[CTRL] War Conspiracy?

2003-03-27 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

And so to the Alchemy of Numbers and the tedious number crunching, which
threw up something this morning I was not expecting.

The Four Dead Lands - the Dead Middle East

I believe that real historical changes are not so much the result of new
ideas, philosophies, or the extraordinary actions of individuals but rather
they are because of spiritual forces running to a given time line agenda and
influencing such selected people.

Yet, most sensible people are against any kind of conspiracy theory, when it
has to said that the least they should do is consider such.

So to my latest conspiracy theory, that the United States has unwittingly
been sucked into the Iraqi War, called Iraq - Freedom, but the title should
be the 'Coffer War'.

Yes, I said unwittingly, for I don't believe that 99.9% of the US Military
Staff know what they have ventured into. for they have entered Iraq, of the
'Four Dead Lands' of the Middle East, the largest of the four lands.

Now the area of Iraq is 171,600 square miles, and Syria is 71,228 and Jordan
at 37,314 square miles, (thanks to the New Bancroft World Atlas, my land
area bible). These three countries have a combined area of 280,142 square

But the area 280,142 square miles has no significant 'measurement message'
that I can grasp at a first glance, until that is I add the area of Israel,
and the message is simply that of Death.

It was years after seemingly the British Government 'carved' up the region
in the Middle East, when on April 2nd 1947, the U.N. General Assembly set up
the Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). This committee recommended that
the British Mandate over Palestine be ended and that the territory be
partitioned into two states.

On the 29th November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a
resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel;
the General Assembly required the inhabitants of Eretz-Israel to take such
steps as were necessary on their part for the implementation of that
resolution. This recognition by the United Nations of the right of the
Jewish people to establish their State is irrevocable.

And on May 14th 1948, the day in which the British Mandate over a Palestine
expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum and
declared the establishment of the State of Israel. The new state was
recognized that night at 11:00pm Israel time by the United States and three
days later by the USSR.

The United Nations in 1947 had carved out the land area for Israel with a
total area of 7,992.6 square miles, of which the Dead Sea under Israeli
Authority is 108.1 square miles leaving a balance of 7,884.5 square miles.

So I add Israel's 7,992.6 square miles (and this does not include the West
Bank at some 2,615 square miles), to the area of 280,142 square miles, it is
288,134.6 square miles.

And this number 288,134.6 is where Death lies.

And it was the Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, who measured 'Death' that
is the somewhat broken granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the
Great Pyramid. And for this he made calipers and gauges, and then proceeded
to measure using 388 reference points on the out side and 281 points on the
inside. And he published the mean inside measurements as inside length 78.06
inside width 26.81 and inside height 34.42 inches, a volume of 72,033.783
cubic inches, 41.68621 cubic feet.

Because the Coffer at 72,033.783 cubic inches x 4 is 288,135.134 and so add
only 0.534 and up pops 288,134.6 square miles, the total area of Iraq,
Syria, Jordan and Israel, the area of the Middle East's 'Four Dead Lands'.

So it was the Partition Plan for Palestine, where Israel was granted 7,992.6
square miles of territory, that caused the very symbol of Death, the
sarcophagus, the granite Coffer, to come into existence, a 'message
measurement' using the 'Alchemy of Numbers'.

And so I repeat, the United States has been sucked into this war in Iraq, by
those who carved up Palestine to make the 'Four Dead Lands'.

Conspiracy, I say yes, but I await the usual answers of there is No

But I say there is. and so we await the result of this war.

John D. Miller

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Iraqi tactics 'impressive'

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Denver Post


Analysts say Iraqi tactics 'impressive'
Attack on Baghdad will be big test of coalition forces
By Michael Riley
Denver Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - In upbeat daily briefings over the last week,
commanders have reassured the American public that everything is going
according to plan in Iraq. The trouble is, military analysts say, Saddam
Hussein can tell his supporters much the same thing.

So far, the game is probably going the way that Saddam was hoping that it
would, said John Warden, a retired Air Force colonel and the architect of
the air campaign in Desert Storm. He has survived and he's just waiting
until the Americans start getting themselves tangled up in the suburbs of

Indeed, military analysts reviewing the invasion's opening days say the Iraqi
dictator is doing a lot of things right:

He has avoided open fights that play to the strengths of American fire

He has kept control of most of his forces - even if reports suggest he has
had to hunt down deserters to do it.

And he's using nonconventional tactics and forces that negate many of
America's advantages in technology and control of the skies.

The Iraqis really learned a valuable lesson (during the first Gulf War) in
1991, and that's that they couldn't engage U.S. forces in a conventional
manner in the empty deserts of Iraq, said Dale Davis, a former
counterintelligence officer and now a professor at the Virginia Military
Institute in Lexington. In fact, while frustrated American generals have
accused Hussein of discarding the rules of war and using guerrilla tactics,
military analysts say his tactics so far are clever, even impressive.

Paramilitary troops, some wearing black uniforms and masks that show their
loyalty to Hussein, have stuck close to cities, keeping American and British
forces from securing population centers and stiffening the resistance of
the Iraqi army.

Early surrenders appear to have been tactical as well. Members of Iraq's
51st mechanized and 11th infantry divisions, parts of which had earlier
surrendered, have been found rejoining the fight.

What they've done is given orders to the forces out there that when the
Americans and British pass you by, you take your uniforms off and
surrender some of your people, then take up guerrilla warfare against the
supply routes and rear area, said Patrick Lang, a retired colonel and
former intelligence officer.

In some cases, coalition forces have been attacked by units that feigned
surrender. In others, paramilitary troops like the fedayeen have popped
out of buses and taxis and begun firing on American Marines.

Some of these guys get in their vehicles and fly a white flag as they drive
from one bunker to another, Davis said.

Clearly frustrated by the tactics, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen.
Richard Myers, told reporters Monday that some of the biggest losses
we've taken are due to Iraqis committing serious violations of the law of
armed conflict in the Geneva Convention by dressing as civilians, by luring
us into surrender situations, then opening fire.

Appearing on television the same day, Saddam Hussein had a different view:
As long as the enemy works to make (the war) a short period so that they
can get out of this quagmire, we are trying, and we will do our best, to
make it last as long as possible

Military analysts and American commanders say the tactics are no doubt
troublesome, even if most predicted that the trouble would be temporary.

Marine units have suffered substantial but still unspecified casualties trying
to secure two bridges adjacent to An Nasiriyah. And the seven Americans
taken prisoner last week were part of a lightly defended maintenance
column attacked after the main American combat force had moved ahead.

Even the Apache combat helicopter downed Monday showed that the
Americans were having trouble with the Iraqi tactics. The helicopter was
part of a group attacking a Republican Guard division dispersed in the
deep vegetation of the Euphrates valley, making their tanks hard to bomb
from fighters flying at 20,000 feet. The helicopters fared little better,
hitting perhaps five tanks but taking heavy fire.

I'm an old special forces officer, Lang said, and if I were running the
show (for Hussein), I would do what they are doing, only more so. An
armored force's lines of communications and supply are extremely
vulnerable. You knock off a few oil tankers and your enemy becomes

The test now, analysts say, will come around Baghdad. Hussein has at least
three divisions of his best- trained troops protecting two perimeters - the
first about 50 miles from Baghdad, the second on the city's outskirts.

The Iraqi leader is hoping to inflict significant damage on American troops,
eventually forcing them into urban fighting. Coalition forces are hoping to
destroy the military support of Hussein's regime 

[CTRL] an outrage, an obscenity

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: 'It was an outrage, an obscenity'

27 March 2003

It was an outrage, an obscenity. The severed hand on the metal door, the
swamp of blood and mud across the road, the human brains inside a
garage, the incinerated, skeletal remains of an Iraqi mother and her three
small children in their still-smouldering car.

Two missiles from an American jet killed them all  by my estimate, more
than 20 Iraqi civilians, torn to pieces before they could be 'liberated' by
the nation that destroyed their lives. Who dares, I ask myself, to call this
'collateral damage'? Abu Taleb Street was packed with pedestrians and
motorists when the American pilot approached through the dense
sandstorm that covered northern Baghdad in a cloak of red and yellow
dust and rain yesterday morning.

It's a dirt-poor neighbourhood, of mostly Shia Muslims, the same people
whom Messrs Bush and Blair still fondly hope will rise up against President
Saddam Hussein, a place of oil- sodden car-repair shops, overcrowded
apartments and cheap cafs. Everyone I spoke to heard the plane. One
man, so shocked by the headless corpses he had just seen, could say only
two words. Roar, flash, he kept saying and then closed his eyes so tight
that the muscles rippled between them.

How should one record so terrible an event? Perhaps a medical report
would be more appropriate. But the final death toll is expected to be near
to 30 and Iraqis are now witnessing these awful things each day; so there
is no reason why the truth, all the truth, of what they see should not be

For another question occurred to me as I walked through this place of
massacre yesterday. If this is what we are seeing in Baghdad, what is
happening in Basra and Nasiriyah and Kerbala? How many civilians are dying
there too, anonymously, indeed unrecorded, because there are no
reporters to be witness to their suffering?

Abu Hassan and Malek Hammoud were preparing lunch for customers at
the Nasser restaurant on the north side of Abu Taleb Street. The missile
that killed them landed next to the westbound carriageway, its blast
tearing away the front of the caf and cutting the two men  the first 48,
the second only 18  to pieces. A fellow worker led me through the
rubble. This is all that is left of them now, he said, holding out before me
an oven pan dripping with blood.

At least 15 cars burst into flames, burning many of their occupants to
death. Several men tore desperately at the doors of another flame-
shrouded car in the centre of the street that had been flipped upside
down by the same missile. They were forced to watch helplessly as the
woman and her three children inside were cremated alive in front of them.
The second missile hit neatly on the eastbound carriageway, sending
shards of metal into three men standing outside a concrete apartment
block with the words, This is God's possession written in marble on the
outside wall.

The building's manager, Hishem Danoon, ran to the doorway as soon as he
heard the massive explosion. I found Ta'ar in pieces over there, he told
me. His head was blown off. That's his hand. A group of young men and a
woman took me into the street and there, a scene from any horror film,
was Ta'ar's hand, cut off at the wrist, his four fingers and thumb grasping a
piece of iron roofing. His young colleague, Sermed, died the same instant.
His brains lay piled a few feet away, a pale red and grey mess behind a
burnt car. Both men worked for Danoon. So did a doorman who was also

As each survivor talked, the dead regained their identities. There was the
electrical shop-owner killed behind his counter by the same missile that
cut down Ta'ar and Sermed and the doorman, and the young girl standing
on the central reservation, trying to cross the road, and the truck driver
who was only feet from the point of impact and the beggar who regularly
called to see Mr Danoon for bread and who was just leaving when the
missiles came screaming through the sandstorm to destroy him.

In Qatar, the Anglo-American forces  let's forget this nonsense about
coalition  announced an inquiry. The Iraqi government, who are the only
ones to benefit from the propaganda value of such a bloodbath, naturally
denounced the slaughter, which they initially put at 14 dead. So what was
the real target? Some Iraqis said there was a military encampment less than
a mile from the street, though I couldn't find it. Others talked about a
local fire brigade headquarters, but the fire brigade can hardly be
described as a military target.

Certainly, there had been an attack less than an hour earlier on a military
camp further north. I was driving past the base when two rockets
exploded and I saw Iraqi soldiers running for their lives out of the gates
and along the side of the highway. Then I heard two more explosions;
these were the missiles that hit Abu Taleb Street.

Of course, the pilot who killed 

[CTRL] 1st: Shuttle; 2nd: Dust; 3rd Lightning

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Category: News  Opinion  Topic: News  Current Events
Source: Associated Press
Published: March 26, 2003  Author:

For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use.

ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. - The plane carrying British Prime Minister
Tony Blair to a meeting with President Bush was struck by lightning as it
approached the United States on Wednesday, a reporter on board said. No
injuries or damage were reported.

Britain's Press Association news agency said Blair's chartered British
Airways Boeing 777 was struck by a lightning bolt as it approached Andrews
Air Force Base in Maryland at about 10,000 feet. It landed 20 minutes later,
at 5:05 p.m.

Jon Smith, a Press Association reporter traveling with Blair, reported that
the bolt hit the jet's left wing. The plane did not change course or
descend and the pilot reassured passengers that there's nothing to worry

Blair's 10 Downing Street office said it was not aware of the incident.

Blair flew on to the presidential retreat at Camp David for a working dinner
with Bush. The two leaders will meet against Thursday to discuss the war
in Iraq and plans for the country's future.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Sands of Opinion

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Go to Original

Opinions Begin to Shift as Public Weighs War Costs
By Adam Nagourney and Janet Elder
New York Times

Wednesday 26 March 2003

Americans say the war in Iraq will last longer and cost more than they
had initially expected, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News
poll. The shift comes as the public absorbs the first reports of allied
setbacks on the battlefield.

The percentage of Americans who said they expected a quick and
successful effort against Iraq dropped to 43 percent on Monday night from
62 percent on Saturday. And respondents who said the war was going very
well dropped 12 points, to 32 percent, from Sunday night to Monday
night, an erosion that followed an increase in allied casualties and the
capture of several Americans.

The poll also found an increase in the respondents who fear an
imminent retaliatory terrorist attack on American soil, now that images of
the allied assault on Baghdad have been televised around the world,
though two-thirds of respondents said the nation was adequately prepared
to deal with another terrorist strike.

At the same time, President Bush's campaign to remove Saddam Hussein
from power is producing sharp fissures at home.

The poll found that black Americans are far more likely than whites to
oppose Mr. Bush's policy in Iraq. They are also much more likely to say that
the cost of ousting Mr. Hussein was too high, as measured by the loss of

Over all, with the war not even a week old, the nation's opinion about
the conflict appears to be in flux, driven by an intensity of coverage that
has allowed television viewers seemingly to follow every move from their
living rooms, and in an environment where many Americans say they remain
unsure of Mr. Bush's rationale for the conflict.

Indeed, the Times/CBS News Poll found that the number of Americans
who expected the war to be won quickly dropped 9 points from Saturday
to Sunday, and 10 more points from Sunday to Monday. Those shifts
coincided with television coverage of prisoners of war and battlefield
casualties that seems to have caught at least some Americans 
accustomed to the relatively bloodless victory in Afghanistan last year  by

I think I was living in a pipe dream thinking no one would get killed,
Shirley Johnson, 79, a registered Republican from Davenport, Iowa, said in
a follow-up interview. But all of a sudden people were getting killed, and I
was horrified.

Pam Wallman, 60, who lives in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said, I think the
American public was duped into believing that our troops could just go in
there, clean everything up and come home in 10 days.

Nonetheless, support for both the war and for the president, who has
kept a low profile after announcing the invasion last week, remains high;
Mr. Bush's job approval rating is now 60 percent. Still, Americans said Mr.
Bush had failed to give them enough information about how long the war
might last, how much it might cost and how many Americans might die in
the effort. They also said Mr. Bush had failed to detail how the
administration would manage a postwar Iraq.

The nationwide poll of 2,383 adults was taken from Thursday through
Monday. It was designed to take into account of daily changes in opinion.
The margin of sampling error for the entire sample was plus or minus two
percentage points. The margin of error is larger when measuring smaller
groups, like blacks, or when chronicling one- or two-night shifts in opinion.

A Times/CBS News poll last week found evidence of divisions between
Democrats and Republicans over the war. This latest poll found even
sharper differences on the issue between two other groups: blacks and
whites. Blacks Americans are far more likely to oppose the war than both
white Americans and white Democrats, and are correspondingly unhappy
with Mr. Bush's job performance.

While 82 percent of whites said the United States should take military
action to oust Mr. Hussein, just 44 percent of blacks said they supported
that approach. In addition, 71 percent of whites said they were proud of
what the United States was doing in Iraq, compared with 33 percent of

The findings reflected directly on Mr. Bush's standing among African-
Americans. Thirty-four percent of blacks said they approved of the job he
is doing, compared with 75 percent of whites.

The finding comes as a number of black political leaders have been at
the forefront of the antiwar movement, arguing that young black men and
women would be disproportionately represented on the front lines, and
that the war would drain federal money that should be spent on domestic

I have a sick feeling about all the young lives that are going to be
destroyed, said Geraldine Hunter, 75, a black Democrat in Cleveland. I
don't know why Bush was in such a hurry to go to war.

Latifa Palmer, 29, 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Secret Plan

2003-03-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

Yeah, they're getting better at it, too. For most of its life the Weekly
World News was just outrageous and funny for being so silly and
over-the-top. Now they are getting much more subtle, and it's interesting to
see it evolve. I love this as it's so subversive. There are people who buy
this thinking it's not satirical - it's sold alongside the other tabloids
like The Enquirer and The Star. This is brilliant. I wish I had a job
writing for them. It would be a blast.

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, a satire and a good one.


 On 26 Mar 2003 at 22:30, Joshua Tinnin wrote:

  Oh, Weekly World News.
  Missed that part.
  It's almost like the Onion, except it isn't marketed as satire. It

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Occupied Texas, former US

2003-03-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


Occupied Texas, former US 
By Derk al-KattabiEuroNews 
Now that UN troops have conquered the American 
homeland, ending a five-year reign of terror by the Bushites, the world can 
afford to catch its breath and try to understand how the nightmare started. How 
did America go from Superpower to rogue state, drawing down on itself the wrath 
of the entire world? 
"It happened so quickly!" That's the point UN historian Col. Doug McNammie 
(UN/Canada) makes when describing America's descent into savagery. McNammie 
stresses the fact that America was a happy, prosperous nation in 2000. 
McNammie sees the fall of America as having three distinct stages: First, the 
disputed election of 2000; then the disastrous Iraq expedition; and finally, the 
attacks of 2004, when the US seemed to strike out almost randomly at any country 
it considered "unhelpful." 
Yankee POWs greet their Finnish Blue Helmet liberators from Bushite 
In McNammie's view, it was this third stage which forced the UN to contain 
the American threat. When the "Bushies" resorted to nuclear weapons to punish 
humble Norway for refusing to vote with the US in a Security Council showdown, 
Europe and Asia united against the "rabid" Yankees. 
McNammie believes America fell prey to what he calls "The Liberian Scenario." 
"It happens to countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone all the time," he 
insists. "It's just that we didn't expect to see it in the US." The first stage 
of the "Liberian Scenario" is a disputed election which pits tribe against 
tribe. In McNammie's view, the 2000 election revealed an America starkly divided 
between inland Fundamentalists advocating "something like Sharia Law" and 
coastal urbanites who were in favor of modernization. At first these tribal 
forces were roughly equal in power; the inland fanatics won simply because they 
were more savage. "The crazies turned out to be...well, crazier," sighs 
McNammie, shaking his head. 
McNammie draws some provocative parallels to other nations' return to 
barbarism: "It's happened to many other 'civilized' countries, like Iran. 
Sometimes a country just seems to decide it wants to regress. 
That's what happened to the US in 2000." 
Haunted by the illegitimacy of their rise to power, the "crazies" looked for 
military adventures to cement their rule. "It's a classic West-African 
scenario," says McNammie. "Steal the election, then start a war next door." 
That first war was the ill-fated invasion of Iraq in March 2003. From the 
start, the Iraq campaign was a disaster. Bush, who had promised war in "weeks, 
not months," spent almost two years waffling. 
Many historians now share the view that the regime purposely delayed the 
attack on Iraq to "madden" Americans. "Every day the war was delayed, oil prices 
went up, and you have to remember the Bush clan owned a lot of that oil. Why 
should they have hurried?" 
Finally, in spring 2003, Bush was forced by his own logic to order the 
long-delayed Iraq strike. The invasion destroyed the fragile balance of power in 
the Middle East. Within a year, the Saudi regime had fallen and the "New 
Ottomans" remade Turkey, once a valued American ally, launching the 
"Counter-Crusade" which has seen the Balkans come under Turkish rule once more. 
Then-President Bush reacted savagely to the unexpected defeats. On February 
7, 2004, Bush overruled his own commanders, ordering simultaneous attacks on 
Somalia, Malaysia and France. Even loyal "Bush-babies" were stunned and began to 
counsel "moderation." Bush reacted by retreating to his fortified Virginia 
bunker. From this point until his final surrender to female Danish troops, Bush 
never left the bunker. 
Yet while launching attacks on dozens of former allies, Bush was almost 
submissive toward one country: North Korea. Even when Kim Jong-Il launched a 
nuclear attack on Tokyo in 2004, Bush called for "understanding" of the North 
Korean action. One UN psychologist explains: "Bush and Kim Jong-Il understood 
each other. You have to remember, they were both weak sons, drunks, cowards who 
liked sending other people to their deaths. They saw eye-to-eye from the start." 

Norway, a loyal, inoffensive NATO ally, felt the wrath of the mad president. 
On May 20, 2004, Oslo and Bergen, the two largest cities in Norway, were 
completely annihilated by US nuclear weapons. 
No one yet knows how the deranged leader or his henchmen reached the terrible 
decision. Bush, now in custody, has said only that "those fjords were 
The Norwegian genocide gave the anti-US coalition new resolve. UN forces took 
the war to North America, overcoming the Yankees in a cruel two-year war which 
is only now reaching an end. 
The UN plan was a classic pincer attack. While Chinese and Russian troops 
drove south from Canada, European troops pushed north from Mexico. When the UN 
troops reached Texas, the most bitter and costly battles of the 

[CTRL] Brought to you by www.9-11.co.uk

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fascism--Packaged as Democracy

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Fascism--Packaged as Democracy
and Other Lies Peddled by U.S./British Plutocrats in Last Century

By: Tina Staik - 03/26/03

Recent writings, such as those by Thomas Hartmann, are MUST READs for
those who love democracy and peace, and want to keep them alive. In
particular, Hartmann's book Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate
Dominance and Theft of Human Rights http://
www.thomhartmann.com/home-lh.shtml , is a primer on restoring
democracy from the clutches of what U.S./ British industrialists (among
others) have been peddling since WWII: fascism, merely scientifically
packaged as democracy. http://www.commondreams.org/views03/ 0316-

A recent best seller, The Silent Takeover, by socio- economist Noreena
Hertz also reveals how corporations across the world manipulate and
pressure governments by means both legal and illegal. Hertz presents a
startling report on who really governs us, and how corporations have
become more powerful than governments. National sovereignty, it seems,
has become an illusion fostered by coalitions of the willing (bought?)
puppets. http:// www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=62-0743234782- 0

In an article published recently in The Guardian, journalist John Pilger
(who has also put together a book and film documentary, both entitled
The New Rulers of the World http://pilger.carlton.com/globalisation/
webchat refers to the 'war on terror' as the great charade, a
smokescreen created by the ultimate terrorist...America itself.
http://www.observer.co.uk/ waronterrorism/story/0,1373,754973,00.html

(As the story unfolds, we may discover that it is not so much America that
is the terrorist, but an international cabal of plutocrats [or what Bill
Moyers, in a 1987 PBS documentary referred to as the secret world
government; see documentary by Dorrel http://
www.addictedtowar.com/dorrel.html ] who are the real culprits, having
have decided that, after using Japan, Italy, Germany, in their previous
attempts at world takeover, this time around, it would be America's turn to
be their pawn. If the extreme decisions made by current administration
are critically examined, for example, couldn't one reasonably conclude
that these are made by persons who hate Americans, want others to hate
and destroy them...?)

In any case, connecting the dots makes clear that it is fascism, and most
definitely not democracy, that the United States (and its allies) have
been promoting this last century, and especially since WWII. The seemingly
natural association between capitalism and democracy, which most
Americans, and much of the world, have come to take for granted as
unquestionable truth, is little more than a lie--perhaps the biggest lie in
history--contrived by corporate sponsors to deceive, dupe the public into
participating in their own oppression. It is also proof of the extent to
which we have been brainwashed, big time. http://
www.buzzflash.com/contributors/2002/12/ 05_Fascism.html

Truth be told, left on its own, unregulated, capitalism instinctively morphs
into fascism, which, in turn, by its very nature, IS a conspiracy--one
zealously aimed at annihilating its primary enemy: democracy and rule of
the people.

Many of our presidents have sounded warnings. Addressing Congress,
President Andrew Jackson said, In this point of the case the question is
distinctly presented whether the people of the United States are to
govern through representatives chosen by their unbiased suffrages [votes]
or whether the money and power of a great corporation are to be
secretly exerted to influence their judgment and control their decisions.

Also to Congress, President Van Buren stated, I am more than ever
convinced of the dangers to which the free and unbiased exercise of
political opinion - the only sure foundation and safeguard of republican
government - would be exposed by any further increase of the already
overgrown influence of corporate authorities.

President Abraham Lincoln, nearing the end of the Civil War, wrote, We
may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has
cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. The best blood of the flower of
American youth has been freely offered upon our country's altar that the
nation might live. It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I
see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes
me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war,
corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places
will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong
its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is
aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.

In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt said, Behind the ostensible
government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and
acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible

[CTRL] More DeLay-ing Tactix

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


From DeLay, the Sounds of Silence

By Juliet Eilperin

Wednesday, March 26, 2003; Page A09

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) doesn't want to talk about a
Texas grand jury's probe that includes questions about the operations of
Texans for a Republican Majority, a political action committee he helped

Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle is looking into whether a
group called the Texas Association of Business illegally used corporate
money. The Republican group mimicked one of the business group's
fundraising mailers on behalf of a state representative, which apparently is
what has drawn the prosecutor's interest.

When asked about the investigation at his weekly briefing yesterday, DeLay
responded, That's not on the agenda. Sorry.

Jim Ellis, who directs the national Americans for a Republican Majority PAC
as well as Texans for a Republican Majority, said there was no coordination
between the Texas PAC and the Texas Association of Business.

These people in the D.A.'s office simply didn't know the law, Ellis said. He
acknowledged that Earle's office had interviewed the former head of the
Texans for a Republican Majority PAC, John Colyandro, but he said it did
not mean the group was under investigation. Colyandro has gotten
immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying before the grand jury
probing the business association.

Vulnerable, but in the Money

House Republicans last night gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to their
most vulnerable colleagues. At a Retain Our Majority Program fundraiser,
GOP lawmakers gave about $100,000 each to first-term Reps. Bob Beauprez
(Colo.), Ginny Brown-Waite (Fla.), Max Burns (Ga.), Chris Chocola (Ind.), Jim
Gerlach (Penn.), Phil Gingrey (Ga.), Steve Pearce (N.M.), Jon Porter (Nev.).
Rick Renzi (Ariz.) and Mike Rogers (Ala.). For those counting, this was the
seventh ROMP fest.

Ellis, who helps organize ROMP as well as overseeing DeLay's national
committee, said all the money was coming directly from Republican House
members. It helps incumbents in the most competitive races prepare for
the next election, he said. It's members helping members.

At a more traditional fundraiser last week -- the annual spring dinner -- the
GOP House campaign organization raised about $5 million. Last night it was
the Democrats' turn for a spring dinner, although their goal was a more
modest $2 million. The entertainment was subdued because of the war in
Iraq, and the band was asked to play God Bless America.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee felt less constrained at its
fundraiser last night. The headliner was the Godfather of Soul, James (Sex
Machine) Brown. No word on what he planned to perform for GOP

 2003 The Washington Post Company
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Whos Conservative?

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Whos Conservative?

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Jeff Tucker recently stated what weve long realized: there is something
profoundly wrong with what passes for conservatism today. Entirely
ignorant of the conservative intellectual tradition, many self- described
conservatives sound more like Woodrow Wilson or Leon Trotsky than
Edmund Burke. Unlike Jeff, though, Im not ready just yet to give up on
the word conservative. Leftists have taken enough of our words away.

National Reviews Jonah Goldberg, for instance, who hates being told hes
not a genuine conservative (even though nothing could be more obvious),
offers this justification for war with Iraq: The United States needs to go
to war with Iraq because it needs to go to war with someone in the region
and Iraq makes the most sense. Elsewhere, he writes: Every ten years or
so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country
and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business.

If youre wondering if these are the words of a conservative, try to imagine
Russell Kirk uttering them.

But it is the various forms of Wilsonianism, uttered apparently in all
seriousness, that most decisively disqualify neoconservatism from any place
within the conservative intellectual tradition. When writing for Internet
outlets, I inevitably receive a few emails from people who condemn me for
not wanting to bring democracy to Iraq, and/or to liberate the Iraqi
people. One man actually told me that if I werent a liberal I would be
more eager to liberate this oppressed people. Such an ignorant remark
impugns the decency of every early American patriot, who to a man
believed in what would today be called an America First foreign policy, but
this does nothing to stop a belligerent minority from uttering it.

It says a great deal about the state of conservative thought in America that
any of this nonsense could actually be confused with genuine
conservatism. To the contrary, this kind of messianic ideology, whereby
there exists some moral obligation to spread democracy and to free the
various unfree peoples of the world, is precisely what the great
conservative Edmund Burke meant when he spoke of the armed
doctrines of the French Revolution. Mesmerized by the universalisms of
the Enlightenment, the Jacobins were ready to spread revolution
throughout Europe  for why should only the French enjoy the blessings of

Burke is often referred to as the father of modern conservatism. It hardly
requires much imagination to figure out what he would think of the
neoconservatives imperial program of global democracy. To appreciate
Burkes arguments, though, one would have to shut off Rush Limbaugh and
learn about conservative thought by reading actual books.

Let us assume that modern democracy is the best form of government  a
debatable proposition, to say the least  and let us also assume that the
War Party is being sincere in their professed desire to bring democracy to
Iraq. Let us also assume that the Iraqis will eventually reconcile themselves
to being invaded by American and coalition forces, and wont engage in
sabotage against the U.S.-installed regime. Lets even assume that the U.S.
will support a democracy in Iraq even when it becomes obvious, as it
should be already, that free elections will of course yield an anti-American
government. Lets assume all of this.

There are still problems. First of all, majoritarian democracy is just about
the worst arrangement for a place like Iraq. Although followers of the War
Party tend to be more familiar with the conservatism of Sean Hannity than
that of John C. Calhoun, whom theyve never read, it is Calhoun whose
wisdom is especially valuable here. Calhoun warned that majority rule,
which can be justified only on the basis of convention and utility rather
than on any strictly moral foundation, can work only in places where there
exists a basic commonality of interests among the people. Otherwise,
majority rule becomes just another form of tyranny, as interest groups
with mutually exclusive goals use their electoral strength to oppress each

This is why Calhoun believed in the concurrent majority. He believed that
distinct groups should be able to resist the oppression of electoral
majorities. He appealed to ancient examples of such arrangements, in
which measures did not pass unless they had the approval of majorities in
each group, rather than simply requiring a majority of the entire people
taken in the aggregate.

If someone wanted to establish a democracy in Iraq, surely Calhouns
principle of the concurrent majority is the model to be followed. The
Kurds, the Sunnis, and the Shiites would be at each others throats under
any other arrangement (and possibly even under this one as well).
Naturally, of course, our global democrats consider Calhoun to be
unacceptably reactionary, and insist on the French revolutionary model of
political organization: a single aggregated people in whose name the

[CTRL] hurt in friendly fire

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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US troops hurt in friendly fire

March 27 2003, 8:04 PM

Dozens of US marines were wounded today in a friendly fire clash near the
southern Iraqi town of Nasiriyah while the US army beefed up its forces in
the north and south, as the war to oust President Saddam Hussein entered
its second week.

Shell and mortar fire apparently hit the marine command post
headquarters near Nasiriyah, leaving 37 wounded, with three in critical and
two in serious condition, officers told an AFP correspondent travelling
with the troops.

The headquarters compound returned fire, officers said, but casualty
reports from the other side were not immediately available. A US Central
Command spokesman in Qatar said the incident was under investigation.

The clash near Nasiriyah, which destroyed at least six military vehicles,
came amid renewed air strikes overnight and early today on Baghdad,
mainly on the southern edge of the capital, home to the huge Al-Rasheed
military camp.


Baghdad was still trying to recover from yesterday's raids, which Iraqi
officials said had cost the lives of at least 14 people in a working-class
neighbourhood and left 30 others wounded.

The US Central Command acknowledged that coalition fire may have been
responsible, but stopped short of confirming the deaths, and accused
Baghdad of placing military hardware in civilian areas.

US-led forces, who launched a military campaign last Thursday to disarm
Iraq and topple Saddam's government, looked to be gearing up for a
decisive battle for Baghdad, with their progress toward the seat of power
made easier as blinding sandstorms appeared to clear up today.

Northern Iraq

The coalition opened a new front in northern Iraq after up to 1,000 elite
US airborne troops parachuted into Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq late
yesterday, circumventing Turkey's refusal to allow US troops to cross its

Early today, US transport planes landed in the eastern part of Kurdish-held
northern Iraq, witnesses said, with US troops seen being deployed near
frontlines with the Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk.

We are increasing the number of forces in the country every day, said US
Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. We're increasing them in the north,
we're increasing them in the south, we're increasing them in the west.

The troops from the US Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade established a base
upon their arrival in Iraqi Kurdistan through which to bring in more troops
and tanks, Pentagon officials said.

It's the first sizeable force in northern Iraq, a US defence official said.

More coalition troops on the way

Some 12,000 troops from the US Army's 4th Infantry Division, initially due to
enter Iraq through Turkey, will be deployed to the Gulf today from their
Texas base. Ships carrying their tanks and armoured vehicles were diverted
to the region last week.

The fresh arrivals will back up the offensive, which has put the 3rd Infantry
Division on Baghdad's doorstep but exposed its supply lines to guerrilla

One week after war erupted in Iraq, and as the total number of coalition
troops in the theatre of operations approached 300,000, Iraqi forces still
controlled much of the country and showed few signs of wavering.

'The war could drag on'

The Washington Post quoted anonymous military officials as saying that the
war could drag on for months and that recent developments had led to a
broad reassessment by some top generals of US military expectations and

In central Iraq, US and British forces heading for Baghdad braced for a
tough battle in the holy Shi'ite city of Najaf, 150 kilometres south of the
capital, after meeting continued stiff resistance from Iraqi fighters.

Major John Altman, intelligence officer of the Third Infantry Division's First
Brigade, told AFP the Iraqis were trying to reinforce Najaf with thousands
of crack Republican Guard troops from Karbala, 70 kilometres north.

US forces said yesterday they killed about 1,000 Iraqis in three days of
intense clashes in and around Najaf.

US General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said US
forces attacked a column of Iraqi vehicles heading from Baghdad to Karbala
but did not elaborate on the size of the Iraqi detachment.

Media reports put the number of vehicles at up to 1,000.

Coalition defence officials have said the likelihood of Iraqi troops using
chemical weapons would increase as US- led troops close in on Baghdad.

But since the start of hostilities, US and British forces have not uncovered
any of the weapons of mass destruction they accuse Saddam of

Southern Iraq

In the south, Iraqi tanks made a surprise breakout of the besieged
southern city of Basra late yesterday and pushed on toward British
positions under heavy bombardment, a British officer said.

Squadron Leader Simon Scott said he could not confirm the number of
tanks involved, but reports said the column was comprised of more than

[CTRL] Patriot-ickh ? Yes and no ...

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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America's Patriots may be infected with deadly glitch
By Jonathan Weisman in Washington
March 27 2003

For the second time in two days, an American Patriot missile defence
battery has apparently locked its sights on a coalition fighter plane, raising
fears that the system's targeting software is infected with a deadly glitch.

United States defence officials said on Tuesday that a Patriot system about
48 kilometres south of Najaf apparently locked on to a US Air Force F-16
fighter on Monday and prepared to fire. The F-16 responded by firing a
high-speed anti-radiation missile at the battery and destroying its radar
dish. No one was injured.

The incident came a day after a Patriot missile shot down a British Royal
Air Force Tornado, killing both crew members.

Hours later another two British servicemen were killed by friendly fire
when their tank was mistakenly targeted by another British tank while
fighting Iraqi forces west of Basra.

The latest casualties take the number of British servicemen listed as dead
or missing in the war to 22. Only two were killed in action.

In Washington, a defence official was cautious about blaming the Patriot.
Error on the battlefield is more often
than not human error. I wouldn't want to pin this on anyone yet.

But other Pentagon officials and independent weapons experts were far
less circumspect. It's obviously a software glitch, one defence official
said. Jets go fast, but there's no way they should be mistaking them for a
Scud going supersonic.

The details of both incidents raise doubts that human error could have
been responsible, defence technology experts said. One said the Patriot
crew took cover and left the missile battery operating largely on
automatic, which indicated that the Patriot system, not human error,
targeted the F-16.

John Pike, a defence technology expert, said the Tornado would have
been tracked by multiple air defence systems as it returned to Kuwait, and
only the Patriot fired. There is evidently a problem.

The Patriot system is far too important for the two incidents to take it out
of action, Mr Pike said.

The Washington Post and Reuters

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
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directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2003-03-27 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

-- and gun down anyone who gets in our way!

I'm madder than Roy Rogers with a busted guitar at all these filthy foreigners whining
about how Americans are a bunch of cowboys.

These yahoos think we're the bad guys and that the real problem in the world today is
American imperialism -- not that nutcase Saddam having enough anthrax and nerve gas 
wipe out the human race 10 times over.

Well, folks, I say it's high time for Uncle Sam to proudly tell the world he is a 
A bad- ass cowboy who's not afraid to shoot first and ask questions afterward is 
what the world needs right now to get rid of tough hombres like Saddam and all those
murdering terrorist thugs.

Let's come right out and say there's a new sheriff in town, buckaroos.

And I'm not talking about a squeaky-clean lawman like the Lone Ranger who used to shoot
the guns out of bad guys' hands with a silver bullet.

I mean a modern-day Clint Eastwood-type cowboy who growls, Make my day before pumping
six shots into some creep's back.

Or remember Walking Tall, where that tough sheriff Buford Pusser kept moonshine-making
hillbillies in line with his trusty 2 by 4?

Well, Uncle Sam oughta do the same thing -- only instead of whacking heads with a big
stick, clobber sense into them with a nuclear missile.

I mean it, gang. From now on, any of these fool countries step out of line, we shove 
biggest nuke in our arsenal right up its old wazoo.

It's no more Mr. Nice Guy. Nice guys finish last -- just ask Jimmy Carter.

So let's cut out this malarky about begging the U.N. on our hands and knees like some
Third World dump before going to war.

Next time, just bomb the hell out of the turkeys and get it over with.

We're the most powerful nation on Earth and we ought to act like it, by jiminy. I say,
let's shove peace down the throats of these foreign rascals -- no matter how many 
we have to kill to do it.

When Ancient Rome was the baddest dude on the block, there was peace in Europe for
hundreds of years. And the emperors didn't maintain order by wimpy nation building.
Why, if a country like Carthage acted up, they'd defeat it, raze every building to the
ground -- then sow salt into the soil.  (Now it's depleted uranium. --SW)  The rest of
the world got the picture mighty quick and fell right into line.

As the world's sheriff, two things we ought to do right off the bat is make English the
universal language and institute a single currency -- the almighty dollar. That silly
Euro is the goofiest idea they ever came up with.

Once we have the whole Earth speaking one language everyone can understand, united 
America's thumb, we'll finally have world peace.

Published on: March 25, 2003


News alternatives to US war propaganda:

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera while World Expresses Horror at US UK Slaugtering Iraqi Civilians

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Blair like's it nice and clean. Please don't show me the bodies.
They're in bad taste.





Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera

Jason Deans
Thursday March 27, 2003

Prime minister Tony Blair and the commander of UK forces in the Gulf have
expressed outrage at al-Jazeera's decision to broadcast footage of what
are believed to be dead British soldiers.

Mr Blair expressed horror at the deaths and the broadcast of pictures of
the bodies on the Arab satellite TV network, according to a spokesman.

Air Marshall Brian Burridge, the commander of UK forces in the Gulf, added
that al-Jazeera's decision to show the footage was deplorable and a
flagrant breach of the Geneva convention.

All media must be aware of the limits of taste and decency, Mr Burridge
said at a briefing at the Allied Command Centre in Qatar earlier today.

He also urged journalists not to become unwitting tools of the Iraqi
propaganda machine.

The video footage broadcast by al-Jazeera yesterday shows what is believed
to have been the ultimate fate of two Desert Rats who went missing in
fighting around the town of Zubayr, 15 miles outside Iraq's second city of

They had been classified as missing after their Land Rover was ambushed on

Al-Jazeera also broadcast footage of what it said were two UK prisoners
but there was no confirmation the men were British.

The footage showed the two dead soldiers spreadeagled in a dusty road on
their backs near their vehicle.

One of the soldiers appeared to have been shot in the chest while the
other's wounds were unclear.

The footage, which lasted less than 30 seconds, also showed people
climbing over the vehicle as the camera filmed the bodies. One man shifted
one of the bodies around with his foot.

After showing the two dead soldiers, the film cut to show the two
prisoners. They were both thick-set black men, one with dreadlocked hair.

The prisoners were indoors and surrounded by people as they both stared
straight into the camera without saying anything.

This is the third time in four days that shocking film of allied soldiers,
captured or killed, has been shown on television.

Seven US army mechanics died and five were taken prisoner on Sunday after
they took a wrong turn and ran into an ambush in Nasiriyah.

A video broadcast later on al-Jazeera showed several of the troops with
bullet wounds to the head which suggested they may have been executed.

The five captured soldiers, including a woman, were paraded on TV in
breach of the Geneva convention governing PoWs, which states they cannot
be shown on television if it is to degrade them or expose them to public

A day later footage of two US pilots was broadcast after their Apache
attack helicopter came down near Karbala, south of Baghdad.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera while World Expresses Horror at US UK Slaugtering Iraqi Civilians

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly the problem with today's leaders.
They can't stand to see what they make their minions do.



On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Jei wrote:

 Blair like's it nice and clean. Please don't show me the bodies.
 They're in bad taste.





 Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera

 Jason Deans
 Thursday March 27, 2003

 Prime minister Tony Blair and the commander of UK forces in the Gulf have
 expressed outrage at al-Jazeera's decision to broadcast footage of what
 are believed to be dead British soldiers.

 Mr Blair expressed horror at the deaths and the broadcast of pictures of
 the bodies on the Arab satellite TV network, according to a spokesman.

 Air Marshall Brian Burridge, the commander of UK forces in the Gulf, added
 that al-Jazeera's decision to show the footage was deplorable and a
 flagrant breach of the Geneva convention.

 All media must be aware of the limits of taste and decency, Mr Burridge
 said at a briefing at the Allied Command Centre in Qatar earlier today.

 He also urged journalists not to become unwitting tools of the Iraqi
 propaganda machine.

 The video footage broadcast by al-Jazeera yesterday shows what is believed
 to have been the ultimate fate of two Desert Rats who went missing in
 fighting around the town of Zubayr, 15 miles outside Iraq's second city of

 They had been classified as missing after their Land Rover was ambushed on

 Al-Jazeera also broadcast footage of what it said were two UK prisoners
 but there was no confirmation the men were British.

 The footage showed the two dead soldiers spreadeagled in a dusty road on
 their backs near their vehicle.

 One of the soldiers appeared to have been shot in the chest while the
 other's wounds were unclear.

 The footage, which lasted less than 30 seconds, also showed people
 climbing over the vehicle as the camera filmed the bodies. One man shifted
 one of the bodies around with his foot.

 After showing the two dead soldiers, the film cut to show the two
 prisoners. They were both thick-set black men, one with dreadlocked hair.

 The prisoners were indoors and surrounded by people as they both stared
 straight into the camera without saying anything.

 This is the third time in four days that shocking film of allied soldiers,
 captured or killed, has been shown on television.

 Seven US army mechanics died and five were taken prisoner on Sunday after
 they took a wrong turn and ran into an ambush in Nasiriyah.

 A video broadcast later on al-Jazeera showed several of the troops with
 bullet wounds to the head which suggested they may have been executed.

 The five captured soldiers, including a woman, were paraded on TV in
 breach of the Geneva convention governing PoWs, which states they cannot
 be shown on television if it is to degrade them or expose them to public

 A day later footage of two US pilots was broadcast after their Apache
 attack helicopter came down near Karbala, south of Baghdad.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

I grew up in Stratford, home of the Sikorsky helicopter manufacturing
facilities -- new toys being played with in our local skies was (and still
is) quite a common site, one reason that to this day strange lights in the
sky at night are something that I don't even notice, unless something
REALLY odd is occuring

FWIW , where the Monday night incident occured is only about 10 or so miles
as the spookcopter flies from the Sikorsky plant...

I happen to live by a reservoir in a relatively sparsely populated area,
actually 2 bodies of water within a mile of each other connected via a
stream (and which is about 7 or so miles from the location of Monday night's
incident); I've lived here close to 20 years and up until about 5 years ago
never saw anything unusual in the area at night...

But one night when I couldn't sleep I decided to get up and pay some bills;
when I finished I still was wide awake, so I decided to hop into my car and
take a drive to the nearest post office to mail them, a drive of about 5
minutes which takes me by this reservoir...

It was about 2 or 3 a.m., and as I drove by the reservoir on my way to the
post office I noticed a very bright red glow illuminating most of this body
of water; the source of this glow was obscured behind thick, tall trees on a
spit of land projecting into it...by the time I'd noticed this glow I was
already past it (the view is mostly obscured by trees and brush close to the
road, but there is one area where there is a break in the vegetation which
allows a view of the length of the reservoir)...I figured I'd stop and check
it out after mailing my bills, but when I returned (only about 5 minutes
later) the glow was gone...

There IS a blinking red light on top of an electric tower about a mile past
the end of the reservoir, but that wasn't causing the glow I'd seen; I'd
never seen that glow in all the years I'd driven past the reservoir, and I
ve never seen it since...but the only thing I can figure that would have
caused it would have been a low-hovering helicopter or two projecting a red
light...but why a helicopter would have been hovering (hiding?) over this
reservoir at that wee hour of the morning is a mystery...


---Original Message---

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 08:20:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

How about some government alphabet agency out playing with a new toy?

On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 15:50 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote:

 Agreed. But what bothers me is how none of our local media pursued
 investigating this story any further...once they'd been told by TPTB
 the water had been tested and deemed safe (which knowing the long
 history of
 corporate toxic dumping in the area, is a questionable assertion at any
 time), they dropped the issue.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Differing TV Images Feed Arab, US Views

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Look  here and see what your hands are doing, Tony  George.
This is your hands work. This is your hands doing:


The best thing is that you can make it stop. You have the power to
stop your hands.


Tony Blair thinks dead people are in bad taste. Well, war isn't about
good or bad taste, Tony. It's about killing. If you can't stand to see
any more dead people, you can order the killing to stop. It's that simple.

If you can't stand the hideous look of people dying being killed,
stay thy hand Tony, and stop killing people.


 Editor's Note:  This is shaping up to be one of the central stories of this war.  
CNN, for
 one, has basically become a de facto arm of the Defense Department.  Seldom has 
one been
 able to watch skewed propaganda delivered in real-time, as we have seen from these
 'embedded' reporters.  It is, without hyperbole, one of the most shameful 
chapters in the
 long history of journalismand as Mencken would note, that is saying quite a 
mouthful. - wrp

 Differing TV Images Feed Arab, US Views
 By John Donnelly and Anne Barnard
 Boston Globe

 Wednesday 26 March 2003

 The Arab world sees pictures of bloodied bodies of young children. They watch 
scenes crowded
 with corpses, including gruesome images of dead American soldiers.

 Americans see almost none of that. Their view of the war in Iraq, through 
television and
 print, is dominated by long-distance photos of bombs going off in Baghdad and 
 battlefield scenes conveyed by reporters who are traveling with US and British 

 The two contrasting visions of this war, one seen by Americans and the other seen 
in the
 Middle East, help to sharpen differences over the conflict, say analysts and 

 ''Friends from Syria are sending e-mails to me, asking what are the people in the 
US telling
 you about the images of civilian casualties,'' said Imad Moustapha, chief of 
 diplomacy at the Syrian Embassy in Washington. ''My answer to them is very simple 
and sad:
 `Sorry, no one is seeing those images here.' ''

 In the Middle East, one US diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, spoke of 
 CNN and Fox News one minute and Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV the next, thinking he 
 watching different battles.

 ''The Arab world is seeing trips to the hospitals, grieving parents, while the 
 cable stations and networks are showing the troops in the field,'' said the 
diplomat. ''The
 trouble is, it is creating different memories of the war, and it will reinforce 
the anger
 here about what the US is doing.''

 US media have shown pictures and written stories about civilian casualties, 
especially from
 Baghdad. Television stations and print publications have also shown still 
photographs and
 edited video footage of seven US prisoners of war. News executives have said that 
 ability to independently cover civilian casualties, especially in the southern 
city of
 Basra, has been limited because of the dangers of battle there.

 In contrast, Arab newspapers and television stations in Abu Dhabi, Lebanon, 
Dubai, Qatar,
 and elsewhere in the region have placed a heavy emphasis on civilian casualties, 
 those involving children. One station showed the scalp of a child that reporters 
said had
 been blown off in a bombing. The segment showed the scalp from three different 

 In recent days, both television and newspapers have featured the image of a young 
girl being
 pulled from rubble by an older man in a kaffiyeh. It was impossible to know if 
the girl was
 dead or alive. She was wrapped in a purple shawl, and both her legs were 
partially cut off.

 Some US stations have approached Iraqi casualties with skepticism. In some 
segments of
 children in a hospital, reporters have added a caveat that there was no way to 
 verify whether the victims had been hurt in air raids.

 In the most controversial broadcast, Al-Jazeera decided to air gruesome pictures 
taped by
 Iraqi television of dead American soldiers outside of Nasiriyah. American 
 stations declined to do so.

 During a televised briefing in Qatar, Army Lieutenant General John Abizaid, 
deputy commander
 of Combined Forces Command, chided a reporter for Al-Jazeera for the network's 
decision to
 air the video. ''The pictures were disgusting,'' Abizaid said, adding that he 
would not want
 other stations to show the video.

 A reporter from Xinghua News Agency of China asked whether such pictures would 
 influence the morale of the US troops or the American people. Abizaid said he 


2003-03-27 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

The dolphins are taught to avoid touching the mines, which might cause 
them to explode, said Capt. Mike Tillotson, a Navy bomb disposal expert. 
He said there was little risk to animals doing this kind of work.

Perhaps there isn't much risk (but "little risk" is not the same as "no risk") to dolphinswho only 'sniff' out mines (actually they don't smell mines, they are taught to ID them visually)...

But what isn't mentioned in this report, but was shown on a local broadcast yesterday, is the fact that the Navy is also using trained sea lionsin conjunction with the dolphins...and while the dolphins don't touch the mines, the sea lions are trained to attach a line to a mine so that the mine can then be towed out of harms way...

Since the sea lions DO touch the mines, one has to ask just how many of these animals die in the line of duty...


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2003-03-27 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 21:59:26 -0500
From: John Perna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Birch Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This war is ON BEHALF OF The New World Order, (Headquartered at the United
and against the only dictator in the world,
who is not going along with The New World Order.

GW Bush cited a UN Resolution as the reason for the war.
The constitution say CONGRESS has the authority to get us into a war,
We are angry because terrorists did damage in our country.
Our national pride was hurt.
We swore to obtain justice, or maybe even vengence.

We are ready to go to war because we say that Saddam has weapons of mass
But, who has THE MOST weapons of mass destruction?
Which is the only country that has ever dropped a
nuclear bomb on a civilian population?

in the name of opposing weapons of mass destruction,
then how will we refuse to live by the rules that we demanded?

Over and over again,
we have let our leaders drop bombs on other countries,
and we called this patriotism.
Now there are people all over the world,
who want to do the same thing to us,
and we call this terrorism.

Now our leaders tell us that to stop terrorism,
we must drop more bombs.
How will this cycle end?

Bombing other countries;
which have not invaded us,
is not defense.
That is aggression.

Our leaders are United Nations puppets, who have no intention of saving this
country from the United Nations.
New World Order one worlder stooges have run our government for
Read Department of State Publication 7277;
which has been in effect since September of 1961


At the end, you will find this blunt summary:

In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament
and continuously developing principles
and procedures of international law would proceed to a point
where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively 
strengthened U.N. Peace Force
and all international disputes would be settled according
the agreed principles of international conduct.

The Full text follows:

Department of State Publication 7277



Disarmament Series 5
Released September 1961

Office of Public Services

For sale by the Superintendent ot Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. - Price 15 cents


The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by
serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In
order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the
United States has introduced, at the Sixteenth General Assembly of the
Nations, a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.

This new program provides for the progressive reduction of the war-making
capabilities of nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international
institutions to settle disputes and maintain the peace. It sets forth a
series of comprehensive measures which can and should be taken in order to
bring about a world in which there will be freedom from war and security for
all states. It is based on three principles deemed essential to the
achievement of practical progress in the disarmament field:

First, there must be immediate disarmament action:

A strenuous and uninterrupted effort must be made toward the goal of general
and complete disarmament; at the same time, it is important that specific
measures be put into effect as soon as possible.

Second, all disarmament obligations must be subject to effective
international controls: The control organization must have the manpower,
facilities, and effectiveness to assure that limitations or reductions take
place as agreed. It must also be able to certify to all states that retained
forces and armaments do not exceed those permitted at any stage of the
disarmament process.

Third, adequate peace-keeping machinery must be established: There is an
inseparable relationship between the scaling down of national armaments on
the one hand and the building up of international peace-keeping machinery
institutions on the other. Nations are unlikely 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Will Find It Extremely Difficult to Satisfy Victors and Vanqu...

2003-03-27 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/26/2003 11:05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LONDON, 25 March 2003  The Bush administration likes to project confidence and it is now
being assisted in that by generals with an abundance of what American soldiers call
command presence.

I've noticed them. Unfortunately while these generals have beaucoup "command presence," they seem disastrously low on planning and operational ability. They do not even appear to know their weaponry very well. With our equipment falling from the skies and the majority of our losses due to accidents and friendly fire, someone needs to come forward who is actually capable of fighting a war. I was and am dead set against this war, but as long as we must fight it, wouldn't it be nice if those in command gave evidence of being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We don't need cheer leaders or a pep rally. We need some folks who can get mission accomplished with the fewest casualties on both sides. Prudy
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] It's Not About Oil Or Iraq

2003-03-27 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-


An Economic Perspective On The War
It's Not About Oil Or Iraq.
It's About The US And Europe Going
Head-To-Head On World Economic Dominance.

By Geoffrey Heard, Australia

Summary: Why is George Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
administration reject every positive Iraqi move? It all makes sense when you
consider the economic implications for the USA of not going to war with
Iraq. The war in Iraq is actually the US and Europe going head to head on
economic leadership of the world.

America's Bush administration has been caught in outright lies, gross
exaggerations and incredible inaccuracies as it trotted out its litany of
paper thin excuses for making war on Iraq. Along with its two supporters,
Britain and Australia, it has shifted its ground and reversed its position
with a barefaced contempt for its audience. It has manipulated information,
deceived by commission and omission and frantically bought UN votes with
billion dollar bribes.

Faced with the failure of gaining UN Security Council support for invading
Iraq, the USA has threatened to invade without authorisation. It would act
in breach of the UN's very constitution to allegedly enforced UN

It is plain bizarre. Where does this desperation for war come from?

There are many things driving President Bush and his administration to
invade Iraq, unseat Saddam Hussein and take over the country. But the
biggest one is hidden and very, very simple. It is about the currency used
to trade oil and consequently, who will dominate the world economically, in
the foreseeable future -- the USA or the European Union.

Iraq is a European Union beachhead in that confrontation. America had a
monopoly on the oil trade, with the US dollar being the fiat currency, but
Iraq broke ranks in 1999, started to trade oil in the EU's euros, and
profited. If America invades Iraq and takes over, it will hurl the EU and
its euro back into the sea and make America's position as the dominant
economic power in the world all but impregnable.

It is the biggest grab for world power in modern times.

America's allies in the invasion, Britain and Australia, are betting America
will win and that they will get some trickle-down benefits for jumping on to
the US bandwagon.

France and Germany are the spearhead of the European force -- Russia would
like to go European but possibly can still be bought off.

Presumably, China would like to see the Europeans build a share of
international trade currency ownership at this point while it continues to
grow its international trading presence to the point where it, too, can
share the leadership rewards.


Oddly, little or nothing is appearing in the general media about this issue,
although key people are becoming aware of it -- note the recent slide in the
value of the US dollar. Are traders afraid of war? They are more likely to
be afraid there will not be war.

But despite the silence in the general media, a major world discussion is
developing around this issue, particularly on the internet. Among the many
articles: Henry Liu, in the 'Asia Times' last June, it has been a hot topic
on the Feasta forum, an Irish-based group exploring sustainable economics,
and W. Clark's The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War with Iraq: A
Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth has been
published by the 'Sierra Times', 'Indymedia.org', and 'ratical.org'.

This debate is not about whether America would suffer from losing the US
dollar monopoly on oil trading -- that is a given -- rather it is about
exactly how hard the USA would be hit. The smart money seems to be saying
the impact would be in the range from severe to catastrophic. The USA could
collapse economically.


The key to it all is the fiat currency for trading oil.

Under an OPEC agreement, all oil has been traded in US dollars since 1971
(after the dropping of the gold standard) which makes the US dollar the de
facto major international trading currency. If other nations have to hoard
dollars to buy oil, then they want to use that hoard for other trading too.
This fact gives America a huge trading advantage and helps make it the
dominant economy in the world.

As an economic bloc, the European Union is the only challenger to the USA's
economic position, and it created the euro to challenge the dollar in
international markets. However, the EU is not yet united behind the euro --
there is a lot of jingoistic national politics involved, not least in
Britain -- and in any case, so long as nations throughout the world must
hoard dollars to buy oil, the euro can make only very limited inroads into
the dollar's dominance.

In 1999, Iraq, with the world's second largest oil reserves, switched to
trading its oil in euros. American analysts fell about laughing; Iraq had
just made a mistake that was going to beggar the nation. But two years 

[CTRL] A 1982 Israeli war has modern echoes for US in Iraq

2003-03-27 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

from the March 27, 2003 edition -


A 1982 Israeli war has modern echoes for US in Iraq

By Nicholas Blanford | Special to The Christian Science Monitor

BEIRUT, LEBANON - The parallels between the US-led invasion of Iraq and
Israel's invasion of Lebanon 21 years ago are striking - and ominous.

Both involved modern armies invading initially through Shiite
Muslim-dominated areas. Both armies also expected no opposition from local
Shiites: US war planners hope for a warm reception from Iraqi Shiites
grateful for an end of repression by Saddam Hussein's Sunni Muslim elite;
Israel believed the Shiites of south Lebanon would be happy to see the back
of Palestinian guerrillas whose presence had made life intolerable. Indeed,
the Lebanese Shiites initially showered the invading Israeli troops with
rose petals and rice. But the Israelis miscalculated about the Shiites, and
the rice and rose petals soon turned into bombs and bullets.

Has the US made the same mistake about the Shiites of Iraq?

Beware the Shiites! wrote Israeli journalist and peace activist Uri
Avnery recently, predicting that US problems in Iraq will begin once the
fighting is over. He gave an example of two trips he paid to south Lebanon
in 1982. During the first visit, four days after the Israeli invasion, he
recounted being greeted with great joy by Shiite villagers. A few months
later, Mr. Avnery returned to Lebanon and found Israeli troops now wearing
bulletproof vests and helmets, many on the verge of panic. What had
happened? The Shiites received the Israeli soldiers as liberators. When
they realized that they had come to stay as occupiers, they started to kill
them, he wrote.

The opposition to coalition forces in southern Iraq is being waged by units
of Fedayeen Saddam, a paramilitary force deployed from areas further north.
But there are reports of civilians joining the Fedayeen, enraged at the
invasion of their homeland and the bombing of their cities.

In an easily missed report, CNN's Ryan Chilcote, embedded with the 101st
Airborne Division, spoke of the reaction of local Shiites as the troops
passed through their towns.

In the first town, Mr. Chilcote reported, the US soldiers were quite
literally applauded. But in the next town, the reaction was markedly
different. It was eerie, he said. The villagers stared unsmiling at the
passing American troops. It had all the ingredients of an ambush,
Chilcote said, and had the US commanders really worried.

To add to the potential difficulties facing the coalition forces, Shiite
religious authorities in Iraq's southern city of Najaf on Tuesday called on
the Iraqi people to defend their country, honor, and religion by expelling
the unbelievers from the land of Islam.

Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim, the head of the Iran-supported Supreme Council for
the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), the largest Shiite opposition
group, warned on Tuesday that his followers are ready to take up arms
should coalition troops become an occupation force. The Badr Brigades,
SCIRI's 15,000-strong military wing deployed in Iran, with some units in
northern Iraq, have so far stayed out of the fighting.

The American troops will face a very strong resistance in just a couple of
months. They will have to leave the cities and move into the desert, says
Abu Ali, a veteran of Lebanon's Hizbullah organization who fought Israeli
troops from 1982. I know the Iraqi people, he said, having spent his
childhood in Najaf in southern Iraq, and I think the Americans will face
the same resistance the Israelis faced in Lebanon, even harsher.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Secret Plan

2003-03-27 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 If there is any truth to this, then I have no doubt that the wrath of the
 world and most, if not all, people in the US would come down on Bush like
 never before. He would be kicked out faster than you could say, Cheney
did business with Saddam.
 Bad, bad PR. And their PR machine is spinning faster and faster. Even I
 doubt they'd be *this* foolish. Bush isn't suicidal.

I am sad to say that apparently the Bush Gang has surreptitiously
printed up several million Iraq 'mini-deeds' and will be handing them
out before the 2004 Presidential election.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] It's Not About Oil Or Iraq

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Dale Stonehouse wrote:


 An Economic Perspective On The War
 It's Not About Oil Or Iraq.
 It's About The US And Europe Going
 Head-To-Head On World Economic Dominance.

 By Geoffrey Heard, Australia

 Summary: Why is George Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
 administration reject every positive Iraqi move? It all makes sense when you
 consider the economic implications for the USA of not going to war with
 Iraq. The war in Iraq is actually the US and Europe going head to head on
 economic leadership of the world.

 America's Bush administration has been caught in outright lies, gross
 exaggerations and incredible inaccuracies as it trotted out its litany of
 paper thin excuses for making war on Iraq. Along with its two supporters,
 Britain and Australia, it has shifted its ground and reversed its position
 with a barefaced contempt for its audience. It has manipulated information,
 deceived by commission and omission and frantically bought UN votes with
 billion dollar bribes.

 Faced with the failure of gaining UN Security Council support for invading
 Iraq, the USA has threatened to invade without authorisation. It would act
 in breach of the UN's very constitution to allegedly enforced UN

 It is plain bizarre. Where does this desperation for war come from?

 There are many things driving President Bush and his administration to
 invade Iraq, unseat Saddam Hussein and take over the country. But the
 biggest one is hidden and very, very simple. It is about the currency used
 to trade oil and consequently, who will dominate the world economically, in
 the foreseeable future -- the USA or the European Union.

I think this deduction is wrong.

The war and the US government is about hard cash only. For everyone
involved. And short term profits at that. No long term plans there.
Wreck the car, wreck the economy, destroy the environment and kill
the Iraqi's if you have to, as long as they get as much money as
they can as fast as possible. Israeli's are also involved. Without
their help in controlling the media, they couldn't be doing this.

Everyone involved is profiting personally. Every big-wig. Every
corporation and every lobby-group, both the individuals in them
and each entity as a group. A thousand individuals who are all
profiting from these events big-time.

Even Tony Blair is getting a nice big nice chunk of green as a
thank you from the Carlyle Group.

Idealism may help form a strategy, but ideology only motivates
the crazy people. It certainly does not motivate corporations or
the people leading US. Money and oil runs in their veins.

Fanaticism on our leaders part is only as hard as the currency
they are getting to shovel into their own pockets, and lasts equally
just as long as it's flow.

The facts are plain and out there for everyone to see. Only the
US government is very busy hiding everything it can and writing
new laws to help it act in more secrecy and eliminating anyone
and anything who threatens to expose how big-time the americans
are being conned out of all their money. The lie is too big to
believe. It is out there in the plain open. $500 billion dollar
scam is being pulled on the Americans. All to the profit of the
richest men on this planet.

It's only imprudent to point out that the people in charge don't
have their pants on when it comes to the reasons for this war.
It's been pointed a million times already. All to death ears.
They don't care!

They are too busy counting the $.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: In Wartime, Rights Can Be Reduced to Minimum says Supreme C...

2003-03-27 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/25/2003 5:29:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

``The Constitution just sets minimums,'' Scalia said. ``Most of the rights that you enjoy go way beyond what the Constitution requires.''

The old boy must be a member of the Rehnquist court. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Fw: Dear Brook

2003-03-27 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Golly WOW!! Prudy
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] 210 MMM cities. Alphabetical links. Million Marijuana March. May 3 2003 worldwide.

2003-03-27 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

Please forward.
Global Cannabis March. First Saturday in May. Since 1999.
This MMM list is from the 2nd half of Dana Beal's MMM email Mar 20 2003.
Send MMM city info to Dana Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please join the MMM Cannabis Action Yahoo Group:
For more MMM info click link above.

-Dana Beal email excerpt begins-


To get on the poster for the 2003 Global March for Cannabis Liberation,
check yr contact info and add yr city to the List
http://www.cures-not-wars.org/cities.htm , which right now consists of
210 cities :

Abbotsford: 604-607- Tim Felger [EMAIL PROTECTED] About 100 marchers
who refused to pay to march.

Albany: Terry Phelan 518-436-7098 [63 McCarty Ave. Albany, NY 12202]

Albuquerque: Cindy Giannini [EMAIL PROTECTED] (505) 880-0666 [27-29
Dakota Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110] Between 500 and 1000
participants in '02, no arrests

Amherst: Angela Panaccione [EMAIL PROTECTED] 413-545-1122

Amsterdam: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +31(0)20-6107807 +31(0)6-16314682
http://www.legalize.net http://www.legalize.org Has Cornelissen, Govert
Flinckstraat, 295 Amsterdam

Arlington: Paula Matson 817-299-8447 [2306 Fig Tree Lane, Arlington, TX

Atlanta: Paul Cornwell 404-522-2267 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Paul Cornwell,
1231 Druid Place NE, Atlanta, Ga. 30307-1507] CAMP Legal Defense Fund,
Inc., PO 5718, Atlanta, Ga. 30117-5718

Auckland: Chris Fowlie ph 09 302-5255 2000 participants in '02.

Augusta: Cindi Ellen O'Connor 207-696-8879 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [RR1 Box
1090 Starks, ME 04911] or Faryl Orlinsky 207-783-3324 Drums around the

Austin: Sarah 512-481-9123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.austinnorml.org
[Austin NORML, 1708 B East 17th St, Austin, TX 78702] Tracy Hayes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 512.693.2356, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX,
78704 Nearly 1,000 participants in '02.

Barcelona: Ernesto Blume, CANAMO, Cervantes 7, entlo. 08002 Barcelona
Spain Tel.: +34-93-317 01 30 Fax: +34-93-412 16 19 E-mail:

Basel: Sektion Basel-Stadt SHK, Postfach, 4007 Basel, Fax: +41 61 263 98

Baton Rouge: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (225)667-9270 [Robin Tilley P.O. Box
791 Denham Springs, La 70727 or 10006 Eve Drive, Denham Springs 70726]

Battle Creek: Jay Statzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 269-697-4521
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/battlecreek.htm Noon-6:00pm
Friendship Park where Capital Ave crosses the river. Drum circle and
speeches in the park. March at 4:20pm on the Calhoun County Correctional

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0049-30-29490201
http://www.hanfparade.de [200 participants, 2,000 spectators in '02.

Bermuda: Queen Selassie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-1444
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Roman will know which Swiss cities are

Birmingham: Loretta Nall [EMAIL PROTECTED] 256 234-0342

Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham B138AU.
01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.growmoreweed.co.uk March/Festival
foundered over Biblical interpretation; just 20 people in '02.

Boone: Joshua Nathan Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Stan Chamberlain
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 828 266 7587 ASU Box 7947, Boone NC 28608

Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box 0266,
Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 - http://www.masscann.org -
781-779-1334 fax Signature-gathering drive in '02.

Boulder: Ralph Shnelvar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 303-546-6125 

Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-27 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

Whatever this was I bet it was hand made and belongs to one of those
agencies that the government says don't exist.
On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003, at 02:44 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote:
There IS a blinking red light on top of an electric tower about a mile
the end of the reservoir, but that wasn't causing the glow I'd seen;
never seen that glow in all the years I'd driven past the reservoir,
and I
ve never seen it since...but the only thing I can figure that would
caused it would have been a low-hovering helicopter or two projecting
a red
light...but why a helicopter would have been hovering (hiding?) over
reservoir at that wee hour of the morning is a mystery...
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Missile Strike Evokes Anger at U.S.

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-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Missile Strike Shatters a House, and a Family Attack on
Neighborhood Evokes Anger at U.S.

By Anthony Shadid

Washington Post Foreign Service

Washington Post www.washingtonpost.com

March 25, 2003

BAGHDAD, March 24 -- Breakfast was simple, but late.
Days of bombing had left the Khalil family sleepless.
When a respite arrived at noon today, a moment of ease
in an uneasy time, they sat down, picking anxiously at
boiled eggs, tomatoes and bread.

Nine-year-old Shahid told stories, and her 12-year-old
brother, Ahmed, laughed. The older family members, with
harrowing memories of bombings in the 1991 Persian Gulf
War, sat uneasily, their silence an eloquent testament
to worry.

Then a whisper sounded, ever so slight. In seconds, the
house was shattered by a cruise missile, the family
said. Um Aqeel, the mother of five children, and her
daughter-in-law, Sahar, were killed. Two sons and a
daughter were wounded.

Hours later, weary and angry, Aqeel, the oldest son,
looked out at his bandaged siblings laying dazed in
their hospital beds.

There are no soldiers in my home, there's no gun in my
home! he shouted. How can God accept this?

In five days of bombing, the United States and Britain
have hurled hundreds of cruise missiles and bombs at
Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. For the most part,
their precision is stunning, carving out craters in the
domes of presidential palaces and gaping holes in the
sides of fearsome intelligence headquarters that dot
the capital. Even by the official Iraqi count, hundreds
of civilians have been wounded but only a handful
killed, despite a furious assault that has left the
capital jittery and afraid.

But the arithmetic of war makes mistakes inevitable --
blasts gutted the student union at Mustansiriya
University on Sunday and a cluster of homes in the
Qadisiya neighborhood last week. Adhimiya, a working-
class quarter, may have witnessed another mistake, a
snapshot of the horrors of war and the scenes of
resentment and revenge that lay in their wake.

In a warren of narrow alleys, perched uncomfortably
beside a trench of burning oil that cloaked the
neighborhood in a blinding, black haze, at least three
houses were destroyed by the blast, which blew out the
windows of others in an arc around the detonation.
Cream-colored brick and cinder blocks were strewn
across the muddy street. Rubble poured forth from a
crater that left the homes resembling an archaeological
dig. Nearby rested the artifacts of domesticity -- a
mattress spring, a brown scarf and a green plastic

Residents insisted no military or government site was
nearby, and none was visible from the limited vantage
point of the street. Journalists were accompanied by
government escorts to the hospital where the wounded
received treatment.

Neighbors said that at the sound of the blast and the
smell of smoke, they rushed into the houses, pushing
aside furniture and rubble to search for those buried
by it. Dirt particles were suspended in the air. Five
minutes later, sirens announced the arrival of
ambulances, which took the four dead and 27 wounded to
Noman Hospital.

At the hospital, the head of 14-year-old Ali, another
son in the Khalil family, was wrapped in a bandage. He
stared blankly at the ceiling. His sister, Shahid, lay
motionless. Her fingernails were painted in sparkles
and ringed by dried blood.

The face of his brother Ahmed was still bloodied. A
bandage sat like a helmet on his forehead.

We trust in God, what can we do? Ahmed said softly,
curled in a fetal position. I'm safe and alive. That's
most important.

A doctor, Abdullah Abed Ali, leaned over to a visitor.
He whispered, out of earshot of Ahmed.

He doesn't know that his mother has died, he said,

[CTRL] Fwd: Demography is Destiny

2003-03-27 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Demography is Destiny

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Thursday, 27 March 2003


*** Credit card delinquencies at record...mortgage
foreclosures too...grim earnings...

*** Economic demons from hell! Durable orders down...new
home sales down...

*** Gold up...a rising star in politics...the field
marshal...and more!

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tells you if a stock is about to rise or fall by at least
30% in 90 days or Less. To date, it's been right 82% of the

In the last several months my system has found stocks that
rose 54% in 55 days, 103% in 38 days, 147.4% in 84 days and
435% in just 33 days.

It is built around three of the world's most successful and
reliable technical indicators. Find out what they are and
how you can start profiting.

I'm so sure you will make Huge profits, I'm willing to let
you try my MST System for 30 days...absolutely Risk Free.
Check it out. You'll be glad you did.



The bad news continues to trickle out as though from a
leaky sewage pipe.

Credit card delinquencies are at a new high. So are
mortgage foreclosures. As people borrowed more and more
against the 'equity' in their houses, they found it harder
and harder to make the payments. But the borrowers didn't
seem to notice...and the lenders didn't seem to mind;
refinancings continued to rise alongside foreclosure rates.

In the last two weeks, however, either the borrowers have
been distracted by war on prime time...or they've finally
begun to come to their senses. Or maybe a slight increase
in mortgage rates caught their eyes just as they were
getting ready to sign on for another $20,000 slug of debt.
Whatever the cause, refinancing activity has fallen over
the last couple of weeks, with the most recent week's
activity 9% below the previous week.

Consumer confidence is at a 10-year low. And as reported
here yesterday, debt is growing at its fastest pace in 15

And how's business? Like the rest of the financial
effluent, it is smelly and repulsive. A Grim Earnings
Season is how TheStreet.com describes the most recent

Even the news from the Iraqi front is a little grim. While
the situation could change by tonight's news, so far, the
Iraqis do not seem to appreciate their liberators. If this
ingratitude continues, the price tag for installing a
puppet government - oops, we mean bringing freedom to the
Iraqi people - could rise well beyond the $75 billion Bush
has asked for to see him through September.

While we have no doubts about the nobility of the cause, we
can't help but wonder whether bringing democracy to the
desert might turn out to be a little like building an
expensive opera house in the jungle: it might look good for
a while, but it would soon have vines growing through the
unused air-ducts and bird droppings on the carpet - while
the bonds sold to pay for the project would still need to
be paid.

Not that we have any better idea than George Bush or Alan
Greenspan of what will happen. It's just that this Lenten
Season finds us unusually worried. Maybe the war will turn
out well...but maybe it won't. Maybe the dollar will hold
up...but maybe it won't. Maybe stocks and the economy will
enter a new boom phase...but maybe they won't.

As usual, writes the Mogambo Guru with his customary
reserve, I look for the dark cloud. But when the cloud is
this big and that dark, and heavy, threatening clouds cover
the earth like a death shroud from pole to pole, lightning
bolts and flash floods 

[CTRL] Violating the Geneva Convention

2003-03-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Violating the Geneva Convention 
by James J. David

It seems as if the Bush Administration is quite upset and very much concerned over the Iraqis treatment of the recently captured American prisoners. The concern is quite understandable and, like every other patriotic American, I pray that these soldiers are unharmed and released as soon as possible. But if the last Gulf War is any indication of Iraq's treatment of prisoners of war then our fears may somewhat be relieved. Of the 23 prisoners of war that the Iraqis captured all 23 were released and in relatively good health. 

Nevertheless, President Bush was quick to blast the Iraqis for showing television footage of the captured American soldiers on Iraqi TV. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that " it's a violation of the Geneva Convention for the Iraqis to be showing prisoners of war in a humiliating manner and needless to say, television that carry such pictures are, I would say doing something that's unfortunate."

In the five or six hours of TV war coverage I watched, I probably heard the words "Geneva Convention" 100 times. I was a little surprised that not one person pointed out that the United States is not applying the Geneva Convention to fighters captured in Afghanistan. In fact, the Bush Administration has been very vocal in its opposition to treating these prisoners in accordance with the Geneva Convention. Perhaps now that American soldiers are also being held, the administration will treat all prisoners in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

And what about the way the Israelis treat their prisoners? If there was ever an award to be given for the biggest violator of the Geneva Convention the Jewish State would win hands down. Why hasn't George Bush or Donald Rumsfeld or, for that matter, any previous administration ever criticized or threatened Israel for its treatment of Palestinian prisoners. Over the years, Israel has habitually tortured innocent Palestinians to extract confessions. Detainees suffer long periods with urine-soaked hoods over their heads, are handcuffed and shackled to posts in painful and suffocating stooped positions, stretched backward over chairs with hands and feet tied to their legs, and they are never permitted the use of a bathroom. Red Cross lawyers and family are not allowed to even contact these prisoners. A number of Palestinian prisoners have died from torture at the hands of Israeli military. When the question came up in Israel just a few years ago of whether or not the practice of torture should be permitted in the light of international disapproval the courts approved it and the U.S. didn't say a word. When it comes to violations of the Geneva Convention, I guess it's only wrong "unless Israel does it."

But maybe the most shocking of all violations of the Geneva Convention came during the 1967 Israeli war with the Egyptians. The Israeli army carried out a number of mass executions of Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai, forcing them to dig ditches, then lining them up and shooting them. Dozens of eyewitnesses to these mass executions have reported what they saw, but the world's politicians and media bosses pretend not to know. According to eyewitness accounts by Israeli officers and journalists, the Israeli Army - the army that claims to hold itself to a higher moral standard than other armies - executed as many as 1,000 Egyptian prisoners. Historian Gabby Bron wrote in the Yediot Ahronot in Israel that he witnessed Israeli troops executing Egyptian prisoners on the morning of June 8, 1967, in the Sinai town of El Arish. Bron reported that he saw about 150 Egyptian POWs being held at the El Arish airport where they were sitting on the ground, densely crowded together with their hands held on the back of their necks. Every few minutes, Bron writes, Israeli soldiers would escort an Egyptian POW from the group to a hearing conducted by two men in Israeli army uniforms. Then the man would be taken away, given a spade, and forced to dig his own grave. "I watched as (one) man dug a hole for about 15 minutes," Bron wrote. "Afterwards, the (Israeli military) policeman told him to throw the shovel away, and then one of them leveled an Uzi at him and shot two short bursts, each of three or four bullets." Bron says he witnessed about ten such executions, until the grave was filled. Then an Israeli Colonel threatened him with a revolver, forcing him to leave the area.

If you analyze world history you can see what has always happened to leaders, countries, or political organizations that become so powerful they cannot be publicly criticized. The United States has put the Israelis on such a high pedestal in America that it is impossible for anyone to make criticism. We talk about the Geneva Convention but just look at what we actually practice. We have one standard for the treatment of Israel that is so high they cannot be 

[CTRL] Perle: Prince of Darkness in the spotlight

2003-03-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Perle: 'Prince of Darkness' in the spotlight
By Jim Lobe 

WASHINGTON - Is civil war about to break out among the neo-conservatives who have championed the imperial trajectory of the Bush administration's foreign policy? 

It's still too early to tell, but analysts are raising eyebrows over news that Richard Perle, the single most powerful hawk outside the administration, has been retained by Global Crossing to help ensure that Hutchison Whampoa, widely regarded by his fellow hawks as a front for China's People's Liberation Army, can buy a majority share in the bankrupt telecommunications company. 

It's the latest in a series of revelations of Perle's business dealings that, at the very least, make clear why he decided against taking an official position in the administration of President George W Bush. It seems that Perle, for all his hawkishness, wants to get rich in ways that government service may not permit. 

Those business dealings, which include interests in companies selling advanced computer eavesdropping systems and other "homeland security"-related systems to foreign intelligence and security agencies, have raised ethical questions about whether he is using his unpaid position as chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (DPB) for personal gain. While the latest disclosure about his relationship with Global Crossing also raises ethical issues, the fact that China is involved - Beijing being considered by most neo-cons the power most likely to challenge US regional dominance in Asia - makes the case even more remarkable. 

According to a notice submitted by Global Crossing, Perle would be paid US$726,000 by the company, including $600,000 if the sale goes through. Whether it will remains unclear, however. Both the Defense Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have raised some "national security" problems with the deal because it would put Global Crossing's global fiber-optics network, which is used by the Pentagon itself, under Hutchison Whampoa's control. 

What is particularly remarkable - not to say mind-boggling - is that one of Perle's closest neo-conservatives proteges, soulmates and veteran collaborators, Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), has been screaming about the dangers posed by the Hong Kong-based company to US national security ever since Panama awarded it a 25-year renewable contract to lease and operate the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal Zone in 1997. 

Gaffney began working for Perle way back in the 1970s when they were both on the staff of Washington state senator Henry M "Scoop" Jackson, the "Senator from Boeing", devoted to derailing detente with the Soviet Union. Their bureaucratic machinations with then defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and another Perle protege, Paul Wolfowitz, to frustrate a new arms-control agreement negotiated with Moscow by secretary of state Henry Kissinger earned Perle his famous nickname, the Prince of Darkness. 

Under president Ronald Reagan, Perle became an assistant secretary of defense and named Gaffney as his deputy. In the 1990s, they worked hand-in-glove - Perle at the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), and Gaffney at CSP. Perle serves on CSP's board of advisors; they serve together on the boards of the US Committee for a Free Lebanon and the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, and several other neo-conservative-dominated interest and lobby groups. 

Gaffney, who warned that the Panama leases would put Beijing in a position to cut off the canal to US warships, if not take control of the strategic waterway altogether, led a bizarre campaign backed by extreme right-wingers in Congress and former defense secretary Caspar Weinberger to force the Panamanians to cancel the deal before the canal reverted to Panamanian sovereignty on January 1, 2000. 

As recently as last August, Gaffney was insisting that Hutchison, which is owned by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, is simply a cat's paw for China to further its strategic designs against Washington. In addition to the Panama Canal leases, he wrote in the Washington Times, Hutchison "is currently hard at work acquiring a presence for China at other strategic 'choke points' around the world, including notably the Caribbean's Bahamas, the Mediterranean's Malta, and the Persian Gulf's Straits of Hormuz. At a moment inconvenient to the United States, such access could translate into physical or other obstacles to our use of such waterways." 

But while these geostrategic maneuvers were worrisome enough, the main point of Gaffney's article last October was precisely to point out the threat posed by Hutchison's purchase of a 61.5 percent majority interest in Global Crossing, the winner of a 10-year, $450 million contract to operate a high-speed classified research network for Pentagon scientists. 

Gaffney had a message for those who would support the deal going 

[CTRL] Saudi Youth Now Hate America

2003-03-27 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

By Carol Morello
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 27, 2003; Page A32

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, March 26 -- The young sons of Selwa Hazzaa
consider it a mark of shame that they were born in the United States, a
country whose military they now see nightly on television waging battle
in neighboring Iraq.

Yuck! says the 11-year-old at every mention of America. The 12-year-old
expresses even more contempt.

I hate the States, he told his mother, who spent most of her childhood in
the United States. I wish I weren't from there. I don't want to go to

Hazzaa has told them it is fine to hate President Bush, but not everything
American. Still, she returned home one day to find her older son throwing
his favorite U.S.-made snack food into the trash bin.

I am so afraid that I am breeding a future terrorist, said Hazzaa, a
eye surgeon in Riyadh. Now I can control him, but what about 10 years from

Throughout the Arab world, a new generation of young people is growing up
and coming of age at a time of rampant anti-American sentiment. The
mounting anger at the U.S.-led war against Iraq is particularly striking in
Saudi Arabia, where until a few years ago U.S. ideals and products were
widely admired.

Much of the Saudi upper and professional class was educated in the United
States, including many of the government technocrats, and many Saudis
maintain warm friendships they forged abroad. But some of these families
are now deciding not to send their children to study in the United States.

Tofoul Marzouki, 21, had planned to pursue a master's degree in the United
States. Now she is looking at schools in Canada. I have nothing against
the people; it's the government, said Marzouki, who ordered a Domino's
pizza the other night that her cousin refused to touch because it was made
by a U.S. company. Visiting America or going there to study is out of the
question. I'm so angry at the government, I wouldn't feel comfortable

Saudis trace the negative sentiment to the hostilities between Israelis and
Palestinians that broke out in September 2000. In markets, classrooms and
private homes, Saudis have seen endless television images of Israelis using
U.S.-supplied weaponry against Palestinians. Even children anguish over the
Palestinian cause and wonder why the United States provides guns to Israel.

The anger deepened in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Visa restrictions tightened and many
Saudi students studying in the United States returned home with tales of
Muslims being harassed and stereotyped as terrorists. Many in Saudi Arabia,
the birthplace of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and 15 of the 19
hijackers who carried out the attacks, say Americans have tied all
Saudis -- and their religion -- to terrorism.

A critical mass of suspicion and hostility coalesced when the U.S. campaign
against Iraq culminated in an invasion.

Today, it is all but impossible to find anyone here who does not oppose the
war in Iraq. In an Arab American Institute opinion poll conducted in early
March by Zogby International, 97 percent of Saudis questioned said they had
an unfavorable opinion of the United States, up from 87 percent a year ago.

I think that underestimates it, said Awardh Badhi, a political scientist
with the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. It is more
like 98 or 99 percent. The anger is boiling, to what end we do not know
because it is all underground.

Many middle-aged, educated Saudis say they are worried about the
implications of the mutual alienation. Despite policy and cultural
differences, Saudi-U.S. relations have been fortified over the years by a
Saudi upper class that studied in the United States and appreciates its
freedoms. Many young people say they have become politicized at a far
earlier age than their parents, and their first political memories are of
an America that throws its weight around at the expense of Arab interests.

It tells you how the future feels, said Thurayaa Arrayed, a consultant
with the Arabian-American Oil Co. (Aramco), who studied in the United
States and sent three of her four children to study at Ivy League colleges.
It's fine for people like us who grew up seeing Americans as friends,
allies, people you look up to and a system that seems ideal. It feels now
like it's all gone down the drain.

On the surface, Saudi Arabia has been quiet while the rest of the Arab
world has taken its anger to the streets. All public demonstrations here
are prohibited. Privately, however, Saudis are intently focused on the
war's progress. So many Saudis are glued to their television sets that
merchants report business is suffering.

Saudis are signaling their displeasure discreetly. Mobile phones ring with
text messages of crude jokes about President Bush and prayers for God to
destroy the U.S. military. People interviewed here said that at their

Re: [CTRL] It's Not About Oil Or Iraq

2003-03-27 Thread Zachary Howard
-Caveat Lector-

i disagree with you, Jei.   i think there is more to it than just a simple
make money fast thing.  i agree with everything else you said though.

anyway, i think it's obvious there is an agenda.

zachary p. howard
home: http://catacombs-channel.net
radio: http://catacombs.darktech.org:8000/listen.pls
phone: (804) 874-4660
To live to benefit mankind is the first step. - Buddha
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] It's Not About Oil Or Iraq

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

  An Economic Perspective On The War
  It's Not About Oil Or Iraq.
  It's About The US And Europe Going
  Head-To-Head On World Economic Dominance.
  By Geoffrey Heard, Australia
  Summary: Why is George Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
  administration reject every positive Iraqi move? It all makes sense when
  consider the economic implications for the USA of not going to war with
  Iraq. The war in Iraq is actually the US and Europe going head to head
  economic leadership of the world.
  America's Bush administration has been caught in outright lies, gross
  exaggerations and incredible inaccuracies as it trotted out its litany
  paper thin excuses for making war on Iraq. Along with its two
  Britain and Australia, it has shifted its ground and reversed its
  with a barefaced contempt for its audience. It has manipulated
  deceived by commission and omission and frantically bought UN votes
  billion dollar bribes.
  Faced with the failure of gaining UN Security Council support for
  Iraq, the USA has threatened to invade without authorisation. It would
  in breach of the UN's very constitution to allegedly enforced UN
  It is plain bizarre. Where does this desperation for war come from?
  There are many things driving President Bush and his administration to
  invade Iraq, unseat Saddam Hussein and take over the country. But the
  biggest one is hidden and very, very simple. It is about the currency
  to trade oil and consequently, who will dominate the world economically,
  the foreseeable future -- the USA or the European Union.

 I think this deduction is wrong.

 The war and the US government is about hard cash only. For everyone
 involved. And short term profits at that. No long term plans there.
 Wreck the car, wreck the economy, destroy the environment and kill
 the Iraqi's if you have to, as long as they get as much money as
 they can as fast as possible. Israeli's are also involved. Without
 their help in controlling the media, they couldn't be doing this.

 Everyone involved is profiting personally. Every big-wig. Every
 corporation and every lobby-group, both the individuals in them
 and each entity as a group. A thousand individuals who are all
 profiting from these events big-time.

 Even Tony Blair is getting a nice big nice chunk of green as a
 thank you from the Carlyle Group.

 Idealism may help form a strategy, but ideology only motivates
 the crazy people. It certainly does not motivate corporations or
 the people leading US. Money and oil runs in their veins.

 Fanaticism on our leaders part is only as hard as the currency
 they are getting to shovel into their own pockets, and lasts equally
 just as long as it's flow.

 The facts are plain and out there for everyone to see. Only the
 US government is very busy hiding everything it can and writing
 new laws to help it act in more secrecy and eliminating anyone
 and anything who threatens to expose how big-time the americans
 are being conned out of all their money. The lie is too big to
 believe. It is out there in the plain open. $500 billion dollar
 scam is being pulled on the Americans. All to the profit of the
 richest men on this planet.

 It's only imprudent to point out that the people in charge don't
 have their pants on when it comes to the reasons for this war.
 It's been pointed a million times already. All to death ears.
 They don't care!

 They are too busy counting the $.

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 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please 

[CTRL] Fw: [anti-imperialiste] Russian Reports Of US Military Defeats In Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-27 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:58 PM
Subject: [anti-imperialiste] Russian Reports Of US Military Defeats In Iraq


 1) US Marine Detachment Destroyed Near Nasiriya
 2) Iraqi Tanks Burst Through US Marine Lines, Break
 Through Basra Blockade


 Rosbalt (Russia)
 March 27, 2003

 Detachment of US Marines Destroyed near Nasiria in

 BAGHDAD, March 27. A detachment of US marines was
 destroyed in the vicinity of Nasiria in Iraq this
 morning. This was announced by Qatar news agency

 Apparently, the coalition forces were caught in an
 ambush organised by the Baas party militia (Saddam
 Hussein's personal guards) and the home guards. A
 Rosbalt correspondent was informed by the
 international organisation of Arab journalists,
 Damascus, that 10 US soldiers had been killed.

 At the same time, leaders of coalition forces in
 Kuwait report 'only a few wounded.'

 Rosbalt (Russia)
 March 27, 2003

 Iraqi Army Breaks through Basra Blockade

 BAGHDAD, March 27. The Iraqi army, with the help of
 the local militia and the police, has managed to break
 through the Anglo-American blockade of Basra, the
 second largest city in Iraq, which was surrounded by
 coalition forces for the last four days.

 As a Rosbalt correspondent reports, the Iraqis used
 T-52 tanks to destroy the front lines of the US
 marines and then launched a counterattack. This
 information is confirmed by Iraqi news agency IRNA.

 There has been no comment from the Pentagon.

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[CTRL] War, Hitler and Cheney

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


War, Hitler and Cheney
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 25, 2003

The immediate situation of the U.S. is summed up as follows: At this
moment, as I had forewarned you in 1999-2000, we are plunging into a
world depression comparable to, but worse than that of the Herbert
Hoover Depression of 1929-1933. As I forewarned you in an address,
broadcast at the beginning of 2001, new would-be Adolf Hitlers have now
appeared, this time inside the U.S.A. Those would-be Hitlers now threaten
the whole world with the kinds of wars for which the world later hung Nazi
leaders, at Nuremberg: the new Hitlers from inside the U.S.A. and Blair's
government, who act exactly as Hitler threatened Czechoslovakia in 1938,
and invaded Poland in 1939.

The pivotal feature of that warfare, into which an already bankrupt U.S.
has just been plunged, is the de facto usurpation of the function of a still-
sitting President by Halliburton's Vice-President Cheney, and by a gang of
his organized-crime-linked lackeys polluting not only the Departments of
Defense and State, but also polluting, and virtually castrating elected and
other leaders of the nominal opposition, the Democratic Party.

Ironically, but not accidentally, the present war-like situation in the
Department of Defense, including the public rug-chewing exhibitions by
Secretary Rumsfeld, reminds today's serious historians of the way in which
Adolf Hitler and his Roman Legions-modelled SS, ultimately destroyed that
German military which would-be Caesar Hitler's gang feared and hated so

All too obviously, the leading war-makers inside the Bush Administration
today are mere lackeys, nasty pimps like the Leporello of Mozart's famous
opera. These real-life Leporellos, such as the politically pimpish Wolfowitz
and Ashcroft, were spawned, chiefly, by Chicago University and associated
circles of a prominent fascist ideologue, the late Professor Leo Strauss.
This Strauss was a follower of the Carl Schmitt who crafted the law under
which Hitler became dictator of Germany; so, are Strauss's ardent
followers inside the Bush Administration today. This fascist, Strauss, who
created Wolfowitz, was imported to the U.S. from the Germany of Carl
Schmitt and Hitler-midwife Hjalmar Schacht, at the time that also the later
Robert Hutchins-sponsored Strauss was already known to be a fanatical
follower of the leading Nazi ideologue Martin Heidegger.

However, like the Nazi SS enforcers, lackeys Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton,
Wurmser, Feith, and so on, are merely expendable hoodlums adorned with
political motley. To understand them, you must look to those who created
them and put them into their present positions. You must look to the
London-backed Hjalmar Schachts and von Papens of the modern U.S.A.,
including the likes of the Conrad Blacks, the Rupert Murdochs, George
Shultz, and the Shultz-allied forces behind the Halliburton firms'
government and other connections.

The essence of the matter is exactly what I warned you might happen, in a
broadcast address I delivered just before the inauguration of President
George W. Bush, Jr. We are in an accelerating world depression, while this
year's U.S. Federal deficit already soars in the direction of the $1 trillions
mark. The U.S.A. experienced its Reichstag Fire on September 11, 2001,
and the storm-trooper legions of Vice-President Cheney marched forth
from those smoking ruins, brandishing their Mein Kampf doctrine of
preventive nuclear war. This is the Nazi-like doctrine which Cheney had
adopted in 1991, then in his capacity of Secretary of Defense. Led by
Cheney's and Rumsfeld's lackeys, the depression-wracked U.S. is presently
marching down the road toward self-inflicted Hell, unless the war is
stopped about now.

We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable exit is
provided. It is not an Iraq War; it is a virtually endless world war, unless
we stop it: unless you, personally, contribute to stopping it. It is a war
already spreading, as the military forces of Turkey invade northern Iraq, in
preparation to deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a Kurdish state out
of a region including large chunks of Turkey and Transcaucasia. This is a
war of incalculable implications, being pushed by dangerous, and largely
morally demented lunatics, such as Mother Cheney's Chickenhawks.

This is a spreading war, which threatens to topple most, or even all of the
existing governments of the Middle East. As a result of the earlier
foolishness of the Bush Administration policy toward the government of
South Korea, President Bush's brainless launching of an absolutely unlawful
war against Iraq, has created the grave possibility of an otherwise unlikely,
nuclear-warfare incident between the U.S.A. and North Korea, with the
possibility of a third nuclear-weapons detonation against Japan.

None of this insanity could have happened this way, had the 

[CTRL] more invasions, McGovern says

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

   www.jsonline.comReturn to regular view

Original URL: http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/mar03/128783.asp

U.S. planning more invasions, McGovern says



Last Updated: March 26, 2003

Former U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate George
McGovern charged Wednesday that President Bush intends to invade
North Korea and Iran after finishing with Iraq.

War with Iraq

More Coverage

Section: More on

the war against Iraq
Updates: Latest news from the Associated Press
Multimedia: Daily TMJ4 reports, briefings, etc.
Photos: Nation at war
List: U.S. deaths, prisoners, missing

On the Front Line

Reports from Journal

Sentinel Middle East correspondents:  KATHERINE M. SKIBA: Embedded with
101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Ky. Attached to the 159th
Aviation Brigade, which conducts air assault missions from helicopters.
 Go to Skiba's reports NAHAL TOOSI: Embedded with  First Marines
Expeditionary Force based in Camp Pendleton, Calif. Attached to the 6th
Engineer Support Battalion, whose primary mission is storage and supply of
bulk fuel and water. Bulk Fuel Company B, made up of units from Green
Bay and Wilmington, Del., is part of the battalion.
 Go to Toosi's reports

Postcards from Wisconsin Soldiers

Katherine M.
Skiba and Nahal Toosi bring firsthand word from Wisconsin soldiers serving
in the Persian Gulf.
 Go to Postcards
Even now, these wars are being planned by the current administration,
McGovern said. I'm positive, based on conversations with people close to
the White House, that plans are in place for the next invasions.

McGovern did not disclose who his sources were, and attempts to get a
response were not successful before deadline.

McGovern was in Milwaukee to speak at the Great Decisions conference
Tuesday night, and at the First Unitarian church Wednesday. He noted
that American soldiers still patrol Korea, more than 50 years after the war
there, and predicted the Bush agenda could involve American soldiers
overseas for decades.

McGovern, a decorated World War II veteran who ran unsuccessfully for
president in 1972 as an opponent of the Vietnam War, said he supported
the Gulf War but opposed the current action.

This is clearly an American invasion. The chance of Iraq attacking the U.S.
is about the same as attack from Mars, McGovern said. Everybody knows
Osama bin Laden was the man who conceived the 9-11 attack, but by
harping on this, (the Bush administration) has gradually convinced 51
percent of the American people that Saddam was behind it.

McGovern said the Sept. 11, 2001, attack was done by religious extremists,
whereas Hussein is a hard-bitten atheist. I don't think he'd give Osama the
time of day.

McGovern compared the action in Iraq to Japan's sneak attack on Pearl

The Japanese tried to put out that line, that they thought America was
going to attack them, and this was a pre-emptive strike. That didn't sell at
the war crimes trial (after World War II).

Noting that Japan's plotters were found to be war criminals, McGovern
said, it's quite possible an action of that kind (by the World Court) would
be brought against Bush if there are a lot of people killed in a country
we've invaded.

McGovern, who was a history professor before going into politics,
predicted the doctrine of pre-emption could tie the hands of future
presidents. If we were to protest a pre-emptive attack by Pakistan on
India with nuclear weapons, we'd have no influence at all if we ourselves
had used that doctrine in Iraq and probably in places to come. We'd have
no moral or political foundation to stand on, he said.

McGovern, who is 80, was president of the Middle East Policy Council from
1991 to 1998 and currently serves as the United Nation's global ambassador
on hunger. He said America's international standing has declined markedly
because of the Iraq war.

A version of this story appeared in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on
March 27, 2003.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama 

[CTRL] Fwd: Richard Perle resigning....but staying

2003-03-27 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\ www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
   and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!


  RICHARD PERLE out as Chairman of important Pentagon 

MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.org - Washington - 3-27-2003:Richard 
Perle -- the 'Dark Prince' of Washington -- may be resigning as head of the important 
Defense Intelligence Advisory Panel at the Pentagon...possibly a first sign that 
things politically are getting a little heated for the Jewish/Christian crusading 
militarists who rule in the Bush Administration.   Perle, a long-time agent of the 
Likud-oriented wing of the Israeli-Jewish lobby in Washington and its Pentagon conduit 
JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), is said to currently plan to 
remain on the Panel but not as its head.  He has recently been the subject of 
considerable media criticism for his financial conflicts of interest and 
double-dipping as well as for his pronounced anti-Saudi regime campaign.Perle is 
known to be one of the primary architects of the 'Axis of Evil' school-of-thought; and 
at present is known to be pushing hard to get the US to take on Iran, Syria, Hezbollah 
and Hamas in the Middle East as soon as Iraq is conquered. But it is far premature 
for any rejoycing from opposition quarters.   Though feeling a little heat Perle may 
well have concluded that he has already achieved his main goals -- with the Iraq war 
now raging and Sharon firmly in power in Israel -- and that not much is now likely to 
change in Washington as a result of his personal repositioning at this point.  
Perle along with others from the extended-Israeli-Jewish lobby is also continuing 
his close association with the right-wing hard-line American Enterprise Institute 

MiD-EasT RealitieS  - http://www.MiddleEast.Org
  Phone:   (202) 362-5266
  Fax:   (815) 366-0800  

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wilhelm Gustloff

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Free Speech - March 1998 - Volume IV, Number 3

Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff

by Dr. William Pierce

What's said to be the most expensive motion picture ever made was
released a few weeks ago and has been earning record money at the box
office. The film, of course, is Titanic, and it's about the sinking of the
ocean liner S.S. Titanic on April 15, 1912, with the loss of 1,513 lives, after
the ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic.

There are many superlatives in the film. The Titanic was the largest ship
ever built at the time. It also was the most luxurious ship, intended to
provide high-speed trans-Atlantic transportation in comfort for the rich
and pampered. The implication of the film is that the sinking of the Titanic
is the greatest maritime disaster of all time. I'm sure that the great majority
of the American public believes that to be the case, but it isn't. Everyone
has heard about the sinking of the Titanic, and very few have heard about
the sinking of the S.S. Wilhelm Gustloff, which was the greatest maritime

It is easy to understand why everyone has heard about the Titanic: it was
a very big, very expensive ship, claimed to be virtually unsinkable, which
went down on its maiden voyage with a record number of celebrities and
tycoons aboard. The irony of the sinking helped generate public interest
and an enormous media coverage. When the Wilhelm Gustloff went down,
on the other hand, with the loss of more than 7,000 lives, the controlled
media adopted the deliberate policy that it was a non-event, not to be
commented on or even reported. The Wilhelm Gustloff, like the Titanic,
was a big passenger liner and was reasonably new and luxurious. But it was
a German passenger liner. It was sunk in the Baltic Sea on the night of
January 30, 1945, by a Soviet submarine. It was packed with nearly 8,000
Germans, most of them women and children escaping from the advancing
Soviet Army.

Many of these German refugees lived in East Prussia, a part of Germany
that the Communist and democratic Allies had agreed would be taken from
Germany and given to the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World
War. Others lived in Danzig and the surrounding area, which the democrats
and Communists had decided would be taken from Germany and given to
Poland. All of these refugees were fleeing in terror from the Reds, who
already had demonstrated in East Prussia what was in store for any German
unfortunate enough to fall into their hands.

As Soviet military units overtook columns of German civilian refugees
fleeing to the west, they behaved in a way which has not been seen in
Europe since the Mongol invasions of the Middle Ages. Often the men,
most of them farmers or Germans who had been engaged in other essential
occupations and thus exempted from military service, were simply
murdered on the spot. The women were, almost without exception, gang-
raped. This was the fate of girls as young as eight years old and old women
in their eighties, as well as women in the advanced stages of pregnancy.
Women who resisted rape had their throats cut or were shot. Very often
women were murdered after being gang-raped. Many women and girls
were raped so often and so brutally that they died from this abuse alone.

Sometimes Soviet tank columns simply rolled right over the fleeing
refugees, grinding them into the mud with their tank treads. When Soviet
Army units occupied East Prussian villages, they engaged in orgies of
torture, rape, and murder so bestial that they cannot be described fully
on this program. Sometimes they castrated the men and boys before killing
them. Sometimes they gouged their eyes out. Sometimes they burned
them alive. Some women after being gang-raped were crucified by being
nailed to barn doors while still alive and then used for target practice.

This atrocious behavior on the part of the Communist troops was due in
part to the nature of the Communist system, which had succeeded in
overthrowing Russian society and the Russian government in the first place
by organizing the scum of Russian society -- the losers and never-do-wells,
the criminals, the resentful and the envious -- under the Jews and setting
them against the successful, the accomplished, the refined, and the
prosperous, promising the rabble that if they pulled down their betters
then they could take the place of the latter: the first shall be last, and
the last shall be first.

It was the members of this rabble, this scum of Russian society, who
became the bosses of local soviets and collectives and workers' councils --
when the positions had not already been taken by Jews. The Soviet
soldiers of 1945 had grown up under this system of rule by the worst; for
25 years they had lived under commissars chosen from the dregs of Russian
society. Any tendency toward nobility or gentility had been weeded out
ruthlessly. Stalin had ordered the butchering of 35,000 Red Army officers,
half of the old Russian officers' corps, 

[CTRL] Dictators Dilemma

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Dictators Dilemma

Ronald A. Francisco
Department of Political Science
University of Kansas
1541 Lilac Lane, Lawrence KS 66044

telephone: 785-864-9023
fax: 785-864-5700
website: http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~ronfran/
data site: http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~ronfran/data/index.html

Paper prepared for the Conference on Repression and Mobilization: What
Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here?
University of Maryland, June 21-24, 2001

The Dictators Dilemma[1]

History has already made its judgment. We were simply forced to act. We
didnt want to. . . . In ten or twenty years you will come to realize that
these measures were necessary for the stability of China and for world
peace. Speaking in Austria in 1994, Chinas Prime Minister Li Peng
defended the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square (Reuters, July 1, 1994).
Will an evaluation in eight more years show this self-serving statement to
be correct? Does a massacre enhance stability and the endurance of
dictatorship? How do dissidents and their leaders view these repression
events? Do they in fact retreat in model obedience to the state? Or do
they lash out at the state and its violence? These questions ground this
paper. It was once accepted that dictatorship was stable and enduring.
Recent regime collapses have altered this perception, but dictatorships
aplenty still remainmany for decades. Long-lasting autocracies have little
or nothing to do with citizen support of the dictator. Instead long-lived
dictatorships imply that the dictator a repressive and monitoring force
that has not repressed sufficiently for dissidents to backlash and mobilize
(Wintrobe 1998). Dictators do not require legitimacy or popular support,
much as they might desire it. Control is the vital ingredient here. Yet most
dictators are surprised at their lack of control over dissident acts.
Unexpected events, harsh repression, and natural disasters can weaken
state control over citizens actions. In this study, we concentrate on
harsh repression and consequent citizen backlash. From the dictators
perspective we investigate the backlash threshold? How much repression is
sufficient to deter protest without causing backlash and high-level
mobilization? This, essentially, is the dictators dilemma.

Definitions and Cases What is a dictator? Thomas Jeffersons definition
serves well even in the twenty-first century: a dictator [is] invested with
every power: legislative, executive, and judiciary, civil and military, of life
and death over persons and property (Malone 1948, 360). Given
Jeffersons definition, foreign military occupiers of a country are also
dictators (e.g., the British in India, Portugal in Guinea-Bissau or Israel in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip). While an eighteenth- century definition
works for current dictatorships, the role dictators methods of repression
changed in the twentieth century. As Hannah Arendt (1973, 6) notes: A
fundamental difference between modern dictatorships and all other
tyrannies of the past is that terror is no longer used as a means to
exterminate and frighten opponents, but as an instrument to rule masses
of people who are perfectly obedient. What is repression? Wintrobe
(1998, 34) defines repression as restrictions on the rights of citizens to
criticize the government, restrictions on the freedom of the press,
restrictions on the rights of opposition parties to campaign against the
government, or, as is common in totalitarian dictatorship, the outright
prohibition of groups, associations, or political parties opposed to the
government. We are concerned with harsh repression, including
massacres, Bloody Sunday (or any other bloody day), all involving the
one-sided and overwhelming use of state force. Massacres in real civil wars
generally lie outside our purview (e.g., the massacres in the English civil
war [Coster 1999]).  What is backlash? The goal of this paper is to study and
analyze at least some instances when the entire population is not
perfectly obedient. In particular, it attempts to account for the causes of
backlash, i.e., massive, rapid and accelerating mobilization in the wake of
harsh repression. Backlash generally forms a point of inflection, i.e., the
concavity of the mobilization level shifts from down to up (Francisco 1996).
What is a security police? All dictators depend on forces of political police,
secret police, riot police, prison guards, cadres of military officers and all
judges in courts. As Wintrobe (1998) notes, the security force is often of
dubious loyalty and constitutes the main threat to the dictator. The ways
a dictator rewards and controls the state security force is a principal
determinant of the probability of backlash. Backlash in democratic
countries is easy to understand, but why does it happen in dictatorships?
Particularly vexing is the fact that backlash does not always occur. That is,
in some instances harsh coercion 

[CTRL] War, Hitler and Cheney

2003-03-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

War, Hitler and Cheney
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 25, 2003

The immediate situation of the U.S. is summed up as follows: At this moment, as I had forewarned you in 1999-2000, we are plunging into a world depression comparable to, but worse than that of the Herbert Hoover Depression of 1929-1933. As I forewarned you in an address, broadcast at the beginning of 2001, new would-be Adolf Hitlers have now appeared, this time inside the U.S.A. Those would-be Hitlers now threaten the whole world with the kinds of wars for which the world later hung Nazi leaders, at Nuremberg: the new Hitlers from inside the U.S.A. and Blair's government, who act exactly as Hitler threatened Czechoslovakia in 1938, and invaded Poland in 1939.The pivotal feature of that warfare, into which an already bankrupt U.S. has just been plunged, is the de facto usurpation of the function of a still-sitting President by Halliburton's Vice-President Cheney, and by a gang of his organized-crime-linked lackeys polluting not only the Departments of Defense and State, but also polluting, and virtually castrating elected and other leaders of the nominal opposition, the Democratic Party.

Ironically, but not accidentally, the present war-like situation in the Department of Defense, including the public rug-chewing exhibitions by Secretary Rumsfeld, reminds today's serious historians of the way in which Adolf Hitler and his Roman Legions-modelled SS, ultimately destroyed that German military which would-be Caesar Hitler's gang feared and hated so intensely.

All too obviously, the leading war-makers inside the Bush Administration today are mere lackeys, nasty pimps like the Leporello of Mozart's famous opera. These real-life Leporellos, such as the politically pimpish Wolfowitz and Ashcroft, were spawned, chiefly, by Chicago University and associated circles of a prominent fascist ideologue, the late Professor Leo Strauss. This Strauss was a follower of the Carl Schmitt who crafted the law under which Hitler became dictator of Germany; so, are Strauss's ardent followers inside the Bush Administration today. This fascist, Strauss, who created Wolfowitz, was imported to the U.S. from the Germany of Carl Schmitt and Hitler-midwife Hjalmar Schacht, at the time that also the later Robert Hutchins-sponsored Strauss was already known to be a fanatical follower of the leading Nazi ideologue Martin Heidegger.

However, like the Nazi SS enforcers, lackeys Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton, Wurmser, Feith, and so on, are merely expendable hoodlums adorned with political motley. To understand them, you must look to those who created them and put them into their present positions. You must look to the London-backed Hjalmar Schachts and von Papens of the modern U.S.A., including the likes of the Conrad Blacks, the Rupert Murdochs, George Shultz, and the Shultz-allied forces behind the Halliburton firms' government and other connections.

The essence of the matter is exactly what I warned you might happen, in a broadcast address I delivered just before the inauguration of President George W. Bush, Jr. We are in an accelerating world depression, while this year's U.S. Federal deficit already soars in the direction of the $1 trillions mark. The U.S.A. experienced its Reichstag Fire on September 11, 2001, and the storm-trooper legions of Vice-President Cheney marched forth from those smoking ruins, brandishing their Mein Kampf doctrine of preventive nuclear war. This is the Nazi-like doctrine which Cheney had adopted in 1991, then in his capacity of Secretary of Defense. Led by Cheney's and Rumsfeld's lackeys, the depression-wracked U.S. is presently marching down the road toward self-inflicted Hell, unless the war is stopped about now.

We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable exit is provided. It is not an Iraq War; it is a virtually endless world war, unless we stop it: unless you, personally, contribute to stopping it. It is a war already spreading, as the military forces of Turkey invade northern Iraq, in preparation to deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a Kurdish state out of a region including large chunks of Turkey and Transcaucasia. This is a war of incalculable implications, being pushed by dangerous, and largely morally demented lunatics, such as Mother Cheney's Chickenhawks.

This is a spreading war, which threatens to topple most, or even all of the existing governments of the Middle East. As a result of the earlier foolishness of the Bush Administration policy toward the government of South Korea, President Bush's brainless launching of an absolutely unlawful war against Iraq, has created the grave possibility of an otherwise unlikely, nuclear-warfare incident between the U.S.A. and North Korea, with the possibility of a third nuclear-weapons detonation against Japan.

None of this insanity could have happened this way, had the U.S.A. been 

[CTRL] Bush Administration Readying for 2004 Invasion of Iran

2003-03-27 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Bush administration readying for 2004 invasion of Iran

By John Stanton
Online Journal Contributing Writer

March 24, 2003—While the slaughter continues in Iraq, the United States has its sights
set on the real prize: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Even though Syria is next on the chopping block according to the authors of A Clean
Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm—chief among them Richard Perle and Douglas
Feith—it is Iran that they covet.

In their view, it's payback time for the 1970s overthrow of the Shah and subsequent
takeover by Khomeni (then exiled in France), the occupation of the US Embassy, the
ensuing hostage crisis, the botched rescue attempt that sullied America's military
reputation, and tit-for-tat terrorist actions over the years between the US and Iran 
Navy shoot down of Iranian airliner, Iranian backed terrorist attacks on US troops, 
Never mind that in 1953, US, UK and Israeli intelligence were responsible for a coup
which ousted the nationalistic Iranian prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh and would
ultimately lead to regional conflict with Iraq and hatred of the US to this day.

The same stupidity was repeated in 1963 in Iraq, when US, UK and Israeli intelligence
whipped up a coup decapitating prime minister Abdul-Karim Qassim (a 25 year-old named
Saddam Hussein played a key role in that effort) which would ultimately lead to 
conflict with Iran and Kuwait and hatred of the US to this day.

The bottom line has not changed in 2003. It is all about economics. In the 1950s and
1960s, the US and UK were worried about the nationalization of oil production by Iran 
Iraq. In 2003, it is the same.

The US consumes roughly 30 percent of the world's energy production (as measured in
British Thermal Units) yet has only 5 percent of its population. We have 50 percent of
the world's wealth but only 6.3 percent of its population. In this situation, our real
job . . . is to devise a series of relationships which permit us to maintain this
position of disparity. To do so we have to dispense with sentimentality . . . we should
cease thinking about human rights, the raising of living standards and 
according to US diplomat and historian George Kennan in 1948 (see Richard Heinberg's 
US and Eurasia: End game for the industrial era?).

The United States and Western Europe have unwaveringly adhered to Kennan's advice and
have only themselves to blame for the madness currently underway in Middle East and
Persian Gulf. For over 50 years, through coups, preemptive air strikes and vicious
propaganda, the US, UK, France, Israel and other European nations have long been 
in preemption by attacking and decapitating the legitimate leaders of the nations 
makeup that region.

And so many still ask the silly question, Why do they hate us?

US War Criminals in Action

Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donnie Rumsfeld, Richard Armitage, Elliot Abrams, Zalmay
Khalilzad and other up and coming war criminals are anxious to set things right with
Iran. It is Iran's turn to be subjected to the 21st Century version of Nazi Germany's
Blitzkrieg, that being the murderous American shock and awe campaign created by 
War Criminal Harlan Ullman. Ullman writes a column for the Reverend Moon's Washington
Times and is a senior associate with the Center for Strategic and International 
in which the Department of Homeland Security was initially conceived.

From March 21 to March 23, Iranian air-space had been violated with impunity by US
aircraft. The US attacked the oil-industry communities of Khorramshahr, Abadan and
Manyuhi in Iran not far from the US-UK-Kuwaiti controlled Faw Peninsula and Umm al
Qasr—control points for the Shatt al Arb through which billions of gallons of crude oil
have passed to the US, UK and Japan. The oil refinery and depots in Abadan were the
primary targets. The were casualties but no deaths. US and UK bombers have also circled
over Arvand-Kenar in Iran on their way into Iraq. Iranian officials have protested 
violations of international law, but to no avail. Pentagon officials declared the cause
of the attacks to be stray cruise missiles and bombs. That is improbable.

These attacks (and overflights), it seems, were part of the preprogrammed target 
planned early on by US military commanders to test, or light up, Iranian air defenses 
the invasion of Iran which is likely to take place if George Bush II takes the US
presidency in 2004. They serve as a stark warning to Iran not to meddle in what has now
become the American, British and Kuwaiti sphere-of-influence in the southeastern sector
of Iraq.

Iran Attack Plans

Between April of 2003 and November 2004, the US, UK and Israel will accelerate
instability operations in Iran and engage in global disinformation campaigns to 

[CTRL] Amber alert, pro-war rallies/clear channel connection, Ritter - US will lose

2003-03-27 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

from Backlash_ology House Approves Money for Amber Alert By Jesse J. Holland, AP Washington - "The House joined the Senate Thursday in approving money for a nationwide child kidnapping "Amber Alert" system, but a dispute over the House's addition of other provisions for sex offenses could delay the system's implementation. The GOP-controlled House pushed through a package of child protection measures by an overwhelming vote of 410-14, including "Amber" and "Code Adam" alerts designed to quickly stop kidnappers, a ban on computer-simulated child pornography and new punitive measures for sex offensesUnder Sensenbrenner's bill, people accused of raping or abducting children would be denied bone and held in jail until their trials. The statute of limitations on child abductions and sex crimes would be eliminated and life sentences would be required for twice-convicted sex offenders." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2cid=512ncid=716e=7u=/ap/20030327/ap_on_go_co/amber_alert

By and large, recent pro-war rallies haven't drawn nearly as many people as antiwar rallies, but they have certainly been vehement. One of the most striking took place after Natalie Maines, lead singer for the Dixie Chicks, criticized President Bush: a crowd gathered in Louisiana to watch a 33,000-pound tractor smash a collection of Dixie Chicks CD's, tapes and other paraphernalia. To those familiar with 20th-century European history it seemed eerily reminiscent of. . . . But as Sinclair Lewis said, it can't happen here. Who has been organizing those pro-war rallies? The answer, it turns out, is that they are being promoted by key players in the radio industry - with close links to the Bush administration.
The CD-smashing rally was organized by KRMD, part of Cumulus Media, a radio chain that has banned the Dixie Chicks from its playlists. Most of the pro-war demonstrations around the country have, however, been organized by stations owned by Clear Channel Communications, a behemoth based in San Antonio that controls more than 1,200 stations and increasingly dominates the airwaves. 

by Fintan Dunne, Editor http://www.GuluFuture.com
 Thorn in the side of the American administration, and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, has warned that America will lose the Iraq war and the American military: "will leave Iraq with its tail between its legs." In an interview with Irish radio, Mr. Ritter said that the conflict would become an "absolute quagmire," and the US-UK advance would stall outside Bhagdad and fail to capture the city. "We find ourselves... facing a nation of 23 million, with armed elements numbering around 7 million --who are concentrated at urban areas. We will not win this fight. America will loose this war," said Mr. Ritter
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[CTRL] All in the Neocon Family

2003-03-27 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

All in the Neocon Family

By Jim Lobe, AlterNet
March 27, 2003

What do William Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Elliot Abrams, and Robert Kagan have in common? Yes, they are all die-hard hawks who have gained control of U.S. foreign policy since the 9/11 attacks. But they are also part of one big neoconservative family  an extended clan of spouses, children, and friends who have known each other for generations. 

Neoconservatives are former liberals (which explains the "neo" prefix) who advocate an aggressive unilateralist vision of U.S. global supremacy, which includes a close strategic alliance with Israel. Let's start with one of the founding fathers of the extended neocon clan: Irving Kristol. His extensive resume includes waging culture wars for the CIA against the Soviet Union in the early years of the Cold War and calling for an American "imperial" role during the Vietnam War. Papa Kristol, who has been credited with defining the major themes of neoconservative thought, is married to Gertrude Himmelfarb, a neoconservative powerhouse on her own. Her studies of the Victorian era in Britain helped inspire the men who sold Bush on the idea of "compassionate conservatism." 

The son of this proud couple is none other that William Kristol, the crown prince of the neoconservative clique and editor of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard. In 1997, he founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a front group which cemented the powerful alliance between right-wing Republicans like Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, Christian and Catholic Right leaders like Gary Bauer and William Bennett, and the neocons behind a platform of global U.S. military dominance. 

Irving Kristol's most prominent disciple is Richard Perle, who was until Thursday the Defense Policy Board chairman, is also a "resident scholar" at the American Enterprise Institute, which is housed in the same building as PNAC. Perle himself married into neocon royalty when he wed the daughter of his professor at the University of Chicago, the late Alfred Wohlstetter  the man who helped both his son-in-law and his fellow student Paul Wolfowitz get their start in Washington more than 30 years ago. 

Perle's own protege is Douglas Feith, who is now Wolfowitz's deputy for policy and is widely known for his right-wing Likud position. And why not? His father, Philadelphia businessman and philanthropist Dalck Feith, was once a follower of the great revisionist Zionist leader, Vladimir Jabotinsky, in his native Poland back in the 1930s. The two Feiths were honored together in 1997 by the right-wing Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). 

The AEI has long been a major nexus for such inter-familial relationships. A long-time collaborator with Perle, Michael Ledeen is married to Barbara Ledeen, a founder and director of the anti-feminist Independent Women's Forum (IWF), who is currently a major player in the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill. Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and another neo-con power couple  David and Meyrav Wurmser  co-authored a 1996 memorandum for Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu outlining how to break the Oslo peace process and invade Iraq as the first step to transforming the Middle East. 

Though she doesn't focus much on foreign-policy issues, Lynne Cheney also hangs her hat at AEI. Her husband Dick Cheney recently chose Victoria Nuland to become his next deputy national security adviser. Nuland, as it turns out, is married to Robert Kagan, Bill Kristol's main comrade-in-arms and the co-founder of PNAC. 

Bob's father, Donald Kagan, is a Yale historian who converted from a liberal Democrat to a staunch neocon in the 1970s. On the eve of the 2000 presidential elections, Donald and his other son, Frederick, published "While America Sleeps," a clarion call to increase defense spending. Since then, the three Kagan men have written reams of columns warning that the currently ballooning Pentagon budget is simply not enough to fund the much-desired vision of U.S. global supremacy. 

And which infamous ex-Reaganite do the Kagans and another leading neocon family have in common? None other than Iran-contra veteran Elliott Abrams. 

Now the director of Near Eastern Affairs in Bush's National Security Council, Abrams worked closely with Bob Kagan back in the Reagan era. He is also the son-in-law of Norman Podhoretz, long-time editor of the influential conservative Jewish publication Commentary, and his wife, Midge Decter, a fearsome polemicist in her own right. 

Podhoretz, like Kristol Sr., helped invent neo-conservatism in the late 1960s. He and Decter created a formidable political team as leaders of the Committee on the Present Danger in 1980, when they worked with Donald Rumsfeld to pound the last nail into the coffin of detente and promote the rise of Ronald Reagan. In addition to being Abrams' father-in-law, Norman Podhoretz is also the father of John Podhoretz, a 

[CTRL] Blowing Up the Moons Conspiracy Theory

2003-03-27 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Blowing Up the 
Moons Conspiracy TheorySaturday, March 15, 2003 
By Patricia Ward Biederman Los 
Angeles Times

NORTHRIDGE, Calif.  Phil Plait, 38-year-old 
astronomer and skeptic, was on the California State University, Northridge, 
campus Friday, punching holes in the tenacious myth that American astronauts 
never landed on the moon. 
Given the crowd, Plait didnt have much 
persuading to do. His talk was sponsored by the universitys Department of 
Physics and Astronomy, and the room was full of people who know one end of a 
telescope from the other. But many Americans cling to the view that the landings 
were staged  6 percent of those surveyed in a 1999 Gallup poll had their 
doubts, uncertainty fed by a steady stream of television shows, books and 
videotapes that claim that NASA was part of a vast government conspiracy. 

But when Plait asked his 75 listeners if any 
believed the moon landings were a hoax, only one young man raised his hand. 

Wearing sneakers and a blue NASA cap, the 
astronomer ticked off the arguments presented in a 2001 Fox TV show Conspiracy 
Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? seen by more than 6 million viewers. He 
systematically refuted each claim. 
On the staff at Sonoma State University in 
northern California, Plait is part of a program that develops educational 
activities based on NASA science and technology. He debunks on his own time, as 
part of an informal community of scientists who thinks its important to counter 
the pseudoscientific notions that seem to flourish in the United States. 
Sometimes, he confessed, taking on the 
conspiracy theorists seems like a lot of effort that could be better spent, say, 
doing astronomy. Plait paraphrases the famous observation: Never wrestle with a 
pig. Youll just get dirty, and the pig enjoys it. But, he said, he believes 
its important to give people the tools they need to think critically about 
these arguments and realize they are wrong. 
Look at the American flag supposedly being 
planted on the moon, the moon hoaxers say. If the astronauts were really on the 
moon, which has no atmosphere, why is the flag waving? 
Plait explains that the astronauts caused the 
flag to move as they drilled the flagpole into the surface of the moon; inertia 
creates the apparent waving motion. 
In the audience, CSUN Astronomy Professor 
Stephen Walton said: I think its important for scientists to take a more 
active role in explaining to the public why this stuff is bad science. ... There 
may be two sides to every issue, but that doesnt mean theyre equal. 
CSUN Sociology Professor Harvey Rich agreed. 
Science education in this country is woeful, he said, and students often lack 
the training to think critically. Popular culture frequently gives a boost to 
pseudoscience, he said: Movies like Signs garner millions of viewers, and 
people think this stuff is real because they cant make the distinction between 
documentary and docudrama. 
Twenty-year-old CSUN student Joseph Farar was 
the one person who confessed to believing that the moon landing was a hoax. 
Afterward, he explained that he had a friend who knew somebody who claimed to 
work for the movie studio that was hired by NASA to fake the landing. The 
conspiracy theorists point to the lack of stars in the photos as evidence that 
the event was staged. The studio employee in Farars friends story said the 
movie-makers forgot to put in the stars. 
Farar said Plait hadnt changed his mind, but he 
said he was going to look deeper into the evidence. And he said he thought there 
were others in the audience who believed it was a hoax but didnt want to admit 
Plait said he meets bright students who have 
seen the Fox show or the like and are uncertain. 
You dont have to be an idiot to believe this, 
he said. It may not even help. 
Plait knows he cant persuade hard-core 
believers in the conspiracy: Its like trying to dig a hole in water. Its 
never going to happen. 
Instead of getting angry about the persistence 
of the myth, he said he tries to approach debunking it light-heartedly. 
And he doesnt reflexively blame overburdened 
teachers for the problem. 
Were not teaching science well enough in the 
schools, thats certainly true, he said. But I think its a societal problem, 
not a school problem. Critical thinking has to start at 
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2003-03-27 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:59:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Ronald Hudlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: david ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Red Menace

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, david ingram wrote:

 At the present time we do not ship to or accept bids from Canada, Mexico, France, 
 Germany or any other country that does not support the United States in our efforts 
 to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. If you are not with us, you are against us.

 If you get this by 8 AM PST this morning, you can hear my Cross Canada Interview 
 withAnna Maria Tremonti.  It will broadcast 8:06 local times on CBC radio and is 
 available at: http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/2003/200303/20030326.html
 in archives. Click on the US Ambassador Paul Cellucci link.

   With host Anna Maria Tremonti
  The U-S Ambassador to Canada is not happy with Ottawa's stand on the war in 
 Iraq, but what do ordinary Americans think?


 Following this is the eBay listing I won which they refuse to sell to me because I 
 am a Canadian.  Proof Positive of the economic damage coming from Canada's official 
 stand on the war in Iraq.

 As you can see, I won the listing and am willing, able and eager to pay and have 
 the printer shipped today.

 I ship everything to a warehouse in Blaine, Washington -  Shipping to Canada is not 
 and has not been a problem.

 Mr Sid Mitchell ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) has made it clear that they will not sell to 
 a Canadian.  HIs boss Dana is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You are obviously trying to get around the fact that you are Canadian and we
 will not honor your bid or ship to any location for you.

 By the way we have not been told by eBay to take the anti-Canada message off
 out listings. We just modified it.

 Sid Mitchell

 Ad follows:

  LEXMARK Optra LX+ Type 4049-LM0
   Item # 3406960437

   Electronics  Computers:Computers  Office Products:Printers:Laser 

  Bidding is closed for this item.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED](110) is the winner.

 Pay using PayPal, money order/cashiers check, personal 
 check, Visa/MasterCard, other online payment services, or see item description for 
 payment methods accepted.

   Payment Details Item price  US $107.50*
   *Not including any shipping charges

Buyer: [EMAIL PROTECTED], If you're not sure how much to pay, you 
 can request the total from the seller.

Seller: dana-cai, you may create and send an invoice to the buyer.

  Payment Instructions Buyer will pay final auction price + SH charges. Please 
 e-mail us your ship to address and payment method upon end of auction. Defective 
 items that carry a warranty may be returned at buyer's expense; prior appoval 
 required with an RMA #. Any item returned and found to be in working condition, will 
 be charged a $20 inspection fee + return SH. Defective items will be repaired, 
 replaced or bid price refunded at our discretion.


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 If you are the seller or a high bidder - now what?

  Current bid  US $107.50 Starting bid  US $24.99
 Quantity  1   # of bids  8   Bid history
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 Location  Lawrenceville, GA
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 Started  Mar-14-03 12:40:33 PST Mail this auction to a friend

 Ends  Mar-21-03 12:40:33 PSTrequest a gift alert

 Seller (rating)  dana-cai(513)
   Feedback rating: 513 with 97.8% positive feedback 
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[CTRL] Fw: War Sirens Herald Iran's Hour of Revenge

2003-03-27 Thread David Sutherland
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

War Sirens Herald Iran's 
Hour of RevengeBy Khairallah Khairallah(London) Financial 
TimesMarch 24, 2003Financial 
TimesMarch 24It may be part of George W. Bush's axis of evil; some 
predict it will be next on the list for US pre-emptive action; but Iran is the 
only one of Iraq's neighbours that wholeheartedly supports regime change in 
Baghdad, even if via a US-led invasion. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein 
and his government is one of the few objectives on which the various factions of 
the Tehran regime agree. Since becoming convinced that the Bush administration 
is indeed determined to effect forcible change in Iraq, Tehran has been egging 
on Washington, albeit in private. Whenever the US has needed Tehran's help, the 
Iranians have been more than happy to oblige. Take last December's 
London conference of Iraqi opposition groups. That gathering would not have been 
possible had Iran not encouraged its Shia cats-paw, the Supreme Council for the 
Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Sciri), to attend. Iran strong-armed Abdulaziz 
al-Hakim, the Sciri representative, to adopt positions similar to those espoused 
by Zalmay Khalilzad, the US government representative. In exchange for its 
efforts, Iran was rewarded with a political statement from the conference that - 
for the first time in modern Iraqi history - spoke of a "Shia majority" in Iraq. 
This meant the US was no longer able to ignore the sectarian reality of Iraq. 
Iran, keen for change in Iraq, realised early on that this could be achieved 
only with US military involvement. Iranian interference angered many 
liberal Shia who warned Washington that, by supporting Sciri, they would be 
committing the same mistake they made when they encouraged Pakistan and Saudi 
Arabia to back the Taliban not that many years ago. They warned the Americans 
that Sciri would cause even more damage to Iraq's relatively open, multicultural 
and multi-ethnic society than the Taliban managed to inflict on Afghanistan. 
America, they predicted, would regret having backed Sciri, just as it now 
regrets helping the Taliban. Liberal Iraqi Sunnis, meanwhile, protested 
that the Iranians had succeeded in hijacking the Iraqi opposition by entering 
into a secret alliance with the Kurds and the Americans. One of the main reasons 
Tehran wants the Hussein regime out of the way is because it has realised it is 
the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Iran's attempts to increase its 
influence in the region; especially in Iraq proper, which cannot conceivably 
retain its old character after the US is done with it. Any new regime in 
Iraq - whatever its character - will have to take the country's Shia majority 
into consideration. Should the US fail to reshape Iraq into a prototype for 
neighbouring countries, Iran (which would in this case become one of the biggest 
operators in Iraq) would then succeed in sowing more confusion and forcing 
Washington to involve itself even more in Iraq. As a result, the Americans would 
increasingly need Iran. Even the hardline conservative faction in Iran 
believes there are benefits in the US war on Iraq. This faction calculates that 
by having the US army on Iran's border, it would be able to justify its 
repressive domestic policies. What better reason for maintaining a hardline 
stance than having the "Great Satan" on your doorstep? Overthrowing the 
Ba'athist regime in Iraq has been an Iranian objective since the days of the 
Shah. Yet Iran's attempts to change the regime have failed despite its support 
for various Iraqi opposition movements, including the Kurds, for more than 30 
years, the 1980-1988 war between the two countries and more than 12 years of 
sanctions. Tehran therefore came to the conclusion that the only way it 
could get rid of its old enemy would be through a third party - in this case, 
the US. Contrary to popular belief, the Iranians have learnt how to co-exist 
with the Americans, as the experience of Afghanistan has demonstrated. 
Whether Iraq manages to remain whole, or civil war breaks out, Iran has 
been preparing itself for some time to play a role in both the US-led war and in 
post-Hussein Iraq. In fact, the only unanswered question is whether 
Iranian military intervention will be direct or indirect. Will the Badr brigade, 
Sciri's military arm, which includes large numbers of Iranian Revolutionary 
Guards, cross over into Iraq in military or civilian garb? In either 
case, it seems that the hour of revenge is at hand for the Iranians. Tehran 
believes it is time to redraw the political map of the Middle East, giving the 
Shias a bigger role everywhere, from Afghanistan to the Gulf to south Lebanon. 
The writer is a London-based Lebanese political analyst (C) 2003 
The Financial Times Limited Financial Times (London) Posted for educational 
use only 
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[CTRL] Iraqis convinced U.S. wants to blunt resurrection of Babylon

2003-03-27 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Treasured past once again at risk Many Iraqis convinced U.S. 
  wants to blunt resurrection of Babylon Robert Collier, Chronicle Staff 

Wednesday, March 19, 


  Babylon, Iraq -- If many Western anti-war protesters 
  believe America's real motive for invading Iraq is its oil, many Iraqis 
  point to another treasure they are convinced lies behind U.S. war aims: 
  This ancient city was the cradle of world civilization thousands of 
  years ago and hit its golden era during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in 
  the sixth century B.C. Now, it is a repository of the Iraqi regime's 
  ambition and fears. 
  "We are sure that the Americans, like they were in the Gulf War, are 
  intent on occupying Iraq for religious purposes," said Muayad Damerji, who 
  was in charge of Babylon as director of Iraq's Antiquities Department from 
  1977 to 1998 and is now an adviser to the minister of culture. 
  Many Iraqis, from high officialdom down to average folk, seem obsessed 
  with the idea that the Americans want to invade Iraq to stop the rise of 
  Babylon as an Islamic counterpart to Jewish Jerusalem. And archaeologists, 
  from Baghdad to the United States, are worried that a U.S. invasion could 
  put many of Iraq's ancient treasures at risk. 
  In his speeches, President Saddam Hussein constantly refers to Iraq's 
  ancient glory, as if to drum into average citizens the fact that their 
  country deserves an exalted spot on the world stage, and he has long 
  envisioned a grand reconstruction of the ancient city of Babylon. 
  By the 1970s, little remained of the storied site. Centuries of sand 
  and wind had eroded the walls and buildings of mud brick. No trace remains 
  of the Hanging Gardens -- one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World -- 
  nor of the Tower of Babel. 
  But since he took power in 1981, Hussein has rebuilt large sections of 
  the ruins, leaving his fingerprints everywhere. Every rebuilt wall in the 
  central temple has a brick at the center with a message stating, "This was 
  built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq." 
  Reconstruction work was halted due to lack of funds after the Gulf War, 
  but hovering over the Babylon site is a monstrous presidential palace, 
  built on a man-made 100-foot- high hill during the past decade, as if to 
  show who is the new emperor. 
  As the likelihood of U.S. invasion has grown stronger, American 
  archaeologists have raised loud warnings that Iraq's historical treasures 
  -- as politicized as they may be -- could be in danger from bombs, 
  fighting and subsequent rioting. 
  By all accounts, protecting this country's archaeological treasures 
  will not prove easy. During the Gulf War, heavy damage was done at Ur, in 
  southern Iraq, which was occupied by U.S. troops for several weeks. 
  American bombing raids left 400 holes in one side of the pyramid, or 
  ziggurat, which dates from 2142 B.C. And at the nearby unexcavated site of 
  Tell al-Lahm, U.S. soldiers dug trenches in what they thought were hills 
  but were actually ancient mounds containing ruins. 
  During the Gulf War, U.S. officials accused the Iraqis of deliberately 
  moving military equipment close to archaeological sites in an attempt to 
  make the Americans shy away from targeting the war materiel. In fact, the 
  Iraqis seem somewhat reckless in choosing sites of military bases. At Ur, 
  for example, 
  a major military base is only a mile way, and at Nineveh in northern 
  Iraq, the seventh century B.C. palace is adjacent to a radar tower guarded 
  by the Iraqi military. 
  But far more severe than bomb damage was the postwar looting by anti- 
  Hussein mobs. Nine regional museums were ransacked, Damerji says, and 
  4,000 artifacts were stolen -- including antiquities from the Iraqi 
  National Museum in Baghdad, which had come under heavy bombing as U.S. 
  warplanes targeted a telecommunications facility across the street. 
  John Russell, an archaeologist at the Massachusetts College of Art, and 
  other U.S. experts praise and defend their Iraqi counterparts, saying the 
  Iraqi researchers' inability to prevent deterioration in the country's 
  cultural heritage is a result of the economic crisis brought on by U.N. 
  "The absolutely, positively stupidest thing I can think of that the 
  United States could do for archaeology in a . . . postwar scenario would 
  be to try to take over the operation of the antiquities department or to 
  change Iraq's 

[CTRL] War in Iraq - requirement for more troops

2003-03-27 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


War in Iraq - requirement for more troops

March 27, 2003

The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and
military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of 
war against Iraq. The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report 
on the Russian military intelligence reports.

March 27, 2003, 1425hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow - There has been a sharp increase in
activity on the southern front. As of 0700hrs the coalition forces are subjected to
nearly constant attacks along the entire length of the front. The Iraqi command took 
advantage of the raging sand storm to regroup its troops and to reinforce the defenses
along the approaches to Karabela and An-Najaf with two large armored units (up to two
armored brigades totaling up to 200 tanks). The Iraqi attack units were covertly moved
near the positions of the US 3rd Infantry Division (Motorized) and the 101st Airborne
Division. With sunrise and a marginal visibility improvement the Iraqis attacked these 
forces in the flank to the west of Karabela.

Simultaneously, massive artillery barrages and counterattacks were launched against 
of the US 3rd Infantry Division and the 101st Airborne Division conducting combat
operations near An-Najaf. The situation [for the US troops] was complicated by the fact
that the continuing sand storm forced them to group their units into battalion convoys 
order to avoid losing troops and equipment in near zero-visibility conditions. These
battalion convoys were concentrated along the roads leading to Karabela and An-Najaf 
had only limited defenses. There was no single line of the front; aerial reconnaissance
in these conditions was not possible and until the very last moment the coalition 
was unaware of the Iraqi preparations.

During one of such attacks [the Iraqi forces] caught off-guard a unit of the US 3rd
Infantry Division that was doing vehicle maintenance and repairs. In a short battle the
US unit was destroyed and dispersed, leaving behind one armored personnel carrier, a
repair vehicle and two Abrams tanks, one of which was fully operational.

At the present time visibility in the combat zone does not exceed 300 meters, which
limits the effectiveness of the 101st Airborne Division and that of its 70 attack
helicopters representing the main aerial reconnaissance and ground support force of the
coalition. One of the coalition transport helicopters crashed yesterday during 
The reason for the crash was sand in the engine compressors.

The Iraqis were able to get in range for close combat without losses and now fierce
battles are continuing in the areas of Karabela and An-Najaf. The main burden of
supporting the coalition ground troops has been placed with the artillery and ground
attack aircraft. Effectiveness of the latter is minimal due to the weather conditions.
Strikes can be delivered only against old Iraqi targets with known coordinates, while
actually supporting the ground troops engaged in combat is virtually impossible and
attempts to do so lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Intercepted radio communications show that at around 0615hrs this morning the lead of a
flight of two A-10 ground attack planes detected a convoy of armored vehicles. Unable 
see any markings identifying these vehicles as friendly and not being able to contact 
convoy by radio the pilot directed artillery fire to the coordinates of the convoy.

Later it was discovered that this was a coalition convoy. Thick layers of dust covered 
the identification markings - colored strips of cloth in the rear of the vehicles.
Electronic jamming made radio contact impossible. First reports indicated that the US
unit lost 50 troops killed and wounded. At least five armored vehicles have been
destroyed, one of which was an Abrams tank.

During the past day the coalition losses in this area [ Karabela and An-Najaf ] were 
22 killed and up to 40 wounded. Most of the fatalities were sustained due to unexpected
attacks by the Iraqi Special Forces against the coalition rears and against 
sites. This is a sign of the increasing diversionary and partisan actions by the 

During the same period of time the Iraqi forces sustained up to 100 killed, about the
same number of wounded and up to 50 captured.

Since the beginning of the operation no more than 2000 Iraqi troops were captured by 
coalition. The majority of the captured troops were members of regional defense 

The Iraqis were able to move significant reinforcements to the area of An-Nasiriya 
it now extremely difficult for the Americans to widen their staging areas on the left
bank of the Euphrates. Moreover, the Americans [on the left bank of the Euphrates] may
end up in a very difficult situation if the Iraqis manage to 

[CTRL] Assad predicts defeat for US and Britain

2003-03-27 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Assad predicts defeat for invasion force

Mood of militancy grows as chief cleric calls on Muslims to launch
suicide attacks

Jonathan Steele in Damascus
Friday March 28, 2003
The Guardian

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad yesterday became the first Arab leader,
other than Saddam Hussein himself, to express the hope in public that the
US and British forces invading Iraq would be defeated.
In a front-page interview with Lebanon's as-Safir newspaper, he said they
might be able to occupy Iraq but would not succeed in controlling it. For
sure, the United States is a superpower that can occupy a relatively small
country ... The United States and Britain will not be able to control all
of Iraq. There will be much tougher resistance, he said.

If the American-British designs succeed - and we hope they do not succeed
and we doubt that they will - there will be Arab popular resistance, and
this has begun, he added.

Syria has been leading the Arab world in sharp attacks on what President
Assad has repeatedly called flagrant aggression.

His latest remarks, which are the most radical so far, are a sign of the
increasing militancy of the public mood, not only in the Arab street but
also among decision-makers.

Daily TV pictures of dead and wounded civilians have angered people across
the Middle East while the unexpected level of Iraqi resistance has given
many a sense of pride and solidarity.

Hundreds of Iraqi exiles in Syria and Jordan have signed up to go home to
fight, including many who oppose President Saddam but feel a patriotic need
to rally to the country's defence.

Religious leaders are also speaking out. While Iraqi Shia leaders called
for opposition to the invasion earlier this week, Syria's senior cleric
added his voice yesterday.


Sheikh Ahmad Kiftaro, the Grand Mufti of Syria, called on all Muslims to
resist the US and British invasion and sacrifice their lives as martyrs, if
necessary. It was the duty of all Muslims to resist the US and British
forces, he said.

All Muslims have to use all possible means of defeating the enemy,
including martyrdom operations against the invading warriors.

The mufti usually pronounces at Friday prayers but in the special statement
issued by his office yesterday he also called on Muslims to boycott British
and American goods.

His radical statement has surprised western diplomats here, where he is con
sidered a moderate and venerable figure. The British embassy was seeking
urgent clarification yesterday on whether in addition to calling for
resistance inside Iraq he meant to encourage suicide bombers to attack US
and British targets in Syria and elsewhere.

In Syria all protest demonstrations require government support and the
capital has seen almost daily marches and sit-ins since the US and Britain
launched their attack on Iraq. US and British flags have been burnt and
protesters have tried to break through police lines to march on the
American and British embassies.

Close to 100,000 people took to the streets and government employees and
university and school students were given time off to parade through
Damascus on Tuesday in the largest protest in the Arab world since the war

Some marchers carried banners denouncing the Egyptian and Jordanian heads
of state with the slogans Death to Mubarak and Death to Abdullah. Egypt
has protested to Syria over the rally.


It is only three months since President Assad was received in London on a
visit which included tea with the Queen and was praised by President George
Bush for voting for UN security council resolution 1441, which warned Iraq
of serious consequences if it did not comply with UN weapons inspectors.
Syria is the only Arab member on the council.

Now Syria is leading the diplomatic resistance to the invasion, describing
Arab governments which have supported it as traitors.

Its foreign minister, Farouk al-Shara, drafted the resolution at the Arab
League meeting in Cairo on Monday which called for an immediate and
unconditional withdrawal of US and British forces from Iraq and urged Arab
states not to give logistical or other back-up to military action against
it. The call was adopted by 15 foreign ministers. Only Kuwait expressed

Syria's radical stance and its hope that the US gets bogged down in Iraq
stem from anxiety that Syria may be next in line for US pressure if the
Bush administration topples President Saddam. Asked whether he believed
Syria would be next on Washington's target list, the President Assad
answered: The possibility is always there. As long as Israel exists, the
threat is there. But he insisted that worry does not translate into

The real war will start after they remove Saddam Hussein, Adnan Omran,
Syria's information minister, told the Guardian yesterday.

There will be more resistance, assassinations, kidnappings, bombs here and
there. It's not Afghanistan. It'll be harder. It's Iraq. The sooner the
Americans and 

[CTRL] Fw: Perle Resigns as Chairman of the Defense Policy Board

2003-03-27 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: Perle Resigns as Chairman of the Defense Policy
NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of
DefenseNo. 164-03(703)697-5131(media)IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch
27, 2003(703)428-0711(public/industry)PERLE RESIGNS AS CHAIRMAN OF
is the text of a letter received today bySecretary of Defense Donald H.
Rumsfeld from Richard Perle,chairman of the Defense Policy
Board: With our nation at war
and American troops risking theirlives to protect our freedom and liberate
Iraq, I am dismayedthat your valuable time, and that of others in the
Department ofDefense and the administration, might be burdened by
thecontroversy surrounding my chairmanship of the Defense
PolicyBoard. I have been
privileged to serve you and my colleagues aschairman of the Policy Board for
nearly two years. It has beenan honor to work with the Board to assure
that you have had thebest advice and counsel that its many experienced and
wisemembers can provide. I
have seen controversies like this before and I knowthat this one will
inevitably distract from the urgent challengein which you are now
engaged. I would not wish to cause even amoment's distraction from
that challenge. As I cannot quicklyor easily quell criticism of me
based on errors of factconcerning my resignation as chairman of the Defense
PolicyBoard. You have my
assurance that I have respected and abidedby the rules that apply to the
Defense Policy Board and otheradvisory
boards. Finally, I am advising
Global Crossing that I will notaccept any compensation that might result
from their pendingacquisition and that any fee for past service would be
donatedto the families of American forces killed or injured in
Iraq. With respect and good
wishes.[Web version: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2003/b03272003_bt164-03.html]--
News Releases: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/releases.html--
DoD News: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/dodnews.html--
Subscribe/Unsubscribe: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/dodnews.html#e-mail--
Today in DoD: http://www.defenselink.mil/today
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[CTRL] War [the ultimate stiffenenenener] coverage takes over as top Internet search

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : The Internet  Computerization

War coverage takes over as top Internet search

By Mike Ingram
28 March 2003

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War has taken over sex, Britney Spears and travel as the top
Internet search term since the US and British forces commenced their
bombardment of Iraq.

Given the global, 24-hour character of the Internet the rise in numbers
looking for news on the latest developments in Iraq is hardly surprising.
That alone does not account for the increase, however, which more
fundamentally expresses the frustration of millions of people with official
news outlets. Their unashamed regurgitation of government propaganda
forces people to search for other news sources outside of the usual

The UK Internet Service Provider (ISP), Freeserve, which tracks daily
changes in popular search terms, said that over the weekend of March 22-
23, the term war outranked previous favourites.

According to the ISP, news sites are seeing a huge increase in traffic as
people look for the latest information on Iraq. Some sites are recording
more than two to three times more visitors than normal. According to
Comscore Media Metrix, traffic to the top 15 news sites has increased by
more than 40 percent.

Yahoo! is experiencing the same trend with Iraq claiming the top place
in its search index. The war now generates more interest than music and
basketball, with searches involving military technology also on the

Keynote Systems, which tracks how long it takes web users to access
sites, said that the Internet and the web as a whole were not showing any
major problems, but the company did find accessing some sites difficult.
The web sites of the US Navy and US Airforce, and the British Home Office
could not be accessed for several hours last week and the sites of CNN
and MSBNC were down for a few minutes after the US attack began, but
quickly recovered. Other sites affected included the London Times and
Jerusalem Post, which suffered from performance degradation, according
to Keynote.

The responsiveness of BBC News Online suffered during the busy lunchtime
period with average download times rising from 0.47 seconds to 1.88
seconds and ITV News saw average download times increase from 5.66
seconds to 15.84 seconds.

The Arabic-language satellite station Al Jazeera which broadcast Saddam
Husseins address in full following the start of bombing last week has also
had problems. Its web page took 240 seconds to load the night war

Akamai Technologies distributes data from leading news sites. On March
19, Akamai had its largest spike ever with traffic to clients reaching 370,000
hits per second, up from the previous peak of 290,000 which was attained
earlier in the week. According to president Paul Sagan, Akamai added large
amounts of data storage and transmission capacity to the network in
anticipation of an increase in Internet usage during the war. The company
claims it could easily handle a tenfold increase in traffic. Customers
include CNN, Yahoo! and MSNBC.

Yahoo! s news sitewhich established itself by allowing submissions from
independent news sourcessaw about three times more traffic than it
would in a typical hour directly after President George W. Bushs speech
announcing that the US had launched war on Iraq, according to
spokeswoman Joanna Stevens.

Stevens said surfers were also using more targeted searches after Bushs
speech. The top search terms on Yahoo! in the 15 minutes after the
speech were: Iraq, George W. Bush, world map, Ari Fleischer, Saddam
Hussein and war, she said.

In the Gulf War of 1991, governments relied on the self-censorship
practised by the official media to prevent working people from learning
the truth about the war. Twelve years on the same media is even more
craven in its parroting of the lies emanating from Washington and Downing
Street. But their ability to chloroform public opinion has been seriously
undermined with the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web
as a mass medium.

Of most concern to the British and US governments is the fact that the
Internet is not simply a repository for news and information but an active
tool of communication and organisation. The emergence of thousands of
antiwar sites and mailing lists has aided the co-ordination of protest
actions on an international scale.

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[CTRL] Blair's influence over Bush

2003-03-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Israelis fear Blair's influence over Bush

Sharon furious as Britain steers White House to strong commitment on
independent Palestinian state

Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Friday March 28, 2003
The Guardian

Israel protested to Tony Blair yesterday at what it called his worrying and
outrageous comments linking the war in Iraq to a settlement of the
Palestinian conflict, and at Jack Straw's accusations of western double
standards over the enforcement of UN resolutions on Israel.

But the vehemence and timing of the protest, as the British prime minister
met President George Bush to discuss the war and reaffirm their
commitment to the road map to Middle East peace, reflected a growing
Israeli fear that Mr Blair now exercises more influence than Ariel Sharon,
the Israeli prime minister, over White House policy on the Jewish state.

The Israelis are particularly unnerved at the prospect of Mr Blair stiffening
American demands over illegal Jewish settlements and forcing the pace on
the creation of an independent Palestinian state far beyond the
emasculated dependency Mr Sharon has in mind.

The director general of Israel's foreign ministry, Yoav Biran, called in the
British ambassador, Sherard Cowper- Coles, to lodge the protest.

The ambassador was told that we find the latest British statements
worrying and outrageous, said Jonathon Peled, a foreign ministry

Earlier this week, Mr Blair said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a
primary cause of the rift between the Islamic world and the west, and that
resolving it would be a British and American priority once the Iraq war was

Mr Straw said there was real concern that the west has been guilty of
double standards - on the one hand saying the United Nations security
council resolutions on Iraq must be implemented, on the other hand,
sometimes appearing rather quixotic over the implementation of
resolutions about Israel and Palestine.

Mr Cowper-Coles said he had sought to reassure the Israelis that Britain
would not do anything to endanger their security, and that it was best
guaranteed by an equitable settlement for the Palestinians.

Last month, Mr Sharon was openly celebrating the international rift over
the war in Iraq, believing that it negated the influence of the EU, UN and
Russia in the quartet of nations overseeing the road map to a peaceful
settlement. Mr Sharon said that that left Israel having to deal only with a
sympathetic White House.

But Mr Blair has unnerved the Israelis. At first they saw his persistent
references to the need for a settlement of the Palestinian question as
politicking to offset domestic opposition to a war on Iraq.

But now the Israelis fear Mr Blair means what he says, particularly after Mr
Bush reaffirmed his commitment to the road map in its present form at the
Camp David summit yesterday, which could mean an independent and much
larger Palestinian state than the Israelis want within three years.

Mr Sharon has had little choice but to embrace the road map publicly
because he cannot afford to cross Mr Bush. But the Israeli government has
done all it can to stall implementation.

It has already won three delays from the Americans, and submitted more
than 100 amendments that included dropping any commitment to create
an independent Palestinian state in favour of one with only some
attributes of sovereignty.

Until last week, Mr Sharon apparently believed he could drag out the
process while continuing to undermine the feasibility of a viable Palestine.

But he was caught off guard by Mr Bush's announcement that the road
map would be published as soon as a Palestinian prime minister was in
place, and that it would lead to the creation of a viable independent
state. The Israelis blame Mr Blair for the hardening of the American
president's position.

However, some of Mr Sharon's aides are counting on powerful hawks in the
US administration and the power of the pro-Israel lobby to offset Mr Blair's
influence once the Iraq war is out of the way.

I don't think basic American policy will change, said Zalman Shoval, a
former ambassador to Washington. And we think Blair is realistic enough
to realise that every time someone tries to set a fixed timetable it blows
up in their face. He won't want to push this too far.

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