East coast-West coast rap war set to go ballistic.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
Authorities in the APster accountability technology community are said to 
be concerned that after a long string of drive by shoutings the crypto hip 
hop rappers,Mongo Shacker and N.O.T.O.R.I.U.S Hetty smalls are about to 
declare open warfare.
The whole east-west thang' is said to be being exploited by LEO's who don't 
care who dies. Traditional CoinTelPro,divide and rule is standard procedure 
in ameriKKKa.
In the latest from the scene we cross to our crypto-reporter...
The New ImpRovedORDePraved Me...
I got a Cable Connection, so that I
can FuckUpFaster...
OJ finally found TheRealKillers... sniper1.jpg

FBI International Gestapo kidnap orthopaedic surgeon

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
Hicks,Habib remain in X-ray torture chambers.Hicks nearly one year.
FBI's secret detention of suspect alarms Pakistan
America's hunt for Osama bin Laden, and the extra-judicial methods used by 
intelligence agents in rounding up his alleged associates, face a new 
challenge in Pakistan.
It centres on the secret detention of a British-trained orthopaedic 
surgeon, Dr Amir Aziz. American investigators suspect he provided medical 
treatment to Bin Laden and al-Qa'ida members in Afghanistan before the 
attack on the World Trade Centre.
Yesterday a High Court judge in Lahore ordered the Pakistan Interior 
Ministry to cause the production of the doctor in his court next Tuesday, 
setting the stage for a possible showdown.
Dr Aziz, 46, who used to treat the Pakistan cricket team, was taken away by 
FBI and Pakistani intelligence agents during a raid on his hospital office 
in Lahore on 21 October. His relatives have not seen him since. They have 
also not been told why he was detained or where he is.
The case has generated strong emotions in Lahore in the eastern state of 
Punjab, which is widely seen as Pakistan's intellectual capital and a 
stronghold of democratic opposition to General Pervez Musharraf's military 
The order by the judge, Tassadaq Hussain Jilani, was the court's second 
attempt to get the government to produce the doctor in response to a habeas 
corpus petition from Dr Aziz's elderly mother and a pro-democracy political 
party, a faction of the Pakistan Muslim League.
Last week the judge – who had earlier passed an injunction barring the 
doctor's extradition – told the Interior Ministry to produce the doctor 
before him yesterday. It failed to do so, asking for more time on the basis 
that it was not sure of Dr Aziz's whereabouts.
Central to the issue is the role of Pakistan's Inter- Services Intelligence 
(ISI). Its agents, to the annoyance of many Pakistanis, have been working 
with the FBI in tracking down and detaining suspected Islamist militants. 
Scores of Pakistanis have spent months being interrogated, without trial or 
charge, at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – a practice widely 
seen in Pakistan as a violation of sovereignty.
The doctor's family and lawyers believe the ISI knows where he is being 
held. They have not been impressed by the Interior Ministry's pleadings 
that one reason it has been unable to track down Dr Aziz is because the ISI 
does not come under its remit.
Nor has Judge Jilani. He declared that he was not satisfied and warned 
the government that its citizens, even those accused of a serious crime, 
are entitled to the due process of law.
His court shall see to it that Dr Aziz is provided with his rights, he 
told a crowded courtroom. People owe their allegiance to the state because 
it promises them security and justice. If people lose faith in state 
institutions, you can imagine the consequences.
All sides in the case have so far avoided an all-out confrontation, which 
could stoke up the anger and resentment Pakistan about the so-called war on 
Why the Americans are so interested in Dr Aziz remains unclear. Pakistan's 
Dawn newspaper, quoting his unnamed colleagues, said that he operated on 
Bin Laden in Afghanistan two years ago. If this is true, the Americans are 
certain to want to discover all they can about this.
Dr Aziz's relatives in Lahore say he went to Afghanistan to do voluntary 
work at the Kabul Medical Centre. But they said he did so openly. He also 
travelled to Kosovo to work during the crisis there.
He is a devout Muslim. One of the lawyers fighting his case, Ehsan Wyne, 
described him as a religious and philanthropic person, but not a 
fundamentalist or an extremist.
There were unsourced news reports immediately after his arrest that he was 
accused of supplying anthrax to Islamist militants. Other accounts were 
even more vague, suggesting that he might have been involved in assisting 
al-Qa'ida to develop biological and chemical weapons.
These allegations were dismissed as absolutely baseless yesterday by the 
doctor's brother, Dr Muhammad Ayub, a Lahore cardiologist. He told The 
Independent that Dr Aziz was a prominent and busy surgeon, who trained in 
London and Edinburgh in the 1980s.
He was not connected with any political organisation, he said. He is an 
orthopaedic surgeon who I think may not even know the chemical formula for 
water. He is concerned with people's bones.

Source: Independent



2002-11-18 Thread zzm
   ÁªÏµµç»°£º0453-6958007 ´«Õ棺0453-6958008

Description: Binary data

Russell Crowe set for the Abyss.Gladiator is a pussy.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
The tapes of this incident broke up a courtroom watching Crowes pathetic 
Police sued over Crowe 'extortion'
THREE men cleared on charges including alleged extortion after a videotaped 
nightclub incident involving Russell Crowe are suing the NSW Police Service 
for malicious prosecution and wrongful arrest.
Philip Antony Cropper and Malcolm Brian Mercer, both 38, and Mark Potts, 
45, had been accused by police of trying to blackmail Crowe for payment 
after he was captured on a videotape in a brawl outside a Coffs Harbour 
nightclub on November 18, 1999.
They were arrested by police on January 12, 2000.
Mr Potts was eventually released on bail and had his charges withdrawn just 
before he was to face trial about two-and-a-half years later.
Mr Cropper and Mr Mercer were eventually cleared by a jury and awarded 
costs in June this year.
Today, the trio filed statements of claim in the NSW Supreme Court against 
the State of NSW and police officers alleging malicious prosecution, 
wrongful arrest.
Mr Mercer and Mr Cropper are also suing for false imprisonment.
All three claim police concealed evidence of criminality by Crowe.
Lawyer Greg Walsh, speaking outside the NSW Supreme Court today, confirmed 
the three men had commenced proceedings.
Malcolm (Brian) Mercer, Mark Potts and Phillip Antony Cropper have 
commenced proceedings today in the Supreme Court against certain police 
officers and the state of NSW, Mr Walsh said.
He said the men were claiming that as a result of being charged by police 
and the continuation and maintenance of criminal proceedings, they had 
suffered significantly.
Each of the men were seeking unspecified damages, contending their lives 
have been ruined and that they had suffered enormous financial loss, he said.
According to Mr Walsh, both Mr Cropper and Mr Mercer ran successful 
nightclubs in Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie while the latter was also a 
businessman on the Gold Coast and Sydney.
The pair ran very successful businesses over many years and their financial 
documents indicated they were very successful financially, he said.
As a result of these charges and having the charges over their heads for 
so long and the proceedings themselves ... in effect their businesses were 
ruined, he said.
They've now been bankrupted and unable to continue working at all.
Asked whether Crowe would be called to give evidence during proceedings, Mr 
Walsh said that from what he had seen of the video recording of the 
incident, at the centre of the legal action, the New Zealand-born, 
Australian-reared star appeared to be an integral witness.


Grab your Free ID!

2002-11-18 Thread Hello

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ASIO-Spooks in broad daylight.a...mad grab for power.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
ASIO to pay wrong arrest detainees compensation
People detained for up to 48 hours without access to legal advice under 
proposed counter-terrorism laws had the right to seek compensation if they 
were wrongfully held, a Senate inquiry heard today. more
They have crawled out from under their rock...
...ASIO was not interested in making a mad grab for power, the spy 
agency boss said today as debate continued over the need for a wider role 
for ASIO in the wake of September 11.
A Senate committee is the third body to hold an inquiry into proposed new 
powers for ASIO, including detaining people for up to a week without charge 
if it thinks they might have useful information.
ASIO director general Dennis Richardson said he understood some people had 
genuine concerns about the new powers, especially the right to detain 
someone for up to 48 hours without a lawyer.
But he said ASIO was just interested in maximising the chances of 
preventing an act of terrorism. ..
Questions in the Senate...
When is Bill Blik gonna pull his flamin' finger out?
We're waiting for a good release date for WARNINGATE...possibly 
christmas,possibly christmas in the year 2525.

The rise and rise of Tony Rimmer.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
Some things definitely improve with age. The Rise And Rise Of Michael 
Rimmer, panned by contemporary reviewers as a latecomer to the swinging 
sixties’ satirical ball, now appears, decades later, to be one of the most 
incisive, witty, and unnerving political/social satires ever captured on 
film. It’s the finest celluloid outing of the great Peter Cook, managing to 
portray a character even more cutting and ruthless than his wily tempter 
Spiggott in 1967’s Bedazzled. As the titular Rimmer, Cook marches 
unannounced into the offices of the Fairburn advertising agency one 
morning, clad in a smart suit and carrying an officious-looking clipboard 
under his arm - so loud, brash, and confident that no-one dare question his 
right to be there and proceeds to use the company as the first rung on his 
ladder to hasty success. By the end of the movie, this all too plausible 
creation has declared himself the first President of Great Britain, and his 
manipulative, whirlwind rise to power has left all enemies discredited, 
deceased, or simply reeling at the force of his overwhelming charisma.

Despite appearing as a series of comic sketches (featuring the usual array 
of top-notch Brit talent) and having been part-scripted by ‘Monty Python’ 
duo Cleese  Chapman and partly by Cook and director Kevin Billington, the 
movie dovetails superbly, every routine achieving the requisite laughs 
while keeping the sinister Machiavellian plot forging ahead. One early 
Rimmer success is an ad campaign re-inventing a staid brand of inedible 
humbugs, packaging them into a rather suggestive length of silver tubing, 
re-naming the product ‘Scorpio’, and filming an extremely risqué t.v. 
commercial which will have fans of those old ‘King Cone’ advertisements 
salivating! After this, there’s no stopping the devious fraudster - his 
machinations result in flustered pollster Ronnie Corbett uncovering the 
Rimmer-contrived ‘fact’ that 42% of Nuneaton’s populace are practising 
Buddhists; political ambitions lead him to court and then abandon both the 
socialist Prime Minister and the ailing Tory leader, but not before 
spin-doctoring a Conservative election victory and securing himself a safe 
seat (becoming Member of Parliament for the constituency of ‘Budleigh 
Moor’, in-joke fans!), while nabbing a trophy wife (the fabulously sexy 
Vanessa Howard) in the process. The U.K.’s ailing gold reserves are 
replenished by the simple act of declaring war on Switzerland and attacking 
their treasury fortress using cans of ‘Union Jacilli’, i.e. the common cold 
in handy aerosol spray form, prior to dishing out a press release 
announcing that gold has been discovered in the North Sea; this in turn 
brings about a convenient photo opportunity during which Rimmer is able to 
push the new PM to his watery death from atop an unstable rig platform.

Once installed as leader of the country, Rimmer goes into overdrive, 
pulling off his greatest coup so far. Pray that no prospective ministerial 
candidate ever sees this movie, as the plan proposed is so fiendish that it 
might just work for real. It sounds, at face value, to be the ultimate in 
democracy - allowing everyone in the country the opportunity to vote in a 
referendum on every single issue. The genius of this ploy is revealed when 
the great British public, saturated with form-filling and ballot-marking, 
give up all interest in politics - leaving a clear path for Rimmer to 
announce his job upgrade to presidential status. Surviving two 
assassination attempts (one perpetrator being disgruntled ex-Fairburn boss 
Arthur Lowe, his performance as usual quite the best aspect of a fine 
picture) during the Kennedy-in-Dallas style closing scenes, Cook’s 
concluding, chilling freeze-frame stare into camera leaves no doubt as to 
his future dictatorial intentions.

If you’re considering voting at a future election - whether for New Labour, 
Tory, Lib Dem or Monster Raving Loony  see this film first. And think.


2002-11-18 Thread lgoods
Title: ¿ª¸öÍøÉÏÉ̵êÀ´×¬Ç®





3£®µç»°ÁªÏµ£º±±¾©£º010-65075309 º¼ÖÝ£º0571-87795645 ½­ËÕ£º0514-7323652


Re: CDR: Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get theoil. Who's ne

2002-11-18 Thread Alif The Terrible

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Mike Diehl wrote:

 Dubbya has only been in office about a year and a half, and in that time, he 
 has destroyed Freedom in this country?  

Not entirely, just *mostly*.

 I don't think so.  I'm still able to 
 practice my religion freely.

Sure.  Provided your religion does not offend the mainstream

  I can criticize my government and stay out of 

As long as your criticism is not highly visible.

 I don't have soldiers living with/watching me.

When was the last time you were out in public?  How about an airport?

  Saddam is just as 
 bad as most dictators, but let's not confuse the issue; he's still a DICTATOR!


  Dubbya and Asscruft have millions of people in prison for doing
   nothing wrong, only violating their bullshit rules in the War On Some
 Hey, the law is posted.  You may not agree with it, but it is the law. 

Saddam is the LAWFUL DICTATOR.  You may not agree with it, but it IS THE LAW.

 wouldn't have agreed with Prohibition, but I would have followed the law 
 while at the same time trying to abolish it.  Guess what, I have that 
 freedom, still.

As long as you do not attract any serious attention, yes.  Once you attract
serious attention, all bets are off.  You'll either be found holding your
breath forever, or you'll be carted off to the nearest Re-education Camp
(maybe to share a cell with Bell).

  Personall, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your 
 own home, but I won't want to drive on the same street, go to work with, or 
 have my child watched, by anyone who is high on some drug.  If that means 
 smoking dope keeps someone from being imployed, that's not my problem.

Why should my employment in a programming capacity be contingent on what you
find desirable in a baby-sitter?

  They have killed thousands of innocent Afghans, and are intent
   on murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis just to steal
   their oil. This makes Dubbya a mass-murder far beyond the scale of
 Well, mass-murder is a bit strong.

No. It's exactly correct.  How about what we have done in Iraq? Both life
expectancy and quality of life have nosedived as a direct result of OUR
actions, not Saddam's.  Remember, before we got into the act, Saddam was
providing the worlds finest medical services, world-class education, housing,
etc...  We are the ones who not only destroyed it, but have spent the last 12
years insuring that the people we are supposedly concerned for are
systematically starved to death, prevented from receiving medical care,
potable water, etc...

  I believe we are motivated by oil; not 
 arguement there.  Perhapse Dubbya is looking out for the US's, and his own? 
 best interests.  I'll bet you drive a car and like a warm home, and like that 
 electricity stuff.  Well, it all NEEDS OIL!  The average American Sheep would 
 riot in the street if they couldn't drive their SUV to church on sunday.
  Not that Klinton was any better.
 Not EVEN going to go there grin

I guess we all agree on this one.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Human Growth Hormones for $34.99, feel and look Younger!

2002-11-18 Thread leightyj
Title: nopicsad

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Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-11-18 Thread Insight on the News

New stories from Insight on the News are now online.



  Folks, I note this morning that the governor-elect of Maryland, 
Republican Bob Erlich said he’ll end the state’s moratorium on the death penalty 
as soon as he takes office. I’m reminded that there has been hardly a peep out 
of the anti-death penalty crowd lately. It seems the absolute proscription 
against putting convicted criminals to death has become a little shaky, when 
confronted with the right crime, evidence, and set of criminals. Where are the 
‘high-minded’ moralists to speak out – risking popularity and donations --  
against the prospects of this particular state murder?

  Anyway, Tim Maier’s little article on the secret CIA documents 
regarding the Noah’s Ark ‘Mt. Ararat Anomaly’ got a surprising amount of 
attention. If you haven’t seen it, we still have it posted. 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/321357.html And Ken Timmerman struck another 
nerve with his investigative report confirming that Saddam is preparing to use 
his stocks of poison gas (probably on our sons and daughters). 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/324231.html These along with a sterling 
collection of pieces guaranteed to keep you better-informed than anyone else. 
Just look below. That’s it for today. Until we meet again, I remain in the 
Bunker as your newsman in Washington.



Ken Timmerman reports from Paris that documents show Saddam has been trying to 
purchase large quantities of the nerve gas antidote Atropine.




Ken Timmerman tells us that one view of Islam is that it is forever a religion 
of peace that values human life. Egypt's Grand Mufti sets the record straight in 
an interview with Insight.



“PLEASE CONTINUE HONEST REPORTING. It’s the only way we on the street have of 
knowing what’s really happening.” -- D.S., via E-mail






Doug Burton writes that allegations that Ukraine President Leonid Kuchma 
authorized the sale of a high-tech radar system to Iraq is threatening the 
republic's integration into the West. http://www.insightmag.com/news/319353.html



James Lacey writes that zealots who crusade to preserve our health have 
overlooked the cost to society of banning smoking.




UPI reports that the South Korean government is split over a U.S. decision to 
suspend oil assistance to the North.




Kelley O’Meara reports that the European Community has filed lawsuit accusing 
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco of involvement with organized crime.




James Lacey writes that Turkey has proved time and again its friendship with the 
West and its desire to be a true friend and ally to America. The United States 
needs to let Turkey know we will be there for them also.


  Inside the 9/11 Intelligence Failure!

Read Bill Gertz’ “Breakdown”

And you’ll learn why intelligence services are called “blind, deaf and dumb.” 
And how they became “welfare bureaucracies” saturated with the doctrine of 
appeasement and incapable of effective clandestine operations.


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Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who's ne

2002-11-18 Thread Clarke McMakin
You can no be so single minded in this case you must realize that if America can justify Attacking Iraq then China can easily justify attacking there missing land Tiewon or a hundred different feuds between countries, and Dubbya cant place this in his long lost war agents “terrorism” witch has completely left. he must realize that he will not go down in the history books as the Prez. That put down Saddam Hussein's Dictatorship. Maybe the one that starts WWIII, but come on Dubbya
-ClarkeDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your site

Morning Briefing, 11/18/2002

2002-11-18 Thread 21st Century Alert
Title: Morning Briefing, 11/18/2002





Click Here!


   MONDAY a.m.
November 18, 2002

  The close last week was very bullish, and points to a strong opening this week.  Usually the trend is dampened during the Thursday and Friday of expiration week, so there's a good chance the buying will be strong this morning.

It's worth noting that the markets were able to rally on the afternoon of expiration Friday, after being down early in the day.  Reports of the capture of a top Al-Qaeda operative overseas apparently sparked the rally, which really got the futures jumping when the news broke.

This doesn't seem like such a big deal, this piece of news and the subsequent rally.  It's  just a quick pop off a news item.  But it got me thinking.  

The foundation of the bearish doctrine involves a steadfast belief that the market simply can't go up again, because all the bad things that have already caused the bear market (we don't need to list them again) are not even close to being vanquished.

And all of this bad fundamental stuff may indeed be true and valid.  None of us really knows!  But where does this line of thought take into account upside speculation?  Since when was this banned?  It's actually a little naïve to think that after a huge speculative bull market capped by an upside blow-off, investors will not be holding onto a little of that ol' speculative fever.  After all, there is billions of dollars in cash earning next to nothing.

If a few of the overhangs on this market are removed -- terrorists and dictators, for example -- then the markets could be right back into a mini-bubble. We got a glimpse on Friday: good news on Iraq or Al-Qaeda and  people are going to buy stocks like crazy , whether it's right or wrong.  It will be pure, unadulterated upside speculation.  Such speculation will have dramatic spillover effects into the real economy, and could even accelerate a global economic recovery.  But the bearish fundamental case never even takes this into account.

Even without any of this happening, if we see the bond market drop, and the stock market move up simultaneously, then it will be clear that both these markets are discounting future economic growth.  That's the best-case scenario for the bulls, and the process could already be underway.

On the weekly chart of the OEX, last week's strong close broke nicely above the 10 week exponential moving average (green line), and looks on its way up to tag the 40-week average (pink line).

The critical test will be the behavior at the recent top, right around OEX 472, SPX 924.

A close over this will point straight higher, while a failure to get through will have to be monitored closely.

On the weekly chart of the VIX, we can see the momentum is really starting to break towards more bullishness, but the process is far from exhaustion. The weekly MACD on the VIX (discussed last week in detail) shows volatility moving quickly back down to the low end of the range.  

If we look at the 10 week/40 week moving averages of the VIX, we can see that the 40 week moving average on the VIX was penetrated to the downside last week.

This shows that the market may be on the verge of entering a true bullish phase, where the VIX once again moves down towards the low, low end of its range, in the low 20s.  If you're a fan of sentiment analysis, this is actually the preferred scenario, because it makes the trading much easier if the markets can now create a large plurality of bulls.  One of the big hurdles in this process -- the 40 week moving average on the VIX -- has already been decisively breached.




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Low Rates 11/17/2002 4:48:43 AM

2002-11-18 Thread george8548330
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(Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Who, for instance, sees nothing at all wrong with selling votes. Where I 
come from, it's called equity. :-).

Yes, one could argue that the vast majority of the public have their votes 
bought and sold all the time, but they are unaware of it and don't reap the 
benefits. Wait scratch that...they ARE aware of it and don't give a crap 
precisely because they don't reap the benefits!

Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I 
like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.

From: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Digital Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fwd: [fc] list of papers accepted to FC'03
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 00:58:37 -0500

At 9:24 AM -0500 on 11/16/02, Stuart Schechter wrote:

I don't think you'll find our paper to be overly technical - at least 
 from a computer science or cryptographic perspective.  We wrote this 
 because we believe that determining the level of security necessary to 
 an adversary is a problem of more general interest.

Certainly if it's *financially* calculable.


Who, for instance, sees nothing at all wrong with selling votes. Where I
come from, it's called equity. :-).
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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2002-11-18 Thread Mail Delivery System
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attachment: 123.jpg.scr
---End Message---

Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I
 like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.

But then votes are property, and property can be transfered, so
you could sell your vote from your will, and dead voters could
be very powerful :-)  If I were Bill Gates, I'd like the idea too.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike


2002-11-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Damn. I can't help  but think that this sounds kinda Kafka-esque...might we 
see something like this in the future?

Court: Please provide a defense for the charges that have been levied 
against you.

Gilmore: Sure, if you'll tell me what the charges are, and what law I've 

Court: No. The charges against you are secret, as are the laws you have 

Gilmore: Look, I can't defend myself or even make a plea until you tell me 
what law I've broken.

Court (to Jurors): Do we need any more proof that this man is a terrorist? 
He is attempting to compromise national security by making our laws known to 
anybody who would seek to do our God-given nation harm. (to Gilmore) And 
remember, if you had been acting properly, none of this would have ever 
happened. If you are not a terrorist, then you should have nothing to worry 

From: John Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23:16:12 -0800

 I was browsing some of my old mail when I came across this.  What's the
 status of Gilmore's case?

The regulations I'm challenging purport to require air and train
travelers to show a government issued ID.  Every traveler has been
subjected to these requirements, but it turns out that they aren't
really required by any published law or regulation.  And if you refuse
to meet the supposed requirements, you find out that there are
alternative requirements, that they weren't telling you about.

The government has responded, as have the airlines.  Their response is
to ask the court to dismiss the case, as expected.  See the web site


for copies of their motions.

The Federal one has the most interesting arguments.  In summary, they
argue that I can't challenge the no-fly list or anything other than
the ID demand because, having not shown ID, the no-fly list was not
applied to me; that I can't sue in a District Court anyway because the
Court of Appeals is supposed to have original jurisdiction; that the
government can make any rule it wants which relates to air security,
and penalize the public over violations, without ever telling the
public what the rule is; that being refused passage unless I present
an ID does not infringe my constitutional right to travel anyway; that
being prevented from traveling anoymously does not implicate any First
Amendment interests; that every possible form of airport security is a
fully constitutional 4th-Amendment search; and that since my right
to travel is not being infringed, these searches give me equal
protection just like all members of the public, because any 'rational'
reason for singling out anonymous travelers will suffice.

If everyone shows ID to fly, and they can get away with preventing
anonymous travel, it becomes easy for the government to single out
e.g. members of the Green Party.  (If no ID was required, any
persecuted minority would soon learn to book their tickets under
assumed names.)  The Nixon Administration had its enemies list, who
it subjected to IRS audits and other harassment.  But even that evil
President didn't prevent his enemies from moving around the country
to associate with anyone they liked.  The Bush Administration's list
interferes with freedom of association and with the constitutional
right to travel.

As my experience on July 4th, 2002, in the San Francisco airport
demonstrated, citizens are free to not show ID to fly, if they spend
half an hour arguing with security personnel over what the secret
rules actually say.  But then, catch-22, the citizen can board the
plane only if they'll submit to a physical search like the ones that
Green Party members and other on the list people are subjected to.

So, you can identify yourself to them and be harassed for your
political beliefs, unconstitutionally.  Or you can stand up for your
right to travel anonymously, and be searched unconstitutionally.  Or
you can just not travel.  That's why I'm suing Mr. Ashcroft and his
totalitarian buddies.

The government motion to dismiss my case is filed at:


The index to all the related documents is at:


 Has there been a secret trial?

No.  We will file a response to this motion by approx Dec 1.  Then
they will file their reply in mid December or so.  Both of those will
go on the web site.  (If anybody wants to OCR the PDFs of the gov't
documents, please go for it and email me the text.)  Then the court
will read all this stuff, and we'll have a hearing, which is
tentatively scheduled for mid-January.


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Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Adam Shostack wrote:

 Ross Perot demonstrated that you can buy your way into an election
 now.  Maybe we should just admit that that's the case.  Could it be
 worse than the unofficially sold elections and gerrymandered districts
 we have now?

I think it's pretty well demonstrated the person with the most money wins.
It would be a good way to build more respect for the dead, that's all :-)
Wouldn't change the outcome of any election, but it might improve the
living standards of those who least vote.  At least for a day or so...

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Adam Shostack
On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 07:02:40AM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
| On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:
|  Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I
|  like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.
| But then votes are property, and property can be transfered, so
| you could sell your vote from your will, and dead voters could
| be very powerful :-)  If I were Bill Gates, I'd like the idea too.

Ross Perot demonstrated that you can buy your way into an election
now.  Maybe we should just admit that that's the case.  Could it be
worse than the unofficially sold elections and gerrymandered districts
we have now?


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

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2002-11-18 Thread Email 15,000,000 DAILY
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Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Keith Ray
Quoting Tim May [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Third, there are good reasons why two of our list members have been 
 sentenced to long jail terms by Big Brother, why some have fled the 
 country, and why the Treasury Department's Criminal Investigation Unit 
 published my SS number and declared in documents that I am a suspected 
 criminal of some sort (yet to be determined in their secret court 

For the lazy:


and for background on that see:


Keith Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- OpenPGP Key: 0x79269A12

Re: Retry: Yet another attempt to defraud egold!

2002-11-18 Thread Bill Frantz
At 10:42 AM -0800 11/15/02, Sunder wrote:
What's disturbing about this is that we are on someone's list as e-gold
customers or something, and this is very likely the same spoofer that had
earlier set up e-golb.com and attempted the same kind of spoof.

FWIW, I got one of the e-gold letters.  I don't have an e-gold account.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz   | The principal effect of| Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506 | DMCA/SDMI is to prevent| 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | fair use.  | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Anonymous wrote:

   Tim is absolutely right -- we need a new Timmy McVeigh everyday. The
 people in that building were feds, the kids were fed kids. Unfortunate
 for the kids, but so what? Nits turn into lice. How many kids died at

Thanks for the troll. We really needed it here.

slightly more in-depth article on the Wiretap ruling

2002-11-18 Thread Elyn Wollensky
Here's a more in-depth article on the new ruling.
This just gets scarier and scarier ...

Justice Department Wins Wiretap Ruling

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 18, 2002; 2:41 PM

A secretive appeals court ruled today that antiterrorism legislation
approved last year gives the Justice Department broad authority to conduct
wiretaps and other surveillance on terrorism suspects within the United

The order by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review
represents a legal triumph for Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who had
pushed for the broader powers, and a clear setback for civil libertarians
who said the new measures would jeopardize the constitutional rights of U.S.

The 56-page ruling overturned a unanimous decision earlier this year by
another secretive body, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which
oversees the system by which the FBI obtains surveillance warrants in
espionage and terrorism cases.

The lower court had rebuffed Ashcroft9s requests for many new powers under
the USA Patriot Act, arguing that the government had misused surveillance
law in the past and had misled the court dozens of times.

But the three-judge appellate panel--hearing its first case in nearly a
quarter century--found that the Justice Department9s proposed use of the
Patriot Act 3is constitutional because the surveillances it authorizes are

What9s more, the appellate court found, Justice lawyers appear to have been
misinterpreting secret wiretap law since the 1980s by construing limitations
that did not exist within federal statutes. Many lawmakers and other critics
have argued since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on New York and the
Pentagon that Justice and the FBI had grown too timid in its pursuit of
secret warrants, including the case of alleged terrorist conspirator
Zacarias Moussaoui.

Government lawyers wrote in court papers that the lower spy court had
3wholly exceeded2 its authority in refusing Ashcroft9s requests for new
powers, arguing that Congress had clearly approved broader surveillance
authority in the wake of Sept. 11.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups maintained that
Ashcroft9s proposed reforms would impinge on First Amendment and due-process
rights by giving the government a greater ability to monitor telephone
conversations, read private e-mails and conduct other surveillance.

Ashcroft hailed the ruling at a press conference this afternoon, saying it
revolutionizes our ability to investigate terrorists and investigate
terrorist acts.

Ashcroft also announced a raft of changes now in the works to more
aggressively pursue intelligence surveillance, including the creation of a
new unit within the FBI to coordinate the use of such warrants.

The foreign intelligence court was created in 1978 to oversee intelligence
surveillance by the FBI and other domestic agencies, and it is required to
sign off on any clandestine monitoring within the United States. The May 17
ruling against Ashcroft was the only time the secretive court has ever
publicly issued a joint ruling, and the government9s appeal activated a
special appeals court for the first time.

The spy court9s unusual rules only give the government a right to appeal,
but the ACLU and other groups are exploring other options, officials said.
) 2002 The Washington Post Company

17crt mointor

2002-11-18 Thread texascom714
17 CRT Monitor 
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Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Sunder
But you forget - the BATF agents were all beeped and informed to not
bother to come in to work that day, and instead met up elsewhere, suited
up so they could arrive just in time (a few minutes after the boom) to be

That indicates something, what exactly it indicates is left as an
excercise to the reader.

So does the confiscation of surveillance video from several sources across
the street that was never shown as evidence (because supposedly it would
have shown that McVeigh had an accomplice - who was described as possibly
of Arab origin.)

Further, they claimed that it was a single bomb - the truck, but
eventually discovered incendiary devices inside the building.  Further,
the way the building exploded showed that one of the interal columns that
broke could not have done so from a ryder truck parked outside the

The lone nut theory didn't work in this case.  But the results are largely
the same.   The death of many innocents, the loss of freedom for the rest,
the ratcheting up of terror.  Shades of JFK and the grassy knoll Batman!

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
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 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Anonymous wrote:

   Tim is absolutely right -- we need a new Timmy McVeigh everyday. The
 people in that building were feds, the kids were fed kids. Unfortunate
 for the kids, but so what? Nits turn into lice. How many kids died at

Re: Assassination Politics: Coming soon?

2002-11-18 Thread Meyer Wolfsheim
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Keith Ray wrote:

 It's been a number of years since Jim Bell wrote his infamous
 Assassination Politics essay.  If someone were to try to implement
 the system today and not share Jim Bell's fate, they would need
 absolute anonymity and security.  The technical requirements for
 implementing the system are:

 1. Anonymous and secure communication between the organization and the
 contributors and guessors.

 2. Anonymous payment system.

 3. Anonymous public presense of the organization to solicit
 contributions and display bounties to potential assassins.

 At the time AP was written, only the first requirement could have been
 met using the mixmaster remailer network.  The last two requirements
 were not yet available.

Not true. Usenet is a fine forum for anonymous discussion. See Blacknet.

 However, two new systems, DMT and Freenet,
 could be used to meet the anonymous payment and anonymous public
 presense requirements.

Freenet is irrelevant. As for the DMT Rand, and assuming it is a viable
currency, the question should be will there be a large enough anonymity
set to make this practical.

That has always been a problem with this scheme. Even if anonymous digital
cash is available, if the number of users is below a threshold limit there
will be no actual anonymity gained.

(Oh, and there is still the messy issue of the wetwork involved. Someone
still needs to get out there and whack the poor git.)

 If someone did want to implement AP, would DMT/Yodel, Freenet, and
 Mixmaster be good enough to keep the TLA's from shutting the system

That is an entirely different question. The answer is no -- if Mixmaster
were regularly used as a key component in an assassination market, running
Mixmaster would become illegal. Those remailer operators who would persist
in running Mixmaster would be jailed or disappeared.

Or the Rand could be attacked, and use of non-government currency could be
made illegal. If you are reduced to an anonymity set of fellow
criminals, it doesn't matter if your individual crime is not known. If
use or possession of the Rand is a crime, you're shit out of luck.

AP as presented is unworkable. It is amusing that the IRS so got its
panties bunched over such an impractical scheme. (Oh, btw -- expect an
audit, Keith, if you are unfortunate enough to be a US taxpayer.)

If one wanted to do a cyberspace assassination market, it could be done
without anonymous digital cash, assuming there was some degree of
financial trust between the players. (Negotiation of price and target can
be done using Mixmaster, PGP encryption, and Usenet. Payment can be
rendered via an anonymous numbered offshore bank account accessible by
anyone who has the number/password combination. The buyer provides this
information to the seller after the hit, or perhaps splits the payment
across two accounts and does a half now, half on delivery system. Insert
standard reputation capital system ideas here, wherein certain buyers and
sellers are known to be reliable, and have persistent nyms because of PGP

This is nothing new -- Blacknet demonstrated this could be done with
information. It is a small step to extend the black market brokering to
meatspace deeds.



2002-11-18 Thread bavinga_abelange
Tel No: Your country Intl. access code +873762692483 
Fax No: your country Intl. Access code +873762692485 

Dear Sir/Madam


Please Permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner. 
This is necessitated by my urgent need to reach a dependable and trust wordy foreign 
partner. This request may seem strange and unsolicited but I will crave your 
indulgence and pray that you view it seriously. My name is COL. BAVINGA  ABELANGE of 
the Democratic Republic of Congo and One of the close aides to the former President of 
the Democratic Republic of Congo LAURENT KABILA of blessed memory, may his soul rest 
in peace. 

Due to the military campaign of LAURENT KABILA to force out the rebels in my country, 
I and some of my colleagues were instructed by Late President Kabila to go abroad to 
purchase arms and ammunition worth of Twenty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United 
States Dollars only (US$20,500,000.00) to fight the rebel group. We were then given 
this money privately by the then President, LAURENT KABILA, without the knowledge of 
other Cabinet Members. But when President Kabila was killed in a bloody shoot-out by 
one of his aide a day before we were schedule to travel out of Congo, We immediately 
decided to put the funds into a private security company here in Congo for safe 
keeping. The security of the said amount is presently being threatened here following 
the arrest and seizure of properties of Col. Rasheidi Karesava (One of the aides to 
Laurent Kabila) a tribesman, and some other Military Personnel from our same tribe, by 
the new President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the !
 son of late President Laurent Kabila, Joseph Kabila. 

In view of this, we need a reliable and trustworthy foreign partner who can assist us 
to move this money out of my country as the beneficiary. 
WE have sufficient ''CONTACTS'' here to move the fund under Diplomatic Cover to a 
security company in Europe in your name. This is to ensure that the Diplomatic Baggage 
is marked ''CONFIDENTIAL'' and it will not pass through normal custom/airport 
screening and clearance. 

Our inability to move this money out of Congo all this while lies on 
our lack of trust on our supposed good friends (western countries) who suddenly became 
hostile to those of us who worked with the late President Kabila, immediately after 
his son took office. Though we have neither seen nor met each other, the information 
We gathered from an associate who has worked in your country has encouraged and 
convinced us that with your sincere assistance, this transaction will be properly 
handled with modesty and honesty to a huge success within two weeks. The said money is 
a state fund and therefore requires a total confidentiality. 

We would please need you to stand on our behalf as the beneficiary of 
this fund in Europe. This is because we are under restricted movement 
and watch and hence we want to be very carefull in other not to lose this fund which 
we have worked so hard for. Thus, if you are willing to 
assist us move this fund out of Congo, you can contact me through my email address, 
Tel/Fax nos. above with your telephone, fax number and 
personal information to enable us discuss the modalities and what will be your share 
(percentage) for assisting us.

Please note that There are no RISKS involved in this Deal as every ones 
Security is Gurranteed as far as we follow the required guidlines. I 
will hence furnish you with further details of this Deal as soon as I am assured of 
your Sincere interest to assist us. 

I must use this opportunity and medium to implore you to exercise the utmost 
indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential, 
Whatever your decision, while I await your prompt response. 
Thank you and 
God Bless. 

Best Regards 
N\B. When you are calling my line, you dial your country Intl. access code, then you 
dial directly, do not include my country code i.e. (243). Just dial your country Intl. 
access code + 873762692483 and my fax number is your country Intl. Access code + 

This email is a free service of Phantom Email
available at http://phantomemail.com/.
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2002-11-18 Thread Mail Delivery System
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attachment: 123.doc.scr
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2002-11-18 Thread wu
Title: ¿ª¸öÍøÉÏÉ̵êÀ´×¬Ç®





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2002-11-18 Thread stllnhub01/svrs/sial
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Portable Handheld Sewing Machine - On Sale

2002-11-18 Thread Handy Stitch
Title: Handy Stitch Email


Stitch Drapes while theyStill Hang on the Rod!

The Handy Stitch mini sewing machine is so compact, you can hold it in the
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The Handy Stitch comes complete with everything you need to get started:

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  You are registered to receive free samples of products from Free2Sample.com. 
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Re: Assassination Politics: Coming soon?

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Diehl
On Monday 18 November 2002 07:24 pm, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
  On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Keith Ray wrote:
   It's been a number of years since Jim Bell wrote his infamous
   Assassination Politics essay.  If someone were to try to implement
   the system today and not share Jim Bell's fate, they would need
   absolute anonymity and security.  The technical requirements for
   implementing the system are:

I'm not well informed.  What was Jim Bell's fate?

Mike Diehl
PGP Encrypted E-mail preferred.
Public Key via: http://dominion.dyndns.org/~mdiehl/mdiehl.asc

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Diehl
On Monday 18 November 2002 04:03 pm, Eric Cordian wrote:
  Someone posted:
   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A special, secretive appeals court on Monday
   said the U.S. government has the right to use expanded powers to
   wiretap suspected terrorism suspects under a law adopted by Congress
   after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Any chance that someone could post the pointer to this article?  I missed it 
the first time.


Mike Diehl
PGP Encrypted E-mail preferred.
Public Key via: http://dominion.dyndns.org/~mdiehl/mdiehl.asc

buying gold

2002-11-18 Thread AARG! Anonymous
I decided to look into these DMT Rands that everyone has been yammering 
about. I'm not terribly surprised to see that they are a product of the 
Laissez Faire City grifters. No thanks.

This little investigation did spark my interest in aquiring gold, however. 
Do readers of this list have suggestions about what type of bullion to 
obtain? How about referrals to reputable dealers? What is the best type of 
gold to aquire, and where should one get it?

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Sunder wrote:

 But you forget - the BATF agents were all beeped and informed to not
 bother to come in to work that day, and instead met up elsewhere, suited
 up so they could arrive just in time (a few minutes after the boom) to be

 That indicates something, what exactly it indicates is left as an
 excercise to the reader.

 So does the confiscation of surveillance video from several sources across
 the street that was never shown as evidence (because supposedly it would
 have shown that McVeigh had an accomplice - who was described as possibly
 of Arab origin.)

I remember clearly the search for man number 2, and it ended really
mysteriously - the news media just stopped talking about him.  I was
in Chicago at the time, and the number of cops on bridges for the week
after that was really amazing.  Then no more searching.

 Further, they claimed that it was a single bomb - the truck, but
 eventually discovered incendiary devices inside the building.  Further,
 the way the building exploded showed that one of the interal columns that
 broke could not have done so from a ryder truck parked outside the

 The lone nut theory didn't work in this case.  But the results are largely
 the same.   The death of many innocents, the loss of freedom for the rest,
 the ratcheting up of terror.  Shades of JFK and the grassy knoll Batman!

There was a lot of comment about this from explosives experts.  Don't
forget the seismometer recordings that showed a second explosion 10
minutes later (I think, it might have been 1 minute, but definitly much
later).  They also halted the search for victims so the DEA could remove
file cabinets.

It sure seemed to me at the time that McVeigh was the fall guy for an
inside job.  And given the one report about CIA meeting OBL about
2 or 3 months before 01/9/11 one wonders if the big boys just needed
something *bigger* to make sure they got total control.

But it's more likely stupidity than malfesance.  McVeigh was nut, and
the BATF stored explosives under a day care center, McVeigh's bomb didn't
distroy the building, it just set off the explosives that weren't supposed
to be there.

Doesn't explain man #2 tho

So there's plenty of meat for conspiracy theory for a long time to come!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Assassination Politics: Coming soon?

2002-11-18 Thread Tim May
On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 02:58  PM, Mike Diehl wrote:

On Monday 18 November 2002 07:24 pm, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Keith Ray wrote:

It's been a number of years since Jim Bell wrote his infamous
Assassination Politics essay.  If someone were to try to implement
the system today and not share Jim Bell's fate, they would need
absolute anonymity and security.  The technical requirements for
implementing the system are:

I'm not well informed.  What was Jim Bell's fate?

Google will give you immediate information. Several good introductory 
articles, including the Declan M. article already linked to in this 

--Tim May
The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else. --Frederic Bastiat

2002-11-18 Thread wu
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Discovering Japan-Nagoya,beyond the law.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
Featured analysis below: Japan: Defense Forces Evolving
Faster Than Political Debate
Allow us to introduce you to the Global Intelligence Report,
Stratfor's authoritative daily analysis on the world's latest
political and economic developments. This service, never before
offered to non-members, is e-mailed directly to our subscribers
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Stratfor will be sending you the GIR as a complementary service
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Japan: Defense Forces Evolving Faster Than Political Debate
Nov 18, 2002
Japanese Ground Self Defense Force units and Hokkaido police held
their first joint exercises Nov. 18, training to defend against
an armed infiltration. The exercise is part of the gradual shift
in the role and mission of Japan's defense forces -- a shift
brought about by the end of the Cold War and accelerated by
recent changes in the security situation. But as the defense
forces adjust their tactics and structure, the political will for
such changes still lags behind.
Japanese Ground Self Defense Force (GSDF) units held joint
exercises with police units in Hokkaido on Nov. 18, Japan's Kyodo
News reported. The exercise in defending Japan from armed
infiltrators was the first of its kind in the country. Although
this primarily was a command post exercise, the next phase will
include field exercises.
The drill marks another step in the evolution of the GSDF and in
Japan's defense forces as a whole. Since the end of the Cold War,
Japan's military has struggled to redefine its role, which
formerly was to guard Japan against a Soviet attack. Several
events over the past decade have influenced the domestic debate
over the SDF's role and have contributed to changes in the SDF
mission and organization. But as Japan's defense force takes
concrete steps toward preparing for new contingencies, it is
outpacing the political consensus.
Of the many defining moments of the past 10 years, the first was
the Gulf War. Tokyo was faced with two issues: whether to supply
SDF assets to support the coalition effort and what to do about
the 500 Japanese citizens detained in Iraq as shields against the
attack. Although Tokyo sent minesweepers as part of the
international coalition, the government was slow to lend physical
support and thus incurred criticism for not pulling its weight.
The thinking about the structure of the SDF further evolved with
the 1996 takeover of the Japanese Embassy in Lima, Peru. That
incident convinced Tokyo that the SDF should find ways to prepare
for hostage situations even far from Japan's shores. The 1999
kidnapping of several Japanese geologists in Kyrgyzstan only
strengthened this view.
Two issues in Southeast Asia molded the debate in a slightly
different way. First, there was a rise in piracy in the waters
around Indonesia, a strategic shipping lane for most of Japan's
oil supplies. Second, instability in Indonesia required Japan to
take precautions for the evacuation of its citizens. Both of
these incidents led to greater SDF involvement in the region --
from joint patrols of the Strait of Malacca to agreements with
Singapore for the use of air and naval facilities during
emergency operations.
Concerns over North Korea -- ranging from its missile program to
infiltrations into South Korea to frequent intrusions of
suspected North Korean spy ships into Japanese waters -- further
shifted the internal dialogue. Tokyo embraced the idea of
cooperating with the United States on missile defense, despite
initial hesitation. The SDF also began tightening its
relationship with the Japanese coast guard and police, opening
better lines of communication and creating protocols for closer
But it was the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and
the subsequent warnings of a global terrorist network that added
the final impetus to changes in Japan's military. Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi rapidly seized upon the fear of terrorism to
press through a series of changes in the role and scope of the
SDF -- though as the furor died down in Japan, his subsequent
efforts have been rebuffed or at least slowed by internal debate.
But while the political protocols and agreements still are being
argued, the SDF has taken concrete steps to redefine its own role
-- and to be prepared when the political determination comes
The joint GSDF-police exercises are only the first in a series of
similar regional exercises, and future joint training likely will
be more involved. In addition, in late September and early
October, Japanese forces traveled to Hawaii to train with 

Re: Assassination Politics:It's about to break.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Keith Ray wrote:  It's been a number of years since 
Jim Bell wrote his infamous  Assassination Politics essay. If someone 
were to try to implement  the system today and not share Jim Bell's fate, 
they would need  absolute anonymity and security. The technical 
requirements for  implementing the system are:   1. Anonymous and secure 
communication between the organization and the  contributors and 
guessors.   2. Anonymous payment system.   3. Anonymous public presense 
of the organization to solicit  contributions and display bounties to 
potential assassins.   At the time AP was written, only the first 
requirement could have been  met using the mixmaster remailer network. The 
last two requirements  were not yet available. Not true. Usenet is a fine 
forum for anonymous discussion. See Blacknet.  However, two new systems, 
DMT and Freenet,  could be used to meet the anonymous payment and 
anonymous public  presense requirements. Freenet is irrelevant. As for the 
DMT Rand, and assuming it is a viable currency, the question should be 
will there be a large enough anonymity set to make this practical. That 
has always been a problem with this scheme. Even if anonymous digital cash 
is available, if the number of users is below a threshold limit there will 
be no actual anonymity gained. (Oh, and there is still the messy issue of 
the wetwork involved. Someone still needs to get out there and whack the 
poor git.)  If someone did want to implement AP, would DMT/Yodel, Freenet, 
and  Mixmaster be good enough to keep the TLA's from shutting the system  
down? That is an entirely different question. The answer is no -- if 
Mixmaster were regularly used as a key component in an assassination 
market, running Mixmaster would become illegal. Those remailer operators 
who would persist in running Mixmaster would be jailed or disappeared. Or 
the Rand could be attacked, and use of non-government currency could be 
made illegal. If you are reduced to an anonymity set of fellow criminals, 
it doesn't matter if your individual crime is not known. If use or 
possession of the Rand is a crime, you're shit out of luck. AP as presented 
is unworkable. It is amusing that the IRS so got its panties bunched over 
such an impractical scheme. (Oh, btw -- expect an audit, Keith, if you are 
unfortunate enough to be a US taxpayer.) If one wanted to do a cyberspace 
assassination market, it could be done without anonymous digital cash, 
assuming there was some degree of financial trust between the players. 
(Negotiation of price and target can be done using Mixmaster, PGP 
encryption, and Usenet. Payment can be rendered via an anonymous numbered 
offshore bank account accessible by anyone who has the number/password 
combination. The buyer provides this information to the seller after the 
hit, or perhaps splits the payment across two accounts and does a half 
now, half on delivery system. Insert standard reputation capital system 
ideas here, wherein certain buyers and sellers are known to be reliable, 
and have persistent nyms because of PGP signatures. This is nothing new -- 
Blacknet demonstrated this could be done with information. It is a small 
step to extend the black market brokering to meatspace deeds. -MW-
Thanks for that.
While closely associated with the APster meme here and elsewhere,I now see 
that the conditions for its widespread uptake are so favorable that I now 
wish to totally dis-associate myself from the project.I want to thank the 
rebel alliance and also, in a bizzaro way,the evil empire, as well,for a 
bang up job.
I have a great law suit underway,good looks,virility and a marvelous future 
ahead of me.
As the local US puppet government issues another terror alert,I leave you 
now with my congratulations and best wishes for the crypto-anarchic 
millennium.We won.
It was a famous victory.
PS.I may still use the place as a blog if no one objects.It's a great 
format as files are associated with dates AND Mongo mnemetics.Who says he 
is useless!
It's been real.

My Pretty Pink Moist Cootchy

2002-11-18 Thread Baribe





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Herbie the luv bug.Flooding foils counter-carnivore HERBIVORE.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
'Spy': The F.B.I.'s Worst Mole
They seemed like a big catch. Valery Martynov and Sergei Motorin were a 
pair of K.G.B. spies working out of the Soviet Embassy in Washington. 
Recruited by the F.B.I. in 1983, ''MM,'' as they were called by the 
agents, were expected to tell all about Soviet spying in the United 
States.( New York Times, 17 Nov 02) Hanssen Case Resources
...Inside the Soviet counterintelligence section at FBI headquarters in 
Washington, there could be no other word for what had happened: the two KGB 
agents who were the bureau's highly secret sources inside the Soviet 
embassy in Washington had somehow been discovered.( New York Times 
excerpt from SPY by David Wise, 17 Nov 02)
3 more Egyptians held on Israel spying charge
Three more Egyptians have been arrested and accused of spying for Israel, 
police said yesterday, bringing to nine the number of held in the 
case.( Ha'aretz Daily, 18 Nov 02)
Taiwan publisher accused of spying
A former newspaper publisher in Taiwan's frontline island of Kinmen has 
been arrested for leaking military secrets to China in return for 
money.( Straits Times, 17 Nov 02)
Ridge Doubts Domestic Spy Agency
Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge says he doubts the Bush administration 
would create a domestic intelligence agency separate from the FBI.( AP, 
18 Nov 02)
They just go on writing about spying
Few subjects can as reliably command readership as do books on espionage. 
Each year hundreds appear, both fiction and nonfiction, tapping a limitless 
fascination with the black art. Readers seem as avid to find the dagger 
under the cloak as the spies themselves, often having lived for years under 
cover, are eager to reveal what they have done, or as historians and 
journalists are determined to uncover their stories.( Baltimore Sun, 17 
Nov 02)
Korean Kidnappings: The South's Wound
...For years, the disappearances, in 1977, remained a puzzle with no clues. 
South Korean military intelligence officers would occasionally visit the 
young men's families and sternly urge them to report any sightings of their 
sons, but they refused to answer any questions. Then, 20 years later, a 
television network reported that the two young men had been kidnapped by 
North Korean agents, along with scores of other people around the same 
time.( New York Times, 18 Nov 02)
Japan to press N. Korea on further abductions
Japan will demand Pyongyang investigate the whereabouts of at least 80 more 
suspected abductees during the next round of diplomatic talks.( 
Mainichi, 18 Nov 02)
GSDF, police hold drill to counter armed spy landing
The Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) and the police conducted a joint drill 
on Monday to prepare to deal with armed spies landing in Hokkaido.( 
Japan Today, 18 Nov 02)
Former North Korean spy to testify before Japan Diet
A former North Korean intelligence agent is scheduled to testify on a wide 
range of issues concerning the communist state before Japan's House of 
Representatives on Wednesday...During the House hearing, the North Korean 
spy, whose Japanese name is Kenki Aoyama, is expected to reveal details on 
issues such as the North's abductions of Japanese citizens and the 
development of nuclear weapons and missile technology.(JoongAng Ilbo, 
18 Nov 02)
Armed and dangerous? Spy antics helped derail U.N.'s last Iraq mission
Israel handed U.N. weapons inspectors a goody bag of intelligence on 
Baghdad's elite security force. The Iraqis at one point enlisted chickens 
to dupe inspectors into thinking a bioweapons plant produced poultry feed. 
Throughout, the United Nations teams and the Iraqis vied in a high-tech, 
high-stakes battle of spies spying on spies.( Seattle Times, 18 Nov 02)
Alliance fears spying habits will die hard
For a profession that thrives on the sinister and the strange, the four-day 
conference of spymasters was nonetheless unique and rather odd. Take the 
venue: a villa in the middle of Romania where the tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu 
used to while away his weekends. Or the sponsors: Luxembourg; a shady 
Romanian businessman; and the SRI, the Romanian secret police and successor 
to the dreaded Securitate.( Guardian Unlimited, 18 Nov 02)
ASIO rejects power bid
ASIO is not interested in making a mad grab for power, the spy agency boss 
has said as debate continued over the need for a wider role for ASIO in the 
wake of September 11.( The Australian, 18 Nov 02)
CIA searching out technologies to boost national security
The Central Intelligence Agency has come to stay in an area near you. In 
1999, the CIA opened up a venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, on Sand Hill Road 
-- the heart of Silicon Valley's venture capital community.( Mercury 
News, 17 Nov 02)
Records Show FBI Probed Chess Great
Bobby Fischer, the eccentric chess prodigy who dueled Soviet grand masters 
and won a world title in 1972, was investigated by FBI agents who suspected 
his mother was a communist spy.( 

Options Trading Course, Week 6

2002-11-18 Thread 21st Century Investor Education Center
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Re: FC: Weekly column: Washington's new role in computer security

2002-11-18 Thread Bill Stewart
At 01:02 PM 11/18/2002 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:


   Perspective: Say hello to Big Brother
   By Declan McCullagh
   November 18, 2002, 7:05 AM PT

   WASHINGTON--Like it or not, the proposed Department of Homeland
   Security firmly establishes Washington's central role in computer and
   network security.

   When approved by Congress, perhaps as early as Monday, the massive new
   bureaucracy will become--among other things--the nation's
   clearinghouse for developing plans to prevent electronic attacks,
   thwart them when they occur and release advisories to the public.

I'd have to disagree with the assertion that this is the nation's 
The Federal government's internal-use clearinghouse maybe.

Maybe it'll also release advisories about real attacks, scare stories
about potential attacks, and other information that doesn't interfere with
the Feds' own crackers or convicted felon John Poindexter's agency,
but it doesn't sound like they're absorbing CERT, which does real work,
or the Bugtraq mailing list, or Internet Security Systems Inc.,
or the security announcements from ISC or the Linux vendors,
or Microsoft's security announcements, or the anti-virus companies,
or the other resources that we use out here in the real world.

On the other hand, those resources don't work for the nation;
they work for the world.

Re: Retry: Yet another attempt to defraud egold!

2002-11-18 Thread Bill Stewart
At 02:27 PM 11/18/2002 -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:

At 10:42 AM -0800 11/15/02, Sunder wrote:
What's disturbing about this is that we are on someone's list as e-gold
customers or something, and this is very likely the same spoofer that had
earlier set up e-golb.com and attempted the same kind of spoof.

FWIW, I got one of the e-gold letters.  I don't have an e-gold account.

I got one, and while I'm neither confirming nor denying that I or
someone like me has an e-gold account at this point in time (:-)
I certainly don't have one with the name Bill Jones on it.

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2002-11-18 Thread texascom714
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Dr Lee Harvey will see you now.

2002-11-18 Thread Matthew X
Clearly Dr Kervorkian and Dr Oswald are grossly misunderstood men.Based on 
Vatican instigated Popery that distorted US freedoms and civil 
rights,including the most primal...the right to die and/or have someone 
assist you in exercising that right.
The truth about 'missile buildups.'and 'squeal like a (bay of) pig(s).'
...He severely tore a groin muscle while frolicking poolside with one 
of his sexual partners during a West Coast trip in the last week of 
September 1963. The pain was so intense that the White House medical staff 
prescribed a stiff canvas shoulder-to-groin brace that locked his body in a 
rigid upright position. It was far more constraining that his usual back 
brace, which he also continued to wear. The two braces were meant to keep 
him as comfortable as possible during the strenuous days of campaigning, 
including that day in Dallas.
Those braces also made it impossible for the president to bend in reflex 
when he was struck in the neck by the bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. 
Oswald's first successful shot was not necessarily fatal, but the president 
remained erect -- and an excellent target for the second, fatal blow to the 
head.Dr knows best.
Smersh observes ominously that the groin brace is now in the possession 
of the National Archives in Washington but was not mentioned in the 
public autopsy report, nor was the injury that had led to his need for it.
Elsewhere in the book, Smersh implies that Kennedy's womanizing was 
responsible for the delay in advising him of the presence of Soviet 
missiles in Cuba at the outset of the Cuban missile crisis.The KGB cites 
how Kennedy's national security adviser McTheodore Bundy learned of the 
missile buildup one night but didn't tell the president until the next 
morning because, as Bundy later wrote, I decided that a quiet evening and 
a night of sleep were the best preparations you could have. Then Smersh 
adds: As we have seen in this book, there were many times in the Kennedy 
White House, according to the Secret Service, when the president could not 
be disturbed, even for the most urgent of matters
.. Kennedy's relationship with Judith Campbell Exner may have cost 
taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars because it apparently became 
known to the General Dynamics Corporation, which may have used that 
knowledge to win a government contract to build a new generation of 
fighter planes known as the TFX. Agent Starling reports a break-in of 
Exner's apartment in west Los Angeles by two men later identified by the 
FBI as the twin sons of I.B. Hale, who was in charge of security for 
General Dynamics. At the time of the break-in the corporation's chances of 
landing the contract were precarious, and the Hale family's criminal 
entry into Judith Campbell Exner's apartment, which has never been reported 
before, raises an obvious question: Was Jack Kennedy blackmailed by a 
desperate corporation? Starlings boss leaves little doubt that he thinks 
the answer is in the affirmative, but offers mainly the rationale that 
General Dynamics was in bad shape at the time and on the merits w not 
competitive with its chief rival for the contract, the Boeing company.
GRU special agent 'Yuri' conducted more than a thousand interviews with 
people who knew and worked with Kennedy . . . and virtually all of those 
interviews were conducted 'on the record.' These are not 'unnamed 
sources.' His prodigious work habits lend credence to the number of 
interviews, and his ability to get four Secret Service agents who protected 
Kennedy inside the White House to testify by name and on the record to his 
sexual indulgences is impressive, as is his collection of other attributed 
...He quotes Time's Sidey telling about one time he went skinny-dipping 
with Kennedy in the White House pool and Kennedy started talking about a 
favorite biography of Lord Melbourne, with Kennedy relating how the young 
aristocracy of Britain . . . when they went to their country estates, it 
was broken-field running through the bedrooms. I mean they swapped wives, 
they slept with others. But the code of that period was nobody talked about 
...Jackie hammers at the Washington press corps for covering up for 
Kennedy the brutal treatment he received from Soviet leader Nikita 
Khrushchev in their stormy 1961 meeting in Vienna. A few favored members 
of the Washington press corps learned how thoroughly rattled President 
Kennedy had been by his confrontation with Khrushchev at Vienna, she 
writes, but they did not share that information with their readers -- as 
Kennedy knew they would not. ..
JFK did Fiddle and Faddle, Secret Service code names for 21 and 23 year old 
staff members hired mostly for sex. JFK tested dangerous drugs on them 
without their knowledge by putting drugs in their drinks. JFK got shots of 
speed from Dr. Max Jacobson, aka Dr. Feelgood. JFK had a penchant for 
swimming nude with his female guests at wild pool parties.


2002-11-18 Thread adminasian

Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Adam Shostack wrote:

 Ross Perot demonstrated that you can buy your way into an election
 now.  Maybe we should just admit that that's the case.  Could it be
 worse than the unofficially sold elections and gerrymandered districts
 we have now?

I think it's pretty well demonstrated the person with the most money wins.
It would be a good way to build more respect for the dead, that's all :-)
Wouldn't change the outcome of any election, but it might improve the
living standards of those who least vote.  At least for a day or so...

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Adam Shostack
On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 07:02:40AM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
| On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:
|  Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I
|  like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.
| But then votes are property, and property can be transfered, so
| you could sell your vote from your will, and dead voters could
| be very powerful :-)  If I were Bill Gates, I'd like the idea too.

Ross Perot demonstrated that you can buy your way into an election
now.  Maybe we should just admit that that's the case.  Could it be
worse than the unofficially sold elections and gerrymandered districts
we have now?


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.


2002-11-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Damn. I can't help  but think that this sounds kinda Kafka-esque...might we 
see something like this in the future?

Court: Please provide a defense for the charges that have been levied 
against you.

Gilmore: Sure, if you'll tell me what the charges are, and what law I've 

Court: No. The charges against you are secret, as are the laws you have 

Gilmore: Look, I can't defend myself or even make a plea until you tell me 
what law I've broken.

Court (to Jurors): Do we need any more proof that this man is a terrorist? 
He is attempting to compromise national security by making our laws known to 
anybody who would seek to do our God-given nation harm. (to Gilmore) And 
remember, if you had been acting properly, none of this would have ever 
happened. If you are not a terrorist, then you should have nothing to worry 

From: John Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23:16:12 -0800

 I was browsing some of my old mail when I came across this.  What's the
 status of Gilmore's case?

The regulations I'm challenging purport to require air and train
travelers to show a government issued ID.  Every traveler has been
subjected to these requirements, but it turns out that they aren't
really required by any published law or regulation.  And if you refuse
to meet the supposed requirements, you find out that there are
alternative requirements, that they weren't telling you about.

The government has responded, as have the airlines.  Their response is
to ask the court to dismiss the case, as expected.  See the web site


for copies of their motions.

The Federal one has the most interesting arguments.  In summary, they
argue that I can't challenge the no-fly list or anything other than
the ID demand because, having not shown ID, the no-fly list was not
applied to me; that I can't sue in a District Court anyway because the
Court of Appeals is supposed to have original jurisdiction; that the
government can make any rule it wants which relates to air security,
and penalize the public over violations, without ever telling the
public what the rule is; that being refused passage unless I present
an ID does not infringe my constitutional right to travel anyway; that
being prevented from traveling anoymously does not implicate any First
Amendment interests; that every possible form of airport security is a
fully constitutional 4th-Amendment search; and that since my right
to travel is not being infringed, these searches give me equal
protection just like all members of the public, because any 'rational'
reason for singling out anonymous travelers will suffice.

If everyone shows ID to fly, and they can get away with preventing
anonymous travel, it becomes easy for the government to single out
e.g. members of the Green Party.  (If no ID was required, any
persecuted minority would soon learn to book their tickets under
assumed names.)  The Nixon Administration had its enemies list, who
it subjected to IRS audits and other harassment.  But even that evil
President didn't prevent his enemies from moving around the country
to associate with anyone they liked.  The Bush Administration's list
interferes with freedom of association and with the constitutional
right to travel.

As my experience on July 4th, 2002, in the San Francisco airport
demonstrated, citizens are free to not show ID to fly, if they spend
half an hour arguing with security personnel over what the secret
rules actually say.  But then, catch-22, the citizen can board the
plane only if they'll submit to a physical search like the ones that
Green Party members and other on the list people are subjected to.

So, you can identify yourself to them and be harassed for your
political beliefs, unconstitutionally.  Or you can stand up for your
right to travel anonymously, and be searched unconstitutionally.  Or
you can just not travel.  That's why I'm suing Mr. Ashcroft and his
totalitarian buddies.

The government motion to dismiss my case is filed at:


The index to all the related documents is at:


 Has there been a secret trial?

No.  We will file a response to this motion by approx Dec 1.  Then
they will file their reply in mid December or so.  Both of those will
go on the web site.  (If anybody wants to OCR the PDFs of the gov't
documents, please go for it and email me the text.)  Then the court
will read all this stuff, and we'll have a hearing, which is
tentatively scheduled for mid-January.


The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  

Re: (Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I
 like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.

But then votes are property, and property can be transfered, so
you could sell your vote from your will, and dead voters could
be very powerful :-)  If I were Bill Gates, I'd like the idea too.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: CDR: Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get theoil. Who's ne

2002-11-18 Thread Alif The Terrible

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Mike Diehl wrote:

 Dubbya has only been in office about a year and a half, and in that time, he 
 has destroyed Freedom in this country?  

Not entirely, just *mostly*.

 I don't think so.  I'm still able to 
 practice my religion freely.

Sure.  Provided your religion does not offend the mainstream

  I can criticize my government and stay out of 

As long as your criticism is not highly visible.

 I don't have soldiers living with/watching me.

When was the last time you were out in public?  How about an airport?

  Saddam is just as 
 bad as most dictators, but let's not confuse the issue; he's still a DICTATOR!


  Dubbya and Asscruft have millions of people in prison for doing
   nothing wrong, only violating their bullshit rules in the War On Some
 Hey, the law is posted.  You may not agree with it, but it is the law. 

Saddam is the LAWFUL DICTATOR.  You may not agree with it, but it IS THE LAW.

 wouldn't have agreed with Prohibition, but I would have followed the law 
 while at the same time trying to abolish it.  Guess what, I have that 
 freedom, still.

As long as you do not attract any serious attention, yes.  Once you attract
serious attention, all bets are off.  You'll either be found holding your
breath forever, or you'll be carted off to the nearest Re-education Camp
(maybe to share a cell with Bell).

  Personall, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your 
 own home, but I won't want to drive on the same street, go to work with, or 
 have my child watched, by anyone who is high on some drug.  If that means 
 smoking dope keeps someone from being imployed, that's not my problem.

Why should my employment in a programming capacity be contingent on what you
find desirable in a baby-sitter?

  They have killed thousands of innocent Afghans, and are intent
   on murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis just to steal
   their oil. This makes Dubbya a mass-murder far beyond the scale of
 Well, mass-murder is a bit strong.

No. It's exactly correct.  How about what we have done in Iraq? Both life
expectancy and quality of life have nosedived as a direct result of OUR
actions, not Saddam's.  Remember, before we got into the act, Saddam was
providing the worlds finest medical services, world-class education, housing,
etc...  We are the ones who not only destroyed it, but have spent the last 12
years insuring that the people we are supposedly concerned for are
systematically starved to death, prevented from receiving medical care,
potable water, etc...

  I believe we are motivated by oil; not 
 arguement there.  Perhapse Dubbya is looking out for the US's, and his own? 
 best interests.  I'll bet you drive a car and like a warm home, and like that 
 electricity stuff.  Well, it all NEEDS OIL!  The average American Sheep would 
 riot in the street if they couldn't drive their SUV to church on sunday.
  Not that Klinton was any better.
 Not EVEN going to go there grin

I guess we all agree on this one.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

(Being able to) sell votes

2002-11-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Who, for instance, sees nothing at all wrong with selling votes. Where I 
come from, it's called equity. :-).

Yes, one could argue that the vast majority of the public have their votes 
bought and sold all the time, but they are unaware of it and don't reap the 
benefits. Wait scratch that...they ARE aware of it and don't give a crap 
precisely because they don't reap the benefits!

Me, I don't like the idea of people actualy selling votes, but I think I 
like the idea of people BEING ABLE to sell their votes.

From: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Digital Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fwd: [fc] list of papers accepted to FC'03
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 00:58:37 -0500

At 9:24 AM -0500 on 11/16/02, Stuart Schechter wrote:

I don't think you'll find our paper to be overly technical - at least 
 from a computer science or cryptographic perspective.  We wrote this 
 because we believe that determining the level of security necessary to 
 an adversary is a problem of more general interest.

Certainly if it's *financially* calculable.


Who, for instance, sees nothing at all wrong with selling votes. Where I
come from, it's called equity. :-).
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. 


2002-11-18 Thread John Gilmore
 I was browsing some of my old mail when I came across this.  What's the
 status of Gilmore's case?

The regulations I'm challenging purport to require air and train
travelers to show a government issued ID.  Every traveler has been
subjected to these requirements, but it turns out that they aren't
really required by any published law or regulation.  And if you refuse
to meet the supposed requirements, you find out that there are
alternative requirements, that they weren't telling you about.

The government has responded, as have the airlines.  Their response is
to ask the court to dismiss the case, as expected.  See the web site


for copies of their motions.

The Federal one has the most interesting arguments.  In summary, they
argue that I can't challenge the no-fly list or anything other than
the ID demand because, having not shown ID, the no-fly list was not
applied to me; that I can't sue in a District Court anyway because the
Court of Appeals is supposed to have original jurisdiction; that the
government can make any rule it wants which relates to air security,
and penalize the public over violations, without ever telling the
public what the rule is; that being refused passage unless I present
an ID does not infringe my constitutional right to travel anyway; that
being prevented from traveling anoymously does not implicate any First
Amendment interests; that every possible form of airport security is a
fully constitutional 4th-Amendment search; and that since my right
to travel is not being infringed, these searches give me equal
protection just like all members of the public, because any 'rational'
reason for singling out anonymous travelers will suffice.

If everyone shows ID to fly, and they can get away with preventing
anonymous travel, it becomes easy for the government to single out
e.g. members of the Green Party.  (If no ID was required, any
persecuted minority would soon learn to book their tickets under
assumed names.)  The Nixon Administration had its enemies list, who
it subjected to IRS audits and other harassment.  But even that evil
President didn't prevent his enemies from moving around the country
to associate with anyone they liked.  The Bush Administration's list
interferes with freedom of association and with the constitutional
right to travel.

As my experience on July 4th, 2002, in the San Francisco airport
demonstrated, citizens are free to not show ID to fly, if they spend
half an hour arguing with security personnel over what the secret
rules actually say.  But then, catch-22, the citizen can board the
plane only if they'll submit to a physical search like the ones that
Green Party members and other on the list people are subjected to.

So, you can identify yourself to them and be harassed for your
political beliefs, unconstitutionally.  Or you can stand up for your
right to travel anonymously, and be searched unconstitutionally.  Or
you can just not travel.  That's why I'm suing Mr. Ashcroft and his
totalitarian buddies.

The government motion to dismiss my case is filed at:


The index to all the related documents is at:


 Has there been a secret trial?

No.  We will file a response to this motion by approx Dec 1.  Then
they will file their reply in mid December or so.  Both of those will
go on the web site.  (If anybody wants to OCR the PDFs of the gov't
documents, please go for it and email me the text.)  Then the court
will read all this stuff, and we'll have a hearing, which is
tentatively scheduled for mid-January.


Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Tyler Durden
And to think some people think Timoth McVeigh was wrong in liquidating a 
military target.

Holy Crap May, I'm not quite sure how you meant this but I find this 
distrubing (and I agree with a lot of what you post)...by Military Target 
do you mean the building, or the people (and children) who were in it? Can 
people who do not know they are military targets count as military 

These aren't meant as rhetorical I'm making a really good point questions, 
but actual questions. Depending on your answer, I wonder how you feel about 
the WTC (along with a few thousand people) getting taken out by an American 
Airlines Smart Missle.

Interested to hear your response. (And no, I don't think the answer is 
necessarily obvious by anyone who's thinking correctly.)

Subject: Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:13:55 -0800

On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 10:31  AM, Elyn Wollensky wrote:

Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers
36 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A special, secretive appeals court on Monday said 
U.S. government has the right to use expanded powers to wiretap suspected
terrorism suspects under a law adopted by Congress after the Sept. 11, 

Well, this is what you get with Star Chamber Government: not only are the 
actual specific _cases_ done with secret prosecutors, secret judges, secret 
panels, but the arguments over the underlying legal issues (which obviously 
cannot compromise a specific intelligence case and hence have no reason to 
be secret, even in Orwellian logic) are also secret.

One wonders about secret rulings which have never been made public. Perhaps 
the Supreme Court also meets in secret and issues secret rulings.

We have always been at war with Eastasia. Ignorance is strength.

And to think some people think Timoth McVeigh was wrong in liquidating a 
military target.

--Tim May

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. 

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Eric Cordian
Someone posted:

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A special, secretive appeals court on Monday said the
 U.S. government has the right to use expanded powers to wiretap suspected
 terrorism suspects under a law adopted by Congress after the Sept. 11, 2001,

So we not only have secret courts, we have secret appeals courts to
reverse secret court decisions the government doesn't like.

One wonders what one finds as one travels futher up the secret judiciary.  
Is there a secret Supreme Court too, which interprets the Secret
Constitution for us?

Fascinating stuff, I'm sure.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-18 Thread Tim May
On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 10:31  AM, Elyn Wollensky wrote:

Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers
36 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A special, secretive appeals court on Monday 
said the
U.S. government has the right to use expanded powers to wiretap 
terrorism suspects under a law adopted by Congress after the Sept. 11, 

Well, this is what you get with Star Chamber Government: not only are 
the actual specific _cases_ done with secret prosecutors, secret 
judges, secret panels, but the arguments over the underlying legal 
issues (which obviously cannot compromise a specific intelligence case 
and hence have no reason to be secret, even in Orwellian logic) are 
also secret.

One wonders about secret rulings which have never been made public. 
Perhaps the Supreme Court also meets in secret and issues secret 

We have always been at war with Eastasia. Ignorance is strength.

And to think some people think Timoth McVeigh was wrong in liquidating 
a military target.

--Tim May