Re: [CTRL] Sai Baba - want the facts??

2001-03-30 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

Great post, Duncan. It's important to look at both sides of every issue, if
possible. Anything, including the New World Order, can be used for evil
purposes - or for good.

 I have read the various allegations about Sai Baba
 concerning sexual abuse.
 These stories were probably first started by Tal Brookes.
 Tal has lied
 about many things (eg That he was the No. 1 western follower
 of Baba).

 So says Stephanie Relfe, with her impressive sound B.Sc.

Tal Brooke wrote a terrible book, When the World Will Be As One, published
by the Christian publisher Harvest House.

 I also dismissed the allegations of sexual abuse as
 disinformation - to
 be expected by a society threatened by such a wonder worker.

 Imagine my horror when people I knew told me of their experiences!

Unfortunately, a good share of New Age followers and too many leaders are in
it for the same reasons people get into business or music or acting or any
other field: they want money and/or sex, and the more the better.

A few years ago a friend asked me why people need a guru. To me the answer
is because they don't want to be responsible for their own lives; when
things go wrong they don't want to have made any decisions of their own,
therefore the need for someone else to tell them what to do and think.

Dale Stonehouse

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Re: [CTRL] The Nazi Hydra In America

2001-03-30 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

My thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] whose criticism of the book as "Myopic crap"
prompted your most poetic remark: "Sides? We don't need no stinkin' sides!
Not unless ya want to play their game.
Just a-slinging through space on a mudball."

From the website, I found the following comment, with which I have long
agreed.  Corporate structure is the very essence of fascism.

Linda Minor

And here we have the crux of the problem, regulation. Regulation of
corporations is not socialism, when done to promote the common good it is
liberalism at its finest hour. As paper entities, corporations have no
rights only people have rights corporations only have conditional
obligations to fulfill for the society that created them. It is the
obligation of that society in creating a corporation to ensure that it works
to the common good or welfare of the society and not just to the benefit of
a few moneyed interests. And that is liberalism not socialism

Before proceeding further one needs to understand how corporate law and
regulations have evolved. In doing so many myths commonly held by the hard
right today about the founding fathers will be dispelled. The founding
fathers were indeed liberals and did believe in a capitalistic economy. But
likewise, they also believed strongly in regulating trade. So much so that
one of the enumerated powers in the constitution granted the federal
government to the regulation of commerce. It is a bold face lie to assume
that the enumerated power concerning the regulation of commerce between
states only applied to tariffs between the thirteen colonies or that the
founders were supportive of corporations.

Corporations first came about in the middle of the 1600s in England where
the crown vested governmental authority to certain commerce groups. The
royal charters granted regulated the trading company or corporations since
only the Crown had the right to govern trade. The right of the Crown to
regulate or control the corporation largely went unused leading to much
abuse and monopolistic power. Some such royal charters had their own
governors and armies like the East India Company.

In fact it was the East India Company that led to the Boston Tea Party. At
the time the colonies were boycotting tea which was owned almost solely by
the East India Company. In an effort to prop up sagging profits from the
boycott taxes on tea were cut. This in turn cut into the profit of a group
of Americans smuggling tea into the colonies. Seeing their profits eroded by
the tax cut they then raided the English ships in the harbor. While the
classical story of the Boston Tea Party of a protest over rising taxes and
tax without representation makes for good patriotic propaganda it is indeed
patently false and has taken on mythical proportions.

This was but one of the many abuses the colonies suffered at the hands of
English corporations. There were many other abuses. Often American colonial
settlements were patents granted to English corporations by the Crown. South
and North Virginia were two such patents. These corporations obtained their
labor supply with indentured slaves. Typically after seven years of labor
the indentured slave would be given a hundred acres. As many as two thirds
of the colonists are estimated to have been indentured slaves. Virginia,
Maryland and Pennsylvania all began as commercial enterprises ran by
chartered corporations.

A full listing of such abuses is beyond the scope of this book. But the
example provided is sufficient to illustrate the contempt many of the
founders had for corporations as well as the need to regulate them. Perhaps
the eloquent words of Thomas Jefferson best sums up the founder’s outlook
toward corporations. .

"I hope we shall take warning from the example of England and crush in its
birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to
challenge our Government to trial, and bid defiance to the laws of our
country "

The concept of granting a charter as a privilege and not a right carried
over into early American corporate law. Thus the present view that
corporations hold a property right is based on another myth. This point will
be expanded further a little later in a look at court case and the Dartmouth
case. In fact the view of this property right did not come about until after
the Civil War. Prior to this time the concept of a corporate charter as a
privilege was the commonly held view. The present view of a corporate
charter having property rights only came about through judicial activism and
through various state legislators.

The concept of corporate charters as a privilege was clearly carried forward
into the Articles of Confederation when in 1781 Congress granted a national
charter to the Bank of North America. Likewise this concept of a privilege
was carried into the Constitutional Convention of 1787. During the
convention James Madison twice proposed that Congress be 

Re: [CTRL] Robert Anton Wilson on Bush, drug war, faith-based executions

2001-03-30 Thread ynrchyldzwyld

-Caveat Lector-

I am beginning to understand how a Nazi government (and its
deeper secret death-squad government) came to power in Germany.

What needs to be understood is how a Nazi regime (irregardless of party affiliation) 
and its deeper, secret
death-squad government came, and has stayed, in power in the U.S


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Secrecy and Stigma Keep AIDS Risk High for Gay Black Men

2001-03-30 Thread ynrchyldzwyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This wasting disease called AIDS - could it be that the bible condemns
 homosexuals because the wise men knew homosexuality was a danageorus
 life style?

What is dangerous is promiscuity, and that pertains equally to heterosexuals as to 
homosexuals.  A committed
relationship to one partner greatly reduces 'danger', and again that pertains equally 
to both straights and
gays.  Two gays in a committed, exclusive relationship are no more likely to become 
ill as two straights in a
committed, exlusive relationship.

 Yesterday on CNN the news showed three scenes of men passionately
 kissing men, and it was the most disgusting, revolting, lewd and
 lascivicious acts of decadence I have ever seen

And I'm sure you put on your glasses to see it better

 To Each His Own - birds of feather flock together.Ever see a crow
 mating with a red bird?   Or a Blue Jay?

You're an idiot.  Genetically those birds are completely different species of avian.  
Genetically, there is
absolutely no difference amongst homo sapiens, regardless of skin color.


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[CTRL] Buford Furrow gets life

2001-03-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

LOS ANGELES (AP) _ White supremacist Buford O. Furrow was sentenced to life in prison 
after apologizing for killing a postal worker and wounding five people at a Jewish 

``I want to try, although it is impossible, to convey my deep sorrow,'' the 
39-year-old said Monday as he read a statement in a courtroom filled with sobbing 
victims of his 1999 shooting rampage and their relatives.

``I think about what happened every day and I will grieve for it every day for the 
rest of my life,'' he said.

U.S. District Judge Nora Manella imposed two life sentences without possibility of 
parole, plus 110 years in prison and payment of dlrs 690,294 in restitution.

Furrow blamed mental illness, saying he wished he had been confined to a mental 
hospital to which he tried to commit himself before the shootings.

He insisted he did not harbor hatred for his victims because of race or religion.

``I'm sorry for how I traumatized your lives,'' he said to families in the courtroom. 
``I would give anything for this not to have happened.''

Furrow stormed into the North Valley Jewish Community Center on Aug. 10, 1999, and 
raked it with gunfire, wounding three boys, a teen-age girl and a woman. He then 
headed into the San Fernando Valley neighborhood and killed Filipino-American mailman 
Joseph Ileto.

In a plea bargain, Furrow pleaded guilty in January to 16 federal charges. The slaying 
of Ileto was a federal offense because he was a government employee.

Furrow fired more than 70 bullets into the Jewish center, which was packed with 
children attending day programs. Ileto, killed hours later, was shot nine times.

Furrow surrendered in Las Vegas the next day, declaring he had intended to send a 
``wake-up call to America to kill Jews.''

``Your actions were a reminder that bigotry is alive,'' the judge said Monday. ``If 
you've sent a message, it is that even the most violent crimes can strengthen a 

Furrow sat at the counsel table, his hands and feet shackled, and appeared a pale and 
docile figure, shrunken from the swaggering, hate-filled man who first faced the court 
19 months ago.

His remarks were followed by emotional speeches from survivors and victims' families. 
The most anguished was Mindy Finkelstein, who was a 16-year-old camp counselor at the 

``I've been to hell and back,'' she told the judge. ``Buford Furrow tried to kill me 
and he failed. But in a way he succeeded.''

The mother, brother and sisters of Ileto described the devastating loss to their 

``Sometimes I hope this was just a nightmare and my son will come to the front door,'' 
said Lillian Santos Ileto. ``But I'm afraid it's not so. I will never get over the 
loss of my son.''

Furrow, of Olympia, Washington, had a history of involvement with anti-Semitic groups 
in the Pacific Northwest, among them the Aryan Nations.

He also had a history of mental problems and had tried to get help without success, 
his lawyers said when they argued to spare his life.

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2001-03-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Post
Friday, March 30, 2001

WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton - in a stunning move -
yesterday jumped aboard an effort to outlaw the secret lobbying
for pardons that marred her husband's exit from the White House.

Clinton signed on as a co-sponsor of legislation that would force
anyone to register as a lobbyist before getting paid to push for
a pardon; the measure would have covered her brother Hugh Rodham,
who got nearly $400,000 from convicted felons to seek pardons
from Bill Clinton.

Another provision of the bill would mandate the public disclosure
of anyone who gives more than $5,000 to a presidential library -
like Denise Rich's $450,000 gift to Bill Clinton's library.

Donations to presidential library foundations are not now subject
to disclosure laws.

Sen. Clinton insisted the unlikely image of her backing pardon
critic Sen. Arlen Specter's bill isn't a wife's payback for the
embarrassment the ex-president has caused her or a bid to
distance herself from him.

"No, I did this because it was a good idea," Sen. Clinton told
The Post.

"The idea of opening up the process and having more disclosure is
a good thing. I'm for that as a general principal."

She also said the legislation is tied to campaign-finance reform
and not Bill Clinton's pardon-filled final days in office.

A spokeswoman for Bill Clinton said he backs whatever his wife

"If she is supporting it, then I think the president would be
supportive," said spokeswoman Julia Payne.

Although Hillary Clinton has avoided any criticism of Bill
Clinton, she's expressed "disappointment" about the role played
by her brothers, Hugh and Tony, who both championed pardons for
shady characters.

Sen. Clinton also announced she is backing another reform
proposal - it would require that senators-elect abide by Senate
ethics laws rather than wait until they are sworn in. The rule
might have stopped her from accepting some gifts as first lady.

The Clintons were criticized earlier this year when they left the
White House with $190,027 worth of furniture and other gifts.

The Post has learned that Hillary Clinton even helped write
Specter's pardon legislation, urging him to ensure that someone
shaking hands with the president along a rope line isn't
considered "lobbying."

Specter said he remains disturbed by Bill Clinton's "notorious"
pardon of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich, who is Denise Rich's

"We're going to get this bill passed," said Specter, who led a
hearing examining Denise Rich's contributions.

Lawmakers are eager to vote the Republican-sponsored bill into
law, and Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott promised to hustle
the legislation along on a fast track, possibly voting on it next

Specter's bill looks to be a shoo-in. In addition to Lott's
backing, the Senate's top Democrat, Tom Daschle, said it "sounds
like a good idea," and House members are even more critical of
Bill Clinton's pardon frenzy.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Australian scientists develop sensor for germ warfare

2001-03-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

30 March 2001

Australian scientists develop sensor for germ warfare

Australian scientists have developed a sensor that could
revolutionise the fight against the threat of germ warfare.

Soldiers will be able to detect biological warfare agents as soon
as they get into the air.

The wars of the future will not be fought by guns and tanks

The weapon of choice could be much smaller and more subtle - but
no less deadly: it is the bacterial spore that can lead to
agonizing death.

The answer, say scientists in Australia, is a tiny handheld
sensor by which soldiers can detect biological warfare agents
such as anthrax in the air.

Its secret is nanotechnology - at the cutting edge of research.

"If one has an early warning of people being infected by these
organisms, you have a chance in these very early stages of
actually being able to take remedial action. If you allow it to
run for a few days, you've got no chance of being able to reverse
the effect," said Australian scientist Dr Bruce Cornell.

The technology could have far reaching implications.

Dr Cornell says it could be used to clean up air pollution and
even save lives in emergency rooms.

The small sensor will enable doctors to make a diagnosis from
body fluids within minutes instead of hours.

The device is expected to be in use in hospitals in Australia and
the US from next year.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Sirhan Psychotically (not Hypnotically) Programmed (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[An interesting thread from another list.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 07:22:49 -0500 (EST)
From: Catcher of The Catcher in the Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Sirhan Psychotically (not "Hypnotically") Programmed



The autopsy of Robert F. Kennedy PROVES that Sirhan didn't do it.
RFK was shot FROM BEHIND. Sirhan was standing IN FRONT of RFK.
The bullets that killed RFK left burn marks on his clothing,
which means the gun that killed him was about an inch from his
body. All witnesses agree that Sirhan never got closer than about
a yard to RFK. After the first or second shot a bypasser grabbed
Sirhan's arm and diverted it AWAY from RFK. RFK was hit by three
bullets.  And the bullets that killed RFK travelled upwards and
ended up stuck in the ceiling tiles which the LAPD removed and
destroyed. Sirhan sirhan on the other hand, held his hand and arm
at a straight angle.

CONCLUSION : Sirhan Sirhan hallucinated that RFK must be
"assassinated assassinated assassinated assassinated", fired in
RFK's direction and injured a number of people who all recovered.

Keep in mind that the term "HYPNOSIS" is probably a codeword for
an artificially induced MODEL PSYCHOSIS. When making the point
that someone who fired a gun is innocent it is very important to
get the weird abberations of science straight. In other words, if
the same techniques were to be applied to, for example, ABC
Nightline reporter Ted Koppel, he too would not be able to avoid
hallucinating that "RFK must be assassinated assassinated
assassinated assassinated" and take actions in this direction.
And I can't see Ted Koppel ever being hypnotized. But I could
very easily see him become an unwitting, involuntary victim of a
secretly and covertly induced Model psychosis, and once in its
grip, being cleverly manipulated with a sophisticated variety of
hi-tech trickery and psychological gimmicks in a way he then
would have no longer a defense against.


The point I want to add is that the Model psychosis would

a) make its subject lose all contact with reality so that he no
longer realizes the significance of what he is writing into his
notebook or chanting

b) allow for the subject to be tricked into PSYCHING HIMSELF UP
while an artificially induced model psychosis grows within him
which eventually pushes him over the edge and makes him "do it"
(Mark Chapman's statement that right before the assassination he
heard a voice inside his head that said "do it, do it, do it, do
it" certainly comes to mind here)


New York Times
March 23, 2001

National News Briefs; Sirhan Sirhan Is Denied Parole for the 11th

AP) Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted assassin of Senator Robert F.
Kennedy, was denied parole today, and his lawyer set forth the
theory that Mr. Sirhan had been "hypnotically programmed" to kill

After an hourlong hearing at Corcoran State Prison, the
three-member parole panel found Mr. Sirhan, 57, unsuitable for
release because he refused to take responsibility.

Mr. Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, says his client was
programmed to kill Kennedy on June 5, 1968, by government agents
who wanted to prolong the Vietnam War.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] OP: Microsoft Patents 1 0

2001-03-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

  REDMOND, WA--In what CEO Bill Gates called "an unfortunate
but necessary step to protect our intellectual property from
theft and exploitation by competitors," the Microsoft Corporation
patented the numbers one and zero Monday.

  With the patent, Microsoft's rivals are prohibited from
manufacturing or selling products containing zeroes and ones--the
mathematical building blocks of all computer languages and
programs--unless a royalty fee of 10 cents per digit used is paid
to the software giant.

  "Microsoft has been using the binary system of ones and
zeroes ever since its inception in 1975," Gates told reporters.
"For years, in the interest of the overall health of the computer
industry, we permitted the free and unfettered use of our
proprietary numeric systems. However, changing marketplace
conditions and the increasingly predatory practices of certain
competitors now leave us with no choice but to seek compensation
for the use of our numerals."

  A number of major Silicon Valley players, including Apple
Computer, Netscape and Sun Microsystems, said they will challenge
the Microsoft patent as monopolistic and anti-competitive,
claiming that the 10-cent-per-digit licensing fee would bankrupt
them instantly.

  "While, technically, Java is a complex system of algorithms
used to create a platform-independent programming environment, it
is, at its core, just a string of trillions of ones and zeroes,"
said Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy, whose company created
the Java programming environment used in many Internet
applications.  "The licensing fees we'd have to pay Microsoft
every day would be approximately 327,000 times the total net
worth of this company."

  "If this patent holds up in federal court, Apple will have
no choice but to convert to analog," said Apple interim CEO Steve
Jobs, "and I have serious doubts whether this company would be
able to remain competitive selling pedal-operated computers
running software off vinyl LPs."

  As a result of the Microsoft patent, many other companies
have begun radically revising their product lines: Database
manufacturer Oracle has embarked on a crash program to develop
"an abacus for the next millennium." Novell, whose communications
and networking systems are also subject to Microsoft licensing
fees, is working with top animal trainers on a chimpanzee-based
message-transmission system. Hewlett-Packard is developing a
revolutionary new steam- powered printer.

  Despite the swarm of protest, Gates is standing his ground,
maintaining that ones and zeroes are the undisputed property of

  "We will vigorously enforce our patents of these numbers,
as they are legally ours," Gates said. "Among Microsoft's vast
historical archives are Sanskrit cuneiform tablets from 1800 B.C.
clearly showing ones and a symbol known as 'sunya,' or nothing.
We also own: papyrus scrolls written by Pythagoras himself in
which he explains the idea of singular notation, or 'one'; early
tracts by Mohammed ibn Musa al Kwarizimi explaining the concept
of al-sifr, or 'the cipher'; original mathematical manuscripts by
Heisenberg, Einstein and Planck; and a signed first-edition copy
of Jean-Paul Sartre's Being And Nothingness. Should the need
arise, Microsoft will have no difficulty proving to the Justice
Department or anyone else that we own the rights to these

  Added Gates: "My salary also has lots of zeroes. I'm the
richest man in the world."

  According to experts, the full ramifications of Microsoft's
patenting of one and zero have yet to be realized.

  "Because all integers and natural numbers derive from one
and zero, Microsoft may, by extension, lay claim to ownership of
all mathematics and logic systems, including Euclidean geometry,
pulleys and levers, gravity, and the basic Newtonian principles
of motion, as well as the concepts of existence and
nonexistence,"  Yale University theoretical mathematics professor
J. Edmund Lattimore said. "In other words, pretty much

  Lattimore said that the only mathematical constructs of
which Microsoft may not be able to claim ownership are infinity
and transcendental numbers like pi. Microsoft lawyers are
expected to file liens on infinity and pi this week.

  Microsoft has not yet announced whether it will charge a
user fee to individuals who wish to engage in such mathematically
rooted motions as walking, stretching and smiling.

  In an address beamed live to billions of people around the
globe Monday, Gates expressed confidence that his company's
latest move will, ultimately, benefit all humankind.

  "Think of this as a partnership," Gates said. "Like the
ones and zeroes of the binary code itself, we must all work
together to make the promise of the computer revolution a
reality. As the world's richest, most powerful software company,
Microsoft is number one. 

[CTRL] AFP: Australian Rugby Player Guilty of Sticking His Finger Up Opponent's Backside (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Unverified.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 15:19:15 +0200
From: Kevin Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: OT...

SYDNEY, March 29 (AFP) - The ultimate bastion of macho Australia
-- rugby league -- was reeling Thursday after Wests Tigers bad
boy John Hopoate was found guilty of sticking his fingers up
opponents' backsides.

The Tongan-born Hopoate, who played two Tests for the Australian
national side, the Kangaroos, in 1999, was banned for 12 National
Rugby League championship matches.

NRL commissioner Jim Hall described it as a "disgusting, vile and
offensive act". "During my 45 years in rugby league, never have I
come across a more disgusting act," Hall added.

However, Talk-back radio was inundated with fans and ex-players
telling how common the act was.

And Hopoate's club coach, Terry Lamb, who played 349 first grade
games, said it was reasonably common to be touched in the region
of the testicles.

Bernie Gross, who defended Hopoate before the NRL disciplinary
commission, claimed he was only giving the players a "wedgie".
But North Queensland's Peter Jones, one of three players Hopoate
attacked, dismissed the claim.

"Wedgies are when your pants are pulled up around your arse. I
think I know the difference between a wedgie and someone sticking
their fingers up my bum," Jones said. The 27-year-old Hopoate, a
teetotaller Mormon with five children, has been in trouble with
the NRL disciplinary commission seven times in the last four
years, usually for fighting.

It is not the first time such an unsavoury incident has been
reported. Australian lock Bradley Clyde claimed Great Britain
centre Garry Schofield inserted his finger in a 1992 Test at

Rugby league observers believe more of it goes on but players do
not report it because they fear being embarassed.

Gouging is still considered the most heinous offence because of
the possibility of permanent blindness.

Biting is fairly common but players usually turn a blind eye when
hands or arms are bitten because they are usually up to no good.

Tigers chairman John Chalk said they would appeal. "John is
obviously very upset about the decision," he said.

Test star Wendell Sailor, who switches codes to rugby union in
September, said he had warned Hopoate his wayward finger would
get him into trouble three weeks ago. Sailor said he had been
"jabbed" by Hopoate when the Broncos played West Tigers. "At
first I was very surprised," Sailor said. "He just stood there
and smiled at me.

"The second time he did it to (teammate) Mick De Vere and I
complained to the touch judge and he (Hopoate) was laughing about
it again. "I think he got me a third time and after that I said:
'you're kidding mate, you are going to get into trouble'." Action
was only taken after the North Queensland Cowboys lodged a formal
complaint on Monday that Hopoate had attacked Jones, Paul Bowman
and Glenn Morrison in Saturday night's match

However, Sailor's Brisbane coach Wayne Bennett was following the
league code of silence. "I think enough has been said," Bennett
said. "He didn't kill anybody." At the Wednesday night
disciplinary committee meeting, Hopoate insisted he was merely
trying to give Jones and Morrison a "wedgie" in order to perform
a quick play-the-ball.

Asked by his counsel where he was directing his finger at Bowman,
Hopoate replied: "Between his arse and his nuts". Hopoate
maintained he did nothing wrong and went on to say: "I'm a great
believer in what happens on the field should stay there."

Asked to describe what a wedgie felt like, the Tigers winger
replied: "You get a burning sensation. Your undies are getting
reefed up your arse."

Bowman said he was attacked as he stood over Hopoate after
tackling him. "That's when I felt fingers outside my shorts
pushing up my arse," he said. "There was pressure there. I know
he was not doing it accidentally. He was definitely pushing. "I
was disgusted. I couldn't believe it. I know it's a tough game,
but there's no room for that."

Hopoate's counsel argued that Bowman had been trying to slow
Hopoate from playing the ball by grabbing his leg. But Bowman
maintained: "If he (Hopoate) was a man, he wouldn't do that."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Narco News Will Go To Court - Celebration Planned

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"We give away $70,000 a month! Come to for
your chance to win!

March 30, 2001 

To our readers, correspondents and supporters; 
To the national and international press; 


Don't Give Up the Fight! 


On to New York City! 



Dear Colleagues, 

In recent weeks we have posed the question to our readers as to 
whether The Narco News Bulletin, and I as its publisher, both of us 
defendants in a sleazy and dishonest lawsuit brought in New York by 
Banco Nacional de Mexico S.A. ("Banamex"), will be able meet our 
April 9th deadline to respond to the lawsuit, or will have to default 
due to the unlevel playing field of an expensive court battle with 
the 289th wealthiest man in the world and his bank. 

We threw the question open last week in a live online and broadcast 
press conference on the "Let 'Em Talk" radio show in New York City 
hosted by Miss Joanie Moossy and Paul DiRienzo. 

We opened a defense fund titled Drug War on Trial. 

We published appeals for funds from respected colleagues Gary Webb 
and Michael C. Ruppert. 

And we read every word of advice you sent us by email. 

We hit the law books, and researched our chances to prevail even 
against all the money in the Plaintiff's vault. 

Many of you have sent checks. Some have sent one dollar or five 
dollars. Others have sent more. Some have been quite generous. 

And although we have not yet reached our minimum goal for the defense 
fund to put the Drug War on Trial in New York City, we are getting 
closer to it. We have reached the point of seriousness, of no turning 

That, and the passionate appeals from readers of all walks of life, 
from many different countries, of different political tendencies, who 
told us to keep publishing and to fight on in court. 

Obedience leads. We cannot ignore the faith and credibility that you 
have placed in us. We would not be able to live with ourselves if, 
after the tremendous outpouring of solidarity from the readers in 
these weeks, we did not live up to our mission, as presented in our 
Opening Statement on April 18, 2000: 

"We are out to break the manufactured consensus north of the border, 
where the illusion that the drug war is about combatting drugs 
remains the dominant discourse. In the South, as the stories we 
translate and summarize demonstrate, a new consensus, based on the 
reality of drug prohibition between nations and peoples, is already 
under construction." 

We wrote those words almost a year ago, on our first day of 
publication. We have just read them again. The entire Opening 
Statement appears at: 

We wrote those words before the President of Uruguay called for the 
legalization of drugs. We wrote those words before the President of 
Mexico agreed with him. We wrote those words on April 18, 2000, more 
than two million hits ago, setting forth our mission. And in one 
short year, we are many years closer, already, complying with that 
mission; to breaking the manufactured consensus of the drug war. 

Thus, The Narco News Bulletin makes the following public 

FIRST: Facing our April 9th deadline, only ten days from today, we 
felt we needed just a little more time to file our response. And so, 
yesterday, March 29th, we made a request of the adversary's lawyers, 
our first contact with them in many weeks. We asked for a mere 10 day 
extension, until April 19th, to file our response to the lawsuit. 
This evening, we received an email response from the adversary 
lawyer, consenting to that short extension. 


SECOND: Perhaps you have already noticed. April 19th is one day after 
our First Anniversary of Narco News. We are going to make it to our 
First Birthday. 


THIRD: On behalf of the entire Narco News Team, we cordially invite 
you to celebrate our First Birthday at a location yet to be 
determined on the island of Manhattan in New York City, on Wednesday 
evening, April 18th, 2001. 




FOURTH: The format, exact hour, and location of this event will be 
determined in the coming days, as well as special guests, including 
entertainers of conscience and talent. We welcome your energy and 
assistance in planning this celebration. 


FIFTH: The following day, Thursday, April 19th, we will present our 
legal response to this frivilous and censorious lawsuit that has been 
perpetrated by the enemies of free speech and free societies. 

They thought they could silence us, but now we roar. 

They thought they could bury 

[CTRL] History of the JollyRoger

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A 
HREF=""History of 
the JollyRoger/A

One legend has it that the Jolly Roger obtained its appellation from the 
French name for the red flag, the "Jolie Rouge." And so it may be, for the 
flag was first used by a French order of militant monks known as the "Poor 
Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon" - commonly known as the Knights 

The Templars, were pious men. They gave up all their worldly possessions when 
they entered the Order, only carrying money on special occasions when they 
traveled alone, turning over whatever money that remained upon reaching their 
destination. They were ferocious warriors; pitching themselves into the midst 
of their enemies, astride charging warhorses, against incredible odds. 
Contemporaries had this to say of Templars:

The Templars are most excellent soldiers. They wear white mantles with a red 
cross, and when they go to war a standard of two colors called balzaus is 
borne before them. They go in silence. Their first attack is the most 
terrible. In going, they are the first. In returning, the last.
 They await the orders of their Master. When they think fit to make war and 
the trumpet has sounded, they sing in chorus the Psalm of David, "Not unto 
us, O Lord" kneeling on the blood and necks of the enemy, unless they have 
forced the troops of the enemy to retire altogether, or utterly broken them 
to pieces. Should any of them for any reason turn his back to the enemy, or 
come forth alive [from a defeat], or bear arms against the Christians, he is 
severely punished; the white mantle with the red cross, which is the sign of 
his knighthood, is taken away with ignominy, he is cast from the society of 
brethren, and eats his food on the floor without a napkin for the space of 
one year. If the dogs molest him, he does not dare to drive them away. But at 
the end of the year, if the Master and brethren think his penance to have 
been sufficient, they restore him the belt of his former knighthood. These 
Templars live under a strict religious rule, obeying humbly, having no 
private property, eating sparingly, dressing meanly, and dwelling in tents.1

"The warriors are gentler than lambs and fiercer than lions, wedding the 
mildness of the monk with the valor of the knight, so that it is difficult to 
decide which to call them: men to adorn the Temple of Solomon with weapons 
instead of gems, with shields instead of crowns of gold, with saddles and 
bridles instead of candelabra: eager for victory -- not fame; for battle not 
for pomp; who abhor wasteful speech, unnecessary action, unmeasured laughter, 
gossip and chatter, as they despise all vain things: who, in spite of their 
being many, live in one house according to one rule, with one soul and one 
heart." -- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
"in turn lions of war and lambs at the hearth; rough knights on the 
battlefield, pious monks in the chapel; formidable to the enemies of Christ, 
gentleness itself towards His friends." -
Jacques de Vitry

Being men of principle; their rules of conduct were strict. They were willing 
to die for their beliefs, and so were feared on the battlefield and respected 
in life. Such was their reputation, that in battle, there were instances 
where the enemy would turn and run at the very sight of Templars entering the 
field. Their Rule of Order stated that breaking rank was worthy of losing 
ones habit. They neither asked nor gave quarter; the were expected to fight 
until death stayed their sword arm. Retreat from an enemy would not be 
countenanced unless the odds were greater than three to one against them and 
they were forbidden to ransom themselves if captured. They fought like men 
possessed, either prevailing in their cause, or suffering death under the 
banner of Gol'gotha - the place of the skull - where their Christ died.

Templars were not to succumb to the temptation of thinking that they killed 
in a spirit of hate and fury, nor that they seized booty in a spirit of 
greed. For the Templars did not hate men, but men's wrongdoing.

They were dedicated to the protection of travelers and pilgrims of all 
religions, though they themselves were Christians, in fact many Templars were 
of Palestinian birth, spoke perfect Arabic, and were familiar with every 
religious sect, cult, and magical doctrine, including that of the Islamic 
Assassins. The Grand Master Philip of Nablus (1167 A.D.) was a Syrian.2 They 
were great statesmen, politically adept economic traders, and they were 
allied with the great sailor-fraternity that had created a worldwide trading 
empire in Phoenician times. They became immensely powerful - had the largest 
fleet and the most successful banking system in Europe. But they could not 
sustain their grip on the Holy Land. Their losses3 were too great, and they 
were eventually driven 

Re: [CTRL] Robert Anton Wilson on Bush, drug war, faith-based executions

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/30/01 5:13:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What needs to be understood is how a Nazi regime (irregardless of party
affiliation) and its deeper, secret
death-squad government came, and has stayed, in power in the U.S



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] How to Read the News – March 30, 2001

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

[One option available to help Citizens for a Fair Vote Count fund 50 organizers to 
rescue America -- to restore honest elections and teach Americans how to become active 
and effective in the 300,000 precincts across the nation -- is to do yourself a favor 
by going to and see the information there]

March 30, 2001 NA (Network America) ewire

How to Read the News – March 30, 2001

These “How to Read the News” sections are meant to help the extremely
busy but interested American (that’s you) read the news being pushed by
the Big 5 TV Networks.

I am also hoping to attract an ever larger group of Americans who will
ACT together. We thank those of you who forwarded our last e-wire,
“Victory in Colorado”, to important public figures. Please, everyone go
back  -- and use your “forward” buttom -- to forward that e-wire to some
important public opinion molder – with a copy to us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] – (action at votefraud dot org).

We are preparing a document on our welcome page to list
all those who have been sent that ewire – so they can’t plead ignorance
on why internet voting is ridiculous. I’ll do an ewire on WHO has been
sent that email by all of us put together, soon. Let’s not let any
public official or media person plead ignorance on the excellent
testimony given by Lotus and Dr. Charles Corry in Colorado – testimony
which contributed to the defeat of a bill that would have moved Colorado
closer to internet voting. Just use your forward button to be part of
the fun!

In the “How to Read the News” features, I won’t always give all the
“Whys and Wherefores” because I won’t always have the time – you can
keep score in your head as time goes by. If we are right on how to read
the news – over a period of time – maybe you might conclude we just
might be right on what action we all need to take as opportunity arises.
If I get something wrong, I try to remember and admit it in the future,
and why I missed the call. Again, this analysis is NOT based on the
Psychic Friends Network – but on clues coming over the Big Media.

Some of these issues are dreadfully dull to the busy American because
the 5 Big TV Networks and their co-workers in the Senate are running a
scam on the American people, so they don’t give you enough information
to make it interesting. Hopefully our insights will “bring the news to
life” for many.

1. President G.W. Bush will get his tax cut through in pretty much the
form he wants. It is not that significant of a tax cut, -- and it does
not, of course, in anyway address the subject of doing away with the IRS
as a whole (which is what is needed). The W. Bush tax cut will give the
gullible among the conservatives a chance to shout and cheer. As we
stated during the 2000 election, this is a pre-coordinated concession by
the Ruling Elite of the Permanent Revolution in New York and Washington
-- as part of the two steps forward (Clinton), one step back (W. Bush)
program that is now underway.

2. W. Bush will absolutely not be allowed to do away with the
inheritance tax (or death tax) as we predicted during the 2000 campaign.
This death tax is one of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto
written by Karl Marx, as is the progressive income tax. It is a key way
to defraud the Christian middle class. It is an essential tool (to the
Ruling Elite) to cause a disconnect between generations within our
families, in the event that one generation becomes successful. The idea
is to keep the vast majority of Americans as close to serfs as possible,
within the bounds of modern technologies and inventions. Most Americans
are happy being serfs, even if very well off serfs, as far as creature
comforts. Meanwhile, the Ruling Elite of the Permanent Revolution
protect their millions and tens of millions from generation to
generation through little known laws, thus passing on a continuity of
“Captains and Kings”, which constitute the current shadow government in
the US and in the world. One economist I respect says there will be some
relief on the inheritance tax for small businessmen and farmers --- I
hope so, but must reserve judgement till it happens.

3. NIGHTLINE has run key shows with multi-millionaires such as David
Rockefeller’s son, and Bill Gates’s Dad, --- saying they LIKE the
inheritance tax. This is to provide the W. Bush administration an excuse
to reverse Bush’s strident campaign promise to do away with the death
tax – and one Bush Administration official has already indicated they
will not even try to do away with it. W. Bush will be convinced by the
advisors around him that he must back off and settle for a severe
compromise. The total hypocrisy of the multi-millionaires who have come
on TV supporting the continuation of the Marxist inheritance tax – is
that these people protect their wealth in elaborate trusts 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: We've filed a motion to quash my subpoena from the DoJ

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan,1283,42735,00.html

   When Reporting Becomes Testifying
   by Farhad Manjoo
   2:00 a.m. Mar. 30, 2001 PST

   Declan McCullagh -- the Wired News reporter who on March 8 was
   subpoenaed by the Justice Department to testify in the case against
   cypherpunk Jim Bell -- filed a motion on Thursday with the U.S.
   District Court to quash the subpoena, claiming it would violate the
   First Amendment protections accorded to journalists.

   Bell, who is famous for popularizing "Assassination Politics," a site
   that incorporated digital cash and encryption in a scheme to
   anonymously off political figures, has been charged with two counts of
   violating federal stalking laws. The trial is set to begin on Tuesday
   in Tacoma, Washington.

   McCullagh has covered the Bell saga for Wired News, and the government
   says it only needs him to verify the statements attributed to Bell in
   two of McCullagh's stories, according to an e-mail sent to McCullagh
   from Assistant U.S. Attorney Robb London.

   But "that would leave a lot of leeway for the defense to ask me
   questions -- and that's where it starts to get really messy really
   quickly," McCullagh said on Thursday from his home in Washington, D.C.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if it remains intact.
To subscribe, visit
This message is archived at

Re: [CTRL] WP: A Radical Transformation: Former '60s Agitator David Horowitz Has Changed His Politics, But Not His Tone

2001-03-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Is this the same David Horowitz who did the consumer news reports on
Channel 4 in L.A. back in the 80s?


 -Caveat Lector-

 The Washington Post

 A Radical Transformation

 Former '60s Agitator David Horowitz Has Changed His Politics,
 But Not His Tone

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Nazi Hydra In America

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/30/01 5:10:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] whose criticism of the book as "Myopic crap"

prompted your most poetic remark: "Sides? We don't need no stinkin' sides!

Not unless ya want to play their game.

Just a-slinging through space on a mudball."

From the website, I found the following comment, with which I have long

agreed.  Corporate structure is the very essence of fascism.

Linda Minor

 Why gush, thanks. 

Yes, these pesky corporations are repositories of the "evil" of men, many 
would be in prison for life in CA. The stench of the hypocrisy of the deviant 
elites is really getting quite foul. I guess they just feel that the spin 
doctors, technocrats, thalermeisters and pliable and long suffering hoi 
polloi just allow them to do as will. Their hubris is quite interesting. 

The Cabots are very interesting in the charter field. 


What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you set them aside?
Do you boil them in oil?
Do you deceive them,
As, you bleed them,
All the while?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you get them to fight one another?
You know,
To save you the bother?
Now, you lose, 
By the way, 
But the play is the game,
And it ain’t always the same.
And isn’t being a player,
Better than, 
Being the game?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Effectively, cajoling away, 
Away down the river, 
Away till the time,
A will and a way, 
For the defective slaves.

(C) !997 R. A. Kris Millegan
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF!ttp://"
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
rchives Available at:
 A HREF!ttp://"Archives of

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[CTRL] Pagans in the Promised Land

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Pagans in the Promised Land

A Primer on Religious Freedom
by Steven T. Newcomb(C)1992,1995

When Cristobal Colon (Columbus) first set foot on the white sands of Guanahani
Island, he performed a ceremony to "take possession" of the land for the king
and queen of Spain. Although the story is a familiar one, few people are aware
of the basis for the Spanish Admiral's act of "possession."

Under the laws of Spain and of Christendom, Columbus laid claim to Guanahani
and subsequent lands on the basis of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. In
1992 much of the Western world commemorated Colon's voyage. And this ancient
Christian doctrine, of what was then the Catholic world, still serves as the
foundation of federal Indian law in the United States.

To understand the connection between the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and
the laws of the United States, we must recall a document issued forty years
before Columbus' historic voyage In 1452, Pope Nicholas V. gave permission to
King Alfonso of Portugal "to capture, vanquish, and subdue, all Saracens,
Pagans, and other enemies of Christ," to take all their possessions and
property, and "to put them into perpetual slavery. "(1)

With this document Pope Nicholas declared war against all non-Christians
throughout the world. Because at that time Christians viewed themselves as
being at war with all non-Christians, it was customary for Christians to view
"infidels"as enemies, to be treated as wild animals, or beasts of prey(2)
Under Christian international law, heathens and infidels(3) were considered to
be less than human.(4)

In 1492, financed in part by the Royal Treasurers of the Crusade, Colon made
his famous journey across the Sea of Darkness on the basis of the same
militaristic doctrine promulgated by Pope Nicholas V. Accordingly, Colon
'claimed'-for the use and profit of Spain and the Christian world, all the
lands he 'discovered.' When Pope Alexander VI heard of Colon's successful
voyage of "discovery, " he promptly issued several papal decrees confirming
the "discovered" lands to the monarchs of Spain, while protecting Portuguese
interests previously affirmed by the Church.

In the Inter Cetera bull of May 4, 1493,(5) Pope Alexander declared it to be
his desire that "the Catholic faith and Christian religion be everywhere
increased and spread," and that "barbarous nations be overthrown and brought
to the faith itself. "(6) In an other passage of the bull, the pope stated,
"we trust in Him from whom empires and dominations and all good things

In the popes opinion, non-Christian Native nations were living outside the
authority of the "Christian empire."(8)Consequently, the Christian world
sought to force the Native nations to bow in obedience and become subservient
to the dominion (subduing power) of the Cross and Crown. This the Christian
world believed, was in keeping with passages from the Bible such as Psalms
2:8: "I shall give to thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost
parts of the earth for thy possession." As a result of the pope's leadership,
advocating warfare rather than peace, the Christian world steadfastly refused
to respect the Native nations of the Western Hemisphere.

Because of their lack of respect for cultures that were not Christian, the
seafaring nations of Christendom assumed dominion and jurisdiction over Native
peoples and their lands. Support for this assumption of dominion was also
found in the Bible. Colon's favorite passage from the Bible was Psalms
72:8-11: "He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the
ends of the earth They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him[the
Lord]; andhisl[heLord's] enemies shall lick the dust... Yea, all kings shall
fall down before him; all [heathen] nations shall serve him[theLord]. "(9)
Colon was merely the forerunner who brought this way of thinking to the
Americas, which the pope supported through papal edicts that presumed to grant
away the lands of Native nations and peoples. According to the international
law of the Christian Commonwealth,(10) lands which had no Christian owner were
considered to be vacant lands, even though inhabited by Indigenous nations. In
keeping with the militaristic doctrine promulgated by Pope Nicholas V, the
first Christian nation to "discover" lands inhabited by heathens and infidels
('beasts of prey') supposedly had the absolute title to and the ultimate
dominion over those lands.(11) Spain, Portugal, France, England, Holland,
Sweden and Russia, all embraced and acted on this doctrine.

In 1823, this same doctrine of "discovery" was formally written into the
political and legal framework of the United States by the U. S. Supreme Court.
In the case Johnson v. McIntosh (8 Wheat., 542, 1823 ) , Chief Justice John
Marshall said that "discovery gave title to the government, by whose subject,
or by whose authority, it was made, against all other European

Marshall cited 

[CTRL] Imperial Wizardry

2001-03-30 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

The linque @;

leads to this

 Sacred cows in the cross hairs
 Call it Cold War hangover: Each branch of the U.S. military finds its key weapon
 suddenly being scrutinized. By Michael Moran. Part 1 of a 5-part series, The secret
 empire: The U.S. military in the 21st century. In the Navy, size does matter Michael
 Moran reports that the Navy’s big carriers may soon be joined by a smaller, faster
 model meant to meet the challenges of future conflicts. In Part 1 of the 5-part
 series, The secret empire: The U.S. military in the 21st century.

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Nazi Hydra In America

2001-03-30 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 these pesky corporations are

the REAL government.

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[CTRL] Boyd E. Graves, J.D. -The fingerprint of man will eternally linger in the genetic sequencing of the AIDS virus.

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""Boyd E. Graves, J.D./A
Much more at site. 
"The fingerprint of man will eternally linger in the genetic sequencing of 
the AIDS virus. The scientific proof is compelling and substantial, finally 
the "missing" data, experiments and contracts have been found. . . Let us 
work together to unmask the last secret of the 20th century . . . We have 
found the well-spring of the genesis of the global AIDS pandemic. It is our 
nation state. . . It is us." 
Boyd E. Graves, J.D. 
Director-AIDS CONCERNS, Common Cause Medical Research Foundation

(above) Boyd E. Graves, J.D. presents the secret Special Virus Flow Chart 
to the United States' medical community for the first time October 29, 1999 
at Cleveland's Western Reserve Historical Society. The Flow Chart has been 
called the greatest document find of the century. This historic video footage 
is now available on-line. click here
The articles and activists found on this website are dedicated to the 
immediate independent scientific review of the 1971 Special Virus 'AIDS' Flow 
Chart discovered by Boyd E. Graves, J.D. in February, 1999. 
Dr. Graves' research and judicial activism has led the world to an 
irreversible process of review, accountability, and the ultimate DISMANTLING 
This website is dedicated to making Dr. Graves' research discoveries and 
evidence available to the reading public. 
First Name:
Notes:CUpdate: April 11, 2001 United States Supreme Court Washington, D.C. 
The First 100 Days
Sign On-Line Petition | Press Releases | Events 2001
Comments | About Boyd "Ed" Graves, J.D.
AIDS Timeline | Special Virus Flow Chart 
Listen to Boyd E. Graves, J.D. 
Download "State Origin" E-Book
Contact Us | Order Now
"The World War with the AIDS Weapon continues to rage. Only truth and 
knowledge will defeat it. . . We are greater than any federal virus. We are 
the human race. We will let nature determine the finish line, not man." 
Boyd E. Graves, J.D. 
Peitioner AIDS APOLOGY U.S. Supreme Court 

Day 100: WORLD WAR AIDS (The Conclusion)



"MYCOPLASMA VISNA: The Scientific Name of AIDS"


March 8, 2001   


by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.  

It is hard to believe the public law that authorized AIDS will be thirty one 
years old next week. Even more remarkable, that in a score and a half, no one 
has ever read it!  
On March 16, 1970, following significant world events both in medicine and 
politics, President Richard Milhouse Nixon signed into law the U.S. policy to 
protect America's future by "stabilizing" the population of Sub-Sahara 
Africa. The history leading to the politicsis relevant in our further 
presentation of the "research logic" Flow Chart of the federal virus program. 
On April 4, 1969, President Richard Nixon did not want to be late. He had 
been there many times before, but today was special. He wanted the scientific 
and medical communities from around the world to hear and see his presence as 
our military scientists and doctors announced, 'they could effectively make 
AIDS.' It was Fort Detrick, Maryland and the ethnic nature of the work would 
not be printed until November '70.  
Unbeknownst to the American people, the Special Virus program had been 
underway since November, 1961. In a real sense, the current trillion dollar 
'tax' "give back" to U.S. taxpayers, is in essence the benefit of our 
sharpened ability to kill humans for a better tomorrow for our financial 
investment in our trust in God.  
The 1971 Flow Chart proves the United States sought to co-mingle animal 
viruses (Visna) that had never before been seen in human disease. Thus, at 
what point did the population projections of Africa necessitate this "long 
standing secret virus program?" It appears that shortly after WW2, and the 
importation of the German (Operation Paperclip) and Japanese biological 

[CTRL] The Balkan Beat Goes On

2001-03-30 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

Even some should know that eventually the cast comes off and strength is
regained.  Artificial supports and props can only last so long.  AER 




Bosnian unity crumbles as Croat soldiers' mutiny spreads
Belgrade: Hardline Croat separatists in Bosnia set up their own defence headquarters
as a mutiny spread among Croat soldiers serving in the Muslim-Croat federation army.
Reports from barracks across the federation in Bosnia on Wednesday suggested the
majority of the 7,500 Croat soldiers in the 22,500 strong common army were joining
the mutiny. On Monday, 1,900 Croat soldiers from the central town of Vitez had
abandoned their posts.
The mutiny follows the establishment of a Croat national congress three weeks ago,
which has called on all Croats to leave their jobs in the federation army, police
and other public offices.
The aim of the congress is to establish a "third entity" or Croat statelet in
Bosnia, leaving the Muslims stranded in a small enclave between Serbs and Croats.
Officials representing the international community in Bosnia have described the
events as the most serious threat to the unity of Bosnia since the 1995 Dayton
accords which ended the war.
"This is an extremely worrying development,"one Western diplomat in Sarajevo said.
Under Dayton, Bosnia was divided into two halves, the Muslim-Croat Federation and
the Serbian Republic, each with considerable decision-making powers but the skeleton
of a central state holding them together.
Muslims and Croats began the war together in 1992, fighting the attempt by Serb
extremists to destroy the newly recognised country. But following Serb successes,
and assuming the partition of the country was inevitable, Croats turned on their
Muslim allies in 1993.
Following intense international pressure, an alliance between Muslims and Croats was
eventually patched up in 1994, and the two armies finished the war together.
But hardline Croats, especially in Herzegovina, have never abandoned their dream of
forming their own separate state called Herzeg-Bosna.
"Any attempt to establish parallel structures is illegal, and anti-Dayton," Chris
Bird, the spokesman for the International High Representative in Sarajevo, said on
Wednesday. "We call on all members of the federation army to remain loyal to their
legally appointed commanders."
But that appeal seemed to  fall on deaf ears. Most Croat generals are said to have
walked out with their men.
The question is whether the Croat soldiers have left to set up a new army, with
access to weapons, or whether they are simply going to "run around the woods in blue
jeans", as a diplomatic source put it.
The Guardian


And from

Monday 26th March 2001

 Once more, war threatens the Balkans and, once more, the "something must be done"
brigade moves into battle formation. Lord Robertson, the secretary- general of Nato -
 the same George Robertson who, as British defence minister, so fervently prosecuted
the Kosovo war two years ago - demands another 1,400 soldiers to add to the 42,000
already in the region. In the Washington Post, General Wesley K Clark, a former
supreme allied commander in Europe, calls for "a prompt western response". Newsweek
warns that "if Nato loses its will and pulls out, it could call into question the
alliance's very legitimacy". Western legislatures and media outlets ring with calls
for intervention: to protect Macedonia, to protect the Albanian minority in
Macedonia, to protect Serbs in Kosovo, to protect moderate Kosovars. Who cares who
is protecting whom against whom? We are talking feel-good factors here, and
politicians and opinion-formers never feel so good as when they are meddling in
other people's business under the umbrella of western civilisation or human rights
or ethical foreign policy. What a delight, after all these years, to take up the
white man's burden once more! Better still, we can do it from the comfort of our
armchairs in London and Washington.
We should be thankful, in this one instance, for a Republican in the White House, a
supposedly "isolationist" president who probably couldn't find Kosovo on a map. We
should be thankful, too, that, for the time being, the British Foreign Secretary,
recognising that British forces are already overstretched, shows no inclination to
respond to Lord Robertson's call and send further troops. Robin Cook, all the same,
has been "on the telephone" to his counterparts in the US and other European
countries. "Border patrols will be stepped up both on the ground and in the air," we
are assured. A 20-strong British unit is to "advise" the Macedonian government. We
have been here before, many times. "Advice" has a nasty habit of turning into deeper
involvement once the television cameras have something more dramatic to film than a

[CTRL] Background Checks Proposed for Students

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

Background Checks Proposed for Students
Vancouver, B.C. ( - Civil libertarians and their supporters are slamming a 
proposal by the British Columbia Teachers' Federation to prohibit any student from 
attending a new school until a background check on that student's potential for 
violence has been performed. However BCTF vice-president Jinny Sims insists, "We have 
a right to know".

Court Rejects Homosexual's Lawsuit
( - A federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled Thursday that federal 
civil rights law does not protect employees against discrimination based on their 
sexual orientation.

[CTRL] Explicit Sex-Ed Material Prompts Outcry in Scotland (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Explicit Sex-Ed Material Prompts Outcry in Scotland
by Patrick Goodenough

29 Mar, 2001
London ( - Religious and family groups Thursday decried the promotion of 
sex education material in Scotland that says children as young as 11 should be 
encouraged to discuss such activities as sado-masochism, anal sex, partner-swapping 
and group sex.

Pupils aged 11-14 are encouraged to role-play various characters, including young 
homosexuals and lesbians.

Teachers of those pupils are told to advise boys to try on a condom ...

Go to\ForeignBureaus\archive\200103\For20010329c.html
 to view the full story.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Greater Risk of 'Love Crime' Than 'Hate Crime,'

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Homosexuals Face Greater Risk of 'Love Crime' Than 'Hate Crime,' Says Conservative 
by Christine Hall

29 Mar, 2001
( - As hate crime legislation once again takes shape in Congress, one 
conservative group warns that homosexuals face much more danger from other homosexuals 
than they do from individuals targeting them for their sexual orientation.

According to Gary Glenn, the president of the Michigan chapter of the American Family 
Association, homosexuals have a 50,000 percent greater risk of being a victim of what 
he calls a ...

Go to\Culture\archive\200103\CUL20010329a.html 
to view the full story.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] History of the JollyRoger

2001-03-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Very nice story - as they say when in Rome do as the Romans..the
psalm to which this item referred I presume, is reproduced.   Our family
tree on my fathers side and mother's side both trace to the Knights
Templar and of this I have always been very proud.records were
carefully printed with line to these great men but when you update to
present day Templars some might be surprised, what they find.

So Huzzah, you all.


The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia

Psalms, psalm 115

"1": Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for
thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake.
"2": Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God?
"3": But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath

"4": Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
"5": They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see
"6": They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell
"7": They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk
not: neither speak they through their throat.
"8": They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that
trusteth in them.
"9": O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their
"10": O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their

"11": Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and
their shield.
"12": The LORD hath been mindful of us: he will bless us; he will bless
the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron.
"13": He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great.
"14": The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children.
"15": Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.
"16": The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath
he given to the children of men.
"17": The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into
"18": But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore.
Praise the LORD.

Melchizadek Is Forever.saba

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] ~McVeigh's Confession~ Whatever is covered up will be uncovered (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

"Whatever is covered up will be uncovered
and every secret will be made known."
 Luke 12:2

 Original Message 
Subject: McVeigh's "Confession"
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:43:30 -0800
From: Jon Roland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

McVeigh's "Confession"

Associates can confirm that I have been predicting for a long time that
there would be a "confession" by Timothy McVeigh contrived by the
Establishment to counter the widespread suspicions of government complicity
in the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995. I predicted that it would
come out in a book, allegedly based on interviews by "independent"
journalists. It would be accompanied by a full-court PR campaign involving
all the major media.

Now that my prediction has been fulfilled, it is time to comment on this

Most people will, of course, simply believe the reports. After all, they
will say, it is McVeigh speaking. Why would he not be telling the truth when
he confesses that he did it?

The answer requires some background knowledge of how such a confession can
be contrived to be convincing.

First, we don't really know who the person is who is in custody. We may call
him "Timothy McVeigh", but it could be a surrogate. No matter who it is, it
is not necessarily the person who set of the truck bomb. It is not difficult
to induce a person to make such a confession and make it convincing. He
could be a government agent who expects the injection not to be lethal, or
who is sacrificing himself for the sake of someone else. He could have been
brainwashed into saying what he is alleged to be saying. Or the interviews
might be total fabrications. There are ways to do that in a way that would
fool the interviewers, even if they are not complicit in the hoax.

The only way any "confession" can be credible is if it reveals new
information that only the guilty person could know. If one reads what has
been released about what he is alleged to have said, there is no such
revelation. Indeed, it all seems contrived to support the government theory
of the case, including the degree and nature of the complicity of Terry

So what can we be certain of in this case? We can be certain that the truck
bomb could not have caused the damage to the building that occurred. It
would be physically impossible for that to occur. It would violate the laws
of physics. There were charges detonated inside the building that caused
most of the damage and loss of life.

That does not mean that someone, "McVeigh", might not have built and
detonated a truck bomb in the way it is alleged to have occurred. That
person might actually believe that his bomb caused all the damage.

The way that government agents who wanted a Reichstag event might do it
would be to find someone like "McVeigh", induce him to commit a bombing, or
merely observe him, and, realizing that his truck bomb would not cause
enough damage, plant charges inside the building, then set them off from a
helicopter or other observation point right after the truck bomb went off,
to make it appear the truck bomb did all the damage. They could then blame
him for everything.

One might ask, why would government agents do such a thing? Wouldn't a truck
bomb that blew out some windows and hurt a lot of people from flying glass
be sufficient for their purposes? No. Not in this case. The suspect faction
within the government needed a large loss of life to accomplish their
political agenda. They didn't want any public sympathy for the bomber, so
they needed many deaths of sympathetic persons, especially children. Taking
advantage of a terrorist attack by amplifying its effect, in a way that
would still allow all the damage to be blamed on the independent terrorist,
would be a nearly ideal plan. The independent bomber would thus neatly play
into their hands.

Like the JFK assassination, this case will never go away, especially after
"McVeigh" is dead and no longer available to correct his "confession". This
alleged "confession" will never be accepted by more knowledgeable persons as
dispositive. All the "confessions" won't make the impossible physics of a
single truck bomb go away. Only revelations of complicity by government
personnel and prosecutions of those agents might do that, and we should not
be surprised if that eventually happens, and happens in a way that avoids
blame to higher officials who actually authorized the incident. If the
controversy lingers, it may become expedient to throw a few "rogues" to the
wolves, in this and in the Waco and other incidents. There is a long history
of sacrificing agents when the plans of their seniors don't succeed, in ways
that preserve deniability.

Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 03/29/01  Time: 18:34:50 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Father's guns seized because of son's alleged threat (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The "turn in your neighbor" law gets even uglier.

Police seize guns from boy’s home

Tucker McCormack, Register Staff March 27, 2001

MILFORD — Police seized 30 firearms, including handguns and rifles, from the
home of a 12-year-old boy who was charged
with threatening a fellow Harborside Middle School student.

The incident was similar to another one earlier last week.

The boy was charged Friday with breach of peace after he allegedly "made threats
of violence against a fellow student" and
implied that he had weapons available, police Officer Vaughan Dumas said.

An East Shore Middle School student was charged with making threatening comments
to another student March 20. Police
seized guns kept in the home by that student’s parent.

Dumas said the Harborside Middle School situation was reported to police Thursday,
a day after police were notified in the East
Shore Middle School case.

The Harborside allegation was brought to the attention of police when investigators
received a phone call from a "third party,"
Dumas said.

The boy’s arrest followed an investigation in which police obtained a search
warrant and seized the 30 weapons, which
belonged to one of the parents, police said.

The weapons are being held for "safekeeping," and will not be returned until
after the case is adjudicated and the court is
satisfied the child does not have access to the weapons, Dumas said.

Dumas did not say if investigators believe the boy intended to carry out the
threat, but he noted that a Superior Court judge took
the boy’s threat seriously enough to authorize an arrest warrant.

The boy’s parent was not charged. Dumas said he had no information on whether
the firearms were properly stored or if the
boy had access to them.

Regarding the seizure, Dumas said, "We’re not in the business of second guessing
what might or might not happen."

The boy will be arraigned in juvenile court in New Haven, where proceedings are
closed to the public.

The two incidents in Milford come on the heels of another deadly wave of school
shootings, including one in Santee, Calif.,
where two students were killed and 13 wounded.

Superintendent of Schools Mary Jo Kramer said the Milford schools take a strong
stance when it comes to threats, and that
police are notified immediately.

"We’ll take whatever action we can to ensure the safety of the students," she

Discipline for the Harborside Middle School student depends on the student’s
age, past history and the circumstances involved,
and could range from denial of school privileges to suspension or expulsion,
school officials said.

Staff reporter Brian McCready contributed to this story.

©New Haven Register 2001

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Doctors and the 2nd Amendment (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-\Commentary\archive\200103\COM20010327f.html

Doctors and the 2nd Amendment
By Dan Palm and Timothy Wheeler
CNS Commentary
March 27, 2001

The lead article in the March 21 edition of the New York Observer described a
new effort by the New York medical community "to inject itself into the
national debate on gun violence."

Led by Dr. Jeremiah Barondess, Doctors Against Handgun Injury (DAHI)
proposes furthering nationwide gun regulation, including background checks at
gun shows, limits on the number of gun purchases, and waiting periods for

More significantly, DAHI proposes that, as a routine matter, doctors should
question their patients about firearms in their homes, and lecture gun owners
about the risks associated with gun ownership.

"To promote public safety," says a DAHI report, "health professionals and
health systems should ask about firearm ownership when taking a medical
history or engaging in preventive counseling."

Claremont Institute supporters and members will recognize this as merely the
latest in an ongoing effort by the anti- gun movement to enlist physicians and
medical professionals.

An Institute project, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, has been
spearheading the
response to this attack since 1994. The core of DRGO's message: private
ownership of firearms is not only consistent with the political principles of
and equality, it's also sound public policy and, yes, even sound public health

So why shouldn't your doctor follow routine questions about your smoking,
drinking, or exercise habits with questions about guns in your home?

First, most gun owners are well aware of the dangers posed by firearms, and
take precautions with guns as with any other dangerous device or tool. Had it
bothered to check, DAHI would know that pro-Second Amendment
organizations such as the National Rifle Association have emphasized safe
storage and handling practices above all else, and sunk millions of dollars into
the effort for years. DAHI is proposing that doctors do something that the
NRA has been doing for over a century.

Second, the data don't support the claim that injury and death from firearms
so great that they should be singled out by doctors. The anti-gun movement
tends to convey the impression that firearms in the home are a leading cause
accidental death and injury.

In fact, Centers for Disease Control statistics indicate that firearms are rather
far down the roster: deaths and injuries from swimming pools and falls from
ladders annually outnumber those from firearms. Accidental firearm deaths
have been declining steadily for nearly 100 years and are now at an all-time

Why, then, don't these same doctors propose asking whether you have a fence
around your pool, or whether you exercise caution when climbing a ladder?

The answer is that DAHI and similar anti-gun organizations have a clear
political agenda, and whatever they might claim, you can bet it's not supportive
of private gun ownership.

Worst of all, DAHI proposes that doctors give patients a one-dimensional view
of firearms. "Getting shot and being dead is certainly a clinical issue," says
Barondess. If so, then presumably getting stabbed, raped or beaten to death are,
too, clinical issues.

What if there existed a medical device or tool that could quite effectively
prevent a weaker person from being stabbed, raped or beaten by a stronger
one? Might not that tool be considered a boon to public health?

There is now significant, well-documented evidence to show that firearms in the
home or carried concealed amount to just such a tool, and are a net health
benefit. Statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) by the
Census Bureau indicate that at minimum 65,000 crimes are stopped or
prevented annually by armed citizens, usually without a shot fired.

Thirteen other studies estimate that far more crimes -- between 764,000 and
several million -- are thwarted by men and women with their own firearms.

To ignore data like this while focusing only on the many fewer deaths caused
by firearms -- accidental or criminal -- is like a physician mentioning only
undesirable side effects of a drug that occurs for a few, ignoring its good overall

If Dr. Barondess and DAHI wish to offer counsel about firearms ownership,
it's disingenuous of them to present their patients with only one side of the
Doctors -- professionals accustomed to carefully collecting, comparing and
analyzing data and making judgments from it -- should recognize the biased road
that DAHI is taking.

The vast majority of American gun owners are law-abiding, and they don't need
their doctor to hector them about a right guaranteed by the Constitution, and
tool many use for protection of their own person and family.

(Dan Palm is a professor of government at Azusa Pacific University and a
senior fellow of The Claremont Institute. Dr. 

[CTRL] A fractured movement (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

This is the national picture - not true for Connecticut and a few other states.


The Dallas Morning News reports today that less than a year since the
Million Mom March, the national gun-control movement finds itself in
some disarray and facing a harsher political landscape than anticipated.

Factions in the often-fractured movement are pressing competing
ideological priorities. And a fight is brewing on Capitol Hill that
may pit gun-control groups against each other rather than against
the gun lobby.

"Is this a time of soul searching?" asks Josh Sugarmann, executive
director of the Violence Policy Center. "It will be a battle for the
soul of the gun-control movement."

In "Trust the People: The Case Against Gun Control," - - David Kopel writes that
the gun control debate comes down to the basic question: "Who is more
trustworthy, the government or the people?" In "Gun Policy in the
Aftermath of Littleton,"
Cato Fellow Doug Bandow writes that gun control is misguided and
that studies show that guns are used five times as often to prevent
as to commit crimes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [1] Federal District Court MEMORANDUM OF DECISION , re: Franklin Cover-up

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

An interesting Federal Court proceedings. 

DeCamp Legal Services, P.C.
Legal - Public Relations - Lobbying
414 So. 11th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508

Fax: (402) 477-4487
Phone: (402) 477-3974

Attorneys at Law
John W. DeCamp
John E. Beltzer
Antonio E. Bendezu
Steven A. Montag
Of Counsel:
Richard J. Mahlin

February 25, 1999

To Whom It Concerns:

The trial on February 5, 1999 resulted in a million dollar judgement. I 
believe that judgement, completely  independent of the Default Judgement in 
the case because the singular issue was damages, makes it clear that the 
evidence presented was credible and Judge Urbom acted on that basis and to 
send a message  to a number of individuals (both clean and dirty) who were a 
part of the Franklin saga. I believe the U.S. Attorney has no choice but to 
FEDERAL COURT ON VERY MATERIAL MATTERS (From Murder to Bribery to Perjury to 
the most vile corruption involving young people) OR, THE U.S. ATTORNEY HAS AN 
This time there ARE PICTURES. This time RUSTY NELSON exsists and testified 
completely contrary to Chief Wadman's testimony under oath to the 
legislature. This time Noreen
Gosch validated the credibility and story of Paul Bonacci... and a lot, lot 
more. At minimum some Federal or State authority (Whether it is a Judge. 
Attorney General. Prosecutor. etc.) has an obligation to reopen particularly 
the Alisha Owen case. If my witnesses in Court on February 3, 1999 are 
telling the truth, then Alisha Owen is also. If Alishn Owen is LYING, as a 
jury said then my witnesses are lying, It appears to me to put the U.S. 
Attorney and Nebraska Attomey General and Judicial System on the horns of a 
dilemma - and failure to act would to me at least appear to be   deliberate 
obstruction of justice at a minimum.


John W. DeCamp 
DeCampr Legal Services


99 F E B 22  AM 8 : 14


PAUL A. BONACCI,4:CV91-33037 




On February 27, 1998, I found that default judgment should be entered against 
the defendant Lawrence E. King in favor of the plaintiff, Paul A. Bonaccl. A 
trial on the issue of the damages due the plaintiff by that defendant was had 
on February 5, 1999.

Two counts are alleged against the defendant Kincr in the complaint. Count V 
alleaes a conspiracy with public officers to deprive the plaintiff of his 
civil rights, designed to continue to subject the plaintiff to emotional 
abuse and to prevent him from informing authorities of criminal conduct. 
Count VII charges battery, false imprisonment, infliction of emotional 
distress, negligence and conspiracy to deprive the plaintiff of civil rights. 
Between December 1980 and 1988, the complaint alleges, the defendant King 
continually subjected the plaintiff to repeated sexual assaults, 
false imprisonments, infliction of extreme emotional distress, organized and 
directed satanic rituals, forced the plaintiff to "scavenge" for children to 
be a pan of the defendant King's sexual abuse and  pornography ring, forced 
the plaintiff to engage in numerous sexual contacts with the defendant  King 
and others and participate in deviate sexual games and masochistic orgies 
with other minor children. The defendant King's default has made those 
allegations true as to him. The issue now is the relief to be granted 

The now uncontradicted evidence is that the plaintiff has suffered much. He 
has suffered bums, broken fingers, beatings of the head and face and other 
indignities by the wrongful actions of the defendant Kine. In addition to the 
misery of going through the experiences just related over a period of eight 
years, the plaintiff has suffered the lingering results to the present time. 
He is a victim of multiple personality disorder, involving as many as 
fourteen distinct personalities aside from his primary personality. He has 
given up a desired military career and received threats on his life. He 
suffers from sleeplessness, has bad dreams, has difficulty in holding a job, 
is fearful that others are following him, fears getting killed, has 
depressing flashbacks, and is verbally violent on occasion, all in connection 
with the multiple personality disorder and caused by the wrongful activities 
of the defendant King.

Almost certainly the defendant King has little remaining financial resources, 
but a fair judgment to compensate the plaintiff is necessary. For the sixteen 

[CTRL] [2] Federal District Court MEMORANDUM OF DECISION , re: Franklin Cover-up

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

An interesting Federal Court proceedings. 


Q. You used a phrase when I went to work for Larry King. So then you were 
actually --
A. He put me to work as a waiter. And it was at Prince's Palace. So I would 
have a legitimate job was his idea behind it. And then --

Q. But he provided you the apartment?

A. He provided me apartment, clothes, food.

Q. Did you in fact spend a lot of time inside the Franklin Credit Union with 

A. Oh yes.

Q. Where?

A. Well, he had a bedroom downstairs. The office. I had pretty much free run 
of it a lot of times.

Q. Are you aware of the fact that your existence before the legislative 
committee was effectively denied by various witnesses., investigator for the 
state and others?

A. Oh yes, I was told to disappear.

Q. Who told you to disappear?

A. Names, I don't know actually. It was FBI agents.

Q. Why would FBI agents tell you to disappear?

A. I believe they were the ones that were also involved with this. I think 
that-- I haven't kept up on the case. Basically vanished since then. From 
what I've understood they were found to be part of it. And there were legal 
repercussions, you know, lost their jobs. I think they may be in prison also 
because of this. This is what I've heard. I haven't followed it exactly 
myself, believe that's true.

Q. You said you functioned as a photographer for Larry King. Did you take a 
lot-of pictures during that time?

A. Oh yes.

Q. What happened to the pictures?

A. Most of the time he would take the film, when we'd get done with it he'd 
insist on having the film. Occasionally I would slip in a roll of my own 
film. And get a picture of him here, there, the next place. With certain 
people. Some of it was just shot from the hip. You know, basically don't look 
exactly what you're getting but point it in that direction and get a picture 
of some of the people that were there. Other things I was there to take 
pictures and told to get specific people. And if these two people got togethe
r to make sure to get a picture of them and try not to be noticed in doing 
it. Basically become a wall flower. Just fade back in the woodwork, just 
watch who's who and what's what and don't remember anything.

Q. Where were these places where you were doing these pictures?

A. The mansion on Embassy Row. The penthouse at Twin Towers. Larry's home. 
The Max, there are various places.

Q. Who was at these parties?

A. Politicians, dignitaries, wealthy business people. Young people. Larry, as 
far as I could gather, I left when I started putting the pieces together, you 
know, realizing that there were two sets of books. There were very, various 
discrepancies in the credit union. And the fact that he obviously was into 
pimping gay prostitutes and children to, basically for influence purposes. 
Whether it be politicians or whatever. He had extreme pull in the national 
Republican convention. There was one day where we were on a plane and he had 
a problem. And he couldn't get Wadman to work it out. Couldn't get anybody 
here to work it out. He placed a call, directly to Ronald Reagan. And --

THE COURT: What? I didn't understand.

A. He placed a call directly to Ronald Reagan. And I set my, set next to him 
while it was going on. The voice that I could hear through the tele -- you 
know, from sitting by the telephone, was that of President Reagan.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) That sounds like a fantastic tale, don't you think?

A. Yes.

Q. Your pictures, whatever happened to them?

A. Well, Larry King has a lot of them. From this point in time. There are 27 
apple boxes full. In Oregon the State Patrol has them. I've tried and tried 
to get them returned. Have not been able to. There are additional pictures 
that were just recently taken from me that there's about at least one full 
apple box, probably another half more plus. That I believe the Portland 
police or the sheriff's department, Multnomah County in Oregon has that. They 
confiscated those from me when I was stopped for supposedly a broken tail 
light. And then arrested for parole violation about three months ago. That 
was on November 4th of last year. One of the pictures that may be in those is 
of Johnny Gosch.

Q. How would you happen to come across a Johnny Gosch picture?

A. He was pointed out to me in Portland.

Q. Fairly recently or a long time ago, when?

A. Be between probably August and October of this year, I mean this last year 
of 98.

Q. The pictures that were seized by Portland, Oregon State Patrol, are they 
still in existence?

A. I have no idea.

Q. Are you aware of the fact that I first learned of these pictures because I 
was contacted by the state patrol of Oregon because they found a copy of my 
book in your possessions when they arrested you?

A. That was Detective Rader I believe.

Q. That's correct.

A. And because of that supposedly he's left Multnomah Sheriff's Department or 

[CTRL] [3] Federal District Court MEMORANDUM OF DECISION , re: Franklin Cover-up

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


An interesting Federal Court proceedings.


MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, may I offer this?

THE COURT: Exhibit 5 is received.

MR. DECAMP: Thank you, Your Honor.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) You mentioned parties, pictures, a lot of pictures
apparently took for Larry?

A. Oh, yes.

Q. Is that correct? When I was in Oregon during the 45 minutes I had I saw
more pictures than I thought could exist in a whole museum in a lifetime. And
diaries apparently written by you, is that correct?

A. Yes. I always kept notebooks. I have a full sized one similar to this
numbered from I to 28 so I have every hour of the day. And for the most part
I've tried to keep them accurate unless I was doing something to where it may
come back and haunt me. Like providing things for Gary Caradori or things
like that I would cover the diary up by doing something so if somebody picked
it up to read through it they wouldn't see that I was the one who provided
something and Id be tracked down.

Q. Rusty, these pictures and diaries, III be honest with you, I've seen some
of the things in the limited amount of time and I have never seen anything
such detail. Do you really write every day down like this?

A. Every day. I've got one sitting in my knapsack back here. Every hour. I
can tell you pretty much what I've done within the hour usually within 15

Q. These diaries dated back to when you were with Larry King?

A. Keeping diaries since high school.

Q. If these pictures and these diaries were turned over to us or to the court
so we could go through them, you could go through them, would you be able to
provide more information possibly to this court or --

A. Oh yes.

Q. -- or any court or U. S. Attorney on some events if they still exist?

A. Yes, I do believe.

MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, I'm not sure how to make this request, there's any
way this court could refer that to the judge out there, a county judge
offered to preserve them and turn them over to us eventually to me for a case
, but they've since got entangled. I'm not sure how you do it. Any way this
court could get that material ordered turned over to us? To a U. S. Attorney
or somebody that could look at it.

THE COURT: Well, I don't see any way. But I suppose the major concern I have
is that the sole purpose of this hearing is to determine how much money would
compensate Mr. Bonacci for whatever Mr. King did to him.

MR. DECAMP: I understand that, Your Honor. Just hopeful some of the other
things that are of even more paramount --

THE COURT: They may be to you, you see, but for this lawsuit, this hearing, I
can I say there's anything more paramount than that.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) Are there any other pictures here, a picture, would you
identify this one?

A. Those are the same two you submitted.

Q. Blowups of those others?

A. Yeah.

Q. Do you have other pictures other than the ones in Oregon secreted
anywhere, hidden?

A. I hid them, if they still exist. I have no idea. I haven't been back.

Q. But there are other pictures?

A. Yes, there are.

Q. Would they include any of those you gave Gary Caradori?

A. I believe so. Some of them I had copies of. I had a dark room out in my
farm. And some of the things I would make copies of. More than one.
Photocopies of some of the things or whatever. And they were placed in
hopefully protective situations to where weather and such wouldn't get to
them. They're in very difficult places to --

Q. Do you recognize this picture?

A. Yes.

Q. Identify it.

A. That's one of the private jets and limousines we threw, or we flew in on
this private jet.

Q. Who's in the picture?

A. That was the captain, I believe Larry King is the one standing in back of
the limousine here. As for the other people, they're already inside. And I
think that was taken at Dulles airport.

Q. Dallas or Dulles?

A. Dulles, out by Washington.

Q. Dulles?

A. Yeah.

Q. And when would it have been taken if you know?

A. Spring of 88. That's when the majority of this went on was in the winter
and spring of 88.

MR. DECAMP: Like to offer this, Your Honor.

THE COURT: It will be Exhibit 6. It's received.

MR. DECAMP: No further questions unless you have some final comments or
observation you'd like to make that you want to get to a judge in a court.

A. That's basically it from me right now. There's so much that's went on it's
hard to bring everything up all in this short of a time. And copy of it all.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) When did you learn you were possibly coming here? Was it

A. Oh, right now?

Q. Yes.

A. I've been trying to get back for almost a couple of years now to do this.
And they've hampered everything I've done.

Q. When did you learn that I had made, when did you --

A. Wednesday late afternoon.

Q. So Wednesday late afternoon?

A. Finally got through to a different parole officer to where she gave the
okay. I don I know who got to her or what. But the whole attitude 

[CTRL] [4] Federal District Court MEMORANDUM OF DECISION , re: Franklin Cover-up

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


An interesting Federal Court proceedings.


Q. You and other young people got to know each other somewhat during this
period of time you went to these parties?

A. Yes.

Q. How many of you were there involved in this?

A. it's kind of hard to say. Because I was in it probably longer than most of
the young people that were involved. A lot of the young people were involved
for a couple of years. Whereas I was involved from the early, either the late
70s, very early 80s up until even 86, 87. Even though I wasn't doing anything
at that time and stuff, I was still around them enough to, you know, for
photo ops or whatever Larry King wanted, enough to try to keep myself alive.

THE COURT: But for how long, from?

A. From, like I said, about the early 80s till 87, 88. And there were perhaps
over that time period and stuff, I'm not just talking about kids from Omaha,
and from Boys Town, cause there were several kids from Boys Town brought by
bus, you know, brought in on vans and stuff. But also from the other areas
where we went to and stuff on scavenger hunts for Larry, it was for Larry
King. There's probably a couple of hundred kids. And as, from probably
anywhere from 16 down to about 8, maybe some younger.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) You filed this lawsuit eight or nine years ago, is that

A. Yes.

Q. Alan Baer originally was one of the defendants, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Did Alan Baer ever have any contact with you after the lawsuit was filed?

A. He did in several different ways. Even after I got out of prison he's
contacted me one time.

Q. What was the contact?

A. Well, in prison and stuff there was a guy in there named Bently Buckner
who when I first got there he told me that he had been in contact with Alan.
And said that he, Alan had told him to make sure I was okay and take care of
me while I was there. Make sure nothing happened to me. And that had a lot to
do with the fact there was a lot of pressure from some sources and stuff at
that time that anything happened to me it would look pretty bad for him, too
many people had already been ending up dead or something and I was just one
that I, he wanted to make sure that I was taken care of

Q. Now, you were in prison for what?

A. I was in prison for three counts of sexual assault on a child. And what
that extended to is that I got arrested for, the charge I got arrested on was
for allegedly touching a 13 year old boy on the outside of his pants while I
was supposed to be asleep.

Q. And your sentence for that was what?

A. I got a zero to five sentence, actually five years. I did all of the time
that I was supposed to do.

Q. You were originally granted parole, weren't you, and then --
A. Yeah.

Q. -- an editorial came out in the World-Herald revoke, or telling them to
revoke it and they did?

A. October 21st, 19911 went before the parole board, they voted unanimously
at that time five to 0 to give me parole. And according, you know, we had a
parole plan where I would be set up, I would be living with a minister in
Lincoln and working for Ed Weaver, was what was set up for me at that time.
And 10 days later before I ever got out of the prison the pastor I was
supposed to be staying with was going to be out of a town for about a week or
so so they couldn't let me go that day. But before I ever got out the
World-Herald ran some pretty mean editorials and stuff saying that if I got
out I'd be in touch with this LaRouche group which I won't have anything to
do with because my brother ran away with one of them -- not my brother, my
sister-in-law ran away with one of them. And so I had nothing to do with them
really at that time. And it was after that Halloween, of all times, and
stuff, of 91, October 31st, they revoked the parole and never gave a reason
why. And that was pretty hard thing for me at that time.

Q. Who was the first person you called after you were arrested?

A. First person I called after I was arrested was Alan Baer.

Q. Why did you call him?

A. Well, because in the past whenever I had been arrested 1, 1 mean, I had
been picked up by the police, never actually put into jail. He told me if I
ever got in trouble with the law to call him. That he would arrange it so I
could get out. And so I did. And I never really got ahold of him very well.
But another inmate that knew Alan Baer also kept calling him for me.
Basically I was wanting to tell him at the time and stuff what I had said a
couple of days before about, you know, cause -- the Wednesday before I got
arrested he asked me, actually another personality, he didn't know it was,
really I think he knew it was me, but he was one of the, going with a guy,
supposedly one of my personalities, supposedly my brother, of all things,
that he was going to have me get other young kids for his parties. And that
we had, I told him, pardon my language, to go F himself and that I'd rather
die before I'd do that 

Re: [CTRL] [1] Federal District Court MEMORANDUM OF DECISION , re: Franklin Cover-up

2001-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/30/01 11:08:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Aol is now truncating posts at a certain length  -  parts of the original
email have been cut. To see complete transcription, please go to web site.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Doctors and the 2nd Amendment (fwd)

2001-03-30 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

Tell the Doc's to F-off!!

 The lead article in the March 21 edition of the New York Observer described a
 new effort by the New York medical community "to inject itself into the
 national debate on gun violence."

 Led by Dr. Jeremiah Barondess, Doctors Against Handgun Injury (DAHI)
 proposes furthering nationwide gun regulation, including background checks at
 gun shows, limits on the number of gun purchases, and waiting periods for

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Amnesty International, BASIC, International Alert, Oxfam and Saferworld





The transport of weapons and ammunition by air always is an operation
carried out with discretion, even when the transfer is a legal one from one
sovereign Government to another and no international embargoes are being
breached; in the case of illicit arms transfers the degree of deceit which
may be involved is great - but so, of course, are the rewards.

Interviewed last year, Captain Brian 'Sport' Martin told Brian
Johnson-Thomas that UNITA rebels in Angola were willing to pay him and his
two colleagues 100,000 U.S dollars per trip to fly to UNITA's secret air
base, Alpha One.  He described his meeting with a UNITA Colonel:

"That was in Kigali, in a little shack.  There were tiny lights on. They put
the charts on the table and I had a look at it, and it's not a easy place to
get into at night, and they insisted on doing it at night. and you have
to come in, into a valley and up onto the runway so (makes titling movement
with hands) ... come down into the valley and up and  land so you lose some
of the runway because of the angle you are at .  they have got low cloud
there and so on and the early hours of the morning and fog. you're doing
it all on GPS  Doing an approach on the GPS and nothing else".

This laconic account indicates clearly that aircrew who become involved in
this clandestine world are, whatever else one may think of them, consumate
aviators who are able to fly in conditions on, or beyond, normal aviation

Captain Martin again: " With the (Boeing) seven-oh (7) you would get in just
about anywhere... we landed on 1800 yards ... to me, It's proper flying, you
don't talk to anybody ... there is nobody to talk to.  We do a lot of map
reading as well you know ... we follow the rivers and things like that.
It's nice flying, it really is..."


1.  Concealment - Transfer of ammunition from Bratislava in the
Slovak Republic, to Khartoum in Sudan, diversion from flight plan.
(Documents A and B)

The simplest method used to conceal the true destination of an arms shipment
is for the aircraft to divert from it's approved flight plan.  Documents A
and B show how this works in practice.  Aircraft 9G-ROX (with Alan Maskell
as Loadmaster) is apparently flying, says document ammunition from
Bratislava in the Slovak Republic to N'Djamena in Chad.  It's only when
Document B is scrutinised that we see that the aircraft actually landed at
Khartoum at a time when Sudan was under a European Union arms embargo.
Loadmaster 'Jim' and Flight Engineer 'John' had a similar experience with
nearly 5 tonnes of weapons and ammunition that was diverted from Israel to
Turkmenistan, and ultimately Afghanistan, some seven years ago.  Jim starts
the conversation:

" The first sheet here is basically the weight control and the acceptance of
the 165 boxes weighing 4474 kilos into the security compound at Schipol
Following that one there's the actual shippers declaration for dangerous
goods, which is from a shipper called Distraco S.A 1060 Brussels to Israel
Military Industries, Ashkamat Hasharon in Israel, P.O Box 1044  That is
supposedly where it was going... to Tel Aviv and the listing is cartridges,
small arms, 143 boxes - that's the dangerous part of the shipment although
there was a further 22 boxes weighing just over a tonne which were in fact
weapons themselves  Automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades.  Certainly
we did take off (from Schipol) and go down towards the Mediterranean but at
some point we did turn left up towards the Black Sea and turned right to
John remembers that 'somewhere."  "It was a military airfield in
Turkmenistan and we used to offload ammunition there for Afghanistan."

2.  Bluff - Transfer of arms from Bratislava to Guayaquil in
Ecuador, cargo deceit.  (Documents C, D, E and F)

Another favourite technique is simply to declare an arms cargo as an
innocuous one.  On 8th March 1995 overflying and landing permits were sought
for a giant Antonov 124 cargo aircraft ostensibly flying a 'hospital truck
and special equipments' from Bratislava to Guayaquil in Ecuador.  This was
at the time of the conflict between Peru and Ecuador when arms supplies to
both countries were notionally embargoed by the OAS.  During a routine
refuelling stop in the Azores, a passing pilot was attracted by what was, to
him, a new type of aircraft and he went aboard.  It was then discovered that
the cargo was military and not medical, thus prompting the Portuguese
authorities to impound the aircraft.  Document C shows the original flight
plan, documents D and E show the internal 

[CTRL] PRESIDENT GW BUSH: Climate Protest Action

2001-03-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:PRESIDENT GW BUSH: Climate Protest Action
 Date:  01-03-30 13:58:09 EST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (EcoNews Service)

 Dear President Bush,
  We call on you as President of the USA not to betray the Kyoto
  The United States must live up to its commitment to the UN
  negotiations to prevent global warming. Sabotaging the Kyoto
  Protocol puts the USA into a position of environmental isolationism
  and makes it responsible for climate catastrophe.
  The US has the highest per capita CO2 emissions in the world. People
  around the world already faced with the first signs of climate
  change, suffering from floods and hurricanes, expect your country to
  be in the forefront of tackling climate change.
  An enormous potential of creativity, innovation and efficiency is
  there to be harvested once we have decided to really reduce CO2
  emission. If you fail to reverse your decision to kill the Kyoto
  Protocol, future generations will not forgive you.
  President Bush, the science is proven and the international
  political will is there to tackle climate change. The US must join
  the world in tackling climate change.

 Geri DeStefano, PhD
 Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
 Vancouver, BC
 EcoNews Service - Ecology, Consciousness  Universe Exopolitics   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1512 West 40 Ave. Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8
 Tel: 604-733-8134   Fax:604-733-8135
 geri destefano, phd   alfred lambremont webre, jd, med

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Armed Informed Mothers' Rally May 2001

2001-03-30 Thread BB

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Title: Armed Informed Mothers' Rally May 2001

Mothers' Day 2001

Please download a News Release and place in your area newspaper.(doc,
txt, pdf)
You can also print out the State Flyer and distribute or use the generic
one if your State does not have one as of yet. Generic
Flyer (.pdf)
(to view the .pdf files you will need to download the
reader first.)

Day Rally Reports  Pictures 2000

Mom Math

Slogans seen at Mothers' Day Rally 2000

Press Releases

Will not be having a Rally











New Mexico





Mt. Rushmore Amphitheater
1:00pm - 3:00pm















State Capitol
North Lawn
Lansing, Michigan
10:00am - 3:00pm





Empire State Plaza near the Egg in Albany, NY.
Route: Egg to Capitol then to Governor's Mansion

























North Carolina




















10:00am - 4:00pm





North Dakota
- 3:30 pm




















The MO Chapter will be sending
Mothers Day cards to their representatives. Other Pro 2A organizations
will be doing this also.
Please contact Kim for more details.


1:00 to 4:00
Bicentennial Park, Columbus Ohio
(Corner of Main Street and Civic Center Drive)



























Capitol Square
11:00am - 3:00pm













































Fair Grounds, Centre
- 4:00pm





West Virginia





am -1:00 pm
Capital Steps





to 2pm
Park In Augusta Maine across from the Capitol front stairs





New Hampshire





Rhode Island




















New Jersey





South Carolina










2nd Amendment:
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be

900 R.R. 620
Suite C-101, Box
Austin, TX
Toll-free Phone/Fax: (877)
Second Amendment Sisters Inc.,

Copyright  2000

Last Modified onWednesday, 28-Mar-2001 20:40:18 PST

[CTRL] Technology Eyed in Fight Against Airline Terrorism

2001-03-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

"Mass. Technology Eyed in Fight Against Airline Terrorism"
Boston Globe (03/22/01) P. A3; Johnson, Glen

A new security device developed by Ion Track Instruments of
Wilmington, Mass., will sniff passengers for bomb material
residue and detect illegal narcotics. The Entry Scan 3 portal
blasts a passenger with 16 brief air shots, then an analyzer
will suck up the fresh air and the air that emits from the
human body, called the human convection plume, will convert
air flow particles into gases, then into ions by adding
electricity. Explosives, heroin, and cocaine, among other
items, have unique ionic compositions which enable the scanner
to identify them through comparing the compositions to the
vast library of stored information in the system database. A
"clean" passenger will get a green light; otherwise, a red
light and alarm will sound. The FAA is helping to fund
research and development of the technology by Ion Track and
three other competing companies. FAA spokesperson Rebecca
Trexler states that the agency considers the technology
promising, but remains uncommitted to putting it to use in the
field, explaining that current security priorities focus on
screening baggage for contraband and that handheld technology
is already being used to spot scan passengers. But the agency
is currently evaluating the explosive-detection portals as
useful in the mass defense against bomb smuggling. Ion Track
plans to begin marketing the Entry Scan 3 portal in May to
nuclear power plants and in the meantime, Ion Track and others
are lobbying Congress to fund the effort to install the
machines in airports, customs checkouts, and prisons.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Military Gear Enlisted in Drug War

2001-03-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

"Military Gear Enlisted in Drug War"
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (03/23/01) P. B2; Kamb, Lewis

The White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy
recently sponsored a conference in Seattle where more than 130
law enforcement agents from nine states were given the
opportunity to learn more about the latest weapons to be
unleashed in the war on drugs, and about how their departments
could acquire some of the equipment for free. Among the
devices displayed at the conference were a handheld
thermal-imaging camera, which is used by Border Patrol
officers to locate people and other heat sources up to a
half-mile away; a video-stabilization processor, which can
enhance shaky video footage so police can see the identities
of people and the license plates of vehicles; and a Data
Locator, a computer system that allows easier access to court
records, police reports, and other information in different
databases. Over the last three years, more than 1,800 pieces
of advanced crime-fighting equipment have been distributed by
the Federal government to 1,325 local and state law
enforcement agencies through the government's
$13-million-a-year "technology transfer" program. Up until
recently, the high cost of the equipment has generally kept it
out of the reach of most sheriff's and police departments.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Ways Surveillance Equipment Can Scan, Tape, Track, and Profile You

2001-03-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

"In Your Face; The Ways Surveillance Equipment Can Scan, Tape,
Track, and Profile You"
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (03/25/01) P. 1D; Bookman, Jay

Viisage Technology's software reportedly matched 19 faces in
the Super Bowl crowd to individuals with criminal records on a
law enforcement database, although not one of the matches was
wanted by police; they merely had criminal records, not
outstanding warrants. The use of cameras at the Super Bowl for
the purpose of matching faces to wanted criminals has been
hailed by many as a successful test of a new crime-fighting
tool. Others, like the legal director of the American Civil
Liberties Union's Florida chapter, Randall Marshall, wonder
about the constitutionality of such surveillance systems.
While in public spaces like an arena, expectations of privacy
are lowered, inundating such systems into public spaces is the
initial step before a full-scale permanent surveillance.
Viisage contends that the use of this kind of tool in law
enforcement could be an aid against racial profiling and as a
way to make certain an ATM user is who he or she says. The
company denies that innocent and law-abiding individuals need
fear the security the surveillance ensures, but it has been
contracted by the Illinois State police and secretary of state
to digitize the photograph of everyone licensed to drive in
the state. According to the firm's web site, the data
accumulated will enable law enforcement "to perform targeted
individual queries on any digital image against the entire
database. This investigative tool is used to identify
'unknown' suspects, victims, or criminal aliases." Supposedly,
quick searches and image matches are performed in five
seconds, although the accuracy of the matches is still not
proven, and the ability for the systems to actually deter
crime is highly contested. (

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Creating a market for Star Wars

2001-03-30 Thread William Shannon


Mar. 30, 01:22 EDT  
Creating a market for Star Wars 

Gordon Barthos

SPACE DREAM: The U.S. has been talking about Star Wars since 1983.  
GEORGE BUSH can't claim a mandate to rock the geopolitical boat, much less 
capsize it.
He barely got elected last fall. He lost the popular vote.
And after 10 weeks his approval rating is sliding fast.
Yet Bush has startled friends and foes alike with the sheer abrasiveness of 
his attitudes toward Russia, China and North Korea, and his indifference to 
world opinion on issues like global warming.
Last week Bush discovered that the Russians have spies, and gave 50 of them 
the heave-ho. He's been cool to meeting Vladimir Putin to talk arms control. 
His officials call the Russians "a nation of proliferators;" they complain 
about Moscow selling Iran weapons; they meet Chechen separatists.
Eyeing China, they talk about the need to "fight and win a nuclear war," with 
Asia as the likeliest battleground. They see China as a "competitor," not a 
strategic partner, and lambaste it for selling Iraq technology. They talk of 
selling Taiwan powerful anti-missile defences.
Meanwhile, Bush has undercut South Korea's bid to get North Korea to shelve 
its missile program, as it has its nuclear program, in exchange for trade and 
The Bush White House calls this "clarity, realism, decisiveness." Critics 
call it folly.
As the wreckage piles up, Republican think tanks crank out alarmist studies 
to demonstrate that the continental United States is open to attack and 
Has the world suddenly gone on a war footing?
But the Cold War era people around Bush Ñ Vice-President Dick Cheney and 
Defence Secretary Don Rumsfeld, to name two Ñ are truly ambitious patriots.
They know that the U.S. is undefeatable, and has been for a decade or more. 
They dream of making it invulnerable as well. They don't want even to be 
threatened by pipsqueak powers.
They are convinced that Ballistic Missile Defence can deliver that 
Ronald Reagan dreamed up Star Wars in 1983 as a hedge against Soviet attack. 
When the Soviets went away, Iraq became the new threat. Once Iraq was 
humbled, North Korea stood in as the villain. 
There's no prize for spotting a trend here.
If the Bush administration doesn't play its cards carefully, North Korea will 
go cuddly and there won't be a half-credible enemy left to shield against.
Most Americans support the idea of a Fortress North America.
But as the U.S. economy slows and Bush has to trim his $1.6 trillion tax cut 
or slash federal health, education and social services, people may think 
twice about sinking $100 billion into a missile shield, absent a clear and 
present danger.
However, if Washington can make a persuasive case that the U.S. is surrounded 
by hostile countries, Star Wars would be an easier sell.
This has implications for Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's government, indeed 
for all U.S. allies.
We've been lobbied by Washington to keep an "open mind" about missile 
defence, at least until Bush rolls out his plans later this year.
Meanwhile, U.S. officials are working overtime to persuade us that (1) 
missile defence can work; (2) that its deployment is both necessary and 
inevitable; and (3) that allies must sign on, or kiss off defence 
Flawed though these premises are, the Chrétien government is choosing not to 
question them. It should.
The Bush administration seems bent on creating sufficient friction to make 
the world a truly interesting place. Not one in which Canadians can feel 
That's a stiff price to pay for Republican daydreams.
Realistically, do the Americans face a potential threat? Yes. A small one. 
Though a regime would be crazy to lob a missile their way.
But working with players like the Russians and Chinese, the U.S. could easily 
contain bad actors.
However Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and friends would have to settle for America 
being the unbeatable nation, and not the invulnerable one.
The question for Chrétien is this: Why should Canada be stampeded into 
supporting a go-alone U.S. program driven by a new global alarmism, and which 
will leave the world more dangerous than before?
Rather than be cowed by Republican demagoguery, the Chrétien government 
should try to remember what the world looked like before all this began.
Russia was a weak, struggling democracy, tilting West and trying to salvage a 
shred of dignity as a faded power. China just wanted to turn a buck. North 
Korea was a starving beggar, seeking to come in from the cold. 
Iran was struggling with its own internal demons. 
Iraq was a broken reed.
Who, exactly, are we worried about? 

[CTRL] Skeletons found in old lodges of Odd Fellows

2001-03-30 Thread William Shannon


Remnants of Secret Society Pose a Mystery Across the U.S.
Skeletons found in old lodges of Odd Fellows

Maria Glod

Warrenton, Va. -- Paul Wallace was alone, repairing overloaded circuits in
the old red- brick building, when he discovered a tiny door to a dark recess
between two walls. Inside was a black wooden box. Curious, Wallace tugged it
from its dark resting place. A white shroud appeared. Then leathery ribs.
Then white candles. "It was like a Dracula movie," Wallace said. "The top of
the skull was covered, but you could see the rib cage and the sinew." For a
good 20 minutes, Wallace sat frozen. Finally, he returned the skeleton to its
home between the walls of the Warrenton lodge of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. When police learned of Wallace's macabre discovery, they rushed to
get a search warrant and seized the remains. State medical examiners are
studying the bones. Around town, neighbors speculate about the identity of
the corpse and why she was there. But perhaps the strangest thing about the
mini-drama captivating this small town is that strikingly similar mysteries
have played out across the country. It turns out that skeletons like "Jane
Doe Odd Fellow," as one officer calls her, reside in closets, drawers, attics
and crawl spaces in Odd Fellows lodges nationwide. To members of the age-old
fraternal order, the skeleton is a symbol of mortality, a treasured relic
used in one of their most solemn and secret rituals: initiation. But for many
residents in the towns where the bones are found, the whole thing is just
plain odd. "A lot of people thought it was weird. They were like, 'What if it
were my daughter?' " Wallace said. "I just couldn't believe it," said Elaine
Walters, who lived in an apartment below the lodge as a child. "You have
visions of people stealing it from a grave in the 1700s." As with many
fraternal orders that compete with today's fast-paced lifestyles, interest in
the Odd Fellows has waned, and many lodges have closed. More and more of the
skeletons are emerging from their hiding places -- often to the shock of the
souls who come upon them. In recent years, the discovery of Odd Fellows
skeletons has sparked police investigations in Missouri, Indiana,
Pennsylvania and Nebraska. In Oklahoma, the remains prompted a work crew to
flee in terror. Last year, Jim Leuschke, a Missouri accountant active in
theater, was offered two free caskets by a disbanding Odd Fellows lodge.
Always on the lookout for interesting props, he picked up the ornate wooden
coffins and pried one open to find a partial plaster skeleton. Leuschke was
unloading the coffins into his garage when the top of the second one jarred
loose. What he saw wasn't plaster. "I told the kids, 'Just keep it to
yourselves. I don't want you telling anybody we've got skeletons in our
garage,' " he said. Leuschke eventually reported his find, and skeptical
police officers showed up at his door. "No one could believe what we had
there," he said. Lisa Stone, a Chicago historian who has studied fraternal
organizations, said one surprising part of the rituals is that the group has
kept them secret for so long. The rituals are "not a booga-booga scary
thing," but out of context, the skeletons are "frighteningly powerful
objects," she said. She noted that many fraternal orders, including the
Masons, use similar images. Even the Warrenton police haven't been able to
get the Odd Fellows to betray their order. Lt. Kerry White said members have
cooperated -- but with one caveat. "They specifically asked us not to divulge
what they told us," he said. Odd Fellows Virginia Grand Lodge Secretary Jack
Gibson Jr. bristles at the description of the organization's rituals. "I
don't like the word 'secret,' " Gibson said. "It is a ceremony that is
confined to the members, and if you're not a member, you don't discuss it."
Why so hush-hush? "It makes you different," Gibson said. Wayne Colegrove, a
longtime Odd Fellow from New York, still remembers his initiation more than
50 years ago. He hesitates to reveal too much but speaks of passwords and a
skeleton that "wasn't to be seen by anybody until you take the degree." "The
words they say are something like, 'You're here, and pretty soon you're gone,
and there's a hereafter,' " Colegrove said. "It's a lesson in life." The Odd
Fellows skeletons have popped up in costume shops and as decorations in bars.
One made its way into a serial killer display at a New Orleans art gallery.
Another made an appearance in the cult classic horror film "Dawn of the
Dead." The Independent Order of the Odd Fellows dates to 17th-century England
as a charitable organization that worked to help families in need and buried
their dead. The first American lodge opened in Baltimore in 1819. Present-day
Odd Fellows support a professorship of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins
University and contribute to the Arthritis Foundation 

[CTRL] Fw: Commentmax Archives.htm

2001-03-30 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector- Commentmax Archives

The Hoax That Keeps On Hoaxing
John L. Perry
March 29, 2001

Bill Clinton's regulation purporting to protect everyone's medical
may well be his crowning masterpiece of political legerdemain, the
hoaxer's ultimate hoax.
It was signed just before the disgraced president's second term of office
mercifully expired. If allowed to go into effect it will take on a life
its own that extends years beyond his eight in power.
It has the ability to attach itself like a leech to every American now
living – or even those deceased. It awaits every child yet to be born,
following them all the days of their lives like a flashing neon sign in
form of an identifying pointed finger.
Its language is larded with eloquence in behalf of one's right to
"The bottom line is clear. If we continually, gratuitously, reveal other
people's privacies, we harm them and ourselves, we undermine the richness
personal life and we fuel a social atmosphere of mutual exploitation.
"The right to privacy, it seems, is what makes us civilized."
Now who couldn't buy into that?
Just wait. The regulation-writer begins to let one paw of the cat out of
"The [medical-information privacy] rule seeks to balance the needs of the
individual with the needs of the society."
Ah-ha, so the individual is not the sole interest of the bureaucrats
drafting this "protection." All of a sudden, there is "the society,"
interests at least equal those of one individual.
And who is to define and decide what those interests of society are? Ten
History shows what a mess governments make when they arrogate unto
themselves this role of depicting and fashioning what society and its
must be.
But the people to whom government is supposed to be responsible are asked
be good guys and go along peaceably:
"In this regulation, we are asking health providers and institutions to
privacy into the balance, and we are asking individuals to add social
into the balance."
If you haven't guessed by now that this whole scheme is to give the
bureaucracy the mechanism it needs to take your individual health
information and do with it as it damn well pleases, then you need to
your guesser.
The word you're looking for is "disclosures," as in:
"The only disclosures of health information required under this rule are
the individual who is the subject of the information or to the secretary
Health and Human Services] for enforcement of the rule.
"We expect [health providers and institutions] to rely on their
ethics and use their own best judgment in deciding which of these
permissions they will use."
Well, it just so happens that the way this reg is written the deck is
stacked against anyone who opts in your favor and in favor of everyone
bows to the HHS secretary's requirements.
Lest anyone think for a moment that the politicians drafting this
don't have a far-away gleam in their eyes, here is an almost-subliminal
tip-off that they intend for this health scheme to be around for a nice,
long time and for it to grow bigger and meaner:
"It creates a framework of protection that can be strengthened by both
federal government and by states as health-information systems continue
Clinton's health-privacy regulation is the political equivalent of
baseball's fork-finger fast ball.
What the batter – that would be you – sees as the pitcher – that would be
the federal bureaucracy – winds up and fires the baseball at the plate is
pitch so fast it . . . well, what else could it be but a fast ball right
down the pipe?
Only trouble is, it's not at all what it seems to be advertised. At the
moment, the ball sinks like a rock and scoots off to one side. The
is lucky to block the ball with his body.
By the time your eye picks that up it's too late. You're already
Your bat's flying around. Your feet are about out of your shoes.
Strike three!
Whoever drafted this Clinton regulation is a Cy Young Award pitcher. Take
this on faith from one who has written his share of federal regs and had
wade through more than he ever wants to remember: This one is a
masterpiece – of obfuscation, sleight-of-hand, semantic trickery.
Just listen to this:
"This rule includes standards to protect the privacy of individually
identifiable health information."
False. It does the opposite.
"The use of these standards will improve the efficiency and effectiveness
public and private health programs and health-care services by providing
enhanced protections for individually identifiable health information."
A lie. It does the opposite.
"These protections will begin to address growing public concerns that
advances in electronic technology and evolution in the health-care
are resulting, or may result, in a substantial erosion of the privacy . .
" and on and on and on.
Baloney. Just the opposite will happen.
It took 

[CTRL] AL MARTIN-Behind The Scenes, In The Beltway...

2001-03-30 Thread William Shannon

by Al Martin

Last Weekend's Luncheon Menu at the Redstone Arsenal: Finger Sandwiches, 
Fresh Paranoia Salad with Shredded Document Bits, And a Bowl of Cover Your 
Ass Soup a/k/a "The Oliver North Blue Plate Special" 

      They don't always have top quality food at the weekly meetings at 
Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. It all depends on who is supposedly 
paying for it. Of course, ultimately it's the taxpayer.

      Ostensibly the food is bought by different defense contractors or 
weapons dealers, just like corporate sponsorships. The crowd is usually about 
150 or 175. This week, however, when the Friendly Colonel walked in, the 
increased paranoia was palpable.

      The dining room, where the lunch is held, can accommodate a lot of 
people. Then there's the conference room, where now you have to show 
credentials when you walk in. They've been tightening security so everyone 
including the FBI is nervous about leaks to the media and congressional 

      When you walk in, the liquor is flowing, free liquor, top shelf liquor, 
as much as you want. After the gathered crowd was finished with their finger 
sandwiches and six double martinis, they announced over the loudspeakers that 
they were going to tighten security.

      From now on, it was announced that credentials and proper names, that 
is correct names, would be required to get into the conference room. 
Immediately half of the guys ran for the front door to get out of the place - 
including people with regular US military US uniforms.

      The announcement was made by what they call "The Association," a group 
of defense contractors and weapons dealers. When they said you had to show 
your ID and actually use your real name, there was a line for the door to get 
out of the place.

      According to an inside source, the paranoia at the FBI is increasing 
every week as exhibited by this new mandate for polygraph tests. There has 
been an enormous rise in the retirement of the older guys, but Louis Freeh is 
happy about it even though it makes the FBI short of personnel. The Bureau 
had become very top-heavy with old timers.

      Guys over 50 years of age are not sticking around for their pensions 
any more. The real reason the old timers stay is for the access and the cover 
it gives them in being an FBI agent in order to get involved in illicit 
deals. Imagine full time moonlighting. These FBI guys go where they tell them 
to go, but they don't do any real work anymore or exert themselves. They do 
just enough work to fill out the paperwork, and that's it.

      The only reason a lot of the older guys stick around is for the deals. 
To be an FBI agent allows you to be involved in a lot of bogus deals and it 
gives you priority to protect your offshore accounts and assets you've 
illegally garnered over the years.

      The Friendly Colonel ended up talking with an air force colonel who 
showed up in uniform, even though he was in his 70s and was stuffed into the 
uniform. When they announced you had to use your real name and credentials, 
the colonel ran out the front door.

      Since the FBI had grown top-heavy with all the old-timers, the Bureau 
was frankly happy to weed out a lot of them. It's the real impetus in the 
Bureau for this paranoia. A lot of guys have left all of a sudden, and the 
younger guys are being fast tracked in their careers. When these younger 
guys, who understand that there is corruption in the Bureau but really don't 
have a handle on it, when they get promoted to a certain level, suddenly they 
join "The Club." One of the senior guys will approach them and tell them that 
"now you're at the level where you ought to understand what the Bureau is all 
about" and they're invited into the Seniors' Club of Corruption.

      When the younger guys get pushed up the ladder, where they'll find out 
anyway what's going on, they simply get invited in. If not - what happens is 
they want in and they'll raise hell about it. A lot of the older guys are so 
paranoid and so suspicious, they're concerned that some of the younger guys 
who want in to the Club are actually acting as plants for the Bureau. And 
that's been part of the problem. Since the paranoia level is so high, they 
would assume that. The Bureau has always worked on this principle. When the 
middle level guys got to a certain point, they would get invited into the 

      The first thing a senior agent might do is to give the younger agent a 
booklet on how to establish offshore corporations and how to hide money 
offshore. That's the code they use or the introduction, the initiation, so to 
speak. And you can tell right away that there are a few naive types who don't 
want in to the Club. They want to just stick to the rules and work their 
thirty years and retire, and they don't want anything to do with it.

      If the agent indicated he didn't want it, it was a clear signal. 

[CTRL] The Non-Issue of Media Finance Reform

2001-03-30 Thread William Shannon

The Non-Issue of "Media Finance Reform"

By Norman Solomon

WASHINGTON -- During the first days of spring, cold winds blew through the
nation's capital. The weather was an apt metaphor for the chilling effects of
a perennial news industry desensitized to its own numbing. Don't worry, we've
been told countless times: Media outlets are diverse enough to maintain
vigilance. "I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political,
that doesn't have a slant," E.B. White observed in a 1956 essay. To that
candid assessment he added a more dubious one: "The beauty of the American
free press is that the slants and the twists and the distortions come from so
many directions, and the special interests are so numerous, the reader must
sift and sort and check and countercheck in order to find out what the score
is. This he does." I thought of such claims the other day, while passing
through the National Press Building lobby. Eight networks were on eight
television screens. With the possible exception of the Weather Channel, they
all certainly had slants. Two eminent members of the punditocracy occupied
two screens. The odious Don Imus was on another. Investor news was also
profuse. Lots of slants. But not from many directions. The media industry --
no less than the campaign system -- is awash in oceans of dollars. Commercial
broadcasters siphon huge profits from frequencies that theoretically belong
to the public. Cable TV conglomerates expand under the protection of federal
regulations placing severe limits on the power of municipalities to charge
franchise fees for the use of public rights-of-way. Station owners proceed to
cash in on their free portions of a digital spectrum worth billions of
dollars. We're hearing a lot about the need for campaign finance reform --
but how often have we heard the phrase "media finance reform"? Assurances
about the present-day media system often resemble the more complacent
defenses of how politicians get elected. In late March, lauding "the classic
Madisonian structure of American democracy," syndicated columnist Charles
Krauthammer wrote: "Madison saw 'factions,' what we now call interests, not
only as natural, but as beneficial to democracy because they inevitably check
and balance each other." But the phrase "check and balance" deserves another
look -- in a financial context. The big checks and big (bank) balances are
hardly reassuring. Complacency rests on mythology, as when Krauthammer cites
Madison: "His solution to the undue power of factions? More factions.
Multiply them -- and watch them mutually dilute each other." However, when we
"watch them," any such "solution" becomes implausible. Power is steadily more
concentrated, not diluted. The media establishment has a hefty stake in the
status quo. A curb on campaign spending would eat into profits. Last year, an
estimated $1 billion in campaign-ad revenue flowed to TV stations. And during
the 2000 election cycle, "soft money" campaign contributions totaled more
than $5.5 million from the corporate owners of five powerhouse networks --
Time Warner (CNN), Walt Disney (ABC), News Corp. (Fox), Viacom (CBS) and
General Electric (NBC). But even if big donors vanished from campaign
financing, we'd still be left with the crying need for media finance reform.
If those who pay the piper call the tune, why is that any less true in news
media than in politics? Midway through the Senate debate on the
McCain-Feingold bill, a Washington Post editorial declared: "The goal should
be to reduce the flow of funds, the extent to which offices and policies now
are all but openly bought by the interest groups that the policies affect."
The newspaper added that with so much big money flowing into the coffers of
senators, "There is no way they cannot be beholden." That's true. And when
you consider America's major media outlets -- and the massive corporate
ownership and advertising involved -- the same conclusion should be
inescapable. "There is no way they cannot be beholden." Free and open
discourse is essential to democracy. But no one on the Senate floor has
demanded the taming of the nation's media giants. Amid all the talk about the
sanctity of the First Amendment, we don't hear politicians or mainstream
pundits insisting that multibillion-dollar conglomerates be pushed off its
windpipe. As a practical matter, the top guarantee in the Bill of Rights is
gasping for breath. Free speech is of limited value when freedom to be heard
requires big bucks.

[CTRL] Polygraphy?

2001-03-30 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] It's all relative. Einstien was right.

2001-03-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


  A man is in a bar when he hears a guy a few seats down saying,
"Lawyers are assholes."

  "Excuse me. What did you say?"

  "I said lawyers are assholes."

  "I'm sorry, but that really bothers me.I'm really offended."

  "Why, are you a lawyer?"

  "No, I'm an asshole."

What does a snail say when riding on the back of a turtle?

" Whee!"

Thank you. Thank you ver much.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Advertisement

2001-03-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I've just listed a few items on Ebay list members might be interested in. There's

The Entrancing Flame

'The Face On Mars'

'Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?

'UFO Crash Landing? Friend or Foe'

'UFO retrievals'

'The Alien Files'

'The Day After Roswell'

'The Uninvited'

'Alien Base'


You can look at everything we have listed currently here:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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