Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lindh's Bail Was Denied Over Conspiracy Emails : Said in 19...

2002-02-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/8/02 1:40:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - Federal prosecutors filed papers Wednesday saying
 that John Walker Lindh repeatedly expressed hostility towards his
 and arguing against his release pending trial. 

What seems weird is that the authorities seem to have private letters and
e-mails that happened long before they knew this guy was in Afghanistan.  How
do they get all that stuff?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Europe Dissents on Axis

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Patten lays into Bush's America

Fury at president's 'axis of evil' speech

Jonathan Freedland in Brussels
Saturday February 9, 2002
The Guardian

Chris Patten, the EU commissioner in charge of Europe's international
relations, has launched a scathing attack on American foreign policy -
 accusing the Bush administration of a dangerously absolutist and
simplistic stance towards the rest of the world.

As EU officials warned of a rift opening up between Europe and the US
wider than at any time for half a century, Mr Patten tells the
Guardian it is time European governments spoke up and stopped
Washington before it goes into unilateralist overdrive.

Gulliver can't go it alone, and I don't think it's helpful if we regard ourselves as 
so Lilliputian that we can't speak up and say it, he says in today's interview.

Mr Patten's broadside came as the French prime minister, Lionel Jospin, warned the US 
yesterday not to give in to the strong temptation of unilateralism.

Like France, Mr Patten singled out Mr Bush's branding of Iraq, Iran and North Korea as 
an axis of evil.

I find it hard to believe that's a thought-through policy, he says, adding that the 
phrase was deeply unhelpful.

EU officials concede that the US and Europe could now be on a collision course over 
Iran, with the EU determined to forge a trade and cooperation agreement with Tehran 
just as Washington has deemed it an evil sponsor of

Mr Patten insists that the European policy of constructive engagement with Iranian 
moderates and North Korea is much more likely to bring results than a US policy which 
so far consists of more rhetoric than substance.

The commissioner's remarks represent the most public statement yet of what has become 
a growing sense of alarm in Europe's capitals at the increasingly belligerent tone 
adopted by Washington.

One senior EU official said: It is humiliating and demeaning if we feel we have to go 
and get our homework marked by Dick Cheney and Condi Rice. We've got to stop thinking 
that the only policy we can have is one that doe
sn't get vetoed by the United States.

Publicly, the British government continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mr 
Bush. But senior Labour figures admit they are deeply troubled by the newly aggressive 
thrust of US thinking - especially the hints that A
merica could widen the war against terrorism to a clutch of new countries. They are 
likely to seize on Mr Patten's remarks as they press their case with Tony Blair.

In the interview the former Conservative party chairman delivers a devastatingly 
comprehensive critique of US strategy. He upbraids Washington for showing much more 
interest in stamping out terrorism than in tackling terr
or's root causes.

When you're addressing that agenda, frankly, smart bombs have their place but smart 
development assistance seems to me even more significant, he said.

That view is widely held in Europe, typified by Mr Blair's much-quoted heal the 
world speech last year in Brighton. But it barely gets a hearing in today's 
Washington, Mr Patten concedes, especially since the dramatic s
uccess of the US-led military operation in Afghanistan. That has fed a new US mood of 
intense triumphalism, according to EU officials, with secretary of state Colin 
Powell regarded as a lone voice of reason.

Mr Bush's axis of evil speech appears to have been the last straw for EU 
policymakers. In today's interview, Mr Patten offers withering condemnation of the 

Besides balking at the word evil, he disputes whether the three countries named are 
an axis at all, insisting there is no evidence that they are working together on 
weapons of mass destruction. But Mr Patten also expres
ses great irritation with Washington for undermining long-established EU efforts to 
reach out to Tehran and Pyongyang.

There is more to be said for trying to engage and to draw these societies into the 
international community than to cut them off, he says.

But Mr Patten's greatest ire is reserved for America's go-it-alone
approach to international relations. However mighty you are, even if
you're the greatest superpower in the world, you cannot do it all on
your own.

He calls on Europe's 15 member states to put aside their traditional
wariness of angering the US and to speak up, forging an international
stance of their own on issues ranging from the Middle East to global

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[CTRL] Whad He Say ?

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Posted on Fri, Feb. 08, 2002

FBI failed to get Lindh's statement in writing


WASHINGTON - The FBI may have violated its own rules in questioning
John Walker Lindh by not taping or transcribing his statements, and
that could determine the outcome of the case against him, experts
said Thursday.

The FBI's only record of its two-day interrogation of the accused
Taliban fighter is a summary form written by the agent who questioned
him. Lindh did not sign the form.


''Everything turns on the confession. If it's thrown out, where's the proof?'' said 
former federal prosecutor Gregory Wallance, now a private attorney in New York City.

The defense and prosecution agree the case depends largely on the FBI's account of an 
interrogation with Lindh on Dec. 9 and 10 while Lindh was a U.S. military prisoner at 
Camp Rhino in southern Afghanistan. But the FBI's
 interview with Lindh appears not to have been recorded, an FBI agent testified this 
week, or transcribed and signed by Lindh.

Prosecutors say other witnesses and incriminating statements by Lindh back up what the 
government characterizes as a confession, but Lindh's defense team plans to attack the 
FBI's interrogation procedures and Lindh's trea
tment before responding to the FBI's questions. The government has said Lindh waived 
his right to an attorney, but the defense said he requested an attorney and was denied 

Lindh, who turns 21 on Saturday, is charged with 10 counts of conspiring with 
Afghanistan's Taliban government and the al Qaeda terrorist network to kill Americans. 
He faces life imprisonment with no possibility of parole

In a filing this week, defense attorneys argued that while at Camp Rhino, Lindh was 
stripped, bound, blindfolded, taped to a stretcher and kept outdoors in a metal 
shipping container with only one blanket to keep warm. Af
ter two to three days, he was taken from the shipping container to a tent and his 
blindfold removed. At that point, defense lawyers contend, Lindh asked an FBI agent 
for a lawyer and was told none were available.


That's not what the prosecution's filings say. They say Lindh waived his right to a 
lawyer voluntarily and ``stated that he has been treated well by the military, and has 
received adequate food and medical treatment while
 in their custody.''

Here's the prosecution's problem: When asked at a bond hearing Wednesday whether any 
recorded or written statement was taken at Lindh's alleged confession, FBI Special 
Agent Anne Asbury answered: ``To my knowledge, no.''

Asbury said that she was not the agent who interrogated Lindh, and that she had flown 
to Afghanistan and prepared Lindh's arrest affidavit from the information provided on 
another agent's report.

The FBI's ''Legal Handbook for Special Agents'' states: ``Where possible, written 
statements should be taken in all cases in which any confession or admission of guilt 
is obtained.''

When a written statement is prepared, the suspect has the right to correct and amend 
it before signing it.

The FBI has offered no explanation as to why taking a written statement would have 
been impossible in Lindh's case, but a U.S. law enforcement official, who asked not to 
be identified, said Thursday that agents broke no r

On occasion, he said, an agent's official report on an interview, called a Form 302, 
can be used to document a confession. Typically, the agent fills out the form based on 
notes taken during questioning.

Beth Wilkinson, a former prosecutor in the Oklahoma City bombing cases, said the FBI 
often does not tape interviews.

''Just sitting there taking notes is less intimidating than taping and helps you get 
information,'' she said.

Legal experts say the government's highest hurdle will be convincing a jury that Lindh 
made the statements the FBI says he made and that they were given voluntarily.

''The case rises and falls with the confession,'' said Henry Hockeimer, a former 
federal prosecutor now in private practice in Philadelphia. ``It's a tough case from 
the government's standpoint because you may not have ot
her facts to corroborate the conduct he supposedly confessed to.''

Despite the controversy surrounding the alleged confession, it will be hard for a 
judge to not allow the FBI's version of Lindh's questioning given widespread public 
sentiment against him, said Jon Sale, a former Watergat
e prosecutor and private attorney in Miami.

''In a perfect world, the burden is on the government to show Lindh knowingly waived 
his rights,'' Sale said. ``In the real world, given that the public views him as a 
most heinous traitor, it would take a lot of courage
for a judge to throw out that confession.''


Lindh's lawyers, by their questions, appear aware of the FBI's rules on confessions 
and intent on using them 

[CTRL] Churchill's Holocaust

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 The WWII Dresden Holocaust -
 'A Single Column Of Flame'

 You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of
 flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame,
 than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

 On the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism
 began against a defenseless German city, one of the greatest cultural
 centers of northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours not only was it
 reduced to flaming ruins, but an estimated one- third of its
 inhabitants, possibly as many as a half a million, had perished in
 what was the worst single event massacre of all time.

Remainder of article @ site

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[CTRL] I got no electricity . . .

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Howdy One and All,
Well, some big wind blew through the area Thursday and will be w/o
electricity till Mon or Thursday. At the local Kinko's checking up and
charging my portables battery.

My ebox maxed-out yesterday at 4pm. so I been bouncing all over the place.

Ya'll be good.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: Re: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] DSL PRO

2002-02-09 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Molli Wolf molli
Date sent:  Sat, 9 Feb 2002 07:44:00 -0800
Subject:Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: Re: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] DSL PROVIDERS 
BCC to: (Suppressed)

A question for Ranger Rick and/or anyone else with an
answer or suggestion:
Push seems to be coming to shove here in terms of the NWO
endgame. It looks like there are plans at some point to
round up/incarcerate/re-program or terminate dissidents.
What to do? Anyplace to run/hide? Any relatively safe
spots in or outsied the late great US of A?


Sheesh, you got 5 hours?   Read and educate yourself about
disinformation.  There is no such thing as a cured MK Ultra, btw.

My work exposing the perps at RM News has been accomplished.  I am moving on to
the next one.


--- mcurb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What be thisMe no understand!!!

 -Brenda Negri aka Ranger Rick: Fake, Phony, Liar 

 Date: Friday, 8 February 2002, 1:29 a.m.

Nothing is as it appears to be.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) World outraged by Bush 'evil axis' blather

2002-02-09 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 09 Feb 2002 08:15:33 +
From:   R Anderson the
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Subject:World outraged by Bush 'evil axis' blather

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The Bigger Picture

World outraged by Bush 'evil axis' blather

= = = = = = = =
Published on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 in the Guardian of London

Bush Warned Over 'Axis of Evil'
 ** European leaders insist diplomacy is the way to deal with three
nations singled out by America

by Ian Black in Brussels, John Hooper in Berlin and Oliver Burkeman in
New York

A chorus of European leaders indicated yesterday that they would oppose
military action against the states identified by George Bush as an axis
of evil, as the split between Europe and Washington widened further.

Germany led the protests, sending a shrill, clear signal that it wants
nothing to do with an attack on Iraq, named alongside Iran and North
Korea in President Bush's state of the union address a week ago.

Berlin's deputy foreign minister, Ludger Vollmer, said: We Europeans
warn against it. There is no indication, no proof that Iraq is involved
in the terrorism we have been talking about for the last few months...
this terror argument cannot be used to legitimise old enmities.

German leaders have repeatedly expressed opposition in recent months to
an extension of the military war on terrorism. Iraq is certainly a bad
state. We see few positive signs there, Mr Vollmer said yesterday. But
the solution cannot lie in attacking it militarily.

Other EU member states said they planned to stick with their dialogues
with Iran and North Korea. Diplomats in Brussels said yesterday there
were no plans to review relations, in line with the union's policy of
engaging with countries rather than seeking to isolate them.

Echoing statements by Jack Straw, the foreign secretary, EU sources
insisted it was important to encourage moderates in Iran against
clerical and hardline groups, including those apparently responsible for
an arms shipment to the Palestinian Authority.

Asked about Mr Bush's approach to the axis of evil, European
Commission spokesman Gunnar Weigand said senior EU representatives do
not agree with that kind of policy.

The EU shared America's aims on human rights, terrorism and weapons
proliferation, he said, but what we do not share is the policy desired
to achieve these objectives. We believe that engagement and
rapprochement... should be used to achieve these aims.

Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief, urged the US to act
multilaterally and not as a global unilateralist. Privately, EU
diplomats have dismissed Mr Bush's remarks as being made to suit a
domestic audience, and say they are viewed with unease by the secretary
of state, Colin Powell, and other doves in the cabinet. Publicly, they
can do little more than put on a brave face. The objections are likely
to further enrage the Bush administration, which responded with fury to
a comment by Mr Straw on Friday that the axis of evil speech was more
of a vote-winning tactic in forthcoming US elections than a military strategy.

Condoleezza Rice, the president's national security adviser, said: This
is not about American politics, and I assume that when the British
government speaks about foreign policy, it's not about British politics.

EU foreign ministers are likely to discuss the issue when they meet in
the Spanish town of Caceres at the weekend, where they will have to
tread carefully over a request by Iraq to hold talks with Spain, holder
of the EU's rotating presidency - a clear attempt to exploit
transatlantic differences.

European leaders remain dubious about US charges that Iran exports
terror or has links with al-Qaida. The Russian defence minister, Sergei
Ivanov, said on Sunday that there was no evidence that Iran had
connections with terrorist organisations. He said Russia had its own
list of rogue states and named the US's ally Saudi Arabia, which
Moscow says helps fund Chechen separatists.

The controversy came as the Bush cabinet asked Congress to double US aid
to Jordan to $448m (317m) in 2003, in a move to lay the ground for
potential military action against its neighbour, Iraq.

The administration wants to give Jordan $198m in the form of weapons, up
from $75m this year. Economic support funds would rise from $150m to
$250m, according to budget documents.

The money will be used to improve border controls targeting the flow of
weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, and to support financial
training, trade and investment and to strengthen educational
opportunities, the White House office of management and budget said.

Iraq, Jordan's neighbour to the east, stands accused by the US of
developing nuclear, chemical and 

[CTRL] Thoughts on the State of the War in Afghanistan

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thoughts on the State of the War in Afghanistan
By William S. Lind
February 8, 2002
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The initial campaign in America's first Afghan War appears to be over. We
find ourselves now in a temporary pause, where such American military
activity as continues is largely an exercise in public relations. We may or
may not eventually kill or capture Mullah Omar or Osama bin Laden; it matters
little either way. It is an appropriate time to stop and reflect on what has
passed thus far and what still awaits us.

As always, an important caution is that the information currently at our
disposal is of uncertain quality. Much is still claims, and claims almost
always prove exaggerated, often absurdly so. There is much we simply don't
know; it was several years after the end of the Gulf War before we found out
that the Iraqi Republican Guard had escaped largely intact. Any conclusions
we reach at this point must be considered tentative. Yet it is still
worthwhile to reflect.

The official line in Washington is that the world's only superpower has won
yet another glorious victory, more stellar, if that were possible, than even
its triumphs in Grenada and Panama (Saddam's survival has knocked a bit of
the tinsel off the Gulf War, Lebanon is best forgotten, and we seem to be
moving to get our revenge for the unfortunate affair in Somalia). As Olivares
said of Nordlingen, it is the greatest victory of the age. More, we have
successfully reduced war to little more than airstrikes, called in by a few
intrepid Green Berets on the ground. The only risks are taken by whatever
local allies we can rent for the occasion. As General Nivelle put it, we
have the formula, and we can apply it anywhere. Iraq appears to be the next
likely laboratory.

Unfortunately, there is less to all this than meets the eye. While Washington
attributes the Taliban's (possibly temporary) collapse to American actions,
particularly air attacks, there were others factors in play. As a
Pashtun-based movement, it was never strong in non-Pashtun parts of
Afghanistan; before the first bomb fell, Mullah Omar said that the Taliban
would lose Kabul and the government. The Northern Alliance's new
Russian-supplied tanks and other heavy weapons may have had Russian crews as
well. Money - perhaps the most powerful weapon in this sort of war -
undoubtedly played a role in the side-switching. The surprise of the campaign
was the rapid collapse of the Taliban in its own Pashtun region.

Here, however, the decisive factor was not what we did right but what they
had done wrong. The Taliban had broken the first rule of all politics: it had
alienated its own base (the Arabs of Al Quaeda did the same by alienating
most of the Afghans). By ignoring tribal rulers and tribal customs, playing
the bully and simply not meeting average Afghans' basic needs, the Taliban
had cut the ground out from under itself. It only took a small push to make
it fall.

That small push American airpower and American Special Forces, operating in
the role for which they have trained, assisting local allies, were able to
supply. But it only worked because the Taliban itself had already created the
conditions for it to work. That is not likely to be true elsewhere, and it
may not remain true in Afghanistan. As chaos spreads there (and it is
spreading), the Taliban may start looking pretty good in retrospect.

And now we come to an interesting if carefully overlooked fact: The Taliban
is almost all still there. When the Taliban had a state, we were able to
fight it. But its essence was never being a state, much less having
facilities we could blow up with missiles. The Taliban was a movement, a
non-state actor made up of people with a shared world-view, a world-view for
which they were willing to fight. Those people have not been killed, nor
taken prisoner (with a very few exceptions), nor driven out. They are in
Afghanistan, waiting. Today, they say they are not Taliban. Tomorrow, they
can be Taliban again, or something similar with a new mullah and a new name.
And, now that the Taliban is not a state, we cannot fight it. The Taliban or
its successor and our Second Generation armed forces are ships passing in the

What of Al Quaeda? It seems to be the big loser thus far. While its
casualties have probably been small, it has lost its base in Afghanistan,
possibly for good (again, a base it had alienated).

But is that how Al Quaeda sees the strategic picture? Possibly not. From its
perspective, it may have effectively applied the old lesson from fighting the
Crusaders. When the Western knights put on their impenetrable plate armor,
mount their massive, powerful horses and charge, you scatter. At the 

[CTRL] Conn. Court Kills Fourth Amendment:

2002-02-09 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

(In government, the scum always rises to the top.  Kiss your Constitution goodbye.  
It's called tyranny folks.)

Conn. Court: Police Can Seize Records
(with no search warrant)
Associated Press Writer
February 8, 2002, 10:25 PM EST

HARTFORD, Conn. -- A divided state Supreme Court ruled Friday that police do not need 
a search warrant to look through and seize the pharmacy records of private citizens.

The 3-2 ruling came in the case of a former Hartford police detective, Nicholas Russo, 
who was charged in December 1997 with forging dozens of prescriptions for a pain 

Justice Richard N. Palmer wrote in the decision that while a person can expect 
prescription records to be kept private, the protection is not absolute.

State laws protecting the confidentiality of pharmaceutical records appear to clash. 
One law states that such records can be inspected by authorities charged with 
enforcing drug laws.

Prominent organizations joined the suit in favor of keeping the pharmacy records 
confidential, including groups representing doctors, psychiatrists and social workers.

I think it's a disturbing decision on many levels, said Philip Tegeler, legal 
director of the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union. It represents a continued erosion 
of our privacy rights.

In September 2000, prosecutors dropped felony fraud charges against Russo after a 
judge ruled that key evidence had been illegally obtained from several pharmacies in 
Russo's neighborhood.

The ruling sends the case back to Superior Court to allow the prescription records to 
be used as evidence in further proceedings against Russo.

In his dissent, Chief Justice William J. Sullivan said the search of Russo's pharmacy 
records violated constitutional rights to unreasonable searches and seizures.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press
Let us face reality. The framers of the Constitution have simply been too shrewd for 
us. They have outwitted us. They designed separated institutions that cannot be 
unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to turn the 
founders upside down - to put together what they put asunder - we must directly 
confront the constitutional structure they erected.
- James MacGregor Burns, traitor, globalist, advocate of constitutional revision, The 
Power To Lead, 1984.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How the Clintons Destroyed the Village Part 1

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How the Clintons Destroyed the Village

By Jason D. Fodeman
February 8, 2002

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It's all About Sex… No! Now we find out that it was even more than
malfeasance, perjury, hush money, renting the Lincoln bedroom, FBI files,
disappearing emails, and White House campaign calls. Now, it's also about
neglect, nonfeasance, terrorism, thousands of American civilians dead.

But… They still love him, He's Clinton the Teflon President.

Hi, as Mr. Irvine said, my name is Jason Fodeman. I am an eighteen year old
freshman at Johns Hopkins University.

As Mr. Irvine also told you, I am here because I have written a 219 page
manuscript entitled How to Destroy a Village: What the Clintons Taught a
Seventeen Year Old.

It is truly an honor to be here today to discuss my manuscript and I would
like to thank Accuracy in Media for giving me this generous opportunity to

I have worked on my manuscript for more than a year, relating the dichotomy
between the Clinton legacy and the mainstream teaching of parental values.
The book chronicles the Clintons' misdeeds, the complicity of the Justice
Department, and the free pass by a largely adoring media. It leads to a
conclusion that all too often parents prostituted those values, turning a
blind eye to the scandals while sending a confusing mixed message to their

The book contains a timely and important message. The target audience is all
parents and all those in loco parentis who expect children to live up to the
lofty goals they espouse but often fail to achieve themselves.

I am sure that some of you must be wondering what got me so interested in
politics and what motivated me to write a book. After all, its rather an
arduous task to get some of today's youth just to read a book!

In all honesty, politics is a rather new interest of mine. As I say in my
manuscript, obviously, at age nine when Bill Clinton became President, I had
no political beliefs. I didn't start seriously getting interested in
government and politics until the summer before my high school senior year.

At the time and currently my main career interest is medicine. I love kids
and want to be a pediatrician. However, in today's society it is important
that doctor's have some business sense too and also it is important for all
people to learn how to invest for future needs. Knowing this, I thought that
it would be a good experience for me to do a summer internship at an
investment firm. I eventually wound up at Salomon Smith Barney.

The work I performed that summer was certainly not the most exciting I have
ever done. I mostly did tedious scut work. However, the experience did have
two profound, lasting effects. As expected, the internship kindled my
interest in the stock market, but also got me interested in something else,
something called politics.

Up until that time, I had only heard the word politics once before. It was
during my days as a pre Babe Ruth baseball player. I was fortunate enough to
play on an after season All Star team (it was either a summer or fall team, I
forget which). Anyway my playing time left me confused. For some reason, some
of the other kids, whom I didn't think were as good players as I was, got
significantly more playing time than I did. And when I did play, I always
batted near last, if not last, which was a spot, I felt, did not parallel my
batting skills. It was frustrating, so I asked my dad.

He explained the situation. According to him, it was no coincidence that the
coaches' sons got to start and bat high up in the lineup. It was also no
coincidence that the sons of the father's who were willing to lavishly
schmooze with the coach at practice and games were also given priority. It
was no accident, it was something called politics, he said.

The word left me indignant. It made me sit on the bench and watch when I
really wanted to get my opportunity, any opportunity, to do what I love,
which is play baseball.

At the time I was clueless as to the breadth of the word's meaning. Was
politics only a baseball word such as line-drive, double play, and South Paw?
Did other sports have politics too? Was there such thing as politics outside
of sports? It was all Greek to me.

The years flew by and I completely forgot about that evil word. However, at
Salomon Smith Barney I was reunited with my arch nemesis.

The financial consultant whom I reported to each day, suggested that I couple
my work experience with outside reading, so I could maximize my experience
and learn the most.

I wanted to take in as much as possible. That is why I was there in the first
place, so I concurred. It's funny how little occurrences, events that at the
time mean nothing, can 

[CTRL] Sharon Wants Iran Struck

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, February 09, 2002 Shvat 27, 5762
Israel Time: 05:57 (GMT+2)

Last update - 08:54 07/02/2002

Iran is top worry, Sharon to tell Bush

By Nathan Guttman

WASHINGTON - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will meet tonight (after
midnight Israel time) with U.S. President George W. Bush for the
fourth time since taking over the reins of power in Israel. From
Sharon's point of view, the meeting is expected to focus on efforts
to convince the United States that Iran constitutes a strategic
threat to Israel. The prime minister will also ask Bush to keep up
the pressure on Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat and
force him to take action against terrorism.

The talks yesterday between Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer and U.S. 
Vice-President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell served as a preparation 
for Sharon's scheduled meetings in Washington. In his talks
 with Cheney, the defense minister stressed that Iran, which was expected to be 
equipped with nuclear weapons by 2005, represented a far greater threat to Israel than 
did Iraq.

Ben-Eliezer also noted that the Shihab 3 Iranian missiles were capable of striking at 
any point in Israel.

In his talks with the U.S. vice-president, Ben-Eliezer also charged that Iran 
constituted a regional threat and a danger to the stability of the Middle East. The 
danger, as I see it, the defense minister said after the
meeting, is from a Hezbollah-Iran-Palestinian triangle, with Iran leading this 
triangle and putting together a coalition of terror.

Sharon will also emphasize the Iranian threat in his talks with the U.S. leadership, 
making it clear to the president that from Israel's point of view, Iran is the 
principal threat in the region. This threat, Sharon will
say, has become even more concrete in the wake of the Karine A weapons ship affair, 
which exposed Tehran's involvement in efforts to exacerbate the situation in the 

On the Palestinian issue, Sharon foresees Washington's willingness to continue to 
pressure Arafat. Appearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of 
Representatives yesterday, Powell said that Arafat mus
t choose, once and for all, the path of peace, rather than war: Arafat must act 
decisively against the hotbeds of terrorism, he said.

Powell did promise, however, that the United States had not given up on its vision of 
an independent Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel. The process was 
suspended because of the violence and the Karine A
affair, which showed that the Palestinians are not serious in their desire for a 

In his talks in Washington, Ben-Eliezer said that there was no point in speaking now 
about a political horizon for the future of the relations between Israel and the 
Palestinians. First and foremost, he said, there was
a need to work toward a cease-fire and the resumption of a dialogue, rather than 
trying to implement more complex plans.

Ben-Eliezer will meet today at the Pentagon with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Among other issues on the agenda, the two will discuss 
possible scenarios in the event of an American attack on
Iraq. Yesterday, Ben-Eliezer asked Powell to give Israel ample forewarning of such an 

Speaking at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy yesterday, Ben- Eliezer 
revealed that he had passed on messages recently to Syrian President Bashar Assad, via 
the leaders of Egypt and Turkey. In his messages, th
e defense minister said, he had asked Assad to restrain Hezbollah and to return to the 
negotiating table with Israel.

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, 

[CTRL] Media Ignore Walker Family Trauma

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Media Ignore Walker Family Trauma
By Angela Zemla
February 8, 2002
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In recent weeks, the media have shown their commitment to political
correctness and sensitivity to the homosexual image by ignoring a
potentially key event in the life of John Walker Lindh.

Walker, a 20-year-old American who was captured near Mazar-e Sharif late last
year while fighting with the Taliban, has been indicted on numerous terrorism
charges and is now awaiting trial here in the United States.

In their attempts to explain how a young American could take up arms against
his homeland, the media have extensively researched and reported everything
about Walker's life that they could discover, with one important exception.

Most of the media have consistently failed to reveal reports that when Walker
was 16 years old, his father left his family to live with another man.

On December 18, San Francisco Examiner columnist P.J. Corkery revealed that
when Frank Lindh divorced his wife in 1997, it was to move in with a male

Sources close to the family say the father's turn of life from married man
to modern gay man startled and flustered the 16-year-old, Corkery wrote.

Frank Lindh has declined to answer reporters' questions about his sexual
orientation. The man identified as his companion, Bill Jones, told the
Examiner that Lindh had rented an apartment from him and that the two were
not domestic partners.

Ever since Walker was first captured in Afghanistan, the media have
questioned how, as Newsweek put it, a bright, quiet kid from the heart of
hot-tub country… could go from hip-hop to holy war.

Reporters have highlighted almost every detail of Walker's life, trying to
explain to their readers why he took the particular path in life that he did.

Walker was the Taliban next door, a Time article explains. [He] was a
quiet California kid… who played the flute, had close relationships rather
than a big circle of friends, and told people that he wanted to help the poor
when he grew up… Apparently it was The Autobiography of Malcolm X that
inspired Walker to convert to Islam.

[Was he] just an impressionable young scholar swept up in a movement he did
not fully understand? writers at the Washington Post wondered. Or was he a
teenage rebel with a cause, renouncing the have-it-all, progressive suburban
culture from which he came?

Newsweek accused Walker of rebelling against freedom: He wanted to be told
precisely how to dress, to eat, to think, to pray. He wanted a value system
of absolutes, and he was willing to go to extreme lengths to find it.

In all their various explanations of how Walker ended up fighting for
terrorists, however, most in the media have ignored the impact his father's
reported change in sexual orientation might have had on the teenager.

If Lindh had left his wife for another woman and his son were traumatized,
it would certainly be discussed in the media, columnist Michelangelo
Signorile recently wrote. So if Lindh did leave his wife for a man and it
affected Walker, it should similarly be reported on.

There are many signs that indicate Walker was deeply affected by the breakup
of his family. Not long after his father left, Walker dropped his last name,
Lindh, and began using his mother's maiden name. According to The Daily News,
Walker made anti-gay comments on the Internet, criticizing Disney World in
Florida for holding a gay day event and disapproving of an Internet posting
that called for the recognition of gay Muslims. Perhaps most telling of all,
Walker became deeply involved in a sect of Islam that considers homosexuality
and adultery abominable sins punishable by death.

Despite the relevance of this information for understanding Walker, only a
few non-gay publications, such as the New York Post and the National
Enquirer, have reported it. Apparently, many in the media feel that otherwise
relevant news must be buried if it brings up homosexuality.

This may not be surprising, considering the increase in the number of gay
reporters in recent years. Richard Burke, chief political correspondent for
the New York Times, disclosed a few years ago, I remember coming and
wondering if there were... any gay reporters there. Now...there are times
when you look at the front-page meeting and... literally three-quarters of
the people deciding what's on the front page are not-so-closeted

By their heightened sensitivity to this perceived victim group, however, the
media have given the public an incomplete understanding of Walker's past. The
consequences of their omission go beyond the present situation.

Ultimately the result is not just an under-informed public, but
ever-shrinking credibility, 

Re: [CTRL] An F for U

2002-02-09 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Euphorian wrote:

 On 8 Feb 02, at 16:11, thew wrote:

  good and evil deeds exist
  evil and good deeds are concrete

 This seems to be a contradiction.  evil ... are concrete but SATAN
 as the embodiment of evil is not.

Most of us have names which are not statements of what we are about. Joe,
or Jill for example. Others have names which say what we are about, what
our real, in this world nature is like. Sometimes people change their
names to try and describe or prescribe such characteristics.
I know a guy who changed his name to Brook because he thought it was
calming and natural. Why wouldn't the most evil person in the world be
aptly called The Great Satan?

 Would that mean that any of the
 other mythological figures are equally un-concrete?

They may well be mythological but a real person titled Satan could be a
real, concrete and non-mythological manifestation of evil in this world.
Ask El Presidente. He uses the words evil and good so often one might
start to get the idea he doesn't have his head shoved up his ass.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: FBI Has No Evidence Of Treason In Walker Case : Government Ha...

2002-02-09 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/8/02 4:37:21 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The defense and prosecution agree the case depends largely on the FBI's
  account of an interrogation with Lindh on Dec. 9 and 10 while Lindh was a
  military prisoner at Camp Rhino in southern Afghanistan. But the FBI's
  with Lindh appears not to have been recorded, an FBI agent testified this
  or transcribed and signed by Lindh.

  Something doesn't smell right about this.  (There were no written records
of the Oswald interview with the Dallas Police after his arrest, which was
very unusual.)  I'm wondering if, in this case, the FBI shot themselves in
the foot on purpose.  Could Lindh be a mind-controlled operative and they
need to let him go so they can continue to use him?  Is it possible that he
was brought into the media spotlight accidentally?  It seems to me that the
FBI is not going to make a huge error in a high profile case like this
unless they need to for other reasons.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Irish Government Denounces US : Calls Bush A Puppet Of Israel ; Limeri...

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon


Irish Government Denounces US
Calls Bush A Puppet Of Israel

2/8/02 7:13:09 PM
Limerick Post Of Dublin

Dublin, ireland --

Cushnahan rounds on Israeli policy

MUNSTER MEP John Cushnahan has denounced Israeli policy in relation to the
Middle East as ludicrous and counterproductive.

And the European politician has gone a step further by saying he believes
election of Ariel Sharon as Israel's prime minister was regrettable.

Mr Cushnahan says that, since the terrorist attacks on America on
September 11
last, the EU has been over-sensitive in its approach to the Middle East.

We are an honest broker and we should be more vigorous. Given the fact
the US should be indebted to us for our solidarity and support that we
provided them when they needed it, we should now seek a reciprocal
response by
demanding that instead of continuing to be the puppet of Israel they
join us in an even handed policy approach to this tragedy, he says.

His comments are certain to provoke an backlash from a number of quarters,
the Munster MEP is adamant that a fairer approach is needed towards the
East situation.

He also says that Mr Sharon's recent remarks that he regrets not having
Yassar Arafat in Lebanon in 1982 is unforgivable.

I suppose we should not be surprised. Sharon's terrorist behaviour in
and his responsibility for permitting the massacres in Sabra and Chatila
refugee camps was condemned by the Kahn Israeli Commission of Enquiry.

Given his background it is regrettable that he was subsequently elected
Prime Minister of Israel, he says, questioning how Israel can make
demands on
Yassar Arafat to behave as if he was the leader of a normal state while
the same time they make him a virtual prisoner in his own home, destroying
airport and his broadcasting station.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)


---End Message---

[CTRL] How the Clintons Destroyed the Village Part 2

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

I found two studies that validate my conclusion. One study by the Alan
Guttmacher Institute shows an increase in oral sex amongst kids as young as
twelve years old. Another study shows increased cheating by both high school
and college students.

These two studies do not directly connect the dots between their findings and
the Clinton Presidency. Yet, in a US News  World Report article, one student
attempts to sum up the cheating problem by saying, quote:  If Clinton can do
it and get away with it, why can't we?'

However, I am not going to pretend that this manuscript is a scholarly
treatise. It is not a compilation of great scientific research with
complicated statistics and technical mumbo jumbo. What it is, is a common
sense analysis of facts and observations.

The point is simple. The conclusion almost obvious. One does not have to
Ph.D. or even a college degree.

I realize that some people do not want to make the determination contained in
this manuscript because of their own agenda. I highly doubt Dan Rather or
Peter Jennings or Tom Brokaw will ever make it. However, I believe it to be

My parents taught me one thing. The Clintons' by their actions taught the
exact opposite.

My parents and other good parents teach their kids to do the right thing, to
be honest, to have integrity, and to take responsibility because being a good
person is most important.

The Clintons by their actions teach something different. They teach us kids:
do whatever you want and then do whatever you can to avoid responsibility. As
long as you get to where you want to go, that is all that matters, not what
you do along the way.

Now obviously there is a clear difference between parental values and the
Clintons' behavior. To me as a typical teenager, this raises a dilemma. Who
was right? Were my parents overzealous, overprotective parents who were out
of touch with the world? Does the ends simply justify the means?

Here is a man with the two things young adults dream about: money and power.
After the Presidency, Clinton has unlimited earning power. During the
Presidency he is the most powerful man in the world. The perks he has no
amount of money can buy. No one can close down an airport, so they can get a
400 dollar haircut.

This man has all this money and all this power, but no morals. This left me
thinking, does that mean it is ok if you don't have morals? Is a lack of
ethics what is necessary to achieve success in today's competitive society.

After sorting it all out, I believe my parents' lessons. Although the
Clintons were able to evade accountability despite numerous accusations, the
average citizen can not. One can not count on the media and the Justice
Department to constantly bail him or her out, so that person will get in
trouble by following in the President's footsteps.

Some people may dismiss this as just another Clinton bashing, but I see it

Just as with violent video games, violent movies, and violent music, children
may become desensitized to the everyday wrongdoing of the Clintons'.

At best these children may see nothing wrong when they witness similar
behavior and at worst may adopt the Clintons' sleazy modus operandi as their

Unfortunately, psychologists and sociologists have not looked into this
issue, so there are no corroborating studies. Regardless, the startlingly
similar events of this summer show that the Clintons have affected real
people. Congressman Condit seemed to follow the Clinton play book step for
step. He first wronged. Then he did everything in his power to avoid
responsibility. He stalled, denied, covered up, and attacked. Sounds quite
familiar. The Clintons surely emphasized these tactics and made them

One has the right to expect his or her Congressmen to be good, honest people
with moral restraint. If we can't get that from our leaders, then what can we
expect from our children?

Concerned parents, in between working forty hours a week, paying credit card
bills, and filing taxes, try to instill values in their children, such as
taking responsibility, not lying, and not resorting to personal
destruction. The child hears these lessons, but sees the Clintons who are
living the good life though immersed in scandals… while his parents are
struggling just to pay off the mortgage.

The child begins to think that those tactics are acceptable and necessary to
achieve success like the Clintons. When in a bad situation, he does not do
what he has heard, but what he has seen work: the Clintons' methods. That is
where the child's aspirations end and reality begins.

Children learn by actions, not by talk. The Clinton years marked the height
of parental hypocrisy. Parents may have preached values to their children.
However, these parents were not willing to support their values with actions.

Some of these parents rationalized that the economy was good, so 

[CTRL] Mirror mirror on the wall, who was the poorest sleazy scumbag of them all?

2002-02-09 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

O'Neill, Sen. Byrd in Fiery Exchange
 Thu Feb 7, 6:22 PM ET

 By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer

 A budget hearing exploded into a battle over humble beginnings
between a lecturing senator and a treasury secretary whose eyes
 flashed mdash; and grew moist mdash; with raw emotion.

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said later those weren't
tears in his eyes, but fire.

During the Senate Budget Committee hearing
Thursday, an angry Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., and

O'Neill engaged in a remarkably bitter exchange for nearly 15 minutes.

At several points, Byrd waved President Bush's new budget,
which used a picture of Gulliver tied down

by Lilliputians to criticize congressional constraints on decision-making by
federal agencies.

I just want to remind you, Mr. Secretary,
that a lot of us were here before you came, said Byrd, 84.
 And with all due respect to you, you're not Alexander Hamilton,
the nation's first treasury secretary.

 O'Neill, 66, paused to gather himself at the witness table,
then answered in a voice quivering with indignation.

 I've dedicated my life to doing what I can to get rid of
rules that limit human potential, he said. And I'm not going to stop.

 Byrd repeatedly said that he, and not O'Neill, a former
chairman of Alcoa, had been elected by voters.

 They're not CEOs of multibillion-dollar corporations,
Byrd said of the voters. They can't just pick up the phone and call a
 Cabinet secretary. In time of need, they come to us, the people come to us.

 O'Neill, who grew up poor in St. Louis, Mo., snapped back:

 I started my life in a house without water or electricity.
So I don't cede to you the high moral ground of not knowing what life is
 like in a ditch.

 Well, Mr. Secretary, Byrd responded, I lived in a house
without electricity, too, no running water, no telephone, a little wooden
 outhouse. He was raised by his aunt and uncle in West Virginia's coal country.

 O'Neill appeared teary at several points.

 On the subject of regulations tying down government, he
pointedly cited the unjustness of rules that said, 'Coloreds cannot enter

 Although O'Neill did not mention it, a younger Byrd once
belonged to the Ku Klux Klan, which he later renounced.

 The blunt and sometimes impolitic treasury secretary has
had other confrontations with members of Congress, although none as
 passionate as Thursday's.

 He once characterized a Republican economic stimulus
package as show business, prompting one GOP congressman to call for
 his resignation. Bush stood by him.

 Byrd took umbrage at O'Neill's earlier complaints to a business
group, when he said some rules were like the Lilliputians tying us
 to the ground.

 Byrd said he believed those remarks were aimed at a Senate
rule that bears his name. The Byrd rule limits items that can be put on
 a tax bill.

 O'Neill stood by his comments but said he was complaining
more broadly about rules that inhibit progress.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] (Fwd) FW: Urgent!!!!!!!!

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 8 Feb 02, at 14:22, Joshua Tinnin wrote:

 Yes, I
 am certain of this, as I know what I'm doing, and I use firewalls and
 other protection mechanisms. The basic mechanisms won't work for
 everything, but you can learn exactly what your computer is doing if
 you educate yourself, including analysis of all information sent

a - I have had a few viruses try to infiltrate my computer, but only
in the past few months after almost 14 years of BBS and I-net
experience; all but one of them has come through emails and more than
one through CTRL-related correspondents.  Not everyone may do the
necessary things to prevent them from happening, maybe because they
don't know WHAT to do.  Thus, this presents an opportunity for those
who don't know and may have questions to ask.

b - 4.2K is not a big file; notice that many -- including me -- send
others that are in the 20ies or better, depending on the subject.
And this list has not been stacked up for being over the 100 mark
very often as of late.

c - I will reemphasis my point about information warfare and the
types of things that come through that will effect a disruption of
computer functions -- spam, email viruses, bogus information, and
other things -- a disruption that will have further reaching effects
than a simple (relatively) email list.  Yahoo! for one does funny
things for no reason at all.  MSN is hokey.  And what they do is part
of their business; we all need to be aware of what will cause the
disruptions and how to prevent / recover from them.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chappaquidick: Bear Trap?

2002-02-09 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Chappaquidick: Bear Trap?

In the Watergate tapes of March 13, 1973, between 12:42 and 2pm, John Dean
made a cryptic half-comment about Ted Kennedy's involvement in the accident
at Chappaquidick, saying, If Kennedy knew the bear trap he was walking

What bear trap was Ted walking into? What did John Dean know, and when did
he know it?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-09 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 FYI, as a virus warning hoax has just been sent to CTRL - check this page for
 hoaxes when you get one of these things, and reply-to-all who sent you the hoax
 with the hoax reference page, and also the following URL:

 from -

 Hoax warnings

 This page is considered the industry standard information source for new virus
 hoaxes and false alerts. Bookmark now.

 Hoax warnings are typically scare alerts started by malicious people - and
 passed on by innocent users who think they are helping the community by
 spreading the warning.

 Do not forward hoax messages. We've seen cases where e-mail systems have
 collapsed after dozens of users forwarded a false alert to everybody in the
 company. Corporate users can get rid of the hoax problem by simply setting a
 strict company guideline: End users must not forward virus alarms. Ever. It's
 not the job of an end user anyway. If such message is received, end users could
 forward it to the IT department but not to anyone else.

 Do note that we generally add only virus-related hoaxes to this list. We can not
 evaluate whether non-computer related folklore stories are urban legends or true
 stories. We're not going to add them to this list either. Check for general urban legends.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-09 Thread Nurev Ind

William Shannon wrote:
In a message
dated 2/7/02 9:04:05 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

so beautiful that you feel compelled and comfortable enough with your listmates
to share the
depth and breadth of all your wonderful emotions. We all, and especially
I, just can't tell you enough, how your feelings are so
profound, and thought provoking.

Well well,
look who's talking.
Isn't this
the fellow who is king of the snippy and profane retort? The guy who calls
"listmates" Nazis, assholes, and whatever else comes to his mind?
The one
who piles on Saba, a woman, and calls her nasty names?
Yeah, I
thought that was you.

Saba is a WOMAN?

Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron

2002-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey

Such blathering and rationalizing away from the obvious.

Certainly there are (atheistic) Jews involved in the effort to establish a 
one-world socialist dictatorship. But so are there apostate Christians, even 
nominal Moslems along with all the new age and eastern mystery religious 

You say, "Peace by any means is the method used by internationalists to 
maintain their power and wealth."

To the contrary, the game plan now is for perpetual war as a means of 
subjugating domestic populations in their own countries. Right out of 

You and a couple other anti-Jewish posters concentrate too much on 
trying to find Jewish control of every situation and miss some of the other 
obvious conspirators.

Broaden your perspective.

- Original Message - 
From: William Shannon 

Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron
In a message dated 2/8/02 
3:41:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
I agree the enemy is within, but Rockefeller doesn't sound Jewish 
  to me nor do Bush and Clinton. 
The Rockefeller Liberal Connection In many ways, 
the Rockefeller Family works step-by-step with the Jewish Zionist and 
Sovietizing conspiracies. John D. Rockefeller was a monopolist who followed in 
the way of many Jews whose control of industries, especially banking, 
demonstrated the manner in which power, once achieved, might be forever wielded 
"from the top," high above the citizens of the world's nations. Although 
the Rockefellers claim to be Christian Protestants, their activities are so 
similar to those of their Jewish brethren that there seems to be little mistake 
that they then to follow the leader. Perhaps this is because their mentors in 
monopolizing the oil industry and the many conglomerates which they control have 
lead them into the deepest realms of the grand conspiracy to control the nations 
of the world through leftist political approaches, one world orders, and Soviet 
type top/down planning. The Rockefeller fortune is so large that it 
literally eclipses the income of entire nations where Rockefeller Oil is pumped, 
countries like each and every African nation, the Southeast Asian countries, and 
small nations in the Southern Hemisphere of The Americas. Its operations are 
streamlined top/down and down/up/decide/down, a manner typical of communist 
regimes. The Rockefeller's job as conspirators seems to be penetration and 
compromise of the Republican Party. The Rockefellers are representative 
of the Left Wing/Liberal/Soviet side of Republicanism. Some think that the 
Rockefellers are a part of the internationalist conspiracy, because their 
holdings are international, and a war would disrupt their revenue streams 
significantly and might threaten all of them. Peace by any means is the method 
used by internationalists to maintain their power and wealth. 

Re: [CTRL] An F for U

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:14:42 -0600
 To: thew [EMAIL PROTECTED], Conspiracy Theory Research List
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] An F for U

 On 8 Feb 02, at 16:11, thew wrote:

 good and evil deeds exist
 evil and good deeds are concrete


 This seems to be a contradiction.  evil ... are concrete but SATAN
 as the embodiment of evil is not.

 first of all I said evil deeds, not evil , and although your ellipsis is
very adorable, let's stick with what I actually said - it may be a subtle
difference - but it is a difference.

I said I have no problem with the use of Satan as a metaphor , to describe
someone as very evil, an embodiment of evil, but a literal Satan, no.

 Would that mean that any of the
 other mythological figures are equally un-concrete?

Why, yes, yes it would.

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Afghans not likely to curb opium

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

maybe acing-president bush could get back the $43 million dollars he gave
the taliban, a scant 4 months before sep 11, for being our partners in the
war on drugs.
-- -  --- - --- ---
Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth.

John Stuart Mill


 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:14:17 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] Afghans not likely to curb opium

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Afghans not likely to curb opium
 Despite promise meant to placate international donors



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 Afghan leaders have promised to curb the country's opium trade, once banned
 under the Taliban. The measure is less about stopping the drug flow than it
 is about placating international donors and undercutting rival warlords. The
 lone bright spot for the country's farmers is that a loophole allowing
 small-scale cultivation will bring them a measure of relief.

 Echoing an earlier decision by Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai, local
 provincial authorities promised Jan. 31 that government tractor brigades will
 uproot opium poppies now growing in southwestern Afghanistan under a
 forceful eradication campaign, according to the Associated Press. The
 campaign comes amid news reports that poppy farming is flourishing in
 Afghanistan after being banned by the Taliban in 2000.

 It is extremely unlikely that local leaders intend to make a serious effort
 to cut Afghanistan's lucrative opium production. Rather, the announcement is
 meant to placate international donors and will only be selectively enforced.
 Ultimately the ban will contribute to further infighting in the country, as
 leaders allied with the interim government ­ but in some cases still
 connected to the opium trade themselves ­ use the cover of drug enforcement
 to destroy their rivals' fields.

 Economics and history argue that the opium ban will be selectively enforced,
 if it is enforced at all. Afghanistan supplies about 70 percent of the
 multi-billion dollar global opium trade. International drug cartels won't
 easily allow their supply chain to slip away, and poppy cultivation is simply
 far too profitable for many Afghans to ignore.

 Numbers vary, but the United Nations estimates that Afghanistan's opium
 production brought about $250 million into the country in 1999. This is far
 less than the roughly $900 million a year the country is scheduled to receive
 in foreign-aid pledges, but it also comes with far fewer strings attached and
 is not distributed through Afghanistan's central government. And drug money
 is guaranteed income while aid pledges can be rescinded.

 Control over opium production hasn't been confined to any specific ethnic
 group or leader. Notable poppy growers from the past include Ahmed Shah
 Masood ­ the former Northern Alliance commander who was assassinated just
 before the Sept. 11 attacks ­ and current Pushtun strongman Hazrat Ali.

 The new interim government itself is not free of drug-connected officials
 either. Recently appointed Kandahar governor Gul Agha, whose spokesman made
 the eradication announcement, has been linked to the opium trade, according
 to London's The Observer. His home province of Kandahar was one of the
 largest sources of poppies in Afghanistan during his earlier rule as governor
 in the early 1990s.

 Agha also reportedly has ties to Ayub Afridi, a convicted drug lord who
 served a short jail sentence in the United States. Afridi was recently
 released from a Pakistani jail and moved back to Afghanistan to work with
 anti-Taliban forces, according to the London Times.

 Paying lip service to an opium ban, however, will result in generous
 dividends for local leaders. It will placate the international community for
 a little while and allow aid dollars to keep flowing into the country. The
 United Nations and other organizations will have a difficult time
 field-checking the ban, as much of the countryside is too dangerous to send

[CTRL] Pro-bush NewsMax: BinLaden NOT 911 Mastermind (FYI, GW!!)

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Pro-bush NewsMax: BinLaden NOT 911 Mastermind (FYI, GW!!)

The fact that this article -- which irrefutably delineates exactly HOW
and WHY OBL and his Al Qaeda SCREW-UPS could NOT POSSIBLE have been the
MASTERMIND(S) of the September 11 WTC attack -- was published by the
SHAMELESSLY pro-bush cheerleaders at, would seem to be
worthy of some comment... from SOMEONE... such as the upper echelon
bosses of the ShrubMob. Of course, nary a peep has issued from those
arch-traitor slimesucking satanist swine(s).

However, WE definitely think it's worth a comment -- from King Shrub
himself, in fact.

Yo dub, you just MIGHT want to give thissy here item a quick gander,
pal! (Better put down the pretzels for a sec, eh?)
= = = = = = = =
Osama bin Laden Had Nothing To Do With 911 Attacks

Who Is Osama bin Laden? And Does He Have Anything To Do With The Sept.
11 Attack?
By Lev Navrozov

One example may be sufficient to show how difficult and important the
struggle against terrorism is: Even if the FBI finds the anthrax-by-mail
terrorist(s) tomorrow, the fact will remain that the bioterrorit(s) in
question was/were at large for about four months.

Hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans could be killed in four
months by really up-to-date large-scale bioterrorists stealing a
five-pound bag of that same antiquated anthrax, to say nothing of later
and far more potent and effective biopreparations.

A far easier way was to personify the terrorism as Osama bin Laden, with
his al-Qaeda, and rush in hot pursuit of the villain who planned and
carried out (as Prime Minister Tony Blair put it) the terrorist attack
on the United States of Sept. 11, 2001.

But who is bin Laden? Why did the CIA choose this feeble-minded
nonentity in the 1980s to create the Services Office for the recruitment
of guerrilla soldiers in 50 countries for the war against the secular
pro-Soviet government in Afghanistan?

He had inherited $300 million, and hence the CIA was able to funnel $5
billion through him, which he could pass off as his own money and thus
leave the CIA behind the scenes. Officially, the United States did not
participate in the war.

In 1978, the per capita income in Afghanistan was $168 a year. In other
words, $1,000 a year was a fortune. For $300 million, bin Laden (that
is, the CIA) could recruit 30,000 guerrilla soldiers to serve for 10
years for $1,000 a year per recruit.

A guerrilla soldier learned in a training camp how to ambush Soviet and
pro-Soviet soldiers, fire a Kalashnikov at them, and flee to his base
in the mountains or caves. Most of the 30,000 guerrilla soldiers
survived the war and were far better off materially in Islamic countries
like Afghanistan than the average-income person, to say nothing of those
who were starving.

The CIA no longer needed guerrilla soldiers, so bin Laden inherited them.

In print and on Barry Farber's radio talk show in the late 1980s, I
explained that Soviet Russia securely held Afghanistan. Not because of
tactical nuclear weapons, discussed by the U.S. government following
Sept. 11, 2001, but by creating a single infrastructure so that finally
the guerrillas would starve and die out in their mountains and caves, a
strategy by which Russia had conquered the Islamic Caucasus in the 19th century.

Why, then, did Gorbachev withdraw from Afghanistan? For the same reason
he withdrew from East Germany and many other territories, for which he
was made a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Until 1992, the Western public did not know that Gorbachev was
developing Superweapon No. 3. He withdrew from Afghanistan and East
Germany because he believed in world domination via Superweapon No. 3,
not via old-fashioned territorial expansion.

But Gorbachev's geostrategic withdrawal from Afghanistan was perceived
by the West (and the Islamic world) as a Soviet rout. This imaginary
Soviet debacle transformed the nonentity bin Laden, the CIA's financial
screen, into a megalomaniac - a new Muhammad who had rallied Moslems in
50 countries and defeated Soviet Russia with the help of his (the CIA's)
Services Office.

Now, if he had defeated Soviet Russia, he could certainly defeat the
United States, too. He had hated the secular pro-Soviet government in
Afghanistan because it had introduced universal school education that
included girls. He hated the United States even more: The American
permissiveness with respect to females was even worse than the Soviet
indulgence, and American troops were on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia!

So, in the late 1980s, he renamed the Services Office, created by the
CIA in 50 countries, as The Base (al-Qaeda) to fight the Jews and the
Crusaders (that is, Christians). But the feeble-minded megalomaniac did
not take into account the cardinal difference between a guerrilla
soldier and a terrorist.

Millions, or dozens of millions, of Moslems would 

[CTRL] 60 accused priests, jeb bush and enron, chaney/enron coverup

2002-02-09 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

 Last March, a lobbyist for Enron Corp. got the response he had been seeking
from Gov. Jeb Bush. Bill, I would love to meet with Ken [Lay] Bush wrote on
March 8 to Bill Bryant, a Tallahassee-based Enron lobbyist. A month later,
Lay called Bush's private phone line in the Capitol, and the two talked for a
half-hour about energy deregulation.

what GAO is asking for is not the unvarnished statements of anybody to the
president or the vice president. They're merely asking for who met with that
committee and where they met and their names, and the name, ranks and serial
number. It's not the content of the conversations even involved. So there's
even a misrepresentation going on as to what's requested. Not only that, but
they're denying that the GAO has authority they've had for 80 years to
request this kind of information.

Disgraced: Church suspends 6 more alleged molester priests  by Tom Mashberg,
Jules Crittenden and Laurel J. Sweet - 2/8/02 In another stunning blow to
the Archdiocese of Boston, six more active priests were suspended yesterday
amid allegations of sexual misconduct with minors, bringing to eight the
number of Catholic clerics jettisoned since Saturdayat least 20 names of
current and former priests were delivered to Massachusetts district attorneys
yesterday, according to law enforcement officials. Prior to that, the
archdiocese had reported 40 names of clergy accused of past sex abuse to
prosecutors or police. The archdiocese is continuing to comb its archives for
additional ``substantial allegations of sexual abuse of a minor,'' church
officials said, leaving open the likelihood its roster of former and current
accused priests will continue to growthe names of at least 60 accused
priests have been given to law enforcement in the past 10 days. There are 930
priests in the archdiocese.


Governor's role scrutinized as state Enron hearings begin
By Mark Hollis Sun-Sentinel  February 6 2002

TALLAHASSEE -- Last March, a lobbyist for Enron Corp. got the response he had
been seeking from Gov. Jeb Bush. Bill, I would love to meet with Ken [Lay]
Bush wrote on March 8 to Bill Bryant, a Tallahassee-based Enron lobbyist. A
month later, Lay called Bush's private phone line in the Capitol, and the two
talked for a half-hour about energy deregulation. Electronic mail documents
dealing with Enron that Bush's office released Wednesday, on the eve of a
House hearing into how the state lost $325 million from ill-timed investments
in Enron stock, capture some of the links between Bush and Enron that critics
of the governor hope to exploit. The hearing will be conducted by a special
House investigative panel appointed to investigate how the state's pension
fund went about buying millions of Enron shares as the energy company's stock
price dropped in the wake of a federal investigation into the company's
practices. The $325 million that the state lost in Enron stock made Florida's
pension fund the biggest loser in the nation's biggest business collapse

Dean: 'First step' in Enron cover-up? Former Nixon White House Counsel John
(CNN) -- The General Accounting Office (GAO), the investigative arm of
Congress, announced recently its intention to file suit against the White
House to force it to release notes involving an energy task force headed by
Vice President Dick Cheney. The fight for the notes began when the GAO
requested them last summer and has heated up with the financial collapse of
Enron.  The White House maintains that turning over the notes would erode the
ability of the executive branch to get advice in private and to deliberate
mattersDEAN: Well, Paula, with all due respect to the vice president,
what GAO is asking for is not the unvarnished statements of anybody to the
president or the vice president. They're merely asking for who met with that
committee and where they met and their names, and the name, ranks and serial
number. It's not the content of the conversations even involved. So there's
even a misrepresentation going on as to what's requested. Not only that, but
they're denying that the GAO has authority they've had for 80 years to
request this kind of information. This raises questions in my mind.The
vice president has already told the Congress that he did indeed meet with
Enron, or his staff did, on at least six occasions.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups 

[CTRL] Why Media Push Gay [homosexual/sodomite] Agenda

2002-02-09 Thread Archibald Bard
Title: Media Push Homosexuality as Part of P.C. Agenda

[ After you've 
read this, don't forget to Open the Attachment
which is entitled "THE SHAM 
(I always knew this, but the 
article is convincing evidence.) ]

Media Push Homosexuality 
as Part of P.C. Agenda 
Phil Brennan, 
  NewsMax.comSaturday, Feb. 9, 2002 In part one of 
this series on William McGowan's book "Coloring 
the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American 
Journalism," reported on how, in the name of "diversity," 
American journalism manipulates 
the news concerning racial matters. In this second of our three-part series 
we show how, and why, a political agenda has damaged honest coverage of 
homosexual issues.
Four decades ago, media coverage of homosexuality was universally hostile. 
McGowan recalls Time magazine's description of homosexuality as a "pathetic 
little second-rate substitute for reality, a pitiable flight from life" 
deserving "no encouragement, no glamorization, no rationalization, no fake 
status as minority martyrdom, no sophistry about simple differences in taste, 
and above all no pretence that it is anything but a pernicious sickness."
Straight News quoted Mike Wallace as calling the average homosexual 
"promiscuous" and "not interested in or capable of a lasting relationship like 
that of a heterosexual marriage." In 1974 the Los Angeles Times referred to 
homosexuals as "fags" on its front page.
McGowan notes that as late as the 1980s homosexual reporters were mistreated 
by their editors.
How times have changed. Big Media's commitment to increase the number of 
homosexual reporters and editors has succeeded to the point where at the New 
York Times alone, according to McGowan, "three of the [newspaper's] top 
political reporters, an advertising columnist, theater critic, film critic, 
architecture critic and classical music critic are all openly gay, along with 
the page-one picture editor and the top editor of its Sunday magazine 
"But the notion that the presence of more openly gay reporters in the 
newsroom has translated into more and better coverage of gay issue, is, I think, 
without foundation."
McGowan explains that the presence of homosexuals in the newsroom has 
"intensified the attention given to incidents where gays have been the victims 
of homophobia." He cites the widely publicized case of Matthew Shepard, the gay 
Wyoming youth who "was lured from a bar by two thugs in the fall of 1998, beaten 
unconscious and left to die, tied to a fence post in sub-freezing temperatures."
"The implicit assumption of the coverage was that Shepard had fallen victim 
to the often invisible but always sinister homophobia embedded deeply in 
American society, a pathology that could only be cured by hate crimes 
Frank Rich Blames Shepard Murder on Trent Lott
The Times' Frank Rich typified the hysterical reaction of pro-gay liberal 
columnists. He described the killing as an outrage "that happened against the 
backdrop of a campaign in which the far right, abetted by political leaders like 
Trent Lott, was demonizing gay people as sick and sinful."
Compare the avalanche of press coverage given to the Shepard case with the 
coverage concerning the murder of 13-year old Jesse 
Dirkhising and the trial of two homosexual neighbors who killed him. 
Commenting on the scanty coverage of that case, McGowan notes that "when 
homosexuals are the perpetrators of violence instead of the victims the sense of 
moral urgency seems to vanish." 
The details of the Dirkhising case were incredibly gruesome, involving the 
very worst kind of homosexual behaviors - the boy was tied to a bed, had 
underwear shoved into his mouth, which was also covered with duct tape. "As one 
man stood in a doorway and masturbated, the other raped the boy for hours, using 
a variety of foreign objects, including food," McGowan reports. He was left to 
die slowly of suffocation. 
Yet the coverage given to the case, compared with that given the Shepard 
murder, which was far less brutal and had no sexual overtones, was minuscule.
Leftist Media Cover Up Dirkhising Murder
McGowan did a Nexus search and learned that the Shepard case generated a 
massive 3,007 stories. "And when the case finally went to trial ... it was all 
over the broadcast news, received front-page coverage in all major newspapers, 
and was featured on the cover of Time magazine. (In all, the New York Times ran 
195 stories about the case.)" 
"In the month after the Dirkhising murder, however, Nexus recorded only 46 
stories. The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC 
ignored the story altogether and continued to do so through the March 2001 trial 
of one of the murderers which resulted in a conviction. (The other assailant 
later pled guilty)."
McGowan notes that the Washington Post ran "but one tiny AP item about the 
case, along with an unusual ombudsman's defensive 

[CTRL] Fwd: coming to a subway near you...

2002-02-09 Thread Saba

Doomsdayers - note Russia refused to admit 19 of them to Russia
supposedly, but were they there for a little training maybe?

The date this one member was executed, the sarin gas was loosed in the
subway of Japan.

Now wonder - why would they change their name to itself
Aleph.Aleph is part of Hebrew Alphabet - number 22.   This 119th
psalm of degrees comes to mind, tarot card assassins.MEM means in
world of Tarot Cards (see The Wasteland and reference to this title also
in Ezekial).anyway, MEM means maybe also to walk in big bear trap.

Song of Degreesmasonic stuffstrange this killer kult would take
this name, right?


Under subject matter look at this site - all in red.   But why did
Russia refuse these people 19 of them entry to Russia while we have
opened the doors to these assassins some of whom work well it seems with

Aum Shinri-kyo and Related Controversies
Police raid Todai lab linked to apprehended Aum cultist
(Japan Times, October 26, 2000)
An Aum Shinrikyo member under arrest was recently hired as a contract
employee by a corporation affiliated with the Science and Technology
Agency and had been involved in the development of computer systems at
the University of Tokyo's graduate school, police said Wednesday.
Prompted by the new revelation about Atushi Ogata, 45, who was arrested
Tuesday for allegedly submitting a false resident registration document
to a Tokyo ward office, police searched the astronomy laboratory at the
university, also known as Todai, on Wednesday morning.
Police are also analyzing some 2,000 items confiscated from the cult's
facilities, they said.
Ogata was employed by Japan Science and Technology Corp. on a contract
from May to next spring. He has been developing a program to manage data
on research results at the laboratory, police said, adding that another
33-year-old Aum member has also been working at the lab.
An official at the corporation said the firm was not aware that Ogata,
who had responded to a help-wanted ad, is a member of Aum and added that
the firm will decide his status after considering further developments.
Police arrested Ogata, alleging he had submitted a resident registration
document to the Bunkyo Ward office last December that stated that he
would move in from Adachi Ward. Instead, he moved into a condominium in
Taito Ward the following month.
Police apparently used the false registration as a pretext to search
several sites linked to the cult.
These included the condo, which they believe is housing other cultists
and is an office to develop personal computer software.
On Tuesday, they searched an Aum site in Adachi Ward where senior cult
member Fumihiro Joyu lived from Sept. 20 to Oct. 8, a Kita Ward condo
where he is currently living and a PC shop opened by cult members in
June in Tokyo's Akihabara electronics district.
An Aum official said the false resident registration is a kind of
procedural confusion that was caused by local governments' refusal to
allow Aum members to register as residents.
Aum members in the recent past had gained access to the computer systems
of various government entities, including the Defense Agency.
Some members of Aum -- which now calls itself Aleph -- have been
convicted of crimes or are on trial in serious criminal cases, including
the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system that killed 12
people and injured more than 5,000 and other mass murders.
University of Tokyo searched for employing arrested AUM cultist
(Kyodo News Service, October 25, 2000)
TOKYO, Oct. 25 (Kyodo) - Police on Wednesday searched the University of
Tokyo after learning that an AUM Shinrikyo cultist had been working in
its science faculty as a government contractor prior to his arrest
Tuesday, police officials said.
Police are worried about the doomsday cult's apparent penetration of
Japan's top state-run university, they said.
The allegation follows the disclosure earlier this year that followers
of AUM, which is suspected of orchestrating the deadly 1995 sarin gas
attack on the Tokyo subway system, had developed software for government
departments including the Defense Agency and major corporations.
Atsushi Ogata, 45, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly submitting a false
residency registration to Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward Office. The Wednesday
search was focused on a graduate science laboratory located in Bunkyo
According to investigations, Ogata was hired in May by the Japan Science
and Technology Corp., an affiliate of the Science and Technology Agency.
He was working on an astronomy computer project at the laboratory,
police said.
Under a contract in effect through spring 2001, Ogata, who is believed
to be an AUM computer specialist, was developing a program to process
data for astronomy research, they said.
Another AUM believer is currently working at the lab, according to
An official at the Japan Science and Technology Corp. said it was not
aware of Ogata's AUM affiliation as his 

[CTRL] Fwd: Daily News for February 8, 2002

2002-02-09 Thread Samantha L.



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___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests Launches 'Share A Sticker' Site

American Citizen Arrested in Indiana for Bringing Sign Towards Cheney Event

Nick's Crusade Gets a Hearing Before the Alabama Legislature

Al Gore Was Absolutely Right About Bush - It's Time Al Got Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts New York City

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts Children

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts the Environment

European Parliament Votes to Ratify Kyoto Protocol

The Bushron Administration Began Its Battle Against Enron's Bankruptcy on Inauguration 
Day 2001

Just Like Enron, the Bush Administration's Greed and Arrogance Will Ultimately Cause 
Its Collapse

We Knew FDR - and W is No FDR!!

War without End, against a Shadowy, Ill-defined Enemy: That's Bush's Reelection 

Michael Vreeland Gave 9-11 Warning to Canadian Intelligence Agent Marc Bastien, Who 
Was Then Murdered

If Ashcroft Had His Way, Would He Rid the Country of Nude Statues and Calico Cats?

Is Injustice Scalia a Member of Opus Dei?

Anti-Tax Leader Confesses to Diverting Campaign Funds to His Bank Account

Noelle Bush Is Getting Away with Drug Abuse, Deadly Driving and Perjury - Because 
She's Jeb's Daughter and George's Niece

Betty Bowers Opens Halfway House Exclusively For Bush Children (Humor)

Americans Agree: Evil is Very Bad (Humor)


Support our Campaign for a Special Prosecutor for Enrongate! has launched a major campaign for a Special Prosecutor for Enrongate. We 
need your support! Sign our petition (6468 signatures and counting!) and contribute to 
our banner advertising campaign. Your support makes our efforts possible!


__Anti-Bush Protests

On Monday 2/11, protest Bush in Milwaukee, WI. Launches 'Share A Sticker' Site

Thanks to the continuing generosity of our members, has created a new 
resource for Democratic activists called Share A Sticker. These bumper stickers were 
created by the members of They are designed to be printed on regular 
paper using your regular printer, and inserted in clear plastic sleeves, which are 
available at any stationery store. You can then slide these stickers in and out, 
changing your message as often as you like. Have fun - and tell your friends! 
(Registration required)

__American Citizen Arrested in Indiana for Bringing Sign Towards Cheney Event

Tonight I was arrested for nothing more than exercising my rights as a citizen in 
what I thought was a free country. Dick Cheney came to my town to stump for one of the 
Environmental Dirty Dozen, Indiana 8th District Congressman John Hostettler. I had 
made up a sign which stated, 'CHENEY-19th Century Energy Man.' ... The main cop 
informed me that if I did not go more than a block away to the area he apparently had 
just arbitrarily decided was to be used by protesters, that I would be arrested. I 
complied and started to walk away. When I turned to ask if it was OK to go to the 
parking lot where hundreds of people were, either leaving work or arriving to attend 
the event, he instructed his uniformed men to arrest me. So writes John Blair of 
Evansville, IN. We demand an investigation of the suppression of the First Amendment 
by the Bush-Cheney administration!

__Nick's Crusade Gets a Hearing Before the Alabama Legislature

Nineteen-year-old quadriplegic Nick Dupree of Mobile traveled to Montgomery on 
Wednesday to tell legislators why Medicaid in Alabama should still pay for in-home 
nursing care after he turns 21. But state Medicaid officials said the proposed bill to 
continue benefits for Dupree and others won't work, and there's no money for it. 
'You're in between a rock and a hard place,' said Dupree, who will turn 21 in a year 
and two weeks. 'You can either stay at home without any care, hoping you don't die, or 
you go to a nursing home, where the care you get will probably ensure that you don't 
live.'...  Dupree's motorized wheelchair, with a rear mounted ventilator connected to 
him by translucent tubing, dominated the small meeting room inside the Alabama State 
House on Wednesday, as senators intently listened to his testimony. So reports the 
Mobile Register - and you can read Nick's own report here in, 
where you can 

Re: [CTRL] Mom, I'm a lesbian.

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

some kids come home and say they are astronauts and dinosaurs, but they
don't start growing scales, just because they saw Barney
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- --
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better
than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not
your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed
you. May your chains set lightly upon you.
   Samuel Adams


 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 17:35:39 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] Mom, I'm a lesbian.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Half Truths, Homosexuality, and the National Education Association
 by Dick M. Carpenter II, Ph.D.

 This opinion editorial first appeared in newspapers in July, 2001.

 Mom, I'm a lesbian.

 Over the past decade, increasing numbers of children have dropped this
 bombshell on devastated parents. However, when one daughter recently said
 this after returning from a Massachusetts school, the mother was more
 perplexed than devastated-her daughter was only 9 years old.

 Well, honey, what makes you think you're a lesbian? asked the mother.

 Today we had some people come in our class, and they told us what it means
 to be gay. That's when you love someone that's like you, and you don't like
 the boys. Because I love my friend, Sara, we know that we're going to get
 married when we grow older. That means we're gay.

 If the National Education Association (NEA) has its way, this conversation
 will be replayed in millions of homes across the country. At its annual
 convention during the first week of July, the world's largest teachers union
 will consider a resolution promoting programs and curricula designed to
 normalize homosexuality.

 According to the resolution, the NEA seeks to indoctrinate PreK-12 students
 with pro-gay messages by disseminati[ng] programs and information that
 include the

 contributions, heritage, culture and history of gay, lesbian, bisexual and

 transgender people. To create these programs, the NEA calls for the
 involvement of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender educators in
 developing educational material used in classroom instructions.

 The resolutions also support using gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
 education employees as role models and call for coordination with gay,
 lesbian, bisexual and transgender organizations in inundating schools with
 gay-friendly curricula and programs.

 Apparently, the NEA has abandoned teachers and students in favor of the
 latest in-vogue cause and in so doing show its true colors-an ultra-liberal
 organization far out of the mainstream and dedicated to half-truths dangerous
 to children.

 To begin, while the NEA believes schools are the proper avenue for advancing
 homosexual causes, the mainstream public clearly disagrees. A Phi Delta
 Kappan/Gallup poll indicates that 63 percent of Americans oppose teaching
 about the gay and lesbian lifestyle as a part of the curriculum in public
 schools, and only 9 percent believe it should be presented as an acceptable
 alternative lifestyle.

 Worse yet, through its membership of 2.3 million public school teachers, the
 NEA wields enormous clout in school districts and implements its agenda on a
 captive audience of tens of millions of children. With a population of 2.6
 million teachers in U.S. public schools and more than 2 million of those NEA
 members, you do the math.

 One only need look at recent instances in schools to see how the NEA's
 resolutions would play out in classrooms.

 In Marin County, Calif., all second- through fifth-graders at Pleasant Valley
 School were called to an assembly put on by a local theater group. The group
 taught the children slogans such as, I'm gay and it's OK. The skits
 included one in which Rapunzel cut her hair and ran away with her girlfriend.

 Montpelier, Vt., high school students were taken to an unannounced assembly.
 Once there, they were presented with a panel entirely made up of gays,
 lesbians, and bisexuals who talked about how happy, healthy and productive
 they are.

 Hayward, Calif., elementary school students were forced to hear about their
 teacher 's homosexual lifestyle after the teacher's homosexual partner sent
 flowers to him in the class.

 Finally, missing from the NEA's plans is the rest of the story. If the NEA
 wants to tell kids about this contentious issue, at least give them the real

 They ought to talk about the dangerous health risks accompanying
 homosexuality, including syphilis, damage to the intestinal tract and the
 mother of all STDs, AIDS. In that discussion, kids 

Re: [CTRL] Please, please begin a campaign

2002-02-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Man on the Run [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So I am to assume you are saying it is an inverted pentagram?

You may assume it, but it is NOT what I said; reread my post, I said 'even
*IF* it is inverted', I did not say I believe it is so, only that it may be
a possibility...

Are you saying it is not an inverted pentagram or that it is and that is

I am saying that without further investigation one cannot with any
intelligence state whether the design is 'inverted' or not; and that even
if it IS determined to be 'inverted', that one cannot construe an
evil/satanic meaning to such a layout, since such a meaning would have been
unknown to the 18th-century intellect.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-09 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Hash: SHA1

 America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
 (Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message)

 February 8, 2002


 And key members of the Bush Administration


 TO: President George.W. Bush ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Vice President Dick Cheney ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge (Fax (202) 456-6337)
 Attorney General John Ashcroft ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
 Secretary of State Colin Powell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice (Fax: 202-456-9290)
 FBI Director Robert Mueller (

 FR: Aaron Zelman, Executive Director
 Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

 Dear President Bush and Administration Decision-Makers:

 I'm writing to alert you to an ominous, potentially tragic gap
 in your homeland security preparations. This gap could enable
 terrorists to escape scrutiny and operate anywhere from the
 largest cities to the deepest part of the American heartland
 where, as you know, agricultural facilities, dams, and power
 plants are vulnerable. The gap exists in the millions of
 square miles of the U.S. that simply can't be safeguarded by
 federal agents, even with the aid of sophisticated technology.

 Fortunately, you have at hand the one force that can most surely
 close this dangerous gap: The American people.

 After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, Americans
 living on both coasts were rapidly brought into action as civil
 defense wardens. They watched the skies and the seas for signs
 of invasion. They stood guard against spies and saboteurs.
 Everyone from housewives to retired military men accepted the
 natural duty of citizens to protect their own country and
 communities against attack.

 Many of these civilian defenders -- who, after all, were members
 of the constitutional unorganized militia -- went armed in their
 duties. They were ready not only to report dangers that they
 spotted to far-off authorities, but to personally stand up for
 their country's safety and security.

 Franklin Roosevelt wasn't the only twentieth-century president
 to value an armed citizenry. President Theodore Roosevelt, who
 habitually carried a handgun for self-defense (as did his niece
 Eleanor), said that only with extensive firearm training could
 America defend ourselves, protect others, or preserve peace
 in the face of strong nations bent on aggression.

 When John F. Kennedy was a candidate for the presidency, he
 declared, Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears
 of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second
 amendment, will ever be a major danger to our nation, the
 amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic
 military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must
 be ready to participate in the defense of his country.

 What was true against strong nations is surely even more
 true when the enemy is small, hidden groups of men who may
 be living, planning, and acting out their evil in our
 neighborhoods. When terrorists are dispersed among us, what
 better answer than to disperse armed American guardians far
 and wide among them? If every American is a potential victim
 of terror, then shouldn't every American be expected and
 encouraged to defend self, home, family, community, and

 Such widespread self defense is not only common sense, it is
 also effective national defense.

 There are not enough FBI agents, National Guardsmen, or police
 to cover every corner of America. No number of surveillance
 cameras or checkpoints can do that job (although they may
 help turn the U.S. into a police state in the vain attempt to
 achieve security). Spending $61.8 million on increased FBI
 surveillance capabilities, or $157.6 million to enhance that
 agency's computer systems, as your new budget proposes to do,
 can't protect Americans today, next week, or next month, and
 may never protect us all.

 But there are 285 million Americans who are on hand now, in
 every big-city neighborhood, small town, and rural crossroads.
 Some 80 million of them already own firearms, and millions are
 prepared to bring their own weapons and ammunition -- at no
 cost to the U.S. taxpayers -- to defend their homeland.

 The Talmud, the code of Jewish law, states: If someone comes
 to kill you, arise quickly and kill him. That's good sense for
 dealing with terrorists, as well as common criminals.

 Just as a thief avoids breaking into a home where an armed-and-
 ready resident might be present, terrorists will surely think
 twice if they know a planeload or an office building 

Re: [CTRL] Phantom of the CT LOB Parking Garage (part 2)

2002-02-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Well the various LEOs continued searching well into the night, but came up

For some reason the security cameras in the LOB garage didn't seem to
provide anything helpful...

But the next day we were told that the whole thing had been 'solved'
seems a local cable-access station had a couple of cameramen shooting
background shots of the state capital building for use on one of the local
cable channel's shows, and we were told that what two separate witnesses
reported as a man with a machine gun (or perhaps a 'long rifle', as
described by the State Police spokesman on Wednesday afternoon) was really
one of these cameramen...

It was the cameramen who came forward suggesting that it was them who the
witnesses had seen, this 'breakthrough' did not come via any LEO

They showed one of these cameramen with his equipment; even with a boom
mike attached to the camera, I find it hard to fathom how anyone could have
mistaken it for a machinegunalso one wonders why they'd need a boom
mike on the camera, since they weren't shooting anything that needed sound,
they were just taking background shots of the capital building, to be later
used behind a 'talking head' on the local cable channel's news program...

They also showed the video these cameramen supposedly shot, and the
direction of the sunlight shows that the video had to have been shot some
hours earlier in the day, in the mid-morning at the latest; they also were
shooting from the top floor of the parking garage, on the 5th floor which
is open to the sky.  The 2 eyewitnesses both stated that they saw a gunman
on the THIRD floor of the parking garage at a little after 1 p.m.

The video that was broadcast allegeding to be what the cameramen filmed as
background footage showed long shadows, which would not have been seen
around midday; the length of the shadows suggested a time more probably
around 10:30 or 11 a.m., definitely NOT the time of around 12:30 to 1 p.m.
when they supposedly were shooting this footage...

The earlier time makes more sense if one considers that they only wanted to
get a plain shot of the capitol building, without a lot of traffic going on
and people going in and out; at that time on Wednesday people were
gathering for the governor's State of the State address, which started at
noon and lasted 20 minutes.  By 12:30, when these cameramen are claimed to
have been shooting footage, a vast number of people were leaving the
capital, going to lunch, etc. -- which means there should have been more
vehicular traffic and definitely more pedestrians shown in the footage.
Point of fact, there were absolutely NO pedestrians, and very little
vehicular traffic shown...

And as I mentioned, nothing has been said, let alone shown, of what the
security cameras in the parking garage picked up; it seems to me that if
the security cameras verified the alleged the gunman was really a video
cameraman story, those security tapes would have been shown.

Also what hasn't been explained is why we were told that the parking garage
(along with the capital building and LOB) was put in 'lockdown mode'
immediately after the eyewitnesses reported what they had seen, and we were
assured that no one could have what happened to these
cameramen, who were supposedly shooting footage at the time?  It seems to
me they would have been found right away...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/9/02 11:15:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You and a couple other anti-Jewish posters  concentrate too much on trying

to find Jewish control of every situation and miss some of the other obvious


Broaden your perspective.




CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron

2002-02-09 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Jim Rarey - I note you claim to be investigative reporter and
former Editor of a newspaper (wondered which one, for I used to now a
lot of newsmen.

So you are an investigative reporter who does not engage in controversy?
And I say this - I note how carefully you avoid all truths which
includes organized crime taking over America.

You state you were a customs administrator - where, the Great Lakes?
I do not need advice from you and oh how careful not to mention name
Silverstein and 7 billion dollars, or ADL with Meyer Lansky their man of
year, and Larry Flynt big backer and front man for organized crime.

Organized crime comes in 12 tribes and flies many different
flags...they have stolen the image of the CIA but these men are just
low class contract killers but in the end they seem to get it.

All but Meyer Lansky, rat faced Lansky, who ordered the hit on JFK.

You an investigative reporter - self ordained?   Would like to see your
official pedigree .


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron

2002-02-09 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Bill Shannon - I will make peace with Israelis when they bring back
the dead from the USS Liberty which they murdered and NAPALMED AS THEY
and then bombed and torpedoed the men attempting to escape on life

This was all in International Waters.   And I say this had I been in
charge, one big H Bomb would have been dropped on that flyspeck they
call Israel, land of butchers and the slaughtermen.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Afghans not likely to curb opium

2002-02-09 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes and maybe some of the victims families who were burned alive and
crushed to death in the Twin Towers will collect some insurance monies
from Larry Silverstein who a few weeks before the Twin Towers disaster
and DEMOLITION took out a Terrorist Insurance Policey which will total 7
billion dollars tax free money.

Then do a little checking into his associates?

A man who went bankrupt now worth 7 billion dollars and hey that man can
be sued from here to eternity.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-09 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, Saba is a woman and I once saw a picture of Bill Shannon and his
beautiful blonde wife - he is very handsome and she is very elegant.

Now Joshua2 I can imagine - little chub cheeked fatso sitting on his
little behind on a comuter monitoring the should be so
handsome as Bill Shannon.


And Irish too.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 2/9/02 1:30:47 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Now Joshua2 I can imagine - little chub cheeked fatso sitting on his
little behind on a comuter monitoring the should be so
handsome as Bill Shannon.

Why thank you Saba! You remember!
I still need to send you that book we discussed...if you want to make arrangements we can do that offline.

And I believe your correct about Joshua...short, fat, single..with a prominent facial feature.


[CTRL] sign a petition opposing the National ID

2002-02-09 Thread Archibald Bard

-Caveat Lector-


 I hope many of you got to see Dr. Paul's speech on the house floor
 today. (Sorry I didn't get the alert out sooner) In his speech he
 called attention to the proposed National ID. If you would like to
 sign a petition opposing the National ID visit

 If you missed our first issue (sent out earlier today) viewable
 archives are at

 Joe Eldred
 Editor, Ron Paul for President 2004 Newsletter

Finally, a Candidate worth going to the Poll and Vote For!
Ron Paul for President 2004
Official Website of Ron Paul

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
-- Oath of Office
Archibald Bard

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The effects of the BushMob after 1 year

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

The effects of the BushMob after 1 year

WHO blew the WTC? The answer comes up more and more: bin Laden MAY have
been involved, but pro-global government/multinational-corporate/BigOil
arch-traitors of the BushMob definitely wrote the script -- AND
squelched pre-911 US intel investigations of terrorists within the US,
AND STOOD DOWN the US air defense system on 911, to make SURE 911
happened as planned.

That all counts as massively vicious, brutal treachery against their own
nation, on a scale pretty well unprecedented in human history. These
guys like to make a BIG splash, with their big stinking turds.

Then there's Enron. After Shrub took over the White House, his BEST
getting his top people into key positions in his best friend Shrubya's
administration with all due speed, to further the agendas and policies
which would reap them ALL some VERY HUGE SUMS of MONEY.

One of the KEY projects Enron people in the ShrubMob were pushing for
the now-extinct TALIBAN by ShrubMobster, CIA and BigOil/BigEn(ron)ergy
negotiators commenced IMMEDIATELY and continued on until AUGUST 2, 2001
-- when a BushMob/BigOil ultimatum to the Taliban to accept the deal or
get bombed back to the Stone Age resulted -- UNDERSTANDABLY -- in the
terminating of negotiations by the Taliban. \

Never ONCE during these proceedings did Bush/CIA/BigOil negotiators ask
the Taliban to produce or hand over supposed global arch-terrorist Osama
bin Laden, who was living in Afghanistan. Hmmm... And then weeks later,
the WTC gets bombed into rubble, dust and and ruin. But the TALIBAN
certainly didn't do it. And bin Laden, never even SOUGHT by the US
during negotiations with the Taliban, was in hospitals for serious
kidney ailments that summer and CERTAINLY didn't DO IT. So -- WHO DID??

OBVIOUSLY -- the PEOPLE who wanted to put that oil pipeline in but were
getting to much flak from the TALIBAN.

Moreover: Lay and other Enron higher-ups sure had a HUGE effect on the
Bush Administration's domestic energy policies -- much of which
basically came down to Bush and company letting Enron and pals continue
to RIP the living SHIT out of California in massive energy/power price
gouging, during the ULTRA-phony, Enron/bush-induced power shortage in
California last year.

SO: Aside from rolling up the Constitution and shoving it up the butts
of every American who believed they lived in something called
democratic republic and aside from giving Congress the stiff arm and
the middle finger EVERY single time Congress asks the Shrubsters the
time of day, the arch-traitor multinationalist/globalist BushMob  scum
and vermin have been busy little beavers in many other ways -- gutting,
savaging, raping, pillaging, devastating and annihilating scores of
beneficial government programs and policies which have taken YEARS of
effort to put in place.

And then there are such luminaries of the criminal psychopathic BushMob
as the unspeakably vile, miserable piece of dirt known as Gale Norton.
Some Native American buddies of mine would like to have a few words with
Norton -- very few.

But anyway -- reprinted below is a partial listing of the widescale,
unilateral devastation wreaked upon our democratic republic and its
government by the arch-criminal Satanists and TRAITORS bushLaden, bin
Cheney, bin Ashcroft, Rummy, Norton, Wolfowitz, Ridge, and many, many others.

Think of three -- or is that SEVEN -- or is that HUNDREDS!! -- of more
years of this.
= = = = = = = =
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 09:07:23 -0600
From: michael handy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FallOutShelter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FW: What President Bush is doing in Office]

Read it and weep gang, it's pretty pathetic!

Can we afford to have this idiot in office for four years?

no way.



The First Six Months of George W. Bush: Whatever your beliefs, know what
your president is doing.

Here is a list of his work in his first six months:

* Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.

* Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million.

* Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced paediatric training.

* Cut by 50% funding for research into renewable energy sources.

* Revoked rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic drinking water.

* Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual
assistance to non-English speaking persons. This, from a candidate who
would readily fire-up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be
Hispanic voters.

* Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands
and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii. San Francisco Chronicle, April
6, 2001

* Cut funding by 28% for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks.

* Suspended rules that would 

[CTRL] Fwd: Govt endorses kill for fun by US Afghan troops! SICK!

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Govt endorses kill for fun by US Afghan troops! SICK!

In one of the clearest indications yet that the most foul, despicable,
anti-Christian, devil-worshipping mass-murdering maggot-ridden demons
have utterly taken over the US federal government, AND ALSO much -- if
not ALL -- of the mass media information outlets and sources which
publish and broadcast in this nation, one of our HIGHLY-respected
readers who posts frequently on American Patriot  Friends Network,
reports that in a recent CNN video clip depicting US security forces
on the grounds in Afghanistan, one of the ALLEGED US combatants
constantly indicated that he just couldn't WAIT ti KILL some real,
living, and surely INNOCENT, defenseless and helpless, human beings IN

TOP_VIEW recipient Terry Anderson (no relation to Bob) tells us she and
her 19-year-old son recently watched CNN in shock and disgust, as some
psychotic murdering pig in a US military uniform let it be known loud
and clear that he was just ACHING to slaughter some innocent people,
QUICK! And this, clearly, with the FULL ENDORSEMENT of the US military
high command, the blood-sucking Satanist filth in the White House, and
also their ghoulish, degenerate, slaved-out accomplices working for CNN
and other mass media FedGov/NWO mouthpieces.

broadcasting, and SO was her SON.

Thank GOD, decent people and true Patriots can see through what kind of
sick, demonic, degenerate and unconscionable indoctrinations,
manipulations  and mind-games are being directed against the American
people now, by the arch-traitor Satanist global gangsters of the Bush
International Crime/War Empire and their mind-controlling
info-tainment mass-media accomplices!

= = = = = = = =
Subject: something I saw on the news
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:37:04 -0700
From: Terry Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other evening real late my son Daniel and I had the news on CNN, and
they were in Afghanistan doing a piece on snipers.they were
interviewing what they said was our sniper outfit there.

These were young GI's in the piece -- two of them. One outranked the

The higher-ranking (young man) was saying that they were not friends,
they did not make friends in that section of military service. (I didn't
get that.)

My son Daniel said of the(higher-ranking) one that he was an ACTOR... I
really didn't give it much thought until he said that, but this kid was
either really arrogant or he was indeed an actor. He had his lines down
pat and every move as well. His facial expressions etc.

The other kid they were asking questions of didn't give me that
impression; but they were remarking that neither one had killed anyone

The one boy remarked with a big smile that he really wanted to know how
it felt to kill someone. Kinda giggling like a kid that was about to
have sex for the first time

Dan and I just looked at each other and Dan said oh God Mom that is

I was really shocked by the whole thing. It was really weird to see two
boys talking about wanting to see someone get blown away for the sake of
blowing them away...whpie.. Geeze.

I am glad my son got to see that. I haven't seen the piece again since
but if I do and if I can find text of it I will get it in a letter.

I had to tell you about this. It was shocking. I would have hated to
have seen one of my boys talking that way.

As a parent that is not what you want to see come out of your child's
mouth or mind.

I'm really proud of my Son Daniel.he can see this stuff and it
sickens him. He has hope yet



..It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.. Samuel Adams

---End Message---

[CTRL] Milosevic Trial Rigged To Justify NATO's War Against Serbia

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon

Victors’ justice

John Laughland says that the trial of Slobodan Milosevic has been rigged to justify Nato’s war against Serbia  Whatever the outcome of the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, which begins on 12 February and may last for several years, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has already condemned itself. For it is difficult to imagine a more perfect paradigm of injustice than the sequence of events which has led to the proceedings that get underway next week. 

Let us leave aside for a moment the manner in which Milosevic was brought to The Hague. His transfer there in exchange for the promise of millions of dollars in aid, and in direct defiance of a ruling by the Yugoslav constitutional court, was the very quintessence of illegality. Far worse is the behaviour of the prosecutor and the judges, who now betray such a harmony of institutional interests that it is impossible for anyone to receive a fair trial at The Hague. 

The judges, indeed, have behaved as if they were just another arm of the prosecution; the prosecution, in turn, behaves in a brazenly politicised manner. On 1 February, the Appeal Chamber ruled in favour of a prosecution motion that all three indictments against Milosevic — for Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia — should be bundled together into one single trial. Yet there is only one conceivable explanation for this judicial shenanigan: that the indictment of Milosevic for Kosovo is irredeemably flawed — the very indictment which constitutes the moral justification for the 78-day war that Nato fought against Yugoslavia in 1999. 

That American-led bombing was justified by the claim that genocide was being planned and executed against the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo. Throughout 1999 and 2000, the tribunal and various self-appointed Balkan experts alleged that more than 11,000 Albanian civilians had been murdered, and that a plan existed, called Operation Horseshoe, to drive out half the population. These claims have now been formally discarded by the tribunal. The indictment issued in July 2001 against Milosevic and his colleagues, which was amended following the exhumation over two years of more than 2,000 bodies, now accuses them of complicity in the deaths of ‘hundreds of Kosovo Albanian civilians’. It lists the names of 577 dead people, mostly men of fighting age. 

When asked by Le Monde last year why no charge had been brought for genocide in Kosovo, the chief prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, replied, ‘Because there is no evidence for it.’ Yet if, as Nato claimed at the time, the Yugoslav authorities had really intended to destroy the ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo, there would be no difficulty at all in proving genocide. Instead, the ICTY indictment makes no reference to Operation Horseshoe, no doubt because it was rumbled in 2000 as a pure invention of Nato war propaganda. 

Had a trial been allowed to go ahead, therefore, on the basis of the Kosovo war alone, the weakness of Nato’s justification for attacking Yugoslavia would have been laid bare for all to see. Milosevic might even have been acquitted of any criminal responsibility for the deaths of the hundreds of Albanians listed, even if it could be shown that they were all civilians and not KLA fighters. 

To forestall this eventuality, in October and November last year the prosecutor quickly brought out two new indictments, for Croatia and Bosnia. She evidently hoped that the weakness of the Kosovo indictment would be quietly buried in the general mêlée And on 1 February the judges of the Appeal Chamber acquiesced in the prosecution’s demand that all three indictments should be merged into one single trial. This is in direct contradiction to one of the most fundamental principles of customary extradition law, namely that a defendant may not be tried for a crime other than the one for which he was originally sent for trial. 

The events in Croatia occurred in 1991 and 1992, those in Bosnia from 1992 to 1995. The Hague tribunal was itself created in 1993. During the tribunal’s eight years of existence, the name of Slobodan Milosevic has been on everybody’s lips. Indeed, a formal investigation into his personal responsibility for the Bosnian war (in which scores of thousands of people were killed) was opened in 1995. It found that there was no evidence to indict him, although it did indict the Bosnian Serb leaders. Are we now really supposed to believe that, ten years after Vukovar and seven years after Srebrenica, the prosecutors of the ICTY have only just realised that Slobodan Milosevic was president of Serbia at the time? 

It seems obvious that these last-minute indictments over Croatia and Bosnia were issued to cover up the weakness of the Kosovo indictment. And the judges have connived in this. When Milosevic arrived at The Hague on 28 June 2001, he was indicted only for Kosovo; the judges 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Irish Government Denounces US : Calls Bush A PuppetOfIsrael ; Limeri...

2002-02-09 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-



 Subject: Irish Government Denounces US : Calls Bush A Puppet Of Israel ; Limerick 
Post Of Dublin
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 19:13:09 -0800

 Irish Government Denounces US
 Calls Bush A Puppet Of Israel

 2/8/02 7:13:09 PM
 Limerick Post Of Dublin

 Dublin, ireland --

 Cushnahan rounds on Israeli policy

 MUNSTER MEP John Cushnahan has denounced Israeli policy in relation to the
 Middle East as ludicrous and counterproductive.

 And the European politician has gone a step further by saying he believes
 election of Ariel Sharon as Israel's prime minister was regrettable.

 Mr Cushnahan says that, since the terrorist attacks on America on
 September 11
 last, the EU has been over-sensitive in its approach to the Middle East.

 We are an honest broker and we should be more vigorous. Given the fact
 the US should be indebted to us for our solidarity and support that we
 provided them when they needed it, we should now seek a reciprocal
 response by
 demanding that instead of continuing to be the puppet of Israel they
 join us in an even handed policy approach to this tragedy, he says.

 His comments are certain to provoke an backlash from a number of quarters,
 the Munster MEP is adamant that a fairer approach is needed towards the
 East situation.

 He also says that Mr Sharon's recent remarks that he regrets not having
 Yassar Arafat in Lebanon in 1982 is unforgivable.

 I suppose we should not be surprised. Sharon's terrorist behaviour in
 and his responsibility for permitting the massacres in Sabra and Chatila
 refugee camps was condemned by the Kahn Israeli Commission of Enquiry.

 Given his background it is regrettable that he was subsequently elected
 Prime Minister of Israel, he says, questioning how Israel can make
 demands on
 Yassar Arafat to behave as if he was the leader of a normal state while
 the same time they make him a virtual prisoner in his own home, destroying
 airport and his broadcasting station.

 Libertarian Socialist News
 Post Office Box 12244
 Silver Spring, MD 20908
 (check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)


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[CTRL] The Great Game

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon

The Great Game 

by Uri Avnery

Some weeks ago, something curious happened: Israel discovered that Iran is the Great Satan.

It happened quite suddenly. There was no prior sensational news, no new discovery. As if by the order of a drill-sergeant, the whole Israeli phalanx changed direction. All the politicians, all the generals, all the enlisted media, with the usual complement of professors-for-hire, - all of them discovered overnight that Iran is the immediate, real and terrible danger.

By wondrous coincidence, at exactly the same moment a ship was captured that, allegedly, carried Iranian arms to Arafat. And in Washington Shimon Peres, a man for all seasons and the servant of all masters, accosted every passing diplomat and told him stories about thousands of Iranian missiles that have been given to the Hizbullah. Yes, yes, Hizbullah (included by President Bush in the list of "terrorist organizations") is receiving horrible arms from Iran (included by President Bush in the "Axis of Evil") in order to threaten Israel, the darling of the Congress. 

Does this sound mad? Not at all. There is method in this madness.

On the face of it, the matter is easy to explain. America is still in a state of fury after the Twin-Towers outrage. It has won a amazing victory in Afghanistan, hardly sacrificing a single American soldier. Now it stands, furious and drunk with victory, and does not know who to attack next. Iraq? North Korea? Somalia? The Sudan?

President Bush cannot stop now, because such an immense concentration of might cannot be laid off. The more so, as Bin-Laden has not been killed. The economic situation has deteriorated, a giant scandal (Enron) is rocking Washington. The American public should not be left to ponder on this.

So here comes the Israeli leadership and shouts from the roof-tops: Iran is the enemy! Iran must be attacked!

Who has made that decision? When? How? And most importantly – Where? Clearly not in Jerusalem, but in Washington DC. An important component of the US administration has given Israel a sign: Start a massive political offensive in order to pressure the Congress, the media and American public opinion.

Who are these people? And what is their interest? A wider explanation is needed.

The most coveted resource on earth is the giant oil-field in the Caspian Sea region, that competes in scale with the riches of Saudi Arabia. In 2010 it is expected to yield 3.2 billion barrels of crude oil per day, in addition to 4850 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year. 

The United States is determined (a) to take possession of it, (b) to eliminate all potential competitors, (c) to safeguard the area politically and militarily, and (d) to clear a way from the oil-fields to the open sea.

This campaign is being led by a group of oil people, to which the Bush family belongs. Together with the arms industry, this group got both George Bush senior and George Bush junior elected. The President is a simple person, his mental world is shallow and his pronouncements are primitive, bordering on caricature, like a second-rate Western. That is good for the masses. But his handlers are very sophisticated people indeed. It’s they who guide the administration. 

The Twin Towers outrage made their job much easier. Osama Bin Laden did not comprehend that his actions serve American interests. If I were a believer in Conspiracy Theory, I would think that Bin Laden is an American agent. Not being one, I can only wonder at the coincidence.

Bush’s "War on Terrorism" constitutes a perfect pretext for the campaign planned by his handlers. Under the cover of this war, America has taken total control over the three small Muslim nations near the oil reserves: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The whole region is now completely under American political-military domination. All potential competitors – including Russia and China – have been pushed out.

For a long time, the Americans have been arguing among themselves about the best route for piping this oil to the open sea. Routes that may be under Russian influence have been eliminated. The 19th century, deadly British-Russian competition, then called the "Great Game", is still going on between America and Russia.

Until recently, the western route, leading to the Black Sea and Turkey, seemed most feasible, but the Americans did not like it very much, to say the least. Russia is much too near.

The best route leads south, to the Indian Ocean. Iran was not even considered, since it is governed by Islamic fanatics. So there remained the alternative route: from the Caspian Sea, through Afghanistan and the western part of Pakistan (called Beluchistan), to the Indian Ocean. To this end, the Americans conducted, ever so quietly, negotiations with the Taliban regime. They bore no fruit. Then the "War on Terrorism" was started, the US conquered all of Afghanistan and installed their agents as the new government. The 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: FBI Has No Evidence Of Treason In Walker Case :Government Ha...

2002-02-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Something doesn't smell right about this.  (There were no written records
of the Oswald interview with the Dallas Police after his arrest, which was
very unusual.)  I'm wondering if, in this case, the FBI shot themselves in
the foot on purpose.

Keep in mind that this kid's father is said to have worked for the State
Department, so he's something more than just 'the kid next door' the
media's been portraying him as...

Could Lindh be a mind-controlled operative and they
need to let him go so they can continue to use him?

Or at least so that certain things won't come to light that the spooks
would rather be kept under covers...

Is it possible that he
was brought into the media spotlight accidentally?

Possibly.  It could be that the novelty of 'an American Taliban' was great
enough that the media jumped on it before the spooks had time to cover it
up; it could be that Lindh himself didn't follow prescribed procedure and
for some reason allowed himself to be 'captured'...

It seems to me that the
FBI is not going to make a huge error in a high profile case like this
unless they need to for other reasons.

It could be that Lindh revealed something in the interviews that 'someone'
doesn't want revealed; perhaps who his REAL handlers are, perhaps
suggesting who may really be behind 9/11...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Churchill's Holocaust

2002-02-09 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Neuropsychotic - June used to sign off with that planets spin, so
do I and I never heard that line before?

Show one post of mine where I ever used that line...

You better talk to your doctor about those meds you are on, they're making
you hallucinate...


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mom, I'm a lesbian.

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/9/02 10:15:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 some kids come home and say they are astronauts and dinosaurs, but they

don't start growing scales, just because they saw Barney 

Correct. They just turn purple.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] An F for U

2002-02-09 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Are there ANY names, descriptive of the attributes of people, which are
not metaphors in your books? Give examples.

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:14:42 -0600
  To: thew [EMAIL PROTECTED], Conspiracy Theory Research List
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] An F for U
  On 8 Feb 02, at 16:11, thew wrote:
  good and evil deeds exist
  evil and good deeds are concrete
  This seems to be a contradiction.  evil ... are concrete but SATAN
  as the embodiment of evil is not.

  first of all I said evil deeds, not evil , and although your ellipsis is
 very adorable, let's stick with what I actually said - it may be a subtle
 difference - but it is a difference.

 I said I have no problem with the use of Satan as a metaphor , to describe
 someone as very evil, an embodiment of evil, but a literal Satan, no.


  Would that mean that any of the
  other mythological figures are equally un-concrete?

 Why, yes, yes it would.

 -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
  -- - -- -

 Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

 Henrik Ibsen


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] An F for U

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:05:03 -0800
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] An F for U

 Most of us have names which are not statements of what we are about. Joe,
 or Jill for example. Others have names which say what we are about, what
 our real, in this world nature is like. Sometimes people change their
 names to try and describe or prescribe such characteristics.
 I know a guy who changed his name to Brook because he thought it was
 calming and natural. Why wouldn't the most evil person in the world be
 aptly called The Great Satan?

Sorry - my mistake - I thought we were talking about the existence of the
being that is traditional labeled Satan

I didn't realize we got to make our own definition, and then argue for it.

of course someone can name themselves Satan - but that does not make them
literally a fallen angel responsible for all the evil in the world.

Likewise if you call them Satan

what I'm saying is, there is no such metaphysical being (fallen angel prince
of darkness immortal etc) in existence, by the name Satan Lucifer Beelzebub,
old scratch, old nick, etc etc.

You could call the most evil person in the world the great Satan, of course.
Lets, for the sake of argument, say it's osama bin laden.

Of course you could call him the great Satan - but guess what

that's a metaphor!

 Would that mean that any of the
 other mythological figures are equally un-concrete?

 They may well be mythological but a real person titled Satan could be a
 real, concrete and non-mythological manifestation of evil in this world.

yes, and the moon could be made of green cheese, but it isn't.

 Ask El Presidente. He uses the words evil and good so often one might
 start to get the idea he doesn't have his head shoved up his ass.

I prefer to ask people with a modicum of education, sense, style, and

 Are there ANY names, descriptive of the attributes of people, which are
 not metaphors in your books? Give examples.

um... tiny Tim -- oops he wasn't really that tiny.

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Education of Joe Guzzardi

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Education of Joe Guzzardi
by Joe Guzzardi

February 08, 2002

Before I began my teaching career at the Lodi Adult School, I didn’t know
anything about immigration.

I was a banker whose background was finance and economics. If someone had
asked, I would have wagered that like most federal programs, immigration was
a mess. But I didn’t have any first hand knowledge because immigration
policy wasn’t part of my world.

I got my baptism of fire at the Adult School.

The first class I taught was English as a second language (E.S.L.) to
Southeast Asian refugees on welfare. In my previous column, I
wrote that students only turn out for E.S.L. classes when a carrot in
dangled in front of them. As an example, I cited the period in the mid-1980s
that when English language instruction was a requirement for a green card.
People showed up in droves.

And attendance was high in my class for the Southeast Asians. But not
because the desire to learn was keen. If you didn’t show up for class, you
didn’t get your welfare check.

Students could get exemptions from attending class, however. Among the
things that got them off the hook were doctor’s excuses, sick children,
transportation problems, compelling personal necessity, and holidays like
Vietnamese, Cambodian or Hmong New Year.

Imagine if you could be legitimately excused from showing up for your job
for any of the above reasons.

What a circus that class was. When a student wanted out—and sooner or later
most of them did—he would go to his doctor to ask for a note. Typically, a
Vietnamese student would go to a Vietnamese doctor, Cambodian students to
Cambodian doctors and so on.

The next day, the student appeared with a note saying, “Please excuse Mr.
Tran for 90 days. He has headaches.”

Okay, the guy has a headache on Monday but how can we possibly know that he
will have the same headache for ninety consecutive days? Calls to the
doctor’s office to learn more about student’s condition were not fruitful.

The medical excuse was one of the most irritating experiences I had. The
taxpayer got hit with the double whammy. First, the class, the books, the
teacher and the instructional assistants were all taxpayer supported.

Then, when the student went to the doctor, the taxpayer got that bill, too.
Trips to the doctor for the slightest condition were common. And when a
student had half a dozen children, as they all did, the MediCal card got a
good work out. Think free play on the pinball machine to get an idea.

I could never quite figure out how people who had never been touched by a
doctor’s hand until they arrived in the U.S. grew so dependent on medical
care. I guess the price was right.

Once I asked a student who was suffering from “a headache” why he didn’t go
to the drug store to buy aspirin. He replied, “Aspirin cost $5.00. The
doctor is free.”

The more I learned about the welfare system, the more I shook my head. One
day, I took out a pencil and did some calculations on the bottom line deal
that my students had.

Hold on to your hat for the next few paragraphs. Many families who arrived
in the U.S. in the early 1980s and stayed on welfare until that gig ended in
1996 took in between $500,000 and $1 million in cash and benefits.

The average Southeast Asian student had six children living at home. The
husband and wife collected a flat rate for themselves and additional monies
and food stamps for each child.

That income ranged around $30,000 annually.

My students had the best medical insurance in the universe. The parents were
fully covered. And from the moment the children were born–at a taxpayer
expense of $5,000–until they turned 21, every sniffle was paid for.

From my vantage point, that was the most abused benefit. With no co-pay,
anything and everything was a trip to the doctor. A common method of getting
to medical attention was —believe it or not—taking an ambulance to the
Emergency Room. My students didn’t have cars. Ambulances were, like
everything else, completely covered.

Students also received major medical. With large families (and children
covered until they turn 21), medical expenses pile up.

To cash, food stamps, unlimited medical care, add subsidized housing, W.I.C.
and other miscellaneous programs too numerous to mention. You’re talking
about a gold mine so rich that students refused to consider gainful

Coached by the Roman Catholic Church and various special interest groups,
the students were fountains of knowledge regarding the welfare system. Pay
dirt was S.S.I with its more generous benefits. With three tries to qualify
for S.S.I., students kept trying until they hit pay dirt.

I could never fault the students for the advantages they took. What did they
know? They came to America, got a check, food stamps and a MediCal 


2002-02-09 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Vladimir Krsljanin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 12:10 AM


February 4, 2002

Your Excellency,

We address you as an honorable and distinguished leader on
behalf of our International Committee. We wish to draw your attention to a
political injustice with possible negative implications for international
law and order and the sovereignty of all nations.
On 28 June 2001 the former head of the Yugoslav State, Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic was abducted from his own country.
This act was carried out by means of a conspiracy involving
elements of the present regime in the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade and
foreign elements. He was detained by the so-called International Criminal
Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) situated in The Hague, Netherlands.
This was done despite the Yugoslav Constitution's prohibition against
extradition of citizens and furthermore in defiance of an injunction against
the extradition of Mr. Milosevic imposed by the Yugoslav Constitutional
Court. The event was called an 'abduction' even by the present president of
On February 12 President Milosevic will face the beginning of
his 'trial' before this 'tribunal.' It was founded in 1993 and authorized by
the UN Security Council although the Security Council has no right, under
the United Nations charter, to create a judicial body. The 'tribunal's'
stated purpose is to 'prosecute persons responsible for serious violations
of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of former
Yugoslavia since 1991.'
President Milosevic is charged with 'crimes' supposedly
committed by Yugoslav Army and security forces during operations against
terrorist units in the Kosovo Autonomous Province of the Yugoslav federal
republic of Serbia.
These terrorist units were closely linked with and trained by
al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad and the secret services of some NATO and neighboring
countries. The terrorists committed numerous atrocities against the civilian
population of all ethnic groups.
President Milosevic is accused without evidence for events that
allegedly took place precisely during the 1999 NATO aggression against
Yugoslavia. In fact, during that conflict the Yugoslav Army acted in
disciplined compliance with the Geneva Conventions, despite the fact that it
was fighting terrorists who operated in full coordination and alliance with
NATO Air Forces. Let us note that other armies have acted differently when
fighting terrorists.
NATO dropped 25.000 tons of bombs and missiles, including more
than 50.000 shells containing about 20 tons of depleted Uranium and 152
containers with more than 35.000 cluster bombs, deliberately killing
thousands of civilians, systematically destroying the country's economy and
infrastructure, including refineries and chemical plants, producing war
damage of more than 100 billion dollars. This was terrorism from the air.
Meanwhile, the terrorists on the ground butchered another thousands of
civilians during the aggression and have continued to do so since NATO took
over Kosovo. They have also destroyed more than 100 Christian churches, some
of them cultural monuments from the medieval age, which were creations of
delight to all humanity.
The tribunal for former Yugoslavia was set up in 1993 by UN
Security Council Resolutions 808 and 827, under pressure from former U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Although its Statute assumes UN
funding, the 'tribunal' is financed primarily from American governmental and
private sources and by a few governments of Islamic countries.
In his book Nouvel ordre mondiale et controle de la legalite des actes du
Conseil de Securite (Bruxelles, 1994), professor Mohammed Bedjaoui, the
president of the International Court for Justice (ICJ), one of the main
pillars of the UN system, listed Resolutions 808 and 827 among the very few
examples when the Security Council violated the UN Charter. This may give
some moral satisfaction. But the reality is that neither the General
Assembly nor any other institution in the UN system has ever dared to
request an opinion from the ICJ on the legitimacy of the ICTY.  And the UN
institutions are the only ones authorized to do this. Moreover, the ICTY is
unwilling to let ICJ rule on its legality.
The ICTY, being a NATO sponsored 'tribunal', has never charged
any NATO leader or pilot with any crime although such indictments have been
demanded by interested parties. These parties include the group of
distinguished Canadian 

Re: [CTRL] The Prince of Wales Forum

2002-02-09 Thread rvh

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 02:33, Euphorian wrote:

 He holds the rank of major general in the British Army, rear admiral
 in the Royal Navy and air vice marshal in the Royal Air Force.
 Furthermore, he flies a variety of jet fighter planes including the
 Chipmunk, Spitfire, Nimrod, Phantom, Jet Provost and Harrier T4. As
 king, he will hold three important offices: king of a 1,200-year-old
 monarchy, head of the Anglican church and true head of state since
 the army and navy report directly to the sovereign and not to the
 prime minister.

Uh, how is the House of Windsor 1200 years old?  In 1066 William (the
Conqueror) came over from Normandy to take over the country, and wasn't
there some discontinuity along about the time Cromwell expressed his
displeasure with Charles I?

 If you lost your greatest possession to a group of terrorists, wouldn't
 you look for a different way to bring them back? The developed world
 does not use guns and bullets to effect change – they use ideas,
 thoughts, concepts and understanding. The British lost the War of
 1812 to a bunch ofilliterate sharpshooters from the mountains of
 Kentucky and Tennessee. It appears they have changed their tactics
 America be on guard. THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!

While I'm certainly no Anglophile, I think it is important to note that
the British WON the War of 1812, and the only reason they did not
reinstate colonial control over their American colonies was a little
fellow from Corsica who was causing a spot of trouble back home in

(BTW - contrary to what you were probably told in school, the British
didn't start the War of 1812; it was started by a bunch of hotheads
mostly in New York and Pennsylvania who invaded Canada, which was a
British colony at the time.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dual Loyalties Pose Threat to U.S. Culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2002-02-09 Thread William Shannon

Dual Loyalties Pose Threat to U.S. Culture

Congress could strike a bold blow against terrorism by reforming immigration laws so that new “citizens” are loyal to this country and no other.
Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.
The urgency of the need for Congress to dramatically overhaul immigration laws was stressed by a new report showing America being overwhelmed with “citizens” whose loyalties lie with other countries.

Most of the debate over immigration reform in Congress has concentrated on protecting the shores and borders from terrorists but the Center for Immigration Reform’s report released Jan. 31 points up the threat of “dual citizenship.”

Millions of American “citizens” remain loyal to their country of origin despite swearing allegiance to the United States, the report said. Among them could be “sleeper” terrorists waiting for the signal to conduct terrorist attacks on the scale of 9-11

More than one million people immigrate to the United States each year—nearly 90 percent from countries that allow dual citizenship, the center said. The largest immigrant-sending country is Mexico.


“Is it possible to be a fully engaged and knowledgeable citizen of several countries?” the report asked. “Is it possible to follow two or more very different cultural traditions? Is it possible to have two, possibly conflicting, core identifications and attachments? And, assuming such things are possible, are they desirable?”

Stanley Renshon, Ph.D., professor of political science at City University of New York and author of the study, answered his own questions:

• “No country can afford to have large numbers of citizens with shallow national or civic attachments. Further, no country facing divisive domestic issues arising out of increasing diversity, as the United States does today, benefits from large-scale immigration of those with multiple loyalties and attachments.

• “The process of being attached to one’s country of origin begins early and immigrants, understandably, often are conflicted in this regard. Today, governments of immigrant-sending countries around the world actively take steps to ensure that these old loyalties and attachments are maintained and even stimulated.

• “The United States traditionally has accepted immigrants with the assumption that they and their children would eventually become anchored to an American identity. This assumption has increasingly come under attack from those who reject America’s inclusive pluralism in favor of a ‘multicultural manifesto’ that equates assimilation with domination.”

Immigration Service official figures for 1994-1998 show that 17 of the top 20 immigrant-sending countries (85 percent) allow some form of multiple citizenship. Of the more than 2.6 million immigrants from the top 20 countries, more than 2.2 million (86 percent) are multiple-citizenship immigrants.

The report makes clear that a “dual citizen” cannot be 100 percent loyal to any country. If a citizen is 100 percent loyal to America, there is no loyalty left for another country. It made the point that earlier immigrants came to this country to seek opportunity, made a lifetime commitment, assimilated, became 100 percent loyal and their descendants are loyal Americans.

In acknowledging that all Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants the report approached but failed to confront the dual loyalty of Americans who apply for and obtain Israeli citizenship while maintaining their U.S. citizenship. 

“In the annals of lobbying, the efficacy of those lobbying for the state of Israel is legendary and a model for those who wish to use their dual citizenship to emulate it,” the report said.

Normally, when an American applies for and obtains citizenship in another country it is considered an automatic renunciation of U.S. citizenship. If the American becomes a citizen by the unilateral action of the other country—for example, if an American marries a French citizen in France, he is a French citizen whether he likes it or not—he retains U.S. citizenship.

But Americans, under an obscure provision of the 1953 Immigration Reform Act, who apply for and obtain Israeli citizenship retain their U.S. citizenship. 
How is their 100 percent loyalty divided? How do these “citizens” act when the interests of the United States and Israel are in conflict?


2002-02-09 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Yes, Saba is a woman and I once saw a picture of Bill Shannon and his
 beautiful blonde wife - he is very handsome and she is very elegant.

 Now Joshua2 I can imagine - little chub cheeked fatso sitting on his
 little behind on a comuter monitoring the should be so
 handsome as Bill Shannon.


 And Irish too.

And how do you know that genius? Did you ever see me?
Did you ever see a picture of me?
Do you even know anyone who knows me?
Or do you come these conclusions the same way you do about everything else
you bable about?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Please, please begin a campaign

2002-02-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 I am saying that without further investigation one cannot with any
 intelligence state whether the design is 'inverted' or not; and that even
 if it IS determined to be 'inverted', that one cannot construe an
 evil/satanic meaning to such a layout, since such a meaning would have
 unknown to the 18th-century intellect.

thats not true - conjurations with the seal of solomon and pentacles were
employed by john dee the elizabethan mage circa 16th century and by the
knights templars circa 12th century -
what are you covering up for june ?? what I've just reported about the
history of magic is common knowledge - are folks on this list so stupid that
they've never heard of the templar persecutions, or the inquisition witch
craft trials or even john dee ?
The hexagram was known to biblical intellect never mind 18th century
intellect - why do you think its called the seal of solomon ?
the beings relevent to the conjurations are demonic, and there is precedent
for satanic symbols throughout the dark age and the renaissance - and you
say that 18th century intellect never heard of such thing - you must LOVE
some people in washington :)

andrew hennessey

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] pix of the NWO olympic torch wanted

2002-02-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

some anti-reptoid researchers have turned up a BLANK
searching the net for pix of the NWO symbolic Olympic torch
they say its like the ceremony never happened 

anybody know where the pix are ???


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron

2002-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey


You say, "So you are an investigative reporter who does not engage in 
controversy?And I say this - I note how carefully you avoid all truths 
whichincludes organized crime taking over America."So anyone 
who doesn't fall into line with your agenda you attack. You question credentials 
and accuse me of avoiding your fixation.

No criminals are better organized than the CIA and their bosses in the 
banker network. If you really have followed my postings, you would know (BTW, 
that's how it's spelled, not "now") I attack at the top, not the journeymen 
criminals in the middle or lower echelons.

Personal attacks in lieu of debating facts is one of the oldest 
diversionary tactics. I don't shun controversy, I court it. However I refuse to 
get bogged down in your agenda, what ever it is.

- Original Message - 
From: Saba 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Quick Note on Enron
-Caveat Lector-Well Jim Rarey - I note you claim to be 
"investigative reporter" andformer Editor of a newspaper (wondered which 
one, for I used to now alot of newsmen.So you are an investigative 
reporter who does not engage in controversy?And I say this - I note how 
carefully you avoid all truths whichincludes organized crime taking over 
America.You state you were a "customs" administrator - where, the Great 
Lakes?I do not need advice from you and oh how careful not to mention 
nameSilverstein and 7 billion dollars, or ADL with Meyer Lansky their man 
ofyear, and Larry Flynt big backer and front man for organized 
crime.Organized crime comes in 12 tribes and flies many 
differentflags...they have stolen the image of the CIA but these men are 
justlow class contract killers but in the end they seem to get 
it.All but Meyer Lansky, rat faced Lansky, who ordered the hit on 
JFK.You an investigative reporter - self ordained? Would 
like to see yourofficial pedigree .OSabaA 
DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy 
theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds-is 
used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread 
throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary 
of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 
not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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[CTRL] Men Redundant? Now We Don't Need Women Either

2002-02-09 Thread Edward Britton


Men redundant? Now we don't need women either 

Scientists have developed an artificial womb that allows embryos to grow
outside the body 

Robin McKie
Sunday February 10, 2002
The Observer 

Doctors are developing artificial wombs in which embryos can grow outside
a woman's body. The work has been hailed as a breakthrough in treating
the childless. 
Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from
women's bodies. Embryos successfully attached themselves to the walls of
these laboratory wombs and began to grow. However, experiments had to be
terminated after a few days to comply with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF)

'We hope to create complete artificial wombs using these techniques in a
few years,' said Dr Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University's Centre for
Reproductive Medicine and Infertility. 'Women with damaged uteruses and
wombs will be able to have babies for the first time.' 

The pace of progress in the field has startled experts. Artificial wombs
could end many women's childbirth problems - but they also raise major
ethical headaches which will be debated at a major international
conference titled 'The End of Natural Motherhood?' in Oklahoma next week.

'There are going to be real problems,' said organiser Dr Scott Gelfand,
of Oklahoma State University. 'Some feminists even say artificial wombs
mean men could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetuate our
species. That's a bit alarmist. Nevertheless, this subject clearly raises
strong feelings.' 

Liu's work involves removing cells from the endometrium, the lining of
the womb. 'We have learnt how to grow these cells in the laboratory using
hormones and growth factors,' she said. 

After this Liu and her colleagues grew layers of these cells on scaffolds
of biodegradable material which had been modelled into shapes mirroring
the interior of the uterus. The cells grew into tissue and the scaffold
dissolved. Then nutrients and hormones such as oestrogen were added to
the tissue. 

'Finally, we took embryos left over from IVF programmes and put these
into our laboratory engineered tissue. The embryos attached themselves to
the walls of our prototype wombs and began to settle there.' 

The experiments were halted after six days. However, Liu now plans to
continue with this research and allow embryos to grow in the artificial
wombs for 14 days, the maximum permitted by IVF legislation. 'We will
then see if the embryos put down roots and veins into our artificial
wombs' walls, and see if their cells differentiate into primitive organs
and develop a primitive placenta.' 

The immediate aim of this work is to help women whose damaged wombs
prevent them from conceiving. An artificial womb would be made from their
own endometrium cells, an embryo placed inside it, and allowed to settle
and grow before the whole package is placed back in her body. 

'The new womb would be made of the woman's own cells. so there would be
no danger of organ rejection,' Liu added. 

However, her research is currently limited by IVF legislation. 'The next
stage will involve experiments with mice or dogs. If that works, we shall
ask to take our work beyond the 14-day limit now imposed on such

A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo
University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed
them in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body
temperature. In this way, Kuwabara has kept goat foetuses alive and
growing for up to 10 days by connecting their umbilical cords to machines
that pump in nutrients and dispose of waste. 

While Liu's work is aimed at helping those having difficulty conceiving,
Kuwabara's is designed to help women who suffer miscarriages or very
premature births. In this way Liu is extending the time an embryo can
exist in a laboratory before being placed in a woman's body; Kuwabara is
trying to give a foetus a safe home if expelled too early from its
natural womb. 

Crucially, both believe artificial wombs capable of sustaining a child
for nine months will become reality in a few years. 

'Essentially research is moving towards the same goal but from opposite
directions,' UK fertility expert Dr Simon Fishel, of Park Hospital,
Nottingham, said. 'Getting them to meet in the middle will not be easy,
however. There are so many critical stages of pregnancy, and so many
factors to get right. Nevertheless, this work is very exciting.' 

It also has serious ethical implications, as Gelfand pointed out. 'For a
start, there is the issue of abortion. A woman is usually allowed to have
one on the grounds she wants to get rid of something alien inside her own

'At present, this means killing the foetus. But if artificial wombs are
developed, the foetus could be placed in one, and the woman told she has
to look after it once 


2002-02-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

Rabbi Says Gays Should Die:

A leading Jewish cleric has called for homosexuals to be killed. The
statements have come in the week that members of leading lesbian and gay
groups are to meet Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon.  Rabbi David Batzri
told the Israeli Ma`ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be put to death
according to Jewish religious law.  Batzri added: Homosexuals and lesbians
are not only a sickness, they are an abomination which should be removed
from every city in the country, also from those districts where they feel
protected, like in Tel Aviv.  Batzri's comments have caused outrage.
Reform Rabbi Uri Regev said,
the only abomination here are the words of Batzri, and not the existence of
homosexuals and lesbians, who are part of the world created by the will of
God.  Batzri's remarks follow news that members of the Political Council
for Gay Rights in Israel will meet with prime minister Ariel Sharon next
week. It is the first time such a gathering has taken place.  The meeting
follows a discussion with president Moshe Katzav last year.  PCGRI
representative Menahem Shizaf said: We see those meetings with the
president and prime minister as an accomplishment and an important message
to the public.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] bush secrecy, enron in india - human rights and US support, enron and wall st.

2002-02-09 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

the Bush team has already established a record on secrecy that makes Richard
Nixon, just to take a random example from our presidential past, look like a
boy scout.

According to Ivins and Dubose, who note the previous reporting work of U.S.
News and World Report, when Bush served on this committee, he was privy to
information indicating the company was in trouble. He then dumped his stocks
before this news became public.

Enron is also getting Washington to plead its case. Deputy Treasury
Secretary Kenneth Dam, who is visiting India, has told New Delhi to resolve
the Enron issue speedily and speed up economic reforms. On January 28,
Ambassador Robert Blackwill made a forceful intervention at an industry
meeting, saying that all foreign investment into India hinges upon a
favorable resolution of the Dabhol company dispute...

Enron Probe Spreads to Wall Street
By MARCY GORDON .c The Associated Press 2/8/02

WASHINGTON (Feb. 8) - Powerful Wall Street players are being pulled into the
congressional investigation of Enron's collapse - analysts who recommended
buying stock as the company foundered, investment firms that both financed
Enron bond sales and invested in the company, and credit-rating agencies that
didn't warn investors promptly. As Congress and law enforcement agencies
dissect the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history, curtains are being lifted
from financial institutions that operate away from public viewthe
energy-trading company had promised bond-sale business to Merrill Lynch  Co.
and First Union Corp. in exchange for their investments in some of Enron's
questionable partnerships. Merrill Lynch, the nation's biggest brokerage
firm, helped Enron raise nearly $400 million for one of the partnerships from
pension funds and other big investors.

February 25, 2002 What Are They Hiding? by Russ Baker
No one ever accused conservative House Republican Dan Burton of mincing his
words. ... But it's one thing to throw rhetorical bombs at a President from
the opposition party, and quite another to denounce your own party's man as
dictatorial, as Burton did to President Bush in December. What outrages
Burton is the Bush Administration's overarching obsession with secrecy, with
keeping information on a broad range of fronts out of the public view. That
Burton has latched on to a key element of Bush's MO has grown clearer with
the unfolding of the Enron scandal. As more and more connections between
members of the Bush Administration and Enron come to light, the press and the
public may be forgiven for wondering, What else are they hiding? The answer
is a lot--the Bush team has already established a record on secrecy that
makes Richard Nixon, just to take a random example from our presidential
past, look like a boy scout.

Enron? Nader Is Glad You Asked by John Nichols
As Democrats in Washington scramble to make the case that they were less in
hock to Enron than the GOP--noting the corporation's contributions favored
Republicans by a 3-to-1 ratio--Nader declares a pox on both their houses.
He announced in Portland, The prospect of reform is eviscerated because of
both parties' sticky hands. That is what is so disgusting. The Democrats
can't really go after this scandal because so many of them look like
hypocrites. They took as much money as they could get from Enron, and they
keep raising money from corporate PACs.

Bush and Lay: A Common Pattern of Stock Dumps? 02/04/2002

When W.'s father was president of the United States, George the Younger was a
major shareholder in a sinking oil venture called Spectrum 7. But before
Spectrum 7 sank completely, the Harken Energy Corporation, which was run by a
GOP funder, bailed out the company. Bush got about $500,000 in Harken stock
for his piece of Spectrum 7, and Harken signed him up as a consultant. Harken
went on to win a 35-year exploration contract with the emirate of Bahrain in
the Persian Gulf--an odd deal, since the company had no previous experience
in international or offshore drilling. Some observers wondered if Harken's
Bush connection had been a factor
In June of 1990, Bush sold two-thirds of the Harken stock he had received in
the Spectrum 7 deal--and collected $318,430 more than it was worth when he
first obtained it. Get low, sell high? The month before this sale, Harken
appointed Bush to a committee to determine, as Ivins and Dubose put it, how
restructuring [of the firm] would affect ordinary shareholders. According to
Ivins and Dubose, who note the previous reporting work of U.S. News and
World Report, when Bush served on this committee, he was privy to
information indicating the company was in trouble. He then dumped his stocks
before this news became public. U.S. News concluded that at the time of the
sale there was substantial evidence to suggest 


2002-02-09 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

If other Jews disagree with this rabbi, which camp of Jews is antisemitic?

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Rabbi Says Gays Should Die:

 A leading Jewish cleric has called for homosexuals to be killed. The
 statements have come in the week that members of leading lesbian and gay
 groups are to meet Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon.  Rabbi David Batzri
 told the Israeli Ma`ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be put to death
 according to Jewish religious law.  Batzri added: Homosexuals and lesbians
 are not only a sickness, they are an abomination which should be removed
 from every city in the country, also from those districts where they feel
 protected, like in Tel Aviv.  Batzri's comments have caused outrage.
 Reform Rabbi Uri Regev said,
 the only abomination here are the words of Batzri, and not the existence of
 homosexuals and lesbians, who are part of the world created by the will of
 God.  Batzri's remarks follow news that members of the Political Council
 for Gay Rights in Israel will meet with prime minister Ariel Sharon next
 week. It is the first time such a gathering has taken place.  The meeting
 follows a discussion with president Moshe Katzav last year.  PCGRI
 representative Menahem Shizaf said: We see those meetings with the
 president and prime minister as an accomplishment and an important message
 to the public.

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2002-02-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

The immortal words of emperor blair on his leprous tour of
africa as NWO and Bilderburger bag man - didn't touch
the basic root of reality here in africa today.
He told africans that 'there must be pain all round so that there can be
gain all round' as if comparing the pains of cheeseparing heartless usury of
the bankers and multinationals and their trillions has got remotely anything
to with the pains of betrayal and war and disease all round africa.

Blairs arrogant autistic psychosis about the african condition suggests that
we may never find out if baby leo got the MMR.

andrew hennessey

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Utah now biggest military theater

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Utah now biggest military theater
More troops surrounding Olympics than in Afghanistan



© 2002

WASHINGTON – In the war on terrorism, the biggest theater of military
operations has shifted from Afghanistan to Utah.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld testified this morning that the Pentagon
has deployed more troops in and around Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics
than in the entire Afghanistan theater.

The soldiers are there to guard against terrorist attacks, Rumsfeld told the
Senate Armed Services Committee.

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[CTRL] CIA: China still threat to U.S., Taipei

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CIA: China still threat to U.S., Taipei
Tenet says Beijing honing skills to dominate island neighbor



By Jon Dougherty
© 2002

Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet has told Congress that China
remains a threat to the United States and Taiwan, and that the Asian giant
has worked hard over the past year to become a more powerful regional player.

Over the past year, Beijing's military training exercises have taken on an
increasingly real-world focus, emphasizing rigorous practice in operational
capabilities and improving the military's actual ability to use force, Tenet
told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Wednesday.

Noting that Taiwan was still the focus of China's military buildup and
modernization, Tenet said his agency believes that while the Sept. 11 attacks
changed the context of China's approach to Washington, it didn't change
Beijing's overall goal of achieving military superiority over its smaller

China also seeks to build enough military power to at least be able to
prevent the U.S. from successfully defending Taiwan in the event of a future
conflict. China has repeatedly said it would reunify with Taiwan by force if

Chinese SLBM – sub-launched ballistic missile – development continues, as
does work on a new Chinese-made class of nuclear submarines.

The buildup is aimed not only at Taiwan but also at increasing the risk to
the United States itself in any future Taiwan contingency, Tenet said.
China also continues to upgrade and expand the conventional short-range
ballistic missile force it has arrayed against Taiwan.

Tenet told the panel that recent moderate statements from Chinese leaders
belie Beijing's central theme of reunification with Taiwan.

Cross-strait relations remain at a stalemate, but there are competing trend
lines behind that, Tenet said of Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen's tempered
statement last week regarding integrated economics between Beijing and

Chinese leaders seemed somewhat complacent last year that the growing
economic integration across the Taiwan Strait was boosting Beijing's
long-term leverage, he said.

The results of Taiwan's legislative elections in December, however,
strengthened President Chen Shui-bian's hand domestically, Tenet added.
Although Beijing's latest policy statement inviting members of Chen's party
to visit the mainland was designed as a conciliatory gesture, Beijing might
resume a more confrontational stance if it suspects him of using his
electoral mandate to move toward independence.

In separate testimony before the Senate committee, Defense Intelligence
Agency chief Vice Adm. Thomas Wilson said China's combat capability would
increase over the next decade.

Chinese-built DF-31 ICBMs with enough range – 5,000 miles – to strike the
western U.S. Beijing is also developing a DF-41 model, with an anticipated
range of 12,000 miles.

By 2005-2010, China's conventional force modernization will provide an
increasingly credible military threat for short-duration attacks against
Taiwan, said Wilson, adding that despite the modernization efforts, he is
less concerned about a China-Taiwan confrontation than last year.

Meanwhile, Taiwanese officials say its military and domestic policy agendas
have taken a back seat to other U.S. interests since the Sept. 11 attacks, as
Washington focuses attention on its war against terror.

Congressmen said they also sympathize with and support our position, but
they explained to us that the State Department is not so forceful, not
because they are against us, but because there are too many priorities above
us, said Peng Ming-min, leader of a Taiwanese delegation at the National
Prayer Breakfast Thursday.

Other countries besides the U.S. and Taiwan may be increasingly concerned
about China's military modernization.

According to, a private intelligence firm and WND content
partner, India is also beefing up its own military capabilities as a direct
result of perceived Chinese threats.

Indian Navy aircraft carrier INS Viraat. New Delhi is seeking to purchase a
Kiev-class carrier from Russia, as well as begin its own carrier

India is capitalizing on growing U.S. interest in South Asia's security
environment to push for rapid expansion of its military capabilities,
Stratfor, in a report published Wednesday, said.

India's military buildup will threaten China, its main competitor for power
in this region, as New Delhi seeks to modernize its nuclear naval
capabilities to form the third leg of a triad that also consists of
air-launched and land-based nuclear weapons.

In the short run, India's acquisitions will certainly influence Pakistani

[CTRL] Ben-Eliezer to U.S.: Israel may respond to an Iraqi attack

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Ben-Eliezer to U.S.: Israel may respond to an Iraqi attack

By Aluf Benn, Nathan Guttman and Mazal Mualem

Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer yesterday told U.S. Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld that if Iraq attacks Israel in response to an American
assault, the reality that could result will put us in a position in which we
must respond.

Ben-Eliezer met with Rumsfeld yesterday in the Pentagon, and Iraq was one of
the key issues discussed. Ben-Eliezer said he expects that if Iraq is
attacked, Israel would be one of the first targets of Baghdad retaliation,
and that Israel has to take into account the possibility of a chemical or
biological weapon attack, not only conventional weapons as was the case in
the 1991 Gulf War.

Appearing to assume the U.S. was heading to war against Iraq, Ben-Eliezer
asked Rumsfeld to conduct a campaign that would not cause great harm to
Israel. He suggested the establishment of a mechanism for coordination
between Israel and the United States and asked for early warning so Israel
can prepare for the attack.

An Iraqi offer conveyed through the Arab League for a dialogue with the
United Nations drew a response on Tuesday from U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell, who told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that It should be a
very short discussion... the UN weapons inspectors have to go back on our

Earlier during his U.S. visit, Ben-Eliezer told American reporters that the
United States would apparently have to attack Iraq, since domestic opposition
is too weak to act against the Baghdad regime without external pressure.

Next month, a Pentagon delegation, headed by Doug Faith, the deputy secretary
for policy planning, is coming to Israel for a meeting of the joint defense
planning group, which has not convened since October 2000. The talks are
supposed to cover all joint security issues between the two countries.

In Israel, the Union Of Local Authorities has instructed mayors to prepare
bomb shelters and protected spaces in preparation for a possible missile
attack on Israel. The decision came after a meeting with relevant defense
officials in light of tensions between the United States and Iraq.

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[CTRL] Official WTC Death Toll Near 2,800

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Official WTC Death Toll Near 2,800
Fri Feb 8, 5:50 PM ET
By SARA KUGLER, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - The city's official count of those killed at the World Trade
Center is leveling off at around 2,800 after months of work by investigators
to find errors and duplicated names in the lists of the missing.


AP Photo

The number, which once topped 6,700, has hovered just above 2,800 for more
than a month now, and stood at 2,843 as of Friday. The toll is likely to drop
slightly as investigators make changes.

The meticulous work by the police department and mayor's office to shrink the
list name by name, misspelling by misspelling, cannot be compared to any
previous missing-persons investigation, experts said.

Chris Foster, a liaison with the mayor's office, said he spent many
sleepless nights tracking down people reported missing by foreign
consulates. He said he has 28 names left to investigate, down from 1,900.

The current total includes 712 people whose remains have been identified by
the medical examiner, and 1,932 people whose families have requested
court-issued death certificates because other evidence proved they were in
the towers.

Seven foreign countries still need to confirm their missing-persons lists,
which could cause the death toll to drop.

The medical examiner's office is trying to identify the dead by matching more
than 14,000 body parts to DNA samples provided by the victims' families.

Weeding out those who were wrongly reported missing has been a slow task.
Some of those who made missing-person reports did not call back to say they
were mistaken, meaning police had to verify the claim.

In some cases they've called back and said, `Wait, somebody said I was
missing?' Foster said. I've found people who said, `What do you mean? I've
never even been to New York.'

Sometimes police discover someone is alive as they try to locate dental
records to help identify remains.

The city's figure is now close to a continuing Associated Press tally of
casualties at the trade center. The AP number stood at 2,799 on Friday, a
figure that includes passengers and crew aboard the two airplanes, but not
the hijackers.

The AP figure is derived from information provided by the medical examiner,
courts, funeral homes, places of worship, death notices, employers, public
agencies, families and AP's foreign bureaus.

The AP's overall death toll for the Sept. 11 attacks — including 184 at the
Pentagon (news - web sites) and 40 in Pennsylvania — stood at 3,023.

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[CTRL] FBI launches Global Crossing accounting probe

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

FBI launches Global Crossing accounting probe
By Richard Waters and Joshua Chaffin in New York
Published: February 8 2002 16:10 | Last Updated: February 9 2002 11:26

Scrutiny of Global Crossing intensified on Friday when it emerged that the
Federal Bureau of Investigation had launched a probe into accounting
practices at the bankrupt telecommunications group.

The FBI's involvement came as the company said the Securities and Exchange
Commission had also begun a formal investigation into the company's
accounting methods.

On February 4, Global Crossing received an inquiry from the SEC for the
voluntary production of information in connection with issues raised in a
letter from a former finance executive.

The letter raised concerns that Global Crossing and its auditor, Andersen,
were misleading investors about the accounting for certain long-term leases.

The company refused to comment on the FBI investigation. The FBI also
declined to comment.

On the SEC probe, the company said: Our policy is, and always has been, to
co-operate fully with any authorities.

The company, which last week filed for the second-biggest bankruptcy after
Enron, joins a growing list of former high-flying American companies whose
accounting methods have come into question.

It also emerged this week that Global Crossing had kept its auditors in the
dark about a letter from a whistleblower claiming that the company had
misled investors with its accounting.

The letter, from Ray Olofson, its former vice-president of finance, was
received in August. However, the company has now admitted that until last
week it was kept from Andersen, as well as the directors of the company's own
audit committee.

Global Crossing has questioned Mr Olofson's motives, saying his letter was
accompanied by demands for a multimillion-dollar severance agreement.

The company disclosed earlier this week that the SEC had asked it to hand
over information related to the whistleblower's allegations.

Meanwhile, the company's auditor, which has already become embroiled in the
Enron collapse, tried to distance itself from the accusations.

It's a matter of serious concern that we were not informed in a timely
manner, Andersen said on Friday.

The audit firm added that it had insisted that Global Crossing appoint a
special independent committee to review the accounting issues.

The SEC's investigation centres on the way the company accounted for
long-term wholesale contracts known as IRUs. Buyers of these contracts -
normally other telecommunications companies - pay up-front for capacity on
another company's network.

Dan Cohrs, Global Crossing's chief financial officer, last week denied that
the company had accounted for these transactions improperly, and said it had
followed US accounting rules. He was unavailable for comment on Friday.

Critics argue that Global Crossing and other telecoms companies acted
improperly by taking the whole upfront payment under an IRU as revenue in the
year it was received.

However, Mr Cohrs said that this had been required under US rules until 1999,
and that the company had adjusted its practices when the rules changed and
required companies instead to spread the revenue gains over a number of

Global Crossing also denied claims that it had engaged in clandestine swaps
of network capacity with other telecoms companies. Accounting rules do not
allow companies to include swaps as revenue in their accounts.

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[CTRL] Men redundant? Now we don't need women either

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Men redundant? Now we don't need women either

Scientists have developed an artificial womb that allows embryos to grow
outside the body

Talk about it here

Robin McKie
Sunday February 10, 2002
The Observer

Doctors are developing artificial wombs in which embryos can grow outside a
woman's body. The work has been hailed as a breakthrough in treating the
Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women's
bodies. Embryos successfully attached themselves to the walls of these
laboratory wombs and began to grow. However, experiments had to be terminated
after a few days to comply with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) regulations.

'We hope to create complete artificial wombs using these techniques in a few
years,' said Dr Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University's Centre for
Reproductive Medicine and Infertility. 'Women with damaged uteruses and wombs
will be able to have babies for the first time.'

The pace of progress in the field has startled experts. Artificial wombs
could end many women's childbirth problems - but they also raise major
ethical headaches which will be debated at a major international conference
titled 'The End of Natural Motherhood?' in Oklahoma next week.

'There are going to be real problems,' said organiser Dr Scott Gelfand, of
Oklahoma State University. 'Some feminists even say artificial wombs mean men
could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetuate our species.
That's a bit alarmist. Nevertheless, this subject clearly raises strong

Liu's work involves removing cells from the endometrium, the lining of the
womb. 'We have learnt how to grow these cells in the laboratory using
hormones and growth factors,' she said.

After this Liu and her colleagues grew layers of these cells on scaffolds of
biodegradable material which had been modelled into shapes mirroring the
interior of the uterus. The cells grew into tissue and the scaffold
dissolved. Then nutrients and hormones such as oestrogen were added to the

'Finally, we took embryos left over from IVF programmes and put these into
our laboratory engineered tissue. The embryos attached themselves to the
walls of our prototype wombs and began to settle there.'

The experiments were halted after six days. However, Liu now plans to
continue with this research and allow embryos to grow in the artificial wombs
for 14 days, the maximum permitted by IVF legislation. 'We will then see if
the embryos put down roots and veins into our artificial wombs' walls, and
see if their cells differentiate into primitive organs and develop a
primitive placenta.'

The immediate aim of this work is to help women whose damaged wombs prevent
them from conceiving. An artificial womb would be made from their own
endometrium cells, an embryo placed inside it, and allowed to settle and grow
before the whole package is placed back in her body.

'The new womb would be made of the woman's own cells. so there would be no
danger of organ rejection,' Liu added.

However, her research is currently limited by IVF legislation. 'The next
stage will involve experiments with mice or dogs. If that works, we shall ask
to take our work beyond the 14-day limit now imposed on such research.'

A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo
University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed them
in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body
temperature. In this way, Kuwabara has kept goat foetuses alive and growing
for up to 10 days by connecting their umbilical cords to machines that pump
in nutrients and dispose of waste.

While Liu's work is aimed at helping those having difficulty conceiving,
Kuwabara's is designed to help women who suffer miscarriages or very
premature births. In this way Liu is extending the time an embryo can exist
in a laboratory before being placed in a woman's body; Kuwabara is trying to
give a foetus a safe home if expelled too early from its natural womb.

Crucially, both believe artificial wombs capable of sustaining a child for
nine months will become reality in a few years.

'Essentially research is moving towards the same goal but from opposite
directions,' UK fertility expert Dr Simon Fishel, of Park Hospital,
Nottingham, said. 'Getting them to meet in the middle will not be easy,
however. There are so many critical stages of pregnancy, and so many factors
to get right. Nevertheless, this work is very exciting.'

It also has serious ethical implications, as Gelfand pointed out. 'For a
start, there is the issue of abortion. A woman is usually allowed to have one
on the grounds she wants to get rid of something alien inside her own body.

'At present, this means killing the foetus. But if artificial wombs are
developed, the foetus could be placed in one, and the woman told she has to
look after it once it has developed into a 

[CTRL] Fire at Nuclear Plant in Japan

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fire at Nuclear Plant in Japan
Sat Feb 9, 7:36 AM ET

TOKYO (AP) - Two workers were exposed to a small amount of radiation and
suffered minor burns Saturday when a fire broke out at a nuclear power plant
in northeastern Japan, a plant official said.

The fire, in the basement of a reactor at Onagawa Nuclear Power Station,
began when two workers accidentally punctured a spray can that set alight a
plastic sheet during an inspection, said Atsushi Ishii, spokesman for Tohoku
Electric Power Co., which runs the plant.

The flames were put out before they could spread and there was no danger of
radioactivity spilling outside the building, Ishii said. All three plant
reactors were operating normally, he said.

The two workers suffered minor burns on their faces and hands and were
exposed to a small amount of radioactive dust that landed on their faces,
plant spokesman Kazumi Sasaki said. But they quickly wiped it off with a wet
cloth and the exposure was negligible, he said.

Six other workers inside the reactor room were unaffected, Sasaki said.

The amount of radioactivity in the area was slightly higher at the time
because of the inspection, Sasaki said.

Sasaki declined to detail the inspection but said the spray tested the
surface condition of metal parts.

Fueled by uranium, the Onagawa plant began operating in July 1995. It
straddles Onagawa and Oshika cities in Miyagi state and is located about 230
miles northeast of Tokyo.

Tsugio Suda, an Oshika city official, said monitors in the area indicated no
abnormally high radioactivity levels.

Resource-poor Japan depends on nuclear power for about 30 percent of its
electricity needs. Recent accidents and cover-ups, however, have made many
Japanese uneasy about nuclear power.

Japan's worst nuclear accident killed two workers and exposed hundreds of
others to radiation at Tokaimura, 70 miles northeast of Tokyo, in September

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Re: [CTRL] For U An F

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 8 Feb 02, at 22:39, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-
  On 8 Feb 02, at 16:11, thew wrote:
  good and evil deeds exist
  evil and good deeds are concrete
  This seems to be a contradiction.  evil ... are concrete but SATAN
  as the embodiment of evil is not.

  first of all I said evil deeds, not evil , and although your ellipsis
 very adorable, let's stick with what I actually said - it may be a
 subtle difference - but it is a difference.

Aside from your adoration of my being elliptical, I did include what
you wrote and did not want to re-enter keystroke by keystroke what
you had written well enough by yourself.  Ergo, I quoted where I
could have just selected bits and bytes.

I focussed on evil -- and you perhaps picked up on this
inadvertently by your reference to ellipses -- evil because using
terms that avoid possibilities of gradations of meaning or meanings
depending upon perspective tend to send arguments or discussions into
circularities, never ending, i.e.

I realise that there are some who bristle at UbL humming Gershwin's
I'll Take Manhattan, thinking that this unindicted presumed
conspirator is evil personified.  One other person wrote that
Georgie uses the terms good and evil to the point where to some
they make sense.  Unfortunately, the ideas of evil and evil-doers
and evil deeds depend on what side of the ball one is on.  Unless
we're talking about the powdery residue near Battery Park in
Manhattan, evil as a concrete deed has far different
implications if Manhattan is the focus or if Ramallah is the focus.
Both have concrete rubble and residue as the result of evil

At some point, we have to realise that many events -- even man-
inspired -- have to considered acts of G*D.  Were the WTC towers
blown down by a hurricane, the same degree of tragedy might have
resulted but who would be out there smart-bombing nature?

The problem with mankind's inspirations is that there are others who
think they ought to be controlled somehow.  With all of the
political, social, academic, religious, martial, legal, and economic
systems in place, the idea that anyone could deny any of these and
become outlaws just boggles peoples' minds.  Therefore, these outlaws
tend to have the withinlaws' ire and all the systematic forces
available to them put into play to counter or overwhelm the outlaws
and their efforts.  This is like killing dandelions on the lawn.

And, this becomes confused when the outlaws are actually the
withinlaws in their own cultures.

Good and evil, whether expressed as deeds or by people or viewed in
the abstract have reverse sides; these are evil and good,
respectively.  Same coin, flip sides.  As one spins, one would do so
on the edge and find the two sides almost indistinguishable, but
almost equal nevertheless.

 I said I have no problem with the use of Satan as a metaphor , to
 describe someone as very evil, an embodiment of evil, but a literal
 Satan, no.

I have literally seen a literal SatAn.  It was on top of a building
in Germany, and it was probably named for a SATellite ANtenna.

  Would that mean that any of the
  other mythological figures are equally un-concrete?

 Why, yes, yes it would.

Unless you're a Catholic whose hands and feet and chest area bleed
every Easter.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush Ignores Hot Air on 'Global Warming'

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush Ignores Hot Air on 'Global Warming' Wires
Saturday, Feb. 9, 2002
WASHINGTON – President Bush has turned a deaf ear to the alarmists pushing
the theory of global warming. He has stood firm, refusing to push for U.S.
ratification of the Kyoto climate change treaty.
Last June, the president made clear in a Rose Garden speech that the United
States rejected the Kyoto approach, an arbitrary target requiring
industrialized nations to cut their CO2 emissions by an average of 5.2
percent below their 1990 levels by 2012.

The administration then pulled out of a Marrakesh, Morocco, conference called
to discuss further Kyoto details. The president made clear that too little
was known about global warming to justify the proposed costs to the
American economy that would be incurred fighting against it in the manner
called for in Kyoto.

Scientists disagree about climate change, but you wouldn't know that from the
treaty. It is based on a theory that man-made carbon dioxide, or CO2, gas
emissions caused by industrial activities have created the so-called global
warming effect.

Environmental activists - political types, not scientists - predict the
Earth's surface temperature will increase to a level it cannot sustain and
all sorts of catastrophes will occur: the polar ice caps will melt; sea
levels will rise; coastal areas will be flooded; animal species will die off.

If the administration tries to walk away from the Kyoto Protocol, it will
not only be turning its back on wildlife threatened by global warming, but
also turning its back on America's international allies who have worked for
nine years to get to this vital point in environmental protection, says
Jennifer Morgan, director of climate change for World Wildlife Fund.

More Bias From the New York Times

Greens keep repeating these predictions because the media eat them up. Last
month, after the National Academy of Sciences released a preliminary report
on global climate fluctuations, the Dec. 12 New York Times headline declared
Drastic Shifts in Climate Are Likely, Experts Warn.

Buried in the story was the rest of the story, facts running counter to the
slant of the headline:

Climate change has been a naturally occurring phenomenon for thousands of

The NAS report mainly describes abrupt climate changes that occurred eons ago
before the appearance of man.

The NAS panel does not predict imminent climate shifts, and it recommends
more research on why climate changes.

Scientists cannot predict how to stop climate change.
The report urges the public to not be fatalistic about the threats.
Even if scientists knew how to stop climate change, the Kyoto treaty would
still be a bad bargain.

The United States is the world's largest CO2 emitter, so mandatory caps would
hurt it most - a sobering thought given the recent economic downturn.
Eventually, the world economy would suffer tremendous collateral damage. The
treaty requires the world's most industrialized countries to make 1990 the
baseline when cutting their emission levels. If manufacturing has to
decrease, prices will go up and trade will decline.

Punishing the Successful

Kyoto is supposed to help developing countries such as India and Brazil by
holding them to less strict standards. But by handcuffing international
markets, what it really does is hurt emerging countries that depend on the
world's largest and strongest economies to pull them along. And cutting
energy use will only keep the world's poorest countries from building wealth.

Health officials and social scientists agree that wealth is the most
important component in a country's standard of living. Wealth makes possible
roads and clean water, high-quality health care and better nutrition.

Clearly, there must be more scientific research on climate change, but, until
more is known, the Bush administration should continue to ignore World
Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace and Sierra Club.

It should instead focus on generating support for Senate bill 1294, the
Climate Change Risk Management Act, which supports more research to improve
the way we measure CO2 emissions. It also provides $200 million to explore
development of cost-effective technologies that could reduce emissions
without harming the economy or jeopardizing our energy security.

America and the industrial world should pursue policies that will strengthen
the economy and promote technology. Then we can adapt to whatever climate
changes may occur. But we should not adopt a worldwide climate policy that
will cripple the American economy for the sake of unproven theories.

Analysis by Terrence Scanlon, president of Capital Research Center in
Washington. Capital Research Center was established to study critical issues
in philanthropy, with a focus on nonprofit public interest and advocacy
groups, their funding 

[CTRL] U.S. to Sweep for Deported Middle Easterners

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. to Sweep for Deported Middle Easterners Wires
Friday, February 8, 2002
WASHINGTON – Federal agents will begin to interrogate thousands of Middle
Eastern illegal aliens who have ignored deportation orders, searching for
ways to prosecute any who have ties to terrorism, the Washington Post
reported Friday.
The plan, which the Post said was detailed in a Jan. 25 Justice Department
memo, is part of the Immigration and Naturalization Service's effort to
locate an estimated 314,000 foreigners.

The memo was written and sent to anti-terrorism officials by deputy Attorney
General Larry Thompson, the newspaper said.

It instructs federal agents to find methods of detaining some of the illegal
aliens for possible criminal charges, rather than merely expelling them from
the United States as previously planned.

Justice Department and FBI officials have said that the operation would focus
first on about 6,000 immigrants from countries identified as al-Qaeda

The Post reported that the arrests will begin next week with a group of fewer
than 1,000 illegal aliens, most from the Middle East and Pakistan.

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[CTRL] Nearly 1,300 people poised to sue New York following terror attacks

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Nearly 1,300 people poised to sue New York following terror attacks
Published 12:38 p.m. PST Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002
NEW YORK (AP) - From rescue workers who say they have developed lung problems
to business owners who claim their shops were damaged, 1,300 people have
given notice they may sue the city for a total of $7.18 billion over the
aftermath of the World Trade Center attack.
The claims involve injuries or damage caused not by the attack itself but by
the alleged negligence of the city during the recovery and cleanup.

The vast majority are from firefighters who say the city gave them inadequate
respiratory protection at the smoldering trade center site.

Not all of those who served notice will sue. Some, for example, may instead
seek money from the federal victims compensation fund. But the notices
preserve their right to bring a lawsuit.

The notices show the extent of the health complaints being lodged by hundreds
of firefighters, police officers and other recovery workers who fear cancer
or other ailments.

Asbestos, benzene, dioxin, PCBs and other contaminants have been detected in
the twin towers' ruins. In the first few days after the attack, as many as
150 firefighters and police officers were at the scene 24 hours a day.
Firefighter Palmer Doyle said he worked two 12-hour days without a respirator
at the site. He filed notice of a $10 million claim.

You run up a couple flights of stairs, which I used to do with no problem,
and you find yourself sucking in the air, he said. What if, five years down
the road, we develop lung cancer or something like that?

Most other notices are from property owners near the trade center.

Police officers commandeered Murray's Deli, about four blocks from the twin
towers, on the day of the attack, according to Brian Rappaport, the owners'
lawyer. They allege the shop was left open by police, robbed and vandalized.

The city is self-insured and awards from successful lawsuits would be paid
out of the city's general fund.

We don't believe the city is liable. But we'll obviously have to take a look
at the complaints if and when they come in, said Corporation Counsel Michael
Cardozo, the city's chief lawyer.

Notices to sue have to be filed within 90 days, though people can go to court
and obtain a waiver of the deadline.

An additional 111 notices have been filed with the Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey, the owner of the World Trade Center complex.

Some city workers could be eligible for benefits from the federal victims'
compensation fund. Kenneth Feinberg, the fund's administrator, said workers
would have to waive their right to sue if they sought federal compensation,
but would get money more quickly and easily through the fund.

Yet many firefighters worry that they could develop cancer long after tapping
into the federal fund, said Michael Barasch, whose law firm filed notices on
behalf of several hundred workers.

Fire Department spokesman Frank Gribbon said the department tried to get
respirators to firefighters as fast as possible after the attack.

We know that they were available in a limited capacity in the days that
followed Sept. 11, Gribbon said. They soon became more plentiful, he said,
but even then, guys had them around their necks and they weren't wearing

Firefighters may also file for Social Security benefits and receive
three-quarters of their last year's pay tax-free for life if a line-of-duty
injury forces retirement.

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2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 10 Feb 02, at 3:23, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

 Rabbi David Batzri
 told the Israeli Ma`ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be put to
 death according to Jewish religious law.  Batzri added: Homosexuals
 and lesbians are not only a sickness, they are an abomination which
 should be removed from every city in the country, also from those
 districts where they feel protected, like in Tel Aviv.

This is not surprising from a fundamentalist whatever whose country's
very existence depends upon its population outstripping that of its
adversaries; thus, the immediate granting of Israeli citizenship upon
arrival to those who qualify.  This program has been part of the big
push for population increase since the 1940ies and even included
illegal immigration into Israel by hundreds of thousands if not
millions of future citizens.

Revvin' Jerry and Revvin' Pat and Papa Karol are in on this program,
too, as they realise the successes of their agendae rely on popular
overwhelming of those who would detract from their missions.  Thus,
the anti-abortion (and its oxymoronic companion, anti-birth control),
anti-women's rights, anti-homosexual positions that discourage the
inflating of the population numbers of various groups.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Satan Takes Another Shape

2002-02-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
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Friday, February 8, 2002

Saudi apologist for bin Laden
Riyadh official portrays terrorist as hero

© 2002

A Saudi cleric from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs offered a spirited defense of 
Osama bin Laden on Al-Jazeera television and attacked American Jews as the 
perpetrators of the terrorist attacks.

I did not come [here] to defend bin Laden personally, began Abdallah Bin Matruk 
Al-Haddal on the popular Al-Jazeera talk show, The Opposite Direction.

He then went on to defend bin Laden in every conceivable way.

Bin Laden waged an Islamic jihad; he defended the oppressed people in Afghanistan, 
he said in a broadcast translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. He 
expelled the Soviet Union [from Afghanistan]. The Wes
tern world focuses on Osama bin Laden and the jihad, and ignores the Muslims' faith, 
their principles, and their values. Men like bin Laden will not allow the Islamic 
world to bow down under the infidel enemies' tyranny,
under the tyranny of the U.S. ... There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden waged jihad 
against the infidels, against the aggressor and the oppressor. America does not want 
Islamic principles [to exist] on the face of this p
lanet. It does not want the full implementation of Islam's values and principles. ... 
It does not want there to be a free Islamic economy.

Al-Haddal even compared bin Laden to the Muslim hero Saladin.

America doesn't want to have any competitors, he continued. She wants to be all 
alone in this world. Osama bin Laden's demands are the demands of his nation. The 
nation who gave rise to Osama bin Laden is a strong and
great nation. It is the nation of the future. Before bin Laden, it gave rise to Salah 
Al-Din An-Ayyubi [Saladin]. ... Osama bin Laden [caused] the West to think and read a 
lot about Islam. Books on Islam disappeared from
the market; everybody wants to read about the kind of Islam that does not accept 
oppression. ...

Not only did bin Laden foster great interest in Islam, he also abided by Islamic 
principles, according to the official Saudi cleric.

Osama bin Laden is a jihad warrior who implemented the principles of Islam and of 
faith and then reached the pinnacle by going to fight the jihad in Afghanistan, he 
said. This is a man who gave his soul for Allah, and
Allah guarded his soul until he reached a point where he became a hero like Salah 
Al-Din An-Ayyubi [Saladin]. Like all other Muslims, bin Laden wanted to apply the 
Shari'a fully with its values, principles, economics, med
ia and education. Even in sports there should be Shari' sport.

Since Sept. 11, the policy set by the heads of the Saudi Kingdom dictates that Saudi 
government employees are to refrain from expressing support of bin Laden, according to 
MEMRI. Al-Haddal, though, stood firmly in defense
 of bin Laden as well as fiercely attacking American Jews.

I don't believe that the attack on America [on Sept. 11] was perpetrated by bin Laden 
or the Muslims, he said. I think differently. I believe it was a scheme. What is 
happening now is a continuation of an ancient attac
k. It is a continuation of the Jewish deception and the Jewish-Zionist wickedness that 
infiltrates the U.S. ... I am surprised that the Christian U.S. allows the 'brothers 
of apes and pigs' [meaning the Jews] to corrupt i
t. [The Jews] have murdered the prophets and the messengers. [The Jews] are the most 
despicable people who walked the land and are the worms of the entire world. They are 
all evil. And why? Because they are deceiving and
plotting aggressors. ...

The anti-semitic tone intensified.

Jewish fingerprints have infiltrated the U.S. he said. Jewish evil
and deception are those who attacked the U.S. [on Sept. 11]. Osama
bin Laden fought against the opposing falsehood and oppression that
is generated by the evil and deceptive Jewish-Zionism. ... They want
to rid the world of Islam. They don't want Islam to ever have a
revival. Osama bin Laden removed oppression; even Muslims came back
to their belief and their religion. He did not present a distorted
picture of Islam to the West. Quite the contrary, reading about Islam
became more popular in the West. Westerners read on the morality of
the Prophet Mohammed, his beliefs and his values. They read about
Islam, not about terrorism. ...

The program aired Jan. 22.

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[CTRL] Old Logic Unsuited to a New World

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Old Logic Unsuited to a New World
Col. Stanislav Lunev
Friday, Feb. 8, 2002

It looks as if former President Bill Clinton will never stop surprising us
with his more than strange behavior.

According to press reports, Mr. Clinton, never one to shy away from a
controversial issue or reaping a financial reward in pursuing it, will be
paid $300,000 to address a conference in Sydney, Australia, later this month
on the unification of Taiwan with mainland China.

The money for Mr. Clinton’s speaking engagement is being paid by a
Chinese-Australian businessman who has dealings with both Beijing and

This arrangement makes it possible to claim that the money for Clinton’s
address will not come directly from the funds of Chinese intelligence

And wouldn’t you know, the Feb. 20-23 conference, promoted by pro-unification
forces elsewhere, will be held at the very same time that President Bush
visits Beijing, where he will be seeking to promote Chinese-American

In this connection it doesn’t matter what Mr. Clinton says, his participation
at the conference in Sydney will strengthen Beijing’s position on Taiwan,
which is at odds with U.S. interests in the region.

It is well known that the Chinese communists have increased their military
buildup and war preparations against Taiwan and America, and continue their
strategic advances, designed by the Politburo of China’s Communist Party to
challenge U.S. interests.

Currently, Beijing is seriously worried about recent changes in the strategic
landscape in Asia, which is being rapidly transformed to China’s disadvantage
since Sept. 11.

By spearheading the anti-terror operation, the U.S. has strengthened its
strategic role from Central Asia to Southeast Asia. It is setting up
long-term military bases in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, intends
to stay strategically engaged in Pakistan, and has returned to the
Philippines with American special operations forces.

The fast-changing strategic scene not only undermines Chinese ambitions to
dominate Asia, but also puts pressure on the top Chinese leaders, who
currently are preparing to retire one by one by the end of next year.

While officially seeking a multi-polar world, China aspires to a unipolar
Asia, with itself as the single pole, and it makes no secret of its desire to
dominate Asia by forestalling the rise of any competitor.

For many years China has considered Pakistan as its own ally in the area and
has supplied Islamabad with weapons systems as well as technologies and
materials for its nuclear and missile programs.

Traditionally, Beijing has used Pakistan against India as it uses North Korea
against Japan, but despite heavy Chinese strategic investments in Pakistan,
Beijing now finds itself supplanted there by the U.S.

In this situation China is trying to shift its policy and begin to play
political games with India, Pakistan’s rival for years.

Last month, during a time of growing American-Indian strategic engagement,
Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji visited India in the hope of keeping New
Delhi from America by emphasizing areas of potential cooperation with China.

He also expressed China’s intentions to be more responsive to Indian concerns
over its neighbors’ policy, in an effort to dissuade New Delhi from building
a close military relationship with the U.S.

It’s obvious that the post-Sept. 11 political situation in Asia is very
difficult, but President Bush has already dramatically changed the strategic
Asian landscape in favor of U.S. and Western interests.

Bush already has done far more than his predecessors in this matter, and his
visit to the region later in February could bring new developments and create
conditions for positive change in strategic relations in the area.

In this connection it’s very difficult to understand Mr. Clinton’s
intentions, as well as the activities of some other American liberal
politicians who are playing their own political games over Asia, in
contradiction to major U.S. strategic goals and interests.

Col. Stanislav Lunev is the highest-ranking military officer ever to defect
from the Soviet Union to the United States.

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[CTRL] Post-combat syndrome not unique to Gulf War

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Study: Post-combat syndrome not unique to Gulf War

LONDON - Gulf War Syndrome, the mysterious illness blamed for a range of
medical symptoms, may not be unique to the 1991 conflict in Kuwait,
researchers said on Friday.

Veterans from the Boer War through to World War Two have suffered post-combat
symptoms which researchers from Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' School of
Medicine in London believe are a pattern of responses to the physical and
psychological stress of war.

``All modern wars have been associated with a syndrome characterized by
unexplained medical symptoms,'' Edgar Jones and his colleagues said in a
report in The British Medical Journal.

They examined the records of 1,856 British veterans from war pension files
dating from 1872 up to the Gulf War to determine if there were similarities
in the medical and psychological problems they reported.

In the study funded by the U.S. military, they concluded that there is no
single disorder common to all modern wars but different sorts of syndromes
depending on changes in types of warfare.

The terms and explanations used by doctors and servicemen to describe
symptoms seem to be influenced by advances in medical sciences, according to
the researchers.

``Post-combat syndromes have arisen after all major wars over the past
century and we can predict that they will continue to appear after future
conflicts,'' said Jones.

``What cannot be accurately forecast is their form, as they are molded by the
changing nature of health fears and warfare,'' he added.

Gulf War veterans slammed the report, saying it was an attempt to gloss over
the problems that they are facing.

``This paper is pure psychobabble and not relevant to the illnesses that 540
British veterans from the Gulf War have died from,'' the National Gulf
Veterans and Families Association said in a statement. Gulf War Syndrome and
its possible causes has been a hotly debated topic. It includes a variety of
symptoms such as respiratory and digestive problems, nerve damage, pain,
numbness, tiredness and psychological difficulties.

It has been linked variously to the inoculations the veterans received,
pesticides they handled, smoke from oil-burning fires, stress and
organophosphates -- chemicals that have been shown to affect the human
nervous system.

Last month the U.S. government announced that a 12-member advisory committee
within the Department of Veterans Affairs would review research into Gulf War
Syndrome to pull together existing knowledge.

It will also make recommendations about what more needs to be done.

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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Jews don't consider disagreement as anti-Semitism, despite your deep desire
to paint us all with one brush.

Without something to disagree about, Jews would have no reason to exist.

two men are having an argument, so they go the the rabbi.

the rabbi listens to the first man.. then says to him you are right

he then listens to the second man, and says you are right

an onlooker can't take this. he says to the rebbi  these men were having an
argument, they can't possibly both be right!

the rabbi said  you, too, are right

and as a PS
fundamentalists of that type deserve nothing but scorn and disgust, and I
don't care what religion they pretend to profess.

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam


 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 19:38:45 -0800

 -Caveat Lector-

 If other Jews disagree with this rabbi, which camp of Jews is antisemitic?

 On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Rabbi Says Gays Should Die:

 A leading Jewish cleric has called for homosexuals to be killed. The
 statements have come in the week that members of leading lesbian and gay
 groups are to meet Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon.  Rabbi David Batzri
 told the Israeli Ma`ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be put to death
 according to Jewish religious law.  Batzri added: Homosexuals and lesbians
 are not only a sickness, they are an abomination which should be removed
 from every city in the country, also from those districts where they feel
 protected, like in Tel Aviv.  Batzri's comments have caused outrage.
 Reform Rabbi Uri Regev said,
 the only abomination here are the words of Batzri, and not the existence of
 homosexuals and lesbians, who are part of the world created by the will of
 God.  Batzri's remarks follow news that members of the Political Council
 for Gay Rights in Israel will meet with prime minister Ariel Sharon next
 week. It is the first time such a gathering has taken place.  The meeting
 follows a discussion with president Moshe Katzav last year.  PCGRI
 representative Menahem Shizaf said: We see those meetings with the
 president and prime minister as an accomplishment and an important message
 to the public.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Old Logic Unsuited to a New World

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

yes, because no republican ever took money for a speaking engagement.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
   Sir Winston Churchill


 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 23:32:22 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] Old Logic Unsuited to a New World

 According to press reports, Mr. Clinton, never one to shy away from a
 controversial issue or reaping a financial reward in pursuing it, will be
 paid $300,000 to address a conference in Sydney, Australia, later this month
 on the unification of Taiwan with mainland China.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] For U An F

2002-02-09 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 22:26:50 -0600
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] For U An F

 At some point, we have to realise that many events -- even man-
 inspired -- have to considered acts of G*D.


I can't think of any.

All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle.

   Emerson, Journals, 1855


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Gold's floodgates are open, CBSMarketWatch's Calandra says

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd


Gold's floodgates open, finally
Above $300, metal's rally to spark mania, some say

By Thom Calandra
Saturday, February 9, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Adrian Day, a Maryland
money manager who has specialized in gold mining
companies for 30 years, swore to himself years ago he
would bite his tongue if he ever caught himself saying,
This time it's different.

Yet there Day was, watching from his Annapolis office
as the spot price of gold this week pierced the $300 level
for only the fourth time in four years. What really is
different this time is the previous runs were provoked
by a single instance, like Placer Dome buying back its
hedge book, says Day, president of Global Strategic
Management, which has $60 million under management.
This is not a short, sharp rally. It has been a nice slow
trend up since January 2001, and it has not been
provoked by one incident.

Gold's longtime believers are hoping the metal's rally
this time around will be different. Some, like mutual fund
manager John Hathaway, predict gold will surpass
$1,000 an ounce in coming years. Others, like Pierre
Lassonde, the soon-to-be Newmont Mining, see gold
mining stocks, already the best-performing sector in
most of the world's stock markets, doubling again as
gold goes to $350 an ounce.

Normally, investors turn to the safety of U.S. bonds
when they're seeking refuge from the kind of fiscal
distress that is storming across Japan, Argentina,
and threatening Washington. However, a growing
number of economists and currency specialists
expect gold, not Treasury securities, to benefit this

Japan, which holds about 12 percent of the supply
of U.S. debt, is facing what may become its biggest
fiscal challenge ever.

The meltdown of a G-7 economy is rare, says
Carl Weinberg, chief economist of High Frequency
Economics in Valhalla, N.Y. Things like the big oil
shocks of the '70s caused a flight to gold, and that
was an unprecedented event.

This time, say gold's optimists, who remember
fondly when gold was last at $400 (January 1996)
and $800 (January 1980), it really is different. If you
look at the popular press, every article you read
on gold is that gold is no longer money, that it is
finished, says Lassonde, a co-founder of Canada's
Franco-Nevada Mining, one of two gold producers
that will merge to form the world's largest gold miner,
Newmont, later this month.

In the past two months, I have started to see more
positive articles on gold, Lassonde says from his
Toronto office. As gold breaks the $300 barrier and
goes to $325, that will drive the bull market in gold.

For those unfamiliar with the world of gold and
gold-mining stocks, the metal's slow grind to $300
an ounce from $265 one year ago must seem petty.
Yet the small gain has propelled gold share indexes
to five-year highs in Australia and record highs in
South Africa, where a wave of mergers and weak
local currencies are boosting the mining industry's

Gold fever? In Japan, gold prices are up 25
percent against the ailing yen in the past 12
months. Japanese consumers have quadrupled
their hoarding of gold ahead of this spring's limit on
government-guaranteed bank deposits.

An ounce of gold is now worth 600 Australian dollars.
Australia's newspapers are starting to complain that
foreigners have commandeered the nation's gold
industry, with almost two-thirds ownership after
Denver-based Newmont's $2.5 billion purchase of
Australia's crown jewel, Normandy Mining.

The Financial Times Africa Gold Mines Index,
meanwhile, has gained about 65 percent the past
12 months. Close to 50 money managers, a modern
record, this week listened in on a quarterly update
from South Africa's second-largest gold miner, Gold
Fields Ltd., which raked in $67 million in its December
quarter. That was triple what Gold Fields earned the
previous three months.

Even in America, where most investors turn up their
noses at gold and prefer to dabble in technology
stocks, gold's gains have boosted the metals
industry's mutual funds by 46 percent in 12 months
vs. a 17 percent loss for the average diversified U.S.
equity fund.

Economists and analysts, in the United States and
abroad, are mostly pointing to fiscal distress as a
reason for gold's climb. After all, jewelry and
designer demand for gold, which accounts for about
75 percent of the metal's use, fell last year.

Gold is the best leading indicator of monetary
conditions, says currency analyst Kenneth Landon
at Deutsche Banc in Tokyo. It is also one of the
least understood factors. That's what makes it so
fascinating and potentially profitable for people
who truly understand gold's significance.

Newmont's Lassonde, who has been in the mining
business for three decades, believes gold's rally
this week above $300 will usher in a long bull
market in the metal. In some cases, however, the
belief among other gold bugs is a swaggering one
that comes from a decade or more of frustration.

Has a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Just One More Ride

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd


The Daily Reckoning
Weekend Edition
February 9-10, 2002
Paris, France
by Addison Wiggin

MARKET REVIEW: Just One More Ride

Stocks 'rallied' in the late hours Friday helping the
Dow put a stop to its five-day losing streak. The Dow
closed the day 118 points higher at 9774. The Nasdaq, up
36 points at 1818, also gave stock market bulls a
thrill... if short-lived.

Look at Friday's market action, writes our friend John
Mauldin, Boom - out of nowhere the market rallied big
in the last few minutes. There are still lots of true
believers out there who dream that a world of 20%
compound growth is possible.

A lot of dreams were built in the last bubble. A lot of
investors want 'just one more ride' and this time, they
promise themselves, they will get out at the top. There
is an entire industry of investment cheerleaders built
around separating investors from their reason, their
instincts and their money.

Don't bank on the rally holding up, says Mauldin. In
fact, he believes you can expect a decade - that's right
10 more years - of this sideways muddling in stocks.
(More in Flotsam  Jetsam below)...

Meanwhile, the big story of late isn't stocks at all...
it's the HUI. As we noted Wednesday, the gold bugs
index has stretched its gains to 46% in just over 2
months. The 'barbarous relic' roared to within a whisker
of the magic $300/oz mark [Wednesday], closing the day
at a 2-year high. The index, which deliberately excludes
the big bullion hedging concerns, is now up 148% in 13

Is this the Greenspan 'tidal wave' of cash finally
working it's way into the resource market?

The Fed dumped $20 billion of paper currency into
circulation last year, says John Myers of Outstanding
Investments, cranking the total up to $540 billion...
or twice the amount circulating at the start of the

With this much money flowing, all I can say is start
moving some money aggressively into natural resources -
not just oil, but gas and water. Mix in junior mining
shares and blue chips, along with bonds, mutual funds,
T-bills and cash for a cushion. And, yes... those stock-
pushing brokers will think I'm looney for this... but
buy some gold.

See: The Great Money Flood of 2002

Of course, there's more... this week in The Daily
Reckoning below...

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by Bill Bonner


...Most of human striving and pining has no more
purpose than to help him feel superior to other men - to
look better, to play better, to have more money or a
better life. Nothing is so trivial or preposterous that
it cannot give a man an edge. One is proud of his new
automobile, another of his believes his
steadfast labor raises him above other men of his
rank...another thinks his stock market returns give him
a mark of distinction...


...In the tectonic shifts of the New Era, a whole range
of phony assets and real debt was pushed up. Not far
from Worldcom's Mont Blanc, for example, lies Enron's
Jungfrau and Cisco's Matterhorn...

...Financial manias bring with them a huge
misallocation of capital...we see businesses that never
should have expanded into certain areas, and many that
should never have been born. The investors, and
unfortunately the employees, will all pay the price...


...In the Roman era it was reported that an ounce of
gold would buy a man a decent toga with a belt. Today,
an ounce of gold - at $289 - will still probably buy a
decent toga, if you can find one...

02/04/02 HEART OF GOLD

...In a bull market, people are as empty of questions
as a group of teenagers in sex education class. They
think they know it all already. And if they don't, they
are embarrassed to admit it...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HEADLINE, NEWS And INSIGHT: CA Greeen on Investment
Psychology  Emerging Markets... Oy Vay! Derivatives,
Again!... And Mauldin Agonizes Over The 'Muddle-Through'

Profiting From Investment Psychology
by C. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Insight magazine examines the gold price suppression scheme

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd


All That Glitters Is Not Gold
By Kelly Patricia O'Meara
Insight Magazine
March 4, 2002, edition
Posted February 8, 2002

Even though Enron employees and the company's 
accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, have destroyed 
mountains of documents, enough information 
remains in the ruins of the nation's largest corporate 
bankruptcy to provide a clear picture of what happened 
to wreck what once was the seventh-largest U.S. 

Obfuscation, secrecy, and accounting tricks appear 
to have catapulted the Houston-based trader of oil 
and gas to the top of the Fortune 100, only to be 
brought down by the same corporate chicanery. 
Meanwhile, Wall Street analysts and the federal 
government's top bean counters struggle to 
convince the nation that the Enron crash is an 
isolated case, not in the least reflective of how 
business is done in corporate America. 

But there are many in the world of high finance 
who aren't buying the official line and warn that 
Enron is just the first to fall from a shaky house 
of cards.

Many analysts believe that this problem is 
nowhere more evident than at the nation's bullion 
banks, and particularly at the House of Morgan 
(J.P. Morgan Chase). One of the world's leading 
banking institutions and a major international 
bullion bank, Morgan Chase has received heavy 
media attention in recent weeks both for its 
financial relationships with bankrupts Enron and 
Global Crossing Ltd. as well as the financial 
collapse of Argentina.

It is no secret that Morgan Chase was one of 
Enron's biggest lenders, reportedly losing at 
least $600 million and, perhaps, billions. The 
banking giant's stock has gone south, and 
management has been called before its 
shareholders to explain substantial investments 
in highly speculative derivatives — hidden 
speculation of the sort that overheated and 
blew up on Enron.

In recent years Morgan Chase has invested 
much of its capital in derivatives, including 
gold and interest-rate derivatives, about which 
very little information is provided to 
shareholders. Among the information that has 
been made available, however, is that as of 
June 2000, J.P. Morgan reported nearly $30 
billion of gold derivatives and Chase Manhattan 
Corp., although merged with J.P. Morgan, still 
reported separately in 2000 that it had $35 
billion in gold derivatives. Analysts agree that 
the derivatives have exploded at this bank and 
that both positions are enormous relative to the 
capital of the bank and the size of the gold 

It gets worse. J.P. Morgan's total derivatives 
position reportedly now stands at nearly $29 
trillion, or three times the U.S. annual gross 
domestic product.

Wall Street insiders speculate that if the gold 
market were to rise, Morgan Chase could be in 
serious financial difficulty because of its short 
positions in gold. In other words, if the price of 
gold were to increase substantially, Morgan 
Chase and other bullion banks that are highly 
leveraged in gold would have trouble covering 
their liabilities. One financial analyst, who 
asked not to be identified, explained the 
situation this way: Gold is borrowed by Morgan 
Chase from the Bank of England at 1 percent 
interest and then Morgan Chase sells the gold 
on the open market, then reinvests the proceeds 
into interest-bearing vehicles at maybe 6 percent. 
At some point, though, Morgan Chase must return 
the borrowed gold to the Bank of England, and if 
the price of gold were significantly to increase 
during any point in this process, it would make 
it prohibitive and potentially ruinous to repay the 

Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust 
Action Committee, a nonprofit organization that 
researches and studies what he calls the gold 
cartel (J.P. Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, 
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Bank for International
Settlements (BIS), the U.S. Treasury, and the 
Federal Reserve), and owner of, tells Insight that 
Morgan Chase and other bullion banks are 
another Enron waiting to happen. Murphy 
says, Enron occurred because the nature of 
their business was obscured, there was no 
oversight and someone was cooking the books. 
Enron was deceiving everyone about their 
business operations — and the same thing is 
happening with the gold and bullion banks.

According to Murphy, The price of gold always 
has been a barometer used by many to determine 
the financial health of the United States. A steady 
gold price usually is associated by the public and 
economic analysts as an indication or a reflection 
of the stability of the financial system. Steady gold; 
steady dollar. Enron structured a financial system 
that put the company at risk and eventually took it 
down. The same structure now exists at Morgan 
Chase with their own interest-rate/gold-derivatives 
position. There is very little information available 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] British Treasury blows £350m in gold sale gamble

2002-02-09 Thread RoadsEnd


By Faisal Islam, Economics Correspondent
The Observer, London
Sunday, February 10, 2002

The surge in the price of gold could leave the 
Treasury's two year sell-off of its reserves, which 
ends next month, nursing a loss of hundreds of 
millions of pounds. The sell-off caused a storm 
of public protest when it began in 1999. 

At the current gold price of $305 an ounce, the 
value of the 375 tonnes of gold auctioned by the 
Bank of England on behalf of the Treasury over the 
past two years is $3.7 billion (£2.6bn). According to 
Bank of England records and a recent House of 
Commons Public Accounts Committee report, the 
Treasury received just £2.25bn in 16 auctions 
between July 1999 and last month. The total 
Treasury loss compared with the situation if the 
Treasury had kept the gold would be around £350 
million at current levels. 

The loss does not take into account proceeds 
from the purchases of dollars, euros and yen 
funded by the sell-off. Gold has surged in value 
in recent weeks as investors seek a safe haven 
from worries about the world economy and 
accounting standards in corporate America. 

Japanese consumers have also been flocking to 
banks to convert the rapidly depreciating yen into 
gold bars. There are fears that the banking system 
could collapse when government deposit guarantees 
lapse in March. 

The World Gold Council is compiling a report on 
the effects of the UK auctions. An existing WGC 
analysis shows that gold makes up just 7.4 percent 
of British foreign exchange reserves. In the United
States it is 55.6 percent, in France 45.8 percent, 
and Germany 36.8 percent. In absolute terms the UK 
now has smaller gold reserves than Venezuela, 
India, and Taiwan. 


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[CTRL] Recent Exotic Australian Light-Energy Events

2002-02-09 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


Top-Secret Weapons Testing?

Strange light-events have been reported over many remote parts of Australia
in recent times. With the meteor theory ruled out, could these energy bursts
and beams be part of some classified Tesla-style weapons program?

Part 2


Whilst researching the 1993 Banjawarn fireball-explosion-earthquake
incident, I became aware of an entirely different spectrum of bizarre, non-
fireball-related light phenomena events reportedly being observed in our
skies by very reliable Western Australian bush observers (such as those who
described the fireballs over the town of Tom Price). In common with the
fireball events, these events were rarely, if ever, being reported in the press
and do not appear to have been commented upon by our scientific
community. These events vary in style, but nearly all involve essentially static
atmospheric light- emission events that have apparently never been reported
or observed before the 1980s, have been reported rarely post-1985, but now
have an increasing event periodicity in post-1993 years.

One such event type commonly reported consists of massive high-energy
five-to-ten-second bursts of blue-white light seen in the night-time skies of the
upper atmosphere. Such events have been reported in WA by many
observers including meteor experts and amateur astronomers who are
categorically certain that these are not transient light bursts due to single
meteors or multiple meteor showers.

Normally, no massive object or moving light source is seen in association
with these events. However, the massive blue-white light energy emissions
are at times quite similar in power output to those very bright, blue-white light
flash events often reported occurring in conjunction with fireballs and their
'explosion' (as described in Part 1 of this article series).

Similar events involving massive blue-white light burst emissions have also
been reported as occurring at ground level. For example, one October 1994
incident that was seen from Minara station (50 kilometres east of Leonora in
the Eastern Goldfields of WA) possibly involved a night-time UFO landing
and small beings with torches combing around the station buildings. The
exotic, brilliant blue-white flare was observed at ground level as the alleged
alien spacecraft accelerated off the nearby Minara airstrip. The light from this
flash lit up the entirely dark station buildings in a brilliant and beautiful blue-
grey glow silhouette.

Another 1996 night-time incident was observed near Rocky Gully in the south-
west of WA and was described as a very scary event where massive blue-
white streamers of arcing electricity issued from the forest floor into the
atmosphere, creating an intense, violent, blue-white glow (and an attendant
electrical noise) that was visible for miles-like someone with a giant arc
welder. This event persisted for at least several minutes. The observers fled
the area in fear for their lives, phased out by the apparently enormous energy
involved in the event.

These massive energy bursts of high-altitude, blue-white light and/or ground-
level electrical arcs are reasonably common and I have about 100 such
documented events in the WA database. Publicity from my first NEXUS
article has resulted in three similar events-one of them from eastern Victoria-
being reported to me. I am unaware of any such similar events being
reported historically in the literature anywhere on planet Earth-except as
referred to below in connection with circa-1900 high-frequency, high-voltage
EM wave experiments by Nikola Tesla.

Other exotic events involve post-1993 night-time and daytime observations of
golden-orange or silver-blue-white beams or cylinders of energy propagating
vertically downward from high altitude and hitting the Earth's surface-with no
noise or surface damage and no thunderstorm activity reported-usually in
isolated outback areas.

Another style of light-energy emission event being observed involves orange-
red- coloured forms hanging statically in the night sky. Commonly pencil-
beam-shaped (vertical or at 45 degrees), but including rare spherical forms,
this style of event has been reported since about 1985, with an apparent
increase since about 1990 but with many more sightings reported since
1993. Some 100 such events have been reported.

Luckily, in this case, an alert amateur meteor astronomer, experienced in
night-time astrophotography, has captured one such case on film. John
Goldsmith photographed this beam from his home in Bedfordale (east of
Fremantle in the Darling Ranges) at about 9.50 pm on 24 May 1990. John's
photographs are shown on the following pages.

I took a compass reading (at the spot indicated by John Goldsmith near his
telescope observing platform) across the trees as visible in photos 2-4. The
bearing was about 262-263 degrees magnetic (local deviation is a