HAVENCO shut down?

2003-03-20 Thread anonimo arancio
Has anyone noticed all the sites hosted at havenco (www.seagold.net, i
www.thegoldcasino.com, lists.havenco.com) seem to be down?  Is this 
suspiciously due to the war in iraq, or just routine outage?

Re: .sig

2003-03-05 Thread anonimo arancio
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 14:33:59 -0800, you wrote:

 At 1:08 PM -0800 3/4/03, Tim May quoted:
 If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
 hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're
 around. --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet

 Would the converse read?

 If I'm going to reach out to the Republicans then I need a third hand.
 There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my freedom while they're

 It seems to me that right now, my wallet is at risk due to the rise in
 federal debt, whether by depleting my savings through inflation, or by
 higher future taxes to pay the debt.  The attack on freedom, lead by the
 Republicans, has been commented on so frequently here I don't need to add

If you think your wallet is less at risk with Democrats making 
the tax law, or if you really think we are having inflation now 
(versus the risk of deflation), or that the Democrats will keep 
your taxes down in the future, then you need to run out and take 
voting lessons so you can make yours count. In your spare time, 
find a Democrat, or anyone else, who will stand up and be 
counted and fight against Patriot II, also known as the Repeal 
of the Bill of Rights without State Ratification. Good luck, 
all of them, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, are busy 
being panicking cowards right now.

Maybe, you can figure it out. Here is a hint. Republicans are 
like The Rock and Democrats are like Stone Cold Steve 
Austin, and elections are like WWF Slap Down. It's fixed, get 

The contest is not between Dems and Repubs, it's between 
government and the governed.

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-13 Thread anonimo arancio
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 23:30:12 -0500, Declan wrote:

 Note by broad conservative community I do not include
 politically-active gun owners, who would like an actual principled
 stand on the 2A. Fat chance.

People who look for principled stands by a government, any 
government, aren't paying attention. Other than surviving and 
maintaining control over the governed, governments have no 
principles. That kind of thing just gets in the way of survival 
and control and potentially limits a government's options.

Example: From the Declaration of Independence to the Sedition 
Act took only 22 years, and that was when the founding fathers 
still actively dominated political life. Today, a USA Patriot 
Act takes only minutes to enact, with neither debate nor 
hearings, and members of Congress don't even complain of not 
being able to read it before the vote.

Re: Fresh Hell.

2003-01-17 Thread anonimo arancio
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 18:51:47 +0800, you wrote:

 Matthew X wrote:
  Global Eye -- Death Merchants
  By Chris Floyd
  Each day, one turns to the latest news from the bowels of the Bush Regime
  with Dorothy Parker's immortal words sounding in the mind like a tocsin:
  What fresh hell is this?

  Ever since he seized office, Bush has taken every opportunity to derail or
  destroy UN efforts to provide reproductive health services to the world's
  poorest women.

 For reproductive health services read forced abortion. That's what
 the UN is purveying, and one of the few foreign policy decisions of this
 administration that I agree with is cutting off the UN popucrats.

Related to this line, I'm wondering why there have been no 
protests of the US FDA's position that it has authority to 
regulate cloning. This would include the process by which a 
woman provides her egg and her skin cell for cloning and 
reimplantation into the uterus. Why aren't the pro-choice 
groups assailing this infringement on a woman's reproductive 
rights and this intrusion by the government on women's bodies? 
Her egg, her skin cell, her uterus... How come there is no 
groundswell of women's groups about this intrusion? Are those 
groups really just about abortion, and not about reproductive 

What would be the valid reason for the government to claim power 
to regulate her egg, her skin DNA, and her uterus?

Re: constant encryped stream

2003-01-03 Thread anonimo arancio
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 07:24:12 +0100 (CET), you wrote:

 We have a resourceful adversary, who will quickly learn the
 tricks. We need a low-tech technology that will be highly resistant
 against undetected tampering by the adversary.

Hindering the adversary is the fact that he must face thousands 
of homebrew approaches, rather than simply discover once a means 
of defeating the Mark 423 Mod 8 Closet Opening Detector.

Low tech is quite best. Using cameras and receivers that rely on 
RF simply broadcasts the nature of the device. They are useful 
primarily to distract from the real device. Likewise magnets 
scattered about, and a few small lengths of wire connected to 
light bulb filaments, or whatever.

Using devices based on storing evidence of incursion on the 
diskdrive is overly complicated and easy to defeat. (A crash, 
followed by auto-discovering of a bad sector, reboot, you are in 
doubt, etc.)

You need to deal with radiographic analysis, expert 
manipulation, micro-camera inspection, etc. You need to use what 
you can find in a prison kitchen, for example. You need to be 
able to make it with only implements and materials that a 
prisoner might have access to. Hey, if you are going to be 

Assuming you want only to detect a door opening (not removal and 
reinstallation of the wall opposite the door, etc.) here is a 
nice low tech way.

Get a tablespoon of flour and dye it red with food coloring. Dry 
it completely. Separately, dye another tablespoon of flour 
orange and dry it.

Get a small clear plastic needle box or fishing lure box, and 
sprinkle some of the orange flour onto the bottom of the box, in 
the form of a set of digits, say 8 3 7. Now cover that up 
completely with the red flour. Now the digits can only be seen 
from the bottom of the box, and when the box is placed bottom 
down on a piece of balsa, it is immune to radiographic viewing, 
or micro camera viewing (more on this).

Superglue (or make glue from flour and water, if the warden 
doesn't permit superglue) a thin paper hinge strip to the edge 
of the piece of balsa (or several sheets of flat paper glued 
together with flour-water glue) and superglue the other edge of 
the strip to the inside opening edge of the closet door, using a 
thin strip of paper as a hinge between the inside of the door 
and the balsa shelf. Now you have a very small hinged shelf that 
is hanging down, on which to place the needle box containing 
your hidden flour digits, when the hinge is propped up in the 
shelf position.

To prop the hinged shelf up so you can place the needle box on 
it, go inside the closet and close the door. Now glue a 
toothpick in the door facing on the inside of the closed door 
that holds the shelf up. When the door is closed from the inside 
and that toothpick is in place, the toothpic just barely 
supports the rear edge of the hinged shelf. If the door were to 
be opened a quarter inch, the shelf drops off the toothpick 
supporting it, and the shelf drops, erasing the flour letters.

Now exit the closet, and use a dremel to drill a very small hole 
in the closet door. If your warden doesn't allow dremels, use a 
paperclip, or use a screw and screwdriver, or whatever. You have 
time on your hands anyway, if you can't come up with a way to 
drill a micro hole in a closet door, you have larger problems. 
The position is just under the shelf.

Now to arm it. From the outside of the opened door, stick a 
tooth pick into the hole in the door under the hinge, supporting 
the shelf. Place the flour holding needle box on the shelf. 
Close the door. Remove the toothpick from the outside of the 
closed door. The hinged shelf drops slightly onto the facing-
mounted toothpick. It is armed. To open, insert the toothpick 
into the hole from the outside of the door and open slowly.

Glue a medium size paper board box to the door facing, uncovered 
on the side toward the closed door, so that the entire works has 
freedom to operate, but is enclosed when the door is closed and 
the shelf is armed. This protects from micro cameras.

Now drill several more holes in line with the real one. At the 
inside of each of the dummy holes, link them using a popsicle 
stick and toothpick linkage to a stick that pushes the toothpick 
in the inside door facing slightly back, dropping the flour 
needle box. Tamper detection, even if they don't open the door.

Write on a sheet of paper and super glue it over the outide of 
the armed door over all the holes. That should show some crude 
tampering and cover the holes from pre-cracking surveillance 
expeditions. Alternatively, use thumbtacks or push pins in the 
holes to display some ubiquitous prison regulations. If they 
remove the regs, they expect to see the little holes in the 
surface of the closet door. Make lots of such tack holes.

Now, they can't use radiography, there are no magnetic or metal 
parts, they can't do micro camera analysis without robotic 
disassembly, and even then 


2002-07-09 Thread anonimo arancio

On reflection, I did not make my situation clear.

I made a fair bit of money in my home country, despite a corrupt kleptocratic 
government that that does its best to prevent people from earning an honest living.  I 
came to the US, became a green card holder and made a fair bit more money, and now 
would like to return to my home, where the cost of living is way lower, the food is 
much better, the skies are bluer, the ocean is warmer, the girls are prettier, and 
there is now no way whatever to earn an honest living.  Fortunately I can afford to 
retire young.

I am considering becoming a US citizen immediately before I leave.  My concern is that 
if I become a US citizen, the IRS might want to tax me wherever I go.