2002-08-15 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Mr. Donahue:

Since you are not listed in my extensive collection of books as a member of
the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, nor its offspring, the
Trilateral Commission, perhaps you are an exception in the controlled media
who is not afraid to elicit a smidgeon of truth, by giving a little time to
some of those who have lost loved ones at the hands of the un elected

At 76 years of age, I never did expect that I would ever be thanking Phil
Donahue for anything he ever did or said. But even Bill Clinton's former
professor, Carroll Quigley, a solid liberal on the New World Order team, was
able to awaken to the facts of life, and publish, in several books, the
dirty deeds and plans of his former team-mates.

On page 950 of his 1348 page, Tragedy and Hope - The History of The World in
Our Time, let us know that: There does exist, and has existed for a
generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some
extent, in the way the radical Right, believes the Communists act.

In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has
no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and
frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have
studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early
1960's to examine its papers and secret records.

Quigley, in his posthumously published expose, The Anglo-American
Establishment: The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the
goals at which it is being directed, is too much to be entrusted to any
groupNo country that values its safety should allow what [Rhodes-Milner]
group accomplished - that is, that a small number of men would be able to
wield such a power in administration and politics, should be
given almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to
their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of
information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so
completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period.

Yours very truly,

Cliff Hume.

- Original Message -
From: smilicoyoti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Donahue BREAKS 9-11 CONSPIRACY STORY!!!

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], World-Action [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Forenote to mail, below, just received:
 I'll tell you a revolutionary idea: Find someone who
 is doing some crucial work to help the world in a
 key way, and send them some encouragement - then
 see that person do TWICE as much. And notice the
 knock-on effect ripple out to lots of people.
 [And DO something yourself.]

 THIS is IT, folks! As said in the film 'Shawshank
 Redemption', It's time to get busy living - or get
 busy dying.   All good people are needed to come
 to aid of their world now PLEASE SEND THIS
 ON - AND HELP. We have to choose some moment
 to turn the world around from it's present course
 of disaster - WHY NOT NOW?

 Forwarded, important message:
 From: Green Truth [mailto:ftgreens7@h...]
 Sent: 14 August 2002 05:29
 Subject: Donahue BREAKS 9-11 CONSPIRACY STORY!!!
 Has wife of 9-11victim/French Reporter

 BELOW,  THEN get this out wide, far,  fast.

 1) Thank Donahue (his email addresses below) for
 his great courage in bringing the 9-11 victims wife's
 (who is filing with other 9-11 victims the lawsuit
 against Bush for 9-11 complicity) story to the public,
 and for The Hidden Truth author.  Please cover
 this more, and ask him if the Bush Admin. threatened
 the Taliban with a carpet of bombs before 9-11
 when they threatened to pull out of the oil pipeline
 deal with Unocal.  Ask Donahue to have The War
 on Freedom author on.
 2) Contact all the national and below affiliate NBC news
 3) Email ALL of the below media (also firefighters
 unions) with this message (in your own words)

 Donahue has informed us of a new book
 The Hidden Truth.  It says US oil companies
 caused Bush to coddle the Taliban before 9-11.

 Donahue had a 9-11 victim's wife on who is filing
 a suit against Bush for 9-11, because the airforce
 didn't get interceptors out for over an hour on 9-11,
 and Bush sat reading to kids while the planes flew
 into buildings, and now Bush is trying to stop a
 9-11 investigation.  WE WANT TO KNOW MORE
 ABOUT THIS BEFORE???   This book has been
 out a year, and the 9-11 victims filed their suit
 against Bush months ago.

 We want some answers!



[CTRL] Why Isn't Stephen Hatfill in Jail?

2002-08-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Why Isn't Stephen Hatfill in Jail?

Maria Tomchick, AlterNet

August 13, 2002

Dr. Stephen Hatfill stood before television cameras on Sunday, Aug. 11, and
claimed that the FBI investigation into the anthrax mailings was turning his
life into a wasteland. Yet if even half of what Hatfill has said about his
own past is true, then the FBI has a terrorist in their sights.

Several prominent biodefense researchers think Hatfill is the anthrax
perpetrator, but that the FBI has balked at arresting him. Some have pointed
out that the FBI has been dragging its feet on the case from the first day,
because Hatfill is an insider, and that arresting him would not only
embarrass the Bush Administration and bring more calumny down on the FBI and
CIA, but also expose some nasty secrets about the U.S. biodefense, or more
accurately, bioweapons program.

On Aug. 1, the FBI, under pressure from Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick
Leahy (targets of two anthrax letters), searched Dr. Hatfill's apartment near
Ft. Detrick for the third time. Hatfill has been interviewed by the FBI four
times, undergone a lie detector test, and has now hired two lawyers to
represent him. He has also lied about his past, claiming that he was in the
U.S. Army Special Forces (he flunked out of Special Forces training after the
first month), and he has claimed to have a doctorate in molecular cell
biology from the University of Rhodes (but the University has no record of
his receiving the degree). There's also a mountain of circumstantial evidence
that links him to the anthrax letters.

Hatfill is one of about 20 or 30 people in the U.S. with the scientific know-
how to safely handle anthrax spores, and who also has had access to a level 3
or 4 hot lab where he could work with powdered anthrax without risking
infection. Notably, the anthrax in the letter to Tom Daschle was of such high
potency that the list of suspects becomes even smaller. It includes Hatfill
and only two or three other people who know how to use a new, efficient
weaponizing technique developed only recently by one of Hatfill's close

Until last year, Hatfill had a security clearance and access to the labs at
Ft. Detrick in Maryland, where he was employed until 1999. He left Ft.
Detrick to work for a government contractor, SAIC Corp., but his security
clearance remained valid until Aug. 23, 2001, allowing him continued access
to government labs. According to coworkers, when the Pentagon revoked his
security clearance for undisclosed reasons, Hatfill became furious.

Hatfill's colleagues have reported that he lost his security clearance
because he failed a lie detector test, specifically when asked questions
about his service in the late 1970s with a secret, undercover military unit
of the white, racist Rhodesian government. The Selous Scouts were notorious
for using chemical and biological warfare against the black independence
fighters in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and against the black civilian population
of Rhodesia (who occasionally gave material help to the opposition).

Historians have documented that the Selous Scouts seeded rivers with cholera,
used the chemical toxins warfarin and thallium, sold parathion-laced clothing
to opposition fighters and civilians alike, poisoned reservoirs and wells,
and were almost certainly responsible for causing the world's largest anthrax
outbreak, which sickened over 10,000 people and killed 182.

When Hatfill failed his lie detector test, he complained that the people
administering the test were amateurs and that they couldn't understand what
he and other Cold Warriors had to do in Rhodesia. Of course, Hatfill may have
been lying about his work with the Selous Scouts, just as he lied about his
Special Forces training; nevertheless, his statements provide valuable clues
to his mental state and his aspirations.

A recent article in The Sunday Mirror newspaper of Zimbabwe describes Hatfill
as a medical student of Dr. Robert Burns Symington, the man credited with
developing Rhodesia's chemical weapons.

In fact, Hatfill did attend medical school in Zimbabwe, where he lived near
the Greendale Primary School in the capital city of Harare. The anthrax
letters mailed last fall to Senators Daschle and Leahy bore the phony return
address, Greendale School in Trenton, NJ. The Greendale School in Harare
was once named after the man who founded the Selous Scouts, Hatfill's
favorite military squad.

Other details of Hatfill's resume are equally troublesome. After he graduated
from medical school in 1983, Hatfill left Zimbabwe for South Africa,
following in the tracks of many former white Rhodesian mercenaries who longed
to work for a white employer.

Hatfill has boasted that he joined the South African Defense Forces' Medical
Service unit (SAMS) under the former apartheid government. Throughout the
1970s and 1980s, the SAMS' 7th Battalion developed an extensive chemical and
biological warfare program which it deployed in the war 

[CTRL] Ramsey Clark's Letter to UN. Re: Iraq Bush's Fascist Overtures

2002-08-15 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

 *The following letter by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark
 has been sent to all members of the UN Security Council, with copies
 to the UN General Assembly and Senator Biden of the Senate Committee on
 Foreign Relations. Please circulate.*

 International Action Center
 Founded by Ramsey Clark

 July 29, 2002

 Dear Ambassador,

 Any remaining hope the peoples of the United Nations have to save succeeding
 generations from the scourge of war through the United Nations would be
 crushed by another United States attack on Iraq. Threats to attack, invade
 and overthrow the government of Iraq by President George Bush, Vice
 President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, various cabinet officers
 and Pentagon officials have been routine for a year. The psychological
 warfare is itself a crime against peace and violates the U.N. Charter.
 Today's front-page headline story in the New York Times, U.S. Exploring
 Baghdad Strike As Iraq Option, is typical of the in terrorem intention of
 the threats. The danger to civilian life in Baghdad from such a strike would
 be enormous.


 If the United Nations is unable to restrain the United States, a permanent
 member of the Security Council, from committing crimes against peace and
 humanity as well as war crimes against a nation that has already been
 violated by the U.S. beyond endurance, then what is the United Nations
 worth? At the very least, opposition to any attack or attempt to overthrow
 the government of Iraq by force must be publicly expressed by the United


 The U.S. led and glorified the massive assault on Iraq in January and
 February 1991. The Pentagon announced it conducted 110,000 aerial
 sorties against the defenseless cradle of civilization, dropping 88,500
 tons of bombs. The widespread bombing destroyed the economic viability of
 the civilian society throughout the nation. It killed tens of thousands of
 Iraqi citizens and others. A major part of the bombing was directed at
 civilians and civilian facilities. It was less accurate than the recent
 indiscriminate attacks in Afghanistan. U.S. bombs destroyed Iraqi water
 systems, electric power transmission, communications, transportation,
 manufacturing, commerce, agriculture, poultry and livestock, food storage
 facilities, markets, fertilizer and insecticide production, business
 centers, archeological and historical treasures, apartment houses,
 residential areas, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches and synagogues.

 The Pentagon stated its casualties were 156. One third were from friendly
 fire; the rest were accidental. The U.S. had no combat casualties.


 The U.S. crafted economic sanctions against Iraq which the Security Council
 approved on August 6, 1990, the 45th anniversary of the U.S.
 atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima. Those sanctions are the direct cause of the
 very cruel deaths of more than a million people. This is the
 greatest crime against humanity, in the last decade of the most violent
 century in history. Each painful death of an individual wasting away?from
 malnutrition; Kwashiorkor; the rush of dehydration from contaminated water
 and from diseases was preventable. The sanctions continue to this time to
 cause hundreds of deaths each day. Every United Nations agency dealing with
 food, health and children--including FAO, WFP, WHO, UNICEF--has proclaimed
 the horror, magnitude and responsibility for this human catastrophe.

 The great majority of the deaths caused by the sanctions are infants,
 children, the elderly, the chronically ill and emergency medical cases.
 These are the people most vulnerable to polluted water, malnutrition, and
 the lack of medicines and medical equipment and supplies.

 U.S. claims that it is the Iraqi government that is responsible for deaths
 from shortages of food and medicine are false. The U.S. blocked oil sales by
 Iraq for six years before appearing to yield to humanitarian pleas to permit
 oil sales to purchase food and medicine. Since 1997, when sales began, it
 has effectively frustrated and delayed the Oil for Food program, which does
 not provide sufficient income at the levels approved to stop the daily
 deterioration of health and growing death rates in Iraq. Before sanctions
 there was virtually no malnutrition in Iraq and free hospital, health
 services and medicines were a model for the region. Its present system of
 government distribution of available food staples is a model of fairness and
 efficiency, lacking only in quantity and variety of food.


 The U.S. has engaged in air strikes against Iraq at will since March 1991,
 when the massive 

[CTRL] Judge Questions Detention of American in War Case

2002-08-15 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Kelly Dawn Askin
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:26 PM
Subject: Judge Questions Detention of American in War Case

NY Times Online News Report
August 14, 2002
Judge Questions Detention of American in War Case

NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 13 — The government's decision to hold war captives
indefinitely without charges, without bail and without access to lawyers
was on trial here today in a squat concrete courthouse.

The case is that of Yaser Esam Hamdi, 21, born in Baton Rouge, La.; raised
in Saudi Arabia; and seized on the Afghan battlefield before being sent to
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. He was transferred to the Navy brig here on April 5,
after officials had confirmed that he is an American.

The government has argued, and it argued again here today, that in this
unconventional war on terrorism Mr. Hamdi is an enemy combatant. As such,
the government says, even though he is a citizen, he has no right to a
lawyer. In fact, enemy combatants, as the government defines them, have
none of the rights afforded ordinary criminal defendants or even
foreigners who might face military tribunals.

The judge, Robert G. Doumar of Federal District Court, had little patience
with the government's position. In a display of judicial authority over
the lawyers in his courtroom, he verbally cuffed the government lawyers,
rarely giving them a break.

Judge Doumar bombarded an assistant to the solicitor general, Gregory G.
Garre, with questions and, quickly finding that Mr. Garre would not be
forthcoming, barely waited for a reply.

So, the Constitution doesn't apply to Mr. Hamdi? the judge snapped.

Mr. Garre studiously avoided answering yes or no, which frustrated the
judge and prompted him to pound the lawyer with more questions. So
exasperated with Mr. Garre's lack of responses, the judge blurted out,
Why am I here?

To that question, Mr. Garre tried an answer. He said that the courts have
a role in determining what to do with captives, but that it was limited,
a role that belongs more fully to the president.

The case appears to be the first in modern American jurisprudence in which
an American citizen has been indefinitely detained without charges and
without access to a lawyer.

As such, it is rapidly becoming the test case for whether the courts and,
eventually, the Supreme Court will sanction such detentions. The answer
could well determine whether the United States continues to detain
additional people in that way and could guide how the country goes about
conducting the war on terrorism.

Michael Greenberger, a counterterrorism expert in the Justice Department
under President Bill Clinton who is director of the Center for Health and
Homeland Security at the University of Maryland, said the government had
been embarrassed by the open court cases of John Walker Lindh and Zacarias
Moussaoui and was looking for a precedent-setting case under which it
could hold captives without lawyers' interference.

In a report critical of the government's posture in Mr. Hamdi's case, the
American Bar Association warned that it could lead to the indefinite
detentions of other Americans, leaving detainees with fewer rights and
protections than those who have been charged with serious criminal

This is the new way to fight terrorism, said Frank Dunham Jr., the
public defender appointed to represent Mr. Hamdi, although he has never
met or talked with him. There is no other case where a person has been
denied access to his counsel. This could set a precedent for anyone being
held on executive say-so.

The Hamdi case has bounced around in the Fourth Judicial Circuit for
several months. Although the appeals court has sided with the government,
Judge Doumar retains some hold over the case and has been highly critical
of the government, as he was today.

The technical reason for the two hours of oral arguments was to determine
the value of a two-page statement from Michael H. Mobbs, identified as a
special adviser to the under secretary of defense for policy. The
statement, the Mobbs declaration, was the basis for determining that Mr.
Hamdi was an enemy combatant. Judge Doumar, who is to decide whether the
statement provided a sufficient explanation, said he would announce his
decision in a few days.

But from the bench he made very clear that he found the statement lacking
in nearly every respect. It had little detail specifying what exactly Mr.
Hamdi had done. It said that Mr. Hamdi was captured during hostilities but
did not say what he was doing. It said Mr. Hamdi was determined by the
U.S. military screening team to meet the criteria for enemy combatants,
but did not say what the criteria were, who was on the team and why it
reached that conclusion.

The judge also complained that the statement never explained why Mr. Hamdi
had been moved here.


[CTRL] Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision

2002-08-15 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: American Patriot Friends Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 12:44 AM
Subject: Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision

Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision
Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty.
By Jonathan Turley

Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional law at
George Washington University.

Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, 14 August, 2002

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he
deems to be enemy combatants has moved him from merely being a political
embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.

Ashcroft's plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him
to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip
them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring
them enemy combatants.

The proposed camp plan should trigger immediate congressional hearings and
reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for this important office. Whereas
Al Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens, Ashcroft has become
 clear and present threat to our liberties.

The camp plan was forged at an optimistic time for Ashcroft's small inner
circle, which has been carefully watching two test cases to see whether
this vision could become a reality. The cases of Jose Padilla and Yaser
Esam Hamdi will determine whether U.S. citizens can be held without charges
and subject to the arbitrary and unchecked authority of the government.

Hamdi has been held without charge even though the facts of his case are
virtually identical to those in the case of John Walker Lindh. Both Hamdi
and Lindh were captured in Afghanistan as foot soldiers in Taliban units.
Yet Lindh was given a lawyer and a trial, while Hamdi rots in a floating
Navy brig in Norfolk, Va.

This week, the government refused to comply with a federal judge who ordered
that he be given the underlying evidence justifying Hamdi's treatment. The
Justice Department has insisted that the judge must simply accept its
declaration and cannot interfere with the president's absolute authority
in a time of war.

In Padilla's case, Ashcroft initially claimed that the arrest stopped a plan
to detonate a radioactive bomb in New York or Washington, D.C. The
administration later issued an embarrassing correction that there was
no evidence Padilla was on such a mission. What is clear is that Padilla
is an American citizen and was arrested in the United States--two facts
that should trigger the full application of constitutional rights.

Ashcroft hopes to use his self-made enemy combatant stamp for any citizen
whom he deems to be part of a wider terrorist conspiracy.

Perhaps because of his discredited claims of preventing radiological
terrorism, aides have indicated that a high-level committee will recommend
which citizens are to be stripped of their constitutional rights and sent
to Ashcroft's new camps.

Few would have imagined any attorney general seeking to reestablish such
camps for citizens. Of course, Ashcroft is not considering camps on the
order of the internment camps used to incarcerate Japanese American
citizens in World War II. But he can be credited only with thinking
smaller; we have learned from painful experience that unchecked authority,
once tasted, easily becomes insatiable.

We are only now getting a full vision of Ashcroft's America. Some of his
predecessors dreamed of creating a great society or a nation unfettered
by racism. Ashcroft seems to dream of a country secured from itself,
neatly contained and controlled by his judgment of loyalty.

For more than 200 years, security and liberty have been viewed as coexistent
values. Ashcroft and his aides appear to view this relationship as lineal,
where security must precede liberty.

Since the nation will never be entirely safe from terrorism, liberty has
become a mere rhetorical justification for increased security.

Ashcroft is a catalyst for constitutional devolution, encouraging citizens
to accept autocratic rule as their only way of avoiding massive terrorist

His greatest problem has been preserving a level of panic and fear that
would induce a free people to surrender the rights so dearly won by their

In A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More was confronted by a young
lawyer, Will Roper, who sought his daughter's hand. Roper proclaimed that
he would cut down every law in England to get after the devil.

More's response seems almost tailored for Ashcroft: And when the last law
was down and the devil turned round on you, where would you hide, Roper,
the laws all being flat? ... This country's planted thick with laws from
coast to coast ... and if you cut them down--and you are just the man to
do it--do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would
blow then?

Every generation has had 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Bush STILL Trying to Plunder Social Security

2002-08-15 Thread Ed Raymond

-Caveat Lector-

 I didn't know all that - did you?

   Q.  Which party took Social Security from an independent fund and put it
in the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
   A.  It was Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate.

   Q.  Which party put a tax on Social Security?
   A.  The Democratic party.

   Q.  Which party increased the tax on Social Security?
   A.  The Democratic Party with Al Gore throwing the deciding vote.

   Q.  Which party decided to give money to immigrants? That's right, an
immigrant moves to this country at 65 and gets SSI Social Security.
   A.  The Democratic Party gave that to them although they never paid any
money into it.

   Then after doing all this, they turn around and tell you the Republicans
want to take your Social Security. And the worst part about it is, you might
believe it!

   The voting for Congressional seats is coming up in just a few short
Think about how you want to vote!

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Subject: Bush STILL Trying to Plunder Social Security
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 00:33:23 EDT

-Caveat Lector-

Got to get those billions for the Iraqi invasion from somewhere ...

Even IF [Social Security] is partially privatized, law-makers will have to
consider raising taxes to ensure there is enough money for baby boomers to
retire on.

Bush's Plan For Social Security Loses Favor
Some GOP Candidates Resist Partial Privatization

By Jim VandeHei and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers

Tuesday, August 13, 2002; Page A01

President Bush's campaign to allow Americans to invest a portion of their
Social Security taxes in the stock market is losing support among Republican
congressional candidates, as Wall Street's sinking prices reinforce concerns
about the proposal.
Amid sharp attacks by the Democratic Party, several GOP incumbents and
challengers are coming out against Bush's plan to privatize partially the
popular, taxpayer-funded retirement program. Fueling the shift is the stock
market's recent plunge, which has reminded voters of the risks of investing
in stocks, rather than in other financial instruments that guarantee safe but
modest returns.
The president continues to call for giving workers the right to direct a
portion of their Social Security payroll taxes to stocks or other investments
by creating personal savings accounts. Bush first extolled the plan near the
peak of the last decade's remarkable bull market; he says Wall Street's
frequently impressive returns should boost Social Security as well as
nongovernment retirement programs.
In some cases, GOP lawmakers such as Reps. George W. Gekas (Pa.) and Charles
W. Chip Pickering Jr. (Miss.) are opposing Bush's proposal after praising
it in the past. At least three Republican congressional challengers -- Rick
Clayburgh (N.D.), William J. Janklow (S.D.) and Jon Porter (Nev.) -- have
disavowed the idea of private accounts. Many other Republicans are playing
down previous endorsements of privatizing all or part of Social Security as a
way to bolster the system before it goes broke.
This retreat complicates Bush's campaign to revamp Social Security in the
next Congress, which was a formidable challenge from the start. It also
provides the latest example of how corporate scandals and the recent stock
market swoon are altering public policy debates. If this signals the start of
a broader defection, it could put pressure on congressional Republicans in
the years ahead to articulate a new strategy for change.
Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.), author of a bipartisan bill to create individual
savings accounts, said some colleagues are running for cover, making it
more difficult 

[CTRL] Article: James Thomson Jr., Asian Policy Analyst for U.S., 70, Dies

2002-08-15 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

James Thomson Jr., Asian Policy Analyst for U.S., 70, Dies

August 15, 2002

James C. Thomson Jr., a Far Eastern specialist in the
Kennedy and Johnson administrations who left government in
1966 because of his opposition to the United States'
growing involvement in the Vietnam War, died on Sunday in
Newton, Mass. He was 70 and lived in Cambridge, Mass.

The cause was respiratory failure and cardiac arrest, his
family said.

After leaving the government, where he worked for the State
Department and the National Security Council, Mr. Thomson
taught in the history department at Harvard.

He later became curator of the Nieman Foundation, which
awards yearlong fellowships at Harvard for midcareer
journalists, serving from 1972 to 1984.

He later taught international relations, history and
journalism at Boston University. He retired in 1997.

In 1968, Mr. Thomson published an indictment of the
government's Vietnam policy in the Atlantic Monthly called
How Could Vietnam Happen?

The article won an Overseas Press Club award for the best
magazine reporting on foreign affairs and has been
reprinted in several anthologies about the war.

He also wrote frequently about the East Asia, advocating
greater ties between the United States and China. He was
the author of While China Faced West (Harvard University
Press, 1969), and was an author with Peter W. Stanley and
John Curtis Perry of Sentimental Imperialists (Harper 
Row, 1981).

James Claude Thomson Jr. was born on Sept. 14, 1931, in
Princeton, N.J.

He said his views on Asia were shaped by a boyhood spent in
China, where his father taught science and chemistry at a
college in Nanjing.

He received a bachelor's degree from Yale in 1953 and a
doctorate from Harvard in 1961.

Mr. Thomson's wife, the former Diana Butler, died in 2000.
He is survived by two stepchildren, Dr. Anne Butler of
Brookline, Mass., and Lawrence D. Butler of Ashland, Mass.;
two sisters, Nancy Waller of Cherry Valley, N.Y., and
Sydney Thomson Brown of Palo Alto, Calif.; and four

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or other creative advertising opportunities with The
New York Times on the Web, please contact
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Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Article: Genome Pioneer Will Start Center of His Own

2002-08-15 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Genome Pioneer Will Start Center of His Own

August 15, 2002

J. Craig Venter, who raced government-financed researchers
to decode the human genome then was ousted from the company
he made famous, plans to create a huge laboratory that
would rival efforts by his former company and his public

Dr. Venter is to announce today that he plans to build what
he believes will be the nation's largest genome sequencing
center, one that will introduce new technology that vastly
decreases the time and cost required to determine the DNA
code of people, animals and microbes.

Our goal is to get to where we can do a whole genome
analysis in minutes or hours, in contrast to months or
years, Dr. Venter said in an interview.

The center could move Dr. Venter back into the center of
the genomics world, a position he had until January when he
was forced to resign from Celera Genomics, the company he
helped found to sequence the human genome in an often
acrimonious race with the publicly financed Human Genome

But this time, he said, the sequencing center will be
not-for-profit, making its information freely available
instead of selling it like Celera did.

You could look at this as him building something new in
the public sector that had the mission that he wanted
Celera to follow, said Gerald Rubin, professor of genetics
at the University of California and a vice president of the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Dr. Venter denied that he was trying to upstage either his
former company or his former rivals on the Human Genome
Project. It appears, however, that his center will do some
of the same things Celera is doing in analyzing genetic
variations among people. The center will also compete for
federal grants with the university sequencing centers
involved in the Human Genome Project.

One goal, he said, is to get the cost down to $2,000 to
$3,000 to analyze a person's entire genome, compared with
the hundreds of millions of dollars it took to determine
the first human genome sequence.

At that price, probably not reachable for 10 years, it will
become practical to tailor medical care to each person
based on genetic makeup, he said.

One thing that is very clear is that existing technology
is not up to any of those tasks, Dr. Venter said.

The new sequencing center will be built in Rockville, Md.,
and run by three nonprofit organizations Dr. Venter
started. They are the Institute for Genomic Research, known
as TIGR, which is a leader in sequencing microbial genomes,
and two new institutes that Dr. Venter set up after leaving

Dr. Venter said the center would cost $20 million to $100
million to build and operate over the first four years. He
will provide the initial financing from money he made from
Celera and a previous company. But he said the sequencing
center would eventually support itself on grants from the
federal government and others.

Many scientists and companies are trying to lower the cost
and raise the speed of genome sequencing, which would allow
many more plant and animal species to be sequenced as well
as make medical diagnostics and biowarfare agent detection
more practical. Scientists at a workshop held recently by
the Human Genome Project, for instance, discussed the
prospects of achieving the thousand-dollar genome.

So while it is unclear yet what impact Dr. Venter will
have, some scientists said that given his track record, he
should not be counted out.

Craig is very good at transformational events, said
Trevor Hawkins, senior vice president of Amersham
Biosciences, a maker of DNA sequencers, and previously the
director of the Department of Energy's genome sequencing

But Larry Thompson, a spokesman for the National Human
Genome Research Institute, which ran the Human Genome
Project, played down the development, saying: He's setting
up a new laboratory. Lots of companies set up new
laboratories all the time.

The new sequencing center could be good news for makers of
equipment for genetic analysis, whose sales have slowed
because the human genome project is nearly finished and
because many biotechnology companies are facing financial

I can't imagine why I would be unhappy that someone wants
to create another sequencing center, said Michael W.
Hunkapiller, president of Applied Biosystems, a
manufacturer of DNA sequencers that is the sister company
of Celera.

Dr. Hunkapiller discounted the idea that Dr. Venter was
trying to compete with his old company, even though Dr.
Venter began making his announcement on the day Applied
Biosystems was rolling out its newest sequencing machine at
a seminar in Boston where some of the leaders of the Human
Genome Project were speaking.

Dr. Venter said he had not yet decided whether to buy
sequencers from Applied Biosystems and said it was just
unfortunate timing that his announcement coincided with

Re: [CTRL] A genius of film

2002-08-15 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-



From: thewI don't know. Being Hitler's lover, a fact omitted 
from this article,certainly says something. I'm not sure what, 
but something.Riefenstahl was never Hitler's 
  lover; you 
seem to be confusing her with Eva Braun, or accepting the WWII-era 
Allied slander/propaganda regarding Riefenstahl as 



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Re: [CTRL] Reading For the Rapture Cult

2002-08-15 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/11/02 12:58:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 You better hope you are Left Behind. 

Considering the folks who plan to go (James Watt, John Ashcroft, etc.), being
left behind sounds like the best choice.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] A genius of film

2002-08-15 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] A genius of film
-Caveat Lector-

I am not confusing her with Eva  are you so sure Hitler was monogamous?

I think leni was a brilliant filmmaker, I love her stuff  shows the power of film to both convey beauty and ideas at the same time, without sacrificing either. But her claims of not knowing how the films were to be used, or what the message she so brilliantly conveyed was is poo-poo. It does not matter if she was a nazi or not  just as it doesnt matter if anyone on the Manhattan project was a pacifist. Its the results that count.

As to her sleeping with Hitler I dont see who is being slandered  I guess I dont see sex as evil, compared to say, creating beautiful art that glorifies the achievements of the master race, and justifies a program of wiping the inferior.

At any rate  she traveled in Hitler's private train, was consulted privately by him quite often, and wielded a lot of power in the Nazi central command. Does this mean she was fucking him? Does it matter?

on 8/15/02 10:31 AM, RevCOAL at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 
From: thew
I don't know. Being Hitler's lover, a fact omitted from this article,
certainly says something. I'm not sure what, but something.

Riefenstahl was never Hitler's lover; you seem to be confusing her with Eva Braun, or accepting the WWII-era Allied slander/propaganda regarding Riefenstahl as fact 

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Henrik Ibsen


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[CTRL] The 401(k) scam

2002-08-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

The 401(k) scam: How American workers have been robbed of their retirement benefits

By Elisa Brehm
15 August 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

A retirement crisis of staggering proportions faces millions of American working 
The plunge in the stock market has profound implications in a country where most 
and savings are not based on fixed benefits paid by employers, but instead are 
on voluntary contributions made by workers to be invested on Wall Street.

The 401(k), as the plan is known, is literally a do-it-yourself retirement plan 
dependent on the vagaries of the market. With over $7.7 trillion wiped out in 
half years by the 44 percent fall of Standard  Poor 500, many face a shrinking 
pension or
none at all. Unlike a high-powered executive, the average worker has no broker who is
constantly following investments, giving tips or advising him or her on the wisest
allocations. The 401(k) plan places the responsibility and burden entirely on the 

Instead, the most common scenario involves one’s employer providing a packet of
information with a number of funds from which to choose. Oppenheimer’s Five Star Quest
Balanced Value Fund, for example, tells the 401(k) participant that this particular 
has “ large, well established companies that are undervalued by the market, and 
that fundamental analysis identifies as well-managed, solid businesses” (emphasis in

The company at the top of this portfolio’s list is Worldcom, Inc.!

Today 401(k) is a household word, but it was nearly unknown 20 years ago. During the
stock market boom of the 1990s the 401(k) was associated with the promise of easy
wealth. With the rapid rise of high-tech stocks, many workers saw their contributions 
exponentially. William Wolman and Anne Colamosca, authors of The Great 401(k) Hoax,
write, “it appeared as a device that made it easy for the average worker to 
participate in
the biggest boom in history. It seemed the 401(k) would be a perpetual wealth machine 
each and every member of the great American middle class.”

A typical case is provided by Paul “P.J.” Palambo, a long-distance truck driver who 
will be
62 next month. He started contributing to a 401(k) plan in 1982. He told USA Today, “I 
in when the getting was good, and it grew from zero to almost $250,000. I said, that’s
great, I can retire when I’m 55.” But with the two-and-a-half year fall in the market 
and the
growing economic slump, 401(k)s are causing increasing concern, particularly for those 
their 50s. Palambo lost close to $50,000 this year alone, and his predicament is like 
that of
many others: “I’ve got thousands of shares of mutual funds, and if I sell now, I’ve 
lost it

Because they have seen their retirement savings wiped out, many people are being forced
to work longer years than they ever expected. In the past year the number of people in 
workforce 55 or older—the only age group that is growing—jumped 8 percent, to 20
million. These baby-boomers are facing a precarious financial future.

Millions have been forced to abandon their plans to retire in their 50s and early 60s 
spend their remaining years enjoying an active lifestyle. Now many of these workers 
have to work well into their 70s. Many in this age-bracket face the combined strain of
paying for college tuition for their children and at the same time taking on the care 
of older

A recent cover story in Time magazine, headlined “Will you ever be able to retire,” 
that trends were leading to “a move backward to the historical norm—working until you
drop—and away from the experiment of the past few decades, the only time in history
when healthy people have stopped working for the last 20 or 30 years of their lives.”

The story of Robert and Kyuja Kafka, recounted in Time magazine, is a common one. The
family had saved diligently through a tax-favored college fund, while at the same time
saving for their retirement. The Kafka’s college and retirement savings have declined 
value more than 50 percent. Such college savings plans, which came into wide use three
years ago, are not providing much sanctuary. They appeared attractive because the
earnings were exempt from federal and some state taxes; so long as the market was
rising, assets grew. The problem is that most of these funds are in aggressive growth
portfolios—those that have been hit the hardest, with losses of 30-60 percent. With a
college bill of $37,000 for tuition, room and board due this month, the Kafka family is
scrambling to find backup plans—refinancing their house to secure a line of credit, 
for student loans, and postponing a home-remodeling project.

While the fall in savings due to the stock market losses are causing a huge financial 

Re: [CTRL] chemtrail or contrail (?)...or atmospheric research?

2002-08-15 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] chemtrail or contrail (?)...or atmospheric research?
-Caveat Lector-

Someone never heard of photoshop

on 8/13/02 1:43 PM, ulrich stuart at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

...this person took his own pictures and, imo, had not the technical capabilities to fake them..

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
  Justice Louis D. Brandeis


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Re: [CTRL] CogLib - Scientist's Death

2002-08-15 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Dick and rummy are notorious defenders of govt. secrecy - when they were in
the Ford admin. They tried to cancel the FOIA, and the presidential
disclosure act... They are doing a far better job this time around

Rereading this Olson thing it occurs to me that another plausible
explanation is that, contrary to the usual Implication, that the LSD damaged
him, that it was a rich opening experience, and he took a good honest look
at himself, and his relationship to life on the planet (a action taken by
many on LSD) and found his actions wanting. Maybe it opened his eyes, and he
could no longer live with developing biological weapons, tc.

Just a thought.

on 8/12/02 1:54 PM, Joshua Tinnin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Calling a rationalist an a-theist is like a soccer playing accusing a
baseball player of not having any goal posts.


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[CTRL] Linques to Articles of Note

2002-08-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Various sources

Note:  In order to minimise the amount traffic and to allow others the joys of 
their own
exploration, I'm sending along linques for now.  One site you will not be seeing very 
of (from me) is WorldNetDaily.  Unfortunately, I sent along a tip to one of the 
senior folks
there and because this individual was not enlightened enough to recognise the name from
whom it was being sent, I was the recipient of a hissy-tantrum-fit-insult-flame, a 
game I
don't play.  This is a lesson in 'caveat lector' in the sense that there are media 
outlets that
bill themselves as being 'free press for free people' but never miss an opportunity to 
heavily biased by their own agendae.  AER

U.S. letter to Arab leaders: 'There will be no turning back

Shehadeh Death Count

Floods wreak havoc in Germany
Nifty images at site

Background / Rethinking the unthinkable, amid Iraq fears

Evangelist: Muslims Not Aiding N.Y.
But what about Rudi turning down the Saudi bux?

A computer game controller that can deliver electric shocks to players is being 
developed in
the US.

Police ban anti-Nazi protest,11375,775055,00.html

President preaches to converted while Fed grapples with the real problems,12271,774850,00.html

Jet contrails affect climate, study says

For black people, Elvis, more than any other performer, epitomises the theft of their 
and dance,12333,774842,00.html

Women's naked farming ritual brings rain
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[CTRL] Attacking the War on Terrorism

2002-08-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


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Attacking the War on Terrorism
By Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid
August 15, 2002

The New York Times has launched a campaign to undermine the U.S. war on terrorism.
The Times headline on July 27th declared, In Rare Move, U.N. Reviews a U.S. Attack on
Afghans. This was a preview of what the International Criminal Court intends to do. 
In this
case, the U.N. issued a preliminary report about the accidental bombing of 
civilians. The
report was requested by the U.N. special representative in Afghanistan, Lakhdar 
who has no authority or mandate to evaluate U.S. military operations. The U.N. report
accuses the U.S. of a cover- up.

A July 21st front page New York Times story set the stage. It carried the headline, 
Flaws in
U.S. Air War Left Hundreds of Civilians Dead. One of the sources was a left-wing 
group that favored Cuban Communist intervention in Africa. The Times said the deaths
stemmed from poor intelligence and a reluctance to commit more ground troops to the
war. But Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld responded that the American bombing
campaign in Afghanistan may be the most accurate ever undertaken, resulting in fewer
deaths of innocent civilians than any air war in history. But a July 29th New York 
article continued the drumbeat. It was headlined: U.S. Denies Cover Up in Afghan 

The charges are reminiscent of when Senator Joseph Biden called for a stop in bombing 
Afghanistan after only two weeks and two days. He suggested that it was better for
American soldiers to go cave to cave, mano to mano, or man to man. Biden, chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that unless the bombing of Afghanistan 
sooner rather than later, America risked looking like a high-tech bully. Every 
moment it
goes on, it makes the aftermath problems more severe, he said. Biden said images of
civilian casualties from the bombing made it harder to convince Muslims around the 
that Americans are fighting terrorists, not Afghans.

Biden laid the groundwork for those critics making charges of war crimes against U.S.
troops. Biden, who himself avoided military service, said the American people were 
for a massive commitment of ground forces in Afghanistan. I think the American public 
prepared for a long siege, he said. I think the American public is prepared for 

Ray Clatworthy, who is opposing Biden in the Senate race in Delaware, responded, In my
four years at the U.S. Naval Academy and my five years flying jets in the United States
Marine Corps, we were never advised to lay aside strategic advantage to appease world
opinion. Our soldiers are just too important. I will never sacrifice one American life 
‘world opinion.’ As the father of a son who wears our country’s uniform, I find Joe 
lapse in judgment offensive. Does anyone in this room think Joe Biden would have
suggested this strategy if it were his boys going cave to cave?

Today, Joe Biden is presiding over hearings about a war with Iraq. He is a strong 
of an invasion that could require a quarter of a million U.S. troops. Some say 30,000
American soldiers could die.

Reed Irvine can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel

2002-08-15 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from

Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel 


Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition

A way to turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons has caused a big stir at an industrial chemistry conference in New Brunwick, New Jersey. Nakamichi Yamasaki of the Tokushima Industrial Technology Center in Japan says he has a process that makes propane and butane at relatively low temperatures and pressures.

Making fuel from greenhouse gases
While his work still needs independent verification, if he can make even heavier hydrocarbons, it might be possible to make petrol. It has carbon chains that are between five and 12 atoms long - butane is four atoms long.
The work suggests the tantalising prospect that CO2, the main greenhouse gas, could be recycled instead of being pumped into the atmosphere.
Many people have tried before to make hydrocarbons by mixing carbon with hydrogen gas in a reaction chamber at very high temperatures, but yields have always been pitiful. Yamasaki has used hydrochloric acid as his source of hydrogen ions. 
He bubbles the CO2 into a reaction vessel (see graphic) where it is heated to about 300 °C at 100 times atmospheric pressure. The heat and pressure are low enough, says Yamasaki, to make it feasible to scale up the reaction so it can run on a power station's waste heat. 
Iron powder 
Using iron powder as a catalyst, Yamasaki says he has made substantial amounts of methane, ethane, propane and butane, which he was able to vent off as gases when the mixture cooled. If he can improve the catalyst's performance he is hopeful of making heavier hydrocarbons such as petrol, too. 
William Siegfried, who has lead similar experiments at the University of Minnesota in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, says his group was only able to make methane at far higher temperatures. But his process also used a nickel-based alloy as a catalyst, rather than iron.
Siegfried's group was investigating whether natural methane deposits might have formed chemically with the metal in rocks acting as a catalyst rather than forming from the decay of rotting biological material over aeons.
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Unless Yamasaki's technology can make the more valuable heavier hydrocarbons such as petroleum, which are liquid at room temperature, it will not be much more use than present-day bioreactors, in which bacteria that like to feed on CO2 are induced to produce methane. "Organisms have a special talent for that kind of reaction," says Siegfried. 

[CTRL] Bush Demands Broad Homeland Powers

2002-08-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Demands Broad Homeland Powers

Thu Aug 15, 3:02 PM ET

By SCOTT LINDLAW, Associated Press Writer

MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) - With four presidents staring
down at him and one potential rival, Tom Daschle, looking on, President Bush
( news - web sites) on Thursday demanded broad authority to oversee the new
Homeland Security Department.

I don't want our hands tied so we cannot do the number one job you expect,
which is to protect the homeland, Bush said.

Just off to Bush's right was Daschle, the Senate majority leader who has
clashed with Bush on how much flexibility Bush should have over the proposed
department's personnel. Daschle, a Democrat who represents this state, is
also considering challenging Bush in 2004.

The White House invited Daschle to the event, and Bush went out of his way to
welcome him in opening remarks. But Bush also shouted at times, and seemed to
look directly at Daschle occasionally, as he outlined an agenda that Daschle
has frequently bottled up on Capitol Hill.

The president carried a message of economic optimism here, and reviewed his
plans for spurring the economy through increased trade, lower taxes and a
crackdown on corporate corruption.

Slowly but surely, the American people are understanding that this future is
a bright future for us, that economic security will spread its wings
throughout all our society, Bush said.

Daschle applauded Bush's call for an agriculture-friendly trade policy and
his praise of ethanol, which can come from South Dakota-grown corn, as a fuel
source. But he did not join other audience members who clapped when Bush said
the inheritance tax phase-out must be made permanent.

During Bush's call for lower taxes, an audience member shouted to Daschle,
Hear that, Tommy?

After Bush's speech, Daschle called Bush's economic plan a prescription for
greater deficits and greater uncertainty.

Bush's trip was unusual for its absence of a political fund raiser, but
politics were on full display here. Bush appeared with Rep. John Thune (
news, bio, voting record), the Republican trying to unseat Sen. Tim Johnson (
news, bio, voting record), D-S.D. A film crew taped a commercial of Bush and
Thune beneath the towering monument.

The Senate will make establishing a Homeland Security Department its top
priority when it returns from a monthlong August recess, but neither Bush nor
Daschle gave any indication that a break in the deadlock is near.

While the Senate and White House agree on most details of the new agency,
Bush has threatened to veto any measure that does not give him the
flexibility he seeks in the department's hiring and spending.

Democrats oppose Bush's request for personnel flexibility in the proposed
Cabinet agency, saying it amounts to an assault on union collective
bargaining and the civil service system.

Bush said he needed broad powers on organizational and spending issues. It's
not just me, it's future presidents (who) need the capacity to be able to pay
people according to their contributions and hold people to account for their
performance, both good and bad, he said.

But Daschle said nothing in the Senate bill was detrimental to protecting
homeland security.

What we simply want to do is to protect the rights of workers and to ensure
that there is a process involved where careful consideration of spending can
be accomplished, he said.

Bush likened the challenges posed by the struggling economy and by
terrorism to those overcome by pioneers who settled this area.

Standing here at Mount Rushmore reminds us that a lot of folks came before
us to make sure that we were free, Bush said. A lot of predecessors faced
hardship and overcame those hardships, because we're Americans. And that's
what's going to happen in this era, too.

Bush met privately with farmers and ranchers in a stone building once used by
Mount Rushmore's sculptor, Gutzon Borglum.

Bush often laces his speeches with patriotic references, but they seemed to
have deeper resonance with the likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln
and Theodore Roosevelt looming overhead. The four presidents face different
directions; Lincoln gazed directly down at Bush. As he arrived here, Bush's
helicopter swooped past the monument at the presidents' eye level.

Gesturing toward the monument, he said: More and more people understand that
being a patriot is more than just putting your hand over your heart and
saying the Pledge Allegiance to a nation under God.

Later, Bush flew back to his Texas ranch, where he resumed a monthlong
working vacation.

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster


Re: [CTRL] SF Gate: Bush's neighbors offer a reality check

2002-08-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

President Bush sat down with 250 hand-picked executives and
 Tuesday and emerged from the talks with one overriding message for an
 American people spooked by corporate scandals, volatile financial
 and uncertain retirement plans:
He feels your pain.

Really. How much of his retirement fund is wiped out? I guess I should
consider myself lucky that I had to cash mine in 3 years ago when my
husband had his heart attack  was on disability. So I didn't lose
anything in the latest crash.

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HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 10 Reasons Why he wants to go to Iraq

2002-08-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Bush's Top 10 Lies, Exaggerations And 'Obsfucations'
About His Military Service

by Nancy Skinner
co-host of Ski  Skinner on WLS-AM Chicago

Governor Bush has made credibility the central issue of this
campaign, and makes almost daily references to the Vice President’s alleged 
and lack of truthfulness.  But on a subject that could not be more important for his
presidential candidacy, his own military service, the record shows that George W. Bush 
exaggerated and even lied about his service.  Governor Bush took a solemn oath during
wartime to serve his country in the Texas Air National Guard.  He did not honor that 
He walked away.  And in this presidential campaign, he has made several
misrepresentations about his service.  A number of newspaper reports and even more
accounts on Internet websites, based on Freedom Of Information Act requests of Bush’s
official military record, have concluded that he completely missed at least one year of
service, and may not have shown up in person for his last year.  While those reports
continue to be debated, the following statements by Bush and his aides are directly
contradicted by the current record.

#1 Bush never showed up in Alabama Air National Guard when directly ordered to do so,
after requesting a transfer to work in Alabama.

“I was there on a temporary assignment and fulfilled my weekends at one period of time”
Bush said during a campaign stop in Tuscaloosa, AL, referring to his claim that he 
served in
the Alabama National Guard. [Dallas Morning News, 6/26/00]

He specifically recalls pulling duty in Alabama, spokesman Dan Bartlett said of 
Bush. He
did his drills. Bartlett said the Republican governor showed up several times while 
Alabama, where he transferred from his Houston Guard unit in 1972 to work for the
unsuccessful Senate campaign of Republican Winton Blount, a friend of Bush's father.
[Washington Post 6/25/00] The Truth  Bush left Houston May 15, 1972 and went to work on
a political campaign in Alabama.  His first request for a transfer on May 24 was denied
because the unit was inactive.  His second request on September 5 to a different unit 
granted.  He was issued a direct order to report on specific days to the base, which he
completely ignored.  The order was issued on September 15 to report to then-Lieutenant
Colonel William Turnipseed at Dannelly Air Force base in Montgomery, AL, on the dates 
“7-8 October 0730-1600, and 4-5 November   0730-1600” His orders, dated Sept. 15, 1972,
said: Lieutenant Bush should report to Lt. Col. William Turnipseed, DCO, to perform
equivalent training. [Boston Globe 5/23/00] ·
His Commanding Officer, William Turnipseed, says he did not show up.  To my knowledge,
he never showed up, Turnipseed said last month. [Boston Globe 5/23/00]  In interviews
last week, Turnipseed and his administrative officer at the time, Kenneth K. Lott, 
said they
had no memory of Bush ever reporting. ''Had he reported in, I would have had some 
and I do not,'' Turnipseed said. ''I had been in Texas, done my flight training there. 
If we
had had a first lieutenant from Texas, I would have remembered.'' Turnipseed also 
that the then-squadron operations officer of the Alabama Guard also has no 
recollection of
having seen Bush.(The New Republic 10/ 16/2000) “Furthermore, a spokesman for the
Alabama National Guard estimates there were 600 to 700 members in the unit Bush was
supposed to have served with in 1972. But none of these men has ever come forward to
say he remembers Bush, and Bush has not named a single one of them.”(The New Republic
10/16/2000) · There is no official National Guard record for George W. Bush’s 
in Alabama. “His official discharge records do not include any service after May 15 of 
Indeed, Bush's discharge papers list his service and duty station for each of his 
first four
years in the Air Guard. But there is no record of training listed after May 1972, and 
mention of any service in Alabama. On that discharge form, Lloyd (Albert Lloyd Jr., a 
colonel who was the Texas Air Guard's personnel director from 1969 to 1995 and was 
by the Bush campaign to make sense of the governor's military records) said, ''there 
have been an entry for the period between May 1972 and May 1973.''  Said Lloyd, ''It
appeared he had a bad year.  He might have lost interest, since he knew he was getting
out.'' [Boston Globe 5/23/00] · No one in the Alabama National Guard ever saw 

“A spokesman for the Alabama National Guard estimates there were 600 to 700 members
in the unit Bush was supposed to have served with in 1972. But none of these men has 
come forward to say he remembers Bush, and Bush has not named a single one of them.”
(The New Republic 10/16/2000)

Even though members of the Alabama Air National Guard have 

[CTRL] World Media Watch for August 14, 2002

2002-08-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World Media Watch for August 14, 2002

BUZZFLASH NOTE: Once again, these are the views and perspectives of the individual
papers, not of BuzzFlash or Gloria. They offer BuzzFlash readers a way of reading what
other nations are saying about the crisis, whether we like it or not. We repeat: This 
is not
an endorsement of their viewpoints.

* * *

1//Arab News, Saudi Arabia--THE TRUTH ABOUT IRAQ (One thing that we will never hear
Bush tell the American public is that going into Baghdad, with population of over six 
we will surely be sending the young soldiers into the death trap that will be set up 
by the
Iraqi people... my wife, a recent immigrant from Iraq, had witnessed such actions. She 
me that the government of Iraq has found a way to protect its city and people by
distributing weapons to each and every home in the city. The Iraqi citizens referred 
to this
possible invasion of the city as: Inzal, meaning: The drop.)

FROM GERMANY (The number of US military flights have increased at Frankfurt Airport 
the past weeks, DPA quoted officials as saying Tuesday. Carsten Roehl, a spokesman for
the south German town of Raunheim which borders on the airport, said the frequency of
the flights reminded him of the situation before the first Persian Gulf War in 1991.)

3//The Dawn, Pakistan--EXXON BIGGER THAN PAKISTAN ECONOMY: UN (Twenty-nine of
the world's 100 leading economic entities are companies, with the largest - Exxon Mobil
Corp - bigger than the economy of Pakistan, a United Nations survey showed on
Monday...In general, the top companies are growing at a faster rate than countries,
Unctad spokesman Miguel Perez-Ludena said.

nonbinding three-page document, signed Monday and released by the Kremlin's press
service Tuesday, instructs government officials to refrain from abusing their 
positions of
power, to avoid conflicts of interest and to remain politically neutral in the 
interests of the
public good... Andrei Ryabov of the Moscow Carnegie Center said Tuesday he had not yet
seen the presidential decree but believed it was unlikely to have any tangible effect 
on the
country's bureaucrats...This must all be regarded as part of an election campaign, 
said, referring to upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in 2003 and 2004,

beset by even greater uncertainty than usual in the run-up to the general election on
September 22. Europe's biggest country both economically and politically, Germany is
feeling its way in the dark...Whatever the outcome of September 22, Germany looks set 
another period of introspection about its failure to live up to the world's economic

* * *

1//Arab News 13 August 2002 / 4 Jumada ath-Thani 1423

By Rizgar Khoshnaw

Recently it seems that not a day goes by without hearing or reading that the majority 
America politicians screaming that we should and need to attack Iraq. But to my 
and surprise, not many people are talking about the lives of innocent people that will 
be lost
if and when such action is taken. Whether it is the young American soldiers or innocent
Iraqi citizens that will be the victims of this personal war that Bush is determined 
to get us
involved in it.

Moreover, such attack might destabilize the Middle East and hurt (socially and 
the neighboring countries such as: Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan, but that does not 
to bother Bush at all. How many people remember the 600 woman and children that were
killed in 1991 while hiding in an underground bunker when one bomb dropped by an
America war plane- taking orders from Bush, Sr., one early morning in Baghdad?

One thing that we will never hear Bush tell the American public is that going into 
with population of over six million, we will surely be sending the young soldiers into 
death trap that will be set up by the Iraqi people. Feeling that they must fight to 
them selves, they will fight to the end. Lets not forget that in their minds it is the 
government that has caused the death of one and a half million innocent Iraqi due to 
embargo that has been placed on them for over eleven years. When Bush, Sr., the war in
1991, it was not because he loved Iraqi people, but rather he knew that the Iraqi
government had distributed a great deal of weapons to its citizens in case the 
would try to invade the Baghdad and Bush did not want to take that chance. This was a 
and my wife, a recent immigrant from Iraq, had witnessed such actions.

She told me that the government of Iraq has found a way to protect its city and people 

[CTRL] Communism, Zionism Feminism Share NWO Pedigree

2002-08-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Communism, Zionism  Feminism Share NWO Pedigree. Mankind is entering a New Dark Age, by World-Class Author, Henry Makow Ph.D.  
Communism, Zionism  Feminism Share NWO Pedigree 

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

George Orwell's vision in "1984" of a nightmarish global police state was not an idle exercise. It was coming true in 1949 when the novel was published. The attack on the World Trade Center Sept. 11, staged with Hollywood flair by NWO controllers, heralded the next phase in this centuries-old plot. 

Veteran journalist Douglas Reed, writing in 1951, was also aware: "We might logically assume that a primary object of any Third War, though cloaked at the start, would be the expansion of the Zionist State, and the imposition of a 'world federation' and a new 'management' of mankind. In the aftermath of the Second War such aims, earlier concealed, were much more openly admitted by leading politicians." (Far and Wide, p.291) 

In 1913, the shareholders of the Federal Reserve took a major step toward the enslavement of humanity when they finagled the right to create money out of thin air based on the credit of the American people. This monopoly which rightly belongs to Congress, is worth more than $360 billion annually in interest alone. They are doing everything to protect this monopoly (which also extends to Europe), including the establishment of a global police state.

I discovered this mind-boggling intrigue last December when I probed for the reason why the "establishment" actively promotes the socially destructive Marxist lesbian ideology of "feminism." 

By "feminism" I am NOT referring to the right of women to fair and equal treatment in the workplace. That is a façade for a far more pernicious agenda, which I discuss elsewhere.( 

This week I became aware that Communism and Zionism are also part of the same pattern.

If you wanted to enslave humanity, would you announce your intentions? 

Rather, you would bait your hook with promises of public ownership, sharing and universal brotherhood. This appeals to the public's naivete, idealism, and self-interest. 

At its heart, Communism is a system of social control and oppression dedicated to smashing the pillars of western civilization: nationhood, democracy, Christianity, free enterprise and the nuclear family. It cares for no other principle than raw power and exercises it ruthlessly.

Members of the Comintern referred derisively to people who bought the party line as "innocents." This is the Communist "modus operandi." There is a publicly stated goal (like equal rights) that appeals to everyone. Only the inner circle knows that the true agenda is to subvert social institutions and gain arbitrary power. 

The Soviet Union was the banker's original version of the "New World Order" (the Communists used that term). In "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution," which is on line, Antony Sutton describes how the bankers and their allies engineered the Russian Revolution and bankrolled the Soviet Union. (

Because the same financiers control our media and education system, this was news to me. Likewise, it was surprising to learn that Jews dominated Communist Russia from its inception. ( 

If you want to undermine the social order, you empower minorities that are ostracized by society. In the Jewish people, the bankers, who were often Jewish themselves, found an ideal instrument for their NWO agenda. In "The Last days of the Romanovs," (1920) Robert Wilton writes, "Taken according to the number of population, the Jews represented one in ten; among the commissars that rule Bolshevik Russia they are nine in ten, if anything the proportion of Jews is still higher." (391) 

Marxism appealed to a sublimated religious urge on the part of largely atheistic Jews to "build a better world" on a secular humanist basis. When their usefulness was over, many of these Jews were imprisoned or liquidated. Arthur Koestler is one of many Communist Jewish writers who recorded his disillusionment (see "The God that Failed," "The Invisible Writing, "Darkness at Noon."). Ayn Rand, a Russian Jewess, also denounced Communism and extolled individualism and freedom ("Fountainhead," "Atlas Shrugged"). 

Nevertheless we don't hear much about atrocities that Jewish Communists perpetrated in the USSR. ( They attempted to eradicate all vestiges of the traditional Czarist social structure. In the collectivization of the Ukrainian farmers (kulaks), an estimated 10 million people were starved or shot. Millions more died in mass executions in the Baltic, massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans, in the genocide of three million Muslims, and in Gulag slave labor camps.

As a Canadian Jew, and the son of 

[CTRL] Al Martin: The End Of The Bush Cabal? More Consolidation Of Money Power

2002-08-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The End of the Bush Cabal? More Consolidation of Money and Power
by Al Martin

(August 14) Donald Rumsfeld has announced that he wants to suppress the special report on Saudi Arabia initiated and paid for by the Department of Defense. It has always been a guideline of Republican Administrations, starting with Richard Nixon, to suppress the truth about Saudi Arabia. This new study actually states that Saudi Arabia is the "kernel of evil," that the Saudi government has supported terrorism at all levels since the 1970s, and that the United States has been aware of this but because of a mutually beneficial relationship has refused to do anything about it. This new study states that Saudi Arabia funds most of the terrorist groups in the Middle East and as the Middle East's major oil producer, it has a vested interest in maintaining perpetual tension in the Middle East.

 Rumsfeld pointed out that if suddenly there were peace (if American peace initiatives were successful) it would knock $10 off the price of a barrel of oil.

 You would take out the "uncertainty premium" out of a barrel of oil and Saudi Arabia certainly doesn't want that, considering that the Saudi Royal family has misspent or misappropriated a great deal of Saudi oil revenues over the years. That's why Saudi Arabia currently finds itself in a deficit position - because the Saudi government has so corrupted governmental processes regarding oil revenues.

 In fact, Republican administrations have a collateral interest in seeing that the price of oil remains high because so much of Republican money comes from domestic oil companies because they need a price of $20 per barrel of crude or better to make a profit. They don't want to see the price of crude sink to $17 a barrel because it would choke off Republican money.

 I was actually surprised about Rumsfeld's admission of the truth, when he pointed to the report and said that the Saudi regime has taken advantage of the American taxpayers. We have militarily supported Saudi Arabia. We have extended our defense shield to Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Saudi Arabia continues to finance terrorism. Rumsfeld's statement in effect makes it open season on the Saudis.

 The study points out the entire concept of the 1973 Nixon-Kissinger accord with the Saudis, which encouraged them and other Middle East oil producers including Iraq to sextuple the price of a barrel of oil under the idea of petro-dollar recycling. That was the concept that Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia would recycle their petro-dollars by purchasing high technology weapons systems through US defense contractors in order to become first world nations in terms of their military capability.

 They were also ever mindful that defense contractors' profits are the most lucrative source of revenue for the Republican Party, oil and gas being the second most lucrative source.

 Therefore the Nixon-Kissinger policy had a two fold agenda - to jack up the price of oil and to recycle those petro-dollars into enormous defense spending, purchase orders coming from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq to US defense contractors, which in turn would enrich the Republican Party.

 Does this mean that Rumsfeld is publicly abandoning this policy? I think it does because Rumsfeld was actually critical of the policy. If the current US policy toward Saudi Arabia, that is, to protect and coddle and lie for Saudi Arabia, is no longer continued, then what is likely to happen is that US peace initiatives may actually have a chance in the region. If that happens, we may be able to finally instill some stability in the region, in which case the price of oil is going to fall.

 On a global level, this policy would increase political volatility and military instability within the Middle East region (that is what the Nixon- Kissinger policy called for) as well as the purposeful increase of tensions in the region in order to enrich the Republican Party in the United States.

 His speech indicates that Rumsfeld is actually splitting from the Bush Cabal. Perhaps Rumsfeld finally understands that the days of the all- powerful Bush Cabal are coming to an end - and that, in fact, he is hedging his political bets. Both Rumsfeld and Colin Powell act as if they want to remain on the outside of it, shall we say.

 We are seeing this again and again, and we see this counterweight growing. I believe that there is an increasing feeling in Washington that the days of the Nixon-Kissinger-Schlesinger-Bush Cabal is coming to an end.

 It would, of course be more encouraging if there were rumblings in the top levels of the military that an invasion of Iraq is a bad idea. Our Department of Defense isn't saying that yet, but all of our allies, like Great Britain, Germany, France, and Netherlands immediately expressed their opposition, when the Bush Regime insisted that our allies were with us on this issue. Even Tony Blair stated that it's 

[CTRL] Skolnick: Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police - Part 4

2002-08-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese 
Secret Police - Part 4

Pumping Up The Stock Market
By Sherman H. Skolnick 

The American stock market goes down. And then, suddenly, it jumps way up big! What is happening? Only temporarily? Hey, remember. This IS a bear market. Some attribute these doings to "computer program-trading". That is, stock buying electronically. The difference is when the buying is mysterious in big amounts. To try to understand this, here are some things you need to know. 

Wal-Mart, through relying heavily on cheap if not slave labor from Red China, has become the largest corporation in the world. When they did not advertise much on the television, the tv pundits occasionally would criticize them, just a little, not too much. 

At the same time, not adequately publicized in the monopoly press, is the growing number of class action law suits pending against Wal-Mart, or in the process of being pending, in various parts of the United States. Such as, claims that Wal-Mart forces, which they deny, some of their workers to do straighten-out-the-store and do clean-up work, after the end of the workers' shift, without paying for the extra hours and/or required over-time. If proved in Court, these charges could amount to damages against Wal-Mart of hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars. Because of the recession that some contended did not exist, if it somehow is over with, the GOP is worried about the year 2002 Congressional Election. Ignored, of course, is the growing vast lay-offs and the looming real estate bust. If Democrats became the majority in the House of Representatives, they might even consider impeachment charges against the White House occupant and resident, George W. Bush, for cranking up a war against Iraq without the legal provisions of the U.S. Constitution. [Will the Election be conducted "just in the usual way" or not? We shall see.] 

Like President Herbert Hoover, Bush Jr. mouths off words he ought to know are false. Stating, that the United States economy and business are on a "safe and sound basis", or similar terms right out of 1930-31, remembered only by old-timers. 

How to create an illusion that all is well. that a renewed prosperity is "just around the corner"? Well, temporarily, pump up the Dow Jones 30 Industrials, as a false psychological barometer of business. 

And how do you do that? Simple. As just a book entry, tens of billions of dollars owed through Wal-Mart, to Red China, are temporarily diverted into Wall Street, with the unseen aid of the Red Chinese Secret Police. On a much smaller scale, but important to that era, similar tricks were done to keep the suckers in place in 1929. [As background, to the illusion created in 1929 by J.P. Morgan  Co., and their rotten devices, read "The Great Crash-1929", by J. Kenneth Galbraith.] 

Some of the reportedly corrupt and bloody deals between Wal-Mart and Red China, and their Secret Police, have been arranged by Prescott S. Bush, Jr., uncle of George W. Bush. Prescott is the brother of Daddy Bush. Prescott has been the head of the United States of America-China Chamber of Commerce, 55 W. Monroe St., Suite 630, Chicago IL 60603. (312) 368-0430 or (312) 368-9022. FAX (312) 368-0418. E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] [And according to published accounts, Prescott has had similar dirty deals with the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. Put in his name in a good search engine.] 

Three or more vast, worldwide brokerage/banks are reportedly implicated in this illusion of pumping up the American stock market temporarily with the Wal-Mart-Red Chinese hocus-pocus book entries, including J.P. Morgan Chase (a merger with Rockefeller-owned Chase Manhattan Bank holding firm), Merrill Lynch, and Bear Stearns. And note, J.P. Morgan as an empire, began with being built on the treasonous goings on all the way back to the American Civil War. Morgan sold to the U.S. Army many thousands of knowingly defective rifles, weapons that more often killed the user or blew off their thumbs. [See, "The History of the Great American Fortunes" by Gustavus Myers.] Morgan, as the purchasing agent for the British Monarchy, arranged to fraudulently drag the U.S. into Europe's World War One. 

These brokerages/banks get away with this. For example, the Federal authorities have been unlawfully sucking hundreds of billions of dollars from the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds, to prevent Morgan from going bankrupt. Morgan has 24 trillion dollars mostly in gold derivatives at a time when the markets went against them. Morgan's purpose has been to try to knock down the upward movement of gold. 

Merrill Lynch is facing possible bankruptycy from a tidal wave of about to be pending class action suits against them. charging them with giving false information to clients to cover up about-to-be bankrupt companies tied to Merrill's 

[CTRL] Deja Vu: Musharraf to meet Bush on Sept 12

2002-08-15 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
just like last year...will they toast to their successes? see:
Pakistan's ISI and 9-11
copied from

Musharraf to meet Bush on Sept 12

Updated on 8/15/2002 1:36:46 PM
NEW YORK (NNI): President Musharraf will meet with US President Bush on September 12, said an embassy official while talking to this news agency here on Tuesday.Another official of the National Security Council NSC at the White House also confirmed the meeting. 
This will be President Musharraf’s third meeting with US President George W Bush since October 12.
The twenty five minutes meeting will be held at the US Mission to United Nations in front of UN headquarters at 11.30 in the morning.
Both the leaders are scheduled to address the UN General Assembly UNGA same day - President Bush the second speaker and President Musharraf the fifth.
President Musharraf who will be reaching United States September 7, will land in Boston where his son Bilal lives.
He will address the Harvard University on September 8th and will fly to Chicago on September 9th.
Arrangements for President Musharraf’s stay with his 12 members entourage in Down Town Hilton Chicago was arranged by New York Consulate last week.
President’s elder brother Dr Naveed resides in Chicago, and a community dinner on September 9th with the Pakistani expatriates living in the mid west of United States is also under consideration.
President would leave for New York on September 10th to attend the commemoration of September 11.
Musharraf will stay at the Pakistan International Airlines PIA owned Hotel Roosevelt.
Prominent world leaders are expected to attend the 911 commemoration.
Both President Musharraf and President Bush might have an handshake meeting at the 911 observance.
On September 12th Musharraf will address the UNGA and will meet with U.S. president.
Same night a dinner meeting with Pakistani natives at Sheraton Towers Hotel .in New York is also confirmed.
Last year the grand dinner was attended by 1600 expatriates.
During his stay in Chicago and New York he might meet with Pakistani professionals and the leaders of prominent Pakistani-American organizations.
President will fly back home on September 13.20 Kindly note that Federal Information Minsiter Nisar Memon was scheduled to come to United States on Sep 15 but his programme was cancelled.
Now he has been rescheduled to reach New York three days before President Musharraf’s arrival.
He will reach New York on September 7th and would meet with Pakistani Local, National, and Foreign Media before the Presidents visit.Do You Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who's On PFIAB-A Bush Secret...Or Not?

2002-08-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Who's On PFIAB-A Bush Secret...Or Not? UPDATED
08/14/2002 @ 11:17pm 

Who's on Piffiab? Anyone concerned with spying, clandestine actions, and the war on terrorism should care about the answer. But is the Bush Administration, in a break with the past, attempting to keep this important information secret? If so, the administration is doing a rather bad job. 

The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board--usually referred to by its acronym--is a group of prominent citizens who offer advice to the President on sensitive intelligence matters. It was established in 1956 by President Eisenhower, and past chairmen have included former Senator Warren Rudman, former House Speaker Thomas Foley, and former Defense Secretary Les Aspin. In recent years, PFIAB has conducted investigations (often through its Intelligence Oversight Board) of spy-community controversies. It examined lax security at Department of Energy nuclear weapons facilities, CIA involvement with Guatemalan military officials who committed human rights abuses, US intelligence failures in Somalia, and the CIA's cover-its-ass investigation of CIA director John Deutch, who compromised classified information. PFIAB challenged the charge--popular in rightwing circles--that China had stolen nuclear weapons secrets from the United States. ("Possible damage has been minted as probable disaster; workaday delay and bureaucratic confusion has been cast as diabolical conspiracies," a PFIAB report concluded. "Enough is enough.") 

Last year, President George W. Bush selected Brent Scowcroft to lead PFIAB. Scowcroft, who was national security adviser to President Bush I, possessed appropriate credentials for the post. But the choice posed problems. Scowcroft, a onetime consultant for the oil industry, a board member of Qualcomm, and a past director of Global and Power Pipelines (an Enron subsidiary involved in projects in China, Guatemala, the Philippines, Argentina and Colombia), runs his own business, the Scowcroft Group, which sells intelligence and other services to globe-trotting corporations in the telecom, aerospace, insurance, energy, financial, electronics and food industries. As head of PFIAB, Scowcroft has access to secret information that could be valuable to his clients and his own business endeavors. Can the public be certain that Scowcroft's business links do not unduly influence his actions as PFIAB chairman or that he does not exploit his PFIAB position to help his clients and his own company? And his close personal relationship to the Bush family could undermine his ability to appear as an independent reviewer of intelligence activities mounted by the Bush administration. Scowcroft, though, recently proved he could take issue with the President by questioning the need to go to war against Iraq. 

But Scowcroft does share a dominant trait of the Bush crowd: secrecy. On August 13, I called the PFIAB office and asked for a list of current board members. "That information is provided only on a need-to-know basis," said Roosevelt Roy, PFIAB's administrative assistant. And he meant, of course, that a reporter had no need to know. 

I was surprised. As far as I could recall, PFIAB membership has always been public information. In fact, the Clinton Administration posted the names of the members on a PFIAB web page. (Clinton board members included Zoe Baird, the failed attorney general nominee; Sidney Drell, a renowned scientist; Ann Caracristis, former deputy director of the National Security Agency; Robert J. Hermann, a United Technologies executive; and Maurice Sonnenberg, an international businessman.) The Bush White House web page for PFIAB notes the board now has sixteen members and reveals nothing about the identities of any except Scowcroft. 

Who determined this information should be secret? I asked Roy. "The chairman has made this need-to-know," he replied. "But it won't be permanent." When should I call back? Within six months, he said. 

I took Roy at his word, and I contacted secrecy-in-government experts who expressed their outrage. I called Scowcroft's office and was told he was unavailable. I did a computer search and found that one member's appointment--that of former California Governor Pete Wilson--had been routinely reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune. I checked back with Roy at PFIAB, and he said that, in response to my original request for information, PFIAB might in the near-future consider releasing the identities of the board members. But, he added, "I can't make that final call." I wrote up a story and posted it. (You can read it by clicking on the link below.) 

Now here comes the mystery (or joke): after the article hit the website, someone forwarded to me a White House press release, dated October 5, 2001, announcing Bush's intention to appoint fifteen individuals to PFIAB. They were Scowcroft; Pete Wilson; Cresencio Arcos, an 

[CTRL] TIPS informant program: On hold or already underway?

2002-08-15 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

TIPS informant program: On hold or already underway?

Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 23:55:41 -0400 
Subject: FC: TIPS informaant program: On hold or already underway? 
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Let's get the chronology right. The Sydney Morning 
Herald publicized the TIPS informant plan one month ago:

Then came the odd Salon report about America's Most Wanted (, a suggestion last week that it was mistaken (, and a possible explanation (

A top Justice Department official defended TIPS ("We're not looking for a community of snoops") in a presentation to the American Bar Association annual confab over the weekend:,1282,-1939951,00.html

And the Associated Press reported that, because of the controversy, TIPS "will not be put into effect until Congress returns in September. The idea is to allow time for consultation with lawmakers." See:

But an anonymous Politechnical forwards an article that says otherwise. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the component of the TIPS program aimed at truckers is going forward as scheduled, saying that "2,000 truckers nationwide are authorized to report activity to a toll-free number..." See:

So which is it? Is TIPS on hold or not? Or is the "Highway Watch" program technically unrelated, though practically very, and dangerously, similar?

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[CTRL] Massive claim for 11 September attacks (BBC News, Thursday, 15 August, 2002)

2002-08-15 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Bosankoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Massive claim for 11 September attacks

Relatives of victims of the 11 September attacks have filed a
trillion dollar
lawsuit against various parties accusing them of financing Osama Bin
al-Qaeda terror network and Afghanistan's former Taleban regime.

Those accused include the country of Sudan, three members of the
Saudi royal
family - including the Saudi foreign minister - and various Islamic
in addition to seven financial institutions and the Bin Laden
family's Saudi
construction firm.

More than 600 family members, firefighters and rescue workers, calling
themselves the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism, are
seeking the
money to force the sponsors of terror into the light and subject
them to the
rule of law, according to the suit.

It was filed on Thursday morning in the US District Court of the
District of

Exposing financial support

BBC correspondents say the lawyers who are launching this case claim
more families of victims of the attacks will join them.

So far the suit brings together families of victims from Argentina,
France, Paraguay, South Africa and the United States.

They also accused the US Government of failing to pursue such
thoroughly enough because of lucrative oil interests.

The families acknowledged at a news conference held to publicise the
suit that
they faced huge odds, but said they were confident the US courts
would uphold
their claim.

It's up to us, and I think we can do it, said Deena Burnett, whose
was killed on Flight 93 which crashed into a field in rural

It's up to us to bankrupt the terrorists and those who finance them
so they
will never again have the resources to commit such atrocities against
American people as we experienced on September 11.

Lawyer Allan Gerson, who also worked on a lawsuit for families of
victims of
the 1988 Pan Am airline Lockerbie bombing, said that the suit was
aimed at
uncovering the complicated financial transactions which funded the 11
September attacks.

We're trying to expose the extent, the depth, the orchestration, the
financial support that terrorist organisations have received for
perhaps a
decade from various Saudi interests.
--- End forwarded message ---

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] ra/mc conference transcript, Law, family courts

2002-08-15 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be very heavy for survivors
Transcript from a presentation by Neil Brick at The Fifth Annual Ritual
Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, August 9 - 11,
2002 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Windsor Locks, CT. Some of the topics
discussed may be heavy for survivors. Survivors may want to read this with a
support person or therapist. Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic
Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse
Newsletter. He has published many articles on ritual abuse. His topic is :
My healing and helping others.

Woman's alleged abuse by priest 'personal,' Law wrote - By Stephen Kurkjian
and Sacha Pfeiffer, Globe Staff, 8/15/02 Three days after Bernard F. Law
became archbishop of Boston in March 1984, an anguished parishioner from
Franklin wrote Law a detailed letter alleging that a parish priest had twice
sexually assaulted his wife and that the parish's pastor and the local
auxiliary bishop then treated the couple with hostility when they
complainedIn a terse letter of response on April 3, 1984, labeled
''Confidential,'' Law said only this about the sexual allegations: ''After
some consultation, I find that this matter is something that is personal to
Father Rebeiro and must be considered such.''


Women's Credibility Doubted in Many Family Courts  - 10/28/01  by Victoria
Graham In custody disputes, women alleging their spouses or partners are
abusing the child can find themselves viewed as vindictive harridans trying
to poison a child against a loving parent. Worse yet, they may lose custody
and even visitation rights.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] All the Facts About Iraq

2002-08-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

All the Facts About Iraq

Phyllis Bennis, AlterNet

August 15, 2002

Nelson Mandela was right when he said that attacking Iraq would be a
disaster. A U.S. invasion of Iraq would risk the lives of U.S. military
personnel and inevitably kill thousands of Iraqi civilians; it is not
surprising that many U.S. military officers, including some within the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, are publicly opposed to a new war against Iraq.

Such an attack would violate international law and the UN Charter, and
isolate us from our friends and allies around the world. An invasion would
prevent the future return of UN arms inspectors, and cost billions of dollars
urgently needed at home. And at the end of the day, an invasion will not
insure stability, let alone democracy, in Iraq or the rest of the volatile
Middle East region, and will put American civilians at greater risk of hatred
and perhaps terrorist attacks than they are today.

Purported Links to Terrorism

It is now clear that (despite intensive investigative efforts) there is
simply no evidence of any Iraqi involvement in the terror attacks of Sept.
11. The most popular theory, of a Prague-based collaboration between one of
the 9/11 terrorists and an Iraqi official, has now collapsed. Just two weeks
ago, the Prague Post quoted the director general of the Czech foreign
intelligence service UZSI (Office of Foreign Relations and Information),
Frantisek Bublan, denying the much-touted meeting between Mohamed Atta, one
of the 9/11 hijackers, and an Iraqi agent.

More significantly, the Iraqi regime's brutal treatment of its own population
has generally not extended to international terrorist attacks. The State
Department's own compilation of terrorist activity in its 2001 Patterns of
Global Terrorism, released May 2002, does not document a single serious act
of international terrorism by Iraq. Almost all references are either to
political statements made or not made or hosting virtually defunct militant

We are told that we must go to war preemptively against Iraq because Baghdad
might, some time in the future, succeed in crafting a dangerous weapon and
might, some time in the future, give that weapon to some unknown terrorist
group -- maybe Osama bin Laden -- who might, some time in the future, use
that weapon against the U.S. The problem with this analysis, aside from the
fact that preemptive strikes are simply illegal under international law, is
that it ignores the widely known historic antagonism between Iraq and bin

According to the New York Times, Shortly after Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait
in 1990, Osama bin Laden approached Prince Sultan bin Abdelaziz al-Saud, the
Saudi defense minister, with an unusual proposition. ... Arriving with maps
and many diagrams, Mr. Bin Laden told Prince Sultan that the kingdom could
avoid the indignity of allowing an army of American unbelievers to enter the
kingdom to repel Iraq from Kuwait. He could lead the fight himself, he said,
at the head of a group of former mujahadeen that he said could number 100,000

Even if bin Laden's claim to be able to provide those troops was clearly
false, bin Laden's hostility towards the ruthlessly secular Iraq remained
evident. There is simply no evidence that that has changed.

The Human Toll

While estimates of casualties among U.S. service personnel are not public, we
can be certain they will be much higher than in the current war in
Afghanistan. We do know, from Pentagon estimates of two years ago, the likely
death toll among Iraqi civilians: about 10,000 Iraqi civilians would be
killed. And the destruction of civilian infrastructure such as water,
electrical and communications equipment, would lead to tens, perhaps hundreds
of thousands of more civilian deaths, particularly among children, the aged
and others of the most vulnerable sectors.

We can anticipate that such targeted attacks would be justified by claims of
dual use. But if we look back to the last U.S. war with Iraq, we know that
the Pentagon planned and carried out attacks knowing and documenting the
likely impact on civilians.

In one case, Pentagon planners anticipated that striking Iraq's civilian
infrastructure would cause Increased incidence of diseases [that] will be
attributable to degradation of normal preventive medicine, waste disposal,
water purification/ distribution, electricity, and decreased ability to
control disease outbreaks. The Defense Intelligence Agency document (from
the Pentagon's Gulflink website), Disease Information -- Subject: Effects of
Bombing on Disease Occurrence in Baghdad is dated 22 January 1991, just six
days after the war began. It itemized the likely outbreaks to include: acute
diarrhea brought on by bacteria such as E. coli, shigella, and salmonella,
or by protozoa such as giardia, which will affect particularly children, or
by rotavirus, which will also affect particularly children. And yet the