[CTRL] Some (slightly) Good News

2003-01-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

From Capitol Hill Blue

The Rant
A setback for the new American Gestapo
Jan 24, 2003, 02:44

The United States Senate, in a rare show of courage in these if it's
anti-terrorist it must be all right times, cut off funding Thursday for
the Pentagon's super snoop computer project.

By a voice vote, they blocked funding for the Total Information Awareness
Project, a giant information gathering system that would have allowed Uncle
Sam to track your financial transactions on a daily basis.

This makes it clear that Congress wants to make sure there is no snooping
on law-abiding Americans, said Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, who sponsored the
measure. This was, without a doubt, the most far-reaching government
surveillance program in history.

The Senate action does not shut down the computer system. The Pentagon must
come back before Congress, fully explain what the system can and cannot do,
assess the impact on civil liberties and get permission before deploying

And the Senate action is not yet law. It still must make it through a House
of Representatives that seems more intent on rubber-stamping anything in
the name of national security and also faces the usual House-Senate
conference negotiations.

And there is no guarantee that President George W. Bush, who obviously
endorses the liberty-threatening actions of the Pentagon and his anti-civil
liberties attorney general John Ashcroft, would sign such a bill if it
reached his desk.

But the vote shows there are at least a few people left in government who
question the headlong rush to trample the Constitution and ignore the
rights of Americans as long as it is part of the out-of-control war on

Bush seems content to let Ashcroft run amuck at the Department of Justice
and his new Homeland Security Department has enough power to become the new
American Gestapo if both Ashcroft and Tom Ridge choose to employ the
increased surveillance powers, relaxed restrictions on wiretaps and other
personal invasion tactics allowed under the USA Patriot Act.

The Total Information Awareness Project is the brainchild of former
national security advisor John Poindexter, a retired Navy admiral convicted
of lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra Scandal. His conviction was
later overturned because he had negotiated an immunity plea with some idiot
prosecutors who allowed him to admit to just about anything without fear of

If Ashcroft, Ridge and Poindexter have their way, no American will be safe
from government surveillance. The Pentagon computer is designed to tie
directly into the financial databases of banks, credit card companies,
airlines, travel agencies and other companies that track spending and
travel of Americans.  The computer looks for patterns that someone decides
indicates suspicious activity that might suggest terrorism and then that
American is placed under increased surveillance, including wiretaps and
shadowing by FBI agents.

Last week, The Defense Department's inspector general, Joseph Schmitz, told
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, in a letter that the FBI was working on a
memorandum of understanding with the Pentagon ``for possible
experimentation'' with the data-mining project.

This pissed Grassley off. He said the action only heightens my concern
about the blurring of lines between domestic law enforcement and military
security efforts.

Which, rightfully, worries some people.

 At a time when Americans are calling for more privacy of personal
information, this program would provide a backdoor to databases of private
information, said the American Civil Liberties Union, the conservative
Eagle Forum and seven other watchdog groups last week in a letter to

Mark this date down. It may be the first and last time you see Phyllis
Schlafly's Eagle Forum and the American Civil Liberties Union in bed

They should be worried. A legal screw up is the only thing that kept
Poindexter from being a convicted felon. Ashcroft has a long and tawdry
history of ignoring civil rights and Ridge has shown himself to be willing
to do whatever the boys at 1600 Pennsylvania tell him to.

If this trio gets their way, Americans may have to learn to goosestep
before the next 4th of July parade.

© Copyright 2003 Capitol Hill Blue

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[CTRL] Plot to Poison Food of British Troops Is Suspected

2003-01-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


January 24, 2003
Plot to Poison Food of British Troops Is Suspected

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 — Islamic militants arrested in Britain this
month may have been plotting to lace the food supply on at least
one British military base with the poison ricin, according to American
government officials. The revelations raised concerns in Britain and
the United States about the security of allied forces as war
preparations continue.

American officials said they had received intelligence reports
showing that the British authorities suspect that a group of militants
arrested there in a series of raids may have been trying to gain
access to the food supply on at least one military base in the United
Kingdom. British officials found traces of ricin in a London apartment
where the first arrests were made in the case.

It's a very live theory, said one American law enforcement official
familiar with the information from the British.

American officials said the reports showed that one of the suspects
worked for a food preparation company and had been in contact
with individuals who worked on at least one British military base.
The United States officials said they did not know the identity of the
suspect. They said they also did not know which British military base
or bases might have been targets of the plot. Officials cautioned that
the assessment is a working theory among British investigators, and
that conclusive evidence had not yet been obtained.

There are some investigators who believe the ricin was being
developed to poison British troops, an American official said. But
we still have found no direct evidence between the ricin discovery
and that kind of plot.

A spokesman for the British Home Office declined to comment on
the reports.

But the potential threat has clearly heightened concern in Britain,
where Prime Minister Tony Blair recently ordered an increase in the
number of troops being deployed to the Middle East in preparation
to join the United States if it uses force against Iraq.

Pentagon officials also said they had ongoing fears about the
potential for terrorists to attack the food and water supplies at
American bases. They said they had been taking precautions to
protect American troops being deployed in the Persian Gulf region
and elsewhere overseas.

Few details of the British investigation have so far been made
public, but the possibility that the plotters were planning to poison
British troops helps to explain why the British authorities have been
moving so aggressively on the case in recent weeks.

On Jan. 5, the British antiterrorist police found traces of ricin in a
north London apartment. Six men were arrested on various
terrorism-related charges. Some of the men were described as
Algerians, but none have been identified publicly.

Ricin is derived from the castor bean, the same plant used to make
laxatives and castor oil. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the poison can exist in pellet
form, mist or powder, and can dissolve in a liquid. The poison can
be inhaled, injected or ingested, though studies have shown that
ingestion causes the most damage with the least amount of ricin.

When ingested, ricin causes severe and rapid bleeding to the
stomach and intestines. If the poison gets into the bloodstream, it
can attack the liver, kidneys and spleen, often leading to death.

The initial discovery of traces of ricin led to an intensified series of
arrests after the first raid. On Jan. 14, during a raid in Manchester,
England, that was linked by the authorities to the ricin discovery, at
least one suspect fatally stabbed a British policeman and wounded
four other antiterrorist officers. Three men, described as being of
North African descent, were arrested.

Shortly after midnight on Monday, a team of 150 police officers used
battering rams in a raid on a mosque in the Finsbury Park section of
London, where seven men were arrested.

The mosque has long been suspected by the authorities in the
United States and Britain as having connections to the Qaeda terror
network. In the raid, the police seized a stun gun, a weapon that
fires blanks and a gas canister. The authorities also said they had
found a number of forged passports and hundreds of other
documents related to forging identities. Of the seven men who were
arrested, six, ranging in ages from 23 to 48, are from North Africa,
and another, 22, is from Eastern Europe, the authorities said.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Service in London said a
31-year-old North African man was also arrested in northeast
London on Wednesday and is being held under Britain's Terrorism

In addition to the raids that have been publicized, law enforcement
officials briefed on the continuing investigation said the British
antiterrorist police have conducted about 

[CTRL] ISRAELS AMEN CORNER Who, what, and why

2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

January 24, 2003
Who, what, and why 

[Justin Raimondo is on the road. What follows is the text of a speech he delivered on Thursday to the Palestine Center conference, at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C.]

How is it that U.S. policy in the Middle East has essentially nothing to do with vital American interests? How is it that, in the midst of a war against Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, the United States is about to launch a war on the entire Arab-Muslim world, pursuing a policy that pleases the Evil Imam to no end? What is behind the relentless drive to war with Iraq – a country that has never attacked us, and represents no military threat to U.S. territory or forces?

Foreign policy is supposed to be about an abstract concept that goes under the rubric of "the national interest." But since I am a libertarian – that is, someone who believes in the primacy of the individual – this kind of rhetoric doesn’t impress me. Since only individuals can have interests and the means to pursue them, such a concept as the "national interest" is highly suspicious, to say the least. So the question, when it comes to foreign affairs, is really whose interests are being served by a given policy. The idea that some noble, disinterested goal is being achieved, like the growth of "democracy" or the protection of the legitimate rights of our allies, is an illusion perpetrated by the beneficiaries of those policies.

Likewise, the conceptual theory of foreign policy, that traces the origin of a given government’s actions in the international arena to abstract ideas and official ideologies, is utter nonsense. This confuses the rationalization with the motivation. Ideals, noble and ignoble, are the masks behind which governments conceal their real goals, which can be boiled down to a single purpose: the maintenance and expansion of the ruling elite’s power on the home front. 

This dynamic is built in to the nature of all governments everywhere, no matter what form they take. A fascist dictator, a democratically-elected President or Prime Minister, the hereditary tribal chief – all must constantly reinforce their own legitimacy in the eyes of the public, or at least some significant portion of it, in order to retain their positions. The dictator of a one-party state cannot base his rule solely on keeping the population terrorized: he must devote an awful lot of resources to propaganda directed at his own subjects. He isn’t all-powerful, not really, and he knows it. If, one day, the majority (or even a significant minority) of his subjects decide to withhold their sanction from the system, and simply cease cooperating, the dictator’s goose is cooked. The Soviets, to their great chagrin, learned this lesson too late.

In a democracy, the process of obtaining popular consent for government action involves elections, in some form, but in all other respects is essentially similar, albeit vastly more complicated. Foreign policy gets made like every other policy: as part of the horse-trading and mutual back-scratching that characterizes the political process. 

Having said this, we can now at least begin to imagine the answer to our initial question, and yet it still seems quite mysterious that our policy is not only morally misguided but also so directly opposed to our own interests, objectively understood. Why are we alienating the entire Middle East at such a crucial conjuncture? As Professor Paul W. Schroeder of the University of Illinois pointed out in regard to the upcoming invasion of Iraq:

"It would represent something to my knowledge unique in history. It is common for great powers to try to fight wars by proxy, getting smaller powers to fight for their interests. This would be the first instance I know where a great power (in fact, a superpower) would do the fighting as the proxy of a small client state."

That "small client state" is, of course, Israel, a nation that makes up for its smallness in a geographic sense for the large-scale heft and reach of its American lobby. And, in the age of "democratic" imperialism, it helps a great deal to have an American lobby.

The old-line Zionist organizations in America are one component of Israel’s amen corner in the U.S., naturally enough, but these are probably by far the least influential and are certainly not a decisive factor. Traditionally liberal, Democratic, and pro-secular, these groups have very little influence in the Republican party. However, the two other principal tendencies that make up the pro-Israel lobby, the neoconservatives and the Christian conservatives, are both deeply ensconced in the GOP. Acting in tandem, and playing complementary roles, they have co-opted American foreign policy and made it the instrument of Israel’s right-wing Likud party.

Of these two groups, the neoconservatives are dominant, not numerically – there 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] (fwd) [discuss-osint] News Flash: Sunni Muslims: Having modern nukes 'a religious obligation'

2003-01-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Sunni Muslims: Having modern nukes 'a religious obligation'
Sunni Muslim leaders have authorized Islamic states to acquire
nuclear weapons.

World Tribune [ ]

CAIRO — Sunni Muslim leaders have authorized Islamic states to acquire
nuclear weapons.

The Islamic Ruling Committee in Al Azhar, based in Cairo, ruled that Islamic
states must acquire nuclear weapons for their defense. The committee is
regarded as the highest authority for Sunni Muslims in the Middle East,
according to Middle East Newsline.

The acquisition of modern nuclear weaponry is a religious obligation, the
committee said in a statement on Dec. 23.

The statement came in response to a question in Islamic law sent to Sheik
Ala A-Shanawi who said the founder of Islam, Mohammed, would have acquired a
nuclear bomb to fight his enemies.

A-Shanawi is a member of the Islamic Ruling Committee, headed by Sheik Ali
Abu Al Hassan.

All Islamic nations are required to seize nuclear weaponry, giving the
nation the utmost respect, A-Shanawi said. We see how far behind our
nation is as a result of not being prepared as well as it should be, while
the enemy has equipped itself with the best weaponry there is, which it will
use to harm and destroy Muslims.

Islamic sources close to Al Azhar said the ruling by A-Shanawi represents
the opinion of the committee. Al Hassan, who heads the panel, has also
called for Islamic states to acquire nuclear weapons as a deterrent to their

Getting to know the enemy and realizing the different ways to deal with it
is a religious obligation, Hassan said in an interview with Islam On-Line
website. If a neighboring country is known to posses a nuclear weapon, then
we must do all in our power to do the same.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] (fwd) [American_Liberty] What I discovered inside Finsbury Park mosque

2003-01-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 07:07:20 -0600, Mike Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wednesday 22nd January 2003

Abu Hamza offers angst-crippled teenagers what they all crave: certainty
and a clear path
Johann Hari 22 January 2003

As the Finsbury Park mosque was raided on Monday, I must confess I felt a
weird mix of emotions -- pleased, certainly, relieved, but also a little
bit sad. I know the mosque and its strange, intoxicating atmosphere a
little -- and I know that, their lunatic leader Abu Hamza aside, most of
the young men who gravitate there are not irredeemably insane or vicious.

After 11 September, I was sent by my editor to insinuate myself into the
Finsbury Park mosque and -- if possible -- to talk to Abu Hamza. I ended
up hanging around for nearly a week. It is a place notoriously unfriendly
to infidel journalists, but I had a few advantages over the other hacks
desperate to find their way in: I have a vaguely Islamic-sounding name (in
fact, it's Swiss); I studied Islamic philosophy at university, so I knew
more about Muslim politics than most of the people there; and, because I
look about 12 years old, it takes a bit more time for people to become
suspicious of me.

There are always a few tough-looking lads on the door of the mosque who
act as unofficial bouncers, and anybody new who approaches immediately
receives very aggressive questioning. They see the mosque as a safe haven
from a hostile society -- and although undoubtedly some of these lads are
confronting real problems with racism, their paranoia is extreme and
vicious. Everybody in this fucking country is a racist and hates Islam,
Amir, who worked for the local halal butcher, explained to me outside the
main prayer hall.

Although there are a fair few non-Arab Muslims who hang around, it took a
while to convince the regulars that I was One of Them. One thing I hadn't
quite expected was the extent to which the lads who follow this extreme
strain of Islam are obsessed with gender politics. Their main problem with
British society is the sluttish way women dress, the fact that we allow
our women -- all our women -- to be whores, dirty fucking whores. No
conversation would go for five minutes without returning to this topic.
These are, after all, sexually frustrated young men who are convinced that
even masturbation is immoral -- so, like all people who fanatically
suppress their sexuality, they have begun to hate the thing they desire.

Amir, an unemployed but articulate 19-year-old, claimed obsessively that
far from hating women, he sees them as a precious jewel, and if you
have a diamond, you wrap it up and keep it somewhere safe. You don't just
let it roll around in the gutter. So women, he and his friends believe,
should be shut away, sealed off in repressive homes and burquas, lest they
succumb to Western filth.

In those days when Ground Zero was still burning and we thought that the
death toll would top 30,000, these men celebrated. I wish it were not so;
but they rejoiced. There was an obvious contradiction in their stance,
though. They saw the humbling of America -- a term which, shamefully,
even some on the British and American left used -- as glorious; yet they
also insisted that no Muslims had been involved in the attack. As Abu
Hamza -- who proved to be surprisingly ready to talk to me -- claimed, I
am not saying every American government figure knew about this. But there
are a few people [in the US government] who want to trigger a third world
war. They are sponsored by the business lobby. Most of them are
Freemasons, and they have loyalty to the Zionists.

Abu Hamza is, in the flesh, quite different from his TV persona, and
especially compared to the impression given by those horrific photographs.
He rarely raises his voice: instead he speaks in a chat-in-the-pub,
good-blokeish style which implies that everything he says is perfectly
reasonable. You can have a perfectly amiable chat -- he spent 10 minutes
telling me why British people are overtaxed, and it was like sitting with
a behooked Simon Heffer -- and then, without any perceptible change of
tone, he would say, You [in the West] are asking for somebody to fly a
plane at a nuclear power station. Suicide bombers who just want to kill --
you are provoking them. If you kill people, and they look around and their
loved ones are dead, what do you expect? They have no taste for life any
more. And when this war [on terrorism] starts, even the winner would not
have much to celebrate. It's horrible. There are a lot of nuclear bombs

Despite the fact that I find this terrifying beyond measure, I have to say
it isn't hard to see the appeal of Finsbury Park mosque to young Muslims.
Abu Hamza is charismatic and particularly good at listening to young men
who everywhere else are shunned. He offers the one thing that all

[CTRL] (Fwd) Rape in Islam: Blaming the Victim

2003-01-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Date sent:  Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:50:47 -0800


Rape in Islam: Blaming the Victim

By Robert Spencer

FrontPageMagazine.com | January 23, 2003

For almost a year, observes Edward Said in this week's edition of
Cairo's Al-Ahram Weekly, American politicians, regional experts,
administration officials, journalists have repeated the charges that
have become standard fare so far as Islam and the Arabs are concerned. .

. . To today's practically unanimous chorus has been added the authority of the
United Nation's Human Development Report on the Arab world which
certified that Arabs dramatically lag behind the rest of the world in
democracy, knowledge, and women's rights.

Said has no more patience for this sort of thing than he did when he
wrote Orientalism and Covering Islam, the twin towers of today's
academic Islamophilia. He acidly dismisses the criticisms as vague
re-cycled Orientalist cliches of the kind repeated by a tireless
mediocrity like Bernard Lewis.

Yet just as Said's lament appeared, the French businesswoman Touria
Tiouli went to court in the United Arab Emirates. Heedlessly risking the
recycling of vague Orientalist cliches, Dubai officials have turned her
charge that she was raped by three men on its head and accused her of
zina, sexual activity outside marriage. In Dubai, a bastion of moderate
Islam, this charge isn't punishable by stoning, as it is in more
hard-line Muslim countries - it only carries an 18-month jail sentence.

Tiouli continues to fight: on Sunday she entered a not guilty plea. To
the claims of her attackers that she was a willing participant and, in
fact, a prostitute whom they duly paid, she replied simply, My lawyer
will prove I did not consent. If I had consented, I would not have
brought the case.

Indeed, it's hard to imagine a prostitute in Dubai going to the police
willingly under any circumstances. For Sharia courts all over the
Islamic world seem only too willing to reinforce the stereotypes of
Islam that Said deplores, particularly where women are concerned. In
Nigeria, a woman named Sufiyatu Huseini suffered through circumstances
remarkably similar to Tiouli's. She said she was raped, but the man she
accused denied it, and instead Huseini was charged with adultery.

Nigeria is no moderate Dubai: Huseini faced death by stoning until the
verdict was overturned under international pressure. Countless other
women in similar situations have already been stoned to death or jailed.

According to Sisters in Islam, a Malaysian advocacy group for Muslim
women, in Pakistan three out of four women in prison . . . are rape

This blame-the-victim mentality should be the worst nightmare of
American feminists, were it not for the fact that they view it through
rosy multiculturalist glasses. But does it really represent the
hijacking of the Religion of Peace on a grand scale?

Not quite. These cases all unfolded according to the classic directives
of the Sharia.

Traditional Islamic law, which is still very much in force in Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, most (if not all) of post-Taliban
Afghanistan, and elsewhere, completely disregards the testimony of women
in cases of a sexual nature. Aside from physical evidence, the only way
to establish rape is by the testimony of four male witnesses (who, by
the way, must be Muslims in good standing) who actually saw the act
itself. Without these witnesses and a confession from the accused
rapist, the victim will stand condemned by her very accusation:  she
wasn't raped, so she must be guilty of zina.

Moreover, the prosecution has been careful to point out that Tiouli
didn't call for help. According to Islamic Sharia, says the Nigerian
Imam Mallam Muhammad Sani Isa, it cannot be considered rape unless you
asked for help.

According to Aliyu Abubakar Sanyinna, the attorney general of Nigeria's
Zamfara state (where Huseini went through her ordeal), this codified
miscarriage of justice is the law of Allah. By executing anybody that
is convicted under Islamic law, we are just complying with the laws of
Allah, so we don't have anything to worry about.

If like minds prevail next week in Dubai when the court issues a verdict
in Tiouli's case, she should resign herself to spending the next
eighteen months behind bars.

There is yet hope. International indignation resulted in the overturning
of Huseini's death sentence and the commutation of a similar ruling
against an 18-year-old Christian girl in Sudan, Abok Alfa Akok, to 75
lashes. Facing another worldwide outcry, the Nigerian government
promised in October to end stonings for adultery. Also bowing to
internal and external pressure, even the Islamic Republic of Iran
declared early this year that it too was ending the practice.

All this is good, but it isn't enough. Rape victims in these newly

[CTRL] MRC Alert: NBC Insists Frigid Temps Don't Undermine Global Warming (fwd)

2003-01-24 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 07:10:45 -0700
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MRC Alert: NBC Insists Frigid Temps Don't Undermine Global Warming

 ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
11:10am EST, Friday January 24, 2003 (Vol. Eight; No. 15)
  The 1,422nd CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

NBC Insists Frigid Temps Don't Undermine Global Warming; NBC
Showcases Bill Clinton Blast at Bush Tax Cut Plan; Everyone
Against Bush on Iraq, But Jordan's King Says...; Rather Elevates
Anger  Threats of Gun-Toting Iraqi Citizens; NBC Focuses on
Tourists and Farmers in Iraq Mad at U.S.; McCaffrey Blasts
Arnett for Baby Milk Factory Story

 Distributed to more than 11,600 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
http://www.mediaresearch.org. CyberAlerts from this year are at:
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Subscribe/unsubscribe information, as well as a link to the
MRC donations page, are at the end of this message.
When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at:

1) Think the current frigid temperatures in much of the country
might belie global warming? Don't worry. NBC's Robert Hager
assured viewers on Thursday night, as he stood outside bundled up,
that the record cold temperature trend in no way undermines the
global warming theory. Remember: Last year was the second warmest
ever worldwide.

2) NBC has yet to inform viewers of how the Bush tax cut plan
would give a larger percent cut to the lower classes than the
wealthy and exacerbate the burden on the wealthy to pay more than
their share of income taxes, but on Thursday night Tom Brokaw
highlighted Bill Clinton's attack from the left on Bush's plan as
'a giveaway to the rich' when too many low and middle income
Americans are struggling to pay for health care...

3) In the Middle East and everywhere else, Peter Jennings
contended at the top of Thursday's World News Tonight, nations
think Bush is being too aggressive about Iraq and should make a
greater effort to resolve the Saddam Hussein problem without going
to war. But minutes later, in what could have been Jennings'
lead, he relayed how Jordan's King Abdullah believes Hussein must
go, that the Iraqi people are more afraid of Saddam Hussein than
they are of America's General Franks and that the Iraqi army
will fold up like a house of cards.

4) Or the Iraqi people will fight to the death the U.S. invaders.
For Wednesday's 60 Minutes II, Dan Rather forwarded the pro-Saddam
Hussein and anti-U.S. comments he heard in Baghdad. Rather warned:
For the Americans to win this time, Iraqis say, they will have to
wage a perilous battle in the streets of Baghdad and if it comes
to that, the civilians we spoke with say they will fight, too.
Rather showed a woman teaching others how to use a Kalishnikov,
allowed a woman to label the U.S. as the terrorists, relayed how
a soft-spoken professor believes the U.S. deserved 9/11, and
as he pumped a shotgun, he explained how he saw Iraqis out buying
weapons because they want to be ready.

5) NBC also treats anti-U.S. events in Baghdad as a legitimate
news. On Today this week reporter Patricia Sabga highlighted how a
group of foreign tourists marched to UN offices in the capital to
protest a possible U.S. attack against Iraq. She cited signs of
anger from private Iraqi citizens. This farmer told reporters this
morning he is suing UN weapons inspectors after they allegedly
damaged structures on his chicken farm during a search Monday.
The next day Sabga trumpeted how young and old burned flags and
chanted their loyalty to Saddam Hussein.

6) Speaking of relaying enemy propaganda from behind enemy lines,
on Wednesday's Hardball on MSNBC retired Army General Barry
McCaffrey blasted Peter Arnett for his CNN stories about how U.S.
bombing in the Persian Gulf War destroyed a baby milk factory.
McCaffrey sternly told Arnett: That milk, baby milk factory, for
God's sake, was actually a biological weapons site also.

7) Letterman's Top Ten Signs Saddam Hussein is Planning to Move
to Your Neighborhood.

 30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: A Quick Look at the
Media's Pro-Abortion Coverage. The MRC's Tim Jones has compiled
this special section on 

[CTRL] Full Press Press

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The US Press And The Israeli Government

We Hold These Truths.org

Witnesses watched as more than 60 Palestinian shops were bulldozed to
the ground this week in one West Bank village, while the owners stood by
and watch helplessly. But not one American in ten saw or heard about this
in the US press. A educated American pro-life activist was surprised to
disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses run about one-fourth
the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis. He thought the statistics were
reversed, having never heard or seen a count in the US press, he has been
brain scrubbed. Misinformation by the US press is not excusable in the
Internet age. So Israel has provided an Orwellian propaganda filter called
the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) that makes it all possible. It
provides the convenient excuse the US press needs to look the other way
and print abridged stories, keeping most of us ignorant. The propaganda
arm of the Israeli military has once again been caught purposefully lying
about the death count among its forces. We believe their purpose in doing
this is to condition Americans into accepting Israel's use of American-made
weapons of mass destruction against the vulnerable civilian population in
Gaza and the West Bank. Israel's willing facilitator is the US Media, which
spreads their distorted stories in the USA. This same pattern of
misrepresentation is repeated again and again, proving how important and
routine propaganda is to Israel. On December 5th, the IMFA released an
account of two suspected sacrifice bombers (wrongly called suicide
bombers*) who allegedly killed 22 persons and wounded more than 100. But
the press release failed to mention that there were also Israeli military
casualties in the raid. Furthermore, their account omitted the fact that a
female army sergeant was among the killed. The omission is significant. It
fits perfectly into the predictable pattern of how the IMFA deceives
Americans almost daily. This practice repeatedly uses almost every report
of Israeli deaths to distort the facts of their conflict with the Palestinians.
We will now teach you how to read between the lies and know when the
story is distorted.


On November 19, 2002, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) re-
manufactured a similar story about a Palestinian sacrifice raid on a military
target. Twelve Israeli soldiers and paramilitary fighting men were killed and
there was no collateral damage (civilians dead). The propagandists changed
the facts to call the raid a Massacre of innocent (Israeli) civilians, as the
story was carried in the US press. It is a total and complete bald-faced lie
which We Hold These Truths alone corrected it in our article: U. S. Media,
Caught Lying... Again http://www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm

This writer put the facts together from the Israeli military's own
documents one month after the event was misreported. Do you, dear
reader, know how to recognize such lies for yourself so you don't have to
wait for us to unravel it for you? To do this one must first understand the
quaint language of the IMFA. We call these lies z- facts (short for Zionist
facts) meaning lies that are couched in official, narrative sounding
language but are indeed untrue. Here is how the Hebron report was
distorted by z- facts, which the Media reported as rear facts. The first
release from the IMFA read:


Z-facts differ from bald-faced lies because they do not state outright all
the killed or wounded are civilians, but it is clearly implied. (In those rare
cases where everyone killed are indeed civilian, the IMFA says so and saves
its lies for a later day.) The truth is told only if it suits the teller. By calling
an attack on an armed military unit a terror attack on Jewish
worshipers and claiming 12 lives, the z- facts leave the a clear impression
that those killed were civilians. Any honest account would have called it
an attack on Israeli military unit by Palestinian guerillas etc. In our
previous article we explained the procedure as follows: The Israeli
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a propaganda arm of the Israeli Defense Force
(IDF). --They are the first to know who is killed. But they cause the story
to be circulated that all killed were civilians because it serves their
purpose. Then, once the misinformation has reached the American public,
the corrected story is allowed to surface in Israel, though the false images
are never corrected in the eyes of the American public. http:/
/www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm (please forgive us for quoting
ourselves, but we are the best source)

In January 5th story Israel did it again. This time every one of our readers
should have detected the lie without being told. The press in both
countries used the 

[CTRL] Time to impose a Medication Moratorium?

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Bug Chasers
The men who long to be HIV+
Photo Illustration by Matt Mahurin

Carlos nonchalantly asks whether his drink was made with whole or skim
milk. He takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded
Starbucks, and then he gets back to explaining how much he wants HIV,
the virus that causes AIDS. His eyes light up as he says that the actual
moment of transmission, the instant he gets HIV, will be the most erotic
thing I can imagine. He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but,
in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug.

I know what the risks are, and I know that putting myself in this situation
is like putting a gun to my head, he says. Some of that mountain music
that's so popular is playing, making the moment even more surreal as a
Southern voice sings, Keep on the sunny side of life behind Carlos. But I
think it turns the other guy on to know that I'm negative and that they're
bringing me into the brotherhood. That gets me off, too.

I met Carlos in New York's Greenwich Village, the neighborhood where he
usually hangs out. He is tall, with a large build, and plenty of gay men find
him attractive. His longish, curly-wavy hair is jet-black with golden
highlights, and his face is soft and just a bit feminine. He has a very
appealing smile and laugh, and he's a funny guy sometimes. The
conversation veers from the banal -- his fascination with the reality show
The Amazing Race -- to his desire for HIV. Carlos' tone never changes when
switching from one topic to the other.

When asked whether he is prepared to live with HIV after that erotic
moment, Carlos dismisses living with HIV as a minor annoyance. Like most
bug chasers, he has the impression that the virus just isn't such a big deal
anymore: It's like living with diabetes. You take a few pills and get on with
your life. Carlos spends the afternoon continually calling a man named
Richard, someone he met on the Internet. They met on barebackcity.com
about a year ago, while Carlos was still with his boyfriend. That boyfriend
left because Carlos was having sex with other men and because he was
interested in barebacking -- the practice of having sex without a condom.
Carlos and Richard are arranging a date for later that day.

Carlos is part of an intricate underground world that has sprouted, driven
almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected
with HIV get together with those who are willing to infect them. The men
who want the virus are called bug chasers, and the men who freely give
the virus to them are called gift givers. While the rest of the world fights
the AIDS epidemic and most people fear HIV infection, this subculture
celebrates the virus and eroticizes it. HIV-infected semen is treated like
liquid gold. Carlos has been chasing the bug for more than a year in a
topsy-turvy world in which every convention about HIV is turned upside
down. The virus isn't horrible and fearsome, it's beautiful and sexy -- and
delivered in the way that is most likely to result in infection. In this world,
the men with HIV are the most desired, and the bug chasers will do
anything to get the virus -- to get knocked up, to be bred or initiated
into the brotherhood.

Like a lot of sexual fetishes and extreme behaviors, bug chasing could not
exist without the Internet, or at least it couldn't thrive. Prior to the
advent of Web surfing and e-mail, it would have been practically impossible
for bug chasing to happen in any great numbers, because it's still not
acceptable to walk up to a stranger and say you want the virus. But the
Internet's anonymity and broad access make it possible to find someone
with like interests, no matter how outlandish. Carlos surfs online about
twenty hours a week looking for men to have sex with, usually frequenting
sites such as bareback.com and barebackcity.com, plus a number of
Internet discussion groups. Most of the Web sites use the pretense that
they actually are about barebacking, which is in itself risky and
controversial but still a long way from bug chasing. For the Web sites, that
distinction is at best razor-thin and more often just an outright lie. We
got Poz4Poz, Neg4Neg and bug chasers looking to join the club, the
welcome page to barebackcity.com, which claims 48,000 registered users,
up from 28,000 about a year ago, recently said. Be the first to seed a
newbie and give him a pozitive attitude!

Within this online community, bug chasers revel in their desires, using
their own lingo about poz and neg men, bug juice and conversion
from negative to positive. User profiles include names such as BugChaser21,
Knockmeup, BugMeSoon, ConvertMeSir, PozCum4NegHole and GiftGiver.
The posters are upfront about seeking HIV, even extremely enthusiastic,
possibly because the Web sites are about the only place a bug seeker can
really express his desires openly. Under turn-ons, a poster 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Senate Blocks Privacy Project

2003-01-24 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Senate Blocks Privacy Project

January 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 - The Senate voted today to bar
deployment of a Pentagon project to search for terrorists
by scanning information in Internet mail and in the
commercial databases of health, financial and travel
companies here and abroad.

The curbs on the project, called the Total Information
Awareness Program, were adopted without debate and by
unanimous consent as part of a package of amendments to an
omnibus spending bill. House leaders had no immediate
comment on the surprise action, which will almost certainly
go to a House-Senate conference. Neither did the White
House or the Defense Department.

Senator Ron Wyden, the Oregon Democrat who proposed the
amendment, said after the vote that it passed so easily
because dismayed Republican senators had told him that
this is about the most far-reaching government
surveillance proposal we have ever heard about. He said
the amendment means there will be concrete checks on the
government's ability to snoop on law-abiding Americans.

Under the legislation passed today, research and
development of the system would have to halt within 60 days
of enactment of the bill unless the Defense Department
submitted a detailed report about the program, including
its costs, goals, impact on privacy and civil liberties and
prospects for success in stopping terrorists. The research
could also continue if President Bush certified to Congress
that the report could not be provided or that a halt would
endanger the national security of the United States.

The limits on deploying, or using, the system are stricter.
While it could be used to support lawful military and
foreign intelligence operations, it could not be used in
this country until Congress had passed new legislation
specifically authorizing its use.

The Wyden amendment also included a statement that Congress
believed the Total Information Awareness programs should
not be used to develop technologies for use in conducting
intelligence activities or law enforcement activities
against United States persons without appropriate
consultation with Congress or without clear adherence to
principle to protect civil liberty and privacy.

The program is being developed by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, a high-tech unit that played a
major role in the creation of the Internet. It is headed by
John M. Poindexter, a retired rear admiral who was
convicted of lying to Congress about the Iran-contra
scandal but subsequently cleared on the grounds that he had
been granted immunity for his testimony.

Admiral Poindexter described the program's goals in a
California speech last year when he said we must become
much more efficient and more clever in the ways we find new
sources of data, mine information from the new and the old,
generate information, make it available for analysis,
convert it to knowledge and create actionable options.

As soon as the existence of the project was disclosed last
November, it drew intense criticism from civil libertarians
on the left and the right, ranging from the American Civil
Liberties Union to the Free Congress Foundation and the
Eagle Forum.

Tonight Ralph Neas, head of People for the American Way,
one of the critical groups, issued a statement hailing the
vote. It said: Until today, the Bush administration has
proceeded unchecked in many aspects of the war on
terrorism. I hope that today's action demonstrates
Congress' willingness to perform oversight of the executive
branch and challenge attempts to undermine constitutional

Even without extensive debate, the measure was weighed
across the political spectrum of the Senate. No senator
sought to block it by withholding the unanimous consent its
passage required. So Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, the
Republican who heads the Appropriations Committee, almost
casually slid it into a package of minor amendments to the
spending bill.

The one Republican who had put his name on the measure as a
co-sponsor, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, issued a
statement afterwards saying, Our amendment should make
sure that the T.I.A. program strikes the very careful
balance that is needed to protect civil liberties while at
the same time protecting a Americans against terrorists.

A Democratic co-sponsor, Senator Dianne Feinstein of
California, struck a similar note. She issued a statement
saying the measure fences in the program to prevent it
from being abused to invade Americans' privacy and civil
liberties but does so without impeding our military and
intelligence efforts.

Senator Wyden also stressed accountability, saying the vote
showed the Senate isn't going to let the program just grow
without tough oversight. He said the reporting requirement
puts some real pressure on them and Congress will no
longer be in the dark.

[CTRL] Iraqi Opposition Exposes Iraqi Homeland Defense Plans

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

January 24, 2003
Documents 'show Saddam's chemical plans'
by pa news

Iraqi documents obtained by the BBC appear to suggest that
Saddam Hussein is preparing to use chemical weapons against Western
troops in the event of war, it was reported today.

The hand-written Arabic-language notes state that elite units of the Iraqi
military have been issued with new chemical warfare suits and supplies of
the drug atropine, used to counter the effects of nerve gas.

They were passed on to the BBC by opposition group the Iraqi National
Coalition, which claims to have received them from serving members of
Baghdad's military during secret meetings, the Radio 4 Today programme

The documents were brought out of Iraq within the past month have been
verified by three different experts, said the programme.

They suggest that the chemical suits and anti-nerve gas drugs have been
smuggled into Iraq from neighbouring countries. Also included are details
of methods for attacking ships in the Gulf region.

The documents suggest that the new chemical suits and atropine, which
protect against the nerve gases sarin and VX, have been issued to the
Republican Guard and Special Republican Guard, Saddam's most loyal and
feared military units.

They also include details of testing of unmanned submarines designed to
attack ships in the Gulf and information on fibre- optic radar systems and
plans of the layout of presidential palaces.

The Secretary General of the Iraqi National Coalition Tawfik al- Yassiri is a
former Brigadier-General in the Iraqi army and claims that his organisation
has extensive contacts within Saddam's military.

He told the Today programme: We received the documents from inside
Iraq, passed by people who left Iraq.

We have checked the information in other ways. We have members in our
organisation in most of the camps and cities in Iraq, from soldiers to

Toby Dodge, an Iraq specialist from Warwick University, looked at the
documents for the programme. He said: The documents that you have
supplied me seem to be genuine and they would represent what my best
analysis of Iraqi planning would be for the coming conflict.

If you look at Iraqi troop deployments, these groups would be the
recipients of all that Saddam had, in training and modern weapons and in
chemical and biological weapons protection apparatus.

Bill Tierney, a former UN weapons inspector, told Today: The key point is
that the Republican Guard have been issued this new equipment.

During inspections, I have seen their standard decontamination equipment
is 1960s Soviet-model and not very good at all.

If both these two units have new equipment, then it would indicate that
they are prepared to use chemical weapons. The Iraqis' standard chemical
weapon is mustard gas, but they were keen on developing VX.

The fact that they have imported atropine is an indicator that they are
willing to use VX.

A former CIA station chief in northern Iraq, Bob Bear, said that if the
opposition was receiving information from elite military units, it suggested
that Saddam was in danger of mutiny among those closest to him.

He told the programme: The Special Republican Guard is controlled by
Saddam's family. This means that they really want Saddam to go. If this
information is from the Special Republican Guard, then maybe Saddam is
closer to the end than we expect.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be 

Re: [CTRL] Time to impose a Medication Moratorium?

2003-01-24 Thread Theodor Parada, MD
-Caveat Lector-

It's no wonder, that homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric illness in the past,
it should be re-instated as that.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Bug Chasers
 The men who long to be HIV+
 Photo Illustration by Matt Mahurin

 Carlos nonchalantly asks whether his drink was made with whole or skim
 milk. He takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded
 Starbucks, and then he gets back to explaining how much he wants HIV,
 the virus that causes AIDS. His eyes light up as he says that the actual
 moment of transmission, the instant he gets HIV, will be the most erotic
 thing I can imagine. He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but,
 in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug.

 I know what the risks are, and I know that putting myself in this situation
 is like putting a gun to my head, he says. Some of that mountain music
 that's so popular is playing, making the moment even more surreal as a
 Southern voice sings, Keep on the sunny side of life behind Carlos. But I
 think it turns the other guy on to know that I'm negative and that they're
 bringing me into the brotherhood. That gets me off, too.

 I met Carlos in New York's Greenwich Village, the neighborhood where he
 usually hangs out. He is tall, with a large build, and plenty of gay men find
 him attractive. His longish, curly-wavy hair is jet-black with golden
 highlights, and his face is soft and just a bit feminine. He has a very
 appealing smile and laugh, and he's a funny guy sometimes. The
 conversation veers from the banal -- his fascination with the reality show
 The Amazing Race -- to his desire for HIV. Carlos' tone never changes when
 switching from one topic to the other.

 When asked whether he is prepared to live with HIV after that erotic
 moment, Carlos dismisses living with HIV as a minor annoyance. Like most
 bug chasers, he has the impression that the virus just isn't such a big deal
 anymore: It's like living with diabetes. You take a few pills and get on with
 your life. Carlos spends the afternoon continually calling a man named
 Richard, someone he met on the Internet. They met on barebackcity.com
 about a year ago, while Carlos was still with his boyfriend. That boyfriend
 left because Carlos was having sex with other men and because he was
 interested in barebacking -- the practice of having sex without a condom.
 Carlos and Richard are arranging a date for later that day.

 Carlos is part of an intricate underground world that has sprouted, driven
 almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected
 with HIV get together with those who are willing to infect them. The men
 who want the virus are called bug chasers, and the men who freely give
 the virus to them are called gift givers. While the rest of the world fights
 the AIDS epidemic and most people fear HIV infection, this subculture
 celebrates the virus and eroticizes it. HIV-infected semen is treated like
 liquid gold. Carlos has been chasing the bug for more than a year in a
 topsy-turvy world in which every convention about HIV is turned upside
 down. The virus isn't horrible and fearsome, it's beautiful and sexy -- and
 delivered in the way that is most likely to result in infection. In this world,
 the men with HIV are the most desired, and the bug chasers will do
 anything to get the virus -- to get knocked up, to be bred or initiated
 into the brotherhood.

 Like a lot of sexual fetishes and extreme behaviors, bug chasing could not
 exist without the Internet, or at least it couldn't thrive. Prior to the
 advent of Web surfing and e-mail, it would have been practically impossible
 for bug chasing to happen in any great numbers, because it's still not
 acceptable to walk up to a stranger and say you want the virus. But the
 Internet's anonymity and broad access make it possible to find someone
 with like interests, no matter how outlandish. Carlos surfs online about
 twenty hours a week looking for men to have sex with, usually frequenting
 sites such as bareback.com and barebackcity.com, plus a number of
 Internet discussion groups. Most of the Web sites use the pretense that
 they actually are about barebacking, which is in itself risky and
 controversial but still a long way from bug chasing. For the Web sites, that
 distinction is at best razor-thin and more often just an outright lie. We
 got Poz4Poz, Neg4Neg and bug chasers looking to join the club, the
 welcome page to barebackcity.com, which claims 48,000 registered users,
 up from 28,000 about a year ago, recently said. Be the first to seed a
 newbie and give him a pozitive attitude!

 Within this online community, bug chasers revel in their desires, using
 their own lingo about poz and neg men, bug juice and conversion
 from negative to positive. User profiles include names such as BugChaser21,
 Knockmeup, BugMeSoon, ConvertMeSir, PozCum4NegHole and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Is someone trying to kill the Venice Magic Dutch Boys?

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Subject: Fwd: Is someone trying to kill the Venice Magic Dutch Boys?
Date: 1/24/2003 2:18:18 PM

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
List: TheMadCowMorningNews
URL: http://www.madcowprod.com

Is someone trying to kill the Venice Magic Dutch Boys?

Ft Myers,, FL.—January 24, 2003
by Daniel Hopsicker

Rudi Dekkers ditched his helicopter into the river in Fort Myers, FL. this
morning, suffering minor injuries. Dekkers, who runs one of the twin terror
flight schools in Venice, FL., was rescued and ferried back to dry land by a
television news chopper flying in the vicinity.
Incredibly, this is the second near-fatal aviation accident suffered  in the
past six months by a Dutch national owner of a flight school in Venice, FL.
The second so-called Magic Dutch Boy, Arne Kruithof, owner of Florida
Flight Training, was in a plane that crash-landed under suspicious
circumstances at the Venice Airport last July.
Just this week, a source at the Venice Airport explained Dekkers' pending
arrest for criminal fraud by stating, in an interview that Dekkers' hasn't
been protected for at least a month now.
The MadCowMorningNews has dispatched the entire Venice Bureau to the
scene, and will have full coverage in this space later today (including
pictures of the helicopter in the water.)

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 End of forwarded message 

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Iraqi Opposition Exposes Iraqi Homeland Defense Plans

2003-01-24 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 January 24, 2003
 Documents 'show Saddam's chemical plans'
 by pa news

 Iraqi documents obtained by the BBC appear to suggest that
 Saddam Hussein is preparing to use chemical weapons against Western
 troops in the event of war, it was reported today.

The following newsletter out of the UK has been forwarded to most of the lists
I'm on, except this one.  The first part of it addresses the issue of this story
you've posted.  Propaganda on both sides of the Atlantic is flowing fast and
furious in the face of the growing opposition to this criminal conspiracy to
war.  The more the opposition grows, the more outlandish will be the reports of
the need to bomb Iraq.  It is extremely prudent at this pivotal time to heed
the warning notice posted at the beginning of every post to this list - Caveat

 Original Message 



From Ian Henshall, publisher 911dossier


Friday 24 January

On the influential Today programme the BBC headlined it's 8.00am news
bulletin with with the claim to an exclusive story implying that Iraq has
chemical weapons, but failed to provide any hard evidence a nd indeed
sreriously misled its audience.

The news bulletin said that a document, handwritten in arabic, supplied by
the partisan Iraqi National Congress (INC) was pronounced as genuine by
three independent experts, all unnamed. However, none of these
independent experts is a native arab speaker and one is Bob Bear, ex-CIA
Station Chief in Iraq. The BBC also admitted to 911dossier that the experts
only agreed that the document appears to be genuine.

The other experts are Toby Dodge an unknown academic from Warwick
University and Bill Tierney, described as a former weapons inspector. It has
been accepted that the former weapons inspectors contained several espionage
personnel from the UK and the US.

The BBC failed to inform listeners that the INC is a pro-Bush setup which
has been promised a share of the spoils following a successful conquest of
Iraq. Many key INC figures are ex-Saddam henchmen complicit in chemical
attacks on Iran sponsored by the US in the 1980's.

The conduit for this pro-Blair story Gordon Carrera, described as a senior
reporter, admitted some of these facts on the much lower profile 7.00am
session of the Today Programme, but the news team ignored this revelation
and continued describe the experts as independent an hour later when most
listeners were tuned in.

The BBC has a pattern of ignoring its own discoveries when they don't fit
the Blair line. For instance in the Genoa police attacks the BBC referred to
reports of police brutality when in fact their own correspondent had given
a graphic eye witness description.

After this highly misleading 8.00 headline report, Today failed to interview
any anti-war figure for a comment, in flagrant breach of the BBC's legal
obligation for impartial and balanced reporting. The vast majority of the UK
public opposes an attack outside the UN, recent polls show.

Instead they interviewed Richard Perle a long standing lobbyist for radical
Zionist groups in support of Ariel Sharon, but failed to mention his
background and gave him a soft interview, pushing for an illegal attack on
Iraq in defiance of the UN Security Council.

The second item on the same bulletin was an unlikely scare story, which
claimed that a group of alleged terrorists arrested in Italy was likely to
be attacking London because they had a map of London among an unknown number
of other documents, including a map of Nato facilities in Italy, with those
facilities circled.

It was not stated whether the map of London was a tourist AtoZ of London,
indeed the the report gave few details of the alleged map which was the
lynchpin of the story.

The headline news story had another serious flaw. Even if the story is true
it assumes that Iraq has no reason to fear a US WMD attack. In fact the US
has stated that it is prepared to use WMD's against Iraq and revelations
under the US Freedom of Information Act show that the in the 90's the US
produced biological weapons in useable amounts in flagrant violation of the
biological weapons treaty which the US recently withdrew from.

There is considerable evidence to support the Cuban government's claim that
Cuba has been attacked by US biological weapons.

Moreover the story is inherently implausuble because it is accepted that
Iraq  used chemical weapons against Iran. If Iraq has continued a secret
programme, why does it suddenly need to go out and buy protection suits now,
as the INC alleges.

Currently the UK establishment is in denial of world opinion on the illegal
Iraqi attack plan. The UK corporate media has accepted the Bush/Blair line
as fact that the rest of the world will soon 

[CTRL] How American Got To Rule the World

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

  Print this article |   Close this window
How America got to rule the world

January 25 2003

George Bush is right when he warns that the United Nations risks
irrelevance. Its failure in the past decade to hold Iraq to account on the
surrender undertakings it gave at the end of the Gulf War is surpassed only
by its decision this week to put Muammar Gaddafi's Libya in charge of its
global human rights watchdog.

And as Washington masses men and machines for another war against Iraq,
it and much of the rest of the world are locked in a struggle that well
might mark the end of the UN's usefulness as a global forum.

The eccentricity of giving the Libyan terrorist control of the UN
Commission on Human Rights at a time when terrorism is the clear and
present danger is a signpost to the global wastelands in which the UN
might finish up. But that it managed to slip the US into the straitjacket of
weapons inspections in Iraq is proof that it remains a wily player.

How the US responds to the UN's Iraq agenda may seal the fate of the
organisation set up in 1945 with a charter for global peace, security and
co-operation after the horror of World War II. Now it holds court in a 39-
storey tower overlooking the East River from Manhattan.

The diplomatic cut and thrust of the General Assembly and the Security
Council conveys a notion of equality between nations - it was the fair
rotation of jobs that landed Libya in the human rights job.

But reality is a different story.

Superpower doesn't start to describe the unprecedented combination of
military and economic power that
is America. Washington, in the evolving jargon of academia, is the
hyperpower that strides the world with an assertiveness not seen since
the early days of the Cold War.

George Bush is the global cop, offering protection from Jerusalem to
Seoul. He has more than 1 million men and women under arms on four
continents and his carrier battle groups are on every ocean. His military
spending equals the combined defence budget of the next 14 highest-
spending countries.

Even with all that security, there is much to fear. The world is on the edge
of its seat as the US does the splits between Baghdad and Pyongyang. And
as it gets deeper into the war on terrorism, the US has gone out of its way
to disparage or belittle the international forums and treaties that were the
stepping-stones to its own greatness.

But something has gone wrong. In the decade between the end of the
Cold War and the start of the war on terrorism, the balance between the
two superpowers, America and the Soviet Union, and much of what that
implied - safety and security wrought by a fear of mutually assured
destruction - suddenly dissolved. And so, unburdened, a less caring US
forgot about the problems of the world as it revelled in an economic boom
at home.

The first president Bush and then Bill Clinton did little to renovate or
renew the international diplomatic and military infrastructure that had
been vital to keeping the peace in the half-century after World War II.

In the words of one American scholar, they made a good show of
pretending that nothing had changed.

Now, the Clinton years are derided as a time of irresolution, half-baked
humanitarian interventions and limp responses to terrorism. Washington
turned its back on Afghanistan and Africa; and it walked away from the UN,
closing its chequebook instead of sending the president to make speeches
like Bush did in the days after September 11 and again before Christmas -
speeches that might have demanded a response.

And when Clinton did intervene on the side of Muslims in Bosnia and
Kosovo, he did so with such reluctance that it won him little kudos in the
Islamic world. When he ran from Somalia because a handful of US
servicemen died there in 1994, Osama bin Laden laughed in his face. And
humanitarian intervention in Rwanda was too little and too late.

The difference a decade makes shows in the Iraq wars. At this point in the
1990-91 crisis - only weeks from when fighting might start - Bush snr had
built a global coalition of committed support and participation for a
diplomatic and military machine that went out and won a war. Now, almost
18 months after the September 11 attacks, Bush jnr has shifted his focus
from terrorists to his father's old enemy Saddam, and is labouring to get
men and machines to the Gulf with no international consensus to back

Hindsight is easy, of course. But Michael Ignatieff's take on the missed
opportunities of the '90s is pertinent, all the more so because this human
rights professor from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government is a liberal
who supports the war on terrorism and who is on the verge of supporting
war against Iraq.

He says: At the end of the Cold War there was a historic opportunity
similar to 1945 - but we missed it. Look at the incredible number of
instruments devised between 1945 and 1951. And he reels them off,
starting with the UN charter, the North 

Re: [CTRL] Time to impose a Medication Moratorium?

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

1/24/2003 2:25:35 PM, Theodor Parada, MD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

It's no wonder, that homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric illness in
the past, it should be re-instated as that.

That may be true for some.  However, I am not comfortable with people
who are dientified as having something like this who are allowed out into
the communities to express their certain sense of fatalism through trying
to bring others into the brotherhood.  This might bring to mind images of
the leper colonies but ... in this case it has been determined that sex can
be used as lethal weapon, much like in them olden dayze when everyone
was concerned about simple things like gon and syph and even that late-
comer, herp.  Using an affliction as a sign of honour or triumph belongs in
a place all by itself.  The fact that there are proven, demonstrated, and
acceptable ways to avoid this and other forms of STD expose the condition
wherein those who choose to flaunt their irresponsiblities are signally
there's one or more rotten apples in the barrel.  Time to clean out the
barrel.  Catch it, want treatment and some measure of a reasonable life,
go to A there ... forever.  Catch it, don't want treatment and a shortened
life, go to B there ... for a shortened ever.  Same thing goes for addicts
and others with treatable illnesses.  Cures not only come in pill form.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Bush is losing it/Alternet]

2003-01-24 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

The whole house of cards seems to be tumbling at a rapid rate.  Next week should see a 
release of the tensions that have been building to
their highest levels since this whole thing started.  Will it be a gentle release or 
an explosive one?  It appears that it will all depend on
Bush and his warhawks on which it will be.  So far they have not shown any inclination 
to even compromise on this, and I am seeing a heavy
increase in propaganda efforts to reverse the increasing flow of opposition to their 
plans.  More and more people, however, are beginning to
see through this, so I think that effort will fail.  Just how over the top they have 
gone remains to be seen, but at least we won't have to
wait long to find out.

This whole thing has taken on the flavor of a suspense novel!


 Bush Is Losing It / Marty Jezer, AlterNet January 23, 2003

 It's been a bad week for the Bush Administration, and it's likely to
 get worse. The American people are beginning to understand the folly
 and greed that informs its economic policy. And most of the civilized
 world has turned decisively against the Iraqi adventure. The great
 coalition that George W. Bush proposes to lead against Saddam Hussein
 is now a coalition of two, and British prime minister Tony Blair has
 lost the support of his own people, most especially members of his
 own Labor Party who warn of a political revolt if Britain goes to war
 without a new UN resolution.

 In France, 75 percent oppose Bush's policy; in Germany the number is
 76, in Italy it's 61. In Turkey, a country crucial to the
 Administration's military effort, opposition to the war, according to
 the Wall Street Journal, registers at between 80 and 90 percent.

 Even the Journal is wondering what's up. As staff reporter Gerald F.
 Seib wrote on Jan. 22, President Bush's policy toward Iraq is in
 distress, and the reason is stunningly simple: His administration
 hasn't made a very effective public case for war with Saddam

 In the United States, confidence in the Bush Administration is
 evaporating, and it's no wonder. Reality is out-running the rhetoric.
 The Administration has announced probable federal deficits of $200-
 300 billion over the next two years (which many experts conclude will
 be higher). While Bush proposes huge tax-breaks for the wealthy, the
 General Accounting Office says that social security faces tax
 increases and benefit cuts if it is to remain solvent.

 Anticipating the coming deficits, the Administration has shamelessly
 cut veteran benefits to what it describes as higher-income veterans.
 In fact, the new cut-off applies not to wealthy veterans but to
 middle-class veterans with annual incomes of $30,000 to $35,000.

 Many states are confronted with multi-billion dollar budget deficits
 and will have to raise taxes, most of which will fall on working
 people, the middle class and the poor. In an attempt to save money
 for the states, the Administration is moving to limit emergency room
 access to Medicaid patients; i.e., to senior citizens and low income
 families. Is there not a pattern emerging? Slash taxes for the rich,
 slash services for everyone else!

 Bush introduced his plan to abolish the tax on stock dividends by
 saying double taxation is wrong. But, as Daniel Altman wrote in the
 New York Times (1/21/03), Corporate dividends are not the only kind
 of income that is taxed twice. Other taxes create a double, triple or
 event quintuple burden. And unlike the double taxation of dividends,
 which mainly affects the wealthy, the burden of other forms of
 multiple taxation -- sales taxes, import taxes, payroll taxes, among
 others -- often falls most heavily on poorer Americans.

 Yes! What Bush proposes is class war.

 Utilizing a Reagan-era tax loophole that grants larger business
 deductions to pick-ups than it does to ordinary cars, the Bush
 Administration, according to the Times (1/21/03), would increase by
 50 percent or more the deductions that small-business owners can take
 on the biggest and most expensive sports utility vehicles and

 Thus, if a small business owner buys a gas-guzzling (10-11 mpg)
 Hummer HI, with a list price of $102,581, he or she can deduct
 $75,000 from the price as a capital equipment deduction. A business
 that purchases a gas-efficient (45 mpg) Toyota Prius with a $20,500
 sticker price, can't even deduct half of that cost, even with the
 $2,000 deduction the government is allowing for fuel-efficient
 vehicles included.

 In a radio address on Jan. 18, Bush declared that his tax cuts would
 give 23 million small business owners an average tax cut of $2,042 a
 year. As New York Times economist Paul Krugman noted, an average
 is a meaningless figure. If one business owner gets a tax-break of
 $20,420 and nine business owners get nothing, the average tax-break
 is $2,042, as Bush has described it. The reality, however, as Krugman

[CTRL] Coming to a House Near You

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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The girl next door

January 25 2003

Kylie is a typical resident of the Marrickville municipality - she's young, has
a psychology degree, is continuing her studies and works part-time from
home. But the work Kylie does is prohibited. She works as a prostitute
from home and hasn't applied to her local council for permission to do so.

If the council finds out what Kylie is doing, she could be shut down, taken
to court or forced to apply for permission to operate as a brothel - which
would likely be rejected as her home is in a residential area.

But there's new hope for Kylie and others like her. Marrickville Council is
considering a controversial proposal to allow sex workers to set up shop in
their own homes without the need to lodge a development application.

The proposal is backed by NSW Health and follows a similar move made by
South Sydney Council in 1996. Brothels were legalised in NSW in 1995 but a
number of councils and the State Opposition have long vowed to block
home-based brothels at any cost.

Kylie says the risk is worthwhile. Working from home means she can choose
civil hours, avoid the drunks and drug-affected clients, and keep her fees,
without a brothel owner taking a hefty slice of her earnings.

Because I don't give away 50 per cent of my wages I can see less clients. I
can say what I don't want to
do, she says.

Home-based sex work, while less visible than most aspects of the industry,
is far from insignificant. So- called private workers account for about 40
per cent of the industry; there are up to 4000 private workers in NSW
alone. And it's not just women - at least 10 per cent of workers are
believed to be men.

Industry lobbyists say it makes sense not to require development
applications from home-based sex workers because it means they are
treated in the same way as, for example, an architect or graphic designer
with a home-based small business, neither of whom is required to lodge a
DA. In South Sydney's case, it also means the council can control them
under its code of conduct for home-based businesses, which sets clear
limits on things such as noise and signage.

Lobbyists like Maria McMahon, from the Sex Workers' Outreach Project,
say this type of business has no amenity impact - in other words, the
neighbours either don't know or don't care what's going on next door.
McMahon says this is demonstrated by the fact that no complaints have
been logged by Marrickville Council about home-based sex workers.

Clearly, there is no amenity impact, so they shouldn't be a planning
issue, McMahon says.

She argues requiring home-based sex workers to apply for a development
application raises multiple issues.

Part of the appeal to clients is their discreet nature, McMahon says.
Clients would be selecting these businesses because there's a low risk of
people knowing they are entering the premises to go to see a sex worker.

Having to lodge a DA means that discretion is lost - and often results in
workers being harassed by members of the community, with a subsequent
loss of business.

As Kylie says: We have self-regulated for so long ... it has been going on
and no-one knows, so what's the problem?

But community opposition to home-based sex workers is rife, with the
Opposition planning spokesman, Andrew Humpherson, saying this week the
move meant the Government was sanctioning brothels in residential areas.

Areas close to family homes, schools, churches, or where children and
citizens congregate must be excluded from brothel zonings, Humpherson

A Coalition government will not allow this open slather approach to
brothels and will give powers back to communities.

Morris Hanna, a vocal independent Marrickville councillor, has been
conducting a letter-box pamphlet campaign against the proposed changes.

His pamphleting warns residents the change would allow such a business
to operate in the house or flat next to you and you would not be allowed
to object.

However, a Marrickville Greens councillor, Sam Byrne, argues that while
council should be informed of any small business which is established in a
home, a DA is unnecessary.

They are already there in residential areas and the measure is to try and
increase the regulation for their benefits and the community's benefit.

It can't be a satellite brothel where one guy owns a lot of flats - it's for
sole traders only.

Driving South Sydney's policy - which Marrickville's proposal mirrors almost
exactly - is an attempt to draw under council control what has in the past
been a completely unregulated part of the sex industry. From a health
perspective, the risk of identification discourages sex workers from being
in touch with state- and community-run health and safety education

More importantly, legitimising the businesses removes the ever-present
threat of extortion from clients, police or competing brothel owners, says
Andrew Miles, South Sydney Council's 

[CTRL] CNA calls smallpox program 'political'

2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Posted on Fri, Jan. 24, 2003

CNA calls smallpox program 'political'
Nursing union official says Bush's plan carries more risks than benefits
By Matt Krupnick

The state's largest nursing organization on Thursday urged hospitals and nurses not to participate in a proposed smallpox vaccination program.

The 50,000-member California Nursing Association said President Bush's plan to inoculate up to 10.5 million health-care workers and emergency responders carries more risks than benefits, and the proposal is meant more to advance a war with Iraq than save lives.

"We feel this smallpox program has been made for political reasons, not public health reasons," said Lisabeth Jacobs, an association spokeswoman. "What it's doing is inflaming public fears."

The nurses' opposition adds to a wave of wariness about the smallpox plan. Some of the nation's largest unions have opposed the program, and most California hospitals have yet to order the vaccine.

Federal health officials could not be reached for comment. About 500,000 military personnel are also being vaccinated.

The vaccine consists of a live virus and is known for its serious side effects. Past experience indicates between 14 and 52 of every 1 million people immunized will suffer life-threatening complications, such as blindness and swelling of the brain.

Among the reasons for the California Nurses Association's opposition were the dangers of transmitting the disease from vaccinated nurses to patients and a lack of compensation plans for nurses harmed by the inoculations.

The Homeland Security Act requires people injured by the vaccine to sue the federal government and prove negligence to be compensated.

The association also said the smallpox plan uses funding that should be used for other health care programs.

If the plan is implemented in Contra Costa County, hospital workers won't be forced to be vaccinated, said Francie Wise, director of communicable disease control for the county.

"There is no credible threat of disease," Wise said. "It's very important to us that with this low, low risk of disease people are not exposed unnecessarily to the disease."

In Los Angeles County, hospitals received the vaccine Wednesday and plan to offer the inoculations to employees next week. Hospitals in other parts of the state have not received their doses yet.

At Children's Hospital Oakland, spokeswoman Vanya Rainova said Thursday administrators have not decided whether they will vaccinate nurses.

"We were just concerned with liability issues," Rainova said. "If we do decide to go forward with it, vaccination would be absolutely voluntary."

Jacobs said the nursing association's worries are compounded by federal predictions that nearly a third of nurses inoculated will miss at least a day of work.

The association opposes a war with Iraq and believes resources would be better used elsewhere, she said.

"Tuberculosis is more of a threat right now," Jacobs said. "There are things out there that this current health infrastructure cannot handle."

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2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A Review of A New Book Forecasting The Possible Rise Of A National Security State
 Friday, Jan. 24, 2003

C. William Michaels, No Greater Threat: America After September 11 And The Rise Of A National Security State (Algora Publishing 2002)

The diabolical attacks of September 11, 2001, which claimed nearly 3,000 lives, were more than just an effort to kill and terrorize. They were aimed at destroying the fundamental framework of American society and culture, which are viewed as anathema by the terrorists. 

Now, more than a year since that fateful day, many still ponder what exactly the future holds, particularly as the war against terrorism still continues to rage. In the wake of post-September 11 legislative changes that have transpired here at home, some question whether the greater threat to the American way is foreign or domestic. That raises two crucial questions: Is the United States poised to become a "National Security State" and, if so, on what level?

A new book explores both of these questions. No Greater Threat: America After September 11 and The Rise Of A National Security State is authored by C. William Michaels, a former University of Baltimore law professor and a one-time "justice and peace" coordinator with the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore. 

A Thorough Analysis Of The Seminal USA PATRIOT Act

Michaels meticulously analyzes literally every single provision of the USA PATRIOT Act. (USA PATRIOT stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.") The Act is comprised of ten separate Titles broken down into more than 150 sections. It totals almost two hundred pages in length, and was passed by Congress at lightning speed amidst little debate. Virtually no oversight or other procedural safeguards normally associated with the legislative process occurred. On October 26, 2001, while the ashes of the World Trade Towers still smoldered, it became the law of this land.

Michaels asserts that the Act represents a radical overhaul of then-existing law, increasing federal authority in a wide range of areas. Indeed, he describes it as representing "nothing less than a fundamental shift of national attention, funds and priorities." As he explains, the Act affects the way criminal cases are prosecuted, the way oversight of banking is be conducted, the way surveillance and intelligence-gathering are done, the way agencies share information among themselves, and the circumstances under which immigrants can be detained.

While the timing of the Act's passage suggests to the general public that it was in response to September 11, Michaels accurately recognizes "the Act is a 'wish list' of powers long sought by federal law enforcement and investigative agencies, chiefly the FBI and CIA" Indeed, many of its provisions languished for years on the shelves of various intelligence and law enforcement agencies just waiting for the opportune moment in time to surface as a necessary response to whatever event might have occurred. 

A Barometer for Judging the Degree to Which the U.S. Is a National Security State

Will implementation of the Act serve to rid the United States of the scourge of terrorism or, instead, act as a prelude to a National Security State? 

In Michaels's view, a "National Security State" is a nation which "believes it is under constant siege by malevolent forces both within and without", "is beset by internal strife and even armed conflict aimed at the ruling government" and "usually believes it is on a special mission to avenge its national pride abroad or to maintain social order within." 

Michaels offers 12 different characteristics that he believes are common to a National Security State. They include a reduced role of the judiciary and executive treatment of suspects, secrecy of ruling authority and continued momentum of threat, media in the service of the state and direct attack against dissent. Michaels rates each of the characteristics on a scale from 0 percent to 100 percent and concludes that eight of the 12 are at over 50 percent in today's America. Two are assessed at 100 percent: a "visible increase in uniformed security personnel" and a "wartime mentality and permanent war economy," both of which seem grossly exaggerated.

Many also might find it a stretch to herald, as Michaels does, that "[a]s the year 2002 continues to year 2003 and beyond, America is poised precariously close to fulfilling nearly all of" the characteristics of a national security state. Nevertheless anyone reasonably concerned about civil liberties and democracy has cause to consider seriously the words Michaels has written. 

Though the PATRIOT Act is one of the most important legislative acts of the new millennium, attention to Michaels's sobering book has so far been limited to 

[CTRL] Fraud Fit For A King: Israel, Zionism, And The Misuse Of MLK

2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Fraud Fit For A King: Israel, Zionism, And The Misuse Of MLK
Posted on Friday, January 24 @ 09:35:45 EST by JohnBrown
Submitted by sv3n   

 by Tim Wise, Znet [US]
January 20, 2003

Rarely am I considered insufficiently cynical. As someone who does anti-racism work for a living, and thus hears all manner of excuse-making by those who wish desperately to avoid being considered racist, not much surprises me. I expect people to lie about race; to tell me how many black friends they have; to swear they haven’t a racist bone in their bodies. And every January, with the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday just around the corner, I have come to expect someone to misuse the good doctor’s words so as to push an agenda he would not likely have supported. As such, I long ago resigned myself to the annual gaggle of fools who deign to use King’s “content of their character” line from the 1963 March on Washington so as to attack affirmative action, ostensibly because King preferred simple “color-blindness.” That King actually supported the efforts that we now call affirmative action--and even billions in reparations for slavery and segregation--as I’ve documented in a previous column, matters not to these folks. They’ve never read King’s work, and they’ve only paid attention to one news clip from one speech, so what more can we expect from such precious simpletons as these? And yet, even with my cynic’s credentials established, the one thing I never expected anyone to do would be to just make up a quote from King; a quote that he simply never said, and claim that it came from a letter that he never wrote, and was published in a collection of his essays that never existed. Frankly, this level of deception is something special. The hoax of which I speak is one currently making the rounds on the Internet, which claims to prove King’s steadfast support for Zionism. Indeed, it does more than that.

In the item, entitled “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend,” King proclaims that criticism of Zionism is tantamount to anti-Semitism, and likens those who criticize Jewish nationalism as manifested in Israel, to those who would seek to trample the rights of blacks. Heady stuff indeed, and 100% bullshit, as any amateur fact checker could ascertain were they so inclined. But of course, the kinds of folks who push an ideology that required the expulsion of three-quarters-of-a-million Palestinians from their lands, and then lied about it, claiming there had been no such persons to begin with (as with Golda Meir’s infamous quip), can’t be expected to place a very high premium on truth. I learned this the hard way recently, when the Des Moines Jewish Federation succeeded in getting me yanked from the city’s MLK day events: two speeches I had been scheduled to give on behalf of the National Conference of Community and Justice (NCCJ).

Because of my criticisms of Israel--and because I as a Jew am on record opposing Zionism philosophically--the Des Moines shtetl decided I was unfit to speak at an MLK event. After sending the supposed King quote around, and threatening to pull out all monies from the Jewish community for future NCCJ events, I was dropped. The attack of course was based on a distortion of my own beliefs as well. Federation principal Mark Finkelstein claimed I had shown a disregard for the well-being of Jews, despite the fact that my argument has long been that Zionism in practice has made world Jewry less safe than ever. But it was his duplicity on King’s views that was most disturbing. Though Finkelstein only recited one line from King’s supposed “letter” on Zionism, he lifted it from the larger letter, which appears to have originated with Rabbi Marc Schneier, who quotes from it in his 1999 book, “Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jewish Community.” Therein, one finds such over-the-top rhetoric as this:

“I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.” The letter also was filled with grammatical errors that any halfway literate reader of King’s work should have known disqualified him from being its author, to wit: “Anti-Zionist is inherently anti Semitic, and ever will be so.” The treatise, it is claimed, was published on page 76 of the August, 1967 edition of Saturday Review, and supposedly can also be read in the collection of King’s work entitled, This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That the claimants never mention the publisher of this collection should have been a clear tip-off that it might not be genuine, and indeed it isn’t. The book doesn’t exist. As for Saturday Review, there were four issues in August of 1967. Two of the four editions contained a page 76. One of the pages 76 contains classified 

[CTRL] Caught Lying... Again... and again...

2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Caught Lying... Again... and again...

Witnesses watched as more than 60 Palestinian shops were bulldozed to the ground this week in one West Bank village.  The owners and patrons, surrounded by tanks and soldiers, could only stand helplessly as American made Caterpillar bulldozers leveled the much needed shopping area.  But not one American in ten saw or heard about this in the US press.  

An educated American pro-life activist was surprised to disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses run about one-fourth the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis.  He thought the statistics were reversed, having never heard or seen a count in the US press.  He is another brain scrubbed American.  

Misinformation by the US press is not excusable in the Internet age.  So Israel has provided an Orwellian propaganda filter called the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) that makes it all possible.  It provides the convenient excuse the US press needs to look the other way and print abridged stories, keeping most of us ignorant.  

The propaganda arm of the Israeli military has once again been caught purposefully lying about the death count among its forces.  We believe their purpose in doing this is to condition Americans into accepting Israel's use of American-made weapons of mass destruction against the vulnerable civilian population in Gaza and the West Bank.  Israel's willing facilitator is the US Media, which spreads their distorted stories in the USA.  This same pattern of misrepresentation is repeated again and again, proving how important and routine propaganda is to Israel.  

On December 5th, the IMFA released an account of two suspected sacrifice bombers (wrongly called suicide bombers*) who allegedly killed 22 persons and wounded more than 100.  But the press release failed to mention that there were also Israeli military casualties in the raid.  Furthermore, their account omitted the fact that a female army sergeant was among the killed.  

The omission is significant.  It fits perfectly into the predictable pattern of how the IMFA deceives Americans almost daily. This practice repeatedly uses almost every report of Israeli deaths to distort the facts of their conflict with the Palestinians.  We will now teach you how to read between the lies and know when the story is distorted. 


On November 19, 2002, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA) re-manufactured a similar story about a Palestinian sacrifice raid on a military target. Twelve Israeli soldiers and paramilitary fighting men were killed and  there was no collateral damage (civilians dead).  The propagandists changed the "facts" to call the raid a "Massacre of innocent (Israeli) civilians," as the story was carried in the US press.   It is a total and complete bald-faced lie which We Hold These Truths alone corrected it in our article: U. S. Media, Caught Lying... Again  http://www.whtt.org/articles/021224.htm 

This writer put the facts together from the Israeli military's own documents one month after the event was misreported.  Do you, dear reader, know how to recognize such lies for yourself so you don't have to wait for us to unravel it for you?  

To do this one must first understand the quaint language of the IMFA.  We call these lies "z-facts" (short for Zionist facts) meaning lies that are couched in official, narrative sounding language but are indeed untrue.  Here is how the Hebron report was distorted by z-facts, which the Media reported as rear facts. The first release from the IMFA read: 



"PALESTINIAN GUNMEN" had opened fire on 

Z-facts differ from bald-faced lies because they do not state outright all the killed or wounded are civilians, but it is clearly implied.  (In those rare cases where everyone killed are indeed civilian, the IMFA says so and saves its lies for a later day.)  The truth is told only if it suits the teller.  By calling an attack on an armed military unit a "terror attack" on  "Jewish worshipers" and "claiming 12 lives," the z-facts leave the a clear impression that those killed were civilians.  

Any honest account would have called it "an attack on Israeli military unit by Palestinian guerillas" etc.  In our previous article we explained the procedure as follows: "The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a propaganda arm of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).  --They are the first to know who is killed. But they cause the story to be circulated that all killed were civilians because it serves their purpose.  Then, once the misinformation has reached the American public, the corrected story is allowed to surface in Israel, though the false images are never corrected in the eyes of the American public."  (please forgive us for quoting ourselves, but we are the best source) 

In January 5th 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Asthma Drug Health Risks Are Suspected, Company Says

2003-01-24 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My husband was given Serevent in 1999, after he visited the local urgent care center 
complaining of shortness of breath. I thought it unusual because the first-line 
treatment for asthma is albuterol, with Serevent only given to boost the albuterol. 
Albuterol is a fast-acting bronchodilator, Serevent is a slow-acting b-d, supposed to 
last 8 hours. At one time, I took both (along with oral and inhaled steroids), then I 
found out what was triggering the asthma (yellow #5 food coloring)  eliminated it 
from my diet  now I don't take anything. At the time my husband was given the 
Serevent, I spoke up, and my husband asked me Who's the doctor here? so I shut up. 3 
weeks later, he took the Serevent for another bout of shortness of breath, and within 
2 hours, had a heart attack. Hooray for Big Pharma!


Asthma Drug Health Risks Are Suspected, Company Says

January 24, 2003

GlaxoSmithKline said yesterday that Serevent, one of its
popular asthma drugs, might pose a risk of death and
serious asthma-related illness in some patients.

The company said it was halting the study it had been
conducting since 1996 to evaluate Serevent's safety because
the study was unlikely to be conclusive. GlaxoSmithKline
said it would work with regulators to design further
studies to address concerns about Serevent's safety.

While the results of the study were not statistically
significant, they suggested that people who use Serevent,
particularly African-Americans, might be at greater risk
for life-threatening attacks or deaths associated with
their asthma. People who use Serevent without also taking
inhaled steroids to control their asthma may also be at
increased risk.

The Food and Drug Administration, which issued a statement
yesterday about the study, emphasized that the benefits of
Serevent for people with asthma continued to outweigh the
risks based on current information. The agency said it
would meet with GlaxoSmithKline to discuss the findings and
was interested in further evaluating whether certain
patients might be at greater risk for what it described as
rare but potentially serious adverse effects from their use
of the drug.

Patients who require significant treatment should not be
afraid of using Serevent, said Dr. Lanny Rosenwasser, a
professor at the National Jewish Medical and Research
Center and the incoming president of the American Academy
of Allergy Asthma and Immunology.

Previous studies had indicated that Serevent and similar
drugs were not successful in controlling asthma alone, he

You need another controller medicine, Dr. Rosenwasser

GlaxoSmithKline makes another asthma drug, Advair, which
has the active drug in Serevent. But Advair combines
Serevent with a type of inhaled steroid that is recommended
by doctors to control the inflammation associated with

While Serevent received regulatory approval in 1994, the
food and drug agency said it had received some reports of
asthma-related deaths associated with the drug, which
prompted the study. Studies had also raised concerns about
a class of drug known as beta agonists, which includes
Serevent. About 26,000 patients participated in the study,
which had been intended to enroll 60,000.

Although the preliminary analysis of the study suggested
additional risks, they were not statistically significant
because of the small number of deaths and other serious
effects, said Dr. Kate Knobil, a research physician at
GlaxoSmithKline. The company would soon make public the
number of these cases, she said, but was still compiling
the information.

The increased risk appears to be driven by the lack of
inhaled steroid use, Dr. Knobil said.

Despite medical recommendations that patients use inhaled
steroids or some other medication, many patients in the
study were not being treated with additional medicine. Less
than half, or 47 percent, of the patients used inhaled
steroids. Whether or not a patient was using an inhaled
steroid was determined by that patient's doctor, not the

African-American patients were less likely to be using
inhaled steroids and were more likely to have a more severe
case of the disease, which could partly explain why they
were at greater risk for death or other serious problems.
But genetics might also play a role, Dr. Rosenwasser said.

In addition to asking for further studies, the drug agency
might require GlaxoSmithKline to change how it labels the
drug or otherwise alert doctors to its risks.

Analysts played down the significance of the study while
acknowledging that it gives GlaxoSmithKline's competitors
some advantage in promoting their own drugs to treat

It's a little marketing nudge here and there, said Todd
Lebor, an analyst with Morningstar Inc. in Chicago.

While the asthma franchise, which includes Advair, is
important, Mr. Lebor said, it is a small part of


2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friend - It is *imperative* that you read the following article from the
http://www.whitehouse.org/news/2003/012203.asp.  Don't delay.  Your
patriotism is at stake!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vote First, Question Later

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Feinstein Calls Military Action 'Disturbing'

Senator urges White House to give inspectors more time to search for arms
in Iraq. She had backed authorization for Bush to use force.

By Michael Finnegan
Times Staff Writer

January 23 2003

Three months after voting to authorize military force against Iraq, Sen.
Dianne Feinstein said Wednesday that the mobilization of U.S. troops to
the Persian Gulf was deeply disturbing in the absence of proof that
Saddam Hussein holds weapons of mass destruction.

Echoing concerns voiced by France and other U.S. allies, the California
Democrat urged the Bush administration to give United Nations weapons
inspectors more time to search for arms in Iraq.

There may be times, when all else fails, that unilateral American military
action will be necessary, and Iraq may well turn out to be a case in
point, Feinstein said in a speech at a Los Angeles World Affairs Council
luncheon. However, in my view, this has not yet been sufficiently

Feinstein was one of 29 Senate Democrats who voted in October for the
resolution authorizing President Bush to launch a military strike against
Iraq. Since then, however, she has questioned whether the Republican
president has made an adequate case for war.

Feinstein's remarks at the downtown luncheon come as Democratic
lawmakers -- and contenders for the party's nomination to challenge Bush's
2004 bid for reelection -- are stepping up their criticism of the president's
foreign policy.

Feinstein said U.N. mandates on Iraqi disarmament cannot be disregarded,
because if they can be, then the rule of law fails.

But, she continued, the massive increases of United States troops in the
Persian Gulf appears to be an indication that regardless of the findings of
the United Nations inspectors, the president may well intend to use
military force to bring about regime change in Iraq. I find this deeply

As the U.N. arms inspectors pursue their search, she said, Iraq is
effectively contained and prevented from developing weapons of mass
destruction. It is not an imminent threat either to its neighbors or to the
United States. And there is no need for precipitous military action under
these circumstances.

She suggested that 1,000 to 2,000 arms inspectors might stay in Iraq for the
next decade to help prevent a war. She added: I deeply believe that a
preemptive unilateral attack against a Muslim nation may well create a
divide between the United States and the Muslim world so deep and so
wide that it will bring with it negative consequences for decades.

Feinstein went on to praise the Bush administration for its pursuit of a
diplomatic solution to the nuclear weapons problem in North Korea.

But she said Bush had helped fuel North Korea's paranoia and
belligerence by including it with Iran and Iraq in the axis of evil that he
condemned last year in his State of the Union address.

White House spokesman Ken Lisaius said Bush had made no decision on the
use of force against Iraq.

The president has made it abundantly clear that it's important that
Saddam Hussein disarm, and that if Saddam Hussein does not disarm on his
own, then the president will lead a coalition to disarm him with the
support of a large majority of this country, he said.

He referred questions on North Korea to National Security Council
spokesman Sean McCormack.

McCormack declined to respond directly to Feinstein's comments.

But McCormack said, The president has been very clear in his desire to
have a peaceful solution to this issue and made very clear that the United
States has no intention of invading North Korea.
If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at
latimes.com/archives. For information about reprinting this article, go to

Copyright 2003 Los Angeles Times
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Privatized

2003-01-24 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Privatized Army in Harm's Way
An attack on civilians in Kuwait illustrates the dangers faced by those hired
by the Pentagon. Critics question the costs of contracting out.

By Mark Fineman
Times Staff Writer

January 24 2003

UDAIRI RANGE, Kuwait -- They work quietly and unseen six miles from Iraq,
maintaining a vast desert battlefield for thousands of U.S. combat troops,
coaching the Army's forces through training exercises within chemical-
weapons range of Iraq's southern bases.

They live in bomb-hardened warehouses in a remote Qatari desert camp
within Scud-missile range of Baghdad, fine-tuning some of the world's most
sophisticated satellite and computer systems in America's most forward
command-and-control center, as they process the most sensitive U.S.
intelligence data.

And on the tip of the Horn of Africa, they manage a Special Operations
base, overseeing everything from the mess hall, laundry service and
construction crews to the latrines for America's most secretive soldiers —
Navy SEALs and other Special Forces troops who are hunting in a risky
region brimming with Al Qaeda terrorist operatives.

The war on terrorism and a looming invasion of Iraq have raised the profile
of America's growing private army, giving it unprecedented prominence and

Thousands of unarmed American engineers, technicians, electricians,
weapons specialists and retired military officers working for U.S.
corporations under Defense Department contracts are deployed closer to
present and imminent war zones than ever before. And as Tuesday's
ambush slaying of a San Diego software engineer in Kuwait starkly showed,
they are in harm's way as never before.

The attack was a reminder of the potential deadliness of their work for
many of those contractors, for the specialized corporations that employ
them, and for the Pentagon, which relies heavily on them for logistics,
training and equipment. It was the third attack on U.S. personnel in Kuwait
since October, but the first on American civilians, and it has refocused
such unresolved issues as who is responsible for the contractors' safety in
what has become a global war zone.

But this week's attack by suspected terrorists also fed into a broader
debate about whether the Pentagon has gone too far and too fast in
privatizing the U.S. military in the past decade, which has seen the size of
the U.S. armed forces reduced by one-third and the number of
contractors grow exponentially.

Behind the transformation is an industry that is generating $100 billion to
$200 billion a year for fewer than 1,000 companies, according to Peter W.
Singer, a Brookings Institution fellow whose book, Corporate Warriors, is
due out this spring. So rapidly has the corporate military sector grown,
Singer concludes, that there will be one contractor for every 10 soldiers
in a new war against Iraq. By contrast, by most estimates there were as
few as one for every 50 troops during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Deborah Avant, an associate professor at George Washington University
whose study of the industry, The Market of Force, also will be published
soon, said America no longer can fight a war without contractors —
especially the specialized post-Sept. 11 missions its armed forces are
conducting overseas.

We don't have the people, she said. We don't have a draft. We've
downsized the forces by one-third, and the number of missions in which
they are involved has increased.

A senior official of Virginia-based MPRI Inc., which has been mentoring and
maintaining the U.S. Army exercises in northern Kuwait for the past three
years, framed the phenomenon in basic terms.

No KP for Soldiers

In the new, downsized Army, soldiers, for example, don't do KP anymore,
he said. We don't need to spend all that money and effort training a fine
combat soldier and have him peeling potatoes.

The Pentagon and private sector have moved so quickly to fill that void,
though, that Avant, Singer and others say the contracts may have eclipsed
the Defense Department's ability to supervise, audit and police the civilian
firms. And because most contracts are classified, legislative or public
oversight is more difficult than if the military performed those tasks.

You also don't have a uniform policy for protecting military contractors
partly because there's no transparency in their contracts, said David
Isenberg, senior analyst for the British American Security Information
Council, a think tank.

But one basic premise of the shift toward private contractors — that it is
cheaper — has yet to be documented, as the Pentagon acknowledges. And
if the military starts committing its own forces to protect contractors, it
could defeat the goal of freeing up the troops for combat.

Industry sources and several military officers in the field insisted that
defense officials do keep a tight rein on the contractors, closely auditing
their financial accounts 

[CTRL] Link - Bush Flash

2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lieberman Shills for Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell

2003-01-24 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


The image is jarring: Sen. Joseph Lieberman, presidential candidate,
appears on an infomercial asking Evangelical Christians to donate money
to rescue a Jew.

'On Wings of Eagles' is a modern-day fulfillment of Biblical prophesy,
voiceover in the infomercial says, over images of huddled Russian Jews at
the airport, smiling as they presumably wait to leave Russia for Israel.
half-hour appeal aired on the afternoon of Jan. 2 on Paxson Broadcasting
stations across the nation, according to the International Fellowship of
Christians and Jews, the Chicago-based nonprofit that paid for the spot.
Alongside Lieberman, testimonials come from stars of the Christian Right,
including convicted Watergate felon Charles Colson, Christian Coalition
founder Pat Robertson, and Moral Majority head Jerry Falwell.

Critics of the Christian Right say the IFCJ's appeal to prophesy in their
infomercial is a thinly veiled reference to Armageddon, the Second Coming
Christ and the moment when nonbelievers -- Jews included -- will be cast
into the lake of fire. Jewish critics of the IFCJ say the group demeans the
dignity of Jews. Yet from 1994 to 1999, Lieberman, who on Monday announced
his bid for the presidency, served as co-chair of one of IFCJ's projects,
the Washington-based Center for Jewish and Christian Values.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Role Reversal: Bush Wants War, Pentagon Urges Caution

2003-01-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

*Editors Note | The implications of the thought process delineated below should give
everyone pause. When Rumsfeld tells his generals to get in line for war or find another
job, that is serious. When Bush lets it be known within his administration that
disagreement with his policies is tantamount to treason, that is serious. Mr. Bush
appears to be ensconced in an echo chamber that allows only voices of approval and 
support to be heard. France, Germany, Russia and China will get on board, the echoes 
The generals are behind us, the echoes say. Treason is an appropriate charge to level
against dissenters, the echoes say. This would not be the first time in history that a
leader is led to war by a cavalcade of yes-men. If this situation goes awry, however, 
may be the last time. - wrp)

Role Reversal: Bush Wants War, Pentagon Urges Caution
From Capitol Hill Blue | CHB Investigates. . .
By Doug Thompson

Wednesday 22 January 2003

Senior Pentagon officials are quietly urging President George W. Bush to slow down his
headlong rush to war with Iraq, complaining the administration's course of action
represents too much of a shift of America's longstanding no first strike'' policy and
that the move could well result in conflicts with other Arab nations.

We have a dangerous role reversal here,'' one Pentagon source tells Capitol Hill Blue.
The civilians are urging war and the uniformed officers are urging caution.''

Capitol Hill Blue has learned the Joint Chiefs of Staff are split over plans to invade
Iraq in the coming weeks. They have asked Secretary of Defense Donald Rumseld to urge
Bush to back down from his hard line stance until United Nations weapons inspectors can
finish their jobs and the U.S. can build a stronger coalition in the Middle East.

This is not Desert Storm,'' one of the Joint Chiefs is reported to have told Rumseld.
We don't have the backing of other Middle Eastern nations. We don't have the backing 
any of our allies except Britain and we're advocating a policy that says we will invade
another nation that is not currently attacking us or invading any of our allies.''

Intelligenced sources say some Arab nations have told US diplomats they may side with
Iraq if the U.S. attacks without the backing of the United Nations. Secretary of State
Colin Powell agrees with his former colleagues at the Pentagon and has told the 
he may be pursuing a dangerous course.

An angry Rumsfeld, who backs Bush without question, is said to have told the Joint 
to get in line or find other jobs. Bush is also said to be extremely angry'' at what 
perceives as growing Pentagon opposition to his role as Commander in Chief.

The President considers this nation to be at war,'' a White House source says,'' and, 
such, considers any opposition to his policies to be no less than an act of treason.''

But conversations with sources within the Bush administration, the Pentagon, the FBI 
the intelligence community indicate a deepening rift between the professionals who wage
war for a living and the administration civilians to want to send them into battle.

Sources say the White House has ordered the FBI and CIA to find and document'' links
between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9-11 terrorist 

The implication is clear,'' grumbles one longtime FBI agent. Find a link, any link, 
matter how vague or unproven, and then use that link to justify action against Iraq.''

While Hussein and Iraq have been linked to various terrorist groups in the past, U.S.
intelligence agencies have not been able to establish a provable link with bin Laden's 
Qaeda forces.

There may be one,'' says another FBI source. There should be one. All logic says 
has to be one, but we haven't established it as a fact. Not yet.''

Pentagon planners privately refer to the pending Iraq conflict as a Bush league war,''
something that may be fought more for political gain than anything else.

During Desert Storm, the line officers wanted to finish the job, wanted to march into
Iraq and take out Hussein and his government, but President Bush and JOC Chairman 
Powell pulled the plug on the operation,'' says one Pentagon officer. We had our 
We had the justification. We had the support. We don't have it now.''

Some Pentagon staffers point to last weekend's antiwar rally in Washington, where they
say the  crowd included many veterans of Desert Storm.

This wasn't just a bunch of tree huggers and longhairs marching,'' says Arnold Giftos 
Huntington, West Virginia, who served in Desert Storm and who came to march. Go to any
meeting of veterans groups in this country and you will see serious discussion on 
or not we should be getting into this war.''

Reporters covering the marches on Saturday and Sunday say they counted about 500 
among the 30,000 who carried signs or other items identifying themselves as veterans.



2003-01-24 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Michael C. Ruppert

January 24, 2003, 1930 PST (FTW) - Serious international developments are indicating that the first stages of the U.S. invasion of Iraq will begin unilaterally no later than next Wednesday and most likely as the President delivers his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday night. 

The Associated Press reported today, in a story little noticed by mainstream American press, that the Japanese government had today urged all Japanese citizens to leave Iraq as soon as possible. Japan has large numbers of its nationals working in Iraq in various trade and oil-related business ventures. According to a second report today on CNN Headline News the Japanese advisory was specific that all Japanese citizens should be out of the country by next Wednesday at the latest.

The Japanese alert was followed by a simultaneous advisory from the U.S. State Department issuing a worldwide alert to all Americans traveling overseas. According to another AP story, State Department officials tried to downplay the significance of the warning, "but officials were unable to say when the last such advisory had been issued." A worldwide alert for U.S. citizens is extremely rare and suggests that the administration is concerned about a global backlash against Americans traveling overseas. Cautionary advisories are normally isolated to specific countries or geographic regions.

The invasion of Iraq will most likely commence with a massive aerial campaign in which the U.N. and many military analysts have predicted widespread collateral damage with heavy civilian casualties. One recent UN estimate suggested that the total Iraqi casualty count for the entire operation could exceed 500,000.

This decision should not be taken as a surprise. In recent weeks support for the obvious U.S. intentions, both worldwide and at home, has been declining rapidly. At the time this story was written a contemporaneous CNN poll showed that 62% of those responding believed that the United States should not attack Iraq without UN approval. Politically, the Bush administration has seen that this situation is not going to improve. Every delay in an attack to which the administration has already committed not only risks greater military, political and economic opposition but also increases the risk that U.S. ground forces will be engaged in desert fighting in hot summer weather. Recent moves by both the French and Russian governments to approve new trade and development agreements with the Hussein government might also weaken U.S. economic control in a post-Saddam regime.

With crude oil prices at two-year highs and with U.S. oil reserves at 27-year lows the signs of a crumbling U.S. economy made themselves felt again today with a more than 200 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial average. The Bush administration has apparently decided to roll the dice now in a go-for-broke imperial conquest that has as its primary objective the immediate control of 11 per cent of the world's oil reserves.

In many previous stories FTW has documented how the Iraqi invasion is but the first in a series of sequential worldwide military campaigns to which the United States has committed. All of these are based upon globally dwindling oil supplies and the pending economic and human consequences of that reality. On January 21st, CNN Headline News acknowledged, for the first time, the reality of Peak Oil and accurately stated that "all the cheap oil there is has been found." The story also acknowledged that there was only enough oil left to sustain the planet for thirty to forty years and that what oil remained was going to become increasingly more expensive to produce and deliver.

It is likely that the resiliency of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in his effort to resist U.S.-inspired strikes by wealthy Venezuelan industrialists, has had an impact on this decision by the Bush administration. Venezuela, which is the third largest foreign importer of oil to the U.S., has seen its U.S. deliveries cut to a fraction of normal levels in recent weeks. Within the last week oil analysts have been predicting shortages and price spikes similar to those of 1973-4 if U.S. oil stocks were not replenished quickly. The administration's apparent decision to launch the attacks against Iraq appears to be at least a partial acknowledgement that Chavez is successfully resisting U.S. pressure to oust him.

Chavez angered multinational investors and financiers recently by moving to increase the share of oil profits retained in Venezuela for the benefit of its people.

Today's announcements signal that the world is entering a period of danger not seen for forty years. That the announcements from the Japanese government and the State Department came on the same day that the Department of Homeland 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Iraq Faces Massive US Missile Barrage]

2003-01-24 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

If I'm not mistaken, this plan also breaks all international laws regarding the 
targeting of civilian infrastructures.  Of course, that
shouldn't matter to this administration since they have refused to participate in the 
International Criminal Court for this very reason.  This
is truly horrifying.  Let's just hope we can get this war stopped before this 
apocalyptic nightmare is visited upon the innocents...

 God help us. A Shock and Awe battle plan. Monstrous. Little boys
 playing with toys too big for them. Destruction beyond imagining.



 WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2003 Iraq Faces Massive U.S. Missile Barrage

 CBS) If the Pentagon sticks to its current war plan, one day in March
 the Air Force and Navy will launch between 300 and 400 cruise
 missiles at targets in Iraq. As CBS News Correspondent David Martin
 reports, this is more than number that were launched during the
 entire 40 days of the first Gulf War.

 On the second day, the plan calls for launching another 300 to 400
 cruise missiles.

 There will not be a safe place in Baghdad, said one Pentagon
 official who has been briefed on the plan.

 The sheer size of this has never been seen before, never been
 contemplated before, the official said.

 The battle plan is based on a concept developed at the National
 Defense University. It's called Shock and Awe and it focuses on the
 psychological destruction of the enemy's will to fight rather than
 the physical destruction of his military forces.

 We want them to quit. We want them not to fight, says Harlan
 Ullman, one of the authors of the Shock and Awe concept which relies
 on large numbers of precision guided weapons.

 So that you have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear
 weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in minutes, says

 In the first Gulf War, 10 percent of the weapons were precision
 guided. In this war 80 percent will be precision guided.

 The Air Force has stockpiled 6,000 of these guidance kits in the
 Persian Gulf to convert ordinary dumb bombs into satellite-guided
 bombs, a weapon that didn't exist in the first war.

 You're sitting in Baghdad and all of a sudden you're the general and
 30 of your division headquarters have been wiped out. You also take
 the city down. By that I mean you get rid of their power, water. In
 2,3,4,5 days they are physically, emotionally and psychologically
 exhausted, Ullman tells Martin.

 Last time, an armored armada swept into Kuwait and destroyed Saddam's
 elite republican guard divisions in the largest tank battle since the
 World War II. This time, the target is not the Iraqi army but the
 Iraqi leadership, and the battle plan is designed to bypass Iraqi
 divisions whenever possible.

 If Shock and Awe works, there won't be a ground war.

 Not everybody in the Bush Administration thinks Shock and Awe will
 work. One senior official called it a bunch of bull, but confirmed it
 is the concept on which the war plan is based.

 Last year, in Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, the U.S. was badly
 surprised by the willingness of al Qaeda to fight to the death. If
 the Iraqis fight, the U.S. would have to throw in reinforcements and
 win the old fashioned way by crushing the republican guards, and that
 would mean more casualties on both sides.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ocean and Climate Change Institute Mission

2003-01-24 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Robert Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 24 Jan 2003 22:57:57 -0500
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Ocean and Climate Change Institute Mission
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Why Iraq why now?
The above link is about the desalinization of the north Atlantic and
it's related impact.
Finland is 7 degree colder this year and very dry, Indicating to me that
the warm waters of the Gulf Stream have moved south, Scotland is
flooding , meaning that edge between the warm wet air above the gulf
Stream and the naturally cold arctic air has also moved south .
the rate of increased fresh water in the north atlantic is moving
hundreds on miles south each year. In a few years Scotland will be cold
year round and the Gulf stream will not warm England.
Oil - warmth - will worth killing for. This is not if it is when, no
more than 4 or 5 years out.

--- End of forwarded message - -- --
But for added amusement, George W. Bush and his friends used to
tuck firecrackers into the mouths of frogs, throw them in the air, and
watch them explode. [Linda McQuaig, Don't let Bush light Iraq fire
(12-15-2002) - The Toronto Star - a story told by a childhood friend
described in a New York Times profile for the 2000 election

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-01-24 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Euph, I hope I'm not the first to tell you that you are probably the
product of inbreeding which has short-circuited your ability to think
beyond clichés.  You have done us a service by posting this link.
Before looking at anything you post, we should ask ourselves is this
just another of his goofy beliefs which he thinks we should share or is
it something he has spent some time researching in depth which might add
to the debate.

Abortion and its continuation, euthanasia, are methods of voluntary
population control that are really at the center of the move to force
the individual to make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the good of
the community as determined by the cultural elite.  The Nazis were
masters at that kind of mental manipulation of their followers.  Want to
debate that?  If so, you should do some serious research on the actual
abortion and early euthanasia policies of the Nazis.  No yuks in that

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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