APRIL 21
> 2000
> Secret memo
> on Loral deal
> Clinton approved satellite sale
> to Beijing as in national interest
> By Charles Smith
> © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com
> Despite an ongoing FBI investigation into the unauthorized transfer of
> advanced missile-guidance technology to China, Loral Space &
> Corp. requested and received Clinton administration approval to sell
> communications satellites to Beijing in 1996, a secret National Security
> Council memo obtained by WorldNetDaily shows.
> Congressional investigators have raised concerns that the satellite
> technology shared with the Chinese may have allowed them to improve their
> capability of launching intercontinental ballistic missiles. China
> targets 13 such nuclear-tipped missiles at the United States.
> Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz donated more than $1 million to the
> Democratic National Committee, according to Federal Election Commission
> records, and has recently made contributions to Hillary Clinton's campaign
> for the U.S. Senate in New York. The $1 million contribution was the
> largest individual donation to the DNC that year.
> The July 1, 1996, action memo to National Security Adviser Anthony Lake,
> obtained through an intelligence agency source, reveals Loral requested
> President Clinton delay a pending waiver for a satellite export.
> "In mid-June, Globalstar's parent company, Loral requested that we
> temporarily delay evaluation of their request for a national interest
> for this project," the memo explains. "The company has now asked us to
> resume
> processing of their application, and State has confirmed its support for
> approval of the license.
> "The Dept. of State, with the concurrence of the Departments of Commerce
> Defense and the Officer of Science and Technology Policy, recommends that
> the
> President report to Congress that it is in the national interest to waive
> the
> Tiananmen Square sanctions in order to allow the licensing of
> satellites and related equipment for export to China," states the memo.
> President Clinton signed the waiver for Loral later that month. Loral was
> then under investigation for the loss of an encryption control board from
> Loral Intelsat satellite that crashed in China. The missing board prompted
> an
> investigation by the FBI.
> According to documents obtained from the U.S. Commerce Department, Loral
> aware that the exported satellite systems were developed from American
> military equipment. Loral documents obtained from the files of the late
> Commerce Secretary Ron Brown included a folder labeled "for Secy. Brown"
> with
> a page titled "Commercial Applications Of DoD Technology." The Loral
> document
> lists "Intelsat," "Cellular -- Globalstar" and "Direct Broadcast
> technology along with a variety of other products developed from
> of Defense projects.
> In addition, a 1996 State Department report contradicts Clinton
> administration claims that advanced communications exports to China were
> "civilian" projects. The report states that the Chinese army was keenly
> interested in obtaining Loral Globalstar satellite technology and the
> purchase was possibly being financed by Chinese billionaire, Li Ka-Shing.
> The
> 1996 Department report was written by then-Ambassador to China James
> a former U.S. Senator from Tennessee. The 1996 State Department report was
> obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
> The report states: "The PLA (People's Liberation Army) has for some time
> been
> discussing with the MPT (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) the
> possibility of using frequencies allocated to the PLA for establishing a
> mobile phone network based on CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA)
> technology."
> The 1996 report written by Sasser alleges that the Ministry of Posts and
> Telecommunications (MPT) and Li Ka-Shing were both directly involved with
> the
> People's Liberation Army in financing the Loral export to China.
> "Already, foreign companies a

[CTRL] Declaration of Taking up Arms

2000-04-26 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: Declaration of Taking up Arms
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2000 10:01 AM

Thanks to Angelfor
pointing out the Declaration of Taking up Arms.

Here are some choice excerpts. To get the whole
document go to:

My question to you...

If we do not resist this tyranny, and the new
world order being forced upon us, our children,
our grandchildren, and the
following generations will be in bondage. How
will an unarmed populace be able to resist?

Think globally, ACT LOCALLY. Support your local
patriot. Be one.
WHO is the most evil person you can think of in
your locale?
WHY is he/she in a position of power?
WHAT can you do about it?
What would your ancestors have done? Why?

If you have not read Brave New World for several
years, you will be amazed.  All this evil is
interconnected, but spiritually we
are soldiers of the SUPREME force! Call on your
guardian angel for assistance. Gird yourself with
the armor of God. Will you
stand idly by, cowering? Or will you fight? Do
you fear death? If not, then what?

Your freedom is on the line.

Happy Easter.

Mark 16 1-7
At that time, Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother
of James, and Salome brought sweet spices, that
coming they might anoint
Jesus.  And very early in the morning, the first
day of the week, they came to the sepulchre, the
sun being now risen.  And they
said one to another: Who shall roll us back the
stone from the door of the sepulchre?  And
looking, they saw the stone rolled
back.  For it was very great.  And entering into
the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on
the right side, clothed with a
white robe, and they were astonished.  Who saith
to them: Be not affrighted; ye seek Jesus of
Nazareth, who was crucified: He
is risen, He is not here; behold the place where
they laid Him.  But go, tell His disciples, and
Peter, that He goeth before you
into Galilee: there you shall see Him, as He told



 JULY 6, 1775

A declaration by the representatives of the
United Colonies of North America, now met in
general Congress at Philadelphia,
setting forth the causes and necessity of their
taking up arms

... We are reduced to the alternative of choosing
an unconditional submission to the tyranny of
irritated ministers, or resistance
by force. The latter is our choice. We have
counted the cost of this contest and find nothing
so dreadful as voluntary slavery.
Honor, justice, and humanity forbid us tamely to
surrender that freedom which we received from our
gallant ancestors, and
which our innocent posterity have a right to
receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and
guilt of resigning succeeding
generations to that wretchedness which inevitably
awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary
bondage upon them.

Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our
internal resources are great, and, if necessary,
foreign assistance is undoubtedly
attainable. We gratefully acknowledge, as signal
instances of the Divine favor toward us, that his
Providence would not permit
us to be called into this severe controversy,
until we were grown up to our present strength,
had been previously exercised in
warlike operation, and possessed of the means of
defending ourselves. With hearts fortified with
these animating reflections, we
most solemnly, before God and the world, declare
that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers
which our beneficent
Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the
arms we have been compelled by our enemies to
assume we will, in defiance of
every hazard, with unabating firmness and
perseverance, employ for the preservation of our
liberties; being with our [one] mind
resolved to die free men rather than live slaves.

Lest this declaration should disquiet the minds
of our friends and fellow- subjects in any part
of the Empire, we assure them that
we mean not to dissolve that union which has so
long and so happily subsisted between us, and
which we sincerely wish to see
restored. Necessity has not yet driven us into
that desperate measure, or induced us to excite
any other nation to war against
them. We have not raised armies with ambitious
designs of separating from Great Britain
establishing independent states. We
fight not for glory or for conquest. We exhibit
to mankind the remarkable spectacle of a people
attacked by unprovoked
enemies, without any imputation or even suspicion
of offense. They boast of their privileges and
civilization and yet proffer no
milder conditions than serv

Re: [CTRL] [ChristianPatriot] Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government

2000-04-26 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

Christian duty is the same 24 hours a day, in institutions of church or
state. It is that of doing "all for the glory of God". (I Cor. 10:31) so
the lengthy Bible-babble on this topic is not necessary. Or, what part of
the word "all" do I not understand? However, "the flock is small" and the
children of darkness are wiser, more cunning, more powerful so they
dominate institutions of church and state, both of which are effectively
under the control of satan. Otherwise answer my question: what would a
complete society/culture/nation be like if it were in the highest service
to the Almighty that is humanly possible? Is that Israel today for
example? Is that the nature of Vatican city-state today? Is that Canada
today with its Constitution/Charter founded upon "principles that
recognize the supremacy of God"?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] A conspiracy theory is a ...

2000-04-26 Thread uaicvtmb

To: Bard:

Great Message, And the Photos - Too Much LOL. The Truth.
Keep Up the Good Work.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

2000-04-26 Thread Ric Carter
 and industrial waste." Seeking international
  action to pressure China "to ensure Tibet's ecology and culture are prot-
  ected" -- http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2566011052-d97

# CHINA SCIENTIST ON RUN. Yan Lee, the Chinese scientist who claimed to have
  found the "cure" for love,is currently on the run from Chinese authorities
  after torching his research laboratory. http://jpb.com/cyberstar/0113.html
# China and South Africa to seek new world order - get in line, folks:

: Has your environment/research/hegemony been damaged by Chinese Communists?
Are they really Communists, or just disinformation agents masquerading the
agendae of their Reptilioid/Bildegberger masters? What's really happening??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Barbie to launch U.S. presidential bid - Bush, Gore running scared:
  BOTH: http://CNN.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/04/25/campaign.wrap/
# Special interests help GOP funds - the best politicos money can buy:

# Director Oliver Stone says he never claimed to be a historian. But annoyed
  scholars can be forgiven for viewing him as treading on their turf. Rewri-
  ting history for cash: http://www.linguafranca.com/0004/inside-stone.html

# Outhouse documentary result of call of nature - reality-reporting
  gets down-and-dirty: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000425/odd-17
# Bigfoot and Vince Foster: http://www.jpb.com/cyberstar/0109.html
# The UFO-FBI Connection: http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/a2000/apr/p2.htm

: Have you rewritten history lately? Is it fun? Is historical/political/eco-
nomic/religious/artistic reality always malleable, mutable, manipulatable??
Is reality re-engineered by historians, ETs, spies, filmmakers, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Columbine tapes, with anti-gun music soundtrack, to be made public. DENVER
  (AP) The families of Columbine High School shooting victims who fought for
  access to video taken during the massacre are outraged that authorities
  also are releasing a tape to the public - with a music soundtrack. Rocking
 out: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/2426/us/columbine_lawsuits_13.html

# Kansans Spared by Winds See Guardian in News Photo. PARSONS, KS. (Reuters)
  Some residents of Parsons believe divine intervention may have saved them
  from a tornado that ripped through their small Kansas town last week, and
  say they have the picture to prove it. Zoroaster, Garelamaisama refuse to
  sit for photo-ops: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000426/07/odd-tornado

: What's y'r favorite media presentation? Are public massacres,divine inter-
ventions, political shenanigans, psychic manipulations, good for multimedia
exploitation? Should disasters/massacres/plagues be theme-park attractions?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "Under an edible sky, cheesy an a deep-dish pizza, X examined his
   sister's blork." --Beloved Remington

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: Crisis? What crisis? Germans shrug off euro slump

2000-04-26 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 4/26/00 6:20:14 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

<< Subj:Crisis? What crisis? Germans shrug off euro slump
 Date:  4/26/00 6:20:14 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Crisis? What crisis? Germans shrug off euro slump

 BERLIN, April 26 (Reuters) - On a hot and sunny Wednesday at Berlin's
Brandenburg Gate, Germans seemed more concerned with melting ice cream than
the euro's slide against the dollar.

 For a people who have long taken comfort in the strength of the
deutschemark, they seemed strangely unruffled by their new currency's record
low -- below 92 U.S. cents -- on Tuesday

 For the full text of this story, click here.

 (c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication,
redistribution or framing is permitted absent Reuter's prior consent.
Reuters is not liable for errors or delays in content or actions taken based
on this content.  Active hyperlinks inserted by AOL.

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 To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsPro
 For all of today's news, go to keyword News. >>

Crisis? What crisis? Germans shrug off euro slump

BERLIN, April 26 (Reuters) - On a hot and sunny Wednesday at Berlin's Brandenburg 
Gate, Germans seemed more concerned with melting ice cream than the euro's slide 
against the dollar.

For a people who have long taken comfort in the strength of the deutschemark, they 
seemed strangely unruffled by their new currency's record low -- below 92 U.S. cents 
-- on Tuesday

For the full text of this story, click here.

(c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication, redistribution or 
framing is permitted absent Reuter's prior consent.  Reuters is not liable for errors 
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For all of today's news, go to keyword News.

Re: [CTRL] Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government

2000-04-26 Thread Michael Pugliese

 Ted Weiland:Christian Identity neo-fascism.
  Michael Pugliese





A Rejoinder to
Pastor Greg L. Price's
Open Letter to Identity Friends
by Ted R. Weiland

Pastor Greg L. Price can be contacted directly for a copy
of his Open Letter to Identity Friends by writing him at:
"The first to plead his case seems just, until another comes and examines
him." (Proverbs 18:17, NASV)
I am hopeful that in directly answering some of Pastor Price's criticisms of
"Identity," some who read this will be inspired to be good "Bereans." In the
first paragraph of Pastor Price's open letter he wrote, "...I cannot agree
with the underlying foundation upon which their [Identity's] house is built:
namely that the New Covenant is made only with the literal seed of Israel."
It is not with Identity that Pastor Price does not agree. If we speak where
the Scriptures speak and remain silent where they are silent, then it has to
be admitted that nowhere in the Bible can a statement be found that
establishes that the New Covenant was made with anyone but Israelites. ON
the other hand, we have a double witness that it WAS MADE with Israelites
(Jeremiah 31:31-33 & Hebrews 8:8-9; see also Romans 9:1-4). The very fact
that these declarations are specific about whom God made the New Covenant
with connotes exclusiveness.
Granted there are passages that might be employed (some correctly and some
incorrectly) in pointing out that non-Israelites can be proselytes to Yhshua
(Jesus) the Christ and the New Covenant which belongs or pertains to the
remnant of Israel (Romans 9:27 & 11:5) who have been saved in an by the
blood atoning sacrifice of Yhshua. Nevertheless, that does not mean that the
New Covenant was made with them anymore than Isaiah 56:1-7 means that the
Abrahamic Covenant was made with non-Israelite strangers. If that had been
the case (which I am quite confident that Pastor Price would agree with me
that it was not), then it would have robbed the non-Israelite of their
BETTER NAME before God.
So that there will be no misunderstanding, let me state this clearly: I (and
many other leaders and adherents of the Christian Identity message) believe
that under the New Covenant non-Israelites CAN be saved through Yhshua's
atoning blood sacrifice in the same fashion as Israelites (John 14:6, Acts
4:12). However, that does not make them Israelites (either physically or
spiritually), nor does it mean that the New Covenant was made with them. So
that there is no misunderstanding, I also believe that the principle of
Isaiah 56 is as applicable under the New Covenant as much as it was under
the Old Covenant. That is, that the non-Israelite who joins himself to YHWH
through Yhshua has a better name before YHWH than does the Israelite who
does the same.
By the way, just as the covenants belong to (were and are made with) Israel,
so does the becoming "sons of God." The Apostle Paul declares that both the
covenants and the adoption (of sons, NASV) pertain (belong, NASV) to Israel
(Romans 9:3-4). Galatians 3:26 corresponds to Romans 4:4-5 which speaks
again of the "adoption of sons" that pertains to Israel.
Later in his letter Pastor Price wrote, "The contrast Paul makes is between
those who are Israel and those who are not (I.e. Those who are not Israel
are called Gentiles and are distinguished from Israel in this chapter, cf.
Rom. 11:25-26)." Pastor Price has jumped to the same erroneous conclusion
about Romans 11 as I originally did, I.e., that the Gentiles in Romans 11
are non-Israelites since they are contrasted with Israelites. And because we
usually fail to do what the Apostle Paul essentially instructs us to do in
Romans 9:24-26 in order to correctly identify what gentiles (better
translated nations; refer to any Hebrew and/or Greek lexicon) it is that he
is referring to. The Jews' in Romans 9:24 represent only Israelites
descended from the house of Judah. The Gentiles' represent descendants from
the divorced and gentilized house of Israel who lost the right to be called
"Israel," I.e., ruling with El(ohiym) Hosea 1:3-9.
Romans 9:24 is declaring essentially the same thing as Hebrews 8:8: "...whom
he hath called [made the New Covenant with], not of the Jews (the house of
Judah) only, but also of the Gentiles [the house of Israel]." I know this
goes contrary to what we have been taught but I challenge you to do what the
Apostle Paul tells us to do. Let the Bible be its own commentary and go back
and read Hosea 1 and 2 (from which Paul quotes) and discover for yourself
who the Gentiles/nations are that he is referring to.
You might also want to go back and read about the prophesied reunion and
bringing to life of the two dead sticks representing the house of Judah and
the house of Israel in Ezekiel 37. And, note how perfectl

Re: [CTRL] [TheRevelation] A conspiracy theory is a ...

2000-04-26 Thread Bard

A List is composed of people with many diverse views of life.
Your wonderment of where I'm coming from means I have penetrated your sense of what is 
right and wrong;  a goal which I'm happy to have
The Mind, as I'm sure you know, is very malleable, i.e. easily shaped by the pressure 
of others.
The stench of our Society (which includes upbringing by dysfunctional parents) has 
shaped our Mind, to wit, we have become victims of the
Remove the 'drug pusher' (the seducer);  overcome the ensuing 'pain';  identify the 
hatred and/or resentment within;  then shed its stench
to allow the reentry of your natural Spirit of righteous.
Only then can we exercise personal judgment of right and wrong and enable the return 
to our central government people of the caliber of our
founding fathers.
Look within for the solution of one's perceived woes;  for to seek elsewhere ensures 
the victory of the forces of darkness.


"Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation:
 O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man"
  (Psalm 43:1).

"Woe to those who decree unjust statutes
and to those who continually record unjust decisions,
to deprive the needy of justice,
and to rob the poor of My people of their rights..."
 Isaiah 10 vs 1-2

> Amen Brother Roger! Thank you, I`m fairly new to this list and was wondering
> where some of these people like Bard were coming from. I try to use this list
> to try to wake up the lost by forwarding them on. Sometimes you have to use
> the truth in our in our world to bring others out of the darkness. Keep
> earning your crowns Brother, see you on the other side. Come Lord Jesus!
>   Joe
> Prov.11:30

> Visit:
> http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/


We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

2000-04-26 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000426a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/25_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No shapeshifters were sexually abused during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Our Colleagues: http://www.bestnet.org/~raven1/openskul.gif
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Reagan And Pilot Chased UFO In 1974 - Deer Mutilation In Maryland? The
  grim connection. And: NEW YORK SIGHTING BY COPS; sightings in W. Virginia,
  Georgia, Florida, Missouri; DO PLASMAS GENERATE SOME UFO REPORTS? Area51
  Pix, French UFO radar cases released; abductee writer; Space Shuttle UFO
  footage: http://www.sightings.com/general/filer42500.htm

# Missouri: Numerous UFOs Sighted: http://www.caus.org/mu042600.htm
# CHILE UFO LEAVES GIANT TRIANGLE MARK www.sightings.com/general/trimark.htm
@ DISMEMBERED TORSO DISCARDED BY ALIENS http://www.nerve.com/photoday/71.jpg
# Yukon Woman Relates Stunning UFO Encounter - "I can't even travel at night
  anymore," she complains: http://www.sightings.com/general/yukond.htm

: Do UFOs/ETs/MiBs/UFOlogists/robots chase you around; threaten to dismember
you; imprint radar traces in your brain; generate plasmas; cause you to mut-
ilate deer; guarantee your election to the Presidency; soothe your nerves??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ NEW (REPTOID) WORLD ORDER. Planet Earth run by shape-shifting reptilians?
  Believe it or not, this outré political-sci-fi scenario has become a focus
  of historical researchers as well as spiritual visionaries. The resonance
  of corroborating evidence from science and metaphysics has a synchronicity
  that is nothing but astonishing. What of admonitions of Jesus & John the
  Baptist against the "generation of vipers" & "serpents" in their midst?

@ She's a fish-lover: http://www.nerve.com/photoday/photoday.asp?n=77
# PSYCHIC ANIMALS: http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/psychic_animals.htm
# EARTH DAY IS EVIL? http://www.sightings.com/general/earth.htm

: Is your world run by reptilioids? Do they fly/walk/slither/teleport around
you annoyingly? Are they often seen? Do they leave marks/traces/progeny? Do
their piscine/bufine/avian cousins interbreed with humans too? Productively?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Companies swoon over the moon. WASHINGTON -- A handful of small U.S. space
  companies are plotting a return to the moon, triggering their own version
  of a 21st-century style lunar race. At stake is more than just bragging
  rights. The companies believe a moon mission can yield profits. Beam me
  the money: http://www.alienzoo.com/news/t/24250008.cfm

@ PRE-FLIGHT TRAINING - Step-by-step instructions for winging out into the
  universe. Portals are nearby. Where? http://www.caus.org/os042600.htm
# Iasos: A guide to inter-dimensional travel. Musician’s collaborations with
  hyper-dimensional being result in soul-nourishing sounds. Mindcontrol with
  a smiling face: http://www.alienzoo.com/features/r/24170001.cfm

: Would you prefer to travel to the moon/planets/stars; across the universe;
into other (hyper)dimensions; thru realms of time; to a better world? How'll
you get there? Are you there already? Was the journey profitable/dirty/cold?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# LOST IN SPACE: How come it's always the engineers that get to go up in
  space? Well, obviously there are some good reasons. But designer and
  choreographer Richard Seabra wants to "send artists and performers into
  space to work in a special art module that he wants to become part of the
  International Space Station (ISS). Seabra wants to see to it that the arts
  and humanities are given a permanent place in space, that science moves
  aside to make room for the bounty of other cultural pursuits humans
  value." http://www.space.com/news/spacestation/iss_isadora_000423.html

# NEW COSMIC MEASURING STICK. (NASA) Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory,
  a team of scientists has attacked one of astronomy's oldest and thorniest
  problems, determining the distance to a cosmic object. We can't just pace
  off the range: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast26apr_1m.htm

: Should engineers/artists/politicos/talkshowhosts/lawyers/priests/salesfolk
be sent to space? How far? Should their distance be measured as they recede,
or should we just let'em go? What cultural pursuits do you really value? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Universe As A Hologram. Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the
  Universe a Phantasm? http://geocities.com/Area51/Shuttle/5604/talbot.html
@ Realize that information is not isolated: it comes with context, history,
  background, common knowledge: www.universitybusiness.com/0005/digital.html

: If objective reality didn't exist, would we 

[CTRL] Fwd: India

2000-04-26 Thread William Shannon

STRATFOR.COM's Global Intelligence Update - 26 April 2000


By The Internet's Most Intelligent Source of International News &
Analysis http://www.stratfor.com/

Have you visited our web site recently? We've made some new changes
that make using the site more efficient, allowing greater access to
thousands of reports. Visit http://www.stratfor.com today.

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
26 April 2000

India Challenges China in South China Sea


India intends to hold a series of bilateral and unilateral naval
exercises in the South China Sea in October and November 2000,
according to government sources cited by the Hindustan Times April
24. The decision comes amid debate within the Indian armed forces
over the reshaping of naval forces and the expansion of their
operational capabilities. By extending its area of operation firmly
into the South China Sea, India presents a direct challenge to
China, which claims the entire area as its territorial waters. This
promises both a redefinition of the naval balance of power in the
region, and an intensification of tensions between New Delhi and


During a recent Indian Naval Commanders' Conference, the Naval
Operations Directorate announced plans for unilateral Indian navy
exercises in the South China Sea later this year, according to
government sources cited in the Hindustan Times April 24. The
announcement comes amid debate within India's armed forces over the
future role of the navy, including plans to increase its aircraft
carrier force to three.

The decision to extend the reach and operational areas of India's
expanding navy firmly into the South China Sea will not only
trigger a reassessment of the balance of naval power in the region,
but also risks a deterioration of Beijing-New Delhi relations as
India encroaches into territory claimed by China.

India's navy intends to hold bilateral exercises with South Korea
and Vietnam in October and November 2000. Following these
exercises, four or five Indian vessels will remain in the South
China Sea to be joined by an Indian Kilo-class submarine and
reconnaissance aircraft for unilateral naval exercises.

The exercises fit within India's shifting definition of its naval
areas of concern, as laid out by Defense Minister George Fernandes
April 14 at the launching of India's latest warship the INS
Brahmaputra. Fernandes said India's "area of interest extends
from the north of the Arabian Sea to the South China Sea." The
debate in New Delhi over the role of India's navy is apparently
being won by those who wish to expand the operational capabilities
of the navy and to increase attention to force projection and
expeditionary forces.

India's spreading naval reach is in part to counter the growing
threat of piracy on both sides of the Strait of Malacca. In
November 1999, Indian navy and coast guard vessels recaptured a
hijacked Japanese cargo ship after a 12-hour chase. The hijacking
prompted Japan to consider increased financial and possibly naval
support to patrol the areas around the Strait in cooperation with
China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. This
in turn contributed to Fernandes calling Japan and Vietnam key
strategic partners in anti-piracy operations.

However, while India-Japan ties remain constrained by Tokyo's
ongoing attempts to mediate between India and Pakistan, ties with
Vietnam have been improving since a 1994 visit of then Indian Prime
Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao to Hanoi and the signing of a defense
cooperation agreement. More recently, India has re-embarked on a
"Look East" policy, increasing military and economic cooperation
with Vietnam and enhancing ties with other South East Asian
nations, including Myanmar.

At the same time India is expanding its naval reach into the South
China Sea, it is expanding its force structure as well. The
2000-2001 defense budget includes $940 million for the Navy, up
from $835 million the previous year. Of this, 60 percent has been
allotted to acquisition of weapons and modernization programs.

While India's single operational aircraft carrier, the INS Viraat,
is under refit, there are plans to build a domestic carrier and
acquire the re-fit Russian Kiev-class Admiral Gorshkov. Prior to
the recent launch of the INS Brahmaputra, India also commissioned
its third fleet tanker, adding to its blue-water capabilities.
There are plans to launch six more warships in 2000. India's naval
expansion also includes buying several Russian MiG-29 Ks to add to
its naval air force.

India is also preparing to launch a Kilo-class submarine capable of
ballistic missile launches, according to the Hindu. On April 10,
India tested the Dhanush ship-launched ballistic missile, and there
are plans to fit some of India's Kilo-class submarines with Russian
Klub-class ballistic missiles.

The expandi

Re: [CTRL] rapist's tactics designed to intimidate the rest of us.

2000-04-26 Thread Bard

C Davis, Where have you been:  are you an ostrich?
He raped that woman, Juanita Broaddrick.

C Davis wrote:
> I just have to ask...who did he rape? He's not a rapist just a slut!
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
> matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
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> Om


We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
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Re: [CTRL] Christian Duty Under Corrupt Government

2000-04-26 Thread William Shannon

"Conspiracy Theory" or Christian Theocracy" Research List?
I guess it's now bothyipee...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Alien Elian

2000-04-26 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>CNN reports they had thrown a sofa against the front door

Anybody who thinks that a sofa against the door will keep out the
jackbooted G-men is too dumb to raise kids.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Republican Drug Lords?

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: Republican Drug
Subject: Republican Drug Lords?
From: MadCowChief mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mediamonkey@hotmail
Date: Wed, Apr 19, 2000 8:18 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From "In Search of the AMERICAN Drug Lords"

Available at

"Did Republican US Attorney Asa Hutchinson "take care of things"
for Drug Smuggler and Kennedy Assassination Participant Barry Seal?"

Here's something about the man who led the Republican's closing arguments
in  the Senate inpeachment trial, Congressman Asa Hutchinson, from the
just-completed TV-doc "In Search of the AMERICAN Drug Lords."

"On another occassion, then-US Attorney Asa Hutchinson took care of
things for Barry. According to the State police official in charge of
Mena, the Arkansas state police didn't even try to develop a case against
the Mena Drug smugglingbecause Barry was being 'protected' by then-US
Attorney Hutchinson.

Fifteen years later, Barry Seal associate Roy Fugler took a company
called Netivation public--it  publishes the US Congress Factbook, and has
a major internet site for campaign fundraising-- and the first thing they
did was to sign on as their marketing posterboy... Guess who? Arkansas
congressman Asa Hutchinson, the man who prevented Seal from being
prosecuted while US Attorney for the district in western Arkanas
encompassing Mena...

Congressman Hutchinson is, to his everlasting shame, a member of  the
Speaker's Task Force for a Drug-Free America, whose mandate is "to seek
out out new and more effective approaches to combatting the threat of
drug use among the nation's youth."

He also somehow found the time to present the case to the Senate for the
impeachment of Bill Clinton, where he urged the senators in his closing
argument to "let justice roll down like mighty waters."

Were that to happen, we would urge the Congressman not to wear his good
suit that day, because we suspect both he AND Clinton might get awfully

The story of Barry Seal is the story of what happens when guys we pay
to protect us--CIA guys--go into business with guys we're paying them
to protect us against. "Made" guys. Mobsters...Organized Crime.

Commenting on the CIA's affair with the Mafia, L.B.J.'s press secretary,
Bill Moyers said, "Once we decide that anything goes,
anything can come home to haunt us."

After you see "In Search of the American Drug Lords,"
you'll understand what he meant.

available @

The Drug Money Times
"All the News That's Ripped From Print!"

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Elian

2000-04-26 Thread name AOL USER

In a message dated 4/26/00 11:29:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> In a message dated 4/25/2000 8:32:08 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  << A final discrepancy...why is the INS agent in the infamous photo wearing
>   green fatigues, while the videos we see of the INS agents entering and
>   leaving the house during the raid only show agents all in black?  Why is
>   this agent wearing a different uniform than his comrades? >>
>  There's another strange thing here, but when I put my children to bed, they
>  first had a bath, then put on pajamas and were tucked in.  A couch does for
>  sleeping, but when I think of that freight car load of toys that were all
>  over that place, I would think someone might have sprung for a youth bed.

> I
>  was looking at a picture of a child wearing normal street clothing and even
>  (if I recall correctly) shoes.   That's an odd way to put a child to bed.
>  Prudy

I suspect they were ready to move him out after Reno told them time was up.
CNN reports they had thrown a sofa against the front door.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] E-Commerce, Big Brother and Global Corporate Order

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: E-Commerce, Big
Brother and Global Corporate Order
Subject: E-Commerce, Big Brother and Global Corporate Order
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ">editorNOOSPAM@new
dawnmagazine.com.au  (Dave)
Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2000 1:35 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From New Dawn No. 60 (May-June), http://www.newdawnmagazine.com.au">h

E-Commerce, Big Brother and Global Corporate Order


This assembly will, in later years, be seen as a turning point. Things
will never be the same again.

– The then British Ambassador to the UN, Ivor Richardson, describing
the UN resolution for a New International Economic Order

The New International Economic Order (NIEO) is seldom mentioned these
days and yet it is the harbinger of globalisation. It was the 1974
United Nations resolution on the NIEO and the attendant 1975 Lima
Declaration on Industrial Development and Cooperation,1 which began
the drive for reduction of tariffs, removal of impediments to free
trade and the introduction of the so-called level playing field. The
then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was mentor of the NIEO
resolution. In announcing the shift toward a global economy, Kissinger
declared: “All nations can now participate in a common world monetary
system.” The process of economic globalisation had begun.

The United Nations (UN) declared that the NIEO would help poor, debt
ridden third world nations become wealthy and banish disparities in
the world. This was to be achieved by transferring at least 25 percent
of the world’s industrialisation and manufacturing processes from
developed nations to less developed countries by the year 2000.

The transfer of wealth from rich to poor nations never occurred. But
what the NIEO did achieve was dramatic structural changes in the world
economy in the areas of commodities, natural resources, trade and
monetary reform. In line with the Lima declaration, important
manufacturing and industrialisation processes were transferred to
third world nations, where people, the environment and natural
resources were able to be acutely exploited by Transnational
Corporations (TNCs). For the developing nations, the NIEO meant that
world market leaders such as Nike sport shoes corporation or the toys
giant Mattell no longer needed to keep factories under their own
management. They simply allocated orders to changing producers from
Indonesia through to Poland or Mexico – to any country where costs
were low and people could be employed on starvation wages.

For the rich nations, the NIEO was equally disastrous. Millions of
people lost their jobs. With the growth of just-in-time production,
companies called for just-in-time workers – the day labourer was back!
Many workers had their incomes savaged and were forced to accept lower
wages and poor employment conditions. The part-time and casual
workforce increased. Small to medium enterprises unable to compete
with the buying power of TNCs were swallowed up. Primary industries
were deregulated and bankrupted as agribusiness conglomerates assumed
control. Wage workers were transformed into human resources. The
public sector was corporatised, then privatised.

The real beneficiaries of the NIEO were the world’s top transnational
companies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the World Bank and
the United Nations. Economic globalisation, the final outcome of the
NIEO, provided TNCs with access to new markets, cheap sources of
labour and subsidised production facilities. The IMF, a private
insurance company, used its leverage to compel sovereign nations to
implement necessary structural adjustments ensuring wages and real
living standards were pared down. Meanwhile, the World Bank advanced
billions of dollars to third world nations for NIEO ‘development’
projects,2 ensuring that the Bank’s loans to heavily indebted nations
could be carried on the books as performing assets. The United Nations
cheered from the sidelines. What the UN had failed to achieve
politically – a world government – would now be brought about via
economic means.

E-Commerce Revolution

Economic globalisation has necessitated and facilitated the e-commerce
revolution. This so-called revolution has many important features.
Firstly, e-commerce transactions are cashless, taking place in
cyberspace over the Internet. Secondly, e-commerce transactions are
globalised – they can take place anywhere in the world where there is
Internet access. Third, for e-commerce transactions to be secure,
participants need to verify their identity via a digital signature or
biometric device. This identification regime will become paramount as
more and more people utilise e-commerce facilities.

As e-commerce spreads, we will see a gradual transmigration to a world
currency – e-currency – fostered via the Internet, a tool originally
developed for use by the US military. As the e-commerce revolution
continues, it wil

Re: [CTRL] Alien Elian

2000-04-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 4/25/2000 8:32:08 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

<< A final discrepancy...why is the INS agent in the infamous photo wearing
 green fatigues, while the videos we see of the INS agents entering and
 leaving the house during the raid only show agents all in black?  Why is
 this agent wearing a different uniform than his comrades? >>

There's another strange thing here, but when I put my children to bed, they
first had a bath, then put on pajamas and were tucked in.  A couch does for
sleeping, but when I think of that freight car load of toys that were all
over that place, I would think someone might have sprung for a youth bed.   I
was looking at a picture of a child wearing normal street clothing and even
(if I recall correctly) shoes.   That's an odd way to put a child to bed.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [BRIGADE] Clinton's Legacy: Bush Will Carry On

2000-04-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 4/25/2000 6:42:55 PM Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Bush said he would seek ''fast-track'' negotiating status from Congress to
 expand free trade in the Western Hemisphere -- something President Clinton
 also has been seeking ... ''As president, I will work to create an entire
 hemisphere in free trade,'' he said. ''I will work to extend the benefits of
 NAFTA from the northernmost Alaska to the tip of Cape Horn As
 president, Governor Bush will work to open the China market...''

 Due to the anti-Clinton forces in the GOP and pro-American worker
 supporters in the Democrat party, Clinton has been unable to get much of
 his trade agenda passed including Fast Track, MFN-PNTR for China; NAFTA
 expansion; etc.  The article below should be a clear wake-up call to all who
 are fighting for sovereignty and American workers.

 If Bush manages to win the election he will take up the mantle and
 spearhead Clinton's trade agenda into the next congress -- and there will be
 no one standing in his way. >>

Just like I said, Clinton is a Republican, and Dubya will do everything his
handlers want him to do.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Immigration Problem: Then and Now

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.independent.org/tii/content/pubs/review/TIR43VGM.html">TII |
Publications | Independent Review | v4n3 …

The Immigration Problem: Then and Now

by Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, Stephen Moore

The argument that immigrants to the United States take undue advantage of the
welfare state, although plausible, is exaggerated or just plain wrong.
Excluding refugees, immigrants resort to welfare less often than native-born
 Download Acrobat PDF format file of article

Editors & Advisors  |  Subscribe Now!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chipworks - The Silicon Investigators

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.chipworks.com/index.htm">Chipworks - The
Silicon Investigators
Chipworks Inc. is an international provider of reverse engineering services,
analyzing the circuitry and physical composition of semiconductor chips and
electronic systems for competitive study, intellectual property support, and
reliability assurance.

Chipworks Deconstructs SONY PlayStation2

Chipworks Collaborates with Canadian Transportation Safety Board in Swissair

Winter 2000 edition of Chipnews,   our quarterly published industry
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FEAR: Great Britain considers following US into forfeiture fiasco

2000-04-26 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Susan W. Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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=> Suspected criminals face seizure of assets
Country: United Kingdom
   Britain is poised to adopt civil asset forfeiture, the much-abused
   American practice wherein property is seized on suspicion of a
   crime without an actual conviction. (4/19/00)

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[CTRL] OEN 4/26/00

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
Spy vs. Spy

Brits Angry Over Internet Posting of Libya Document

A second highly classified document concerning British intelligence
operations against Libya was posted on the Internet in mid-April. As well as
providing further insights into the conduct of intelligence operations, the
contents raise serious questions about the services’ professional judgement.

The disclosure has also once again highlighted a major headache for
government lawyers worried about the use of the Internet to publicise
official secrets.

The document is a Security Service (MI5) report, dated 1 December 1995 and
written by the then head of MI5’s Libya section (codenamed G9/0),
recommending the expulsion from the UK of Khalifa Ahmed Bazelya, the then
head of the Libyan Interests Section in London.

The report also carries a PF reference (690551) which refers to the number
allocated to Bazelya’s Personal File in MI5’s registry.

The report, classified ‘Top Secret/Delicate Source/UK Eyes A’, with a
covering letter, was addressed to of the Foreign Office Permanent Under
Secretary’s Department, whose anodyne title belies its importance as the
principal point of contact between the Foreign Office and the intelligence
services. Copies were also sent to officials at NENAD (Near East and North
African Department) and DICTD (counter-terrorism policy) at the Foreign
Office, as well as the Home Office’s F4 branch which deals with terrorism and
national security.

Officials from these departments would have been involved in making the final
recommendation to the ministers responsible for approving Bazelya’s

Though accredited an a regular diplomat, Bazelya was also strongly associated
with Libyan intelligence (described in the report as a "co-optee") and
apparently owed his position to the patronage of Musa Kusa, head of Libyan
foreign intelligence, and of the Libyan leader Muammer al-Gadhafi.

Five days earlier, on 26 November, a prominent Libyan opposition figure, Al
Mohammed Abu Said, had been brutally murdered at his grocery shop in the
Notting Hill district of west London. Abu Said was believed to have been
involved in a 1994 coup attempt against Gadhafi. Official Libyan involvement
in the murder was strongly suspected but never proven, and in retrospect, it
is clear that the government were concerned to downplay any possible link at
the time.

Behind the scenes, however, an urgent reappraisal was being made of a
long-running joint operation to recruit Bazelya as a British intelligence
agent. When Bazelya’s name had been put forward to take over at the Libyan
Interests Section of the Saudi embassy in 1993, MI5 files revealed an
extensive intelligence background (the Libyan embassy or ‘People’s Bureau’
had been closed in 1984 after the shooting of WPC Yvonne Fletcher). However,
as the MI5 document explains "it was assessed at the time that the potential
intelligence dividends of recruiting him outweighed the likely threat he
would posed to the security of the UK".

In the wake of Abu Said’s murder, however, MI5 felt that "although Bazelya
has provided some low-grade intelligence, we assess that his first loyalty
remains to the Libyan regime. We consider the balance of advantage to lie in
ending Bazelya’s hostile intelligence activities".

The situation was further complicated by delicate negotiations in progress at
the same time over the possible handover of the Libyan suspects for the
bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, in which a key British
intelligence source was involved.

Nonetheless, having secured the agreement of ministers, the decision was
taken a few days after the delivery of the memo that Bazelya should be
expelled. He left the country within days and is now the Libyan ambassador in

The MI5 report, which with its covering letter runs to 14 pages, details
Bazelya’s intelligence activities during his London posting. These include
running a network of at least four agents, contact and collaboration with
other Libyan intelligence officers and "revolutionary students" in Britain,
and work on a plan to establish a Lbyan Scientific Centre in Britain to act
as a front for illegal technology transfer. It also describes commercial
operations, including a major lobbying effort, undertaken by the PR
consultancy GJW, to persuade British public opinion that Libya was not
involved in the Lockerbie disaster. There is also a reference to Libyan money
paid into the bank account of the journalist Victoria Brittan on behalf of
the former head of Ghanaian intelligence , Kojo Tsikata. (According to David
Shayler, this was the subject of a major MI5 operation which eventually
established that the money was provided to fund a legal action by Tsikata in
the British courts).

The report also shows how MI5 use a combination of sources, also looking for
‘collateral’ material from one source to corroborate 

[CTRL] cretin science

2000-04-26 Thread Ric Carter

- Original Message -
From: "beltek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

> > @ The typical American's problem with authority has helped
> > make the US the world leader in science. It's also spawned
> > the noxious creation science movement:
> > http://www.newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns22352
> Isn't creation  science an oxymoron?  When one looks around at
> people today, it is obvious many descended from "lower animals."
> And I truly mean "descended" rather than "rose."

Just because a duck was somebody's mother, doesn't mean you have
to laugh at them.  Anyway, advances in biomedical technology will
soon produce chimerae, humans with the 'animal' fully expressed,
so people really can go "whole hog" at being bestial.

> Of course the blither that man descended from apes misses the
> point that apes and man very like descended from the same ancester.
> Too bad apes are more civilized.

Some apes are; others are just as unpleasant as their human cousins.
With a +95% genetic identity, that's not surprising. Again, advances
in biomeditech will soon produce brain-enhanced animals and it'll be
interesting to see if they'll have any propensities towards belief
systems [religious/political/economic dogmas, UFOlogy etc]. Will
smarter dogs/chimps/pigs be liberal/conservative, socialist/greedy,
atheist/credulous, rational/cretinist, optimist/conspiratorialist??

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Lis-LEAF] What is behind the Elian case? (fwd)

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Ninja wrote:
>>In 1996, the Canal contract bidding
>occurred while China was making substantial contributions to the
>Clinton campaign. Li Ka-Shing is an investor in the Riady family's
>Hong Kong China Bank. <<

This is really laughable.
See Li Ka-Shing's resume at http://www.softwar.net/kashing.html

"Li is a member of the boards of directors of the China International Trust
and Investment Corporation and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking

How did that become the Riady family's bank?

Li is the Chinese successor of the merchants who conspired with the opium
traders from Britain and the U.S. as far back as the Opium Wars.  And don't
forget the friends George Bush made when he was Ambassador to China, nor the
friends his brother Prescott Jr. has in Asia today.  Li doesn't represent
the "Chinese Communists" any more than Averell Harriman represented American
Democrats.  They represent an established  oligarchy whose goal is their own
profit and power at the expense of all else.

For the anti-Republican position see:

>>George Bush has made more 10 or more trips to China since he left the
presidency. For these trips he was paid over $100,000 by various Chinese
companies, including CITIC, run by Wang Jun. (Refs WSJ and Chicago
Trib). Wang Jun, who paid Bush, is also the one who has run guns into
US. On CITIC's board is former Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz [of
Bechtel], who, as Secretary of State, approved the Hong Kong turnover in

Alexander Haig sits on COSCO’s board of directors! He is a former
four-star general and NATO Commander, a former Republican Secretary of
State, and a former Presidential Chief of Staff. Prescott Bush has
substantial investments in China and is the Chair of the US-China
Chamber whose stated purpose is to move jobs to China. <<


>-Original Message-
>Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 7:39 PM
>Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] [Lis-LEAF] What is behind the Elian case? (fwd)
>> And speaking of Red China...didn't the JBS just tell us that those
>> Chi-Comms
>> were behind the drug trade JUST THIS MONTH?
>> Guess we need look no further into the Miami Cubans, the CIA, and
>> Demo/Repubs.
>It doesn't hurt to do at least some good hard looking at the Chicoms,
>who have certainly had a continuing recent interest in Panama, to
>include Gregory Craig, whose name sure is in the spotlight right now
>regarding the Elian Gonzales matter, with a past connection
>representing a Panamanian drug trafficer, around the time former
>Panamanian President Balladares, Noriega's replacement, had to fire
>his Chief of Intelligence over the smuggling of Chinese into Costa
>Of course, there's nothing much going on in Costa Rica now, is there?
>Anyone know who the Panamanian drug smuggler indicted in this country
>Codel Report:
>Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Al Santoli
>" 5. The Clinton-Balladares-China Connection: The ties between
>President Balladares and communist China, as well as the ties between
>President Clinton's political entourage  and Balladares and China is
>matter of serious concern. In 1996, the Canal contract bidding
>occurred while China was making substantial contributions to the
>Clinton campaign. Li Ka-Shing is an investor in the Riady family's
>Hong Kong China Bank. Clinton crony and former White House Chief of
>Staff Mack McClarty is the President's Special Envoy to Latin America
>and has reportedly spent "a lot of time" in Panama. In 1997, James
>Carville ran the Balladares campaign to extend his presidency.
>lawyer Gregory Craig has represented at least one Balladares crony
>indicted on drug-smuggling charges in the U.S., and was publicly
>mentioned by Balladares as the lawyer to possibly represent his
>interests if the Chinese alien smuggling issue is brought to a U.S.
>*I'm not paranoid. The paranoics are after ME!*
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>Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
>registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:

Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

[CTRL] Fwd: Coin-Toss "Justice"

2000-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Jury Flips Coin To Decide Case

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - Jurors who couldn't decide whether to convict a man of
murder or manslaughter in the shooting death of his girlfriend flipped a coin
and found him guilty of murder. However, the judge declared a mistrial after
finding out about the coin toss.

Phillip J. Givens II, 28, would have faced life in prison if convicted of
murder in the death of Monica Briggs, 29, last May. A new trial was scheduled
for Sept. 12.

The jury of five men and seven women deliberated about nine hours over two
days last week before issuing the verdict Friday.

Jury foreman David Melton told The Courier-Journal for today's editions the
jurors decided to flip a silver dollar to avoid a hung jury. Because all
agreed on the coin toss, they thought it was legal, he said.

``Realistically, I didn't think we had anything to lose,'' Melton said. ``We
were going to be hung without it.''

But when the jurors returned to court Monday to recommend a sentence,
Jefferson Circuit Judge Kenneth Conliffe ordered a new trial after telling
Melton he had heard about the coin toss, and Melton confirmed that it

Brian Butler, one of the prosecutors in the case, said one of the jurors
apparently told someone about the coin toss, and that person told a Jefferson
County court employee. The court employee told a judge, who brought it to
Conliffe's attention, Butler said.

Three of the jurors declined to comment to the newspaper. The others could
not be reached by the newspaper.

Conliffe also declined to be interviewed.

Givens' lawyer, Mark Chandler, said it's ``scary'' to think that 12 people
would decide to flip a coin to reach a verdict, especially in a murder case.

``It kind of blows your mind,'' he said. ``I think they had a lapse in
judgment, and I'd like to think it doesn't go on very often.''

[CTRL] rapist's tactics designed to intimidate the rest of us.

2000-04-26 Thread C Davis

I just have to ask...who did he rape? He's not a rapist just a slut!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] South Africa has 4.2 million people with HIV

2000-04-26 Thread Carl Amedio

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of this window.

South Africa has 4.2 million people with HIV

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa said on Tuesday an estimated 4.2
million South Africans, or just under 10 percent of the population, were
infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.

The figures, extrapolated from a national survey of women attending public
antenatal clinics also released on Tuesday, confirmed South Africa as having
one of the world's highest HIV infection rates.

The ministry of health said the 10th national HIV survey showed that on a
national scale, 22 percent of tested pregnant women were HIV positive.

In the worst hit province of KwaZulu-Natal, one in three women was

``The epidemiological profile shows that HIV continues to be a very serious
health problem in South Africa,'' Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
told reporters.

An official at the health ministry said that the results of the survey showed
that people in their 20s comprised more than half the infected population of
43 million.

``This has tremendous impact on the social fabric of the country and its
economy...(South Africa) faced a future that inevitably will include the AIDS
epidemic for at least the next decade,'' the report said.

South Africa faces an alarming AIDS epidemic which will cause intolerable
strain on the country's already over-stretched health system.

President Thabo Mbeki has caused controversy by saying he is not convinced
that HIV was the single virus causing AIDS or deaths attributed to AIDS.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Check out 04/25: West Nile virus here to stay, officials say

2000-04-26 Thread Carl Amedio

 Click here:  04/25: West
Nile virus here to stay, officials say

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] [LeftLibertarian] army delta force in seattle (old news)

2000-04-26 Thread lloyd


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From: radman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LeftLibertarian] army delta force in seattle (old news)
Date: Monday, April 24, 2000 3:00 AM

radman says:
just in case you missed it the first time...


The Justice Department and the elite Delta Force pushed for Seattle crackdown
against WTO protesters.


It wasn’t merely the Secret Service that wanted Seattle secure before President
Clinton arrived for his World Trade Organization visit December 1 (see
“Protesters riot, police riot,” SW, 12/2). Two separate sources now say the
crackdown on demonstrators was pushed hardest by the US Justice Department
based on the concerns of undercover units in the streets among them, members of
the secretive US Army Delta Force seeking to prevent terrorist chemical attacks
in Seattle. The Delta contingent, known for its clandestine global assaults and
rescue operations, has quietly been assigned some domestic security roles such
as its recently revealed involvement in the Branch Davidian standoff.
“They thought the security preparations here were the worst they’ve ever seen,”
says a former Special Forces Ranger who met with the Delta contingent.
Seattle Mayor Paul Schell has accepted the blame for the costly WTO security
breakdown after initially insisting the city was so prepared for the marches
and demonstrations that Seattleites should come downtown and shop. Instead,
out-of-control rioting one day led to a violent show of force by local, state,
and federal officers the next. In the following days, 600 demonstrators were
arrested and downtown was virtually deserted, with businesses suffering an
estimated $20 million in lost sales and property damages (much of it covered by
A Justice official asking anonymity confirms the elite Army special force,
operating under its cover name of Combat Applications Group (CAG), was in
Seattle a week in advance of the Clinton visit to scope out possible terrorist
acts. Under the control of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort
Bragg, North Carolina, the contingent took up residence in a Regrade motel and
fanned out downtown dressed as demonstrators, some wearing their jungle greens.

The potential terrorist chemical or bomb attacks never materialized in Seattle
as a serious threat, says an official. But using high-tech equipment, the force
mapped out potential problem areas as well as identified possible violent
demonstrators. Some Deltas wore lapel cameras, continuously transmitting
pictures of rioters and other demonstrators to a master video unit in the motel
command center, which could be used by law enforcement agencies to identify and
track suspects. (Coincidentally, apparently, the FBI last week was holding a
terrorist suspect who entered the US at the Port Angeles crossing. Officials
said he carried a bomb timing mechanism and an explosive liquid that might have
been intended for a major Seattle bombing the Space Needle?--on New Year’s Eve.
The suspect, curiously, had made a reservation and planned to stay, as the
Deltas did, at a Regrade motel.)
Department of Defense undersecretary Walter Slocombe has acknowledged that
covert action teams such as Delta Force are deployed to combat terrorism.
“These guys are the Army hot shots, the cowboys,” says the former Ranger who
shared a few beers with the unit in Seattle. “They were wigged out about
security here. They thought something drastic had to be done. I’d say they got

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