[CTRL] JBS Announces Major New Web Site to Support Campaign (fwd)

2004-01-03 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

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Subject: JBS Announces Major New Web Site to Support Campaign

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Willie Nelson song condemns Irag Oil War, and liars. Lyrics.

2004-01-03 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New Willie Nelson song condemns war in Iraq.
 Nelson will play it in Austin, Texas on Saturday.

Nakano comments:
Bob Dylan and Muhammed Ali were right about the
Vietnam War. Willie Nelson is right about this
war. The people are never told the real reasons wars
are fought. We are always fed some righteous
sounding lies and propaganda about protecting our
homeland, justice, truth, God, freedom, etc. It always
works. The people swallow it every time. The blue pill
is so much easier to swallow than the red pill of

And the bewildered herd is still believing
 Everything we've been told from our birth
 -Willie Nelson

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Re: [CTRL] Deportation Process For Illegal Aliens DESIGNED TO FAIL!

2004-01-03 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The deportation process for illegal aliens and
 criminal alien residents is designed for failure.

 The lack of physical security on the land border
 exposes the [WAR ON TERRORISM] for the charade that
 it is.

The War on Terrorism is also designed for failure.
It is amazing the American People can't see the
absolute illogic of sending the U.S. Military to
distant foreign lands to find and fight terrorists,
while our own borders are left open and undefended.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Kucinich: fervently unconventional

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Kucinich: fervently unconventional

By Harry Bruinius | Correspondent of The Christian
Science Monitor

HOPKINTON, N.H. - Dressed in a long black overcoat,
looking a little like a wizened wizard from the snowy
New Hampshire woods, Dennis Kucinich strides confidently
into a chilly toolshed at Derek Owen's 200-acre organic
farm. As he stops to survey the 30 or so locals who have
come to hear him speak, he grins: These are his people.

There's Mr. Owen - his gray mutton-chop beard still
flecked with snow - holding dirty yellow work gloves as
he extends his greeting. His green cap, stuck with a
feather, reads, Farm Here to Eternity. Over there, in
the corner, is Mark Lathrop, the burly proprietor of the
Monadnock Hemporium, wearing a broad-brimmed leather
cowboy hat. He's a fierce advocate for the
decriminalization of marijuana. Opposite him, near the
door, stands Elizabeth Obelenus, smiling. She's the tall
office manager for the Northeast Organic Farming
Association, the informal sponsor of the talk tonight,
and she's most worried about the unknown dangers of
genetically modified organisms.

They're all applauding. Good job last night! says one
of an older couple near the pegboard on the wall. You
were our hero! the other adds. As the diminutive
Cleveland congressman shakes their hands and nods, he
tells them he's been hearing the same all day. He'd
created a bit of a buzz the night before after lashing
out at Ted Koppel, the moderator of the debate in nearby
Concord, and scolding him for focusing on polls and
endorsements rather than important issues.

Like his nonconformist audience this evening, Mr.
Kucinich is a candidate with quirks. A strict vegan, he
would hardly be the type to throw a Crawford, Texas,
barbecue. A skilled ventriloquist, he keeps a dummy in
his office to entertain school kids who visit him on
field trips. Twice divorced, he recently went on an
early-morning blind date with a woman who had beaten out
79 others in a Who Wants to Be a First Lady contest,
put on by the website PoliticsNH.com.

And though he comes from the Rust Belt shores of Lake
Erie, he often speaks more as a New England
transcendentalist, straight from Walden Pond. We need
to be certain that we have agricultural policies that
are rooted in a philosophy which connects us to the
power of nature itself, Kucinich tells the bundled-up
country folk gathered in the shed. We need to recognize
the important role agriculture plays - like Derek's cap
says, 'Farm Here to Eternity.' 

One of his top priorities as president, he explains,
would be to break up the big corporations that control
the food supply and threaten the small farmers who have
long been the foundation of American democracy. In the
same 19th-century vein, Kucinich often urges his
audiences to read Emerson's Self-Reliance, an essay he
says he's read at least once a year since he was a boy.
Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron
string, he often quotes. To believe that what is true
for you in your private heart is true for all men, -
that is genius.

Nonconformists, however, are by definition few and far
between, and Kucinich is near the bottom of the polls.
Beyond this band of pastoral farmers, few have even
heard of Dennis Kucinich - Is he the one with the

Yet it's become a refrain as he travels the well-worn
New Hampshire campaign trail: When people do hear him
speak, many admire his passion and spin free fervor.
As co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus,
Kucinich has been one of the most outspoken liberal
voices in the Democratic Party. Since he stakes out
positions that a more cautious candidate might consider,
well, politically eccentric, some voters find him both
curious and refreshing - though they think he cannot
win. The others, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] noodoo economics Re: Army to Expand Stop-Loss Program

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Jim Rarey wrote:

  DefenseLINK News: News Articles
  Is there a breaking point? - JR

It's difficult to see how much is due to much-publicized
non-planning, how much on neocon idealogically-based
optimism, and how much is due to taking our military
hostage to extort an end to the 500,000 personnel cap.

Could this be like CIA arguing for more money to bridge
the narrow gap between not quite enough and enough
911 intel? Make a problem sell a solution? It's election
year, I wonder if this horrendous mis-management can
be managed by casting it as the Democrats' fault.

Only Osama bin Laden knows for sure("noodoo


Original Message -
  Press Service 
  Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 3:11 PM
  Subject: Army to Expand Stop-Loss Program
  Army to Expand Stop-Loss Program
  By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service 
  WASHINGTON, Jan. 2, 2004 -- Army officials
are expected to expand the stop- loss/stop-movement program soon to
include more soldiers deployed in support of the war on terror. 
  An Army announcement, expected within the next week or two, will
broaden the number of soldiers whose separations, retirements and
reassignments are temporarily placed "on hold." 
  The expansion of the stop-loss/stop-movement program comes just as
the Army prepares for a major rotation of troops in Iraq within the
next few months. 
  Lt. Gen. Dennis Cavin, commander of U.S. Army Accessions Command,
said during a CNN interview today that the stop-loss program is
designed "to provide continuity and consistency" for deployed units and
to enhance their ability "to execute their mission to the highest
degree of their effectiveness." 
  He insisted that the program does not mean that the Army has a
shortage of qualified troops to support the war on terror. Cavin said
the Army remains "very successful" in its recruiting efforts and
continues to "bring in top- quality men and women who want to make a
  The current stop-loss restrictions took effect Nov. 13 and cover
active-duty soldiers while they are deployed outside the continental
United States in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraq1
  The restrictions bar voluntary separations and retirements for
soldiers in designated units beginning 90 days before deployment until
90 days after their units return to their home stations. 
  In addition, the stop-movement policy essentially suspends the
normal rotation of soldiers into and out of affected units. 
  The Army's Reserve Component Unit Stop Loss policy took effect in
November 2002. It applies to Reserve and National Guard soldiers
deployed in support of the war on terror, from the time their unit is
alerted until 90 days after demobilization. 




  NOTE: The original
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  Visit the Defense Department's Web
site for the latest news and information about America's response to
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the war against terrorism:
"Defend America" at http://www.DefendAmerica.mil.
  Visit the "Department of Defense
Transformation" Web site at http://www.dod.mil/transformation/
to learn more about the Department of Defense role in transformation. 
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[CTRL] Fwd: plant oil fuel Re: [cia-drugs] Willie Nelson song condemns Irag Oil War, and liars. Lyrics.

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Arlene Johnson wrote:

 Hemp can be used for oil? I have a demand to use hemp to make paper as
 it was in George Washington's day. Could we produce enough hemp to
 have both? We need to save our trees too, you know. That's why I
 thought it a good idea to use hemp for paper.

 Can you explain what biomass conversion to fuel is?



It's so simple it can be done in a five-gallon plastic
bucket with used french fry oil and detergent. It's
just a bit labor intensive so as to lead naturally to
a village-scale operation.

Used frying oil, plant oils such as hemp and mustard
seed all can be converted to fuel oil for heating that
needs no furnace modification, and to diesel and
gasoline with more and higher technology required.

Another irony at this point in history is that plant
oil based fuels clean the whole fuel system from
the tank on. It's actually a problem at conversion
time because the plant fuel dissolves sludge and
tar that petroleum fuel left alone or deposited, and
at first that sludge plugs up the atomizing orifice.

Yet another irony is that the federal government is
actually doing something productive at USDA's
experimental farm in Beltsville, Maryland. About
the most reactionary thing they're doing is giving
out formulas including some proportion of petro
based fuel in the mix.

Mustard seed might be the best, but hemp has other
uses, so that might make it the best--

One use Rockefeller oil interests have for Christianity
is the trojan horse known as fossil fuel. Fossil fuel
dogmatism justifies killing for oil. Suppose that
there never were on one given day enough dinosaurs
and jungle vegetation to squash into all of the oil
extracted so far? Recent science proves that there
is no organic residue in deep-well oil, that dry old
Pennsylvania oil fields have refilled from underneath,
and Hollywood, not the bible, Hollywood being no
friend of the bible or Christians, represents that there
were enough dinosaurs to squash to make so much
oil. Abiotic oil from the earth's core fits the science
and does not conflict with the bible, only with
Rockefeller and Hollywood and Rand, all wolves
bearing sheepskins.


The usual suspects are already trying to patent
genmod mustard seeds and contaminate the
seed base with them, and of course hemp is
classified as illegal under marijuana laws.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: plant oil fuel Re: [cia-drugs] Willie Nelson song condemns Irag Oil War, and liars. Lyrics.

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

I didn't mean to imply that plants can be turned
to fuel in a plastic bucket.

Plants with lots of sugar can be turned to alcohol.

Liquified gas is another form of fuel that can be
made from plants and also from animal dung
(methane, just compost it under a large bell-shaped
collector piped to compressor).

What is already commercial is plant-based heating
oil and diesel.


Bob wrote:

Arlene Johnson wrote:
 Hemp can be used for oil? I have a demand to use hemp to make
paper as 
 it was in George Washington's day. Could we produce enough hemp to
 have both? We need to save our trees too, you know. That's why I 
 thought it a good idea to use hemp for paper.

 Can you explain what biomass conversion to fuel is?


It's so simple it can be done in a five-gallon plastic
bucket with used french fry oil and detergent. It's
just a bit labor intensive so as to lead naturally to
a village-scale operation.
Used frying oil, plant oils such as hemp and mustard
seed all can be converted to fuel oil for heating that
needs no furnace modification, and to diesel and
gasoline with more and higher technology required.
Another irony at this point in history is that plant
oil based fuels clean the whole fuel system from
the tank on. It's actually a problem at conversion
time because the plant fuel dissolves sludge and
tar that petroleum fuel left alone or deposited, and
at first that sludge plugs up the atomizing orifice.
Yet another irony is that the federal government is
actually doing something productive at USDA's
experimental farm in Beltsville, Maryland. About
the most reactionary thing they're doing is giving
out formulas including some proportion of petro
based fuel in the mix.
Mustard seed might be the best, but hemp has other
uses, so that might make it the best--
One use Rockefeller oil interests have for Christianity
is the trojan horse known as "fossil fuel". Fossil fuel
dogmatism justifies killing for oil. Suppose that
there never were on one given day enough dinosaurs
and jungle vegetation to squash into all of the oil
extracted so far? Recent science proves that there
is no organic residue in deep-well oil, that dry old
Pennsylvania oil fields have refilled from underneath,
and Hollywood, not the bible, Hollywood being no
friend of the bible or Christians, represents that there
were enough dinosaurs to squash to make so much
oil. Abiotic oil from the earth's core fits the science
and does not conflict with the bible, only with
Rockefeller and Hollywood and Rand, all wolves
bearing sheepskins.
The usual suspects are already trying to patent
genmod mustard seeds and contaminate the
seed base with them, and of course hemp is
classified as illegal under marijuana laws.
Please let us stay on topic and be civil.-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Diesel biomass fuel til 1920, D's death 1913

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

The patent ran out and Diesel died seven years before
Cummins(it sounds like) started using petroleum fuel.
Diesel used peanut fuel. Ford used alcohol for a while.
The use of diesel engines in German and French
submarines could have gotten Diesel dumped overboard
on his way to England. His strange behavior could have
been because he knew the risk of making a trip to



The development of the diesel engine and biofuels run concurrent in
their history, weaving a story of technological advancement and
political and economic struggle. The story of the diesel engine is the
more technological aspect of this history, but it becomes easy to see
how the political and economic aspects of biofuels impacted its evolution.

Rudolph Diesel (1858-1913) developed a theory that revolutionized the
engines of his day. He envisioned an engine in which air is compressed
to such a degree that there is an extreme rise in temperature. When fuel
is injected into the piston chamber with this air, the fuel is ignited
by the high temperature of the air, exploding it, forcing the piston down.

Diesel designed his engine in response to the heavy resource consumption
and inefficiency of the steam engine, which only produced 12% efficiency.
On February 27, 1892, Diesel filed for a patent at the Imperial Patent
Office in Germany. Within a year, he was granted Patent No. 67207 for a
Working Method and Design for Combustion Engines . . .a new efficient,
thermal engine.

With contracts from Frederick Krupp and other machine manufacturers,
Diesel began experimenting and building working models of his engine. In
1893, the first model ran under its own power with 26% efficiency,
remarkably more than double the efficiency of the steam engines of his
day. Finally, in February of 1897, he ran the first diesel engine
suitable for practical use, which operated at an unbelievable efficiency
of 75%.

Diesel demonstrated his engine at the Exhibition Fair in Paris, France
in 1898. This engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it
was fueled by peanut oil - the original biodiesel. He thought that the
utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his engine. He
hoped that it would provide a way for the smaller industries, farmers,
and commonfolk a means of competing with the monopolizing industries,
which controlled all energy production at that time, a
s well as serve as an alternative for the inefficient fuel consumption
of the steam engine. As a result of Diesel's vision, compression ignited
engines were powered by a biomass fuel, vegetable oil, until the 1920's
and are being powered again, today, by biodiesel.

The early diesel engines were not small enough or light enough for
anything but stationary use due to the size of the fuel injection pump.
They were produced primarily for industrial and shipping in the early
1900's. Ships and submarines be
nefited greatly from the efficiency of this new engine, which was slowly
beginning to gain populariity.

Rudolph Diesel literally disappeared in 1913. There is some question of
the timing of Diesel's death. Some think it might have been accidental
or even a suicide. However, others considered a possible political
motivation. Diesel did not agree with the politics of Germany and was
reluctant to see his engine used by their Naval fleet. With his
political support directed towards France and Britain, he was on his way
to England to arrange for them to use his engine when he inexplicably
disappeared over the side of the ship in the English Channel. This
clearly opened the way for the German submarine fleet to be powered
solely by Rudolph Diesel's engine. The Wolf Packs, as they were to
become known, inflicted heavy damage on Allied shipping during World War
I. Still others 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Rudolph Diesel paperback

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Diesel's once-renewed German patent had expired.
This account didn't say about the US and other

  Biography of
Rudolph Diesel
  Authored by
Martin Leduc
  Rudolph Christian Carl Diesel
  Born March 18, 1858, Paris
Died September 29, 1913, in the English Channel
Rudolph Diesel was born to Theodor and Elise Diesel in their small
Paris apartment at 38 rue de Notre Dame
In order to manage the explosive growth of the Diesel engine. Rudolph
establishes a company to manage the licensing. It buys all patent, and
is tasked with the further developments and management of the new
engine. It is called the General Diesel Corporation, and is founded on
September 17, 1898. Rudolph is paid a sum of 3.5 million German marks.
Shortly after, he is diagnosed with nervous exhaustion and enters a
private sanitarium in Munchen. 
After leaving the sanitarium, not feeling any better, he was further
agonized by the fantastic fortune beginning to roll in and the problems
associated with it. The violent headaches were becoming more prevalent.
The doctors decide that a "rest castle" in the Alps might be better for
him then the sanitarium close to home in April of 1898. While there,
Rudolph invested heavily into an oil development in the Balkans, it
went sour. He had lost 300,000 marks, at a time when his "dream"
mansion, Maria - Theresia _ Strasse 32, was taking shape. 
The mansion was magnificent. It had all the "modern luxury", as well as
kids amenities. Plumbing and wired to the highest standards, marble
fireplaces in every room. Even the windows were custom made. The
decoration was luxurious. Painted, vaulted ceiling, French furniture,
Italian wardrobes etc. All, for a staggering sum of money. The Diesel's
financial situation was hinging precariously close to disaster. 
But all was not doomed. Rudolph was invited witness the first flight of
the 128 meter Luftshiftf Zeppelin 1 airship. As well in 1900, the
grandest event ever. The Diesel engine takes the Grand Prix, the
highest prize, at the 1900 Paris Exposition. The exposition was
attended by 50 million people. 
In 1904 Rudolph attended a car race in Germany, he came back excited
about a machine which could go so fast, a gas powered Mercedes. But he
overestimated his ability to drive it, mainly his vision and gouty
right foot, so he hired a driver. Later in that year Rudolph decided
to travel to the United States. After spending some time in New York
City, he traveled to St Louis where he was a guest of Adolphus Busch
who was having a tough time selling the engine in the United State. He
traveled far and wide, and took all the sight in. Amazingly the trip
rejuvenated him, and as soon as he came back to Germany, he designed
and built a four cylinder "petite" version of his engine. It later wins
the Grand Prix in Paris in 1910, once again. 
In 1907 his daughter Heddy marries Arnold von Schmidt, an engineer. Its
social event of the year in Munchen. Amidst the wedding joy, the
headaches came back, with an astonishing loss of 3.5 millions marks, it
was no wonder. Additionally the patent ran out on the Diesel engine.
Indeed a tumultuous year for the Diesels.

In 1911, Rudolph is invited to co-guest of honor with Sir Charles
Parsons at the World Congress of Mechanical Engineers in London. Sir
Parsons was the inventor of the compound steam turbine. Continuing in
his travels, he and Martha go to the US. Once again to help Mr. Busch
sell the floundering diesel engine in America. But America the land of
plenty, as too many resources to really care about an efficient engine.
They return to the Germany and a lawsuit from a real estate company, he
is forced to pay 600,000 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Diesel biomass fuel til 1920, D's death 1913

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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The patent ran out and Diesel died seven years before
Cummins(it sounds like) started using petroleum fuel.
Diesel used peanut fuel. Ford used alcohol for a while.
The use of diesel engines in German and French
submarines could have gotten Diesel dumped overboard
on his way to England. His strange behavior could have
been because he knew the risk of making a trip to



The development of the diesel engine and biofuels run concurrent in
their history, weaving a story of technological advancement and
political and economic struggle. The story of the diesel engine is the
more technological aspect of this history, but it becomes easy to see
how the political and economic aspects of biofuels impacted its evolution.

Rudolph Diesel (1858-1913) developed a theory that revolutionized the
engines of his day. He envisioned an engine in which air is compressed
to such a degree that there is an extreme rise in temperature. When fuel
is injected into the piston chamber with this air, the fuel is ignited
by the high temperature of the air, exploding it, forcing the piston down.

Diesel designed his engine in response to the heavy resource consumption
and inefficiency of the steam engine, which only produced 12% efficiency.
On February 27, 1892, Diesel filed for a patent at the Imperial Patent
Office in Germany. Within a year, he was granted Patent No. 67207 for a
Working Method and Design for Combustion Engines . . .a new efficient,
thermal engine.

With contracts from Frederick Krupp and other machine manufacturers,
Diesel began experimenting and building working models of his engine. In
1893, the first model ran under its own power with 26% efficiency,
remarkably more than double the efficiency of the steam engines of his
day. Finally, in February of 1897, he ran the first diesel engine
suitable for practical use, which operated at an unbelievable efficiency
of 75%.

Diesel demonstrated his engine at the Exhibition Fair in Paris, France
in 1898. This engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it
was fueled by peanut oil - the original biodiesel. He thought that the
utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his engine. He
hoped that it would provide a way for the smaller industries, farmers,
and commonfolk a means of competing with the monopolizing industries,
which controlled all energy production at that time, a
s well as serve as an alternative for the inefficient fuel consumption
of the steam engine. As a result of Diesel's vision, compression ignited
engines were powered by a biomass fuel, vegetable oil, until the 1920's
and are being powered again, today, by biodiesel.

The early diesel engines were not small enough or light enough for
anything but stationary use due to the size of the fuel injection pump.
They were produced primarily for industrial and shipping in the early
1900's. Ships and submarines be
nefited greatly from the efficiency of this new engine, which was slowly
beginning to gain populariity.

Rudolph Diesel literally disappeared in 1913. There is some question of
the timing of Diesel's death. Some think it might have been accidental
or even a suicide. However, others considered a possible political
motivation. Diesel did not agree with the politics of Germany and was
reluctant to see his engine used by their Naval fleet. With his
political support directed towards France and Britain, he was on his way
to England to arrange for them to use his engine when he inexplicably
disappeared over the side of the ship in the English Channel. This
clearly opened the way for the German submarine fleet to be powered
solely by Rudolph Diesel's engine. The Wolf Packs, as they were to
become known, inflicted heavy damage on Allied shipping during World War
I. Still others 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] second fascist witchhunt against Diesel

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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The Diesel considered themselves Bavarian, with
more of a French influence than Prussian. But unfortunately France
declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1869. The French army was losing
ground and displaced persons quickly engulfed Paris seeking refuge.
Being of German descent, the Diesels were ordered
out of the country. On September 6 the Diesels boarded a steamer from
Rouen to New haven, England.


His death has never been properly explained but it is thought that he
may have been assassinated by the German government to keep diesel
engine technology out of the UK submarine fleet. Germany was preparing
for war at the time but Rudolph Diesel remained friends with many
leading members of the British government and military. [France had
diesel subs before Germans, could have been them again -Bob]

After Rudolph Diesel's death the petroleum industry capitalised on the
diesel engine by naming one of their by-products of the gasoline
distillation process 'diesel fuel'. 
Within a few years, the petroleum companies had monopolised the market
for cheap fuel with their by-product and it was largely forgotten that
diesel engines could be powered on just about anything.

Using biodiesel offers a chance to break this hold and return
production of fuel back to small-scale local producers. The ability to
produce a high-grade road fuel using a local waste product, without the
need for expensive technology is just one of the many advantages of
Biodiesel. Nearly 100 years after his death we might see Rudolph
Diesels vision achieved.
We are able to supply Biodiesel in the following

  25 Litre Drums

  1000 Litre IBC's

  Bulk by Tanker Delivery

We aim to retail our fuel at BELOW forecourt prices for

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[CTRL] Fwd: What To Do When The Next Attack Happens -- Follow up to Kucinich Thread

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

My thinking is completely different.

I assume that another attack IS going to
happen. We certainly cannot prevent it. We dont have the intelligence data
to prevent it. The credibility of the 9/11 movement is not the issue (The glass
is half empty). The issue is what can the 9/11 (anti-covert ops) movement
(which is hundreds of times larger than what existed on 9/11) do WHEN the
attack happens? How can we dilute its intended impact (The glass is half full)?
We need to start preparing checklists about how to save and compare information.
Who has TIVOs to record key broadcasts that will be contradicted by later
stories as the govt tailors reports to fit the cover up? Who has
adobe PDF (the full suite) and can save web pages from major media sites intact
to prove that certain stories were published? Who will be tasked with
monitoring the hundreds of different media outlets, radio frequencies,
sideband, shortwave and other electronic broadcasts? Who will start a master
log of reports and events?

The greatest chance of solving the crime,
just like at a homicide crime scene, exists in the first 72 hours. Remember
that on 9/11 we had reports of a truck bomb at the Brooklyn Bridge and a suicide
truck bombing at the State Department? That was because no plan is ever carried
off perfectly and the bad guys plan on being able to tailor the media to fit
the story as they spin it later. Thats the way it was done with JFK, RFK,
MLK and 9/11 itself. Today we have an incredible advantage. There are thousands
of us. We have the internet and the ability to store, record and share
information almost instantaneously. 

On 9/11, as the attacks were still in
progress, I sent out an urgent message to the CIA-Drugs list
suggesting that people turn on VCRs, tape recorders and start log books. I
asked them to immediately start scouring the internet for information. It made
quite a difference in FTWs early stories which were the first to make
critical points that have made it into mainstream media today. These are the
points that are hurting Bush now. As one example, a retired CIA source (Leutrell
Osborne) saved an Izvestia story on Sept. 12th that was later
sanitized of several very incriminating paragraphs about forewarnings. http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/izvestia_story_pic.html

I have a half dozen other instances where
early work to save the evidence has made all the difference. Its the
reason why FTW broke almost every major 9/11 angle (except for the fighters)
before anyone else did. And that includes many
aspects of the insider trading, plans to invade Afghanistan being known
before the attacks, and very early reports from the Indian press that led to
Omar Saeed Shaikh, the $100,000 payoff to Mohammed Atta and
briefings from other foreign governments. Within two days or so of the attacks
I posted a message to that list suggesting that someone needed to look at the
flight schools right away and Dan Hopsicker had done an
incredible job with that  far better than I could have done.

We are so much stronger now. Lets
not worry about what the 9/11 movement might lose in terms of credibility with
the masses. This was never going to be a quick or easy fight. I speak from 25
years of experience. Speaking as one with great experience on another topic; if
people are afraid of being criticized for questioning the government they
shouldnt be involved. Struggles for survival should be distinguished
from popularity contests. In a ham and eggs breakfast the chicken is involved
but the pig is committed.

When the next attack occurs, if we keep
our wits, plan ahead and follow the plan, we just might be able to break the
whole mess wide open with quick and decisive collective action.

Mike Ruppert



[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza De Kaszon, Art collector 1921-2002

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-


An old master and his many mistresses
May 11 2002

Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza De Kaszon, Art collector 
Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen- Bornemisza De Kaszon, who has died in Spain aged 
81, was one of the richest men in Europe - his fortune has been estimated at 
more than £2 billion ($5.4 billion) - and the owner of one of the world's great 
art collections.
When ''Heini" Thyssen inherited from his father, Heinrich, a vast collection 
of old masters, he thought there were ''already too many ... I felt sure I would 
never have to buy another as long as I lived".
But when Heinrich's will was challenged under Swiss law by his three other 
children, and the collection was broken up, young Heini became obsessed with the 
urge to buy back pictures taken by his siblings and to add more and more works 
of art to his portfolio. The original collection of 400 old masters grew to one 
of nearly 600, while Thyssen acquired another 900 modern works. 
In later years, he devoted most of his time, and up to £40 million a year, to 
art deals. His only rival in scale of possessions was the Queen, ''but," the 
baron observed dryly, ''I think the Queen is not, perhaps, really a 
 // --> >

Thyssen was extraordinarily eclectic in his taste, buying Jackson Pollock one 
day, Holbein the next. He was genuinely passionate about art. ''It is universal. 
It is impossible to have a disagreeable conversation about it. It should be 
shared by everyone," he declared.
But he was also notably hard-headed about its financial value. He expected 
governments to pay for the privilege of public access to his collection and 
often deployed loans from it to open doors on behalf of his business 
By 1986, the collection had overwhelmed the Villa Favorita. Thyssen was 
concerned that the bulk of it should be kept together after his death and had 
secured an agreement with his children to that effect.
He then asked the Swiss authorities to fund an enlargement of his museum, but 
theyoffered less than $3 million. Piqued, Thyssen embarked on a search for a 
new site outside Switzerland which would be worthy of his patronage. Both Prince 
Charles and Mrs Thatcher flew to Switzerland to put in a bid for Britain; 
President Mitterrand lobbied for France; the Getty Foundation offered millions 
of dollars for the United States; and the Swiss Government tried to block the 
paintings' export. 
But in 1993 the pressure of the bedroom decided matters in favour of the 
birthplace of the baron's fifth wife, Carmen ''Tita" Cervera, a former Miss 
Spain 22 years his junior and widow of Tarzan of the Apes actor Lex 
Barker. She negotiated with the Spanish government, which paid more than £241 
million for the collection, and donated the Villahermosa palace in Madrid, near 
the Prado, to house it.
The contract was for 10 years but, after further negotations, it was agreed 
that the Villahermosa should became its permanent home. The sale, unsuccessfully 
opposed by his children, was the largest transfer of art from one country to 
another since Napoleon took his spoils of war back to Paris.
Hans Heinrich Thyssen- Bornemisza de Kaszon was born at Scheveningen, near 
The Hague, in 1921, the fourth and youngest child of Heinrich von Thyssen, a 
wealthy German industrialist, and Margit Bornemisza, a Hungarian aristocrat. The 
family empire, founded on shipbuilding, coal, steel and iron, had been started 
by the baron's grandfather, August, who left his fortune to his two sons, Fritz 
and Heinrich, in 1926.
The grandfather was not a collector on the scale of his son and grandson but 
was an admirer of Rodin, from whom he commissioned a set of six marble 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Willie Nelson song condemns Irag Oil War, and liars. Lyrics.

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Who does Goodyeer mean by "these 
people"? (Incidentally, reminds me of LHO when he repeatedly spells etc. 
as ect.) He's talking about Willie Nelson, whois my hero, and has 
been since I listened to his first album. His songs are poetry. 
Willie is the essence of the ideal of America and of Texas--the populist, 
anti-oligarchical ideal of the right to life, liberty and pursuit of 
happiness. That is the ideal that the shareholders of the old 
Pennsylvania-Texas petroleum establishment are out to destroy. 

Who are these shareholders? 
Who inherited the founding stock of these companies? Take the Rockefellers 
and Mellons who controlled Pennsylvania crude in the late 1800s. Bring 
them to Texas in 1901 when Spindletop erupted and marry them to the Stillmans 
(neighbors of King Ranch), the Farishes, the Rices, the Fondrens, Blaffers, 
Bakersand their moneyed crass but-no-class crowd of Dallasites and 
Houstonians. Then have the next generation ofmindless gluttons 
craving aristocratic legitimacy contribute a few millions through their trust 
funds and foundations, set up by their daddies to protect the family jewels, to 
Germans like Krupp and Thyssen angry over their daddies' mistreatment by the 
Paris Peace Conference of 1919. These Germans had made bundles of money 
off the second war--Kruppsteel factories churning out guns and Thyssen 
shipping companies, bankrupt by 1934, pumping up Adolph Hitler to get the 
economy going again by declaring war on the world. In the process, the 
Krupp and Thyssen heirs made business deals and social ties with the Dulles 
clan, both Allen Dulles and the Thyssen son living in Bern in 1939 and 
after. For 1939 was the year the putsch began and profits started to roll 
in. There is indeed money in war. Follow the money back to petroleum 
sources in Penn and Texas, then follow those branches into the partnerships and 
syndicates developed by the shareholders of the original companies--Gulf Oil, 
Standard Oil of NJ (Humble Oil of Texas). That tells us who Dubya is 
working for, just like his daddy and granddaddy before him--the Nazi war 


The "bank," founded in 1924 by W. Averell Harriman on behalf 
of Thyssen and his Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. of Holland, was Union 
Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York City. According to government documents, 
it was in reality a clearing house for a number of Thyssen-controlled 
enterprises and assets, including as many as a dozen individual businesses. UBC 
also bought and shipped overseas gold, steel, coal, and U.S. Treasury and war 
bonds. The company's activities were administered for Thyssen by a 
Netherlands-born, naturalized U.S. citizen named Cornelis Lievense, who served 
as president of UBC. Roland Harriman was chairman and Prescott Bush a managing 
director. The Herald-Tribune article did not identify Bush or Harriman as 
executives of UBC, or Brown Brothers Harriman, in which they were partners, as 
UBC's private banker. A confidential FBI memo from that period suggested, 
without naming the Bush and Harriman families, that politically prominent 
individuals were about to come under official U.S. government scrutiny as 
Hitler's plunder of Europe continued unabated.The Herald-Tribune article did 
not identify Bush or Harriman as executives of UBC, or Brown Brothers Harriman, 
in which they were partners, as UBC's private banker. A confidential FBI memo 
from that period suggested, without naming the Bush and Harriman families, that 
politically prominent individuals were about to come under official U.S. 
government scrutiny as Hitler's plunder of Europe continued unabated. The 
Walker-Harriman-created German industrial alliance also included 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] ABN Amro Bank Canada v. Krupp Mak Maschinenbau GmbH

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Canada: Ontario Court of Justice, General Division (Haley J.) 
23 December 1994 
ABN Amro Bank Canada v. Krupp Mak Maschinenbau GmbH 
Published in English; (1994) 21 Ontario Reports(3d) 511; excerpts
published in Mealy's International
Arbitration Report, May 1995, 11 
ABN made a loan to Diesel Inc. (Diesel), a party to a
technology licensing agreement with Krupp, which under
the terms of the loan was to be assigned to ABN as collateral. Diesel signed a
general assignment of its assets to ABN but, although an assignment agreement to
which Krupp would be party was prepared, it was never signed. After the loan was
made, ABN alleged that the principal owner of Diesel and Krupp had conspired to
deceive it and sued Krupp for conspiracy and fraud. In its statement of defence
and counterclaim, Krupp, based on an arbitration clause contained in the
licensing agreement, sought to stay the proceedings and to have the matter
referred to arbitration in Switzerland. 
The court held that ABN was not bound to arbitrate because it was not a party
to the arbitration clause contained in the licensing agreement between Krupp and
Diesel and the assignment of Diesel's assets to ABN did not make it a party to
that agreement. It was held that, under article 8 MAL, a party to an arbitration
agreement did not include a person claiming through or under a party, as ABN was
doing in the present case. 
The court further held that Krupp's request for a stay was either no request
at all in the meaning of article 8 MAL or an untimely request, since it was
filed with Krupp's first statement on the substance of the dispute which implied
acceptance of the jurisdiction of the court. The correct procedure pursuant to
article 8 MAL was for Krupp to apply for a stay of court proceedings, after
receiving the statement of claim but before submitting a statement of defence.
Full text:
All names are in some sort of code,
to protect the guilty I assume.

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[CTRL] Flak jackets on for 2004

2004-01-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Mr Bush has one priority for 2004:
Get America out of Iraq. Fast.

Iraq is breaking up into rebels and collaborators,
with a vast heap of innocent bodies turning up
each day at the morgues.
By Robert Fisk
The Independent (UK) - January 2, 2003:

Ever since Daniel Pipes - he of the failed American neo-cons - piped up last
summer with his plan to install a democratic-minded autocrat (sic) in Iraq, I
have been eyeing the Washington crystal ball for further signs of what the
designers of this wretched war have in store for the Iraqis whom they
liberated for democracy last year. And bingo, not long before Christmas,
another of those chilling proposals for New Iraq popped up from the same
right-wing cabal. Any predictions for Iraq this year may thus have to be based
on the thoughts of Leslie Gelb, a former chairman of the United States Council
on Foreign Relations, whose wretched plans for liberated Iraq call for
something close to ethnic cleansing.

In no less an organ than The New York Times - the same paper which carried a
plea last year that Americans should accept that US troops will commit
atrocities in Iraq - appeared Mr Gelb's Three State Solution, an astonishing
combination of simplicity and ruthlessness. It goes like this. America should
create three mini-states in Iraq - Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the centre and
Shias in the south - the frontiers of these three entities drawn along ethnic,
sectarian lines. The general idea, says Mr Gelb, is to strengthen the Kurds
and Shias and weaken the Sunnis. Thus US forces can extricate themselves from
the quagmire of the Sunni triangle while the troublesome and domineering
Sunnis themselves - with no control over Iraq's northern or southern oil
fields - will be in a more moderate frame of mind.

True, the chopping up of Iraq might be a messy and dangerous enterprise - tens
of thousands of Iraqis, after all, would be thrown out of their homes and pushed
across new frontiers - but Washington should, if necessary, impose partition by
force. This is the essence of the Gelb plan.

Bosnia comes to mind. Or Kosovo. But if it gets us out of Iraq, who's going to
complain when we - the famous coalition of the willing - push those
recalcitrant, ungrateful Iraqis into the same kind of divide and rule colonial
world for which the Americans always used to excoriate the British.

It's important not to regard all this as the meandering of Washington
think-tanks. Pipes and Gelb and their friends helped to build the foundations of
this war, and their ideas are intended to further weaken Iraq as a nation - and
thus the Arab world as a whole - while maintaining American military power.
Already, the sectarian nature of New Iraq has been established by Washington's
proconsul in Baghad, Paul Bremer.

His Governing Council is made up of Shias, Sunnis and Kurds in direct
proportion to their share of the population. The Shias, who form 60 per cent of
the country, expect to take effective power in the Iraqi national elections this
year - this, after all, is the only reason why the Shia clergy have not urged
their people to join the anti-American insurgency - and the Americans and
British understand this all too well. Like so many of those Arab nations created
by the French and British amid the wreckage of the Ottoman empire after the
First World War, Iraq is to be governed along sectarian lines.

So the coming months are not difficult to comprehend. As the insurgency
continues - and as President Bush's re-election drama grows nearer - the US
administration will be ever more anxious to do two things: to insist that
America will stay the course - and to get out as quickly as possible. There
will be ever more policemen hired, ever more militias, ever more ex-members of
Saddam's old secret service, to act as sandbags between Iraqi guerillas and the
Americans. Already - with Iraqi cops taking the most casualties - this is coming
about. The Iraqi world is now breaking up into rebels and collaborators, with a
vast heap of innocent Iraqi bodies - of children playing beside roadside bombs,
children cut down by American gunfire during house raids or protests, busloads
of passengers caught in guerilla ambushes, diners blown apart in restaurants -
turning up each morning at the Baghdad morgue.

Mr Bush, of course, will be looking forward to the Show Trial of the Year to
help his election prospects. What, after all, could be more calculated to
justify the whole miserable occupation of Iraq than the concrete evidence of
Saddam's atrocities? Already, however, this highlight is beginning to look
distinctly worrying for the Bush administration, because any fair trial of the
old dictator must take into account the massive evidence, much of it still
secret in Washington, of the United States' involvement in creating - and
supporting - Saddam's regime for the cruellest years of his rule. The shark-like
lawyers already vying to defend Saddam are well aware that it was Washington

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] otec, tidal turbine, mustard diesel Re: Willie Nelson song condemns Irag Oil War

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Vera wrote:

 I have no serious and especially no well-founded point on that. But
 new sources of energy would imply at least a huge work in modifying

Actually starting with Mr. Diesel, the engines would
not have required nor do they require now any changes
whatsoever to run on plant-based oil, diesel, or gasoline.
If anyone had faith as a grain of mustard seed...

 I hate to sound mystical, but if something really bad happens, I think
 that the answer is elsewhere, beyond of us all...


...and mustard seed would probably take over as the
largest single source of fuel oil, diesel and gasoline in
the first year of serious effort in that direction. It is
happening as we speak.


One way the Usual Suspects are jockeying for position
is patenting genmod mustard seeds.

In the 1970's oil companies bought struggling solar panel
companies and sat on the technology. There are two
elementary schools in the nation's capitol area built
in the 1970's, still working well, underground with
solar heat collectors on the roof(turf). A small central
plant like that might include Minto wheels for its
electrical generation. OTEC and tidal turbines would
be easy on a larger scale.



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[CTRL] Portugal pedophile ring, Nuwaubians alleged pedophile trial, Hawaii law

2004-01-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Child sexual abuse scandal enrages Portugal - Decades of Abuse: The Portuguese public is reeling after ten prominent media and political figures were charged with sexually abusing children in state care AFP , Lisbon 1/1/04 "Portugal's prime minister on Tuesday expressed confidence in the nation's justice system, one day after 10 people, including top political and TV figures, were charged with sexually abusing minors from a state-run home." http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2004/01/01/2003085940

State Supreme Court strikes down child sex law 1/1/04 (Honolulu-AP) "The high court voted three-to-two against the law aimed at those accused of repeated sexual crimes against children. The Supreme Court says it denies the accused the constitutional right to due process. The 1997 law made it a single criminal offense to repeatedly attack a child under the age of 14 if the offender lives with the victim or has recurring access to them." http://www.kpua.net/news.php?id=1092

Cult leaders molestation trial could create circus AP - Eatonton, Ga. 1/3/04 ""District Attorney Fred Bright, who is heading the planned state prosecution to follow, has accused York of having sexual contact with as many as 13 girls and boys, including instances of sexual intercourse. York, 58, has maintained hes being unfairly prosecuted because of a vendetta by small-town authorities who dislike the mostly black members of his cult for their unusual practices and a neo-Egyptian compound that includes pyramid-like structures complete with hieroglyphics. The Nuwaubians, who once claimed 5,000 members but now are down to a few hundredAt a Christmas parade in Brunswick, the Nuwaubians said they were a Masons group as they handed out literature and asked spectators about the guilt or innocence of York." http://www.accessnorthga.com/news/ap_newfullstory.asp?ID=28390
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2004-01-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


NICHOLAS REGUSH, ABC NEWS - What if it turns out that the human form of mad
cow disease is triggered by environmental factors - and not by infectious
beef products - as some ongoing British research at Cambridge University
suggests? What if much of the science to date, focusing on contaminated
meat, has been overly simplistic or even dead wrong? The immediate
implication would be that we would have to rethink everything already done
to fight the disease, both in Britain where it began, in Europe, where it
has spread, and in other nations, including the United States, where
concerns are mounting about its potential to be unleashed. . .

The viewpoint held by most scientists is that an infectious agent likely
moved from sheep to cows and gained enough strength in its cross-species
jump to ravage the nervous system and cause the bovine brain to appear
spongy and rife with holes like Swiss cheese. This brain-destroying mad
cow infection was further transmitted, according to this interpretation,
via the rendering of carcasses, to meat and bone meal in feed. . .

But not according to David Brown, a biochemist at Cambridge University, who
counters that there is no conclusive proof that [mad cow disease] caused
vCJD. Next week at a scientific conference in Quebec City, he'll discuss
some of his most recent research, pointing to a possible environmental
explanation of both mad cow disease and vCJD. That conference is all about
manganese, a heavy metal, that is essential to life and is part of the daily
diet - for example, wheat, rice and tea provide the metal - but numerous
studies show that environmental overexposure to it can be dangerous to the
nervous system. . .

David Brown agrees with the conventional view that the key agent in the
disease is a protein called a prion. These prions are thought to keep
nerve cells stable. The conventional view holds that prions can somehow
become malformed and that's when they become infectious and capable of
damaging the brain. The malformed prion, then, according to the conventional
view, is the infectious and transmissible agent in mad cow disease and vCJD.
The infection is neither a virus, nor a bacterium.

Brown parts company here with the conventional view, altogether dismissing
the notion of an infectious prion. He told me: I have [published]
evidence from my cell culture experiments that shows manganese can change
the prion into its abnormal [and dangerous] form. This is especially the
case when the supply of copper to the cell is low. If David Brown's research
is on a correct path, then scientific and public concerns about infection
from beef could eventually be dwarfed by concerns about toxic effects in the
environment that cause copper levels to decrease and manganese levels to
rise. . .

Brown's research has given a boost to the controversial theories of Mark
Purdey, a farmer turned amateur scientist who has been challenging the
conventional view of mad cow disease and vCJD from the start. He has
provided detailed reports to the British government's hearings on mad cow
disease and has published several peer-reviewed scientific papers on the
subject, including data on how manganese in the environment may play a role
in both mad cow disease and vCJD.

BBC, MARCH 21, 20001 - The Phillips Inquiry into BSE confirmed that the
pesticides could make animals more susceptible to the disease. Not for the
first time, Mark Purdey had made a connection that the official scientists
had missed.

Edward Stourton The man from the Ministry had come with an order for the
treatment of Warble Fly - a parasite which lays its eggs under the skin of
cattle. Like all beef and dairy farmers in the area, Mark Purdey was told he
had to use an organophosphate pesticide on his livestock to eradicate the

But he fought the order in court - and he won. When BSE was identified two
years later Mark Purdey noticed that the areas where the disease was
emerging more or less correlated with those where the organophosphates had
been used against Warble Fly. His conclusion that the pesticide caused BSE
turned out to be mistaken.

But nearly twenty years later the Phillips Inquiry into BSE confirmed that
it could make animals more susceptible to the disease. Not for the first
time, Mark Purdey had made a connection that the official scientists had
missed. . .


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That being 

[CTRL] Transfer Tubes

2004-01-03 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


DISINFOPEDIA - In order to continue to sell an increasingly unpopular Iraqi
invasion to the American people, President George W. Bush's administration
sweeps the messy parts of war - the grieving families, the flag-draped
coffins, the soldiers who have lost limbs - into a far corner of the
nation's attic. But today's military doesn't even use the words 'body bags'
- a term in common usage during the Vietnam War, when 58,000 Americans died.
... During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the Pentagon began calling them 'human
remains pouches' and it now refers to them as transfer tubes.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Condi and the 9/11 Commission

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

 Time Magazine
 December 20, 2003

 Condi and the 9/11 Commission

 By Timothy J. Burger

 National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice is
 apparently not keen on going under oath for the
 Kean 9/11 commission.

 Poised to convene its first hard-hitting hearings
 in January, the federal commission investigating
 the 9/11 attacks continues to be at odds with the
 White House over access to key information and
 witnesses. Two government sources tell TIME that
 National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice is
 arguing over ground rules for her appearance in
 part because she does not want to testify under
 oath or, according to one source, in public. While
 national security advisers are presidential staff
 and generally don't have to appear before
 Congress, the commission argues that its
 jurisdiction is broader-and it's been requiring
 fact witnesses in its massive investigation to
 testify under oath. The exception: it may not seek
 to swear in President Bush, Vice President Cheney,
 Bill Clinton or Al Gore in the increasingly likely
 event they will be asked to speak to the
 commission. I think that it is in their interest
 to meet with us, says GOP commission member John
 Lehman, saying that they should be invited, not
 subpoenaed, and be allowed to appear behind closed

 With such high-profile testimony in the offing,
 it's no wonder the commission chairman, Republican
 Tom Kean, was telling reporters last week to
 expect major revelations from the investigative
 hearings expected to begin in late January.

 He also suggested that the 9/11 attacks might have
 been prevented if mid-level government officials
 at various government agencies had done their
 jobs. As for senior officials like Rice or her
 predecessor, Clinton NSA Sandy Berger, and their
 bosses, Kean said the commission was still
 studying whether they share the blame. Rice could
 face tough questioning. One Republican
 commissioner says a comment by Rice last year-that
 no one could have predicted that they would try
 to use a hijacked airplane as a missile - was an
 unfortunate comment . . . that was, of course, a
 wrong-footed statement on its face, given that
 there was years of intelligence about Al Qaeda's
 interest in airplane attacks.

 Whether she signs up willingly to testify now is
 still an open question. But the commission wants
 to hear from her. Said Democratic commissioner Tim
 Roemer: The Presidents and Vice Presidents and
 national security advisers in both administrations
 should appear. Spokesmen for Rice and the
 commission had no comment on the talks but a
 senior Rice aide insisted that Dr. Rice and the
 White House continue to work amiably with the
 commission, consistent with the President's desire
 to make staff available in accordance with his
 ability to fight the war on terrorism.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Kissinger and Argentina: a case study in US support for state terror

2004-01-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Kissinger and Argentina: a case study in US support for state terror

uploaded 03 Jan 2004

By Bill Vann

Only days before the US government and media launched their propaganda
campaign over the capture of Saddam Hussein, the US State Department was
obliged to release a set of 27-year-old, previously classified documents.
These documents provide a revealing glimpse into the real attitude of
successive US governments toward dictatorships and terror.

The documents concern a closed-door meeting in October, 1976 between then-US
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the foreign minister of the Argentine
military dictatorship, Admiral Cesar Augusto Guzzetti. The documents were
brought to light December 4 by the National Security Archive
[http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB104/index.htm], a
non-governmental research institute that specializes in obtaining secret US
government documents under the Freedom of Information Act and making them
available to the public.

The principal document is a ?¢???omemorandum of conversation?¢?¢???
referred to in State Department parlance as a ?¢???omencon?¢?¢???that
recorded the hitherto secret discussions held between Kissinger and Guzzetti
at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, where the US secretary of
state was participating in a United Nations debate on the Middle East.

Guzzetti gave Kissinger a progress report on the ?¢???odirty war?¢ that
the Argentine military regime was carrying out against the country?¢???Ts
workers, students and intellectuals:

?¢???oOur struggle has had very good results during the last four
months,?¢ he said. ?¢???oThe terrorist organizations have been
dismantled. If this direction continues, by the end of the year the danger
will have been set aside.?¢

In point of fact, the savage repression unleashed by the dictatorship was
only then reaching its apogee. The mass killings, ?¢???odisappearances?¢
and torture would continue unabated for several more years, claiming the
lives of some 30,000 Argentines.

The US government was well aware of both the horrors being perpetrated upon
the Argentine people and the real nature of ?¢???oterrorism?¢ in that
country. An internal State Department report assessing the first six months
of the Argentine dictatorship was issued just a week before the
Kissinger-Guzzetti meeting. It included the following:

?¢???oThe most spectacular aspect of the counterterrorist drive has been the
murderous exploits of the extra-legal, right-wing goon squads. Operating
with impunity and usually posing as security officials, the rightwingers are
responsible for abducting and/or murdering hundreds of ?¢leftist
security risks?¢???T, including political exiles from neighboring countries,
foreign nationals, politicians, students, journalists and priests. A few
actual terrorists probably have fallen prey to rightist vengeance, but the
great majority of the victims have not been guerrillas...There is no doubt
that most, if not all, of the right-wing terrorists are police or military
personnel who act with the knowledge and/or direction of high-level security
and administration officials.?¢

Other reports that were passed on to Kissinger included testimony of
American citizens rounded up by the junta on political charges and subjected
to hideous torture. One such document cites the case of Gwenda Loken Lopez,
an American citizen who was dragged off a bus by security forces in April
1976 after leaving leaflets calling for the release of political prisoners
on a park bench. Once back in the US, she recounted her treatment at the
hands of her captors from the SIDE, the junta?¢???Ts secret police:

?¢???oI was blindfolded, my hands were tied and I was put up against the