[CTRL] WP: Lawyer Says Condit Staff Misled Press

2001-08-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Lawyer Says Condit Staff Misled Press

By Allan Lengel and Petula Dvorak
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, August 27, 2001; Page B3

Rep.  Gary A.  Condit's staff repeatedly put out misleading statements
about the congressman's relationship with Chandra Levy, but the California
Democrat never authorized them to do so, Condit's attorney said yesterday.

"Congressman Condit did not tell his staff to go out and lie," Condit's
attorney, Abbe D.  Lowell, said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Congressman
Condit did not authorize those statements to be made.  Those staff people
spoke about what they hoped was the truth and what they thought the truth

Lowell's comments - three days after Condit's national television
interview - appeared to be an attempt to put some distance between the
congressman and his staff, and blame them for the misleading statements.
Levy, 24, was reported missing in early May, and only in his third
interview with police did Condit tell investigators that he had a romantic
affair with her.

When asked why the staff members' misstatements to the media were not
corrected, Lowell said, "It was a mistake for the staff and the collective
office of the congressman and the congressman and me not to correct that
sooner and correct it better."

Lowell declined to comment after the program.

Lowell's remarks were a part of a round of talk show appearances that
seemed designed to mitigate the fallout from Condit's appearance Thursday
night on ABC's "PrimeTime Live" with Connie Chung.  It was at least the
second time Lowell made roundabout comments suggesting that Condit had a
romantic affair with Levy without admitting that publicly; the first
remarks were on ABC's "Nightline" on Thursday evening.

Politicians, viewers and pundits overwhelmingly agreed that Condit, 53,
appeared evasive and less than forthright during the Chung interview and
did little to bolster his sagging political fortunes.

Yesterday, Lowell said that Condit had no plans to resign and that he sees
no need for Condit to relinquish his seat on the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, a move suggested by some colleagues.

He said Condit's life is now an open book; therefore, "he's probably the
person on the Intelligence Committee who can't be blackmailed anymore."

Lowell appeared on television just before James Robinson, attorney for
flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, was to board a plane from Seattle to
Modesto, Calif., to take legal action that he said may "make Gary Condit
want to resign."

Robinson remained tight-lipped on the specifics in a telephone interview
but indicated his displeasure with Condit's remarks to Chung, in which he
denied having a relationship with Smith and suggested she came forward for
financial gain.  Robinson said he and his client have accepted no money for
any of their interviews.

In blaming Condit's staff for misleading the public, Lowell said the
congressman's Modesto chief of staff, Mike Lynch, and others "acted very
quickly, and they acted sort of in what they assumed was the issue.  And
when that happened the congressman yanked them out of the position of
having to be involved in the press and found somebody to answer press

Lynch did not return several phone calls made to his home yesterday

Lowell also said the FBI gives credence to a privately administered
polygraph test Lowell said Condit passed in July.  "They know the
congressman passed a valid test," he said of the exam administered by a
former FBI agent.

But D.C.  Police Chief Charles H.  Ramsey disputed that yesterday, saying:
"We are unable to validate the results of the polygraph test.  We had no
input in the questions.  The examiner could not have possibly known all the
facts in the case. Therefore, the FBI had not officially sanctioned the

Many yesterday were still trying to gauge the political fallout.

In a telephone poll published in yesterday's Modesto Bee newspaper, about
two-thirds of the 539 people interviewed said they approved of the job
Condit is doing, but only 27 percent said they would vote for him again.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be 


2001-08-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




August 27, 2001 -- TV STAR Connie Chung yesterday said Gary Condit's
family - not any high-priced handler - clearly called the shots in the way
the congressman committed political suicide on her show.

"The family said what he could say. Despite how much I pushed, he could
only say what the family agreed upon," Connie told me.

"His wife, Caroline, and his daughter, Cadee, were very involved in the way
he looked. I don't believe his handlers had much input.

"Caroline was choosing the tie he was going to wear. Cadee kept on looking
at the monitor [to see] how we were going to shoot the congressman on

"She [Cadee] even asked - and we went along with it - that some flowers be
moved into the shot.

"When I got to the hard question of his relationship with Chandra, no
matter how hard I pressed, I realized he only uttered what he thought he
could utter under guidelines from his family," Chung added.

"It was consistent with his constituents' letter - and his family, not his
handlers, would not let him go any further.

"Frankly, I was incredulous. He didn't give all, which some observers
perhaps believe has put him in a deeper hole than he once was."

After the interview, on ABC's "PrimeTime Thursday," was over, Connie got
another surprise.

"He jumped out of his chair and went straight to lawyer, Abbe Lowell, but
the mike was still attached to him," she said.

"Afterward, he came back, shook my hand, and said, 'I'm not sure I should
thank you.'"

Abbe Lowell, Condit's $500-an-hour attorney, looked like a stunned mullet
on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday as he tried to explain away Condit's
political Bay of Pigs.

Marina Ein, Condit's hot-shot public-relations guru, was scarcer than hen's

And there was a good reason. Lowell and Ein, both bright bulbs, had very
little to do with Condit's suicidal script.

David Gergen, the aviation fuel in President Ronald Reagan's rocket, said
in flat street terms:

"The interview with Connie Chung was very helpful here - to show the world
he's a jerk."

"You get the thought that he blames Connie Chung because he didn't get
enough time to tell his story. He went along with the rules . . . He should
salvage his honor by resigning now.

"Why they [his handlers] put him on air is beyond belief, if that is what
he was going to say."

Condit is more and more looking like a bodyguard for Slobodan Milosevic,
who more and more has just as much credibility.

Lanny Davis, the man who tried to pick up the broken glass after Bill
Clinton smashed the chandelier, said yesterday on CNN:

"I cannot imagine, as a political adviser, being in the same room as Gary

"That is, unless I was convinced he was going to tell everything.
Otherwise, I would have told him you are going to get killed tonight [on

Connie's insight into Condit is valuable when it comes down to basic
manhood . . . Don't let's start talking about sexual morality, for crying
out loud.

This rodent now wants to confab with his family. Chandra Levy is probably
history, but now, Condit wants to do the family thing with his wife, son
and daughter to scrub away his lies.

Former Attorney General Richard Thornberg said yesterday that Condit's
behavior had been an insult to the Levy family.

Davis said that Condit "was reading from the '60 Minutes' script, when
Clinton was interviewed."

"The script wasn't applicable here."

Damn right. Monica Lewinsky is alive and well. Chandra? God have mercy on
her soul.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: FBI Errors In Lee Case Detailed Investigation, Supervision Faulted

2001-08-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Errors In Lee Case Detailed Investigation, Supervision Faulted

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 27, 2001; Page A01

The FBI's investigation of Wen Ho Lee was more seriously bungled than
officials have previously disclosed, with inept agents making amateurish
mistakes and ignoring orders to consider other suspects, according to an
unreleased portion of a classified Justice Department report.

The 166-page chapter, part of a larger report on the Lee probe, outlines
a succession of blunders, misjudgments and faulty assumptions by the FBI
that contributed to the government's shoddy investigation of the former
Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist.  Lee was suspected of giving
nuclear secrets to China.  Inattentive FBI supervisors in Washington
compounded the problem by failing to correct the mistakes or to keep the
investigation on track.

The chapter says FBI Director Louis J.  Freeh was not kept informed of
the case's shortcomings, including problems with the investigation in
New Mexico and disagreement among government experts over the
seriousness of the suspected security loss.

"This investigation was a paradigm of how not to manage and work an
important counterintelligence case," says the report, written by federal
prosecutor Randy I.  Bellows.

If Lee was a spy, Bellows concludes, the FBI let him get away.  If he
was not, the bureau blew repeated opportunities to consider other
options -- including the possibility that nuclear weapons secrets were
not obtained by the Chinese in the first place.

Originally charged with 59 felony counts, Lee pleaded guilty in
September to one felony charge of mishandling classified information
after the government's case against him fell apart.  He was not charged
with espionage and has repeatedly denied giving information to China.

Two other chapters of the exhaustive Bellows inquiry were released by
the government earlier this month.  They faulted the FBI and the Energy
Department for their "slapdash" investigation.  But the latest chapter,
obtained by The Washington Post with some sensitive information blacked
out, underscores how investigators botched the case.  Among its

. Investigators in the FBI's Albuquerque office ignored an order from
top FBI officials in December 1997 to open inquiries into suspects other
than Lee and his wife, Sylvia.  Those inquiries were not begun until 15
months later, after Lee had been fired.

. The photocopying of the outside of Lee's mail, known as a "mail cover"
operation, was allowed to lapse for three months in
1997 because investigators failed to file a routine renewal application.

. Most of the supervisors and agents on the case didn't bother to read
or question a flawed 1995 Energy Department report that Bellows called a
"virtual indictment" of Lee.  That report was the basis for opening a
full FBI investigation.

When the new head of Albuquerque's FBI office finally read the report in
December 1998, he described it as a "piece of junk"
that called into question the entire probe.

. The agent in charge of the case for its first three years, from 1994
to 1997, did not see the document obtained by the CIA that detailed what
the Chinese knew about the W-88 nuclear warhead, the weapon that Lee was
suspected of compromising.

. For years, the Lee probe was handled by solo agents who also
investigated robberies and other duties, and it was frequently ranked as
the lowest intelligence priority in the Albuquerque office.  Top
Washington officials also were unaware that when two rookie agents were
sent to Albuquerque to bolster the Lee case in November 1996, they were
assigned to other cases.

Several agents assigned to the probe were unqualified for the task,
Bellows found.  One supervisor said that working with the first agent
was "like pushing a cart with a dead donkey." Another supervisor called
the second agent on the case a "reject."
Taken together, FBI Assistant Director Neil Gallagher told the Bellows
team, the first two agents to head the probe added up to "a third of an

The report by Bellows, an assistant U.S.  attorney in Alexandria, is the
government's official account of the botched probe that led to Lee's
nine-month incarceration.  The prosecution of the former Los Alamos
scientist spawned congressional hearings, civil lawsuits and a strong
rebuke from the judge in the case, who said the treatment of Lee "had
embarrassed this entire nation."

Bellows's assessment is another in an extraordinary string of
embarrassments for the FBI this year, including the compromise of
national security secrets by spy Robert P.  Hanssen; the FBI's failure
to turn over thousands of pages of documents to defense attorneys in the
Oklahoma City bombing case; and the loss of weapons and laptops
computers by FBI agents.  At least six reviews of FBI conduct are

FBI officials said the Bellows report, which was delivered to former
attorney general Janet Reno in May 

Re: [CTRL] Man Gets Ten Years for Using Search Engine, Fax Machine

2001-08-27 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  The essay is not even thinly veiled.  It suggests an Assassination & Reward

  Suggesting a gambling pool where people will put money on a public figure's
head anonymously while someone collects a reward for correctly "predicting"
the date of death?  C'mon, in what world is THAT protected political

  Read the essay for yourselves:



In a message dated 8/26/01 10:01:35 PM Central Daylight Time,

> Source: http://www.sierratimes.com/archive/files/aug/26/arex082601.htm
>  Jim Bell Sentenced To Ten Years In Prison and Lifelong Poverty
>  SierraTimes Exclusive 08.26.01
> ---
>  Hi. We're from the Government.
>  We're here to help.
>  Photo from LewisNews.com
>  On Friday August 24 Jim Bell, author of Assassination Politics was
>  sentenced to 10 years in prison on one count of interstate stalking of a
>  federal agent and one count of "using facilities of interstate commerce
>  (i.e., a fax machine) for interstate stalking" by Federal Ninth District
>  Judge Jack E. Tanner.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Emotions, DNA and Psychedelic Herbs

2001-08-27 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

A recent guest on Art Bell mentioned that ones emotions caused their DNA to change -- 
that the decisions a person makes in life and the resulting experiences actually 
affects how their DNA is going to develop.  I believe this was the 8/24/2001 program 
with Gregg Braden and this topic was being discussed when Art was talking about 
modulated and unmodulated sound and gave us a dose of radio silence to exemplify this. 
 Our choice and experiences influence which components of our DNA are goign to 
activate and which ones are going to remain "silent".

It just hit me here as I hit a bowl of Salvia Divinorum.  If experiences can cause 
your DNA to change, and since your mind perceives everything as real, (even if you 
decide that it's your imagination playing tricks on you, that experience of 
realization that it was a trick of the imagination is real) then these trippy 
experiences we have on psychedelic drugs would also affect our DNA, would it not?

I tell you that many of the spiritual and eternal things I have "philosophized" about 
before I ever tried drugs I found to be true after the fact.  Certainly one cannot see 
any outward evidence that my DNA has been changed, but who says that all DNA has to do 
with appearance or even health?  If we are both body and soul or body and spirit, then 
naturally our DNA would be connected to the soul.  The development of our DNA might 
actually affect what kind of relationship we will have with our connection to the 
universe -- our soul.

A psychedelic experience, which to many is an exeperiencing of the solving of the 
mysteries of the universe, may actually change our DNA in such a way to make us more 
open to an experience of a future metamorphosis, ascension or a larger conduit to 
universal understanding or what have you.

So what does this mean?  It just throws another plus in my hat.  If the government 
knows about the research Gregg Braden mentioned -- this proven research with 
experiments which have been repeated -- and who knows how long this research has been 
around -- then if the government has so far refused to seriously consider the 
existence of other races of beings in the universe, and since they seem to be ignoring 
these recent formations in England, and if they feel that drug use will affect our DNA 
in such a way as to make us more open to these energies that exist all around us, then 
apparently they do not want us to know or understand.  If that is the case, then what 
is their plan?  Why do they want to keep the masses ignorant when they themselves 
could benefit greatly from a more open relationship with the universe and its other 

| AIM:Damaeus   | Damaeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|
| ICQ:18405845  | Loosen Up! |
|---'.   |
| YahooMessenger:Damaeus |   |

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] You Have Made Me Your Human Bomb

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Assalamu'alaikum,
> You Have Made Me Your Human Bomb
> By: Edna Yaghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK. Where do I sign up.


> I am the product of your tyranny. You have dissected the leftovers of my
> country into bits and pieces of shantytowns, ghettoes and concentrations
> camps. You have cut off my water supply and left me thirsty while you the
> Israelis bathe in cooled pools not far from where I live. You have
> uprooted my trees and desecrated my fields making sure I have no way to
> sustain myself or those who depend on me. You have cut off medical
> supplies that treat the wounded and at your checkpoints, you detain and
> humiliate Palestinians and prevent those who are in dire need of medical
> assistance to pass through causing my people who are your victims to die
> at your impromptu borders.
> You assassinate my freedom fighters while explaining to the world that you
> are merely defending your own squatters. You shoot to kill little children
> who in defiance and courage wield small stones in the name of liberty
> against you the fiercely armed enemy.
> You torture the children and resistance fighters you incarcerate and try
> to bribe or coerce my people into collaborating against one another. You
> bulldoze homes and you prevent me from earning a living. You kill me by
> remote control from your US made Apache helicopters and your settlers who
> squat on what you have left me of my land throw firebombs into my
> dwellings and on my passageways, attack my children and womenfolk with
> guns and clubs and hate.
> You occupy my land and on my bloodstained hills station your tanks and
> armored jeeps in order to shoot off one by one little children playing in
> the streets.
> You take over the Orient House, my one symbol of freedom that was donated
> by a man worth all Israelis, while at the same time you starve the orphans
> just across the street.
> You shoot out my water tanks and you kill off Palestinian servicemen even
> though at the time of your brutal massacres, these servicemen were
> patrolling their land or simply eating their last supper. You cut off my
> electricity so you can assassinate me more easily in the dank shadows of
> your dark treachery.
> You are cowards and you are afraid of little Palestinian children with
> stones. You never kill them single handedly. You roam in groups like packs
> of wild dogs and you are just as vicious if not more so.
> You leave me and my people without hope and when you have driven me into a
> corner and deprived me of all that is human, I react with anger and
> bitterness. I strap explosives onto my body and search for a place to
> detonate myself. Yes, I kill your civilians, but this is the price you
> have to pay for taking away my inalienable rights, the rights that all men
> are entitled to for your demoniacal oppression of my people.
> It is really very simple. God created all men equal and no man better than
> any other. Yet, somehow you have made it your protocol that Jews are
> better than all others and that you have the right to come to my land
> committing rape and plunder yet expect me to thank you for doing so.
> Just the other day, a young boy was eating lunch. One of your settlers who
> came from America threw a firebomb into this boys house. His two brothers
> were killed immediately. But the one boy survived horribly disfigured. His
> name is Amar Emeera. His scars have turned a once beautiful child into a
> grotesque being that does not even look human. What did this child do to
> go through life so horribly disfigured?
> You shoot babies point blank while swaddled in their parents arms in
> Palestinian cars going to weddings. You slay Palestinian children going to
> and from school and you slaughter Palestinian children when they fight
> your armies with their bare hands. One such child, Mohammed Abu Arrar was
> shot down and killed when he protested your occupation of his land.
> Palestinian relatives of the boy kissed his body laid out in his coffin
> before he was taken away to be buried in the Gaza Strip.
> You kill unarmed Palestinian fathers on their way to buy school supplies
> and books for their children. You have even run out of excuses for the
> atrocities you continue to perpetrate. You shell the homes of Palestinian
> families, instantly killing the occupants and then claim that the action
> was friendly fire from the Palestinians even though the homes were far
> removed from the scene of the battle and even though remnants of your
> American made shells are scattered about the demolished homes of the
> innocent.
> You collectively punish 3 million Palestinians half of whom are children
> who reside on what is left of their own land though you know full well
> that their only desire is to free themselves from your barbaric cruelty.
> You tell the world that you want peace yet at every corner, at every
> instance, you are as far f

Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> I am fully aware that the revisionists have now decided that Pius
> collaborated with the Nazis, etc. This is an article of what was
> said at the time by those in a position to know that just came out
> today.  I personally think the new found guilt of the Vatican

There's nothing new about it. The Vatican simply can't cover it up
any longer because this is the information age, and non-Catholics
don't care what the Vatican wants.

> has
> much to do with wanting even more reparations and the extortion of
> huge sums of money.

The Jews involved in this want their rightful property back which was
stolen from them by the Nazis and hidden by their accomplices in the
Vatican. Let's be clear about this. The Vatican is hiding the stolen
property of the Nazi victims. Nice.

>  Maybe the Poles should do the same to the Jews
> who collaborated with the Soviets resulting in even more deaths to
> the Polish people.

I know that you are desperate to keep your church in some kind of esteem,
but you are going a little whacky here. The Jews did not control the Soviets.
If the Poles didn't like Soviet control they should have had the balls to
have a revolution. Like the colonists did with English domination.

> I certainly hope they do so for 3 million
> Polish Roman Catholics went to the death camps and this started
> long before any Jews there  met that same fate.  Why didn't the
> Jews save the Poles from both the Germans and the Soviets?

The Jews were an opressed minority who had no arms, no military and
no influece in politics. Besides that, the Poles were vicious murderous
anti-semites who turned over tens of thousands of Jews gleefully to the Nazis,
and then stole their property. You've got it ass backwards Amelia.

You're getting silly now.

> I do
> not think it was possible for anyone to do that for if a Pope had
> such power, JPII could stop the 40 million abortions.
> ~Amelia~

Popes don't have any power any more. Except over gullible Catholics.
No one else care what they do or don't do. But some people are determined
to show what they DID do.

> For the Record
> by Joseph Sobran
> Nothing, it seems, can dispel the notion that Pope Pius XII
> maintained a "shameful silence" about the persecution of Jews
> during World War II. But Ralph McInerny, in his book The Defamation
> of Pius XII, quotes what Jews, prominent and otherwise, were saying
> at the time.
> "Only the Catholic Church protested against the Hitlerian onslaught
> on liberty," said Albert Einstein in 1940.
> In 1942 London's Jewish Chronicle remarked: "A word of sincere and
> earnest appreciation is due from Jews to the Vatican for its
> intervention in Berlin and Vichy on behalf of their tortured
> co-religionists in France It was a step urged, to their honor,
> by a number of Catholics, but for which we may be sure the Holy
> Father himself, with his intense humanity and his clear sighted
> understanding of the true and deadly implications of the assaults
> on the Jewish people, needed no prompting."
> Dr. Alexander Shafran, chief rabbi of Romania, wrote in 1944: "In
> these hard times our thoughts turn more than ever with respectful
> gratitude to the Sovereign Pontiff, who has done so much for Jews
> in general In our worst hours of trial, the generous aid and
> noble support of the Holy See ... has been decisive. It is not easy
> to find the proper words to express the relief and solace which the
> magnanimous gesture of the Supreme Pontiff has given us, in
> offering a large subsidy in order to alleviate the sufferings of
> the deported Jews. Roumanian Jewry will never forget these facts of
> historical importance."
> After the Allies liberated Rome in 1944, a Jewish Brigade Group
> said in its Bulletin: "To the everlasting glory of the people of
> Rome and the Roman Catholic Church we can state that the fate of
> the Jews was alleviated by their truly Christian offers of
> assistance and shelter. Even now, many still remain in the
> religious homes and houses which opened their doors to protect them
> from deportation to certain death."
> One survivor, quoted in a Hebrew daily in Israel, said: "If we have
> been rescued, if Jews are still alive in Rome, come with us and
> thank the Pope in the Vatican."
> A committee of the American Jewish Welfare Board, wrote to Pius
> himself: "We have received reports from our military chaplains in
> Italy of the aid and protection to Italian Jews by the Vatican,
> priests, and church institutions during the Nazi occupation of the
> country. We are deeply moved by this extraordinary display of
> Christian love - the more so as we know the risk incurred by those
> who afforded shelter to Jews From the bottom of our hearts we
> send you the assurances of undying gratitude."
> The elders of one liberated camp went to Rome and presented Pius
> with a letter: "Now that the victorious Allied troops have broken
> our chains and

[CTRL] How it's done: This is how you handle greedy corporations.

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Patents: Brazil okays copies of Aids drug
 Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:55:18 -0500 (CDT)
 Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good news from Brazil, though it annoys me how the Guardian frames the
issue: Should Brazil be allowed to `violate the patent'?  So I sent
them this letter:

  To the Editor:

  You claim that Brazil will be `the first country to violate the patent
  of an anti-Aids drug' ("Defiant Brazil gives go-ahead for copies of
  anti-Aids drug", 24 August).  Whatever Roche might believe, patents
  are not an inalienable human right; they are valid only in particular
  circumstances.  Just because Western governments rob their population
  to enrich drug companies, there is no reason that Brazil must follow
  suit.  As your article says, the Brazilian constitution permits
  compulsory licensing.  Roche may be unhappy, but their supposed rights
  are not being violated.

  Yours sincerely, etc.



Defiant Brazil gives go-ahead for copies of anti-Aids drug

Alex Bellos in Rio de Janeiro and James Meikle
Friday August 24, 2001
The Guardian (London)

Brazil has declared that it will allow generic copies of a brand-name
anti-Aids drug to be made without the permission of the patent-holder
- because the company, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, refused to
cut its prices.

Brazil's decision will make it the first country to violate the patent
of an anti-Aids drug and represents an aggressive move in the
developing world's battle for cheaper prices.

Jose Serra, the health minister, said he had begun the process of
issuing a licence to produce nelfinavir, which is sold by Roche under
the name Viracept.

Nelfinavir is one of the 12 drugs used in the anti-Aids cocktail that
Brazil distributes free to almost 100,000 patients.

Mr Serra said that the government bought 82m units of nelfinavir a
year at a cost of $88m (#60m) - about 28% of the total anti-Aids

"It's ridiculous that one of the 12 drugs in the cocktail would
account for more than 25% of the cost," Mr Serra said.

"We spend more on that one drug than on all of the transplants
performed in Brazil each year."

He added that domestic production of the drug would save the
government 40%, about $35m a year.

Roche had offered this year to cut the price of nelfinavir by 13%, but
Brazil rejected that as too low, and the two sides had been
negotiating. Mr Serra said talks broke off about two weeks ago.

He said the government invoked an article in the constitution that
allowed for the breaking of a patent in cases of a national emergency
or when companies employed abusive pricing policies.

In June, the US dropped its attempt to have Brazil disciplined by the
World Trade Organisation because of the patent law.

Brazil has been one of the strongest voices in the developing world in
the fight for cheaper prices and has threatened the pharmaceutical
multinationals that it would break their patents.

The pressure worked with Merck Sharp & Dohme, which agreed in March to
reduce the price of efavirenz, another drug in the anti-Aids cocktail,
by 64%.

Mr Serra said: "We tried to get a price cut [for nelfinavir] but we
didn't get what we thought was fair so we're going to grant a
compulsory licence so that it can be produced more cheaply in Brazil."

"Our idea is to have the medication available in February of 2002," he

Although Brazil has a high Aids incidence in absolute numbers it has
managed to keep infection to less than 1% of the 170m population with
an aggressive prevention campaign. It has succeeded in cutting the
Aids death rate by half in five years and reduced the number confined
to hospital by 80%.

Thanks largely to the drug handout, which costs the state about
$15,000 per patient, since 1996 the mortality rate in Brazil from
HIV/Aids has fallen by half and there has been an 80% fall in number
of patients hospitalised, according to Oxfam. The programme has been
hailed by doctors as a model for other developing countries, where few
can afford expensive treatment.

In Switzerland, Roche spokesman Daniel Piller said the company was
surprised by the news and denied that negotiations had broken down.

He said: "In our negotiations with the ministry of health we had
already given them discounts very close to what they wanted." The
company had also made some of the drug available free of charge.

The South African government won a significant victory last April when
it defeated multinational drugs manufacturers who were attempting to
block the import of cheap drugs. But Pretoria intends not to use that
to fight Aids, on the grounds that the costs are too high and the
country lacks the infrastructure to distribute the drugs safely.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are un


2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Now Kissinger was a KGB Agent, Code Name Bor - was alleged to be Counter
> Intelligence in WWII - now see here, this man was excommunicated and now
> I had never heard this story for it most certainly is nothing of which
> to be proud.   Might add this jewish Mafia Doctor involved in all the
> murder in our area was kicked out of his synagogue and his little friend
> used to tell me they were sending the Brown Shirts to get me and at the
> time, I didn't even know who the hell they were.
> Henry Kissinger ah so - has Three Faces...KGB and what else - Mossad -
> but I can see this - America wanted to get the missiles into the right
> hands..von Braun took us to the moon, he could have gone to the KGB
> Communists - he had once said he wanted to go to the moon more than win
> the war, and he did make a choice.
> Henry Kissinger - and this was not his real
> name - I forget what his real name was - Avraham ben something..
> Masters of Deceit?   Kissinger was a Nazi and a Communist - it is as
> simple as that - he double Eagle?  But this man, has three faces - will
> the real Dr. Kissinger please stand up?
> Also Hugh Hefner is a Zionistbut then Larry Flynt was your typical
> front man for Mafia - and born again Christian for that bunch of
> thieves,  like Jimmy Swaggart  really believe they are Christians - and
> do not forget Billy Graham once took $25,000 from Mickey Cohen, the
> Jewish Mobster to save his soul - and got caught. When it comes to
> drugs and pornography - well, one can draw own conclusions as to why our
> children are being destroyed and exposed to filth and garbage and sodomy
> committed by Clinton and Barney Frank is suddenly overlooked as
> something "natural"?
> interesting item here - note, the Rockefeller family was not Jewish; and
> Japeth, is mentioned a long forgotten biblical figure - my family tree
> descends from this man Japeth, whoever he was - a son of Noah?

Japeth was the pet monkey of Noah's sons. He was found swimming upside down in
the flood waters. They saved him anyway. I can see that you are decended from
his line. You must be so proud.

> Gues Gomer and Gog were his kin.

And you,right?


> This item I reproduce but for easier reading - well pull up under
> subject matter.
> Subject: Jewish Hate and the Global Conspiracy
> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 01:10:28 -0400 (EDT)
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)
> http://www.tetrahedron.org/news/jewish_hate.html

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] ESR: The death of the liberal propaganda machine

2001-08-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book." Groucho Marx,

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why don't we try to collar all the war criminals? (fwd)

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: Why don't we try to collar all the war criminals?

[source: http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=90514]

'After my articles on Iraqi gassings, a Foreign Office man asked my editor:
"Don't you think Bob's pushing it?" '

25 August 2001

I have a thing about war crimes. Maybe it's because I've seen so many. Not just
Sabra and Chatila, in Lebanon, where I had to climb over heaps of rotting
corpses on my hands and knees while the murderers - Israel's local Phalangist
militia - were finishing off the last of their victims.

Seven months before the massacre, with which the name Ariel Sharon will forever
be linked, I got into a place called Hama, a dusty old Syrian city whose Sunni
Muslim inhabitants had staged an insurrection against the regime of President
Hafez Assad. Assad's brother Rifaat was in charge of this particular slaughter,
his Defence Brigades hunting down the "terrorists" of the Muslim Brotherhood in
the medieval tunnels deep beneath the city.

Perhaps 6,000 men and women and children were butchered there - three times the
death toll of Sabra and Chatila (1982 being a vintage year for mass murder) -
although other statistics about which I am doubtful put the fatalities as high
as 20,000. The Syrians had warned journalists that they could not guarantee
their safety if they tried to reach Hama, a warning one took very seriously, but
I managed to travel to the far north of Syria, to the equally ancient city of
Aleppo and then returned to Damascus down the international highway that passed
through Hama.

A pall of dun-coloured smoke hung over the city, and a policeman was about to
direct my taxi on to a bypass road when two Syrian soldiers asked my driver to
take them back to their unit inside Hama. I was only too pleased to give them a
lift. And so through barricades and legions of tanks, past Rifaat's wounded
soldiers - I remember how they sat on the side of their vehicles, bandages round
their bloodied heads, heads in their hands - I ended up on the banks of the
Orontes river, beside a T-72 tank that was firing straight into the roof of a
burning mosque.

For perhaps a quarter of an hour I watched the tank firing over open sites,
directly into the city with its thousands of terrified citizens cowering in
cellars or lying in the rubble of their homes. In less than a week, Rifaat's men
had reduced most of the ancient city to ashes. No quarter was given. A girl
fighter had thrown herself into the arms of Rifaat's soldiers, blowing them all
up with a hand grenade clutched to her breast. When Rifaat's boys broke into a
house they shot every soul they found. A woman in black with a boy on her arm
staggered through the door of my taxi. She had been looking for relatives amid
the stacks of dead heaped in a local graveyard. When I offered her son a bar of
chocolate, she seized it herself and swallowed it whole.

The stench was intolerable, a high reeking smell of shit and decomposition that
lay through the streets of the city. Years later, I went back. Public gardens
and a new hotel had been built on the killing fields, the bodies turned to dust
under flowers and building sites. Just two ancient streets were left, along with
the wooden waterwheels - the nourias of Hama - whining on their metal spindles,
shrieking and crying as they carried their buckets of dark brown water to the

What happened in Hama was a war crime every bit as terrible as Sabra and
Chatila. Only two years earlier, Rifaat's men had been let loose on the prison
population of Palmyra, murdering 500 men in their cells. The Belgians may issue
a writ for Sharon's arrest - which is why the Prime Minister of Israel is
keeping clear of Belgium. But Rifaat Assad, the disgraced brother of Hafez,
lives in a massive villa in Spain, occasionally visiting Paris, protected by a
squad of bodyguards. Yet oddly, we hear of no writs, no charges, no war-crime
trials. Why not, I wonder?

Then I remember another fearful experience, travelling on a long, ghostly train
from the battlefields of Ahwaz, up through the mountains towards Tehran, a train
packed with Iranian war wounded, almost all of them gassed by Saddam Hussein's
army. It is 1983, a year after Hama and Sabra and Chatila, the third year of the
Iran-Iraq war, the Somme-like conflict that cost perhaps a million and a half

As the train, pulled by a howling boy's-own-paper diesel, curled up into the
desert plateau, the carriages began to stink of gas. The soldiers, hundreds of
them, were sitting in their compartments, coughing blood and mucus into swabs
and bandages. The gas was coming from their mouths, from what Wilfred Owen
called the "froth-corrupted lungs". They were victims, all of them, of one of
the greatest war crimes of the year, the wholesale gassing of thousands of young
men, against every convention, against all rules of war. I went through the
carriages, opening every window to rid this awful train of its stench.

But at the time, Sadd

[CTRL] FW: Castaway

2001-08-27 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

AT:C:\My Documents\My Pictures\castaway.jpg,JPEG-image,0
TE: 1


Best wishes

Drug Warriors' Motto:  Guilty Until Proven Dead

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Condit's Father: Gary Is No Bill Clinton

2001-08-27 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Amelia wrote:
>No, June, I am saying this sort of behavior transcends political
>and religious affiliation and is more typical of the human
>condition than a particular belief system.  YOU are the one trying
>to make it a conservative trait when we have just all witnessed a
>liberal in the White House pull this routine repeatedly.  It is
>YOUR political agenda showing and no, it is not the facts.

Once again you seem to have missed the point that I am referring to
someone of my PERSONAL acquaintance...'political agenda' has nothing to
do with it (and in fact I tend towards conservatism on most issues)...

>My own life experience is that I have known more liberals who
>behaved in this manner and claimed that they were entitled to do so
>as it was between two consenting adults, and no one was hurt, etc.

That is a far cry from behaving 'in this manner' but giving lipservice to
it being wrong, putting on a veneer of conservatism, 'family values', and
'born again Christianity', but continually engaging in such behaviors
because the person claims that their periodic acts of 'contrition' --
acts which only come about when they're found out -- in which they
suddenly refind Jesus and ask forgiveness of Him -- wipes everything
clean and magically sets everything right...

That would be fine if the person was SINCERE in their contrition -- but
they continually demonstrate their insincerity by continually repeating
the offensive behavior...there is no REAL change of heart or attempt at
redemption, only the claim that since they 'know' that Jesus has forgiven
them, so should everyone else -- meaning no one should expect the
offending person to have to actually pay any significant consequences for
their offense

That is very different than what you claim liberals do, dismiss such
behavior as just being between consenting adults and that no one was
hurtliberals don't put on the veneer of religiosity and 'family
values' and claim that because they prayed to Jesus (prayers only brought
about due to the offending person being found out and a demand made that
they pay the consequences of such actions) that everything then should
just be forgotten and no one should then expect the offending person to
pay any consequences...

As I said, I personally know someone who plays this game -- claims to be
such a good Christian, a conservative who periodically runs for office on
'family values' -- yet he continually lies, cheats, and I wouldn't be
surprised to find out he may steal, all because on the occasions the cat
has gotten out of the bag he suddenly refinds Jesus, goes running to his
church and gets down on his knees with his minister and they both pray to
Jesus asking His forgiveness for this man I know...who then claims that
because he prayed to Jesus and he 'knows' Jesus has forgiven him, then
that means everyone else should, too -- meaning that no one should expect
him to pay any consequences, to make any amends, for his previous

And he then merrily goes on his way, and repeats the offensive behavior,
never once getting down on his knees and praying to Jesus until the next
time he is found out...

And according to the article which started this all, that's exactly what
Condit and his minister father have done...the elder Condit is claiming
that since his son has now prayed to Jesus for forgiveness, that everyone
else should just forget about what he has done -- especially his
constituents, who the elder Condit seems to feel should automatically
reelect his son because his son supposedly has 'repented'...

Even if Gary Condit sincerely HAS repented -- a big 'if', which seems
unlikely, given his continual wafflings and equivocating on the subject
-- he ignores the fact that repenting in and of itself does not free one
of having to pay the consequences...

If it did, then every convicted murderer who claims to be sorry for what
they did should be released from Death Row...


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

>From what I was told Joshua2 - not much is known of Japeth and he did
not hang from a tree because before Japeth, there was thee?

How you doing asshole?   My ancestor did not hang by tail like monkey -
maybe  yours, not mine.

Besides Ephraim and Dan were Irish -asshole.

And wait till Gog get done with you.

Descenden of a Princess who had ancestor who was one of three wisemen

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Corrected FW: Castaway

2001-08-27 Thread kl

Dunno what happened to the photo.

This one is well worth opening imho


Best wishes

Jesus rises from the grave [is making coffee & eggs]:  "I wonder what
time it is... I feel like I've been dead for 3 days."  ~~ Gary Larson

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 File:  castaway.jpg
 Date:  27 Aug 2001, 8:25
 Size:  27085 bytes.
 Type:  JPEG-image


[CTRL] World stays silent

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


The Independent

World stays silent as Israel flattens Palestinian bases

By Phil Reeves in Gaza

27 August 2001
More than 12 hours after Israeli jets roared in before dawn yesterday to
flatten security headquarters in Gaza and the West Bank to avenge the
Palestinians' first major guerrilla infiltration into an Israeli army base,
not a whisper of complaint had emerged from the international community.

Only three months of the Middle East's "summer of hate" have been needed for
Israel's use of American-made F-16 and F-15 warplanes to bomb the
Palestinians to be seen as a routine military tactic.

When Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, first used F-16s in May, killing
a dozen Palestinians in the West Bank in answer to a suicide bombing, there
was an outcry; it was the first attack by warplanes on the Palestinians of
the occupied territories since the 1967 war. Israel's army held off from
using them again for weeks afterwards. But yesterday ­ the third such
strike ­ the world shrugged it off.

By sunset, there had been no significant criticism, no protest that this was
another example of excessive force.

Israel was focused on the incidents that prompted the bombing raids ­ an
attack before dawn on Saturday by two Palestinian guerrillas from the
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who managed to infiltrate
a heavily fortified army base in a hillock in southern Gaza and killed three
soldiers, including a major. Israel's army commanders have been highly
embarrassed by the assault, which is the first of its kind during the
11-month intifada, and have launched an inquiry.

Later on Saturday, two more Jewish settlers ­ a married couple ­ were killed
in a West Bank ambush.

The F-16's laser-guided missiles used in the strikes are designed to bring
down buildings like playing cards. Most of the main headquarters of the
Palestinian police in Gaza City, a large complex that once housed hundreds
of men, was turned into a heap of dust and broken concrete. One half of the
four-storey building came crashing down; a third of a nearby administrative
building was similarly destroyed.

The scene was the same 10 miles down the road, close to the Jewish
settlement of Kfar Darom. A base belonging to Palestinian military
intelligence, but evacuated three months ago, lay in a pile, adorned only
with a tattered Palestinian flag that continued to fly from a flagpole above
a sign showing the unit's insignia.

There is no comparison between these ruins and those buildings hit by
missiles fired from helicopters, Israel's most frequent form of aerial
attack in the occupied territories. The latter are usually intact, but
punctured by a large hole. The former look as if they have been brought
tumbling down by an enormous earthquake.

And that is the crucial point. The F-16 strikes hit buildings belonging to
Yasser Arafat's security apparatus, which the Israelis knew were likely to
be empty. The weapons accurately found their targets. A handful of people
were injured but no one was killed ­ although a man died in Rafa, southern
Gaza, in a separate Israeli demolition raid on the ground.

The air raid was clinically executed, and almost ritualistic punishment,
designed to intimidate the Palestinians by providing them with another
example of Israel's massive military superiority. But this is an incredibly
dangerous game. It is all too easy to imagine an F-16 hitting not a police
station, but an apartment block crammed ­ as they usually are in the
grotesquely overcrowded Gaza ­ with families.

A massacre would ratchet up the conflict to a terrible new level. The United
States has played an important role in creating the conditions in which it
is now possible for Israel to deploy F-16s without incurring an
international backlash. The message that has been emanating from George
Bush, the US president, while on holiday is that he does not want to get
involved in a conflict that can only lose him votes, and that he will not
complain if Israel toughens its methods further.

Gaza was not the only place in the cross-hairs of the F-16 bombers
yesterday. The Israelis also flattened a police station in Salfit, a
Palestinian town south of the Ariel corridor ­ a finger of occupied land in
the northern West Bank that has been steadily populated with settlers.

Reports have long been amassing of Jewish settlers using violence to try to
drive Arabs off the land, which is already under total Israeli military
control, and which Israel wants to annex, should it ever get a peace deal.
Yesterday, Israel peace activists were puzzling over why their air force had
hit Salfit, where the military closure was tightened yesterday.

Also yesterday Gaza was celebrating what was deemed to have been a
successful attack by its fighters on a base belonging to the occupying
Israelis. Posters of the two dead DFLP guerrillas posing with their weapons
have already begun to

[CTRL] American Politics Journal -- A Death in the Con…

2001-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.americanpolitics.com/20010808Klausutis.html";>
American Politics Journal -- A Death in the Con…

August 8, 2001 (APJP)
Northwest Florida Daily News Links:
7/22/2001: Klausutis Death Not Suspicious
7/23/2001: Obituary for Lori Klausutis
7/27/2001: Aide's Cause of Death Still Not Released
8/23/2001: Northwest Florida Daily News calls for release of Klausutis records
Other Links:
Missouri v. Taylor -- complaint mentions Michael Berkland's "material false
Once upon a time, the phrase "investigative reporter" actually meant
something. It usually involved hard work, possibly even mentation. Now, it
seems, they just make stuff up. Especially on the Fox News Channel, where an
uninitiated viewer could easily think she/he had tuned in Comedy Central.
It's "Chandra-Chandra-Chandra" with the occasional "Condit is just like
Clinton" thrown in. Given our media's 24/7 obsession with the Gary Condit
"scandal", you might assume that there is a real dearth of hard news to
In reality, there is indeed a news story percolating out there. The story
bears remarkable and ironic similarities to the Condit/Levy story. Both
involve Congressmen, rumors of infidelity, and the fate of a younger female
subordinate. The details are so similar as to remind one of two alternate
universes. The difference between the two stories? First, in the Klausutis
case as not in the Levy case, there is a real body, very dead. Second, the
Klausutis case involves a Republican.
The story had a brief flutter in the Northwest Florida press, which ran a few
very short stories on Lori's death. With the exception of the Northwest
Florida Daily News, they were of the "Aw-what-a-shame/
nothing-to-see-here-move-along-now-folks" variety. But nationally, this
mysterious death earned a mere one paragraph mention in The Washington Post's

"FORT WALTON BEACH, FL. - Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office worker for
Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-Fl), was found dead in the congressman's district
office. Police said preliminary findings from the medical examiner's office
showed no foul play or any outward indication of suicide."
Unbelievably, that was it. The story was simply dropped. A young female
employee of one of Florida's Congressmen had died unexpectedly in the
Congressman's office. There were no witnesses to her death and the cause of
death was not apparent. Klausutis' boss, Joe Scarborough had recently
resigned from Congress prematurely and unexpectedly, amid rumors about his
marital fidelity and soon after a divorce. He had also abruptly resigned as
publisher of the Independent Florida Sun, claiming that resigning from
Congress and as publisher was necessary to spend more time with his sons.
Such circumstances make one pause. Sick to death of the clear bias of the
corporate owned media, and suspicious of the odd nature of this death, we
began to dig for answers. The more information we discovered, the more
unlikely, and the more newsworthy the story became.
Here are the facts. Lori Klausutis had a seemingly happy life. A devoted
husband who listed on his online homepage "being married to Lori" as one of
the honors he enjoyed, a new home in Niceville and a Catholic congregation
where she was a cantor and in whose choir she sang, were some of the elements
of the Good Life she enjoyed. Her husband, Dr. Timothy Klausutis, did
research and development for the munitions group at nearby Eglin Air Force
Base, where he presumably made a good livelihood. Although Lori hailed from
the Atlanta, Georgia area where she had attended school, there were numerous
family members in the area. According to her obituary in the Fort Walton
Daily News, Lori had served as President and, later, Treasurer, for the
Emerald Coast Young Republicans and as a aide to Congressman Scarborough, she
was active during the Florida recounts. A former neighbor, Barbara Cromer,
said "Every morning, I would see her run while I walked. We'd wave to each
other as we passed. I loved Lori so much. She was wonderful. She was a kind,
generous person, so sweet.
Then, on Friday, July 20th, the body of Lori Klausutis, 28, was found slumped
next to a desk on the floor of Florida Republican Congressman Joe
Scarborough's Fort Walton Beach office where Lori had served as a constituent
services coordinator since May, 1999. Her body was found around 8:00 a.m. on
Friday morning by a couple arriving for an appointment. She had been dead for
some time. A second employee, who would have normally arrived for work at
around the same time, was away on vacation. Police cordoned off the area for
investigation, later announcing that there was no reason to suspect foul
play, nor were there signs of suicide.
Scarborough's office released a statement several hours after the discovery:

"My staff and family are greatly saddened by the loss of Lori Klausutis. I
know Lori will be missed by th

[CTRL] W Makes Fun of a Bald Guy

2001-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.consortiumnews.com/2001/082701a.html";>The
W Makes Fun of a Bald Guy
Robert Parry
August 27, 2001
A presidential milestone passed almost unnoticed Friday. For the first time
in the history of televised news conferences, a president of the United
States made fun of a bald person.
Click for Printable VersionThe moment arrived as the press conference in
Crawford, Texas, was going poorly for George W. Bush. He had just struggled
through an answer about why he had believed there were 60 stem-cell lines
that could be used for finding cures to debilitating human ailments, from
spinal-cord injuries to Alzheimer’s disease.
Beyond the question of whether those 60 stem-cell lines actually exist for
federally funded research, it now appears that most or all of those lines
have been mixed with mouse cells and might be dangerous if used to develop
cures for humans. The stem-cell lines were intended for only initial stages
of research, though Bush's stem-cell decision of Aug. 9 now prevents
untainted lines from being created for the advanced research. [Washington
Post, Aug. 24, 2001]
Bush, who had made his intensive personal research into the stem-cell issue a
counterpoint to critics who consider him intellectually lazy, put the blame
for this crucial oversight on scientists at the National Institute of Health.
He said they “came into the Oval Office and they looked me right in the eye
and they said, ‘We think there is ample stem cells – lines to determine
whether or not this embryonic stem-cell research will be – will work or not.’”
Seemingly flustered by this embarrassment to his widely lauded stem-cell
decision, Bush turned to a familiar reporter who had covered him as Texas
governor. In a boisterous bonhomie, Bush called the Texas reporter “a fine
lad, fine lad,” drawing laughter from the national press corps.
The Texas reporter began to ask his question, “You talked about the need to
maintain technological …”
But Bush, acting like an excited party guest who couldn’t keep a funny
comment inside, interrupted the reporter to deliver the punch line. “A little
short on hair, but a fine lad. Yeah,” Bush said, provoking a new round of
laughter at the reporter's expense.
The young reporter paused and acknowledged meekly, “I am losing some hair.”
The reporter then soldiered on with a question about whether the
administration would “go forward with the V-22” warplane, a question of
particular interest to the economy of Fort Worth, Texas.
Bush, however, wasn’t through having fun with the young reporter, who
“represents Fort Worth,” Bush noted, prompting another round of knowing
laughter from the national press corps.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who was with Bush, joined in on the joke.
“I never would have guessed,” he cracked, eliciting more laughter.
A Bush Pattern
The event of a president mocking someone for an appearance – in this case,
thinning hair – might have seemed odd if it had come from any other national
leader. Even during stressful times, other presidents have avoided such cheap
shots in their public comments, apparently understanding how hurtful a
personal insult from a president can be – and from a sense that such comments
could diminish the office.
Going bald is not a matter of choice. It is caused by family genetics or
illness and is a sensitive point to millions of men and women who have lost
their hair for no fault of their own.
But Bush seemed oblivious to the possibility of hurt feelings, like some
office jokester who pokes fun at co-workers when they return from vacation a
little plumper than when they left. Indeed, over the past few years, Bush has
found his loose tongue a political asset as many of his supporters view it as
a sign that he’s a straight-talking guy of the Rush Limbaugh mold.
Ribbing the young Texas reporter for his thinning hair fits with a long
pattern of Bush making others the butt of his jokes. Sometimes the comments
seem playful, such as giving reporters slightly demeaning nicknames. Other
times, they have a touch of malice.
Early in Campaign 2000, Bush was traveling around with conservative writer
Tucker Carlson, who was preparing a profile. Carlson later recounted Bush’s
ridicule of convicted murderer Karla Faye Tucker as she pleaded for her life.
Asked about her clemency appeal, Bush mimicked what he claimed was the
condemned woman’s message to him: “With pursed lips in mock desperation,
[Bush said,] ‘Please don’t kill me.’” Carlson wrote in Talk magazine.
Other times, Bush makes jokes at the expense of his friends. Again early in
the campaign, Bush lined up for a photo at an event in Texas and fingered the
man next to him. “He’s the ugly one!” Bush joshed. Then, spotting a reporter,
Bush offered the explanation that he was only kidding an old buddy. [NYT,
Aug. 22, 1999]
Harsh Words
In earlier years, when he was drinking heavily, Bush’s public behavior could
turn d

[CTRL] In His Own Words - Ariel Sharon

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird


About The Soft And The Delicate
By Amos Oz
(interview with Ariel Sharon published in the Israeli daily Davar
DEC 17, 1982)

"You can call me anything you like. Call me a monster or a murderer.
Just note that I don't hate Arabs. On the contrary. Personally, I am
much more at east with them, and especially with the Bedouin, than with
Jews. Those Arabs we haven't yet spoilt are proud people, they are
irrational, cruel and generous. It's the Yids that are all twisted. In
order to straighten them out you have to first bend them sharply the
other way. That, in brief, is my whole ideology.

"Call Israel by any name you like, call it a Judeo-Nazi state as does
Leibowitz. Why not? Better a live Judeo-Nazi than a dead saint. I don't
care whether I am like Ghadafi. I am not after the admiration of the
gentiles. I don't need their love. I don't need to be loved by Jews like
you either. I have to live, and I intend to ensure that my children will
live as well. With or without the blessing of the Pope and the other
religious leaders from the New York Times. I will destroy anyone who
will raise a hand against my children, I will destroy him and his
children, with or without our famous purity of arms. I don't care if he
is Christian, Muslim, Jewish or pagan. History teaches us that he who
won't kill will be killed by others. That is an iron law.

"Even if you'll prove to me by mathematical means that the present war
in Lebanon is a dirty immoral war, I don't care. Moreover, even if you
will prove to me that we have not achieved and will not achieve any of
our aims in Lebanon, that we will neither create a friendly regime in
Lebanon nor destroy the Syrians or even the PLO, even then I don't care.
It was still worth it. Even if Galilee is shelled again by Katyushas in
a year's time, I don't really care. We shall start another war, kill and
destroy more and more, until they will have had enough. And do you know
why it is all worth it? Because it seems that this war has made us more
unpopular among the so-called civilised world.

"We'll hear no more of that nonsense about the unique Jewish morality,
the moral lessons of the holocaust or about the Jews who were supposed
to have emerged from the gas chambers pure and virtuous. No more of
that. The destruction of Eyn Hilwe (and it's a pity we did not wipe out
that hornet's nest completely!), the healthy bombardment of Beirut and
that tiny massacre (can you call 500 Arabs a massacre?) in their camps
which we should have committed with our own delicate hands rather than
let the Phalangists do it, all these good deeds finally killed the
bullshit talk about a unique people and of being a light upon the
nations. No more uniqueness and no more sweetness and light. Good

"I personally don't want to be any better than Khomeini or Brezhnev or
Ghadafi or Assad or Mrs. Thatcher, or even Harry Truman who killed half
a million Japanese with two fine bombs. I only want to be smarter than
they are, quicker and more efficient, not better or more beautiful than
they are. Tell me, do the baddies of this world have a bad time? If
anyone tries to touch them, the evil men cut his hands and legs off.
They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don't suffer
from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join
that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear me instead of
feeling sorry for me. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear my
madness instead of admiring my nobility. Thank god for that. Let them
tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a
wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might
go crazy if one of our children is murdered - just one! That we might go
wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East! If anything would
happen to your child, god forbid, you would talk like I do. Let them be
aware in Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China that if one of our
ambassadors is shot, or even a consul or the most junior embassy
official, we might start World War Three just like that !"

..We are talking while sitting on the balcony of the pretty country
house belonging to C. which is situated in a prosperous Moshav. To the
west we see a burning sunset and there is a scent of fruit trees in the
air. We are being served iced coffee in tall glasses. C. is about fifty
years old. He is a man well known for his (military) actions. He is a
strong, heavy figure wearing shorts but no shirt. His body is tanned a
metallic bronze shade, the colour of a blond man living in the sun. He
puts his hairy legs on the table and his hands on the chair. There is a
scar on his neck. His eyes wander over his plantations. He spells out
his ideology in a voice made hoarse by too much smoking:

"Let me tell me [sic] what is the most important thing, the sweetest
fruit of the war in Lebanon: It is that now they don't just hate Israel.
Thanks to us, they now als

[CTRL] Balkan Hospitality

2001-08-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Go here for the rest of the story


> People Tied to Explosives And Blown To Pieces
> By Irina
>   Gelevska, A1 TV
> (Tetovo, August
>   26) - Today at 6:15, Albanian terrorists killed two
>   security guards of a motel owned by Macedonians near Tetovo.

This article has some neat images of what the "poor" Albanian "freedom
fighters" will do whether or not they turn in their muskets.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] And then there were 3300

2001-08-27 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


NATO enters a well-armed land
Smuggling bolsters Macedonian rebels
By Charles M. Sennott, Globe Staff, 8/26/2001
NEAR TETOVO, Macedonia - Meet Commander Leka, a battalion chief of
the ethnic Albanian rebels who control this area.
He wears a camouflage uniform with the signature red patch of the Albanian
National Liberation Army. An AK-47 assault rifle is slung over his shoulder
and his ammunition vest bulges with two full clips of bullets, two 9mm
semiautomatic pistols, and a hand grenade.
As NATO's latest mission in the Balkans begins tomorrow  with a voluntary
collection of rebel weapons - a move intended to stop a war here before it
starts - Leka says with a smile that he and the roughly 2,000-member NLA
will hand over their arsenal and ''comply 100 percent.''
Then Commander Leka, who goes only by his nom de guerre, reached for a
hip holster and unsheathed an 18-inch knife with a bone handle which he
describes as his favorite weapon, adding, ''But I don't ever give up my knife.''
The limited NATO mission with a self-imposed deadline of 30 days is, to its
supporters, a noble effort to derail another runaway conflict in the Balkans.
To its critics, this is a hopelessly naive endeavor destined to fail.
Even the most senior planners of the operation acknowledge that NATO can
never stop the easy flow of weapons to rebel forces along the mountainous
borders of Kosovo and Albania.
According to analysts and diplomats, the region is awash in weapons. A
report released in April by the International Crisis Group, a policy
organization that attempts to prevent conflict, cites weapons estimates for
Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo of 280,000 Kalashnikov rifles, 1 million
antitank missiles, 3.1 million hand grenades, 1 billion rounds of ammunition,
and 24 million machine guns.
Jane's Defense Weekly confirmed in  report Friday that ''the NLA has a very
secure supply line to western Macedonia'' of weapons which include surface-
to-air missiles, 120mm mortars, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and
antitank rockets. The publication also estimates that the NLA has 3,000
fighters and perhaps an equal number of volunteers who are not in uniform
but mostly have access to weapons.
An array of defense specialists as well as NATO and Macedonian defense
officials interviewed by the Globe last week confirm that even if NATO
succeeds in collecting the rebels' weapons, the NLA could rearm in a matter
of weeks or even days should it decide that the political process is not
achieving  its demands for constitutional changes that guarantee rights for
ethnic Albanians.
Commander Leka and others know there are a variety of sources and trade
routes into Macedonia.
The primary route is through Albania, where hundreds of thousands of
weapons were looted from Albanian Army depots in 1997 and where criminal
gangs conduct a flourishing market in the weapons trade.
Weapons have also continued to flow over a criss-crossing mountain paths
from Kosovo into Macedonia, especially through the areas of Radusa and
Vesala, according to a high-ranking official in the Macedonian defense
Macedonian officials claim that NATO's interdiction efforts -  which were
stepped up in June as part of a US-led mission known as ''Operation Eagle'' -
along the Kosovo border have been largely unsuccessful in stemming the
flow of weapons that fueled the fighting in Macedonia in July and early
This is one of the reasons the Macedonian government has been skeptical of
the NATO mission, and one of the reasons why the American forces have a
low profile in ''Operation Essential Harvest.'' There are only about 300
American soldiers involved in this NATO operation, which is deploying more
than 4,000 troops. British soldiers have taken the lead role.
NATO officials argue that their interdiction efforts have been successful, and
that increased patrols along the Kosovo border in recent months have
brought in 2,000 weapons and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition as
well as the arrest of several arms dealers.
There have been reports in recent days of NLA weapons flowing in the other
direction - out of Macedonia and into Kosovo. NATO has confirmed some of
these reports, and specialists theorize that the moves are an attempt by the
NLA to hide its best weapons before the NATO mission begins.
Another trail of weapons to the Albanian rebels in Macedonia comes from
truck convoys into the country from neighboring Bulgaria, according to Jane's
Defense Weekly.
Sometimes, the greed of arms dealers even rises above the seething ethnic
hatreds in this region. Jane's also cites reports of weapons sales to Albanian
rebels from Serbia. Corrupt officials in the Zastava arms factory in Serbia
have made black market deals with rebels, says Jane's.
Commander Leka agrees. And to prove it, he handed his assault rifle

[CTRL] "Thanks to Uncle Sam, Macedonians are no match for us!"

2001-08-27 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


  ===Terrorist Thug Boasts "Thanks to Uncle Sam, Macedonians are no match for us!" 
  Eyewitness report by Scott Taylor, retired Canadian military 
  man, author of 'Inat' and 'Tested Mettle' 
  and editor of Esprit de Corps 
  MagazineThis report was made available by Ben Works at Sirius [21 August 
  TETOVO, Macedonia - Last Monday, international envoys and government 
  officials in Macedonia hammered out a last-minute peace accord. However, 
  this 11th-hour attempt to avoid yet another Balkans civil war may yet 
  prove to be a case of too little, too late, as the fighting here continues 
  to escalate. 
  Under the terms of the agreement, once a solid ceasefire can be 
  established, a NATO force of some 3,000 peacekeepers, including a whopping 
  three Canadian officers, will be deployed in Macedonia. The major task of 
  these troops will be to disarm the ethnic 
  Albanian guerrillas who have established control of nearly 30 per cent 
  of Macedonia's territory. 
  For the battered Macedonian security forces that have fought the 
  guerrillas over the past six months, the arrival of the NATO force will be 
  a bitter pill to swallow. 
  "If NATO hadn't been arming and equipping the 
  (guerrillas) in Kosovo there would be no need for them to disarm these 
  guerrillas now in Macedonia," said Goran Stevanovic, a sergeant with the 
  elite Macedonian police Wolves. 
  At the diplomatic level, the provision of military aid to the 
  guerrillas is vehemently denounced, but on the ground in Macedonia, there 
  is no denying the massive amount of materiel and expertise supplied by 
  NATO to the guerrillas. Their commanders welcomed me with a shout of "God 
  bless America, and Canada, too, for all that they have provided to us!" 
  In the well-built guerrilla bunkers overlooking the besieged city of 
  Tetovo, there is ample evidence of U.S. military hardware. Everything from 
  sidearms and sniper rifles to menacing-looking grenade launchers is 
  emblazoned Made in the USA. 
  An abundant stock of sophisticated night-vision goggles provide the 
  guerrillas with a tremendous tactical advantage over the Macedonian 
  security forces. By nightfall, the Macedonians are compelled to hole up in 
  their bunkers while the guerrillas roam with impunity throughout the 
  Tetovo streets. 
  Snake Arifaj, a 22-year-old guerrilla platoon commander, proudly 
  displayed his unit's impressive arsenal and said, "Thanks to 
  Uncle Sam, the Macedonians are no match for us." 
  Two weeks ago, there was a flurry of diplomatic protests filed by the 
  Macedonian government when two U.S. helicopters were observed delivering 
  supplies to an Albanian village in the mountains above Tetovo. Officially, 
  the U.S. claimed their aircraft were only transporting humanitarian aid. 
  However, the local guerrilla commander, Commander "Mouse," a 
  47-year-old UCK officer in the Tetovo sector contradicted this statement 
  and confirmed that two US Chinook Heavy Transport Helicopters had in fact 
  delivered "heavy mortars and ammunition" to the guerrillas. As proof of 
  Mouse's claim, on Thursday the guerrillas began bombarding Tetovo with 
  120-mm and 82-mm mortars. Judging from the duration and intensity of the 
  bombardment that I witnessed, ammunition supply is not a problem for the 
  "We have all the equipment and men we need to capture Skopje in 24 
  hours," said Commander "Jimmy", a 22-year-old Albanian guerrilla who is 
  already a veteran of Chechnya, Kosovo, and south Serbia. "Militarily, the 
  Macedonians are no match for our soldiers."
  The U.S. also frequently used their tactical helicopters to gather 
  intelligence inside Macedonia, without authorization from the Macedonian 
  government. The sight of the U.S. choppers prompted the ethnic Albanian 
  villagers to cheer wildly, waving their arms to encourage "their" air 
  Further illustration of this Albanian sentiment toward U.S. aircraft 
  can be found at the guerrilla brigade headquarters, just outside Tetovo. 
  Here the security platoon wear T-shirts emblazoned with a Nike logo and 
  the words: "NATO Air - Just Do It!"
  On the other side of this conflict, the woefully equipped Macedonian 
  forces have been hard pressed to field a credible fighting force. In order 
  to obtain a peaceful secession from Yugoslavia in 1992, the fledgling 
  Republic of Macedonia agreed to turn over all the federal military assets 
  to Serbia / Montenegro. As a result of their bankrupt treasury and 

[CTRL] Loaded Guns Can Be Good for Kids (fwd)

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  Although dated, this is an excellent article.  However, I take
issue with one point, there are no totally safe neighborhoods, where you
are safe to let down your guard, no one can guarantee when and where a
criminal will strike. - Tony]


"According to research by Harvard's Kip Viscusi, the federal mandate about
safety caps on medicine bottles made people more careless about storing
medicine out of the reach of children. No cap can be really "child proof"
(any bottle can be broken with a hammer), but careless parents left
medicine bottles where children could get them, children defeated the
"child-proof" caps and poisoning deaths increased.

Similarly, mandatory gun locks would encourage parents to stop being
careful to keep loaded guns out of the reach of small children. "

June 1, 1999

Loaded Guns Can Be Good for Kids
by Dave Kopel and Eugene Volokh

Dave Kopel teaches law at New York University Law School, and Eugene Volokh
teaches at UCLA Law School.

At the behest of President Clinton and gun control lobbyist Sarah Brady,
the Senate recently voted to require that every firearm be sold with a
lock. The next step is to require that all guns be locked up in the home --
as is currently required in Washington, D.C., and in Canada, whose gun laws
President Clinton has fulsomely praised. This next step will likely be
taken when there is another horrible gun crime that (like the Littleton
massacre) couldn't possibly have been prevented by a trigger lock. That
crime will give the Republican congressional leadership another opportunity
to make concessions that will immediately prompt the Democrats to escalate
their demands for further concessions.

Are gun locks, as President Clinton says, a "no brainer"? Yes, indeed. The
lock-up-the-guns proposal is great -- as long as one doesn't think about it

Contrary to the impression created by sensationalist media, fatal firearms
accidents involving children are far from common. In the United States,
about half of all homes contain guns; the total gun supply is about 240
million, and there are tens of millions of children in the country. Yet
according to the National Safety Council, in 1995 there were about 30 fatal
gun deaths of kids aged 0 to 4 and fewer than 40 of kids aged 5 to 9. This
shows that, even without legislation from Washington, the overwhelming
majority of families with firearms already knows how to act responsibly.

Any parent knows that a single child's death is unspeakably tragic. Yet the
number of toddlers who die from gun accidents is smaller than the number
who die from drowning in buckets. And it's much lower than the 500 who die
in swimming pools.

More generally, the total number of fatal accidents involving kids aged 0
to 14 in 1995 was 6,500, and fatal firearms accidents accounted for just 3
percent of the total. Yet the president is not scoring political points
inveighing against bucket manufacturers, or demanding federal laws against
unfenced pools on private property. Politics, not saving children's lives,
is the foundation of the current anti-gun campaign.

But doesn't it make sense to require parents to keep guns locked if it will
save even one child's life? Unfortunately, the analysis can't be that
simple, because such a restriction will not only save lives; it would also
cost lives.

President Clinton -- and Liddy Dole at a recent speech at Yale -- compare
gun locks to "child-proof" safety caps on medicine bottles. It's a good
comparison, because the safety caps increased accidental deaths, and gun
locks would do the same.

According to research by Harvard's Kip Viscusi, the federal mandate about
safety caps on medicine bottles made people more careless about storing
medicine out of the reach of children. No cap can be really "child proof"
(any bottle can be broken with a hammer), but careless parents left
medicine bottles where children could get them, children defeated the
"child-proof" caps and poisoning deaths increased.

Similarly, mandatory gun locks would encourage parents to stop being
careful to keep loaded guns out of the reach of small children.

Even worse, many kinds of gun locks (such as locks that fit on the
trigger), could cause accidents for both children and adults. A modern
firearm won't discharge if it is dropped accidentally; but if the firearm
has a trigger lock on it, the firearm often does discharge. That's why lock
manufacturers warn consumers never to use the lock on a loaded gun.
Mandatory use of locks could thus undo 50 years of improvements in firearms
design that have helped reduce gun accidents by more than 75 percent. In
addition to increasing gun accidents, mandatory locks would likely increase
deaths from crime. Guns are used quite commonly in self-defense; estimates
of defensive gun uses per year range from 110,000 (National Crime
Victimization Survey) to 1.5 million to 2.5 million or more (studies by
criminologists Gary Kleck and Philip Cook). A very l


2001-08-27 Thread PLSroufe
Rep. Tom Tancredo will debate Rep. Diana DeGette on immigration, 6PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at Luna's Mexican Restaurant, 3380 W. 38th Avenue,
Denver. I plan on being there. Spread the word. (Map - Directions)


MAP:  http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?BFCat=&Pyt=Tmap&


2001-08-27 Thread PLSroufe
Amnesty talk moving immigrants Smugglers busy as workers hope for a deal to 
be made 


By SONNY LOPEZ / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News 

CASAS GRANDES, Mexico – Frantically waving an empty can of Prestone with a 
$10 bill in his other hand, Edmundo appeared to be nothing more than a 
stranded motorist along a roadside seeking help. 

But the 32-year-old man, who would give only his first name, is a coyote, or 
human smuggler, on his way to pick up a group of immigrants when his panel 
van overheated along the two-lane highway linking Ciudad Juárez to Casas 
Grandes, about 140 miles to the southwest. 

Business, he said, has been good since Mexico's President Vicente Fox began 
urging President Bush and the U.S. Congress to approve an amnesty plan that 
would grant guest-worker status and eventually legal residency to an 
estimated 3 million Mexicans living in the United States. 

"Some of these people – most of them are poor peasants – think they can get 
a visa or some kind of status once they're on the other side," the coyote 
said during the 30-mile ride into town to fetch water for the van's ailing 
cooling system. 

"A lot of them are going to wait in Juárez or Palomas, and the others will 
cross somewhere in the desert and try their luck." 

From Juárez, it's a matter of crossing the heavily guarded Rio Grande into El 
Paso. Palomas, 80 miles west along the desert frontier, sits across from 
Columbus, N.M. 

The status of a proposed amnesty program remains under debate. The Bush 
administration has shied away from a policy that would include large numbers 
of Mexicans lacking proper documentation, but living in the United States. 

The administration has said it is open to discussing a program that would 
allow Mexicans to legally enter the country to work on temporary visas, and 
to offering similar permission to some Mexicans already working illegally in 
the United States. 

In late July, Mr. Fox said all Mexicans working in the United States should 
be given amnesty or legal status because of their contributions to the U.S. 

As the discussion continues, at least 30 coyotes such as Edmundo have been 
arrested trying to lead small bands of immigrants along the open desert from 
Ciudad Juárez to Palomas, said Jaime Torres Valades, assistant deputy for 
immigration at Mexico's migration agency in Ciudad Juárez. 

Mr. Torres said the coyotes have abandoned well-known urban crossings in 
favor of dangerous open desert routes. He said that up to 30,000 immigrants 
are believed to have crossed the 80 miles of desert between El Paso and 
Columbus since the beginning of the year. 

"People try to cross every day, but it's unclear if it's because of the 
amnesty" discussion, said Mr. Torres, who believes many immigrants from 
Central and South America now use the Ciudad Juárez International Airport as 
a transfer point, then begin their overland trip north. 

"There is a sense that many of these immigrants are trying to take advantage 
of this [amnesty] program, but we'd have to interview each and every one of 
them to be certain," he said. 

"The truth is that the movement of people north into the United States is a 
constant, and it is going to continue as people seek a better life." 

Doug Mosier, U.S. Border Patrol spokesman in El Paso, said the number of 
immigrants trying to illegally enter the country is down 5 percent from last 

"At the beginning of the calendar year, there was a wait-and-see attitude 
regarding the amnesty program, but right now we're not hearing that," he 

The reasons why the immigrants come seemed not to matter to coyote Edmundo as 
he worried about the possibility of having to buy a new radiator. But he 
strongly agreed with Mr. Fox that Mexicans living and working illegally in 
the United States should not be considered second-class citizens. 

"I don't think these people should be mistreated, because they work and are 
not lazy freeloaders. They help keep two economies going," said the smuggler 
who charges immigrants $100 to $500 per trip. 

"I'm just a businessman. I'm not taking sides or care about the reasons, but 
I know that a hard-working man should never have to hide or be treated like a 

Mr. Fox is scheduled to visit Washington, D.C., in early September and he has 
said he hopes to make progress on the amnesty issue while there. He faces 
stiff opposition from anti-immigrant groups and congressional conservatives 
who have opposed any program other than the temporary, guest worker visas. 

Sonny Lopez is an El Paso free-lance writer. 

[CTRL] Cheap Labor

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/

Bush: Americans should respect illegal immigration
Issue 91: August 24, 2001


You have to give President Bush credit.  He isn't even trying to hide
the fact that White House immigration policy is all about importing
cheap labor.

In statements Friday in Crawford, Texas, Bush, visibly impatient with a
reporter's question, continued to retreat from the word "amnesty," but
said, "So long as there's somebody who wants to hire somebody and
somebody willing to work, it seems like to me it's in our nation's
interests to make sure the two go together."

Bush might as well have said, "The cheap labor needs of my corporate
friends come first, regardless of the impact on low-income Americans,
the environment, our sense of community, our educational and health care
systems, or future generations."

Americans should ask themselves what the long term consequences of
Bush's cheap labor policy would be, especially considering there are
nearly five billion people in the world living in countries poorer than
Mexico -- many of whom are probably "willing to work" in the United
Words do matter and 'illegal' is one (Houston Chronicle)

Illegal Mexican immigrants get 'respect' from Bush (Washington Times)

Bush: No Amnesty for Immigrants (AP)

Average Mexican 25% richer than world wide average
(CIA World Fact Book 2000)

4,922,522,781 people in countries poorer than Mexico
(CIA World Fact Book 2000)


In Crawford, President Bush also urged Americans to "respect" the
illegal immigration of Mexicans who "walk across miles of desert to do
work that some Americans won't do."  (Not the immigrants themselves, it
is important to note, but the act of illegal immigration itself).

It is bad enough that our government irresponsibly refuses to protect
our borders and enforce our laws, but there is something almost
unbelievably reckless about an American president urging Americans to
"respect" (respect!) law-breaking -- particularly when it involves a
huge, unregulated and irreversible influx of foreign nationals.

Furthermore, the myth that there are "jobs Americans won't do" needs to
be debunked once and for all.  All the jobs now performed primarily by
illegal immigrants have traditionally been done by Americans, but for a
living wage.

Between 1925 and 1965, the United States experienced virtually zero net
immigration, and we still somehow managed to get our dishes washed, our
lawns cut, and our children tended.

Also, during that time, we invented computers, had a healthy labor
movement, initiated a space program that put men on the moon, made great
strides in civil rights and environmental legislation, built the largest
economy the world has ever seen, and successfully prosecuted WWII
against two great powers on two fronts simultaneously.

The idea that somehow we suddenly can't run a country without an endless
supply of foreigners is absurd.

Call President Bush and tell him:

I oppose your efforts to import cheap labor for your corporate friends.
I think our country can, and should, do its own work.

Phone the White House comment line during business hours at 202-456-1414


Blind faith in free trade is as much of a menace as protectionism.

Molly Ivins
Creators Syndicate Inc.
August 17, 2001


I would like to say that I believe that each country must solve its own
problems and control its population.  Bringing 500,000 people from China
into San Francisco, a city of approximately 900,000, is not going to
solve China's population problems, but impacts San Francisco beyond what
most people can understand.

Joan Woodward
San Francisco, California


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to reader

[CTRL] Zionism within: The Vatican, the UN, the NWO . . .

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

{{And then I have read many articles claiming that 
the Pope is Jewish and that they have all been Jewish for many, many 
years.  Faith is a gift and either one has it or one does not.  The RC 
Church does NOT have infallibility in matters of politics and does not claim to 
do so.  It should not be a political organization.AKE}}

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 2:47 AM
Zionism within: The Vatican, the UN, the NWO . . .
Subject: Zionism within (evil masonic front) Roman Catholic 
ChurchThe Vatican and the United Nations. 
Sir,It is an incontrovertible fact that Zionism is now well 
entrenched within the establishments of the Catholic Church. The centuries 
old plot of the Illuminati designed to take control of the Church via a 
supposed ecumenical council (Vatican ll, 1962 - 65), and have Catholics 
'march behind the banners of Masonry thinking they are marching behind the 
Keys of Peter' (Alta Vendita, 1846), has come to fruition.Vatican 
City has become a rubber-stamping department for the United Nations 
where every whim of the New World Order is held in high 
esteem. John Paul II meets on a regular basis for debriefing 
sessions with B'Nai B'rith. In April 1983 he publicly 
acknowledged his on-going relationship with the Trilateral 
Commission. In keeping with his predecessors, Paul 
VI and John XXIII, he has publicly hailed the United Nations as the world's 
last hope of concord and peace confirming Paul VI's assertion that it 
represents 'the obligatory path of modern civilisation and world peace.' No 
mention is made of the billions of dollars provided each year by this 
organisation to the third world, including India and China, for abortion and 
contraception. He joyously celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 
publication of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which 
champions the cause of sexual perversion.John Paul II's relationship 
with the UN is more than flirtatious. The Vatican is now woven into the 
fabric of an international clique whose ultimate objective is world 
domination by economic and political means. On September 22nd., 1999 Dr. 
Nafis Sadik, of the UN Population Fund, stated that the Vatican had 
withdrawn its opposition to the UN's programme of controlling world 
population growth by the use of artificial contraception. In 1993 Professor 
Robert Muller, Chancellor of the UN's University for Peace, in an address 
directed to John Paul II claimed that: 'Ecumenism is outmoded now. We must 
now move towards universal government, which will soon see the light of day, 
and under the impetus of John Paul II, who would be honoured if he gave the 
Church this programme.' In October 1999 the UN announced that it would host 
its first summit for world religious leaders, bringing together the likes of 
John Paul II, the Aga Khan, the Grand Mufti and leaders of the Jewish faith. 
The UN confirmed that the Dalai Lama would not be invited for fear of 
upsetting the Chinese leadership over the issue of Tibet.The UN's 
initiative was no more than a follow up to the John Paul II's world congress 
of religions convened at Assisi in October 1986. It was here that he 
publicly acknowledged the truth of paganism and encouraged the Buddhists to 
erect a statue of Buddha on top of the tabernacle on the cathedral's high 
altar. At the same time, not wishing to offend the sensibilities of the 
pagans, he forbade a procession in honour of the Mother of God from being 
held in the cathedral precincts. And to add emphasis to his belief that the 
Catholic Church is no more than just one among others he acclaimed, during a 
visit to Benin, Africa, in 1993, that: 'Voodooism contains the seeds of the 
Word'. (See Abbe Daniel Le Roix, Peter, Lovest Thou Me?)What 
a paradox that they who cling blindly to the church of Karol Wojtyla, and 
insist on the nomenclature of Catholic, refuse to acknowledge the time of 
their visitation. Even the warnings given out by the miraculous phenomena 
officially recognised by the Church, including the prophecy of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary given at La Salette in France during 1846 that: 'Rome will lose 
the Faith and become the seat of the anti Christ', are considered but empty 
rhetoric. On reflection we should not be surprised by such an attitude. Was 
it not Jesus Christ who said that even the elect would be 
deceived?Yours, T. J. Chapman Curator, Britons Catholic 

Yahoo! Groups 



Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, J2, I think you are the one with it ass-backwards.  On the
one hand you claim the Jews were this poor, oppressed minority with
no military yet the Vatican with no military should have done what
the armies of Europe could not do.  I have conceded some
collaboration but it is on the part of ALL parties and not peculiar
to the Vatican.  The Poles could not have fought off the Soviet
army any more than the 'poor oppressed Jews' could have done so.
You speak of the Poles lack of having the balls to fight back, but
isn't that the real problem with the Jews?  Why should the Poles
have fought back but everyone else should have done that for the
Jews? I think you are unrealistic in claiming that Jews were
totally without blame in the collaboration game and that the
Vatican could have prevented anything at all.  I think the Vatican
would have saved their own if they could have done so. Do you think
the Pope should have immediately sided with the anti-Catholic
British and Protestant Americans?  Put him in a very bad position,
I would say. The number of priest in Europe that went to the death
camps is staggering.  You only have concern for Jews and Jews only.
You speak as though no other group's suffering counts.  I find that
very telling. And also that you think others lacking for not
fighting back but they should have also fought back FOR the Jews
who were selling them out to the Soviets?

If we are going to take back property stolen in war, I want my
great-grandparent's property burned and stolen by the U.S. govt
returned.  You are not their accomplice in keeping it from me, are

So I guess I will just do as you do, ignore all facts and continue
to hold my church in esteem (your phrase) for the good that it did
do and does currently.  It is easy to take things out of their
historical context and make judgments.  The Vatican could have
destroyed any and all documentation that would cast them in a bad
light.  If they have not done so, I think that speaks well of those
in charge.  You are well aware of the insurance claims paid to on
behalf of all the 'poor, oppressed Jews' in Europe and it is never
enough for they continue to sue for even greater amounts.  I think
this is a money-grubbing scheme and Jews are salivating at the
thought of getting their mitts on the Vatican, nothing more.  And
there is little you can say that will change my mind.

- Original Message -
From: "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> I am fully aware that the revisionists have now decided that Pius
> collaborated with the Nazis, etc. This is an article of what was
> said at the time by those in a position to know that just came
> today.  I personally think the new found guilt of the Vatican

There's nothing new about it. The Vatican simply can't cover it up
any longer because this is the information age, and non-Catholics
don't care what the Vatican wants.

> has
> much to do with wanting even more reparations and the extortion
> huge sums of money.

The Jews involved in this want their rightful property back which
stolen from them by the Nazis and hidden by their accomplices in
Vatican. Let's be clear about this. The Vatican is hiding the
property of the Nazi victims. Nice.

>  Maybe the Poles should do the same to the Jews
> who collaborated with the Soviets resulting in even more deaths
> the Polish people.

I know that you are desperate to keep your church in some kind of
but you are going a little whacky here. The Jews did not control
the Soviets.
If the Poles didn't like Soviet control they should have had the
balls to
have a revolution. Like the colonists did with English domination.

> I certainly hope they do so for 3 million
> Polish Roman Catholics went to the death camps and this started
> long before any Jews there  met that same fate.  Why didn't the
> Jews save the Poles from both the Germans and the Soviets?

The Jews were an opressed minority who had no arms, no military and
no influece in politics. Besides that, the Poles were vicious
anti-semites who turned over tens of thousands of Jews gleefully to
the Nazis,
and then stole their property. You've got it ass backwards Amelia.

You're getting silly now.

> I do
> not think it was possible for anyone to do that for if a Pope had
> such power, JPII could stop the 40 million abortions.
> ~Amelia~

Popes don't have any power any more. Except over gullible
No one else care what they do or don't do. But some people are
to show what they DID do.

> For the Record
> by Joseph Sobran
> Nothing, it seems, can dispel the notion that Pope Pius XII
> maintained a "shameful silence" about the persecution of Jews
> during World War II. But Ralph McInerny, in his book The
> of Pius XII, quotes what Jews, pro

Re: [CTRL] W Makes Fun of a Bald Guy

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Reminds me of the time Clinton was at the Lego Display and
commented in the presence of Sec. of Labor Reich that one of the
little Lego houses was just the right size for the Secretary.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Harass the Brass!

2001-08-27 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-


Harass the Brass!

Mutiny, Fragging and Desertions in the U.S. Military

By Kevin Keating

Is it "Fleet Week" in San Francisco again?
Let's rename 'Fleet Week' Mutiny Week!


'Fleet Week' is an annual event in San Francisco, held over a four or
five day period every September. Ships of the US Navy sail into port, and
a team of the Navy's 'Blue Angels' stunt fighter aircraft pretends to
strafe the city. No wonder they call San Francisco 'Baghdad-by-the-Bay!'
Thousands of young enlisted people from the visiting ships flood SF's
tourist traps in North Beach and Fisherman's Wharf. What follows is the
latest and longest version of a leaflet distributed to them on three or
four occasions since 1985.

A friend who was in the US military during the Persian Gulf War told me
that when George Bush visited the troops in Saudi Arabia before the war,
many enlisted men and women in Bush's immediate vicinity had their rifle
and pistol ammunition taken away. The bolts were also removed from their
rifles. If this was so, it makes it clear that Bush and his corporate
handlers may have been afraid of the US enlisted people who Bush would
soon be killing in his unsuccessful re-election campaign.

The suppressed history of the Vietnam war shows that the Commander-in-
Chief had good reason to fear and distrust the troops. Our rulers want us
to forget what happened during the Vietnam war, and they want us to
forget what defeated their war effort — and the importance of the
resistance to the war by enlisted men and women.

Until 1968 the desertion rate for US troops in Vietnam was lower than in
previous wars. But by 1969 the desertion rate had increased fourfold.
This wasn't limited to Southeast Asia; desertion rates among GIs were on
the increase world-wide. For soldiers in the combat zone, refusing to
obey orders became an important part of avoiding horrible injury or
death. As early as mid-1969, an entire company of the 196th Light
Infantry Brigade sat down on the battlefield. Later that year, a rifle
company from the famed 1st  Air Cavalry Division flatly refused — on CBS
TV — to advance down a dangerous trail. In the following 12 months the
1st Air Cav notched up 35 combat refusals.

 >From mild forms of political protest and disobedience of war orders, the
resistance among the ground troops grew into a massive and widespread
"quasi-mutiny" by 1970 and 1971. Soldiers went on "search and avoid"
missions, intentionally skirting clashes with the Vietnamese and often
holding three-day-long pot parties instead of fighting.

By 1970, the Army had 65,643 deserters, roughly the equivalent of four
infantry divisions.

In an article published in the Armed Forces Journal (June 7, 1971),
Marine Colonel Robert D. Heinl Jr., a veteran combat commander with over
27 years experience in the Marines and author of Soldiers Of The Sea, a
definitive history of the Marine Corps, wrote: "Our army that now remains
in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units
avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and
noncommissioned officers..."

Heinl cited a New York Times article which quoted an enlisted man saying,
"The American garrisons on the larger bases are virtually disarmed. The
lifers have taken our weapons away...there have also been quite a few
frag incidents in the battalion."

"Frag incidents" or "fragging" was soldier slang in Vietnam for the
killing of strict, unpopular and aggressive officers and NCO's. The word
apparently originated from enlisted men using fragmentation grenades to
off commanders.

Heinl wrote, "Bounties, raised by common subscription in amounts running
anywhere from $50 to $1,000, have been widely reported put on the heads
of leaders who the privates and SP4s want to rub out."

Shortly after the costly assault on Hamburger Hill in mid-1969, the GI
underground newspaper in Vietnam, GI Says, publicly offered a $10,000
bounty on Lieutenant Colonel Weldon Hunnicutt, the officer who ordered
and led the attack.

"The Pentagon has now disclosed that fraggings in 1970 (209 killings)
have more than doubled those of the previous year (96 killings). Word of
the deaths of officers will bring cheers at troop movies or in bivouacs
of certain units."

Congressional hearings on fraggings held in 1973 estimated that roughly
3% of officer and non-com deaths in Vietnam between 1961 and 1972 were a
result of fraggings. But these figures were only for killings committed
with grenades, and didn't include officer deaths from automatic weapons
fire, handguns and knifings(!). The Army's Judge Advocate General's Corps
estimated that only 10% of fragging attempts resulted in anyone going to

In the Americal Division, plagued by poor morale, fraggings during 1971
were estimated to be running around one a week. War equipment was
sabotaged and destroyed. By 1972 roughly 300 anti-war and anti-military
newspapers, with names like Harass 

[CTRL] Don't Look Jewish

2001-08-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Monday August 27, 2001

MKs warned: To avoid terrorist attacks, don't look Jewish
By Itim

JERUSALEM (August 27) - Knesset members should avoid making their Jewishness
or Israeliness stand out when abroad, draw the shades at home, and check
their cars for bombs, according to warnings issued by the Knesset

The sergeant-at-arms last week issued letters to all MKs urging several means
of caution. Some of the recommendations:

* at home, draw window shades to reduce the possibility of a shooting attack;

* consult with the Knesset sapper on ways to check their private cars for

* remove kippot when abroad and take other means of "hiding" Jewishness
and/or "Israeliness."

Knesset spokesman Giora Pordes played down the letter, saying it was meant to
refresh MKs' awareness of general security instructions already in place.
"There's nothing new in this," he said.

In another letter, MKs were asked to consult the Knesset sergeant-at-arms
before participating in the funerals of terrorism victims or visits to
grieving families.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Deaf-Mute Hears 'Voice' -- And Kills Two!!

2001-08-27 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

He was deaf, but somehow he heard the 'voice' of God! How did this
happen -- and WHY did he obey? It's amazing what can be done with
*secret* technology! [Did he have any implants?]Something's happening in
this country, and it's been happening for a LONG time -- [at least
20years].When will people wake up?


Arizona Republic,  WEDNESDAY April 23, 1986
Author:  United Press International
Page number  B9

LINCOLN, Neb. - A deaf-mute on trial for the murder of his mother and
his sister, both topless dancers, used sign language Tuesday to tell a
jury that he had a long argument with someone claiming to be God before
stabbing them to death. James D. Curtright, 21, who has pleaded innocent
by reason of insanity, said his mind told him, "I'm God. Do you believe
me? Kill the devil!'

"My feelings said, 'No, don't kill. It's wrong to kill.' " He said he
disapproved of the lifestyle of the two women and had just learned that
his sister had an abortion when she was 17 after her mother forced her
to have sex with a man in exchange for a microwave oven. Curtright, who
can neither talk nor hear because of a genetic disorder, is charged in
Lancaster County District Court with two counts of first-degree murder
and two counts of using a weapon to commit a felony in the deaths of
Lucille Curtright, 48, and Pamela Curtright, 22, on April 23, 1985.

In a note written before the stabbings, Curtright said God told him to
kill the women. Testifying Tuesday, Curtright said he now believes it
was Satan, claiming to be God, who told him to kill them. He said he is
a born-again Christian and found Christ on May 12, 1985 -- Mother's Day.


MARtin F. ABErnathy  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --- 8/27/01

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Forces in Argentina for Peacekeeping Exercise

2001-08-27 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 13:10:01 -0400
Subject:  U.S. Forces in Argentina for Peacekeeping Exercise

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

No. 387-01
August 21, 2001

 The Department of Defense announced today that U.S. special
operations forces assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, NC
and Special Operations Command-South, Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, will
participate in "Cabanas 2001," a joint multinational peacekeeping exercise
in Salta, Argentina, from Aug. 22 through Sept. 11, 2001.
 Cabanas 2001, sponsored by the headquarters, United States
Southern Command, Miami, Fla., and hosted by Argentina will involve about
400 U.S. airmen, sailors and soldiers.  More than 700 military personnel
from the host nation, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and
Uruguay will participate, while Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela will send
 This exercise is the largest joint and combined service exercise
held in the region and it focuses on a variety of U.N. peacekeeping tasks
including: tactical troop movements, food distribution, identification and
marking of mines, civil-military, security and police operations.
 For more information on this exercise, contact George Grimes, U.S.
Special Operations Command, Public Affairs Office, at (813) 828-4600 or
Major Eduardo Villavicencio, U.S. Southern Command Public Affairs Office at
(305) 437-1213.  A Combined, Joint Information Bureau for this exercise is
operational and can be reached at 011-54-387-421-8229.

-- News Releases: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/releases.html
-- Defense News: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/defense.html
-- Subscribe/Unsubscribe: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/defense.html#e-mail
-- Today in DoD: http://www.defenselink.mil/today

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: PHARISEE WATCH: Watching Farah

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Did Joseph Farah Bend the Truth About Sudan
By C. E. Carlson

On August 7, 2001 Joseph Farah's highly successful World Net Daily (WND) published a 
front-page exposé aimed at the beleaguered Sudanese Government (GOS).  It was entitled 
"Sudan: ministry 'should expect to be bombed'" and subtitled "Khartoum charges Peter 
Hammond as enemy of the state."  By inference and reference the story supported the 
idea of a vicious and vindictive government conducting a slave trade and threatening 
Hammond, a missionary.

However, on the very next day Lou Marano of United Press International published a 
contradictory article, "Civilization: Slave Buybacks in Sudan" which drew nearly 
opposite conclusions.  Mr. Marano's article was supported by what appeared to be 
qualified and credible eyewitnesses who, it would seem, had nothing material to gain 
from the positions they took and might well have something to lose.  The article 
strongly suggested that slavery in Sudan is, and always has been, a contrivance of 
certain religious sounding organizations, and is conducted primarily as a fundraiser 
for the SPLA insurgent army (www.sudan.net/news/posted/3195.html). The question we ask 
is, why did World Net Daily (WND) give the uncontroverted "facts" a one-sided 
whitewashing?  If those who do not trust the mainline media cannot trust the new 
right's darling, WND, who can they trust?

Joseph Farah risked a little of his reputation to slam the far-off government of 
impoverished Sudan.  He employed what can only be described as feeble logic and 
questionable witnesses.  Simply stated, the WND story does not pass muster as anything 
more than an unsupported propaganda hit piece, as we shall see.  Could it be that Mr. 
Farah, having just visited with President G.W. Bush, was saying "thanks" by buttering 
up one of Bush's new agenda items--continued financing of Bill Clinton's 
hard-to-justify war against Sudan?  Or is Mr. Farah continuing his love affair with 
the state of Israel by bashing one of its most coveted and hated enemies, or is he 
doing both at the same time?

History tells us a Bush without a war is like a Clinton without a date.  While the 
President has said little about Sudan, or anything else, Mr. Bush's administration has 
clearly telegraphed its support for an Iraq-style war by the American people against 
the people of Sudan.  The proof of this is that he encouraged Congress to appropriate 
money for the SPLA insurgent army.  The pretext for this non-war is to "fix" Sudan's 
government.  Readers should remember the war on Iraq was engineered by Bush Sr. to 
"fix" Saddam Hussein and supposedly free the people from his "dictatorship."  Instead, 
the Gulf War delivered the Iraqi people into unspeakable poverty.  Sudan's fate will 
be worse, because it is poorer and more remote than Iraq was.

Mr. Farah's account of his prestigious small-group visit with the President's staff on 
July 30, clearly reveals one thing and one thing only:  Joseph Farah is for what 
Israel is for.  He openly criticizes President Bush repeatedly in WND for not doing 
enough fast enough for Israel.  For instance, he criticized the Bush administration's 
"failure to live up to the president's campaign promise to move the U.S. Embassy to 
Jerusalem."  Israel is and always has been for the destruction of the Government of 
Sudan, though it is clever enough to keep it quiet and leave the dirty work to the USA.

Bush inherited an ongoing agenda to destroy the people of Sudan from Bill Clinton.  
President Clinton started this campaign by sanctioning Sudan by Executive Order in 
December 1997.  Clinton's economic war was escalated two years later with a midnight 
missile attack that completely destroyed what was then known to be the only 
pharmaceutical plant in the country.  America first sanctioned Sudan and then brutally 
destroyed its only artificial immune system.  But none of this dislodged the stubborn 
GOS, and now the task of destroying it has fallen into the hands of the son of the 
initiator of the Gulf War.  It is no surprise to us that the Bush administration would 
follow Clinton's example, because both are substantially directed by the same 
Pharisaic group.  For our view of Mr. Bush we urge you to read LESSER OF TWO EVILS 

The Washington and Israeli juggernaut is headed for another terrible Iraq-style war 
against the Sudanese people, pushing ahead as if nothing has happened.  For months the 
Bush administration and a cadre of "conservative," but Israel- sensitive, Republican 
Congressmen have been gearing up the national media propaganda mill to justify a war 
against one of the poorest nations on earth, beginning with an appropriation of $3 
million for support for the SPLA by the US taxpayers.

It takes a lot of propaganda to convince our people a war is needed against a country 
with a per capita income of $500.00 per year.  Such an unthinkable bully engagement 
can only be j

[CTRL] Government may need to tap Social Security funds for other operations, analysts report

2001-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Government may need to tap Social Security funds for other operations,
analysts report

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 27, 2001 1:36 p.m. EDT) - President Bush's tax cut
and the nation's economic downturn will force the government to take $9
billion out of Social Security this year to pay for other operations, breaking a
bipartisan commitment in Congress, congressional analysts reported.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, offering a more pessimistic
view of the government's finances than the Bush administration did last week,
estimating the total budget surplus for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30 at
$153 billion - down $122 billion from its May estimate.

CBO says Social Security will be tapped for $9 billion in fiscal 2001. After a
small non-Social Security surplus of $2 billion in fiscal 2002, CBO projects
the government will use $18 billion out of the retirement program in 2003 and
$3 billion in 2004.

While the White House projected similar numbers, it forecast a non-Social
Security surplus of $1 billion this year and next, just enough to permit
Republicans and Democrats to say they've kept a promise not to use Social
Security tax collections for other government programs.

The CBO report, scheduled for official release Tuesday, was obtained from
congressional sources Monday by The Associated Press.

Diverting Social Security money has no practical impact on the program,
although it prevents the government from paying down public debt as quickly
as it otherwise would. But making the program exempt from such invasions
has become a priority as both parties sought the mantle as its greatest

The first year of the 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut championed by Bush
accounts for about two-thirds of the lowered fiscal 2001 surplus estimate, the
CBO report says. A fourth of the reduction was attributed to the troubled
economy, mainly in the form of lower tax revenues. The tax cut includes $40
billion in income tax refunds this year and deferring about $33 billion in
business taxes into fiscal 2002.

CBO analysts say the economy should "narrowly avoid recession and
recover gradually next year," but the recovery is projected to be less robust
than the 3.2 percent growth rate estimated by the White House Office of
Management and Budget. CBO is forecasting 2.6 percent gross domestic
product growth next year, slightly below private consensus estimates.

Over the next 10 years, CBO is forecasting a $3.4 trillion surplus counting
Social Security, down from $5.6 trillion in its May forecast. Bush's tax cut and
the associated changes in interest costs account for more than $1.7 trillion of
the surplus reduction.

However, those numbers assume no additional spending by Congress,
including items already promised by lawmakers, such as a Medicare
prescription drug benefit, increases for defense and education and a new
$74 billion farm bill.

The Bush administration last week forecast a surplus of $158 billion this year,
$173 billion next year and $3.1 trillion over the next 10 years. Over the
decade, the White House figured defense spending at $198 billion above the
numbers used by CBO and Medicare spending $37 billion higher.

The White House used a Social Security accounting change and a few other
assumptions to claim that Social Security would remain untouched this year;
CBO did not use those same assumptions.

The president last week said the Social Security fund should not be tapped
unless the nation was at war or in a recession and has said that Congress
can avoid dipping into it by controlling spending. Yet many of the spending
proposals that could force use of the retirement trust fund were made by
Bush, not congressional Democrats.

Aside from the political fight, the main impact of the CBO forecast would be
on repayment of public debt. CBO says its new estimate will delay maximum
debt repayment by four years compared with its May forecast.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of


[CTRL] Feds Plead For Secrecy In Scarfo Trial

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Scarfo: Feds Plead for Secrecy
By Declan McCullagh 

6:33 a.m. Aug. 27, 2001 PDT

Federal prosecutors have asked a judge to drape a curtain of secrecy around a
case involving electronic surveillance of an alleged mobster.

Its classified eavesdropping technology is so sensitive, the U.S. government
claims, that "national security" will be at risk if details are revealed to
the public or defense attorneys for Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the alleged
mastermind of a loan shark operation in New Jersey.

Justice Department attorneys have gone so far as to invoke the 1980
Classified Information Procedures Act, a little-used federal law usually
reserved for espionage cases, in a 13-page filing (PDF) last week with U.S.
District Judge Nicholas Politan.

When invoked, CIPA permits federal prosecutors to take extraordinary steps to
protect classified information, including barring observers from the
courtroom, withholding documents from the defense attorneys and moving the
trial to "the facilities of another United States government agency" if the
courthouse is not secure enough.

Prosecutors said they wanted to file two reports: An unclassified summary of
the "keystroke logger" the FBI used to eavesdrop on Scarfo and learn his pass
phrase, and a classified document that only Politan would read that provides
details. They said they also wanted Scarfo's defense counsel to be barred
from releasing the summary to the public or press.

Previously, in an Aug. 8 order (PDF), Politan had told the government to
provide first a private report about how providing details about the
keystroke logger could "jeopardize both ongoing and future criminal and
national security operations." He also asked for a subsequent public report
describing the technique.

Scarfo allegedly used PGP to encode his confidential and incriminating
business data. With a judge's approval, FBI agents repeatedly sneaked into
Scarfo's business to plant a keystroke sniffer -- it could be either software
or hardware -- and monitor its output.

Using that method, the FBI was able to obtain Scarfo's PGP pass phrase and
decrypt documents that the government says are incriminating. Dozens of
keystroke logging devices exist in the marketplace, but the FBI says it
developed this system internally.

"CIPA was never intended for garden-variety criminal proceedings, but only
those unusual national security cases, like espionage prosecutions, where
classified information was likely to be relevant," says David Sobel, general
counsel to the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington.

"The government's position in this case seems to be that whenever encrypted
data is encountered, the use of 'secret' investigative techniques will
require the invocation of CIPA," Sobel says. "Given the growing use of
encryption, that's potentially a very frightening development."

Under Politan's gag order, neither prosecutors or defense attorneys are
permitted to speak with reporters.

During a hearing in Newark last month, Politan wondered aloud how the law
should treat the keyboard tap.

Was it akin, Politan wondered, to a telephone wiretap, regulated by the
federal law known as Title III? Perhaps it was a general search of the sort
loathed by the colonists at the time of the American Revolution and
thereafter outlawed by the Fourth Amendment? Or was it, as the government
argued, just like cops rummaging around someone's home or office done with a
search warrant in hand?

The difference is crucial: If Politan rules that the FBI's keystroke monitor
is a wiretap, the evidence may have to be discarded and Scarfo would be more
likely to walk free. That's because wiretaps must follow strict rules -- such
as minimizing information that's recorded -- that the FBI's technique didn't.

CIPA says that a federal judge may authorize prosecutors "to substitute a
summary of the information for such classified documents" when national
security is at risk.


Re: [CTRL] Deaf-Mute Hears 'Voice' -- And Kills Two!!

2001-08-27 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, M. F. Abernathy wrote:
>He was deaf, but somehow he heard the 'voice' of God! How did this
>happen -- and WHY did he obey?

That's what I have wondered, too...why is it we don't hear about someone
giving away $100 bills because God supposedly told them to?  Why is it
that God always seems to tell people to go out and kill other people?

And as you asked, why do these people obey?  I know if a voice popped
into my head telling me to go out and pop people off, I'd tell it to go
pop itself

>It's amazing what can be done with
>*secret* technology! [Did he have any implants?]

Even if some of these incidents can be explained by implants, it still
doesn't explain WHY these people go out and do what a disembodied voice
tells them to do, instead of telling it to shut the eff up...


Ah, this time it's ol' Splitfoot to blame and not Yahweh...

>Curtright, who
>can neither talk nor hear because of a genetic disorder, is charged in
>Lancaster County District Court with two counts of first-degree murder
>and two counts of using a weapon to commit a felony in the deaths of
>Lucille Curtright, 48, and Pamela Curtright, 22, on April 23, 1985.
>In a note written before the stabbings, Curtright said God told him to
>kill the women. Testifying Tuesday, Curtright said he now believes it
>was Satan, claiming to be God, who told him to kill them. He said he is
>a born-again Christian and found Christ on May 12, 1985 -- Mother's Day.

Yep, once again they 'find Christ' AFTER the fact, when they're caught
with their pants down and their hands in the cookie jar

I'm sure he now feels that since he's 'found' Jesus and told Jesus he's
sorry and Jesus has forgiven him, then anyone else who doesn't just pat
him on the head and let him go, saying "Go in peace and sin no more' is
not really 'on' Jesus' side

What the hell, Jesus has forgiven him, so should the rest of his family
and the authorities and everyone in his community, especially the
neighbors he will live next to when he is let go because all he had to
do is tell Jesus he was sorry...


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] He Refused To Spy For U.S.- Is The FBI Spying On Him?

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Be Seeing You
He refused to spy for Uncle Sam. Is the FBI spying on him?

By Alan Prendergast

Joseph Adams has flashbacks sometimes. In those moments, he practically
relives the time he spent in a prison cell in Kuwait, the beatings and
interrogations, the terrible feeling of not knowing when or if he would see
his family again.

But the bad memories are only part of it. They are kept vivid by what he has
endured since he returned to Denver four years ago -- the anxiety, the fear,
the creepy-crawly feeling of being watched. Every time he hears a clicking on
the phone, receives a piece of already-opened mail, spots a distinctly
out-of-place van parked in his cul-de-sac or returns from vacation to find
his belongings slightly rearranged, he wonders: "Are they back? What do they

It's as if he's trapped in an episode of The Prisoner. In that classic 1960s
spy series, reluctant secret agents are sent to a remote island where they
are subject to round-the-clock surveillance, psychological warfare and
endless treachery. (Think Survivor with better clothes.) Like Number Six, the
protagonist of the television show, Adams has come to believe that his own
government is behind his elaborate ordeal. He was imprisoned in Kuwait
shortly after he refused to spy for the United States, he says, and federal
agents have been spying on him sporadically ever since.

Adams knows his story sounds crazy. But, he argues, you're not paranoid if
they really are out to get you. And he has witnesses and documents that prove
the FBI did have a keen interest in him in 1997 and may still be monitoring
his movements. What he doesn't have is a reason why -- unless you happen to
believe that the FBI, an agency under much criticism of late for its rogue
behavior, has resorted to stalking citizens out of spite, just like a
rejected suitor.

"I don't know why they're doing this," Adams says. "I've become so cautious
on the phone now that maybe they think I really am hiding something, just
because I say so little."

Born in Iraq, raised in Kuwait, Adams first came to the United States twenty
years ago. He married a woman from Des Moines, became a citizen, changed his
name (from Emad Hassan Ahmed) and settled into a life in Denver as a
computer-science instructor. A devout Muslim, he says his only brush with any
political activity resulted from his efforts to help establish a local
mosque, which quickly became a hotbed of Islamic political debate.

"I was involved in the mosque for religious reasons," he says. "When it
became a political thing, I pulled out."

Four years ago, Adams and his wife, Cindy, were preparing to move overseas.
Adams still has relatives in Kuwait, and he'd been offered a computer job
with a private company there. But shortly before his departure date, two men
came to the door of his apartment with a message: His presence was requested
at the FBI office in downtown Denver.

The agents asked him to come alone. Adams thought it best to bring Cindy and
his attorney, Ronald Aal. That didn't sit well with the agents, but after
some hesitation, the group was introduced to a man named Bill Young. Both Aal
and Adams say Young was identified as an assistant director of the FBI, a
bigshot who'd flown in from Washington for the meeting. (According to an FBI
spokeswoman, Young was actually a special agent out of the Denver office who
has since retired.)

Young said he wanted to talk to Adams, outside of the lawyer's presence,
about working with the government, but he declined to be more specific. "They
were very -- the only word I can use is mysterious," Aal recalls. "They kept
using the words 'national security' and telling me I didn't have clearance. I
have never had a case like this, before or since."

When Aal refused to leave, Young revealed that the agency had an extensive
file on Adams. He rattled off a series of allegations concerning Adams's
"fondness" for Hezbollah literature; his supposedly "sham" first marriage,
which ended in divorce before Adams obtained U.S. citizenship; his
disagreements with the other mosque founders; even his "support of Bosnia."
Adams denied any wrongdoing, and none of the information, even if true,
struck Aal as evidence of criminal activity. But Young said that the FBI
would be required to share these accusations with the government of Kuwait --
unless, of course, Adams was willing to cooperate with the bureau.

To Cindy, it was clear that some of the information stemmed from old
employment materials her husband kept in a locked briefcase. "They would
throw out a bunch of facts, followed by a bunch of stuff that they thought
might be facts," she says. "Then they offered us money for moving expenses.
They definitely wanted him to work for them."

Adams says he has no idea why the FBI wanted to recruit him, but he
speculates that his command of three languages -- English, Arabic and Farsi
-- and his light complexion, which could allow hi

[CTRL] Martin- US Sponsors Training Of Would Be Terrorists

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon

US State Department Sponsors Training of Would-Be Terrorists 
by Al Martin

Huntsville, Alabama - The US State Department sponsors the training of 
would-be terrorists at the Redstone Arsenal's Hazardous Devices School, which 
offers "explosive ordinance disposal training."

      This is the most exclusive explosives school in the United States. It's 
where firemen, policemen, and municipal bomb squads are trained. It also 
provides training for the US armed forces, FBI, CIA, as well as foreign army 
and intelligence personnel. This is the most elite of the munitions schools 
in the United States and it's part of the Redstone Arsenal complex.

      This facility is not run by the US Army or by the military. It is 
technically run by US State Department employee Ray Funderberg, who's been 
covertly in charge of it for about twenty years. An added note -- although 
Funderberg works for the State Department, he dresses in a US Army Colonel's 
uniform. Official records indicate that he supposedly works for the FBI.

      According to a reliable source, one of the Iranians involved in the 
bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, took training courses at the 
Redstone Arsenal's school of explosives. He enrolled in this course under the 
guise of a Pakistani military officer with Pakistani uniform and credentials. 
This is important to note because Al Martin Raw has previously reported that 
many hostile nations have a visible presence at the US Redstone Arsenal. 
Evidently "terrorists," as well as regular armed forces and intelligence 
officers, are also being "trained" at the Redstone Arsenal.

      In other news, five new shipments of "marshmallows" (anti-personnel 
land mines) have left the Redstone Arsenal. And this week the Friendly 
Colonel is once again doing business under the "Gulf Coast Trucking and 
Receiving" moniker.

      An inside source wants the Friendly Colonel to provide the State 
Department employment forms necessary to bring more people in. One of the 
arms merchants has a deal with the Russians to bring Palestinians into this 
explosives training program.

      For instance, Palestinians would be brought in -- technically as 
members of the Chinese (Taiwan) Army, even though they are Palestinians. They 
would hardly pass as "Chinese," but since nobody cares, it's a done deal. Al 
Martin Raw readers should understand that no one asks any questions about any 
thing at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.

      In fact, there are two Palestinians being trained there now in 
"explosives." As mentioned before, none of them are who they appear to be. 
It's all just convenience for paperwork. In case the Redstone Arsenal gets 
investigated, they will claim, "No, these people are legitimate; here's the 

      Suddenly an Afghani guy named Mohammed Habib winds up being a Colonel 
Sven Larssen in the Swedish Army. This is an actual case. And it shows just 
how ridiculous it is.

      This deception at the Hazardous Devices School is really another School 
of Americas story. The Friendly Colonel is being offered a $12,000 fee per 
person to fill out the appropriate State department documents to allow people 
into the United States on green cards for short stays - 30, 60, 90 day stays 
- and to enlist foreign nationals into this program. What they're doing is 
using this program as a cover to bring people in to be trained at the 
explosives school. The US State Department is actually conspiring with 
foreign arms merchants and the governments they represent to allow hostile 
foreign nationals to come to the United States using false documents to be 
trained at this facility.

      They're asking the Friendly Colonel if he would "hire" these people as 
"trucking agents." (See previous story, Marshmallow Business Is Booming). To 
make this offer even more appealing, the Colonel is guaranteed that "there 
will be no heat" - because the US State Department is complicit. This is a 
standing offer to him from the State Department - to provide false documents 
for these foreign nationals for $12,000 each.

      Aiding in this enormous illegal covert operation of the United States 
Government, the Colonel expects to make a million dollars by this time next 

      It is our opinion that these illicit operations at the Redstone Arsenal 
and adjoining facilities - US Missile Command etc - now exceed the volumes of 
money and egregious conduct of Iran-Contra itself. Now there are thousands of 
people involved making millions of dollars.

      At lunch, the brigadier general and others involved were all licking 
their chops at the new F-22 Raptor program. They can't wait for that to get 
scaled up. There will be many Chinese arms merchants who will supply 
fraudulent spare parts that don't work as usual. They're looking at this 
program as "a fresh source to defraud more billions with the Department of 
Defense with the compl

[CTRL] Luray, Virginia & Condit/Levy

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon


By: Todd  Brendan Fahey

The "Luray, Virginia-connection" to the Condit/Levy case, as detailed by this 
writer at EtherZone.com, continues to be underreported in the Establishment 
media, but has begun to sprout legs. In a recent satirical article for 
National Review Online, Lucianne Goldberg, among a list of 10 questions 
Connie Chung will never ask Gary Condit, listed this, at number 6: 

"What is there to do in Luray, Virginia after sundown?" 

And, if nothing more than to rub the noses of D.C. police and FBI in their 
own pathetic investigation of Chandra Levy's disappearance and Gary Condit's 
role in it, I will continue to do the sleuth-work that others are being paid 
well to do, but--for reasons that most likely have to do with wholesale 
blackmail at the Congressional level (the rumored "sex parties") and Condit's 
position on three Intelligence committees and subcommittees (think: Robert 
Hanssen)--no one has gotten around to yet.

In sum: On May 17, at or just after midnight (making it, then, technically 
the 18th), Gary Condit returned stewardess/mistress Anne Marie Smith's phone 
message to one of his "girlie lines"; Condit's response call to Ms. 
Smith--apparent on her cellular phone's caller ID, and as reported initially 
by Fox News' Rita Cosby, and which has been verified by FBI--came from a 
McDonald's pay phone, in Luray, Virginia, a town of 4,400, some 80 miles away 
from his D.C. office and Adams-Morgan area apartment, and very popular with 
bikers, some of them being of the 1%er variety. The independent coin operator 
who owns the pay phone at the Luray, VA, McDonald's is Central Telephone Co. 
of Virginia, a subsidiary of Central Telephone Company, then Centel 
Corporation, finally of Sprint. Central Telephone Co. of Virginia, 
ironically, is based in Chicago.

Via responses to my EtherZone/Luray articles, and having undertaken to 
interview persons from Luray, Virginia and who frequent the Luray area on 
motorcycles, I have discovered the following:

--May 17 in Luray, Virginia was a cold, foggy, drizzy, nasty day. There were 
several car accidents and at least one multi-vehicle pile-up on the roads in 
and surrounding Luray on that day. It was a day, said everyone I talked to of 
this regard, that a U.S. Congressman would not have been driving a 
motorcycle, especially at the midnight hour. 

From two sources, who have requested anonymity:--

"Stopped in the McD's for a cup of coffee. Talked to the manager on duty and 
he said they had had a couple of phone calls but, as far as he knew, no press 
or media folks had been by. He did show me a security camera that is in the 
ceiling of the store. He said the store owner had viewed all the tapes for 
the dates in question and they all came up negative. I looked at the monitor 
and it was hard for me to see how anyone could determine anything about 
someone using the pay phone outside the store."

--"I just got back from a 3 week vacation in a cabin in Luray on the river. 
Right on Page Valley Road which is the main road to the river cabins. Page 
Valley comes off of 211. While there, about 3 weeks ago, i heard the news 
that there was suspicion that Levy's body was somewhere in the area. The next 
morning I left the cabin to do laundry and when i returned to the cabin, 
state police were stopping every car that turned onto Page Valley Road. They 
stopped me and the 3 cars that were in front of me. I wonder if that had 
something to do with the search??? BTW, my cell phone didn't work the entire 
time, neither did my husbands, although my friends did. So the fact that a 
pay phone was used is not all together out of the question or suspect."

FBI special agent Bradley J. Garrett, who has taken over the Levy case--and 
who was also a lead investigator in the Vincent Foster "suicide" and another 
death involving a D.C. intern, the Georgetown-Starbucks triple homicide 
involving Mary Caitlin Mahoney--must ask of Condit and his longtime D.C. 
aide/driver Mark Dayton, as the Congressman is known rarely to drive a car, 
and with May 17/18 having been unsuitable days for motorcycle riding, the 
following questions:

1) (Of Mr. Dayton) Were you with Gary Condit at any time on May 17 or 18 in 
Luray, Virginia?

1b) (Of Mr. Condit) Were you with Michael Dayton at any time on May 17 or 18 
in Luray, Virginia?

2) What was the purpose of your being there?

3) From the time that you left Washington D.C., to the time that you returned 
to D.C. on those dates, what did you do?; moment-by-moment, and be specific.

4) Did you encounter Chandra Levy's corpse during this visit? (Of Mr. Dayton) 
Did you assist Mr. Condit in any efforts to relocated her corpse, using a 

5) (Of Mr. Condit) When you said to Anne Marie Smith, during that phone call 
from Luray, that you "had some business to take care of," what was the exact 
nature of that "business."


[CTRL] Eeech! ADL "Training" Cops In New Jersey

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Training will aid cops against hate crimes
Published in the Home News Tribune


SOMERVILLE -- The Somerset County Police Academy and the Anti-Defamation
League have formed a partnership to provide training on extremist groups and
bias crimes.

The partnership -- which may be the first of its kind between the ADL and a
police academy in the state -- was announced during an afternoon news
conference yesterday at the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office in Somerville.

Charles "Shai" Goldstein, regional director of the ADL, said education for
law-enforcement officers has "become increasingly crucial because of the
nature of bias crimes."

While most people who commit hate crimes are not part of a group, Goldstein
said, "the most heinous of the crimes" are usually committed by members of
extremist hate groups, such as the National Alliance and the World Church of
the Creator.

Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest said the training will be offered to active
law-enforcement officers throughout the state. The one-day programs will be
added to the more than 100 in-service courses already offered through the

Goldstein said he hopes the program, which should start in the fall, will be
so successful that it spreads to the other police academies in the state and
all officers will have access.

"This is not a one-shot deal," he said. "When we get involved with a
law-enforcement agency, we consider it a lifetime relationship."

The training will focus on the extremist groups, who they are and how they
react to situations, Goldstein said. The courses will not be open to the

As part of a national law-enforcement initiative, the ADL also has launched a
Web site -- www.adl.org -- with information geared toward police officers
dealing with hate crimes and extremism.

"Being a law-enforcement officer is one of the most difficult jobs in the
world, and it becomes increasingly difficult," Goldstein said. "Anything we
can do to make a law-enforcement officer's job easier, we'll do it, in the
world of bias crimes and extremist groups."

[CTRL] Queen Elizabeth Controls U.S. Social Security

2001-08-27 Thread William Shannon


Constitution Society,
7301 RR 620 N #155,276,
Austin, TX 78726

Although we may disagree with a couple of conclusion in this article, the
bulk of this article is quite factual and will be an eye opener for most who
take the time to read it.

For those of you who wish to dig into this a bit more, there is a great site
on the Internet that has many old documents and treaties. The site is called
the Avalon Project and the link is
http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/avalon.htm This is a Yale Law School
sponsored site. Read the Treaties and you will be surprised and wonder what
kind of U.S. History you were taught in school.

I guarantee that you were never taught the facts that are included in these
treaties. Take the time to read them. You will be surprised that the United
States of America was borrowing money from the King of France (England) less
than 18 months after the revolutionary war which we "won". You will be
surprised to see the number of loans that the United States secured from the
King over the next few years. Later this week, we will have a book on-line
that discusses the issue of the United States belonging to the British Crown
today in much more detail. The arguments are compelling and based on facts
and original documents not assumptions.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this article and it gets you to start thinking and
studying more about issues which relate directly to your freedom.

FPC Management
Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security
From Noslavery@xxx

To the people I found this paper while going through Stephen Ames' files. I
am hoping that you will put it out on your E-mail and fax networks.

This paper explains and documents very much. It is absolutely mind
blowing! If you place this paper on your E-mail and fax networks I will
be more than happy to respond to people's questions. I have all of the
documents cited in this paper and they are available. This paper will shock
even those who think that they know what has happened and what is now taking

The deception is incredible. If the people do not respond to this information
we can then truly say that it is over and that we will never be free. This
paper is not opinion, but it is fact and is all documented. Now, what people
have to realize is there are remedies for the problems that not just America
faces, but the World. There are people all over the World that know what is
going on and they are doing something about it.

People all over America are emerging victorious over the images in their
minds. Let us not forget the absolute astonishing amount of debt discharges
that have taken place over the last few months. What is happening in America
is unbelievable. People are coming out of the delusions, they have figured
and realized that the United States is a fiction and that it only exists in
our minds. Tens of thousands of people now know that the "United States" does
not exist and that it never has. There is no such thing as the National debt
or a loan from the bank. Has any one ever seen "current credit money?"

The entire governmental system only exists in your mind. By Stephen Kimbol

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows
S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security United States of America) Order 1997
Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At the Court at
Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty in
pursuance of section 179 (a) and

(2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers
enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with advise of Her privy
Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows "This Order may be
cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall
come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating
in court that he takes his orders from England? This order goes on to
redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United
States Law.

Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy
Roman Empire and of the United States of America." See Treaty of Peace (1738)
8 U.S. Statutes at Large. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is
in charge of the USA 'plantation.' What people do not know is that the so
called Founding Fathers and King George were working hand-n-hand to bring the
people of America to there knees, to install a Central Government over them
and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off you have to
understand that the UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before
the Revolutionary war.

See Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15).

Now, you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of
England, he was also the King of Fra

Re: [CTRL] [MC] Deaf-Mute Hears 'Voice' -- And Kills Two!!

2001-08-27 Thread AOL User
In a message dated 8/27/01 4:30:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

He was deaf, but somehow he heard the 'voice' of God! How did this
happen -- and WHY did he obey? It's amazing what can be done with
*secret* technology! [Did he have any implants?]


  NO.    A)  He was slightly off,  as in psychotic  

    B)  If someone were playing games with him
 however unlikely though, a bone conduction
 hearing device would have been used.  

    C)  You make the call


[CTRL] Advance Notice - America's Secret Establishment - New edition

2001-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.ctrl.org/ASE/";>America's Secret Establishment
2nd edition

A new updated and expanded version of THE groundbreaking expose of The Order
of Skull and Bones.

America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
(Yale University Secret Society) by Antony C. Sutton

There are two ways of looking at the world. You can take the morning paper at
face value and believe the world oscillates between the dumb-show of
"left-wing" and "right-wing". Or you can begin to question this national

America's Secret Establishment

After 16 books and 25 years in basic research I thought I'd heard it all ...
the world was a confused mess, probably beyond understanding and certainly
beyond salvation - and there was little I could do about it. Back in 1968 my
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by the
Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In three substantial volumes I
detailed how the West had built the Soviet Union. However, the work generated
a seemingly insoluble puzzle - why have we done this? Why did we build the
Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why
does Washington want to conceal these facts? Why have we boosted Soviet
military power? And simultaneously boosted our own? In subsequent books, the
Wall Street series, I added more questions - but no answers. I had more or
less arrived at the conclusion that there was no rational answer that could
be proven. Then a year or so ago I received an eight-inch batch of documents
nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society.
Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious - this was no ordinary
group. The names spelled Power, with a capital P. As I probed each individual
a pattern emerged ... and a formerly fuzzy world became crystal clear. The
book you will read here is a combined version of a series reporting on this
research. Each volume builds on the previous volume in a logical step-by-step
process. These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and
Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis;
why the kids can't read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why
historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other

Pub Date March 19, 2002


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics

2001-08-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics
27 August 2001


The Kuwaiti government is preparing to pressure a reluctant parliament to
approve foreign involvement in the country's oil sector. The government is
motivated to reverse a 20-year Kuwaiti oil policy in response to the threat
of lower oil prices and a resurgent Iraq.


Kuwaiti Oil Minister Adel Khaled al-Subaih said on Aug. 15 he had "great
hopes" that his country's parliament would approve a bill to allow
international oil firms to operate in the country's upstream sector, Reuters
reported. Al-Subaih has spent the past few months heavily promoting the
ruling family's plan to involve foreign oil companies in boosting oil output.

Besides financial gain, Kuwait's ruling family, which makes up most of the
executive branch, is motivated by two factors: a possible decrease in oil
prices and a resurgent Iraq. These threats will prompt the government to push
the project through a recalcitrant parliament. Such a move would increase
revenues for Kuwait and open a new avenue of investment for foreign companies.

If parliament permits foreign companies to pump Kuwaiti oil, it would reverse
more than two decades of policy. Western oil companies are extremely
interested in entering the Kuwaiti market, given its low extraction costs and
solid infrastructure. Foreign oil companies in the running include British
Petroleum, Chevron, Conoco, ExxonMobil, Lasmo, Shell, Texaco and
TotalFinaElf, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Prospects for Developing the Nile

2001-08-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Prospects for Developing the Nile
1920 GMT, 010803


States in the Nile River basin are taking an unprecedented step toward
cooperation and river development. The new International Consortium for
Cooperation on the Nile, funded by the World Bank and other aid donors, will
conduct a series of studies to determine the feasibility of developing the
world's longest river. The first few projects will become the test case and
set the tone for future efforts toward cooperation and river development.


The new International Consortium for Cooperation on the Nile (ICCON) met for
the first time June 26 through 28, gaining an initial $140 million in donor
money. The consortium, comprising the 10 states along the Nile, is charged
with designing a program for basin-wide development.

The ICCON and its affiliated organization, the Nile Basin Initiative, signify
an unprecedented step in regional cooperation: the first basin-wide approach
toward Nile River development. In the past, Egypt has jealously guarded Nile
waters, its most precious resource, against widespread diversion. Now, all 10
Nile riparian countries -- Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda -- are
cooperating to advance river development. But cooperation may bog down
quickly when water diversion actually begins. The first few projects to be
implemented will become the test case for the future of both ICCON and for
cooperation among Nile basin nations.

The Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching 4,130 miles from its
sources in Equatorial Africa and the Ethiopian mountains to the Mediterranean
Sea. The headwaters spew from Lake Victoria in the Great Lakes region and
from the Ethiopian highlands.

The river has long been a source of conflict and discord. Although 10 African
countries lie along the Nile basin, only two have a legal claim to use the
river's water. A 1959 agreement gives Egypt the lion's share of the river's
estimated annual flow of 84 billion cubic meters (bcm). Sudan receives only
18.5 bcm of the water for domestic use, and Egypt claims the right to
approximately two-thirds, or 55.5 bcm of water per year. Until now, none of
the other eight states have had the right to develop the river's resources.

That could soon change. ICCON was formed to spearhead river development
initiatives involving its sister organization, the Nile Basin Initiative, and
international aid donors. ICCON is a consultative group cooperating with the
World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, the Canadian
International Development Agency, the European Union, the Global Environment
Facility and a coalition of interested non-governmental organizations.

The Nile development program is still in its early phases. The pledged $140
million will be used to conduct a series of feasibility studies and develop a
legal framework for sharing the river's water. Development projects will
focus primarily on developing the Eastern and Equatorial Nile sub-basins as
well as on some broader initiatives.

Participating countries are attempting to lay a foundation for future river
development. Although no projects have yet been agreed to, international
donors have signaled willingness to provide $3 billion for the first phase of
investment and development. Future projects will likely include the
construction of new dams and irrigation systems.

Herein lies the potential for conflict. The construction of dams and the
diversion of water for additional irrigation systems will alter the
distribution of Nile River waters. Clearly, increased use by one Nile basin
country will decrease the water available to others. Egypt, the traditional
ruler of the Nile, in the past threatened more than once that any development
of the Nile by other riparian states would be seen in Cairo as a threat to
national security and could possibly lead to war.

Already, conflict has hampered economic development of the Nile by most
riparian states. Currently, at least seven of the 10 are engaged in some form
of conflict. Burundi and Sudan are both caught up in civil wars. In the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda,
internal and regional strife has largely curtailed any plans these
governments might have for expanding or developing Nile river projects.

Each of the Nile River states has its own motives to cooperate on
development. The recent funding from the World Bank is the first step toward
making cooperation a reality and laying the groundwork for actual

But it will be the first few projects - perhaps a new dam in Uganda or a new
irrigation system in drought-stricken Ethiopia - that will serve as the real
test of cooperation among the Nile basin states. The loss of significant
water resources in a desert region plagued with drought has historically
prompted conflict. 

[CTRL] Energy Forecast: Bolivia

2001-08-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Energy Forecast: Bolivia
1930 GMT, 010803


To stimulate Bolivia's moribund economy, incoming President Jorge Quiroga
must find new ways to transport large reserves of natural gas to new markets.
Building new pipelines would require billions of dollars in foreign
investment - but as indigenous and farming groups turn up the heat on
Quiroga, that investment will become increasingly difficult to secure.


Bolivian President Hugo Banzer announced July 27 that he will resign in order
to undergo treatment for liver and lung cancer in the United States. Banzer
will cede his final year of power to his vice president, Jorge Quiroga, on
Aug. 6.

Quiroga needs to make fast, concrete progress on reinvigorating the Bolivian
economy in order to mount a viable campaign for a full term in 2007. One of
his few options is to further develop the landlocked country's large natural
gas reserves for export. With Bolivia's main gas customer, Brazil, failing to
meet demand expectations, Quiroga will promote a proposal to export liquefied
natural gas (LNG) through Chile to the United States and other markets. But
rising social instability during Quiroga's abbreviated term will emerge as a
powerful disincentive to investment.

Without further investments to extract and transport Bolivian natural gas,
exploration and extraction activity could fall off dramatically. This would
be bad news not only for Bolivia but the entire southern cone of South
America, where countries such as Brazil and Argentina increasingly depend on
natural gas to generate electricity. The United States also stands to benefit
from increased gas exports; Bolivia would particularly like to sell gas to
power-strapped California.

Quiroga - a 41- year-old, Texas-educated technocrat and former IBM executive
- now has a year to build a record from which to launch a presidential
campaign in 2007, when he next is eligible to run for the position. His first
priority will likely be to stimulate the economy. Bolivia is one of the
poorest countries in Latin America, and poverty worsened considerably under
Banzer as austerity measures sapped economic growth. Annual GDP rose by 0.6
percent in 1999 and grew a tepid 1.5 percent in 2000, according to Agence

The greatest economic hardship for most Bolivians has been the destruction of
the coca economy. U.S.-backed eradication efforts undertaken by Banzer's
government have destroyed almost 90 percent of the country's coca-producing
capacity, translating to lost income estimated at $200 million to $300
million annually, AFP reported July 29. The austerity and eradication
programs have fueled almost constant protests and three general strikes
during the last year. The most recent protests blocked a major section of the
Pan-American Highway between Bolivia and Peru for more than a month in June
and July, eventually disrupting food supplies to major cities.

Quiroga must find a way to stimulate the economy, but his options are few. He
likely will turn to Bolivia's primary natural resource: its large natural gas
reserves. Found reserves have grown 600 percent during the past three years
due to aggressive exploration by companies like Total Fina Elf and Brazilian
state company Petrobras, the Oil Daily reported May 16, citing a Wood
Mackenzie report. The same report also notes, however, that Bolivia "has a
serious stranded gas problem."

Lack of infrastructure limits the markets to which Bolivia can sell natural
gas. In a July 2001 report, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), an
arm of the U.S Department of Energy, put Bolivia's proven natural gas
reserves at 18.3 trillion cubic feet, with likely reserves as high as 70
trillion cubic feet The Wood Mackenzie report estimates that Brazil,
Bolivia's primary export customer, will absorb only 7.7 trillion cubic feet
during the next 20 years.

The Brazilian market is proving even less reliable than hoped, however.
Brazil has failed recently to complete several gas-powered electricity
projects that Bolivian gas producers anticipated. The country also has
expanded its own gas production. Meanwhile, the specter of a financial
meltdown in Argentina - with subsequent damage to Brazil - could further
depress demand for Bolivian gas.

Quiroga will therefore push for new methods to get Bolivian gas to market.
The most likely scenario is a plan to ship gas from the large Margarita field
in southern Bolivia through a pipeline to a coastal port in Chile, where it
would be liquefied. Much of the LNG would be shipped via Mexico to the United
States. The EIA estimates that this project would cost $6 billion to $7

The United States has a track record of investing in such projects. For
instance, Bolivia and Brazil turned to Washington and Western corporations
when building the 2,000-mile Bolivia-Brazil pipeline, which opened in 1999 at
a cost of $2 billion. Pa

Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Well, J2, I think you are the one with it ass-backwards.  On the
> one hand you claim the Jews were this poor, oppressed minority with
> no military yet the Vatican with no military should have done what
> the armies of Europe could not do.  I have conceded some
> collaboration but it is on the part of ALL parties and not peculiar
> to the Vatican.  The Poles could not have fought off the Soviet
> army any more than the 'poor oppressed Jews' could have done so.
> You speak of the Poles lack of having the balls to fight back, but
> isn't that the real problem with the Jews?  Why should the Poles
> have fought back but everyone else should have done that for the
> Jews? I think you are unrealistic in claiming that Jews were
> totally without blame in the collaboration game and that the
> Vatican could have prevented anything at all.  I think the Vatican
> would have saved their own if they could have done so. Do you think
> the Pope should have immediately sided with the anti-Catholic
> British and Protestant Americans?  Put him in a very bad position,
> I would say. The number of priest in Europe that went to the death
> camps is staggering.  You only have concern for Jews and Jews only.
> You speak as though no other group's suffering counts.  I find that
> very telling. And also that you think others lacking for not
> fighting back but they should have also fought back FOR the Jews
> who were selling them out to the Soviets?
> If we are going to take back property stolen in war, I want my
> great-grandparent's property burned and stolen by the U.S. govt
> returned.  You are not their accomplice in keeping it from me, are
> you?
> So I guess I will just do as you do, ignore all facts and continue
> to hold my church in esteem (your phrase) for the good that it did
> do and does currently.  It is easy to take things out of their
> historical context and make judgments.  The Vatican could have
> destroyed any and all documentation that would cast them in a bad
> light.  If they have not done so, I think that speaks well of those
> in charge.  You are well aware of the insurance claims paid to on
> behalf of all the 'poor, oppressed Jews' in Europe and it is never
> enough for they continue to sue for even greater amounts.  I think
> this is a money-grubbing scheme and Jews are salivating at the
> thought of getting their mitts on the Vatican, nothing more.  And
> there is little you can say that will change my mind.
> ~Amelia~


> - Original Message -
> From: "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 7:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII
> -Caveat Lector-
> Amelia wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > I am fully aware that the revisionists have now decided that Pius
> > collaborated with the Nazis, etc. This is an article of what was
> > said at the time by those in a position to know that just came
> out
> > today.  I personally think the new found guilt of the Vatican
> There's nothing new about it. The Vatican simply can't cover it up
> any longer because this is the information age, and non-Catholics
> don't care what the Vatican wants.
> > has
> > much to do with wanting even more reparations and the extortion
> of
> > huge sums of money.
> The Jews involved in this want their rightful property back which
> was
> stolen from them by the Nazis and hidden by their accomplices in
> the
> Vatican. Let's be clear about this. The Vatican is hiding the
> stolen
> property of the Nazi victims. Nice.
> >  Maybe the Poles should do the same to the Jews
> > who collaborated with the Soviets resulting in even more deaths
> to
> > the Polish people.
> I know that you are desperate to keep your church in some kind of
> esteem,
> but you are going a little whacky here. The Jews did not control
> the Soviets.
> If the Poles didn't like Soviet control they should have had the
> balls to
> have a revolution. Like the colonists did with English domination.
> > I certainly hope they do so for 3 million
> > Polish Roman Catholics went to the death camps and this started
> > long before any Jews there  met that same fate.  Why didn't the
> > Jews save the Poles from both the Germans and the Soviets?
> The Jews were an opressed minority who had no arms, no military and
> no influece in politics. Besides that, the Poles were vicious
> murderous
> anti-semites who turned over tens of thousands of Jews gleefully to
> the Nazis,
> and then stole their property. You've got it ass backwards Amelia.
> You're getting silly now.
> > I do
> > not think it was possible for anyone to do that for if a Pope had
> > such power, JPII could stop the 40 million abortions.
> > ~Amelia~
> Popes don't have any power any more. Except over gullible
> Catholics.
> No one else care what they do or don't do. But some people are
> determined
> to show what they DID do.
> >
> > For 

[CTRL] Books about Pan Am 103 and Lockerbie

2001-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5260/books.html";>
The Pan Am 103 Library
Books about Pan Am 103 and Lockerbie
Welcome to the Pan Am 103 crash library. This is a collection of books on the
topic of the crash of Pan Am 103, the Lockerbie bombing trial, the victims
and much more. Feel free to read the reviews or even contribute with your own
review. All books can be ordered online through www.amazon.com (US) or
through www.amazon.co.uk (UK)
NB ! The autobiography of Lameen Fhima is coming soon  details will

Lockerbie Trial by Nathan Coley
August Media
ISBN: 1902854128
Publishing date: June, 2001. The book features 128 pages of photographies
from and about the Lockerbie bombing trial in Camp Zeist in the Netherlands,
2000-2001. The book is going to be published in the UK only, so far, but can
be ordered through American book shops and sites soon.
  * Presentation at amazon.co.uk

Cover-up of Convenience by Ian Ferguson and John Ashton
Mainstream Publishing
ISBN: 1840183896
Publishing date: March, 2001. Many observers of the Lockerbie trial and
investigation - including legal and law enforcement officials close to the
case - say the trial may not produce a satisfying answer to the question of
who bombed Pan Am 103. This work answers the questions that the authorities
wish to bury. It attempts to show that the bombing was anything but a
straightforward act of terrorism perpetrated against civilized, Western
nations by an evil dictator. The shocking truth, according to this book, is
that the Western intelligence services were complicit in the murders. From
the moment the plane went down, a supposedly impartial investigation was
distorted in order to conceal this dark reality from the victims' relatives
and the public. .
  * Presentation at amazon.com

Pan Am 103 The Lockerbie Cover Up by dr. William Chasey
Bridger House Publishers, Carson City, NV 89702
ISBN 0-9640104-1-0
Title may differ from older versions: Foreign Agent 4221: The Lockerbie
The shocking story of how a devoted American republican uncovered the truth
behind Pan Am 103. "I love my country, but I fear my government", said the
author before he went to Libya to see Fhima and Megrahi. His life never
became the same againdon't read this book alone at home!
  * Review of the book by John Tiffany
*   also available at Barnes and Noble

Pan Am 103 The Bombing, The betrayals,  And A Breaved Family´s Search for
Justice by Daniel and Susan Cohen
New American Library, 375 Hudson Street, NY 10014
ISBN 0-451-20165-5
Published June, 2000, this book tells the story of how the downing of Pan Am
103 has changed the lives of an American family forever. The book also
reflects on the almost 12-year long battle for the truth of who killed their
20-year old daughter Theodora on Pan Am 103. Read how a Libyan jew tried to
lobby the family into opposing UN sanctions and the story of the Cohens in
numerous verbal fights with high ranking hypocrite US administration
NB ! Renewed paperback edition, featuring information and opinions about the
verdict,  ready April, 2001 !
  * Presentation at amazon.com
*   Review on CNN.com June, 2000
*   alternatative URL on above review
*   Review from Wag Magazine, July 2000

Lockerbie: Qabel il-Verdett - Lockerbie: Before the Verdict by Joe Mifsud
available from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the price of only $30 !
ISBN: 999332-612-0-3
A new book with facts and reports from the Lockerbie bombing trial. Maltese
journalist and Pan Am 103-investigator Joe Mifsud has published all of his
articles from the beginning of the trial up to the end of the prosecution
case. Half of the book is in Maltese, articles published in the British press
are in English. Among the documents in the book are copies of FBI-reports and
original letters and documents from the technical and criminal investigation.
The book also contains numerous photographies including exclusive ones of
protagonists and all the places mentioned in the case with Maltese connection
as well as interviews with Jim Swire and Prof. Robert Black.
  * Review by Aoude Media

The Media and Disasters: Pan Am 103  by Joan Deppa, Maria Russell, Dona Hayes
New York University Press, Washington Square, NY 10003
ISBN 0-8147-1856-6
In engrossing detail this book chronicles the story of Pan Am 103 behind its
headlines, illustrating how the media and the people it encountered affected
the journalistic process.Many valuable media referen

[CTRL] Fwd: New Laissez Faire City Times Now Online V5.35 - 08/27/01

2001-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Quality is Hard to Find - Bookmark Home page now:

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The Feel-Good State
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Jack Parsons, Part 20: A Manuscript Found in an Urn,
by: The Magician

Costa Rica's Anonymity Motels
by: Goose Dog

Winslow Boy
A movie review by Victor I. Go

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2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

The first half of this article by Col. T. E. Bearden is on the
Neurophone and is necessary to understand the second portion which
concerns the Soviet 'Woodpecker' which many believe has been in use
for years.


  Another device that uses the new hyperspatial, virtual state,
nested modulation technology (and has done so for seventeen or
eighteen years) is Dr. Pat Flanagan's neurophone.  With brilliant
insight and intuition far beyond that of science at the time, Pat
invented and patented the instrument by the time he was seventeen
years old.  The neurophone is a device that, contrary to all
present theory and knowledge, will directly "pump the brain" and
reproduce sound and information directly in the brain and mind
system, without going through the auditory system at all.  A
simplified diagram of Pat's improved neurophone is shown in Figure

Figure 11.  A simplified diagram of the improved Flanagan

   Briefly, the device takes a complex signal, such as the sound of
an orchestra playing a musical interlude, and electrically
processes it as shown in the figure.  First the signal is passed
into a section that clips everything into a series of square waves,
remarkably analogous to the sort of clipped waves Lisitsyn confirms
are the information carriers of the human brain.  Next the square
waves are differentiated, yielding a series of sharp spikes (note
that these spikes retain the pulse-time content of the clipped
signal).  These spikes are again differentiated, and since these
are finite spikes with real nonzero rise times and decay times
rather than theoretical constructs, a series of noisy spikes
results from the second differentiator section.  From here, the
noisy spikes are introduced to special contact electrodes, one of
which is normally placed on the forehead, while the other may be
placed almost anywhere, including on the foot.  Nowhere are any
sound waves introduced to the head.
   The square-wave clipper section reduces the complex signals,
their overtones, and their complex modulations to square waves,
retaining the temporal content of the wave mix but not the waves
themselves.  The first and second differentiators heighten or
filter through the temporal content of the higher-order
differentiations, that is, they serve as a band pass filter unit to
accent the time keying of the neutrinic and mindfield portions or
aspects of the signal.  When these time spikes are then introduced
across the body as pulsed voltages, they are modulated directly on
the dendrite firings of the brain and nervous system, providing
direct and pulsed modulation of the neutrinic and mindfield
component channels of the mind-brain-consciousness-life loop
itself.  Thus the neurophone directly inputs information into the
brain and nervous system, bypassing all the normal sensory systems
that lie between the mind-brain loop and the outside environment.
   Indeed, a similar development has been reported by two
University of Missouri researchers.  Dr. Donald York, a
neurophysiologist, and Dr. Thomas Jensen, a speech pathologist,
have recently reported identifying and decoding twenty-seven words
and syllables in specific brain wave patterns and correlating these
electroencephalographic patterns with both the spoken word and the
silently thought word in about forty subjects.  At present, Dr.
York and Dr. Jensen are programming a computer with a brain wave
vocabulary, to monitor and read the EEG of a stroke victim's brain
and help stroke victims who have lost their powers of speech to
   While all such developments can obviously be misused, their
potential for assistance to mankind is enormous.  Indeed, my own
premise that brain linkage is possible and can be used to advance
all mankind to the sixth stage of species evolution is slowly being
proven.  It is within our reach now to develop a multi-channel
communications system that will directly link brains, minds, and
consciousness into a single functional being; and I have already
pointed out that the psychokinetic power of the emergent entity
increases exponentially with the number of linked stages.  The
normal corpus callosum linkage of the two cerebral halves in each
human head proves that brains, minds, and beings can be linked and
integrated into one.
   The Excalibur Briefing details the basic concepts of the theory
involved in hyperspace-virtual state engineering, and thus in the
engineering of mind-life-consciousness links to multicellular
organisms here on earth.  Pat Flanagan's neurophone proves that
complex information can be implanted directly in the brain and
mind, bypassing the normal isolating barriers.  Drs. York and
Jensen have shown that the brain wave does indeed contain
recognizable, decodable information analogues.  Lisitsyn has
already reported measuring the number of independent channels
involved and has documented the importance of the clipped brain
waves as opposed to the sine-wave con

[CTRL] Germany's RWE weighs $3.6 billion bid for American Water

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Report: Germany's RWE weighs
$3.6 billion bid for American Water

Utility eyes deals in U.S. and Europe, source says

FRANKFURT, Germany, Aug. 27 - Germany's RWE AG is considering
acquisitions in Europe and North America to expand its core
businesses, an industry source said on Monday, amid increasing
speculation it will acquire a U.S. water company.

 American Water Works Company, Inc. (AWK)
 price change
 $34.00 +1.26

 "THE COMPANY is looking at various options all over Europe
and the U.S.," an industry source told Reuters.
   The company, Germany's second-biggest utility by market
capitalization after E.ON, has made clear it wants to expand in its
four key business areas - electricity, water, gas and waste
management services.
   RWE declined to comment on a report in the Financial Times
on Monday that it was considering a $3.6 billion bid for American
Water Works, the largest regulated water business in the U.S.
   "Our company policy is not to comment on market speculation
and rumors," RWE press spokesman Bill McAndrews told Reuters.
   According to the report, senior management representatives
traveled to American Water's office in New Jersey in the past two
weeks to negotiate a deal.

   On Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the
Essen-based group was poised to buy water supplier Azurix, a unit
of U.S. energy trader Enron. The company also declined to comment
on that report.

 "The American Water buy would make complete strategic
sense in terms of building onto Thames Water," said one
Frankfurt-based analyst at an international investment bank.
   RWE acquired Thames Water last year as part of a drive to
expand abroad to offset weakness in its electricity business in
Germany following the liberalization of the power market and has
indicated it wants to build up its operations in the sector.
   It is currently the world's third biggest water company
behind French rivals Suez Lyonnaise and Vivendi.

 The analyst said American Water was more likely to be a
target for RWE than Azurix, which has divested its U.S. water
operations and now has water assets only in Latin America.

   "The market cap of American Water is around $3.2 billion, so
the $3.6 billion price named (by the FT) seems reasonable," he

   © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication
or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited
without the prior written consent of Reuters.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Californians concerned over chemtrails

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Californians concerned
over chemtrails
Citizens, including veterans, speculate on strange sky formations


By Lance Lindsay
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

COARSEGOLD, Calif. -- Paula Glick, a resident of Coarsegold,
Calif., the mother of seven children and two playful Dobermans,
sits on her couch with dozens of photographs spread over her coffee

"Let's say I'm your sister," Glick says. "I'm reporting to you that
I think, possibly, the government has a covert operation on the
American public and, possibly, beyond. This may be an international
thing. This might be a NATO group effort. Australia and Canada have
also complained."

Tossing her long, brown hair over her shoulder, she picks some
photographs from the coffee table and begins flipping through the
stack. She always keeps her camera near, ready to snap another shot
of the strange trails in the sky. She has been watching them for
more than a year.

David C. Oglesby, a Clovis World War II veteran, first witnessed
the phenomenon two months ago. It was just after sundown and before
dark when Oglesby looked at the sky over his home and discovered 11
white trails, dissipating slowly.

Pictures of 'chemtrails' taken in July at Yosemite National Park.
Photos by Jenny Galasso.

"The trails formed a grid pattern," Oglesby says. "Some stretched
from horizon to horizon; some began abruptly and others ended
abruptly. They hung in the air for an extended period of time and
gradually widened into wispy clouds, resembling spider webs. I
counted at least 11 different trails."

Valley residents from Clovis to Oakhurst have witnessed the
trails -- but they are not alone.

"There are 39 different states where they have been observed,"
Oglesby says. "Consulting the Internet, I find that similar
occurrences are happening in other places with much the same

Contrails, or white trails of condensed water vapor that sometimes
form in the wake of an aircraft, are nothing new to Oglesby, who
grew up across from Carsweld Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas.

"The explanation that comes to mind is that these were vapor trails
from high-flying aircraft, but anyone familiar with aircraft knows
that not to be the case. The action observed was not how vapor
trails act," Oglesby says.

Contrails will dissipate quickly, disappearing entirely. But these
trails, often called chemtrails, linger for hours, Oglesby and
Glick concur.

Coarsegold resident Gene Shimer, a retired sergeant in the U.S. Air
Force, served four years as a radar technician during the Korean
War. He does not believe the trails over his home are normal

Pictures taken in April in Coarsegold, Calif. They show sheer wind
factor affecting haze that is one to eight hours old. Photos by
Paula Glick.

"If they're dumping a water-based substance from that height,"
Shimer says, "it will freeze, and it would turn white, even if it
had some dye coloring in it. As it drops down it is absorbed, so
you would see, ultimately, nothing or a faint color of what it was
to begin with. But this stuff stays there as a white material. The
atmosphere does not absorb it. It does not break down. It spreads
out and forms these clouds. If you wait long enough, it
precipitates out so you don't see it anymore and it thins out as it
comes closer to the ground."

Glick heard about the trails three years ago from her father,
Shimer. She was living in Ventura County at the time.

"I was talking to my dad and he said, 'They're gridding us up
here,'" Glick says. "I thought, 'Yeah, right dad. Sure they are.' I
didn't believe him."

Glick had never seen the phenomenon in Southern California.

"I always looked up and I only saw what you would consider normal
activity -- jet liners taking people, normal commercial flights."

But after four months of living in Coarsegold, she no longer
doubted her father, she said.

"I had to watch them do it," Glick says. "And as I watched them
everyday doing it, it became apparent that we were being sprayed.
And so I had to believe. I saw what was normal and I saw what was

Pictures show old trails turning into white haze, while newer
trails are still in grid formation. Bottom right shows jet laying
new trail. Photos by Paula Glick.

One morning, about two years ago, Shimer spotted a long, thin
string resembling a spider web floating in the sky, he said. It was
about 20 feet in length and could only be seen in the reflection of
the sun. He looked up, saw trails, and then saw something that
appeared to be a glob of foam falling from the sky.

"It came floating down, free-floating," Shimer says. "I caught it
with a spatula, scooped it off the ground, and I watched it as it
shrank. It was about the size of my fist when it first started. It
looked like a cross between soap bubbles and cotton candy."

He placed the substance in a plastic bag and kept it. It is now
about the size of his t

Re: [CTRL] Emotions, DNA and Psychedelic Herbs

2001-08-27 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


  First, thank you for breathing, and for thinkling out loud on this forum.
Secondly, the people you ask about do not want benefit.  That would be
healthy and they do not want a thing to do with emotional, spiritual or
genetic health.  Why?  I'm not sure, except that healthiness has nothing in
common with control, which they need.  It all has to do with fear, and with
them being either very young souls or very old (but sickly) souls.


In a message dated 8/27/01 4:53:21 AM Central Daylight Time,

> So what does this mean?  It just throws another plus in my hat.  If the
> government knows about the research Gregg Braden mentioned -- this proven
> research with experiments which have been repeated -- and who knows how
> this research has been around -- then if the government has so far refused
> seriously consider the existence of other races of beings in the universe,
> and since they seem to be ignoring these recent formations in England, and
> they feel that drug use will affect our DNA in such a way as to make us
> open to these energies that exist all around us, then apparently they do
> want us to know or understand.  If that is the case, then what is their
>  Why do they want to keep the masses ignorant when they themselves could
> benefit greatly from a more open relationship with the universe and its
> inhabitants?
>  Damaeus

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: World Affairs Brief August 27, 2001United American States

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

2001 Copyright Joel Skousen. Quotations permitted with attribution. Cite 
source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief, Website: http://www.joelskousen.com MEXICO’S 
in modern history, a Mexican president is being positioned to play a major 
role in the NWO plans to turn the NAFTA agreement into a European style 
regional government of the Americas. Fox has plans for more than just a 
Mexico-US-Canada free trade zone. He has taken a strong stance in multiple 
high profile interviews promoting his vision of a grand community of 
states under one regional government in North and South America. He 
knows that integrating all the nations of the Americas into a borderless, 
dollar-based regional government, will require leadership not only from the 
US, which is expected to provide the economic muscle to make it happen, but 
from someone within the Spanish culture, with globalist ties to the NWO 
leadership, who can overcome the resistance of Marxist leaders in Latin 
American universities and governments--where there still exists much 
suspicion and even hatred of US motives. Harvard trained Mexican 
President Vicente Fox is perfect for this role. He’s fluent in 
English and Spanish, a former head of the Mexican branch of a huge 
international corporation with insider links (Coca Cola), and is a "Third 
Way" socialist (like Tony Blair and Bill Clinton) who constantly talks about 
"free market" incentives but whose real interest lies in promoting the 
control agenda of his globalist partners. In a recent interview with the 
London’s Daily Telegraph, Mr. Fox laid out a vision of an American continent 
without borders that the Telegraph claimed, "has already caused shivers in 
Washington and cold sweats in Ottawa." Hogwash! This pretended resistance is 
merely a ruse by willing participants playing hard-to-get. The US and 
Canada are already holding private talks on eliminating border 
control stations between the two countries. If ever there was a 
restrictive border that could be viably eliminated, it would be the border 
between Canada and the US, which share a common language and heritage. 
Canada also has a welfare system with vastly higher benefits than the 
American system, so there exists no welfare magnetism inducing poor 
Canadians to immigrate to the states--at least to receive welfare. The real 
danger behind open borders with Canada concerns Canada’s fairly open 
immigration policy. Canada allows a wide variety of immigrants to enter that 
nation, many of whom do not qualify for entrance into the US. Open borders 
would serve as a massive back door of US immigration for unqualified 
persons. In contrast, open borders with Mexico would create both an 
open door to unqualified immigration from Mexico and elsewhere, and also a 
welfare system disaster for the US. Keep in mind that even though 
Mexico has always been a socialist country, it has such a large compesino 
class of peasants that it would be economic suicide to provide direct 
welfare payments to the poor. Instead, the government subsidizes the cost of 
subsistence foods (beans and rice) and housing as its preferred welfare 
system. Thus, the US, with its lure of direct welfare payments as well as 
the much coveted US citizenship to any foreign child born here, represents a 
strong magnet to poor Mexicans. Eliminating restrictions to Mexican 
immigration would result in a huge influx of poor welfare-class people 
seeking handouts courtesy of the American taxpayer, creating an unmanageable 
drain on the US economy. Elsewhere in the interview Fox stated his 
admiration of the European integration experience. "In trying to see 
where we should go with NAFTA, one experience which has been very successful 
would be the European experience." I disagree. So far only the expanded free 
trade portion of the European experience has been successful--and that 
success has been stifled by deeply entrenched labor laws and production 
subsidies. The control agenda underlying the EU mechanism has been largely 
unreported in Europe, though more and more horror stories of tyrannical 
edicts emanating from Brussels are beginning to leak out. Establishment 
media have colluded with European socialist leaders to issue a steady stream 
of propaganda encouraging European union, one fatal step at a time. The 
big issue now in the EU is the changeover to the single currency (the 
Euro). The EU globalists keep trying to sell people on the benefits of a 
single currency while carefully avoiding the control agenda hidden in the 
background--that each nation loses an essential part of its sovereignty: 
national control over the value of its money and the rate of inflation. But 
resistance to the Euro is high due to another important reason as well. The 
changeover is in essence a currency call-in which threatens to 
uncover the huge underground economy that has alwa

[CTRL] NIH names labs with stem cells

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: NIH names labs with stem cells




begin 666 NIH names labs with stem cells.url
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[CTRL] OFF TOPIC=Female Bodybuilder Molested by Chiropractor in Scarecrow Costume

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{And you thought your world was weird! AKE}}



August 25, 2001 -- A female bodybuilder was awarded $1.75 million
in a New Jersey court yesterday after being sexually assaulted by
her chiropractor - who was in a "Wizard of Oz" scarecrow costume at
the time.
Karolyn Russo, 42, of Brick, won her case against the convicted
medico in Ocean County Superior Court.

"He was dressed like the character in 'The Wizard of Oz' movie,"
Russo said of the 1999 attack. "It was just before Halloween. His
receptionist was dressed like Dorothy."

Chiropractor Scott White of Brick admitted sexual assault and
received three years of probation and a fine, according to lawyer
Ron Sage.

"He was in the process of treating me," Russo said. "He had been my
doctor for over four years.

"He closed the door and sexually assaulted me. It made me sick."

Russo said that after the attack she confronted White, who
threatened suicide. "He was scared," she said. Mark Stamey

Holdings, Inc. Copyright 2001 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Global GM market starts to wilt

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  Global GM market starts to wilt

Static profits, tighter laws and consumer health doubts slow growth
of disputed technology - except in US

Special report: GM food debate

John Vidal
Tuesday August 28, 2001
The Guardian

The global GM food bubble may have burst after almost 10 years of
exponential growth. Companies are investing less in research than
five years ago, profits are static, countries are tightening up
labeling and import laws, the promised new generation of crops
which could bring health benefits is still years away, and no major
new markets are expected to develop for some time.
Paradoxically, Guardian research has also found that the acreage of
GM crops is still growing in the US and, at more than 109m acres
now across the world, is 25 times what it was five years ago. The
industry, moreover, has now convinced almost all governments and
world bodies to back the bitterly disputed technology.

But Sergey Vasnetsov, Wall Street's leading chemical industry
analyst with Lehman Brothers, says: "The outlook [for the GM food
industry] is less certain than it was three years ago. The euphoria
has gone. Growth has fallen significantly. The industry has
overstated the rate of progress and underestimated the resistance
of consumers.

"Acceptability will only come with new products but that seems to
be something the industry cannot achieve. The crops that will
benefit people [as opposed to farmers] are still three or four
years away. The market is not expanding and research budgets are
down 5-7% on five years ago. Conceptually, the value [of GM foods]
has come down," says Mr Vasnetsov.

Benedict Haerlin, Greenpeace International's GM analyst, agrees:
"The wonder times are over. The promises have not materialised.
There are still only four major crops being grown. The world market
is reducing in terms of delivery.


But the GM food companies are confident they can overcome
regulatory hurdles and global opinion. World leader Monsanto, whose
seeds were planted on more than 80m acres last year - but which has
had to slash costs, cut back on research and fire almost 700
people - is conducting field trials in many developing countries
and reported an 11% increase on acreage. The global GM acreage is
thought to be 17% higher than in 2000. Most of the new plantings,
however, have been in north America.

Mr Vasnetsov is scathing of the claims made by the UN, chemical
companies and scientists that GM crops will alleviate hunger in
developing countries. "Let's stop pretending we face food
shortages. There is hunger, but not food shortages. GM food is for
the rich world. The money from GM is in developed countries. The
battle is in Europe," he says.

Greenpeace's Benedict Haerlin agrees. "No GM company is going to
produce varieties for poor countries unless it sees a market," he

US analysts fear that GM crops, after 10 years of plantings, are
still a north American phenomenon, with the rest of the world
proving increasingly cautious. The US now has 80% of all plantings,
followed by Canada, Argentina and China. Ten other countries grow
small amounts.

Overcoming Europe's five-year-old moratorium on new commercial
plantings is crucial for the development of the crops. EU draft
laws announced last month would allow imports with 1% contamination
of conventional crops by GM organisms, but while allowing new GM
crops to be grown, they could increase to up to three miles the
buffer zone between them and conventional ones which could put most
farmers off. The companies are expected to lobby to relax the

US growers and government fear that their £30bn food export
industry is being undermined as countries try to substitute their
exports for those of the US. Despite the objections of the US
government and lobbyists, many countries are now trying to turn the
screw on US agriculture by increasing regulatory pressure.

Thailand, the world's largest rice exporter, is bringing in strict
laws on labelling and traceability; Algeria, a large food importer,
may ban completely their import, manufacture or sale; Japan, which
takes 20% of all US food exports worth $11bn a year, has imposed
tough labelling rules on 24 product categories and new Chinese laws
may delay GM maize for several years. In Sri Lanka, the government
has come under intense pressure from the World Trade Organisation
and business not to reimpose a ban on imports and growing of the


The US government and farm organisations admit that GM has severely
hit exports. Europe, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have largely
switched to buying non-GM maize and soya from Brazil and China
rather than the US. The US department of agriculture recently
lowered its maize export forecast by 50m bushels as a result of
GM's unacceptability.

Meanwhile, legal uncertainties surrounding the testing of GM crops
are leading some European biotech and seed companies to shift their
research to north America. "We won't be carrying out any

[CTRL] Leader's killing 'means open war'

2001-08-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  Leader's killing 'means open war'

Israel steps up its assassination policy with a missile attack on
the most senior Palestinian leader to die during the intifada

Suzanne Goldenberg in Ramallah, and agencies
Tuesday August 28, 2001
The Guardian

Israel yesterday claimed the highest ranking victim of its
assassination policy since the Palestinian uprising began, killing
the leader of the Popular Front for the Libertion of Israel with
two missiles sent through the window of his office in a Ramallah
apartment block.
Mustafa Zibri, universally known as Abu Ali Mustafa, died working
alone at his desk.

The office is on the first floor of a block of flats in a
well-do-do residential area.

Shortly after his death at 11.15am the PFLP's military wing said
that as an "initial response" one of its groups had shot and
wounded an Israeli settler near the settlement of Itamar.

A settlers' spokesman said the motorist was critically wounded.

To many Palestinians Mustafa had iconic status. The Marxist faction
he led was once second only to Yasser Arafat's Fatah organisation.
Thousands took to the streets in protest and there were calls for
revenge from across the political spectrum.

The explosions shattered windows and mirrors in adjoining rooms,
but otherwise, apart from scorch marks above the north and east
facing windows of his corner office, the building was eerily

Mustafa was by far the highest ranking of the 40 Palestinians
assassinated by Israel since the intifada began.

Arguably he was the most significant since 1988, when Israeli
commandos killed Mr Arafat's lieutenant Abu Jihad in Tunis.

His assassination was a departure from Israel's strategy, which has
so far focused on eliminating activists of Mr Arafat's Fatah and
the Islamist group Hamas rather than members of leftwing factions.

His wake at a town hall a few blocks away reflected his senior
status. Leaders of Palestinian groups from Hamas to the leftwing
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine paid their

"At first there was a sense of shock, but now there is a sense of
vengeance," the DFLP leader, Qais Abu Laylah, said.

"When people in the top Palestinian leadership are targeted by
Israel I don't think there is any place or range for what you may
call moderation. This is an open war."

Palestinians regarded Mustafa as a strictly political figure. Born
to a humble family near the West Bank town of Jenin, he was for
years the right hand of the veteran leader George Habash.

An opponent of the peace accords with Israel, he returned from
exile, with Israel's permission, in 1999, and succeeded to the
leadership of the PFLP 16 months ago.

Once the second largest faction in the PLO, the PFLP has been on
the sidelines in recent years as Hamas and other Islamist groups
strengthen their hold. But it has been an emerging military force
in the uprising, and carried out a string of car bombings in
Israel. None caused Israeli fatalities.

The Israeli army said Mustafa was directly responsible for the car
bombings. Its statement said he "invested most of his energy in
establishing covert underground military cells of the PFLP". But it
offered no proof that he was dir- ectly involved.

Mustafa was killed only hours after the prime minister, Ariel
Sharon, convened his closest cabinet ministers, including the
foreign minister, Shimon Peres, to order an increase in the
assassination of Palestinian activists.

A potential successor to the PFLP leadership, Abdul Rahim Maluah,
said the strategy would backfire.

"The Israelis have gone through all the red lines when they
assassinate a person like Abu Ali Mustafa," he said. "This has
reached the highest levels of the Palestinian leadership and they
must know beyond a doubt that their decision will have

In addition to the prominence of the target, yesterday's attack
stood out for its sheer audacity. Three of the eight flats in the
building attacked are occupied by Palestinian families holding US

"I was sitting at my desk drawing a rose, and then went out to get
a banana from the kitchen for Haneen," said Leila Daas, 10.

"We were just at the door when the blast happened, and then we all
started running and screaming."

Mustafa's neighbours said they had little to do with him, and had
assumed his presence in the building did not compromise their
safety because he was a political leader.

But his bodyguard, Fadi Abu Salah, said he had been acting like a
hunted man for months: staggering his arrival at the office and
changing vehicles.

"The Israelis possess high technology. They have satellites and
their collaborators and spies. It is obvious that a well known
leader will always be followed by Israel, and by collaborators," he

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic