[CTRL] [radtimes] # 159

2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 159

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Dissent is in the air: take to the streets
--Go-ahead for GM insect release
--Research ties crime, climate
--Climate change could kill thousands
--Canadian Motorcycle Gangs Gun For Control Of Illegal Drug Trade
--You Can't Hide Your Lying Eyes


Dissent is in the air: take to the streets


Public meetings are the new rock'n'roll as unlikely groups unite

by George Monbiot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thursday February 8, 2001
The Guardian

At last it's happening. Just as the neo-liberals on both sides of the
Atlantic proclaim universal victory, a composite radical opposition
movement is beginning to emerge. It's confused, it's contradictory and it
looks like nothing we've ever seen before.  But for the first time in 14
years of campaigning, I feel that I've witnessed something unstoppable.
I've spent this week touring the country with a ragged coalition of greens,
anarchists and socialists. Everywhere we've been so far, I've picked up a
sense of excitement I've never felt in Britain before. In Glasgow we drew
500 people: according to the locals I met it was the biggest political
meeting in the city for 15 years.  In London, 1,300 turned up.
But the numbers, unprecedented though they may be, are less impressive than
the unity of purpose. In London, green activists stood and cheered an RMT
official as he left the stage to join the Tube strike. In Coventry, car
workers demanded an end to global warming. No one denies that there are
issues which divide us, but in contesting the neoliberalism to which almost
every major political party on earth has now subscribed, we have discovered
an oppositional accord which overrides our differences.
Neoliberalism demands the privatisation of everything. While the general
agreement on trade in services, due to be negotiated next month, would
force governments gradually to transfer their mandate to the corporations,
Britain has anticipated it with the universal application of the private
finance initiative.
PFI serves companies better than overt privatisation, as the government
guarantees their income stream. For the same reason it serves us worse: we
lose both public control and public funds.
Neoliberalism also insists that companies be permitted to dump their costs
on to people and the environment. As deregulation allows firms both to
pollute the planet and to sack their staff without consultation,
steelworkers and global warming campaigners have discovered, to their
surprise, that they're on the same side.
New corporate freedoms, moreover, can be sustained only by denying freedom
to everyone else. While the companies seizing our public services are
permitted to use "commercial confidentiality" to disguise their intentions,
our emails, even our computers can now be monitored and raided by the
security services without a warrant.
While corporations have acquired the legal status of human beings, but
without most of the accompanying criminal liability, jury trials are being
denied to those who protest against them.  The government, which granted
passports to the billionaire businessmen accused of involvement in the
biggest arms corruption scandal in modern times, has just announced new
restrictions on asylum seekers. The world has been wrested from our hands.
In seeking to wrest it back, we have yet to develop a coherent political
programme to which all of us can subscribe. While the greens support small
business, trades unionists find workers within big corporations easier to
mobilise. The anarchists want to smash the state, while the socialists want
to rebuild it.
But the unprecedented solidarity between these disparate groups is
beginning, I feel, to develop into a programme in its own right: a
grassroots reorganisation of the political process, propelling democratic
renewal from below.
We must, of course, be careful not to mistake the affirmation expressed at
these meetings for wider public consent. But the public support for the
strikers contesting the privatisation of the London Underground and the
West Midlands hospitals suggests that some, at least, of our demands are
beginning to resonate with Britain's biggest political movement: the
disillusionment party. The extraordinary numbers promising to attend the
protests at Faslane, the Scottish nuclear base, on Monday and the G8 summit
in Genoa in July, suggest that this is the beginning of something big.
The new political movements have rediscovered in the public meeting an
effective forum for dissent. We 

[CTRL] [radtimes] Shocking FACTS about U.S. income wealth inequality

2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Shocking FACTS about U.S. income  wealth inequality

Tue, 13 Feb 2001

   After 8 years of a genuinely sociopathic "New Democrat" as President
of the United States the appalling inequality of income and wealth that
was exacerbated under the Republican President Reagan actually WORSENED.

   At a time when the top 1% of U.S. citizens owns more wealth than the
bottom 95% the new U.S. President wants to further cut the taxes of
that wealthiest 1% while vast numbers of the bottom 95% live paycheck-
to-paycheck and owe enormous credit card debts.

   Whether Democrat or Republican, whether Gore or Bush, the result is
the same: the U.S. is damn close to becoming a Third World nation.
Perhaps if more poor people in Honduras, the Philippines, India or
other Third World countries had credit cards they, too -- like so many
heavily-indebted Americans -- would delude themselves that they
were "well-off".

   The fact is that tax rate for the wealthiest Americans was 88% in the
two decades following World War II, a time when the U.S. economy was
booming. Working-class and middle-class Americans saved more and
charged less then, too.

   What follows are some disturbing facts (from www.inequality.org)
about just how far from a fair economy we've come, notwithstanding the
joint Dem-GOP deceitful propaganda that
claims most Americans are "better-off" nowadays:

* Since the mid-1970s, the most fortunate one percent of households
have doubled their share of the national wealth. They now hold more
wealth than the bottom 95 percent of the population. (Shifting

* In 1998, 18.7 percent of American children lived in poverty, a lower
rate than 1993 (19.6 percent), but higher than the 1979 rate of 16.4
percent. (Columbia University, http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/nccp/)

* Nine states have reduced child poverty rates by more than 30% since
1993. These states include Tennessee, Michigan, Aransas, South
Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Illinois and New Jersey. Michigan is a
prime example of a national trend, in that even the recent, dramatic
improvement did not counter the losses of the previous 15 years, in
which its poverty rate increased 121%. (Columbia University)

* In California, the number of children living in poverty has grown
from 900,000 in 1979, to 2.15 million in 1998. (Columbia University)

* Nearly 3 percent of all workers live under the federal poverty line,
defined in 1998 as $13,003 for a family of three. Counting dependents,
this encompasses roughly 5 million people.(The Conference Board,
contact Linda Barrington, 212-339-0481)

* In 1998, the top 1 percent of stock owners owned 47.7 percent of all
stock, while the bottom 80 percent owned 4.1 percent. Between 1989 and
1998, nearly 35 percent of all stock market gains went to the top 1
percent of shareholders. 64 percent of American households have stock
holdings worth $5,000 or less, or own no stock at all. (Economic Policy

* Between 1995 and 1998, the total wealth of the typical American
household rose from $58,800 to $61,000. The average value of stock
holdings rose $5,500, the value of non-stock assets (mostly homes)
climbed $8,500, and household debt increased $11,800. (Economic Policy

* Middle-class families enjoyed 2.8 percent of the stock market gains
between 1989 and 1998, but accounted for 38.8 percent of the increase
in household debt. (Economic Policy Institute)

* In 1998, 62.9 percent of private sector workers had employer-provided
healthcare, down from 63.1 percent in 1989. 49.2 percent of private
sector workers have employer-provided pension plans. (Economic Policy

* 60 percent of U.S. workers say that if they were laid off, their
savings are sufficient to maintain their current standard of living for
a few months or less. Only 29 percent said they are able to save for
the future. 40 percent say they earn enough to be comfortable, but not
to save, while 27 percent said they earn only enough to get by, and 3
percent said they are unable to pay their bills. (Fleet Bank, contact
Rena DeSisto, 212-703-1961)

* 64 percent of U.S. workers say they would rather have more time than
more money. Even in households earning less than $25,000, 49 percent
said they would still prefer time over money. (Fleet Bank)

* Fewer than 43,000 estates -- 2 percent of the total -- paid federal
estate taxes in 1997. (Money, 9/2000)

* In 2000, the federal estate tax is expected to raise $27 billion,
more than double the amount of federal income taxes paid by the bottom
half of all taxpayers. (United For a Fair Economy,

* A study by Treasury Department economist David Joulfaian found that
eliminating the estate tax would reduce charitable bequests by about 12
percent. (United For a Fair Economy)

* While the top tax rate is 55 percent, on average, estate taxes
represent 17 percent of the gross value of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GospelofThomas] carnivore

2001-02-15 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 2/15/01 4:25:30 AM Central Standard Time,

Subj:[GospelofThomas] carnivore
Date:2/15/01 4:25:30 AM Central Standard Time
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (staats fasoldt)

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The
 controversial Internet surveillance tool
 known as "Carnivore" has been renamed DCS1000, a
name devoid of any
 negative associations, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation said Tuesday.

 "With upgrades come new names," said Paul
Bresson, an FBI spokesman. The
 old name of a flesh-eating predator had conjured
up "unfortunate" images for
 many people, he added.

 Carnivore is specialized software installed on
an Internet service provider's
 network under federal wiretap authority. Used in
criminal and national security
 cases, it is capable of keeping tabs on a
suspect's e-mail, instant messages and
 Web surfing activities.

 Privacy and civil-rights advocates have argued
 the system violates protections against
 unreasonable search and seizure in the U.S.
 Constitution's Fourth Amendment. Former
 Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an
 independent review of its inner workings after a

 stir in Congress.

 The name change was to have been rolled out in
 conjunction with an internal Justice Department
review of Carnivore to be
 presented to Attorney General John Ashcroft
soon, an FBI official said. But the
 change was leaked to a trade publication,
Government Computer News.

 "Had it not been called Carnivore, it probably
wouldn't have stirred as much
 controversy," Bresson said. He said the new
alpha-numeric "doesn't stand for

 Different name, same concerns

 Critics said the FBI was kidding itself if it
thought a name change alone would
 allay fears. They consider the system ripe for
abuse largely because of the
 secrecy surrounding how it scans passing data to
find the court-authorized target.

 "It's not the name that worries people," said
David Sobel of the
 Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information
Center, which has sued the
 FBI and Justice Department for the source code
and other data about Carnivore.
 "It's the way this system works."

 Barry Steinhardt, associate director of the
American Civil Liberties Union,
 added: "If it prowls like a wolf, howls like a
wolf and has the voracious appetite
 of a wolf, it's still a carnivore."

 The new name also fell flat with Naseem Javed, a
New York-based author of
 Naming for Power, a book about business naming,
and Domain Wars, a book
 about cyberspace names.

 The FBI should have seized the opportunity to
name the system in a "friendly
 way," as would any company seeking to score
points with the public, he said.

 "I think they had a bad name to begin with," he
said, adding that DCS1000 was
 worse because such combinations of letters and
numbers sow confusion.

 "They need a proper name branding so they can
roll this out as a readily
 identifiable tool for law enforcement," Javed
said, adding it would take him
 weeks to come up with a good one himself.

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[CTRL] Slade Gorton

2001-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Well folks, guess who all but one Republican senator want to give a lifetime
appointment as a Federal judge?  None other than Slade Gorton.  Senator
McCain has withheld his approval pending a decision as to the location of the
judgeship.  It seems that Senator McCain feels it would be improper to give
him a position in the Washington State area, because of his prejudice
regarding Native Americans.  Okay.  That's a plus for McCain, but I well
remember that Mr. Gorton was totally approving of the incident where the
police held open the eyelids of the young girls who were protesting in his
office in Washington State and wiped pepper spray liberally into their open
eyes.  Such an act is not only contra to the reason our police forces have
been given pepper spray, but ranks right up there as a form of torture.  I
was astounded that Senator Gorton did not condemn such behavior on the part
of the police, but he thought it all just wonderful.  THIS is the man our new
president and the Republican members of the senate want to gift with a
federal judgeship, presumably to compensate him for the fact that the people
in his district finally came to their senses and voted him out of office.
Way to go, guys.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Another Clinton first

2001-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/14/2001 9:24:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "I fully understand why you are upset that former President
 Clinton spoke at one of our conferences," Morgan Stanley
 chairman Philip Purcell wrote, obviously feeling some pain of
 his own, in an e-mail zapped last week to some undisclosed
 number of his five million customers. "We clearly made a

Yes, and that's the wimpiest thing I've ever heard.  If they were my brokers,
I'd jump ship too.  Anyone who is waiting for their customers approval of who
and what they hire, listen to, or read doesn't need to be in business.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-02-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

So does this fellow have a bull's-eye painted on his house, and a sign
in the front yard saying "Gun-free house: rob me" ?

--- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Feel free to email this idiot at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with my
 blessings! Come
 and get 'em, Bozo--MOLON LABE!



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Important article about gold consumption and short position

2001-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

10:13p ET Wednesday, February 14, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

There's an important new article at The Mining
Web about gold consumption and the short position
in gold, written by Tim Wood. You can find it


But if that link is too long for your browser,
use this one and just scroll down a little and
you'll find it:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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2001-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

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Rumor Mill News Forum



Posted By: Q
Date: Tuesday, 13 February 2001, 7:05 p.m.



  Does Bush know something that the rest of the Republicans don't know?

  Has Clinton set up the Republicans?

  Bush Not Happy About Clinton Probes

  Several congressional panels are looking into Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier 
Marc Rich, whose ex-wife is a major Democratic contributor.

  On Monday, Attorney General John Ashcroft told reporters he would be open to 
congressional proposals to give Rich's ex-wife, Denise Rich, immunity in exchange for 
her testimony.

  Bush said he had not talked to Ashcroft about it but reiterated, "My attitude is 
it's time to move on."

  Burton asks CIA to declassify Rich

  WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- Congressional investigators Tuesday requested
  that two U.S. intelligence agencies declassify documents and materials on
  fugitive financier Marc Rich, who received a controversial pardon from
  then-President Clinton on his last day in office.

  ...the House Government Reform Committee wants the Central Intelligence Agency to
  declassify materials pertaining to Rich that were used to brief committee
  investigators on Feb. 6.

  Meanwhile, President Bush told reporters accompanying him on Air Force One
  Tuesday that "it's time to move on" but "the Congress is going to do what
  they're going to do. They've already started the process." Bush said he had
  not spoken with Attorney General John Ashcroft, who on Monday said he was
  considering cooperating with the congressional probe, including the
  possibility of granting immunity to Rich's ex-wife, Denise, a key figure in
  the pardon.



  Friday, 9 February 2001, 1:01 p.m.

  While the Democrats are trying to decide if they want to keep silent and support 
their Leader... King Clinton, they are missing the most incredible opportunity.

  Yes, Mark Rich was part of the intelligence community. He worked with the CIA, the 
Mossad, and any other intelligence agency that needed the type of "product" he sold.

  Let's go back 20 years.

  What as going on about that time?

  October Surprise...

  The promised arms pay-off to Iran for delaying the release of the hostages.

  The "drawing down" of the NATO stores to supply Iran with the promised arms.

  The intermediary "help" from the Frydell's in Israel.

  The replacement, by Israel, of "working" equipment with faulty equipement.. 
precipitating the "hostage-taking" debacle that went on for years!

  Where was Mark Rich in all of this?

  He should be given immunity so he can tell the American people what he was doing and 
who ordered him to do it?

  Who did he take his orders from at that time? His "upline" ended in the office of 
the Vice President and/or the Director of the CIA...(William Casey) or DCO (Director 
of Covert Ops)

  If the Democrats pull the thread that is named Mark Rich, the entire cover up will 
begin to unravel.

  Bill Clinton handed the Democrats the world on a platter, but they are too stupid to 
see it.

  Mark Rich has the power to get former President George H.W. Bush indicted for 
"trading with the enemy", treason, drug trafficking and many other crimes that were 
committed on his watch with his knowledge.

  But the Democrats run the risk of exposing their own crooked underbelly if they do 

  The United States Congress is being run on mutual blackmail!

  The only way to move out of the box that the crooks in controll have trapped 
themselves in is to do what Nelson Mandela did.

  Truth and Reconciliation

  Bring on the trials. Let it all hang out! Try the crooks, convict them, throw them 
out of Congress, and government... and then FORGET ABOUT IT AND MOVE ON!

  This is the door that Clinton has opened for Congress. But do you think they will be 
smart enough to walk through it?

  The Bush family may!

  Since they have the most to lose right now, they may opt to offer Clinton an olive 
branch. And that olive branch will be the Truth and Reconcilation Trials.

  Who will be the first to tell the truth?

  (Oh well... an old man can have his fantasies, can't he?)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

P.O. BOX 1784
APTOS, CA 95001
TEL 831 462 3949
FAX 831 462 2545


[CTRL] Fwd: [RMNEWS] MARC RICH --Clinton, the stool pigeon, is leaking hot items of specific criminality

2001-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

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Rumor Mill News Forum



Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2001, 10:52 p.m.


  by Sherman H. Skolnick 2/14/01


  The Chief Federal Prosecutor in New York City is compiling proof that
  Clinton, while President, was bribed with millions of dollars to grant a
  presidential pardon to purported super-criminal Marc Rich. Holed up in
  Zug, Switzerland, Rich has been in huge illegal deals with Clinton's
  sometimes pals George Bush the Elder and sons George W., Neil, and Jeb.
  Enough evidence exists to send both Clinton and Bush Family members to
  prison, say those intimately familiar with the
  Ex-President Clinton has been ratting on his Bush Family confederates.
  Bill has direct evidence that the Elder Bush has been a kingpin in the
  massive dope trafficking from South East Asia, "The Golden Triangle".
  Bush's dope traffic business partners reportedly have been General Colin
  Powell [who also covered up the Viet Nam Mia Li massacre] now U.S.
  Secretary of State, and Powell's long-time side-kick, Richard Armitage,
  now Deputy Secretary of State, this trio fingered by a Burmese General
  for whom they built a highway to facilitate his dope
  The pardon bribery loot went, in part, through corrupt former high-level
  IRS officials and their laundering operation on the Dutch St. Maartens
  Island, in the Caribbean. [Visit our website for related details.] Part
  of the pardon bribery gang, according to witnesses and evidence
  available to the New York Federal Grand Jury, include key traders on the
  Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. One of them
  reportedly is Rahm Emanuel, former top official in the Clinton White
  House who is a dual citizen, U.S./Israel. Rahm ostensibly is the Acting
  Deputy Chief for North America of Israel's secret political police, The
  Mossad. After leaving the White House, Rahm became a managing director
  of Wasserstein Perella  Co., at their Chicago office. With Rahm's
  supervision, they have reportedly been specializing in laundering huge
  funds tied to the Red Chinese and their secret police, washed through
  certain Chicago's La Salle Street commodity brokers, such as reportedly
  REFCO-LFG Division [Richard Friedman  Co.] The Red Chinese, with
  Wasserstein's apparent connivance, have reportedly been repeatedly
  attempting to smuggle into the U.S. AK-47 submachine guns manufactured
  and marketed by a Red Chinese firm run by Wang Jun, who is also reputed
  head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. [Wang Jun has been a PRIVATE law
  client of Kenneth W. Starr, supposed "Independent" Counsel investigating
  Bill and Hillary Clinton.] Some AK-47 shipments have been seized enroute
  to U.S. inner-city
  Clinton, the stool pigeon, is leaking hot items of specific criminality
  of the Bush Family, from documents he removed from White House files, to
  the major networks who so far, are using it for blackmail, not to inform
  the public. ABC Network wants the American CIA to renew the highly
  lucrative secret subsidy deal by which ABC News finances and staffs
  their overseas bureaus as a spy operation. As we have mentioned in
  exclusive stories for more than a decade, CBS News, 1988-89, upon losing
  the CIA subsidy, closed a number of their overseas intelligence
  gathering bureaus while ABC News, upon getting the subsidy instead of
  CBS, opened more of theirs. [Ted Koppel, a Canadian citizen, has a long
  espionage background and his ABC "Nightline" Program often has
  Foundation "consultants" known by him to be CIA but never on-camera
  identified as
  The whole mess comes as the U.S. heads for what some contend is a
  financial meltdown. Called by critics the alleged "President", or White
  House RESIDENT, George W. Bush may not know how to deal with the
  apparent on-coming Depression and may go bananas, so say skilled
  psychiatrists who recognize him as having what they call a "nut house"
  face. A constitutional crisis may be in the works. A small group of
  highly dedicated U.S. Admirals and Generals, out of uniform, and seeking
  refuge in a Paris suburb, have repeatedly vowed in the past to arrest
  Clinton, under the Uniform Military Code, for documented treason, as
  their Commander-in-Chief. [We are the only ones to run exclusive stories
  about that.] They now vow to arrest BOTH George W. Bush AND Clinton for
  high crimes including
  Confidants of Albert Gore, Jr., speaking on the promise they not be

[CTRL] Fwd: AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

For quite a while I have wondered why Rosie O'Donnell was permitted to
play with the children on Sesame Street - and ran across this article re
Ellen Degenerte..who now will plan a Nun in a TV show - which I
consider an attack on the Church.

So we have this lesbian Rosie O'Donnell playing with the Children, now
in Broadway Play playing Cat In The Hat and we see what PBS is all
about..they will NEVER receive another dime from me but for some
time I have wondered if this stuff was deliberate - so Ellen and Rosie
what a nice pair - preparing our kids for the kill?

It was just reported that 1 in 3 black mailes, are afflicted with
AIDSnice?   We have Rosie adopting little children - one of whom is
very,‹ very accident prone.armed guards take them to school?
Seems to me Rosie did not like guns, but as far as I am concerned we are
sending kids to slaughter in promoting homosexuals on children's
programs -

Why is it - consider the sodomists attempt to invade the Boy Scouts of
America?   Little Cub Scous with their little Beanies about to be
attacked too .. teach the kiddings that sodomy is good for you -

How many people died form AIDS or have HIV/AIDS in this country now?
Aren't these people who practice sodomy more of a threat to our children
health wise than any loaded gun - on the AIDS is just a longer death.

Disney is Dead - so we see now why Disney is no longer pay TV...have
you watched their programs lately - now the attack beings on the
Catholic Church...

Why not put Ellen into a say Jewish Synagoguge - first woman Rabbi?
First sodomist Rabbi?

So Rosie is now shown with her costume as the Cat In The Hatwell to
tell the truth, never really cared for the Dr. Suess stuff -  Dr. Suess
and Walt Disney, are dead.this evil has now made specific targets of
our childrennotice how Michael Jackson on he Democrat Platform when
Clinton first ran, played with the childrenthis freaked out

So it says this much to me - life is cheap, but in death there is a
profit - abortions to bash in little babies heads after feeling first
breath of life - and sale of little baby body partas - wholesale
slaughter in China of female babies for body parts.life is so cheap
but DEATH you make a profit from the $5,000 minimum decent burial coffin
- well why waste these dead bodies - sell them...

Calling Dr. Death?   Rosie and Elllen why not dress these pigs up as
Grim Reapers and put them in their proper place for they are harvesting
childreninnocent little children.

To me it is an insult to watch TV for which I pay, and watch this
obvious move to eventually sodomize the children of America.

How do they get away with it?   Well look a their sponsors and consider
we had a Sodomist in the Oval office who had a sodomist prostitute and a
wife whom some say was caught in some rather disturbing

Now Remember Rosie was dumped by K Mart..guns are just so dangerous
and I agree in wrong hands they can be very dangerous.

I consider Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degenerate a greater threat to the
children of  America.they want a generation of our children to play
with and to sodomize?

The very word de-generate speaks for its selfzero population anybody
- would prefer to be killed by a gun than to die a long death with the
AIDS which afflicts now 1 out of 3 black homosexualsnice people -
want to share a pool with them or use a public restroom with them.

Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degenerate are a greater threat to our children
than the statistics showing how many kids were killed or shot with a
gunand then we have Littleton, the greatest story ever told, all
staged in advance.

Public Service will NEVER receive another dime from this house - our
children are targets and these people are more dangerous to our children
than a loaded gun.

Get that pig Ellen out of the nuns outfit and and put her where she
belongs - on X Rated TV for why should the American people and their
children be subjected to these lewd, vile, vicious people who come with
a smile on their face - but take  a good look at their pig eyes.oh
we see through Clinton's glass but darkly but each day the picture gets
a little clearer.

Rosie O'Donnel wearing costume of Cat in Hat - associate the children
with the sodomistslike this clown Gacy who also played Santa Clause
- he was a homosexual but took pride in saying he was also married?

He attacked only male children.I put O'Donnell and Ellen Degenerate
in this same class -see how they identify with Big Bird, Cat in the
Hat, Nuns now - this is attack on the Church and the Morals of America
and are we going to sit back and let these pigs attempt to destroy our

He who troubles his own house will inherit the windClinton, the
Sodomists Symbol, is now gonelet the dead bury the dead but protect
your children by boycotting anyting to do with the degeneration planned
for our children.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

For your convenience I reproduce the story re our children being
targeted by sodomists...and this is for real

Awake thou that sleepeth.this is now an attack on the Catholic
Church - Awaken Hibernians - for these evil people sent polluted AIDS
blood to Ireland through Clinton with love from Canada..Maybe
the Church of England thinks sodomy is okay for the children and would
feed them garbage - the land of Shakespeare reduced to killing fields by
virtue of AIDS and mass production of government propagandaBlair,
and Clinton, and Carville, and Larry Flynt and even Ehud all working
together to destroy a generation of children?

Name your poison - but you do not have to drink it this cup of poison
they try to feed your children.


AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

The Gay Agenda Targeting of Children Moves into High Gear


The Disney/ABC sitcom ELLEN continues to be controversial this season,
as lesbian actress Ellen DeGeneres unashamedly uses it as a vehicle for
evangelizing young people with the message that "Gay is O.K." Now PBS
has joined Degeneres in targeting children.

Prior to last season's "coming out" episode of ELLEN, the executive
producer of the show admitted to TV GUIDE that young people were a
target group for the show's message. This season Degeneres complained
bitterly when ABC used a parental advisory prior to an episode where
Ellen kissed another woman.

DeGeneres said children should be allowed to watch same-sex affection.
The 'celebrated kiss' earned the October 8 ELLEN episode a parental
advisory warning of "adult content."

DeGeneres said the advisory was discrimination against same-sex
affection and threatened to quit. "This advisory is telling kids
something's wrong with being gay," DeGeneres complained to the New York
imes. The point to the show is to let kids know there's nothing with
being gay, she said. "And now they're saying children shouldn't watch
it," she told TV GUIDE. ABC backed away from the confrontation and
removed the parental advisory the following week.

Last week PBS - the Public Broadcasting System - aired shows targeting
children with DeGeneres as a hostess: SESAME STREET and STORYTIME.

American Family Association president, Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, said,
"With a past history of enthusiastically pushing th homosexual agenda,
viewers should not have been surprised to see Ellen DeGeneres on PBS.
But seeing her on a children's show is further proof that the
Hollywood-New York-Washington, D.C. axis has strategically chosen the
next generation as their safest bet for normalizing this lifestyle."

What do you think about your tax money being used to convince our
children and grandchildren that there is nothing wrong with being gay?
AFA urges you to immediately contact your congressional leaders.

CONTACT YOUR SENATORS ONLINE: www.senate.gov/senator/membermail.html
You may phone the U. S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
You may correspond with your Congressional leaders office by writing:
Office of Senator/Representative (Name)
Untied State Senate / United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20510
American Family Association Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
Telephone: 601/844-5036
Fax: 601/844-9176
World Wide Web: www.afa.net

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2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There is nothing, absolutely nothing Bush can do about a pardon - in
particular the pardon of Marc Rich aka Reich (strange name for
German Jew - wonder what his REAL name is, for Reich I believe is an aka

Bush made it clear he was going to go on with government
business...and for the files Larry Flynt has - those were given to
Carville and on to Flynt's stooge for blackmail purposes, which really
didnot work for I understand now Flynt is more than just a little
insecure sitting in his wheelchair - the price of messing with the big
boys when it came to fronting for the drug industry).

Why should Bush dirty up his administration whipping a dead horse?   A
Pardon is final; however, Clinton is subject to prosecution as is Rich
under State Laws and Courts, etc., so he will not get a free ride.

The cesspool in the White House and Oval Office is gone but the aroma
lingers on.by their fruits, you shall know them.

Bush won't look back like Lots wifethat is not his job.   His
job is to provide services to the people of this country, to provide for
the defense of this great country - and he doesn't need a sodomist who
seems to thrive in the limelight, be it for evil or for good, attempting
to distract the government from the seirous business, of running a

If you re-read this article by Skholnick, or whatever his name is - well
you see it is self serving for someone in particular?

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[CTRL] Make the Wheel Squeak and Get Some

2001-02-15 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

You guessed it!  Oil!  Let's see, now, the over ten-year old war against Iraq; the
almost ten-year-old war against Yugoslavia (as a convenient bag); Columbia; E Timor
(Indonesia?).  What kind of foreign policy mandates the oil trade at the point of a
missile?  Rumour had it once that VietNam was part of LBJ's oil crusade.  This is
like the trade deficit with the Chinese;  once we become too reliant on others'
goods and services (resources), we become hollow.  AER

  www.sfgate.com  Return to regular view
For All the Oil in Colombia
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
2001 San Francisco Chronicle
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-

PRESIDENT BUSH has inherited a $1.3 billion commitment to supply and train
government troops to fight rebel forces who protect -- and profit from --
Colombian coca-growing peasants. Now he must decide whether to pursue a policy that
has failed miserably and threatens to spread the 37-year-old Colombian civil war
into Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.
The first hopeful sign appeared last week, when President Andres Pastrana --
risking political support, as well as his life -- ventured into rebel-controlled
territory and rekindled peace talks that had been dormant for months.
For that brave and audacious gesture, however, U.S. military aid was unnecessary.
Otherwise, the news from Colombia has been grim. Last year, paramilitary forces
killed 60 labor leaders. Seven hundred peasants caught in the cross fire -- their
crops and families fumigated by military helicopters -- fled to Panama last month.
Colombian guerrilla forces have recently clashed with government troops in Ecuador.
Why are we in Colombia?
It may be that the country's huge oil reserves interest President Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney -- both oil men from Texas -- more than coca leaves.
Last year, Colombia's main export poured some $4.6 billion into its economy.
But oil is not easy to procure there. Just days ago, leftist rebels bombed
Colombia's second-largest crude export pipeline, which forced Los Angeles-based
Occidental Petroleum Corp. to drastically reduce its production.
Guerrilla groups, which view the above-ground pipeline as the most visible symbol of
foreign corporate exploitation of Colombia's natural resources, bombed the 485-mile
oil duct 98 times last year alone. So far this year, they have crippled the pipeline
13 times.
When he campaigned for the presidency, Bush pledged to make Latin America his
highest priority. In the region, he sees a unique opportunity to leave a
distinguished foreign policy legacy.
But what kind of legacy? Neither the drug war nor the civil war in Colombia can be
won quickly or easily by military means. And if it is the flow of oil that Bush
seeks to protect, he needs to make his case honestly and directly to the American
2001 San Francisco Chronicle Page A24

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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[CTRL] Vacationing at Taxpayer Expense

2001-02-15 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Vacationing at Taxpayer Expense
by Ryan McMaken

Last week, I wrote an article here on LewRockwell.com on the problem
of "roadless" forests and federally protected wilderness areas. In it, I
suggested that the people who benefit most from such set asides are
the same people who lobby for them in Washington: upper-middle and
upper class white people who have the leisure time and the money to
enjoy such amenities. I received angry responses condemning me for
being an apologist for land-raping corporations and heartless developers.

All who wrote were sure to point out what salt-of-the-earth folks they
are. Statistics would indicate that they were probably lying.
Government records of national forest and park lands indicate that users
have incomes considerably above the national average. People who
head up to the mountains with their fly rods, tents, horses, and hiking
boots are not exactly the same people who are working eighty hour
weeks to keep their small businesses from going under. Nor are there
a whole lot of inner city kids who take day trips up to Glacier
National Park up on the Canadian border. In these degenerate times
of self-hatred, the people who use national lands probably like
to fancy themselves as downtrodden schmoes, but they are wrong.

Leisure and travel are expensive commodities. Many people do not
possess these things in enough abundance to enjoy the taxpayer
supported public lands.

Given the history of modern environmentalism, this should not surprise
us. The modern politics of "conservation" and "preservation"
became popular in the 70’s when more and more Americans were
enjoying disposable income and more leisure time. As the immediacy of
economic viability receded for many people, more peripheral "quality
of life" issues became more important. Young people from the
middle classes began to band together in support of the new "green"
politics. These new greens were not concerned with the same things
as environmentalists of earlier eras. The old environmentalists
were concerned with issues that pertained directly to the immediate
health and safety of human beings. They were concerned with potable
water, breathable air, and toxic industrial waste. Most of these
issues directly impacted the lives of people who lived and worked
in urban centers and along waterways. They concerned themselves
with fairly obvious problems of filth, disease, and toxicity.

Modern green policies, on the other hand, deal with problems much less
immediate. They deal with arsenic levels in water that might give you
cancer fifty years from now, and they make a lot of noise about the
spotted owl and old growth forests. Such things benefit the lives of
remarkably few human beings. The people they do benefit are people
who get a lot of pleasure out of viewing wildlife while riding their pricey
mountain bikes who aren’t impacted by the lost jobs every time they
pass through some ridiculously strict regulation on the cleanliness of
water and air, or the development of forest land. Instead of keeping
drinking water clean of sewage or uranium, enhancing eco-recreation for
a singular class of people is the new motivation of preservation politics.
To witness this change in environmental priorities, one only needs
to look at the modern hubs of environmental activity. Places like
Seattle, San Francisco, and Boulder, Colorado are the places where
modern environmentalism flourishes. Populated by people who are
highly educated and highly paid, these places support a population
keen on travel, leisure, and pristine wilderness. Thanks to the tax
supports paid by all Americans, these people can engage in their
leisure activities at a reduced price. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

Not content to meddle with their own country, these people want to
extend their green agenda to foreign countries as well. Staging such
keen events as the "Battle in Seattle" the new greens support world-
wide controls on pollution and wilderness development. The
industrial countries have no problem with such controls, but the
third world isn’t quite so excited. Those environmental boors in
the third world want to trash the environment so they can escape
their desperate poverty and the scourges of disease, war, and rampant
misery. Of course, most greens know nothing of genuine disease,
war or misery, so they have hard time relating to those third world
peasants who are abandoning the clean air of the country to breathe
the filth in the city where they can afford to feed themselves.
For most of those peasants, it would be a step up just to live at
a standard of living equal to nineteenth century America where the
buildings were covered with soot from the steel mills and other smoke-
belching industries.

I should conclude by pointing out that I have nothing against people
who have lots of money and lots of leisure time. People who make
a lot of money generally do so because they provide a valuable product
or service. Such people have a right 

Re: [CTRL] Vacationing at Taxpayer Expense

2001-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

It is hard for me to imagine that old growth forests are the cause of the
world's problems.  It's hard for me to imagine that anyone who lives in the
over-populated, over-polluted disaster that is today's Denver, would really
like to see the rest of the West (to say nothing of a few embattled areas in
the rest of the world) look like what he sees every day.  If we just let the
mining companies, the oil companies and the lumber companies destroy the rest
of the world, all poverty will disappear overnight.  Of course.  Why didn't I
think of that?  Prudy

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[CTRL] NEWS:Canada Bars Extradition to U.S. for Death Penalty

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday February 15 10:42 AM EST

Canada Bars Extradition to U.S. for Death Penalty
By Randall Palmer

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday barred the
extradition of two murder suspects to the United States unless Ottawa won
assurances they would not face the death penalty, which has been abolished in

The 9-0 decision effectively overturned a 1991 ruling that allowed the
extradition of two U.S. murder suspects. The court said arguments have since
then grown stronger against sending people away to face possible execution.

"Canada is now abolitionist for all crimes, even those in the military field.
The international trend against the death penalty has become clearer," it
said, adding that there were also "hard-headed concerns about wrongful

In the present case, Atif Rafay and Sebastian Burns, both Canadians, were
arrested in British Columbia in 1995, a year after Rafay's parents and sister
were bludgeoned to death in neighboring Washington state.

The two men, then 18 and now 25, had told an undercover agent that they had
carried out the murders with a baseball bat to obtain the proceeds of the
family home and life insurance, about $400,000.

The court agreed with the characterization in 1996 by Canada's then-justice
minister, Allan Rock, of the crimes as "brutal and shocking coldblooded

Rock agreed at the time that they should be surrendered without seeking
assurances from Washington state that prosecutors would not seek the death
penalty. He said Canada could not become a safe haven for murderers.

It was a case in which the U.S. legal system ran up against Canada's often
more liberal values. Amnesty International and the Italian Senate had
intervened to urge the pair not face execution.

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[CTRL] Dr. Nick Begich: Mind Control the Internet

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

I From Mind Control-L:

 Dr.Nick Begich Interview

   Coast to Coast AM interview with Dr.Nick Begich: "What didn't come out
 in the congressional hearings on MK Ultra,and we sight
   the congressional record on that particular area as well but what didn't
 come out is the use of electromagnetic systems to do the
   same thing,control behavior.In other words to over ride things within the
 brain to create the same activity and alot of the documents
   were shredded during the congressional hearings except what they didn't go
 after were the procurements records in the accounting
   side of the CIA,what the equipment was that they were buying and the
 rationale for buying it.So some of that came out much later
   in further requests made by researchers in the 1990's so we were able to
 get some of that data and show a very clear connection
   going back into the 60's and the use of electromagnetic means for
 behaviors. Now the most revealing thing we found in
   terms of this whole concept really dealt with the idea that anew
 technologies have been evolved both in the former Soviet Union and
   in the United States. The publication "Orientere," which is a military
 publication from Febuary 1997,its a Russian publication
   speaking about this technology as well as, the U.S. Army's War College
 publication "Parameters," and what they said,and this is a
   very interesting quote of what they say is now possible: "A psychotronic
 generator which produces a powerful electromagnetic
   emination capable of being sent through telephone lines,television,radio
 networks,supply pipes,and incandescent lamps.This signal
   would manipulate the behavior of those in contact with the signal;"
 unquote. What thats saying is that any carrier, any form of
   electromagnetic energy that can be pulsed and shaped can actually carry a
 signal in that it can interfere with brain activity."

 Host  Mike Siegal: "In other words , if your watching television in affect
 what this would do is to send the electromagnetic energy from the
   television,out of the television, in a form that would effect you and the
 way you behave,by affecting your

 Begich:  "Absolutely,in fact,when you talk about China's use of the
 internet,this is one of the other tools
   thats mentioned,in fact,there's a virus that was developed by the Russians
 to utilize the internet where they could actually send a
   signal in to put people in almost a trance-like state as they are watching
 that terminal and then be able to put information into the
   brain in a very rapid way where its not sorted out by the conscious mind
 terms of whats right,wrong,and what lines up with our own
   values and beliefs."

  Siegal: "Where is this all going though? The scary part of this that you
 talk about is the new technology and
   much more subtle way,almost hidden way this can be done. I mean after
 all,we've had talk about how people using their computers
   could be manipulated in that way.There is electromagnetic energy coming
 of your computer screen. I'm looking at one right

  Begich: "Absolutely!"

 Siegal: I could be a victim of that as I'm looking at it.

 Begich: "Absolutely,
   and because its the internet, it can be accessed from any point on the
 planet where theres decent  communicationlinkages."
 This is not the entire interview for the radio program that

 EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
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Re: [CTRL] Dr. Nick Begich: Mind Control the Internet

2001-02-15 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I wonder if a firewall would stop this sort of signal... ?


In a message dated 2/15/01 12:36:46 PM Central Standard Time,

  Siegal: "Where is this all going though? The scary part of this that you
   talk about is the new technology and
 much more subtle way,almost hidden way this can be done. I mean after
   all,we've had talk about how people using their computers
 could be manipulated in that way.There is electromagnetic energy coming
   of your computer screen. I'm looking at one right

Begich: "Absolutely!"

   Siegal: I could be a victim of that as I'm looking at it.

   Begich: "Absolutely,
 and because its the internet, it can be accessed from any point on the
   planet where theres decent  communicationlinkages."
   This is not the entire interview for the radio program

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Election Destabilization in USA?

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Election Destabilization in USA

Following the US House Energy and Commerce Committee hearings, a serious
question emerges: Were the 2000 US Presidential elections intelntionally
destabilized, using known psyops destabilization technologies?

Because covert black operations are off the radar screen of both the
Congressional hearings, and the mainstream press, the issue of whether
VNS data fed to the major networks was manipulated for election
destabilization purposes is not recieving investigative attention.

Election destabilization is a known technique of USA intellegence agencies
around the world.  Read Philip Agee's works if you doubt this.

Given the near perfect performance of VNS in ALL prior national elections
since 1988, it is at least questionable why a MASSIVE reporting flaw came re
Florida.  There is as well the role of FOX news, which may have functioned in
the past as a black ops disinformation channel.

The goal of the black ops election destabilization, of course, was to
facilitate the ascendency of George W. Bush, as CEO of a global mind control,
militaristic empire.

Are there any questions about USA election destabilization 2000?

Alfred Webre
EcoNews Service
Published on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 in the Los Angeles Times
How TV Killed Democracy on Nov. 7
by Todd Gitlin

Suppose that a first cousin of Al Gore had been running one of the network
news teams issuing election night projections. Suppose that, having
previously recused himself from a columnist job, saying his objectivity would
suffer from family loyalty, this cousin had chatted with Gore six times on
election day. Suppose that the same cousin had been first to declare Gore as
the winner in Florida on election night, helping coax the rival networks to
follow suit, leading George W. Bush to call up Gore in order to concede,
thereby helping create a presumption that Gore was the duly elected president
of the United States long before all the votes had been counted.
Can anyone reasonably doubt that the pundits would be working themselves into
a nonstop lather charging "the liberal media" as accessories to grand
larceny? Can we imagine, say, Rupert Murdoch's Fox News Channel right-leaning
barking heads dropping the subject?

Just kidding, of course. John Ellis, the cousin in question, is George W.
Bush's. Ellis' own account reports his chatty times with his cousin. The
network is Rupert Murdoch's. Murdoch defends Ellis in these words: "Every
journalist is desperately trying to get in touch with candidates--that's
their job." Just as the U.S. Supreme Court enunciated a special rule for Bush
vs. Gore, shutting down the Florida vote count by suddenly discovering the
principle of equal protection of the law in an election--a principle it
hadn't troubled itself to notice since Jim Crow days--the media have "moved
on," as they like to say, to show business as usual.

As the House Energy and Commerce Committee begins hearings today on the
networks' bad election night calls, let it also consider the tremendous
subsidy that our political system hands the media plutocrats. The maximum
network commitment is to convenience their own status quo. In more than one
way, the television networks conduct themselves as if democratic elections
take place for their own delectation.

It's rare for network arrogance to matter as egregiously as on Nov. 7. But
Ellis' private family channels are the tip of a grander scandal, which is the
dominance of the national voicebox by vastly profitable organizations, their
pundits tilting rightward as they blare their talking points, stripping
everyone else's sound bites to seven seconds each, all the while operating on
public airwaves, collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from political
ads while lobbying furiously against campaign finance reform.

Try finding a discussion of these issues on any news network. The barking
heads who usurp the space of public affairs with high-volume jeers are not
equal-opportunity offenders. Ever since Ronald Reagan's presidency, when
George Will, the president's debate chum, became inescapable in newspapers,
magazines and on television, there has been no left-of-center equivalent.
Would Jim Lehrer's "Newshour" tolerate a Democrat who, like its regular Paul
Gigot, the Wall Street Journal columnist, celebrated a riot (the one that had
been organized on Nov. 22 by Republican operatives to shut down the
Miami-Dade vote count)? Onetime Democrats like Chris Matthews and Tim Russert
have absorbed the pugnacious atmosphere, with Matthews insulting anyone to
his left and Russert flattering the likes of Rush Limbaugh, kowtowing to
James Baker while cutting off Warren Christopher, and telling viewers no
fewer than three times on Nov. 8 that, the way things were going in Florida,
it was time for Al Gore to play statesman and concede. Not one barking head
ever suggested that Bush concede 


2001-02-15 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Clark 


Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:31 PM
Subject: DavidIcke2000 RE: THE ART BAEL SHOW AND DAVID
 Dont count on ART 
BAEL having Ted Gunderson on 
either. Or Bo Gritz. Or William 
Cooper. The ART BAEL show is JUST ANOTHER 
MEDIA. It's just that ART is a 
little more OPEN and some FUN to listen 
to. Just like I am reading Sir Laurence 
 Gardner's latest book " Realm of the Ring 
Lords " he only gives you JUST SO MUCH 
INFORMATION and then suppresses the stuff 
he DOESNT WANT you to 
EXPERTS ( AND  ART BAEL is one of them ) 
will give you a SMATTERING of TRUTH just 
to WHET your appetite but then STEER you 
away from the REAL STORY. All in the great 
pattern of Propaganda Super Hero Doctor 
Joseph Goebbels. Mind control 
ONCE anybody LEARNS about the PSYCHO MIND 
little brother the STANFORD RESEARCH 
CENTER then the PROPAGANDISTS cant touch 
you anymore. When the individual FINALLY 
realizes that he is being MISLED at every 
can deceive him anymore. I HAVENT TRUSTED 
-Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 15, 
2001 12:37 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: DavidIcke2000 
Mr.Bell will not have Mr.Icke on his show !To all members of David 
Ickes group, I have attempted to reach Art Bell now several times in regard 
to having both David Icke and Dr. Len Horowitz on anup coming show and 
apparently Mr. Bell will not have Mr. Icke on his show again, nor would Mr. 
Mike Seigal, who flatly told a caller no and hung-up after being asked if he 
would have David Icke on his show. Please fellow members, if you believe as 
I do about the message that Mr.Icke is revealing and that of Dr. 
Horowitz, lets get busy by contacting Art Bell via e-mail, phone or 
My name is Karl ***, form Lake Tahoe '1490 KOWL,' I have been 
listening to you since your KDWN days.I trust that during your absence 
you were able to read a lot of the books bysome of the guests you have 
had on your show over the past year or so and have been able to confirm or 
not the works of these authors. I have taken itupon myself to contact 
Elaine, Dr. Len Horowitzs' PR person, they would loveto be on your show 
any time your producers contact them. And would youplease consider 
having David Icke on again also? Possible both on the same show thesame 
night.I am sure Mr. Icke would be willing. Please Art, consider having them 
on together, all that you have discussed in the past is coming about. So 
muchis happening so quickly that most people have no idea of what is 
really goingon.Please Mr. Bell have these two on again and welcome 
back KarlSubscribe 

Re: [CTRL] IBT SEIZED!! Additional Info

2001-02-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

And they seemed to invite it. 

You don't need to be a business with employees in order to be a church.
You don't even need to worship in public. Jesus himself said it was
better to pray in a closet than "aloud on a street corner."

A HREF!ttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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2001-02-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Is Mike Clark writing "ART BAEL" instead of Art Bell due to a typo, or
trying to compare him to the Semitic deity Ba'al?

--- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Clark
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:31 PM
 Subject: DavidIcke2000 RE: THE ART BAEL SHOW AND DAVID

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-15 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

Having read a large number of Mike's rantings for some months now, I can assure
you it was not a typo.

One also approaches the point of belly-laughter when grappling with Mike's
fetish for Ted Gunderson and Bo Gritz - claiming Art Bell to be a
disinformation agent while the former pair aren't. LOL


- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 16 February, 2001 07:30 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

 Is Mike Clark writing "ART BAEL" instead of Art Bell due to a typo, or
 trying to compare him to the Semitic deity Ba'al?

 --- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Mike Clark
  Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:31 PM
  Subject: DavidIcke2000 RE: THE ART BAEL SHOW AND DAVID

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FoxNews: Clinton may join Oracle Board

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton's Oracle Speech Hints He May Join Company's Board

Wednesday, February 14, 2001 By Michael Liedtke

SAN FRANCISCO — When Bill Clinton delivers the keynote speech at
an Oracle Corp. convention Monday, it might mark the start of a
new business relationship between the former president and the
world's second-largest software company.

The buzz around Oracle's Redwood Shores headquarters these days
is that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, an unabashed Clinton admirer,
is trying to persuade his old political friend to fill a vacant
seat on the company's board of directors.

Oracle representatives have little to say about the possibility,
but the theory began making the rounds even before Clinton left
office Jan. 20.

Clinton's marquee appearance at an Oracle conference in New
Orleans provides more momentum to the tantalizing notion of the
former president joining forces with Ellison, the world's
second-wealthiest man behind Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

Oracle said there are no hidden agendas behind Clinton's
President's Day speech in New Orleans, where thousands of the
company's customers and software developers will gather.

"We just thought an audience would be interested in hearing from
the man who was the leader of the free world during a period of
the greatest technological innovation in history," Oracle
spokeswoman Jennifer Glass said.

Clinton's speaking fee for the New Orleans appearance hasn't been
disclosed. Investment bankers Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  Co.
paid Clinton $100,000 to speak at a Florida conference last week.

Clinton has stayed in the headlines, and has been a nearly
constant subject of criticism, since he left office.

On Capitol Hill, a House committee is expanding its investigation
into Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich, and a
Senate panel is taking its own look at the pardon. At the White
House, workers are sorting out gifts Clinton sent back under

Even Clinton's selection of office space in New York City became
a matter of controversy. He went to Harlem on Tuesday to check
out office space after his plan to rent a floor of a vastly more
expensive building in midtown Manhattan was criticized.

And while other recent ex-presidents waited months before joining
the paid lecture circuit, Clinton gave his first paid speech
barely two weeks after leaving office. Morgan Stanley officials
caught so much flak from clients that they apologized.

On Wednesday, there were reports that London-based firm UBS
Warburg has backed away from having Clinton speak because of the
controversies surrounding him.

If Clinton were to join Oracle's board, it would make a lot of
sense for both sides, according to business and political

With Clinton on its board, Oracle would gain the prestige and
political clout of a former president, as well as a sharp mind,
said Raymond Strother, a Democratic Party media consultant who
worked with Clinton during his Arkansas campaigns for governor.

Sitting on Oracle's board also would represent a feather in
Clinton's cap because the company has emerged as one of the
world's technology leaders and looks like it will remain a force
for years to come, said Joshua Greenbaum, an industry analyst
with Enterprise Applications Consulting in Daly City.

With his resume, Clinton no doubt is getting inundated with
offers from corporations that want him on their boards, said
Strother, who believes Clinton would be wise to join Oracle.

"They represent the future and he will be better off linking
himself to the future than the past," Strother said.

Oracle might also have an inside track because of Ellison's
connections and kinship with Clinton. In November, Ellison hired
Clinton's former White House press secretary, Joe Lockhart, as
Oracle's communications director, a move that some believe
foreshadowed Ellison's interest in courting Clinton.

Unlike many Silicon Valley executives, Ellison hasn't spent that
much of his time or wealth publicly lobbying for his political

While contributing money to both the Democratic and Republican
parties during the past eight years, Ellison openly supported
Clinton, even through the various scandals that shadowed the
former president.

Clinton's checkered past and the recent controversies are
unlikely to scare off Ellison, a mercurial character who has been
entangled in a series of highly publicized dustups.

"Larry also gets picked on for various shenanigans," Greenbaum
said. "That's why there might be a certain brotherhood developing
between these two guys. There are some compelling reasons why
these two might get along in the same boardroom."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change 

[CTRL] WSJ: The Pardon Precedent

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Wall Street Journal



The Pardon Precedent

In 1978 Clinton got a close look at the dangers of selling

Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:01 a.m. EST

A chief executive from the South, long protected by powerful
friends in the media, is leaving office under suspicion that he
or his aides are selling pardons. His critics have been smeared
or fired if they opposed him. The voters breathe a sign of relief
as his Republican successor is sworn into office and
investigations of the questionable pardons accelerate.

While the story has some resemblance to President Clinton's
leave-taking, the pardon scandal involved another Southern
governor, Ray Blanton of Tennessee. It caused Gov. Blanton to be
stripped of his office as his only term as governor ended in
1978. His office door was nailed shut to ensure that evidence
wasn't removed, and Lamar Alexander, his elected successor, was
sworn into office three days early to keep more pardons from
being issued.

Days after this denouement, 32-year-old Bill Clinton took the
oath of office for his first term as governor of Arkansas. Mr.
Clinton was well aware of the uproar the Blanton case had caused,
which makes his friends all the more shocked and puzzled at his
controversial pardon of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich. Outrage
is building as we also learn about his pardons of a notorious
California drug dealer and a Florida businessman currently under
federal investigation for fraud.

Ray Blanton was born dirt poor in rural Tennessee in 1930, but
his folksy charm and ambition got him elected to Congress in
1966. In 1974 he eked out a victory in the Democratic primary for
governor with 23% of the vote in a field of a dozen candidates.
In the general election, the stench of Watergate allowed him to
win a landslide over his Republican opponent, Mr. Alexander, who
would become governor four years later.

Ethical trouble in the fast-and-loose Blanton administration
began early but was downplayed by the local media. But by 1977,
Marie Ragghianti, chairman of the state's Board of Pardons and
Paroles, was getting worried. She finally refused to release some
felons who were later proved to have bought their freedom by
bribing Blanton aides. Mr. Blanton summarily fired her and then
set his media friends upon her, smearing her reputation.

Ms. Ragghianti eventually hired Fred Thompson, the Republican
counsel for the Senate's Watergate committee, as her lawyer to
file a suit challenging her dismissal. In July 1978, a jury found
that Mr. Blanton had fired her "arbitrarily and capriciously,"
ordered her reinstatement and awarded her $38,000 in back pay.

Hollywood made a 1985 movie about the case called "Marie,"
starring Sissy Spacek in the title role. Mr. Thompson convinced
the producers that with his booming voice and Bluegrass drawl he
was the perfect candidate to play himself. The film's success
launched a part-time movie career that eventually helped him win
election to the U.S. Senate in 1994.

Sen. Thompson vividly recalls how the pardon scandal picked up
steam in late 1978 as Gov. Blanton, who had not sought
re-election, was winding down his term. On Dec. 14 the governor
held a Christmas party at which his staff presented him with a
present: a metallic-blue Lincoln Continental. Reporters
immediately began to wonder why he could get such an extravagant

The next day, FBI agents swarmed into the Capitol in Nashville
and seized hundreds of documents on pardons and clemency actions.
Shortly thereafter, the FBI announced the arrest of the
governor's legal counsel, his chief extradition officer and a
state trooper assigned to Gov. Blanton. A week later, the
governor appeared before a federal grand jury and declared his
innocence. "I never took a dishonest dollar in my life."

Pressure mounted for Gov. Blanton to be removed early and reached
a fever pitch late on Jan. 15, 1979, after he finished a
three-hour meeting with the announcement he had granted clemency
to 52 inmates. His explanation? He was under a court order to
reduce overcrowding in the state prisons.

One of the freed inmates, Roger Humphreys, was serving a 20- to
40-year sentence for murder. The son of a Blanton political
crony, he had pumped 18 bullets from a two-shot Derringer into
his former wife and her boyfriend. Mr. Blanton called him "an
outstanding, fine young man" and arranged for him to work outside
prison as a state photographer. On Jan. 15 he signed Mr.
Humphrey's release papers in office with a rhetorical flourish:
"This takes guts." At that point, his secretary of state, Gentry
Crowell, piped up: "Some people have more guts than brains."

The Humphreys case infuriated Tennessee's political
establishment. Then on Jan. 17, three days before Gov. Blanton's
term expired, U.S. Attorney Hal Hardin, a Democratic appointee,
called Gov.-elect Alexander to tell him that Gov. Blanton was
preparing papers 

[CTRL] NYT: U.S. Is Beginning Criminal Inquiry in Pardon of Rich

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


February 15, 2001

U.S. Is Beginning Criminal Inquiry in Pardon of Rich

New York Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 ó The United States attorney in New York has
started a preliminary criminal investigation into the
circumstances of President Bill Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich,
the fugitive commodities trader, senior government officials said

The inquiry will include issuing grand jury subpoenas for bank
records and other documents, the officials said. They said the
investigation would try to determine whether anyone acting on
behalf of Mr. Rich in effect sought to buy his pardon or obtain
it by fraudulent misrepresentation.

The investigation was initiated by Mary Jo White, the United
States attorney in New York and head of the office that indicted
Mr. Rich in 1983.

When Mr. Clinton approved the pardon last month, Ms. White
complained bitterly that her office had not been consulted, the
officials said, and in recent days pressed Justice Department
officials in Washington to allow her to look into the pardon.

The inquiry, which also involves Justice Department investigators
in Washington, began even as President Bush said on Tuesday that
he had little enthusiasm for protracted Congressional inquiries
into Mr. Clinton's activities, a lack of interest that officials
said was shared by Attorney General John Ashcroft.

The investigation came as Congressional inquiries have focused on
donations that Mr. Rich's former wife, Denise Rich, contributed
to Democratic causes in recent years, including $450,000 to Mr.
Clinton's presidential library foundation.

A spokesman for Ms. White would not comment today on the
investigation today.

Today, in a related development, the House Government Reform
Committee, which has been investigating the Rich pardon, said it
would defer for at least a week its plan to grant immunity to Ms.
Rich. Lawyers have said that granting immunity could interfere
with the criminal investigation. The committee announced its
decision after consultations with the Justice Department.

The criminal inquiry comes less than a month after Mr. Clinton,
on his last day as president, reached a settlement with the
independent counsel on several unrelated investigations that gave
Mr. Clinton immunity from indictment or criminal liability in
those cases.

In a statement, Mr. Clinton denied any wrongdoing in the Rich

"As I have said repeatedly, I made the decision to pardon Marc
Rich based on what I thought was the right thing to do," he said.
"Any suggestion that improper factors including fund-raising for
the D.N.C. or my library had anything to do with the decision are
absolutely false. I look forward to cooperating with any
appropriate inquiry."

The inquiry started as Democrats and Republicans on the Senate
Judiciary Committee today sharply criticized the pardon of Mr.
Rich and his partner, Pincus Green. At a hearing, Republicans
criticized the pardon decision, but so did Democrats, even some
who stood with the former president in his darkest hours.

Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, said, "The
pardoning of fugitives stands our criminal justice system on its
head and makes a mockery of it." Senator Richard J. Durbin,
Democrat of Illinois, said the pardon "certainly raises the
appearance of impropriety."

Senator Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, who has
sponsored campaign finance legislation, said, "For me, as for
many senators and many Americans, suspicions about this pardon
arise from the fact that Marc Rich's ex-wife, Denise Rich, was a
large donor to the Democratic Party ó not just a large donor, a
huge donor."

The inquiry by prosecutors in Ms. White's office is being
coordinated with senior officials at the Justice Department.

Several Republicans at today's hearing said that a criminal
investigation was warranted. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama,
said, "From what I've seen, based on the law of bribery in the
United States, if a person takes a thing of value for himself or
for another person that influences their decision in a matter of
their official capacity, then that could be a criminal offense."

"And I think at this point," Mr. Sessions said, "from what I see,
the F.B.I. and the United States attorney's office in New York
ought to be looking at this matter."

Some lawyers have said that proving such a case could be
exceedingly difficult because bribery cases usually required the
cooperation of one of the parties. Moreover, contributions to
political parties or to Mr. Clinton's library foundation are
legal, and the president's pardon authority is unreviewable.

Criminal cases involving high level corruption or senior
executive branch officials are almost always managed at the
Justice Department's headquarters. But officials in Washington
are apparently deferring to prosecutors in New York at the outset
of the inquiry 

[CTRL] TH: Torricelli turns on his friends

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Michelle Malkin
February 14, 2001

Torricelli turns on his friends

Teflon Bob Torricelli's coat of armor is wearing a little thin
these days.

The once-invincible, Democratic fund-raising superman can't seem
to shake questions about his prodigious campaign finance
practices. Now, the New Jersey senator -- who raised $12.5
million for his 1996 campaign and a record $87.2 million as
Democratic Senate Campaign Committee chairman -- has turned on
some of his deep-pocketed donors.

The Justice Department is on to something here. The clock is
ticking (there's a five-year statute of limitations for campaign
finance violations), but maybe, just maybe, DOJ's election task
force will be able to pin down the slippery politician's role in
alleged campaign corruption.

Torricelli and his lawyers dismiss his financial troubles as
"garden-variety" bookkeeping errors. But since the federal probe
of Torricelli's 1996 fund raising began, six of his donors have
pleaded guilty to making illegal straw donations for the purpose
of evading contribution limits. At least two listed Torricelli
donors told reporters they were illegally reimbursed by their
company for contributions they didn't make on their own. And
three other donors have implicated Torricelli and his seasoned
aides in their schemes.

Passing political contributions through unsuspecting donors
doesn't just happen with a slip of the pencil. It's deliberate
money laundering, and it's one of the most fundamental violations
of campaign finance law. No official in the Torricelli campaign
has yet been charged with breaking the law, but the campaign's
past working relationships with shady donors smell like a garden
variety of rotten vegetables.

One of Torricelli's old buddies, David Chang, pleaded guilty in
federal court last summer to charges of illegally funneling
$53,700 into Torricelli's 1996 campaign. Chang broke contribution
limits, made illegal corporate donations, enlisted straw donors,
illegally reimbursed them, and obstructed justice by pressuring
one of his former employees to lie to a grand jury. According to
The New York Times last week, Chang revealed to prosecutors that
Torricelli "was not only aware of some of his illegal donations
but also encouraged them" and that he encouraged Chang to flee
the country.

Fair-weather Torricelli and his aides now attack one of their
chief fund-raisers as a "pathological" liar and perjurer. Chang
is "about as fraudulent a human being as has ever graced the
earth," one of Torricelli's lawyers told the press.

What does all this say about Torricelli? He knew that Chang, a
Beijing-born entrepreneur who conducted exclusive business with
the communist regime in North Korea, had made $12,000 in prior
illegal donations to former California Rep. Jay Kim in 1992. Yet,
Torricelli hired Chang to raise funds, placed calls to the
government on his behalf, and defended him last year against
charges of foreign money laundering by accusing investigators of
being motivated by prejudice because Chang "happens to be of a
different race."

Now, Torricelli's dear friend -- yes, he used to call Chang
"friend" -- is a pathological liar and world-class fraud. And
now, Torricelli -- who is furiously raising money for his legal
defense fund -- complains that he is a victim of "the politics of
personal destruction." He has also traded in the race card for
the generational card, casting his targeted staffers Adam Crain,
Roberta Stern and David Plouffe as "dedicated young campaign
workers who worked tirelessly" and "have done nothing wrong."

At least two other Torricelli donors have come forward to dispute
that claim. French businessmen Mark Rousso and Philippe Hababou,
both suspected of financial fraud abroad, have told investigators
they worked with Crain, the campaign's chief fund-raiser, to pass
$40,000 in proceeds from a Manhattan art auction to the campaign.
Investigators are also reportedly looking into claims that Crain
instructed Hababou to funnel money illegally through straw

"Garbage," says Torricelli lawyer Robert Bauer, "told by people
who are peddling lies for profit." These donors, he says, "offer
only a distinguished and extensive history of complete and
criminal fraud."

Pathological liars. Perjurers. Distinguished frauds. "You shall
judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends," Joseph
Conrad wrote. No wonder Torricelli, who is used to dodging
bullets, is now sweating them.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a 

[CTRL] WT: Putin Caught in Big Lie

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Russian President Vladimir Putin last month dismissed reports of the
nuclear arms in Kaliningrad as "rubbish.""


Satellites pinpoint Russian nuclear arms in Baltics

By Bill Gertz

 U.S. spy satellites have located the exact position of
Russian tactical nuclear weapons in the Baltic enclave of
Kaliningrad, contradicting Moscow's contention that it had not
transferred the battlefield arms.

 Satellite photographs first revealed the transfers June 3
when the weapons were spotted aboard a Russian military train at
a seaport near St. Petersburg, according to U.S. intelligence

 A second intelligence breakthrough took place June 6 when
spy satellites detected the arrival of the nuclear arms in
Kaliningrad, said officials familiar with intelligence reports
who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

 The weapons were moved by ship from the Russian port to a
special nuclear storage bunker near a military airfield in
Kaliningrad, a small Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania
on the Baltic Sea.

 The satellite photographs have refuted Russian government
denials about the transfer or deployment of nuclear arms in
Kaliningrad. The transfers were first reported by The Washington
Times on Jan. 3.

 "The Russians are denying it, but we know better," said one
defense official. Debate within the U.S. government has ceased on
the nuclear transfers.

 The disclosure of the tactical nuclear arms transfers
prompted statements of concern by the governments of Poland,
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Moscow has refused inspections of
all military facilities in Kaliningrad by those governments.

 Polish Defense Minister Bronislaw Komorowski called for
inspections of Kaliningrad to determine whether the nuclear arms
were deployed there. The State Department did not support the
call for inspections, even though Poland is now a member of the
NATO alliance.

 Under an informal agreement reached between the United
States and Russia in 1992, Moscow was to remove all tactical
nuclear weapons from forward-deployed areas and said they had
done so.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin last month dismissed
reports of the nuclear arms in Kaliningrad as "rubbish."

 U.S. intelligence is still trying to determine the exact
type of the nuclear arms. They were described in reports as
either nuclear naval, ground forces or air-delivered weapons.

 The weapons in Kaliningrad are based in what the Pentagon
calls a nuclear storage site, a special facility used to house
nuclear arms.

 The intelligence photographs, gathered by the Pentagon's
array of reconnaissance satellites, confirmed suspicions dating
back to 1998 about the deployment of tactical nuclear arms in
Kaliningrad, the officials said.

 Russia has between 4,000 and 15,000 tactical nuclear
weapons, none of which is covered by formal U.S.-Russian arms
control agreements. They include short-range missile warheads,
nuclear-armed torpedoes and air-dropped nuclear bombs.

 A Pentagon spokesman told The Washington Times last month
that the deployment of tactical nuclear arms to Kaliningrad
violates Moscow's pledge to keep the Baltic region a
"nuclear-free" zone.

 The nuclear transfers were not reported in formal Pentagon
intelligence reports until December, fueling speculation among
some officials that the information was withheld from U.S.
government policy-makers for diplomatic reasons. Intelligence
officials denied the information was withheld.

 After the disclosures last month, the State Department sent
a formal diplomatic note to the Russians asking for an
explanation of the deployment.

 The Russian government replied by repeating Moscow's public
denials insisting that there were no nuclear arms in Kaliningrad,
U.S. officials said.

 Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser during the
Carter administration, said the nuclear arms in Kaliningrad are a
political problem more than a serious strategic worry.

 "It tells us something about the dogged attitudes of the
Russian military and political leaders," Mr. Brzezinski said in
an interview.

 "It's conduct you would not expect from a responsible
government that generally wants to be part of the partnership of
the European community, as Putin has indicated," Mr. Brzezinski

 "No one likes to be sitting next to nuclear weapons, stored
or unstored," he said.

 But efforts by Polish and Baltic-nation governments to seek
nuclear inspections will be difficult because there are no formal
agreements allowing such reviews, Mr. Brzezinski said.

 As for Russian government denials, Mr. Brzezinski said: "The
fact that the Russian government denies it . . . is probably an
affirmation that it is true."

 Richard Perle, a senior defense official in the Reagan
administration, said the movement of the weapons would be a
concern if 

[CTRL] Farmers warned against biotech corn

2001-02-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Farmers warned against biotech corn

By PHILIP BRASHER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (February 13, 2001 6:28 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Stray kernels of the biotech corn that caused
nationwide recalls of taco shells still pose a problem for farmers this year,
even though the seed is no longer for sale.

The National Corn Growers Association warned its members Tuesday that
stray kernels from last year's crop of StarLink corn could sprout in fields
and cross-pollinate with other varieties of corn if farmers aren't careful.

StarLink corn was never approved for human consumption because of
unresolved questions about its potential for causing allergic reactions.
Many farmers didn't know about the restriction, or else ignored it, and the
biotech grain wound up contaminating at least 80 million bushels of last
year's corn harvest.

Kraft Foods was among several companies that recalled taco shells and
other products after StarLink was detected in them.

There is a danger that stray StarLink plants will contaminate corn fields this
year, "further compounding the problems of keeping StarLink out of the
supply of U.S. corn," said Fred Yoder, chairman of the growers
association's biotech working group.

Farmers are advised to grow something other than corn, such as
soybeans, on last year's StarLink acreage, or else plant herbicide-tolerant
varieties of corn. Those varieties can be sprayed with a weedkiller that will
kill the StarLink plants.

But even that option has its own potential problem, because corn that's
immune to the popular weedkiller, Roundup, isn't approved for sale in

Farmers also are being warned not to plant any corn seed that hasn't been
tested for the presence of StarLink.

StarLink is one of several types of corn that have been genetically
engineered to kill an insect pest, but it is the only one not allowed in food.

The American Corn Growers Association, a smaller group that is critical of
biotechnology, has said that farmers should be compensated by StarLink's
maker, Aventis CropScience, for any contaminated crops grown this year.

Meanwhile Tuesday, an anti-biotech group released a report prepared by
the Food and Drug Administration on attitudes of consumers toward
genetically engineered products. Virtually everyone questioned in a series
of focus groups the agency sponsored last year believed that foods ought
to be labeled if they contain any genetically engineered ingredients.

"Consumers want to have information on how their food is prepared for a
variety of reasons," said Richard Caplan of the U.S. Public Interest
Research Group.

FDA has refused to impose mandatory labeling on biotech foods. The
agency says there is no justification for labeling food with biotech
ingredients that are essentially the same as conventional ones. The food
industry fears such labeling could unfairly stigmatize biotech products.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday,February 15,2001

EVERYBODY is boiling mad over the pardon of fugitive Marc Rich,
in large part because he is a traitor who did business with the
ayatollah, and helped keep the South African apartheid regime in
business under sanctions.

Overlooked so far is Rich's role in the looting of the
disintegrating Soviet Union by Communist Party officials and
their associates in the early 1990s.

You can read about it in "Godfather of the Kremlin," an
exhaustively researched book about Russian oligarch Boris
Berezovsky, which was published last fall.  The author is Paul
Klebnikov, an expert on Russia and a Forbes magazine senior

The book details the myriad ways Berezovsky and his minions stole
untold sums from the Russian people through international
financial schemes.

According to Klebnikov, Rich came into the picture around 1990,
when the Soviet Union began to open up to outsiders.

"Governmental authority began to crumble.  All these local
Communist Party bosses got to strike deals on their own," the
author tells me.

Based in Switzerland, with its secretive banking laws, Rich was
in a prime position to help Russia's plunderers carry out their
dirty work. Klebnikov reported that Rich dealt in oil, aluminum,
zinc and other raw commodities.

"He'd strike a deal with the local party boss, or the director of
a state-owned company," explains the author.  "He'd say, 'OK, you
will sell me the [commodity] at 5 to 10 percent of the world
market price.

"'And in return, I will deposit some of the profit I make by
reselling it 10 times higher on the world market, and put the
kickback in a Swiss bank account.'"

For at least two years, as the Soviet Union was in its death
throes, Rich was that nation's largest trader of aluminum and oil
on a spot basis.

"He made a complete mint off of Russia," says Klebnikov.

A former foreign-trade minister told the author that Rich
instructed the robber-baron elite how to skirt the law by doing
secret deals through shell companies and the like.

"Marc Rich ended up being a mentor to all these young kids who
came out of the Communist Party establishment, and who made
billions off these schemes themselves," Klebnikov charges.

There were allegations at the time in the Russian press and
elsewhere that Rich was aiding and abetting capital flight from
the country, but he was never charged.

A widely read 1999 article in the foreign-policy journal The
National Interest, written by ex-CIA officer and National
Security Council staffer Fritz W.  Ermarth, noted that as far
back as 1985, the KGB was engaged in the massive transfer of
assets abroad via commodities trading through front companies.

"The program evolved into .  .  .  avenues for squirreling away
funds for the safe retirement or political comeback of embattled
communist leaders," Ermarth writes.

If Rich had anything to do with this, then he would have had a
key role in making the world safe for nuclear-armed communist
tyrants who were America's greatest enemies.

Can U.S.  intelligence files from the era establish a link
between Rich and the transferred KGB billions?  Congress should
find out.

Rich's profitable relationship with the Russians ended in 1993,
when the monster he helped create turned on him.  The Russian
swindlers became so good at Rich's game that they muscled him out
of the action.

"Applying the lessons they learned from Marc Rich, they
bankrupted Russia," Klebnikov alleges.  "As a result, you have a
ruined economy, bankrupt government, and an impoverished

Tens of millions of Russians are suffering through the worst
winter there in 50 years.  They and their government are broke.
There is no money to buy coal to run the power stations.

People are sick, cold and dying.  They are freezing to death in
the dark.  One man told the Red Cross that life has turned into
"a permanent struggle for survival.  It's not even life, it's
just existence."

This is part of the legacy of the man pardoned by Bill Clinton.
It is now part of the 42nd president's legacy as well. Clinton,
his belly full, sleeps in warmth and comfort in cozy Chappaqua.
If he can sleep at all.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the 

Re: [CTRL] FoxNews: Clinton may join Oracle Board

2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So the Justice Deparatment attempts to destroy Bill Gates under Clinton
because he would not give tribute to Ceasar?

Oracle should be boycotted unless this is just another propaganda piece
. sure Clinton is getting a lot of press - all of it bad.

Nice company image - Chief of Thieves and you think stockholder's would
not scream over this one?

Birds of feather flock togetherset a thief to catch a thief -
Clinton should go to work for the AIDS foundations or Gay Prides where
he would be more acceptable.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Prosecutor Opens Rich Pardon Probe

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Prosecutor Opens Rich Pardon Probe

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- A federal prosecutor has cranked up the heat on
former President Clinton, launching a criminal investigation to
determine if money played a role in the last-minute pardon of
fugitive financier Marc Rich.

U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, in a brief statement issued
Thursday, confirmed her office and the FBI ''have opened an
investigation to determine whether there have been any violations
of federal law'' in the pardons of Rich and his partner, Pincus
Green. It did not elaborate.

White's probe is expected to examine bank and telephone records
and other documents for evidence of illegal conduct, according to
a source with knowledge of the investigation.

''She is trying to determine if there was a transfer of money to
buy the pardon,'' the source told The Associated Press on
Wednesday, speaking only on condition of anonymity.

The move comes after Senate and House committees launched similar
probes of the Rich pardon, one of 141 granted by Clinton on Jan.
20, his final day in office.

White, who was appointed to her post by Clinton in 1993, has said
the pardon was granted without consultation with her office,
which indicted Rich in 1983.

Critics have noted that Rich's ex-wife Denise contributed an
estimated $450,000 to the Clinton Presidential Library Fund, more
than $1.1 million to the Democratic Party and at least $109,000
to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign.

According to the source, the White investigation will try to
determine if there was any link between the contributions and the
Clinton decision. Under the U.S. Constitution, presidents have an
absolute right to issue pardons that are not subject to review by
any other government entity. The federal probe would focus
instead on possible criminal wrongdoing stemming from the

In a statement issued through transition office spokeswoman Julia
Payne late Wednesday, Clinton again denied any wrongdoing.

''As I have said repeatedly, I made the decision to pardon Marc
Rich based on what I thought was the right thing to do,'' he
said. ''Any suggestion that improper factors, including fund
raising for the (Democratic National Committee) or my library,
had anything to do with the decision are absolutely false. I look
forward to cooperating with any appropriate inquiry.''

White's spokesman, Herb Haddad, said her office would have no
comment on the report of an investigation. In Washington, Justice
Department spokeswoman Mindy Tucker also had no comment on the

Rich, who fled to Switzerland in the 1980s, was wanted by the
Justice Department on charges of evading more than $48 million in
taxes, fraud and participating in illegal oil deals with Iran.

In testimony Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Justice Department pardon attorney Roger Adams said the White
House initially failed to tell him during a midnight phone call
that Rich was a fugitive.

''I was not told,'' Adams said. ''I learned that from the FBI.''

After discovering that Rich and his indicted partner were
fugitives, Adams fired off a fax to the White House summarizing
the facts of their criminal case. The White House then asked
Adams to fax over the materials that he had gotten from the FBI.

The revelations prompted several Democrats to questions Clinton's
decision to later pardon Rich. Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said
the pardon ''certainly raises the appearance of impropriety.''

Rich's pardon was one of 177 total clemency actions Clinton
handled Jan. 20. Thirty-two were not reviewed in advance by the
Justice Department's pardon attorney, which is the usual --
though neither legally nor constitutionally required --

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said the pardoning of fugitives
''stands our criminal justice system on its head.'' And Sen.
Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said she has ''concerns not only
about the Rich pardon but about a number of'' others granted

Despite the Rich flap, officials at the Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee and in the Clinton camp said there were no
plans to return the Denise Rich contributions.

''There's been no discussion about it,'' Clinton adviser Harold
Ickes said Wednesday.

Mrs. Clinton, through a spokesman, said she would have no comment
on the reported probe and referred calls to her husband's
transition office.

Denise Rich has refused to answer questions from the House
committee, citing her constitutional right against
self-incrimination. The AP left a message on an answering machine
of her spokesman seeking comment on the report of the White

The chairman of a House committee said Wednesday he was told by
the Justice Department it will be ''at least one week'' before
officials there act on the panel's request to grant Denise Rich
immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony to the

The House committee also expects to subpoena records this week
from two of 

[CTRL] LAT: U.S. Built Vignali Case on Wiretaps

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, February 15, 2001

U.S.  Built Vignali Case on Wiretaps

Law: Informants portrayed dealer who received clemency as key
financier of a cocaine pipeline.

Los Angeles Times Staff Writers

MINNEAPOLIS--The 1994 case against Carlos Vignali, whom President
Clinton freed last month after appeals from prominent Los Angeles
politicians, was built on the testimony of informants and federal
wiretaps, which convinced a jury that he had provided large sums
of cash to purchase cocaine for sale in Minnesota.

About 800 pounds of cocaine were mailed in the early 1990s from
Southern California to Minneapolis.  In one telephone recording,
Vignali discussed a successful drug deal with two of his
partners, boasting: "It's going to be like that.  Ain't never
going to be a problem."

Later, talking about 15 pounds of cocaine that was missing,
Vignali complained: "Get that right back.  .  .  .  Kick anybody
down.  You guys should roll right up in there and get it."

The trial narrative, reviewed by The Times on Wednesday, was
contained in boxes of trial transcripts and other court documents
at the federal courthouse here.  It reveals a government case
built almost entirely upon wiretaps and the testimony of
informants, who turned against Vignali in hopes of winning
lighter sentences.  The government portrayed Vignali as one of
the key financiers of the cocaine pipeline from Los Angeles to
Minneapolis.  He was described as a young man flush with cash,
who clinched his deals in cell phone conversations and sought to
meld with tough-talking drug hustlers.

Among those who lobbied on Vignali's behalf were former Assembly
Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa, U.S.  Rep.  Xavier Becerra (D-Los
Angeles), former U.S.  Rep.  Esteban Torres and Roman Catholic
Cardinal Roger M.  Mahony of Los Angeles.  Most asked for further
review of Vignali's case, though some went further.

Villaraigosa, for instance, claimed that Vignali had been wrongly
convicted.  Villaraigosa and Mahony recently have expressed
regret at involving themselves in the case.

Horacio Vignali, father of Carlos Vignali and a well-connected
Los Angeles businessman, had asked them to contact the White
House on his son's behalf, most of the letter writers said.

Of the 30 defendants indicted on charges of involvement in the
drug ring, which converted the cocaine powder from Los Angeles to
crack cocaine in Minneapolis, all but one were convicted or
pleaded guilty. The jury convicted Vignali on three counts of
conspiracy and cocaine distribution and acquitted him of a fourth

While prosecutors have said that Vignali was a central figure in
the conspiracy, U.S.  District Judge David S.  Doty, who has
criticized Clinton's decision to commute Vignali's sentence,
cautioned at the 1995 sentencing that he was not "an organizer,
leader or manager."

Still, the judge sentenced Vignali to 15 years, one of the
harshest sentences handed down in the case.  Clinton commuted the
sentence after Vignali had served six years.  In an interview
Wednesday, Doty said that Vignali "provided funds to the
conspiracy, provided places and was involved in the direct
transfers.  .  .  .  He was a big player.  He was one of the top
two or three defendants."

Andrew Dunne, the assistant U.S.  attorney who prosecuted Vignali
and who advised the Justice Department against commuting his
sentence, said that "he was clearly a key player.  .  .  .  He
never said, 'I'm sorry.' "

Vignali, who testified in his own defense, said that he thought
he was loaning money to friends for an investment with a group of
basketball players.  He and his father, who also testified, said
that his son had had much of the money since childhood, when he
would lovingly iron hundred-dollar bills and keep the crisp cash
stacked neatly in his bedroom closet.

"I don't understand," Carlos Vignali said on the witness stand.
"What do you mean, drug money?"

Dunne told the jury that this account was absurd.  "I submit to
you that's the most preposterous story I have every heard," he

His father testified that ready cash had always been a central
part of the way he had done business in the auto body shop
industry, one of several of his business ventures, including real

"Cash is a way of making money when nobody else can," said
Horacio Vignali, who bragged about his wealth.  Since his son's
arrest, he has contributed $160,000 to federal and state
politicians in California and elsewhere.

"If I have the right amount of cash and I go to an auction, or I
happen to see somebody with a for-sale sign on the street and I
pull them over and we start dealing about the price, if I have
the cash, I buy the car," the father testified.

"If I don't have the cash, somebody else buys the car.  So it
gives you an advantage."

He said of his son: "I treated him like my best friend, my
partner, anything he needed, I would always provide for him,
always.  It doesn't matter 


2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Judicial Watch

Press Office


U.S. Attorney for Southern District of New York Conducting
Questionable Preliminary Inquiry

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm
that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption,
stands virtually alone in its quest to hold Bill and Hillary
Clinton accountable for their serious violations of ethics and
the law.

First, with regard to what has become known as “Pardongate,” the
recent statements of President Bush that Americans should simply
“move on” and not hold the Clintons accountable for their crimes,
has obviously influenced new Attorney General John Ashcroft into
following his boss's lead in taking an ambivalent attitude toward
the Marc Rich bribery/pardon scheme. The New York Times reports
today in an article by David Johnston that:

“. . . President Bush said on Tuesday that he had little
enthusiasm for protracted Congressional inquiries into Mr.
Clinton’s activities, a lack of interest that officials said was
shared by Attorney General John Ashcroft.” Similarly, in an
article today by Robert L. Jackson and Richard A. Serrano, theLos
Angeles Times reports that:

“The decision by Mary Jo White, a Democratic appointee, to
investigate the Rich pardon came just a day after President Bush
criticized congressional reviews of the matter, saying it was
‘time to move on.’

Bush’s remark dampened interest within the Justice Department for
a criminal investigation, said one source familiar with the
matter, which in turn prompted White to act.”

Given Mr. Bush’s lack of support, the recently-announced U.S.
Attorney’s investigation in New York is little more than “window
dressing” and is unlikely to result in much of anything. Even if
it did, the U.S. Attorney, Mary Jo White, is a Clinton appointee
– unlikely to take any real action against the person who
appointed her, Bill Clinton. Indeed, it is incredible that Mary
Jo White has remained as U.S. Attorney under the Bush-Cheney
Administration, and Judicial Watch is sure that former President
Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton are pleased that Ms. White is
“investigating” the apparent bribery scheme. Obviously, this is
why Mr. Clinton is now “pleased to cooperate.” A special counsel
should be appointed to head a “real” criminal investigation.

Senate Allows Illegal Hillary Clinton Book Deal

On another front today, the Senate Ethics Committee cleared
Hillary Clinton’s $8 million book deal, proving again that
Congressional investigations and inquiries are for show and not
for reality. Judicial Watch is pursuing justice concerning this
and other Clinton bribery schemes

“The American people should not be fooled by the gyrations of
Washington politicians and a Clinton-appointed U.S. Attorney.
While the Washington press corps likes to write stories about
such meaningless gestures – and gives little, if any,
consideration to the actions of the American people, through
Judicial Watch and other concerned citizens groups – the hard and
sad fact is that we are the only ones who are serious about these
matters. Indeed, just yesterday, I was removed as a potential
witness on the Senate Judiciary Panel “investigating Pardongate,”
apparently by Senator Orrin Hatch – who obviously feared Judicial
Watch’s comments and non-political findings concerning the
ongoing pattern of bribery during the Clinton Administration.
Senator Hatch himself was subject to potential investigation over
his role in the BCCI banking scandal during the Reno Justice
Department reign, and has been the lapdog of the Clinton
Administration ever since,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and
General Counsel Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Press Office


Documents Had Been Withheld for Over One Year by Clinton-Gore

Decision Will Serve as Precedent for Documents on Latest Pardon

(Washington, D.C.) A federal court judge, The Honorable Thomas
Hogan, ruled this week that documents that were withheld by the
Clinton-Gore Administration relating to Bill Clinton’s pardon of
several Puerto Rican terrorists in 1999 are public documents
subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public interest law firm
that investigates and prosecutes public corruption, has been
trying since September, 1999 to obtain documents on the pardons
under FOIA and a subsequent FOIA lawsuit.

The Clinton-Gore Administration had tried to withhold documents
related to pardons on the basis of law enforcement and privacy
privileges. In his decision earlier this week, Judge Hogan ruled
that these privileges do not apply, as any privacy interests of
the terrorists are outweighed by the public interest in the
pardons. Judge Hogan ruled that “...these pardoned prisoners have
arguably become public figures through their well-publicized
pleas for clemency and the speeches some have made since their
release... the presidential pardons have been highly public as
well as controversial events, which clearly implicate the public
interest’s in knowing and understanding the activities of the
federal government.” The Court ruled that Judicial Watch can now
pursue access to these documents through FOIA.

Previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch in this case show
that the FBI vociferously opposed Clinton’s pardons of the Puerto
Rican terrorists. Documents released to Judicial Watch show the
FBI warned that “these individuals [to be pardoned] sanctioned,
supported and/or directly or indirectly participated in
activities resulting in no fewer that nine fatalities, hundreds
of injuries, millions of dollars in property damage, and armed
attacks on U.S. Government facilities.” The documents also show
that the FBI only learned through press reports that Clinton was
considering clemency for the terrorists.

“This is an important ruling in the context of the current
Clinton pardon scandal. It will be difficult, under the precedent
of Judge Hogan’s decision, for the government to hide documents
from the American people about Clinton’s latest pardons,” stated
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] More Beg Your Pardons....

2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Thu, Feb 15, 2001, 1:45pm Subject:

 Press Office


  Documents Had Been Withheld for Over One Year by Clinton-Gore
  Decision Will Serve as Precedent for Documents on Latest Pardon

  (Washington, D.C.) A federal court judge, The Honorable Thomas
Hogan, ruled this week that documents that were withheld by the
Clinton-Gore Administration relating to Bill Clinton€™s pardon of
several Puerto Rican terrorists in 1999 are public documents subject to
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

  Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes public corruption, has been trying since
September, 1999 to obtain documents on the pardons under FOIA and a
subsequent FOIA lawsuit.

  The Clinton-Gore Administration had tried to withhold documents
related to pardons on the basis of law enforcement and privacy
privileges. In his decision earlier this week, Judge Hogan ruled that
these privileges do not apply, as any privacy interests of the
terrorists are outweighed by the public interest in the pardons. Judge
Hogan ruled that €œ...these pardoned prisoners have arguably
become public figures through their well-publicized pleas for clemency
and the speeches some have made since their release... the presidential
pardons have been highly public as well as controversial events, which
clearly implicate the public interest€™s in knowing and
understanding the activities of the federal government.€ The
Court ruled that Judicial Watch can now pursue access to these documents
through FOIA.

  Previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch in this case show
that the FBI vociferously opposed Clinton€™s pardons of the
Puerto Rican terrorists. Documents released to Judicial Watch show the
FBI warned that €œthese individuals [to be pardoned] sanctioned,
supported and/or directly or indirectly participated in activities
resulting in no fewer that nine fatalities, hundreds of injuries,
millions of dollars in property damage, and armed attacks on U.S.
Government facilities.€ The documents also show that the FBI
only learned through press reports that Clinton was considering clemency
for the terrorists.

  €œThis is an important ruling in the context of the current
Clinton pardon scandal. It will be difficult, under the precedent of
Judge Hogan€™s decision, for the government to hide documents
from the American people about Clinton€™s latest
pardons,€ stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-02-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This pig at the trough and he has been at the trough in the pig style
once known as the Clinton Oval Office - if something is no done there
must be a way to get this entire congress up on criminal charges.

People starving and these pigs stealing?   Who are they - give you one
guess - do a little checking and you will see.

See Jesse Jackson and this pig Al Sharpton - stealing from the poor?

Maybe it is vigilante time - eternal watch on these bums and their
prostitutes.for that is all they are - bums - to think I thought the
Mafia was Italian.

Look what this Monica Lewinski - a sodomist in the White House - cost
the American taxpayers playing sex games with the President with the
Mossad recording the transactions?

Pigs are pigs - first step was to get them out of the White House and
away from our children for they would teach our children, the ways of

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] CIA - Zambia - Money laundering.

2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

CIA Sees Zambia As The Region's Money Laundering Centre

Post of Zambia (Lusaka)

February 15, 2001
Posted to the web February 15, 2001


The American Central Intelligence Agency has labelled Zambia as a centre for
money-laundering activities in the Southern African region, disclosed Drug
Enforcement Commissioner Raphael Mungole (in picture) yesterday.

Addressing the fourth Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) commanders and
senior officers' conference in Siavonga, Mungole said the stalemate in
enacting the anti-money laundering Bill into law and its withdrawal from
Parliament without the public knowing the reasons gave drug dealers and
money-launders a field day.

He said this has led to an unfortunate situation where the American Central
Intelligence Agency has labelled Zambia as a centre for money- laundering
activities in the region. He added that the withdrawal of the Bill created
an economy which was not protected resulting in a foreign exchange regime
which was running away from controlled management.

"We need an anti-money-laundering law to help Zambia rebut the label,"
Mungole said." While drug trafficking, drug abuse and its related money-
laundering activities have emerged as a national problem for transparency
and good governance, the challenge is really on the government and civil
society to be seen to do something." Mungole said government should place
drug trafficking, drug abuse and related money-laundering activities on
priority items if drug trafficking was to be effectively checked. He said
money- laundering, porno trafficking and trafficking in government trophy
has become an economic sabotage which has undermined the economy of the

Mungole said the DEC will tighten its operations as the country draws near
to the parliamentary and presidential elections to stop a phenomenon where
drug money is used to finance and support candidates for elections. He said
this was in line with observations made by members of parliament at a drug
awareness workshop in Lusaka mid last year that persons convicted of drug
trafficking and drug related offences should not be allowed to run for
political office or be appointed to public office. "The parliamentary and
presidential elections coming in late November will pose a challenge because
drug dealers and money-launders would be working to sponsor their associates
to the political altar. This will undermine democracy and transparency in
elections," he said. Mungole urged enforcement officers to be alert in view
of the forth coming Organisation of African Unity (OAU) heads of state
summit and the eclipse of the sun in June this year to ensure the nation is
not turned into a drug tourist destination.

He said despite operational problems, DEC was able to arrest 2,362 drug
traffickers and seize about K 6 billion worthy of narcotic drugs last year.


Copyright  2001 Post of Zambia.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Collective Suicide or Zionism United?

2001-02-15 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   "If there is a national unity government,
   it will be evident that the differences
   between Labour as the main branch of the
   left and the Likud as the main branch of
   the right are not that big."
  Eli Goldschmidt
  Barak Campaign Head of Publicity

   "You are a man of peace, a man of truth.
   Don't give him [Sharon] legitimacy
   around the world."
  Yossi Beilin screaming at Shimon Peres

MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/14:
   The basic reality is that the differences between the two major wings of
Zionism, Labor and Revisionist (Likud), have always been more stylistic, more
cosmetic, more personality, than principled.  That explains much of the past
of course, and also now explains why it was so easy for a triumphant Ariel
Sharon to immediately turn to the top figures in labor, Barak and Peres, both
personal friends for a very long time, to come to his Cabinet in senior positions
-- no matter what the final outcome of this gambit.
   We predicted many weeks ago that Israel's Labor Party, dominant as it has
been going back to the days of Ben-Gurion and Israel's founding, may well be
coming to an end and splitting into piecesment as Revisionist Zionism -- i.e,
the most militant and racist form -- triumphs in ways hardy imaginable just
a short time ago.


[The Guardian - 12 Feb]:  The Labour party, the erstwhile bastion of the Israeli
establishment, appeared to be heading towards collective suicide yesterd ay
with deep splits opening over the prospect of an alliance with the hardline
prime minister-elect, Ariel Sharon.

As Shimon Peres, Labour's elder statesman, declared yesterday his willingness
to serve Mr Sharon as foreign minister in a national unity coalition, several
figures in the party, including its leading dove, Yossi Beilin, were poised
to make their

"We have in the Labour party a leadership crisis," Eli Goldschmidt said.

Mr Goldschmidt resigned from parliament in spectacular fashion last week, saying
the party was a "den of backstabbers", who put personal ambitions before the
interests of the party and the country.

Another Labour leader, Uzi Baram, also announced his resignation yesterday
after nearly 25 years in parliament, saying the party needed to rebuild after
the devastating defeat of the prime minister, Ehud Barak, in last week's elections.

"I believe there is a real need for a change of generations," Mr Baram said.
"The party has to set a new platform and work towards reviving itself after
the blow we received."

It may have to do so without Mr Beilin, who began discussions yesterday for
the formation of a new social democratic force with the leftwing Meretz party.

Never a cohesive force, Labour's divisions became starkly apparent during the
election campaign, with key figures - including Mr Peres - working behind the
scenes to bring down Mr Barak.

"I am sure that more than one or two members of the [Labour] leadership were
happier than Ariel Sharon himself with the election results," Mr Goldschmidt,
in charge of publicity for Mr Barak's campaign, said.

With negotiations underway for a unity government, those ugly rivalries have
been exposed to full public view. But many argue that a coalition with Mr Sharon
could prove even more damaging, by robbing Labour of its one selling point:
its willingness to make the painful compromises needed for a peace deal with
the Palestinians.

"If there is a national unity government, it will be evident that the differences
between Labour as the main branch of the left and the Likud as the main branch
of the right are not that big," Mr Goldschmidt said.

Mr Barak, who led a second session of coalition talks with Mr Sharon yesterday,
thinks otherwise. Yesterday, he led the Israeli cabinet in disowning the compromises
offered to the Palestinians at last month's talks in the Egyptian Red Sea resort
of Taba.

Mr Peres also supports the Likud stand against picking up negotiations where
they left off, as the Palestinians demand.

"It is important for the country and for the nation to have peace," Mr Peres
told Israel Radio yesterday. "Labour has to follow the needs of the country."

But that stand has infuriated the stalwarts of the left in Labour, including

[CTRL] Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again

2001-02-15 Thread William Shannon

Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again


According to Al Martin, writing in his column "Behind the Scenes in the 
Beltway," Florida Governor Jeb Bush has been caught on camera with an 
unidentified woman during the FBI's "Big Brother Is Watching You" Super Bowl 
super-surveillance program.

This high tech video system is evidently able to match surveillance photos in 
real time, like the system currently in place on the streets in the United 

"Since the FBI had surreptitiously set up multiple surveillance cameras 
during the Super Bowl," Al Martin writes, "there had been a substantial 
number of matches, including many people wanted for questioning, regarding 
allegations of espionage, terrorist activities, as well as a large assortment 
of escaped felons, parole and probation violators, etc." 

"Some high-level prominent politicians were also caught on camera, including 
Jeb Bush with an unknown attractive woman -- not his wife. In this latest 
scandal, the FBI has a problem because they're afraid that one of the women 
has threatened to file a lawsuit to obtain copies of the tape.

The girlfriend is evidently asking for some hush money, after becoming aware 
that she and Jeb were photographed by the FBI. As you can imagine, the FBI is 
in a quandary." 

Al Martin adds more observations about the FBI, a continuation from the last 
column "Fraud As Usual at Redstone Arsenal," as well as an explanation of 
double-dipping (and even triple dipping) which refers to illegally getting 
more than one pension from the US Government by retired federal employees.

For the record, this is not the first time that Jeb Bush has been caught on 
videotape in a compromising situation.

Terry Reed, author of "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" Penmarin Books 
told Mike Ruppert that infamous CIA drug smuggler Barry Seal had bragged to 
him that he had "insurance" in the form of proof that the Bush Boys were 
doing heavy drugs.

Seal's evidence was an alleged DEA videotape of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush 
flying in to Tamiami Airport outside of Miami to pick up a couple of kilos of 
cocaine powder for a party.

Ruppert wrote, "Thanks to the UC's or undercover agents, Barry Seal and Terry 
Reed were sent on a drug sting to meet some wealthy Texans," writes Ruppert 
in his newsletter, "From the Wilderness" (From the Wildernesss.

"It turns out that the wealthy Texans were George W and Jeb Bush who flew in 
on a family owned King Air to pick up the cocaine themsleves. Hidden DEA 
cameras filnmed the whole incident, including the tail number of the aircraft 
and both Bushes' participation."

According to Reed, nobody knew in advance who the buyers were. 

The secret DEA video has never been shown publicly.

Ironically, the plane that had been the crown jewel in Barry Seal's drug 
smuggling fleet, a 1982 Beechcraft King Air 200, after a convoluted series of 
transactions, ended up as George W. Bush's personal aircarft.

Ruppert quotes Jerry Daniels, Executive Director of the Texas State Aircraft 
Pooling Board, who said, " He [Bush] used to fly on that airplane all the 
time. He stopped when he became a presidential candidate because the state 
won't let you fly its aircraft for political purposes."

The question remains -- was that the plane, George W. Bush's favorite, called 
"Zero-Eight-Foxtrot" the one he used in the cocaine pickup at Tamiami Airport?

For the rest of the story about Jeb Bush's latest surveillance video 
appearance, this time courtesy of the FBI, click here Al Martin Raw: Criminal 
Govt Conspiracy

(c) Copyright 2001, Uri Dowbenko. All rights reserved.

Uri Dowbenko is the Chairman and CEO of New Improved Entertainment. He is a 
frequent contributor to Conspiracy Digest 
(http://www.conspiracydigest.com),Steamshovel Press 
(http://www.steamshovelpress.com, and Conspiracy 

He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

[CTRL] IT'S THE EMPIRE, STUPID A moron in the White House?

2001-02-15 Thread William Shannon

A moron in the White House? 

Is George W. Bush just a little, er, slow? Just because Hollywood flake 
Martin Sheen says he is doesn't mean it ain't so. The BBC reports that Sheen, 
a longtime Clinton camp follower – who plays the presidential role in that TV 
series about the White House of a liberal's dreamworld, The West Wing – 
opined that "George W Bush is like a bad comic working the crowd, a moron, if 
you'll pardon the expression." Leaving aside the utter absurdity of every 
third-rate thespian in the hills of Hollywood pontificating on the political 
and cultural issues of the day – never mind us taking them seriously – Sheen 
may have a point. I suspected this when I read the headline in a front page 
International Herald Tribune piece: "Bush Vows He'll Never 'Overextend' U.S. 


What, one wonders, does he think we are now? A full decade after the end of 
the cold war, the United States maintains over eight hundred Defense 
Department facilities located overseas, from listening posts to major 
military bases. American troops still occupy Japan over half a century after 
the end of World War II. In Europe, too, the legacy of that war, and the 
superpower standoff that followed it, has yet to recede into the mists of 
history: American troops are not only patrolling the Balkans but are still 
occupying Germany, as if on eternal guard duty against the ghost of Hitler 
should he rise from his unmarked grave. In Central and South America, the 
"drug war" has meant that American soldiers – "advisors" all – have 
penetrated deep into the jungles of Colombia, Peru, and beyond, armed with an 
all-purpose ready-made rationale for intervention anywhere. If the President 
pledges the end of "overdeployment," is he really promising to pull back from 
the radical over-extension begun in the late 1940s? Will American troops be 
coming home from Asia, Europe, and the Middle East? Don't hold your breath. 


American troops, the President told soldiers of the Third Infantry Division 
at Fort Stewart, Georgia, were "overdeployed and underpaid." While the latter 
could be taken care of by Congress, only the President could ensure that the 
former promise would be kept, and Dubya gave his solemn word: "When we send 
you into harm's way," US forces will have "a clear mission, with clear 
goals." And there was more good news: Bush promised them $1.4 billion in pay 
raises and $4.3 billion for improved housing and healthcare benefits. "If our 
military is to attract the best of America, we owe you the best," he said, to 
sustained applause. What was striking about the tone and content of this 
speech, and was noted in the IHT headline, was that foreign leaders looking 
for some clue as to the shape of a new activism in US foreign policy had no 
reason for encouragement: in particular, the bit about overdeployment did not 
bode well for our overseas satraps, who depend on US military aid and 
economic largess for their very survival. Bush praised the troops as the 
embodiment of our readiness to "project American power," but the President's 
speechwriters were careful to qualify that with "wherever America's interests 
are threatened."


Yes, on Monday, the President was a foreign policy "realist," with definite 
"isolationist" tendencies. There was even a touch of the old "humility" line 
he gave out during the presidential debates, and this same note was struck 
when he asked the assembled soldiers to bow their heads and pray for "those 
still missing after the tragic accident involving one of our naval submarines 
and a Japanese fishing vessel off the coast of Hawaii. Please join me in a 
moment of silence for those missing, their families, and our friends, the 
people of Japan." Ah, but on Tuesday, speaking at Norfolk Naval Air Station, 
in Virginia, it was an entirely different story. 


Instead of reiterating his promise that US armed forces will no longer be 
"overdeployed," and holding out goodies for the grunts, the President's 
speech to the assembled NATO-crats at Norfolk was basically a hymn to NATO 
expansion and the "transatlantic" "unity" to be ushered in by Star Wars 
technology. Citing Harry Truman on NATO's founding, the President reaffirmed 
the interventionist dogma of collective security, which globalizes every 
local conflict, as the foundation stone of US foreign policy. "None of us 
alone can assure the continuance of freedom," said Truman, and "this is still 
true today," averred the President. "Our challenges have changed, and NATO is 
changing and growing to meet them," he declared, "but the purpose of NATO 
remains permanent." While the enemy is was organized to defeat has long since 
defeated itself, NATO, we are told, will not join the Warsaw Pact on the 
dustbin of history. A defensive alliance 

[CTRL] MindControl: CIA's Tricks are for Kids

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

MindControl: CIA's Tricks are for Kids


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Dr. Nick Begich: Mind Control the Internet

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html

 Re: HAARP - Recent research supports Begich's early findings.  This is
 submitted for the record to deconstruct opinions holding that HAARP and its
 progeny are harmless and defunct.  Prof. Chossudovsky (below) is
 a major debunker of the "HAARP is OK" line.  In addition, research reported
 about 4 months ago on MC-L shows that an electronic pulse capable of
 controlling the limbic system is covertly piggy-backing onto the overt HAARP

 Official disinformation about HAARP resides in continued confusion and
 personalization-memories about Nick Begich (A meme-trick), as opposed to the
 issue of HAARP and progeny-generated global mind control and environmental

 Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC.
  by Michel Chossudovsky
  Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of The
  Globalization of Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press, 2000.

  -Caveat Lector-

  From: James DeMeo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: OBRL - Environmental warfare, Chossudovsky

  Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


  From: Peter Robbins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Americans and the Russians have developed capabilities to manipulate
  the World's climate.

  Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "US military scientists are working on
  weather systems as a potential weapon."

  Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000
  From: Michel Chossudovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Climate Change: Washington's New World Order Weapons

  by Michel Chossudovsky
  Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of The
  Globalization of Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press, 2000.

  The important debate on global warming under UN auspices provides but a
  partial picture of climate change; in addition to the devastating
  impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the ozone layer, the World's
  climate can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated
  "non-lethal weapons." Both the Americans and the Russians have developed
  capabilities to manipulate the World's climate.

  In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency
  Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the ("Star Wars")
  Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests
  that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially
  triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military
  standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it
  constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively
  destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.

  While there is no evidence that this deadly technology has been used,
  surely the United Nations should be addressing the issue of
  "environmental warfare" alongside the debate on the climatic impacts of
  greenhouse gases.

 * * * * * * * * * * *

  Despite a vast body of scientific knowledge, the issue of deliberate
  climatic manipulations for military use has never been explicitly part
  of the UN agenda on climate change. Neither the official delegations nor
  the environmental action groups participating in the Hague Conference on
  Climate Change (CO6) (November 2000) have raised the broad issue of
  "weather warfare" or "environmental modification techniques (ENMOD)" as
  relevant to an understanding of climate change.

  The clash between official negotiators, environmentalists and American
  business lobbies has centered on Washington's outright refusal to abide
  by commitments on carbon dioxide reduction targets under the 1997 Kyoto
  protocol.1 The impacts of military technologies on the World's climate
  are not an object of discussion or concern. Narrowly confined to
  greenhouse gases, the ongoing debate on climate change serves
  Washington's strategic and defense objectives.


  World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "US military
  scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The
  methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor
  rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or
  floods."2 Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor
  Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages" that:

  "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations,
  techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum
  of the security forces need be appraised... [T]echniques of weather
  modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of 


2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-



George W.'s Missing Year

By Marty Heldt
February 12, 2001

Nearly two hundred manila-wrapped pages of George Walker Bush's service
records came to me like some sort of giant banana stuffed into my mailbox.

I had been seeking more information about his military record to find out
what he did during what I think of as his "missing year," when he failed to
show up for duty as a member of the Air National Guard, as the Boston Globe
first reported.

The initial page I examined is a chronological listing of Bush's service
record. This document charts active duty days served from the time of his
enlistment. His first year, a period of extensive training, young Bush is
credited with serving 226 days. In his second year in the Guard, Bush is
shown to have logged a total of 313 days. After Bush got his wings in June
1970 until May 1971, he is credited with a total of 46 days of active duty.
 From May 1971 to May 1972, he logged 22 days of active duty.

Then something happened. From May 1, 1972 until April 30, 1973 -- a period
of twelve months -- there are no days shown, though Bush should have logged
at least thirty-six days service (a weekend per month in addition to two
weeks at camp).

I found out that for the first four months of this time period, when Bush
was working on the U.S. Senate campaign of Winton Blount in Alabama, that
he did not have orders to be at any unit anywhere.

On May 24, 1972, Bush had applied for a transfer from the Texas Air
National Guard to Montgomery, Alabama. On his transfer request Bush noted
that he was seeking a "no pay" position with the 9921st Air Reserve
Squadron. The commanding officer of the Montgomery unit, Lieutenant Colonel
Reese R. Bricken, promptly accepted Bush's request to do temporary duty
under his command.

But Bush never received orders for the 9921st in Alabama. Such decisions
were under the jurisdiction of the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver,
Colorado, and the Center disallowed the transfer. The Director of Personnel
Resources at the Denver headquarters noted in his rejection that Bush had a
"Military Service Obligation until 26 May 1974." As an "obligated
reservist," Bush was ineligible to serve his time in what amounted to a
paper unit with few responsibilities. As the unit's leader, Lieutenant
Colonel Bricken recently explained to the Boston Globe, ''We met just one
weeknight a month. We were only a postal unit. We had no airplanes. We had
no pilots. We had no nothing.''

The headquarters document rejecting Bush's requested Alabama transfer was
dated May 31, 1972. This transfer refusal left Bush still obligated to
attend drills with his regular unit, the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
stationed at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston. However, Bush had
already left Texas two weeks earlier and was now working on Winton Blount's
campaign staff in Alabama.

In his annual evaluation report, Bush's two supervising officers,
Lieutenant Colonel William D. Harris Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B.
Killian, made it clear that Bush had "not been observed at" his Texas unit
"during the period of report" -- the twelve month period from May 1972
through the end of April 1973.

In the comments section of this evaluation report Lieutenant Colonel Harris
notes that Bush had "cleared this base on 15 May 1972, and has been
performing equivalent training in a non flying role with the 187th Tac
Recon Gp at Dannelly ANG Base, Alabama" (the Air National Guard Tactical
Reconnaissance Group at Dannelly Air Force Base near Montgomery, Alabama).

This was incorrect. Bush didn't apply for duty at Dannelly Air Force Base
until September 1972. From May until September he was in limbo, his
temporary orders having been rejected. And when his orders to appear at
Dannelly came through he still didn't appear. Although his instructions
clearly directed Bush to report to Lieutenant Colonel William Turnipseed on
the dates of "7-8 October 0730-1600, and 4-5 November 0730-1600," he never

In interviews conducted with the Boston Globe earlier this year, both
General Turnipseed and his former administration officer, Lieutenant
Colonel Kenneth Lott, said that Bush never put in an appearance.

Bush campaign aides claim, according to a report in the New York Times,
that Bush in fact served a single day -- November 29,1972 -- with the
Alabama unit. If this is so it means that for a period of six weeks
Lieutenant George W. Bush ignored direct instructions from headquarters to
report for duty. But it looks even worse for Lieutenant Bush if the memory
of Turnipseed and Lott are correct and Bush never reported at all.

After the election was over (candidate Blount lost), Bush was to have
returned to Texas and the 111th at Ellington Air Force Base.

Bush did return to Houston, where he worked for an inner-city youth
organization, Project P.U.L.L. But, as I 

[CTRL] Oppenheimer Family to Take De Beers Private

2001-02-15 Thread William Shannon

February 15, 2001 

Oppenheimer Family to Take De Beers Private


LONDON, Feb. 15 — The Oppenheimer family, which has controlled much of the 
world diamond trade for more than 70 years, has tightened its already 
powerful grip with a $17.6 billion agreement to turn De Beers into a private 
company in partnership with its sister corporation, Anglo American, and other 
close allies.
The deal, announced in London and Johannesburg today, would transform a 
cumbersome and often opaque relationship between Anglo American, the world's 
largest mining company, and De Beers, the dominant diamond miner and trader, 
in which each owned one-third of the other's stock.
The deal offers Anglo American, whose stock is listed in London, an escape 
from the cross-holdings, which have depressed its stock price and which would 
otherwise soon be subjected to penalties under new exchange rules. In return, 
Anglo American would financially support the creation of a new private De 
Beers, delisted from stock exchanges in South Africa and Switzerland, where 
components of it now trade.
The new De Beers would still be run by Nicky Oppenheimer, the grandson of Sir 
Ernest Oppenheimer, the founder of Anglo American. The Oppenheimers have 
controlled the two intertwined businesses since the 1920's. "This has to be 
the biggest change since those days," said Gary Ralfe, De Beers's managing 
director, in a telephone interview.
Particularly during South Africa's apartheid era, Anglo American and De Beers 
were often seen by outsiders as a single secretive giant whose complex web of 
investments threaded through the whole economy. Since Anglo American moved 
its primary listing to London from Johannesburg in 1999, it has sought to 
establish a clearer corporate identity to satisfy investors. Nevertheless, 
the deal extends Anglo's powerful interest in De Beers, which controls about 
two-thirds of the world's rough diamond trade.
Under the agreement, De Beers stockholders would be bought out by a 
consortium to be called DB Investments, in which Anglo American and the 
Oppenheimer family would each have a 45 percent stake. The remaining 10 
percent would belong to Debswana, a mining venture co-owned by De Beers and 
the government of Botswana, a major source of diamonds. 
The deal values each De Beers linked unit — which combines shares in the 
South African and Swiss-traded De Beers entities — at $43.17. That price 
includes $14.40 in cash, 0.43 Anglo American share and the right to a $1 
dividend payment. 
Over all, the deal values De Beers at $17.6 billion, about 10 percent more 
than the $16 billion figure used on Feb. 1, when the companies first said 
they were in talks, and 31 percent more than its closing market price on Jan. 
31. Mr. Ralfe broke the value down to $8.3 billion for the diamond business 
and $9.3 billion for De Beers' holdings of Anglo American stock.
[In New York trading, units of De Beers rose $1.50 to close at $42 today; 
Anglo American's shares rose 69 cents, to $65.56.]
"We are bringing financial muscle; the Oppenheimers are bringing literally 
generations of experience," said Tony Lea, Anglo American's finance director, 
in an interview.
Responding to critics' concerns about the deal, both Anglo and De Beers said 
the new company would not retreat into corporate secrecy now, when De Beers 
is moving into diamond retailing in partnership with LVMH, the luxury goods 
company, and the diamond industry is under pressure from advocacy groups to 
distance itself from the illicit trade in so-called conflict diamonds from 
war-torn parts of Africa. "Once De Beers goes private, it has no intention of 
disappearing behind locked doors," Mr. Oppenheimer said.
Mr. Lea said the company and its shareholders would insist on openness. "De 
Beers is very conscious of the whole issue of conflict diamonds," he said. 
"It doesn't want to be seen as a secret business."
Even so, Justin Pearson-Taylor of Standard Equities in Johannesburg said the 
deal meant the diamond industry "won't become as open as it would have."
An issue still unresolved is De Beers's legal status in the United States, 
where half of all retail diamond sales are made and where De Beers's 
historical control of the diamond trade is the subject of a long antitrust 
inquiry. Mr. Lea said Anglo American had "no concern at all" that its own 
operations in the United States would be affected by its increased stake in 
De Beers.
Still, in a satellite video hookup from Johannesburg, Mr. Oppenheimer said, 
"The new owners of De Beers will still have to wrestle with" the antitrust 
The company hopes for a more sympathetic hearing from the Bush administration 
than it got from the Clinton administration, which rebuffed a settlement 
feeler from De Beers last year. "The change in administration is much more 
positive to De Beers than changing from a 

[CTRL] Part of the list of the kidnapped

2001-02-15 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

At the beginning of 1999 the leading Western mass media announced the 
statement of Mr. Walker, head of the Verification mission, about the alleged 
massacre of the Albanian civilians committed by the Serbian armed forces, that 
report served as a pretext for the brutal NATO attack on our country, the 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Today, two years later, the leading world mas media assess Walker's report as 
a cheer forgery since there has never been a massacre in Rachak. On the other 
hand, as of June 10, 1999 and the deployment of KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija, 
over 350.000 of Serbs, Montenegrins and other non-Albanians have been expelled 
from their homes where they had been living for centuries, and over 1300 of them 
have been kidnapped by Albanian terrorists.
Over these crimes the United States and the Western countries have turned a 
blind eye. Until today there is no information on the fate of 1300 kidnapped 
most of whom are Serbs and Montenegrins. For Western politician and there mass 
media they simply do not exist! And which is even more deplorable as if they 
have never existed!
But, truth is implacoble!
The responsible for NATO agression and the pogrom of the Serbs and 
Montenerins from Kosovo and Metohija can no longer wash their dirty consicions 
in the blood of the innocent.
The Serbs and Montenegrins, man, women and children, 1300 of them, kidnapped 
from their homes, fields, draged out of their cars, or seized on the way to 
school, alive or dead, burried or keep in prison in Albanian concetration camps 
in Kosovo and Metohija and Albania have to be found. It is the commitment not 
only of the new government in Serbia and Yugoslavia, but, above all, of the 
Western powers: United States, Great Britain, France and Germany, who, at least 
have given their oral support to the new government.
The criminal is not only the perpetrator of the crime. The greater criminal 
is the one that closes eyes pretending not to see it.
Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 

Secretary General

  VELJKO SPASI (1959) Missing since 
  10.06. 1999. He is from Pritina, Sunani Breg 
  seriously ill. Kidnapped on 11. 06. 1999. Family found out that he is kept, by 
  terrorists, in the prison near Podujevo.
  BOIDAR JOVANOVI (1949) - from 
  Muotite, Suva Reka. Missing since 11.06. 1999.
  DUKO KARANOVI (1958) - The judge in municipal court in Suva 
  Reka. Kidnapped on 12. 06. 1999. on the road near Suva Reka together with his 
  wife Sneana. They were driving from Belgrade towards Suva Reka. He was 
  SNEANA KARANOVI  Kidnapped on 
  12.06. 1999. on the road near Suva Reka. She was murdered.
  ZORAN STEPI and four workers of coal 
  mine - Kidnapped on 12. 06. 1999. in 14,45h, from the open pit 
  "Belaevac". Stepi drove a bus with these four workers.
  STANOJE LJUI (1934) - from Istok. 
  Kidnapped on 12. 06. 1999. in Istok. He was murdered soon after.
  IVICA JOVANOVI (1963) - from 
  Panevo. Kidnapped on 13.06.1999. the road Prizren-Suva Reka, while driving a 
  DRAGOLJUB BOJI - Missing since 
  13.06.1999. from Suva Reka. He was with Markovi Zoran.
  ZORAN MARKOVI - Missing since 
  13.06.1999. from Suva Reka. He was with D. Bojiem.
  TODOR STANKOVI (1948)  The truck 
  driver from Bujanovac. Missing since 13.06.1999. from S. Reka 
  DEJAN TRAJKOVI (1970) - The truck 
  driver from Bujanovac. Missing since 13.06.1999. from S. Reka. Reg. No. VR 
  DRAGAN BURI  Missing since 
  13/14.06.1999. on the road Suva Reka  Koria. He was driving a truck 
  ("Mercedes" Reg. No. PZ 123-017).
  IVAN CELI (1959) - from Pritina. Kidnapped on 4.06. 
  1999. He went with his car ("Golf" PR plates) to his home.
  RADOJKO STANKOVI (55) - Kidnapped in 
  front of his house in Stari Kaanik on 14.06.1999.
  BOBAN KRSTI - Kidnapped on 14.06. 1999. on 17,00h in 
  the village Gatnja, Uroevac.
  SLAVIA KRSTI - Kidnapped on 14.06. 
  1999. in 17,00h in the village Gatnja, Uroevac.
  ARKO OREVI - Kidnapped on 14.06. 
  1999. in Vitina near gas pump.
  MILUTIN KARA (1948) - Missing 
  since 15.06. 1999. from Pe.
  SLOBODAN STOLI (1947) - from 
  timlje. He was kidnapped in front of his house on 15.06. 1999.
  STANKO UNGUROVI (55) - from 
  Uroevac. He was kidnapped in front of his house on 15.06. 1999.
  MARKO VITOEVI (1938) and his wife - 
  from Orahovac. Missing since 15.06. 1999.
  NENAD SIMONOVI - from Prizren. He 
  was kidnapped in Prizren by the mid of July 1999.
  NENAD HAJDERPAI and one unidetified 
  person of Serbian nationality - Missing since 17. 06.1999. He and one 
  unidetified person drove from Berane towrds Pritina.
  JOVICA KORDI - from Vuitrn. 
  Kidnapped on 17.06.1999. in 15,00h, in Vuitrn.
  LUKA PETRUI - Kidnapped on 
  17.06.1999. in the village Banje, Istok. He was with Radmila Petrui and 
  Vujai Slobodan. He was murdered.
  RADMILA PETRUI - Kidnapped on 
  17.06. 1999. in 

[CTRL] Right Wing Populism: Too Close for Comfort

2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-



An Interview with Chip Berlet  Matthew Lyons

by Elaine Wolff, editor, parallax views
February 15, 2001

It's hardly news that the coalition that brought George W. Bush to power in
the 2000 presidential
election includes heavy representation by far right organizations with
agendas to dismantle the
gains of the civil rights movement over the past forty years, as well as
impede any further
improvement in social or economic equality by the working poor, feminists,
gays and lesbians,
immigrants or people of color. Unclear to many of us, however, is the roots
of this coalition in the
right-wing populism of George Wallace, who launched two unsuccessful
presidential bids, as well as the remnants of Goldwater Republicans and
evangelical Carter Democrats. The political influence exerted by these
groups since Reagan's election was also responsible in large part for that
public travesty known as "welfare reform"  an attack primarily directed at
women and children of color living well below the poverty line. To this
day, many of us on the left are still shocked that the largest rollback of
public assistance in the history of the U.S. was passed under a Democratic
president. Politicians in both parties successfully created and preyed upon
middle class fears that a large, idle underclass was the parasite that
threatened their prosperity - during the largest economic boom in history.
The truth, as author Matthew Lyons notes, is that the Reagan revolution
"involved a massive redistribution of wealth from working-class and
middle-class people into the coffers of the wealthy," while the
lowest-income Americans are worse off in absolute and relative terms than
they were twenty years ago, as reported by Brookings Institution economist
Gary Burtless. How were the architects of the welfare reform movement so
In their new book, Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort,
Lyons and co-author Chip Berlet shed some much-needed light on the power
behind the New Right coalition and its firm foundation in American history.
Berlet and Lyons caution the reader that racism and scape-goating, far from
fringe elements in our society, have been a key ingredient in the
development of our nation from the very beginning because they speak to the
human temptation to find an easy target rather than challenge the larger
social and economic structures that create inequality.
Berlet began our interview by defining "populism."

Berlet: Populism is a style of banding together to challenge some kind of
elite system or group. It can move to the left or the right; it can be very
democratic in terms of involving people in the political system or it can
be very profoundly demonizing or scapegoating.

Wolff: Matthew, do you want to define "right-wing?" I think it's a term
that is used very loosely, especially on the left.

Lyons: "Right-wing" is defined in opposition to something else as we use
the term. We see right-wing populist movements as involving a backlash
against social change movements, progressive political movements,
revolution and reform. One of the key things about populism in general is
it involves some kind of attack on elites or groups that are perceived as
elite. In the case of right-wing populism, rather than looking at the
actual structures and positions of power and domination in society, it
involves focusing on scapegoats, which can mean certain prominent
individuals or groups who hold a certain amount of power, or focusing on
groups that really don't hold much power at all in the larger scheme of
things, but who become a lightning rod for people's resentments about very
real disempowerment that they experience. Historically, this has included
attacks on people of color, immigrants, gays and lesbians, women workers,
poor people, a lot of different groups depending on the specific movement.
It's this combination of a distorted anti-elitism as an attack upward, so
to speak, and then this attack downward against oppressed groups that we
see as characteristic of right-wing populism.

Berlet: One of the things we like to point out is that there are very
different types of right-wing politics, from conservatism, to reaction, to
the Christian militia movement out on the far right. Matt and I are critics
of right-wing politics, we're on the left, but we see very often that when
people criticize the right, they lump them all together, they use a kind of
simplistic and demonizing rhetoric to characterize the right, and we don't
think that's fair, first of all, it's not accurate certainly, but it gets
in the way of serious political discussion.

Wolff: Your book is an historical work. You start at the beginning of the
United States as a nation and come up to the present time, so let's talk
about the history of right-wing populist movements in the US.
Lyons: We see the roots of 


2001-02-15 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Of course, Dubya wants to back off. You don't think he wants to
dig up all the deals his Dad did with Marc Rich, now, do you? Iran-
Contra all over again? The Bushes have much more to hide when it
comes to Marc Rich than Clinton does. You don't think he's just
being Mr. Nice Guy, do you?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A terrorist version of NATO?

2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

radman pull quote:

"A century ago, a dedicated transnational terrorist group - anarchists -
wreaked havoc around the globe, notes Gideon Rose, deputy director of
national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New
York."..."We've all forgotten just how successful they were," says Mr.
Rose.  "Imagine how worked up we'd be if some group knocked off so many
heads of state today."



A terrorist version of NATO?


As trial continues, a new picture emerges of bin Laden's vast network of

By Peter Grier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

The terror group already had an army of extremist fighters. It had an
economy, too, as its leader ran everything from a Middle East construction
firm to a sesame farm in the Sudan.
Then in the 1990s, Osama bin Laden decided that Al Qaeda ("The base")
needed something more: foreign allies. Federal prosecutors allege that
throughout the decade, Al Qaeda leaders worked on a three-way alliance with
the Islamic Front of Sudan and elements of the Iranian government.
This terrorist "NATO" may have never really solidified. But the mere fact
that Mr. bin Laden planned it shows the breadth of his ambition, say US
In his quest to wage jihad, or holy war, against the United States, bin
Laden may have constructed something that is bigger than a guerrilla group
and more complex than a multinational corporation. Call it a virtual
country - the Republic of Jihadistan.
"It has statelike aspects, but without state borders," says Richard
Rosecrance, an expert on terrorism at the University of California at
This does not mean that bin Laden has replaced the Soviet Union - or even
Iraq - on the scale of dangers to American national
interests.  Personifying extremist threats in one individual, as the media
and some US officials are prone to do, undoubtedly exaggerates that
person's influence and power.
Nor is Al Qaeda's loosely organized, ideologically motivated network
unprecedented in Western history. A century ago, a dedicated transnational
terrorist group - anarchists - wreaked havoc around the globe, notes Gideon
Rose, deputy director of national security studies at the Council on
Foreign Relations in New York.
Between 1894 and 1901, anarchists assassinated the president of France, the
prime minister of Spain, the empress of Austria, the king of Italy, and
William McKinley, president of the United States.
"We've all forgotten just how successful they were," says Mr.
Rose.  "Imagine how worked up we'd be if some group knocked off so many
heads of state today."
But bin Laden's network appears to represent the coming thing in the age of
modern terrorism. The sponsorship of terror groups by geographical states
such as Syria and Libya appears to be on the decline. Their place is being
taken by virtual states such as Al Qaeda, which have little physical
infrastructure to attack and less in the way of safe harbors against which
economic sanctions can be effective.
The head of the US National Security Agency has publicly complained that Al
Qaeda's sophisticated use of the Internet and encryption techniques have
defied Western eavesdropping attempts.  Director of Central Intelligence
George Tenet told Congress this month that bin Laden and his network are
the nation's most immediate and serious transnational threat.
And officials remain worried that bin Laden's network will link with other
networks to become a terrorist Warsaw Pact. A recent CIA study of the world
of 2015 concluded that while it is not the most likely future, it is
possible that "the trend towards more diverse, free-wheeling transnational
terrorist networks [will lead] to the formation of an international
terrorist coalition with diverse anti-Western objectives and access to
Weapons of Mass Destruction."
Bin Laden's Jihadistan has been under particular scrutiny in recent days
due to the ongoing trial in New York of four of his alleged followers on
charges that they conspired to bomb the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
in 1998.
The government's first witness in the trial, a man named Jamal Ahmed
Al-Fadl, who describes himself as a former Al Qaeda paymaster, has painted
a vivid and detailed picture of bin Laden's organization.
He has described the organization's former headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan,
where bin Laden had the first office on the left and office work went on
like anyplace in the world - except it dealt with such things as the
purchase of clandestine passports and the purchase of uranium and elements
of chemical weapons.
Silicon Valley dotcoms offer workers cappuccino and game rooms.  Al Qaeda
offered bonuses in the form of office deliveries of sugar, tea, and cooking
oil. "Sometimes they busy. They can't go shopping," said Mr. Al-Fadl.
The alleged bin Laden insider also described the organization's 


2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 This pig at the trough and he has been at the trough in the pig style
 once known as the Clinton Oval Office - if something is no done there
 must be a way to get this entire congress up on criminal charges.

 People starving and these pigs stealing?   Who are they - give you one
 guess - do a little checking and you will see.

 See Jesse Jackson and this pig Al Sharpton - stealing from the poor?

 Maybe it is vigilante time - eternal watch on these bums and their
 prostitutes.for that is all they are - bums - to think I thought the
 Mafia was Italian.

 Look what this Monica Lewinski - a sodomist in the White House - cost
 the American taxpayers playing sex games with the President with the
 Mossad recording the transactions?

 Pigs are pigs - first step was to get them out of the White House and
 away from our children for they would teach our children, the ways of

I already know the ways of sodomists, and you sound like you could do
with some yourself.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Marilyn Wright wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Of course, Dubya wants to back off. You don't think he wants to
 dig up all the deals his Dad did with Marc Rich, now, do you? Iran-
 Contra all over again? The Bushes have much more to hide when it
 comes to Marc Rich than Clinton does. You don't think he's just
 being Mr. Nice Guy, do you?

BAM! Right on the money.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: The Embarrassment of the Riches:CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS]

2001-02-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: The Embarrassment of the Riches:CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 22:28:55 -0500
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Nurev Independent Research

 March 5, 2001


The Embarrassment of the Riches:
Minority Report

Are the Clintons better off than they were eight years ago? The
appears to point to a resounding yes. So why do they seem to
resent the
question? Probably because only a full-dress Congressional
investigation could
establish quite how this came to be and exactly how much better
off they are.
And are we all better off as well? It depends, as Bill Cosby's
famously said while solving the half-full, half-empty distinction,
on whether
you're pouring or drinking.

In Korea this past fall, after the visit of Madeleine Albright to
expectation was high that a presidential visit would follow and that perhaps the
long and lethal
confrontation on the peninsula would begin to dissipate somewhat. This would have
had an
importance well beyond the local: North Korea is the central exhibit in the
Rumsfeldian worldview
and the main pretext for the "Star Wars" fantasy incubated by Reagan, preserved by
and Gore, and now approaching consummation with Bush. To defuse this and,
incidentally, to
begin the emancipation of the North Koreans from their petrified party-state,
would have been a
"legacy" action worthy of the name. But Clinton, with several weeks still to go,
announced that
he just could not find the time.

Now we know what was keeping him so busy in his closing months. He was working
like a beaver
on arranging his own immunity, on trading pardons for kickbacks and on
asset-stripping the
White House. He was also working on the lying cover stories that would justify
these things.
Only in the latter respect has his usual luck failed him, and I suppose that this
is because he no
longer has the bodyguard of hacks and spinners who were retained at public expense
to defend
him on previous occasions. Sidney Blumenthal--whose own defenders once accused me
denouncing him in order to sell a small book I hadn't even written--is too busy
justifying his
own $650,000 advance to spare much time to put a nice gloss on the embarrassment
of the
Riches. And so Clinton was reduced to red-faced and pathetic spluttering before an
audience of
bond traders in Boca Raton, unable to face the simplest questions and unable any
longer to hide
behind ludicrous claims, such as that he was our first black President, still less
the friend of
those who "work hard and play by the rules." He sucks up to the fat cats; they
wrinkle their
noses and hand him the check using a pair of tongs. Perfect.

To anyone with eyes to see, the Clinton presidency always had the look and feel of
a shakedown
enterprise--the transfer of the Arkansas racketeering style to the more lush and
lucrative terrain
of Washington, DC. "Nice to see you," the eventually discovered video has him
saying to Roger
Tamraz, a man who raises eyebrows in the Beirut "business community," when this
person appears at a White House coffee morning. We don't know what he said to
James Riady,
front man for Suharto, when Riady gave him a very thick and sleek envelope in the
back of a
limousine, because although he admits to the meeting and to the money, the master
of the
briefing book and the king of detail has no real-time recall of the actual
conversation. Other
influence-peddlers for the Chinese had virtual passes to the Executive Mansion;
Dick Morris was
employed there under a code name while helping to concert a fantastic
circumvention of all
known laws on campaign finance.

The "privacy" defense was a very ingenious way of fending off inquiries into this,
and it worked,
too, when Clinton was accused of using campaign-finance cupcakes as personal
comfort women.
How nice it was to see that Walter Kaye, the New York moneyman who bought Miss
her internship, also contributed some furniture and even paid for Mrs. Clinton's
victory ball at
the Mayflower in January. (No hard feelings, eh Walter?)

The First Lady has taken to the privacy tactic like a duck to water, first saying
that what
happened in the publicly owned Oval Office and Lincoln Bedroom was confidential,
and nobody's
business, and then agreeing to write about it herself at the rate of $1 million
per year of
occupancy. Obviously, it became tiring to the Clintons to raise money from
sleazebags only for
their own re-election. The time comes, as come it has, when you weary of
public-spirited effort
and want a little pot of dough for your own pretty needs.

In much the same way, Jesse Jackson feels entitled to use the pot of gold at the
end of the
Rainbow to succor the unintended and inconvenient results of his own 

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 160

2001-02-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 160

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Sorry, Wrong President
--Masking Up And The Black Bloc: A Pre-Seattle History
--The Phony President
--The Resurgence of Citizens' Movements
--Special forces spied on crowds during Olympics
--Church to Be Seized for Unpaid Taxes
--We'll create GM humans by 2020, says researcher


February 26, 2001

Sorry, Wrong President



Don't look now, but the various recounts under way in Florida are
determining that the wrong guy is in the White House. The media have
demonstrated remarkably little interest in this story. Nobody is saying
that Bush should be removed, but the fact that he lost both the popular
vote and, without the intervention of the Supreme Court, would probably
have lost Florida and the Electoral College vote should count for something.
Recall that before rendering its decision the Court acted so precipitately
to stop the count, as Bush hero Justice Antonin Scalia helpfully explained,
explicitly in order to insure public ignorance of the genuine result.
"Count first, and rule upon legality afterwards, is not a recipe for
producing election results that have the public acceptance democratic
stability requires."
One aspect of the Court's controversial majority opinion dealt with the
validity of Florida's 110,000
"overvotes," where a machine count recorded more than one vote for
President. When examined by hand, many of these votes turned out to be
legal, since the punch card (or check mark) matched the name of the
candidate written in by the voter. The Gore team stupidly ignored these
votes, and the refusal of the Florida Supreme Court to consider them (in
favor of an "undervote only" count) was one reason given by the Supreme
Court for overturning that decision. So count the overvotes and what
happens? The final answer is not in yet, but it sure looks bad for Bush.
In late December, the Orlando Sentinel took a look at about 3,000 overvotes
in Lake County. They found more than 600 valid ballots that had been
ignored by the machines, with Gore picking up 130 even in this heavily
pro-Bush county. In late January the Chicago Tribune reported that in
fifteen counties with a particularly high rate of overvotes, more than
1,700 votes that showed a clear choice had been discarded. Most of the
counties in the Tribune's study were small, rural and predominantly
Republican. Yet even so, Gore's net gain was 366 votes. And a Washington
Post review of the computer records of 2.7 million votes in eight of
Florida's largest counties reported that overvotes trended toward Gore at a
rate of three to one.
Undervotes tell the same story. A study by the Palm Beach Post of 4,513 of
that county's ballots set aside for possible court review indicates a Gore
pickup of 682 votes, surpassing Bush's alleged 537 statewide margin. These
patterns demonstrate that the Republicans' strong-arm tactics in Florida
made sense. Without them, their guy would be cutting brush back in Crawford.
Today, with the conspicuous exception of the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne
Jr., most of the punditocracy appears to think it an act of bad
sportsmanship to point out that the man appointing far-right extremists to
oversee the nation's legal system and its natural resources is a pretender
to the throne. Sam and Cokie mock the idea as a joke. George Will smirks,
"I don't think when the country hears media declaring Gore the winner
they're impressed."
Perhaps the most instructive document of the "Get Over It" school of
political science was an angry TRB column in The New Republic penned by the
magazine's former editor and famed "gaycatholictory" Andrew Sullivan.
Sullivan attacks writers he terms "the usual suspects" for questioning the
quality of Bush's mandate. Suspects include such distinguished scholars and
writers as Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel, Yale law professor
Jack Balkin, New Yorker writer and successful former editor of The New
Republic Hendrik Hertzberg and TNR senior editor Jonathan Cohn (whose
argument did not even appear in the magazine until after Sullivan's attack
on it). Each called upon the Democrats to resist Bush's extremist
tendencies, most notably the nomination of John Ashcroft for Attorney General.
Sullivan's ire is a bit puzzling. Leaving Florida aside, he is furious at
folks opposing a potential chief law enforcement officer who, as senator,
refused to approve the ambassadorial nomination of James Hormel because,
like Sullivan, Hormel is gay, something Ashcroft believes is "a choice


2001-02-15 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

Military personnel records to my last understanding are as confidential if
not more than medical records IF the person is still living. I would have to
say the author of this article is either very brave, stupid or lying. Or
perhaps just a compilation of generally known data.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of radman
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:36 PM

 -Caveat Lector-



 George W.'s Missing Year

 By Marty Heldt
 February 12, 2001

 Nearly two hundred manila-wrapped pages of George Walker Bush's service
 records came to me like some sort of giant banana stuffed into my mailbox.

 I had been seeking more information about his military record to find out
 what he did during what I think of as his "missing year," when he
 failed to
 show up for duty as a member of the Air National Guard, as the
 Boston Globe
 first reported.

 The initial page I examined is a chronological listing of Bush's service
 record. This document charts active duty days served from the time of his
 enlistment. His first year, a period of extensive training, young Bush is
 credited with serving 226 days. In his second year in the Guard, Bush is
 shown to have logged a total of 313 days. After Bush got his wings in June
 1970 until May 1971, he is credited with a total of 46 days of
 active duty.
  From May 1971 to May 1972, he logged 22 days of active duty.

 Then something happened. From May 1, 1972 until April 30, 1973 -- a period
 of twelve months -- there are no days shown, though Bush should
 have logged
 at least thirty-six days service (a weekend per month in addition to two
 weeks at camp).

 I found out that for the first four months of this time period, when Bush
 was working on the U.S. Senate campaign of Winton Blount in Alabama, that
 he did not have orders to be at any unit anywhere.

 On May 24, 1972, Bush had applied for a transfer from the Texas Air
 National Guard to Montgomery, Alabama. On his transfer request Bush noted
 that he was seeking a "no pay" position with the 9921st Air Reserve
 Squadron. The commanding officer of the Montgomery unit,
 Lieutenant Colonel
 Reese R. Bricken, promptly accepted Bush's request to do temporary duty
 under his command.

 But Bush never received orders for the 9921st in Alabama. Such decisions
 were under the jurisdiction of the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver,
 Colorado, and the Center disallowed the transfer. The Director of
 Resources at the Denver headquarters noted in his rejection that
 Bush had a
 "Military Service Obligation until 26 May 1974." As an "obligated
 reservist," Bush was ineligible to serve his time in what amounted to a
 paper unit with few responsibilities. As the unit's leader, Lieutenant
 Colonel Bricken recently explained to the Boston Globe, ''We met just one
 weeknight a month. We were only a postal unit. We had no airplanes. We had
 no pilots. We had no nothing.''

 The headquarters document rejecting Bush's requested Alabama transfer was
 dated May 31, 1972. This transfer refusal left Bush still obligated to
 attend drills with his regular unit, the 111th Fighter
 Interceptor Squadron
 stationed at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston. However, Bush had
 already left Texas two weeks earlier and was now working on
 Winton Blount's
 campaign staff in Alabama.

 In his annual evaluation report, Bush's two supervising officers,
 Lieutenant Colonel William D. Harris Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B.
 Killian, made it clear that Bush had "not been observed at" his Texas unit
 "during the period of report" -- the twelve month period from May 1972
 through the end of April 1973.

 In the comments section of this evaluation report Lieutenant
 Colonel Harris
 notes that Bush had "cleared this base on 15 May 1972, and has been
 performing equivalent training in a non flying role with the 187th Tac
 Recon Gp at Dannelly ANG Base, Alabama" (the Air National Guard Tactical
 Reconnaissance Group at Dannelly Air Force Base near Montgomery, Alabama).

 This was incorrect. Bush didn't apply for duty at Dannelly Air Force Base
 until September 1972. From May until September he was in limbo, his
 temporary orders having been rejected. And when his orders to appear at
 Dannelly came through he still didn't appear. Although his instructions
 clearly directed Bush to report to Lieutenant Colonel William
 Turnipseed on
 the dates of "7-8 October 0730-1600, and 4-5 November 0730-1600," he never

 In interviews conducted with the Boston Globe earlier this year, both
 General Turnipseed and his former administration officer, Lieutenant
 Colonel Kenneth Lott, said that Bush never put in an appearance.

 Bush campaign aides claim, according to a 

Re: [CTRL] Dr. Nick Begich: Mind Control the Internet

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html

 In a message dated 01-02-15 20:35:42 EST, you write:

  Recent investigations as RECENT
  DOWN.  And you know why?  Because of all this

 Vanessa - I have no idea what your values or enmeshment with the persona of
 Nick Begich are.  But I do have a sense of when a person is being
 misrepresented. And most importantly, you are misrepresenting evidence of
 HAARP's environmental and personal negative impacts.  As a journalist, I
 first became concerned about the HAARP Project after reading and publishing
 Earth Island's analysis of the environmental impact of HAARP made to the US

 The environmental impact analysis  showed that HAARP had the potential of
 over heating and destroying the ionosphere.  A runaway effect would be
 cataclysmic for the earth's system.

 While I have not spoken to Nick Begich directly, I have followed his work,
 and know from others who have worked with him and investigated his work -
 including Earth Island - the pressures he has had to face. I believe your
 misrepresentations to be distorted themselves, and I consider Nick to be a
 public champion.

 What follows are the Earth Island articles that led to the US Congress
 requiring an environmental impact statement on HAARP.
 Alfred Webre, VAncouver, BC


 Project HAARP:
 The Military's Plan to Alter the Ionosphere

 by Clare Zickuhr and Gar Smith, Earth Island

 Copyright 1998 !EcoNews! Service !

 Clare Zickuhr, a former ARCO employee and ham radio operator based in
 Anchorage, is a founder of the NO HAARP campaign. Gar Smith is editor of the
 editor of Earth Island Journal.

 The Pentagon's mysterious HAARP project, now under construction at an
 isolated Air Force facility near Gakona, Alaska, marks the first step toward
 creating the world's most powerful "ionospheric heater." Scientists,
 environmentalists and native peoples are concerned that HAARP's electronic
 transmitters -- capable of beaming "in excess of 1 gigawatts" (one billion
 watts) of radiated power into the Earth's ionosphere -- could harm people,
 endanger wildlife and trigger unforeseen environmental impacts.

 The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), a joint effort
 the Air Force and the Navy, is the latest in a series of a little-known
 Department of Defense (DoD) "active ionospheric experiments" with code-names

 "From a DoD point of view," internal HAARP documents state, "the most
 exciting and challenging" part of the experiment is "its potential to
 ionospheric processes" for military objectives [emphasis in the original].
 According to these documents, the scientists pulling HAARP's strings
 using the system's powerful 2.8-10 megahertz (MHz) beam to burn "holes" in
 the ionosphere and "create an artificial lens" in the sky that could focus
 large bursts of electromagnetic energy "to higher altitudes... than is
 presently possible." The minimum area to be heated would be 50 km (31 miles)
 in diameter.

 The initial $26 million, 320 kW HAARP project will employ 360 72-foot-tall
 antennas spread over four acres to direct an intense beam of focused
 electromagnetic energy upwards to strike the ionosphere. The Earth's
 ionosphere is composed of a layer of negatively and positively charged
 particles (electrons and ions) lying between 35 and 500 miles above the
 planet's surface. The next stage of the project would expand HAARP's power
 1.7 gigawatts (1.7 billion watts), making it the most powerful such
 transmitter on Earth. While the project's acronym implies experimentation
 with the Earth's aurora, HAARP's public documents make no mention of this
 aspect. For a project whose backers hail it as a major scientific feat,
 has remained extremely low-profile -- almost unknown to most Alaskans, and
 the rest of the country.

 A November 1993 "HAARP Fact Sheet" released to the public by the Office of
 Naval Research (ONR) stated that the Department of Defense (DoD)-backed
 project would "enhance present civilian capabilities" in communications and
 "provide significant scientific advancements." However, while previous DoD
 experiments with smaller high frequency (HF) heaters in Puerto Rico, Norway
 and Alaska were conducted to "gain [a] better understanding" of the
 ionosphere, internal HAARP documents obtained through the Freedom of
 Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the project's goal is to "perturb" the
 ionosphere with extremely powerful beams of energy and study "how it
 to the disturbance and how it ultimately recovers"

 The public fact sheet describes HAARP as "purely a scientific research
 facility which represents no threat to potential adversaries and would
 therefore have no value as a military target." However, while 

[CTRL] Part II - HAARPS Environmental Dangers

2001-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html


 Part II - HAARP’S Environmental Dangers

 by Clare Zickuhr and Gar Smith, Earth Island

 Copyright 1998 !EcoNews! Service !

 Wildlife advocates also have cause to be concerned. The HAARP site lies 140
 miles north of the town of Cordova on Prince William Sound, on the northwest
 tip of Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Since ordinary radar is
 known to be deadly to low-flying birds, HAARP's powerful radiation beam
 pose a problem for migratory birds because the transmitter stands in the
 of the critical Pacific Flyway. In addition, HAARP's ability to generate
 strong magnetic fields could conceivably interfere with the migration of
 birds, marine life and Arctic animals that are now known to rely on the
 Earth's magnetic fields to navigate over long distances.

 The HAARP fact sheet states that "most of the energy of the high-power beam
 would be emitted upward rather than toward the horizon." Later on, however,
 the fact sheet notes that care will have to be taken "to reduce the
 percentage of time large signal levels would be transmitted toward large
 cities." The closest large cities are Fairbanks and Anchorage.

 Even if HAARP's beam were to be directed primarily at the ionosphere, people
 on the ground would still have reason to be concerned. According to DoD
 consultant Robert Windsor, clear damp nights, downdrafts and temperature
 inversions can cause "ducting" and "super-refracting" that can send energy
 beams streaming back to Earth with "a significant -- up to tenfold--
 in field intensity."

 In addition to their main beams, all electromagnetic transmitters produce
 large swaths of "sidelobe" radiation along their flanks. US-based PAVE PAWS
 over-the-horizon radars, for example, use approximately one megawatt of
 to send a 420-430-megahertz (MHz) beam on a 3000-mile-long sweep. At the
 time, the "incidental" sidelobe radiation from these Pentagon radars can
 disable TVs, radios, radar altimeters and satellite communications over a
 250-mile range. PAVE PAWS radiation can also disrupt cardiac pacemakers
 miles away and cause the "inadvertent detonation" of electrically triggered
 flares and bombs in passing aircraft. At peak power, the energy driving
 could be more than a thousand times stronger than the most powerful PAVE

 HAARP's High-Level Hazards

 HAARP project manager John Heckscher, a scientist at the Department of the
 Air Force's Phillips Laboratory, has called concerns about the transmitter's
 impact "unfounded." "It's not unreasonable to expect that something three
 times more powerful than anything that's previously been built might have
 unforeseen effects," Heckscher told Microwave News. "But that's why we do
 environmental impact statements."

 The July 1993 EIS does, in fact, admit that HAARP is expected to cause
 "measurable changes in the ionosphere's electron density, temperature and
 structure," but argues that these disruptions are insignificant "when
 compared to changes induced by naturally occurring processes."

 Subjecting the ionosphere to HF bombardment can ionize the neutral particles
 in the upper atmosphere. The HAARP Fact Sheet notes that "ionospheric
 disturbances at high altitudes also can act to induce large currents in
 electric power grids" on the ground, causing massive power blackouts.
 According to the 1990 Air Force-Navy document, power levels of one gigawatt
 and above "can drastically alter [the ionosphere's] thermal, refractive,
 scattering and emission character." While the ionosphere over the
 government's smaller HF transmitter in Puerto Rico is relatively "stable,"
 the document notes that the ionosphere above Alaska is "a dynamic entity"
 where added bursts of electromagnetic energy could trigger exaggerated

 Writing in Physics and Society (the quarterly newsletter of the American
 Physical Society), Dr. Richard Williams, a consultant to Princeton
 University's David Sarnoff Laboratory, denounced ionospheric heating tests
 irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

 "Trace [chemical] constituents in the upper atmosphere can have a profound
 effect" on the formation of ozone molecules, Williams stated. It is known
 that altering the temperature of the ionosphere can affect the chemical
 reactions that produce ozone. Referring to the Montreal Protocol (the
 international agreement to protect the ozone layer from ozone-depleting
 chemicals), Williams warned that activating HAARP's ionospheric heater
 undo all that we have accomplished with this treaty."

 "Look at the power levels that will be used -- 10**9 to 10**11 watts!"
 Williams told the Journal in a recent interview. "This is equivalent to the
 output of ten to 100 large power-generating stations. A ten-billion-watt
 generator, running continuously for one hour, 

Re: [CTRL] JFK Today

2001-02-15 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/13/01 10:29:19 AM Central Standard Time,

 Please read petition calling for the indictment of those who continue to
 Obstruct Justice in the Murder of JFK   http://go.to/jfktoday

  Thank for sending this, Kris.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Committee To Subpoena 3 in Probe

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Committee To Subpoena 3 in Probe

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three of President Clinton's closest White
House aides -- former chief of staff John Podesta, lawyer Beth
Nolan and adviser Bruce Lindsey -- will be subpoenaed for the
next House hearing into millionaire Marc Rich's pardon, officials
said Thursday.

The questioning will reach into the Bush administration this
time, a committee source said, with the committee likely to call
Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis ''Scooter''
Libby, one of Rich's former lawyers.

The House Government Reform Committee also asked Clinton and Rich
to release all their aides and lawyers from any executive
privilege so they can testify at the committee's March 1 hearing
without betraying any confidentiality oaths.

''We're also asking Mr. Rich, if he has nothing to hide, to let
his counsel speak freely and that goes for the documents that
have been claimed by them as well,'' said committee spokesman
Mark Corello.

This comes as a U.S. attorney in New York announced she had
opened a criminal investigation into whether money played any
role in Clinton's last-minute pardon of the fugitive financier.
Senate and House committees are also probing that possibility,
with the House holding its second hearing on the matter next

Rich was wanted by the Justice Department on charges of evading
more than $48 million in taxes, fraud and participating in
illegal oil deals.

Critics have noted that Rich's ex-wife, Denise, contributed an
estimated $450,000 to the Clinton Presidential Library Fund, more
than $1.1 million to the Democratic Party and at least $109,000
to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign.

Clinton has denied any wrongdoing.

The House panel asked Podesta, Nolan and Lindsey to testify at
their first hearing last week but none of them appeared. This
time the committee plans to issue subpoenas to ensure their
presence at the March 1 hearing, officials said.

A Jan. 16 e-mail between Rich lawyers Robert Fink and Jack Quinn,
who also is a former White House counsel, detailed a conversation
another person had with Podesta: ''It seems that while staff are
not supportive they are not in a veto mode, and that your efforts
with POTUS are being felt,'' the e-mail read. ''It sounds like
you are making headway and should keep at it as long as you can.
We are definitely still in the game.'' POTUS is government
shorthand for president of the United States.

A November 2000 e-mail from Quinn listed the people he expected
to read the pardon application: ''POTUS, Beth Nolan, the White
House Counsel (she worked for me when I was there; is a former
Georgetown Law Prof and an expert on legal ethics); conceivably
Bruce Lindsey, Beth's deputy, but more importantly a very close
confidant of the Pres from Arkansas and some whose law practice
was in labor relations,'' Quinn wrote.

Quinn and Libby also will be called for the March 1 hearing.

Democrats pointed out Libby's connection to Rich during the House
and Senate hearings and called for him to be questioned. Burton
is likely to approve that request, a committee source said.

The committee sent letters to Clinton and Quinn on Thursday
asking them to waive their aides' confidentiality oath and not to
claim any privacy privileges on any documents or communication.

Clinton spokeswoman Julia Payne referred questions to lawyer
David Kendall. A message left for Kendall was not immediately

The Justice Department also plans its own investigation of the
pardon. Officials will focus on issues such as whether the
department got the proper information to process the pardon, said
a Justice official, who requested anonymity.

Attorney General John Ashcroft doesn't want Justice to get
involved in a political investigation but has to balance that
with the need to look at whether there were any illegalities in
the way the pardon was handled, the official said.

AP-NY-02-15-01 1939EST

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] MSNBC: Clinton says Israel influenced pardon

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton says Israel influenced pardon

Amid the firestorm over fugitive financier Marc Rich¹s pardon,
former President Clinton said Thursday in an interview with
CNBC¹s Geraldo Rivera that Israel influenced him ³profoundly² in
granting the pardon. In his first extensive comments, Clinton
said he was ³bewildered² by the controversy and that there was
not a ³shred of evidence that I did anything wrong.²

CLINTON, IN A phone interview with the host of CNBC¹s ³Rivera
Live,² said he was ³blindsided² by the furor over the pardon for
Rich, who faces tax evasion and other charges.

³I have no infrastructure to deal with this, no press person. I
just wanted to go out there and do what past presidents have
done, but the Republicans had other ideas for me,² said Clinton.

³There¹s not a single, solitary shred of evidence that I did
anything wrong, or that his (Rich¹s) money changed hands,² he
said. ³And there¹s certainly no evidence that I took any of it.²

He also said his political enemies were trying to use the pardon
for partisan gain. ²(Rich) had three big-time Republican lawyers,
including (Vice President) Dick Cheney¹s chief of staff,² he
said. ³Marc Rich himself is a Republican.²

Rivera told MSNBC the former president sounded ³beleaguered² on
the phone. ³He is sincerely shocked by all of the noise and
hubbub surrounding this. He had no idea that it would be this
tidal wave and that he would find himself once again on the front
pages of every newspaper defending himself against the charges of
his political enemies,² said Rivera, a long-time friend of


During the interview, Clinton said campaign funding played no
role in the pardon, but added, ³I¹ll tell you what did influence
me ‹ Israel did influence me profoundly.²

It was unknown whether Clinton elaborated during the interview.

The Associated Press reported Thursday that Rich has been a
long-time supporter of Israel¹s Labor Party, including acting
Prime Minister Ehud Barak and former Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

The Belgian-born Rich grew up in the United States but renounced
his U.S. citizenship. He holds Israeli and Spanish citizenship
and has lived in Switzerland since 1983. He was indicted in the
United States on charges of evading more than $48 million in
taxes, fraud and conducting illegal oil deals with Iran.

Over the past 20 years, Rich has contributed $70 million to $80
million to Israeli hospitals, museums, symphonies and to help
settle immigrants, said Avner Azulay, head of the
multimillion-dollar Rich Foundation in Tel Aviv.

Azulay, the former chief of Israel¹s Mossad spy agency, said he
believed Clinton pardoned Rich, in part, because of his role in
helping Israel get Jews out of Ethiopia and Yemen.

Azulay said he helped collect the testimonials from prominent
Israelis that played a role in obtaining the 11th-hour pardon,
now subject of congressional hearings and a federal probe. He
wouldn¹t say how many statements were collected, but that Barak
and Peres had spoken to Clinton about Rich.

Barak spokesman Gadi Baltiansky confirmed that the prime minister
raised the subject in a recent conversation with Clinton, but
refused to elaborate. Peres declined comment.


E-mails subpoenaed by Congress and now part of the public record
reveal intensive behind-the-scenes efforts to engineer a pardon
for Rich.

Barak¹s name is mentioned repeatedly. In one e-mail, Azulay
suggests asking the White House to delay making a decision until
leading Israelis such as Barak and Foreign Minister Shlomo
Ben-Ami ³can make their appeals.²

An e-mail from Robert F. Fink, one of Rich¹s lawyers, emphasizes
the importance of high-level Israeli support. ³So do not let up,²
Fink wrote.

Azulay also asked the Rich team to keep the prime minister¹s name
out of the press. ³It¹s important to keep all politicians¹ names
out of the story ... this is election time here and has a
potential of a blowup,² Azulay wrote.

Former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit said he recommended to Clinton
that Rich be pardoned because the billionaire¹s business ties
helped Israel get Jews out of Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen
-countries without diplomatic ties to the Jewish state at the

In a Nov. 28 letter to Clinton, Shavit, who headed the Mossad
from 1989 to 1996, wrote that he asked Rich for assistance in the
search for missing soldiers and ³help in the rescue and
evacuation of Jews from enemy countries.²

³Israel and the Jewish people are grateful for these unselfish
actions, which sometimes had the potential of jeopardizing his
own personal interests and business relations,² the letter said.


Rich, 66, has never lived in Israel, but has given to a series of
charities, from funding a program for young Diaspora Jews
studying at a Jewish seminary in the West Bank, to a health
program for Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

In northern Israel, he built a home for autistic 

[CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-15 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-


I don't know where you get your homophobia from, but I feel sorry that you were 
indoctrinated to hate the homosexuals.  I think what
she is doing is good.  Many teenagers are gay and many kill themselves because of the 
non-acceptance.  She is making a difference.
This world has been too closed down and it is time to rock the boat.  Look how they 
black-balled her, yet there a few sitcombs now
with gay men in them.  They are comedy and it is really funny.  I do agree that Ellen 
did go to far with the kiss on TV.  People
were not ready for that yet.  But it should not be that way.

Private Mail Welcome
- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen 

-Caveat Lector-

For your convenience I reproduce the story re our children being
targeted by sodomists...and this is for real

Awake thou that sleepeth.this is now an attack on the Catholic
Church - Awaken Hibernians - for these evil people sent polluted AIDS
blood to Ireland through Clinton with love from Canada..Maybe
the Church of England thinks sodomy is okay for the children and would
feed them garbage - the land of Shakespeare reduced to killing fields by
virtue of AIDS and mass production of government propagandaBlair,
and Clinton, and Carville, and Larry Flynt and even Ehud all working
together to destroy a generation of children?

Name your poison - but you do not have to drink it this cup of poison
they try to feed your children.


AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

The Gay Agenda Targeting of Children Moves into High Gear


The Disney/ABC sitcom ELLEN continues to be controversial this season,
as lesbian actress Ellen DeGeneres unashamedly uses it as a vehicle for
evangelizing young people with the message that "Gay is O.K." Now PBS
has joined Degeneres in targeting children.

Prior to last season's "coming out" episode of ELLEN, the executive
producer of the show admitted to TV GUIDE that young people were a
target group for the show's message. This season Degeneres complained
bitterly when ABC used a parental advisory prior to an episode where
Ellen kissed another woman.

DeGeneres said children should be allowed to watch same-sex affection.
The 'celebrated kiss' earned the October 8 ELLEN episode a parental
advisory warning of "adult content."

DeGeneres said the advisory was discrimination against same-sex
affection and threatened to quit. "This advisory is telling kids
something's wrong with being gay," DeGeneres complained to the New York
imes. The point to the show is to let kids know there's nothing with
being gay, she said. "And now they're saying children shouldn't watch
it," she told TV GUIDE. ABC backed away from the confrontation and
removed the parental advisory the following week.

Last week PBS - the Public Broadcasting System - aired shows targeting
children with DeGeneres as a hostess: SESAME STREET and STORYTIME.

American Family Association president, Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, said,
"With a past history of enthusiastically pushing th homosexual agenda,
viewers should not have been surprised to see Ellen DeGeneres on PBS.
But seeing her on a children's show is further proof that the
Hollywood-New York-Washington, D.C. axis has strategically chosen the
next generation as their safest bet for normalizing this lifestyle."

What do you think about your tax money being used to convince our
children and grandchildren that there is nothing wrong with being gay?
AFA urges you to immediately contact your congressional leaders.

CONTACT YOUR SENATORS ONLINE: www.senate.gov/senator/membermail.html
You may phone the U. S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
You may correspond with your Congressional leaders office by writing:
Office of Senator/Representative (Name)
Untied State Senate / United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20510
American Family Association Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
Telephone: 601/844-5036
Fax: 601/844-9176
World Wide Web: www.afa.net

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL 

[CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-15 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Rosie O'Donnell has never publically said she was gay.  So children have no way of 
knowing this.  She has done great things for
children.  She loves children.  She is not a pedophile and going to harm the children. 
 Rosie has talent that works and that is all
that counts.  She is a good role model as being a good mother.  I am serious in 
questioning you as to how far back and when did your
family get so homophobic? Some people are gay because they were sexually abused as 
children and prefer the sex that their offender
was not.  This is very common for women who were sexually abused.  Their trust in men 
is not good.  You are really angry about this
subject.  Just wonder where the anger stems from.

Private Mail Welcome

- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:35 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: AFA ACTION ALERT-Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen 

For quite a while I have wondered why Rosie O'Donnell was permitted to
play with the children on Sesame Street - and ran across this article re
Ellen Degenerte..who now will plan a Nun in a TV show - which I
consider an attack on the Church.

So we have this lesbian Rosie O'Donnell playing with the Children, now
in Broadway Play playing Cat In The Hat and we see what PBS is all
about..they will NEVER receive another dime from me but for some
time I have wondered if this stuff was deliberate - so Ellen and Rosie
what a nice pair - preparing our kids for the kill?

It was just reported that 1 in 3 black mailes, are afflicted with
AIDSnice?   We have Rosie adopting little children - one of whom is
very, very accident prone.armed guards take them to school?
Seems to me Rosie did not like guns, but as far as I am concerned we are
sending kids to slaughter in promoting homosexuals on children's
programs -

Why is it - consider the sodomists attempt to invade the Boy Scouts of
America?   Little Cub Scous with their little Beanies about to be
attacked too .. teach the kiddings that sodomy is good for you -

How many people died form AIDS or have HIV/AIDS in this country now?
Aren't these people who practice sodomy more of a threat to our children
health wise than any loaded gun - on the AIDS is just a longer death.

Disney is Dead - so we see now why Disney is no longer pay TV...have
you watched their programs lately - now the attack beings on the
Catholic Church...

Why not put Ellen into a say Jewish Synagoguge - first woman Rabbi?
First sodomist Rabbi?

So Rosie is now shown with her costume as the Cat In The Hatwell to
tell the truth, never really cared for the Dr. Suess stuff -  Dr. Suess
and Walt Disney, are dead.this evil has now made specific targets of
our childrennotice how Michael Jackson on he Democrat Platform when
Clinton first ran, played with the childrenthis freaked out

So it says this much to me - life is cheap, but in death there is a
profit - abortions to bash in little babies heads after feeling first
breath of life - and sale of little baby body partas - wholesale
slaughter in China of female babies for body parts.life is so cheap
but DEATH you make a profit from the $5,000 minimum decent burial coffin
- well why waste these dead bodies - sell them...

Calling Dr. Death?   Rosie and Elllen why not dress these pigs up as
Grim Reapers and put them in their proper place for they are harvesting
childreninnocent little children.

To me it is an insult to watch TV for which I pay, and watch this
obvious move to eventually sodomize the children of America.

How do they get away with it?   Well look a their sponsors and consider
we had a Sodomist in the Oval office who had a sodomist prostitute and a
wife whom some say was caught in some rather disturbing

Now Remember Rosie was dumped by K Mart..guns are just so dangerous
and I agree in wrong hands they can be very dangerous.

I consider Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degenerate a greater threat to the
children of  America.they want a generation of our children to play
with and to sodomize?

The very word de-generate speaks for its selfzero population anybody
- would prefer to be killed by a gun than to die a long death with the
AIDS which afflicts now 1 out of 3 black homosexualsnice people -
want to share a pool with them or use a public restroom with them.

Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degenerate are a greater threat to our children
than the statistics showing how many kids were killed or shot with a
gunand then we have Littleton, the greatest story ever told, all
staged in advance.

Public Service will NEVER receive another dime from this house - our
children are targets and these people are more dangerous to our children
than a loaded gun.

Get that pig Ellen out of the nuns outfit and and put her where she
belongs - on X Rated TV for why should the American people and their

[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Shocking FBI study: Blacks are more likely to b

2001-02-15 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 15 Feb 2001 15:23:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Release: Shocking FBI study: Blacks are more likely to be 
arrested for hate crimes
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: February 15, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Shocking FBI study: Blacks are more likely to be arrested for hate

WASHINGTON, DC -- African-Americans who thought that hate crime
laws would protect them against rampaging white racists are in for a
shock: A new FBI study reveals that blacks are proportionally one-and-
a-half times more likely to be arrested for hate crimes against whites
than vice versa.

"This new hate crime study is Jesse Jackson's worst nightmare,"
said Steve Dasbach, Libertarian Party national director. "It appears
that he and other African-American leaders have been duped into
crusading for laws that have condemned a disproportionate number of
blacks to prison.

"In light of this study, it's fair to ask who poses a greater
threat to the black community: Racist, violent whites -- or oblivious
black politicians?"

The hate-crime issue was thrust back into the national
spotlight on Tuesday when the FBI released its "Hate Crime Statistics"
report for 1999, which is part of the agency's annual Uniform Crime

Law enforcement agencies nationwide reported that 2,030 whites
were arrested for hate crimes against blacks, while 524 African-
Americans were arrested for such crimes against whites.

Adjusting for the fact that blacks make up only 13% of the
population, blacks were statistically one-and-a-half times more likely
than whites to face prosecution for hate crimes.

"Unfortunately, hate crime laws have boomeranged on blacks,"
said Dasbach. "African-Americans thought that hate crime legislation
would protect them, but instead they're being used as another legal
weapon to prosecute them.

"And though Americans may assume that politicians who write
such laws are well-intended, it's obvious that for blacks, the road to
prison is paved with good intentions."

The study also revealed that, shockingly, 87 African-Americans
were arrested in 1999 for hate crimes against other blacks, meaning
that even among same-race crimes, some minorities face heightened jail
terms because of hate crime laws.

"Hate crimes aren't just for KKK members anymore," said
Dasbach. "They are now being applied even to same-race crimes --
apparently giving racist police, prosecutors, or judges another weapon
to use against African-Americans."

The solution to this disproportionate application of hate crime
laws is simple, said Dasbach: Eliminate hate crime laws.

"Racist criminals, whether white or black, should be punished
for their crimes, but hate crime laws aren't needed to do that," he

"Murder is murder and assault is assault -- regardless of
whether the criminal was motivated by racist hate, generic hate, or
pure greed, lust, or envy. People should be prosecuted for their
actions, not for their opinions."

Such a straightforward system of punishing criminals for their
crimes, not their thoughts, would make the criminal justice system more
fair, more simple, and more effective, said Dasbach.

"Real crimes -- like rape, murder, and robbery -- don't require
police to play a guessing game to determine whether they actually
occurred, but 'thought crimes' do," he said. "For example, how is a
police officer supposed to determine whether a hypothetical black
criminal chose a robbery victim because he was rich, because he was
white, or because he was rich and white? And why should it make a
difference? People should be prosecuted for their actions, not for
their opinions."

The bottom line is that crimes against a certain protected
class of citizens should not be treated more seriously than crimes
against anyone else, said Dasbach.

"To do so is un-American, and a violation of equal justice
under the law," he said. "It also creates the ironic situation we now
face: Laws that were supposed to stop racism apparently have racist
consequences -- making hate crime laws themselves a hate crime against

Version: 2.6.2


[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] It’s Settled: They Own it

2001-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

One option available to help us fund 50 organizers to restore honest elections and 
rescue America ---by going to http://newlife.electriclife.net and look at the 
information, or to go to the NAFT section at the top of the networkamerica.org home 
page and read the February 11, 2001 NAFT e-wire. After reading that NAFT e-wire you 
can also hear a 10 minute phone message at 918-222-8544 that would fill in more of the 
picture. If you want to see the effects of detoxifying everyday with Electric C from 
Electric Life -- you can help your group and Citizens for a Fair Vote Count by 
entering Electric Life on the internet through http://newlife.electriclife.net -- or 
by calling 888-393-5433 and giving them the number PH8053. Then you will be assigned a 
number. Go to networkamerica.org in the NAFT section to the Feb 11, 2001 NAFT ewire 
for fuller explanation. After using as directed, invoke your money back guarantee 
after 60 days if you are not absolutely sure Electric C has helped you.

February 14, 2001 NA (Network America) ewire

It’s Settled: They Own it

We now have a network executive admission that the 5 Big TV Networks and
AP wire OWN Voter News Service (VNS).

Yesterday, the Congressional Committee of Congressman Bernie Tauzin of
Louisiana held hearings on Election Night 2000, Voter News Service, and
the 5 Big TV Networks. Before the network executives appeared in a line
up on a panel at the end of the day, there were several establishment
panels, featuring VNS shills and such conscious Permanent Revolution
high level operatives, such as Ben Wattenburg, who, appropriately, runs
the PBS show which is the successor to sell-out Bill Buckley’s defunct
Firing Line.

There was a lot of talk of “seasoned experts”, “sophisticated computer
systems”, and other such eyewash, but neither the network executives,
nor any of the panelists could shed even a SLIGHT CLUE on how VNS works
or how the projections are made. And the Congressmen either did not know
enough, or were not willing to grill them with serious questions – at
least in the parts I watched.

Despite efforts by free lance reporter Christopher Bollyn (who is doing
a lot of work for the Spotlight these days), and Vicky Collier of
votescam.com, and some of the readers of this e-wire --- Congressman
Tauzin’s office has ignored all requests to have a panel consisting of
those of us who would raise the real questions involved in the case of
the Networks and VNS on election night.

Christopher Bollyn, Dan Gutenkauf, Phillip O’Halloran, Vicky Collier,
and myself could provide the Congressman with a panel that would raise
more “on point” issues and questions in 10 minutes than were raised in
yesterday’s 8 hours of hearings. If anyone can get to the Congressman
himself, please do so.

Now to one piece of key news generated by yesterday’s hearings.

It’s finally settled. THE NETWORKS OWN VOTER NEWS SERVICE. For a long
time we had talked of the networks as directing Voter News Service (VNS)
because of the secretive nature of the operation, and our inability to
prove who owned it.

Yesterday, ABC’s president David Weston told the Congressional Committee
that ABC is a “part owner” of Voter News Service, and that “we sit on
the board of directors.” So, despite numerous attempts to OBSCURE the TV
networks’ relationship to Voter News Service – we finally know for sure:
The 5 Big TV Networks ARE VNS.

This confirms even more profoundly the fact that the 5 big TV Networks,
especially the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC), have been pulling a hoax on
the American people. ABC, CBS, and NBC have been doing it for 25 years.
The hoax consists of the election night “competition” to call “winners
and losers” in which these big TV networks PRETEND to be competing with
each other to get on the air first with the “winners” and “losers”  ---
but who are in reality getting the exact same “exit poll” information at
the exact same time from the exact same company (VNS), a company they
jointly own and direct.

Citizens for a Fair Vote has said for years, following the lead of Jim 
Ken Collier in “Votescam: The Stealing of America” – that the entire
election night show is a criminal hoax on the American people. For
months before the election the Big TV Networks push an unending stream
of their mysteriously done “public opinion” polls to prepare the voters’
minds for the phony exit polls they release on election night. Step two
is that the exit polls are released shortly after the polls close solely
to prepare the voters’ minds for the centrally rigged computerized
results that will be announced by these same Big TV Networks a few hours

When computers “count” the votes – the networks are “infallible” – but
when there is a close HAND COUNTED election, such as the race involving
Senator Bob Smith of New Hamsphire in 1996 --- all four Big TV networks

[CTRL] NM: Columnist Stands by Air Force One Looting Story

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Thursday Feb. 15, 2001; 5:12 p.m. EST

Columnist Stands by Air Force One Looting Story

The Washington Times columnist who first reported the looting of
the presidential airplane used by the Clintons for their farewell
flight home has no plans to retract the story, despite President
Bush's statement this week that the incident never took place.

 "I stand by what I wrote," John McCaslin told NewsMax.com

McCaslin's widely read "Inside the Beltway" column first revealed
on Jan. 25 that the Clintons' plane, which only hours earlier had
been designated Air Force One, was "stripped bare" when it landed
in New York, according to an Air Force steward.

 Missing items reportedly included the entire collection of Air
Force One porcelain china, silverware, salt and pepper shakers,
blankets and pillow cases -- most of which bore the presidential

 "What most astonished the military steward was that even a cache
of Colgate toothpaste, not stamped with the presidential seal,
was snatched from a compartment beneath the presidential plane's
sink," McCaslin wrote.

 But on Tuesday President Bush spoke for the first time on the
matter, saying the looting never happened.

 "All the allegations that they took stuff off Air Force One are
simply not true," he told reporters.

 On Wednesday the White House refused to say whether Bush
actually investigated the looting incident.

 "I know you have to do your job," a Bush spokesperson told
NewsMax.com. "But I will just tell you that I have nothing to add
and I'll refer you back to the president's statement -- and to
prior statements that it's time to move on, it's time to move
forward. And that's what we're doing."

 Despite the denials, McCaslin was adamant.

 "We have reported on the front page of our paper what Bush
said," he noted. "But in no way am I going to put any kind of a
retraction in."

The popular columnist observed that the Bush White House seems to
want to keep its distance from the allegations that have swirled
around the Clintons since they left Washington, including the
controversial pardon of Marc Rich, which is now under
investigation by federal prosecutors.

 Two days after McCaslin's initial report, the Times front paged
news that a number of items bearing the Air Force One logo had
turned up on the internet auction site eBay.

 "These are very hard-to-get items," one collectables dealer told
the paper. "They are not mass-marketed and are made only for the
White House."

 Citing that report, McCaslin reiterated, "I'm standing by what I
wrote right down to the stolen toothpaste."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UPI: Rabbi: 'Marc Rich pardon was bought'

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, 15 February 2001 20:39 (ET)

Rabbi: 'Marc Rich pardon was bought'

 NEW YORK, Feb. 15 (UPI) -- The head of the largest Jewish
denomination in the United States Thursday criticized Jewish
leaders who lobbied in favor of a pardon for Marc Rich calling it
a "moral stain" for Jews.

 "Charged with massive tax evasion and breaking an embargo on
trading with Iran, Rich is a multimillionaire fugitive from
justice who lives in luxury in Switzerland," Rabbi Eric Yoffie,
president of Reform Judaism's Union of American Hebrew
Congregations, wrote in an op-ed piece in the New York-based
Jewish Week. "I am in no position to judge Rich's legal claims,
but neither are the many Jewish leaders and luminaries who
contacted President Clinton in support of the pardon."

 "Why their interest in a man who appears to have traded
illegally not only with Iran but with Iraq and Libya, rogue
states devoted to Israel's destruction? The answer is simple:
They were bought," added Yoffie. "Rich contributed generously to
Jewish causes and charities around the world, and then, in a
carefully orchestrated campaign, called in favors to put pressure
on the president."

 A last-minute presidential pardon was given by Bill Clinton on
the day he left office last month to fugitive financier Marc Rich
who fled the country in the 1980s before he was charged with 51
counts of tax evasion and fraud.

 "President Clinton was a good friend of the Jews, but many of
his last-minute pardons were simply outrageous," Yoffie said.
"Among the most indefensible were those granted to Jews, but
scarcely a voice of Jewish protest has been heard."

 In a terse statement released Thursday, U.S. Attorney Mary Jo
White in Manhattan, who was appointed by Clinton in 1993, said
her office and the FBI "have opened an investigation to determine
whether there have been any violations of federal law" in the
pardons of Rich and his partner, Pincus Green.

 Clinton denied any wrongdoing in a statement issued through his
transition office spokeswoman, Julia Payne, late Wednesday.

 "As I have said repeatedly, I made the decision to pardon Marc
Rich based on what I thought was the right thing to do," Clinton
said. "Any suggestion that improper factors, including
fund-raising for the party (Democratic National Committee) or my
library, had anything to do with the decision are absolutely
false. I look forward to cooperating with any appropriate

 According to press reports, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak called President Clinton twice, Jerusalem's Mayor Ehud
Olmert wrote the president, and dozens of Jewish and Israeli
philanthropists added their support to the Rich pardon.

 Rich donated about $200 million to causes in Israel in the last
15 years, a source who did not want to be identified, told United
Press International.

 Rabbi Irving Greenberg, chairman of the Holocaust Memorial
Council, the governing board of the Holocaust Museum in
Washington, D.C., made a serious error when he sent a letter to
President Clinton on council stationery, according to Yoffie.

 "Rabbi Greenberg is giving no interviews," museum spokesman,
Arthur Berger, told UPI. "But on Jan. 31, he went to the
governing council and took full responsibility for writing the
letter on council stationery, and apologized to the council."

-- Copyright 2001 by United Press International. All rights

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NR: The Bagman

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Bagman

How a critic becomes a counsel.

By NR’s John J. Miller  Ramesh Ponnuru

National Review Online-February 15, 2001 2:10 p.m.

Jack Quinn's biggest fan in recent days has been his lawyer,
Joseph diGenova. The man representing the man representing Denise
Rich, the wife of pardoned criminal Marc Rich, has praised his
client to the skies. Here's what diGenova said last Sunday on
Meet the Press: "Jack Quinn is an honorable man. He's a man of
integrity. He's a great lawyer. He represents his clients with
vigor. He did what any good lawyer should do."

Just three weeks ago, what impressed diGenova even more than
Quinn's integrity was Quinn's retainer. Here's what diGenova told
WJR's David Newman, a Detroit talk-show host, on January 22: "The
one pardon that is absolutely outrageous and clearly represents
what must be a disgustingly political and perhaps money-changing
deal is the pardon of Marc Rich, the fugitive financier. Even
Rudy Giuliani, who has tended to be a kiss-up to Clinton,
objected to this one because obviously it was a case that he
prosecuted. The pardon of Marc Rich is perhaps one of the most
unbelievably despicable acts. This guy has lived in Switzerland,
spending millions that he stole from investors in the United
States, and Clinton pardons him. Now his lawyer was Jack Quinn,
who was Vice President Gore's chief of staff. And I must tell
you, if Quinn represented him, represented Marc Rich, I will
venture to say that Mr. Quinn's fees start in the seven figures."

Actually, Quinn isn't being paid in "the seven figures,"
according to diGenova. He told NR today that the sum is less than
that. He also insisted that Quinn is just doing his job by
representing his client.

How a "man of integrity" could enable an "unbelievably despicable
act" is something only a lawyer could understand.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Post-Gossip-Thursday, February 15, 2001


WHILE it's not in the same league as the Marc Rich scandal, the
question of just who got Bill Clinton to pardon Patty Hearst last
month has a lot of society tongues wagging.

I hear Patty's stepmom, Veronica Hearst, has been telling chums
she spent "most of last year" lobbying her friends, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, to give Patty the clean bill of health that many
of us think was more than warranted.

But Veronica's role was "minimal," according to several members
of the newspaper dynasty - who seem to be distancing themselves
from Veronica since the January death of her husband, Randolph
Hearst. Some in the family have never really cottoned to
Veronica, who married Randy 12 years ago, after he divorced
Catherine, his bride of four decades and the mother of all his
children. "The pardon drive was spearheaded by, and succeeded
because of, President JimmyCarter," says one family source.
"President Carter has always been sympathetic about Patty's case,
and the Hearst family is very grateful to him for his

When he was president, Carter commuted the seven-year jail
sentence the heiress received for her part in a bank robbery
conducted by her Symbionese Liberation Army kidnappers.

Actually, you can feel a bit sorry for Veronica as she tries to
continue to have a significant role in the close-knit family.
Randolph inherited a fifth of the multibillion-dollar fortune
created by his father, William Randolph Hearst, but none of that
money goes to Veronica.

The Hearst wealth is in trusts and can go only to blood kin.
Randolph's share has passed to his five daughters. Veronica gets
to keep the Fifth Avenue apartment and a $30 million mansion
(said to be heavily mortgaged) in Manalapan, Fla.

Russian Rich-es for Bill?

AS for the Rich affair, the Senate committee studying the pardons
may hear about what insiders are calling "the Russian
connection." About a year ago, I wrote of rumors that some very
dubious Russians may have secretly contributed to Clinton's
re-election coffers.

At the time, there was no hint that the fugitive Rich might have
been the conduit of those illegal funds. Now I'm hearing from
sources that Rich, who made his fortune in the murky world of
commodity trading, was hand-in-glove with the Moscow demimonde.

Some think he may have had a role in channeling money to Clinton
and the Democratic National Committee, and that this might
explain why Russian mobsters appear to be able to enter the
United States with impunity. If Rich was involved in dirty money
being slipped to the Democrats, he would have had a powerful
bargaining tool when applying for his pardon.

snip balance

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NYT: Inquiry Puts 19 Torricelli Flights Under Microscope

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


February 16, 2001

Inquiry Puts 19 Torricelli Flights Under Microscope


On September 1996, as he fought through the last weeks of a close
race for the United States Senate, Robert G.  Torricelli turned
for help to a New Jersey businessman who had emerged as one of
his most generous political supporters.

Mr.  Torricelli, a New Jersey Democrat then serving in the House
of Representatives, was looking for a way to move quickly from
one campaign event to the next.  The businessman, David Chang,
contacted an aircraft charter company, and soon the candidate was
flying from one fund-raising event to the next by Lear jet and
propeller plane.

Four and a half years later, the 19 flights Mr.  Chang chartered
— and their late and incomplete repayment by the Torricelli
campaign — have become an issue in a Justice Department
investigation into possibly illegal activities in the senator's
successful race, according to lawyers and others involved in the

They said prosecutors were examining whether campaign officials
tried to evade laws governing a candidate's use of aircraft
provided by a supporter.  At least two of the three campaign
aides who were notified last month that they are targets of the
investigation were involved in arranging or accounting for the
flights, former Torricelli aides said.

But the matter of Mr.  Torricelli's flights is also a study in
the complexities of campaign finance laws, and the difficulties
law enforcement officials can face in trying to prove that a
campaign's failure to observe federal financing laws is

A lawyer for the campaign, Robert F.  Bauer, denied that
Torricelli officials had done anything wrong in arranging or
accounting for the flights.  "Everybody who was involved in the
scheduling and reimbursement of corporate aircraft in this
campaign followed the law with great care," Mr.  Bauer said.

But lawyers and others involved in the case said a central issue
for the investigators was that contrary to Mr. Bauer's assertion,
the planes Mr.  Chang chartered were not "corporate aircraft" as
federal regulations define them: ones a company owns outright or
leases for its own long-term use.  And the difference is a
crucial one.

Campaign finance laws permit candidates to use such corporate
aircraft if they reimburse the company in advance for either the
cost of the highest available commercial air fare for the same
route or, if there is no commercial service, the cost of charter

But since Mr.  Chang's company, Bright  Bright, did not own or
lease the planes but rented them expressly for Mr.  Torricelli's
use, the campaign was required to reimburse the entire cost of
the rentals.  That was about $32,000 — more than double what it
ultimately repaid, people involved in the case said.

Campaign finance experts said the difference between what the
campaign paid and what it owed could be considered an illegal
corporate contribution of about $17,000.  But lawyers for the
campaign and some of the experts also noted that even in cases
involving much larger amounts, the underpayment or late payment
of travel costs has generally been viewed as an administrative
violation, punishable by fines.

To build a criminal case on such a charge, then, the prosecutors
must answer a basic question: did the candidate and his aides
know that the planes had been rented specifically for them?

Justice Department officials said they could not comment because
the investigation, by the department's Campaign Financing Task
Force, was continuing.

According to Mr.  Bauer, Mr.  Torricelli and his aides "believed
and had every reason to believe that Bright  Bright owned the
aircraft." But several aspects of the matter raise questions
about the campaign's assertion.

According to one person involved in the case, federal
investigators have developed evidence that at least two of Mr.
Torricelli's close aides dealt directly with the aircraft charter
company and knew that the planes were rented solely for the
campaign.  Mr.  Bauer, the campaign lawyer, denied that

Moreover, Mr.  Chang rented not one, but several different planes
for Mr.  Torricelli, people familiar with the case said.

Mr.  Bauer said the frequent switching of planes had not led
anyone in the campaign to wonder how Mr. Chang, whose company
employed only a handful of people, had access to so many
aircraft.  Campaign officials assumed that the businessman had
bought or leased an interest in a fleet of planes, he said.

Finally, there is the account of Mr.  Chang, who has told the
prosecutors that he arranged the flights at Mr. Torricelli's
request and that the candidate was fully aware that he did not
own his own aircraft, people familiar with his statements said.

Mr.  Chang made the statements after pleading guilty last year to
giving more than $50,000 in illegal contributions to Mr.
Torricelli's 1996 campaign and agreeing to cooperate with the

[CTRL] NYT: U.S. Seeks Bank Records in Pardon Inquiry

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


February 16, 2001

U.S.  Seeks Bank Records in Pardon Inquiry


WASHINGTON, Feb.  15 — Federal prosecutors in New York have
prepared subpoenas demanding the bank records of Denise Rich, the
former wife of Marc Rich, in an effort to determine the source of
her contributions to Democratic causes in recent years, including
$450,000 to Mr. Clinton's presidential library, government
officials said today.

The officials said the prosecutors wanted financial documents
that might indicate whether Ms.  Rich had contributed her own
money, or instead operated as an intermediary who donated money
on behalf of Mr. Rich or others in his effort to obtain a
presidential pardon.

The subpoenas, which will be issued to Ms.  Rich, Democratic
Party committees and financial institutions, are part of a
criminal inquiry into the events surrounding Mr.  Clinton's
pardon of Mr.  Rich on Jan. 20, hours before leaving office.  It
would be illegal for a donor to conceal the true source of a
contribution to a federal election committee.  Related laws bar
foreign nationals from contributing to these committees.

The issue of foreign contributions has been raised, the officials
said, because Mr.  Rich, who lives abroad as a fugitive, has at
times sought to renounce his American citizenship, but the
legality of his renunciation remains clouded.

As the criminal inquiry got under way today in New York,
Congressional committees continued their own inquiries into the
pardon.  One of them, the House Government Reform Committee,
asked Mr.  Clinton and Mr.  Rich to waive legal rights to
confidentiality.  Such a step would allow White House aides and
Mr.  Rich's lawyers to testify fully about their roles in the
pardon deliberations — and to discuss their private conversations
with Mr.  Clinton.

Mr.  Rich has sought to block access to some of his legal papers
by citing attorney-client privilege.  But Congressional aides
said they had not received an immediate reply to their request
from either Mr.  Rich or Mr.  Clinton.

The House committee scheduled a second hearing on March 1 to
further examine the circumstances leading to the pardons.  The
scheduled witnesses are Beth Nolan, a former White House counsel;
Bruce Lindsey, former counsel to the president; John D.
Podesta, former White House chief of staff; and Jack Quinn, a
lawyer for Mr.  Rich and a former White House counsel.

The committee may also seek testimony from a Bush administration
official, Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of
staff and formerly a lawyer for Mr.  Rich.

Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, suggested
today on CNN's "Larry King Live" that the Senate Judiciary
Committee might call Mr.  Clinton to testify about the pardons.

In New York, United States Attorney Mary Jo White issued a brief
statement today confirming that her office, along with the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, was conducting an inquiry into
the Rich pardon.  Ms. White provided no details about the

She has complained that she was not told in advance that Mr.
Clinton would grant pardons to Mr.  Rich and his partner, Pincus
Green.  The two men are commodities traders who were indicted in
1983 by prosecutors in Ms.  White's office on tax evasion,
racketeering and fraud charges after they had fled to

Government officials said that Ms.  White persuaded senior aides
to Attorney General John Ashcroft to allow her to conduct what
they said was a preliminary investigation.  The inquiry is
intended to determine whether there are grounds to open a broader
investigation into whether anyone acting on Mr.  Rich's behalf
sought to, in effect, buy his presidential pardon.

Mr.  Clinton granted the pardons to Mr.  Rich and Mr.  Green in
the final hours of his presidency after Mr. Quinn urged the
president to issue a highly unusual clemency order covering two

Mr.  Clinton has said he made the pardon decision because two men
deserved leniency on legal grounds. Mr.  Quinn, in testimony to
House and Senate committees, has said that Ms.  Rich's
contributions to Democratic causes were not a factor in Mr.
Clinton's decision.

In a telephone call today to Geraldo Rivera, the host of the CNBC
television program "Rivera Live," Mr. Clinton reportedly said
that he was bewildered by the uproar over the pardon and that
"there's not a single, solitary shred of evidence that I did
anything wrong" or that Marc Rich's money changed hands.

According to a partial transcript of the conversation provided by
the program, Mr.  Clinton told Mr.  Rivera of being "blindsided
by this."

"I have no infrastructure to deal with this, no press person,"
Mr. Clinton said, according to the transcript.  "I just wanted to
go out there and do what past presidents have done but the
Republicans had other ideas for me."

He also said Mr.  Rich had been represented by "big-time"
Republican lawyers, including Mr.  Libby.

Still, lawmakers in both 

[CTRL] Oracle: Microsoft breakup payoff

2001-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Microsoft breakup payoff


Monday, February 19th isn't just Presidents' Day ... it's opening
day at Oracle AppsWorld /appsworld/us/index.html?content.html
in New Orleans. So who better to kick-off the biggest event in e-
business than former United States President Bill Clinton?

Mr.  Clinton will deliver the opening keynote before thousands of
e-business pioneers in New Orleans. "As one of the key companies
driving the Internet economy, Oracle is hosting this conference
to help business leaders leverage technology for improved
business efficiencies," said Mark Jarvis, chief marketing
officer, Oracle Corp.

"Oracle is honored that Mr. Clinton, the first high tech
president, will share his unique perspective and insight on this
rapidly changing landscape."

Oracle AppsWorld will provide Oracle executive-level customers
and partners an innovative forum to discuss e-business strategies
and how to best leverage Oracle technology to expand markets and
increase business efficiencies.

The four-day educational conference will also feature keynote
addresses from industry leaders such as Oracle Chairman and CEO
Larry Ellison /ebusinessnetwork/, as well as Marc Andreessen of
Loudcloud and John Chambers of Cisco.

Additionally, AppsWorld will offer more than 400 educational
sessions, exhibits and product demonstrations as well as variety
of tracks and networking events to uncover the winning strategies
of today's top business performers.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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