kde debian packaging

2002-11-10 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Firstly, i want to thank you for your work on kde debian packages. I 
have some proposals regarding these, but my posts to 
debian-kde@lists.debian.org were overseen for some reason :(.

IMHO there is bug in kdemultimedia packages. There is a set of libraries 
included in artsbuilder, together with all *.mcopclass files for 
kdemultimedia. I'm not sure, but i think they are used by at least 
noatun, as it refused to start without them. Probably not all are needed 
though (it complained about missing noatun::session or something). Just FYI.

Another thing is more important from my point of view. You use multitude 
of *.install files, each with hardcoded list of files for given package. 
 I think i have better solution. I created perl script 
(dh_splitinstall) to sort out files using regexp filter. First it 
gathers as much info about files as possible (from make install output, 
*.la files and target directory), and builds list of all files. It reads 
in list of overrides from *.inst_over files (same syntax as *.install) 
and removes these from list. Then it parses simple control file, 
containing the filtering rules (you can filter on source and destination 
filename and on permissions/filetype). When file matches rule, it is 
removed from list (no duplicates can occur) and written into target 
.install file. If you want to look at it, download 
http://yenar.host.sk/download/kde-debian-20021110.tar.gz, the files to 
look for are: kde/dh_splitinstall and kde/_patches/splitinstall/*. The 
kde/mksplit script can generate rough splitinstall skeleton for package. 
Others may be worth look, but are mostly related to build process or 
woody adaptations.

I have already converted most of common kde modules to use this 
(kdebase, kdemultimedia, kdepim, kdeedu, koffice, kdeadmin, koffice, 
kdenetwork, kdeutils and kdegraphics) and they work well on my woody 
box. Please, consider using this in cvs (probably after kde-in-sid is 

Last thing: why is libdb2-dev preferred over libdb3-dev? As kdeadmin 
build-depends on librpm4-dev (?) which in turns needs libdb3-dev 
(conflicting with libdb2-dev) on my woody, it seems to be only hassle to 
me. If it is so and there is no reason against libdb3-dev, please 
consider using it in kde. Thanks.

PS: Please reply, even if it will be fully negative, because the silence 
 is frustrating... I'm trying to contribute, but if i get no feedback, 
i don't know if it is worth the effort.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: Comparing Debian KDE 3.1 Beta 2 packages

2002-10-08 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Alan Chandler wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 07 October 2002 2:23 pm, Yenar Calentaure wrote:
Can someone fill me in on the correct sources.list line - this doesn't find 
the packages file
I'm afraid there is no such thing. See mail by Ralf Nolden entitled KDE 
Packages (3.0.4 and 3.1) from 6.10.2002. You can wget them and move 
into right directory or regenerate Packages file. I see no other 
solutions :(.

- -- 
Alan Chandler

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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Re: Problem with konqueror 3.1beta2 and a website

2002-10-08 Thread Yenar Calentaure
David Pashley wrote:
On Monday 07 October 2002 10:48 am, Rob Lensen wrote:
I just installed the kde3.1beta2 packages and they are working fine.
But this http://forum.bsdfreaks.nl forum ain't working well.
It worked in kde3.0. I made a screenshot what it is look like
The problem is that the text is displayed outside the forum (as you see
on the screenshot)
Is this a bug in konqueror or is it a bug in the website? Galeon and
mozilla have no problems with this.
I would check the page with the validator at www.w3c.org first. If you have 
kdeaddons installed then konq should have a menu option in the tools menu.

If it doesn't validate then there isn't much point in filing a bug with KDE. I 
would complain to the website though with a link to the validator test.
IMHO it is worth filing a bug. It indicates a layouting bug (if mozilla 
renders it ok) or ie/moz incompatibility. Just send the url exposing the 
bug to bts, it should be fine. IMHO.
Btw. only really small subset of www validates against validator.w3.org. 
If khtml was limited to this, it would be unusable. I'm afraid noone 
cares about standards (at least not enough to check their html code).

- -- 
David Pashley
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: KDE packages (3.0.4 and 3.1)

2002-10-07 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ralf Nolden wrote:
three things :-)
a) Sorry
...for the inconvenience about the Packages.gz file on the ftp server. I 
didn't know why I should create 8 subdirectories in a row just for a beta 
build and that I should have regenerated the Packages.gz file. As said, the 
KDE 3.1 beta2 was not correct anyway so I think this is a minor issue for 
now. more important is that it works for b) and c) correctly :-))
I already rearranged my packages build to use apt-source root directory, 
so it can be uploaded without changes next time. I'll hopefully provide 
packages next week (a HEAD snapshot).

b) KDE-3.0.4 Release
I'm packaging up KDE 3.0.4 for both, sid and woody. Woody gives me a bit of a 
problem in kdelibs-data not installing the files in /etc/kde3 there, so if 
you have any idea why that is, please tell me :-). The woody release will 
include a backport of qt-3.0.5 from unstable and a fix in kdelibs that avoids 
the stretching of the ktipdialog with qt-3.0.5.  At any rate, qt has been 
compiled with -no-xft to avoid application crashes under XFree 4.1, so if 
I have 4.1 (stock woody version), antialiasing and everything works 
fine. Err, qt 3.1 (beta 2 probably, i use qt-copy). Oh, do you have 
woody installation? Do you still need my builds or should i give up on them?

you're missing antialiasing and you're running XFree 4.2, take the version 
from unstable. Another minor change in kdebase will be that this ugly debian 
background logo will be away by default and be replaced with the usual debian 
logo in the logo field of the greeter in KDM. The default background 
wallpaper will be the default_blue.jpg as is stock with KDE. It's much more 
pleasant to the eyes and you don't want to scare away your users at the login 
screen already, do you ? :-)
The debian background is nice, isn't it? But i'd appreciate better 
debian logo for kdm logo area (the one provided is bit rough imho).

c) KDE 3.1 Release (and RC's)
When I'm done with the 3.0.4 packages, I'll switch to HEAD again and help 
solve the remaining issues with the packages there so we can be able to 
provide RC packages when they are due and final packages, too, as soon as the 
KDE release date is coming up and the packagers get the packages provided by 
Dirk Mueller as usual.
Cool, i will test them as well :).
I hope you can live with that I'm struggling a bit, but being a Debian user 
since 3 weeks only I hope you can live with that I try to catch up for a week 
Your effort is much appreciated, thanks.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

resync: qt-copy patch, kde snapshot debs

2002-10-01 Thread Yenar Calentaure
This is primarily for Ralf Nolden, but others can make use of this, too.
There is a patch for kde-cvs qt-copy (3.1.0):
url: http://yenar.host.sk/qt-copy-debian-update.diff
I built set of snapshot kde debian packages (made shortly after Beta2 
tag). Please *do not* download them from here, only if you can mirror 
them somewhere (this is on 128Kb analog line...). /me hopes they are 
still there, since admin can remove them quite soon :(.
url: http://www.gljs.sk/peter/kde-debs.tar.gz
This is updated packages file (in the one in tarball are mentioned some 
non-existent packages):
url: http://yenar.host.sk/Packages

If someone is going to mirror them, please notify the list, because i'd 
like to avoid too much load on that line (it is on school server... oh my).

Thanks in advance.
PS: Ralf, did you receive any of my mails from yesterday? I had severe 
problems with my server unfortunately :(.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: KDE 3.2-beta2

2002-09-29 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ben Burton wrote:

When I packed the KDE 3.1 beta1, I more or less took the version from CVS
and compiled it. But now for KDE 3.2-beta2 I have put down much more work
on packaging and it is branched off from the CVS version in a direction of
its own.
Hmm, just out of interest, what's the specific reason for having two separate 
branches of KDE 3.1 packaging?  I just took a look at the sources and there 
do seem to be some non-trivial splits between your versions and the CVS 
versions that the maintainers are updating.
I second this. Karolina, could you make patches from your changes and 
send them to the list? Or if they are large (40KB gzipped), upload 
them somewhere and post address? Thanks.

I build packages for Woody from cvs (they will hopefully end up on 
ftp.kde.org). It would be nice to combine our efforts. I am developing 
script to make *.install files more flexible (with respect to 
ever-changing file-lists in cvs). If you think you could make use of it 
(i mean adapt packaging to this), i'd be happy to help you (i don't have 
enough time to do it myself properly, so the script is rotting on my 
hard-drive atm).

Thank you in advance.
I'm not hassling you here, I'm just curious. :)
- -- 

Ben Burton
Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've never felt anything that moves me as much as my piano. I'm
an emotional player. I don't really like people. I prefer my piano to people.
It's totally reliable and it's alive. I can hear what it's saying. For
the most part, piano are female to me. Sometimes they're dykes, and they're
always good fun.
- Tori Amos, Mick St. Michael CD Booklet

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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Re: KDE 3.2-beta2

2002-09-29 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ben Burton wrote:

I build packages for Woody from cvs (they will hopefully end up on
ftp.kde.org). It would be nice to combine our efforts. I am developing
script to make *.install files more flexible (with respect to
ever-changing file-lists in cvs). If you think you could make use of it
(i mean adapt packaging to this), i'd be happy to help you (i don't have
enough time to do it myself properly, so the script is rotting on my
hard-drive atm).

Hmm, so I'm a little worried about the scenario where we have the CVS debs 
using the maintainers' packaging (which for KDE 3.1 is not apt-gettable AFAIK 
but is presumably the branch that's headed for sid), Karolina's debs using 
her (somewhat different) packaging and then Yenar's woody debs using a hybrid 
of the two plus his own scripts...
Eee, no. If i do something to packaging, i send patches so they can be 
integrated to cvs. I only change build-depends from my build-scripts to 
automake1.5 and libpng2-dev (no automake1.6 in woody and imlib-dev 
conflicts with libpng3-dev...). If the perl hack i wrote is going to be 
used, it will be all-or-nothing. I mean it will be used in cvs or not at 
all. Is it better this way?

The purpose of the hack is to ease building of snapshot packages, as the 
file-lists are aging too fast to be comfortable. Let me reiterate: if 
someone is going to make use of it, i'm fine with it. I won't build 
modified debs with them and pollute already-problematic debian/kde 
packaging space :).

I guess I'm starting to get a little nervous about upgrade paths, propagation 
of packaging bugfixes (as opposed to differences in taste), that sort of 

Anyway, FWIW.  Maybe I just get nervous easily. :)
Take it easy :).
- -- 

Ben Burton
Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Honorable Member has been in so many parties he is a complete political
- Paul Keating, on Independant Steele Hall

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-22 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Yenar Calentaure wrote:
Anyway, i did cvsup today and i am going to build packages. It is quite 
probable that i'll be able to upload them next week. I'll try to publish 
them through http, so they can be pulled by you (this will be probably 
the best solution for me). Beware: the line is synchronous 128kb AFAIK 
(or 128/64 in worst case), so download speed won't be very impressive :(.
Oops... I broke it somehow (dcop isn't working)... I'll take a look at 
it (i see no dcop commits lately that could break it). Probably my 
qt-copy packaging broke something (it is unlikely but i possible). I'll 
cvsup once more and will try to get working debs in coming week.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: kdegames packages dependent on kdebase-dev ?

2002-09-21 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ralf Nolden wrote:
I noticed during install that the kdegames packages depend on kdebase-dev 
being installedand I can't explain why that is that way :-)  Anyone who 
has an answer ? 
I haven't got kdegames, so just guessing...
a) there is error in kdebase-dev package, so it includes some shared lib(s)
b) the kdegames control forces dependency on kdebase-dev (this is 
probably bug in kdegames packaging)
c) it really depends on kdebase-dev :)

- -- 
We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden

The K Desktop Environment   The KDevelop Project
http://www.kde.org  http://www.kdevelop.org

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-21 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ralf Nolden wrote:
On Monday 16 September 2002 17:25, Yenar Calentaure wrote:
I have enough C++ experience to fix (or workaround at least) most common
problems. There are little chances to get cvsup in middle of week for me
Well, in that case I'd prefer sending you the according build files per email 
that the developers checked in to make it compile again. Even though you can 
fix issues yourself, you'll never know how it ends up in the real code 
comitted to CVS later. We'll find a solution to that problem in case we'll 
hit it, I guess.
If compilation breaks and i find solution, i usually send patches to 
kde-devel. Sure, I don't know what will maintainer do, but it is still 
better to have slightly broken packages than having no packages at all :).

As of sending updates to me by mail... I don't know if this is usable. 
It is hard to get right revisions to diff, and time of update isn't 
relevant (there are mirror sync, cvsup - cvs and probably other 
issues). It is probably easier to get cvsup working on weekdays for me.

Anyway, i did cvsup today and i am going to build packages. It is quite 
probable that i'll be able to upload them next week. I'll try to publish 
them through http, so they can be pulled by you (this will be probably 
the best solution for me). Beware: the line is synchronous 128kb AFAIK 
(or 128/64 in worst case), so download speed won't be very impressive :(.

I don't know if my last mail made it into your mailbox (the perl filter 
script) - i had some trouble with mozilla mail (i'm mailing from windoze 
box... this is very unfortunate).

I ran into one problem with the script though. In KDE, binaries have two 
parts: /usr/bin binary and /usr/lib .so file. The kdelibs-bin includes 
(as expected) both for every app. This means i cannot filter on /usr/bin 
to get file-list for such package. Probably the best solution is to 
enumerate binary file names (as in (?:bin1|bin2|binx)).

It will be handy to allow variable substitution in filter control file. 
Is there any standard way of definining such variables inside of control 
file? If not, is something like
Var-(varname): blah
acceptable? This means all leading/trailing whitespace will be trimmed 
from variable.

- -- 
We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden

The K Desktop Environment   The KDevelop Project
http://www.kde.org  http://www.kdevelop.org

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

qt-copy packaging updates

2002-09-15 Thread Yenar Calentaure
It looks like qt-copy in kde cvs is orphaned debian-wise. I keep it 
mostly up to date on my harddrive, so i can send patches if someone is 

Chris, could you commit my patches to cvs if i bring them into better 
shape (they work only with qt-mt right now)? Or is there better 
packaging available somewhere (IIRC sid has new libqt packages).

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-15 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Ralf Nolden wrote:
/me has to agree.
I talked with Dirk Müller already and some other guys that I use to work with 
at KDE and we should provide that possibility through KDE on ftp.kde.org. 
Wether that will work out just depends on how many people would volunteer to 
I'd like to help. I build most of the debs on regular basis (each 
weekend) but unfortunately i'm seriously limited bandwidth-wise. I can 
provide patches to compile my favorite parts of kde on woody, though.
Another thing is that qt-copy packaging in cvs is abandoned. I have 
working Qt 3.1 beta 1 mt packages, and i'll probably extend packaging to 
build non-mt versions, too. If someone could apply to cvs, i'd be glad :).

If you're interested, let's come together to finally end this messy system 
where there's certain problems with building debs for us and the KDE users 
using debian, it would surely make things a *lot* easier if we organize 
ourselves and coordinate doing things efficiently.
I'm definitely interested, but need someone to push my patches to cvs 
and to build debs for download. I can't work in kde cvs (i use cvsup due 
to internet connection issues) and have no write access anyway.

If you are interested, i have mostly-working set of scripts to make 
building kde debs easier. This mostly consists of:
./build package
something breaks, fix it
./build2 package (will continue where build stopped)
ah, it completed this time
(cd ..  ./apt-archive)
./mkdiff package (will create patch from your changes)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
(or apt-get install if you compile for first time)

It needs quite a lot of space on harddrive and isn't particularly smart, 
but it works for me (tm). mkdiff doesn't work with qt-copy right now, 
but i'll fix that asap.

Thanks for your attention and for volunteering :-)
Thanks for nice initiative.
- -- 
We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden

The K Desktop Environment   The KDevelop Project
http://www.kde.org  http://www.kdevelop.org

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: Konsole 1.1.3 KDE 3.0.3 , howto deaktivate hotkey?

2002-08-31 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Andre Pfeiler wrote:
i am running kde 3.0.3, my only problem is, that i often use midnight 
commander hotkey strg+alt+s  for searching in a direcoty for a filename, now 
Konsole 1.1.3 KDE 3.0.3, has strg+alt+s hotkey for renaming the Konsole 
sessionname, it is possible to deaktivate this hotkey?
Launch konsole, open dialog: 'settings' - 'configure shortcuts ...', 
find 'Rename Session' here and select 'none' or 'custom'. That's all.


Yenar Calentaure
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

Re: Konsole 1.1.3 KDE 3.0.3 , howto deaktivate hotkey?

2002-08-31 Thread Yenar Calentaure
On Saturday 31 August 2002 18:53, Andre Pfeiler wrote:
 Am Samstag, 31. August 2002 16:21 schrieb Yenar Calentaure:
  Andre Pfeiler wrote:
   i am running kde 3.0.3, my only problem is, that i often use midnight
   commander hotkey strg+alt+s  for searching in a direcoty for a
   filename, now Konsole 1.1.3 KDE 3.0.3, has strg+alt+s hotkey for
   renaming the Konsole sessionname, it is possible to deaktivate this
  Launch konsole, open dialog: 'settings' - 'configure shortcuts ...',
  find 'Rename Session' here and select 'none' or 'custom'. That's all.

 i am confused, i have no 'configure shortcuts' settings. what could be the
 problem? anybody knows?

Where are your binaries from? Calc's debs, or home-compiled or other? Only 
thing i can think of is broken installation (kdelibs and/or kdebase).

Btw., i'm on 3.1 here, but 3.0.3 should have the dialog, too.



Re: environment not being passed to programs called directly from kde

2002-08-30 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Hello.  I discovered this by trying to get the euro displayed in
konsole, it worked when I started konsole from the command line, because
it inherited my environment from bash.
However when I click on the konsole link in the Panel, or type in
konsole in the Application Launcher, the euro will not work, it just
displays as ? (question mark).
To discover what environment KDE is passing to these applications I type
in env  kde.env in the Application Launcher.  (And diff it with a
corresponding bash.env, and trim out the irrelevant details.)
bash.env contains:

kde.env contains:
Even when I specify Germany in the control panel, and German as the
language, KDE always passes LANG=C to its applications.
I have no file (except maybe /etc/environment) that contains a line like
LANG=C.  Certainly my .xsession contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is your LANG exported? KDE doesn't seem to use it anyway (X does in some 
obscure ways use LC_ abd LANG vars, but KDE honors the control center 
settings AFAIK)... Also, double check that there is nothing overriding 
the LANG anywhere in the way (i had some problems with this, eg. 'echo 
blah | less' launched fortune :).

Last resort is to create /usr/local/bin/your_app shellscript that sets 
LANG and execs /usr/bin/your_app (this should work if /usr/local/bin 
is before /usr/bin in your PATH)... This is similar to your hack, 
probably little bit cleaner (and a bit less probable to work).

Kurt Häusler

Yenar Calentaure
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

kdeedu 3.1 packages

2002-08-29 Thread Yenar Calentaure
I started to work on bringing debian packaging of kdeedu up to date with 
cvs. I want to learn how to create packages for debian, and also want to 
have kdeedu installed.

I'd like to ask the maintainer if he wants to incorporate my work into 
kde cvs or if he rather likes to do it himself.

The (very preliminary and partially broken (there are undeclared 
dependencies at very least)) patch to package kverbos, kdeedu-libs and 
flashkard are in http://yenar.host.sk/download/kde-debian.tar.gz, in 
directory kde/patches-local/kdeedu/debian-1.diff.

Yenar Calentaure
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator

[PATCH] kdeutils (cvs head), debian

2002-08-28 Thread Yenar Calentaure
I needed this patch to build kdeutils debs from cvs head. Can i ask 
debian kde maintainer to commit this? Dunno if this is right place for 
this post. Please redirect me to right place if it isn't :).

Thanks in advance.
Yenar Calentaure
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
The universe is entering maintenance mode in 2 minutes. Please logout.
 -- Your administrator
diff -uNr ./kdeutils.orig-local/debian/klaptopdaemon.install 
--- ./kdeutils.orig-local/debian/klaptopdaemon.install  Sun Jul 21 17:28:59 2002
+++ ./kdeutils.new-local/debian/klaptopdaemon.install   Wed Aug 28 10:51:12 2002
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

Re: kde2 conf files and kde3

2002-08-28 Thread Yenar Calentaure
Andre Pfeiler wrote:
how about the configuration files ,e.g. from kmail, knode, the konqueror 
bookmark files and the other conf files stored in ~/user/.kde , ~/user/.kde2, 
what will happen to them if i remove kde2 and install kde3? will i get my 
default desktop configuration or must i reconfigure the hole desktop and all 
qt, kde applications?
AFAIK, the configuration will be preserved (no need to change anything). 
But i'd rather back it up before upgrading :).

Yenar Calentaure
mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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 -- Your administrator