[CTRL] Boycott France Stickers

2003-03-02 Thread John Wallace
-Caveat Lector-

Get your Boycott France Stickers while supplies last:


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[CTRL] Greenpeace funding

2002-05-25 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Busted! At
Greenpeace says, “No funding is received from
corporations or organisations.”

But according to Lisette Schoone, spokeswomen for the
Dutch Postcode Lottery
Greenpeace gets financial support from the Dutch
National Postal Lottery. See also,

So... does that mean the Dutch National Postal Lottery
is neither a corporation nor an organisation?

According to the official website of the Dutch
National Postcode Lottery,
http://www.postcodeloterij.nl/ “Maar de Nationale
Postcode Loterij steunt nog meer natuurbeneficiënten:
bijvoorbeeld de belangrijke Nederlandse
lobby-organisatie Stichting Natuur en Milieu en
actiebeweging Milieudefensie. Ook de actiegerichte,
internationale organisatie Greenpeace behoort al 5
jaar tot de beneficiënten, net als de Nederlandse

Roughly translated: “But the national postcode lottery
supports still more nature benefits: for example the
important Dutch lobby-organisation Nature and
Environment Foundation and Environmental Defense Fund.
Also action-specific, international organisation
Greenpeace is already 5 years among the beneficiaries,
just like Dutch Animal Protection.”

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Re: [CTRL] 40 acres and a mule

2002-04-15 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

This is, of course, a load of mule shit. Lots of
African-Americans have been suckered by hucksters
posing as accountants who told them they could get
them tax refund-reparations from the IRS.

Don't you believe it.

More info at


--- Archibald Bard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Saturday April 13, 2002; 2:24 p.m. EDT

 IRS Pays Millions in Slavery Reparations

 While the debate over slavery reparations rages in
 legal and academic circles, it seems some folks at
 the Internal Revenue Service have already resolved
 the question.

 In fact, two years ago the tax collecting agency
 began handing out reparations payments to the tune
 of millions, based on claims filed by taxpayers who
 cited a nonexistent slavery tax credit.

 The scam, touted by con-artists who tell
 unsuspecting marks they can help collect the slavery
 money for a fee, has resulted in $2.7 billion in
 claims, of which $30 million has been approved by
 the IRS.

 The racket is so widespread that a dozen current and
 former IRS employees have even applied for the
 slavery cash.

 An IRS computer program designed to catch the bogus
 slavery claims misses a full four percent, said the
 Washington Post, which revealed the scam's success
 on Saturday - just two days before the IRS's filing

 Most of the taxpayer funded slavery payments were
 for $43,209, the figure cited by Essence Magazine in
 1993 as the estimated current value of 40 acres and
 a mule - compensation promised to some freed slaves
 after the Civil War.

 But deputy IRS inspector general Pamela Gardiner
 admitted that in some cases, where couples filing
 jointly both claimed reparations refunds, checks for
 $80,000 were cut.

 Gardiner told the Post that the mistaken payments
 have encouraged others who might otherwise be
 skeptical of the slavery tax credit to file their
 own claims.

 Schemes all tend to jump as word (of their success)
 begins to get out, she said.

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[CTRL] PETA Funds Terrorists

2002-02-26 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


New Front on Ecoterror?
Some Want to Target High-Profile Activists in Battle
on Ecoterror

ABC News
By Dean Schabner

Feb. 26 — Some congressmen and industry advocates want
the federal government to take a hard look at some
well-known animal rights and environmental groups, and
maybe shut them down as supporters of terrorism.

The idea was floated earlier this month at a
Congressional subcommittee hearing on ecoterrorism by
Richard Berman, the executive director of a group
called the Center for Consumer Freedom.
Berman, whose group represents restaurant and tavern
owners and advocates protecting the public's right to
a full menu of dining and entertainment choices, said
a number of high-profile activist groups, including
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have
links to groups named on the FBI's domestic terrorism
list, such as the Earth Liberation Front.

What he came to the hearing advocating was that the
government wage war against domestic terrorism the way
the war has been waged against accused terror
mastermind Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network — not
just by going after those who carry out illegal acts,
but by trying to cut off financial support for
organizations identified as being terrorist.

In the cases of domestic offenders, he said the
federal government could crack down by revoking the
tax-free status of not-for-profit organizations found
to fund domestic terror groups.

I'd like Congress to look at the tax-exempt status of
groups like PETA, Berman told ABCNEWS.com. I don't
see this being any different from George Bush being
able to shut down foundations funneling money to al
Qaeda. The difference in degree of activity doesn't
mean anything if you're on the receiving end of it.

Where Does the Money Come From?

Berman was dismissed by officials at PETA and
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine —
another group that he accused of ties to organizations
that have been linked to criminal activity — as a
showman doing his best to earn his paycheck as a
lobbyist for restaurant and tavern chains. But many
members of the House Resources Subcommittee on Forests
and Forest Health seemed to take him more seriously.

I would say there is real cause for concern, said
Joshua Penry, the staff director of the subcommittee.
A lot of the evidence is circumstantial, but in some
cases it's deeply troubling.

As one piece of evidence, Berman submitted a federal
tax return showing that PETA gave $1,500 to ELF, which
has taken credit and been blamed for millions of
dollars in vandalism in recent years.

The reality is these groups are getting their money
from somewhere, Penry said. That's the question,
just where are these groups getting their money?

James Jarboe, the domestic terrorism chief of the
FBI's Counterterrorism Division, said during testimony
at the hearing that ELF and the related Animal
Liberation Front have caused more than $43 million in
damage in more than 600 attacks since 1996, including
the firebombing of the Vail ski resort in 1998, which
did $12 million in damages. The FBI calls both groups
terrorist operations.

These are hardened criminals, Subcommittee Chairman
Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Colo., said. They are
dangerous, they are well-funded, they are savvy,
sophisticated and stealthy, and if their violence
continues to escalate, it is only a matter of time
before their parade of terror results in a lost human

Members of ALF, ELF Elusive

The two groups have managed to almost completely elude
law enforcement, despite not being shy about
trumpeting their successes. They issued a joint
statement in January claiming responsibility for 67
illegal acts last year, including setting a fire that
destroyed a $5.4 million horticulture building at the
University of Washington.

The fact that many Americans support protecting the
environment and oppose cruelty to animals, combined
with the success of ELF and ALF in avoiding any human
casualties in their attacks, seems to some of the
lawmakers at the hearing to have created undue
sympathy for the activist groups.

We must strip away the Robin Hood mystique and
perceived high ground that some have given these
radicals, McInnis said. It's just a matter of time
before a human life is taken.

The lawmakers were thwarted in their efforts to get
information about ELF and its backers from a Portland,
Ore., man who has acted as the group's spokesman.
Craig Rosebraugh took the Fifth Amendment more than 50
times when he appeared before the subcommittee.
Outside the hearing room he also refused to answer
reporters' questions.

FBI and Justice Department officials declined to
comment on whether efforts to break up ELF and ALF
have gone beyond more traditional law enforcement
practices to include any attempt to cut off funding.

PETA: We’re Strictly Legal

Berman's accusations against PETA also included a
claim that the group gave money to Rodney Coronado,

Re: [CTRL] Tipper Gore: Military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy doesn't work

2002-02-25 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Wow. I never knew Tipper was a military expert. Kind
of like how Hillary was a health care expert. I
thought that woman had learned to shut up back in the
1980s after starting her campaign to label records
with lyrics she didn't like.

--- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Tipher canoe and Gore Too!  LOL  Democrats are still
 looking for ways to
 destroy our country!  -- Bill

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Tipper Gore: Military's 'don't ask, don't tell'
 policy doesn't work
 Raleigh News  Observer
 February 24, 2002

 CARY, N.C. - The military's don't ask, don't tell
 policy regarding gay and
 lesbian members of the armed services is a
 compromise measure that isn't
 working, according to Tipper Gore.

 I have a better solution, said the wife of former
 Vice President Al Gore.
 Let's rip it up.

 Mrs. Gore was the keynote speaker Saturday night at
 a dinner sponsored by the
 North Carolina Human Rights Campaign, the state
 chapter of the nation's
 largest advocacy group for gays and lesbians.

 Mrs. Gore told the audience of 650 that she and her
 husband believe that the
 true family values include all families - no
 matter what size, no matter
 what shape they come in.

 She spoke in favor of several measures that would
 make gays and lesbians
 equal to other Americans under the law, including
 protection under federal
 hate-crime law; the passage of the Employment
 Non-Discrimination Act; and
 recognition of the parental rights of both members
 of same-sex couples, not
 just the biological mother or father.

 We cannot rest until Congress adopts federal hate
 crime legislation that
 includes sexual orientation. Period, she said.

 Her appearance carries significance in the political
 arena. Although Al Gore
 hasn't declared himself a candidate for the 2004
 presidential election, he is
 starting to signal that he wants a rematch against
 President Bush, who bested
 him in the 2000 election.

 North Carolina voters, who have voted Republican in
 every presidential
 election since 1976, helped propel Bush to the
 presidency over Gore in the
 2000 election. Bush received 56 percent of the votes
 cast in North Carolina
 vs. 43 percent for Gore.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming: Socialisms Trojan Horse

2002-02-24 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

So true.

Greens are like watermelons -- green on the outside
and red on the inside.

--- M. A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 ~~for educational purposes only~~
 [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

 Global Warming: Socialism’s Trojan Horse
 by Eric Englund

 On February 14, 2002, President Bush provided
 details for
 his plan to combat global warming. The cornerstone
 of his
 plan is to promote voluntary reductions in
 greenhouse gas
 emissions. Naturally, environmentalists were
 outraged that
 President Bush refused to adhere to the Kyoto
 Treaty. It
 is President Bush’s contention that the Kyoto
 protocol would
 cost nearly 5,000,000 jobs in the U.S. alone. Of
 environmentalists claimed that there is a bigger
 here. All people, especially those living in
 countries such as the U.S., must sacrifice in order
 to win
 the universal struggle against global warming. As we
 seen over the past three decades, environmentalists
 succeeded in eroding property rights in the United
 States in
 order to protect Mother Earth as they see fit (i.e.
 the Clean Water Act, through the Endangered Species
 through ridiculous wetlands legislation, through air
 laws, etc). Whether or not President Bush
 understands this,
 the real struggle is between liberty and
 For if environmentalists succeed in gradually taking
 our private property rights, then a free market and
 cannot exist. Thus, it is my contention that the
 against environmentalism is actually a struggle for
 (using the classical liberal definition).

 Undoubtedly, environmentalists will take exception
 to being
 called illiberal socialists (but I repeat myself).
 there are those of you who are alarmed about global
 and sympathize with the environmental/green
 movement. My
 response is for you to be careful with whom you
 which leads me to provide the following quote from
 Dr. George
 Reisman’s magnum opus Capitalism:

   ... it should not be surprising to see hordes of
   Reds, or of those who otherwise would have become
   turning from Marxism and becoming the Greens of
   ecology movement. It is the same fundamental
   in a different guise, ready as ever to wage war on
   freedom and well-being of the individual.

 So who are these former Reds who have converted to
 Socialism? One excellent example is Mikhail
 Gorbachev. Mr.
 Gorbachev is now the president of Green Cross
 (a non-governmental environmental organization).
 Among the
 many issues with which Green Cross International has
 involved, global warming is right at the top of its
 Gosh, when Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan, and
 Thatcher became so chummy in the mid-1980s, I never
 heard the Soviet dictator express concern about the
 Clearly, Mr. Gorbachev has identified
 environmentalism as a
 Trojan horse capable of resurrecting socialism on a

 How can I say that about Mikhail Gorbachev? Didn’t
 he bring
 glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika
 (economic and
 political reforms) to the Soviet Union? Indeed he
 did. Yet,
 these were means to his end of trying to save Soviet
 and, therefore, to save his absolute and unspeakable
 (that brought human misery to millions).

 Perhaps I am being too harsh on Mr. Gorbachev? To
 this I
 simply respond, read Requiem for Marx (edited by
 Yuri N.
 Maltsev). Dr. Maltsev was a reformist member of the
 of Economics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences until
 he defected
 in 1989 (he now is an Associate Professor of
 economics at
 Carthage College and is a senior fellow of the
 Ludwig von Mises
 Institute). In writing the introduction to this
 excellent book,
 Dr. Maltsev states: Gorbachev never learned
 economics in school.
 In all my dealings with him I had never seen even a
 slight flash
 of economic insight, or even the desire to learn
 more about
 economics. He preferred to think like a communist:
 can be done by issuing orders and demanding
 obedience, no matter
 how perverse, contrary to human nature, and brutal
 they may be.
 This certainly isn’t the image painted by the United
 adoring press corps. Gorbachev seems to be so nice.

 To this I respond with another excerpt (regarding
 the nice Mr.
 Gorbachev) from Yuri Maltsev’s introduction in
 Requiem for Marx:

   What he did in the Baltic States – authorizing the
   military to crack the skulls of innocent people in
   Baltics – qualified him to be included among
   litany of murderous rulers, but he was never
   Even while he was heralded in the West as a great
   he was also running labor camps, committing human
   violations, and sending people to prison for
   crimes. As the Soviet Union came 

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming: Socialisms Trojan Horse

2002-02-24 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Joshua, thanks a lot for proving my point with
your quote below.

Sorry to burst your bubble, pal, but you Greens (Reds,
really) do not have a monopoly on environmental policy
or morality.

 Joshua2 wrote:

 Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's so funny!
And yes... environmentalism in some form WILL be the
idea and primary cause of the extinction of

  Greens are like watermelons -- green on the
  and red on the inside.

--- Nurev Ind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: John Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 9:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Global Warming: Socialisms
 Trojan Horse

  -Caveat Lector-
  So true.
  Greens are like watermelons -- green on the
  and red on the inside.

 Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's so funny! Try this one
 What's you on the outside, and dead on the inside?

 Green is not socialism moron. Green is EVERYTHING.

 Fortunately most people in the world have enough
 brains to
 understand that their very existance depends on the
 functioning of the natural environment.

 And yes... environmentalism in some form WILL be the
 and primary cause of the extinction of Capitalism.
 But that's
 because capitalism is THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE TO
 ENVIRONMENT in the world at this time, and more
 folks come
 to understand this every day. Since most people are
 poor and
 don't have ANY vested interest in a system which
 only serves the
 rich and the greedy who desperately want to be rich,
 it's obvious
 that Capitalism is on the way out.

 You and Johnson should submit your names to the 
 list for consideration.

 Enjoy it while you can,

  --- M. A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   ~~for educational purposes only~~
   [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
   Global Warming: Socialism's Trojan Horse
   by Eric Englund
   On February 14, 2002, President Bush provided
   details for
   his plan to combat global warming. The
   of his
   plan is to promote voluntary reductions in
   greenhouse gas
   emissions. Naturally, environmentalists were
   outraged that
   President Bush refused to adhere to the Kyoto
   Treaty. It
   is President Bush's contention that the Kyoto
   protocol would
   cost nearly 5,000,000 jobs in the U.S. alone. Of
   environmentalists claimed that there is a bigger
   here. All people, especially those living in
   countries such as the U.S., must sacrifice in
   to win
   the universal struggle against global warming.
 As we
   seen over the past three decades,
   succeeded in eroding property rights in the
   States in
   order to protect Mother Earth as they see fit
   the Clean Water Act, through the Endangered
   through ridiculous wetlands legislation, through
   laws, etc). Whether or not President Bush
   understands this,
   the real struggle is between liberty and
   For if environmentalists succeed in gradually
   our private property rights, then a free market
   cannot exist. Thus, it is my contention that the
   against environmentalism is actually a struggle
   (using the classical liberal definition).
   Undoubtedly, environmentalists will take
   to being
   called illiberal socialists (but I repeat
   there are those of you who are alarmed about
   and sympathize with the environmental/green
   movement. My
   response is for you to be careful with whom you
   which leads me to provide the following quote
   Dr. George
   Reisman's magnum opus Capitalism:
 ... it should not be surprising to see hordes
 Reds, or of those who otherwise would have
 turning from Marxism and becoming the Greens
 ecology movement. It is the same fundamental
 in a different guise, ready as ever to wage
 war on
 freedom and well-being of the individual.
   So who are these former Reds who have converted
   Socialism? One excellent example is Mikhail
   Gorbachev. Mr.
   Gorbachev is now the president of Green Cross
   (a non-governmental environmental organization).
   Among the
   many issues with which Green Cross International
   involved, global warming is right at the top of
   Gosh, when Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan, and
   Thatcher became so chummy in the mid-1980s, I
   heard the Soviet dictator express concern about
   Clearly, Mr. Gorbachev has identified
   environmentalism as a
   Trojan horse capable of resurrecting socialism
 on a

[CTRL] Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

2002-02-21 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

By Patrice Hill

 The Clinton administration provided more than $1
billion in subsidized loans to Enron Corp. projects
overseas at a time when Enron was contributing nearly
$2 million to Democratic causes.

Clinton officials refused to finance only one out of
20 projects proposed by the energy company between
1993 and 2000 to build power plants, natural-gas
pipelines and other big-ticket energy facilities
around the world, according to the Export-Import Bank
and the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the
agencies that provided the subsidies.

 In addition, the administration, which lauded
Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary corporate
citizen, granted about $200 million worth of
insurance against political risks for nine Enron
projects in such politically volatile areas as
Argentina, Venezuela and the Gaza Strip, according to
documents the agencies provided to the Senate Finance

 These projects obviously were a tremendous
benefit to Enron's operations, said Sen. Charles E.
Grassley, Iowa Republican and ranking minority member
of the committee. He noted that the Reagan and Bush
administrations approved no loans for Enron between
1985 and 1992 and provided insurance for only one
Enron power project in Guatemala in 1992.

 The Clinton administration provided three loans
between 1994 and 1998 to the now-defunct Dabhol power
project in India. Mr. Clinton's commerce secretary,
Ron Brown, trumpeted the approval of the Dabhol loans
on a trade mission to India in 1995, with Mr. Lay by
his side.

 The trip was one of 11 Clinton trade missions
provided at taxpayer expense for corporate executives
from Enron and other companies. The U.S. Trade and
Development Agency, which sponsored the trips, also
provided $1 million in funding to study Enron energy
projects in Russia, Eastern Europe and former Soviet

 As congressional committees dig for evidence to
tie Enron and Mr. Lay to the Bush administration,
evidence of Mr. Lay's links to the Clinton
administration are ample and well-documented.

 Mr. Lay at times was Mr. Clinton's golf partner
and slept in the Lincoln Bedroom. Other top Enron
officials attended the White House's infamous coffee
klatches with Mr. Clinton, according to published

 Mr. Lay offered a seat on Enron's board of
directors to Robert E. Rubin, Mr. Clinton's Treasury
secretary, in 1999 just before he left government, the
Associated Press reported yesterday. Mr. Rubin tried
to get Treasury to intervene on behalf of Enron last
fall when the company credit rating was threatened.

 In May 1996, Mr. Clinton lauded Mr. Lay as a good
corporate citizen at a White House event because of
Enron's enlightened personnel policies, including
profit-sharing of Enron stock and generous health and
pension benefits. Enron employees now are suing
because those benefits are as worthless as the
bankrupt company's stock.

 During the Clinton years, Enron contributed more
than $1 million to the Democratic Party, including
$600,000 to the Democatic National Committee,
according to Federal Election Commission records. Mr.
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore received
contributions of $11,000 and $13,750, respectively,
for their presidential campaigns.

 One $100,000 contribution to the DNC was provided
before India gave final approval to Enron's Dabhol
project in June 1996. The largest and most expensive
capital project ever undertaken in India, Dabhol was
of dubious economic value and never went on line.

 The World Bank, on reviewing the project, said it
was not economically viable and inordinately benefited
Enron, which was a 65 percent owner. Enron still owes
$203 million on an Export-Import Bank loan for the
project, which the bank says is covered by guarantees
provided by five Indian banks.

 Congressional aides said it is not clear what the
taxpayers' liability will be for that and other loans
now that Enron is bankrupt. The Export-Import Bank
said its loans were extended to overseas subsidiaries
of Enron and not the bankrupt corporation. The
overseas investment agency said its exposure is
limited to paying any missed premiums on Enron's
political risk insurance.

 Top Clinton officials lobbied personally to
obtain Indian state guarantees for the Dabhol project
after it encountered early problems in 1995. Thomas F.
Mack McLarty, the White House chief of staff, made
it a top administration priority to keep the project
from failing. The Bush administration has continued
efforts to salvage the project.

 Clinton Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary led a
succession of missions to India, and Mr. Clinton's
ambassador to India, Frank Wisner, was charged with
keeping the project afloat. After Mr. Wisner left
government in 1997, he took a seat on the board of
directors of a company then controlled by 


2002-02-20 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Global Warming (or is it cooling?)



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Environmentalist Biofraud?

2002-02-18 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


Environmentalist Biofraud?

A new report challenges research published in the
respected journal, Nature.

By Ronald Bailey
February 12, 2002

DNA Contamination Feared, declared the Washington
Post last fall. Gene-altered DNA may be 'polluting'
corn, warned USA Today. Both papers—as well as many
other media outlets around the world--were reporting
the results of a scientific study published in the
prestigious journal Nature. Anti-biotech activists at
Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and the Union of
Concerned Scientists immediately seized on the results
to press for a ban on planting and exporting
genetically enhanced crops. It now appears that that
study's conclusions are completely bogus.

Last fall, Ignacio Chapela and David Quist, two
researchers from the University of California, claimed
that they had tested a number of samples of local
creole corn taken from farms located in remote areas
of Oaxaca, Mexico. They claimed that by using a very
sensitive genetic test called inverse polymerase chain
reaction (IPCR), they had found the cauliflower mosaic
virus 35S (CaMV35S) promoter in the local varieties of
corn. (Such local, noncommercial varieties are
sometimes known as landraces.)

CaMV35S is regularly incorporated in many genetically
enhanced crops as a way to get the genes added by
biotechnologists (transgenes), such as those for
insect resistance, to express themselves.  The
Berkeley researchers suggested that perhaps native
Mexican corn varieties had by chance crossbred with
genetically enhanced varieties brought in from the
United States, despite a Mexican government ban since
1998 on planting bioengineered corn. Perhaps some
Mexican farmers had used corn imported for feed as
seed instead, they speculated. The probability is
high that diversity is going to be crowded out by
these genetic bullies, asserted Chapela in USA Today.

Although Ignacio Chapela is an assistant professor of
microbiology at Berkeley, he is not exactly the model
of a dispassionate scientist. For example, in 1999
Chapela signed the World Scientists' Statement
Calling for a Moratorium on GM Crops and Ban on
Patents, organized by a variety of anti-biotech
activist groups. The Statement called for a five-year
ban on planting all genetically enhanced crops and a
permanent ban on patenting crops, cell lines, and
genes. Chapela is also a board member of the activist
group Pesticide Action Network of North America, which
is also campaigning against plant biotechnology. In
other words, Chapela is a well-known anti-biotech

Two questions arise from the Nature study: Is it true?
And does it matter?

Earlier this year, the Center for the Improvement of
Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT) in Mexico (the research
center that launched the Green Revolution) checked its
extensive collections of corn and could find no
evidence that local varieties and bioengineered
varieties had crossbred. At the time CIMMYT released
the results of its analysis, its researchers had asked
Chapela for samples of his materials so that they
could check them, but he had not sent them.

Now a comprehensive review prepared for the editors of
the journal Transgenic Research, which will be
published in its February 2002 issue, finds that no
credible scientific evidence is presented in the
[Chapela and Quist] paper to support claims made by
the authors that gene flow between transgenic maize
and traditional maize landraces has taken place. The
review finds, It is most likely that the report by
Quist and Chapela is a testimony to technical failure
and artifacts which are common with PCR and IPCR.
Typically IPCR false positives occur because samples
can be easily contaminated with the material being
tested for.

Furthermore, according to the review, most
frustrating is that Chapela and Quist did not use
other, more reliable, techniques to determine the
presence of the transgenes.

The Transgenic Review article also soundly condemns
Nature for rushing to publish this flawed study. What
is very surprising, however, is that a manuscript with
so many fundamental flaws was published in a
scientific journal that normally has very stringent
criteria for accepting manuscripts for publication….It
is very disappointing that the editors of Nature did
not insist on a level of scientific evidence that
should have been easily accessible if the
interpretations were true. Consequently, no evidence
is presented to justify any of the conclusions
presented in the paper.

So are genetically enhanced varieties genetic
bullies that threaten corn biodiversity as Chapela
claims? Not at all.

There is no scientific basis for believing that
out-crossing from biotech crops could endanger maize
biodiversity, said Luis Herrera-Estrella in a
statement issued in December. Herrera-Estrella is a
noted plant scientist and director of the Center for
Research and Advanced Studies in Irapuato, Mexico.
Gene flow between commercial and native 

[CTRL] Earth Liberation Front and Arsonist Support Committees Funded By PETA

2002-02-14 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Earth Liberation Front and Arsonist “Support
Committees” Funded By PETA

Washington, DC – In the wake of this week’s
congressional hearings on eco-terrorism, new evidence
shows a close relationship between the animal rights
group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
(PETA) and the violent Earth Liberation Front (ELF).
The FBI has labeled ELF as “the largest and most
active U.S.-based terrorist group.”

Richard Berman, Executive Director for the Center for
Consumer Freedom, said the financial links between
PETA and ELF are very disturbing.  “An investigation
of IRS documents shows that over the past 6 years PETA
has given significant money to the legal support funds
of criminals with close affiliations to both ELF and
Animal Liberation Front (ALF),” Berman said.  “More
shocking is our most recent discovery of a direct
donation to Earth Liberation Front from PETA in April

PETA’s 1995–2000 IRS tax filings show the following:

•   In FY2000, PETA gave a direct contribution of $1500
to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) to “support their
program activities.”

•   In FY2000, PETA gave $5000 to the “Josh Harper
Support Committee.”  Josh Harper is an ALF-affiliated
criminal arrested numerous times and convicted for
assaulting a police officer.  In 1998, Harper told
Eugene Weekly newspaper “we’re going to continue to be
confrontational, we’re going to continue to be
militant.  If people see that as extreme, then so be

•   In FY1999, PETA gave $2,000 to David Wilson, a
Utah-based animal-rights extremist who was then a
national spokesperson for the ALF. In March of that
year, Wilson bragged to Mother Jones magazine: We
started with animal rights, but we've expanded to
wildlife actions like the [October 1998 ski resort
arson] one in Vail. We're the ones bridging the
environmental gap.

•   In FY1995, PETA gave a $45,200 contribution to the
“support committee” of Rodney Coronado, a convicted
arsonist who firebombed a research facility at
Michigan State University.  PETA also gave an
unreturned $25,000 “loan” to Rodney Coronado’s father.

•   PETA has used their closely controlled Foundation to
Support Animal Protection to launder over $500,000 in
contributions to the Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, an organization whose president
collaborates with a violent animal rights group known
as Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC).  SHAC is a
special-interest subset of ALF responsible for
firebombings, property destruction, grand theft and

“People are being deceived by PETA’s self-portrayal as
a warm and cuddly animal rights organization,” Berman
said.  “PETA should explain to their contributors why
their money is being used to help finance domestic

The Center for Consumer Freedom is a coalition of more
than 30,000 restaurants and tavern operators working
together to protect the public's right to a full menu
of dining and entertainment choices, through
education, training and public outreach. To learn
more, visit www.consumerfreedom.com.

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Re: [CTRL] True Lies About U.S. Aid to Israel

2002-02-12 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

So is it true then that Egypt alone receives 2 billion
a year from US tax payers, or it that also a lie?

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers
 True Lies About U.S. Aid to Israel
 By Richard H. Curtiss

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Ted Turner: 9-11 Terrorists were brave but a little nuts

2002-02-12 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Whatever you want to label Turner as, if his checkbook
could talk it would say I'm a left-wing wacko!

Turner, America's biggest landowner, gives money to
radical environmentalist groups (Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy) and anti-capitalist
groups (Ruckus Society). He's a great phoney who made
millions off of the capitalist system, yet masquerades
as a radical.

Info on the Turner Foundation from

Turner Foundation


Assets In 2000

Grants Awarded In 2000

Original Funding Source
The Turner Foundation is the creation of media mogul
Ted Turner, whose holdings have included CNN and the
Atlanta Braves. Turner and his ex-wife, actress Jane
Fonda, put hundreds of millions of dollars into the
foundation during their marriage.

AddressOne CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303

 Selected Grants *

  Greenpeace USA

  $60,000.00 in 1998

  IRS Form 990 or 990-PF

  General unrestricted operating support

  Ruckus Society

  $50,000.00 in 1999

  Foundation Website

  For support of Direct Action Training Camps,
designed to train grassroots advocates in the
development of integrated strategic campaigns

 Top Grantees *
 Activist Group

 Total Donated

 Time Frame

 Natural Resources Defense Council

 1993 - 2000

 Greenpeace USA

 1996 - 2000

 Water Keeper Alliance

 1994 - 2000

 Northern Plains Resource Council

 1993 - 2000

 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

 1995 - 2000

 Ruckus Society

 1996 - 1999

 Environmental Media Services

 1995 - 1999

 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

 1998 - 1998

 Center for Media  Democracy

 1999 - 1999

 Officers  Other Supporters

 Executive Director   Peter BahouthFormer Chair,
Greenpeace USA

 Vice President   Jane FondaActress, Ex-wife of
Ted Turner

 Trustee   Jennie Turner GarlingtonEnvironmental
journalist, CNN; daughter of Ted Turner (2nd marriage)

 Treasurer   Edward C. HarrisTreasurer, United
Nations Foundation

 Secretary   John Rutherford Seydel, IIPartner,
Lawson Davis Pickren  Seydel; Officer, United Nations
Foundation; Director, Turner Endangered Species
Foundation; Director, Better World Fund Inc.;
Director, Emory University Law School's Turner
Environmental Law Clinic; Chair  Co-founder, Uppe

 Trustee   Laura Turner SeydelDaughter of Ted
Turner (1st marriage)

 Trustee   Reed Beauregard TurnerSon of Ted Turner
(2nd marriage)

 Trustee   Rhett Lee TurnerSon of Ted Turner (2nd

 President   Robert E. Ted Turner, IIIChairman,
Turner Broadcasting System

 Trustee   Robert E. Teddy Turner, IVSon of Ted
Turner (1st marriage)

--- Edward Britton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Thank God for leftist fruit pies!
 *ted turner* is a LEFTIST fruit pie?

 Outwardly, and when it suits him, yes.

 dear god, man, you must be so far right you're
 mingling with positive

 Actually, my political philosophy teeters on the
 edge of the extreme
 left.  In lieu of a better alternative, I am an

   you must be so right skewed that...for fuck's
 sake, man,
 you're vertical!

 ROFL!  *OR* I know a hypocritical and
 psychologically twisted liberal when
 I see one--not that ALL neofascists--of leftward or
 rightward bent--aren't
 twisted to some degree.  It takes a mental disorder
 to want to control the
 lives of other, otherwise peaceful citizens.

 [ted turner identifies with the right by ANY
 stretch of the imagination;
 he has been one of *the* targets of the leftist
 they call it now
 movement(s) since the mid 80's...he's one of
 jello biafra's favorite
 boogeymen..this just proves how far right-wing
 the current president
 is - even *ted turner* thinks he's nuts!]

 Ted Turner is a neofascist, if you absolutely must
 split hairs :-)

 Edward   +

 If you have fifty problems and one of them is
 government, you have only one

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[CTRL] Right wing Turner supports ruckus society

2002-02-12 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Ruckus Society Latest Feature on ActivistCash.com

Center for Consumer Freedom
January 3, 2001

'Violence to Me is Against Living Things. But
Inanimate Objects? I Think You Can be Destructive, You
Can Use Vandalism Strategically. It May Be Violence
Under the Law, But I Just Don't Think it's Violence.'
- John Sellers, Director of Ruckus Society, in Mother
Jones, September/October 2000

'There's a Cadre, if You Will, of Criminal
Conspirators Who Are About the Business of Planning
Conspiracies to Go in and Cause Mayhem and Cause
Property Damage.'
- Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney, in
Salon.com on John Sellers and the Ruckus Society,
August 8, 2000

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 -- The Ruckus Society, leaders of a
war waged against biotech foods, the World Bank, World
Trade Organization and globalization of any kind, is
the latest extreme organization exposed this week on
ActivistCash.com.  Well known for their central role
in the 1999 World Trade Organization riots in Seattle,
the Ruckus Society is a well-funded movement producing
footsoldiers of the protest industry.

ActivistCash.com reveals that the Ruckus Society has
reaped hefty grant awards from the likes of Ted Turner
and the caring capitalists at Ben  Jerry's.  These
high-dollar donations go toward funding action camps
which include training in police confrontation
strategies, street blockades, urban climbing and
rappelling and learning to lock your head to
something. Mislabeling themselves as leaders in
non-violence and civil disobedience, these
non-violent activists were at the center of smashed
windows, arson, and the ransacking of a Starbucks and
a McDonalds during the Seattle protests.

ActivistCash.com, which made its debut in December, is
the first and only online resource exposing the
funding sources of the most notorious and extreme
groups that conspire to restrict the public's food and
beverage choices through intimidation, taxation and

Mining more than 100,000 pages of IRS documents,
ActivistCash.com compiles financial data, background
information, profiles of anti-consumer ringleaders,
and more, into the most comprehensive dossier ever
assembled on the tremendous funding network aligned
against personal consumer choice of food and drink.

The Center for Consumer Freedom and ActivistCash.com
represent a coalition of restaurant and tavern
operators standing up against the growing fraternity
of food cops, health care enforcers, vegetarian
activists and meddling bureaucrats who know what's
best for you.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] JOSÉ_BOVÉ - Jail the Sumbitch!

2002-02-07 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Looks like the poor French terrorist is going to go to
jail for a few months for destroying restaraunts and a
rice-breeding lab. So sad ... NOT!



José Bové is a veteran activist who poses as a French
farmer. His most recent caper involved the demolition
of a half-built McDonalds in Millau. During his trial
he threatened that a guilty verdict would bring even
more violence. It would astonish me greatly if the
judge dares to order us to be arrested after the
trial, he said. If so, the state would be making a
great mistake, triggering an unprecedented situation.
. .

Bové claims to be a family farmer but how he finds
the time to farm with all his international travel
and activism is beyond any reasonable person's
comprehension. He grew up in Berkeley, California
where his scientist parents were 'studying' at the
University of California for seven years during the
Sixties. Not exactly a family farm history. In fact,
France's Elle Magazine, noted Bové as the man who
fooled us most, who perpetuated fraud in 1999 by
pretending to be a farmer. (Dec. 20, 1999 issue).

In 1968, Bové moved back to France and at the age of
19 started his career as a professional activist
protesting against the French military. According to
Time Magazine (December 6, 1999), Bové refused to
perform his military service and dropped out of
university to immerse himself in various leftist
political and ecological movements. In 1975, Bové
moved to Larzac, France with a group of like-minded
activists as part of the French Flower Power
movement to start a farming commune. This commune
raised sheep and produced Roquefort cheese (the type
he smuggled into the US and illegally distributed in
Seattle to protest world trade) with government
subsidies. However, Bové was never a full-time farmer;
rather, he spent his time working with a local peasant
movement organizing against the planned extension of
an army base in southern France. Arrested for
invading the base during a 1976 protest, Bové spent
three weeks in prison.

Following his prison time, Bové attended 'direct
action' training camp in Libya sponsored by dictator
Muammar Quadafi. After this training, in 1987 Bové
founded the radical Confederation Paysanne, a leftist
peasant farmers union, and began launching targeted
commando actions against the government in support of
increased socialism and French peasant-style
subsistence agriculture.

In Feburary 1988 he was one of the leaders who
organized a protest called Plowing the Champs
Elysees in Paris against the European set-aside
policies. In September 1990 he led protests and hunger
strikes demanding more government subsidies for sheep
farmers (he must have needed more money to fund his
political programs, and was unable to sustain them
from his group's unsustainable Roquefort farm).

In September 1991, he picketed the airport of Lazac
and prevented French Prime Minister Jospin's plane
from landing. In August 1995, he joined Greenpeace on
the Rainbow Warrior to protest nuclear trials. Also,
in 1995, Bové led protests in France destroying
property and attacking French government offices
smashing windows, setting fires and charging local
police office gates with tractors.

In 1997, Bové began mounting his protests against
biotechnology crops. Since that time he has been
implicated in the destruction of a Novartis seed
production facility and the greenhouses of a public
research center. Bové and his group are also credited
with hijacking shipments of biotechnology-grown corn.
Bové spent another three weeks in prison in 1999 after
he lead activists in the destruction of a McDonalds in

Bové is now the darling of the organic and
anti-biotechnology movement. In Seattle he was hosted
by Ralph Nader's organization at a rally, conveniently
held in front of a local McDonalds. The McDonalds was,
of course, vandalized. Bové has also been the guest of
anti-technology, organic farming advocate Mark Ritchie
and his IATP group. During the WTO meeting in Seattle,
a US farm group sent Nader a letter asking that he
disavow the violence started by Bové and cease
sponsoring street rallies in front of such targets as
McDonalds. (Nader never responded.) Bové supports
government control of agriculture, high subsidies and
tariff barriers to protect his form of agriculture and
has called for the creation of an independent world
court protect this system.

For his ties to the overpriced organic movement, his
acts of vandalism and his blatant lies, we are proud
to pronounce José Bové the Pure Fool of the Month.



Eight Months Prison Recommended for Jose Bove
Political discourses on GM crops are not relevant in
court, prosecutor says. Breaking of law must be
punished, whether by Bove or anyone else.

by Tom Hargrove,  

[CTRL] Vegans Strike Back! Cohen Caught Lying Twice

2002-02-07 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Robert Cohen, the clown at the notmilk web site,
http://www.notmilk.com has been busted by the UK
Vegans for lying. They even pulled down his website,
which they had been hosting.

Cohen has also been caught lying to subcribers to his
newsletter. Instead of saying why his site was
removed, he said that he had been hacked.

Check it out at http://www.notmilk.com, and get the
whole story at

Below are his lying newsletters.

Dear Friends,

For the first time in five years, my Internet
site has been attacked and HACKED.


The attacker has deleted files, so please be
aware that anything might possibly appear on
notmilk. From this moment on, I cannot be
responsible for anything posted on my own
website. This individual is sophisticated,
and has an ugly agenda.

The codes have been changed, so that I cannot
gain access to my own site.

(Imagine a burglar entering your home in the
middle of the night, violating your family,
then sticking around long enough to change
the locks so that only he has a key!)

I expect the problem to clear within 48 hours,
and am working closely with my new Internet
Service Provider.

I need your help. Please monitor the site, and
if you find anything offensive added, alert
my webmaster, Dave Rietz:



Robert Cohen

Dear Friends,

We know the identity of the hacker.

Watching a man self-destruct is not a pretty sight.

Jeff Nelson has taken control of the entire
notmilk.com website.

I was alerted to his initial post by many of you,
my readers.

Nelson deleted thousands of columns that Dave Rietz
(my webmaster) and myself put together, and replaced
the notmilk site with a raving admission and denial
contained within the same very sentence.

Nelson ranted that the notmilk site had not been
By very evidence of that one-liner, the man's psyche
was revealed. Did you have to read any more? It is
that Jeff needs professional help and did not relize
he was saying.

A second and third version of Nelson's statement
have been posted. I have no idea what is there now.
Whatever you find, be careful not to step in it.

It is a shame.

However, we must count our blessings. After all,
things could be worse. Imagine Jeff Nelson at the
controls of a 727 jetliner?

Robert Cohen
(temporarily without a website)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FOE needs your help :)

2002-02-03 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


The work of Friends of the Earth is supported by the
generous donations of thousands of suckers worldwide.
Your tax-deductible membership contribution will help
us spread scare stories and oppress Third-World

Friends of the Earth needs your help to protect our
bank accounts!

Stories don't just spread by themselves. It takes a
corporation -- err, we mean organization -- to do it
properly, and that costs money ...


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Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-01-31 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.stoplabelinglies.com

Hormone Free Milk and Dairy Labels

Dairies which label their products as hormone free
are misleading consumers. All milk and dairy products
contain hormones, which are naturally required by cows
to produce milk ...

Hormone or Steroid-free Chickens

Some poultry producers claim their chickens are
hormone free or steroid free, which is not
surprising since US authorities have banned the use of
both in all chickens ...

Natural or Organic Foods

Is it really organically grown? Can labels legally
claim that it is healthier, tastier or more
nutritious? Find out more ...

High Protein Health Bars

Labels on Many Protein Bars Are High on Claims, Low on
Facts Say Consumer Groups ...

Arizona Tea's Rx Memory Mind Elixir

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
issued the following statement concerning the Council
of Better Business Bureau’s request that the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration halt false and misleading
labels for Arizona “Rx Memory Mind Elixir” tea
beverage containing ginkgo biloba ...


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[CTRL] Former Greenpeace Chief is Corporate Whore

2002-01-08 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Three articles below

Former Greenpeace chief joins Monsanto's PR firm

The Independent
January 08, 2002
By Marie Woolf, Chief Political Correspondent

LORD MELCHETT, the former head of Greenpeace, who led
its campaign against genetically modified crops, has
accepted a salaried job with a public relations firm
whose clients include Monsanto, the GM giant.

The leading environmentalist, who stood down as
executive director of the campaigning charity last
year, starts work next week as a consultant with
Burson-Marsteller, which has represented some of the
world's most notorious polluters, including the Exxon
Corporation, Union Carbide, and the US company Babcock
and Wilcox.

Lord Melchett will head a committee advising companies
on how to deal with controversial issues such as GM
food, toxic waste and child labour in the developing
world. The company said he may also give them advice
on how to cope with environmental protests. His
acceptance of the contract has caused unease among his
former colleagues at Greenpeace, even though the
Eton-educated peer, who was once arrested for
destroying a field of GM crops, asked the permission
of the organisation's new head before accepting the
job. Stephen Tindale, who took over from Lord Melchett
as Greenpeace's executive director, said he was
certain that Lord Melchett would not compromise his

The American-owned PR firm represented Union Carbide,
the US company which in 1984 leaked more than 40
tonnes of toxic gas in Bhopal, India, killing 2,000
people and injuring hundreds of thousands.

It also advised Babcock and Wilcox after the company's
nuclear reactor failed at Three Mile Island in 1979,
the United States' worst nuclear accident.

Lord Melchett said he would be prepared to engage with
his old adversary Monsanto, but he insisted: I am not
going to change my stance. GM food is a technology
that has no future. The environmental villains are the
people we want to change or stop.

Burson-Marsteller's is one of the world's leading PR
companies. Its website boasts of its unrivalled track
record of helping corporate management handle major
crises, including protests from campaigning groups
such as Greenpeace.

Ex-Greenpeace chief `joins Monsanto firm'

The Daily Telegraph
January 08, 2002
By Andrew Hibberd

LORD MELCHETT, the former head of Greenpeace UK who
led its campaign against genetically modified crops,
has joined the payroll of a public relations company
that worked for Monsanto, the firm behind the trials,
it was reported last night.

The former Labour minister, who is still a member of
Greenpeace International, is said to have become a
consultant to Burson-Marsteller, one of the world's
biggest communications companies.

His appointment, for an undisclosed annual retainer,
has provoked scorn among Greenpeace campaigners, who
regard him as a turncoat. Burson-Marsteller was
employed to shed a favourable light on the Argentine
junta despite the disappearance of 35,000 civilians.

Another job was to work on the image of the Indonesian
government after the East Timor massacres. The late
Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, was another

Lord Melchett was said to have denied that he had
changed sides or that his environmental values would
suffer. He said he would continue to speak out against
companies with unsound environmental records.

Burson-Marsteller could not confirm the appointment.

Anti-GM warrior Melchett joins PR firm that advised

The Guardian (London)
By  John Vidal
January 8, 2002

Lord Melchett, the former head of Greenpeace UK who
was arrested two years ago after leading an attack on
a genetically modified crop, startled former
colleagues yesterday by announcing he had taken a job
at a PR company which has represented Monsanto and the
European biotech industry.

In a move that has provoked scorn from anti-GM
activists, the former Labour minister and farmer, who
is on the board of Greenpeace International, is to
become a consultant for Burson-Marsteller, the world's
largest corporate communications company. He will be
paid an undisclosed annual retainer and has a brief to
talk to whoever he likes.

Burson-Marsteller is the company that governments with
poor human rights records and corporations in trouble
with environmentalists have turned to when in crisis.
The world's biggest PR company was employed by the
Nigerian government to discredit reports of genocide
during the Biafran war, the Argentinian junta after
the disappearance of 35,000 civilians, and the
Indonesian government after the massacres in East
Timor. It also worked to improve the image of the late
Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu and the Saudi
royal family.

Its corporate clients have included the Three Mile
Island nuclear plant, which suffered a partial
meltdown in 1979, Union Carbide after the Bhopal gas
leak killed up to 15,000 people in 

Re: [CTRL] Greenpeace Denounces Paper Currency

2002-01-02 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Greenpeace isn't very forthcoming with their funding.
The American Institute of Philanthropy, a watchdog
group (www.charitywatch.org), gave Greenpeace Inc. a
grade of D (on the American grading scale, where A+ is
the best), and they noted that only about half the
money sent to them is actually spent on programs (the
rest probably makes up salaries and rent for their
luscious office space).

AIP also reports that Greenpeace spends between 59 and
69 dollars for every 100 dollars it raises.

So to answer your question, they are funding
themselves by scaring people into sending donations.
They are keeping their pockets lined through
charitable donations, and it's obvious that they care
nothing about the environment.

See http://www.greenpiece.org.

Also, http://www.earthfiends.org.

--- Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 What and who is behind this organization?

 150 million dollar budget and for what?   Something
 evil this way

 So what really is their purpose...


 In other words, for further clarification who are
 their major

 So who are these butchers?

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Greenpeace Denounces Paper Currency

2001-12-29 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Agreed. They are pure scum, and with a budget of over
150 million dollars a year they are as big, powerful
and dangerous as the Multinational Corporations they
supposedly protect us and the environment from.

See http://www.greenpiece.org.

For info on their pals, see

--- Cliff Hume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 They are not just terrorists; they are liars and
 baby seal killers who
 smeared the baby seals with blood to make it look as
 though the Sealers
 would be as stupid as the Greenpeace Mob.

 Yours truly,

 Cliff Hume.

 At 01:27 PM 12/28/01 -0500, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
 well you know they aren't getting much money with
 such a demand.
 if I ever send them a donation, it will be a bright
 new watered down
 version of the penny and will send it with no
 return address so they
 will have to pay the postage.
 now these people are terrorists in their own
 they want to walk around with a couple hundred
 dollars in coins in their
 pockets and purses - they will need good suspenders
 and chain link
 who the hell do these people think they are?
 Do as I did, break your own back and plant 18 trees
 as I once did and
 ruined my faux fur off white coat which cost over
 300 bucks.
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 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Greenpeace Denounces Paper Currency

2001-12-28 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Greenpeace Denounces Paper Currency
Vows Only to Accept Coins as Donations


(December 28, 2001 -- Amsterdam) INT -- Upon hearing
the revelation that the new European paper currency
(EURO) is made with non-organic cotton, including
American cotton genetically altered to reduce
pesticide use, an outraged Gerd Leipold declared that
the $150 million Greenpeace International would
boycott paper money, cheques and other possible
tainted currency products.

As we have repeatedly stated, we unequivocally oppose
any release of genes into the environment, stated
Greenpeace executive director Leipold in a
hastily called press conference at Greenpeace world
headquarters in Amsterdam. The discovery of this
so-called 'improved' cotton in currency and other
paper products places anyone who handles cash at risk
violating our beliefs and ethical standards.

Scientists and agricultural experts denounced
Greenpeace's gesture, noting that it would require the
destruction of millions of hectares of protected
forests to farm the lower-yielding organic cottons.
Others noted that the ecological damage of the massive
increase in 'organic' insecticides that would also be
required would mean millions of pounds of so-called
natural pesticides polluting the soil and ground
water.  Greenpeace rejected the claims as more
scientific propaganda used to cloud their
quasi-religious, eco-politically-based positions.

Greenpeace immediately announced plans to hire the
testing firm Genetic ID to begin random testing of all
paper currency for traces of the modified cotton.
Based in Fairfield, Iowa with the yogic-flying
Maharishi religious meditation cult, Genetic ID had
not yet received a contract from Greenpeace and
declined comment.

Leipold added, Until we can find a clean currency
made with 100% organic cotton we will accept only
coins as donations.

Greenpeace faced a similar public relations dilemma
several years ago when it's green credit card was
exposed as being made from biotech plastic made by
Monsanto.  The Monsanto plastic, sold under the name
Biopol, was made from a biotechnology-derived plant
process.  The biotech plastic comes from renewable
resources, is non-polluting and biodegradable.
According to a company spokeswoman Greenpeace was the
biggest customer for the product.

INT-News asked numismatic expert consultants to review
Greenpeace's options for raising their annual US
$150,000,000.00 budget using coins to determine the
best alternative forms of non-paper currencies.
Taking into consideration a combination of factors,
including exchange rates, weights and the political
orientation of the minting government, the experts
concluded that the Haitian Gourd (comprised of 100
centimes) was the only coin which came close to
meeting Greenpeace's strict eco-political doctrines.

Devastating poverty ensures that few of the modern
agricultural technologies and practices which
Greenpeace opposes are available in Haiti. This
poverty and the accompanying malnutrition make Haiti
among the most desolate, ecologically devastated and
desperate nations on earth.  In fact, Greenpeace
International's annual budget is more than four times
larger than Haiti's annual budget deficit.

A Haitian 10 centime coin weighs about the same as a
U.S. penny -- about 2.5 grams.  At the current
conversion rate  Greenpeace's annual budget could be
met with 1.5 billion Haitian Gourds.  This would
comprise 15 billion 10 centime coins with a combined
weight of 38 million kilograms (38,000 tons).

We determined that were Greenpeace to adopt a
Haitian-only currency policy they would lift Haiti and
it's people out of poverty within 3 years, noted
economist Saul Hamberstoeller.  However, shipping
costs for the millions of kilos of coins would dictate
that Greenpeace move the bulk of their massive global
operations and thousands of employees to the
impoverished island nation.

A minister with the Haitian government expressed
cautious optimism at the prospect of having the
equivalent of US $150 million bolstering the local
economy.  It would mean a great deal to the people of
Haiti to see the benefits of such a huge
organization's economic engine fueled only by
Haitian centimes, noted the minister.  However, our
people and country have never benefited from any of
Greenpeace's past activities so we'll reserve comment
until we see something concrete.

Greenpeace noted that it is still reviewing currency
options but considered the Haitian coins as a leading option.

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Re: [CTRL] MS Drug Company Conspiracy

2001-04-20 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

This is an awful manipulation by a drug company and a
"scientist" for profit. Especially this:


Are There Industry Links?

Here is the second red flag: Dr. Khan's publicity
campaign is funded by the owner of the drug that
benefits most from his conclusions. Despite the fact
that Khan's study has not been subjected to serious
scientific review or published, Khan acknowledged in
one of the few articles reporting on the study that he
received from Teva Marion Pharmaceuticals
(manufacturers of Copaxone®) to publicize the report.
He stated that Teva Marion "put him in touch" with its
public relations firm to prepare a press release and
video (The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999).
As a result, Khan embarked on a campaign to publicize
his findings. According to Khan, this effort was
supported by the Wayne State University Neuroscience
Program. Yet, Teva Marion Pharmaceuticals, the makers
of Copaxone®, provided money (in the form of an
"unrestricted" educational grant) and other support to
package Khan's poster into a series of press releases
and media events. As a result, discussion of this
study is not occurring within the scientific/medical
community; rather it is Khan's own efforts to provide
informational talks and seminars that keep the study
alive. It appears to be the case that incomplete
information is being provided to both physicians and
patients through Khan's over-interpretation of the
data from his one small, incomplete study.


-Caveat Lector-

Meet Dr. Omar Khan: a multiple sclerosis researcher
intent on degrading scientific methodology in favor of
a drug company's $$$.


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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: IATP as Eco Terrorist

2001-03-21 Thread John Wallace

Note: forwarded message attached.

They're trying to cover this all up by changing the
date on Network Solutions yesterday, which you can see
by the date it was last updated. Read on.


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I don’t have very developed research skills, I simply checked out what John
Wallace had written and found it all to be true. You don't have to be
Sherlock Holmes to make the connection, Dale. The info is all there at
Network Solutions.


Nevertheless, it is still easy to see, Dale, and I will now break it down
for you here in four easy steps:

1. SUSTAIN is an IATP organization. For in case you didn’t know that, please
go to http://sustain.org. If that’s not enough, please look at the
registered owner of the site here:

2. Earth First! is a terrorist organization, I’m sure you would agree. If
not, please take a look at their web site at
http://www.enviroweb.org/ef/primer/ and read a bit about them.

Then look at the address listed for their Chicago branch, also called Red
Gate EF, at http://www.enviroweb.org/ef/contact.html#I.

It’s 3400 W. 111th St #154, Chicago, IL 60655.

3. GEAN is a collaboration between IATP and SUSTAIN. Please go to
http://geaction.org and look at the bottom right hand corner. The contact is
Renske van Staveren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and there is a SUSTAIN contact as
well. The registered owner is SUSTAIN, which you can see by going here:


The address of the technical and administrative contact, Jim Bell, AS OF
YESTERDAY, was also:

3400 W. 111th St #154, Chicago, IL 60655


Apparently someone at GEAN got scared and changed the address since then.
Dale, if you think that I am making this up, please look at the date when
this information was LAST UPDATED:

20-MAR-01, or March 20 2001 which was yesterday.

Dale, the only conspiracy here is the one within your own organization to
cover up this link between SUSTAIN, IATP and Earth First. Someone changed
the address yesterday on purpose, after this link was exposed. Please go see
for yourself.

Believe me, Dale, I hate lies and innuendos as much as anyone. Please take
this seriously and follow the steps above. By doing so you will definitely
see that something is rotten in the state of Minnesota.



From: "Dale Wiehoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mary Murphy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: IATP as Eco Terrorist
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:28:47 -0600


You and John Wallace seem to have the same research skills, but I can't for
the life of me understand the connection you are trying to make. Something
about an address in Chicago, an organization named Sustain and so forth all
connected to another organization holding a conference. Convoluted is
another way to describe this conspiracy theory. Nevertheless, what I object
to is a the reposting of information that through innuendo and false claims
calls or refers to IATP as a terrorist organization. We are not and we have
never been. I suspect that you and Mr. Wallace find it a convenient term to
apply to people with whom you disagree.

Dale Wiehoff

-Original Message-
From: Mary Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: IATP as Eco Terrorist


Dishonest, you say? Innuendo?

When I first saw this message the first thing I did was go to Network
Solutions (http://www.networksolutions.com) and there I did a Whois search
for geaction.org.

The Registrant is Sustain. The administrative contact is Jim Bell, and his

3400 W. 111th St #154
Chicago, IL  60655

Please go to
http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois?STRING=geaction.org and
you will see this for yourself.

What "dishonest innuendo" are you referring to? The allegation that Earth
First is a terrorist organization, or the allegation that your organization
shares their mailbox?

Either way, the facts speak for themselves.

Looking forward to your response.



 From: "Dale Wiehoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: IATP as Eco Terrorist
 Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:25:13 -0600
 Dear Mary,
 Your recent posting on AGBIOVIEW calling IATP a terrorist organization is
 dishonest. While there may be issues we disagree about, resorting to this
 type of name calling and innuendo serves no useful purpose.
 Cordially yours,
 Dale Wiehoff
 Vice President for Communications
 Institute for Agriculture a


2001-03-15 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


IATP, SUSTAIN and project GEAN (Ge Action Network) use
the same mail drop as radical Earth First! group.

Organizers of the Keep Organic Campaign
(http://www.saveorganic.org/home.shtml), who lobby to
prevent the use of biotechnology in organic production
are using the same post-office drop box as the radical
Earth First! organization.

Sustain USA is run by organic advocate Jim Slama, who
has registered an anti-biotech organizing web site,
http://www.geaction.org, to the same
address (a mail drop at Chicago Lock Box) as is noted
for the mailing address for the Chicago arm of Earth

The address for both is:

3400 W 111th Street, #154,
Chicago, IL 60655

In addition, the GEaction.org campaign notes their
contact information on their web site to be Renske van
Staveren, a staffer with the Minneapolis-based
Institute for Agriculture Trade Policy (IATP).

IATP (The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy)

IATP (http://www.iatp.org) claims to be a non-profit
agriculture, trade and democracy group and is run by
pro-organic eco-activist Mark Ritchie. Ritchie is also
on the corporation filing papers for the Tides Center
in San Francisco. Tides is noted for channeling
contributions from organic and natural products
industry groups and other special interest groups to
specific activist groups, including hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year to scare-campaign expert
Fenton Communications, which provides public relations
services to several anti-biotech campaigns.

For tax purposes, IATP claims, "The primary purpose of
the Institute for Agriculture Trade Policy (IATP) is
to research and report on issues related to the trade
and agriculture policies in an effort to educate and
involve citizens upon such issues." IATP notes
multi-million dollar assets and revenues. IATP also
notes salary and wage compensation for their staff in
excess of $1 million per year.

In addition to organizing anti-biotechnology,
pro-organic events and outreach campaigns (like the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] listserv), Ritchie's group
also runs a for-profit organic coffee subsidiary:
Headwaters International (http://www.peacecoffee.com).


Sustain (http://www.sustainusa.org) claims to be an
independent "non-profit organization that uses
innovative communications strategies to help win
environmental victories." Sustain also claims to be
three years old; however, no corporate/non-profit
filing documents or required tax filings with the name
sustain can be found as having registered in the U.S.
or any related organization with the names Jim Slama
or Bill Boyd, the noted Sustain president and board


Earth First (http://www.EarthFirst.org) describes its
purpose noting, "Are you tired of namby-pamby
environmental groups? Are you tired of overpaid
corporate environmentalists who suck up to bureaucrats
and industry? Have you become disempowered by the
reductionist approach of environmental professionals
and scientists?... then Earth first if for you."

Earth First claims to "use all the tools in the box"
to address their issues, including "civil disobedience
and monkeywrenching." Earth First further defines
"monkeywrenching" as: "ecotage; ecodefense; billboard
bandits; desurveying; road reclamation; tree spiking
-- all these can be defined as the unlawful sabotage
of industrial extraction ... as a means of striking at
the Earth's destroyers at the point where they commit
their crimes."

News reports have linked Earth First! to acts of
eco-terrorism and sabotage in the U.S. and Europe
ranging from property destruction to arson costing
tens of millions of dollars. The FBI is reported to be
investigating a series of arsons linked to Earth First
groups. According to One such group, the Earth
Liberation Front "claims to be an offshoot of the
radical Earth First. On its Web site, it says it
emerged in Brighton, England, in 1992 through Earth
Firsters who did not want to abandon the option of
criminal acts to further their environmental goals."


1. A Whois search at http://www.networksolutions.com
reveals this address for GEaction.com's administrative
and technical contact, Jim Bell:

3400 W. 111th St #154
Chicago, IL 60655

2. If you go to the contact page at Earth First! and
look at the Illinois branch you will see this exact
same address for Red Gate EF! The URL is

3. Now look at the this message which was posted to
Mark Ritchie's IATP listserv about an Earth First!
gathering in Chicago. Scroll down to the bottom and
you'll see the same address as the one listed above.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2001

Subject: GEAN (Genetic Engineering Action Network)

You're invited! Network forming to organize against
Biotech industry 

[CTRL] We support Malaria! and other FoE conspiracies

2000-12-14 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

Get your "I Support Malaria T-shirt in time for
Christmas at

See how environmentalists are colonizing the
developing world:

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (and fish):

Global Warming (or cooling)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The True Story Behind Friends of the Earth and Where Their Money Comes From

2000-12-08 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

This is a great parody web site. It's funny because
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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