[CTRL] Lieberman Bios

2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Btw, does anyone know how Joe and his wife (since 1983) happen
to have three children over 24 years old?  And, thanks in
advance.  --MS]

- - -

The Complete Marquis Who's Who (R) Biographies
LAST-UPDATE: July 8, 1999
Lieberman, Joseph I.

 * * * * * * * * * * PERSONAL INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * *

Son of Henry and Marcia (Manger) L.; Married to Hadassah
Freilich, Mar. 20, 1983; children: Matthew, Rebecca, Ethan, Hana.

BIRTH-DATE: February 24, 1942
BIRTHPLACE: Stamford, Conn.
ADDRESS:Office, 706 Hart Senate Office Bldg, Washington, DC,

* * * * * * * * * * * CAREER INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * *

OCCUPATION: 9160 - senator; 4190 -

CAREER: mem. armed svcs. com., environment and pub. works com.,
govtl. affairs com., small bus. com.; chmn. Dem. Leadership
Coun., 1995-.

POSITIONS HELD: U.S. senator from Conn., 1989-; atty. gen., State
of Conn., Hartford, 1983-89; ptnr., Lieberman, Segaloff 
Wolfson, New Haven, 1972-83; senate majority leader, Conn.
Senate, 1975-81; mem., Conn. Senate, 1971-81

* * * * * * * * EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * *

B.A., Yale U., 1964; J.D., Yale U., 1967

* * * * * * * * * * OTHER INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Power Broker, 1966, The Scorpion and the Tarantula, 1970, The
Legacy, 1981, Child Support in America, 1986.

AFFILIATIONS: Democrat. Jewish.


In his two terms in the United States Senate, Connecticutís Joe
Lieberman has earned a national reputation as a thoughtful,
principled, and effective legislator.

He is known as a Democrat who works across party lines to find
common ground, who speaks his conscience, and who gets things
done for his constituents and his country.

That reputation is based on a diverse and distinguished record:

Lieberman is a respected leader on reforming and modernizing our
nation's defenses, a prominent voice on foreign policy issues,
and an influential champion of international human rights. He is
equally strong in his support for investing in our public schools
and spurring bold education reform.

Lieberman is pro-business, pro-trade, and pro-economic growth. He
is equally committed to protecting Americaís environment and

Lieberman is a vocal advocate for campaign finance reform and
restoring public confidence in the political process. And he is
equally dedicated to strengthening Americaís families and
renewing our common values.

JOE LIEBERMAN was first elected to the Senate in 1988, scoring
the nationís biggest political upset that year by a margin of
just 10,000 votes. Six years later, he made history by winning
the biggest landslide victory ever in a Connecticut Senate race,
drawing 67 percent of the vote and beating his opponent by more
than 350,000 votes.

In endorsing his reelection in 1994, The New York Times wrote,
"Congress would be a better place if more of his veteran
colleagues were as good. In only one term he has influenced the
course of federal legislation for the benefit of Connecticut and
the nation."

Since then, Lieberman has received praise from an increasingly
wide range of colleagues and commentators. The Day of New London
wrote, ìSenator Lieberman has elevated the debate beyond partisan
interests.î The New York Post described him as ìrespected as a
true man of integrity by Republicans and Democrats alike.î

And The Almanac of American Politics 1998 began its profile this
way: ìJoseph Lieberman in a decade in the Senate has exerted
influence out of proportion to his seniority, committee position
or political clout, an influence that came from respect for his
independence of mind, civility of spirit and fidelity to causes
in which he believes.î

Lieberman's accomplishments include: Strengthening National

* Securing funding to strengthen and modernize Americaís military

* Co-authoring the Gulf War Resolution;

* Passing the International Religious Freedom Act to promote the
right to worship freely across the globe;

* Rallying support in Congress to stop the genocidal slaughter in
Bosnia and Kosovo. Expanding Economic Growth

* Fighting for a balanced budget and fiscal discipline to help
lower interest rates and keep the economy growing;

* Promoting new funding for research and development in science
and technology, a key to our innovation-oriented economy;

* Cutting capital gains taxes to spur new investment for American

* Creating new skills training initiatives for American workers;

* Supporting the development of e-commerce, including a
moratorium on Internet taxes. Improving Education

* Authoring landmark education reform legislation that would
dramatically increase funding for disadvantaged students, give
states and local districts greater flexibility in targeting their
resources, and set tough accountability standards to demand
results; * Working to put a qualified teacher in 

Re: [CTRL] Democracy in jeopardy

2000-08-09 Thread Cliff Hume

The United States was designed as a Republic, not a democracy - the form of
government that the founding father said was the worst form of government
possible, always evolving into a tyranny.

The Socialist, Rush Limbaugh, calls himself the Dr. of Democracy; the
socialist actor that now heads up the NRA was on 60 minutes not long ago and
was heard to say that the Founding Fathers gave the USA a democracy.

Anyone ever wonder why the United States is in such deep doo doo.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume.

At 05:42 PM 8/8/00 -, you wrote:

Democracy in the United States is in jeopardy.

The litany of problems is widely recognized: brazen political deal-making
based on campaign contributions; entrenched voter apathy; a two-party
stranglehold that increasingly represents only the narrow interests of a
wealthy elite. Legalized bribery is a fact of life, as is the refusal of a
majority of citizens to vote. Ours is a crippled democracy, each day
appearing more as an oligarchy than a republic.

Certainly most US citizens enjoy freedom of conscience and feel that they
can express their political beliefs without fear of government persecution.
But under the current campaign finance system the voices of a tiny few drown
out the voices of the majority. The right of free political expression has
been rendered meaningless by the massive amount of money flooding the
electoral system. The purchase of democracy is a theft of freedom.

The state of our democracy is best represented by this new United
Corporations of America flag. Twelve corporate logos have been reproduced on
the flag which represent a snapshot of how corporations influence democracy

see more at:

Content-Type: image/gif; name="banner.gif"

Content-Description: banner.gif
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="banner.gif"

Attachment Converted: C:\Eudora\Attach\banner.gif

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News Views - August 9, 2000

2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

So inasmuch as a religious test is not necessary to run foir any office
in this country, why does religion enter into it at all?   Religion was
used to assist in the murder of JFK, but not the reason for the KGB
equated JFK to a Gogwhile some, call the KGB and Russia, the
Gog.read Ezekial 38 and 39 for clue here, for according to Communist
Timetable it is time to knock off another King or another President for
the new millenium is up coming.thre will be three presidents.

So Lieberman - does he run as a Jew or as Kennedy did, does he run like
a man?

Only think, Kennedy was his own man, and now Joseph Lieberman, is lackey
to a dumhead falling on all fours moslem style, at Gore's previous feet.

So much for Mr. Integrity for I liked that guy, until he praised Gore as
new new king of the Hill.and believe me, it would not be long before
Gore was knocked off that mountain.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

To unsubscribe send "leave chuckmuth" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit 
reply with "remove" in subject or go to http://www.incor.com/l10003/newsletter.htm to 

“Road to Victory” National Campaign Training Tour

*  August 10 - Chicago
*  August 12 - St. Louis
*  August 15 - Kansas City
*  August 17 - Denver
*  August 26 - San Diego

FREE!  For course agenda, exact locations and registration information, go 
to:  http://www.CampaignTraining.com or call Trevor at (801) 373-4735.

Cleveland Rocks!

We just wrapped up our Cleveland stop on the “Road to Victory” campaign 
training tour.  And I gotta tell ya, it was one of the finest groups of 
candidates I’ve had the pleasure to work with.  The fact that they took off 
an entire day in the middle of the week to attend the workshop says a lot 
about their commitment to winning in the fall.  Especially the folks who said 
they drove 2 1/2 HOURS to get there.  Next stop:  the Windy City.

If you haven’t signed up for one of our FREE seminars ... you should.  But 
don’t take my word for it.  Here are a few comments from some of our 
Cleveland participants...

“Already today I’ve come up with new ideas and new focus that I think will 
improve the outcome of my race.  Thank you.” - Jennifer Nichols

“I cannot think of any higher praise than:  It was worth a day off and a 2.5 
hour drive.  Thank you.” - Sam Thurber

“Until today, the only advice we could get was to ‘knock on doors.’  Chuck 
was the first to tell us how important it is to fundraise - AND how to do it. 
 This was a day well spent.” - Rebecca Nicholson

“This is my first campaign and everything presented was informative.” - Steve 

“On the money with how to win an election.” - David Kluter


Pt.  Did you know that Al Gore’s running mate, Joe Lieberman, is ... 
Jewish?  The political pundits and intelligencia breathed a collective, “Oy 
vey” when the announcement was made.  But around the rest of the country, 
ordinary, average Americans said, “So what?”  The fact that an individual’s 
religious beliefs are no longer considered a serious factor in that person’s 
ability to get elected or hold high office says a lot about Americans. The 
fact that Al Gore used Lieberman’s religion as a determining factor in his 
selection says a lot about him, too.


Michael Dukakis, who got his butt thumped back in 1988 by George Bush the 
Elder, was thrilled with Gore’s choice for a running mate.  ‘Nuff said.

Sullying a Good Name

Al Gore selected highly-respected Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate in a 
crass attempt to cleanse himself of the ethical stench commonly known as “The 
Clinton/Gore Years.”  But as GOPNV reader Tim Dreste pointed out, “If you 
throw a clean towel into a pile of manure, you don't clean up the manure, you 
simply end up with a permanently stained towel."  The Clinton/Gore politics 
of “reputation destruction” continues. 

Allies and Opponents

The can’t-we-all-get-along Republicans fell all over themselves on Monday 
praising Al Gore’s veep choice because he seemingly agrees with George W on a 
handful of issues.  It reminded me of something Ronald Reagan used to say:  
Someone who agrees with you 80% of the time is your ally, not your enemy.  
However ... the converse is also true:  Someone who agrees with you only 20% 
of the time is your opponent, not your friend.  We don’t know Joe Lieberman; 
he’s not a friend of ours - but Joe Lieberman is no ally to the Republican 
Party.  I’m starting to get the feeling that the GOP intends to fight for the 
White House this year with feather pillows - just as Al Gore whips out the 
brass knuckles.  Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.  Speaking of which...

W’s Lead Goes Up In Lieberman’s Smoke

“Vice President Gore on Monday chose Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, a 
political centrist 

[CTRL] Group Says 20,125 U.S. Doctors Are 'Questionable'

2000-08-09 Thread Steve Wingate

Tuesday August 8 7:16 PM ET

Group Says 20,125 U.S. Doctors Are 'Questionable'

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A doctor who used a patient's amputated foot in
a crab trap and a surgeon who cut into the wrong side of a patient's brain
are among more than 20,000 U.S. doctors named as ``questionable'' by a
consumer's group on Tuesday.

Public Citizen said both doctors are still practicing medicine, along with
others who have been disciplined for offenses ranging from having sex with
patients to tax evasion.

The nonprofit group said patients have a right to know if their doctors have
been convicted of a crime and urged Congress to pass laws making such
information publicly available.

The 2000 edition of the book, published annually by Public Citizen, named
20,125 doctors and 28,000 actions against them.

``We found that well over 90 percent of them were very serious offenses,''
Dr. Sid Wolfe, head of Public Citizen's health research group, told a news

``Doctors who have been convicted of crimes, doctors who have sexually
abused patients ... doctors who misrepresent or over-prescribe drugs,''
Wolfe said.

``These, in my view ... are quite serious. Yet ... fewer than half the
disciplinary actions were serious. The majority of these doctors who were
disciplined for these serious offenses were never even temporarily taken
out of practice,'' Wolfe said.

The group said the National Practitioner Data Bank, which carries
information on medical malpractice lawsuits and disciplinary action for use
by state medical boards, health maintenance organizations and other
groups, should be open to all.

``These data belong to the public and should be made public,'' Wolfe said.

In March the U.S. House of Representatives Commerce Committee,
headed by Virginia Republican Rep. Thomas Bliley, held hearings on the

``He is going to introduce legislation in early September,'' a spokesman for
Bliley said. ``It will provide the information in context.''

The spokesman added, ``It is unconscionable that as consumers we have
more comparative information about the used car we purchase or the
snack foods we eat than the doctors in whose care we entrust our health
and well-being.''

The American Medical Association, which represents about 300,000 of the
nation's 700,000 doctors, opposes opening the database.

``It is inexcusable for the AMA to take the patronizing position that patients
won't really understand this information,'' Wolfe said.

But Dr. Thomas Reardon, immediate past president of the AMA, said there
are good reasons for keeping the database closed. ''The databank has just
the number of suits. It doesn't have any explanatory information,'' he said in
a telephone interview.

He said only one malpractice lawsuit in five was due to medical
negligence. ``If you don't have that type of information available then you
don't understand the information,'' he said.

``We support patients having good reliable valid information ... We think
there is a better way and that is for states at the state level, state medical
licensing boards ... to develop web sites for patients to have access to.''

Some of the doctors named by the group included:

-- Dr. Frederick E. Reed Jr. of Charleston, South Carolina who was fined
$3,000 and reprimanded for putting an amputated human foot into a crab

``You have to ask yourself would you like to go to this doctor?'' Wolfe said.

-- Dr. Bruce Copeland Raymon of Pensacola, Florida, who was fined
$6,000 and required to take five hours of additional medical education
after he cut open the wrong side of a patient's head.

``This is not adequate,'' Wolfe said.

-- Dr. Stephen Harrison Ware III of Corpus Christi, Texas, who had a 60-
month restriction placed on his license and who was required to get more
education after he contacted the state medical board and admitted to
having sexual relations with at least 16 patients.

``The restrictions don't stop this doctor from dating former patients,'' Wolfe
said. ``In my view the most horrendous breach of the doctor-patient
relationship is having sex with patients.''

Steve Wingate

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Reply to Kris Millegan

2000-08-09 Thread Birds

Hey, thanks for the welcome.  I can see how hectic!!  That's kewl though.  I
will try to keep up. HAAA

Private Mail Welcome

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Lieberman Void of Moral 'Kosher Beef,' Says Rabbi

2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well guess June was right on this one, for I believed all that crap
Lieberman wrote about himself.he is pro abortion but then let the
Rabbi speak for this man's faithwhich seems to have fallen - guess
the office of VP would be to decorate his fall?


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    Lieberman Void of Moral 'Kosher Beef,' Says Rabbi
Stephan Archer
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2000
Ever since Al Gore announced he would ask Joseph Lieberman to be his
running mate, the press has praised the pick, claiming the Jewish
senator's moral impeccability would help separate the vice president
from the scandals of the Clinton administration, but at least one rabbi
says the Connecticut legislator's morality is far from Orthodox.
Rabbi Yehuda Levin, founder of the New York-based Jews for Morality,
told NewsMax.com his community of Orthodox Jews is embarrassed by the
portrayal of Lieberman as a model of their faith. He said that although
Lieberman remembers the Sabbath by refusing to work, the senator appears
to forget the Jewish Orthodox moral code the other six days of the week
when at work.
"It's very ironic that the liberal media is spinning Joe Lieberman as
'Mr. Morality' because he made a few nice sound bites," said Levin. "But
the question is, where's the kosher beef when it comes to morality?"
Referring to Lieberman's voting record, Levin pointed out the senator
shares Gore's support for abortion rights and voted against the
partial-birth abortion ban. He also voted against a separate housing and
platoon requirement for male and female recruits in basic training.
Speaking of Lieberman's pro-abortion stance, Levin said, "There's no way
in the world that any Orthodox Jew could possibly support something so
Levin added that every Orthodox Jewish child knows that abortion is
"akin to murder."
Lieberman promoted the homosexual agenda as well when he supported
legislation prohibiting discrimination of gays in the workplace, a piece
of legislation Levin believes is a step closer to a national homosexual
rights bill. He also supported the National Endowment for the Arts, an
organization Levin says supports anti-religious propaganda and
pornography as art.
Referring to homosexuality, Levin said, "A moral wrong can't be the
basis of a civil right."
Borrowing from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., who used the term
"defining deviancy down" as a way to describe the nation's lack of
social values, Levin called Lieberman's type of Orthodoxy "defining
Orthodoxy down."
"It's like an affirmative action level of Orthodoxy, meaning (Lieberman)
will walk to synagogue and be pictured in newspapers walking to
synagogue on the Sabbath and not using the car, but (he) will go inside
the legislative rotunda, and (he) will sign legislation to continue the
full funding of the National Endowment for the Arts despite the fact
that it was mocking Christianity," explained Levin.
But doesn't Lieberman vote like Cheney and Bush, as the media purports?
"Joe Lieberman does not vote anything with the moral consistency of a
Cheney or even a Bush," said Levin.
How Lieberman Really Voted
Lieberman's voting records obtained by NewsMax.com support Levin's
According to the leftist group Americans for Democratic Action,
Lieberman's lifetime voting average is 74 percent. A "perfect liberal
quotient," according to the ADA, would be 100 percent. Conversely, the
American Conservative Union gave Lieberman a lifetime voting average of
20 percent. The ACU considers "good conservatives" to score 80 percent
or better. These two scores hardly show Lieberman as a good
conservative, and they don't indicate he votes along the lines of Cheney
or Bush.
Levin told NewsMax.com he believes Gore's No. 1 reason for picking
Lieberman is to separate himself from Clinton. The fact that Gore made
history by picking the first Jewish running mate on a national ticket is
simply a fringe benefit.
"It will make him (Gore) feel kosher morally with the so-called
credentials of Senator Lieberman," Levin said. "He had to do something
to show that he's not another 'Slick Willie,' and this is as dramatic as
he can get to cloak himself in the garb of Orthodox respectability that
is worn by Lieberman."
What about Hillary?
"I think it might prove to be very helpful for Hillary Clinton, but I
don't think that Gore is worried right now about Hillary Clinton's race.
I think he's floundering and worried about his own race," Levin
Commenting once again on the Orthodox Jewish community's concern about
Lieberman, Levin said that he knows many who are embarrassed and
saddened by the media's portrayal of Lieberman as an exemplary Orthodox
Jew. Levin said voters need to ask whether Lieberman's voting record
since the late 1980s has contributed to the moral climate in America.
Levin said it has not.
"He has bought into the Clinton-Gore lowering of standards in America,"
Levin said.
"That's a problem 

[CTRL] WND: Web-porn scandal rocks White House

2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

   Web-porn scandal rocks White House

   West Wingers downloaded gay, bestial,
   teen sex videos, jamming firewall system

   By Paul Sperry
   © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

   WASHINGTON -- A consultant hired last year to beef
   up security for the White House's computer network
   found massive pornographic video files passing through
   the system's Internet firewall, WorldNetDaily has

   Some of the downloaded files were traced back to West
   Wing officials as recently as the beginning of last year,
   during the height of the impeachment crisis, say sources
   who were involved in replacing the firewall system as part
   of Y2K security upgrades.

   The real-time video files -- which came from hard-core
   porn sites featuring homosexual, farm-animal and teen
   sex acts -- were so large in byte volume that they
   accounted for most of the traffic coming into the firewall,
   sources told WorldNetDaily.

   All Internet links and e-mail must first pass through the
   firewall before coming into the local area network for the
   Executive Office of the President and on to individual
   network users. The firewall system is designed to screen
   Internet traffic for messages containing network-crippling

   A Y2K computer consultant in early 1999 discovered
   the unusually large volume of porn-site traffic coming into
   the White House while reviewing the firewall logs.

   A White House computer specialist recalled the reaction
   of one of the contractors at the time.

   "He started to laugh and said, 'It looks like the majority
   of traffic going through the firewall is pornography,'" said
   the White House employee, who spoke on the condition
   of anonymity.

   Both President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have
   denounced cyber-porn and have pushed so-called
   "E-chips" to block the Internet's "purveyors of
   pornography," as Gore called them last year.

   White House cyber-security experts have asked
   WorldNetDaily to withhold the name of the Y2K
   contractor that upgraded the firewall system, arguing that
   disclosing the information would tip off hackers to the
   security software the White House is using and make it
   easier for them to breach the network. WorldNetDaily
   agreed to reveal only that the company is based in

   The firewall logs show the uniform resource locator, or
   URL (basically the Web zip code), of the porn sites from
   which the videos (MOVs) and still-graphics (JPEGs and
   GIFs) were downloaded.

   "There were things that said 'teen,'" the White House
   computer expert said. "There was gay and bestiality stuff

   Bestiality? "Donkeys, goats, dogs," explained the source,
   who later accessed some of the raunchier sites. "It's

   Upon the discovery of the heavy XXX-rated traffic,
   White House security specialists undertook a "forensics"
   effort to ID the White House network users who were
   downloading -- and watching -- the videos on
   government computers and time.

   Investigators, including White House Security Officer
   Charles Easley, looked at a number of variables to
   separate the habitual from the accidental Web-porn
   surfers. They scanned firewall logs over several weeks so
   they could see the repeat offenders. They also zeroed in
   on the large-byte files.

   What they found was shocking.

   "There were some significant names. I can say, yes, West
   Wing," said one White House source familiar with the
   investigation. "There were women too."

   Many of the offenders also officed out of the Old
   Executive Office Building, including presidential
   personnel, sources say. One was in national security.

   One of the worst offenders, however, was a senior White
   House computer-systems manager, who was
   reprimanded but allowed to stay in the White House after
   being treated for an "addiction" to porn. Sources say the
   porn abuser is so sensitive to the possibility of public

[CTRL] Is there any danger associated with UFOs?

2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



The Human Mutilation Factor

by Don Ecker

In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling
questions that have plagued researchers has been "Is the UFO
Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?" Over the years, there have
been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human
deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled
accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted,
usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a
result of "chasing" the phenomenon. One of the most famous of
these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of
death and UFOs is raised, is the famous "Mantell Case". This case
is so well known that I will not discuss it here, but there are
many others. In one of the less well known cases, during the mid
1950's, a military jet interceptor was observed on radar being
"absorbed" into a UFO over the Great Lakes. No trace of pilot or
aircraft was ever found. In another case reported in the
excellent work "Clear Intent" was the case of the "Cuban MIG
Incident". In this case a Cuban MIG was locking on his weapons
radar when the aircraft exploded in mid*air. The wing man was
certain that the UFO had fired some type of weapon, but other
than the jet exploding, no other smoke, flame or other obvious
weapon firing was observed.

The matter of either overt or covert hostility on the part of
UFOs has always been treated warily by serious researchers. On
the one hand, if the enigma is hostile, then several questions
must be faced. What if anything should the powers in authority
tell the public? Is the government capable of handling a threat
of this type? Is the public ready to face an issue as potentially
terrifying as a "possible threat from somewhere else?" Other than
incidents involving military involvement, have there been cases
where civilians have been injured or killed during some type of
UFO encounter? Is it possible that the reported cases of UFOs and
their occupants abducting unwilling humans for some type of
medical or genetic experimentation could be true? Now, if any of
this is factual, then what ramifications do the Human Race face
in light of the above?

According to Mr. Phil Imbrogno, during the research that led to
the writing of "NIGHT SIEGE The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings" by
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Imbrogno has
stated that on several occasions, Hynek specified that he wanted
no mention of the dozens of human abductions that they had
already uncovered at that time, to be mentioned in the book.
Hynek was afraid of the adverse publicity if word of this aspect
leaked out to the public. After Hyneks death, Imbrogno stated
publicly on Compuserve and other public forums, facts of
abductions, animal mutilations, and EVEN several cases of
mysterious deaths of humans, that he indicated COULD possibly be
linked to the UFO Phenomenon.

While researching several stories for UFO Magazine, I interviewed
a number of prominent UFOlogists, over the last several months,
and in each case, the question of human deaths, in connection
with animal mutilations, invariably was raised. Most readers of
this text will be familiar with Mr. John Keel, who many regard as
the last of the Great UFOlogists. From the earliest days of
modern UFOlogy, Keel has been a force to reckon with.  The author
of numerous books that address various aspects of UFOlogy, and
magazine articles too numerous to mention, Keel has a unique
slant on the subject that most will never experience. According
to Keel, the phenomenon has always had an unexplained hostility
towards humans, that have led to untold numbers of deaths. While
Keel will be the first to explain that he rejects the ET
hypothesis, he does not doubt the phenomenon a bit.  In what many
UFOlogists consider as one of Keels best works "The Mothman
Prophecies", E. P. Dutton  Co., Inc. 1975, Keel related report
after report of animal mutilations involving cattle, dogs, horses
and sheep, and also related what were called "vampire killings"
of four humans in Yugoslavia, were the victims were "mutilated
and drained of blood".

After having spoken to John Ford, the Chairman of the Long Island
UFO Network, for a news story for UFO Magazine, I became even
more convinced that the aspect of potential UFO hostility should
be investigated.  Ford relayed a numbing number of animal
mutilations, human disappearances, human abductions, covert
Federal involvement in areas that suffered high numbers of animal
mutilations, and even armed military helicopters that chased UFOs
over civilian communities. Ford, who is an officer of the Federal
Court system, did investigations into the disappearances of
mostly young adults over a year period, in areas of high UFO
overflights, and after having several personal friends who were
police officers of the local municipalities look into the
situation, came to the conclusion that the facts were 

[CTRL] Operation Paperclip Psychochemical Warfare

2000-08-09 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Operation Paperclip  Psychochemical Warfare
Date: Friday, August 04, 2000 4:24 PM

 "Edgewood's L. Wilson Greene seized the idea of conducting 'psychochemical
warfare.' He listed sixty-one compounds, ranging from alcohol to mescaline,
and speculated that if a small percentage of the enemy's troops or civilian
population was exposed to those compounds they would suffer from symptoms of
hysteria, panic, seizures, and hallucinations. 'There can be no doubt that
their will to resist would be weakened greatly, if not entirely destroyed,
by the mass hysteria and panic which would ensue,' Greene noted in his
report. He then suggested that $50,000 be set aside in the 1950 budget to
study psychochemicals."
Linda Hunt:

pp.125-129 - "The cold war led to a major expansion of the German scientist
operation. Heretofore, Paperclip was limited to German and Austrian
scientists who worked for the U.S. military. But beginning in the summer of
1947, a new JIOA project lifted those constraints. Code-named 'National
Interest,' the individuals brought to the United States under this program
ran the gamut from Nazi scientists, including a convicted Nazi war criminal,
to East Europeans involved in CIA covert operations overseas. The sole
standard for these transfers was that they be deemed in the national

"National Interest operated on two levels. The more visible level included
the cases of German or Austrian scientists employed by universities, defense
contractors, or private industry. Their entry was considered to be in the
national interest simply because it kept them from going to work for the

"The second level was heavily cloaked in secrecy, and for good reason. The
CIA and military intelligence used the project to bring intelligence sources
or other assets to the United States, where they were given a safe haven in
exchange for their services. In 1948 many of these individuals were of
interest to the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), the early covert action
arm of the CIA, given the authority by Truman to conduct what is known in
the intelligence trade as 'dirty tricks.' To put it bluntly, Project
National Interest provided the escape mechanism to a haven in the United
States that OSS chief William Donovan had wanted President Roosevelt to
approve in 1944.

"National Interest policy assumed that all of these persons normally would
have been barred from entry under U.S. immigration laws because of past Nazi
or Communist party membership. Therefore, their entry was facilitated by the
ninth proviso of the U.S. immigration law, which gave the attorney general
the authority to admit cases with military implications or those affecting
national security. The CIA cases were covered by a section in the CIA Act of
1949, which allowed U.S. entry of up to one hundred individuals a year
'without regard to their inadmissibility under the immigration or any other
laws...' The JIOA Governing Committee approved the entry in the CIA cases
and passed the names on to the attorney general for approval.

"The aliens in National Interest, like those in Paperclip, were sent to
Canada and reentered the United States as resident aliens. Numerous
historians and journalists have told the now-famous story of how Wernher von
Braun and other Paperclip scientists were sent to Canada or Mexico and then
reentered America. Yet not one has so much as mentioned the illegality of
this or that Canadian officials were furious about it, since entry into
Canada of these Nazis violated their own immigration laws."

"...the Canadians suspected that U.S. and British intelligence falsified
background checks sent to the RCMP of Nazi scientists and 'defectors' who
were resettled in Canada in the 1950's. Following a 1981 investigation,
Canadian officials uncovered evidence that some of these men were Nazi war
criminals. As a result the Canadians thoroughly distrusted background checks
conducted by the CIA and British intelligence."

"Prevailing myth has it that the first group in National Interest, the
German scientists, were employed solely because of their scientific
expertise. But there were other reasons as well. First, defense contractors
and universities could hire German scientists for substantially less money
then they could hire American employees."

"Second, because of the Joint Chiefs of Staff connection with the National
Interest project, German scientists could obtain necessary security
clearances more easily than could American scientists. Defense contractors
looking for new employees to work on classified ! projects found this
aspect of National Interest to be particularly advantageous. By 1957, more
than sixty companies were listed on JIOA's rosters, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] GW Bush, Jesus, and the Manhattan Institute

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

GW Bush, Jesus and the Manhattan Institute
by Robert Lederman

You have to admire the nerve of G.W. Bush. It takes a kind of
goofy audacity to claim that Jesus' teachings and the CIA-derived
ideas of the right-wing Manhattan Institute are your twin sources
of inspiration. Bush publicly credits the Manhattan Institute with
inventing his entire "compassionate conservative" platform and

NY Times  June 12, 2000
Bush Culls Campaign Theme From Conservative Thinkers
“Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been
shaped by the work of Myron Magnet of the Manhattan

The Dallas Morning Star 4/16/2000
The Godfathers of 'Compassionate Conservatism
"In Austin that day in 1997, Mr. Bush told Mr. Magnet that his
1993 book The Dream and The Nightmare, had changed his

This past April, G.W. declared a new public holiday will be
celebrated in Texas each June10th-Jesus Day. [See:
.html] Even many Christians found this unprecedented crossing
of the line between church and state to be troubling. It is however
entirely in line with the teachings of the MI (Manhattan
Institute), which advocates having religious institutions take over
many of the present tasks of government.

The Weekly Standard 8/23/2000
The Political Theory of Compassionate Conservatism
by John J. Dilulio Jr. [A theorist for the Manhattan Institute]
"In every instance where my administration sees a responsibility
to help people," [G.W. Bush] promised, "we will look first to
faith-based organizations, charities and community groups." 

While Jesus' teachings are well-known even to most
non-Christians the ideas of the MI are much less familiar to the
public. MI was started in 1978 by Ronald Reagan's CIA director,
William Casey, and has become the nation's most influential,
though not best known-as befits a CIA operation-right wing
think tank. While I personally have great respect for the
traditions of the world's religions, including Christianity, the
CIA promoting religion may not exactly be what Jesus had in

NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997
Turning Intellect Into Influence Promoting Its Ideas, the
Manhattan Institute Has Nudged New York Rightward
"Currently housed in an unprepossessing warren on the second
floor of a building near Grand Central Terminal, the institute was
founded as a free-market education and research organization by
William Casey, who then went off to head the Central
Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."

Casey was a top American intelligence operative who, among
other endeavors, helped the CIA bring thousands of Nazi SS
officials into the U.S. after WWII as part of Operation Paper
Clip. These Nazi SS doctors, scientists and intelligence experts
who were directly involved in the death camps, in propaganda
work and in creating the prototypes for new and better ways to
kill masses of people, were installed in private industry, in the
CIA, in medical and psychological research programs in
universities and in the media, supposedly to fight Communism.

Many of these SS officials professed strong religious
convictions, as did Adolf Hitler himself and as do many of the
top scholars associated with the MI. 
"Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the
unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can
begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they call
it."[Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 1]

While school vouchers and the turning over of public education
to religious institutions is being sold by many on the right as a
new and very progressive idea, the promotion of religious
teachings in public schools was actually a key aspect of the Third
Hitler.htm   "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such
schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral
instruction without a religious foundation is built on air;
consequently, all character training and religion must be derived
from faith . . . we need believing people." [Adolf Hitler, April 26,
1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the
Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933]

More than simply a violation of the separation of church and
state which is an essential part of the Constitution, my concern
with Bush's "religious convictions" is that they, like those of the
Manhattan Institute, are actually a cover for fascism.

Previous to adopting G.W. as their poster-boy, NYC Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani was their most prominent operative in elected
office. Like G.W. Bush, the infamously repressive and
Constitution-violating Mayor of New York has also publicly
acknowledged on numerous occasions that the Manhattan
Institute is the source of his policy ideas.

"The mayor has a very close working relationship with the
Manhattan Institute," Giuliani's communications director,
Crystine Lategano, said." -Boston Sunday Globe 2/22/98

The MI's twin 

[CTRL] Fwd: Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 1 (with a correction)

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fascist Templars of the Corporate State
part 1

By Alex Constantine

"The new America will not be Capitalist in the old sense, nor will it be
Socialist. If at the moment the trend is toward Fascism, it will be an
American Fascism, embodying the experience, the traditions and the hopes of
the great middle-class nation."
 ‹ E.F. Brown, associate editor,
Current History Magazine, July 1933

"We have absorbed into our own legal system the
German tyranny that we fought and inveighed against.
The approach, copied from the Nazis, works this way:
The press and radio first lay down a terrific barrage
against the Red Menace. Headlines without a shred of
evidence shriek of atom bomb spies or plots to overthrow
the government, of espionage, of high treason, and of
other bloodcurdling crimes.
  "We are now ready for the second stage: the pinning
of the label 'Red' indiscriminately on all opposition."
‹ Abraham Pomerantz,
 U.S. Deputy Chief Counsel,
Nuremberg Trials

An "Ornery Bunch" Lays Down
a Terrific Barrage Against the Red Menace

 If you live in southern California and traveled with any liberal
organization in the early 1980s, chances are your name appeared on a secret
file. On May 25, 1983, L.A.'s Public Order Intelligence Division (PDID) was
exposed to the world as a clearinghouse of spies gathering intelligence on
the left. The PDID kept files on thousands of law-abiding citizens at a cost
of $100,000 in tax revenues. These secret police utilized a computer dossier
system purchased by the late Representative Larry McDonald's Western Goals,
the intelligence branch of the John Birch Society. McDonald was the national
leader of the Birchers. Late political researcher Mae Brussell noted in
"Nazi Connections to the John F. Kennedy Assassination" that the Birch
Society officer (who perished in the Flight 007 shootdown) was "exceedingly
active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy assassination. Western Goals has
offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that feed data to the Gehlen BND
[post-WW II Nazi intelligence group]. On the board of Western Goals are such
Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer [Reporter Bob
Woodward's superior officer in the Naval wing of the Pentagon within a year
of the Watergate series published by the Washington Post], and Dr. Hans
Senholt, once a Luftwaffe pilot."
 The Birchers had much in common with their extreme-right cousins in
Germany. Fred J. Cook, in The Warfare State (MacMillan, 1962), recalls that
the Birch Society was named after an obscure Christian missionary and "OSS
captain who was murdered by Chinese Communist guerrillas ten days after
World War II ended." The JB Society's Web site provides more background on
Birch: "Shortly after America¹s entry into the war, John Birch volunteered
to join General Claire ChennaultŒs 14th Air Force, known also as the Flying
Tigers. Birch was of particular value in the war because of his facility
with various Chinese dialects and it was thus that he was assigned primarily
to intelligence work." The society named after Birch, Cook wrote, "is a
completely monolithic organization, as authoritarian in its own way as any
Communist dictatorship Welch's John Birch Society is as secret as the Ku
Klux Klan, as monolithic and unbalanced as the Nazi Party of Hitler, with
many of whose ideas and methods it would find itself quite compatible."
 What would the Cold War have been without the inebriating nationalism
of the Birchers, dismissed as "yahoos" by most observers, frightening to
those who looked into them?
 The Birch Society was founded in 1959 by Robert Welch. Welch attended
the U.S. Naval Academy and studied law at Harvard for two years. He was vice
president of a candy company in Massachusetts. Robert Welch was vice
chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party finance committee in 1948. He
made an unsuccessful bid for the office of Lt. Governor in the 1950
Republican primary. He was also a director of the National Association of
Manufacturers, the subject of many an essay from George Seldes, published in
his anti-fascist newsletter, Facts and Fascism. Seldes found NAM, in the
1950s, to be a hive of reactionary corporate intrigues.
 The Birch Society's Web site opines that in Welch time, "self-reliance,
good manners, moral uprightness, respect for hard work, and especially
rigorous honesty were as pervasive among Americans then as watching
television and collecting welfare are for a great many of them today."
Welch's funding came primarily from Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt, a
"patriot" with a radio program, Lifeline, that aired in 42 states.
 He "learned," according to the JBS Internet site, that "the Conspiracy
is more deeply rooted than he had previously thought, and supported this
thesis by tracing its origins back over a century to an occult 

Re: [CTRL] Kris copyrights

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

I have no idea . . .


In a message dated 8/8/00 10:22:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.
Did you get my message yesterday?
I am wondering if part of this court custody
case could be a attempt to get my copyrights?
If you can (try to) copyright the Associate idea,
can my plots be copyrighted as science concepts?
Considering the fact I seem to be hitting AOL's
filter again, I am becoming curious.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



InternetTrash News

Tuesday, 01-Aug-2000 15:09:50 EDT


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Wireless Flash) -- A Huntsville, Alabama, woman
claims she was part of a CIA mind-control project that required her to
engage in sex with several top politicians including Republican
vice-presidential nominee Dick Cheney. 42-year-old Cathy O'Brian
claims she had numerous encounters with Cheney between 1975 and 1988
when she worked for the CIA as a "mind-controlled sex slave." O'Brian
claims the encounters took place in several locations including
hunting lodges in Wyoming and Mt. Shasta, California. The Huntsville
woman says the CIA-sponsored encounters with Cheney ended 12 years
ago, but claims the CIA still has hundreds of mind-controlled agents
working at its service. O'Brian discusses the bizarre allegations in
her book, "The TranceFormation Of America" (Reality Marketing), which
was originally released in 1995.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hello is anyone out there? Am I being edited off list?

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

Everything you write has a common-law copyright, if you wish you may register
it with the US government or other entities

There is no pre-editing of this list. If your mails are not showing-up, I'd
suggest you may be posting wrong or some other technical glitch.


In a message dated 8/8/00 9:28:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have had some e-mails not show up on list and then
at least one that I addressed to Kris in the subject
line not answered.

I need to know if there is any potential that
my science fiction scribbling (essay rough drafts)
could be copyrighted as medical concepts.
Someone has given me some problems, and the
way that they put those writings down makes me
wonder if there is an ulterior motive.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lieberman and Secret Societies

2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[The below is from Dec. 1998 and came up in a websearch for
Joseph Lieberman's name.  He appears to be yet another shill, a
loyal member of the Council on Foreign Relations, et al.  --MS]



VOL. 1. NO. 8 (to December 20, 1998).

CFR=Council on Foreign Relations
RS=Rhodes Scholar


Governor Bush was accompanied in his recent trip to Israel (U.S.
News Dec. 14) by key Jewish Republicans, including Mel Sembler,
finance chairman of the Republican National Committee. Abraham
Foxman, the national director of the New York-based ADL, has now
given Bush (Austin American-Statesman Dec. 13) a clean bill of
health, saying he has proven his "commitment to tolerance,
diversity and the principles of religious freedom." In a
statement, after private conversations with Bush, Foxman said:
"The matter of his 1993 statement is now behind us." The ADL has
recently unveiled a new software program (New American Dec. 21)
to help parents filter bigotry out of their computers. The
"HateFilter" also steers the user to the ADL's own home page. On
November 17, the 1st Dictrict Court of Appeals, in San Francisco,
ordered the self-appointed monitor of hate groups to surrender
information it had illegally obtained on pro-Palestinian
activists, Jewish dissidents, and others believed by the ADL to
be "extremists." In the appeal, the plaintiffs stated that the
ADL "illegally obtained confidential records, such as driver's
licenses and Social Security numbers, from the state and used
them to get people blacklisted among the organization's

Gregory Gallico III (SB 1968), a Boston Plastic Surgeon, told
the Fort Worth Star Telegram last month (Austin
American-Statesman Dec. 18) about himself, Governor Bush (SB
1968) and other Delta Kappa Epsilon brothers at Yale: "Drank a
ton in college. It was absolutely off the wall. It was appalling.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how we made it through."
Bush told GQ Magazine, while drinking a non-alcoholic beer: "I
had more than my fill of the real stuff. Ask the guys who used to
hang with me back then. It wasn't pretty." The Governor stopped
drinking 12 years ago. Governor Bush and Lt. Governor-elect Rick
Perry have chosen their inauguration theme (Austin American-
Statesman Dec. 19) for January 19, 1999: "Together We Can-Juntos


Amid the impeachment debate, Bob Livingston (AP Dec. 19)
announced he would leave Congress next year and would not serve
as Speaker of the House. Candidates now included chief deputy
whip Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois), Christopher Cox (R-California),
Henry Hyde (R-Illinois) and Bill Archer (R-Texas).


Vice-President Gore (CFR/M) has visited New Hampshire (Reuters
Dec. 15) about once every six weeks since March to keep his
front-runner position. He is combining political trips with
official business -- including announcing more than $3 million in
federal environmental and educational grants. Governor Bush has
not yet been to New Hampshire. Gore made his third trip to Israel
in the past four years (U.S. News Dec. 14) when he visited last
May to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding.
Gore's top foreign policy guru is Leon Fuerth (The New Republic
Dec. 7). Richard Holbrooke (BB/CFR/TC) called Fuerth "one of
those powerful but rarely seen people who play major roles behind
the scene in Washington." He is one of the members of "the
Principals Committee" whose members include William Cohen,
Madeline Albright and Sandy Burger.


John Forbes Kerry (SB 1966), while in the U.S. Senate. "has
consistently gone to bat for the NEA," according to Dana Milbank
(The New Republic Dec. 14). He earned a 100% tally in NEA's most
recent rating as well as in the American Federation of Teacher's
voting analysis. On schools he recently stated: "I'm for tough
love here folks. It's time to come in and kick some butts.
Democrats can't be viewed as somehow protecting these practices.
You can't do this in some loosey-goosey, half-assed way."

Kerry's Yale Bones Class of 1966 was: John R. Bockstoce (SB
1966); George Clifford Brown (SB 1966); Alan W. Cross (SB 1966)
-- M.D. Director, Center for Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention at UNC-Chapel Hill; Michael Thomas Dalby (SB 1966);
James Ernest Howard (SB 1966); Forrest David Laidley (SB 1966);
Richard Warren Pershing (SB 1966) -- Born in New York City on
October 25, 1947. Grandson of General John J. Pershing. Died in
Vietnam on February 17, 1968. His father, F. Warren Pershing, is
or was the senior partner in Pershing  Co., stockbrokers. A
graduate of both Phillips Exter Academy and Yale, he had just
completed training at Ft. 

[CTRL] The Franklin Cover-Up Kenneth Brown Connection

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.double-cross.com/FBConnection.html"The
Franklin Cover-Up  Kenneth Brown Connection/A

The Franklin Cover-Up and
Kenneth Brown Connection

 franklin cover-up

For one to understand what is about to be exposed regarding "The Franklin
Cover-up", which took place in Omaha, Nebraska, around the same time frame
that the so-called apparitions of Medjugorje in Bosnia came into being, one
must first understand why the Vatican has acknowledged the fact that the
Catholic Church in America has been taken over by pedophiles priests and
bishops and the Vatican can do nothing about it. This was told to State
Senator John W. DeCamp by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger a few years ago when
State Senator DeCamp and State Senator Loran Schmidt began to question the
role that the Catholic Church played in the Franklin Credit Union
investigation that they headed up in Omaha, Nebraska beginning in the late
1980s and concluded in the mid 1990s.

The Following is only a small piece of the larger picture that will become an
international scandal when it is finally exposed. This small piece relates to
only three individuals who just happen to have the same last name of Brown.
Coincidence? Maybe yes! Maybe no! They all have or had a lot to gain and a
lot to lose. If the Franklin Case was proved and/or the so-called apparitions
of Medjugorje cover-up all in about the same time frame. Coincidence? Not
likely if you look at the facts and understand why the pedophiles had to
prevent both from being exposed for what they truly represented. Illicit sex!

By 1986 the Franklin Credit Union Scandal was in full swing and so was the
Medjugorje deception. So were a were a woman by the name of Marcia Smith from
San Mateo, CA and a man named Denis Nolan from Notre Dame, Indiana. So was an
ex-CIA director by the name of Michael A. Aquino, who formed a Satanic Cult
in San Francisco, using his formerly obtained expertise in brain washing and
mind control while a Colonel in the Army heading up mind control for the
army, known as "operation monarch". So was a so called priest by the name of
Steve Barham, who had been involved with "Silva Mind Control" in Connecticut
and had formed a group in San Francisco, known as "St. Rapheal Ministries".
So was a fake priest by the name of Kenneth Richard Brown who was dealing in
drugs in Hawaii while pretending to be a bishop in on Eastern Rite Catholic
Church. We could go on and on and name people like Wayne Weible and Ted and
Maureen Flynn and a host of other friends including a Catholic bishop from
Rome by the name of Paolo Maria Hnilica who is now on trial in Rome on
criminal charges and just now been linked to the fraud of a network of
so-called seers networked throughout the world with head quarters in Rome. In
many respects all of these individuals and more are linked to "the Franklin
cover-up" and Medjugorje. However, for now we will focus on just three

Wayne Weible

Brown Number One.

Kenneth Richard Brown, fake bishop, fake priest, now serving two years in
prison in Tennessee for fondling the genitals of a 16 year old boy, who was
in a coma in a hospital in Chattanooga, while pretending to be a catholic
priest. This Brown had a criminal record from Hawaii, claimed to know Carlos
and Victoria Pantoja who formed St. Raphael Ministries in San Francisco
around the same time that Michael A. Aquino formed his satanic cult in San
Francisco. Brown spent time in San Francisco around the same time that Aquino
was conducting satanic ritual sacrifices which included the repeated rape of
a 6 year old girl and the murder of at least two young children. It would be
interesting to know why St. Raphael ministries found the need to hide their
activities from the current archbishop in San Francisco with the help of Marci
a Smithand Denis Nolan.

Evidently, Kenneth Richard Brown is well connected since he told a witness in
Tennessee that he had a California congressman in his hip pocket last October
just before he visited in Los Gatos, California and again after he returned
to Tennessee. Maybe that will explain how he was able to avoid being arrested
on a scheduled drug bust in Los Gatos and now the Los Gatos police are trying
to cover it up. Brown was in the process of gathering information on the
woman known as Marcia Smith who also claims to have Congressman Tom Lantos on
her hip pocket. Brown was also kicked out of Medjugorje because he was trying
to compete with agents running pilgrimages to Medjugorje such as Peter. K.
Miller who is accused of swindling 1.5 million from pilgrims and is now a
fugitive from justice. There is much more that will be added later on this
convicted pedophiles and why the Los Gatos police refused to arrest him.

Congressman Lantos on Smiths' hip pocket?

 franklin cover-up page two 

The information you receive on-line from Double-Cross.com is protected by
international copyright laws.
Aloha, He'Ping,

[CTRL] Michael Aquino - Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.double-cross.com/Aquino.html"Michael Aquino/

Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg

On February 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an
extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a
civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically
abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring liked to
powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military
and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on February 27, Judge
Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1
million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said
was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn
testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide
pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the
streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his
early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted all
of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers
that millions of children in American face from this hideous, literally
Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said
organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul,
and they can verify everything that has happened," she told the court.

"What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an
offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the
1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold W
ar because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.

"It was very successful. They could do it very well."

Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of
Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He
was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he
was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in
ritualist sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government
program to use [in] this experimentation on children.

"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into
multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned
under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a
multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."

She continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or
anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so
bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was
presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."

Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino
has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force
Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's
activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."

Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide
pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who
ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci
referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."

A second witness who testified at the February 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was
King's personal photographer. He later described to EIR another incident
which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still
on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at
a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a
suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," who he later
positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the
suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that
"the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise
associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the
"secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.

Just who is Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.), and what does the evidence
revealed in a Nebraska court hearing say about the current state of affairs
inside the U.S. military? Is the Aquino case some kind of weird aberration
that slipped off the Pentagon radar screen?

Not in the least.

Aquino, Satan and the U.S. military

Throughout much of the 1980s, Aquino was at the center of a controversy
involving the Pentagon's acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside
the military services. Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of
pedophile scandals involving the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lieberman Void of Moral 'Kosher Beef,' Says Rabbi

2000-08-09 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well guess June was right on this one, for I believed all that crap
Lieberman wrote about himself.he is pro abortion but then let the
Rabbi speak for this man's faithwhich seems to have fallen - guess
the office of VP would be to decorate his fall?

Just to go on record here, I do NOT agree with this assessment.

I am pro-choice and support anti-discrimination laws against gays.

Whatever Lieberman's "morality", his voting on these issues reflects the sentiments of 
the majority of his constituency; Connecticut
has already passed laws on these issues on the state level.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] help me out here, gang

2000-08-09 Thread Robert F. Tatman

FWIW, both sites open fine in IE.  I think it may have been an AOL issue
(surprise, surprise!)...

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] help me out here, gang

 In a message dated 8/8/00 10:14:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hm. How about that. Somebody else try, somebody with AOL. Then we can
 see if it's specific to Kris's computer or to AOL. Kris should try again
 later to see if it's time specific. Does it work in Explorer?
 What about the content?
 Now what about this one? What's going on here?

 Tis working on aol now. The content is, as much as I can tell, fair.

 The vatican bank story is again accurate as far as know. Talk to the
 they are in your town.

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Re: [CTRL] (en) Philly - Key activists were earmarked by police

2000-08-09 Thread Robert F. Tatman

YOU know that, and the DEMONSTRATORS know that, but the police don't.  The
police, being paramilitary and therefore by definition hierarchical, can't
conceive of leaderless organizations, and thus targeted the people who
*looked* like what they conceived of as leaders--namely, the ones with
walkie-talkies and cell phones.

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] (en) Philly - Key activists were earmarked by police

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 The critics said the arrests of several protest leaders - "ringleaders,"

  the District Attorney's Office termed them - were part of a pattern in

  police aimed to

 decapitate the leadership of the demonstrations.

 Horizontal orginization renders anarchists immune to decapitating strikes.
  We don't have leaders. We are leaders.

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[CTRL] Poli. Sci. 101

2000-08-09 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Okay, people, let's go back to freshman political science class and review
some definitions.

The United States is a democratic republic.  The term "republic" means ONLY
a country which is not a monarchy.  The term "democracy" means ONLY
government by the people--the word does not prescribe how that government is
organized.  Specifically, the government of the United States is described
as "representative democracy," which means ONLY that the citizens of the
country, as individuals or in combination, choose representatives to run the
country for them.  The government of the United States is also a
"constitutional republic," which means that the role filled in a monarchy by
the king or queen is instead filled by the codified body of law which
controls the organization and functioning of the government.

These terms have changed in their meanings since the United States was
founded.  Many of the Founders, especially Hamilton and the Federalists,
were true elitists, who did not trust the "mobile faction" or "mob"--what
Marxists call the *Lumpenproletariat*.  Modern American political theory is
far closer to the views of Thomas Jefferson and even more Andrew Jackson
than to those of Washington, Adams, and Hamilton.  If you limit your
understanding of the original Constitutional debate to *The Federalist
Papers*, you're only getting one part of the story--an important and
eloquent part, but only a part.  The argument that this country is a
republic, "not a democracy," is a disingenuous statement which belies a
desire to destroy the freedom of all those who are not white, Christian, and

The truly revolutionary thing about the Constitution is that it
institutionalizes revolution, making it possible to completely change the
system of government without *overthrowing* that government.  The United
States has quite regularly changed its political philosophy, roughly every
generation or every other generation.  The last such change was the
so-called "Reagan Revolution" (more correctly the "Reagan-Bush reaction") of
the 1980's; the country appears poised for another paradigm shift today.
Unfortunately, the nature of a paradigm shift is that it can never be fully
recognized until nearly complete, which means that we won't know the nature
of the new system until it has come about.  I suspect that it will be
populist, but the choice seems to be between Left and Right populism, with
the Left beginning to coalesce around the Greens and the Right edging toward
a crypto-fascist nationalism (if that's not a tautology) focused on

Robert F. Tatman
Information Technology Consultant
Jenkintown, PA, USA
*Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.*

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lieberman Void of Moral 'Kosher Beef,' Says Rabbi

2000-08-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 08/09/2000 3:48:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Well guess June was right on this one, for I believed all that crap
 Lieberman wrote about himself.he is pro abortion but then let the
 Rabbi speak for this man's faithwhich seems to have fallen - guess
 the office of VP would be to decorate his fall?


I know Conservatives love to brute about this "pro abortion" bit, but there
never has been or ever will be anyone who is "pro abortion."   Supporting a
woman's right to choose does not equate to being "pro abortion."  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] WND: Web-porn scandal rocks White House

2000-08-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 08/09/2000 4:13:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  WASHINGTON -- A consultant hired last year to beef
up security for the White House's computer network
found massive pornographic video files passing through
the system's Internet firewall, WorldNetDaily has

Fantastic.  Just like Mr. Deutch's personal computer.  Still I guess it's not
too much an issue unless it can be seen by children.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [slick-d] Beware Lieberman

2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

"Rabbi Antleman thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's 
commitment to Orthodox Jewry. "How can you be Orthodox and belong to an 
organization which promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the 
past, has financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and 
nazism?" he asks."

 This morning on a TV Broadcast, shoulder to shoulder with AlGore, Lieberman
said, "In my religion we decide what is best for us." Among other comments
it is clear as mountain air that he is not simply UNorthodox, he is not
amenable in any way to any form of religious Jewry or Judaism. His is
socialist and likely, as the author forwards, an avowed Communist.

 Anyone who has even cursorily examined Judaism in its three primary forms,
(Orthodox, Liberal/Reform, and Non-Observing), would know that none of these
would claim to speak for God. At worst they would admit that they simply
don't know the will of God in their lives. If I had to guess, I'd place
Lieberman somewhere between Reform and Non-Observing, with some
Atheist/Humanist self-god stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

 I've listened to this guy from the floor of the Senate, and over time he
has proven to be a pain in the conservative neck. He is against everything
which is Constitutional and couldn't possibly honestly take a Presidential
oath. He spouts destructive ideas and is not in anybody's closet. He is
everything one would want in an Un-  Anti-Biblical, Un-  Anti-American,
and is the epitome of what the occasional hate-spewing anti-Jew crowd is
talking about. The Jews are not our enemies, but a Jewish-by-birth Atheist
or roots-denying Anti-Moralist most certainly is.

Thanks Bruce!

David House

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Chesley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 8:07 AM

 Barry Chamish is an Israeli citizen, investigator, lecturer
and author who has written extensively against the NWO.
He uncovered and has extensively reported on who, within
the Israeli government, conspired to assassinate Rabin. 
Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.".  Thomas Paine
Treason for $$$:  ALL "pro 2A" orgs.
- Begin forwarded message --
From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1998 01:06:12 +0200


  VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman is a member of the Council On Foreign

Relation (CFR), as are Dick Cheney, and Al Gore. The only candidate not
the members list is G.W. Bush Jr. who is a member by proxy. His
Prescott was a CFR pioneer, while dad, George Sr. was an executive of the

accursed cult whose aim is a one world government. With only 3000
it is clear that only CFR members and loyalists may become President.
time around the figures were the same, Gore, Dole and Clinton were CFR 
members. The story has been similar for the past two generations.
   Rabbi Marvin Antleman has been fighting the CFR for three decades.

50% off coupon for your New domain name at DomainBank
Act Fast – coupon expires August 15th

 For details, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] Fwd: Quote of the Week - Ayatollah of Israel

2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  QUOTE OF THE WEEK - AYATOLLAH ISRAEL

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
- - - - - - - - - -

  "How can you make peace with a snake? The Ishmaelites
[Arabs] are all accursed evil people... God regrets
having created these Ishmaelites."

"Rabbi Ovadiah's fulminations cannot easily be dismissed.
A former chief rabbi of Israel, and a religious scholar
of some repute, he is also the spiritual leader of the
Shas party, the kingmaker of Israeli coalition politics."

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - 8/8/00:
   It's rather ironic that in the modern secular world of the 20th century there
is a such a revival of theocratic based nationalism in the Middle East.  Whatever
one's view of this development its important to realize that this didn't start with
the Iranian revolution against the Westernized Shah.  Nor did it begin with the
Muslims who in casting off the Ottoman Empire early in the last century dreamed
of an Arab nation based on geographic nationalism.  It actually started with the
birth of the first specifically religiously identified state in the region in 1948,
the "Jewish State".  And the ramifications of this development are still taking
place.  The following article appeared in ©The Guardian on 7 August by Suzanne 
writing from Jerusalem:

"The bad boy of the Israeli rabbinate created a rare unity between Arab and
Jew yesterday, scandalising his own people by saying that the millions killed
in the Nazi Holocaust were sinners, and outraging Palestinians by declaring
them accursed "snakes" despised by God.

The outpourings from Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, who devoted his Saturday sermon to
the Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli peace process, caused a firestorm as
prominent Israeli rabbis and politicians as well as Palestinians took to the
airwaves to deplore his views.

"The victims of the Holocaust, all 6 million Jews, all those poor people who
were lost at the hands of those evildoers the Nazis were reincarnations of
earlier souls who sinned time and again and did all sorts of things that
shouldn't have been done, and were reincarnated so that things could be set
right," the rabbi told a crowded synagogue in Jerusalem, and thousands of
followers who tuned in on pirate radio stations.

He berated the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, for trying to make peace
with the Palestinians. "Why are you bringing them close to us? You bring
snakes next to us. How can you make peace with a snake?" Rabbi Ovadiah told
his applauding followers.

"The Ishmaelites [Arabs] are all accursed evil people. They are all haters of
Israel. God regrets having created these Ishmaelites," he went on.

Rabbi Ovadiah's fulminations cannot easily be dismissed. A former chief rabbi
of Israel, and a religious scholar of some repute, he is also the spiritual
leader of the Shas party, the kingmaker of Israeli coalition politics.

Shas, which combines ultra-Orthodox theology and ethnic pride of Middle
Eastern Jews, is the third largest party in the Israeli knesset, or
parliament, and Mr Barak is desperate to woo its 17 parliamentarians back to
his coalition. That explains the prime minister's tepid response yesterday.

Ignoring the slur against the Palestinians, Mr Barak said the rabbi's
comments did not befit a religious leader of his stature. "They are liable to
harm the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and the feelings of
their family members," his office said in a statement.

Mr Barak's silence on the attack on Arabs was inexcusable, said the
Palestinian information minister, Yasser Abed Rabbo. "Every Israeli stands
accused of being a racist until he condemns this racist and idiot."

An Israeli Arab member of the Knesset, Ahmed Tibi, said he would ask Israel's
attorney general to charge the rabbi. That seems unlikely; the attorney
general has already refused to charge Rabbi Ovadiah with incitement after he
called the secular education minister an enemy of the Jews who should be

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone:  202 362-5266Fax:  815 366-0800

For latest information about MER, and to subscribe or unsubscribe from the MER List,
 email to


2000-08-09 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 8/9/00 8:48:18 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 42-year-old Cathy O'Brian
   claims she had numerous encounters with Cheney between 1975 and 1988
   when she worked for the CIA as a "mind-controlled sex slave. 

  Truth or fantasy, wouldn't it be wonderful if all these women who sleep or
  don't sleep with every man who becomes a public figure just shut up about
   It was better in the old days when the women were vilified for such
  behavior.  At least they didn't  insist on telling you all about it.  Prudy

  I agree with you about lovers but not about slaves.  Whether her account is
the full truth or not, there are women trained as sex slaves.  Your tax
dollars at work again.  Yippee.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-08-09 Thread Bob Stokes

In a message dated 00-08-09 09:48:18 EDT, Prudy writes:

 Truth or fantasy, wouldn't it be wonderful if all these women who sleep or
 don't sleep with every man who becomes a public figure just shut up about it?
  It was better in the old days when the women were vilified for such
 behavior.  At least they didn't  insist on telling you all about it.  Prudy

I would agree with you if she only had sex with this person, but according to
her she was forced into prostitution by an agency of the government.  To me
this is much more than sex and should be brought out in the open to reflect
on Cheney and on the government itself.  If this did actually happen, those
responsible should be prosecuted for their actions, but knowing the way the
government operates it is more likely that this woman would be brought up on
charges of prostitution rather than the CIA going on trial.

Bob Stokes

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [LeftLibertarian] New Russian Power Elite

2000-08-09 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Samuel Konkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LeftLibertarian] New Russian Power Elite
Date: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:22 AM

Can you imagine a similar job being done on the U.S.'s Power
Élite? Let's see, "David Rockefeller, Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch
sat down with 17 other American 'oligarchs' and incoming President
Gush Bore to set the record straight on how the U.S. will be run for
their benefit
. ." Maybe in the Moscow Times? (Or _New Libertarian_ . . .)

From Wednesday's Slate:

Putin's Power Grab

By Anne Applebaum

Just for the record, here are a few quotes, taken from a range of
Western and Russian newspapers, describing what happened at the
meeting late last week between Russian President Vladimir Putin and
20 Russian "oligarchs," the hyperwealthy Russian businessmen who
control vast swathes of the country's natural and financial
resources, much of which they obtained through illegal or highly
suspect means.

The Kremlin's press service claimed the discussions had established
that "the authorities would not review the outcome of
privatisations." This, for the uninitiated, is code for: "The
authorities will not prosecute that very large number of
hyperwealthy Russian businessmen who obtained their hyperwealth
through illegal or highly suspect means."

Boris Nemstov, the liberal politician who organized the meeting,
said that this news was met with approbation and relief: The
oligarchs are now "sick of being oligarchs. ... [T]hey want to be
law-abiding taxpayers."

Oleg Kiselyov, the head of Impexbank, said, "Before us sat a most
reasonable and capable man, a man able to understand the

Izvestia newspaper (yes, it still exists; one of the oligarchs owns
it) heralded the new era of "pragmatism," in which businessmen
would no longer "stupidly" involve themselves in politics.

Everyone, reported the Moscow Times, emerged from the meeting
smiling and joking and looking generally relieved. The Washington
Post even opened its article on the meeting with the sentence,
"President Vladimir Putin reassured edgy business tycoons today ...
," and several went on television over the weekend to demonstrate,
enthusiastically, how reassured they felt.  All of which heralds a
new era in Russia: Government and business will now stay at a
proper distance from one another. Rule of law has been
re-established. No one will be unfairly arrested. No one will
receive unfair favors. The oligarchs want to pay taxes just like
everybody else. Right?

Er ... not so sure about that. For the record, I would like to note
the following discrepancies which I observed while in Moscow, in
the days following the meeting.

One of the businessmen at the meeting had been due to attend a
conference on the day following the meeting, a conference at which
he would certainly have been asked to tell a group of Russian
politicians and Western experts what had actually happened.
Pleading illness, he failed to show up.

Another businessman, a junior partner of one who was at the
meeting, told me that the president had been late. In the half-hour
that they spent waiting for him, according to his boss, the 20
oligarchs, most of whom are individually worth the GDP of a small
African country, were so nervous that they were unable to sustain a
conversation: "These were frightened men, let me tell you."

A third businessman, one who has been heavily involved in helping
President Putin to write his economic program, simply laughed when
I showed him the Moscow Times report, noting its generally cheerful
spin. "If you believe that, you'll believe anything."

More to the point, there were a few absent faces at the meeting.
Missing, for example, was Vladimir Gusinsky, until recently a
paid-up member of the oligarch club, now residing in Spain.
Gusinsky was, unexpectedly, recently arrested, accused of
possessing an illegal fortune, slapped in prison for three
days--and then, equally unexpectedly, released. The TV news channel
which he owns (the only one, until now, to broadcast criticism of
Putin) hasn't enlightened us as to what happened to him, perhaps
because, as the rumor mill claims, it has already been sold to
someone else, perhaps in exchange for Gusinsky's freedom.

Also absent from the meeting were Boris Berezovsky and Roman
Abramovich, two of Russia's wealthiest men, both of whom have been
thought to be rather closer to the Kremlin than some of the others.
Why weren't they there? No explanation.

Here is what I suspect has really happened: Perhaps openly, perhaps
more subtly, the hyperrich have now been given the distinct
impression that those who agree to abide by the Kremlin's will--to
contribute money to the right slush funds, to keep their TV
stations safely in line with government policy--will prosper and
will not be prosecuted for past offenses. Those who don't--Gusinsky

[CTRL] OEN 8/9/00

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Spy vs. Spy

Report: Israel Admitted Iranian Jews Were Spies

The withdrawal from Lebanon a topic.

LONDON (August 9) - Israel has privately admitted to Iran that the 10 Jews
convicted of espionage by a court in Shiraz last month were spying for
Israel, diplomatic sources told the London-based monthly newsletter

The admission was reportedly made during secret meetings between Israeli and
Iranian officials at a Cairo hotel on July 31 and August 1, in the presence
of US Ambassador to Egypt Daniel Kurtzer and Israeli Ambassador to Egypt Zvi

A Foreign Ministry spokesman said last night that the report was "nonsense."

The Iranian Revolutionary Court in Shiraz last month sentenced 10 of the 13
Jews initially charged to between four and 13 years in jail. The remaining
three were acquitted.

The Iranians reportedly accepted Israel's apology for the affair and promised
to commute the sentences after Israel admitted other failed operations by the
Mossad, such as the bungled wire-tap attempt in the Swiss capital of Berne in
February 1998.

According to the diplomatic sources, contacts between Israel and Iran were
initiated through third parties, but assumed a more direct nature after the
13 Iranian Jews were accused of spying for Israel.

The sources said contacts between Israel and Iran were also held in the weeks
preceding Israel's May 24 withdrawal from South Lebanon.

As a result of the contacts, the two sides reached an undeclared
understanding designed to "facilitate" the IDF pullback and to refrain from
taking any steps that might jeopardize security on Israel's northern border.

The sources say the Iranians promised that neither they nor Hizbullah would
do anything to obstruct the IDF withdrawal, nor would they jeopardize the
peace after Israel's withdrawal.
Jerusalem Post, August 9, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

In essense, wasn't little Monica a prostitute for someone?   Mossad
tapping her line?

Is this what George Bush Sr. meant when he said he was blackmailed?

And the entire Congress one man comes forth to cast first stone -
Lieberman - a man with two faces, who when in Rome does as Romans?

CIA has always hired what they called "high class whores"..i.e.,
Fannie Fox was low class prostituate, and Elizabeth Ray was low class
prostitutebut this entire ring of whatevers, Goldman, Tripp,
Lewinsky, and Mark Fuhrman who was famous because he used the 'N."
word..this think reeks of frame work from OJ to Clinton to
Lieberman, the only moral man left in Washington?

So now he is going to get a few stones cast back; is Al Gore being
blackmailed too?

Lieberman's father ran a liquor store...wonder what he did during
the depression, work with Meyer Lansky and Al Capone?

Everything is ready for takeover.for 2001 is the Millenium and we
are unprepared.

This is end result of Master Plan for Murder and Genocide keyed to Stars
and Testaments, along with Daniel and Ezekial and Hebrews, in the
bible.and remember always, "for where there is a testament there
must by necessity be the death of the testator"or kill the
witnesses, for dead men tell no tales.

So dark clouds linger over the White House and the new millenium ought
to be something elsewe got to get Bush elected.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] PA103, MI6 and more: EXPOSED

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:633450"PA103, MI6 and
Subject: PA103, MI6 and more: EXPOSED
From: freedomlinks A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/A
Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2000 8:55 PM

Mathaba.Net A HREF="http://mathaba.net/"http://mathaba.net//A continues
to publish documents leaked
from British Military Intelligence (MI6) and survived an attempt to
close the site, thanks to having mirrors abroad. Now 10 mirrors,
including 3 in the UK, have made MI6 think twice about attacking

Use the front page search box as there are almost 1,000 documents and
around 2,000 links on the site!

A HREF="http://mathaba.net/"http://mathaba.net//A
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Did Monica Do Some Spying for Mossad

2000-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

Never having read these transcripts before, because I refused to so do -
I ran across this one on the web, and wondered who this Ms. Lieberman is
who so tried to protect Clinton's reputation, knowing how vulnerable he
was - as hey say in Daniel, his feet of clay were connected to his knee
bone by that time - but the fact remains this item refers to Lewinsky
having access to classified material.

This item mentions the pizza she brought in that night and fron that
time on,  Clinton began his sorrid affair - so what was in the pizza - I
believe it was loaded with Ecstasy - and all the time the Mossad tapping
Lewinsky's phone.

This is how it is done - Henry Kissinger used to call people and his
line would be tapped and anybody he called, would therefore be in
serious trouble if things were mentioned that were not kosher.

So - Kissinger had tried to warn many people of impending doom - and
shed many tears.

I believe when John and Nelson Rockefeller died it was murder - Exxon
had just brought over King Tuts stuff, curse and all - and Egypt and USA
started to join hands in friendship.and then I remembered the USS
Liberty, bombed by Israelie planes in inernational waters and Isralies
tried to sink same to blame on Egyptians but got caughtthe napalmed
that ship for 45 minutes and bombed it with 170 wounded and 34 dead
lying on deckbut an SOS got out and the planes took off..

So what is this.is our entire congress being blackmailed by more
than just the crap given to Larry Flynt, who is biggest blackmailer of
all.working with Carville of course.imagine a call in the night
from Henry Kissinger - and all the time his phone is KNOWINGLY tapped by

So Gideon and the 300?   Bible and all with Timetable Calendar keyed to
murder set for specificed time..clue to NWO takeover - they think.

This is trashy reading - X Rated Movie type garbagebut Monica with
hands on classified material delivring pizza to president and then he
was doomed?And then, when caught in trap he bombed the Balkans?

You are viewing the Yahoo! Internet Life mirror of the Starr Report. For
news, commentary, and other coverage, click here
Top of Starr Report Index
1.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 31-32, 39-40; DB Photos 0004 (photo of dress).
2.  FBI Lab Report, 8/3/98.
3.  OIC letter to David Kendall, 7/31/98 (1st letter of day).
4.  Kendall letter to OIC, 7/31/98; OIC letter to Kendall, 7/31/98 (2d
letter of day); Kendall letter to OIC, 8/3/98; OIC letter to Kendall,
5.  FBI Observation Report (White House), 8/3/98.
6.  FBI Lab Reports, 8/6/98  8/17/98. The FBI Laboratory performed
polymerase chain reaction analysis (PCR) and restriction fragment length
polymorphisim analysis (RFLP). RFLP, which requires a larger sample, is
the more precise method. United States v. Hicks, 103 F.3d 837, 844-847
(9th Cir. 1996).
7.  FBI Lab Report, 8/17/98, at 2.
8.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. During earlier negotiations with this Office,
Ms. Lewinsky provided a 10-page handwritten proffer statement
summarizing her dealings with the President and other matters under
investigation. Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement. Ms. Lewinsky later confirmed
the accuracy of the statement in grand jury testimony. Lewinsky 8/20/98
GJ at 62-63. The negotiations in January and February 1998 (which
produced the written proffer) did not result in a cooperation agreement
because Ms. Lewinsky declined to submit to a face-to-face proffer
interview, which the OIC deemed essential because of her perjurious
Jones affidavit, her efforts to persuade Linda Tripp to commit perjury,
her assertion in a recorded conversation that she had been brought up to
regard lying as necessary, and her forgery of a letter while in college.
In July 1998, Ms. Lewinsky agreed to submit to a face-to-face interview,
and the parties were able to reach an agreement.
9.  Ex. ML-7 to Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ.
10.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 5-6; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 27-28.
11.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 69.
12.   Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 59-60, 87; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 82;
Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 8.
13.  Ms. Tripp testified that she took notes on two occasions. Tripp
6/30/98 GJ at 141-42; Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 153-54; Tripp 7/16/98 GJ at
14.  Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2-3. Ms. Lewinsky (who voluntarily waived
therapist-patient privilege) consulted Dr. Kassorla in person from 1992
to 1993 and by telephone thereafter. Id. at 1. Anticipating that the
White House might fire Ms. Lewinsky in order to protect the President,
Dr. Kassorla cautioned her patient that workplace romances are generally
ill-advised. Id. at 2.
15.  Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2, 4. Ms. Lewinsky also consulted another
counselor, Kathleen Estep, three times in November 1996. While
diagnosing Ms. Lewinsky as suffering from depression and low
self-esteem, Ms. Estep considered her self-aware, credible, insightful,
introspective, relatively stable, and not delusional. Estep 8/23/98 Int.
at 1-4.
16.  Catherine Davis 

[CTRL] ABC Paid To Secure Lewinsky Interview

2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From: WashintonPost.com

ABC Paid To Secure Lewinsky Interview

ABC News scored one of the biggest journalistic coups of 1999
when it secured an exclusive interview with Monica Lewinsky.  To
get the former White House intern before the cameras, ABC had to
persuade special prosecutor Kenneth Starr's office to relax an
immunity agreement with Lewinsky that barred her from talking to
the media.

To secure Starr's blessing, however, the network took an
unorthodox step.  In an arrangement that raises the suggestion of
"checkbook journalism," ABC News paid the fees of an attorney who
had been hired by Lewinsky's advisers to lobby Starr's office,
according to people involved in the transaction.

ABC paid $25,000 to Washington attorney Theodore Olson after
Olson--who was hired by Lewinsky's book agent and adviser--helped
persuade Starr's deputies to allow Lewinsky to go on the air with
ABC's Barbara Walters.

The arrangement was confirmed this week by former ABC senior vice
president Richard Wald, who approved the payment to Olson, and by
Richard Carlson, the Lewinsky agent-adviser who recruited Olson.
Wald said he authorized payment of Olson's bill with the approval
of David Westin, president of ABC News.  Westin was not available
for comment.

ABC has maintained that it never paid Lewinsky directly for the
two-hour interview, which aired March 3, 1999.  Such payments
would have violated ABC News's standards.

But the statements by Wald and Carlson indicate that the network
compensated Lewinsky indirectly by paying one of her legal bills.
Traditionally, news organizations avoid any financial arrangement
with sources to protect themselves from suggestions that they are
bribing people for information.

The arrangement was also unusual in that Olson's involvement was
approved by ABC and by Lewinsky's criminal attorneys, Plato
Cacheris and Jacob Stein, further blurring the traditional
relationship between source and media organization.

The two-hour special edition of "20/20" attracted 49 million
viewers, making it the most watched news program ever broadcast
by a single network.  It also attracted more than $20 million in
advertising revenue, according to ABC sources.  Meanwhile,
Lewinsky's book, "Monica's Story," was released the day after the
program aired and raced to the top of the bestseller list.  In
another unusual arrangement, ABC gave up international broadcast
rights and allowed Lewinsky to sell interviews overseas, netting
her about $1 million.

ABC and Lewinsky had a common interest in Olson's mission, part
of which was described in a New Yorker magazine story this week.
The network knew that an exclusive Lewinsky interview would bring
high ratings; Lewinsky was eager to cooperate with ABC because
she was promoting her book and saw prime-time exposure as a key
publicity vehicle, according to several sources.  Carlson also
wanted the interview to come off because his compensation was
tied to the book's sales.

The only obstacle for ABC and Lewinsky was Lewinsky's
immunity-from-prosecution deal with Starr's office.  The
agreement prohibited her from telling the media what she knew
about her sexual relationship with President Clinton.

ABC initially wanted to hire Floyd Abrams, a prominent First
Amendment attorney, to file a lawsuit seeking to overturn the
interview ban.  But Carlson--a longtime Washington hand who was
advising Lewinsky--convinced ABC that such an approach could be
expensive, time-consuming and ultimately unsuccessful. Instead,
with ABC's blessing, Carlson said he hired Olson, a prominent
Washington attorney who is friendly with Starr, to approach
Starr's office directly.

Olson eventually met with Starr's deputies but not with Starr
himself. "I performed legal services on behalf of Richard
Carlson, who was acting as an agent for Monica Lewinsky," Olson
said yesterday.

ABC delayed payment of Olson's bill for more than a year, despite
repeated attempts by Carlson to get the network to pay.  Wald
said yesterday that the bill "got lost in the shuffle" during a
changeover of financial executives at the network.

Wald conceded that it was unusual for ABC to pay for a source's
attorney but said Olson's work was in the interests of both
Lewinsky and ABC. Olson "was [Lewinsky's] lawyer for that one
thing only," said Wald.  "We wanted it done.  We wanted to get it
done right away.  We were afraid the moment would pass."

Although Starr's office eventually relented, it's unclear whether
Olson's arguments alone clinched the deal.  In addition to Olson,
Walters and ABC News producers Chris Vlasto and Katie Thomson had
been lobbying Starr's deputies for access to Lewinsky for months.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To 


2000-08-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From: EtherZone


By: Barbara Stanley

Remember this: The "most ethical administration in history".
Yeah, whatta riot.  The scandals seep like lava down Pinatubo,
right behind the pyroclastic cloud.

Everytime I leave home and head for the hills, the flow stops at
the edge of town.  The co-presidents control the law and its
officials and life becomes anticlimactic.  Everytime I think this
latest scandal, this obvious one HAS to blow it all wide open,
the whole corrupt mess, the media gives it a spin and it's no big
deal.  Beg pardon?

The latest is the information finally coming out about Janet
Reno's prior history in Dade County, why and how she got the job
and kept it although she was an incompetent --hey, no surprise
there.  I remember finding out a few things when she was up for
confirmation by the Congress in the United States (what passes
for) Senate.

I discovered Reno had a reputation for alcohol and unusual places
of evening entertainment.  Although maybe not unusual if you're
into black leather and rubber.

Good grief.

I found out that she was picked up five times by local police and
she was blitzed to the gills on the sauce.  One report also was
that she was in 'full regalia' at one of these traffic stops.  I
can just see the officer’s face still in my mind.  The highest
elected law enforcement official in the entire state, riding
around in her 'outfit', chains and all, and juiced up to boot.
Bet he could get hazardous duty pay or at least some counseling
to clean his mind of that image.  Makes me shudder.

I found out she used calls girls and shared a call girl/procurer
of Reno's 'girls' with the local Mafia.  I learned a video tape
was made of Reno and one of these purchased girls which enabled
her to be blackmailed with it. Must be quite the rush for the bad
Guys to know no matter what laws they break, from larceny to
murder, nothing will happen to them and it will be business as
usual in the streets and clubs of Miami.  Just think of this:
While Janet's goon squat thugs, (in reality, Bill and Hill's
black shirts who are currently deployed all around the nation
just waiting for the proper disaster to be called up and 'keep us
in order') were pointing that gun in Elian's face on one side of
town, the heavy duty bad guys were breaking the law on the other.
I know I am not the only person who thinks this is ass backwards.

So now, James Trafficant comes forward and on national television
last night, the Hannity and Colmes program on Fox News, then
again this afternoon on WABC radio in NYC and calls a spade a
spade.  Or a blackmailable turncoat for what she is, a traitor.

Starting to get interesting, what?  So now Reno has been called
out by allegations of some substance and severity.  Congressman
Trafficant decries what his own Democrat party has become in the
last eight years of the Reign of Terror we have come to know and
not love, with their condoning, ass-kissing, covering-up for the
felon flunkies.  Jim has some package, some pair, for his life is
now worth a plug nickel to the right plane ride, unmarked van as
was the case in the one that ran the other watchdog, Larry
Klayman off the road, or 'accident du jour' with the flacks who
murder for these co-presidents.  Has anybody concluded that our
co-presidents may be pathological, socio-pathological, insane,
megalomaniac loonies?  Dangerous people occupy the throne of
American power.  Will we sit idly by this time, this new scandal,
this final assault on our senses?  Or will we demand an
investigation, a formal open public hearing.  Hell if it was good
enough for Clarence Thomas, I say write out the subpoena now.
Let's get some answers.  I want to know what is true and what is
fiction.  I want to know now, before the election, no more of
this crap about not wanting to affect the outcome like former
Clinton student judge holds back a serious contempt ruling. I
would think this is the VERY information one should have BEFORE
an election.  I pay taxes through the nose and I would like to
see some work product.  Something besides new, useless
regulations and laws, that is.

So here we are left with an Attorney General, responsible for the
law in the state, cavorting with prostitutes, as far as I know
illegal; being in a position (you should please pardon the pun)
to be blackmailable in that she was videotaped in a compromising
er, well, position.

The Mafia moves over and the Clintons take over.  Reno was a
figurehead when Hubbell was running, with advice from the Clinton
White House, the destruction of those women and children and men
at Waco. Interesting that at the same time Clinton was taking
Chinese Communists through the situation room at the White House,
the tragedy was taking place.  Gary Aldrich, then an agent
working at the White House, reports that he was in the corridor
when everyone, stunned by what was being shown on CNN of the
burning building, watched as Bill Clinton escorted one his

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: RE: [slick-d] Beware Lieberman

2000-08-09 Thread Joe Gillaspie


Aleisha Saba wrote:

 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy


 Subject: RE: [slick-d] Beware Lieberman
 Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 08:44:06 -0500
 From: "House, David Alan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Rabbi Antleman thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's
 commitment to Orthodox Jewry. "How can you be Orthodox and belong to an
 organization which promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the
 past, has financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and
 nazism?" he asks."

  This morning on a TV Broadcast, shoulder to shoulder with AlGore, Lieberman
 said, "In my religion we decide what is best for us." Among other comments
 it is clear as mountain air that he is not simply UNorthodox, he is not
 amenable in any way to any form of religious Jewry or Judaism. His is
 socialist and likely, as the author forwards, an avowed Communist.

  Anyone who has even cursorily examined Judaism in its three primary forms,
 (Orthodox, Liberal/Reform, and Non-Observing), would know that none of these
 would claim to speak for God. At worst they would admit that they simply
 don't know the will of God in their lives. If I had to guess, I'd place
 Lieberman somewhere between Reform and Non-Observing, with some
 Atheist/Humanist self-god stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

  I've listened to this guy from the floor of the Senate, and over time he
 has proven to be a pain in the conservative neck. He is against everything
 which is Constitutional and couldn't possibly honestly take a Presidential
 oath. He spouts destructive ideas and is not in anybody's closet. He is
 everything one would want in an Un-  Anti-Biblical, Un-  Anti-American,
 and is the epitome of what the occasional hate-spewing anti-Jew crowd is
 talking about. The Jews are not our enemies, but a Jewish-by-birth Atheist
 or roots-denying Anti-Moralist most certainly is.

 Thanks Bruce!

 David House

 -Original Message-
 From: Bruce Chesley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 8:07 AM

  Barry Chamish is an Israeli citizen, investigator, lecturer
 and author who has written extensively against the NWO.
 He uncovered and has extensively reported on who, within
 the Israeli government, conspired to assassinate Rabin.
 Bruce Chesley
 Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
 Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.".  Thomas Paine
 Treason for $$$:  ALL "pro 2A" orgs.
 - Begin forwarded message --
 From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1998 01:06:12 +0200

 BEWARE LIEBERMAN by Barry Chamish

   VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman is a member of the Council On Foreign

 Relation (CFR), as are Dick Cheney, and Al Gore. The only candidate not
 the members list is G.W. Bush Jr. who is a member by proxy. His
 Prescott was a CFR pioneer, while dad, George Sr. was an executive of the

 accursed cult whose aim is a one world government. With only 3000
 it is clear that only CFR members and loyalists may become President.
 time around the figures were the same, Gore, Dole and Clinton were CFR
 members. The story has been similar for the past two generations.
Rabbi Marvin Antleman has been fighting the CFR for three decades.

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 Act Fast – coupon expires August 15th

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Aleisha Saba wrote:

 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy


 Subject: RE: [slick-d] Beware Lieberman
 Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 08:44:06 -0500
 From: "House, David Alan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Rabbi Antleman thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's
 commitment to Orthodox Jewry. "How can you be Orthodox and belong to an
 organization which promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the
 past, has financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and
 nazism?" he asks."

  This morning on a TV 

[CTRL] fwd: structure of new world order

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000 01:51:24 -0400 Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Structure of the World-Order

Electronic commerce (e-business) is characterized by world-wide transac-
tions between one country and the rest of the world, over a globalization
climate for cultural export (world-music for markets). Hedge funds are
correlated; a panic in one part of the world affects everyone. Supply more
than 40 per cent of the world's oil, own about 78 per cent of the world's
total reserves!

Transactions between one country and the rest of the world, including
transportation, utilities, shelter, medical care, among other things, but
not transfers such as unemployment on a trans-national level. Various
indices are used in macroeconomic analysis, including the transportation
or agricultural sector. Also used in the sense of the public of the world.

Movements among moving borders in one world-part across others, nations
transferring funds through chaebol or keiretsu banking conglomerates
shifting across continental boundaries. World-wide current-account and
gold on the movement, investments moving shares in restructuring systemic
crises. World-grid shuddering across world-grid, currency valuations
floating pegged to nominal flows of foreign low-risk shares of sponsored
ADR. Jostling and adjustments, record low unemployment levels after tax-
ation and tracking-rates. Almost no one present for crisis compensation,
currency on the move.

grep dollar economics grep poor economics grep rich economics grep invest
economics grep risk economics grep world economics grep world economics 
~/zz grep earth economics grep world economics grep anx economics grep
chance economics grep country economics grep nation economics grep mandate
grep mandate economics grep trans economics grep trans economics  ~/zz
grep kei economics rep kei economics h 1 | grep grep


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Echelon Carnivore on Liddy

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

DATE: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 11:15:40

Eternera Mailing List - http://get.to/eternera

Support Antiwar.com http://Antiwar.com and also the Global Network
Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space http://www.space4peace.org

+Make nonviolent peace. Speak truth to power. Pray for one another. Be
merciful. Love your enemies. Forgive those who've hurt you. Come Lord
Jesus Christ. Deo Gratias.+
 Date:  Tue, 8 Aug 2000 20:15:51 -0500
From:  "ScanThisNews" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  [FP] Echelon  Carnivore on Liddy
To:  "ScanThisNews Recipients List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-Original Message-
From: James A. Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 3:32 PM
Subject: Echelon  Carnivore


On Monday, August 14, I will be on Gordon Liddy's show to discuss Echelon and 
Carnivore.  If you have any late info on these programs, I'd like to hear from you.

BTW, we are also covering these spying projects on two panels during
Surveillance Expo.  If you have anyone to recommend to join one or both
panels, we'd like to hear from you on that.  We're very pleased that
Charles Collins, candidate for President, has agreed to participate in expo
this year and to sit on these panels.  For full information on this year's
expo offerings visit: www.surveillance-expo.com


Jim Ross

Privacy and Security 2001

Ross Engineering Group, Inc.
8785 Commerce Ct., Manassas, VA 20110
T/F:  703-365-2200/0263


Social security is the bane of individual liberty. - SAM
Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
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the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] Feds Reveal \'Operation Smartcard\' Satellite Sting

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

The feds sold the illegal services, thereby making money.  They busted the buyers 
(entrapment) and will undoubtedly make money off of the accused in the form of fines 
and/or incarceration in our prison/sweatshop system.  PLUS these people are paid by 
us, not a little.


Aug 8, 2000 - 10:05 AM

Feds Reveal 'Operation Smartcard' Satellite Sting
By Martin Crutsinger
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal authorities on Tuesday disclosed a 22-month undercover sting 
operation in which government agents sold thousands of counterfeit cards that allowed 
users to steal satellite television signals.
The investigation, dubbed "Operation Smartcard.net," targeted individuals who bought 
counterfeit satellite television access cards providing DirecTV programming at no 
monthly cost.

The investigation, still under way, has resulted in charges against five individuals, 
officials at the Justice Department and U.S. Customs Service said. They said another 
five have pleaded guilty to charges of violating intellectual property rights 

"Buying and selling counterfeit products and services like satellite television access 
cost legitimate businesses and ultimately the consumer millions of dollars each year," 
Attorney General Janet Reno said in a statement announcing the sting operation.

Officials said the investigation began in Blaine, Wash., in September 1998 after 
Customs officials noted a dramatic increase in seizures of pirated or counterfeit 
satellite access cards being smuggled into the United States from Canada.

The smart cards are used by satellite services such as DirecTV to select the 
television channels that can be received by an individual satellite dish at a 
customer's home.

However, authorities said there is a large underground market for counterfeit cards, 
at a black-market price of $325 to $425.

To track down such users, undercover agents sold counterfeit access cards they called 
"Eurocards" through an Internet business created by Customs agents.

By the time the Customs Service terminated the undercover portion of the operation in 
June 1999, agents had sold 3,195 illegal cards to dealers and 382 cards to 
individuals, generating more than $516,000, which was turned over to the U.S. 
Treasury, officials said.

In July 1999, DirecTV used electronic countermeasures to shut down all of the pirated 
cards sold through the government's Web site.

Customs Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said those purchasing the cards "thought they 
got away without paying for satellite TV. Instead, these cyber-pirates will pay in a 
way they hadn't considered."

Officials estimate that use of the illegal cards costs the satellite TV industry $6.2 
million annually in lost revenue.

Reno said the investigation into cases uncovered by the sting operation was continuing 
and further cases could be prosecuted.

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 

[CTRL] Florida/California Prison Torture

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 06:15:32 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kay Lee, a prisoner advocate, well known in Florida, has over 300 inmate
letters detaiing abuse in 3 Florida Prisons (among them Santa Rosa CI).
She also has a piece of dead skin, burnt off by pepper spray, that was
smuggled out by a prisoner in a letter. She has given me permission to forward her 
phone  fax to anyone who may help get the word out, etc.
Her e-mail is usually shutdown due to overfill (tho you can try).

Your e-mail was forwarde to me by Claudia and meister...

Kay Lee
2613 Larry Court
Eau Gallie, Fl
321-253-3673  phone
321-255-9790  fax

Hope springs eternal,

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Exiled Colombian Journo Speaks on Narco News

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist

Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 05:58:05 CDT
   From: "Alberto M. Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Exiled Colombian Journo Speaks on Narco News

A Conversation in Exile:


Exiled Colombian Journalist Alfredo Molano Speaks with Narco News and says:

Washington's Plan Colombia will not slow the illegal drug trade.
But Plan Colombia will

spread the cocaine crop to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and to Northern

increase the narco-power of violent paramilitary squads and their impunity
to commit human rights atrocities (and to threaten journalists)

displace Colombian peasants with the motive of constructing a new
Atlantic-Pacific canal within Colombia

cause grave environmental harm to the Amazon jungle

AUGUST 7, 2000; BARCELONA: Colombian journalist Alfredo Molano and his
family received death threats from US-backed military and paramilitary
forces because he criticized them in his Sunday newspaper column in the
daily El Espectador of Bogota. Today the Molano family lives in exile, in
Europe, in the Catalonian city of Barcelona.

Molano, a leading expert on agriculture and the substitution of coca crops,
granted an interview to The Narco News Bulletin in his apartment in a
traditional fisherman's neighborhood of Barcelona on July 31, 2000. The
interview with publisher Al Giordano was conducted in Spanish and translated
to English for this report. Narco News also offered some of our own analysis
about why certain conservative-libertarian sectors of the US drug policy
reform movement don't want to listen to what their natural allies in Latin
Amirica are saying about the drug war, and the greater Amirica's important
contribution of developing a legalization argument from the Left.

Here, Molano speaks on the imminent danger to his country posed by the $1.3
billion "Plan Colombia" military aid package from Washington. He cites the
importance of Europe's refusal to participate and affirms, "The best way to
fight against drug trafficking is to legalize it." He also explains why the
Latin American Left increasingly embraces the legalization cause.

Full Interview Text At:

salud y abrazo,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

Claudia White~Main Line News~Human  Civil Rights Campaign Internationale' Free Mumia 
Abu Jamal~Free All Political Prisoners~End the Drug War!Stop the US Bombing of Vieques 
 Global Genocide of Indigenous Peoples. Web Read complete archives@
Pray for the Dine'h and traditional Hopi at Big Mountain, AZ, USA.

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

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FREE SHIPPING OR FREE SUNGLASSES at wonderfulbuys.com!  We're giving
free shipping on all our great buys plus get free sunglasses.  Also,
register to win a Total Gym 3000 ($1000.00 retail value).  Click now,
limited time offer.


*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

[CTRL] The GOP\\\'s Lie-apalooza

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar

LOYAL OPPOSITION: The GOP's Lie-apalooza
David Corn, AlterNet
August 7, 2000

Almost all political campaigns lie; some do it better than others. Team Bush and the 
Republican Party demonstrated how well duplicity can be done during their 
warm-and-fuzzy, have-a-nice-election convention in Philadelphia.

There were the big lies -- most noticeably the racial composition of the speakers 
shuffled before the television cameras. Opening night looked more like an NAACP 
gathering than a GOP convention. Nothing wrong in that -- other than the Republicans 
insisted that skin color had nothing to do with the selection of their talking heads. 
This is the party that attacks affirmative action but is quick to practice it covertly 
for secret gain.

Another whopper: Bush has a "bold reform agenda." At a National Review reception 
honoring Representative Henry Hyde, who led the impeachment charge, I encountered 
Ralph Reed, the former Christian Coalition mastermind who is a paid adviser to Bush, 
and asked him to evaluate the convention. As servers carried trays of jumbo shrimp and 
Belgian endives stuffed with duck and apricots to a mostly monochromatic crowd of 
dark-suited conservatives that did not look like "different kinds of Republicans," 
Reed uttered the catch-phrase "bold reform agenda" four times in two minutes, each 
instance flashing a smile that could blind. He was, as they say, on-message.

Bold reform? Not of the campaign finance system or the health care system that leaves 
10 million or so children uninsured. Bush has proposed privatizing Social Security and 
"reforming" the military (read: throw money at it). And that, I suppose, is what Reed 
had in mind. To many others, his excessive use of this term might seem a lie of 

Prevarication abounded in Philadelphia. Hyde insisted that the only reason why the GOP 
impeachment drive was never specifically mentioned at the convention podium was 
because that would "validate" the "Democratic spin" that the impeachment campaign was 
politically motivated. That is, Hyde was asking people to believe the silence on 
impeachment had nothing to do with the Bush camp's plan to soften the party's image 
and distance itself from the Years of Newt.

In pursuit of that softness, the Bush campaign allowed Representative Jim Kolbe, an 
openly gay Republican, to address the convention regarding trade. This scheduling 
decision was widely viewed as a not-too-discreet wink to gays and lesbians. Bush 
campaign spokesman Ari Fleischer asserted Kolbe's sexual preference had nothing to do 
with his appearance. (More senior members of Congress were not granted primetime 
slots.) But was Kolbe's high-profile gig a contradiction, considering the GOP platform 
remained opposed to gay rights and supports the Boy Scouts of America decision to ban 
gay scoutmasters? Didn't the GOP appear a slight bit silly taking the position that 
Kolbe can represent the GOP on a topic of national importance but he cannot lead a Boy 
Scout troop? Not at all, Fleischer said.

To stay on the New Republican feel-good track, the Bushies had to duck such conflicts. 
After Cheney delivered his acceptance speech, his children did not join him on the 
stage, as is customary. Could that have been because 31-year-old Mary Cheney is a 
lesbian? GOP chair Jim Nicholson asserted the Republicans had no problem with Mary. 
Swept up in tolerance fever, he told a reporter, "This party is steadfastly againt 
discrimination regardless of their race, sex, creed or any preferences they choose to 

Well, that's a lie. The platform explicitly states that the Republicans do not approve 
of laws that protect people on the basis of sexual preference. If Mary Cheney loses a 
job or an apartment due to her sexual orientation, the GOP believes she should have no 
recourse. When I asked a Nicholson aide about his remark, she quickly snapped, "I 
don't want to talk about it."

The platform belied many of the GOPers' assertions and actions. Hoping to add some 
middle-America cool to the Motown-ish convention, the Bush campaign enlisted World 
Wrestling Federation star The Rock to introduce House Speaker Denny Hastert at the 
podium. A few sharp-eyed observers noted that the platform moans about "the pollution 
of our culture" and "the glorification of violence." It's hard to propose a more 
popular glorification of violence than the WWF. Responding to criticism regarding The 
Rock's appearance, Ed Gillespie, a Republican spokesperson, snorted, "It's an 
entertainment segment of the portion ... Lighten up and have a little fun. We want to 
boost interest in the program." In other words, entertainment value trumps principle. 
How craven.

T.R. Roosevelt IV was recruited to speak and supply brand-name cover to the GOP on the 
environment, for the original T.R. was a conservationist. He rah-rahed 
environmentalism, praised T.R. for a being a hardass who used the force of the federal 
government to 


2000-08-09 Thread Hilary Thomas

If this did actually happen, those
responsible should be prosecuted for their actions, but knowing the way the
government operates it is more likely that this woman would be brought up on
charges of prostitution rather than the CIA going on trial.

Bob Stokes

Bob, I see you read well the pulse of our current government!


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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] The Boys on the Tracks

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
17/002-3752307-7518463"Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews: The Boys on the …/A
The Boys on the Tracks
by Mara Leveritt

Our Price: $20.76
You Save: $5.19 (20%)
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.
Hardcover - (November 1999) 384 pages

Editorial Reviews

From Kirkus Reviews
Award-winning investigative reporter Leveritts debut is a wrecking-ball tale
of tragedy, malfeasance, and machine politics that resembles an all-true
Arkansas Confidential. In 1987, Linda Ives suffered a parental
worst-nightmare when her son and a friend were run over by a train, whose
crew observed them supine and covered with a tarp before impact. Local law
enforcement attributed the deaths to a massive overdose of marijuana and
dismissed the crews tale as optical illusion, in the first of many suspicious
official fumbles. Ives compelled a series of investigations that began
promisingly yet were inexplicably stifled by such malign forces as the states
notoriously incompetent medical examiner (protected by then-Governor Clinton)
and an admired local prosecutor who championed her cause as camouflage for
his own criminal activities. As years passed, and more unsolved killings
occurred, Ives assembled evidence that the boys had stumbled upon a diffuse
conspiracy involving CIA-backed air suppliers to the Contras, who ran an
enormous cocaine-trafficking operation from a remote airport. Fanciful as
this may sound, Leveritt documents how Ivess quest for transparency was
consistently stymied, first by local agencies, then the state police, finally
by the FBI. A portrait emerges of state governance as a deeply corrupted
good-ol'-boy network, funded by drug money and protected by blackmail and
violence. Leveritts prose is less than taut, and she too often indulges in
repetitive emotional rhetoric regarding the Iveses loss. That said, her
investigatory efforts seem impeccable; little within this page-turner reads
as implausible conspiracy theory. Unlike many works that have dug for the
dirt of the Clinton gubernatorial era, this is an authentically shocking,
deeply unsettling portrait of contemporary American power backstopped by
arrogance and callous greedand of the drug war as a weapon of social control
from which insiders enjoy impunity. One hopes for sufficient outrage garnered
to substitute for justice denied; also, for an inevitable movie adaptation
that wont dilute the storys uglier civic dimensions. -- Copyright ©1999,
Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Linda Ives - Central character of the The Boys on the Tracks
The true and complete story In August 1987, the body of my 17-year-old son,
Kevin, who had been murdered, was left on a railroad track near our home to
be dismembered by an oncoming train. His best friend, also murdered, was
placed on the track beside him. The mutilation was a savage attempt to
destroy evidence of the murders. Other futile attempts to thwart an
investigation quickly followed--first in our county, then in our state, and
finally during federal investigations. Even now, twelve years later, the FBI
refuses to open its files on this case. Many news outlets over the years,
including Dateline, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times Magazine,
have run stories on the murders. But until now, there has been no
comprehensive, definitive book. The Boys on the Tracks, by Mara Leveritt will
be released by St. Martin's Press on November 1. It is the true and complete
story of how my son died and how law enforcement at every level did its best
to sabotage justice. Mara is one of Arkansas's most highly respected
journalists, a reporter who has devoted her career to investigating criminal
justice issues. When she told me she wanted to write this book I gave her my
unreserved cooperation, opened my files to her, and welcomed her interviews.
Having followed her work for quite some time, I knew that her reporting would
be accurate and her writing would be vigorous. I have read the book. I am
well pleased. If you have followed the story of son's murder, read The Boys
on the Tracks. It will fill in every detail you might have missed. If you
know nothing about this case, read The Boys on the Tracks. It is a complete
telling of the tale. And if you've doubted, even for a second, the rationale
behind our country's "war on drugs," read The Boys on the Tracks. And see how
the war has been on us.

Devon Cockrell at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I enjoyed this book immensely. As a student of Arkansas politics, it opened
my eyes to goings on that I was completely unaware of. Mara Leveritt showed
great bravery in taking on the challenge of writing about a subject that many
people wanted to forget. An excellent book, well written, clearly stated.
Book Description
The Boys 


2000-08-09 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 3:24 AM

INFOTERRA: Re: gulf-chat Does US Unleash Biological Weapons

Tue, 19 May 1998 11:38:53 +0300


In January Blazing Tattles, I innocently speculated "One can
wonder, if one is a conspiracy theorist, whether this (screwworm
epidemic in cattle [and humans]) is not some kind of biological
warfare against U.S. `enemies.'" I didn't have the guts to say I
thought it was so, because I had no outside confirmation.
Then the following was received on 2/12 of this year, from
George Pumphrey of Bonn, Germany (whose permission was granted to
quote everything):

Dear Claire,
I would like, on the one hand, to receive a copy of your Jan.
'98 issue of Blazing Tattles. On the other hand, having read your
questioning of the appearance of the Screwworm in Iraq, as you put
it, you find it particularly interesting that the countries
targeted by the U.S. -- Iraq, Iran, and Libya -- all have, or have
had, this screwworm fly problem, whereas the "friendly" Arab
nations have not.
I would like to give you information that I was able to run
down about the screwworm. The German S¸deutsche Zeitung (SZ
1/16/98) describes the extent of the catastrophe as follows:

"In the 8th year of the international economic embargo
against Iraq, a new calamity has befallen the suffering popu-
lation of Saddam's state. In this Arab nation a swarm of
dangerous screwworm flies have descended upon the livestock of
the country. In the month of December alone, 50,000 new
infections were recorded, affecting sheep and beef, warned the
FAO (United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization) in
Rome. "This literally constitutes an explosion", said the
agronomist, Henning Steinfeld. By comparison: during the
preceding 15 months only 30,000 cases were counted.
"The extremely rapid spread of the epidemic -- which has
in the meantime reached 12 of the 18 Iraqi provinces -- is an
indirect consequence of the international sanctions leveled
against Iraq following Iraq's intervention in Kuwait. On the
one hand, the country, as a result of the economic embargo, is
lacking insecticides to ward off this parasite. Aside from
this, the collapse of the infrastructures has also all but
brought the veterinary service completely to a halt, reported
"( . . . ) The plague hits, of all things, the
traditional cattle economy, which -- even though damaged --
had survived the embargo. By comparison, the modern animal
production has been totally destroyed. Due to lack of feed,
the commercial poultry production has dropped to 5%, the dairy
production to 1/3 of its pre-war level. Result: the FAO
estimates the availability of animal protein per-capita to be
only 2,5 (sic.) Grams/day in Iraq (Germany: 60 Grams).
"The infestation of the livestock herds threatens to
render even more acute the already extremely precarious
nutritional situation of 16 million Iraqis. The FAO has sent
out an urgent appeal for immediate measures to combat the
epidemic with insecticides. In Libya, where there was an
outbreak of a screwworm plague occurred in 1989, it was
exemplarily combatted. The prompt commitment by international
organizations to its eradication is also due to the fact that
Europe felt threatened by the plague. The conditions of the
embargo stand in the way of Iraq's receiving rapid
international assistance. An accord which took effect in
December, 1996, allows Baghdad, under stringent UN-control, to
sell a limited amount of oil in order to be able to buy food
and medicine abroad with part of the returns. But a
complicated screening process considerably retards delivery.
The apprehension of the UN-agricultural experts in Rome is now
that by the time the insecticides finally get to Iraq, it
could be too late. "We are racing against the clock," said
the agronomist, Steinfeld."1

Of course one could begin to wonder if one is developing a
"conspiracy theorist complex" if one would suspect the U.S. of
being behind the unexplained appearance of such a devastating
parasite simply on the basis of American hostility toward the Iraqi
people and their government. But there are a number of facts that
cannot be disregarded, a number of questions whose answers lay the
blame at the door of the U.S. government and/or its allies.
If one would scan the lists of biological warfare agents used
by the CIA or DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), one would
certainly not find the screwworm, simply because it is not being
bred in Fort Detrick or Aberdeen or Dugway. It is not even being
bred within the bounds of the United States. It is bred by the
Dept of Agriculture, thousands of 


2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

 Press Release
 August 8, 2000
 CONTACT:  Jake Lewis or Laura Jones - (202) 265-4000
 WASHINGTON, D. C. August 8-Ralph Nader charged today that changes in the
 drug approval policies at the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) threaten
 public health.
 "Today drugs are approved which would have been rejected in the past because
 of doubts about their safety and soundness" Nader said.
 Nader cited, as an example, the FDA-approved drug Rezulin which was taken
 off the market this spring after causing hundreds of cases of severe liver
 toxicity and at least 63 deaths. Rezulin was the fourth drug pulled off the
 market from among those approved in 1997, Nader noted. He said a drug
 approved in 1996 was later banned because it causes often-fatal primary
 pulmonary hypertension and heart valve damage.
 "In most of these cases, there was opposition by FDA's professional staff to
 the approval of these drugs, or urgings of stronger product warnings
 approval, or inadequately-heeded opposition from FDA advisory committee
 members," Nader said. "None of these banned drugs represented a significant
 breakthrough-there was no need for rapid approval."
 In 1998, FDA medical officers--physicians responsible for the primary review
 of New Drug Applications--were surveyed about recent changes in the drug
 approval process. Nader said many of the medical officers claimed that drugs
 they reviewed in the past three years were mistakenly approved. They said
 current standards of FDA review for safety and efficacy are lower than those
 in existence prior to 1995. Many of them stated that the pressure on them to
 approve a high proportion of new drugs was greater than during the period
 prior to 1995.
 "By contrast, recent surveys show that the drug and medical device
 industries have a more positive attitude about FDA than at any previous
 time," Nader said. "Given the record number of drugs approved by the FDA,
 mostly me-too drugs without a significant advantage over existing drugs, it
 not surprising that the drug companies are happy."
 Nader said there had been an absence of "constructive Congressional
 oversight of FDA. Instead of challenging the agency to do a better job
 protecting the public, Congress criticizes it for not being more
 industry-oriented, Nader said.
 Nader said the so-called FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and other legislative
 acts have seriously weakened FDA's regulatory capacity.
 "The manufacturers of medical devices now have a legal alternative to
 seeking approval of their products from the FDA," Nader said. "They can,
 instead, choose a private for profit company to review their application.
 The requirement of two well-controlled studies as a basis for drug approval
 has been changed: Only one such study now suffices. And for the first time,
 drug companies which have FDA approval for one use of a drug can promote the
 drug for treatment of another condition even without adequate evidence of he
 drug's safety and effectiveness with respect to the other condition."
 "New leadership is needed at the top levels of the FDA," Nader said.
 Laura Jones
 Deputy Press Secretary
 Nader 2000
 p: 202-265-4000 * fax: 202-265-0183 * www.votenader.org

For instructions on joining, leaving, or otherwise using the Ban-GEF list,
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with HELP in the SUBJECT line.

Search the archives (since '97) at http://www.txinfinet.com/ban-gef/, or
go to a recent day's digest at
http://www.txinfinet.com/ban-gef/00/.  Updated weekly.

Re: [CTRL] Feds Reveal \'Operation Smartcard\' Satellite Sting

2000-08-09 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 8/9/00 12:57:45 PM Central Daylight Time,

 To track down such users, undercover agents sold counterfeit access cards
 they called "Eurocards" through an Internet business created by Customs

  By the time the Customs Service terminated the undercover portion of the
 operation in June 1999, agents had sold 3,195 illegal cards to dealers and
 382 cards to individuals, generating more than $516,000, which was turned
 over to the U.S. Treasury, officials said.

  Right, there aren't enough crimes going on that need their attention, so
they need to commit a few to create some.  Entrapment is right.  This is as
pitiful as ABSCAM.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: Philly update - 8/9/00

2000-08-09 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Leslie Cagan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 2:22 PM
Subject: [July30] Philly update - 8/9/00

 July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

 Please pass this along to others who might be interested.
 from Leslie Cagan

 This morning I spoke to the legal team working on the situation in
 Philadelphia. Here is the most up-to-date information, followed by some
 background and then ideas on how you can be helpful.

 Total Arrests: 480
 Still in Jail - as of last night (8/8): 309
 Felony cases: 36
 Now on Hunger Strike: almost 150
 Most of those still in custody are practicing jail solidarity - see
 fuller explanation below.

 The medical team in Philadelphia has been meeting with people as they
 are released from jail, and there have been reports from people still in
 jail. For several days people were held in the Roundhouse, the city
 jail, but they have been moved to the county jail where conditions,
 while still not great, are not nearly as severe or cruel as previously.

 Here are some of the difficulties folks have had:
 - At least 32 people experienced excessive force. Of those, there are 7
 are accounts of severe hog ties with plastic handcuffs. "Severe hog
 ties" means that  in less than 30 minutes prisoners' hands were blue,
 swollen and persons were on the verge of loss of consciousness. In two
 of those cases, people were bleeding from the wrist.

 -2 officer's names and badge numbers come up repeatedly. One is
 responsible for dragging a man in the nude, grabbing a protester's
 penis, stepping on necks, jumping on a man's back with the help of 2
 other officers,  and slamming a face into a cell door. The other
 officer's activities include saying "I'll fuck you up the ass and make
 you my bitch," slamming a man against wall repeatedly, punching a
 prisoner in the stomach, holding a prisoner's face in the trash with his
 knee in the prisoner's neck, throwing a prisoner against the wall.

 - 4 cases of denial of access to medication: 1 person with HIV denied
 for 2 days, received on third day. 1 person with migraine and vomiting,
 denied all medicine including over the counter pain meds. 1 hypoglycemic
 person denied access to adequate food.

 -  4 counts of sexual abuse: dragging a man naked, wrenching a man's
 penis, twisting a person's nipples, man subjected to random search of

 - 2 threats of rape from Commanding Officers.

 Bail reduction hearings started on Monday and while a number of people
 had their bail reduced, there have also been new problems:  the city is
 levying new charges against some activists after their intitial
 arraignment; the bail judge refuses to give a hearing to prisoners
 participating in jail solidarity (those who are not giving their names);
 outrageous bail amounts are not being
 reduced in some cases. Average bail was set at $10,000 to $15,000, with
 several people having bails set in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

 Two people have faced $1,000,000 bails.
 1) Kate Sorensen [of ACT-UP Philadelphia, the lead oprganizer of the
 health care demonstration on 7/29, and active with the Philadelphia
 Direct Action Group] is in quarantine until Thursday, when she has a
 hearing, and is not allowed visitors. She's being charged with 10
 felonies including arson, conspiracy, riot, and causing a catastrophe in
 connection with criminal mischief.

 2) John Sellers of the Ruckus Society had his bail reduced on Monday
 from $1,000,000 to $100,000. (The Ruckus Society trains activists in
 creative tactics for non-violent protests.)

 Neither of these people were arrested doing any acts of civil
 disobedience, they were on the sidewalks of Philly!

 1) Jail Solidarity - what is it?
 Many of those arrested during the protests have been practicing Jail
 Solidarity. When deciding to use this tactic, something that has been
 done throughout history, people agreee to  stick together and not
 attempt to be released until basic human rights demands have been met
 and all arrestees are safely released together. Some of the demands
 sought by those doing
 solidarity here include: an end to solitary confinement; access to
 telephones, toilets and essential medication; equal treatment for all
 arrestees, including dropping bogus felony charges;  and access to their

 2) What They Were Demonstrating About?
 During the Republican Convention, thousands of people came together for
 several days of demonstrations about issues being ignored this
 election-year  -- such as the death penalty, poverty and health care.
 Tuesday, Aug. 1st was a day of action to expose problems with the
 criminal justice system, including 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 2

2000-08-09 Thread Kris Millegan

 (Correction to Part 1:  General Walker ran for governor in 1962,
not for "president," as stated.)

The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fascist Templars of the Corporate State
Part 2

By Alex Constantine

 "I think it is a safe prophecy that the Hitlerite movement
has passed its apogee, and that it is unlikely to retain much
longer the appearance of solidity it had a few months ago."
‹ H.J. Lasky,
Daily Herald, November 19, 1932

 Back in 1957, General Walker had made the cover of Time magazine,
credited with furthering the cause of desegregation after he led federal
troops integrating the schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. Actually, Gen.
Walker led the troops only after President Dwight Eisenhower refused his
resignation, historian Don E. Carleton, author of Red Scare, told the Fort
Worth Star-Telegram in 1993. "He did not want to carry out that order," Mr.
Carleton said. "He did not believe in racial integration" (General Walker
obituary, AP release, November 2,1993).
 Walker flew the U.S. flag upside down to express his rage over the
perceived communist leanings of Kennedy and other government officials,
according to Darwin Payne, a former Dallas newspaper reporter.
 "He was not a good speaker. He was a poor campaigner and finished last
in a field of six, which was a surprise because he had so many ardent
followers in the right wing. So that tarnished his reputation," Mr. Payne
recalls (Walker obituary).
 Walker, a Birch Society recruit, loudly declared himself a martyr in
the war against creeping Marxism. At a hearing of the Senate Armed Services
Committee in 1962, he testified that the "conspiracy" was, in the words of
columnist Jack Anderson, "clearing the way for world communism by
systematically slandering and discrediting its effective opponents. The cast
of victims of this 'hidden policy ran to thousands ... and he undertook to
name the brightest of the fallen: General Douglas MacArthur, Defense
Secretary James Forrestal, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Senator Joseph
McCarthy, General George Patton, Congressman J. Parnell Thomas. Walker's
litany of martyrs was standard among the 'anti-communist' right; it could
have been liften intact from the speeches of Senator Joseph McCarthy or
Gerald L.K. Smith a decade earlier, just as it would be reproduced a decade
later in the pamphlets on the fanatical fringe, except that in the latter
case the roster of unheeded prophets would be updated by the addition of
Senator Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut and Representative Michael Feighan of
Ohio (Jack Anderson, Confessions of a Muckraker, Random House, 1979, pp.
 Liberals, even within the Republican Pary, were targeted by the JBS for
defeat. Thomas Kuchel, U.S. senator for 16 years and the last major
Republican to hold office in California, was one of them. Senator Kuchel
expressed particular pride in his support of civil rights bills for
enfranchisement of blacks and desegregation of public facilities during the
Johnson administration in the 1960s. In 1994, the Los Angeles Times reported
that Kuchel "said with characteristic disdain, the main feature of 'right
wing Republicans,' as he understood them, 'was militant anti-Communism.
'They seemed convinced we were about to be invaded by the Communists.' Mr.
Kuchel always traced his trouble with the political right to his response to
a surge of mail he got from members of the then-obscure John Birch Society
shortly after John F. Kennedy became president. 'I got thousands of letters
telling me that Chinese Communists were in Mexico preparing to invade
California,' he recalled. After checking with military authorities, Mr.
Kuchel wrote a short form letter in response: 'We have no evidence of
Communists gathering in Mexico, Chinese or otherwise.' Shortly thereafter,
Mr. Kuchel learned that he was being labeled a 'Comsymp,' a term he had not
heard of until that time. 'I got a little teed off, and prepared a carefully
researched speech critical of the John Birch Society and that kind of
mentality,' he remembered. 'I kicked them around, and they never forgave
me'" (Kuchel obituary, November 23, 1994, L.A. Times).
 An editorial writer for the Times Record News in Witchita Falls
followed the political machinations of the Birch Society from an early age
("A Society of Hate," Oct. 25, 1998), observed that JBS founder Robert Welch
"was not in government but despised most of those inside it, was never
stopped, and his influence grew even as McCarthy¹s bulb dimmed and died
out." Birchers in Texas were politically hyperactive in those days, and
gained a political foothold in local politics, "and that¹s how I know they
were an ornery bunch. The first person I actually came to know as a Bircher
was a kid I¹d gone through school with who showed up one day outside the
schoolhouse with the trunk of his 

[CTRL] Fw: Punish those responsible for the damage done in Philadelphia!!

2000-08-09 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Dana Williams" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 4:13 PM
Subject: [July30] Punish those responsible for the damage done in

 July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

 Editorial: Punish those responsible for the damage done in

 In what appears to be a well-planned out conspiracy against the
 American public, the Republican and Democrat parties are engaged in a
 subterfuge designed to subtly disrupt all democratic activities, by
 limiting issues and choices in November.

 The American public, of course, does not "take lightly the nature of
 the activity that took place" in Philadelphia last week, nor do they
 support actions of those who conspired to disrupt "The American
 Dream" and other contrived plans. The Republicans had a expertly
 designed plan to take over and restrain the normal functioning
 mechanisms of democracy in the city of Philadelphia-- indeed the
 country-- in a fashion that only can be described as a "direct
 challenge to law and order". These are, of course, the same
 individuals who have continually disrupted the peace in the past,
 such as in Seattle at the WTO meetings and the IMF/World Bank
 meetings in Washington, D.C.

 They communicated via cell phones and held secret meetings at which
 they discussed tactical means of overcoming resistance to their
 extremist ideas. Then, once putting their plans into action displayed
 callous disregard for human life and private property in their mad
 drive for attention.

 Apparently, this roaming group of so-called "leaders" travel from
 place to place, agitating on behalf of a small minority of special
 interests, trying to control and "shut-down" democracy. It's long
 overdue for this group of crazies to get locked up for their
 disruptions and pay the consequences for their criminal actions!

 ;-)  [spoof of UPI article]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NEWS: Edinburgh News death row petition on innocent Richey grows

2000-08-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

Please vote for a retrial on Kenny Richy, Innocent Scott on USA Death row:
click on pic of Kenny at top right hand side of site. Add email address and

All Links to campaign sites

  Kenny says the support the people of Edinburgh have shown is

  Evening News petition gathers pace


  DEATH Row Scot Kenny Richey was today said to be "delighted" after more
than 1000 people backed the Evening News campaign to grant him a re-trial.

  Following a series of articles, 1051 people have so far signed the
petition launched last week to lobby authorities in the United States for
another hearing.

  Some 525 people from Edinburgh have signed up, but 417 signatures have
come from the United States and across the world, posted on the Evening News
website. Another 109 have been posted on a related campaign website.

  Kenny, 36, who grew up in Edinburgh, was convicted of starting the fire
which killed two-year-old Cynthia Collins in Columbus Grove, Ohio, in 1986.

  The child's mother, Hope, claimed Kenny had agreed to babysit, and the
prosecution alleged he started the fire to kill a former girlfriend and her
new lover in the apartment below.

  Kenny was sentenced to death after judges decided he had deliberately
disconnected the smoke detector in the apartment.

  However there is evidence that the child's mother did this herself on
the night of the fire, and that Cynthia had a history of starting fires.

  Kenny has always protested his innocence, and refused a plea bargain
before his trial which would have saved him from the electric chair.

  After 13 execution dates, his Boston attorneys are still trying to have
new evidence presented in court to over-turn his conviction.

  Kenny, who has spent the past 13 years on Death Row at Mansfield
Correctional Institute, was today said to be overwhelmed by the response so
far to the Evening News campaign.

  Karen Torley, co-ordinator of the Kenny Richey Campaign, said: "I spoke
to Kenny earlier on today and he was asking me all about it.

  " He said it is absolutely fantastic that people from Edinburgh are
getting to know more about his case.

  "I told him how many signatures there were and he said that was
brilliant. He was really, really pleased about it."

  His lawyers argue that Kenny was convicted on circumstantial evidence.

  They want to present evidence from leading experts to show that
forensic tests - which indicated the fire was started deliberately - used
contaminated samples and were scientifically flawed.

  They argue that the fire was most likely started by discarded smoking

  A witness for the prosecution in Kenny's trial, John Butler, has also
claimed he was used by the prosecution to portray Kenny as a violent
sociopath. Having looked at the new evidence, Mr Butler told the Evening News
he now believes that Kenny is innocent.

  Kenny's supporters also believe that his case was prejudiced because
the assistant prosecutor, Randall Basinger, was running for election as judge
at the time, and Ms Torley added: "We thought people in Edinburgh had
probably heard his story a million times.

  "But now they have heard different things, including the story from
John Butler who had never spoken before.

  "We are delighted that we are getting all these signatures and
hopefully the people in Ohio who matter will start looking at his case."

  She urged Evening News readers to give their backing to the campaign.
"It is important that as many people as possible get involved. They can make
a difference."

  Readers can sign up for the petition at www.edinburghnews.com.

EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
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CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] No Government Mind Control ?

2000-08-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

 The End of the Line
 No Government Mind Control ?

 So, you don't believe the U.S. government is spending tax dollars on mind
 control technology? Consider the following: We recently received a copy of a
 letter to the Southern California Edison Company Health Research and
 Evaluation Division. The author indicates he has received no response to
 date. Here are the first two paragraphs of the letter. Following it are
 links to two websites containing more very disturbing information...

 Dear Dr. ,

 I have become aware of the disturbing fact that the Southern California
 Edison Company is participating in covert electromagentic testing programs.
 The Southern California Edison Company is presently utilizing transformers
 (located on common power poles) that are actually operational platforms for
 advanced electronic equipment. Concealed within or on some of the
 cylindrical casings of the company's operated transformers and/or "dummy"
 transformers, are highly sophisticated electronic devices.

 These devices generate focused emissions of electromagnetic energy which are
 aimed and discharged by a fire control tracking systems targeting human
 beings. The Department of Defense refers to such technologies as "directed
 energy systems". This particular form of dosimetry/exposure assessment
 research qualifies as covert testing of involuntary human subjects.

 As to the telephone pole deployment of these "directed energy systems", the
 following operational conditions apply:

 1. The actual emitters (directed energy systems) are cleverly concealed from
 view. When seen from the outside/below, the public sees only a transformer,
 not the gadgetry hidden inside.

 2. The electric power (and communications links) to operate these devices is
 right at hand on the pole.

 3. Being mounted high up in the air affords the ideal position providing for
 wide angles of directed fire in the targeting of human test subjects below.

 For further information on the covert testing of electronic weapons on
 innocent civilians in their communities and homes which is illegal, immoral,
 and is NOT necessary for national security we suggest you visit the
 following two internet sites:



 Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Homepage
 Political Intrigue

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: GLOBAL Governance is GLOBAL Socialism.....Questions? (fwd)

2000-08-09 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 15:28:16 -0700
Subject: SNET: GLOBAL Governance is GLOBAL Socialism.Questions?

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Global governance is global socialism
By Henry Lamb web posted August 7, 2000


Global governance is a creation of the International Socialist Party, and
particularly, of Willy Brandt, former Chair of Socialist International.
Brandt invited 30 world leaders to a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden on April
22, 1991. Among the guests were Ingvar Carlsson, then Prime Minister of
Sweden, and Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, and Chair of
the 1987 U.N. Commission on Environment and Development.

The meeting was reported in the EcoSocialist Review
http://www.dsausa.org/dsa/rl/ESR/Stkm.html ,
Summer 1991, a publication of the Democratic Socialists of America. The
meeting report says:

 "The 28 proposals concurred upon represent a shot-across-the-bow of
George Bush's New World Order, and [makes] clear that now is the time to
press for the subordination of national sovereignty to democratic

 The final recommendation in this report called for the creation of an
Independent Commission on Global Governance. Willy Brandt first secured
the blessing of, and funding from, Butrous- Butrous Ghali, then U.N.
Secretary General, and proceeded to appoint 28 members to his Commission
on Global Governance (CGG). Ignvar Carlsson and Shridath Ramphal, past
president of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, where
named co-chairs.

 The CGG worked for three years and published its 410-page report in 1995.
Titled Our Global Neighborhood
http://www.sovereignty.net/p/gov/gganalysis.htm  the report set forth very
specific recommendations to achieve the socialists' vision of global

 As is now common practice, a network of NGOs (non-government
organizations) was created to advance the report's agenda. The NGOs
fashioned the CGG recommendations into a smaller, easy-to-read "Charter
for Global Democracy http://www.charter99.org/ ." The Charter consolidated
the CGG recommendations into 12 principles for restructuring and
empowering the United Nations to implement global governance.

 Simultaneously, Maurice Strong, a member of the Commission on Global
Governance, was named Executive Coordinator for U.N. Reform, and put in
charge  http://www.sovereignty.net/p/gov/ggunreform.htm  of restructuring
the U.N. in preparation for the new role the U.N. expects to perform in
the 21st century.

 To make legal this transformation from "...national sovereignty to
democratic transnationalism," the U.N. has scheduled a series of meetings
under the banner "Millennium Assembly and Summit,"
http://www.un.org/millennium/ which will take place September 6-9, 2000,
in New York. The Assembly is the regular meeting of the 55thsession of the
U.N. General Assembly. A part of this session will be devoted to what is
called the "Millennium Summit." In addition to the official delegates to
the U.N., the heads of state from as many as 160 nations are expected to
be in attendance.

 The U.N. delegates and heads of state will receive mountains of
documents, including a report
http://www.millenniumforum.org/html/papers/mfd26May.htm from the newly
created NGO Millennium Forum, an assembly of representatives from "civil
society," which will urge the delegates and heads of state to adopt the
recommendations their report contains. Not surprisingly, their report
contains essentially the same principles advanced in the Charter for
Global Democracy, albeit, with more words, and in "kinder, gentler"

 The delegates and heads of state will also receive a report from the
Secretary General which, in even more words, says the same things advanced
by the NGO report. Kofi Annan's report discusses why the U.N. must have
independent sources of revenue, why there must be a U.N. standing army,
why there must be changes within the U.N. Security Council, and why each
of the CGG's recommendations must be implemented.

 The delegates and heads of state are most likely to be asked to adopt a
declaration which sets forth all these recommendations as goals to be
achieved in order to improve global governance. The declaration is also
likely to call for the creation of a new, official, Commission to
implement the recommendations they have adopted.

 When all the official delegates to the U.N., and the heads of state from
160 nations adopt such a declaration, the U.N. will have a mandate to move
forward rapidly with the plans that have been under development for many
years. This document does not have to be reviewed or approved by Congress.
America can be committed to support the document by the signature of a
bureaucrat appointed by the President.

[CTRL] NEWS: Double Texecutions tonight - Watch Texas News Online Coverage

2000-08-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-08-09 19:13:53 EDT, you write:

 Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty - http://www.ccadp.org

 Hello All...

 Not a very cheery message this evening.  As we are sending this message
 Brian Robeson is on the gurney, the first Texecution of the evening...he
 was strapped down at 6:00, and they expect to wheel his body out and
 proceed with the execution of Oliver Cruz, who is mentally retarded with
 an IQ of 63...he will be strapped down and executed at 6:45 (7:45 EST)
 Texas time barring a last minute stay
 The American Bar Association, among others, have asked Texas officials for
 a stay, as the execution of the mentally ill is against all international

 Texas news coverage online is at :


 Click on YAHOO broadcast for news when its live, or archives under Wed
 later on - they said they will cover it later this hour live and continue
 coverage at 10:00 their time (11:00 EST...)

 More local news available by clicking on www.broadcast.com , find TV, then
 LOCAL...several Texas channels amongst others.

 To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: RE: [slick-d] Beware Lieberman

2000-08-09 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 This morning on a TV Broadcast, shoulder to shoulder with AlGore, Lieberman
said, "In my religion we decide what is best for us." Among other comments
it is clear as mountain air that he is not simply UNorthodox, he is not
amenable in any way to any form of religious Jewry or Judaism. His is
clearly socialist and likely, as the author forwards, an avowed Communist.

A strange 'socialist' cum 'Communist', considering Lieberman's history of kowtowing to 
Big Money Interests

If Reagan and his cronies are 'socialists' and 'Communists', then so is Senator 
Lieberman, because he is of the same ilk.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Pretty Boy Bush's Secret

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon


Posted: August 7, 2000 06:10 PM

(WSVN) George P. Bush, the son of Florida's Governor and nephew of the
Republican candidate for the White House was the subject of a 1994 Miami-Dade
Police report for Burglary and Criminal Mischief.

The 24-year-old rising star of the Republican Party was 18 years old at the
time and was home in the Kendall area of Miami-Dade County because he was on
winter break from Houston's Rice University.

The Police report contains allegations that George P. broke into the Killian
area home of his ex-girlfriend. It also accuses him of driving his Ford
Explorer through two front lawns, doing an estimated $300 in property damage.

The Police Report, obtained by 7 News, syas the family of Bush's
ex-girlfriend, declined to press charges.

George P. Bushis currently campaigning for his uncle, G.O.P. Presidential
Candidate George W. Bush. The Campaign says George P. Bush plans to attend
Law School at the University of Texas later this fall.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Pretty Boy Bush's Secret

2000-08-09 Thread Ray Mutzel

AND S . . .

What exactly is the point of this frivolous post ???

Much more a waste of bandwidth than my question . {:-)


At Wednesday 08/09/2000 20:39, you wrote:

Posted: August 7, 2000 06:10 PM

(WSVN) George P. Bush, the son of Florida's Governor and nephew of the
Republican candidate for the White House was the subject of a 1994 Miami-Dade
Police report for Burglary and Criminal Mischief.

The 24-year-old rising star of the Republican Party was 18 years old at the
time and was home in the Kendall area of Miami-Dade County because he was on
winter break from Houston's Rice University.

The Police report contains allegations that George P. broke into the Killian
area home of his ex-girlfriend. It also accuses him of driving his Ford
Explorer through two front lawns, doing an estimated $300 in property damage.

The Police Report, obtained by 7 News, syas the family of Bush's
ex-girlfriend, declined to press charges.

George P. Bushis currently campaigning for his uncle, G.O.P. Presidential
Candidate George W. Bush. The Campaign says George P. Bush plans to attend
Law School at the University of Texas later this fall.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pretty Boy Bush's Secret

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 8/9/00 8:14:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

 AND S . . .

 What exactly is the point of this frivolous post ???

 Much more a waste of bandwidth than my question . {:-) 

Sorry to waste your precious time Raymond...ya' know ya' can't ALWAYS hit a
homerun...it DOES seem to me though that the Illuminati-Bush family's secret
past is relevant...that this "fair-haired" kid has been put out there by
Bush's people to win the hearts and votes of the Latino community as well as
the females...and that this post, while "light" was NOT frivolous.
Lighten up Raymond!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Freemasonry's Ancient Charges

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon

Freemasonry's Ancient Charges
Distributed Freely by The Masonic Forum on America Online - June 1999.
No Freemason should be without a copy of these charges.
They go directly to the heart of what it means to be a Freemason.


The Ancient Charges of a Freemason
Printed in the Year of Masonry 5723; of our Lord 1723.
James Anderson
Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, etc., of that most Ancient and
Right Worshipful Fraternity, for the Use of the Lodges. Dedicated to his
Grace the Duke of Montagu the last Grand Master, by Order of his Grace the
Duke of Wharton the present Grand Master, authorized by the Grand Lodge of
Masters and Wardens at the Quarterly Communication. Order'd to be publish'd
and recommended to the Brethren by the Grand Master and his Deputy.
Extracted From The Ancient Records of Lodges beyond the Sea, and of those in
England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the use of the Lodges in London. To be
read at the making of New Brethren, or when the Master shall order it.
The General Heads, viz.:
I. Of God and Religion.
II. Of the Civil Magistrate, supreme and subordinate.
III. Of Lodges.
IV. Of Masters, Wardens, Fellows and Apprentices.
V. Of the Management of the Craft in working.
VI. Of Behavior, viz.:
1. In the Lodge while constituted.
2. After the Lodge is over and the Brethren not gone.
3. When Brethren meet without Strangers, but not in a Lodge.
4. In Presence of Strangers not Masons.
5. At Home and in the Neighborhood.
6. Toward a strange Brother.
I. Concerning God and Religion
A Mason is oblig'd by his Tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly
understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious
Libertine. But though in ancient Times Masons were charg'd in every Country
to be of the Religion of that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet 'tis
now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that Religion in which all
Men agree, leaving their particular Opinions to themselves; that is, to be
good Men and true, or Men of Honour and Honesty, by whatever Denominations or
Persuasions they may be distinguish'd; whereby Masonry becomes the Center of
Union, and the Means of conciliating true Friendship among Persons that must
have remain'd at a perpetual Distance.
II. Of the Civil Magistrate Supreme and Subordinate
A Mason is a peaceable Subject to the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or
works, and is never to be
concern'd in Plots an Conspiracies against the Peace and Welfare of the
Nation, nor to behave himself undutifully to inferior Magistrates; for as
Masonry hath been always injured by War, Bloodshed, and Confusion, so ancient
Kings and Princes have been much dispos'd to encourage the Craftsmen, because
of their Peaceableness and Loyalty, whereby they practically answer'd the
Cavils of their Adversaries, and promoted the Honour of the Fraternity, who
ever flourish'd in Time of Peace. So that if a Brother should be a Rebel
against the State he is not to be countenanced in his Rebellion, however he
may be pitied as any unhappy Man; and, if convicted of no other Crime though
the Loyal Brotherhood must and ought to disown hi Rebellion, and give no
Umbrage or Ground of political Jealousy to the Government for the time being,
they cannot expel him from the Lodge, and his Relation to it remains
III. Of Lodges
A Lodge is a place where Masons assemble and work; Hence that Assembly, or
duly organized Society of Masons, is call'd a Lodge, and every Brother ought
to belong to one, and to be subject to its By-Laws and the General
Regulations. It is either particular or general, and will be best understood
by attending it, and by the Regulations of the General or Grand Lodge
hereunto annex'd. In ancient Times, no Master or Fellow could be absent from
it especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a sever Censure,
until it appear'd to the Master and Wardens that pure Necessity hinder'd him.
The persons admitted Members of a Lodge must be good an true Men, free-born,
and of mature and discreet Age, no Bondmen no Women, no immoral or scandalous
men, but of good Report.
IV. Of Masters, Wardens, Follows and Apprentices
All preferment among Masons is grounded upon real Worth and personal Merit
only; that so the Lords may be well served, the Brethren not put to Shame,
nor the Royal Craft despis'd: Therefore no Master or Warden is chosen by
Seniority, but for his Merit. It is impossible to describe these things in
Writing, and every Brother must attend in his Place, and learn them in a Way
peculiar to this Fraternity: Only Candidates may know that no Master should
take an Apprentice unless he has Sufficient Imployment for him, and unless he
be a perfect Youth having no Maim or Defects in his Body that may render him
uncapable of learning the Art of serving his Master's Lord, and of 

[CTRL] Satanic Subversion Of The U.S. Military

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon

Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg


On February 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an
extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a
civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically
abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring liked to
powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military
and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on February 27, Judge
Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1
million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said
was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn
testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide
pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the
streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his
early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted all
of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers
that millions of children in American face from this hideous, literally
Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said
organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul,
and they can verify everything that has happened," she told the court.

"What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an
offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the
1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold W
ar because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.

"It was very successful. They could do it very well."

Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of
Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He
was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he
was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in
ritualist sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government
program to use [in] this experimentation on children.

"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into
multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned
under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a
multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."

She continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or
anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so
bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was
presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."

Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino
has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force
Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's
activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."

Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide
pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who
ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci
referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."

A second witness who testified at the February 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was
King's personal photographer. He later described to EIR another incident
which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still
on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at
a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a
suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," who he later
positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the
suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that
"the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise
associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the
"secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.

Just who is Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.), and what does the evidence
revealed in a Nebraska court hearing say about the current state of affairs
inside the U.S. military? Is the Aquino case some kind of weird aberration
that slipped off the Pentagon radar screen?

Not in the least.

Aquino, Satan and the U.S. military

Throughout much of the 1980s, Aquino was at the center of a controversy
involving the Pentagon's acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside
the military services. Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of
pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children,
including the 

[CTRL] Japan Times-Bank Officials Tried To End W.W.II

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon

Bank officials tried to put an end to World War II

Kyodo News

A Swedish international financial official, who later became the third
managing director of the International Monetary Fund, engaged in secret
maneuvers to help end World War II from neutral Switzerland at the request of
his Japanese colleagues, declassified documents from Princeton University
In July 1945, Per Jacobsson, a senior official at the Basel-based Bank for
International Settlements, secretly approached Allen Dulles, an official in
the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, to act as a mediator between Japan and
the United States.

Despite Dulles' reports on Japanese proposals to then U.S. Secretary of War
Henry Stimson, negotiation efforts failed partly because Kojiro Kitamura and
Kan Yoshimura, Jacobsson's BIS colleagues who requested the discussions, were
deemed noninfluential with the Japanese government.

Kitamura, then Japanese director of the BIS, and Yoshimura, head of the
bank's foreign exchange department, launched the covert plan while
maintaining contact with Shunichi Kase, then envoy to Switzerland.

Kitamura and Yoshimura held intense talks with Jacobsson from July 10 to 13,
according to the documents from the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University in New Jersey.

The talks resulted in the compilation of Kitamura's proposal that the
Imperial family be secured and the Constitution of the Empire of Japan,
promulgated in 1889, be preserved. Dubbed the Meiji Constitution, it referred
to the nation's emperor as "sacred and inviolable."

Jacobsson compiled a report of the discussions in a memorandum to Dulles.
Jacobsson reported that he insisted no negotiations would be possible without
Japan's unconditional surrender. He also proposed that Japan release half a
dozen imprisoned U.S. soldiers and prisoners of war over the age of 45 as a
move of "good faith."

In the memo, the Swedish official also said he told his Japanese colleagues
that although he thought the Allied Forces did not want to oust the Japanese
Imperial family, it would be difficult to obtain a statement confirming that
thought, which could only be issued by U.S. President Harry Truman and
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

According to Kitamura's proposal, he and Yoshimura were trying to sound out
Truman's personal opinion about the status of the Imperial family and the
Constitution should Japan agree to an unconditional surrender.

Following the talks, Jacobsson traveled to Wiesbaden, Germany, on July 14 to
15 and handed the documents to Dulles, who had been touted for his success in
striking a peace deal with German forces in northern Italy in March 1945.

Meanwhile, the OSS, the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency, had
received information that proved to be disadvantageous to the secret
negotiations. According to a declassified OSS document, an agent said that
Kitamura was "putting out a trial balloon without much authority or backing."

"He has been away from his home too long to carry much weight there. Further,
I doubt whether a financial man would be given much of a hearing today in
that particular country," the agent wrote.

At the time, the Japanese government was giving top priority to its talks
with the Soviet Union, with which Japan signed a neutrality pact in 1941.
Japan wanted the Soviets to act as an intermediary in any peace deal between
Japan and the Allied Forces.

But Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had promised the Allies that the Soviet Union
would attack Japan within 90 days of the surrender of Germany.

Germany surrendered to the Allies in May 1945, and the Soviet Union declared
war on Japan on Aug. 8 that year.

Dulles traveled to Potsdam in eastern Germany on July 20 and relayed the
proposals from Kitamura and Yoshimura to Allied leaders gathered to discuss
how to end the war, according to the documents.

But in a statement of personal impressions dated July 15, Dulles questions
the credibility of the two Japanese financial officials in the eyes of their

In the end, he did not receive a reply to the proposals from Stimson in
Potsdam. He later wrote he did not expect an answer as Stimson could not make
the decision alone.

Overall efforts to stop the war on the Pacific theater hit a snag after the
Potsdam Declaration was issued July 26, in which the Allied countries
demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Dulles, who later headed the CIA, wrote in the foreword to a report on
Jacobsson's role in surrender negotiations with Japan that when he met with
Stimson on July 20, he did not know the U.S. had successfully tested an
atomic bomb July 16 and planned to drop one on Hiroshima on Aug. 6.

"One wonders whether, if the Japanese negotiators had come a little earlier
and had been more clearly authorized to speak for their government, that
explosion would have taken place," he wrote.

The Japan Times: Aug. 9, 2000
(C) All rights reserved


[CTRL] Memo-Ike Ordered Lumumba's Assassination

2000-08-09 Thread William Shannon

Memo reveals Ike ordered assassination
Tuesday, 8 August 2000 10:40 (ET)

Memo reveals Ike ordered assassination

 WASHINGTON, Aug 8 (UPI) -- The CIA planned to kill Congo's first premier,
Patrice Lumumba, following a perceived go-ahead from President Eisenhower in
1960 -- but others beat U.S. agents to the punch, the Washington Post
reported Tuesday.

 A memo describing an Aug. 18, 1960 meeting of the National Security
Council, has Eisenhower turning to CIA Director Allen Dulles ``in the full
hearing of all those in attendance and saying something to the effect that
Lumumba should be eliminated.'' That statement was followed by a long
silence in the room, according to the memo.

 Robert H. Johnson, who took notes at the meeting, told U.S. Senate
investigators in a 1975 briefing and hearings that he recalled Eisenhower
saying, ``something -- I can no longer recall the words -- that came across
to me as an order for the assassination of Lumumba.''

 After the 1960 NSC meeting, in September the CIA dispatched a scientist
bearing a vial of poison to be injected into Lumumba's food. In a cable Aug.
26, 1960 to the CIA station chief ion the Congo, Dulles wrote: ``In high
quarters here, it is the clear-cut conclusion that if (Lumumba) continues to
hold high office, the inevitable result will at best be chaos and at worst
pave the way to Communist takeover ... His removal must be an urgent and
prime objective.''

 Before the CIA could poison Lumumba, Congolese rebels killed him and the
Church committee said ``but it does not appear from the evidence that the
United States in any way was involved in the killing.''

 Investigators believe former colonial ruler Belgium had a hand in
Lumumba's slaying. A parliamentary probe has started in Belgium, prompted by
a book that claims Belgian officials helped in the killing and possibly
helped dispose of Lumumba's body; the book claims Lumumba's body  was cut up
with a hacksaw and dumped in sulfuric acid.

 U.S. Archives officials found the document and notes in material related
to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - the Church Committee
investigating assassination plots against foreign leaders -- and
cross-referenced in material related to the 1970s probe of the assassination
of President John. F. Kennedy. The Church committee said there was ``a
reasonable inference'' Eisenhower had ordered the killing but did not make a
definite finding.

 After years of bloody fighting, Congo became Zaire. Now the bloody
fighting has resumed and the co9ubntry has been renamed back to the
Democratic Republic of Congo.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Lieberman and the ADL?

2000-08-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

Does anyone know of any connections between the most moral
Vice Presidential candidate in American history and the ADL?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

2000-08-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

1. Does anyone know if Lieberman has taken a position, public or  behind the
scenes, on the release of Jonathan Pollard?

2. Does anyone know if Lieberman has "dual citizenship", say, in the U.S.
and in Israel?

3.  Does anyone know anything about Lieberman's first marriage?  How many
times has he
been married?  What were the circumstances of his divorce?  Has anyone seen the
court filings and claims made in the divorce?  Who divorced whom, and for
what reasons?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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[CTRL] WACO: Gunshot Evidence

2000-08-09 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Ian Goddard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: WACO: Gunshot Evidence
Date: Friday, August 04, 2000 2:27 PM

   The following webpage contains compelling evidence
   of gunfire either at or from Mt Carmel during the
   April 19, 1993 fire, which I've just discovered on
   a tape known as the "FBI SWAT-team videotape." I've
   provided a sound file so that you can hear and judge
   this evidence for yourself. This tape was recorded
   from sniper nest Sierra 3, about 100 yards from Mt
   Carmel. First you'll hear the apparent crack of
   a gunshot followed by one or two people that
   say "GOOD SHOT" then "GOOD SHOT" again:


   After that you hear a voice that comes in over a
   police-type radio at the sniper's nest that says:
   "We have rounds cooking off or shots being fired."
   That speaker is apparently at another location.
   Please download and save that sound file. There
   is a lot of background noise, so listen closely,
   and you'll want to listen to it several times.
   I experienced a few distortions in some runs
   of this clip while hearing it via Netscape.

   A Brief Overview of The Evidence Presented Above

   Perhaps the most dedicated Waco researcher I've ever
   known was Richard Sanford, a retired nuclear physicist
   and fellow founding member of the Committee for Waco
   Justice (CWJ). [*] It was a great loss to us all when
   Richard died of a sudden heart attack last week, on
   July 25th. Richard's fiancee donated to the CWJ all
   of Richard's Waco files including the FBI SWAT-team
   video examined at the webpage above, which Richard
   acquired a few years ago from attorney Linda Thompson,
   who acquired it from the government in a FOIA release.

   The FBI SWAT-team video was made by an agent who brought
   his own camcorder to the Waco scene and from sniper nest
   Sierra 3 he taped the Mount Carmel Center as it burned.
   As I viewed the full tape a few days ago for the first
   time, while the fire is seen burning I heard what sounds
   like the sharp crack of a gunshot followed by one or two
   people that say "good shot" and then "good shot" again,
   the second time even louder and clearer than the first.
   Wow! Here we have a tape from a known sniper nest and
   in the background we hear what clearly appears to be
   a gunshot followed by people saying "Good shot." The
   easiest explanation is also the most disturbing.
   A range of possible explanations are explored:


   There are other apparent gunshots heard a few moments
   after the shot discussed above, and those shots were
   presented in Linda Thompson's video "Waco II: The Big
   Lie Continues," and they can be heard at this website:


   About those gunshots, Linda Thompson says: "Listen to
   the FBI SWAT-team tape as the fire burns. Shots can be
   heard from nearby and echoing off the house. That means
   shots were being fired at the house, not from the house."

   [*] The Committee For Waco Justice:

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Distrust simmers as police, activists brace for convention

2000-08-09 Thread Oscar


Distrust simmers as police, activists brace for convention

By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 8/7/2000

OS ANGELES - Post-Philadelphia, pre-Los Angeles, the paranoia is already apparent.

One protest organizer refuses to disclose his Los Angeles location over the telephone, 
fearful that the call is being monitored. A local police official declines to discuss 
specific security arrangements, unwilling to tip his department's hand. Protest 
leaders contend that undercover officers have infiltrated the building that houses 
their headquarters. Police in riot gear turn out on Thursday to quell a loud but 
otherwise peaceful union march.

Each side calls the other capable of lies, deception, and dirty tricks.

''We've had this incredible amount of surveillance and harassment,'' said Lisa 
Fithian, an organizer of the coming demonstrations, which she stressed are intended to 
be nonviolent. ''They've videotaped our building, the fire inspector showed up 
suddenly, there are cop cars parked outside. It's outrageous.''

Countered Lieutenant Horace Frank, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department: 
''We're not doing any surveillance. Our job is to be aware of what's going on in the 
community. But that's the kind of rhetoric they're stirring up in the hope we will not 
do police work.''

With the Democratic National Convention less than a week away, both protesters and 
police are, as the saying goes, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. 
They are also looking to Philadelphia's experience for hints of what could happen 
here. But the lessons being learned are mixed.

For their part, Los Angeles police generally applaud the restraint showed by their 
East Coast counterparts: no tear gas, pepper spray, or rubber bullets fired into the 
crowds, even when a few of the mostly peaceful protests turned violent. Police 
Commander Mark Leap promised a similar response in Los Angeles, insisting that force 
would be used only as a last resort.

Demonstrators, however, say they came away from the Republican National Convention 
more worried than ever that their First Amendment rights to gather in public are at 
risk. In Philadephia, they charge, police carried out a preemptive operation to collar 
demonstration leaders, with bail for one set at $1 million although he was charged 
only with misdemeanors. In another instance, police with a now-sealed search warrant 
raided a puppet-making factory, saying they would find evidence of plans to disrupt 
the city and arresting about 70 people.

''There is more than one way to prevent people from exercising their First Amendment 
rights, and it doesn't always come at the end of a baton,'' said James Lafferty, 
executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, which 
will have some 200 legal observers on the street and will represent arrested 
demonstrators free of charge. ''People are chilled. My god, even puppets are not safe. 
It's very alarming.''

The LAPD, like other police departments nationwide, does have an arsenal of weapons to 
stop any outbreak of violence during the daily demonstrations, including a recently 
demonstrated chemical that causes a person to smell so awful that others cannot come 
near. But with its already besmirched reputation on the line after the Rodney King 
beating, the 1991 riots, and an ongoing corruption scandal that is the widest in 
memory, police officials understand that their performance will be scrutinized closely.

In the wake of the scandal, in which officers in the Rampart district are accused of 
beating suspects, planting evidence, and lying in court to win convictions of gang 
members, the federal government is in talks with the city over how to improve the 
tracking of problem officers. So far, one police officer from the district has been 
fired as a result of the scandal, with other dismissals expected. Some 70 officers are 
under investigation, and there are indications that the corruption spread into other 

''I'm not going to play dumb; there have been incidents that tarnished our image,'' 
Frank said. ''We have to live through it and go beyond it. ... In all honesty, this 
convention is very important for us. It's a chance to showcase the city of Los Angeles 
and for the LAPD to shine. We're going to do that.''

The circumstances confronting both police and protesters in Los Angeles, however, are 
far different from those faced in Philadelphia, although police there were also under 
pressure to keep their weapons holstered following last month's televised beating of a 
car chase suspect.

For starters, the Republican convention was held in a sports arena on the outskirts of 
the city, and protesters gathered there in large numbers just once. In Los Angeles, 
delegates will convene downtown, creating the possiblity of intentional traffic 
tie-ups and 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Meyer Joey

2000-08-09 Thread Alamaine

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From http://www.antiwar.com/szamuely/pf/p-sz081000.html


Decline of The West
by George Szamuely
August 10, 2000
Joe Lieberman and the Gangsta State

"Determined to transform a potential liability into a defining asset, Vice
President Al Gore today formally introduced Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of
Connecticut as his Democratic running mate and portrayed his selection of Mr.
Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, as a measure of his devotion to tolerance and his
willingness to break barriers" – thus the New York Times's (8/9/00) entirely
predictable attempt to bully people into voting for Al Gore. If you are for
"tolerance" and a "willingness to break barriers" you have to be for Gore. If
you are not for Gore, then you are obviously against "tolerance" and a
"willingness to break barriers." Just in case, we did not quite get the message,
there is the inevitable clincher: "Mr. Gore compared his selection of Mr.
Lieberman to his party's choice of John F. Kennedy as the first Roman Catholic
presidential nominee 40 years ago."

Gore now basks in the glow of having made a supposedly brave decision. "Mr.
Gore… selected him despite his religion and any possible anti-Semitic backlash,"
the Times intones piously. Leave aside for the moment the absurd idea that
provoking "racists" and "anti-Semites" to do their damnedest is a perilous
enterprise. The truth is, putting Lieberman on the ticket is about as
non-controversial you can get. You cannot get more mainstream than Senator
Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut. He is chairman of the Democratic Leadership
Council. And he has never come across a United States military intervention that
he was not willing to fund to the hilt or to pop on the Newshour with Lim Lehrer
to defend with his usual sanctimony. This is why the Wall Street Journal cannot
get enough of him despite his liberal voting record in the Senate. Lieberman has
been a fervent advocate of expanding NATO. He urged military intervention in
Bosnia and Kosovo. He supported every bombing mission flown over Iraq over the
last 10 years. Lieberman voted against limiting NATO expansion to only Poland,
Hungary and the Czech Republic. He voted against limiting the President's powers
to impose sanctions on other states. He voted in favor of giving the IMF every
dollar it asks for. He voted in favor of strengthening the trade embargo against

George Dubya, Dick Cheney, Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman are all reading from the
same script. All four are ardent advocates of the American Empire. One wonders
what on earth Cheney and Lieberman will argue about in their Vice Presidential
debate. Who will be the first to organize an invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam
Hussein? Who will be the first to recognize the independence of Montenegro? Who
will be the first to organize a military expedition to Belgrade to seize
Slobodan Milosevic and ship him off to The Hague? Who will be the first to
invite the Baltic states and Ukraine to join NATO? Who will be the first to
secure funding to build the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline? Who will be the first to move
the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Who will tighten the screws on the
"rogue states" – sorry, "states of concern" – the hardest? Lieberman is without
doubt far more of an interventionist than Cheney Where Cheney might on occasion
follow traditional Republican caution about getting involved in fights in far
off places peripheral to US interests, to the self- righteous Lieberman any US
hesitation at all is evidence of moral turpitude. Gore-Lieberman 2000 is the
demented world-view of the New Republic and Weekly Standard brigade incarnate.

Lieberman's claim to be the conscience of the Democratic Party, perhaps of the
US Congress, perhaps even of the American people stems from his speech
denouncing President Clinton's transgressions in the Oval Office. "[T]he
President apparently had extramarital relations with an employee half his age,"
he declared sonorously, "and did so in the workplace, in the vicinity of the
Oval Office. Such behavior is not just inappropriate. It is immoral. And it is
harmful, for it sends a message of what is acceptable behavior to the larger
American family, particularly to our children, which is as influential as the
negative messages communicated by the entertainment culture." Terrific stuff.
But that was not really the issue and Lieberman knew it. Clinton had been
accused of perjury – a rather more serious matter. "I believe that the harm the
President's actions have caused extend beyond the political arena," he went on,
"I am afraid that the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing
one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that
values are fungible. And I am concerned that his misconduct may help to blur
some of the most important bright lines of right and wrong in our society." Yet
one instance of misconduct that Lieberman did not address himself to, 

[CTRL] Weimar - ing Weimar

2000-08-09 Thread Alamaine

This reads like what happened to ALL of Germany after WW1, courtesy of the
Allies.  Now, it is an internal affair, imposing some punitive measures on the
former GDR.  Note that the East may produce more fodder for the revitalisation
of the "cure" to the 1920ies Weimarisation.  AER 

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Germany
Ten years after German reunification: a balance sheet
By Verena Nees
9 August 2000
Back to screen version

A balance sheet of the social and political impact of German reunification
would seem appropriate now that ten years have past since that historic event.
Periodically over the coming weeks, the World Socialist Web Site will be
publishing a number of articles to this effect. The first deals with the social
consequences of reunification.

Ten years ago, when reunification and the introduction of a common currency
marked the end of East Germany [the German Democratic Republic (GDR)], hopes
loomed large for a brighter future. Today a more sober view shows that quite
the opposite has occurred.

Social conditions for most of the population in both eastern and western
Germany have declined dramatically. Furthermore, instead of the prophesied
assimilation of former GDR regions with the western German federal states,
social polarisation has increased. The East German federal states Saxony-
Anhalt, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have become the mezzogiorno of the
Federal Republic—a region where poverty, mass unemployment and cultural decline
predominate. The current situation is reflected most dramatically in the
renewed increase in the migration of, above all, young people from the east to
the west.

Bischofferode, a town widely known a few years ago for its resistance to the
closure of the Kali coal mine, offers a revealing picture of the desolation to
be found nowadays in the smaller towns of eastern Germany. Since the end of the
miners' hunger strike and the shutdown of their mine in late 1993, the town has
lost between 500 and 600 of its inhabitants—more than 20 percent of the total

Only 10 percent of the 700 to 1,000 full-time jobs promised to the Kali workers
have actually materialised. Of the 700 miners, 106 are still employed in post-
closure operations in the pits. When this is finished and they become
unemployed, they will only receive interim financial assistance amounting to 40
percent of the miner's pension to which they will eventually be
entitled—despite decades of work underground.

Latest unemployment figures highlight the ever widening gap between some of the
regions of eastern and western Germany. While unemployment in the west reached
8.2 percent in June, the jobless rate in the eastern part of the country was
more than twice as high at 17.8 percent.

Whereas in Saxony-Anhalt almost 20 percent of the population capable of working
was unemployed (a level comparable to that on the impoverished Italian island
of Sardinia), only 5 percent are unemployed in Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg.
Over the past two months, unemployment in the west has fallen owing to
increasing exports. In the east it remains unchanged at its previously high

However, these statistics alone cannot reveal the whole truth about the current
situation. They do not record the full extent of the plight of millions in
eastern Germany. The Social Report 1999, published last summer by the Centre
for Social Science Research (SFZ) in Berlin-Brandenburg, provides more detailed
facts and figures, illuminating conditions in eastern Germany more

Thus we see that the total number of working people in the new federal states
fell from 9.7 million in 1989 to 6.1 million in 1998. The number of employed
workers, grouped alone, decreased from 9.5 to 5.5 million—a drop of four
million! A further 350,000 workers have indeed found employment, but at jobs in
the west to which they must commute.

A survey by the SFZ showed that 53 percent of eastern Germans (between the ages
of 18 and 59 and capable of working) had been unemployed one or more times by
1998. In 1998 a large proportion of those employed (12.6 percent) only had
limited work contracts—in most cases, in state sponsored job creation schemes.
At the same time, only 7.4 percent of employees in the west found themselves
involved in this kind of project.

After reunification such programmes were widely used to cushion the heavy
social impact of liquidating GDR businesses and hundreds of thousands of
industrial jobs. At the time, so-called employment promotion agencies—formed
with the direct compliance of state employment offices and the trade
unions—were ostensibly to provide a temporary safety net for sacked workers
until new jobs could be created. However, instead of moving into new jobs, most
of those affected ended up in the new job creation schemes and other employment
projects. The Social Report notes, “In most cases, change is taking the form of
movement from one short-term job to the next, instead of 

[CTRL] Supreme ( Court ) Folly

2000-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind Research


  Subject: Re: [Mike's Message] Using the Supreme Court to Scare Me Into
   Voting for Gore

 Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 16:11:56 -0400

 From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   To: Mike's Message [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   References: 1

FYI _ Mike is Michael Moore of " Roger and Me " and " TV Nation " fame.

 Mike's Message wrote:

 August 9, 2000

 Dear friends,

 I have received a lot of mail in the last few weeks from people who have
 decided to vote for Al Gore out of fear. I can certainly understand this.
 Many fear that if Baby Bush is elected, a woman's right to choose would be
 eliminated, not to mention the other havoc he will create.

 I wrote a column on this very dilemma for grassroots.com (see below), but
 apparently quite of few of you missed it. I would like to reprint it here so
 you can read my thoughts about the Bush scare regarding the Supreme Court.



 Michael Moore

 Ain't Fallin' For That One Again
 Michael Moore
 Release: Tuesday, July 18, 2000

 I think the first time I remember hearing this political urban myth was in
 the 1976 presidential election. Somebody told me the reason I had to vote
 for Jimmy Carter was because if Gerald Ford was elected, women would lose
 their right to choose to have an abortion. Abortion had been legal for only
 three years at that point. It was considered a great victory, one we all
 wanted to support.

 So, I voted for Jimmy Carter -- and guess what? One of the things he did was
 to stop all abortions provided for women or wives in the armed services! He
 also stopped any further funding to birth control groups overseas that
 offered abortion as an alternative. And he ended all Medicaid payments for
 poor women in need of an abortion.

 I felt a bit abused. I mean, Gerry Ford had been pro-choice. His wife was an
 ardent supporter of women's rights. And it was a Nixon appointee to the
 Supreme Court -- Justice Blackmun -- that wrote the majority opinion making
 abortion legal. What was I thinking? (Other than that the Nixon Nightmare
 years had to come to an end! That, I correctly rationalized, was worth the
 vote for Carter.)

 Four years later, Democrats and liberals were going nuts over the
 possibility that Ronald Reagan might unseat Carter. Dire warnings were
 issued to all: If Reagan gets in, abortion will be illegal, period.

 Well, I didn't vote for Reagan OR Carter, Reagan got in, and then something
 strange happened: Abortion remained legal! Sure, Reagan built on Carter's
 abortion restrictions, but Roe v. Wade was still the law of the land when
 the Gipper rode off into the sunset eight years later.

 Yet Reagan had appointed plenty of wingnuts to the Supreme Court, so when
 the doomsayers in 1988 warned that George Bush would CERTAINLY send women
 back to the alleys to have illegal abortions, another bizarre thing happened
 -- Bush got elected, and ... four years later ... ABORTION WAS STILL LEGAL!

 But Bush did leave us with Clarence Thomas, so when the Democrats came to
 scare the bejeepers out of me with what Bush would do to a woman's right to
 choose if he got a second term, I decided to vote for Bill Clinton.

 So what's happened under our first feminist-man president?

 Perhaps Clinton misunderstood his mission: he was supposed to support a
 woman¹s right to choose, not his right to choose women. Roe v. Wade is still
 on the books (mainly because of the consistent and unwavering support from
 the Reagan-appointed Justice O'Connor, the Ford-appointed Justice Stevens,
 and the Bush-appointed Justice Souter! They have voted to uphold abortion
 rights every single time). But it is now twice as hard for a woman in
 America to obtain an abortion as it was when Clinton took office. The
 anti-abortion terrorists have been so successful in their campaign of
 violence against abortion clinics and doctors and hospitals who perform
 abortions that a woman can now get an abortion in only 14% of the counties
 in the United States. That's right. Terrorism has scored its first victory
 on U.S. soil by assassinating enough doctors and firebombing enough clinics
 so that no one wants to perform an abortion. So if you live in one of the
 86% of counties where not a single doctor will do an abortion, let me ask
 you this: what good is a "right" to an abortion if you can't get one?

 The stunning thing about this virtual elimination of abortion in America is
 that it has occurred at a time when nearly 70% of the country supports some
 form of legal abortion. The terrorists have literally gotten away with
 murder -- with a pro-choice attorney general sitting in Washington, D.C.,
 doing damn little about it. About the only reason I voted for these clowns
 was because of this issue -- and where the hell have they been?

 Which brings us to Ralph Nader. Vice President Al Gore, on Meet the Press
 this week, told Tim Russert WHAT WOULD