[CTRL] SNET: Beheading of American Civilian (fwd)

2004-05-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Do you think we'll get any apoligies from these thugs?

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 22:27:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: SNET: Beheading of American Civilian

i guess they must have forgotten to torch his body and drag it thru the street... they 
cant even keep true to their own procedures.   we should pull out our troops and lob 
cruise missles or ICBM's instead. why bother to go out of our way to protect them and 
put our troops at risk when we can accomplish the very same goals without leaving the 

 ALERT! Video Shows Beheading of American Civilian by Al Qaeda Group
Posted by: Jonna
On: Tue May, 11 2004 @ 06:07 GMT
 American civilian contractor Nick Berg, of Philadelphia PA, was apparently executed 
in Iraq by a group claiming to be affiliated with Al Qaeda. He has been missing since 
April 9th. The video is being shown on the radical Islamic website Muntada al-Ansar 
and is reported to show top Al Qaeda lieutenant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi carrying out the 
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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Beheading of American Civilian (fwd)

2004-05-12 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Original Message
From: William Bacon
 Do you think we'll get any apoligies from these thugs?

I doubt Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Crystal, et al will
ever apologize to the American people.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [ParanoidTimes] Strong's Earth Council Flees Costa Rica (fwd)

2004-05-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 06:34:03 -0500
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Strong's Earth Council Flees Costa Rica

Earth Council flees Costa Rica
Peter Foster, Financial Post
May 12, 2004

Global maestro of sustainable development Maurice Strong is in a pickle down in
Costa Rica. The government in San Jose is chasing one of his most important
global policy instruments, the Earth Council, for US$1.65-million, charging
the council with the wrongful sale of land which the government had granted
it for a headquarters. As a result, the council has left the island.

In the wake of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, Mr. Strong -- perennial United
Nations player-referee and now a key advisor to Prime Minister Paul Martin --
set up the Earth Council as a watchdog on the process he had started himself.
It was to keep up the pressure for Agenda 21, Rio's doorstop socialist wish
list, as well as for global restrictions on carbon emissions (which brought
us the horrors of Kyoto).

The council was also to seed myriad new non-governmental organizations to
spread the gospel of sustainable development, and push the notion of an
Earth Charter, which had been rejected at Rio.

As the location for this beacon of radical environmentalism, Mr. Strong chose
Costa Rica, well known for its status as eco-tourist paradise and tax haven.
In 1996, the Earth Council was granted land on which to build a new
headquarters, with the provision that the land would have to be returned if
the council shut down or moved on.

Intriguingly, the funds to build the new headquarters were to come from part of
the proceeds of issuing Costa Rican Carbon Bonds, a Swiftian emissions trading
instrument which entitled the bearer to emit CO2 if he paid the government of
Costa Rica not to torch its own rain forest. Hence value would be created
literally from thin air, with the proceeds to flow to part of Mr. Strong's
master plan to save the world from capitalism. At least capitalism as practised
by others.

Mr. Strong had long held land in Costa Rica, and had become embroiled in a
tourist development for which he was harshly criticized by local native groups.

Also, in 1994, when he was head of Ontario Hydro, Mr. Strong had become steeped
in controversy when he was discovered to be considering the purchase of a
swathe of Cost Rican rain forest. But back to the Earth Council.

In anticipation of the carbon bond proceeds, the council started spending its
own money on development plans, eventually sinking $1.1-million into the centre.
But then a new Costa Rican government abandoned the carbon bond plan, and
suggested that the Earth Council share the facilities of the United Nations'
University of Peace, which also happens to be in San Jose. No problem there.
Lots of synergies from two left-wing fronts on one campus. And guess who the
president of the UPEACE council happens to be!

However, trouble arose in paradise when the Earth Council decided to reimburse
itself for its expenditures by selling the land that Costa Rica had given it.
The government cried foul, and the Earth Council upped and departed the country,
citing the drain of the legal fight.

That Mr. Strong's council is miffed is obvious from a thinly veiled warning on
the Earth Council's Web site that if Costa Rica doesn't get its act together,
then other UN-type boondoggles might not find their way to its shores. This
unfortunate experience of the Earth Council, says the council, will also
affect the attitudes of other international organizations in deciding whether
to locate in Costa Rica.

The council, meanwhile, has moved its operations back to Toronto, which is also
threatened with the first offshore campus of the University of Peace.

The world would be a safer place without the Earth Council. Take that Earth
Charter, for example, the latest version of which was hatched under the
auspices of Mr. Strong and his old buddy Mikhail Gorbachev. The charter is a
typical mix of UN pablum and poison, declaring that the dominant patterns of
production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion
of resources, and a massive extinction of species. The only problem with this
statement is that it is blatantly untrue, as countless authorities and
researchers such as Bjorn Lomborg and the Cato Institute's Jerry Taylor have
exhaustively detailed.

Beneath all the boilerplate about compassion and shared visions lies the fact
that Mr. Strong wants nothing less than a destruction of the Western way of

Re: [CTRL] unsubscribe

2004-05-12 Thread mick
-Caveat Lector-

  - Original Message - 
  Kris Millegan 
  To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SIGNOFF 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Resist! Says Call to GIs from Veterans and Anti-War Activists

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.

From: "Action Center" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: [IAC] "Resist!" Says Call to GIs from Veterans and Anti-War Activists

 Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 23:34:03 +

International Action Center Supports SNAFU Call to Resistance

International uproar over the abuse, torture, and rape of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. and British troops is growing, reaching far beyond even the millions who opposed the war from the beginning.

More than a thousand photographs and numerous military reports reveal the truth behind the occupation:  All wars of conquest become a war against a whole population and result in the greatest level of barbarism.  The Bush Administration, with the assistance of major U.S. media, demonized the Iraqi people, paving the way for what has now been revealed.

Photos show the level of sheer brutality. In one, a hooded Iraqi stands on a crate with wires attached to his fingers and genitals.  He was threatened with electrocution if he moved off the box.  Other photos and military investigations reveal numerous instances of sadistic abuse carried out in the name of George W. Bush's crusade against the people of Iraq.  Soldiers even swapped photos of victims of torture victims.

The Bush Administration is directly responsible for these crimes.  It was Bush and his advisors who planned and prepared this war.  Bush should be held accountable for his crimes.

SNAFU, the Support Network for an Armed Forces Union, released a statement on May 4, in response to these crimes, calling on members of the military to refuse to participate in war crimes.  It reads (in part):

"We call upon members of the Armed Forces to:

Refuse to torture prisoners in violation of International Law.
Refuse to obey illegal orders.
Refuse to commit atrocities against an innocent population.

Join with the people of the world and take action now to stop the war, and do everything within your power to resist and expose the crimes being committed by the U.S. government.

We offer our support and solidarity to all who choose to follow their consicence and take action."

Dustin Langley, a GI counselor and organizer with SNAFU, said, "Both U.S. and international law make it clear that members of the military are obligated to refuse to obey illegal orders.  Orders to engage in torture, or to attack civilian targets, for example, are illegal.  Soldiers are obligated to disobey these orders and to report those that give the orders."

"No enlistment contract will excuse you from your right and obligation to follow the dictates of your conscience," Langley, a Navy veteran, continued. "No oath will excuse criminal acts committed against innocent people.  History will condemn George W. Bush as a liar and murderer, who was willing to cause the deaths of thousands of people for the profit of Wall Street.  Will you stand with the war criminal Bush or will you choose to stand with the millions of people who oppose his fantasies of global empire?  Don't let those monsters in Washington DC turn you into something less than human.  Don't let them deceive and pressure you into committing acts that will haunt you the rest of your life.  Turn against the war criminals and take a stand with humanity."

SNAFU is an organization that works for the rights of working people in uniform.  It provides discharge counseling, educates military personnel about their rights, and supports members of the military who wish to take a stand against war.  SNAFU's website (www.join-snafu.org) has comprehensive information on discharge procedures and other military regulations.

Sara Flounders, of the International Action Center, said, "The war climate whips up a level of racism against the targeted people, whether in Iraq or Haiti today, or in Vietnam a generation ago.  The horror at the brutality of the Vietnam war fueled a massive anti-war movement.  The only force that can stop the war is a moblized movement of millions in the streets here, in solidarity with resistance in Iraq and inside the military.  A grassroots movement stopped the war in Vietnam, and  the movement gathering momentum now will do the same with the war in Iraq.  We must speak to the horror by intensifying our efforts to end the occupation and bring all the troops home now.  The next major demonstration, a march on the Pentagon on June 5, will demand an immediate end to the brutal occupation."

Larry Holmes, a member of the steering committee of the ANSWER coalition, said: "Soldiers should remember the terrible crimes committed against the people of Vietnam. A whole generation of young people were scarred by the war-- many who returned succumbed to substance abuse, mental illness, and suicide.  Young people in the military should  consider other options before they blindly follow orders in this criminal war.  We are calling on 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Family lashes out at US adm. over beheading of their son

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Date : MAY 12, 2004

Pennsylvania: Michael, the father of an American contractor whose son has
been shown as beheaded on a militant website stormed over the US military
and Bush administration wildly alleging that his son would have been alive
had he not been detained by US officials in Iraq indefinitely.

The video showed on Tuesday that Nick Berg, a young man of 26, was beheaded
by an affiliated group of Al-Qaeda. The video showed that the killing was an
act of revenge from the American people for their abusing the Iraqi

This young man, a small telecommunication business owner, had spoken to his
parents on 24th March that he would be returning home after 6 days i.e. on
or about 30th March but he was unfortunately detained by the Iraqi police at
Mosul checkpost on the very day and was probably passed on to the Al-Qaeda
group, how and under what circumstances is a matter of mystery and concern.

FBI agents visited Berg's parents in West Chester on March 31 and informed
his family that they were trying to confirm about their son's identity. On
5th April, his parents filed a suit in the Federal Court in Philadelphia,
challenging that their son was being held illegally by the US military.
However, he was released the next day but it is really shocking how he was
captured by a group of Al-Qaeda and under what situation and conditions?

Does it not show the negligence on the part of the US officials who had
detained Nick Berg? his father asked? However, Michael, the father of the
unfortunate son, wholly blamed the US government for creating such
circumstances leading to his son's murder in such a merciless and painful
atmosphere under a state of revenge. He specifically stated that if his son
had not been detained for a long period, he would have definitely been able
to leave the country before the violence could worsen.

Who is to blame for this tragedy, who the parent should blame, how the US
Administration and the Senators would like to pacify Michael Berg? It is
just unfortunate.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] U.S. spokesman says decapitated American was never held by U.S. forces

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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-Caveat Lector-

U.S. spokesman says decapitated American was never held by U.S. forces
By Associated Press, 5/12/2004 10:20

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) The young American who was shown being decapitated on a
videotape posted by an al-Qaida-linked Web site was never under U.S. custody
despite claims from his family, coalition spokesman Dan Senor said

Senor told reporters that Berg, 26, from West Chester, Pa., was detained by
Iraqi police in Mosul. The Iraqis informed the Americans and the FBI met
with Berg three times to determine what he was doing in Iraq.

Senor said that to his knowledge, ''he (Berg) was at no time under the
jurisdiction or detention of coalition forces.''

However, calls by The Associated Press to police in Mosul failed to find
anyone who could confirm Berg was held there.

Asked for details about Berg's last weeks in Iraq, Senor replied: ''We are
obviously trying to piece all this together, and there's a thorough
investigation.'' But he said he was reluctant at this time to release

''The U.S. government is committed to a very thorough and robust
investigation to get to the bottom of this,'' Senor said. ''As I said,
everybody is shocked by the horrific images of this terrorist act.''

He said ''multiple'' U.S. agencies would be involved in the Berg case and
that the FBI would probably have overall direction.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: ACME Summit continues to grow

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Wed, 05 May 2004
Peter Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Project Censored   http://www.projectcensored.org/
ACME Summit continues to grow

- - Please circulate widely - -

 Many national figures donate hundreds of books, DVDs,  
CDs to ACME attendees.
 Major speakers volunteer for ACME coalition (see below)
 Participate in Declarations of Media Independence!  
 ACME's 2004 Summit, July 1-4 at the University of San Francisco

A diminishing number of media monopolies (Big Media) increasingly 
censors mainstream information, creating false impressions of 
politics, health, pharmaceauticals, the environment, women's rights, 
addictions and more.  Unfortunately, most media literacy curricula 
are created with Big Media money.

ACME is changing that system and our media culture.  Created in 2002 
by a coalition of nationally known media educators and critics, ACME 
holds its second conference in San Francisco, July 1-4. ACME 
represents real activism as Summit support comes from speakers who 
donate their time as well as hundreds of their books, curricula, 
CD-ROMs and DVDs to attendees.

ACME is designed to be an inexpensive conference that everyone can 
attend ($28/night).

See http://www.acmecoalition.orgwww.acmecoalition.org for more 
details. Take critical media literacy education, independent media 
production, and grassroots media justice and reform to the next level!

Contact ACME Summit Coordinator, Brenda O'Sullivan, 
415-546-6334, ext 310.

The first 50 Summit registrants will receive:
a free copy of Robert McChesney's brand new book, 'The Problem of the 
Media: Communications Politics in the 21st Century.'

The NEXT 100 Summit registrants will receive:
- a free copy of Farai Chideya's new book, 'The Color of Our Future: 
Race in the 21st Century'

The first 300 Summit registrants will receive:
- a free DVD from the Media Education Foundation entitled 'Beyond 
Good and Evil: Children, Media and Violent Times.'

The first 350 Summit registrants will receive:
- a free multi-media CD and a free Audio CD from the New Mexico Media 
Literacy Project, full of lesson plans, video clips, and media 
literacy classroom activities from NMMLP, Local News and Democracy 
(an NPR special);

The EARLYBIRD registration discount is in effect until May 14th.

Everyone who attends this year's ACME Summit will:

  - - see an extensive line-up of media literacy reformers, authors, 
educators, and activists;
  - - participate in hands-on workshops and invigorating teach-ins
  - - attend workshops focused on solutions that will take the media 
literacy movement to the next level

The summit will be a unique gathering of teachers, students, parents,
researchers, public health advocates, media justice activists, reformers,
and independent media makers.

--Farai Chideya/Pop and Politics
-- Josh Silver/Free Press
--Professor Stan Glantz/UCSF SmokeFreeMovies
--Malkia Cyril/Youth Media Alliance
--Lieut. Colonel Dave Grossman/The Killology Research Group
--Christine Kennedy/UCSF
--Sut Jhally/The Media Education Foundation
--Makani Themba-Nixon/The Praxis Project
--Bob McCannon /The New Mexico Media Literacy Project
--Seeta Peña Gangadharan/Center for International Media Action
--Gary Ruskin/Commercial Alert
--Patti Miller/Children Now

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Odell Harwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Harwell, Odell
Subject: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

May 11, 2004
CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

Calling CBS the unpatriotic network, Chris Core of WMAL radio in
Washington, D.C. has been urging listeners to email the CBS 60 Minutes II
program in protest of its plan to air another broadcast about abuse of Iraqi
prisoners. The program aired one show on the matter, featuring photos of the
abuse, despite a warning from Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard B. Myers that it
would provoke the killing of Americans in Iraq. That came to pass with the
Berg beheading. The program now claims to have exclusively obtained an
American soldier's home video from Camp Bucca in Southern Iraq and Abu
Ghraib in Baghdad and that the video shows a young soldier's disdain for
the Iraqi prisoners. She says: We've already had two prisoners die...but
who cares? That's two less for me to worry about. The show will air on
Wednesday night.

On his radio show tonight, Core said CBS was pouring gasoline on the fire
and putting salt in the wound after having provoked the beheading of
American Nick Berg. Core conducted a poll on the WMAL web site asking if
people thought that the complete video of the beheading should be aired, in
light of the fact that CBS and other media have run the photos of American
soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. The results are that 90 percent want it
shown, while only 10 percent were opposed.

Showing the video might convince many Americans that the media feeding
frenzy over the Iraqi prisoner abuse story might be overblown, and that the
real story is the need to confront and destroy Islamic killers determined to
destroy our nation.
But on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather tonight, the Berg video was not
shown in its entirety. The pictures are horrifying, said Rather. But he
wouldn't let the viewers see them. CBS is not going to show the worst of
it, he said. Correspondent David Hawkins showed the al Qaeda members
standing over Berg and pushing him down in preparation for the kill.  The
rest is too gruesome to show, said Hawkins.

Isn't this censorship?

So CBS is willing to air the photos and videos that make America look bad,
but the video that shows the nature of the enemy we face cannot be aired.
You can contact the program by going to this site and scrolling down,
clicking on contact us and going to 60 Minutes II.

Posted by: Cliff on May 11, 04 | 10:42 pm

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Findings from a new national poll show support for impeachment, growing opposition to war on terrorism

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Peter Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Project Censored  http://www.projectcensored.org/

May 11, 2004
For Immediate Release

Findings from a new national poll show support for impeachment, growing
opposition to war on terrorism.

Berkeley--Reporting from an ongoing survey of public knowledge and
opinion, Berkeley based NGO Retro Poll released startling results
suggesting that 39% of Americans favor impeachment of President Bush.
The poll, taken between April 19 and May 5 asked whether people believe
that misleading Congress and the Public on weapons of mass destruction
to take the country to war is grounds to impeach the President (39% said
yes, 40% said no).  On whether the U.S. should have invaded Iraq the
poll results are consistent with findings of Gallup and other major
polls (48% said yes).

Other surprising findings were that almost half of respondents (46%)
favor an independent investigation of the U.S. role in the overthrow of
Haiti's democratically elected president, Juan Bertrand Aristide, and
57% favor a national moratorium on the death penalty because of the
procedural problems that have put many innocent people on death row (112
released so far).  Four out of five Americans also repudiate the use of

As in earlier Retro Polls most support for the war in Iraq and the War
on Terrorism was found among people who still think that Saddam Hussein
worked with Al Qaeda (though no evidence has been published) and among
the 32% of people who believe the War on Terrorism is preventing
terrorism.  However, 24% of Americans believe that the War on Terrorism
is actually creating terrorists.  In addition, 56 % of people who gave
an opinion say the War on Terrorism is removing important democratic
rights in the US and large percentages (50-80%) oppose various intrusive
provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act.

The poll reached 513 random Americans and has a margin of error of +/-
3.5%   Full results are available at www.retropoll.org.


Marc Sapir MD, MPH
Executive Director
Retro Poll

Project Censored


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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] US company admits employing terrorists as guards in Colombia

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
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Chiquita Says It Paid Terrorists To Protect Workers in Colombia
from Dow Jones News Wire on Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Article ID: D145396

Chiquita Brands International Inc. said it has paid protection money to
terrorist organizations in Colombia to protect its employees there and
voluntarily reported this to the U.S. Justice Department a year ago.

The Justice Department, it said, in turn has launched an investigation into
the payments and will be evaluating the role and conduct of the company and
some of its officers. The company said it is cooperating with the
investigation and doesn't consider itself or its employees to be targets of

Fernando Aguirre, who has been president and chief executive of the
Cincinnati food company for just four months, called the episode isolated
and manageable. Colombia accounts for about 9% of the company's banana
volume. Analysts largely overlooked the disclosure issue in their questions
during a conference call, which also covered Chiquita's quarterly earnings.

Mr. Aguirre said the company has undertaken a review of its operations in
other countries and is confident no similar problems exist elsewhere.
Chiquita said the disclosure was made in consultation with the board. Mr.
Aguirre said he couldn't provide further details beyond those the company
disclosed yesterday.

In a statement released yesterday afternoon, the company said it made the
disclosure to the Justice Department because the company's management became
aware that these groups -- which it didn't name -- had been designated as
foreign terrorist organizations under a U.S. statute that makes it a crime
to support such an organization.

The company said it made its disclosure to the Justice Department in April
2003 and requested guidance. A Justice Department spokesman declined to

The company said the payments were made by the company's banana-producing
subsidiary in Colombia to certain groups in that country which have been
designated under United States law as foreign terrorist organizations.

Chiquita said its sole reason for submitting to these payment demands was to
protect employees from risks to their safety if the payments were not

Mr. Aguirre didn't say when the payments began, whether they have ended or
how much they amounted to. Nor did he say why the company waited until now
to publicize its disclosure of the payments.

The disclosure was included in the company's quarterly financial release, in
which it reported first-quarter net income of $19.9 million, or 46 cents a
share, down 20% from $24.9 million, or 62 cents a share, in the year-earlier
quarter. Revenue rose 68% to $793.2 million from $471.3 million. Chiquita
said Atlanta AG, a German fresh-produce distributor acquired at the end of
March 2003, accounted for $283 million of the increase.

Copyright C 2004 Dow Jones  Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Australian soldiers facing dimissal for torturing kittens

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Australian soldiers facing dimissal for torturing kittens
TOWNSVILLE, Australia (AFP) May 11, 2004

Six soldiers were facing the likelihood of dismissal here Tuesday after
outraging Australia by admitting to a court that they tortured to death a
litter of kittens.

Amid continuing shock in Australia over allegations of US and British
soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners, colleagues of the six men, local
residents and animal welfare groups have all expressed horror at the
soldiers' cruelty.

The six, from an army support battalion based at Townsville's Lavarack
Barracks, were fined by the local magistrates court Monday after pleading
guilty to cruelty to animals charges.

But a spokesman for the Australian Defence Force said their commanding
officer has issued them with a notice to show cause why they should not be

This has shocked a lot of people and the army will not condone this type of
behaviour, defence spokesman Brian Hickey told AFP.

Police told the hearing the soldiers had tied a rope around one kitten's
neck then dragged it behind a motor-bike along a bitumen road.

The kitten survived but was then placed behind the rear wheel of a vehicle
and when its handbrake was released, it rolled back and crushed the kitten
to death.

Three other kittens were then thrown one by one on to the road, where fuel
was poured over them and they were set alight and burnt to death.

Magistrate David Glasgow said the soldiers had brought disgrace and
dishonour to the army by their actions, but did not record a conviction
against them.

The six, Ben Lightbody, 21, Brett Neville, 26, Casey Parker, 21, Geoffrey
Symonds, 20, Darryl Llewellin, 26, and Christopher James Murray, 19, were
each fined 2,000 dollars (1,400 US) and ordered to to perform 100 hours of
service at the RSPCA.

But Queensland state RSPCA chief executive Mark Townsend said his staff did
not want the help of people who would do that to animals.

I don't think those soldiers would actually be able to turn and help at all
with the shelter until they had some other counselling, he said.

Normal people don't burn cats alive and don't drag them behind motorbikes.
There's a lot more serious problem there than just turning up to the RSPCA
and doing some work to make them feel better.

The animal protection body also bitterly criticised the 2,000 dollar fines
imposed on the soldiers, describing them as manifestly inadequate when a
maximum penalty of 75,000 dollars was available to magistrates for such

The Returned Services League (RSL) ex-services group also expressed horror,
saying the soldiers should be dismissed.

I'm horrified and appalled to say the least, RSL President Major General
Bill Crews told ABC Radio.

There is no explanation for why a person would reasonably do that. They
have disgraced the army through their behaviour, it's as simple as that, and
it's not acceptable to the army, I feel sure.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2003 Agence France-Presse.

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[CTRL] Fwd: subtle censorship on Alternative Radio

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

On Tuesday, Alternative Radio (on KLCC-FM) aired an interview with
Nafeez Ahmed, the author of Behind the War on Terror (about the US
invasion of Iraq) and The War on Freedom (about what happened on
Nafeez Ahmed was interviewed by AR's host, David Barsamian, the day
after Ahmed was in San Francisco for the International Inquiry into
9/11, but the show did not mention this, even though Barsamian is a
personal friend of the Inquiry's main organizer, Carol Brouillet (see
www.communitycurrency.org and www.deceptiondollar.com).  Ahmed lives
in England, but the on-air interview did not mention why he had
traveled to the US (to attend the Inquiry).
The interview was very good, but carefully excised any reference to
Ahmed's first book The War on Freedom, which pointed out that 9/11
was not an intelligence failure and that the Bush administration
was complicit in allowing the attacks to occur.
Self censorship is the worst kind of censorship.

For more on the stand down of the liberal alternative media, see
http://www.oilempire.us/denial.html -- Denial is not a river in
Egypt, Not See's and Nazis why the Left has failed to draw the
connections between 9/11 and Bush's aggressions

New Book Examines Possible White House Role in 9/11 Attacks 06-Dec-02
review by democrats.com
 In The War on Freedom: How and Why America Was Attacked, Nafeez
Mosaddeq Ahmed of the Institute for Policy Research and Development
in the UK examines the big picture created by information from
respected sources including The New York Times, The Boston Globe,
the San Francisco Chronicle and the Wall Street Journal about what
happened before, during, and after September 11, 2001. He reports on
high-level orders preventing investigations of suspected terrorists
before September 11; warnings that various well-known people received
that caused them to cancel travel plans; the Air Force's deviation
from standard procedures when the planes were hijacked on September
11; business connections between the Bushes and the bin Ladin family,
and mysterious stock transactions just before September 11; and the
inconsistencies in the stories from the White House about what
happened that day and why.

Ed Asner supports 911 Visibility
   the 9-11 truth movement is the most pressing issue of the
peace  justice movement today. ... I fear that if the underlying
issues of 9-11 truth are not demanded, that Iraq may be but a flame
on an ocean of gasoline that may be used to ignite war after war
after war.  We cannot, as a peace  justice movement only address the
flames.  We must look at the fuel being used to justify the flames of
war and repression at home and abroad.  We must look deeply at the
events leading up to, on and since 9-11.  We must demand full 9-11
   I encourage all local and national peace  justice activists
and organizations to join Philadelphia Peace Action and other peace 
justice organizations nationwide who are now beginning to work with
and becoming involved with the National 911Visibility.org Project at
www.911Visibility.org . . .
--  Ed Asner, actor  peace activist

internet resources
911forthetruth.com - 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani's RICO lawsuit against Bush
911independentcommission.org - family members have tough questions for Bush
911citizenswatch.org - monitoring the official commission
cooperativeresearch.org - 9/11 complete timeline (sourced entirely
from the corporate media - an amazing resource)
deceptiondollar.com - three million Deception Dollars
fromthewilderness.com - The Truth and Lies of 9/11: America's
Descent into Fascism at the End of the Age of Oil
globalresearch.ca - Center for Research on Globalization
oilempire.us - election coups, 9/11, fascism and peak oil
www.wtc7.net - the collapse of Building 7 (a 47 story building that
collapsed on 9/11 but was not hit 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Dizzneying world of Bush/Saudi die-na$ty politics

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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As the author of House of Bush, House of Saud says, this isn'ta conspiracy, it's business: 1.4B$ Saudiinvestment inBush, 24,000 times what was invested in Whitewater. And Disney is looking to Saudi money to bail it out of troubled Euro-Disney. Moore's 911film exposes the thick nature of the Bush, Al Saud interdependent dynasties. So close were they, Bush had them spirited out of the country while every other plane was grounded from flying in North America.Seems there's a few reasons Disney won't release his 911 film and they're all enmeshed into the unwieldy global powerconvergence. But the Saudis throw money and the Bush Cartel on the far right bullies. What's so dizzying here is the vying that goes on between the relative alliances. So the Zionists who straddle the Rethug neocons and the DLC and etcare allied and vye with this group at the same time:
Headlines for May 11, 2004- Report: Up to 90% Iraqi Detainees Innocent- Bush: Rumsfeld Doing "A Superb Job"- Spain: U.S. Actions Pushed Them Out of Iraq- Six Israel Soldiers Die In Gaza Tank Attack- 1,000 Palestinians Left Homeless Over Past Week- Nader Fails To Get on Texas Ballot 

Did Saudi Investors Pressure Disney To Drop Michael Moore's New Film on 9/11?Disney has been widely criticized for barring its subsidiary Miramax from distributing Fahrenheit 911, Moore's new documentary examining 9/11 and the ties between the Bushes and the Bin Ladens. Peter Hart from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) reveals that a powerful member of the House of Saud, Al-Walid bin Talal, owns a major stake in Eurodisney. [includes rush transcript] 

'House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties'Journalist Craig Unger joins us in our studios to discuss his new book that examines the complex negotiations on war, oil, illegal arms deals and murky banking deals conducted between the Bushes and the Saudis - connecting a US presidential dynasty to a foreign power. 

Banned in Britain: Why British Readers Can't Read 'House of Bush, House of Saud'The British publisher of House of Bush, House of Saud has decided not to publish the book fearing lawsuits from the Saudis. Author Craig Unger discusses the banning of his book and Disney's refusal to distribute Michael Moore's new film that examines the ties between the Bushes and Saudia Arabia. Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org 

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[CTRL] Fwd: NY Times, Post El Diario Join Demand for Right to Protest at GOP Convention

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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NY Times, Post  El Diario Join Demand for Right to
Protest at GOP Convention - Your Action is Needed Now

August 29!  Mark your calendars and join us in New York
City for a massive demonstration when we say NO to the
Bush administration's empire-building and war-making
agenda, NO to their domestic and foreign policies.
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is organizing a
not-to-be-missed protest for Sunday, August 29th, a
curtain raiser for the Republican National Convention
which begins the following day.

We want you to know about an important development in
the preparations for this protest. NYC Mayor Michael
Bloomberg and his Parks Department have refused our
application for a permit to rally on the Great Lawn in
Central Park, the sight of huge political, cultural and
religious events in the past.

We urge you to place a call to the mayor of NYC to
protest the city's outrageous denial of our right to
rally in the single best location for this event. For
the second time in a little over a year, George W.
Bush's buddy NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has moved to
block a major anti-war, social justice demonstration:
remember Feb. 15th, 2003!

UFPJ has launched a campaign to get Bloomberg to change
his mind. Just today, the NY Times lead editorial
supports our right to rally on the Great Lawn, and in
the past week the NY Post and El Diario, two of NYC's
major dailies, also lent their editorial support. All
three of these editorials are below.

Now we need you, people from every corner of the
country, to flood the offices of the Mayor of NYC and
the Parks Commissioner with phone calls and faxes.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg:
phone   212-788-3000
fax   212-788-9711

Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe:
phone   212-360-1305
fax   212-360-1345

If the lines are busy please keep trying!

It is important to note that our request for the Great
Lawn is part of our overall plan for the demonstration.
We have applied to the NYC Police Department for a
permit to march. We will assemble south of Madison
Square Garden and take a route going directly past The
Garden, where the Republican Convention convenes the
next day. Our march route is a straight line up 8th
Avenue and its continuation, Central Park West, before
going into Central Park. The process of securing the
permit for the march is also far from complete and we
anticipate a struggle on this issue as well.

The plan for the August 29th demonstration was designed
to enable large numbers of people to participate: it is
the safest, easiest, most logical plan for this
demonstration. One reason cited in the letter denying
us permission to rally on the Great Lawn was that such
a large crowd would cause enormous damage to the

We need to be very clear: this decision is not about
how many people can fit on the Great Lawn. This is
about politics and about everyone's right to protest.

Be sure to check our web site for updates on this
struggle to secure our right to protest in NYC, as well
as information about the full range of protest,
cultural and educational activities while the
Republican Party meets in New York:

Finally, we need your financial support to help ensure
the success of our efforts and for the organizing of
the August 29th march and rally. Click here to make
your on-line donation:
http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate Thank you in
advance for your generous contributions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


New York Times [New York, NY]
May 11, 2004


Lawn vs. Demonstrators

Mayor Michael Bloomberg lobbied hard to attract the
Republican convention to New York this summer. Now it's
coming, and with it swarms of protesters. The city is
obliged to offer 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Stupidity in Power

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Stupidity in Power
By Alain-Gerard Slama
Le Figaro

Monday 10 May 2004

During his appearance before the Congressional committee questioning
him about the acts of torture committed by American soldiers in Iraq, Mr.
Donald Rumsfeld invokes as his sole excuse regret at failing to anticipate
the media fallout from the broadcast pictures. Certainly, the impact of
the image is a distortion. In this case, the deeds being condemned are
overwhelming. By daring to address such a mediocre response to the members
of Congress, the Defense Secretary revealed to the world the face of the
team managing Washington, the face of stupidity. One trembles at the
thought that so much incompetence should be the work of leaders on whom
the fate of the planet has depended for the last four years, leaders who
nonetheless have a chance of being reelected by a people still wounded by
the shock of September 11. That news is not good, either for peace, or for

There's no Roosevelt, nor Churchill, nor even de Gaulle. Those who
hold the reins of the American executive branch have revealed themselves
in the test to be too small for the events they have to confront and
contemptible in comparison to the nobility of the goals they invoke. That
it should be necessary to respond to the war declared by hyper-terrorism
with force is obvious. Even in the Arab world, there was no opposition to
the American attack on Afghanistan. Given the elusive character of
international terrorism, the political, economic, even military, in the
form of localized strikes, pressures applied by the Bush Administration on
countries disposed to welcome terrorist movements to oblige them to effect
the necessary internal controls were necessary. On the other hand, the
purely ideological extension of the conflict to all of Iraq displayed an
inexcusable blindness.

By taking such an initiative without having a credible casus belli
available and without having prepared the conditions for a return to
peace, the White House multiplied its mistakes. In the first place, it
believed that it was extending the battles for freedom that it led against
Germany and its allies in the first two world wars, then against Korea and
Vietnam during the Cold War. Much ignorance was necessary to support such
a delusion. However odious the regime suppressed, you do not liberate a
people from itself. Unsolicited interference exacerbates nationalist
fervors. In the absence of a real on the spot demand, Washington's
aggression against Baghdad cannot claim any precedent.

In every case when it has intervened in foreign theatres -apart from
South America - the United States has found itself on the side of
threatened nations or peoples. The international community would no doubt
have accepted an intervention on behalf of the Kurds before September 11,
as was the case in favor of the Albanians during the Kosovo conflict.
Given the veritable genocide Saddam Hussein had engaged in against the
Kurds, the pretext could have been successfully argued. However, given,
among other considerations, the fear of upsetting the Turkish ally, that
intervention didn't take place. Today, far from being beneficiaries of the
despised regime's fall, the Kurds, the only US allies on Iraqi soil, find
themselves isolated and dread a fate like that of the South Vietnamese.

Washington's second mistake was to have refused to listen to France
and Germany's warnings and to have invented the strategy of unilateralism
to satisfy its frenzy to strike Baghdad. The absurdity of this supposed
strategic innovation is total. Far from implying American power's
isolation, no international threat has ever justified the unwavering
solidarity of all democracies more than that of terrorism. 

[CTRL] Fwd: LEFT MARGIN - The World Won't End When We Leave Baghdad

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

LEFT MARGIN - The World Won't End When We Leave Baghdad

The World Won't End When We Leave Baghdad

By Carl Bloice - submitted to portside

Spend a couple of hours as I did one day last week
meandering through the 'Byzantium - Faith and Power'
exhibit at New York's Metropolitan Museum and you will
come away overwhelmed. A lot of religious iconography
on display, much of it delicate and dazzling examples
of the art of a place and a period circa 1261-1557.
While reading the inscriptions and background notes, I
was struck by the grand sweep of the history of the
region around the Eastern Mediterranean. It is as if
the drama now being tragically played out in what was
once Mesopotamia has occurred many times before and
keeps repeating itself. The Byzantium itself, the
Crusades, the arrival of the Ottoman Turks, all co-
mingled and left an imprint on the region. The
invasions, the occupations, the repression and the
upheavals, were carried out under the banner of high
ideals and lofty missions.  Yet their driving forces
were always less than inspiring and their conduct
involved great cruelty and suffering.

The central fallacy that brought about the current war
in Iraq and has kept it going is that it is our mission
there is to deliver 'democracy' to the Iraqi people, as
a preclude to bestowing it on all the other countries
thereabout. If the neo-conservatives have been
successful at nothing else, selling this lie has been
an achievement. There's been a near consensus on this
score. Those on the Right have argued that it is a
worthwhile, even holy mission, while on the Left,
commentators (or a good portion of them, anyway) have
asserted that it is a mission impossible ('democracy
cannot be imposed from outside'). Yet this war has
never been about democracy. One has only to look toward
formerly Soviet Central Asia where we are encouraging,
rewarding and arming despots to see how hollow the
claim is. No promise to bring democracy there, only
guns, soldiers and military bases.

Nor is the war in Iraq about any 'clash of
civilizations.' No matter how much crusaders like
President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony
Blair and their Armageddon-minded religious fellow
travelers might actually think there is something holy
about their mission, there isn't.

My favorite ant-war demonstration placard is the one
that reads: 'Why is our oil under their sand?' That's
what this war is all about; it is what has largely
shaped U.S. policy in the Balkans, Central Asia and the
Middle East for decades now.

Acceptance of the silly notion that the reason young
men and women from our country, and untold thousands of
Iraqis, are daily dying needlessly has something to do
with bestowing democracy has contributed to another
fallacy that now serves to extend the war and the
carnage, an argument why we cannot do the wise and
proper thing and get out now. This is the idea that the
U.S. must remain in the country for years, if not
decades, to see this alleged process of democratization
through. It just another version of the old colonialist
mantra: these people can't be trusted to run their own

The idea that the Iraqi people are ignorant of the
virtues of majority rule and not prepared for self-
government reflects nothing so much as imperialist
arrogance. The Iraqis have a long political history.
They have struggled for democracy in the past and have
a tradition of political parties that mirror the
political trends that exist in most other countries.
The Iraqi Bath Party itself was at one point a
progressive force in Iraqi and the politics of the
region. Saddam Hussein rose to power over the tortured
bodies of the Baathists, communists, socialists and
revolutionary democrats who stood valiantly in his path
and who have organized against repression and religious

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Dizzneying world of Bush/Saudi die-nasty politics

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

I don't get it, or maybe I am not as smart as you guys?
Explain this, please? This is all about freedom and liberty, so why
can't they show Michael Moore's movie and why can't they show our dead
soldiers coming home?
I am being sarcastic, but I don't like double morals? Do you see my
point? We shot down there newspaper, give me a break? 
Is Ted Koople for the war? Is he Jewish, and are most Jews for this
What a mess and what were they thinking?
US Iraq policy parallels rightwing Israeli policy toward the
Palestinians. Neocons are fake conservatives, and rightwing
Israelis are fake zionists in that they act against the national
security interest of Israel and Israelis, according to Israelis
who regard themselves as genuine patriotic zionists.
Uri Avnery was in the Jewish underground in Palestine as
a teenager, then a commando in the war for an Israeli nation,
and since then he has spent his life telling people that the
way to secure Israel for Israelis is to allow the Palestinians
their own state in Gaza and West Bank. He points out that
the Palestinians would cease from terrorist acts immediately
if their livelihood depended on keeping a highway open
between Gaza and West Bank. Isn't it obvious?

Neocons are warmongers of perpetual war. They said twenty
years ago that they want a divided Iraq, not a reconstructed
Iraq. They have succeeded in Iraq, but to continue their
success they need a US influence to prevent Iraq reconstruction
or reunification, similar to Israeli influence in Lebanon and
Gaza and West Bank.




Date: SatNov10,2001 10:17
Subject: 3rd magic Dutch boy L. Paul "Jerry"

L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer III, former US ambassador to

the Netherlands

The air raids on Afghanistan are just the beginning,
he said.

Terrorists need to be eliminated in Iraq, Syria, and Sudan.

[Bremer the US Iraq occupation czar]



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Executive Calls Vote-Machine Letter an Error

2004-05-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

That's abouat as lame as an excuse can get. - JR


  May 12, 2004
  Executive Calls Vote-Machine Letter an 

  alden W. O'Dell, the chairman and chief executive of 
  Diebold Inc., said on Monday that it had been a "huge mistake" for him, as 
  the head of a voting machine company, to express support for President Bush's re-election in a fund-raising 
  letter last year. Mr. O'Dell also said the company was working to address 
  computer security problems and build voter confidence in its wares.
  In a meeting with reporters and editors from The New York Times, Mr. 
  O'Dell by turns apologized for mistakes and stood up for what he said the 
  company had done right. 
  "The country had a crisis" after the 2000 debacle, he said; his company 
  realized that "we could help; it would be an opportunity to serve, and it 
  would be a good business." 
  Mr. O'Dell drew criticism of his company in August when he sent an 
  invitation to a fund-raising party that said, "I am committed to helping 
  Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." He said he 
  had not written it himself, though he declined to say who had, and 
  intended only to sign a "party invitation." 
  Mr. O'Dell said that he had since dropped out of all political activity 
  and that the company would not support political parties "so long as we 
  are in the voting business."
  He said he could not discuss California, which on April 30 prohibited 
  the use of Diebold's machines in four counties for the November election. 
  The secretary of state, Kevin Shelley, has asked California's attorney 
  general to investigate whether Diebold should face charges. 
  Reading carefully from a statement, Mr. O'Dell said, "Diebold intends 
  to fully cooperate with the attorney general in his investigation of the 
  secretary of state's concerns." 
  Diebold entered what was a small market for electronic voting systems 
  in 2002, when it bought Global Election Systems of McKinney, Tex. Mr. 
  O'Dell characterized Global as near failure, and Diebold, he said, has 
  spent a great deal of time "bringing the company up to the right 
  Copyright 2004The New York Times Company | Home | Privacy Policy | Search | Corrections | Help | Back to Top 

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[CTRL] Rumsfeld Aide and a General Clash on Abuse

2004-05-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The key question, he said, is whether the intelligence unit's commander 
told the M.P.'s "how to do their job."

"Mr. Cambone also said that General Taguba misinterpreted the November 
order, which he said only put the intelligence unit in charge of the prison 
facility, not of the military police guards." (Isn't that an oxymoron?) - 


  May 12, 2004
  Rumsfeld Aide and a General Clash on 

  ASHINGTON, May 11 — The Army general who first 
  investigated abuses at Abu Ghraib prison stood by his inquiry's finding 
  that military police officers should not have been involved in 
  conditioning Iraqi detainees for interrogation, even as a senior Pentagon 
  civilian sitting next to him at a Senate hearing on Tuesday disputed that 
  The officer, Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, told the Senate Armed 
  Services Committee that it had been against the Army's doctrine for 
  another Army general to recommend last summer that military guards "set 
  the conditions" to help Army intelligence officers extract information 
  from prisoners. He also said an order last November from the top American 
  officer in Iraq effectively put the prison guards under the command of the 
  intelligence unit there.
  But the civilian official, Stephen A. Cambone, the under secretary of 
  defense for intelligence, contradicted the general. He said that the 
  military police and the military intelligence unit at the prison needed to 
  work closely to gain as much intelligence as possible from Iraqi prisoners 
  to prevent attacks against American soldiers. Mr. Cambone also said that 
  General Taguba misinterpreted the November order, which he said only put 
  the intelligence unit in charge of the prison facility, not of the 
  military police guards.
  While General Taguba depicted the abuses at the prison as the acts of a 
  few soldiers under a fragmented and inept command, he also said that "they 
  were probably influenced by others, if not necessarily directed 
  specifically by others." His report called for an inquiry into the 
  culpability of intelligence officers, which is still under way.
  The unusual public sparring between a two-star Army general and one of 
  Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's most trusted aides cast a spotlight 
  on the confusing conditions at the prison last fall when the worst abuses 
  occurred, as well as the sensitive issue of whether the Pentagon's thirst 
  for better intelligence to combat Iraqi insurgents contributed to the 
  climate there.
  "How do you expect the M.P.'s to get it straight if we have a 
  difference between the two of you?" said Senator Edward M. Kennedy, 
  Democrat of Massachusetts.
  Later in the day, Lt. Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the Army's deputy chief 
  of staff, said the issue of who controlled the military police officers 
  accused of abusing the prisoners "has to be ironed out." The key question, 
  he said, is whether the intelligence unit's commander told the M.P.'s "how 
  to do their job."
  As senators demanded explanations for the abuses that were caught on 
  photographs and videos taken by Army prison guards, the Bush 
  administration and the Senate leadership reached an agreement that would 
  give senators a chance to view the pictures. But the White House and the 
  Pentagon signaled that they now have serious reservations about publicly 
  releasing the photographs and video clips.
  Administration officials said no decision had been made about what to 
  do with the images. Political advisers to Mr. Bush have been pressing for 
  a quick release, saying full disclosure is the best way to contain the 
  But Vice President Dick Cheney and other officials emphasized their 
  concern that any public release could endanger efforts to prosecute the 
  Americans responsible for the abuse.
  "I'd say there are a lot of equities here besides just satisfying the 
  desires of the press that want to have more pictures to print," Mr. Cheney 
  said in an interview with Fox News. "There are serious questions about 
  people's rights, as well as our ability to be able to prosecute. We 
  wouldn't want, as a result of the release of pictures and the mistreatment 
  of that kind of information, to allow guilty parties off the hook, so that 
  they couldn't be prosecuted."
  Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director, said that when 
  President Bush went to the Pentagon for a 
  briefing on Monday, Gen. John P. Abizaid, the commander of American forces 
  in the Middle 

Re: [CTRL] Warnings That Sharon's Latest War Schemes Target Syria

2004-05-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Well there's no question that Syria is second on Sharon's list. I'm sure he told George some time ago, because George is moving on Syria just like Sharon told him to. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't send troops over there to take care of some more of Mr. Sharon's light work. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Israeli link possible in US torture techniques

2004-05-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/11/2004 9:57:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Israeli link possible in US torture techniquesIn exchange for interrogation training, did Washington award security contracts?
But of course. Israel has always valued torture. Especially on "Arabs." 
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: [Lis-LEAF] Crimes: They're What Somebody Else Does

2004-05-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Zimmerman 

To: Lis Leaf 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:56 PM
Subject: [Lis-LEAF] Crimes: They're What Somebody Else 
 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
-~--Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for only 
What Somebody Else Does by Fred ReedMonday, May 10th, 
2004I keep getting mail saying I should write about thecrimes 
of Israel, so Mossad will assassinate me and Ican be a footnote in history 
books. OK. Here goes.Crimes, as best I can understand them: I'm not 
toogood at understanding things, I know, but I'll try.Israel took 
the land of the Palestinians by force ofarms and proceeded to occupy it. 
True enough. To dothis they had to pry out the British, who also 
hadtaken Palestine by force of arms and occupied it,along with, at 
various times, the United States,Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, South 
Africa,Egypt, and Ireland. (Generic Christians took Palestinestarting in 
1099, and it worked about as well forthem. If I were wiser I might see a 
lesson here. ButI'm not.)We have all seen pictures of Israel bombing 
citiesfull of Moslems, as for example Beirut. This isclearly a bad thing 
to do. The United States of coursewould never bomb cities full of Moslems. 
OrVietnamese. Rumors to the contrary are preposterousand need not be 
considered. It just isn't the Americanway, some years.But if the US 
did bomb Moslems it would be a goodthing to do, because it would be to bring 
democracy,peace, and love to the benighted ragheads. (PersonallyI've 
always wanted to be bombed into a higher moralstate.) The Israelis have no 
ennobling excuse ofbringing betterment. They are just 
defendingthemselves. Or think they are. It sure doesn't seem towork very 
well. Nor would the United States torture prisoners as theIsraelis 
do. In the unlikely event that Americans didengage in torture, it would be 
the work of a few roguesoldiers, specifically the entire 
militaryintelligence apparatus using techniques taught to themby the 
CIA, the whole business being condoned up tothe level of the Secretary of 
Defense. So, you see, the Israelis belong to a small sordidgroup of 
torturers consisting only of themselves andevery other country on earth. 
Except maybe Andorra.(Is Sark a country?)Everybody gets mad when 
some Israeli helicopter blowsup a Palestinian leader with a missile, like 
when theUS bombed Ghadaffi's palace but missed, because it'smurder and 
you aren't supposed to do that. By contrastthe American CIA doesn't 
assassinate people, which iswhy an executive order was needed to make them 
stopit, if they did. Actually the CIA is a humanitariangroup and for 
years carried stretchers around foreigncities to give aid to people shot by 
Mossad. Sometimesthey were mistaken for Mormon missionaries.But it's 
just a few rogues. The United States wouldnever, ever have a systematic 
campaign ofassassination, as the Phoenix Program wasn't. Never. Now, 
if I were a Palestinian, I believe I'd do justwhat the Palestinians are 
doing. Thing is, if I werean Israeli, I believe I'd do just what they are 
doing.(You don't suppose that's the problem, do you?) Itreminds me of 
Northern Ireland. I like Irish Catholicsjust fine. I like Irish Protestants 
just fine. I can'ttell'em apart. But they're always blowing each 
otherup. Or were.Whenever I say the following, everybody gets riled 
andsends threatening email. Still, I'll say it: Hideousbarbarism is what 
we do. Just about all of us. Theelegant Belgians, Inspector Poirot and all 
that? Readabout the Congo. The gentle Dutch? Check Indonesia.After WWII, 
I don't quite see how the British,Germans, or Americans can be too huffy 
because someoneelse bombs cities. Anyway, I'm willing to grant that 
Israelis areuniquely terrible folk, 'bout like everybody else, andno end 
monstrous, and eat babies. Being as I am asimple-minded country boy, though, 
I keep thinking ofsimple-minded questions. Like, what exactly do 
weexpect the Israelis to do? I mean, I know they'reterrible and all, but 
they're there. Maybe a betterquestion is what would you do if you were where 
theyare. It's easy to solve problems you don't have fromCleveland. 
Now, any discussion of what the Israelis ought to dobogs down in 
about three seconds into arguments aboutwhether Israel should ever have been 
allowed to exist.That's easy. No. Things would have been lots easierfor 
almost everybody. But then, maybe the Apachesdon't think the United States 
should exist. Maybe theDravidians think the Aryans should high-tail it 
backto Iran. The Mexicans want California back, which theystole by force 
of arms from the Indians, who probablywant it back too. Thing is, 
Israel does exist. Should and ought to havedon't matter. It's like saying 
Aunt Penelope shouldn'thave married a drunk and had 

[CTRL] Link - Anatomy Of An Israeli Hoax

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Beheaded on Camera

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Beheaded on Camera
Commentary by David Irving  www.fpp.co.uk May 12, 2004 

Our initial reaction to the killing of a human being as a public spectacle is one of shock and revulsion. 

The words uttered by President Bush are dripping with hypocrisy, however, coming as they do from a president who has signed more execution warrants as Governor of Texas than any other governor in recent history; and not a few of them have been filmed for the benefit of television documentaries. 

Moreover, how many World War Two executions did the Americans photograph and film, often in excruciating detail? 

Let us however stand back and review the few facts that have so far been entrusted to us by the authorities, and on which the scared media have so far breathed no comment. 

First, the man was executed wearing an orange jump suit: I have long been wondering, and expressed to colleagues the opinion, that Iraqi resistance would gain maximum global propaganda effect by putting their captives through the same humiliating and painful hoops that the Americans use in Camp Delta at Guantnamo. 

We British are unfortunately accomplices (even if unwilling ones) in the atrocities at Camp Delta. 

Second, it was Donald Rumsfeld who announced or implied when he and his cronies embarked on their "war on terror" in the Middle East that the United States did not intend to abide by the Geneva Conventions. 

Third, was this latest victim of Washington's folly the same kind of "American" as Wall Street Journal writer Daniel Pearl -- i.e. a 100 percent Israeli citizen, merely working in or from America, and probably a Mossad agent? We still remember the fury (1) of the Pearl family, living in Israel, when an Israeli newspaper blew his cover. 

The clue to this, apart from the obvious ones, is that "Philadelphia businessmann" Nick Berg is said to have been a "civilian contractor". 

Most of the Israeli assistance to the Coalition Forces in Iraq is in the form of civilian contractors -- i.e. hired mercenaries, supplied to operate in the fields of prisoner of war interrogation (Abu Ghraib!), Intelligence, or contract killings. 

It is remarkable, is it not, that Berg was captured on April 9, over a month ago and yet not a word of his capture was breathed in the US media about it until now, when he has met his savage end. Nor do I recall any reports on the discovery of his body on Saturday. 

So: remember -- you read it first here. If he was a naive and luckless Philadelphia businessman, trapped and mangled by the Moloch that his bellicose regime have created in Iraq, then truly our hearts go out to his family; if he was however a hired mercenary engaged on some covert plain clothes operation, and captured by his enemies and dealt with as a spy, this must mitigate our feelings of compassion. 

That said, in a civilized society it is justice that must be seen to be done, not execution. 

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[CTRL] Who is John Israel?

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 12, 2004
Who is John Israel? 
He could be one of the secret masterminds behind the Abu Ghraib outrage 
by Justin Raimondo  

The blithering, the blathering, the pontification, and the grandstanding  that about describes the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings on the Abu Ghraib filth-fest. The Democrats were so hot to link Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld directly to the scandal, and the Republicans were so busy defending their man (and the war) that neither bothered much to mention the key culprits, as identified in the Taguba report:

"I find that there is sufficient credible information to warrant an Inquiry UP Procedure 15, AR 381-10, U.S. Army Intelligence Activities, be conducted to determine the extent of culpability of M[ilitary] I[intelligence] personnel, assigned to the 205th MI Brigade and the Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center (JIDC) at Abu Ghraib (BCCF). Specifically, I suspect that COL Thomas M. Pappas, LTC Steve L. Jordan, Mr. Steven Stephanowicz [sic], and Mr. John Israel were either directly or indirectly responsible for the abuses at Abu Ghraib (BCCF) and strongly recommend immediate disciplinary action as described in the preceding paragraphs as well as the initiation of a Procedure 15 Inquiry to determine the full extent of their culpability."

Even when General Taguba went up to Capitol Hill and testified, along with the shifty-eyed undersecretary of defense for intelligence, Stephen A. Cambone, the senators spent so much time listening to the sound of their own voices, and scoring brownie points off one another, that the subject of the "private" contractors and the intelligence community's involvement in all this only came up briefly, like lightning illuminating a cloud-clogged sky.

It came up at the start of the hearing, but Senator John Warner, who even looks like a hawk  the beakish nose, the hooded eyes, the predatory glint in his eye  approached the subject gingerly:

SEN. WARNER: "I ask the same question to you. In simple laymen's language, so it can be understood, what do you think went wrong, in terms of the failure of discipline and the failure of this interrogation process to be consistent with known regulations, national and international? And also, to what extent do you have knowledge of any participation by other than U.S. military, namely Central Intelligence Agency and/or contractors, in the performance of the interrogations?"

GEN. TAGUBA: "Sir, as far as your last question, I'll answer that first. The comments about participation of other government agencies or contractors were related to us through interviews that we conducted. It was related to our examination of written statements and, of course, some other records. With regards to your first question, sir, there was a failure of leadership..."

The media has focused on this last phrase, probably because it not only seems to indict Rumsfeld but also because it's a made-to-order headline. But the first part of Taguba's answer is the most pertinent. Warner, obviously not eager to have the general go into detail in public, then answered his own question, referring to the over 1,000 pages of documentation submitted to the committee. In short, the answer to the senator's question was clearly yes, and the details were to be found in the classified documents that only members of the committee and other privileged characters would read.

So they blithered, and they blathered, and struck poses, and not until it came Senator Daniel K. Akaka's turn was any further light shed on the dark corners of this investigation. The Hawaii Democrat looked affable enough, and he was smiling, but his questions, when they came, cut straight to the heart of the matter:

SENATOR AKAKA: "General Taguba, in your report you reference the lack of supervision over U.S. civilian contractor personnel, third country nationals and local contractors within the detention facility at Abu Ghraib. During your investigation, did you determine how many civilian contract personnel were working there? Who supervised these individuals? And can you describe what you observed in terms of type of access these individuals had to the detainee areas?"

GEN. TAGUBA: "Sir, we did not make a determination of how many civilian contractors were assigned to the 205th MI Brigade and operating at Abu Ghraib. I personally interviewed a translator and I also personally interviewed an interrogator, both civilians, contractors. There was also a statement, and substantiated by the witnesses that we interviewed, of another translator, a third-country national in fact, that was involved. And there was another third- country national who was acting as a translator for the interrogators that was involved in one of the interrogation incidents where dogs were used. Their supervision, sir, from the best that we could determine or discern from the information that we gathered, was they were under the 

[CTRL] A Time for Truth

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 12, 2004
A Time for Truth 
by Patrick J. Buchanan  

With pictures of the sadistic sexual abuse of Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison still spilling out onto the front pages, it is not too early to draw some conclusions.

The neoconservative hour is over. All the blather about "empire," our "unipolar moment," "Pax Americana" and "benevolent global hegemony" will be quietly put on a shelf and forgotten as infantile prattle. 

America is not going to fight a five- or 10-year war in Iraq. Nor will we be launching any new invasions soon. The retreat of American empire, begun at Fallujah, is underway.

With a $500 billion deficit, we do not have the money for new wars. With an Army of 480,000 stretched thin, we do not have the troops. With April-May costing us a battalion of dead and wounded, we are not going to pay the price. With the squalid photos from Abu Ghraib, we no longer have the moral authority to impose our "values" on Iraq.

Bush's "world democratic revolution" is history.

Given the hatred of the United States and Bush in the Arab world, as attested to by Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, it is almost delusional to think Arab peoples are going to follow America's lead.

It is a time for truth. In any guerrilla war we fight, there is going to be a steady stream of U.S. dead and wounded. There is going to be collateral damage  i.e., women and children slain and maimed. There will be prisoners abused. And inevitably, there will be outrages by U.S. troops enraged at the killing of comrades and the jeering of hostile populations. If you would have an empire, this goes with the territory. And if you are unprepared to pay the price, give it up.

The administration's shock and paralysis at publication of the SM photos from Abu Ghraib tell us we are not up to it. For what is taking place in Iraq is child's play compared to what we did in the Philippines a century ago. Only there, they did not have digital cameras, videocams and the Internet.

Iraq was an unnecessary war that may become one of the great blunders in U.S. history. That the invasion was brilliantly conceived and executed by Gen. Franks, that our fighting men were among the finest we ever sent to war, that they have done good deeds and brave acts, is undeniable. Yet, if recent surveys are accurate, the Iraqis no longer want us there.

Outside the Kurdish areas, over 80 percent of Sunnis and Shias view us as occupiers. Over 50 percent believe there are occasions when U.S. soldiers deserve killing. The rejoicing around every destroyed military vehicle where U.S. soldiers have died should tell us that the battle for hearts and minds is being lost. 

Why are we so hated in the Middle East? Three fundamental reasons:

 Our invasion of Iraq is seen as a premeditated and unjust war to crush a weak Arab nation that had not threatened or attacked us, to seize its oil. 

 We are seen as an arrogant imperial superpower that dictates to Arab peoples and sustains regimes that oppress them.
 We are seen as the financier and armorer of an Israel that oppresses and robs Palestinians of their land and denies them rights we hypocritically preach to the world. Until we address these perceptions and causes of the conflict between us, we will not persuade the Arab world to follow us.

What should Bush do now? He should declare that the United States has no intention of establishing permanent bases in Iraq, and that we intend to withdraw all U.S. troops after elections, if the Iraqis tell us to leave. Then we should schedule elections at the earliest possible date this year.

The Iraqi peoples should then be told that U.S. soldiers are not going to fight and die indefinitely for their freedom. If they do not want to be ruled by Sheik Moqtada al-Sadr or some future Saddam, they will have to fight themselves. Otherwise, they will have to live with them, even as they lived with Saddam. For in the last analysis, it is their country, not ours.

The president should also offer to withdraw U.S. forces from any Arab country that wishes us to leave. We have already pulled out of Saudi Arabia. Let us pull out of the rest unless they ask that we remain. Our military presence in these Arab and Islamic countries, it would seem, does less to prevent terror attacks upon us than to incite them.

A presidential election is where the great foreign policy debate should take place over whether to maintain U.S. troops all over the world, or bring them home and let other nations determine their own destiny. Unfortunately, we have two candidates and two parties that agree on our present foreign policy that is conspicuously failing. 


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, 

[CTRL] MRC Alert: CBS Marvels Bush Support Not Hurt by Disillusionment with War (fwd)

2004-05-12 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 07:42:32 -0700
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MRC Alert: CBS Marvels Bush Support Not Hurt by Disillusionment
with War

  ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
 10:40am EDT, Wednesday May 12, 2004 (Vol. Nine; No. 80)
 The 1,717th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

 ABC  CNN Discount Tie to al-Qaeda of Beheading Perpetrators
 On Beheading Reaction, ABC Labels Conservatives But Not Liberals
 Growing Public and Bipartisan Demands for Rumsfeld to Quit?
 CBS Marvels Bush Support Not Hurt by Disillusionment with War
 CBS Back Tonight with More Video Showing Disdain for Prisoners

 Distributed to more than 14,000 subscribers by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
http://www.mediaresearch.org. CyberAlerts from this year are at:
For 2003: http://www.mediaresearch.org/archive/cyber/archive03.asp
Subscribe/unsubscribe information, as well as a link to the
MRC's PayPal donation page, are at the end of this message.
When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at:

1) ABC on Tuesday night, as well as CNN, discounted any connection
to al-Qaeda by those who beheaded American Nick Berg in Iraq.
They could be directly linked to Osama bin Laden, asserted NBC
anchor Tom Brokaw while CBS's David Hawkins explained how the
video was posted on an Islamic Web site and titled 'Abu Musab al-
Zarqawi shown slaughtering an American.' al-Zarqawi, thought to be
leading al-Qaeda operatives in Iraq, is one of Osama bin Laden's
top lieutenants. But at the top of World News Tonight, Peter
Jennings cited several questions about why it was done and by
whom before Brian Ross noted how the men on the tape claim they
are part of an al-Qaeda-connected cell, but that U.S. officials
tell ABC News tonight they cannot confirm that.

2) In a piece on domestic reaction to the beheading of American
Nick Berg in Iraq, ABC's Linda Douglass featured a man in
Manhattan who blamed the U.S. for it since our presence in Iraq
is just, you know, driving people into the arms of al-Qaeda.
Douglass didn't label his ideology, but made sure viewers realized
the ideology of Sean Hannity and a caller to his radio show: That
was not the view on talk radio where conservatives argued that the
beheading puts the abuse of prisoners into context. Douglass also
ran soundbites from five Senators, of both parties, but only
identified the party affiliation of one Republican Senator who
said he was tired of all the complaints about the abuse of Iraqi

3) Though a new USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll, featured on the front
page on Tuesday's USA Today, found that 64 percent of the public
does not think Defense Secretary Rumsfeld should resign, compared
to just 31 percent who do believe he ought to step down, NBC's Jim
Miklaszewski contended on that morning's Today that despite the
President's support, there's a steadily growing political and
public opinion drumbeat calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. But
Miklaszewski was downright rationale compared to CBS's Bill Plante
who, without citing the name of any Republican, claimed on the
Early Show that there are continued bipartisan calls for
Rumsfeld's resignation.

4) To CBS's astonishment, President Bush's support has not fallen
along with declining support for the war in Iraq. From Allentown,
Pennsylvania, Jim Axelrod marveled: In the last month here in the
Lehigh Valley, support for the war has plummeted. Support for the
President has not. Axelrod talked to a wounded Marine back from
Iraq who is tired of seeing his colleagues die day after day.
Axelrod wondered: So why don't you blame the Commander-in-Chief?
The Marine shot back: I blame the Commander-in-Chief of every
Iraqi, not the Commander-in-Chief of the Americans.

5) As if their first round of photos from inside Abu Ghraib didn't
do enough damage, tonight 60 Minutes II returns with a personal
video diary, from a soldier at another prison camp, which, a CBS
Web site plug promises, shows a young soldier's disdain for the
Iraqi prisoners. She says: 'We've already had two prisoners
die...but who cares? That's two less for me to worry about.'

 1) ABC on Tuesday night discounted any connection to al-
Qaeda by those who beheaded 

Re: [CTRL] MRC Alert: CBS Marvels Bush Support Not Hurt by Disillusionment wi...

2004-05-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/12/2004 5:52:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
4) To CBS's astonishment, President Bush's support has not fallenalong with declining support for the war in Iraq. From Allentown,Pennsylvania, Jim Axelrod marveled: "In the last month here in theLehigh Valley, support for the war has plummeted. Support for thePresident has not." 
I've noticed this. It appears that the American people knew when he was selected that he was what he was, and they like it. They didn't mind when he took their jobs, gave their tax money to the rich and corporate, and they don't mind when he takes their young men and women to fight a war against a noun. So let's not fuss. They will have the president they like and deserve, and all of us will learn how to live as a third world nation. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rumsfeld Should Go? No Way!

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumsfeld Should Go? No Way!
by Karen Kwiatkowski 

>From key members of Congress, to the Kerry campaign, to the Army Times, we hear a low growing rumble that Rumsfeld should go. A long-awaited sound, like rain starting after a dry spell.

Rumsfeld is surely responsible for apparently monumental tactical and strategic mistakes over the last three years. 

He successfully marginalized real war heroes in and out of the Pentagon, while promoting more flag officer apparatchiks than Cohen ever did.

He created and nurtured an environment where the half-baked revolution theology of neo-Jacobins Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith trumped hard-headed and practical reality, every time. No exceptions. Doing the same thing, over and over, while expecting some new, improved result. The very definition of insanity.

He has spent more tax dollars on less military capability than ever before in our history. $500 billion a year, for several years now. We didnt purchase security, or even improved military capability. Instead, we have a beefed up public propaganda operation run from the E-Ring of the Pentagon and we put recruitment programs on steroids and PCP in the face of a wised-up population. Well, at least defense contractor stocks are solid.

Thanks to Mr. Rumsfeld, we have a steady stream of dead Americans being flown home under cover of media blackout. We also have all of our old enemies at the ready, plus a whole bunch of new ones who would like nothing better than to kill Americans any way they can. These new enemies dont need $500 billion a year to do it, not even close. But their existence sure helps pump up our military budget.

He has overseen the biggest boom in global base construction and completion since after World War II, with a ring of bases in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Djibouti, Georgia. Who needed that?

He seems very happy with an appointed Pentagon cadre unable to distinguish between vivid fantasies of Saddams degraded programs blossoming in the dark of night, and the very real WMD proliferation profitably pursued in broad daylight by our allies with our enemies. Pakistan? North Korea? Never mind, Messieurs Wolfowitz, Feith, Cambone, Shulsky, Maloof. Youre all doing a great job.

He has chosen the administration over the soldier every time. Whether the question is guns or butter for the actual soldier, the answer is no. Adding insult to injury, Rumsfeld has proposed paying the Iraqi torture victims in Abu Ghraib, while failing to advocate for the court ordered reimbursement of American POWs tortured by Saddams army in 1991. The Saddam Hussein accounts to have been garnished are now President Bush accounts. When it comes to treatment of POWs, it is just one more amazing similarity between the Saddam-izer in Baghdad, and the Colon-izer in Washington. The administration is currently in contempt of court. Rather than comply and reimburse American POWs, it is instead planning to try and overturn the court ruling that awarded this payment. 

Rumsfeld has worked diligently to keep Congress in the dark about the money he was spending, and where. Hiding money in SOCOM accounts was apparently standard operating procedure. Only two weeks ago, the hot news was the inconvenient possibility that some $700 million of anti-terrorism defense money in 2002 was illegally spent by a Pentagon getting ready to invade Iraq. Miraculously, this serious accusation  the kind the Congress really likes to get its teeth into  has melted away in the news-rush about nastiness at Abu Ghraib. Funny how that works. Crimes at the very top inexplicably overshadowed by far more titillating crimes by the unwashed military. Hard time for the leadership versus hard time for the E-4. You pick.

So if you think Rumsfeld is in trouble, first set aside your suspicion that President Bush and Vice President Cheney lie all the time. Sometimes they dont. 

When Bush says Rumsfeld is "doing a superb job. [He is] a strong secretary of defense, and our nation owes [him] a debt of gratitude," believe him.

When Cheney says, "Don Rumsfeld is the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had," believe him, too.

Rumsfeld isnt going anywhere. Not for six more months.

May 12, 2004

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Nick Berg - Fishy Circumstances Flawed Timeline

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Fishy Circumstances and Flawed Timelines Surround American's Beheading  

UPDATE 12:45PM Central: This just in -- U.S. spokesman says decapitated American was never held by U.S. forces 

With several news outlets reporting that Berg's family is angry from the US government over their son's violent death and revelations that "Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24. He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days" (in other words, he was detained by the US military just prior to his death) -- (AP 5/11/04) we have to question what really happened and who was really behind Berg's horrific murder.

We have received several emails from listeners questioning what really happened including this one:

me and a friend were discussing recent news events and trying to piece together the information presented to us, thought you might want to look into this further, they said in the news that nicholas berg was killed 2 weeks ago (i think), however in the video the culprits who killed him said they were "avenging iraqi prisoner abuse" but those photos weren't released until last week, so my question is how is that even a possible motive if he was killed prior to the abuse photos being released??  maybe i am misinformed but thought id ask the question to someone who would look into it 

And this one: 

Hey Alex, I know people like me who have learned not to trust our government tend to see a conspiracy under every rock. With that said... The picture the media is now showing of the guy the terrorist beheaded as revenge for what went on in the Iraqi prisons looks odd to me. If you look at the men dressed in black, they all seem well fed. Actually most look fat. That bothers me, because these guys are fighting a war and eating on the run. They are constantly on the move and should be either very fit and trim or scrawny and malnourished because of the same reasons. One thing they should not be is fat like couch potatoes. If you look at all of the photos of the prisoners who were naked who supposedly were just plucked of the street, most of them are thin. Just an observation Alex 

And this one:

1) extremely convenient "wag the dog" timing at the height of furor 
regarding U.S. torture of Iraqis 

2) CNN poll question:  "Is the Berg killing a reason for withholding any 
remaining Iraq prisoner abuse pictures?"  Bush has been reported to be 
struggling with question of whether Pentagon should release additional 
torture photos.  Given that the alleged decapitation of Berg was allegedly 
prompted by the first wave of torture photos, Bush could now cite "national 
security" issues for witholding additional materials. 

3) Berg's last known whereabouts was in U.S. custody. 

4) Berg shown in video wearing orange jumpsuit known to be of U.S. issue 
(compare with pictures at Guantanamo). 

5) Berg mysteriously captured by Al-Quaeda (still wearing jumpsuit).  Either 
he escaped from U.S. captors or U.S. let him out -- with orange suit and 
all -- to be immediately apprehended by Al-Quaeda (before he had a chance to 

6) Tape obviously spliced together and heavily edited.  Goes from a) Berg 
sitting in chair talking about family, to b) Berg sitting on floor with 
hooded "militants" behind, to c) blurry camera movement, to d) almost 
motionless Berg on floor as head cut off. 

7) Audio clearly dubbed in. 

8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on 
the same page.  Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what 
page he's on? 

9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin. 

10) "Arabs" have Western-style body posture and mannerisms. 

11) When Berg decapitated, there was almost no blood.  If Berg were still 
alive at this point, with the cut starting at front of throat, blood would 
have been spraying everywhere.  Berg's severed head, the floor, Berg's 
clothes, and even the hand of the "Arab" who decapitated Berg had no visible 
blood on it. 

12) Berg's body didn't move while on the ground.  Although held down, Berg 
would have tried to instinctively wiggle and writhe away from captor's grip. 

13) Camera angle made it impossible to see if Berg's eyes were even open. 

14) Alleged "scream" from Berg sounded to be that of a woman and was clearly 
dubbed in. 

15) Berg goes to great trouble to identify himself, providing information 
about his family.  Why?  To elicit greater sympathy?  Or to provide a 
positive ID.  FBI visited Berg family in an attempt to "verify his 
identity".  Guy in video looks very little like Berg photos provided by 

I believe that Berg (or this lookalike character) was first killed (perhaps 
by lethal injection, poisoning, etc.), then decapitated after dead (explains 
lack of blood spraying everywhere).  Berg was killed by Al-Quaeda (known to 
be a CIA - Mossad joint venture).  Berg video released at 

[CTRL] Kids abused in Abu Ghraib?, US Interrogation, prisoner abuse, lack of rights

2004-05-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
describes war crimes, torture and violence

also has :
Secret World of U.S. Interrogation 
" more than 9,000 people are held by U.S. authorities overseas,
according to Pentagon figures and estimates by intelligence experts, the
vast majority under military control. The detainees have no conventional
legal rights: no access to a lawyer; no chance for an impartial hearing"

CBS to Air U.S. Soldier's Video Diary of Iraq Abuse 
"We actually shot two prisoners today. One got shot in the chest for swinging a pole against our people on the feed team. One got shot in the arm. We don't know if the one we shot in the chest is dead yet." 

A Failure of Leadership at the Highest Levels 
"at least 14 have died in custody in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army has ruled at least two of those homicides." 

fwd from L Moss Sharman - Kids abused in Abu Ghraib, UNICEF fears - U.S. soldiers may have videotaped rape of boy prisoners, NBC reports Geneva (AP) "The United Nations children's agency said today it was "profoundly disturbed" by reports that children may have been abused in prisons in Iraq. "Any mistreatment, sexual abuse, exploitation or torture of children in detention is a violation of international law," UNICEF spokesman Damien Personnaz said. UNICEF is profoundly disturbed by news reports alleging that children may have been among those abused.'' NBC reported last week that unreleased videotapes, apparently shot by U.S. personnel, showed Iraqi guards at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison raping young boys. British newspapers have reported that children were tortured under interrogation. Personnaz said UNICEF so far has no independent confirmation of the reports but has decided to speak out nevertheless. "If the reports are wrong, then we will say so," he said. But this is also a way for us to make sure that it doesn't happen in the future.'' UNICEF stressed that mistreating children breaches the U.N. treaties on children's rights, torture and civil rights, as well as the Geneva Conventions on the conduct of war." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1c=Articlecid=1084269897599call_pageid=968332188492col=968793972154

Secret World of U.S. Interrogation 
Long History of Tactics in Overseas Prisons Is Coming to Light 
By Dana Priest and Joe Stephens
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 11, 2004; Page A01 
Last of three articles 

In Afghanistan, the CIA's secret U.S. interrogation center in Kabul is
known as "The Pit," named for its despairing conditions. In Iraq, the most
important prisoners are kept in a huge hangar near the runway at Baghdad
International Airport, say U.S. government officials, counterterrorism
experts and others. In Qatar, U.S. forces have been ferrying some Iraqi
prisoners to a remote jail on the gigantic U.S. air base in the desert. The
Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where a unit of U.S. soldiers abused prisoners,
is just the largest and suddenly most notorious in a worldwide
constellation of detention centers -- many of them secret and all
off-limits to public scrutiny -- that the U.S. military and CIA haveoperated in the name of counterterrorism or counterinsurgency operations
since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

These prisons and jails are sometimes as small as shipping containers and
as large as the sprawling Guantanamo Bay complex in Cuba. They are part of
an elaborate CIA and military infrastructure whose purpose is to hold
suspected terrorists or insurgents for interrogation and safekeeping while
avoiding U.S. or international court systems, where proceedings and
evidence against the accused would be aired in public. Some are even held
by foreign governments at the informal request of the United States.

"The number of people who have been detained in the Arab world for the sake
of America is much more than in Guantanamo Bay. Really, thousands," said
Najeeb Nuaimi, a former justice minister of Qatar who is representing the
families of dozens of prisoners.

All told, more than 9,000 people are held by U.S. authorities overseas,
according to Pentagon figures and estimates by intelligence experts, the
vast majority under military control. The detainees have no conventional
legal rights: no access to a lawyer; no chance for an impartial hearing;
and, at least in the case of prisoners held in cellblock 1A at Abu Ghraib,
no apparent guarantee of humane treatment accorded prisoners of war under
the Geneva Conventions or civilians in U.S. jails.

The CIA's "ghost detainees," as they were called by members of the 800th MP
Brigade, were routinely held by the soldier-guards at Abu Ghraib "without
accounting for them, knowing their identities, or even the reason for their
detention," the report says. These phantom captives were "moved around
within the facility to hide them" from Red Cross teams, a tactic that was
"deceptive, contrary to Army doctrine, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Wal-Mart Tries New RFID PR Spin

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Wal-Mart Tries New
To Accompany Item-Level RFID Tagging

Wal-Mart Tries New PR Spin to Accompany Item-level RFID Tagging Selling the
technology with partial truths is unethical, says CASPIAN

Despite widespread consumer opposition, Wal-Mart began item-level RFID
(radio frequency identification) tagging of consumer goods last week as part
of a trial in Texas. In an apparent effort to minimize the backlash to its
use of RFID tags, Wal-Mart has also begun a public relations campaign to
promote the technology that some are calling unethical.

Shoppers at seven Dallas-Ft. Worth area Wal-Mart stores can walk into the
consumer electronics department and find Hewlett-Packard products for sale
with live RFID tags attached. Wal-Mart's public statements appear to leave
open the possibility that other goods could be tagged with RFID as well.

The giant retailer's decision to tag individual items on the store floor
violates a call for a moratorium on such tagging issued last November by
over 40 of the world's most respected privacy and civil liberties
organizations. The move has sparked sharp criticism by the privacy

Wal-Mart is blatantly ignoring the research and recommendations of dozens
of privacy experts, says Katherine Albrecht, Founder and Director of
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering).
When the world's largest retailer adopts a technology with chilling
societal implications, and does so irresponsibly, we should all be deeply

In addition to violating the call for a moratorium on RFID-tagged items in
stores, Wal-Mart has begun a consumer education campaign that CASPIAN is
calling unethical.

Read the FAQs at the Wal-Mart corporate web site and you'll find plenty of
half truths, Albrecht says. They call it consumer education, but the
omissions and spin make it feel more like a calculated disinformation

Albrecht provides the example of Wal-Mart's statement that RFID tags in its
stores are harmless since they contain nothing more than identification
numbers. While technically that's true, Wal-Mart fails to explain what it
means for items to carry remote-readable unique ID numbers. It's like saying
someone's social security number is 'only' a number, so sharing it with
perfect strangers should be of no concern.

Albrecht explains that many major retailers today routinely link shoppers'
identity information from credit, ATM and loyalty cards with product bar
code numbers to record individuals' purchases over time. If nothing is done
to stop it, the same will happen with the unique RFID numbers on products.
This means that if retailers can read an RFID tag on a product they
previously sold you, they can identify you as you walk in the door and even
pinpoint your location in their store as you shop, she said.

Albrecht also criticizes Wal-Mart for failing to tell consumers of the
retailer's long-term goals for RFID. The industry plan is to put an RFID
tag on every product on Earth to identify and locate them at any time,
anywhere. Wal-Mart is taking the first steps to creating a society where
everything could be surveilled at all times. A shopper would hardly learn
this by reading their website.

With potentially billions of dollars riding on RFID, global corporations are
eager to see it deployed. However, consumer acceptance has proved to be an

Procter  Gamble's own research suggests that 78 percent of consumers
surveyed reacted negatively to the technology on privacy grounds and did not
find industry reassurances compelling. Another industry study, published in
January 2003, found similar misgivings among focus groups of consumers in
the U.S., Germany, France, Japan and the UK.

The most publicized trial of item-level RFID tagging to date, Metro-AG's
Future Store 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Left and the Elections

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

The Left and the Elections

Christopher Phelps, Stephanie Luce, and Johanna Brenner

[Christopher Phelps and Stephanie Luce are editors, and
Johanna Brenner an associate editor, of Against the
Current.  All are members of Solidarity. This article
is submitted to Portside by the authors.]

Two electoral paths will be taken by those left of
center this year, and all the spilled ink in the world
won't affect the choices.

Appalled by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the USA
Patriot Act, wholesale destruction of the environment,
contempt for democracy, blurring of lines of church and
state, erosion of reproductive rights, right-wing
stacking of the judiciary, and tax bonanzas for the
rich - appalled, in short, by the most reactionary
administration in U.S. history - many on the left this
year will vote for Kerry and against Bush, simply to
repudiate, if only symbolically, the conservative

A much smaller part of the left, knowing that a tiny
stratum of wealthy corporate executives, lawyers, and
lobbyists holds the real power in Democratic and
Republican circles alike, aware that both major parties
are committed to a U.S.-dominated global empire,
cognizant of the proximity of neoliberalism to
conservatism, and keenly mindful that the rich-poor gap
widened hugely under Clinton (who signed NAFTA, welfare
reform, and prison-expansive crime legislation), will
uphold independent political action. They will vote for
Nader, or whomever the Greens nominate, if only to
register symbolic resistance to the corporate
corruption of mainstream politics.  Maybe they,ll even
vote for one of the miniscule radical parties that
linger on the ballot.

Our position is that a reasonable case can be made for
either of these left-wing responses to a baleful
political situation that will not be resolved

Because the left is experiencing its weakest clout in
memory, the proper stance for socialist organizations
and publications in this election is not to endorse any
candidate at the national level.  Individual
revolutionaries and activists on the left should vote
their conscience.

Social change in American history has never resulted
from electoral politics, but from social and political
movements.  Movements are only effective insofar as
they mobilize widely and push their demands without
compromise, that is, insofar as they stay independent
of the major political parties.

Our common activity, therefore, should not be focused
on the electoral arena, at least not at the national
level, where the left can have almost no effect.  Our
common activity should be bent upon building movements
from below that are not beholden to either of the major
political parties, the kind of movements that can fight
against either a Bush or a Kerry administration to
defend working-class and democratic interests and
advance egalitarian-liberatory aims.

The left should lay claim to the teachable moment
presented by election season.  Since elections focus
people's attention on politics, and since this race
touches upon myriad issues important to us (war, jobs,
health care, immigration, civil liberties, the
environment), let's find ways to engage people

Furthermore, elections offer a chance to begin
promoting democratic electoral reform.  Only with
changes to election methods will we resolve the dilemma
of the lesser evil. Lesser evilism, far from being an
ideological deviation or moral failure of will in
activists duped by the siren song of the Democrats, is
a structural fate.  It is inevitable so long as
elections in the United States are governed by
winner-take-all rules that render all alternatives to
the major parties marginal and impotent.  All the
pamphlets in the world will not displace lesser evilism
so long as a system is in place that presents two
choices in 

[CTRL] Illuminati 101 Part 3 Now Online

2004-05-12 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Who controls both the Left and Right in politics and media?
Who controls the money supply, the media, and government?
Who are the elite?
What methods do they use to keep the people dumbed-down and
Why do they do what they do?
You won't hear it in the mainstream left or right broadcast or print
You won't hear it on Hannity, Limbaugh, Rather, or CNN.
EVERY American needs to Listen to:
Excerpts of George Humphrey's
Common Sense: An Introduction to the Dangers of the New World Order
Part 1:
Part 3:
Yes, Virginia, there are rich and powerful, evil men, who use and
manipulate the government, the press, media, education, economy, pop
culture, technology, and wars, to corral you, control you, to use you,
and then throw you away, to further their quest for total world
domination and control.
And they are greatly and rapidly succeeding in completing their quest
because they have successfully, by deception, kept that fact hidden from
the majority of the well trained, corralled population.
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is
right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.

-David Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Nick Berg - Fishy Circumstances Flawed Timeline

2004-05-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

I don't know, but the man in the photos who is about to be decapitated and the picture of Nick Berg that is being shown on television do not resemble each other in the least. And why would Berg grow a neat Moslem style beard? Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Four More Years?

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Election 2004 is shaping up as a contest between an incumbent president who thinks too 
little and a challenger who is criticized for thinking too much -- between Bush the 
believer and Kerry the thinker.

Go to http://www.consortiumnews.com to read the story.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the 
Consortium for Indepedent Journalism, go to the Web site or send a check to 2200 
Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231, Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Mover Is Son Of Top Likud Official

2004-05-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

'Mover' is son of top Likud Official

May 12--Venice,FL. 
by Daniel Hopsicker 

The leader of the two Israelis arrested after leading police on a high speed chase in a moving van last Saturday in rural Tennessee is the son of the spokesman for the Likud Party of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the MadCowMorningNews has learned. 
Shmuel Dahan, 23, is himself a former spokesman, for the National Union of Israeli Students which represents the country's 150,000 university students.

News that one of the two Israeli 'movers' belonged to that country's political elite might have proven useful in the criminal investigation underway in rural North Carolina and Tennessee, where the two men led authorities on a high-speed chase in a rented moving van last weekend. 

However, the investigation was halted Wednesday, after the men were released from Unicol County Jail to the custody of federal officials from the INS, where they face only a deportation hearing. 

"Theyre taking it out of my jurisdiction, stated Sheriff Kent Harris, who apprehended the men last Saturday after a high speed chase on a little-used state highway.

We may never know what they were doing.

"They're our Israeli movers now"

Local law enforcement officials in Tennessee expressed dismay at losing custody until it had been established what two Israelis were doing attempting to elude police on a back road near the North Carolina border so far off the beaten track thatthe only local attractions within 25 miles are the Rural Life Museum, the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre, and the birthplace of Zebulon Baird Vance, a Civil War officer and governor of North Carolina who is not exactly a Historical Hottie. 

Folks were puzzled. 

Federal officials offered little guidance. A spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement told a local reporter they couldn't comment on the case while the men were in the custody of local authorities, and was unavailable afterwards. 

Charges against the two included reckless driving, littering, false identification and evading arrest. The Sheriff said the FBI had even ordered him to hold the duo without bond. 

But now the only one doing any talking was the Israeli Deputy Consul General, who, in a bit of fancy footwork until his boys were safely out of Dodge, told reporters the men had been overwhelmed by the process. 

"If they did something that was wrong, out of parameters of the law, stated Israeli Deputy Consul General Aviv Ezra in Atlanta, they have to pay the punishment.

Presumably he meant flying home in coach.

Israelis? Right here in River City?

Clearly the leader of the two Israelis while in custody, Dahan was called the spokesman for the National Union of Israeli Students, which represents most of the country's 150,000 university students, in the January 12, 2001 Jerusalem Post. 

This gibes with early press reports after the mens arrest in Tennessee, in which the Israeli deputy consul stated Dahan had recently graduated from college. 

Dahan, like many Israeli students, is a reservist. He is quoted in the Jerusalem Post speaking for student reservists after Israeli students marched around the Defense Ministry compound in Tel Aviv in protest of an increase in the number of days required on reserve duty. 

With an articulateness that would be the envy of most furniture movers, Dahan said, They want to be paid for each day of duty, instead of only after a second or third consecutive day in the reserves. 

"Fiddler on the Roof" meets "Gomer Pyle"While the Israelis were gone from his jail, for Sheriff Kent Harris, the mystery remains... 

Although the two men had denied throwing a bottle of suspicious liquid from their vehicle during the chase, for example, Sheriff Harris said witnesses saw the men throw a bottle out the window during the pursuit. "I called the witnesses back in and both told me the same thing," Harris said. "The bottle was spinning in the road after the pursuit came by." 

After a witness gave the bottle to authorities, Harris sent it for testing. Tests showed a chemical mix that turned out not to be explosive. "It's very dangerous to drink it, but other than that, there's nothing harmful," Harris said. 

So why had the men lied? 

But the biggest mystery surrounded the reason for the mens presence in the area in the first place. William B. Lawson, one of the lawyers appointed to represent the Israeli men, said they rented a truck and were hauling furniture when they accidentally got off the interstate and got lost. 

But this is unlikely, since local law enforcement officials had already stated that the men rented a storage locker nearby, in Mars Hill. 

Even if youre trying to get lost, explained Sheriff Harris, Mars Hill is a hard place to get to. 

Indeed, Mars Hills, North Carolina, appears at first glance to be as remote a location as can be found in the Northern Hemisphere. If it were any far off the 

[CTRL] Berg's angry with government over son's death

2004-05-12 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Berg family angry with American government over son's brutal
deathBy Jason Straziuso
Of The Associated Press
May 11, 2004, 2:34 PM EDT
WEST CHESTER, Pa. | -- The family of an American civilian shown beheaded
on an Islamic militant Web site huddled in in tears Tuesday after
learning of the existence of the graphic videotape.
The video showed Nick Berg, 26, in a staged execution carried out by an
al-Qaida affiliated group. The video said the killing was to avenge the
abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers.
My name is Nick Berg, my father's name is Michael, my mother's name
is Suzanne, the man said on the video before being killed. I
have a brother and sister, David and Sara. I live in ...
Berg's family said U.S. State Department officials on Monday had told
them Berg was decapitated. The family, though, had wanted that
information to remain private.
When told about news of the Web site Nick Berg's father, brother and
sister, collapsed to the ground in a tearful hug in their front
I knew he was decapitated before, said the father, Michael
Berg. That manner is preferable to a long and torturous death. But
I didn't want it to become public.
Michael Berg lashed out at the U.S. military and Bush administration,
saying his son might still be alive had he not been detained by U.S.
officials in Iraq without being charged and without access to a
Nick Berg, a small telecommunications business owner, spoke to his
parents on March 24 and told them he would return home on March 30. But
Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24.
He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days.
His father, Michael, said his son wasn't allowed to make phone calls or
contact a lawyer.
FBI agents visited Berg's parents in West Chester on March 31 and told
the family they were trying to confirm their son's identity. On April 5,
the Bergs filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending that
their son was being held illegally by the U.S. military. The next day
Berg was released. He told his parents he hadn't been
Michael Berg said he blamed the U.S. government for creating
circumstances that led to his son's death. He said if his son hadn't been
detained for so long, he might have been able to leave the country before
the violence worsened.
I think a lot of people are fed up with the lack of civil rights
this thing has caused, he said. I don't think this
administration is committed to democracy.
The Bergs last heard from their son April 9, when he said he would come
home by way of Jordan.
Berg had traveled several times to Third World countries to help spread
technology, his family said. He had previously traveled to Kenya and
Ghana, where they said he had purchased a $900 brick-making press for a
poor village, the family said.
Berg's mother, Suzanne Berg, said her son was in Iraq to help rebuild
communication antennas.
He had this idea that he could help rebuild the
infrastructure, she said.
Michael Berg described himself as fervently anti-war, but said his son
disagreed with him.
He was a Bush supporter, Berg said. He looked at it as
bringing democracy to a country that didn't have it.
Suzanne Berg said she was told her son's body would be transported to
Kuwait and then to Dover, Del. She said the family had been trying for
weeks to learn where their son was but that federal officials had not
been helpful.
I went through this with them for weeks, she said. I
basically ended up doing most of the investigating myself.

Copyright © 2004, The Associated Press 

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans
  ...a warning from Joint Chiefs Chairman
 Richard B. Myers that it would provoke the killing
 of Americans in Iraq.  CBS was pouring  gasoline on
 the fire.
Nakano comments:
Has it occurred to anyone that this is precisely
the intent? Pouring gasoline on the fire is what is
being done.  First the pictures of the abuse of Iraqi
prisoners.  Now this beheading video.
Does it not occur to anyone that some unseen hand is
manipulating all this to inflame the hatred and
passions on all sides?  If you wanted to ignite a real
war between the Islamic vs non-islamic
world.wouldn't you pour gasoline on the fire using
the very kind of horrors we are seeing every night on

 Showing the video might convince many Americans
 of the need to confront and destroy Islamic
 I sure couldcouldn't it?
 Do you suppose this is exactly why they are
 showing the video?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans
  ...a warning from Joint Chiefs Chairman
 Richard B. Myers that it would provoke the killing
 of Americans in Iraq.  CBS was pouring  gasoline on
 the fire.
Nakano replies;
Has it occurred to anyone that this is precisely
the intent?
Pouring gasoline on the fire is what is being done.
First we are shown the pictures of the abuse of Iraqi
prisoners by Americans.  Now we are shown this
beheading video.
Does it not occur to anyone that some unseen hand is
manipulating all this to inflame the hatred and
passions on all sides?  If you wanted to ignite a real
war between the Islamic vs non-islamic
world.wouldn't you pour gasoline on the fire using
the very kind of horrors we are seeing every night on

 Showing the video might convince many Americans
 of the need to confront and destroy Islamic
 I sure couldcouldn't it?
 Do you suppose this is exactly why they are
 showing the video?

 And just who or what stands to gain if a real
 full-scale war is ignited

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

That's the only logical explanation.

- Original Message - 
From: Nakano 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More 
Beheadings of Americans
-Caveat Lector Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:"CBS to 
Provoke More Beheadings of Americans ...a warning from Joint Chiefs 
ChairmanRichard B. Myers that it would provoke the killingof 
Americans in Iraq. CBS was pouring "gasoline onthe 
comments:Has it occurred to anyone that this is preciselythe intent? 
Pouring gasoline on the fire is what isbeing done. First the pictures 
of the abuse of Iraqiprisoners. Now this beheading video.Does it 
not occur to anyone that some unseen hand ismanipulating all this to inflame 
the hatred andpassions on all sides? If you wanted to ignite a 
realwar between the Islamic vs non-islamicworld.wouldn't you pour 
gasoline on the fire usingthe very kind of horrors we are seeing every night 
ontelevision?"Showing the video might convince many 
Americansof the need to confront and destroy 
Islamickillers."I sure couldcouldn't it?Do you 
suppose this is exactly why they areshowing the 
you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'http://movies.yahoo.com/showtimes/movie?mid=1808405861www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION  
DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substanceâ?"not 
soap-boxingâ?"please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy 
theory'â?"with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright fraudsâ?"is 
used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread 
throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary 
of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 
not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli link possible in US torture techniques

2004-05-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Israeli link possible in US torture techniques
Nakano comments:
First we are shown the pictures of the torture of
Iraqis by Americans
Then we are shown the beheading of an American
by Iraqis.
One might think that some unseen hand is at work
with the intent of igniting a full-scale war between
the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds.
If such a war does occur, who or what stands to gain?
Who or what is the unseen hand.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

And just who or what stands to gain if a realfull-scale war is 



- Original Message - 
From: Nakano 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More 
Beheadings of Americans
-Caveat Lector Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:"CBS to 
Provoke More Beheadings of Americans ...a warning from Joint Chiefs 
ChairmanRichard B. Myers that it would provoke the killingof 
Americans in Iraq. CBS was pouring "gasoline onthe 
replies;Has it occurred to anyone that this is preciselythe 
intent?"Pouring gasoline on the fire" is what is being done.First we are 
shown the pictures of the abuse of Iraqiprisoners by Americans. Now we 
are shown thisbeheading video.Does it not occur to anyone that some 
unseen hand ismanipulating all this to inflame the hatred andpassions on 
all sides? If you wanted to ignite a realwar between the Islamic vs 
non-islamicworld.wouldn't you pour gasoline on the fire usingthe 
very kind of horrors we are seeing every night 
ontelevision?"Showing the video might convince many 
Americansof the need to confront and destroy 
Islamickillers."I sure couldcouldn't it?Do you 
suppose this is exactly why they areshowing the 
video"?And just who or what stands to gain if a 
realfull-scale war is 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Beheaded Man's Firm Was On Right-Wing' Enemies' List

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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 Beheaded Man's FirmWas On Right-Wing'Enemies' List http://www.BreakForNews.com/NickBergEnemiesList.htmby Fintan Dunne, EditorBreakForNews.com EXCLUSIVE Research by Kathy McMahon 12th May, 2004 10amET

NICK BERGLIVE AUDIOINTERVIEW12th May 3pmETFintan Dunnelive today withAlex Merklinger onMysteries of the Minddiscussing the lateston Nick Berg caseListen: mp3Streaming mp3 onWin Media PlayerDuration 20 minsThe family firm of beheaded American Nick Berg, was named by a conservative website in a list of 'enemies' of the Iraq occupation. That could explain his arrest by Iraqi police --a detention which fatally delayed his planned return from Iraq and may have led directly to his death.Nick Berg, 26 disappeared into incommunicado detention after his arrest by Iraqi police in March, 2004. He vanished again after his release 13
 days later. His body was found last Saturday in Baghdad, and a video of his beheading --supposedly by a radical Islamic group-- was posted on the Internet on Tuesday.The official story of his gruesome murder has many dubious aspects, not least the real reason why Iraqi police detained the young man at a checkpoint. New research by BreakForNews has uncovered a plausible explanation.The FreeRepublic.com web site and forum has a reputation for right-wing views, fanatical Republicanism and relentless pro-war activism.On 7th March, 2004, just three weeks before the first anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, an 'enemies' list of anti-war groups and
 individuals was posted on the Free Republic forum. It began: "Here you are, FReepers. Here is the enemy."The list had been copied from publicly available endorsements of a call to action for an imminent anniversary antiwar protest on 20th March, 2004. The protest was being organized under the banner of the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition (Act Now to Stop War  End Racism).Among those listed as having endorsed the call to action was this entry: "Michael S. Berg, Teacher, Prometheus Methods Tower Service, Inc."That's Nick Berg's father, Michael who acts as business manager for his son in their family radio communications firm, Prometheus Methods Tower Service.Both father and son cared deeply about Iraq. But they were on opposite sides of opinion on the occupation --though you would never know that from reading the New York Times. Michael was ardently antiwar, whereas his Bush-supporting son was in favor of the war to the extent that he had already visited Iraq seeking to help with rebuilding efforts.Just seven days after "Michael Berg" and "Prometheus Methods Tower Service" had come up on that Iraq war 'enemies' list, his son Nick Berg returned to Iraq under the business name of Prometheus Methods Tower Service.The scene was set for tragically mistaken suspicions
 --which were to end in the horrifying death of an honorable and blameless American. A humanitarian who had traveled several times to Third World countries --such as Ghana, to teach villagers construction techniques.  The web traffic to the Free Republic forum --and it's forum membership-- include significant numbers of serving and former US military.Many members take their online activism very seriously. Some delight in causing mischief for those
 they think are identified as "enemies."Within minutes of getting their hands on the antiwar names, one was boasting of having contacted the military about active service personnel who were on the list:
"I forwarded the list to the ISC (the command you listed), the district officer... the district legal office and the investigative services office."
The response: 
"The poor moron is not going to know what hit him. Is this being mean-spirited? NO! Someone against our military does not belong 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Fishy Circumstances and Flawed Timelines Surround American's Beheading - Infowars.com

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Fishy Circumstances and Flawed Timelines Surround American's Beheading 

Beheading video anomalies addressed


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UPDATE 12:45PM Central: This just in -- U.S. spokesman says decapitated American was never held by U.S. forces 
With several news outlets reporting that Berg's family is angry from the US government over their son's violent death and revelations that "Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24. He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days" (in other words, he was detained by the US military just prior to his death) -- (AP 5/11/04) we have to question what really happened and who was really behind Berg's horrific murder.
We have received several emails from listeners questioning what really happened including this one:
me and a friend were discussing recent news events and trying to piece together the information presented to us, thought you might want to look into this further, they said in the news that nicholas berg was killed 2 weeks ago (i think), however in the video the culprits who killed him said they were "avenging iraqi prisoner abuse" but those photos weren't released until last week, so my question is how is that even a possible motive if he was killed prior to the abuse photos being released?? maybe i am misinformed but thought id ask the question to someone who would look into it 
And this one: 
Hey Alex, I know people like me who have learned not to trustour government tend to see a conspiracy under every rock. With that said... The picture the media is now showing of the guy the terrorist beheaded as revenge for what went on in the Iraqi prisons looks odd to me. If you look at the men dressed in black, they all seem well fed. Actually most look fat. That bothers me, because these guys are fighting a war and eating on the run. They are constantly on the move and should be either very fit and trim or scrawny and malnourishedbecause of the same reasons. One thing they should not be is fat like couch potatoes. If you look at all of the photos of the prisoners who were naked who supposedly were just plucked of the street, most of them are thin. Just an observation Alex 
And this one:
1) extremely convenient "wag the dog" timing at the height of furor regarding U.S. torture of Iraqis 2) CNN poll question: "Is the Berg killing a reason for withholding any remaining Iraq prisoner abuse pictures?" Bush has been reported to be struggling with question of whether Pentagon should release additional torture photos. Given that the alleged decapitation of Berg was allegedly prompted by the first wave of torture photos, Bush could now cite "national security" issues for witholding additional materials. 3) Berg's last known whereabouts was in U.S. custody. 4) Berg shown in video wearing orange jumpsuit known to be of U.S. issue (compare with pictures at Guantanamo). 5) Berg mysteriously captured by Al-Quaeda (still wearing jumpsuit). Either he escaped from U.S. captors or U.S. let him out -- with orange suit and all -- to be immediately apprehended
 by Al-Quaeda (before he had a chance to change). 6) Tape obviously spliced together and heavily edited. Goes from a) Berg sitting in chair talking about family, to b) Berg sitting on floor with hooded "militants" behind, to c) blurry camera movement, to d) almost motionless Berg on floor as head cut off. 7) Audio clearly dubbed in. 8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on the same page. Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what page he's on? 9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin. 10) "Arabs" have 

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] FW: CBS to Provoke More Beheadings of       Americans

2004-05-12 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/12/04 10:12:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-
 And just who or what stands to gain if a real
 full-scale war is ignited





The people say, (maybe even on TV)
 O Lord, please deliver us 


Jesus in the sky with aliens.

Ordo Od Chao

Chaos, mudslingers and emotive religiousities, oh boy


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