Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft

2001-01-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/20/2001 5:18:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Since this is a conspiracy group, I'm rather surprised no one has
 raised any questions about the unfortunate fatal accident suffered
 by Carnahan. Especially an air accident so close to an election. 

I think I did bring it up once.  It wasn't that it was so close to an
election; it was that the control element in the US Senate was getting so
even.  But with Cheney to take care of the ties, and with the Democrats
proving so lily livered, there won't be a problem for the Bushites.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Bush to Block Some Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/20/2001 8:27:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Bush will move quickly to block
 new Medicare guidelines, environmental protections and other late
 executive actions by President Clinton (news - web sites),
 Republican officials said Saturday.

 As one of his first acts after taking office, Bush will issue an
 order to effectively halt a series of last-minute executive
 orders and rules by the outgoing president, the officials said.

 Among those actions targeted are environmental restrictions on
 runoff from animal feeding operations, and guidelines for managed
 care programs under Medicare. 

Now why doesn't this surprise me?  Won't this be a fun time?  I'm so glad
Dubya's in office.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he never brought it
to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse of
having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most powerful office on
the planet?

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Nessie
 Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 1:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

 -Caveat Lector-

 ``Everyone who enters into public service for the United States has a
 duty to the American people to maintain the highest standards of
 integrity in  government,'' Bush said in the memo.

 This from a guy who drove drunk, got busted and lied about it.
 Integrety? Gimme a break.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: O'Meara Nails DOJ and Reno in a Lie....

2001-01-21 Thread Kris Millegan

  PROMIS Trail Leads to

  By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

  Part III of Insight's inquiry into a secret investigation
  by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police into an
  alleged scheme to use modified U.S. software for
  high-level espionage.

  During an eight-month secret investigation in the United States last
  year by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), two of its top
  national-security investigators focused their probe on a former
  high-ranking Justice Department official alleged to have been involved
  in the theft of the PROMIS computer program. Subsequent
  modifications of this software are believed to have yielded secret
  backdoor access allowing widespread computer espionage.
 In this, the third of a four-part exclusive series, Insight
  to follow Mounties Sean McDade and Randy Buffam as they pursue
  allegations that Canada’s intelligence and law-enforcement agencies
  have been operating the stolen version of PROMIS and that their
  most secret computer systems have, as a result, been compromised.
 Much of the investigation centered on two men — Michael
  Riconosciuto and Peter Videnieks. The former is a convicted felon
  who has claimed that he modified a stolen version of the
  Inslaw-developed PROMIS. The latter is the man fingered by
  Riconosciuto as a high-ranking Department of Justice official involved
  in the theft of the software.
 In Part II of this series (see “The Plot Thickens in PROMIS
  Affair,” Feb. 5), Insight took an in-depth look at Riconosciuto and
  allegations he has made involving PROMIS and other national and
  international intrigue, including development of a new line of guns and
  night-vision goggles and a joint venture between a little-known band
  of American Indians called the Cabazons and the Wackenhut Corp.,
  an international security firm. Other trails led to
  government-sanctioned drug deals and claims that another former
  Justice lawyer was involved with the Cali drug cartel.
 Riconosciuto’s stories had been dismissed by federal
  investigators, but the RCMP unearthed evidence that gave them
  credibility. What’s more, Insight confirmed that Riconosciuto had
  provided just such startlingly detailed information to an FBI agent well
  before it had become publicly known.
 For the Mounties, whose still-secret investigation continues, each
  layer they peeled back on Riconosciuto’s stories revealed a path to
  yet more information that might confirm their country’s worst fears:
  that key government computer systems were using stolen software
  that had been modified to allow complete access for espionage.
 In a 1991 affidavit to William and Nancy Hamilton, the owners
  of Inslaw who had developed PROMIS, Riconosciuto not only
  swore that he put the backdoors into a stolen version of the software
  but also claimed that Videnieks, the Department of Justice official
  who in the early 1980s oversaw the PROMIS-software contract,
  participated in the alleged scheme along with a man named Earl W.
  Brian. Both men, Riconosciuto swore under penalty of perjury, visited
  him often at the Cabazon/Wackenhut facilities.
 As with other Riconosciuto stories, the Mounties looked for
  confirmation and focused intensely on a U.S. Customs Service
  internal investigation of Videnieks, a contract specialist who was on
  loan from Customs. Customs conducted a two-and-a-half-year
  probe of Videnieks because of suspicion he had committed perjury in
  1992 while giving testimony in the trial of Riconosciuto, who had been
  arrested for drug offenses. In an attempt to enter the federal
  witness-protection program, Riconosciuto told federal investigators
  that he was set up on phony charges because of the affidavit he gave
  the Hamiltons.
 Videnieks has denied any knowledge of such schemes, the first
  time in sworn testimony during the Riconosciuto trial in Tacoma,
  Wash., in January 1992. Asked if he knew either Riconosciuto or
  Brian, and if he ever had been to the Wackenhut/Cabazon joint
  venture or heard of it, Videnieks responded, “No, I don’t. … No, I
  don’t. … No, I haven’t.” Customs soon thereafter launched a
  far-reaching internal-affairs investigation of Videnieks.
 However, it is allegations of government interference in the
  Videnieks case and contradictory conclusions about the basic facts in
  the legal saga surrounding the Hamiltons’ allegations of official
  wrongdoing that the Mounties seem intent on clearing up. For
  instance, in a January 1988 decision by U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge
  George Bason (Inslaw, Inc. v. United States of America and the
  United States Department of Justice), the jurist concluded that Justice
  Department and unnamed U.S. government officials “engaged in an
  outrageous, deceitful, fraudulent game of ‘cat and mouse,’
  demonstrating contempt 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush #1 advisor Marvin Olasky

2001-01-21 Thread Kris Millegan

Fund-0-Meter Olasky's cv page at UT 

In the news: 

(Feb 2000)
Conservative William Safire rips Olasky in the New York Times for a hatchet 
job cover story in the magazine he edits (World) written by Bob Jones, of Bob 
Jones U. 

Okasky appeared on the NewsHour on PBS on 2/29/2000 

Also see 

Olasky's CV at the University of Texas-Austin 

Good bio on Olasky that appeared in the Bush Files by Michael King. Olasky 
home page at UT
Marvin Olasky

Marvin Olasky has variously been described as "...a leading thinker and 
propagandist of the Christian right1,"   "...the godfather of 'compassionate 
conservatism2,'" and as a man whose "...historical judgements are so crude 
and pinched that one suspects his main effect will be to butress the 
stereotypes of those who are prejudiced against religious conservatives3."

In short, Olasky is a complicated yet important figure in the new 
conservative movement, a peripatetic evangelist serving up a radical vision 
in which the government's social welfare programs and budgets would be turned 
over to private, Christian organizations, which will practice tough-love on 
unlucky recipients, a theory that totally overlooks the fact that the social 
welfare state sprang up precisely because private philanthropy had failed 
miserably at providing a basic social safety net. 

Olasky sports the life story of true believer. Born Jewish, by 14 he was an 
athiest, in college he became a Marxist/Communist (interestingly, after 
Communism had pretty much been discredited -- 1971), and now he is a 
right-wing Christian. 

Like his colleague Dinesh D'Souza, without the conservative movement and 
money, Olasky would be but a minor blip on the nation's public consciousness. 

Olasky first came to prominence with the publication in 1992 of his book The 
Tragedy of American Compassion, a book funded (like the Bell Curve) by the 
Bradley Foundation and the   Heritage Foundation, where he had applied for a 
fellowship in 1989. 

The reaction to his book took place in 1992, with help from Bill Bennett. The 
right used his critique of the welfare state to gut the nation's welfare 
laws, but didn't enact any of his program, as reported in the New York Times 
Magazine in 1999: 

Initially the book went almost unnoticed, and those few who reviewed it 
decried it as "romantic," "shallow" and "bizarre" — the work of a "utopian" 
crank. But although most academics dismissed the book, a small coterie of 
Beltway conservatives began to circulate it privately. Former Secretary of 
Education William Bennett hailed it as the "most important book on welfare 
and social policy in a decade" and handed a copy to the new Republican 
Speaker, Newt Gingrich. Gingrich read it from cover to cover and liked it so 
much, he had it distributed to all the incoming freshmen. In his first 
address to the nation, Gingrich declared: "Our models are Alexis de 
Tocqueville and Marvin Olasky. We are going to redefine compassion and take 
it back." 

Overnight, Olasky, the perennial convert, had seemingly converted an entire 
party. A small band of policy wonks and legislators — many of whom would go 
on to work for Bush — began calling themselves "compassionate conservatives." 
This little-known professor was suddenly a fixture on the television talk 
shows and in the back corridors of Congress. While slashing the welfare 
state, Olasky's disciples sought to unleash an outpouring of charitable works 
through Federal grants, tax credits and partnerships between church and 
state. These measures represented only the first step in what Olasky regarded 
as a revolution — turning the Government's responsibility to the poor over to 
private charities. 

Yet despite all the lip service paid to compassionate conservative ideas, 
even these modest initiatives never materialized. Almost all of the 
proposals, which were sponsored by Senator Dan Coats of Indiana and had names 
like the Character Development Act, were killed before they even reached the 
floor — largely at the hands of the same Republicans who had wrapped 
themselves only months earlier in Olasky's language of compassion. 
Far from helping the poor, his critics charged, Olasky had provided a 
smokescreen for guiltlessly cutting back the welfare state. Even Olasky 
compares what some Republicans did to the poor to pulling the knife out of 
the back of a person who had been mugged and then leaving him on the street 
to bleed. "You can't just say, You're fine — get up," he says. "You have to 
spend a lot of time patching the guy up." But to his critics, Olasky's 
outrage only seemed like evidence of his naivete. 
--NY Times Magazine, September 12, 1999 

Here is a wonderful extended excerpt from the Bush Files' profile on Olasky:

The family also spent two years in Washington, D.C. (1989-91), while Olasky 
worked at the 

[CTRL] Bush: our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is

2001-01-21 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here?

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

PURPOSE IS TO CONSUME ) are not modifying our behavior well enough to
conform to the machinations of the free market and its corporate manipulators.

C'mon now're not trying.


  "Power Crisis" -- a "Behavior Modification" Exercise
  Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:06:19 EST

 "Until now, Democrats have thwarted attempts to fashion a national
energy policy that would give incentives for more oil and gas drilling ...

 ""The biggest problem in California is that consumers are still not
[responding properly to the 'free market']," Enron Corp chairman Ken Lay
 ""They are not changing behavior so the problem is going to get worse.
Painful as it may be, they need to start modifying their behavior ..."

Clinton declares natural gas supply emergency in California

By Tom Doggett

WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - President Bill Clinton declared a natural gas
supply emergency in California on Friday, and ordered out-of-state suppliers
to continue selling gas to California's largest utility to fuel electric
generation plants.

Clinton directed Energy Secretary Bill Richardson to issue a federal order
requiring firms to supply natural gas to Pacific Gas and Electric PCG.N,
which is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Richardson said the emergency order, which expires at 3 a.m. EST (8 a.m.
on Jan. 24, was issued after PGE said several energy firms refused to sell
it gas on credit because they feared the utility would be unable to pay for
the gas.

"I am very concerned that such supply disruptions could endanger the health
and welfare of PGE's residential and commercial gas customers and could
exacerbate the already precarious condition of California's electric grid by
eliminating fuel supplies to a number of generating plants," Richardson

The electricity shortage in the nation's richest and most populous state
be among the immediate issues facing President-elect George W. Bush when he
takes office Saturday.

A key energy adviser to Bush said the federal government should limit itself
to an "advisory" role and let California state lawmakers resolve a
complicated problem that was mostly self-inflicted by a flawed deregulation

"The biggest problem in California is consumers are not going to see the
price signals. If they don't see the price signals, they are not changing
behavior so the problem is going to get worse," Enron Corp ENE.N chairman
Ken Lay told reporters.

"Painful as it is, they need to see the price signals and start modifying
behavior to reduce demand until we get new supplies," he added.

PGE and Edison International EIX.N have warned federal and state
they face bankruptcy because California's landmark 1996 deregulation law
not allow them to pass on the tenfold leap in wholesale power costs to

California's woes have also been exacerbate the also have not been helped by
the fact that practically no new power generating plants have been built in
the state for the last 10 years -- a period during which the population and
the economy have boomed, greatly increasing demand for electricity.


California Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, asked Clinton last weekend for the
emergency natural gas supply order, before the state was hit with two days
rolling blackouts and a widening power crisis. Residents in many cities have
had to cope with the loss of traffic lights, automatic teller machines,
elevators and computers during the rolling blackouts.

Richardson said the Energy Department would take legal action against firms
that did not comply, saying: "There will be enforcement action if the order
is not carried out."

On Thursday, PGE said its deteriorating credit rating could force it to
drain all its natural gas in storage by early February because suppliers
balked at providing more.

The Clinton administration has also tried to help ease the California crisis
with a separate order issued on Wednesday that forces out-of-state power
generators to sell extra electricity to PGE and to Edison International


Richardson said he had briefed his successor, Spencer Abraham, on the
California crisis. Abraham, a former Michigan senator, was expected to win
swift confirmation by the U.S. Senate as Bush's choice for energy secretary.

Richardson said Abraham was prepared, saying: "They are ready to act." He
not elaborate.

On Thursday, Abraham testified before the Senate Energy committee but
to say what options, if any, the Bush administration was considering to help
solve the crisis.

The California state legislature met this week to try 

Re: [CTRL] US Admits To Mad Sheep, Deer, And Elk

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Samantha L." wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/19/01 9:15:14 PM Central Standard Time,

  The U.S. government has banned beef from BSE-infected countries, ordered
   vaccines from infected countries replaced and has placed bans on certain
   blood donations.

   Research labs used to use fetal calf serum (and likely still do.) Clear
 vitamin capsules are made using gelatin (?) from cows.  There are other
 gelatin products out there too.  I wonder what cow stuff is in vaccines?


If this worries you, you should buy kosher products which forbid the use
of gelatin or meat byproducts. They are also cleaner.


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Re: [CTRL] Jesse suddenly bows out of public life afterdisclosure ofmistress

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I wonder why neither Jackson nor his mistress practiced birth control?


It was in god's hands.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watch freemarkets

2001-01-21 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

  "Why is California  short on Electricity ?
 This crisis got out of hand because of
 deregulation. It was deregulated because businessmen run the politicians.
 The results are PRIMARILY because the producers are either causing or
 exacerbating the ' shortage.' That's what happens when you let businessmen
 control prices.

 There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER, why anything as vital as electric power
 should be bought and sold on the " free market " as if it were a commodity
 like shoes.

Hey J2 - put on your thinking cap.The enemy is "statism" not "business."
Statism enables "business" to rip us off.

You rail on and on about "business" controlling "politicians."
The reason "business" wants to control "politicians" is because
"politicians" control government which controls more and more of our lives.

If government did not have such power over all aspects of our daily lives, including
the economy, then who would give a flying fig about "politicians?"

But of course J2's "solution" would be for "the good people" (like J2?)
to "control" the politicians. Then everything would be just fine. YEAH RIGHT!

For your information, if "electricity was sold like shoes" (as you so aptly put it)
then we would be getting cheap electricity just like we get cheap shoes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-21 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

BUSH TAKES THE OATH: ANOTHER SHAPESHIFTER IN THE WHITE David Icke Saturday, January 20th, 2001, will be 
remembered as a dark day for human freedom - the day that George W. Bush 
took the oath on the same Freemasonic Bible used by George Washington and 
became the 43rd President of the United States.It is not George W. 
Bush that is truly the problem, it is all that he represents. Bush ("Shrub") 
is president in name only, of course. The real power is with others behind 
the scenes, like his father George Bush and those of even greater authority 
than he, like Henry Kissinger and other leg-men for the Illuminati. 
We can see this clearly in the people the Shrub has appointed to 
"his" cabinet. It is like a roll call of Illuminati placemen that served 
under his father and other child abusers, rapists, and serial killers like 
Gerald Ford. Alongside them are a stream of Illuminati operatives from 
corporate America, including ALCOA, the Aluminum cartel controlled by the 
infamous Mellon family, those close friends of the British royal family. It 
is ALCOA and the Mellons who gave us fluoride, a poison and mind 
suppressant, in public drinking water.Shrub's vice-president, Dick 
Cheney, was his father's Defence Secretary and together they launched the 
"NATO" (British-American) war on Iraq in 1991. Cheney, as exposed by Cathy 
O'Brien in Trance-Formation of America, is yet another mind controller, 
child abuser, and serial killer. Colin Powell, the head of the Joint Chiefs 
of Staff, was America's highest military commander during the Gulf War 
and you do not get to that level unless you know what people like Father 
George and Cheney are involved in. Powell, like the Bushes and Cheney, is 
bloodline and that's why he is to be the new Secretary of State. Given that 
line-up and their mentality and agenda, don't be at all surprised if the 
United States finds itself in another manipulated war during this 
administration. You will see "monsters" being created in the public mind to 
justify such action.The Bush inauguration marks the start of the massive 
push by the Illuminati to further their agenda for a global fascist state. 
You will see this clearly unfolding in the next 24 months and, as usual, 
watch what they do, not what they say. The Bush administration will be a 
cold, calculating, vicious, period of human history. I know people who have 
met the Shrub during his period as Governor of Texas and cold, calculating, 
and vicious, as well as staggeringly unintelligent, are words they chose to 
describe him. But those who will be dictating the actions of his presidency 
make him look like a puppy dog. Or maybe lapdog would be more 
appropriate.Even many of those who still deny any evidence of a global 
fascist state emerging before our eyes will be shocked out of their comatose 
state by the time the Shrub leaves office. Indeed, probably long before. 

[CTRL] Jackson Returning to Public Life

2001-01-21 Thread T Nohava

  That didn't take long...must have had second thoughts on how he was going
to make those hefty child support payments and still buy those expensive
AP National
Jackson Returning to Public Life

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Saturday he will return to
the civil rights stage next week, reversing plans to leave public life to
reconcile with his family, devastated by his extramarital affair that
resulted in the birth of a daughter.

''The ground is no place for a champion,'' Jackson said. ''The ground is no
place that I will wallow on.''

In an interview with The Associated Press -- his first since news about his
affair broke last week -- Jackson said he has spent the past few days at
home in Chicago with his family, doing ''lots of thinking, lots of praying,
reflecting'' about his predicament.

Much of the time, he has done this reflection alone, he said, but a lot of
it has been with his wife of 38 years, Jackie, and their five children,
focusing on ''what we must do to continue to serve.'' It has helped to
strengthen their family bond, he said, and made him feel empowered enough to
resume his work.

''While my family has wrestled with our options and challenges, we have a
rhythm of the family reconciling process, which is way down the road, two
years for us,'' Jackson said. ''We will not sacrifice our agenda for social
justice and inclusion. ... I'll develop a rhythm that allows me to focus on
family and ... the (civil rights) battlefield.''

Jackson said he and his family will worship together at Salem Baptist Church
in Chicago on Sunday, and on Monday he will attend a luncheon in Chicago in
his honor. But he doesn't plan to speak publicly until midweek, at an annual
economic conference that his organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, hosts
in New York.

Sounding both determined and fatigued, Jackson would not talk about his
youngest child, now 20 months old, or her mother, former aide Karin
Stanford, 39. ''I will not discuss that any further, any more,'' he said.

But Jackson did question whether news reports about the matter were timed to
thwart him from his varied civil rights causes, such as leading the
opposition against the nomination of John Ashcroft for attorney general.

To illustrate his point, Jackson noted that Martin Luther King Jr. received
a note threatening to reveal King's affairs during the same week that King
was awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. And, he said, President Bush
''called it strange and suspicious'' when news reports surfaced about an old
drunk driving charge at a crucial time in Bush's presidential campaign.

''A two-year-old story was made public,'' Jackson said. ''So, one can sense
that there may be some motivation. But ... I accept my responsibility. What
we must do here is put our focus not on my pain, but the people's agenda.

''Sometimes, leaders have to play with pain. I'm feeling well. My family is
well,'' Jackson said.

During his three days of seclusion, Jackson said he received several calls
from fellow activists, politicians and some unexpected public figures, such
as the Rev. Jerry Falwell. The most consistent message he received, he said,
was ''do not let your voice be stilled.''

Jackson said one of the earliest calls came from former President Clinton,
to whose side Jackson rushed when Clinton's own extramarital affair
threatened to topple his presidency. Jackson said Clinton encouraged him to
determine what best helps him cope, and engage in that activity to heal

''His point was, when he was in the depth of his crisis, he had to work out
the contrition with his family. He had to work through it, you know?''
Jackson said. ''As a fighter, I'm determined I'd rather wear out than rust
out. Not only are the people calling upon me to serve, I desire to serve. I
find fulfillment in service. I find healing in service.''

Jackson also fielded a call Friday from President Bush. He declined to
discuss their conversation, but said one of his immediate goals is to assess
Bush's administration ''by their budget priorities, by their public policy
and by their moral tone.''

''Someone said a saint is just a sinner who got back up again,'' Jackson
said. ''When I think about the troubles Mr. Bush has had, and all of us have
had, as free human beings, all of us have sinned and come short of the glory
of God.'' - AP - Jackson Returning to Public Life.url

[CTRL] WP: Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders

2001-01-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders

By Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 21, 2001 ; Page A18

President Bush moved swiftly yesterday to block or rescind scores of
executive orders and regulations dealing with the environment, health,
food and safety, and workplace conditions that were rushed through in
the final weeks of the Clinton administration.

Under orders from Bush, White House chief of staff Andrew H.  Card Jr.
instructed the Government Printing Office to halt publication in the
Federal Register of any new rules "to ensure that the president's
appointees have the opportunity to review any new or pending

Final regulations have the force of law once they are printed in the
Federal Register, the government's official organ.  The new
administration also issued a 60-day stay on regulations that were
published in the register but have not yet taken effect.

Although other new presidents have issued similar instructions after
taking office, Bush and his aides have voiced concern over the number of
regulations implemented in the closing days of the Clinton presidency,
particularly moves to protect millions of acres of public lands from
logging and oil exploration.

"President Clinton was very busy issuing final regulations," Bush
spokesman Scott McClellan said yesterday.  Bush's order gives the new
administration "the chance to fully and carefully review all these
last-minute regulations.  It's our responsibility and it's sound public

Bush also ordered a freeze on most federal hiring to give his new
Cabinet members the opportunity to put their stamp on the government
bureaucracy, and issued a strict code of conduct for members of his
administration that focuses on potential financial conflicts of

Bush also issued a proclamation declaring today a National Day of Prayer
and Thanksgiving, urging Americans to spend their Sunday in prayer and
reflection, recalling "all that unites us."

Although presidents have challenged last-minute rule-making by their
predecessors in the past, Bush's handling of his review of Clinton
administration actions could have a significant impact on relations
between the Republican administration and congressional Democrats.

Republicans hailed the president's action as a brake on hasty
legislating by decree, but Democrats said they would be closely watching
Bush's review of those regulations for clues as to his seriousness about
trying to mend political wounds from the election.

"I would hope that he would take great care in rolling back many of
these matters that I think have been very carefully thought out and
would have very serious repercussions were they to be terminated this
quickly," said Senate Minority Leader Thomas A.  Daschle (D-S.D.).

Among the actions targeted are environmental restrictions on runoff from
animal feeding operations and more than 800 pages of new guidelines for
managed care programs under Medicare.

Another possible target is a last-minute regulation announced by former
agriculture secretary Dan Glickman that would require plants producing
hot dogs and other ready-to-eat meats to conduct periodic testing for
listeria bacteria, which sickened 100 people and killed 21 others during
an outbreak several years ago.  The measure was supported by consumer
groups but opposed by large segments of the meat industry.

The Environmental Protection Agency also recently issued other
regulations to reduce the small traces of arsenic in drinking water by
80 percent, to cut back on pollution in the Mississippi River and to
expand residents' right to know about lead emissions in their

The Clinton administration issued regulations protecting 60 million
acres of national forests from logging and road-building, and instituted
rules to prevent workplace injuries.  It also proposed new standards for
lead in paint, soil and dust, and the sulfur levels in diesel fuel for
buses and large trucks.

Some of these measures, including new ergonomic standards that are
vigorously opposed by the business community and the logging ban in
roadless forests, are likely out of Bush's reach because of the
difficulties he would encounter under federal law in trying to rescind
rules that already have the effect of law.

However, congressional Republicans and Bush administration officials say
they are troubled by the flurry of last-minute action by Clinton and
insist that a careful review with an eye to possible changes is

"The whole myriad of regulations he signed while he was walking out the
door should be looked at," said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete
V.  Domenici (R-N.M.).  "Clinton had four years of a second term to do
some of those, and because he does them all right now makes them all

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer* 


2001-01-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday,January 21,2001

"TO err is human, to forgive is divine."

Now whatever sunshine boy said that didn't have the unhealthy
cynicism that daunts so many of us.

I look with jaundiced eye at the pardons granted by Bill Clinton.

OK, his brother Roger, who did 18 months for pushing cocaine.

Now giving Roger a pardon means he can vote.

Good old boy Rog who wants to make it in Hollywood and loves to
go to topless bars, wouldn't vote at a dog show.

But, fair enough if you can't give your brother a pardon, who can
you pardon?

And then there was Susan McDougal, who was up to her ears in the
turbulent rapids of Whitewater.

She did 21/2 years, kept her mouth shut, didn't rat out Clinton
and was a stand-up broad.  Yeah, I can see that pardon.

But now the cynicism.

Patty Hearst pardoned?

After she became one of the most spectacular fugitives of the
century she suddenly became a footnote to history.

And believe me, that's the way she wanted it.  And if you ask
people on the street, sure they would know who Patty Hearst is,
but a question mark would cross their faces if you said she had
been pardoned.  What? Why?  When?  How? And who cares?

OK, another name.  Marc Rich, not a name with the same resonance
of familiarity as Patty.  Marc who?  Well, back in 1983 he fled
to Meggen, Switzerland, where he lived in luxurious exile. He
flew the coop after then-federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani nailed
him on 51 counts of racketeering, wire fraud and income-tax
evasion to the tune of $48 million, then the biggest tax dodge in

He comfortably stared out of FBI wanted posters which fazed him
naught as he continued to make his fortunes as a financier and
commodities trader as brilliant as few had ever seen on Wall
Street.  All right, the crunch.  So why are Patty Hearst and Marc
Rich so significant in Bill's list of largesse?

Simply put, Patty Hearst is the heiress of the staggering Hearst

And Marc Rich, whether hiding in Switzerland or walking free on
Wall Street, all he has to do is look at a tree to turn it into

Marc's former wife, Denise, in the past five years has been one
of the biggest Democratic fund-raisers in the country.

Bill doesn't need campaign money now even though Barbra Streisand
and Hollywood would happily pony up.

But Hillary sure as hell does.

Cynical?  Heck no.  Right now there are already campaign chests
being filled for Hillary's political ambitions even before she's
warmed the seat on the Senate floor.

Hello, Mark, come in from the cold, good to see you, Patty, but
it's going to cost you down the road.

Twenty-four hours after Clinton pulled his own cut-and-run gig,
he hogged the cameras after yesterday's inauguration, which
prompted commentator Fred Barnes to say on Fox television:

"It gave rich new meaning to self-indulgence."

Clinton, who hung around for more than an hour, posing and
shaking hands at Andrews Air Force Base before flying to New
York, said:

"I'm leaving the White House but I'm still here."

And then more telling: "You've got a senator here who will be a
voice for you."

Money is the root of all political lust, and as I look into that
beautifully clear crystal ball, you know that already the tapping
of the fat cats like lawbreakers Patty Hearst and Marc Rich is a
perfectly drawn blueprint for a heist of the pocket.

A huge campaign chest for Hillary's presidential campaign in
2004, getting money, like her husband from wherever she can - you
bet you can see it, walking down the Midtown tunnel at midnight
and blindfolded.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here?

2001-01-21 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

The problem is that we " CONSUMERS " ( A BIOLOGICAL ENTITY
WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE IS TO CONSUME ) are not modifying our
behavior well enough to conform to the machinations of the free
market and its corporate manipulators.

If someone is MANIPULATING a 'market' ... how is it free?


If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is
still a foolish thing. -- Anatole France

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watch freemarkets dowhat they do best.

2001-01-21 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

   "Why is California  short on Electricity ?
 You should TRULY learn the fucking difference between
  You should TRULY learn to live in the real world.
It is you who seeks to hide from reality.

 Your ideology is ridiculous and so are you.
How profound.

 This crisis got out of hand because of deregulation. It was
 deregulated because businessmen run the politicians. The
 results are PRIMARILY because the producers are either
 causing or exacerbating the ' shortage.' That's what happens
 when you let businessmen control prices.
Pull your head out of your ass.

The best analogy for California's 'deregulation experiment' ... a
group of legislators coming across a man bound hand and foot,
hogtied, blindfolded, with plugs in his ears and duct tape over
his mouth. After several hours of discussion, they come up with a
plan. They remove the earplugs and then dance around shouting
'we have freed this man!'

Some time later, they realize that the man is not moving or
saying anything, so they begin to debate anew. 'Perhaps we should
put the earplugs back in?' suggests one. 'Well,' another pipes
up, 'if we cut off his legs at the ankles, the hogties is no
longer an issue.'

You Myrmidons enjoy chanting the Statist propaganda in the face of reality.
Deregulation did NOT occur.


The Big Lie is a major untruth uttered frequently by
leaders as a means of duping and controlling the
constituency.  -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Christ the Culprit?

2001-01-21 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Christ the Culprit?
by Joseph Sobran

Time magazine has just hailed an intellectual breakthrough:
"A new book claims that Christianity, not just bad Christians,
is to blame for persecution of the Jews."

What an original idea! This must be only the fortieth book
to come up with it. The book is Constantine's Sword: The
Church and the Jews, by James Carroll (Houghton Mifflin).
Carroll is one of those liberal ex-priests who insist that
they are staunch Catholics while defaming their Church at
every turn.

According to Time's reviewer, Carroll, whose book is "brave"
and "fascinating" (though it merely repeats a thesis that has
become safe and commonplace), blames anti-Semitism and the
Holocaust on the popes, the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades,
the medieval Church, St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, the
Church fathers, and even the authors of the Gospels.

Has he left anyone out?

Well, yes. Why not blame Jesus Christ? He certainly had
quarrels with the Jews and made some harsh and provocative
remarks about them. Why let Christ off the hook? If the
Church has so consistently opposed the Jews for two millennia,
might not its Founder have had some influence in the matter?
Are we really supposed to believe that, once he had left this
earth, Christianity immediately adopted a doctrine totally
alien to him? If the Church is so thoroughly anti-Semitic,
why not trace its anti-Semitism to Christ himself?

Ah, but that might be a little more "brave" than Carroll
deems prudent. It might cut him off from the Faith to which
he professes allegiance. Christ is a pretty imposing figure
even now. Safer to blame the Church, the popes, even the
Apostles, than the Founder himself. One nubile movie star,
blaming the Catholic Church in a recent interview for
inhibiting her sex life, never fingered Christ as the
culprit  as if Catholic doctrines didn't reflect Christ's
own stern teachings on lust, but were superimposed by a
bunch of old celibate males.

You'll notice that whenever people dislike Christianity,
they blame whatever they dislike about it on everyone but
Jesus. They'd have us believe that they have no quarrel
with Christ's "authentic" teachings, with which they are
in total agreement, but reject only those alien accretions
that started collecting, as they claim, the moment Christ

The so-called Jesus Seminar, a group of liberal theologians,
has even decided to tell us which Gospel sayings Jesus
"really" spoke  and the "authentic" ones always turn
out to be those that are acceptable to modern liberalism.
It's easy to see why. If you want to make Jesus Christ a
modern liberal, you have to edit the Gospels pretty heavily.
Garry Wills does something similar in his recent book,
Papal Sin, which purports to be a critique of the modern
papacy but winds up rejecting some ancient and basic
Catholic doctrines. Of course Wills never admits that he
rejects any of Christ's own teachings.

Just as those who cant about "anti-Semitism" stop short
of indicting Christ, those who cant about "racism" present
a heavily expurgated version of Abraham Lincoln, and for
similar reasons. If even Lincoln was a "racist," the word
loses its sting. He has to be preserved as the great icon
of "racial justice," the "color-blind society," "civil
rights," and all that. So we rarely hear about Lincoln's
actual views on race.

Wills has written a book on Lincoln too: Lincoln at
Gettysburg, which won a Pulitzer Prize, portrays the
familiar Great Emancipator of liberal mythology with
hardly a blemish. The book disingenuously avoids all
mention of Lincoln 's devotion to the cause of removing
"free colored persons" from the United States, his denial
that blacks should be American citizens, or his proposal
of a constitutional amendment to authorize their deportation
("with their consent," it should be noted) to other
countries. Professor Wills, meet Parson Weems.

For the real Lincoln, the United States was, and should
ideally be, a white nation, and by "the American people"
he meant the white people. As one wag quipped: "Mighty
white of you, Abe!"

Liberals know they can't afford to make full frontal
assaults on such venerable figures as Christ and Lincoln.
So they continue to feed the public false images and
censored versions of them. You have to wonder how long
liberalism could survive without lies.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. 

Re: [CTRL] WP: Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders

2001-01-21 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-


 Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders

 By Eric Pianin
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Sunday, January 21, 2001 ; Page A18

 President Bush moved swiftly yesterday to block or
 rescind scores of executive orders and regulations
that were rushed through in the final weeks of the
Clinton administration.

 These regulations have the force of law once they
 are printed in the  Federal Register, the
government's official organ.

Nakano Comments:
This story reveals the completely unconstitutional
method used by the Executive Branch to rule the
country by Presidential Edicts.
Executive Orders "having the force of law"
is the same thing as a king ruling by Royal Decree.

I challenge anyone to find any such presidential
authority in the U.S. Constitution.
The power to create laws is specifically given
to the Congress and not to any other branch of

How did we get into this mess of presidents
ruling by decree?
It began when Franklin Roosevelt stampeded Congress
into declaring a "State of Emergency" in 1933.
This gave Roosevelt "Emergency Powersthe same
as if the United States had been invaded by a
foreign enemy."  This phony "Emergency" has remained
in effect ever since 1933.  Most Americans have lived
under this "Emergency' all of their lives and they
accept these extraordinary Presidential Powers as
ordinary and the way things are supposed to be.
So now we have the sorry spectacle of a new President
(King) rushing to cancel the Royal Edicts of the
old President (King).

George W. Bush's own political party, the Executive
Committee of the Republican Party of Texas passed
a formal Resolution in 1995 demanding that Congress
recind this bogus "State of Emergency".

If Bush Jr. has any intention of honoring his
oath to "uphold the Constitution", he must first
cancel this fraudulent "Emergency" and return
our country to lawful Constitutional government.

 Regards to All

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WP: Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders-potential pollution credits?

2001-01-21 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

The Shrub will be required to declare his intentions,
(show his hand) though I doubt that the forests
will change considering the attempt to use
forests as a 'pollution credit' by defining them
as 'sinks' that handle pollution.
The Bush family likes selling pollution credits.


 -Caveat Lector-

 Bush Scrambles to Block Clinton Rush Orders

 By Eric Pianin
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Sunday, January 21, 2001 ; Page A18

 President Bush moved swiftly yesterday to block or rescind scores of
 executive orders and regulations dealing with the environment, health,
 food and safety, and workplace conditions that were rushed through in
 the final weeks of the Clinton administration.

 Under orders from Bush, White House chief of staff Andrew H.  Card Jr.
 instructed the Government Printing Office to halt publication in the
 Federal Register of any new rules "to ensure that the president's
 appointees have the opportunity to review any new or pending

 Final regulations have the force of law once they are printed in the
 Federal Register, the government's official organ.  The new
 administration also issued a 60-day stay on regulations that were
 published in the register but have not yet taken effect.

 Although other new presidents have issued similar instructions after
 taking office, Bush and his aides have voiced concern over the number of
 regulations implemented in the closing days of the Clinton presidency,
 particularly moves to protect millions of acres of public lands from
 logging and oil exploration.

 "President Clinton was very busy issuing final regulations," Bush
 spokesman Scott McClellan said yesterday.  Bush's order gives the new
 administration "the chance to fully and carefully review all these
 last-minute regulations.  It's our responsibility and it's sound public

 Bush also ordered a freeze on most federal hiring to give his new
 Cabinet members the opportunity to put their stamp on the government
 bureaucracy, and issued a strict code of conduct for members of his
 administration that focuses on potential financial conflicts of

 Bush also issued a proclamation declaring today a National Day of Prayer
 and Thanksgiving, urging Americans to spend their Sunday in prayer and
 reflection, recalling "all that unites us."

 Although presidents have challenged last-minute rule-making by their
 predecessors in the past, Bush's handling of his review of Clinton
 administration actions could have a significant impact on relations
 between the Republican administration and congressional Democrats.

 Republicans hailed the president's action as a brake on hasty
 legislating by decree, but Democrats said they would be closely watching
 Bush's review of those regulations for clues as to his seriousness about
 trying to mend political wounds from the election.

 "I would hope that he would take great care in rolling back many of
 these matters that I think have been very carefully thought out and
 would have very serious repercussions were they to be terminated this
 quickly," said Senate Minority Leader Thomas A.  Daschle (D-S.D.).

 Among the actions targeted are environmental restrictions on runoff from
 animal feeding operations and more than 800 pages of new guidelines for
 managed care programs under Medicare.

 Another possible target is a last-minute regulation announced by former
 agriculture secretary Dan Glickman that would require plants producing
 hot dogs and other ready-to-eat meats to conduct periodic testing for
 listeria bacteria, which sickened 100 people and killed 21 others during
 an outbreak several years ago.  The measure was supported by consumer
 groups but opposed by large segments of the meat industry.

 The Environmental Protection Agency also recently issued other
 regulations to reduce the small traces of arsenic in drinking water by
 80 percent, to cut back on pollution in the Mississippi River and to
 expand residents' right to know about lead emissions in their

 The Clinton administration issued regulations protecting 60 million
 acres of national forests from logging and road-building, and instituted
 rules to prevent workplace injuries.  It also proposed new standards for
 lead in paint, soil and dust, and the sulfur levels in diesel fuel for
 buses and large trucks.

 Some of these measures, including new ergonomic standards that are
 vigorously opposed by the business community and the logging ban in
 roadless forests, are likely out of Bush's reach because of the
 difficulties he would encounter under federal law in trying to rescind
 rules that already have the effect of law.

 However, congressional Republicans and Bush administration officials say
 they are troubled by the flurry of last-minute action by Clinton and
 insist that a careful review with an eye to possible changes is

 "The whole myriad of 

Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watch freemarkets dowhat they do best.

2001-01-21 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- "M.A. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This crisis got out of hand because of

This is monumental ignorance from Joshua.
Michaelj is correct: "Deregulation did NOT occur."
The power companies would love to build more
powerplants and have more electricity to sell
to the people of California.
They have been prevented from doing so by the
environmental wacko groups and the politicians
and bureaucrats who carry out the anti-development
agenda.  It has become virtually impossible to
build new power plants in California.  The regulatory
"red tape" (including endless environmental impact
studies) have, in effect, prohibited the electric
companies from meeting the demand for electricity.
It's that simple.
Now the people of California have to shiver
in the dark.
Blaming the Electric Companies for this state of
affairs is a classic example of delusional denial.

 Regards to All

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Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy

2001-01-21 Thread PM Kansan1225

-Caveat Lector-

  Recent issues of "Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy":

September 2000Discover the Discovery Channel 
(No. 23)More on the Bush and Gore clans 
 Gulf Air Flight No. 072 
 October 12, 2000 
 and more 

October 2000   Blue Moons and U.S. Presidential deaths in office 
(No. 24)   More on Sir Francis Bacon 
The Mystic Tie 
and more 

November 2000   The literature of Lawrence Durrell 
(No. 25)   More on Blue Moons 
Heidi Klum and America's secret destiny 
and more 

December 2000  CLuM activity in Houston, Texas 
   (No. 26)  Eleusinian Mysteries 
  A detail on Heidi's swimsuit 
  Presidential Farce 2000 
  and more 

January 2001  Scientology:  A model CLuM group 
   (No. 27)  More on "13" - Lines 
  The Carinthian Fuehrer Joerg Haider 
  What CLuMs fear most 
  The Texas Seven 
  and more 

February 2001  Baconian cyphers 
   (No. 28)More on the late King Hussein of Jordan 
and more 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Icke 365 football

2001-01-21 Thread Ole Gerstrøm



As some of 
you may know David Icke used to play football,he was a 
goalkeeper,the blokewho tried to stop the other team 
scoring.We all know about David's website well i 
wonder if you knew that David writes about football (soccer to the 
Americans) in his article for the website 

I thought this article 
was interesting,i always wondered how long it would take him to 
mention the Bilderberg group in his soccer 
Columns  David 
Icke - 365 Columnist

  Last Updated: 
Wednesday 17 January 2001 18:08




'End Of 
Transfer Fees Is First Step To A Global Fascist 
HANDS UP everyone 
who thinks they are free. Oh, almost everyone then? And of 
course they are right. They are free to pay whatever the government 
chooses they should pay for a pint of beer or a litre of petrol. 
They are free to buy a lottery ticket and see their money used to 
save the government's face at the Millennium Dome while others 
suffer, go hungry or die through lack of finance. They are free to 
see laws passed in which they have had no say and they are free to 
obey those laws or face the freedom of being arrested and fined. 
They are free to be told what they want to hear by politicians 
seeking their votes and they are free to watch those politicians 
ignore everything they promised once they get into office. 
Now we are free, it would appear, to see the game of 
football turned into a farce. Have you ever met a European 
Commissioner? Do you know what they look like, where they work, who 
controls them and to what end? Have you ever had the chance to 
question any of them or put your point of view to them? Can you name 
any of them? Have you even had the chance to vote for one? 
No, no, no, no, no. And yet, these are the guys who are 
imposing their dictatorship on the game of football in a way that 
will destroy the professional sport. Can you imagine what football 
would be like if a player could leave a club at a month's notice? 
How would Alex Ferguson sort out his squad for the games ahead? - 
"Hey Beckham, we've got a match in Barcelona next month, are you 
going to still be here or will you be playing for them by then? Do I 
plan to use your talents or to stop them? And what about you 
Barthez, Stam, Giggs and Cole, where will you be next month? Any 
thoughts?" Changing the names on the replica shirts would be 
a 24-hour-a-day industry and the vans of revolving door 
manufacturers would be a common site at clubs all over Europe. The 
game would be dead in the water. All the best players would 
gravitate to the clubs who could pay the biggest wages and this 
would happen on a scale that dwarfs even what we see today. The 
Premiership in England would be like the Premier League in Scotland 
is now and smaller clubs who depend for their survival on transfer 
profits would go under in droves. The domestic professional game 
would collapse and football would comprise of the few top clubs in 
each country playing in their own European League. Of 
course, when Jimmy Hill led the players' revolt against their 
financial abuse by football clubs in the 1960s, the changes that 
followed were perfectly justified and long overdue - why should 
there be a maximum wage while the income of the player's club goes 
on rising? But there is a balance in all things and the abolition of 
transfers and contracts that commit a player to a club for an agreed 
period would devastate football as a spectacle and eventually bring 
an end to the professional game in towns and even some cities all 
over the UK. How would Wimbledon have survived as a 
Premiership club, for instance, had they not received more than they 
spent in transfer fees? And what incentive would there be to 
invest money in youngsters if you knew that the moment they made it 
big, they could walk out and join a bigger club paying bigger wages 
and you would receive no compensation for the investment in that 

Re: [CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here?

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The problem is that we " CONSUMERS " ( A BIOLOGICAL ENTITY
 WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE IS TO CONSUME ) are not modifying our
 behavior well enough to conform to the machinations of the free
 market and its corporate manipulators.

 If someone is MANIPULATING a 'market' ... how is it free?

Ah so Grasshopper. Now you get it. The manure pile between your ears has
finally produced some growth. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A FREE MARKET. The
real question is who controls the markets that exist.

Congratulations Johnson. A major breakthrough. Your Mommy must be so proud.



 If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is
 still a foolish thing. -- Anatole France

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here?

2001-01-21 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

The problem is that we " CONSUMERS " ( A BIOLOGICAL ENTITY
WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE IS TO CONSUME ) are not modifying our
behavior well enough to conform to the machinations of the free
market and its corporate manipulators.
If someone is MANIPULATING a 'market' ... how is it free?
   Ah so Grasshopper. Now you get it. The manure pile between
   your ears has finally produced some growth. THERE'S NO SUCH
   THING AS A FREE MARKET. The real question is who controls the
   markets that exist.
No, Joshua ... this is AGAIN *me* pointing to the Foolishness
you espouse as reality.  You call Statism, Capitalism ... You
call controlled markets, free markets ... you call restricted
trade, free trade ...


War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance
is strength.   -- eorge Orwell

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Uranium shells held 'cocktail of nuclear waste'

2001-01-21 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  Uranium shells held 'cocktail of nuclear waste'by Jonathon 
  SHELLS fired in the Gulf war and Kosovo were made out of 
  materialcontaminated by a potentially lethal cocktail of nuclear 
  waste,according to a book published this week. The claim, supported by 
  American army and government documents, suggeststhat the military in 
  Kosovo and Iraq used depleted uranium (DU) shellscontaining traces of 
  elements that indicate the probable presence ofplutonium and other highly 
  toxic nuclear by-products. The allegations contained in Depleted Uranium: 
  The Invisible War willembarrass the British and American governments, 
  which have consistentlydenied DU is harmful, and enrage veterans of the 
  Gulf and Kosovo. Martin Messonnier, Frederick Loore and Roger Trilling, 
  the authors ofthe book, are convinced that the Pentagon has misled the 
  world withclaims that its DU is safe. Until now, the Pentagon has 
  maintained that DU shells are safe becausethey contain only mildly 
  radioactive uranium. But the authors claim theshells were made with 
  uranium contaminated with more toxic elements. DU was first used in the 
  Gulf war where the dense metal proved deadlyagainst Iraqi tanks. The 
  American army is determined to keep the shellsin its arsenal despite the 
  fact the American navy has withdrawn them onhealth grounds. The 
  authors' claims are based on papers that have led them to threenuclear 
  plants in Paducah, Kentucky; Portsmouth, Ohio; and Oak Ridge,Tennessee - 
  the main makers of DU. Last January Bill Richardson, the energy secretary, 
  accepted afterdecades of denials that thousands of workers at Paducah "had 
  beenexposed to radiation and chemicals that produced cancer and 
  earlydeath". Most of the victims display symptoms similar to Gulf war 
  veterans -particularly chronic fatigue and joint pain. The authors claim 
  theworkers had been handling uranium contaminated with plutonium, which 
  wasthen used to make DU. Documents from August 1999 show that workers 
  at Paducah had beeninhaling plutonium as part of a "flawed government 
  experiment to recycleused nuclear reactor fuel". The first sign was 
  employees with a stringof cancers in the 1980s. In October 1999 the 
  energy department reported that "during the processof making fuel for 
  nuclear reactors and elements for nuclear weapons,the Paducah gaseous 
  diffusion plant . . . created depleted uraniumpotentially containing 
  neptunium and plutonium". Plutonium can cause cancer if ingested even in 
  minute quantities. Whatthe workers at Paducah and its sister plants were 
  dealing with wererecycled uranium stocks already contaminated during the 
  enrichmentprocess at other nuclear plants. The workers, like the 
  soldiers in Iraq and Kosovo, were not equipped todeal with these hazards. 
  Paducah was designed to handle uranium, notplutonium, which is about 
  100,000 times more radioactive per gram. Last week United Nations 
  officials investigating the effects of DU inKosovo confirmed they had 
  found traces of elements indicating plutonium.According to the authors, 
  the only possible source for DU containingplutonium are Paducah, 
  Portsmouth and Oak Ridge, which used thecontaminated 
  Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 

[CTRL] Sonja Myers

2001-01-21 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU 
  reports on DU (depleted uranium) related civilian deaths pouring outthis 
  week from independent sources, should put all people around the worldon 
  highest alert. Most alarming among them is the article by Robert 
  Fisk,published on January 13, 2000 in "The Independent" headlined: 
  Euronewshas a duty to inform its viewers/readers about this article. It 
  tells achilling story about a Serbian graveyard in the Serbian suburb of 
  Hadzicinear Sarajevo in Bosnia with the remains of 300 Serbian 
  civilians, laidnext to each other, who all died in the last 5 years of 
  cancer relatedillnesses. Their suburb was annihilated by the vicious NATO 
  bombing (American A-10's) spewing DU ordinance indiscriminately over their 
  factoriesand houses. When "expert" opinions from the Pentagon paid 
  Americanscientist, deny connection between DU ordinance and cancer 
  illnesses amongthe American and NATO soldiers, one is moved to 
  skepticism. When thePentagon cannot remember what kind or what quantity of 
  ordinance was usedand there is still no one who dares to clean up the 
  Adriatic sea and theDanube river, one is moved to suspicion. But, when 
  NATO's European membersdeliberately avoid to address these issues, despite 
  substantial evidence tothe contrary, one is moved to nausea. Aside from 
  the hypocrisy, morality andlegality, NATO's rhetoric and its military 
  aggression against Bosnia's,Yugoslavia's and Kosovo's civilians, had all 
  the elements of racistanti-Serbian bestiality matched only by Hitler's 
  actions against the Jews.NATO's recklessness in the use of ordinance 
  filled with DU and possiblyother unspeakable substances, contaminating 
  Europe's environment, its air,its lands and its waters -are acts of 
  insanity yet unmatched in history.The European public must demand the 
  whole truth and must bring to justicethe NATO master-minds and 
  accomplices. People like Madeline Albright, BillClinton, General Wesley 
  Clark, Javier Solana, Tony Blair et al. should beindicted and tried not 
  only for war crimes but, for crimes against humanity.Sonja Myers[EMAIL PROTECTED]United 
  Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 

[CTRL] Research: How One Single Atom Of DU Can Cause Cancer [

2001-01-21 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU 
  Sunday Herald (Scotland)21 January 2001 Revealed: how just one 
  single atom of DU can triggercancerBy Rob Edwards Environment 
  Editor Publication Date: Jan 21 2001The furious international 
  row over the risks ofdepleted uranium weapons is set to flare up again 
  withthe revelation that a single atom of uranium insidethe body is 
  enough to trigger cancer.Scientists from a government-funded medical 
  researchlaboratory at Harwell in Oxfordshire have produced thefirst 
  direct proof that a single alpha particleemitted by uranium can damage 
  human cells. The damage,they say, is a crucial step in the development 
  oftumours.Arguments over the health hazards of depleted 
  uranium(DU) have been raging since the UN EnvironmentProgramme 
  announced earlier this month that eight outof 11 sites in Kosovo were 
  contam inated withradioactivity. Nearly one million rounds of 
  ammunitioncontaining 300 tonnes of DU have been fired in theBalkans 
  and Gulf wars over the last 10 years, mostlyby US forces.The new 
  evidence will reinforce the growing chorus ofdemands for a ban on the use 
  of DU in weapons, atleast until the health risks for soldiers 
  andcivilians have been fully investigated. Last week theEuropean 
  Parliament voted 626 to 394 in favour of amoratorium while an independent 
  study into thepotential health risks was carried out.Although Nato and 
  the British Ministry of Defencecontinue to insist that there is no 
  evidence that anyill health has been caused by DU 
  munitions,politicians, war veterans and scientists maintainthere is a 
  problem, particularly with excess cancersand leukaemias. Tomorrow the 
  World Health Organisationis sending a team of experts to Kosovo to 
  examinewhether there are any links between civilians exposedto DU and 
  cancers.The new British study was conducted by the Radiationand Genome 
  Stability Unit at Harwell in associationwith Mount Vernon Hospital in 
  London. Groups of humanblood cells were exposed to a single alpha particle 
  inthe laboratory and left to divide a dozen times 
  ormore.Researchers found that 25% of the daughter cells 
  haddistinctive patterns of broken and bent chromosomes.This effect, 
  christened "radiation-induced genomicinstability", is thought to be part 
  of the complexchain of biological events that can end up as 
  cancer."This work shows directly for the first time that evena single 
  alpha particle can induce genomic instabilityin a cell. That may be 
  important in assessing risks ofcancer from alpha-emitting radionuclides in 
  the body,"said the Harwell unit's director, Professor 
  DudleyGoodhead."It suggests that even the smallest amount 
  carriessome, very small, risk. However, for materials such 
  aslow-activity uranium it may well be that the radiationis less 
  harmful than chemical effects of the metal inthe cell."Although alpha 
  particles are not a very penetratingform of radiation, when inside the 
  body they can dosignificant harm to any living cells they happen 
  topass through. They are emitted by plutonium and otherradionuclides 
  as well as uranium.Last week, the Ministry of Def ence admitted 
  thattraces of plutonium could also be present in DUweapons, left over 
  from processing by the nuclearpower industry. That, experts pointed out, 
  inevitablyincreased the risk because plu tonium emitted morealpha 
  particles than DU.Mike Thorne, a uranium specialist with AEA 
  Technology,a spin-off company from the UK Atomic EnergyAuthority, also 
  in Harwell, thought that the new studystrengthened the need to find out 
  how much DU hadfound its way inside people during the conflicts inthe 
  Gulf and the Balkans.But he agreed with Goodhead that the chemical 
  effectsof DU could be even more dangerous than itsradiological impact. 
  "It is a toxic heavy metal," hesaid. "It would be reasonable to put a 
  moratorium on its useas a munition until we have investigated the 
  amountsto which people have been exposed."Most radiobiologists have 
  dismissed the muchhighlighted suggestion that soldiers exposed to DU 
  inKosovo in 1999 could already have developed leukaemiaas a result. It 
  was much too soon after the exposurefor the disease to be diagnosed, they 
  said.But Sue Roff, a radiation res earcher from the Centrefor Medical 
  Education at the University of Dundee, hasdug up evidence that suggests 
  the radiation-inducedleukaemias can develop surprisingly quickly. The 
  firstcases were discovered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in1947 and 1948, 
  just two or three years after the USdestroyed the cities with atomic 
  bombs."In studies of patients who have received radiationtherapy, the 
  period of greatest risk for developingleukaemia has been reported as two 
  to five years afterexposure. "I am aware of at least six men, 

[CTRL] FW: Bush Nazi connection

2001-01-21 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he never
brought it
to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse
having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most powerful
office on
the planet?

He lied about it. It came out in the final weeks of the campaign. 

Drunk driving and oral sex, or any kind of sex, are equivalent only to a
deranged mind. Drunk driving is like standing in a crowded room,
covering your eyes with one hand while firing a pistol randomly around
the room with the other hand. Even if, through sheer luck, nobody gets
hurt, it's still a heinous crime for which there is no excuse. 

Sex, on the other hand, is nobody’s business except for the persons
actually involved. A case could be made that if doing it in the office
somehow impaired Clinton’s ability to do his job, that he shouldn’t have
done it there. This case has not been made. If anything, it seems to
have made him do his job more efficiently. What impaired his ability to
do his job was having to spend time defending himself from this
ridiculous charge.

What’s more, Clinton killed at least a half a million Iraqis, almost all
of them women and children. Anybody who ignores that and gets upset
instead about his having had sex, is morally skewed. What’s wrong with
you, anyway? Can’t you see evil when you look at it?  Sex isn't evil.
Sex is Nature's WAY. Sex is a GOOD thing. If it weren't for sex, you
wouldn't even BE here. Killing women and children so the oil companies
can make greater profits is evil. Get your priorities straight.

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Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watch freemarkets dowhat they do best.

2001-01-21 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

You should TRULY learn the fucking difference between   PRIVATE and

They are two fingers on the same hand.

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Christ the Culprit?

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 ~~for educational purposes only~~
 [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

 Christ the Culprit?
 by Joseph Sobran

 Time magazine has just hailed an intellectual breakthrough:
 "A new book claims that Christianity, not just bad Christians,
 is to blame for persecution of the Jews."

 What an original idea! This must be only the fortieth book
 to come up with it. The book is Constantine's Sword: The
 Church and the Jews, by James Carroll (Houghton Mifflin).
 Carroll is one of those liberal ex-priests who insist that
 they are staunch Catholics while defaming their Church at
 every turn.

 According to Time's reviewer, Carroll, whose book is "brave"
 and "fascinating" (though it merely repeats a thesis that has
 become safe and commonplace), blames anti-Semitism and the
 Holocaust on the popes, the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades,
 the medieval Church, St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, the
 Church fathers, and even the authors of the Gospels.

 Has he left anyone out?

 Well, yes. Why not blame Jesus Christ? He certainly had
 quarrels with the Jews and made some harsh and provocative
 remarks about them. Why let Christ off the hook?

Quite simple really. No one really knows for certain what Jesus
( not Christ ) said. All information about him comes from the
Church controlled literature and is therefor suspect.

Jesus was NEVER a Christian, but ALWAYS a Jew. And a devout one at that.
The anti Jew rhetoric attributed to him is the Church speaking. Not
Jesus. We can presume this from information OUTSIDE of the control of
the Church which exist in Roman and Jewish writings, and conflict with
what has been canonized.

This is why Sobran is a phony apologist for Christianity.

 If the
 Church has so consistently opposed the Jews for two millennia,
 might not its Founder have had some influence in the matter?


 Are we really supposed to believe that, once he had left this
 earth, Christianity immediately adopted a doctrine totally
 alien to him? If the Church is so thoroughly anti-Semitic,
 why not trace its anti-Semitism to Christ himself?

Because Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus. Christianity
was invented by Paul.

 Ah, but that might be a little more "brave" than Carroll
 deems prudent. It might cut him off from the Faith to which
 he professes allegiance. Christ is a pretty imposing figure
 even now. Safer to blame the Church, the popes, even the
 Apostles, than the Founder himself. One nubile movie star,
 blaming the Catholic Church in a recent interview for
 inhibiting her sex life, never fingered Christ as the
 culprit  as if Catholic doctrines didn't reflect Christ's
 own stern teachings on lust, but were superimposed by a
 bunch of old celibate males.

He got that right.

 You'll notice that whenever people dislike Christianity,
 they blame whatever they dislike about it on everyone but
 Jesus. They'd have us believe that they have no quarrel
 with Christ's "authentic" teachings, with which they are
 in total agreement, but reject only those alien accretions
 that started collecting, as they claim, the moment Christ

 The so-called Jesus Seminar, a group of liberal theologians,
 has even decided to tell us which Gospel sayings Jesus
 "really" spoke  and the "authentic" ones always turn
 out to be those that are acceptable to modern liberalism.

Sobran is an ignorant fool. Jesus's " authentic " sayings were
acceptable to *** ancient liberalism ***. That's what makes them
likely to be true. Jesus's sayings were Pharisaic teachings. The
Pharisees were the Liberals of their day. NOT the blind conservatives
as portrayed in the Christian Bible. Jesus was a Pharisee. The Jews
he was in conflict with were the rich, aristocratic Saducees who did
business with the Romans, and controlled the Temple. The Christian
fathers turned that around and made THEIR ENEMIES - the Rabbinic
Pharisees, the enemies of Jesus.

This is where Christian anti-semitism started. The Church fathers
altered history to make the Jews, ( who rejected Christianity )
not the Romans ( who eventually adopted Christianity ) responsible for
the death of Jesus.

 It's easy to see why. If you want to make Jesus Christ a
 modern liberal, you have to edit the Gospels pretty heavily.
 Garry Wills does something similar in his recent book,
 Papal Sin, which purports to be a critique of the modern
 papacy but winds up rejecting some ancient and basic
 Catholic doctrines. Of course Wills never admits that he
 rejects any of Christ's own teachings.

 Just as those who cant about "anti-Semitism" stop short
 of indicting Christ, those who cant about "racism" present
 a heavily expurgated version of Abraham Lincoln, and for
 similar reasons.

snip irrelevant conservative drivel about Lincoln.

 Liberals know they can't afford to make full frontal
 assaults on such venerable figures as Christ and Lincoln.
 So they continue to feed the public false images and
 censored versions of 

Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread hollie thomas

-Caveat Lector-

like Clinton is the only one to ever haave sex /oral in whitehouse ,
come on...
What You know becomes a belief as soon
as it is expressed ...
- Original Message -
From: "Nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

-Caveat Lector-

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he never
brought it
to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse
having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most powerful
office on
the planet?

He lied about it. It came out in the final weeks of the campaign.

Drunk driving and oral sex, or any kind of sex, are equivalent only to a
deranged mind. Drunk driving is like standing in a crowded room,
covering your eyes with one hand while firing a pistol randomly around
the room with the other hand. Even if, through sheer luck, nobody gets
hurt, it's still a heinous crime for which there is no excuse.

Sex, on the other hand, is nobody’s business except for the persons
actually involved. A case could be made that if doing it in the office
somehow impaired Clinton’s ability to do his job, that he shouldn’t have
done it there. This case has not been made. If anything, it seems to
have made him do his job more efficiently. What impaired his ability to
do his job was having to spend time defending himself from this
ridiculous charge.

What’s more, Clinton killed at least a half a million Iraqis, almost all
of them women and children. Anybody who ignores that and gets upset
instead about his having had sex, is morally skewed. What’s wrong with
you, anyway? Can’t you see evil when you look at it?  Sex isn't evil.
Sex is Nature's WAY. Sex is a GOOD thing. If it weren't for sex, you
wouldn't even BE here. Killing women and children so the oil companies
can make greater profits is evil. Get your priorities straight.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [Activist_List] Mr. I-Feel-Your-Pain Was Better At Inflicting It]

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Activist_List] Mr. I-Feel-Your-Pain Was Better At Inflicting It
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 16:48:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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The Globe And Mail (Toronto)

Mr. I-feel-your-pain was better at inflicting it
Saturday, January 20, 2001
In the spring of 1969 my incautious father took me to
a big antiwar demonstration, by then a common
occurrence in downtown Chicago but by no means one
taken lightly by the security apparatus of Mayor
Richard J. Daley. Less than a year earlier, Chicago's
"finest" had clubbed, bloodied and arrested hundreds
of protesters at the 1968 Democratic convention, so
the atmosphere was taut.
Vietnam had radicalized a previously contented class
of upwardly mobile youth, as well as many of their
perfectly respectable suburban parents, and I will
never forget the rage pulsing through that huge,
menacing crowd as it pushed down State Street. Fights
broke out along the periphery as counterdemonstrators
tried to provoke the marchers, and at one point my dad
yanked me away from the street when we found ourselves
too close to a vicious fist fight. Even nice, polite
college boys get mad if they're pushed too far. And by
1969 they'd been pushed so far that few people with
the education, money or connections to avoid it were
willing to get killed for Lyndon Johnson's, Richard
Nixon's and Henry Kissinger's grand game of
Around the same time I was on State Street, a polite,
upwardly mobile young Bill Clinton was engaged in some
modest antiwar agitation of his own -- though far from
the home front at Oxford, where besides a
rsum-building Rhodes scholarship, he could rejoice
in his continuing exemption from a military draft that
sent so many poor southern boys like himself to their
I mock Mr. Clinton with some hesitation --
nevertheless, the most notable aspect of his
administration is that the radicalism of the late
1960s didn't stick. This spirit encompassed a good
deal more than opposing Vietnam; when Americans
realized the depths of Mr. Johnson's and Mr. Nixon's
corrupt commitment to a pointless war it freed them to
see the myriad other ways in which politicians could
subvert democracy. This realization called into
question the basic assumptions of the Cold War, the
terrible treatment of blacks, the existence of a
military-industrial complex, the routine violations by
the government of basic civil liberties, the Third
World poverty that prevailed in discreet pockets all
over America and the degradation of the natural
environment by business and government alike.
At the time Mr. Clinton took office, the impetus for
progressive reform had been largely destroyed by
Ronald Reagan, so it's understandable why our first
"peacenik" President moved cautiously at first. But
very quickly it became apparent that Mr. Clinton was
less committed to reform than to the gospel of
dead-centrism, which argued that no Democrat could
ever attain the White House without embracing economic
laissez faire and rigid social control. In keeping
with Reaganism, the free market had to be further
freed to work its magic -- hence deregulation of
banking, electric utilities and airlines, hence the
blind eye cast on the merger frenzy that reversed a
century's worth of antitrust tradition. Meanwhile,
unruly black people needed to learn manners (in jail
or in the electric chair if necessary), have their
welfare guarantees removed and their penchant for
selling illegal drugs cracked down on hard. All of
this started under Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but
Mr. Clinton codified their policies with the
"tough-on-crime" bills he signed in 1994 and 1996.
Thus, today, we have banks that tout uninsured stocks
instead of government insured savings accounts,
rolling power blackouts in California, and bigger,
richer oil companies with less competition than ever.
Thus, the prison population, disproportionately black,
is approaching 1.4 million (up from 300,000 in 1977),
and the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable
search and seizure lays in tatters, victim of the "war
on drugs." Famous for "feeling your pain," Mr. Clinton
was always better at inflicting it.
Nothing better illustrates the President's abandonment
of liberal activism than his decision in 1993 to push
passage of NAFTA ahead of a national health-insurance
plan. Historians will surely dwell on Mr. Clinton's
betrayal of his wife through his devotion to free
love, but the greater faithlessness toward the first
lady came on "free trade." Mr. Clinton was 

Re: [CTRL] Capitalism - It's a beautiful thing to watchfreemarketsdowhat they do best.

2001-01-21 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

"Why is California  short on Electricity ?
  You should TRULY learn the fucking difference between
   You should TRULY learn to live in the real world.
 It is you who seeks to hide from reality.

  Your ideology is ridiculous and so are you.
 How profound.

Thank you. Thank you ver' much.

  This crisis got out of hand because of deregulation. It was
  deregulated because businessmen run the politicians. The
  results are PRIMARILY because the producers are either
  causing or exacerbating the ' shortage.' That's what happens
  when you let businessmen control prices.
 Pull your head out of your ass.

 The best analogy for California's 'deregulation experiment' ... a
 group of legislators coming across a man bound hand and foot,
 hogtied, blindfolded, with plugs in his ears and duct tape over
 his mouth. After several hours of discussion, they come up with a
 plan. They remove the earplugs and then dance around shouting
 'we have freed this man!'

 Some time later, they realize that the man is not moving or
 saying anything, so they begin to debate anew. 'Perhaps we should
 put the earplugs back in?' suggests one. 'Well,' another pipes
 up, 'if we cut off his legs at the ankles, the hogties is no
 longer an issue.'

What a beautiful fucking story. It's so damn pithy.

 You Myrmidons enjoy chanting the Statist propaganda in the face of reality.
 Deregulation did NOT occur.

Of course it occurred you moron. What you are whining about is that it didn't
occur COMPLETLY. There's NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU FUCKERS. Never enough Laisez Faire.

It seems that the rest of us just don't get it eh? Well I get it. And I want you
to know that you will NEVER get your idology to come true. Never. Because it
harms and exploits too many people and we know it. And California is a good
example of what happens when you lose public control ( such as it is ) and turn


 The Big Lie is a major untruth uttered frequently by
 leaders as a means of duping and controlling the
 constituency.  -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

You mean like the " invisible hand of market dynamics?"
How about the one where " markets are eficient."
Or, Greedy Oinker 1 + Greedy Oinker 2 = benefits for ALL.

The current Bush Presidency, together with the worldwide failures of
Global Capitalism will bury this nonsense for a long time. I only
regret that I can't watch you squirm in person.

Have a lovely day.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who Are The Fringe People?: Media and Protests 3

2001-01-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Who Are The Fringe People?:
Media and Protests 3
By Carla Binion

In Bush's inaugural speech, which he did not write, he spoke soaringly of our
nation's fate being led by angels in whirlwinds (or was it sugarplum
fairies?) and of including all Americans.  However, in an MSNBC interview
aired the night before the inaugural, Bush dismissed the vast number of
Americans opposed to Ashcroft and other Cabinet nominations, describing his
opponents as "fringe people" (his exact words).

Who are the fringe people?  The term is vaguely scary, invoking images of
wild, hairy Neanderthals, peering from caves with spooky intentions of rising
up and doing heaven-knows-what to the agenda of the wealthy.

Bush became teary-eyed during the inaugural, but where are his tears for the
millions of folks he and his media bulldogs routinely batter and malign, the
so-called fringe?  His speech writers and think tanks put shimmering words of
unity and love into his mouth, but the actual unspun Bush-brain lets slip his
true prejudices.

Fringe is dictionary-defined as "a marginal or minor part," and "at the outer
edge."  Bush and his mainstream media mouthpieces repeatedly describe all
dissenting environmentalists, African-Americans, women's rights organizations
and civil liberties groups as "far leftwing fringe."

Most Americans know that groups such as the Sierra Club, the NAACP, the
National Organization for Women and People for the American Way are neither
far leftwing nor fringe.  Most of us also realize that not all Americans
opposed to the Bush appointees and agenda (your truly included, FYI) are
members of any organized political group, far leftwing or otherwise.

In fact, the people in favor of environmental protection legislation, legal
justice for minorities and women, and laws protecting civil liberties are the
American mainstream.  Robert W. McChesney writes about the difference between
the interests of the majority of Americans and the interests of the small
minority of wealthy special interests represented by the likes of the Bush

McChesney is a media critic and a research professor in the Institute of
Communications Research and the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  He says:

"The needs of the minuscule investor class can never be equated with the
needs of the citizenry or with the foundations of a democracy."

Bush and Company would like us to believe they represent "the American
people."  In fact, they represent only about one to five percent of the
people.  The remainder of us are fringe.

Robert McChesney says of the miniscule ruling class, "some go so far as to
present democracy as being defined first and foremost by individual freedoms
to buy and sell property and the right to invest for profit.  That there is
any distinction between those liberties and the democratic right to free
speech, free press, and free assembly is dismissed categorically."

The Bush team and the mainstream media folks who promote their views, equate
market rights with political freedom and capitalism with democracy, a
corrolation McChesney rightly calls absurd.  Many nations, McChesney notes,
have protected market rights while "having little respect for any other civil

How does the Republican party, which exists to protect the financial
interests of a small minority of Americans, convince ordinary working people
to support their policies?  In a word: avertising.  In a less charitable
word: propaganda.

The Republican party spends millions on campaign ads and takes advantage of
free TV time to present itself as the party of "character."  As journalist
Bill Greider says ("Who Will Tell The People," 1992), the Republican party
"poses as the bullwark against unsettling modernity."

Republicans, says Greider, advertise themselves as defenders against "alien
forces within society that threaten to overwhelm decent folk -- libertine
sexual behavior, communists, criminals, people of color demanding more than
they deserve."  In doing so, the Republican leadership pretends to care more
about sexual behavior than they actually do, and they play on fears and
prejudices regarding race and class.

Somehow Republicans also manage to convince their working class supporters
that their tax cuts and other economic plans benefit average working folks.
However, those cuts demonstrably shift the tax burden from the very wealthy
onto the backs of lower and middle income Americans.

Rush Limbaugh and other media voices of rightwing outrage give Republicans a
virtually non-stop propaganda vehicle.  However, the Limbaugh types are not
the only media promoters of the economic interests of the wealthiest

In "Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy,"
journalist James Fallows writes: "Until about the mid-1960s, journalism was
essentially a high working-class activity.  In big cities the typical
reporter would make about as much 

Re: [CTRL] Who Are The Fringe People?: Media and Protests 3

2001-01-21 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/21/01 1:31:29 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Most Americans know that groups such as the Sierra Club, the NAACP, the
 National Organization for Women and People for the American Way are neither
 far leftwing nor fringe.  

Right! And You will respect us in the morning. The check is in the mail.
Clinton just smoked that cigar.  The stain on the dress was mayonaise.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Myth of Epidemic False Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Divorce Cases

2001-01-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find info about this article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick


The Myth of Epidemic False Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Divorce Cases
by Merrilyn McDonald - "It is commonly believed that false allegations of
sexual abuse in the context of divorce are epidemic, that most allegations
made in the context of divorce are made by vindictive mothers and that these
allegations are almost always false. These beliefs are not supported by
scientific evidence.It is widely believed that at least 50 percent of all
allegations of child sexual abuse are false, and that an accused person
appearing in a court of law is quite likely to have been falsely accused.
Those who defend accused child sexual offenders want us to believe that 50
percent of individuals brought to trial are innocent. These beliefs are not
supported by scientific evidence, either."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Crackdown on Dissent

2001-01-21 Thread William Shannon
The Crackdown on Dissent 
by Abby Scher

Over the past year, the US government has intensified its crackdown on 
political dissidents opposing corporate globalization, and it is using the 
same intimidating and probably unconstitutional tactics against demonstrators 
at the presidential inauguration. With the Secret Service taking on 
extraordinary powers designed to combat terrorism, undercover operatives are 
spying on protesters' planning meetings, while police are restricting who is 
allowed on the parade route and are planning a massive search effort of 
visitors. One activist who has had experience with how the DC police handle 
demonstrators is Rob Fish, a cheerful young man with the Student 
Environmental Action Coalition profiled in a recent Sierra magazine cover 
story on the new generation of environmentalists. If you were watching CNN 
during the protests against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in 
Washington, DC, in April, you would have seen Fish, 22, beaten, bloody and 
bandaged after an attack by an enraged plainclothes officer who also tried to 
destroy the camera with which Fish was documenting police harassment. Fish is 
a plaintiff in a class-action suit filed by the American Civil Liberties 
Union, the National Lawyers Guild and the Partnership for Civil Justice 
against the DC police and a long list of federal agencies including the FBI. 
This suit--along with others in Philadelphia and Los Angeles, where the party 
conventions were held in August; in Detroit, which declared a civil emergency 
during the June Organization of American States meeting across the border in 
Windsor, Ontario; and in Seattle--is exposing a level of surveillance and 
disruption of political activities not seen on the left since the FBI 
deployed its dirty tricks against the Central American solidarity movement 
during the 1980s. 
Among police agencies themselves this is something of an open secret. In the 
spring the US Attorney's office bestowed an award on members of the 
Washington, DC, police department for their "unparalleled" coordination with 
other police agencies during the IMF protests. "The FBI provided valuable 
background on the individuals who were intent on committing criminal acts and 
were able to impart the valuable lessons learned from Seattle," the US 
Attorney declared. 
Civil liberties lawyers say the level of repression--in the form of 
unwarranted searches and surveillance, unprovoked shootings and beatings, and 
pre-emptive mass arrests criminalizing peaceful demonstrators--violates 
protesters' rights of free-speech and association. "It's political 
profiling," said Jim Lafferty, director of the National Lawyers Guild's Los 
Angeles office, which is backing lawsuits coming out of the Los Angeles 
protests. "They target organizers. It's a new level of crackdown on dissent." 
In Washington in April and at the Republican National Convention protest in 
Philadelphia last summer, the police rounded up hundreds of activists in 
pre-emptive arrests and targeted and arrested on trumped-up charges those 
they had identified as leaders. Once many of those cases appeared in 
Philadelphia court, they were dismissed because the police could offer no 
reason for the arrests. In December the courts dismissed all charges against 
sixty-four puppet-making activists arrested at a warehouse. A month before, 
prosecutors had told the judge they were withdrawing all fourteen misdemeanor 
charges against Ruckus Society head John Sellers for lack of evidence. These 
were the same charges--including possession of an instrument of a crime, his 
cell phone--that police leveled against Sellers to argue for his imprisonment 
on $1 million bail this past August. 
A major question posed by the lawsuits is whether the federal government 
trained local police to violate the free-speech rights of protesters like 
Sellers and Fish. The FBI held seminars for local police in the protest 
cities on the lessons of the Seattle disorders to help them prepare for the 
demonstrations. It has also formed "joint terrorism task forces" in 
twenty-seven of its fifty-six divisions, composed of local, state and federal 
law-enforcement officers, aimed at suppressing what it sees as domestic 
terrorism on the left and on the right. "We want to be proactive and keep 
these things from happening," Gordon Compton, an FBI spokesman, told the 
Oregonian in early December after public-interest groups called for the city 
to withdraw from that region's task force. 
The collaboration of federal and local police harks back to the height of the 
municipal Red Squads, renamed "intelligence units" in the postwar period. 
During the heyday of J. Edgar Hoover and his illegal Counterintelligence 
Program (COINTELPRO), the FBI relied on these local police units and even 
private right-wing spy groups for information about antiwar and other 
activists. The FBI then used the 

[CTRL] Our New National Preacher.

2001-01-21 Thread William Shannon
President Bush Announces Religious Agenda on Inauguration Day
Bush Presents Himself as 'Determined Foe of Church-State' Separation

WASHINGTON - January 20 - George W. Bush, sworn in today as the nation's 43rd 
president, announced a religious agenda in his inaugural address, including 
an emphasis on using houses of worship for providing publicly financed social 
services. Just moments after being sworn in as president, Bush used a speech 
laced with religious rhetoric to explain the role religion will play in his 
"[S]ome needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor's 
touch or a pastor's prayer," Bush said. "Church and charity, synagogue and 
mosque, lend our communities their humanity, and they will have an honored 
place in our plans and laws."
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation 
of Church and State, expressed concern about Bush's comments.
"Bush apparently believes he was elected national preacher as well as 
president," Lynn said. "The newly elected president presented himself today 
as a determined foe of church-state separation. The Constitution he swore to 
uphold simply does not permit the president to merge religion and government.
"Churches and other houses of worship play a cherished role in our society, 
but they do not have a role in our secular laws," Lynn added. "Bush's remarks 
showed a gross insensitivity to the constitutional principle of government 
neutrality on religion."
Bush also used his inaugural address to emphasize his plans for education, 
remarking, "Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and 
apathy claim more young lives." News agencies were reporting today that Bush 
will unveil an education plan on Tuesday that will feature vouchers for 
religious and other private schools.
"Far too much of Bush's agenda calls for a unity between church and state," 
noted AU's Lynn. "To protect the religious liberties of all Americans, his 
plans must be rejected by Congress."
In one of his first acts as the nation's chief executive, Bush issued a 
proclamation ordering today as a "national day of prayer." Bush, in the 
proclamation, called "upon the citizens of our Nation to gather together in 
homes and places of worship to pray alone and together and offer thanksgiving 
to God for all the blessings of this great and good land." He added, "I ask 
Americans to bow our heads in humility before our Heavenly Father, a God who 
calls us not to judge our neighbors, but to love them, to ask His guidance 
upon our Nation and its leaders in every level of government."
Ironically, Bush quoted Thomas Jefferson both in his inaugural address and 
his day of prayer proclamation. Jefferson, a staunch advocate of church-state 
separation, never issued a prayer proclamation in order to preserve 
government neutrality on religious matters.
"Bush would have been wise to follow Jefferson's example and allow Americans 
to make up their own minds about how and when to pray," said AU's Lynn. "It 
would have gotten the Bush presidency off to a much better start.
"The Bush Administration is only a few hours old and it already has signaled 
remarkable hostility for church-state separation," concluded Lynn. "Anyone 
concerned with this nation's religious liberties should realize that the next 
four years will be awfully busy."
Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington, 
D.C. Founded in 1947, the organization represents 60,000 members and allied 
houses of worship in all 50 states. 

[CTRL] Bush Buddy To Profit From Calif. Energy Woes

2001-01-21 Thread William Shannon
Bush adviser's role in deciding crisis questioned

Mercury News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON

 -- One of the top energy advisers to President-elect George W. Bush, who
today becomes responsible for crucial decisions in how the federal government
will deal with California's energy crisis, has a vested interest in how that
crisis is resolved.

Ken Lay, chairman and outgoing CEO of Enron, one of the nation's biggest
power marketers, has a long and close relationship with Bush. One of his
largest political contributors, he helped raise more than $100,000 for Bush's
presidential campaign. Those roles raise serious conflict-of-interest
questions, according to public watchdog groups.

``There's no secret he has the ear of the president,'' said Larry Makinson, a
senior fellow at the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, which
tracks money in politics. He described Lay as ``the ultimate insider'' on
energy and in particular electricity deregulation -- the root of California's
current problem.

``Energy deregulation is one of the foundations of the business plan for
Enron,'' he said. ``They want it nationally, and Ken Lay has been one of the
company's prime movers in this area.

''In addition to potentially boosting the fortunes of his company, Lay stands
to make significant gains personally if Enron benefits from the resolution of
California's energy woes. His declared holdings in the Houston-based
company's stock are 2.9 million shares, valued at $205 million when the
market closed Friday.

Bush already appears to have followed Lay's lead on one aspect of
California's severe energy problem.

On Thursday, Bush for the first time said he opposed caps on wholesale power
prices in the West, the same position that Lay has long stated. California
Gov. Gray Davis has pressed federal regulators for such caps as energy prices
have soared.

Power marketers such as Enron and power-generating companies want no limit on
how much they can charge to sell electricity. Any price caps would have to be
approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a five-member panel to
which Bush now will make two appointments and choose its head.

On Friday, Lay reiterated his opposition to price caps as well, saying high
electricity prices force consumers to conserve in the face of a supply

``The biggest problem in California is consumers are not going to see the
price signals. If they don't see the price signals, they are not changing
behavior, so the problem is going to get worse,'' he said of the impact of
price caps while at a forum in Washington. ``Painful as it is, they need to
see the price signals and start modifying behavior to reduce demand until we
get new supplies.

''Lay has been involved in negotiations between California officials, federal
regulators, utility officials and energy company executives to try to resolve
the crisis by forging agreement on long-term contracts for power sales to
California. An aide to Davis said he doesn't believe there is a serious
conflict of interest.

``The governor knows that he has the president-elect's ear, and in many ways
that can be positive,'' said Davis press aide Steve Maviglio. Lay
``understands the seriousness of the situation,'' Maviglio said.

Lay, who was involved in inaugural festivities Friday, could not be reached
for comment. But a representative of Enron, which generates very little power
for California but does broker deals between utilities and other sources,
said there was no conflict between Lay's closeness to the new president and
his job.

``We're a buyer and a seller in California, so we don't have any interest in
seeing prices be high. We just have an interest in a functioning market,''
said Enron's Mark Palmer. He said the company ``does not necessarily'' stand
to gain from higher energy prices.

Lay is one of 48 members of the incoming administration's energy policy
coordinating group, set up to assist the incoming energy secretary, former
U.S. Sen. Spencer Abraham, as he prepares for the job. The group also
includes a representative from Southern California Edison, one of the state's
teetering utilities, as well as other energy and business interests.

But Lay's influence is much deeper than that. The 58-year-old Lay has long
been a close friend of his fellow Texan Bush, who was in the oil industry
before he became governor of Texas. Enron and its employees were the top
overall donor to Bush throughout his political career, giving $550,025
through June 2000, according to the Center for Public Integrity, a
non-partisan political research organization.

``They're politically very close, and on a personal basis they're very
close,'' said Craig McDonald, director of Texans for Public Justice, a
non-profit research group that tracks money in Texas elections. ``You can see
Ken Lay and the president-elect sitting side-by-side at the baseball games at
Enron Field down in 


2001-01-21 Thread William Shannon

by David Icke

Saturday, January 20th, 2001, will be remembered as a dark day for human
freedom - the day that George W. Bush took the oath on the same Freemasonic
Bible used by George Washington and became the 43rd President of the United

It is not George W. Bush that is truly the problem, it is all that he
represents. Bush ("Shrub") is president in name only, of course. The real
power is with others behind the scenes, like his father George Bush and those
of even greater authority than he, like Henry Kissinger and other leg-men for
the Illuminati.

We can see this clearly in the people the Shrub has appointed to "his"
cabinet. It is like a roll call of Illuminati placemen that served under his
father and other child abusers, rapists, and serial killers like Gerald Ford.
Alongside them are a stream of Illuminati operatives from corporate America,
including ALCOA, the Aluminum cartel controlled by the infamous Mellon
family, those close friends of the British royal family. It is ALCOA and the
Mellons who gave us fluoride, a poison and mind suppressant, in public
drinking water.

Shrub's vice-president, Dick Cheney, was his father's Defence Secretary and
together they launched the "NATO" (British-American) war on Iraq in 1991.
Cheney, as exposed by Cathy O'Brien in Trance-Formation of America, is yet
another mind controller, child abuser, and serial killer. Colin Powell, the
head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was America's highest military commander
during the Gulf War and you do not get to that level unless you know what
people like Father George and Cheney are involved in. Powell, like the Bushes
and Cheney, is bloodline and that's why he is to be the new Secretary of
State. Given that line-up and their mentality and agenda, don't be at all
surprised if the United States finds itself in another manipulated war during
this administration. You will see "monsters" being created in the public mind
to justify such action.

The Bush inauguration marks the start of the massive push by the Illuminati
to further their agenda for a global fascist state. You will see this clearly
unfolding in the next 24 months and, as usual, watch what they do, not what
they say. The Bush administration will be a cold, calculating, vicious,
period of human history. I know people who have met the Shrub during his
period as Governor of Texas and cold, calculating, and vicious, as well as
staggeringly unintelligent, are words they chose to describe him. But those
who will be dictating the actions of his presidency make him look like a
puppy dog. Or maybe lapdog would be more appropriate.

Even many of those who still deny any evidence of a global fascist state
emerging before our eyes will be shocked out of their comatose state by the
time the Shrub leaves office. Indeed, probably long before. 

Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/21/2001 7:53:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he never brought
 to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
 wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse of
 having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most powerful office on
 the planet? 

Well, yes he did, and whatever he does about oral sex, the tradition would
seem recent only if you're very, very old.   Clinton himself was just
following in the footsteps of past presidents.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Roberts: JAM: aspartame brain cancer 1991

2001-01-21 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Rich Murray" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Roberts: JAM: aspartame  brain cancer 1991
Date: Friday, September 15, 2000 2:15 AM
Journal of Advancement in Medicine
Volume 4, Number 4, Winter 1991


H. J. Roberts, MD  (H.J. Roberts MD is Director, Palm Beach Institute
for Medical Research.  He is Senior Active Staff, St. Mary’s Hospital
and Good Samaritan Hospital, West Palm Beach.  He is author of six texts
and was selected the "The Best Doctors in the U.S."  Address
correspondence to H. J. Roberts MD, Palm Beach Institute for Medical
Research, 6708 Pamela Lane, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 FAX 561-547-8008

Excellent 5-page review by H.J. Roberts in "Townsend Letter", Jan 2000,
"Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction":
Sunshine Sentinel Press
6708 Pamela Lane  West Palm Beach, Florida 33405   800-814-9800
561-588-7628  561-547-8008 fax

ABSTRACT:  There has been a statistically significant increase of common
primary malignant brain cancers since 1985, and perhaps as early as
1984, according to the National Cancer Institute SEER data.  This
phenomenon occurred within 1-2 years following licensing of the chemical
aspartame for beverages in July 1983.  Furthermore, the annual incidence
rates of primary brain tumors appear to be increasing.  The SEER data
also reveal an increased incidence of primary brain lymphoma in 1982-
1984.  Others have reported a tripling of the incidence of this
condition, previously rare.  Again, the licensing of aspartame for "dry"
use in July 1981 is relevant.  The significance of these associations is
underscored by the high incidence of brain tumors in rats after the
experimental administration of aspartame.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists and a Public Board of
Inquiry (PBOI) strongly recommended delay in licensure pending further
investigation, including repetition of the animal studies, to clarify
this matter.  To the author’s knowledge, these have not been reported.
Aspartame containing products are now being consumed by an estimated 200
million persons in over 4,000 products.  These data, coupled with an
unacceptably large number of aspartame-related seizures reported to the
FDA and the writer, appear to warrant an "imminent public health hazard"
designation for such products.


The title of this article should disturb seasoned clinicians.  It
suggests that several major human cancers may be caused or influenced by
an additive currently being consumed by more than half the population.

Such an assertion obviously requires epidemiologic and
statistical validation, as well as the repetition by corporate-neutral
investigators of animal and human studies on which the FDA had relied
for licensing products containing this synthesized chemical.

The Rising Incidence of Primary Brain Cancer

The National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results (SEER) statistics (1) indicate an impressive increase in the
age-adjusted incidence rates of primary brain cancer since 1985, and
possibly as early as 1984.  This phenomenon has been documented in the
categories covering all races and both genders.

 Disturbing statistically-significant rises in the Estimated Annual
Percent Change (EAPC) for brain cancer also were noted in the 1983-1987
period - 1987 being the last year for which complete data are available.
For example, SEER Table II-34 contains the five-year trends for all
races.  The EAPC rose from 2.1 to 8.7 in males, and from 2.1 to 11.7 in
females for the time periods 1975-1979 and 1983-1987, respectively.

 Although such increases might be attributed to more accurate
diagnosis by modern scanning and other diagnostic procedures, three
considerations seem to rebut this explanation.  First, adequate brain
scanning devices were widely available at least one decade ago.  Second,
the rise in primary brain tumors has been quantitative, and not
attributable to changes in nosology. Third, the incidence rates for
cancer involving most other systems either remained stable or declined
during the 1983-1987 period.

 The search for nonoccupational etiologic factors of glioblastoma in
adults has proved frustrating (2).  Hochberg, Toniolo and Cole (3) were
unable to document any significant association with a family history of
central nervous system (CNS) malignancies or other neurologic

[CTRL] Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every Word and Every Comma'

2001-01-21 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Deal Clinton Made With the Independent Counsel Was More Than
A Year In the Making;
Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every Word and Every

 "The underbrush had to be cleared away," Ray told TIME

New York -- Friday's deal President Clinton made with Independent
Counsel Robert Ray to avoid prosecution was more than a year in
the making, TIME reports. It involved clandestine negotiations
between the warring parties in which Clinton helped shape "every
clause, every word and every comma," as one source describes it.
The agreement required compromises from both the President, who
until now had insisted that he never lied under oath, and the
prosecutor who had vowed to uphold the rule of law. The initial
crucial meeting took place in the Map Room at the White House.
Within days of Ray's swearing-in as Ken Starr's successor in
October 1999, he received a call from the President's private
lawyer, David Kendall, who'd spent six years battling Starr. Ray
and Kendall began a series of regular talks, and Ray tried to build
faith in his fairness, TIME reports in the current issue (on
newsstands Monday, Jan. 22nd). Over the next 11 months, he
closed investigations that Starr had let drag on for years: the
Whitewater land deal, the firing of the White House travel office and
alleged misuse of FBI personnel files. Ray issued press releases
clearing the President and First Lady of criminal wrongdoing--and
made sure he finished several weeks before Election Day in Hillary
Clinton's run for the Senate. "The underbrush had to be cleared
away," Ray told TIME. However, his actions only made Clinton
cockier, TIME's Michael Weisskopf reports. The President had
suffered the ignominy of impeachment and a contempt of court
finding, but now he was spinning hard, bragging in interviews that
he had defended the Constitution by standing up to overzealous
prosecutors. Ray knew he had to get Clinton's attention. In July, he
empaneled a new grand jury, and after the November election,
called in Lewinsky for questioning, increasing pressure on Clinton
to cut a deal. If there was going to be a settlement, he wanted it
before Clinton left office. About three weeks ago, he asked Kendall
for a meeting with the President, according to sources outside
Ray's office. He agreed to participate in the first negotiation of
criminal matters between a President and prosecutor. Kendall set
up the meeting and joined the discussion. Clinton agreed to
acknowledge some form of wrongdoing; the issue was what. Ray
wanted him to admit that he had lied under oath when he denied
having had sexual relations with Lewinsky; at the meeting, Clinton
wouldn't budge. The lawyers worked on language over the next two
weeks, arriving at a formula in which Clinton admitted for the first
time to giving false testimony under oath. By avoiding the word
"knowingly," the President skirted the legal definition of perjury.
With that breakthrough, the deal came together.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Buddy To Profit From Calif. Energy Woes

2001-01-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/21/2001 2:57:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Mercury News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON

  -- One of the top energy advisers to President-elect George W. Bush, who
 today becomes responsible for crucial decisions in how the federal government
 will deal with California's energy crisis, has a vested interest in how that
 crisis is resolved.

 Ken Lay, chairman and outgoing CEO of Enron, one of the nation's biggest
 power marketers, has a long and close relationship with Bush. One of his
 largest political contributors, he helped raise more than $100,000 for Bush's
 presidential campaign. Those roles raise serious conflict-of-interest
 questions, according to public watchdog groups.

 ``There's no secret he has the ear of the president,'' said Larry Makinson, a
 senior fellow at the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, which
 tracks money in politics. He described Lay as ``the ultimate insider'' on
 energy and in particular electricity deregulation -- the root of California's
 current problem.

 ``Energy deregulation is one of the foundations of the business plan for
 Enron,'' he said. ``They want it nationally, and Ken Lay has been one of the
 company's prime movers in this area.

 ''In addition to potentially boosting the fortunes of his company, Lay stands
 to make significant gains personally if Enron benefits from the resolution of
 California's energy woes. His declared holdings in the Houston-based
 company's stock are 2.9 million shares, valued at $205 million when the
 market closed Friday.

 Bush already appears to have followed Lay's lead on one aspect of
 California's severe energy problem.

 On Thursday, Bush for the first time said he opposed caps on wholesale power
 prices in the West, the same position that Lay has long stated. California
 Gov. Gray Davis has pressed federal regulators for such caps as energy prices
 have soared. 

But of course, that's what the whopping donation was all about.   Did you
really think Bush became president so he could "preach" from the "bully
pulpit"?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] California Gov. to Appoint 'Power-Plant Czar'

2001-01-21 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday January 21, 11:02 am Eastern Time
Press Release
California Gov. to Appoint 'Power-Plant Czar' This Week to 'Honcho'
Completion of Five Power Plants Under Construction
Davis Confers Daily With Former Treasury Secretary Rubin so
'Wall Street Understands What We're Doing;' Says California Will
Not Drag Rest of Country Into Recession
NEW YORK, Jan. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- California Gov. Gray Davis
Newsweek that he plans to appoint a ``power-plant czar'' this
week who will
``honcho'' the completion of five power plants
currently under construction and
will expedite the permit process
for several more in the energy-needy state.
Davis tells San
Francisco Bureau Chief Karen Breslau in the January 29 issue
Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, January 22) that altogether he
plans to
have 15 new plants under construction before his term
ends in 2002.
plants would be the first in the state since the
Davis, who was criticized for not acting faster, is now trying to
energy supplies and drive down prices.
And he tells
Newsweek that he talks
``three times a day'' to former Treasury
secretary Robert Rubin, now a
co-chairman of Citigroup, ``to make
sure Wall Street understands what we're
But the cost of the power crisis and subsequent disruptions are
costing billions of dollars and many experts now fear that
the problems of the
nation's largest state economy may spill over
to the rest of the country,
writes Senior Writer Adam Bryant, in a
separate story on California's energy
crisis. But Gov. Davis
dismisses any suggestion that his state's energy problems will
weigh heavily on the country's economy.
``California will not
anyone into recession.
It will outperform the rest of the nation.''
   (Read Newsweek news releases at Click "Pressroom.")


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
- 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Buddy To Profit From Calif. Energy Woes

2001-01-21 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Jan 2001, at 15:20, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 But of course, that's what the whopping donation was all about.   Did
 you really think Bush became president so he could "preach" from the
 "bully pulpit"?  Prudy

Unfortunately, we still don't know everything about what the
Chinese gained for *their* whopping illegal donations to Mr. Clinton.


To call Mr. Clinton a hypocrite is to insult hypocrites everywhere.
--The Las Vegas Review-Journal

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 33

2001-01-21 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

In the workshop I noticed a sign from 
Bosch, the german maker of electrical automobile 

There were stars in groups all over the sign, and I 
started counting. I counted twice, but there was no doubt, a total of 32 stars 
on the sign. So maybe Bosch was not a masonic operation after all.

But then I became aware of, in the middle of the 
sign, a large half-moon. That added up to 33 celestial objects!

Are you convinced? What do our masonic experts say 
on this? Any comments from the lodge?

Best, Ole Gerstrom, Copenhagen, Denmark

Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Bravo, hollie thomas!!! I agree

On 21 Jan 01, at 11:43, hollie thomas wrote:

 Sex, on the other hand, is nobody’s business except for the persons
 actually involved. A case could be made that if doing it in the office
 somehow impaired Clinton’s ability to do his job, that he shouldn’t
 have done it there. This case has not been made. If anything, it seems
 to have made him do his job more efficiently. What impaired his
 ability to do his job was having to spend time defending himself from
 this ridiculous charge.

 What’s more, Clinton killed at least a half a million Iraqis, almost
 all of them women and children. Anybody who ignores that and gets
 upset instead about his having had sex, is morally skewed. What’s
 wrong with you, anyway? Can’t you see evil when you look at it?  Sex
 isn't evil. Sex is Nature's WAY. Sex is a GOOD thing. If it weren't
 for sex, you wouldn't even BE here. Killing women and children so the
 oil companies can make greater profits is evil. Get your priorities


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

If memory serves me he lied about nothing. He admitted he had a drinking
problem at one time and hadn't had a drink in 14 years and at the same time
made no admissions to being cited for DWI. Not bringing it to the forefront
would not constitute lying. We all know the story about the citation and how
it surfaced so conveniently just prior to the election, he didn't lie about,
he admitted it. Anyone with any measurable degree of intelligence would know
the citation would be documented somewhere in the legal system and foolish
to lie about.
Then what you're saying is you have knowledge of the hidden history of the
Whitehouse well enough to know which former Presidents indulged in the act
of Oral Sex in the Oval Office. I'm also quite confident after reading some
of your posts on this list that you would never make a statement as such
unless you could name the parties involved. Could you give us a quick run
down on these people?

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Prudence L. Kuhn
 Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 3:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 01/21/2001 7:53:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he
 never brought
  to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
  wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse of
  having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most
 powerful office on
  the planet? 

 Well, yes he did, and whatever he does about oral sex, the tradition would
 seem recent only if you're very, very old.   Clinton himself was just
 following in the footsteps of past presidents.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/21/01 3:32:49 PM Central Standard Time,

Bravo, hollie thomas!!! I agree

I also agree wholeheartedly...good post Miss Hollie!!


[CTRL] Who Are the Fringe People?

2001-01-21 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

I don't know of this sort of thing is of any interest to
this group, but Carla Binion is a powerful, clear, and
articulate new (?) voice and I think she sums up the
situation remarkably well.

Who Are The Fringe People?:
Media and Protests 3
By Carla Binion

In Bush's inaugural speech, which he did not write,
he spoke soaringly of our nation's fate being led by
angels in whirlwinds (or was it sugarplum fairies?)
and of including all Americans.  However, in an
MSNBC interview aired the night before the inaugural,
Bush dismissed the vast number of Americans
opposed to Ashcroft and other Cabinet nominations,
describing his opponents as "fringe people" (his
exact words).

Who are the fringe people?  The term is vaguely
scary, invoking images of wild, hairy Neanderthals,
peering from caves with spooky intentions of
rising up and doing heaven-knows-what to the
agenda of the wealthy.

Bush became teary-eyed during the inaugural, but
where are his tears for the millions of folks he and his
media bulldogs routinely batter and malign, the so-
called fringe?  His speech writers and think tanks put
shimmering words of unity and love into his mouth,
but the actual unspun Bush-brain lets slip his true

Fringe is dictionary-defined as "a marginal or minor
part," and "at the outer edge."  Bush and his
mainstream media mouthpieces repeatedly
describe all dissenting environmentalists, African-
Americans, women's rights organizations and civil
liberties groups as "far leftwing fringe."

Most Americans know that groups such as the Sierra
Club, the NAACP, the National Organization for
Women and People for the American Way are
neither far leftwing nor fringe.  Most of us also realize
that not all Americans opposed to the Bush
appointees and agenda (yours truly included,
FYI) are members of any organized political group, far
leftwing or

In fact, the people in favor of environmental
protection legislation, legal justice for minorities and
women, and laws protecting civil liberties are the
American mainstream.  Robert W. McChesney writes
about the difference between the interests of the
majority of Americans and the interests of the small
minority of wealthy special interests represented
by the likes of the Bush team.

McChesney is a media critic and a research professor
in the Institute of Communications Research and the
Graduate School of Library and Information
Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign.  He says: "The needs of the minuscule
investor class can never be equated with the
needs of the citizenry or with the foundations of a

Bush and Company would like us to believe they
represent "the American people."  In fact, they
represent only about one to five percent of the
people.  The remainder of us are fringe.

Robert McChesney says of the miniscule ruling class,
"some go so far as to present democracy as being
defined first and foremost by individual
freedoms to buy and sell property and the right to
invest for profit. That there is any distinction
between those liberties and the democratic
right to free speech, free press, and free assembly is
dismissed categorically."

The Bush team and the mainstream media folks who
promote their views, equate market rights with
political freedom and capitalism with democracy,
a corrolation McChesney rightly calls absurd.  Many
nations, McChesney notes, have protected market
rights while "having little respect for any other civil

How does the Republican party, which exists to
protect the financial interests of a small minority of
Americans, convince ordinary working people to
support their policies?  In a word: avertising.  In a less
charitable word: propaganda.

The Republican party spends millions on campaign
ads and takes advantage of free TV time to present
itself as the party of "character."  As journalist Bill
Greider says ("Who Will Tell The People," 1992), the
Republican party "poses as the bullwark against
unsettling modernity."

Republicans, says Greider, advertise themselves as
defenders against "alien forces within society that
threaten to overwhelm decent folk -- libertine sexual
behavior, communists, criminals, people of color
demanding more than they deserve."  In doing so, the
Republican leadership pretends to care more about
sexual behavior than they actually do, and they play
on fears and prejudices regarding race and class.

Somehow Republicans also manage to convince their
working class supporters that their tax cuts and
other economic plans benefit average working
folks. However, those cuts demonstrably shift the tax
burden from the very wealthy onto the backs of lower
and middle income Americans.

Rush Limbaugh and other media voices of rightwing
outrage give Republicans a virtually non-stop
propaganda vehicle.  However, the Limbaugh types
are not the only media promoters of the economic
interests of the wealthiest Americans.

In "Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine

Re: [CTRL] Who Are The Fringe People?: Media and Protests 3

2001-01-21 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for this, Samantha. Carla Binion is a powerful and clear
voice.And fairly new to me. Can you tell me anything about her?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

Get your priorities straight.
I've seen your posts here and your should get your morals
straight! I quite agree on the alcohol abuse issue as a problem in this
country being a serious one, my question is after all this time why are
alcoholic beverages not made illegal? I believe  I read a post on this list
a few years ago that stated one of Clinton's encounters with Monica occurred
while Yasir Arafat was waiting patiently in the Rose Garden. I would also
say the problems in the Middle East are still not taken care of and are
considerably worse than they've been in years. As far as his Job Impairment
is concerned, it seemed to be a perpetuating event. Granted sex isn't evil,
your just changing the context of my message. It's called morality, the same
morality Clinton professed during his first campaign, remember Family
Values? Oil Company profits...not so much profits as the citizenry
complaining about high energy prices and shortages, or the Environmentalists
wanting oil exploration stopped in certain areas. People bitch yet everybody
wants to drive that new SUV or 4x4 that keeps sucking up all that gas.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Nessie
 Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 1:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

 -Caveat Lector-

 Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied about it, he never
 brought it
 to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual escapades (legacy). I
 wonder if he'll keep with recently created tradition in the Whitehouse
 having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in the most powerful
 office on
 the planet?

 He lied about it. It came out in the final weeks of the campaign.

 Drunk driving and oral sex, or any kind of sex, are equivalent only to a
 deranged mind. Drunk driving is like standing in a crowded room,
 covering your eyes with one hand while firing a pistol randomly around
 the room with the other hand. Even if, through sheer luck, nobody gets
 hurt, it's still a heinous crime for which there is no excuse.

 Sex, on the other hand, is nobody’s business except for the persons
 actually involved. A case could be made that if doing it in the office
 somehow impaired Clinton’s ability to do his job, that he shouldn’t have
 done it there. This case has not been made. If anything, it seems to
 have made him do his job more efficiently. What impaired his ability to
 do his job was having to spend time defending himself from this
 ridiculous charge.

 What’s more, Clinton killed at least a half a million Iraqis, almost all
 of them women and children. Anybody who ignores that and gets upset
 instead about his having had sex, is morally skewed. What’s wrong with
 you, anyway? Can’t you see evil when you look at it?  Sex isn't evil.
 Sex is Nature's WAY. Sex is a GOOD thing. If it weren't for sex, you
 wouldn't even BE here. Killing women and children so the oil companies
 can make greater profits is evil. Get your priorities straight.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-21 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

 like Clinton is the only one to ever haave sex /oral in whitehouse ,
 come on...
 What You know becomes a belief as soon
 as it is expressed ...

Sounds like conjecture.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Buddy To Profit From Calif. Energy Woes

2001-01-21 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Solar energy has had what problems?

William Shannon wrote:

   Bush adviser's role in deciding crisis questioned


 Mercury News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON

 -- One of the top energy advisers to President-elect George W. Bush,
 today becomes responsible for crucial decisions in how the federal
 will deal with California's energy crisis, has a vested interest in
 how that
 crisis is resolved.

 Ken Lay, chairman and outgoing CEO of Enron, one of the nation's
 power marketers, has a long and close relationship with Bush. One of
 largest political contributors, he helped raise more than $100,000 for
 presidential campaign. Those roles raise serious conflict-of-interest
 questions, according to public watchdog groups.

 ``There's no secret he has the ear of the president,'' said Larry
 Makinson, a
 senior fellow at the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics,
 tracks money in politics. He described Lay as ``the ultimate insider''
 energy and in particular electricity deregulation -- the root of
 current problem.

 ``Energy deregulation is one of the foundations of the business plan
 Enron,'' he said. ``They want it nationally, and Ken Lay has been one
 of the
 company's prime movers in this area.

 ''In addition to potentially boosting the fortunes of his company, Lay
 to make significant gains personally if Enron benefits from the
 resolution of
 California's energy woes. His declared holdings in the Houston-based
 company's stock are 2.9 million shares, valued at $205 million when
 market closed Friday.

 Bush already appears to have followed Lay's lead on one aspect of
 California's severe energy problem.

 On Thursday, Bush for the first time said he opposed caps on wholesale
 prices in the West, the same position that Lay has long stated.
 Gov. Gray Davis has pressed federal regulators for such caps as energy
 have soared.

 Power marketers such as Enron and power-generating companies want no
 limit on
 how much they can charge to sell electricity. Any price caps would
 have to be
 approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a five-member
 panel to
 which Bush now will make two appointments and choose its head.

 On Friday, Lay reiterated his opposition to price caps as well, saying
 electricity prices force consumers to conserve in the face of a supply


 ``The biggest problem in California is consumers are not going to see
 price signals. If they don't see the price signals, they are not
 behavior, so the problem is going to get worse,'' he said of the
 impact of
 price caps while at a forum in Washington. ``Painful as it is, they
 need to
 see the price signals and start modifying behavior to reduce demand
 until we
 get new supplies.

 ''Lay has been involved in negotiations between California officials,
 regulators, utility officials and energy company executives to try to
 the crisis by forging agreement on long-term contracts for power sales
 California. An aide to Davis said he doesn't believe there is a
 conflict of interest.

 ``The governor knows that he has the president-elect's ear, and in
 many ways
 that can be positive,'' said Davis press aide Steve Maviglio. Lay
 ``understands the seriousness of the situation,'' Maviglio said.

 Lay, who was involved in inaugural festivities Friday, could not be
 for comment. But a representative of Enron, which generates very
 little power
 for California but does broker deals between utilities and other
 said there was no conflict between Lay's closeness to the new
 president and
 his job.

 ``We're a buyer and a seller in California, so we don't have any
 interest in
 seeing prices be high. We just have an interest in a functioning
 said Enron's Mark Palmer. He said the company ``does not necessarily''
 to gain from higher energy prices.

 Lay is one of 48 members of the incoming administration's energy
 coordinating group, set up to assist the incoming energy secretary,
 U.S. Sen. Spencer Abraham, as he prepares for the job. The group also
 includes a representative from Southern California Edison, one of the
 teetering utilities, as well as other energy and business interests.

 But Lay's influence is much deeper than that. The 58-year-old Lay has
 been a close friend of his fellow Texan Bush, who was in the oil
 before he became governor of Texas. Enron and its employees were the
 overall donor to Bush throughout his political career, giving $550,025

 through June 2000, according to the Center for Public Integrity, a
 non-partisan political research organization.

 ``They're politically very close, and on a personal basis they're very

 close,'' said Craig McDonald, 

Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion Is George W. some kind of GOP joke or a CIA stooge?

2001-01-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I found a Nov. '99 article by Carla Binion that I think was rather

  sn0owl asked for info about Carla.  I met Carla in a political AOL chat
room a few years ago.  We ended up on the same informal AOL political email
list.  I always valued her input.  She's the only other person I've met who
has read and valued Tim Weiner's book, "Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black
Budget" like I do.  Carla left our list to devote more time to research
and writing.  She collects books on various political subjects, and focuses
mostly on the CIA, fascism, and Nazi integration into the American scene
since WWII.
  I've asked Carla for more information I might share.  I'll pass it along if
she sends some.  I forward most of the feedback fron the list to her.  She
appreciates the support.
  I think Carla fills an important gap in our knowledge that is needed and
very timely.  She is a very nice person, and devoted to her work.  As far as
I know, she is earns no money from her research.Samantha

Is George W. some kind of GOP joke or a CIA stooge?

By Carla Binion

November 7, 1999 | Ok, what is the GOP trying to pull?  They're kidding with
this George W. for president deal, right?  It's not just that George flunked
when asked by a reporter to name the leaders of four different countries.  (I
can almost hear strains of Dubya's theme song:  "Don't know much about
history, don't know much about geography...")  It's that when he mentioned
the coup in Pakistan, he said the coup was a good thing because it would help
bring stability to the region.  Whoa!  Warning, warning, danger, danger,
CIA-speak!  Who did this guy's programming?

The CIA is always singing the praises of one miltary dicator or another for
"bringing stability to a region."  This is not a sentiment that most
Americans in possession of all pertinent facts would likely share -- not that
we're allowed much to say about it.  What's disturbing is that the phrase
"stability to the region" rolled off Dubya's tongue so easily, as his
lizard-brain reflexes took over when his frontal lobe dropped the ball. Those
darting, reptilian eyes said it all as the interview progressed.  The Dubya
was stumped, but his programming did kick in and sort of slop out for all the
world to see.

The last thing we need is yet another affable, passive CIA stooge for
president.  Been there, done that.  Two recent Democratic presidents, Carter
and Clinton, have occasionally at least held their own on foreign affairs and
stood up to the intelligence services with independent opinions.  Carter made
a stab at cleaning up the CIA and resisted CIA policies in Iran, and Clinton
opened some intelligence files.  Neither was a total CIA doormat with a blank
check as Reagan and Bush were -- and as Shrub would likely be.

Another thing we don't need is yet another, shall we say, Quayle-like mind in
high political office.  We had one Dan Quayle near the presidency, and we all
knew right away that was a no go.  Why is it taking so long for Republicans
to see George W. isn't any more viable than Quayle was?  What more evidence
do they need -- Shrub's telling us in an interview that the "Kosovanians" and
the "Grecians" are actually from America?  ("Don't know much about a science
book.  Don't know much about the French I took...")

We need to get a message to the GOP:  Save yourselves some time and money. Do
not back this racehorse.  Or, maybe we should just sit back and watch the
horse stumble as he gets closer to the finish line.  Unless the CIA plans to
fully rig the election (hmmm...) I can't imagine how George W. is so
confident he's going to be our next president.  Maybe dad's friends at
Langley have worked out some deal with the Kosovanians to have them show up
in droves at the ballot boxes.  Or maybe the Gore camp can alert the public
to Dubya's obvious flaws soon enough to reverse his mind boggling lead and
prevent yet another CIA presidency.  What a wonderful world it would be.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Week Ending: 20 January 2001 / 25 Tevet 5761 Part 2

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Meanwhile, an Israeli man from Holon has been arrested on suspicion of
having helped turn over one or two suspected "collaborators" to the
PA/PLO. The police claim they discovered that the PA/PLO gave the man a
check for NIS 5,000 (just over $1,200), which an Israeli bank refused to

Avraham, Adi Avitan and Elhanan Tannenbaum were kidnapped in northern
Israel by terrorists last October. The Israeli government’s failure to
answer the agonizing questions posed by the missing men’s families is
explained by the extremely sensitive information recently reaching the
West, and reported by DEBKAfile from its intelligence and terrorism
sources: The captives are believed to have been handed over to the Saudi
billionaire terrorist Osama Bin Laden, who may be holding them in one of
his secret bases in Afghanistan. There is no information about the men’s
condition. Following the kidnapping last October of the four men – the
three soldiers on the Lebanese border, and Tannenbaum outside the country
- DEBKAfile revealed that the notorious Lebanese hostage-taker Imad
Mughniyeh was behind the snatch – not the Hizb'Allah. This ties in with
another surprising development, recently pieced together by US
intelligence in the course of its investigation of the terrorist-bombing
of the US Cole in Aden harbor in the same month as the kidnappings:
Iranian spiritual ruler Ayatollah Khamenei’s personal security service,
which is headed by Mughniyeh, and Bin Laden’s al Qaeda have agreed on an
operational partnership against US Gulf and Middle East targets as well as
Israeli and Jewish interests worldwide.

:: CLINTON'S PARTING OFFER: In a farewell gesture, the Clinton
administration Friday promised Israel that it would be among the first
nations permitted to purchase the radar-evading F-22, the most advanced
jet fighter in the US Air Force arsenal. Built primarily by Lockheed
Martin, it will replace the F-15 Eagle as the Air Force's top fighter jet.
Still in development, the F-22 Raptor will have stealth technology and a
unique ability to cruise at supersonic speeds without using afterburners.
The pledge was confirmed by a senior State Department official.
Apparently, because of the secret stealth technology, Congress would have
to give its approval for the sale of the F-22 to Israel or any other
country. It is unprecedented for a US president to promise the most
technologically advanced weapon in the world to a foreign country before
it has been produced. While Clinton's promise does not bind the new
administration to sell the jets to Israel, it puts the new President in a
very difficult position. If Congress decides to build the troubled F-22,
it will be difficult for future administrations to refuse to sell the jet
to Israel. Some might characterize Clinton's foreign policy as a
disorganized failure. But when it came to the sale of lethal weaponry,
this administration did almost everything it could, short of selling
fighter aircraft to Iran, to keep America the world's number one arms

:: "ISRAELI SOLIDARITY": An open letter to the residents of Judea and
Samaria, Gilo, and the Jordan Valley:
"Since the beginning of the violence three months ago, you and your
children have been placed in mortal danger day after day, at home and on
the roads. During the evenings, the roads become silent, and the
communities look as if they are under siege... Close to 50 soldiers and
residents, the best of your friends, have lost their lives.

I confess that we sinned: Where were we that first week, the week of the
High Holidays of 5761? Looking back, it could be that that was the most
difficult period of all. But in the past few weeks, there has been a
substantial turnabout in the Israeli public's understanding of your strong
stand in this war. Just as you were able to increasingly stand heroically
in the face of the difficulties, with determination and with no sign of
collapsing - so sprouted up the new movement, 'Israeli Solidarity.'

Beginning with an initial group of people who met one evening in the Beit
She'an Valley to review such basic and long-understood truths such as "We
will not abandon them," it continued into mutual support, encouragement,
friendship, and hosting, and quickly grew into an authentic populist
movement: 'Israeli Solidarity.' Actions include volunteering for guard
duty, work in the fields, and much more...

More and more citizens from all across the social and political spectrum
are putting aside their differences, and organized themselves in this
movement to help in whatever area they can... It is very important that
you know that the waves of Solidarity are nourished from your strong stand
during this war. The stronger and more determined you are, the more we,
the residents of [the rest of] Israel, will be able to identify 

[CTRL] Week Ending: 20 January 2001 / 25 Tevet 5761Part 1

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service -

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A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 20 January 2001 / 25 Tevet 5761

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"And now many nations have been assembled against you who say, 'Let her be
polluted, and let our eyes gloat over Zion.' But they do not know the
thoughts of the L-rd, and they do not understand His purpose; for He has
gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor. Arise and thresh,
daughter of Zion, for your horn I will make iron and your hoofs I will
make bronze, that you may pulverize many peoples, that you may devote to
the L-rd their unjust gain and their wealth to the L-rd of all the earth.
[Micah 4.11-13]



:: MARATHON TALKS TO START IN EGYPT: Israel and the Palestinian Authority
(PA/PLO) will begin marathon talks Sunday night aimed at reaching a
framework agreement for a final status agreement before the February 6
elections for prime minister. The high-level negotiations are expected to
last from a week to 10 days and will include large delegations from both
sides. PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat will head the Palestinian delegation.
Israel will be represented by Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami,
Transportation Minister Amnon Lipkin-Shahak and Religious Affairs Minister
Yossi Beilin, as well as by MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz) and negotiator Gilad
Sher. Prime Minister Ehud Barak's "peace cabinet" approved Israel's
participation in the talks Saturday evening, although most members
expressed grave doubts about the possibility of reaching an agreement in
the short time left before the February election.

:: PLANS FOR JERUSALEM: Haifa University Prof. Moshe Amirav and his team
of experts have completed a plan for Jerusalem for Barak that is based on
the US proposal. The plan will serve as a basis for negotiations for
Israel. The plan does not address the issue of the Temple Mount, since
sovereignty over the site must first be agreed upon by Israeli and
Palestinian leaders, Amirav said. A Palestinian team, under the auspices
of PLO representative in Jerusalem Faisal Husseini, has also prepared a
plan. Amirav said the two sides have met frequently, and stressed they are
close to agreement on many points. Amirav said that east Jerusalem would
be part of a demilitarized Palestinian state, and that Palestinian police
there would be armed only with handguns. According to Amirav's plan, east
Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods would be policed by the Palestinian Police;
the Israel Police would remain in charge throughout west Jerusalem; and a
joint Palestinian-Israeli-international police force is proposed for the
mixed neighborhoods and the Old City. The international force would guard
all holy sites in the Old City and deal with tourists there. The
Palestinians said they are willing to participate in some joint security
arrangements, and Amirav said that his Palestinian contacts have accepted
the idea in principle. Israel and the Palestinians have also agreed in
principle to land exchanges in Jerusalem. Amirav said that, in return for
annexing Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem and mixed neighborhoods
such as Beit Safafa, Israel would hand over unpopulated land to the
Palestinians. In this way, said Amirav, the Palestinians would have
territorial continuity. A Palestinian source said the Palestinians will
ask Israel for unpopulated land in west Jerusalem in return for
neighborhoods like Ma'aleh Adumim.

:: "THE TEMPLE MOUNT IS THE HEART": Rabbi Yehuda Amital, co-Rosh Yeshiva
of Yeshivat Har Etzion and leader of the left-wing religious party Meimad,
likens the possibility of giving away the Temple Mount to a Torah law for
which one should "be killed and not violate." MAKOR RISHON newspaper
reports that during his Tenth of Tevet lecture to his students nine days
ago, Rabbi Amital said, "Just like the life of an individual is not the
supreme value, and there are prohibitions [such as idol worship] which we
are commanded to uphold even at the expense of our lives, so too in our
national life there are values for which the society and the state must
place itself in danger. In our national life, there are issues that are
'red lines,' 

[CTRL] Fw: Please help support John Ashcroft!

2001-01-21 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Support Bush Now [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: Please help support John Ashcroft!

Dear Friend:

I just received this e-mail from Richard Viguerie, a friend and a legend in
conservative politics. We've already seen what happened to Linda Chavez who,
as you know, was hounded and pressured by relentless liberal attacks into
withdrawing her nomination for Secretary of Labor. I knew this letter would
be of GREAT interest to you, so I'm forwarding it along.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Viguerie
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 6:26 AM
Subject: Please help support John Ashcroft!

I am writing to ask for your personal help win Senate approval for President
George W. Bush's Cabinet nominations. I need you to send a Western Union
mailgram to your Senators RIGHT AWAY, asking them to support the nomination
of John Ashcroft for Attorney General:

a href=""

I'm sure I don't have to describe all of the ugly details of the vicious
campaigns being waged against this good man by the Democrats, Union Bosses
and their liberal allies (especially those in the Media).

Republicans and conservatives are eager to come to the defense of President
Bush and his nominees.  But many people don't know what steps they should

This new website has been launched as a hub for responsible and appropriate
actions that Americans should take immediately to help President Bush win
Senate approval for his nominees.

Quick and decisive action is necessary to win these battles. For only $12,
you can have a Western Union mailgram hand-delivered directly to YOUR
Senators, urging their support for John Ashcroft:

a href=""

TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Senate hearings, led by Democrats, have already
begun... please send your Western Union mailgram now!

Thank you,
Richard Viguerie, President

P.S. I'm also asking you to forward this email to everyone on your email
list immediately.

Time is of the essence.  Furthermore, millions of Republicans, conservatives
and fair-minded independent voters must make their voices heard in the US
Senate right away.

People on your e-mail list will appreciate knowing how they can help.

Please forward this message right now to as many people as possible!

a href=""

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Darwin Awards 2000-2001

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Darwin Awards 2000-2001 Hot off the press! The 2000-2001 Darwin Awards

   The Darwin Awards, for those not familiar, are for those individuals
  who contribute to the survival of the fittest by eliminating themselves
  from the gene pool before they have a chance to breed.

   1. A young Canadian man from Newfoundland, searching for a way of
  getting drunk cheaply, because he had no money with which to buy alcohol,
  mixed gasoline with milk. Not surprisingly, this concoction made him ill,
  and he vomited into the fireplace in his house. This resulting explosion and
  fire burned his house down, killing both him and his sister.

   2. A 34-year-old white male found dead in the basement of his home
  died of suffocation, according to police. He was approximately 6'2" tall and
   weighed  225 pounds. He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, black
  and whitesaddle shoes, and a woman's wig. It appeared that he was trying
  to create aschoolgirl's uniform look. He was also wearing military gas mask
  had the filter canister removed and a rubber hose attached in its place.
  The other end of the hose was connected to one end of a hollow wooden tube
   approx. 12" long and 3" in diameter. The tube's other end was inserted
   into his rear end for reasons unknown, and was the cause of his

   Police found the task of explaining the circumstances of his death to
  his family very awkward.

   3. Three Brazilian men were flying in a light aircraft at low altitude when
  another plane approached. It appears that they decided to moon
  the occupantsof the other plane, but lost control of their own aircraft
  and crashed. Theywere all found dead in the wreckage with their pants
  around their ankles.

   4. A police officer in Ohio responded to a 911 call. She had no
  details before arriving, except that someone had reported that his father
  not breathing. Upon arrival, the officer found the man facedown on the
  couch, naked. When she rolled him over to check for a pulse and to start
  she noticed burn marks around his genitals. After the ambulance arrived
  and removed the man - who was declared dead on arrival at the hospital -
  the police made a closer inspection of the couch, and noticed that the man
  had made a hole between the cushions. Upon flipping the couch over, they
   discovered what caused his death. Apparently the man had a habit of putting
  his penis between the cushions, down into the hole and between
  two electrical sanders (with the sandpaper removed, for obvious reasons).
   According to the story, after his orgasm the discharge shorted out one
  of the sanders, electrocuting him.

   5. A 27-year-old French woman lost control of her car on a highway
  near Marseilles and crashed into a tree, seriously injuring her passenger
  and killing herself. As a commonplace road accident, this would not have
   qualified for a Darwin nomination, were it not for the fact that the
   driver's attention had been distracted by her Tamagotchi key ring,
  which had started urgently beeping for food as she drove along. In an
  attempt to press the correct buttons to save the Tamagotchi's life, the
  lost her own

   6. A 22-year-old Reston, VA man was found dead after he tried to use
   octopus straps to bungee jump off a 70-foot railroad trestle. Fairfax
   Countypolice said Eric Barcia, a fast-food worker, taped a bunch of
  these straps together, wrapped an end around one foot, anchored the other
end to
  the trestle at Lake Accotink Park, jumped and hit the pavement. Warren
   Carmichael, a police spokesman, said investigators think Barcia was
  alone because his car was found nearby. "The length of the cord that he had
   assembled was greater than the distance between the trestle and the
   ground", Carmichael said. Police say the apparent cause of death was
  "Major trauma".

   7. A man in Alabama died from rattlesnake bites. It seems that heand a
   friend were playing a game of catch, using the rattlesnake as a ball.
  The friend - no doubt, a future Darwin Awards candidate - was

   8. Employees in a medium-sized warehouse in west Texas noticed the
  smell of a gas leak. Sensibly, management evacuated the building,
  extinguishing all potential sources of ignition lights, power, etc. After
  building had been evacuated, two technicians from the gas company were
  Upon entering the building, they found they had difficulty navigating in
  the dark. To their frustration, none of the lights worked (you can see
  what's coming, can't you?). Witnesses later described the sight of one of
   technicians reaching into his pocket and retrieving an object that
   resembled a cigarette lighter. Upon operation of the lighter-like
  object, the gas in the warehouse exploded, sending pieces of it up to three
  miles away.
   Nothing was found of the technicians, but the lighter was virtually
   untouched by 

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: January 21, 2001

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: January 21, 2001


TAXPAYER FUNDED ATTACKS: According to the New York Times, "a broad coalition
of liberal public policy organizations" (the London Times counted "more than
200 groups") are engaged in scurrilous attacks on the character of John
Ashcroft. Being liberals, they of course deem themselves so much smarter than
you, and so deem themselves entitled to use your money -- confiscated from
you as taxes by the federal government -- however they see fit, regardless of
what you, the taxpayer (who, even though you are so stupid, managed to create
the wealth that they, despite all their brilliance, couldn't manage to create
by themselves) thinks is appropriate.

The following quotes are from just a few of the groups in the anti-Ashcroft
jihad. Following the quotes are the total tax dollars received by each group
in just the past 4 years, according to a study done by the Capital Research
Center of data from the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) of the
U.S. Census Bureau.

Feminist Majority: "His utter lack of understanding of freedom of political
speech and the right to take political action to achieve social justice
exemplifies a track record where his right-wing ideology prevails over his
legal judgment." Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: $115,440.

NAACP: "It is outrageously disingenuous for President-elect George Bush to
say he intends to reach out to all Americans and then nominate Ashcroft, a
man who has an anti-civil rights record, to hold the nation's highest law
enforcement position." Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years:

National Organization for Women (NOW): "Both Ashcroft and Thompson would turn
over tax money -- including public education funds -- to religious
institutions' programs, without adequate protection against proselytizing and
discrimination. . The majority of voters in this country, especially women
voters, reject the agenda of religious and political extremists. " Taxpayer
money received in the last 4 years: $1,168,252.

Physicians for Social Responsibility: Ashcroft's ".slavish devotion to the
National Rifle Association - including personally recording ads for the NRA
endorsing a doomed law that would have granted child molesters and stalkers
the right to carry concealed weapons - is what particularly concerns
Physicians for Social Responsibility.. Ashcroft's commitment to ensuring
freedom for weapons was a major factor in his departure from the Senate and
underscores the growing tide of opinion against the NRA." Taxpayer money
received in the last 4 years: $15,000.

Planned Parenthood: ".reject the nomination of anti-choice extremist former
Senator John Ashcroft. . As attorney general, Ashcroft would rob us and our
children and grandchildren of Americans' most fundamental right to privacy.".
Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: $57,214,090.

Sierra Club: "Ashcroft has an exceedingly poor environmental voting record
and is openly hostile to most environmental laws. . Ashcroft also opposes
campaign finance reform. . Former Senator John Ashcroft has an extreme
anti-environmental record, and as Attorney General could allow utilities, big
oil and others to ignore environmental laws. He is a partisan, divisive
choice for a job that should be neither, and should not be confirmed."
Taxpayer money received in the last 4 years: $12,171.

Aren't you glad that you are paying taxes for this? Taxes which, let us not
forget, have generated budget surpluses into the hundreds of billions of
dollars. Surpluses which, according to left-wing extremist groups and
politicians, the government simply cannot afford to give back to you in the
form of tax cuts, because they need every last dollar of it -- to help fund
the scurrilous character assassination of conservatives. And as the quote
from NARAL makes clear, they're going to spend "whatever it takes" -- of your
money -- to pursue those attacks.

Nobody seeks to in any way stifle the First Amendment free speech rights of
those extremist groups. Not like they are trying to stifle John Ashcroft's
First Amendment right to the free exercise of his religion. But it would be
nice (even though entirely out of character, if such a word may be used in
connection with those groups) if those groups had the common decency, and a
modicum of respect for taxpayers, to use their own money and money
contributed to them voluntarily by their members, rather than using the
forced extractions of money from taxpayers who may not agree with their
extremist ideology. But, it is countered, nobody is seeking to deny Ashcroft
his right to the free exercise of his religion, just to deny him federal
resources to do so. Aren't conservatives advocating exactly that, trying to
give Ashcroft federal resources to advance his religious beliefs, while
denying federal resources to those left-wing groups to 

[CTRL] Date: 19 January 2001 Federalist #01-03.dgst Part 2

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"When George W. Bush takes office on Saturday he'll have to deal with
more than a divided Congress. Far more threatening is a legal culture
that has reduced the rule of law to a set of political opportunities,
exposing us all to arbitrary power. That culture is already on display
in the confirmation hearings for John Ashcroft, which are focused on
everything but the real problem -- the demise of the rule of law under
Bill Clinton. ... The legal culture that Mr. Clinton has bequeathed to
him -- stretching from the legal academy to the organized bar to the
bench -- is run through with people indifferent to the rule of law,
operating in a legal landscape now bereft of restraints that would
once have checked them. A few years back, lawyer-journalist Stuart
Taylor asked law professor and media mogul Susan Estrich to explain
her support for Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas matter and her
opposition to Paula Jones in the case of Mr. Clinton. Her candid
answer speaks volumes: 'You believe in principle, I believe in
politics.' Welcome to Washington, Mr. Bush. It's a long way from
Austin." --Wall Street Journal



"It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my
fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the
universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose
providential aids can supply every human defect The propitious
smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the
eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained: and
since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny
of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps,
as deeply, as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands
of the American people." --George Washington, First Inaugural Address,

"And may that Being who is supreme over all, the Patron of Order, the
Fountain of Justice, and the Protector in all ages of the world of
virtuous liberty, continue His blessing upon this nation and its
Government and give it all possible success and duration consistent
with the ends of His providence." --John Adams, Inaugural Address,

"...Enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced
in various forms, yet all of them inculcating honesty, truth,
temperance, gratitude, and the love of man, acknowledging and adoring
an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that
it delights in the happiness of man here and his greater happiness
hereafter -- with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make
us a happy and a prosperous people?  Still one thing more...a wise and
frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another,
shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of
industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor
the bread it has earned.  This is the sum of good government, and this
is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. ... " --Thomas
Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801

"During this course of administration, and in order to disturb it, the
artillery of the press has been leveled against us, charged with
whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or dare.  These abuses of
an institution so important to freedom and science are deeply to be
regretted, inasmuch as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to sap
its safety." --Thomas Jefferson

"To support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as
well in its limitations as in its authorities; to respect the rights
and authorities reserved to the States and to the people as equally
incorporated with an essential to the success of the general system;
to avoid the slightest interference with the right of conscience or
the functions of religion, so wisely exempted from civil
jurisdiction" --James Madison, First Inaugural Address, 1808

"It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they
degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the
sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and an usurper
soon found.  The people themselves become the willing instruments of
their own debasement and ruin." --James Monroe, First Inaugural
Address, 1817

"The best results in the operation of a government wherein every
citizen has a share largely depend upon a proper limitation of the
purely partisan zeal and effort and a correct appreciation of the time
when the heat of the partisan should be merged in the patriotism of
the citizen. ... At this hour the animosities of political strife, the
bitterness of partisan defeat, and the exultation of partisan triumph
should be supplanted by an ungrudging acquiescence in the popular will
and a sober, conscientious concern for the general 

[CTRL] Date: 19 January 2001 Federalist #01-03.dgst Part 1

2001-01-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 19 January 2001
Federalist #01-03.dgst

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"I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain
what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an
'Honest Man'."  --George Washington


In the news this week, as Bill Clinton embarked upon his national
farewell concert tour, President-elect George Bush said goodbye to his
home state of Texas.

Regarding Clinton's televised farewell speech last night, White House
mouth Jake Siewert said, "It was an opportunity for the president to
thank the American people for their support over the years and talk a
bit about how America has changed for the better." That explains why
it was one of Clinton's shortest TV speeches on record -- unless, of
course, you count the one when he declared, "I did not have sex with
that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

For his part, Mr. Bush told a gathering of 10,000 supporters in Texas,
"Our deepest values in life often come from our earliest years," he
said. "It is here in Midland and in West Texas where I learned to
respect people from different backgrounds. It is here where I learned
what it means to be a good neighbor at backyard barbecues or just
chatting across the fence. It is here in West Texas where I learned to
trust in God. I leave here really upbeat about getting some things
done for the people, getting something accomplished for the people of
this land by putting aside all the partisan bickering and name-calling
and anger. You see, I've never been a cynic about public service."

Regarding Democratic opposition to his agenda, Mr. Bush said, "I took
firm positions on important issues and didn't back off. And I'm not
backing off Quite the contrary, I'm going to take those issues I
campaigned on and campaign hard for their enactment. Because I believe
it's the right thing for the country."

Arriving in Washington Thursday, Mr. Bush was greeted by the Left's
"partisan bickering and name-calling and anger" in hearings for his
Cabinet nominees. For the moment, he has chosen to ignore the din and
focus on the delivery of his inaugural address (which we will review
in detail next week). Before listening to Mr. Bush's inaugural
comments, read this week's Second Opinion feature, "Inaugural

Leftist blowhards in the House of Lords are indulging themselves at a
borkfest -- a borking frenzy. You recall the reception Teddy Kennedy
gave President Reagan's Supreme Court nominee, Robert Bork, in 1987:
"In Robert Bork's America...blacks would sit at segregated lunch
counters; rogue police would break down citizens' doors in midnight
raids." Kennedy's attack was so vitriolic that it was coined as
"borking." First on record using the term was NOW feminist Flo Kennedy
ranting about Clarence Thomas's nomination in 1991: "We're going to
bork him. We're going to kill him politically." Last week, the New
York Times had a special section rating the Bush cabinet nominees as
"likely borkees and their probable score on the bork-o-meter."

This week, Judge Bork himself commented, "It's beginning to feel like
homeweek with all the old crowd -- People for the American Way,
National Organization of Women, AFL-CIO, National Abortion and
Reproductive Rights Action League and scores of other Leftist groups
and senators -- gathered round to bring down and pick the bones of
another presidential nominee. It's enough to make a man nostalgic."

Once again, Teddy Kennedy was at his worst, attacking Bush Attorney
General nominee John Ashcroft with a vigor heretofore unseen. Of his
former Senate colleague, Teddy bellowed and blustered: "I think this
nominee owes an apology to the people of the United States for that
insinuation, talking about our government now being the source of
tyrannical oppression. That's what I think, senator. I don't retreat.
I don't retreat on any one of those matters."

Of course, Mr. Ashcroft is to be praised for seeing and calling the
central government what it really is -- to the dismay of Sociocrat
tyrants like the Senator who killed Mary Jo Kopechne at
Chappaquiddick, but has, for almost 40 years, retained the throne he
uses to assail men of virtue like John Ashcroft.

Fearing he is short on votes to defeat Ashcroft's nomination, Kennedy
plans to filibuster. But in 1995, Kennedy had this to say about

Re: [CTRL] Who Are the Fringe People?

2001-01-21 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Oops! I meant to send the article elsewhere.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cheney a Good Choice for Capitalism

2001-01-21 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "redflag" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cheney a Good Choice for Capitalism
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 11:22 PM

VOL. 110 NO. 6



Why was Dick Cheney selected to be George W. Bush's running
mate? He is not just a close, trusted friend of the Bush clan, a
loyal Republican or a recycled secretary of defense. Cheney has
served a broad cross section of capitalist interests in
government and industry.

According to the Center for Public Integrity (CPI), Cheney is on
the boards of several major corporations having extensive
international business ties. Most significant among these is his
position as "CEO of Halliburton Co., a $9 billion oil services
firm based in Dallas," which does "business in at least 100
countries." Most of that business is in oil and construction

As secretary of defense during the Bush administration, Cheney
led the charge in defense of American oil interests in the 1991
Persian Gulf War. However, his service to U.S. capitalism and
its political state did not end when he left office in 1992. As
CEO of Halliburton since 1995, Cheney has made himself useful to
the Democratic Clinton-Gore administration's war and
"peacekeeping" effort in the Balkans. According to the company
Web site, for example, its subsidiary Brown  Root Services has
had major Pentagon contracts for "base camp construction" and
other military projects in "Bosnia, Macedonia, Hungary, Kosovo,
Albania, Croatia, Greece and Italy."

Another bipartisan capitalist cause that Cheney has championed
is U.S. oil interests in the Caspian Sea region. He has
cultivated close relations with governments and investors in
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, which are the gatekeepers to many of
the multibillion-dollar Caspian petroleum-related contracts. The
CPI reported that "along with the heads of Chevron and Texaco
Inc., Cheney sits on Kazakhstan's Oil Advisory Board" to
Kazakhstan's president.

In addition, Cheney reportedly "lobbied in favor of a U.S.
Export-Import Bank loan to Tyumen Oil," a Russian company that
"hired Halliburton to upgrade the giant Samotlor field in the
Caspian region."

These international political and economic connections will win
the Bush-Cheney ticket support among American capitalists who
are concerned about protecting their holdings in Russia and

The Republican Bush-Cheney team has promised a new
administration free of scandal. In this regard, Cheney brings
some risks to the ticket. Under Cheney's leadership, for
example, Halliburton has had commercial dealings with Iraq and
Libya designed to circumvent U.S.-imposed embargoes against
these two "rogue states" or "states of concern."

According to Colum Lynch, Halliburton had "a major stake in
Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Co., two American
players in the reconstruction of Iraq's oil industry." (THE
WASHINGTON POST, Feb. 20) As the United States and Britain
continue their bombing of Iraq's northern and southern "no fly"
zones, U.S. firms such as Halliburton continue to profit off
Saddam's regime.

In Libya, Halliburton has managed to get around a U.S. embargo
on exports to that North African country by using its British
subsidiary, Brown  Root North Africa. According to Tom Buerkle
of the INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, this company, other
contractors and the Libyan government claim that one project
they are involved in is just a water pipeline. The pipeline runs
1,800 miles "from deep in the Sahara Desert to Libyan cities
along the Mediterranean." However, "some Western security
analysts" claim that this vast pipeline complex could "hold
vehicles" and "several underground caverns" for clandestine
Libyan military operations. The contractors have also attempted
to account for the American construction equipment in use on the
project by saying that it was purchased before l986 when the
embargo banning U.S. exports to Libya took effect.

Cheney has called for an end to sanctions against Libya, Iran
and Nigeria that try to limit U.S. petroleum and construction
investments in those countries.

The direct link of Cheney as vice president to shady deals with
"rogue regimes" would make "plausible deniability" nearly
impossible. Whether his Iraqi and Libyan connections are swept
under the rug as minor infractions or erupt into an Iran-Contra-
type scandal remains to be seen.

In any event, the promise of a new "ethical" administration is a
joke. The name of the game is to uphold U.S. capitalist
interests by hook or by crook. For this task, Cheney is more
than qualified to be vice president of U.S. capitalism's
political state.

 "Nowadays, atheism is itself *culpa levis*, as compared

[CTRL] Fwd: UN says global warming is faster than expected

2001-01-21 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 1/21/01 11:44:08 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:UN says global warming is faster than expected
 Date:  1/21/01 11:44:08 PM Central Standard Time
 From:  A HREF="mailto:AOL News"AOL News/A
 BCC:   A HREF="mailto:Ahab42"Ahab42/A

 UN says global warming is faster than expected

 SHANGHAI, Jan 22 (Reuters) - The earth's atmosphere is warming faster than
expected and evidence is mounting that human activity is responsible, the
United Nations Environment Programme said on Monday

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Uq2D.361916.664609423"click here/A.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

UN says global warming is faster than expected

SHANGHAI, Jan 22 (Reuters) - The earth's atmosphere is warming faster than expected 
and evidence is mounting that human activity is responsible, the United Nations 
Environment Programme said on Monday

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Uq2D.361916.664609423"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

[CTRL] Contrails/Weather Control aka Modification

2001-01-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday afternoon I wore only a jacket and visited an establishment in
Columbus, Ohio in more of a country atmosphere.

Upon leaving at about 4:30 I walked out into this somewhat open area,
and above me edging to 1:00 was the biggest contrail I ever saw in my
life - it was sunny, and clear but for this one huge contrail that clear
across the sky but it looked huge in width - it looked like when the
Challenger went up leaving this trail right before it exploded - more
like satellite contrails.

Later I noted in the southern sky the 2nd contrail...I cannot
destribte how wide this contrail was and it was lower.

Then the next day weather gets colder and snow.

Week before there were contrails possibly planes from Rickenbacker even
though is just refueling now, and/or Wright Field.

Now, Weather Modification and Radar system are hooked together someway -
a gentleman wrote suggesting this was this HAARP think.

During this time my one sign got very ill - he travels, and now has
bronchitis something he NEVER had before, but it made me wonder.

Further since 1965 this program has been classified.they speak of
weather seeding clouds, but this stuff is being done by satellite, and I
believe like these mysterious (so called) crop markings, circle cuttings
in fields, and these contrails - they are marking areas for targeting

Dopper when you have medical tests are related to weather program
someway..using equiptment like radar measuring movements.
all this is old stuff - dead birds, geese off course, ship to shore
communications breaking down from time to time - plane crashes?   Is
this why everyone is supposed to have a flight plan but what if planes
are off schedule or coming in at a later timelike JFK Jr., or what?

I heard of this program then called "control" in the 50 period when I
was very, very young - present at this garden party - which ws held by
General Edwin Booth - who later headed up Task Force in Europe - and the
last Commodore - they were laughing and talking about this TV "star"
making remark about weather control - that whether we liked it or not,
it would be fact within 20 years.he stood by USAF jet plane - he was
in reserves - guy by name of Arthur Godfrey who was big propaanda tool
and later lost popularity, because he had a big mouth, I think..

In 1985 when our temperature hit 105 here - for over or about a
week.I then remembered things I had heard when younger and read -
for instance Viet Nam monsoons brought in months before schedule to aid
us in war = Castrol claiming that US had used the program against Cuba
in devasting hurricane which swept across island 4 times (same
one)..and we had this Bermuda Triangle stuff - and now suddenly you
hear about El Nino and La Nina.they are nothing new for Plato
mentions hese underground streams - one hot, one cold and somehow they
connect to the jet streams in the skyall being manipulated.

Well I was mad in 1986 whether weather getting worse  my house hit by
lighning 3 times in 2 years (one TV wrecked, and my web put out and
burnt up by lighting - and one tree a big fireball it itsounded like
WWII).but they now have the artificial lightning - or would laser be
more appropriate?   This MUIR is connected to this, that old rattletrap
and these people have been working with Russia and Red China and have in
their quest to control the weather, destroyed our farmers and someday
when the flowers no longer bloom on the trees, you will have no peaches,
oranges, cherries - bad crops all for the sake of these lousey third
world countries and Russia - idea is to warm up Russia and Udall in the
70 period was in on this stuff to his neck.

What I knew, I knew from speculation and remembering things when my
brother in law went to War College and was under Vandenberg at Joint
Chief of Staff and other places..he had many friends including Hap
Arnold and was pall bearer for this great manArnold's son married
Barbara Douglas of McConnel Douglass and was stationed in England with
my sister and brother in law and were good friends.this started the
missile sites and BMEWS over which he was Thor Chief in England and the
idea was then to defend this country and allies with all it took.

So who sabotaged the Apollo?   Who blew up the Challenger - and why did
Russian trawlers leave the scene immediately before as though they knew
something would happen..

All this stuff fits into top secret stuff - and I do know this, when I
told my brother in law that the Apollo was sabotaged, etc.he said
"lay off the ESP stuff - forget this stuff, it is dangerous, etc etc
etc" and forbid me to speak of anything connected to, this
one man said I had become attuned to the cosmos, whatever that meant.

Our homes are all wired for cable - sky full of satellites transmitting
day and night and we all are becoming receivers - some more sensitive
than others..

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: UN says global warming is faster than expected

2001-01-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe the place to file some lawsuits is this UN..get book The
Weather Changers and you can see what was revealed then..check out
UN resolutions re weather shariang

Find out about MIR.and Siberian Clippers.and remember, cloud
seeding in Israel to make desert bloom like rose..

Red China?   Well they had some serious problems with this program
including the big rains that nearly took out another country - the
chinese were so angry we almost did not get the pandas.

So much for gross stupidity and misinformation put out by
that President Bush is in, maybe we get some truth and out of this
program.   For it is here, has been here - it is Weather and Food, as a
weapon to bring us to our knees.

Wait until the food shortages emerge?   And Russia grows all the wheat -
the old son Yes We Have No Bananas, was written because one day America
had shortage of bread - and it was because we had sold Russian a lions
share of yes, we got not bananas and maybe someday, we got
no rain for Weather Mod operates on rob peter to pay paul, policy.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: {slick-d} Fw: Taxpayer Funded Attacks on the Character of John Ashcroft

2001-01-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

"On Jan 20, Archibald Bard wrote:"


- Original Message -
From: "The Republican" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 10:00 AM
Subject: Taxpayer Funded Attacks


 CONGRESS ACTION: January 21, 2001


 TAXPAYER FUNDED ATTACKS: According to the  New York Times, "a broad
 coalition of liberal public policy organizations" (the  London Times
 counted "more than 200 groups") are engaged in scurrilous attacks  on the
 character of John Ashcroft. Being liberals, they of course deem
 so much smarter than you, and so deem themselves entitled to use your
 money -- confiscated from you as taxes by the federal government --

Anyone got the whole list?


RKBA!  *   Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel!*  RKBA!
An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured  | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every | by COLT; | --   Max Plank   | weapon sell his
hand = Freedom  |   DIAL   | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a
on every side!  | 1911-A1. | word.   --   The Bible   | sword.--Jesus Christ

 Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!


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[CTRL] Reversal of Fortune

2001-01-21 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News
 Analysis : Middle East
Zionism's legacy of ethnic cleansing
Part 1—Israel and the Palestinian right of return
By Jean Shaoul
22 January 2001
Back to screen version
At the heart of the breakdown of the Middle East talks lies the refusal of the
Zionist state to accept the right of return for the Palestinians who lost their
homes and country after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The
following is the first of a two-part article on this subject. The second and
concluding part—“Israeli expansion creates more Palestinian refuges”—will appear
According to the United Nations, there are presently some 3.5 million Palestinian
refugees. They are comprised of those expelled, or their descendants, following the
first Arab-Israeli war of 1948-49 and the 1967 “Six-Day War”, as well as countless
others who have since been expelled from the Occupied Territories or Israel. The
majority have lived their lives in wretched conditions in refugee camps in the Gaza
Strip, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Many now live elsewhere in the
Middle East, while others have moved to the West.
Israel adamantly refuses to acknowledge the principle of the right of return for
Palestinian refugees and their descendants because this would be tantamount to
accepting responsibility for what happened to them. Moreover, since it would end the
Jewish majority in Israel, it has been repeatedly denounced as a threat to the very
survival of the Zionist state.
Outgoing President Bill Clinton tried to find a face-saving formula that could
accommodate the Israelis and enable Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian Authority
chairman, to sell a “framework” for a final agreement to his people. Clinton has
proposed that Israel accept the return of 100,000 refugees as part of a policy of
reuniting families; that the Palestine Authority accept several hundred thousand;
and that an international fund be set up to provide compensation for the rest. While
the final numbers would be subject to negotiation, the deal on offer does not
address the fundamental issue of Palestinian rights.
Even this proposal is unacceptable to the Israeli political elite, which refuses to
accept more than a handful of refugees back into Israel. Neither would a Palestinian
state with a population substantially enlarged by a massive influx of refugees be
tolerated on its borders.
The origins of the Israeli state
The state of Israel was founded in 1948, following the catastrophe that overtook
European Jewry in the 1930s and 1940s, and which culminated in the extermination of
6 million Jews in the Nazi concentration camps. The Zionist movement was able to
channel the despondency felt by Jews at what had happened behind a perspective for
creating a separate Jewish state through the partition of Palestine, which had been
controlled by Britain since 1917. A Jewish state would build, it was claimed, a just
and democratic haven for a people who had faced discrimination and oppression for
centuries. It would be a state defined uniquely, not in geopolitical terms, but by
religion. Its doors would be open to all who subscribed to Judaism.
The formation of such a state inside Palestine, a country where Jews were in the
minority, inevitably led to what today would be called ethnic cleansing. Zionism's
central slogan was: “A land without people for a people without land.” Thus the very
foundation of the state was based on profoundly undemocratic principles: the denial
of the rights of non-Jews already living there. It would also sanction control by
religious authorities, something that modern states had rejected and overthrown
centuries ago.
The sympathy felt throughout the world for the plight of the Jews following World
War Two lent support for the creation of such a state. In addition, the major
powers, and particularly the United States, saw the establishment of Israel as a
means of enhancing their own strategic interests in the region, or at least blocking
those of Britain, which was then the dominant power in the Middle East. As a result,
in November 1947, the Zionists were successful in persuading the United Nations
General Assembly—to the fury of the Arab world—to vote for the partition of
Palestine into two states: one Palestinian and one Jewish.
In May 1948, Ben Gurion (who was to become Israel's first prime minister) proclaimed
the establishment of the state of Israel. War immediately broke out between the Jews
and the Palestinians, who were supported by neighbouring Arab countries. The
fighting was to last until January 1949.
The 1948-49 war and the systematic expulsion of the Palestinians
The take-over of Palestinian land was the essential prerequisite for the founding of
the state of Israel.
Although the UN had expected London would help implement the partition plan, Britain
hastily pulled out its administrative and military forces from Palestine, wanting no
part in implementing the proposals. This was not 

[CTRL] None Dare Call It Treason

2001-01-21 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

radman pull quote:

"The stark reality, and I say this with every fiber of my being, is that
the institution Americans trust the most to protect its freedoms and
principles committed one of the biggest and most serious crimes this nation
has ever seen, pure and simple, the theft of the presidency."

February 5, 2001

None Dare Call It Treason


In the December 12 ruling by the US Supreme Court handing the election to
George Bush, the Court committed the unpardonable sin of being a knowing
surrogate for the Republican Party instead of being an impartial arbiter of
the law. If you doubt this, try to imagine Al Gore's and George Bush's
roles being reversed and ask yourself if you can conceive of Justice
Antonin Scalia and his four conservative brethren issuing an emergency
order on December 9 stopping the counting of ballots (at a time when Gore's
lead had shrunk to 154 votes) on the grounds that if it continued, Gore
could suffer "irreparable harm," and then subsequently, on December 12,
bequeathing the election to Gore on equal protection grounds. If you can,
then I suppose you can also imagine seeing a man jumping away from his own
shadow, Frenchmen no longer drinking wine.
 From the beginning, Bush desperately sought, as it were, to prevent the
opening of the door, the looking into the box, unmistakable signs that he
feared the truth. In a nation that prides itself on openness, instead of
the Supreme Court doing everything within its power to find a legal way to
open the door and box, they did the precise opposite in grasping,
stretching and searching mightily for a way, any way at all, to aid their
choice for President, Bush, in the suppression of the truth, finally
settling, in their judicial coup d'tat, on the untenable argument that
there was a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection
clause, the Court asserting that because of
the various standards of determining the voter's intent in the Florida
counties, voters were treated unequally, since a vote disqualified in one
county (the so-called undervotes, which the voting machines did not pick
up) may have been counted in another county, and vice versa. Accordingly,
the Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court's order that the undervotes be
counted, effectively delivering the presidency to Bush.
Now, in the equal protection cases I've seen, the aggrieved party, the one
who is being harmed and discriminated against, almost invariably brings the
action. But no Florida voter I'm aware of brought any action under the
equal protection clause claiming he was disfranchised because of the
different standards being employed. What happened here is that Bush leaped
in and tried to profit from a hypothetical wrong inflicted on someone else.
Even assuming Bush had this right, the very core of his petition to the
Court was that he himself would be harmed by these different standards. But
would he have? If we're to be governed by common sense, the answer is no.
The reason is that just as with flipping a coin you end up in rather short
order with as many heads as tails, there would be a "wash" here for both
sides, i.e., there would be just as many Bush as Gore votes that would be
counted in one county yet disqualified in the next. (Even if we were to
assume, for the sake of argument, that the wash wouldn't end up exactly,
100 percent even, we'd still be dealing with the rule of de minimis non
curat lex, the law does not concern itself with trifling matters.) So what
harm to Bush was the Court so passionately trying to prevent by its ruling
other than the real one: that he would be harmed by the truth as elicited
from a full counting of the undervotes?
And if the Court's five-member majority was concerned not about Bush but
the voters themselves, as they fervently claimed to be, then under what
conceivable theory would they, in effect, tell these voters, "We're so
concerned that some of you undervoters may lose your vote under the
different Florida county standards that we're going to solve the problem by
making sure that none of you undervoters have your votes counted"? Isn't
this exactly what the Court did?
Gore's lawyer, David Boies, never argued either of the above points to the
Court. Also, since Boies already knew (from language in the December 9
emergency order of the Court) that Justice Scalia, the Court's right-wing
ideologue; his Pavlovian puppet, Clarence Thomas, who doesn't even try to
create the impression that he's thinking; and three other conservatives on
the Court (William Rehnquist, Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy)
intended to deodorize their foul intent by hanging their hat on the anemic
equal protection argument, wouldn't you think that he and his people would
have come up with at least three or four strong arguments to expose it for
what it was, a legal gimmick that the brazen, 

Re: [CTRL] None Dare Call It Treason

2001-01-21 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

1.  Just HOW LONG was the counting supposed to continue?

2.  It was NOT the consensual sex and the lying,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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