[CTRL] Danny Update

1999-01-18 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

Having seen Danny's photograph, I have wondered how the DNA test could have
been negative. Others have too, I'm sure, but none of us has been willing to
say it out loud. My questions were: Did the Clintonistas get to the DNA lab,
or was Danny's photo doctored?

 A HREF=""NewsMax.com:

Clinton Paternity 'Test' Called into QuestionCarl LimbacherJanuary 18, 1999

FBI Mum on Accuracy of DNA Report on President

The FBI refused last week to say that its lab report accurately portrays
President Clinton's DNA profile, or whether that profile may have been altered
in documents released to the House Judiciary Committee for reasons of national
security or privacy.

If the President's DNA was camouflaged in FBI documents, a DNA paternity test
recently arranged by STAR Magazine would be unreliable. Reportedly test
results rule out any possibility that Clinton is the father of Little Rock
teen Danny Williams.

Experts say that the only proper method for checking the paternity of the boy
is through a paternity law suit, where the boy's DNA sample could be matched
against a subpoenaed and verified sample of the President's.

The four-page FBI Lab report on the President's DNA was included as part of
the 60,000 pages of documents turned over to Congress by Independent Counsel
Kenneth Starr last fall. NewsMax.com obtained a copy of the lab report last

In an exclusive interview with NewsMax.com, STAR editor Phil Bunton revealed
that those four pages were the sole basis for the Clinton DNA profile used by
a Nashville lab to compare against a full DNA analysis of blood drawn from
Danny Williams and his mother, Bobbie Ann. Bunton would not identify the lab.

Mr. Bunton said staffers on the House Judiciary Committee told STAR they
"believed" the limited Clinton DNA profile was accurate but that STAR had been
unable to get any confirmation from the FBI or Independent Counsel. Bunton
said STAR Magazine would not report on its Danny Williams investigation in any
upcoming issue.

However, Christopher Curioli, an editor of scientific and medical textbooks
whose recent work includes the CD-ROM version of "Gray's Anatomy", told
NewsMax.com that the Clinton DNA information may have been deliberately
changed in public documents.

"Since it is rather easy to synthesize any gene sequence, the OIC, FBI or
Secret Service might, as a matter of ethics or national security, present the
results of the Clinton DNA tests and yet publish in the appendix (of Starr's
report) an altered version of Clinton's DNA sequence or fragment lengths - for
his protection," Curioli said.

Curioli suggested that presenting a "protected sequence"; i.e., an altered
version of actual DNA information, is commonplace in the fields of genetic and
virological research as a matter of industrial security. In a president's
case, the need for DNA confidentiality could be more pressing.

The Secret Service seems acutely aware of this need. When the President took a
few sips of beer during a photo-op at a pub in Manchester, England in 1997,
Mr. Clinton's security detail wasted little time confiscating his glass as he
departed. Reportedly, the Secret Service smashed the glass and were concerned
that Clinton's fingerprints and DNA could fall into the wrong hands.

NewsMax.com put Curioli's theory to a former high ranking official at the FBI
laboratory who had dealt with the Bureau's DNA activities. He said the
uniqueness of a Presidential DNA investigation may have led Bureau scientists
to camouflage the results as reported in the Starr documents.

Dr. Shirley Chan, of the DNA Learning Center at the world famous Cold Spring
Harbor Labs in New York, reviewed the FBI lab report on Clinton's DNA for
NewsMax.com. Dr. Chan explained that there was ample information in the FBI
documents to rule out paternity. "If even one polymorphic marker doesn't
match, then he's not the father." STAR editor Bunton confirmed to NewsMax.com
that the Clinton-Danny Williams DNA comparison "wasn't even close."

But Dr. Chan refused to rule out the possibility that the FBI's DNA markers on
Clinton had been released in a protected sequence, suggesting that only the
FBI or the OIC could answer that question.

NewsMax.com contacted the FBI lab examiner who prepared the documents
forwarded to the House Judiciary Committee; materials subsequently used by
STAR Magazine for the Clinton paternity test. NewsMax.com's call was referred
to FBI press spokesman Paul Bresson.

Bresson himself was unavailable. But a staffer in his office responded to the
question of whether Clinton's DNA profile had been camouflaged with a terse,
"We're not going to answer a question like that."

The Office of Independent Counsel surely knows whether the FBI Lab report was
accurate about Clinton's DNA. But the OIC did not respond to repeated calls
about the matter. If the Clinton DNA information is accurate, apparently no
one is 

Re: [CTRL] DISPATCH # 114 -- the weekly newsletter of ParaScope

1999-01-13 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 10:40:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  "I'm not degrading anyone, but where in the hell did you all (both North 
  South) get your education? The slave issue was the tip of the iceburg. The
  dealt with the south's hardships of the plantations  economics compared to
  the rich North Industries. I'm glad the south has it's attitude which it
  from the large amounts of Anglo-Saxon cultures/farmers primarly from Irl/
  lands. But no matter what, it was a lost war, simply due to the massive
  Industries  resources the North had. As to these people who believe so
  strongly in a man who had "chronic acute syphilis" came up with the idea of
  pure race, no lower intelligence and for "ONLY GERMANS"... Many do not know
  for example, His hate for Jews simply came from them picking on him when he
  was studing art. I just told a good friend of mine who has a baby on the

  "Each new born child carries within them the power to save our world or
  destroy it". So, perhaps people when it come to picking on others,
  on what you say. It may destroy your race. Now with the pure race ideas.
  was one hell of a lost cause... Why you may ask? It's called gene purity
  rule... When a species has within pure genes with no random sequences
  happening, nature takes over and forces that probability to occur. You are
  going to have lower intelligence like it or not. Mutations occure to
  species. Oh yea, Hitler had stolen large amounts of philosophy from
  Existentialism which was sold to him from Neitz's Sister. In truth, what
  the world expect from Germany? The country was dying because of sanctions
  WW1... The people needed a leader, they didn't care if it was a madman.
  wanted to survrive. Back in the 20's Our Government believed in a man named
  Goddard whom had the idea of a pure intelligent race... The exportation
  of newcomers into this country rose 300 percent! He used an IQ test in
  on those who did not know english... All in all... How much of reality has
  been slandered and misconceived. How many consciences disturbed. How many

Wasn't this originally a post to CTRL?   I'm almost certain that I remember
it.  Just can't recall the author

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 9:20:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 itnesses, etc.
  My problem is with the mentality that pervades all of this and that is that
  this is about sex (you and I both know that is not the issue here but Joe
  apparently thinks it is) and the possibility that this will turn into more
  laws infringing upon my freedom to do what I want without people peering
  every area of my life.  That is the main problem I have with it all.

It's all about marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. It was marketed as
sex. Everything is marketed. Government is marketed. New laws imfringing upon
our freedoms are marketed. The marketing is general Hegelian.   Interestingly,
this applies to getting Clinton on a sex rap (yes, it's perjury and
obstruction, but marketed as sex) when they really wanted to get him on things
that were too hot for them to touch (besides the fact that he covered his ass
pretty well - shredded, bribed, blackmailed, killed, etc.). The interesting
thing is... the sad thing is... that it might have backfired. All things
considered, I was willing the go along with the "Capone Prosecution,"
eventhough I felt as you do - it should have been done right. But now,
backfired or not, it's turned awfully ugly. Here's the origingal
miscalculation: Going after a man with NO character in the same way you would
go after a man WITH character. They just didn't know what they were bargaining


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Re: [CTRL] Slavery (was: Stampeding Bison)

1999-01-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 12:05:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Lest you jump to conclusions, I hasten to add that I know that racism exists
  has existed in the South (as well as the North), and that I am opposed to
 what I
  know of the KKK as it exists in our modern day.  But I think black
  comedian/philosopher Dick Gregory was pretty close to right when he said, "
 In the
  South, they don't care how *close* we get, as long as we don't get too
  the North, they don't care how rich we get, as long as we don't get too

Just a couple more comments on this thread from me:  (1) I would have to
concur with Hawk's post in substance. I've only met one admitted Klan member
personally but I know they are around. although impotent. We did have a
nationally publicized shoot out here about 20 years ago between the Klan and
Socialists and there are true horror stories, but don't buy into rhetoric from
"pop stars" like Mia Angelo (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings).  I don't think
anyone would pay any attention to her if she hadn't read an awful poem at
Clinton's 1992 Inagural. Duke University pays her a tenured salary not to
teach. (2) My father grew up in Chicago and lived in SC for a few years after
he married my mother. What he said to her is similiar to Dick Gregory's. .
"In the North we love the black man as a race but hate as an individual. In
the South you love him as an individual and hate him as a race."


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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 2:29:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
(snip beginning)
I can't disagree with you (I rarely do) I only assume that you are right,
that the Senate can do pretty much anything that it wants since it's not a
criminal trial and there's not much precedent for presidential impeachment
trials. It just seems that bringing evidence, including slips of the tongue by
witnesses, would turn the whole thing into a circus. Don't get me wrong
though, I would like to see it come down just as you describe. I've said long
ago that the Democrats' worst nightmare is having to actually vote on this
thing. Of course I felt that this would apply to the committee hearings first,
but that came out down party lines. Then I figured that there would be more
honest Dems who would vote for impeachment in the House. Wrong again. So, with
limited testimony and limited evidence presented in an abbreviated trial, we
can expect the same thing - Slick will slide. The only hope is that the
scenario that you hope for plays out and then it will only be effective if
it changes public opinion. This is what the Dems most fear. In my opinion a
charge of treason could be proved conclusively in this trial and if the polls
didn't change, nothing more would happen. Even if all hell breaks loose in the
trial, as you and I hope, you'd probably have to have people go around to 90%
of the homes in the US and physically lock their TV sets onto C-Span.   BTW,
yes I'm aware that the Republicans are just as slimey as the Democrats, they
just happen to be lucky enough to be on the right side of this particular

  The Constitution says something like, ...not to exceed removal from
  This would indicate that the Senate could do any number of things as
  punishment but leave him in office.

  "Says something like"???  In cases like this, one should make it a point
  to find out the EXACT wording

   "The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all
  Impeachments.  When sitting for that Purpose, they
  shall be on Oath of Affirmation.  When the President
  of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall
  preside.  And no Person shall be convicted without the
  Concurrance of two thirds of the Members present.

   "Judgement in Cases of Impeachment shall not
  extend further than to removal from Office, and
  disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of
  honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but
  the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
  subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment,
  according to Law."

  --  The U.S. Constitution
  Article I, Section 3

OK... what I said has precisely the same meaning as the EXACT wording. They
don't have to kick him out of office. What I was wondering was whether the
wording in the Articles of Impeachment mandated removal.

  See above. However, when the Articles arrived at the Senate they contained
  wording, "and removal from office." Are you saying that since the Articles
  contain this wording this precludes any other action by the Senate? I
  not be up to date on this little wrinkle.

  The Senate could decide to put a dunce cap on Clinton and make him sit in
  the corner...but it's highly unlikely...especially if even more damning
  stuff comes out in the trial, the Senate would be hardpressed to do
  anything but to agree to remove him from office based on the charges sent
  to them...
But do you know this for sure? However, it's probably not a very important

  Starr has supposedly agreed not to pursue a criminal trial if there is a
  censure agreement.

  So they appoint another independent prosecutor...

  It's highly unlikely that if evidence of something like TREASON comes out
  in the Senate trial, that the matter would just be dropped if Clinton's
  removed from office...

  Do you think that they could effectively appoint another
  special prosecuter against Clinton?

  On something like treason?  Sure.


Anyway, keep on daydreaming! I am too. It's just that I'm getting awakened too


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] DNA Test Results...

1999-01-07 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/99 10:32:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  No, the results still are not in.  Does anyone besides me find that a
  bit mysterious? They took the DNA sample from Danny 1 month ago.  I wonder
  if the whitehouse may be threatening the researchers...  It just keeps
  getting delayed and delayed.  Drudge said the results should be out as
  as Tuesday... What happened did they spill the sample or did the researches
  call in sick?  It shouldn't be taking this long...  Something's going on we
  don't know about, but this wouldn't be the first time either...


I believe that Star Magazine is paying for and has control of the testing
results. They could be withholding the results to build suspense and sell


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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Drudge Report//agreement

1999-01-04 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 8:25:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  On this one, I am in total agreement with you. This feces is getting
  sickening! If this turns out to be a farce, as so many of Drudge's
  "reports" have proven to be, here's hoping Clinton sues this man a new

  No one is served by this kind of tripe.

Other than the wife beating story, please post a list of Drudge reports that
have been farces. I must have missed them.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Drudge Report//agreement

1999-01-04 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 12:15:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why are youassuming it's not true?

  You miss the point, J2.

  SnowOwl is talking about the responsibility of the news media to not spread
  every rumor of scandal.  Nor is this a responsibility of the news media

  It is one thing to privately think that yes, the SOB is probably guilty of
  whatever happens to be said about him and it is another for the, so far,
  unsupported, rumor to be published.  Got it?


Regarding the Danny Williams story, it's really an old story. I was aware of
it back in 1993 or 1994 and I'm sure many others on the list were as well.
Back then some "Christian" outfit out of Louisiana was trying to make hay with
it, mailing and faxing it to all corners. But all they got was a "So what?,"
which may be all it merits anyway. However, the story has refused to go away
and all the basic facts have remained the same. My point is that if this story
is 5 years old and has remained substantially unchanged in that time, and
hasn't been debunked in that period, that in itself gives it, if not
credibility, the worth of a look-see. Add to that the fact that Danny is the
"spiting image" of the alleged dad and you've got something that's worth the
effort of a tabloid press. And let's face it, virtually all of the press is
tabloid these days. Which brings me to the question, why should Clinton be off
limits? Hollywood celebrities are not, nor are most other politicians. Now
those who would defend this story as pertinent say it is because it would
expose the president as a "deadbeat dad" and therefore a hypocrite. Even at
that point people can choose sides and debate, and even then the debate will
probably devide between Clinton lovers and haters; it is unlikely that
hypocricy will play any greater role in that debate than truth and honesty
play in the current one.

BTW, my memory is fuzzy now, but I vaguely recall on first reading this story
(5 years ago) that it indicated that Danny and his mother were "being taken
care of." Could be wrong on that but if true it would negate the deadbeat dad
charge. If true, regardless of the reasons,  Clinton could actually turn it to
his political advantage.

But beyond the tabloid quality of the story. I too would rather that it
didn't exist, but I do think that it has legitimacy. I say that because I
believe in full disclosure from those who would be our leaders. I'm old
fashiioned; I still think that character matters. Having said that, let me say
that I don't believe that a healthy libido, occassional lapses in judgment,
nor ocasasional indiscretions are necessarily indications of poor character.
However, deceit, covering up, failing to accept personal responsibility -
these ARE indications of poor character. No, the Danny story isn't a nice one,
but it is a legitimate one. Rather than saying that members of the press are
sick, mean, or dirty because they are pursuing this story, I would feel much
worse about them if they buried it as they tend to do with so many others.


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Re: [CTRL] hello (again)

1999-01-04 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 10:49:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, I will tell you one thing I am NEVER going to call the Art Bell show!
  Because if I do then the whole list will erupt into a flame war like WWIII!

And IF you do we're coming to your house and rip your damned phone out!!  I'm
already expecting the riot police to show up here at any time with their tear
gas canisters and rubber bullets, which means that someone is going to get
hurt. Then how will you feel, Teo?!!  Don't ever, EVER call the Bell show!

All the best,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] hello

1999-01-03 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 12:07:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hey, I was wondering the same thing.  Guess great minds think alike.
   And, p lease answer the question Teo,   inquiring minds want to knowvbg


  I was NOT on the show, BUT am now DAMNED curious as to what was said to
  the debate?!?!  Please tell me what was discussed!

It should be pretty obvious, Teo. We all recognized your voice.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] hello

1999-01-03 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 1:03:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  FWIW, all, I only sign up with one ISP and am not using any false names.
  Usually it is the ones who do the accusing of doing such a thing that are
  actually doing it.

  Now to get off my soapbox and pardon me to all get out for DARING to add a
  of levity by the post I sent earlier in the day about great minds.  Guess I
  was mistaken about some minds (now if you want to continue insults, let's
  for it)

I feel your pain.

Bill Clinton
(It's been me all along!)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] hello

1999-01-03 Thread JYester


I hope you're happy!  If you hadn't called in to Art Bell this catfight would
never have happened!


In a message dated 1/3/99 6:17:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Sun, 3 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I made a harmless comment wondering if it was Teo on the Art Bell show
  and I get a batch of hooey , comments about using multiple ISPs,
  wondering if I w as you and all that garbage.

  Teo posts asking if I was June was to ME, not to you...

  To me, it was an insult, There may be some people
  who pull that stuff but I am not one of them. So put it in your pipe and
  it.  I won't. So back off.  MY HUMBLE APOLOGIES for EVEN daring to p ost
  this list.

  You went off the deep end when I posted a simple teasing reply to your
  'New England' thingy...I suggest you chill out and learn a little
  tolerance for teasing, get a thicker skin if you plan to spend any amount
  of time on the internet...

  I suggest you read Animal Farm,

  I suggest you get a life...you might find a sense of humor at the same

  At this point in time, I am seriously thinking of unseeing from this list.

  You can 'unsee' all you want...no one's going to stop you, nor is anyone
  going to beg you to 'see'...

  Just don't let the door slam on your way out...since you can't 'see', it
  might slam you on your ass...

  I am not allowed to add levity or any other sort of comment to this

  You wouldn't know levity if it slammed you on the ass when you 'unsee'...

  You seem to be someone who wishes out your own brand of 'levity', but
  can't take any in return...

  Lynne who is very disillusioned with this list today

  Well, don't lose sleep over it, dearie...



Re: [CTRL] Polls

1998-12-30 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 12:42:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After having read
  "Votescam" by the Collier brothers (both are now dead)

The book was a bombshell, but I somehow missed the fact that they BOTH are now
dead? Do you have details?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Secret Evidence Against Bill Too Shocking for

1998-12-25 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/24/98 11:08:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Well, at long last. I'm so glad to hear someone else say it. Seemed
  to me that all through this business Starr's "investigation," and the
  House Committee has been dealing with Clinton as if he were a bad
  child who had no other right than to hang his head, admit he was
  "bad," and take his punishment. As if any attempt to defend himself
  was "abuse of power"--or childish impertinence before a Higher
  Power. And it is strange to realize how much of this business has to
  do with childish wishes for "revenge."

It's a damned shame that this sorry mess has unfolded the way it has. But
don't forget that Clinton was impeached for perjury about sex because, for
assorted reasons, they weren't able, or were afraid to, stick him with the
real stuff, such as treason. That Clinton should have been impeached is an
inarguable point. And it would be an excellent step in the right direction if
the ball could be kept rolling and everybody else would be impeached too. The
way it's worked out though, it's like that ice cream cone you dropped in the


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Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob

1998-12-19 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/19/98 11:43:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In a message dated 12/19/98 12:15:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

No, the Civil War was about States' Rights...slavery was a side issue,
and Lincoln did NOT support the Union coming out with a diffinitive
statement against slavery...

  Slavery was the issue of the civil war.  Read McPherson.  The States Rights
  stuff was used by the South to keep from having to argue the slavery
  since they obviously were in a morally bankrupt position.  The South used
  States Rights argument again in the 1950s and 19960s to avoid the civil
  issue.  It didn't work that time either.


June: Why do you bother? You can't educate the whole world. "There are none so
blind as those who will not see."


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Re: [CTRL] Ru Mills' Dream

1998-12-18 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/17/98 9:12:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  U.S. Prez wears many hats. One hat is Commander-in-Chief. When
  Commander-in-Chief, legal argument is he's subject to U.S. Military

  Brian Redman
  Conspiracy Nation News Service

It's a damned shame (in this instance only) that the Commander-in-Chief is NOT
subject to the MCJ. But alas, under the constitution, and in the spirit of
"separation of powers," the Commander-in-Chief IS a civilian. In other words,
the US military is constitutionally under civilian control and command.
Therefore the military has no legal power of arrest. On the other hand, the
proper constitutional process is moving forward as we speak. Let us hope that
enough Democrat senators, assuming impeachment, will have enough respect for
the constitution, or if not, enough fear of how they will be historically
judged, to vote a just verdict, ie, the ejection of this Commander-in-Chief.


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Re: [CTRL] !!! NEWS FLASH !!!

1998-12-16 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 5:06:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,


  Where are those Iraqis going to go?

  Are they going to move buildings?

  The Iraqis are like fish in the barrel, there is no where for them to go.
  The democrats are just going to kill a bunch of innocent people
  to take the heat off Clinton.

  They don't have to strike today, tomorrow or next month.
  The people have no where go . EXCEPT TO PUT UP A
  SMOKE SCREEN to cover up for a criminal politician, there
  is no reason why this must be done today,

  They can kill those innocent people any time they want.

  Abuse of power? Not only Clinton but now the whole democratic
  party is part of it. Murdering innocent people of another country to
  save their fellow crook.

Nobody has called to ask me, but I've got a suggestion. Reconvene the
judiciary committee at first light tomorrow, draft the obvious 5th article of
impeachment and hand it to the full house by, say, 10:00AM. The impeachment
vote could be accomplished by noon and the Senate would have the rest of the
afternoon to do what needs to be done.



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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Hillary's got my vote!

1998-12-16 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:33:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Hillary Clinton has my vote. God knows she deserves it and she is more than

OK, I've finally caught on. I've been responding to some of these posts in
good faith, but now I get it. Some of you guys are just having a big ole time
making sport of the naivety of some of the rest of us.  You post absurdities
like this just to see who'll bite. My my my

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-14 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/98 8:05:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  As a sidebar (which perhaps has something to do with a potential
  'conspiracy', perhaps not), it's interesting that both Powell AND Reagan
  found renewed popularity in the new medium of television in the 50s 
  early 60s...Reagan on 'Death Valley Days', and Powell on a series which
  (if my memory serves me correctly) was an anthology of 'serious' drama,
  along the lines of 'Playhouse 90'...

Reagan hosted General Electric Theatre which was similar to Playhouse 90.
Could you have the two reversed? My memory is fuzzy too, but I seem to recall
that GE Theatre was the first time Reagan made any serious sustained money.
And OK, who wants to be first to step up and make the ominous connection with
the evil General Electric?


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Re: [CTRL] Is the media turning on Clinton?

1998-12-14 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/98 9:51:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,


  Has anyone besides myself noticed a slight--but nonetheless
  palpable--change in the media's approach to covering the Clinton
  impeachment proceedings? I could be wrong, but I am beginning to detect a
  certain "hostile abandonment" concerning Clinton's plight.

Now you've got me really confused. Others had me convinced that they hated him
all along.   Jim

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-13 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/13/98 5:46:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In a message dated 12/12/98 8:36:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, JYester@AOL.

Now that's an interesting observation. The media have been defending and
covering for the current president since before his first election. For
prior to that they have consistently espoused a left-wing agenda. ..
you suggesting that all of this is some sort of reverse pyschology?

  Did you slip across from some strange parallel universe?  The news media
  attacks on Clinton concerning the bogus Whitewater brouhaha began during
  1992 campaign and the attacks have been ongoing about one matter or another
  ever since.  They truly reached the level of frenzy regarding ML.

  The corporate controlled news media have been the abject servants of the
  radical right's slow motion coup d'etat which may not see full fruition but
  has and will hobble the nation.  While sniveling draft dodgers like Trent
  Newt were flapping their arms about patriotism while crippling the
  branch without a single word of alarm from the news media, Clinton has been
  acting in the nation's interest.  It is easy to tell who has the family and
  patriotism when you shed your myopic view.

  Jerry harp

Don't know if my universe is parallel to yours, but I'm certain that it's a
separate one.



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Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-13 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/13/98 12:42:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Generally in newsrooms you have a perponderence of democrats, -- just as in
  the general population . . .duh! The ownership is almost 100% percent
  republican and there is no true debate in the media. There is no true
  discussion, it is a controlled parameterial debate. Left-wing is only
  at boston market.


Of course you are correct. However, at that level (media ownership) it is no
more significant what a man's party membership is than it is what color suit
he is wearing on a given day. At the newsroom level the pendulum is
occassionally swung slightly from left to right - thesis to antithesis -
depending upon what is being accomplished at the time. Of course the final
synthesis, which we are rapidly approaching, is totalitarianism, which is
usually labeled right-wing, but is usually arrived at from the left.

Valid commentary was made in this thread from BOTH sides of the Clinton
impeachment argument, indicating the accuracy of your characterization of a
parameterial debate. We (average Americans) are screened from the real debate.
In fact, there is no debate. As to the larger picture, the die is cast.

Incidentally, to further illustrate the ambiguity of our petty arguments, and
to be chronologically accurate, the last honorable man to serve as president
was Ronald Reagan. The rub was that his administration was peopled with white
collar criminals, including George H. W. Bush.


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Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-13 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/13/98 9:32:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Reagan!?!  I mentioned before about how Reagan derailed half of Garrison's
  investigation, but good lord, do the words "iran-contra" mean anything to
  any more? What about "October Surprise"? The rip-off of PROMIS and the
  Danny Casolaro? Even things like Clinton's entanglement in the Mena drugs-
  operation trace back to Reagan/Bush/Ollie North. Sorry, Reagan ain't no
  man, no way.

  Btw, Dan Moldea has another, more recent book about RFK I think, but I'm a
  loss for the title. Anyone have that?


I believe that I mentioned that the Reagan Administration was peopled with
white collar criminals Wall Street, CIA... they swooped in from
everywhere.  I wouldn't take issue with any of the items you mentioned.
However, you have no proof that Reagan himself had personal knowledge, any
more than I have proof that he did not.


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Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-12 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/98 2:54:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Just one more case of the media--which seems to be in the pocket of
  the Republicans and the radical right and whoever the puppetmasters
  are--calling the shots before the play is done.

Now that's an interesting observation. The media have been defending and
covering for the current president since before his first election. For years
prior to that they have consistently espoused a left-wing agenda. ..Are
you suggesting that all of this is some sort of reverse pyschology?

  Nothing new. They haven't stopped all year and they're not about to
  stop now. The only thing that makes this "surprising" is the
  polls--which still say this is NOT what the American public wants.
  And that is the most frightening element of this whole thing. That
  neither the Congressional majority nor the media cares a fig what the
  electorate wants.

Yes, it is surprising that the polls say this - if they are legitimate.
Actually the most frightening element would be the possibility that these
polls might indeed be true, which would prove that our society has finally
devolved literally into "the ignorant masses."  I would not argue that
"neither the Congressional majority nor the media care a fig what the
electorate wants," but in fairness, and in the interest of accuracy, I would
have to add that neither does the congressional minority.

  Someone here made an excellent post some time back about the
  humiliation of Democratic presidents in our time. They have not
  merely been accused of "wrongdoing," but have been dragged before the
  American public in shame.

Which presidents do you have in mind? All of Roosevelt's "accomplishments"
went against American tradition as well as the intent and spirit of our
constitution, yet he is revered by the media as well as in history texts. I
don't recall Truman getting an unfair review.  John Kennedy was a pretty
ineffectual president; everything he did turned to fecal matter. Yet after he
was assassinated he became a national hero. Even today, when his sexual
escapades are brought up, it is in a tone giving him an air of macho-ism.  As
to L. B. Johnson, like FDR, his is an example of unlimited power abused for
the purposes of personal political enrichment. In an era when the popularity
of the concept of socialism was at one of its peaks, Johnson took every
advantage. Today we are reaping the consequences of his "Great Society."  Yet
when his character flaws are discussed by today's media, they are passed off
as amusing eccentricies. He too seems revered by the media for his efforts to
further the socialist cause. If you mean Jimmy Carter, yes he's been laughed
at quite a bit, but not by the media. His problem was simply incompetence; he
simply wasn't up to the job. But that is not a part of his historical legacy.
His legacy is merely that he was a very nice man. And this brings us to Mr.

  I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton met with some unfortunate accident
  on his current tripIt will be interesting to see if he gets back
  in one piece.

Time will tell. Let us hope that no harm comes to him. It would be the wrong
way to have our problem solved.

  Make no mistake. This is a bloodless coup.

It is you and the pundits who are helping to form your opinions who are making
the mistake. This is not a coup. It is the legitimate activity of the American
constitutional system of government in reaction to a crisis. A bit late and a
bit light perhaps, but the system is working, and at least so far, we should
all be thankful for that.

 And all of you who think that you hate/dislike/disapprove of Clinton are not
going to  like what comes nextbut you will deserve it.

This I would agree with. None of us is going to like what comes next. And we
will all deserve it. Those of us who vehemently disapprove of the level of
corruption exemplified by your Mr. Clinton will deserve it because of our
apathy, lack of protest. Those like yourself who condone and support the
actions of men like Bill Clinton will deserve it because of your unwillingness
to see truth through your own smokey aura of petty and selfish emotion. It is
a sad thing for all of us.



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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Bald face liars testify to congress

1998-12-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/98 6:25:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What a perfectly outrageous presentation.  Why would anyone ask anyone else
  any question based on that garbage unless they were investigating a "REAL"
  crime.  I imagine that if we could lay (no pun intended) all the guys who
  asked Paula for sex end to end, we could reach China.  What's the crime

Asking for sex is one thing, and although socially inappropriate
(uncivilized), it is generally not a crime, the exception being the workplace,
where it is now considered sexual harrassment, which is a crime. Governor
Slick was the CEO of the state of Arkansas and therefore Ms. Jones' employer.
Beyond that, Ms. PRUDYL might have forgotten that Ms. Jones also accused Mr.
Clinton of indecent exposure, which has long been a crime in all settings.
Incidentally, she also claims to have specific proof of this.

  She was probably socially inferior to the majority of them.  I know I had a
  lot of high muckety mucks on my list of requesters.  So what?

Is there a pattern here? Are all Clinton defenders elitists?

 I think you guys have your brains twisted up in Monica's thong.  Prudy

I considered a reference to Bill's jockstrap, but in the interest of good
taste decided to let it pass.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1998-12-09 Thread JYester

Original message
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 98 04:36:45 EST
From: Spirit Of Truth Page http://www.ucc.uconn.edu/~jpa94001/


  By J. Adams
  December 8th, 1998

   The Spirit Of Truth Page

Monday's  White  House  Press  Briefing  was   opened   with   the
announcement  that President Clinton would give his State of the Union
Address on Jan 19, 1999 - unusually early.

January 20th is a key date if the president chooses to  resign  on
this date because,  as of the 20th,  Al Gore will be eligible to serve
two full terms as President on top of serving out the final two  years
of Clinton's presidency.  Therefore, if Clinton were to resign the day
after  his State of the Union address,  Al will effectively be able to
serve up to ten years as President.

When Nixon resigned  in  1974,  he  did  so  after  the  Judiciary
Committee  voted  for  articles  of  impeachment  but before the House
actually voted for impeachment.  The reason  he  timed  his  announced
resignation  at  this  point is most likely because,  according to the
U.S.  Constitution (Article II Section 2):  "The President  shall  ...
have  Power  to  grant  Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the
United States,  except in Cases of Impeachment."  Thus,  in  order  to
preserve  Vice  President  Ford's  ability to pardon President Nixon's
criminal offenses,  Nixon had to announce his resignation *before* the
House  voted  for  his  formal impeachment.  And this,  of course,  is
precisely what happened.  Nixon resigned before the  House  voted  for
impeachment and later,  since no formal impeachment occurred, Ford was
able to pardon him.

The odds are that Clinton wants to avoid criminal prosecution  and
going  to  jail for his felonies more so than he wants to cling to the
Presidency and try and ride out impeachment proceedings.

Even if Clinton succeeds in not being removed from office for  his
crimes, he can, after his term ends after the year 2000, be criminally
prosecuted  and  incarcerated  for his crimes.  If the House votes for
his impeachment, the next president, and there's no guarantee the next
president  will  be  a  Democrat,   can  NOT  pardon  him  since   the
Constitution forbids pardons in cases of impeachment.

Hence,   if  it  looks  like  the  House  is  going  to  vote  for
impeachment,  it behooves Clinton to announce his resignation in order
to  stave-off  such  a vote.  In this way,  Gore will still be able to
pardon Clinton for his crimes since Clinton was not formally impeached
by the  House  of  Representatives.  Although  it  is  still  an  open
question  in Constitutional Law debate,  the odds are that Clinton can
not hold-off announcing his resignation until after the House votes if
he wants to preserve a possible pardon by Gore.  If it looks like  the
House  is going to vote for impeachment,  it appears that Clinton MUST
announce his resignation  beforehand  in  order  to  stop  his  formal
impeachment from taking place.

If  Clinton  is going to announce his resignation in order to stop
the House of Representatives from voting for his  formal  impeachment,
it  would  be  most strategic to announce that his resignation will be
effective January 20th, 1999.  As noted above, this will allow Gore to
serve out the last two years of Clinton's presidential term and  still
be able to serve two additional full terms, i.e., Gore will be able to
be President for up to ten years.

Thus, the reason that the White House has announced an early State
of  the  Union address is because,  contrary to his stated promises to
never resign,  Clinton is  planning  to  announce  his  resignation  -
effective  January  20th,  1999,  the day after his final State of the
Union address - sometime during the next couple of weeks in  order  to
stave-off a vote for formal impeachment by the House. (And yesthis
would mean Clinton has told yet another lie!)

Further  indicating  that  resignation  may  be  on  the  mind  of
President Clinton,  a leading Democratic Senator,  Joseph Lieberman of
Connecticut,  has  reportedly agreed to receive Ross Perot's petitions
calling on the President to resign "for the good of the  country,  for
the sake of our children".

According to Robert Hillman of the Dallas Morning News (12/8/98):

"Petition  signatures  sought  by  Ross  Perot   to   persuade
President  Clinton  to  resign  will be sent to the Democratic
Connecticut senator who was an early critic of the president's
relationship with Monica Lewinsky.  Russell  Verney,  chairman
of  the  Perot-founded  Reform Party who helped coordinate the
petition drive,  said Sen.  Joseph