[CTRL] Fwd: Cheney-ite Warhawk Eric Edelman PERSONALLY Involved w/ Libby in PLAME Leak

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 19, 2007 8:16:35 PM PDT
Subject: Cheney-ite Warhawk Eric Edelman PERSONALLY Involved w/  
Libby in PLAME Leak


There’s an organization called the American Turkish Council (ATC)  
which is the prime body that has been investigated by the FBI and  
the CIA for years, going back to 1996.  In the Vanity Fair article  
about Sibel [Edmond]'s case, she says that the ATC is a front for  
criminal activity -- the ATC is the main one, but Sibel’s case also  
touches very heavily on AIPAC, the Israeli lobby.  Sibel intimates  
that AIPAC and the ATC are both essentially front groups for a  
larger [neocon/Israeli] network that [profits from] the black- 
market nuclear arms trade, illegal arm exports, and heroin- 

eric edelman bio. part one

OK -- I've been promising my piece on Eric Edelman for a week -  
I've somewhat failed again.

My primary interest is understanding whether Eric Edelman is  
involved in:

a) the outing of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings

b) any of the conspiracies suggested by Sibel Edmonds,

c) whether a) and b) are related

I've largely finished the first installment on his background - so  
i'll post this now even though it's long, and a bit messy, and  
somewhat incomplete - but at least i'll be able to say that i've at  
least partially met my promise.

First, lets take a look at his background - from RightWeb we learn  
the following:

During his government career, Edelman has shuttled back and forth  
between the State Department and DOD. His latest assignment was as  
ambassador to Turkey, where he gained a reputation as a meddlesome  
critic of the Turkish government at a time when anti-Americanism  
began flaring up throughout the country.

President Bush named Edelman ambassador to Turkey a few months  
after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003...

Serving at the time as Vice President Cheney's national security  
adviser, Edelman assumed the ambassadorship in Ankara in July  
2003. ...

Like many other top officials of the Bush administration's foreign  
policy team, Edelman began his government career in the Reagan  
administration. While completing his doctorate in history at Yale  
University, Edelman joined the U.S. Middle East Delegation to the  
West Bank/Gaza Autonomy Talks. He then became a special assistant  
to Secretary of State George Shultz. In 1990 Edelman moved from the  
State Department to the Pentagon, where he officially served as  
assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for Soviet and East  
European affairs.

Edelman served under Cheney during the administration of Bush pere.  
At that time he worked as part of a team headed by Paul Wolfowitz  
that was charged with formulating a Defense Policy Guidance that  
would serve as the post-Cold War framework for U.S. military  
strategy. Others working on the draft grand strategy were Zalmay  
Khalilzad and I. Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff.

During the Clinton administration, Edelman moved back to the State  
Department. As ambassador-at-large and special adviser to the  
secretary of state on the Newly Independent States, Edelman oversaw  
defense, security, and space issues.

Vice President Cheney brought Edelman back under his wing as  
principal deputy assistant for national security affairs. As an  
assistant to Cheney, he was part of the foreign policy network that  
hurriedly established the intelligence rationales for the U.S.  
invasion of Iraq. Edelman, who is close to such leading neocons as  
Michael Ledeen and Richard Perle, worked closely in the vice  
president's office with Scooter Libby in establishing a policy  
network of hawks and neocons that was based at the Pentagon and  
Cheney's office but extended through key figures into State, the  
various intelligence agencies, and the National Security Council.

Edelman's full bio can be seen here

I'll discuss Edelman's more recent history in a moment, but first  
let me demonstrate the extent of his 'entanglement' with the neocon  
neocrazies who currently run the planet.

Here's one from the NewYorker in 2002:
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dick Cheney, then the Secretary  
of Defense, set up a shop, as they say, to think about American  
foreign policy after the Cold War, at the grand strategic level.  
The project, whose existence was kept quiet, included people who  
are now back in the game, at a higher level: among them, Paul  
Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense; Lewis Libby, Cheney's  
chief of staff; and Eric Edelman, a senior foreign-policy adviser  
to Cheney
or there's this article describing the incoming Bush administration  
in 2001:
Wolfowitz reportedly brings with him, and has 

[CTRL] Fwd: Berezovsky on Most Wanted List in Brazil Too

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 17, 2007 8:38:19 AM PDT

Subject: Berezovsky on Most Wanted List in Brazil Too

Berezovsky wanted in Brazil

for alleged money laundering

Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro and Saeed Shah
The Guardian (UK), July 14, 2007

The tussle between Britain and Russia over the London-based  
billionaire tycoon Boris Berezovsky took a new twist yesterday when  
the Brazilian authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.
Brazilian officials vowed to seek the extradition of Mr Berezovsky  
from the UK to face charges of money laundering. He is already  
wanted in Russia, accused of embezzlement.

The Brazilian move comes after the authorities there released the  
findings of a two-year investigation into a suspected money  
laundering racket involving the Brazilian football club  
Corinthians, which was effectively bought by a company linked to Mr  
Berezovsky in 2004. Brazilian prosecutors argue that Media Sports  
Investments (MSI), the subsidiary of an offshore company that  
formed a partnership with Corinthians in November 2004, is funded  
with the profits from organised crime in Russia.

In Brazil on Thursday, Judge Fausto Martin de Sanctis ordered the  
arrest of Mr Berezovsky and two other men, including the Iranian  
businessman Kia Joorabchian, who controls MSI in Brazil, which is  
accused of laundering Mr Berezovsky's money through the Corinthians  
team. Since none of the men was in Brazil, arrest warrants were  
forwarded to Interpol. The lawyer behind the federal investigation,  
Rodrigo de Grandis, told the Guardian that if the men tried to  
enter Brazil they would be arrested immediately. Officials from  
Brazil's public prosecutor admitted yesterday, however, they were  
not hopeful that Mr Berezovsky could be extradited.
Mr Berezovsky said the Brazilian court order was an extension of  
the Kremlin's politicised campaign against me. The tycoon fell out  
with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and left the country in 2000. He  
has since been charged with embezzling millions of dollars from  
Russia's flagship airline, Aeroflot. This week, a trial in Russia  
started in the Aeroflot case, in Mr Berezovsky's absence.

The tycoon also faces potential prosecution in Russia over alleged  
calls for the government's overthrow, stemming from an interview he  
gave earlier this year to the Guardian. Britain, which granted him  
asylum in 2003, has repeatedly refused Russian requests for  

Last year, Mr Berezovsky was detained and interrogated at Sao  
Paulo's international airport as he tried to embark for London. He  
was released without charge.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: DoJ Won't Permit Testimony Before Congress in Matter Unrelated to Atty Firings

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 18, 2007 5:37:51 PM PDT
Subject: DoJ Won't Permit Testimony Before Congress in Matter  
Unrelated to Atty Firings

DoJ Prevents Voting Rights Section Chief from Testifying

By Paul Kiel - July 16, 2007, 5:20 PM

The House Judiciary Committee was set to hold a hearing on the  
Civil Rights Division's voting rights section tomorrow, but no  
more. That's because the Justice Department has refused to allow  
the chief of the section, John Tanner, to testify. The committee  
has postponed the hearing until the Department allows Tanner to  

A career employee at the Department, Tanner worked hand in hand  
with political appointees Bradley Schlozman and Hans von Spakovsky  
to ensure the passage of voter identification laws in Georgia and  
elsewhere -- sometimes overruling the recommendations of staff  
analysts and attorneys, who found that the laws might discriminate  
against African American voters.

Both Schlozman and von Spakovsky endured hard questioning during  
testimony last month.  Tanner would have gotten the same treatment.

Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) wrote  
to Alberto Gonzales today to request that he make Tanner available  
for testimony.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 7 Days in May, 2007?

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 17, 2007 8:29:57 AM PDT
Subject: 7 Days in May, 2007?

Gore Vidal Feels Military Is Resisting Bush, Will

Not Collude in Another Phony Terrorist Attack

Literary giant slams Bush coup d'etat

-- Bush let 9/11 happen on purpose

Paul Joseph Watson

October 24 2006


Controversial and prolific author, political commentator and  
essayist Gore Vidal is reassured by a belief that the military's  
growing revulsion at the Bush junta's policies makes it likely they  
would try and prevent any false flag staged terror attack, while  
slamming the end of Habeas Corpus and the administration's coup  
d'etat in America on a nationally syndicated radio broadcast.

peaking with the Alex Jones Show, Vidal decried the end of the  
foundational bedrock of due process of law, and expressed his  
astonishment at the recent loss of Habeas Corpus with the passage  
of the Military Commissions Act, the most egregious assault on the  
Constitution since the USA Patriot Act of 2001.

Wow. I didn't think I'd live long enough to see that one go --  
Magna Carta.  The spirit of Runnymede runs no longer in our  
Republic, said Vidal.

Vidal stressed that the framework for the USA Patriot Act was  
erected with Bill Clinton's Omnibus Crime Bill, a massive expansion  
of offenses that would mandate the death penalty, passed in the  
immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Vidal predicted the bankruptcy of the United States of America  
within the next two years, citing vast unchecked payments to  
corporations like Halliburton and spiraling inflation.

Labeling the Bush administration's [accession to power] as a coup  
d'etat in which we lost the Republic, the literary giant slammed  
Bush's claim that he is a wartime President and thus has a blank  
check to run roughshod over the Constitution.

You have to have a country to have a warm and you cannot have a  
war unless declared by Congress -- which they will not do.

They've got a mantra now which is totally incredible - 'if we  
don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over  
here' ... Well, how the hell are they going to get here, and to  
what end? These are questions which you could shut these people up  
with -- if there was any media to attack, or if there was a  
Congress capable of oversight, said Vidal, comparing the mantra to  
the same scare tactics used by Herman Goering to frighten the  
Germans into submission under the pretext of an impending Soviet  

Vidal blamed the media for abandoning its duty as the Fifth Estate  
and watchdog of power monopolies.

Our greatest difficulty at the moment is that our media is totally  
corrupted, starting with the New York Times.  The media belongs to  
our rulers.

In the old days when something ghastly went wrong you could count  
on journalists writing something about it Today there are no  
voices expressing disagreement,  said Vidal.

He related how he appeared on a CBS television morning discussion  
show shortly after the Oklahoma City Bombing to discuss the  
motivations of Timothy McVeigh when mention of the Waco massacre  
caused the [network] to abruptly cut his audio, following a  
military intelligence order to cease the feed.

The controversial figure also predicted the demise of the Internet  
in stating, They'll find a way of wrecking it -- they cannot  
permit free speech in the United States, because free speech will  
ultimately define them, name them, and describe their crime.

While stopping short of claiming the Bush administration directly  
carried out 9/11, Vidal was certain that they let it happen on  
purpose, citing the head of the Pakistani ISI bankrolling the  
hijackers while also meeting with U.S. government officials in the  
week before and on the morning of 9/11.

What made no sense is that CNN wouldn't follow up on why the  
fighter planes had not been scrambled and gone up to stop the  
hijacking -- that's the law of the land, you don't need the  
President to order you, you don't need a general, those are your  
instructions -- I know, my father wrote them, said Vidal.

When asked if there should be a new investigation of 9/11, Vidal  
insisted, of course there should and a wonderful time to do it  
would be at the impeachment of Bush -- I think you might find  
everything that we ought to know but do not know.

Asked if the Bush administration would go to the lengths of staging  
a terror attack to smokescreen their scandals, Vidal stated, They  
certainly know how to cry wolf Let's say it was on their minds  
to stage an event -- I don't know how they can do it -- luckily for  
us ('we the people'), they've antagonized the entire military, so I  
don't think the military would let them**.


[CTRL] Fwd: Pentagon Disputes Bush's Claim Pulling Out of Iraq Would Cause Catastrophe

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 1:17:19 PM PDT
Subject: Pentagon Disputes Bush's Claim Pulling Out of Iraq Would  
Cause Catastrophe

'US withdrawal not apocalyptic'

July 18, 2007


Recent war games exercises conducted for the US military conclude  
that if American combat forces withdraw from Iraq in the near  
future, the result would not be apocalyptic, but that the country  
would divide into three separate nations.

The military exercises decided that the most likely scenario would  
see the Shias drive the Sunnis out of ethnically mixed areas to the  
western Anbar province while southern Iraq would erupt in civil war  
between Shia groups. The Kurdish north would solidify its borders  
and invite in a US troop presence.

The war games were conducted for the US military by retired  
Marine colonel Gary Anderson, The Washington Post reported.

I honestly don't think it will be apocalyptic, Colonel Anderson  
told the paper, but it will be ugly.

The report dilutes recent predictions by US President George W.  
Bush who, in making the case for a continued troop presence, has  
argued that al-Qa'ida or Iran would take over Iraq if US forces  

The US military, aware of this political battlefield, had been  
quietly exploring scenarios of a reduced troop presence, the paper  

Dozens of Iraq-related war games have been conducted for the  
military, many premised on a US combat pullout by a set date --  
leaving only advisers and support units -- and concluded that  
partition would result. The games also predicted that Iran would  
intervene in a Shia civil war and become bogged down in southern  
Iraq, the report said.

An extended Iranian presence in Iraq could lead to increased  
intervention by Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states on the other  
side -- perhaps leading Tehran to stimulate insurgency among the  
Shias in Saudi Arabia.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Constitutional Crisis over Power of President; White House Summons Top Gun

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 20, 2007 10:46:00 AM PDT
Subject: Constitutional Crisis over Power of President; White House  
Summons Top Gun

Broader Privilege Claimed In Firings
White House Says Hill Can't Legally Pursue Contempt Cases
By Dan Eggen and Amy Goldstein
Washington Post, July 20, 2007; A01


Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of  
executive authority yesterday in the dispute over the firing of  
nine U.S. attorneys, saying that the Justice Department will never  
be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against  
White House officials once the president has invoked executive  

The position presents serious legal and political obstacles for  
congressional Democrats, who have begun laying the groundwork for  
contempt proceedings against current and former White House  
officials in order to pry loose information about the dismissals.

Under federal law, a statutory contempt citation by the House or  
Senate must be submitted to the U.S. attorney for the District of  
Columbia, whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the  
grand jury for its action.

But administration officials argued yesterday that Congress has no  
power to force a U.S. attorney to pursue contempt charges in cases,  
such as the prosecutor firings, in which the president has declared  
that testimony or documents are protected from release by executive  

Officials pointed to a Justice Department legal opinion during the  
Reagan administration, which made the same argument in a case that  
was never resolved by the courts.

A U.S. attorney would not be permitted to bring contempt charges  
or convene a grand jury in an executive privilege case, said a  
senior official, who said his remarks reflect a consensus within  
the administration. And a U.S. attorney wouldn't be permitted to  
argue against the reasoned legal opinion that the Justice  
Department provided. No one should expect that to happen.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he  
was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, added: It has  
long been understood that, in circumstances like these, the  
constitutional prerogatives of the president would make it a futile  
act for Congress to refer contempt citations to U.S. attorneys.

Mark J. Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason  
University who has written a book on executive-privilege issues,  
called the administration's stance astonishing.  That's a  
breathtakingly broad view of the president's role in this system of  
separation of powers, Rozell said. What this statement is saying  
is the president's claim of executive privilege trumps all.

The administration's statement is a dramatic attempt to seize the  
upper hand in an escalating constitutional battle with Congress,  
which has been trying for months, without success, to compel White  
House officials to testify and to turn over documents about their  
roles in the prosecutor firings last year.

The Justice Department and White House in recent weeks have been  
discussing when and how to disclose [their legal position], and the  
official said he decided yesterday that it was time to highlight it.

Yesterday, a House Judiciary subcommittee voted to lay the  
groundwork for contempt proceedings against White House chief of  
staff Joshua B. Bolten, following a similar decision last week  
against former White House counsel Harriet E. Miers.

The administration has not directly informed Congress of its view.  
A spokeswoman for Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), the Judiciary  
Committee's chairman, declined to comment . But other leading  
Democrats attacked the argument.

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) called it an  
outrageous abuse of executive privilege and said: The White House  
must stop stonewalling and start being accountable to Congress and  
the American people. No one, including the president, is above the  

Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) said the administration is  
hastening a constitutional crisis, and Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D- 
Calif.) said the position makes a mockery of the ideal that no one  
is above the law.

Waxman added: I suppose the next step would be just disbanding the  
Justice Department.

Under long-established procedures and laws, the House and Senate  
can each pursue two kinds of criminal contempt proceedings, and the  
Senate also has a civil contempt option. The first, called  
statutory contempt, has been the avenue most frequently pursued in  
modern times, and is the one that requires a referral to the U.S.  
attorney in the District.

Both chambers also have an inherent contempt power, allowing  
either body to hold 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mass-Murderer Caught Red-Handed on Videotape Blames Cameraman for Murders

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 5:14:53 PM PDT
Subject: Mass-Murderer Caught Red-Handed on Videotape Blames  
Cameraman for Murders

Pentagon Rebukes Sen. Clinton on Iraq

(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
Democratic Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D- 
N.Y., speaks before a meeting of the National Association of  
Counties at the Richmond convention Center, Richmond, Va., Tuesday,  
July 17, 2007.

By DEVLIN BARRETT, The Associated Press
2007-07-19 20:34:17.0

The Pentagon told Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary  
Rodham Clinton that her questions about how the U.S. plans to  
eventually withdraw from Iraq boosts enemy propaganda.

In a stinging rebuke to a member of the Senate Armed Services  
Committee, Undersecretary of Defense Eric Edelman responded to  
questions Clinton raised in May in which she urged the Pentagon to  
start planning now for the withdrawal of American forces.

A copy of Edelman's response, dated July 16, was obtained Thursday  
by The Associated Press.

Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces  
from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will  
abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done  
in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia, Edelman wrote.

He added that such talk understandably unnerves the very same  
Iraqi allies we are asking to assume enormous personal risks.

Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines called Edelman's answer at once  
outrageous and dangerous, and said the senator would respond to  
his boss, Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Clinton has privately and publicly pushed Gates and Joint Chiefs  
Chairman Peter Pace two months ago to begin drafting the plans for  
what she said will be a complicated withdrawal of troops, trucks  
and equipment.

If we're not planning for it, it will be difficult to execute it  
in a safe and efficacious way, she said then.

The strong wording of the response is unusual, particularly for a  
missive to a member of the Senate committee with oversight of the  
Defense Department and its budget.

Clinton aides said the letter ignored important military matters  
and focuses instead on political payback.

Redeploying out of Iraq, with the same combination of arrogance  
and incompetence with which the Bush administration deployed our  
young men and women into Iraq, is completely unacceptable, and our  
troops deserve far better, said Reines, who said military leaders  
should offer a withdrawal plan rather than a political plan to  
attack those who question them.

As she runs for president, the New York senator has ratcheted up  
her criticism of the Bush administration's war effort, answering  
critics of her 2002 vote to authorize the Iraq invasion by saying  
she would end the war if elected president.

Edelman's letter does offer a passing indication the Pentagon  
might, in fact, be planning how to withdraw, saying: We are always  
evaluating and planning for possible contingencies. As you know, it  
is long-standing departmental policy that operational plans,  
including contingency plans, are not released outside of the  

Edelman is the Undersecretary of Defense for policy. He is also a  
former U.S. ambassador and one-time aide to Vice President Dick  
Cheney.  During the 2004 campaign, Cheney told Iowa voters that  
electing Democratic ticket would [increase the] risk another  
terrorist attack.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Republican Presidential Candidate's Idea of Law and Order

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 20, 2007 10:20:01 AM PDT
Subject: Republican Presidential Candidate's Idea of Law and Order

Romney aide’s bogus badges: Sources detail ‘illegal’ security tactic

By Casey Ross
Boston Herald, Friday, July 20, 2007

 In an apparent violation of the law, a controversial aide to  
ex-Gov. Mitt Romney created phony law enforcement badges that he  
and other staffers used on the campaign trail to strong-arm  
reporters, avoid paying tolls, and trick security guards into  
giving them immediate access to campaign venues, sources told the  
The bogus badges were part of the bizarre security tactics  
allegedly employed by Jay Garrity, the director of operations for  
Romney who is under investigation for impersonating a law  
enforcement officer in two states. Garrity is on a leave of absence  
from the campaign while the probe is ongoing.
A campaign source said Garrity directed underlings on Romney’s  
presidential staff to use the badges at events nationwide to create  
an image of security and to ensure that the governor’s events went  
“They (the aides) knew the badges were fake and probably  
illegal,” said a presidential campaign source who asked for  
anonymity because the story could damage the individual’s career.  
“But they went along with it because Jay (Garrity) pushed it on them.”
A spokesman for Romney issued an e-mailed statement. “No one on  
the Mitt Romney for President campaign is authorized to use a  
badge, nor has the campaign provided anyone with a badge,” the  
statement reads. “Jay Garrity is not working on the campaign  
because he continues to be on a leave of absence.”
Two additional sources confirmed that the badges -- described  
as bright silver plates with a state seal attached -- were first  
created and used by Garrity while Romney was still governor. Under  
state law, it is illegal to use a badge without authority, an  
offense that carries a fine of not more than $50.
A spokeswoman for Garrity referred all questions to the Romney  
The campaign source said the badges were used extensively by  
Garrity and staffers on Romney’s advance team, which is responsible  
for coordinating events for his presidential campaign.
Sometimes, the source said, a staffer would use a badge for  
crowd control to restrict access to Romney. Other times, they were  
flashed to gain quick access to emergency exits and back hallways  
at campaign venues. In at least one instance, a staffer used a  
badge to go through a Massachusetts Turnpike toll booth without  
paying, the source said.
In addition to Garrity, other aides who used the badges  
included advance staffers Mark Glanville and William Ritter, the  
source said.
Garrity remains under investigation by the Suffolk District  
Attorney’s Office for allegedly impersonating a law enforcement  
officer in a May 13 phone call to a Wilmington plumbing company.  
During the phone call, Garrity allegedly referred to himself as  
“Trooper Garrity” and told the plumbing company its driver was  
operating erratically. A spokesman for Suffolk District Attorney  
Daniel Conley said the investigation remains “open and active.”  
Garrity’s attorney has denied that he made the phone call.
Garrity is also under investigation in New Hampshire for a  
separate incident in which he allegedly told a New York Times [NYT]  
reporter to stop following Romney’s motorcade. He also allegedly  
told the reporter his license plates had been run. Garrity has  
denied through his lawyer that he checked the reporter’s license  


Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

A HREF=http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/;ctrl/A

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[CTRL] Fwd: Women and Children First

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 1:34:49 PM PDT
Subject: Women and Children First

Marine ordered Iraqi women and kids shot, squad member testifies

The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CAMP PENDLETON, California:  A Marine charged with murdering two  
girls and killing several other Iraqis gave orders to shoot into a  
roomful of children and young women, a squad member testified.

Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum then went into the room himself, followed  
by loud noise that could have been M-16 gunfire or a grenade, said  
Lance Cpl. Humberto Manuel Mendoza.

I told him there's just women and kids in the room, Mendoza said  

He replied, 'Well, shoot them.'

Mendoza was with Tatum and two other Marines when they went to  
clear houses in Haditha, Iraq, on Nov. 19, 2005, in the aftermath  
of a roadside bomb that killed one Marine and wounded two others.  
Marines killed 24 civilians, resulting in the biggest U.S. criminal  
case involving civilian deaths to come out of the Iraq war.

A military prosecutor, Lt. Col. Paul Atterbury, asked Mendoza  
whether he thought it was possible Tatum was joking about shooting  
the women and children.

He was very serious, sir, said Mendoza, who testified with a  
grant of immunity.

Mendoza said he shot a man in the first house the squad entered and  
believed he was dead. Tatum went into the room where the body lay  
and fired more shots.

He said it was to make sure he was dead, Mendoza said.

At the second house, Mendoza said he shot a man as the team went  
in. He then stayed in the kitchen while squad members threw a  
grenade and moments later found a woman in her 20s cowering in a  
back bedroom with four or five children.

Mendoza said he returned to the house later as part of a body  
retrieval team and saw that the woman and several children were  
dead from multiple wounds that could have been caused by M-16 fire.

Tatum's attorney, Jack Zimmerman, questioned Mendoza's account,  
noting that Mendoza initially gave a different version of events to  
government investigators.

Mendoza, who is among seven Marines given immunity in the case,  
told investigators in March 2006 he shot at least two men because  
they were in houses declared hostile.

I was following my training that all individuals in a hostile  
house are to be shot, Mendoza told investigators.

Zimmerman brought up a polygraph test Mendoza failed after changing  
his account of events.

Mendoza replied he was telling the truth, and freely admitted lying  
initially to protect his fellow Marines.

You'd lie to protect your fellow Marines, but not to help  
yourself? Zimmerman asked.

Yes, Mendoza said.

Mendoza, a Venezuelan citizen, has an application for U.S.  
citizenship pending. That application would be denied if he were  
charged with any crime, he acknowledged. But he said that he had  
not told any government lawyers about the content of his testimony  
before he was granted immunity in December 2006, shortly before  
charges were filed against Tatum and other Marines.

According to a report by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service  
dated May 17, 2006, Tatum told investigators that he shot women and  
children because women and kids can hurt you too. He went on to  
say he later felt remorseful about the incident.

The report describes an interview with Tatum, but it was not signed  
by the Marine.

In March, Tatum passed a polygraph test, ordered by his lawyers  
last March and submitted as evidence, in which he said he thought  
both houses he entered in Haditha were hostile.

Mendoza was the second of Tatum's squad members to testify on the  
second day of preliminary hearings to determine whether he will be  
tried for murder.

Also Tuesday, Sgt. Sanick P. Dela Cruz testified that after the  
deaths Tatum disapproved how the United States was waging war and  
wished troops had more leeway to shoot.

Tatum poked fun at a squad member who asked permission before  
shooting and said he thought the war should be fought the way it  
was in Biblical scriptures, where you just go in the city and kill  
every living thing, said Dela Cruz.

With Tatum, 26, leaning intently forward behind the defense table,  
Dela Cruz spoke quietly and was repeatedly told to speak up for the  
court reporter. He said Tatum made the comments to him while they  
were on patrol in January 2006.

Dela Cruz said that he recalled Tatum entering an Iraqi home near  
the bomb site where Marines had found more than $5,000 (€3,630) in  
U.S. currency and suggested that the money should be sent to the  
family of their fallen comrade to pay for a funeral.

I think he was serious, Dela Cruz said. Tatum did not take the  
money in the end.

At the opening of 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Orange Revolution Begins in 6 Days [Resend]

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 12:31:40 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: The Orange Revolution Begins in 6 Days [Resend]

July 17, 2007

The Orange Revolution Begins in Six Days. Will You Be A Part of It?

On July 23, 2002, the head of British intelligence reported that  
Bush and Cheney
were intent on invading Iraq and planned to fix the intelligence  
and facts
around the policy -- i.e., lie to do so.  Five years later a  
million people have
died as a direct result of these lies and there's no end in sight.   
torture has been institutionalized, habeaus corpus eviscerated, and  
spying made routine. New Orleans lies devastated -- along with our  
and the rule of law.  And Bush and Cheney are making a mockery of  
the Democrats'

feeble gestures towads accountability.

[Blocked image]

Enough is enough and this July 23rd a new phase in the movement for  
peace and
justice will be launched.  We call it the Orange Revolution because  
starting that
day will wearing orange will signify that you want Congress to  
and STOP THE WAR.  The majority of Americans want to see Bush and  
impeached and want an immediate end to this war.  But they are  
rendered largely
invisible by a complicit corporate media.  Wearing or displaying  
orange will be
our signal to one another -- and to the world -- about where we  
stand.  Anything
orange will do: a t-shirt, a wristband, a ribbon -- get creative  
and post your
images and ideas on ImpeachSpace.com.  Here are a couple of items  
to get you started:

Orange Drive out the Bush Regime bandanas
[Blocked image]

Available at:

Orange Impeach Bush and Cheney t-shirts
[Blocked image]

Available at:

The Orange Revolution will be launched with acts of civil  
disobedience in

Washington and elsewhere to show Congress that we are serious.

In D.C., Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Col.  
Ann Wright,
Debra Sweet, Dave Lindorff, David Swanson, Jodie Evans, Medea  
Benjamin, Kevin
Zeese, Tina Richards, and others will march from Arlington National  
Cemetary to
the office of Congressman John Conyers.  They will sit in Conyers'  
reciting the U.S. Constitution until they are either arrested or he  
agrees to

start impeachment.  All are welcome to join them.  See:P
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sit for time and location.

Similar actions will take place at the offices of Rep. Howard  
Berman in
California, Rep. Pete Visclosky in Indiana, and Rep. Conyers'  
district offices in
Detroit.  If you are willing to risk going to jail for justice you  
are encouraged
to go to Washington or to stage a sit-in at your own  
Representative's district

office.  See: http://www.democrats.com/sit for more information
and tools to help you organize this.

If you cannot participate in civil disobedience, please wear orange  
in solidarity
with those that are and please call Congressman Conyers that day  
and ask him to

move on impeachment: (202) 225-5126.

The march in D.C. is also part of Cindy Sheehan's Journey for  
Humanity from
Crawford, Texas to New York City.  Participants in this Journey for  
share the goals of ending the occupation of Iraq, impeaching Cheney  
and Bush,

restoring New Orleans, and funding human needs at home and in Iraq and
Afghanistan.  The march will include stops at the district offices  
of House
Judiciary Committee Members Mel Watt, Howard Coble, and Bobby Scott  
along the
way, before arriving in Washington, D.C., on July 23rd.  For more  
information and

to get involved visit http://www.thecampcaseypeaceinstitute.org.

Essential Viewing: Bill Moyers on Impeachment

On Friday, P.B.S. aired a one-hour special on impeachment featuring  
Bruce Fein,
Deputy Attorney General under Ronald Reagan and well-known  
Republican, and John
Nichols, author of The Genius of Impeachment and well-known  
Democrat, both

arguing for impeachment.

[Blocked image]

If there's one video to share with your friends and family who are  
skeptical about impeachment, this is it.  Fein and Nichols argue  
with passion and
eloquence that the necessity of impeaching both Bush and Cheney is  
not about

politics, but about salvaging our Constitutional form of government.

Watch the video at: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/ 

and pass it along!

How to Get Impeachment into the Next Democratic Presidential Debate

Also on July 23rd, the Democratic presidential candidates will take  
part in an
evening debate run by CNN, Google, and Youtube.  You can submit  
your own
questions on video to the candidates through Youtube -- and  
everybody can vote
for which questions they most want to see asked.  Right now a  

[CTRL] Fwd: The Free Press, or Orwell's Ministry of Truth?

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 12:08:49 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: The Free Press, or Orwell's Ministry of Truth?

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

Date: July 18, 2007 2:29:00 AM PDT
Subject: A Free Press or a Ministry of Truth?

*A Free Press or a Ministry of Truth?*
By Paul Craig Roberts

ICH -- In his novel 1984, George Orwell portrayed a future time  
in which the
explanations of recent events and earlier history are continually  
changed to meet
Big Brother’s latest purpose.  Previous explanations disappear down  
“the memory


Sound familiar?  Any American who pays attention can observe the  

phenomenon occurring in the U.S. today.

Think about the Bush Rfegime’s changing explanations for the failed  
occupation of Iraq.  Shortly after Bush’s May 2003 announcement of  
accomplished, the mission revealed itself to be very much  
Americans were told that the cause of the snafu was a small Sunni  
insurgency of
two or three thousand at the most inspired by die-hard Ba'ath  
party remnants.
Remember the propagandistic deck of cards identifying the most  
wanted down to the
less wanted?  Americans were assured that once Saddam Hussein and  
his relatives
and henchmen were rounded up, our troops would be pelted with the  

flowers instead of roadside bombs.

When the roundups, trials, and executions failed to fix the  
problem, the
die-hard explanation disappeared.  A new explanation, with no  
continuity to the

old, took its place.

The new explanation was that Syria was allowing foreigners to cross  
its border
into Iraq to commit jihad against the American troops.  This  
explanation lasted
until it became all too clear, despite the propaganda, that the  
fighters were remarkably well accepted by, and concealed within,  
the Iraqi
communities that were suffering all the collateral damage of the  

When it came time for the U.S. to create an Iraqi government, it  
was evident that
it would be one dominated by Shi'ites.  Then, for a limited time,  
it was
permissible to recognize that the insurgency was popularly based in  
the Sunnis.

As the insurgency evolved into what the Iraq Study Group described  
as a
Sunni-Shi'ite civil war [PDF] with U.S. troops unclear on which  
side they stood,
the Bush Regime and the captive media began blaming Al Qaeda for  
the escalating
violence.  Americans were assured by the Ministry of Truth that  
there wasn't a
civil war, just outsiders stirring up conflict.  This enabled Big  
Brother to deny
that there was a civil war and to revive fear of terrorist attacks  
in the U.S.

and U.K., the new Oceania.

The Al Qaeda explanation was soon discarded into the memory hole.  The
explanation implied that Oceania's invasion of Iraq had greatly  
expanded the
ranks and strength of Al Qaeda, thus contradicting big Brother's  
claim that his
war in Iraq was making Oceanians safe by stamping out terrorism.   
The Al Qaeda
explanation had to depart for another reason as well.  Cheney,  
Israel, and the
neocons, the rulers of the new Oceania, plan to attack Iran, and so  

insurgency in Iraq is now being blamed on Iran.

The Ministry of Truth has accommodated the latest explanation, just  
as it did all
others before, without remarking on the funeral of the previous  
explanation.  All
of a sudden, a new explanation appears and is repeated until it,  
too, goes down

the memory hole.

The American and British media work the same way as the Ministry of  
Truth in
Oceania.  A day arrives when the truth no longer serves the  
empire or hegemonic
power or center of moral purpose in the world, or for short, the  
regime.  When
that day arrives, a new explanation appears and is repeated until  
it, too, is

discarded down the memory hole.

In recent weeks, Americans have been fed a series of reports from  
sources that Iran is arming both Iraqi insurgents and the Taliban  
in Afghanistan.
 Experts, both within the government and without, who have been  
made more

attentive by the Bush Regime's false charges of Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction, have disputed the news reports.

But the reports keep on coming.  As I write, the latest story is  
that the US
military discovered a field of rocket launchers near a U.S. army  
base south of
Baghdad armed with 34 Iranian-made missiles.  Can you imagine?   
The insurgents
went to the trouble of lugging powerful missiles within striking  
distance of a
U.S. base and just left them there unfired to be discovered by the  
Americans.  To
further serve Cheney's plan to attack Iran, the media report  
states: Earlier
this month, U.S. commanders stepped up the charges [against Iran],  

[CTRL] Fwd: If the Democrats Expect to Survive...

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 7:28:34 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: If the Democrats Expect to Survive...

... Democrats would call on the American people to take a stand at  
this the most dangerous moment in their history, when the president  
and vice president are enemies of the constitutional system devised  
by the Founding Fathers 

NEVER have a president and vice president abused the public trust  
to the extent that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have.

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

Date: July 18, 2007 7:09:42 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: If the Democrats Want to Win...

*If the Democrats Want to Win...*
By Robert Parry
July 18, 2007

If the Democrats really want to prevail over George W. Bush on the  
Iraq War and on his authoritarian vision of presidential powers,  
they would put back on the table two options that their leaders  
have removed: a cut-off of war funding and impeachment.

Rather than all-night debates about resolutions that will go  
nowhere, the Democrats would make the case to the American people  
that Bush has trampled on the Constitution; he has ensnared the  
nation in a catastrophic war by lying; and he has his eyes set on  
more dangerous chicanery in the months ahead.

The Democrats would explain that Bush has refused to compromise  
when offered the chance; he has told the people's representatives  
that their only war role is to finance whatever the decider wants  
to do; he has declared that he has the right to ignore or break the  
law; he has engaged in cover-ups of serious wrongdoing by his  
subordinates and is now counting on his right-wing judicial  
appointees to protect him from oversight.

The Democrats would call on the American people to stand up at this  
dangerous moment in their history -- when the president and vice  
president have become enemies of the constitutional system devised  
by the Founders, a Republic based on the idea that all people  
possess inalienable rights and governments must ensure those rights.

Never have a president and vice president abused the public trust  
to the extent that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have.  They have  
engaged in a consistent pattern of deception, not just political  
spin or cover-ups of petty matters, but lying about the most  
profound of issues, including war and the meaning of freedom and  

While Bush's remaining acolytes -- the likes of New York Times  
columnist David Brooks -- continue to gush over Bush's rhetoric  
about freedom, the reality is that Bush has eviscerated many of  
the most important civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution  
and the Bill of Rights.

Claiming plenary -- or total -- powers as Commander-in-Chief  
during an endless and boundless war on terror, Bush has swept  
aside the rights that have traditionally defined freedom, including  
habeas corpus guarantees to a fair trial, protections against  
unreasonable search and seizure, prohibitions on cruel and unusual  

Bush also has shown contempt for democracy, from blocking a full  
counting of Florida's votes in Election 2000 to bullying dissenters  
prior to the Iraq War to punishing the Palestinians for voting for  
leaders that Bush doesn’t like.

Yet Brooks and other pundits remain in awe of Bush's supposed  
reverence for exactly the principles that he has trashed.  For  
instance, in the July 17 New York Times, Brooks hailed Bush's  
unconquerable faith in the rightness of his Big Idea as expressed  
by the president during a question-and-answer session in the White  
House's Roosevelt Room on July 13:

It's more of a theological perspective, Bush said about his  
confidence that democracy and freedom are on the march. I do  
believe there is an Almighty, and I believe a gift of that Almighty  
to all is freedom.  And I will tell you that is a principle that no  
one can convince me that doesn’t exist.

*Offensive Lies*

But Bush's declarations about freedom may rank as his most  
offensive lies of all.  They go beyond mere hypocrisy, to some  
Orwellian formulation that demands public allegiance to an  
assertion that is the opposite of the truth, like “freedom is  
slavery” or, in this case, freedom is obedience to Bush.

Similarly, Bush appeared before the United Nations on Sept. 19,  
2006, praising its Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.   
He said, The words of the Universal Declaration are as true today  
as they were when they were written.

But either Bush didn't have the faintest idea what those principles  
were -- or he had grown so confident in never being challenged that  
he thought he could say whatever he wanted, no matter how false or  

Among the 30 rights proclaimed in the Universal 

[CTRL] Fwd: No Escaping Poisoned Foodchain: Chemical Waste Absorbed by Fruits Vegetables

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 17, 2007 8:35:09 AM PDT
Subject: No Escaping Poisoned Foodchain: Chemical Waste Absorbed by  
Fruits  Vegetables

12 July 2007
Antibiotics Absorbed By Vegetables


Evaluating the impact of livestock antibiotics on the environment,  
University of Minnesota researchers have found that many vegetables  
uptake the antibiotics. The study, in the Journal of Environmental  
Quality, shows that food crops can readily accumulate antibiotics  
from soils spread with cattle manure.

The findings were based on a greenhouse study involving three food  
crops: corn, lettuce, and potatoes. The plants were grown in soil  
modified with liquid hog manure containing sulfamethazine, a  
commonly used veterinary antibiotic. The researchers found that the  
antibiotic was taken up by all three crops.

The antibiotic was found in the plant leaves and concentrations in  
the plant tissue increased as the amount of antibiotic present in  
the manure increased. Worryingly, it also diffused into potato  
tubers, which suggests that other root crops - such as carrots and  
radishes - may be particularly vulnerable to antibiotic contamination.

Researcher Satish Gupta said that contaminated plants had the  
potential to cause allergic reactions in people with antibiotic  
sensitivity. He also noted that contamination is likely to foster  
antimicrobial resistance, which can render antibiotics ineffective.  
And co-researcher Holly Dolliver warned that antibiotic  
contaminated plants may be of particular concern to the organic  
farming industry, where manure is often the main source of crop  

While the USDA stipulates that organic producers must manage animal  
materials in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of  
crops by residues of prohibited substances, manures containing  
antibiotics are not formally banned or prohibited. Dolliver  
concluded that further research is needed to investigate how  
different plants absorb different antibiotic compounds.

Related articles:
Prevalence Of Antibiotic Resistance Surprises
Prof Ponders Bacterial Benefits
Down On The Farm: Yields, Nutrients And Soil Quality
Increasing Soil Erosion Threatens World's Food Supply

Source: Soil Science Society of America

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

A HREF=http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/;ctrl/A

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[CTRL] Fwd: Blessed Is the Name of the Lord

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 10:02:18 PM PDT
Subject: Blessed Is the Name of the Lord

Lords A-Creeping
You thought Conrad Black was bad? Meet the real degenerates of  
Britain's ruling class

By Nick Curran

THIS LITTLE PIGGY Convicted felon Lord Conrad Black shows his  
embezzling hand to reporters. He's got nothing on Britain's sex- 
crazed, drug-addled, degenerate, criminal aristocrats

Following Conrad Black's conviction on Friday for criminal fraud  
and obstruction of justice, politicians across the pond are now  
threatening to revoke the British lordship given him by Queen  
Elizabeth in 2001.

Black, who coveted the title so much he sued the prime minister of  
Canada for blocking his path to English nobility (and ultimately  
renounced his Canadian citizenship in order to obtain it), is  
clearly a rogue and a criminal who stole millions of dollars from  
innocent shareholders. He may spend the rest of his life in jail,  
but do his crimes warrant an expulsion from England's elite  
fraternity of aristocrats? A quick glance at a colorful carousel of  
British lords who dignified their titles with leather pants, porn  
stars, grenade launchers, and a colony of prostitutes suggests  
maybe not.

'SEX MACHINE TO ALL THE CHICKS' The 10th Earl of Shaftesbury and  
the Tunisian hooker who had him iced

The 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper) 1938-2004

This descendant of a great 18th century philosopher had a  
philosophy of his own—enlightenment through booze and hookers. The  
Earl of Shaftesbury frequently abandoned his palatial estate in  
England for drunken, Viagra-fueled sprees through the brothels and  
bars of France. He was known to embark on such journeys clad in  
leather pants, pink shirts, and large red-and-black designer  
eyeglasses, brandishing large wads of cash and cheekily pronouncing  
to all: I am the Earl of Shaftesbury. I am a millionaire.

He dated many women, including a Penthouse pet, and had three  
marriages that, of course, ended badly. It was his third, to a  
Tunisian prostitute, that did him in. The woman, who claims George  
Clooney and Bruce Willis among her conquests, responded to his  
desire to leave her for a Moroccan nightclub hostess he had  
allegedly impregnated by having him killed in 2004. The Earl of  
Shaftesbury's body was found in a ditch in the French Riviera.

EARL INTERRUPTED An obviously blitzed Lord Lambton gets off on  
hidden camera

The 6th Earl of Durham (Antony Claud Frederick Lambton) 1922-2006

Lord Lambton just loved smoking dope and screwing hookers two at a  
time. And if a hooker's husband hadn't documented this predilection  
with the help of a camera and a tape recorder embedded in the nose  
of a teddy bear, he would never have lost his job as undersecretary  
of defense for the Royal Air Force.

British investigators were particularly alarmed by his decision to  
pay a hooker with a personal check (this was before Jerry Springer  
popularized the move) and by pictures showing sexual practices  
which deviated from the normal. Lambton publicly explained his  
motivation -- People sometimes like variety. It's as simple as  
that.— and expressed bewilderment that it was such a big deal:  
Surely all men visit whores?

Official documents released in 2004 showed Lambton wasn't quite so  
flip with British intelligence agents trying to determine if his  
sexcapades had compromised national security. He advised that he  
was both frustrated with his job and despairing over a grueling  
battle to retain the right to be officially recognized as Lord  
Lambton even though he had officially renounced the title several  
years before in order to keep his seat in the House of Commons.  
According to officials, the dispute had become an obsession with  
him that could only be relieved through frantic activity, which,  
in addition to Patrick Bateman-esque hooker romps, also drove him  
to become an enthusiastic gardener. Lambton lived out the rest of  
his days dabbling in literature with his mistress in Tuscany.

JELLICOE'S LAST JAM The dissolute Earl in his heyday
The 2nd Earl of Jellicoe (George Patrick John Rushworth Jellicoe)  

The son of a renowned World War I hero and a World War II hero  
himself, the Earl of Jellicoe had it all: fame, wealth, political  
power, and lots of hookers. Jellicoe dodged a bullet early in his  
political career when his friend Queen Mary excused some career- 
threatening marital troubles and gave him what one friend called a  
royal license to sin. The license later expired, however, when his  
hooker habit came to light at exactly the same time as Lord  
Lambton's more sensational piccadilloes (see previous). Jellicoe  
reportedly blamed 

[CTRL] Fwd: Judge Ronald McDonald Reads Us the Menu in America's Junk-Food Judicial System

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 6:02:35 PM PDT
Subject: Judge Ronald McDonald Reads Us the Menu in America's Junk- 
Food Judicial System

Cheney, Rove, Libby Win
Dismissal of Lawsuit
by Valerie Plame
By Cary O'Reilly


Former CIA officer, Valerie Plame
July 19 (Bloomberg) -- A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit accusing  
Vice President Dick Cheney, White House political adviser Karl Rove  
and former Cheney aide I. Lewis Libby of illegally conspiring to  
reveal the identity of a CIA agent.

U.S. District Judge John Bates in Washington threw out the suit,  
saying he lacked jurisdiction. Valerie Plame, who worked at the  
Central Intelligence Agency's headquarters in Langley, Virginia,  
and her husband, former U.S. ambassador Joseph Wilson, sued in July  

Plame and Wilson accused Cheney, Rove and Libby of violating their  
constitutional rights by revealing Plame's identity in retaliation  
for a New York Times opinion piece by Wilson questioning the Bush  
administration's evidence for going to war in Iraq. It is a federal  
crime to knowingly reveal a covert CIA operative's identity.

``Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim on which relief can be  
granted,'' Bates said today. ``This court lacks subject- matter  
jurisdiction over plaintiffs' claims for public disclosure of  
private facts.''

Translating this ruling from legalese for the layman: I'm just  
another whore of the White House and you come to *ME* expecting me  
to bite the hand that jerks me off?!  ROFLMAO  If you doubt that's  
an accurate translation, see below.

Suit against Cheney

task force dismissed

Lawmakers sought details on contacts with energy industry

December 10, 2002


Vice President Dick Cheney

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by the  
investigative arm of Congress, seeking the names of those consulted  
by Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force in determining  
the Bush Administration's energy policy.

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates said the case filed by  
Comptroller General David Walker, the head of the General  
Accounting Office, did not make a compelling showing on why the  
judiciary branch should get involved.

Plaintiff's failure to produce stronger evidence with respect to  
historical practice leads unavoidably to the conclusion that he  
lacks standing to pursue his claim, Bates wrote in his 43-page  

Congressional Democrats have called for the Bush administration to  
reveal the contacts that Cheney's task force had with energy  
industry leaders, suggesting those executives had undue influence  
on the energy policy that was released.

The Bush administration refused to provide most of the information  
sought by Congress, saying it was a matter of privacy -- that the  
executive branch can consult with outsiders in confidentiality.

Bates noted that Congress hasn't issued a subpoena to obtain the  
information sought by Walker and has given no expression of  
support for the pursuit of this action.

The judge also said there is no precedent for the judicial branch  
to enter into this inter-branch dispute, Bates wrote, in light  
of weighty separation of powers considerations.

Such an excursion by the judiciary would be unprecedented and  
would fly in the face of the restricted role of the federal courts  
under Bush's interpretation of the Constitution.



#88054 by R.M. on 7/19 at 1:43 pm
(Unregistered commenter)

Well, this proves it...the country is broken beyond beyond repair.   
What was done was treasonous and a judge has ruled that it’s OK by  

As a decendant of one of the signers, I call for all to read or  
reread the Declaration...beyond being an intentionally morally  
incomplete (re: slavery) statement of principle, after the first  
paragraph, it outlines the reasons for it’s creation -- the  
trangressions of King George III.  Ironically, this current George,  
our third president by that name, holds the office illegally.  
Therefore...as is stated in the aforementioned document:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing  
invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under  
absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw  
off such Government, and to provide new Guard[ians]s for their  
future security.”

Impeachment of this un-American reprobate and his cabal is a must  
if we are to reclaim our nation for our children.

Where is our Congress?

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[CTRL] Fwd: Keith Olbermann to George Bush: It's YOUR War, YOU Go and Fight It

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 9:12:29 PM PDT
Subject: Keith Olbermann to George Bush: It's YOUR War, YOU Go and  
Fight It


YOU go to Iraq and fight, Mr. President

Bush’s latest choice of scapegoat

--Hillary Clinton-- boggles the mind

MSNBC video**

  Special Comment: Blame Hillary?
Olbermann says the choice
to scapegoat Sen. Clinton is unfathomable:
Go fight YOUR war yourself,
Mr. President.

By Keith Olbermann

MSNBC, July 19, 2007
It is one of the great, dark, evil lessons, of history.

A country — a government — a military machine — can screw up a war  
seven ways to Sunday. It can get thousands of its people killed. It  
can risk the safety of its citizens. It can destroy the fabric of  
its nation.

But as long as it can identify a scapegoat, it can regain or even  
gain power.

The Bush administration has opened this Pandora’s Box about Iraq.  
It has found its scapegoats: Hillary Clinton and us.

The lies and terror tactics with which it deluded this country into  
war — they had nothing to do with the abomination that Iraq has  
become. It isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault.

The selection of the wrong war, in the wrong time, in the wrong  
place — the most disastrous geopolitical tactic since Austria- 
Hungary attacked Serbia in 1914 and destroyed itself in the process  
— that had nothing to do with the overwhelming crisis Iraq has  
become. It isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault.

The criminal lack of planning for the war — the total “jump-off-a- 
bridge-and-hope-you-can-fly” tone to the failure to anticipate what  
would follow the deposing of Saddam Hussein — that had nothing to  
do with the chaos in which Iraq has been enveloped. It isn’t Mr.  
Bush’s fault.

The utter, blinkered idiocy of “staying the course,” of sending  
Americans to Iraq and sending them a second time, and a third and a  
fourth, until they get killed or maimed — the utter de- 
prioritization of human life, simply so a politician can avoid  
having to admit a mistake — that had nothing to do with the tens of  
thousand individual tragedies darkening the lives of American  
families, forever. It isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault.

The continuing, relentless, remorseless, corrupt and cynical  
insistence that this conflict somehow is defeating or containing or  
just engaging the people who attacked us on 9/11, the total “Alice  
Through the Looking Glass” quality that ignores that in Iraq, we  
have made the world safer for al-Qaida — it isn’t Mr. Bush’s fault!

The fault, brought down, as if a sermon from this mount of  
hypocrisy and slaughter by a nearly anonymous undersecretary of  
defense, has tonight been laid on the doorstep of... Sen. Hillary  
Clinton and, by extension, at the doorstep of every American (the  
now-vast majority of us) who have dared to criticize this war or  
protest it or merely ask questions about it or simply, plaintively,  
innocently, honestly, plead, “Don’t take my son; don’t take my  

Sen. Clinton has been sent — and someone has leaked to The  
Associated Press — a letter, sent in reply to hers asking if there  
exists an actual plan for evacuating U.S. troops from Iraq.

This extraordinary document was written by an undersecretary of  
defense named Eric Edelman.

“Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces  
from Iraq,” Edelman writes, “reinforces enemy propaganda that the  
United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are  
perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia.”

Edelman adds: “Such talk understandably unnerves the very same  
Iraqi allies we are asking to assume enormous personal risks.”

A spokesman for the senator says Mr. Edelman’s remarks are “at once  
both outrageous and dangerous.” Those terms are entirely  
appropriate and may, in fact, understate the risk the Edelman  
letter poses to our way of life and all that our fighting men and  
women are risking, have risked, and have lost, in Iraq.

After the South was defeated in our Civil War, the scapegoat was  
Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and the ideas of the “Lost  
Cause” and “Jim Crow” were born.

After the French were beaten by the Prussians in 1870 and 1871, it  
was the imaginary “Jewish influence” in the French Army general  
staff, and there was born 30 years of self-destructive anti- 
Semitism, culminating in the horrific Dreyfus case.

After the Germans lost the First World War, it was the “back- 
stabbers and profiteers” at home, on whose lives the National  
Socialists rose to prominence in the succeeding decades and whose  
accused membership eventually wound up in torture chambers and  

[CTRL] Fwd: History Rewritten by the Winners: Luckily, A Lone Nut Killed Evil Traitor JFK

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 20, 2007 7:11:46 PM PDT
Subject: History Rewritten by the Winners: Luckily, A Lone Nut  
Killed Evil Traitor JFK

The BBC's Flawed RFK Story by Jefferson Morley and David Talbot
On November 20, 2006 -- the day that would have been Robert  
Kennedy's 81st birthday -- the BBC program Newsnight aired a  
startling report alleging that three CIA operatives were caught on  
camera at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night of  
Kennedy's assassination. The story suggested that they were  
involved in his killing.

The BBC broadcast, produced by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan,  
identified the three CIA operatives [present] as George Joannides,  
David Morales and Gordon Campbell.

All three were known to have worked for the Agency in Miami in the  
1960s when the White House ordered up a not-so-secret effort to  
overthrow Fidel Castro's communist government in Cuba.

The report was wholly mistaken ...
Did a decorated CIA officer run a covert action operation involving  
Lee Harvey Oswald three months before the assassination of  
President John F. Kennedy?

Morley v. CIA, now pending in federal appeals court, seeks to  
answer this question. http://web.mac.com/jeffersonmorley/iWeb/ 


Congressman Hales Boggs was a member of the Warren Commission. In  
1972 the twin engine airplane in which Boggs was traveling over a  
remote section of Alaska disappeared. The plane presumably crashed  
and was never found.

After Hale's disappearance, Lindy and Hale's brother, a Jesuit  
priest in New Orleans, were fearful that he had been murdered  
because of his inside knowledge about the role of the FBI, CIA, and  
organized crime in events leading up to the Kennedy assassination-- 
knowledge that he had acquired as a member of the Warren Commission  
and that might also have some relevance to Watergate.

Congresswoman Boggs had expressed her fears to Congressman Bill  
Hungate as well as to me and Peter Rodino in the strictest confidence.
In 1971 Boggs had made an extraordinary speech on the House floor.  
The then-majority leader accused the Department of Justice of using  
Gestapo-like police-state tactics that included bugging the  
offices and homes of members of Congress and other political  
leaders--and in some cases using illegally obtained information to  
blackmail public officials.

The unreported truth was that when Boggs made the speech he was  
undergoing psychiatric treatment for manic depression, and the CIA  
and FBI were concerned that his judgement had become sufficiently  
impaired to endanger national security.

Review by Library Journal

This book by the chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee  
during the Nixon impeachment proceedings goes a long way toward  
debunking the notion that the legal process of impeachment is above  
politics. It seems to be based mainly on an 800-page diary Zeifman  
kept at the time. His descriptions of personalities and  
conversations outside the hearing room adds an almost novelistic  
quality to the work and makes it accessible to wide audiences.

Especially interesting today is his references to such staffers as  
Hillary Rodham Clinton and his argument that Democrats on the  
committee did not dig as deeply into the CIA role in Watergate as  
they might have for fear of dredging up damaging information about  
Kennedy's role in CIA assassination plots involving Castro, South  
Vietnam's President Diem, and other heads of state. 

Watergate investigation shown deeply flawed, intentionally., June  
18, 1997

Reviewer: A reader
The haplessness of the House's investigation of the Nixon White  
House over the Watergate cover-up is revealed as being intentional.  
The author, who was majority counsel to the House Committee on the  
Judiciary during the Watergate investigation, shows that it was the  
result of obstruction by the very Democrats supposedly driving the  
investigation, done to prevent revelation of abuses of power during  
the Kennedy Administration that subsequently came out in the Church  

Probably the best, and most poignant, aspect of the book is the  
tone of the diary excerpts, which reveal the author as a lawyer who  
believes in the Constitution deeply, and is increasingly  
dissillusioned by the machinations he observes. The book is both a  
good read and essential source material for serious students of  
Watergate and the resulting erosion of public confidence in elected  

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[CTRL] Fwd: British Head of State Needed Hotline to Rupert Murdoch -- Who's In Charge?

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 19, 2007 4:37:22 PM PDT
Subject: British Head of State Needed Hotline to Rupert Murdoch --  
Who's In Charge?

Murdoch had a hotline to the PM

in the run-up to Iraq war

By Andrew Grice, Political Editor

Published: 19 July 2007

Tony Blair had three conversations with the media magnate Rupert  
Murdoch in the nine days before the start of the Iraq war, the  
Government has disclosed.

Details of the former prime minister's contacts with Mr Murdoch  
have been released under the Freedom of Information Act. After  
trying to block disclosure for four years, the Government backed  
down in a surprise change of heart the day after Mr Blair resigned  
last month.

Requests for information under the Act were submitted by the  
Liberal Democrat peer Lord Avebury and The Independent journalist  
James Macintyre. An appeal was pending and evidence was about to be  
served in a case before an Information Tribunal.

Yesterday the Cabinet Office said there were six telephone  
discussions between Mr Blair and Mr Murdoch in 20 months, all at  
crucial moments of his premiership. The subject of their calls was  
not revealed.

In 2003, Mr Blair phoned the owner of The Times and The Sun on 11  
and 13 March, and on 19 March, the day before Britain and the  
United States invaded Iraq. The war was strongly supported by  
Murdoch-owned newspapers around the world. The day after two of the  
calls, The Sun launched vitriolic attacks on the French President  
Jacques Chirac. The Government quoted him as saying he would  
never support military action against Saddam Hussein, a claim  
hotly disputed by France.

Mr Blair and Mr Murdoch spoke again on 29 January 2004, the day  
after publication of the Hutton report into the death of Dr David  
Kelly. Their next conversation was on 25 April 2004, just after Mr  
Blair bowed to pressure led by The Sun for him to promise a  
referendum on the proposed EU constitution. They also spoke on 3  
October that year, after Mr Blair said he would not fight a fourth  
general election.

The Cabinet Office also said Mr Blair had three meetings with  
Richard Desmond, the proprietor of Express Newspapers, between  
January 2003 and February 2004. The Government had said releasing  
the information would be prejudicial to the effective conduct of  
public affairs, and disclosure of the timing of exchanges with  
stakeholders could reveal the content of the discussion.

Lord Avebury said: This is a welcome victory for the cause of  
freedom of information. It shouldn't have taken so much time and  
effort to extract information that was clearly of great public  
interest. Rupert Murdoch has exerted his influence behind the  
scenes on policies on which he is known to have strong views,  
including the regulation of broadcasting and the Iraq war.

In Alastair Campbell's diaries, published last week, the former  
spin doctor described a Downing Street dinner for Mr Murdoch and  
his sons, James and Lachlan, in 2002. Murdoch pointed out that his  
were the only papers that gave us support when the going got tough.  
'I've noticed,' said TB, Mr Campbell wrote. Lance Price, Mr  
Campbell's deputy, called Mr Murdoch the 24th member of the  
[Blair] Cabinet. He added: His presence was always felt. No big  
decision could ever be made inside No10 without taking account of  
the likely reaction of three men, Gordon Brown, John Prescott and  
Rupert Murdoch. On all the really big decisions, anybody else could  
safely be ignored.

Last year, Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, ruled that  
official contacts between Mr Blair and Mr Murdoch should be  
disclosed, but other contacts were not if no minute or note was taken.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Mutiny Against Bush?

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

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Date: July 18, 2007 4:33:55 PM PDT
Subject: CIA Mutiny Against Bush?

Fox News claims CIA 'sabotaging War on Terror'

When you've lost a war, start a witch-hunt for the enemy within

Fox News on Tuesday interviewed veteran Pentagon reporter Rowan  
Scarborough about his startling allegation that elements within  
the CIA are sabotaging our own War on Terror. Scarborough, a  
former columnist for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington  
Times, is the author of Sabotage: America's Enemies Within the CIA,  
which claims that CIA bureaucrats are undermining President Bush  
and the War on Terror through disinformation, incompetence, and  
outright sabotage.

Angry CIA Operatives Torpedoed Rumsfeld


Dissident U.S. intelligence officers angry at former Defense  
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped a European probe uncover details  
of secret CIA prisons in Europe, the top investigator said on Tuesday.
The Americans themselves admitted there were secret prisons, that  
they abducted people from the streets, that people were handed over  
to countries like Syria, Yemen, Egypt where they were tortured, he  

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[CTRL] Fwd: No Al Qaeda in Iraq, Military PR Man Announces; They're All FOREIGN Terrorists

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 18, 2007 12:41:38 PM PDT
Subject: No Al Qaeda in Iraq, Military PR Man Announces; They're  
All FOREIGN Terrorists

Senior Al Qaeda figure in Iraq a myth: U.S. military
By Dean Yates Wed Jul 18, 10:35 AM ET


BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A senior operative for al Qaeda in Iraq who was  
caught this month has told his U.S. military interrogators a  
prominent al Qaeda-led group is just a front and its leader  
fictitious, a military spokesman said on Wednesday.

Brigadier-General Kevin Bergner told a news conference that Abu  
Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq,  
which was purportedly set up last year, did not exist.
The Islamic State of Iraq was established to try to put an Iraqi  
face on what is a foreign-driven network, Bergner said. The name  
Baghdadi means the person hails from the Iraqi capital.

Bergner said the information came from an operative called Khalid  
al-Mashadani who was caught on July 4 and who he said was an  
intermediary to Osama bin Laden.

He said Mashadani was believed to be the most senior Iraqi in the  
Sunni Islamist al Qaeda in Iraq network.

In his words, the Islamic State of Iraq is a front organization  
that masks the foreign influence and leadership within al Qaeda in  
Iraq in an attempt to put an Iraqi face on the leadership of al  
Qaeda in Iraq, Bergner said.

U.S. military officials in recent weeks have been pressed to  
explain the link between al Qaeda in Iraq and bin Laden's global  
network given the military's heightened focus on al Qaeda in Iraq  
as the biggest threat to the country.

The military blames al Qaeda in Iraq for most of the major bombings  
in Iraq, saying the group is trying to spark all-out civil war  
between majority Shi'tes and minority Sunni Arabs.

Bergner said Mashadani served as an intermediary between the al  
Qaeda in Iraq leader, Egyptian Abu Ayyab al-Masri and bin Laden and  
also the Egyptian cleric Ayman al-Zawahri, who is the global  
network's No. 2 commander.

The Islamic State of Iraq was set up in October, comprising a group  
of Sunni militant affiliates and tribal leaders led by Baghdadi. In  
April, it named a 10-man cabinet.

The Islamic State of Iraq has claimed many high-profile acts of  

But Bergner said Mashadani and Masri had co-founded a virtual  
organization in cyberspace called the Islamic State of Iraq in 2006  
as a new Iraqi pseudonym for AQI.

To further this myth, Masri created a fictional head of the  
Islamic State of Iraq known as Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, he said.

To make al-Baghdadi appear credible, al-Masri swore allegiance to  
al-Baghdadi and pledged to obey him, which is essentially pledging  
allegiance to himself since he knew Baghdadi was fictitious and a  
creation of his own, he said.

The rank and file Iraqis in AQI believe they are following the  
Iraqi al-Baghdadi. But all the while they have been following the  
orders of the Egyptian Abu Ayyab al-Masri.

Voice recordings purporting to be from Baghdadi have appeared on  
the Internet, although Bergner said he had been played by an actor.  
He did not refer to any video clips.

Bergner said Mashadani was al Qaeda's media emir for Iraq.

He said the operative was providing significant insights into the  
nature and circumstances of al Qaeda in Iraq.

The U.S. military has always said al Qaeda in Iraq was run by  

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Won't Secure Border w/ Mexico Even If Terrorists Can Use It to Enter U.S.

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 1:57:53 PM PDT
Subject: Bush Won't Secure Border w/ Mexico Even If Terrorists Can  
Use It to Enter U.S.

FBI / Joint Terrorism Task Force Report:
Iraqis and others from the Middle East
Being Smuggled Across the Rio Grande
July 17, 2007 3:11 PM


Brian Ross Reports:

The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation based  
in Chaparral, N.M., that agents say is bringing Iraqis and other  
Middle Eastern individuals across the Rio Grande from Mexico.

An FBI intelligence report distributed by the Washington, D.C.  
Joint Terrorism Task Force, obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com,  
says the illegal ring has been bringing Iraqis across the border  
illegally for more than a year.

Border Patrol officials in the area said they were unaware of the  
specifics of the FBI's report, and federal prosecutors in New  
Mexico told ABCNews.com they had no current cases involving the  
illegal smuggling of Iraqis.

The FBI report, issued last week, says the smuggling organization  
used to smuggle Mexicans, but decided to smuggle Iraqi or other  
Middle Eastern individuals because it was more lucrative. Each  
individual would be charged a fee of $20,000 to $25,000, according  
to the report.

The people to be smuggled would gather at a house on the Mexican  
side of the border and then cross the Rio Grande into the U.S.,  
the report says.

Unidentified individuals would then transport them to train  
stations in El Paso, Texas or Belen, New Mexico, according to the  
FBI document.

A spokesman in Albuquerque said the FBI had no viable information  
that could lead to a case.

Until recently, the United States has kept its doors all but shut  
to the estimated two million refugees fleeing the violence in Iraq.  
Until this year, the country had taken in fewer than 800 Iraqi  
refugees, according to the State Department. This May, the Bush  
administration pledged to resettle 7,000 Iraqi refugees here by the  
end of the year.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Paris Hilton Gets Religion! (And Seems to Be Attending George Bush's Church)

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 19, 2007 6:40:11 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Paris Hilton Gets Religion!  (And Seems to Be Attending George Bush's Church) Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.=
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: For Bush to Be Winning, He'd Need to Be Working for Al-Qaeda, not US

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 6:34:14 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: For Bush to Be Winning, He'd Need to Be Working for  
Al-Qaeda, not US

Even Bush recognized that his campaign had been rescued by bin Laden.
I thought it was going to help, Bush said in a post-election  
interview about
the videotape. I knew it would help remind voters that if bin  
Laden doesn’t

want George Bush to be President, [he] must be doing something right.

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Date: July 19, 2007 5:03:04 PM PDT
Subject: Bush Is al-Qaeda's Strategic Ally

*Bush Is al-Qaeda's Strategic Ally*
By Robert Parry
July 19, 2007

U.S. officials have finally admitted what has long been obvious:  
that George W.
Bush's global war on terror has been an expensive failure,  
costing hundreds of
billions of dollars and claiming possibly hundreds of thousands of  
lives, but

making the world no safer and quite likely more dangerous.

Bush's top counterterrorism advisers acknowledged as much on July  
17 in releasing
a summary of a National Intelligence Estimate that represented the  
consensus view

of the U.S. intelligence community.

The report, entitled The Terrorist Threat to the U.S. Homeland,  
described a
resurgent al-Qaeda that has regrouped in remote sections of  
Pakistan while
exploiting Muslim anger over the war in Iraq to increase its  
operational strength

internationally and to take aim at American targets, again.

We assess that al-Qaeda will continue to enhance its capabilities  
to attack the
[U.S.] homeland through greater cooperation with regional terrorist  
groups, the
N.I.E. said. Of note, we assess that al-Qaeda will probably seek  
to leverage the
contacts and capabilities of al-Qaeda in Iraq [A.Q.I.], its most  
visible and
capable affiliate and only one known to have expressed a desire to  
attack the

[U.S.] homeland.
In addition, we assess that its association with A.Q.I. helps  
al-Qaeda to
energize the broader Sunni extremist community, raise resources,  
and to recruit

and indoctrinate operatives, including for [U.S.] homeland attacks.

In other words, Bush's repeated warnings that the United States  
must fight
Islamic extremists in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them here or  
so they
won't follow us home turn out to be the opposite of the truth:  
because U.S.
forces are occupying Iraq, al-Qaeda has more resources and more  

determined to bring the war to the United States.

The underlying reality is that Bush remains the perfect foil for al- 
Qaeda and
other Islamic extremists.  The surging anti-Americanism, which  
derives from a
widespread hatred of Bush, represents a recruitment boon for al- 
Qaeda, so much so
that Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders understand that  
Bush and his

stubbornness are indispensable assets to their cause.

Almost six years into the war on terror, Bush has overseen a  
strategy that has
simultaneously alienated world public opinion -- with torture  
scandals over
Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, and secret C.I.A. prisons -- while  
fueling Islamic

extremism and giving new life to the 9/11 masterminds.

*Unilateralist Arrogance*

Much of the current dilemma can be traced to Bush's special mix of  
arrogance and
rashness.  In 2001, even before the 9/11 attacks, Bush adopted a  
approach to the world, asserting U.S. global hegemony under a  
strategy laid out

by the neoconservative Project for the New American Century.

At the center of this grandiose scheme was the belief that the oil- 
rich Middle
East could be remade through violent regime change in hostile  
Arab countries
like Iraq. Bush later broadened his target list to the axis of  
evil, tossing in
Iran and North Korea and making clear that other lesser enemies  
included the

likes of Syria, Cuba, and Venezuela.

While this neoconservative plan wrapped itself in the noble  
language of
democracy, the concept was always less about respecting the will  
of indigenous
populations than in restructuring their economies along free  
market lines and

ensuring compliant leaders.

Bush also grew enamored with his gut instincts about war,  
especially after
U.S.-backed forces ousted Afghanistan's Taliban leaders more  
quickly than many
expected.  Even though he let top al-Qaeda leaders slip away from  
Tora Bora in
late 2001, Bush ignored warnings that he needed to finish the job  
there before

turning America's attention elsewhere.

Bush redirected the U.S. military toward Iraq, a country that  
wasn’t involved in
9/11 and actually had served as a bulwark against Islamic  
fundamentalism, both

the strains from Shi'ite-ruled Iran and Sunni-dominated al-Qaeda.

But Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was something of a Bush 

[CTRL] Fwd: Getting Rid of Hitler Only Narrowed the Field to THOUSANDS of Hitler-Wannabes

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 7:10:42 PM PDT
Subject: Getting Rid of Hitler Only Narrowed the Field to THOUSANDS  
of Hitler-Wannabes

A gentle reminder to anyone who mistakenly believes that, come  
2008, after Bush, Cheney, et al., have (God willing) departed from  
the scene, we the People can relax and go back to business as  
usual, working within the existing two-party system in which the  
Nazi --er, Republican-- Party is essential.

Bush is NOT the disease, nor is Cheney, they're just its most  
dramatic symptom.  There's only one cure for the cancer that  
ravages our body politic and it requires surgical removal ...  I've  
said it before and I'll say it again -- the Republican Party must  
be outlawed as a criminal organization.

If the Republican Party wins even 30% of the vote in 2008, that's a  
warning to all lovers of liberty that it's only a matter of time  
before America suffers another, possibly even worse, coup d'etat.

Republicans block Senate's Iraq withdrawal plan


Republicans have blocked a plan to bring some US troops home by the  
end of April. (File photo) (Reuters: Goran Tomasevic)

President George W Bush has escaped a Senate showdown over Iraq  
with his war policy intact, after Republicans blocked a bid by  
Democrats to force most US troops home by the end of April.

After an ill-tempered and rare all-night debate, Mr Bush's party  
frustrated the latest drive by majority Democrats to mandate troop  
withdrawal timetables, despite growing unease among Republicans  
over US strategy.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a personal appearance on  
Capitol Hill as the vote approached, shuttling between meetings  
with law-makers, in an apparent bid to bolster the Republican vote.

Senators voted by 52 to 47 to move to a final vote on the measure,  
well short of the 60-vote super-majority needed for the bill to  

Only four Republicans deserted Mr Bush and voted with the  
Democrats, meaning a bigger revolt, which had seemed possible last  
week, did not materialise.

The measure would have required a troop withdrawal to start within  
120 days, and for most combat soldiers to be out of Iraq by April  
30, 2008.

Remaining US troops in Iraq would have had a limited role: battling  
terrorists, protecting US personnel and installations and training  
Iraqi troops.

A similar bill has already passed in the House of Representatives,  
and Mr Bush has vowed to veto it.



Republican presidential candidates back nuclear strike against Iran

Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:52:00

By Patrick Martin
Nine out of ten candidates for the Republican presidential  
nomination explicitly or tacitly supported a US attack on Iran  
using nuclear weapons, in response to a question at Tuesday night’s  
nationally televised debate in New Hampshire.

Despite the extraordinary character of these declarations —giving  
support to the first use of nuclear weapons in war since Hiroshima  
and Nagasaki, 62 years ago— there was virtually no US press  
coverage of these remarks and no commentary on their significance.

While the Republican candidates sought to present the military  
action as a limited one against Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons  
facilities, calling them “tactical nuclear strikes,” no one should  
misunderstand what this means. The use of nuclear weapons, in  
whatever form, against a densely populated country of 75 million  
would be an act of mass murder.

These comments reflect the derangement and depravity of  
considerable sections of a ruling elite which believes it must make  
a “success” of its occupation of Iraq, even if it requires  
“doubling its bet” and attacking another major country in the  
Middle East — one which is three times larger than Iraq and with a  
long history of struggle for independence and against colonial- 
style rule.

The initial exchange came about half an hour into the debate, which  
was broadcast on CNN and moderated by CNN anchorman Wolf Blitzer.  
After some initial discussion on the Iraq war, in which nine of the  
ten candidates vowed to persevere in the effort to control the oil- 
rich country, Blitzer asked Congressman Duncan Hunter of  
California, former chairman of the House Armed Services Committee,  
about recent talks between US and Iranian officials in Baghdad. He  
asked Hunter whether it was correct to negotiate with Iran, given  
Iran’s alleged efforts to develop nuclear weapons. When Hunter  
endorsed the talks, Blitzer followed up with this question:

Blitzer: If it came down to a preemptive US strike against Iran’s  
nuclear facility, if necessary would you authorize as president the  
use of tactical nuclear weapons?


[CTRL] Fwd: No-Bid Government Contractors' Fringe Benefits

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 5:27:03 PM PDT
Subject: No-Bid Government Contractors' Fringe Benefits

Bechtel Jacobs contractor accused of stealing nuclear secrets
National lab worker allegedly stole classified information, tried  
to sell it

19 Jul 2007

Federal prosecutors on Thursday accused a low-level Bechtel  
contract worker at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory — birthplace  
of the nuclear bomb — with stealing highly classified information  
about how to make enriched uranium, a key ingredient in nuclear  
weapons.  The suspect was allegedly caught trying to sell it to  
someone he thought was representing another country, who turned out  
to be an undercover FBI agent.


No one claims $500,000 stash in truck

By Cindi Lash

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 20, 2006


When security guards at the Beaver Valley Power Station discovered  
a bag containing thousands of dollars in a tractor-trailer cab, one  
of the vehicle's occupants told them his boss planned to use the  
cash to buy a truck.

It must have been some truck.

State police said the bag, which guards spotted on Tuesday while  
conducting a routine search of the tractor-trailer at the entrance  
to the nuclear power plant, contained 10 plastic-wrapped bundles of  
cash totaling $504,230.

Police later seized the money and bag after a dog trained to detect  
drugs sniffed and reacted to the bag, indicating contact with  
controlled substances.

The truck driver and passenger, whose names were withheld but who  
are from Texas, were released without charges because no apparent  
crime had been committed.

State police were investigating to determine who owns the money and  
how it got into the tractor-trailer. If no one comes forward to  
claim legitimate ownership of the money, police said, they will  
begin proceedings for forfeit of the cash to the government.

I wanted to know, why is somebody running around with that amount  
of money when they're not in a Brink's truck? said Shippingport  
police Sgt. R.N. Davis Jr., who pulled the truck over after it left  
the power plant in Beaver County.

Investigators also notified the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force,  
but said they do not believe the money or truckers are linked to  
workers or activities at the plant.

Most likely, they were just between runs, said Trooper Jonathan  
Bayer. The investigation is continuing, but there is no indication  
that there is any connection to the power plant.

The truckers worked for a company hired by San Francisco-based  
Bechtel Corp., which is performing construction work and replacing  
equipment at the plant, said Richard Wilkins, spokesman for plant  
owner First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.

The name of the company was not released, but police said the  
truckers had come from Chicago and were making a scheduled stop to  
pick up and transport containers of tools to Youngstown, Ohio.

The white semi-truck and empty flatbed trailer pulled up to the  
plant entrance about 4:15 p.m. Plant security officers told them  
every vehicle entering the plant must be searched and obtained  
permission to do so, police said.

In the search, the officers found a green, blue and black duffel  
bag with a padlock in the sleeper berth of the cab, Trooper Bayer  
said. The truckers didn't have a key for the lock, so guards cut it  
off and spotted cash inside, he said.

The truckers said the money wasn't theirs and they didn't know how  
it got there, Trooper Bayer said. In court papers filed to obtain a  
search warrant, state police said one of the truckers told security  
officers that it was their [boss's] money and he was going to buy  
a truck with it.

But when the security workers called the truckers' boss in Houston,  
he also said he knew nothing about the money. The security officers  
called police, but the truckers backed out of the plant and drove off.

There's nothing [in the law] that says you can't carry a lot of  
cash around with you. It's just a little unusual, Mr. Wilkins  
said. Any kind of unusual or suspicious activity, or even a person  
who's acting a little suspiciously, whether they've broken a law or  
tried to do something that was against the regulations on site,  
would be reported.

Police broadcast a description of the truck and Sgt. Davis pulled  
it over after spotting it on Route 168 south, near the Shippingport  
Bridge. He said the truckers were polite, but the passenger had no  
identification and said it had been stolen from the truck the night  

Your ID is stolen but not that bag of cash? Red flags were popping  
up all over, Sgt. Davis said.

State police also arrived and obtained a warrant to search the  
truck. They said the cash was packed in bundles of $50,000, each  
containing 10 

[CTRL] Fwd: Natl Defense U./War College Ex-Official: Bush Might 'Postpone' 2008 Elections

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 5:18:09 PM PDT
Subject: Natl Defense U./War College Ex-Official: Bush Might  
'Postpone' 2008 Elections


US Ambassador concerned that

2008 election will be postponed

Submitted by lambert on Wed, 2007-07-18 11:55.
Republicans vs. the Constitution
So we're not the only ones to think this way.

Former US Ambassador** Dan Simpson writes for the Toledo Blade:  

I thought that by now the White House would have decided that the  
strains of the job on his health were too much for Mr. Cheney to  
continue as vice president, that he would then have stepped down  
for valid health reasons, and the Republicans would have plugged  
into the position a viable 2008 presidential candidate.

I can think of several reasons why they didn’t do that (I will give  
them credit for enough intelligence to at least realize they had a  
problem).  First, Mr. Bush felt he couldn’t live without Mr. Cheney  
around.  Second -- and I suspect this is probably the truth of the  
matter -- Mr. Cheney didn’t want to step down, and Mr. Bush decided  
he didn’t care what happened to the Republican Party after he was  
out of the White House.

There is also the late-at-night, eerie concern that Mr. Bush has in  
his head some sort of scenario where, for reasons of national  
security -- real or drummed-up -- the 2008 elections will have to  
be postponed and he will get to stay on.

My suspicions [are based on] the feeling I have that, given their  
operating style NOW, this bunch will NOT leave the White House  
EASILY in 2009.

Nice to see this mainstreamed at last.

Because when the going gets tough, the tough get foily.

Because, really, when do monarchs ever voluntarily surrender power?

** http://www.globalsolutionspgh.org/unreformpanel.html

Simpson is a career diplomat who worked for every American  
administration from Lyndon Johnson through George W. Bush.  He has  
served as U.S. Ambassador to several African nations including the  
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and  

[He] has also served as vice president of the National Defense  
University in Washington, DC, and as the Deputy Commandant for  
International Affairs of the U.S. Army War College.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a Police State Is INEVITABLE

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 8:02:51 PM PDT
Subject: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a  
Police State Is INEVITABLE

Old-line Republican warns

'something's in the works'

to trigger a police state

Muriel Kane
Published: Thursday July 19, 2007 

Thom Hartmann began his program on Thursday by reading from a new  
Executive Order which allows the government to seize the assets of  
anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies.

He then introduced old-line conservative Paul Craig Roberts -- a  
former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan who has  
recently become known for his strong opposition to the Bush  
administration and the Iraq War -- by quoting the strong words  
which open Roberts' latest column: Unless Congress immediately  
impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a  
dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

I don't actually think they're very strong, said Roberts of his  
words. I get a lot of flak that this understated and the situation  
is worse than I say. ... When Bush exercises this authority [under  
the new Executive Order] ... there's no check to it. It doesn't  
have to be ratified by Congress. The people who bear the brunt of  
these dictatorial police state actions have no recourse to the  
judiciary. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man  
rule. ... The American people don't really understand the danger  
that they face.

Roberts said that because of Bush's unpopularity, the Republicans  
face a total wipeout in 2008, and this may be why the Democrats  
have not brought a halt to Bush's follies or the war, because they  
expect his unpopular policies to provide them with a landslide  
victory in next year's election.

However, Roberts emphasized, the problem with this reasoning is  
that it assumes that Cheney and Rove and the Republicans are  
ignorant of these facts, or it assumes that they are content for  
the Republican Party to be destroyed after Bush has his fling.  
Roberts believes instead that Cheney and Rove intend to use a  
renewal of the War on Terror to rally the American people around  
the Republican Party.

Something's in the works, he said, adding that the Executive  
Orders need to create a police state are already in place.

The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican  
propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series  
of events, Roberts continued. Chertoff has predicted them. ...  
The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has  
regrouped. ... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not  
going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated. ... The Republicans  
are praying for another 9/11.

Hartmann asked what we as the people can do if impeachment isn't  
about to happen. If enough people were suspicious and alert, it  
would be harder for the administration to get away with it,  
Roberts replied. However, he added, I don't think these wake-up  
calls are likely to be effective, pointing out the dominance of  
the mainstream media.

Americans think their danger is terrorists, said Roberts. They  
don't understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the  
Bill of Rights, the Constitution. ... The terrorists are not  
anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the  
Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting  
terrorism. Americans just aren't able to perceive that.

Roberts pointed out that it's old-line Republicans like himself,  
former Reagan associate deputy attorney general Bruce Fein, and Pat  
Buchanan who are the diehards in warning of the danger. It's so  
obvious to people like us who have long been associated in the  
corridors of power, he said. There's no belief in the people or  
anything like that. They have agendas. The people are in the way.  
The Constitution is in the way. ... Americans need to comprehend  
and look at how ruthless Cheney is. ... A person like that would do  

Roberts final suggestion was that, in the absence of a massive  
popular outcry, the only constraints on what's going to happen  
will come from the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military.  
They may have had enough. They may not go along with it.

The full audio of Thom Hartmann's interview with Paul Craig Roberts  
can be found here.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

[CTRL] Fwd: Color Coded Politics: Federal Court Ruling Makes Shady State Voters See Red

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 4:52:45 PM PDT
Subject: Color Coded Politics: Federal Court Ruling Makes Shady  
State Voters See Red

In Mississippi, Ruling Is Seen as Racial Split
New York Times, July 18, 2007
JACKSON, Miss., July 13 — A federal court ruling in June that  
forces voters to register by party could return Mississippi to the  
days of racially polarized politics, as many white Democrats warn  
that thousands of white voters will now opt definitively for the  
Republican Party.

Republican-leaning voters in Mississippi have long been able to  
cross party lines in primaries, voting for centrist Democrats in  
state and local races while staying loyal to Republican candidates  
in national races. But political experts here say that by limiting  
these voters — almost all of whom are white — to Republican  
primaries, the ruling will push centrist Democratic candidates to  
the other party, simply in order to survive.

Most black voters in Mississippi are Democrats, and black political  
leaders have been pushing for years to prevent crossover voting in  
Democratic primaries. Black leaders say they want to end precisely  
what white Democrats here seek to preserve, a strong moderate-to- 
conservative voice in the Democratic Party, and in the process to  
pick up more state and local posts.

The ruling last month by Judge W. Allen Pepper Jr. of Federal  
District Court allowed the legal remedy sought by black leaders.  
Judge Pepper said the Democratic Party in Mississippi had a right  
to “disassociate itself” from voters who were not genuine  
Democrats.  Most other Southern states also have open primaries.

As a result of the ruling, which was handed down June 8 and barring  
an appeal will go into effect next year, few whites are likely to  
remain in the Democratic Party, experts here say, a prospect that  
Republicans regard with glee, white Democrats with horror and black  
leaders with indifference. Not for the first time in the South,  
Republicans and blacks have achieved a de facto unspoken alliance  
of common interests that has been particularly evident in the  
drawing of Congressional districts, where blacks are packed into  
majority-black districts, leaving little space for moderate white  
Democrats to be elected.

If white voters go Republican in these districts, so too, will  
white candidates and office-holders, ending a persistent anomaly in  
a state that easily went twice for President Bush but where  
hundreds of local officeholders remain Democrats.  As elsewhere in  
the South, grass-roots leaders tend to be moderate Democrats with  
roots in the New Deal.

The governor is a Republican, and Republicans narrowly control the  
Senate. But the House is heavily Democratic, and in races this year  
for local offices like sheriff, supervisor and circuit clerk, about  
2,500 of 3,000 candidates were Democrats, said W. Martin Wiseman,  
director of the John C. Stennis Institute of Government at  
Mississippi State University.

The Democrats’ dominance at the local level may now be threatened  
by Judge Pepper’s ruling.

“If they are required to re-register, the Democratic Party will be  
a shell of its former self because I just don’t think you’ll see  
those conservative whites re-register as Democratic,” said Jere  
Nash, who is white and a veteran consultant and onetime chief of  
staff to former Gov. Ray Mabus, a Democrat.

R. Andrew Taggart, a white lawyer who succeeded Mr. Nash when Kirk  
Fordice, a Republican, was elected governor, agreed. The ruling was  
“very far-reaching,” Mr. Taggart said. “He has essentially ruled  
our entire primary structure must be changed.”

“If forced to make a decision,” Mr. Taggart added, “a plurality of  
Mississippi voters will identify themselves as Republican.”

Black Democrats who pushed the lawsuit that led to the ruling  
seemed to view the potential hemorrhaging of white voters with  
equanimity. One of their leaders is Ike Brown, a state Democratic  
executive committee member who was recently found by another  
federal judge to have systematically violated voting rights of  
whites, through intimidation and other means, as party boss in his  
home county, Noxubee, in the eastern part of the state.

Welcoming Judge Pepper’s ruling, Mr. Brown said in an interview:  
“We are tired of being abused by the white Democrats in  
Mississippi. We have just had enough. We want the Republicans out  
of our party.”

Democrats here have recently made other efforts to rid their party  
of Republican leanings, trying, for instance, to force the state’s  
conservative insurance commissioner, George Dale, off their primary  
ballot because he voted for Mr. Bush. A judge put Mr. Dale back on.

But none of 

[CTRL] Fwd: What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out! (Guillotines, Anyone?)

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 22, 2007 9:03:23 PM PDT
Subject: What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys  
out! (Guillotines, Anyone?)

Impeachment -- and an ominous Executive Order

Sunday, July 22, 2007

This post expands upon the previous one, which discusses John  
Conyers statement that he'll begin impeachment proceedings against  
Cheney after three more Representatives sign on to Dennis  
Kucinich's call for impeachment. In the post below this one, I give  
the names of those congressfolk most likely to join with the  
fourteen who have already signed up for impeachment.

Now we learn this:
What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out, Conyers  
reportedly told the enthusiastic crowd at a Progressive Democrats  
of America event in San Diego. He later repeated the same line  
according to the caller, KPete, who wrote more about the event at  
Democratic Underground yesterday. She reported that the comment was  
met by huge cheers.

A similar account of Conyers's statement was offered by progressive  
talk show host Bree Walker who also attended the same event.

Conyers reportedly urged patience in the process, and asked for  
everyone's support as things moved forward first with Cheney, and  
then with Bush.

By the way, some people have said that the Judiciary Committee  
cannot look into impeachment without a directive to do so by the  
House Leadership. Not true. The Constitution does not so mandate,  
and the 1998 precedent should not apply to the current situation.  
1998 did not involve the Vice President or the line of succession,  
and thus could not be construed as a coup by the Speaker.

Russ Feingold has renewed his call for censure in the Senate. A  
terrific idea, that: A censure motion will give us an idea as to  
whether any Republicans in the Senate can be turned against Bush  
and Cheney. Impeachment is one thing; removal another. You cannot  
ask Bush to go back to Texas without cooperation from at least some  
senatorial Republicans.

Unfortunately -- and I know that this viewpoint conflicts with  
common wisdom -- there is far more disunity among Democrats than  
among Republicans right now. Note, for example, the hate vibes some  
Dem rank-and-filers have directed at Feingold for his censure  
suggestion, because it does not go far enough. (Yes, I know that  
he said he does not support impeachment at this time. He's a  
Senator, not a House member. If he had said Impeach now! his  
censure call would be even less palatable to Republicans. These  
things must be handled with some delicacy.)

Wonkette has published an incredibly daring column which asks: How  
to stage a revolt?
The piece discusses all options from military coup to attacks on  
the home offices of congress members.

Needless to say, I do not condone violence or illegal activity. But  
can you believe that we are actually discussing such matters?

Dark response: If Bush feels power slipping away, how will HE  
react? We see increasing signs that he is considering the false  
flag terror option, under which he will assume dictatorial powers.

Consider this executive order, which allows the President to take  
away the property of any United States persons who threaten  
stabilization in Iraq.

Please note that this order is not directed against insurgents in  
Iraq -- we are already firing bullets at those fellows, as you may  
have noticed. No, this EO is directed at unnamed people in the  
United States... determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in  
consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense,

(i) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing,  
an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of:

(A) threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of  
Iraq; or

(B) undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and  
political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to  
the Iraqi people;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial,  
material, logistical, or technical support for, or goods or  
services in support of, such an act or acts of violence or any  
person whose property and interests in property are blocked  
pursuant to this order...

I need not point out how vaguely worded this is. We know how  
aggressive the President's lawyers are, and we know that they are  
quite capable of of construing any anti-war protester (or blogger)  
as a threat to the stability of Iraq.

Most people reading these words could be considered broadly guilty  
of undermining Bush's efforts. Conservative zealots will argue  
(have argued) that anyone who writes 

[CTRL] Fwd: DoJ Pushing States to Do *Florida-Style* Purge of Voters Before 2008 Elections

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 5:47:02 PM PDT
Subject: DoJ Pushing States to Do *Florida-Style* Purge of Voters  
Before 2008 Elections

Bush Government to Poor Voters:
We Don't Want You to Vote

By Steven Rosenfeld

AlterNet, July 18, 2007

State welfare offices across the country are not offering millions  
of low-income Americans the opportunity to register to vote when  
applying for public assistance despite a federal law requiring them  
to do so, according to an analysis of a recent federal voting  
registration report and experts who say the Department of Justice  
and states are to blame.
It's huge. It's another area where the administration is failing  
us, said Donna Brazile, chair of the Democratic National  
Committee's Voting Rights Institute, speaking of the Department of  
Justice's oversight of the nation's voter registration laws. They  
are not pushing states to recognize their voter registration  

At the same time, the Justice Department's Voting Section, which  
enforces voting rights and supervises elections in some states, is  
pressuring 10 states to do more to purge voter rolls -- or remove  
ineligible voters -- before the 2008 presidential election,  
according to letters sent to state election officials this spring.

We conducted an analysis of each state's total voter registration  
numbers as a percentage of citizen voting age population, wrote  
John Tanner, the Department of Justice Voting Section chief, in an  
April 18, 2007, letter to North Carolina's top election official.  
We write now to assess the changes in your voter registration  
list ... and the subsequent removal of persons no longer eligible  
to vote.

Cynthia Magnuson, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an  
e-mail that similar letters had been sent to 10 states, but did not  
list the recipients. The Department actively works with all states  
to comply with all provisions of the statutes we enforce, she said.

Voter lists are updated because people move, die or lose their  
right to vote if convicted of felonies. But because this process  
occurs out of public view and without much regulation, it can be  
open to partisan abuse or produce incorrect results, such as in  
Florida in 2000 when an estimated 50,000 voters were incorrectly  
removed from voter registration lists.

The contrast of a Justice Department that apparently has not  
enforced voter registration opportunities for poor people -- who  
tend to vote Democratic -- and a department that is pressuring  
states to more thoroughly trim voter rolls has prompted some voting  
rights advocates to accuse the agency of selective enforcement and  
partisan bias.

I think it's pretty clear the Justice Department is pursing a  
partisan agenda to get states to purge voters while ignoring  
requirements to get states to register voters, said Michael  
Slater, deputy director of Project Vote, a national nonprofit  
specializing in voter registration drives targeting low- and  
moderate-income families.

Voting Section chief John Tanner did return a telephone call to  
discuss his office's priorities and accomplishments. On Monday,  
July 16, the House Judiciary Committee announced it was postponing  
a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, July 17 because the Department  
refused to make Voting Section chief John Tanner available to  
testify, its press release said.

However, Hans A. Von Spakovsky, a former assistant attorney general  
who served four years as a top Civil Rights Division lawyer  
overseeing the Voting Rights Section discussed accusations of  
changing the enforcement direction of the department in a June  
29, 2007, letter to the Senate Rules Committee. He became a federal  
elections commissioner in December 2005, and his appointment is  
under review.

Von Spakovsky's 18-page letter is a detailed defense of some of the  
department's most controversial recent rulings, such as approving a  
Texas congressional redistricting plan and a Georgia voter I.D. law  
that later was blocked in court as a violation of the  
Constitutional amendment barring poll taxes. Nowhere in the often- 
technical letter is any mention in section 7 of the National Voter  
Registration Act (NVRA), which is intended to help poor people vote  
by requiring state welfare agencies to offer the chance to register.

Instead, Von Spakovsky defended an aggressive stance with enforcing  
the NVRA's voter purge provisions, which fall under section 8 of  
the law. The division could not willfully ignore the list  
maintenance requirements of the NVRA, he wrote. It is the  
responsibility of DOJ to enforce these laws.

While the national media has followed the department's firing of  
U.S. attorneys who, in some cases, did not pursue voter 

[CTRL] Fwd: Flash-in-the-Pan Fulford

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 20, 2007 10:55:43 PM PDT
Subject: Flash-in-the-Pan Fulford

Final Verdict: KOOK

Even Dr Henry Makow, whom Jeff Rense had cited
 as approving of him, now feels Fulford is full of sh*t

The Secret History Of The Freemasons In Japan
By Benjamin Fulford

Japanese Freemasons claim their links with Western Freemasons go  
back to ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian times but, I have not  
been able to verify this.
The earliest verifiable links go back to when the Khazar empire was  
destroyed by the Mongols and the Russians about 1,000 years ago. At  
the time their elite class fled with their treasure into Europe and  
China. The group that fled to China then fled to Japan as Kublai  
Khan’s armies conquered China.

That is why the Star of David can be seen in 1,000 year-old shrines  
in Japan. The original Khazars were fully assimilated by the  
Japanese elite over the ensuing centuries but certain Freemason/ 
Khazar influences became a permanent part of Japanese culture.

After Admiral Perry arrived and forced the Japanese to open up  
their economy, the Rothschild’s man in Asia, Jardine Matheson, sent  
an agent to Japan. His name was Thomas Blake Glover and his mission  
was to create a new arms market by starting a civil war in Japan.  
The ultimate aim of this war was to prepare Japan for colonization.  
He managed to sell some battleships and weapons but in the end,  
Glover’s plot was uncovered and he was driven into bankruptcy.

By this time, learning of the association with their long lost  
cousins, the Freemasons decided on a different approach. A  
different Rothschild Freemason agent, Guido H.F. Verbeck, started a  
very successful Japanese franchise. He is the man in the center of  
this photograph.


The people around him are the founding fathers of modern Japan and  
the senior members of the original modern Freemason lodge. They set  
up the Meiji emperor as their symbol and modernized Japan.

The Japanese masons were given full assistance by their English and  
European counterparts and were thus able to defeat the old Khazar  
nemesis, Imperial Russia, in the Russo-Japanese war.

In later years, confronted by Western racism, the Japanese  
Freemasons decided they needed to conquer and modernize all of  
Asia. Their ultimate aim was to prepare for a final show-down with  
the West and make Tokyo the capital of a world empire.

They allied themselves with the Baron Rothschild (known to us as  
Adolph Hitler) and were badly defeated by the Rockefellers.

After the war, the victorious Rockefellers arrived in Japan to  
survey their new possession. Negotiations on the new post-war order  
took place mainly inside the Japanese Grand Lodge (it is a hidden  
underground facility next to Tokyo Tower). Every Japanese Prime  
Minister since the war has been a Freemason. To the Japanese it is  
common knowledge that their secret rulers are David Rockefeller and  
his nephew Jay Rockefeller.

The old Rothschild connection still exists but, since the  
Rockefellers were victorious in WW2, it is the upstart Rockefellers  
who exert the greatest control.

To this day Japan remains a vassal state, making huge annual  
payments to their new masters. In theory, they can cash in on the  
$35 trillion in worthless paper (official data put the number at  
close to $5 trillion, secret data at over $35 trillion) they have  
been given in exchange for 60 years of supplying Americans with  
radios, TVs, cars etc. In reality, any Japanese Prime Minister who  
tried to do this was killed or deposed. More recently the Japanese  
have been threatened into submission with powerful secret weapons.  
Using former Prime Minister Koizumi and Finance Minister Heizo  
Takenaka (a Henry Kissinger prot’g') they also engineered a semi- 
secret take-over of the Japanese commercial banking system. For  
example, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ bank’s new logo is a Masonic eye.


Last year the Japanese government provided the Illuminati with  
close to $800 billion which they have used to finance U.S. wars and  
to go around the world buying up stocks and real estate.

With the arrival of the Chinese secret society into the power  
equation, the Japanese secret government is now considering how to  
renegotiate its status.

The plan I have suggested to them is to make an alliance with  
Russia, China, India, the free Muslim countries (e.g. Malaysia,  
Indonesia), South America and Africa etc. before announcing to the  
world they will no longer finance the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and  
their Illuminati ilk.

Instead, they will call for a global meeting to discuss a new way  
of running the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a Police State Is INEVITABLE

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 8:02:51 PM PDT
Subject: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a  
Police State Is INEVITABLE

Old-line Republican warns

'something's in the works'

to trigger a police state

Muriel Kane
Published: Thursday July 19, 2007 

Thom Hartmann began his program on Thursday by reading from a new  
Executive Order which allows the government to seize the assets of  
anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies.

He then introduced old-line conservative Paul Craig Roberts -- a  
former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan who has  
recently become known for his strong opposition to the Bush  
administration and the Iraq War -- by quoting the strong words  
which open Roberts' latest column: Unless Congress immediately  
impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a  
dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

I don't actually think they're very strong, said Roberts of his  
words. I get a lot of flak that this understated and the situation  
is worse than I say. ... When Bush exercises this authority [under  
the new Executive Order] ... there's no check to it. It doesn't  
have to be ratified by Congress. The people who bear the brunt of  
these dictatorial police state actions have no recourse to the  
judiciary. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man  
rule. ... The American people don't really understand the danger  
that they face.

Roberts said that because of Bush's unpopularity, the Republicans  
face a total wipeout in 2008, and this may be why the Democrats  
have not brought a halt to Bush's follies or the war, because they  
expect his unpopular policies to provide them with a landslide  
victory in next year's election.

However, Roberts emphasized, the problem with this reasoning is  
that it assumes that Cheney and Rove and the Republicans are  
ignorant of these facts, or it assumes that they are content for  
the Republican Party to be destroyed after Bush has his fling.  
Roberts believes instead that Cheney and Rove intend to use a  
renewal of the War on Terror to rally the American people around  
the Republican Party.

Something's in the works, he said, adding that the Executive  
Orders need to create a police state are already in place.

The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican  
propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series  
of events, Roberts continued. Chertoff has predicted them. ...  
The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has  
regrouped. ... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not  
going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated. ... The Republicans  
are praying for another 9/11.

Hartmann asked what we as the people can do if impeachment isn't  
about to happen. If enough people were suspicious and alert, it  
would be harder for the administration to get away with it,  
Roberts replied. However, he added, I don't think these wake-up  
calls are likely to be effective, pointing out the dominance of  
the mainstream media.

Americans think their danger is terrorists, said Roberts. They  
don't understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the  
Bill of Rights, the Constitution. ... The terrorists are not  
anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the  
Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting  
terrorism. Americans just aren't able to perceive that.

Roberts pointed out that it's old-line Republicans like himself,  
former Reagan associate deputy attorney general Bruce Fein, and Pat  
Buchanan who are the diehards in warning of the danger. It's so  
obvious to people like us who have long been associated in the  
corridors of power, he said. There's no belief in the people or  
anything like that. They have agendas. The people are in the way.  
The Constitution is in the way. ... Americans need to comprehend  
and look at how ruthless Cheney is. ... A person like that would do  

Roberts final suggestion was that, in the absence of a massive  
popular outcry, the only constraints on what's going to happen  
will come from the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military.  
They may have had enough. They may not go along with it.

The full audio of Thom Hartmann's interview with Paul Craig Roberts  
can be found here.

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

[CTRL] Fwd: New Executive Order: Asset Forfeiture for U.S. CITIZENS Obstructing War Effort

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 9:13:43 PM PDT
Subject: New Executive Order: Asset Forfeiture for U.S. CITIZENS  
Obstructing War Effort

Vice President Cheney advised Democrats in Congress to “be very  
cautious not to seek political advantage by making incendiary  
suggestions that the White House had advance information that might  
have prevented the tragic attacks of 9/11.”   He warned that  
[creation of a 9-11 Commission] would be tantamount to “giving aid  
and comfort to the enemy.”
To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost  
liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for  
they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give  
ammunition to America’s enemies.”
--(R) Atty General John Ashcroft to (D) critics of the Patriot Act  
who claimed it threatened civil liberties

“... Public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq  
reinforces enemy propaganda ...
--(R) Pentagon official Eric Edelman to (D) Sen. Clinton of  
Oversight Committee

New Law:

Protest misdeeds in Iraq and lose your property

If you protest the war in Iraq, you can lose your house, your car  
and have your bank account emptied by the U.S. government.

While Americans were sleeping, the president signed an executive  
order — titled Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten  
Stabilization Efforts in Iraq — that gives him the ability to seize  
the property of anyone he sees as a threat to his efforts in Iraq.

Wake up folks, we now officially live in a fascist state. Among  
other things the USA Patriot Act allows the government can listen  
to our phone conversations, read our mail, monitor our purchases  
and arrest us and hold us without charge. Now, under this executive  
order if we protest the war, the government can leave us homeless  
and penniless.

This is major news that nobody picked up because it was  
conveniently sandwiched between his comment that the “CIA  
interrogators compliance with the Geneva Conventions against  
torture” and his colonoscopy.

Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten  
Stabilization Efforts in Iraq

RSS Feed White House News

Fact sheet Message to the Congress of the United States Regarding  
International Emergency Economic Powers Act

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and  
the laws of the United States of America, including the  
International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C.  
1701 et seq.)(IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601  
et seq.)(NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find  
that, due to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national  
security and foreign policy of the United States posed by acts of  
violence threatening the peace and stability of Iraq and  
undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and  
political reform in Iraq and to provide humanitarian assistance to  
the Iraqi people, it is in the interests of the United States to  
take additional steps with respect to the national emergency  
declared in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, and expanded in  
Executive Order 13315 of August 28, 2003, and relied upon for  
additional steps taken in Executive Order 13350 of July 29, 2004,  
and Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004. I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Except to the extent provided in section 203(b)(1),  
(3), and (4) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(1), (3), and (4)), or in  
regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued  
pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered  
into or any license or permit granted prior to the date of this  
order, all property and interests in property of the following  
persons, that are in the United States, that hereafter come within  
the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the  
possession or control of United States persons, are blocked and may  
not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt  
in: any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in  
consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense,

(i) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing,  
an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of:

(A) threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of  
Iraq; or

(B) undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and  
political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to  
the Iraqi people;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial,  
material, logistical, or technical support for, or goods or  
services in support of, such an act or acts of violence or any  
person whose 

[CTRL] Fwd: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a Police State Is INEVITABLE

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 8:02:51 PM PDT
Subject: Old-School Republican Warns: Unless We Impeach NOW, a  
Police State Is INEVITABLE

Old-line Republican warns

'something's in the works'

to trigger a police state

Muriel Kane
Published: Thursday July 19, 2007 

Thom Hartmann began his program on Thursday by reading from a new  
Executive Order which allows the government to seize the assets of  
anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies.

He then introduced old-line conservative Paul Craig Roberts -- a  
former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan who has  
recently become known for his strong opposition to the Bush  
administration and the Iraq War -- by quoting the strong words  
which open Roberts' latest column: Unless Congress immediately  
impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a  
dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

I don't actually think they're very strong, said Roberts of his  
words. I get a lot of flak that this understated and the situation  
is worse than I say. ... When Bush exercises this authority [under  
the new Executive Order] ... there's no check to it. It doesn't  
have to be ratified by Congress. The people who bear the brunt of  
these dictatorial police state actions have no recourse to the  
judiciary. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man  
rule. ... The American people don't really understand the danger  
that they face.

Roberts said that because of Bush's unpopularity, the Republicans  
face a total wipeout in 2008, and this may be why the Democrats  
have not brought a halt to Bush's follies or the war, because they  
expect his unpopular policies to provide them with a landslide  
victory in next year's election.

However, Roberts emphasized, the problem with this reasoning is  
that it assumes that Cheney and Rove and the Republicans are  
ignorant of these facts, or it assumes that they are content for  
the Republican Party to be destroyed after Bush has his fling.  
Roberts believes instead that Cheney and Rove intend to use a  
renewal of the War on Terror to rally the American people around  
the Republican Party.

Something's in the works, he said, adding that the Executive  
Orders need to create a police state are already in place.

The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican  
propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series  
of events, Roberts continued. Chertoff has predicted them. ...  
The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has  
regrouped. ... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not  
going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated. ... The Republicans  
are praying for another 9/11.

Hartmann asked what we as the people can do if impeachment isn't  
about to happen. If enough people were suspicious and alert, it  
would be harder for the administration to get away with it,  
Roberts replied. However, he added, I don't think these wake-up  
calls are likely to be effective, pointing out the dominance of  
the mainstream media.

Americans think their danger is terrorists, said Roberts. They  
don't understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the  
Bill of Rights, the Constitution. ... The terrorists are not  
anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the  
Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting  
terrorism. Americans just aren't able to perceive that.

Roberts pointed out that it's old-line Republicans like himself,  
former Reagan associate deputy attorney general Bruce Fein, and Pat  
Buchanan who are the diehards in warning of the danger. It's so  
obvious to people like us who have long been associated in the  
corridors of power, he said. There's no belief in the people or  
anything like that. They have agendas. The people are in the way.  
The Constitution is in the way. ... Americans need to comprehend  
and look at how ruthless Cheney is. ... A person like that would do  

Roberts final suggestion was that, in the absence of a massive  
popular outcry, the only constraints on what's going to happen  
will come from the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military.  
They may have had enough. They may not go along with it.

The full audio of Thom Hartmann's interview with Paul Craig Roberts  
can be found here.

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

[CTRL] Fwd: Congressional Democrat w/ CLEARANCE Can't Read Bush C.O.G. Plan: TOO SECRET!

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 1:34:59 AM PDT
Subject: Congressional Democrat w/ CLEARANCE Can't Read Bush C.O.G.  

Maybe the people who think it's a conspiracy are right.

DeFazio asks, but he's denied access

Classified info - The congressman wanted to see government plans  
for after a terror attack

Friday, July 20, 2007
The Oregonian
WASHINGTON -- Oregonians called Peter DeFazio's office, worried  
there was a conspiracy buried in the classified portion of a White  
House plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack.

As a member of the U.S. House on the Homeland Security Committee,  
DeFazio, D-Ore., is permitted to enter a secure bubbleroom in the  
Capitol and examine classified material. So he asked the White  
House to see the secret documents.

On Wednesday, DeFazio got his answer: DENIED.

I just can't believe they're going to deny a member of Congress  
the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of  
the United States after a significant terrorist attack, DeFazio says.

Homeland Security Committee staffers told his office that the White  
House initially approved his request, but it was later quashed.  
DeFazio doesn't know who did it or why.

We're talking about the continuity of the government of the United  
States of America, DeFazio says. I would think that would be  
relevant to any member of Congress, let alone a member of the  
Homeland Security Committee.

Bush administration spokesman Trey Bohn declined to say why DeFazio  
was denied access: We do not comment through the press on the  
process that this access entails. It is important to keep in mind  
that much of the information related to the continuity of  
government is highly sensitive.

Norm Ornstein, a legal scholar who studies government continuity at  
the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said he cannot  
think of one good reason to deny access to a member of Congress  
who serves on the Homeland Security Committee.

I find it inexplicable and probably reflective of the usual, knee- 
jerk overextension of executive power that we see from this White  
House, Ornstein said.

This is the first time DeFazio has been denied access to documents.  
DeFazio has asked Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie  
Thompson, D-Miss., to help him access the documents.

Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are  
right, DeFazio said.

Jeff Kosseff: 202-383-7814 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] Fwd: A Prescient View, from 2003, of the Coup d'Etat We're Still Afraid to Recognize

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 19, 2007 7:37:08 PM PDT
Subject: A Prescient View, from 2003, of the Coup d'Etat We're  
Still Afraid to Recognize

Axis of One Evil:

The ‘Unipolarist’ Agenda

by Gary Dorrien

This article appeared in March 8, 2003 in The Christian Century


Copyright by The Christan Century Foundation; used by permission.  
Current articles and subscription information can be found at  

Many critics of the U.S. plans for going to war in Iraq point to  
oil as a motive. If that is true, it is worrisome indeed. But the  
policymakers who have long demanded this war are more concerned  
with ideological and strategic considerations than economic factors.

The Bush administration is loaded with policymakers who have long  
maintained that the U.S. should use its economic and military power  
to remake the world in the image of Western capitalism. While  
holding office they cannot say that, but they did say it when they  
were not in office and they are closely allied with people who are  
saying it plainly.

After the Soviet Union imploded in 1991, a number of hardline  
anticommunists began arguing that the U.S. must use its military  
and economic power to remake the world and put down Americas  
remaining enemies. They declared that the unipolarist moment had  
arrived: the U.S. needed to use its overwhelming military and  
economic power to create a new Pax Americana.

Not all hardliners went along with this transition. A few of them  
defected from the cause, notably Edward Luttwak and Michael Lind;  
and some rediscovered their realism, such as Irving Kristol and  
Jeane Kirkpatrick. Kristol characteristically opined that no  
civilized person in his right mind wants to govern Iraq.

But a version of the unipolarist ideology was adopted by some key  
figures: Elliott Abrams, John B. Bolton, William F. Buckley Jr.,  
Stephen Cambone, Richard Cheney, Angelo Codevilla, Eliot Cohen,  
Devon Gaffney Cross, Eric Edelman, Douglas Feith, Frank Gaffney,  
Donald Kagan, Frederick Kagan, Robert A. Kagan, Robert Kagan,  
Lawrence F. Kaplan, Robert Kaplan, Charles Krauthammer, William  
Kristol, I. Lewis Libby, Joshua Muravchik, Michael Novak, Richard  
Perle, Daniel Pipes, Norman Podhoretz, Donald Rumsfeld, Ben  
Wattenberg, James Woolsey, Dov Zakheim.

In his article Universal Dominion: Toward a Unipolar World,  
Charles Krauthammer spelled out the unipolarist idea: America’s  
purpose should be to steer the world away from its coming multi- 
polar future toward a qualitatively new outcome -- a unipolar  
world. Elsewhere he explained that unipolarism refers to a single  
pole of world power that consists of the United States at the apex  
of the industrial West.

The term didn’t catch on, but the idea was seized upon by hawkish  
conservatives and neoconservatives. Ben Wattenberg urged nervous  
politicians not to be shy about asserting American superiority; We  
are the first universal nation. ‘First’ as in the first one,  
‘first’ as in ‘number one.’ And ‘universal’ within our borders and  
globally. Because the United States is uniquely universal, he  
reasoned, it has a unique right to impose its will on other  
countries on behalf of an American-style world order.

With a lighter touch, Wattenberg declared, A unipolar world is a  
good thing, so long as America is the uni.

Joshua Muravchik put it this way: For our nation, this is the  
opportunity of a lifetime. Our failure to exert every possible  
effort to secure [a new world order] would be unforgivable. If we  
succeed, we will have forged a Pax Americana unlike any previous  
peace, one of harmony, not of conquest. Then the 21st century will  
he the American century by virtue of the triumph of the humane idea  
born in the American experiment.’

These comments were made in the early 1990s, when there was  
[already] a debate  about unipolarism within the first Bush  
administration.  Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney quietly  
commissioned a new strategic plan.  Paul Wolfowitz (undersecretary  
for defense policy), Lewis Libby (Cheney’s chief of staff) and Eric  
Edelman (Cheney’s senior foreign-policy adviser) outlined a policy  
of U.S. global domination.

Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell countered with  
a case for a more moderate realism that was backed by Secretary of  
State George Schultz and National Security Adviser Brent  
Scowcroft.  Though Cheney leaned toward Wolfowitz’s strategy, the  
realists held the upper hand in George H. W. Bush’s administration.

Cheney’s attempt to create a new big-picture strategy was derailed  
by the Persian Gulf war and the leaking of Wolfowitz’s plan of  
world conquest to the press, and the unipolarists despaired of  
Bush’s lack of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Is the President Our Founding Fathers WARNED Us About

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 5:30:18 PM PDT
Subject: Bush Is the President Our Founding Fathers WARNED Us About

King George W:  James Madison’s Nightmare

Posted on Jul 17, 2007

By Robert Scheer

George W. Bush is the imperial president that James Madison and  
other Founding Fathers of this great Republic warned us about.   He  
lied the nation into precisely the “foreign entanglements” that  
George Washington feared would destroy the experiment in  
representative government, and he has championed a spurious notion  
of security over individual liberty, thus eschewing the alarms of  
Thomas Jefferson as to the deprivation of the inalienable rights of  
free citizens.   But most important, he has used the sledgehammer  
of war to obliterate the separation of powers that James Madison  
enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

With the “war on terror,” Bush has asserted the right of the  
president to wage war anywhere and for any length of time, at his  
whim, because the “terrorists” will always provide a convenient  
shadowy target.  Just the “continual warfare” that Madison warned  
of in justifying the primary role of Congress in initiating and  
continuing to finance a war — the very issue now at stake in Bush’s  
battle with Congress.

In his “Political Observations,” written years before he served as  
fourth president of the United States, Madison went on to  
underscore the dangers of an imperial presidency bloated by war  
fever.  “In war,” Madison wrote in 1795, at a time when the young  
Republic still faced its share of dangerous enemies, “the  
discretionary power of the Executive is extended and every means of  
seducing the mind is added to [methods] for  subduing the [will] of  
the people.”

How remarkably prescient of Madison to anticipate the specter of  
our current King George imperiously undermining Congress’ attempts  
to end the Iraq war.   When the prime author of the U.S.  
Constitution explained why that document grants Congress—not the  
president—the exclusive power to declare and fund wars, Madison  
wrote, “A delegation of such powers [to the president] would have  
struck, not only at the fabric of our Constitution, but at the  
foundation of all well organized and well checked governments.”

Because “[n]o nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of  
continual warfare,” Madison urged that the constitutional  
separation of powers he had codified be respected.  “The  
Constitution expressly and exclusively vests in the Legislature the  
power of declaring a state of war ... the power of raising armies,”  
he wrote.  “The separation of the power of raising armies from the  
power of commanding them is intended to prevent the raising of  
armies for the sake of commanding them.”

That last sentence perfectly describes the threat of what President  
Dwight Eisenhower, 165 years later, would describe as the “military- 
industrial complex,” a permanent war economy feeding off a  
permanent state of insecurity.  The collapse of the Soviet Union  
deprived the military profiteers and their handsomely rewarded  
cheerleaders in the government of a raison d’être for the massive  
war economy supposedly created in response to it.

Fortunately for them, Bush found in the 9/11 attack an excuse to  
make war even more profitable and longer lasting.  The Iraq war,  
which the president’s 9/11 Commission concluded never had anything  
to do with the terrorist assault, nonetheless has transferred many  
hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars into the military  
economy.   And when Congress seeks to exercise its power to control  
the budget, this president asserts that this will not govern his  
conduct of the war.

There never was a congressional declaration of war to cover the  
invasion of Iraq.   Instead, President Bush acted under his claimed  
power as commander in chief, which the Supreme Court has held does  
allow him to respond to a “state of war” against the United  
States.  That proviso was clearly a reference to surprise attacks  
or sudden emergencies.

The problem is that the “state of war” in question here was an al- 
Qaida attack on the U.S. that had nothing whatsoever to do with  
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.   Perhaps to spare Congress the  
embarrassment of formally declaring war against a nation that had  
not attacked America, Bush settled for a loosely worded resolution  
supporting his use of military power if Iraq failed to comply with  
U.N. mandates.   This was justified by the White House as a means  
of strengthening the United Nations in holding Iraq accountable for  
its WMD arsenal, but as most of the world looked on in dismay, Bush  
invaded Iraq after U.N. inspectors on the ground discovered that  
Iraq had no WMD.

[CTRL] Fwd: REAL Spyware

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 20, 2007 7:23:20 PM PDT
Subject: REAL Spyware

FBI planted spyware on teen's PC to trace bomb threats

Gregg Keizer

July 19, 2007 (Computerworld) The FBI planted spyware on the  
computer used by a Washington state teenager to finger him as the  
person behind a rash of bomb threats e-mailed to his high school,  
court documents revealed this week.

The 15-year-old, a former student at Timberline High School in  
Lacey, Wash., pleaded guilty Monday to making the bomb threats, as  
well as to identity theft charges, according to The Olympian. He  
was sentenced to 90 days in juvenile detention and must pay the  
school district $8,852 to cover expenses. The first e-mailed bomb  
threat was sent June 4.

In several of the messages, the student taunted school authorities  
and police for their inability to trace the e-mails to him. Seeing  
as how you're too stupid to trace the e-mail back lets [sic] get  
serious, an e-mail on June 5 said, according to an unsealed search  
warrant application filed with a Seattle federal court in mid-June.  
Stop pretending to be 'tracing it' because I already told you it's  
coming from Italy. That is where trace will stop, so just stop  

Within days, however, the FBI had obtained a warrant that allowed  
the agency to infect the student's computer with a program it  
called a Computer  Internet Protocol Address Verifier (CIPAV). If  
a warrant is approved, a communication will be sent to the computer  
being used to administer [the MySpace] user account  
'Timberlinebombinfo,' said FBI Special Agent Norman Sanders in the  
June 12 filing.

The CIPAV, said Sanders, would cause any computer -- wherever  
located -- to send network-level messages containing the activating  
computer's IP address and/or MAC address, other environmental  
variables and certain registry-type information to a computer  
controlled by the FBI.

I'd call that spyware, said Roger Thompson, chief technology  
officer at Exploit Prevention Labs. Or it's pretty darn close.

The warrant did not spell out whether the CIPAV could, for  
instance, capture keystrokes or inject other code into the  
compromised system, as do commonplace Trojan downloaders. The  
exact nature of [the CIPAV's] commands, processes, capabilities and  
their configuration is classified as a law enforcement sensitive  
investigative technique, said the warrant applications.

Sanders, however, did say that after making its initial data  
harvest, the CIPAV would shift into a silent pen register mode in  
which it only recorded the IP addresses, dates and times of each  
communication. The contents of those communications -- such as e- 
mail messages -- would not be captured and passed to the FBI, the  
affidavit said.

It was also unclear exactly how Sanders expected to get the CIPAV  
onto the suspect's computer, although the warrant application  
hinted that it would be delivered through MySpace's own messaging  
service. The CIPAV will be deployed through an electronic  
messaging program from an account controlled by the FBI, the  
warrant application read. The electronic message deploying the  
CIPAV will only be directed to the administrator(s) of the  
'Timberlinebombinfo' account [on MySpace].

The FBI may have used an exploit -- one already in circulation or  
one of its own -- to plant the CIPAV on the student's machine, said  
Thompson. Or it might have just gone the simple route, and counted  
on the suspect's curiosity to get him to launch an attached file or  
click on a link to a malicious site.

Even if his computer had security software installed and active,  
the CIPAV could have gotten through, Thompson argued. In order to  
evade antivirus, all you've got to do is use a new version of [a  
piece of old malware]. The bad guys do it all the time.

It's also possible, speculated Thompson, that the FBI asked  
security vendors to whitelist their CIPAV to let it through any  
defenses. They've always talked about things like this, whether it  
was Magic Lantern or Carnivore. But the last time I saw anything  
from [the FBI] was three, four years ago, and it was pretty  
rudimentary stuff.

Magic Lantern was the name given to a 2001 FBI effort to develop a  
keystroke and encryption keylogger. Carnivore, meanwhile, is the  
label for e-mail tapping software from the same time frame.

When asked if he would agree to whitelist CIPAV today, or had in  
the past when he was with PestPatrol, an antispyware developer  
acquired in 2004 by CA Inc., Thompson said: I don't know. We never  
had to face that decision, because we were never asked.

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[CTRL] Fwd: To Quote a Senior Republican Senator: Bush F**ked Up America's War on Terror

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 18, 2007 1:09:52 PM PDT
Subject: To Quote a Senior Republican Senator: Bush F**ked Up  
America's War on Terror

Right-wing moneybags Richard Mellon Scaife, in editorials in his  
newspapers, condemned the President vow to stay the course in  
Iraq as a prescription for America's suicide, and even hinted  
that George Bush was mentally unstable

Bush told Iraq war has helped al-Qa’eda

By Tim Shipman in Washington
The Telegraph (UK), July 18, 2007

President George W Bush was facing increasingly blunt criticism of  
his Iraq policy last night as a US intelligence report suggested  
that the war has made al-Qa'eda attacks on American soil more likely.

President Bush is losing support from Republicans in Congress

Senator George Voinovich, a close ally of Mr Bush, delivered a  
withering assessment of the situation in Iraq, declaring that the  
Bush administration had fd up the war.

The Ohio senator revealed that he warned Karl Rove - the  
President's chief political adviser - last week that Mr Bush must  
devise a new plan for Iraq or he would vote with Democrats on  
Capitol Hill to withdraw troops from Iraq.

He spoke out as a declassified National Intelligence Estimate of  
the terrorist threat to the US indicated that the Iraq war has  
helped al-Qa'eda raise resources and to recruit and indoctrinate  
operatives, including for homeland attacks.

The document, which represents the considered views of 16 US  
intelligence agencies, appeared at odds with Mr Bush's repeated  
claims that America must prosecute the war in Iraq to prevent  
terrorists following us home with attacks in the US. The three- 
page report, two pages of which were released to the public, argues  
that al-Qa'eda will probably seek to leverage the contacts and  
capabilities of al-Qa'eda in Iraq.

The findings echo similar assessments of the terror threat from  
British spy chiefs.

They inflamed an already febrile atmosphere in Congress, where Mr  
Bush is haemorrhaging support from Republicans.

Mr Voinovich had previously indicated that he would delay any vote  
to leave Iraq until September, when General David Petraeus, the  
commander in Iraq, reports to Congress on the status of his surge  
strategy. But Mr Voinovich shocked political Washington, where  
personal criticisms and profanity are generally more muted than in  
Westminster, with the vehemence of his views - which he stated in  
the halls of the senate. Mr Voinovich, who meets Mr Bush and his  
inner circle regularly, revealed that he told Mr Rove the President  
must change course, or face a new mutiny.

The President is a young man and should think about his legacy. He  
should know history will not be kind unless he can come up with a  
plan that protects the troops and stabilises the region, he said.

He said other Republicans were close to speaking out against the  
President's current strategy. I have every reason to believe that  
the fur is going to start to fly, perhaps sooner than what they may  
have wanted, he said.

Mr Voinovich is not the only ally of the President losing faith.  
Yesterday, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, owned by the hitherto  
loyal businessman Richard Mellon Scaife, branded the Bush  
administration's plans to stay the course in Iraq a prescription  
for American suicide. In an editorial, the paper condemned Mr  
Bush's performance at a press conference last week, in which he  
vowed to press on with the surge, saying we had to question his  
mental stability.

Democrat leaders last night ordered the Senate into an all-night  
session in an attempt to force Republicans to back a motion calling  
for troops to withdraw from Iraq by the end of April 2008. Later  
this week another motion, proposed by the Republican senators  
Richard Lugar and John Warner and calling on Mr Bush to get a new  
strategy in place by mid-October, is also due for debate.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Fwd: Richard Nixon and the Man Who Silenced Lee Harvey Oswald

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 21, 2007 12:14:38 AM PDT
Subject: Richard Nixon and the Man Who Silenced Lee Harvey Oswald


A 1947 memo, found in 1975 by a scholar going through a pile of  
recently released FBI documents, supports Giancana's contention. In  
the memo, addressed to a congressional committee investigating  
organized crime, an FBI assistant states: It is my sworn testimony  
that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago ... is performing information  
functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of  
California. It is requested Rubenstein not be called for open  
testimony in the aforementioned hearings. (Later in 1947,  
Rubenstein moved to Dallas and shortened his last name [to JACK  
RUBY].) The FBI subsequently called the memo a fake, but the  
reference service Facts on File considers it authentic.

Undercover work for the young Congressman Nixon would have been in  
keeping with Ruby's history as a police tipster and government  
informant. In 1950, Ruby gave closed-door testimony to Estes  
Kefauver's special Senate committee investigating organized crime.   
Committee staffer Luis Kutner later described Ruby as a syndicate  
lieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for  
Chicago mobsters.  In exchange for Ruby's testimony, the FBI is  
said to have eased up on its probe of organized crime in Dallas.   
In 1959, Ruby became an informant for the FBI.


Seared into the memories of all Americans who lived through the  
assassination of President John F. Kennedy is exactly where they  
were on November 22, 1963. Yet private citizen Richard Nixon, who —  
believe it or not — was in Dallas, could not recall this fact in a  
post-assassination interview with the FBI.

The interview dealt with an apparently false claim by Marina Oswald  
that her husband —alleged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald — had  
targeted Nixon for death during an earlier trip to Dallas. A Feb.  
28, 1964 FBI report on the interview said Nixon advised that the  
only time he was in Dallas, Texas, during 1963 was two days prior  
to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

While Nixon eventually came clean regarding his whereabouts on that  
fateful day, he seemed touchy whenever the matter was raised. For  
example, in a 1992 interview with CNN's Larry King, Nixon  
interjected he was in Dallas In the morning! when King cited the  
presumed geographical coincidence. Nixon left Dallas on a flight to  
New York several hours before Kennedy's noontime arrival at Love  

Not only did Nixon misremember where he was on November 22nd, he  
made at least two conflicting statements about how he first learned  
his arch-rival had been shot. In a 1964 Reader's Digest article, he  
recalled hailing a cab after his Dallas-New York flight: We were  
waiting for a light to change when a man ran over from the street  
corner and said that the President had just been shot in Dallas.  
In November of 1973, however, Nixon said in Esquire that his cabbie  
missed a turn somewhere and we were off the highway...a woman came  
out of her house screaming and crying. I rolled down the cab window  
to ask what the matter was and when she saw my face she turned even  
paler. She told me that John Kennedy had just been shot in Dallas.

In yet another curious twist, a November 22nd wire service photo of  
Nixon indicates he might even have learned of the shooting before  
his cab ride. In the photo, a glum-looking Nixon, hat in lap, is  
sitting in what appears to be an airline terminal. The caption on  
the United Press International photo reads: Shocked Richard Nixon,  
the former vice president who lost the presidential election to  
President Kennedy in 1960, is shown Friday after he arrived at  
Idlewild Airport in New York following a flight from Dallas, Tex.,  
where he had been on a business trip.

In the 1992 King interview, Nixon maintained he'd never had any  
interest in digging into the JFK assassination: I don't see a  
useful purpose in getting into that and I don't think it's frankly  
useful for the Kennedy family to constantly raise that up again.

Nixon's professed disinterest doesn't ring true, however, for it  
came from one of our snoopiest chief executives — a politician who  
just relished investigations, spying, secrets, and conspiracies. As  
Nixon aide John Ehrlichman once observed: He was a conspiracy  
buff. He liked intrigue, and he liked secret maneuverings of the  
FBI, and he liked to hear about what the CIA did, and so on. He  
just couldn't leave that stuff alone.

As for Nixon's stated compassion for the Kennedys, let's not forget  
that he deeply despised them. So much so that, as president, he  
ordered chief White House spy E. Howard Hunt to forge diplomatic  

[CTRL] Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control

2007-07-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be very heavy for survivors - Project Monarch: Nazi Mind  Control - 
The Evolution of Project MKULTRA by Ron Patton 
Ritual Abuse and Counseling: A Survey - Author: Zoslocki, Linda “Ritual  
abuse consists of mental, physical, sexual, and psychological abuse motivated 
religious reasons, out of anger and stress, or inflicted on victims for 
reasons  unknown. Little is now being done to educate and train school 
counselors on 
 ritual abuse and its signs. This paper offers a literature review of ritual  
abuse and the results of a survey of school counselors conducted in order to  
assess whether they had encountered the signs and symptoms of ritual abuse 
among  school-age children. A 45-item questionnaire was developed and sent to 
200  randomly selected counselors--119 were returned. Since the study was 
conducted  as a blind review, it focused on whether counselors had encountered 
signs  and symptoms of ritual abuse at least one time within the last two 
years, as  opposed to the number of times counselors observed these signs and 
symptoms in  their students during the counseling session. Results indicated 
although  counselors may not be aware of the signs and symptoms of ritual 
abuse, they did  encounter such abuses in the counseling process. 
half of the  respondents stated that their students were either 
self-mutilating or accident  prone and fearful or preoccupied with death.” 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Free or Caged Animals, No Visitors Allowed Unless They Submit to Interrogation

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 23, 2007 9:47:26 PM PDT
Subject: Free or Caged Animals, No Visitors Allowed Unless They  
Submit to Interrogation

Europeans alarmed at US

right to highly personal data
Religion, sex life among details that must be passed on to officials

Jamie Doward, home affairs editor
The Observer (UK), July 22, 2007

Highly sensitive information about the religious beliefs, political  
opinions and even the sex life of Britons travelling to the United  
States is to be made available to US authorities when the European  
Commission agrees to a new system of checking passengers.
The EC is in the final stages of [negotiating] a Passenger Name  
Record system which will allow American officials to access  
detailed biographical information about passengers entering  
international airports.

The information sharing system with the US Department of Homeland  
Security, which updates the previous three-year-old system, is  
designed to tackle terrorism but civil liberty groups warn it will  
have serious consequences for European passengers. And it has  
emerged that both the European parliament and the European data  
protection supervisor are alarmed at the plan.
In a strongly worded document drawn up in response to the plan that  
will affect the 4 million-plus Britons who travel to the US every  
year, the EU parliament said it 'notes with concern that sensitive  
data (ie personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political  
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union  
membership, and data concerning the health or sex life of  
individuals) will be made available to the DHS and that these data  
may be used by the DHS in exceptional cases'.

Under the new agreement, which goes live at the end of this month,  
the US will be able to hold the records of European passengers for  
15 years compared with the current three year limit. The EU  
parliament said it was concerned the data would lead to 'a  
significant risk of massive profiling and data mining, which is  
incompatible with basic European principles and is a practice still  
under discussion in the US congress.'

Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor, has written  
to the EC expressing his 'grave concern' at the plan, which he  
describes as 'without legal precedent' and one that puts 'European  
data protection rights at risk'.

Hustinx warns: 'Data on EU citizens will be readily accessible to a  
broad range of US agencies and there is no limitation to what US  
authorities are allowed to do with the data.'

He expresses concern about 'the absence of a robust legal mechanism  
that enables EU citizens to challenge misuse of their personal  

Hustinx concludes: 'I have serious doubts whether the outcome of  
these negotiations will be fully compatible with European  
fundamental rights, which both the Council and the Commission have  
stated are non negotiable.'

The new agreement will see US authorities gain access to detailed  
passenger information, from credit card details to home addresses  
and even what sort of food may have been ordered before a flight.  
In addition, US authorities will be free to add other information  
they have obtained about a passenger, leading to concerns about how  
the information will be shared.

It has emerged that neither Hustinx nor the European parliament  
were aware of the final draft of the plan.

'If you are going to have this kind of agreement it should involve  
parliament and the data protection supervisor,' said Tony Bunyan of  
Statewatch, the civil liberties organisation that campaigns against  
excessive surveillance.

He warned that under the new system the data will be shared with  
numerous US agencies. 'The European parliament is angry that it was  
not even consulted,' Bunyan said. 'The anger is also about other  
elements of the plan, such as giving the US the absolute right to  
pass the data on to third parties.'

Simon Davies, director of Privacy International, another group that  
campaigns against state surveillance, said the new agreement gave  
huge powers to the US authorities. 'We have no guarantee about how  
this data will be used,' Davies said.

A spokeswoman for the Information Commissioner's Office in England  
and Wales said it would be discussing the matter with European  
counterparts shortly. 'We are working with the European Data  
Protection Supervisor and our other EU data protection colleagues  
to come to a joint opinion on the level of data protection set out  
in the final agreement,' the spokeswoman said.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are 

[CTRL] Fwd: Justice Dept removed federal prosecutor who uncovered Warren Buffett's Enron

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 23, 2007 3:58:08 PM PDT
Subject: Justice Dept removed federal prosecutor who uncovered  
Warren Buffett's Enron

U.S. dropped Enron-like fraud probe

Prosecutor who built case against Virginia insurer was replaced.

By Marisa Taylor - Mcclatchy Washington Bureau
Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, July 23, 2007

Two years into a fraud investigation, veteran David Maguire told  
colleagues he'd uncovered one of the biggest cases of his career.

Maguire described crimes far worse than those of Arthur Andersen,  
the accounting giant that collapsed in the wake of the Enron  
scandal. Among those in his sights: executives from a subsidiary of  
Berkshire Hathaway, the investment empire overseen by billionaire  
Warren Buffett.

In May 2006, he felt strongly enough about his case that he  
prepared a draft indictment accusing executives from a Virginia  
insurer, Reciprocal of America, of concocting a series of secret  
deals to hide its losses from regulators. Although he didn't name  
anyone from Berkshire Hathaway's subsidiary, he described the  
company as a participant in the scheme.

But Maguire never brought those charges.

Months after preparing the draft, he was removed as the lead  
prosecutor on the case and reassigned.

His replacement, a prosecutor who hadn't been involved in the case  
until then, soon announced that the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary,  
General Reinsurance, would not be indicted. By April of this year,  
the entire investigation, which the Justice Department once hailed  
as one of the largest insurance-fraud cases in Virginia history,  
had fizzled.

Former employees and policyholders of the Richmond-based insurer  
were astounded. Why had the Justice Department spent upward of $2  
million to investigate the case only to decline to prosecute?  
Maguire and his team of investigators had secured two related  
guilty pleas, interviewed dozens of witnesses and gathered 7,000  
boxes of documents.

At the Justice Department, some whispered that Maguire and his team  
had overreached and had been knocked down. Others heard that the  
government needed resources for terrorism investigations.

Lawyers for the two companies had another explanation: Prosecutors  
realized they didn't have evidence of a crime.

It was a black and white decision, said Stanley Twardy Jr., one  
of General Reinsurance's attorneys and a former U.S. attorney.  
They just called it like they saw it.

But Tom Gober, a certified fraud examiner who worked on the case,  
thought investigators had gathered plenty of evidence.

Gober, a government-contracted investigator, concluded that the  
Justice Department had buckled under pressure from defense lawyers.  
Shortly before Maguire was removed, his supervisors were urging him  
to drop the case against General Reinsurance, Gober said.

Gober's suspicions were fanned by allegations of politicization in  
the Justice Department after nine U.S. attorneys were fired. He  
took his complaints to the Office of Professional Responsibility,  
which investigates Justice Department misconduct. That  
investigation is under way.

It just stinks, he said. You don't come in out of nowhere and in  
no time kill three years of sophisticated effort.

Maguire and officials with the U.S. attorney's office and the FBI  
in Virginia declined to respond to questions about the decision.

Justice Department spokesman Bryan Sierra said he wouldn't comment,  

Internal documents obtained by McClatchy Newspapers show that  
Justice Department lawyers in Washington had become locked in an  
intense debate with Maguire over the case until he was removed from  

Five years after Enron collapsed and tough measures aimed at white- 
collar crime were enacted, federal officials struggled with  
questions of corporate accountability: Who should be held  
responsible when fraud leads to a company's demise? How far should  
federal prosecutors go in pursuing corporate suspects? In the  
Reciprocal of America case, the fallout was clear.

More than 80,000 lawyers, doctors and hospitals in 30 states lost  
their malpractice coverage. As they couldn't expect new insurers to  
cover them for past cases, some who were sued have claimed losses  
of hundreds of millions of dollars.

A company under siege

A team of state insurance auditors arrived at Reciprocal of  
America's headquarters in January 2003 to launch their  
investigation. They shepherded the company's 300 employees into a  
conference room and locked the doors.

Suspicious accounting activity had been detected. The company and  
its subsidiaries were being shut down for the duration of the  

Federal agents soon expressed interest in joining the case.

The auditors had found troubling numbers.

Insurance companies are supposed to avoid insolvency by 

[CTRL] Fwd: Texas Repugnicans Rally Around Zionist End-Timer AKA Christian Evangelist

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 23, 2007 6:09:24 PM PDT
Subject: Texas Repugnicans Rally Around Zionist End-Timer AKA  
Christian Evangelist

Imminentize the Eschaton, NUKE IRAN NOW

Hagee, Israel backers push get-tough-on-Iran policy

Web Posted: 07/22/2007 01:32 AM CDT

Abe Levy

WASHINGTON — Inside a reserved Senate room, several hundred  
evangelical activists who came by plane and bus Wednesday waited  
for the arrival of Texas' two senators.
As their leader, Pastor John Hagee, entered the room, they erupted  
in cheers, snapping photos of the face of modern Christian Zionism,  
a movement that promotes Israel as a biblical mandate.

The room turned silent as Hagee greeted Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison  
and John Cornyn near the stage. Hagee looked the senators in the  
eye and said: These people are from Texas — and they are voters.
That message came through loud and clear last week as Hagee and  
4,500 like-minded Christians visited the Capitol to lobby for  
Israel and a get-tough policy against Iran. Motivating them is  
their belief that Israel's fate is tied to that of the free world.

We didn't come to Washington to figure out what Washington  
thinks, Hagee said. We came to Washington to express our views,  
and we came as people. People hold the power in America.

Pastor of the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and a  
world-reknowned TV evangelist, Hagee organized the lobbying blitz  
(the second in two years) to try to exert political power in Middle  
East policy, including consideration of a pre-emptive strike on Iran.

(Lisa Krantz/Express-News)

Surrounded by his security team (left) and San Antonio Rabbi Aryeh  
Scheinberg of Rodfei Shalom Synagogue (far right), San Antonio  
Pastor John Hagee (center) leaves the U. S. Capitol building after  
posing for a group picture with Christians United for Israel's  
Texas delegates after the delegates spent the day lobbying for  
Israel at the Capitol on Wednesday.

He founded a non-profit organization, Christians United for Israel,  
18 months ago, to give a louder voice to Christian Zionists, who  
are among the 60 million to 100 million evangelicals in the U.S.  
Many of them believe they are living in the final days described in  
prophetic books of the Bible and that standing with Israel assures  
them of being on God's side when it is all said and done.

Known for his fiery apocalyptic sermons and books, such as  
Jerusalem Countdown, Hagee, 67, is no stranger to conservative  
Republican politics and mobilizing Christians to vote.

Last week, along with the visit to Congress, CUFI conducted a three- 
day summit for 4,500 delegates that included seminars on the evils  
of militant Islamic groups, lessons on effective lobbying, the  
showing of pro-Israel documentaries, banquets for donors and its  
signature event, Night to Honor Israel, which was broadcast on  
Israeli TV.

The ceremony drew nearly 5,000 participants inside the Washington  
Convention Center and 15 protesters outside.

The dissenters, part of Project Straight Gate, based in Phoenix,  
held signs that read Hagee's apostasy kills Palestinians and  
Blessed are the peacemakers. The group, representing six states,  
started five years ago to counter the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

To them, Hagee is the next Rev. Jerry Falwell, who they say  
misrepresented Christian faith through his political activities.

The whole Christian Zionism movement is causing Christianity to be  
a laughing stock all over the world, said Charles Carlson, the  
group's founder and director. It's bringing (Hagee) fame and  
fortune by putting Israel on the throne right beside Christ.

Inside the convention center, high-profile Israeli and U.S.  
government leaders revved up the audience with impassioned speeches  
by, among others, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Former House  
Majority Leader Tom DeLay also attended.

At a banquet for $1,000-plus donors the night before, Sen. Joe  
Lieberman, a Connecticut independent and practicing Jew, likened  
Hagee to Moses as a leader of a multitude.

The support of Christian Zionists is critical to Israel's security  
and strength, he said, and to America's security and strength.

The average delegate found in the seminars the material they would  
need for lobbying and later grassroots activism. Panelists, both  
Jewish and Christian, promoted the use of alternative fuels as a  
way to wean America from Arab oil and deeper study of pro-Israel  
arguments to clarify biased media reports, win converts in their  
neighborhoods and vote pro-Israel candidates into office. There was  
particular emphasis on one core belief that Israel must not give up  
any land to Palestinians for peace, a view that 

[CTRL] Fwd: War Is Helliburton: While U.S. Troops Dying, Cheney Co Reveling in Blood-Money

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 23, 2007 10:11:23 PM PDT
Subject: War Is Helliburton: While U.S. Troops Dying, Cheney  Co  
Reveling in Blood-Money

Bribery Network to Bloat War Costs Is Alleged

New York Times, July 21, 2007
Federal investigators have uncovered what they describe as a  
sweeping network of kickbacks, bribes and fraud involving at least  
eight employees and subcontractors of KBR, the former Halliburton  
subsidiary, in a scheme to inflate charges for flying freight into  
Iraq in support of the war, according to court papers unsealed  

The latest conviction in the cases related to the scheme came  
yesterday, when a former Houston-based executive for an air-freight  
carrier hired by KBR pleaded guilty in federal district court to  
dispensing bribes and then lying to federal investigators. The  
executive, Kevin Andre Smoot, 43, of The Woodlands, Tex., served as  
a managing director for Eagle Global Logistics Incorporated, a  
carrier that received a subcontract from KBR to ship the freight.

The guilty plea by Mr. Smoot is the second by an Eagle executive in  
the case. But the papers describing his plea indicate that  
investigators believe at least one more Eagle employee and five KBR  
employees, all so far unnamed, were also involved. Mr. Smoot alone  
admitted to delivering bribes, called gratuities in the legalistic  
language of the court papers, to the employees of KBR on some 90  
occasions between 2002 and 2005.

At the core of the case is a contract that KBR, previously known as  
Kellogg, Brown  Root, won before the war to supply the American  
military with food, fuel, housing and other necessities. The value  
of the contract soared with the Iraq invasion, and has so far paid  
KBR some $20 billion.

The company hired Eagle in a subcontract to fulfill part of that  
mission, carrying military goods from Dubai, United Arab Emirates,  
to Baghdad. But the scheme by the Eagle executives began in  
November 2003 when a plane operated by a rival carrier, DHL, was  
struck by a missile and landed in Baghdad with its left wing in  
flames. The Eagle executives used that incident to charge a  
fraudulent “war-risk surcharge” of 50 cents for every kilogram (2.2  
pounds) of freight on its own flights, the papers say.

Between November 2003 and July 2004, Eagle made 379 flights as part  
of the subcontract, charging some $13.3 million — an amount that  
included $1.1 million in overcharges. It is not clear whether KBR  
knew of the overcharging scheme, but the papers say that Mr. Smoot  
and an Eagle subordinate delivered nearly $34,000 in gratuities to  
KBR employees “to obtain or reward favorable treatment” in  
connection with the contract.

According to the papers, the gratuities included “meals, drinks,  
golf outings, tickets to rodeo events, baseball and football games  
and other entertainment items.”

A spokeswoman for KBR, Heather L. Browne, said in a statement  
yesterday that the company “in no way condones this behavior.”

“We are fully cooperating with the government’s investigation of  
this matter and will continue to do so,” Ms. Browne said.

The guilty plea by Mr. Smoot was announced yesterday by Rodger A.  
Heaton, the United States attorney for the Central District of  
Illinois, where the Army Field Support Command, which administers  
the logistics contract, is based in Rock Island.

Auditor in Iraq Finds Job Gone After Exposés

November 3, 2006, New York Times
Obscure provision tucked away in huge military authorization bill  
calls for shutdown of federal oversight agency that exposed  
corruption and mismanagement in Iraq reconstruction; investigations  
by Republican lawyer Stuart W Bowen Jr have sent American  
occupation officials to jail on bribery and conspiracy charges,  
exposed disastrously poor construction work by well-connected  
companies like Halliburton, and discovered that military did not  
properly track hundreds of thousands of weapons it shipped to Iraqi  
security forces; Bowen's supporters say agency is being shut down  
because it embarrassed Bush administration; opposition is building  
on both sides of political aisle in Congress as implications of  
shutdown provision become clear; neither House nor Senate version  
of bill contained termination clause before bill went to conference  
committee; Pres Bush signed measure two weeks ago

Inquiry Widens To Bid-Rigging At Halliburton

New York Times, March 2, 2005


Halliburton Co says Justice Department probe into bribery charges  
related to its dealings in Nigeria has broadened to encompass  
whether its executives rigged contracts with competing companies in  
effort to profit illicitly from 

[CTRL] Fwd: Middle East Peace Negotiator Blair Will Live in a Zionist Palace in Israel

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 23, 2007 9:03:17 PM PDT
Subject: Middle East Peace Negotiator Blair Will Live in a  
Zionist Palace in Israel

Blair under fire over plans to

move into Jerusalem palace

23rd July 2007

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert greets Tony Blair, left, in his  
Jerusalem residence last year

Tony Blair was accused of having delusions of grandeur as it  
emerged he may base himself in a Jerusalem palace for his role as  
Middle East envoy.

The former premier has been looking at an imposing, historic  
edifice with a ballroom, fragrant gardens and a wonderful view of  
the golden dome of the city's al-Aqsa mosque the site where  
orthodox Jews expect to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem .

Built in 1931, the house was once the home of Britain's first High  
Commissioner to Palestine Zionist Jew M.P., Lord Samuel . Today  
it serves as the UN's Middle East HQ.

Critics said Blair's job as envoy of the so-called Quartet of  
Middle East mediators - the EU, UN, U.S. and Russia - did not merit  
such opulence.

Abdelbari Atwan, editor of the London newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi,  
said: 'He's not a president. He's not a prime minister. He's not  
even a minister.

'He's just representing a quartet, which is a very small job. So  
why should he have a lavish residence? It would look very bad.'

Mr Blair's aides confirmed he hoped to use offices in the building  
but denied he planned to make it his residence.

He is making his first trip to the region in his new role today and  
will spend at least a week a month in the Middle East from  
September. But he has not chosen where to live.

The building's UN status would make it a good base because of its  
neutrality in the conflict.

Gerald Butt, editor of the authoritative Middle East Economic  
Survey, said: 'Choosing where to base is a very sensitive issue in  
that it reflects the sensitivity of the whole crisis.'

Critics warned that living in luxury while many Palestinians  
struggle in squalor would only inflame anger over Mr Blair's  

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[CTRL] Fwd: Ocean of pollution from China wider than Amazon, deeper than Grand Canyon

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 23, 2007 4:12:07 PM PDT
Subject: Ocean of pollution from China wider than Amazon, deeper  
than Grand Canyon

Huge Dust Plumes
From China Cause
Changes in Climate

July 20, 2007; Page B1
One tainted export from China can't be avoided in North America --  

An outpouring of dust layered with man-made sulfates, smog,  
industrial fumes, carbon grit and nitrates is crossing the Pacific  
Ocean on prevailing winds from booming Asian economies in plumes so  
vast they alter the climate. These rivers of polluted air can be  
wider than the Amazon and deeper than the Grand Canyon.

There are times when it covers the entire Pacific Ocean basin like  
a ribbon bent back and forth, said atmospheric physicist V.  
Ramanathan at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla,  

On some days, almost a third of the air over Los Angeles and San  
Francisco can be traced directly to Asia. With it comes up to three- 
quarters of the black carbon particulate pollution that reaches the  
West Coast, Dr. Ramanathan and his colleagues recently reported in  
the Journal of Geophysical Research.

This transcontinental pollution is part of a growing global traffic  
in dust and aerosol particles made worse by drought and  
deforestation, said Steven Cliff, who studies the problem at the  
University of California at Davis.

Aerosols -- airborne microscopic particles -- are produced  
naturally every time a breeze catches sea salt from ocean spray, or  
a volcano erupts, or a forest burns, or a windstorm kicks up dust,  
for example. They also are released in exhaust fumes, factory  
vapors and coal-fired power plant emissions.

Courtesy SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and  
A satellite view from 2001 shows dust arriving in California from  
Asian deserts. Concentrations of dust are visible to the south,  
near the coastline (lower right); To the west the dust is mixed  
with clouds over open ocean. This dust event caused a persistent  
haze in places like Death Valley, California, where skies are  
usually crystal clear.
Over the Pacific itself, the plumes are seeding ocean clouds and  
spawning fiercer thunderstorms, researchers at Texas AM University  
reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in  

The influence of these plumes on climate is complex because they  
can have both a cooling and a warming effect, the scientists said.  
Scientists are convinced these plumes contain so many cooling  
sulfate particles that they may be masking half of the effect of  
global warming. The plumes may block more than 10% of the sunlight  
over the Pacific.

But while the sulfates they carry lower temperatures by reflecting  
sunlight, the soot they contain absorbs solar heat, thus warming  
the planet.

Asia is the world's largest source of aerosols, man-made and  
natural. Every spring and summer, storms whip up silt from the Gobi  
desert of Mongolia and the hardpan of the Taklamakan desert of  
western China, where, for centuries, dust has shaped a way of life.  
From the dunes of Dunhuang, where vendors hawk gauze face masks  
alongside braided leather camel whips, to the oasis of Kashgar at  
the feet of the Tian Shan Mountains 1,500 miles to the west, there  
is no escaping it.

Courtesy SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and  
A satellite image from 2005 shows a plume of dust flowing from  
China to the north of the Korean Peninsula and over the Sea of  
Japan. Such plumes can cross the Pacific and scatter dust across  
the Western U.S.
The Taklamakan is a natural engine of evaporation and erosion. Rare  
among the world's continental basins, no river that enters the  
Taklamakan ever reaches the sea. Fed by melting highland glaciers  
and gorged with silt, these freshwater torrents all vanish in the  
arid desert heat, like so many Silk Road caravans.

Only the dust escapes.

In an instant, billows of grit can envelope the landscape in a mist  
so fine that it never completely settles. Moving east, the dust  
sweeps up pollutants from heavily industrialized regions that turn  
the yellow plumes a bruised brown. In Beijing, where authorities  
estimate a million tons of this dust settles every year, the level  
of microscopic aerosols is seven times the public-health standard  
set by the World Health Organization.

Once aloft, the plumes can circle the world in three weeks. In a  
very real and immediate sense, you can look at a dust event you are  
breathing in China and look at this same dust as it tracks across  
the Pacific and reaches the United States, said climate analyst  
Jeff Stith at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in  

[CTRL] Fwd: Essential COG in the Juggernaut's Wheel

2007-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 23, 2007 8:52:21 PM PDT
Subject: Essential COG in the Juggernaut's Wheel

Operation FALCON -

USA is turning into a Police State

Feb 28, 2007 - 07:43 PM

By: Mike_Whitney


On 29th June, 1934, Chancellor Adolph Hitler, accompanied by the  
Schutzstaffel (SS), arrived at Wiesse, where he personally arrested  
the leader of the Strum Abteilung (SA), Ernnst Roehm. During the  
next 24 hours 200 other senior SA officers were arrested on the way  
to Wiesse. Many were shot as soon as they were captured but Hitler  
decided to pardon Roehm because of his past service to the  
movement. However, after much pressure from Hermann Goering and  
Heinrich Himmler, Hitler agreed that Roehm should die. At first  
Hitler insisted that Roehm should be allowed to commit suicide but,  
when he refused, Roehm was shot by two SS men.  

Later, Hitler delivered a speech at the Reichstag in which he  
justified the murders of his rivals saying:

If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the  
regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour  
I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I  
became the supreme judge of the German people. It was no secret  
that this time the revolution would have to be bloody; when we  
spoke of it we called it 'The Night of the Long Knives.' Everyone  
must know for all future time that if he raises his hand to strike  
the State, then certain death is his lot.

The Night of the Long Knives is seen by many as the turning point  
where Hitler made it clear that he was above the law and the  
supreme leader of the German people.

Operation Falcon: Blueprint for removing dissidents and political  

The Bush administration has carried out three massive sweeps in the  
last two years, rolling up more than 30,000 minor crooks and  
criminals, without as much as a whimper of protest from the public.

So far, not one of the more than 30,000 victims has been charged  
with a terror-related crime.Operation Falcon is the clearest  
indication yet that the Bush administration is fine-tuning its  
shock-troops so it can roll up tens of thousands of people at a  
moment's notice and toss them into the newly-built Halliburton  
detention centers. This should be a red flag for anyone who cares  
at all about human rights, civil liberties, or simply saving his  
own skin.

Operation Falcon was allegedly the brainchild of Attorney General  
Alberto Gonzales and his counterpart in the US Marshal's office,  
(Director) Ben Reyna. But its roots go much deeper into the nexus  
of right-wing Washington think tanks where fantasies of autocratic  
government have a long history. The name, Falcon, is an acronym for  
“Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally.” It relates to the  
more than 960 state, local and federal agencies which are directly  
involved in the administration's expansive criminal dragnets.

Typically, law enforcement agencies are protective of their own  
turf and wary of outside intervention. The Falcon program overrides  
these concerns by streamlining the information-sharing processes  
and setting up a chain-of-command structure that radiates from the  
Justice Department. This removes many of the traditional obstacles  
to agency interface. It also relocates the levers of power in  
Washington where they can be manned by members of the Bush  

Dictatorships require strong centralized authority and the Falcon  
program is a logical corollary of that ambition. It creates new  
inroads for Bush to assume greater control over the nationwide  
police-state apparatus. That alone should be sufficient reason for  

The first Operation Falcon took place during the week of April 4 to  
April 10, 2005. According to the US Marshal's official website,  
“The emphasis centered on gang related crimes, homicides, crimes  
involving use of a weapon, crimes against children and the elderly,  
crimes involving sexual assaults, organized crime and drug related  
fugitives, and other crimes of violence.” More than 10,000 criminal  
suspects were arrested in a matter of days. It was the largest  
criminal sweep in the nation's history and, according to U.S.  
Marshall chief Ben Reyna, “produced the largest number of arrests  
ever recorded during a single initiative.” The Washington Times  
noted, “The sweep was a virtual clearinghouse for warrants on drug,  
gang, gun and sex-offender suspects nationwide.”

The emphasis was clearly on quantity not quality.

Still, this doesn't explain why state and federal agencies had to  
be integrated with local law enforcement simply to carry out  
routine police work.

More importantly, it doesn't explain why local police