Wihelm reich,honorary cypherpunk?

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

Bleedin best of  the Daily...1661 - Willi Leddra executed in New England
for being a
Way beyond Freud & Jung, the SexPol dynamo.
1897 - SexPol revolutionary Wilhelm Reich lives,
Dobrzynica,Galicia. Reich wrote The Mass Psychology
of Fascism, Sex-Pol Essays, Function of the Orgasm, etc.
1905 - Jules Verne, father of modern science fiction,
journeys no further, dies, Amiens, France.
1919 - Spain: "La Canadienne" strike in Barcelona had ended
8 February; but in the face of the refusal of the army to
release a score of still imprisoned militants, they strike
again today in a beautiful show of solidarity.
The government had imprisoned 3000 strikers of the
anarchist union, the CNT, & declared martial law in its
attempt to crush the workers.
1926 - Italian playwright, manager-director-actor-mime
Dario Fo lives, Leggiuno-Sangiamo, Italy.
In 1997, the Nobel committee awarded Dario Fo the
Literature Prize, noting he "emulates the jesters of
the Middle Ages in scourging authority & upholding
the dignity of the downtrodden."
Dario Fo4s career started in small cabarets, theatres. In
1959 he founded the Compagnia Dario Fo -- Franca
Rame, producing satirical dramas such as Archangels
Don4t Play Pinnball & He Had Two Pistols with
White & Black Eyes. 

In 1968 Dario founded the acting group Nuova Scena,
which had ties to the Italian Communist Party, but his
satirical views aroused much criticism from the
Communist Press -- like earlier from the Catholic
In 1970 Fo started Colletivo Teatrale La Comune.
Among Fo4s most famous works are Accidental
Death of an Anarchist & We
Cant Pay? We Wont Pay!
1977 - Argentina: Yet another government can only
stammer the speech of death: Rodolfo Walsh writes an
open letter to the Military junta regards its infamous
crimes; a day later, the dictatorship assassinates him.
The naked word is scandalous where fear rules, the
naked word dangerous where the great
dance of disguises is danced.
1980 - El Salvador: Archbishop Oscar Romero assassinated
during mass, San Salvador, by US-supported rightist goon
squads. Archbishop Romero has exhorted the police &
soldiers to disobey orders to kill innocent people, refuses
to be silenced by those in power. The town has interrupted,
with ovations, his homilies condemning the terrorism of the
Those in power deliver the only ovation they know -- a hail
of bullets.

Re: I'm no "black hole"

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

a/k/a Mattd... Alas, no. A black hole sucks things in and spews out almost 
nothing. Mattd sucks, but spews continually.

Think of me as an ebayer...hawking radiation. when will they ever learn?

Mattd  Meglomaniacal mercenary   has magnetism stays put.

"The more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws." --Tacitus.

Hettinger logorrhea.

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

 >>Friedman himself points to "dark-age" Iceland as an example of a 
perfectly functional anarchy, a successful society operating functionally 
in the absence of "public" law. <<

Friedman discredited on Iceland SEE...
Ordered Anarchy, State, And Rent-Seeking: The Icelandic Commonwealth, 930-1262
Birgir T. Runolfsson Solvason's PhD thesis. "I will not discuss my 
dissatisfaction with some political interpretations that I do not think are 
justified; such as claiming that the Commonwealth is an example of 
libertarianism or anarcho-capitalism in practice (see Friedman 
1989a;1989b). This interpretation of the Commonwealth is not warranted, and 
the reasons for why it is not, will become apparent in this thesis."
Is Medieval Iceland an example of "anarcho"-capitalism working in practice?
An excellent left-libertarian refutation of this position. Part of An 
Anarchist FAQ Webpage. Some rebuttals are available at David Friedman's 
home page.
small wonder he lives in a high taxing state,like Mongo,he is a rank hypocrite.

 >>No one, in considerably more than a decade of his promoting the idea on 
the net and discussing it in places like cypherpunks and elsewhere, has 
pointed to a prior claim on any idea even remotely approaching 
Cryto-Anarchy in it's originality. And it is the idea of Crypto-Anarchy, 
whether anyone knows about it or not, that makes Tim May probably the most 
influential person on the net today. <<

You can retire now Mongo,stop being the embarrassing older relative with 
the bad manners and worse breath.
If you stick around you'll just be torn to bits by the young lions,they 
know now that you can bleed so they'll start to work on the wound.You don't 
want that do you? Just say 'anarchy is as anarchy does' and go and raise 
turnips or something.

 >>Wagner and Nietzsche<<

Prefer Stirner to N,less to read and twice as useful.As for W,did I tell 
about the time him and Bakunin were fighting in the streets in Dresden in 
48? W may have even modelled Siegfried on Bakky.Kulture on C/punks! 
Who'dave thunk it!?

 >>So, I suppose that, rather than killing the all the lawyers, :-), people 
who do strong cryptography on the internet are doing something even better, 
to my mind. They're actually making the legal professions unprofitable. If 
we must thump our chests like ubermenschen,<<


  >cypherpunks are actually just threatening to starve lawyers, and their 
children, into submission.<<

I can live with that.Tell me a boatload of lawyers just sank.

physical transactions

2002-03-25 Thread buddy-ackerman

In all the discussion concerning turnips in the past few days, I haven't seen any 
discussion about a subject I would think most would be interested in---secure and/or 
anonymous physical transactions.

Is it really the case that a provably secure physical transaction is simply 
impossible?  I've searched for references on this and have found almost nothing.  In 
particular, it seems that the best anyone has to offer for anonymity is dropping a 
letter in a mailbox on the sending end, and having a p.o. box arranged anonymously on 
the receiving end.  Neither of these are all that great.  As far as security, it seems 
like keeping someone from snooping in the box you're sending involves tamper sensors 
that destroy the contents.

The sort of security and anonymity I'm interested in would allow, for example, an 
anonymous version of EBay where "illegal items" could be bought or sold.  Examples 
include firearms, controlled substances, and even organs.  Assuming that anonymous 
digital cash &c are available, the only remaining problem is transferring the goods 
physically.  (Granted, the assumptions about digital cash are a bit of a stretch, but 
I'd argue that their problems are dwarfed in comparison to the problem of physical 

Is this just a pipe dream?  Is it provably impossible?  Or have people actually been 
thinking hard about this and producing results?

-Buddy Ackerman

Hush provide the worlds most secure, easy to use online applications - which solution 
is right for you?
HushMail Secure Email http://www.hushmail.com/
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Looking for a good deal on a domain name? 

Someone gets murdered in Iceland,they call the cops.

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

Global Road Warrior
... the Highlands. There are few roadways linking the provinces, however, 
because of
the mountainous terrain. The people of PNG cling to the tradition of 
"payback ...
www.igo.com/Travel/HTML/PAPUA/08grw.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
The Age: PNG clan wants to form new province
... Tribal fighting and political payback between the Nipa and ... break 
away from Southern
Highlands Province is not ... Affairs Minister and PNG's founding prime 
minister ...
www.theage.com.au/news/2922/A11261-2000Sep21.html - 24k - Cached - 
Similar pages
... an ANU specialist on PNG law and order. "They take ... lane bridges on 
the Highlands Highway
because of an ... from village traditions of payback and compensation: the ...
pathfinder.com/time/magazine/1997/int/971006/spacific.tribe_versus_.html - 
24k - Cached - Similar pages
Provinces in Papua New Guinea
... It is a major Highlands commercial centre of 25,000 ... to gain an 
overview of PNG's cultural
diversity. The shows ... to retaliate with a "payback" raid, and, to make ...
www.pngembassy.org/prov1.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
... Mudmen of the Highlands. The Asaro Mud Men tells ... off on their 
inevitable payback raid.
When these ghostly ... rather commercialized feature of PNG. The trip to 
the ...
www.nbi.dk/~jakobsen/Travel/PNG/png.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
... atmosphere. It is a major Highlands commercial centre of 25 ... gain an 
overview of PNG
cultural diversity. The shows ... in a tribal fight "payback" raid, and, to 
make ...
www.pacificislandtravel.com/png/about_destin/goroka.html - 22k - Cached - 
Similar pages
Highlands Art of New Guinea on Tribalarts.com
... similar in form to payback dolls. Although Moriarty recorded ... 
Portraying the New Guinea
Highlands. London: Crawford House ... cultural officer in PNG, and has been 
www.tribalarts.com/feature/highlands/ - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
About the Benabena
... Even those involved in the recent payback murders are members of 
groups. In the Highlands of PNG you will find Catholic, Lutheran, 
Pentecostal ...
www.wiesnerfamily.org/benabena_info.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Trall, issue #22 - Organising against capitalism in the 21st century

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

opening address to the "anarchist
  odyssey" conference in christchurch,
  october 2001

  Capitalism is under challenge for the first time
  in decades. From PNG [Papua New Guinea]
  to Prague, Seattle to South Africa there is a
  growing movement against the instruments of
  capitalist globalisation - the World Economic
  Forum, and the Bretton Woods Institutions
  (the International Monetary Fund and World
  Bank which Leigh Cookson will talk about

  anarchism is order capitalism is

  Capitalism is the system of private ownership
  of the big things in life (or the means of
  production as they're more often called). It's
  taken us to a point where 3 people are
  wealthier than the poorest 48 countries. Call
  us crazy but we think a system where half the
  world's population annual income is equal to
  the wealth of world's 225 richest people is
  unjust and will continue to sow bitterness,
  hatred war and terrorism.
  While mainstream media talk of 'anarchy'
  erupting whenever warlords who are not 'our'
  warlords go on a chaotic rampage we repeat
  again and again anarchy is not chaos.
  Anarchy is order, capitalism is chaos.
  Anarchism is not about 'doing your own thing',
  it's not solely concerned with individuality
  although the creeping ideology of me-ism is
  gaining ground in our consumer culture.
  Anarchism is a movement, it is a praxis -
  which means theory into action. Anarchism is
  a strand of socialism with a history of over
  150 years.

  the struggle against forgetting

  A lot of people say "why bother with history,
  who cares what a bunch of dead white males
  with long beards did". While it's true that
  history, even radical history has been very
  eurocentric and male oriented we need to
  know our history - not His-story but Our-story.
  Not of the kings and queens but of the People.
  This knowledge is nourishing and sustaining.
  You are not alone. Things are not as bad as
  they may seem. Things that seem impossible
  are achievable. You are not the spaceman on
  the poster for this conference - alone,
  isolated, on another planet. You are part of a
  Milan Kundera said "the struggle of people
  against power is the struggle of memory
  against forgetting". Or as King Kapisi says
  "Fix Amnesia".
  We are asked to forget that the CIA put $6
  billion dollars into training Muslim
  fundamentalists in Afghanistan. We are asked
  to forget that it was the Labour Party that
  privatised Air New Zealand in the first place.
  We are asked to forget the colonialism that
  has built the wealth of Western nations. We
  are asked to forget that the only terrorism this
  country has seen was done by the French
  State against Greenpeace. And we are asked
  to forget the people's struggles that have
  given us the hard won breathing space and
  relative freedoms we enjoy today. And mostly
  we obey by forgetting.
  Our first step in organising against capitalism
  in the 21st century is to reclaim the knowledge
  that past generations possessed and
  understand it ourselves. We should gain
  courage in the fact that people have struggled
  and won piece by piece.
  o 600 years ago we were owned by lords
  o 200 years ago the working class could not
  o just over 100 years ago women could not
  o in Australia just 30 years ago Aboriginal
  people could not vote
  o though economic apartheid still exists South
  Africa threw off racial apartheid only 10 years
  o 5 years ago East Timorese independence
  was considered a 'lost cause' and the Suharto
  regime in Indonesia seemed immovable
  o 4 years ago the IMF and World Bank could
  meet in safety without turning the host city into
  a police state
  I tell you this not to glorify the vote as the
  pinnacle of achievement but to realise that the
  thirst for freedom is unstoppable and it will
  always continue despite oppression. You may
  think I'm being a bit dramatic talking of
  oppression while in safe and relatively affluent
  Aotearoa but notice that the ozone hole is the
  most dangerous its ever been, we stand on
  the brink of a possible world war, and as 1951
  shows us democratic freedoms are paper thin
  in times of crisis.
  1951 for those too young to know was when it
  was made illegal, right here in Aotearoa, to
  talk in public in support of the wharfies union,
  or to give food to a wharfie or their family or
  even to discuss the law that made all these
  things illegal. The wharfies crime was to
  refuse to work more than 40 hours a week.
  That's why we need to learn and understand
  our history, our context. When we understand
  our context we can start to clarify our vision
  for the future, which is desperately needed
  work. Anarchists like Bookchin and Michael
  Albert are doing this with Social Ecology and
  Participatory Economics. But vision cannot be
  built without context.

  join the greens? nope...

  And to put things in context the anti-capita


2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

INCLUDED IN THIS MESSAGE: Updates on the Motion to Reduce Leonard's 
Sentence, Progress Made Toward Obtaining New Evidence, Civil Rights Case, 
Government Reform Committee
Dear Friends,
We are writing today with both good and bad news on the case of Leonard 
Peltier. But before we begin we want to thank all of you who have been 
sponsoring LPDC speakers and organizing Peltier events in your communities. 
Raising awareness continues to be essential and supporters have organized 
several successful events. Let's keep the LPDC speakers bureau busy and 
word of Leonard's case flowing! We also want to let you know that there 
will be three important events on June 26 marking 27 years since the 
shoot-out occurred. They include gatherings in Oglala, South Dakota, San 
Francisco, California and Boston, Massachusetts. We encourage you to plan 
on attending one of these events or organizing something in your community. 
More details will be released soon.
BAD NEWS, BUT NOT SURPRISING We regret to announce that the motion to 
reduce Leonard's sentence was denied by the U.S. District Court of North 
Dakota. We expected this case to be a challenge because of the many 
procedural obstacles it involved combined with the political nature of the 
Peltier case, especially in this district. However, we had hoped for more 
fairness given that Judge Benson, who tried Leonard, is no longer hearing 
Judge Magnison denied the motion without a hearing based upon issues of 
timeliness. A motion to reduce sentence is supposed to be filed within a 
year following a conviction. However, we argued that filing at this late 
date was justified because of significant developments that occurred since 
trial, citing cases in which exceptions had been made due to extraordinary 
circumstances. The court said that the significant developments in question 
(government admission that it can't prove who shot agents/ballistics) had 
already been litigated. Judge Magnison refused to consider these issues 
despite the clearly different character of the case, which sought a review 
of sentence and not a new trial like before. Attorney Eric Seitz is 
appealing the decision to the Eighth Circuit.
NOW WHAT? We MUST obtain new evidence and demand a new trial for Leonard 
Peltier. We are confident that key evidence exists in the thousands of 
documents that are withheld by the FBI and fortunately, we are moving 
closer to obtaining them.
GOOD NEWS! Thanks to the persistent letters of supporters in Massachusetts, 
Representative Barney Frank wrote to the FBI insisting that the withheld 
documents be released given Clinton's Executive Order requiring the 
disclosure of documents after the passage of 25 years. The FBI Office of 
Public and Congressional Affairs responded by saying, "After receipt of 
your letter.the FBI consulted with the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA) to request that the investigative records pertaining 
to Mr. Peltier that are 25 years or older be considered of significant 
historical interest subject to declassification review. NARA agreed and the 
process of declassification review has begun. Upon completion, the material 
will be accessioned to NARA and a declassified copy will be provided to 
your office. We anticipate completion of this project by the end of the 
year." Attorney Mike Kuzma, who is handling Leonard's FOIA requests, wrote 
to NARA to learn when the declassification would be completed. Mike also 
asked that he be provided copies of the documents. NARA responded, "We have 
been informed that the records are still in the physical and legal custody 
of the FBI. The FBI has completed its declassification review and is 
currently processing the records for transfer to NARA and their subsequent 
public release. The transfer is expected to occur in May of this year. 
Following the transfer, NARA may require additional time to prepare for the 
public release of the records." This is a very positive development for us 
and strengthens our chances for obtaining new information. Furthermore, the 
documents are now protected against destruction because of their historical 
classification. The battle is not over, as we expect the documents to be 
partly censored for reasons of "national security" like before. But, we 
plan to demand the full release and exposure of the documents in court.
It should also be noted that Mike Kuzma continues to pursue the documents 
through the Freedom of Information Act process. Requests have been 
submitted to FBI headquarters and numerous field offices across the 
country. With the exception of Portland, Oregon, all offices have reported 
that they possess records. We anticipate filing one or several suits to 
demand the release of these documents in the near future. Mike Kuzma is 
also working with law students involved in the Innocence Project of Osgoode 
Hall and the LPDC of Canada to obtain do

Solidnardosc in China? DUMP RSA,DUMP RSA!

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

BEIJING - Profound labor unrest shook two cities in northern China's "rust 
belt" Wednesday as unpaid and laid off workers protested, overturning a car 
and massing 10,000-strong to face off with military police.
In Liaoyang, an industrial center in northeastern Liaoning province, 
columns of military police protected the city government office - on 
Democracy Road - and broke up protests.
Witnesses, who estimated the crowd at 10,000, said there were no injuries, 
but city officials denied there were any protests at all.
"Nothing has happened. It's quiet outside," said a spokesman at the 
Liaoyang city office.
Hundreds of armed officers were reportedly blanketing the area and ringing 
the building around the clock.
In Daqing, a famed oil town in northern China's frigid Heilongjiang 
province, witnesses said workers - many of them laid off - demonstrated in 
front of the provincial branch of China National Petroleum Corp. when a 
traffic accident took place.
Protesters surged forward and overturned a gray Chinese-made Santana, one 
witness said. It was not clear who was inside the vehicle.
"I don't know what happened to the victims and the driver," said a traffic 
police officer reached by telephone. He did not give his name.
Thousands of shouting protesters gathered again Thursday in front of 
government offices to demand the release of four detained labor leaders, 
witnesses said.
Witnesses said three of the leaders were detained Wednesday while trying to 
negotiate with officials in Liaoyang, an industrial city in Liaoning 
province. The other, Yao Fuxin, was detained Sunday near his home, a labor 
rights group said.
One participant, a woman reached by cell phone while demonstrating, said 
the crowd was pushing at a large iron gate in front of Liaoyang city hall. 
She and other witnesses said no one has been injured.
Such demonstrations, which have been growing in the region since early this 
month, are unusual in China, where the government keeps a tight rein on 
protests and uses threats and force to discourage any anti-government 
However, the government has also acknowledged that workers, once revered as 
the "vanguard of the proletariat," are suffering from widespread closures 
of inefficient and outdated state firms.
"Owed salaries and severance payments are just part of the reason. The real 
problem is that the life of laid-off workers is too difficult," said Ma, a 
Liaoyang resident who works for a private factory but knows many of the 
protesters. He gave only his surname.
"People are angry because they feel the government used them and then threw 
them away," Ma said.
Protesters carried red banners and a portrait of Mao Zedong mounted on a 
small chariot. One banner said, "Laid-off workers of the Ferroalloy Factory 
protest against factory bankruptcy and demand payment of owed salaries," 
said the woman, who refused to give her name.
She said the number of protesters had increased by several thousand since 
Monday, with throngs crowding Democracy Road and the narrow streets nearby 
each morning. She said the protests have been peaceful so far, but "such a 
big crowd of protesters really shocked us."
Ma, the worker from the Jian An Machine Factory, said protests began with 
workers from Liaoyang Ferroalloy Factory but expanded this week to include 
laid off workers from other plants.
Farmers even joined in to protest not being paid by bankrupt factories that 
were built on their lands, said Ma. Protesters are angry at Liaoyang 
Ferroalloy Factory for refusing to pay workers severance pay of $500 a 
year. Ma said former workers feel they were cheated by factory managers in 
collusion with corrupt local officials.

FOUND! A decent "group of lawyers."

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

Subject: State filth.
Legal fears stymie police
"I do not believe that police, acting in good faith, have been supported by 
courts and the juries."
One of Victoria's most senior police officers said a dramatic increase in 
civil litigation meant some police were increasingly uncomfortable 
performing operational duties because of fears of being sued.
Retired Deputy Commissioner Neil O'Loughlin (pictured right) said a group 
of lawyers had become parasites who saw the force as a "cash cow", and 
continually searched for new ways to sue police.
He said millions of dollars that should be spent on street policing was now 
being used to pay legal bills.
Since 1994, police have paid out $15 million in civil payments and $7 
million in legal costs. There is now a backlog of 140 cases - the oldest 
relating to an arrest in 1985.
The police department has budgeted to pay a minimum of $10 million on 
pending actions. Increasingly police are settling cases rather than risking 
big payouts and large legal bills.
"I do not believe that police, acting in good faith, have been supported by 
courts and the juries," Mr O'Loughlin said. "We have made mistakes but we 
have still been found liable when our actions have not been negligent."
Mr O'Loughlin, who retired on Friday after 41 years' service, said some law 
firms had been touting for business, checking law lists for cases where 
people have been charged with assaulting police and then contacting them 
with the offer of a free legal consultation with the view of suing the force.
"We have had cases where people involved in unlawful demonstrations have 
damaged property and when police have moved in they have ended up being 
sued," he said.
He said in one case police were sued after a doctor filled out the wrong 
form in certifying a mentally ill patient. The writ blamed police after 
they did not take the man directly to the hospital.
"This sort of a thing is a nonsense. We are following the trends of the 
American system."
Mr O'Loughlin said that when police won a case they often could not recover 
their costs because the plaintiffs did not have the resources to pay. In 
one recent action, police won their case but were left with $80,000 costs 
because the plaintiff had no assets.
Mr O'Loughlin said some demonstrators went to protest meetings with a plan 
to confront police and then sue. "Many of those who sue are not looking for 
justice, only easy money," he said.
The chief executive of the Law Institute of Victoria, Ian Dunn, rejected Mr 
O'Loughlin's claims.
"The law has not changed, it is just in the past police have not used 
pressure-point tactics and would not strip search everyone in a nightclub," 
he said.
Police have been found liable in civil cases for using pressure holds 
against demonstrators at the Richmond Secondary College and for 
strip-searching patrons at the Tasty nightclub.
Mr Dunn said: "If police do not exceed their powers they are no more 
vulnerable than they have ever been."
FROM http://theage.com.au/articles/2002/03/16/1015909912229.html

Feds,shrinks close in on profrv

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X


"The technology of strong cryptography over ubiquitous networks makes 
vertically integrated hierarchical entities like nation-states economically 
obsolete ."
"The writings of Jim Bell, who posted an essay entitled Assassination 
Politics. Bell postulated that the emerging technologies of encryption, 
which makes Internet messages untraceable, and "digital cash", which makes 
money untraceable, could pave the way for a new world order
A website could be set up running a "lottery" for the successful 
"predictions" of the deaths of overbearing public officials. Using 
encryption and digital cash the whole exercise would be within the law 
because the person who made the successful "prediction" would be anonymous 
and their reward would be untrackable, Mr Bell wrote."FROM

Back to basics.

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

 >>...Amphetamines used to treat "hyperactive" children (US). A precursor 
to Ritalin, Charles Bradley of Rhode Island reports that Benzedrine causes 
a "spectacular change in behavior."
Dr. Earnest Hooten, Harvard, is quoted in the New York times as saying 
"compulsory sterilization alone would serve in the case of the insane and 
mentally deficient, but it is very difficult to enforce such a measure in a 
democracy, unless it has been preceded by an educational campaign...a 
biological purge is the essential prerequisite for a social and spiritual 
Madison Grant's Conquest of a Continent ("Racial History of the US") is 
published in Berlin. It is greeted by Dr. Eugen Fisher with "No one has as 
much reason to note the work of this man with the keenest of attention as 
does a German of todayin a time when the racial idea has become one of the 
chief foundations of the National Socialist State's population policies."
In America, the Eugenics Record Office and the Eugenics Research 
Association send a filer to 3,000 U.S. high schools, encouraging the 
screening of an English version of the Nazi propaganda film Erbkrank 
("Hereditary Defective"). The film plays 28 times in 1937-38.
Leading government personnel and psychiatrists discuss elimination of the 
mentally ill (Germany). Leading psychiatrists Max de Crinis (professor and 
chairman of the department of psychiatry at Berlin University and later 
supervisor of killing center at Sonnenstein), Mau, Kihn, Pohlisch and 
Schneider get together with anthropologists and two directors of mental 
hospitals to draft a formal law concerning euthanasia.
Cerletti and Bini develop ECT and do the first actual ECT on a human in 
Italy, after learning that pigs in slaughterhouses were not killed but 
merely stunned by electric current before they are slaughtered.
German born and educated US psychiatrist Franz Kallman calls for the "legal 
power" to sterilize "tainted children and siblings of schizophrenics" and 
to prevent marriages involving "schizoid eccentrics and borderline cases." <<
"Trust me I'm a Doctor."

Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-03-25 Thread Insight on the News

A new issue of Insight on the News is now online!

TABLE OF CONTENTS: This Week's Table of Contents



Immigration Experts Have Recommended Reading for Bush

By: Hans S. Nichols and Sam MacDonald



NATIONAL: Creative Financing

By: Kelly Patricia O’Meara, Investigative Reporter

Dozens of municipal projects in Los Angeles County have been financed using 
bondlike instruments called COPs, which critics charge have allowed officials to 
enter into long-term financial obligations without voter approval. 

NATIONAL: Iraqi Connection to Oklahoma Bombing

[By: Kenneth R. Timmerman, Senior Writer]

America's Arab allies do not agree with the president's inclusion of Iraq in the 
'Axis of Evil.' But new information about Saddam Hussein's involvement in the 
bombing of the Murrah Building may tip the balance. 


SYMPOSIUM  Q: Is new leadership needed to restore the Central Intelligence 

Yes: Reforming the CIA means new leaders, new ways of doing business and a 
truckload of pink slips.

By: Angelo M. Codevilla

Our current war on terrorism is only the latest instance in which the CIA's 
ineptitude, incompetence, gullibility, prejudice, corruption and self-serving 
nature have made it a net detriment to U.S. national security. Hence, getting 
good intelligence must begin with the firing of most of the people now employed 
at CIA headquarters, starting with George Tenet. 

NO: Await findings of the Capitol Hill probe before condemning George Tenet.

By: Frederick P. Hitz

Congress is gearing up to examine how well the U.S. intelligence community 
performed prior to Sept. 11 regarding its core mission of warning the president 
and the American people about the most serious surprise attack since Pearl 
Harbor. Nothing is off the table in what the investigation may cover. At the 
same time, President George W. Bush and congressional leaders of the 
investigation rightly have said it must not be undertaken as a head-hunting 
expedition. ... http://www.insightmag.com/news/221881.html


POLITICS: Bringing Abducted Americans Home

By: Timothy W. Maier, Writer

The Bush administration has pledged to use 'every appropriate resource,' 
including the use of military force, to recover U.S. citizens kidnapped abroad. 


POLITICS: Washington's Week:  Lingering Chill on Capitol Hill

By: Jennifer G. Hickey, Writer

Preparing for their two-week Easter recess, Republicans and Democrats celebrated 
the season with fiscal fisticuffs in the House and even a little bloodletting 
about judicial nominations in the Senate. ... 


NATIONAL: Plot Thickens in Livermore Spying Incident

By: Martin Edwin Andersen and Paul M. Rodriguez

Despite Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham's artful denial of a recent Insight 
exclusive, security watchdogs in Congress have announced their intention to 
pursue the allegation. ... http://www.insightmag.com/news/221896.html

NATIONAL: Health Questions Linger at Hart

By: Sheila R. Cherry, Writer

EPA officials have wondered privately whether it truly was safe for workers to 
return to the Hart Senate Office Building after the anthrax-decontamination 
project. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221868.html

NATIONAL: Move Over Prozac,  It's Ecstasy's Turn

By: Brandon Spun, Reporter

Stigmatized as the 'nightclub drug,' some scientists are promoting the benefits 
of ecstasy as a treatment for depression.  But at what long-term costs to the 
brain? http://www.insightmag.com/news/221869.html


WORLD: Chavez Revolution May Be in Retreat

[By: Christopher Whalen]

Hugo Chavez was riding high in 1999. But economic and civil strife, as well as 
questionable political moves, have his presidency teetering on the brink of 
collapse. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221872.html


POLITICS: Honeymoon Is Over in the 'Irritable Alliance'

By: Jamie Dettmer, Writer

In retrospect, 9/11 could be seen as a mere hiatus in the deteriorating 
relations between Europe and the United States. ... 



FAIR COMMENT: Money Seems to Be Motivating Factor at American Red Cross

[By: Reed Irvine]

60 Minutes devoted one of its segments to searing criticism of the way in whic

RICO for Rockspiders

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

Anti-mob law invoked in sex cases
March 25, 2002
WASHINGTON: Lawyers are invoking a statute previously used to round up 
crime bosses in a new legal nightmare for the Catholic church over child 
abuse by priests.   
Claiming the church hierarchy is involved in a conspiracy of silence to 
protect priests who abuse children, the suit filed in Hannibal, Missouri, 
comes under the Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organisations Act and 
targets former Florida bishop Anthony O'Connell, who resigned this month 
after admitting to molesting a seminary student in the 1970s.
The law includes provisions for civil lawsuits when someone is harmed by a 
"pattern" of illegal activity.

RICO for Richard (Armitage) cant be too far off,might save his worthless 
butt from Turbo APster.FREE JIM BELL!

Re: signal to noise proposal

2002-03-25 Thread Jim Choate

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Aimee Farr wrote:

> To wit, no two people can safely tell the same lie to the same person.

Actually they can, only one (or both, if we allow 3 or more agents, only
one is required to 'know' the lie) of the people must believe it is the


 There is less in this than meets the eye.

 Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.open-forge.org

CNN.com - Internet porn battle heads for court - March 25, 2002

2002-03-25 Thread Jim Choate



 There is less in this than meets the eye.

 Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.open-forge.org

More arachnid news

2002-03-25 Thread matthew X

"...the growth of broadband services, allowing fast transmission of large 
amounts of data, and the trend towards remote storage, presented new 
challenges to police.
Computers operated by internet users dabbling in child pornography would 
potentially be left free of any evidence of illegal activity because images 
would not be stored on the local hard drive.
Mr Berwick said an internet-based discussion facility, called newsgroups, 
was where most of the web's sexual deviants could be found.
But another facility, internet relay chat (IRC), allowing internet users to 
hold discussions in various channels covering a range of topics, was what 
most sex offenders used to prey on children.
"The chat channels are without a shadow of a doubt the most dangerous place 
on the internet, particularly for children," Mr Berwick said.
Meanwhile, his ACPR colleague, Commander Barbara Etter, said internet cafes 
could potentially become a major hurdle in tackling cybercrime.
She said the issue of users' anonymity made it difficult to link a person 
to a particular computer that had been used to commit a crime..."FROM 

RE: signal to noise proposal

2002-03-25 Thread Aimee Farr

> > To wit, no two people can safely tell the same lie to the same person.

> Actually they can, only one (or both, if we allow 3 or more agents, only
> one is required to 'know' the lie) of the people must believe it is the
> truth.

Well, I doan' kno' nuttin' 'bout no agents. That fact has been established.

But, you know, after pondering on that a bit...What if "the lie" was
supposedly "really secret stuff?"

You know, "ME LUCKY CHARMS!"

I know the little boys and girls are after me lucky charms.

If "3 or more agents" happen to run in the door with me lucky charms, that
might smell really fishy to some people since leprechauns are hard to catch.
Furthermore, if you ask them about these lucky charms in isolation, they
better know the lucky charms like the back of their hand, or further
investigation is likely to review not-so-lucky inconsistencies. The
"knowing" part can be rendered irrelevant by context, indeed it is sometimes
imperative that everybody KNOW so as to provide...uhm.secondary and
alternative consistency.

And, "lucky charm lies" can take many forms, including physical, which might
be subject to verification, additional investigation and other stuff I don't
want to happen to me lucky charms, because I might want the enemy to believe
they are TRULY "lucky," "charmed," and "mine."

I'm sure "it depends," but perhaps that wisdom came from just such a

Turbo Boost Your Sex Drive......... 13756

2002-03-25 Thread bill . hop
Title: ViaPro



To opt out from future mailings 

Re: physical transactions

2002-03-25 Thread Mike Rosing

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In all the discussion concerning turnips in the past few days, I
>haven't seen any discussion about a subject I would think most would be
>interested in---secure and/or anonymous physical transactions.

Hansen did it, for a few years anyway.

> Is it really the case that a provably secure physical transaction is
>simply impossible?  I've searched for references on this and have found
>almost nothing.  In particular, it seems that the best anyone has to
>offer for anonymity is dropping a letter in a mailbox on the sending end,
>and having a p.o. box arranged anonymously on the receiving end.  Neither
>of these are all that great.  As far as security, it seems like keeping
>someone from snooping in the box you're sending involves tamper sensors
>that destroy the contents.

It's possible, it's just not glamourous.  Trash bags in the park work
pretty well.  But Hansen could have used better hardware :-)

> The sort of security and anonymity I'm interested in would allow, for
>example, an anonymous version of EBay where "illegal items" could be
>bought or sold.  Examples include firearms, controlled substances, and
>even organs.  Assuming that anonymous digital cash &c are available, the
>only remaining problem is transferring the goods physically.  (Granted,
>the assumptions about digital cash are a bit of a stretch, but I'd argue
>that their problems are dwarfed in comparison to the problem of physical

The markets are already in place, as are the transportation systems.  If
you know where to look.  Why do they need to go online?  they already
have more customers than they know what to do with, and an electronic
record makes it easier to be caught.

> Is this just a pipe dream?  Is it provably impossible?  Or have people
>actually been thinking hard about this and producing results?

Making a trusted signal transfering system that leaves no records is
basicly impossible.  Moving black markets online directly doesn't make
sense.  What does make sense is to use the online com link to help
the market that's already in place.  I'm quite sure the people who
are shipping weapons to Al-Qida are online, but they don't really want
you to know about it :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

re: USPTO needs killing

2002-03-25 Thread Major Variola (ret)

The current _Tech Review_ has an article about Tropicana (a div. of
patenting a recipe for mixing OJ from earlier-ripening fruits.  The
patent office
is not supposed to grant patents for *recipes*, and an association of
is suing the USPTO.

ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ÃÖ°íÈ÷Æ®»óÇ°À» ¸¸³ªº¸¼¼¿ä~ [±¤^.*°í]

2002-03-25 Thread ÁöÈÄ

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e-mail ÁÖ¼Ò´Â ÀÎÅͳݿ¡¼­ ¾ò¾úÀ¸¸ç, ÁÖ¼Ò ¿Ü¿¡´Â ¾î¶°ÇÑ °³ÀÎ Á¤º¸µµ °¡Áö°í ÀÖÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù. 
ÀúÈñÀÇ ¸ÞÀÏÀ» ¹Þ°íÀÚ ÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ¸½Ç °æ¿ì, ¾Æ·¡ÀÇ ¼ö½Å°ÅºÎ¹öÆ°À» ´­·¯ÁÖ½Ã¸é ´Ù½Ã´Â ¸ÞÀÏÀ» µå¸®Áö ¾Ê°Ú½À´Ï´Ù. 

Re: USPTO needs killing

2002-03-25 Thread Steve Furlong

"Major Variola (ret)" wrote:
> ...an association of
> tree-growers
> is suing the USPTO.

A year or two ago, in a different forum, someone asked, "What does it
take to become a PTO examiner?" I suggested five generations of
inbreeding. A patent atty and a couple of software guys then chimed in
with "That's not a joke!" horror stories.

Steve FurlongComputer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.  -- George Bernard Shaw

It's me!

2002-03-25 Thread rustyk

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Extreme Power Plus contains lipotropics and other
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helping to keep cholesterol more soluble and lessening deposits in the
blood vessels. They prevent accumulation of fats in the liver and they
detoxify amines which are by products of pr

Re: USPTO needs killing

2002-03-25 Thread Greg Broiles

At 11:40 AM 3/23/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Patent office does better than BXA:
>Peter Avritch, president of PC Dynamics, told us he was surprised to be
>approached this week about what he considered was an "absurd" claim,
>based on a patent filed in 1998 - long after the widespread use of
>electronic encryption technology.
>"This is a very broad patent, which covers almost everything that saves
>encrypted files to disc. It could cover everything from secure laptops
>to electronic encryption," he said.

Avritch's claims about the scope of the patent and the lack of prior art 
are both disproven by the text of the patent itself, linked to from the 
Register article.

Software patents are harmful, but let's not lose track of simple facts in 
our sympathy for someone who got blindsided by a patent.

Greg Broiles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP 0x26E4488c or 0x94245961

Re: Turbo Boost Your Sex Drive.........

2002-03-25 Thread James Choate

 To opt out from future mailings CLICK HERE


 There is less in this than meets the eye.

  Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.open-forge.org


: It's me!

2002-03-25 Thread James Choate

Finally a Product 
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It is very possible to lose weight 
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Don't settle for cheap imitations

The other stuff just DOESN'T WORK. 
I've tried all the other diet pills with no 
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Power Plus contains LIPOTROPIC FAT 
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things that you always imagined doing. 
Walking a few miles a day will not be a 
ENERGY. No more binge snacking. 
Ingredients within the pill will curb your 
cravings for sweets and speed up your 
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Chromium 
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Siberian 
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Ma Huang.
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Guarana.
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Calcium 
100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Magnesium 
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100% Pure Kelp (stimulates thyroad gland to burn 
100% Pure Citrimax (reduces craving and increases 
100% Pure Korean Ginseng (enhances mental 
100% Pure American Ginseng (helps relieve 
100% Pure Yerba Matte (reduces food cravings).
100% Pure Beet Root Powder (enriches blood).
100% Pure Green Tea (speeds up metabolism to 
break down fat).
100% Pure Kola Nut (increases energy).
100% Pure Royal Jelly (stimulates adrenal glands).
100% Pure Ginger (increases circulation).
100% Pure Saw Palmetto (improves digestion and 
100% Pure Ginko Biloba (inhibits water retention, 
stops bloating).

Re: ACweb - Leer, muy importante

2002-03-25 Thread James Choate

  Soluciones WEB 
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 There is less in this than meets the eye.

  Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.open-forge.org


GeoCap: Nietzsche vs. Shakespeare, Tim May vs. Lawrence Lessig, and the definition of actual property in cypherspace (was Re: Henry VI and Lawyer-Killing),

2002-03-25 Thread Faustine

Hash: SHA1

Taking a little OT gambol down an enticing alley, R.A. wrote:

>Certainly most people *don't* know that, in the same way that
>Nietzsche or Wagner immediately influenced the philosophical and
>political, or the musical and artistic thinking of their time. And
>they continue to influence us today. (snip)

Schopenhauer came first! Not a stretch to say he was the biggest influence on
both of them, and others after. Recommended reading: "The Tristan Chord: Wagner
and Philosophy by Bryan Magee, fascinating stuff. If you dont believe me, here's
a passage from N's Untimely Meditations...

"I am one of those readers of Schopenhauer who when they have read one page of 
him know for certain that they will go on to read all the pages and will pay
heed to every word he ever said. I trusted him at once and my trust is the same
now as it was nine years ago. Though this is a foolish and immodest way of
putting it, I understand him as though it were for me he had written. Thus it
is that I have never discovered any paradox in him, though here and there a
little error; for what are paradoxes but assertions which carry no conviction
because their author himself is not really convinced of them and makes them
only so as to glitter and seduce and in general cut a figure. Schopenhauer
never wants to cut a figure: for he writes for himself and no one wants to be
deceived, least of all a philosopher who has made it a rule for himself:
deceive no one, not even yourself! ... And, to say without more ado the highest
thing I can say in regard to his style, I cannot do better than quote a 
sentence of his own: "a philosopher must be very honest not to call poetry or
rhetoric to his aid."

And one of Wagner's letters...

"I have a friend to whom I am growing more and more attached. It is my old
friend Schopenhauer, so sullen in appearance and yet so deeply affectionate a
person. Whenever my feelings have ranged most widely and deeply, a unique sense
of self-renewal overcomes me each time I open that book of his, for here I find
myself a whole person once more and see myself fully understood and clearly
expressed...which soon transforms my suffering into an object of
understanding...by revealing me to myself, and at the same time reveals the
whole world to me! It is a most wonderful interaction, an exchange of the most
supremely inspiriting kind: and its effect is always fresh, since it continues
to grow in strength. It is this that restores my sense of peace, and even
contempt resolves itself as love. --Richard Wagner

And the ending of Goetterdaemmerung was Schoepenhauer through and through. I get
a little choked up just thinking about it. Yep, cypherpunk-oriented people
really ought to see the Ring and read Schopenhauer...pardon the prosetlytizing,
I never seem to be able to help myself, ha.  

>People like Wagner and Nietzsche hold their influence regardless of
>how personally abhorrent and obnoxious some of their other opinions
>on various contemporaneous issues were -- not unlike Mr. May's quite
>literally theatrical exhortation above, for instance which  is,
>obviously, pure Nietzsche, and not, has been noted, Shakespeare. :-)

Hm. reminds me of when Shakespeare expressed a somewhat related sentiment, in
Richard III...

Let not our babbling dreams affright our souls:
Conscience is but a word that cowards use,
Devised at first to keep the strong in awe:
Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law.
March on, join bravely, let us to't pell-mell
If not to heaven, then hand in hand to hell.




He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies. (Diffie-Helman/DSS-only version)


Put her on the list,she never will be missed

2002-03-25 Thread jill jill

> > To wit, no two people can safely tell the same lie
to the same person.

> Actually they can, only one (or both, if we allow 3
or more agents, only
> one is required to 'know' the lie) of the people
must believe it is the
> truth.

Well, I doan' kno' nuttin' 'bout no agents. That fact
has been established.

But, you know, after pondering on that a bit...What if
"the lie" was
supposedly "really secret stuff?"

You know, "ME LUCKY CHARMS!"

I know the little boys and girls are after me lucky

If "3 or more agents" happen to run in the door with
me lucky charms, that
might smell really fishy to some people since
leprechauns are hard to catch.
Furthermore, if you ask them about these lucky charms
in isolation, they
better know the lucky charms like the back of their
hand, or further
investigation is likely to review not-so-lucky
inconsistencies. The
"knowing" part can be rendered irrelevant by context,
indeed it is sometimes
Choate,Talor,Agent Farr

imperative that everybody KNOW so as to
provide...uhm.secondary and
alternative consistency.

And, "lucky charm lies" can take many forms, including
physical, which might
be subject to verification, additional investigation
and other stuff I don't
want to happen to me lucky charms, because I might
want the enemy to believe
they are TRULY "lucky," "charmed," and "mine."

I'm sure "it depends," but perhaps that wisdom came
from just such a

Do You Yahoo!?
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Re: RICO for Rockspiders

2002-03-25 Thread James Choate

On 25 Mar 2002 at 23:30, matthew X wrote:

Anti-mob law invoked in sex cases
March 25, 2002
WASHINGTON: Lawyers are invoking a statute previously used to 
round up 
crime bosses in a new legal nightmare for the Catholic church over 
abuse by priests.   
Claiming the church hierarchy is involved in a conspiracy of silence 
protect priests who abuse children, the suit filed in Hannibal, 
comes under the Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organisations 
Act and 
targets former Florida bishop Anthony O'Connell, who resigned this 
after admitting to molesting a seminary student in the 1970s.
The law includes provisions for civil lawsuits when someone is 
harmed by a 
"pattern" of illegal activity.

RICO for Richard (Armitage) cant be too far off,might save his 
butt from Turbo APster.FREE JIM BELL!


 There is less in this than meets the eye.

  Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.open-forge.org


Last Chance! Free links & seats Manuf Prod/Cntl Software $1,495!

2002-03-25 Thread info

(JMP32202)The Manufacturing/Job Shop Market has never seen an offer like 
this, and it won't 

again.  We have now set up national distributors, and will not be able to 
discount Job 

Master in the future.  

For the next week only, Job Master, normally $2,495.00, is not only on 
sale for $1,495.00, 

but if you order by March 28, you'll also receive two user licenses and a 
link to either 

Peach Tree, QuickBooks or Excel at no charge, an additional thousand 
dollars savings.

(To be removed from our list, Please click on or send an email to: 

Please put REMOVE as the subject.  Our remove system is automated If you 
do not click on or 

send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and have REMOVE as your subject you 
will be overlooked 

for removal by the system) 

Job Master is designed specifically for small to medium sized 
manufacturers, and even at our 

regular price of $2,495.00 costs many thousands of dollars less than any 
other even remotely 

comparable software package.  

Now, if you order by March 28, you can save over $2,000.00.  For our $1,
495.00 special 

price, you receive not only Job Master at a thousand dollar discount, 
network ready, but two 

user licenses and a link to either Peach Tree, QuickBooks or Excel, which 
normally would be 

an additional charge of over a thousand dollars.

If you've been waiting to upgrade your production control and tracking 
software or to 

computerize your operation, now is the time.  For the next week, $1,495.00 
gets you 

everything-Job Master network version, two user licenses, and a link to 
your accounting 

program or to Excel.  

Job Master, a complete, user friendly Windows based software package, can 
manage and control 

your operation from sales quote to shipment.

Following is a list of features. If you have any questions, would like to 
discuss the 

package further, or if you would like to obtain our Web site address for a 
total walk 

through of the program, please call me directly at (661) 286-0041. 

By way of background, we are a software company, which for some years has 
specialized in the 

development of custom software, primarily for small to medium sized 
manufacturers.  Job 

Master is a distillation of over a million and a half dollars of software 
we have developed 

to control and manage the production of our manufacturing clients.

Job Master contains the following features:

1. QUOTATION MODULE.  In this module, quotes are developed, modified, and 
produced for 

sending to your client.  A history is kept of all quotes for future 
reference, or 

modification for other clients.  All quotations and revisions are "auto 
numbered," including 

versions.  The quotes section allows for the entry of parts/processes, and 
costing of each, 

including materials, labor, markup, and taxes.  Inventory status can be 
accessed from this 

section for reference.

2. SALES ORDER.  Once a quotation is accepted, the final quotation 
information can be 

transformed into a Sales Order for your client's signature on a "point and 
click" basis.  

The Sales Order can be modified and re issued if necessary.  A history if 
kept of all Sales 

Orders for future reference, or modification for other clients.  All sales 
orders and 

revisions are "auto numbered," including versions.  Inventory status can 
be accessed from 

this section for reference.

3. CUSTOMER LETTERS can be created from the Quotation and Sales Order 

4. SHOP TRAVELER/WORK ORDER.  Once a Sales Order is accepted, the sales 
order information 

can be transformed into a shop traveler/work order on a "point and click" 
basis.  Each item 

on the Sales Order becomes a shop traveler/work order, with each step of 
production of the 

item then listed on the traveler/work order.  Each such traveler/work 
order is tied back 

into the Sales Order.  The shop traveler/work order allows for the entry 
of line items, and 

notes on each line item. The shop traveler/work order contains a "notes" 
section.  The Shop 

traveler/work order allows for the storing or attachment of drawings to 
the traveler/work 

order.  The shop traveler/work order also contains a "drop down," from 
which standard 

processes can be selected for inclusion on the shop traveler/work order.  
The shop 

traveler/work order numbers progress in order of production sequence, and 
re numbers them if 

new steps are added.  The shop traveler/work order allows for change 
orders or revisions, 

and numbers changes in sequence of the original shop traveler/work order 
number; i.e., 100, 

100-1, 100-2, etc.  All shop traveler/work orders and related revisions 
are retained in 

memory for future reference.  The shop traveler/work order is bar coded 
for tracking of 

production step by step, and production of ongoing client status reports.  
Bar coding 

includes the ability for an employee to "swipe" their own ID bar code for 
recording in the 

system as to who upgraded what step.  The

Re: GeoCap: Nietzsche vs. Shakespeare, Tim May vs. Lawrence Lessig, and the definition of actual property in cypherspace (was Re: Henry VI and Lawyer-Killing),

2002-03-25 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 3:40 PM -0500 on 3/25/02, Faustine wrote:

> Schopenhauer came first!

Absolutely. You bet. What she said.

My favorite Schopenhauer warhorse was the line about the three stages of a
new idea, "All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then
it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA

The IBUC Symposium on Geodesic Capital
April 3-4, 2002, The Downtown Harvard Club, Boston
 for details...

"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Turn eBay into your full-time job + wholesale sources...

2002-03-25 Thread eWuebs


  Do you want to 
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  this eBook and start earning the kind of money you deserve! If for some 
  reason you aren't satisfied we offer a 30 day money back 

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  You have nothing to lose with 
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Remember if you order today you'll  receive info on how to easily 
make $100 in 1 Hour! You'll also get a free certificate for a 3 day 
vacation to Las Vegas, plus 6 other bonus items! ORDER TODAY, IF YOU 

This is not "spam"! You are receiving this message as an opt-in subscriber
To our opt-in mailing list. If this is not the case, PLEASE accept our sincerestapologies and 
Click here to reply with "Remove" in the subject line.
We will remove your name immediately!  

Maryland legislators decide to fuck the constitution

2002-03-25 Thread Major Variola (ret)

"I realize that this bill basically says you can tap someone's phone for
jaywalking, and normally I would say, 'No way,' " said Del. Dana Lee
Dembrow (D-Montgomery). "But after what happened on September 11th, I
say screw 'em."


Just in case you didn't know how a totalitarian police-state coup grows,
more excerpts:

Given the potential for mass casualties, said Del. Robert A. Zirkin
(D-Baltimore County), the occasional intrusion into lives "seems worth
the risk."

"I know it's hard to swallow," Zirkin said. "But I think we need to take
a couple steps in that direction right now."

Reminds me of when a sociologist was interviewing a southern farmer:
Why do you think the murder rate is higher in the south?
I guess more southerners need killin'.

40 teraflops (fwd)

2002-03-25 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:59:32 -0500
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Digital Bearer Settlement List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: 40 teraflops


The fastest computer in the world has just gone on line in Japan. Called
the Earth Simulator, makers NEC Corp say the ultra-high-speed computing
system can perform 40 trillion operations per second or 40 teraflops.

The computer is designed to enable environmental research by analysing and
simulating the global environment. To do so it creates a virtual planet

 The aim was to create a computer which could achieve a thousand times
higher performance for meteorological, geophysical and environmental
applications than any other computer.

Until now the world's quickest computer has been the ASCI White made by
IBM. It has an output of 12.3 teraflops and occupies only a fifth of the
space taken up by the Earth Simulator.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA

The IBUC Symposium on Geodesic Capital
April 3-4, 2002, The Downtown Harvard Club, Boston
 for details...

"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

¿ì~~¿Í??!! [È«-º¸]

2002-03-25 Thread ±èÀ±Èñ
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Re: 40 teraflops (fwd)

2002-03-25 Thread Mark

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Choate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The fastest computer in the world has just gone on line in Japan. Called
> the Earth Simulator, makers NEC Corp say the ultra-high-speed computing
> system can perform 40 trillion operations per second or 40 teraflops.
> The computer is designed to [...] create a virtual planet earth.

Oh no, this is shaida!

Last Chance March Special 18569

2002-03-25 Thread a2d3rtyisit5333
Professional Promotional Team willing to mail your ad.
Our March Special!

250,000 e-mails delivered General Internet addresses  $75.00

10,000  e-mails delivered   Specialized Targeted mailings and extractions.  $150.00

Please respond with your name,e-mail address and phone #.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Promotion

Thank you,
Professional Promotions

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Remove

: CDR: Re: 40 teraflops (fwd)

2002-03-25 Thread James Choate

Thank god there is still some one out their who does not have me in there
kill file,I post these links because most people on this list are to stupid to look 
for them selves

  From: "Jim Choate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The fastest computer in the world has just gone on line in Japan. Called
> the Earth Simulator, makers NEC Corp say the ultra-high-speed computing
> system can perform 40 trillion operations per second or 40 teraflops.
> The computer is designed to [...] create a virtual planet earth.

Oh no, this is shaida!


 There is less in this than meets the eye.

  Tellulah Bankhead
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.ssz.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.open-forge.org