[CTRL] Judge dismisses pope from sex-abuse suit, Statute of limitations expired

2005-12-24 Thread Smart News
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Judge dismisses pope from sex-abuse suit - Associated Press Vatican City - 12/22/05 "A U.S. judge in Texas dismissed Pope Benedict XVI from a civil lawsuit accusing him of conspiracy to cover up the sexual abuse of minors by a seminarian, ruling Thursday that the pontiff has immunity as a head of state. U.S. District Judge Lee Rosenthal cited a motion filed by the Justice Department, known as a "Suggestion of Immunity," in which the government said allowing the lawsuit to proceed would be "incompatible with the United States' foreign policy interests." "After a suggestion of immunity is filed, it is the court's duty to surrender jurisdiction," Rosenthal wrote in the ruling, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press." http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/13467340.htm

Statute of limitations expired for Rev. Poole 12/22/05 by Jason Moore - Anchorage, Alaska - "A Nome judge dismissed civil allegations of child sexual abuse against a former Alaska priest. Rev. Jim Poole is accused of molesting children in the mid-1970s while working in Nome. The judge ruled the statute of limitations has expired for Poole. But the judge says the case against the Diocese of Fairbanks and the Society of Jesus can go forward." http://www.ktuu.com/cms/templates/master.asp?articleid=2705zoneid=1
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[CTRL] Door Kept Open for Priest-Sex Lawsuits, Warrant Issued for 22 CIA Operatives

2005-12-23 Thread Smart News
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Door Kept Open for Priest-Sex Lawsuits By Jean Guccione, Times Staff Writer "A federal judge Thursday upheld the constitutionality of a California law that opened courthouse doors to more than 1,000 people who sued the Roman Catholic Church for allegedly failing to protect them from predator priests. U.S. District Court Judge William Q. Hayes in San Diego became the second judge in California to reject arguments that the law illegally interferes with the Catholic Church's religious practices. "The failure to supervise or negligent hiring of a person that commits sexual assault does not implicate or effect any religious belief, opinion or practice," Hayes wrote. The ruling arises from a negligence suit brought by a woman who alleged that she was repeatedly raped and sexually abused by a priest at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Escondido beginning when she was 12. Her alleged abuser, Father Victor Uboldi, is dead. She is suing the Sisters of the Precious Blood, the religious order of nuns who once ran the school. The San Diego diocese asked the court to overturn the law." http://www.latimes.com/features/religion/la-me-priests23dec23,1,6720601.story?coll=la-news-religionctrack=1cset=true

 EU Arrest Warrant Issued for 22 CIA Operatives 
Reuters Friday 23 December 2005 
Suspects wanted for allegedly kidnapping Egyptian cleric in Italy in 2003.
Milan - A Milan court has issued a European arrest warrant for 22 CIA agents suspected of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric from Italy's financial capital in 2003, Prosecutor Armando Spataro said on Friday. 
Milan magistrates suspect a CIA team grabbed Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr off a Milan street and flew him for interrogation to Egypt, where he said he was tortured. 
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[CTRL] abuse and eating disorders, abuse and bipolar disorder

2005-12-22 Thread Smart News
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Study shows complex link between abuse and eating disorders by Craig Chamberlain 12/19/05 Champaign, Ill. "Women who were victims of childhood sexual abuse have long been assumed to be at a higher risk for eating disorders. The results of research, however, have been mixed, with some studies showing a link and others none. A recently published study of college-age women shows there is a connection between the two, though not a direct one. Childhood sexual abuse is not a significant risk factor on its own, but it is when combined with psychological distress (depression or anxiety) and a condition of emotional disconnection known as alexithymia, say study authors Anita Hund and Dorothy Espelage, both with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "Those factors appear to play an important role not only in how eating disorders get started, but more importantly in how they keep going," according to Hund, a doctoral student in educational psychology at Illinois and the lead author of the study, published in the October issue of the Journal of Counseling Psychology." http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/05/1219disorders.html

The British Journal of Psychiatry (2005) 186: 121-125 © 2005 The Royal College of Psychiatrists - Impact of childhood abuse on the clinical course of bipolar disorder Jessica L. Garno, PhD, Joseph F. Goldberg, MD, Paul Michael Ramirez, PhD and Barry A. Ritzler, PhDResults Histories of severe childhood abuse were identified in about half of the sample and were associated with early age at illness onset. Abuse subcategories were strongly inter-related. Severe emotional abuse was significantly associated with lifetime substance misuse comorbidity and past-year rapid cycling. Logistic regression indicated a significant association between lifetime suicide attempts and severe childhood sexual abuse. Multiple forms of abuse showed a graded increase in risk for both suicide attempts and rapid cycling. Conclusions Severe childhood trauma appears to have occurred in about half of patients with bipolar disorder, and may lead to more complex psychopathological manifestations." http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/abstract/186/2/121  
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[CTRL] Silence And Secrets, ritual abuse in Europe

2005-12-19 Thread Smart News
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Silence And Secrets 12/18/05 This priest was convicted of the terrible abuse of young girls. Today, a damning dossier reveals bishops knew of 18 others accused of sex crimes but did not tell police about any of them By Marion Scott "The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland failed to alert police after 19 priests were accused of being paedophiles. A damning document obtained by the Sunday Mail reveals how bishops in Scotland's eight dioceses did not call in detectives to probe sex abuse against the priests. Most were allowed to continue in their posts or relocated to other parishes. The bombshell report reveals 19 Scottish priests were accused of abuse between 1985 and 1995." http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16496694method=fullsiteid=64736headline=silence-and-secrets--name_page.html

Ritual Abuse: An European Cross-Country Perspective by Thorsten Becker  Joan Coleman "In October 1998 the Australian government granted fugitive status and a protection visa to a German Ritual Abuse survivor who had fled fifteen years ago from a cult involved in child pornography and child-traffikking." http://www.dissoc.de/becker-coleman_8.html
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[CTRL] ritual abuse newsletter, prostitution ring

2005-12-18 Thread Smart News
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The latest issue of SMART with information on ritual abuse, clergy abuse and mind control is at :

Prostitution Ring Using Children Operated In Florida 12/17/05 "Washington- Prostitution rings from New York to Hawaii forced more than 30 children as young as 12 to have sex at truck stops, hotels and brothels, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Friday, announcing a government crackdown. Nineteen people have been arrested among 31 who have been indicted for sexual trafficking in children, taking minors across state lines for prostitution and other crimes, Gonzales said." http://www.local6.com/news/273/detail.html
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[CTRL] NJ sex-abuse suit shield, Fired priest sues

2005-12-16 Thread Smart News
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12/12/05 - N.J. close to lifting sex-abuse suit shield - Assembly's OK would all but make bill law, allowing assault victims to sue churches, charities by Jeffrey Gold Associated Press - Trenton - "Legislation that would allow childhood victims of sexual assault to sue churches, schools and other nonprofits for the actions of their employees is scheduled for a vote today in the state Assembly. The measure is opposed by the Roman Catholic Church, but if passed in the Assembly is likely to become law, since acting Gov. Richard J. Codey already voted for it in his role in the state Senate when it passed that house in May 2004, said a sponsor, Sen. Joseph F. Vitale, D-Middlesex." http://www.dailyrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051212/NEWS02/512120310/1123/NEWS01

Fired priest sues Cardinal Egan for $5M by Carol Eisenberg 12/16/05 "A Newark priest has sued New York Cardinal Edward Egan and several other top church officials for $5 million, contending that he was terminated as a school director in 2003 for speaking out against bishops' cover-ups of clergy sex abuse. The lawsuit, filed Tuesday by the Rev. Robert Hoatson in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, also alleges that Egan, along with Newark Archbishop John J. Myers and Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard, are "active homosexuals," who protected predatory priests out of fear those men might reveal their own secrets. While the suit claims that Hoatson "has personal knowledge" of the prelates' sexual activity, it provides no evidence to back that up. Hoatson's lawyer, John A. Aretakis, said Thursday several priests have agreed to provide "first-hand evidence of the sexual proclivities of the men we have mentioned when they are subpoenaed and put under oath." Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for Egan, dismissed the allegations as "not only false, but libelous and malicious. There's not a word of truth to this."" http://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/manhattan/nyc-egan1216,0,5816934,print.story?coll=nyc-homepage-breaking2  
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[CTRL] Church fights plan to ease sex-suit filing, Residential schools

2005-12-05 Thread Smart News
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Church fights plan to ease sex-suit filing - Allowing all victims, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred, to file suit would bring financial ruin, it said. 12/4/05 by Craig R. McCoy and Angela Couloumbis Inquirer Staff Writers "The Catholic Church in Pennsylvania is lobbying against a proposal that would allow sexual-abuse victims from decades ago to file lawsuits, saying it could cause financial ruin for the church. Some Harrisburg lawmakers want the state to create a one-year "window" to allow victims to sue, regardless of when they were abused. This would relax a strict statute of limitations that has kept virtually all of those cases out of the courts." http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/news/breaking_news/13320393.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp

Residential schools  12/5/05 by: Matt Ross / Indian Country Today - Abuse survivors finally to receive compensation "Ottawa - Almost $2 billion in Canadian funds will be paid to aboriginal survivors of the Canadian residential school system. The settlement was announced Nov. 23, one day before the First Ministers Meeting with national aboriginal leaders convened in Kelowna, British Columbia. Following six months of negotiations between the Assembly of First Nations and the federal government, an agreement-in-principle was signed that has resulted in the largest and most comprehensive settlement package in Canadian history. About 86,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit are eligible to collect these payments, many of whom are more than 60 years old." http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096412040
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[CTRL] When the Victim Forgets - Trauma-Induced Amnesia

2005-12-03 Thread Smart News
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When the Victim Forgets - Trauma-Induced Amnesia and its Assessment in Holocaust Survivors - Onno Van Der Hart and Danny Brom ""People who went through the horrors of the Holocaust struggle with their memories in different ways. Many experience overwhelming and intrusive recollections accompanied by strong emotions, even more so fifty years after the end of the war than earlier. Others have tried to silence their memories by attempts to keep the memories away or by dissociating themselves from the memories. Not much has been written about this other side of the coping process, that is, to what extent do survivors of the Holocaust succeed to distance themselves from their experiences. Forgetting in the form of repression, denial, and dissociation is a common phenomenon in the aftermath of other traumatic instances (Kleber  Brom, 1992), and amnesia has also been demonstrated after combat experiences (Karon  Widener, 1997; Van der Hart et al., 1999). The purpose of this chapter is to present a systematic overview of the existing literature on the subject of trauma-induced amnesia in Holocaust survivors.In the area of CSA, empirical evidence is accumulating that a significant proportion of adult survivors have amnesia (Pope, 1996) for all or parts of their abuse. Thus, Brown, Scheflin, and Whitfield (1999) reviewed 68 data-based studies, both retrospective and longitudinal, that demonstrate that such amnesia is a robust finding across all of these studies." http://www.onnovdhart.nl/articles/Whenthevictimforgets280405.pdf
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[CTRL] Fiasco for French justice as paedophile trial collapses

2005-12-02 Thread Smart News
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Fiasco for French justice as paedophile trial collapses - 12/1/05 "Five men and a woman who were convicted of child sex offences a year ago were cleared on appeal today at the end of one of France's most embarrassing judicial fiascos. The acquittal at the Paris appeals court came a day after an unprecedented apology by a leading state prosecutor, who told the six that their trial had been a "veritable catastrophe". "The appellants were among 17 people from the northern town of Outreau who were tried in May 2004 after a three-year investigation into an alleged paedophile ring. Charges against all but the two couples at the centre of the affair have now collapsed." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-1899502,00.html
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[CTRL] Brazil clergy, demonic ritual

2005-11-28 Thread Smart News
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Scandal of sexual abuse by priests shocks Brazil's 125 million Catholics - 10% of country's clergy are sex offenders, says Vatican - Paedophilia trial reveals vulnerability of the poor Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro and John Hooper in Rome 11/26/05 "A growing sex abuse scandal is rocking the world's largest national congregation of Catholics. This week a Brazilian priest was given a lengthy jail sentence after a court heard extracts from a diary that read like a paedophile priest's how-to manual. A magazine earlier published evidence that, according to estimates by Vatican investigators, one in 10 of Brazil's priests was involved in some form of sexual misdemeanour." http://www.guardian.co.uk/brazil/story/0,12462,1651313,00.html

Prosecutors: Teen abducted children for demonic ritual - Chicago, Illinois (AP) "An 18-year-old Chicago man was arrested after allegedly kidnapping two young children to perform a demonic ritual intended to get back his former girlfriend, authorities said. David Rodriguez was being held on $500,000 bond. Prosecutors said he and a 15-year-old companion snatched the children Friday outside a South Side library and planned to carve a pentagram in the girl's chest." http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/28/ritual.kidnap.ap/index.html


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[CTRL] School abuse victims getting $1.9B

2005-11-25 Thread Smart News
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School abuse victims getting $1.9B 11/23/05 "The Liberal government offered tens of thousands of survivors of abuse at native residential schools up to $30,000 each in a $1.9-billion compensation package announced Wednesday morningAbout 12,000 survivors of residential school abuse are now suing Ottawa." http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2005/11/23/residential-package051123

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[CTRL] Covington diocese, Mormon Church, CIA torture

2005-11-22 Thread Smart News
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New Info: Covington Diocese Sex Abuse Settlement 11/21/2005 "Almost 400 people applied to be part of a multi-million dollar Covington Diocese sex abuse settlement, Channel 9's Tom McKee reported Monday. The 373 people who signed up, claiming to be victims of sex abuse at the hands of priests in the Covington Diocese, will soon fill out claim forms to determine how much settlement money they might receive. Each victim could get anywhere from $5 to $450,000, McKee reported. In all, the Covington Diocese has set aside $40 million for the settlement. Another $80 million might come from insurance carriers. Negotiations with the insurance companies are underway." http://www.wcpo.com/news/2005/local/11/21/settlement.html

Jury awards $4.2 million in sex abuse case against Mormon Church 11/22/05 Associated Press "Two college-age sisters have been awarded $4.2 million in a lawsuit against the Mormon Church, a judgment prompted partly by the way a bishop dealt with sexual abuse committed by their stepfather while they were children." http://www.kgw.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stories/D8E1MPKOB.html

CIA Whitewashing Torture 
Statements by Goss Contradict U.S. Law and Practice
(New York, November 21, 2005) -- Porter Goss, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has made misleading statements about the CIA's use of torture and mistreatment of detainees, Human Rights Watch said today. Goss was quoted today in USA Today stating that the CIA does not use torture and that the CIA's interrogation techniques are legal. "A growing body of evidence shows that the CIA has tortured detainees," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "Many interrogation techniques authorized for use by the CIA amount to torture. Their authorization by higher-ranking officials is illegal and potentially criminal."  
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, incest loophole

2005-11-21 Thread Smart News
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Ampleforth child abuse scandal hushed up by Basil Hume 11/18/05 - Decades of sexual assaults at top Yorkshire college revealed - Monk faces jail over 20 incidents by Mark Branagan "Pupils at a leading Roman Catholic school suffered decades of abuse from at least six paedophiles following a decision by former Abbot Basil Hume not to call in police at the beginning of the scandal. Hume, the future Cardinal and guiding light of Catholicism in Britain, was Abbot of Ampleforth Abbey in North Yorkshire when he received a complaint from parents in 1975 about Father Piers Grant-Ferris, the son of a Tory peer." http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=55ArticleID=1258869

The Incest Loophole By Andrew Vachss 11/20/05 "What if I told you that a father who was regularly raping his 8-year-old daughter could reasonably expect to avoid prison if he were discovered? You'd be outraged, right? But this is a fact of life in New York, thanks to the "incest loophole." And nobody in the Legislature is even trying to change this reprehensible law. Most citizens agree that child molesting is one of the foulest crimes imaginable. Yet New York's law - much like that of most other states - allows the possibility of privileged treatment for a special class of offender: the perpetrator who is related to his prey. In other words, the penal code gives a discount to child rapists who grow their own victims." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/20/opinion/nyregionopinions/20LIvachss.html

Sex abuse in Brazil: Abuser priest provides checklist for selecting victims By John L. Allen Jr. NCR Rome correspondent 11/21/05 "A Brazilian newsmagazine has reported that two priests recently convicted for sexual abuse of minor boys kept diaries of their experiences, often featuring graphic sexual details, as well as in one instance a set of "rules" for selecting victims -- such as that the target be a young male from a poor family and preferably without a father." http://www.nationalcatholicreporter.org/update/bn112105.htm
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[CTRL] CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques Described, Project NoSpank

2005-11-20 Thread Smart News
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CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques Described
Sources Say Agency's Tactics Lead to Questionable Confessions, Sometimes to Death
By BRIAN ROSS and RICHARD ESPOSITONov. 18, 2005 — Harsh interrogation techniques authorized by top officials of the CIA have led to questionable confessions and the death of a detainee since the techniques were first authorized in mid-March 2002, ABC News has been told by former and current intelligence officers and supervisors. 
They say they are revealing specific details of the techniques, and their impact on confessions, because the public needs to know the direction their agency has chosen. All gave their accounts on the condition that their names and identities not be revealed. Portions of their accounts are corrobrated by public statements of former CIA officers and by reports recently published that cite a classified CIA Inspector General's report. 

Project NoSpank - "A resource for parents, students, educators, education policymakers, healthcare providers, children's advocates, and all others who are concerned with the safety and wellbeing of children." http://www.nospank.net/main.htm

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[CTRL] catholic school lawsuits, 'no' to pesticide testing on children

2005-11-20 Thread Smart News
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Catholic school faces series of lawsuits over sexual abuse - Claims follow admissions by three monks of assaults on pupils over 30 years - Ian Cobain 11/19/05 The Guardian "Ampleforth College, the country's most celebrated Roman Catholic public school, is facing a series of lawsuits after it emerged that dozens of boys were sexually abused there over a 30-year period." http://education.guardian.co.uk/publicschools/story/0,12505,1646345,00.html

Say 'NO' to Testing Pesticides on Orphans and Abused Children!
Dear Friends,
We need 100,000 signatures saying "NO" to EPA's proposed rule that targets orphans, neglected, abused, and mentally challenged children to be used as pesticide test subjects. 
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[CTRL] Court denies privacy bid, assisting victims of abuse

2005-11-18 Thread Smart News
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Court denies L.A. Archdiocese privacy bid AP Los Angeles 11/17/05 "The state Supreme Court has upheld an appeals court ruling that forces the nation's largest Roman Catholic archdiocese to turn over the personnel files of two former priests accused of molestation. The ruling issued Wednesday is the latest development in a battle between the Los Angeles County district attorney, who subpoenaed the private files three years ago, and the archdiocese." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1110AP_Los_Angeles_Church_Abuse.html

The Joshua Childrens Foundation was created for purpose of assisting victims of sexual child abuse. A very high percentage of persons with Bulimia and Eating Disorders, Alcoholism, and Addictions Have Been Sexually Abused as Children. We Are Here to Assist Both Adults and Children who have suffered from sexual child abuse. We also provide links to education and information for prevention of sexual child abuse." http://www.joshuachildrensfoundation.org/

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[CTRL] repressed memories, clergy abuse - Canada

2005-11-17 Thread Smart News
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Largest Individual Judgment in Sex Abuse Case Nets Florida Man $10.9 Million Judgment - Re: Michael J. Powel vs Carlo D. Fabbozzi, Superior Court for the State of Connecticut, Judicial District of Fairfield at Bridgeport, CV02-0393364S "Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- A 47-year-old Florida man, Michael J. Powel, won a $10.9 million dollar judgment in Connecticut Superior Court against a former maintenance worker for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Carlo D. Fabbozzi. The jury agreed Fabbozzi repeatedly molested Powel between the ages of 9 and 13. Fabbozzi, now 78, was in his mid-40s at the time. The abuse took place in the late 60s and early 1970s on church property. Powel repressed his painful memories of the abuse by Fabbozzi until year 2000, only to regain them while recuperating from removal of a life threatening malignant brain tumor. More than 68 scientific studies support the existence of full or partial repression, otherwise known as dissociative amnesia, following trauma like childhood sexual abuse. Powel's account of the molestations was corroborated by the testimony of two other male victims." http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104STORY=/www/story/11-17-2005/0004219137EDATE

360 Vision Exclusive: Sexual abuse of women by priests a significant problem in Canada, VisionTV current affairs series reports 11/16/05 "More than a thousand Canadian women have been sexually abused by Roman Catholic priests in recent decades, according to estimates by one of North America's leading experts on the subject." http://www.visiontv.ca/Media/Releases/360%20VISION%20EXCLUSIVE.html
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[CTRL] generational satanic cult, clergy abuse, US torture in Iraq

2005-11-16 Thread Smart News
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American Leviathan (Part Two) 11/12/05 ""You may be familiar with the case of attorney Richard Hamlin, who claims his life was threatened by a generational Satanic cult to which his wife Susan belonged. If you only know it from corporate journalism, then something like this, which appeared October 26 in the Sacramento Bee, must be close to the sum of your knowledge: A well-known veteran defense attorney and former Sacramento County prosecutor, Richard Hamlin is charged with 18 felony counts of torture, spousal abuse, making death threats, negligent discharge of a handgun and child endangerment. If convicted, the 45-year-old faces a life term in prison." "The case against Richard Hamlin follows upon a retraction by wife Susan of her February, 2004 confession to police of having sexually abused three of her four children and conspiring with members of a Satanic cult, including her father, Dr Sydney Siemer, to ritually murder her husband. " Http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/11/american-leviathan-part-two.html#comments
also see in regard to this : http://www.geocities.com/richardwhamlin/narrative

Retired priest faces 36 charges By CP 11/15/05 "Chatham, Ont. -- A retired southwestern Ontario priest is behind bars after 29 more women came forward with complaints of childhood sexual abuse. Chatham-Kent police yesterday laid 31 new counts against Charles Sylvestre, bringing the total sexual abuse charges the 82-year-old faces to 36." http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Canada/2005/11/15/1307658-sun.html

EXCLUSIVE: Former Iraqi Detainees Allege Torture by U.S. Troops
Men Say Repeated Beatings, Mock Execution, Sexual Humiliation Were Prevalent
By JAKE TAPPER and GEORGE GRIFFIN Nov. 14, 2005 — Two former Iraqi detainees tell ABC News in an exclusive interview that they were repeatedly tortured by U.S. forces seeking information about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. Thahee Sabbar and Sherzad Khalid are two of eight men who, with help from the American Civil Liberties Union and the group Human Rights First, are suing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The men claim they were tortured for months, in violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law. 

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[CTRL] McMartin, Betrayal trauma, shot outside Masonic temple, White Phosphorus in Iraq

2005-11-16 Thread Smart News
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McMartin - A reluctant look back Dear ER: "My wife and I didn't want to believe any of this ever happened, either. But wishing it never happened doesn't make it go away. Put yourselves in my wife's and my shoes for a momentWhen the medical report came back with positive confirmation that my son had been sodomized, I didn't need to be persuaded further. The news was devastating. For this, we and the other parents were castigated by the media for expressing concern about the safety and well-being of our children. We were branded as "witch-hunting" parents because our children had been violated and we wanted justiceThe strategy now is to discredit Children's Institute therapist Kee MacFarlane, and all the therapists and medical specialists who were literally on the cutting edge of justice in child abuse cases. We were supportive of the therapists' techniques of using hand puppets, of encouraging the children to draw their feelings, of encouraging, even prompting them to reveal their secrets. Without these tools, my son's therapy would have been pointless. For Cody to suggest that "hundreds of children were virtually molested by the therapists and doctors who examined them" is absurd. How does one elicit the truth from a child who fears physical harm if he reveals his secrets? In retrospect, our son's inexplicable night terrors, his panic over having his picture taken, his fear of going to school and being dropped off, of being dressed in other children's clothing when we went to pick him up at the end of the day, would have made sense if only we had stopped in unannounced at Manhattan Ranch to observe. Instead, we assumed our son was safe in pre-school. Lesson learned." Michael S. Simpson - San Pedro http://easyreader.hermosawave.net/news2002/storypage.asp?StoryID=20027742IssuePath=news2005/1110/

Freyd, J.J., Klest, B.,  Allard, C.B. (2005) Betrayal trauma: Relationship to physical health, psychological distress, and a written disclosure intervention. Journal of Trauma  Dissociation, 6(3), 83-104. "In the current study we sought, first, to distinguish associations with health arising from types of trauma as indicated by betrayal trauma theory (Freyd 1996, 2001), and, second, to investigate the impact of disclosing a trauma history in survey form and/or writing essays about betrayal traumasExposure to traumas with high betrayal was significantly correlated with number of physical illness, anxiety, dissociation, and depression symptoms. Amount of exposure to other types of traumas (low betrayal traumas) did not predict symptoms over and above exposure to betrayal trauma."  http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/traumapapers.html article is at http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/articles/fka05.pdf

Bethel killing linked to gangs By Karen Ali The News-Times - Danbury :A 17-year-old from Rhode Island shot and killed a man outside the Masonic Temple in Bethel in 2004 after confronting him for wearing a rival gang's color, according to a court document." http://news.newstimeslive.com/story.php?id=76744channel=Local

Pentagon Used White Phosphorus in Iraq
The Associated Press
Wednesday 16 November 2005
Washington - Pentagon officials acknowledged Tuesday that U.S. troops used white phosphorous as a weapon against insurgent strongholds during the battle of Fallujah last November. But they denied an Italian television news report that the spontaneously flammable material was used against civilians.
Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman, said that while white phosphorous is most frequently used to mark targets or obscure a position, it was used at times in Fallujah as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants.
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[CTRL] satanic rite, clergy abuse ireland and alaska

2005-11-14 Thread Smart News
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Cause Opens for Religious Slain in Satanic Rite - Sister Maria Laura Mainetti Murdered by 3 Teen-age Girls - Chiavenna, Italy, 11/6/05 (Zenit.org)."The cause of beatification has opened for Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, a 60-year-old religious murdered by three girls during a Satanic rite in 2000." http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=79491

Dublin Archdiocese next for abuse inquiry 11/14/05 "Following the report into the response to allegations of clerical child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Ferns, a similar State-commissioned investigation into the Dublin Archdiocese is beginning. The 18-month inquiry will follow up on a representative sample of allegations made against 67 Dublin priests between 1975 and 2004." http://www.emigrant.ie/article.asp?iCategoryID=9iArticleID=49598

Sex-abuse suits embroil Jesuits in Northwest Lawsuits The Oregon-based province faces scores of cases, many involving priests in Alaska 11/14/05 Ashbel S. Green - The Oregonian "In the last few years, as many as 100 people have filed sex-abuse lawsuits accusing more than a dozen priests and volunteers of the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus, according to plaintiffs' attorneys." http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/front_page/113193870578390.xmlcoll=7
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[CTRL] Toledo ritual abuse case, abuse and eating disorders, CIA deadly interrogations

2005-11-11 Thread Smart News
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this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Prosecutor might quiz nun during priest's trial - Sister could be called to refute good image By Robin Erb "A Toledo nun who has accused a former priest of abusing her when she was a girl may appear as a witness in a homicide trial involving another priest, the Rev. Gerald Robinson. Father Robinson, 67, is accused of killing a nun, Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, in the chapel at Mercy Hospital near downtown in 1980. The case went unsolved until last year when investigators said they took a new look at evidence and arrested Father Robinson. He has been charged with aggravated murder in the case, which has attracted international attention. Twice, the trial has been delayed and is now scheduled for April 17, nearly two years after his arrest. In court documents, prosecutors say they may call Sister Ann-Marie Borgess, a Notre Dame nun, to challenge any defense evidence about Father Gerald Robinson's "good character."" http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051110/NEWS02/511100410/-1/NEWS

Abuse 'triggers eating disorders' Eating disorders often developed after childhood sex abuse "Childhood sex abuse increases the risk of women developing eating disorders - and can even impact on their children, a study says. Researchers found girls abused before the age of 16 were twice as likely to develop eating disorders later in life. The University of Bristol team also said these women were likely to have weight concerns while pregnant and that had a knock-on effect on the child. The findings were published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. The team studied 10,000 women - one in five of whom had being abused." http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/4417938.stm

describes crimes
A DEADLY INTERROGATION by JANE MAYER Can the C.I.A. legally kill a prisoner?
Issue of 2005-11-14 http://www.newyorker.com/printables/fact/051114fa_fact
"Two years ago, at Abu Ghraib prison, outside Baghdad, an Iraqi prisoner in Swanner''s custody, Manadel al-Jamadi, died during an interrogation."

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[CTRL] teacher abuse, child abuse stats, US Forces 'Used Chemical Weapons'

2005-11-08 Thread Smart News
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43 teachers suspended over abuse claims in past 10 years 11/8/05 "Forty-three teachers have reportedly been suspended or put on "administrative leave" in the past 10 years in connection with allegations of abuse. Reports this morning said Department of Education figures showed that 24 of these teachers were working in primary schools and 19 in secondary schools. The allegations related to all forms of abuse, not just child sex abuse." http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=161807434p=y6y8x8y4x

describes crimes 96% of abuse is perpetrated by laypeople 11/6/05 By Vincent Browne "That point is that the Catholic clergy - indeed any clergy - are responsible for only a tiny fraction of the abuse - about 3.5 per cent. More than 96 per cent of child sex abuse in Ireland is perpetrated by people who are not priests or nuns or Christian BrothersMore than three years ago, an authoritative report showed that over 130,000 Irish adults, male and female, had been raped as children." http://www.thepost.ie/post/pages/p/story.aspx-qqqt=VINCENT%20BROWNE-qqqs=commentandanalysis-qqqid=9423-qqqx=1.asp

 US Forces 'Used Chemical Weapons' during Assault on City of Fallujah 
   By Peter Popham 
   The Independent UK 
   Tuesday 08 November 2005 
   Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during the attack on the city in November 2004, killing insurgents and civilians with the appalling burns that are the signature of this weapon. 
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, U.S. torture

2005-11-07 Thread Smart News
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Settlement talks on hold in church abuse payment dispute - Brett Barrouquere AP 11/4/05 Louisville, Ky. "Settlement talks are on hold in a lawsuit over how alleged victims of sexual abuse will be paid in a proposed $120 million class-action settlement with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington." http://www.kentucky.com/mld/heraldleader/13083860.htm

`I Just Start A Conversation' - Judge In Sex-Abuse Case Had Trust Of Victims, Church By Lynne Tuohy - Courant Staff Writer 11/6/05 "Before the 43 victims of sexual abuse by priests settled their claims with the Archdiocese of Hartford for $22 million, they had to place their faith and trust in one man: U.S. Magistrate Judge William I. Garfinkel." http://www.courant.com/news/local/hc-garfinkel.artnov06,0,2049294,print.story?coll=hc-headlines-home

Hagel: Torture Exemption Would Be Mistake 
By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL, Associated Press Writer Sun Nov 6, 9:10 PM ET 
WASHINGTON - A leading Republican senator said Sunday that the Bush administration is making "a terrible mistake" in opposing a congressional ban on torture and other inhuman treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody. 
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[CTRL] Pueblo school, Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U.S. Prisons

2005-11-04 Thread Smart News
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More Lawsuits Claim Sexual Abuse At Pueblo School - Former Catholic Teacher Named In Suits 11/3/05 "Denver - The Catholic Church and a religious order were hit with a new barrage of sex-assault allegations Thursday after five men filed suit alleging they were molested three decades ago by a Catholic school teacher and that church officials failed to protect them. The lawsuits bring to eight the number of claims against the Diocese of Pueblo and The Marianist Province of the United States..." http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/5241043/detail.html

Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U.S. Prisons
NBC5_com - News - Eastern Europe Denies Housing Secret U_S_ Prisons.htm
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- European Union officials said Thursday they would investigate a report that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to interrogate top al-Qaida suspects. The international Red Cross also said it asked the United States to let a representative visit detainees if such a facility exists. 
Human Rights Watch in New York said Thursday it has evidence indicating the CIA transported suspected terrorists captured in Afghanistan to Poland and Romania. The conclusion is based on an analysis of flight logs of CIA aircraft from 2001 to 2004 obtained by the group, said Mark Garlasco, a senior military analyst with the organization. 
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[CTRL] effects of clergy abuse, dissociation, CIA operating secret foreign prisons

2005-11-02 Thread Smart News
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Unspeakable Damage - The Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse: A. W. Richard Sipe - 10/1/05 "There are severe and long-term consequences of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. These results are so common either in combination or en toto that they are predictable in some form or other or to one degree or another in victims of clergy abuse. These elements been identified from extensive research and observations of men and women survivors who were abused as children. I validate my observations as a result of the experience of counseling over 1,500 adults who have been abused as children, 500 of them by Catholic clergy or religious." http://www.richardsipe.com/forensic.html

University of Oregon Scholars' Bank - Dissociation - Community home page "The official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD), published between 1988 and 1997. The current official journal of ISSD is the Journal of Trauma  Dissociation." Online issues are available at : https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/dspace/handle/1794/1129

CIA operating secret foreign prisons 
Terrorism suspects being questioned in Eastern Europe
Dana Priest, Washington Post
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Washington -- The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement. The secret facility is part of a covert prison system set up by the CIA nearly four years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan and several democracies in Eastern Europe, as well as a small center at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, according to current and former intelligence officials and diplomats from three continents. 
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[CTRL] Child Abuse a Factor in Psychosis, 140 more priests, suspect abused

2005-11-01 Thread Smart News
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Review Concludes Child Abuse a Factor in Psychosis 10/31/05 Press Release: Dr John Read "The November edition of leading scientific journal, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, includes several new research papers documenting the relationship between trauma and psychosis. Oliver James is referring to "Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: A Literature review with theoretical and clinical implications". Authors Dr John Read (Auckland, New Zealand), Professor Jim van Os (Maastricht), Professor Tony Morrison (Manchester) and Dr Colin Ross (Richardson, Texas), review 218 studies and conclude: "Symptoms considered indicative of psychosis and schizophrenia, particularly hallucinations, are at least as strongly related to childhood abuse and neglect as many other mental health problems. Recent large-scale general population studies indicate the relationship is a causal one." http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC0510/S00069.htm
140 more priests are accused of sex abuse - Scandal-hit Church faces more claims - By Michael Lavery 11/1/05 "More than 140 priests in four dioceses have been accused of sex abuse but more revelations could be on the way as the scandal rocks the Catholic Church in Ireland. The Ferns inquiry involved 21 priests, but since the report's publication, dozens more allegations have been confirmed by bishops. They include Dublin (67 priests), Derry (26) and Tuam (27)." http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=667577

describes crimes - Hicks sexually abused, says father
October 31, 2005 - 9:38PM "Terror suspect David Hicks was sexually abused during two, 10-hour beatings by US attackers, his father Terry has told the ABC's Four Corners program. Hicks has been in US custody since he was captured alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan in late 2001, and has spent most of that time at the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba."
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[CTRL] responding to memories, women's help-seeking decisions, Church not liable

2005-10-30 Thread Smart News
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Sharing and Responding to Memories - by Hal Pepinsky "This article describes the evolution of a college seminar in which reports are presented of sexual assault arising in child custody cases and of ritual abuse and mind-control programmingThe seminar has become a primary means by which the instructor himself learns and teaches about the nature of personal violence and of efforts at healing and peacemaking in response." The article is part of "American Behavioral Scientist" - Volume 48/Number 10 - June 2005. The issue is dedicated to the sociology of memory. The issue can be gotten at http://online.sagepub.com or from Sage Publications 1-805-499-9774, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

No longer silent : a study of women's help-seeking decisions and service responses to sexual assault - Denise Lievore ISBN 1920851976 Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, June 2005 http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/reports/2005-06-noLongerSilent.html

Church not liable in sex assault case, top court rules - Victim abused at B.C. residential school By Richard Blackwell 10/29/05 "The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that a Roman Catholic order does not have to pay damages to a native man who was sexually assaulted by a baker at a British Columbia Indian residential school in the 1950s and 1960s. The decision says the church has no "vicarious liability" for the assault because the employee was not given direct responsibility for the care of the children at the school." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20051029/SUPREME29/TPEducation/
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[CTRL] cult leader, Chicago clergy, mindjustice

2005-10-29 Thread Smart News
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Cult leader says sex charges part of witch-hunt 10/28/05 ""An 83-year-old cult leader facing 22 sex charges says the accusations are part of a witch-hunt by disaffected former members who are trying to destroy him. Kenneth Emmanuel Dyers, co-founder of the self-styled spiritual healing group Kenja, was arrested yesterday at his house in Bundeena in Sydney's south over the alleged aggravated sexual and indecent assault of two 12-year-old girls. He faces 17 aggravated indecent assault charges and one count of aggravated sexual assault in relation to the first girl. He also faces four aggravated indecent assault charges in relation to the other girl."http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/cult-leader-says-sex-charges-part-of-witchhunt/2005/10/28/1130400339271.html

Archdiocese settles with 24 accusers - 10/28/05 by Cathleen Falsani "The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago has reached an out-of-court settlement with two dozen men and women who say they were sexually abused as minors by priests of the archdiocese, lawyers for the victims and a spokesman for Cardinal Francis George said Thursday. The settlement involves 14 current or former priests, none of whom is in active ministry today." http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-cath28.html

Mind Justice "at mindjustice.org - Formerly Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse Renamed February 2004 A human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system." http://www.mindjustice.org/
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[CTRL] Ireland clergy abuse, Vitale Murder, Klep, new California law

2005-10-27 Thread Smart News
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Irish report: Bishops, police did little to stop sex abuse 10/26/05 "Dublin, Ireland (AP) - Former bishops, police and state agencies did far too little to prevent the alleged sexual abuse of more than 100 children by Roman Catholic priests in southeast Ireland over a 36-year period, a report published yesterday charged. The 2½-year investigation, led by retired Irish Supreme Court Judge Frank Murphy, found that two former bishops of the Ferns diocese, Brendan Comiskey and Donal Herlihy, protected - and even helped to promote - abusers within the clergy." http://www.columbiatribune.com/2005/Oct/20051026News017.asp

Pamela Vitale Murder: Satanic or Ritualistic Crime and Murder? by Jim Kouri 10/22/05 "The news coverage of the extraordinarily brutal murder of Pamela Vitale, wife of well-known California criminal defense attorney Daniel Horowitz, seems to have renewed interest in ritualistic crime. The 16-year old suspect is reported to have been involved in some kind of self-styled Satanism including the reading the Anton LeVay's Satanic Bible and use of occult symbols at the crime scene. In spite of mankind's advances in the arts and sciences, there remains a large number of people who have not been able to -- or refuse to -- shake-off the practices of pagan rituals, some of which date back thousands of years. Included within the broad spectrum of paganism are so-called Satanic cults which are suspect in a number of bizarre crimes throughout the United States. According to investigative journalist and author Maury Terry, there exists today a network of Satan-worshiping cults with members crisscrossing our nation." http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_27261276.shtml

Fugitive priest pleads guilty to sex abuse - He was deported from Samoa after being profiled by The News 10/27/05 by Reese Dunklin / The Dallas Morning News "A Catholic priest whose Australian superiors let him work overseas as a criminal fugitive pleaded guilty this week to 13 charges involving the sexual abuse of several teenage boys, the Australian Associated Press news service reported. The Rev. Frank Klep was profiled last year as part of The Dallas Morning News' examination of Catholic priests moving from country to country to elude sex-abuse allegations and remain in ministry with access to children." http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/world/stories/DN-priest_27int.ART.State.Edition2.c5894cd.html

New molestation law - With broader limitations, fewer pedophiles will escape prosecution. Long Beach Press Telegram "A Long Beach ex-priest and admitted pedophile, Michael Baker, is free today because Cardinal Roger Mahony protected him from the law. By the time Baker was ready to stand trial, the state's 10-year statute of limitations on such crimes had expired. Under the new California law, far fewer molestation victims will have to face such scenarios. The new law, which will go into effect Jan. 1, gives prosecutors until the victim's 28th birthday to file charges." http://www.presstelegram.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?article=3154277

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[CTRL] Irish bishops attacked over clerical sex abuse scandal

2005-10-26 Thread Smart News
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Irish bishops attacked over clerical sex abuse scandal By David McKittrick, Ireland Correspondent 10/26/05 "A horrific saga of clerical sexual abuse stretching back four decades has been exposed in damning detail in an official report published in Dublin. The report, the work of a former Supreme Court judge, strongly criticised two Catholic bishops as well as the Irish police for inadequately investigating complaints of abuse. It chronicled more than 100 allegations against 21 priests stretching back to 1966 in a single diocese, Ferns, centred on the east-coast town of Wexford." http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article322285.ece

Ferns priests shamed in damning report 10/25/05 "Some 21 Catholic priests savagely sexually assaulted young boys and girls in parishes across Co Wexford in Ireland during the past 40 years, a scathing report into clerical abuse revealed today. A two-year investigation uncovered 100 complaints of abuse, with one priest responsible for 26 assaults. The report revealed Garda investigations were wholly inadequate, while bishops in the Diocese of Ferns failed to take basic precautions to protect children." http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=160365782p=y6x366488
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[CTRL] Churches liable, trauma and psychosis

2005-10-24 Thread Smart News
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This one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - describes crimes - Churches liable in abuse cases - They must pay settlements to victims of residential school system, top court says 10/22/05 "Toronto and Vancouver - Churches that helped run aboriginal residential schools must share the liability for sexual abuse suffered in those institutions, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday. The top court overturned a B.C. Court of Appeal decision that said the federal government was responsible for all the financial damages awarded a man who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a dormitory supervisor at the Alberni Indian Residential School on Vancouver Island in the 1960sMore than 10,000 residential-school compensation claims are still unresolved. About 2,200 have been settled through negotiations, and another 400 through legal processes." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20051022/COURTBLACK2/TPNational/Canada

Relationships between trauma and psychosis: A review and integration - Anthony P. Morrison, Lucy Frame and Warren Larkin..."Objectives. This paper examines the research and theoretical literature on potential links between trauma and psychosis. Methods. Three main alternatives are considered; can psychosis cause PTSD, can trauma cause psychosis and could psychosis and PTSD both be part of a spectrum of responses to a traumatic event?Results. Evidence is found in support of each of these relationships, and an integrative approach to conceptualizing the relationships is suggested." http://www.psychminded.co.uk/news/news2003/nov03/relationship.pdf
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[CTRL] Vitale slaying suspect charged with murder

2005-10-23 Thread Smart News
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Vitale slaying suspect charged with murder - Teenager described as loner, will be tried as an adult Martinez, California (CNN) 10/21/05 "A 16-year-old California boy was charged Friday with one count of murder in the beating death of Pamela Vitale, the wife of prominent defense attorney Daniel Horowitz. The suspect, Scott Edgar Dyleski, will be tried as an adult, according to Hal Jewett, Contra Costa County deputy district attorney. Bail was set at $1 million. Dyleski has been described by classmates as a goth loner who followed the occult and dressed in black from the polish on his fingernails to his trench coat..." http://edition.cnn.com/2005/LAW/10/21/vitale.suspect/

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[CTRL] teachers, Alaskan clergy

2005-10-19 Thread Smart News
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Abuse is No. 1 reason teachers lose licenses in W.Va. by The Associated Press Charleston, W.VA. 10/17/05 "Sexual abuse of students is the No. 1 reason public school teachers have lost their licenses in West Virginia during the past five years. About 35 percent of those revocations were because of sexual assault or abuse of a student." "Sexual misdeeds by teachers remains a dirty little secret in schools across the nation even though nearly one in 10 students will be abused by a teacher before they graduate, according to studies conducted by Dr. Charol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. "There are about 4.5 million kids who right now would say they have been the target of physical sexual misconduct. And only about 10 percent of the sexual exploitation going on ever gets reported," Shakeshaft said. While most parents regard schools as sanctuaries, roughly 290,000 students nationwide experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a public school employee from 1991 to 2000." http://www.herald-mail.com/?module=displaystorystory_id=122160format=html

Local diocese startled by suit By Mary Beth Smetzer 10/16/05 "Officials with the Fairbanks Catholic Diocese were surprised by the "new twist" in the most recent civil suit filed against a priest, diocese spokeswoman Ronnie Rosenberg said. The suit claims the Rev. James E. Jacobson, a Jesuit priest who served more than a decade in western Alaska, sexually assaulted two women, impregnated them and left two sons behind." ""More than 80 complaints have been filed against the Fairbanks diocese as well as the Jesuits in the last few years, alleging sexual abuse of minors by priests and a brother affiliated with the diocese." http://www.news-miner.com/Stories/0,1413,113~7244~3094627,00.html

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, Anglican minister, trafficked women

2005-10-17 Thread Smart News
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Camden Diocese escapes scrutiny By Craig R. McCoy and Nancy Phillips - Inquirer Staff Writers - 10/16/05 "One priest in the Camden Diocese was accused of molesting a 14-year-old boy - but was left in place. He abused more young boys. Other priests passed teenage boys around in a "sex ring" that shuttled victims from South Jersey to Rhode Island. In another case, a priest was called in by his bishop and "did not deny" years of attacks on two brothers. In response, the bishop quietly transferred him to a new parish. In all, The Inquirer has identified by name 25 priests in the six-county Camden Diocese who have been accused of sexually abusing children and teenagers during the last five decades, most during the tenure of Bishop George H. Guilfoyle in 1970s and 1980s. Some were defrocked and sent to jail. Others escaped punishment because superiors kept the crimes quiet." www.philly.com

fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Sexual abuse survivors seek closure "Members of the Ralph Rowe Survivor Network will gather in North Caribou Lake First Nation this November to demolish the old Anglican mission house where Rowe worked as a priest and scoutsmasterThe former Anglican minister and Boy Scout leader faces 38 counts of indecent assaults and 34 counts of sexual assault against a total of 28 victims in nine different settings, most of them northern First Nations. He has already served six years in prison after entering a guilty plea in 1994 to 28 charges of sexual abuse against 16 boys between 1976-1981." Http://www.wawatay.on.ca/index.php?module=pagesetterfunc=viewpubtid=5pid=132

Sex with trafficked women is rape, says minister - Mark Townsend 10/16/05 The Observer "Men who have sex with trafficked prostitutes should be charged with rape, ministers believe - a move that could see thousands prosecutedProstitution and the trafficking of women have become the third highest 'black market' income earner after drugs and the arms trade. Unofficial estimates suggest 10,000 illegal immigrants are working as prostitutes in Britain, with three-quarters of women in brothels hailing from the Baltic states, Africa and South East Asia." http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1593227,00.html
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, ritual abuse newsletter, Nazi information

2005-10-15 Thread Smart News
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Greek priest faces pimping charge after sting   101/4/05 "Athens - A Greek Orthodox priest was arrested on suspicion of accessory to prostitution by an undercover police officer posing as a client, the semi-state Athens News Agency reported on FridayGreece's powerful Orthodox Church is still recovering from a series of high-profile sex and corruption scandals earlier this year that tarnished its image. An investigation is currently ongoing into an alleged graft ring said to have included judges, lawyers and Greek Orthodox clerics. - Sapa-AFP" http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1click_id=24art_id=qw1129299485396B262

Vatican in sex abuse cover-up "The Vatican was aware of a dark catalogue of child sex abuse in Ferns for nearly 40 years. The searing revelation that the highest levels in Rome knew of the litany of shame will rock the Church. But an inquiry into clerical misconduct in the diocese has found that not only did they know of the scandal, they did nothing to stop it. The Irish Independent has learned that the report highlights staggering inaction by the Church, several departments of state and the gardai." Exclusive - Sarah Murphy http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=9si=1488793issue_id=13144

The latest issue of smart newsletter is now out. It has information on clergy abuse, ritual abuse, mind control and memory.

Information on Nazi Triggers and Dates is at: http://www.survivorship.org/nazi.html
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[CTRL] L.A. priests, link between CSA and later dysfunction, Xtreme Defense

2005-10-14 Thread Smart News
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>From the Los Angeles Times - THE STATE - Study Reveals Vast Scope of Priest Abuse - Clerics accused of molestation worked in three-fourths of the 288 parishes in the L.A. Archdiocese, a Times analysis finds. By Jean Guccione and Doug Smith - Times Staff Writers 101/3/05 "The clergy sexual abuse scandal reached far more broadly across the Los Angeles Archdiocese — and put far more children at risk — than has previously been known, according to a Times study that examined the records of hundreds of accused priests. Although the sexual abuse scandal has been the subject of more than 560 court claims and a report by the archdiocese, basic information on the dimensions of the problem have remained sketchy. The Times analysis is the first to quantify the breadth of the scandal in the archdiocese. Molestations have been alleged at roughly 100 parishes. But because the accused priests moved around the archdiocese on average every 4.5 years, the total number of parishes in which alleged abusers served is far larger — more than three-fourths of the 288 parishes, according to the study, which examined records back to 1950." http://ktla.trb.com/news/local/la-me-priestdata13oct13,0,7536691.story?coll=ktla-news-1

Childhood sexual abuse linked to sexual dysfunction later in life for both men and women Category: Sexual Health/STDs News 10/12/05 "A new Queensland study has found a significant link between childhood sexual abuse and symptoms of sexual dysfunction in adult men and women. The study, conducted by scientists from UQ, QUT and QIMR, is published in the current edition of international journal Archives of Sex Research (Oct 2005). It found that the rate of sexual dysfunction for men who had experienced childhood sexual abuse was double that of those who had not experienced abuse. For women, similar differences were apparent, with women who had experienced penetrative abuse substantially more likely to report three or more symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Study lead author, Professor Jake Najman of UQ's School of Population Health..."http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=31895

Xtreme Defense - Lightning guns, heat rays, weapons that can make you hear the voice of God. This is what happens when the war on terror meets the entrepreneurial spirit By Sharon Weinberger 8/28/05 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/23/AR2005082301227_pf.html

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[CTRL] L.A. Files Recount Decades of Priests' Abuse, Calvi/Vatican banker

2005-10-12 Thread Smart News
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Los Angeles Files Recount Decades of Priests' Abuse By John M. Broder 10/12/05 Los Angeles Oct. 11 "The confidential personnel files of 126 clergymen in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles accused of sexual misconduct with children provide a numbing chronicle of 75 years of the church's shame, revealing case after case in which the church was warned of abuse but failed to protect its parishioners. In some cases, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and his predecessors quietly shuffled the priests off to counseling and then to new assignments. In others, parents were offered counseling for their children and were urged to remain silent." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/12/national/12priests.html?hpex=1129089600en=d3cd8944bc6cf12cei=5094partner=homepage

fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Toronto Star (http:www.thestar.com) Roberto Calvi, Vatican banker 10/7/05 "Why was 'God's banker' killed? Was financier laundering money for Mafia, Vatican? After 25 years, trial of five seeks the answers - Bill Taylor "Even the Pope couldn't help "God's banker." Roberto Calvi, an Italian financier with ties both to the Vatican - hence his nickname - and the Mafia, in 1982 begged John Paul II to step in and save his bank from collapse, The Times of London reports. But money was the least of Calvi's problems. Two weeks later, on June 19, he was found hanging by an orange rope tied in a lover's knot from scaffolding under one of the nine arches of Blackfriars Bridge in central London. The 300-metre, 18th century stone structure spans the River Thames. It was one of the showier crimes of the 20th century, originally ruled a suicide but revealed two years ago to be homicide, with all the ingredients of a good whodunit - organized crime, financial scandal, money laundering for the Mafia and the Vatican, and chicanery in the most confidential corridors of religious power and the equally secret affairs of freemasonry. It also never has been explained how someone could suspend a corpse in such a prominent place without being noticed." "The prosecution will argue the accused lured Calvi to London to kill him after he held onto millions of dollars he was laundering for the Mafia and also stole from financier Licio Gelli, head of the illegal Masonic lodge, P2." "The defence, sticking to the original finding of suicide, is expected to embarrass the Roman Catholic church by calling former Vatican officials to testify. Among those anxious to see justice finally done are Calvi's widow Carla and son Carlo, a Montreal banker. They believe he was the victim of a well-disguised Cosa Nostra hit to cover up the Vatican Bank's involvement with the Mafia"

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[CTRL] Vatican, conference

2005-10-09 Thread Smart News
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Judge: Vatican Has Some Immune Protections By the Associated Press 10/7/05 Vatican City (AP) "A federal judge in Kentucky has ruled that the Holy See is a foreign state that enjoys certain immunity protections, placing restrictions on a lawsuit by three men who allege the Vatican covered up the sexual abuse of children by priests." http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Vatican-Sex-Abuse.html

A conference on ministering to victims and members of cults October 14-15, 2005
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[CTRL] clergy abuse

2005-10-08 Thread Smart News
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Wilmington diocese paid $68,000 in sex abuse case - The late Rev. Alfred John Lind Jr. was accused of molesting two boys in the early 1960s. By Beth Miller and Steven Church The News Journal 10/07/2005 "In January 2004, though, in response to researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Bishop Michael Saltarelli reported that 60 people had made allegations against Wilmington diocese priests in the 50-year span under study. The researchers were commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops." http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051007/NEWS/510070369/1006 

Priest accused of sex abuse now at U. By Triangle News Desk 10/7/05 "University Government and Community Relations Assistant Vice President James Iannerella, a priest no longer active in the ministry, was accused of sexually molesting a 17-year-old Delaware County girl in 1999 according to Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham\'s grand jury report released Sept. 21. The report cited that Iannarella, along with 62 other priests, were involved in sexual acts of misconduct against minors that were later covered up by the Roman Catholic Church." http://www.thetriangle.org/media/paper689/news/2005/10/07/News/Priest.Accused.Of.Sex.Abuse.Now.At.U-1013894.shtml
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[CTRL] enslaving mentally ill, stockholm syndrome, abuse of infants, senate/abu ghraib

2005-10-07 Thread Smart News
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Kansas couple on trial for enslaving mentally ill 10/4/05 by Carey Gillam - Kansas City, Kan., Oct 4 (Reuters) "A Kansas husband and wife who ran a psychotherapy practice were to go on trial on Tuesday on charges that they kept mentally ill people as slaves, forced them to perform sex acts on videotape and then billed Medicare nearly $1 million for the "therapy." Prosecutors charged that Arlan Kaufman, 68, and his wife Linda Kaufman, 62, spent 18 years taking advantage of patients entrusted to their care. The couple ran a residential care facility in Newton, Kansas, where they worked with at least 20 mentally ill individuals from 1980 until 2004." http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N04656916.htm

Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser By Joseph M. Carver, PhD http://www.mental-health-matters.com/articles/article.php?artID=469

Sexual Abuse of Infants - A five-part question focusing on sexual abuse during infancy. Http://www.childtrauma.org/ctamaterials/infant_abuse.asp

Senate sets standards on detainees 
Lawmakers defy Bush to overwhelmingly OK McCain bill in response to Abu Ghraib
Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Washington -- In a break with the White House, the Republican-controlled Senate overwhelmingly approved a measure Wednesday that would set standards for the military's treatment of detainees, a response to the Abu Ghraib scandal and other allegations that U.S. soldiers have abused prisoners. 
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a victim of torture while a prisoner during the Vietnam War, won approval of the measure that would make interrogation techniques outlined in the Army Field Manual the standard for handling detainees in Defense Department custody and prohibit "cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment of U.S.-held prisoners. 
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[CTRL] cardinals 'excused and enabled abuse,' Turkish mental hospitals

2005-10-05 Thread Smart News
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10/7/05 Grand jury findings Philadelphia cardinals 'excused and enabled abuse, covered up crimes' By Ralph Cipriano Philadelphia "A grand jury that investigated the Philadelphia archdiocese for more than three years has concluded that two former archbishops orchestrated a systematic cover-up spanning four decades that managed to successfully shield from prosecution 63 priests who had sexually abused hundreds of children. In a 418-page report issued Sept. 21, the grand jury said that the two archbishops -- the retired Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua and the late Cardinal John Krol -- "excused and enabled the abuse" by "burying the reports they did receive and covering up the conduct ... to outlast any statutes of limitation."" http://ncronline.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2005d/100705/100705a.php

Abuse of Electroshock Found in Turkish Mental Hospitals by Craig S. Smith 9/29/05 Paris, Sept. 28 "Turkey's psychiatric hospitals are riddled with horrific abuses, including the use of raw electroshock as a form of punishment, according to a human rights report issued in Istanbul on Wednesday, just days before Turkey begins formal talks to join the European Union." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/29/international/europe/29turkey.html 
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[CTRL] multiple personalities, pedophile clergy, murder investigation

2005-10-03 Thread Smart News
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Secret files vindicate detective By Michael Davis 1/3/05 "A former country detective's claim that he was forced out of the police force for trying to prosecute a senior Catholic priest accused of child-sex crimes has been vindicated by secret files. In the documents, obtained by The Australian under FOI, senior police concede their failure to bring a pedophile monsignor to court was linked to the premature resignation of detective Denis Ryan more than 30 years ago." http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,16792552%255E421,00.html

Hearings To Begin Today In Funeral Home Murders Jason DeRusha Reporting (WCCO) Hudson, Wis."Prosecutors are expected to tell a judge on Monday why they believe Father Ryan Erickson murdered two people inside a funeral home in Hudson, Wis. more than three years ago. John Doe hearings are scheduled for Monday in the murder investigation of Dan O'Connell, 39, and James Ellison, 22. They were killed inside the O'Connell Family Funeral Home in February 2002." http://wcco.com/topstories/local_story_276093438.html

Inside A Fractured Mind Oct. 2, 2005 60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer reports. The central character of this story is a man of great achievement who's written a book about his own experience with multiple personalities, a memoir aptly called A Fractured Mind, about the secret lives that he led and the secret knowledge he has now decided to reveal. "It's a very hard thing to talk about because as soon as you broach it, if you don't tell the whole story, you sound like a raving lunatic," says Robert Oxnam"I'm not a therapist. I can only tell my own story. I do know that there was no implanting whatsoever. Each time that a personality emerged it was never a suggestion, it was never ‘Wouldn't it be good if this happened,'" Oxman said. Nevertheless, both multiple personality and recovered memory are concepts that continue to divide the psychiatric community. But that has not shaken the belief of Oxnam or his doctor, who swears he never planted anything in Oxnam's mind. "I would never suggest details. And I think no sensible clinician would do it," Dr. Smith said." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/30/60minutes/main892181.shtml
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[CTRL] pedophile pastor, family cult, Loftus appeal

2005-10-02 Thread Smart News
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Mondays were 'Mandays' for pedophile pastor By Tracy Mclaughlin, Special to the Edmonton Sun - Newmarket "A pastor who said he was doing "God's work" when he blindfolded and handcuffed a teenager, then sexually assaulted him on videotape was sent to jail yesterday. Roscoe Lim, 27, a former youth pastor at the Markham Christian Community Church, was sentenced to 14 months plus three years' probation for sexual assault and luring over the Internet." http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Canada/2005/09/30/1242175-sun.html

Monday - October 3, 2005 - The Family Cult - "Imagine growing up in a cult where you are forced to sleep with strangers -- when you're as young as 5. Dr. Phil talks to people who escaped the group known as the Children of God, and who need help moving on. Meet a daughter who says she can't forgive her father for the years of painful abuse she suffered at the hands of this cult. How can she reconnect with her dad and start trusting again? Plus, China and her husband, John, are building a new life after leaving the group, where they were forced to have sex with strangers when they were both underage. They've had a difficult time adjusting to the outside world, and China wonders if she should prosecute her parents for abuse." http://www.drphil.com/shows/

The National Psychologist,  Vol 14, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2005 California High Court To Hear Loftus Appeal by John Thomas "The California Supreme Court will hear an appeal from the nation¹s most controversial repressed memory debunker to determine if the psychologist can be sued for invasion of privacy and defamationLoftus is an advisory board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, which has been accused by many of using ridicule against individuals who claim to have reclaimed repressed memories of abuse. She is also involved with the National Center for Reason and Justice, an organization that advocates for people accused of molesting children." http://www.nationalpsychologist.com
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[CTRL] Jailed Pedophile Guilty in 1998 Murder of Boy

2005-10-01 Thread Smart News
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this one fwd from L Moss Sharman
Jailed Pedophile Guilty in 1998 Murder of Boy, 12 By Barbara Whitaker 9/29/05 "A man described as a classic sexual predator who is already serving time for sexually abusing a dozen teenage boys was found guilty yesterday of the kidnapping and murder of a 12-year-old Yonkers boy found buried in a shallow grave in Dobbs Ferry more than six years ago. The murder of the boy, Orlandito Rosario-Maldonado, which shocked Westchester, went unsolved for years before investigators compiled enough evidence to arrest Robert D. DeRosario, a suspect from the beginning.The boy was last seen on Nov. 2, 1998, in Mr. DeRosario's apartment building after getting a haircut. The investigation into his death led authorities to a world of child sexual exploitation, and nine men, including Mr. DeRosario, were ultimately arrested on charges that they sexually abused boys in Westchester County. Among them were public officials and corporate executives. Mr. DeRosario admitted to sexually attacking 12 boys, ranging in age from 13 to 19, and pleaded guilty to 12 counts of sodomy, sex abuse and endangering a child. In July 2000 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. "This case opened up a world of pedophiles we were able to identify," Ms. Pirro said. "But for the longest time we didn't have sufficient evidence to bring murder charges against the individual who killed Orlandito."he boy's body was badly decomposed and, aside from the fact that he was strangled by a piece of rope similar to some found in Mr. DeRosario's apartment, there was little physical evidence. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/29/nyregion/29slay.html
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[CTRL] Philadelphia clergy, fetuses found

2005-09-29 Thread Smart News
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This one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Priests reportedly chastise cardinal: several clerics in a private meeting are said to have challenged his defense of the handling of sex-abuse cases - By David O'Reilly and Jim Remsen - Inquirer Staff Writers - 9/28/05 "Three hundred priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese met yesterday with Cardinal Justin Rigali, a 90-minute conclave at which some challenged his defense of the previous archbishops named in a grand jury report on clergy sex abuse." http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/12759710.htm

describes crimes

Foetuses found at Bogota airport 9/29/05 "Colombian police have found the bodies of three human foetuses hidden in statues destined for the United States. The discovery was made by officers searching for contraband at Bogota Airport on Tuesday. The corpses were wrapped in plastic and concealed inside statues of Christian icons, which were smashed open. Colombian police chief Gen Jord Alirio Varon said the four- to five-month-old foetuses could have been intended for use in Satanic rituals. Gen Varon said the foetuses were found alongside crucifixes and medals." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4293934.stm
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[CTRL] torture missions, human trafficking, Mexico

2005-09-28 Thread Smart News
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U.S. Navy contracted planes for torture missions 
SAN DIEGO — A branch of the U.S. Navy secretly contracted a 33-plane fleet that included two Gulfstream jets reportedly used to fly terror suspects to countries known to practice torture, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.
At least 10 U.S. aviation companies were issued classified contracts in 2001 and 2002 by the obscure Navy Engineering Logistics Office for the "occasional airlift of USN (Navy) cargo worldwide," according to Defense Department documents the AP obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking - Establishes Human Trafficking as a Crime  Strengthens Victims Compensation Fund http://www.governor.ca.gov/state/govsite/gov_htmldisplay.jsp?BV_SessionID=0625300294.1127861112BV_EngineID=addfmffcfngcfkmdffidfng.0sCatTitle=Press%20ReleasesFilePath=/govsite/press_release/2005_09/20050921_GAAS44405_Human_Trafficking_Signing.html

article describes torture - fwd from L Moss Sharman - Bungling, cover-ups in 350 puzzling deaths - Mexican police, officials suspected of links to crimes by Ginger Thompson, New York Times 9/26/05 "International observers, human rights workers and federal authorities say it illustrates a disturbing pattern of malfeasance by state law enforcement authorities responsible for investigating Mexico's most gruesome murder mystery: the deaths of more than 350 women in this border area over the last decade, including at least 90 raped and killed in similar ways. Whether through incompetence, corruption or a lurid connection to the killings, the bungling and cover-ups are so extensive, federal investigators say, that the police and other officials have themselves become suspected of links to the crimes." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/09/26/MNG95EU1351.DTL
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[CTRL] Canadian priest, long-term memory, torture

2005-09-25 Thread Smart News
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Canadian priest gets 12 years in jail for child abuse 9/21/05 "Evreux, France (AFP) - Denis Vadeboncoeur, a Canadian priest with a prior conviction for paedophilia, was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a French court for sex abuse of a 14 year-old boy." "The prosecutor at the trial was strongly critical of the former bishop of Evreux, Jacques Gaillot, who gave Vadeboncoeur a parish in 1988 despite having been told that the priest had just served a 20-month prison term in Quebec for sex acts on adolescents including sodomy." http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050921/wl_canada_afp/francecanadachildsex_050921151945

Providing misleading and reinstatement information a year after it happened: Effects on long-term memory. Peterson, C, Parsons, T and Dean, M Memory 12(1): 1-13, 2004. "The question addressed here is whether misleading suggestions made to children a year after target events had occurred will alter long-term recall. One group (3-13 years old when injured and treated in a hospital Emergency Room) were given both misleading and accurate reinstating information a year later, and recall of target events assessed both 1 week and another year later (i.e., 2 years post-injury). A control group had recall assessed both 1 and 2 years post-injury. Misleading had little effect on children1s recall 1 week later, although a few misled details were reported. However, a year later virtually none of the misleading information was incorporated into long-term recall. Rather, children were more, not less, accurate when recalling details about which they had been misled. Results were attributed to target events having been highly memorable and well rehearsed via previous recalls, and detection of discrepancies between memory and misleading information focusing attention on targeted details." Psychology Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Reports of Abuse of Detainees Surface 
Mistreatment Was Routine, Group Is Told 
By Josh White 
The Washington Post 
Saturday 24 September 2005 
"Some days we would just get bored so we would have everyone sit in a corner and then make them get in a pyramid," ... "This was before Abu Ghraib but just like it. We did that for amusement."
Two soldiers and an officer with the Army's 82nd Airborne Division have told a human rights organization of systemic detainee abuse and human rights violations at U.S. bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, recounting beatings, forced physical exertion and psychological torture of prisoners, the group said.

The military trains people to withstand interrogation. Are those methods being misused at Guantánamo?
Issue of 2005-07-11 and 18
Posted 2005-07-04
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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference tapes

2005-09-25 Thread Smart News
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Hi !

Info is below.  Thanks.  

Ritual Abuse Conference Tapes - 2005 

Tape Order Form for The Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2005 

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may be very triggering. These tapes are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements made on these tapes are the speaker's own statements only and don't necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.  Speaker descriptions will follow ordering information.

1. Neil Brick -  "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."  

2. Wanda Karriker, Ph.D. -"The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist." 

3.  Mary Keats RN BA"Breaking the Silence"

4.  Carol Rutz "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

5.  Hal Pepinsky - "Inferring Offender Motivation."

6.  Kathleen Sullivan - "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism." 

7.  Jeanette Westbrook MSSW, CSW, "Law Enforcement and Survivors- Are they on our side"

Tapes are approximately 60 minutes long.  Tapes are $10 each. Shipping and Handling charges on tapes are $1.50 (US) for the first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada $2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00 each additional. 
With shipping and handling:  US Price -all tapes - $55, Canada price - all tapes - $60

Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US) to P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.

Street: __

City: State:

Zip:__E-mail:  (in case we have questions)_

Speakers and Biographies

Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are  speaking at our conference for educational  value  only and some may be triggering. Listening to the speakers at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned herein.  These descriptions may be triggering. Please use caution while reading. 

Neil Brick  is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter..  His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture.  To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Mary Keats RN BA wife, mother, grandmother, working in social services, is a survivor of Ritual Abuse Torture.. She is a spiritual person who enjoys life to the fullest. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious .She refuses to be muzzled, decided early on in her recovery to break the silence, so others could be helped. Her topic is: "Breaking the Silence."

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Hal Pepinsky - Since the fall of 1993, Hal Pepinsky has as far as he knows been the only university professor to bring more than one ra/mc survivor to his classes. Hal has taught criminal justice for 32 years. Surviving ritual abuse and mind control has become a foundation for his larger thinking on what he calls "peacemaking," establishing safe relations in the face of violence.  His topic is ""Inferring Offender Motivation."    

Kathleen Sullivan lives in Tennessee with her husband, Bill. She began her recovery in 1989. In 1996, she founded the North American Freedom Foundation (formerly PARC-VRAMC). Her autobiography, Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, was published in 2004. She is now working towards a master's degree in Social Work.  Her topic is: "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism."

Jeanette Westbrook, MSSW, CSW is a nationally known speaker and lecturer at 

[CTRL] child porn ring, 63 priests, Haitian children

2005-09-22 Thread Smart News
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Cybercops smash child porn ring 9/21/05 "A Europe-wide internet child porn ring with links to Britain has been smashed after a series of raids across the continent. A total of 80 suspects are being investigated after police swooped in the UK, Italy France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. DVDs, CD-Roms, video tapes, and memory cards for digital cameras were seized from what is thought to have been a vast network of paedophiles who downloaded the same pornographic images." http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21092005/356/cybercops-smash-child-porn-ring.html

Grand jury: 63 priests abused children - Philadelphia, Sept. 21 (UPI) " A Philadelphia grand jury, which accused 63 Roman Catholic priests of sexual abuse and church officials of a cover-up, called for changes in state law. While the grand jury's scathing 418-page report concluded at least 63 priests sexually abused children, they cannot be charged because the statute of limitations has expired, radio station KYW-AM and The Philadelphia Inquirer reported." http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNewsarticle=UPI-1-20050921-14590600-bc-us-priests.xml

Haitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for little more than £50 - Dominican Republic accused of turning a blind eye to thriving trade in youngsters Gary Younge in Santo Domingo 9/22/05 The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1575268,00.html?gusrc=rss
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[CTRL] Delgado, Traumatic memory, Coles

2005-09-21 Thread Smart News
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has pictures of electrodes
The Forgotten Era of the Brain by John Horgan - Scientific American Oct 2005 has information on Jose Delgado ""He implanted radio-equipped electrode arrays, which he called "stimoceivers," in cats, monkeys, chimpanzees, gibbons, bulls and even humans, and he showed that he could control subjects' minds and bodies with the push of a button." 

Drawing Conclusions: Confusion Between Data and Theory in the Traumatic Memory Debate by Joyanna Silberg http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/docs/Silberg.pdf

Coles reveals he was sexually abused East Rutherford, N.J. (AP) "Laveranues Coles held a dark secret that caused him nightmares for many years, one he never told any of his New York Jets teammates. The Pro Bowl wide receiver thought he was alone in his inner struggles, and too proud to let any outsiders into his personal prison. But Coles recently decided to free himself of his secret: He was sexually abused as a young boy by his stepfather." http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/4884578
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[CTRL] Pope immune from abuse lawsuit, priest admits abusing

2005-09-20 Thread Smart News
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Priest admits sexually abusing a minor AP 9/19/05"Evreux, France - A Canadian clergyman with a prior criminal record for sexually abusing minors confessed Monday to charges of raping a young member of his parish in Normandy, where he moved after serving a prison term in Quebec Vadeboncoeur faces a 20-year sentence if convicted on charges of having abused his position of authority and raping a boy identified only as having been under 15. The assaults occurred from February 1990 to August 1993 while he was a priest at a church in the Normandy village of LieureyVadeboncoeur, 65, moved to France in January 1988 to resume his life as a priest after having served a 20-month sentence in a Canadian prison. He had pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual abuse and one of sodomy against four teenage boys there. Canadian religious authorities had contacted church officials in Evreux in 1987 to tell them of Vadeboncoeur's criminal record, Lieurey Mayor Elisabeth Simon said, adding that the information had been hidden from the community." http://www.canada.com/nanaimo/story.html?id=14619015-762e-4bc5-8f4d-90ddde85ba29

Pope immune from abuse lawsuit 9/20/05 "Rome - The United States government has told a Texas court that Pope Benedict XVI should be given immunity from a lawsuit accusing him of conspiring to cover up the sexual molestation of three boys by a seminarian, court documents show. Assistant attorney general Peter Keisler said in Monday's filing that, as pope, Benedict enjoys immunity as the head of a state - the Vatican. He said allowing the lawsuit to proceed would be "incompatible with the United States' foreign policy interests". http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1773602,00.html
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[CTRL] Pakistan religious school abuse, former Wisconsin priest

2005-09-19 Thread Smart News
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Pakistan debates religious school abuse - Pakistani activists and many parents want investigation of beatings and sex abuse in madrassas by Brian Murphy AP 9/18/05 Islamabad, Pakistan " The accounts are disturbing: beatings, forced sex and imprisonment with shackles and leg irons. Abuse allegations from hundreds of children sent to study at religious schools in Pakistan are prompting calls from parents and rights groups for a full-scale investigation." http://www.statesman.com/news/content/auto/epaper/editions/Sunday/news_34b2fb5b473be13f00bb.html

Former priest sent to prison in '88 Wisconsin case AP 9/17/05 Green Bay, Wis "Buzanowski has not served as a clergyman since 1989 and was formally defrocked by the Vatican in March. Buzanowski was convicted in Milwaukee on a federal charge of possessing child pornography in 2000 and served 21 months in prison. In a letter written at that time, he admitted to molesting more than 14 boys between 1969 and 1988, court records show." http://www.startribune.com/stories/484/5620244.html
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[CTRL] clergy abuse - Michigan, California

2005-09-17 Thread Smart News
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Three Michigan priests removed - Vatican rules leaders -- 2 of them local -- can't minister after child sex abuse allegations. 9/16/05 By Kim Kozlowski / The Detroit News "The Vatican has removed three more local priests from ministry and prohibited them from wearing their clerical garb or presenting themselves as priests following allegations of child sexual abuseOver a 50-year period, the Archdiocese of Detroit reported that 63 priests and deacons sexually abused 116 victims. The diocese paid $1.4 million in settlements and counseling costs." http://www.detnews.com/2005/religion/0509/16/B01-317125.htm

2 Calif. dioceses to pay $42m in abuse claims By Jennifer Coleman, Associated Press  6/30/05 Sacramento "Two Catholic dioceses in Northern California agreed yesterday to pay more than $42 million to settle 41 clergy sex abuse claims, resulting in the dismissal of all but one lawsuit. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento agreed to pay $35 million to 33 victims just ''two minutes" before a jury trial was set to begin in one of the cases yesterday, attorney Larry Drivon said at a news conferenceAlso yesterday, the Diocese of Santa Rosa announced it will pay $7.3 million to eight plaintiffs. The Sacramento plaintiffs will receive payments ranging from $400,000 to $4.2 million, Drivon said. The agreement settles all pending sex abuse lawsuits against the Sacramento diocese." http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2005/06/30/2_calif_dioceses_to_pay_42m_in_abuse_claims/

Diocese settles last suit on abuse - $750,000 deal raises total paid or promised to victims to nearly $20 million 9/16/05 By Guy Kovner - the Press Democrat "Santa Rosa's Roman Catholic Diocese announced Thursday the settlement of the last sexual abuse lawsuit filed against it, agreeing to pay $750,000 to a man who said he was abused by a former Rohnert Park priest. The settlement brings to an end a painful four-decade chapter in diocese history as 10 lawsuits filed in 2002 and 2003 were settled for a combined $11,365,000, the diocese said. In all, the diocese has paid or promised to pay dozens of victims nearly $20 million since 1990." http://www1.pressdemocrat.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050916/NEWS/509160303/1033/NEWS01
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[CTRL] pesticide testing on kids, Church sex probe widens

2005-09-15 Thread Smart News
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EPA rule loopholes allow pesticide testing on kids - Andrew Schneider, Baltimore Sun 9/15/05 "Washington -- The Environmental Protection Agency's new rules on human testing, which the agency said last week would categorically protect children and pregnant women from pesticide testing, include numerous exemptions, such as one that specifically allows testing of children who have been "abused and neglected." " http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/09/15/MNG2NENN801.DTL

fwd from L Moss Sharman - Church sex probe widens By Kelly Pedro, Free Press Crime Reporter "The investigation into sexual abuse allegations at a London Baptist church widened yesterday as more people contacted police with complaints. "As a result of the charges laid (Thursday), additional information has come to light," Const. Amanda Pfeffer said. Police aren't saying how many more complaints they received yesterday or whom they were about. Ambassador Baptist Church pastors Roy Wood and Brian Fast along with deacon William Fletcher and church member Russell Wilson were charged Thursday with multiple sex offences involving several youths and a woman. The children told police they were assaulted at the church or while in the care of church members." 
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[CTRL] clergy abuse - Orlando

2005-09-14 Thread Smart News
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Suits say diocese hid clergy sex abuse - Mark I. Pinsky | Sentinel Staff Writer 9/12/05 "Lawsuits filed by two men today accuse the Catholic Diocese of Orlando of concealing clergy sex abuse more than 30 years ago. Attorneys for the two unnamed plaintiffs charged that, beginning in the mid-1960s, the Rev. Vernon Uhran abused them and others through 1976 at rectories at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Altamonte Springs; the Church of the Resurrection in Lakeland; St. Theresa Church in Belleview; as well as on a cross-country trip in a recreational vehicle. The suits, each seeking $5 million in damages, also charge that leaders of the diocese, including Bishop William Borders, now retired archibishop of Baltimore, knew of the charges against Uhran, refused to do anything to stop it and even concealed the charges. The suits, filed in Orange County Circuit Court, allege that the diocese transferred Uhran from parish to parish, "where he continued to have unfettered access to minors and was permitted to have frequent sleepovers in the rectories." http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-bk-priest091205,0,4877394.story?coll=orl-home-headlines

Diocese of Orlando covered up sex abuse by clergy, lawsuits say - Mark I. Pinsky | Sentinel Staff Writer 9/13/05 "Two men who say they were victims of clergy sex abuse three decades ago have sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando, charging that the bishop at the time covered up the molestation by transferring the accused priest among local churches. The two lawsuits allege that Bishop William Borders, who later became archbishop of Baltimore, knew of the accusations against the Rev. Vernon Uhran but did nothing to stop the abuse. Instead, Uhran was transferred from parish to parish, "where he continued to have unfettered access to minors and was permitted to have frequent sleepovers in the rectories," according to the suits, which seek a total of $10 million in damages." http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-priestabusenew105sep13,0,2850590.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-orange
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[CTRL] repressed memory case

2005-09-12 Thread Smart News
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Missouri high court weighs repressed-memory case By Robert Patrick Of the Post-Dispatch 09/08/05 Jefferson City "The question of whether people with repressed memories can collect from the Roman Catholic Church on new claims of old sex abuse was argued before the Missouri Supreme Court on Thursday, after lower courts could not agree. The eventual decision is sure to have a significant financial impact on the church in Missouri and on those trying to win damages over allegations of misconduct by priests that may date back decades. The case involves accusations that two faculty members at Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis County sexually abused a teenage student named Michael Powel in the early 1970s. The case centers on whether it is too late for Powel to sue the faculty members, Chaminade and the Marianist Province." http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/EF1FDE8D37FF6E0E86257077001B4C6D?OpenDocument

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[CTRL] clergy abuse

2005-09-10 Thread Smart News
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More Sex Abuse Lawsuits Against Archdiocese By Judith Kohler (AP) Denver 9/7/05 "Two more people came forward Wednesday with allegations that a former Roman Catholic priest sexually abused children, bringing to seven the number of lawsuits claiming the Denver archdiocese protected him for years. Attorneys for Gary Wolf, 56, of the Denver area and a woman, whose name wasn't released, said they planned to file lawsuits Wednesday in Denver District Court. Their stories are similar to those of more than a dozen other alleged victims who say Harold Robert White sexually abused them and was moved to other parishes in Colorado to prevent a scandal." http://cbs4denver.com/crime/local_story_251004020.html

Sex charges rock church - Two pastors, a deacon and a member of Ambassador Baptist Church face charges. Kelly Pedro Patrick Maloney and Randy Richmond, Free Press Reporters   9/9/05 "Charges of sexual abuse and assault -- some involving young children -- have stung a London Baptist church, put its leaders behind bars and prompted police to continue searching for others who may have been assaulted. Ambassador Baptist Church pastors Roy Wood, 55, and Brian Fast, 51, along with deacon William Dalton Fletcher, 44, and church member Russell Wilson, 48, were charged yesterday with sexual assault, police said. Fletcher was also charged with sexual exploitation and Wilson was charged with sexual interference. Wood was also charged with sexual exploitation and three counts of assault with a weapon relating to three teenage boys." http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2005/09/09/1208507-sun.html
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[CTRL] Spokane, Katrina, DC rally

2005-09-07 Thread Smart News
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describes abuse
Lurid stories of sex and abuse shock Spokane area By Nicholas K. Geranios AP 9/5/05 ""The number of pedophiles in the United States is not known, but mental health experts estimate that 4 percent of the population suffers from sexual orientation toward children, the vast majority of them males. In 1999, 93,000 kids were sexually abused, and 70 percent of the perpetrators were family members." "it was revealed that officials at the Morning Star Boys Ranch, a revered local institution, may have tolerated physical and sexual assaults against troubled boys." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420slug=WA%20Shocked%20Spokane

The Poor Were Left to Suffer 
Friday 02 September 2005 New Orleans - With the rotors of President George W. Bush's helicopter sounding overhead, New Orleans' poor and downtrodden recounted tales of murder, rape, death threats and near starvation since Hurricane Katrina wrecked this city. 

Washington D. C. Rally! October 8, 2005 
After a year of getting organized, we are finally going to rally in Washington, DC.   Help us put an end to gang stalking, workplace mobbing, ritual abuse, and the use of high tech weapons against 
non-consenting humans. Also see http://stopcovertwar.com/dc.html

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, abuse symptoms

2005-09-07 Thread Smart News
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Broward - Suit: Church knew of sex claims - A Fort Lauderdale man has filed suit against the Archdiocese of Miami alleging a priest raped him when he was 9 years Old. By Wanda J. Demarzo and Jay Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] "After settling a $50,000 sexual-abuse claim against the Rev. Neil Doherty, the Archdiocese of Miami kept the priest in a Broward parish where he allegedly doped and raped a different boy over a five-year period, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The suit, which seeks $25 million in damages, offers evidence that church leaders were aware of earlier sex-abuse allegations against Doherty, yet apparently did nothing to protect children from him."   www.miami.com

Childhood sexual abuse linked to pregnant eating disorder symptoms 9/5/05 "A history of unwanted sexual experiences in childhood appears to be associated with both a lifetime and maternal risk of eating disorder symptoms in women, as well as concerns about shape and weight during pregnancy, study findings show. "Maternal eating problems in the postnatal period have been shown to pose a particular risk to the developing child by interfering with parenting and child growth," note R Senior, from the Leopold Muller Centre for Child and Family Mental Health in London, UK, and colleagues." Source: Br J Psychiatry 2005; 187: 268–273 http://www.psychiatrysource.com/psychsource/News/article1784.htm

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, Gosch

2005-09-05 Thread Smart News
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Vatican defrocks 2 more Westchester priests By Gary Stern [EMAIL PROTECTED] the Journal News 9/2/05 "The Vatican has defrocked two more Westchester priests who were accused of sexually abusing minors, as well as a deacon who served as a school official for the Archdiocese of New York, the archdiocese announced yesterday. The one-time priests were Gennaro Gentile, a former pastor of Holy Name of Mary Church in Croton-on-Hudson, and Lawrence Inzeo, a former pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Church in West Harrison. Also defrocked was Arthur Manzione, a former deacon and associate secretary for education for the archdiocese." "In July, the archdiocese announced that the Vatican had defrocked six former priests accused of abuse: Daniel Calabrese, a former Poughkeepsie priest; David Carson, a former priest at St. Paul's Church in Congers; Kenneth Jesselli, who replaced Gentile at Holy Name of Mary; Ralph LaBelle, a former pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Putnam Lake; Patrick Quigley, a former priest at Immaculate Conception Church in Stony Point; and Francis Stinner, a former priest at St. Joseph's Church in Bronxville." http://www.thejournalnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050902/NEWS12/509020311/-1/spider

Site has information on Johnny Gosch http://www.johnnygosch.com/
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[CTRL] Pedophile, MK-Ultra

2005-09-02 Thread Smart News
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this one from L Moss Sharman - Pedophile admits guilt, awaits sentence 8/30/05 Saint-Jerome "The pedophile Claude Fradet admits guilt to 21 of the 31 charges against him at the Saint-Jerome courthouse Tuesday morning. He molested 19 victims between 1991 and May 2005. Fradet would bring the children into his home and over those years, he has lived in Sainte-Agathe, Pointe-Calumet, Granby and Montréal. Fradet victimes included babies as young as two-weeks-old to 13-year-old girls and one was assaulted up to 160 times." http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=df18f10b-113e-495f-a83f-0a9b48ba902d

This website has documents on the CIA and MK-Ultra. http://www.bvalphaserver.com/contentid-21.html
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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference, abuse paper, Jehovah's, ritual abuse torture

2005-08-31 Thread Smart News
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Information on The Ninth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - August 11 - 13, 2006 http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2006-conference.htm

How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships - a research paper- http://members.aol.com/smartnews/howchildhoodsa.htm

Victim hopes sex case changes church by Colin Perkel CP 8/30/05 Toronto - "A Jehovah's Witness who sexually abused his daughter was sentenced yesterday to two years less a day, to be served in the community, in a case that cast a spotlight on how the church handles sex-abuse complaints within its ranks. The victim, Vicki Boer, said the sentencing of her father validates her allegations and should force the church to face up to its shortcomings in handling her abuse complaintShe claimed in an earlier civil suit that church elders told her not to report the abuse. She said they forced her to confront her dad to allow him to repent his sins as outlined in Matthew 18:15-18, a process she said was abusive and traumatic." http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2005/08/30/1193447-sun.html

Ritual Abuse-Torture - A Human Rights Violation - We are inviting persons who have survived ritual abuse-torture to submit a one page signed statement about their ordeals. We have 22 signed statements from Australia, Canada, Holland, Israel, New Zealand and the US (read below signed statements on page 11 of the letter to the Canadian Government: http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/postun.pdf Our dream is to have 100 Canadian and internationally signed statements to bring with us to the UN in Geneva to meet with a working group in 2006, making a statement about the prevalence of ritual abuse-torture world wide. For information on the signed statement process contact us as at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeanne Sarson  Linda MacDonald, Persons Against Ritual Abuse-Torture, www.ritualabusetorture.org
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[CTRL] Church-run home, military academies, latest ritual abuse newsletter

2005-08-26 Thread Smart News
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Lawsuits allege violence, sex abuse at church-run home in '60s AP 8/25/05 "Half a dozen men have filed lawsuits alleging they were sexually molested, beaten and humiliated as children 40 years ago by nuns, priests and civilian staff members at Madonna Manor, a Catholic home for troubled children in Marrero." http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20050825Category=APNArtNo=508250890SectionCat=Template=datelineprint

Military academies and sex abuse: 15 years of failure 8/25/05 "Fifteen years after an ugly incident involving a female midshipman being assaulted and chained to a urinal called attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault at the nation's military academies, those schools still haven't dealt adequately with the problem. That's the sorry conclusion of a congressionally mandated task force." http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2005-08-25-military_x.htm

SMART Issue #64 is now available with information on ritual abuse, clergy abuse and mind control. http://members.aol.com/smartnews/sample-issue-64.htm
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[CTRL] Residential school abuse, Christchurch case, US rights violations

2005-08-25 Thread Smart News
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Suit claims abuses at former school By Candice O'Grady "A member of Teslin Tlingit First Nation is bringing the Anglican Church and the federal government to court for sexual, mental and physical abuse he says he suffered at a former residential school in Carcross. The school was run by the Anglican Church, specifically the Diocese of the Yukon, under contract from the federal government. The student was emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually abused by staff and clergy who were there to "care for and educate" the native children placed at the Carcross school, he alleges. There is currently at least one other suit filed in the Yukon Supreme Court against the Anglican Church and the Government of Canada for alleged abuse at the residential school in Carcross. The other suit claims the plaintiff was forced to do unpaid work, which "amounts to slave labour." This suit does not name labour without pay; however, the plaintiff in this case says he was sexually assaulted throughout his time at the school." http://www.whitehorsestar.com/auth.php?r=39241

Dominion Post - 8/22/05 Here's the real witch hunt by Linley Boniface ""When I first read Lynley Hood's "A City Possessed," which has somehow come to be accepted as the official New Zealand textbook on the case, it seemed clear there had been a gross miscarriage of justice. But on second reading, I began to wonder why there were such huge gaps in the story: why, in a book claiming to provide a balanced picture between many conflicting points of view, evidence from the children and their families had been treated with such scorn. I read everything I could find from the trial before reading it for a third time. This time, I realised the mistake had been my own: I had treated the book as investigative journalism, but I should have seen it as a polemic. Hood's agenda is clear from the contents page: she devotes twice as much space to her theories about witch hunts and gender politics as she does to the actual trial. Evidence that does not support Ellis is quickly dismissed, while the character, background and professional credentials of those who believed the children are repeatedly attacked. The children's parents are - there is no other word for it - demonised. Hood's big idea is that Christchurch was seized by an outbreak of mass hysteria that extended not only to an entire community but to all rungs of the criminal justice system. You'd think this was a fairly controversial theory, yet it is now routinely reported not as opinion, but as fact. Ellis is often referred to in the media as an "alleged" child abuser, as if his conviction counts for nothing compared with the kangaroo court of public opinion." http://www.peterellis.org.nz/2005/2005-0822_DominionPost_HeresTheReal.htm

Report of 180 Types of US Human Rights Violations Since 9/11 
By Ann Fagan Ginger 
t r u t h o u t | Report 
Friday 08 July 2005 
Berkeley, July 2005 
In celebration of Independence Day and the rights and freedoms of the peoples of the US, reports of more than 180 violations of human rights by the US Government since 9/11 were submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Committee Against Torture, the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and to the Bureau of International Organization Affairs in the US Department of State under a resolution adopted by the City Council of Berkeley, California. 
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[CTRL] child porn, clergy abuse, Abu Ghraib

2005-08-24 Thread Smart News
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Cyber Lab Helps Nab 28 Pedophiles in CT - Greenwich, CT - (AP) "The FBI credits its cyber laboratory for helping indict 28 people in Connecticut who are accused of trading child pornography and being sexual predators since last year. The lab is being used by the Innocent Images Task Force, which includes personnel from the FBI, federal postal inspectors, state and local police." http://www.connpost.com/ci_2963276

A Question of Trust | Colorado priest accused of abuse - Sex-abuse lawsuits multiply - Three more accuse White of molestation  By Eric Gorski "Three more men filed lawsuits Tuesday alleging that the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver covered up for former priest Harold Robert White despite being warned that he had been accused of molesting boys. At a news conference across from archdiocesan headquarters, Brandon Trask's hands shook as he recounted how difficult it was to break 30 years of silence and publicly accuse White. He and another man, identified only as John Doe, filed a complaint in Denver District Court against the archdiocese for unspecified damages. Earlier Tuesday, a Miami lawyer filed a $10 million lawsuit on behalf of 52-year-old Greg Roberts of Fort Collins. The former altar boy says he was 14 or 15 when White molested him at church and a social hall in the mid-1960s. So far, five men have filed lawsuits against the archdiocese for its handling of White, who in less than a month has become the archdiocese's biggest challenge involving clergy sex abuse since the U.S. church was struck by scandal in 2002." http://www.denverpost.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?article=2967322

t r u t h o u t - New Abu Ghraib Images Far Worse than Originals.htm
More Images of Abu Ghraib By Ari Berman The Nation
Monday 22 August 2005
There's a new batch of photos from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, and these are reportedly far worse than the sickening originals. Naturally, the Pentagon is trying to block their release. The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in October 2003 to make public 87 photographs and four videos depicting prisoner abuse in Iraq. 
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[CTRL] child abuse, clergy abuse

2005-08-22 Thread Smart News
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The Science of Child Sexual Abuse Jennifer J. Freyd , Frank W. Putnam, Thomas D. Lyon, Kathryn A. Becker-Blease, Ross E. Cheit, Nancy B. Siegel, Kathy Pezdek "Child sexual abuse (CSA) involving sexual contact between an (usually male) adult and a child has been reported by 20% of women and 5-10% of men worldwide. Surveys likely underestimate prevalence due to underreporting and memory failure. Although official reports have declined somewhat in the U.S. over the past decade, close to 90% of sexual abuse cases are never reported to the authorities." http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/articles/science05.htm

Accused priest was frequently reassigned - Critics: Pattern of priest's postings sadly not surprising by Marc Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] 219.662.5330 8/21/05 "Reviewing the work history of a region priest accused of sexual abuse, two former Catholic monks turned victims advocates and one priest turned whistle-blower said they picked up on a familiar set of patterns. A timeline compiled by The Times of the Official Catholic Directories during the Rev. Richard A. Emerson's 26-year career in the priesthood shows nine different moves to various parishes or other diocesan assignments, an average of about one move every three years. Emerson's timeline shows extensive contact with youth during his career, including four years as head administrator of Schererville's Hoosier Boys' Town -- a home for troubled youth now called Campagna Academy -- and six years as the Diocese of Gary liaison for the Boy Scouts." http://nwitimes.com/articles/2005/08/21/news/lake_county/852997b6fdd1f88286257064000831e8.txt
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, dissociation

2005-08-19 Thread Smart News
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Seeking justice, closure 8/16/05 By Joe Happ (The News Guard) "Carlich, 59, is one of 68 men currently making claims of sexual abuse by priests against the Archdiocese of Portland. He is seeking $10.2 million in damages and alleges he was molested as a sophomore at the now-defunct Tillamook Catholic High School by the late Rev. Gerald Dezurick, a local parish priest. The claims are now in crucial settlement talks that are expected to run through the middle of September. Carlich's lawsuit was merged with the others after the archdiocese declared bankruptcy in July of 2004." http://www.thenewsguard.com/news/story.cfm?story_no=2829

Memory Fragmentation in Dissociative Identity Disorder - Onno van der Hart,PhD, Hilde Bolt,MA, Bessel A.van der Kolk,MD "All participants reported a history of severe childhood abuse;93.3%reported some period of amnesia for the index traumatic event, and 33.3%reported periods of amnesia for significant non-traumatic childhood experiences. All participants who had been amnestic for their trauma reported that their memories were initially retrieved in the form of somatosensory flashbacks. This suggests that, like PTSD patients, DID patients at least initially recall their trauma not as a narrative, but as somatosensory re-experiencing. Surprisingly, however, DID participants also recalled emotionally charged non-traumatic life events with significant somato-sensory components, a phenomenon that has not been previously reported. This finding raises important issues regarding basic memory processing abnormalities in DID patients." http://www.onnovdhart.nl/articles/memoryfrag.pdf

Rasim Somer Diler - Conversion and Dissociative Disorders in Children and Adolescents Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Cukurova University Faculty Medicine, Adana, Turkey "Dissociation is a complex psychopathological coping process that exists along a continuum ranging from minor normative dissociative experiences (e.g., daydreaming or lapses in attention) to severe psychiatric diagnoses (e.g., dissociative identity disorder, amnesia, and fug). The frequency of dissociative experiences is at its highest during childhood. The single best predictor of dissociative disorder is frequent "trance-like behavior". Children with dissociative disorders exhibit a plethora of fluctuating abilities, shifting preferences, and inconsistent knowledge. The link between dissociative disorders and trauma is well accepted. Children and adolescents may present dissociative symptoms prior to meeting full criteria for PTSD, panic disorder, personality disorders, or dissociative disorders." Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry vol. I num. 1, 2003 http://www.psyter.org/allegati/182/diler_8.pdf

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, Iraqi prisoner abuse

2005-08-16 Thread Smart News
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More lawsuits claim abuse at Catholic-run orphanage Dawn Ostrom, ABC26News 8/15/05 Marrero, LA "Three more men are coming forward claiming they were victims of physical and sexual abuse at Madonna Manor Orphanage in the 1950s and 1960s. Stacey Brown and Ted Lauche filed suit against Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans back in March. The men said they lived at Madonna Manor because their parents could not care for them. But, they say the nuns at the home did not care for them, but beat them. And, they say they were sexually abused by priests and other men." http://abc26.trb.com/wgno-orphanageabuse081505,0,6321082.story?coll=wgno-home-1

Pope Lawyer Seek Immunity in Texas Case by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Writer Vatican City "Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court records show. The Vatican's embassy in Washington sent a diplomatic memo to the State Department on May 20 requesting the U.S. government grant the pope immunity because he is a head of state, according to a May 26 motion submitted by the pope's lawyers in U.S. District Court for the Southern Division of Texas in Houston. Joseph Ratzinger is named as a defendant in the civil lawsuit. Now Benedict XVI, he's accused of conspiring with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to cover up the abuse during the mid-1990s. The suit is seeking unspecified monetary damages." 

describes torture in detail
Fresh Allegations of Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Emerge 
Agence France-Presse
Tuesday 16 August 2005
Former Iraqi prisoners claim in a BBC program to be broadcast today that British troops abused and humiliated them in the aftermath of the US-led invasion in March 2003.
The fresh allegations fuelled suspicion that the Army was following a policy of "systematic abuse and torture" when dealing with Iraqi detainees.

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, Nazis

2005-08-15 Thread Smart News
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http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-priests10aug10,1,922388,print.story?coll=la-headlines-california Molester Says Church Shifted Him to Other Parishes - The ex-priest, now in prison, makes the allegation about the San Diego diocese's policy in the 1970s in a newly filed court document. By Jean Guccione 8/10/05 "A former Roman Catholic priest said San Diego church officials transferred him to other parishes after parishioners complained that he had molested altar boys and other youth in the 1970s, according to newly filed court documents. Edward Anthony Rodrigue was convicted in 1979 of sexually assaulting two boys in Ontario. Rodrigue made the statements in a court declaration at Corcoran state prison, where he is serving 10 years on a second molestation conviction. The declaration, which was filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Diego, supports one of the main allegations in the clergy sexual abuse scandal: that bishops knew priests were molesting children, but covered up by shifting them elsewhere." www.latimes.com

Information on Nazi Triggers and Dates is at: http://www.ctsserver.com/~svship/nazi.html

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[CTRL] Lewis abuse probe set to criticise role of officials

2005-08-12 Thread Smart News
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Lewis abuse probe set to criticise role of officials by Mike Merritt 8/7/05 "An investigation into allegations of child sex abuse on the Isle of Lewis will criticise how social workers gathered medical evidence and served child protection orders on parents. It is believed the Scottish Executive's inquiry into the collapse of the case has made a series of recommendations which have far-reaching implications for every local authority in Scotland. The year-long investigation into claims of one of the biggest child sex rings in Scotland will finally report this weekThe case, which cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds, collapsed last July after the Crown Office decided not to prosecute. The probe began when four police forces staged dawn raids on homes in England and on Lewis, the centre of the allegations, in October 2003. Operation Haven saw charges brought against seven men and one woman - which included the offences of rape and lewd and libidinous practices against three young girls." http://www.scotsman.com/?id=1741042005
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[CTRL] transcripts from the 2005 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference

2005-08-10 Thread Smart News
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Several transcripts from the presentations at the 2005 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference are now available on the web :

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture. To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know! Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published numerous articles on ritual abuse. His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."
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[CTRL] ritual abuse and mind control conference tapes

2005-08-08 Thread Smart News
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Hi !

Tapes from the ritual abuse and mind control conference are now available. Please find info below on this. Thanks. 

Tape Order Form for The Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2005 

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may be very triggering. These tapes are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment. Statements made on these tapes are the speaker's own statements only and don't necessarily represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers. Speaker descriptions will follow ordering information.

1. Neil Brick - "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works." 

2. Wanda Karriker, Ph.D. -"The World Will Know! Words from a Hopeless Optimist." 

3. Mary Keats RN BA"Breaking the Silence"

4. Carol Rutz "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

5. Hal Pepinsky - "Inferring Offender Motivation."

6. Kathleen Sullivan - "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism." 

7. Jeanette Westbrook MSSW, CSW, "Law Enforcement and Survivors- Are they on our side"
Tapes are approximately 60 minutes long. Tapes are $10 each. Shipping and Handling charges on tapes are $1.50 (US) for the first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada $2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00 each additional. 
With shipping and handling: US Price -all tapes - $55, Canada price - all tapes - $60
Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US) to P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.




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Speakers and Biographies

Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are speaking at our conference for educational value only and some may be triggering. Listening to the speakers at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned herein. These descriptions may be triggering. Please use caution while reading. 

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter.. His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture. To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know! Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Mary Keats RN BA wife, mother, grandmother, working in social services, is a survivor of Ritual Abuse Torture.. She is a spiritual person who enjoys life to the fullest. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious .She refuses to be muzzled, decided early on in her recovery to break the silence, so others could be helped. Her topic is: "Breaking the Silence."

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Hal Pepinsky - Since the fall of 1993, Hal Pepinsky has as far as he knows been the only university professor to bring more than one ra/mc survivor to his classes. Hal has taught criminal justice for 32 years. Surviving ritual abuse and mind control has become a foundation for his larger thinking on what he calls "peacemaking," establishing safe relations in the face of violence. His topic is ""Inferring Offender Motivation."

Kathleen Sullivan lives in Tennessee with her husband, Bill. She began her recovery in 1989. In 1996, she founded the North American Freedom Foundation (formerly PARC-VRAMC). Her autobiography, Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, was published in 2004. She is now working towards a master's degree in Social Work. Her topic is: "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism."

Jeanette Westbrook, MSSW, CSW is a nationally known speaker and lecturer at Universities and gave a presentation 

[CTRL] clergy abuse

2005-08-07 Thread Smart News
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Calif. Church Settles Abuse Suits for $56M By Kim Curtis, AP 8/6/05 San Francisco "The Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland has agreed to pay $56 million to settle lawsuits filed by 56 alleged victims of priest sexual abuse, the diocese said." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050806/ap_on_re_us/church_abuse

Priest: Silence ordered on abuse By Nancy Phillips, Mark Fazlollah and Craig R. McCoy 8/7/05
Inquirer Staff Writers "When the Rev. James Gigliotti told church officials in the early 1980s that a Northeast Philadelphia priest was molesting boys, he remembers receiving a stern warning. "This comes from the highest authority: You're to keep your mouth shut," Gigliotti said an assistant chancellor told him. The Philadelphia Archdiocese quickly removed the accused priest, the Rev. James J. Brzyski, from his parish in the Fox Chase section. But the archdiocese did not tell parishioners the reason. Nor did it report Brzyski to police. With his conduct a secret, Brzyski remained a welcome guest in parishioners' homes. A former altar boy said this meant Brzyski kept abusing him - for years." phillynews.com

Jury decides against priest in defamation case By Ryan J. Foley, 8/4/05 Janesville, Wis. (AP) "A jury on Thursday decided against a Catholic priest who said he was falsely accused of sexual abuse by a former altar boy, concluding the allegations were substantially true." http://www.startribune.com/stories/568/5543108.html
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[CTRL] Police Helped Hide Abuse Claims, Guantanamo

2005-08-03 Thread Smart News
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Paper: Police Helped Hide Abuse Claims 7/31/05 Toledo, Ohio (AP) "Police helped the Catholic Diocese of Toledo cover up sex abuse allegations for several decades, refusing to investigate or arrest priests suspected of molesting children, a newspaper reported Sunday. The (Toledo) Blade, relying on interviews with former officers and a review of court and diocese records, found at least five instances since the 1950s of police covering up allegations of abuse." http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Church-Abuse-Ohio.html?ex=112356en=dc1e1a3aec70be8fei=5070emc=eta1

Leaked Emails Claim Guantánamo Trials Rigged 
By Leigh Sales 
ABC News 
Monday 01 August 2005 
Leaked emails from two former prosecutors claim the military commissions set up to try detainees at Guantánamo Bay are rigged, fraudulent, and thin on evidence against the accused.    Two emails, which have been obtained by the ABC, were sent to supervisors in the Office of Military Commissions in March of last year - three months before Australian detainee David Hicks was charged and five months before his trial began. 
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, abuse coverups, pedophile ring

2005-07-31 Thread Smart News
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Diocese: Don't show abuse files - Former priest: Ed Stefanich is convicted sex offender By Ted Slowik "Wheaton - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet is once again asking a court to bar the release of documents that could shed light on how church officials responded to allegations of clergy sexual abuse. The diocese is asking a DuPage County judge to issue a protective order that would shield the personnel file of former priest and convicted sex offender Ed Stefanich from public view. Judge Stephen Culliton is expected to rule on the request Aug. 8. The diocese is arguing that failure to obtain a protective order would dissuade other victims of clergy sexual abuse from coming forward, and that the privacy of others would be violated." http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/heraldnews/top/j30diocese.htm

Authorities abetted diocese in hiding sexual-abuse cases - Police, courts let accused priests avoid punishment By Joe Mahr and Mitch Weiss 7/31/05 "Over the past 50 years, those sworn to enforce the law and protect children repeatedly have aided and abetted the diocese in covering up sexual abuse by priests, a three-month investigation by The Blade shows. Beyond past revelations that the diocese quietly moved pedophile priests from parish to parish, The Blade investigation shows that at least once a decade - and often more - priests suspected of rape and molestation have been allowed by local authorities to escape the law." http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20050731Category=NEWS08ArtNo=507310305SectionCat=NEWSTemplate=printart

Disturbing connections emerge - Sexual abuse allegations, cases hint at Spokane's shameful side Bill Morlin 7/31/05 "Three decades agoYoung boys – some from troubled backgrounds and others from prominent families – were being sexually abused by a group of men who were supposed to be role models and authority figures. Growing evidence suggests that people who knew about the abuse did nothing to stop it or report it. Two attorneys who represent several alleged victims from the era believe there was a pedophile ring operating in Spokane. Others blame a culture of secrecy, denial and ignorance for allowing revered, male-dominated institutions like the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts and the Spokane County Sheriff's Office to ignore abusers in their midst." http://www.spokesmanreview.com/tools/story_pf.asp?ID=82828#glance
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[CTRL] 65 convicted in French child abuse trial, Dallas abuse

2005-07-30 Thread Smart News
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65 convicted in French child abuse trial - Angers, France   7/28/05 "Key figures in the largest child abuse trial to date in France were sentenced to up to 28 years in jail on Wednesday after a jury convicted them of raping, molesting and prostituting children, including their own. The court found that between January 1999 and February 2002, the 65 defendants had sexually abused 45 children, then aged from six months to 14 years, sometimes in exchange for cash, drink, cartons of cigarettes or, on one occasion, a car tyre. After a five-month trial, the jury sent three repeat offenders to prison for between 26 and 28 years. Other suspects were handed sentences ranging from six months suspended to 18 years in jail. The offences took place in flats, sheds and allotments on a rundown housing estate in the Loire town of Angers, 265km from Paris, better known for its medieval chateau."   http://www.mg.co.za/articledirect.aspx?area=%2fbreaking_news%2f+breaking_news__international_news%2farticleid=246572

Lay abuse cases costing diocese Dallas: Attorney says vigilance could have saved victims of child-care workers 7/29/05 By Brooks Egerton "The Dallas Catholic Diocese soon will be paying millions more dollars to sexual abuse victims. This time, however, the abusers in question are former child-care workers, not priests. But otherwise much is familiar: Plaintiffs say church officials ignored "red flags" about suspicious employees, while the defense says those individuals long managed to fool everyone around them. Now, to avoid the risks of trying lawsuits, the diocese has agreed to pay a total of $2.6 million to three victims of Julio A. Marcos, who worked at St. Pius X's child-care center for much of the 1990s and is now serving a life term in prison."
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[CTRL] Boy scout leader, Mahony

2005-07-26 Thread Smart News
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Child molester near you? He may be a respected community member By John T. Eberth, The Times Herald 07/23/2005"Before and during his sex abuse trial James Molyneaux received wide-spread support from members of the community. Molyneaux, 62, was a respected teacher at Portville Central School and an area Boy Scout leader. People who know him never doubted his innocence. More than 50 members of First Baptist Church of Olean prayed for him in a courtroom Tuesday as a jury found him guilty of two counts of first-degree sodomy, two counts of second-degree sodomy and one count of first-degree sexual abuse. The jury found him guilty of having sex with an 11-year-old boy in 2000 and a 13-year-old boy in 1997.After his conviction, the man admitted he had molested between 75 and 100 young boys while working as their swimming coach." http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=14910737BRD=386PAG=461dept_id=444919rfi=6

Mahony Ordered to Release Church Records - Court affirms ruling that documents dealing with abuse by priests must be disclosed. By Jean Guccione - LA Times Staff Writer 7/26/05 "A state appellate court ordered Cardinal Roger M. Mahony on Monday to comply with grand jury subpoenas seeking the internal church records of two former Roman Catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children. It was the second time in a year that a court has told Mahony to turn over the records. A three-judge panel from the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles rejected the archdiocese's argument that it was constitutionally protected from having to disclose documents from priest personnel files." 
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, anti-torture legislation

2005-07-24 Thread Smart News
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Class action sought in orphanage lawsuit - Sisters of Charity oppose request 7/23/05 By Gregory A. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Courier-Journal "Class-action status is being sought for a lawsuit filed by about 50 people who allege they were abused as children while living at Roman Catholic orphanages in Jefferson County. In a filing in Jefferson Circuit Court, attorney William McMurry said he's seeking to expand the suit because he and his plaintiffs believe there are at least several hundred other victims. Judge Denise Clayton will consider the request at a hearing Monday. A class-action designation would allow victims to make a claim without being publicly identified, as they would be if they filed their own suit. It also would lead to advertising that would notify former orphanage residents -- who may live across the country and not know of the litigation -- of their rights, McMurry said. McMurry, working with attorney Ann Oldfather, represented 243 plaintiffs who settled with the Archdiocese of Louisville for $25.7 million in 2003 over sexual abuse by parish priests and others." http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050723/NEWS01/507230420/1008#top

$5m award ordered in sex abuse suit Daniel Tepfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/22/05 "Bridgeport - A Superior Court jury on Thursday awarded $5 million to a former city man who claimed to have been sexually abused by a landscaper at St. Theresa's Church in Trumbull more than 30 years ago. Michael Powel, 47, broke into tears and hugged his lawyer, Helen McGonigle, as Judge Edward F. Stodolink read the verdict. But the award against landscaper Carlo Fabbozzi may end up being only a moral victory. Fabbozzi, 78, did not appear for the trial. The defense table was noticeably empty as McGonigle presented her case to the jury." http://www.connpost.com/archives/ci_2881647

White House Aims to Block Legislation on Detainees 
By Josh White and R. Jeffrey Smith 
The Washington Post 
Saturday 23 July 2005 
The Bush administration in recent days has been lobbying to block legislation supported by Republican senators that would bar the US military from engaging in "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of detainees, from hiding prisoners from the Red Cross, and from using interrogation methods not authorized by a new Army field manual.   Vice President Cheney met Thursday evening with three senior Republican members of the Senate Armed Services Committee to press the administration's case that legislation on these matters would usurp the president's authority and - in the words of a White House official - interfere with his ability "to protect Americans effectively from terrorist attack." 

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, police, suppressing memory, day care

2005-07-23 Thread Smart News
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Bishop Pilla Testifies In Defamation Case Against Diocese - Family Of Abused Man Says They Never Supported Priest's Reassignment 7/19/05 Cleveland "Bishop Anthony M. Pilla testified Tuesday in a defamation case filed against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland by a man who was abused by a priest more than 20 years ago. Christopher Kodger and his parents accuse the diocese of falsely stating in 2002 that they supported the reassignment of the priest who abused Kodger to a parish with a school. Kodger was sexually assaulted by the Rev. James Mulica in 1981, according to documents filed in the case in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. A minor at the time, Kodger told his parents, who called Pilla's home that night. No charges were filed against Mulica, and the family agreed to a settlement of $45,000 on the condition that Mulica not be permitted to work near children, said Kodger's attorney William Crosby. The diocese sent Mulica to be treated for an alcohol problem for two years. He then returned to the diocese and was reassigned to a parish with a school." http://www.newsnet5.com/news/4744275/detail.html

Alleged sex abuse victims accuse Chicago police of wrongdoing by Morgan Lord 7/20/05 "An advocate group of sexual abuse victims filed a complaint Tuesday accusing Chicago police of complicity in abuse of its members by a Chicago priest more than 10 years ago. Barbara Blaine, president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), said the complaint accuses some police officers of involvement in the supposed silencing of eight South Side boys who were molested by their Catholic priest, Father Victor Stewart, in 1992. After the molestation incidents, eight of the boys were picked up by the police, threatened and held without the consent of their parents, according to Blaine and the victims. They were told not to speak to anyone about what happened." http://www.chicagodefender.com/page/local.cfm?ArticleID=1577

Neural Systems Underlying the Suppression of Unwanted Memories Michael C. Anderson, Kevin N. Ochsner, Brice Kuhl, Jeffrey Cooper, Elaine Robertson, Susan W. Gabrieli, Gary H. Glover, John D. E. Gabrieli "Over a century ago, Freud proposed that unwanted memories can be excluded from awareness, a process called repression. It is unknown, however, how repression occurs in the brain. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the neural systems involved in keeping unwanted memories out of awareness. Controlling unwanted memories was associated with increased dorsolateral prefrontal activation, reduced hippocampal activation, and impaired retention of those memories. Both prefrontal cortical and right hippocampal activations predicted the magnitude of forgetting. These results confirm the existence of an active forgetting process and establish a neurobiological model for guiding inquiry into motivated forgetting." http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~blevy/lab/ao2004.pdf

describes crimes - State: Day Care Kids Forced To Eat Worms, Smell Feet 7/22/05 Jacksonville, Fla. -- The state has suspended the licenses of two church-affiliated day care centers. Former director Joshua Palin is charged with molesting ten children, some of them during what investigators say were twisted games of Truth or Dare. At the centers, children were allegedly sexually assaulted and forced to eat worms, pick each other's noses and smell each other's feet during employee-led games of "Truth or Dare." Former director Joshua Palin is charged with molesting ten children, some of them during what investigators say were twisted games of Truth or Dare. He is the son of the affiliated church's pastor. Palin was originally charged last month with molesting two girls. He's being held on bond. Another day care center worker Tammy Sue Warren is free on bond on a charge of lewd and lascivious exhibition. A state report states that she lifted up her shirt during a game of Truth or Dare with the children." http://www.local6.com/news/4758288/detail.html

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[CTRL] clergy abuse, McMartin

2005-07-20 Thread Smart News
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NBC 10 NEWS - Report: Providence Diocese Still Settling Sex Abuse Claims 7/18/05 "Providence - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence has settled an additional 50 sexual abuse claims, totaling $2 million, since reaching a $14.3 million settlement with about three dozen people in 2002." http://www.turnto10.com/

American priest arrested on Arizona child molestation charges AP 7/19/05 Rome "Italian police have arrested an American Roman Catholic priest wanted on child molestation charges in Arizona, the cleric's lawyer said. The Rev. Joseph Henn was arrested on a court order Saturday and is now under house arrest at the headquarters of his Salvatorian order, near St. Peter's Square, said attorney Michele Gentiloni Severj. Henn, who had worked in the Diocese of Phoenix, was indicted on child molestation charges in 2003 in Arizona's Maricopa County." http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/news/politics/12170730.htm

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - Interview with Jackie McGauley, Part Two (about McMartin) http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/07/interview-with-jackie-mcgauley-part_19.html

Chronology of the McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials
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[CTRL] Jehovah's, rape trial, 39,000 Iraqis killed

2005-07-16 Thread Smart News
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High court rejects claim against Wilton church by Nancy Meersman Union Leader Staff Concord - "The state Supreme Court ruled, 3-1, yesterday that two girls who were molested by their father cannot sue the Wilton Jehovah's Witness congregation and the church's governing body for allegedly concealing the abuse from authorities. The high court said although the criminal statutes require the Jehovah's Witnesses to report to police any sex abuse against children, they cannot be held liable in civil court if they do not report it."

this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Frankford man's rape trial opens with boy's testimony 7/15/05 Lamar Zamichieli, 20, withdrew guilty pleas last month to assaults on 10 children. By Jacqueline Soteropoulos - Inquirer Staff Writer "The first of 10 alleged child victims took the witness stand yesterday and pointed to Lamar Zamichieli, identifying the 20-year-old Frankford man as the predator who frightened the city with a string of attacks two years ago. For his part in front of Common Pleas Court jurors, Zamichieli said in a low and quiet voice yesterday that he was pleading not guilty to a string of 33 charges including rapes, attempted rapes, and kidnappings of five girls and five boys." http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/12135662.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp

39,000 Iraqis killed in fighting - study Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:43 PM BST By Irwin Arieff
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Some 39,000 Iraqis have been killed as a direct result of combat or armed violence since the U.S.-led invasion, a figure considerably higher than previous estimates, a Swiss institute reported on Monday. The public database Iraqi Body Count, by comparison, estimates that between 22,787 and 25,814 Iraqi civilians have died since the March 2003 invasion, based on reports from at least two media sources.
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, memory, agent orange

2005-07-14 Thread Smart News
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Church urged to find other abuse victims - Priest who has died named in 22 cases By Margaret Ramirez 7/14/05 "African-American men who were sexually abused as children by a Roman Catholic priest demanded Wednesday that church officials take steps to find other victims who may be suffering in silence. Rev. Victor Stewart, who died in 1994 at age 54, abused at least 22 boys during the 1980s, some as young as 7, according to an attorney for the accusers. Fourteen of the men have reached settlements totaling $3 million with the Archdiocese of Chicago, said attorney Phillip Aaron of Seattle. Settlements are pending for eight more victims, he said." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0507140240jul14,1,6836167.story?page=1coll=chi-newslocal-hed 

Articles on memory and trauma http://www.onnovdhart.nl/articles.html

Diocese to have $22.2 million for abuse claims By Arthur H. Rotstein AP 7/11/05 "Tucson - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson will have $22.2 million available to settle sex abuse claims, including $14.8 million from its insurers, a church official testified Monday during a bankruptcy hearing." http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0711DioceseBankrupt11.html

this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Ex-soldiers sue Ottawa over Agent Orange testing 7/12/05 from Canadian Press Fredericton "A group of former soldiers and civilians who say they were exposed to Agent Orange and other defoliants at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown have launched a class-action suit against Ottawa. The 41-page statement of claim filed before the Federal Court of Canada states illnesses ranging from birth defects in children to cancer in adults were caused by the chemicals sprayed on the woods near Oromocto, N.B. The claim, which has not been proven in court, seeks punitive and aggravated damages, but no figure is mentioned in the court document.""The Canadian military has acknowledged that Agent Orange and other defoliants were tested at the base by the U.S. military in 1966 and '67."   Http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_PrintFriendlyc=Articlecid=1121164019550call_pageid=968332188492DPL=IvsNDS%2f7ChAXtacodalogin=yes

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[CTRL] clergy abuse

2005-07-11 Thread Smart News
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Group says abuse scandal could cost $2 billion or more By Ken Kusmer, AP Writer  7/9/05 "Indianapolis - The chairman of the Roman Catholic lay reform group Voice of the Faithful forecast Saturday that the clergy sexual abuse scandal will cost U.S. dioceses $2 billion to $3 billion in direct costs." http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/07/09/group_says_abuse_scandal_could_cost_2_billion_or_more/

Calif. Diocese to Settle Sex Abuse Suits 7/10/05 AP San Francisco "The Archdiocese of San Francisco has agreed to pay more than $16 million to settle a dozen lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by a once-popular priest. Attorneys announced the agreements Friday, days before the first of several planned trials was to begin with plaintiffs alleging they were abused by the late Rev. Joseph Pritchard." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/09/AR2005070901069.html

describes crimes Vatican expels 6 priests over abuse cases By Damien Cave The New York Times 7/11/05 New York - "The Vatican has expelled six New York priests either accused or convicted of sexual abuse, Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said Saturday in a phone interview that all six men had lost their pensions and that they could no longer perform church sacraments. They are no longer priests, period," he said. "They are reduced to the lay state." Defrocking is the harshest penalty the Roman Catholic Church can impose on a priest." http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/07/10/news/vat.php
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[CTRL] Vatican/Nazis, porn ring

2005-07-09 Thread Smart News
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Old Balkan hatreds play out in court case A class-action lawsuit charges the Vatican Bank with a role in the flight of pro-Nazi henchmen and loot from Europe after World War II By Ron Grossman Tribune staff reporter 7/6/05 "Dorich, a Los Angeles book publisher, is the force behind a class-action lawsuit against the Vatican Bank and the Franciscan Order. Filed in a federal court in California, the suit alleges that immediately after World War II the bank--the financial arm of the Roman Catholic Church--helped fleeing members of a brutal, pro-Nazi regime in Croatia hide and launder millions of dollars worth of loot, including gold and jewelry taken from concentration camp prisoners. According to Dorich and his lawyers, those riches were used to help the pro-Nazi henchmen slip out of Europe and escape to South America in 1945 and after. Dorich, the son of a Serbian immigrant, recalled that dozens of his relatives were massacred by the Ustashe, a Croatian puppet government installed by the Nazis when they conquered the Balkans in the 1940s. U.S. government documents of the period show that some Ustashe leaders and many of their financial resources made it to Rome during the chaos of the war's final months." http://www.chicagotribune.com/

Former Cop Admits Role In Child Porn Ring - 12-Year Police Veteran Could Get 3 Years In Prison 7/8/05 - San Diego "A former San Diego police officer has pleaded guilty to felony and misdemeanor counts of child pornography as part of an international Internet child pornography ring being investigated by federal authorities. Brett Kenneth Hensley pleaded guilty to one felony count of using a minor to make child pornography and three misdemeanor counts of possessing child pornography, authorities announced Thursday. Hensley, 36, is one of 27 people in San Diego and Imperial counties arrested as part of the child porn ring, including members of the military, a priest, a school administrator and a teacher. More than 1,200 people have been arrested worldwide as part of the operation." http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/4700267/detail.html?rss=dgopsp=news  
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[CTRL] Boy scouts, clergy abuse, gender, Cornwall

2005-07-07 Thread Smart News
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Idaho's 'Post Register' Uncovers Pedophiles Among Boy Scout Officials 7/5/05 Idaho Falls (AP) "Molestation allegations continue to emerge against Boy Scout officials who worked under the current Grand Teton Council leadership. An investigation by the Post Register (Idaho) newspaper found allegations against at least three men who worked with eastern Idaho Boy Scouts in the 1980s and 1990s. Two of the men have already been convicted of their crimes." http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000973214

Ex-priest guilty of sexual assault Irving: Already a convicted sex offender, man could get life 7/1/05 By Robert Tharp / The Dallas Morning News "A former Catholic priest with a history of molesting boys was convicted late Thursday of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old man in an Irving hotel room. Jurors deliberated nearly five hours before finding John Salazar guilty of sexual assault." http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/070105dnmetsalazar.60368a3d.html

Kaiser Permanente Research: Gender and Sexual Abuse 7/6/05 Female Perpetrators More Common Than Known Previously; Boys Abused Almost As Often As Girls San Diego - PRNewswire -- "Working with Dr. Robert F. Anda at the Centers for Disease Control, Kaiser Permanente physician-researcher Dr. Vincent Felitti is author of a study out in the latest issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine showing that the genders of sexual abuse victims and perpetrators are less predictable than historically expected. "Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) occurs on a worldwide basis and although most studies on the long-term consequences of CSA have focused on women, sexual abuse of both boys and girls is prevalent," said Vincent J Felitti, MD, of the Kaiser Permanente, San Diego Medical Center. "An interesting finding of the article is that a significant number of boys were molested by women." In 40% of the cases researched by Felitti and his colleagues at the CDC, childhood sexual abuse of male victims came at the hands of female perpetrators. By contrast, only 6% of female victims are molested by women. And the male victims of sexual abuse, whether at the hands of female or male perpetrators, suffered the same long-term consequences -- into adulthood -- as female victims." http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050706/sfw080.html?.v=15

Vatican named in Cornwall sex abuse lawsuit - Canadian Press - Toronto "The Vatican and the College of Cardinals are among those named in a sex abuse lawsuit to be filed this week in Cornwall, Ont. LeDroit Beckett, a London, Ont.-based law firm, is filing the suit on behalf of Andrien St. Louis, who claims he was abused by a Roman Catholic bishop and priest." http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1120420707317_52/?hub=Canada
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[CTRL] McMartin, clergy abuse, ritual abuse, Iraq, torture, Afghanistan

2005-07-06 Thread Smart News
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005 Interview with Jackie McGauley, Part One - "I dunno - sounds like McMartin" seems a typical reaction to virtually every allegation of the organized, ritual abuse of children in America. Despite medical examiners having found "scars, tears, enlarged body openings or other evidence indicating blunt force trauma consistent with the repeated sodomy and rape [the children] described" (as reported in the Los Angeles Times in October 1988); despite the finding of tunnels beneath the preschool as children had described them; despite a poll of jurors after the trials which found a majority believed children had been abused but the prosecution hadn't made their case - despite all these things and more, McMartin has been massaged into public consciousness as an example of how such things could never happen." http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/07/interview-with-jackie-mcgauley-part.html

fwd from L Moss Sharman - Diocese in Maine validates 9 abuse cases By AP 7/5/05 Portland, Maine "Maine's Roman Catholic diocese yesterday validated child sexual-abuse allegations against nine of 21 dead priests, saying they probably would have been removed from ministry under today's standards if they were still alive." http://www.boston.com/news/local/maine/articles/2005/07/04/diocese_in_maine_validates_9_abuse_cases?mode=PF

Judge gives preliminary approval to church abuse settlement - Brett Barrouquere AP 7/5/05 Burlington, Ky. "A judge granted preliminary approval Tuesday to a proposed $120 million class-action settlement between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington and alleged victims of sexual abuse. The approval means there will be $40 million immediately available from diocese assets. The victims and the diocese are suing three insurance companies for the remaining $80 million." http://www.kentucky.com/mld/kentucky/12058773.htm

this may be heavy for survivors
"Here's the final part of my interview with Kathleen Sullivan, survivor of cult ritual abuse and mind controlIn Unshackled, Kathleen mentions an elder statesman, "master hypnotist" and paedophile she calls "Lucian," who obtained ownership of several of Kathleen's alter-states while she was still a teenager." http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/06/interview-with-kathleen-sullivan-part.html

describes crimes 
UK aid funds Iraqi torture units
Peter Beaumont in Baghdad and Martin Bright
Sunday July 3, 2005
British and American aid intended for Iraq's hard-pressed police service is being diverted to paramilitary commando units accused of widespread human rights abuses, including torture and extra-judicial killings, The Observer can reveal. Iraqi Police Service officers said that ammunition, weapons and vehicles earmarked for the IPS are being taken by shock troops at the forefront of Iraq's new dirty counter-insurgency war. The allegations follow a wide-ranging investigation by this paper into serious human rights abuses being conducted by anti-insurgency forces in Iraq. The Observer has seen photographic evidence of post-mortem and hospital examinations of alleged terror suspects from Baghdad and the Sunni Triangle which demonstrate serious abuse of suspects... 

Government Documents on Torture 
Freedom of Information Act 
The ACLU filed a request on Oct. 7, 2003 under the Freedom of Information Act demanding the release of information about detainees held overseas by the United States. A lawsuit was filed in June 2004 demanding that the government comply with the October 2003 FOIA request. 
Below are documents the government did not want the general public to read -- including an FBI memo (pdf) stating that Defense Department interrogators impersonated FBI agents and used "torture techniques" against a detainee at Guantanamo.

U.S. admits civilian deaths in Afghan airstrikes
7/4/2005 4:00:00 PM GMT 
17 Afghan civilians including women and children were killed by last weeks U.S. airstrikes.
Last week's U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan killed 17 villagers, including women and children, a provincial governor said Monday. The U.S. military confirmed some civilians were killed in the attack on what it said was a "known rebel compound".

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[CTRL] Cornwall/Vatican, agent orange, indefinite detention without charges

2005-07-03 Thread Smart News
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Cornwall sex abuse suit names Vatican - Canadian Press 7/3/05 Toronto - "The Vatican and the College of Cardinals are among those named in a sex abuse lawsuit to be filed this week in Cornwall, Ont. LeDroit Beckett, a London, Ont.-based law firm, is filing the suit on behalf of Andrien St. Louis, who claims he was abused by a Roman Catholic bishop and priest. Retired bishop Eugene LaRocque, who lives in Windsor, Ont., and a deceased priest, Donald Scott, are named in the suit. The Holy See, the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic of Toronto, the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall and the Diocese of London are accused of negligence and vicarious liability of their employees. None of these allegations have been proven in court." "An affidavit sworn in 1996 by Ron Leroux, a 58-year-old painting contractor who lived in Cornwall but is now based in Maine, says as a boy he witnessed a "clan'' of pedophiles abusing young boys in a variety of ways. Leroux, who claimed he was abused by several priests, said the "ritual went on on a weekly basis.''" http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/toronto/story.html?id=df849594-6b59-484e-8809-9a957f861d2c

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Former soldier says he was sprayed with chemicals at CFB Gagetown 6/30/05 "A veteran who served at CFB Gagetown, in New Brunswick, has stepped forward with allegations he and others were deliberately sprayed with chemicals in the spring of 1967. Herb Crowe believes he and others were part of an experiment on humans with the defoliant Agent Orange." http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/06/30/gagetown050630.html?print

Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, at least seventy men living in the United States--all Muslim but one--have been thrust into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charges, secret evidence, and baseless accusations of terrorist links. They have found themselves not at Guantánamo Bay or Abu Ghraib but in America's own federal prison system, victims of the misuse of the federal material witness law in the U.S. government's fight against terrorism.

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[CTRL] child abuse, clergy abuse, France case, CIA methods

2005-07-02 Thread Smart News
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Children, too, are abused in U.S. prisons By Arlie Hochschild The New York Times 6/30/05 Berkeley, California "Last month John Miller, director of the State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, said that half the victims of human trafficking may be children under 18. Children are "at the center" of the problem of trafficking, which, Miller noted, is one of the great human rights issues of the 21st century. Yes, children should be at the heart of America's concern for human rights. But that concern should start with the children detained in U.S. prisons in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba."http://www.iht.com/bin/print_ipub.php?file=/articles/2005/06/29/opinion/edchild.php

Abuse victim says church tried to silence him - Reported by Jeremy Finley E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "A victim of abuse at the hands of a priest spoke out Friday on the grounds of the Catholic Diocese of Nashville. He says the diocese tried to force him to remain silent about the abuse -- a charge church leaders deny. David Brown went public on Friday with his personal demons and said he was sexually abused by Father Paul Haas." http://www.wsmv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3548162nav=1TcRbhl5

Abuse trial ends in France Jon Henley in Paris 7/2/05 "France's largest ever child abuse trial drew to a close yesterday with prosecutors demanding maximum sentences of up to 30 years for some of the 66 defendants accused of raping, sexually abusing and prostituting 45 children - sometimes their own." http://www.guardian.co.uk/france/story/0,11882,1519569,00.html

CIA methods exposed by kidnap inquiry Agents' use of commercial mobiles gives Italian police detailed picture of how Muslim cleric was abducted John Hooper in Rome Saturday July 2, 2005 The Guardian 
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[CTRL] residential school abuse, clergy abuse

2005-06-30 Thread Smart News
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Mediator named to residential schools talks - CTV.ca News Staff - 5/30/05 "In 1998, then Indian Affairs Minister Jane Stewart apologized for rampant abuse in the once-national school system. Since then, aproximately 13,600 plaintiffs have joined lawsuits against Ottawa and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United and Presbyterian churches that ran it. So far, more than 2,300 of those claims -- totalling in excess of $85 million -- have been resolved in the courts and Ottawa's ADR process." http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1117471492250_112880692

article describes abuse - Abuse Priest's Victim Paid Record £635,000 By Hugo Duncan, PA 6/30/05 "A man who was left psychologically damaged after being systematically abused by a parish priest for ten years was awarded more than £600,000 in compensation today. Lawyers acting for the victim of Father Christopher Clonan said they hoped the award - thought to be the biggest of its kind in the UK - would force the church to offer "realistic compensation" to other victims. The 35-year-old man, who now suffers from schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder, was abused between the ages of seven and 18 by Clonan, his priest at Christ The King Church in Coventry." http://news.scotsman.com/

Sacto priests' abuse costs $35 million By Randy Myers - Contra Costa Times - 6/29/05 - Sacramento "The Diocese of Sacramento will pay $35 million to 33 clergy sex-abuse victims in a settlement announced today." http://www.contracostatimes.com 
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[CTRL] Mengele, abuse liability

2005-06-29 Thread Smart News
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article describes crimes - this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Network of top scientists helped 'Angel of Death' Mengele Krysia Diver in Stuttgart 3/22/05 "The "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele, who was long thought to have been the black sheep of Germany's scientists under the Nazi regime, was in fact supported by a network of elite researchers, new research has revealed." http://www.guardian.co.uk/secondworldwar/story/0,14058,1443039,00.html#article_continue

Employers Not Liable for Abuse, Courts Say - Va. Rulings Concern Lawsuits Filed Years Later by Adults Allegedly Victimized as Children By Caryle Murphy 6/29/05 "Two Virginia Circuit Court judges have ruled that victims of child sexual abuse cannot sue the employers of their abusers when the victims file civil lawsuits years later as adults. The June 8 rulings came in two separate cases in Richmond and Norfolk and were victories for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Richmond, a defendant in both lawsuits." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/28/AR2005062801556.html
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[CTRL] Cameron, UK clergy abuse

2005-06-28 Thread Smart News
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this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Is a fetus a non-consenting patient? Gideon Koren, MD, FRCPC Peter Selby, MD Bhushan Kapur, PHD "ABSTRACT - QUESTION In the 1960s, Dr Cameron, a Montreal, Que, psychiatrist, experimented with drug-induced sleep and electroconvulsive therapy for psychiatric patients, believing that this method "wipes them clean of harmful memories." In 1992 the government of Canada settled lawsuits by former patients of Dr Cameron, awarding them large payments. The government rejected a similar claim by Lloyd Schrier, whose mother had been treated by Dr Cameron while she was carrying Lloyd, arguing that Lloyd was not Cameron's patient. Or was he? ANSWER The fetus was exposed to the medications taken by his mother, (eg, barbiturates) and thus qualifies as an unconsenting patient." http://www.cfpc.ca/cfp/2004/Sep/vol50-sep-clinical-1.asp

Catholic Church admits abuse claims up by 50% By Ruth Gledhill "Allegations of child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church increased by 50 per cent in England and Wales last year. But of 153 reported incidents of abuse, 116 took place in the 60 years before 2004 and involved abusers who have since died. The increase in allegations of abuse from 62 in 2003 to 100 last year was disclosed in the third annual report from the Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. The 100 incidents involved 153 victims. There were 111 cases of sexual abuse, 14 of physical abuse and 11 of child pornography. Of the 37 incidents of alleged abuse that actually took place last year, 17 involved priests and 10 of these concerned sexual abuse." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1671757,00.html
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[CTRL] Twist of faith movie, Guantanamo

2005-06-27 Thread Smart News
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"When he was a teenager 20 years ago, Tony Comes says a Catholic priest in his Ohio hometown sexually abused him. Humiliated and ashamed, Tony carried the secret with him into adulthood, even as he married, had two kids and became a firefighter. He shared the truth only with his parents and wife. But when Tony recently learned that the same priest now lived down the street, he decided to take action -- even if it meant going public. Premieres Tuesday, June 28 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. " http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/twistoffaith/

this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_PrintFriendlyc=Articlecid=1119522976732call_pageid=968332188492DPL=IvsNDS%2f7ChAXtacodalogin=yes
Jun. 23, 2005. 02:04 PM 
UN experts say they have reports of Guantanamo torture
GENEVA — Citing what they call reliable accounts of detainees being tortured at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, human rights experts from the United Nations today accused Washington of stalling on their request to visit detainees. "The time is up," said one official, who complained of the Bush administration's failure to agree to the world body's longstanding request to visit the detainees. U.S. officials so far have allowed only the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit Guantanamo detainees. The ICRC keeps its findings confidential, reporting them solely to the detaining power, although some of the reports have been leaked by what the ICRC says were third parties. 
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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference, newsletter, legal article

2005-06-25 Thread Smart News
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This summer's ritual abuse and mind control conference will be held at the DoubleTree near Bradley International Airport in Connnecticut from August 5 - 7.  More information about the conference is at 
Ritual Abuse Conference - 2005  http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2005-conference.htm

The latest issue of SMART, with information on child abuse, ritual abuse and mind control is now available on the web at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/sample-issue-63.htm 

The Laws We Need To Pass to Properly Punish Child Abuse By Marci Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/16/05 http://writ.news.findlaw.com/hamilton/20050616.html
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[CTRL] Repressed memory case, Aljazeera Guantanamo inmate 'abused'

2005-06-24 Thread Smart News
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High Court to Review Privacy Rights - Panel will rule in repressed memory case in which a UC Irvine scholar revealed information about the subject of a study. By Maura Dolan, L A Times Staff Writer San Francisco "Stepping into the debate over repressed memory, the California Supreme Court decided Wednesday to review whether a famed memory scholar can be found liable for defaming and invading the privacy of the subject of a psychological case study. The court voted without dissent in a closed session to accept an appeal by UC Irvine psychology professor Elizabeth F. Loftus, who was sued after publishing what she called an "expose" of a case study in which a 17-year-old purportedly recalled a memory of her mother sexually molesting her 11 years earlier. Two lower courts had ruled that the lawsuit could go to trialLoftus said Wednesday that she was "extremely gratified" that the court had decided to review the case. "I also am exceedingly grateful to the scientists, clinical researchers and scholars who wrote to the court … and joined me in my concerns about a frivolous lawsuit that carries the potential to stifle the free exchange of information," Loftus said. But Joyanna Silberg, executive vice president of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse  Interpersonal Violence, said Loftus behaved unethically in probing the life of the woman identified in the study as "Jane Doe." "Science is in jeopardy if the public is not protected by ethics and standards," said Silberg, a clinical psychologist who specializes in child abuse. "There is no individual who is above the law, whether they be a very well-respected scientist or the president or a garbage collector." http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-memory23jun23,1,2960655.story

What Psychologists Better Know About Recovered Memories: Research, Lawsuits, and the Pivotal Experiment - Kenneth S. Pope http://kspope.com/memory/lofrev3.php  

Aljazeera Guantanamo inmate 'abused' 
By Roshan Muhammed Salih
Wednesday 22 June 2005, 21:55 Makka Time, 18:55 GMT   
An Aljazeera cameraman who has been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay since 2001 has suffered extreme physical, sexual and religious abuse, his lawyer says.
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[CTRL] Report: Child sacrifice ring feared

2005-06-22 Thread Smart News
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Report: Child sacrifice ring feared 6/16/05 LONDON, England (Reuters) -- "British police fear African children are being trafficked to the UK to be sacrificed in witchcraft rituals, the BBC reported on Thursday, citing an unpublished Scotland Yard study." 
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[CTRL] clergy abuse, ritual abuse

2005-06-20 Thread Smart News
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Clergy abuse victims cry foul By Todd Ruger "Three men who met with the Catholic Diocese of Davenport on behalf of victims of sexual abuse by its priests called the response from church leaders "a slap in the face." The men said they presented to the diocese — at the first of several regular meetings required as part of a $9 million settlement with 37 claimants — a list of things that they and other victims would like to see the diocese do to promote healing and prevent future abuse." "The diocese said in a written statement that it "seriously considered the conversation with the victims," but "the new demands by the victims go far beyond any of the terms in the contract (settlement)." http://www.qctimes.net/articles/2005/06/17/news/local/doc42b2565aa32fc188495130.txt

this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman 
describes crimes in graphic detail 

Man gets life in prison for 'evil actions' Children raped, forced to play sex games with their excrement 6/16/05 By Meghan Gordon - St. Tammany bureau "A former Folsom man was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday for raping two boys younger than 6, a crime the judge called one of the most egregious cases he has heard. State Judge William "Rusty" Knight told Burt Stockstill, 33, before handing down two life sentencesThe grandfather of one of the boys called Stockstill a monster who used Wicca, a form of witchcraft, as a catalyst to force bizarre acts on the boys. "This ritual is designed to do one thing: break down the inhibitions of all of those involved," the grandfather said.During the trial, both defendants took the stand in their own defense. Stockstill first denied practicing Wicca, then admitted to it on cross-examination." http://www.nola.com/printer/printer.ssf?/base/news-3/111890430186640.xml
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[CTRL] Wesson, 36,000 names, Santa Muerte, Halliburton, sound weapons

2005-06-19 Thread Smart News
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Wesson convicted of murdering nine children Chuck Squatriglia, 6/17/05 "The patriarch of a family whom authorities called an incestuous polygamist was convicted in Fresno today of slaughtering nine of his children during a police standoff last year." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/06/17/MNwesson17.DTL

Thousands of boys molested? Cops seek victims - Convicted offender charged, found with 36,000 names in binders http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8247899/

describes crimes - Crime Scenes and Folk Saints: A Cultural Analysis of the Santa Muerte Phenomena - Tony M. Kailhttp://cultcrime.org/pages/6/index.htm

Halliburton given $30m to expand Guantanamo Bay
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
18 June 2005
A subsidiary of Halliburton, the oil services group once led by the US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, has won a $30m (16m) contract to help build a new permanent prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Pentagon announcement, giving further details of the planned two-storey jail, complete with air conditioning and exercise and medical facilities, is a further sign that the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, is determined to keep the jail in operation. There are some 520 inmates from 40 countries at Guantanamo, some of them held there for more than three years. The new jail will be capable of holding 220 people. Under the contract with the US Naval Engineering Command, the work is to be finished by the end of July 2006. The final deal could be worth as much as $500m.

Israel may use sound weapon on settlers - Jerusalem (AP) "Israel is considering using an unusual new weapon against Jewish settlers who resist this summer's Gaza Strip evacuation  a device that emits penetrating bursts of sound that leaves targets reeling with dizziness and nausea." http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2005-06-10-israel-soundweapon_x.htm

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[CTRL] MK-Ultra, sacrifice, child molester, Dunblane, Conversion Disorder

2005-06-17 Thread Smart News
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John K. Vance; Uncovered LSD Project at CIA By Joe Holley 6/16/05 "John K. Vance, 89, a member of the Central Intelligence Agency inspector general's staff in the early 1960s who discovered that the agency was running a research project that included administering LSD and other drugs to unwitting human subjects, died May 27 of respiratory arrest.John Vance met people in the intelligence world while working as a military interpreter at the Nuremberg trials. Code-named MKULTRA (and pronounced m-k-ultra), the project Mr. Vance uncovered was the brainchild of CIA Director Allen Dulles, who was intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, Chinese and North Korean agents on U.S. prisoners of war during the Korean War. The CIA wanted to use similar techniques on its own POWs and perhaps use LSD or other mind-bending substances on foreign leaders, including Cuba's Fidel Castro a few years after the project got underway in 1953. Heading MKULTRA was a CIA chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. In congressional testimony, Gottlieb, who died in 1999, acknowledged that the agency had administered LSD to as many as 40 unwitting subjects, including prison inmates and patrons of brothels set up and run by the agency. At least one participant died when he jumped out of a 10th-floor window in a hotel; others claimed to have suffered serious psychological damage." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/15/AR2005061502685.html

Boys 'used for human sacrifice' 6/16/05 "Children are being trafficked into the UK from Africa and used for human sacrifices, a confidential report for the Metropolitan Police suggests. Children are being beaten and even murdered after being labelled as witches by pastors, the report leaked to BBC Radio 4's Today programme said. Police face a "wall of silence" in investigations because of fear and mistrust among the groups involved." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4098172.stm

Molester may have thousands of victims 6/17/05 By Rachel Konrad San Jose Calif. "A convicted child molester jailed in California may have committed sex crimes against thousands of victims, police said Thursday after finding computers, notebooks and meticulous, handwritten lists of boys' names and apparent codes for various sex acts. San Jose Police Lt. Scott Cornfield described 63-year-old Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller as ''one of the most active child molesters we've ever seen.'' During a search of his bedroom in San Jose, police discovered binders full of child porn and numerous logs with lists of more than 36,000 children's names -- mostly boys -- and codes that appear to indicate how he abused them." http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-molest17.html

36,000 sex acts believed logged by molester - Notebooks seized in home of man first convicted in 1970 Alan Gathright, Maria Alicia Gaura, Jaxon Van Derbeken 6/17/05 "A sexual predator accused of molesting two San Jose boys documented in chilling detail more than 36,000 purported sex acts with young boys for three decades in seven states, Brazil and Mexico, police said Thursday. Investigators said the abuse case could be the worst they have ever seen. The logs were found on 1,360 pages in seven spiral notebooks that police seized last month at the San Jose home of Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller, 63, who has been charged with seven felony counts of molestation involving two 12-year- old San Jose boys. The entries contain first names or nicknames such as "Cowboy,'' and some of the names appear repeatedly." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/17/MNG67DAA0G1.DTL

Dunblane secret documents contain letters by Tory and Labour ministers Investigation: By Neil Mackay, "Letters between Labour and Tory ministers and correspondence relating to Thomas Hamilton's alleged involvement with Freemasonry are part of a batch of more than 100 documents about the Dunblane mass murder which have been sealed from public sight for 100 years. The documents include a letter connected to Hamilton, which was sent by George Robertson, currently head of Nato, to Michael Forsyth, who was then Secretary of State for Scotland. Until now it was thought that a 100-year public secrecy order had only been placed on one police report into Hamilton which allegedly named high-profile politicians and legal figures. However, a Sunday Herald investigation has uncovered that 106 documents, which were submitted to the Dunblane inquiry in 1996, were also placed under the 100-year rule. The Scottish Executive has claimed the 100-year secrecy order was placed on the Central Police report, which was drafted in 1991 five years before the murders, to protect the identities of children named in the report. Hamilton had allegedly abused a number of children prior to his 1996 gun attack on Dunblane primary school in which 16 primary one children and a teacher died before Hamilton turned his gun on himself." 

[CTRL] Polygamous Sect, Oprah, Keyes, US Military

2005-06-15 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Polygamous Sect Leader Charged in Arizona By Jacques Billeaud, Associated Press Writer 6/11/05 Phoenix "The leader of a polygamous sect has been charged with sex crimes for allegedly arranging a marriage between a teenage girl and a 28-year-old man who was already married, prosecutors said. Warren Jeffs, president of the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..."http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050611/ap_on_re_us/polygamy_indicted

Lost to the Only Life They Knew By David Kelly Times Staff Writer 6/13/05 ""Gideon is one of the "Lost Boys," a group of more than 400 teenagers - some as young as 13 - who authorities in Utah and Arizona say have fled or been driven out of the polygamous enclaves of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City over the last four years. His stated offenses: wearing short-sleeved shirts, listening to CDs and having a girlfriend. Other boys say they were booted out for going to movies, watching television and staying out past curfew. Some say they were sometimes given as little as two hours' notice before being driven to St. George or nearby Hurricane, Utah, and left like unwanted pets along the road. Authorities say the teens aren't really being expelled for what they watch or wear, but rather to reduce competition for women in places where men can have dozens of wivesThe 49-year-old Jeffs is the prophet, or leader, of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The FLDS, as it is known, controls Hildale and Colorado City. The sect, which broke from the Mormon Church more than a century ago, has between 10,000 and 15,000 members. It believes in "plural marriage," that a man must have at least three wives to reach the highest levels of heaven. The Mormon Church forbids polygamy and excommunicates those who practice it." http://news.yahoo.com/s/latimests/20050613/ts_latimes/losttotheonlylifetheyknew

The Oprah Winfrey Show - Atrocities Against Children "A special report: babies raped by men, 11-year-olds trained to kill other children, slaves in the suburbs. Lisa Ling investigates." http://www2.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200407/tows_past_20040715.jhtml

fwd from L Moss Sharman Slaying spotlights pastor, church some call a cult The Plain Dealer, USA 6/13/05 Michael Scott, Plain Dealer Reporter www.cleveland.com "The murmurs in rural Ashtabula County are starting to grow louder: Cult. Mind control. Something is going on in that churchThis is a textbook cult case, and there are children who we believe are at risk in that church," said Liz Shaw, a national cult expert who said she has tracked the church since 1999"This church believes that their bishop' is a prophet of God, that he is the voice of God telling them what to do in every detail of their lives," Shaw said. "The children are in fear of being hit -- but also have the fear of going to hell if they don't work hard or do exactly what they're told to do." The church calls itself the Apostolic Faith Church Body of Jesus Christ of the Newborn Assembly, an independent congregation of some 250 members. The pastor under scrutiny is Charles D. Keyes, 52, a third- generation preacher and self- appointed "bishop" over his church since breaking away from the small Apostolic Faith Church of God denomination." http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11412/Slaying-spotlights-pastor--church-some-call-a-cult

"The US military has declared war on the privacy rights of rape victims and their therapists. If they win, it could give the military the power to invade the private, confidential conversations we all have with our physicians, lawyers, therapists, or even spouses." http://action.stopfamilyviolence.org/content.jsp?key=566
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2005-06-13 Thread Smart News
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describes crimes - Cult's foul sex acts in church 6/11/05 "Ponchatoula - A southern Louisiana town was stunned by a case none could have imagined: Nine people, including a pastor, his wife and a sheriff's deputy were accused of engaging in cult-like sexual activities with children and animals inside the hall of worship. Eight now face child rape charges that could bring the death penalty. Authorities said witnesses have described the use of robes, pentagrams on the church floor, sex with a dog and the sacrifice of cats. The alleged victims, suspected to number up to two dozen, include children ranging from infants to young teens - some of them the offspring of those accused." http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1719845,00.html

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Victims launch 13 lawsuits - Judge's distant relatives among plaintiffs seeking $3.1M By Mark Bellis - Cornwall - "Two relatives of the judge leading the public inquiry into an alleged sex abuse ring and subsequent coverup have launched lawsuits, claiming they were also victims. Ron and George Glaude's claims were among 13 new suits announced yesterday by the lawyers for the alleged victims, including one that names this city's former bishop and the Vatican. Each lawsuit is seeking $3.1 million." http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/OttawaSun/News/2005/06/09/pf-1078407.html

Priest-abuse victim speaks out - Toledo salesman to be on 'Oprah' - Dennis O'Loughlin discusses being abused as a boy. By David Yonke "Mr. Gray, who left the priesthood voluntarily in 1988, has been sued by a dozen men since 2002 claiming the former priest and Central Catholic High School teacher sexually abused them when they were minors. All the lawsuits, including Mr. O'Loughlin's and Mr. Comes', were settled out of court with the Toledo diocese last year." http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050613/NEWS08/506130376/-1/NEWS

Roman Catholic Church Settles 19 Pending Sexual Abuse Cases in San Francisco And Seattle For $22.9 Million 6/12/05 Source: Newsinferno.com News Staff "Still plagued by scores of sexual abuse cases and the negative publicity they generate, the Roman Catholic Church has settled 15 cases in the Archdiocese of San Francisco for $21.2 million and 4 cases in the Archdiocese of Seattle for $1.7 million." http://newsinferno.com/storypages/6-12-2005~001.html

Mindfulness - An Inner Resource for Recovery from Child Abuse - By Jim Hopper, Ph.D., with Amy Schmidt, L.I.C.S.W http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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