Re: [CTRL] Fwd:Skolnick- THE SUCKER TRAPS, Part One

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

 Ferdinand Lundberg's  The Rich and the Super-Rich is available from From $10 - 15.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Understandidng the New World Order: The Eurasian Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski]

2001-12-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Understandidng the New World Order: The Eurasian Chessboard by Zbigniew
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:33:36 -0500
From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Nurev Independent Research

  The Eurasian Chessboard

  by Zbigniew Brzezinski
  Chapter 2, The Grand Chessboard

  Chart 1 - The Continents: Area

  Chart 2 - The Continents: Population

  Chart 3 - The Continents: GNP

  For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia. For half a
millennium, world affairs were
  dominated by Eurasian powers and peoples who fought with one another for
regional domination
  and reached out for global power. Now a non-Eurasian power is preeminent
in Eurasia -- and
  America's global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how
effectively its
  preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained.

  Obviously, that condition is temporary. But its duration, and what follows
it, is of critical
  importance not only to America's well-being but more generally to
international peace. The
  sudden emergence of the first and only global power has created a
situation in which an equally
  quick end to its supremacy -- either because of America's withdrawal from
the world or because of
  the sudden emergence of a successful rival -- would produce massive
international instability. In
  effect, it would prompt global anarchy. The Harvard political scientist
Samuel P. Huntington is
  right in boldly asserting: A world without U.S. primacy will be a world
with more violence and
  disorder and less democracy and economic growth than a world where the
United States
  continues to have more influence than any other country in shaping global
affairs. The sustained
  international primacy of the United States is central to the welfare and
security of Americans and
  to the future of freedom, democracy, open economies, and international
order in the world.(1)

  In that context, how America manages Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the
globe's largest continent
  and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control
two of the world's three
  most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the
map also suggests that
  control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa's
subordination, rendering the
  Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world's
central continent. About
  75 percent of the world's people live in Eurasia, and most of the world's
physical wealth is there as
  well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts
for about 60 percent of the
  world's GNP and about three-fourths of the world's known energy resources
(see Tables).

  Eurasia is also the location of most of the world's politically assertive
and dynamic states. Alter
  the United States, the next six largest economies and the next six biggest
spenders on military
  weaponry are located in Eurasia. All but one of the world's overt nuclear
powers and all but one of
  the covert ones are located in Eurasia. The world's two most populous
aspirants to regional
  hegemony and global influence are Eurasian. All of the potential political
and/or economic
  challengers to American primacy are Eurasian. Cumulatively, Eurasia's
power vastly overshadows
  America's. Fortunately for America, Eurasia is too big to be politically

  Eurasia is thus the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy
continues to be played.
  Although geostrategy -- the strategic management of geopolitical interests
-- may be compared to
  chess, the somewhat oval-shaped Eurasian chessboard engages not just two
but several players,
  each possessing differing amounts of power. The key players are located on
the chessboard's
  west, east, center, and south. Both the western and the eastern
extremities of the chessboard
  contain densely populated regions, organized on relatively congested space
into several powerful
  states. In the case of Eurasia's small western periphery, American power
is deployed directly on it.
  The far eastern mainland is the seat of an increasingly powerful and
independent player,
  controlling an enormous population, while the territory of its energetic
rival -- confined on several
  nearby islands -- and half of a small far-eastern peninsula provide a
perch for American power.

  Stretching between the western and eastern extremities is a sparsely
populated and currently
  politically fluid and organizationally fragmented vast middle space that
was formerly occupied by
  a powerful rival to US preeminence -- a rival that was once committed to
the goal of pushing
  America out of Eurasia. To the south of that large central Eurasian
plateau lies a 

[CTRL] Cell Phones Fry Kids Brains

2001-12-30 Thread Fred Woeckener

-Caveat Lector-

  What A Cell Phone Can Do
   To A Child's Brain In Just Two Minutes
The Mirror - London

These are the first images that show the shocking effect that
using a mobile phone has on a child's brain.

Scientists have discovered that a call lasting just two minutes
can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain
for up to an hour afterwards.

And they also found for the first time how radio waves from
mobile phones penetrate deep into the brain and not just around
the ear.

The study by Spanish scientists has prompted leading medical
experts to question whether it is safe for children to use
mobile phones at all.

Doctors fear that disturbed brain activity in children could
lead to psychiatric and behavioural problems or impair learning

It was the first time that human guinea pigs were used to
measure the effects of mobile phone radiation on children. The
tests were carried out on an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old
girl called Jennifer.

Using a CATEEN scanner, linked to a machine measuring brain
wave activity, researchers were able to create the images above.

The yellow coloured part of the scan on the right shows how
radiation spreads through the centre of the brain and out to
the ear on the other side of the skull. The scans found that
disturbed brain wave activity lasted for up to an hour after
the phone call ended.

Dr Gerald Hyland - a Government adviser on mobiles - says he
finds the results extremely disturbing.

It makes one wonder whether children, whose brains are
still developing, should be using mobile phones, he adds.

The results show that children's brains are affected for
long periods even after very short-term use.

Their brain wave patterns are abnormal and stay like that for
a long period.

This could affect their mood and ability to learn in the
classroom if they have been using a phone during break time,
for instance.

We don't know all the answers yet, but the alteration in
brain waves could lead to things like a lack of concentration,
memory loss, inability to learn and aggressive behaviour.

Previously it had been thought that interference with brain
waves and brain chemistry stopped when a call ended.

The results of the study by the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic
Research Institute in Marbella coincide with a new survey that
shows 87 per cent of 11- to 16-year-olds own mobile phones and
40 per cent of them spend 15 minutes or more talking each day
on them. And disturbingly, 70 per cent said they would not
change the use of their phone even if advised to by the

Dr Hyland plans to publish the latest findings in medical
journal The Lancet next year.

He said: This information shows there really isn't a safe
amount of mobile phone use. We don't know what lasting damage
is being done by this exposure.

If I were a parent I would now be extremely wary about allowing
my children to use a mobile even for a very short period. My
advice would be to avoid mobiles.

Dr Michael Klieeisen, who conducted the study, said: We were
able to see in minute detail what was going on in the brain.

We never expected to see this continuing activity in the brain.

We are worried that delicate balances that exist - such as
the immunity to infection and disease - could be altered by
interference with chemical balances in the brain.

A Department of Health spokesman said: In children mobile
phone use should be restricted to very short periods of time.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd:Skolnick- THE SUCKER TRAPS, Part One

2001-12-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Kalivas wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Ferdinand Lundberg's  The Rich and the Super-Rich is available from From $10 - 15.

The REAL conspiracy is explained in this book.
Still the best.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd:Skolnick- THE SUCKER TRAPS, Part One

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Can't wait. The book is over 1000 pages I understand, so a review won't be


 -Caveat Lector-

 Bill Kalivas wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
   Ferdinand Lundberg's  The Rich and the Super-Rich is available from From $10 - 15.

 The REAL conspiracy is explained in this book.
 Still the best.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Stop Shameless Chavez - Mike Hersh

2001-12-30 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message


Stop Shameless Chavez' Political Abuse

By: Mike Hersh - 12/30/01

Linda Chavez -- AWOL Bush's first pick to defend labor rights at the Dept. of Labor -- 
has declared war on working Americans.  In her long and whining load--really a 
shameless demand for money--Chavez announced her new group SUPA for Stop Union 
Political Abuse.  Her idiotic lies and rants make me think she should call her group 
STUPA, for Still Tormenting Us with Partisan Attacks.

Chavez lies about the state of the law, misquotes and makes personal attacks against 
people like John Sweeny.  Chavez claims unions have the ability to deduct money from 
a worker's paycheck to use for radical left-wing politics, whether the worker supports 
those beliefs or not.  Of course this is a lie.  Union members are entitled to opt 
out of PACs (political action committees).

Corporate stockholders, on the other hand cannot opt out of corporate PACs which 
deduct money from a [investor's returns] to use for radical [right]-wing politics, 
whether the [investor] supports those beliefs or not. The worst insult Chavez can 
hurl at union leaders is to call them bosses, but she lies about and defends big 
business bosses who actually do the horrid things she dishonestly claims unions do.  
Typical right wing lies.

Chavez also lies about why the Bush people threw her out like a Florida vote.  She 
claims:  Union bosses were fighting against me so hard that I felt I was becoming a 
political liability to President Bush. So I withdrew my nomination. Wrong.  While 
it's true labor leaders objected to her extreme idiocy, that was a big plus in Bush's 

Chavez is a hypocrite and a liar--usually also pluses for Bush--but Chavez' exquisite 
hypocrisy threw a big hitch in the restore honor and dignity chorus.  Specifically, 
shameless Chavez led the politics of personal destruction in 1993, because President 
Clinton's Attorney General nominee failed to comply with employment laws.

How inconvenient to find nominee Chavez had not only failed to comply with the same 
laws, but also lied to the Bush vetting team about it.  That is why they kicked her to 
the curb.  Chavez must think we're pretty stupid or have no memory.  Maybe both.

Here is: Linda Chavez: Stop Union Political Abuse, with all the breathless emphasis 
and odd ellipses from the original.

Linda Chavez  Stop Union Political Abuse

Big Labor will spend well over ONE BILLION DOLLARS to defeat Republicans, crush 
President Bush's reform plans and seize control of Congress for Democrats in 2002.

Democrats know they can't win nationally without this flood of Big Labor cash.

Once in control, Democrats will repay Big Labor bosses by pushing the Socialist Big 
Labor political agenda.

Please help me stop Big Labor's powergrab and help pass the Workers' Freedom of Choice 
Act by answering my e-mail today!

I've set up an online petition to urge Congress to pass the Workers' Freedom of Choice 
Act. Please sign it immediately, so I can deliver it to the leaders of the U.S. House 
of Representatives and the Senate:

Expert analysis shows Big Labor bosses will spend $1.65 billion to grab back control 
of Congress for Democrats so they can defeat President Bush's agenda.

That's why I am asking you to also make a contribution to help fund the grassroots 
effort to pass this legislation and keep Big Labor from forcing workers to pay for 
radical left-wing politics against their will.

My name is Linda Chavez. You may remember me as President George W. Bush's original 
choice for Secretary of Labor.

Big Labor Bosses like the AFL-CIO's John Sweeney pulled out all the stops to defeat my 
nomination. After all, members of the media were calling me Big Labor's Worst 

And they were right! I'm completely opposed to the special privileges given to Big 
Labor unions . . . powers that no other private organizations have.

And one of the strongest powers they have is the ability to deduct money from a 
worker's paycheck to use for radical left-wing politics, whether the worker supports 
those beliefs or not.

The fact that I stand for the freedom of workers to make their own decisions, as 
opposed to taking marching orders from Big Labor, brought an all-out assault from 
union militants against me.

Union bosses were fighting against me so hard that I felt I was becoming a political 
liability to President Bush.

So I withdrew my nomination. I knew I could fight the use of forced union dues for 
politics without the constraints of approval ratings and polls.

So I founded Stop Union Political Abuse (SUPA) and I'm fighting for the Workers' 
Freedom of Choice Act so that employees aren't forced to pay for the union bosses' 
radical political agenda.

I must have your help. Please sign the petitions I've set up online, and send your 
best contribution to help this grassroots lobbying effort:

Your petition, to be sent to the leaders of 

[CTRL] Fwd: US Info War ::: Big Brother Briefing

2001-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd


US  Information Warfare ::: Big Brother at National Defense University


WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- Guerrillas don't hold ground, a specialist in 
information warfare warns those who take comfort in the apparent success of the U.S. 
military campaign in Afghanistan. 

Osama bin Laden is a classic guerrilla leader, said Chuck deCaro, a former CNN 
correspondent who is adjunct lecturer of strategy and information warfare at the 
National Defense University in Washington. Americans should not believe bin Laden's al 
Qaida network has been neutralized just because you've swept over the top of 
Afghanistan, where this guy was a parasite on the ruling government.

It's the nature of guerrilla movements that have been punished to emerge later at 
another place, he told United Press International.

DeCaro is one of a small group of defense intellectuals who for years have been saying 
that archaic Cold War, machine-age solutions won't work against enemies that have 
adapted to the information age. Bin Laden, he says, is a four-dimensional virtual 
terrorist whose area of operations is global. America must fight him by making its 
case to the world. 

DeCaro said that the apparent success in Afghanistan won't be fully realized until 
after a lot of angry Taliban and al Qaida sympathizers who have dealt their way out of 
capture are convinced that post-Taliban Afghanistan is a better place to be.

You have to get at the reason for the guerrilla movement and remove that as a 
motivation for potential recruits, he said. An information campaign is necessary, even 
if the message is: You're not that good, and we'll come at you. And, Oh, by the way, 
here is a better, stable, and prosperous Afghanistan after the Taliban.

DeCaro envisages a continuous marketing campaign. One approach is the unending 
provision of video news releases documenting U.S. efforts in styles aimed at the 
various demographics within the Islamic world. If those news releases aren't enough, 
buy airtime, he said. Women's issues could be especially highlighted, but it doesn't 
go 10 days and stop. This is long term.

After Afghanistan, the United States should conduct similar information campaigns 
everywhere bin Laden might have a cell or a population from which to draw people -- 
whether it be Indonesia, the Philippines or Trenton, N.J. -- and demonstrate that 
screwing with the United States is not a good idea while playing ball is a very good 

DeCaro doesn't shrink from the word propaganda. He does not advocate promulgating 
falsehood, however, but rather getting America's story out to the world. 

These information programs would play on every station or network that the U.S. 
government could successfully promote them. DeCaro also advocates buying air time on 
local television and, if necessary, starting or assisting competing networks beamed at 
the target demographics. Such an effort would be somewhat like Radio Free Europe, he 
said, but bigger, televised and more prolific. 

If we're giving away powdered milk, I want to be there taping it, he said. I want 
to follow that kid doing better in school. Make that available. In the machine age, 
this sort of thing was done with leaflets and posters.

DeCaro used the advertising of Coca Cola to illustrate the need for constancy in 
information warfare. They sponsor a program. And that gives you the hook to the 
demographic watching. Then you drop that commercial on them. DeCaro characterized 
Coke's unchanging message as: You want to drink this really cold brown fizzy stuff 
from this can because it does this for you.

Do they do that once? the information warfare specialist asked rhetorically. 
Everybody in the world knows what Coca Cola is, and the company still spends billions 
of dollars a year to maintain its market share. And we need to do the same thing.

Even a military success does not engage the problem of a mindset, he said. 

Asked what the U.S. government should be doing differently, he replied: We could have 
a thoroughly modern global information campaign demonstrating what the United States 
is, what we're trying to do, where we're going, and what it is we can do to help you. 
This would be an interagency effort involving the Defense Department, the National 
Security Council, the State Department, the Commerce Department and others.

We ought to be selling our case -- and not just the military case. We need to get the 
message across that we are a land of equal opportunity. We tolerate other religions. 
This is not a war against Islam. This must be done over and over and over, because not 
everybody's wired in and gets the message the first time.

DeCaro said the United States represents economic opportunity. Washington's message: 
We're not here to take away all your resources and strip you blind. We want to do 
business. We are a nation of businesses. In trading with us, 

[CTRL] Democracy vs. Freedom (And The Nation-State)?

2001-12-30 Thread Archibald Bard

Democracy vs. Freedom (And The Nation-State)? 

By Jared Taylor 

Almost all libertarians (with the exception of the 
heroic Von Mises Institute) want open borders because they think border control 
is just one more tyrannical act of government. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, a libertarian 
who teaches economics at University of Nevada at Las Vegas, has finally set the 
movement right on this question. Free immigration, he explains, is a misnomer. 
What the open borders crowd are really pushing is forcible integration, a denial 
of the rights of natives. This argument is just one of many that make 
Democracy—The God That Failed deeply subversive, even revolutionary. 

This book is a powerful critique of government, 
specifically of democratic government, which Prof. Hoppe thinks is worse, 
theoretically, than monarchy. It marshals the laws of economics and human nature 
to explode one liberal myth after another. 

For example, many people think “free immigration” 
and “free trade” are necessary complements, but Prof. Hoppe points out they have 
little in common. Free trade requires willing buyers and sellers of goods, but 
immigrants walk across the border whether they are wanted or not. Even if there 
are employers who want immigrants, it does not mean other citizens want to share 
parks, shopping malls, streets, and movie theaters with them. Therefore, if 
capitalists really want foreign workers, they should keep them in 
self-sufficient company towns rather than force them on the rest of us. 

Prof. Hoppe points out that antipathy towards those 
unlike one’s own group is perfectly natural and no obstacle to trade: 

“From the fact that one does not want to associate 
with or live in the neighborhood of Blacks, Turks, Catholics or Hindus, etc., it 
does not follow that one does not want to trade with them from a distance. To 
the contrary, it is precisely the absolute voluntariness of human association 
and separation—the absence of any form of forced integration—that makes peaceful 
relationships—free trade—between culturally, racially, ethnically, or 
religiously distinct people possible.” 

Immigration policy, in Hoppe’s controversial view, 
is just one example of how democracies are inferior to monarchies. A king takes 
a proprietary view of his kingdom—because he owns it—and wants to increase the 
value of the estate he will pass on to his heirs. By contrast, Hoppe argues, 
democratically-elected rulers act like tenants who want to get as much out of 
their temporary occupancy as possible. They have to appeal to the mob to be 
elected, and once in office care more about short-term exploitation than 
long-term improvements. 

An owner/king has a simple immigration policy: He 
expels criminals and losers and admits only productive people. Prof. Hoppe 
explains how presidents are different: 

“[B]ums and unproductive people may well be 
preferred as residents and citizens, because they create more so-called ‘social 
problems,’ and democratic rulers thrive on the existence of such problems. 
Moreover, bums and inferior people will likely support egalitarian policies, 
whereas geniuses and superior people will not. The result of this policy of 
non-discrimination [in immigration policy] is forced integration: the forcing of 
masses of inferior immigrants onto domestic property owners who, if the decision 
were left to them, would have sharply discriminated and chosen very different 
neighbors for themselves.” 

It is egalitarianism—the myth behind 
one-man-one-vote—that Prof. Hoppe dislikes most about democracy. “There is 
nothing ethically wrong with inequality,” Prof. Hoppe explains, but democracy 
promotes the idea that inequality is an outrage, which leads to indignation over 
differences of wealth and income. Politicians win elections by promising to 
reduce these differences, which means one of the central tasks of government is 
redistribution of wealth by taxing away the property of one group of citizens 
and giving it to another. 

Transfer payments of this kind foster a spirit of 

“Everyone may openly covet everyone else’s 
property, as long as he appeals to democracy; and everyone may act on his desire 
for another man’s property, provided that he finds entrance into government.” 

Since candidates win office by appealing to 
covetousness, “prime ministers and presidents are selected for their proven 
efficiency as morally uninhibited demagogues.” Kings, on the other hand, were 
not necessarily bad people. Moreover, they didn’t believe in equality and didn’t 
have to win votes, so had neither theoretical nor practical reasons to 
redistribute wealth. 

Prof. Hoppe takes the view that cultural 
conservatism is not compatible with the big-government nanny-state democracy 
inevitably brings. Social security and Medicare support people in old age and 
makes them less dependent on their children, thus weakening family ties and 
reducing birth rates. Support for single mothers encourages 

[CTRL] [Taliban] Lindh, Fonda - And Treason?

2001-12-30 Thread Archibald Bard
Title: 12/13/01 - Lindh, Fonda – And Treason?




Sam Francis 

  a Friend... 

Lindh, Fonda – And Treason?
The demon of the day is John Walker Lindh, the 
hapless American sap captured in Afghanistan while fighting for the 
Taliban and who may 
wind up facing charges of treason in this country. Since Mr. Lindh, 
or Suleyman al-Faris, or Abdul Farid, or plain Mr. Walker, as he now 
calls himself, is an American citizen, he can't just be hauled 
before one of President Bush's secret military 
tribunals and executed. 
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld assures us he "will have all the rights 
he is due." It's refreshing to learn that high government officials 
still acknowledge that American citizens have rights 
at all. 
As for the treason charges, it's by no means 
clear that what Mr. Walker has done comes anywhere close to real 
treason. What he did was convert to Islam at the age of 16, go to 
the Middle East and live as a Muslim. Somewhere along this profound 
spiritual odyssey, he also wound up fighting for the Taliban in the 
last few weeks. But as far as can be determined, he was fighting 
against the Taliban's enemies, the Northern Alliance—not U.S. 
The Constitution, in its succinct definition 
of treason, defines it as consisting "only in levying war against 
them [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving 
them aid and comfort." Fighting for the Taliban might be construed 
as "adhering" to the enemies of the United States—if Mr. Walker had 
been fighting against us. But you also need two witnesses to prove a 
charge of treason, and that's another problem in itself. 
If it's real treason you want, you don't have to 
go to Afghanistan. There's plenty of it in this country, dating from 
at least the 1960s, when such patriots as Jane 
Fonda and her regiment of Viet Cong sympathizers openly propagandized 
for a communist victory against American troops. There was never any 
question that the U.S. government regarded North Vietnam and its 
surrogates in South Vietnam as "enemies," and there's no question 
either that Miss Fonda and her pals "adhered to" them and gave them 
aid and comfort. 
Hanoi Jane even went to North Vietnam and 
broadcast messages to American troops urging them not to fight. 
After World War II, "Tokyo 
Rose," William Joyce ("Lord Haw Haw") and 
American poet Ezra Pound were 
all tried for treason for doing much the same thing, though only 
Joyce was executed. But there were hundreds or thousands of others 
in the Vietnam era who, just as clearly, gave aid 
and comfort to the enemy in this country, at a time when the 
enemy was actually killing American soldiers. 
Yet not one of the real traitors involved in 
"protesting against the Vietnam war," as the media liked to call 
their efforts to subvert anti-communist forces and defeat their own 
country, ever faced charges of treason. Years ago, a former Justice 
Department official told me that his colleagues did consider 
charging Miss Fonda with treason but didn't do so because they 
couldn't come up with the required two witnesses to her broadcast. 
Maybe not—the witnesses against her could only have been North 
Vietnamese who happened to be with her during the broadcast—but 
there are plenty of others who saw and heard her comrades beating 
the drums for the enemy in city streets and on college campuses. 

At least Mr. Walker, for all his weird religious 
meanderings, actually took up arms and fought for something he 
believed in, unlike the Viet Cong's American 
fifth column that got no closer to combat than smashing 

[CTRL] Fwd: Enron's India Disaster

2001-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd


Only recently has Enron become a dirty word in the world of U.S. business. This fall, 
with its spectacular collapse, the Houston-based energy trader became notorious for 
cooking the books and buying influence with friendly politicians.

But in India, the company has long been viewed as an arrogant, abusive company that 
relied on cozy political relations to override the interests of everyday citizens. 
Enron even earned the condemnation of Amnesty International for its heavyhanded 

For a look at how Enron built a reputation as an Ugly American company in India, go to at

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Full Spectrum Dominance

2001-12-30 Thread Nakano Nakamura
 William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Perfecting the power to impose the will of the State, is the ultimate reason that perpetual war must be waged. The character of a Patriot is now defined as loyalty towards the policies of their government." 
Nakano comments:
Do you remember when Lyndon Johnson said: "Those who oppose our policies in Vietnam are not loyal Americans. Those who don't support this war are disloyal to our men in uniform."
I was in uniform and in Vietnam when he said that. I wrote a letter to my father and said: "I do not equate loyalty to America with loyalty to the policies that put us here." I am in full agreement with that statement this many years later.
Thank you Bill Shannon for posting this on Full Spectrum Dominance. I wish every American would read this, and think hard about it. Nakano
"How far we have strayed as a people from that which made Americans unique. Willingness to forget that legitimacy for your government is based upon your consent is epidemic. People are eager to demonstrate their devotion to the State, as they surrender their birth right as if it meant nothing. No government has ever bestowed freedom upon their citizens. Liberty and the NWO are not compatible. The aim to rule, requires that the torch of freedom be extinguished."Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online at Yahoo! Greetings.

[CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

2001-12-30 Thread Archibald Bard
Title: 12/23/01 - A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National Question






Chilton Williamson Jr. Archive

  a Friend... 

A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National 
By Chilton Williamson Jr.

  “Keep order in space,And order in 
time,For disorder is chaos,And chaos is 
This Christmas Eve, I will be attending mass at my parish church, 
St. Laurence O’Toole in Laramie, 
Our parish is one of those big enough to sustain Perpetual, 
round-the-clock, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a practice 
encouraged in the Roman Catholic Church, believing as we do in the 
True Presence of Christ in the consecrated communion host. I 
generally visit on Friday mornings, between nine and ten. 
Remembering St. 
Theresa of Avila, who was unable to pray for sixteen years 
without a book in her hand, I make a habit of bringing something to 
read. For the past year it’s been Augustine of Hippo’s City 
of God.
This is a book as worldly-wise as it is impressively spiritual. 
Written between 413 and 426 A.D., while the Roman Empire was being 
overrun by 
barbarian armies, this 
work of more than a thousand pages describes the human world as 
divided between two cities, the City of God and the City of Man. 
They exist side by side and intermingled. One is comprised of God’s 
people, the pilgrim Church on Earth. The other is devoted to the 
ways of man. Each has its distinct and separate destiny awaiting it 
at the end of the world. But until then, they are linked together in 
a perplexing and often frustrating symbiosis.
As one of the towering works of the human intellect, City of 
God is a book to be studied, not read, certainly with a pen and 
perhaps also a notebook at hand to mark passages with and jot down 
annotations. The scope of St. Augustine’s mind and his breadth of 
learning are immense. They propel the book from one level to the 
next, without losing sight of what has gone before. Perhaps because 
it was so many years in composition, City of God -- like life 
itself -- seems to proceed by phases, each one marked strongly by 
distinguishing themes as well as, at times, by a distinctive tone. 

It was in the middle of Book XX, some 
900 pages into my Pelican Classics edition, that I experienced an 
instance of intellectual déjà vu. I was aware, 
suddenly, of treading familiar ground, although I had never set foot 
in this place before. 
The most likely explanation, of course, was that Augustine 
had repeated himself now and again in the course of the previous 
nineteen books, and that my subconscious had finally taken due note 
of the fact. Curiously, I scanned a couple of hundred pages back, 
paying special attention to the marked passages. What I discovered 
was not repetition but rather a number of extended disquisitions - 
yet another argument pursued, disconnectedly but most definitely, by 
the author. 
It was nothing less than a fifth-century precursor of the modern 
debate on maintaining distinct national identities and preserving 
the integrity of the Western world–what VDARE.COM calls the 
Connect these passages. What do we have but a strong suggestion 
that St. Augustine – one of the most influential Fathers of the 
Church--held a view much closer to that of us present-day 
anti-globalist, anti-immigration reactionaries than to the 
universalist dream that all too many Christians have been persuaded 
is integral to their faith?
In Book XIX, 
Chapter 21, Augustine explains why a Roman Commonwealth as defined 
by Scipio in Cicero’s On the Republic never existed. Scipio’s 

[CTRL] Libertarians and Immigration

2001-12-30 Thread Archibald Bard

Libertarians and Immigration Laws that would have 
to be repealed for unrestricted immigration to be safe, or, 
How immigration can increase the role of government 
in your life." 

By James Fulford 

Libertarians like immigration because they see it 
as increasing freedom (it doesn't, necessarily), and because the means of 
stopping illegal immigration tend to increase the power of the state. 

Many become frenzied with enthusiasm for 
immigration, and that's why Peter Brimelow has been known to refer to us as 
"low-IQ libertarian loonies." (That's "high-IQ libertarian loonies" to you, 
Peter, thank you very much.) 

But libertarians forget that as it stands now, 
immigration is just another government program, importing tax liabilities in the 
form of welfare cases, business liabilities in the form of affirmative action 
problems, and criminals against whom you’re not allowed to defend yourself, and 
last but not least, importing political liabilities, in the form of voters who 
don’t believe in freedom. 

Here are some of things that should be dealt with 
before tearing down the fences: 

1. Gun Control. 

If you're going to import criminals, you should 
have the means to defend yourselves inside the boundaries of your own country. 
And it would be stupid to disarm the populace during an invasion. America’s 
southern border includes a lot of formerly Mexican territory that the Mexicans 
would like back. (I think of this every time someone says, “I wish I could 
magically make all the guns in the United States just vanish.” If this 
magic trick didn’t include all the guns in Mexico, it would also succeed in 
making Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada disappear.) 

2. Anti-Discrimination Laws. 

If I’m not allowed to decide who I’m allowed to 
hire or do business with, immigrants are going to cause problems. 

Libertarians are mostly anti-racist in principle. 
But before we’re anti-racist we’re anti-slavery and pro-freedom, which is why in 
1963 Frank Meyer denounced the Jim Crow laws and the Civil Rights Act in the 
same National Review column. (Frank S. Meyer, The Negro Revolution, NR June 18, 

3. The Tax/Welfare System 

Every productive person is taxed to support 
non-productive people. If we import more non-producers, then taxes go up. 

For Libertarians this does mean the separation of 
school and state, and an end to free emergency rooms, if by “free emergency 
rooms” you mean the law that says that no one can be turned away from an 
emergency room. 

As for the idea of letting people immigrate with 
the present welfare system in place, but barring immigrants from participating 
in it, that law already exists. 

Any immigrant becoming a “public charge” within his 
first five years of residence can be deported, but the Government won’t enforce 
this. They deported a total of 42 people for this in the period of 1961-1982. 

Of course, welfare bureaucracies would be better if 
they would enforce or even obey the law, but only in the sense that cats would 
be more practical and useful if they could be taught to bark. 

The Taxation and Welfare system is part of the 
principle described by the first Republican President: 

It is the same principle in whatever shape it 
develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, "You work and toil and earn 
bread, and I’ll eat it." No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the 
mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by 
the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving 
another race, it is the same tyrannical principle. --- Abraham Lincoln. 
Seventh and Last Debate with Stephen A. Douglas, October 15, 1858 

4. Democracy 

“What! You want to repeal Democracy?” I hear you 

Calm down. It’s not the demos that’s the problem. 
It’s the cracy. 

“The Tyranny of Democracy” as L. Neil Smith calls 
it. As long as the majority rules, and rule means draft, tax, and jail, I am not 
enthusiastic about sudden changes in the majority. 

Some claim that majoritarianism, despite its 
faults, is an alternative preferable to physical conflict. They’re wrong: 
majoritarianism is physical conflict. Elections are a process of counting fists, 
rather than noses, and saying, “We outnumber you—we could beat you up and kill 
you—you might as well give in and save everyone a lot of trouble. 

Majoritarianism, to put it straightforwardly, 
possesses the full measure of nobility manifested by any other form of 

-- L. Neil Smith, 1989 Mork and Mindy are arguing 
about something to do with the house (which Mindy owns) and Mork calls for a 
vote. It splits 50-50 because there are only two people voting. So the next 
evening he brings home a homeless man and calls for a revote. 

The Democrats are trying the same thing. 

Libertarians should be concerned about the 
possibility of block voting by foreigners, or dissident elements in society, as 
in Northern Ireland, which may have reached the 

Re: [CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

2001-12-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

12/23/01 - A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National
Questionthere is a thread developing in archibald's off topic posts, isn't
there? intolerance in the name of jesus. hale-friggin-lujah.
anything apart from the word of your god to share with the conspiracy list
or is it all just self righteous preaching?

- Original Message -
From: Archibald Bard
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

So remember: If, this Christmas, you hear from your pastor or bishop that
the spirit of brotherly love demands abolishing our borders and welcoming
the entire population of Congo into the state of Maryland, remind him that
one Very High Up authority--though not visibly present among us--could tell
him differently.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fed up with the trash on TV? [NEW WEBSITE]

2001-12-30 Thread Archibald Bard
Title: One Million

Moms, see your 




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Re: [CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

2001-12-30 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/01 11:24:56 AM Central Standard Time,

 12/23/01 - A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National
  Questionthere is a thread developing in archibald's off topic posts, isn't
  there? intolerance in the name of jesus. hale-friggin-lujah.
  anything apart from the word of your god to share with the conspiracy list
  or is it all just self righteous preaching?

  I delete these posts because they come with attachments.  Beware.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Living in a Parody World - Lisa Kadonaga

2001-12-30 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message


Living in a Parody World

By: Lisa Kadonaga 12/30/01

I don't know about you, but for me the entire past year has been tinged with 
unreality. The other day I searched back through my memory, trying to pinpoint the 
exact moment when I felt things were starting to come unhinged.

I guess my first clue that something was not quite right was during the presidential 
debates, when the Governor of Texas (the Education Governor, according to his own 
press releases) joked that all he would have to do was pronounce his name correctly, 
for people to be impressed that he wasn't as dumb as they'd thought. I like a bit of 
humor in a campaign, but he seemed to be quite earnest about this. When the media 
started to trumpet his victory, to hear them talk you'd think he'd rendered Vice 
President Gore speechless in all three debates, then done handsprings across the stage 
and hoisted Jim Lehrer into the air for an encore.

Then came the hoopla and excitement of election night. The networks trotted out their 
snazziest graphics, and in the fog of predictions by overcaffeinated news anchors, it 
took awhile to notice that something was different this time. During the wee small 
hours of November 8th, America walked off the edge of the cliff -- and like Wile E. 
Coyote, it didn't notice right away, and kept right on going.

What happened next was absurd. It was unbelievable. The new Bush administration 
confirmed, as Secretary of Energy, a man who had stated his belief that the Department 
of Energy should be abolished. They passed an obscenely-large tax cut, even as the 
economy began to falter. They broke international treaties, alienated dozens of former 
allies, and virtually drove Russia and China into each other's arms. And then came 

There was no real-life precedent for the scenes of devastation on September 11th . It 
was like a movie is the phrase we hear again and again. No wonder Washington is 
asking Hollywood screenwriters for help forecasting possible conflicts. This spring's 
tongue-in-cheek X-Files spinoff The Lone Gunmen imagined an attempt to crash a 
passenger jet into the World Trade Center -- not even their writers thought there'd be 
two of them.

As the weeks went by, George W. Bush himself seemed more and more unreal. On my 
bookshelf is Richard Rohmer's novel Exxoneration, written two decades ago. It 
depicts a Texas oilman president, a former military pilot who insists on flying Air 
Force One himself. When angry, he blurts out things like this ain't a tea party! He 
makes a point of studying Canadian history and geography, just so he can chide us 
about geopolitics, and lay claim to our oil and gas reserves. When I first read the 
book, I disliked this character intensely. I thought he was an overbearing bully -- I 
was even angry at Rohmer, for making such an absurd caricature.

I didn't reckon on someone like George W. Bush.

Even Rohmer didn't see this guy coming. As it turns out, Mr. Bush was born in 
Connecticut, but he wears cowboy boots, and exaggerates his accent in front of the 
press. (One of his own relatives, the Ambassador to the Czech Republic, claimed this 
summer that the man can't even ride a horse.)

Mr. Bush trained as a fighter pilot, but he never talks about his flying experiences. 
He went to elite prep schools, and Yale and Harvard, but flaunts his ignorance. 
Rohmer's fictional President appears thoughtful, statesmanlike, and genuine by 

There are times when I've wondered whether we've walked into a televised parody -- 
some members of the administration look as uncomfortable as celebrities coerced to 
perform in a comic sketch. During a preliminary visit to the Bush estate in Crawford, 
the dignified Colin Powell said up front that he didn't do ranch wear -- presumably 
averting his eyes from the spectacle of Senator Lott of Mississippi, who was sporting 
brand-new denims and a 20-gallon hat with a feather in it. A few months later, 
Secretary Powell was up on stage dressed as a cowpoke, dutifully singing a duet with 
his Japanese counterpart.

The Bush initiative encouraging schoolchildren to send dollar bills to the White House 
reminds me of a satirical movie -- Americathon (1979). It envisions the year 1998, 
when the United States is bankrupt and the president has to resort to a telethon to 
raise funds. (I'm sure that the thing about being in hock to the Nike Corporation is 
just coincidence.) As a side-note, Cybill Shepherd makes an appearance -- her co-star 
from The Last Picture Show, Timothy Bottoms, went on to portray George W. Bush on 
Comedy Central.

A friend in the States commented that when she watches the Chief Executive addressing 
the nation on TV, she gets the eerie feeling that she's watching a Bush impersonator 
-- and not a very convincing one, at that -- doing his evildoer, make no mistake, 
and smoke them out of their caves shtick. (Apparently a good impersonator can rate 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Understandidng the New World Order: The Eurasian Chessboard ...

2001-12-30 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

What New World Order?  Wasn't it only yesterday that we were told it was just
a phrase and didn't mean anything?

This is a wonderful wake-up piece for any newbie conspiracy theory followers.
 While many of us shake in out boots trying to find out what is being done to
us lately, those who are moving  plans forward work very relently to achieve
them, no matter how many decades it takes.  ZB presents his audience with
what is happening now, thus giving members of that audience the opportunity
to help move the goals of others forward.  Not too many options in that
piece.  Heard ZB talk here in Chicago over ten years ago and his message was
similar.  Europe was on the move, it is where opportunity lies, unless
America goes along with the plan, it's toast.

Whether it's the new world order, schools, the churches, the environmental
movement, the euthanasia movement, trade agreements, quality control
planning, whatever...the biggies plan, the opportunists move with the plan
and all work extremely hard to make it happen, presenting the fruits of their
work to their audience in a way that makes it seem as if their solutions are
needed and the solutions have already been found.

Most of us newbies are just outside the loop.  As the old saying goes, if you
are going to be changed, might as well just sit back and enjoy it.  At best
we may be one step ahead of our friends however... we will know what is

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Enron in India

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Enron's India Disaster

By Sam Parry
December 30, 2001

Enron's sudden fall from grace has made it a dirty word in American
business, associated with cooking its books and spreading money
around to friendly politicians.

But in India, the Houston-based energy-trading company has long been
viewed in much that way, as a heavy-handed U.S. corporation, expert
at manipulating local politicians and callous in overriding the
interests of everyday citizens.

For many on the Asian subcontinent, Enron epitomized the downside of
the modern global economic system where powerful corporations from
the West often bully their way into development projects that fail to
live up to shiny promises.

A case in point was Enron’s investment in a $3 billion, 10-year liquefied natural gas 
power plant development project, the largest development project and the single 
largest direct foreign investment in India’s history.

Begun in 1992, the Dabhol power plant near India’s financial capital of Bombay in 
Maharashtra state was to have gone online by 1997. It was supposed to supply energy- 
hungry India with more than 2,000 megawatts of electri
city, about one-fifth the new energy needed by India each year.

But endless disputes over prices and terms of the deal turned the venture into a 
symbol of what can go wrong in large-scale development projects when cultures collide. 
As Enron files for bankruptcy and looks for ways to d
ivest itself of its Dabhol interests, the project is still unfinished and has produced 
no electricity.

The Beginning

Enron’s Dabhol project took shape after the fall of the Soviet Union. India, a 
longtime Soviet ally and a socialist country in its own right, faced tough questions 
about how it would adapt to the post-Cold War world. With
 the Soviet Union gone, India began looking to the West to develop new international 

An exploding population also was putting pressure on the nation's natural resources. 
One of the top needs was energy.

In 1991, a government led by Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao of India’s longtime 
majority Congress Party introduced two major structural policy changes to spur 
economic growth. Narasimha decentralized government control
 over industrial licensing and opened the country more to foreign investment.

In Comes Enron

On the surface, India’s deal with Enron to build a power plant seemed to offer big 
advantages to both sides. The 2,184-megawatt Dabhol plant would help India meet its 
national energy needs while expanding India's trade re
lations with the U.S. [BusinessWeek, Dec. 3, 2001]

For Enron, the upside was equally clear. Entering the Indian market, which offered 
vast growth potential, would position Enron well in the global marketplace.

The U.S. government also saw benefits from U.S. companies gaining access to business 
in India, the world’s largest democracy. The Enron deal was the jewel of America’s 
economic engagement with India.

International observers and many in the energy trade press considered the deal a match 
made in heaven. The power plant will provide desperately needed electricity for the 
growing Indian economy, wrote the Energy Daily.

As an integrated gas and power project, the facilities will contribute significantly 
to the development and expansion of both the natural gas and power sector in India, 
declared Enron’s Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay. [En
ergy Daily, Dec. 9, 1993]

In a joint venture with U.S. companies General Electric and Bechtel, Enron created an 
Indian subsidiary, Dabhol Power Co. DPC, which was 65 percent owned by Enron, was to 
build the power plant. Enron was to develop and op
erate the plant. Bechtel was to design and construct it, with GE supplying the 

To secure supplies of liquefied natural gas for the project, Enron lobbied New Delhi 
to change its tariff system, which had been designed to discourage energy imports. 
Enron got India to slash its duty on imports of lique
fied natural gas from 105 percent to 15 percent.

With those changes approved, Enron brokered a deal with Qatar to provide the Dabhol 
plant 2.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year for 25 years, starting in 

Early Skepticism

While many observers hailed the project and its promised benefits, some economists 
doubted its feasibility and some Indian citizens bridled at Enron's highhanded 

In April 1993, a World Bank analysis questioned the project's economic viability, 
citing the high cost of importing and using liquefied natural gas relative to other 
domestic sources of fuels. Because of those findings, t
he World Bank refused to provide funds for the project. 

Other critics charged that the project had not been open to competitive bids and that 
the deal was too costly. Some expressed concern over the terms of India’s agreement to 

[CTRL] Coalition: Christian: A Timeline

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Guerillas And Bodybags And Sharks…Oh, My!:

A Short History Of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition

TV preacher Pat Robertson founded the Christian Coalition in 1989 in
the wake of his failed presidential campaign. Robertson's recent
announcement that he will no longer be involved in the group means
that its political influence will probably wane greatly. Americans
United, which has monitored and challenged the organization since its
inception, put together the following timeline highlighting
significant events in the birth and life of the Christian Coalition.

For more detailed information about the Coalition, see Church  State
Assistant Editor Rob Boston's 1996 book The Most Dangerous Man in
America? Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition, which
is available from Americans United.

'I Will Run!'

Robertson announces his campaign for the Republican nomination for president. 
Brandishing a list of 3 million supporters who signed petitions asking him to seek the 
office, Robertson announces that he has raised $11 milli
on. (Oct. 1, 1987)

'I am not Going to Quit.'

Robertson drops out of the race after a poor showing in the Super Tuesday primaries. 
He vows to run again, telling members of a Denver church that God told him to run and 
adding, It may not be in 1988…but I am not goin
g to quit. (April 1988)

'Nonpartisan' Christian Coalition Formed

Robertson announces formation of the Christian Coalition, saying the non-partisan 
group will work to make the government and the media responsive to our concerns. 
(October 1989)

'Take Back This Country'

Robertson hires Ralph Reed, a 29-year-old Republican activist, to run the Coalition. 
Reed tells the Los Angeles Times, What Christians have got to do is take back this 
country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at
 a time and one state at a time. I honestly believe that in my lifetime, we will see a 
country once again governed by Christians…and Christian values (April 1990)

Money from the GOP

The Coalition accepts a $64,000 donation from the Republican Senatorial Committee and 
uses it to intervene in a North Carolina Senate race between Republican Jesse Helms 
and Democrat Harvey Gantt. At a closed-door meeting
 of Coalition activists in November of 1991, Reed brags that after Helms called 
Robertson for help, the Coalition blanketed the state with 750,000 voter guides and 
helped Helms win. Remarks Reed, I had access to the in
ternal tracking, and I know [Helms] was down by 8 points. So Pat called me up and 
said, 'We've got to kick into action.' Bottom line is...five days later we put three 
quarters of a million voters' guides in churches acros
s the state of North Carolina, and Jesse Helms was re-elected by 100,000 votes out of 
2.2 million cast. (November 1990)

Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Methodists: 'Spirit of the AntiChrist'?

Robertson tells his 700 Club viewing audience, You say you're supposed to be nice 
to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and Methodists and this, that and the other 
thing. Nonsense! I don't have to be nice to the s
pirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions, but I don't 
have to be nice to them. (January 1991)

125 Chapters in 43 States

Reed claims the Coalition has 125 chapters in 43 states. He asserts that the group's 
goal is to be the most powerful political organization of its kind by the year 2000. 
(May 1991)

'You're in a Body Bag'

In an interview with Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Reed outlines the Coalition's stealth 
political strategy -- which encouraged Religious Right candidates to hide their 
religious agenda and fool voters by putting forward popul
ar stands such as lower taxes. I want to be invisible, he says. I paint my face and 
travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know 
until election night. (November 1991)

Guerrilla Warfare

Reed defends stealth politics in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. It's like 
guerrilla warfare, he says. If you reveal your location, all it does is allow your 
opponent to improve his artillery bearings. It's
better to move quietly, with stealth, under the cover of night. (March 1992)

President George Bush: Unwitting Dupe Of Lucifer?

Robertson's book, The New World Order, begins to attract attention. In the volume, 
Robertson asserts that a centuries-old conspiracy of worldwide leaders directed by 
Satan has engineered major events in human history. Rob
ertson asserts that President George Bush may be unknowingly and unwittingly carrying 
out the mission and mouthing the phrases of a tightly knit cabal whose goal is nothing 
less than a new order for the human race under
the dominion of Lucifer and his followers. Critics point out that the book is based 
on long-discredited works of anti-Semitism from the 1920s. (June 1992)

Coalition Backs Bush For Re-election

Despite his charges about Bush being a 

[CTRL] The Titanic Paradigm

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Briton held near Afghan terror camp


NEW fears that Britain has become a breeding ground for terrorists
were raised yesterday by Pakistan officials who said they were
holding a British subject suspected of having links with Osama Bin
Laden’s Al- Qaeda network.

The man, identified as James Alexander McLintock, was detained at the
Afghanistan frontier in a remote region of the Northwest Frontier
province, close to a terrorist camp where several of the September 11
hijackers trained.

The man was said to have given a Muslim name to border guards and to
speak Arabic as well as English. He claimed to be working for a non-
governmental organisation and carried a British passport, which
officials believe is genuine. McLintock is said to be white and
originally from Scotland.

Bin Laden’s call for jihad warriors to join his fight against the West attracted 
recruits from America, Australia and France as well as from Britain. Last weekend 
Richard Reid, a south London man who travelled to Pakistan
 and was said to have been seen in an Afghanistan camp, boarded an aircraft with 
explosives concealed in his shoe.

The Foreign Office said it was investigating reports that McLintock was in detention 
in Pakistan and was trying to contact authorities there through consular officials in 
Islamabad. MI5 is also investigating the case as p
art of a wider probe into Britons who may have travelled to Afghanistan for terrorist 
training and returned home to carry out new terrorist acts. Several Britons are 
thought to have received such training, according to in
formation gathered from Al-Qaeda camps near Jalalabad and Kandahar.

British and American special forces stripped the abandoned camps of documents and 
intelligence officials have been sifting through them, looking for the names of 
westerners who may have been planted as sleepers in Europe
or America.

Senior Pakistani officials said McLintock was detained about 10 days ago. Imtiaz 
Gilani, the information minister for the Northwest Frontier province, said: “He is 
being questioned closely and we have not ruled out a link
 between this man and other Al- Qaeda suspects.”

Javed Iqbal, the region’s home secretary, said McLintock was “being interrogated”, 
though he would not disclose where he was being held.

“Even if he has committed no other offence, it is a serious matter to cross at a 
no-entry point. He may be tried or deported,” he said.

A man using a fake British passport in the name of Neil Dermont
Miller was arrested yesterday in the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda. The
man, who also had literature on September 11, said he had an interest
in religious conflicts and had bought the fake passport after losing
his real one. Police said he was a Nigerian student, named as
Olusegun Isaak, 27. They did not think he was a terrorist.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest 

[CTRL] Reid? EveryONE knew him!!!

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



The shoe bomber: Israel’s secret game of tag with terror Briton


IT took an alert El Al security guard seconds to see that Richard
Reid betrayed the tell-tale signs of a terrorist suspect. With his
long flowing hair and strikingly large frame, he stood out among the
business passengers and tourists at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport as
he arrived for the El Al flight to Tel Aviv last July.

Reid was taken aside for questioning. He was not Jewish and was
travelling alone on a ticket bought with cash. He was unable to
explain what he planned to do in Israel.

The El Al security boss decided not to let him fly to Tel Aviv. But
officers at Shin Bet, the internal Israeli security service,
overruled him. The spy agency wanted to follow him to establish who
he was meeting. An armed sky marshal sat near Reid on the flight. For
the next five days his movements throughout Israel were monitored.

However, details of Israeli concerns that Reid was a security risk were not passed on 
to British, French or American officials. Experts say that if they had been it is 
unlikely that he would have been allowed on any aircr
aft. Last weekend the British-born Reid was arrested in America after allegedly trying 
to blow up an American Airlines jet over the Atlantic.

Reid later told the FBI that it was while going through the El Al security checks that 
he first realised he could get a bomb on board a plane hidden in his shoes. The 
Schiphol guards had removed his trainers and x-rayed t
hem for explosives — a routine not carried out by any other airline.

Investigators are still trying to establish whether Reid’s Israel trip can be 
connected to what happened over the Atlantic last weekend. A theoretical link was 
revealed last week by an FBI agent at Reid’s court hearing in
 Boston. The agent said the explosive he used was TATP — the same as that employed by 
many Middle Eastern terror groups. Israeli intelligence has linked it to Hamas, the 
suicide-bombing group.

Reid’s visit to Israel was only part of his recent travels. Those trips hold the key 
to the puzzle occupying investigators: was he an aimless drifter with an obsessive 
desire to martyr himself for Islam, or a key member o
f Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network whose mission was to initiate a second wave of 
terror after the September 11 attacks? The bizarre nature of the plot and its 
incompetent execution suggest the former. But the cash purc
hase of expensive flight tickets and explosives and the design of the shoe bomb 
indicate accomplices and organisation of some kind. American intelligence sources are 
beginning to conclude that there are strong indications
 that Reid was a member of Al-Qaeda.

His travels certainly point to countries with a strong Al-Qaeda connection. After 
Israel he went to Egypt, then to Turkey, then he spent a few days in Peshawar in 
Pakistan. There, on his own account, he tried unsuccessful
ly to cross the border into Afghanistan.

He returned to Amsterdam and went to Brussels to get a new British passport to replace 
his existing one, which had an Afghan visa in it. He then returned to Amsterdam to buy 

Reid claims to have acted alone. He says he arranged to buy a small parcel of 
explosives after contacting a right-wing group on the internet. He says he handed over 
£1,100 to a man in a park in exchange for the explosives
. Later he caught a train to Paris, where he paid £290 in cash for a ticket on an 
American Airlines flight to Miami.

At Charles de Gaulle airport, ICTS, the security firm that screens passengers for 
American Airlines, singled him out again as suspicious, this time because he was 
travelling alone with only a small carry-on bag. He was qu
estioned and stayed overnight at a hotel near the airport.

The following day police allowed Reid on to American Airlines flight 63. There was no 
system in place to detect the explosives hidden in his black suede basketball 
trainers. When the plane was 3Å hours out over the Atlant
ic, Reid is alleged to have tried to light a detonating cord protruding from a hole 
drilled into the toecap of his shoe.

After a scuffle in which Reid bit a stewardess’s hand, passengers and crew wrestled 
him to the floor, tied him up and sedated him. The plane was diverted to Boston, where 
Reid was arrested and charged with assaulting a me
mber of the flight crew.

Forensic experts say there was enough TATP in Reid’s shoe to puncture the Boeing 767’s 
fuselage, potentially depressurising and destroying it and the 197 passengers and crew 
on board.

Reid’s outlandish effort, in full view of the other passengers, was described as 
“cack-handed” by a British intelligence official. He said the early evidence pointed 
to Reid being a loner. But other officials say the mone
y he used to buy the explosives and pay for his travels must point to a different 

Re: [CTRL] Palestinian killed.......--j2

2001-12-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

eric stewart wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- thew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  the reportage is hardly one sided
  when have you ever seen a shot of a Palestinian with a gun
  instead of kids
  with rocks?

 a] they are hard to get in an israeli-police controlled system of
 ghettos and of those that ARE around i have seen as many pictures
 of, if not more, than of israeli soldiers...

Well Eric, I've come to conclusion that you are not an intentional liar like
Bill Shannon is. You are just a dim bulb with a big mouth.

Your explanation above is wrong. Try watching the BBC and ITN world news.
But even if you can't do that, it is obvious that you are useless as an

Next time you see footage on the Israel/Pal conflict, TRY TRY TRY to pay
attention from which angle the video is being shot. It is almost always
shot from the Pal side of the conflict line.

Now listen up asshole. The Israelis DON'T CONTROL THE PALESTINIAN SIDE
OF THE LINE. The Palestinians do. That is why you get the perspective
of the Israeli soldiers shooting at YOU the viewer. Between the viewer
and the shooters, are the rock throwers. THIS IS ORCHESTRATED IN ALMOST
ALL CASES. Hidden out of camera range are the Tanzim and Palestinian
' Police ' firing small arms and automatic weapons.

I have collected hours of conflict footage since the terror campaign began.

But you don't need to take my word for it. JUST PAY ATTENTION DUMMY!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Dick Morris Points Finger - Mike Hersh

2001-12-30 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message


Dick Morris Points Fingers on 9/11 Terror

By: Mike Hersh - 12/28/01

by Dick Morris
December 26, 2001

The weekly strategy meetings at the White House throughout 1995 and 1996 featured an 
escalating drumbeat of advice to President Clinton to take decisive steps to crack 
down on terrorism.

Morris then lists questionable policies which he claims President Clinton rejected 
despite their popularity.  After years of whining that the President was poll driven 
and lacked resolve, suddenly the right wing claims Clinton was too headstrong to 
follow the focus group wisdom of Dick Morris.  If you see this in your local paper, 
write a letter to the editor correcting Morris' nonsense.

How convenient, hollow and absurd.  The Washington Post and others covered Clinton's 
extensive efforts to seize or kill bin Laden.  These efforts far outstrip anything 
Bush One or Bush Two would allow (pre 9/11), so Morris' finger pointing is misdirected 
at best.  He should be talking about Daddy and Sonny Bush's APOLOGY FOR TERROR.

A friend writes:

This feels like a calculated hit piece, designed to deflect attention away from Bush's 
ulterior -- and now out-in-the-open -- plans to invade Afghanistan prior to 9/11's 

Great point.  Also, Dick Morris doesn't know and couldn't know.  He's not a credible 
source.  We know the facts: Clinton and the Democrats were the most antiterrorist 
Administration in US history.  Republicans blocked Democratic efforts to shore up air 
safety and fight terrorism.

The Bush Republicans have a HUGE problem with Saudi terror.  Bush did worse than turn 
a blind eye toward it.  He blocked FBI and other efforts to catch known terrorists.  
Why? George Walker Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush are in the Saudi pocket.

AWOL Bush and his father and friends are still STILL making $millions with the Saudis 
including bin Laden's family.  The Bush people didn't want to upset Saudis and 
probably underestimated the threat.  Now 1000s of Americans are dead.

Getting a shameless gossip like Dick Morris to blame Clinton helps the Bush propaganda 
team blunt the impact of Bush's blame for 9/11.

This is part of what Clinton / Gore wanted to do, that Republicans blocked:

The federal government should consider aviation security as a national security 
issue, and provide substantial funding for capital improvements.  The Commission 
believes that terrorist attacks on civilian aviation are directed towards the United 
States, and that there should be an ongoing federal commitment to reducing the threats 
that they pose. -- Gore Commission final report, February 12, 1997

Also, the Democrats were ahead of the curve on bin Laden specifically, calling for 
proactive efforts to protect Americans from this terrorist.

From the 2000 Democratic Platform:

Battling Terrorism. Whether terrorism is sponsored by a foreign nation or inspired by 
a single fanatic individual, such as Osama Bin Laden, Forward Engagement requires 
trying to disrupt terrorist networks, even before they are ready to attack.

We must improve coordination internationally and domestically to share intelligence 
and develop operational plans. We must continue the comprehensive approach that has 
resulted in the development of a national counter-terrorism strategy involving all 
arms and levels of our government.

We must continue to target terrorist finances, break up support cells, and disrupt 
training. And we must close avenues of cyber-attack by improving the security of the 
Internet and the computers upon which our digital economy exists.

As President, Al Gore will tolerate no attack against American interests at home or 
abroad: terrorists must know that if they attack America, we will never forget. We 
will scour the world to hunt them down and bring them to justice.

Michael Hersh is a contributing writer for Liberal Slant

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---End Message---

[CTRL] The occupying authorities steal body parts from martyrs

2001-12-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Headline: . The occupying authorities steal body parts from martyrs to use
in hospitals

Excerpts from the text:

When the occupying authority holds the bodies of martyrs. it does so in
order to hide the traces of its crimes. The witnesses and evidence prove
that the occupation forces torture the bodies of the martyrs on purpose and
fire bullets into them at close range. There are clear indicators that the
occupying authorities steal body parts of the martyrs during the holding
process, in order to use them in Israeli hospitals, especially for Israeli
patients in need of transplants. After they seize the body parts of the
martyrs, they bury the corpses.under dubious circumstances, scorning
humanitarian values and moral and religious regulations. Legal authorities
noted that the occupation's refusal to surrender the bodies of the martyrs
to their families is intended to hide the truth of their non-humanitarian
practices on the bodies of the martyrs.

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 24,2001]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Conservatives Have No Voice In Media?

2001-12-30 Thread William Shannon

Capitalizing on a Lie


CBS's Bernard Goldberg has written an expose on the liberal media entitled, "Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News."

This is a good example of smart writing and even better marketing.

If Goldberg had written the truth, that the media is nothing but 
right-wing pimps working for Bush, it would sell about as many copies 
as "Fortunate Son" and be withdrawn from book stores right away.

But since he's selling the lie that left-wingers control the media, 
something very different will happen to Mr. Goldberg and his book.

He'll get to go on:

The Rush Limbaugh show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Bill O'Reilly show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Sean Hannity show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Eva Von Zahn show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Beltway Boys, where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.

The Brit Hume show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

The Tony Snow show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice in 
the media.

The Juan Williams show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Mara Liason show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The McLaughlin Group, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Chris the Screamer show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The G. Gordon Liddy show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The Laura Schlessinger show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The Michael Medved show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The Sam  Cokie show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Meet the Press with Tim Russert, where they'll say conservatives have 
no voice in the media. 

Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, where they'll say conservatives 
have no voice in the media.

The John Hockenberry show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The Ollie North show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Neil Boortz show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media. 

The Robert Novak show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Paul Weyrich show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Brian Williams show, where they'll say conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

The Wolf Blitzer show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

The Don Imus show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

The John Stossel show, where they'll say conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Reliable Sources with Howie Kurtz, where they'll say conservatives 
have no voice in the media. 

David Horowitz will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Maureen Dowd will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Ann Coulter will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Laura Ingraham will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Peggy Noonan will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

William Safire will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Andrew (bareback) Sullivan will write a column saying conservatives 
have no voice in the media. 

David Limbaugh will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Jonah Goldberg will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Mona Charen will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Linda Chavez will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

John Fund will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Paul Greenburg will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Jeff Jacoby will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Dick Morris will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Thomas Sowell will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Cal Thomas will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

Walter Williams will write a column saying conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

Mort Zuckerman will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

Brent Bozell will write a column saying conservatives have no voice 
in the media. 

William F Buckley will write a column saying conservatives have no 
voice in the media. 

Neil Cavuto will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in 
the media. 

David Hackworth will write a column saying conservatives have no 
voice in 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Addicted to the Drug War

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows --- 

Addicted to the Drug War

by Ilana Mercer

[Posted December 28, 2001]

Now that it is being rededicated as part of the war on terrorism, the
hapless war on drugs will claim even more liberties and lives than it
already has. While omnibus antiterrorism bills were being rammed past
pliant populations in the U.S., Canada, and Britain, Tony Blair got
the drug tack by ominously pointing out that the avails from drugs
finance roughly 25 percent of the world's terrorist activity.

Blair, whose New Labor is committed to a curious blend of moralism
and utilitarianism (TLS, September 14), one that has enshrined in
coercive drug testing and compulsory treatment protocols, proclaimed
that fighting terrorism must extend to the war on drugs. This implies
that the war effort will entail a renewed assault on individuals for
their consumption choices.

Last year alone, roughly 1.5 million Americans were arrested on drug
charges, most of them for marijuana possession. Sure enough, since
September 11, DEA agents have stepped up the savage crackdowns on
infirm medical-marijuana users.

There is no denying that the drug trade is a source of revenue for
al-Qaida and for armed insurrections the world over. However, had
governments not outlawed these substances, profits would not be
excessive, and criminals would be looking elsewhere for a quick fix.
Had the trade not been outlawed, the $400 billion worth of illegal
trade per annum would not be in the hands of a criminal class whose
market share is captured with guns.

The avails from drugs, moreover, would be much less likely to be
funneled to unsavory causes if the trade were in the hands of
legitimate law-abiding business. It is ironic that terrorists owe a
debt of gratitude to governments for the solid financial base they

Besides indirectly sponsoring terrorism, governments terrorize their
citizens in more direct ways. While gangsters fight turf wars with
other gangsters in order to maintain their upper hand in the
market of illegal drugs, they don't go out of their way to assault
their bread and butter, their drug-consuming clients. Drug dealers
not responsible for the incarceration on any given day of some
adults--100,000 of whom are nonviolent--in U.S. jails for drug
It is not drug lords that carry out unconstitutional assaults on
adults because they happen to choose to consume marijuana, heroin, or
cocaine, instead of alcohol, nicotine, or prescription drugs.
Governments do.

The brutal punishing of adults for the substances they ought to be
able to ingest, inhale, or inject at their own peril is based on a
parochial and moribund prior restraint argument. Policy wonks have
arbitrarily decided that heroin consumption is potentially worse for
individual and society than compulsive eating, bunjie jumping,
gambling, alcohol consumption, fatty foods, or tobacco. This serves
a justification to trample the constitutional rights of people before
the foreseeable harm comes to pass. Considering the extent and
severity of its assault on otherwise peaceable people, the state's
conduct in the war on drugs befits the conduct of a criminal class,
albeit a criminal class that enjoys the protection of the law.

If we accept prior restraint arguments, then apply them we must ad
absurdum. We would have to stop all teenagers from driving, all
from eating Twinkies, or all socialist parents from procreating, lest
they too sire proponents of state theft. As soon as we surrender the
principle that the state should not interfere in any questions
touching on the individual’s mode of life,  wrote Ludwig von Mises in
1927, we end by regulating and restricting the latter down to the
smallest details.


Despite the libertarian gush over the Hollywood motion picture
Traffic, it was simply reiterating what seems obvious to almost all,
except to President Bush's new drug czar, John Walters: The war on
drugs is a dismal failure. Walters, who backs tough penalties for
users and opposes the use of marijuana for medical purposes, intends
to reinvigorate the flailing war. To make the thing hale and hearty
again, the new chief of the U.S. antinarcotics operation has promised
to shift the focus of his $20 billion-a-year office to the demand
side of this problem.

The attempts to reduce demand can be traced as far back as the 1917
Harrison Act that outlawed cocaine and other illicit drugs. While the
criminal penalties over the decades have become harsher and harsher,
demand has actually grown apace. The government spends billions
attempting to brainwash children into Just Saying No to drugs. In
the process it has managed to create not much more than an ever
looming forbidden fruit 

[CTRL] Atta tied terror suspects together

2001-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Atta tied terror suspects together - The Regist…/A

December 30, 2001

Atta tied terror suspects together
By The Associated Press

 An al-Qaeda plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Rome. Another to set
terrorist commandos loose in Strasbourg, home of the European Parliament. A
third to spirit a suicide bomber into the American embassy in Paris.

Authorities on both sides of the Atlantic have described the plots as the
work of a highly compartmentalized organization whose members often weren't
aware of each others' activities.
Even so, a look reveals that many of those suspected of orchestrating terror
against Americans had direct and frequent connections - a meeting in Spain, a
phone number found in Hamburg, a London cleric who was a religious
inspiration to terrorists in different cells.

And connected to it all, Mohamed Atta - the suicide pilot Osama bin Laden
described as ``in charge of the group'' of Sept. 11 suicide hijackers - seems
to have been the common thread that wove through the lives of many bin Laden

Atta's travels in the last months of his life brought him in contact with
some of those allegedly behind plots against the U.S. embassies in Rome and
Paris, as well as a cell officials say was plotting to attack the European
Parliament and other targets in Strasbourg, France. He also met an Iraqi
intelligence official in Prague and is suspected of links to a group of North
Africans in Spain that authorities say was planning to attack U.S. interests
in Europe.

While the other al-Qaeda plots in Europe were thwarted, the one Atta
controlled directly - leading a team of suicide hijackers who threw their
lives away in order to take thousands more - succeeded.

U.S. authorities say they have placed Atta at the center of their
investigation and are working backward, retracing his steps in order to reach
other potential terrorists.

What they have found is that in the months leading up to the worst terrorist
attack in history, al-Qaeda suspects were working throughout Europe, often
bumping up against authorities and each other.

In some cases, a suspect under surveillance in one country was not considered
a danger by authorities in another.

The Rome plot
When the U.S. Embassy in Rome went on alert and shut down for three days last
January, there was a suggestion al-Qaeda may have been plotting an attack.

Four months later, Italian police nabbed Essid Ben Khemais, a burly Tunisian
known as ``the Saber.'' Italian prosecutor Stefano Dambruoso has said Ben
Khemais was sent from Afghanistan to supervise bin Laden's terrorist
operations in Europe. He is considered a high-ranking bin Laden associate who
Spanish officials say met with Atta in Spain weeks before his arrest.

Italian investigators have said they've uncovered evidence of cooperation
among al-Qaeda cells in Germany, France, Spain and Belgium.

Under Ben Khemais' direction, the investigators say, an Italian-German cell
plotted to bring down the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy, a 19th century
building on Rome's fashionable Via Veneto. Two members of the cell were
arrested shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, including a Tunisian man picked
up outside a Milan mosque referred to by the State Department as al-Qaeda's
``main station house in Europe.''

Some time between the closing of the Rome embassy and Ben Khemais' arrest in
April he met with Atta in Spain, Spanish police say.

The Hamburg cell
The Dec. 11 U.S. indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen of
Moroccan descent arrested in Minnesota three weeks before the Sept. 11
attacks, shed more light on the cell Atta operated in Hamburg, Germany.

U.S. authorities allege that Moussaoui, who authorities say would have been
among the hijackers had he not been arrested, followed many of the same
patterns as the 19 hijackers, all of whom were named as unindicted
co-conspirators along with bin Laden.

The indictment also linked Moussaoui to Ramzi Binalshibh, an alleged member
of the German cell who once lived with Atta in a Hamburg apartment where they
are believed to have planned the Sept. 11 attack.

U.S. investigators believe Binalshibh was meant to have been the 20th
hijacker and have suggested that Moussaoui may have been picked as an
alternate when Binalshibh was denied entry into the United States.

Atta's ties to Binalshibh and hijacker Marwan al-Shehhi go back years. The
three worked together between 1997 and 1998 at a company outside Hamburg
called Hay Computing Service GmbH, company officials said.

In October 1999, Atta and Binalshibh both attended the wedding of Said
Bahaji, a 26-year-old German-Moroccan who vanished shortly before Sept. 11
and is thought to have been part of the Hamburg cell.

At Bahaji's wedding, a lavish affair at a local mosque, at least three of the

[CTRL] thermonuclear MUCKhead

2001-12-30 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

since harassment has begun anew on is some stuff i have
been holding back

for some background on my story, see:

in this email:

1. Promis / Randy Weaver / Bo Gritz

2. American Terrorism ( see )

3. British Terrorism

4. Israeli Terrorism





the psyops have begun person and online...

i logged into yahoogroups today only to find that someone had
UNSUBBED me from about sixteen groups and i had been unsubbed from
my own group...for now i am going to keep the in person psyops (the
latest anyway...much can be found at the above url's) to
myself...for now...

when clicking on the group 'agentsmiley' after searching for it on
yahoogroups home page i got a page informing me that the data base
is unavailable...

for those of you unaware of my story...ever since fathering Jam
Echelon Day in 1999 i have been ducking intelligence operatives
pretty much non-stop...i have been offered dynamite without asking
and without even implying that i wanted to blow anything up...i had
a bag of handguns planted near my campsite when i was homeless in
california...i have even been told in santa rosa [psyop central]
that i would make a good spy [several times] - it was also there
that it was suggested to me that i drive a pick up into their
police department...

i would refer you to the appropriate url for a full length post
about my experiences but the yahoogroup it is archived at is
UNAVAILABLE...of course, about two months ago i had my list
hijacked by a cracker, was booted off of and removed as moderator
of a list I CREATED!!!

then the archives [5000 posts] disappeared and three weeks later
reappearedMINUS 2000 ARCHIVED POSTS!

i have had death threats and i have had operatives drop bits of
information on me that only i should know about myself...things
from far in the pastobviously they are not interested in hiding
from me...they want their presence to be clearly discerned by
me...i.e. psyop...they wish to take advantage of the programming
that all of us have listen to that which seems powerful
and/or seems to see everything...i consider it a continuation of
the psyop known as religion...where we were taught that it was good
to fear god and therefore whenever a formidable force comes into
our lives we tend to revere the same NWO agenda
continues wherein by CONVINCING everyone that they are all-mighty
and all-seeing [eye of horus] that we will fall in line

more information available upon request but know that the
information i have put out is dangerous [i.e. true] enough to
warrant CONSTANT ATTENTION by some super-surveillance entity...

god only knows how much longer i will be able to is
some sensitive info - stuff people need to know in a free


1 ---

Bo Gritz sent Randy Weaver(Ruby Ridge Incident) from NC not Iowa,
Randy was to move next door to Frank Komnick Jr...await the
Enhancing of the Inslaws/Promis software(Backdoor key and Enhance
the Promis software to Aid Spooks in Spying/D.O.C.C./N.O.C list
security, NOT). Upon completion of Enhanced Promis software, Randy
Murdered Frank Komnick Jr. and stole the Enhanced Promis Software
package...Frank was found with a 45 cal. bullet in his skull, and
his house was burned to the ground by Weaver to cover the crime.
On CueGritz showed up under the guise of HELPING A FELLOW
SPECIAL FORCES GRUNT to retrieve the Enhanced Promis Software and
deliver it to the CIA which gave this Program to the Israeli
Mossad(Michael Mitka Harari), who sold it to just about ALL the
Countries that ISrael wanted to spy on...including the USA...there
was NO issue of Sawn off shotgunsthere was NO issue of racial
separatism...It was ALL over this special Program that DIA/ISA(as
per protocol dictates in USARMY Field Manuals listed below*) and
CIA wanted to get thier hands on without paying Bill Hamilton one
single will see that Enhanced Promis Software is used in
everything from Spooks and Kooks to Nuclear Submarines tracking
systemsnot to mention AWACS and every thing in between the
Upper Echelon and the 

Re: [CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

2001-12-30 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Ca. 300 AD, the Roman Empire officially converted to Christianity. From
then on the cities and city states were designed so as to be in accordance
with Christian teachings, as much as they may have fallen short by our
standards today. So St. Augustine's Cities of God were realized. Today
you can be sure that in officially Muslim Kuwait, the new city, Subia,
will be built according to the teachings of God as Muslims understand God
as will the new city for 100,000 called Venice in the Desert for Dubai.
What if the faith-based initiatives of President Bush were to encourage
the planning of new cities? Who do you think could best plan out and
build a City of God today?

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Archibald Bard wrote:

 12/23/01 - A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National Question

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   Chilton Williamson Jr. Archive Email a Friend...

 A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National Question
 By  Chilton Williamson Jr.

 “Keep order in space,
 And order in time,
 For disorder is chaos,
 And chaos is crime.”
 This Christmas Eve, I will be attending mass at my parish church, St. 
Laurence O’Toole in Laramie, Wyoming.

 Our parish is one of those big enough to sustain Perpetual, 
round-the-clock, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a practice encouraged in the 
Roman Catholic Church, believing as we do in the True Presence of Christ in the 
consecrated communion host.  I generally visit on Friday mornings, between nine and 
ten. Remembering St. Theresa of Avila, who was unable to pray for sixteen years 
without a book in her hand, I make a habit of bringing something to read. For the 
past year it’s been Augustine of Hippo’s City of God.

 This is a book as worldly-wise as it is impressively spiritual. Written 
between 413 and 426 A.D., while the Roman Empire was being overrun by barbarian 
armies, this work of more than a thousand pages describes the human world as divided 
between two cities, the City of God and the City of Man. They exist side by side and 
intermingled. One is comprised of God’s people, the pilgrim Church on Earth. The 
other is devoted to the ways of man. Each has its distinct and separate destiny 
awaiting it at the end of the world. But until then, they are linked together in a 
perplexing and often frustrating symbiosis.

 As one of the towering works of the human intellect, City of God is a 
book to be studied, not read, certainly with a pen and perhaps also a notebook at 
hand to mark passages with and jot down annotations. The scope of St. Augustine’s 
mind and his breadth of learning are immense. They propel the book from one level to 
the next, without losing sight of what has gone before. Perhaps because it was so 
many years in composition, City of God -- like life itself -- seems to proceed by 
phases, each one marked strongly by distinguishing themes as well as, at times, by a 
distinctive tone.

 It was in the middle of Book XX, some 900 pages into my Pelican Classics 
edition, that I experienced an instance of intellectual déjà vu. I was aware, 
suddenly, of treading familiar ground, although I had never set foot in this place 

 The most likely explanation, of course, was that Augustine had repeated 
himself now and again in the course of the previous nineteen books, and that my 
subconscious had finally taken due note of the fact. Curiously, I scanned a couple of 
hundred pages back, paying special attention to the marked passages. What I 
discovered was not repetition but rather a number of extended disquisitions - yet 
another argument pursued, disconnectedly but most definitely, by the author.

 It was nothing less than a fifth-century precursor of the modern debate 
on maintaining distinct national identities and preserving the integrity of the 
Western world–what VDARE.COM calls the “National Question.”

 Connect these passages. What do we have but a strong suggestion that St. 
Augustine – one of the most influential Fathers of the Church--held a view much 
closer to that of us present-day anti-globalist, anti-immigration reactionaries than 
to the universalist dream that all too many Christians have been persuaded is 
integral to their faith?

 In Book XIX, Chapter 21, Augustine explains why a Roman Commonwealth as 
defined by Scipio in Cicero’s On the Republic never existed. Scipio’s brief 
definition of the state or commonwealth was “the weal of the people.” He described 
“the people” as a multitude “united in association by a 

Re: [CTRL] St. Augustine on the National Question

2001-12-30 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Not off topic at all, though archibald doesn't set out why they are on
topic. They are on topic because the conspiracy of Churchianity against
PRACTICING the teachings of Christ is one of the biggest conspiracies
today. Otherwise how does one explain the insistence by the Churchocrats
that Christianity is only to be some kind of rugged individualism not
applicable to the greater social unit of the complete society? That is why
Augustine's City of God is abhorrent to the Churchocrats.

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Samantha L. wrote:

 In a message dated 12/30/01 11:24:56 AM Central Standard Time,

  12/23/01 - A Christmas Meditation: St. Augustine on the National
   Questionthere is a thread developing in archibald's off topic posts, isn't
   there? intolerance in the name of jesus. hale-friggin-lujah.
   anything apart from the word of your god to share with the conspiracy list
   or is it all just self righteous preaching?
   I delete these posts because they come with attachments.  Beware.


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Mass Expulsion of Jews from US: Let's Discuss It

2001-12-30 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

So let's say you expel all the Jews from America. Are your cities going to
suddenly blossom as Cities of God? Even if they are, why can't you tell
us in advance what they would be like? Is Christianity at the level of the
complete culture a big secret while Christianity at the level of the
individual is to be proselytized to the whole world according to The Great
Commission? Why the conspiracy of silence?

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Christian Party wrote:

 What you mean is, Poley, that if White Christian Israelites would just shut their 
mouths and tacitly agree to continue to fund the survival of jews who are too STUPID 
to even get along with their own neighbors in the Middle East (or any other place 
they ever went throughout world history), much less to create a stable society on 
their own, that jews in Israel could rob us of another $130 billion from our 
Treasury, and that the jews in the US would be glad to help us quintuple the already 
highest public and private debts in world history.

 What did AMERICANS get for their $132 billion investment in Israel, besides a 
knock on the side of the head with 9-11?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

 Take your hide to some other remote desert spot, or another planet for all we care, 
and start your OWN country without TAKING from everybody else in the world, and test 
your Culture of Life ALL BY YOURSELF.

 We have a Christian nation to restore.

 John Knight

   - Original Message -
   From: Franklin Wayne Poley
   Cc: Carol A. Valentine ; Carol A. Valentine ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
   Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 2:13 PM
   Subject: Re: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Mass Expulsion of Jews from US: Let's Discuss It

   IMO the Jews should be allowed to show the world their light unto the
   nations in a more friendly and protected environment than the Middle
   East. If President Bush were to make faith-based grants available to
   Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, and these diverse faiths were to
   design brand new cities plus surroundings to take up the 3,500,000 added
   to the populations of USA-Canada each year, who do you think would give us
   the best example of a Culture of Life?

   On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Christian Party wrote:

Very, very well said, Carol!
You should be advised that our ongoing poll shows that
three quarters of Americans already agree with you,
with hardly a whisper of debate.
Once the facts are on the table, that figure should
climb to 98.1%, though 75% is enough for a
Constitutional Amendment, a national referendum, or a
plain flat Executive Order.
The damages done by jews to this Christian nation are
a million or a billion or a trillion times more costly
and/or deadly than anything Palestinians EVER did or
hoped to do to Israel.  They must GO.
John Knight
--- Carol A. Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Let's Discuss Mass Expulsion of Jews from US

 by Carol A . Valentine
 Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
 Copyright, December, 2001
 May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.

 December 29 -- In October, New York's Mayor Giuliani
 spoke by
 telephone to a right-wing rally in  Jerusalem at
 which speakers urged
 the mass expulsion of Palestinians from Israel's
 (See text of article below)

 When non-Jews are accused of doing this to Jews,
 mass expulsion is
 classified as a Crime Against Humanity.  See quote
 from Adolf
 Eichmann judgement: With regard to the activity of
 the Accused ...
 designed to bring about the forced emigration of
 Jews ... there is no
 doubt that ... these were acts of expulsion of a
 civilian population
 which fall within the definition of 'crime against
 humanity.' See
 third paragraph from bottom at:

 But when Jews are planning the mass expulsion of
 non-Jews, the phrase
 Crime Against Humanity is not even whispered.
 Forced expulsion is
 downgraded to an issue called population
 transfer, and that
 issue is to be discussed by only those who

 See, for example, the comments on the October rally
 by the Zionist
 Organization of America (below):  The issue of
 transfer is an issue

[CTRL] Up Close at Tora Bora

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saturday, 22 December, 2001, 12:31 GMT
Up Close at Tora Bora
By the BBC's Hilary Andersson

This week, American and British special forces have been scouring the Tora
Bora mountains of Afghanistan for bodies - in the hope finding some of Al
Qaeda's leaders.

This follows the victory of anti-Taliban Afghan troops in the area who, with
the help of a campaign of US bombing, captured Osama Bin Laden's entire cave
network in the area.

We pitched our tent on top of a rounded hill, behind an Afghan tank which had
its guns trained straight on the Tora Bora hills ahead. We set our equipment
up for broadcasting. These were to the most surreal few days.

On the first night, American planes roared overhead - B52s, giant birds, with
wings outstretched - carrying their lethal cargo of bombs weighing up to 500
lbs each. Then came the impact.

First the hillside would light up in a big red ball of flames. Ten seconds
later, the sound would travel the mile to us - at first we would shudder.

Then it would come again, and then again, and then again, every 20 minutes,
as the hill tops and Osama Bin Laden's caves were blasted to kingdom come.

There were sounds like the scraping of an immense rake - as carpet bombs
ripped through the valleys. The next day it continued throughout. And that
night. And the day after too.

By a miracle of technology, we were able to log into the internet by
satellite phone from our tent, lit only by a gas burner. There we watched
Osama Bin Laden reflecting contentedly on the events of 11 September.

The monstrous sounds around us, emerging from the black starlit night in this
remote corner of the world, felt at last like vengeance.

The temperature was freezing. The mountains before us were capped in snow and
ice. In these hills were thousands of men, sleeping rough at night, many
without the right clothes, and no food and water.


At night whilst trying to sleep, I tried to imagine what it must have been
like to have been one of Osama Bin Laden's fighters, with enemy planes
overhead, on the run. And those hills - some on fire - what was left of them?

One of the tanks by our tent growled into action.

The Afghan fighters launched a massive ground assault. Tora Bora fell. The
hills went eerily quiet, as the American bombing eased for the first time in

Then came our chance to try to get inside Osama Bin Laden's captured cave
network - his infamous and intricate tunnels system - his den, his lair.

Our cars crawled up the hills to a captured base, hidden deep in a ravine.
The entire area was full of mammoth craters, made by the American bombs. From
our camp we had seen this very place being blasted.

The metal casing of a cluster bomb more than six feet long lay in strips. An
American soldier had written on one This is for making me miss my son's

The al-Qaeda camp looked like an innocuous patch of hillside from above, but
if you peered closely enough there were small round holes visible in the
earth. We went inside the caves.

The first was only big enough to sleep about five men. A pair of trousers lay
outside, abandoned in a hurry.


Stacks of heavy calibre machine gun bullets, lay scattered on the ground.
Another cave was far bigger.

It crossed my mind that there could be fighters hiding in there, waiting for
their moment to escape

In it, there was tank shells and mortars blocking the entrance to a tunnel
that went deep underground.

The Afghan fighters who had captured the base told us that the tunnel went
back for several miles into the mountain - linking this cave up with others.

But they dared not go down the dark passage for fear of booby traps or mines.
It crossed my mind that there could be fighters still trapped or hiding in
there, waiting for their moment to escape.

The villagers around said Osama Bin Laden used to sleep at this base often.
In the pitch black, I peered out - this was his view of the world. Trapped
and enclosed in blackness and cold.

I wondered what would have driven him to live like this. Power I suppose, and
an extreme faith in his mission. He really had a substantial private army,
evidenced by the burnt out tank we saw, and the enormous amounts of

The base we visited had proper positions, a commander's post - it was
probably home to hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters.

The local Afghan soldiers told us he was last seen here three months ago -
that would have been just after the World Trade centre attacks.

Our guards began bristling with irritation and shouting at us. We were taking
too long. Several times that day they had cocked their guns at us.

British and American special forces were working in the area - and didn't
want us there. We left, snaking down the road they say was built by Bin
Laden, passing a burnt-out car the locals thought was his.

The sun 

[CTRL] Movie about Rubby Ridge at 9:00 PM om Lifetime

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
 There is a movie on Rubby Ridge at 9:00 on Lifetime tonight on
Sunday.  Don't know how accurate it is!

God Bless;


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Public campaign to adopt a World Treaty Banning Space-based Weapon

2001-12-30 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-


ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space launches public campaign to adopt a
World Treaty Banning Space-Based Weapons.

Saturday, December 29 - I participated in an extraordinary meeting in Marin
County, California. Eighteen representatives from alternative energy, the
peace movement, aerospace industry and journalism had gathered to help launch
a campaign to deweaponize space permanently. This campaign is initiated by
the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), a nonprofit educational
foundation, whose leader, Dr. Carol Rosin, chaired the meeting.

Over the next several months the campaign will pursue these dual objectives:

1) promote passage of Congressional Bill HR 2977, the Space
Preservation Act of 2001, (introduced by U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
(D-Ohio). A parallel Senate Bill will be introduced by a major U.S. Senator
over the next couple weeks.
HR 2977's objective is to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of
space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing
of weapons in space by the United States, _and_ to require the President to
take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based

2) persuade all governments on Earth to sign the World Treaty Banning
Space- Based Weapons. This World Treaty preserves space for peaceful and
cooperative uses. The Treaty establishes a permanent ban on space-based
weapons, and establishes a space peacekeeping agency to verify the ban on

The World Treaty builds on earlier space law, including the 1967 Outer
Space Treaty, and adds the vital element of keeping weapons out of space. A
catalyst for the World Treaty is President Bush's December 13th announcement
that on June 13, 2002 he intends to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty, thus opening a drive to positioning terrible new Star Wars weapons in
space. Dr. Rosin, who is spearheading the campaign for the World Treaty ought
to know: she was formerly head of aerospace research and development at
Fairchild Industries, a leading defense contractor. Now she works for peace
in space.

Dr. Rosin states  succinctly the choice facing Earth now: We can build
space battle stations and weapons pointed towards earth and into space, or we
can build space habitats, hospitals, schools, farms, labs, industries, hotels
and resorts, elevators and craft, and free ourselves to explore the

The Institute for Cooperation in Space has impressive Board members. In
addition to Dr. Carol Rosin, a space and military defense consultant, Board
members include: Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Sir Arthur C.
Clarke, scientist-author of 2001, etc., Daniel Sheehan, JD, University of
California Professor and hero-litigator in the Pentagon Papers, Iran- Contra,
Three Mile Island, and Karen Silkwood cases, and Alfred L. Webre, JD, MEd,
futurist and former delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space conference.

The campaign to adopt the Space Preservation Act of 2001 and the World
Treaty Banning Space-Based Weapons is not just ICIS's baby; everyone must get
involved. Will 2002 be the year that the ABM Treaty falters and a horrible
new Star Wars arms race crescendoes between the U.S., Russia, China, and
others in a lawless frontier of space? Or will 2002 be the year that the
countries of Earth pledge themselves to keep space peaceful and free for all
who come in good will, a place to build microgravity quarters, learn new
wonders, and prepare for our cosmic future - in space? Your involvement now
can make the difference. It's time to act.

- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

 To contact ICIS or Dr. Rosin about how you can help:

 Institute for Cooperation in Space
 P.O. Box 25040
 Ventura, California 93001 , USA
 (805) 641-1999 Fax: (805) 641-9669


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] human experimentation, abuse, al qaeda experiments, blacklists,afghan casualties

2001-12-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

These may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Chemical warfare tests happened in Australia, claim veterans - 12/30/01 The
Australian Atomic Veterans Association says they will release documents this
week that show that chemical warfare tests were carried out in Australia in
the 50s and 60s, as well as nuclear weapons tests at the same venues. And
some New Zealanders may have been among the military 'human guinea
pigs'One document said the maximum permissible exposure for any
servicemen was 0.3 roentgens in a week. Of the 76 servicemen involved in the
tests and named in the documents, 26 registered more than 0.4 roentgens. Some
recorded as high as 0.6 roentgens24 men were selected for trials in which
they walked, crawled and drove through a fallout zone three days after an
explosion, testing out different types of protective clothingHundreds of
servicemen and Aborigines are believed to have suffered illness or early
death as a result of exposure to radiation during the tests.

No veterans notified about possible exposure to '60s toxins  By THOMAS D.
WILLIAMS - Copyright 2001 Hartford Courant  Four months after the Pentagon
acknowledged that thousands of U.S. soldiers, sailors and Marines might have
been exposed to dangerous chemical or biological agents during top-secret
tests in the 1960s, only a fraction of those possibly affected have been
identified and none has been contacted.

Childhood Abuse, Household Dysfunction, and the Risk of Attempted Suicide
Throughout the Life Span Findings From the Adverse Childhood Experiences
Study - Findings From the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study - Shanta R.
Dube, MPH; Robert F. Anda, MD, MS; Vincent J. Felitti, MD; Daniel P. Chapman,
PhD; David F. Williamson, PhD; Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS A powerful graded
relationship exists between adverse childhood experiences and risk of
attempted suicide throughout the life span. JAMA. 2001;286:3089-3096,,2001570019-2001603346,00.html
Scientists confirm bin Laden weapons tests
OSAMA BIN LADEN and his terrorist organisation were not only investigating
the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons against the West, they
had conducted preliminary experiments on animals. These unnerving revelations
are the conclusion of detailed examination of documents discovered by The
Times in abandoned al-Qaeda houses in Kabul last month.
College professors call report a prelude to blacklist, stifling academic
Association advocates pro-America curriculum

The Seattle Times
Originally published December 26, 2001

College professors are decrying a national report that castigates them for
criticizing the United States in the aftermath of Sept. 11, saying it reads
like a blueprint for a blacklist. The report, published by the American
Council of Trustees and Alumni, details more than 100 examples of what its
authors call a prevailing blame America first sentiment on college campuses.

This has graphic pictures of casualties :
Civilian Casualties from Afghanistan -Pictorial- Updated on 2001-11-21
On Sep 11 2001, three groups of hijackers blew up passenger planes into WTC
and killed more than 3900 innocent people (per NY Times). The whole world
condemned the barbaric act of those suicide terrorists. [Link - Massive
Attack on America ] In retaliation, USA-led war against terrorism starting
with bombing campaign on Afghanistan is incurring an unfortunate but real
cost: the loss of innocent lives.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Mass Expulsion of Jews from US: Let's Discuss It

2001-12-30 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Citizen Wayne - You may call me Rosebud.

So Citizen Wayne, the US Constitution promises us freedom of or freedom
from religion.

We are One Nation under the Constitution of the United States of
America.said constitution takes precedence over any religion.

Without this Constitution we would be sining God Save the Queen (and I
would still be wondering for what).

I have concluded religion is one big pain in the kula?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush, ANSWER UP! WHO UnPlugged US Air Defense on 9.11?

2001-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: APFN



  Click here to visit our sponsor 
  UnPlugged US Air Defense on 9.11?Sun Dec 30 16:48:48 
  2001** TOP_VIEW **The Big Picture12.30.01Bush, 
  ANSWER UP: WHO Pulled Plug on US Air Defense System on 9.11? WHO?!** 
  UBL/Al Qaeda NOT responsible for TREASONOUS US air defense 
  stand-downWe ALL know and acknowledge -- even BushMobsters 
  that the multi-media 9.11production was the result of meticulous 
  YEARS-LONG planning, trainingand management.This horrific "event" 
  of mass devastation unleashed on an unsuspectingNew York and unsuspecting 
  America on Sept. 11 -- covered and publicizedNON-STOP in such similarly 
  meticulous detail by mass media outlets --was a STAGED "terrorist" 
  incident in every sense of the word.And as we've noted: all logic and 
  available evidence indicates prettystrongly that CIA agent/asset and bush 
  Crime Empire/BigOil businesspartner O(U)sama bin Laden certainly had full 
  prior knowledge of theunconscionable WTC attack and wholeheartedly 
  endorsed it -- and mostlikely assisted his business pals in implementing 
  the attacks; for hisOWN "reasons", of course.HOWEVER -- no matter 
  HOW deep or extensive the complicity of bin Ladenand his Al Qaeda cadres 
  MAY have been in the 9.11 horror, there is NOdoubt that these elements 
  were NOT responsible for the OUTRAGEOUSacross-the-boards STAND-DOWN of the 
  United States' air defense system onSeptember 11.A VAST NETWORK of 
  the most despicable TRAITORS throughout the US federalgovernment all the 
  way up to the very highest executive level are theonly ones who COULD be 
  and ARE responsible for this unimaginable TREACHERY.WE DEMAND OF THE 
  BUSH ADMINISTRATION TO TELL US: WHO pulled the plug onthe US air defense 
  system of the morning of September 11? WHICH PERSONS GAVE THESE 
  ORDERS?!Not ONLY Air National Guard interceptors were DELIBERATELY 
  andtreasonably ordered to stand down from established response 
  proceduresand protocols: the NORAD network AND other missile defense 
  systems wereALSO stood down and taken off-line by despicable traitors at 
  MANY levelsof the U.S. government who collaborated with principal 
  9.11perpetrators, to ENSURE that the LONG-PLANNED attack upon America 
  WOULDTAKE PLACE, with the GREATEST possible amount of death and 
  devastation resulting.And Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were NOT 
  responsible for THAT. Promotion, Popularity. Does your 
  website have it? — Sponsor
TOP_VIEW Keep up 
the good work! — [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sun Dec 30 

Who Failed At the 
FBI? — Virginia, Sun Dec 30 19:05

  exposed because of AL Martin — [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  Sun Dec 30 23:24
Radio show on 
microchips, chemtrails, mind control — Kurt Billings, Sun 
Dec 30 18:03

Description: Binary data
---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Holocaust-era art collection beckons heir

2001-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd


Chicago Tribune

Holocaust-era art collection beckons heir

One restitution could open door to other cases
A suburban Chicago man plans to claim valuable paintings accumulated by his
great-great-uncle and stolen by the Nazis
By Howard Reich
Tribune arts critic

December 30, 2001

When Emil Freund was killed in the Jewish ghetto of Lodz, Poland, in 1942,
he left behind an extensive art collection that sat forgotten in a Prague
warehouse. For nearly 60 years the portraits and landscapes by some of the
most renowned French artists of his day were kept from public view and from
their rightful heirs.
Now a Vietnam veteran named Gerald McDonald, who lives in west suburban
Lyons, plans to claim the collection as Freund's great-great-nephew.
My relatives spent most of their lives trying to find this collection, but
nobody knew where it was or how to get it, McDonald said of the paintings
that recently resurfaced at The Jewish Museum in Prague, in the Czech
Republic. I never even was sure it existed.
Though separated by generations, Freund and McDonald are linked by blood,
history and art. Their story--a tale of loss and repatriation--spans the
20th Century, several wars and radically different lives.
Freund belonged to Prague's social elite, while McDonald worked with his
hands, toiling at a southwest suburban chemical plant. Freund collected
rarefied landscapes and portraits of the post-Impressionist period, while
McDonald covered the walls of his two-bedroom ranch home in Lyons with
inexpensive folk art and posters.
Though the restitution of Freund's collection, potentially worth millions of
dollars, holds out the possibility of newfound wealth for McDonald, it
already has fundamentally altered McDonald's view of himself.
I never even knew I was partly Jewish, said McDonald, who was baptized
Lutheran but, like his family, never practiced religion. Whenever I asked
my family if it was possible [that they had Jewish roots], they always said
Earlier this year, Freund's art collection belatedly went on public view at
The Jewish Museum in Prague, which despite continued efforts had been unable
to locate heirs of Czech Holocaust victims whose art was looted by the
Nazis. The museum estimates that it holds hundreds of such works.
Hoping to jump-start the process of restitution, officials at the museum
asked the Art Loss Register, a clearinghouse for stolen art, to help find
Holocaust victims' heirs.
In a last-ditch effort to learn the whereabouts of Freund's relatives, the
Art Loss Register contacted the Tribune, suspecting that Freund's siblings
might have lived in Chicago's large Czech community. The newspaper searched
public records and death announcements to piece together a family tree,
which indicated McDonald was a living heir. Voter registration records led
to him.
McDonald had heard his relatives talk about the collection but doubted its
existence. At one point he contemplated launching his own search but was
After Vietnam, I wanted to go to Czechoslovakia and look up my family and
anything I could find, but my relatives in Chicago said, `Don't go, it's all
gone, forget about it,' McDonald said.
Some of my relatives kept on hoping they might find the collection, but the
rest of us gave up on it, said McDonald, who believes he may be Freund's
last surviving heir.
While McDonald could use the money from selling the valuable collection--I
just spent $72 on a fish tank, and I was feeling guilty about it--he
expressed doubts that he will want to part with it.
How do you set a price for something that represents someone else's
Officials at The Jewish Museum in Prague believe they are in possession of
only a fraction of Freund's collection, with some of the 30 works worth
$1million or more each.
The return of Freund's paintings may open the door for other restitution
cases, museum officials say.
If we can return the art to the heir, we will be showing the world that
some justice can happen, and maybe people will start coming forward to make
claims, said Michaela Hajkova, curator of paintings, drawings and graphic
art at the museum, which took possession of the Freund collection from the
Czech government late last year.
McDonald's claim will be made easier by a new Czech law, which says that art
stolen by the Nazis must be returned to heirs even if they are not Czech
citizens, as was previously required. In turning over looted works to The
Jewish Museum in Prague, the Czech government mandated the institution to
find heirs like McDonald.
Emil Freund
Emil Freund, the second of four children born to Karel and Regina Freund
near Prague on April 29, 1886, was trained as a lawyer, worked as an
insurance attorney and rose to become chief executive of Prague's leading
insurance firm, Sekuritas.
Smitten with contemporary fine art, Freund invested in an art collection
that he 

Re: [CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Mass Expulsion of Jews from US: Let's Discuss It

2001-12-30 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

 Without this Constitution we would be sining God Save the Queen (and I
 would still be wondering for what).

Barney Frank would like that. For what? To recognize the real powers who
tell you what that piece of asswipe, this Constipation really means.
But say what you want. Within 10 years you will realize that robo sapiens
will have all of homo sapiens by the balls. Take that Barney!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Happy New Year

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

 A HREF=;Happy New Year/A  A
[Unable to display image]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Week Ending: 29 December 2001/14 Tevet 5762

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 29 December 2001/14 Tevet 5762

Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, a people in whose heart is My
Law; Do not fear the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings.
For the moth will eat them like a garment, and the grub will eat them like
wool. But My righteousness will be forever, and My salvation to all
generations. Isaiah 51.7-8

This Week's Headlines:


** TZEMACH PERSPECTIVE: Our video commentary has been updated:

leader Yasir Arafat spent Christmas Eve in Ram'Allah. He had been trying to
go to Beit Lechem (Bethlehem) in order to attend Christmas Mass but was
barred from doing so by the Israeli government. Israeli Cabinet Minister
Danny Naveh said from the Knesset podium Wednesday: Arafat is not a
Christian saint but rather a Muslim terrorist. Naveh was delivering the
government response to the Knesset inquiry into why Arafat was not allowed
to visit Beit Lechem for Christmas. Naveh went on to recount instances of
Muslim Arabs who raped young Christian Arab girls while the PLO police did
nothing to stop or prevent the crimes. Naveh documented his charges and
asked, How can Arafat be portrayed in the world as a Christian saint, when
such atrocities occur under his jurisdiction?

Meanwhile, former Israeli liaison to the US Congress Yoram Ettinger said
Tuesday that Arafat and the Palestinian Authority [PA/PLO] have succeeded
in reducing the 60% majority of Christians in Beit Lechem and neighboring
Beit Jala to a 20% minority. Arafat has Islamisized Beit Lechem, since
assuming control in 1995, by changing its municipal boundaries and that of
its twin towns, Beth Jala and Beth Sakhur. They used to constitute the
Christian enclave in Judea and Samaria. Arafat severely tipped demography
there, by incorporating (into the 65,000 residents) an additional 30,000
Moslems of three neighboring refugee camps, Dehaisheh, El-Ayda' and
El-Azeh. Arafat has intensified the Islamization of Beit Lechem by adding
to its population a few thousand Bedouins of the Ta'amrah tribe, located
east of Beit Lechem, encouraging Moslem immigration from Hebron to Beit
Lechem, and inducing Christian emigration/flight away from Beit Lechem. A
similar process has also afflicted the Christians of Ram'Allah (20,000).
Ettinger charges that local Muslim Fatah gangs [controlled by Arafat]
continue to desecrate Christian cemeteries, churches, convents, and
monasteries. Also, the chant, After we do away with the Saturday people
[the Jews], we shall take care of the Sunday people [the Christians], has
been heard during anti-Israel PLO rallies. PLO terrorists shooting at
Jerusalem's southern neighborhood Gilo purposely position themselves next
to or in Christian homes, hotels, and churches in hopes of creating
Christian casualties when Israel returns fire. The Christian casualties
provide proof for the PLO propaganda machine to create the illusion that
Israel attacks Christian property. According to an eye-witness account by
former US Senator Connie Mack, [The Palestinian Christian] was arrested
and detained [by the PLO] on charges of selling land to Jews. He denied the
charge, since he owned no land. He was beaten and hung from the ceiling by
his hands for many hours. After two weeks, he was transferred to a larger
prison where he was held for eight months without trial... These Christians
conveyed to me a message of fear and desperation. (Senate speech, March 3,

:: ISRAELIS MARCH AROUND THE TEMPLE MOUNT: The Fast of the 10th of Tevet
commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem which led to the
destruction of the First and Second Temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE. Since 586
BCE it has been a day of fasting and mourning for the Jewish people with
special prayers for the redemption and rebuilding of the Temple. This year
the fast fell on 25 December 2001. The Israeli people again commemorated
the day with great mourning but at the same time with great prayers and
hopes that the Temple will soon be rebuilt. The Temple Mount and Land of
Israel Faithful Movement and many Israelis commemorated the day by marching
around the Temple Mount which is still closed to Israelis and non-Muslims.
When the marchers came close to the gates of the holy hill of G–d, they
prayed the special prayers of the 10th Tevet and called on G–d from the
bottom of 

[CTRL] TV Documentation of POW/MIA's Left Behind

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Check your TV listings for programs on the following:
History Channel -  January 6, 2002 - World War II -  The Rohna

Attention Ms. O'Shea:

The Rohna Survivors Memorial Association has been heavily involved in
helping to locate families who never knew the fate of their loved ones
who were lost in a terrible at-sea disaster in WWII. To more fully grasp
that story, please check out the web-site link below.

The reason for writing you now is to alert you to the fact that the
History Channel will present a one hour documentary, based on my book,
the documentary has been complete and now simply awaits airing.

Since some of our respective efforts appear to overlap, I thought you
might be interested in this and would consider making mention of it
sometime soon to your membership.

I certainly will be glad to answer any questions you may have and fill
you in on any details about our work or the documentary.

You might also be interested in viewing the Tom Brokaw piece that is
accessible from the home page of our web-site. Also, there is a copy of
the Resolution, passed by both Houses of Congress exactly one year ago,
acknowledging the Rohna Disaster and  honoring the survivors,
casualties, rescuers and families of all.  It took about a year of
effort to get that
but the effort was worth it.

PAX TV - January 11, 2001 - Korea and Vietnam - in from Roger Hall

PAX TVs Encounters With the Unexplained will air the two programs
entitled  Where are the POWs? revealing solid evidence demonstrating
the existence of  live POWs from the Korean and Vietnam.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!
Write to same address to be off lists!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AF News 29 Dec 01

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1857.  Air Force gears up for new civilian personnel system

by Tech. Sgt. Tim Dougherty
Air Force Print News

WASHINGTON -- When the Air Force makes the changeover to the modern Defense
Civilian Personnel Data System on Feb. 15, it will not be a leap into the
unknown. A series of tests, mock database conversions and a lot of hard work
has officials giving a thumbs-up to the planned deployment of the new

We've spent a great deal of time and resources testing this system, said
Shirley Williams, a member of the Senior Executive Service and the director
of the Air Force's Palace Compass Program management office at the Pentagon.
We've conducted many tests both in the laboratory and in the field at
McChord (Wash.), Charleston (S.C.), Holloman (N.M.), F.E. Warren (Wyo.),
Dobbins (Ga.) and Hill (Utah) Air Force bases. We converted the Air
Force-wide database twice in mock conversion scenarios and feel confident
that with all the testing, planning and preparation we've done, the
deployment will go well.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to plan for the unknown, Williams said.

We know the unexpected will occur, she said.  So in anticipation, we have
a structure in place, and staff at the Pentagon, Air Force Personnel Center
and major commands trained and ready to tackle any unforeseen problems.

The move to the modern civilian personnel system is a Department of
Defense-wide initiative and is necessary to reduce cost and eliminate
redundancy.  Many of the computers and other hardware the current, or
legacy, system uses are also becoming obsolete.

The legacy civilian personnel system was identified as too costly to
maintain, too difficult to modify, redundant and rapidly becoming obsolete
since it was a mainframe-based system, Williams said.

The modern system will eventually compensate for the projected losses
planned in the personnel workforce because of the DOD-mandated personnel
regionalization, she said.

The new system should be online the beginning of March, Officials said.
Major benefits for Air Force civilian employees will result from two Air
Force-unique applications -- the Civilian Announcement Notification System
and the Employee Benefits Information System.  These applications were
developed to complement the modern civilian personnel system.

Employees will be able to register their job and geographic preferences in
the announcement notification system. The employee is then notified via
e-mail when an employment vacancy exists that matches a person's

The benefits system allows employees to review and update benefits via the
Internet or by phone.

In the future, officials expect the modern civilian personnel system to
provide employees with quicker answers to inquiries, potentially allow
direct access to personal information, and the ability to update personal

Air Force training began early in 2000 and continues today to ensure
readiness for the Feb. 15 deployment of the system.

More information is available on the Air Force Personnel Center Web site at

1859.  56th Rescue Squadron crew saves fisherman

by Petty Officer First Class Linda Pepka
Iceland Defense Force Public Affairs

KEFLAVIK, Iceland (AFPN) -- It was a day unfit to be outside in the
elements, let alone fly, while gale force winds, heavy seas and driving rain
passed through the Keflavík area Dec. 21.  Nevertheless, when the Icelandic
Coast Guard requested assistance rescuing the crew of a boat in peril, Air
Force rescue units here rose to the challenge, marking their 300th save
since 1971.

The Svanborg, a 30-gross-ton steel fishing boat, was caught dead in the
water during a storm.  Thrown about by heavy breakers, the boat became
wedged between two rock pinnacles below the cliffs on the peninsula.

The first to receive the call warning that a boat was in distress was 1st
Lt. Dante Kubischta from the Joint Rescue Coordination Center.  Kubischta
and Senior Airman Diana Isbell began making the necessary phone calls.

Earlier that day, gale wind conditions with gusts nearing 80 mph forced
maintainers to move the squadron's HH-60G Pave Hawk inside a hangar, said
Maj. Javier Casanova, the 56th Rescue Squadron alert pilot.

When the call came in, our first concern was the weather, Casanova said.
The helicopter needed to be fueled and severe winds prevented us from
opening the hangar doors.

The helicopter was not completely refueled after its previous mission
because of the high winds.  Workers, including a snow removal team, secured
an area on the leeward side of the hangar providing a shelter to fuel the
helicopter and ready it for flight, Casanovas said.

Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Detachment officials said the
forecast allowed for a 1,000-foot ceiling, and 6,000 meters of visibility en
route to the site, along with rain showers and strong winds, Casanovas 

[CTRL] We will win nuclear war, says India

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-,,3-2001605798,00.html

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


We will win nuclear war, says India


INDIA boasted yesterday that it would survive a first strike by a Pakistani
atomic weapon, but that its neighbour would be wiped out in a swift nuclear
As troop reinforcements continued to pour into the frontier zone, and tens of
thousands of people fled border villages, the spectre of all-out war between
two nuclear powers prompted America and Britain to intervene directly.

President Bush spoke by telephone to India’s Prime Minister, Atal Behari
Vajpayee, and to President Musharraf of Pakistan, urging them to show
restraint. He also discussed the crisis with Tony Blair. The Prime Minister,
who issued his own appeal yesterday for both countries to back down, has
agreed to launch a diplomatic peace mission when he visits the region early
in the new year.

A serious intervention from the outside world could not come too soon. India
is determined to avenge the attack by Islamic militants on the Delhi
parliament that killed 14 people, including five assailants, on December 13.
Unless Pakistan arrests and hands over those responsible, India seems
determined to act unilaterally.

Pakistan says that it has held at least 50 militants and frozen assets and
last night Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the head of the group blamed for the attack
was arrested for “making inflammatory speeches to incite people to violate
law and order”. But India says that is not enough and wants the suspects
handed over.

Both countries insisted that they wanted to avoid war. But on the ground they
both ordered the biggest military build-up for 15 years in what looked like a
prelude to the fourth Indo-Pakistani war since independence in 1947.

Mr Vajpayee won the backing of opposition parties yesterday to take whatever
action was needed. On the other side of the border Adbul Sattar, Pakistan’s
Foreign Minister, said that his anxieties were “mounting, not only by the day
but by the hour”.

Part of Pakistan’s concern is the increasingly bellicose message from Delhi,
whose conventional and nuclear forces are roughly double those of Pakistan.
In an interview published yesterday George Fernandes, the Indian Defence
Minister, said that his military, from the top down, was eager to fight and
that thousands of Indian reinforcements would be in place by the middle of
this week.

Speaking after a visit to frontline positions in Kashmir, he told the
Hindustan Times: “Everyone is raring to go. In fact, something that actually
bothers them is that things might now reach a point where one says there is
no war.”

Of greater concern were his remarks about the possible use of nuclear
weapons. He warned Pakistan not to consider the use of a first strike, which
he said would be tantamout to national suicide. “We could take a strike,
survive and then hit back,” he said. “Pakistan would be finished. I do not
really fear that the nuclear issue would figure in a conflict.”

However, military experts point out that in the event of a conventional war,
Indian forces would heavily outnumber the Pakistanis and could score swift
victories. In that case Pakistan’s weapon of last resort would be its atomic

Certainly General Musharraf suggested yesterday, after meeting most of the
country’s political leaders, that he would not walk away from a fight with
his bigger neighbour.

“I stand here addressing the people of India . . . that Pakistan stands for
peace. Pakistan wants to reduce tensions . . . Pakistan wants to
de-escalate,” he said. “However, Pakistan has taken all counter-measures. If
any war is thrust on Pakistan, Pakistan’s Armed Forces and the 140 million
people of Pakistan are fully prepared to face all consequences with all their

The West is caught in the middle. It needs Islamabad’s help to hunt down
Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda leadership, many of whom may already be
hiding in Pakistan. Pulling Pakistani troops away from the Afghan border to
fight India could seriously hamper that effort.

At the same time, the West sympathises with India’s battle against terrorism
and militant Islamic groups in Kashmir which have in the past kidnapped and
killed Western hostages.

But above all Washington and London want the stand-off resolved peacefully.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!
Write to same address to be off 

[CTRL] Pakistan moves troops to east

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pakistan moves troops to east
By Nilofar Suhrawardy, Special to Arab News

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD, 30 December — Pakistan yesterday began moving its troops
from its western border with Afghanistan to match a build-up by India in the
east as New Delhi continued its bellicose stance. At the southwestern border
town of Chaman, a reporter saw troops pulling out and packing up
anti-aircraft guns installed at some checkpoints with Afghanistan. We have
received orders to move, one soldier said when asked why they were leaving
the Afghan frontier, where several battalions of additional troops had been
deployed to keep out Al-Qaeda fighters. You know what’s going on there or
what may happen, he said, apparently referring to the troop buildup on the
border with India and fears of war. The two nuclear-armed rivals have massed
troops along their border in the biggest such buildup in 15 years following
the Dec. 13 attack on the Indian parliament.

New Delhi blames two Pakistan-based groups fighting Indian rule in the
disputed Kashmir region for the raid on the parliament that left 14 people
dead, including the five assailants. It wants the leaders of the groups
arrested and is furious that Pakistan has not done more to meet those demands.

At the end of an emergency meeting of his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in
New Delhi, Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee asserted that India would do
its utmost to avoid a war with Pakistan but people should be prepared for
any eventuality. Media reports said India has drawn up a list of 30
terrorists and criminals who, after committing crimes in India, have taken
refuge in Pakistan. A report in The Hindustan Times quoted official sources
as saying New Delhi will ask Pakistan to extradite them for trial in India.

The list includes Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Maulana Masood Azhar, Dawood
Ibrahim, five hijackers of the Indian Airlines flight IC-814 in 1999, and
Tiger Memon and Chhota Shakeel, suspects in the 1993 Bombay blasts. It also
has names of nine commanders of Hizbul Mujahedeen, three of Harkatul
Jihad-e-Islami and one each of Lashkar-e-Taieba, Harkatul Mujahedeen and
Khalistan Liberation Front, a report in The Indian Express said.

US President George W. Bush, whose administration has been working to avoid a
fourth war between India and Pakistan, telephoned President Pervez Musharraf.
(They) discussed in detail the prevailing regional situation, Pakistan-India
relations and the tensions on the borders, the official APP news agency

Musharraf, who has been a key ally of the US-led war on terrorism in
neighboring Afghanistan, said the international community should counsel
India to exercise restraint. Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar urged caution,
saying there was a high possibility some small action could set in motion a
chain of events that would result in a conflict between the two countries.

India ruled out any formal meeting between Vajpayee and Musharraf at an
upcoming South Asia leadership summit in Nepal. However, Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Nirupama Rao said India had agreed to a Pakistani request for
Musharraf to fly through Indian airspace on his way to the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) conference in Katmandu. There
will be no absence of civilities, but on a meeting there is nothing planned,
Rao said.

But a government source in Islamabad said Pakistan has not asked India to
waive its airspace ban for Musharraf. Pakistan will not make any request for
an overflight because President Musharraf has decided that he would not like
to avail himself of a facility which is not available to other Pakistanis,
the source said.

In another sign of souring relations, Pakistan said it had taken all Indian
television news channels off its airwaves. Private cable operators in
Pakistan have been ordered to stop distributing Indian channels to their

The Pakistan government has banned showing Indian satellite channels as well
as Star channels on cables for their poisonous propaganda against Pakistan,
the official APP news agency quoted Maj. Gen. Shahzada Alam Malik, chairman
of the state-owned Telecommunication Authority as saying.

Meanwhile, one civilian was killed and three were injured when troops of the
two countries traded fire along the tense Line of Control which divides
disputed Kashmir, officials said. Indian troops resorted to shelling with
small and large arms at noon without any provocation, said a police
spokesman in the city of Kotli in Azad Kashmir.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. 

[CTRL] India seen as stronger against Pakistan

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

India seen as stronger against Pakistan
New Delhi victorious in previous conflicts with neighbor



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001

As Pakistan and India position troops, missiles and aircraft along their
1,100-mile common border in what could become the fourth war between them,
historians note that in the past Islamabad has typically come up short
against a stronger Indian military.

Though both nations now claim to be nuclear powers, there is some
disagreement as to how capable either is of launching nuclear weapons against
the other.

Therefore, experts note, any conflict would likely be fought conventionally,
and in that event, India holds distinct military advantages in terms of
manpower, modern aircraft, land combat systems and naval assets.

History of conflict

The Indian subcontinent was partitioned shortly after World War II ended, in
1947, with its independence from Great Britain, forming the nations of India
and Pakistan. But almost immediately, both nations plunged into war over
mutual claims in the Jammu-Kashmir regions.

Kashmir, about twice the size of Virginia and located in northwest India, has
been the focus of two of the three conflicts, because absolute sovereignty
over this particular region was unresolved after Britain left.

The first conflict began in 1947, when Muslim subjects revolted and were
supported by Pakistani troops. The conflict dragged on through much of 1948,
as the Hindu ruler of the region appealed to India for assistance, agreeing
to cede the area to India in return. New Delhi moved quickly to consolidate
its position in Kashmir and was successful in pushing the mostly Pakistani
volunteer forces back.

Conflicts also arose in the Punjab and in Bengal, but the war ended after a
United Nations-brokered truce was put into effect Jan. 1, 1949. Post-conflict
negotiations between India and Pakistan began and lasted until 1954 without
resolving the Kashmir problem. Pakistan controlled part of the area, Azad,
while India held most of the territory overall. New Delhi annexed the area it
controlled in 1957.

Pakistani soldiers pose in front of a captured Indian tank during the 1965

The second conflict broke out in April 1965 as the U.S. was gearing up for
its own prolonged Asian war against communist North Vietnam. This time,
fighting broke out in the Rann of Kachchh, a sparsely inhabited region along
the West Pakistan-India border. By August, it had spread to Kashmir and to
the Punjab.

In September, Pakistani and Indian troops crossed the partition line between
the two countries and launched air assaults on each other's cities. By then,
China was threatening to intervene on behalf of Pakistan, which would have
internationalized the conflict. But pressure by a united Soviet Union and
the U.S. government kept Beijing out of the fight and led to an eventual
cease-fire in January 1966, brokered by Moscow.

Pakistani troops claimed early victory, but Indian forces, in a three-pronged
attack, were able to stabilize earlier losses. After the cease-fire, the
armies of both countries withdrew to pre-August lines.

In 1971 came Pakistan's biggest military defeat, and it came amid a crippling
civil war. The West Pakistan army was pitted against the forces of East
Pakistan, which in turn forced some 10 million East Pakistan Bengalis to flee
to India. When Pakistan attacked Indian airfields in Kashmir, India attacked
both East and West Pakistan. India managed to occupy the eastern half, which
declared its independence on Dec. 6, 1971.

After Pakistan's defeat, a U.N.- and major power-brokered cease-fire took
effect in mid-December. Pakistan lost its eastern half, an army of 100,000
soldiers and was thrown into political turmoil. A million people had died.

Tensions were alleviated by the Shimla accord of 1972 and by Pakistan's
recognition of Bangladesh in 1974.

However, as the current situation bears out, tensions have periodically
recurred. In the 1990s, serial clashes between Indian army troops and Muslim
separatists in Kashmir worsened relations between Islamabad and New Delhi, as
India blamed Pakistan for aiding the Muslims. The series of battles killed an
estimated 30,000 people by 1996.

In May 1999, India launched a series of air strikes against armed Muslim
insurgents that New Delhi said had infiltrated India's portion of Kashmir.
Pakistan responded, and later in the month claimed to have shot down two
Indian Air Force fighters. Fighting continued until fall of 1999.

How the forces match up

In terms of manpower, technology, versatility and overall capability, the
Indian armed forces hold distinct advantages over Pakistan.

With its 1.2 million man active duty army and a population of over 1 billion,
clearly the 

[CTRL] FBI Probe of Al Qaeda Implies Wide Presence

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

FBI Probe of Al Qaeda Implies Wide Presence
Agency Investigating 150 U.S. Groups, Individuals

By Dan Eggen and Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, December 30, 2001; Page A01

The FBI is conducting more than 150 separate investigations into groups and
individuals in the United States with possible ties to Osama bin Laden's al
Qaeda organization, according to senior U.S. officials.

The domestic targets include dozens of people who are under electronic
surveillance through national security warrants, and others who are being
watched by undercover agents attempting to learn more about their activities
and associates, officials said.

Until now, law enforcement authorities had not disclosed the number of active
al Qaeda investigations in the United States. The large number of cases
suggests the FBI's efforts against the terrorist network have gone well
beyond the widely publicized dragnet that has ensnared hundreds of people in
the United States and overseas.

U.S. counterterrorism investigators are unsure exactly how many al Qaeda
operatives and sympathizers are in the United States, although in the days
after Sept. 11 they identified four or five active cells that they put under
intensive surveillance. Many of the active investigations involve people with
marginal or unclear ties to al Qaeda, and are unlikely to result in criminal
charges, officials said.

But the sheer number of active FBI investigations suggests the al Qaeda
presence is far broader than previously known, several terrorism experts and
law enforcement officials said.

It is a good indicator of the depth of al Qaeda presence here, said Robert
Blitzer, a former FBI counterterrorism official. Hopefully working these
cases will lead to many more, and you'll have a better sense of the
infrastructure at work here. . . . The idea is to figure out what these
individuals or groups are doing, what they might be planning and to try to
penetrate the group and get closer to them.

The presence of al Qaeda members in the United States is of grave concern to
senior Bush administration officials, who have issued several alerts since
Sept. 11 warning of the possibility of another attack. Attorney General John
D. Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III have repeatedly said they
view preventing another terror attack as their main priority, rather than
securing criminal convictions.

The two men meet regularly with President Bush, who has told both that
preventing another attack must be their foremost concern. The president
routinely asks the FBI director the status of the important al Qaeda
investigations and wants to ensure they are getting top priority, according
to a senior official.

That concern has helped fuel the massive domestic and foreign dragnet aimed
in large measure at disrupting the operations of al Qaeda.

Although more than 1,200 people have been detained in the United States, only
a handful are believed to have ties to al Qaeda. Only one man -- accused
hijacking conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui -- has been charged so far in
connection with the Sept. 11 plot.

In addition to the domestic detentions, the CIA has passed information to
foreign intelligence services, which have had more than 500 suspected
terrorists arrested or detained abroad.

The domestic dragnet has prompted criticism from civil libertarians, as well
as concern from some former law enforcement officials and terrorism experts
that the Justice Department is not effectively pursuing al Qaeda. But sources
said the government is expanding its battle against terrorism with new tools
and is focused on a variety of new leads.

For instance, an initiative to interview more than 5,200 young male visitors
who entered the United States within the past two years has resulted in an
increase in the number of ongoing domestic investigations related to bin
Laden, according to law enforcement officials.

Another factor has been the recent anti-terrorism bill approved by Congress,
which has given federal prosecutors and FBI agents an expanded ability to
open criminal investigations based on information gathered for intelligence
purposes. FBI and Justice officials said the law prompted an almost immediate
surge in criminal terrorism investigations, especially those related to al
Qaeda and bin Laden.

We have gotten a great deal of new information that has led to new cases
since 9-11, one official said. The numbers have increased substantially.

The officials declined to offer details of the roughly 150 open
investigations, or to name their targets. Some of the cases revolve around
suspects already in U.S. custody, such as Moussaoui, but most involve
individuals who have been questioned and released or who have never been
detained, officials said. They are hoping both to build possible criminal
cases and 

[CTRL] US missile shortage delays Iraq strike

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US missile shortage delays Iraq strike
By Sean Rayment
(Filed: 30/12/2001)

A SHORTAGE of cruise missiles has thrown plans for a full-scale strike on
Iraq into disarray.

US strikes against Afghanistan, Sudan and in Kosovo have all but depleted
ALCM stocks
America's supply of the air launched version, one of the US air force's most
sophisticated and deadly weapons, has become so depleted that military chiefs
are pressing Boeing, the manufacturers, to speed up their production.

Even so, the first of the new batch of missiles ordered last year is not
expected for months, and it may take longer to rebuild stocks to a level that
would make such an attack viable.

Strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998 and Kosovo two years ago
virtually exhausted the US supply. The number of conventional [non-nuclear]
air launched cruise missiles left within the inventory is believed to be
fewer than 30.

The £900,000 missiles are a vital tactical weapon because of their ability to
destroy targets from up to 800 miles without warning.

The news came as President Bush pledged to maintain the war on terrorism in
2002. Above all, this coming year will require our sustained commitment to
the war against terrorism, he said in his weekly radio address. We cannot
know how long this struggle will last. But it can end only one way: in
victory for America and the cause of freedom.

The US joint chiefs are known to be considering a number of plans to
overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime. The military is thought to be pushing for
a full-scale invasion of the country in a campaign similar to Operation
Desert Storm, but this would require months of planning and the movement of
hundreds of thousand of troops.

Fundamental to any plan is the use of overwhelming air power. Unless Iraq's
air defence system was destroyed by cruise missiles, as in the Gulf war, the
chances of heavy US casualties would be high.

Other options open to America include the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles, 85
of which have been fired against Afghanistan during Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Tomahawks can be launched from ships or submarines but lack the
range for every target in Iraq, a fact that Saddam recognises.

It is also likely that the US Navy would not want its stock of Tomahawks
diminished, potentially creating the nightmare scenario of the world's only
military superpower being without a viable long-range missile force.

Rob Hewson, the editor of Jane's Air Launched Weapons, said American bombers
would not be sent in until hostile air defence and communications systems had
been all but destroyed by cruise missiles.

He said: The Pentagon will not want to be in a position to launch another
full-scale attack against Iraq without a full armoury of cruise missiles.

Iraq has one of the largest armed forces in the world. It has a very capable
air defence system and the US wouldn't want to launch an attack against it
without destroying most of its air defence first.

The only real option as far as Iraq is concerned is to sit tight and
replenish stocks. A Pentagon spokesman admitted that cruise missile stocks
had been virtually exhausted after the strikes on Afghanistan, Sudan and

When asked whether the shortfall would delay any future large-scale military
operation, he said: The military chiefs are aware of the situation and
measures are in place to fix it.

The Pentagon has also given the go-ahead for a more sophisticated version of
the Daisy Cutter bomb which has been used in Afghanistan. The BLU118/B was
first dropped on December 14 in the Nevada desert. The devices creates a
pressure wave capable of destroying caves and killing troops in the open.

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[CTRL] Dropouts will be allowed as airport screeners

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dropouts will be allowed as airport screeners
DOT decision dismays advocates of tighter security

 Man got on Delta flights with gun

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer

Under the new federal airport security regime, security screeners who check
passengers' baggage won't even need a high school diploma to land the job.

When Congress passed the law to upgrade airport security after Sept. 11, it
trusted the Department of Transportation to determine details of the job
qualifications for screeners. Advocates of tougher security -- including
flight attendants' groups -- insist screeners should at least possess a high
school diploma.

But the Transportation Security Agency, the new Department of Transportation
organization created to supervise transportation security, decided earlier
this month that a high school diploma isn't necessary if candidates have a
year of on-the-job experience.

We don't want to disqualify anyone with one year of experience just because
they don't have a high school diploma, Transportation Security Agency
spokesman Paul Takemoto said. They'd be a valuable asset.

The decision dismays advocates of tighter airport security, including groups
representing flight attendants and business travelers, who had expressed hope
that federalization would lead to an upgraded work force.

We're dealing with very sophisticated and trained individuals who are trying
to blow up our commercial aircraft, said James E. Hall, until recently the
chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board. These screeners are
going to be an important line of defense, and it seems to me we should have
higher educational standards for them. If all we're doing is recycling the
existing screeners, why have we made this tremendous investment in creating a
federal work force? It sends the wrong message.

The new agency will take over airport security screening contracts from
private companies Feb. 17. At that point, anyone who is hired to be a
screener will have to follow new federal guidelines that will require
screeners to be U.S. citizens and pass an examination and show proficiency in
English, said Jim Mitchell, an agency spokesman.

As recently as Dec. 20, the DOT said in a news release that screeners must
be U.S. citizens, have a high school diploma and pass a standardized
examination. But Mitchell said Saturday that statement was an error, and
that attachments to the press release detail the more lenient requirements.

Those requirements spelled out in the law passed by Congress in November
allow screeners' experience to be sufficient for the individual to perform
the duties of the position.

The guidelines say that applicants must have a diploma or one year of any
type of work experience that demonstrates the applicant's ability to perform
the work of the position.

The agency has not said what kind of work experience would qualify, but a
spokesman said it would apply to screeners who have been on the job for a

Critics say the point of the new federal law was to upgrade the work force,
not to retain the current workers, criticized in recent months for slipshod

Kevin P. Mitchell, chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, which
represents many large corporate buyers of travel services, said passengers
have the right to expect a basic educational level from the screeners.

This job is more than just looking at an X-ray screen -- it's about looking
at people and interpreting their answers to questions and making judgments,
Mitchell said. As much as anything here, we have to restore the confidence
of the American people and the integrity of the aviation system, and I think
most people would view the lack of a high school diploma with some alarm.

The Association of Flight Attendants, the largest flight attendants union,
protested the lack of an education requirement, saying it fears the
government will hire too many of the same screeners who allowed terrorists on
the planes in the first place.

Security screeners now working for private companies are already required by
the Federal Aviation Administration to speak, read and write English and to
demonstrate their ability to operate X-ray equipment and conduct physical
searches of passengers. Transportation agency officials say the new law
toughens the requirements with a criminal background check and a passing
grade on a new test that will measure aptitude, ability to deal with the
public and English proficiency.

Those requirements will apply to all new screeners hired after February.
Existing screeners may stay on the job, but by November 2002, they will have
to reapply and be hired by the federal government under the new requirements.

Because of the high turnover in low-paying private screener jobs up to now,
anyone who has remained in the job for a 

[CTRL] Newsom wants to widen ban on S.F. begging

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Will there be a new era of Bonnie  Clyde, etc...  --- Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Newsom wants to widen ban on S.F. begging
Plan would cover median strips, ramps, movie lines, parking lots

Rachel Gordon, Chronicle Staff WriterSaturday, December 29, 2001



San Francisco -- A decade ago, San Francisco voters outlawed aggressive
panhandling in the city. A couple years later, they went after soliciting
money near ATMs. Now, there's a plan at City Hall to broaden the ban --
targeting begging everywhere from movie lines to parking lots.

Supervisor Gavin Newsom outlined this week his proposed legislation that
would prohibit panhandling along median strips and freeway ramps, around
parking meters, in front of banks and check-cashing businesses, in parking
lots, around transit stations and places where people are lined up to go into
a building. Violating the ban would be a misdemeanor that could carry a $500
fine and six-month jail term.

The last supervisor to go after panhandlers was Amos Brown, when he
unsuccessfully tried to prohibit begging on median strips along busy streets.
Newsom's bill would go much further than what was proposed by Brown, who was
voted out of office last fall.

This is not legislation I'm particularly proud of, Newsom said. But the
problem is so dominant and disproportionate in a city our size that something
needs to be done.

Newsom said he has received numerous complaints from constituents fed up with
not being able to walk down the street or wait for a movie or park their car
without being hit up for money.

Mara Raider of the Coalition for Homelessness said begging is a fact of life
where there are poor people.

This is yet another political attempt to legislate poverty out of sight,
she said. It's not the answer, and he knows better.

Newsom said that by allowing panhandling, we are subsidizing failure, we're
subsidizing addictions, and we're subsidizing people's fears.

Ask the panhandlers, and they say the donations they receive from passing
strangers help them get by.

Char Gunning, a mother of two school-age boys, stood on the corner of Fifth
and Harrison streets in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood one day
this week begging for cash from drivers coming off the freeway. She lives
with her kids and sister in a small studio apartment, and the only money she
brings in comes from panhandling.

She makes $5 to $25 an hour, and stands on the corner an hour or two a day.
She would panhandle there more, but the folks who beg at the popular spot
rotate, setting up shifts.

Gunning, 40, said she's not addicted to drugs or booze. Her demon is
depression and low self-esteem. Holding down a regular job is out of the
question right now.

She said of Newsom's plan: It's a shame. For those of us who haven't been
able to pick ourselves up, to dress right to get a job, this (panhandling) is
a nice legal way to get money. This is our survival, really. We don't need to
be harassed. We need to be helped.

Chris Sears, another beggar at the intersection, called Newsom's plan mean-
hearted. Sears said he's not harassing people when he panhandles. He simply
holds up a sign asking people for help.

I can see the point of view that panhandling is an eyesore, he said. But
I'm not hurting anybody.

Sears, 40, said he lost his job of 13 years as an auto detailer a few years
ago after a disagreement with a new manager. He is homeless and addicted to

I'm not proud of what I'm doing, and I'd like to change my situation, he
said. But for now, this is what I've got.

In the first five minutes during his shift, one driver handed him a small
bottle of apple juice, another gave him a loaf of sliced bread. Around
Christmas, someone handed him a wool coat.

Newsom, who is considering a campaign for mayor, said he isn't trying to be
mean-spirited. He wants to link a police crackdown on panhandling with
outreach and education to get people the services they need.

He has additional legislation to expand the homeless shelter program in San
Francisco and to cut back the bureaucratic barriers keeping people out of the
shelters. He's also championed more drug treatment for the addicted.

People shouldn't be out on the streets begging for money, Newsom said.
That just feeds their dysfunction, feeds their addictions. . . . I'm not
suggesting this is the answer to the homeless problem in San Francisco, but
it certainly doesn't do a disservice to these people, and it may actually get
them the help they need.

Raider, from the homeless coalition, noted that efforts to couple outreach
with enforcement in the past have not worked because there aren't enough
services to handle the demand. Current budget problems may make matters

Newsom said he is using parts of anti-panhandling laws 

[CTRL] Oil Prices Rise as OPEC Cuts Output

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe OPEC should be next on out terrorist list!  For Extortion!  --  Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Oil Prices Rise as OPEC Cuts Output Wires
Saturday, Dec. 29, 2001
CAIRO - Crude oil prices rose Friday after OPEC ministers cut production by
1.5 million barrels a day following similar output cuts by non-OPEC
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ministers announced the cuts,
effective Tuesday, in a bid to shore up weakening oil prices.

Industry analysts said gasoline and fuel prices would rise across the world,
hitting economic growth, if the cuts caused sustained increases in crude oil

The decision by 10 of the 11 OPEC member countries, excluding Iraq, which is
under U.N. sanctions, followed a successful lobbying of non-OPEC producers

Five non-OPEC producers - Mexico, Russia, Norway, Angola and Oman - earlier
indicated they would be cutting production.

Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali al-Nuaimi said the cuts would be in force for
the first half of 2002, but OPEC sources said the Vienna-based group would
likely review the market during the first quarter.

An OPEC source told United Press International the group would likely
contemplate further production if the latest reduction, the fourth since
February, failed to sustain prices above $20 per barrel.

Russia's position is still uncertain, said the source, citing industry
speculation that Moscow might decide not to stick to its earlier decision to
cut output, both to improve its cash flow and to appease the West during its
current diplomatic drive to play a more active role in NATO.

OPEC Secretary General Ali Rodriguez, Venezuela's oil minister, said the
group planned to hold a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mihkail Kasyanov
in January.

The OPEC decision had the immediate impact of pushing the benchmark North Sea
Brent prices upward. Brent crude oil futures for February rose 35 cents on
the market's opening to $20.78.

Industry sources said higher pump prices could hit fragile economies and
depress demand while there seemed little chance of a recovery in demand for
aviation fuel. Global air travel is still depressed in the aftermath of the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

As widely expected, before the meeting opened OPEC's price hawks lobbied
the ministers for a sharper cut. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh
indicated Iran would have liked to have the group's output reduced by up to 2
million barrels a day.

The latest cuts mean that OPEC crude oil exports are down by 5 million
barrels a day in the past year. Non-OPEC cuts are expected to remove about
462,500 barrels a day of crude oil from the market.

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[CTRL] What Are They Hiding About Flight 93?

2001-12-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

What Are They Hiding About Flight 93?
Reed Irvine
Dec. 28, 2001

Accuracy in Media recently submitted a request to the FBI for a transcript of
the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) of United Flight 93, the hijacked Boeing 757
that crashed in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11. No information about what the two
black boxes revealed has been made public, which is certainly not standard
operating procedure.

The FBI's response to AIM's FOIA request was that the transcript is exempt
from the Freedom of Information Act because it could reasonably be expected
to interfere with enforcement proceedings. What enforcement proceedings?

The purpose of installing the CVR and the flight data recorder on aircraft is
to provide information that may explain the cause of a crash. In the case of
United Flight 93, there are three possible scenarios.

The one favored by the government seems to be that several male passengers
tried to overpower the hijackers and take control of the plane, but it
crashed as they struggled in the cockpit. This is based on reports of what
was said in cell phone conversations, but those calls all stopped about eight
minutes before the plane crashed.

If the passengers succeeded in getting into the cockpit, there should be
evidence of the struggle on the CVR. If that is what happened, why doesn't
the FBI release the transcript that would prove it?

FBI spokesman John Collingwood has explained the refusal to release the
transcript to those who had relatives on the plane, saying, While we
empathize with the grieving families, we do not believe that the horror
captured on the cockpit voice recording will console them in any way. That
decision was made after FBI Director Robert Mueller listened to the tape.

If the tape shows that the actions taken by some of the passengers caused the
crash, that would at least give their families the satisfaction of knowing
they behaved heroically, preventing the hijackers from killing anyone except
those aboard. The FBI's refusal to release even an edited transcript seems to
be a repudiation of that scenario without explicitly saying so.

Nevertheless, the FBI spokesman said that while the FBI would not accede to
the families' request for the tape, we hope that they will take comfort in
knowing that all of America embraces the passengers and flight crew of Flight
93 as heroes. That's what they want us to believe, and what we would like to
believe, but they refuse to provide the proof.

A second scenario is also based on a cell phone conversation in which a
passenger said that one of the hijackers claimed to have a bomb which he
threatened to detonate. The recent bomb-in-the-sneakers incident gives this
increased plausibility. It shows how easily a powerful explosive could be
smuggled aboard a plane by a suicide bomber.

This scenario gets added credibility from a passenger's 911 phone call
reporting an explosion on the plane. That would explain why papers and other
light material from the plane was scattered over several miles. A bomb would
open a hole in the fuselage or blow out windows, creating havoc from the
sudden decompression. It would probably kill some of the passengers and make
it hard for the hijackers to fly the plane.

The third scenario is that the airliner was shot down by an F-16 fighter
plane dispatched to intercept and shoot down the airliner, an action
authorized by President Bush. Interesting material supporting this scenario
can be found on

An article from the Philadelphia Daily News of Nov. 15 reports that a number
of people near the area where the plane crashed believe that it was shot
down. One of them, Laura Temyer, was surprised when she heard a plane because
she understood that all flights had been grounded. She told the Daily News,
I heard like a boom and the engine sounded funny. I heard two more booms,
and then I did not hear anything.

The mayor of Shanksville, a village near the crash site, said that F-16
fighters were very, very close, and that two men he knew claimed they had
heard a missile. The FBI acknowledges that a half-ton piece of one of the
engines was found west of the crash site. It may have been hit by a
heat-seeking missile from an F-16.

This refutes the claim of eyewitnesses who say the plane was intact when it
crashed, burrowing deeply into the soft soil of an abandoned strip mine.

When American Flight 587 crashed in New York shortly after takeoff, the
government released detailed information from the CVR within 36 hours. What
are they hiding about United Flight 93?

Reed Irvine is chairman of Accuracy in Media

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[CTRL] Fwd: [NH] Totally and absolutely on topic.... pay attention (Part One)

2001-12-30 Thread Samantha L.

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Interview with Aaron McGruder, creator of The Boondocks
Wed, 12 Dec 2001

Aaron McGruder, creator of The Boondocks
The controversial cartoonist calls Bush a moron,
says Americans shouldn't worry about bin Laden
and says he might leave the country.

By Stephen Lemons
Dec. 7, 2001
Long before the war in Afghanistan becomes
just a twinkle in the eye of an old general,
Aaron McGruder may well be living in exile
in Canada.

The 27-year-old creator of the daily hip-
hop comic The Boondocks [sample attached]
which features the escapades of a group of
young African-American kids growing up in
the almost-all-white suburbs, has wrenched
the torch of scathing satire from the
Boomer King of Cartoon Controversy, Garry
Trudeau, and set off on an Olympic-style
sprint for infamy.

Since Sept. 11, McGruder has been setting
fire to the funny pages with incendiary
panels of political humor mocking everything
from Attorney General Ashcroft's anti-
terrorist dragnet and the public's fear of
anthrax to FBI wiretaps and the nation's
ongoing orgy of patriotism.

McGruder's 4-year-old strip does garner
laughs, but not without an accompanying
sting. The point man in the strip is the
pint-size Black panther-in-spirit Huey
Freeman, who recently has been as busy as
an anarchist at a WTO meeting.

Among his many subversive acts, Freeman has
called the FBI tip line to report Ronald
Reagan as aiding and abetting terrorism,
suggested that the terrorists may be making
their bucks these days manufacturing flags
and has pointed out the parallels between
George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden during
a Thanksgiving meal prayer. About the only
thing Huey hasn't done yet is strap on a
Kalashnikov and set off for Kandahar. But
now that John Walker's bearded mug is on
the front page of dailies worldwide,
anything's possible.

A number of the 250 publications that carry
The Boondocks have taken exception to the
sardonic sedition of McGruder's characters.
The New York Daily News dropped the strip
for about a month and a half, Newsday in
Long Island chose not to run Sept. 11-
inspired strips the first week they started
coming out and the Dallas Morning News has
moved the strip to a separate section
altogether from other comics. None of this
fazed McGruder.

In response, he temporarily replaced the
strip with The Adventures of Flagee and
Ribbon, where the two symbols sing the
National Anthem and talk tough about the
U.S. kicking tail.

Angry letter writers have suggested McGruder
emigrate, and McGruder admits that he's so
disgusted with his native land he may
eventually do just that.

Recently, he tore himself away from ranting
at the tube in his Los Angeles digs long
enough to rant to Salon about the state of
the nation.

Your strips post-9/11 have touched a raw
nerve with some folks. Did you anticipate
all the attention you've gotten because of

It's become a story because of timing. You
know, the New York Daily News temporarily pulls
the strip, and in the middle of this wartime
situation, it became a story about freedom of
speech and all that. The reality is I get
pulled all the time from various newspapers for
different reasons. And it's been that way
since the strip started...

Why did you decide to target the post-Sept.
11 displays of patriotism in the strip, and
essentially mock them with those two
characters Flagee and Ribbon?

Because it wasn't genuine. I thought it was
very faddish, and there was no real weight
behind it. You know, we just came off an
election that was a mess. We still don't know
if the president won the election. We do know
that he got less votes nationwide. There's no
question about that. And he may not even have
won, legitimately, the electoral contest.
There were reports of the massive disenfran-
chisement of African-Americans in Florida,
which went totally unreported in this country,
but was covered widely by the foreign press.
There were black people in Florida yelling and
screaming, trying to get somebody to pay
attention to them. They were saying that they
had their rights taken away from them, and
they were not allowed to vote. And nobody in
this country cared. Where was the flag then?
Where was this embracing of American ideals
when people had their rights ripped from them
so unjustly? We have a president who was

[CTRL] Laden looks haggard, at last!

2001-12-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 30 Dec 2001 02:08:07 -0700
Subject:IUFO NEWS:  Laden looks haggard,  at last!
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED],6903,625736,00.html
I remain, sir, Haggard of the Hindu Kush

Never mind the needless deaths, we've only succeeded in making bin Laden a shadow of 
his former self

War on Terrorism: Observer special
War in Afghanistan: Observer special

Terry Jones
Sunday December 30, 2001
The Observer

Osama bin Laden is looking 'haggard'. A videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera
TV showed the Most Wanted Man in the Known World looking haggard. And
in case we didn't notice how haggard he was looking, the Western media
have been pounding us with the word ever since the pictures were released.

So I would like to congratulate George Bush and Tony Blair on the first
concrete evidence that their 'War on Terrorism' is finally achieving some of its
policy objectives.

Of course, they've done terribly well in bringing chaos to Afghanistan, but I
don't remember that as being one of the policy objectives. When those
planes smashed into the World Trade Centre with the loss of 2,500 innocent
lives, I don't think anybody's first reaction was: 'Well, the sooner we get the
mujahideen and the warlords to take over Kabul the better!' No, as I

President Bush laid out the policy objectives of his 'War on Terrorism' in
measured terms: 'We must catch the evil perpetrators of this cowardly act
and bring them to justice.'

Bringing to justice the people who actually perpetrated the crime was out of
the question since they were already dead. They'd killed themselves in a
typically cowardly fashion. So, as I remember it, President Bush pretty quickly
said he would get whoever egged them on to do it and then he would make
them pay for it.

Well, many months later, who has paid for it? US taxpayers have stumped up
billions of dollars. They've paid for it. So have the British taxpayers, for some
reason which hasn't yet been explained to us. Uncounted thousands of
innocent Afghan citizens have paid for it too - with their lives. I say 'uncounted'
because nobody in the West seems to have been particularly interested in
counting them. It's pretty certain more innocent people have died and are still
dying in the bombing of Afghanistan than on 11 September, but the New York
Times doesn't run daily biographies of them so they don't count. Oh, I nearly
forgot - we've all paid a considerable amount in terms of those precious civil
liberties and freedoms that make our way of life in the Free World so much
better than everyone else's. Bit of a conundrum that.

We are all also paying a huge price, all the time, every day, in terms of our
daily anxiety quota. We daren't fly in planes or, if we do, we do so in fear and
dread. We are constantly fearful of some nameless retribution being visited
on us. And it's no good Mr Blair saying this is the terrorists' fault. Of course it
is, but then if we hadn't joined the Americans in bombing Afghanistan we
wouldn't all be so scared.

If the objectives of the 'War on Terrorism' were to catch the perpetrators of
the 11 September attacks, bring them to justice and make the world a safer
place, so far the score - on all three objectives - has been nil. We're all
jumping around scared shitless that something similar is going to happen at
any moment. No perpetrators have been caught; no perpetrators have been
brought to justice.

Mark you, this last is not really surprising. Just think: if the police were setting
out to catch a particularly clever and evil murderer, would they go around with
loud-hailers announcing where they were going to look for him, pinpoint the
areas they intended to search and give him a count of 100 to get away?
That's what you do if you're playing hide and seek, not if you want to catch a
criminal. I rather imagine the police would have gone to work covertly and
tried to find out where he was without his even knowing they were looking for
him. But I realise that's not a very American way of going about things.

However, finally the 'War on Terrorism' is achieving its policy objectives.
Osama bin Laden is looking haggard. We may not have caught him or
brought him to justice but, at the cost of thousands of innocent Afghan lives,
billions of dollars of US citizens' money and the civil liberties of the Free
World, we have got him looking haggard.

It's a sensational and ground-breaking moment that justifies all the news
coverage it's been getting. If Osama bin Laden is looking haggard, that
means he's scared - or tired or eaten something that disagrees with him - but
at least it means he's not enjoying himself as he was in his previous video.

This is a considerable triumph for the US forces, for the brave bomber pilots
who release their bombs 

Re: [CTRL] Laden looks haggard, at last!

2001-12-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Dec 01, at 2:08, Anna quoted:

 Mark you, this last is not really surprising. Just think: if the police were setting 
out to catch a particularly clever and evil
 murderer, would they go around with loud-hailers announcing where they were going to 
look for him, pinpoint the areas they
 intended to search and give him a count of 100 to get away? That's what you do if 
you're playing hide and seek, not if you want to
 catch a criminal. I rather imagine the police would have gone to work covertly and 
tried to find out where he was without his even
 knowing they were looking for him. But I realise that's not a very American way of 
going about things.

This is so very true, and belies the actual motive for the War in Afghanistan,
which is to pave the way for an oil pipeline to the north, and to gain control of
the drug trade for the benefit the CIA's secret, self-funded budget. They don't
call it 'The Enterprise' for nothing.


In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hyped Hyperbole

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Saudi daily: 'The Jews are taking over the world'

The Middle East Media Research Institute

Sunday, December 30, 2001

The Saudi daily Al-Watan published a two-part article on The Jewish
Sense of Superiority in the World. The articles were written by
Abdallah Aal Malhi. Following are excerpts from the article:

At the end of the last century, the Jewish organizations
consolidated a hellish plan to take over the world by sparking
revolutions or taking control of the keys to governments in various
countries, first and foremost the U.S. and Russia.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the goal of the Russians,
and with them the Jews and their global organizations, was to topple
Russian imperialism, which they considered antisemitic. To this end,
the Jewish organizations across the world sought to create a Jewish
socialist system. Most of this system's leaders were Jews, and they
financed the Russian Revolution, which if truth be told was more of a
Jewish revolution than a Russian one. This revolution's main
financier was the well-known Jewish capitalist Jacob Schiff of New

Let us show one example of this first Russian government. It is a
terrifying example of Jewish hegemony. This [information] can be
found in the American National Archives [sic]. According to the
information in these archives, out of the 384 members of the first
socialist parliament, 13 were Russians; the number of Jews was
greater than 300. The London Times correspondent in Russia described
this government as the Jewish conquest of Russia. The American
ambassador to Russia at that time, David Francis, used the same
terms, as did American intelligence officers in Russia. Even Winston
Churchill himself described the Russian Revolution as an occupation
by t
he Bolshevist Jews, 'who held capital and became the rulers of a great Russian 

The Jewish sense of superiority is typified by hypocrisy and zeal... The Jews are 
incapable of actualizing their influence and control for a simple reason, and that is 
that they are a demographic minority in every societ
y in the world. For this reason, the Jews are trying by means of their trickery to 
weaken the national identity [of the non-Jews] and thus take over affairs and direct 
them to serve their interests. This is obvious everyw
here in the world where there is a large community, both in Arab societies and in 
American society, such as the European-American community or African-American and even 
among the Muslims in the Arab world, where the Jews
act by means of their control of the media, politics, and the economy in order to 
weaken the non-Jewish groups and bring about their disintegration, in order to secure 
their goals. How is this carried out?

It is carried out by the principle of 'divide and rule.' The Jewish zealots fear, and 
fight, any racial non-Jewish coalition. In the Western countries, the Jews fight all 
the organizations attempting to safeguard Europea
n interests and tradition. In the non-European countries, the Jews constantly act to 
fracture and weaken the coalitions and the homogeneity of the main racial groups.

In America, for example, the Jews did not act merely to weaken the homogeneity and 
the coalition of European-Americans, but also fought other coalitions, such as the 
black national movement, the Nation of Islam, and othe
r movements. All these African-American organizations wanted was to preserve the 
traditions that they had lost in the multicultural society – but the Jews, due to 
their well-known sense of superiority, did not want anyone
 besides themselves to preserve their traditions and collective interests. Therefore, 
they always try to make other societies feel guilty, even about their pride in their 
culture. They present this interest and sense of p
ride in the culture of those non- Jewish organizations as a racist tendency.

The Jews also act to weaken loyalties and other coalitions by using an expression 
that has been made familiar by the Jewish media to describe these organizations: 
antisemitism. This charge serves two goals. First, it rei
nforces the [Jewish] connections across the world, thus obtaining support for the 
State of Israel. Second, this expression incites anyone not Jewish to collective 
hatred of the Jews, thus preventing the Jews from assimila
ting into other peoples.

Let us take an example of the hypocrisy of the zealous Jews [regarding] intermarriage 
between the Jewish race and other races. During President George W. Bush's election 
campaign, Bush found himself subject to great medi
a criticism because he gave a lecture at the Bob Jones [University], which is opposed 
to the principle of intermarriage. The contradiction is that every Jewish synagogue in 
America and every leading Jewish organization in
 America fights Jewish intermarriage. What is strange is that the media has never 

[CTRL] Democracy vs. Freedom

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Email a Friend...

Libertarians And  Immigration Archive

Democracy vs. Freedom (And The Nation-State)?

By Jared Taylor

Almost all libertarians (with the exception of the heroic Von Mises
Institute) want open borders because they think border control is
just one more tyrannical act of government. Hans- Hermann Hoppe, a
libertarian who teaches economics at University of Nevada at Las
Vegas, has finally set the movement right on this question. Free
immigration, he explains, is a misnomer. What the open borders crowd
are really pushing is forcible integration, a denial of the rights of
natives. This argument is just one of many that make Democracy—The
God That Failed deeply subversive, even revolutionary.

This book is a powerful critique of government, specifically of
democratic government, which Prof. Hoppe thinks is worse,
theoretically, than monarchy. It marshals the laws of economics and
human nature to explode one liberal myth after another.

For example, many people think “free immigration” and “free trade”
are necessary complements, but Prof. Hoppe points out they have
little in common. Free trade requires willing buyers and sellers of
goods, but immigrants walk across the border whether they are wanted
or not. Even if there are employers who want immigrants, it does not
mean other citizens want to share parks, shopping malls, streets, and
movie theaters with them. Therefore, if capitalists really want
foreign workers, they should keep them in self-sufficient company
towns rather than force them on the rest of us.

Prof. Hoppe points out that antipathy towards those unlike one’s own group is 
perfectly natural and no obstacle to trade:

“From the fact that one does not want to associate with or live in the neighborhood of 
Blacks, Turks, Catholics or Hindus, etc., it does not follow that one does not want to 
trade with them from a distance. To the contrar
y, it is precisely the absolute voluntariness of human association and separation—the 
absence of any form of forced integration—that makes peaceful relationships—free 
trade— between culturally, racially, ethnically, or re
ligiously distinct people possible.”

Immigration policy, in Hoppe’s controversial view, is just one example of how 
democracies are inferior to monarchies. A king takes a proprietary view of his 
kingdom—because he owns it—and wants to increase the value of th
e estate he will pass on to his heirs. By contrast, Hoppe argues, 
democratically-elected rulers act like tenants who want to get as much out of their 
temporary occupancy as possible. They have to appeal to the mob to be e
lected, and once in office care more about short-term exploitation than long- term 

An owner/king has a simple immigration policy: He expels criminals and losers and 
admits only productive people. Prof. Hoppe explains how presidents are different:

“[B]ums and unproductive people may well be preferred as residents and citizens, 
because they create more so- called ‘social problems,’ and democratic rulers thrive on 
the existence of such problems. Moreover, bums and in
ferior people will likely support egalitarian policies, whereas geniuses and superior 
people will not. The result of this policy of non-discrimination [in immigration 
policy] is forced integration: the forcing of masses o
f inferior immigrants onto domestic property owners who, if the decision were left to 
them, would have sharply discriminated and chosen very different neighbors for 

It is egalitarianism—the myth behind one-man- one-vote—that Prof. Hoppe dislikes most 
about democracy. “There is nothing ethically wrong with inequality,” Prof. Hoppe 
explains, but democracy promotes the idea that inequal
ity is an outrage, which leads to indignation over differences of wealth and income. 
Politicians win elections by promising to reduce these differences, which means one of 
the central tasks of government is redistribution
 of wealth by taxing away the property of one group of citizens and giving it to 

Transfer payments of this kind foster a spirit of larceny:

“Everyone may openly covet everyone else’s property, as long as he appeals to 
democracy; and everyone may act on his desire for another man’s property, provided 
that he finds entrance into government.”

Since candidates win office by appealing to covetousness, “prime ministers and 
presidents are selected for their proven efficiency as morally uninhibited 
demagogues.” Kings, on the other hand, were not necessarily bad peo
ple. Moreover, they didn’t believe in equality and didn’t have to win votes, so had 
neither theoretical nor practical reasons to redistribute wealth.

Prof. Hoppe takes the view that cultural conservatism is not compatible with the big- 
government nanny-state democracy inevitably brings. Social security and Medicare 
support people in old age and makes them less dependen
t on their 


2001-12-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 29 Dec 2001 22:18:47 -0500
From:   Ronald Kramarz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[MC]  MICROWAVE COOKING is  Killing You!
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This interesting article was from another list.


By Stephanie Relfe B.Sc.  (Syd.)

Microwave cooking is one of the most important causes of ill  health. It is
certainly one of the most ignored.

There was a lawsuit  in 1991 in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had
hip surgery, but was  killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse
warmed the blood for  the transfusion in a microwave oven!

Logic suggests that if heating  is all there is to microwave cooking, then
it doesn't matter how something  is heated. Blood for transfusions is
routinely warmed, but not in microwave  ovens. Does it not therefore follow
that microwaving cooking does  something quite different?

A little evidence of the harm caused by  microwaving cooking was given by
the University of Minnesota in a radio  announcement:

Microwaves ... are not recommended for heating a baby's  bottle. The
bottle may seem cool to the touch, but the liquid inside may  become
extremely hot and could burn the baby's mouth and throat... Heating  the
bottle in a microwave can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant
formulas, there may be a loss of some vitamins. In expressed breast milk,
some protective properties may be destroyed Warming a bottle by holding
it under tap water or by setting it in a bowl of warm water, then testing
it on your wrist before feeding, may take a few minutes longer, but it is
much safer.

There have been very few scientific studies done on the  effect of eating
food microwaved food. This is rather surprising when you  think about the
fact that microwaves have been with us for only a  few decades - and that
in that time the incidence of many diseases has  continued to increase.

Two researchers, Blanc and Hertel, confirmed  that microwave cooking
significantly changes food nutrients. Hertel  previously worked as a food
scientist for several years with one of the  major Swiss food companies. He
was fired from his job for questioning  procedures in processing food
because they denatured it. He got together with  Blanc of the Swiss Federal
Institute of Biochemistry and the University  Institute for Biochemistry.

They studied the effect that microwaved food  had on eight individuals, by
taking blood samples immediately after  eating. They found that after
eating microwaved food, haemoglobin  levels decreased. These results show
anaemic tendencies. The situation  became even more pronounced during the
second month of the study.

Who  knows what results they would have found if they had studied people
who ate  microwaved food for a year or more?

The violent change that  microwaving causes to the food molecules forms new
life forms  called radiolytic compounds. These are mutations that are
unknown in the  natural world. Ordinary cooking also causes the formation
of some radiolytic  compounds (which is no doubt one reason why it is
better to eat plenty of  raw food), but microwaving cooking causes a much
greater number. This then  causes deterioration in your blood and immune

In addition,  they found that the number of leucocytes increases after
eating microwaved  food - something which haematologists take very
seriously,  because this  is often a sign of highly harmful effects, such
as poisoning.

Also,  after eating microwaved food, cholesterol levels increased. Hertel
said  Common scientific belief states that cholesterol values usually
alter slowly over longer periods of time. In this study, the markers
increased rapidly after the consumption of the microwaved vegetables. He
believes his study tends to confirm new scientific data that suggest
cholesterol may rapidly increase in the blood secondary to acute stress.
Also, he added, blood cholesterol levels are less influenced by
cholesterol content of food than by stress factors. Such stress-causing
factors can apparently consist of foods which contain virtually no
cholesterol - the microwaved vegetables.

The results were published in  Search for Health in the Spring of 1992.
How was this research greeted?  A powerful trade organisation, the Swiss
Association of Dealers for  Electroapparatuses for Households and Industry
somehow made the  President of the Court of Seftigen issue a `gag order'.
Hertel and Blanc  were told that if they published their findings they
would face hefty fines  or up to one year in prison. In response to this,
Blanc recanted his  findings. Hertel, on the other hand, went on a lecture
tour and demanded a  jury trial.

FINALLY, in 1998 the Court `Gag Order' was removed.   In a judgment
delivered at Strasbourg on 25 August 1998 in the case of  Hertel v.
Switzerland, the European Court