Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Colin Walters
Bas Zoetekouw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I personally would like having hardware detection stuff in woody.
 Wouldn't it be great to have to install procedure ask you something
 like hi dude, I've detected that you've got a ne2000 NIC in your
 computer.  Shall I load the appropriate module?? (and the same for
 video, sound, scsi, etc.)

I noticed the other day that recent versions of RedHat use something
called Kudzu (sp?) to do this.  When I took out the network card, it
warned me that some hardware was missing, and offered to change some
things to compensate.

Has anyone has looked into porting this to Debian?

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Brian May
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joey I read your entire message and could not find any examples
Joey of things that debconf cannot handle correctly, except of
Joey course for conffile change prompting, which it was never
Joey designed to do.

I think something needs to be done to address this issue.

Yes, you can force dpkg to always use the old file, but then
this will break applications which require the new file to
be installed.

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Anthony == Anthony Towns writes:

 Anthony ifconfig is a required file for /sbin according the the FHS
 Anthony section 3.10 as distributed in the debian-policy package.

I think that some people are espousing non-compliance with the
 standards. Is that what we want to do?

 Steve OK, how about moving everything into /bin except what FHS
 Steve specifically says should be in /sbin?  Section 3.10[0]
 Steve identifies the following specifically to be located in /sbin:

Sounds like a cop out. We are acknowledging that we can no
 longer come to a consensus on this, and we are punting on
 this. Actually, it may be closer to saying we really don't like sbin,
 and we move everything out of there, except that we also want to be
 FHS compliant, and let just tose programs stay in. 

I think we should either
  a) categorize the programs, by extending the reasoning of the FHS,
 and I have not yet lost hope of our ability to reach a rough
  b) decide that the sbin idea is silly, and that's that (we can
 symlink /sbin to /bin)

I think we may be truthfully accused of losing touch with the
 generic user out there. Most of the discusion here (and, I confess,
 my knee jerk reactions), have dealt with the issue with opinions on
 what works for us -- even though developers are rarely a decent
 sampling of the unwashed masses.  My experience has been that most
 users, even most linux users, are not what the industry terms ``power
 users'' (most of these folks just call the sys admin when things go
 wrong). The defaults should be designed around them, not us, since
 power users shall always tweak the system defaults anyway. 

 stepping off the soap box
 A good teacher has been defined as one who makes himself
 progressively unnecessary.  -- Thomas J. Carruthers
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 08:26:50PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
 Anthony Towns wrote:
  Basically, I'd like to be able to insist that I'm *never* asked a question
  as part of a postinst. I'd rather the postinst fail (and I'd rather Apt/Dpkg
  just get on with installing everything else, although it probably won't at
  the moment) than get asked a question.
 That's do-able. Once debconf knows to run postinsts in full
 noninteractive mode, critical questions that are thus not asked at all,
 and which do not have their return code caught, will simply cause the
 postinst to terminate with a nonzero return code. 
 (I think this is better than making _all_ questions terminate it, which is
 not doable anyway, and also because if a postinst asks a priority low
 question, say, then that is by definition a question that the 
 noninteractive mode can supply a reasonable answer to.)

Well, no, that's not what I want either: I like seeing every question
that the postinst thinks I might need to know about. I just want to see
them in blocks, preferably beforehand, but at the end if that's the way
it has to be.

I don't think we've got any examples of non-critical questions that need
to be outside the .config though, do we? Something bad happened, and
You need to stick a floppy in don't strike me as things that should just
be ignored.

 I'll be happy to implement a debconf/non-interactive-foo (should apply
 to all maintainer scripts save config, not just postinst, so I need a
 better name), if people think it will be generally useful.

non-interactive-install, perhaps? -maintainer-scripts?

 However, I presonally feel your specific case of the floppy prompting
 would be better served by:
 a) Making the question of low priority.
 b) Making the question be asked only once, and this value used by all
future kernel packges you install. Or adding a question, do you ever
want to make a boot floppy?
 Especially b.

I'm curious about your opinion of an option (c): make a separate
mk-boot-floppy script that can be run outside of the postinst after
the install.

This is the same as what Manoj suggested for realplayer. A bad thing is
that, alone, it's not really automatic, you could install the kernel
and forget to make a boot-floppy, or you could install realplayer and
forget to do what's necessary to actually, well, install realplayer. I
think it's more `user-friendly' in general though: realplayer can be
annoying the way it is at the moment, and I might change my mind and
what a boot floppy later.

Ways of getting around the `not really automatic' problem might be:
* ask a question in the .config whether you want the program to
  be run in postinst
* always run the programs after dpkg's finished, like update-menus
* send a reminder email to root

Note that this means the program probably can't really use debconf to
do its stuff if it's separate, ie, we'd suddenly be back to boring text
prompts and such. Or maybe it's reasonable for some non-maintainer-scripts
to use debconf, I suspect it's actually possible at the moment.

Having it as a separate program run after dpkg has finished would let you
have non-interactive maintainer scripts for all the examples I've seen,
I think.

Yes, I realise this won't be implemented by the end of the week. :)



I imagine that if we ever get post-dpkg-run hooks, they'll be invoked
something like:

run-after-dpkg /usr/bin/update-menus

and be run through sort | uniq or something before being called. It might
be possible to just implement run-after-dpkg to just run immediately for
the moment. Or to re-enable interactive-postinsts, run it, and disable it.

Ripping out the logic from update-menus and implementing it as
run-after-dpkg could probably work pretty easily too, but wouldn't leave
us with anywhere for stdio to happen, afaict [0].


[0] Although a Unix domain socket could help here ;)

I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
  -- Dave Clark

Description: PGP signature

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Anthony == Anthony Towns writes:

 Anthony To clarify a little: I want to be able to answer the
 Anthony questions up front, do the install and have it work. If I've

This is not somethign anyone can argue with. 

 Anthony made a mistake (like not put a file where I said I did
 Anthony maybe), I don't mind if it dies and leaves that package to
 Anthony be configured later or something. I don't want it to pause
 Anthony and leave the rest of the system unconfigured, though.

This is your system, and you should be able to set the
 defaults that way (/etc/kernel-img.conf -- set do_symlink=NO
 clobber_modules=YES, do_boot_enable=NO), and you shall never be asked
 anything by the postinst. Of course, you are then responsible for
 ensuring your new kernel is booted, but hey, you can't have

But other people may have other choices, and I'll fight tooth
 and nail against any policy changes that leave them out in the cold
 just cause some people like non-interactive installs. 

 Anthony This is just for my system, I don't really care that much how it works
 Anthony for other people.

Hmm. Not an attitude I can afford to take, I don't think, as
  package maintainer ;-)

 Anthony If we go through the `N' questions above, we have:

   .XXXN6) failure, retry?
   .XXXN7) failure, you have formatted floppy?
   .XXXN9) Failure writing floppy, retry?
   .XXXN   10) failure, hit return when youhave new floppy
   .XXXN   16) Failure writing mbr, do this manually, hit return 

 Anthony ...failure cases, which I want to address as late as possible, rather
 Anthony than as soon as possible. (The realplayer question is mainly a failure
 Anthony question too, iirc)

Pardon me, I think I don't understand. So, writing the floppy
 failed, and you want me to just stop doing what I was doing, leaving
 you with an unbootable system? 

I am not happy with not offering the user a chance to change
 the floppy, or quit formatting and going woth a preformatted floppy,
 or going to lilo instead. 

If you arrive at these questions, you have asked stuff to be
 done, and I can't really defer the failure case handling. Sure, I can
 say that if you asked things to be done, and ignore error recovery,
 you are responsible for the consequences, but unless that point is
 driven home, the reputation for rock solid installs may suffer.

However, I have no objection in principle to allowing people
 the *option* of silent installs. My objection is to making silent
 install the *only* option. 

   .XXXN5) Insert floppy, hit return
   .XX.?4) do I need to format the floppy?
   .XXXN8) you have floppy, hit return when ready

 Anthony ...questions needing a temporary change in hardware. I'd answer no,
 Anthony I don't want to have a floppy initially, or perhaps want to run
 Anthony /usr/lib/kernel-2.2.17/make-floppy or something after my install's
 Anthony completed.

Yup. But these questions will still be asked for people who
 have not set these defaults, and these ned be asked at run time. 

   .XX.N   14) Install boot block on partition detected at runtime

 Anthony You can detect stuff at runtime from within the .config too;
 Anthony you should be able to this before the package is actually
 Anthony installed. At worst, you can say no, don't try to detect it
 Anthony and annoy me later: this is what it should be. okay? trust
 Anthony me

Easy. Just set up an /etc/lilo.conf (SILO,MILO whatever) and
 this questioh shan't be asked. But there are people who have not yet
 done it, and this section is for them. 

   N   15) Install mbr root disk
   .XX.N   17) make that partition active?

 Anthony And hence you should be able to ask these beforehand too, I think.

Same here. 

 Anthony Basically, I'd like to be able to insist that I'm *never*
 Anthony asked a question as part of a postinst. I'd rather the
 Anthony postinst fail (and I'd rather Apt/Dpkg just get on with
 Anthony installing everything else, although it probably won't at
 Anthony the moment) than get asked a question.

I wuld not object to having such a mode if explicitly asked
 for. But I refuse to support what happens if you do so. As long as
 turning this option on is an admittance of responsibility for install
 failures and their consequences, fine. 

 Anthony would be tidier. For the moment, though, as long as I *can*
 Anthony say no, I don't want a floppy made and end up with a
 Anthony non-interactive postinst, I'm happy.

I would be happy to work towards this, as long as there is no
 attempt to outlaw any installation phase interaction.  And as long as
 it is understood that people who ask for a non-interactive install
 willy-nilly do it at their own risk. 

 panic: kernel trap (ignored)
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL 

Re: How many CDs in potato?

2000-08-16 Thread Mike Markley
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 04:58:19PM -0400, Buddha Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake 
 Why would a package be in contrib if it didn't depend on non-free?  I 
 thought that that was the current definition of contrib: DFSG-free, but 
 requires something from outside of main (e.g., contrib or non-free).

A dependency on non-us will also land a package in contrib.

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The only solution is ... a balance of power.  We arm our side with exactly
that much more.  A balance of power -- the trickiest, most difficult,
dirtiest game of them all.  But the only one that preserves both sides.
- Kirk, A Private Little War, stardate 4211.8

Re: ITP: Moscow ML - An implementation of standard ML.

2000-08-16 Thread Nicolás Lichtmaier
   Don't do that. Moscow ML was my first package when I joined and I had 
   to learn that there are license problems. To be precise it is based on 
   Caml Light which is not GPLed (read: has further restrictions) therefore
   you can't link GPL-code against it. 
   We can't distribute binaries of that :((
   Have you contacted the authors?
 I don't quite remember. I think I contacted inria (they hold the Caml
 copyright) about changing that but to no extent. I am not sure if changing
 the MoSML license would help - at least it has to go to non-free then. 
 I did not want to maintain a non-free package at that time so I gave up on 

 The MosML could add to the license: As an exception to the GNU GPL, you
may distribute this software linked to CAML.

compaq iPaq

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
[ Please reply to debian-arm and me (I'm not on that list). Posted to
  -devel to pick up any interested people who arn't on -arm. ]

For those who don't know, the iPaq is a ARM-based pocket computer near 
the size of a palm pilot, that runs linux[1], including X. It has 32 MB
of ram, and 16 MB of flash memory.

I've seen several of them at LinuxWorld, and they look like really sweet
little boxes. I was thinking about buying one, and started thinking
about what I'd do with it (mostly reading email to keep up with the ever
expanding demands of Debian Weekly News), and got to thinking about

I don't think I could use another distribution (right now, it's
something they put together custom), on a computer, even if it's just a
handheld. I NEED Debian. On the other hand, fitting a full debian install
on 16 MB of flash is daunting[2]. If this were done, it might make more
sense to provide some way for dpkg to install files onto the iPaq,
without storing all the cruft like /var/lib/dpkg/* there, and keep that
on a desktop box instead.

I also have a lot of other committements in Debian, and not a lot of
time to work on something like this. So I'm just posting a feeler, to
see if anyone else has thought about this, or is interested.

see shy jo

[2] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/dpkg/infodu
14M . -- Ok, this is a little unrelaistic, but you get the
 idea. It eats about 2 mb on a much more minimal

Re: kernel-image with the same version

2000-08-16 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Atsuhito == Atsuhito Kohda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Atsuhito I installed recently potato from scratch.  Rescue disk installed 
 Atsuhito kernel 2.2.17 and I rebuild kernel-image with kerne-source 2.2.17
 Atsuhito so the version of kernel was same for both.

Umm. This should not happen. Since /lib/modules/2.2.17 shall
 be clobbered with the new modules. If the modules were the same, you
 should have been warned on install.

 Atsuhito When I installed kernel-image-2.2.17*.deb which I rebuild
 Atsuhito then /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old were created but both
 Atsuhito pointed to the same /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.  This means no
 Atsuhito back-up of old kernel was retained.

If the modules were actually clobbered, you may not have a
 bootable old image left. Indeed, you shall not, since there is only
 one /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17

 Atsuhito In my case, new kernel seemed to work fine so there was no problem,
 Atsuhito I guessed, but this might cause problems.

 Atsuhito Is this inevitable or I am missing something?

I think something is missing. If you replace a kernel with the
 same version, you end up with one /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION, and one
 /lib/modules/$VERSION. You can move the /boot/vmlinuz-* around, but
 the kernel shall still look in the same old place for its modules. 

 Sendmail can safely be made setuid to root. Eric Allman, Sendmail
 Install  Operation Guide
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: compaq iPaq

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
It's been pointed out that emdebian ( is
essentilly an effort to do just this.

see shy jo

Re: compaq iPaq

2000-08-16 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Joey Hess wrote:

 It's been pointed out that emdebian ( is
 essentilly an effort to do just this.

It is? I use their stuff and the main focus is cross compilers and cross
environments for debian, not really shrinking and porting debian proper. 

That it is, it is more tools for embedded development rather than an
embedded operating system.


Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Eray Ozkural

I proposed using symlinks for programs in */sbin to enable normal users
to see them in their default path, but now I think this is a bit messy.
(For instance, /sbin/ifconfig - /bin/ifconfig, lots of these would be ad hoc)

For simplicity's sake, I think it's just good enough to include /sbin,
/usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin in user's default path.

That way, filesystem standard compliance is not disturbed, and the users
have those programs in their path by default.

Eray Ozkural

Re: compaq iPaq

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 It is? I use their stuff and the main focus is cross compilers and cross
 environments for debian, not really shrinking and porting debian proper. 

Well right now that's true, but it does seem to have grand goals of
shrinking Debian to a few MB and so on.

see shy jo

Re: debian at work, how to make packages

2000-08-16 Thread brent verner
On 13 Aug 2000 at 18:20 (+0200), Allan Jacobsen wrote:
| Hi
| I have been using debian for more than 4 years now and I have
| finaly talked my boss into trying debian instead of redhat
| for our servers, that we install in hotels all over europe.
| I have been reading most of the dokumentation on making .deb
| pakages, but most of it is how to package foreign source that
| anyone should be able to recompile.
| Our buildtree is totally incompatible with this, so I have been
| looking for a few simple scripts to package the bin and conf 
| files to make a usable deb package.
| I read somewhere that I could unpack a deb my using 
| ar x package.deb, and the format looks reasonably simple
| with the 3 files, where data.tar.gz should be untared in /
| and the control files and scripts are in control.tar.gz
| Does any of you have some suggestions ?

take a look at:

I can't comment on its suitability to a newbie-packager, because I'm
just now reading it too, but it looks like a fairly low-overhead
tutorial from a cursory glance.


Damon Brent Vernero  _ _ _
Cracker Jack® Surprise Certified  _o /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]_ \_   _(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (_)(_) (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Thus spake Colin Walters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I noticed the other day that recent versions of RedHat use something
 called Kudzu (sp?) to do this.  When I took out the network card, it
 warned me that some hardware was missing, and offered to change some
 things to compensate.

 Has anyone has looked into porting this to Debian?

Currently, in Debian it is being used by sndconfig. It was written
specifically for Redhat though and does some things (like editing
/etc/conf.modules, linking devices in /dev/) which are probably not
desirable in Debian. The detection part can probably be used, though.

Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
Some time ago, Dan Helfman [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc'ed him), was busy
packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

When a hardware detection library is available, I think I'm going to
rewrite sndconfig specifically for Debian instead of editing the Redhat
package. Maybe a more general program, which can detect and configure 
various kinds of hardware, should be created though.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|| que l'on va faire, a quoi|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | bon le faire?|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Pablo Picasso  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 05:07:25PM -0400, Decklin Foster wrote:
 Steve Bowman writes:
  OK, how about moving everything into /bin except what FHS specifically
  says should be in /sbin?
 snip list from FHS 3.10
 I very much like this idea. Does anyone have objections?

I don't object.  I still think a few of those tools could profitably be
placed in (/usr)?/bin, but this is at least another step closer to the
elimination of a useless artifact of the old days.

G. Branden Robinson |
Debian GNU/Linux|   Never attribute to malice that which can
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   be adequately explained by stupidity. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 07:32:32AM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
 Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 05:55:38PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
  But I thought one of the main complaints was that /usr/sbin wasn't in the
  Generally, maintainer scripts, and programs meant to be run by root, run as
  If a program expects to use some tool that only root would use, it should
  expect to be running as root.
 So you do agree with me that it is better to leave traceroute in /usr/sbin?

Uh, no.  My remarks above in fact strong imply the opposite conclusion.
(However, I don't think traceroute is the strongest candidate for a program
that gets run from inside a script.)

G. Branden Robinson |Communism is just one step on the long
Debian GNU/Linux|road from capitalism to capitalism.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |-- Russian saying |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:39:15PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 01:12:58AM +0300, Eray Ozkural wrote:
  I was confused by not having ifconfig in my user path. On this machine,
  there's only a dial-up net connection, and it has some small connectivity
  problems. I need to check whether the line's really up. I found
  myself going super-user to issue the command rather than running 
 ifconfig is a required file for /sbin according the the FHS section 3.10
 as distributed in the debian-policy package.

Well, keep in mind that Debian has committed itself to FHS-compatibility,
not FHS-compliance.  This means that we are free to have symlinks standing
between a pathname and the inode.

G. Branden Robinson |
Debian GNU/Linux|  Music is the brandy of the damned.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  -- George Bernard Shaw |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
[Followups to debian-policy, please]

On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 11:22:11PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   I think that some people are espousing non-compliance with the
  standards. Is that what we want to do?

The FHS exhaustively explains the difference between compatibility and
compliance.  I note that the Debian policy manual says that all installed
files and directories must comply with the FHS, rather than must be
compatible with the FHS.

Let this message serve as policy proposal that we change the wording of
section 3.1.1 from must comply to must be compatible.  This change
needs to be made irrespective of any consensus (or lack thereof) on the
issue moving binaries from (/usr)?/sbin to (/usr)?/bin, because we continue
to carry around relics of non-FHS-compliance (such as /var/state) that may
take quite some time to dislodge.  (Witness the /usr/share/doc migration.)

Furthermore, the footnote following the URL of the FHS should probably be
deleted, since FHS 2.1 is no longer in draft status.

  Steve OK, how about moving everything into /bin except what FHS
  Steve specifically says should be in /sbin?  Section 3.10[0]
  Steve identifies the following specifically to be located in /sbin:
   Sounds like a cop out. We are acknowledging that we can no
  longer come to a consensus on this, and we are punting on
  this. Actually, it may be closer to saying we really don't like sbin,
  and we move everything out of there, except that we also want to be
  FHS compliant, and let just tose programs stay in. 

I can agree with either interpretation, though I disagree with your
characterization of the former as a cop out.  The traceroute argument
comes up over and over again.  The defenders of the status quo have no
defense for the inconsistency between having one traceroute tool in sbin
and a different one in bin.  Rather than having one of the programs move,
they just tell people to change their $PATH.  This does not indicate to me
the slightest motivation to extend the reasoning of the FHS.

The FHS team has given themselves a mandate to sort these issues out.  Let
them.  Why should we argue about whether a certain binary goes in one
directory or the other when it's a much bigger part of their mission
statement to make that decision than ours?  FHS is an open standards group,
more to the point, so Debian developers who feel passionately about such
things can join it and carry on their flamewars there.

   I think we should either
   a) categorize the programs, by extending the reasoning of the FHS,
  and I have not yet lost hope of our ability to reach a rough

I think it's the FHS's job to delimit its own reasoning.  There are places
where it defers to vendors.

   b) decide that the sbin idea is silly, and that's that (we can
  symlink /sbin to /bin)

Well, that's my personal feeling, but I don't think one needs to feel this
way to know that the appropriate place for traceroute is not sbin.

   I think we may be truthfully accused of losing touch with the
  generic user out there.

I think the generic user neither knows nor cares about the distinction
between bin and sbin.  There's also no reason to fence him off from
harmless and even useful commands.

Quoting the FHS:

  Deciding what things go into sbin directories is simple: If a normal
  (not a system administrator) user will ever run it directly, then it
  should be placed in one of the bin directories.  Ordinary users should
  not have to place any of the sbin directories in their path.

  Note: For example, files such as chfn which users only occasionally use
  should still be placed in /usr/bin.  ping, although it is absolutely
  necessary for root (network recovery and diagnosis) is often used by
  users and should live in /bin for that reason.

G. Branden Robinson |Software engineering: that part of
Debian GNU/Linux|computer science which is too difficult
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |for the computer scientist. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 09:23:11AM +0300, Eray Ozkural wrote:
 For simplicity's sake, I think it's just good enough to include /sbin,
 /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin in user's default path.

I think if someone has to do such a thing, then:

  a) they forgot to su root; or
  b) they don't know they need privleges to use the command in question; or
  c) the command doesn't belong in sbin anyway.

G. Branden Robinson |   When dogma enters the brain, all
Debian GNU/Linux|   intellectual activity ceases.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   -- Robert Anton Wilson |

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel-image with the same version

2000-08-16 Thread Atsuhito Kohda
From: Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: kernel-image with the same version
Date: 16 Aug 2000 00:31:48 -0500

  Atsuhito I installed recently potato from scratch.  Rescue disk installed 
  Atsuhito kernel 2.2.17 and I rebuild kernel-image with kerne-source 2.2.17
  Atsuhito so the version of kernel was same for both.
   Umm. This should not happen. Since /lib/modules/2.2.17 shall
  be clobbered with the new modules. If the modules were the same, you
  should have been warned on install.

Yes, of course I moved /lib/modules/2.2.17 to 2.2.17-old
before I installed kernel-image-2.2.17*.deb so there was no
warning on installation.

  Atsuhito When I installed kernel-image-2.2.17*.deb which I rebuild
  Atsuhito then /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old were created but both
  Atsuhito pointed to the same /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.  This means no
  Atsuhito back-up of old kernel was retained.
   If the modules were actually clobbered, you may not have a
  bootable old image left. Indeed, you shall not, since there is only
  one /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17

As I expalined above, the modules were not clobbered, but
there was only one /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17 and both /vmlinuz and
/vmlunuz.old were linked to this /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.

I wanted to ask how to avoid this problem...

   I think something is missing. If you replace a kernel with the
  same version, you end up with one /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION, and one
  /lib/modules/$VERSION. You can move the /boot/vmlinuz-* around, but
  the kernel shall still look in the same old place for its modules. 

Yes it might be so.  But if one install with the current rescue
disk of potato then the kernel installed is of 2.2.17 and the
provided kernel-source of the latest version is of 2.2.17
so if one wants to rebuild the kernel (and generally one wants to!)
then one encounters the same situation, at least for a while.

Best Regards,   2000.8.16

 Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

Re: How many CDs in potato?

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 04:58:19PM -0400, Buddha Buck wrote:
 Why would a package be in contrib if it didn't depend on non-free?  I 
 thought that that was the current definition of contrib: DFSG-free, but 
 requires something from outside of main (e.g., contrib or non-free).

It could depend on a non-free thing that isn't packaged at all.

See, for instance, xtrs.

G. Branden Robinson |The greatest productive force is human
Debian GNU/Linux|selfishness.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |-- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel-image with the same version

2000-08-16 Thread Atsuhito Kohda
From: Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: kernel-image with the same version
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:54:29 -0400

 Edit /etc/kernel-img.conf and add this line:
 reverse_symlink := yes

Okay I will try later.  BTW, /etc/kernel-img.conf might
be /etc/kernel-pkg.conf 

Thanks for your kind advice.

Best Regards,   2000.8.16

 Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 04:44:37PM -0700, Richard Hecker wrote:
 I ran into a compiler error that I do not recognize.  Instead of
 spinning my wheels further with this, I was hoping someone familiar
 with Intel assembly language on this list could shed some light on
 what is happening here.  As can be seen from the comments, it is
 an ancient line that was lifted from the kernel.  For this reason
 I am including the output from gcc -v.
 gcc -o 6x86_reg 6x86_reg.c
 6x86_reg.c: In function `delay':
 6x86_reg.c:86: Invalid `asm' statement:
 6x86_reg.c:86: fixed or forbidden register 0 (ax) was spilled for class
 --- routine in the C source file ---
 /* the original bogomips code from the Linux kernel */
 static __inline__ void delay(int loops)
   __asm__(.align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b: :a (loops):ax);

I am not an assembly guru on any architecture, but here's what I think this
means.  Please be warned that these could be the ravings of a deranged

The AX register is an old 16-bit register from 8086 days.  When you're
running in 32-bit mode, as all Linux systems do, the register should be
accessed by its 32-bit name, EAX.

I think at some point gcc (or gas) used to automatically convert such
misreferences.  There's a whole slew of register names on the IA32 from the
old 16-bit days that have a 32-bit version with the E prepended.

(I think, in some contexts, you can actually use the 16-bit register names
to fetch the low-order 16 bits out of the actual 32-bit register.)

Hopefully someone who has actual knowledge will be able to answer your
question.  Maybe Randolph Chung, who works for Intel?  :)

G. Branden Robinson |A committee is a life form with six or
Debian GNU/Linux|more legs and no brain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |-- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: How many CDs in potato?

2000-08-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Mike Markley wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 04:58:19PM -0400, Buddha Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 spake forth:
  Why would a package be in contrib if it didn't depend on non-free?  I 
  thought that that was the current definition of contrib: DFSG-free, but 
  requires something from outside of main (e.g., contrib or non-free).
 A dependency on non-us will also land a package in contrib.

I think there was a proposal to change that, so that packages which depend
on packages in non-US/main remain in non-US/main.

Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Paul Slootman
On Wed 16 Aug 2000, Branden Robinson wrote:

 I am not an assembly guru on any architecture, but here's what I think this
 means.  Please be warned that these could be the ravings of a deranged


 The AX register is an old 16-bit register from 8086 days.  When you're
 running in 32-bit mode, as all Linux systems do, the register should be
 accessed by its 32-bit name, EAX.

Actually, I believe they are separate entities.

 I think at some point gcc (or gas) used to automatically convert such
 misreferences.  There's a whole slew of register names on the IA32 from the
 old 16-bit days that have a 32-bit version with the E prepended.
 (I think, in some contexts, you can actually use the 16-bit register names
 to fetch the low-order 16 bits out of the actual 32-bit register.)

No, you have AH to access the high 16 bits of EAX, and AL for the low
16 bits of EAX. Or was that the high 8 bits of AX etc...

Apart from that, using assembler is evil (if there isn't a C language
alternative) because then your source will never run on anything
besides the processor the assembler code is written for.

Paul Slootman
isdn4linux: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ITP: freeswan

2000-08-16 Thread Rene Mayrhofer
I intent to package freeswan (currently version 1.5) and have already taken the
freeswan 1.3 package from Tommi Virtanen and the freeswan 1.5 package from Aaron
Johnson. I will merge those with my own package and hope to get something that
can be uploaded into woody in the next 2 weeks.
Since I live in Austria, uploading to non-US should be no problem and will be
accepted by the freeswan project members (they do not accept any contribution
from people living in the US).

Please CC me in replies, I am currently not subsribed to debian-devel.

best greets,

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quoting the FHS:

   Deciding what things go into sbin directories is simple: If a normal
   (not a system administrator) user will ever run it directly, then it
   should be placed in one of the bin directories.  Ordinary users should
   not have to place any of the sbin directories in their path.

   Note: For example, files such as chfn which users only occasionally use
   should still be placed in /usr/bin.  ping, although it is absolutely
   necessary for root (network recovery and diagnosis) is often used by
   users and should live in /bin for that reason.

Well, the FHS is contradicting itself here.  On one hand, it says that
ifconfig is required to be in /sbin, on the other, according to this
paragraph, since a user could ocassionally wish to run ifconfig to list
the interfaces, it has to be in /bin.  Someone should bring this up on
the FHS list.

Blindly following a contradictory standard is only going to get us into
trouble later on.

Just to rephrase my main reason for not moving traceroute, it's a tool that
is in the same category as ping/ifconfig/route, i.e., it's a network
diagnostic tool.  On Linux, ping has traditionally been in /bin while the
other three have always lived in /sbin and /usr/sbin, respectively.  Unless
there is a very good reason (for the convenience of users who should really
be changing their PATH variable is not good enough IMHO), we shouldn't move
these things around as LOCAL scripts may depend on them.

Now if a later version of the FHS unequivocally stated that all these tools
should be in /bin or /usr/bin, and as a project we decide to do that, then
we can carry out such a change in a way not dissimilar to how things were
moved around when the FSSTND first came about.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: compaq iPaq

2000-08-16 Thread Wookey
On Wed 16 Aug, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Joey Hess wrote:
  It's been pointed out that emdebian ( is
  essentilly an effort to do just this. [shrink debian to fit
 It is? I use their stuff and the main focus is cross compilers and cross
 environments for debian, not really shrinking and porting debian proper. 
 That it is, it is more tools for embedded development rather than an
 embedded operating system.

We (emdebian) want to do both these things. The latter is what is urgent
right now for developers of 'funky handhelds', but the former is also
needed for those handhelds to be of much use beyond specific vertical
applications. (the compaq research lab, who did
the port to the ipaq) is encouraging development of small-platform linux
software. Emdebian intends to use the resulting good stuff to produce a
proper small-device distro. 

The needs of genuinely embedded devices and general-purpose handheld
computers are not quite the same, but the restrictions are similar so we
hope that a distro can be produced that covers both these areas. It's an
interesting area. 

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel (00 44) 1223 811679
work: play:

Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 /* the original bogomips code from the Linux kernel */
 static __inline__ void delay(int loops)
   __asm__(.align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b: :a (loops):ax);

You can either read the GCC FAQ or the GCC info on the details of this

But in order to add some signal to this message, the above line should be
rewritten as

int bradon;
__asm__(.align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b
: =a (=brandon): 0 (loops));

 I am not an assembly guru on any architecture, but here's what I think this
 means.  Please be warned that these could be the ravings of a deranged

Which they are, as usual.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: Intel Assembly error

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 int bradon;
 __asm__(.align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b
   : =a (=brandon): 0 (loops));

Make that

int brandon;
__asm__ __volatile__(.align 2,0x90\n1:\tdecl %0\n\tjns 1b
: =a (brandon): 0 (loops));

Oh, and you should probably upgrade your kernel as this is ancient.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PROPOSED 2000/08/16] Free pkgs depending on non-US should go into non-US/{main,contrib}

2000-08-16 Thread Anthony Towns
Package: debian-policy
Severity: wishlist

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 10:25:28AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Mike Markley wrote:
  A dependency on non-us will also land a package in contrib.
 I think there was a proposal to change that, so that packages which depend
 on packages in non-US/main remain in non-US/main.

Actually, there doesn't seem to be such a proposal; there just seems to
be your (accepted) proposal to make both main and non-US/main part of
the Debian distribution.

So, let's fix that.

The principle: packages that are DFSG-free, depend on packages in
non-US/main, but are otherwise candidates for main should go into
non-US/main also. That way they're still a part of the official
distribution, but they don't come up as uninstallables for the poor
deprived US folks.

Here's a sample wording change.  It incorporates the accepted change
from #62946. It's not entirely clear where contrib packages that don't
include crypto, but Depend: on software that does (from non-US/*) would
go in the following, probably.

--- policy.text.origWed Aug 16 19:29:04 2000
+++ policy.text Wed Aug 16 20:00:31 2000
@@ -196,9 +196,11 @@
  but not every package we want to make accessible is _free_ in our
  sense (see Debian Free Software Guidelines, below), or may be
  imported/exported without restrictions.  Thus, the archive is split
- into the sections _main_, _non-us_, _non-free_, and _contrib_.
+ into the sections _main_, _non-US/main_, _contrib_, _non-US/contrib_,
+ _non-free_, and _non-US/non-free_.
- The _main_ section forms the _Debian GNU/Linux distribution_.
+ The _main_ and _non-US/main_ sections form the _Debian GNU/Linux
+ distribution_.
  Packages in the other sections are not considered as part of the
  Debian distribution, though we support their use, and we provide
@@ -282,46 +284,54 @@
   The ``GPL,'' ``BSD,'' and ``Artistic'' licenses are examples of
   licenses that we consider _free_.
-2.1.2. The main section

+2.1.2. The main and non-US/main sections
- Every package in main must comply with the DFSG (Debian Free
- Software Guidelines).
+ Every package in main and non-US/main must comply with the DFSG
+ (Debian Free Software Guidelines).
  In addition, the packages in main
 * must not require a package outside of main for compilation or
   execution (thus, the package may not declare a Depends or
-  Recommends relationship on a non-main package),
+  Recommends, or Build-Depends relationship on a non-main
+  package),
 * must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them,
 * must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.
+ Similarly, the packages in non-US/main
+* must not require a package outside of main or non-US/main
+  for compilation or execution,
+* must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, 
+* must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.
-2.1.3. The contrib section
+2.1.3. The contrib and non-US/contrib sections
- Every package in contrib must comply with the DFSG.
+ Every package in contrib and non-US/contrib must comply with
+ the DFSG.
- Examples of packages which would be included in contrib are
-* free packages which require contrib, non-free, or non-US
+ Examples of packages which would be included in contrib or
+ non-US/contrib are
+* free packages which require contrib or non-free
   packages or packages which are not in our archive at all for
   compilation or execution,
 * wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free
-2.1.4. The non-free section

+2.1.4. The non-free and non-US/non-free sections
- `Non-free' contains packages which are not compliant with the DFSG or
- which are encumbered by patents or other legal issues that make their
- distribution problematic.
+ Packages must be placed in non-free or non-US/non-free if they
+ are not compliant with the DFSG or are encumbered by patents or
+ other legal issues that make their distribution problematic.
- All packages in `non-free' must be electronically distributable across
- international borders.
-2.1.5. The non-us server
+2.1.5. The non-US sections
  Some programs with cryptographic program code must be stored on the
- non-us server because of export restrictions of the U.S.
+ non-US server because of export restrictions of the U.S. Such
+ programs must be distributed in the appropriate non-US section,
+ either non-US/main, non-US/contrib 

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Anthony Towns
FHS discuss people: where should traceroute go? Tradition dictates
/usr/sbin, the FHS seems to indicate /usr/bin would be more appropriate.

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 07:22:26PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
 Blindly following a contradictory standard is only going to get us into
 trouble later on.
 Just to rephrase my main reason for not moving traceroute, it's a tool that
 is in the same category as ping/ifconfig/route, i.e., it's a network
 diagnostic tool.

`ifconfig' and `ping' aren't really in the same category, though. ifconfig
(like route, mount, and like modprobe or lsmod) acts on local hardware,
whereas ping (like traceroute, and arguably telnet or nc) is commonly
used as a tool to investigate distant sites.

Toying with local stuff is the system administrator's playground, by
definition, but investigating remote hosts is a reasonable thing to
expect both admins and users to do. This seems to me to match at least
the spirit of the FHS's definition of sbin:

] Deciding what things go into sbin directories is simple: If a normal
] (not a system administrator) user will ever run it directly, then it
] should be placed in one of the bin directories.  Ordinary users should
] not have to place any of the sbin directories in their path.

This definition is really quite poor if you put too much emphasis on
the ever. swapon, for example, is clearly a tool for the admin,
but a user might decide one day to run it just see which version of the
program is installed on the system.

mount, and ifconfig are less extreme versions of the same thing: a normal
user can't use it to actually *do* anything, just to find out something
about the way the system's setup, which is something of an admin task.

ping and traceroute, by contrast are almost completely as useful for a
normal user as root.

 On Linux, ping has traditionally been in /bin while the
 other three have always lived in /sbin and /usr/sbin, respectively.

This is probably enough reason for the FHS to explicitly state where
traceroute should go, since /usr/sbin seems in conflict with the earlier
definition of sbin.

 there is a very good reason (for the convenience of users who should really
 be changing their PATH variable is not good enough IMHO), we shouldn't move
 these things around as LOCAL scripts may depend on them.

Similarly for /var/mail, /usr/lib/sendmail, /usr/doc, and so on, albeit
perhaps to a lesser extent.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
  -- Dave Clark

Description: PGP signature

Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Frank Smith

Wookey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed 16 Aug, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
  On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Joey Hess wrote:
   It's been pointed out that emdebian ( is
   essentilly an effort to do just this. [shrink debian to fit
  It is? I use their stuff and the main focus is cross compilers and cross
  environments for debian, not really shrinking and porting debian proper.
  That it is, it is more tools for embedded development rather than an
  embedded operating system.

 We (emdebian) want to do both these things. The latter is what is urgent
 right now for developers of 'funky handhelds', but the former is also
 needed for those handhelds to be of much use beyond specific vertical
 applications. (the compaq research lab, who did
 the port to the ipaq) is encouraging development of small-platform linux
 software. Emdebian intends to use the resulting good stuff to produce a
 proper small-device distro.

 The needs of genuinely embedded devices and general-purpose handheld
 computers are not quite the same, but the restrictions are similar so we
 hope that a distro can be produced that covers both these areas. It's an
 interesting area.

Emdebian *has* been focussed on cross tools so far, but that's about to

Right now, I'm working on the 'shrinking Debian' problem, and I think I've
come up with an interesting solution.  I'll be making an initial release
within the next week or so, but until then I'll give you a short rundown.

The problem can be split into two subproblems:

1. Specification of the system (i.e. binaries, libs, utilities
   to include, network configuration, username/password configuration,

2. Generation of the system.

1. Specification

The kernel has a specification (configuration) tool.  Why not use the same
tool to specify the operating system?  One advantage of this approach is
that you can build an operating system tightly coupled to the kernel.
For example, if you've built a kernel without modules support, then you
shouldn't offer the user the chance to include module utilities in the
operating system that goes with it.  If you haven't enabled SCSI, then
why should you have /dev/sd* etc. on your filesystem. Etc, Etc.

The following screenshots are a prototype of what I mean.  I'm basing the
work I'm doing on CML2, Eric Raymond's next generation kernel configuration
system (see  Please keep in mind that
the following menus have been slapped together with very little thought
in order to build a prototype:

 Network Configuration   (netcfg)
  User Configuration  (usrcfg)
  Shells  (shells)
  BSD Utilities (bsdutils)
  Debian Utilities   (debianutils)
  Diff Utilities(diff)
  EXT2 Filesystem Programs (e2fsprogs)
  Floppy Disk Utilities  (fdutils)
  File Utilities   (fileutils)
  Find Utilities   (findutils)
  Grep  (grep)
  GNU Zip Utilities (gzip)
  Login Utilities  (login)
  Kernel Module Utilities (module)
  Mount Utilities  (mount)
  Network Utilities  (netbase)
  Password Utilities  (passwd)
  /proc Utilities (procps)
  Shell Utilities (shellutils)
  Debugging Utilities   (sysdebug)
  System V Init (sysvinit)
  TCP Wrappers  (tcpd)

 Network Configuration
192.168. Host IP Address  (OS_HOST_IP)
 emdebian Host Name  (OS_HOST_NAME)
 255.255. Netmask (e.g. (OS_NETMASK)
 nowhere. Host 

Re: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Matthew Franz
 2. Generation
 I can imagine many different ways of building the operating system image.
 The one I'll be working on initially is a Snarf 'n' Pick implementation.
 Basically it will work by snarfing Debian packages and picking subsets of
 files from the packages.  To my understanding, boot-floppies works in a
 similar way to create rescue disks.


I think the OS-builder app is a great idea.  

Would its raw material be pre-compiled debian binary packages or would
it be able to build the system from source.  Unless there were separate
embedded .debs, I don't know that the standard binaries would be compact
enough to support limited memory/storage environments.  Take busybox.  
Based on the build instructions, the app would modify busybox.def.h and
build the binary to contain only the commands/features that were
necessary.  In many cases, the standard .debs would probably be fine, but
in some cases you would need more control over the build.

An added benefit would be if the OS-builder were modular and extensible
enough to not only configure which packages are to used but to configure
the packages themselves.  Lets say you were including apache (more likely
boa!), you would be able to specify the initial document root and other
essential variables.


 Matthew D. Franz[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Trinux: A Linux Security Toolkit

Re: Menu hierarchie for different users and general user settings

2000-08-16 Thread Bernhard R. Link
On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Andreas Tille wrote:

 interesting one for this kind of user.  So I wonder if there could
 be installed a mechanism in the menu system which serves the
 following functionality:
1. list menuitems of all installed software (the state we have now)
   for the experienced user

This together with internationalisation seems to be a very difficult goal.

I would prefer to have language and more important advantage of a user not
as fixed values but values that can be modified by user in the menu.

A very convenient way would to have the normal all-and-every-thing menu as
standards and user-definable changes on a per user basis.

Perhaps a file like 

GENERAL type child
GENERAL language german
INCLUDE xzy/exclude-non-free
RENAME_ITEM games Spielchen
EXCLUDE_ITEM games/uvw
INCLUDE_ITEM Format wie in bisherigen Menues

Where GENERAL ist just a kind of include /usr/lib/menus/stencil/$where/$what
and could be easily changed by a little programm.

(Or even the programm making the wm-configs out of this could have 
a --temp-override language xzy, which could presented in a little

It's advantage would be a very convenient way for the user to

It's disadvantage would be the enourmous amount of time to recompile all
user-settings when the main-menu-database changes.

  Bernhard R. Link

RE: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Frank Smith

Matthew Franz wrote:

 I think the OS-builder app is a great idea.  
 Would its raw material be pre-compiled debian binary packages or would

My first pass at this will be based on snarfing pre-compiled binary packages.
Simply QD, but probably useful to a lot of people.

 it be able to build the system from source.  Unless there were separate

I think building from source is a valid next step...

 embedded .debs, I don't know that the standard binaries would be compact
 enough to support limited memory/storage environments.  Take busybox.  
 Based on the build instructions, the app would modify busybox.def.h and
 build the binary to contain only the commands/features that were
 necessary.  In many cases, the standard .debs would probably be fine, but
 in some cases you would need more control over the build.

One of my thoughts was to have something like a

Use Busybox Whereever Possible

config option.  If this is set, then for each utility chosen by the user, if
there is a busybox implementation for this utility, use that instead of the
'standard' version.  

 An added benefit would be if the OS-builder were modular and extensible
 enough to not only configure which packages are to used but to configure
 the packages themselves.  Lets say you were including apache (more likely
 boa!), you would be able to specify the initial document root and other
 essential variables.



 Emdebian-discuss mailing list

Re: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Ben Armstrong
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Matthew Franz wrote:
 Would its raw material be pre-compiled debian binary packages or would
 it be able to build the system from source.  Unless there were separate
 embedded .debs, I don't know that the standard binaries would be compact
 enough to support limited memory/storage environments.  Take busybox.  
 Based on the build instructions, the app would modify busybox.def.h and
 build the binary to contain only the commands/features that were
 necessary.  In many cases, the standard .debs would probably be fine, but
 in some cases you would need more control over the build.

For the most part, I think there is enough flexibility within Debian to
pick and choose the smallest tools that will do the job from among the
binary packages.  Where Debian currently falls short, we can create -tiny
versions of packages as needed.  Most useful optimizations that can be
done at compile time can also be used to create binary packages to save
people the time and bother of compiling it themselves. 

Busybox, however, is a special case.  Looking at the boot-floppies package
in Debian, busybox is compiled specifically for boot floppies, and no
mechanism is provided for hand-picking components.  So I agree that some
sort of configuration at compile-time would be a useful.  Is busybox used
anywhere else in Debian?  It's curious that busybox isn't packaged

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[ gpg key fingerprint = 395C F3A4 35D3 D247 1387  2D9E 5A94 F3CA 0B27 13C8 ]

RE: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Frank Smith

Hi Ben,

Ben Armstrong wrote:

 anywhere else in Debian?  It's curious that busybox isn't packaged

Actually, a few weeks ago Erik Anderson wrote to tell me:

FYI, I just uploaded

to ftp-master, where it is now sitting in incoming.


Re: Menu hierarchie for different users and general user settings

2000-08-16 Thread Andreas Tille
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Bernhard R. Link wrote:

 This together with internationalisation seems to be a very difficult goal.
Yes! Fully agreed!

We have (at least) two parameters which characterize a user:
  prefered language and  knowledge state
While we could guess that the prefered language is no subject of change
and so it might be defined once per new user which is introduced top
a system (may be with an additional alternative to fall back) the
state of the users knowledge is changing.

 I would prefer to have language and more important advantage of a user not
 as fixed values but values that can be modified by user in the menu.
So a user has to be enabled to change his menus regarding to his knowledge
about the system.  The problem is that in general a (bloody) beginner
will not know, how to do that - and there's the problem.
I really don't have any slightest idea how to solve this problem.
May be we should start at first with the language problem because this
not as tricky as the other one.  (Well, it's solved for *other* OSes
and so we could solve it for sure ;-).)
The problem of overloaded menus for beginners isn't solved in other
systems, but may be somebody will have a clever idea, if there is a
request for such a thing.  That's why I expressed my idea, really knowing
that it wouldn't be solved in the next years.

 A very convenient way would to have the normal all-and-every-thing menu as
 standards and user-definable changes on a per user basis.
In principle yes, it's a first state, but it requires work of the
system administrator for those users, which aren't able to do this stuff.
 It's disadvantage would be the enourmous amount of time to recompile all
 user-settings when the main-menu-database changes.
Yes, that's a problem, but computers are going to be faster every time
and I think it will take some time until we finish this.
Kind regards


Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Steve Greenland
On 15-Aug-00, 17:12 (CDT), Eray Ozkural [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was confused by not having ifconfig in my user path. On this
 machine, there's only a dial-up net connection, and it has some small
 connectivity problems. I need to check whether the line's really up. I
 found myself going super-user to issue the command rather than running

I can see that typing 'sudo ifconfig' might be easier than
'/sbin/ifconfig', depending on how one's fingers are wired.

What I cannot figure out is why typing 'ln -s /sbin/ifconfig ~/bin'
*once* is not easier than either...


Woody goals: data section and science section

2000-08-16 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Now that potato is out, it would be nice to finally create the
proposed data and science sections.

Just a reminder.

Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Seth Cohn
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:

  Has anyone has looked into porting this [Kudzu] to Debian?
 Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
 Some time ago, Dan Helfman [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc'ed him), was busy
 packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

I recall reading a few months ago about a plan to merge ALL of the
existing hardware detection routines into one lump, in order to
consolidate work and effort.  The proposal was met with acceptance by many
(if not all) of the major developers (Mandrake, Redhat, Suse, Turbo)

You might want to do a search on LWN ( or Linuxtoday, or
elsewhere.  I did a quick look and didn't find it, but I know I read about

please post if you do find a link to it.

Re: Menu hierarchie for different users and general user settings

2000-08-16 Thread Bernhard R. Link
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Andreas Tille wrote:

 The problem of overloaded menus for beginners isn't solved in other
 systems, but may be somebody will have a clever idea, if there is a
 request for such a thing.  That's why I expressed my idea, really knowing
 that it wouldn't be solved in the next years.

What about a simple menu menu-style in the root of the menu, in which
one will find language and style. Under style there will be Entries
expert, advanged , normal , beginner , child, gamer.
When one clicks on this, a little script is started, which only makes
a sed with s/^( |\t)*global( |\t)style.*$/GLOBAL STYLE gamer/ and then
runs the program to recreate the users menu out of the global menu and the
local file, now containing an other style-include-file.
(Or even better, it only runs this programm mit parameter style=expert and
this program changes the file and recreates users menu).
This way users can easily switch their style (and also easy switch it
back), and advanged users can by the same means customize their menu
however they want to. (As the local file is only a list of let this
away,rename this,add this and include files with the global only
beeing special and easy to change forms of include-files)

  A very convenient way would to have the normal all-and-every-thing menu as
  standards and user-definable changes on a per user basis.
 In principle yes, it's a first state, but it requires work of the
 system administrator for those users, which aren't able to do this stuff.

I think when plans to modulise adduser come true, it would be easy to add
an point that only echo GLOBAL style xyz $CREATEDHOMEDIR/.mymenu
and a echo GLOBAL language xyz $CREATEDHOMEDIR/.mymenu
And switching langauge anyone should be able to do. 

  It's disadvantage would be the enourmous amount of time to recompile all
  user-settings when the main-menu-database changes.
 Yes, that's a problem, but computers are going to be faster every time
 and I think it will take some time until we finish this.

I think the proposed way could already be done now. I think when there is
consens what to do, even a worse programmer like me would need one and a
half week maximum for it. And so long would need any change in the
main-menu-database, because the menu-creater would not only to be run once
per wm but one per wm times one per user. (On an old 386 perhaps two and a
half week :-)

  Bernhard R. Link

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 09:23:11AM +0300, Eray Ozkural wrote:
  For simplicity's sake, I think it's just good enough to include /sbin,
  /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin in user's default path.
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 02:42:37AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 I think if someone has to do such a thing, then:
   a) they forgot to su root; or
   b) they don't know they need privleges to use the command in question; or
   c) the command doesn't belong in sbin anyway.

While I agree with your thinking, I think you've left out a case:

d) they don't know about an alternative command which is already in
their path.  [For example: netstat -er gives the same information 
as route.]

While I'm on this subject, I should mention: the man page for the netstat
in netbase 3.18-1 claimed: netstat -ei will print a table or a single
interface entry just like ifconfig does.  This is true for the netstat
in net-tools 1.57-1, but was blatantly false for the netstat that came
with netbase.  Strangely, the manpage in net-tools doesn't document this
behavior (nor the netstat -er behavior).

I wonder if this new lack of documentation should be considered a bug?


Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Seth Cohn
 I recall reading a few months ago about a plan to merge ALL of the
 existing hardware detection routines into one lump, in order to
 consolidate work and effort.  The proposal was met with acceptance by many
 (if not all) of the major developers (Mandrake, Redhat, Suse, Turbo)
 please post if you do find a link to it.

reply to my own request:

It was on this list I saw it (gee, how nice), and Dan Shearer
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was organizing it.

Wichert replied to his request for help and said he'd love to see this
happen, and pointed Dan to boot-floppies as the group to work with for
Debian.  Dan replied with a long post quoting his plan and more.

the thread was in May 2000,
starts the thread
contains Dan's proposal

Re: Non-US Incoming

2000-08-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Michael Sobolev wrote:
 Is it possible to access this for non-developers?



 /   Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool \
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 12:18:14PM -0700, Steve Bowman wrote:
 OK, how about moving everything into /bin except what FHS specifically
 says should be in /sbin?  Section 3.10[0] identifies the following
 specifically to be located in /sbin:

We can put everything in /bin and make /sbin a link to /bin.
This way the utilities the FHS liste can be found in /sbin, but there
physical place is elsewhere. This does not violate the standard.

(The Hurd has a symlink from /usr to /, this way everything is in /bin and
/sbin, this doesn't violate the FHS either).

 For those few remaining executables, people can make a symlink, change
 their PATH, create an alias, or type /sbin/ first.  Of these, probably
 only ifconfig and route are used by many non-root users (although Joey's
 got a point).

I think it makes sense to go the full nine miles if you start heading this


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian Check Key server 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNUhttp://www.gnu.orgfor public PGP Key 

Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Chris Lawrence
On Aug 16, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
 Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
 Some time ago, Dan Helfman [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc'ed him), was busy
 packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

Dan has reasonably up-to-date packages of libdetect and HardDrake
(Lothar) at

I uploaded an earlier release of libdetect to Incoming as Dan's
sponsor, but it's been languishing there for weeks.


Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 02:34:26PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
 We can put everything in /bin and make /sbin a link to /bin.
 This way the utilities the FHS liste can be found in /sbin, but there
 physical place is elsewhere. This does not violate the standard.

This has nasty implications with the current implementation of dpkg,
given that /sbin is currently a real directory on debian systems.


Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 07:22:26PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
 Well, the FHS is contradicting itself here.  On one hand, it says that
 ifconfig is required to be in /sbin, on the other, according to this
 paragraph, since a user could ocassionally wish to run ifconfig to list
 the interfaces, it has to be in /bin.  Someone should bring this up on
 the FHS list.

I agree with that much.

 Blindly following a contradictory standard is only going to get us into
 trouble later on.

Blindly following your fiat declarations about traceroute are getting us
into trouble now.

 Just to rephrase my main reason for not moving traceroute, it's a tool that
 is in the same category as ping/ifconfig/route, i.e., it's a network
 diagnostic tool.  On Linux, ping has traditionally been in /bin while the
 other three have always lived in /sbin and /usr/sbin, respectively.

You can have consistency or you can have tradition.  You can't have both,
so cut it out.  Either move ping or move traceroute.

Incidentally, if one wants to argue by analogy, traceroute is more similar
to ping than it is to ifconfig or route, because both traceroute and ping
actually send ICMP packets out over the interface, and neither ifconfig nor
route do.  Under such reasoning, traceroute uncontrovertibly belongs in
bin, since the FHS explicitly says ping should go in bin.

 Unless there is a very good reason (for the convenience of users who
 should really be changing their PATH variable is not good enough IMHO),
 we shouldn't move these things around as LOCAL scripts may depend on

LOCAL scripts should do things the right way.  I.e., not depend on the
exact installed pathname of a program that should be in the $PATH.  (Yes, I
think unprivileged scripts wanting to call traceroute should add /usr/sbin
to their $PATH.  The fact that they have to do this is evidence of the
breakage you have caused, not a defense for leaving things as they are.)

 Now if a later version of the FHS unequivocally stated that all these tools
 should be in /bin or /usr/bin, and as a project we decide to do that, then
 we can carry out such a change in a way not dissimilar to how things were
 moved around when the FSSTND first came about.

I see.  So you'll stonewall on each and every command in sbin you maintain
until the FHS explicitly decrees that they move to bin.  This is
unacceptable, and is why I argued elsewhere for a Debian policy that
removes these decisions from discretion of the package maintainer; thanks
to you, we've seen that package maintainers can't be trusted with this

G. Branden Robinson |
Debian GNU/Linux|   The noble soul has reverence for itself.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   -- Friedrich Nietzsche |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 08:34:09PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 This definition is really quite poor if you put too much emphasis on
 the ever. swapon, for example, is clearly a tool for the admin,
 but a user might decide one day to run it just see which version of the
 program is installed on the system.

Well, let's not get carried away.  That's a diagnostic on the tool itself
and tells you nothing about the system.  If all an unprivileged user of a
command can do with a program is get help, the version info, its license,
and similar bits of info, I don't think it qualifies for /usr.  After all,
such things can be (and often are) in the program's manual page, and we
don't leave section 8 out of users' MANPATHs.

Contrariwise, you can't read ifconfig's manpage to find out what interfaces
are currently up on your system.

G. Branden Robinson | It doesn't matter what you are doing,
Debian GNU/Linux| emacs is always overkill.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | -- Stephen J. Carpenter |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 10:53:51AM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 02:42:37AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  I think if someone has to do such a thing, then:
a) they forgot to su root; or
b) they don't know they need privleges to use the command in question; or
c) the command doesn't belong in sbin anyway.
 While I agree with your thinking, I think you've left out a case:
 d) they don't know about an alternative command which is already in
 their path.  [For example: netstat -er gives the same information 
 as route.]

I don't think it's feasible for a standards body or a package maintainer to
make case-by-decisions on the location of a tool based upon the
functionality of every other tool that might provide that functionality.
This would lead to an unstable environment, where the presence of route in
bin would justified if and only if nothing else could show you the routing
tables.  This would also differ on a system-by-system basis as users have
different packages installed.  Should route go into bin for users that
(somehow) don't have netstat installed, but sbin for users that do?  It
makes no sense.

In other words, I think the choice of directory should be controlled by
factors intrinsic, not extrinsic, to the program in question.

G. Branden Robinson |  One man's magic is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux|  engineering.  Supernatural is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  null word. |  -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Jacob Kuntz
Marcus Brinkmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 We can put everything in /bin and make /sbin a link to /bin.
 This way the utilities the FHS liste can be found in /sbin, but there
 physical place is elsewhere. This does not violate the standard.
 (The Hurd has a symlink from /usr to /, this way everything is in /bin and
 /sbin, this doesn't violate the FHS either).

i'm no expert on capabilites, but won't their addition null the need for
sbin directories? i mean, you could have a uid that can bring up interfaces,
but not halt the machine. or even, halt the machine but not alter partition

also, i don't know how comitted debian is to using capabilites. either way,
'insmod asbestos_underware'.

jacob kuntz

Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Dan Helfman
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 08:46:38AM +0200, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
 Thus spake Colin Walters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I noticed the other day that recent versions of RedHat use something
  called Kudzu (sp?) to do this.  When I took out the network card, it
  warned me that some hardware was missing, and offered to change some
  things to compensate.
  Has anyone has looked into porting this to Debian?
 Currently, in Debian it is being used by sndconfig. It was written
 specifically for Redhat though and does some things (like editing
 /etc/conf.modules, linking devices in /dev/) which are probably not
 desirable in Debian. The detection part can probably be used, though.
 Mandrake, too, includes a hardware detection libarary (libdetect). 
 Some time ago, Dan Helfman [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc'ed him), was busy
 packaging it. Dan, have you had any luck yet adapting it to Debian?

Yup, libdetect required very little in the way of modification and works
fairly well on Debian. Harddrake (formerly Lothar) is the GUI and
console interface for libdetect. It handles autodetection and
configuration. Harddrake did require some modifications to work with
Debian's modutils, and those patches have now been integrated into the
upstream source.

 When a hardware detection library is available, I think I'm going to
 rewrite sndconfig specifically for Debian instead of editing the Redhat
 package. Maybe a more general program, which can detect and configure 
 various kinds of hardware, should be created though.

You might try playing with Harddrake to see if it suits Debian's needs
for this sort of thing. It has both Gtk and Newt interfaces.

And by the way, Harddrake also has a kudzu mode that can be called from
boot scripts. I haven't tried it out yet, but it's intended to do much
the same thing as Redhat's kudzu.

 Kind regards,
 | Bas Zoetekouw  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
 || que l'on va faire, a quoi|
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | bon le faire?|
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Pablo Picasso  |

Dan Helfman
UCLA Linux Users Group:
My GnuPG key:

build dependencies

2000-08-16 Thread bug1
It would be cool if packages had better support for build dependencies
so its easier/more reliable to build from source.

There would probably have to be a set of source base packages defined
somewhere that are required as a base for building, but not a base for
regular usage as base is currently defined.

Better support for building from source could be very handy as the
number of architectures increases.

Maybe we could even have support in the installer to build from source,
that way if the source was distributed with a minimal amount of binary
packages for each architecture everything else could be built on the

Not ideal, but good if a user wants to experiment on a second


Re: build dependencies

2000-08-16 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 2817T040155+1000, bug1 wrote:
 It would be cool if packages had better support for build dependencies
 so its easier/more reliable to build from source.


 There would probably have to be a set of source base packages defined
 somewhere that are required as a base for building

Why source packages?

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

Debian entry out to date in Distribution HOWTO

2000-08-16 Thread Manuel Menal
Hi all,

Translating the Distribution-HOWTO, I noticed that the Debian Linux
entry in this HOWTO was seriously out to date since it hasn't been
 since July 1998, when hamm was released ! Furthermore, it talks
Debian Linux instead of Debian GNU/Linux. I know this HOWTO is
out to date (there was a Yggdrasil entry until this year !), but that
would be
good for Debian to offer a correct and up to date information to the
newbies who reads the HOWTOs. We all know that the beginners who
the HOWTOs before installing Linux will finish anyway by using Debian
So, if anyone is volunteer, please read the section Submissions to
this document
before contacting Eric S. Raymond -- aka esr -- 

Thanks in advance,


Re: build dependencies

2000-08-16 Thread Peter S Galbraith

bug1 wrote:

 It would be cool if packages had better support for build dependencies
 so its easier/more reliable to build from source.

Something like this?

Source: gri
Section: math
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Peter S Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Build-Depends: debhelper, netcdfg-dev, tetex-bin, texinfo
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper, tetex-bin, texinfo, imagemagick, info, gs, gsfon
Standards-Version: 3.1.1

 There would probably have to be a set of source base packages defined
 somewhere that are required as a base for building, but not a base for
 regular usage as base is currently defined.

Something like this?
 Better support for building from source could be very handy as the
 number of architectures increases.
 Maybe we could even have support in the installer to build from source,

Something like this?

# apt-get source --compile gri

Or have I missed something?


Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Bryan Andersen
 Perhaps not. But a traceroute in /usr/bin would satisfy more people than
 a traceroute in /usr/sbin.

Traceroute is a diagnostic command.  As such it isn't general use.  
When a user or administrator is using it it is because of unusual 
conditions.  My opinion is to leave it in /usr/sbin.  Let them type
a few extra characters, or add the sbin directories to their path.

The same can be said of ping, but ping existed before the bin/sbin
split.  As such there is legacy code that expects it to be there.

If one really wants it in the general users path, then run a symbolic 
link back to the original from the appropriate bin directory.

|  Bryan Andersen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |
| Buzzwords are like annoying little flies that deserve to be swatted. |
|   -Bryan Andersen|

Problem with apt on slink systems

2000-08-16 Thread Alexander Reelsen

I've just noticed a problem, when I wanted to install a package on an old
slink system.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# grep ^[^#] /etc/apt/sources.list
deb slink main contrib non-free
deb-src slink main contrib non-free
deb slink non-US
deb-src slink non-US
deb slink updates

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# apt-get install zsh
 [... Everything fine here ...]
Get:1 slink/main zsh 3.1.2-10 [591kB]
Err slink/main zsh 3.1.2-10
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/shells/zsh_3.1.2-10.deb: No such
file or directory  '
Failed to fetch
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/shells/zsh_3.1.2-10.deb: No such
file or directory  '
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe try with --fix-missing?

Where the heck the word 'stable' comes from? I removed my hole
/var/state/apt/ and I do not know where it comes from. Hardcoded anywhere
perhaps? Or did I miss something grave?

MfG/Regards, Alexander

Alexander Reelsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   GnuPG: pub 1024D/F0D7313C  sub 2048g/6AA2EDDB
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 7D44 F4E3 1993 FDDF 552E  7C88 EE9C CBD1 F0D7 313C
Securing Debian:

Re: Problem with apt on slink systems

2000-08-16 Thread dsb3

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# grep ^[^#] /etc/apt/sources.list


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# apt-get install zsh


 Where the heck the word 'stable' comes from? I removed my hole
 /var/state/apt/ and I do not know where it comes from. Hardcoded anywhere
 perhaps? Or did I miss something grave?

Did you 'apt-get update'?

I'm not an apt-get internals expert but perhaps it cached the 'real' paths
to the ftp/http locations instead of the symlinked ones so they are now
all out of whack.

Which makes me think - is it still possible to apt-get a slink update now
it's fallen off the stable/frozen/unstable chain?


Re: Problem with apt on slink systems

2000-08-16 Thread Alexander Reelsen
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:53:03PM -0700, dsb3 wrote:
  Where the heck the word 'stable' comes from? I removed my hole
  /var/state/apt/ and I do not know where it comes from. Hardcoded anywhere
  perhaps? Or did I miss something grave?
 Did you 'apt-get update'?

 I'm not an apt-get internals expert but perhaps it cached the 'real' paths
 to the ftp/http locations instead of the symlinked ones so they are now
 all out of whack.

 Which makes me think - is it still possible to apt-get a slink update now
 it's fallen off the stable/frozen/unstable chain?
As addition: I checked the ftp and it is ok, the symlink is ok, the
package is there in the slink tree, but still stable is requested. A
friend of mine has the same problem with his slink, seems to be

MfG/Regards, Alexander

Alexander Reelsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   GnuPG: pub 1024D/F0D7313C  sub 2048g/6AA2EDDB
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 7D44 F4E3 1993 FDDF 552E  7C88 EE9C CBD1 F0D7 313C
Securing Debian:

Re: Problem with apt on slink systems

2000-08-16 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Alexander Reelsen wrote:

 Where the heck the word 'stable' comes from? I removed my hole
 /var/state/apt/ and I do not know where it comes from. Hardcoded anywhere
 perhaps? Or did I miss something grave?

The slink package files have this inside.. That needs to be changed by us.


RE: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Eric Molitor

Ag, evil. If you plan to use busybox upgrade to .46 there are some serious
problems with .45 in regards to tar and nfs.

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Frank Smith wrote:

 Hi Ben,
 Ben Armstrong wrote:
  anywhere else in Debian?  It's curious that busybox isn't packaged
 Actually, a few weeks ago Erik Anderson wrote to tell me:
 FYI, I just uploaded
 to ftp-master, where it is now sitting in incoming.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:31:47 -0500 (+), Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 07:22:26PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
  Well, the FHS is contradicting itself here.  On one hand, it says that
  ifconfig is required to be in /sbin, on the other, according to this
  paragraph, since a user could ocassionally wish to run ifconfig to list
  the interfaces, it has to be in /bin.  Someone should bring this up on
  the FHS list.
 I agree with that much.

What so wrong with user tools in */bin and sysadmin tools in */sbin.
As an advanced user, I always put /sbin and /usr/sbin in my PATH, whatever
the unix I'm on.

People who know about ifconfig should know enough to add /sbin and /usr/sbin
to their PATH IMO.


Windows NT - Unix in beta-testing.   PGP key available on public key servers
Debian GNU/Linux  -*-   because I'm allergic to Prozac   -*-

Re: ITP: Moscow ML - An implementation of standard

2000-08-16 Thread dvdeug
Torsten Landschoff said:
 I don't quite remember. I think I contacted inria (they hold the Caml
 copyright) about changing that but to no extent. I am not sure if changing
 the MoSML license would help - at least it has to go to non-free then. 
 I did not want to maintain a non-free package at that time so I gave up 

They changed the license on OCaml to the QPL recently. It's not GPL compatible,
and it's not the nicest license in the world, but it is a free license the 
Moscow ML
people could work with.

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread James Ralston
On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Anthony Towns wrote:

 FHS discuss people: where should traceroute go?  Tradition dictates
 /usr/sbin, the FHS seems to indicate /usr/bin would be more


IMHO, the deciding factor should be whether traceroute is installed
setuid root.

If traceroute is *not* installed setuid, then normal users cannot do
anything useful with it except perhaps get usage information (which is
already covered in the man page).  Therefore, putting a non-setuid
traceroute binary in /usr/bin is pointless; it should go in /usr/sbin
because it is only useful to root.

If traceroute *is* installed setuid, then implicitly, it is intended
for non-root users to run.  Otherwise, there would be no need to
install it setuid.  Therefore, if a setuid traceroute binary exists on
the system, it should be in /usr/bin.

I suppose one could argue that a setuid traceroute binary could be
intended for non-root system accounts to run (i.e., still not be
intended for all regular users), but personally, I think that would be
a stretch.

James Ralston, Information Technology
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Re: Embedded Debian (was: compaq iPaq)

2000-08-16 Thread Erik Andersen
Quoting Ben Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 sort of configuration at compile-time would be a useful.  Is busybox used
 anywhere else in Debian?  It's curious that busybox isn't packaged

debian developer and author/maintainer of busybox hat on

For woody, we are creating a new section of the Debian
archive for the debian-installer (new name for the boot 
floppies).  BusyBox will be a stand-alone package  in that
section (actually, there are two busybox packages -- busybox
and busybox-static, which is statically linked with everything
turned on for rescuing your system when it is hosed).

To build .debs of busybox, grab the source (either from 
CVS on, or from released tarballs)
just run 'dpkg-buildpackage' and it'll build.  Next week
as we start ramping up for woody, the new archive section will
probably be showing up on mirrors and busybox .debs will be

The source code in the boot floppies CVS tree is out of date,
since we froze it quite a while ago, and has a number of bugs
(none release critical, but some a bit annoying) that are fixed
in the latest and greatest...


Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--

Re: Installing packages without manpages and docs

2000-08-16 Thread Marc Haber
On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:53:30 +0200, Paul Slootman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon 07 Aug 2000, Marc Haber wrote:
 Is there any way to make apt-get stop installing packages' man pages
 and documentation? I never actually tried that, but would symlinking


That's bad. Anyway, I can stop searching now, thanks.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Office Suite for Debian Linux

2000-08-16 Thread Sam Sim
Dear Debian Linux,

I am familiar with you operating system and wanted to contact you.  I
represent VirtualTek Corp. here in Seattle, WA.,  Our
flagship product, Joydesk, is a web-based PIM application (email, calendar,
address book, message board and task list), designed specifically for Linux
platform.  It is also designed with the SME and SOHO market niche in mind,
to set up an instant Intranet solution.  When available, I would like to
contact you, as we will be in your area towards the end of September.  If
you would not have any objection, I would like briefly stop by your offices
to show a quick demonstration of Joydesk and discuss potential OEM/bundling
opportunities with your distribution, if it may present itself.  Thank you
for your time, and I look forward to your response.

Best Regards,

Sam Sim
Business Development
VirtualTek Corporation
Ridgewood Corporate Center
Building E, Suite 201
170 120th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98005
v: 425.450.9494 x 16
f: 206.374.2856
c: 206.852.9954

Enabling a Wireless World.

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Raul Miller
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:40:42PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 In other words, I think the choice of directory should be controlled by
 factors intrinsic, not extrinsic, to the program in question.

I think this is a reasonable viewpoint.


Unofficial packages for Postaci

2000-08-16 Thread Murat Demirten

I've preapared a deb package for postaci. Postaci is a PHP based POP3
e-mail client that stores e-mail in virtual MySQL tables. It supports
English, German, French, Turkish and is also fully MIME compatible.

I cannot upload the packages because I'm not an official developer. I will
be glad if someone test this package. 

The address is:
deb binary-all/

Murat Demirten
Ege University Computer Engineering

Re: Office Suite for Debian Linux

2000-08-16 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
Hello Sam,

Debian is an effort driven by volunteers. Our focus is free software,
although we also provide ftp space for non-free software which can be
distributed in debian format at no cost, if there is a volunteer to
maintain it for Debian.

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 04:01:00PM -0700, Sam Sim wrote:
 I am familiar with you operating system and wanted to contact you.  I
 represent VirtualTek Corp. here in Seattle, WA.,  Our
 flagship product, Joydesk, is a web-based PIM application (email, calendar,
 address book, message board and task list), designed specifically for Linux

I visited your web site and could not find out any information regarding the
license under which you distribute joydesk. Debian, as a volunteer effort
driven by a community, does not promise to ship any software package, but if
there is a volunteer to package it for Debian, and it is free software,
nobody will prevent its inclusion into Debian. Our definition of free is
strong, and can be found at

We request the source code and everyones right to modify and distribute modified
versions as source code and binaries. Even if you have no free license for
your software, a volunteer might want to package it for the non-free area of
the ftp archive, but less likely so. Note that in any case non-free software
can not be part of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, and there must not be
a royalty for a copy of your software.

 When available, I would like to
 contact you, as we will be in your area towards the end of September.

Debian is spread all over the world, and there is no authority you can
contact about this matter. There are no offices. The best way to make sure
your software gets included into Debian is 1. Give it a free software license,
2. Have some employee join Debian and package your software for Debian.

The second step might not be necessary if your software is interesting
enough for a volunteer who already is or wants to become a Debian maintainer
to package it for you.

I hope this email sheds some light on the issue you are facing. The free
software community is not organized like a company, and Debian is a
non-commercial volunteer effort right at the heart of the movement.
Please understand that we can not accommodate ourselve to your corporate
needs, but we will be happy to not stand in your way if you want to
contribute to our efforts.

Thank you,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian Check Key server 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNUhttp://www.gnu.orgfor public PGP Key 

Bug#69271: general: why not a praise tracking system?

2000-08-16 Thread Joost Kooij
Package: general
Version: 2816
Severity: wishlist


Debian has for years maintained an excellent bug tracking system.

What I am missing is a praise tracking system.  It would operate
similarly to the b.t.s.; users could:

- send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to have their recognition
  for a debian package registered and forwarded to the maintainer
- visit to inspect appraisals 
  submitted for package.
- use a command-line tool /usr/bin/praise to facilitate the process
  of giving praise to debian packages.
- send acknowledgements and append their own success stories to 
  active appraisals in the a.t.s. to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and change various praise
  control fields.



PS: I was really just reading /usr/bin/bug, trying to figure out
how to submit bugs in helixcode to their b.t.s.  Then I found the
pieces of code that handle /usr/share/bug/* customization files
to be included by debian packages.  This is really nice work, and
I felt like telling so the bug maintainer.  Then I figured that 
while there is an excellent infrastructure for bug tracking, there 
is no such thing whatsoever for praise tracking.

-- System Information
Debian Release: woody
Kernel Version: Linux calypso 2.2.14 #1 Fri Jan 7 20:24:30 CET 2000 i586 unknown

Linux Users Forum and Awards Presentations - 30 Oct 2000 - Wash. D.C. AWARDS... EXHIBIT AND SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES

2000-08-16 Thread David C. Dickson 

First Annual Linux User's Training Conference 
Awards Presentation

New Enterprise Solutions Through Linux

October 30, 2000

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.
Atrium Ballroom


Event Sponsors: 
* CIS Global 
* Aronson, Fetridge,  Weigle 

... new sponsors to be announced.

Purpose of Conference:

Twenty-six percent (26%) of federal installations have reported use of the 
operating system in their organization, as reported by IDC.  IDC also estimates 
that most of the government's sophisticated, back-office computers will be 
Linux by 2002.  Just when agencies are turning to enterprise-wide solutions 
and mainframe class applications, the Linux operating system offers a new and 
exciting alternative.

This will be a one-day conference that will present agency plans and strategies 
for deploying new and innovative Linux applications. 

The conference will focus on those Linux applications that are in the early or 
test bed stage AND will likely evolve into enterprise-level deployments.

Who Should Attend:

* Government technical managers
* Agency executives
* Program managers
* Agency e-commerce planners
* Companies with Linux related products and services
* Government executives responsible for enterprise applications
* Military command and control officers

What Attendees Will Learn:

* Where and how Linux is being used
* New plans for enterprise applications
* Innovative ideas and strategies
* New opportunities for Linux products and services
* Agency plans for new and innovative enterprise applications

Recognizing Technical Achievement:

Also at this conference, awards will be presented to those U.S. government 
that have taken a technology leadership role in developing innovative Linux 

Award categories to be considered: 

* Innovative applications
* Enterprise-wide applications
* Military Command and Control
* Electronic Commerce
* Science and Research
* Mobile Office and Portable Applications
* Management and Leadership  

Candidate projects will be submitted to a joint industry-government team for 
evaluation and selection.
The winners will receive recognition at the event, with their agency, and in 
the press.

Members of the evaluation team include:

* INPUT Federal
* Federal Executive Review Panel 
* Mr. Art Chantker, President, The Potomac Forum Ltd., Chair

Please survey your agency and department.  If your organization has one --or 
more -- Linux applications in the early stages of evaluation, planning, test, 
or deployment -- tell us about your project and the team running it.  Initially 
we only need a max of 1 page summary of the project and a point of contact at 
the team so that we can obtain additional information as needed.  Closing date 
for submission of your candidate project teams is 7 September 2000. 

How to submit your project for consideration:

Outline for Candidate Submission
1. Name of project, Department/Agency.  Phone, email and web site contact 
for Team/Project Leader and team members.
2. Brief description of the project.  Focus on the application, reason for 
of Linux.  Status.
3. Potential Impact.  If the project or test is successful, describe the 
of the deployment and impact on the project and/or government enterprise.
4. Contractor(s) supporting the project (if any) and Point of Contact

The First Annual Federal Users Training Conference will also highlight the new 
and exciting applications that are in place today and are in development. 
demonstrations and presentations will allow federal users to become informed 
of new Linux products and services.  

Agency presentations will focus on projects in the early stages that will 
innovative enterprise-level applications.  Leaders will be recognized for their 
contributions and technology innovation. 

Please respond today with your candidates.  

Submit your candidates by email or fax to: 

Federal Linux Users Forum
Market*Access International
Suite 810
5454 Wisconsin Avenue
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Phone:  301-652-0810
FAX:  301-652-0914

Potomac Forum Ltd and Market*Access are independent organizations not 
or supported 
by any Linux supplier or manufacturer.   

See our current list of sponsors and find out how you can become one! 
Government training forms and credit cards accepted.

The registration fee for this important training conference is: 

Government Credit Card or Check in Advance:  $295.00
Government Training Forms/Purchase Order:  $345.00

Re: Bug tracking system and testing distribution Re: Potato now stable

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Christoph Martin wrote:
 We have a problem with the bug tracking system as long as we can't
 really find out to which versions of a package a bug really
 applies. We only mosttimes have the version of the packages where a
 problem showed up. But we don't know if the bug was introduced with
 this version or also applies to older ones. And in the case of
 different distributions, if the bug was reported eg. for frozen we
 don't know if it also exists in newer versions which are allready in
 unstable. This is also a problem if a bug which is in one distribution
 (like frozen or stable) gets fixed in another (unstable). Another
 issue is, that some bugs only appear in special architectures (like
 hurd, or powerpc). We really need a way to specify exactly to which
 version a version applies.
 As long as we don't have this feature we can't really get the
 testing distribution to work.

Well this is why bug reproducability is so important. I don't see how a
magic bullet to fix this issue is at all possible though.

see shy jo

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Brian May wrote:
  Steve == Steve Greenland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Steve Which reminds me, what sort of security is enabled in
 Steve debconf? Can any user read the values from the database, or
 Steve is it limited to root?
 Not sure about this (on my system only root can read /var/lib/debconf),
 Steve An attempt to use db_get as a regular user, but only
 Steve because the current backend tries to write a temporary file
 Steve to var/lib/debconf (I think) (line 229 in,
 Steve potato version).
 not sure how well temp files are managed.

Belive it or not, I know how to safely manage temp files and protect
sensitive information with unix permissions.

 I was told though, for the purpose of Heimdal-kdc, to put it in the
 postinst directory. This means it doesn't have to get stored in the
 database.  ie the postinst script does a db_get followed by a

I told you this because you stressed it was very very important. Really
sheer paranoia though.

see shy jo

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Brian May wrote:
 Just curious, why does realplayer have to do it in the postinst

Actually, I was misremembering -- it used to do that but I removed it.

 As another example though, look at heimdal-kdc, which needs to ask for
 the password, which must be kept as secure as possible.

I think we decided it was woth it from a paranoia standpoint to ask for
this passowrd in the same program that used it. Debconf should handle
passwords safely though.

see shy jo

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Branden Robinson wrote:
 To be frank I'm not distressed by the thought of lots of programs moving
 from sbin to bin, or even the elimination of sbin altogether.

Perhaps it would be neat to move back to what sbin was orginially used
for -- static binaries. Erik Andrerson has a whole slew of them (busybox
et al) that are just looking for a home.

see shy jo

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Hmm. Lets step back here, and take a deep breath. What we need
  to consider is whether the underlying principle is desirable -- does
  it make sense to have two separate path components? The rationale was
  that for the common user, there are programs that are not used very
  often, and may not even work when invoked, and thus tend to only
  confuse the uninitiated, and annoy enerally by messing up command

   The question that seems to want to be raised is whether this
  is true? Are people really confused more by having extra commands
  available, or are they confused by _not_ havingcertain commands

Sounds fine to me.

   The irony is, of course, that the people generally making such
  decisions (like this forum) are rarely a decent sampling of the user
  base, or the hypothetical Joe user. 

Maybe we should ask our users then?

   As to mount telling us what is mounted, so does df, and cat
  /etc/mtab. again, not enough to move mount; unless one is being

I dont follow this. 'echo *' can tell me what files are in a directory;
a system without ls in path is still broken. I don't see how mount is
much different. Regular users *often* want to mount/unmount/check mount
status of removable media. And it's in /bin now, so isn't this a red
herring anyway?

see shy jo

Re: policy changes toward Non-Interactive installation

2000-08-16 Thread Joey Hess
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Actually, this is a particular irritant. Why does it have to
  be done in the postinst? Why can't I have /usr/sbin/inst-realplayer?
  So I can download and install at my leaisure, and I do not have to
  reinstall realplayer installer to get a new copy? Or have the stupid
  thing want to connect out every time there is a minor upgrade to the

The package is intended to enforce two invarients:

1) If it is installed, realplayer is installed.
2) If it is installed and current, the current version of realplayer is

If you don't want to download realplayer right now, why are you
installing the package? If you don't want to upgrade realplayer right
now, why don't you put it on hold? The package system allows the things
that annoy you to be worked around in a consistent way.

see shy jo

Bug#69271: general: why not a praise tracking system?

2000-08-16 Thread Brian May
 Joost == Joost Kooij [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joost What I am missing is a praise tracking system.  It would
Joost operate similarly to the b.t.s.; users could:

Joost - send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to have their
Joost recognition for a debian package registered and forwarded
Joost to the maintainer involved.  - visit
Joost to inspect appraisals
Joost submitted for package.  - use a command-line tool
Joost /usr/bin/praise to facilitate the process of giving praise
Joost to debian packages.  - send acknowledgements and append
Joost their own success stories to active appraisals in the
Joost a.t.s. to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - send mail to
Joost [EMAIL PROTECTED] and change various praise control
Joost fields.

Sounds like a good idea, eg to help motivate maintainers fix

Submit a bug to the BTS with severity: praise?

[ when are you going to fix the 10 bugs against your package? oh,
sorry they are praise bugs ;-) ]

Or, redesign the BTS so it can better handle the growing number of
applications (WNPP,praise tracking,etc) (eg fields specific to each
application, instead of using the title for this purpose)?

Or an alternative I haven't specified.

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Steve Greenland
On 16-Aug-00, 12:31 (CDT), Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Blindly following your fiat declarations about traceroute are getting us
 into trouble now.

What trouble is that?  I don't consider having to type /sbin/traceroute
or add /sbin to my path trouble.

The constitution clearly says that maintainers have control over their
packages. We have agreed that we'll follow Debian policy. Given the lack
of policy on this particular topic, Herbert is perfectly within his
rights to determine the location of traceroute, unless overridden by the
technical committee.

Since I've yet to see a truly technical reason to move it, I hope the
committee won't interfere. Yes, if we were starting from scratch, it
probably makes more sense to put it in bin, but it's simply not that big
a deal.

FWIW, I hope that policy won't take this up...detailing the /sbin - /bin
location of explicit programs is bound to be an exersize in frustration.


Bug#69271: general: why not a praise tracking system?

2000-08-16 Thread Seth Cohn

Joost What I am missing is a praise tracking system.  It would
Joost operate similarly to the b.t.s.; users could:
Sounds like a good idea, eg to help motivate maintainers fix
I think it would be good just to alert people to real well done packages 
(for instance, excellent debconf script, etc) to help teach new 
maintainers, or to find the best of a bunch of similar packages (there are 
HOW many Tetris clones? :) )

Submit a bug to the BTS with severity: praise?
Why not?  I don't think we need more than 2 or 3 levels of praise:
recommended, exceptional, outstanding
[ when are you going to fix the 10 bugs against your package? oh,
sorry they are praise bugs ;-) ]
The bug tracking can ignore bugs of that level (if normal bugs are 1-10, 
these would negative numbers of severity)

Or, redesign the BTS so it can better handle the growing number of
applications (WNPP,praise tracking,etc) (eg fields specific to each
application, instead of using the title for this purpose)?
Agreed.  Makes LOTS of sense to start planning this now...  BTS changes 
(for origin, etc etc,) can all be done over time, including this major change.

Letting a maintainer know you really like their work is good feedback, and 
we should encourage that.  Developers who don't want to hear or see praise 
can always filter it out (maybe even a setting in BTS: don't praise me, 
praise me digested, praise me all the time)

the name of bugtracking software can be symlinked to 'praise' and detect 
what it's running as, to remove the complaint nature of the 'bug' and turn 
it into compliment

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Herbert Xu
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Incidentally, if one wants to argue by analogy, traceroute is more similar
 to ping than it is to ifconfig or route, because both traceroute and ping
 actually send ICMP packets out over the interface, and neither ifconfig nor

Hmm, I didn't know that traceroute sent ICMP packets by default.  Are you
sure you are talking about /usr/sbin/traceroute?

Anyway, from my personal experience,
ifconfig/route/ping/traceroute/snmpnetstat are often used together to
diagnose problems (or just waste time and bandwidth).
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

I propose gazillion packages (LONG)

2000-08-16 Thread Juhapekka Tolvanen

First I'd like to tell, that I don't subscribe to debian-devel, but I can
read its archives from WWW. And I am not a Debian developer. 

I propose these packages to be added to Debian GNU/Linux. I have proposed them
once before, but they are not yet added.



Personally I do not use CAD-software, but this is so ueber-cool thing that
I just can't help informing you all about this:

A CAD-software called Varkon is now available under the terms of GNU GPL.
It would be nice to make it available as Debian-pacakge.

Somebody was packaging this package, but haven't heard about it then.

 * * *

The Electric VLSI Design System is a complete Electronic Design Automation
(EDA) system that has a long history. Electric can handle many forms of
circuit design. And now it is under the terms of GNU GPL! I don't think,
that I would need this program, but others might be very interested.

* * *

This company called BeOpen has some cool free pieces of software for
programming. And they seems to be GPL'ed

OO-Browser is already packaged, but not that InfoDock. I'd like to use them,
when I learn more programming. AFAIK If you download InfoDock, it has
OO-Browser and Hyperbole included. And if you download OO-Browser, it has
Hyperbole included. 

 * * *

Saint has been developed from SATAN. It seems, that it is not free software.
But feel free to debate about it in a mailing-list called debian-legal.
I use this software myself, and I really like it.

 * * *

COPS - security tools for unix. Available in many security-related
ftp-sites, for example:

 * * *


Security analysis program.

 * * *

The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT):

The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT) is a collection of tools that are either oriented
towards gathering or analyzing forensic data on a Unix system. 

 * * *

Here is some other security tools, you might be interested:

 * * *



They are both Norton Chance Directory-clones and licenced under GNU GPL.
I use them both myself and can't decide, which one to choose.

 * * *



Extended and advanced ls-replacement. Not unlike already-packaged limo.
I use them both myself and can't decide, which one to choose.

 * * *


XMLterm - A graphical command line interface. If you don't understand, check
out those screenshots. 

 * * *


rpl is a UN*X text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new
strings in multiple text files. It can scan directories recursively and replace
strings in all files found.

I use this software myself, and I really like it.

 * * *

Yes, we have that xsidplay, but it uses qt-libraries, and therefore it is
not in main-directory. Zsid is under GNU GPL. I would actually use this

 * * *


Gnome-front-end for PostgreSQL. GPL'd.

 * * *


Needed by gASQL.

 * * *

Who's Afraid of C++? - the WWW version

Review on Slashdot:

Other On-Line Books of Steve heller:

But I can't find any licence information.

 * * *

Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)

A little bit like Gnome DIA. Can be used as CASE-tool.

 * * *


 * * *


Convert asp to php. 

Licence: GPL

 * * *

GVD, the GNU Visual Debugger
 * * *

UNIX Bourne Shell Programming

 * * *
Open Inventor

Open InventorTM is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive
solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a
programming model based on a 3D scene database that dramatically simplifies
graphics programming. It includes a rich set of objects such as cubes,
polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D
viewers, and editors that speed up your programming time and extend your 3D
programming capabilities. 

Licence: GNU LGPL.

 * * *

OpenSource-programs of Applix Inc.

Linux Palm Desktop
Applix SHELF
Linux Stoctracker

Is dh_installxfonts okay?

2000-08-16 Thread Atsuhito Kohda
I am not sure and I am afraid I might misunderstand something
but I wish to know...

Several xfonts-* packages seem to fail removing fonts.dir/alias
on removing or purging.  The postrm of them has 

  for currentdir in $fontdirs; do
  if [ -d $longdir ]; then
  for file in fonts.dir fonts.alias; do
  rm -f $file

and I wondered rm -f $file should be something like
rm -f $longdir/$file?

What do I misunderstand at all?

And one more question.  Some packages do not add their entry
(FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/.../) to /etc/X11/XF86Config 
, for example xfonts-cyrillic, xfonts-naga10 etc., is this okay?

Thanks in advance,  2000.8.17

 Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

Re: Office Suite for Debian Linux

2000-08-16 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Sam Sim wrote:

 Dear Debian Linux,
 I am familiar with you operating system and wanted to contact you. 

Wow.  How familiar can he be?

 we will be in your area towards the end of September.

   I would like briefly stop by your offices

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-16 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 01:18:39PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 02:34:26PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
  We can put everything in /bin and make /sbin a link to /bin.
  This way the utilities the FHS liste can be found in /sbin, but there
  physical place is elsewhere. This does not violate the standard.
 This has nasty implications with the current implementation of dpkg,
 given that /sbin is currently a real directory on debian systems.

Are you sure? I believe this bug's been fixed in the dpkg in potato.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
  -- Dave Clark

Description: PGP signature