[CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on "Clearnance Sale at Redstone Arsenal"

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Al Martin of AlMartinRaw website has been writing articles
supposedly exposing the sale of classified technology and even
weaponry from Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama, very
near where I live.  I was further alarmed to read that Al
Martin also claims to have exclusive knowledge of the leaking
of biochemical weaponry aging at the Arsenal.  I forwarded the
articles to local TV stations and one newspaper but the TV
stations did not even reply and the paper sent me a form
letter thanking me for my interest in the paper and giving me
subscription rates!

So, when Mr. Martin continued with his supposed "inside"
knowledge on all these meetings and events and even boasted
that the FBI has increased the number of agents, etc. and
implied he was somehow responsible, I began to try to think of
a way to investigate a bit further on this myself.  Short of
scaling the wall at midnight, of course.

I could only think of one person whom I regarded as being both
on the inside enough to know what was going on and on the
outside enough to be honest about it and that was Col. Tom
Bearden.  As most of you know, he is the definitive theorist
on magnetic/scalar energy and has a world reputation in many
such areas.  The Dept. of Energy has more articles by him on
the subject of renewable/free energy than any other physicist.
He has the reputation of being very independent and honest,
very much his own person.

So, Sunday afternoon I had occasion to speak with him and
discuss the matter at length.  He assured me that it is mostly
routine Army/Navy Surplus fare and much of it available to the
public.  The combination of two operations resulted in the
shifting of a great deal of equipment around and the
elimination of that which was obsolete.  {Amelia pretended to
know what two Operations had combined but really does not
remember}  I have purchased things with my sons at the base
surplus and they DO have a huge selection of some rather odd
items including electronic gadgetry and components.

Col. Tom assured me that nothing of the nature described by
Martin is happening.  He said perhaps the relocation of some
equipment might appear to somebody to have been sold but a
check would just turn up a new location on base.  Even the
obsolete electronics which were sold were certainly nothing
classified nor secretive.  All weaponry is present and
accounted for at all times.  He further questioned the
motivation of AL Martin and I was very surprised that he knew
all about the articles as apparently do the officials of the

Col. Tom further stated that there never has been the presence
biologicals at Redstone and pointed out that ALL things begin
to leak in minute quantities as they age but everything at the
Arsenal is contained within containers within containers.  He
pointed out the 5,000 families there replete with children of
their own who are in charge of this storage and the
foolishness of assuming they would allow such conditions to
exit.  What would be their motive for exposing their families
to such contamination?  It would be the government's
responsibility to finance the maintenance of any such items
and not to anyone's advantage to allow it to deteriorate.  It
was the second weekend of the swimming pools being open and
there certainly was evidence of children everywhere.  I do not
think the military personnel would tolerate such hazards
around their own families.  There are many people who have
been there for a very long time and no part of the Arsenal is
unknown to them.  It is NOT the wilderness it once was and
with the growth of the city, has become completely encircled
by development.

I find Col. Tom Bearden to be much more believable in this
regard than AlMartinRaw. He admonished me repeatedly to think
why Martin might be doing this and I have thought about that a
great deal.  The most obvious reason is money as he is selling
books, etc. and apparently seeks publicity with his outrageous
and unsubstantiated claims. Could he have still more
motivation as yet to be revealed? I am satisfied with this
explanation that I received.  And I find Bearden extremely
interesting.  I was not aware of his theory on weather
modification and will post something about it later.
Amazon.com has a list of 8 books by Bearden, mostly out of
print but they will locate one for you.  He is still working
with others in the field on the magnetic generator.  I do not
understand why, with the energy shortage facing this country,
more is not being done in this area.  But then that is yet
another conspiracy.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout t

[CTRL] Chamish: Expelling The Settlers (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Barry Chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: Expelling The Settlers

> By Barry Chamish
>   One of the secret clauses of Oslo negotiated by the likes
of Uri
> Savir, Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres was a promise to the PLO
to hand over
> all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to them. That meant expelling
the Jewish
> residents, the so-called settlers from their homes. The means
agreed to was
> to spread total demoralization by murdering the political and
> leaders of the Jewish community there. This required
cooperation between
> the PLO and a select group of Shabak officers. This cooperation
has not ended.
>The demoralization by murder of admired leaders, the
most recent
> Binyamin Kahane, has not had the desired effect and may even
> strengthened the resolve of many in the settler community. So
in the past
> two months a far more insidious campaign has been initiated,
and it
> involves murdering people who had recently suffered tragic
>The murder of Assaf Herskovitz, in the exact ambush spot
> Binyamin Kahane's vehicle was riddled with 62 bullets last
December, is a
> case in point. Assaf's father was shot dead barely two months
earlier while
> driving his car near Efrat. His son died the same way. One
brother remained
> to say Kaddish over his father and sibling. The enormous
disaster which
> befell the Herskovitz family has been a huge blow to the morale
of their
> community, Ofra.
>As it was planned to be.
>It is no different than the heartbreaking case of the 14
year old
> son of Sheri Mandel, an American immigrant living in Tekoa. He
took a short
> hike from his home with a friend, they were set upon by Arabs
who tied them
> up and bludgeoned them to death, cracking open their skulls
with rocks.
> After delighting in the screams of the boys as each rock opened
more of
> their brains, the murderers took further pleasure in the
sadistic coup de
> grace of ripping the bodies apart with knives.
>Tonight I received news not yet reported in the Israeli
media. Sheri
> Mandel's home was sniped at, with a bullet entering the bedroom
of her nine
> year old daughter. Had she been in the room, she would have
joined the list
> of double murders.
>Sheri took the hint and abandoned her home in Tekoa
tonight. She
> will likely not be the last. Her family was targeted for
> tragedy and others will follow.
>Others, such as the Mizrahi family. Idit, aged 21, was
shot dead
> last week while driving past the settlement of Michmash. Her
brother died
> in combat previously. Only one son survives. At Idit's funeral
> unexpected eulogist offered to make peace with Arafat on his
terms. The
> demoralization continues. The methods are heartless and
ghastly. Those
> behind them will stop at no atrocity in their war against a
Jewish presence
> in the land of their forefathers.
>Take the example of 14 year old Amihai Yifrah. He and
three buddies
> were playing in the youth recreation center of Netzer Hazani in
the Gaza
> Strip, when a PLO mortar shell fell on them. Three weeks later
Amihai was
> released from hospital and returned home. A mortar shell landed
on that
> home the next day.
>   This was no accident. Call an actuarial statistician and
ask him to
> calculate the likelihood that these dual tragedies are random
flukes. Then
> reach a horrible realization that the Arab killers had to have
had exact
> intelligence about the locations of their victims and they were
in no
> position to gather it. Only Israeli intelligence fed to them
could have
> assured the desired, bloody effect.
>   We are observing raw evil in Judea and Samaria, so raw
that even
> sniping a 10 month old Hebron baby in her mother's arms is
considered a
> legitimate operation. This highly trained murderer was likely a
graduate of
> CIA sniper training received in Virginia based on the
recommendations of
> the CIA's then-Middle East go-between, George Tenet.
>   This team of snipers has been coordinating its activities
with their
> counterparts in the Israeli General Services (Shin Bet or
Shabak). They
> have been under order from Shimon Peres since the summer of
1993. Their
> existence was a concept conceived by Peres's deputy, Yossi
>And Arafat is playing his role despite the deliberate
media leaks
> that he has lost control of his forces and senses. He has
survived all
> these years by obeying. He was ordered to start the next Middle
East War by
> his foreign handlers and he is doing their dirty work to their
> Those who insist on knowing who the masters are might read my
> books; Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land, Israel
Betrayed or
> The Last Days Of Israel. They are sold on most web bookstores
and within I
> name t

Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-22 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


And the proof of this is?

=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] No email till this weekend because of AOL 6.0

2001-05-22 Thread Bill Richer

Dear Friends:
    I recently installed 6.0 AOL and found that they will not allow you
to put all the names in a group in a email.  So this would double my work.  I
am going back to 5.0 this weekend.  So till then there will be no email.



PS I needed 3 emails to get this one message out!

Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-22 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Surely the writer wrote this while high on drugs.TOTALLY BACKWARDS,

On Tue, 22 May 2001 13:08:40 -0700 radman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Tuesday, May 22, 2001
> Big media pushes news to the far right
> The biggest lie fed the American people by conservative pundits is
> that the
> United States is dominated by the "liberal media." As if Rupert
> Murdoch,
> Michael Eisner, General Electric, Time-Warner AOL and Viacom are
> owned and
> operated by liberals.
> Not only are these folks ultra-conservatives, but the people they
> hire to
> voice their opinions are so far to the right, they give independent
> journalism a dirty name. No, my friends, the corporate media is in
> the
> hands of right-wing kooks parading as moderates and pushing the
> political
> envelope further and further to the right.
> That great political scientist Hannah Arendt said American democracy
> would
> live or die as a result of the marketplace of ideas. If the
> marketplace is
> closed down because one political philosophy predominates, than
> democracy
> will die. And that has happened over a period of time because of the
> burgeoning power of media conglomerates and the destruction of
> independent
> journalism.
> Now we are about to see another major assault on media journalism by
> the
> Federal Communications Commission. The new chair of the FCC is
> Michael
> Powell, the son of Colin Powell.
> For decades the Supreme Court has ruled that no media company should
> own
> more than one medium in a market and that television market
> penetration
> should be limited to no more than 35 percent. That ruling helped
> provide
> competition in the marketplace and a diversity of ideas. The rulings
> also
> prohibited cross-ownership of radio, newspapers and television in
> the same
> market.
> But now the FCC and the appeals courts have become sympathetic to
> the free
> speech rights of corporations and more skeptical of the role of
> government
> in promoting diversity in the mass media. Of course, the nation's
> largest
> TV networks, cable companies and other media businesses have become
> powerful financial contributors to political parties.
> Powell is invoking free speech in his interpretation of the rules
> governing
> broadcast restrictions. He objects to the government imposing rules
> that
> limit how many people one company can talk to. He says, "There is
> something
> offensive to First Amendment values about that limitation."
> The FCC will review this rule and determine what modifications are
> warranted. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
> has a
> case before it that involves just that issue as Viacom, Inc., the
> parent
> company of CBS, finds out whether it has to divest stations to come
> in
> compliance with the 35 percent cap.
> Earlier this year the D.C. appeals court threw out similar
> restrictions on
> cable TV companies, an action many believe signaled a change in the
> networks' war against the broadcast limit. In that case the court
> determined that limiting the number of subscribers one company can
> reach,
> impeded too heavily on free speech.
> And within a few weeks officials at the FCC said the agency will
> begin to
> loosen a 26-year-old regulation restricting a company from owning a
> television station and a newspaper in the same market.
> Some consumer groups have denounced the court's decision, saying it
> would
> further concentrate media power in many markets with limited
> competition,
> sharply reducing the diversity of viewpoints on the airwaves and
> diminishing the number of companies.
> These rules, which the courts and Powell want to do away with, have
> protected the American public's access to news, information and
> programming
> reflecting many political views, different perspectives and tastes.
> The
> erosion of these protections means that the ultra-conservatives will
> not
> only dominate the airwaves, but monopolize it.
> What Powell and the courts are missing in all this is that since the
> beginning of radio, the federal government has regulated the
> airwaves,
> taking the unequivocal position that it belongs to the people, not
> to the
> corporations. Businesses were allowed to broadcast using the
> airwaves as
> long as they maintained certain rules and standards.
> People like Rush Limbaugh could never make it on radio because of a
> rule
> that gave equal time to persons to respond to political attacks by
> commentators. Radio commentators were very careful in how they
> broached
> their attacks in the old days. That rule went out when Ronald Reagan
> became
> president and Democrats in Congress agreed to the change.
> Perhaps the best example of where the media in this country is
> headed is
> best illustrated by Jane Akre and Steve Wilson. They won the Goldman
> Environmental Prize for trying to report on the po

Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-22 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

AMELIA IS 110% right!!

On Sun, 20 May 2001 01:45:48 -0500 Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Your reasoning is as skewed as usual.  You do not have a right
> to tell me what I should or should not do as you certainly are
> NOT my moral authority nor my God.  And secondly, you have to
> make your same old ass-uptions as to what I would or would not
> do and then attempt to vilify and denigrate me based on what
> YOU SAY I would say, do or think.  You are so very full of
> YOURSELF and this may be the way you think but it is not the
> way I think.
> The 800 schools are ALREADY allowing the Gay students to meet
> in public schools but have banned the Boy Scouts.  So you are
> saying this is the right tnbing to do because IN THEORY
> somebody might some day, some where, some time try to do
> something to some gay group or other.  Helms is saying that
> since the gay groups are using the schools NOW, in this
> current time and in reality, it is wrong to ban the Boy
> Scouts.
> And this other crap about what I would do if this and
> that~~what nerve you have to speak for me!  That is the only
> way you can vilify is by assuming to put words in my mouth.
> Prove I would applaud banning ANYBODY for you cannot and this
> is yet another example of your vicious lying.  Telling anybody
> who calls you on this to 'search the archives' is your cop out
> when caught at it again, too. Lame, very lame.
> I have spent one day a week volunteering at schools for
> fourteen of the last twenty years.  There has been little or
> no "local autonomy" since federal funding became a necessity
> for public schools. You would know this if you were involved
> in any way. If you truly believed in 'local autonomy" as you
> claim, perhaps you should have been protesting integration for
> it sure as hell did away with it, didn't it?  According to
> your theory, local schoolboards should have the final say on
> that, also.  Or is that just in matters related to the
> homosexual agenda?  Or if they are inagreement with those
> things of which you approve?
> And as for that other crackpot, Nessie, speaking for me also,
> he is equally full of crap.  Since you cannot read a post you
> do not like without attacking the poster, if you absolutely
> must know, I do not object, personally, to any group of
> CHILDREN (pay attention here, Nessie~~the discussion is about
> children, not adults) adequately supervised and with a sponsor
> and whatever the regular requirements met, using the school.
> If they are Satanists but meet the above, fine with me.  Now
> why Nessie wants to bring in the Catholic Church IS
> interesting.  They would have their own facilities but that
> must fit some stereotype of Nessie's that he is trying to
> foist upon me.  And the Boy Scouts meet at the local Catholic
> Church, NOT the school.  But if you throw out enough bait,
> hey!  Maybe you can get a bite, huh??? Cute.
> So you two are a pair of bigots who stereotype and attempt to
> force all sorts of thoughts and ideas on me when I think
> nothing of the kind.  Cognitive dissonance, I suppose.  Nah,
> just plain old garden-variety intolerance projecting onto
> others your own negativism.  I do hope you two learn some new
> methods of distortion as this one is so old and worn!
> ~Amelia~
> - Original Message -
> From: "YnrChyldzWyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 6:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against
> Boy Scouts
> -Caveat Lector-
> On Sat, 19 May 2001, Amelia wrote:
> >You are stating Helms point exactly.
> The hell I am!
> Helms wants to FORCE local schoolboards to allow the BSA to
> hold meetings
> in local schools, else he'll see to it that federal funds are
> withheld.
> What I am saying is that no federal bureaucrat should be
> allowed to
> blackmail local schoolboards -- duly elected by local
> townspeople and
> ostensibly representing those local interests.  If local
> interests deem
> that a particular group should not be allowed access to
> schools for their
> meetings, the federal government has no right to intervene.
> That would apply if the tables were reversed.  You applaud
> Helms' stance,
> but what would you say if a schoolboard DID ban a gay and
> lesbian group,
> and some liberal congresscritter introduced a bill saying that
> local
> schoolboards HAD to allow gay and lesbian groups to meet in
> their schools
> else risk losing federal funding?
> You wouldn't be so quick to applaud such a measure, would you?
> Yet it is
> the same thing.  If you allow a conservative congresscritter
> to dictate
> what a local schoolboard can and cannot do, then you equally
> allow
> liberal congresscritters to do the same.
> Instead of dismissing the issue with 'local schoolboards have
> had little
> local autonomy since the 1950s', you should be fig

[CTRL] SFLR on Michael Aquino - Part II

2001-05-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The newsletter of San Francisco Liberation Radio
Monday, May 21, 2001

San Francisco Liberation Radio, 93.7 FM
Broadcasting 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. nightly, 12 midnight on Saturdays, In
Western San Francisco

In this Issue:

1. The Keys to Hell and Death - Part II
2. O'Brien, Phillips, to Speak Saturday


1. The Keys to Hell and Death - Part II

U.S. Army reserve Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, a Defense
Department expert on psychological warfare, was named as a suspect in a
child molestation case in San Francisco in 1987. However, formal charges
against Aquino were never filed in the case, known as the "Presidio
child molestation case," in which more than 50 children were reported to
have been molested who attended a day care center on a U.S. Army base.
Aquino is founder of the Temple of Set, a satanic church based in San
Francisco, and he figures prominently in the book, "TRANCE-Formation of
America," by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien. Yesterday we brought you
part one of this report. Today we continue with part two.


The U.S. government's fascination for covert use of the occult has its
historical precedent in Nazi Germany.

Both Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, Nazi SS chief, were heavily immersed
in the occult, Hitler having come into contact with Jorg Lanz von
Liebenfels and his Order of the New Templars as early as 1909.

Hitler became an avid reader of Lanz's magazine, "Ostara," a publication
which "combined the erotic with the occult," while also producing racist
rantings which were "remarkably similar to Hitler's later utterances,"
according to Dusty Sklar in her book, "Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and
the Occult." (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, 1977).

Another occultist who was influential in Nazi circles was the professor,
Karl Hauschofer, who is said to have virtually dictated chapter 16 of
Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf.

For Hauschofer, a love affair with the Orient began in 1908 when he was
sent to Tokyo as an advisor to the Japanese Army.

He studied Sanskrit and translated several Hindu and Buddist texts,
eventually ending up in "the esoteric stream of Satanism, through which
he sought to raise Germany to the pinnacle of world power." (Sklar, p.

(Haushofer wound up being paid tribute by San Francisco Satanist Anton
LeVey, in whose book, The Satanic Bible, published in 1969, can be found
a dedication: "To Karl Haushofer, a teacher without a classroom.").

As for Lanz, he ended up joining the Germanen Orden (in 1912), which in
turn eventually merged with the Thule Society, whose membership, by
1918, reached 1,500 in Bavaria alone.

"This powerful occult circle included adepts, judges, lawyers,
professors, leading industrialists, surgeons, scientists, and even
former members of the royal entourage of the Wittelsbach kings. The
Bavarian minister of justice, Franz Gurtner; the police president of
Munich, Ernst Pohner; and the assistant police chief, Wilhelm Frick,
were active." (Sklar, p. 42).

Couching their rhetoric in rabid anti-Semitism, Thule members prophesied
the coming of a German messiah "who would do away with hated democracy,
the handmaiden of the weak," says Sklar.

There was also a great deal of rhetoric about the "divine self" and the
powers which would accrue to those who followed the true path.

The latter especially is not dissimilar from the sort of mystic
psychobabble which can be found on Temple of Set web sites today.

"Temple of Set seeks above all to honor and enshrine consciousness…"
says the church's official Web site. "The Left-Hand Path is a process
for creating an individual, powerful essence that exists above and
beyond animal life."

Other celebrated personages drawn to the German occult scene included
the American industrialist Andrew Melon.

According to Sklar, "Melon's interest in the occult resulted in a huge
collection of books on the subject, stretching back to antiquity, which
he donated to Yale." (Sklar, p. 138).

Yale, it should be noted, is the home of the notorious Skull and Bones
Society, out of which sprang George H.W. Bush and other American
political figures. (SFLR DJ Scott Thompson has provided research on ties
to Nazi Germany between the Bush family, as well as leading American
industrialists.  See previous issues of the SFLR News at the following
links: http://www.firstworld.net/~dove/SFLR_News_7-26-00.html,
http://www.firstworld.net/~dove/SFLR_News_8-22-99.html. )

So how serious were top level Nazi strategists about the occult, and did
they really feel that use of the "black arts" would help them win the

Again Sklar provides insight:

"The most incredible research of all was set up in 1939 in Berlin. An
astrologer, Wilhelm Wulff, who was made prisoner of the SS and coerced
into working for it, described the Berlin Institute's scientific
research center as being 

[CTRL] State Department Issues Facts On Soldiers, Contractors In Colombia

2001-05-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, 21 May 2001

State Department Issues Facts On Soldiers,
Contractors In Colombia

On any given day, there are about 200 U.S. military soldiers and about
170 American contractors working in Colombia, conducting activities that
range from training and advising military troops to piloting helicopters
in support of counterdrug operations, according to a fact sheet released
from the State Department this month.

The largest number of U.S. military personnel now in Colombia are
approximately 90 Army Special Operations Forces soldiers, according to
the State Department. And the overwhelming majority of American
contractors now working in Colombia are hired through the Defense
Department, State Department and the U.S. Agency for International

The fact sheet was released amid growing concerns in Congress about the
use of U.S. contractors in Colombia, which is considered the
international front line in the war against drugs.

In April, a Peruvian fighter plane shot down a private jet carrying
missionaries from the United States. The fighter plane was acting on
mistaken information provided from an American surveillance aircraft
staffed by U.S. contractors from the Aviation Development Corporation of
Montgomery, AL, working under contract to the Central Intelligence

Last week, the House approved an amendment to the State Department's
fiscal year 2002 budget that will require the department to submit
detailed reports on contractors operating in Colombia.

The Colombian government has crafted a six-year, $7.5 billion initiative
called Plan Colombia to fight drug trafficking and restore civil
institutions in its country. The United States has agreed to provide $1.3
billion in support of the plan through FY-01, and has pledged to spend
$800 million more in FY-02 on Colombia and neighboring countries in the
Andean region.

According to the State Department, American soldiers and DOD contractors
primarily offer aid in the areas of training and technical support to the
Colombian military.

"The primary focus of Department of Defense activities in Colombia,
through the United States Military Group (MILGP), is counternarcotics
with the provision of training, equipment, infrastructure development,
intelligence support, detection and monitoring information to Colombian
armed forces units engaged in counterdrug operations," the fact sheet

"This assistance is to increase the capabilities of Colombian land, sea
and air security forces to detect and interdict narcotrafficking
operations and to assist the Colombian National Police (CNP) in its
eradication and law enforcement missions."

The fact sheet adds that the most significant activities for U.S.
military personnel have been training and equipping the second and third
counternarcotics battalions of the Colombian Army; training and equipping
the Colombian counternarcotics brigade headquarters; and providing
design, contract and oversight services for a variety of Colombian Army
aviation infrastructure projects to support the UN-1N, Huey II and UH-60
helicopter programs.

The State Department primarily contracts American companies to aid in the
eradication of coca and poppy crops. The department has an ongoing
contract with DynCorp of Reston, VA, to work on counternarcotics
projects. DynCorp employees fly OV-10 aircraft and UH-1N helicopters
during crop eradication efforts, and assist in search and rescue

A pamphlet from DynCorp advertising "opportunities" in South America --
and Colombia in particular -- seeks people looking for a "dynamic,
international career in aviation."

The pamphlet reads as follows: "Air assault . . . search and rescue . . .
scouting operations. These are just some of the exciting ways in which
you can help train South American nationals in their efforts to eradicate
the blight of drugs."

However, the fact sheet states that all U.S. contractor support to the
Colombian aerial spraying program contains a training component with the
intent to eventually nationalize the program, thus eliminating the use of
U.S. contractors.

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[CTRL] An Example Of How Bioreseach Could Kill Us All

2001-05-22 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Source: BBC Online, Tue 22 May 2001 15:58 GMT [edited]

Hepatitis C and dengue fever virus hybrid: college fined

One of London's top research units has admitted that it broke health and
safety legislation while combining 2 dangerous viruses. Imperial College
had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at London's Marylebone Magistrates
Court to 2 charges relating to laboratory work involving a combination of
the hepatitis C and dengue fever viruses. The College had already been
fined £20 000 in March for another health and safety offence relating to
the storage of HIV. They have now been committed to the Crown Court for

District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe said that the breaches were "potentially
extremely dangerous and a matter of high public concern." The college, in
Kensington, west London, admitted "failing to apply principles of good
microbiological practice and principles of good occupational safety and
hygiene" under regulations governing genetically modified organisms. The
researchers were trying to create an artificial hybrid of the two viruses.
The college had also pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to ensure the
safety of employees. The Health and Safety Executive prosecution followed
an inspection at the college's St Mary's Hospital campus in December 1998.

In a statement the college said: "Imperial College regrets these breaches
of the health and safety legislation but stresses that no member of the
public was at risk at any time. Hepatitis C virus infects around 200
million carriers worldwide. This research project was intended to produce a
new type of hybrid hepatitis C virus, which would allow researchers to
speed up their search for a vaccine and to replace the use of animals in
much of this work. The college has stringent policies and procedures in
place to regulate activities of this nature. It takes all its health and
safety responsibilities very seriously and has taken steps to ensure that
such an incident cannot happen again. Extra staff devoted to monitoring and
advising on safety in the college are now in post."


[Breaches of microbiological safety of this type deserve to be publicized
widely. The apparent intention of this research was to facilitate
development of a hepatitis C vaccine by construction of a hepatitis C
virus/dengue fever virus recombinant. This approach seems hazardous in the
extreme, particularly as no protective vaccine to either of the components
of the hybrid virus is currently available. One wonders how this research
came to be funded. If there is some rationale justifying this approach,
perhaps someone should explain. - Mod.CP]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Sen. Jeffords to Say if He Will Quit Republicans

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday May 22 9:35 PM ET

Sen. Jeffords to Say if He Will Quit Republicans

By Thomas Ferraro

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont said he will
announce on Wednesday whether he will drop out of the Republican Party,
a move that would give Democrats control of the now evenly divided U.S.
Senate for the first time in seven years.

``The sentiment definitely is that he (Jeffords) will leave,'' said a senior
Senate Republican aide.

``We're hopeful and optimistic,'' said a senior Democratic aide, adding that
Senate Democratic Whip Harry Reid of Nevada had been privately
courting Jeffords for weeks.

Sources familiar with the situation said President Bush (news - web sites)
and Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites), who met with the 67-
year-old senator at the White House on Tuesday, urged Jeffords not to
switch parties but received no assurances.

``I will be making an announcement tomorrow in Washington about what I'm
doing,'' Jeffords told reporters outside the Senate chamber later on

Jeffords has upset Republicans a number of times in recent months largely
for criticizing Bush's proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut as too big and by
complaining the president failed to propose enough money for education.

If Jeffords dropped out of the Republican Party, it would send a political
shock wave through the nation's capital since it would suddenly give
Democrats control of the chamber and elevate Sen. Tom Daschle of South
Dakota from Senate minority to majority leader.

Once in power, Democrats would set the legislative agenda in the Senate,
and that could hurt efforts by Bush to get his own agenda enacted.

Even if Jeffords became an independent, Democrats would still control the
chamber, 50-49. Republicans could keep committee chairmanships if
Jeffords voted with them in organizational meetings.

But he would have little, if any, incentive to do so, and could end up a
chairman in a Democratic-led Senate if he sided with a new Democratic

One likely spot would be as chairman of the Senate Environment and
Public Works Committee. He now chairs the Health, Education and Labor
Committee in the Republican-led Senate.

Senate Democratic Whip Reid is now ranking Democrat on the
Environment and Public Works Committee. But Democratic sources said
Reid has agreed to step aside to give Jeffords the chairmanship if he
became a Democrat.

The Senate is now split between 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats, with
Cheney, a Republican, having the tie-breaking vote.

There were conflicting reports late Tuesday about Jeffords's plans.

ABC News quoted Republican sources as saying Jeffords told them he
planned to leave the Republican Party, but they did not know if he would
become a Democrat or an independent.

Yet shortly after Jeffords told reporters about his intention to make an
announcement Wednesday, Sen. Arlen Specter (news - bio - voting
record), a Pennsylvania Republican, said based on his own talks with
Jeffords he expected the three-term Vermont Republican to stay in the
party fold.

``He indicated to me that he is not going to change parties,'' Specter said.

On Capitol Hill, Democratic and Republican senators, voting late into the
night on a tax bill, told reporters they did not know what Jeffords would
ultimately do.

Senate Assistant Republican Leader Don Nickles of Oklahoma said, ``I
expect he's going to stay with us. I'd be more than disappointed if he
switched. I've talked to him a couple of times and I know he's weighing it.''

On Monday, Jeffords' office refused to confirm or deny a report that
Democrats had twice offered Jeffords committee chairmanships in a failed
effort to get him to switch parties.

Jeffords press secretary Erik Smulson said in a statement: ''Regardless of
party label, Senator Jeffords will continue to do what is best for Vermont
and the nation.''


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

Re: [CTRL] The Myth Of Pearl Harbor-Memorial Day Propaganda Blitz

2001-05-22 Thread Jenny Decker


  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 5:28 PM
  Subject: [CTRL] The Myth Of Pearl 
  Harbor-Memorial Day Propaganda Blitz
  Memorial Day propaganda blitz With the 
  release of Pearl Harbor, a cinematic reenactment of the popular 
  myth handed down to us by Roosevelt's hagiographers, the Memorial Day 
  weekend will culminate in an orgy of lying war propaganda. The movie, 
  starring somebody named Ben Affleck (so I'm not into 
  popular culture, what can I tell you?), steadfastly ignores 
  recently unearthed evidence that FDR and his cronies knew when and 
  where the Japanese would strike and reiterates the bald-faced lie of the 
  alleged "sneak attack" by the Japanese. You can hear the wheels and cogs 
  of the propaganda machine begin to turn and whir, because it isn't just 
  Pearl Harbor – get ready for a weeks-long marathon of World War II 
  memorabilia. As Eric 
  Deggans put it in the St. Petersburg Times last week, "A 
  virtual flood of TV and film projects focused on incidents from the World 
  War II era is set for release in weeks to come." In the movie theaters 
  it's Pearl Harbor, the $135 million blockbuster opening May 25. 
  This past weekend featured no less than three special television movies 
  focused on the events surrounding World War II (Conspiracy, a tale 
  of genocidal Nazis run amok, Submerged, a story of a wartime 
  submarine rescue, and a new rendition of the Diary of Anne Frank). 
  At the video store it's Tora! Tora! Tora!, coming 
  out in DVD and special VHS editions, and the list goes on. Gee, do you 
  think they're trying to tell us something? 
  VAUNTING AND FEAR The intended 
  moral of it all was summed up in Newsweek by James Wire, an 82 
  year-old Pearl Harbor survivor, who thinks the Pearl Harbor movie 
  is "'great' because it's a warning: 'Americans have become complacent. 
  They think it can't happen now. But it can." A state of advanced paranoia 
  is the natural condition of every Empire: it is the price we pay for our 
  imperial preeminence, "a curious and characteristic emotional weakness of 
  Empire," as Garet Garrett put it, which amounts to "a complex of vaunting 
  and fear." PERPETUAL TERROR In short, we must live in a 
  state of perpetual terror, or else the War Party (Hollywood division) 
  isn't doing its job. "Terrorism" lurks in every airport, a ghostly specter 
  haunting the conscience of the nation. At any moment, foreign Furies could 
  unleash their terrible vengeance: a cyber-attack, a "rogue nation" missile 
  attack, yet another Pearl Harbor-style "sneak" attack that we had every 
  reason to anticipate but somehow didn't. Fear must be our permanent state, 
  it must infuse the very air we breathe, and to that end Hollywood is more 
  than complicit. "GET ME RE-WRITE!" A recent 
  news story on the making of Pearl Harbor notes that "if Lt. Col. 
  Jimmy Doolittle comes across as particularly heroic in the new war epic 
  Pearl Harbor, the credit goes as much to the behind-the-scenes 
  influence of the Pentagon as to the vision of Hollywood filmmakers." These 
  days, when someone in some big producer's office barks "get me rewrite!" 
  he's likely to be put through to the Pentagon: "In exchange for providing 
  Hollywood with military advice," reports the Associated Press, "personnel 
  and awesome equipment for movies and TV shows, the Pentagon gets an 
  advance look at scripts and has a chance to negotiate changes." 
  Conservatives want to get rid of the National 
  Endowment for the Arts, but this is the kind of government-sponsored 
  and controlled "art" that they are no doubt willing to countenance – 
  precisely because it has much more effect on the national psyche than the 
  artsy-fartsy nude photography of the late Robert Mapplethorpe. 
  PLAYING BY THE RULES Will the Pentagon open up a whole new 
  department devoted to "advising" Hollywood on how best to whip up the 
  American public into a frothy-mouthed war frenzy? Don't be naïve: they've already 
  done it. It's called the Film Liaison Office, and it's headed up by Philip 
  Strub, whose title is "Special Assistant for Audiovisual": aside from 
  that, every branch of the military has a special Los Angeles office that 
  does little but give its "input" into Tinseltown. As John Lovett, a 
  consultant on military matters to filmmakers, puts it: "If you want to use 
  the military's toys, you've got to play by their rules. That's how it's 
  done." But what are their rules, exactly? DOOLITTLE'S 
  TRANSFORMATION It seems that Lt. Col. Doolittle, the character played 
  by Alec 
  Baldwin, wasn't heroic enough for the Pentagon's taste: but that was 
  easily fixed. Jack Green, of 
  the Naval Historical Center, who was on location for eight weeks of 
  filming – standing guard, as it were, for the P

Re: [CTRL] The Myth Of Pearl Harbor-Memorial Day Propaganda Blitz

2001-05-22 Thread Jenny Decker


  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 5:28 PM
  Subject: [CTRL] The Myth Of Pearl 
  Harbor-Memorial Day Propaganda Blitz
  Memorial Day propaganda blitz With the 
  release of Pearl Harbor, a cinematic reenactment of the popular 
  myth handed down to us by Roosevelt's hagiographers, the Memorial Day 
  weekend will culminate in an orgy of lying war propaganda. The movie, 
  starring somebody named Ben Affleck (so I'm not into 
  popular culture, what can I tell you?), steadfastly ignores 
  recently unearthed evidence that FDR and his cronies knew when and 
  where the Japanese would strike and reiterates the bald-faced lie of the 
  alleged "sneak attack" by the Japanese. You can hear the wheels and cogs 
  of the propaganda machine begin to turn and whir, because it isn't just 
  Pearl Harbor – get ready for a weeks-long marathon of World War II 
  memorabilia. As Eric 
  Deggans put it in the St. Petersburg Times last week, "A 
  virtual flood of TV and film projects focused on incidents from the World 
  War II era is set for release in weeks to come." In the movie theaters 
  it's Pearl Harbor, the $135 million blockbuster opening May 25. 
  This past weekend featured no less than three special television movies 
  focused on the events surrounding World War II (Conspiracy, a tale 
  of genocidal Nazis run amok, Submerged, a story of a wartime 
  submarine rescue, and a new rendition of the Diary of Anne Frank). 
  At the video store it's Tora! Tora! Tora!, coming 
  out in DVD and special VHS editions, and the list goes on. Gee, do you 
  think they're trying to tell us something? 
  VAUNTING AND FEAR The intended 
  moral of it all was summed up in Newsweek by James Wire, an 82 
  year-old Pearl Harbor survivor, who thinks the Pearl Harbor movie 
  is "'great' because it's a warning: 'Americans have become complacent. 
  They think it can't happen now. But it can." A state of advanced paranoia 
  is the natural condition of every Empire: it is the price we pay for our 
  imperial preeminence, "a curious and characteristic emotional weakness of 
  Empire," as Garet Garrett put it, which amounts to "a complex of vaunting 
  and fear." PERPETUAL TERROR In short, we must live in a 
  state of perpetual terror, or else the War Party (Hollywood division) 
  isn't doing its job. "Terrorism" lurks in every airport, a ghostly specter 
  haunting the conscience of the nation. At any moment, foreign Furies could 
  unleash their terrible vengeance: a cyber-attack, a "rogue nation" missile 
  attack, yet another Pearl Harbor-style "sneak" attack that we had every 
  reason to anticipate but somehow didn't. Fear must be our permanent state, 
  it must infuse the very air we breathe, and to that end Hollywood is more 
  than complicit. "GET ME RE-WRITE!" A recent 
  news story on the making of Pearl Harbor notes that "if Lt. Col. 
  Jimmy Doolittle comes across as particularly heroic in the new war epic 
  Pearl Harbor, the credit goes as much to the behind-the-scenes 
  influence of the Pentagon as to the vision of Hollywood filmmakers." These 
  days, when someone in some big producer's office barks "get me rewrite!" 
  he's likely to be put through to the Pentagon: "In exchange for providing 
  Hollywood with military advice," reports the Associated Press, "personnel 
  and awesome equipment for movies and TV shows, the Pentagon gets an 
  advance look at scripts and has a chance to negotiate changes." 
  Conservatives want to get rid of the National 
  Endowment for the Arts, but this is the kind of government-sponsored 
  and controlled "art" that they are no doubt willing to countenance – 
  precisely because it has much more effect on the national psyche than the 
  artsy-fartsy nude photography of the late Robert Mapplethorpe. 
  PLAYING BY THE RULES Will the Pentagon open up a whole new 
  department devoted to "advising" Hollywood on how best to whip up the 
  American public into a frothy-mouthed war frenzy? Don't be naïve: they've already 
  done it. It's called the Film Liaison Office, and it's headed up by Philip 
  Strub, whose title is "Special Assistant for Audiovisual": aside from 
  that, every branch of the military has a special Los Angeles office that 
  does little but give its "input" into Tinseltown. As John Lovett, a 
  consultant on military matters to filmmakers, puts it: "If you want to use 
  the military's toys, you've got to play by their rules. That's how it's 
  done." But what are their rules, exactly? DOOLITTLE'S 
  TRANSFORMATION It seems that Lt. Col. Doolittle, the character played 
  by Alec 
  Baldwin, wasn't heroic enough for the Pentagon's taste: but that was 
  easily fixed. Jack Green, of 
  the Naval Historical Center, who was on location for eight weeks of 
  filming – standing guard, as it were, for the P

[CTRL] The Myth Of Pearl Harbor-Memorial Day Propaganda Blitz

2001-05-22 Thread William Shannon

Memorial Day propaganda blitz

With the release of Pearl Harbor, a cinematic reenactment of the popular myth 
handed down to us by Roosevelt's hagiographers, the Memorial Day weekend will 
culminate in an orgy of lying war propaganda. The movie, starring somebody 
named Ben Affleck (so I'm not into popular culture, what can I tell you?), 
steadfastly ignores recently unearthed evidence that FDR and his cronies knew 
when and where the Japanese would strike and reiterates the bald-faced lie of 
the alleged "sneak attack" by the Japanese. You can hear the wheels and cogs 
of the propaganda machine begin to turn and whir, because it isn't just Pearl 
Harbor – get ready for a weeks-long marathon of World War II memorabilia. As 
Eric Deggans put it in the St. Petersburg Times last week, "A virtual flood 
of TV and film projects focused on incidents from the World War II era is set 
for release in weeks to come." In the movie theaters it's Pearl Harbor, the 
$135 million blockbuster opening May 25. This past weekend featured no less 
than three special television movies focused on the events surrounding World 
War II (Conspiracy, a tale of genocidal Nazis run amok, Submerged, a story of 
a wartime submarine rescue, and a new rendition of the Diary of Anne Frank). 
At the video store it's Tora! Tora! Tora!, coming out in DVD and special VHS 
editions, and the list goes on. Gee, do you think they're trying to tell us 


The intended moral of it all was summed up in Newsweek by James Wire, an 82 
year-old Pearl Harbor survivor, who thinks the Pearl Harbor movie is "'great' 
because it's a warning: 'Americans have become complacent. They think it 
can't happen now. But it can." A state of advanced paranoia is the natural 
condition of every Empire: it is the price we pay for our imperial 
preeminence, "a curious and characteristic emotional weakness of Empire," as 
Garet Garrett put it, which amounts to "a complex of vaunting and fear."


In short, we must live in a state of perpetual terror, or else the War Party 
(Hollywood division) isn't doing its job. "Terrorism" lurks in every airport, 
a ghostly specter haunting the conscience of the nation. At any moment, 
foreign Furies could unleash their terrible vengeance: a cyber-attack, a 
"rogue nation" missile attack, yet another Pearl Harbor-style "sneak" attack 
that we had every reason to anticipate but somehow didn't. Fear must be our 
permanent state, it must infuse the very air we breathe, and to that end 
Hollywood is more than complicit.


A recent news story on the making of Pearl Harbor notes that "if Lt. Col. 
Jimmy Doolittle comes across as particularly heroic in the new war epic Pearl 
Harbor, the credit goes as much to the behind-the-scenes influence of the 
Pentagon as to the vision of Hollywood filmmakers." These days, when someone 
in some big producer's office barks "get me rewrite!" he's likely to be put 
through to the Pentagon: "In exchange for providing Hollywood with military 
advice," reports the Associated Press, "personnel and awesome equipment for 
movies and TV shows, the Pentagon gets an advance look at scripts and has a 
chance to negotiate changes." Conservatives want to get rid of the National 
Endowment for the Arts, but this is the kind of government-sponsored and 
controlled "art" that they are no doubt willing to countenance – precisely 
because it has much more effect on the national psyche than the artsy-fartsy 
nude photography of the late Robert Mapplethorpe.


Will the Pentagon open up a whole new department devoted to "advising" 
Hollywood on how best to whip up the American public into a frothy-mouthed 
war frenzy? Don't be naïve: they've already done it. It's called the Film 
Liaison Office, and it's headed up by Philip Strub, whose title is "Special 
Assistant for Audiovisual": aside from that, every branch of the military has 
a special Los Angeles office that does little but give its "input" into 
Tinseltown. As John Lovett, a consultant on military matters to filmmakers, 
puts it: "If you want to use the military's toys, you've got to play by their 
rules. That's how it's done." But what are their rules, exactly?


It seems that Lt. Col. Doolittle, the character played by Alec Baldwin, 
wasn't heroic enough for the Pentagon's taste: but that was easily fixed. 
Jack Green, of the Naval Historical Center, who was on location for eight 
weeks of filming – standing guard, as it were, for the Pentagon – demanded 
changes in the script, and got them. Instead of being portrayed as "a 
boorish, oafish type of fellow" (there you go, Alec – typecast again!), 
Doolittle says he "persuaded" the film's director, Michael Bay, to give 
Doolittle/Baldwin a more sympathetic portrayal. "Doolittle was rewritten and 
made a lit

[CTRL] Ted Olson

2001-05-22 Thread William Shannon

The Arkansas Project wasn't journalism

Ted Olson's defenders say the Clinton-bashing effort was protected by the
First Amendment -- and besides, Olson didn't know much about it anyway.
They're wrong on both counts.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Joe Conason

May 22, 2001 | While the nomination of Theodore Olson for solicitor general
languishes in the Senate because of doubts concerning his candor about his
involvement in the "Arkansas Project," conservative pundits and politicians
are mounting a strangely contradictory defense. As if reading from a common
script, they all insist that the Arkansas Project was nothing more sinister
than hard-hitting journalism, protected by the First Amendment.

And then, often in the same column or statement, they hasten to add that Ted
Olson had nothing to do with the Arkansas Project anyway, except to help
"shut it down."

Over the past week or so, this line of argument has been offered by such
prominent conservatives as William Safire, Tony Snow, Trent Lott, Kenneth
Starr and Robert Novak, among others. Like Olson's own testimony, it raises
more questions than it resolves.

If the Arkansas Project was truly just an exercise in political reportage,
then why did Olson and his fellow American Spectator board members decide
that it should be shut down? And why would the Spectator's own attorney feel
such a powerful need to dissociate himself from the magazine's pioneering
journalistic endeavors?

The truth -- as Novak and Starr know and as Olson's other defenders probably
surmise -- is that the Arkansas Project had very little to do with
journalism. Although that was indeed the ostensible purpose of the funding
provided by Richard Scaife's foundations, the four-year enterprise produced
very few publishable words for $2.4 million.

In fact, according to Wladyslaw Plesczynski, who served as the Spectator's
managing editor in those days, the Arkansas Project didn't come up with much
that he could use. In a 1997 memo he sent to publisher Ronald Burr,
Plesczynski described its activities: "There always seemed to be lots of
hush-hush and heavy breathing, but it never amounted to anything concrete
enough for a story."

Not quite "never," in fact, but very rarely. So given its meager literary
output, what did the Arkansas Project actually accomplish, aside from paying
expenses for dinner parties, travel and office supplies?

As reported in Salon and later in "The Hunting of the President" (which I
coauthored with Gene Lyons), the project's overseers, Steve Boynton and David
Henderson, were mostly concerned with the care, feeding and encouragement of
Whitewater witness David Hale. They also spent a lot of time and money
supervising a Mississippi private detective named Rex Armistead, who received
more than $400,000 in project funds. (Another private detective in Little
Rock, Tom Golden, was later hired with Arkansas Project funds by Spectator
editor R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.)

Among the dubious tasks assigned to Armistead was an intimidation campaign
against CNN correspondent John Camp, whose skeptical reporting on Whitewater
and other Clinton fables had annoyed the president's enemies. That job
included contacting Camp's former wife to ask whether she would provide any
dirt on the award-winning correspondent. (She wouldn't, and informed Camp
immediately about the detective's approach to her.) Somehow, as reported in
Salon by Murray Waas, a derogatory report on Camp later turned up in the
files of the Republican chairman of the House Banking Committee.

Another Arkansas Project intimidation scheme targeted U.S. District Judge
Henry Woods, whose pretrial rulings in Kenneth Starr's prosecution of James
and Susan McDougal and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker had also upset the
anti-Clinton camp. The result was a smear campaign against the judge,
engineered by the Arkansas segregationist politician "Justice Jim" Johnson
and the project's local handyman, Parker Dozhier.

Their ugly, inaccurate assaults on the character of Woods were fed by Boynton
to Republican Sen. Lauch Faircloth, and eventually showed up in such
Clinton-bashing organs as the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and the Wall Street
Journal editorial page.

In short, the Arkansas Project was a dirty-tricks operation more than a
journalistic investigation. It's easy to understand why an attorney of Ted
Olson's great reputation would rather say he had no connection with such
unsavory people and practices. But is he telling the truth?

The latest item of evidence to the contrary turned up in a dispatch Sunday by
the Washington Post's Thomas Edsall. That article noted a curious reference
to Olson in "Crossfire," a memoir published two years ago by former Arkansas
state trooper L.D. Brown. It recounts at some length his dealings with the
American Spectator between 1994 and 1997.

Salon readers may recall that Brown was the trooper who gained some notoriety
for accusing Bill Clinton 

[CTRL] Impressions on the life and times of Karl Marx

2001-05-22 Thread Gavin Philips

-Caveat Lector-

Marx was a fraud who plagiarized "his" manifesto from
an obscure French socialist Victor Considerant,
according to Tony Sutton. Communism is promoted by the
super-rich to eliminate the middles class. It's
statism, plain and simple. More people have been
slaughtered under Communism than any other ideology.

--- Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>   Impressions on the life and times
> of Karl Marx
>   1)Karl Marx lived in a time when
> technology was having an
> major impact on an individuals productivity and
>   standard of living.  What he saw was that
> while machines were
> increasing the standard of living, the workers that
>   ran the machines were living at substance
> level.  Believing that
> the cause was the territorial aristocratic nobles
> and
>   their belief of territory at the expense of
> business, Marx termed
> territory accumulation as capitalistic.   He thought
>   that a state should be based on business and
> corporations instead
> of territory or individuals and that any threat to
>   productivity should be eradicated.  Threats to
> business were
> national pride or any other oaths or commitments
>   outside of the business.
>   2)Inventions like the printing press, gas
> lamps, electricity,
> indoor plumbing, and machine woven cloth were
>   increasing the standard of living and domestic
> productivity while
> making money for the businesses that produced
>   them.  Marx saw that the biggest market for
> these items would be
> the common worker, yet the common worker
>   seldom had the money to buy and considered
> many of the new
> inventions, luxuries.  Visualizing a way for
>   businesses to keep production up in the face
> of technological
> change that would require a business to buy the
>   new machine to stay competitive, Marx hit on a
> plan to have state
> run businesses.
>   3)If a nations priorities were based on
> business instead of
> religion, national pride, or individual rights, Marx
>   believed that the average worker would reap
> the benefits of
> technology.  Up to this time tithes and taxes to the
>   aristocracy and church took up a large portion
> of the workers
> extra money, if that extra money were to go to
>   buying the products produced by machines then
> the business could
> buy more machines.  He figured that the
>   cheaper that product could be made then the
> more would be sold of
> the product.  If a workers loyalty were to
>   the business instead of family, national pride
> or religion then
> they would support the state business and give their
>   best work, which would ultimately result in a
> less expensive
> product that the worker could buy too.
>   4)Marx defined territorial aristocratic
> nobles with landed
> titles as capitalistic.  He also saw education as
>   making workers dissatisfied with their lot and
> a potential waste
> of time for many since all they would need to
>   know is how to use the new items.  Except for
> a few skilled
> workers to keep the machines running, education
>   that might lead to individual dissatisfaction
> and strikes was
> discouraged.  A blind obedience and belief was
>   required for a business to keep up in the face
> of changing
> technology.
>   To make sure that the state's business was
> business instead of
> territory or anything else that would threaten the
>   businesses productivity, any idea of
> individual worth would have
> to be changed.  Threats to business were
>   national pride or any other oaths or
> commitments outside of the
> business.  The worker's first priority would have
>   to be making money by working and family or
> any other activities
> outside of the business would only be allowed
>   if they did not conflict with the business.
> Any sense of self
> worth, self confidence, or self discipline would be
>   decided and defined by the state business.
>   5)What this has led to in the present day
> is a country where
> the only real accomplishment that an individual
>   can achieve is in the arts or sports.  The art
> is technically
> perfect but sometimes lacks originality or
>   spontaniousness since to not be perfect mean
> that the person may
> lose their standing and have to find another
>   career field.  New thoughts or philosophies
> that are discouraged
> since they may endanger the state.  Education
>   or knowledge of how the human body operates
> that may increase a
> individual workers worth is discouraged.
>   6)Marx's state philosophy has resulted in
> a country run by
> people that often see no worth in natural products.
>   Unless the item can be made by a company or
> mass produced it has
> no value.  An example might be instead of
>   far

Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2001-05-22 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/22/01 3:59:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>In a message dated 5/22/01 6:54:06 AM Central Daylight Time,
>> I am sure it was just a software glitch.  You know the one~~it has  a
>> tendency to do this when the post leans too far to the right. Other things

It was either just a normal Sunday cleaning at aol or for the paranoid at
heart perhaps the recent disruptions at various list serves had something
more nefarious at  its core.

Quien Sabe?  Qui est-ce souci?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] The Mitchell Report "Liquidates" UN Res. 242

2001-05-22 Thread William Shannon

The Mitchell Report “Liquidates” U.N. Resolution 242 

by Mohamed Khodr 

Israel’s and Zionism’s greatest victory has not been the colonization by 
terror and force of Palestine. It has not been its massacres of thousands of 
Palestinian civilians nor its forceful destruction of 500 Palestinian 
villages wiping out centuries of history, a culture, a faith, a way of life, 
or the sounds of children playing in the olive orchards. It has not been 
Israel’s defeat of incompetent Arab armies despite the billions wasted by 
even more callus, illiterate, buffoons of Arab leaders. It has not been 
Israel’s superior and technologically advanced military nor due to its gangs 
of Arab traitors and spies in and out of palaces and presidential homes. It 
has not been due to its illegal use of American tax payer funded F-16’s or 
Apache Helicopters to massacre an occupied civilian population thereby 
violating the U.S. law (Foreign Arms Export Act) for which Israel has been 
cited repeatedly in reports submitted to Congress (what James Baker called 
"The Little Knesset" and the columnist Pat Buchanan described as "Israeli 
Occupied Territory). It has not been Israel’s strong defiance of over 90 UN 
Resolutions, many it initially accepted to buy time then rejected. It has not 
been due to the 73 UN Security Council Vetoes that Israel’s "American 
Ambassador" has cast to protect Israel from any condemnation or 
responsibility for murder. It has not been due to Israel’s rejection out of 
hand of every International Human Rights Organization report condemning 
Israeli abuses such as assassinations, home demolitions and torture.

Whatever other reasons imaginable for Israel’s success none are more 
important, more powerful, more sustainable, more intimidating, and cheaper 
than Israel’s genius, creativity, and rapid manipulation of the "WORD" and 
the "IMAGE". Israel is always ten steps ahead of the beleaguered Arabs 
formulating the semantic agenda for debate in the court of public opinion 
leaving the Arabs stunned, shocked and scrambling for a response. The Arab 
response usually goes along these nauseating lines: "We condemn Israel’s 
aggression and call upon the world community (notice they never call upon 
themselves for action) to pressure Israel to comply with all the 
international resolutions and agreements and to stop such aggression. We hold 
Israel responsible for such actions. We are fighting (fighting?) for our 
legitimate international rights. Israel must live up to what already has been 
agreed upon." APPLAUSE PLEASE!!!

In the western world "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING", something the Arab leaders are 
well aware of given their media control, self-hype, and plastered images on 
every wall. In the western world of fast food, fast cars, fast sex, fast 
money, fast religion, fast memory loss, fast polling and fast "Instant 
Messaging" opinions form the basis of political, military, and economic 
policies that determines who’s up, who’s down, who’s in, who’s out, who is 
liked, who is hated, who gets bombed, and who gets billions, who lives and 
who dies. America is a culture of uninformed basically illiterate "knee jerk 
reactors" who depend on the "opinion du moment"—tell me what I should think, 
wear, say, drive, eat, believe and don’t waste my time with reading and 
analyzingwhat’s the bottom line here: ARABS ARE TERRORISTS AND ISLAM IS A 
JIHAD. Fine, then, you got it, let’s join Israel and kick some Muslim butt. 
As simple as that. The word is truly mightier than the bomb.

Israel owns the "WORD & IMAGE" industry that reaches America’s shores and 
minds. What are the "WORDS & IMAGES" Israel has used to indoctrinate the 
western mind? 




4. "HOLOCAUST": who can ever match such Jewish pain, loss, and sorrow. Israel 
has given the world a threshold and benchmark for sympathy and action. If 
Jews are not the victims and it’s not to the level of the Holocaust (with 
exactly six million Jews dead) then the world should ignore it and avoid 
using inflammatory words such as "Genocide" and "Ethnic Cleansing". Thus none 
of the world’s murdered like the Armenians, Cambodians, Gypsies, Russians, 
Rwandans, Congolese (10 million killed by Belgium), European and Russian 
Christians (80-100 million which includes tens of millions of Muslims), 
Native Americans, South American Natives, Aborigines, Crusades and 
Inquisition against Muslims, Bosnians, Kosovars, and so many more. 

5. "ANTI-SEMITISM". Jews have been so successful in even hijacking the word 
"Semite" to only refer to Jews, never mind that "Semite" arose from Noah’s 
son Shem r

[CTRL] NASA Technology Merges Human Brain & Computers

2001-05-22 Thread William Shannon

New Tech Joins Brains, Computers

By Irene Brown, Discovery News

May 21 — Researchers at NASA's Ames Research Center are in talks with several 
companies to market a new technology that marries the human nervous system 
with computers. 

In a demonstration project , a test subject wearing an electrode-studded 
armband pantomimed gestures to land an airplane and successfully touched down 
in a computer simulation. 

Scientists are not proposing a hands-free cockpit anytime soon; rather, they 
envision new types of computer controls for a wide range of electronic 
products that, for example, have become too small for human hands to operate. 
Other potential markets include tele-surgery, where surgeons would make the 
hand movements to control tiny, precise remotely operated robotic 

"This is fundamentally a new way to talk with our mechanical world," said 
Charles Jorgensen, who heads Ames' NeuroEngineering Laboratory. 

The researchers have been developing the technology to capture and 
characterize muscle signals, which are then analyzed by a complicated 
mathematical algorithm and tied to a particular motion. 

"We've identified the building blocks and how they're put together in time 
and space," said Jorgensen. "How you use it is up to you." 

Citing confidentiality agreements, Jorgensen declined to name potential 
partners in negotiations with NASA to incorporate neurological controls into 
consumer electronic devices. However, Jorgensen did cite the high toll of 
repetitive stress injury and how a hands-free keyboard would go far toward 
eliminating the source of the problem. 

Typists, for example, could tap their fingers on a desk, a piece of paper, or 
just in mid-air. 

"Basically, anything that uses keyboard or a mouse is a candidate for this 
technology," said Jorgensen. 

The lab also is working on tapping directly into human brainwaves to control 
devices. In an experiment currently under way, subjects wired with sensors 
along the sides of their heads learn basic controls, such as a direction, 
just by thinking of the motor skill required to make the motion. 

Scientists have found the electrical signal sent out by the human brain for 
the body to make a motion is the same signal the brain sends out when it is 
just thinking about making the particular motion. 

"It's sort of like the brain is playing back a tape in imaginary time of the 
task that it performed in real-time," said NASA's Leonard Trejo, who is 
training test subjects to change their brain activity to navigate through a 
data set. 

"We're looking at using brain waves to control things rather than monitoring 
them," he said. 

The team has had a good start with a test of a martial arts expert who was 
able to show a tremendous amount of control over his brainwave activity, said 

"Basically, we're looking at alternative ways to connect our nervous system 
to the physical world," said Jorgensen.


Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2001-05-22 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/22/01 6:54:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

I am sure it was just a software glitch.  You know the one~~it has  a
tendency to do this when the post leans too far to the right. Other things
can activate it also.

Cute but I really don't think that's true...and by the way I too walk the
fine line by mumming myself when I'd like to discuss the "holocaust"...s'pose
you'd call me a "revisionist" or something...just seems like most people buy
the Jewish party line and the facts just don't support that.


[CTRL] The Real One

2001-05-22 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


The big threat in the Middle East is Israel, not Iraq: it could play the nuclear
card to blackmail the Americans : John Pilger :14 May 2001

As George Bush escalates the new cold war begun by his father, the attention of his
planners is moving to the Middle East. Stories about the threat of Iraq's "weapons
of mass destruction" are again appearing in the American press, this time
concentrating on Saddam Hussein's "new nuclear capability". These are refuted by the
International Atomic Energy Agency, whose inspectors have found no evidence that
Iraq, in its devastated state, has a nuclear weapons programme.
The distraction, however, is vital. The only weapons of mass destruction in the
Middle East are in Israel, an American protectorate. What is not being reported is
that, as Israel's hawks fail to put down the Palestinian uprising, their leader,
Ariel Sharon, may well remove the country's nuclear arsenal from its nominal
strategy of "last resort".
This prospect is raised in the current Covert Action Quarterly 
(www.covertactionquarterly. org), by John Steinbach, a nuclear specialist whose 
previous work includes the mapping of deadly radiation hazards in theUnited St
ates. He quotes Israel's former president Ezer Weizman: "The nuclear issue is gaining 
momentum [and the]next war will not be conventional." From the 1950s, writes 
Steinbach, "the US was training Israeli nuclear scientists
 and providing nuclear-related technology, including a small 'research' reactor in 
1955 under the 'Atoms for Peace' program". It was France that built a uranium reactor 
and plutonium reprocessing plant in the Negev desert
, called Dimona. The Israelis lied that it was "a manganese plant, or a textile 
factory". In return for uranium, Israel supplied South Africa with the technology and 
expertise that allowed the white supremacist regime to
build the "apartheid bomb". In 1979, when US satellite photographs revealed the 
atmospheric test of a nuclear bomb in the Indian Ocean off South Africa, Israel's 
involvement, writes Steinbach, "was quickly whitewashed by
a carefully selected scientific panel, kept in the dark about important details". 
Israeli sources have since revealed "there were actually three tests of miniaturised 
Israeli nuclear artillery shells".
It was at Dimona that the heroic Mordechai Vanunu worked as a technician. A supporter 
of Palestinian rights, Vanunu believed it was his duty to warn the world about the 
danger Israel posed. In 1986, he smuggled out photog
raphs showing that the plant was producing enough plutonium to make 10 to 12 bombs a 
year, and that at least 200 miniaturised bombs had been built. Vanunu was subsequently 
lured to Rome from London by Mossad, the Israeli
dirty tricks agency. Beaten and drugged, he was kidnapped to Israel, where a secret 
security court sentenced him to 18 years in prison, 12 of which were spent in solitary 
confinement, in a cell barely big enough for him t
o stand. Steinbach says that, whatever "deterrent effect" the founders of the Israeli 
nuclear programme may have intended, "today, the nuclear arsenal is inextricably 
linked to and integrated with overall Israeli military
 and political strategy". While Israel has ballistic missiles and bombers capable of 
reaching Moscow, and has reportedly launched a submarine-based cruise missile, "a 
staple of the arsenal are neutron bombs [which are] mi
niaturised thermonuclear bombs designed to maximise deadly gamma radiation while 
minimising blast effects and long-term radiation - in essence designed to kill people 
while leaving property intact".
These are the same "limited" nuclear weapons the Reagan administration seriously 
considered using in Europe and which Ariel Sharon's zealots may use as a 
"demonstration" that they have no intention of relinquishing the oc
cupied territories.
"Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches," said Sharon before he became prime 
minister. Steinbach says such a threat could be used to compel the Bush administration 
to act exclusively in Israel's favour were it to
 waver in the face of growing international support for the intifada. Francis Perrin, 
the former head of the French nuclear weapons programme, wrote: "We thought the 
Israeli Bomb was aimed at the Americans, not to launch
it at the Americans, but to say, 'If you don't want to help us in a critical situation 
[when we] require you to help us . . . we will use our nuclear bombs'." Israel used 
this blackmail during the 1973 war with Egypt, for
cing Richard Nixon to resupply its badly shaken military. The Israeli nuclear threat 
is seldom raised in this country, in parliament and the media, and is a non-issue in 
the United States. This is in line with a news agen
da on Palestine that is still set by Israel. However, since the election of Sharon, 
who haspresided over massacres of Palestinian civilians since 1953, this may be 
changing. Television

[CTRL] Actual bogus use of the commerce clause

2001-05-22 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Well just as I thought, the only thing the Watermelon Environmentalist
Group members (WEGrs for short) can come up with to justify the tyranny of
the environmentalist wackos are amazingly twisted uses of the commerce
clause. Well recently ( well within the last 4 years or so) there have
been at least two major Federal Laws passed using the commerce clause and
STRUCK DOWN by the SUPREME COURT OF the United states. These two laws are:
1.) The Federal 1,000 foot gun exclusion law around all public schools and
2.) The Federal Voilence against Women Act ( I may not have the title
exactly right!)
Quickly  can any body think what these laws have anything
to do with regulating interstate commerce? When one thinks of commerce
don't you think of money being exchanged for a service? Like paying for an
interstate plane ride, bus ride, train ride, freight being hauled
interstate by whatever type of transport? Using the incedibly expansive
and twisted use the WEGrs use to claim constitution protection of their
tyrannical rampage against this country, Why don't I think of something?
Since human waste would most likely travel across state lines why not
require people to check with a federal bureaucrat if it's ok to go the

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] mk-ultra document

2001-05-22 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find the url for this.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors to read.

excerpt from http://cryptome.org/mkultra-0003.htm

26 July 1963 - MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence - SUBJECT:
Report of Inspection of MKULTRA - "The next phase of the MKULTRA program
involves physicians, toxicologists, and other specialists in mental,
narcotics, and general hospitals and in prisons, who are provided the
products and findings of the basic research projects and proceed with
intensive testing on human subjects."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] What is a criminal?

2001-05-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

   "A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not
 sufficient capital to form a corporation."

 Howard Scott

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: In Arizona's Ranchlands, Humans Vie with Animals for Rights (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 23:03:25 -0400
Subject: Re: SNET: In Arizona's Ranchlands, Humans Vie with Animals for Rights

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

This guy ought to talk to Bob Worn, and put the SAME sign on his gate
that Bob has on his gate, to warn these environmental fools to GO
AWAY and not ever come back!

How can people (these govt agents) let themselves get sucked into such
idiocy ? Why is
there such a shortage of brains around these days??? What an
example of the dumbed down bozos coming out of our polluted schools.
They can't read or do math, but they are brainwashed to go out and  save
the worms.

I agree that we should 'reduce out footprint on the environment'. Let's
by taking all these 'infected' idiots and shipping them out to Alcatraz
and forgetting
they exist! They can spend their lives taking good care of the worms,
out there.

On Sun, 20 May 2001 22:07:30 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> In Arizona's Ranchlands, Humans Vie with Animals for Rights
> by William LaJeunesse
> May 19, 2001
> This weekend, in Vanishing Freedom II: Who Owns America?, Fox News
> takes
> a look at how some forms of environmentalism chip away at
> individuals'
> personal and property rights.
> Hosted by William LaJeunesse, the special airs Saturday May 19 at 10
> p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT and Sunday May 20 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT. To find
> Fox
> News Channel on your local cable system, click here.
> In this, one of several stories from the special, Fox News looks at
> how
> one initiative is threatening an age-old way of life in the American
> desert.
> SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. -- If rancher Steve Lindsey waxes poetic about
> his
> Arizona ranch, it’s because his family has worked the land since the
> days of Wyatt Earp and the gunfight at O.K. Corral.
> Today Lindsey is in the midst of a fight over the only lifestyle he’s
> ever known -- grazing cattle and raising a family. It’s a simple life
> that might be coming to an end because of one group’s effort to make
> Lindsey’s private land in the canyon a “wildlife corridor.”
> The issue has so upset Lindsey that he’s written a poem about his
> fears
> of losing his property.
> “I leans across my saddle and my heart begins to sink,” said Lindsey,
> reading his verse. “There goes the sixth generation to ranch of this
> old
> rock pile … The cowboy life is what they want - not that city style.”
> Wildlife corridors are the concept of Dave Foreman, founder of the
> Wildlands Project. The group aims to “rewild” the planet by expanding
> existing wilderness areas and connecting them in corridors.
> Ours is “a world infected by us as human beings,” Foreman said. “The
> Wildlands Project is an effort to use science to do a better job of
> managing land to protect species and ecosystems.”
> Lindsey said that goal means people will be forced out so animals can
> move in.
> “They found an endangered orchid and a water dog and next thing you
> know, they’ll find some bug or endangered ant,” he said. “They want
> to
> take away this ranch and my right to graze. It’s reaching out and
> grabbing the property rights of the people.”
> Foreman said the Project would protect biodiversity but would have to
> set aside half the land area of the 48 states as wilderness reserves.
> Opponents say the initiative is putting animal rights before those of
> humans.
> “The thing that is frightening about the Wildlands Project is that it
> preaches an anti-human psychological mindset,” said Harold
> Vangilder, a
> talk show host in southern Arizona. He thinks the initiative is an
> environmental agenda that’s influencing Washington and shaping
> American
> policy.
> In Sierra Vista, Ariz., for instance, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
> Service
> joined environmentalists in opposing a cemetery for war veterans
> because
> it took too much water from the San Pedro River - an important
> wildlife
> corridor.
> “We all need to reduce our footprint on the environment and that
> means
> reducing our habitat destruction and reducing our overuse of water,”
> said the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Sherry Barrett.
> Still, some wonder if the Wildlands Project is going too far. It
> calls
> for an end to logging in national forests and to mining and livestock
> grazing on all public lands. It also proposes that roads used by
> campers, hikers and others be closed.
> “They are headed this way,” Lindsey said. “That puts fear in a
> person.
> Fear and anger.”
> Critics call it a “land grab” and say Foreman and his supporters
> can’t
> just throw Lindsey and others off their property - saying they have
> no
> authority and n

[CTRL] Private firms take on jobs, risks for U.S. military in Andes drug war

2001-05-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Published Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Private firms take on jobs, risks for U.S. military in Andes drug war


BOGOTA, Colombia - As U.S. efforts to reduce drug trafficking out of the
Andes escalate, more U.S.-supplied equipment is flowing into the region and
more Americans are becoming involved, and occasionally coming under fire.
But because of the growing privatization of U.S. military efforts abroad,
their presence is often unseen.
Increasingly, the U.S. government is contracting or licensing private
American firms to carry out quasi-military functions in a practice known as
"outsourcing," a practice that critics brand as the hiring of mercenaries.
It is largely the result of the shrinking size of the U.S. Army and a
reluctance to risk the lives of U.S. servicemen in foreign conflicts.
"Congress and the American people don't want any servicemen killed
overseas," said former U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Myles Frechette. "So it
makes sense that if contractors want to risk their lives, they get the job."
Opponents emphasize the dangers of carrying out foreign policy through
private firms, claiming it is fraught with waste and conducted largely
outside Congressional supervision or the public's view.
"There is little or no accountability in this process of outsourcing," said
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill. "This is a way of funding secret wars with
taxpayers' money that could get us into a Vietnam-like conflict."
A Herald review of the practice has found that at least four American
companies are conducting some of the key operations that implement U.S.
foreign policy in the Andean region, from tracking guerrillas from the sky
and helping to interdict airborne drug runners to running risky
search-and-rescue missions:
DynCorp, a Reston, Va., firm that handles much of the aviation side of U.S.
drug eradication efforts in the Andean region, has some 80 pilots and
mechanics in Colombia about half of them Americans and the rest Latin
Americans -- running a $30 million to $40 million a year program to
defoliate coca fields.
AirScan, of Rockledge, Fla., sends airplanes loaded with surveillance gear
and manned by U.S. military veterans to search for guerrillas in the
jungles of Colombia and Angola.  U.S. officials in Bogotá said AirScan's
Cessna 337 Skymasters use infra-red and television cameras to spot
guerrillas near the Caño Limón pipeline in eastern Colombia, bombed some 60
times in the past year by the leftist National Liberation Army, known as ELN.
MPRI, of Alexandria, Va., just finished a $6 million contract with the
Pentagon under which a 14-man team headed by a former army general advised
the Colombian military and police on logistics, planning and
organization.  Formerly known as Military Professional Resources Inc., the
firm is headed by retired Gen. Carl Vuono, who commanded the Army during
Desert Storm, and counts a dozen retired generals and admirals, as well as
CIA officials and ambassadors on its staff.
Aviation Development Corp., a private company based at Maxwell Air Force
Base in Alabama whose pilots were flying a Cessna Citation V over the
Amazon on April 20 in a drug interdiction program when they mistakenly
helped a Peruvian jet target a plane carrying U.S. missionaries.
As a result of that incident, in which Veronica Bowers and her her
seven-month-old daughter, Charity, died, outsourcing came under an
unwelcomed spotlight. Now, some members of Congress look skeptically at the
"There wasn't one person aboard that plane sworn to uphold the Constitution
of the United States," complained a veteran of counter-drug operations in
Latin America, referring to the private contractors in lieu of U.S.
military personnel. "They were all . . . businessmen!"
Over the past few weeks, Congress has moved to limit the use of contractors
in the counter-drug efforts in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Schakowsky has proposed a total ban on contractors, while Rep. Bill
Delahunt, D-Mass, wants the contracts slowly shifted to local police forces.
But even before the incident in Peru, the debate over outsourcing had long
been simmering in Washington, especially as U.S. counter-drug operations in
the Andean region bloomed in the 1990s into a campaign that today costs
about $1 billion a year.
DynCorp has been paid at least $270 million since 1991 to provide airplane
and helicopter pilots and mechanics for the war on drugs in Colombia, Peru,
Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala, according to a Government Accounting Office
report to Congress in March.
Describing itself as a "leading information technology and outsourcing
services firm," the company has annual revenues of $1.4 billion, most of it
from U.S. government contracts, and 20,000 employees around the world.
AirScan's Web page says it has provided the Colombian air force and the
Angolan government with "security surveillance services" for oil pi

[CTRL] My Experiences in America Regarding Iraq-- Wade Frazier--VERY LONG

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{This is a lengthy series of articles on this person's
experiences and opinions and thoughts on global situations,
financial elitists, mind control, free energy suppression and
much more.  It is very anti-war and has some graphic photos.
I have not had time to read much of it but found what I did
read very interesting.  IF his facts are correct, it is also a
sad commentary on the world in which we live. Amelia}}


begin 666 My Experiences in America Regarding Iraq.url
M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I"05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=W6]N+F-O;2]W9G)A>FEEhttp://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Big media pushes news to the far right

The biggest lie fed the American people by conservative pundits is that the
United States is dominated by the "liberal media." As if Rupert Murdoch,
Michael Eisner, General Electric, Time-Warner AOL and Viacom are owned and
operated by liberals.
Not only are these folks ultra-conservatives, but the people they hire to
voice their opinions are so far to the right, they give independent
journalism a dirty name. No, my friends, the corporate media is in the
hands of right-wing kooks parading as moderates and pushing the political
envelope further and further to the right.
That great political scientist Hannah Arendt said American democracy would
live or die as a result of the marketplace of ideas. If the marketplace is
closed down because one political philosophy predominates, than democracy
will die. And that has happened over a period of time because of the
burgeoning power of media conglomerates and the destruction of independent
Now we are about to see another major assault on media journalism by the
Federal Communications Commission. The new chair of the FCC is Michael
Powell, the son of Colin Powell.
For decades the Supreme Court has ruled that no media company should own
more than one medium in a market and that television market penetration
should be limited to no more than 35 percent. That ruling helped provide
competition in the marketplace and a diversity of ideas. The rulings also
prohibited cross-ownership of radio, newspapers and television in the same
But now the FCC and the appeals courts have become sympathetic to the free
speech rights of corporations and more skeptical of the role of government
in promoting diversity in the mass media. Of course, the nation's largest
TV networks, cable companies and other media businesses have become
powerful financial contributors to political parties.
Powell is invoking free speech in his interpretation of the rules governing
broadcast restrictions. He objects to the government imposing rules that
limit how many people one company can talk to. He says, "There is something
offensive to First Amendment values about that limitation."
The FCC will review this rule and determine what modifications are
warranted. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has a
case before it that involves just that issue as Viacom, Inc., the parent
company of CBS, finds out whether it has to divest stations to come in
compliance with the 35 percent cap.
Earlier this year the D.C. appeals court threw out similar restrictions on
cable TV companies, an action many believe signaled a change in the
networks' war against the broadcast limit. In that case the court
determined that limiting the number of subscribers one company can reach,
impeded too heavily on free speech.
And within a few weeks officials at the FCC said the agency will begin to
loosen a 26-year-old regulation restricting a company from owning a
television station and a newspaper in the same market.
Some consumer groups have denounced the court's decision, saying it would
further concentrate media power in many markets with limited competition,
sharply reducing the diversity of viewpoints on the airwaves and
diminishing the number of companies.
These rules, which the courts and Powell want to do away with, have
protected the American public's access to news, information and programming
reflecting many political views, different perspectives and tastes. The
erosion of these protections means that the ultra-conservatives will not
only dominate the airwaves, but monopolize it.
What Powell and the courts are missing in all this is that since the
beginning of radio, the federal government has regulated the airwaves,
taking the unequivocal position that it belongs to the people, not to the
corporations. Businesses were allowed to broadcast using the airwaves as
long as they maintained certain rules and standards.
People like Rush Limbaugh could never make it on radio because of a rule
that gave equal time to persons to respond to political attacks by
commentators. Radio commentators were very careful in how they broached
their attacks in the old days. That rule went out when Ronald Reagan became
president and Democrats in Congress agreed to the change.
Perhaps the best example of where the media in this country is headed is
best illustrated by Jane Akre and Steve Wilson. They won the Goldman
Environmental Prize for trying to report on the potentially cancerous,
genetically modified hormone rBGH in milk. Under pressure from Monsanto,
the manufacturer, Fox Network refused to air the reports and eventually
fired the journalists.
Akre successfully sued Fox for violating Florida's whistle-blower law and
is now defending the settlement in the appeal process.  But no other
television network picked up on that report, or approached the two to have

Re: [CTRL] Bogus Claims of Unconstitutionality

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 May 01, at 10:55, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> So Peace Be Unto You Steve - glad you did not fall into oblivion in the
> Grand Canyon and did you find your face in your own defacate again?

No, that was yours.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: David Koresh

2001-05-22 Thread Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

-Caveat Lector-

forgot to meantion that one of them ran for president of the
Pied Piper

Aleisha Saba wrote:

> Who really was David Koresch - we know he could have released the
> children that day and we know the FBI had ample access to arrest Koresh
> - but did not so do.   We know the charges against him were as false as
> the charges against Jim Jones, before he was murdered along with his
> followers.while the Black Houe of Israel remained untouched -
> obviously half way house for drugs.
> So who is this Clive Doyle who has taken over WACO who describes himself
> as a "currency printer".does he mean government employee to do with
> printing of monoey?
> Why the need to bulldoze over the bodies of the reamins of the dead
> Davidians.
> This item tells story of why Vernon Wayne Howell took name of David
> Kore(sh) - but I think the story in the King James Bible better suits
> his purpose..
> The Davidians now are printing a lot of books - for instance Manna -
> situted in Kentucky?
> David Koresh was and is no angel - why did Clinton call out the Delta,
> BATF, FBI, Tanks, Flame Throwers?Is David Kore(sh) really dead or
> did he survive?
> Now they fight over land and money..
> Who is this Doyle?  And cui bono?
> Saba
> David Koresh
>  David Koresh was born Vernon Wayne Howell in Houston, Texas in 1959 to
> a 15-year old single mother. He never knew his father and was raised by
> his grandparents.
>  In his late night conversations with FBI agents during the siege,
> Koresh described his childhood as lonely. He said the other kids teased
> him and called him "Vernie." He was dyslexic, a bad student, and dropped
> out of high school. However, he had musical ability and a strong
> interest in the Bible. By 12, he had memorized large tracts of it.
>  When he was 20, Koresh turned to the Church of Seventh Day Adventists,
> his mother's church.
> But he was expelled for being a bad influence on the young people.
> Sometime during the next couple of years, Koresh went to Hollywood to
> become a rock star but nothing came of it. Instead, in 1981 he went to
> Waco, Texas where he joined the Branch Davidians, a religious sect which
> in 1935 had settled 10 miles outside of Waco. At one time, it had more
> than 1,400 members.
>  Koresh had an affair with then-prophetess Lois Roden who was in her
> late sixties. The two travelled to Israel together. When Lois Roden
> died, a power struggle began between Koresh and Lois Roden's son George.
> For a short time, Koresh retreated with his followers to eastern Texas.
> But in late 1987 he returned to Mount Carmel in camouflage with seven
> male followers, armed with five .223 caliber semiautomatic assault
> rifles, two .22 caliber rifles, two 12-gauge shotguns and nearly 400
> rounds of ammunition. During the gunfight, Roden was shot in the chest
> and hands.
>  He and his followers went on trial for attempted murder. The seven were
> acquitted and a mistrial was declared in Koresh's case. (Koresh told the
> jury he and his men went to Mount Carmel to find evidence of corpse
> abuse by Roden and their shots were aimed at a tree.)
>  By 1990 Koresh had become the leader of the Branch Davidians and
> legally changed his name, saying on the court document that the change
> was "for publicity and business purposes."
> He said the switch arose from his belief that he was now head of the
> biblical House of David. (Koresh is a Hebrew transliteration of Cyrus,
> the name of the Persian king who allowed the Jews held captive in
> Babylon to return to Israel.)
> Back to Who's Who
> Home | Audiotapes | Pictures | FAQ | Who's Who | Chronology |  Readings
> | Viewer Reactions | Videotapes/Transcripts
> New Content Copyright © 1998 PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE
> The King James Bible
> at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
> Numbers, chapter 16
> "1": Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi,
> and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth,
> sons of Reuben, took men:
> "2": And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of
> Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the
> congregation, men of renown:
> "3": And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against
> Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the
> congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them:
> wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?
> "4": And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face:
> "5": And he spake unto Korah and unto all his company, saying, Even to
> morrow the LORD will shew who are his, and who is holy; and will cause
> him to come near unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to
> come near unto him.
> "6": This do; Take you censers, Korah, and all his company;
> "7": And put fire therein, and put incens

[CTRL] Internet Sales Tax Coming Soon

2001-05-22 Thread YnrChyldzWyld



_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

[CTRL] SNET: What The Un Doesn't Want You to Know (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 05:46:54 EDT
Subject: SNET: What The Un Doesn't Want You to Know

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

What The UN Doesn't Want You To Know


The Father of the UN Was a Communist
by Irvin Baxter Jr.
A young American diplomat was the leading force in the designing of the
United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from
August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N.
was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta
where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man
at the time. His death came only ten weeks later).
At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each
for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even
though the United States had only one.
At Yalta much of Europe was placed under the iron heel of communist rule.
At Yalta, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin appointed this young diplomatic
shining star to be the first Secretary-general of the U.N. for the founding
conference held in San Francisco,April/June of 1945.
> All of this seemed well and good until three years later.
Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did
people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like
the emblem of the Soviet Union. It now made sense that the Soviet Union, at
Yalta, was given control over all of Eastern Europe. Then everyone understood
how the Soviet Union managed to capture three votes in the U.N. General
Assembly compared to one for the United States. Then it became clear why a
secret deal had been struck stating that a communist would always hold the
office of of head of the U.N. military.
The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N.
Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was
designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.
On a recent tour of the U.N., not one mention was made of any of this by our
guide. Hiss' name was not mentioned one time. When pictures of the founding
conference contained his picture, our U.N. guide avoided telling us who it
I'm sure everyone was taught about the United Nations and its importance in
school, but I'm also sure that the above information was conveniently omitted
from your textbooks!
Secret agreement:
U.N. military to always be commanded by a communist
One of the most important positions within the entire United Nations - if not
the most important - is that of Undersecretary-General for Political and
Security Council Affairs. Most Americans have never even heard of this
position, much less anything about the man who holds the job. The
undersecretary-general for political and security council affairs has three
main areas of responsibility.

They are:
Control of all military and police functions of the United Nations
peacekeeping forces.
Supervision of all disarmament moves on the part of member nations
Control of all atomic energy ultimately entrusted to the United nations for
peaceful and "other purposes".
In view of the fact that these three functions may soon constitute the
ultimate power of life and death over every human being on the face of the
earth (once national disarmament is achieved and all military is under the
control of the U.N.), there would appear to be some minor justification for
us to be more than passingly curious over who wields this power. Since the
United Nations was created in 1945 there have been fifteen men appointed to
the position of undersecretary-general of political and security council
affairs. Astonishingly, every single one of them has been a communist!
Communists appointed to the position of undersecretary-general
Arkady Sobolev -- USSR (1946-1949)
Konstantin Zinchenko -- USSR (1949-53)
Ilya Tehernychev -- Ygoslavia (1954-1957)
Anatoly F. Dobrynin -- USSR (1958-1960)
Georgi Ptrovich Arkadev -- USSR (1960-1962)
Eugeny Dmiterievich Kiselev -- USSR (1962-1963)
Vladimir Pavolovich Suslov -- USSR (1963-1963)
Alexie E. Nesterenko -- USSR (1965-1968)
Leonid N. Kutakov -- USSR (1968-1973)
Arkady N. Shevchenko -- USSR (1973-1978)
Mikhail D. Sytenko -- USSR (1978-1981)
Viacheslav A. Ustinov -- USSR (1981-1986)
Uasiliy S. Safronchuk -- USSR (1987-1992)
Vladimir Petrovsky -- Russia -- former USSR (1992- )
James O. C. Jonah -- Sierra Leone (Co-chairman)
Some observers feel that fifteen Communists out of fifteen appointees
constitutes a trend of sorts. But whatever we call it, Trygve Lie, the first
secretary-general of the United Nations, revealed that this pattern was no
mere coincidence. In his book "In The Cause Of Peace" Lie wrote: "Mr.
Vyshinsky (of the USSR) 

[CTRL] Constitution a "scripted rant"

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

According to the author, reference to a Constitutional right - one that he doesn't 
care for - is nothing more than a "scripted rant."  But don't dare tread on his 
precious freedom of the press.  This piece is incredibly insulting to gun owners and 
to the framers of the Constitution.  How ironic that the piece was published in 
Boston.  Maybe the author, in his next piece, will declare his loyalty to the king of 


Club gushes over Uzis

 By Brian McGrory, Globe Staff, 5/22/2001

  The headline in yesterday's Patriot Ledger was certainly unique: ''Fun with 

 The prominent story told of a fund-raising event in Hanson that allows everyday 
people to pay for the
 thrill of firing off a variety of machine guns. ''Incredible,'' one donor exclaimed 
after shooting an Uzi.
 ''Exhilarating,'' gushed her friend.

 One of the pictures that accompanied the story was of a 3-year-old boy in short pants 
getting what
 the newspaper caption describes as an ''up-close look at one of the weapons.'' He is, 
in fact, toddling
 all around it.

 How marvelous! How, well, incredibly exhilarating! Anyone can walk off the street and 
sate their
 desire to fire a machine gun, to press their finger against the delicate trigger and 
feel the explosion of
 so much power. And all for such a good cause; a third of the proceeds will be sent to 
the Shriner's
 Hospital in Boston.

 So just one question remains: Have we lost our collective mind?

 The organizers, the Hanson Rod and Gun Club, are quite sure we haven't, that we can 
all come
 together and share the wonder of fully automatic weaponry in total harmony. In fact, 
they lured 1,000
 people to the eighth annual festivities on Saturday.

 ''Some people like to sky dive. Some people like to scuba dive,'' says John Davis, 
who ran the event.
 ''This is a new experience for them. They get to fire a fully automatic firearm.''

 They certainly do, and Davis has the bullet-riddled van to prove it. He concedes that 
he's ''worried''
 about the perception of the event, but quickly adds that there are doctors, lawyers, 
and law
 enforcement officers who take part in the shooting.

 He also points out that because of a recently enacted town bylaw, kids are now 
prohibited from firing
 the guns - a change from past years. ''Between noon and one, the parents can allow 
their kids to take
 a closer look at the firearms,'' he says.

 Credit the Hanson town fathers - and mothers - for recognizing a truly awful event. 
Two years ago,
 they tried to ban the shooting entirely, but lost in a Town Meeting vote after gun 
club members recited
 their scripted rant about losing their God-given right to bear arms.

 Actually, officials were just trying to stop the show, and for good reason.

 Here's what guns do: They kill. They might be shrewd investments, as Davis points 
out. They might
 have significant historical value. They might be beautiful to look at, thrilling for 
some people to hold,
 but the bottom line, their intended purpose, the reason they were built, is to kill.

 And kill they do. The teenage murderers at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., 
had in their
 cache of weaponry a 9mm semi-automatic carbine when they slayed 12 fellow students 
and a teacher
 in 1999. That same type of lightweight semi-automatic rifle was also used in the 
Jonesboro schoolyard
 massacre the year before. Five people died there.

 Michael McDermott is charged with having an AK-47, a semi-automatic rifle, when he 
allegedly went
 on his post-Christmas killing spree in Wakefield last year that left seven dead.

 It's nothing new, but worth repeating, to say that kids are bombarded with violence. 
They see people
 shot to death every hour of every night on network television. They play video games 
that are entirely
 geared toward death. They see kids their age killing kids their age all across 
America, such that
 school shootings aren't always front-page news anymore.

 And now comes this gun group to glorify it all even more, to strip away the distance, 
to put the
 weapons right in people's hands and tell children that firing a machine gun is not 
only normal and
 healthy, but according to the Patriot Ledger, ''fun.''

 What might the men and women of the Hanson Rod and Gun Club say if the next school 
shooting -
 and unfortunately, there's always a next school shooting - is somewhere nearby?

 Brian McGrory's e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This story ran on page 1 of the Boston Globe on 5/22/2001.
 © Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by

[CTRL] Fwd: David Koresh

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

Who really was David Koresch - we know he could have released the
children that day and we know the FBI had ample access to arrest Koresh
- but did not so do.   We know the charges against him were as false as
the charges against Jim Jones, before he was murdered along with his
followers.while the Black Houe of Israel remained untouched -
obviously half way house for drugs.

So who is this Clive Doyle who has taken over WACO who describes himself
as a "currency printer".does he mean government employee to do with
printing of monoey?

Why the need to bulldoze over the bodies of the reamins of the dead

This item tells story of why Vernon Wayne Howell took name of David
Kore(sh) - but I think the story in the King James Bible better suits
his purpose..

The Davidians now are printing a lot of books - for instance Manna -
situted in Kentucky?

David Koresh was and is no angel - why did Clinton call out the Delta,
BATF, FBI, Tanks, Flame Throwers?Is David Kore(sh) really dead or
did he survive?

Now they fight over land and money..
Who is this Doyle?  And cui bono?

David Koresh

 David Koresh was born Vernon Wayne Howell in Houston, Texas in 1959 to
a 15-year old single mother. He never knew his father and was raised by
his grandparents.

 In his late night conversations with FBI agents during the siege,
Koresh described his childhood as lonely. He said the other kids teased
him and called him "Vernie." He was dyslexic, a bad student, and dropped
out of high school. However, he had musical ability and a strong
interest in the Bible. By 12, he had memorized large tracts of it.

 When he was 20, Koresh turned to the Church of Seventh Day Adventists,
his mother's church.
But he was expelled for being a bad influence on the young people.
Sometime during the next couple of years, Koresh went to Hollywood to
become a rock star but nothing came of it. Instead, in 1981 he went to
Waco, Texas where he joined the Branch Davidians, a religious sect which
in 1935 had settled 10 miles outside of Waco. At one time, it had more
than 1,400 members.

 Koresh had an affair with then-prophetess Lois Roden who was in her
late sixties. The two travelled to Israel together. When Lois Roden
died, a power struggle began between Koresh and Lois Roden's son George.
For a short time, Koresh retreated with his followers to eastern Texas.

But in late 1987 he returned to Mount Carmel in camouflage with seven
male followers, armed with five .223 caliber semiautomatic assault
rifles, two .22 caliber rifles, two 12-gauge shotguns and nearly 400
rounds of ammunition. During the gunfight, Roden was shot in the chest
and hands.

 He and his followers went on trial for attempted murder. The seven were
acquitted and a mistrial was declared in Koresh's case. (Koresh told the
jury he and his men went to Mount Carmel to find evidence of corpse
abuse by Roden and their shots were aimed at a tree.)

 By 1990 Koresh had become the leader of the Branch Davidians and
legally changed his name, saying on the court document that the change
was "for publicity and business purposes."

He said the switch arose from his belief that he was now head of the
biblical House of David. (Koresh is a Hebrew transliteration of Cyrus,
the name of the Persian king who allowed the Jews held captive in
Babylon to return to Israel.)
Back to Who's Who

Home | Audiotapes | Pictures | FAQ | Who's Who | Chronology |  Readings
| Viewer Reactions | Videotapes/Transcripts

New Content Copyright © 1998 PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Numbers, chapter 16
"1": Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi,
and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth,
sons of Reuben, took men:
"2": And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of
Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the
congregation, men of renown:
"3": And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against
Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the
congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them:
wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?
"4": And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face:
"5": And he spake unto Korah and unto all his company, saying, Even to
morrow the LORD will shew who are his, and who is holy; and will cause
him to come near unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to
come near unto him.
"6": This do; Take you censers, Korah, and all his company;
"7": And put fire therein, and put incense in them before the LORD to
morrow: and it shall be that the man whom the LORD doth choose, he shall
be holy: ye take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi.
"8": And Moses said unto Korah, Hear, I pray you, ye sons of Levi:
"9": Seemeth it but a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath
separated you from the congregat

[CTRL] strange list editing behaviour - censored

2001-05-22 Thread Andrew Hennessey

I must admit to wondering why the list appeared to 
completely inactive for over 24 hours AFTER I 
posted my story called 'you couldn't invent this 
I had the thought that US intelligence couldn't 
have been
all that concerned about some Brit - 
so in context - maybe the post contained 
that relates to the fact that the Hermaphroditic 
thing is part of some NWO special forces and 
these may be deployed to be in charge of 
're-education centres'
any ideas ? 

[CTRL] SNET: America Is Hazardous to Children (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 03:15:42 EDT
Subject: SNET: America Is Hazardous to Children

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

BOB'S FORWARDER'S NOTE:  225 years ago we had a King who terrorized us and we
SHOT his terrorists.  Until the sheeple once again grow a backbone and send a
message that these terrorists understand - a message that comes at them at
around 2800 feet-per-second - NOTHING will get better and will continue to
worsen for the sheeple who put themselves into voluntary slavery.
May God have mercy on what will remain of my once-great nation, this I pray.

Not-so-respecfully Submitted,
Bob Worn, Major-USAF (Retired)
Route 8  Box 422
Gilmer, Texas  75644-8825

Subj:   America Is Hazardous to Children
Date:   5/21/01 8:59:49 AM Central Daylight Time
From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (M.A. Johnson)

America Is Hazardous to Children
by Brad Edmonds

Two misadventures involving home schoolers have made
news all over the internet in the last week. In one
case reported by Michelle Malkin on May 18, a county
in Maryland has charged a mother with criminal truancy
because she refused to allow officials to review
her curriculum while she also had not registered her
schooling efforts with an approved sponsor. She was
using a strong curriculum, by the way.

Another case goes like this: A naked two-year-old gets
out the front door of the house, and a neighbor calls
the authorities. Social workers demand to question
family members, the family members refuse, and the
family is now in the third year of dealing with it in
court. This case isn't about home schooling directly,
but relates to parents' rights to decide for their own
children. It also happens that the parents are home
schoolers  maybe coincidence, maybe the reason for
the government pursuit.

What should be news, however, is that attacks are
happening across the nation, and they're nothing new.
Here's a smattering from the Home Schooling Legal Defense
Association: The East Otero School District in Colorado
requires parents to report home-schooled children's
standardized test scores. What the district did to at
least one family was try to intimidate them into
letting the government determine the time and place
of testing, which is not the law. In California, the
Montabello Unified School District sent a representative
to the home of home-schooling parents to try to make
them "register" their children with the public schools,
which is not the law. Also in California, two families
that recently began home schooling went through all
the legal rigmarole, and still were treated to "mistaken"
accusatory visits from social workers, one accompanied
by a policeman. All these cases were reported during
the first 17 days of May  highly significant because
they involved members of the Home Schooling Legal
Defense Association. How much more such bullying is
happening to home schoolers who aren't members of this
one organization?

The same website details legislative attacks on home
schooling. A current proposal in Maine would remove
forced-immunization exemptions for those who have
religious or other objections, and thus would indirectly
(but disproportionately) affect home schoolers. Florida
is considering a bill that would allow the government
to "assess" the "needs" and "strengths" of families
until every child reaches age 9. More openly aimed at
home schooling is a bill in Michigan that would impose
new mandatory standardized testing for home schoolers,
even though the data show that home-schooled children
do better than government-school victims on college
entrance exams. Minnesota is currently considering
adding new testing and parent-qualifications requirements.

So, while we have state legislators making it increasingly
difficult to home school your children without being
prosecuted, we have school districts knocking on doors
and lying to parents about the law to intimidate them
into giving up the whole idea. I suspect that many of
the knocking-on-the-door-and-lying incidents are done
knowingly: In the cases mentioned above, the Home
Schooling Legal Defense Association faxed a letter to
the offending district, and the parents were not
bothered again (not bothered so far; these are recent
cases). All this after it has become common knowledge
that home schooling is the best thing for children,
which proves that the best thing for the children is
the last thing on the mind of your government.

Some states are becoming friendly to home schoolers.
Learn about those, and consider relocating to them even
if you don't have children. However, the other states
noted above (and more) are desperate to stamp out home
schooling, whether by lying about the law

[CTRL] Heston Re-Elected NRA President (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Monday May 21 1:39 PM ET

Heston Re-Elected NRA President

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Charlton Heston, who has electrified the National Rifle 
Association with his rousing,
musket-waving speeches, was re-elected to an unprecedented fourth term as NRA 
president Monday.

The 77-year-old actor was chosen by the NRA's 76-member board of directors.

``There really wasn't much discussion'' about whether to keep Heston in the job, said 
NRA spokesman Bill Powers.

Heston was first elected to head the 4.2-million-member gun-rights group in 1998. 
Presidents serve one-year terms.

On Saturday, he told NRA members at their annual meeting that he had expected his most 
recent term to be his last but that he
was asked to stay on.

To a roaring crowd, he thrust a Revolutionary War musket above his head Saturday and 
said, ``I have only five words for you:
>From my cold, dead hands.''

It was an encore of his performance at last year's convention, when he issued a 
challenge to gun-control forces he said want to
disarm NRA members.

Powers said Heston is ``a tremendous resource'' for the NRA because of his history of 
civil rights involvement, including
marching with the Rev. Martin Luther King and working for free-speech and gun rights.

``Given that long life of service to those important issues, he brings to bear a 
tremendous amount of credibility on our behalf,''
Powers said.


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[CTRL] We blew it ....

2001-05-22 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

> day, and the Congressman said, "Yeah we knew this was  going
> to  happen.  We  blew  it"

.. up ?


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[CTRL] Rewriting History

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?22899

Sunday, May 20, 2001

History re-written to undermine gun rights?
Geoff Metcalf interviews historian and author Clayton Cramer

Editor's note: There can be no doubt that gun rights are under assault in America 
these days. Manufacturers are facing
intimidation and lawsuits from various government agencies and gun owners are having 
to endure increasingly
restrictive laws affecting their rights to purchase, keep and use firearms. A large 
part of this ongoing battle revolves
around public perception. Certainly school shootings and accidental deaths of children 
playing with unlocked guns affect
the public's attitudes, as do television ads, talk-show guests and books dealing with 
gun control.

In December, Geoff Metcalf interviewed Dr. Joyce Malcolm, a professor and historian. 
Dr. Malcolm wasn't convinced of
the assertions made by Professor Michael Bellesiles in his book, "Arming America: The 
Origins of a National Gun
Culture." Bellesiles claims that the American colonists did not, by and large, own or 
value firearms. In her critique of
Bellesiles' work, Malcolm takes on his research methods, conclusions and use of 
selective information.

Enter Clayton Cramer, an author and historian. While doing research on a related 
historical topic when Bellesiles first
began presenting his findings, Cramer became interested in what Bellesiles had to say 
since it affected his own research.
WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf recently interviewed 
Cramer and, today, we learn what
Cramer discovered about Bellesiles' work and its relevance to the gun-control debate.

Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. 
to 10 p.m. Eastern time.

By Geoff Metcalf

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Question: The left more than embraced "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun 
Culture." Here we
have a "scholar" who says that colonists really didn't have much value for firearms, 
and here we have the
"facts" to support that. So what's the deal?

Answer: When Bellesiles first presented these ideas in a Journal of American History 
paper back in 1996, it
was a really startling idea he was presenting -- and I did not immediately discount 
the possibility. It would
not be the first time that an historian sat down and looked at something everyone 
knows and found out that,
no, it wasn't that way after all. I couldn't immediately throw it out as a possibility.

I was doing research on a related topic at that time -- it was why concealed weapons 
laws appear when and
where they do. I found they suddenly occurred in about the 1830s in some of the 
southern states and, if
Bellesiles was correct, there hadn't been a great many guns in the U.S.

Q: Why would you have to control them then?

A: Yeah. There would be some logic to that. So it was something that I was prepared to 
at least use as a
working hypothesis as I was going through old newspapers, travel accounts and diaries. 
But the problem was,
the more I read of them, the more it became apparent that something was really, really 

Q: The classic example I gave Joyce Malcolm when she joined us was kind of personal. 
My family is from
New England. There was a Michael Metcalf who, in 1676, was living in Dedham, 
Massachusetts, and he came
home one day to discover the Indians had burned his home to the ground and pillaged 
his livestock. It was the
beginning of "The King Phillips War." It was an Indian war. So Michael put a militia 
band together and they
headed south into Rhode Island and fought the Indians in the Great Swamp. Guns were 

A: It would certainly seem like you would get that impression. Bellesiles makes the 
claim that, for the most
part, when the Indians and the Europeans did fight, the Europeans mainly worked on 
starving the Indians out
by destroying their crops and, in fact, there is a little truth to that. In a number 
of accounts of the 18th century
that I have read, there is mention of starving the Indians as the most effective way 
of dealing with them.

Q: And what was the method used to starve them?

A: The method used was to take away their guns. But here is the thing that was really 
troubling: The more I
started to check the sources that he cites in his book, the more discrepancies I 
found. Something a little worse
than cherry-picking the sources.

Q: Let's get to it: What you are suggesting is that his big problem is not just the 
selective cherry-picking of
facts that supported his hypothesis, but that he actually lied.

A: I would say he has a very, very severe reading problem that somehow has been 
undiagnosed all the way
through his doctorate.

Q: You are being very politic and generous, but go on.

A: Let me give y


2001-05-22 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

This claim is not necessarily inconsistent. I am sure that it would
heve been conditional, and would guess that suitable bugs and other
'plant' tracers to have been installed 'in the national interest',
opportunistically here ?


> nuclear power plant near Shanghai despite US law that specifically bans the
> financing of loans to "Marxist-Leninist" countries, including the People's
> Republic of China (PRC) unless the loans are considered to be in the national
> interest.
> President Clinton obligingly declared the loans to be in the US national
> interest .

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Re: [CTRL] NRT: USDA worries livestock illness is bilogical weapon

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Reported that this think re the foals has now eached into Ohio.

Unborn foals are no insured supposedly - but when you consider now we
live in a Death Culture (look at Littleton) where life has no meaning
(refer to abortion pills) there could be a crazy vet out there with a

It is said now Florida weather will now be "normal".

Intent of Weather program was to make Florida hurricane free - got to
save Naples and Palm Springs..so hurricianes have been controlled
and diverted and for 4 years now Florida in drought?

Listen to words of Colonel Tom Beardon - see his web site - for he is a
nuclear engineer and expert of the works of Tesla and this horrendous


So a few unborn horses die but the percentage is what matters - wonder
why the English do not fight back or do they await the day of their
slaughter like a stupid lot of sheep - for Prince Philip must be dead
and indeed has come back, as he so wished, as a deadly virus to solve
overpopulation problem.

Prince Charles battlled genetically engineered foods - but cui bono?
Nobody listens?

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Re: [CTRL] Bogus Claims of Unconstitutionality

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

We the People, Steve - We the People..filed Articles of
Incorporation and think you will find the High Court Rules that when
people find their government so odius as to be intolerable they have the
right to abolish same...now there was nobody around to determine if
this position was correct, for this was the US Supeme Court

So the Courts merely rule on the constitutionality of a law and it is up
to the people through their Congressman to change the law, if they do
not like it.

Best way to do that is to vote out your representative.

But to you revolutionaries?   Hey the Supreme Court said you had the
right to abolish a government that is so odious it has become
intolerabledidn't say how - maybe like the Continental Army of Old
someday our Militias will come to the rescue if all else fails.

And Steve - why is it when you get into UFO's and crap like that you end
up with a political pitch that looks like it was writiten by Karl Marx?
Wants to give away our secrets now - but the Constitution says, George W
Bush will defend the Constitution and this Country with any means at his
disposal, as the President - he will provide for the "common

So Peace Be Unto You Steve - glad you did not fall into oblivion in the
Grand Canyon and did you find your face in your own defacate again?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Bill are they just finding this out; birds dying and airplanes
dropping chemicals from the sky for "medicinal" purposes; AIDS spread
throughout the entire world, with maybe a lot of credit due to William
Jefferson Clinton who sold polluted HIV/AIDS and who knows what else,
blood; to horses dying being aborted like innocent children in Kentucky
spreading to Ohio; to mass execution of unborn babies, and sale of the
little body parts for profit; but the best symbolic sign of times -
cattle dying and being slaughtered for no other reason other than some
have been sick with foot and mouth or "mad cow" disease - put in piles
and burnt - but one calf I noted escaped, for its owner found it alive
and protected it from the slaughterman.

Is this the Grim Reaper?   But who has done what.   Remember Silent
Spring ..consider pesticide companies now linked with pharmaceutical
companies and vaccine companies - all in the game for profit -
genetically engineered food designed to kill?

A sensible birth control problem would be a good answer - not
slaughtering the innocentns.
6 million people died becaue of Hitler; not quite correct, 55 million
people died an add another 50 million who died at hands of Soviet Union
- massive slaughter and genocide?

Working America - note how the news in a Charles Spenser fashion
(Champagne Charlie, brother of Princess Diana) referrs to "working
class" America?   Working class?

Well when 300 were fired by Ted Turner, did anybody else feel their pain
and did anybody give a damn?  I did not - for after all they were
"working class" press and did not know it?

Now the biggest deal of the century - Chinese Abortion Pill..

Simple solution to many problems - stop selling sex and learn to manage
it - cheap trashy movies and music, only contribute to the design of the

Remember Jack the Ripper?   Sign of the times for Jacks Back.


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Re: [CTRL] Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say

2001-05-22 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/22/01 2:43:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  a "mass extinction"
of plants and animals is underway that poses a major threat to humans >>

Does this refer to bleeding heart liberals and eco-wackos? They are a major
threat to humans and their freedoms.

Bill H

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Walters: One year later, we know it wasn't just a simple game of golf

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


"Less than a month after the crisis first surfaced, the PUC voted
3-2 to
authorize long-term supply contracts at about 5 cents a
kilowatt-hour --
slightly higher than wholesale prices had been, but ridiculously
cheap by
contemporary standards. Publicly owned utilities saw the looming
escalation and quickly locked up long-term supplies, but Lynch
denounced the
commission action as "a wrong turn" that could lead to higher
bills, and within days it was scuttled in legislation signed by

Bee Column
Dan Walters: One year later, we know it wasn't just a simple game
of golf

(Published May 20, 2001)

California will mark -- but certainly not celebrate -- an
anniversary this
week. It was exactly one year ago that a late spring heat wave
swept over
San Diego, and as air conditioners began drawing heavy amounts of
power, San
Diego Gas & Electric Co. began charging its customers high,
rates for juice.

It was the beginning of the California energy crisis, or at least
of public
and political awareness that something was wrong. And a year
later, every
aspect of the crisis continues to grow worse. We are paying 10
times as much
for power as we were two years ago. We have amassed more than $20
billion in
private and public debt that will grow even with sharp increases
in consumer
power rates. And we face potentially life-threatening summer

Certainly the roots of the crisis extend much further than one
year. They go
back to decisions in the 1970s to stop major power plant
construction and
rely on conservation and alternative generating sources. And they
include a
momentous decision in the mid-1990s to adopt a "deregulation"
plan that was
an unworkable hybrid of open markets and price controls that left
us at the
mercy of out-of-state generators. Of more currency is what was
and wasn't
done in the last 12 months to fan that spark into a uncontrolled,
perhaps uncontrollable, firestorm.

Gov. Gray Davis once said that he was approaching energy just as
he plays
golf, "one hole at a time." Unfortunately for Davis, and for the
state, it
was not a golf game, but one of three-dimensional, and perhaps
four-dimensional, chess. To manage the crisis effectively, the
governor needed the ability, either personally or through trusted
aides, to
pull together its disparate elements into a cohesive whole.

The golfing approach was evident from the beginning, as Davis
dealt with
only the most immediate aspects of the situation as they evolved,
than embracing it wholly and actively. Private and public energy
warned that what was happening in San Diego was a harbinger of a
crisis and proposed that the 1996 "deregulation" be suspended,
that rates be
raised slightly and that private utilities be given broad
authority to enter
into long-term supply contracts to stabilize the market. But
Davis and his
handpicked state Public Utilities Commission president, Loretta
stalled for time.

Less than a month after the crisis first surfaced, the PUC voted
3-2 to
authorize long-term supply contracts at about 5 cents a
kilowatt-hour --
slightly higher than wholesale prices had been, but ridiculously
cheap by
contemporary standards. Publicly owned utilities saw the looming
escalation and quickly locked up long-term supplies, but Lynch
denounced the
commission action as "a wrong turn" that could lead to higher
bills, and within days it was scuttled in legislation signed by

Rather than face the issue comprehensively and proactively,
Davis, Lynch and
the Legislature opted for an expedient fix in San Diego, rolling
back retail
rates without addressing either supply or cost issues. Within
weeks, private
utilities were beginning to take on billions of dollars in debt
as wholesale
costs skyrocketed.

Last summer's failure to act was compounded by other errors of
It's clear now, for example, that it was a mistake for the state
to continue
buying power at sky-high rates when the utilities had exhausted
credit. Having a new deep pocket encouraged the generators to
whatever the market would bear.

A year after he could have nipped the crisis in the bud, but
didn't, Davis
is busily rewriting history and blaming others, principally
Republicans, for
the dilemma. But the governor cannot, or should not, escape the
responsibility for approaching this very complex situation like a
game of
golf, or like some routine political dispute, and thus failing to
apply the
aggressive and sophisticated managerial touch that this crisis
demanded from
the onset.

As Gen. George McClellan discovered at the Battle of Antietam
during the
Civil War, the unwillingness to take risk often leads to greater

The Bee's Dan Walters can be reached at (916) 321-1195 or


Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2001-05-22 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 May 2001, at 0:51, Amelia wrote:

> Just kidding! I am sure it was just a software glitch.  You know the
> one~~it has  a tendency to do this when the post leans too far to the
> right. Other things can activate it also.
The one that really mystifies me is the one that edits out a portion of a
post and sends the rest on to the list!

Best Wishes

Intemperate speech is a distinctive characteristic of man.  Hotheads
blow off and release destructive energy in the process.  They shout and
rave, exaggerating weaknesses, magnifying error, viewing with alarm.  So
it has been from the beginning; and so it will be throughout time.  The
framers of the constitution knew human nature as well as we do.  They
too had lived in dangerous days; they too knew the suffocating influence
of orthodoxy and standardized thought.  They weighed the compulsions
for the restrained speech and thought against the abuses of liberty.
They chose liberty.~~ Justice William O. Douglas

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Re: [CTRL] De Beers Goes Private In $19 Billion Deal.

2001-05-22 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 >Only in a system as ridiculous as capitalism
> could this be achieved with an essentially worthless commodity
> like diamonds. Remember Pet Rocks?
> What a stupid fucking system. Ballplayers make hundreds of millions
> of dollars for UTTERLY non productive work, and farmers and teachers
> and nurses can't earn a living wage.
> Stupid, wasteful, evil fucking system.
> J2

I agree...but then it all depends on how you define "capitalism."
What passes for capitalism today is in reality State Corporatism...
almost as bad as Socialismthe most evil and murderous system
yet devised.

BTW, I disagree about ballplayers. Surely a .300+ hitter is more socially
productive then some RepubliKrat or DemiKan President..

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: (Lost Child)]

2001-05-22 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, the story a hoax:


But the stores do have a procedure for finding lost children in a
hurry, called CODE ADAM.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lost FBI Documents & TWA 800

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


May 18, 2001

Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO)

Tom Stalcup
33 Ridgeview Dr.
Falmouth, MA, 02540,

Missing FBI Documents in McVeigh and Flight 800

Timothy McVeigh's bombing was the worst act of domestic
terrorism in U.S. history. TWA Flight 800 was one of the worst
disasters in U.S. history.

In each case, the FBI unlawfully withheld documents for
years afterwards.

Evidence withheld by the FBI during its Flight 800

WITNESSES: The FBI withheld from the National Transportation
Safety Board all witness documents--the same types of FBI
documents (302's) that materialized recently related to "Jon
Doe No. 2" interviews--that included descriptions of a
streak of light colliding with an aircraft for more than one
year after the crash.  While the media speculated about an
external cause, the FBI classified as "secret," witness
accounts that confirmed such speculation.

The FBI continues to list as "unable to locate," crucial
eyewitness documents, including witness sketches and
graphics of a surface-originating streak.  Also, significant
gaps remain in the existing documents' numbering system,
indicating that hundreds of other accounts may remain unreleased.

FORENSICS: The FBI confiscated from the New York Suffolk
County Medical Examiner all foreign objects found imbedded
in the crash victims' bodies to be sent for analysis.  But
according to a sworn FBI affidavit sent to Springfield, MA
Federal District Court in response to a FOIA lawsuit filed
by FIRO, no test results on any of the items taken from 89
bodies could be found after a "thorough search."

In the wake of the recent execution-delaying FBI document
release, Senator Charles Grassley has called for "a
top-to-bottom review" of the FBI.  FIRO agrees and hopes
that such a review will locate the missing documents and
reports in the TWA Flight 800 case.

FIRO is a group independently researching the 1996 crash of
TWA Flight 800.  Its membership includes engineering,
aviation, and military professionals.

Related Article: http://Flight800.org/foia.htm

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


  *Michael Spitzer*

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Inquiry Studies County Group's Role in '96 New Jersey Senate Race

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


May 19, 2001

Inquiry Studies County Group's Role in '96 New Jersey Senate Race


Until 1996, the Bergen County Democratic Organization was a
modest New Jersey political operation.  Its money came mostly
from small
donations by county workers and local businesses, and it spent
to help candidates for offices like freeholder and sheriff.

Then, that summer, the Bergen County group began taking in
donations of
$10,000 and $20,000 from big corporations like Lockheed Martin.
It also
began spending large sums for items like "consulting" by the
investigations firm that former President Bill Clinton hired
after his
affair with a White House intern.

Now, some of those big donors have acknowledged that their
were solicited by representatives of Robert G.  Torricelli, then
Democratic congressman representing Bergen County who was running
the United States Senate.

Public records and interviews also show that the Bergen County
paid thousands of dollars in salaries and other expenses for Mr.
Torricelli's successful Senate campaign - an arrangement that may
violated federal election laws, campaign finance experts say.

According to people involved in the inquiry, federal prosecutors
are now
examining whether Mr.  Torricelli's campaign used the Bergen
group to evade restrictions on corporate donations.

A lawyer for Mr.  Torricelli's campaign, Robert F.  Bauer, would
discuss whether the candidate had asked some donors to give to
Bergen County group, or whether the Bergen County organization
had paid
some of the campaign's expenses, but asserted that those
practices were
both common and legal.

Experts in campaign finance issues, however, said they had a
view of the law on the contributions to party committees, known
as soft

"A candidate can solicit soft money to a party committee and the
committee is allowed to take it," said a former chairman of the
Election Commission, Trevor Potter, referring to corporate
"But the committee is still limited in what they can do with that
money.  They cannot use it to pay the candidate's campaign

Political finance experts said that party committees could use
gathered from individuals to make limited contributions to a
campaign.  But even then, they emphasized, such spending must be
through a registered committee and reported to the Federal
Commission.  During the 1996 campaign, the Bergen County group
registered with the commission, officials said, nor reported any
of the
expenses that it covered for the Torricelli campaign.

The solicitation and use of corporate contributions by federal
candidates was the main target of the campaign finance
legislation that
was approved by the Senate last month.  That legislation, the
Feingold bill, would bar candidates from raising soft money to
their campaigns and restrict the ways in which party groups in
states can spend it.  Mr.  Torricelli voted for the bill, which
is to be
debated by the House this summer.

Questions about Mr.  Torricelli's alliance with the Bergen
the party group for a county that has long been his political
first surfaced this month in connection with a mailing to New
Jersey gun

According to people involved in the federal grand jury
into the activities of Mr.  Torricelli and some of his aides,
prosecutors are examining whether the Torricelli campaign
arranged for the Bergen County Democratic Organization to pay
$37,000 for the mailing.

Documents from the federal inquiry show that prosecutors are also
looking at other spending by the Bergen County group that may be
to the Torricelli campaign.

During the last months of that hard-fought race, the Bergen
Democrats received more than $100,000 from an unlikely assortment
corporate benefactors, including several companies run by
political supporters of Mr.  Torricelli.  The largest of those
was $25,000 from HFS Inc., a large franchising company in

The company's chairman and chief executive at the time, Henry R.
Silverman, had already donated $2,000 to Mr.  Torricelli's
campaign, the
maximum that an individual may give in one election cycle.  In
1996, the Torricelli campaign returned an additional $1,000 from
Silverman because it exceeded that limit, federal records show.

"Sometime over the summer, we asked, `What else can we do to
help?' or
they asked us, `Can you do something else to help?' " Mr.
recalled in an interview.  "And when we said we'd be willing to
do more,
they told us to give to the county."

Another longtime corporate supporter of Mr.  Torricelli, the
Junction Corporation of South Hackensack, N.J., gave $10,000 to
Bergen County Democrats on Nov.  14.  The company's former

[CTRL] WND:Waco producer: Weapons photos falsified

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Waco producer: Weapons photos falsified
Expert says pictures of tested guns misidentified,
misrepresented to court


By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The producer of three documentaries critical of the FBI's
actions during the  April 19, 1993, raid on the Branch
Davidian community in Waco, Texas, has repeated his earlier
claim that key weapons were not involved in testing by an
independent counsel but were instead misidentified in a
final report.

Mike McNulty, whose latest Waco-related documentary is
entitled, "The F.L.I.R. Project," told WND that a special
counsel's report, released last November, appears to refute
his earlier claims that M-16 carbine-type weapons were not
test-fired in an exercise to determine if FBI agents fired
at Davidians as they fled buildings during the fire that
engulfed the complex.

McNulty, a small-arms expert, said photos identifying
shooters as firing CAR-15 carbines during a test set up by
then-Special Counsel John Danforth's office were
misidentified, since the weapons actually being fired were
standard-sized M-16 A2 rifles, not the shorter-barreled
carbine model FBI agents carried on the day of the raid.

Not only were those key weapons misidentified, he said, but
that incorrect data was then forwarded to a federal court
that relied exclusively upon it to determine -- as
Danforth's office had -- that FBI agents did not fire at
fleeing Davidians.

Tom Schweich, then-chief of staff for Danforth's Office of
the Special Counsel, or OSC, told WND last week that weapons
tests conducted by the OSC's office proved "conclusively"
that "glint" which appeared on infrared video shot by the
FBI from an aircraft during the raid was not gunfire, as
McNulty contends, but reflections of sunlight off of ground
debris, primarily glass.

McNulty contends the infrared video clearly shows FBI agents
firing automatic weapons at fleeing Branch Davidians, but
Schweich said the OSC found that claim "preposterous" after
conducting a
lengthy investigation and a weapons test March 19, 2000, at
Fort Hood, Texas.

Correct weapons sought

To make a final determination about the charge of gunfire on
the infrared video, the OSC -- empowered by then-Attorney
General Janet Reno to conduct one final examination of all
available evidence from the raid on the Branch Davidian
complex -- requested a sample of all weapons used by the FBI
during the raid so officials could try to recreate the
alleged gunfire on the infrared video.

Schweich told WND last week that all weapons finally tested
were approved by both sides -- government officials as well
as representatives for the Branch Davidians. He added that
the OSC
reviewed thousands of photos and other evidence during the
investigation, including photos that would be helpful in
determining which types of weapons needed to be test-fired.

McNulty has questioned that assertion, and said he wonders
why the OSC didn't test-fire carbines as it has said it did,
because the weapons were visible in photographs and video
taken of FBI agents on the day of the raid by the Texas
Department of Public Safety.

When pressed about McNulty's specific charges that the
correct types of weapons (carbines) and type of ammunition
(non-military commercial ammunition, as used by the FBI
during the Waco raid)
were not tested, Schweich again said the test's results left
no doubt that debris, not gunfire, caused the FLIR flashes.

"Anybody that looks at the result of that test is going to
know not only that it's debris that is causing those
flashes, but even which pieces of debris were causing those
flashes," said Schweich.

"We did our best to get the right weapons â?¦ but I'm in no
position to say why, in an office of 74 people, one weapon
was in and one weapon was out, other than to say that we had
tremendous input from both sides as to what weapons should
be shot," he added.

Schweich also told WND that the OSC reviewed thousands of
photos and other evidence during the investigation,
including photos that would be helpful in determining which
types of weapons
needed to be test-fired.

"The Davidians insisted that there be a CAR-15 or
short-barreled carbine included in this test" during the
protocol meetings to determine which weapons would be fired,
McNulty said in his most
recent WND interview. "And, much to the chagrin of the FBI,
a carbine - a CAR-15 - was finally agreed on to be tested."

McNulty said that an OSC document -- the Operations Plan for
the weapons test, dated the day of the Fort Hood test --
says the FBI would supply the correct ammunition for the
test while noting
that "a CAR-15 has [also] been requested.

"'Attachment A' of that document, 'Item 6,' lists a CAR-15"
as a weapon to be tested, McNulty acknowledged.

"But then it says something curious," he pointed out. "In
parentheses, it also said 'Actual M-16 A1,' and then on the
FLIR [infrared test] Test Course of Fire Commands" -- a page

[CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

Nah, he didn't say anything but all but 3 of my 
posts were rejected today.  was discussing with Dale how we do not see the 
Bush family as particularly evil, given the rest of politicos, was ambushed by 
Linda Minor, whom Kris praised and no more 
posts for me.  Will see if my 'punishment' is over.  Just kidding! I 
am sure it was just a software glitch.  You know the one~~it has  a 
tendency to do this when the post leans too far to the right. Other things 
can activate it also.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Rejected posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 5/19/01 5:20:50 PM Central Daylight Time, 

Well, Bill, I guess I just got the boot from CTRL as I was 
  rejected on my third post today.  What do you mean you 
got the boot? Did Kris say anything to you? 

[CTRL] WT: GAO to investigate White House vandalism 2001-01-31

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

GAO to investigate White House vandalism

By Joseph Curl

A federal government oversight agency is preparing to investigate
at the White House by departing Clinton staffers, despite efforts
by Bush
officials to downplay the ongoing saga.

 Rep. Bob Barr, Georgia Republican, yesterday asked the General
Office (GAO) to begin an "immediate investigation" into the cost
of the
vandalism, which included cut telephone lines, overturned desks,
offices and the removal of labels on thousands of phones,
rendering them

The GAO, which said yesterday it had not yet assigned anyone to
handle the
request, earlier had said it could conduct an audit of the damage
and the
cost to taxpayers if a member of Congress so requested.

 "While some damage can be expected during the course of the
transition and
moving process, I am concerned this damage may have been
deliberately caused
by employees of the outgoing Clinton administration," the Georgia
said in a letter to Comptroller General David Walker.

 Meanwhile, Rep. Ernest Istook, Oklahoma Republican and chairman
of a
subcommittee that oversees the White House budget, today will ask
federal agency not to grant former President Bill Clinton's
request for
$650,000 to lease an entire floor of a swank Manhattan office
building - a
sum that exceeds the annual amount spent on all other

 GAO spokeswoman Laura Kopelson said yesterday the agency will
proceed by
the book when the request to assess White House vandalism is
assigned to a

 "We would have to ask the White House just what went on there,"
she said.
Ned Griffith, a GAO spokesman, said last week the agency would be
to conduct, at the very least, an initial probe of the vandalism
if a member
of Congress requested it.

 Sources said yesterday the vandalism included the removal of
labels from
thousands of phones, all of which were programmed to go into
certain jacks.
Workers spent days figuring which phones went into which jacks.
The labels
were found in a pile.

 Estimates of the damage have ranged in media reports from
$90,000 to
$200,000, but the cost has never been totaled because the White
House has
not compiled a complete list of the damage done by embittered

 Bush administration officials said last week they were
incidents that could constitute crimes, including the theft of
china and
silverware from the presidential Boeing 747 that took Mr. Clinton
and his
party to New York after the inauguration of Mr. Bush as

 The next day, however, Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said: "The
that I mentioned, frankly, that's one person in our
administrative offices
who is really just keeping track in his head about things that
may have
taken place. . . . As far as we're concerned, it's over."

 Bush officials have downplayed the vandalism ever since. In
fact, sources
said some top White House officials have gone so far as to
members of Congress from calling for an official investigation.

 Mr. Istook, who heads the Treasury, postal and general
appropriations subcommittee that oversees the White House budget,
yesterday that he "won't take any special action" on the
vandalism, said his
press secretary, Micah Swafford.

 "He will review the expenses as part of the normal
appropriations process,"
she said, meaning that the cost of the vandalism could come when
subcommittee considers the White House's next budget request.

 Mr. Istook, however, will send a letter today to the General
Administration (GSA) "expressing his concerns" over Mr. Clinton's
request for hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to
pay for
prime office space in New York City, Miss Swafford said.

 Mr. Clinton requested and received $57,000 from the GSA to cover
his office
space for the first three months of his tenure as a former
president - which
would equal $228,000 annually.

 "We appropriated the money that they asked for," Mr. Istook said
on ABC's
"World News Tonight." "Now they're saying, 'Oh, we're actually
wanting three
times that amount but we're not even going to bother to come back
to you to
ask for it.' "

 The GSA pays for one office per ex-president for life. Gerald
Ford's costs
$99,000, Jimmy Carter's $93,000, Ronald Reagan's $285,000 and
George Bush's

 "We thought Ronald Reagan's office rental was outrageous at
$285,000. Now
Bill Clinton would literally double that amount. Where is this
going to
end?" Mr. Istook asked.

 The office space Mr. Clinton wants - the 56th floor of the chic
Carnegie Hall Tower at 152 West 57th St., featuring views of
Central Park
and the Hudson River - rents for $650,000. That is $26,000 more
than the GSA
spends on all the other ex-presidents.

 A Clinton spokesman told ABC that even with the rental of the
8,300-square-foot office space -slightly lar

[CTRL] Wistleblowers: Upside-down Management in the [FBI] Crime Lab

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER



-- PART FIVE MARCH 20, 1997 --

"Upside-down Management in the Crime Lab"
Mr. President, this is the fifth time I have taken the floor to make 
observations about the FBI's upside-down management of its crime lab. 
In my view, the FBI's Director, Louis Freeh, continues to mislead the public 
about the lab. He would have us think that the FBI lab has met the highest 
standards. He has maintained that the allegations of the lab's whistleblower, 
Dr. Frederic Whiteliurst, are all wrong. He has said that no other scientist in 
the lab has come forward with similar accusations. His testimony before Congress 
recently was totally consistent with that image. 
But documents belie the Director's rosy portrayal of the lab. And of his dark 
portrayal of Dr. Whitehurst. 
Thus far, I have released documents showing there is credibility to some of 
Dr. Whitehurst's allegations. I have pointed to press accounts in which the 
public has learned the IG's still-secret report uncovers problems in three 
specific cases, thus backing up Dr. whitehurst with specifics. I released 
documents showing that Director Freeh was aware of the exact same allegations, 
investigated them, yet covered them up. I revealed that there was a second 
scientist who came forward with serious allegations that paralleled those of Dr. 
I don't know what it'll take for Mr. Freeh to admit these things, Mr. 
President. Perhaps the public needs to see more of the FBI's documents that 
underscore my points. That's fine by Me, because documents don't mislead. They 
don't have a motive to. But, people do. And when leaders of the people mislead, 
there's a breakdown in confidence and trust. 
And so, I'm here today, Mr. President, to test the boundaries of Mr. Freeh's 
denials. Today, I am releasing yet more FBI documents, obtained through the 
Freedom of Intormation Act. These documents contradict Mr. Freeh's own 
assertions. The American people have a right to know this. Today, I will reveal 
a third scientist in the FBI lab, who substantiated some of Dr. Whitehurst's 
more serious allegations. He substantiated them just months after the FBI 
Director and his team of lawyers whitewashed them. This third scientist, in 
fact, was Whitehurst's unit chief in the lab. 
Here are the facts. In December 1992, Dr. Whitehurst made the serious 
allegations that his lab reports were being altered by other agents who lacked 
authority to do so. Altered reports could constitute tampering with evidence and 
obstruction of justice, and could therefore be criminal. 
The universe of cases being looked at was 48 cases. Not all of them were 
altered. But all had to be checked. Some appeared to contain substantial 
changes. The whitehurst memo of allegations went to the Assistant Director of 
the FBI for the laboratory Division. 
In May of 1994, a review or the Whitehurst allegations -- much more extensive 
than just the altered reports issue, but including them -- was done by Mr. 
Freeh's lawyers, rather than by an independent body with some scientific 
background. Ironically, it was the IG's investigation that supplied the needed 
independence and a scientific approach, and only then did these problems get 
But, the FBI's review was headed by Mr. Freah's general counsel, Howard 
Shapiro. He's the Director's top lawyer, himself a controversial figure with 
Congress. Mr. Shapiro felt there was no need to have an independent review 
because, as he said, the FBI has a long, proud history of doing its own reviews. 
Upon completion, the review was eventually read and signed off on by Director 
So, here's what the FBI's own review found. First, there were no major 
problems in the lab. Everything was hunky dory. On the specific issue of altered 
lab reports, here's what Mr. Shapiro found: 
"[Laboratory Division) management made it clear that this will not be 
tolerated and has instructed the Unit Chief's (sic) to reiterate this policy." 
How about that for a finding for this crack review team, Mr. President. 
They're investigating serious, possibly criminal activities. Instead of finding 
out whether it happened, Mr. Shapiro merely said it's not supposed to happen. 
His recommendation? It there were alterations, just correct the written reports! 

You see, Mr. President, under the long-standing Brady decision, the 
government is required to provide the accused with any information that might 
point to their innocence. Material alterations of lab analysis might fit into 
that category. If changes had been discovered in some reports, the proper thing 
to do was to judge the impact of any alterations on each court case. Instead, 
Mr. Shapiro thought justice would be served by simply correcting the paperwork. 
Cases closed. 
By October of 1994 -- about five months after Mr. Shapiro's review was issued 
-- the IG got hold of th

[CTRL] Bogus Claims of Unconstitutionality

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

It appears that some people who are claiming that certain laws are
'unconsitutional' do not understand the Constitution very well. The
Constitution gives the authority to determine if a law enacted by Congress
is Constitutional or not, to the Courts, not by the opinion of the citizens of
the US.

To claim otherwise shows a complete lack of understanding of the basis of
rule by law as spelled out in our Constitution, upon which this great nation
was founded.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] a special mission for Steve Wingate (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Do you really believe that the Constitution must spell out every conceivable
law that may or may not be enacted. Come on, get real William.


On 19 May 01, at 22:14, William Bacon wrote:

> Well do I even mention the constitutionality of the endangered specis act? I
> can not find in article 1 section 8 any authority givn to the Federal
> Government for the endangered specis act


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [antionline] AntiOnline Update! (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 02:50:45 -
Subject: [antionline] AntiOnline Update!

Greetings All:

Well, this is a must read article that we just put up!

Cisco Systems Monitoring People? Hacking AntiOnline!

For the past week, AntiOnline has been investigating rumors that
Cisco Systems has been attempting to partner with Undernet, one of
the two largest real time chat networks on the internet, with the
apparent intent of monitoring conversations and profiling individual

Yours In CyberSpace,
John Vranesevich
Founder, AntiOnline

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Get VeriSign's FREE Guide, "Securing Your
Web Site for Business." Get it now!

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Federal Bureau of Incompetence (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
May 22, 2001

Inside Stories
Notra Trulock's Commentary:
Federal Bureau of Incompetence
Federal Bureau of Incompetence
by Notra Trulock

Growing up in the Midwest in the 1950s, we were taught to revere American
institutions like the military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  And
why not?   Our fathers and uncles had won World War II and service in the
military was our civic duty.  Not to serve was unthinkable.  Likewise, the
FBI was a symbol of the incorruptible - an ever vigilant guardian of our
public order and a bulwark against foreign subversion. The local FBI office
regularly hosted visits by Boy Scout troops and other youth groups; many a
boy or girl came away dreaming of becoming an FBI agent.  A career as a
military officer or fighting crime and foreign spies were among those
honorable professions encouraged by parents - at least in the Midwest in the
1950s and early 1960s..

But something happened along the way.  Vietnam nearly destroyed the military
as an institution.  In the 1960s, the military as an institution was
betrayed by people like Robert S. McNamara and its senior uniformed
leadership; that story is told very well in a recent book called Dereliction
of Duty.  It took a decade or more of quiet hard work to restore the
military to its former greatness, as witnessed in its performance in the
Gulf War.  The Clinton era nearly did the military in again, but fortunately
President Bush will hopefully see to the welfare of our servicemen and
restore morale.

The Clinton era, with its scandals and disdain for the rule of law and the
Constitution, was a sort of Vietnam for the FBI.  Okay, so I have some
issues with the FBI: violations of my First and Fourth Amendment rights
among them.  But by any measure, the 1990s have not been good years for the
FBI.  Consider the following.

1.  In 1992 at Ruby Ridge, the FBI shot and killed Randy Weaver's
14-year-old son and then an FBI sniper, who claimed he could hit a quarter
at 200 yards, murdered Weaver's wife as she stood on a porch holding the
couple's baby in her arms.  Now Clinton and Freeh could reasonably claim
that Ruby Ridge didn't happen on their watch.  But under Freeh, the FBI's
response to the government's investigation established a pattern of
cover-ups, withholding of evidence, and misleading testimony.  Freeh even
hired an agent as his deputy, only to have the agent retire when news of his
complicity in the cover-up came to light.
2.  Controversy still rages about the FBI's handling of the Branch
Davidians at Waco in 1993.  Timothy Lynch of the CATO Institute has raised
important questions about the thoroughness of Senator John Danforth's review
of the Waco incident.  In particular, Lynch found that Danforth ignored
clear evidence of the FBI's obstruction of the subsequent investigation; the
pattern was getting familiar: cover-ups, withholding of evidence, and
misleading testimony.  Danforth is not the only former US Senator to be
"misled" by the FBI in a "blue ribbon" review of its performance.  The
tragedy of Waco and Ruby Ridge, beyond the immediate consequences, is that
the Clinton Administration's failure to exercise due diligence in its
investigations may have led directly to the Oklahoma City bombing disaster.
3.  Who can forget the FBI's destruction of the reputation and life of
Richard Jewell?  FBI leaks to a rabid media resulted in Jewell's being held
hostage in his apartment by the media pack.  Seems that the FBI jumped the
gun on Jewell, however, and now is after Eric Robert Randolph, who is still
at large.  As for Jewell...well, never mind.
4.  Free Congress' Lisa Dean has repeatedly warned about FBI's and law
enforcement's threats to our Fourth Amendment rights.  The FBI's Carnivore
email surveillance program exposes thousands of innocent Americans to
federal monitoring of their email traffic.  Director Freeh evidently doesn't
think much of the Fourth Amendment, however, and has argued that we need a
new amendment more attuned to the "information age."  By the way, only a
government bureaucrat would think that renaming the program to DSC1000 would
delude American citizens that the program has changed. Dean has written
extensively on the broad range of surveillance technologies under
development by law enforcement agencies. When their own file keeping on
American citizens came under scrutiny, Freeh's agency simply "out-sourced"
the collection and maintenance of such files.  Now FBI agents can access
your personal data, credit history, etc., by clicking an icon on their
desktop computers.
5.  Freeh was not alone in believing that the end of the Cold War
equated to a reduced threat of espionage.  But Freeh was one official who
could act on that, as it turned out, misperception to the detriment of the
nation's security.  He practically dismantled the FBI's counterintelligence
arm, especially that sectio

[CTRL] SLT: Archaeologists Attempt To Understand: Going to War: Why We Fight

2001-05-22 Thread MIKE SPITZER

http://www.sltrib.com/05202001/nation_w/98868.htm Click here: The Salt 
Lake Tribune -- Going to War: Why We Fight 
Going to War: Why We Fight

The Semai people of Malaysia never 
    Whenever two tribe members have a 
conflict, it is resolved with words -- lots of 
    The village leader calls a meeting to 
discuss the dispute. Anyone with an opinion can speak 
    And they do. The meetings can go on for 
days. Redundancy is a given. 
    When the talking finally stops, the 
village leader makes a ruling. Then he orders 
everyone present never to speak of the dispute again, and that is the end of 
    It is no secret that the vast majority of 
the world's societies are nothing like the peaceful Semai. But 
    Why do people split into groups with 
deadly intent? Why does it happen at particular moments in history? And what 
are the roots of the concept of warfare? In the past few years, researchers 
in several fields have been exploring these questions with growing 
    "It's a contribution that archaeology has 
to make to contemporary debates about what's going on today in Rwanda, in 
Croatia, in Ireland and in all the rest of those places," said archaeologist 
Jonathan Haas of Chicago's Field Museum of Natural 
    Haas spoke at a recent meeting of the 
Society for American Archaeology, where some members argued that war is 
about 10,000 years old. If that is true, then war is probably a social 
invention analogous to agriculture, cities and political 
    But others contend that war is much older, 
maybe even millions of years old. If war goes so far back, it must be a much 
more basic element of human nature, like language or tool-making -- a trait 
that everyone naturally acquires even with minimal 
    Until about a decade ago, many scholars 
dismissed primitive warfare as nonexistent or, at the most, inconsequential. 
Warfare was thought to be primarily a tool of political states bent on 
territorial control and expansion. 
    Any evidence for war that did appear in 
the absence of centralized government was compared to the head-butting 
contests of rutting elk, or pairs of grizzly bears wrestling over salmon -- 
a ritual competition that almost never escalated to lethal 
    Some archaeologists were so convinced by 
this explanation that for years they ignored obvious signs of warfare at 
ancient sites. 
    Recently, archaeologists interested in war 
have excavated hilltop forts in the Andes that were built centuries before 
the Inca empire swept out of a small valley to conquer the region. On the 
South Pacific island of Palau, they have mapped fortified hilltops and 
villages built 1,000 years before Europeans arrived. In the U.S. Southwest, 
they have found numerous Anasazi skeletons with bashed skulls, broken bones 
and other obvious evidence pointing to a violent 
    But determining that war occurred among 
people untouched by modern civilization does not settle the question of 
when, where and how it began. 
    Nearly every primitive society ever 
studied fought wars. To those who believe war is a fundamental part of human 
experience, that means the concept must have developed more than 10,000 
years ago. If war is common among people who live now as humans did before 
10,000 years ago, they reason, it must have been a common practice back 
    Yet anthropologists have found a handful 
of cultures, such as the Semai, that never fight wars. That doesn't mean 
they aren't violent -- in fact, some have strikingly high homicide rates. 
But these cultures never organize themselves into groups to violently settle 
    In his 2000 book Warless Societies and the 
Origin of War, University of Michigan anthropologist Raymond Kelly argues 
that these cultures have one thing in common: They do not consider belonging 
to a group an essential part of individual 
    They have no clans, no classes, no chiefs. 
People from these cultures would have a hard time understanding school 
spirit, party loyalty or national pride. 
    Kelly believes that before about 20,000 
years ago, all cultures lacked the concept of group identity. In such a 
world, he argues, war would be impossible. It was only after people started 
settling down between 20,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago that their 
societies grew stable enough to develop the idea of group identity -- and 
    Virtually every scholar of ancient war 
agrees that the earliest archaeological evidence for organized violence lies 
in the Nile valley of southern Egypt. The site, known as Jebel Sahaba, is 
one of the oldest cemeteries known. 
    The people buried at Jebel Sahaba were 
laid to rest between 12,000 and 14,000 years ago, after stressful lives 
wracked by periodic famine. The Ice Age was jerking to a close then, causing 
periodic droughts that created the Sahara Desert and dried up the 
    Nearly half of the 

[CTRL] Congressman said, "Yeah we knew this was going to happen. (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

BOHNEN: Okay. While Kim clarifies that... The  two  deputies
apparently were on guard duty  the  night  of  the  bombing.
I've interviewed them  last  night  and  the  interview  was
embargoed until  now  while  they  are  preparing  the  news
conference. And what their story is is that one of them  was
on guard duty in front of the Water Resources Board when  an
Oklahoma Congressman approached  them  and  happened  to  be
talking about what happened...  you  know,  earlier  in  the
day, and the Congressman said, "Yeah we knew this was  going
to  happen.  We  blew  it."  There  was  apparently  som   e
right-wing, fundamentalist Muslim sect in Oklahoma City  and
the Sheriff's deputy made the comment, "I beg  your  pardon?
What did you say?" "Yeah,  we knew it was going  to  happen.
We blew it."


Re: Experts say Murrah Building damage not done by truck blast
 Mon May 21 17:36:18 2001

 The minister who married my wife and I was in OK City at the time of
 the bombing and volunteered to help. Along with being required to show
 his ID six times before being allowed to help dig for survivors, he
 reported that even while the screams of the trapped people could be heard
 under the rubble, men in suits and ties were taping thin plastic sheeting
 over portions of the wreckage. The sheeting was too thin to provide any
 support to the wreckage or stop debris from faling off. he only purpose
 seemed to be to make sure that certain pieces of the Murrah Building
 could not be seen or photographed.

 In the following photo, one such piece of plastic, shiny and new and
 free from dust, proving it had to be applied AFTER the bombing, is seen
 at the far right. Note the ladder leaned up against the flat piece of
 floor in the foreground to get a sense of the scale of the piece of the
 building that has been wrapped in plastic.


Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up (Lots of updated info)

Lead in Oklahoma City bombing

Missing Tapes Raise Questions in Waco Siege


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Abortion and Breast Cancer (fwd)

2001-05-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

conservativeinfo - Subscribe to the Conservative Information email list at 

Why the Silence About Abortion and Breast Cancer
Source:   Chicago Tribune; May 21, 2001
by Dennis Byrne

[Dennis Byrne is a Chicago-area writer and public affairs consultant.]

How long will this nation sit by as a powerful, well-funded industry
continues to expose women to the No. 1 preventable risk of breast cancer?

How long will the industry's political flunkies, who receive millions in
campaign funds from this special interest, be allowed to turn a blind eye
to a danger that kills thousands of women every year?

How long will a biased media keep silent in the face of a hazard that
directly imperils more than 1 million women a year?

No, I'm not talking about the chemical industry, daily poisoning the
environment with its toxins. Nor the producers of fatty food or alcohol,
also factors suspected of increasing breast cancer.

The industry I'm talking about is the abortion business--consisting of
abortion "providers," their clinics, ideological supporters, grant-giving
foundations and the rest of the political power structure that refuses to
even admit that a scientific debate, let along scientific evidence, exists
about the dangers of induced abortions. They--despite their claims of
superior benevolence and compassion--are threatening thousands of women's
lives with an unspeakably painful disease.

Yet in the month of May, a time of renewal, promise, new life and marches
throughout the country against breast cancer, millions of women are being
deceived about this risk, or denied the knowledge of important studies.

Twenty-seven out of 34 independent studies conducted throughout the world
(including 13 out of 14 conducted in the United States) have linked
abortion and breast cancer. Seventeen of these studies show a
statistically significant relationship. Five show more than a two-fold
elevation of risk. In turn, the abortion industry says all those studies
are trumped by one study, whose methodology, critics say, is seriously

The biological hypothesis is that during pregnancy, a woman's breasts
begin developing a hormone that causes cells--both normal and
pre-cancerous--to multiply dramatically. If the pregnancy is carried to
term, those undifferentiated cells are shaped into milk ducts and a
naturally occurring process shuts off the rapid cell multiplication. An
induced abortion leaves a women with more undifferentiated cells, and so,
more cancer-vulnerable cells.

When I first wrote about this issue in 1997, the scorn and name-calling
flowed in. Anti-choice fanatic. Ignorant bozo. Misogynist. Since then,
much has happened. The United Kingdom's Royal College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists became the first medical organization to warn its abortion
practitioners that the abortion-breast cancer link "could not be
disregarded." It said that the methodology of the principal ABC
(abortion-breast cancer) researcher, Joel Brind, was sound.

John Kindley, an attorney, warned in a 1999 Wisconsin Law Review article
that physicians who do not inform their patients of the ABC link expose
themselves to medical malpractice suits. He concluded that about 1 out of
100 women who have had an induced abortion die from breast cancer
attributable to the abortion.

The American Cancer Society Web page lists induced abortions (along with
pesticides, chemical exposures, weight gain and other factors) among
elements that may be related to breast cancer, and that the relationship
is being studied.

Earlier, Dr. Janet Darling and colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, in a study commissioned by the National Cancer Institute,
found that "among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of
breast cancer in those who had . . . an induced abortion was 50 percent
higher than among other women." The risk of breast cancer for women under
18 or over 29 who had induced abortions was more than twofold. Women who
abort and have a family history of breast cancer increase their risk 80
percent.  The increased risk of women under 18 with that family history
was incalculably high.

Being pro-choice didn't shield Darling from the usual attacks. She fought
back. "If politics gets involved in science," she then told the Los
Angeles Daily News, "it will really hold back the progress that we make. I
have three sisters with breast cancer, and I resent people messing with
the scientific data to further their own agenda, be they pro-choice or
pro-life. I would have loved to have found no association between breast
cancer and abortion, but our research is rock solid, and our data is
accurate. It's not a matter of believing, it's a matter of what is."

Yet the Web site of the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization, sponsor
of many marches, fails to mention even the possibility of the ABC
connection in its list of risk factors. Not even under its list of fuzzy,
not "clear-cut" factor

[CTRL] Impressions on the life and times of Karl Marx

2001-05-22 Thread Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

-Caveat Lector-

This is a section of my site that is under construction.  In this
section of the site the cotton industry is followed from the 1600's.
>From the time that land was taken out of cultivation to be able to
bleach new cloth on the fields, since the sun was the only bleaching
agent (no chemicals) this took months.  This section will go up through
economics and more.

Time  Line  in tables

 Impressions on the life and times of Karl Marx
  1)Karl Marx lived in a time when technology was having an
major impact on an individuals productivity and
  standard of living.  What he saw was that while machines were
increasing the standard of living, the workers that
  ran the machines were living at substance level.  Believing that
the cause was the territorial aristocratic nobles and
  their belief of territory at the expense of business, Marx termed
territory accumulation as capitalistic.   He thought
  that a state should be based on business and corporations instead
of territory or individuals and that any threat to
  productivity should be eradicated.  Threats to business were
national pride or any other oaths or commitments
  outside of the business.

  2)Inventions like the printing press, gas lamps, electricity,
indoor plumbing, and machine woven cloth were
  increasing the standard of living and domestic productivity while
making money for the businesses that produced
  them.  Marx saw that the biggest market for these items would be
the common worker, yet the common worker
  seldom had the money to buy and considered many of the new
inventions, luxuries.  Visualizing a way for
  businesses to keep production up in the face of technological
change that would require a business to buy the
  new machine to stay competitive, Marx hit on a plan to have state
run businesses.

  3)If a nations priorities were based on business instead of
religion, national pride, or individual rights, Marx
  believed that the average worker would reap the benefits of
technology.  Up to this time tithes and taxes to the
  aristocracy and church took up a large portion of the workers
extra money, if that extra money were to go to
  buying the products produced by machines then the business could
buy more machines.  He figured that the
  cheaper that product could be made then the more would be sold of
the product.  If a workers loyalty were to
  the business instead of family, national pride or religion then
they would support the state business and give their
  best work, which would ultimately result in a less expensive
product that the worker could buy too.

  4)Marx defined territorial aristocratic nobles with landed
titles as capitalistic.  He also saw education as
  making workers dissatisfied with their lot and a potential waste
of time for many since all they would need to
  know is how to use the new items.  Except for a few skilled
workers to keep the machines running, education
  that might lead to individual dissatisfaction and strikes was
discouraged.  A blind obedience and belief was
  required for a business to keep up in the face of changing
  To make sure that the state's business was business instead of
territory or anything else that would threaten the
  businesses productivity, any idea of individual worth would have
to be changed.  Threats to business were
  national pride or any other oaths or commitments outside of the
business.  The worker's first priority would have
  to be making money by working and family or any other activities
outside of the business would only be allowed
  if they did not conflict with the business.  Any sense of self
worth, self confidence, or self discipline would be
  decided and defined by the state business.

  5)What this has led to in the present day is a country where
the only real accomplishment that an individual
  can achieve is in the arts or sports.  The art is technically
perfect but sometimes lacks originality or
  spontaniousness since to not be perfect mean that the person may
lose their standing and have to find another
  career field.  New thoughts or philosophies that are discouraged
since they may endanger the state.  Education
  or knowledge of how the human body operates that may increase a
individual workers worth is discouraged.

  6)Marx's state philosophy has resulted in a country run by
people that often see no worth in natural products.
  Unless the item can be made by a company or mass produced it has
no value.  An example might be instead of
  farmers saving seed to grow next years crop, that the farmer would
have to buy a special company seed.
  Problems with this philosophy gradually happen because of the
strangle hold o

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I stand corrected June - when lying prostrate with grief Clinton did not
say "Monica", he said  "Rosebud".


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Mating Call of All You Moose Lovers

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sun, May 20, 2001, 1:39am To:
undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Thanks 2 U [humor/pic]

One-hundred of us 'probiscus maximus,'
dusty, mite-ridden fur-bags,
[aka Algonquinian Alaskan moose]
wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to
all of you environmentalists for:

[Unable to display image]
[pic by Natl. Geographic]

preventing a huge deposit of natural gas
- - sufficient to supply all
of America's needs for over 10 years - -
from being brought into production.

It elevates our sagging egos
to know that
our sorry, flea-bitten,
muddy swamp hides
are far more valuable

Remember, it's not moose-huntin' season yet!
p.s.  Happy blackouts and skyrocketing summer energy bills, y'all.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Your reasoning is as skewed as usual.  You do not have a right
to tell me what I should or should not do as you certainly are
NOT my moral authority nor my God.  And secondly, you have to
make your same old ass-uptions as to what I would or would not
do and then attempt to vilify and denigrate me based on what
YOU SAY I would say, do or think.  You are so very full of
YOURSELF and this may be the way you think but it is not the
way I think.

The 800 schools are ALREADY allowing the Gay students to meet
in public schools but have banned the Boy Scouts.  So you are
saying this is the right tnbing to do because IN THEORY
somebody might some day, some where, some time try to do
something to some gay group or other.  Helms is saying that
since the gay groups are using the schools NOW, in this
current time and in reality, it is wrong to ban the Boy

And this other crap about what I would do if this and
that~~what nerve you have to speak for me!  That is the only
way you can vilify is by assuming to put words in my mouth.
Prove I would applaud banning ANYBODY for you cannot and this
is yet another example of your vicious lying.  Telling anybody
who calls you on this to 'search the archives' is your cop out
when caught at it again, too. Lame, very lame.

I have spent one day a week volunteering at schools for
fourteen of the last twenty years.  There has been little or
no "local autonomy" since federal funding became a necessity
for public schools. You would know this if you were involved
in any way. If you truly believed in 'local autonomy" as you
claim, perhaps you should have been protesting integration for
it sure as hell did away with it, didn't it?  According to
your theory, local schoolboards should have the final say on
that, also.  Or is that just in matters related to the
homosexual agenda?  Or if they are inagreement with those
things of which you approve?

And as for that other crackpot, Nessie, speaking for me also,
he is equally full of crap.  Since you cannot read a post you
do not like without attacking the poster, if you absolutely
must know, I do not object, personally, to any group of
CHILDREN (pay attention here, Nessie~~the discussion is about
children, not adults) adequately supervised and with a sponsor
and whatever the regular requirements met, using the school.
If they are Satanists but meet the above, fine with me.  Now
why Nessie wants to bring in the Catholic Church IS
interesting.  They would have their own facilities but that
must fit some stereotype of Nessie's that he is trying to
foist upon me.  And the Boy Scouts meet at the local Catholic
Church, NOT the school.  But if you throw out enough bait,
hey!  Maybe you can get a bite, huh??? Cute.

So you two are a pair of bigots who stereotype and attempt to
force all sorts of thoughts and ideas on me when I think
nothing of the kind.  Cognitive dissonance, I suppose.  Nah,
just plain old garden-variety intolerance projecting onto
others your own negativism.  I do hope you two learn some new
methods of distortion as this one is so old and worn!

- Original Message -
From: "YnrChyldzWyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against
Boy Scouts

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Amelia wrote:
>You are stating Helms point exactly.

The hell I am!

Helms wants to FORCE local schoolboards to allow the BSA to
hold meetings
in local schools, else he'll see to it that federal funds are

What I am saying is that no federal bureaucrat should be
allowed to
blackmail local schoolboards -- duly elected by local
townspeople and
ostensibly representing those local interests.  If local
interests deem
that a particular group should not be allowed access to
schools for their
meetings, the federal government has no right to intervene.

That would apply if the tables were reversed.  You applaud
Helms' stance,
but what would you say if a schoolboard DID ban a gay and
lesbian group,
and some liberal congresscritter introduced a bill saying that
schoolboards HAD to allow gay and lesbian groups to meet in
their schools
else risk losing federal funding?

You wouldn't be so quick to applaud such a measure, would you?
Yet it is
the same thing.  If you allow a conservative congresscritter
to dictate
what a local schoolboard can and cannot do, then you equally
liberal congresscritters to do the same.

Instead of dismissing the issue with 'local schoolboards have
had little
local autonomy since the 1950s', you should be fighting the
encroachment of the federal government into the local
autonomy, not
encouraging further encroachment...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!
These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy th

Re: [CTRL] Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Additional information:


American Museum of Natural History Official Statement on Mass Extinction

American Museum of Natural History Press Release on Mass Extinction

Fastest Mass Extinction in Earth's History (Worldwatch Report)


The Sixth Extinction (National Geographic Magazine)

The Sixth Extinction (American Museum of Natural History)


Mass Extinction Pace Quickening: Red List 2000 Released (N.Y. Times)

1998 Comprehensive Data on Plant Extinction Rate (N.Y. Times)

1996 Comprehensive Data on Animal Extinction Rate (IUCN)

World's Biodiversity Becoming Extinct (International Botanical Congress)

Scientists Warn of Mass Extinction (Environmental News Network)

CNN Special Report on Mass Extinction

Human Impact Triggers Massive Extinctions (Environment News Service)

Unprecedented Extinction Rate (World Conservation Union)

The Current Mass Extinction (Scientific American)

Biodiversity Under Siege (Environmental News Network)

Mammals, Fish, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles Suffering Major Declines

Many Primates Face Extinction (CNN)

Monkeys, Apes Are Being Eaten to Extinction (Associated Press)

Primate Extinction Surge (ABC)

Primates in Peril (CNN)

Mass Extinction of Freshwater Creatures Forecast (WWF Report)

World's Freshwater Systems in Peril (World Resources Institute)

1,600 Marine Scientists Warn That The Sea Is In Peril (MCBI)

Saltwater Species May Vanish (American Fisheries Society)

Many Aquatic Species on Verge of Extinction (BBC)

World Amphibian Populations Plummet Toward Extinction (AAAS)

Amphibians Declining Worldwide (Boston Globe)

Reptiles Vanishing Faster Than Amphibians (CNN)

Migratory Birds and Animals Rapidly Dying Out (Environment News

Trees on the Verge of Mass Extinction (World Conservation Monitoring

Worldwide Plant Crisis Accelerating (E/Environmental Magazine)

Plants: Heading for Extinction (ABC News)

One in Eight Birds Face Extinction (BirdLife International)

Humans Driving Many Birds to Extinction (ABC News)

Quarter of Parrot Species on Brink of Extinction (BBC)

World's Great Apes Hurtling Toward Extinction (Associated Press)

Apes on the Edge (Population Action International)

Orangutans On Brink of Extinction (National Geographic)

Orangutan Numbers Plummeting Worldwide (Wildlife Conservation

Half of World's Turtles Face Extinction (CNN)

Seahorses on Path to Extinction (ABC News)

Sharks Face Extinction (ABC News)

Extinction Stalks World's Tigers (World Wildlife Fund)

Lions Face New Threat-- Only 15,000 Left in Africa (Manchester Guardian)

Indian Elephants on Brink of Extinction (ABC News)

Vietnamese Elephants Face Extinction (Fauna and Flora International)

African Elephant Population Down 90% Since 1930 (N.Y. Times)

World's Bears Under Threat of Extinction (World Wide Fund for Nature)

Last Remaining Ocelot Habitat Threatened (Defenders of Wildlife)

Cheetahs on Brink of Extinction (CNN)

Sea Otter Approaching Extinction (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Rhinos on the Edge (Ecology Magazine)

Penguins in Peril (Environment News Service)

British Butterflies Face Extinction (BBC)

UK Butterfly Decline Steepens (BBC)

Many Bees Threatened With Extinction (International Bee Research

Bumblebees Could Face Extinction (BBC)

Hawaii Hanging By A Thread (Discover Magazine)

Amazon Rainforest Will Be Destroyed by 2020 (BBC)

"Extinction Spasm" Beginning in West Africa (Duke University)

Bushmeat Trade Wiping Out Large African Mammals (Scientific American)

Five Years Left for Sumatra's Forests and Key Species (Manchester

Wildcats Losing Battle for Survival in U.S. (National Wildlife Federation)

Coral Reefs Will Be Gone In 20 Years (AP)

Dead Zones in the Oceans (Manchester Guardian)

Humans' Closest Relative in Danger of Extinction (Bonobo Protection

Is Humanity Suicidal? by E.O. Wilson, Harvard University

Can Humans and Nature Coexist? (USA Today)

The Weeds Shall Inherit the Earth, David Quammen (The London

Life in the Balance, by Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural

Going Before Their Time, Sir Robert May, Oxford University

The Biodiversity Crisis, Peter Raven, Washington University

Earth in the Balance, Peter Raven, Washington University

Are We Facing Mass Extinction? Peter Raven [RealAudio]

Mass Extinction, E.O. Wilson and Russell Mittermeier [RealAudio]

The Meaning Of Mass Extinction, George Schaller, Bronx Zoo (ABC)

Mass Extinction Foreseen, Michael Soule, U.C. Santa Cruz

Biotic Holocaust, Norman Myers, Oxford University

A Winnowing for Tomorrow's World, Norman Myers, Oxford University

Ecologists Predict Massive Extinction (University of Tennessee)

The Dawn of a New Mesozoic Era (Wired News)

Losing Strands in the Web of Life (Worldwatch Institute)


[CTRL] Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say

Washington Post
Tuesday, April 21, 1998
Page A-4


By Joby Warrick Staff Writer

A majority of the nation's biologists are convinced that a "mass extinction"
of plants and animals is underway that poses a major threat to humans in
the next century, yet most Americans are only dimly aware of the problem, a
poll says.

The rapid disappearance of species was ranked as one of the planet's
gravest environmental worries, surpassing pollution, global warming and
the thinning of the ozone layer, according to the survey of 400 scientists
commissioned by New York's American Museum of Natural History.

The poll's release yesterday comes on the heels of a groundbreaking study
of plant diversity that concluded than at least one in eight known plant
species is threatened with extinction. Although scientists are divided over
the specific numbers, many believe that the rate of loss is greater now than
at any time in history.

"The speed at which species are being lost is much faster than any we've
seen in the past -- including those [extinctions] related to meteor collisions,"
said Daniel Simberloff, a University of Tennessee ecologist and prominent
expert in biological diversity who participated in the museum's survey.
[Note: the last mass extinction caused by a meteor collision was that of the
dinosaurs, 65 million years ago.]

Most of his peers apparently agree. Nearly seven out of 10 of the biologists
polled said they believed a "mass extinction" was underway, and an equal
number predicted that up to one-fifth of all living species could disappear
within 30 years. Nearly all attributed the losses to human activity, especially
the destruction of plant and animal habitats.

Among the dissenters, some argue that there is not yet enough data to
support the view that a mass extinction is occurring. Many of the estimates
of species loss are extrapolations based on the global destruction of rain
forests and other rich habitats.

Among non-scientists, meanwhile, the subject appears to have made
relatively little impression. Sixty percent of the laymen polled professed little
or no familiarity with the concept of biological diversity, and barely half
ranked species loss as a "major threat."

The scientists interviewed in the Louis Harris poll were members of the
Washington-based American Institute of Biological Sciences, a
professional society of more than 5,000 scientists.


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[CTRL] The Jeb Bush Story That Won' t Go Away

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks, Linda.  And Kris.  If one must read David Icke and
shape-shifting reptoids, etc. to understand the Bush Crime
Family, then I can see how we are not seeing the same things,
'reading off the same page', at all for I have long-since
written him off.

'Venture capitalist are anyone who invests (ventures) in the
financing of a new business or company.  This country has
thousands of them right now and it is a perfectly legal and
honorable method of making money.  I am sure they would be
shocked to learn that you consider it some how evil. Many
companies would never have had a chance of going into business
without this method of financing.  Even if the original money
is somewhat suspect, the Bush story is still a success story
for wealth tends to dissipate over generations instead of
increase.  An example of this would be the Kennedy wealth.
Old Joe Kennedy, running Scotch in during prohibition and all
so why is it not the Kennedy Crime Family for that was much
more recent?  I think the sins being passed to the next
generation should stop after over a hundred years.  Do you
know exactly how your great-grandfather earned a living and
made money and the names and reputations of each and every
person he know or ever did business with?  How much do these
people influence your daily life now?  Do they guide your
every decision and action?  Can you even remember your
great-grandfather and was he still living when you were born?

The amount of time spent on research does not guarantee a
superior product.  One can devote 24/7 and still produce very
flawed, bogus 'facts.'  I do not think it is unreasonable to
require the same level of proof in regard to the Bush family
that is accorded other topics.  I just do not see it in this
area.  I think most of the negative things purported are
totally political.

Mind controlled subjects are the first to say that they cannot
distinguish truth from programming.  It would seem that they
would have been programmed to forget about Bush and not to
remember every sort of evil under the sun.  At least, I would
not program people to remember me in this way.  So who or what
did the programming and what was their motive?  True
mind-controlling would not allow just these ever so
Bush-bashing facts to leak.

I will have to have proof of the old fashioned kind~~ facts,
logic, reason, etc.  When Point B is so predetermined that the
connection between it an Point A must be so contrived as to
defy reason, filling in the huge gap with shape-shifting and
mind control will not work for me.  I suspect they do not work
for a lot of people. It becomes the "Kevin Bacon" connection.
With enough moves and allowing literally anything, you can
connect anybody to anything at all. Pretty much 'prove'
anything, too, but that does not make it true.  I think it
would be much more honest to attack the Bush family on
politics as that is what I truly believe the source for this
activity to be.  The motivation is to destroy by character
assassination that which is politically objectionable.

But I shall continue to consider and look for evidence. All
politicos are very flawed people and have enough problems
without exaggeration and embellishment.  I am sure there are
lots of negative things about all of them. I  just do not see
a wealth more of credible evidence against the Bush family
than I see about other major political figures.

Just MHO,

- Original Message -
From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] The Jeb Bush Story That Won' t
Go Away

-Caveat Lector-

>>Some have taken the fact that a few generations back George
grandfather married into the Walker family and make that the
basis of their
research. All "connections" seem to follow from that.<<

So where do YOU think the money George and Jeb and Neil and
Marvin--not to
mention Bucky, Prescott, Jr., and the rest of them--have to
invest comes

These are not rumors.  There are many researchers who dedicate
almost all
their free time to finding out out where the money called
"venture capital"
comes from.  They trace the networks of venture capital
families back to the
days of the opium pushing in China, and trace the profits from
enterprise into the early infrastructure which was built in
the U.S. in the
19th century.  Today that's called money laundering, and
that's exactly what
G.H. Walker did.  And that's what his Bush heirs are still
doing.  The
reason it's so hard to prove is that criminals have learned to
operate in

The other part that's difficult for many people to believe is
that mind
control enters into the picture.  If you read with an open
mind, you will
find numerous people who were involved in mind control
programs and recall
certain aspects of the programming they went through.  When
all these
stories are pieced together, a clearer picture does emerge.

-Original Message-
From: Dal

Re: [CTRL] NRT: USDA worries livestock illness is bilogical weapon

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Did you hear the theory that the weather is possibly
responsible?  Remember a while back when I was complaining so
because we had a week of very warm weather followed by snow?
Here it reached 90 degrees in, I believe it was, February or
early March.  Three weeks later, we had a 3 inch snow.  Lots
of things bloomed and I had a fig orchard actually have fruit

Next thing, a really wet snow more like slush followed by a
killing frost and a week of subfreezing temperatures. All my
fig trees died for the fruit rotted after being frozen then
thawing. The
weather theory goes that this created a fungus overgrowth in
the grasses and hay and that is what caused the deaths of the

Does not make much sense for they did not die here or other
areas.  I will keep asking as some of the neighbors receive
trade journals and there maybe news forthcoming.  Some of the
foals in Kentucky are quite valuable ($100,000+ easily) in
to the loss of the animal itself.  Perhaps big money will keep
the pressure on to find out what is going on before it happens
again or spreads.

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] NRT: USDA worries livestock illness is
biological weapon

-Caveat Lector-

Has there been any information on whether or not equine feeds
and pastures in Kentucky are containing some of the new GM
materials?  I'm traveling and missing a lot of news, but I
keep imagining the looming shadow of Monsanto behind the
mare/foal deaths.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] The Jeb Bush Story That Won' t Go Away

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Prudy, I think the murder and rape of women with great
regularity is pretty criminal. If we are going to deal with
only allegations  for one, we must consider allegations for
all.  I find the crimes against women more offensive than
crimes of monetary gain. And the one coming up for trial for
the murder of Martha Moxley has even stated that his friends
were not to worry because "Kennedys never go to jail for
killing women."

IF there were proof of the Bush family's crimes, I am sure the
DNC would have been all over it.  If anybody has proof, they
should take it to the authorities immediately.  I am sure this
would have been done under Reno.  I am sure they have shady
dealings but do not see them as worse than other politicos.

Politics is a totally subjective area.  I am coming to realize
more all the time that most of us see exactly and only what we
want to see. The majority of people on this list are thinking
people and have spent a great deal of thought on their
preferences, political and otherwise.  It is a form of
'preaching to the choir' as we are also a stubborn lot and not
any of us likely to be swayed one bit by what another person

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Jeb Bush Story That Won' t Go Away

-Caveat Lector-

We don't call it the Kennedy crime family, because they all
stopped making their money that way.  If you look a bit
carefully at the Bush family, you will note that they are
still involved in some pretty strange dealings.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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