Re: hacking your car

2014-02-11 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 01:26 AM, Wookey wrote:
> Anyone trying to win an argument by suggesting that changing bits of my
> car is a _bad_ thing has a very cock-eyed view of the world.

Ever heard of the German TUEV?


They will show you who is cock-eyed and, trust me, it's certainly
not them or me.

Driving a car with arbitrary modifications is illegal in most
countries. You are NOT allowed to replace anything you want
and that for a reason - safety.

> I've changed all of those bits on my cars at some point, and the fact
> that it was relatively simple to do was, and is, a good thing. I've
> never owned a car with a warranty, and as they only come with one for
> the first few years, they are not that relevant to the majority of
> vehicle ownership.

I was not talking about replacing spare parts but replacing them
with new parts. And believe me, I have been diassembling and reparing
things for 25 years of my life now :).

> Hacking is good. Replaceable parts with vaguely standard, or at least
> discoverable, interfaces is also good. This is just as true in cars as it
> is in computers. PLease don't try to tell us that hackability and fixability 
> is bad.

No one is keeping you from hacking. You are free to do whatever you
want. The point is simply that the ability to hack Debian should not
make the life of package maintainers and average end users more


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: hacking your car

2014-02-11 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 02:21 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> I agree wholeheartedly with Wookey on this.  If systemd were actually some
> sort of closed black box, I would not want to run it on my systems.
> (a poem)

Seriously, Russ, you should be a writer or a politician *. You're a
wizard with words. I enjoyed reading that :).



* = alternatively, the CEO of that fruit company from Cupertino

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: OpenRC

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/11/2014 09:53 PM, Игорь Пашев wrote:
> The discussions on init system have discovered much energy of
> developers and users,
> so I think they are able to use that energy to support multiple systems :-)

No, please don't. I'd rather have other DDs use this energy and
help me (and paultag) go over mentors to support people getting
their new packages into Debian or adopting orphaned ones.

Mentors is way too often neglected in my opinion.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: its developers and its users. [was: something from util-linux]

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 12:26 PM, Oleg wrote:
>   I do my job. And i have no enough time to do a job of others. This is a
> strange logic: if something goes wrong, we must throw our work and do a work
> of others.

But you obviously have enough time to join this discussion and ask
questions that have been answered at least several dozen times.

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 11:28 AM, Oleg wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 03:47:59PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> systemd is used as the default init system in:
>> - Fedora
>> - Arch Linux
>> - Mageia
>> - openSUSE
>> - SLES (upcoming)
>> - RHEL7
>> - Frugalware
>> - (see Wikipedia)
>   And what is this prove? That a small part of a distro dev team choose to use
> a systemd? Where are votes of all distro users?

Those are among the most important distributions which attract most
users and developers. So, it does prove that systemd has already
a large market share.

>> Plus companies like Intel and BMW are using it in their embedded platforms.
> Plus many other companies that doesn't use it. And how embedded platforms 
> belong
> to desktops and servers?

The point is that multi-billion dollar companies invest money into the
development of systemd and therefore support and push it which will
mean everyone else who uses it profits from that.

>> What I don't get is why are those people trying to push Debian's decision 
>> when they are primarily using a different platform. But I guess it's pure 
>> politics and trying to push their own projects.
>   I'm using debian and i don't want to use systemd in any form (with gnome3, 
> etc).

That's ok, you don't have to use it. Yet, we have chosen it to be the
default and you should accept that.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 11:33 AM, Oleg wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 08:37:59PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> On the other hand, what companies and distributions and companies
>> actively support Upstart and OpenRC.
>   Is this important?

Yes, it is. Large market share means large interest of developers
means steady and fast progress.

> Or our way is to make init such a complex, that it
> can be supported only by companies?

No. You are turning my argument upside down.

> If you want company support use RedHat.

If you want to use sysvinit, don't use Debian.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 11:53 AM, Oleg wrote:
> Why do i need an unneeded layer for this - journalctl?

We have discussed this over and over again and there is tons
of documentation and discussions explaining the reasoning
behind that.

Please do your homework yourself and stop asking the same
questions over and over again.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: its developers and its users. [was: something from util-linux]

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 12:59 PM, Svante Signell wrote:
> And you seem to have infinite amount of time defending systemd, please
> do some work as Debian Developer too (your hundreds of replies are
> annoying)!

Ranked 4th:


So, I guess I am doing "some" work :).


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 02/12/2014 01:04 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 02/12/2014 03:01 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> Why not stop here with OpenRC and call it day?
>> You cannot always win in life :).
> Short version:
> Why don't you just call it a day, and let me work on what I wish? What
> is your problem with me working on it???

My problem is your attitude. I don't have any problems to let you work
on what you want, as I said before, I appreciate your work. However,
I have a problem with how you reacted when it was clear that your
favored system would not be chosen as default. All kinds of accusations
against members of the TC ("OpenRC was not considered at all") and
being huffy like a little child that didn't get what he wanted [1].

My statement about letting go was about you accepting that the TC
has made up their minds, nothing else.

> Longer version:
> Part of why I work on OpenRC is because I find it fun, when I'm tired of
> doing the OpenStack packaging (which is maybe 75% made of very
> repetitive Python module packaging) and need recreation with my
> computer. And doing so, I believe it's producing something useful, and
> which seems to gather some interest (which is very hard to evaluate how
> much), which is enough to motivate me.

Good. At least you're being honest now. It's your hobby.

> That you don't believe in the technology is a well established point,
> and we all got it. Nobody needs another occurrence of this. And the fact
> that you don't find this work useful will not change *ANYTHING* to this
> Adrian. Even with all what you wrote, you didn't succeed in destroying
> the fun I have hacking OpenRC.

Then why on earth are you reiterating your points over and over again
and acted like that when you didn't get what you want? Just accept
it and move on. No one keeps you from hacking on OpenRC and I *never*
said you should stop doing that, as I said in a previous mail, I
appreciate your work.

> This is the first instance I see in Debian of someone trying to convince
> another person to *not* work on something. Please give up trying to
> convince me not to do what I do, I'm a grown up, and I can decide for
> myself.

I was *NOT* trying you to convince you to stop working on something,
you are putting words into my mouth that I never said. I said, you
should stop trying to push your opinion about what should be the
default init system when the committee has already made it's decision.

And now, I'm out of this discussion, the decision has been made and
I have been threatened with violence - twice.

Happy OpenRC hacking (no, don't mean this sarcastically!)


> [1]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 01:49 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 02/12/2014 01:27 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate what you and the other
>> maintainers are working on. But I think that it's not leading
>> anywhere.
> That's entirely your view, and it's fine if you have it. Though *we got
> your point* Adrian, no need to insist more. It's perfectly fine if we do
> not agree.

Dude, it was you who has been constantly posting on that topic, not
me. Look at the debian-ctte archives. You're - again - behaving
as if you're somewhat more important than I am. Don't be so
derogative and arrogant, it's utterly annoying. Especially when you say
WE as if you're talking for everyone else.

If you ask me to shut up about this discussion, then you yourself
should do it as well. Don't be such an hypocrite.

>> The only advantage I have with OpenRC is its portability
> IMO, it's not, though I believe it is useless to discuss it with you.
> This very sentence is the proof of that.

Please, Thomas, just stop discussing this topic and I will do so
as well. Please, for the sake of peace, ACCEPT that the TC has
made their choice and the choice was NOT OpenRC. And don't take
this as the message to stop working on what you like, but as the
message that the TC has made a decision and you should stop
questioning it. We seriously need to move on!

Again, I don't want to discuss this anymore.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/12/2014 03:35 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> To sum up what Adrian wrote, according to him, I'm:
> - derogative
> - arrogant
> - utterly annoying
> - hypocrite
> - and finally, I wasn't honest before
> Well done... ! Anything else?

Telling me to shut up and using sentences like "we get it" while you
keep the right for yourself to continue arguing is derogative, arrogant
and hypocrite, yes.

> Adrian, your insults aren't welcome in this list.

Again, are you the listmaster or DPL or what? You continue to behave
that way, yet you claim those are insults.

You know that you did this before and you apologized to me in private.
If you like, I can post this mail to the public list. You said the exact
same things before and I have heard other Debian Developers who think
the same way about you.

Your problem is that you can't accept defeat. Again, just read your
own post:


Also, please count how often you posted to debian-ctte and how
often I posted to debian-ctte. That's why you're being hypocrite.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Bug#727708: [DONE] Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

2014-02-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Hash: SHA256

On 02/12/2014 04:07 PM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Thomas, John: could you please move your personal argument
> off-list?

I already said I wanted to stop posting and asked Thomas to do the
same. I don't want to discuss this anymore since the TC has come
an conclusion. I would like to continue with my sponsoring work


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 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: systemd2init PoC

2014-02-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/14/2014 12:01 PM, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> I have hacked together a PoC systemd2init shell script on top of
> augeas-tools (you need at least jessie version) to autogenerate sysv-rc
> script out of simple service file.

Cool! Thanks for hacking this together. I'd guess this could be
very helpful during the transition.

There has been a similar project during a Debian GSoC project, have
you looked into that as well?



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Honestly, f__k systemd and f__k lennart, and f__k the fans of them. Where's linus in all of this?

2014-02-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/14/2014 07:59 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> That IS twisting things in true pro systemd style.

That's not twisting, he is just asking for something proof such claims,
nothing more.

> It would seem wrong (again this is
> before I've found time in looking at the details of the members
> reasoning) to outright consider 4 for systemd against 4 for the others
> as a decision in favour of systemd?

The TC acted in compliance with the Policy, so there is nothing wrong
with the result. I don't understand why you are questioning it.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/15/2014 09:22 AM, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> So, before doing so: will that be helpful?

I think most people simply don't configure PulseAudio correctly. They
have the assumption that sound cards are still simple devices with
one input jack and one output jack and any application using it just
has to find the sound card and output its audio signal.

It's not as simple as that anymore. Modern audio codecs have tons of
options and volume controls, and - from my experience - most problems
to PulseAudio relate to the sound card being incorrectly configured.

To resolve this problem, people then try to use tools like alsamixer
and naturally, since alsamixer doesn't know anything about PulseAudio,
it cannot fully configure it.

So, in order to be able to properly configure PulseAudio, install
"pavucontrol" or use the sound preferences in GNOME3 or MATE (with
the package mate-media-pulse being installed).

Then run pavucontrol or the MATE/GNOME sound preferences and make
sure that:

* the proper sound card has been selected (it might be set to
  HDMI audio if your graphics card has HDMI)
* the proper sound output/input you want to use
  is selected and not muted
* the sound card is set to Analog Duplex Stereo

When using MATE, make sure you are actually the PulseAudio control
panel, not the old ALSA-type one, those are not the same.

There are some pitfalls when using PulseAudio and expecting it to
behave exactly like plain ALSA. PulseAudio provides much more features
and possible configuration settings, so one has to be sure to get
these right.

I also highly recommend asking in the #pulse-audio channel on FreeNode
(if I remember that that was the proper name of the channel). Those
people are awesome and it usually takes a few minutes and you have
your problem resolved.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/15/2014 08:42 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:
> If any configuration is required, that is a bug in pulseaudio.

According to that logic, half of the software in Debian is broken.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/15/2014 08:59 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Steve Langasek  writes:
>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 09:58:05AM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>>> I think most people simply don't configure PulseAudio correctly. They
>>> have the assumption that sound cards are still simple devices with one
>>> input jack and one output jack and any application using it just has to
>>> find the sound card and output its audio signal.
>> If any configuration is required, that is a bug in pulseaudio.
> I'll agree with that.  Audio really should just work unless the hardware
> configuration is particularly strange.

So, if your computer has several sounds cards - which is the case when
you have both a sound card and HDMI audio - how is PulseAudio supposed
to know which sound card to use? This is in no way different to plain

FWIW, sound works in 99% of the cases right after a fresh install.
Problems like the one described by Christian usually occur on systems
which have been undergone several configuration changes and upgrades,
i.e. old systems.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/15/2014 09:23 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Whenever someone says "I installed pulseaudio and my sound stopped working",
> the right answer is *not* "here are some tools that let you reconfigure
> pulseaudio".  The right answer is "let's figure out how to fix pulseaudio so
> that this doesn't happen".

The problem is that many people who complain about PulseAudio issues
are often prejudiced about it in the first place such that they aren't
actually interested in having the problem fixed but rather just want
to get rid of it and uninstall it. Trying to debug the problem in such
cases is very difficult.

> And to the extent that Debian users are unhappy with pulseaudio as a
> default, it's because others have been trying to blame the user for the
> problems instead of constructively engaging to *fix* pulseaudio.

I think the reservations are mutual. If your attention as a user is
"I'm too lazy to take a second to look into how PulseAudio actually
works and what box I have to check.", you can't expect us on the
other side to be happy to help as well.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/15/2014 10:12 PM, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> In data sabato 15 febbraio 2014 21:52:24, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz ha 
> scritto:
>> The problem is that many people who complain about PulseAudio issues
>> are often prejudiced about it 
> Well I am now biased against pulseaudio. But let's look at the facts: it 
> comes 
> by default, in the last 3 desktop machines that I've installed, it prevented 
> any audio to be heard.

Meh, I don't want to start another flame war. It works fine for me and
for all users (~1000) at my Physics Department where we deploy Debian
Wheezy with PulseAudio enabled with people using all kinds of desktops
and window managers. The times when it didn't work were before Wheezy.

>> actually interested in having the problem fixed but rather just want
>> to get rid of it and uninstall it. Trying to debug the problem in such
>> cases is very difficult.
> Reporting bugs doesn't really help very much

Well, Anton couldn't reproduce the bug, so you probably didn't
provide enough information.

Again, from my experience with over 1000 users and around 200
machines running Wheezy with all kinds of desktop environments
and window managers, it works. And most of our users are by
no means computer experts.

But again, I don't want to argue.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
  `-GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/16/2014 12:39 AM, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> Hm.. Please let me copy and paste some passages from that bug-report:
> I said: "If you are willing to help, I am willing to cooperate and send you 
> configuration and details about my system."
> To which I got this answer: "No, thanks. See my previous answer." (I think 
> referring to the fact that he isn't an expert).

Well, I'm sorry but I would have probably reacted the same. You were not
reporting a bug, you were just ranting.

Did you really expect to get a reasonable reply to that?

> So I just went on with my life without pulseaudio. What else was I supposed 
> to 
> do?

How about writing a proper bug report without being so hostile?

>> Finally, if you set out with a hostile tone, don't be surprised if you get
>> less than exemplary communication back.
> That is true. Keep in mind that the email was written after I had installed 
> an 
> IM client, and then after a while my media player had stopped working, and 
> that had taken me a few hours to pinpoint. Not the most obvious correlation 
> to 
> find.

That might be an explanation but still not an excuse, sorry.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
  `-GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-16 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/16/2014 01:05 PM, Alessio Treglia wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 12:50 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
>  wrote:
>> Well, I'm sorry but I would have probably reacted the same. You were not
>> reporting a bug, you were just ranting.
> If you are willing to help, I am willing to cooperate and
> send you configuration and details about my system.
> It is perhaps a matter of sensitivity, definitely it does not sound as
> "ranting" to me though.

Sorry, but no. Re-read his bug report, he was incredibly impolite.
Again, I would have reacted the same way. You reap what you sow.

I happened to watch a FOSDEM talk on exactly that matter yesterday,
I highly recommend it for anyone who participates in open source
communities [1].


> [1]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-16 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 08:37 AM, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
> It might just be that DDs/"computer experts" just have more customized setups
> that break in interesting ways when effort isn't spent porting the 
> configuration
> changes to a new system. What follows is "$new_thing sucks because $feature in
> $old_thing that I customized half a decade ago and forgot about doesn't work. 
> If
> I, a DD/'computer expert' can't get it working, how could it ever be suitable
> for a layman?"

Exactly what I have been thinking all the time. And I find the argument
"all DDs are computer experts, so if they can't get it working it
must be broken" a particularly bad one.

Just because someone is a computer expert doesn't mean they
automatically understand how each peace of new software works. And
people who are advanced with computers usually tend to follow their
own old pattern when trying to fix problems instead of being open
to new methods. Thus, chances are they are trying to fix a problem
the wrong way.

As an example, most users who use systemd probably still restart
services using "/etc/init.d/ restart", just because it works.

It's also noteworthy that complains about PulseAudio usually come from
advanced users. I haven't heard my mom complain about sound problems
on her netbook running Ubuntu, for example.

> (Speaking from my own personal experience here, with a 6-year-old Ubuntu
> installation upgraded ~12 times with ~3 botched upgrades, and an even older
> $HOME).
>> I'm also convinced that it should be possible to have a working default
>> pulse setup. Emitting sound on all available sound output by default,
>> and making sure that the level isn't zero upon install, seems like a
>> sensible thing to do.
> Ubuntu appears to get it right. I haven't seen a fresh Ubuntu installation 
> that
> had broken sound for a very long time now.

Exactly my second argument. If Pulse-Audio was actually broken as it is
often described, Launchpad's bugtracker would be full of complaints, is


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 08:44 AM, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> ]] John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
>> So, if your computer has several sounds cards - which is the case when
>> you have both a sound card and HDMI audio - how is PulseAudio supposed
>> to know which sound card to use? This is in no way different to plain
>> ALSA.
> Use all of them.  Most of them most likely aren't connected to anything,
> so sending a signal there is harmless.

I don't know whether this is a good idea. What if I want to listen to
something over my headphones which I don't others want to hear and
I know about this "feature". I expect the sound to be over headphones
only, yet it's blasting over the internal speakers as well and
everyone in the room can hear me as well.

>> FWIW, sound works in 99% of the cases right after a fresh install.
> Please provide the data you base this claim on, from a statistically
> significant sample of Debian installations.

No problem. Will do it later today when I have some time. I'll collect
the default desktop, the amount of users and the number of machines
and the amount of support requests regarding audio if that's ok.

>> Problems like the one described by Christian usually occur on systems
>> which have been undergone several configuration changes and upgrades,
>> i.e. old systems.
> If the configuration you get from install + upgrade is different than
> just installing a newer version, that's a bug.

Well. You can't blame PulseAudio if you have an .asoundrc in your home
directory which configures your sound card incorrectly.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: IA64 removal from unstable and experimental

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 12:50 PM, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> And ia64 is now gone from unstable and experimental since last Saturday.

And isn't it going to become a port like all the other dropped


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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 01:37 PM, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Why can you not simply say something like: "Well yes, there seem
> to be some problems and we will try to fix them if we can get hold
> of enough input. You DDs should be able to provide decent information
> to help track the problems down."

Then why on earth aren't those people who are affected providing some
more information?

This is exactly what I was talking about: If your solution is
unstalling an affected package, then you're obviously not
interested in fixing it in the first place.

If you want me to help you with your problem, you need to provide
something I can work on. Just claiming it doesn't work isn't helping
in this situation, I don't have a crystal ball I can consult in this


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 02:03 PM, Wookey wrote:
> No it wasn't. He explicitly said 'I'll spare you my rants', and _didn't_
> put in a big rant about how PA is a PITA. Yes it had some 'tone' due to
> be filed just after being very annoyed by some problem. Sometimes that
> happens. As a maintiner you have to look past that. The very next
> message said 'I'll provide details if someone will help debug'. That
> should have been taken at face value, and then this bug might have
> actually helped solve the problem.

Did you read Anton's reply at all [1]? He said, he isn't the original
maintainer of the package, but he just looked at the bug because
it was tagged as RC during the Wheezy freeze. In fact, I talked
with the current maintainer of PulseAudio yesterday and he said
he could need some help.

Anton could not reproduce the bug, hence he lowered the severity
to prevent this bug to be a show stopper for the release. I do
not see anything wrong with that.


> [1]

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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 03:47 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Your tendency to rewrite things that I write in a wrong way is annoying.

You wrote:


However, the fact that multiple DDs, which I do consider all as computer
experts, failed to have a working setup, can only lead to the conclusion
that there's something wrong which has to be fixed, especially if it
comes by default with Debian. If DDs can't go around the issues and just
feel that it's not worth spending more time, imagine with someone that
isn't a computer expert...


I wrote:


Exactly what I have been thinking all the time. And I find the argument
"all DDs are computer experts, so if they can't get it working it
must be broken" a particularly bad one.


I don't see how I am rewriting things in a wrong way. Do you want to
argue about the exact meaning of "broken" now?

Now, since this isn't really leading anywhere, could we maybe focus
on how we could help Sjoerd with the PulseAudio packaging? I found
a new contributor on Mentors who is willing to join the packaging
team and we can help by doing reviews or providing bug reports/patches.

There is a new version of pavucontrol on Mentors which I (or Sjoerd)
are going to sponsor.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/17/2014 05:25 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 02/17/2014 11:03 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> I don't see how I am rewriting things in a wrong way. Do you want to
>> argue about the exact meaning of "broken" now?
> Indeed, words are important. For me, when I read "broken" it means bugs
> upstream, and I'm convince the problem is configuration, which is a
> completely different thing.

Ok, just take it with a grain of salt next time. You know what I wanted
to express which is that just because someone is a DD, they do not
automatically know the solution to every problem.

In any case, since you mentioned that you have an .asoundrc in your
$HOME, it might be noteworthy to add what people using PulseAudio
should have in this file:

pcm.pulse {
type pulse

pcm.!default {
type pulse

ctl.!default {
type pulse

This basically tells ALSA applications - which don't know anything
about PA - to use the PulseAudio-ALSA backend. Thus, such applications
think they use an ALSA device when, in fact, they use PulseAudio.

These show up as ALSA in the "Applications" tab in the PA sound
preferences during playback.

It might be sensible to add a global asound.conf in /etc/ to resolve
this issue for every ALSA-only application.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: systemd's journal

2014-02-18 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/18/2014 10:03 AM, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Thanks. Unlike tools like xz, just installing systemd does have
> side-effects on the system. These are usually considered bugs and
> quickly ironed out, but I believe some are still present in the wheezy
> package and I am thus reluctant to install wheezy's systemd on a
> production system. This problem will solve itself over time.

Yeah, no one said that. systemd for Wheezy is out of the question,
I don't understand why you even need to bring that up. Even
upstream clearly says you shouldn't be using such an old

> The other argument I saw in the discussion was "journalctl is just a
> tool like xz, go and install it". It's not. There is xz-utils on
> kfreebsd-amd64, but there is no systemd there (sorry for reiterating
> this one).

So? In what situation is it impossible for you to get your hands on
a Linux live medium? Are you trying to construct a situation where
you are stranded on a lonely island with your Linux installation
broken and all you have is a live medium with Debian/kFreeBSD?

The package zfsutils isn't available on Linux either [1], so
I guess you won't be able to repair your corrupted ZFS filesystem
with a Linux live medium in such a situation.

I don't understand such arguments, those are strawman arguments
in my opinion.


> [1]

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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-18 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/18/2014 11:51 AM, Andrew Shadura wrote:
> The only time I has somehow working PulseAudio was when I installed
> Ubuntu on a computer I was going to sell. However, it had some
> extremely weird behaviour: music did play only as long as I was on the
> same virtual console as the X server — as soon as I switched to vt1,
> sound disappeared. To me, it's an obvious misfeature, which doesn't
> exist when I'm using just ALSA and nothing more.

That works here just fine, just tested it while listening to music
on Youtube. You really must be doing something completely wrong
when you are having so much trouble with Pulse Audio.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-18 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/18/2014 12:13 PM, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> In data martedì 18 febbraio 2014 12.03.57, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz ha 
> scritto:
>> That works here just fine, just tested it while listening to music
>> on Youtube. You really must be doing something completely wrong
>> when you are having so much trouble with Pulse Audio.
> A certain number of users seem to be having troubles with pulseaudio, yet you 
> keep insisting that it's just their fault and that since you can't reproduce 
> (have you even tried?) then the problem doesn't exist.

If you were really interested in fixing the problem, you wouldn't be
here posting on debian-devel but instead doing some experiments and
research to pinpoint the problem and writing a detailed and
useful bug report. Complaining on debian-devel doesn't do anything.

I always take the time to do fresh installations and run tests
in order to provide some more data instead of just "it doesn't
work". You seem to forget all the time that we are all volunteers
and thus if you want to have a problem fixed, you need to invest
something as well.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 09:29 AM, Mario Lang wrote:
> I am sorry, both are not an option for me, since alsamixer is a ncurses
> program, and pavucontrol apparently requires $DISPLAY to be set.
> I guess that explains why the accessibility community has
> problems with PA.

What's wrong with the accessibility mechanisms provided in GNOME
(screen reader, magnifier)? (Serious question). I had the impression
that accessibility works rather well in GNOME and upstream actually
puts efforts into making that happen.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 04:20 AM, wrote:
> OpenRC needs a proper directory structure in /run/openrc to track the
> status of services. It is handled by and friends, you may need
> to hack that.

So, OpenRC actually also relies on files - like System V Init - to
track the state of a service? Isn't that approach somewhat unreliable
and hacky?


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 11:38 AM, Jean-Christophe Dubacq wrote:
> Not the same accessibility. And the screen reader will not work if PA
> does not work.
> This is quite difficult to debug remotely; if the user cannot describe
> the output of
> commands, then we are doomed.

Doesn't this perfectly apply to ALSA as well? Having to rely on
using a screen reader when trying to debug problems with your sound
card sounds like a chicken-and-egg question to me.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Hash: SHA256

On 02/21/2014 11:56 AM, Paul Gevers wrote:
> I think the point of Mario is that people like him don't have a DE,
> but work from console. I haven't checked, but apparently
> pavucontrol needs an X-session to show itself. Of course ALSA has
> the same problem that if you don't hear it you can't change it, but
> at least it doesn't require an DE just to change your sound
> settings (to get it to work).

There are a couple of command line utilities to control Pulse Audio in
the package "pulseaudio-utils". But I haven't used it that much to be
able to assess whether it provides the features Mario needs.



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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 01:00 PM, wrote:
>> So, OpenRC actually also relies on files - like System V Init - to
>> track the state of a service? Isn't that approach somewhat unreliable
>> and hacky?
> I bet you are going to tell me the only reliable and non-hacky way to
> track the state of a service is not forking/writing to files but
> starting it foreground by a long-living daemon. I agree with you.

Well, I was thinking about something like CGroups. I don't like the
idea of having to rely on files for an init system to be able to
track the processes it has started.

I agree and understand that this was the way to go back in the old
days, but we shouldn't be using that on current setups.

At my department, we stumbled right over this design when the /var
filesystem was full and System V Init could no longer create PID
files to be able to track services, yet it started services without

Since we had to restart our dhcpd several days on a particular day,
System V Init was unable to track whether the daemon was already
running and we ended up with several dozen instances.

Sure, it's probably a bug in the init script used as it didn't
check for enough disk space and wasn't failing when the disk is full.
But again, this is a core component depending on external scripts
being bug free which is not the correct approach when you are
aiming for something robust.

> OpenRC leverages cgroups when available. We are also working on a plugin
> framework for external supervisors such as djbtools, runit and s6 (maybe
> launchd, smf, systemd, ... as well if they're hackable) to do this
> foreground status tracking while integrated with OpenRC: We are not
> there yet though.

Can external supervisors like djbtools or runit actually reliably track
processes and if, yes, how? From my understanding, it's impossible
to be able to really track a process once it has started when
you don't have the possibility to use something like CGroups as
services could always just double-fork. The tracking has to be
done through a mechanism provided by the kernel, doesn't it?

And grepping through the output of "ps" or similar is not what
I would consider reliable and robust either.

> These advanced features are optional. We can still use the unreliable
> and hacky way of trakcing files when the task is trivial, like a
> personal VPS or laptop which do not care much about running sshd/httpd
> for 3 years non-stop.

Sure, I fully agree. But there are actually many enterprises who
need something with 99% service availability. Our department
runs a webserver, a login node for 1200 users and a large compute
clusters with over 200 nodes and an SGI UV1000 (1024 CPUs, 2 TiB),
so we need something which is able to control resources and track
processes. Many enterprises and websites run Debian.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: pulseaudio related problems....

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 03:28 PM, Mario Lang wrote:
> No, you have summarized it pretty neatly.
> I just don't consider an X11 program a true alternative to a ncurses tool.

Did you give pulseaudio-utils a try then? They don't require X.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-21 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/21/2014 11:38 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> previously on this list contributed:
>>> And grepping through the output of "ps" or similar is not what
>>> I would consider reliable and robust either.  
>> Nod. grepping `ps` is what we should avoid at all cost.
> All cost? While I like OpenRC and thanks to Gentoo for it and like
> your mention of each to there own (I am no old-nerd by the way). I have
> to disagree.

Kevin, I don't think you understand the reasoning behind this. Again,
the problem the init system has to solve here is being able to track a
process with a 100% accuracy, so whatever automated mechanisms you have
configured when certain situations occur, they have to find the correct
process to work on as to not kill the daemon instance you actually
still need.

And, to my current knowledge, this is not possible without a mechanism
like CGroups. Whether you rely on PID files or grep through the output
of "ps" or use "pidof", either of them are fragile and prone to fail.

I elaborated in my actual real-life case how PID files are prone to
failure - I am aware that the situation with the full filesystem
shouldn't occur in the first place, but, well administrators are just
humans after all - and, using "ps" to track the process you are looking
for to be able to restart, stop or kill it, can obviously be easily
tricked into failure as well. Just imagine some other (malicious)
process using the same name as well or when you need to control
different instances of the very same process. "pidof" might help
when you have the full path. But how does that keep you from working
on the wrong instance?

I have been looking for a solution of solving that problem without
CGroups, but I haven't really found one yet.

Do you know one?


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/23/2014 12:32 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
>> I agree and understand that this was the way to go back in the old
>> days, but we shouldn't be using that on current setups.
> But you aren't planning on running openrc at all, are you?

No, and I don't see any compelling reason why I should. With systemd
there is one mature solution that does the job well and which is adopted
by most other distributions now.

I was merely expressing that I think that CGroups are an indispensable
if you're planning to use Debian to build modern productive systems with
high availability in mind.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:43:14PM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> Since you aren't a user nor are going to be a user of openrc, I don't
> see why you feel the need to critique it, especially on debian-devel
> where the majority of subscribers are just not interested.

Well. OpenRC was up for discussion as the default init, wasn't it?

> You don't care about KFreeBSD, I don't care about KFreeBSD, but some do
> so why not leave them to it and focus your energy on something you do
> care about?

That's correct. However, the problem with kFreeBSD is that I - as a
package maintainer - have to invest extra time to make sure my
packages don't FTBFS on these architectures as otherwise my packages
wouldn't be allowed to migrate to testing. Time which I rather invest
into more important packaging work.

That would be the same as me forcing everyone else to make sure their
packages build fine on m68k even though it has zero relevance.

When Michael Stapelberg asked the audience eduring one of his talks
[1] whether any of them was using the kFreeBSD port, not a single
person was raising their hands, yet everyone else has to deal with it
and yet some people lose their minds when it doesn't get the same
attention as the Linux port.


> [1]

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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 08:50:13PM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> sysv-rc wins...
> With useless stats, we can say useless things.

Two things:

- virtually everyone installs systemd in parallel, not by installing
  systemd-sysv as this means you don't have an easy way of going
  back to System V Init in case you shoot yourself into the foot;
  you just install the package and point your init to the systemd

- System V Init is the current default, of course it's installed
  on virtually all systems


Those are the proper stats to be used and you clearly see the trend.

And like your pet project - OpenRC - my pet project - the m68k port -
isn't very popular either:


And I am not complaining that we're not making it a stable release,
simply because it's pointless with a documented user base of 9.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

2014-02-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 08:45:10PM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 02/23/2014 07:32 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> On 21 Feb 2014, at 12:22, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> I agree and understand that this was the way to go back in the old
> >> days, but we shouldn't be using that on current setups.
> > 
> > But you aren't planning on running openrc at all, are you?
> No, he's just planning on more pointless critics.

Hooray, another init system war on debian-devel on a sunny Sunday!

I know, reliable service starting and process tracking is completely
pointless and setting architectures with a neglectable userbase is
what we should all invest our efforts into.

I'm out, the weather is too nice :).


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Bug#568303: can-utils Debian package

2014-02-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Hello Alexander!

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:44:48AM +0400, Alexander GQ Gerasiov wrote:
> Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:30:05 +0400
> Alexander Gerasiov  wrote:
> > Sorry guys. I'm totally busy with other tasks last month :-(. As I
> > remember your package is quite ready for upload, so I'll do it
> > tomorrow (without my changes, just add myself as an uploader if you
> > don't mind). Ok?
> As Uwe is worried about correctness I'd like to mention, that I did not
> use his package as the base for last upload, but incorporated some of
> lines he wrote into my package.

That doesn't sound plausible to me given the fact that you imported
his debian/rules file and commented out his overrride_dh_* statements

If you had incorporated some of his changes, you'd just have use the
default rules file from the template.

You should also have asked yourself why Uwe had added those overrides
and not just silently commented them out. If someone adds extra
overrides, he usually has very good reasons. You should have asked Uwe
about that.

The package currently also includes the debian/README.source template
and git-related files (.gitignore, gbp.conf).

As someone who is sponsoring very often and has some experience with
reviewing packages now, can-utils wouldn't have passed my quality
requirements in its current state.

I can therefore fully understand that Uwe is upset and I think it
would be best if you asked the FTP Masters to have the package set to
REJECT in NEW and get into touch with Uwe to coordinate improving the

> Package is in new queue right now and will be soon available in
> unstable repository.

It's actually been set to not be reviewed before February 28th to be
able to discuss this matter first.



> [1] 

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Bug#568303: can-utils Debian package

2014-02-24 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 02/24/2014 09:25 AM, Uwe Kleine-König wrote:
>> You should also have asked yourself why Uwe had added those overrides
>> and not just silently commented them out. If someone adds extra
>> overrides, he usually has very good reasons. You should have asked Uwe
>> about that.
> This is wrong, the overrides are not from me. d/rules seems to be
> Alexander's (well, or Joey Hess' and Craig Small's) work.

Ok, then I misunderstood your concerns. I apologize to Alexander
regarding this and take everything back ;).

>>> Package is in new queue right now and will be soon available in
>>> unstable repository.
>> It's actually been set to not be reviewed before February 28th to be
>> able to discuss this matter first.
> I think the best will be when Alexander and I discuss the issue in
> private. I don't see a need to pull that conflict into public.

I agree. Still, you should post the results here.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Bug#568303: can-utils Debian package

2014-02-24 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Hi Alexander!

On 02/24/2014 09:59 AM, Alexander GQ Gerasiov wrote:
> Unfortunately I missed to fixup pair of changes when build package,
> that's why second revision was uploaded right after first.
> You are talking about revision -1 which really had some issues.
> Please comment on the last version available.

Sure, I can have a look at the second revision. But you could also
just asked the FTP team to set the package on REJECT to be able
to sort out the issues, then do a clean upload.

I usually try to keep a clean package history.

>> If you had incorporated some of his changes, you'd just have use the
>> default rules file from the template.
>> You should also have asked yourself why Uwe had added those overrides
>> and not just silently commented them out. If someone adds extra
>> overrides, he usually has very good reasons. You should have asked Uwe
>> about that.
> I think you did not get clean with this or that's Uwe who mislead you.

Yep. I misunderstood Uwe. From his first comments it appeared to me
that exactly that had happened. So, I apologize to you Alexander
and take my statements back.

> Those commented out overrides were left in rules file from my previous
> experiments, and not needed anymore. And they have nothing with Uwe's
> package, I believe.

Alright, thanks for the explanation.

> I can count all changes I took from his work:
> Arch: linux-any (totally forget that SocketCAN is Linux specific)
> Several strings in description field.
> And that's all. =\

Ok, it appeared to me that the situation was the complete opposite of
that, i.e. you took Uwe's work and put your name onto it.

Thanks for the clarification.

>> The package currently also includes the debian/README.source template
>> and git-related files (.gitignore, gbp.conf).
> Template README.source was also removed in -2 revision.


> As for .gitignore and gbp.conf, this package is maintained under git
> and git-buildpackage and I see no reason, why thees files should not be
> included in debian/

True. I am using gbp as well and I completely forgot about that. The
files shouldn't pop up in the actual package.

> I think some gbp related info should goes to README.source. One day
> I'll write it.

Good idea!

>> As someone who is sponsoring very often and has some experience with
>> reviewing packages now, can-utils wouldn't have passed my quality
>> requirements in its current state.
> I could not agree with you if we speak about revision -2.

Well, unless you have fixed the copyright issues that Uwe has
mentioned, you will get a REJECT with absolute certainty.

Did you fix the copyright information? Are the sources from
Volkswagen actually covered by a free license?

> Conclusion:
> Looks like Uwe decided that I modified his package, removed him from
> Maintainer and broke all around. And he started offense instead of
> discussion.

Well, you see what poor communication leads to. When you decide
to let him join as a comaintainer, you should communicate such
changes, especially before doing uploads.

>>> Package is in new queue right now and will be soon available in
>>> unstable repository.
>> It's actually been set to not be reviewed before February 28th to be
>> able to discuss this matter first.
> Well, I remember time when packages were held in new for 2-3 months =)

They still are. Depends on the package, Look at zfs-utils which has
been in NEW for 6 months now. Obviously no one dares to touch it.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Idea for apt-get : getting source code instead getting binaries

2014-03-06 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Hash: SHA256

On 03/06/2014 05:01 PM, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
> Script to do this attached; can I have my GSoC money now? :)

Comic Book Guy: I'm interested in upgrading my 28.8k modem to a
fibre-optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide
an interface which is compatible with my Token
Ring network setup?

Homer: Can I have some money now?

On a more serious side note, I think OP's point was to promote a package
format where the upstream developer already does all the work and create
a Debian package on the fly which could simply be dropped into the
archives ready to install. Even when the package wasn't in Debian in
the first place, which is the main assumption of your script, Paule.

However, this shifts the responsibility for the QA of a package from
Debian towards upstream which will probably end in fear and loathing
in the archives in no time.

Turning an upstream source into a working Debian package isn't really
time-consuming and difficult for most cases. However, creating a well-
maintainable and (lintian-)clean package into Debian isn't and takes
lots of care and attention by a dedicated Debian Maintainer which knows
the in and outs of Debian, its Policy and its powerful tools.



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: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: --> APT's New Version <--

2014-04-02 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 04/02/2014 07:49 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

It feels great to use apt instead of apt-get / apt-cache, and the new
colorful output is awesome (btw, will Dpkg::Progress-Fancy be on by
default on the next update? I kind of like it...).

Any hint on how to properly configure the colorful output? I've set
APT::Color to "true"; but that just gives a different color for
the download progress message, the rest is still colorless.

Am I missing something?


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-07 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/07/2014 07:26 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> For a desktop use, probably. For server setup, please don't. The CD1 is
> better than the netinst CD because... it doesn't need network!

You deploy your servers from a CD? Don't get me wrong, but installing
from CD in an enterprise environment doesn't sound very professional
to me.

We use FAI for that. 99% of our servers don't even have a CD drive
anymore, just some of the older ones. And even if you want to install
from CD, most modern servers provide a BMC with keyboard, mouse and
video redirect over the network which also allows you to mount ISO
files as virtual CDs. In that case, you don't really care about whether
it's a CD or DVD.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-07 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/07/2014 07:39 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Ah, BMC.  Now every computer comes with an extra full-fledged computer!
> The main computer is for your use, and the other computer is for the use
> of the attacker.

That's why we block the kvms in our firewall so they cannot be reached
from outside. I'm sorry, but when you have hundreds of servers in your
server room, there is no other way than using automatic deployment and
kvm over network.

We have one SGI Altix ICE 8200 system with 3 racks, 64 blades each
resulting in 192 servers which you are not installing manually
unless you want to lose your sanity.

And without a kvm, I'd have to run to the server room each time the
hardware crashes hard or similar problems.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-07 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/07/2014 08:24 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> That's what I'm using yes. Probably you should have read my message up
> to its end, where I wrote: "I'm also unsure all my KVM over IPs support
> images for DVDs rather than simply CD."

No need to be rude about that, ok? I missed that part. Jeez.

>> In that case, you don't really care about whether
>> it's a CD or DVD.
> Even if they do, I don't see the point in using images 6 times the size
> (takes longer to download and uses more storage for no improvement).

Use FAI or Puppet, problem solved. Setting up a network boot
environment allows much quicker installation anyway.

For us, installing a machine involves:

- unpack the machine
- hook it up
- add new host to host database
- power on and set up machine for network boot
- done

Takes around 20 minutes for a server and no ISO images or CDs/DVDs
involved whatsoever.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-07 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/07/2014 08:58 PM, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * John Paul Adrian Glaubitz , 2014-04-07,
> 20:36:
>> No need to be rude about that, ok?
> “Oho!” said the pot to the kettle;
> “You are dirty and ugly and black!”

I wasn't rude in my previous mail, if yes, quote please.

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian default desktop environment

2014-04-07 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/07/2014 09:08 PM, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> (Maybe it's just me but calling people “not very professional” is
> something I consider very rude; not Thomas' mentioning the fact that
> the original text had sufficient context in its single paragraph.)

Jeez, I said the method was not professional, not him. Don't put
thing into my mouth I didn't say.

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Changelogs - was: Re: [dd-list] Please use Architecture: linux-any

2014-04-12 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
On 04/13/2014 02:25 AM, gregor herrmann wrote:
> (The git history + d/changelog don't say why I changed this in 2011,
> I guess it was a similar request :))

And now you know why I am always so nitpicky about changelogs :).

As someone who has been reviewing several dozen packages over the past
18 months when sponsoring them, I have seen many packages where the
debian/changelog had many useless or virtually empty entries.

Things like "Fix a minor bug in xyz" or "Fix bug #133222" aren't really
what you'd expect from a changelog. Instead, a proper changelog entry
should include exactly what changes were made and why there were made,

* Add missing build dependency on libabc-dev. Fixes FTBFS on powerpc.
  (Closes: #122333)

* Add debian/patches/0001-hardening.patch to pass proper compiler and
  linker flags necessary for hardening.

Just providing the bug number isn't helpful either. Some older bugs
I have searched for aren't actually accessible through the bug tracker
anymore. And, even if the bug number is included, there is no guarantee
the bug report actually documents the cause of the bug or the changes
that were made to remedy it. Some bug reports don't even include
any discussions besides the original bug report and the automated
message which closed the bug when the fixed version was uploaded.

So, in order to avoid situations like these in the future, please write
proper changelogs, people! Your future self or the future maintainer
of your package will be very glad to have them. It can save you or them
lots of time digging through mailing list archives, commit histories
and similar resources.

And, while you're at it, please use proper grammar, punctuation,
spelling, indentation and avoid trailing spaces :).

PS: If you're maintaining your packages source in git, just use
git-dch to create a nicely formatted and complete changelog
entry including all changes since the last package revision.
It usually just involves some additional editing since git-dch
doesn't wrap lines after 80 characters (which lintian will
complain about), for example (I should file a bug against
git-dch, maybe).

Thank you!


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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Bug#749579: ITP: virtualjaguar -- Cross-platform Atari Jaguar emulator

2014-05-28 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 

* Package name: virtualjaguar
  Version : 2.1.0
  Upstream Author : James Hammons 
* URL :
* License : GPL-3, Public Domain
  Programming Lang: C, C++
  Description : Cross-platform Atari Jaguar emulator

Virtual Jaguar is a cross-platform emulator for Atari's infamous
Jaguar console, the last video game system to ever released by
the now defunct company. The Jaguar was marketed as the first
64-bit video game system despite the fact that it was actually
a 32-bit system at heart, just the blitter operated in 64-bit
mode. The system was a commercial failure and eventually lead
to Atari leaving the market for video game systems.

This emulator features an intuitive user interface and emulation
of all of the major subsystems of the Atari Jaguar console. This
includes full GPU and DSP emulation as well as emulation of the
Atari Jaguar CD. Most of the commercial Atari games are supported,
albeit some of them have some minor glitches when running in the

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Re: SV: MATE 1.8 has now fully arrived in Debian

2014-06-24 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/24/2014 07:57 PM, Svante Signell wrote:
> I strongly recommend the systemd-must-die package to prevent systemd
> components being installed when dist-upgrading without the user being
> aware.

I'd appreciate if you kept your anti-systemd rants off this list.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Debian Changelogs - was: Re: Bug#756582: new syntax error when invoking "udevadm test" breaks installing/ upgrading

2014-07-31 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
> This is caused by this, change between the afforementioned versions, 
> which is also not mentioned in the package's changelog:
Exactly! I cannot stress this further enough, please always document
_every_ change you make to the packaging in the debian/changelog. This
is exactly the reason it is intended for.

When you create a new package revision, make a debdiff against the
current version in unstable and compare your changes. Include
every change you made in the debian/ directory in the changelog entry
for the new package revision.

This way, everyone looking at the new package revision has an instant
overview what was changed and bugs like these are easier to find and
to fix.

The easiest way to get comprehensive and pretty changelog entries is
to use git-buildpackage for keeping your package in a revision control
system and use "git-dch --auto" to generate the changelog entry for
the new version. Of course, this assumes you are writing sensible and
useful git commit messages :).



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Switching default dpkg-deb compressor to xz

2013-05-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/14/2013 10:53 PM, John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell wrote:

Ben what basis do you have against .gz ?

It was already mentioned, it takes more space. Everyone (e.g. Fedora 
with rpm) is switching to xz, not just Debian. The Linux kernel is using 
more advanced compression algorithms as well.

What problem are you having with xz?

And I'd love to know if it won't cause dependancy problems when someone
has more than one debian they are dealing with.

Yes, of course, we need to support every single configuration and every 
possible choice of preferred software again, meaning we are doomed to 
stick to old stuff again.

Really, is this argument going to be brought up forever? So if we can't 
make everyone 100% happy, we shouldn't do anything at all?

This isn't an argument anymore, it has become an idiotic circle jerk. 
Stop it, I am getting tired of that!

I doubt it's as simple as stated.

It is. We are already actively using it and you aren't even noticing. I 
have sponsored at least half a dozen packages recently which were using 
xz compression. No problems and no bugs reported at all with them.

If you like, I can verify them to work on my 1993 Amiga 1200, on my 1995 
Sun Ultra 1, on my PowerMac G4 and my Raspberry Pi, just to make sure it 
really works for everyone!

And yes I do think there are some that would inject problems (such as
killing init for a new startup that isn't compatible).

Dude, if you want to stick to 1985 technology, just use something else. 
We don't have and don't want to be compatible to the original(R) 
Unix(TM) because the original Unix is a piece of shit.

Have you ever sat in front of some ancient Sun, HP-UX or OSF/1 
workstation using the original pure Unix design? It's so cumbersome and 
uncomfortable to use, it makes you throw up. I had to deal with plenty 
of these beasts in my career and I was always happy once I were back to 
my Linux box. If you are using one of these, you can forget nearly 
everything you ever learnt about Unix from Linux. It probably won't work.

If we are losing compatibility with old Unix stuff because we're 
introducing new stuff to Linux and Debian, I can only say "god riddance!".

The "Unix Hater's Handbook" exists for a reason. I honestly think that 
everyone who praises the good old Unix design has never actually used 
any of the original Unices, they wouldn't praise them otherwise.

There are all kinds of proposals continually that are unwise.  And this
one has been complained against and re-submitted often already.

Please provide viable sources, thank you.

So why shouldn't I repeat past complaints others have made on previous

I don't know, but I think you shouldn't. Progress will happen anyways.

I think your singling me out.

My singling what?



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: /bin/sh (was Re: jessie release goals)

2013-05-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/15/2013 02:16 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:

Am 15.05.2013 01:26, schrieb brian m. carlson:

On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:08:21PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

This is utter bullshit and you should already know it. Systemd is much
more reliable as a whole than any other implementation. I have yet to
see a use case where it is not better.

It is not better if you don't want proprietary binary-format logs in

The format may be binary, but it certainly is not proprietary [1]

I really can't believe people are still coming up with that non-sense.

I have no idea why people assume that a binary format means it can only
be processed with a special, proprietary tool. Binary simply means what
it means, binary and not text which means it's a more stream-lined and
machine-readable format as opposed to a text format with no formatting
at all.

And, when it comes to processing, binary data is actually *easier* to
process. Everyone who has ever written a text parser themselves will



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-22 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/21/2013 10:53 PM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

- Neither systemd nor upstart are likely to be ported to kfreebsd soon,
   as they both rely on many Linux-specific features and interfaces.

What about launchd? Wouldn't it be possible to port that to
Debian/kFreeBSD? It's designed to run in a BSD userland, after all.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian launchd survey

2013-05-22 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/22/2013 05:51 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 09:15:03AM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

What about launchd? Wouldn't it be possible to port that to
Debian/kFreeBSD? It's designed to run in a BSD userland, after all.

That doesn't seem like it would help at all with the concern about keeping
our userspace aligned across kernels.

I honestly don't think this is going to be a realistic goal considering
the fact neither upstart or systemd are still not working on BSD or even
Hurd and I don't see any serious efforts by anyone to see this happen
anytime soon.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-22 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/22/2013 06:41 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 02:45:54PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

Le mercredi 22 mai 2013 à 08:16 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :

- there are 300+ upstart job files ready to be imported from Ubuntu

When you compare the time it takes to write an upstart job file or a
systemd unit file, to the time it takes to proprely test it, I don’t
think this argument makes any sense.

Please leave the FUD at the door.  Writing upstart jobs is not difficult;
while there are some gotchas currently with process lifecycle (which will be
fixed soon), there is also very complete documentation (for these issues,
and generally).

systemd's unit files are still way simpler than upstart job files since
these are just more or less a simple set of instructions to give
systemd some hints on how to deal with the targets and services, it
actually does most of the work automatically without the need of scripts
at all (which are obviously still required for upstart).

If the only things we do for improving the distribution are to take stuff
from Ubuntu because, well, it’s here, we might as well stop developing
anything at all.

Sure; obviously the right thing to do is to instead take stuff from GNOME
and without regard to integration with our existing system,
because if Lennart says it's right it must be so.

Honestly, these personal accusations against Lennart are getting old and
boring. Don't you really have any other good argument to bring up
against systemd other than you dislike *one* of the systemd developers?*

And while I don't support all of the decisions GNOME upstream makes, I
fully support f.d.o as an actual free and independent organization
which hosts the development of systemd.

*When* there is one company that is trying to fragment the Linux world
then it's Canonical with its urge to come up with one NIH project
after another, be it Bazaar (which seems to have been abandoned by
upstream with >2000 open bugs [1]) or the Mir display server
which isn't supported by neither the developers or
any developers of desktops like KDE, Enlightment or GNOME.


* As you may know, systemd is developed by a large amount of

> [1]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-22 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/22/2013 07:50 PM, Martin Wuertele wrote:

Actually it sounds like you propose to stop developing and take
everything from Redhat, Lennart, Gnome because it's there and they say

And another one. Why is it that almost anyone who isn't favor of
systemd is directly going off insulting their developers or any
of the organizations behind of it?

You know why many projects are adopting many technologies that
are developed by RedHat people? It's because RedHat is an excellent
upstream and they are one of the largest contributors to the whole
Linux software stack, be it the kernel or anything above.

Distributions would adopt more innovative and useful technologies
developed by Canonical, for example, if there were any. I can't
actually think of anything by Canonical which has been widely
adopted outside Ubuntu.

Blame Canonical for being a bad upstream, not RedHat for being
a good one!


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/23/2013 06:56 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

* As you may know, systemd is developed by a large amount of

If you are tired of seeing the same arguments,

Personal insults is something you call arguments? You have a weird
method of discussion ...

> don't post things which

have already been debunked as well. You are doing the very same thing
that you are complaining about: I already posted in this list the git
log stats, and Lennart owns more than 40% of all the commits. So no,
Lennart is not just *one* of the systemd developers, he's the main one,
and by far.

You didn't debunk anything, you're interpreting statements wrong and
obviously don't know your math. Please re-read what I said, which

> "As you may know, systemd is developed by a large amount of

How on earth does that contradict with the fact that 40%, i.e.
the minority of all contributions are done by the original
author. 40% still means that 60% of the code comes from other
people and those are 145 contributors according to ohloh [1].

OpenRC has 19 [2], upstart has even only 7 [3] contributors.

So, yeah, systemd is definitely the project which has the
largest amount of contributors which was exactly my point.


> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/23/2013 11:43 AM, Adam Borowski wrote:

Did you include the stats for all projects systemd wants to replace as well?
For just one piece:
* busybox-syslogd
* dsyslog
* inetutils-syslogd
* rsyslog
* socklog-run
* syslog-ng-core

Well, how many of these are actually used in the real world?



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/24/2013 01:20 AM, brian m. carlson wrote:

rsyslog is priority important and is the default syslog implementation
in Debian.  It's also the default in Fedora.  I think we can be
confident that it gets lots of real-world use.

I am fully aware of that. I was mainly talking about the other
logging daemons which most of them I haven't even heard of before.

It's a bit unfair to use these for statistics, they simply don't
play any important role.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Debian systemd survey

2013-05-23 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 05/24/2013 01:15 AM, brian m. carlson wrote:

I can use only parts of coreutils if I desire.

The same is true for systemd. Ubuntu is using parts of systemd
without actually using the daemon itself.

Also, coreutils does not
start services on startup that I do not need.

Aeh, what the heck are you comparing here? My cat also doesn't
fly and my hamster doesn't play the guitar. coreutils doesn't
start services because it isn't an init daemon.

However, what systemd actually does as compared to all other
init systems, it only starts the services you actually need.

It won't start ssh, for example, unless someone needs it. upstart,
on the other hand, starts ssh once the other services it depends
on are present (unless they changed that design aspect in more
recent versions of upstart), even though you actually don't
need ssh right now. It just starts it because its dependencies
are fulfilled, while systemd actually starts ssh once a process
or a target explicitly requires it.

Thus, upstart actually turns the dependency chain upside down
which is actually one of the main reason the systemd developers
started from scratch instead of jumping the upstart band wagon.
It's an inherent design issue in upstart.

systemd, on the other
hand, has spawned systemd-journald, which I do not want or need, which
is autorestarted, and which cannot be stopped with service.  Since I am
not using its functionality, there is no point in having the service
running.  rsyslog is very capable.

You can use systemd without the journal, it's optional. And, btw, it's
not rsyslog which is broken but the fact that logging the way syslog
does is quite a mess. There is no syntax convention for any logging
whatsoever so you will have to come up with scripts to parse syslog
for every single daemon that you want to watch.

The systemd journal, OTOH, uses a defined format for the logging
entries which means you can easily search your logs for any
events matching a certain daemon and severity type of event
and so on. It's much more powerful.

Also, traditionally init has been limited to starting and stopping
groups of services.  It has not been involved in logging, session
management, seat management, hotkey handling, or suspend and resume,
except perhaps to start and stop the services which perform those
functions.  However well-intentioned, systemd does a lot more than init
traditionally has, and definitely encroaches into areas that were not
traditionally init-related.  The Unix Way is to use separate processes
for separate tasks.

"Traditionally, TVs and monitors used CRTs and discrete parts as
components. We are therefore not allowed to improve the design
and use LC displays and integrated circuits."

Please stop treating the "The Unix Way" as the ultimate design
concept which already has reached perfection and must not get
unchanged for eternity.

Did you, in fact know, that even the creators of the original
Unix concept weren't quite happy with the design and actually
replaced Unix with something called Plan 9?



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Switching to mozilla ESR in stable-security

2013-05-28 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

Hi Moritz!

On 05/28/2013 10:33 PM, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:

we need to change the way security fixes are handled for Mozilla
in stable-security. The backporting of security fixes is no
longer sustainable resource-wise.

I second this. Having one of the most commonly used desktop applications
lacking so much behind the current upstream versions in a newly
released Debian version is very frustrating and annoying.

Having the current ESR versions of Iceweael and Icedove in Debian
stable is the best practice as these releases were just intended
to be used in scenarios were Debian stable is deployed.

As such, we'll switch to releasing the ESR releases of iceweasel
and icedove in stable-security.

Great! Really looking forward.

Let me add to that there is currently no easy way (e.g. without
rebuilding the package) to install Icedove ESR on Wheezy. The
Debian Mozilla packaging team suggests installing Icedove
ESR from unstable [1], but alas this version is linked against
libc6 2.17 and will therefore force an update of the libc6
installed on Wheezy which is unacceptable [2].

I therefore urge anyone involved in packaging Icedove to provide
a version of Icedove ESR linked against the version of libc6
in Wheezy.

Also, if anyone of the GNOME package maintainers is reading this,
why does the gnome meta package depend on xul-ext-adblock-plus? This
often causes major headache when upgrading either Iceweasel or
Icedove in the form that using the wrong upgrade path will
result in partial or full removal of GNOME.

In the future the majority of packages should thus rather be installed
through instead of Debian packages.

I think this is the best approach. Most addons should be installed
through the built-in addon manager as this will make keeping
addons up-to-date much easier and reduces maintaining efforts. As
long as we're going with the latest ESR versions, I assume that
most of the most popular addons will work when installed through
the official upstream sources.



> [1]
> [2]

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Multi-Arch for plugin packages

2013-05-30 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz


I am maintaining one of the gkrellm2 plugin packages, namely
gkrellm2-cpufreq. All of these gkrellm2 plugin packages install their
plugins into /usr/lib/gkrellm2/plugins, including mine.

However, I was wondering whether the plugins should actually
get installed into /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/gkrellm2/plugins.

Since the plugins aren't really considered shared libraries, I
am not sure whether Multi-Arch has to be considered for these.

Anyone knows how Multi-Arch is handled for other similar plugin
packages, other than gkrellm2 plugins?

I have created a Multi-Arch version of my gkrellm2-cpufreq now,
but I haven't uploaded it yet.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Custom Reload command/signal in upstart

2013-06-01 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/01/2013 12:24 PM, Vincent Bernat wrote:

I don't know how systemd behaves in this way (so this is not something
to hold against upstart), but there are so many daemons that need to be
started after the network has been configured that it should be easy to
do this. For example, most daemons binding to a specific address needs
to be started after the address has been configured.

Which is exactly the very one design decision which is wrong in
upstart. Starting any service as soon as all its dependencies are
fulfilled, is putting the dependency chain upside down and doesn't
make any sense. There is no point to start a daemon unless you actually
need it.

You want services to start when you need them, meaning you always
keep the amount of running daemons minimal. systemd runs sshd when
someone tries to connect to it and before running sshd, it makes sure
all of its dependencies are running and starts them prior to starting
sshd if necessary.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: systemd .service file conversion

2013-06-01 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/01/2013 11:59 AM, Marc Haber wrote:

Before saying things like that, please file a GR removing the
"universal" from Debian's claim.

Calm down. Debian has been called "universal" long before the arrival
of the non-Linux kernels. And, in fact, Marco and Joss have a point
that if hardly anyone is using the non-Linux ports, not even people
like you who are strongly defending them, there is no point in putting
efforts into keeping them maintained.

I have had the experience that often the kfreebsd ports of my packages
and of other packages I NMU'd needed to be additionally taken
care of which means I would spend time and efforts which I could spend
on other, more important projects. What's the point in doing that work
when, in the end, hardly anyone is using it?



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Custom Reload command/signal in upstart

2013-06-01 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/01/2013 01:51 PM, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:

I believe there was a counter example of using CUPS where unless you
really start it, other machines won't discover it via avahi and you
won't be able to print to a networked printer.

One exception does not mean that all daemons should be started like
that. If you need to have CUPS running in the background, idling,
then you can just let systemd start it anytime you want with the proper
configuration in its unit file.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: systemd .service file conversion

2013-06-01 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/01/2013 04:48 PM, Marc Haber wrote:

On Sat, 01 Jun 2013 12:42:33 +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

What's the point in doing that work
when, in the end, hardly anyone is using it?

Freedom. It is not free to take away freedom just because too few
people have chosen to exercise freedom.

So, because a very few people want to choose a rather unusual
setup - which again even you as a strong proponent of it aren't
using - all of the developers should do extra work instead of
working on things which they like? Isn't that limiting the freedom
of the developers as well?

No one is taking away your freedom if we make decisions on
certain default configurations. If, for example, we chose
systemd as the default init system, no one would keep you
from using your init system of choice by changing from the
default one after installation.

Similar decisions are made in other projects as well. The
Linux kernel dropped support for the original i386 CPU
recently and, code for support DECnet has been orphaned
as well, meaning it might be removed in the near future.

It's still free software, so you can do whatever you want.
It just sometimes makes sense to make pragmatic decisions
in order to guarantee well maintained code and efficient
release cycles. Again, it's not worth the effort when,
in the end, hardly anyone is using it.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: systemd .service file conversion

2013-06-02 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/02/2013 04:25 PM, Josselin Mouette wrote:

Le samedi 01 juin 2013 à 11:59 +0200, Marc Haber a écrit :

Before saying things like that, please file a GR removing the
"universal" from Debian's claim.

Silly me. I thought “universal” was meant about usage, like the ability
to run the same OS on a supercomputer, a toaster, a smartphone and a
space station.

I want that toaster :D.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013-06-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/05/2013 02:24 PM, Florian Lohoff wrote:

well, this could be related to Wheezy, or to you, or to the people you've been
talking with, or something else, or a combination...

I've switched 3 users from Squeeze to Wheezy in the last 2 weeks, and also to
Gnome 3 btw, and they all *love* it. And I also must say, I'm quite impressed,
Debian on the desktop has come a long way. So, IOW YMMV.

We are 4 people in the room and we all hate Gnome3. KDE is too bloated
and xfce4 is too minimal. We all switched away from gnome-terminal to
roxterm as gnome-terminal is full of resizing bugs.

We're working to get Mate into Debian [1-2], so you will be back
on your beloved GNOME2 desktop in Debian Jessie and newer :).


> [1]
> [2]

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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013-06-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/05/2013 02:39 PM, Bjoern Meier wrote:

2013/6/5 Florian Lohoff>>

For me wheezy is the worst of all Debian release i have been
using since bo.


Just one example to add to flo's

Really? I think it's one of the best releases ever. Multi-Arch alone is
worth the upgrade. And you can't blame Debian for GNOME3, this was
a decision made upstream.

In fact, Debian has always been one of the distributions which tries
to keep (bad ?) design decisions from upstream away from its users.

For example, Debian kept gdm 2.20 for a very long time to continue
to provide XDMCP support.

the upgrade from squeeze to wheezy, was not a clean one.
I've had to install a package (some lib-gd-annoying.deb), that wasn't
installed before and wasn't able to install because of some unresolved

Honestly, what do you expect. It's simply impossible to always guarantee
a perfect upgrade from one release to another. You aren't just upgrading
the core of the operating system, but a huge set of user applications.

Plus, I would have honestly appreciated that if more people (especially
the ones who complain now) would have helped in finding and smashing
RC bugs during the Wheezy freeze. In fact, many the RC bugs were
related to Squeeze-to-Wheezy upgrade issues.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013-06-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/05/2013 03:34 PM, Bjoern Meier wrote:

So gnome said Debian had to use GNOME3 for default? Interesting.

I don't understand. You can easily set the default xsession through
update-alternatives. We are installing MATE as well and have set
it as the default session. No complaints about the desktop since
the migration to Wheezy.

In fact, Debian has always been one of the distributions which tries
to keep (bad ?) design decisions from upstream away from its users.

yes, "it has always been". As we said.

It still is :).

Of course, you're right. If i had a "side-show" setting, I've nothing to say.
But I think Apache and PHP should have tested which a widely range of users.

Then again, you could have helped us. People are complaining on one
hand that the releases take forever and on the other hand, now
complain the quality isn't up to their standards.

I was also confused, because I could really find fast a workkaround.
So, there was no reason, that this wasn't fixed on release.

Well, did you file a bug report?

Plus, I would have honestly appreciated that if more people (especially
the ones who complain now) would have helped in finding and smashing
RC bugs during the Wheezy freeze. In fact, many the RC bugs were
related to Squeeze-to-Wheezy upgrade issues.

I've done a few. Especially on Samba, but I rembered there was a bug,
which was fixed on upstream, could be fixed in debian and was found
again on a upgrade (just in debian; not upstream).
So yeah, I've been also through some pain and don't just rant here.

Do you have a link? It's not that we're not taking complaints seriously.

If there was actually a bug report and it, indeed, wasn't fixed then
you're right to complain.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013-06-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/05/2013 07:24 PM, Bjoern Meier wrote:

You striped my other comment. What it is now? A decision of upstream or not?

I stripped it, because I wasn't considering it a valid argument. No one
keeps you from setting your default xsession and you actually should do
that when deploying Debian in a large computing environment where you
are the site administrator.

Are you going around and install all your machines manually using the
Debian Installer? Usually, people use automatic installation systems
like FAI (like we do at our department) which allow you to set
things like the default session and even let you avoid GNOME3
completely. If you want, your users will never see GNOME3.

I am sorry, but you can't blame Debian if you are unwilling to customize
the configuration to fulfill your needs.

if you don't just cut my comments but read them, you'd have all your
questions already answered.

Again, Debian having chosen GNOME as the default desktop will never
be a problem in a corporate environment if you as the site administrator
create a configuration for your needs.

The decision to turn GNOME into that what it is now was made upstream,
not in Debian. Debian has just chosen to stay with GNOME as the default
desktop when performing the default installation as it has been like
for quite some time. And, again, changing the default desktop is a
no brainer:

> update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/mate-session


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Re: Debian/Wheezy general rant Was: mount point gets "(deleted)" / unable to unmount

2013-06-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 06/05/2013 09:15 PM, Bjoern Meier wrote:

Ah what? You are confusing something, my skill to do something has
nothing to do with that I have to do it.

Well, you said you are deploying Debian in a corporate environment
so I assume you are doing some heavy custom configuration anyways
and thus it shouldn't be a problem to change the default xsession
as well.

I really don't understand
this decision. Gnome3 was controverse discussed in many media, so
"Take it or make your move and change it?" It is that hard, to build a
dialog and ask for a desktop? You have the choice, but we already made
it for you".

There is no dialog to select the default desktop as only one default
desktop will fit onto the first disk of the offline installation medium
if I remember correctly.

I remenber, that I complain on this list about how few have the
intention to understand and maintain they own system. Now I understand
how got this so far. Debian seems to grow as a system that doesn't
make it necessary to decide or to understand. At least some want to
see debian as this. Meh.

Debian *is* a system that makes decision necessary. Just currently not
the way you would like to see it. No one says it won't change in the
future. Maybe we settle with Mate as the default desktop in the future,
who knows.

So, no FAI is needed on my site. Again: it is NOT my problem to solve
any problem or tasks of customization.

What? Really? It is not your problem to do your custom configuration?
Seriously, I have no idea what you are complaining about. If you use
the default installation without the efforts of a custom, corporate
configuration, it is not Debian's problem.

Using an automatic installation system like FAI is absolutely mandatory
in my opinion, no one wants to install >500 machines manually. When we
install new servers or desktops, we create a new host in our host
database, hook up the machine to the network and run a fully automatic
installation over the network. Everything else is just a waste of time
and resources.

I can't believe that anyone would ever not use an automated installation
system in such an environment.

My Problem is just: the more I have to customize, the more time I have
to spent, the more time I have to spent, the more expensive it is. So
yes, all unnecessary changes are annoying. Not to mention, that I know
that software changes over time.

If you do the customization properly, the time invested is worth the
results. We spent some time creating the custom configuration, but after
that the whole setup is working and can be installed with nearly zero
efforts of administration.

I am sorry, but you can't blame Debian if you are unwilling to customize
the configuration to fulfill your needs.

if you don't just cut my comments but read them, you'd have all your
questions already answered.

Again, Debian having chosen GNOME as the default desktop will never
be a problem in a corporate environment if you as the site administrator
create a configuration for your needs.

The decision to turn GNOME into that what it is now was made upstream,
not in Debian. Debian has just chosen to stay with GNOME as the default
desktop when performing the default installation as it has been like
for quite some time. And, again, changing the default desktop is a
no brainer:

Ok, you asking me If i filled a bug. I said, you have your answers
already and you just bring your no-brainer-gnome3-argument again? If
you don't want to read my Email spare your typing. If not: EOD.

As I said, I am deploying Debian in a large corporate environment
myself so I would understand your claims if they were justified, but,
alas they aren't. There is no need to be huffy and issue a "EOD" if
you are unwilling to invest some time yourself and customize the
configuration. Debian simply can't meet all needs with one standard
shipping configuration.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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cc65 in non-free

2013-06-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

Hey there!

I am interested in packaging cc65 for Debian but I am having my
doubts if that's actually possible license-wise. The cc65 license
states [1]:

"  1:  You don't charge anything for the copy.  It is permissable to
  charge a nominal fee for media, etc."

While as we all know this declares such software as non-free, see
point i. in [2].

Yet, I am wondering, would it still be legal to upload such a
software package to the non-free section?



> [1]
> [2]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
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Bug#714058: ITP: cc65 -- Cross compiler and toolchain for 6502-based systems

2013-06-25 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 

* Package name: cc65
  Version : 2.13.3
  Upstream Author : Ullrich von Bassewitz 
* URL :
* License : zlib and non-free
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Cross compiler and toolchain for 6502-based systems

cc65 is a complete cross development package for 6502-based systems. It
features a C compiler plus all the standard binutils one would expect
from a toolchain, including an archiver, an assembler, a disassembler,
a linker, an object file dump utility and even a 6502 CPU simulator. A
resource compiler for the GEOS operating system as well as various
support libraries are also part of the distribution.

The following targets are supported:

* Commodore C64
* GEOS operating system on C64
* Commodore C128
* Commodore C16, C116 and Plus/4
* Commodore P500
* Commodore 600/700 family
* Apple II
* Atari 8 bit family
* Oric Atmos
* Nintendo NES
* Watara Supervision
* Atari Lynx

Both direct library support (startup/initialization code) as well as
support libraries are supplied for these targets. These libraries
include support for the following APIs:

* conio (text-based console I/O, non-scrolling)
* dio (block-oriented disk I/O)
* em (expanded memory, allowing to address >64K RAM)
* joystick (support for joystick devices)
* mouse (mouse support and other absolute input devices)
* serial (serial I/O)
* tgi (2D graphics primitives)

The cc65 compiler was originally written by John R. Dunning and comes
with an open source license which is not DFSG-compliant since it forbids
to charge for the distribution of a copy of the software. cc65 is therefore
going to be part of the non-free distribution.

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Re: Plan to release a gplv3 compliant debian-based release

2013-07-03 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/03/2013 09:17 PM, Svante Signell wrote:

The interesting thing is not when Linus used the GPL license the first
time, it was v2 by then. Of crucial interest is when Linus changed from
v2 or later to v2 only. And looking at the source code, e.g. 3.9.8, a
very lot of files are still v2+, not v2 only. That's a very big

I still don't get the point. Isn't there way more important stuff to do?

Like these, for example:
Or these:



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Plan to release a gplv3 compliant debian-based release

2013-07-04 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/05/2013 12:58 AM, Jakub Wilk wrote:

* David Weinehall , 2013-07-04, 16:36:

Could you be a bit more elaborate please? I don't think we should just
spam this list by just sending mails containing URLs only.

If you want to express your opinion, please say something.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Plan to release a gplv3 compliant debian-based release

2013-07-05 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/05/2013 02:07 PM, David Weinehall wrote:

So, that's Linus's stand on whether or not a GPLv3 kernel is feasible.
I hope this totally pointless thread can die now.

Thanks for extracting the relevant parts. I guess I was just way too
tired yesterday to start diving into the posting on LKML :).

A GPLv3 only Debian  distribution is, in my opinion, about as useful as
lobotomy performed with a bazooka.

I chuckled :D. And I fully agree.



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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-13 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/13/2013 11:46 PM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:

since some people might not read planet debian, here is a link to my
third blog post in a series of posts dealing with the results of the
Debian systemd survey:

This has risen a question here: How many people are actually using the 
kFreeBSD port. Are there any rough numbers?

I have checked popcon for the kFreeBSD kernel image and it seems the 
numbers from popcon are very low [1].


> [1]

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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/14/2013 06:45 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

These aren't the only viable option and you know it. FYI, OpenRC port to
Debian is doing well, and it is already able to boot a Debian system
with current init script unmodified. Remaining to do:
- support for update-rc.d
- support for invoke-rc.d
- finish the init.d script compatibility (not much remaining to do)
- make it work with an unmodified /etc/inittab
- add support for X-Start-Before (that might be the hardest part)

OpenRC has already been discussed for Debian for over a year, it's still 
not fully ported and working, yet you claim the port is doing well.

Are you seriously expecting anyone to use such a patch work on a 
productive machine?

These issues are fixable, and I have a good hope that it will happen
before the end of the GSoC project. And there's also upstart as a quite
realistic option too.

The difference is, however, systemd is already there, has matured and a 
strong upstream community. Why should we settle for something which 
doesn't even have a foreseeable future of upstream maintainership?

You also wrote more or less that systemd is the only way to support
cgroups, while this is untrue. OpenRC at least has support for it (and
probably upstart too? I'm not sure...), and it also builds on FreeBSD
(not yet Debian kFreeBSD, but that also should be easy to fix). The
argument that to support modern things like cgroups, an init system has
to be incompatible with anything else than Linux is just simply false.

upstart is (or is going to use) the prctl Linux system call and 
therefore no longer compatible with non-Linux kernels.


> [1]

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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-14 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/14/2013 01:09 PM, David Kalnischkies wrote:

At least I am seriously expecting that Debian isn't discarding the outcome
of a project it has officially endorsed to be under its umbrella for GSoC
without even the slightest bit of consideration.

I didn't know that someone is working on OpenRC under the umbrella of 
GSoC. Don't make any assumptions, please.

GSoC in Debian was announced a long time ago, enough time to raise
any objections against any proposed project. Either this wasn't done or
it wasn't done loud enough as the OpenRC project was accepted and is now
being worked on by a student, so its too late to voice any concerns now
as this is just slapping the student right across the face. Its at least
nothing I would do while trying to hook a student to continue working
in/on Debian even long after a specific project is done (and GSoC ended).

Well, if I had known it, I'd have voted against it. And, I am sorry, but 
just because a GSoC student is working on OpenRC in Debian doesn't make 
it any more appealing or sensible in my eyes.

If we made decisions based on this fact, Hurd would have to be a
release kernel by now.

Feel free to evaluate (any project) after it is finished and draw your
conclusions from that (for the specific project, GSoC in general, …),
but don't complaining about it without even trying.

As I said before, this whole OpenRC in Debian has been announced almost 
over a year ago, yet there isn't any fully working implementation while 
systemd is already in production use.

Last I heard, that was exactly systemd fanbase complain: that everyone
just complained without even trying it based on hearsay.
So, lets try "leading by example", shall we?

There is no systemd fanbase. I am not favoring systemd because I like 
Lennart or because I think the name is cool, but because systemd is 
objectively the far superior solution developed by experienced developers.

Debian isn't a toy project, it's supposed to be used on production systems.

These issues are fixable, and I have a good hope that it will happen
before the end of the GSoC project. And there's also upstart as a quite
realistic option too.

The difference is, however, systemd is already there […]

It is not "already there".
That was the whole freaking point of this "survey".

You can install and use it. It's unfortunately just horribly outdated in 
Debian for whatever reason I still don't know of.

There is still enough time for anythings fanbase to bash each other.
Just avoid beating new contributors in the process who might not have
developed a thick enough skin just yet.

Could you please leave the "fan base" accusations out of here? I am not 
a fan, I don't care about what init system we are using as long it's the 
best solution.

David Kalnischkies, who couldn't care less about init systems^W^W"System and
Service Managers" so try to avoid putting him in some fanbase camp please.

You don't sound like you're not biased, however.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: openrc packaging status (Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports)

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 01:37 PM, heroxbd wrote:

I can visualize that within two months we will have a off-the-shelf
OpenRC package working with initscripts/sysvinit vanilla offering modern
features like cgroups, at users' choice.

Good, I'll take your word on that.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 03:00 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

My personal objections to systemd come down to the fact that I don't
trust its developers /maintainers. Part of that is bleedover from the
fact that I've so far had only poor experiences with pulseaudio

I haven't had any problems with PulseAudio for ages. PulseAudio is 
installed by default by all major distributions and I have had heard 
little to no complaints ever since it has matured.

Some older versions prior 1.0.x were broken or had exposed bugs in ALSA 
drivers which needed to be fixed. These days, however, PulseAudio is 

It usually breaks only for people who tinker too much with it without 
understanding the concept behind it.


have heard several negative reviews of it not purely based on user
experience, mostly summing up to "why did they start a new audio system
from scratch instead of adding the missing capabilities on to JACK?"),

Because JACK and PulseAudio target completely different audiences. JACK 
is designed for professional audio and is usually an overkill for most 
desktop users. No one, including the PA developers, ever claimed that 
PulseAudio is a replacement for JACK.

but most of it hangs from the discussion I once read in which Lennart
expressed - and, when objections were raised to it, reiterated - the
desire to eventually drop support for using udev without systemd.

While this is still not the case, I don't really see why this shouldn't 
be done. udev is Linux-only and so is systemd and neither of them will 
probably ever ported to non-Linux kernels.

That attitude as a whole, in fact, is the major offputting thing about
the entire systemd-et-al. project(s) from my perspective; it reminds me
of proprietarianism, and a little bit of "embrace, extend, extinguish",
and I very much want to avoid lock-in.

Which can be a good thing, sometimes, since it simplifies work for other 
developers whose software builds on top of the kernel plumberland when 
they know which software to expect on the target system.

I actually *like* most of what I've read about systemd's capabilities,
performance, and behavior, as compared to at least sysvinit; I'm even
reasonably willing to accept that it's superior to the other alternative
init systems in those regards. I'm just not at all sure that those
improved capabilities, performance, and behavior are enough of a benefit
to be worth the trade-off of being essentially at the mercy of
developers whose philosophies and attitudes I find so strongly

systemd has many independent developers and contributors. I don't think 
we're at the mercy of a small group of people when using it.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 07:11 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

Not sure where this idea comes from.  upstart has never supported non-Linux
kernels; we're open to it being ported to other kernels, but prctl is a
minor detail for kernel compatibility compared with other, more significant
features that upstart relies on.

I am pretty sure you wrote it yourself in [1]:

"By making use of a Linux-specific prctl(2) call, we effectively tie 
Upstart to systems running with a Linux kernel. This is a major 
restriction, but porting to other systems is already complicated by the 
fact that even the BSDs do not provide a full POSIX environment (missing 
"waitid(2)" for example)."



> [1]

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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 06:54 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

People aren't bothered by OpenRC because it might win, they're
bothered because its advocates fail to understand why they've

> already lost before they've begun.

I fully agree on this with you! I cannot really imagine OpenRC to
be ever a viable alternative to systemd (or even upstart). It
just lacks too much behind and would be a minor improvement over
System V Init only.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Systemd support in Debian packages: how to help

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 09:39 PM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:

Thanks for the guidelines and the idea to coordinate future work!

This actually leads me to something I have been wondering for
some time: Are there already plans to update systemd in Debian?

I am eagerly waiting to try one of the recent versions of systemd,
especially since I am having trouble with remote filessystems which
Lennart claims to have been remedied in later versions of systemd.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/15/2013 09:50 PM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

How much of that improvement would be realised if we added a dependable,
declarative (i.e. config-based instead of shell-script-based) service
configuration support to sysvinit ?

You can't trivially add these features to sysvinit without fundamentally
rewriting it. systemd uses many modern Linux kernel features and system
calls which means you would have to use these features in a rewritten
sysvinit as well to be able to provide the reliability and features
of systemd which means you'd loose the portability again.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Systemd support in Debian packages: how to help

2013-07-15 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/16/2013 01:03 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:

Sorry that this takes a bit longer then expected, but packages based on
v204 are in preparation and expect them soonish.

Thanks for the update! Rock on! :)


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: PulseAudio

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 09:26 AM, Marc Haber wrote:

Where are the end-user docs that explain the concept?

Was that a troll question? Just use your favorite
search engine.


PA also has excellent support on their IRC channels. I have been
able to solve any problem I had with it so far and in all
cases it turned out to be a user error.


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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 09:24 AM, Marc Haber wrote:

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 14:09:20 +0200, Josselin Mouette 

What I find rude is that a minority of idiots is taking the project
hostage of their ridiculous demands, preventing a quick switch to a
decent init systems, for reasons that are anything but technical.

Once more, I find your wording utterly offensive and thus
inacceptable. This is not helping. You are doing harm to your causes.

I think Joss was just responding to the other guy who claimed that
everyone who needs advanced features in a init daemon to manage
their systems is an idiot.

I understood it as a form of sarcasm.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: PulseAudio

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 10:48 AM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

So have I, with alsa. Mainly because I've never had any problem with
alsa beyond "my hardware is shiny new and the driver hasn't been written
yet". Okay, and there was also this one time where I wanted to figure
out how you enable analog 5.1 surround sound. I've never been able to do
that with PulseAudio, mind you.

Alsa is a completely different layer in the sound stack. It doesn't even
make sense to compare these two.

PulseAudio piles another layer of possible failures on top of a kernel
driver, and hides most of the audio mixer for no particularly good
reason other than "it might confuse the poor user". It just doesn't make
any sense to me.

Some sound cards expose two dozens or more level adjustments which most
people don't even understand. I don't think it's a bad idea in general
to clean that up and make the whole interface more consistent and
easier to understand.

Also, your sound setup probably just consists of one sound card in your
desktop/laptop PC which sure enough works just fine with only Alsa.

However, if you have more than one sound device, PulseAudio is a
blessing. For example, my video card has an HDMI output. When
I hook up my PC to my television via HDMI, I want the sound from
VLC to go through HDMI rather than through my sound card. It's
a matter of opening a preferences pane, change the output device
to HDMI and I am done.

How do I do that with just plain Alsa without using a text editor?

What do I do when I want my Skype input going through the USB
webcam's microphone and the audio of Skype through my bluetooth
headset instead of my primary sound card?

I am sorry, but in my eyes, people who claim that PulseAudio is useless
simply don't realize that there can be sound setups which are a little
more sophisticated than just a single sound card and configuring
these can be PITA when you don't have PA.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: PulseAudio

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 11:09 AM, Samuel Thibault wrote:

That these setups exist is completely fine. That the additional
PulseAudio layer is being imposed even on systems that have a single
sound card, is not.

Unless your PC was made in 1995, I am pretty sure it has one of these
"advanced" setups. Secondly, I am not seeing PA imposed onto anyone,
it's just the default setup as it's the sensible choice for installation
on a modern desktop.

If you don't like it, uninstall it.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: PulseAudio

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 05:40 PM, Marc Haber wrote:

On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:58:49 +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

Some sound cards expose two dozens or more

... usually underdocumented, if documented at all, ...

The Fedora people had a very nice screen shot of the ALSA mixer
back then which said more than a 1000 words:




 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 05:38 PM, Marc Haber wrote:

I would not have posted if that had been the first time I found Joss'
advocacy offensive. It is, however, a repeated pattern.

From which I would infer you shouldn't take it as a personal offense.
He usually has a point, even though he is exaggerating sometimes. At
least he isn't swearing as bad as Linus [1] ;).

And, really, you shouldn't take that too serious.


> [1]

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Re: PulseAudio

2013-07-17 Thread John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

On 07/17/2013 09:26 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:58:49AM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

I am sorry, but in my eyes, people who claim that PulseAudio is useless
simply don't realize that there can be sound setups which are a little
more sophisticated than just a single sound card and configuring
these can be PITA when you don't have PA.

I certainly wouldn't claim that PulseAudio is useless - I quite appreciate
its features for desktop control of managing multiple sound inputs/outputs,
precisely for the reasons mentioned in this thread - but "once bitten, twice

I don't want to point fingers here, but there is a distribution with a
parent company in South Africa which is infamous for adopting upstream
new upstream projects before they have matured. Be it PulseAudio or
KDE 4.0.


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