CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-27 Thread IG


  Quite so, the presumption of innocence is the fundamental common law

You do know that don't you?

I have never, ever, not once, ever, in any way, shape or form, or in any
fashion that might have been able to be construed as such, mentioned a
single word
about the presumption of innocence.

Why dont you read the original posting? Which part confused you?

Having said that, I often get myself confused with ET's responses, so you
may be forgiven. I suppose. Begrudgingly tho.


PS If on the other hand you were merely starting an new thread and were only
kindly enquiring if I knew about the presumption of innocence, then I can
reassure you that, yes, I know all about it. Thanks for bringing it to my
attention again.

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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-26 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.

Go back and read your original comment.
It was to the effect that there were no innocent people,
only those who were not yet found out. The gist is that the world
is full of criminals just waiting to happen.

My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
good judges.
Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

Well, all that proves is that your dog sees you as a lesser
rat not worth chasing snicker.
And, no, those dogs never cocked a leg in my direction.
Dogs show respect by deferring to those whom they see
as either equals or betters. Dogs don't pee on their friends.

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction
Yippee. I'm on the way!!


There you go again.
Where did I infer that every arrest lead to a conviction?

All I said was that if one not under arrest, or under
suspicion for an illegal act, that one is free.

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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-26 Thread IG


How many police officers have spotless pasts, whether they were
convicted or not?

Would you rather form a partnership with non-criminals in your
country in opposition to serious crime?  Or  treat every 
non-officer like a future perpetrator...and become their enemy?



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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread IG


Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.
Is a law abiding person one who commits offences without being caught, or
one who doesnt commit offences at all?

A person knows in their own minds that they are committing offences (like,
say, Robert Elmer Kleasen and his li'l old bench saw) is innocent util
convicted. NP there. But are they law abiding?
Hmmm. I dont personally think they are!

They would come to me before they went
to their trainer! Dogs are a good judge of character.

My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
good judges.
Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction
Yippee. I'm on the way!!


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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What constitutes law abiding?
Someone never convicted or someone never caught?

"E.J. Totty"
Your comment above, IG, either demonstrates
your mind set, or the manner in which UK cops think
of their fellow citizens.
In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

  Quite so, the presumption of innocence is the fundamental common law

"The right which every man has to his character, the value of that character
to himself and his family, and the evil consequences that would result to
society if charges of guilt were lightly entertained, or readily established
in Courts of justice:- these are the real considerations which have led to
the adoption of the rule that all imputations of crime must be strictly

"Taylor Upon Evidence".

"Throughout the web of the English criminal law one golden thread is always
to be seen, that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's
guilt...No matter what the charge or where the trial, the principle that the
prosecution must prove the guilt of the prisoner is part of the common law
of England and no attempt to whittle it down can be entertained."

Stones Justice's Manual.
Preface to 1990 Edition.

You do know that don't you?

Regards, John Hurst.

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CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-24 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What constitutes law abiding?
Someone never convicted or someone never caught?

Steve,  IG,

Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
until proven guilty?

Your comment above, IG, either demonstrates
your mind set, or the manner in which UK cops think
of their fellow citizens.

In my little stint working as Security Police
in the US Navy, at Whidbey Isl. Naval Air Station, I came
across that same kind of mind set, several times, both
with the Security Police and the local cops and Sheriff
It was a kind of 'me against them' thing that
operated in those minds 24/7. Nobody was innocent,
period. I was the outsider, and even more suspect than
most, because I refused to play that game. But then, I also
ran the Drug Detection unit . . .
They had to pee for me. Not necessarily on
command, you understand grin.
Hell, even the drug detection dogs were my
buddies, and their trainers played hell trying to make
them mind.  They would come to me before they went
to their trainer! Dogs are a good judge of character.

In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.

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