Re: what is GPG's #1 objective: security or anti-patent stance ( Re: on the state of PGP compatibility (2nd try))

2002-04-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Adam Back [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Back in the days of pgp2.x I used to receive and send a fair proportion of
mail encrypted with pgp; these days it is a much lower proportion, and a
rather high proportion of those fail.  It's not like I'm using old software or
failing to try what is reasonable to get messages to work.  Even with my
fairly complete collection of PGP versions you saw the results.  Imagine how
much worse it will be between people who do not upgrade frequently or take
such defensive strategies.  So you say upgrade already.  However as I think I
have demonstrated, I follow this strategy myself and as you can see it doesn't
work either.

I've been in a similar situation.  Back when I was fighting our government over
crypto export controls, it was sometimes necessary to talk to journalists in a
manner which didn't give the spooks a week's advance notice about something
which they shouldn't have known about until they opened the morning paper.
This was in the days of PGP 5.x.  Some of the people I was talking with were
pretty patient, and often put up with multiple iterations of neither side being
able to decrypt the other's messages, but eventually the choice came down to
given the opposition advance notice or not having the story published at all,
and there's really not much choice there.

Now substitute human rights group for journalist and secret police for
spooks and you can see why this is a problem.  Non-commercial PGP has always
been by geeks, for geeks, with features more important than minor
considerations like usability.  Who cares if there are 146 semi-documented,
vaguely-defined command-line options, look at the algorithm choices!  If you
want to use some obscure hash algorithm which was fasionable for 2 months in
1997, you can, and who cares if it takes you half an hour, the FAQ, the
manpage, and an online search to figure out how to encrypt a file?

That's why non-commercial crypto will always struggle to find mainstream
acceptance.  Doing the crypto engine is (relatively) easy, and fun, and there
are lots of people willing to help.  Doing the UI components is dreary and
boring, and no-one is interested because they've just spotted a hash algorithm
published in the Journal of the Bratislavian Philological Society in 1978 which
they urgently need to add support for.

(Although I don't use Windows mailers, I've heard nice things about The Bat,, which has built-in PGP support.
 Apparently at some point Pegasus Mail,, will have built-
 in PGP and S/MIME support as well).


(OTCBB: PAXM) Special Investment Alert

2002-04-04 Thread mag6
Title: Investors

This message has been
  sent to you as a subscriber of the "Financial Update" in compliance with
  our strict anti-abuse regulations. We will continue to bring you valuable
  offers on the products and services that interest you most. If you do not
  wish to receive further mailings, please click below and enter your email
  at the bottom of the page. You may then rest-assured that you will never
  receive another email from us again. 



  Alert: Premier
  Axium ASP (OTCBB: PAXM) positions itself for enormous growth
  in 2002 through aggressive acquisition plan


52 WEEK HIGH $3.68
52 WEEK LOW $0.001


Investment Highlights

  to the IDC, in 1998 the U.S. market for Human Resources outsourcing
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  PAXM president Anthony Burnham, formerly of Nestle-Carnation,
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  company. It is projected that PAXM will achieve
  approximately $250 million in assets within the next
  year as it moves forward toward its goal of becoming the leader
  in providing complete infrastructure services.

  PAXM has invested millions of dollars in creating
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  Industry data statistics show
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Today is your Lucky day!

2002-04-04 Thread Billy Ray


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Health Insurance - Need Your Advice

2002-04-04 Thread inshealth

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Scientific American: Feature Article: The Social Psychology of Modern Slavery: April 2002

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate



 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Lawsuit slapped on FBI.

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X
by Harry Tuttle 1:38am Thu Apr 4 '02

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is named as a defendant in a lawsuit
filed today by attorneys for imprisoned Native American activist, Leonard



Below is the press release for the lawsuit that will be filed TOMORROW on
Leonard Peltier's behalf. Please forward it far and wide to your local
media and to other supporters. Please be sure that the release date remains
in tact. We do not want coverage on this before the case is filed tomorrow.
We do, however, want to give reporters a chance to write their stories today
so that it can hit the press tomorrow. Also note that this has been
distributed to all national news sources already, so we just need to focus
on everyone's local press. You may want to follow up with phone calls to
your paper, radio and TV stations to request they cover the story given that
a local support group or supporters exist in the area. Let us know if you
have any questions. THANK you for your help and support!

In Solidarity,

PS A formatted version can be downloaded from our web site:


Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (785) 842-5774;


Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is named as a defendant in a lawsuit
filed today by attorneys for imprisoned Native American activist, Leonard
Peltier. Freeh, along with the FBI Agents Association and a long list of
active FBI agents, are accused of violating Peltier's Constitutional rights
by making false and unsupported statements to the public, the Department of
Justice, the United States Parole Commission, and former President Clinton.
The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court, Washington D.C., alleges that
the FBI engaged in a systematic, and officially sanctioned campaign of
mis-information and dis-information designed to prevent Peltier from
receiving fair clemency and parole reviews.

The suit follows a highly controversial campaign conducted by
the FBI to stop former president Bill Clinton from issuing Peltier a grant
of executive clemency during his last days in office. FBI agents across the
nation submitted letters to the editor, sponsored major newspaper and radio
ads, and marched by the hundreds in front of the White House to discourage
clemency. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote searing letters to Bill
Clinton and Janet Reno, to urge against Peltier's release. The campaign,
which gained national attention, characterized Peltier as a cold-blooded
killer who brutally shot two FBI agents at point blank range. Peltier's
attorneys and supporters assert that this characterization is not only false
but intentionally deceptive given the government's long held position that
it cannot prove who shot the agents. Furthermore, they say it cost Peltier,
now 57 years of age and in poor health, his long deserved freedom.

Peltier has served more than 26 years in prison for the deaths
of two FBI agents killed in a 1975 shoot-out on the Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation. Peltier's supporters claim the FBI terrorized witnesses,
utilized false testimony and withheld a ballistic test proving Peltier's
innocence to gain his conviction. Senior Eighth Circuit Judge Gerald
Heaney, who denied Peltier a new trial based on a legal technicality, has
since come forward to support Peltier's release, citing FBI misconduct.
Amnesty International, the Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Rev.
Jesse Jackson, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Corretta Scott
King, and scores of Native tribes are among those who consider Peltier a
political prisoner who should be freed.

(Complaint will be posted on LPDC web site on April 4: .
Interviews with lawyer handling case and spokespeople for the LPDC can be

Joseph Patrick Curry, a captain in US Army Special Forces and lockerbie bomber?

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X

House of Commons Hansard for 26 Mar 2002 - 1:37 PM
Transcript of an inquiry raised in the UK Parliament last week, suggesting 
the bomb that brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 
1988 was in the luggage of passenger Joseph Patrick Curry, a captain in US 
Army Special Forces, and that police notebooks corroborating this were 
destroyed prior to the trial of Abdel Basset Al Megrahi, the Libyan 
convicted of the bombing ( Tam Dalyell via Hansard )
See also this WSWS coverage, and the Lockerbie appeal decision (PDF)

Wild Turkey

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X

In today's trial Turkish anarchist prisoners are released by the decision 
of Izmir SSC (State Security Court). The next trial is postponed to 21st of 
May. On 1st of December 2001, 5 people from Usak were arrested with the 
claim of being members of Usak Anarsist Otonomu while 3 of them were 
distributing their own leaflets during a trade-union demo. They are being 
judged according to Article No. 3713/7 which defines illegal political 
gangs. Although they were just claimed to be responsible for a number of 
graffities and a leaflet titled No to Capitalism and War! signed as Usak 
Anarsist Otonomu, 4 of them were forced to spend 2 months in F type 
cells-where they lived 2 by 2. Today's trial started at noon and lasted 
more than an hour. Except prisoner's families, anarchists from Izmir and 
Istanbul, representatives from DISK (a leftist syndicate) were also present 
at the court. Among the lawyers of the anarchists there were the Chairman 
of Izmir Lawyer Association and lawyer of Bergama peasants. According to 
the report of SSC Attorney, Usak Anarsist Otonomu were claimed to be a part 
of AGF-Anarsist Genclik Federasyonu (Anarchist Youth Federation) and 
according to the information report of Turkish Pigs (Police) Tayfun Gvn|l 
were said to be the leader of anarchists in Turkey!! Tayfun Gvn|l 
attending the court as a witness rejected all of the claims and stated 
that the related group (AGF) is a group of people from Istanbul and added 
that even AGF itself does not define itself as an organization-they say 
AGF is their life. T. Gvn|l also told he was never arrested or questioned 
as a member of AGF; as he was born in 1958 it was impossible for him to be 
a member of a youth group! He stated that since the beginning of anarchist 
movement in Turkey Turkish anarchists had never organized an armed or 
violent action and this attitude is consciouos. Later with reference to the 
offer of lawyers and the SSC Attorney the court decided the release of 4 
anarchists (Muammer Vzg|r K|g|ktekin, Ahmet Serkan Tomar, Sabri Serkan 
Kazak, Onur Ayaz and Rahmi Tiril) who were in Izmir Kaynaklar F type prison 
for about two months. (Sabri Serkan Kazak were released on 13th of 
February) The next trial will be on 21st of May. (3.4.2002) Thanx to all 
comrades for their solidarity! In the name of solidarity with prisoned 
anarchists and anti-capitalists! Anarchist Black Crescent - Ankara Anarsist 
Kara Ay - Ankara email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

My life insurance premium just dropped 70%?

2002-04-04 Thread Rosetta Weinraub


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...the website on which activists discuss killing police...

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X
Entertainment journalist doing spiffing job of publisizing Independant self
published media.
Today's column also says: Some Indymedia activists hardly needed a hit to
get physical. After all, this is the website on which activists discuss
killing police, and publish the home addresses of journalists or
politicians who oppose them.
Herald Sun man conducts a jihad against Indymedia Herald Sun man conducts a
jihad against Indymedia
On this day...1948 -- Korea: Cheju April 3rd Massacre.
One of the darkest yet least-known chapters of postwar
Asian history  the horrific genocide of 30,000 innocent
civilians on Cheju-do between 1948  1949.
In the space of one year, fully 10% of the island's total
population of 300,000 was massacred  literal Roman
decimation. Privately the governor of Cheju told American
intelligence at the time that 60,000 were killed.
This mass murder, in the guise of an anti-Communist civil war,
was undertaken by the South Korean army, the Cheju-do police,
 the US military.

Eugene's sp*m filter, sorta like the Feds library porn filters..

2002-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

t 07:51 AM 4/4/02 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
Hmm, SpamAssassin rated your post as somewhat naughty. Should probably
bump up the threshold from default 5 to 6, but you might want to
below for your future posts.

And Herr Frob's offenses were:

 SPAM: Hit! (2.5 points)  BODY: Uses a dotted-decimal IP address in

Gosh, a dotted-IP!  Oooh noo!  Will no one think of the children!


Yes, Frob capitalized his script's comments.  peeve Calling this
yelling is just irritatingly newbie-ish,
the filter-authors might have said allcaps. \peeve  (Oh no,
no-standard pseudo-HTML-tags!  The horror,
the horror :-)

[Actually we recognize everyone's right to filter as they please, though
we favor bodily dismemberment for
sp*mming, personally.  If anything, this corroborates what the
*librarians* are saying about the crudity of
mechanical filters, here in the sp*m filtering domain --here the filters
objected to the first bit of code posted
to the list in months!]


Julia Child was a Spook (NPR report on chick-agents)

2002-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

[Ed: amusing that sleeper agents who infiltrated occupied
territories are
glorified by the winner of that conflict.. but when the US is the
occupier, the
resistance agents are terrorists..]

  The Lady Was a Spy
   Exhibit Presents the Untold Stories of Women in

  Listen to Susan Stamberg's report.

   April 4, 2002 -- During World War II, entertainer
Josephine Baker
   helped the French Resistance by smuggling secret
information written
   in invisible ink on her sheet music. Ironically,
Baker's fame made it
   possible for her to complete her missions
unnoticed, Linda McCarthy,
   curator of a new exhibition on female spies
throughout history, tells
   NPR's Susan Stamberg on Morning Edition.

   Passport checkers were so
starstruck by
   Baker that they never
suspected she was
   a spy. As she toured Europe,
she and her
   entourage -- which included
   members of the resistance --
   allowed to pass through.

   One thing about espionage,
at its peak it's
   an equal opportunity
   McCarthy says. And there are
   quite frankly, where women
can get into
   situations where men can't.

   The National Women's History
   exhibit, Clandestine Women:
   Untold Stories of Women in
   also features the story of
another unlikely
   operative, Julia Child.

   Decades before becoming a
famous chef,
   she worked for the Office of
   Services. (The OSS was the
   to the CIA.) She was assigned
to solve a
   problem for U.S. naval forces during World War
II: Sharks would
   bump into explosives that were placed underwater,
setting them off
   and warning the German U-boats they were intended
to sink.

   So... Julia Child and a few of her male
compatriots got together and
   literally cooked up a shark repellent, that was
used to coat the
   explosives, McCarthy says.

Re: out of the box

2002-04-04 Thread thaning

Citerar Michael Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 In Sweeden basic emotional education for all cuts social problems down
 to a minscule amount. 

Sweden has a basic emotional education for all? How come they never told me 

 - Sten (born and raised in Sweden)

fedjudge upholds 1st amend: city must remove all signs or none

2002-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

A federal judge prohibited Culver City from removing signs a resident
had posted on city property encouraging residents to vote in the
upcoming municipal election.

U.S. District Judge Gary A. Feess issued a temporary restraining order
Wednesday, stating that Culver City unconstitutionally enforces its
ordinance banning signs in the public right of way.

Judge Stays Culver City's Ban on Signs
[*]  Civil rights: Removal of one poster but not others is ruled


City workers and police twice pulled down nonpartisan signs paid for by
Lynne Davidson, 48, instructing residents to Vote for a Change on
April 9. Culver City, like many others, has a sign ordinance prohibiting
posters in the public right of way, regardless of their content.
Davidson's signs urged residents to vote and did not advocate a

Davidson said she sued the city because its uneven enforcement of the
code infringed on her free speech rights. More than 20 types of signs
violating the ordinance can be found in Culver City at any time,
including banners for city-sponsored events. Her attorney argued in
court documents that the city singled out Davidson's signs and left many
others untouched.

Feess said the city sometimes hangs banners over the public right of way
advertising city-sponsored events. The judge ruled that the city cannot
post such signs and ban others.

It is a violation of the 1st Amendment to say the city can pick and
choose content in violation of the ordinance ... particularly when
talking of issues of core speech such as political signs, he said.
Davidson said low voter turnouts in the Culver City elections prompted
her to spend $3,500 on the signs.

The people elected are not representative of the whole community unless
people get out and vote, she said.

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 11:20 PM 4/3/02 -0800, Morlock Elloi wrote:
 Bomb components, silly. Everything was in the bomb, capiche?
 usage, as found on the web:

The point of the exercise was to underline the disinformation content.
If you
argue this, then you should provide an example of a bomb which has
acid and sodium cyanide as components. If by components you mean
used in the manufacturing process, than most things around you
computers) have sulphuric acid as a component.

(Routers News Service) Faustine, the false name for an agent
of the Cypherpunks Movement, which has been under surveillance by
the government for some time, was caught today near Federal buildings
driving a mobile platform containing: volitile hydrocarbons equivalent
to several pounds of TNT; sulphuric acid, used to make explosives; lead,
a toxic heavy metal; and various electrical timing elements.  The agent
also had a handheld
two-way radiophone and a computer containing encryption software.

(OTCBB: OZLU) Special Investment Alert

2002-04-04 Thread skishen
Title: Investors





  has state-of-the-art technology that will make a lasting impression
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  52 Week High
  Week Low
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  ozone water treatment system is so effective that it successfully
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  has the exclusive marketing rights
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the Company


  Simply put, we need water to live and
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  their toll on the resource that so many of us take for granted.
  Looking forward, we need to find a way to ensure proper cleansing of
  our world's most precious resource, and Ozolutions, Inc. (OTCBB:
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  Many companies today offer water treatment systems that use chemical
  impurities, ions, and minerals; however, there are many long
  lasting drawbacks of using so many chemicals. Ozolutions
  utilizes two revolutionary methods of water treatment from two of the
  world's leading water treatment manufacturers.These methods cleanse
  the water without any harmful chemical additives and leaves OZLU
  poised to become a leader in the water treatment industry.


Ceramics (ELCE)



has negotiated exclusive marketing rights in Canada and Costa Rica for ELCE,
one of the leading manufacturers of water treatment
systems in the world. Sparing a physics and biology lesson, this process
simply forces water through a chamber filled with special, small ceramic
balls, which act as water activators. Just as Mother Nature
forces water through porous rock the ELCE method has proved itself to be
a highly cost effective method of activating water. A more detailed
explanation can be reviewed at



Atlas Ozone Systems, Ltd.



  This second method uses Ozone generators to inject Ozone into a water
  When the ozone mixes with the water, a natural cleansing process takes
  place and cleanses or neutralizes almost all of the impurities in the
  water. This process is able to break down most organic molecules
  and is considered one of the most effective disinfecting agents
  commercially available. Since it is over 50% more effective
  than chlorine this process does have an enormous potential for the
  swimming pool market. For a more detailed look visit




  potential market for OZLU's water treatment systems is endless. Already
  it is being tested in Panama and Ecuador's shrimp farms where cleaner
  water is expected to produce bigger, healthier shrimp faster than ever

Julia Child was a Spook (NPR report on chick-agents)

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X

 During World War II, entertainer Josephine Baker helped the French
Resistance by smuggling secret information written in invisible ink on her
sheet music.

She also had top secret chemical info hidden in banana's around her
waist,these had to be smoked to release the information.As for the shark
repellant,I bet they could have used some 11 miles inland (!) when a great
white attacked around 1916.See close to shore,by michael Capuzzo.
The task of the right
eye is to peer into the
while the left eye peers into the microscope.
---Max Ernst
Daily Bloody Eye in full, 56 entries, web page,
with lots of links
Surrealist painter of Loplop the bird  all he
1805 -- Hans Christian Andersen lives (1805-1875),
Odense. Danish writer who combined folk legends
with his own great imagination  produced fairy tales
appreciated in many cultures.
1840 -- French writer, activist, experimental novelist Emile
Zola lives (1840-1902), Paris, France.
1851 -- Joseph Lane (1851-1920), British anarchist,
1863 -- US: Bread riots in Richmond, Virginia.
1891 -- Saint Max Ernst (1891-1976) lives, Br|hl,
Germany, near Cologne. Painter, poet.
Big hi to chick agent and ugly ho ~Justine

Italia 77

2002-04-04 Thread matthew X

Italy 1977
Italy 1977 saw a spontaneous and creative outbreaks of rebellion
demonstrating that the potential for revolution still exists in the working
class of the industrialised west - no matter what the leftie cynics say.
Tension built up throughout 1976 with the growth of autonomi (groups
outside traditional left / Union formations) and the Circollo Del
Proletariato Giovanile (Circles of Proletarian Youth), both strong in the
slum areas of the great northern industrial cities. They developed many
confrontational tactics directly linked to working class needs. The most
successful was autoriduzione (self-reduction), where price rises in
essential commodities were not paid, or communities decided a fair price.
Direct sabotage of capitalist property was also popular  blowing their
cars up, beating up particularly authoritarian bosses, or refusing to let
them enter the factories. These tactics grew in popularity, worrying both
the leftists and the capitalists, as all relations of dominance were
brought into question.
Things blew up in Bologna in early 1977, when Lama, the leader of the
Stalinist CGIL Union went to the University to lecture members of the
Circollo and Autonomi (who used it as a base) and students, arguing they
should join the Communist Party. He was chased from the building, and only
saved from serious harm by his security team and the cops he had brought
with him. The University head called in cops to restore order, sparking off
a fierce battle leading to the occupation of all the university facilities,
which became the focus for workers and students meeting (as in Paris 1968).
This soon developed into larger public manifestations, culminating in the
physical capture of Bologna for three days in March, following the shooting
of a demonstrator. An eyewitness wrote that Downtown, numerous shops and
luxury restaurants were looted; side by side with young proletarians, old
pensioners could be seen fleeing happily, pushing handcarts full of
delicacies. For once in these streets and squares people were
communicatingover the next few days police found scores of guns and rifles
hidden in improbable places, the fruit of an armoury raid. Similar
episodes occurred in Rome, Milan and Turin. Radio Alice was set up, and
broadcast the movements of police and troops, which helped extend the
occupation. Eventually the movement was repressed, with all the political
parties working hand in hand with the judiciary, but the lesson remains 
anything is possible!

Re: out of the box

2002-04-04 Thread Julian Assange

[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
 Citerar Michael Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  In Sweeden basic emotional education for all cuts social problems down
  to a minscule amount. 
 Sweden has a basic emotional education for all? How come they never told me 
  - Sten (born and raised in Sweden)

To do so would undermine its efficacy. || technology and culture, from the trenches (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Traficant Told to Call Witnesses (

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Slashdot | PetsWarehouse vs. Mailing List

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Re: Cost-Effective Targeted Email - Guaranteed Results! - Discount Pricing!

2002-04-04 Thread Email4Profit105322

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Yahoo! News - Pentagon Defends Work Out of Uniform

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Linux Today - Ottawa Citizen: The Anti-Copyright Crusader (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Special Online Issue - The Science of War (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Scientific American: Feature Article: Tragedy of the Cyber Commons: April 2002 (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - IBM, ATT release free Net privacy tools - April 4, 2002

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] || How Much Security Is Secure Enough?

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

UMass computer scientist offers a new way to track internet vandals

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Slashdot | Seeking Arguments Against the CBDTPA? (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

[9fans] Call for Papers - 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2002) (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 4 Apr 2002 15:14:09 -0800
Subject: [9fans] Call for Papers - 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and 
Implementation (OSDI 2002)

The 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 
'02) will take place December 9-11, 2002 at the Boston Park Plaza in 
Boston, Massachusetts and we would like to encourage your participation.

OSDI 2002 will bring together professionals from academic and industrial 
backgrounds in what has become a premier forum for discussing the 
design, implementation, and implications of systems software.

Paper submissions are due on May 17, 2002. This is a hard deadline --
no extensions will be given. Submission guidelines are available on our Web 

Emphasizing both innovative research and quantified experience, OSDI 
takes a broad view of what the systems area encompasses and solicits 
contributions from all fields of systems practice including, but not 
limited to: operating systems, networking, storage, distributed systems, 
parallel systems, mobile systems, embedded systems, the influence of 
hardware development on systems and vice-versa. We particularly 
encourage contributions containing highly original ideas or 
ground-breaking results that push the systems frontier.

The symposium will consist of 2.5 days of single-track technical 
sessions with presentations of refereed papers and a keynote address.
A session of Work-in-Progress presentations is planned, and informal 
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions may be organized by attendees. 
We look forward to receiving your submissions.

David Culler, University of California, Berkeley
OSDI 2002 Program Co-Chair

Peter Druschel, Rice University
OSDI 2002 Program Co-Chair

Slashdot | DivX and MP3 Developers Work Together on Watermarks

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Survey: SSL encryption weaker in Europe - April 4, 2002 (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

The Register - Weak crypto casts shadow over ecommerce (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Firms eye anti-terror profiling -- The Washington Times

2002-04-04 Thread Jim Choate


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Financial Advisors Will Either be Making $1 Million per Year... Or be out of business by 2005

2002-04-04 Thread Piece of Pie Mktg
Title: Financial Advisors Will Either be Making $1 Million per Year... Or be out of business by 2005


  ...In my 20 years 
in selling financial services, I have studied many techniques. None has 
even come close to the genius of your took 4 weeks using 
your system to write $1.5 million in premium. I recommend this to any 
producer who is serious about doubling or tripling their current income.

  Glenn Roquevert
  (See what others have to say after reading this letter) 


Dear Fellow Advisor: 
Has your income 
  gone down from last year? Are you getting a lot more phone calls 
  from panicked clients who are convinced the sky is falling and it's 
  your fault? Are you feeling a little uneasy about what is going 
  to happen to the market and you going forward?
As financial professionals we are under siege. We are being attacked 
  from all sides. The public is constantly being told that they shouldn't 
  pay for advice, they should instead buy a magazine and follow its 
  paint by numbers directions ... yeah right.
Of course our business is so easy to do that now attorneys, 
  accountants, and big accounting firms are getting into the act. 
  Just recently, a giant accounting firm signed deals with two large 
  on-line brokerage services to provide paint-by-numbers financial 
  planning right over the Internet.
Why am I complaining when I made over $800,000 last year 
  as a financial advisor?
Because I see the writing on the wall. Every year going forward, the average 
  advisor is going to have to work harder to make less. In the next 
  five years commissions will be down, there will be more no-load 
  everything, more lawsuits against financial advisors, more compliance 
  crackdowns, and more people thinking they can manage their money 
  better without paying us to help them. All the Magazines, newsletters, 
  and TV shows scream at them every day that financial advisors are 
  nothing but greedy, stupid people that care about nothing but commissions.
If that describes you then throw this letter away. But if you actually 
  care about your clients and want long-term relationships, please 
  read on.
Three years ago I was struggling just like any other financial advisor. 
  I was making about $50,000 per year doing what everyone else was 
  doing...selling stuff, working with anybody who walked through the 
  door, wondering who my next client would be.

Of course I thought of myself as a Professional. I was a CFP and 
  CSA. I belonged to all the right organizations. But I knew that 
  wasn't going to help me in the near future.
Then I had an epiphany. I needed to specialize. I needed to make 
  myself irreplaceable and fill a niche that the big guys couldn't. 
  I decided to work only with Seniors. They have the money  
  the need, and they only want to see you during the day.
I created a specialized system that looks different from every other 
  system out there. It is designed for Seniors. It caters to both 
  their intellectual and physical needs. It uses humor that makes 
  sense to them. It uses specialized presentation techniques that 
  help them to understand even if they cannot hear well. The whole 
  system is designed with Seniors in mind. AND THEY APPRECIATE 
Well here is what happened. My practice went from $50,000 per 
  year gross to over $800,000 per year gross in 2000. That occurred 
  in about 14 months time. I hit $800,000 again in 2001 while 
  taking 5 months off.
This turnkey system consists of a workshop, and more importantly, 
  a proven sales track after the workshop...exactly what to do at 
  the first and second meetings to close an average of $1.5 million 
  in premium per workshop. It has now been used across the country 
  with the same results. I will be adding
  (37 territories still available) 
  professionals nationwide in protected territories to use the system 
  as well. Those that are selected will be personally coached to a point 
  that will allow them to bring in $50,000 in commission per workshop held.
Due to the
  (37 territories still 

Re: out of the box

2002-04-04 Thread Bill Stewart

At 04:45 AM 04/05/2002 +1000, Julian Assange wrote:
[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
  Citerar Michael Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   In Sweeden basic emotional education for all cuts social problems down
   to a minscule amount.
  Sweden has a basic emotional education for all? How come they never 
 told me
   - Sten (born and raised in Sweden)

To do so would undermine its efficacy.

It was one of the lessons they taught you after
making sure that you really understood that
if you can't see the fnords, they won't eat you

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-04 Thread Faustine

Hash: SHA1


I never mentioned that there are no chemical devices using H2SO4 and NaCN (and
it's hardly a bomb, H2SO4 + 2 NaCN = Na2SO4 + 2 HCN is not an explosive
reaction, although it does generate some heat.) I said that these two are NOT
components of urea nitrate.
What is called for here is an example of H2SO4 and NaCN used in an explosive
device (like in WTC) designed to destroy by shock wave, not by tying hemoglobin
from red blood cells.

Either or, is it? Are you totally unfamiliar with the concept of coupling
high explosives with chemical agents? Good god, no wonder you're so confused.
Nobody ever claimed terrorists added sodium cyanide to their urea nitrate bombs
for a bigger bang: if you see this as disinformation you're totally missing the

In this sense, encouraging use of H2SO4 and NaCN for building explosive devices
is pure disinformation

If you knew a little more about bombmaking, this wouldn't be any great mystery.

Bah, as if whoever wrote the manual wanted to encourage anyone. I'm sure they'd
be delighted to hear you give your expert opinion to everyone here that adding
sodium cyanide to urea nitrate bombs is a bad idea, though.

And as long as you don't recommend that John call out the Snackycake Posse on
the poor schmoe who sent him the manual thinking he was trying to help, I
honestly couldn't care less.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies. (Diffie-Helman/DSS-only version)


1õ¸¸¿ø ¼îÇθô¿¡ ¹«·áµðÀÚÀαîÁö-â¾÷ÁغñÇϼ¼¿ä

2002-04-04 Thread ¾ÆÀÌ
Title: ÇÁ¸®¹Ì¾ö +  µðÀÚÀÎ ¼¼Æà ¼­ºñ½º ÁÖ¹®¼­




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2002-04-04 Thread robinso





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2002-04-04 Thread kcl

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»ï¼ºÇÁ¸°ÅÍ ÀüÈ­: 

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-04 Thread Morlock Elloi

 Either or, is it? Are you totally unfamiliar with the concept of coupling
 high explosives with chemical agents? Good god, no wonder you're so confused.

1. Ad hominem is a sign of weakness.

2.Chemical agent can mean anything. coupling can mean anything.

3. Your statements are empty and with shifting focus. Engaging any further on
this topic is a waste of time.

I should have listened.


 Nobody ever claimed terrorists added sodium cyanide to their urea nitrate
 bombs for a bigger bang: if you see this as disinformation you're totally 
 missing  the point. 

Negating non-events do not make events disappear. 

While wasting time, for the last time ... few messages back, there was a clear
claim that H2SO4 and NaCN are components of urea nitrate:

Another fertilizer-based explosive used by terrorists is Urea Nitrate (its
components are urea, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and sodium cyanide)

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Re: mil disinfo on cryptome

2002-04-04 Thread Faustine

Hash: SHA1

One more time:
  Either or, is it? Are you totally unfamiliar with the concept of coupling
  high explosives with chemical agents? Good god, no wonder you're so
 1. Ad hominem is a sign of weakness.

But you genuinely seem confused. Just because some hack gets ahead of himself
and mistakenly writes Urea Nitrate for urea nitrate bomb (which can contain
any number of things, including sodium cyanide) you can't see any way around it
being deliberate, willful disinformation. Ridiculous. Why would the government
as you say, encourage terrorists to use something which would make them have 
a weapon with a far greater lethality than if they left it out? Doesn't follow.
It's only misleading to someone stuck at the level of reading equations out of
a chemistry book. 

2.Chemical agent can mean anything. coupling can mean anything.

No, actually I'm using the terms in a very specific sense: if you knew the
first thing about bomb-making you'd share the larger context and wouldn't need 
to sit around mystified over word usage and hung up on terminology.

  Nobody ever claimed terrorists added sodium cyanide to their urea nitrate
  bombs for a bigger bang: if you see this as disinformation you're totally 
  missing  the point.  
 Negating non-events do not make events disappear. 

Terrorists add sodium cyanide to urea nitrate bombs to achieve chemical
effects alongside blast effects. Do some reading. 

3. Your statements are empty and with shifting focus. Engaging any further on
this topic is a waste of time.

Like I don't have anything better to do than baby-step you through a point
everyone else in the whole group grasped a long time ago.

I should have listened.

Yes. You should also do some more reading. 

 While wasting time, for the last time ... few messages back, there was a clear
 claim that H2SO4 and NaCN are components of urea nitrate:
 Another fertilizer-based explosive used by terrorists is Urea Nitrate (its
 components are urea, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and sodium cyanide)

One more time: given that terrorists add sodium cyanide to urea nitrate bombs
to achieve chemical effects as well as blast effects, I think it more likely
this was a simple error made in haste (Urea Nitrate used generically
(erroneously) in place of the more precise urea nitrate bomb than deliberate
disinformation. For you to split hairs and demand an example of sodium cyanide
used as anything other than a chemical weapon shows you are completely missing
the point.  Do some reading.


He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.
- --Thomas Paine

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies. (Diffie-Helman/DSS-only version)


Hot New Penny Stock

2002-04-04 Thread Merryl_Lindbergd


Environmental Remediation Holding Corp. (OTCBB: ERHC)



INVESTOR ALERT: ERHC enters into joint-venture license agreement
(NYSE: BHI, $40) for seismic data on some of the richest offshore
oil blocks in West Africa, where ERHC controls a huge working interest.


ERHC's joint-venture with SCHLUMBERGER and BAKER HUGHES puts them in
world-class company with these leaders in oil exploration and reservoir
imaging services.  The involvement of SLB and BHI reinforces the
$MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR VALUE that has been placed in this offshore
drilling haven.  ERHC's goal is to maximize shareholder value from
existing contractual rights, making them a significant player in
this region.


The seismic data from this joint-venture is being made available for
further involvement by the LARGEST OIL COMPANIES IN THE WORLD over
the next 2 weeks!
Bidding wars have already developed between major oil companies such as:
are willing to pay $Hundreds of Millions to drill in the oil blocks that
border on ERHC's offshore zones.


"UPSTREAM", the International Oil and Gas Newspaper considered to be the
equivalent of the "Wall Street Journal" for the Oil Industry, has stated
in a number of articles that EXXON/MOBIL believes that the oil blocks
"housing ERHC's working interest" contain over 8 BILLION BARRELS OF


Oil Companies of all sizes have been the target of significant mergers
and takeovers during the past year.  Many of these takeovers or buyouts
have occurred due to the value of the acquired Company's offshore oil
holdings in West Africa.  One such example is Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO, $28)
paying $900 MILLION for the West African holdings of CMS Energy
(NYSE: CMS, $23).  We believe that ERHC and/or the Company's offshore oil
interests could be the next target of a takeover.  This is largely
because of their exclusive right to participate in exploration and production
along with OIL INDUSTRY GIANTS, as these oil blocks are adjacent to Billion
Barrel producing regions!

Newsletters offer valuable research for investors.

DISCLAIMER: Certain statements contained in this newsletter may be
forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by
such terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "will", and "intend" or
similar terms. We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker
dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No
recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be
purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the
profiled companies. This is an independent electronic publication that
was paid $10,000 by a third party for the electronic dissemination of
this company information. Be advised that investments in companies
profiled are considered to be high-risk and use of the information
provided is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an
investor they are advised not to invest without the proper advisement
from an attorney or a registered financial broker, if any party decides
to participate as an investor then it will be that investor's sole risk.
Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may result in
the loss of some or all of the investment. The publisher of this
newsletter makes no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or the
completeness of the disclosure. Investors should not rely solely on the
information presented. Rather, investors should use the information
provided in this newsletter as a starting point for doing additional
independent research on the profiled companies in order to allow the
investor to form their own opinion regarding investing in the profiled
companies. Factual statements made about the profiled companies are made
as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice.
Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an
extremely high degree of risk.

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2002-04-04 Thread ¹®¿ë¹Ì



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Free Service for Homeowners!

2002-04-04 Thread American Biweekly




- Here are the FACTS your lender doesn't want you to know... -

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2002-04-04 Thread È­ÀÌÆ®
Title: Á¦¸ñ¾øÀ½

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Adv: Time to get in shape. Fast-Abs. The easy way.. QY

2002-04-04 Thread caacton

As Seen On



said No Pain...No Gain didn't have THE ABGYMNIC



in shape for the summer!!

75% off Sale!



You have been sent this

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as long as we include the way To be removed. Per Section HR 1910.

The $39.95 No Brainer. Auction BIZ (remember E-Bay?)

2002-04-04 Thread NetAuctionBiz545829
 Internet AUCTION GOES Network Marketing!  
 A $39.95 NO-BRAINER!!
 4.5 million customer base!

 If you will take the time to check this out before you delete it, 
 you will soon realize why I'm  sending this to you .

 This is a $39.95 dollar NO-BRAINER that will not conflict 
 with your current activity!

 ON THE WEB!  4.5 MILLION customers.  

 And they are launching an MLA ( MULTI-LEVEL AUCTION ) 
 opportunity THIS WEEK!! 100,000 E-mails will go out every day 
 starting April 15th to this customer base! 

 Do you want the spillover?
 This is like being in on the "ground floor" of AOL,, 
 or Ebay!  In fact it's the next best thing!

 This company will Explode their 4.5 million customer base!

 Dial. 415-273-6128 Option 1 for a 3 minute message now!!


 What if you knew that a company like internet auction
 pioneer E-Bay was going MLM this week and for LESS THAN $40 
 you could be placed at the top of the program.

 What if Over 4.5 million current customers were going to be 
 emailed about this ground breaking internet MLM and by taking 
 action now, you would be earning a monthly residual income 
 on tens of thousands of current customers.

 What if the company planned on making the transaction fees 
 for the AUCTION BIDS commissionable and that millions of 
 transactions would take place on a daily basis, and..

 What if you had the opportunity to participate in the global 
 expansion of the company, and What if...there was NO large 
 financial risk (unless you consider $39.95 to get started and 
 $25 a month to be in bonus a large financial risk).


  Our group is working together as a team so everyone gets 
  people on their team.  It is important to act quickly!
  I encourage you to TAKE ACTION NOW!!

 Please send an E-mail HERE and I will send you the link and more details!

 Thank you,

 Tim Gilpatrick

 To unsubscribe click here

25 pro web templates for small businesses...

2002-04-04 Thread eWrkWeb+

Would you like to have
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Thank you.

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