CS: Target-Shooting venues in New Jersey?

2001-02-18 Thread Daryll Brownjohn

From:   "Daryll Brownjohn", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Following on from this thread

I'm hoping to visit New Jersey in the next few months.. on business
unfortunately.. but in case I get the chance for some R& R, can anyone
suggest a Pistol range, with hire facilities, in the Princeton / Trenton


Keep shooting,

Daryll Brownjohn
There aren't any listed in the directory E J suggested.  There
are a few gun stores though: http://superpages.gte.com/

I seem to recall reading an article saying that renting handguns
was illegal in New Jersey or something like that.  They do have
pretty tough gun laws.  Actually thinking further I think it was
because no insurance company would give them insurance.


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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-18 Thread Chris Lloyd

From:   "Chris Lloyd", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As over 75% of people in the UK cannot stand the silly game of Foot Ball I
say lets ban it so they can do something more useful an Saturdays.   Chris.

Chris Lloyd  ICQ no.44575318
Wessex Ferret Club www.wfc.cwc.net

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CS: Crime-Police foil terror plot

2001-02-18 Thread KiPng


Police foil terror plot to use sarin gas in London
By Chris Hastings and David Bamber  

A SPECIAL Branch raid on a house in London has exposed a terrorist plot to 
release the poisonous nerve gas sarin in Britain.Senior police officers have 
confirmed to The Telegraph that detailed plans containing instructions on how 
to manufacture and deploy the poison, which kills in seconds, were discovered 
by detectives. They believed that a group was plotting to release the gas on 
the London underground in a copy of an attack in Japan that killed 12 people 
in 1995.  The find coincides with growing tensions in the Middle East following 
the unrest in Israel. It confirms the worst fears of police, who are convinced that 
London, for so long a hiding place for international terrorists, is now at 
the top of their list for targets.Detectives are linking the plot with a 
major arms find in Germany in December last year when police in Frankfurt 
arrested four foreign nationals known to have had links to Saudi terrorist 
Osama Bin Laden. Weapons including grenades and guns were found in their 
homes.A senior police source said: "We have feared for some time that there 
would be a major terrorist incident in London. It is amazing it hasn't 
happened before. It is no secret that people in London have links with 
terrorists abroad. What is causing concern now is that those people are 
regarding the capital as a target and not just a hiding place. There was an 
alert just before Christmas because there was evidence of an attack. Nothing 
happened but that doesn't mean we are safe."Scientists said last night that 
the chemical was easy to manufacture and a tiny amount released in an 
underground station could kill thousands of people. Terrorist groups are 
increasingly keen to experiment with chemical weapons. Sarin, which is 26 
times more deadlier than cyanide, is particularly sought after because being 
odourless it is almost impossible to detect. It was developed as a chemical 
weapon by the Nazis during the Second World War and its potential for 
terrorist use was realised in 1995 when the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo used 
it during an attack on an underground train. Twelve people were killed and 
more than 5,000 injured. In 1999, as a direct result of the Tokyo attack, 
police in London established a unit to advise key installations on how best 
to safeguard themselves from a chemical attack. 

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/et?ac=004374648225356&rtmo=lvQouzSt&;

Kenneth Pantling

Now you see _this_ is what Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968
was intended for. ;)


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CS: Target-Gallery Rifle

2001-02-18 Thread jonathan


> It's the same as the MoD standard for indoor pistol ranges, max.
> calibre .455", not sure what the exact energy limit is off the
> top of my head.
> Steve.

475 ft/lbs seems familiar.

Jonathan Laws 

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-18 Thread jonathan


> Occasionally one has some very limited sympathy for the criminals. I sat
> listening a few years ago to a plea of guilty at Southwark CC for unlawful
> possession; discharge with intent to endanger life; att. murder(acquitted of
> the latter) well-known drug dealer in the proverbial BMW was cut up by a
> white Transit in Balham High Road; he let off a magazine from a Browning
> Hi-Power at the Transit, mercifully wounding no-one. There but for the grace
> of God...

I mast be a bit slow because I fail to see any reason for 
sympathy here.

Jonathan Laws

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CS: Crime-"the fashion for firearms"

2001-02-18 Thread James McNair

From:   "James McNair", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Theres a crude breakdown on my webpage at

As for the stats :

59 were murders
8 were suicides
7 were accidents
2 were police shootings
1 was a domestic incident.

In terms of geography : London accounted for 19 murders , Manchester/Salford
7 , Leeds 5 , and Birmingham 4.

Its difficult to find out what the weapons used were as
it seems the press aren't to bothered about it and the police rarely mention

Handguns were confirmed as responsible for 7 deaths (but I suspect very many
more if we had all the details)
Shotguns , 8 and rifles/shotguns another 3.

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CS: Pol-Positive reply from Bracknell MP

2001-02-18 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike: You might also comment that if that 'government' of
yours cannot trust you with firearms, how can they trust you with
any kind of expression (as in speech, or press), as that is always the
'gateway' through which all other methods of 'expression' are availed.

Just a 'thought'.

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-18 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Q. The essence of the question is: if a wild predatory animal inflicts
a certain level of misery upon its prey -- in the process of subduing it,
would you deem to be onerous when a human is conducting the same act?
A. Because the chasing of a fox by hounds is not the act of a "wild
predatory" animal but the use of  domestic animals selectively bred by human
beings (since the days of Hugo Meynell) for pleasure in seeing hounds "work"
u under the skilled control of their Huntsman. There is nothing "natural" in
the United Kingdom of a group of dogs chasing another for three, four, five
or even ten to twenty miles until it is exhausted and then killing it.

Q.The question arises, when we consider that modern natural
predators are finely adapted hunters, that have all of the traits necessary
seek, track, stalk, and capture its selected prey -- the better part of the
Now, it these predatory animals are more adapted to their tasks
than humans (we are relegated to making tools for the same purpose which
aren't nearly as good as we'd care to confess), how can we lessors to the
of hunting be constrained to a degree of humaneness, when it is totally
beyond the pale to even consider such thinking when observing the natural
predator? Merely that we are human?
A. Because the "rules" of fox hunting by mounted packs are concerned with
prolonging the hunt and thus seeing hounds "work" and not with controlling
foxes. Otherwise why when a fox is dug out after "going to earth" is it
given a "field and a fence" and hounds not  immediately allowed to fall upon
it and kill it?

Q.We humans who have partaken in the hunt, with primitive tools
that have no keen edges, no projectiles as arrows, bullets and the like, and
have pursued the prey in the most barbaric way, know of the savagery that
the human psyche is capable of.
A.Primitive humans that do today, or have in pre-history, killed animals in
a "barbaric way" do so to survive by eating that animal. It needs not
"justification" as it is "necessity". If one has neither gun, nor bow and
arrow that is powerful enough, nor the use of a horse to pursue and spear
the quarry then the last resort is to drive a bison over a cliff so that it
may be killed in that way.

Q.If it is our natural modus operandi to behave as
we do on a hunt, then I would ask: At what point do we constrain ourselves
A.When it becomes not a "necessity" to either kill vermin or an edible
quarry species but a "pleasure" falsely justified by calling it a

Q.And, by what measure, by what prescribed limit are we to presume
that the animals we have bred for a purpose are no longer suitable, when it
is within their natural capabilities -- and proclivities -- otherwise?
A.Foxhounds are not doing what is a "natural proclivity". The "sport" of fox
hunting as we know it today is not much more than two hundred years old. It
can be said that its "father" was Hugo Meynell in the Nineteenth Century!
The very purpose of "cubbing" is to allow the Huntsman to select out,
recognise and kill those hounds who in fact do follow their "natural
proclivity" in that they have no innate desire to chase or kill foxes. Only
those hounds that act, in reality, contrary to their natural instincts by
seeking to chase and kill the fox are those that are of use to the Huntsman.

Q.And, lastly, if one human perceives of certain misery inflicted
upon another creature, perhaps undeservedly so by the measure we
apply when humans are the comparison, do we err when we apply that
measure to the hunt, and apply it psychologically as though the animal
were domesticated?
A.Pain is pain. A wild mammal feels it not less than a domestic animal.

I welcome the chance to have this reasoned "argument". I hope that you find
my responses thought provoking.
My response to all arguments against hunting no matter how reasoned
is that most people don't reason, in fact most people don't care,
except the hunters.  So if the hunting of that species is forbidden
the species that is hunted is infinitely worse off, because it will
be neglected and at the mercy of someone building a shopping centre
in the middle of its habitat, or a farmer deciding to use that land
for something else.

Hunters will conserve the species they hunt, whereas it will be in
the hands of an underfunded government agency staffed by civil
servants who largely don't care otherwise.

Whether or not the hunt is "cruel" is purely academic.  Compared
to what will happen to that species otherwise it is small potatoes.


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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-18 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The essence of the question is: if a wild predatory animal inflicts
>a certain level of misery upon its prey -- in the process of subduing it, what
>would you deem to be onerous when a human is conducting the same act?

Oh please - there is a massive difference. You cannot equate a natural kill 
by an animal with what is basically a human sport with rules, conventions 
and a yearly fixture. You know I firmly believe that a major reason that 
people oppose fox hunting, in this country anyway, is because the 
supporters try to justify their cause with comments like this. In short you 
are treating the people who oppose you like idiots and they fight harder 
because of it.

The people that oppose hunting foxes with dogs in this country  do so 
because it is basically a sport. Their objection is that killing animals in 
a sporting or gaming environment for fun is something that high order 
civilized societies should not partake in.

99% of those same people would not oppose any animals being culled, 
harvested, managed or even 'farmed' if that is required. Only an oddball 
would object to predators killing their prey.

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
Define "oddball".  I don't frankly think that "people" do oppose
hunting foxes.  85%+ probably don't give a toss, but if forced
to profer an opinion will go with the majority.  That's true of
many issues, especially this one, as it's largely a rural issue
and only 7% of the population live in rural areas.

Like banning handguns for example.  Actually the the last MORI
poll showed that 55% of people surveyed thought the ban would
unfairly penalise target shooting, but how much notice did the
Government take of that?


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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-18 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>a) Just because you find something distasteful is not a good
>enough reason to prevent other people who happen to enjoy that
>activity from engaging in it.

But if - say - 70% of the country find it distasteful - does it become 
reasonable to look at preventing that activity from being engaged in? At 
what time does it become good enough reason to look at?

>b) The perception that hunting is the sole preserve of the
>wealthy is way off the mark. Go to any meet and for every toff on
>horseback you'll see half a dozen scruffy ordinary Joes who are following
>on foot or in their car. I'm a case in point - I've been hunting
>for nearly twenty years yet never once have I ridden to hounds nor have I
>ever had much more than two brass farthings to my name.

Seems to illustrate the original point I was making.

Why have you never ridden? Why do the scruffy ordinary Joes always 
following on foot or in their cars. Why are the scruffy ordinary Joes never 
riding to the hounds?

I put it to you the scruffy ordinary Joes would soon go find something else 
to follow, hence fulfilling their 'follower' needs. So banning hunting 
would only effect the 'toffs' that the original poster remarked on.

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
Simply because people _want_ something banned is never a particularly
good reason to ban something.  There must be a _reason_ to ban it.

As the handgun ban amptly demonstrated.  There was no sensible reason
to ban them so not surprisingly it didn't work.

And then I could start quoting all those quotes about how the majority
is supposed to protect the rights of minorities but rarely do.

Everything is frankly a minority interest, simply because I might
personally not like it isn't a reason to ban it.


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CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-18 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>131054 FEB 10 By PA News Reporter
>The Foreign Secretary today called for an international
>fund to be set up to help stop the spread of weapons
>around the world. Robin Cook said it was needed to stop
>small arms being used by criminals and illegitimate groups.
>And a good way to achieve this is to deny the criminals the
>opportunities to steal guns from the law abiding subjects, which is the
>justification for a total gun ban.
>But, in our usual inept way to solve problems, we would only force the
>criminals to change their tools when we should be addressing the root of
>the problem - THE WEALTH.

>Banning things purifies the soul and this should be in the Labour's
>election manifesto.
>There are two ways to defeat any government. We can fight them or we can
>lead them in the wrong direction towards obscurity.  But  that will
>bring to power the brainless Tories, who are only  good at preparing the
>ground for the next New Labour (Revision 2)!!!
>What are we to do?

Steve, & Alex,

Alex: Maybe you should read Robin Cook's statement again,
as regards criminals and "illegitimate groups". You might be one of
those "illegitimate groups" one day.

I profess no perfect knowledge; I sincerely desire it though.
And, if I/you/we possessed it, would I/you/we realize it?

I quite agree that government is the problem, if only because
it is perceived as THE solution by people who should know better.

Men who hate other men, would create the force necessary to
exploit those 'other men', and subjugate 'those others' to their own will.
That, my good man, is the essence of _all_ 'government'.
It remains for good men (and women too) to understand that
to control another person, is to deny one's self as well. To dam the source
is to damn the possibilities, and ultimately cause chaos.
When everything is in the open, then nothing is concealed.
That is the objective: to have an open mind. When there is nothing
to stop your vision, then you see all the possibilities.
Criminality is possessed of the hidden, the unknown, and the
controlled: begins to sound just like government, does it not?

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
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I think we already are one of those illegitimate groups given
that our "weapons of mass destruction" were banned in 1988!


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CS: Crime-Getting the guns off the street!!

2001-02-18 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>If he is a police armourer he almost certainly has Section 5 authority
>so there is an excellent chance he has done nothing wrong.

Steve,  & David,

Maybe he irritated someone?

That comment above about "enough weapons to start a war" is
about as irresponsible a remark as I've read lately.
I certainly would not comment that any object is a weapon,
unless it had -- after that fact -- been used as such.
So, merely possessing an arm -- and not the ammunition -- is
considered having the capability to wage war? In that case, let us head
over to whatever authority and register our brains, since it without a
question the most important aspect of humanity that allows even the
thought to 'wage war'. And, it the wherewithal is knowledge, then we may
as well submit to intensive questioning and subsequent constant censure,
lest we let the 'cat out of the bag'.

Well, given that Robin Cook is making lots of speeches at the moment
about cracking down on the arms trade perhaps his local police
took it to heart.  Certainly the Foreign Office have started
investigations before of companies like Sandline and various
others also that were accused of shipping stuff to Iraq and they
all collapsed in court.

No doubt the police will search through the pile of stuff they
have seized and charge him with minor technical offences that any RFD
could be charged with, but who knows, perhaps he is some major


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CS: Target-Shooting venues in Florida?

2001-02-18 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Hi Folks
>I think this is a perennial questionbut here goes.
>I am going to Florida early April...the Orlando Area.
>Are there any "interesting* shooting venues. I would appreciate a
>change from the *Mickey Mouse* attractions I will have to visit.
>There are lots of ranges around Orlando. 


Steve, & Brian,

I used the http://superpages.gte.com/ and
found only one range listed for Orlando, expressly
advertising itself as a range.
I used the search term of ''shooting
galleries and ranges" and found:

Oak Ridge Gun Range
632 West Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809
(407) 857-5663

Then I tried "Pistol ranges" as the search
term and found:

Mid-Florida Gun Sales
2911 39th Street, Orlando, FL 32839
(407) 428-6225

Riegs Gun Shop & Shooting Range & Security Guard TRA
5512 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839
(407) 859-1066

Hope that helps.

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
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You'll probably find some of them aren't in metro Orlando,
try a search on the 407 area code.


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CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-18 Thread John Hurst.

From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>As we all know, the body does the last thing the brain
>told it to do e.g. the decapitated Chicken that runs away
>headless - the last command the body received.

>>Nah, the chicken thrashes because his CNS has been severed, its a reflex
>>action.  If you destroy the brain - or the spine - there won't be even a
>>twitch.  Neck-shot deer, or cattle hit with a captive bolt killer, go
>>down like a sack of spuds.

 I think that post mortem muscle spasms do happen. On one
occasion I saw a person with a broken neck following an RTA twitch several
times despite obvious deformity and lack of a discernible pulse to a passing
nurse or myself. The passenger, who was wearing a seat belt and only
slightly injured, was convinced that his mate was still alive. A PM
that the spinal cord had been severed.

I also recall accounts of judicial hanging using the drop method which
described how the corpse twitches. Then there is the "Tyburn Jig", but that
is not the same.

Regards, John Hurst.
Here is an excerpt of a an interview with Carlos Hathcock that
I found on the web:

"Somewhat less well-known is the part Hathcock played in the
training of police counter-snipers after his retirement from
the service. As I broached this topic, he was careful to draw
a distinction between the military and police sniper: "The
military sniper is an area shooter - that's what I was. There's
36" between a man's chin and his belt buckle, and a hit anywhere
in there will work. However, a police counter-sniper is a
precision, surgical shooter. There's just one spot he's got to
hit, to neutralize the bad guy right then. Say a bad guy has got
a cocked pistol to a hostage's head. The police sniper has to hit
the bad guy so exactly that he doesn't shoot, he doesn't fall
sideways or backwards, he just falls straight down. That's a good
shot, and I have had a few policemen who have made good shots
after they left this school." 

Carlos scrupulously avoided describing his police counter-sniper
training in detail, lest he compromise techniques which might be
of benefit to criminals, As he said, "I really idolize those
guys - the police snipers - and that's why I spent so much time
working with policemen." In sharp contrast to military sniping,
in which shots ranging out to 800 yards or more may be taken,
Hathcock noted that the average police sniping incident occurs
at only 83 yards as per recent FBI statistics. Instant
incapacitation of dangerous offenders is THE rationale behind
the employment of police snipers. As such, his training has
focused on shooting at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. Hathcock,
himself, is no longer is no longer physically able to train
students, but he takes pride that several police marksman whom
he personally trained teach at the police sniping at school
Virginia Beach."

If Carlos Hathcock says it can be done, then it can be done!


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CS: Target-10/22 problems

2001-02-18 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would be very interested to hear of problems with 22 autoloaders and
especially how they were solved.
In my  club Ruger 10/22s are by far in majority and the favourite
ammunition is Blazer because the higher velocity and recoils seem to aid
reliable feeding.

However, I know from many years experience with reloading pistols with
blowback actions in 32ACP and 25ACP that the backward thrust on the
breach is not directly proportional to the pressure because at higher
pressures the resistance of the fired case to extraction also increases.
In fact, I have experienced more "violent" extraction with low pressure
pistol loads and by definition these rounds cycled the action more

I have a Martini actioned BSA Mod. 13 which ejects Eley and RWS like a
good shotgun, i.e.  cases flying over my right shoulder.  Blazer on the
other hand has a tendency to get stuck half way out of the chamber.

Dirty chambers, as Steve mentioned above, are the kiss of death.
Unfortunately, auto loaders do not seem to be designed with easy chamber
cleaning unless the cleaning rod is inserted from the muzzle.

By the way, we pay รบ128 per 5,000 for Blazer.  If anybody can get it for
less could you please tell us where.


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CS: Misc-TV: Siege

2001-02-18 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Nah, the chicken thrashes because his CNS has been severed, its a reflex
>action.  If you destroy the brain - or the spine - there won't be even a
>twitch.  Neck-shot deer, or cattle hit with a captive bolt killer, go
>down like a sack of spuds.

Why do my chickens thrash about when I have severed the spine? They
thrash their wings for up to a minute, with considerable force, despite
the complete severance of the spine.
I'm not a neurologist, but research has been done into it and it is
possible to kill someone without them "twitching" or whatever.

In the case that Derek mentions the kid put a .44 magnum to his head
just below his temple and pulled the trigger, giving himself an
instant lobotomy and shooting his eyes out.  However he missed
most of his brain.

A person is not a chicken, BTW, there are no doubt many great differences
in their nervous systems.

Anyway this thread is becoming a little gruesome for my tastes!


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CS: Misc-European army and political union were planned by Nazis

2001-02-18 Thread John Hurst.

From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The London Telegraph

European army and political union were planned by Nazis
By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent


THE idea of a pan-European economic and political union with its own
defence force was conceived by SS officers according to documents released
today to the Public Record Office in Kew.

Maj Gen Ellersiek and Brig Mueller, Hitler's chief of staff during the
Battle of the Bulge, came up with the idea as a means of keeping Nazism
alive following the expected Allied victory in the Second World War.

By March 1946, Ellersiek was in charge of an underground political party
called Organisation Suddeutschland. It believed in the establishment of a
fully-armed United Europe, Ellersiek told a British intelligence official
masquerading as a Foreign Office representative.

"What was important was that Britain should realise that if Europe was to
survive, we should all think 'as Europeans'," the ex-SS man was quoted as
saying. The party's manifesto called for "a pan-Europe as a balance between
Russia and the USA". Although the European nations would remain
"independent", finance and defence matters would be decided centrally.

"The good which was in Nazism still lives in the German heart," Ellersiek
said. His party offered "a new revolution for Germany which will set the
pattern for Europe". This revolution is to be the work of the new elite,
the German prototype of the future rulers of Europe . . . which has emerged
purified from Nazism and the trials of war."

The British official noted that German generals seemed likely to be in
charge. "Germany must lead this New Europe with the cooperation of
Britain," he quoted Ellersiek as saying, adding his own view that: "So
little else of Britain is mentioned that it is evident she is to be the
junior partner."

The proposed European force has echoes of the current attempts to form
European Rapid Reaction Force, controlled by Gen Rainer Schuwirth of
Germany. Gen Sir Charles Guthrie, Britain's Chief of the Defence Staff, has
implicitly criticised the Germans for not backing their promised
contributions with cash, leaving much of the manpower and equipment to be
provided by the UK.
Er, excuse me, but wasn't this the same paper that reported last
year that the EU was in fact an operation of the OSS, to prevent
further European conflicts or something like that?

It appears the EU was the idea of everyone except the people who
actually formed it!


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CS: Misc-Altmark

2001-02-18 Thread KiPng


Many thanks to those who submitted comments about my query on naval 
cutlasses.  the mention of the Altmark made me look it up as I read about it 
many years ago.  A download of the story of the confrontation between the 
Altmark and HMS Cossack is available from:


I heartily recommend it.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-18 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The E-mail about "black faces" at Pistol A.D. was not meant
to be sarcastic in that sense but to show that perception is,
in fact, not always reality. 
It is the same with the disparagement of those who wear
ex-surplus "cammo gear". The perception seems to have been
that all of these "types" are sad Rambo fantasists.
The reality may be that they appreciate buying hard wearing
well made practical items of clothing for a fraction of its
true cost of manufacture simply because it is ex-surplus.
It is nice to be able to afford a Haggart's tweed shooting
suit that is warm, fits well and gives blends in as
"camouflage" if stalking.
But for a tenth of that I can buy exactly the same thing
that because it is not tweed but a cloth printed with
disruptive pattern colour is condemned as "cammo gear".
But a good tweed is, in its reality, nothing more than
rich man's "cammo gear".

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CS: Target-Gallery Rifle

2001-02-18 Thread VinceB

From:   "VinceB", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A shooting question. What is the muzzle energy limit for NRA Gallery Rifle?

It's the same as the MoD standard for indoor pistol ranges, max.
calibre .455", not sure what the exact energy limit is off the
top of my head.


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CS: Crime-police hunt killers

2001-02-18 Thread Steven Kendrick

Sunday 18 February 2001 4:50pm 

Police investigating a shooting which left one man dead
and another seriously injured have launched a nationwide
search for two vehicles seen leaving the scene. 
Officers have issued an all ports alert and warned the
public to report sightings of a red Audi saloon and a
blue Range Rover, but not to approach anyone inside the

Both cars left the scene of the shooting at Pangbourne
Mews, a row of four terraced houses on the Reading Road
in Pangbourne, Berkshire, at about 9.20pm yesterday.

Police, who had earlier been called to a disturbance at
a house there, returned when neighbours reported shots
being fired. A 27-year-old man was found dead in the
grounds of an adjacent church.

A 33-year-old man was discovered nearby with gunshot
wounds. He was taken to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in
Reading, where he underwent surgery overnight.

The victims do not live in the village, but both have
addresses in the Reading area.

Detective Inspector Paul Cassell said they were hunting
highly dangerous criminals. "This was a shocking crime
committed near a busy main road in a town which has never
experienced anything like this before.

"Anybody else who knows anything about the shootings should
also contact police as soon as possible," Mr Cassell said.

Ian Crimp, 59, who lives opposite the scene of the shootings,
says: "Shortly after nine last night I heard between eight
and 10 loud bangs, but assumed they were fireworks.

"After about 10 minutes, an elderly neighbour who lives on
her own rang me to say she was concerned about the noises. I
opened my front door and there were teams of police and
paramedics already there - many were armed."

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